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No. 45821
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the other day I was looking at korean makeup reviews (call me a koreaboo, but korean bb creams are great) and came across this…thing
wtf that everything
No. 45852
Checked my inbox yesterday and Innisfree apparently just made these. think they're really nice and they look like they wouldn't make my lips sticky like the Sugar ones I have from Fresh.
No. 45857
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I just went to /r/makeupaddiction and had a big laugh.
pic related
No. 45859
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more courtesy of /r/makeupaddiction
No. 45860
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No. 45862
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go on pinterest and type in 'makeup tutorial' I prefer those over videos.
No. 45868
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No. 45877
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That's cool, good idea anon!
Ugh, tell me about it, I'm all for free speech, but they're super spammy with their beta whining. I tried having a thread about fashion or whatever and you had guys whining about how women are vapid for caring about fashion.
It's really annoying and happens all the time. Even worse are the random rants they spam in all thread. Like literally copypastas of why women suck.
Like dude, you have issues with women, but I'm not here to help you with that. I'm here to talk about contraception, high heels and to have some nice banter. You should talk to a counselor about that shit.
No. 45880
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Yeah, it's weird how they're cool with racemixing if it's a white guy plus another race, but if it's a white girl plus another race, they mock it.
Pol is fine in my opinion. At least they're open and honest about their racism, unlike those pseudointellectual beta clucks from leftypol that come on /fem/ to whine about how they're nice and feminists but girls still dont like them.
Covert racism and sexism is worse that open racist and sexism. When it's out in the open and obvious, you can engage them, discuss it etc.
No. 45885
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Makeup related how do I go about washing my brushes? Also I can't stand strong perfume like smells.
Also is there a life span on the brushes? (more so the eye ones) And how long do those blending sponges last, and best way to clean/toss them?
No. 45892
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Girls, I need your help. Especially any MUA's or advanced makeup geeks.
I have a heart shaped face. I have to contour a lot according to the charts I see, that's cool. So I go to Sephora over the course of 3 months and ask the girls there to recommend me a good contouring products (because I want them allll!).
So far different employees have recommended different brands which are:
Too Faced: Milk Chocolate Soleil, Soleil Matte Bronzer, Sunny Bunny
Tart: 3 Park Ave Princess (They came in palettes), and 1 Park Ave Princess waterproof bronzer
Buxom: Tahiti bronzer
That's a lot of fucking bronzers right? Well fuck me because I just recently started seeing articles and gurus talking about how contouring powders should be Taupe (gray brown) to imitate a natural shadow.
I just looked through my bronzers and they're all brown! I'm so fucking pissed at myself for spending so much on the same shit without doing more research. I can't believe the MUA's at Sephora didn't know this.
I don't bronze.
So… I'm a neutral leaning towards warmer tones (but I can do cool sometimes). Can I get away with using these bronzers for contouring? Aside from that, I have no use for these products.
No. 45895
File: 1422176164015.jpg (96.79 KB, 640x640, js in the lab.jpg), unlike Xenia you actually get proof that Jeffree is in a fucking lab working on his products.
>lip scrubs>special surprise productEeeee..
No. 45899
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>>133501For some reason, that link is being weird. Not sure if this one will work any better. If you are unable to find the board, use the list of boards button on 8ch and CTRL + F for /beauty/. That should help if these links are still being shitty. I saw some people asking about finding it.
Also, I know many here are from /cgl/ and while I really do not want to steal any thunder from the Admin of 8ch /cgl/, I know that the board is painfully slow and going back to halfchan is a pain for some. I'm allowing generals for JFash/Lolita since it IS fashion related and I've expanded /beauty/'s content to allow more than just skin care and makeup.
Hopefully, /cgl/ does pick up though.
No. 45902
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Free samples I got from a Korean beauty seller on Amazon!
No. 45906
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Coming for Valentines from Jeffree Star.
No. 45914
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No. 45916
>>133544Yep. can even tell that they used L'Oreal's shitty foundation because of how it cakes. Its well known for doing that shit and making pores visible.
No. 45918
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hahahaha oh wow
No. 45945
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No. 45946
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No. 45947
>>133572Whoa…periods are a bitch. I'm not some guru, just tried a lot of foundations. I also asked for some advise.
Also, you failed to insult the fact that I corrected my grammar with more shitty grammar.
You know, I've noticed most of the frumpiest women use the word "basic bitch." Just an observation.
>>133573Dinosaurs who want tacos?
>>133575Nope. Only purchased the black one. It's real nice.
No. 45958
>>133575I just got my 714. I am actually a little disappointed with it. I also have unicorn blood and redrum, both of which are fucking amazing and I wear redrum almost daily, but 714 is like…super watery. And it doesn't seem to go on as evenly. I don't see anyone else having that issue yet though so I might've just gotten unlucky.
Really looking forward to his lip scrubs, though. Overall I really like his stuff so far and people are always like "omg where did u get that lipstick" when I'm out. I think he's going to get really big really quick, but it seems like he works really hard on his products, so it'll be deserved.
No. 45964
>too extreme for 4chan
Lol. Bitch, lose the tough guy, "we're in the wild west," attitude already. You cunt up every single thread in /b/. Fucking relax. I know you feel like you're better because you post here, but give it a rest. Love that you think you can regulate the board with your super serious, mature posting, but get over yourself.
We are also one of the few chans that are known for being female dominated, so we're representative of chan females. At least in other chans, if you're going to make a comment about a moronic post you'd see them make a great joke about it. And one, more thing - we are actually 14 year olds here, we're also in our 20s and 30s. Welcome to being Anon.
sigh I'm just shitposting, but your elevated opinion of chans is hilarious. Write a thesis about it someday.
No. 45972
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>people disagree with me
>therefore they're dumblr
Your mad is showing
No. 45979
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No. 45980
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Since this is a makeup thread, could any kind anons help me out?
I'm pretty shit at makeup to begin with, and I'm having problems finding tutorials for my eye shape. I'm Asian and I have a hooded and mostly hidden double lid so it's almost a combination of both mono and double, and unfortunately most Asian tutorials go for one or the other. I can barely even do winged eyeliner because either the skin on the upper-outer corner of my eye or the hooded part of my lid always smudges it. Any tips/references to people with the same eye shape? Will be eternally grateful.
Pic related, thank you <3
No. 45982
>>133609I have the exact same eyeshape as you and you can do a lot with make up there. it took me ages to figure it out for the exact same reason you mentioned: most advice is either for mono lid or double lid, not in between.
winged eyeliner works very well if you make it pointy. the wing has to start before your lid drops so it doesn't go completely to the outer corner of your eye.
always put very bright concealer on the outer corner to hide the dropping.
never merge your under lid eyeshadow/liner with your upper lid eyeshadow/liner because that emphasizes the dropping.
stretch your eyelid while applying eyeshadow and eyeliner. for some reason tutorials aways advice not to do this but with a hooded lid you have to. otherwise your make up will look dirty because you can't apply it accurately on excess lose skin.
I hope this helped you a little. I'm not very good at explaining make up in english because it's not the standard stuff you learn in your english class. tutorial works very good for your type of eye, you just have to keep in mind not to merge the under eye/upper lid eyeshadow like she does and instead brighten your outer eyecorner.
No. 45987
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Kinda feel bad for this girl
No. 45988
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Not really make up, but beauty related.
If I wanted bby's first circle lenses, how would I go about it? Do I really need to go to an eye doctor first? I want to be safe, but I don't have insurance and circle lenses aren't worth the money to go to an eye doctor to be honest.
No. 45990
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That makes sense. I've never worn lenses before either, but the taking care of them seems like just common sense. I'd probably only wear them when I got with friends and shit.
Some of the stuff I'm not really knowledgeable about is when websites list diameters, water content, and shit. What sort of numbers are good and what are bad?
No. 45994
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I'm not super makeup savvy, I'm kind of like >>133483 in that I mostly do my makeup occasionally, but I want to get better and for my first step to be skin care. I keep getting recommended Etude House for BB creams, but are they actually good or just a popular, easy Korean brand?
No. 45996
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I have been using this for years as a color corrector. I just add it to whatever foundation I'm using (usually cover girls sensitive skin in the little glass bottle because I'm a poorfag) and apply it with a brush/sponge.
Illamasqua's white foundation is better, but I haven't been able to afford it all the time.
Has anyone found any super pale concealers, possibly from sephora?
No. 45997
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Who wants to recommend bronzers for a black girl?
> inb4 niggers dont need bronzer, Pic related
No. 46026
The push up liner can dry out if you don't store it right (like all gel eyeliner, don't let it get exposed to air when not in use). Maybelline makes a dupe that actually came out before Benefit's, but it seems like it's only available in Asia and the UK?
If you want drugstore options, Physician's Formula makes a great eyeliner pen in black and ultra black, with a brush tip rather then a felt tip pen. Maybelline makes some nice ones as well, right now I've been using the Stiletto one (the tip is more like a cone-shaped sponge rather then a felt tip) and it's only just started to fry up after about 9 months. I have the Loreal Slim liner one as well, but I find the tip to be a little stiff, and it doesn't come in waterproof.
Urban decay also make a nice one that's very black, but I find it's too stiff for me to use.
I have one of the intense butter glosses and that stains your lips, so when it fades it fades nicely imo. I really like their matte lip cremes as well (though I have the two darkest colors, Copenhagen and Transylvania. The latter is a bit patchy, but the former just looks amazing.)
No. 46029
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I don't think it's waterproof but I bought this on a whim in a supermarket in the UK over a year ago and it's become my go-to mascara ever since.
It's called New York Colour Skyrise and it's very, very good.
No. 46055
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Anyone else allergic to dimethicone?
It's a silicone-based ingredient that makes stuff feel really soft and non-greasy (a lot of primers and BB creams have it- oh and most sunscreens).
It makes my skin break out into a rash and my face swell up until I look like a monster. It feels really bad, since so many nice products contain it.
Any advice for a good BB cream that doesn't contain dimethicone? I tried The Body Shop's and it's really gooey.
No. 46059
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a good alternative is the magic cover BB cream from the face shop. Missha products break me out like a mofo and this one is white enough for me
No. 46069
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Results were mixed when I tried searching the web for this, so I'm placing my trust in lolcow.
I want to wear more lipstick, but I'm horrendous at picking out colors that don't look like shit after I put them on. I'm pale and have brown eyes/eyebrows and light brown hair. Are there any lip colors that are a yes or no with these features?
Also, any recs for brands? I kind of want to try out liquid lipstick since I want something I can't accidentally smear across my face/teeth.
No. 46072
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Also, regardless of skin tone temp, when picking a red lip shade try to pick a shade that is more blue toned or cooler in tone. This is mostly because it'll make your teeth look whiter, and the right shade of a blue toned red lip rarely looks bad on anyone. If you have either an Ulta or a Sephora near you, go to the Urban Decay counter and swatch the colors 69 and Fbomb. Both are really nice reds that work on just about anyone. 69 is deeper and more neutral and Fbomb, pic related, tends to look cooler in tone on most people.
Also their Mia Wallace lipstick from the Pulp Fiction line is amazing but I don't know if it's still available.
No. 46084
>>133712Focus on clearing your issues so you don't have to cover them and continue the cycle of worsening your skin.
Exfoliation and proper moisturization should clear up your issue pretty quickly.
My mistake early on is that I avoided moisturizers entirely because I have oily skin. Since I've started a regimen that involves keeping moisture locked in and bacteria out, makeup has become such a breeze. Use an alcohol free toner after your skincare and finish off with 100% pure aloe vera to help shrink your pores. Avoid a lot of powders. Or mix a matte powder with a light coverage with setting powder (I use white aloe Vera powder with it) AFTER you've sloughed away the flaky skin via exfoliation and diligent skincare.
No. 46086
>>133714What products do you use?
It's either bunk products or hormonal.
Zinc helps with hormonal acne btw, might give it a try.
No. 46088
>>133714You might be overdoing it and drying out that area with too many products. I'm not 100% sure though, but I would suggest looking here for answers:, do you know if you get enough omega-3? I would highly recommend taking supplements if you don't already. In addition to helping skin, it's good for your nails and hair, too. Might also help with hormonal issues.
>>133716If a poor diet was an actual issue pertaining to acne, every fatty would have a raging pizza face.
No. 46096
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Has anyone tried Étude House's Beauty Shot Face Blur? It came up in my Amazon recommendations and I'm curious, if it does what the pics claim it does then I definitely need it in my life, but if not then I don't want to waste my time with it.
No. 46104
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How is the coverage? BB-tier or foundation tier? Also, are there any coupon codes or discounts for Étude House that work right now? I wanna do a big order but I don't wanna break the bank in the process.
No. 46106
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For dark packaging, look into Anna Sui cosmetics. I always liked how her stuff looks.
On the more cutesy end, there is Etude House, Too Faced, and TheBalm have very cute packaging.
Laduree Cosmetics has some of the fanciest packaging I've seen, but they are very expensive and the products tend to be sold separate to the packaging.
No. 46107
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Here is a photo of some of Anna Sui's cosmetics.
No. 46108
>>133735are you guys fucking channeling me? i've been looking at this shit all day! related has best prices. I'm picking up a few things! (muh wallet)
No. 46113
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Yaaaas dat banana hand milk tho
No. 46115
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pic related from missha
get n13 for palest colour
awesome nectar of the gods for a low price
wtf they've outdone themselves this time
No. 46125
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You must be the shade of miss piggy
No. 46132
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Can you all get this weeaboo arguing out of this thread plz? both sides are equally annoying and if you want to talk about taking care of ur skin just take it over to the skincare thread.
Anyways back on topic, I'm thinking about asking BF for one of the NAKED pallets for my birthday since i love the quality but don't know which one is the best for basic everyday wear. Any help?
No. 46141
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I've been covetting the natural matte pallete from Two Faced, if you're looking for something that can do looks that are for everyday, but could be used for deeper smokey looks, if you didn't want to incorporate any shimmers (or keep shimmers in another palette of specific singles for whatever reason.) Only thing it's missing is a matte black, but that's only really useful if you have black hair or are a deeper skin tone (or both.) Otherwise, it'd likely work for anyone.
No. 46142
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Going to Sephora tomorrow. Tell me what your "must haves" or Holy Grail products are.
No. 46143
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roger that
No. 46144
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No. 46150
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How much do you weigh? If you're average weight, could you stand to lose a little more? Or put on muscle and lose fat if you're not comfortable with that.
That's one thing that will demonstrably help with your hooded lids. Beyond that you're stuck with them, and acceptance is perhaps the better route than eyelid glue. If you really want to get rid of them so badly, save up for eyelid surgery, at least it'll look more convincing that the glue.
I have them too, and it's annoying but kinda charming. Rock those lids, I'm sure they look great on you. They're not the easiest eye to do makeup on, but once you learn the tricks and take a look at some tutorials, you too can be a kawaii eyeshadow queen.
Pic related, taylor swift has hooded eyes and she looks gr8 m8.
No. 46155
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nope weight makes a difference. when I'm underweight my eyes are a lot "less" hooded than at a normal weight. they are still hooded, but more taylor-swift level hooded than nicole kidman. don’t need to be an obeast to see a difference.
I wouldn't even try to keep it straight but put my chin up. or place a mirror at a significant lower level. also gently pulling your skin tight helps with the application of eyeliner.
and one more thing for all fellow hooded lids anons: eyeshadow base is the most important thing for hooded lids. everyone should use it anyway but especially people with hooded lids.
Hooded lids can be beautiful if you have nice, full lips and a small nose. but hooded eyes + thin lips and/or a big nose = witch face.
No. 46156
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> I highly doubt they have any relation to weight unless you're extremely obese
That's objectively incorrect. Hooded lids are due to fat deposits in the face. They can indeed get extreme with obesity, but even at lower weights it can be an area where fat accumulates. This will vary from person to person- some people have droopy skin there more than fat, but generally losing weight will help.
For keks, extreme obesity can actually make it difficult for you to see
No. 46157
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Does anyone know where I can buy doe foot applicators like pic related? Or any super cheap brands that use them so I could just buy a couple of their products and wash the applicators off?
No. 46170
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Anyone had experiences buying brand knockoff makeup and such off sites like aliexpress etc? Know it can be a hit & miss and that ingredients can be shady but honestly don't mind as long my face won't get assblasted with skin diseases
No. 46199
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I understand what you're looking for anon. I'm not sure about eyeshape, but the best way to get a more cute and less sexy look is to avoid bottom eyeliner and mascara, and just keep makeup looking more minimal. A shimmery nude eyeshadow, with some light eyeliner and mascara is a good starting point.
No. 46202
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I really think for most western eye shapes, any kind of lining of the bottom eye automatically makes it look more sexy or glamorous. If anon above is looking for something cute, then it should be avoided.
Pic related was just the only non-weeb gyaru shit photo of western eye makeup I have. Here is another example, but a lot more asian inspired, which anon isnt going for.
No. 46210
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has anyone ever had this problem? I just bought sleek matte me in "birthday suit", ordered online instead of irl which is mostly my fault, but anyway. it comes up really orange/brown on me - nothing like the swatches I've seen online! it's the same colour on even on my lips by the way.
No. 46223
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Is anyone else a fan of the Bardot/buxom look? I have naturally full lips, so I'm drawn to it. But I've also been told I look 15, so I haven't had the confidence to go all the way with this makeup.
What I'm saying is I just really don't want to look like Kylie Jenner trying to wear Kim's skin.
No. 46224
>>133609you have eyes similar to mine this is what i use
No. 46232
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Yeah, I was asking about the fresh cat eye/pouty lips look! I'm a big fan and am just worried about adjusting it for someone who is not buxom-sexy-woman like BB, -chuckles aloud-.
No. 46235
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Are you still using powder? I thought everybody was doing a dewy glow atm.
No. 46247
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idk about Morphe but I know that Real Techniques are usually the go-to for most people. I own a bunch myself and they're great, and they're available in Boots and Superdrug.
No. 46260
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Hmm how sparse are talking here? Do you just have very little hair or do you need something to fill it in a bit? I've got thicker eyebrows but, fml, they don't grow in evenly so it's patchy in a couple of spots. Anyways, I've been using Blinc eyebrow mousse and I'm pretty in love with it. It fills everything in and helps maintain shape with out looking overly done. If you want a more natural look I would go with this.
No. 46264
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I used to use Missha Perfect Cover myself and whilst it is fantastic, idk of you've noticed but online imports have become scarcer and the prices have gone up. I used to buy mine from South Korea on eBay and it used to be that I could get one of the 100ml tubes for under £5, but now I'll be lucky to find one for under £10.
These days I use TonyMoly Petite Cotton. It's only avaliable in one shade, which is a pale olive tone not so different from the lightest shade of Perfect Cover, and the coverage is identical if not better than Missha. That and I can get 3-4 bundles for £10 that last foreverrrrrrr. I do have very sensitive skin including seborrheic dermatitis and this has always been great with it.
No. 46265
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No. 46267
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>I swear to god half my money ends up going to beautynetkorea
Same fam'.
I really wish the West would adopt the South Korean cosmetic style which puts a huge emphasis on UV protection, non-dermatologically aggravating ingredients, low alcohol content and cute packaging.
I feel like Western cosmetics just chuck whatever into their shit regardless of how bad it is for your skin and dress it up as "luxury European product" with some shitty tagline like "LONDON STYLE" and a huge mark up. Most of the foundations here don't even have SPF… we are so fucking behind.
I was in Superdrug last week and I actually saw the stall for picture related and I started cracking up in the middle of the aisle because you can really tell that Maybelline just fucked up an enormous batch and decided to run with it anyway.
No. 46270
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I am really digging this kind of minamalistic makeup style that's going around at the moment.
I mean, obviously it's not actually minamalistic, she will have a shit load of product on her face, but it looks it.
No. 46271
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Like, thick, fully and bushy. That hyper-defined Anastasia brow trend can't die quick enough.
No. 46275
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Not really Anon. Have you not been on any of the social medias? People have been plugging this super-contoured, painted-on tranny brows for a few years now. People bought into it, terribly so, and I'm really only just starting to see a reemergence of the more natural, scruffy brows OUTSIDE of modelling and into the mainstream.
No. 46280
File: 1461292854016.jpg (66.76 KB, 582x578, lighter blue eyes.JPG)

Can you guys help me make my dark blue/grey REALLY stand out?
I googled it, but bronze doesn't seem to do shit for me, and I'm kind of bad at eyeshadow (willing to learn if you have tips).
I kind of like tight-lining with black and smudging a little on the outer third, but what else can I do to make them really noticeable?
No. 46287
File: 1461340282424.jpg (363.82 KB, 1600x1600, PFI-06238-7.jpg)

heyy does anybody has reviews on physicians formula products?? the package its super cute but i dont know anything about this brand.
No. 46302
Hey farmers, the past few months I've been using the KVD lock it foundation, and it's great, it really is! I just think it might be to thick for my comfort, though. Putting it on and blending it no matter if it's a brush, beauty blender, etc is a pain. Also the coverage makes me look too flawless, to the level it looks cakey at times. So, here's my question. What are some good, long lasting, medium coverage foundations? I've heard Naked Skin by UD is good, but I'm weary, Dior Star foundation also looks pretty nice. But what do you guys recommend?
No. 46308
File: 1461731060342.jpeg (82.7 KB, 532x800, image.jpeg)

Any idea what brand this lipstick is?
I use the urban decay ones of under my eyes, it's amazing but I use the yellow one the formula is good tho
No. 46312
File: 1461858846368.jpg (64.29 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.1002760889_2dvn.jpg)

What do you guys think about this highlighter? Everyone's freaking out about it apparently. The Etsy shop is completely sold out now and I guess some people who bought out the shop are selling them on ebay for $1000. It's pretty but I'm just not sure what the practical use for this would be.
No. 46314
File: 1461859347465.jpg (56.22 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.1002760835_a9bi.jpg)

Here's a pic of it on skin. It turns into this weird gray color when mixed up apparently. But I can't imagine anyone walking down the street with it on.
No. 46319
File: 1461862850713.png (675.5 KB, 595x595, 23bv5v2ov5[130o1.png)

Yeah, not sure what I'm nitpicking either? That's a pic of the creator from her IG. Anyways, have a shitty pic of Jeffree Star wearing it too.
No. 46335
File: 1461945338442.jpg (87.98 KB, 640x640, 13012882_816248648511109_37972…)

I thought this was kinda nice from their fb page.
No. 46341
>>133968Someone linked > like the press design, but something about it doesn't look near as pigmented…
No. 46348
>>133976Phone is weird
*should I go elsewhere
Also, any recommendations for black lipsticks and gothic makeup in general?
No. 46361
File: 1462659095626.jpg (118.12 KB, 1080x1080, 12106107_936309986440198_92323…)

So my skin only recently cleared up to the extent that it actually looks good without makeup on, all supple and dewy and shit.
I watched a video recently of a makeup artist applying a particular style, and one of the things she mentioned whilst applying it was that it wasn't necessary to apply foundation all over your face, just in a few key, targeted areas, like around your cheeks or under your eyes.
Call me fucking retarded, but it this common knowledge? Because I've been applying that shit like goddamn moisturiser since I was 17. I mean to be fair it was mostly because I was suffering with eczema and was trying to cover the damage, but since I began following what the MA said, my makeup really does look a hell of a lot better. No more "clogged, heavy" appearance, I look a hell of a lot more youthful too, which is exactly what I thought a full coverage was providing, but nope.
Picture unrelated, but I thought it was lovely makeup.
No. 46367
I've heard good things from korean brands because their look is so heavily focused on good skin, plastering on foundation would not be chic - you need good skin to pull off the effortless look most koreans love.
At the moment I'm still using Jane Iredale - PurePressed® Base Mineral Foundation. There's liquids and other formulas but powder works best for me. All their products for skin are certified non-comedogenic. Imho, I'm not convinced anything you put on your face can be truly non-comedogenic, but this is the closest I've come so far.
Easy to layer, very high SPF built in, can re-apply in specific areas throughout the day (I don't use concealer anymore which is mind boggling, I have deep set eyes and dark circles). It's expensive but worth it, I might not use as much as others, but it's lasted a long time.
It works well for combo skin too, so far it hasn't highlighted dry, patchy parts of my skin it just sits on it.
Anyone else have suggestions? I've only tried this one brand.
No. 46369
File: 1462726737763.jpg (47.44 KB, 960x720, MUALuxeSwatch.jpg)

It's a powder highlighter though right?
Something I've realised this year is how awful powders look on your face, all dry and cakey. They're terribly ageing.
I think if anybody is going to be using a highlighter they should definitely opt for a stick highlighter or liquid. I abandoned powder foundation and setting powder last year and my skin has legitimately never looked better.
This is not my picture but it's the same highlighter I use; MUA Undress Me.
No. 46372
File: 1462731270546.jpg (145.79 KB, 500x700, tumblr_meh2ajvsmP1qzy531o1_500…)

Because for most girls that use it they end up looking like this after a few hours on a hot day. It settles into your pores and creases terribly.
No. 46378
File: 1462820716869.jpg (105.39 KB, 1620x1620, mureshungu_open.jpg)

I use a matte taupe eyeshadow, very sparingly. I find anything made specifically for contouring is always too orange-toned.
No. 46384
File: 1462841855398.jpg (247.65 KB, 499x618, 1460917107753.jpg)

Someone posted about it on 4chan's /fit/ board. They were proving a point to all the super insecure beta cucks that girls get insecure too. I think it was the tall feels thread that got linked. So now there are abunch of dudes lurking and jerking.
No. 46387
File: 1462873150776.jpg (1.25 MB, 5000x5000, b6e63482-8dcd-420f-b196-5daf9f…)

When disguising redness you need to find a coverage that negates the pigment of whatever it is you're trying to hide. So, you need to look at this colour wheel and select the redness that matches your skin the most, and whatever tone is on the opposite of this wheel is what will cover your redness, so for you it'll be a bluey/greeny bb cream.
Unless the redness is an all-over thing though, it might just be worthwhile to invest in a nice, light bb cream with SPF, and then use a colour corrector on the areas you want to tone down. If you have sensitive skin last thing you're going to want to be doing to it is slathering it in a heavy foundation.
Regarding scarring, I would super recommend looking into facial derma rolling, which you can do at home, and applying sweet almond oil after and every night (it HAS to be SWEET almond oil, the other stuff is toxic).
It's loaded with vitamin E and is also an emollient so it softens the skin. I've been using it twice a day every day for a few months now and all my skin problems have vanished with it (persistent seborrheic dermatitis that legit ruined part of my life).
Sorry to hear about your condition though Anon. I know it's not really the same, but I have keratosis pilaris on my upper and forearms, and even though I know it'll scar I keep picking at them and trying to squeeze out the build-up of keratin. I have only just started to treat my arms with sweet almond oil as a kinda "eurgh, let's see how it plays out" kinda thing, and amazingly it's fucking working, I'm elated.
I hope you find a permanent solution to your problem in the future.
No. 46388
File: 1463199469252.png (480 KB, 600x600, g0ToFFu.png)

This is my boyfriend's friend's girlfriend (lol) and I don't know her well enough to ask her about her makeup but I really like it. I know absolutely nothing about makeup, though - what's this makeup style called? What do you to make it look like that?
(I don't like her eyebrows, just everything else)
No. 46395
File: 1463411856535.jpg (25.54 KB, 296x300, pixy.jpg)

Any good light BB/CC creams for this summer ?
I wanted to try the "Baby Pink BB Mineral Cream" (pic related)since I've heard pretty good reviews.
No. 46399
File: 1463431519775.jpg (257.66 KB, 1280x1280, efekty.jpg)

Try serums such as Long4Lashes (i buy mine off ebay) not sure if its available on the us version of ebay though
its cheap and gives amazing results. I used to use Rapidlash too and it gives the same results but its £30 more expensive
dont use those magic mascaras. theyre just primers (tried many over the course of 3 years)
No. 46406
File: 1463434325617.jpg (91.15 KB, 620x620, Sarah-McDaniel-(Krotchy)--Hot-…)

So if you use it on one eye only, you could go heterochromia?
No. 46407
File: 1463435024656.jpg (1.65 MB, 2560x1921, 04_onc-sarah-2_0497.jpg)

Potentially yes, but please don't start posting this bitch again, she wears a contact in one eye and blocks any body that points it out. Heterochromia doesn't work like this.
No. 46413
File: 1463441302287.jpg (261.01 KB, 2597x1771, makeup sponge wedges.jpg)

I'm a makeup pleb. How should I use pic related to apply liquid foundation? I have blemishes and too much pressure/force with the sponge just takes all the concealer off.
No. 46418
File: 1463455091720.jpg (96.34 KB, 620x439, 1245737700.jpg)

And here you dumb bitch.
No. 46432
File: 1463586730514.jpg (328.66 KB, 760x625, toofaced_bonbons002.jpg)

Have any of you bought a knockoff from ebay? Im thinking about buying a too faced knockoff because i want to see the quality and my country doesnt have too faced so, yeah. Why the fuck not? Im ready to take one for the team.
No. 46462
File: 1464811852990.jpg (111.99 KB, 700x467, essence-eyebrow-gel-brown-revi…)

Someone explain to me how to use eyebrow gel?
I bought the one in pic related and have the same brush. I've watched about 10 videos on how to do use/apply it but it's not exactly working? Like, none of it stays on the brush and it's just damn hard to apply - dab it in too hard, too much product, do it gently and nothing stays on.
Do I need to warm the stuff up or something lol
No. 46470
Hey farmers. I just started learning how to do makeup (23, I know, I'm a failure as a girl) but I keep running into the same problems and I was hoping someone here has some advice:
-I have terrible acne scarring from cystic acne from the ages of 14-22. The cysts are gone now thanks to accutane but the hyper pigmentation and pitted scars make me feel like an ogre, and every foundation I try sinks into them and ends up looking like shit after 2-3 hours. Setting powders and sprays don't have any effect on it.
-I don't get the cystic acne anymore, but I do get painful little white pimples sometimes, so far I've only had breakouts after trying new foundations. Missha perfect cover bb cream doesn't break me out but the coverage is shit for my skin because I also have a lot of problems with redness and dark circles
-the triangular area under my eyes on the sides of my nose, where MUAs make those big concealer triangles, has a weird texture. It's almost like plastic, and it wasn't ever like that before accutane but I guess I can't do anything about that. The problem is nothing will stay on that area no matter what primer or spray I use, I even tried a thicker concealer with an almost clay-like consistency and it nope'd the fuck right off in less than an hour. I don't know what the hell is up with that area or what to even begin doing about it.
-My face tends to sweat first when I get hot, I bought blotter papers to help me stop wiping my face with tissues hoping my makeup would last longer but I end up burning through them so fast. Is there a good way to sweat-proof your makeup other than a setting spray? Even urban decay's all nighter setting sprays don't work for me.
Halp, fam. You're the closest thing to a sister/mom I have to help me with this stuff.
No. 46480
File: 1465959059915.jpg (13.85 KB, 236x269, 9ddd688c0771ae952657db4f82d0e8…)

Probably any brows with like a more pronounced arch than whatever you have, and brows that slant downward a bit (idk how to explain it well sorry but not like flat or upwards). I would also suggest thinning out your eyebrows maybe? But I can't be sure because idk i have no idea what ur eyebrows look like rn. Picture attached is what im trying to describe.
No. 46483
File: 1466121971615.jpg (72.74 KB, 633x950, tumblr_nuiabqhkEO1r79qbvo1_128…)

What are some good makeup shades for people with mousey/dark blonde hair?
I'm such a big fan of heavy, smokey lids with full eyeliner, but I've come to the realisation that it compliments brunettes and black-haired people more. I used to dye my hair for years so I'm only now getting used to my natural shade and I'm still trying to figure out what works best for me. So far I've found:
>sharp black winged eyeliner
>deep red lipsticks
>highlighting from brow to cheebone (no contour)
>smokey brown eyemakeup w/ smudged brown eyeliner
>French style nudes w/ peachy/coral eyeshadows
>peachy/nude lipsticks
>coral blush
My hair and skintone is the same as pic related so if anybody has the same tones or some suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
No. 46484
>>134112Depends on your undertone and overtone. has a neat quiz you can do to determine yours.
No. 46494
File: 1466320130920.png (1016.35 KB, 1080x1064, Screenshot_2016-06-19-09-00-52…)

This is probably a very stupid question, but does anyone know how to fill your eyebrows in like that? I bought a make up pencil but it makes my eyebrows look just way too overdrawn and kinda … creamy?
Don't know how to describe it sorry
No. 46499
>>134123I have thick eyebrow hairs and it's stupidly easy to go over a spot that doesn't need it, and end up with massive eyebrows.
I've found trimming the length helps a lot to make it even. Plucking out strays is a must, accidentally going over a lighter colored hair on the eyebrow is a bitch. I end up with random blond patches too, so use discretion when plucking them - if it's actually in the main part of your brow it's fine to just cover it. Hope that helps anon, let us know how it goes. Clean your tools, hands, eyebrows ect to help prevent infection and ingrown hairs too.
>>134126I found some info that might be of use to you, not sure how relevant it is. seems there's a lot that can cause a reaction in the mouth area, and it's not always because of one ingredient or such. However the website I linked to has an common allergy/irritants list, that might be a good place to start.
No. 46507
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Ok so I took some of the advice posted ITT and went on a little budget makeup shopping spree and here's what I got:
>Wet N Wild Dual Ended Contour Stick
I tried 3 other contour palettes before buying this and I prefer this over all of them. And the price is unbeatable at less than $4 after tax. AND the contour side isn't too dark for me which was my main problem with contour palettes (all the lightest ones were always sold out fml). It's also super creamy and I use it on top of my eyelid and under eye primer to brighten up my eyes/help hide my dark circles really well.
>E.L.F. Eye Primer & Liner Sealer
Also amazing, this is the only eyelid primer I've found so far other than Urban Decay that doesn't crease. It also makes a good under eye concealer and is about the same price as the contour stick. I haven't tried the liner sealer yet though so idk about that.
>Covergirl Aquasmooth Fondation
Godly coverage for the price. I loved it but even their lightest shade was still too dark for a ghost like me, so I guess I'll keep on re look out for something else since I'm not sure how to go about mixing white with a compact foundation and I'd really rather avoid the mess as well. But if you are looking for coverage and aren't too ghastly pale I definitely recommend giving it a try.
Also I bought one of each of E.L.F.'s brushes except the small tapered and angled contour brushes and I love them all. $3-6 per brush and nice and soft. I also have their kabuki brush and high definition powder and love it as a setting powder (idk if you're supposed to use HD powder to set buy lolwell) and they were also pretty cheap. I also tried their makeup setting spray which was decent but takes forever to dry and comes out more like a spray bottle than a mist which I didn't like.
I guess I don't have a real point to this post except it feels good to come back to the thread that inspired me to really try learning makeup for real, instead of just whining about being too pale or having too many acne scars or not knowing what I need and blah blah blah excuses. I've been playing with the makeup and brushes and watching YT videos of how other girls do their subtle daily makeup/contouring and how they use their brushes and such maybe 2 times a week, 3 if I have time over the last 3 months or so. Sadly I don't have any progress pics since I still have self esteem issues but just having a basic makeup routine with mascara and light contouring and actually trying has gotten me so many compliments at work and school and it's helping to pull me out of my awkward, depressed shell. I'm actually going to hang out with a few girls from work next weekend and we're gonna have a little spa day/makeup party and I'm so excited and nervous because I never had girly friends or a sister to do this kind of stuff with so I'm squealing like a bitch with glee. And idk I just feel like none of it would have happened if I had just ignored this thread.
No. 46509
File: 1467441546116.jpg (211.77 KB, 1170x1170, web_chocolatebar_open_updated.…)

Sorry for being a noob here. Yesterday was my birthday and I'm planning to treat myself with a Too Faced Chocolate Bar palette since I mostly wear neutral colors.
I want to try to see if I can buy this palette for cheaper than the retail, of course if I can't find one then I'll have to end up saving a bit more to buy it in stores. I'm aware that ebay has counterfeits of this palette and I plan to avoid them as much as possible. How can you guys tell whether a Too Faced Chocolate Bar palette is authentic? By checking the batch code? serial code? etc?
Also, did Too face change the packaging of the Chocolate Bar?
No. 46511
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I use makeup sponges and I've never had this problem. I have the real techniques sponge ($6 and way better than the BB which runs for $20) and I use it about 3 or 4 times maybe then I wash it out.
I do so by getting it full of water and then pouring just plain dawn dish soap all over it, then I squeeze and scrub the soap all in the sponge and repeat the process until the water runs clear. However after about 6 months give or take I get a new one, better to be safe than sorry because I am paranoid, lol.
No. 46512
File: 1467446147269.jpg (242.89 KB, 1600x1167, 2-all.jpg)

Has anyone tried the Covergirl naked dupe palettes? I've been wanting the Naked 3 palette for a while but $50 is just out of my budget right now.
No. 46519
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Despite all the controversy, has anyone here bought Mannequin by JS? I really REALLY like the color and I want to try it out, but I don't wanna waste $18 on something that's shit. Same thing with Rose Matter.
No. 46533
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Oops, forgot pic, sorry I'll quit yapping now.
Thanks so much again!!
No. 46552
File: 1469889750908.png (616.23 KB, 619x618, MTM2MDIwODc1NTI5OTgzMjUw.png)

Okay, so, my first time ever trying liquid matte lipsticks was a fucking terrible experience. I bought Colourpop's Trap and Lumière 2. I like the colors, but they look absolutely terrible on me because they suck the moisture out of my lips. They make my lips look so cracked and caked. Also, Lumière 2 is a little sticky. I might just be doing it wrong, idk. I was thinking about getting Beauty Bakerie lip whip, but I'm scared to try liquid lipsticks anymore, eveb if they aren't matte, especially since they're so damn expensive ($20 a piece.) Any advice/recs?
No. 46554
>>134181I have the same problem, my lips are like chronically dry, I apply lipbalm pretty much nonstop all the time and matte liquid lipstick always look like shit on me, BUT I find darker colours are a lot more flattering, and I really like stila's liquid lipstick because it seems to be not sticky at all, kind of chalky in texture.
I've tried a lot of NYX liquid lipstick in the past and its just not as good, kind of sticky like you described the Colourpop and makes them look cracked and caked. Honestly, my Stila liquid lipstick looks like regular matte lipstick.
No. 46561
File: 1469910540028.jpg (50.86 KB, 535x535, toofacedsemisweetchocolatebar.…)

is this worth 50 dollars
i really like the colors but im hesitant about "high end" stuff because theyre usually not as great as the price leads on
No. 46562
File: 1469910736522.jpg (80.69 KB, 754x800, burt.jpg)

god damn i hate liquid lipstick it looks shit all the time on me
not to be gay but this is the best lip product for me
natural looking hydrating you can pick the intensity etc
No. 46567
File: 1470079009451.png (479.4 KB, 524x526, lip gradient.png)

>tfw just dropped dosh on an Etude House order
Awwww yussss. I can't wait for the cute packagings, they're also giving me a brush and mirror set since I spent over $60.
Also I know I'm three years late for the fad train but I also bought their lip concealer and lip tint so I can try out the gradient lip look like pic related.
You won't regret it anon. I've had that palette for two years now and it's the best. It's like I bought it yesterday. Plus it blends really well.
No. 46577
File: 1470867828567.jpg (356.15 KB, 1080x1920, why.jpg)

color that they market the lip balm as vs actual color of the lipbalm
why does this happen always
No. 46580
File: 1470870209524.jpg (68.91 KB, 478x478, 13138114725504p.jpg)

For your lips, use plain Vaseline. A little tub of it like pic related will last you forever, because it doesn't take much at all, and it works better than anything else.
No. 46581
File: 1470870581183.jpg (14.94 KB, 600x800, Glossier-Balm-Dotcom-06.jpg)

Also, if you prefer cuter shit or whatever reason / maybe allergic to petroleum jelly, I found glossier's balm dotcom to be excellent for dry lips, and I use it on my elbows as well.
No. 46582
File: 1470873596226.jpg (332.21 KB, 800x533, 61.jpg)

Good light bronzers that aren't too dark and are somewhat sparkly?
I like the Hourglass shade on the right from the ambient lighting palette but fuck, there is too little product and my huge brush doesn't pick up enough of it because its small…
Is the actual Hourglass ALP bronzer good?
No. 46583
File: 1470877302206.png (75.17 KB, 320x316, Rosy_Share_tcm2858-1067449.png)

vaseline actually makes cuter to go tins you can put in your purse now
No. 46585
I'm not really a skin care expert but I'll try to give you a few tips based off my experience.
First, you only want to exfoliate 2-3 times a week. More than that is too much and going to contribute to irritation/drying, which means more oil. An excess of oiliness generally means your skin needs more moisture. What has been working amazingly for me (I used to have extremely oily skin with occasional pimples) is a gentle hypoallergenic skin cleanser, followed by a lightweight moisturizer, and then a moisturizing sleep pack at night.
The products I've been using are the hypoallergenic Burts Bees face wash, an Etude House face moisturizer (which is more strongly fragranced than I'd typically like; however, it is extremely light, cheap, and the only lotion that doesn't leave my skin feeling greasy), and the Etude House Bubble Tea sleep pack (the black tea one - again, cheap, doesn't leave me greasy and wake up with incredibly soft, smooth skin). I exfoliate a couple times a week with cheap random drug store shit, my skin doesn't seem to care much. This routine has done wonders for my skin - no more oil, no more breakouts, and it's so much softer. I don't feel the need to wear foundation anymore.
Of course you can substitute with other products that work better for you. Hope that helps!
No. 46591
File: 1470938339169.jpg (55.19 KB, 600x600, liquidsuedecreamlipstick_main.…)

NYX finally came to Boots so I was planning to buy the Suede Cream Lipsticks and their blotting paper. Anyone got recommendations on what else I can buy?
No. 46597
File: 1471016108066.jpg (132.18 KB, 1080x1080, colourpop-lip-gloss-colletion-…)

Colourpop just released a bunch of new lip glosses and they're amazing, not stick at all and have great pigmentation. Also NARS and MAC have great lip glosses.
No. 46598
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What are some good eyeshadows/eyeshadow palettes to pull off this kind of red dramatic/grunge-y look? Pic related
No. 46599
File: 1471131482334.jpeg (86.09 KB, 750x532, image.jpeg)

I recently gotpic related from kat von d and the red is really nice. Other than that, mac has a few really great reds
No. 46601
File: 1471350362795.jpg (634.84 KB, 1170x1170, web_chocolatebonbons_open.jpg)

So, I'm looking to buy a new eyeshadow palette. Currently I'm debating between the chocolate bar palette and chocolate bon bons. However I want to get the one that best matches my complexion. I'm very pale (too pale for most foundations) with cool-neutral undertones. My hair is medium blonde and my eyes are grey, if that matters at all. Which palette would be better?
No. 46616
File: 1471569863174.jpg (42.31 KB, 670x1005, image.jpg)

So excited to try out this felt tip style eyebrow pen. Read a bunch of reviews, apparently you can make fine hair strokes that look really natural. I have a few sparse areas and I can't wait to try it and then use my MAC brow gel on top :) thought I'd share!
No. 46618
I have an ugly nose. It looks quite a lot like the one in the imgur link, and the rest of my face is similar to this girl's features in that particular photo. (I saw her in /b/ and thought of how unfortunate my nose really is, coupled with my hooded eyes, narrow face and strong jaw..not very girly). don't know what to do with this nose. I wear light makeup… a bit of mascara/eyeliner and definitely some lip colour, a bit of blush. I often get called pretty, but I just don't see it with these unlucky features.
Do you guys have any ideas/advice on how to make this kind of face look nice?
No. 46621
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what in the fresh hell is this
has anyone tried
No. 46632
File: 1472156642107.jpeg (138.59 KB, 1200x1200, image.jpeg)

>>134258Um I know that sleek has a pretty good highlighter palette for like 10 pounds. The solstice highlighting palette. Temptalia did a review of it: No. 46634
File: 1472947890363.jpg (95.57 KB, 710x391, 2.jpg)

Any pale anons with cool undertones who have the Naked 3 palette? I want to try it out but most pink eyeshadows look hideous on me. I have green eyes and black hair.
No. 46635
File: 1473086371226.jpg (56.04 KB, 679x679, Lime-Crime-Venus-the-Grunge-pa…)

I need your help /g/.
I really wanna try red eyeshadow but theres not a single red tone in any of the palettes I've accrued over the years. I fancied getting the new UD Ultimate Basics (legit just for the red, because there are similar colours in Naked2 and basics 2 which I own), but I can't afford that right now. I looked at NYX Full Throttle in Colour Riot but not a single store in the UK does it, and their site doesn't ship to the UK without some long drawn out process that includes you signing up to a site that gives you a US address or something. Then I found the Lime Crime Venus Grunge palette and it'd be perfect but I'm hesitant due to the drama (and it's £25 compared to the NYX $10). Anastasia Beverly Hills Renaissance looks good but I cannot afford that either really.
So tl;dr
- Where to get NYX Full Throttle Colour Riot in the UK?
- Is there any way I can convince myself to order from Lime Crime?
Thank you.
No. 46636
>>134264I know boots sells NYX but i don't know if they have the palette in yet.
Another alternative would be Makeup Revolution's palette 'newtrals vs neutrals'. I have it and honestly it's pretty good and the deep red shade is incredible along side the orangey tones. No. 46640
Buying high street isn't too bad, there's lots of decent affordable makeup about now. In order of importance (bar foundation and mascara which are probably top of this list anyway) I'd say;
- Concealer, but that's just because I get dark circles and the occasional spot. I'd reccommend Rimmel Lasting Finish.
- Eyebrow pencil, I was blessed with naturally well shaped dark brows but filling them in with a more brown colour to match my hair hair works wonders. I think I use Rimmel London
- Contour, You literally only need one shade really, my product of choice is currently MUA Mosaic Bronzer
- Eyeliner, Maybelline Master ink in Matte Black
I only properly started playing with eyeshadow and blushes in the last few months, they're really not neccessary. It's more of a hobby than a 'make myself look pretty' thing. Primer and skincare is also v important but if you've got by with just foundation, it sounds like your complexion is fine.
I think my local one might have a Revolution stand. My one at uni did, but if I want to be sure it's a 15min bus, then a 10-30 minute train. My driving test is next week so the first thing I do if I pass is a trip to get sushi and a proper make up peruse without the boyf nagging me to leave so he can drive me home.
No. 46642
Well, I am a make up minimalist so if this helps, here is what I use when I go out:
After skincare routine:
I use a tinted moisturizor because I have dry skin, without too many flaws, so I only need light/medium coverage. I use bareminerals complexion rescue and I really like it. It doesn't take very much, so despite the cost, I get good mileage out of it plus you can layer it for more coverage.
Then I use glossier's stretch coverage concealer on my dark circles. it's kinda expensive, but it barely takes any to get good coverage so again, good usage out of it.
I use 3 shades of eye shadow: a light light creamy color, a light brown, and a dark brown. I don't like really dramatic looks, so I don't use eyeliner personally, I'll just use the dark brown eye shadow as a kinda eyeliner I guess, the creamy color as all over the eye, and the light brown in the crease/wing.
Finally, I use some mascara.
Basically, I guess my 3 essentials are: a tinted moisturizer, a concealer, a good neutral basic eye shadow set, and some mascara.
Hope that helps!
No. 46645
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Newbie here.
Can I get any recommendations for dark circles concealer? I've tried loads of liquid concealers, even those brightening ones and none work. It seems that in order to cover the purple/brown (I'm very pale) color I'd have to use the opposite color, right? For a low budget, what would you suggest?
>pic related
(sorry for the potato quality of the pic)
No. 46647
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Olive is different than warm.
No. 46683
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Bumping with what I think could be some juicy drama.
So I watch this nail guru on Youtube, Nail Career Education. I think she's great, but she recently featured a product by "Exclusive Nail Couture" whom she bought products from at the International Beauty Show in Las Vegas.
All fine and dandy, until I realize that this ENC person is blatantly ripping off the "Etionette" series logo from Etude House.
Can't this fool get into trouble for using their brand logo or…? Afaik I haven't found evidence to prove he's in any way affiliated with EH.
Pic related is comparison. Link to his shop is more evidence of the tracing.
> he's trying to sell these Chinese products for like $20+. For the
No. 46696
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Can you be olive if you're a pasty Anglo?
I honestly have no idea what my undertone is, but I know it's not 'cool'/pink.
I'm a poortherner with NC10-15 skin and ashy dark brown/warm black hair. In photos my skin looks pasty white but irl it can go from yellowish pale to just kind of beige-yellow depending on the lighting. The best example I've found so far for my colouring is the actor Colin Morgan, except my eyes are darker.
Whenever I look at guides online they usually say that the olive undertone is reserved for Mediterraneans, Asians, Eastern Europeans and maybe some Frogs, whilst Brits and the Irish = pink toned, freckly and burn in the sun, which I'm very much not.
No. 46699
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Wait nvm I used to use that one on my dark circles.
This one's warm, right?
No. 46711
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Do you prefer the look of a single color eyeshadow or multiple?
No. 46718
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What do you guys think of this foundation?
I'm looking for an affordable foundation for oily/acne prone skin with high coverage. Any other suggestions?
No. 46728
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any thoughts on those? Most people love them but I've also read some mixed reviews.
No. 46737
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Jerrod Blandino, co-founder of too faced.
No. 46739
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they will sell a make up pouch with the dogs face on it soon!
No. 46742
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So, I have a very strong resentment towards makeup, and I also refuse to spend lots of money on it due to how little I wear it and how much it irritates my skin and eyes.
Should I wear both foundation and BBcream together? I used to do foundation only on necessary spots, then switched to BBcream all over, but I don't feel it gives the coverage I need.
What's a good brow pen or powder that's drugstore price range? I have this Maybelline "master drama" brow pencil and it's shit. Doesn't go on smoothly and is kinda chunky and uneven. I saw something about a Stila felt tip pen that sounds nice but it's way out of my price range.
Anyone who has sensetive eyes or wears contacts, do you have any eye makeup recommendations that don't irritate your eyes? My shadows, liners, and mascaras all burn.
Also I've heard this recommended for dark circles, anyone have personal experience with it?
No. 46744
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I looked up the Nyx brow gel on Amazon and saw this.
Thanks for the recommendations, Anon.
The mascara I've been using is Clinique. I've been tight-lining with a Nyx pencil, and most of the eyeshadows I have are Maybelline with one Jane palette. Friends who have done makeup for me use the more expensive, high-quality stuff, but I'm not sure what brands and even that's caused issues.
No. 46754
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speaking of palettes, storybooks' upcoming Wizardry and Witchcraft Palette (aka the harry potter palette) make me excited as an 13yo tumblerina! the colors look so bold and pretty…
And they will also re-release their wand brushes again./fangirlsquee
No. 46755
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I'm excited for this.
No. 46759
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Has anyone any kind of experience with lash growth boosters and skin/hair/nail supplements?
Do only the high end boosters work or are there any average priced ones that work too?
Do these supplements with b6/b12 or whatever work to keep your nails/skin/healthier or do they contain only a tiny bit of the good stuff?
I've been doing research but we don't have a lot of different brands here in Europe so I'm not sure what to think and am wondering about personal experience. Not to mention in so many videos you can see that in the after part they have curled lashes and wear mascara
No. 46760
>>46759The expensive lash boosters work. I tried m2 lashes and revitalash. Liked m2lashes better.
Though the result isn't as impressive as on the picture you posted, especially if your lashes are short to begin with. I used to have very short lashes, now I have normal lashes but not super dark fake looking lashes.
No. 46767
>>46766I've yet to find a good contouring palette for fair skin that isn't too orange.
As for highlighters, I like colourpops and they're super cheap.
No. 46768
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I returned an xmas present i had no use for and now i have just under 100$ of store credit at one of the priciest make up stores in town and im giddy af cause i am low key really into high end brands but personally today ill just try to find a new primer / some good lip stuff anyways wish my ass luck, i love shopping with free money.
(Pic not related)
No. 46770
>>46769Appreciate a farmer with good vidya taste,
/sage for being a gaming cuck
No. 46776
>>46774For eyeliner it depends on the look you're going for. I just use liquid eyeliner though, whether I'm doing a simple line or a wing. If I want to put eyeliner on my lower lid I just use black eyeshadow (carefully).
A blurring or pore-covering primer under foundation will minimize your pores and imperfections under your foundation. MAC is really expensive and there are plenty of other options to try that are cheaper, even in the drug store range, if you can find your shade. If you're trying to find a good foundation just go into an Ulta or Sephora and have them color match you and figure out the best foundation for your skin type and amount of coverage you're looking for.
>>46775I use a beauty blender but I use a water based foundation.
No. 54201
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>>54199thank you so this sort of texture is normal?
No. 54752
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So, wasn't really sure where to put this, but I thought I'd share my findings with all of you farmers.
Sometimes, occasionally, an instahoe will slip through the cracks of my psyche and make me feel jealous.
Not anymore tho. I've now seen how ridiculous it is of me to even think it's possible for any of these girls to actually look like this. I'll post before and afters.
For instance, Sahar.
No. 54754
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>>54752This is what she really looks like under all the makeup and editing
No. 54755
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And, especially, Kelsey. Popular and envied by many.
No. 54756
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>>54755She actually looks like this under makeup, styling, and heavy editing. She hasn't gotten her nose done, just edits it a lot.
As most of you know, a lot of makeup we see is incredibly unrealistic to apply to real life and looks like shit without filters and shoop.
No. 54757
>>54752>instahoes don't look like that in real lifeno shit?
you sound like a robot who just learned what makeup is…
No. 54771
>>54754>>54756>>54755>>54752Um, what did you expect them to look like? Everyone knows it's just piles of makeup and that underneath they're average or somewhat pretty.
No. 54774
>>54752Even with makeup on she looks like a camel
>>54756She looks nice. Nothing special but nice.
Don't see how this is news.
No. 55091
>>55074Is it possible you bought a fake product by accident?
Also I like the urban debay glitter eyeliners but they might be a little too sparkly. Make up forever used to have a shimmery white liquid liner too.
No. 55092
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>>55074Maybe you could try the "Dollish Pearl Eye Liner" by Lioele?
I think it's a tad bit more intense than the Tear Drop Liner, but it looks quite pretty and similar, and i've personally never had any problems of irritation with Lioele products.
Also, like
>>55091 said it could be you bought a fake one, or a misproduced one. I've had to throw out stuff that irritated my eyes, only to repurchase it and it working fantastically again with 0 irritation, you could try repurchasing it in a different store or something.
No. 55100
>>54788Maybe try using a different smoothing primer on your nose area? (Benefit Primed and Poreless, Illamasqua Hydra Veil etc)
Also your scrubbing may be agitating the skin, and mattifying primers can cling to flaky skin and make them look worse.
No. 55139
>>54788I have the same issues, no primer has ever really fixed the issue, drug store or high end.
The only thing that doesn't make me look "crusty" is 1) not using setting powder, at all and 2) avoiding matte foundations. This sucks because I have combination skin and between oiliness and sweat I tend to slough off my foundation within hours. I just have to carry some with me and reapply. Nothing else I can do. But I take that over crusty foundation.
No. 55148
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Can someone help me out please?
I've always had problems with my makeup creasing and looking bad under my eyes like in the "before" pic. (I have a lot of wrinkles too)
I moisturize my the area under my eyes, drink 1.5L+ of water daily, go to the gym and have a good diet, blend with a sponge, use minimal powder tried using primer/moisturizer and without but it still ends up looking really really cakey. And applying one coat simply doesn't work because the under eye area is do dark.
Could it be possible that the brand I'm using is just crap?
No. 55200
>>55166I've been using mine for about a month and it did help a bit with the tiny wrinkles. The really tiny ones. And it generally looks better.
But other than that I don't think you should expect too much from these creams.
No. 55206
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Anyone out there knows this compact powder by MAC? i really like the coverage but I only apply it with a brush otherwise it makes me look slightly powdery imo and i really like natural looking makeup
Anyway, the thing is… I've been having breakouts and idk if it's the product (because it's really the only thing I've changed recently) or the fact that I'm dieting and changing old eating habits so my skin is going crazy? I've been trying to hit my macros so I'm having more protein than I'd usually have. Can anyone help/understands anything?
No. 55267
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what eyeliner shapes do y'all like?
i usually do a puppy eye, my eyes are a weird shape and cat eye doesn't help them.
No. 55349
>>55345Yeah, my undertones are definitely cool toned so "porcelain" shades seem to match best, but EL didn't have any labeled that. I figured something called cool bone would be cool toned but…guess not.
So while I'm at it, foundation reqs for pale people with combination skin? I stay away from matte foundation because it makes me look crusty as hell in my dry spots. If there's something out there with a similar finish to EL Doublewear but with a better range of colors that'd be great. I was thinking of trying Toofaced Born This Way or Fiona Stiles Luminous Foundation Concentrate.
Things that have made me crusty or too orange: IT CC cream, Urban Decay Naked Skin, KVD lock it tattoo foundation.
One foundation I do like is the Tarte rainforest of the sea water foundation, but it's very sheer and doesn't cover my mild rosecea.
No. 55388
>>55349Youtube has a few ultra-fair-skinned swatch videos, that range from cool, warm, yellow, sallow, ect ect. The other thing I would say is to use a full cover, but not too much. Concentrate on evening out the discoloration around the center of the face (cheeks, nose, chin, between the brows) and feather it out towards the edges of your face. By the edges it should almost disappear completely into your skin tone. Saves product and looks more natural than having a mask on your face, looks more natural/youthful.
No. 55402
>>55349as a fellow ghost i just got the Missha real complete bb cream in 13 and i love the texture so much, it's basically a soothing moisturiser with better coverage than most foundations i've tried. it's very very slightly too pink for me but it's actually more grey than anything.
on the cool side, i was absolutely in love with Bobbi Brown Skin foundation in 00 Alabaster but my skin got too crappy to use it.
would any pale people be interested in swatches of my personal collection? pale foundation varies so much in undertone
No. 55403
>>55349>>55402i will also add that color correction and paying real close attention to my skincare regime has helped so much, if you start off with the best base you can then even wrong colored foundations don't look so bad.
also not a foundation, but i got the Ultrasun tinted sunscreen in ivory that is what i wear most days. it's the most comfortable face sunblock i've worn and has a tint that is cool but soft, more like neutral-cool.
this is where i found out about the Missha bb cream: No. 55998
>>55986Try using a BB cream or powder foundation. I use the bare minerals bare pro powder foundation, it works very well with a little product, you can get full coverage with like 2 or three layers of you needed it.
And I use the two faced better than sex mascara because it's damn good, but you can probably find something to do the job at the drugstore
No. 56005
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>>55986this is my personal fave. very light coverage and glides on nicely, barely feels like you're wearing makeup.
No. 56661
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>>45820Can anyone with darker skin recommend some good cream highlighters that give off a natural finish? I bought the bobbi brown highlighting powder in bronze glow and that shit is shimmery as FUCK!
I'm thinking about buying the candlelight drops from cover fx or those cheap cream highlighters from colourpop.
No. 56665
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>>56661I use pic related and there's also a shade in the two faced chocolate bonbon palate I use
No. 56668
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>>56665Oh~ I've been meaning to try these, pure gold and gleam look so pretty
No. 56681
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Give me absolutely the best mascara recommendation you could give. Best if I don't have to pay over 25USD on it and is good for tiny as fuck and flat lashes.
I am absolutely fucking tired of having to wear falsies when going to class or some menial task like that because I am unlucky with mascaras and always buy shit.
No. 56693
>>56689Another option is benefit rollerlash. If you buy the sample size they have by the registers it's cheaper and more cost effective than if you bought the fullsize tubes and it's my favourite mascara.
Besides that, the pink maybelline one with the green top, those ones are pretty solid.
ELF makes one that isn't total garbage but i also bought it a few years ago and I noticed when I went to buy an old product I wanted to revisit that they've seemingly changed formulas for some stuff because a lot of it is dookie compared to the old quality :(
No. 56718
>>56688I use essence too and would recommend it.
But be careful with it. I usually have something like a allergic reaction then after a week or two after not using it, it goes away.
No. 56752
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Do any of you know a foundation for a pale skin with a warm undertone? Which also works with a more or less oily T-Zone? And high coverage?
I have two foundations, one that works perfect with my type of skin (Artdeco Long lasting foundation oil-free) which is sadly too pink-ish for my face and on the other side I have the "Stay Matt but not Flat" one of NYX which shade Ivory is quite perfect for me but the type of this foundation makes me after a few hours shiny af, which is gross and just doesn't work with oily skin.
Everything else I tried is too brown or pink for me welp. I would love to invest in some high end make up since everything drugstore related has been a huge disappointing.
No. 56757
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>>56752All of them are pale-ish and I think two of them aren't really pink. Covers pretty good and stays on despite oily skin
No. 56758
>>56686When it's done in a subtle way it just brings out cheek bones and makes skins look v pretty
But like everything else ppl over do it
No. 56759
>>56752In that vein, what is an 'olive' skintone exactly?
Because Siberia, Fit Me 110 and L'Oreal Super Stay, known fair warm shades, are suddenly being recommended by people with 'olive' skintones because 'it compliments my pale olive skin. Btw I'm 1/16th Slavic and 1/200th Cherokee which is why my skin is this way as opposed to, you know, natural variation in skin undertones amongst people of the same ethnicity'.
I don't get it, a year ago there was cool and warm and now it's like there is no 'warm' anymore, every time I ask for a rec I get asked 'r u sure u aren't olive, sweetie?'
No. 56781
>>56754Siberia in matte is the only shade that has ever matched me (I guess I'm a warm toned super-pale?) but it emphasizes dryness on my face that I didn't even know I had. I have a good skincare regimen so I'm not a flaky mess but I can't get it to look nice no matter what primer/moisturizer/applicator I use. It completely sucks and the sheer glow is just slightly the wrong tone.
Has anyone got Nars sheer matte to apply well?
No. 56808
>>56799Huh. No I haven't tried that, I had a bad experience with a knock-off beautyblender so I haven't really looked back into them.
I suppose I should fork out for a real one and try it out. Thanks for the tip.
No. 56835
>>56809I could link you to some but it's probably a better idea to google stuff about finding your undertone. Most people are cool, warm or neutral.
If your foundation looks orange, you're cooler than it, if it looks too purple you're warmer than it.
You might want to go to a makeup store and test some colours on your wrist or ask for advice from a clerk if that's your jam.
No. 56862
>>56833…Just looked up, yes it's NW. And the one that looked awful on my face was a NC. Not warm? Shouldn't it be neutral warm or something?
>>56837Maybe? My wrist veins are both greenish and purpleish. I don't think I'm olive skinned though, my face is not only very pale but also a cold pale
No. 56874
>>56870for a nighttime routine to help with the overall dryness of your skin i recommend thayer's witch hazel toner, ceraVe facial moisturizer, and finally aquaphor before bed.
rebuilding your moisture barrier will really help in the long run; are other product suggestions there.
my skin used to be really dry, gross, flaking and dull. but it's improved greatly since doubling down on moisture repair.
No. 56889
>>56870I have rosacea so I hear you on wanting to cover redness but from one dry skinned person to another, don't overdo it with the foundation until your skin is in really good condition.
A little bit of liquid foundation mixed with moisturizer applied on red areas and blended out looks good. Not whole face.
Have you tried BB creams with a concealer? I know you wanted specific products but there are so many liquid foundations and primers that have to match their chemical bases that more information would be nice.
No. 56929
>>56874Thanks a bunch, I read through the entire thing and I'm excited to try and fix it for real! I'm glad your skin actually improved.
>>56889Getting the skin to improve has been the biggest issue. Every time I wash my face it just dries the fuck out again. God forbid I shower with hot water before work, I stay dry and red for the next 3h.
Til now I tried using natural solutions such as hemp balms, then random Slovene brand creams for dry skin and DrogerieMarkt moisturizers. Since it got worse from age 24-25 I decided to ask here b4 I spend more money like an idiot.
Yes, I've been using Garnier's (Miracle Skin Perfector) BB cream and Essence Cover Stick corector for quite some time. Not trying to be cheap, it just did me best, even if it's far from perfect and I didn't know how to pick up different make up so every experiment just failed. I agree with you completely on going light with make up.
Thank you (both) very much for answering entry lvl idiotic questions, I really do appreciate it.
No. 57064
>>57054Excuse my dumbassery but what brand is the concealer? Is it oil or water based?
I have a lot of problems with melty makeup around my nose and forehead and weirdly enough I actually found my setting spray was making it worse- or the way I applied it at least.
Now I spray it on my brush and buff my makeup on with it and the foundation holds much better.
It seemed to do something weird, like change the consistency of my foundation when I sprayed it directly onto my face. Idk, worked for me.
As always, the best thing us oily people can do is make sure our skin is being cleansed properly at a high ph and moisturised well so it's not over-compensating for oils. When i skimp on my skincare routine my makeup looks disgusting after an hour.
No. 57070
>>57064It's from Catrice, "Liquid Camouflage High Coverage Concealer", and I think it's waterbased but I'm not sure to be honest.
I have a pretty okay-ish Skincare routine because acne (I use the Eucerine Dermo Purifyer series) So I don't think my skin is getting too dry.
I'm gonna try your advice for the setting powder though, maybe that will help!
>>57065Any recommendations?
I'm pretty pale, not like a ghost but still pretty light.
(The benefit powder I use right now is the colour "Ivory")
No. 57298
>>57284I'm using Sheer Matte in Siberia and mine oxidizes darker to a different colour than in the bottle but it still matches me well (and is sheer so it doesn't matter too much anyway)
A makeup artist friend of mine told me there are primers and powders that can oxidise foundations more quickly but I think it's generally a matter of time as soon as it's on your face.
That might be your problem but idk :\
No. 57368
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any makeup tips on how to look somewhat natural/girlish?
I tend to look like a man with dark lipstick or harsh makeup (I have wide lips and and a wide nose) but with super minimal makeup I look "manly" as well. I think something kind of like the picture I'm posting is kind of the style I would go for. any other images or tips would be great.
I would also appreciate hairstyle tips to look more feminine (maybe side bangs? what looks "soft")
sorry I am EU and English is my second language
No. 57377
>>46680re: Too Faced Born This Way
I recently bought their lightest shade with a neutral/warm undertone (I bought the shade pearl - the only "lighter" shade has pink undertones which are usually gross).
It's too dark for my skin. I don't think they're a brand that's very friendly if you've got a vampiric glow going for you.
The formula itself was nice though - packaging was beautiful as always
No. 57391
>>57368>>any makeup tips on how to look somewhat natural/girlish?Like in the pic your posted, brown makeup looks much less harsh than black (I know it's logical, but most people still only wear black eyeliner, black mascara etc).
You can also try some white eyeliner along your lower waterline and some contouring around your nose.
For lips, I'd recommend trying a makeup app on your phone. Some apps (like the Sephora app I think?) let you test what makeup from certain brands will look like on you so if you find one that looks nice, you know the brand and shade already (if it's expensive, then just search "____[name of brand + shade] dupe" in Google for similar, cheaper shades). I look shit with dark lipstick too and these apps helped me sooo much!
If you really want to look more feminine, you can also try some circle lenses like the girl in the pic is wearing. They can look really natural on brown eyes, not so great on lighter eyes though.
>>I would also appreciate hairstyle tips to look more feminine (maybe side bangs? what looks "soft") I personally think straight across bangs, with some gaps like in your pic is really feminine and cute. Taking your hair 1-2 shades lighter will brighten your features and feminize you further.
Good luck anon, and your English is great so no worries!
No. 57573
>>57368embrace your masculine look and learn to live with it?
you can look up androgynous girls on the internet and celebrity women and take some of their style. it will look far more natural on you than forcing a cutesy look.
because if you try to force girlishness onto masculine features you'll just end up looking like a tranny.
No. 57584
>>57578How come when something doesn't conform to your narrative you have to question their age?
>>57582I do find it idiotic but a lot of men are stupid unfortunately.
No. 57608
>>57601But some of them do.
>I don't get how that makes ME the questionable characterI'm confused… who talked about you?
No. 57675
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Does anyone have recommendations for a decently pigmented bright eyeshadow palette? I was considering pic related from NYX, but I haven't seen it in stock at any drugstores near me and I wanted to make sure it was actually decent and I wasn't overlooking something better before I went and ordered it online.
I really don't have a lot of money to spend on higher end cosmetics right now, so I'm looking for something more in the drugstore price range.
No. 57683
>>57596I was actually discussing what kind of makeup my bf finds attractive yesterday, and his tl;dr was he likes sort of old-fashioned sultry makeup, but also thinks that when I do my nutty makeup, it shows off my individuality.
And tbh that's how I think people should try to see makeup, especially men. It's not all about you, it's about the person wearing it. But then again I'm kinda spoiled by him and this may not be reality…
No. 57689
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What do you guys think of under eye makeup?
No. 57791
>>57738Blue pencil under the waterline was huge in the 80s, so that's why older women still do that. It was definitely a popular in the 00s too, but not in blue and coupled with really thick black liner and mascara overload.
>>57689It's unflattering on my tired face but I have hooded lids, so there isn't really anywhere else to put eyeshadow. I refuse to be left out of playing with fun colours.
No. 58341
On mobile so can't ctrl f, but two days ago I got the KVD lock it foundation, and I'm having such a hard time with it! I'm used to the studio fix fluid from mac, and realized pretty quickly that you need FAR less product with KVD. I'm seriously pale, with pink undertones, and got the 41. I love how for once in my life the shade is just perfect, but I can't seem to figure out how to apply it just right. I've tried with and without primer, with and without the porefessional, tried using my fingers and my beautyblender, but I'm still struggeling. It dries so fast, and is really tricky to blends, plus it sinks into my pores, and rubs off if I so much as look at my hands. Any tips, ladies? It's not cheap and I'd rather not want to waste the whole thing! Saw someone talking about spritzing settingspray directly into it before applying, but that sounds kinda ridiculous. I have combi skin and have made sure to moisturize well before use. Halp!
No. 58344
>>58341Yeah, the lock it is pretty thick, one pump is plenty if you spread out it. Honestly its shit on its own but amazing if you use primer + powder. I hated it at first but once I tried out different combos with it I love it now. I use the smashbox primer and set it with a nyx translucent compact powder. The porefessional doesnt really work well with it I find. I also like using my knock-off beauty blender best, are you using it damp anon?
Im so happy they have the 41 shade now, I have really pink undertones too and shade 42 was a bit too pink on me, it also seems a little bit thinner? Maybe it's a newer formula or something
No. 58703
>>58684>>58688I just got mine done a few weeks ago and I love it.
I don't get the whole "stuck with a shape" unless you like to do more like "cosplay/"alternative" eyebrow looks. You can "change the shape" I think by using concealer and eyebrow products , I don't doubt it's easy to cover up since its not actual hair but just skin. That being said ofc covering this up is more work than shaving your whole brow if you like a totally different shape.
Mine don't look super dark or mega filled in, just follow my natural brow shape and looks like a very "natural" look. I love it because I never liked the look of super instagram-y or mega dramatic brows but now I look like I have full natural brows 24/7. I don't bother putting any makeup on them since they look cool like this IMO (I like a more "natural" look)
No. 58809
>>58800Gel is just a different experience from liquid or kohl completely. you get more control than with liquid, but it feels creamy unlike some kohl liners. i'll higly recommend you to try the Maybelline Gel Liner, its drugstore so it shouldn't be more expensive than 10 bucks. there are better gel liners from high end brands, but the Maybelline one
is the best from drugstore and mid range pricing imo, plus you can try it and if it doesn't work out you didn't waste tons of money.
it comes with a cheap brush, try it with that and if you don't care for the brush but like it, find a better one. most people i know use it with a different brush, but i think the default one is decent.
>uneven flicks if you don't mind splurging cash you could also try the kat von d tattoo eyeliner for your wings. its a
felt tip eyeliner, so not really a liquid or a kohl or a gel. its the best felt tip liner imo but some people don't like felt tips liners and prefer gel etc.
No. 58854
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Okay so, I just bought Tarte's Rainforest of the Sea foundation after obsessively watching a ton of youtube reviews and seeing how beautiful it works for everyone… But it looks like absolute shit on my skin. What the fuck am I doing wrong? It instantly settles into my pores and any dry patches on my skin. And when I say instant, I mean, instantly. I tried applying with an elf kabuki brush as well as a real techniques sponge. I usually only buy cheap Loreal foundations but got sick of how they can look cakey and crackled around my chin. This foundation is $40 yet my cheap Loreal shit looks better.
I don't like to use primers as they all seem to break me out, and I also have a hard time getting silicone based primers out of my pores, I hate seeing how filled up with gunk they are at the end of the day.
After fighting with the Tarte foundation, I washed it all off, then tried mixing it with one drop of Vitamin E oil from a capsule and it applied way better, but still looks a bit shit on my dry areas.
I had such high hopes for this but if I can't figure out how to use it I'm going to have to ship it back for a refund.
Pick related is exactly how my skin looks after I put it on.
No. 58860
>>58703Oh yeah I do pretty alternative makeup so maybe im little biased haha I meant more along the lines of girls who get really dark instabrows tattooed when they shit is gonna be really old fashioned in a few years, dosent help I know a few girls who got microblading done it looks terrible
Im glad youre happy with yours anon! Im a bit curious, how was the overall experience and healing?
No. 58872
>>58859I'm going to wait until a skincare set I randomly splurged on from Skin&Co arrives to see if it improves my skin enough to use the foundation, but if it doesn't, then I'll have to return it. I just hate the hassle of having to go to FedEx to ship it back.
I think part of the problem is that its so watery that it doesn't have enough substance to stay out of my pores. The loreal true matte foundation I use is way thicker so it stays above my pores. I did try using the Maybelline studio ready primer (i think its called that) the "blur and smooths" kind, which doesn't have silicone, as I had tried Nyx's shine killer primer and that one broke me out. It didn't help at all, the foundation still instantly went into my pores.
No. 58890
>>58860Yeah, that makes sense, I figured haha…I used to be more "alt" and I would shave off half of my eyebrows or more so I could different shapes/colors with them!
the microblading only really lasts 1-2 years and then totally fades away, so at least it's not like you are stuck forever with a shape. I personally just went with my natural shape, so the artist just filled in the spots that were "missing".
The healing is really good so far! they give you two appointments at first, I did my first one around 3 weeks ago. The second one is a "touch up" to get any parts that didn't hold on to the ink well enough/fill in extra if you want it. It's nice this way IMO because then they don't give you a too filled in look since you can decide how much more you want. They used the "darkest" color on me and at first I was worried but it's actually a really nice dark ish brown (but still looks "soft" if that makes sense, not like a sharpie line or something). I have super dark brows so it blends nicely.
It doesn't hurt really, it feels like little pricks at the beginning but then they numb you and you can't feel anything besides pressure. Right after your brow skin is pretty red and irritated and they look super dark (like sharpie haha). It fades/scabs a bit and they fall off in a few days, revealing a much softer color. the scabbing wasn't gross at all, barely noticable.
I'm so much more happy now, since my natural brows are pretty sparce but now I can have "full" brows that look natural and not super drawn on.
No. 60222
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Any anons that tried butter or creamy lipsticks or butter gloss by nyx?
I'm looking for something that I could wear on my lips but without drying out them completely. I only recently started wearing lipstick so I'm not exactly sure what the differences between the three are?
I'm buying them online from their shop, so it's not like I can take a look personally :/
No. 60227
>>60222Tried the butter glosses and seriously don't understand all the rage about them, i don't know if i got a shit batch or what but they are absolute shit.
They are incredibly sticky and feel very heavy on the lips, all the times i wear them i end up taking them off because i feel like i have 2 kg of product on my lips. They also don't moisturize a lot and wear off very quickly.
The colors and pigmentation are both very pretty though, but there are far batter ones for the same price at the drugstore that feel moisturizing and light.
IMO The liquid lipsticks are very drying on the lips, tho they are very pigmented and last a lot, but i always have to apply a balm on top because if not i get asshole lips and a feel of not having drank water in 7 years, but they are ok for the price.
No. 60357

>>60328That girl sounds like she just wanted to sell you an extra brush, because with how watery face and body is i cannot see it being applied well with a brush.
In vid related, Mary applies Mac and body foundation with her hand and explains a little why it's best for this kind of foundation (Lisa has also other very informnative videos on how to apply all kinds of foundation).
In the ends, it's personal preference, but if you are searching for an airbrushed look, it's not necessary to use a beauty blender at all.
When i want my skin extra perfect i apply a thin layer of foundation with my hands until it's completly blended and my skintone is even, and then use a moist sponge to even out any weirdness and sink it more to the skin.
Then i proceed to spot conceal any imperfections and avoid using too much product becuase outside of instagram, more product equals more cake to the face.
A good primer would also help inmensely if you desire a perfect airburshed look. And a setting spray too (i like the one from nyx, it has matte and dewy finishes and it's like 6 euros)
In the end, it's personal preference. I like applying my foundation with fingers and a sponge but most people find it gross, so you should experiment until you find what works best for you and not what youtubers /counter girls recommend.
No. 60360
>>60334Yeah, the only downside of using your hands for applying foundation is how every piece of make-up gets a smear of foundation on it no matter what. Nowadays I keep wet wipes near me when I'm doing my make-up. Thanks!
>>60357Ah, thanks so much! I love discovering new make-up channels that are different from this new age of beauty gurus. Hmm, I guess I'll get a Real Techniques sponge just to pat it down a bit after applying it with my hands.
Btw, I might be a little late on this but I still wanted to give a quick tip to anyone who might not know: If you're using your hands for both primer and foundation application, clean your hands after applying the primer! It took some time for me to figure this out, the residue of primer on your hands totally messes with the foundation and makes it separate/not go on properly.
No. 60382
>>60328As long as you wash your hands and avoid beingtoo rough with your skin, your hands are fine. Try not to pull at your skin. It's just a personal preference what tool you use.
The average non-MUA uses more foundation with a brush than they do with their hands so selling you a brush not only gives them the immediate $$$ but means you have to come back to get more makeup from them too. If you don't like a brush for foundation, ditch it tbh.
No. 60484
>>58854What's your skincare routine like, doll? I had this same problem and went to Ulta and asked my brow girl (Only person allowed to do my brows and her makeup is always flawless as fuck so i trust her) what i could do and she told me I needed to exfoliate more. She told me to do it twice a week, more can make the same problem happen.
I don't have the problem at all now no matter what foundation I use unless I put off my skincare too much.
I also got a better moisturizer for my face (I like Clinique's moisture surge) which has helped too.
No. 60485
>>60382I find best success with a patting motion when it comes to applying with my hands. Always start with less and add more as you need it. I also found setting it with a powder has really upped the appearance of my foundation compared to before (before it stayed pretty dewey looking which just made me look greasy in bad lighting). Soap glory's powder is nice.
I personally use a brush to apply my makeup but i just used a cheap one that had the right feel i wanted for applying (kinda dense, somewhat fluffy). The only problem i've ever had with a cheap brush compared pricier brushes is they come off the stick part a lot faster because the glue weakens from washing them over time (Same happens with paint brushes and is why you should NEVER soak a brush of any kind). But i just glue em back together and it's fine.
No. 60533
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>>60222I have one and I really like it as a lip gloss. They are thick and a bit sticky which is what you should expect from a gloss, but they are pretty.
Try these bunnies from Tony Moly. You can get them really cheap on amazon and they're nice for moisturising and giving a bit of colour. I usually have a couple in my bag.
No. 61401
>>61379I also have a greasy face so I'll give my opinions.
I use a mattefying powder however I don't use a matte foundation because it makes my skin produce even more oil. I use a good BB cream instead.
Also invest in hydrating your skin and cleansing oil, these two are helping me a lot with oily complexion. My skin has been drying up nicely and I have less and less zits or blackheads.
About your eyes, you should try wearing very thin eyeliner and white or skin coloured pencil on the waterline. I have tiny eyes and it helps a lot.
No. 61404
>>61401Thanks anon!
I use a matt foundation so I'll give bb cream a shot
No. 61518
>>61510Oh sorry I just read you have olive skin tone, nvm.
Missha got quite a lot of tones so you might wanna check their stuff out.
No. 61557
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>>61510I'm a pale olive and for lipstick, I go for muted purples (pic related) and dark nudes. They tend to look best on me, idk if they'll work for you though.
No. 62223
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Anyone here tried The Ordinary serum foundation? Or the coverage one?
How's the staying power? Does it oxidize a lot? How does it feel on the skin? How does it look on?
I currently use Estee Lauder Doublewear with the nyx white mixer but i'm looking for a more lightweight foundation for summer and this one seems pretty inexpensive and with a great shade range, but i never tried any products from this brand and can only order it online, so i don't know what to expect.
No. 62225
>>62223i put myself on the waiting list for that shit, though im not sure which color to actually order as I am a makeup newb pretty much. I currently wear Loreal Tru Match in N2 Classic Ivory, Loreal Pro Matte in 102 Shell Beige (slightly too dark) and Tarte Rainforest of the Sea Fair Neutral (perfect tone match, absolutely shit product, slightly too light as its summer and tanning slightly is unavoidable.)
I'm waffling between the 1.0N or the 1.1N but I can't find enough swatched pictures to decide what to go with.
No. 63949
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Is it possible to shape arched eyebrows into these? I love this shape, my arched brows make me look constantly pissed off and when I tried to shape them this way with photoshop I found them more flattering.
No. 64011
>>63949dude we always want what we cant have. i have a low browbone and these shape of brows so i always just look retarded. so i draw them super arched to accommodate my pre-existing resting bitch face, lol. I would love to have naturally arched brows. But, you can flatten them a little by filling in the area around the arch lightly, and the actual space under your eyebrow where the arch is.
with regard to naturally shaping them, i brushed my eyebrows in the direction i wanted to train them every morning and night with vaseline and a spooly. worked a charm but actually started working better when i switched to using ultrabalm from lush for it.
No. 64069
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anyone know how to shape my eyebrows straight? i made sure i grew them out enough but they are still sparse inside so what would i use to fill them in and have them look "natural"? also what are some makeup tips to look girly and cuter AND how do i make my foundation actually cover my skin? i feel like it never fully covers and it makes me look worse (i use the fit me foundation it works best with my skin)
No. 64071
>>64069>>anyone know how to shape my eyebrows straight?I feel like that depends on your brows, but they have a lot of tutorials online
>>makeup tips to look girly and cuter Try different blush. They have blush palettes, and yeah, blush can make a person look cuter.
Also, remember to curl your eyelashes and add a lighter colored eyeliner to the bottom waterline if you want a "cuter" eye.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by girly and cute, but if you have photos of what you mean then I'm sure some makeup-expert anons can assist you.
>>how do i make my foundation actually cover my skin?I use Fit Me foundation too lol Have you tried the fit me concealer? It's a great way to get some extra coverage and comes in a skinny plastic tube.
Buuut I also use Bareminerals (powder). I'd recommend it for creating a more natural looking full coverage. Since I also like Fit Me, I guess it's worth a try recommending (You can buy a 1 month sample size online for like $6 btw). Do you use primer btw, as maybe that can help too? More importantly, I'd personally recommend working on a good skincare routine if you don't already have one. The less you have to cover up, the easier it is to wear lower coverage makeup. I generally find that when makeup makes me look worse than before, it's because my skin was too moist (didn't let skincare product soak in enough). I'm not sure your skin type, but if you think this could be your issue then perhaps a mattifying primer could be your solution.
>>Good luck anon! No. 64099
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>>63953>>64011>>64065Thanks, pic related is my eyebrows. I'm a bit retarded with shaping and as if it wasn't enough I also have differently shaped eyebrows, one is more curved (and fuller), the other one is… I don't know how to define it, maybe more arched? (And with more sparse hair). They've always been different, even in my baby pics I could see it. Every day I try to do my best filling and shaping them with a brow pencil, but I think it's not enough.
Do you think it's possible to shape them like the picture I attached before? I don't even know where to begin, lmao.
No. 64109
>>64107Agreed. Your eyebrows are on point anon!
If you really want to straighten them though, I'd let your eyebrows grow out (you can use an eyebrow growth serum if you want) and then pluck mainly from the top rather than the bottom. You probably won't be able to achieve exactly the photo, but you can definitely lessen the arch (although, again, your eyebrows are already fine!).
No. 64123
>>64099They look good to me anon! Remember, your brows are sisters, not twins. Over obsessing over them looking completely identical leads to over tweezing/over drawing and it just looks off.
The one on the right looks a little more rounded, but tbh that's just if I stare intently at your brows. I'm sure in full face photos it isn't noticeable.
No. 64125
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>>64107>>64109>>64119>>64123Thank you, I wasn't expecting this. Yeah, my eyebrows were never thick to begin with, but I've spent my teenage years overplucking them because I liked them very thin (I don't know what demon possessed me into thinking that, now that I look back on it), then the thick brows trend started… lol. I'd really like to use a growth serum, if it will help. If they were thicker I would probably be able to shape them differently, nowadays I'm stuck with this shape because I'm terrified of thinning them more than they already are. Thank you again for the kind words!
Any recommendation for a good growth serum?
No. 64127
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Are there any great high quality bb creams for oily and sensitive skin?
No. 64172
>>64141i like it better than jeffree star's (other controversial brand).
if you'are asking because you want the venus palette: yes, its great. do it now. or wait for the cool promotions they do where they give you the two palettes for like 50 bucks. awesome quality.
if you're asking because you want the liquid lipsticks. its nothing to rave about imo. they are overpriced too, because you don't get tons of product in the tubes. not the best formula out there (dose of colors, ofra, and kat von d are formulas that i personally prefer). the lipglosses and toppers and what not i don't know about because like i said, they're lipstick products aren't my favorite.
>info from like ten years agoits not anymore. doe deere doesn't get into messy shit anymore i don't know why people still have such loathing for the brand. last "controversy" i remember was the issues with credit card info but that has happened to many other sites, it happened to kylie too, people just harp on this because its cool to hate on lime crime.
i don't know why after all this years people are still so mad at them. who cares. its quality makeup. meh. you'are allowed to hate them anon. but the eyeshadows they do are legit good, it is no shitty morphe or jeffree eyeshadow quality.
stephanie nicole has a cool video on why she still supports lime crime and she explains everything pretty well imo. i know you probably don't care i'm keeping it civil here, some people just don't care about their old controversies. i'm sure anon doesn't and that's why they asked
No. 64186
>>64172The credit card issue is only one of many problems with the brand. They purchase cheap wholesale pigments from China and repackage them, they don't post accurate ingredient lists, and they've threatened people who posted negative reviews with libel suits in addition to doxxing them.
I thought that they might have cleaned their brand up a bit in recent years, but one of my friends bought their hair dye and the directions were hilariously misleading. But if you're only interested in cute packaging than I guess it's all okay.
No. 64233
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Was posted in the Doe Deere/ Lime Crime thread in /pt/ but does anyone by chance know the brand of the brushes used here? They're cute as fuck, but I'm really hoping they have zero to do with Doe Deere herself.
No. 64682
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Hey does anyone know the proper name for this kind of look?
Or the products I'd need to make it without lipgloss, that shit hurts.
No. 64716
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does anyone use the better together palette by too faced/kat von d??? what do you think? i bought it a couple of months ago and i only use 2 shades from it :^(
No. 66293
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What do anons think of make-up subscription boxes like ipsy? Are they worth it or are you better off saving for products you know you'll use?
No. 67015
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>>62163LTTP here but white pigment foundation mixers are a godsend as far as I'm concerned, my bad case of the oompa-loompa face is no more kek
I use the body shop one because it works well and is relatively cheap, but the NYX and Illamasqua ones are good too.
>>64127Holika Holika petit clearing, Missha real signature, mizon bb cream. Didn't like any of the BRTC ones.
>>66862There's a lack of good concealers for very fair skin. Revlon's lightest photo ready concealer is a long-time favourite of mine, I also like shiseido spotscover in s100 but have to add c1 to it to lighten it to my skin tone.
No. 72054
>>67015Seconding Mizon Snail BB Cream. I've been using this for 3 years and it hasn't let me down.
I saw that the Fenty line has very fair skinned shades. Has anyone used that foundation yet? My skin is oily.