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No. 1900900
>>1900863Parents allowing their kids to wear a mask in 2024 are neurotic at best and munchie/
abusive at worst
No. 1900904
>>1900900I agree. Everyone in East Asia (where they wear masks when they're sick even before the FAKE COVID "virus" came about!) is actually
abusive narcissistic neurotics with Munchhausen syndrome. You're so right for this opinion. You're totally not retarded.
No. 1900908
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I think the comparative lack of agency for women, even historically, in non western societies is a source of shame for a lot of women from these countries who come to live in the west. So they invent elaborate coping mechanisms like "Mohammed was a feminist!" or "foot binding and corsets were the same thing!" etc. They feel very proud of even chauvinistic about their own cultures/groups, but they also feel ashamed women were and are treated so badly. Does that make sense?
No. 1900925
>>1900912Why so
triggered? I see people with masks on still when I go grocery shopping and think they must be sick or very concerned about spreading disease, good for them. If it's old people I don't think about it at all because it's clear that they are protecting themselves from disease. I haven't worn a mask for at least a year but I'd probably wear one if I caught the flu or something because why not? Anti mask retards are far worse than those paranoid of long COVID.
>>1900908Many women in western society do the same and cope that figures like Marx was a feminist or some other moid icon. One culture prefers to rape boys and one prefers to sell, consensually traffick and/or rape women; what difference does it make when the rapists are always the same people? What is this excerpt even trying to argue? women are gold digging whores who will sellout their dignity for a scrap of money and moids are surprised by other moids? What has any of this got to do with agency? How is that having any semblance of agency? Is agency when women decide to enter prostitution of their own volition ala sex work is work? Kek
No. 1900943
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Plastic surgery is bad and tattoos are bad because the physical body is a temple that needs to respect architectural standards and doesn't have to be defaced with wall writings
No. 1900957
>>1900945Plastic surgery refers to aesthetic changes and not repairing and maintaining the building from structural cracks which will cause problems in the future.
Plus of course there are varying levels of plastic surgery from minor work to major overhauls (think of temporo-mandibular joint problems and breathing problems) but in general: surgery needs to be carried out for form and function, not for aesthetic reasons.
Conversely, even being an ana-chan or a fatty beyond the slightly overweight threshold is not paying respect to the body temple. Internal organs suffer and the overall function of the body is diminished. A temple has to have strong and healthy foundations, not excess weight over the roof and the pillars.
No. 1900971
>>1900966Okay first of all don't you dare ever call me a warrior of darkness. Don't you dare even type that out in reference to me. A warrior of darkness is a sick and twisted interloper that acts according to the faults of nature and ignores the path of heavenly grace. A warrior of darkness is a traitor to the ways of light and goodness, and fights the demented battles of charlatanism and deceit, often decorating their body with images of sinister origin with satanic or otherwise unrighteous messages. A warrior of darkness is a byword for anyone and everyone that chooses to engage in filth and corrupts original messages of celestial significance. Having plastic surgery is NOT an activity that makes you a warrior of darkness. I consulted with the Virgin Mary several times in deep states of meditative prayer before my nosejob: not only did she actively support me and my intentions, but she revealed to me new canonical information linked to early Christianity that actually concretely demonstrated to me the holiness of rhinoplasty. I have yet to receive a reply from Francis regarding my visions but if they are accepted as true, it will become the biggest example of miraculous revelation since 13/10/1917. I doubt you'd ever understand, being someone so obviously decrepit and filled with hatred and gall that you so brazenly accuse me of being the very thing that I seek to fight against! I will not rest until the warriors of darkness lose their earthly battles. Plus, plastic surgery is literally not that bad it's so normal everyone gets nosejobs sometimes like it's really not that big of a deal meanwhile tattoos are
literally seen in prison populations, sociopath conventions, crack addicts, and other social misfits. How many celebrities, famous people, artists, have nosejobs? Hundreds. How many convicted felons have nosejobs? Close to zero. Try that again with tattoos: how many celebrities have tattoo? Basically none except the shit D-list stars. How many prisoners have tattoos? According to studies, nearly 100%.
I think it's a shame only a small portion of millennials and younger generations know to appreciate going to a classical music concert, an opera, a book reading, a ballet or even a theater play.
I don't understand that the only performance arts that are "acceptable" and trendy are musicals and concerts. And the rest is looked down upon like stuff made for prehistoric people as it's not digital, and you actually to go out of the house and maybe dress a bit up too and, shocking, see other people and maybe end up talking with your seat neighbors. A bunch of people nowadays complain that it's hard to meet anyone, but the places where you could meet anyone, people look at with disdain, it's a bit sad. InB4 "it cost too much money", there are plenty of classical events that are cheap (nobody has to sit in the front row for 80€ they don't have) and some are even for free.
No. 1901015
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I identify as negative charge.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1901027
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I fucking hate that trend of using the crying emoji when something is funny or whatever. Can't stand that damn thing. Just say lol or hahaha, I dunno
No. 1901038
>>1901020Yeah but that's the problem nona. Most of these girls are socially awkward types and a good portion of them end up back on here whining that if you don't feel sorry for their 4chan groomer stories then you're betraying feminism and a bitch etc.
If BPD teens want to lay down with dogs then they're going to get flees. Deal w it.
No. 1901047
>>1901020I think it is better even to even try. Yes some will just call you a jealous hag lmao and not listen, but there are also young women who havent had a protective mother or other female figures in their lives. All they have heard is the moids defending of big age gaps and
abusive relationships and really dont know better. I wish when I was younger I had some other women to get advice from than my passive mother who though women will get abused by men and we should just take it.
No. 1901083
>>1901060The anon you’re replying to is right. Even if you’re correct, what are the results of this thinking? This only benefits predatory moids. And for as many teenagers will fuck themselves over and regret it as adults, there are still a few that will have had abuse prevented.
>>1901047 said, a lot of these girls came from broken homes. So there really isn’t any benefit to being callous about it apart from your own self-satisfaction.
I never engaged in anything like this, but if an adult had swooped in when I was vulnerable (most of my childhood) I’d probably have ended up the same. The second that girls begin to attract predatory men (which is very young) their childhood is revoked. They’re no longer able to be seen as children, whether it be from the men abusing them or the women who are onlookers and know how the story goes. I don’t think that’s how it should be. And that’s how moids want it.
No. 1901089
>>1901085Samefag and if I ever have a daughter with a
toxic older scrote who she won’t stop fighting me over and he’s a threat to my family or me I’m kicking her out and she go live with him and she can come back whenever she’s learned her lesson
No. 1901090
>>1901083I don't think you realize the evil shit these girls do. Or you just failed to address it. I knew "fembots" from /r9k/ who just for shits and giggles, and to make them easier prey, would try and get other young girls on discord into drugs.
I'm really fucking sick of the constant excuses made for borderline psychopath teens. I already said the ones who don't do this shit have my full sympathy. But those ones generally aren't hanging around older moids who post animal torture videos on discord. Not to mention all three girls I'm thinking of came from loving, middle class homes and their older moid obsession made their families lives a misery too.
No. 1901137
>>1901111>>1901038 mentioned teens and
>>1901060 mentioned 16-year-olds. You said “girls” so obviously I assumed you meant teenagers
I don’t believe this. Having an unstable father figure will fuck up girls yes, but having no scrote in the house is better. A disturbingly large proportion of fathers and step-fathers abuse their daughters, and a lot of these young adults who seek older men don’t do it because they have no father figure, they do it because they grew up with a father figure raping them and that’s fucked them up mentally.
This is why people that
victim blame are so sinister to me, wasn’t there some figure that said 1 in 20 fathers sexually abuse their children? Those “hoes”/“BPD-chans” are those 1 in 20.
No. 1901187
>>1901185It’s the same quality as the stuff at the mall but half the price
>inb4 why don’t you get your clothes custom made from a eco friendly brand who uses 100% cotton from organic farmed raised baby sheep who live off a diet of artisan made butter?I’m poor
No. 1901196
>>1901159>>1901187I agree with you. I bought some cotton underwear from shein and it's very comfy and solves
my yeast issue. It's easier to find cotton clothes on shein than the local malls where they sell polyester mostly for outrageous prices. I also got some accessories and a jeans pants off it and many other items I need and it's all very good quality and does what it's supposed to do. And still good after years of using and haven't been torn/broken or shrank or anything. I don't get why people hate it so much. The quality depends on the vendor you buy from, not shein itself. Same thing goes for aliexpress, got some cool shirts and accessories off it for a reasonable price and I'm happy with their quality.
No. 1901208
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>>1901196>actual cotton This is the softest basic t shirt I’ve ever owned. Most of them at the mall are flimsy and see through. SHEIN gets hate because of the factory farm fast fashion claims but they will go buy the cheapest low quality trash from name brand j fashion brands.
No. 1901265
>>1901260I don't know because as I said it's not something I ever looked for. It is something I've seen IRL though. Women who either grew up without their father or had a bad relationship with them just go through a series of shitty, sometimes
abusive relationships with older men because they want that older male figure in their lives. The type of older man that looks for vulnerable younger women has always seemed like a huge red flag to me.
No. 1901305
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>>1901198Well Shien has been been found to have clothes contaminated with large unhealthy doses of poisonous lead. So there's that. Please don't buy clothes from Shein. If you're poor there are still better options.
No. 1901402
I don't have problems with shein clothes falling apart or whatever, but the material for a lot of their products (in particular the shirts) does suck because of course they use polyester for a majority of it and some of the clothes smell awful. The last few times I ordered there, the clothes stunk so bad, just such a strange, chemical smell. There were some where I didn't even take them out the package and I could still smell it. That, finding out about
toxic chemicals in their products, and learning more about fast fashion is why I had to stop ordering from there. I do still wear the clothes I already have though, and they held up fine.
>>1901351I'm not sure if lead is absorbable through skin but keep in mind you still touch your clothes, and can contaminate other areas. Lead can still absorb in your body through membranes (mouth, eyes, genitalia). It's really strange to see anons defending a brand for having lead in their products.
>>1901374The discussion was just about shein clothes.
No. 1901456
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People like jennette mccurdy should be a little grateful for their stage moms because at least they’re rich. Yes they have trauma but most of our parents give us trauma and leave us broke.
No. 1901495
>>1901007I hate this idea literally anything Japanese/Korean is better than anything Western, intrinsically . A priori. Like the soyjaking over Japanese takes on Italian food. Or "omg they share food with small plates there! us westerners are such barbarians!" As if they've never heard of Greek or Spanish food. The constant hyping of the Japanese countryside from Americans is weird to me too. I'm not American, but American national parks are incredible. Yosemite is far more impressive than anything I saw on Hokkaido. And I find it especially enraging when they claim things like Japanese chocolate is the best. Really… Belgium? Switzerland? Germany?
I don't get it what it is about their own culture/race/people these weebs and kboos hate so much and why they're so obsessively drawn to anything East Asian instead.
No. 1901618
>>1901503>>1901607I think Disney adults are extremely cringe and I hate practically anything Disney related but the way the internet is collectively making them out to be the WORST THING EVER IT'S LITERALLY A CULT!!!!!!!!!!!!! is embarrassing drama mongering. Sure, it makes me snort when they're freaking out over things primarily meant for literal children but I would go as far as to believe that most of them are self-aware enough to know it's silly, but it's harmless. Post that selfie of yourself wearing some stupid Minnie Mouse dress in front of the Cinderella castle, I don't give a shit and will forget about it after 5 minutes even if I did roll my eyes.
>most of the criticism towards disney adults is the pot calling the kettle blackAbsolutely. The criticism always comes from those who have an equally childish consoomer hyperfixation of their own so it honestly makes me wonder if it's them trying to cope and divert attention away from the skeletons in their own closet. The way it ties into the current trend of making fun of "millenials" i.e. adult women doing pretty much anything fun is quite telling indeed, especially when it's done by zoomers who are so irony poisoned they have become incapable of liking anything sincerely and are also so terrified of aging they're trying to make people less than 10 years older than themselves look like geriatric elderly just to differentiate.
No. 1901728
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>>1901708The uk definitely creates some interesting looking folks. Maybe it’s the food they eat?
No. 1901745
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>>1901740Samefag but yeah the ugliest people I’ve ever seen always come out the uk
No. 1901785
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>>1901783Samefag plus I don’t think it’s a stroke. Her eyes have always been like that.
No. 1901791
>>1901265My dad was actively emotionally verbally and physically
abusive but it never made me wanna go after old dudes, I’ve always been attracted to dudes my own age. I’ve been in plenty of
abusive relationships but at least I’ve never let someone old enough to be my dad abuse me, other than my actual dad kek.
No. 1901827
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>>1901809I mean that's fine, but I hope the sex was good enough on its own. it seems like you care a lot about the social status of having it for some reason. in any case have a cookie it seems like you want some.
No. 1901841
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>>1901745elaine is the most british
No. 1901851
>>1901833It isn’t about her looks, stop retconning. An anon in celebricows said she works in the film industry and that Florence is a pickme and was really rude to her and the other women. There were also rumors that people on the set saw Florence and Cillian Murphy together, but there have also been rumors that Emily blunt is the one he had an affair with so I’m not sure about that one
>>1901837It isn’t one anon, she’s always been nitpicked in /g/ and the celebricows thread
No. 1901867
>>1901855The hate isn’t about her appearance, it’s about her being narcissistic and a pickme. Anons making fun of her appearance or saying they don’t see her appeal isn’t the same as hating her.
Your should always take whatever people say online with a grain of salt of course, but a lot of information about celebrities personalities just comes from people who know them gossiping about them, and a lot of that information is shared online. Multiple anons have talked about working in the entertainment industry and what certain celebrities are like, you don’t have to believe them if you don’t want to but you shouldn’t get pissy about it.
No. 1901961
>>1901867There's men and ruder woman than floorpoo who anons could stand to bitch about more. It always feel like the most mediocre women get the brunt of hate. Same with Tay Swift haters. She's annoying but she's so fucking inoffensive and the only reason she's as hated as she is happens to be the sheer magnitude of her popularity attracting the deranged hate.
If only more of the hate toward women were directed towards gross scrotes
No. 1901977
>>1901496I know a girl who
admittedly isn't white but had super thin lips but they worked really well with her features but she got a fuckton of filler at 21 and looks so botched. They're already migrating and look like they're about to explode when she talks.
No. 1901980
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I'm just so sick. And. Tired. Of. Dating.
I honest to God believe that thanks to social media and the boom of people rejoining society right after the pandemic ended that all of the girls got their solid pickings of getting attractive mentally stable moids that don't make you want to throw up on just first glance of them. The rest of us hopeless women are stuck with the absolute dregs of society. Just pure fucking filth. All of the good men really are just taken or gay.
>another unpopular opinion
I honestly believe there's no such thing as bisexual men. There can only be gay or straight men. And the so called bisexual men are really just straight men who meme themselves into becoming gay because they're too autistic. Thats why i see so many sweet nerdy men magically becoming bIsExUal out of nowhere simply because they're too socially inept to know how to leave their male dominated spaces such as video gaming communities and Discord servers and actually go out to touch grass and interact with a real life women. It's truly not fair that we can't even get to have nerdy men anymore because too many are afraid of interacting with a woman and would rather just stay safe by conditioning themselves to settle with bussy.
No. 1902150
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>>1902141Obviously my peers know I’m their age, because I’m a grown adult with a career and act like an adult. Teenage girls do frequently comment on my social media that they thought I was their age, but they could just be giving compliments since it seems like zoomers believe that women turn into dust in our 20s.
Anyways Joey king and Jenna Ortega are examples of what neotenous features look like, there’s nothing to get upset about
No. 1902170
>>1902157Not op but why are you so bitter that some women have youthfully shaped faces? Are you a bitter shriveled up prune?
I regularly get restaurant managers to come out and double verify my ID whenever I order alcohol and people always comment that they thought I was younger when I tell them my age.
No. 1902179
>>1902170>w-why are you suu bitter!!1Everytime. Why are you so insistent that you look 14 when a 14 year old would clock you as a 25 year old and so would your peers? Lol. You're made fun of because most of the time you're lying and refuse to accept objective reality.
>everyone asks for my ID when I drinkYou legally have to ask everyone for their ID unless they're near geriatric. You will get carded at 40 too.
No. 1902190
>>1902170Lol they always say this
>I’m young cuz carded!!!Can’t understand that not carding someone is discrimination
You probably just dress young and have a young haircut. Get over yourself.
No. 1902291
>>1901041>But inexperienced women really need to listen to what other women have to say on the matter and take them seriously. "Become a sad lonely spinster like me and die alone" is what hag wisdom amounts to. The biggest enemy of women is other women and nobody hates a younger woman more than an older woman. This is even a common trope in fairytales (Snowhite) and the abuse of a wife by her mother in law is proverbial. I'm not going to pretend old women aren't my enemy. Their fake advice is just a ploy to ruin you and get you to be as miserable as they are, and the worst thing is if your boss is an older unmarried woman or a hag. She'll abuse the shit out of you. It would be best for old women to get a "companion dog" or get into cat breeding and leave younger women alone.
P.S. Younger is wholly relative. You can be 35 but a woman of 45 will treat you like shit because you're younger. And the bigger the age difference the worse and putrid the manipulation and abuse will be, because if you're a kid or a teen you can't handle a hag and don't understand her tricks.
>>1902294I'll add something to this I saw a Nonna post in the thread: fathers. What the hell, how can ANYONE think a father isn't important in a girl's life? Virtually every girl who tore her life into pieces by dating or marrying shitty moids with disasters for lives and personality had no father in her life. The simple equation is that to raise a healthy child you need both a mother and a father. I can even prove it the other way around - sons of single moms are all perverted fucks with issues. All of them. ALL OF THEM.
>>1902298I don't want to read shitty cope when all my life experiences have confirmed me in my belief (fact) that older women will forever seek to destroy you and make your life shitty. That bit about old woman bosses comes from several of my own experiences across multiple industries. There's nothing to debate there.
>>1902301Honey don't worry, you will.
No. 1902310
>>1902291>The biggest enemy of women is other women and nobody hates a younger woman more than an older woman.I don’t want to get into an infight and I’m not involved in this discussion but that’s just totally inaccurate. The biggest enemy of women is men, women can be rude and jealous and condescending and mean but a woman won’t prey on a woman sexually or be violent with her (99.9% of the time.)
>This is even a common trope in fairytales (Snowhite)Those stories are not reality, and they’re written by misogynistic men who think older women are wicked and cruel and that young women are kind and loving. You watch too much Jordan Peterson kek
No. 1902372
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People are praising bhad bhabie for changing her life and starting a family but i disagree with that…I feel like her scrote is abusing her behind closed doors. It’s this look in her eyes she always has now that is very telling.
No. 1902383
>>1902361I think it was the overarching statement of "the biggest enemy to women is women" thing that made it seem baity. It's fine to recognize that women can be terrible or
abusive people. But to act as if the statistics or risks are any where near the same is just retarded.
>>1902369>What if you feel safer with male family members than female ones?Then fine, do what you feel is best. But again the risks aren't anywhere near similar. If women feel uncomfortable around female relatives it's usually due to physical or verbal abuse, or like you stated your moms cheating. But when women are uncomfortable around male relatives it's usually because they've sexualised them, abused them sexually, are a physical threat to their safety or life, or are a fucked up pervert in some way.
No. 1902384
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The only good thing to come out of Israel boycotts was Starbucks having more discounts. Everything else is annoying and performative.
No. 1902385
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>>1901952>the uppity bitches i don't like just need some dick to fix them!i hate that i have to share a website with people this retarded
No. 1902405
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Anonymous 3 minutes ago No. 1902397
>>1902383The women might not be the one to rape or molest you but they definitely can be the ones who serve you up to a male predator if they need a quick buck. They might not be motivated to fuck you over by sexual motivations but they are motivated to fuck other females over for money. At the end of the day the only safe people are the people who have proven themselves trust worthy, male or female.
No. 1902465
>>1902460It depends. If you’re a parent and you know your kids are being harmed and you do nothing to help? I consider both equally bad.
>>1902458What statistics do you have that go against my opinion that women enable sexual abusers? I’ve met people who have set their friends up to be raped or attacked, most of the women I know who have crack head moms have been sexually abused by the men their moms deal with. You’re using your experiences of being in foster care to defend your argument, so why can’t I use the situations I’ve experienced in my life to form my opinion? You can’t pick and choose what opinion needs to be backed by statistics or experiences to suit your own argument.
No. 1902546
>>1902543if you say shit like
>>1902540 don't expect people to not call you a tradthot you fucking retard
No. 1902554
>>1902400Eh, I have a good relationship with my father and I still acknowledge he’s a piece of shit moid. Talking about something specific about your father positively is fine, not Nigeling and white-knighting his shit behaviour towards women will never do well here.
>>1902384Boycotting has proven itself to be effective but not giving money to companies supporting genocide is just soo performative and makes consoomers uncomfortable.
No. 1902604
>>1902382>>1902379She actually says that women shouldn’t allow men in their lives unless they can financially provide for them, otherwise they won’t provide value because they’re all cheaters who don’t like or respect women. She also says to use his money to start a business or get passive sources of income, put your name on the deed of the house and the cars and everything else so that he can’t leave you for another woman and leave you with nothing.
She got cheated on when she was young by some manwhore and it clearly affected her to the point where she says to go after men who can only add benefit to your life instead of some man you have to act as a bangmaid for who will just cheat and leave you after you paid for half of e dry thing while cooking and cleaning and birthing his children. If your rent and bills were completely paid for and you got to save all your money during that relationship, then those years weren’t ‘wasted’. It doesn’t matter if he leaves because you get to keep the house, the car, you had a good prenup, and you have a lot of money in your bank account because all you did was save during that relationship.
She does encourage age gap relationships though which is horrid, and going to lead to women being abused. She also jokes about staying with cheaters as long as you’re being provided for, because they all cheat anyway. She admitted to being a sugar baby for married men when she was young and her husband James was married when she got with him
No. 1902634
>>1902633I ain't pakichan but I do dislike fujos and I've disliked them since before I even posted on this site. I'm also a former weeb who hates weebs.
Now that anime is mainstream it's more cringe inducing than ever.
No. 1902665
>>1902641Here’s some “homophobia” for you, people are sick of homos playing
victim, that’s why they don’t like them. In general people do not care about strangers enough to hate them, and they roll their eyes when you assume they do like you just did. What does any woman gain from opposing lesbians, seriously? Get over yourself.
No. 1902743
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>>1902738Sure yeah, I wish the Israeli soldiers would all self immolate too. But this guy is a fucking retard.
No. 1902826
>>1902232>>1902641While there are certainly some retarded posters here who are just homophobic, you're delusional if you don't think there are any good social reasons to dislike gay men that have nothing to do with homosexuality itself. It's especially incomprehensible to me how much some lesbians will cape for gay men when pop culture has long been relatively positive about gay men but can't be bothered to give a shit about lesbians that aren't fake ones in porn. I dislike gay men for being treated as kings over women. Basically every female dominated hobby or industry has gay men sitting at the top despite how few of them there are overall compared to all the women in these same spheres, and they don't deserve it. There's long been a prevalent sentiment in mainstream culture that gay men are just the best at things like fashion, makeup, interior design, etc, and should get to teach all the poor women who "don't know how to be women" about these things. Gay men at the top of industries that are oppressive to women like makeup and fashion will not make things for men like would feel more logical to me. No, instead of having any desire to market meme men into making themselves more attractive, something that would benefit both women and gay men, gay men continue about their obsessions to "fix" women. Gay men also feel wrongfully entitled to be misogynistic to women but will insist that "it doesn't count!" because they "love women". It's also absurd that in the west, gay men are considered to be a protected class with more "oppression points" than women, despite the fact that there are fuck tons of influential western historical figures in basically every sphere that were always known to be gay. It may not have been talked about publicly in their times, but everyone knew these men were gay, and yet they were some of the men with the MOST social power so why the hell should women have to be sympathetic to them? Women are supposed to feel bad for gay men for losing social privileges among men for wanting to do things like engage in beauty rituals. Why should WOMEN feel bad that some dumbass men want to do for funsies the things we feel pressured into doing to be socially acceptable? Clown world that many normie women are more sympathetic to a gay moid being bullied for wearing makeup than they are to another women bullied for not wearing any. Granted I think a lot of the modern social privileges of gay men are the result of faghags with internalized misogyny. Lots of women seem to feel bad for gay men being stuck on the bottom of the social totem pole of men and feel the need to raise them up within the areas they as women have control of
No. 1902993
>>1902687>Logically, in order to get rid of these feelings and get comeuppance as fast as possible you must kill her and the guy she cheated on you with. Problem gone immediately.I think we view the meaning of logic completely differently, because to me, this example is nothing but pure emotion.
>>1902743I'm sure the Israeli government will now stop because they are so moved by a random ass American killing himself. This surely will cause them to realize this old ass conflict is wrong. Thank you, white American man!
No. 1902999
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Nobody thinks anybody above the age of 20 looks like a teenager unless they are autistically faceblind. Like seriously.
No. 1903005
nonnie I just posted this after reading through this thread and seeing everyone above talk about how young they look and I kek'd thinking about the image I uploaded. I haven't posted about this "bait" before just now. I guess it's easy to assume every post you don't like is by the same nefarious anon. Schizo.
(infighting) No. 1903022
>>1903016Kek for real. It always reminds me of this one friend I have that whenever we go out somewhere to eat, she'll always bring out her ID before ordering a drink, even though we're both in our mid-20s and nobody has ID'd us in maybe 5 years (drinking age is 18 here). It's like, what colour is the sky in their world? What is the obsession with wanting to look young? Or is it the fear of looking old, and in that case, why is it so bad to look old?
>>1903020Again, you sound like a schizo that needs to take her meds.
(infighting) No. 1903040
>>1903022They equate youth with value. Fear of being old, losing their perceived value in the world. They're scared nobody will think they're pretty anymore if they aren't a teenage baby anymore. I don't blame them, the media promotes this thinking and scrotes online constantly post about it. It's sad.
>>1903020Don't worry nona, I'm sure you definitely look like a 16 year old!
No. 1903109
>>1903102Yeah, totally. All the young teenagers flock to you because you look just like them, a young teenager. That's totally real. See the picture from:
No. 1903501
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I don't think there's anything wrong with being the woman who made the post in picrel, or the pumpkin spice wife. Men do think about their old flames and their fun but BPD exes. Women do it, too. It's the way life goes.
No. 1903522
>>1902305I think it's because statistics show Gen Z is the generation to be having the least amount of sex compared to the generations before them when they were the same age.
>>1903501I think it's a bit sad to say something like this. Comparing yourself to an imaginary woman, thinking you're better than her because she's "basic and boring". The imaginary woman isn't even real and yet they're in competition with them. All this over a scrote? It reminds me of sex workers who brag that married men sleep with them.
No. 1903533
>>1903341Damn that looks good
>>1903528It's not just Americans, and usually drinks like that are a mid day dessert, it's not like an all day beverage. I drink normal tea and coffee and get one of those bad boys like once a week.
No. 1903685
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I think there are a lot more femcels in modern society than we think. But fortunately they aren’t violent. Just weird and awkward. Most of them are fat and/or deeply religious and haven’t found a mate. im talking about myself. I have lost weight but I haven’t succeeded in education and thus haven’t moved out. I’d rather die than get a married to a Muslim man. So I’m stuck here where I am
No. 1903710
>>1903673Untrue, idk if I'm from the same country as
>>1903667 is from but the same happened here in my rich European country. People here don't trust American food because it's known to be the shittiest kind of fast food, and we know half of all Americans are obese because of it. Same thing happened with taco bell, it opened here but had to close because people don't trust American unhealthy food. Dominos and pizza hut are facing the same struggles of acceptance here, it's unlikely they'll last.
The 2 places that have actually lasted are burger king and mcdonalds, and even then they're generally seen as the worse option to the local chains. I know plenty of people who never even eat fast food, and that's seen as normal and healthy life choice.
And also; my country really loves coffee. Starbucks doesn't have good coffee, so they never had a chance lol
No. 1903780
>>1903765After watching my step dad die at home from cancer, its your spouse if you're lucky to have a loyal one that will take care of you in those moments. His sons were put out towards the end of their dad's condition, telling my mum it was a waste of time to brush his teeth and keep him hydrated when he stopped eating. She would bathe him he asked to be shaved his oldest scote son would loudly say in ear shot about the smell of death and complain. I was emotional and my step dad consoled me at times when he was on his death bed it was my mum his wife that did the care, she felt guilty when we needed the hospice nurses and care workers to come to the home.
I watched my grandmother die in a care facility after we all cared for my grandfather and his last week was in a hospice, his last few days he was just begging for death. A decade later his wife had to go to a care home she wasn't sick aside from dementia and it was too costly to keep her in her own home with workers she would be hostile towards because she had dementia and strangers were caring for her because her kids were approaching retirement age with families. She picked up an infection in care and died before her 90th she never had cancer she died due to being housed around other elderly people and not being treated with proper respect and care.
You're fucked when you're older unless you can afford care or have a spouse that takes conviction in their vows and will spend your last moments loving you. After seeing what my mum did for my step dad I've told her I'm not putting her in a home when it comes to the time. It'll be a huge endeavour but I think after a few couple decades and if you've harboured love for family you'll start to see the cycle of life more starkly before you. The world is hostile and cruel unless you can make connections. That's why family matters, because they're the only ones that will matter in the end.
No. 1903809
>>1903794UK is increasing the retirement age to 71 or some shit. They want us dead so they don't have to pay out on pensions I have no idea if the US provides a state pension.
The hospitals are being mismanaged and I keep seeing more and more articles about malpractice. My grandma was born in the 30s and its her generation particularly the women that seem to be the ones living long. The generations after her are dying younger from what I'm observing. We keep being pedalled we're all living longer and our services and stretched but who are these people? The graveyards are stuffed, there'd delays on cremation because of demand. The government's don't want us to retire they want us dead on the production floor.
Our care homes are full with low skilled workers who were never originally on the track for a career in social services. We're letting some of the most vulnerable in society who have worked majority of their life be cared for by people that can't maintain a good enough phone manner for customer service. People working in care should be competent and qualified and well imbursed.
No. 1903814
>>1903735>but you shouldnt have kids just so you can be looked after in old age>Yeah you should.Kek that very sentence I've heard Sargon of Akkad write on Twitter before back in 2020. You traddies are funny. You don't even consider that some families are never going to do that anyway, because the Asian model of the grandparents living in the same household as their older kid doesn't exist worldwide.
AND there are plenty of older parents who couldn't tolerate being dependant on their kids/ can't rely on them, or the family situation is so bad, either side could definitely kill the other in a flash of anger because of how
toxic the environment is between em.
I'd rather go to Belgium or Switzerland where euthanasia is allowed as a childless old lady than to be forced to live with a potential child that I and the world have traumatized one way or another and that resents me being dependent on him/her deep down
InB4 you're too nihilistic, children has much more to lose in terms of psychological health nowadays than even 30 years ago because of how harsh the world has become and have my ass wiped by my potential child or its spouse because I lost all coordination in my body. I don't care if it comes off as incredibly pragmatic and cold, I don't need to gloat about not having kids. I'm just glad the cycle of fucked up-ness that's been carried on in my family dies with me, reproducing
toxic family patterns ain't for me.
No. 1903824
>>1903819this but anime and videogames and movies and tv shows and youtubers and anime and soup operas and sitcoms and anime and cw shows and superheros and anime and comic books and music and anime and memes and porn and anime and anime and anime and anime.¿ but most importantly ANIME
fuckin hate anime like it´s unreal.
No. 1903916
>>1903735But this happens anyway. Boomers are currently rotting in nursing homes because their families don't give a shit.
>>1903819It's not that fandom culture itself is bad. Any fandom that has discussion amongst itself has a culture. It's that the culture of fandom communities has devolved into terminally online, over sensitive retards flinging shit at each other because they have nothing else to live for.
No. 1904004
I never needed a fandom or a "clique" to enjoy media. I just watch it and keep it to myself, maybe talk it with a friend if they watched it too. Why would I need to invite other retards into my life that I have nothing in common with other than an animated show? They're annoying 80% of the times.
>>1903994Like I get that they want to anonymously talk about it but if they're acting stupid on purpose then it means that the culture that lolcow built up back in 2015 is gone lol
No. 1904045
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>>1904036They're talking about changing it.
No. 1904131
>>1903519Yeah bippies are such
victims. They only fuck married men, wreck homes and drag fathers away from their children all to satisfy their ego. Oh wait, I forgot I'm on LC where even conscious home wrecking whores need to be defended as moral to "own the males" lmao.
(infighting bait) No. 1904196
>>1904131No woman drives a man away from his spouse and children except himself.
Blaming temptresses has always been a massive cope by women who don't want to face the easier explanation that they married a massive piece of shit looking to step out on them over a pindrop.
No. 1904211
>>1904196Quick question do you think we don't see how bippies act? Lmao.
Any scrote who chases bippies is trash by default but bippies are also the scum of society facilitating and protecting scrote behavior.
No. 1904355
>>1904038why move to the US? learn a new language and move to a better european country.
>>1904189this isnt true at all…
No. 1904417
>>1904393Lol schools won't even punish them normally and end up blaming the
victims, good luck getting bullying to be seen as criminal activity.
No. 1904428
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i think unique face and body features are good, they make the world more magical and i think uneccessary plastic surgery is a crime against humanity
No. 1904569
>>1904553I would like that because the less sperging about heterosexuality and retarded relationships with scrotes the better. But I also don’t want the site to be advertised as mainly for KHHV women because then it may increase the traffic of “
femcel” newfags who think this is the female halfchan with the same robot culture and then it spirals into another Kaitlyn Tiffany scenario
No. 1904948
>>1904922Palestinian Christians are a thing, Arab women typically wouldn't cheer on their husbands hypothetically as they are the first
victims of arab misogyny and you are a drooling retard.
No. 1904972
>>1904948You're very naive if you think muslim women aren't brainwashed to the point they'll want non-muslim women killed. Muslim mothers greatly contribute to the abuse of their own daughters and will even assist in their honor killing.
>Palestinian Christians are a thingYeah, and their communities regularly get attacked by muslims. Muslims cry genocide when they're the ones doing it to religious minorities.
>>1904928>I want them to have their country so they can stay away from the westThis is a good thought but honestly I doubt they'll be happy with "their" state. Muslims already have plenty of states where they can practice their rape religion in peace but they still wish to "conquer" (actual word they use during their religious meetings) the rest of the world.
No. 1904976
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Asian dudes aren't attractive.(racebaiting)
No. 1905008
>>1904965>>1904972Brainwashed is correct. You would know this if you had an
abusive Muslim mom who got away with it thanks to religious and westerners who look away for the sake of political correctness. If anything, Muslims should be more harshly critiqued
No. 1905047
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>>1904976HARD disagree. I would ride this like the last horse on earth.
No. 1905058
>>1904922they are
victims of islam
No. 1905145
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I feel it’s kind of funny how men shamelessly exploit their gfs with no shame. For example pic related He’s literally using his gf as a work horse to prepare his house for the woman he’s actually going to marry kek her name isn’t even on the house so he can kick her out as soon as she’s done renovating. Women are such silly creatures. I don’t even feel bad for women in bad relationships I just laugh at them to feel better about my own life because at the end of the day at least I’m not renovating a house for my bfs future wife! That’s like level 20 cuck queen
No. 1905149
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>>1905047He’s literally picrel
(racebait) No. 1905153
File: 1709135508031.jpeg (287.39 KB, 1027x1553, 93DB6E3D-CDB2-4E48-8CA7-95F200…)

Beards are catfishing.
No. 1905296
>>1905173Studies show attractive women are intimidating for men so men go for average women more often
Attractive people have a harder time dealing with aging and the effects of it than average people
They aren't immune to social pressure or body dysmorphic disorders, the amount of stunningly beautiful girls I've seen fall into anorexia, self-harm and troonism because they're convinced they're ugly is truly sad. Nor does it prevent them from being born into abuse or poverty, or illness.
There is this constant myth that being attractive is SO much better; it isn't, companies want you to think it's better so you consume their products to reach this magical attractive state.
No. 1905328
>>1905173Prettier people have it 100% harder than uglier people. This is because ugly people have all these weird neuroses about being ugly that pretty people don't have to deal with. Ugly people hate pretty people as well, so pretty people are usually the
victims of ugly peoples' crimes, like for example all the Manson Family killers were ugly but they only killed pretty people like Sharon Tate. Proof that pretty people have it harder than ugly people.
No. 1905351
>>1905334But you understand there are other factors that go into life being good for someone right? High school or later, a slightly ugly woman who presents herself in a feminine way, wears makeup, is funny and/or has good social skills, has a good family or no trauma etc is going to have a much better time in life than a facially beautiful autistic woman who isn’t socially palatable or has deep seated issues. It’s one part of reality and people act like it’s more than that. It isn’t but you’ll never understand it unless you wake up one day and go from a 4 to a 9. I also think people confuse “pretty” with “fitting the ideal female standard in society”. An objectively beautiful model may still have it harder than a slightly cute woman with a “”Stacy”” presentation and lifestyle.
I’ve had people tell me I have “nothing to be suicidal about”. People can’t imagine things being difficult for those with above-average looks.
No. 1905364
>>1905354I wouldn’t care if women hate me because they’re jealous, I’d think it’s funny. Plus I’d never end up in a physically
abusive relationship. Being hot would most likely make me 10x less interested in scrotes than I already am because I wouldn’t need external validation to feel pretty, I’d just go stare at myself in the mirror like a narc. Being pretty is only a down side if you’re stupid and don’t know how to use being pretty or like scrotes.
No. 1905382
>>1905359I went to a girls' school in a country where tall poppy syndrome is very much a thing. If you're too much of anything - smart, pretty, affluent and boastful about it, athletic, had interests that were considered weird, anything that makes you stick out - you were relentlessly bullied and mocked for being a tryhard. In adulthood it's very much the same, at least where I live.
What other anons said about looks being just one part of life experience is true, but being bang on average has been a big relief in my case.
No. 1905417
>>1905390Depends on the place I think. There are a fair few normies in my work who don't really know much about anime and games but I still talk about those with the few people who do, and other things like rugby with people who don't. They seem to like me well enough - and I do thank my lucky stars I can compartmentalise and hide my power level as opposed to having "
problematic" looks that
trigger people into shite-talking. I'm no beauty queen but I still got a proper bollocking from some girls for having big eyes, my one good feature. My nickname was Dobby kek.
No. 1905527
>>1905435NTAYRT but I thought I'd explain the link between Shein dresses and spirituality for your benediction. Shein dresses are known to contain lead. Lead is a very important material in alchemy and various religious denominations because it contains cosmological energy vibrations of the 6th caliber, by proxy of it's relation to the celestial Saturn. If you look at Exodus chapter 15 verse 10, you'll notice the phrase "sank like
lead in mighty waters." This is an important aspect to remember, especially as we relate that water is the element of love; the Greeks said so because Aphrodite emerged from the water. Water is often considered a feminine element, as it changes form to match the vessel that contains it. As lead sinks in water, according to the holy bible, it was one of the first known materials of human existence and the first cosmological metal discovered for use in alchemy, well before the other six (gold, silver, mercury, copper, iron & tin). Throughout the Age of Pisces, lead was used improperly and without the specific ritualistic methodology to construct
water pipes for various civilizations. Although the unadulterated vibrational energy of lead pipes was a cause of great progress for early Humanity, moving us from 2D to 3D life, our hubris forbade us from achieving much 4D acceleration in light of our species' misuse of lead for carrying the waters of pure love energy (PLE). As our planet moves towards the Age of Aquarius, the correct leaders will soon reveal themselves and we will be made aware of the correct spiritual foundations for carrying water via lead with proper methodology so as to increase spiritual vibrations and to ascend to higher planes of being. If we coalesce our knowledge of elementary alchemy, astrology, and basic physics of the astral planes (1 through 5), it becomes clear that Shein dresses are a gateway to 4D (yet paradoxically holding the astral self back from achieving true 5D vibrational enlightenment). Hope this is clear enough I know it's a lot to swallow, but my recommendation is to avoid leaded Shein dresses until the Age of Aquarius officially starts. Remember that the astrological ages arrive not at a given date, but rather emerge through several decades in varying degrees like the rising of the tide.
No. 1905530
>>1905528You freak I would never use ChatGPT it's an affront to the Lord and the higher powers. Can you please delete your comment because it's not true and it's libel against me. I'm about to get really pissed off at you if you don't take that back. Please can you delete your post now it's misinformation.
>>1905529Thank you for the cigar Superman.
No. 1905596
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>>1905552>>1905552Okay I will now sorry if my post was weird I was just trying to help but unfortunately some anon said I was a robot AI but I'm not a robot AI and I asked her to delete her libellous post but she didn't so that sucks. Anyways my unpopular opinion is it's better to take your medicine with Diet Coke because the fizz helps the medicine to dissolve quicker.
No. 1905623
>>1905612Yeah I sage my posts even in /ot and /g when they're minute replies. I feel like if I don't have anything big to add to the conversation then I'd rather not bump the thread.
>>1905614Okay don't be so creepy about it though like you sound weird in this post but you're probably the same anon that called me a robot so whatever don't you believe I live in the circuits? Beep boop beep like whatever.
No. 1905653
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>>1900863Feminist women have no idea what anti-natalism means in reality. I saw a post on Twitter about how Korea's birthrate has dropped to record low and so many women were celebrating it. I don't think these people understand that the future wont be based empowered women enjoying themselves with travel and hobbies and luxuries. First world lifestyle wont be possible anymore when majority of people are elderly and everyone else has to pay for them. Public services will collapse in coming decades. Everything will become more expensive until things like travel will become accessible to only the rich. There will be so much chaos, extremism and violence as a result. By the end of the century, Korea's population is projected to shrink by 90% and the rest of us are not far behind. That's apocalyptic. Feminism will die, either countries like Korea select authoritarian right-wing government that takes away women's rights to force births up, or everyone will simply be too busy trying to survive to care about equality. I'm childless as well, I'm not judging anyone but I'm frustrated by how shallow most women's takes are when it comes to this issue.
No. 1905659
>>1905653Okay so we're damned if we do, damned if we don't. What's your solution? The rest of us taking one for the team to up the birth rate and prevent some dystopian handmaid's tale-esque future? Women should not be sacrificed on the altar of possible future issues which have not actually happened yet. Humans are resilient and intelligent, I would not rule out innovations to cope with low birth rates (introducing more AI/robotics into the workforce, cutting out bullshit jobs so more people can work in aged care for example).
There is no perfect way to promote women's interests because the more we're liberated, the more men fight against it and who knows how far they will be able to take it. But women having children they don't want is an immediate loss for feminism, and it's not justified by speculating about potential losses in future.
No. 1905660
>>1905653>I'm not judging anyone but I'm frustrated by how shallow most women's takes are when it comes to this issue.So women of the current generation are just as selfish as women of prior generations? Got it!
Never let Boomers try to shame you.
They didn't made you out of love, but out of narcissism and social backup, so you can take care of them when they're old and frail.
No. 1905661
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>>1905653>"Declining birthrates in Korea means the end of the first world!">Korea.>First world.Nonnie I think this is a very specific problem that's localized to occupied Korea. That country is like 5 mega corporations in a trench coat designed by the foreign policy of an imperialist nation from the New World. Of course it's bound to fail: it's inorganic. The population of Korea will continue to fall until they reach a stabilizing point, or until they get people to immigrate to their country, or until they fix the work-life balance of their society at large. Who wants to have a kid when you live in a hyper consumerist patriarchal country barely 100 years old constantly on the brink of new war with the revolutionary forces literally on your border? Look at picrel and replace "prey" with "human beings" and "predator" with "detriments to healthy happy life," and you'll understand. When times are good lots of people have babies, then because of the amount of people shit gets tough and nobody has babies, and then things get better again so there are more babies. This has been happening since time immemorial.
No. 1905684
>>1905653Nonna, Korea's problem is very specifically korean and attached to a few specific cultural problems like extreme work cultures and badly implanted policies in the 70s trying to make people settle for having a daughter instead of having six children expecting a son because muh men, literally no other country has the same problem.
Even Japan's population crisis could be managed if people moved away from tokyo and spread more across the country.
No. 1905688
>>1905684> literally no other country has the same problem.Disagree.
China and India are in the same boat.
No. 1905689
>>1905653I hope you realize that 90% of the causes behind declining birth rates are economic factors, especially in a capitalist shithole like korea where the government is pushing for 60hour workweeks when they already do unpaid overtime daily.
Women will continue to marry and reproduce with the shittiest men possible, so it has nothing to do with the ebin feminysts that you’re blaming for some reason. Most people literally cannot afford a family or even have the time/energy to find someone decent. The world is collapsing because of moids own built systems.
No. 1905771
>>1905763Which is also infuriating, I think social media tard creators should just suck it up and admit that the shit they make isn't that good if they need to mention sex or violence in every post they make.
I'm pretty sure social media would be more simple if everyone applied the rule of "if you don't have anything good to say, don't say it".
No. 1906036
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>>1905786Damn, anons weren’t kidding about the influx of tradtards on here.
No. 1906058
>>1906048I mean I understand that. But anons on here telling you that ranting about how disgusting pregnant women are and how disgusting women with kids are is misogynistic and bitter are
not the ~probirthers~ that bother you so much.
No. 1906080
>>1906048>child free women are all happy and get to engage in their hobbies constantly>women with children are all barefoot and locked in the kitchenThis is not a reflection of reality. It's extreme black and white thinking that lacks nuance and indicates the need to spend time outside.
>>1906066>tradhots are a bigger threatHow are a small group of women with limited social media presence a threat? I only know what a tradthot is because mentally ill women on LC let them live rent free in their heads.
No. 1906114
>>1906077I dont think talking about children or motherhood is inherently trad but some of the opinions about it I've seen in this thread specifically are very trad. like most of the time the topic is brought up to begin with is some retarded trad insane take itt. you can tell it's not like that on /g/ for example.
>>1906080>This is not a reflection of realityobviously not and I never implied that but tradthots literally groom their little girls to think that their only joy should be serving moids and birthing children. how is it wrong from me to point out you can do other things with your life. don't be obtuse
also repeating and trying to convince others of what is basically the status quo (having children, being a SAHM, doing all the domestic chores, ignoring career, etc) is basically what tradthots do and they set us all back because they're essentially pickmes that rely on motherhood to be picked. basically don't be an idiot bringing up retarded conservatard takes and you wont be called trad.
No. 1906128
>>1906114>how is it wrong from me to point out you can do other things with your lifeTradthots and those vulnerable to tradthot propaganda aren't on LC.
>retarded conservatard takes and you wont be called tradBut what constitutes are "retarded conservatard take"?
No. 1906140
>>1906136>as if having an older userbase an excuse to spout misogynistic conservatard drivelBut where on LC is this happening?
>if you feel attacked by people commenting they dont want to give birth because they don't want to get fat, hit the treadmil. hit dogs holler.Again where is this happening? Where on LC are women telling other women to get married and have children?
No. 1906157
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>>1906139fuck off, don't gaslight me bitch, go back a thread and you will see a retard saying every woman should have sex with men and have babies or some backwards thing like that.
>>1906140in this very thread but I have a feeling I am talking with the subject that keeps bringing them up judging by the writing style + reddit space.
No. 1906164
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>>1906140while the trad shit is overstated do you honestly believe the people that'd push such things are retarded enough to say "have kids or else!" especially knowing it might drive others away? no, they will skirt around it or drop drivel like picrel. in the last thread there was someone that outright said men and women need one another sexually/romantically, with another anon outright saying that if a man isn't
abusive or cheating even if he fails to do domestic labor a woman is crazy to divorce him. granted I'm sure some anons might be grouping in generic nigelposters with them.
>>1906128it's suspicious that you frame it like they're not at all on lc and that literally no one that'd be vulnerable to such talk is here. some anons might disagree but there's all kinds of women here? that's just how the internet works.
No. 1906173
>>1906164>Oh no why aren't females having more babies!God I hate retards who worry about shit like that. I wouldn't have kids with a Korean moid either, let alone live in Korea as a woman. I wouldn't even have kids with a local moid because they're ugly, lazy, entitled and off their rockers. Every time someone wrings their hands about women not having "enough" children whatever that means, it ends up being a dogwhistle for some saving the white race Bible thumper bullshit. Every fucking time.
There is eight billion people in the world right now. I don't think my genes are any better than worse than an immigrant's, but I sure do wish these retards never reproduce. And judging from the incessant angry whining about women not wanting to have babies, seems like I'm getting my wish kek
No. 1906181
>>1906157>judging by the writing style + reddit space.Paranoia. It's impossible to know who you are exactly talking to on an anonymous image board.
>reddit spaceNewfag. That's not reddit spacing, it's how to quote on an image board and it has been done that way since the emergence of text boards in Japan in the 90s.
>>1906164Someone posted an unpopular opinion in the unpopular opinions thread. No one is going to see that post and decide to marry a moid and breed with him. The fact that it's been posted in the unpopular opinions thread should tell you that it's not an accepted world view on LC. If you don't want to see opinions you disagree with, maybe avoid the thread.
>it's suspicious that you frame it like they're not at all on lc and that literally no one that'd be vulnerable to such talk is hereLC is hostile to traditional views on gender roles and men in general. No tradthot is going to come here and feel welcome. Those that try either stand out and are mocked by other posters or get banned for infighting.
No. 1906229
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Modern men are so fucking ugly. They look so trashy. We should have never allowed moids to get tattoos, get buzzcuts, and definetly we should have forced them to shave. Just wake me up when this shitty trend ends, although it probably will never end since modern scrotes are the most insecure faggots that think shaving is ''gay''. I am glad husbandos exist otherwise i would have gone insane with the amount of uglyness that assaults my vision on the daily.
No. 1906300
>>1906210>what do you feel about the subject of children or marriage then as opposed to alternatives?Women should be able to do what they want with their lives and they should be provided with the necessary information that enables them to make the best choices for themselves. Not all women are going to make good choices all the time and women will have different opinions on what is the best choice for them.
>do you hate conservatism?Yes.
>deters them from occasionally posting here?If they only occasionally post here, it would indicate that the hostility they get does deter them.
>or the mothers and nigel posters?I don't care. If I see a post I don't like I scroll past it, or if it's bait, trolling or breaks another rule I would probably report it.
>implying no women with any traditional values are here at allThinking that men can't be women is a traditional value so I'm not sure what you mean by traditional values or why that's implicitly negative.
>>1906214>he's just sealioning and trying to waste someone's time with pathetic trollingI asked someone who thinks tradthots are everywhere why they think that. That anon took it as a personal insult and became offended that I questioned them. They could have explained their reasoning and I might have agreed with them.
>this idiot found this thread like 2 threads agoYes, one this entire site with over 8000 UIPs there's one person that disagrees with you, they follow around multiple threads and they happen to be a man. This is narcissistic paranoid neuroticism.
No. 1906362
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>>1906359>Pull out method and vasectomies are the best alternativesYes, but one's a clearly superior alternative.
No. 1906364
>>1905784antinatalism has interesting philosophical viewpoints and a lot of people get
triggered by it because it puts blame on parents and challenges a lot of social conventions and popular beliefs (human life is the most valuable existence on earth, raising children is one of the great sources of meaning in life, motherhood is a virtue, we invest in the future by raising the next generation, etc). i think we should consider the arguments for antinatalism but i don't think it's a viable solution to a lot of the problems it aims to address, personally.
No. 1906452
>>1906361>>1906362no, pulling out obviously isn't as effective as a vasectomy but it works to a certain extent, especially if you have a regular cycle and can avoid sex during your fertility window. just like
>>1906350 ive successfully done it for years too but my life wouldn't be ruined if I got pregnant. if a pregnancy is off limits for you, if abortion is impossible where you live or if your cycle is irregular, then don't risk it. vasectomy is obviously the superior choice but unfortunately you can't DIY at home kek
>>1906447nta but a lot of straight women like that because of the intimacy factor, as gross as it sounds. i don't think it's worth the hassle tho
No. 1906607
>>1906595If they're shit when you meet them you'll only train them on how to better hide it or compartmentalize
If it's not one on one and is more general.. they'll only get a kick out of any woman spending time or effort on arguing with chimpbrain. Changing, training or enlightening men is lost time you won't get back
No. 1906690
>>1906671Pretty sure I watched the same one lately. They even tried to make it sound wholesome. Helping poor closet cases.. through bjs and std risks for the wife?
I wasn't surprised tbh. When I used to work with alot of gay guys who were perma checking Grindr they spoke about how many married 'living the straight life' men were on there either offering money or hoping for a free meet. Daddy/boy meet ups being what they go for most (grindr has a prob with underage guys using it) Freely saying their wife is away for a couple days and they have the house to themself to accomodate.. In their marital bed. Well his wife is not my businness type of attitude.
No. 1906711
>>1906687 >Fucked a tranny and had a grindr profile. Obviously he tried to hide it. Pure ranging cause he was really hot grindr is as much a gay prostitution app as its a hook up app. Old men on it usually have to pay to get anyone because it's heavily about youth chasing. If a profile says a guy is 18 that usually means he's 15/16 but that just means more willingness to throw cash their way. If your ex is as hot as you say he prob was getting bombarded with cash offers off of out of shape guys his dads age.
When I was in hospital years ago I got talking to a staff member that's from the same tiny village my dad is from. He has a wife and kids back there and would stay in the city during the week for work. My brother one day visits me while I'm there and shows me look that man is on grindr.
No. 1906786
>>1906628I feel bad for zoomer girls since the days of enjoying your teen years and 20s are non existent. 3rd places are gone, socialization is at an all time low, even with other women, everything that use to be a cheap treat like a manicure or blow out costs an arm and leg. Even fast food is sit down prices now. It's no wonder a lot of zoomer girls dig themselves into credit card debt then plan to kill themselves at 35 or something and majority of them can barely even live on their own and likely have to abide by their parents rules still.
Don't even get me started on dating for zoomer girls either. Between being groomed by pedos on kik in their teens and now dealing with ugly dirty moids who expect to be financially supported while dealing with porn addicts antics like none stop boob insults or some shit, idk why women even bother now
No. 1906842
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Maybe I'm being a autistic but assertions along the lines of "you don't need motivation, you need discipline" are fundamentally flawed. Discipline inherently demands a motive; without a perceived purpose, action is pointless. It's very important to maintain a base level of motivation where the perceived benefits at least match the effort. If someone is saying they can't find enough motivation to do something, telling them they just need discipline is not helpful.
No. 1906916
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>>1906860This clip lives in my head
No. 1906932
>>1906928She's just built different kek
She doesn't need legs anyway because has her own personal snack grabber as evidenced by the clip
No. 1906943
>>1906932And you guys say that having a moidlet is a waste of time.
>>1906821There's something so cozy about these old British shows, they were so blunt while not being melodramatic. I loved the one in which they got a fat person and a skelly and made them eat like each other.
No. 1906956
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I think the ghetto hood rat bimbo look is cute. I wish I had the money to look like that.
No. 1906960
>>1906788It's repulsive. I know plenty of anons here hate kids and women getting pregnant and all, it doesn't bother me personally but I know so many women who's social media turned into a borderline pregnancy fetish page as soon as they became pregnant. And they're also straight up dishonest about the effort it takes on the body and raise children
I feel this way about Matt and Abby (tiktok page). As soon as Abby became pregnant the entire thing just became fetishey, talking about her boobs non stop and how she can climb mountains while almost in labor and then a bikini pic with another pregnant woman once a week. It's so unsettling
No. 1907432
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I’m not surprised all those rappers who are being outed as gay in the p diddy case. Rappers are just theater kids pretending to be thugs.
No. 1907550
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i fucking hate dolphins and wish they never existed. I wish we could kill all those animal rapists with ultrasound. Bastards, all of them.
No. 1907556
>>1907516That would make you 5 ft 4.5, so…not tall at all. Of course jeans wouldn’t be too short for you, especially if your legs are shorter than average too. When we’re talking about tall women struggling to find clothes, we’re obviously not talking about you. More like 5ft8 and above
>>1907533Smallness is desired in women though. Maybe an abnormally short woman would not be the beauty standard, but you wouldn’t have all these annoying bitches constantly talking about how smol and cute they are if they didn’t recognize there was something socially desired about that.
I could see your argument for average height being seen more favorably than truly short, but that’s not the same as tallness being desired in women. Large stature is mocked and reviled in women. We only allow exceptions for models because their thinness counter balances their height.
>>1907495You’re right and you should say it. I can sympathize with short women being infantilized or not taken seriously, but it’s absolutely ridiculous to pretend that people generally prefer women to be tall rather than short.
No. 1907565
>>1907550Dolphins are the moids of the sea. And so are Adelie penguins for commiting necrophilia and seals for raping peguins.
Also offtopic but great now I'm thinking about that study based on a hypothetical about women giving birth to dolphins to eat because of that picrel.
No. 1907598
>>1907574not to
victim shame but if you are getting abused you dont commit suicide when they stop the abuse. That dolphin was a whore.
No. 1907599
>>1907598Orcas commit suicide for less and they're in the same family, I can't believe I'm saying this despite my hatred of them but don't
victim blame the dolphin.
No. 1907602
>>1907599I will
victim blame the moid coomer dolphin all i want.
No. 1907613
>>1907589that's not my experience at all, where do you live? burgerland where the average height for a woman is only 5'3? also I didn't say I can't find clothes at all, I said it's hard to find clothes that won't need adjustments.
>>1907556>but you wouldn’t have all these annoying bitches constantly talking about how smol and cuteThey say that to piss tall women off. I've seen really fugly women try to humblebrag that they're cute little princesses just because they're short. That's all they have kek.
No. 1907676
Tall women coping and calling men who like short women pedos, sounding like a Nazi eugenicist talking about how nasty short women are and that we should move over because they’re entitled to tall men for being tall will never not be funny to me. Moids fuck animals, moids fuck your mom, moids cheat on your mom with your dad, moids fuck corpses, moids fuck fat women, moids fuck just about anything because real beauty and attraction has never been a standard to them, you’re just stuck in a trap of validation because it’s a form of moid control on women and dunking on midgets and semi-average midget women isn’t going to get you dick any time soon. I would like tall women to stop whining like they’re oppressed and get a backbone please, just as ridiculous as other women claiming they were victims of colorism because their girl cousins came out with blonde and blue eyes and they were born with brown eyes. Tall women have the benefits of better clothing and fashion, better weight distribution, better public perception and model halo (tall = you should be a model). Ever thought they go for short women because the woman happens to be pretty and doesn’t need their height to pull their weight in the world of male validation? Shocking I know. Being dick obsessed makes you look fucking crazy and stupid
No. 1907690
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>>1907555The placement of their eyes is kinda freaky the more you look at it.
No. 1907718
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not before your wide 100 year old tree stump long neck catches an airplane in the sky like a suicide net, seethe tallfag(retarded infighting)
No. 1907971
>>1907960because the logic is that their bf/husband is just an innocent man who is a
victim of his wills while the "other woman" is an evil seductress. even when it's a literal child
No. 1908359
>>1908277they hate single moms specifically because it's all 3 things they hate
1- proof the woman has had sex with a man who isn't him
2- a woman who is single and likely wants to be/ didn't get magically addicted to a moid just because she had his kid
3- someone who they wouldn't personally date. They hate their dating pool lowered and actually expected the entire population of women to wait for their crusty ween specifically
No. 1908472
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I agree with her
No. 1908758
>>1908472Her moral fagging made me flinch also sex is actually degenerate or it's not possible to see porn as degenerate but not sex cause if you filmed average sex it would look like porn looks like, porn wouldn't be shocking if sex wasn't degrading, if it's not degrading then its the natural power dynamic that makes it seem degrading cause women are in a submissive position. You either hate both or are ok with both obviously besides the illegal things that happen in porn. Porn will never stop existing, women sometimes do it willingly just as they suck men dicks willingly cause it's their sexuality. I've seen radfems saying that kanye west girlfriend looks like she's being abused but of you snapped a picture of straight sex then the woman would look like she's being tortured yet supposedly she's not. So porn isn't that different and everyone hates porn mostly for ego reasons which is
valid anyway. The moral fagging is what radfem spaces are infected with and denialism too. But if they don't speak the truth about sex then who does? Literally no one and this also brainwashes women. Everyone knows how vulnerable female position in sex is, submissive and often servile and a denial of this also manifests itself in sex positive people claiming that doing porn and being promiscuous is not damaging to women at all, that dating old men is not damaging to women at all, that motherhood and pregnancy is not damaging at all, dating men is not damaging at all yet it always gets exposed that it actually caused these women to mental issues kek. The trads are at the same level as libfems, not lower or higher
>>1908602We can blame both sexes for porn, men more but still KEK there will always be women who do porn willingly these trad women seem like they are just trying to create a dating strategy for themselves because they know men want whores and there will always be a woman who goes lower than you for male validation
No. 1908822
>>1908816The type of women who end up single moms aren’t normal. Bpd fags, date ex convicts, come from poor and
abusive homes etc
No. 1908925
>>1908921Tbh from my experience a lot of them aren’t single moms for saying no, it’s just their baby daddy is so fucked up there’s no way he going to take responsibility for anything. Most of them would still stick with their
abusive druggie baby daddies if he wanted to be there.
No. 1909103
>>1909048I've seen scrotes strip women of their mental health while in monogamous relationships too.
You're all coping.
No. 1909108
>>1908253Is this some grimdark corpo astroturfing?
You want healthy foods to shrink and disappear off the shelves in lieu for meager-portioned fake food made in a lab to cost 2000 fed creds a kilo to stick it to fatties? And hey dumbass, it won't just be food.
You are a retard if not a cocksucking plant.
No. 1909145
>>1909137You can have a day job and do some casual work on the side for extra income without "destroying" your life or tanking your goals.
Sounds like you really want people to buy into the "fallen woman" trope and act like her life is automatically meaningless once she's had dick in her…hm…..
No. 1909161
>>1909153>That if he were a woman he'd be selling his pussy.Note: Selling it. Not giving it away for free and then cooking dinner and cleaning house and giving half paycheck for rent.
Believe men.
No. 1909180
>>1909167Can't speak for everyone but it was easier and less costly to treat my acne versus my weight issues. I'll never be able to afford skin removal and muscle repair to truly heal my body from childhood obesity. What you're saying is kind of untrue unless you truly cannot pinpoint the cause of your acne which is unlikely if you've been to a derm.
My acne didn't go away for years because I went to a quack who prescribed me antibiotics and topicals without addressing my clear hormonal imbalances–but the medication to correct that was inexpensive.
No. 1909195
>>1909181Regardless of womens intentions on being anti-trans, I welcome them.
I dont know who on earth youve spoken to, but no woman I've ever met has been threatened that trannies are "dethroning" them kek. Your post reads very much like a tranny trying to cope with women not wanting them anywhere near them, its amazing if youre not.
No. 1909197
>>1909185Try and understand that’s how male-identified women THINK
nonny, I’m not stating greasy troons would be able to replace actual women but that’s probably the thought process of women who rely on the attention of men, unfortunately.
No. 1909307
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Beer, wine, liquor and alcoholic beverages are pretty gross and overrated as people treat them like some sort of special drink when most of it tastes disgusting and are kinda pricey. I'm 25 and I don't get it other than to open yourself up and let loose though I find sweet fruity alcoholic drinks a little more tolerable.
No. 1909324
>>1909279Would you say the same if someone was talking shit about asian, black, etc. women, almost like they always do daily and get banned for it but talking about stanley cup wahmen is crossing the line? You wouldn’t and we all know you wouldn’t, because you have the luxury of pretending that you’re not racist and the most selfish, dumb fucking cowards on this earth who can’t stand people criticizing you. At least the moids are outright with their racial hatred instead of burying it under some pathetic
victim complex because people happen to find your wretched low intelligence enabled by white moids and low emotional regulation and snake behavior alarming in general society. Stfu and stop being such a thin skinned moron, oh my god kek
(racebaiting) No. 1909353
>>1909307I buy one bottle a year, to have between xmas and new years and its always whiskey
I know alot of people go for gin drinks but it's the one spirit where no amount of diluting it down with something else can make it taste tolerable to me.
No. 1909480
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This is the superior plug and socket system, nothing compares to it.
No. 1909537
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>>1909524>>1909530i think it was the fact that there was ai art in adverts that attracted artention.
Especially since the ads were obviously scammy like picrel
No. 1909539
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>>1909537And the depressed oompa loompa is becoming a meme
No. 1909670
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Only beta women prefer the after
No. 1909685
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>>1909670tbh i'm so used to seeing moids with fucked up huge ugly noses that I didn't realize what was different at first. Good, scrotes should nitpick themselves more.
No. 1909692
>>1909524It’s funny but it feels like a forced meme, like it’s one of those things people who live on Twitter and Tumblr make their personality for a week and shove into every conversation. I can’t explain it you just have to know what I’m talking about. A weird real life event, something with popular characters, something that kinda looks like the babadook. They eat that shit up, Twitter and Tumblrites have this annoying autistic brand of like “i’m in on the joke” thing, well yeah you’re one of the first people to see the funny thing give it a couple days and the rest of the shitty internet will get to it. We need Ellen back to contain memes if she was still around those poor actors would have just been on her show and that would be it. We would have been spared of it leaking it’s containment zone (Scotland?) and having everyone make the same joke.
>>1909670Imo it doesn’t really make much of a difference to his face for me. He suits either nose fine.
No. 1909858
>>1908275It’s just another way of dumping your misogyny onto something without making it super obvious you actually hate women, same with nurses etc. They hate that single mothers can actually get some social/gov support so they need to make stereotypes about how they’re all mentally ill, white trash, alcoholics etc, see the retarded tradthot
or a moid below.
No. 1909889
>>1909858>>1909879I second this, that saying “not all nurses are mean girls but all mean girls become nurses” is true in my experience. It’s one of the easiest degrees to obtain (in the top 5 if I’m remembering correctly) so it attracts a lot of people who just want to be perceived positively and seen as hardworking, nurturing heroes. The medical field attracts a lot of antisocial and narcissistic people so that’s why a lot of them are so mean.
One of my sisters is a nurse and she said that nurses are extremely catty and judgmental mean girls, and I’ve heard so many horror stories about nurses. Like being gossiped about or made fun of by nurses, being given dirty looks, having them flirt with their partner in front of them.
I actually just saw a tiktok made by a nurse that showed her and a group of other young nurses running down a hallway and the text said “when a patient is giving birth and you hear that her husband is hot” and the comments were filled with women talking about how their nurse(s) flirted with their husband while they were there to give birth, and how they had to watch nurses eyefuck her husband while she was shrieking in labor kek. My sister said it’s not uncommon irl and that she knows of nurses hooking up with men while their gf or wife is literally in the hospital suffering
No. 1909943
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LC if we got rid of the post like a moid thread
No. 1910118
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>>1910094I'm sorry but nurses don't treat women nicely either, and there are A LOT of women who can attest to the fact that a lot of female nurses are bitchy to women in vulnerable positions.
No. 1910127
>>1910105>>1910113>>1910115I haven’t said that you can’t talk about abuse of power in the medical field, but somehow the conversation is primarily focused on female dominated field. Like middle aged people can be awful customers in general, but there’s no male equivalent of Karen meme, even though males will do worse than just asking for manager.
>>1910118Whisper memes are cringe, integrate.
No. 1910199
>>1910170You might live in a different environment where better behavior is more common but that doesn’t suddenly change the fact that
abusive hateful mothers exist and they’re often more likely to be single mothers because there’s no secondary parent present to put a halt to any dangerous parenting. Users bringing up the fact that
abusive single mothers exist is not saying that every single mother in the world are the worst people alive because no one is alluding to that, but it also isn’t projection of mommy issues or imposing your experience onto reality to discuss the topic of abuse by a single mother. It’s not misogynistic at all to say that women are capable of abusing their daughters.
No. 1910220
>>1910203I've been lucky in my own therapy but seeing how many therapists now have youtube channels highlights why people have to shop around so much to find one that 'fits' and isn't just nuts themself.
One I watched yesterday
> if you were cheated on by a partner you should point 1 finger at them and point 3 fingers at yourselfSo deep. They weren't even talking about a pattern of always going for people who turn out to be cheaters. If it happens just once you have to go on this whole I brought this on myself because muh trauma bs? Imagine if you paid to hear that.
No. 1910236
Yeah, the "get therapy" rebuttal is just a way to handwave away anyone who is too inconveient. And like you said, even if you can get a therapist, that doesn't mean they'll actually help you. My time in the therapy/psychiatry health system ruined years of my life. And inpatient should just be illegal at this point. One day I think we'll look at them like insane asylums and wonder how anyone thought holding people down and shoving Seroquel down their throats to sedate them after cutting off their access to the outside world was healthcare.
I guess to piggyback off your opinions, my unpopular opinion is that psychology is not a well-founded field and needs to be reformed in almost every way. Some of its most influetial, formative thinkers (psychoanalysts like Freud and Jung) were just dressing up complete woo in academese. And a lot of the thinking now is still very unsophisticated and stupid. Obviously mental illness is a real thing, but the way psychology as a field has defined and taxonomized them is so retarded it's no wonder therapists are typically useless to anyone except reasonably well-adjusted, well-off people with a bit of anxiety. I think psychology professionals often make things worse for vulnerable people who come to them looking for help. After all the controversies psychologists have faced (like schizophrenia diagnoses being disproportionately leveraged against black civil rights activists to functionally incarcerate them, the lobotomizing of women and gay men, "drapetomania," etc.), I have no clue how people still see psychologists, or the field of psychology, as unquestionably legitimate.
No. 1910240
>>1910236>psychology is not a well-founded fieldIt isn't at all. It's been developed through very, very subjective shaky foundations and ideas that, while may be superficially denounced, permeates the subject and the practice. Additionally, it is so dependent on the current culture and time. The way 'symptons and signs' are grouped together to make (a thought up) disorder, it's just all done so shabbily. And same as you, I don't believe that mental health problems do not exist, it is evident they do, how childhood problems manifest in adulthood is all observable truth, but I do not consider psychology truly legitimate. It's just flinging shit into the air, see what lands.
No. 1939813
>>1939793ah yes, I also have children twerk for me in audition tapes, because that's a normal fucking thing to do
watch a thousand children twerking
to find the child who is best at twerking
and then stuff a camera up the fucking assholes of the twerking little girls literally in the fucking movie itself
and also have a little girl act like she's having an exorcism performed on her, where she has to not be wearing a bra for some reason, and have her shake her little mosquito bites as hard as humanly possible for the camera
nahhhhh, the person who would do that
isn't a raging pedo, what are talking about? totally normal behavior, who hasn't done that before?
the fuck out, dan schneider
No. 1939833
>>1939793this should not be banned for necro, the last post was literally 17 hours before it, and
it was the necro
it should be banned because this bitch is a pedophile apologist
(take it to meta)