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No. 1650373
Last thread:
>>>/ot/1538063Screech into the oblivion. A place to say how you really feel without other people feeling entitled to give you shit for it.
>Don't respond to other people's rants. It's not about you, you vain bitch.>Newfags please follow this rule and integrate. You will be reported if you insist on responding to other's posts. Previous threads had anons banned because of this.>Don't forget to copy paste the OP onto the new thread. No. 1650865
File: 1690893534103.jpg (103.48 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg)

>Be me 17
>Get attacked by a pitbull, killed my chihuahua and tore apart my face
>Go to college get good degree in tech
>Plan was to build up some cash then give it to my sister and neck myself
>She does the same course I did and gets scouted by Microsoft for an internship
I'm not mad but I feel like deflated? I think I'm just gonna send my cash to a fox rescuse I like on Youtube
No. 1650998
>>1650902And with that money, they’ll keep expanding their business and breeding more foxes: half to turn into fur, and half to sell to naive people who think they’re lessening their suffering. You’re a good person, though. There are other ways you can make an impact.
>>1650951Nonhuman animals>human animals. As much as I advocate for us women even they participate in stuff like crush fetish and child abuse. Not being born human is a different kind of hell and I comment anon’s heart.
(vain bitch) No. 1651079
File: 1690909754428.png (1.11 MB, 600x844, Megg-and-Mogg-Amsterdam-cover.…)

Any nonas in Megg, Mogg and Owl? I think it does depression pretty accurate.
No. 1651524
I fear my younger brother wants to kill me and I am trapped with him so when he snaps I don't think there is anything I can do. At this point it's just a waiting game. I'm scared,I don't want to become another statistic but I know it's likely. When he was little he crawled into my bed and tried to strangle me because he thought it'd be funny,he's thrown cans at my head, full, heavy ass cans. Now he's stronger than me, he's 20. Everything triggers him, everything I could do pisses him off, me talking on the phone pisses him off. Me being in my room and sleeping too long pisses him off. He pushes me around and is only stopped by my dad from actually hitting me or beating me up. I lock myself in my room when my dad is gone. I stay there without going for food or the bathroom until he gets back. Recently he threatened to stab me while holding a kitchen knife. I ran into my room and he was banging on the door. I have no friends, no family that will take me in, I'm too poor to leave, I don't have any money and no car, no employers even look my way. I'm scared because I genuinely think I'll die while I'm young. I'm sad cause a lot of this is out of my control. I live my life in fear. I'm constantly anxious,my heart is constantly racing. I don't know if I should just become homeless,but is that any safer? I thought about buying a tent with some of the little money I have and taking residence in a tent city if it meant I could be a little bit safer. But I don't know if that's the right thing to do, will homelessness ruin my life? I don't know. I have dreams, I want a successful life just like everyone else. So I tried to do a GoFundMe to help me get a van or something, so maybe I could sleep in it and look for work until I could rent a proper apartment but people reacted negatively, telling me that he's younger so I shouldn't be afraid of him, even when I tell people all of the stuff he does and the threats he makes and how mentally unwell he seems they say he's young and just hormonal and that I should man up because I'm the older sister. I hate e-begging just as much as the next guy but HES 6'1! I don't stand a chance! I'm so scared, my dad, he gets scared of my brother's behavior too and tries to make him see a psychiatrist but he always drops it if my brother acts normal for a couple of days. I just don't know what I can do. I'm a loser neet (not by choice) still working on getting my high school diploma. I'm starting to worry my life isn't worth saving maybe that's why things are playing out the way they are. Ever since that knife thing I've been so on edge, but he apologized to me so my dad has of course dropped it once again. I remember one time my little brother was upset I sat on what he considers to be his spot on the couch. He started racing towards me, my dad had to pry him away and drag him outside and he started punching the walls until his knuckles bled. That's the first time my dad got scared and worried he needed therapy. I stayed in my room with my door locked for the rest of the day, at night he knocked on my door and then he left because I didn't open the door. I live in a horror movie. I'm scared. I can't exaggerate how scared I am. What am I supposed to do?
No. 1651531
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I don't want to go to this stupid convention. You've gone to one every single weekend for the past three months. Every single hangout is compromised by *I have to work on my wiiig~* and if you dont get enough pictures you pout like a child. Grow up. Vanity and pageantry can only get you so far if you're actually trying to find footing in the cosplay industry. You know what really helps you make the connections that you're so depeserate for? Kindness. Try treating people with respect, you competitive fool. It's dress-up games.
No. 1651604
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I made fun of this slut like a year ago but I turned into her clown ass. I feel some pain in my heart about the mess I've made for myself with my horny antics. I'm such a dingbat
No. 1652156
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Stfu. You don't even know how to wish death upon your worst enemies.
No. 1652164
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No. 1652222
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I wanted to use the vent thread so bad and actually receive a response but now I can't because ro-tard is hogging up all the attention
No. 1652821
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I really wish I weren't here rn
No. 1653661
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No. 1653979
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No. 1654227
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I shouldn't come to lc when i'm feeling down
nonnas turn me into a clown
I lie in bed with a frown
I'll never show my face in town
No. 1655396
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Love you, see you soon
No. 1655428
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i want someone to love me
but i can't even handle myself
i don't love myself
how can anyone else
No. 1655487
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Moved in with my abusive mother again out of lack of other options, I’m ditching the faint idea I’ve had of university too, I know I won’t be able to take living with her for a long time so I’ll work a year or two and try to move westward. I know it’s stupid and I don’t have a lot of connections and I will be taking the biggest gamble of my life but I have to get out of my dead end shithole country. There are easier ways to get out, sure, but not so much when your family doesn’t care for you and you’re also working class. This scares me a lot but it’s also my only option in a way, I wish life was fair and suffering was compensated, because I’d pe sitting on the biggest pile of money around if it was. I hope to look at this post a few years from now and acknowledge that luck was on my side for once that’s all.
No. 1655518
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Today fucking sucked. I visited the apartment that I'm trying to sublease because my apartment complex fucking sucks and my door was unlocked from the complex moving new furniture into units. My few cleaning supplies were thrown outside (I cleaned up the place real nice for the new person) and there was trash on top of it, including two used condoms. I walk inside to a fucking disaster zone with dust, dirt, and food trash. The toilet had piss all over the seat and the floor and the floor had skidmarks from someone stepping and sliding in the piss. Now I'm at the 24 hour emergency vet because one of our cats cut themselves real bad and was bleeding like crazy. As far as I know, she's stable because everyone keeps saying she's "spicy" ie coherent and fussy. That means little hurt and she's not losing so much blood that she's losing consciousness or anything, which is wonderful news. Her blood is literally all over the house, though. Poor baby. My nigel is trying to clean the carpet with our spot cleaner while I'm at the emergency vet. It's past midnight and my bed isn't made yet and I'm absolutely going to need to help get the blood out of the carpet when I get home since the place is a rental. We ate at a chinese buffet for dinner too and that shit has some heavy misery shit like it's cursed or something. We gave it a second try after eating there once years ago and that building drains our energy like that new age shit. I want to cry and release but the vet clinic has a fucking camera facing me and I don't want to cry in front of them. I'm just so fucking tired.
No. 1656642
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At least I've kind of accepted now that there are some things that I'll never have, still doesn't stop me from wanting them though
No. 1657382
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It isnt even pot and kettle, it's pot and also pot again but pretending to be kettle. You're fucking out of your mind.
No. 1659067
Damn can't you cooperate in a fucking game? We both want that thing, I already told you that once I'm done helping you, you'll have to help me back so we can get that achievement, but you fucking left me. You left me after I helped you, no in fact, I even had to explain to you because you had no fucking idea how to play this game and you STILL left me. I know it's a game, but it's still an awfully selfish thing to do, especially since you sent me the friend request and asked for help to begin with. I'm glad I don't know you in real life, I just wish I had never known you in the game either. I thought I finally found someone who only cares about playing the game and won't message me everyday to vent about their relationship problems, turns out even those people were a thousand times better than you. before a vain bitch (who's always lurking in this thread for some reason, just like a baiting moid) replies to my post to mock me for ranting about a shitty player in a shitty game, bitch that's the reason I posted it here rather than in the vent thread where anons are often talking about actual problems in their lives, I know my problem is small but I still want to rant
No. 1660453
My grandpa tried to kill himself today. He shot himself in the face twice. It didnt kill him. Im sitting here, eating a fruit cup while waiting on my vehicle to be done with a service so I can drive a long distance to see him in the hospital (if he does manage to stay alive til I get there) and to comfort my mother who is likely to lose a father, and my grandma who is likely to lose her husband. There is cheerful unassuming music here, and most people are just existing. I told an old man cashier I appreciated him with more authenticity than normal. He is old, too. Every day lives end and begin, and and it mostly goes unnoticed. I hope my grandpa passes, it is what he wants. His note referenced the sheer physical pain he is in. He has not been able to partake in conversations or many activities for years at this point due to mobility issues and hearing loss. He wasnt happy and couldnt hide it in recent years. His physical pain is unimaginable day to day and that is what he cited as to why he chose death. I wish we had MAID here. He didnt die despite pitting a gun in his mouth and pulling the trigger twice. In about 15 minutes I will walk back to the tire shop, pay for the service and thank the man working, and go home. Then, I go, and try rehearse how to grieve with my family without losing it myself in my head over and over for 5 hours while I travel. I may bring cleaning supplies and scrub the back yard so no one else has to, and so my grandma doesnt see it.
No. 1660467
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>>1660453I know we're not supposed to say anything, but I'm so fucking sorry anon. That's absolutely horrible. I hope he's able to pass on and that he isn't currently in any pain or confusion. You're a really good granddaughter.
No. 1661047
Neighbor, who had been home all day, saw her walk out and get her DD panda and take her kid out and everything, can't be bothered to walk 3 feet to take her stupid fucking clothes OUT OF THE DRYER IN THE COMMON SPACE because she's fucking lazy. I had clothes sitting in the washer, IN THE HEAT, for 8hrs before she finally got her dryer clothes. I was furious, still furious. I even say outside with dryer balls in my hand, on my phone, being patient as hell while she walked outside SEVERAL TIMES. If you're home, be considerate, and get your shit! She had the closest unit to the damn laundry room!! It's a 45 minute cycle by default. CHECK 45 MINUTES FROM THEN,LADY!!
This was all yesterday and Im still fuming. It's such bullshit. Idc if you have a kid, FOLD IT LATER THEN BUT TAKE IT OUT OF THE FUCKING DRYER! Not like they were HOT when you finally grabbed them 8hrs later, but I had to do a second wash cycle that I had no reason to even have to do. I don't have a clothes line or anywhere to dry these either because the one fucking dyer on our property to use for 4 houses! I broke down in tears with how frustrated I was yesterday. I couldn't even do anything because i had to sit around babysitting the laundry room so that I wasn't an inconsiderate asshole and could rotate my stuff asap.
No. 1663653
>>1663623real shit
nonnie. I think the trans movement is worthy of much criticism (which would have prevented crazy shit from reaching the mainstream like neopronouns or the woodshop hon saga) but the too many anons here take it to schizo levels. Such extreme trans anxiety comes from a place of either A.) having a complex over one's own femininity that manifests as an obsession with phrenology
B.) ex-pooners who jumped the trans train as teens trying to atone for their sins.
Normal trannies do exist but it's much easier to ignore nuance and pretend they're all twitter coomers
(vain bitch) No. 1663665
>>1663623try wearing them
terf stomping boots then, maiden o' hand
(vain bitch) No. 1664014
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Tee hee
No. 1664494
In another life you would've been my soulmate
You were so beautiful, I would've given you my body, my soul, my trust, in a world where I have so little confidence
Now you hate me
Existing planes apart is so much more painful
Knowing the truth is so much more painful than just oblivion
Why must two similar people be compatible or destined to hate one another?
Knowing you showered me in your own pain
I can't take your hatred away, I can't turn your hatred into love
You're broken, no matter how I try and piece you together
I just wanted to love what kept cutting me
I ruin everything for myself, but the last thing I wanted to ruin was you
Wanting to be the one to make you realize the hurt you shared with others
I loved you, I understood you, and you won't see it, but I'm sorry
My body and my heart ache so badly trying to make you understand
Do you care? I'm sorry. It's really my fault. According to you and everyone else. It's always my fault. It's my stock response.
If you don't care, why am I sorry? Do you have any remorse for what you did to me? The things I've already gone thru? The additional pain you inflicted?
The fact that I feel like I'm going to die every day, and trying to surpass what happened to me?
Don't you know by now? I'm always sorry. the one thing I'm not sorry about is trying to make you realize that there could still be love inside you. To salvage the monster. The problem is you don't see your loveliness
I just want to ball my fists into your shoulders and curl into your chest again, I want your arms around me, I want what little warmth your cold heart can offer, and I can't have it.
No. 1664566
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I could see you seeing me rising your red flags, failing your expectations, falling from the pedestal i've been unwittingly erected on and then knocked down. Must be nice riding that high horse. I was bound to push all the wrong buttons, i knew it was never going to work and yet you stayed just long enough to make me believe. I don't care if your intentions are good, it doesn't matter if you're too fucking retarded to see things for what they are, i don't want people to lie to me to keep me happy. You suck and i wish i never met you.
No. 1664632
You are so incredibly pathetic it makes me wonder why people are friends with you. You're a crybaby that, if not for modern invention, would be naturally selected. I wish I were a conspiracy theorist and believed the government culled people so I could send them to your address. Your moid doesn't wipe his arse. You have no self-respect. The poor people who have to be around you are holding back a hurl. The amount of stupidity you display on a daily basis is astronomical, unquantifiable, and, fittingly, entirely idiotic.
I'm not even going to ask you why you're like this, because I know why. Your entire bloodline is weak. You made me a eugenicist, but only for you, because you're so special. What are you, inbred? Your family were the serfs that begged the lower middle class for scraps. Beg as in nag, nag as in be a piece of shit. You're carrying on the tradition. How could you do this to yourself? The sheer mention of your name on my mind stresses out my fucking amygdala but I don't even know what I'm running from. I am now in a perpetual state of cringe. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.
No. 1665580
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i admit you are good at your job but you suck so much i dread that i have to spend another year with you
No. 1669260
>>1668738You're soo
triggered haha
(vain bitch) No. 1669345
File: 1692412549266.png (Spoiler Image,148.71 KB, 779x877, 1594691830798.png)

Moids when the girl on 5 different psychiatric meds, with self-harm scars over her body, a cluster B mother who she's gone NC with and extremely low self-esteem turns out to be a bad girlfriend: (very surprised face)
Did you seriously expect me to be magically fixed after only a year of dating? I swear moids are fucking retarded. Of course only one year of therapy isn't going to undo whole decades of abuse. Brainlet scrote.
No. 1669937
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my body is decomposing, it's going to store every meager chemical until I have a heart attack, I am ugly as sin, and I just keep getting uglier, but wow i sure as fuck look better than you, crotch rot
do me a favor and finally off yourself you goddamn torontan methhead
No. 1670808
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Just sitting here and waiting like the fucking idiot that I am.
No. 1671062
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'ate feminists
'ate trannies
'ate identity politics
'ate communists
simple as(self-confessed male)
No. 1671280
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You're so proud of being an abusers footsoldier
No. 1671313
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I've said this before but I'll say it again because it still pisses me off. My coworker's loud mouth-breathing infuriates me, especially when I'm trying to eat or focus nearby. It takes all my strength not to say anything about it. How hard is it to breathe through your fucking nose for a change!?!?
No. 1671354
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I hate periods
No. 1671367
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No. 1671930
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I can't imagine being such a failure, that all that's left to you is try to create little arguments on a niche small corner of the internet. Pathetic, truly deplorable. No point in making fun of you, since you are already making a joke out of yourself.
No. 1671986
File: 1692645358835.jpeg (96.5 KB, 734x680, IMG_0728.jpeg)

Sometimes I really just want to write a (non threatening, non hateful, non violent, emotionally charged) manifesto and kill myself in a dramatic news headline way, guaranteeing my death will be at least locally covered… then they'll find my belongings and note and everyone will be asking questions, to which only I could answer… and maybe finally, my existence would matter. I'm nothing to anyone. In death and finality I could finally be someone.
But lol let's be real nobody would fucking care
No. 1672152
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if you wanted someone who agrees the sun shines out of your ass and you can do no wrong, you should’ve started with someone who shared that disposition of yours to begin with, instead of picking someone like me who clearly has no filter and couldn’t sugar coat something in a gun-to-head situation
No. 1672613
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Your most hated cow is Terry Hall because you literally look and act just like him. Yeah, you're younger, but you're still too old for cosplay especially when you have such a low skill level. Your cosplay is cheap and messy looking. You look just like him, and you're a woman so take that in. Look at some pictures of your face in your recent cosplays, put them side by side with Terry and tell me the difference. It's honestly uncanny. This is what you get for saying such shitty things about people when they don't deserve it. You really say some disgusting things sometimes, you know? You use disgusting moid language and I hate it. I wish you'd act your age.
No. 1673285
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dear god I never should've come back to this site i never should've come back it only puts me in more danger I feel worse than ever please oh god please leave me alone make the pain stop I tried to overdose a few days ago and it failed please please make it stop I can't go into another room and scream right now but I want to scream
Why won't god let me die why doesn't god let me die let me die let me die let me die I can't deal with this anymore
No. 1673313
File: 1692738276082.jpeg (185.73 KB, 527x611, IMG_1837.jpeg)

>>1673285Fucking die you disgusting putrid cunt fucking die fucking die you're the one who made me feel this way crotch rot… and you know it .and not only will you never fucking admit that you did this, you'll hide until you die of your fucking super AIDS
fucking do me a favor and make sure your death ends up on tmz soon you psychopath because the only announcement I want from you is one that you have passed and then I'll finally feel safe for the first time in one and a half years of my life.
You took my confidence away from me.
I used to think I was pretty, decent even, liked myself. I was happier with my life.
You made me feel worthless.
I almost died on my own floor covered in blood and screaming.
I don't even want to be here anymore but my body keeps willing me to live, meanwhile you also get to live. It's unfair. Why does an unwavering pustule like you get to live?
After a lifetime of abuse I had to deal with someone as awful as you, just as I was getting fucking better. I was already an abuse survivor you sick fuck
You broke an already broken woman.
Bipolar and borderline personality disorder are not schizophrenia. ADHD is not schizophrenia. I've experienced delusions in the past, this isn't it. I know my crazy. It wasn't my crazy
I was mercilessly attacked with calculated cruelty, misogyny, false accusations, and almost fucking doxed. I am terrified of what these people have on me.
That didn't occur here it occurred fucking everywhere. Every platform I went on though, it was just merciless. People don't like Jim Carrey this much.
Nobody has come forth to ever confirm I'm not totally crazy and all my vague reaches for sources have cut out because they fear him too much.
You're going to tell me you fear this weak, sickly looking, sinewy little bitch? Fuck you! Fuck you!
For all the lives you've ruined you will pay one day, Jim, and I hope you really have seen everything I've said, and I hope it inspires you to end your miserable existence. Kill yourself and make the world a better place, James Eugene Carrey. Kill yourself if you feel any guilt for anything you've done.
It's not just me that matters or that I cared about. It's the other girls. It's the dead girl you drove to suicide or for all I goddamn know, murdered.
But you ruined my life too
I can't forgive a single shred of this and deep down I know you're too narcissistic to care.
Karma is a bitch, and a whore, Jim, but most defining…
Karma is a woman, and she's going to curbstomp your ass.
I know a lot about your daughter and assistants Jim, I have several worse things I could do… but I choose to stay pacifist and not pursue anyone close to you. Why? Because I don't sink that low. the only thing I want to see sink is your body six feet under.
I will not feel safe until this man dies. I'm not a naturally crude, vulgar person. I hate what this brought out in me.
Nobody is listening to me when I sound rational, nobody is listening to me when I sound irrational, nobody is listening to me period, even though I did my research and got relentlessly fucking attacked for it over and over and over.
I did the best I could do, and nobody is outing this guy as the actual predator he is. I am so tired and I literally tried to kms days ago but hey I guess it's all a self fulfilling prophecy, and I'm just cray cray for cocoa puffs lol fuck me
No. 1673669
File: 1692751395646.jpg (40.46 KB, 652x680, bratz.jpg)

crazy how it often just takes one deranged, gaslighting sperg to derail a thread. it's even crazier when they try to do things like turn other anons against the one who "slighted" them because no one knows wtf is going on. like don't you have friends? good grief
No. 1673895
File: 1692762926982.jpg (276.77 KB, 925x1200, F3AMQmmakAAO9BR.jpg)

You really are incapable of expressing yourself in any way that doesnt involve voyeuring and mirroring people you claim to hate. Straight up bunny boiler, soulless eyes, constant tard rage violence. Idgi. Your mimicry isn't upsetting, it's just off-putting, and you get SO angry at any perceived normal similarities between you and others. IDGI! All you do is parrot and mimic while also getting assblasted angry at coincidences, the way you measure other people is flippant and unfair and all you do is contribute to evil while pretending you're some wounded deer. Aren't you exhausted or did the pills REALLY fuck you up.
No. 1674389
File: 1692796108134.png (Spoiler Image,90.7 KB, 189x330, 1655226657900.png)

you will never be a woman
No. 1675188
File: 1692834890124.jpg (10.89 KB, 225x225, 1681371259092.jpg)

I cannot stand when people abuse kids, the elderly or disabled, it breaks my heart. A challenged individual being "difficult" doesn't give you a pass to hit them or scream at them, control yourself or get the fuck out, I don't give a single damn if you're "stressed" GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF THEM you shit stain. Develop some fucking empathy these are humans too and they deserve dignity, I'll be karma if you ended disabled, shitting your pants and getting abused by some random moid nurse too bitch ass clown ass scrote mega bitch, I'm sick of hearing you screaming with your skinnyfat build and your fatass cheeks and your ugly beard and your beady eyes nigga you're actually disgusting your alcoholic self should bite a bullet and leave the vulnerable alone you don't know what the fuck you're doing, I feel empathy for those who need it, I don't feel empathy for you soulless excuse of a human being I hate you with the burning blaze of thousands suns, ROT IN HELL fatty I hate YOUUU I'M HATER FOR REAL rn
No. 1675261
File: 1692840357408.jpeg (13.07 KB, 224x275, 1689832584450.jpeg)

I wish people were not attention seeking and I wish people didn't stare at you for being quiet. I feel like it used to be normal to be shy and now people instantly interpret it as poor character if you don't say much. Also why do people harass content creators online so much, anyway. If we didn't there would probably be less of them.
No. 1675281
>>1675276I also wish I could tell you how much I fucking love you, still. Whenever you show up in my dreams I have such a blast. I miss you so fucking much. I’m sorry it has to be like this but I won’t have my whole life ruined by telling you. People go fucking crazy; would you out me? Despite everything? I couldn’t go through that, especially not by you. I’m so sorry. But if anyone asked you “would you be friends with a
terf?” You’d say no, so there. I don’t care about anyone else’s boundaries in this aspect, but from you, I just can’t. We really had the best times together and I’m just so sorry.
Thank you.
No. 1676006
File: 1692900382937.jpg (87.46 KB, 833x951, Angry cat looking in…)

I swear my right titty just keeps getting droopier and droopier. By this time next year it'll probably be saying hi to my belly button, meanwhile my cute left titty will still know it's position. I used to hope the fact that they're both pretty big would minimize the difference, but it's still super noticeable. I want a breast and areola reduction on my right so fucking bad, but I do not want the surgery.
No. 1676269
>>1676006I bet both your titties are beautiful,
nonnie. My right tit is heavier too for some reason.
(vain bitch) No. 1676391
File: 1692927264337.jpg (9.03 KB, 270x270, F4VlINuWAAEPyP1.jpg)

Uh huh and it'll all be there again
No. 1676410
File: 1692928620056.png (1.15 MB, 778x809, browonfleek.png)

>>1676391please use his real photo as reaction, thanks
(vain bitch) No. 1676617
File: 1692946396693.jpg (10.81 KB, 335x335, 1692896655858310.jpg)

Just weirdly aggressive and hateful and grasping for straws and projecting all that hate in your nasty little heart smfh
No. 1676738
File: 1692960282993.jpg (6.87 KB, 403x403, f71c966279398712513d4df3e22991…)

I could punch myself for being so stupid and thinking you'd be any different than the rest. I am way too fucking nice and patient and I should've ended it as soon as I noticed the first red flag. I just can't fucking believe it. I can't even believe that I shed tears over someone like you even though I know I dodged a bullet in the long run and deserve better. I'm so mad at myself for being so blind and trusting you and letting you close in the first place. None of the things you said to me were true I bet and I was too dumb to believe them. So go ahead, do whatever the fuck you want because that's all you ever do anyway. I wish I could just scream in your face without looking deranged after all the pain you've caused me. I hate that I can feel so much for someone who doesn't feel anything for me at all. I'll never understand how people like you can hurt others without any remorse. I hope you end up miserable and alone. I hope you're still hurt over your ex and that it fucks you up for the rest of your life. I hope you fuck up every future relationship and that all your future girlfriends leave you and find happiness and abundance with someone else. You don't deserve anyone's love for being such a selfish asshole. Fine, go where the grass is greener but then end up alone for the rest of your life. The fucking audacity. I hate you.
No. 1677255
File: 1693004694973.jpg (20.43 KB, 312x321, 1679522204364.jpg)

imagine being 19 years old and still acting like an emotionally stunted hormonal 14 year old boy kekkkkkkkkkkk
No. 1677587
File: 1693031189720.jpg (110.46 KB, 756x814, 1692665917181267.jpg)

Doing nothing but peddling evil eye all day every day and believing you aren't going to implode from the mental gymnastics. Girl you are fried, done, out of your mind.
No. 1679730
File: 1693176115342.jpeg (322.85 KB, 828x608, IMG_5950.jpeg)

Its so funny I have upset this moron from my former employment to the point she has asked mutuals for my social media. She skin walked me my whole employment there and is desperate to keep up with me despite the fact I haven't spoke to her in a year.
I dont have social media; I am too busy living my life to curate it on a feed for you to stalk, sorry! She actually thinks I blocked her and thats why she cant find me…”even on my finsta i cant find her”…. You are 40, you freak!
If you invested a fraction of this effort into self care, you wouldn't be a landwhale. Absolutely pathetic.
Man oh man, just hearing about it secondhand is so embarrassing. Bitch move on. Sorry your Ugly retarded husband had a crush on me, Im sorry no one likes working with you. Stop asking people about me, and focus on YOU. Cant change the fact your dented fat frog face will forever be awful, but you could work on that psycho personality.
I pity your children. I pity your coworkers. You and Ariana McMillan are birds of a feather. You need t h e r a p y
No. 1680552
Until you get your own life together, you have no business getting back into dating. You can't be struggling with finances, medical bills, health treatments, and a BPD failson while being severely overweight, jobless, and disabled/wheelchair bound. It's not that you don't deserve love, but you have a track record of choosing shitty partners, and as it is, you have nothing to offer men other than someone to take advantage of because you're extremely vulnerable as a middle aged disabled woman struggling with her mental health. Even without those things, men and the current dating world are shit and I wouldn't trust 90% of them farther than I could throw them. If i'm getting fit, you start feeling bad and comparing yourself to me, and I guess the same applies to my love life. You have no idea what i've been through, how my self esteem was shattered, the time that I lost searching for answers, the trauma, nor the resulting depression i've been struggling with for nearly five years; it's a miracle that I could find someone as exemplary, compassionate, intelligent, supportive and loving as I have who understands me and sees the beauty in me when others have treated me as less after what happened. I'm not with this person because I needed "someone, just anyone" by my side like you might. It's somehow insulting. I'm not competing with you, so please don't make shit weird by doing this every time.
No. 1680555
File: 1693246052614.jpeg (34.66 KB, 948x711, IMG_7463.jpeg)

I'm not your fucking complaints department just because I'm your only friend. Fuck almighty you went from being fun to being a depressed heap of shit in a fucking split second and I am not a fucking therapist. We had one small thing in common and now you're so far up my ass I'd have to get you surgically removed. You constantly chase away people by being so fucking annoying and needy and whiny and you're aware of it because you made me promise not to do the same. Maybe stop acting like the type of person people would cut their own leg off to escape from! You are your own biggest problem, and until you change your lifestyle and attitude you will continue to be alone. If I'm being honest with you, I'm trying not to pull away in disgust only because you'd probably pull one of those attempts at suicide that amount to nothing and I don't want to fucking hear it. I'm just hoping you meet a new "favorite person" so I can fuck off forever without guilt. I regret meeting you and being kind to you when every single person who knew you better than me had blocked you. I hate online friendships and I regret allowing you to feel comfortable enough with me to bitch and moan. I don't do it to you because my life isn't a heap of shit that I cry to people about. Grow up!
No. 1680577
I've asked you not to spend money you don't have on us, your adult children, but you always seem to have something to prove by going overboard with expensive gifts. I've tried making an Amazon list of affordable gifts that you can choose from if you so insist, and once again you put my efforts to waste and buy L a $1200 tablet on a payment plan complete with streaming services that he didn't need, because he already had those.
Everyone else stuck with relatively inexpensive gifts and he was happy with that and there was no need to show up and show out like you did. So my next order of business was to help you get the return started so you could get your money back, and all you had to do was ship the item back or have them come pick the package up.
A month passes, and I find you still did absolutely nothing and are insisting on gifting him the tablet anyway, which makes it seem like you're pointlessly insistent and stubborn and purposefully didn't take any action after the trouble I went through. This is the kind of stuff that keeps me up at night because when you're careless, you leave other people to pick up your slack, and I can't afford to bail you out of your financial troubles which makes me feel extremely guilty as the eldest child. I understand that your lackadaisical attitude that "everything will turn out alright" is partially due to being an escapist coping mechanism because it seems that the only other option for you is to fall into a deep doomer depression about the state of the world, but you need to be more responsible. It wasn't that long ago earlier this year when you were convinced that the world as you knew it was ending and you were drowning in bills you couldn't pay. You've crawled up from the bottom many times due to the kindness of others and some luck but in this current economic climate the chances that you become homeless and lose social welfare benefits are pretty dire, and you may not be helped out so easily as you once were. I never want you to be in that position.
No. 1681165
File: 1693281764800.jpg (24.48 KB, 500x374, 2b72ee60f0bc8c02682eca1c55a70a…)

You like to speak big about supporting GNC people, but the moment a girl looks a bit strange or in an unflattering cherry picked angle, you are the first one to go about how the western tranny wokies are winning and we need to return to gender roles (B-but on a women-friendly way, you guys). Don't pretend that I don't understand what you are trying to say just because you are hidding it behind fancy schmancy terms. Even if it's a joke, it's creepy, it's unpleasent, just accept you find some girls ugly instead of trying to pretend everyone is against you by not being molded to your personal likings. You aren't helping feminism by putting every middly unique looking woman into the "gendie" label. That's why they stopped sharing their characters with you.
No. 1681183
File: 1693284743298.jpg (55.67 KB, 1200x675, E8q_ozyVgAIHmHG.jpg)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
No. 1681580
File: 1693319151167.gif (1.36 MB, 498x278, thistimesamillion.gif)

Cringe as it is, I love being in an LDR. The only thing I miss is being able to beat up nigel when he acts like a retarded scrote.
No. 1682196
File: 1693368934727.png (36.81 KB, 459x541, 1677369979775.png)

>muh headcanons are real because I'm blind and can't read!
I stg lolcor has gotten more schizo in the past 2 weeks, and I'm not just referring to schizo saturday
No. 1682618
Bitch if you have something to say then fucking say it. Enough with your little meetings, you don't need eight of us to sit in a circle and listen to you say passive-aggressive, obviously targeted bullshit because you're too much of a coward to "lose face" by disciplining us when we fuck up. You are the ONLY person in this workplace who so desperately needs to be handled with kid gloves. Why do you think every single person here chooses to go to any other manager before you when they have an issue? You're reactive and defensive about shit that has nothing to do with you, you target random employees for inscrutable reasons that only exist in your mind, and you barely know how to fucking DO anything anyway. It sucks because I think if you didn't have that facade of authority and power on all the time, you'd probably be pretty fun to hang out and talk with. We have similar interests and goofy senses of humor. I actually enjoy you sometimes, damn it. I just don't respond to passive-aggression on principle, and that's the only way you know how to communicate, so our whole working relationship is just projection that I don't have the energy to pick apart and work around. I come in, I do my job, I get paid to do just that. So if you think I'm playing dumb with you, I definitely am. If you'd like to have an honest conversation, you can correct us upfront like all of the other managers. But keep bringing in the whole department for "meetings" instead of doing your job and you'll never stop being a laughingstock.
No. 1683047
File: 1693446157838.jpg (19.6 KB, 300x300, 1693276270326.jpg)

Just delusional, sick, entitled, obsessed
No. 1683553
Well if you believe that all women are just as smart as you, then yes, I agree, men truly are better than women! Luckily, in this reality, you are retarded and most women are not. Wow, you are really dumb, no wonder you can't make female friends, really no surprise there. You're a narc, a pickme and a moron, I guess everyone really was right about you, damn.
No. 1684275
File: 1693570718977.jpeg (22.08 KB, 640x520, EfE0F0JXoAM43YS.jpeg)

c'mon call me back i REALLY want this job c'm on call me back call me back c'mon
No. 1684699
File: 1693603511419.jpg (404.12 KB, 788x1200, 1689384567445503.jpg)

If people just get together out of convenience, compatibility, fear of being alone, or just settle -then does true love really exists?
No. 1684849
File: 1693614929587.jpeg (87.63 KB, 750x750, 1690544321737.jpeg)

are you genuinely that fucking stupid. are you for real. i am going to kill you. theres no fucking way
No. 1684854
File: 1693615315392.jpg (90.12 KB, 900x600, lorena-bobbitt.jpg)

Forever and ever
No. 1685860
File: 1693707020909.gif (2.51 MB, 640x628, 1693242427548108.gif)

Oh yeah, I definitely believe that you believe that. Fucking lol
No. 1685925
File: 1693714658691.jpeg (100.28 KB, 976x1091, 1658966795218.jpeg)

every day i have to deal with the most emotionally unstable, retarded moids who act like fucking chimps. i cant wait to get away from them.
No. 1687482
File: 1693844769700.png (156.02 KB, 602x350, Perspective 1-2-3.png)

Your family is super disappointed in the two of you. Your nonagenarian mother/in-law said that she wishes you at least waited until she died first and your sped daughter keeps asking everyone if she did something bad to chase you away. Their friends say what you're doing is wrong, and your friends don't seem to want to talk to you anymore. How the heck did you fall out with B and K? They're the sweetest people alive! All B wants to do is make everyone tasty food and K is just trying to survive for as long as she can. I miss them so much but I'm scared they won't want to see me because of whatever the hell you did to chase them off. Grandma says you're millionaires now, and that's cool for you. I hope it's enough money to buy your souls back. I'd genuinely sell mine just for a chance that you become the decent people you were a quarter century ago. Now I understand why I was your moral pillar for so long, because you were losing your morality while I grew into mine. I hate it. I miss the people you were. I was never supposed to be better than you and I don't want to be better than you! I just want you back.
No. 1687635
File: 1693853829046.png (144.58 KB, 352x338, Screenshot 2023-09-05 063428.p…)

This is high-school tier retardation but I got dragged into it trying to be a good friend and offering comfort to the girl and help/advice to the guy. I was put into an uncomfortable position against my own fucking will and now as my part in it ended, all I feel is guilt. Just needa get it off my chest.
I offered a friend comfort while she was going through a hard time and very drunk but she never said why and I never pushed for details- I didn't want to be involved in the first place, just looking out for a friend. The next day she told me how they're taking a break because she is "young and wants to live her life" and that's understandable. She also told me the reason for her nervousness was because she while drunk she was flirting with another male friend, a.k.a the "competition" and then not long after the story changes to how her boyfriend exploded, is (1.blackmailing her with her dirty laundry, is going through schizo/bipolar tantrums, is trying to manipulate her, begging for her back because "she owes him", how he's a dirty pedophile) and all that. Giving me out of context screenshots. Let me know that they have this baby girl/daddy thing going on and that it's only because of him, ( makes her uncomfortable and makes her gag). I just compared him to my ex-boyfriend with what she was telling me and no side from the boyfriend, told her what she'd want to hear, and I just continued offering her advice and comfort. The next day the bf bought her online game currency and she told me how her and the competition who keeps chasing her were (3.having a shopping spree with her bf's money and how she finds this dude hot, how if he came to her state she would be overwhelmed, how her bf is a cuck and she knows he doesn't want his circle to be calling him a cuck etc.) This male friend is feeding her all this shit about how her bf is a manipulative, scheming bastard and she buys it because she's well… mentally ill, and naive. :(
The bf the next day decides to open up to me as he knows I'm the only other person who is aware of all the shit going on between them, and he gives me his side of the story. It turns out their daddy/babygirl thing was brought on by HER, how she keeps it up, how she's just emotionally immature and how she's the one who keeps begging for him. Gives me all this substantial proof and in return I just provide him with 1.) and 2.)- things that came from her herself. Turns out she is a giant BPDchan and lied through her teeth about most of it. He confronts her with the information I provided, blows up at the both of us… (4.continues to lie about him having a schizo meltdown and how she didn't want him to know because he'd go crazy) even though he is talking to me as he usually would through all of this. I don't tell her what I told him that SHE said but she is under the impression I told him everything. She feels betrayed, understandably- cus I told her I wouldn't tell anyone and this is WHY I feel so guilty. I made a decision that shouldn't have been mine to make, but what I did tell him is what I thought he deserved to know and honestly? She would have never told him this bullshit herself.
Common with a BPDchan would be needing to have a target when feeling under threat, obviously this confrontation has had her on edge for the past 3-4 days and she says "I fucked everything up" and thinks I'm trying to steal her boyfriend and how I just want another (aforementioned ex-boyfriend) which is a lie that fucking… hurts alot. That relationship was my most traumatic one and it's a knife stab to have that used against me.
I don't hate her though… I just, feel pity for her. I love her, she's my friend and I know what she's going through as I used to be in her boat and want the best for both of my friends who are deeply in love with each-other. If I had let him know about 3.) or 4.), I think that would have really derailed their relationship, but I didn't want that. I just want them to be happy. I only believe her boyfriend more as he has proved alot, this situation has put him in a helpless corner but even after this big fuck up from her end he still wants her to be happy, he loves her so much and thinks the world of her and I don't want to take that from them.
The bf knows how I feel and tries to reassure me that it's not my fault which is a kind gesture but I can't help but feel a heavy sense of dread and for her benefit, I decided to distance myself from her and not give her leeway to contact me anymore.
>help friend
>get involved
>help friend
>get hurt in the end
No. 1687754
I wish I knew how to communicate to my nigel that no, I am not asking him to relieve me of more domestic duties, but that I want us to tackle problems together instead of him just waiting for instructions from me. No matter how I phrase it, the end is 'well let me know when you can tell me what I need to do' but that shit doesnt help at all when I am so overwhelmed with trying to manage our finances I have no answers and I just want help coming up with the solution. We keep getting more and more separated instead of working together- and it's lonely over here. I am not asking him to relieve me of cooking duties/each of us fend for ourselves, I am asking to share the burden of making some of our meals. 'I can fend for myself. Dont worry about cooking for me' doesnt exactly help lessen the amount of cooking I need to do anyway, just doubles the dishes and reduces the (already very low) amount of times we eat together. I wish we could share the burden of…anything? Instead it seems to be 'you do that, I do this, holler when something goes wrong' which only kind of works when it comes to chores and not much else. We live separate lives and I miss him so much. There is no time we share anymore. Our schedules are so different and our lifestyles so different we can't even share the same room, we dont even share a bed. We dont have any massive issues, as in no fighting regularly and our life goals align very nicely…its just that I am so, so lonely, and feel so lost in the direction I am supposed to go in with our relationship. Nothing I can say seems to communicate that I long for us to work together, instead of next to each other.
No. 1687829
File: 1693871186349.jpg (147.53 KB, 1200x675, d333c696162fd0404030d4c84466b9…)

You really do just make up literally everything like… woah
No. 1688889
The dental dam joke was hilarious and in itself highlighted your massive delusions. Nobody wanted to fuck you. That was the closest you ever got to younger, moderately attractive men and you will never get that again. You did all of that in support of a lie, an insidious and dark one at that, and you inserted yourself into willing abuse and extreme sexual voyeurism and harassment because you were a lonely old autistic fat fuck and now the entirety of your life moving forward is altered because of it. You're lucky none of us have spammed it all to your employer, your 'friends'(two of them know and only stick around to screenrecord and keep an eye on you), and everyone else you will ever attempt to manipulate into seeing you as a victim. You are fucked up and you are being humored at armslength with mostly disgust because now everyone is forced to keep it up because they're afraid of what will happen if they let your autism loose. There are thousands of hours in that now, never forget that. What you did to that girl is not going to go away. Nobody was or ever will be in love with you, and the continuance was only because more was needed from you in order to ensure that your 'friends' will be legally punished to the fullest ability. Being a pawn and a pest and a creep was the greatest thing to happen to you because you yourself have only been bullied your entire life. Make sure to get very comfortable so that when everything is ripped away and you are exposed for who and what you are, it hurts even more. The fact that you aren't completely disgusted with yourself really speaks to just how mentally ill you are with no sign of reform. Between you and me, though, we also now its particularly bad for you given just exactly the nasty things you've been doing online the last 12 years or so. They might not know about that, but we do, and so do a couple of your 'friends'. There is no anger, there was never any love or infatuation other than what was evidently manufactured for you, and there is and only ever was revulsion.
No. 1688898
File: 1693964659842.gif (795.47 KB, 275x189, 1693960643181.gif)

The projection remains fucking hysterical. Rose? Bitch you are literally picrel. You are nearly a senior. You are 5 years away from incontinence. You are worse than anyone you have ever tried to Regina George. The fact that having even a glimmer of proximity to younger guys online suddenly shot your delusional ego into orbit was laughable at best.
No. 1689084
File: 1693988684472.jpg (35.39 KB, 711x596, needy-kitten_mateer007_iStock_…)

I'm sick and fucking tired of having to hide my opinions and suck up to misogynists and trannies to get somewhere in life. Fuck this world for forcing me to be fake, my honesty is one of my very few good traits and i keep being punished for it! And also fuck my father for ditching me over money and trying to make me a "kill or be killed" type asshole like him, idgaf that it "gets me nowhere", let people not be assholes!
No. 1689302
File: 1694014368503.jpg (23.02 KB, 351x415, Upset but cute dog.jpg)

I tried to speak to my mother again. Same shit as it was before. Still too worried about other people with no self reflection. Still always ranting about how she has to do this and that and how she's sooooo stressed . Still a complete disregard for my feelings or anything going on in my life. Still instigating arguments. Still obsessed with my father who has a family with a different woman. Same ol' shit. Going back to being blocked.
No. 1689814
You know that he’s stated he hates being targeted by fans (romantically/sexually), right? You salivate over him and call him the love of your life, but the sad thing is you actually believe it. The way you desperately claw for clout and attention from him is pathetic. Anyone with a brain can see that your fanart is digitized with very little actual drawing skill from you. You just tweak some things here and there in an attempt to make it look more authentic.
I’m half-convinced you low key have a personality disorder because the way you copy the traits of other BNF (big name fans) is creepy. You try hard to be better than them at whatever their contribution to the fan community is such as translation or art, and you even plagiarize others’ tweets/comments acting like they’re YOUR intellectual property, nearly word for word. If that’s not some cluster b bullshit, I don’t know what it is. I guess it’s easy to brag about blowing thousands on merch, travel, tickets and superchats constantly when you don’t even pay rent or bills. I honestly hope your country’s currency value depreciates and inflation knocks you down several pegs because you need to keep yourself in check. You pretend to like and be knowledgeable about whatever he likes, you even pretend you knew and cared about a fellow musician that was a mentor to him who passed away recently, all hoping that he would notice your tweet. You had to make the death about YOU, because it’s SO important that we get your input when you had hardly listened to a song of said artist before. That kind of cheap, attention seeking dishonesty is revolting and you will NEVER sleep with him, no matter how many concerts you attend trying to get noticed, because he keeps a solid boundary between himself and mentally ill parasocial losers like you.
No. 1690435
You are supposed to be there for me. We are both stressed out, but you played video games all day, while I had actual shit to do. And now, that I just want some attention and care, kind words and support, you flip out on me because you are too tired now for me. And you decided to play with AI bots instead of giving me any comfort. The more you are like that, the more I feel disgust towards you. I'm not the only one in this. I still love you, but the way you act is extremely immature and inconsiderate, I feel like a reddit woman whining about her tranny husband sometimes, but you are not a man. We should work together and support each other, but you make me waste my energy to try to convince you to do things for our relationship, meanwhile I already took the most of the workload. If you don't need it all, why did you waste so many years of my life? It's like all you need is an AI bot for real, and you don't need me physically. It hurts, because I really do need you and it feels so perfect when we are together. But online all you do is rant and whine about video games, you have no life, and it feels as you are actually proud of being a college drop-out. You don't even work. Why are you the person who has so many qualities that I need in a partner and, at the same time, has one of the worst qualities that are so hard to deal with.
No. 1690457
You’re not making this very fun for me, you realize. Affairs are (usually?) supposed to be mutually beneficial for both parties, but you haven’t given me anything yet except one false promise, which is the same shit you told me two years ago that I’m sure you’ve forgotten about. I’ve tried giving you the benefit of the doubt since you obviously have a whole family and a demanding job. It’s not that I want you to leave your wife right away and move here, I just wanted a crumb of emotional connection with you. It feels, on my side of things, like you only talk to me at all because you know I’ll send you nudes. That’s why I cut contact with you last time, it felt like you were leading me on. There are zero sparks on my end at this point and I think it would be better if we just stopped. I’ve tried to be as upfront as possible with you, but you haven’t done the same for me. If you didn’t want there to be any emotions involved, you should’ve just told me that. Don’t you think I can find a plethora of men to do that with here? I’m tired of playing a one-sided game.
Anons, I’m never fucking with a married moid again.
No. 1692862
File: 1694314489622.jpg (48.87 KB, 620x414, the-loved-ones02-620x414.jpg)

Like you think you're him
No. 1692863
File: 1694314546802.jpg (8.62 KB, 275x184, images.jpg)

>>1692862But you're literally this bitch. Floor it, reverse, floor it, reverse.
No. 1694227
File: 1694415535574.jpg (165.76 KB, 1080x1112, tuasjr371cb61.jpg)

I think ur ugly/srs
No. 1694853
File: 1694478873953.jpg (39.98 KB, 735x490, 0ec2916fc52ed20475eee84a617bf5…)

Yeah, I definitely believe that you believe that.
No. 1695222
File: 1694527268119.jpg (25.58 KB, 516x477, x4vq0cg3.jpg)

Yeah, I thought we were good friends, but I got injured because of you. Because of your need of virtue signalling, because you needed to show what a good girl you are, but not actually dealing with the problem. I'm still recovering even after a year, but at least you've got your likes and comments! I hope you're enjoing your precious scrotes attention, starving yourself even more for the sake of paedopandering and looking psychotic with clownish e-girl makeup
No. 1695826
File: 1694548923687.gif (1.35 MB, 346x261, 1679862803936.gif)

im just being a shithead on purpose now
No. 1695864
File: 1694551887797.jpg (147.69 KB, 1600x1600, 71REVMwPqJL.jpg)

>>1695834These? Shape sorters.
No. 1696105
File: 1694560676065.jpg (81.48 KB, 1300x1300, 61qRdL8wdiL._SL1300_.jpg)

No. 1696265
File: 1694574556530.jpg (28.32 KB, 400x400, s-l400.jpg)

I wanna spend money. I'm tired of holding myself back and not spend on something I want and just stand still, watching the cash I got at work devalue each day it goes by.
I'm tired of investing money on myself. Whatever I do it will never bring me love nor friends, neither peace.
I wanna spend money. Its meaningless to keep in frozen the bank. I got no home to call my own, I have little control of my life other than what I buy. Others own me and I feel endless guilt for not serving them.
I'm so tired. I just wanna spend on a Kuromi plush. Is that too much to ask?
No. 1696290
File: 1694577446336.jpg (77.2 KB, 680x822, 9b2-1.jpg)

>>1696265Do you perhaps have BPD? Don't buy shit just because it has Sanrio characters in it. Worst waste of money ever
No. 1696292
File: 1694577778051.jpeg (105.64 KB, 1383x778, 6377391B-280A-4996-807A-3E9C65…)

Hope you’re not fucking her cause’ she got those Nixon jowls.
No. 1696294
>>1696290No I got no BPD, only depression.
I love Sanrio stuff since childhood, but never was able to get more than a few stickers bc parents didn't spend on toys.
Now that I can spend my own money, don't you think it'll be reasonable to buy a Kuromi plush?
No. 1696310
>>1696299But whats the reason behind bpd retards using Kuromi as their symbol?
I only see Kuromi as the classic anime mascot for goth teens from the 2000s
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No. 1696345
>>1696294Nope. Buy something useful instead.
>>1696299>bippiesWhat in the zoomer tikTok twitter speak did I just read?
No. 1696379
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No. 1697380
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I'm gonna have felt like a different person every day for almost 10 years now. Society has failed me, when all I ever wanted was a friend I could be happy dying for, and her for me. If I reveal my everything to them nothing will ever be the same, at least my paranoia is good for one thing. A lot of times I think I was born to be hated. But I know I was born to be loved, forced to endure hatred, and be hated when demanding to be loved. Such is life as the ocd paranoiac weird woman who just needs real, true female support to shine.
No. 1697408
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Your desperation so palpable
No. 1697415
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Ruining your whole life hehe
No. 1697586
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This is where documentation of your period shits should go wrdgaf
No. 1697950
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Sorry for our relationship mostly being me using you to explore my own mental illness by exploring yours. It was interesting having a bit of a folie à deux but it eventually had to come to an end. While you made me more insane, I feel like It's helped me to uncover the reasons why I was insane enough to be with you in the first place. Now I can detangle things better in my psyche instead of living in a constant state of chaotic confusion of why I do the things I do.
No. 1698008
I'm sorry I tried to kill myself in front of you. And self-harmed in front of you. And accused you of every infidelity under the sun when you really were, apparently, just depressed. But I was literally never like this with anyone else, not remotely, I would say you "bring it out" of me but I don't think anything like this even was in me before you. Maybe I just considered everyone I was with before as disposable, and you I want to keep, and I'm terrified of being treated the way I treated them. I'd add "but surely other people aren't as bad as me…" but that would be stupid and dramatic, other people are often as bad as me, and worse, it was precisely their mistreatment that made me like this. I'm really committed to making this work, though, so I'm sorry and I will try to trust you. At this point I just might as well.
No. 1698466
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No. 1698824
vent thread full so this is going here.
this pisses me off to no end, imagine you just pumped out a massive lump of human through a tiny orifice, then realising YOUR and your newborn childs nurses are tending to your passed out husband who couldnt handle seeing a vagina get stretched. get so fucked, i should be the one passed out you absolute piece of shit No. 1698991
I have no regrets breaking up with you all those years ago. When I first got back in touch with you, I was looking to deepen a friendship that once was a quirky little acquaintenceship sustained through journal exchanges. You almost immediately cornered me at the train station and tried to kiss me while propositioning me to be a third in your gross little throuple, despite me moving my head away from your forced kiss. At the time, I was naive and inexperienced, freshly out of a relationship, and regrettably agreed to give it a go eventually. I could hardly get the smell of french fry grease out of my favorite sweater when I woke up and moved on after meeting my true first love, whom I had hit it off with immediately. You sobbed like a whiny bitch, expecting me to feel sorry for you losing a second hole. I had realized during the relationship that I was merely there to take the pressure off of your first partner to satisfy you. A freak like you should have been happy that there was anyone at all willing to put up with you, you greedy moid. You were quite creepy looking back, and even had the gall to be openly grooming a minor while still involved with me and the first partner. It looks like she eventually wised up, too, and left your gross pedo ass. When I was being openly groped in front of everyone by an equally if not moreso creepazoid loser, you looked on in silence while I was frozen with shock, showing how much you viewed me as an object, I guess. You even accused me of cheating on you during and after the relationship after the breakup because I had caught mono (from the two of your nasty asses; I was in the fucking hospital for an unrelated surgery so how the fuck did I have time to cheat when I was with you 85% of the time??). While it's true I fell in love with someone else, I never cheated. I spent the happiest three years of my life with him, while you fumed and threw break-up spells our way (kek) foolishly thinking that I would ever come back to you. It didn't work at all, did it? Stay lonely, scrote.
No. 1699285
I know it's a case of probably not being thorough with cutting ties everywhere, but I've unadded you myself. I really did hesitate for longer than I should've because it was a tether to you, even if we haven't spoken in weeks, even though I will never reach out first despite wanting to. I don't know why it was so hard to do something that took a literal second, but it was. I'm not going to be ashamed that it hurt me or try to bury said hurt, because if I'm actually gonna truly incorporate acceptance commitment therapy's principles into my life, I have to acknowledge and accept these feelings. I just can't let them have a hold over me, and I think keeping you added was enabling that to some degree.
This week has been so stressful for a litany of reasons beyond me still missing your presence in my life. I've been internalising a lot of my stress, and it's having adverse effects on my health. Even so, I'm doing better; the week ended on a brighter note than it began and I think that's what gave me the push to do this. It's a tiny act, inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, really, but I wouldn't have been able to do it last week. I will always care about you, and sometimes I do wish things could go back to how they were before everything became a mess, but I can't.
No. 1699341

Something funny about abusers is that they really believe themselves to somehow be above other people despite being dogshit. They will cling to any illusion of power that they can, no matter how small. They will devote time to amplifying and transforming their lies until it becomes near-parody and their desperation and obsession is obvious. Men in general are so stupid that way, they think that they are the special exception to everything and that they will magically get away with being monsters. They think they will be able to maintain lies that they've pushed upon other people and incorporated into their entire personality because they are too selfish and self obsessed to let go or admit what they are. Its no surprise they often have a drug problem, it takes a lot to spend every day of your life just excessively lying and getting off on hurting people. Everything you hold up to them is a mirror and they'll constantly try to throw vitriol at that, too. Even if you go on male imageboards you'll notice that when they accuse others of being women, it's usually if they have morals or regard woman as actual human beings. It reminds me of that experiment where they put monkeys in a cage and they would beat eachother for trying to reach for food. Even when the population was diluted to entirely new monkeys, they still beat the shit out of eachother for reaching up for food despite there being no other punishment besides the ones they were doling out. Truly a regressive species that preens for the worst of itself and thinks being emotionally bankrupt edgefags is the epitome of cool. It really is going to be so funny watching and entire gen of men mass kill themselves out of crisis when they hit 50 and see all that they've done and how they have nothing to show for their lives except malice and pure bullshit. No family, no longterm significant others, no heirs, no legacy, no contribution to the world besides harm and obsession.
No. 1699491
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I feel like you're retarded enough to genuinely believe that people take real offense whenever you say edgy shit for attention. Just reminding you that we aren't, we are just thinking about all the edgy shit you sperg about happens to you instead. We aren't reactionary, and you're the biggest "karen" there is and you have cock and balls. Pretty sure each and every one of us would smile if you were in the obituary tomorrow. You bank way too much on thinking you have some sort of mental superiority to those you abuse and violate when you yourself are much better off tripping face first off the edge of a cliff. You're so obsessed with claiming others don't have self awareness when you are easily one of the least self aware people alive. Please for the love of God I hope the stimulants cause you to crash into flames or something because your trajectory is literally nothing but lie after lie and accusing people of doing the things YOU yourself are doing.
No. 1700859
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No. 1701275
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she is literally me
No. 1703230
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Choosing to be a receptacle for an abuser makes you [shocking pause] yes, an abuser.
No. 1704497
I have such conflicting feelings about you. On one hand, i'm disgusted by how easily influenced and misled you are by others for the sake of "living in the moment"- all the weekly clubbing and hard drugs are going to have long term negative effects on your mind and body that you're not considering now, and the new girl you've got hanging all over you is definitely fiending for a visa marriage, even though you don't realize it yet. Really gives some cluster b love bombing vibes. On the other hand, your negative qualities are some of your best. Your impulsivity makes you charming, charismatic, and fun. I miss you sharing that side with me, but I realized that you're quite shallow at the same time, and we couldn't be more different from each other in terms of personality. So is it really worth trying to stay in touch? Do you even want to hear from me after the long absence made things awkward? You didn't seem to put any effort in, even after saying nothing would change. I sensed that, and let it be for a while. I've changed, too. I want to see you, but I also don't. There's a sense of rejection, and also betrayal because you didn't keep your word at all. I wish that I didn't care and could cut off these lingering, confusing emotions that make me rewrite these unsent letters over and over, trying to reason with myself.
No. 1704532
tall, large hands, large feet, larger than me, cuddling, sex, being bent over, sex, hands on my waists, sucking on them, kissing them, caressing my cheek, smelling like cologne and sweat, out of breath, deep inside me, plap plap plap, deep inside
I'm so horny I'm so horny I'm so horny why did I accept to babysit I wanted to spend the night fapping aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh I'm so sexually frustrated I'm so sexually frustrated and horny I keep thinking about hands
No. 1704540
Today I have wasted a lot of time watching aquarium-related videos.
While looking at aquarium videos, I started to think about possessions and hobbies that end up possessing us.
Let's say I get an aquarium. I get a medium-sized one, keep decorations to the minimum,
stick with only getting plants, and "clean up" crew. I spend a considerable chunk of my time
studying the topic, getting all kinds of supplies, setting it up, waiting for water to set, and a million other things. It went fine for the following month. Shrimps are rubbing their hands and crabs are crawling around.
At this point there is still some novelty about this new hobby, aquarium occupies free space in my room, it doesn't really bother me, but I am constantly thinking about wasted money and time. In the end, does it really improve my life? Was it more enjoyable to just watch these videos? I mean, I have gone with a pretty simple setup, which almost cleans itself. I still have to remove dead shrimp and cut plants.
At some point, my mom showed up at my apartment and started to nag me about
wasting my time on some stupid shrimp, instead of getting married and having kids.
If I did not have an aquarium she would still do that.
Another day or two passes. I come up to my aquarium and see that half of it is filled with
a cloudy mold-like substance. Most of my shrimps look dead, a single large snail is consuming a dead crab.
Some nasty hairy worms are crawling in a large group next to my automated feeder. I am already starting to think about having to clean up this mess. Do I want to start again? Will I be able to sell my setup for some money?
No, there is no way anyone will buy all of that. Who is going to buy this? It seems like today,
everyone's hobby involves just mindless media consumption, hardly anyone is interested in an aquarium.
Well, was it even worth it?
No. 1704637
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Reminder that abusers love to hide in plain site and rely on the defense of others who protect them off of default, whether it be nostalgia or a false sense of friendship. Reminder that Ian Watkins laptop password was "I fuck kids". Just because you have followed someone online for years doesn't mean you know if they're a good person or not. The best liar you know is not the best liar you know.
No. 1705364
You argue with such a viciousness and vitriol over/for him like a little attack dog. Since day one you made it clear that you had your head so far up his ass sniffing last week's dinner. Dick is more important to you than your own flesh and blood, and it shows. You relate every single thing back to him in nearly every conversation, you truly don't know how to have a life outside of him, because you are the definition of co-dependency. You parrot his toxic views and I wonder how many dog biscuits you're offered for your perfect mimicry of your master. That's all you can do, and he sees how stupid and easily influenced you are by him, wanting to be lead, and he relishes it because he loves the control he has over you. I know it's partially a dumb cope because you're tall and complain that men only want to protect small and dainty women, so you turned into a total pickme handmaiden instead, laughing as you recall to "friends" about how he was blatantly watching porn on his tablet while in bed next to you. It went right over your head that it was a narcissistic power move to make you feel inferior and want to try harder to please him. He knows that I see through him, he's nothing more than a vile creature wearing a human flesh suit. You haven't seen how he's tried to subtly bully me, instigate fights between us to drive us further apart, made up outright lies about me that had you running to confront me about how "rude" I was to him, since how dare I disrespect your master by not saying hi to him when I had earphones in. I smile and fake pleasantries, but only as a way to escape his radar. I've never done a thing against him, but he hates the scant positive influence I have over you that might make you question your decisions and wake up, even though you're too far gone to save now.
No. 1705392
nonnie, this hurts. I hope she wakes up soon. I can empathize… but I lost my best friend to a scrote that sounds JUST like the one you're describing. Don't give up on her, like I did. I regret it every day.
(vain bitch) No. 1706216
>>1706180nona you're not killing yourself. it WILL get better. it literally has to. you're getting through this and things are getting better for you. you are loved.
report in as soon as you need, we are here. you are not giving up, at least not today and definitely not tonight. you got this.
(if she wanted a reply, she'd go to another thread) No. 1706289
>>1706216I mean nta but, it's not guaranteed that things will get better for that anon.
>>1706180She owns it to herself to be on her side and try at least though, given that she likely does not want to die because of the "thankfully", she just want it to hurt less.
But I do think that there's some solace to also just accepting that life is suffering and the fact that you are in unbearable pain is not bad or your fault it's just how life is for some people given the circumstances.
Radically embrace the pain and suffering in this ride.
(>Don't respond to other people's rants.) No. 1706324
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I love my gf and I could just gush about her non-stop. I love her so much!
No. 1706529
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It’s glaringly obvious, “dear”.
No. 1706627
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You are the only person using that term, your wording and interests are all the same. I can tell it's always you, stop it.
No. 1706696
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you will always be defending a rapist
No. 1706732
>>1706730what the fuck are you even talking about? nobody gives a shit and i dont know who the fuck rhiannon is you old pedo lunatic. leave people the fuck alone and fix your own life you
abusive piece of shit
No. 1706739
>>1706732>>1706730Now you schizos are replying to each other. Beautiful.
>>1706731Nobody cares. Everyone moved on, aside from you schizos who continue to shit up the thread. I guess that livejournal was a massive flop.
No. 1706746
>>1706741Again, mental illness on full display.
>ASHLEY HUTSELL JANKOWKSI IS A 40 YEAR OLD PEDOPHILE WHO SPAMS IMAGEBOARDS WITH CP AND ABUSES ACTUAL YOUNG WOMENIt has been over a month and none of you have produced receipts. You realize you're a laughingstock right?
>>1706742I like how the shift went from Blaine onto Ashley. Nobody cares about either of those two faggots unless you're deeply embedded in gaeops.
>mam you have been reported to the FBI like 5 times now.You guys have made legal threats for weeks and I will continue to laugh at your badly veiled attempts to orchestrate drama whenever someone sends me a link. I can't believe any of
you tried to make me feel bad. Good luck, you all seriously need it.
No. 1706752
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No. 1706762
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No. 1706764
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>>1706757Implying I know who that is lol
>>1706755I do neither of those things. I am not Ashley. You are mentally ill and multiple anons have noticed you and your group of retards shit up the thread like clockwork. Get a productive hobby.
>nobody wants to make a "callout" and "expose" youYeah, you guys got banned from fujochan and crystalcafe. Nobody cared about the livejournal. You have nothing else but to post on the site you claim to hate so much.
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No. 1708572
I don't understand how or why my breast tissue and fat seems to be shrinking, and yet my body has plenty of fat to store in my thighs, upper arms, and ass. Whether I work out or not, it seems to be happening. I've never had children and i'm nowhere near menopausal age so I don't understand why this is happening. Although, I partially think that gendie phase I went through at 16 where I haphazardly bound my chest with ace bandages for almost a full year may have damaged the tissue and could be to blame for the early loss of/shrinking of my breasts now, but it sounds crazy to try and explain and no doctor would be able to tell me anything useful since it hasn't been studied. I'd get the same one-size-fits-all canned google responses. Now I can barely fill a 34B cup bra, when I used to be a full 36C, and to be honest, it makes me feel like less of a woman. Women who manage fine with small chests tend to have other things to make up for it such as long, slender legs or an especially beautiful or cute face. It's just depressing for me.
No. 1708687
Its been so hard lately. So hard. Theres a weight in my soul. The season change from summer to winter always brings a strange forlornness, like I am meant to slow down and rest like all the other bits of nature do during this time. The mismatch between unnatural societal obligations to still go to work and maintain the same routines day in and day out, not paying mind to the natural cycles of growth and rest during a year, really fucks with my mental health. This year though, death is all around me at the beginning of this changing season, and the inevitable shift in familial hierarchy has been brought on suddenly and and with much force. Everyone is lost right now. Time doesnt make sense. I was a child yesterday. I watched my mother say goodbye to her father, and parent her own mom through this time. One day I will do the same for her. That day feels closer in a way it didnt before. I am not prepared in any capacity. I dont have anything to help. Money, time, job security, and I havent even learned how to be happy when the days are cold and short. The last of the matriarchs in my families, chosen and blood, are dying too. They need help living day to day. I can get things off a shelf and help them dress. But I dont know where to go from here. My mom and dad are old now. Im scared. My mom is scared. The sun is out less and less, and the green keeps fading.
No. 1708983
You are a skinwalking, fake, self absorbed bitch. I'm glad I'm done with you, I shouldnt have wasted all this time thinking that you could grow to be decent friend.
You are the reason everyone left. You are the reason everyone hates you. It's you and your manipulative behavior.
Why should I have to lose friends just because you fucked up? Especially since you would not do the same for me. I never threatened you to take my side or even begged for it when I had my issue. But you easily casted me aside so you could hang out with "cooler" people. You spread lies about me and made me feel like shit. Too bad you couldn't stop being vile enough and fucked with the wrong person. It was just hilarious watching you get called out and watching you crumble. Funny how you thought anyone would favor you over a longer known friend.
So now that you fucked up and after everyone found out what an awful human you actually are, you start to demand my loyalty? You call me a traitor for minding my own business and not getting in your drama. Like I'm supposed to come back and defend you after you tossed me in the trash? Well guess what kiss my ass. You're nothing but a boring spicy straight bitch who needs to masquerade as a "bisexual" to get the attention men no longer give your dirty, ugly, fat ass. Idiots like you are a dime a dozen. Get it through your thick skull that lesbians are not going to worship your nasty ass, just because you are taking yet another "break from men" and that you're "rediscovering being bi so a girl can treat you right". (You literally did nothing but talk about dick… be serious) You make me sick. You made us all sick, even the fucking tim who hung around our group. You're so low, ugly, and gross that you can't even get a tranny. So fucking pathetic. I'm glad you're all alone.
No. 1709418
>>1709406I dont even the full context and I'm cringing
with you. Americans who try to do accents just end up being super cringe. I hate hearing British accents on their own tbh, it's only worse when an American tries to imitate it.
(vain bitch) No. 1710452
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you have a fucking daughter. You have a fucking masters degree yet can’t figure out why letting males in your spaces is dangerous. You claim kill all men yet defend them when they throw on a cheap aliexpress wig . FUCK OFF
No. 1710540
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I am so incredibly hurt and I don't know if and how I'm supposed to survive the rest of the year. It's getting colder and gloomier out and not having you with me is going to make me spiral and suicidal. I can't believe you didn't say anything since the last time we saw each other. Are you really just going to let me go like that? After all this time? Your behavior makes no sense whatsoever and I don't know if me reaching out will make me look like an idiot. Why did you tell me that I should text you last time but you didn't say anything at all after we met up two days ago? WHY????? Why can't you just honestly and openly tell me what's on your mind? I can't eat, I either stay up all night or sleep too much and I can't stop crying. Yeah, me being a depressed mess is none of your fault but why do you still keep sending me mixed signals by pulling away and then reaching out to me again? How can you say that you have feelings for me and then say and do all the stuff you've done??
No. 1710649
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I hate myself for continueing to fantasise about a guy at work. I'm in the middle of therapy, trying to salvage my relationship, but all I can think about is how I want this colleage to fuck me until I'm cross-eyed
No. 1710730
It fucking broke my heart seeing you treat my childhood home this way, forget yourself and your pathetic alcoholism, you chose to let a beautiful house that was a home for so many people get full of mice, vermin? First you drive everyone away, thinking you were so much better than us, we grew up there, that place was supposed to be a home but you made your fucking best to ruin it, first by your behaviour and eventually rotting in it, with your fucking trash and mice. I cleaned it all up, with mom and today it's lovely again and you were just a shit stain that got cleaned up like the trash you were, I hope it was painful and I hope you were scared, you'll never understand why you died alone because you were barely a human, you never saw the look on her face as she saw what the fuck you did to that place. Hell isn't hot enough, but you'll fit right in, loser.
No. 1711011
File: 1696042195087.png (1.12 MB, 1080x1145, 1674303275248.png)

I wish I could start a podcast and just say all the edgy stuff I want. I feel so stifled sometimes. I have no one IRL to talk shit with. I don't want to do an everything podcast, I prefer the idea of separating topics like one for serious interesting stuff, another one for edgy stuff and another one for analyzing media I like. I tried doing an audio journal but it felt weird, no one to bounce words or ideas off of.
No. 1711092
File: 1696049372424.jpg (15.02 KB, 416x401, 427.jpg)

When he gets mad at me bc i made fun of him for wanting to fuck a tiktok tranny
No. 1711216
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>>1711191ntayrt but that's a very popular meme image
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No. 1713278
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There is pathetic and there is you, embarrassing.
No. 1713601
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There is something so deeply annoying about western girly girls acting they are oppressed for ;liking pink or wearing makeup. I hate how quickly any refusal to engage in femininity is seen as an NLOG. I hate how I'm expected to overcompensate in femininity just because other black people think I'm too masculine. I hate when femme lesbians complain about people treating them nicer than butch lesbians, based on femininity alone. I hate moms who force their daughters into painful stuffy clothes, burn their skin through bleaching creams, destroy their hair with perms, etc.
I don't want to force others to dress up like me, but other people love to harass me over my clothes.
No. 1714054
File: 1696295334974.png (40.28 KB, 250x250, 250px-0079Slowpoke.png)

>the anon trying to join in an on infight that ended hours ago
No. 1714324
File: 1696314305357.png (69.11 KB, 234x181, IdiotBall.png)

>me, reporting rule breaking posts and spam dozens of times
>retard jannies: duh duh durr why deednt you repirt?
kill yourselves
No. 1714498
File: 1696338172934.png (46.85 KB, 1088x1068, cringeeee.png)

A guy made me feel threatened this morning while I was walking my dog he saw me coming from far away did a quadruple take and like ran around the side of the building to stand on the sidewalk and leer at me as I walked past. I hate walking my dog I'm always afraid of them getting attacked and now I have to be afraid of men too
No. 1714695
File: 1696351666971.jpg (192.72 KB, 1280x914, 9766-865422334-9986567.jpg)

Actually I'M the most oppressed one in the world, everyone else should shut up. This is my thread.
No. 1714887
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No. 1715226
File: 1696387041946.jpg (44.86 KB, 555x558, me.jpg)

Oh my god take your own damn advice. I swear you have something against me or are too far gone into your mental illness to realize what you're doing. I'm so tired of this and tired of you. You're a judgemental piece of shit. And sometimes I do feel bad for both of you but since neither of you want to seek help or stop your toxic behaviors. you deserve to live this out until you die just as miserably as you lived. Genuinely hoping she comes out better than all of us and avoids this hell. I'm unironically at my fucking limit and the next one of you who tries it I'm letting everyone know how awful you are. Maybe they're too scared to say something but I'm not and I don't care anymore. You retards are the reason everything is the way it is but of course you'll deny it and push the blame on someone else. Stop trying to control me.
No. 1715626
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Every man who asks me “so…heh heh, are you a natural redhead?” with that smirk on his face. STOP IT I HOPE U DIE YOU FUCKING NASTY PERV. It’s blatantly obvious that I am, and it’s even more obvious you’re asking because you’re thinking about my vagina/pubes. I hate all of you so fucking much reeeeeee picrel is what I wish I could do to all of them
No. 1717617
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And it probably has more to do with the fact that you're a genuine cesspit with no redeeming qualities, permanent neetbrain, and an inhibility to remove your fist from women's business but yeah sure whatever justifies you being a miserable creep that thinks youre above regular people even though youre just as pedestrian all of the time ig lol.
No. 1717986
>>1717979Have you fully filled out your profile on Meetup
nonnie? Sometimes with all-women’s groups, they want your photo and full name to confirm that you’re actually a woman and not a man trying to creep. They won’t say that’s the reason they rejected your request bc it’s not pc anymore, but it often is. I can’t think of any other reason they would reject your request, but sorry that happened!
No. 1718203
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gRrRrR bArK bArK gRr
No. 1718216
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You aren't Rose bitch and you never were you're a repulsive old man and an embarrassment to your family
No. 1718322
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I just don't know what to do at this point. We've been through this many times and you make no sense. Is it over? Is it not? Will you contact me again? And if so, when? I KNOW that there's something you're not telling me or else you'd be consistent and all of this would've ended months ago. You had no issue breaking things off in such a cruel way months ago so why are you so silent now? Why did you reach out to me multiple times then? Why did you ask me how I'm doing? Why did you ask me if I'm comfortable? Why did you show interest in my work and hobbies? Why did you kiss, hold and caress me like that if apparently you don't care? I can't decide if I should just let it be or if I should tell you what a POS you are for putting me through all of this for such a long time and for what? I don't want to make it seem like I'm chasing you for an answer but I also don't want you to walk away scot-free without getting things off my chest in case we never talk or see each other again. I know you're non-confrontational and that's the reason why you never open your goddamn mouth when I ask you for an answer, so I at least want to put you through some discomfort even if you don't care about what I'm saying or don't apologize. It sucks that we couldn't talk this through like two adults and either work on it or just make a clean cut. I hate it when shit is floating in the air like that. I admit, I am delusional and don't have the guts to end it even though I probably should. I wish I could make this as hard for you as you're making it for me. I don't even know why I bother with all of this. I am truly the dumbest bitch that ever lived.
No. 1718359
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Every day I get closer and closer to blocking you. You're lucky I have no one else. I have to stop the cope of thinking you're any different than any other man that has ever existed. You're not. You use me for your ego games. I'm no different from any other woman you talk to. You use all of us, maybe not for sex, but something just as bad. I knew I was stupid to feel special, especially from the likes of you. You say you will miss me if I do anything to myself, but you will get over me in a month, tops. I must be painfully female to try to find any semblance of worth in our friendship. You use me to make yourself feel smarter and more successful while acting oh-so-coy about it. These past few weeks have been bleak. I think I'm ready to give up on you. I hate that I ever saw you as attractive or worthy of my admiration. You will never be worthy of any female attention. Don't get me started on your holier-than-thou-complex. You are no better than the men you call whores. You whine about dying alone, maybe you will. And if not, you'll be some walking dildo. It will serve you right for not taking women seriously. Why should they see you as human? I seriously hope you do find a woman and she breaks your heart. Sometimes I wish that woman would be me. But you would be a fool to ever think of laying your hands on me. I wish I could tell you this now. I hope we all wake up from our loneliness and leave you. Let's face it, you can't keep up this game of being an emotional tease.
No. 1719273
You keep prodding the people who support me to believe that I don't deserve it, and for what? People trust me because I'm polite, I do my job, and I don't go out of my way to fuck anybody over. I understand why you don't get it, though, because you're rude, lazy, and thoughtless. When you spend all your time sneaking around, sowing discontent, and stealing from the people you're in charge of, I guess you project those motives onto everyone. You've gotten at least two people fired with your petty, targeted behavior, and I'm not about to be the third. Funny that you can't read a room or body language at all, too. Do you know when I went to your supervisor to submit a complaint, she asked if it was about you before she even read it? You are absolutely welcome to keep poking at me; all you are doing is marring your own reputation and giving me more reasons to report you. If you're looking to push my buttons and get some kind of immediate response from me, you'll have to try a little harder. I hope this isn't your best. I can't imagine it's getting you very far if you're still here picking fights with teenagers and 20-somethings.
No. 1720363
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Me llamo jamon jaja pendejo jaja puto jaja culo jaja coño jaja
No. 1720957
>>1650373I'm sorry for being cruel to you
You were my best friend and I took you for granted. I still think about you sometimes and wonder if you're doing well and living healthily.
I hope one day we can reconnect as friends and make things right.
No. 1721034
File: 1696866238416.jpeg (13.66 KB, 168x181, IMG_1239.jpeg)

She’s not talking to you. Keep scrolling.
No. 1723607
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Infantilizing and shielding grown men that do terrible things and believing they see you as anything more than a means to an end is sad and crazy.
No. 1725214
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dude this sucks but i feel so petty and childish lol kill me
No. 1726811
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everything is going to be ok
No. 1729379
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I now know.
No. 1730920
>>1730919Her lyrics are pretty dumb, even for music you're supposed to just shut up and dance to
>She a baddie, she showin' her panty >She shake it like jelly>Hunnit bands in Chanely>But I'm still shakin' ass in the deliThe hell??
(vain bitch) No. 1730982
>>1730919something is
sus to me about how she got famous too, suddenly she is nobody to getting awards left and right?
(vain bitch) No. 1731679
File: 1697761438331.png (52.44 KB, 212x250, 1671136829113.png)

You're constantly saying shit like "no one cares" because you think it makes you look like a cool edgy hardass when you're doing inconceivable harm to others but this is literally you. You care so much that it's going to give you a brain aneurysm one day.
No. 1732802
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shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
No. 1732845
File: 1697854615157.jpg (17.91 KB, 420x315, bartlines.jpg)

I must not trust moids. I must not trust moids. I must not trust moids. I must not trust moids. I must not trust moids.
No. 1732925
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i had a mental breakdown and browsed r9k and other such loser sites for a year straight i did absolutely nothing else except waking up to just scroll because i was in such emotional turmoil and probably needed a community anyways its over now i got better on my own with ibprofen. this was after my extreme moid hate phase.
No. 1732960
dumb normies are garbage and I want nothing to do with them but my brain keeps putting those bad moments on a loop in my head and I want to smash through my fucking skull. I was so young it broke my heart, I didn’t know any better. young me was so hopeful for the future that she was ok with crying at the park eating her stupid dinner alone among the creeps as she used to feel like one with nowhere to go because she wanted to see the whole world and she knew there was nothing she couldn’t do. and it will always be true, there’s nothing that I can’t do. that dumb bitch adult deserves to die, wow getting back at me by cornering a fucking child. by throwing a fucking child out of the house and lying to her face. those dumb moids should also follow suit if they haven’t already, rot to death in their same old pathetic place and never amount to anything close to what I have done and will eventually do. I regret not telling each and everyone of them to fuck off when I still had the chance, that’s why all the tepid memories are still piping hot in my stupid brain and I can’t sleep and I can’t eat still, however long that time has passed. it’s ingrained, it’s cursed. my lovely beaten-up mac sit silently on my table witnessing all this madness, I can’t contain myself, I want to gauge my damn eyes out. I need to get back to drawing so I could make my existence bearable, existing alongside the horrendous past I want to scrape off the earth and the dumb retards I once considered friends. please don’t believe any retard saying shit like you should reach out to others or whatever the hell those dumbbells always regurgitate like a fucking broken mcdonald’s ice-cream machine because you only have yourself. I’m trying to soothe myself to sleep because I need it. the half of it is simply awful there’s no more roundabout there’s no exit for any problem, and tomorrow I will wake up and force myself to do it again and again to become great at the only thing I can do so I can stand the awfulness.
No. 1733897
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Can we have one, just one, single conversation that doesn't evolve into troon sperging? Not everything is about troons, I miss the times where we could talk about anything without you changing the topic to gender. Please I beg you.
No. 1739173
i love you a lot, mom.
you're my best friend, my closest parent, my favorite relative. you've saved me every time i've messed up, you've done everything to keep me safe, you've been the best mother you could be. i am sorry for all the fucks ups i've made, for all the stupid things i've done and said, and i forgive you for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, it's ok that you sometimes said something callous, i know it wasn't to hurt me, but because you're suffering yourself.
please don't leave me alone. please keep fighting. i'll always be by your side, no matter what decision you make. i can't stand to see you in pain, i can't even imagine what it's like to live every day hurting so much. when i was a teenager, the most you told me was that you suffered head injury because of my father and it was so bad you became disabled. only now, that i am much older with my own life, you are honest with me and tell me that your body is dying rapidly, your brain is being torn apart, your back breaks in pain as you wash yourself, your legs swelling at the end of each day and yet your spirit won't ever be crushed. you act like this is all nothing and you're more energetic than when i was younger, yet you still won't tell me the medical terms for anything, you know i'd google them and be even more scared, but every night i fall asleep i cry fearing that i won't see you again because i just don't know what could go wrong. i'm already scared, mom. i don't want to lose you, i don't know how to tell you just how much you mean to me. i know i started my own life awhile ago; i've been living on my own, an hour away from you, but i still worry about you, you've just always been so tough and never taught me how to show love without feeling awkward. i hope every week, when i visit you and help you around the house, i make your life easier. i hope every time we go for a smoke, though i slyly but heartfully remind you not to smoke, you know i'm trying to relate to you.
please please please keep fighting on. i beg of you. i cry in hope you'll get better. in my worst nightmares you're gone, the world is ending and you're just gone and no one there can help me. please don't disappear. please don't leave me. please live to see another day. you're not even 50, this can't be fair. you told me god only punishes evildoers, but you're not bad, let alone evil. you shouldn't suffer. this is so incoherent and i wish i could just tell you, but i can't. i'll cry and you won't understand, not even i will. i think we're both scared of death, just for different reasons. sometimes i think if you die i'll die too, i'm not helpless on my own, but i don't want to go through life without sharing my happiness with you; even when i was a teenager i liked coming home to tell you good news that i can't even remember now, but they meant a lot to me then. i'm crying now, it's really hard not to! this is so childish!!!!
i love you so much, but i am so so so scared.
No. 1739329
I'm never allowed to show any antagonism or to be disagreeable or to stand up for myself or even have an argument or a different opinion without being fucking demonized or ending up being harassed. Almost like I'm not fucking human and am not even allowed to have negative feelings or an individuality. My whole life I've played into the egos of other people and even then it wasn't enough because I was never really part of society. Then absolutely anything that I say gets blown out of proportion and people become incapable of empathizing with me.
Most people are allowed to be disagreeable or Have different opinions without being turned into demons or enemies. Also, I've been treated like horseshit by society my whole fucking life.
It's really easy to misportray someone's values. Also, being demonized in such a manner by people that are similar to you or that You wanna be friends with is fucking vile…
I can be called a whore, be made fun of for being mentally ill, literally be stripped of the right to have an opinion, be made fun of for being poor but I can't say any fucking thing about you or even have a nuance in my system of beliefs because you go insane.
It's been like this my whole fucking life. Then, after everyone shit talks me, harasses me, LITERALLY lies about what I believe and what I stand up for. Of course, I get called "paranoid". It's fucked up to be treated like this by people that are like you and that You wanna be friends with.
I can be called a whore, called all sort of slurs, not be allowed to hold a simple opinion that is actually well argumented because you're going to twist it completely and turn it into something I don't even stand up for.
No. 1739337
>>1739329There are Moids on YouTube that literally talk about wanting to shoot up schools or that talk about how they are sociopathic, pimps, rapists and they get more empathy than I fucking do and care from people and understanding. Meanwhile, I'm dying due to mental illness, lack of resources, lack of a support group and I've never had anything in my whole fucking life although I did everything perfectly and those ugly sociopathic Moids get more empathy and social inclusion than I do. I've been turned into a fucking strawman by society and people are incapable of empathizing with me. Nobody's ever truly given a shit about me and after years of interpersonal abuse and devaluation/social rejection on top of it I'm gaslit too and told that what I'm experiencing is a fucking lie. It's almost like people lose their brain cells or common sense around me. I genuinely care about people and I value intelligence, integrity and șo on but my life is horrible and after șo many years I find myself Alone…when I wanted to have people around. Nothing that I do is ever good.
I'm just having my truth twisted…
(vain bitch) No. 1739978
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No. 1740094
My piece of shit eldest brother moved into my parent's house temporarily despite spending the last forty years stealing from, scamming, abusing, and threatening our family and ultimately getting disowned by all of us. My mother felt sorry for him and let him move in after his ex-wife beat the absolute shit out of him. It's been 3 fucking months of him stalling to find a home/apt while not paying for anything. Worse, he has the same creepy personality from when he was younger.
From intruding on conversations that my mother and I are having, the constant and fixated staring at me, to the intrusion into my personal space, inappropriate fake laughing punctuating every sentence, the weird disruptive energy he's constantly putting out, I feel like I'm around a fucking predator. He's always been this way around me, and now I feel like I have to hole up in my room in order to avoid him.
This morning, while he was upstairs in a closed room (he's WFH), I snuck downstairs –because that's what I have to do now, sneak around my own god dammed home– to grab something and check on my plants and thought I'd be fine since he doesn't really go there when he's on a break. This motherfucker rushes downstairs while I'm in the bathroom and turns around like he was just coming from the kitchen, stares at me with some creepy smile, then attempts to follow me up the stairs. I feel like I'm being preyed on, I feel like crying, and I can't keep venting to my mother because she's generally stressed the hell out and regretful about the decision.
I know I'm old enough to move out, but I refuse to leave my mother alone with him. He's threatened to kill my father before, there's no other constant male figure in the home to keep him in check, he holds grudges for years, and he really is the type to snap. I'm just praying that he moves the fuck out already and that the situation doesn't go left.
No. 1740485
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are you seriously trying to paint me as a crazy bpd bitch when you're the one that got deeply attached to someone you barely knew? like 3 months ago you were writing melodramatic essays about me and how much i meant to you. dont try to forget that, you were obsessed.
male projection is very funny.
No. 1741363
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Sometimes when I'm upset and hate myself I feel guilty for existing. Even my posts on lc make me cringe. Sorry for not being very funny, interesting, helpful or nice, for posting too much and for oversharing. I still love lc and it's the only online space I actually enjoy posting, I just need this out of me. Sorry nonnas and thank you, some of are really sweet and hilarious.
No. 1741594
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YuR mY pUrSuN
No. 1741608
File: 1698464090388.gif (1.07 MB, 640x516, 1697122367460876.gif)

Your public persona you pretend to be temperamental and cast aside all the things you do gleefully in private. You are so desperate for any chance to police other people or feel more important than them that you'll hyperfixate on their actions like what you do isn't far worse on scales that are laughable really. You want to be absolved of your actions SO badly that you sit around wishing ill intent befalls your victims because you are genuinely truly too retarded to just move on with your life or try to be a better person. You will make ANY excuse to be a psycho or a creep. You will fantasize about any elaborate lie or dream that lets you do whatever you want because you're too much of a spoiled fucking brat for reality. I'm happy all those delusions are consuming you and making you into the miserable pathological cunt that you are. I really am. You deserve far worse.
No. 1745633
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seethe loooooooooool
No. 1745657
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some actual schizos on this site
No. 1911498
File: 1709574420465.png (Spoiler Image,555.62 KB, 736x328, 0f86f959.png)

This is what vkei fans worship a horny japanese male no makeup no costume no class
No. 1911503
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Fuck that vkei thread weaboo looking ass mother fucking fat asses reporting my ass there go scrape off that pussy dirt with ur nail