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No. 2271605
A thread for the daft, the dim, the silly, and the merely confused.
prev thread:
>>>/ot/2238491 No. 2271625
>>2271606it actually makes me scared in a horror movie way
>>2271609wish i was half as brave as you. these mfs will beat you to a bloody pulp while handmaidens cheer them on for misgnedering you
No. 2271632
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How do you cope with having hurt your boyfriend before? Emotionally. I did something I shouldn't have like a year ago (not cheating, it's not related to that) and I still carry it with me. I hate that I did it. He forgave me a long time ago but one or two of his family members didn't.
No. 2271662
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Why are yellow potatoes always so clean compared to regular, brown potatoes? Are they cleaned before being put up for sale so people can see the color?
No. 2271716
>>2271606something else. whenever i see them i glance quickly in their direction, clock them immediately, glance away and then feel a smug air of superiority because they look like actual fucking disgusting freaks. it makes me laugh at how ridiculous it all is, that people are supposed to respect
that … and they look so fucking retarded and goofy i have a quick laugh to myself about the absolute hubris, the folly of man, the state of humanity. one time i saw a hulking troon that looked so angry (of course), hobbling out of a restaurant and i started smirking to myself kek
No. 2271785
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How come a lot of models from 50s-60s had this protruding ribcage/concave stomach physique?
No. 2271830
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Some questions for any vegetarian/vegan nonnies that I've been thinking about a lot lately;
>Do you want meat (/dairy/egg) production to, eventually, cease completely?
>How would you feel about meat (dairy/egg) production becoming illegal?
>How do you feel about hunting? (for food, not trophy hunting)
>If meat production/hunting eventually ceased completely, what would happen to carnivorous pets? Should keeping of pet cats/dogs/etc eventually cease too?
Sorry if these are too, idk, heavy for stupid questions thread but I really am curious how people feel about them
No. 2272098
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>>2272088Unironically reading comprehension exercises. And paying attention too.
If you read a book or honestly anything without paying close attention or with too many distractions around, then you may have a hard time remembering or even following the plot of a story.
Sometimes listening to some music while reading is also a bad idea because you can get distracted by the music and you can end up imagining whatever you imagine because of the music or you can focus on the lyrics if it has any sort of lyrics too, instead of focusing on the story.
I need to know how old are you and how much social media do you use. Because I unironically think that social media killed my attention span and now I need to listen to white noise to work.
No. 2272123
>>2272112Nonna, if you forget details then your reading comorehension isn't really good. It's just okay at best.
Maybe instead of trying to read a book as quickly as possible, take breaks so you can actually process the information.
I have a student with ADHD and he's like that, he will try to finish stuff quickly but will forget shit right away.
Try reading a page and then sit down and think of what you read, it will be like a reading comprehension quiz that you will make yourself take so you actually know what's going on, maybe take notes even.
No. 2272347
>>2272307It's a psyop to get public support for reducing factory and health regulations. Pasteurized milk is literally milk that has been boiled to a temperature where bacteria being harbored in it is killed. Those bacteria are often introduced due to factory farming, where the animals are kept in squallid conditions. (This is why we refrigerate our eggs and Europe doesn't. European hens are vaccinated against salmonella, this is not required in the US.)
In many cases, getting milk directly from a cow will not harm you if the cow has been kept in clean and healthy conditions. I've personally been given milk directly from a family cow in another country and been fine. (It was delicious and warm, thank you beautiful cow). But most cows are not clean and healthy and this leads to milk being contaminated.
Unfortunately, I have very basic knowledge on the harm of factory farming so I don't know the specifics of how contamination occurs.
No. 2272362
>>2272353Of course, nona, that's why I said most. Most of the animal product being produced and distributed in the US comes from factory farming, not local and healthy farms that follow basic care and appropriate health guidelines like the ones you go to.
I do disagree that this is going to become the norm, though. Factory farming is much too profitable. And there are areas where local farms have been getting slowly choked out. The last butcher shop in my area was closed just before the pandemic, we have to drive hours to get to the next nearest one.
No. 2272578
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Is there a slavic phenotype that has big noses, weaker chins, and round eyes? I keep getting approached by Russian speaking people who assume I’m also Russian, but I don’t “look” like the stereotypical kind of Russian who has sort of Asian features. The guy on the left has similar features to me except I’m extremely pale with light eyes.
No. 2272588
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>>2272578That guy looks Russian to me. I mean look at Pooty.
No. 2272641
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Is there any way to hide this bar? I hate it when people can look at my screen and see what site I'm on.
No. 2272643
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>>2272641Here ya go,
nonnie No. 2272981
>>2272973>Why do people here care about saging so much?Sage makes it so non-milk posts can be hidden.
>How many people actually rely on threads being bumped to check on them?When an anon is following a cow, it's important that milk in a thread is bumped so more people can see. It's like an update for farmers on the cows they watch.
>how many people here use the hide saged posts feature?When you want to catch up on a cow's thread, you can click the hide saged posts to make it so you only see the milk and more important posts. This is a good feature because some cow's have extensive thread histories and it makes it easier for lurkers to catch up on what's been happening.
On non-cow boards like /ot/, /m/, or /g/, it's not necessary to sage posts. I think the normal etiquette, or at least the one I observe, is that I sage posts that I don't think are particularly important or that I don't want to bump the thread. I don't sage when I want to really contribute to a conversation or a thread with a post. Not everyone observes that, but it's not really a rule just something I've noticed happens.
No. 2272984
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>>2272983Oh sorry whoops I misunderstood.
No. 2272986
>>2272981I liked your explanation, nonna! Yours is much better than the one I was writing, too.
>>2272973I only go into the catalog if I'm looking for a specific thread or seeing if one has already been made. I mostly go by what is at the top.
I don't hide saged posts because I like to laugh at what some of the anons' say, but I have seen at least two other anons say they hide unsaged posts in cow threads.
Why do people care about saging so much? This is called being courteous to your fellow anons and following the website rules.
Hope this answered your questions!
No. 2273004
>>2272991Not very? It annoys people a lot when you do it in cow threads though. If I see the Shayna thread bumped and it's just anons nitpicking her face again, I'll be annoyed. But /ot/, /g/, and /m/ aren't cow boards, so the same culture around unsaged posts doesn't apply.
In fact, it's great seeing someone has posted in dormant threads. It makes me super happy when someone bumps the old web thread in /ot/ because I love reading it. If there are threads people don't like seeing, they're supposed to hide them.
I like to sage when replying in /ot/ because someone else's post might get shoved onto the second page before anyone gets to see it if the board is very active. But that's just me, it's not a hard rule.
No. 2273064
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How is it even possible for people with bipolar or borderline personality disorder to hold down jobs and even succeed professionally?
No. 2273075
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Can a horse faced woman ever be beautiful?
No. 2273284
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I'm not really sure what's deja vu exactly at this point. I usually tend to have this feeling and not think too much about it but the last times it happened I remembered these moments vividly and thought "wait all these things I already saw a few weeks ago are going to happen right now", remembered how these scenes ended and when I remember these things annoying me I made different choices on purpose to avoid being annoyed by what's supposed to happen next. Is that normal? I remember I was "supposed" to send an email yesterday at work and I was supposed to get a reply from a client that pissed me off and made me look stupid but decided to not do it yet to avoid getting that reply and nothing bad happened. Isn't it too detailed to be deja vu?
No. 2273347
>>2273066Education is either difficult to access or seen as unnecessary by the community at large so it's not like the kids could go to school if they wanted to. We're talking areas where most of the adults are illiterate, so they literally cannot teach their kids no matter how much they might want to.
There's extreme poverty, and families with a shitload of kids who need to earn their keep because whatever retarded religion their parents were brainwashed into following allows no birth control or social care, and nor does the government. Even if by some miracle the kids do get an education it's almost impossible for them to get a job outside of whatever they'd be doing as a child laborer anyway, unless they lucked out and got a scholarship or managed to move and get a job in a shop or something. The countries most rife with child labor tend to require retarded levels of qualifications for even the most menial white collar jobs, so some kid who escaped the mines isn't going to have a chance at those anyway, and even in white collar jobs they'd be worked half to death. The level of corruption is insane in those countries, if you don't know how to play the game you don't make money.
It's impossible to make most of the adults in these communities understand that child labor is bad because the adults were in that same situation themselves, and their parents, and their grandparents, and their great grandparents- and there's a lot of bitterness and fear there too, which leads to crab bucket mentality. The places with child labor tend to have much stricter social hierarchies and there's a real fear of being punished for stepping out of line. I say places and not countries because attitudes vary hugely depending on where you are in the country, and if you're in a rural area you're shit out of luck.
It's difficult to escape that sort of community regardless of mindset. Even if a family worked hard, sent their kids to school, and saved up enough to leave the shithole they grew up in, they'd probably end up in a shitty slum with the same shitty jobs, so what's the point? That's if they weren't ostracised by their community for thinking they were better than everyone else. When you're in an impoverished shithole where you need to beg the local pharmacist for medicine for your children, being ostracised is genuinely dangerous.
It's a truly grim situation with very little that can be done to change it unless there's a huge cultural shift. Even if muh capitalism falls, these kids will go from working in mines and factories to shovelling shit and tilling fields instead of going to school.
No. 2273486
>>2273288old nazis were national-socialists (their full term is nationalsocialists, NS), neo-n are only racists without the socialism
>>2273108ive heard the changes need to be slow, otherwise it bothers the roots a lot. Id go for braces, as they seem to be more acustomable, like adjusting the pressure in details. plus you get to choose fun colours for the little elastics and dont forget to use wax to protect your mouth
>>2273070rage with tears for this truth. its oen of those answers, are so obscure and wicked, that are in itself a trauma.
>>2273064its a silly question thead
No. 2274235
Awh browser refreshed and someone deleted their post before I could read it
>>2274232Not ignoring you anon, I've just never been to uni and I think the dynamics are probably different from keeping in touch with your teachers you had as a kid/teen.
No. 2274238
>>2274236Make it in a pan on the stove, dear. Butter the pan and toast both sides.
I guess you could try buttering a plate and sticking it in the microwave with some bread on it KEK Pretty sure it won't work though
No. 2274268
>>2274235I imagine most teachers don't want to keep in contact with people they knew when they were aged 4-18, if that's what you mean. I thought a professor would have an easier time relating to adult students.
>>2274242Yeah, I don't want to be besties or anything, just chat once in a while. It's hard to find other people who like the subjects I'm studying enough to hold conversations about them, so I kind of want to be friends with my professors sometimes. You're right that it's networking if nothing else, so thank you.
No. 2274303
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Why don't regular singer celebs use forehead mics like theater singers?
No. 2274558
>>2274482>>2274511>>2274513>>2274514That's really disappointing, but thank you for saving me a lot of grief! I'm sorry about your experiences, it shouldn't be so difficult to connect with people.
>A lot of posts in that thread sound underage anyway.I spotted a tumblr ~girlie~ in there kek
>common ghosting problem>bippies who ended up breaking my heartThese were my worries from the number of discord tags. Discord is a problem for the reasons we already know, but I imagine the instant gratification of it worsens emotional highs and lows.
I have faith we will find each other out there someday, nonnas!
No. 2274596
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>>2274591Sometimes certain posts like these make me feel like an old person. What the hell are you talking about?
No. 2274617
>>2274608She confessed that she wanted to date me first, before I had any idea that I liked her. After that I said some harsh stuff to her (not like extremely harsh but still hurtful) for a few weeks then cut all contact with her because I couldn't handle having strong feelings for her. I later reached out again after a few weeks to apologize. She said she forgave me. Then when I asked her if she wanted to try getting to know each other better again, she didn't respond and stopped using her account completely.
She doesn't seem to have another account. She has many friends connected to that account. I don't think she has a problem with blocking people she doesn't like, even if they're not really weird. She comes back to her account every now and then if I stop using my account for a long enough period of time, but disappears again when I start using it.
No. 2274694
>>2274657many such cases unfortunately. other sites where lolcows are discussed have userbases comprised mostly of reactionary moids who never have more than a surface level dislike of trannies. scratch a “based and redpilled” scrote and you will often find a femboy aficionado.
also it’s danny brown, his brain may just be that fried kek
No. 2274695
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What exactly is "daddy issues" supposed to mean, as a legitimate emotional or mental problem? What would "mommy issues" look like then?
No. 2274751
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>>2274729heres a more accurate version than this moid fantasy one
No. 2275064
>>2275043Of course it's not weird, it's normal to be physically attracted to men if you're straight. Maybe the guys in the magazine weren't hot enough like
>>2275058 mentioned? At least they were responsible for that Peter Steele shoot, that's the only one I've seen, kek.
No. 2275128
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Is thigh touching considered flirting? Some anon in another thread said it wasn't apparently. Is there like a list of which physical touches are flirting and which ones aren't?
No. 2275341
>>2275315KEK deserved. Ily
nonnie. Also she has a lot of nerve calling herself lesbian and dating a tranny. At least LUGs had sex with other women. What is the world coming to.
No. 2275372
>>2275315>low rise pantsGod forbid women don't want pants that cover our bellybuttons and feel uncomfortable, fuck you people and your stupid trendy grandpa pants that took over every fucking store in like 2014 so that I couldn't find normal fucking trousers. And how would wearing clothes like that make her a fake lesbian? What do you want her to wear, carbiners?
>dating a TIMNevermind kek
No. 2275427
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Am I overreacting? Met a cute moid at school who I feel like I vibe really well with but something in my gut was off. Our program is almost completely women and he’s very friendly with them and I couldn’t tell if was being jealous but I think he really goes just slightly pass the line of friendly and constantly flirty. A friend I’ve made recently told me about how she felt like he was doing something similar to her and some dumb shit he’s said. We went from two weeks of really good conversations to him getting really shy and awkward while still being flirty with other girls. Everyone I’ve talked to s out this has been on the fence and said I shouldn’t be so quick to judge but something about all this feels just too off. I think he and I do actually have a good connection but he’s too insecure to be in a real relationship.
No. 2275532
>>2275529They usually look done with life for some reason so I don't judge too much.
The ones that
only wear bras in public though, it looks ridiculous.
No. 2275535
>>2275529I don't look at random lady's boob's so I don't care. Even if I did happen to notice that someone's not wearing a bra, I still don't care. A lot of women don't like bras for various reasons.
>it feels like exhibitionism for moid attentionThis is because you have a male-centered mind. Everything registers as "for men" when you're male centered.
No. 2275545
>>2275529I couldn't wear bras for years because nobody carried my bra size and I refused to wear clothing that hurt me. I don't have perky nips like other anon so I just look fat in the chest.
On the rare occasion a moid has been a pervert, I've just stared it down. Usually they immediately pretend they weren't staring. I shave my head, so I imagine this + no bra + no makeup gives off incredibly strong autistic sped vibes and they don't want to find out if I have a hammer.
No. 2275553
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what is femtanyl's music like? i don't want to listen to that shit but if anyone can describe it to me please do
No. 2275776
>>2275529It's not for male attention, it's for being comfortable because bras suck. This was also a thing in the 70s, early 2000s for a bit, and now it's back. Also, men will sexualize anything. I never wear makeup, I wear glasses, and even if I'm completely covered up neck to toe and looking like a bum, I still get creeped on.
>>2275545You sound so fine nona.
No. 2275816
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Is adolescents another word for teenager?
No. 2276081
>>2276062mostly did one meal a day, no snacks, plus one cheat day per week. no particular restrictions on food type but I’m usually pretty healthy. not feeling hampered in terms of what I could eat/cook was what made it effective imo. having a cheat day gave me something to look forward to as well as helping me practice returning to normal after a binge which was something I’ve struggled with.
exercise was pretty scattered and was usually just hiking. I would grab a bagel or something if I knew I was going to do a lot of miles just to make sure I had enough energy. overall, it was surprisingly easy once I got started. I believe in you
nonnie No. 2276103
>>2276082Self-sabotage doesn't exist
It's a stupid buzzword to try to erase regret when making a choice.
Whenever you make a choice, one door closes. You will inevitably feel regret when making choices.
There is a reason you chose the door you did, and you got what you were seeking by going through it.
Either change the door you open or stop pining over what's behind the other one.
No. 2276262
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Would someone who makes tiktok dancing videos at work while another person is trying to eat in the same room qualify as a retard to you?
No. 2276314
>>2276262>trying to eatIs the dancing somehow making them fail to eat?
I'd personally welcome the entertainment if I wasn't in the frame
No. 2276354
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>>2276262Nonna is butthurt she can't be a megastacy getting paid for doing TikToks at the wagie cagie.
No. 2276452
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does anyone know a nail polish similar to this colour?
No. 2276484
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>>2276452OPI is typically $4-5 at TJMaxx/Marshall's
No. 2276493
nonnie! Not from the us but i know a few stores that sell opi, hopefully i can find that shade
>>2276472>>2276480I'm obsessed with that colour
No. 2276682
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are there any actual female exclusive religions at all out there? i've heard of dianic wicca which tries to keep it exclusively for women, but I think a few groups allow trannies in them, which defeats the entire purpose. plus, i'm not sure i'm into wicca or witchcraft or whatever the fuck, i just wish there was a religion that is exclusively for females that isn't abrahamic or has any misogynistic undertones to it like buddhism has. idk, just seems like religion on its own could be nice if it wasn't for the sexism in it. the reason why i want to do this is because i just want to make sense of the world and life itself, without having to assign myself under the christianity branch like i have before in my life. a church told me like five years ago that they can't prevent their visitors from acting out in a homophobic manner if they knew i am a lesbian, and i never went back there again. so there's that also.
No. 2276691
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> 6’5 man obsessed with the height difference between him and his 5’1 female partner
Am I overreacting or is this type of behavior weird? I’m sorry but how do you write something like this and not realize that this man fetishizing you, most likely because of a porn category and not for anything wholesome? I’m just under 5’4 myself and would be really weirded out if a super tall guy was obsessed with pointing out our height difference. Just gives me the creeps personally, am I wrong for thinking this?
No. 2276722
>>2276711>>2276691please excuse me, i am a stupid phone poster.
If the nail is overhanging to far or is too high off the nail bed, the tip of the nail is either pushed backwards into the bed or downwards, levering it up out of the bed. Its worse in heels as there is the added pressure of you sliding down the shoe. I'd say go up a size, put in grippy pads at the ball of the foot, and get padded toe socks or wrap the toe. Bigger shoes won't help if you keep sliding down the soles
No. 2276726
>>2276691My brother was taller than the man mentioned here, and he preferred shorter women. He was worried to bring tall kids into this world, so he tried to “even it out” with the odds.
He struggled to find clothes that fit correctly, and had to drive bigger vehicles. Couldn't ride roller coasters, flying is uncomfortable. He didnt want his children to struggle with that.
No. 2276823
>>2276740>How do crumbs gross you out but not my literal asshole?It's because of porn. I've seen countless men online admit that porn made them think assholes
and even actual poop were sexy and then they went on to try these fetishes and were disgusted when reality hit them that it was disgusting and smelled bad and gave them e-coli.
No. 2276856
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Why are anons so obsessed with Jodi Arias specifically? What sets her apart from other women who killed moids? I watched a video on her case a few years back, but can't remember anything sticking out aside from her being very pretty.
No. 2276876
>>2276856I remember being a teen when the crime happened, and I was on Tumblr and made a post about how she was actually morally correct in the killing because I grew up in the mormon church and knew lots of guys like him, so in a way it kinda felt like she was getting back at the retards I knew kek. By that I mean Mormon men who will have sex with you and then pretend
you're the morally wrong one. Idk it was cathartic and I think it's fun that anons on here like her because back in the day when I made that post I got a ton of hate on Tumblr. Also she's really pretty.
No. 2276904
>>2271605>>2276823>>2276797>>2276745Because for a while I thought all attention from men was good attention. Weird part is he's super cleanly himself, like OCD level of clean. Yet he constantly asked to eat my ass out and even asked to do anal. I didn't let him do any of it. And guess what, once I said I wouldn't he started sending me dms of instagram influencers with big asses and hot faces to try and make me jealous. I still spoke to him after that and only stopped because I sent him a pic of my arm with an IV in it at the hospital and he made a joke instead of asking if I was okay. Needless to say we don't talk anymore. He was just filthy rich and hot and unfortunately really funny. That all blinded me for a hot minute.
Excuse me I'm gonna go find some self respect.
No. 2277007
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My friend says I remind her of pic rel. Oh Lord do I give off annoying mean nlog vibes irl? I thought I came across as an autist but this might be worse
No. 2277048
>>227703510 things I hate about you
watch it its good
No. 2277244
>>2277242well then, because misogyny. Simple as.
That's how most stupid double standards can be explained between men and women. Do you want a feminist analysis?
No. 2277246
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im esl are these explanations of the terms legit
No. 2277254
>>2277246In order of appearance: Yes, Yes, No, Yes, No
My definitions are:
Loser - a person who usually has few or no responsibilities past the age where they should, or someone who is generally immature in an emotional or mental way
Dweeb - just a dork that may not be endearing or even nice.
No. 2277262
>>2277254Your definition of loser is way too specific. "Loser" is an insult the same way "retard" is, not that they're the same word but aside from the literal implication of "loser", it's kind of just an all-encompassing colloquial insult. The guy who didn't hold the door open for the woman behind him is a loser, the person who parked in the handicap spot without a sticker is a loser, the guy who spent 5 years making some horny pixel hentai game is a loser, etc.
Dweeb is literally just an older word for geek and dork.
No. 2277365
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Is this real? Is it a recent pic?
No. 2277373
>>2277367being out of the loop about him was such a bliss
>>2277368Does she have a family that maybe could take care of the kid? I know nothing about her but presume she has neither friends nor a functional family cause no one stopped her
No. 2277430
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This coddling of ugly men is why they think they deserve attractive women. And it has to stop. I only see women being honest when it is old crusty men wanting barley legal girls. Why can't we just be honest with them instead?
No. 2277450
>>2277419Astrology has merit when you look at it from a deep level. It's always true and this scares me.
>>2277447Training since muscles need that to grow I think
No. 2277578
>>2277311Crossword puzzles unironically. Magnesium.
>>2277430Women are under the delusion that ugly guys know their place, are also obsessed with some moral complex about not being shallow or something.
>>2277447You’d have to have low tummy fat to see them. Otherwise it doesn’t take hardcore training, unless you’re going for like a giga defined 6 pack.
No. 2277634
>>2277311don't do anything else in bed except for sleeping
train yourself into bed = sleeping
No. 2277672
>>2277639IME university courses will add a bunch of advanced math concepts in a computer science track, but real-life applications of math in coding depends a lot on the actual work/job you have.
I'd honestly recommend looking up "[coding field you want to try] bad at math" in youtube and seeing how/if other people with your problem overcame or worked around it. I've seen everyone from software engineers to data scientists make those videos. I'd also recommend checking out Learning How To Learn MOOC on coursera by professor Barbara (100% free forever) who iirc dropped out of high school to go into the army and ended up getting a PhD in math stuff.
No. 2277703
>>2277672Thank you nonachan this is really good info and I appreciate it! I’ve been working warehouse type jobs for the last 10 years and it’s finally taking a toll on my body so I’m looking for a drastic career change. Since I dropped out of college my options for a viable career feel limited so I’m looking into certificates I could get and coding seemed like a good option. I’m planning on being self-taught as much as I can with free online resources and then maybe I’ll do an official learning program and then get certified.
How can I learn more about the different types of coding fields there are? Are there any you’d recommend looking into?
No. 2277755
>>2277745Jeeze, nonna. I should hope the rest of us will be here in our 50s to read your vents.
It sounds like you're depressed and rectifying that will improve your outlook. I can suggest doing things like joining a group or spending time in nature like on hikes and stuff.
Finding friends with women who have similar goals in life (no husband, no kids) will mean that your lives will align more often. There is a lot to live for and appreciate in life, and I hope you find it again, soon. But since this is the stupid questions thread, I can also list out things that are worth living for, if you'd like.
No. 2277802
>>2277773When I make my friend laugh so hard she snorts, trying new foods I think might suck at first but in a few more bites I realize it's actually really really good, when a bird gets closer to me than normal (its like seeing a 360p youtube video in 1080HD), knowing the possum I see isn't the same one from a few years ago but being happy to see her all the same, laying in my favorite blankets, when my niece screams my name because she's too happy to see me and forgets her inside voice, when my cat comes to find me and starts purring in my lap, the way everything smells just after it's rained, the next show I'm going to like that hasn't been made yet, the next show I'm going to HATE that hasn't been made yet, new music that isn't new but it's new to me because I've never heard it before and I like it, when something I was afraid would turn out really bad turns out okay, when something I was afraid would turn out really bad turns out really bad but I've just realized its okay anyways, when I get a second chance to do something I really wanted to get right, when I don't know how to do something but I try it out anyways and I pull it off, finding a spider in a web and she's surrounded by bugs I didn't know were in my house, learning how to sew because I don't know how to do that yet but I want to learn, laundry fresh out of the dryer, when a bee or wasp lands on me and I'm scared but she flies off and I'm happy she said hello to me, the smell of coffee, when the sky is very very blue, dyeing your hair, gene editing, antidepressants. Pickles. Blue hour.
Also orgasms.
No. 2277914
>>2277802Ever since I did shrooms I've had a lot more appreciation for all sorts of things like this, it's a great mood booster to think about how amazing technology is, the decadence of an egg yolk bursting in Shin Ramyun broth, evergreen trees, laying in bed on your stomach with one leg up, etc
It's like affirmations but instead of reminding yourself you're worthy, you remind yourself how much worth the simplest things around you have, let alone the more important qualities of life
I enjoyed reading your list, I hope your day goes well
No. 2278002
>>2277956It's because everyone is different and unique.
>>2277938Don't pluck your eyebrows ever. Never forget the 90s/00s thin brow trend and its consequences.
No. 2278687
>>2278676>so it’s people in love with anime characters?yes
>is joke or is serious?also yes.
No. 2278693
Nonnie how did you find this place yet managed to never find out what a fujoshi is? bless you normienonna
No. 2279189
>>2279160It's not a real thing
But changing your mind, changing your priorities, and becoming a different person with time is
There is no instinct and no guarantee these changes will lead you to wanting a child
There's an instinct to have sex, and the instinct to care for the product of that sex. But instinct doesn't function that way to make you want things in the future, just to do things in the present
No. 2279192
>>2279189Samefag, instincts are basic and have evolved long before a brain with the capacity to predict future outcomes and understand cause and effect have evolved.
It's just not a thing.
No. 2279664
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Not sure where else to ask, but I wonder if there is interest in a thread for nonnys with dead parents? I know there is an aging parents thread but I would imagine talk about dead parents wouldn’t really be appropriate there.
No. 2279804
>>2279664Have you checked to see if the thread has been made yet? If you can't find one with the search function, you could make one!
I think it would be an interesting thread, but I only have one dead parent, so if the thread is for people who have two or more dead parents, maybe my opinion doesn't matter kek
No. 2279809
>>2279795no. if i say something slightly negative about someone or something i get disapproving looks or i'm vibe killing. and it's not even trannies expecting this, it's other women. i have to be 100% affirming about everyone's art or life choices even when i think they are making a mistake or i am a bad friend.
>>2279800i am afraid i'll accidentally mention something i read on here on and everyone will know.
No. 2279982
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>>2279977Post examples for illustrative purposes please.
>>2279978So like pic rel?
No. 2279987
>>2279983I don’t know about them always being sanpaku but BPDchans always have big eyes. I haven’t met anyone with BPD who didn’t have big or at least horizontally wide eyes. Their heads are kind of heart-shaped too (scales with the eyes)
Autists have a certain facial structure (yuripedo definitely has it) it looks kind of young. And yeah low muscle tone from flat effect I guess
No. 2279990
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>>2279982Audrey Hale is the best example I can think of right now besides Fanny.
No. 2279994
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>>2279945Iris to me kinda has a autism stare
No. 2279996
>>2279994There's black eyes that still have souls behind them, and there's
that. That picture is so fucking eerie, it's like she's not all the way there and even her eyes are warning you.
No. 2279997
>>2279990My eyes are exactly like this. Droopy, downturned. Lots of white showing.
People tell me they're sexy/interesting but I think I look like a serial killer
No. 2279998
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>>2279994No idea who she is but she looks cute.
>>2279987So like Greta Thunberg?
>>2279990She just looks like a fat girl to me.
No. 2280036
>>2279977>>2279990>>2279994>>2279997>>2279995my eyes are like this and strangers tend to think i'm legitimately disabled or act scared so this checks out
>>2280003also have this too despite being boney everywhere else
No. 2280351
>>2280323Personally, I would not trust any employees at a store like Best Buy. They have an interest in getting you to buy their tech support and subscription services (Geek Squad).
The best way to fix your own electronics is to learn how to word searches correctly in search engines. I am not saying this to be catty or rude, this is a genuine skill that is harder to learn since AI generated sites and content started overtaking everything.
I have the problem you described on my own laptop (she's pretty old!) and there are a lot of things that can contribute to this problem. You may not be restarting your computer often enough, or it could be something to do with your RAM. You can try posting in the tech thread to see if anyone will help you, too
>>>/ot/1060419 No. 2280361
>>2280351>Not restarting often enough This is probably it. I leave it on for days at a time, and have done this for the 7 years I've owned it. I think my record is a month straight.
I've got 16gb of RAM, so I don't think I've got any RAM related issues. Thanks, nona. On a side note, which laptop brand do you think is best? I was looking at MSI, but reviews say it has bad quality control. ASUS laptops also have this complaint. Dell and Microsoft are a little pricy if I want something roughly equal to my current laptop.
No. 2280375
>>2280361We are poorfags so we always grabbed any laptops on sale when we needed them. I still have all my old laptops and use them for different things once they retired from being my main workhorse. I say this to let you know I have tried a LOT of laptop brands and the best ones were always HP. My current girl is an HP and she's 2-3 years older than yours! She's showing wear and tear but keeps kicking.
If for some reason you can't get an HP, my top brands to AVOID are MSI and Lenovo. I only owned a Lenovo laptop once and we returned it the next day because the quality was crap. This was nearly ten years ago, but still. I've never had an MSI laptop but I've heard so many bad things I never bothered.
No. 2280410
>>2280375 and I have an ASUS and it struggles a bit more compared to the others. HOWEVER, anon did say she was looking for something cheaper so it's perfectly reasonable compared to Lenovo or MSI. If there was a really good sale for an ASUS laptop I would tell her to go for it. But it's definitely not the best, and she should look it over when she gets home and be prepared to return it if she sees anything off about it. And she would definitely have to treat it more carefully than other laptops.
Be careful not to confuse ASUS with Acer! I see this a bit because they look and sound similar.
No. 2280455
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Do you consider it morally wrong to cover acne with makeup? Unfeminist and/or dishonest?
No. 2280458
>>2280455>morally wrongno
>dishonesti suppose
most importantly you forgot points about it being unhygienic and counterproductive. putting make up on top of acne will never help your acne situation
No. 2280467
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>>2280438Is the flat part also called a jaw? I'm asking it because mine is sort of loose instead of being tight like most people's even though I'm not fat and I wanted to know why. reposting to add picture.
No. 2280468
>>2280455>morally wrongNah
>UnfeministI suppose, who cares tho
>dishonest?Well, you're hiding scars and stuff, it's deceiving to some extent, but considering acne can be chronic and hormonal I'm not judging, it can become quite gruesome
No. 2280478
>>2280455>morally wrongno
Nobody wants to see your acne. That said, I don't put makeup on my acne, I just clean it up and try to fix the issue that caused it. Taking care of your diet and skin is always preferable to covering it with makeup.
No. 2280782
What are these black bands tied just below his knees?
No. 2280864
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Why do most senior women cut their hair this way? I even look at my mom's friend group and random ladies on the street and they all have the same/similar haircut. I know the main reason is practicality but I know there are other reasons why.
No. 2281039
>>2281036I just like the look
>>2281037? I said I wanted a straight one
or did I miss the joke No. 2281190
>>2281161I would call a smell beautiful but I am also british. I think it sounds fine. I would also call a taste and a feeling beautiful
>>2281168Maybe it's a britbong thing?
No. 2281360
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Is the white part in this salmon normal?
No. 2281375
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Does anyone know levi coralynn and her boyfriend? The internet loves her , but every time I see her I feel like she’s def a lolcow. I have no real reasoning for that , it’s just her mannerisms and the way her boyfriend kisses her ass
No. 2281757
Is there a way to go on long distance/overnight stay field trips with a group as a working adult?
The closest I can think is a wellness or yoga retreat but I don't think I'd enjoy the company. I just want to form bonds with random women on a trip together.
>>2281011My bf is only 115 lbs, he was 100 lbs when he smoked. Don't rely solely on imageboards for learning how people function.
No. 2282011
Do you think women's sexuality really is more "fluid" and "less fixed" than mens? People keep saying it but I feel like it isn't really true.
- Men are the ones who get memed into fetishes, you can literally meme them into wanting to fuck bugs or cartoon horses, that's how fluid they are with sexuality
- Women have lower libido on average, and therefor kind of less "sexual interests" to begin with
- Women are more likely to be coerced into accepting sexual things they don't actually care for, men are more likely to do the coercion
- Homophobia is real and men are less likely to admit if they're bisexual
- Females (read teen girls) very often get peer pressured into identifying themselves as queer or bi because it's seen as the most progressive and cool option
- Similarly females are often feelings-based in how we talk, we'll say we love our female friends deeply, call them sexy and act somewhat romantic with them and act as if that's a bit gay, rather than admitting than you honestly have no actual sexual interest in women and it's platonic and just playful
- Women can attract men by pretending to be into other women for the man's arousal, it's extremely rare a male being attracted to males is an attractive feature to women (unless they're a fujo or gendie who wants tiktok cred) usually it just repulses women
- Plenty of women have low libido (especially now that like 75% of women are on birth control from their teens forward) and mistake liking female friendships more than the (deranged porn addicted) male friendships for attraction, because they have little else to compare it to and the males seem too scary and gross to be attracted to
Sorry if the points don't make sense, they're just my immediate thoughts of what could speak against it
No. 2282245
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>>2282011Because males are so fucking gay and gay-adjacent to anything they do, this led me to the personal tinfoil that women are the only humans that can truly be straight. Even when moids are racist, they always make it gay by bringing up other races' dicks. (White guys acting wary about "BBC" when white women date out of their race, black guys acting weirdly attentive about "pink peen" when they hate black women for dating outside their race). There's even a study that exposed men's attraction to their own wife is at least partially dependent on how attractive
other men think their wife is. When you depend on the the same sex to feel any attraction for anything at all, isn't that rather homo? If not
exactly, men are definitely at the very least "homosocialized" even when it's time to use their dicks. So by process of elimination with believing that males are just inherently so much more likely to fag out than women, yes, you could say that I believe women's sexualities are more "fixed".
No. 2282342
>>2281011They exist. I was raped by a 30 year old skeletal looking guy. His body was very ugly.
>>2281036My thoughts exactly. Hella gross. I feel like the only anons looking for a skinny guy are ones who have trouble talking to men in general.
No. 2282398
>>2282334>"boys are fascinated by their penises at this age" And girls at that age are traumatized by it.
You stopped a kid from harassing his sister, you did the right thing as the adult in the room. She shouldn't be teaching her daughter that boys - and by association adult men - running up with their penis out to force her to look at it is something she has to endure, especially when she's literally saying "no". Girls laugh nervously all the time, and she was clearly communicating that she didn't want it by saying "no". Can the mother honestly say she as a young girl was able to confidently say no when a bigger and older male was harassing her? That she never just smiled politely to bear the burden even though she was uncomfortable with what a man was doing or saying?
Unless the mom wants to argue "girls saying no to boys actually means yes sometimes" is a good thing to teach boys harassing people with his penis, and girls who are being harassed by his penis.
Even if the girl WAS just having fun, why is she as the mother teacher her daughter that looking at penises is just fun and games when she's 5 years old? All it takes is for her or her brother to innocently mention it when one single creep is around and he knows EXACTLY which little girl is the perfect easy target to sexually abuse with his adult penis by acting like it's just a game. (Relevant fact: the vast majority of men who sexually abuse kids aren't actually "pedophiles", as in they aren't sexually attracted to children, they just abuse them because they had the opportunity to do it).
No. 2282439
>>2282334>and that he does stuff like this a lotAnd she just lets him? He's going to sexually harass his female classmates, speaking from experience as being on the receiving end of it as a kid. Worst care scenario, he'll traumatize his sister and nobody will give a shit because "aw but you were just kids lol just forget about it, it's normal and you're a crybaby." Your friend needs to teach him some manners before that happens, or before he does that in public and gets bullied for doing insane things like this.
>I'm applying "adult standards" to a child's behaviourYou're in the right and his mom should have been scolding him just like this before you ever saw that happening, since he does this "all the time". If you want to raise a decent adult you need to teach them basic manners and to be respectful early.
No. 2282504
>>228246125 is a
LOT holy shit kek I don't know anybody who has that many who isn't a slut
No. 2282552
Thanks to all of you who replied to this
>>2282334 , this really helped convince me that I was right to stop it. My friend and I stopped messaging for tonight, but I asked if I could come over another day so we can talk more about this and she agreed. I don't want the girl to have to endure this happening again, so I'm hoping we can put some distance from what happened today so I can express my concerns more calmly, and without the boy crying in her lap this time. Thanks for helping out with your comments!
No. 2283115
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Am I wrong for believing, earnestly, that bananas are the perfect fruit? They are edible whether unripe or too ripe. ALSO: they literally have built-in wrapper that's easy to open, for fuck's sake.
No. 2283225
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>>2283124How does it feel to have such bad taste?
No. 2283377
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Do you consider good at something, nonny? and i mean REALLY good, not mediocre or okay.
No. 2283508
nonny i know, i was trying to keep it simple for the ant squarsher
No. 2283521
>>2283514I can talk about shit with people who aren't overly sensitive.
I can talk about things that no one in my real life are interested in.
I have girls to talk to when I feel like I can't talk to anyone in real life.
I'm not even autistic , but I'm "not like the other girls" in a lot of ways, and it's nice to be somewhere with a lot of people who are similar to me in personality.
This one is going to get me in trouble but I love arguing (when I'm right). I also think infighting is hilarious. I don't participate, but I love seeing people rage over stupid shit. It's just genuinely funny to witness.
No. 2283525
>>2283518this dramatic spacing very theatrical
nonny kek
No. 2283589
>>2283577girl where tf do you live. Every wingstop in my state has it kek. Also since we're talking about wingstop; why the fuck are their deals so weird. for 16.99 you can get 10 wings, a drink, and a fry… but for 20 you can get 20 wings and a fry…
Why in the everlasting fuck would anyone get the 10 wing deal, when for 3 dollars more you can get 20?! I'm wondering if that was a glitch on my doordash account because wtf.
No. 2283618
>>2283616You sound batshit crazy. All this because I asked how nonnas feel about ethel cain. This website has become a shitshow.
>>2283617Why are you double posting… to just call me a retard again.
No. 2283620
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>>2283611You're not gonna get in trouble for saying HE here though. Anyway this is what he thinks of us, he had a meltdown for several posts last year (this is just a snippet) because nobody here likes him plus he's hideous
>>2283618Multiple people think you're retarded, retard.
No. 2283634
>>2283630>mmmm. Except you didn't just mention his correct pronouns. You practically had an aneurysm.This post
>>2283620 was mine, I even answered the question.
No. 2283653
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>>2283651it thinks the posts are "edgy" because nonas used scary words like retard and tranny
No. 2283728
>>2282552She's gonna be protective of her boy (she's already neglecting the daughter by letting him harass her) so one additional strategy is to frame it as bad for him too.
Other kids will bully him for seeing him with his pants down. So he won't make friends because he's the gross naked weirdo boy, and all it takes is him doing it one time and every kid who saw is going to go home and say "mommy, timmy took off his pants and showed us his peepee!" and the parents will tell them that they should avoid him and they can't be friends. He'll end up get bullied.
And if other kids are bullying him, but his sister is laughing and playing along - guess where he's going to focus every time he thinks of doing exciting fun things with his penis? His little sister. It's planting the seeds for incest unless you teach him proper manners. And you have to stress it's not about him being an unusual or pervert boy - it's him being a NORMAL boy. He's on the normal path to being as obsessed with sex as the average pubescent boy, then teen, then adult man. It's better to teach him too early than to wait until it's too late.
No. 2284222
>>2284220I wish it happening sooner
>>2284215I imagine myself being known as an Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way who fucked anime killers in hoodies.
No. 2284249
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>>2284239Same. I live a boring life and have a boring online presence, even on here. Even if I didn’t I know that as long as I don’t act like a retard there is little to no incentive for people to dox me.
No. 2284258
>>2284185yp had shit opsec and used the same easily recognisable pseud everywhere like a retard.
If you use generic usernames, make different ones for separate accounts, and above all don't link any of them to your rl name (eg by using an email address with your name) you ought to be fine.
No. 2284283
>>2284220If they announced randomly they were going to shut down for a week and that it could happen again I could see govs taking notice. The EU has been floating about making a publicly funded Twitter for a while. It might be the kick it needs.
If something bigger like Google Search or Youtube just decided to stop for a while I could see compulsory purchase orders happening.
No. 2284344
>>2284310>it’s only VaLIDatiNG if it’s coming from a hot or intelligent guyOf course, I want to know if I can attract at least one once in my life kek.
>>2284313Probably but I'm at a low point right now.
>>2284318I know, but I'm tired of feeling like an undesirable blob due to never getting attention and I'm at the point where I would feel somewhat flattered by getting compliments even from a desperate guy. I want to reject uggos too.
No. 2284351
>>2280467it's because you have a weak hyoid, there's exercises to fix it but they did nothing for me. i'm skinny and i've always been, yet it still looks fucked
>>2280534i've left them inside for a whole day once or twice and nothing happened kek i felt completely fine
>>2284299i don't think it's bad if it's just that, i've done it before to see how many likes i could get
No. 2284576
>>2284573i'm not even a lesbian but anon are you dumb? when you're
acting in a scene together, thats exactly what you're doing. acting. kissing a lady doesn't magically turn you lesbian
No. 2284635
>>2284627nta, what was confusing about the post for me was how she went from
>am i a lesbian now?to
>those actresses lick pussy behind the scenes while you type up nigel vents on lolcow, those actresses are actually gay as fuck the fluidity of the conversation was…chunky
No. 2284636
>>2284597"they" also means plural anon
>>2284594Why is anything that isn't worshipping women for being a "feminine goddess" bait? why can't we ever have an honest discussion about the reality of women's bodies? If women have to carry the burden of pregnancy, birth and caring of the offspring, it doesn't make sense that women can be easily raped and have no chance of fighting back leaving us with no reproductive choice.
No. 2284686
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>>2284673Lol they definitely aren’t fully straight
No. 2284689
>>2284687To feel a
victim of what?
No. 2284701
>>2284695I don’t think you read people’s actual emotions through the screen. Well I can but definitely not you kek
>>2284696Males are objectively not attractive, you’re atttacted to something capable of killing you, raping you, jerking his dick to porn, mmmmm so yummy and sexy!!! Thrilling
>>2284697Those are handlers that groomed them, not marriage partners kek (honestly what’s the difference?)
(bp sperging outside of containment) No. 2284737
>>2284724>Putting your lips on another person is quite literally a sign of attraction, whether that be sexual or romanticnta but dana delany played a lesbian on desperate housewives and she's heterosexual, you can also go ahead and google other straight actresses who played lesbians
>I just think you’re one of those women who are in deep serious denial and know you can’t really live a life of being that alienated woman who likes kissing women so you rather force yourself to take penisthese are really weird things to say? i'm confused as to how you've jumped to this, from the initial question.
No. 2284753
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>>2284751anon don't you think you'd be happier if you went and had a rendezvous with your lover instead of sweating bullets over here, trying to convince everyone that every woman whos ever kissed another woman must be a homosexual?
No. 2284760
>>2284751>A great actor knows how to play out their lives experiences through their roles which they’re always typecasted forA lot of actors also go to acting school to learn how to convince you that they’re fruity, nona
>until it was revealed after her death that she had a secret female lover In Whitney’s defense, Robyn just goes around saying that they had an affair. There’s no evidence of it. I was having an affair with Liam Payne.
No. 2284763
>>2284755>Men don't need a Handmaids Tale this sentence isn't even grammatically sensical, neither on its own or to the lore of the story
>>2284761>s-she's LYING! what are we doing here? are you just disagreeing with everything everyone says to you for fun, or?
No. 2284781
>>2284775Nonna, the really sheer difference you’re forgetting is that actresses are being
paid to play a part. They’re working a job and receiving benefits for working that job with their skillset. You’re not being paid to be in love with someone and start a family with them kek. You don’t get health insurance for being married to your nigel.
No. 2284786
>>2284781People get paid to be employees but they still have sex, still do drugs and other terrible shit on the job, that isn’t a good excuse, it’s too simplistic.
>>2284779You have none yourself, if you seriously think heterosexual sex is only oriented towards your clit despite statistics saying otherwise then I think what you’re saying only applies to you. I don’t care sipping nasty ass sperm like milkshakes and begging scrotes to return DMs in bpd terror like you, I’m a normal person who doesn’t seek sex for validation
No. 2284823
>>2284817Straight women have sex obsessively with other men, natural biological crazy fembrained nymphos
>>2284820You can’t commit to any relationship, you’re a nympho
No. 2284824
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If any anons here have chronic hand pain, do you think some items like these would be helpful for someone like you? My grandma has carpal tunnel/arthritis. I'm trying to find some gadgets to help her open bottles and cans, but since you still have to grip these items I worry about if it will really be better.
No. 2284828
>>2284825I’m straight up tweaking right now so idk
>>2284826I don’t think you understand what the word “currently” means unless you’re currently sitting on your bug-infested crust furniture getting fucked by a dicklet while you post on lolcow, that’s a self-own
No. 2284836
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>>2284835I wasn’t trying to be funny though. Did you fuck the class clown in school once and have a gripe against them nympho-chan?
No. 2284844
>>2284838Shhhhh they think their past fuck toys actually gave them orgasms, everything a hettie woman types is always full of lies and fantasy
>>2284840No I was being deadass
No. 2284847
>>2284844i don't know if you're actually paying attention to what you're saying, but you claimed that all heterosexual women have sex obsessively with men, and when i asked why you think this, you decided to be like
>idk i'm tweaking1!!so, are you being serious about thinking that women only exist to have sex all day, or about 'tweaking'
No. 2284852
>>2284847Oh my god who the fuck cares? I was being 100% serious, get over it. I’m not changing my mind
>>2284849>we been knew that already I know what you are and your smoke alarm is still beeping. Go change it instead of trying to act like a bitch
No. 2284911
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who’s the girl in this banner?
No. 2285000
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>>2284686Girl. There's play kissing, there's play fighting, there's play fucking, there's play killing.
It's just a movie. It's pretend. You're an adult. You should know that. No. 2285098
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Can nonnas give my autistic ass insight as to what the fuck happened here? There’s these two moids and a girl at my uni who have been really fucking weird this week. First moid I thought was very attractive but whenever I would try and talk to him he’d just clam up and basically avoided me. Second moid I also thought was attractive and at one point we were talking a lot and I felt like we had a lot of chemistry but he suddenly got very shy but would still acknowledge me. This girl is very nice to me but she seems to have a pattern of getting really attached to the moids in our program and moving on to the next one once she feels they’re interested in her. Last week my friend and we sitting by ourselves at lunch and then these three randomly decide to sit with us and then proceed to completely ignore us the whole time. Moid 2 wouldn’t even look at my friend and whenever I’d try to get involved in their conversation would barely acknowledge me. Then Moid 2 very blatantly started flirting with this other girl right in front of me and pretended like I wasn’t even there. Finally my friend and I got fed up and left. Then later this week all three of them individually tried to acknowledge me like nothing had happened. I’m really confused as to what the fuck that was all about. I feel crazy because it felt very intentionally mean to my friend and I when we hadn’t even done anything.
No. 2285107
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Need brutal honesty. I’ve been designing my own clothes lately to my own personal taste. Is this marketable or too edgy and cringe to start selling on Etsy?
No. 2285210
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Is it just me or is lolcor slower than ever? Where my nonas? Im scared.
No. 2285229
Is stuff like this legit?>inb4 China badIdc, I want a cheap affordable custom plushy that actually gets delivered to my house, I don't trust indie sellers on Etsy or stuff like that cause how tf do they shil stuff? I don't get it. I'd rather a store or factory make it for me. I'm open to any alternatives to the link I posted though, especially one you have experience with.
(this is an imageboard) No. 2285278
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What programs do people use to make these slow-mo effects? Also how do tumblrinas make their gifs super bright without looking like shit? I don't want to make an account there just to make fancy gifs, there must be another way
No. 2285373
>>2285369a lot of anons suffer from schizophrenia and we all have to baby them and pretend like they're right or else they have melt downs. its part of integrating.
>>2285367so true anon but you forgot the gang stalking and mk ultra bit
No. 2285377
>>2285373Right like there aren’t cases of people who have been raping, drugging and trafficking artists into their hidden interconnected underground business network. Nobody, clearly, because we all know Epstein killed himself and that’s all to the world. So go ahead, let anon practically lose her entire personhood just to fulfill that gap she’s never had during her childhood, for people to finally applause her for her talents that her parents didn’t, go ahead “anon”. Every single time I post the obvious truth that’s objectively being shown through the media I always get a weird detractor popping out of no where trying to shame me, name call me, call me psychotic and crazy, I seriously believe the tinfoils of gangstalking and trying to harass random people into silence and submission because this makes zero sense. The influx of Kamala shills was very creepy as well… really makes you think, but my answer still stands, she should really just keep it a hobby and learn some skills that could really save her ass in a few years
No. 2285382
>>2285378its her schizophrenia, she sees patterns in things. just nod your head and agree or else she won't shut up about it.
>>2285377yes i agree with you and you are correct about everything that has ever happened.
No. 2285392
>>2285378Lana is the illicit love child of Jeffrey Epstein and Kamala Harris. She was born out of wedlock on July 21st 1969 in the Illuminati's Nevadan desert base and the moon landing psyop was to cover up the birth of Lana. She was then kept cryogenically frozen until 1985 to be "born" again.
>>2285389Nobody is disagreeing with you. You just don't want to admit that Lana is the Illuminati's answer to the Buddha, probably because you're one of Epstein's chosen ones or an apostle of the wicked witch Kamala.
No. 2285403
>>2285396If you think the Illuminati is a joke then you obviously don't know anybody that was injured by gang stalking.
>>2285399Being a spiritless brainless android feels good for them so they are afraid to see the truth. Don't let them bring you down.
No. 2285408
>>2285402Because they’re CONNECTED, holy shit I’m so close to alogging you must be an actual child because why are you asking questions for things you should just know? Connect the fucking dots
>>2285403Stop trying to fan the flames shitstirrer-chan, I’m not a schizo so you can fuck right off
No. 2285423
>>2285407Shane Dawson hasn't been able to say anything since he joined the blood pact of the Freemasons during the 2015 Harvest Moon. Now he is just a puppet for Weinstein.
>>2285408They don't want to connect the dots because they are afraid of the truth. They don't want to admit that the Illuminati and Freemasons control the world. Don't let their bait fool you.
>>2285411Connect the dots. We aren't gonna do it for you, illiterate-chan.
>>2285417Your caps lock key is on, so we all know what you
really are.
No. 2285438
>>2285434So an anon asked a question about (
>>2285330 ) how Lana del rey was able to record songs (we all know she just had sex with the studio janitors to let her in, now) and another anon decided to tinfoil that Lana only had the access to do that and became famous because she’s apart of “the illuminati” and Jeffrey Epstein and Kamala Harris are responsible for her career.
No. 2285445
>>2285440It's obvious that it's just a Kiwifaggot trying to distract us from the truth, don't bother replying to it. It's probably the same one that thinks that the moon is real.
>>2285435Connect the dots.
No. 2285448
>>2285445But my dear
nonnie there are no dots for me to connect!
No. 2285652
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Whenever I watch My 600 lb Life there’s a 50/50 chance the patient loves the Nightmare Before Christmas. Why?
No. 2285710
>>2285683Do not donate plasma. I have scars all over my body from doing it 5 times a year ago. Also, I know a phlebotomist and see said they amount they pay you is a 1/4th of what they should be. Don’t get milked for 30 bucks.
If you have a car, do DoorDash. Or, do online tutoring. You don’t need to be licensed in anything or even really smart. A lot of companies just want fluent English speakers to converse with their ESL students.
(integrate) No. 2285714
>>2285652No idea but you're right, there's such a huge chance for an overweight, youngish,
mostly they're women but some men too person to love A Nightmare Before Christmas. After having rewatched it recently I do have to say that it's a great kid's film, very catchy and memorable music and the story is pretty entertaining. It's a good movie but for some reason the only people who seem to be obsessed with it are typically fat to morbidly obese. The answer to this is severely elusive, but it's probably just a very widely appealing movie. It's dark, kind of gothic, has Danny Elfmann as a composer, tied to Tim Burton, is animated, is a stop motion film, has genuinely good design, is a Disney film, etc. It's a good movie that has broad appeal. A lot of fat people tend to still have a love for childish things from my experience knowing quite a few of them, it's probably nostalgia in a lot of cases.
No. 2285746
>>2285730>It's kind of retardedObviously that anon is retarded. "She" doesn't even know how to get out of a conversation.
>>2285706>What does one do …You say goodbye and then walk away.
No. 2285759
>>2285706I know what you mean. I just say “I’m so sorry but I really have to go. Text me or call me later though.” My coworker does this and I made the mistake the first time to just let her go on hoping it would end soon. But it didn’t, and now she expects me to behave that way every conversation.
As for moms I can’t even judge because if I had a baby I would definitely never stop talking about them to people kek. Don’t think I would say isn’t she so cute but who knows.
No. 2285774
>>2285771Seriously why is it that newfags are always the first ones to start sperging about newfags?
>>2285772Yeah, once someone mentioned it earlier this morning I knew that we were gonna be dealing with so much bullshit from Kiwifags. Until the site is back up, we're gonna be dealing with a lot of stupid bait, and of course the newfags that fall for it.
No. 2285802
>>2285797Stop saying kek after every word kek do kek you kek think kek this kek is kek how kek we kek talk kek on kek lcf kek kek kek kek.
>>2285801I disagree with you.
(infighting/learn2integrate) No. 2285803
>>2285796>Seriously why is it that newfags are always the first ones to start sperging about newfags?This was posted in response to
>>2285771 who said
>Maybe it's because you sound like a newfag on top of speaking like a moid.Which yeah does read like you're saying she's a sperging newfag?
No. 2285809
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>>2285806>>2285807Oh my fucking god on the topic of autism, i saw this online today. i doubt that this opinion is unpopular but it should be illegal to embarrass your neurologically disabled child by posting videos of them like this online for pity or “yer such a good parent!!” comments
No. 2285812
>>2285771 was written in response to
>>2285763 which is the same post written by
>>2285754 calling anons newfags for saying "having babies makes women retarded" is misogynistic. That's when I agreed with
>>2285771 by saying "seriously, why is it that newfags are always the first one to start sperging about newfags" in reference to this post
>>2285754. If you weren't special needs you'd probably understand how conversations work, but alas.
No. 2285817
>>2285812>calling anons newfags for saying "having babies makes women retarded" is misogynistic. That's when I agreed with >>2285771 by saying "seriously, why is it that newfags are always the first one to start sperging about newfags"Those two things don't even relate?
>>2285809This is seriously not okay, this poor child will eventually grow into an adult who will see this
No. 2285821
>>2285816>you must be special needs because I articulated myself poorly yeah, it’s totally always everyone else’s fault. i find it funny you still can’t answer the question i ask; if you didn’t think she’s a newfag, why’d you call her one?
>>2285818you’re absolutely right anon, i am confused about why you choose to use the wrong words on purpose, and then become angry with other anons for pointing out the errors..
No. 2285831
>>2285815I feel that to some degree it’s okay to want to share your journey as a mom of someone with severe special needs, especially if you don’t have a good support system, but there needs to be a line that isn’t allowed to be crossed.
Theres a woman on tiktok that gives to the homeless on skidrow. I genuinely enjoy her content and think she’s doing it for the right reasons as she was once homeless herself. She does film the people she’s giving to, but they have the ability to consent to being on camera.
If someone can’t consent, you should have the respect to not showcase them, even if they don’t know any different. Theres a mom on there whose autistic child will slam his head into hers with an intentional purpose of hurting her. Everyone sympathizes with her , and I do too, but it just feels weird posting that.
No. 2285967
>>2285939It's almost always projection, they're voicing their own emotions in a way that doesn't feel embarassing to them. Had that irl with a
visibly shaking and sweating moid telling me that I'm really scared of him kek
No. 2285970
>>2285939>Is this a kind of power tripping?Yes. They're trying to get a reaction out of you, by controlling your feelings they are controlling you as a person. So when you don't react they will try another angle, and one way is to insist you ARE in fact reacting, you are totally really mad!
>>2285965>Genuine Q - are you autistic? Like, when do you give these blank looks? Blank staring is a VERY common coping mechanism to abuse. It's also called grey rocking.
No. 2286377
extremely cringe vent post but I'm still stressed over this, I may need an "AITA" here, please. So, me and my mom got into an argument moooooonths ago, she wanted me to do lend her my hairdryer for a bit, I told her I couldn't at the moment and suggested her other options, she got upset and started saying I was ungrateful (she helped me while I was going through some shit months prior), but seriously, there were other easier options. She started escalating it more and more, I was confused but getting frustrated at that point and I may have escalated it too by calling her names, I know that was a bad idea. Realized the situation was getting kinda ugly, so I went to buy some dinner to deescalate it, but when i arrived she was getting on my face, then she lashed out at me, I'm not bruised or badly injured but yeah. We haven't spoken ever since. I don't really know if this is normal from her, she's usually quite calm and rarely violent, was that a good reason to lash out at me? I'm still confused as to how or why did the situation got so out of hand tbh one minute we were talking regularly then the other we were fighting, wtf
No. 2286547
>>2286377Something's not right. You should check up on her, see if you can see any signs that something's wrong, like laundry and dishes piled up if she normally has a tidy home, or a ton of random purchases from Facebook ads if she's normally selective about her purchases. From what you wrote it sounds like she was going through a lot and took it out on you- it could be depression, it could be abuse, it could be that she had an exceptionally awful week and flipped out.
I hope everything's OK with her and you can reconcile before Christmas.
No. 2286633
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>smoked out of a bong before
>it was okay.
>smoked a joint before
>it was okay.
>smoked a hookah before
>it was okay.
>smoke a vape a few times
>it was okay.
>try a cigarette
>nostrils flare with immidiate irritation from the smoke
> lungs contract and expand painfully in aggravation
>throat dries up like a desert and forces me to cough and hack like I'm already a cancer patient
>eyes start crying because NOW they can't handle smoke
are cigarettes supposed to be hard? Is everything else designed to be easier to smoke?
No. 2286643
>>2286633>are cigarettes supposed to be hard?Yes, this is all by design. In the late 1930s, Big Pharma realized that too many people were enjoying the life-extending and invigorating qualities of pure, high-grade, tobacco. This didn't align with what Big Pharma wanted: a sick population dependents on man-made chemicals. So, they set out a plan to destroy the humble tobacco industry, to hurt God-fearing Christian tobacco farmers, and those that enjoyed the healthy effects of tobacco. Big Pharma started adding all these chemicals into cigarettes, to dilute the positive potential of tobacco, and to make cigarettes unhealthy, cancerous, and harsh. If you want to enjoy the live-extending effects of tobacco, you're only option now is to grow your own tobacco bush and use that instead. Big Pharma hates the world, they want all of us to be their money-making monkey-slaves forever, so of course they want to transform everything that is good and healthy into a replica of their Big Pharma Medicine Pills, i.e., unhealthy and evil. Just remember every time that you puff on a mass-marketed cigarette, you're really puffing on something that's 1% real tobacco, the other 99% is cancerous filler chemicals that have been adding in by Big Pharma liars.
No. 2286677
>>2286674That's okay, you're likely asexual (actually asexual, not the Tumblr "you can be ace and still have kinky polyam discord sex!" type). Also you don't
have to suck dick to have sex with men. Plenty of women enjoy sex with men, but hate giving oral and just enjoy receiving it.
No. 2286698
>>2286674Honestly i find people labeling any straight woman who doesn't center men or fuck them as being a lesbian, as very misogynistic.
Its like for some people they can't imagine a world where a straight woman doesn't center men so they try to force another sexuality on her to cope.
Nobody calls lesbians who are pickmes or male aligned as being straight so i don't know why straight women who are celibate or feminist get labelled as that . It also doesn't help that in certain radfem circles political lesbianism (choice lesbianism where they are only "lesbian" politically) is something encouraged that straight women should identify as.
No. 2286710
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>>2286698>Nobody calls lesbians who are pickmes or male aligned as being straightI do. #BeTheChangeYouWantToSee #ShamePickmes #KAM
No. 2286793
>>2286698>Honestly i find people labeling any straight woman who doesn't center men or fuck them as being a lesbianNobody said this at all. Anons said they were repulsed by men sexually and didn't want sex with them at all. That's what gave off lesbian, not "not centering men". Learn2read, retard.
>Nobody calls lesbians who are pickmes or male aligned as being straight Because lesbian pickmes are extremely rare. Where have you seen a lesbian be "male aligned"?
No. 2286950
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>>2286941I'm trying to be helpful and encourage someone's weight loss journey and I didn't even mention ana discords or even the pro-ana AI chat bots so I don't know why you're acting like it's my fault that anorexia exists but thanks for calling me skinny I guess? 20kg in 2 months is 22lbs per month which is easy to lose if you practice healthy eating intermediate fasting and regular exercise but I guess that' passé to admit because we're all supposed to chug pig lard every moment of the day. I also didn't even say 20kg only I said 10kg-20kg so anywhere between 22lbs-44lbs in 2 months which is easy and doable for anybody that isn't an invalid or otherwise physically disabled. Whatever I can't even try to help fat people without them calling me anorexic just because I don't have back rolls.
No. 2286955
>>2286950Idk I'm skinny and losing that much weight wouldn't work or else I'd be hospitalised.
>>2286953This. The math doesn't add up.
No. 2286957

>>22869501 kilo = 7700 calories.
That's 38500 you need to burn to lose 5 kg a week, or a 5.5k caloric deficit a day. That's not possible.