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File: 1707997085383.png (2.19 MB, 1996x1026, antifujo spergs.png)

No. 1889096

Thread to discuss the anti-fujo movement and the spergs associated with it.

Notable anti-fujo spergs:
Obssesed antifujo pickme from the moid farms. Claims feminism turned women into fujos and that all women have a rape fetish. She inserts her hatred of fujos into unrelated threads and derrails them into oblivion with her sperging. Has an obssesion with sparkle dog artist and hazbin hotel creator vivienne medrano.
>james somerton
Breadtuber frogman who recently got outted as a plagiarist and a scammer. Harassed author of love simon for being 'a straight woman writting about gay men', author had to come out as a bisexual to stop the harassment. Despite being aware of the harassment and forcing the author to come out as bisexual, he still kept namedropping her and her book, and playing the victim when the author told him to stop.
Our resident fujosperg. Pakistani NEET who spends her days sperging about first world problems like fujoshis while also sperging about living in a shithole. Calls fujos degenerate and pornsick while simping for neo-nazi killer Varg vikerness. Has posted both her grandma and her brother's hand to the farms and has a very concerning hyperfixation on little boys getting raped in ancient cultures.

No. 1889109

Hazbin Hotel sperg is right though.

No. 1889111

She doesnt even watch the show she's a featured thread hopper who jumped to shit on vivzie because of her personal bias

No. 1889114

Weird ass thread and OP tbh

No. 1889115

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God bless this thread is finally here. Starting off with picrel, this is honestly the most malebrained pretzeling I've seen.
>How dare women after being objectified and treated as second class citizens due to being born female use male bodies for their stories to cope with the trauma??? those are TRANSFEM bodies!!!! That's LITERALLY transmisogyny!!!!
Really, I almost have to applaud them for the amount of reaching they do to justify hating women basically just existing.

No. 1889116

fujos can be annoying but they're easy enough to avoid, why waste energy hating them

No. 1889117

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Reposting from the fandom cringe thread

No. 1889119

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>TL;DR: Ukes are totally trans women stand-ins and fujos are twansmisogynists for EXPLOITING transfem bodies for their sick and twisted rape porn!!!!

No. 1889121

Most fujo haters genuinely just hate women. I am a yume so it doesn't really affect me, but I hate seeing pickmes, troons and moids all using fujos as a punchingbag for daring to find enjoyment in their sexuality without the need of 3DPD.

No. 1889124

Well they're close, even if they're so far away. Both the characters of yaoi manga are actually meant to be females. The uke project the female societal and biological role of being the victim and submissive, while the seme represents the female desire to be in control of their sexuality. It's just how lesbian porn aimed at men often shows lesbians as male-thinking and male-acting people.(derailing)

No. 1889127

wrong thread, this is your containment >>1628970

No. 1889128

Of course a Byleth/Edelgard tranny shipper would say that shit. Of course.

No. 1889129

never thought about it but that way, but that actually makes a lot of sense.

No. 1889130

When did I ever say it was cringe?

No. 1889131

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Good yumes know to live in symbiosis with fujos and vice-versa. This is what happens in the visual novel space, which is already decaying and has been so forever. Stellaworth the flagship store for female-targeted VNs is shared equally between yume and fujo games and merch. And there's a lot of overlap in the playerbases too. This yume vs. fujo discourse is a western ameritard invention and a typical example of divide to conquer that moids psyop onto us because they hate women having hobbies that aren't being fuckable to them. Real yumefujos know we are sisters and if not support at least tolerate each other.

No. 1889132

What you're saying is based and truthpilled but homophobe-chans will eat you alive for this and think you're implying they're all dirty dykes for reading BL.(responding to bait)

No. 1889133

>Both the characters of yaoi manga are actually meant to be females
I didn't know women had huge cocks and balls and exclusively had anal sex or frottage. Good to know I guess.

No. 1889134

you are responding to pakichan, report and ignore.

No. 1889136

To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if there were several anons always posting shit like this and not just Pakichan. I keep seeing a bunch of anti-fujo and lesbian fujo alike saying this shit on other websites.

No. 1889137

Pretty much this. Rampant homophobia incoming! I'm a staight gal who's into yaoi, but I am confident in my sexuality and I'm not afraid of gay people, so I'll just admit the truth about BL manga - as someone who read a lot of those when I was younger.

No. 1889139

Yeah because they all share the same braincell. Just report them, there is a high chance it's Pakichan ban-evading.

No. 1889140

The fuck is "Pakichan"?

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