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No. 55354
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>start playing Sims 4 as a distraction from severe depression
>make perfect Sim husbando because I'm lonely and IRL relationship isn't great
>develop legit crush on him over time
>make depression worse over the fact that he's not real
How the fuck did I sink this low? At least your crush is a real dude, OP.
No. 55355
>>55354It's okay anon. I know this feel for imaginary men. Because your relationship IRL isn't great that's probably why you've latched unto it and while it seems really dumb, it's not, really.
What's wrong with your relationship atm?
No. 55356
>>55355Thanks, anon. My relationship has been pretty rocky for the past 3 years. There have been so many problems that I don't even know where to start, but our problems basically boil down to my boyfriend not being honest with me in the past about stupid stuff, gaslighting me when I called him out, and a lack of intimacy and affection on his part because I had gained weight when my mother got sick/passed away and he wasn't attracted to me sexually anymore. I pretty much ran myself into the ground trying to fix everything by myself simply because he couldn't be honest about how he felt/what he wanted.
It pretty much killed my self-esteem and trust in him, yet I stayed with him all this time because I was scared of being alone since he was the only person left in my life. Eventually, I finally got through to him that his bullshit was killing our relationship, and he's been breaking his back trying to fix things in every way he can. I told him this is his last shot before I throw in the towel. Despite his efforts to change, I feel so guarded and don't like when he gets too close. I worry that too much time has passed, and that things can't be repaired because of all the emotional damage that's been done.
I guess when you look at it logically, the whole Sims thing isn't really dumb, but it makes me feel pathetic as hell. I'm no stranger to joking about having anime husbandos and stuff, but I guess this feels different because it's something I actually created, indulge in, and turn to when I feel lonely. It's sad that a character in a game has made me feel more loved and attractive than my real boyfriend. I wish my boyfriend was as kind and romantic as him. I miss feeling important and desired.
Thanks for listening and letting me talk about it. I don't have any friends or family anymore, so it's nice to find support on lolcow.
No. 55357
>>55356I think it's a good sign that he WANTS to change, though, and is actively trying to. Men who don't want to put in that effort just won't because, well, they're stubborn.
But I think you also have to do a little work too maybe to kinda let your guard down and try to just let him love you / love him and not dwell on the past stuff. It's really hard, though. That past emotional baggage of him not being honest is difficult to get rid of but if you really want to move on, it might be best to try to let it go and focus on the fact he does want to change.
As to that all important 'feeling special/attractive' thing, we all chase that when we've been with someone a long time and I did too until I realised that if I put in a little effort to make my husband feel special, he was actually more likely to do the same. I saw a big improvement in terms of his reactions to what I was wearing, saying I looked beautiful, etc etc, when I was giving him the same and showing him affection in a way he understands. If you start doing that and you're not getting anything back, then yeah, this relationship isn't worth the effort you're putting into it and it's a drain to you.
I hope that helps. I'm sorry about your mom. I know I would be pretty beside myself and gaining weight and stuff is really understandable. Grief/depression cause those spanner in the works of just every day life and motivation. It'll get easier in time, hopefully.
No. 55358
>>55357Thanks a bunch for your advice and support. I really appreciate it a lot.
I know it's not fair to keep him at a distance. It's been difficult because my father was abusive and a pathological liar, so he pretty much set me up for a lifetime of trust issues. It pissed me off that my boyfriend would continually lie to me, knowing how important trust is because of my childhood abuse.
As for me pulling my own, I've always showered him with compliments, did romantic/cute stuff for him, and never "let myself go", other than gaining about 30 lb. like I mentioned before. I've never been a high maintenance person in terms of dress or makeup, so it's not like I suddenly changed for the worst. That's why it made me so angry when he basically told me that he lost attraction to me about a year after us dating because I didn't look like X,Y, and Z. You know, why date me if you didn't like how I looked right off the bat?
I'm really working on opening up again and have been in therapy for a few months, so I hope that helps in the long run. I really am glad that he's putting in some much effort to finally fix things.
No. 55359
>>55352It's okay op, I don't this is crazy to like them.
I have a huge crush on a girl in one of my classes. She comes off extremely stand offish and snobby, especially when the instructor was giving introductions and she exclaimed "You know I hate art people"
>This is literally art school>This was a studio class when she said this>Everyone went quite >awkward for her after because we had to get other classmates numbers as a requirement and nobody went up to her but due to her very confident personality she just asked me and two other people for it.Personality wise I just think she is forward/blunt and due to artzskoolz everyones pretty much an introvert. Intially I thought i just admired her a lot, since she's everything I'm not
>Have long think black hair to her back>gives off sex appeal without trying>extremely confident>Can just say whats on her mindBut I'm pretty sure I'm just crushing hard at this point.
Yesterday she went out of her way to sit next to me, I didn't think much of it since why wouldn't you sit next to people who you go your numbers from the class before?
But she legitimately was nice and warm to me, and complimented me on my work. I don't think she swings that way and even if she did I hardly doubt I'm her type. She makes me want to turn in amazing homework each time so I can hear praise from her though.
No. 55364
>>55360The only sensible experience.
Everyone else
>Muh celebrity No. 55365
>>55364This person's crush (
>>55360 ) isn't retarded and I'm sure it's most likely possible to evolve depending on the circumstances. She doesn't have the balls to ask him out. Talking about it in the thread is absolutely okay and fine but the main topic isn't that.
So all other posts aren't >muh celebrity.
They're actually what the OP post is about: impossible/retarded crushes.
No. 55367
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yeah man he had one of those curly staches like in this pic but it was more kempt and perfect. he looked like he had time traveled to current day. he kept staring at me and i genuinely got chills when i looked at him, it was really odd. he was young, tall, and super handsome tho so i would still tap that hipster ass.
No. 55369
>>55352I'm falling head over heels for my co-worker. No surprise since we spend 8+ hours alone in the same office every single day tho.
But it's pretty sad and shitty of me to feel this way because i have a boyfriend and he has a girlfriend as well.
My boyfriend however is only interested in videogames and often says i talk too much. I'm very passionate about my career while he doesn't really care about anything other than food, videogames and memes. Basically a manchild. We've been together for years but while i grew up and moved on in life he kinda stayed the same idiotic teenager. An endearing idiotic teenager tho.
This other guy however, we can spend hours on end talking about books, life, art and human emotions, i've learned a lot from him and even tho i've read a lot less than him he actually listens to me and reflects on what i say like it's important. He's very passionate, humble, sensitive, super smart, is 8 years older than me and his girlfriend is beautiful.
I feel so stupid writing this.
Sometimes i think he also has a bit of a crush on me, but it's probably just my emotions making it up, he's just gentleman-like. He drives me to the subway station every day and drives me home if it's dark outside (we often have to work overtime). One time he called me by his gf's name by accident but our names are similar to begin with.
I'd never act on it tho, and i know he'd never cheat on his girlfriend either. I tried forgetting about it and moving on but it's been almost a year since i started working there and i like him more than ever. I'm okay with it just being fantasy, but it'd just be amazing if it was his impossible guilty fantasy as well. Then it wouldn't just be this one sided platonic thing but rather a complicated painful feeling we shared.
Sorry for long post + bad english. I haven't had the courage to talk about this with anyone. I feel really really stupid writing all of this tbh. I'm just trying to enjoy human relationships for what they are. I think that unattainable crushes are a beautiful part of life and that platonic love is best love.
No. 55582
>>55501I get those but usually on actors I guess. I get really obsessed with someone to the point I get sad I'll never meet them, and it makes me feel terrible because I know how pathetic that is.
At least now I know the cycle I always go through, so I won't end up sending insane fanmail or something.
No. 55652
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I’m in love with a fictional character. Not in a ”this character is cute and I kinda like him teehee husbando” kind of way, I am actually in love wth him and have been for 3 years now. I imagine him standing/walking next to me and I make up dialogue between us in my head. Not to mention all of the embarrassing things I have written about our relationship.
The only real guy I've liked was a semi-popular Youtuber, but I stopped crushing on him after a week or so. I think I was just curious about what dating him would be like.
No. 55725
>>55654I’ve actually tried getting into waifuist communities but I don’t really like it. It consists of 98% men and it feels like almost all of them have some kind of issues with women irl. There’s also a surprising amount of drama.
>>55659Sorry, I’d rather not say who it is. He’s from a visual novel.
No. 55797
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>>55757Damn I'd do him
I am crushing on this guy that follows my art/nonsense blog and I don't even know anything about him but that he lives in murica which is kinda far from where I am. I've been so fucking needy since my breakup in April. We basically chatted for a couple days, just about our writing and the meaning of life lmao. I know it's not going to work and that I need to take a step back before letting this crush take over me, but boy it's gonna be hard
No. 55819
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>tfw i will never wake up next to him.tfw he will never hold me in his arms.
I've had a lot of stupid crushes and mostly they're fictional characters or dead historical men and women and they usually disappear quickly.But ever since Overwatch came out I developed a stupid crush on Soldier 76.
>tfw i even make scenarios in my head where he doesn't even acknowledge my existence
>tfw i'm enjoying this
I'm so pathetic
No. 56129
>>55352Uh this is sort of a retard crush that ended up in a relationship..
>crush on dude I might on tumblr in 2014>start talking more in 2015 and 2016>develop severe depressed and anxiety from always being anxious of when/why he isn't texting me>literally only talk a few times a week>end up failing a class>literally have to leave the US on a month long trip to fucking Australia w/ friends to forget about him>when I come back feelings resurface >long story short, he ended up asking me out >10 months together now I don't even know how it happened. It came out of nowhere. It /was/ a retard crush though because I genuinely couldn't get over him no matter how hard I tried and the fact it ~
triggered~ my depression and anxiety so much makes me feel like a weakling smh.
No. 56151
Long post, but hopefully my critical levels of 'barrassment will make yours seem mild by comparison.
I was a dumb and impressionable lonely child on the internet, so many of my teen crushes were on lame tumblr cosplay "celebrities" from like…2009-onwards.
They all lived in different countries from me, were hotter than me, had the coolest groups of friends, and were way out of my league in my eyes – even by weeb standards. Did all my desperate pining from afar through anonymous asks, which is really difficult when you're trying to prove your worth to a cool older stranger in 200 characters or so. I used to send one of them messages in goddamn Shakespearean prose to try to make them notice me. Didn't work, obviously. I'm sure I just came off like a freak.
I've since grown up and developed a sense of self-respect, but damn if years of reckless idolatry over a bunch of heavily image-curated online personas (of people who turned out to be pretty sad, boring nerds IRL, thx lolcow) didn't decimate my budding self-esteem and ruin my life for years. How embarrassing.
((Not too much self-respect tho, because I'm currently infatuated with a mysterious cammer from some far-flung part of darkest eastern Europe, and the point here is that I hate myself, lmao.))
No. 56178
>>56159It's kind of difficult to explain my level of fanaticism. I mean, I've been a casual fan of "real world" celebrities, artists, etc. who never came close to making me feel the way I did over these people.
I guess the easiest way to describe it is to start by emphasizing that I was a weird, isolated kid at a delicate stage. I come from a really tiny island off the coast of the mainland Americas – kind of an extreme form of a small town. I was a preteen trying to figure out things and people that interested me – coming of age and all that shit, but largely through the internet, because…well, it was my only path of access to the subcultural world outside my tiny little island.
It's where I met my first friends who I hadn't been in the same class as my whole life, where I found the aesthetics, and music I was inspired by… So naturally as I was growing up and the hormones were running amok, all of these things ended up sort of…conflating? I was at an age where I was trying to develop a sense of self, and all of the information that I was getting to supplement that transformation was coming from things that people posted online – I was basing all of my aspirations and fantasies around internet shit viewed from afar, more or less. I couldn't really differentiate between people and things I liked and people and things I wanted to be.
Since I'd always been interested in cosplay, but couldn't ever actually do it properly, due to the size and relative isolation of the place, when I first found all these goofy cosplay videos way back in the early days of Youtube, it was like an awakening. I remember thinking "wow. Their lives look amazing. I want that some day. I want relationships and fun times like those more than anything" – again, conflating things that shouldn't have been conflated. But it established a template in my mind of "what perfect relationships and friendships and lives are like", in my feeble 12 year old brain.
And from then on, it was just…a series of sequential obsessions. Whenever someone cool caught my eye online, I'd fixate on them. My developing sense of identity + sexuality would need a new thing to latch onto every few years in whatever new direction it seemed to be branching out in, and I'd obsess HARD over whoever that happened to be. It was like they would become the centre of my universe. I'm not talking shrines to them or anything, but definitely hundred-odd file folders of saved selfies, and constant, constant thinking about them every day.
Half of me would fantasize about what it'd be like to be friends with them, or date them, the other half really just wanted to sort of crawl inside them and wear their lives like a skin. Because again, I couldn't tell the difference, and this pattern of behaviour was all I knew.
I hardly ever interacted with them outside of anon asks, or if I was feeling brave enough, fanmail (once I got tumblr). Short notes mostly, here and there. A lot got ignored, because none of these people knew who the fuck I was, and had thousands of other shy faceless teens trying to get their attention on top of that. I knew that even then. But god, it felt real.
The first boy I really had it bad for was this kid I'll call K. I found him through his blog, 'cause we had fandoms in common, and damn, I thought he was the coolest. He seemed so smart and gorgeous and talented, and he was everything that I wanted to be in a person. It was pretty twisted, tbh; the more I liked him, the more I hated myself. I don't know if I craved validation from him or what…
I'd sit on messages to him for weeks, strategizing and waiting for the best moment to send something to him, sometimes to get attention, sometimes just in the hopes of making him laugh (which was really still just a ploy to get attention). Just desperately hoping he'd want to continue the conversation, and we'd end up on friendly terms. I don't think he ever even thought of me for more than a few seconds. Why would he, you know?
But one time, he was really upset about how invasive and demanding his online "fame" was getting (pffft), and I wanted to cheer him up, but mostly I wanted to make him look at me. See me as different. His favourite animals were horses, so I'd sent him a silly fanmail message with a link to a cheesy slideshow of majestic horse pics set to "Return to Innocence" (?????). He sent me back a message, mostly just out of courtesy likely, saying "i love you, omg". And I almost cried. It was one of the happiest moments in my life, (as far as my deeply deluded brain knew at the time). It was like my entire being had meaning in the world, and like time and everything had stopped. Because he said he loved me. He didn't mean it – he didn't even know me, but it was like being acknowledged personally by a deity. HE loved ME. And for a while, it was like that one message was all that mattered.
It was almost a hollow victory though, because a while after, he deleted his blog, and I inevitably moved on and became infatuated with whoever I next became convinced was obviously the coolest person alive. I think the whole internet/social media thing had a big part to do with it. They seem infinitely more accessible than real celebs. Gives you hope that someday, yeah, maybe you can penetrate the inner circle. Maybe one day you'll be one of those couples reblogging your earliest @s to one another from your shared apartment, because when you're young and impressionable, and the internet is all you have to shape you, that's what your idea of livin da dream 2k17 becomes.
But yeah. There were more people before and after, and every fan-crush would consume me and cause me to rip my whole sense of self to shreds in pursuit of acknowledgement, because somehow I equated these people and who they were and how they appeared to live – these fucking nerds curating selective impressions of their otherwise boring or underwhelming or just plain ordinary lives – with some sort of weeby Nirvana.
Story doesn't really have an end. I grew up, realized that I couldn't go on like this, and deactivated my blog. This awful version of what I thought was love was making me borderline psychotic. Came back years later (and thankfully, MUCH stabler) for a few days to check on whatever happened to all these people, and for the most part, they grew up too. I can look at them now and not feel anything other than like…a sting of nostalgia. 'Cause it hurts a little, to know that someone had so much of an impact on your life without them ever having known at all. But I can hardly begrudge them for it. Not their faults I was an unstable moron.
I don't know if this is the kind of story you were hoping to hear. I don't know if you can relate to it, or if it answered any of your questions? It's pretty indulgent and suffocatingly prose-y and offensively long, so sorry about that lol– I think I just wanted to whine about it and get it off my chest. Pretty depressing to go over it now. I was a really sad, sad kid with a warped understanding of the world and affection and everything. Idk.
Oh! But there is one other thing I can share. One of my earliest "obsessions" (who happened to private his blog before the full-on infatuation got its hooks into me) was a kid who funnily enough, ended up being mutuals with me years later, when I'd gotten older and less insane (i.e. at which point the obsession had long worn off). I got to know him, and we ended up chatting fairly frequently. Sweet guy. Painfully nerdy and awkward sometimes, but clever, and cool in his own way – largely due to just having weird parents more than any conscious design. He was a lot shorter than I'd thought too, and lived a way blander day-to-day life than I expected, and all of these things sort of broke the image of him I'd created in my head all those years ago. And honestly? Having those illusions shattered was the best thing I could have asked for.
Turns out to be way nicer to just talk casually with someone as a person, and not some untouchable idol that you're lusting after and building up to a ridiculous ideal. He was just some dude. I try to keep that in mind these days. Everyone's just a person.
(whew, this was embarrassing as hell. i'm done spilling my prime-for-roasting guts now, i swear.)
No. 56188
>>56178Wow, anon, that was exactly what I was hoping for. reading your experience was really interesting. The fact that you have grown into such a grounded and insightful adult made it even better, and I'm serious when I suggest you repackage this whole thing and sell it as a thinkpiece to vice or something. I think a LOT of young people can relate to this, even at the level you describe. I was never that hung up on anyone, like I mentioned, but I do remember how my view of the internet changed when tiffany starpowerr got exposed, it, like your experience with yiur mutual, really opened my eyes to how much some ~e celebs~ completely curate their image. Thank's for typing it all out, anon.
No. 56194
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I keep getting crushes on guys from TV series. It's so stupid because even though these hot actors are real people, they're not their characters and I'd probably be really disappointed with their personality if I met them. Also I tend to crush on the "bad boys" and there's no way I'd look twice at some guy irl who put my life at risk or acted like an asshole towards me.
…but I still love them lol.
No. 56204
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i don't care if he now hates white girls and think they're all degenerate dogfuckers i still love him………..
No. 56216
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I could die for British accents, and I love being told at all times how much I'm loved and appreciated.
Also I love Hancock, but since I like robots so much I actually find Codsworth more attractive. And the idea to put vibrators on your robot companion is more intriguing than it should be.
I'm trash.
No. 56219
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>>56196edgeworth is true husbando material. i would die for him.
No. 56221
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>>56219i want to dress him up in girly outfits and embarrass him so hard
No. 56261
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>>56247You fell in love with frank?
No. 56264
plss no bully ;_; this is hard as it is already but yeah I like his filthy frank persona he is so idk how to explain but let's just say he is passionate idk I just find him hot and I am in love hahaha
No. 56268
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>>56261>>56263>falling for obvious baittheyre just dicking around
No. 56273
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>>56272hell yes! who doesnt? just look at those arms! papa franku is the sexiest
No. 56274
>>56273Oh man you're actually for real right
What is actually better in Franku than in Joji? Like actually? Or do you just really love nasty things?
No. 56275
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>>56261I'm glad you posted that gif because I was just going to post that I fucking love Dennis Reynolds. Specifically Dennis, not Glenn Howerton (thought Glenn is great and talented). The whole psycho-who-secretly-has-big-feelings thing is my shit even if he's super rapey and I'd never go for that IRL (kind of like what
>>56194 said).
No. 56276
>>56274hell yeh!
>What is actually better in Franku than in Joji? Like actually? Or do you just really love nasty things?well I dont know I just like his passionate way of doing things and yes I also like his nasty ways as well, he is adorable in his own weird fucked up way. Also his voice I am not gonna lie, but Joji also has a sexy voice. But papa franku would probably be good in bed. I know its retarded and completely impossibru to ever meet him or even date him but heck this is why I am posting it here, so here I am completely in love with someone who will never even know I exist nor would ever go for someone like me since I will most likely will not fit his standards and he is just a character
>inb4 it's bait not real they are messing around No. 56278
>>56220It's really embarrassing but here goes.
It's a character from Resident Evil but since Resident Evil has changed a lot during the years I'll be a bit more specific.
Basically, I've had a mild crush on this character since the beginning of the series ( it was one of my first video games when I was a lil tard, so I guess he was also technically my first crush ever) but I started really obsessing over him after finally finding a copy of Code: Veronica X, I was super excited because at the time it was the only Resident Evil game I hadn't played and I finally found the PS2 version(well dreamcast version was Code:Veronica but whatever you get the point).
The way they wrote him in that game made me so giddy and honestly he seemed so perfect in every single way to me(as completely and utterly ridiculous as it sounds). So I guess I'm infatuated with that version of him if that makes any sense.
Anyways the character is Albert Wesker, if you couldn't guess. They ruined his character for me in later games anyways so I honestly just pretend that he has a weird twin.
Sorry for bad English again and for rambling.
No. 56281
>>56271We haven't even known each other long enough (or well enough) to consider a relationship beyond "I hope the future can bring us together again."
Also I can understand long distance maybe within the same country, but from not only different countries, from seperate continents…?! My crush needs to be LESS retarded, not more! sob
No. 56293
>>56284Tbh each time I email him I'm worried that he'll think replying is too much work as it is.
And anyway, before I even consider a long dostance relationship I need to solve this how-can-I-possibly-see-him-again-and-fuck-his-brains-out-before-I-have-to-go-home problem. I am just a MESS over this guy, honestly, I hope I'm not the only one and that he's at least half a mess as I am, physically speaking.
But your words give me some hope, anon. Maybe I'll try the advice thread tomorrow.
No. 56341
I hate to admit it but i have a crush on this guy, who is the bf of someone i know through a collegue. Im in a happy relationship myself too, and id rather kill myself than ever pursue my crush but the feeling is there. I feel guilty about it but since i still love and adore my bf, i try to just accept crushing on others as a thing that happens in long-term relationships.
The thing is, i think the guy might have a crush on me too?
>he chats me up at every opportunity he gets
>i catch him looking at me when he thinks i dont notice, and then quickly turning away when i look back
>in general he makes a lot of eye contact with me even in conversations including lots of other people, and even when neither of us is talking
>one time when he was performing (playing guitar), he looked at me and immidiately messed up the song
>during a party once he constantly kept checking up on me, making sure i was having fun, asked if i wanted snacks and then when i declined he still brought me some, all while his gf was in the other room
>he had a picture of me on his phone but he said it was because a friend of his had seen me in a party, developed a crush and sent him my pic to ask him if he knew my number. Idk if true or not. Idk what pic it was, it mightve been my fb profile pic
We briefly followed each other on instagram even though we both have private accounts too, but i ended up blocking and unfollowing him because it made me feel quilty.
I luckily dont see him very often but every time i do (through work) i just try to kinda not think about it too hard and just act normally. I wish i could just stop having this crush because its really unwanted and i feel shitty over it.
No. 56351
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I have the dumbest crush on loepsie (Lucy). i guess lots of people think she has a weird looking face, but I think she's sweet, kind, pretty down to earth and overall a nice girl. We seem to share tons of common interests and idk, I just wanna play with her beautiful hair and drink tea with her kek. Sometimes I daydream about interacting with her online, befriending her and going to visit her, and that's how our romance starts, smh. Her channel is relatively small so i guess I could theoretically contact her if I wanted, but I've kept distance because I know it would never work out anyway. I don't think she is bi or into girls and she has a boyfriend … Also she said in Dec that she'd probably move in with her boyfriend soon so I'm kinda sad about that and I really hope I won't feel too salty if she starts posting couple stuff all the time. Sigh.
No. 56420
>>56293Hm, small update. He takes a few days to reply to my e-mails, but he does respond. And today, he messaged me for the first time on fb! He sent a picture of himself, used the kissy emoji a lot, said he'd write me back soon xoxo.
I was having worries that everything he said to me the night of our hookup was maybe just flattery, and maybe he seriously lowered his standards to get laid that night or something. Now, however, I feel fairly confident he's actually interested in me. It's the only thing that explains the effort. He doesn't have to do any of this.
Doesn't make my crush any less retarded, given the circumstances. :\ The e-mails will eventually die off and we'll never see each other again.
I'll just try to enjoy shamelessly flirting with him via e-mail as much as I can.
No. 56457
>>56431girl yes… I felt like this when playing MM
I would wake up in the middle of the night just to open a chatroom or answer a call. The emotional benefit I received was nothing like with irl dudes. It was warm. Fuzzy. Making me feel soooo good.
I'm somewhere on asexual spectrum so I even thought that I don't need an irl partner if I feel so good just chatting with AI.
But then I had to roll back into uni and had no time for chatrooms anymore lol
Now I have neither MM nor an irl bf. Sometimes I want to open the game again, just to hear someone being sweet and head over the heels in love with me, but I'm always reasoning myself out of it. It makes you feel good - for some time - but overall it's damaging
No. 56463
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This guy from Rooster Teeth.
He seems like he'd be fun to hang out with.
No. 56490
>>56195Are you me, anon? I'm in the same boat (13 years for a video game character). He's my main motivation to look nice and be a better person. I can't even bring myself to be his waifu in my fantasies because that would be forcing myself on him, I'm just a friend with a secret crush. What's even more embarrassing is that he's a silent MC.
Sorry for sort of hijacking your post but I'm relieved to find kindred spirits.
No. 56766
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>friend tells me about this typical funny twitter dude
>someone in the circles of people like dril
>follow him because why not lol
>he posts videos of himself
>he's attractive as all get out
>me and friend slightly fangirl over him over texts and irl
>one day we get all giddy and dumb and i dm him to ask about a movie me and said friend should watch
>next thing i know me and him are discussing how good the movie he recommended is
>i start to randomly dm him every now and again
>he always replies
>dm him as per usual past weekend asking his opinion on the new weezer song because i know he's a fan
>he never replies
>i feel like a huge sperg lord
This is him, btw.
I want to kill myself, why am I like this.
No. 56922
>>56904I had a similar experience, thank god that weird crush died. It lasted only a few months. I was waiting for someone, just looking out the window, and then I saw this cute guy walking. It was raining, so it was kinda dramatic/romantic. I was still in my teens and he looked, idk, let's say uh
problematic. Skinny kid, long hair, pale, black T-shirt. Kek. Idk why he got my attention but I thought about him for months.
No. 57063
I'm in mad, stupid love with my loser boss.
It's really retarded.
I'm incredibly disillusioned from romance in general and he's the exact opposite of anyone I've ever went after so I'm really fuckin frustrated about this. I thought after six months it would fade, but it didn't.
His position isn't particularly powerful and he doesn't sleep with employees (I'm the only girl on our little "team" anyways) so it's not some weird office dynamic. Not at all.
I'm a cold person but fuck, he makes me so gooey. I keep my distance but it's been over a year and I can't shake this.
He's older than me, isn't really the most strapping in the looks department, is divorced, and his life situation is far from desirable. There's a lot of tension between us but I've never done anything about it because I think he just wants to fuck me most likely. And that scares me.
He does the same shit I do like watches me from a distance but has a hard time maintaining eye contact and turns red when I come around. Which logically, is only because he wants to fuck me, but my brain just screams "cute, cute, CUTE" and it makes it worse lol.
I'm keeping a vast distance because my feels for him are stupid strong and it's nasty as fuck. The infatuation just lays stagnant and I quietly think of his dick in my mouth whenever we're working together. I don't want to get hurt or fucked and chucked because I want to wife this fuckin loser. Just talking about this makes me feel ashamed, swear I'm not usually this type of person, it's made me so weird dear god.
Fuck man.
No. 57097
So about two years ago, I was on OKCupid and got a message from this guy from Florida, which is pretty far from me. He's not exactly my type, but we become friends and he always says he's still into me. We have the same interests, and he's nice, but I just can't handle the distance.
We're friends, and he becomes something of an emotional support, and I even tell him a lot of private things, and he sticks around. I'm starting to fall for him more and more, and then I one day decide to give him a chance even if he's far away.
Turns out he's met someone local and is in a relationship now. Even though I told him I'm happy for him, I'm secretly still jealous and sad, and I feel guilty that I'm still his friend in the hope that if he breaks up, I can slide in.
It feels like the universe is playing a joke on me. I can't find any decent guys near me, but I don't want long distance. I feel like I have to settle for that.
No. 57099
>>57063Do you think you're just turned on because he wants you? Like, you know it's an inappropriate relationship but you feel desirable and you know he'd think it was exciting to have sex with a younger woman?
There's nothing wrong with that attraction but it's probably not going to make you happy to actually sex the guy, like you know he's desperate and you don't find him physically attractive but you might be attracted to how sexy he find you or something.
idk, it sounds like the ~inappropriateness~ of the relationship and how randy he is is kind of what's getting you hot lmao
I wouldn't go for it because like I said, it will probably be an unsatisfying experience. Are you sure you're in love with him?
No. 57127
>>57099Objectively, I know he's not attractive. As in, to other people, this would be a major "wtf?" But for some reason I find him really attractive regardless, does that make sense?
I don't feel desirable that's for sure lol he isn't incredibly flirty and absolutely not complimentive, he's shy.
That's why this whole thing is driving me crazy. I don't just want to fuck him, I legit want to wife down the big dumb fuck. But I'm mad at myself for wanting that, and I act like I can't stand him as a form of overcompensation, but it's mostly just because these feelings weird me out.
I'm a really rational person, so my rationality is saying "Why?" but every other part of me is a goopy pile of sludge. And I keep telling myself he must secretly be a douche bag, there's no way life would throw me a bone, etc. so I leave it in limbo. But I haven't liked anyone else in…over a year now. Shit's gross.
I've liked him since before he was my boss. The boss thing just keeps me from even thinking about acting on it. Probably best just in case.
Thank you for listening to me complain. I internalize this an awful lot and it's driving me bonkers.
No. 57203
>>57127I read both your posts and man, I gotta say I get you're feeling weird, but it's also kind of adorable? Sometimes you just love a dude you know? Thing is, most people would advice not to act on it, because of the obvious potential work related dynamic it might screw up. But I got into it with my boss, same situation only not the looks/divirsed/older part, everyone told me to not go there, but here we are, 4 years later and he's sleeping sound right next to me. I'm rambling, but just to have it out there, sometimes it works out, and sometimes it's worth it to risk it. Hell, you could get another job if it's a complete fuck up, right? You sound like a potentially very cute couple, anon.
No. 57266
>>57127If you don't want to fuck him/fear the fuck and chuck, then you need to start dating him in conversation. You don't need to fuck someone to tell how they like you, if you compliment him blase-ly one day and start from there you could probably tell pretty fast if he's actually interested. Plus, it takes two to tango dumbass, if he starts to get physical too fast just DON'T FUCK AROUND BACK.
Work-date him, man. It just means YOU have to take the lead which sucks but do it casually. I want you to start doing this right now, LeBouf style and I want a report in 48hrs what happened.
No. 57279
>>57266>calling me dumbassI deserve it lmao.
Thank you! I really appreciate the reinforcement. I've never been this retarded about anyone before and it's got me mad stupid.
I might try tonight if I don't have a coronary.
No. 57315
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I only realized my crush on one of my coworkers now and it's too late. He got a gf and my boss sent to work at a different place, which means I will only have the chance to meet up with him like 3-4 times a year when you will reunite. I'm too afraid to ask him if he wants to hang out now since he has a gf (who probably treats him like shit based on his latest ones). Wish I hadn't lost the being obsessed with someone else, blind and stupid to see he actually had a small share of interest in me in the beginning.
No. 57316
>>57315Damn typos. With him*
When we all will reunite*
No. 57334
>>57315It's never too late, and I know some girls hate when I say this but…a girlfriend is just a girlfriend. Not saying, "go in there and fuck 'em", but if everyone waited for everyone to single, the people who would be happiest together probably would never get to be together in the first place.
Don't build this up to be a true love confession, you just need to hang out and see if you think he feels the same way. Invite him to drinks halfway after work, or dinner.
It's only painful and unbearable of a rejection if you march into it demanding a serious relationship. Most men I know wish girls would just tell them they have a crush than waste away with a girl they might like less.
No. 57387
>>56251damn, same.
Last night had a dream where I met him in NYC and he was attracted to me because I didn't mention anything about he being famous, instead we talked about dub. When I woke I felt miserable.
Lol I'm such a loser.
No. 57405
>>57334Thanks, anon for being honest and open minded. I do get what
>>57390 said as well, I don't like the idea of making him break up with his gf. But honestly I don't have the balls to do that, no matter what. I'd guilt trip myself sooooo fucking much, even if we ended up together. And even if I did, he seems to love her even though she doesn't seem "good enough" to be with someone like him
No. 57430
>>57413Yes, anon. Obviously all the farmers on this board are weebs with yellow fever lel. Even though most farmers are weebs, that anon's story details match
all the details from the other thread. No judging you tho, it's just sad everyone told you their opinion and you're still denying the obvious truth to yourself. I'm merely pointing that out
No. 58106
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>>be me, single for a year, still healing after a traumatic relationship
>>Meets guy online
>>Guy is successful, caring, kind
>>Going through the pain of a recent and very traumatic breakup that involved and abortion and shit
>>Guy and i bond very fast
>>Guy and I agree that if things were different we'd probably be together
>>Start crushing on him
>>He's still crazy for her, still very sad
>>Im heartbroken. Decide to keep my feelings to myself because it's just too soon to say anything
>>He says he prob don't wanna date for a year or longer
>>On top of that we live in different countries
I feel like a relationship with this guy is impossible even though I really wish it'd happen. I'm sure we would get along very well as a couple and I'd go see him IRL, no problem. It really hurts because I'm finally liking someone for real and I don't even have a chance.
No. 58130
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I deluded myself into thinking a minor fictional character who died is real and I'm madly in love with him.
He was literally only there in the game for 30 minutes and then he died. I've been imagining a life with him for the past 3 years now.
I even feel guilty looking at irl men because of him. halp.
No. 58136
>>58130You can still love your husbando and other people. anon. I'm sure he understands the limitations of different dimensions.
But on a realistic level, if your devotion to your husbando is interfering with your 3D life in a negative, overbearing way, you need to take a step away and redistribute your mind on other things. Waifudom should be fun, not destructive.
No. 58165
There's a guy I see nearly every day at work who I've had a crush on for 4-5 months now. I work at a daycare center, and he's the father of one of the kids who's there every day. He's also 10 years older than me (doesn't look it) and married, so he's completely impossible. Ever since the first time I saw him, he would smile at me and look in my eyes longer than anyone ever has. I'd think nothing of it, but he doesn't talk to or smile at anyone else around. Neither of my coworkers. Whenever he comes in, he just gets his kids belongings, says hi while smiling and looking into my eyes, goes over to his kid, then walks to the door to leave. But before he walks out, he always turns around to wave at me and do that FUCKING SMILE and look in my eyes again and wave at me AGAIN. I always smile back of course, and keep the eye contact until he's out of sight. It's like he knows he's driving me crazy.
Lately, when he does this, I have to look down because I get so shy, but when I look back up he's still looking at me, waving goodbye. Does he not remember that he is married? Please stop tempting me….
No. 58171
>>58167In my head, he stops just eyeballing me every day, and just tells me his wife isn't doing it for him anymore, and that he's been trying to give me signs that he wants to fuck but since I was too afraid to make the first move, he makes me get on my knees right then and there.
Azn man husbando swoop me away
No. 58957
I've been struggling with a stupid crush for a few months now, only it's actually more than that. Because I've spent so much time thinking about it, I have categorised types of crushes:
'oh wow, they are cute and i would kiss them if they wanted me to'. notice me sempai. no big deal, fun.
obsessive and draining, you think about them all the time, constantly planning ways to see them, much social media stalking, but it's surface-level and your object of infatuation may be actually kind of a dick. if you actually spend any decent amount of time with them it wears itself out.
>in love
wholesome, fuzzy, glowy appreciation for all that this person is. what all the songs are about, best drug on planet. this can pretty much only happen if they reciprocate.
I thought I was infatuated with a side of worsening mental health, but no, I'm in love with him and have been for a while. And he feels the same way, and it can't happen for so many reasons, and I can't talk about it with anyone.
What I actually came here to say was that I've spent a lot of time on dress-up games, the couple dress-ups are the ones i find particularly therapeutic. It helps gently underline that the idea of us being together is firmly in fantasy land and won't really happen.
No. 59021
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There's some edge lord I used to talk to and the more I began to hate him the more attractive he became, and even though he was interested in me, I knew he was also a manhoe and he will never change so I want him to die. One time he was in my city and needed somewhere to stay, I laughed and told him to die in the streets and didn't let him come to my house, instead of spending this perfect opportunity with my crush, I spent the whole weekend in my pyjamas, eating tendies and watching anime. I've ignored his past few messages because he's a narcissist and thinks everyone wants him but I'm still majorly attracted to him and want him to love me REEEEEE
No. 59512
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Why can't I fall in love with someone I can actually have? Just… once, please. I haven't had a proper relationship with someone IRL in ages.
It's like I never meet anyone remotely interesting, and when I finally do, I start finding "huge" problems in their personality/behavior that would most likely ruin our potential relationship together. At least in my head. So I lose interest.
On top of that, I'm very self conscious, kind of shy, relatively socially awkward, and I have been living on and off depression meds for ages… so the problem is probably ME, not them.
Now the cherry on the top: I've been developing a crush on a friend, and I know it won't work out for many different reasons. So I decided to keep it a secret, yet I'm really fucking obvious sometimes because deep down I want him to love me back. AGH. I need to stop with this or I'm going to ruin my friendship and feel worse.
No. 59542
>>59496 anon, i'm so happy for you!!!! i'm the anon you replied to who had a similar problem with regard to a guy i wound up dating over winter break, where both of us thought we were just gonna date and hook up super-casually - but soon found that we were far more compatible and also were oddly similar, texting, talking, and hanging out every day, our friends knowing we had a "thing", us becoming each other's new years' kisses and everything… until we kind of had to abruptly break away and go "let's be friends?" when we had to go back to school because LDRs would be a bad idea for the both of us… though we never stopped talking to each other daily… and with that we're still talking, and even better, we're getting closer to the summer.. i got an IUD/long-term birth control inserted and made a little joke about it to him in passing the other day and he responded with far more acknowledgement/interest than i thought he would, which was funny and also interesting, because i would definitely like to have sex with him again, at least, & i also noticed that he had unfollowed his ex on one of the social media platforms he has me on (and started interacting with me waaay more on social media), as well, which is petty to smile about.. but still. i think this gave me hope, haha!
i am so eagerly waiting for us to be face-to-face again because i like him so much… though i guess i'm sad because it'll just be a few months and i know that even if things go as well as i feel like they will, i'll still feel super-sad at the end of the summer because i think ahead to the point where i make myself feel silly… i'm trying to not do that this summer. and maybe leave things unspoken, if it means we can have a nice time together, even temporarily - i just wish we could have more time. i listened to frank ocean's "self control" the other day and cried about it a little bit, which i feel sounds so stupid…
No. 59639
>>59541Thank youuu ahaha
>>59542First of all, thanks!!! But oh, anon. I would give you hug if I could. Don't cry, bc it really sounds to me like he is super into you! Talking to each other daily? That's such a good sign. With me and the Aussie it would sometimes be a week or slightly more before would message me back. But hey, look how it turned out! And actually when I was on the bus to Italy, which took almost 24 hours, I kept thinking to myself, "Wow. He fucking biked all this way, starting in Barcelona. And he still managed to write me about once a week? This dude was thinking about me." So in your case, I think it's similar, probably even better. I'd say he's definitely thinking about you, probably a whole a lot.
Would a LDR really be that bad of an idea? If you are so compatible, wouldn't it be worth a go? If things go well over the summer, it just seems like the natural next step. You might not have to leave things unspoken! Or it might be pretty obvious at that point anyway. I feel like if it were me, I'd pretty much be unable to help myself. I feel like I'm just about one more "Aw, you say such nice things to me!" away from telling this guy "That's because I'm pretty crazy about you, dude!!!" Maybe without saying dude.
I think ahead…well more like fantasize to the point where I feel silly too. Of ways we could be together, totally stupid. If anything, try to think about how anything you can imagine is more plausible than anything I imagine. Try to imagine good situations, anon! Also keep us updated. :)
No. 60553
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I've been limerently (is that even a word) fixated on someone literally old enough to be my father for a year and a half now.
Whats worse is that part of me thinks it is a legible relationship because he is dating someone that is 20.
It's also pretty damn weird seen as I dated his son for the first month and a half of this year
Frustrating lmao
No. 60588
>>60556Red flag for what? I'm not into guys as old as that girl, but people still say the same thing to me even after I pulled the
trigger and initiated the relationship.
I don't get it. If you get along, then you get along. I don't see why I should limit myself to children, and why he has to limit himself to do old folks when neither of us was satisfied.
No. 60590
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I love moot, I dream about moot, I'm not kidding. When gookmoot took over, I was so sad, I wanted to leave 4chan forever (didn't work)
I also have a crush on ZUN, when I found out he had someone, I was disappointed.
What should I do, anons?
No. 60594
>>60588My original thoughts exactly. I am pretty much attracted to him because he's an older, more mature version of his son whom I dated. His son fucked me about royally and I'm still hurting a lot from that, but I realised even when I was in the relationship I was wishing for him to be more like his father who's been there and done that and is more mature as a result of it.
I don't want to be 'the other girl' though so ofc I'm keeping my distance because he's in a relationship, thus why it's a retarded crush lol.
No. 60613
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I currently have a crush on someone from the show Survivor. We're friends on Facebook (though he has like, thousands of friends), actually have two semi-mutual friends/social connections, and exchanged a few messages on Twitter, but after I responded to one of his messages a few months ago he never replied so I stopped trying since I didn’t want to be annoying.
He’s super cute and funny and totally my type and I would love to meet him (we live in the same state) but like…he’s so popular and busy and I don’t want to come across as some overly-obsessed fan.
No. 60738
mines fucking stupid and also annoying. it's on a psuedo-friend i've had for years. she's barely my type, extremely immature, selfish, and lives across the state now. i hate her low key but i also want to fuck her really bad and i keep imagining putting up with being her girlfriend because she's like, almost my type enough im not too intimidated. like she's between a 3-7/10 depending. depending on what? i don't know. the fucking weather? she's extremely bland but sometimes i see her and say wow youre hot today. i keep sending her anonymous flirty stuff and i love watching her react to it. she recently got dumped and i've been comforting her through it kinda. im not alone though, a ton of other people feel this way too so its the only thing thats keeping me on this weird track of pursuing her. its literally like "this is the most okay woman i've ever met, her personality is watery garbage but everyone else is pursuing her so i'll keep going because… because." she called me cute the other day and has been making vague tweets about being interested in me despite not even asking how i've been doing or knowing jack shit about me, like i think she forgets my name 88% of the time but knows me because i give her attention, and her harem of pursuers has noticed and GOD it made my ego skyrocket for awhile. sorry if this is barely a qualifier, i think i really have feelings for this girl, but when i think about it logically i want to leave her alone forever. it's a confusing crush that'll never go anywhere, the most i'd ever do is date her for a month and fuck her a ton until i get sick of her personality, but i dont want to hurt her and would never pursue her like that, its not her fault shes really Okay and a 3-7/10.
No. 61227
>>58957I'm updating to give other farmers hope, I was disillusioned when I realised that there's no way we would work beyond like a month-long fling and it would probably be frustrating and confusing towards the end of that month.
I was wrong, only infatuated because I couldn't spend a lot of time with him, and now I'm pretty much over it. It can happen. One day you might just snap out of it.
No. 61234
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Is this the gender flipped neckbeard thread?
No. 61824
I took this from r9k, but it still hurts, man.
>move into student collective
>hot guy lives there
>seems a douche but nice to look at, plus I'm into virgins
>get to know him, great personality, we get on well, our banter borders on flirtatious but I just enjoy the tension
>when we're at a party/drinking together we stick with each other despite him being a boisterous extrovert
>he gets really drunk one night
>"a-a-actually anon, I'm a virgin. I lie to everyone about the one night stands"
>oh my god, it's my literal dream. My literal dream.
> I should've fucked him then, but I was sober
>he claims to not have remembered anything from the night before
>few weeks pass
>he comes in morning after a party
>"when did you get in last night?"
>"I didn't."
>"o-oh. Great! Great. Congratulations, huh?"
>he's since gone on to sleep with two other women
I was having a great time lightly flirting with him. I was in straight up denial initially; "yeah he's only saying that because he regrets telling me he's a virgin", but another apartment mate told me he saw him with a girl in the kitchen yesterday. It's weird because I'm not in love with him or anything, but he was the perfect package, and a really strong crush.
I guess it's for the best, doing things with someone you live with is never a good idea.
No. 61853
>>60590Holy shit, yes! I just started using 4chan/lolcow last year so I was too late to experience moots existence and when I found out about him I just got the biggest crush on him ever. Mostly before 2008 when he got all serious about 4chan and turned into a boring dickhead but still. I'm obsessed with him! Also Snacks too a little but mostly Moot.
Sage for autism that I couldn't contain.
No. 61869
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>>61853>having a crush on snax>just jointed last yearoh honey…
No. 61875
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>>61869Seriously. I'm surprised she's even heard of that gross bastard if she's only be on 4chan for a year.
No. 61991
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>late to the party but start DA:I a few months ago
>romance cullen
>read all Cullen fanfic available
>imagine scenario where Cullen exists
>imagine Cullen with me non stop
>have conversations with him when I'm driving to and from work
>turn down irl guys because of Cullen
>smile and blush whenever I think of him
Literally why
No. 61995
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>>61991he dosent marry u if ur not the right race
but i still love him
No. 62005
>>61991>tfw you'll never get to live with Cullen and mabari puppy in a quaint cottage.I
had to romance Cullen after my first play through with Solas. Bald fucker just devastated me. Cullen was a wonderfully soothing bandaid that I got to smooch whenever I wanted. Cullen > Solas.
No. 62007
>>62005it was the baldness that made me opt for other routes
if he had hair i would been a goner
im so much more attracted to what i can't have tho, so I'm tempted to play him
No. 62016
>>61879>Someone else likes moot>Is happy because can share this feelingI legit dreamt about fucking moot and having a family with him for YEARS. Even when I was
underage I'm twenty one now
No. 62098
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Perfect huh?
No. 62185
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>Get out of a shitty FWB not so FWB situation with someone recently
>Were pretty damn attractive and basically find guys that look similar to them as equally attractive
>Coworker at work looks kinda like them, so now develop stupidly irrational crush on them
>Fully know they're in a commited relationship and they barely have interacted with you
>Still have impure thoughts
Why am I like this?
No. 62192
>>61810Do you guys talk about anything other than games?
>>61824Aw. This story made me a little sad. Hey, I hope you find another virgin and maybe the next time you'll take the plunge?
No. 62397
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>>62396I dunno if it's going to work out if he wiped your ass, anon.
No. 62535
Over the past few weeks, I've been working on a project with another student from my school, and I've fallen for him so violently that it's made me into a weird, swooning idiot. Which isn't really something I'm familiar with. I don't do crushes or relationships, generally speaking.
But ever since meeting him, I've thought he was the absolute coolest. I so, so badly want to be close to him, even though I think him completely out of my league. I caught myself thinking about how nice his eyes are the other day. His eyes. I am an adult.
The main problems with all of this (aside from the fact that it's goofy-ass middle-school behaviour) are twofold.
1: Based on some social media snooping, he may already have a partner outside of the school; someone who seems a lot like me, but has the benefit of…you know…already filling that niche within his life. I feel like I shouldn't even bother trying to be his friend as long as that person is around, because I can't imagine what use he'd have for me when he's already got them.
2: I graduate in a month. He is only a freshman. Unless I somehow manage to cheat or force my way into a friendship with him, I doubt I'll see him again, and that thought makes my stomach twist because god, I like him so much…
No. 62536
>>62535Lol at you thinking crushes stop when you are an adult or stop at all, ever.
You'll be in a nursing home after your partner died and your children scattered across the world, and you'll laugh silly and get all flustered when a cute pensioner from across the hall winks at you.
No. 62540
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like 6 months ago i had a dream where brian firkus aka trixie fucking mattel and i were in love. i was on a tour bus with a bunch of drag race girls and it was one of those dreams that spans like a week somehow even tho you were only asleep for a few hours. him and i bonded over how much we had in common (irl we do have a shitload of stuff in common) and fell deeply in love with each other. we even shared makeup and did our makeup together which was really cute. we hung out and went on dates when he was in and out of drag. i never was attracted to him in any way before the dream (just a big fan), but ever since then literally just because the love i felt in the dream was so sweet and real i have an actual fucking crush on him. so stupid lmao
No. 62571
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>tfw every crush I've had has been retarded
Growing up I didn't have any guy friends and being a 4/10 I would develop a crush on literally any guy that talked to me
>They're either not interested, already in a relationship, or gay
>I would never have a chance anyway because I'm so below average especially compared to them
I haven't developed anymore crushes recently but it's probably because I've gotten back into animu so I'm focusing on my favorite characters like crushes.
No. 62582
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How do you guys deal with that crippling feeling of despair and hopelessness, knowing you won't ever be together with your crush, especially if they're fictional?
I love thinking about my husbando, daydreaming, having imaginary conversations, writing, etc. But sometimes I get this reality check that leaves me a mess.
I know most of you will say to get over it, but I just can't. I've never loved anyone nearly as much as I love him, and I probably never will. Just thinking about him makes my heart melt because he's so damn perfect to me. Plus, I have no interest in real guys whatsoever, never had.
>>56195>>56490You probably won't read this, but I truly admire your dedication. It's only been 4 years for me but I think I've become a much better person because of him. My next goal is to achieve lucidity in my dreams, and hopefully control them at some point.
Also, I really wish there was a good waifu/husbando-ism community somewhere.
Sorry for the long post and shit English.
No. 62591
>>62582>I know most of you will say to get over it, but I just can't. I've never loved anyone nearly as much as I love him, and I probably never will. I think this "can't" and "probably never will" kind of mentality is bad for you. By all means keep doing what you're doing but it definitely seems like one of those "digging yourself deeper" kind of situations.
Disclaimer: I'm no therapist
No. 62618
>>62611this sounds like infatuation. your playing lovers in a RPG probably strenghtened it. i'm not a psych pro but in my experience, when you act out ad-lib stuff for a prolonged time period, your brain has difficulty differentiating the real feelings and the simulated feelings you made up to be able to act suitably in the game, if it makes sense. i crushed on and dated one of the biggest losers i met in my life because our characters were lovers in a game.
you seem to be in a happy relationship, please don't throw it away that may not be real. take a break from the game if you can and assess your feelings.
No. 62631
>>62591I agree with you, it's not an healthy mindset. But it's not like I have given up on 'real life', though. I'm open to whatever happens, I just don't make much effort for anything to happen because I'm content with the way things are and always have been. This doesn't affect my personal life much, I'm just going through those difficult phases. Thank you for your input, anon.
>>62604Sorry, I don't really feel comfortable sharing, not even here.
>>62608I find comfort in fictional worlds and characters too. It's almost the only thing that can make me happy these days. It's just sometimes I can't help but rationalize the whole thing and the result gets me depressed for a while. It'll pass.
Thank you!
No. 62637
>>62617>>62618thank you both for your advice! i think you are both totally right. we have spent 1 on 1 time together but it was a little awkward and forced. tbh the whole thing about seperating make believe feelings and real feelings makes a lot of sense. i'm probably having trouble seperating the character from the girl as she plays my sort of type (headstrong, muscular, tan). i've got a real catch though and you're right that i shouldn't toss it away
thank you again!
No. 62739
>>62705>>62734I'm not into K-Pop much (I kinda used to be into a few groups) but Suga is very very cute, good taste!
I don't think it's that stupid. I mean, how could it be more stupid than me having a 2D husbando. At least your crush is real… But dating men like him is probably the worst thing you could to yourself because (and I hope I'm not being too harsh) you'll probably never find a perfect copy of him, unfortunately. You'll just get more and more disappointed and frustrated, I bet.
My advice is, if you do want to have a relationship with someone, try to be more open minded about it, and not choose guys who remind you of Suga. You might find a guy you really like!
If you're just okay with being in love with Suga it's fine too, I guess. As long as it doesn't affect your life negatively, like stopping you from dating when maybe you want to date, then go for it! Just keep your options open.
No. 62743
>>62739Thank you anon for such a kind reply!
I know that it's not good to date people because they remind you of the special person but I can't help it. I only have any interest in them (and that's just in the beginning, unfortunetuly)
I read this thread and I think lots of anons there have nice point of view on their crushes - there's no point in denying it, it's better to accept and enjoy the feeling.
And I don't think there's anything different in liking 2d husbando and idol. We both have the same chances in hooking up with him and my crush will find stable partner when yours is always "accessible".
No. 62748
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>>62734Anon…… i feel your pain
No. 62749
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>>62748You just can't escape from his charms
No. 62750
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>>62749It's an endless cycle
No. 62756
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>>62741Anon, this was beautiful.
>>62743No problem! I'm happy to talk with the people here who at least understand this side of me that I don't share with anyone.
Good point, idols may as well live in another dimension. I feel like if I ever saw one of the guys from groups I liked, like Block B or EXO, I probably would feel very weird and pass out. Have you ever seen BTS live? They do fansigns too, right? How would you react if you met him in person? I'm just curious…
>pic related was my k-pop crush>tfw I still have a folder full of pics of this fuckboi No. 62797
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>High school
>English teacher shows off these doodles some underclassman does on the back of his paper when he finishes work, they're beautiful highly detailed fantasy drawings
>Love it, vow to myself to find and befriend this kid
>Month or so later, school calls kids down who's birthday is that month to wish them all Happy Birthday
>Kid sitting in front of me is drawing kid
>He's super cute, a year younger than me and his birthday is two days before mine
>Introduce myself, tell him I saw his drawings and how much I like them
>We develop a passing friendship, no classes together but we make a point to see each other whenever we can
>Before class and after class. Sometimes we walk out of school together. One day walking out he stops and picks up a beetle on the floor, not wanting other students to step on it, carries it outside
>My little vegetarian heart melts right then and there
>Both of us were in relationships at the time, but a very unspoken/avoided connection was developing
>Best friend sees us talking one day, we hug
>His arms are the most secure I'd ever felt, I thought he was so handsome and charming
>Best friend tells me something along the lines of I really shouldn't let him get away, we should be honest with our feelings because it's the most genuine thing she's seen. She's honest to god upset with me because I don't do this/don't want to ruin my relationship.
>I leave school, never really see him again. Chat a few times on fb.
>Still in the relationship i was in in HS, he's off at college dating pretty girls and making something of himself. Still handsome and charming and gentle as always.
>I still think about him all the time.
No. 62803
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>>62798Jimin is so cute and fierce! I can't with him on stage and he is always so funny during vlives/bangtan bombs. Good taste anon! Let's suffer together.
I truthfully started crying at the beginning of Agust D mv lol. It was intense.
>>62756Could I ask what is your 2d husbando? Because Zico is just 10/10
I think I wouldn't react much, maybe ask for a photo or something. If that was Suga on the other hand… I don't trust myself with that.
No. 62808
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>>62734 Understand you anon, this guy litterally makes me cry
No. 62810
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This guy… Honestly he is too good for this world , love him too much.
It's kinda weird cause because of him I realized I have a thing for older men, who have grey hair (not horribly old, but 30-50 yo, even tho Mads is 51)
He and Benman Cumbercatch, Rupert Graves are my top crushes…
No. 62811
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>>62810 BTW anyone else fan of Maurice?
No. 62813
>>62812Used like 2 y ago.
But saying Benman Cumbercatch or that all my crushes are basic af ?
No. 62910
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>16, moved back to a town I lived in until i was a toddler, three years ago
>fall for guy that is a family friend
>legit 9.5
>worst crush i've ever had
>he's 20, would have to wait another 2 years EVEN IF by some long shot he liked me back
No. 62923
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I can't stop thinking about a 10/10 who I'll never see again in my life. He's also intelligent, interesting and the sweetest person I've ever met.
>tfw now everyone's a shit
No. 62954
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I'm still in love with this guy I met on the internet 2 years ago. I live in America and he lives in England. He is what I would describe as perfect (attractive, intelligent, very good at conversation, loves kids). I was crazy for him and we would talk all the time. I confessed that I was in love with him one day and he was sort of passive about it despite flirting with me a lot and admitting that he liked me back.
We stopped talking over time but he still has me added on everything. I know we won't ever go anywhere/talk again but I still am not over him. I cry over what could have been constantly and haven't loved anyone else since.
No. 62975
>>62954Yes, anon, listen to
>>62969. What have you got to lose? Message this guy and try to start talking to him again.
>>62969Wow, you moved to another continent?! How did that go for you? Were you long distance for a while? I'm
>>56270 and
>>59496 and I've gone full retard now imagining my life with this Aussie guy. It doesn't help that he's messaged me every day (every day!) since our weekend in Italy, and he sends the cutest texts too…once, he sent me the bouquet of flowers emoji and said "Here's some flowers for you!" I fucking melted. Please want to be my boyfriend…I get sad thinking about how this is all probably going to come to an end at some point. All I wanna do is gush at him about how amazing and wonderful I think he is, and how I don't know how I deserve/got his attention but I'm sooo happy to have it and I want to keep it for as long as I possibly can. But that's probably way too intense for this summer Euro fling we're having. Ah, what a mess.
>>59542Any updates, anon? I've been curious!
No. 62986
>>55352I have a similar crush on Chris Ray Gun, he's a disgusting, despicable, cocky little manlet, obviously has some form of autism/severe social anxiety (I saw a vlog of him and he was painfully self conscious and awkward irl) I disagree with and hate all of his opinions. But I want to fuck him badly and I just find his punchable face and overbite and thick glasses and big nose and Auschwitz bod rlly cute idk. There was a video where he put his tongue inside a drink and started flicking it against an ice cube as if it was a clit (at least in my mind) and I literally nutted to it like 15 times. This is embarrassing because I'm like a year older than him.
I'm also genuinely jealous, amused and grossed out by the fact he's fucking Laci Green. I find it so hilariously lame that they arranged to meet up like once and then immediately started dating. Tf? They're not on the same level at all. They look super weird together. I mean I know Chris is a manlet little rat but at least he's quite handsome facially. Laci is just a dumpy fat faced chipmunk.
I'm just imagining him having to eat her out, getting a mouthful of her cheesy puss discharge and her going 'IT'S PERFECTLY NORMAL, ALL GIRLS GET THIS CHRIS.' Makes me fuckin' sick. Like please anyone, anyone but cowtits herself.
No. 63013
>>62986Wtf they're actually dating now? Fucking KEK. I guess opposites really do attract.
Don't despair anon. I'm sure he'll get bored of Laci and her hideous nasolabial folds soon enough.
No. 63018
>>62986Holy shit, for once someones crush is worse than mine. I'm sorry, I laughed hard. I feel so much better. At least my autistic soon middleaged manlet isn't dating Laci Green. He might have fucked his fair share of hookers, as there's no way did he get laid before he became e-famous. At least he never fucked Laci Green. That's a point from where you don't come back. I can forgive a lot of things, but Laci Green? No.
Date women 15 years younger ? At least it's not "Not one-of-the-guys" Laci Green
Watches nasty and weird porn while performing asphyxiation? At least the porn doesn't contain "Hitler was all right and by that I mean alt-right" Laci Green
>>60569 this is me btw
No. 63109
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>>62910>9.5Subjective ! Description !
Please ! No. 63210
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This might be a bit off-topic but does someone get sad that nobody will ever have a retarded crush like this on you? Because I sure do. I don't know, it just seems so sweet to me and I want someone to feel like this about me, but I know it probably won't happen cus I'm plain and fucking boring. But still - seriously, I would be so happy if someone had an impossible or retarded crush on me…
No. 63215
>>63210even if they weren't your type at all?
the guys who fall for me don't take care of themselves/ r always chubby
No. 63220
>>63215Yeah, sure, even if the person isn't attractive. I don't care about their looks in this situation at all. We're talking about impossible crushes here - they can't act on it. It seems sweet to me no matter who the person is…
I want someone to notice me walking down the street and then think about me for months, or see me on a photo and then crush on me hard, that kind of thing. Just like the anons in this thread who were mentioning their impossible crushes described.
No. 63362
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I feel like Jungkook from BTS would be the best boyfriend. He's ugly-cute and athletic and p much good at everything
Tfw I'm not Korean and probably will never meet him ):
I just want to meet a guy who looks like him so we can date
No. 63386
>>62975Sorry, I didn't check this thread for a few days. We weren't in a LDR but we moved to another country/ continent after we were dating for less than three months because he was planning to do so. I didn't want to break up and just came along.
Because it was so spontaneous it took me a bit to get a working visa but nothing too bad and I've been working before so I could live off my savings. If you can, visit him in Australia for a few weeks or apply for a work visa if you don't have anything better to do (e.g. college). It's really easy and quick depending on where you're from. Best case, you guys progress with your relationship and might move in together etc. and you can start looking for a long term visa (which is what I'm doing right now) and worst case is that you'll have an amazing experience abroad and meet new people etc. If you're in college you might be able to do an exchange to Australia.
Hope it works out for you!
>>63384Realize that you're not in love but that you are projecting something that you want to have onto other people. Make yourself aware of that fact. It's not love, it's probably not even a crush. It's more like a wish. If you tell yourself that it has nothing to do with the person itself, it might get easier for you.
No. 64668
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>fam posts this guys youtube on normiebook
tfw cucked by jesus
No. 64828
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I'm crushing hard on Jimin from BTS right now, I'm so fucking depressed atm and daydreaming has always been my coping mechanism. It's really pathetic, I know I'm being sold a dream by a multimillion dollar industry but I'm falling for it 100 %. Damn they are just so good at presenting those boys like perfects talented beautiful angels it really make you feel like you would be much happier with them in your life.
No. 64830
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For a while I thought Werster was super cute (in that ugly cute way) despite the rage. I find gamer rage quite relateable. I thought he was single too and that fueled it I think, I always end up crushing on unavailable people.
The attraction died immediately when I found out he was engaged.
No. 64839
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>>55352I have an embarrassingly real crush on a streamer. I've been watching him for four years and I'm pretty sure he's asexual or just not into relationships because he never talks about them. He also said straight up he doesn't like the concept of marriage and enjoys his introvert life style. His voice helps me sleep and I've had his streams just playing in the background for the past four years. I've had happy relationships but I still daydream about being his girlfriend a lot. If he ever did get a gf I'd probably feel such genuine feelings of jealousy and get upset enough to where I'd have to stop watching him. He's so chill and cute for a white boy nerd streamer imo. He has a band and his singing voice is so good. I never have crushes on celebrities or "unobtainable" people. He's the only one and it feels so embarrassing. And painful. I just want to cook him dinner and play videogames in a comfortable silence in the same room together.
No. 64862
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I have a teacher at my college. Basically, I found him incredibly attractive over time and it was driving me crazy and I fell for him. Mind you, this guy and I are probably only 8 years apart since I'm going to a barbering school.
We would be so good for each other. We have the exact same music taste, the same taste in video games, and I can tell he somewhat enjoys talking to me. Sometimes he teases me or asks me questions about myself. I'm pretty silent in class so he's always initiating the conversation.
The other girls in my class think he's really weird, because his music taste is a bit obscure and his taste in haircuts/art is very unique.
But he's kind of a hardass type and he has a girlfriend who lives with him. I've heard him say that he's planning on marrying her. When I hear him talk about his girlfriend I get really irrationally upset, but I can't help it.
I saw him at this fashion show that we had to attend, and his girlfriend showed. I pretty much just sat behind them and watched them kiss and hug each other, and I just felt really defeated/depressed. I know I'm not allowed to feel like this, though.
Sometimes I fantasize about what he would possibly do if I approached him romantically, if I told him how I felt. I could see myself being really happy with him. But I know it's not meant to be.
No. 64877
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writing this cos I literally just saw my mum talking to this guy outside our house and remembered this thread
>'my friends cool older brother' type
>we all played together as kids and we 'dated' which obviously doesn't count for shit
>always been a few years above me in school, used to be an emo/metalhead kid which I also wanted to be at the time
>is now a huge stoner
>kind of a waste of space, dropped out of college and now works in a chip shop and lives with his parents.
>smoked weed for the first few times with him and his friends when I was 15 and still had a weird ridiculous crush on him
>I'm 18 now, in Uni, have my own house, a great bf and everything going for me
>still see him when I'm home for the summer and can't help but imagine what it'd be like to throw it all away to live that dazed and confused lifestyle and become his **~stoner princess~**
>usually goes away in like half an hour but still
>y am i like this
No. 66453
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>getting crushes on strangers all the time
>today get a crush on the average looking guy who smiled to me twice at walmart today
pic related is me to myself
No. 66456

This guy from the wwyd episode
I searched his information and found out his name was anthony crouchelli and now have a massive crush on him
I've been looking at all his social media on the daily trying to get his attention by asking for fitness "Advice" and considered traveling to new jersey before to take his classes and make him fall for me
whats worse is that if a miracle did happen I would be constantly jealous because he is surrounded by beautiful women and liking their photos on instagram, he even had to pretend ashley graham was his girlfriend before, I have no chance despite it being unrealistic as well as me being older than him and a chubby slob with no tits
I don't even know why, this reminds me of when I was 16 and pretty little liars came out, and I developed this huge crush on ian harding, having wet dreams about him every night and wanting to meet him and pretending to have his interests in hope he notices me
I always have crazy crushes on these men, no idea why, something is just very appealing to me about hairy, slightly built, italian men with short fluffy hair and an average face, there's so many better looking guys to obsess over and why are my ovaries throbbing over slightly more than average looking men who knows
No. 66460
>>66459I also hate to admit it but there were times I thought about "offering" myself to him and be done with it just so I can no longer remain a virgin or himself offering to sleep with me or "kidnap" me to do so. I even thought of our sexual encounters together.
It's safe to say I no longer care for such things now.
No. 66604
>>66462I know what you mean, I often think about bumping into people who use to bully me or start shit with me in school
for moving to his town, if it's not that far away don't waste your money moving for that, however I guess you can just go to his towns restaurants or shops every now and then and see where that gets you, just don't obsess over it and make it obvious you traveled to a different town to look for some guy
No. 66609
>>66605I doubt he has tindr, I live in the fuck middle of nowhere so does he and I'm p sure he's seeing someone
I want to run into him in a way of kinda a "regret you didn't date me" sort of way, I don't want him to fall for me or anything
No. 66618
>>66606dude i love vinny too his personality is charming and hes funny and cute
i dont think im as obsessive as you but sometimes i daydream about dating him lol
No. 66753
>>66735ahmed aldoori
i hope he never sees this
No. 66769
>>66456I know what you mean, I think it's a psychological thing, I'd take an 7/10 instead of a 9.5/10 anyday of the week, he seems like a complete sweetheart too
you shouldn't feel bad though, it's normal to be jealous but you shouldn't call yourself a chubby slob with no tits, who is he anyway?
also, ot but he reminds me a bit of my dog
No. 66774
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i have a crush on a celebrity who's been dead for a while, ive adored him for years until i forgot about him for a while and it isn't until recently that i rediscovered him and started crushing on him. it isn't obsessive or an unhealthy crush or anything, it's just normal. I just really love him, he was kind-hearted and generous.
I feel ridiculous having a crush on someone who's dead let alone even saying his name so I'll stop right here, lol. Nothing significant or spectacular really
No. 66775
>>66753I don't blame you lol, he's qt, has a nice voice, and is super talented.
as for advice, I get the same way with ridiculous internet crushes and pretty much the only thing that heals them is time lol, after a while I just find something else to obsess over.
No. 66806
>>66774oh anon, I'm still emotional about the death of my one and only - Heath Ledger
so I can relate I think
No. 66827
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>>66813ntayrt but i have an impossible crush on River Phoenix lmao
No. 66841
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>>66828ok good. he seems a little hollywood freaky but he's so…my type. i like him now that he's older too but check this out
No. 66891
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>>66813hi anon, person who posted that here and no, it isnt him. although i can say i've certainly taken an interest in him though! he was a great person.
No. 68745
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I have a crush on this massive fucking nerd who streams full time. He's really nice to listen to and consistently has interesting things to say. I find him cute even though he makes me cringe at times and sometimes looks fairly unattractive. I'll never make contact, of course. Just continue watching like a creep (though, I'm equally as interested in his content as I am in him)
No. 68908
>>68891>Find out if he has a gf.I have no idea how to get this sort of info without embarrassing myself. I was legit curious once and asked to another colleague how old he is (the guy I like) because I had a hard time guessing, and she asked me really loudly if I'm asking because I 'm into him. In front of other colleagues.
I'll try to ask him about himself in general without being too direct, I'm a bit scared of spilling spaghettis tho. I'd rather assume he has a gf right now, so I won't be too disappointed if I learn that's actually the case.
No. 68947
>>68908Have you searched
stalked on Facebook/other social media yet? Might be better and safer than asking a colleague who might spill the beans.
Anyway, good luck!
No. 68966
>>68939Who is he? Is he a voice actor or an actor in general? I don't even know why but I'm really curious.
>And what makes it even more worse is that he is cool with his fans online and has reached out to me beforeI don't know if I'm feeling bad for you or not, since it's usually pretty cool to be in that situation, must be really frustrating.
No. 68968
>>68966An actor in general but he has done voice work as well.
And it is awesome that he's reached out to me, but it's just enough to drive the crush into overdrive I guess and that's frustrating, but still, not complaining, I seriously cherish our interactions, just wish it went farther, haha.
No. 68969
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A bus driver who I sometimes see when I'm coming home at night (poorfag).
Ever since he smiled at me one time (I didn't smile back, my face freezes up when I'm nervous which is always), when I get on the bus and he's driving, I'm self-conscious about what I look like and I overthink my every movement.
A few nights ago I was catching the bus home after grocery shopping and he was driving and said he hadn't seen me recently and… I don't remember what I said in response. He told me to have a good night when I got off the bus and I found myself smiling like a lunatic.
(this is where the retarded part comes in) I think he smiled at another girl once and I felt jealous, and maybe he is just being polite when smiling at passengers as they get on, but I don't think he smiles at everyone (I have checked), so maybe he finds me cute? I used to not notice that guys were flirting with me instead of just trying to talk to me so now I assume they have ulterior motives if they're talking to me.
I hate how I'm all 'most men are scum, don't waste your time looking for a good one' but when an attractive one pays attention to me I fantasize about dating him and have to try and get myself not to by reminding myself that most men are douchebags that have ugly dicks and are circumcised. But it isn't working I still wanna suck his dick.
No. 68971
>>68969My blossom snowy daisy?
>>>/snow/263734Joking aside, hopefully, just talk to him. You'll soon find that you don't like him, he's unavailable or that you're actually building a rapport.
Unfortunately him smiling at you isn't proof of anything.
No. 69037
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I have a crush on Sam Hyde. The man's insane but I want him to spit on me.
No. 69056
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>>69037Same, but I want to have sex with him while he's dressed as Trex
No. 69496
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feel free to shit on me for being fucking dumb
>be me, fresh out of all-girls school
>meet guy when presenting at school programme
>used to be introverted, shit at talking
>no-one in the 50-something student crowd is listening
>guy takes microphone from me
>"Can everyone listen up to what Anon is saying?"
>can't seem to read script well enough
>"Let's share the script"
in hindsight, it might be because my presentation was awful lol
cringey part is here
>realise feelings 5 days later
>muster up courage at programme's final ball / dinner and take pics with him
>had to ask my friend, to ask his friend to ask him to send pics (after 4 days)
>try to chat up awk conservation
>barely makes it past two messages
>grey-ticked forever, probably deleted my contact later on
It's been two fucking years and I'm still crazy into him. He's better than me in every single way, I'm so angry @ myself for liking the first every person in my life who stood up for me.
No. 69509
I have a crush on a 2D character i will not name. I decided to forget about it because it's obviously not real and will off course never happen.
I think it's because i have a thing for buff,strong girls with a dorky side. Sadly i'm such an autist(litteraly) and so shy irl that i can't even start a convo with any girl (or i come off as cold because i'm not very talkative at first) and I find myself not good enough to be loved.
Sometimes i read fanfics of that character x reader and tear up because i wish so hard for a girl like that to come into my life,help me be more confident,nerd out with me and love me.
>>69497It's not cringy or retarded anon. I kinda understand how you feel and why you feel this way.
Like for many people in this thread I hope you can find love, and someone that can stand for you!
No. 70116
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I have this huge crush on a girl from a dating site. She lives in another country, but it's close enough to mine plus I'm going to move soon for 6/8 months to her country (this was planned beforehand, not related to her anyway but it's a lucky coincidence). We're talking but she logs in once a week or so because she's busy with university. I'm going to ask her for her number or something like that so we can talk more, she's just my ideal gf but for some reason I feel that it's an impossible crush and that she's probably talking with some other girl better than me
No. 70218
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I think I'm starting to have crush on a sim. I could recreate him since he's not mine but still, it's not the same. I want THAT specific one.
No. 70223
>>70116Good luck anon! I hope everything works out!!!
>>70218I think you won this thread.
No. 70240
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>>69037bro i want him to fuck me in that purple Rutgers presentation outfit guys with long hair are hot as fuck i dont care if its a shitty wig and he's wearing a dress. im drunk so i'd mkae it work
No. 70310
>>70274>he has long hair nowI meant way past the shoulders you basic niqqa. Just because he doesn't schedule appointments to get that unkempt, hairy mess around his ears trimmed anymore, doesn't mean his hair is long. He looks fucked up in his recent videos.
Also you keep saying you've dated him but aren't coming back with any proof or lulz so you might as well let that shit go.
No. 70466
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I have a full retard crush on an e-friend of 10+ years.
>be me, late 20sF anon in 7+ year abusive relationship
>have gaming e-friend who lives on the other coast
>go through emotional rollercoaster as relationship implodes, start crying one night drunkenly in voice chat
>tell crush what's going on
>"Anon, you are beautiful and funny and loved and you will find happiness."
>qq more
>spend 10+ hours a week playing gaems with crush
>get introduced to his friends in gaming groups
>watch shows and sports in voice chat with crush from time to time
>selfie swap while on respective vacations
>contact drops off
>"thanks for sending me that meme video anon, it helped me get laid the other week"
>feel inexplicably depressed
>get told I should meet up at Blizzcon next year
What do I even do tho? There is literally no way to make this work, I think he's probably about 80% of what I want in a partner and I just want to hear his dumb jokes and drink beers and eat guac together. Halp.
No. 70474
>>70466i had to do a double read and rethink this bc it sounded harsh af, but i have to agree with
>>70468he sounds thirsty and like hes not looking for a relationship rn. he also is not into you in that way otherwise he wouldnt have said that to you. yall are obviously just friends to him at best, worse is he's using his time spent with you as a token girl to be flirty with on the side and inflate his ego to make believe that he has "charisma" and can get more comfortable talking to other girls. sounds more like the latter, based on the first and second part of what he said. shame but hes a total pos
No. 70487
>>70466>>70479I wouldn't be that harsh. He probably sees you the same way as his other gaming friends since this looks like a casual male-brag. Just try pursuing a little bit, maybe? To see if there's any response. And honestly, if you're in an abusive relationship -
dumpAnd then you can do whatever you want, who said HE can't be your "pump and dump"? Lol anon, just go and have sex with him if that'll make you happy, but first of all, dump your abusive partner because duh.
No. 70491
>>70474you think it's harmful to keep swapping thirst traps?
>>70487yeahhh - I went through the mutual breakup back in May but we've been stuck in the save living quarters while ex has refused to sign appropiate paperwork to break the lease.
Tbh, I haven't been single since I was 19 so I really wonder what it's like to just hook up with a person and leave
No. 70496
>>70487i have to disagree that she should use him as a pump n dump. sounds like she wants a real romantic relationship with him, so it most likely wouldnt end just there, nor would it be fulfilling for her. she'll get even more attached if they hookup just once, she won't be satisfied and she'll keep talking to him in hopes he budges and pursues her romantically. someone cant just be like "oh hes using me for a pump n dump so ill try to use him like that" if that wasnt the initial intention. its like a bizarre, petty, sexual form of "i know you are but what am i".
just cut him off, anon. you're obviously practice for him socially so he knows what to say later to get into other womens pants.
No. 70538
>>70537Stop talking to him.
What are you expecting out of this? A quickie? Him to leave his wife for you? It seems like you're implying the latter - he'd leave his current life behind and you'd do some kind of Eat, Pray Love trip or whatever. Save yourself the disappointment.
No. 70541
>>70538I don't know what I'm expecting. I really don't. I don't think he's the type for a hookup and I'm not looking for that either. I mean, dream scenario, yes he finally leaves her and we start a relationship etc etc. But I'm not expecting that.
It's not like I'm turning down other people because of him. I'm still going out and meeting people, there was one guy I fancied quite a bit but I moved away. But I do worry that I'm sort of going to compare everyone else to him.
No. 70542
>>70541That's part if the issue here, though - you have a best case scenario in your head which, imo, shows exactly what you're looking for from this on the most base, internal level.
If it's getting to the point where this man is your "one" and it's hindering your interest in other people, you've gotten to close.
This is why he's bringing up the two year thing. As humans, it's extremely easy for us to emotionally attach when in close quarters. Its literally there so everyone can save face and keep their best wits about them.
Also anon - let's talk about that best base scenario. Okay, he leaves his wife and family for you. Great. Would you not feel any kind of pressure or be unnerved if you were in the wife's shoes?
No. 70543
>>70542Oh sorry, I should have been more clear. It was another teacher who mentioned the 2-year period, not him. But I'm still kind of adhering to it.
Would I feel unnerved if I was his wife? I mean, yeah, I suppose I would. I don't know exactly the ins and outs of their marriage but I know that he isn't happy and I'd imagine she isn't either. I mean, I get it, from her perspective, it'd be weird for him to divorce her and start a relationship with me.
No. 70548
>>70545Now you say that I hear how I must sound lol.
It's just hard, because I'm not an idiot. I know you're right. If I was giving someone else advice about this, I'd tell them to forget it and not waste their time over a possibility of something happening. But it's harder than that, you know? Maybe I ought to keep him at arm's length.
No. 70549
>>70548Arm's length? No, football field.
Be professional, don't make any contact unless you absolutely have to.
Distance and lack of contact will make it easier.
No. 70675
>>70537 is me.
So… I just bumped into him. It was weird. I was waiting for the bus after coming out of the pub and I think he had just left work. Ugh…I didn't expect to see him, I was really happy and I had this goofy grin on my face the entire time we talked. He asked me if I was going to go back to my job at the school and I said I didn't think so. Argh I have it so bad for him but I need to get the fuck over him.
No. 71178
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I'm OBSESSED with Dick Valentine (Tyler Spencer) from Electric Six. He's so attractive and smart and weird… he's perfection.
He's super interactive with fans and is known to regularly hang out after his shows, but he's married with a young daughter.
If he was single, I know I could pull him no problem, but alas he is not, and I'm not a homewrecker. Nor does it appear he ever cheats on his wife <3
It's a reasonable crush but goddamn if I don't want him hard. It hurtsss…
No. 71208
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I've developed a crush on Dumbfoundead recently. I attend all his insta lives even tho I'm too shy to do a split screen with him lmao. Asian dudes with tattoos are def my type, I need to get my fucking life together
No. 71238
>>55352I have this massive crush on a famous youtuber ( as in the millions of subs count )
He is funny and cynical in an edearing way and we share most of the same niche interests.
Too bad im a nobody.
Makes me wish i have met him before he was famous, we would've gotten along so well in high school.
No. 71475
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i usually just lurk here but.. . we go (also sorry for my REALLY bad english)
i've been in love with the same person i think for like…. 3 years ?
it all started one day when i was shopping with my mom and we stopped in a pet store, i was really tired but my mom wanted to se the dogs so we got in, i go look for the cats and
There he was…
This cute guy with long blonde hair holding all those kittens …. it was like heaven, i even talked about him on twitter this day. Anyways it was a day before a new year in school i think but, when i enter the school… I see him and, we stare at each other for some seconds. It was really anime in my mind ok. I was a dumb 13 years old weeaboo.
After this day i never actually talked to him. We used to wait for our vans to get home in the same street but he waited in the other side of mine and so could just look at him, I was pretty depressed this time and honestly the only thing that gave me strength to still go to school was being able to see him there.
One time, when i was getting into my van i looked back to see something, i dont remember what, and he was looking at me. My dumb 14 ass was so happy this day i still remember it. After some time, i think in the end of the year, he stopped going there since he got some friends i guess ? He never really had that many.
He is i think 2 years older than me so, he moved to first year in another school.
The next year was better for me i guess, i made some friends and kinda forgot about him. In the end of that year our school got to go to this… festival ? In that other school that some of us would go to if we had nice grades and stuff.
It was like those anime festivals where the clubs show their stuff and all. We got to this class and …. he was there, his hair was PRETTY BAD and i wish i could give him some shampoo os something really but i still liked him i guess, i was really really happy and i really hoped to go to that school the nest year.
The dumb weeaboo (me) was aways fantasizing about confessing to him like in my animus and mangos, but as soon as i got to the new school i was out of that phase.I actually started liking this girl from my class for like the whole year i guess but at the end of it i just lost interest.
I still looked at him tho, he was WAY taller now and had a nice pair of round glasses and braces.. with i weirdly think is really cute. The next year one day he just cut his hair, which was a big surprise to everyone at school, because at this point his hair was pretty long (i secretly wished to tie his hair like Link's hair), he still looked cute af tho so yeah.
One day this new friend of mine asked if i ever kissed somebody, which i still haven't so she said 'oh my friend [HIM] still haven't either !' and i was like UHM OK THATS… WEIRD COINCIDENCE HAHAHA and later this day she asked what did i think about him and my anxiety ass was freaking out so i said 'well i think hes cute hhahahHHEHHHhhehhhhhaha,,,,,.' and we pretty much never talked about him again because after that she started to kinda push this other girl to him.
Nothing more than that ever happened… i never actually talked to him, besides this one time when he answered a comment i did in my friend's post but that was just on the internet, now the school is over and he was on third year which means i'm never seeing him again….. recently he liked my new profile picture and i literally screamed, i keep falling more and more for him…. he's volunteer at this local pet ong and is going to study psychology… god kill me.
pic related cause i used to listed to this ( honeyworks song and think about him.
(Underaged) No. 71551
>>71475that's… very weebish, I can't lie lol. But also nice to read, very calming for some reason. Listen up nonnie, why not do something? I know, it's the worst, but you can try without being weird. Give him back some attention on fb, not saying just hit him up but like his posts, pics n stuff. You can volunteer in the same place, you like animals too, right? That's not such a retarded situation, since you two kinda know each other and he notices you. You can still do it.
No. 71749
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I can't tell if I'm attracted to my professor or if I just like that he acts like a father figure and looks out for me
No. 71765
If you can call it a crush, then its the worst fucking crush ive had in years.
>be me circa 2012/2013-ish, getting into really tiny theater fandom
>find video of old performance; one of the actors is a really feminine looking guy, but his voice gave me feels that hurt for ages
>fall into bizarre obsession with this dude; he literally dropped off the face of the earth after he performed, he couldve been dead for all i know
>also proceed into daydream mode where i imagine being with this guy, i imagine performing with him, and i literally reach the point where he appears in my dreams
>tfw they were great dreams that i wanted to have again
Fast forward some time:
>after a year or two i finally find info on him- and find out hes essentially a fuckboi-turned-manchild going on 50 years old
>also find he was a massive jackass during that time he was performing
Worst part is that, despite the
shit behavior and the age gap, i still cannot look at pictures of him (new or old) without my face just growing hot in embarassment like hes looking at me. And it pisses me off and saddens me, because i cannot bring myself to even think of being in a relationship when im being this retarded.
>tfw i pray to the gods above to end me now, but they wont listen
No. 71766
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>>71749same, anon. feels kinda fucked up:/
No. 71828
>>71580I hope you take the opportunity to end your retarded crush, OP.
>>70537, update on mine. Saw him today, actually. Was weird. Didn't realise how much I missed him until I saw him. He's so cute. And beautiful. And perfect. He was joking around with me and being a big flirt like he used to when I'd see him every day. I miss that. We've given each other a book to read over Christmas and after Christmas we're going to email each other with our "book reports".
I wish things didn't have to be this way though.
No. 71893
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Fucking hell I've been reading through this thread and I just need to vent/thank. I can't believe I'm not alone
I've had the weirdest and most intense crush on a Youtuber since I was 15 (21 now) and did all the shit you guys did
>planning how we might meet
>striving to be a person he'd like
>thinking maybe I'd have a chance cause I'm kinda normie hot?
>getting depressed about the wake-up call of 'not going to happen ever'
I don't know if I wanna laugh or cry but at least I feel a little less mental now though thank you
(Also is it weird that I feel kinda guilty posting this because I don't want to embarrass him with my obvious insanity lol)
No. 71897
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>>71893Don't feel too bad about your crush, anon. Mine comes up on a daily basis, and even though i know damn well than to even let it run rampant (fic related is me berating myself daily because this crush is stupid and i feel like an idiot for having it in the first place), its still something that keeps me from just up and tossing myself off a bridge at the end of the day.
No. 71937
>>71907God I hope so
a sidenote to my crush and how it functions: i now have this issue where anyone that even has a passing resemblance to him makes me get real embarrassed. i dont know why it happens but ive fucked up many an encounter this way and now i can't watch Evil Dead ever again becAUSE OF IT GOD I WILL GLADLY TAKE MY DEATH RIGHT NOW THIS IS RIDICULOUS
No. 72015
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Okay so I have this GIGANTIC crush on this fictional character. I spend the whole day fantasizing about him and once, when I was kinda having a panic attack, I just imagined him comforting me, which made me feel a lot better… Also, when I fantasize about him, I'm never myself, but a character I created, who is very different from me.
I think the worst part is that I don't even want to change this, it makes me so happy to just daydream about him, because unlike a real relationship, we never fight, and I don't have to talk to him all the time, he will always understand me (lol)… It's getting to the point where I think I might be asexual/aromantic or something bc I honestly don't feel attraction to anyone else other than him, and he's not real, so.
Sorry for the autistic rambling post, I just needed to share this with someone.
it's snape from harry potter btw. please don't judge me
No. 72025
>>72015holy shit I think I hurt myself laughing when I read that spoiler lmao sorry anon it was like a knee-jerk reaction.
I sympathize with the aromantic part, I rarely if ever feel interested in real people. In middle school I thought I'd eventually grow out of only being attracted to fictional characters but here we are years later and I'm still a kissless virgin because real people don't do it for me lmao.
No. 72026
>>72025It's okay, I wold laugh too
;_;The thing is, I have been in relationships before (still a virgin tho) but it never pleases me as much as daydreaming about a fictional character. There were times where, even in a relationship, I would still do it.
I wonder if I'll ever grow out of this… Maybe it happens because my standards are just so incredibly high that no actual human can fulfill them lol
No. 72039
Samefag but I really think the reason it feels like no real life person could ever be as good as your crush is because it's always a reflection of yourself and what you want from yourself. It might seem weird if for example you imagine them dominating you but you prefer to be sexually submissive, but even in situations like that, your impossible crush knows exactly what you want, can predict it move by move, moment to moment. They are the most relatable person possible. Eventually they're so relatable that they're indistinguishable from yourself, because they were you all along. After all, what drew them to you in the first place, other than sexual attraction? Probably things like art or music that resonates you in a big way, witty dialogue and behavior you agree with, beliefs and ideals delivered with the same impact and precision you wish you could deliver yours in. We find people/characters that represent a further along, realized version of ourselves and if they're also someone we'd like to fuck it becomes this phenomenon.
Shutting up now
No. 72292
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>>72039This is actually really great advice and I want to add to all in this thread that I don't think it's bad to have a fictional or unobtainable crush, as long as you know it's in your head and keep tabs on it and make sure you're not going to send them a bomb in the mail… but I gotta take the piss (it's healthy to laugh at yourself)
So far my ironic favorites in this thread would be
>A Sims husband>A rando bus driver>Papa Franku>Jontron>Reaper>SnapeY'all are hilarious but I legit wish you the best and hope things work out or you get over it
No. 72293
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>>72039wow, thanks anon, this… explains a lot.
No. 72315
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>>72293>>72292I'm really glad you guys liked what I wrote! I don't think it's bad either, and can be an interesting tool for self discovery and self improvement, since your impossible crush is telling you what you want to be. It's only a problem when you get super obsessed or become delusional, but hopefully being self aware and not taking it so seriously can help prevent that!
Maybe now that the veil is pulled back it won't seem like such a big thing that torments you and demands an unreasonable amount of time, just a fun way to fantasize when you do have the time.
No. 72888
>>72828Considering my past projection-heavy crushes on guys, you may have a point. The type of mind to project a crush is a similar type of mind to be a lesbian trans woman.
There is a lot of projection in many relationships, but both trans women and heavy crushes are different expressions of the same thought process. Self-love via a third party/creation of a third party.
No. 72916
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I have a crush on a former college professor of mine and I drunk-texted-flirted with him and he's been reciprocating and a little suggestive.
I don't know what the fuck I'm doing anymore. I'm also telling you guys because admitting that I'm flirting with a silver daddy to anyone irl would kill me. I wonder if I should go for it. It's an impossible relationship but a possible sexcapade.
No. 72919
>>72916I'd go for it, but I'm talking as someone who has often crushed on professors much older than myself.
I don't see a relationship working out in 90% of cases, but for sex? I'd go for it
No. 73061
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I have a huge, probably unhealthy, crush on the vine star Casey Frey. At first I would just giggle during his vines in vine compilations but the more I watched with his vines included, the more I wanted to know more about him and where to see more of his content. Once I found his YT, I was crushing so hard. I now follow him on twitter, instagram, youtube, and I'm debating making a Snapchat just so I can add him and see his snaps.
He's such a funny dude, and he dances, and he's had a few tv commercial gigs, and now he's getting into music production. All of that is just so attractive to me. I'm really hopeless but watching his videos puts the biggest smile on my face :(
No. 73068
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I have a crush on someone who i've known on a game for about 6 years.. About 3 years ago I finally decided to shoot my shot but a "friend" of mind decided she was better and ended up getting with him a few weeks afterward and has been with him since.
Me and the guy are still friends despite the emotional and physical toll it took on me. But, every time we talk it's so clear we like each other/still love each other and he asks me to come see him in Cali but I feel if I do, it'd be like reset on everything and just drive to like end up confessing all over again or mauling him.
No. 73069
>>73061Oh my gosh I totally remember him! I was a huge fan of Vine when it was still a thing and I would check the app every day. He made some really hilarious vines but I totally forgot he exists.
I don't blame you at all for your crush. I always thought he was so cute. I didn't even know he made YT videos now! I'm totally gonna watch them now lol.
No. 73070
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>>73062>>73065>>73066Oh jeez I saged because I transcended the thread topic's purpose but I'll try to greentext well and be on my way. I don't know if I should spoiler or if a giant wall of black bars would be annoying.
>go to bar for a couple of beers>go back to his place before we barhop>i admit to daydreaming about him in class, he admits to checking me out (nice)>cuddle while he strokes my leg and up my skirt, tells me how cute I am, sweet nothings, etc.>the admiration and coddling from an older man is like nothing else; it's like I'm the hottest thing in the world at the moment>grade A zettai ryouiki helps>fingering leads to hand job>my buzzed self thinks it's a good idea to be kinky and call him "professor~ uwu">he fucking goes with it and calls me his student, embarrassing but hot roleplay>we finally get to having sex>legit did not expect this old man to be so rough and hard, grunting and all; later on flips me onto my stomach to finish>daddy issues: solvedis this real life
No. 73092
>>73073He's been texting me quite a bit, so I don't think it's gonna be a one-time thing…I'm also gonna end up seeing him around campus since our schedules coincide. I'm excited for the sexual tension of that alone.
>>73079Damn it Freddy
No. 73244
>>73136Same! He’s just funny, clean, and a good mix of mature and immature. TBH I’m sure I just have daddy issues since I never met mine so I don’t have the same aversion to older men that others do. I don’t actively seek them or anything, but get crushes on celebrities twice my age every once in a while.
Or maybe it’s just the colorful backgrounds he’s always standing in front of, who knows?
No. 73434
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I went on a few dates with a guy and now he has a new girlfriend (after we fell though)
I will never date him and that’s really sad because he’s literally the only person I’ve been attracted to physically in years
No. 73588
>>73111>>73136He's a cutie. I think his laugh is extremely endearing (and I'm going to see him live in March, omg)
Just gotta make sure to refrain from participating in his questioning of the audience, think I'd die of embarrassment if he picked me out for a public exchange.
No. 73597
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I have the most cringe-y, irrational dual crush on early 00’s Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora. Something about the two of them in the ‘It’s My Life’ MV just stabs me right in the heart for some reason- probably their smiles. And knowing they’re both fantastic musicians. And A+ styling.
Of course I’m never gonna have a chance to be with or fuck either of them so instead I settle for reading fics about them fucking each other (or, more specifically, Richie fucking Jon’s brains out six ways from Sunday).
I’m so fucked up.
No. 73610
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My impossible crush is Jonghyun. I am a huge fan of kpop and particularly Shinee and always supported Jonghyun and Taemin as they were my favourites of the group.
In case no one here is a fan, Jonghyun committed suicide in December about a month ago. I was in complete shock. I genuinely cried for days.
Is it fucked up my crush for him has become intense? I feel so sad that he felt lonely and pressured in life. I wish I could have helped him in some way, even though I know that is utterly ridiculous.
No. 73611
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>>73610I just saw the pic of Jonghyun on the front page not really sure what type of thread this is but I just needed to reply whatevs
SHINee was the first idol group i ever got into, and Jonghyun instantly became my bias. He was my favourite idol for like 7 years, and his struggle with depression and eventual suicide was probably (sadly) one of the reasons I felt I could relate to him so much. His radioshow, his solos, him standing up for LGBT in Korea…it just showed a lot of love for others. So sad that he couldn't give some of that love to himself. I also cried for days, I barely managed Christmas.
I think a lot of people felt like that when they heard the news, I know I did. Your feelings becoming more intense is not fucked up at all, it's pretty natural after something like this happens. He's a good impossible crush, if there is such a thing.
No. 73621
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>>73610Damn, I'm also Jonghyun fan. His suicide is still big shock for me, I still can't believe he is no longer with us. He was such a good guy.
btw, SM is going to release his album on 01.23 (digital) and 01.24 (psychical), and they are going to release MV. I'm going to buy this album, this is the last thing I can do for him.
No. 73655
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>>73621OP here, me too! All funds go to his mother. I hope his mother and sister are doing better now. I know it's only been a month but I really hope they are looking after themselves. I personally have lost a family member to suicide and it is such a raw, confused feeling.
I'm so glad i'm not the only one who felt like their heart was torn at his passing. I keep watching videos of him laughing and smiling. He was such a beautiful soul.
>>73621 No. 73671
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>>55354I realize this post is ancient but I just had to say SAME. This is my Sim. I decided to play around with the new gender/pregnancy options and made an ugly tranny couple and he was their offspring. I turned off aging because I liked his face so much.
Now if only I could find someone IRL who looks like this.
No. 73672
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>>73655I am really worried about his mother and sister too, and I am also worried about rest of SHINee members, they were so devastated on his funeral.
His passing it's especially painful cause he was a really great person. I'v got many bad experiences with men, but Jonghyun was a person who I genuinely trusted and loved, he wasn't like other men. Idk but he was like my main role model. Sorry for rambling… I'm a mess.
To be honest, I don't know if I could to be able to listen to his album, it will be too hard to me, I may need some more time.
Jesus, I miss him so much…
And I'm really sorry for a lost family member. If I could I would give you a big hug, take care of yourself.
No. 73681
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>>73671Sims anon here. It's pretty sad since it's been almost a year since I made that post, but nothing has changed. lol I actually tried to stop being a moron and deleted my save to start over, but ended up remaking him all over again in like a week.
I didn't even make him super attractive or anything. He just has all these traits I'd look for in someone but can never seem to find. Shit really sucks.
No. 74823
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I’m in love with the guy from peaceful cuisine
He’s not even that physically attractive he’s just really good with his hands and I find it oddly charming.
There is no way in hell that he would like me so I’m just going to silently like him
No. 74845
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sage for samefagging but this is him he ain't even that hot but i really want to yankee doodle his noodle
No. 74851
>>74844I don't mean to start an argument but this part
> has an ugly old wife sounds so vile. We're all going to grow old and besides if they're both happy, why do you have to pick on her looks?
I think women are already under enough pressure as it is when it comes to looks and I hate it when other girls perpetuate the idea that women only like to belittle each other for the most superficial reasons.
No. 74861
>>74860Not even those anons but like chill
You are going to be old and ugly and without him
My impossible crush is this girls boyfriend I’ve known him for years and he has never looked nice before and now that she gave him a makeover he looks so good
I wish I had told him that I liked him but now he seems happy so I want to be also happy for him
No. 75333
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>>75003damn anon I just started watching his videos a few days ago and I already have a crush on him
No. 75666
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>>74865You just have to spend a great deal of time fumbling around with the features until you make something you like I guess. Though I think Sims typically turn out better when they're the offspring of your other Sims rather than something you made from scratch, at least from what I've seen. Pic related, the teenage daughter from my second tranny couple that I like a lot. I can't ever get my female Sims to look this pretty when I try to make them from scratch, they always look really generic.
Anyway sorry for going way off topic.
No. 76549
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I have a crush on my manager.
He's stepping down to be a team leader soon, but either way, it gets me so flustered and almost ashamed, like I'll try to make myself dislike him but I can't because I find him super likeable
I daydream about how we'll talk more but I never know how to
It feels sometimes like he has an interest in me, too, as he focuses on me a lot, but I can't tell if it's a friendly kind of focus or just finding me a reliable coworker.
Ugh, kill me
No. 76611
>>765495 years ago I had a crush on my manager, he's 10 years older than me, seemed like a distant fantasy, now we're engaged and parenting a cat.
Anything is possible anon
No. 76662
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>it has been almost a month since I've seen my crush, who is also a coworker
>mfw sometimes he either doesn't notice I'm here or ignores me or he talks to me first and is so nice and adorable and asks me things about myself
I already talked about him in this thread before but I can't deal with this situation. I don't know what he thinks about me and it's just so frustrating. I wish I could forget him.
No. 76795
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Guy in Instagram that saved me after a car crash when he was a firefighter.
>he’s engaged
No. 76801
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>>76800We became friends and he’s incredibly nice and talented.
>his gf is a fat cunt that lives off him and refuses to work. It’s really sad to watch her berating the man I love.
No. 76901
>>76883I wish I could do such bold things, anon. I truly am a disaster with stuff like this, I get flustered very easily, I can barely hold an eye contact with crushes (costs me a lot of will-power, lol).
I wish boys wouldn't be so dense and realize that when a girl is making eye contact often, she's giving an "ok" for The Approach. Like, about me, either someone approaches me, or I die alone. A hopeless case of shyness, indeed.
No. 78923
>>76662Try to rope him in on some after work activity and
> I don't know what he thinks about me and it's just so frustratingIf there is alcohol involved, you know what to do.
>>76801His relationship status and line of work is a sign of that he might have a savior complex (maybe not intentionally), so if you attempt to do a home wrecking it might tear your friendship apart.
Not to add any doubts to your decision making here but its a risk worth mentioning. But what is more important; your happiness or a soul crushing friendship?
>>76881Contact him or find a new crush to occupy yourself with.
>>76901Just sperg out casually next time you meet him on the train, you have nothing to loose and all to gain.
Start with coffee.
No. 79283
>>78923>Try to rope him in on some after work activitySounds like a nice idea but I have a feeling he would avoid these kinds of events with coworkers. He acts polite and friendly with most people at work but he isn't the kind of guy who would go on his way to star a discussion with coworkers I guess? At least that's the impression I have. I'm saying that because I saw him again a few times and he's just so silent until somebody else starts a conversation with him (except a few time he's the one who went to me and asked about me). If the opportunity's present though I'll definitely try and at the very least try to learn more about him in general. We don't have the same shift anyway. I should have asked when we did some months ago.
Actually I saw him yesterday and he didn't notice me again (he finished his work day and was getting home). Maybe he saw me and didn't feel like talking to people in general, he ignored pretty much everyone. And because of that I didn't dare say hi and ask how he was doing (that and I was too embarrassed anyway). So that's why I'm so frustrated and why I wonder what he thinks about me. I have no clue.
No. 79319
>>79283Sounds to me that he is a reserved type of guy, which either means that he sees you as a friend or has genuine interest in you.
If he was a complete anti social then he wouldnt start any interactions and avoid conversations. But you never know, Id try hanging out with him more at work and try inviting him to some casual activity ("I want to visit musuem/exibition this weekend but have no one to go with?" approach).
Worst case scenario he was just hitting you up to fill his daily socializing quota. But whatever outcome, you will sleep easier at night if you just get over with it and ask him.
No. 79333
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>>73681I feel ya anon.
>saw a tutorial on how to make a Sim that looks like Jeonghan from Seventeen.>Currently have an obsession for Jeonghan.>Fell in love with the Sim and got this crazy idea to make him and then make myself and then have them fall in love.>Bought the game on a whim without reading the reviews or anything.>Downloaded the mod and ended up having to watch several tutorials to get it to work.>Started to sort everything out.>opens the file for Jeonghan's Sim>Sim ends up bald and in his underwear (some glitch).>Gets sad and ends up returning the game. >Realize that Jeonghan probably isn't in the mood for dating or is to busy with work (or he's secretly hooking up with someone). And I'm not his type either since his type is someone who's older and taller than him. No. 79334
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>>79333 cont.
Life just isn't fair and the Sims 4 ended up slowing my computer.
>Resorted to setting Jeonghan as my phone and computer background. No. 79488
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>>79487Capa from the movie Sunshine lol.
>tfw no pretty physicist bf to die in space with No. 79491
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>>79479That's what I do!!! Currently my obsession is Jeonghan from Seventeen (as seen above
>>79333 >>79334 ) I'm pretty sure in a couple of weeks I'll go back to obsessing over some cute guy I see in a movie or in a cartoon.
No. 79506
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>>79488I completely understand, anon
No. 79625
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I developed a crush on my ex boyfriend's best friend. He's funnier, smarter and much more attractive than my ex, but I still try to convince myself that I only like this guy as a way to get back at my ex for dumping me and treating me like shit, but I've seriously been planning my future with this guy. I think he likes me back, but this is only based on body language, so idk how reliable this is. I only see him once a week when we all meet up to game (him, my ex, and a couple of my friends). Plus, my ex seems to be flirting with my friend who's in a relationship (both her and her boyfriend are always at our game night gatherings ffs), so i feel like it's justifiable. I've even started watching series that he is interested in, it's getting out of hand. He has this incredible smile
No. 79945
>>79625These types of situations typically arise from not seeing enough new people, thus you crush on people within your friends circle instead.
Thats the only issue I see with it, from my experience it doesnt end well unless the guy/girl is genuinely good for you.
If he really is as great as you say, just go for it. No more akward game nights though.
No. 80014
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im crushing on an internet friend. hes really cute, my exact type, hes older, we have similar interests, hes into cosplay and gaming and anime.
but he lives really far away, and hes surrounded by so many girls that are way prettier than me, and i dont travel anywhere he travels. we will probably never meet, so for now ill just daydream about baking him desserts while hes at work and spoiling him and pampering him like he deserves ;_;
No. 80021
>>79948If he thinks the same way then you will never know what he thinks about you.
Give him some signs and see how he reacts. And your ex sounds like a selfish ass, no idea why you even let his continued pressence be an obstacle for your own happiness.
>>80012How would you react if one of them started hitting on you?
>>80014Try and become internet besties, then you might have some chances of going over and visit him.
And ignore the other girls, if he's single then he is available.
No. 80024
>>80021>How would you react if one of them started hitting on you?There wouldn't be much of a reaction since I'm extremely shy and would never allow myself to be with someone let alone a coworker. And they have gfs anyway.
It would be a very awkward and failed attempt on their end.
No. 80102
>>80085as useless a it sounds, just try not to think about it. When you are, stop yourself and then make yourself busy with something. Time and future prospects will heal it.
Obviously keep them out of sight within reason, don't look at their social media pages, etc.
No. 80314
>>80085You didn't fuck up, he seems rude to just ghost you but you did nothing wrong.
Seconding…you have to get over it. You don't know anything about him and have painted him as ideal in your mind. He is just another guy, awful to say but there are only so many varieties of men and there's plenty more of whatever he was
No. 80361
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Lately it's this one musician in his 50s. Sure he's one of the big names of the genre and he doesn't look terrible for his age, but he's old and I don't know anything about him other than that he has some sorta European nobility connection cause he doesn't have that many interviews around. I like bumping his tracks but come on. 7 billion people and my brain pulls this shit. He's not even particularly good looking so idk what it is.
>tfw you will never watch him work the synths in his studio as he comes up with a hit
end me
No. 80426
I need to get that out of my chest, it sounds straight out of some Dramatic/Romantic fiction but here we go
>Be 10 or 11 years old.
>Be in summer camp, a very short one, 4 days if I remember correctly (and not even in summer but I don't know how to call it).
>Meet a boy, lets call him E.
>E is 12, obsessed with dragons, knights and just fantasy stuffs in general.
>I wasn't into it at that time but whatever.
>He's kind of cute, nothing much, but his smile…
>God, his smile, it melts my heart just thinking about it.
>His ears are quite big, like lots of kids, so everytime he smiles, his ears go up a bit.
>Quickly become close friends, we only have 4 days anyway.
>I'm in love with E.
>Everyone thinks we're in love.
>…Some think we're siblings.
>We always deny everything.
>But we're so close… I know he loves me back, it's untold but obvious.
>Summer camps ends.
>We part way. Nothing more happens.
Fast forward 5 or 4 years.
>Be 15.
>Have a nice boyfriend, sweetest guy I've ever met, I like him very much.
>But I've never actually stopped thinking about E.
>Go to a shitty "Anime and manga" convention.
>Buy some yellow ugly contact lens.
>I want to try them on now, so I go to the Con's bathroom to put them on.
>struggle to even open the little bottle.
>A guy comes in, set himself next to me.
>He has the same lens-bottle as me, so I ask him if he knows how to open it.
>He doesn't. We both struggle more for a little while.
>Suddently a girl comes in and shouts:
>I look at the guy.
>The guy looks at the girl, confused, then smiles.
>That smile.
>His ears went up a little when he smiled.
>Realization strucks me. He became such a handsome man.
>But it's too late, he's gone already.
It's like fate gave me a second chance, but I fucked it up. I spent the rest of the con looking for him, but when I did find him, I panicked and didn't even dare go talk to him, and the girl was obviously his girlfriend.
With the hinsight now I'm not even sure he liked me back then, maybe I was just really clingy.
No. 80539
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Stanley Kubrick. I keep watching his movies over and over again. His genius is exceptional. I've read all of his interviews, books on him and any tidbit of information there is that I feel I already know him. I often fantasize about an alternate reality where he is in love with me, I get to travel in the past and we live together happily ever after. We both love cats, classical music and reading books, we're a perfect match. Alas, I was born too late.
No. 80601
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i have the worst crush on a woman more than twice my age. why does this always happen to me
No. 81211
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>>80502Sweet shit on a cracker I never thought I'd run into someone on lolcow who's familiar with the British Mount Everest expeditions of the 1920's.
Anyway I agree with you about Mallory. I own a few books on the expeditions. Everything I've read about him describes him as a thoughtful, driven man who wasn't an asshole towards other people. He also wasn't cruel or disdainful towards women, which is always a plus when it comes to famous men from 100 or more years ago.
Anyway, here's a photo.
No. 81655
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I found this guy on reddit who is a template of my type, I guess is the best way to describe it? Every guy I've been into or dated has looked like him, but he's like the perfect version. He posts only like twice a month if that but from what he's posted he seems very sweet. I feel so creepy but I check up on him once in awhile to see if I can jump into a discussion so he can maybe notice me.
No. 81657
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>>81651lmaoooo I went and did the same shit. Me from two years ago would be so disappointed. I know it's all fantasy but it's my fantasy dammit. I DON'T EVEN LIKE POP MUSIC.
No. 81662
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Saw this cute guy on the subway today and he was totally my type.
I couldn't help stealing glances, he must have thought I was weird af kek. He himself looked a bit high, he kept falling on the door, it was funny.
He looked like pic related, just his lips weren't as full and his features weren't as sharp.
It's so fucking sad knowing there's no guys like him around me and if there was any they probably wouldn't be interested in me.
No. 81670
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_Flashback to 10th grade_
>There's this guy named X and I always kinda had a crush on him.>Known him since the 7th grade.>Share a few classes together.>Complements me during a presentation. >Realizes feeling for him.>Find out he's into Anime and is currently watching Naruto.>Starts watching Naruto thinking that I would get his attention.>Befriends his friends.>Gives him Gushers every morning.>I help him find him missing laptop.>Has a few conversations about Anime and drawing classes.>Help him draw a tiger.>Everything starts to hit off.>Finds out that he's transferring to a different school next year.>Decides to confess my feeling for him.>Draws him a picture of Hinata from Naruto hoping he'd get the reference. I also add my contact info on the back.>Being the annoying weeb I was, I wrote _"I like you, X."_ in Japanese.>Asks him if he's leaving next year, he says yes.>Suddenly gets tongue-tied and quickly gives him the picture and runs away.>Never contacts me.>Assumes he's thrown away the picture.>4 years later I happen to find his Instagram profile and requests to follow him.>He accepts it and follows me back.>Finds out that he's with some insta thot.>Gets sad but tell myself it was predicatble cuz he's just so likable and cute.>He unfollows me for no reason.>I unfollow X and try to forget about him.>Distracts myself with this cute Vietnamese guy I met at a lecture and Kpop stars.>Starts to develop a crush on him>Forgets about X for a time being.>Had a dream about X last night.>Back to being in crush-mode on X again.It's impossible to forget about X.
*>>81651And I've also been really into Jeonghan from SVT but he's halfway across the world and the chances of him falling in love with a 5"3 latina is slimmer that X's gf's waist.
No. 81671
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>>80426Oooo that hit me hard in the feels. My condolences anon.
No. 81718
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Walking lips Kardashian’s body guard is by far the most attractive guy I’ve ever seen
No. 81719
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>>81651I had a dream about Kim Taehyung last night and I realised how fucked I am this morning, first time having a crush on a boy. I'm supposed to be meeting him during autumn so I'm probably going to fuck that up
No. 81726
>>81723kek a girl in CC just posted a similar situation with those exact ages but said her crush is a celeb. Same anon? If not that's a cool coincidence and I'm charmed that we girls actually worry about this sort of thing.
imo stay friends but wait until you're in a similar age group to initiate anything, like 20 and 22. It's not a big enough gap to be SUPER CREEPY as if you're a 30 y/o man waiting for her to turn 18. You're both still developing and will probably be more sure of yourselves at those ages anyway.
No. 81748
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>>81738It's just by knowing the right people and having good skills, I can't say exactly how as I'm worried Bighit could see this, but you just have to be somewhat prominent (not prominent enough where you could be a saesang) and trust worthy. As a poorfag you can do it, but it's difficult building up status (no matter how much money you have), so a fan meet would be the easiest way of doing it (which I think they might be doing this this tour in some cities). Bts still have a couple years left on them, so you could get in if you try hard enough
To stay on topic, I've realized how bad this crush is. I only ever crush on people who I've known for years and don't go for looks (he isn't my type looks wise, Suga is), so that means that I'm emotionally attached to someone who I've never talked to before, and my brain truly believes in his most likely idol persona.
No. 81760
>>81748Last post about this sorry, it would be great if you could talk about it more maybe on Discord or something if you have it? If not thats ok too, I appreciate the reply anon!
I'm the same with this type of crush, as I don't go for looks either (obviously). I have a stupid feeling that I NEED to meet him atleast once in my young life to satiate this thirst.
No. 81879
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>>81748I'm convinced he's a cool guy would probably make a great friend, but my crush for him died down when I started getting the feeling he might be very misogynistic.
Otherwise he's super cute and his idol persona is very dreamy, I don't think it's real tho, no one is that sweet IRL.
No. 81889
I'm 20 and I have a crush on a 17 year old girl. Obviously I'm not going to pursue it and I've been purposefully distant (we also live in different countries which helps) but it still sucks. Especially since she might like me back. Literally the first time in years I've had mutual feelings with someone and the first time EVER having mutual feelings with another girl. Gotta be responsible and not disgusting though.
>>81748>I'm emotionally attached to someone who I've never talked to before, and my brain truly believes in his most likely idol persona.I have a similar issue with a different celebrity and it sucks. It's such a strong irrational feeling. Good luck meeting him I'll be praying for you lol.
No. 81891
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I feel so ashamed to say this but my crush has literally always been my cousin.
There's this Japanese movie called 'Blue Spring' and he looks so much like Yukio here, it's uncanny. He doesn't exactly look like the actor Sousuke Takaoke, it's just in this particular movie even the glasses are identical. Of course I'll never tell him that, I just look for his characteristics on every guy I see. I don't know if I'll ever get over this.
No. 81903
>>81891It’s ok anon. I had a crush on my cousin when I was younger. It’s pretty normal. Just don’t act on it and you’re fine.
>The phenomenon is called genetic sexual attraction (GSA), and some researchers believe it's related to what's called imprinting>in families and cultures where brothers and sisters are separated at an early age, the Westermarck effect never gets a chance to set in, thereby increasing the chances that siblings will develop an undesirable attraction later in life.’t be ashamed, you can’t help who you are attracted to. Just be grateful it’s a cousin and not someone closer and don’t tell anyone irl. While it’s legal in a lot of places, in most places it’s socially taboo and uncomfortable
No. 81913
>>76611I was the original anon you replied to-
I have a date with him tomorrow!
So nervous!
No. 82050
>>81889will she be turning 18 this year? and are you only recently 20?
i think it's fine if so desu
No. 82338
>>82258 and suspect you meant to reply to me, since other anon didn't mention wanting to beat up her dad.
I have anger control issues and I'm a sexual sadist. Hope that explains it to you.
No. 82727
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I'm that anon
>>76662 and
>>79283 and I found out some days ago that my coworker quit. Between the previous posts and that one I barely saw him and only from far away for the same reasons as usual so I didn't really notice that he was gone for good until this week. I'm so depressed because I have no idea how to contact him and when I looked for him on fb I felt like a creepy stalker and I couldn't even find him anyway because he had a common name and some of the people I found on fb didn't have photos as profile pictures but pictures of cartoon characters or the picture you have by default when you create your fb account. I'm not even sure he has an account. Tbh honest our job really sucks so at the same time I'm glad for him if he found something more interesting and that pays well.
There is a way I could find him though but I'd feel even more like a stalker, because I found out another guy I used to work with quit as well, I know where he works because I met him not long ago and we talked a little, and I know they got along pretty well so he might know. I also know he's a musician and he has concerts sometimes but I have no idea how I could find him that way. What should I do? I want to get in touch with him but I don't want to be a nuisance.
No. 82741
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I have a crush with a famous rapper from my country, he is awful looking and his music is pureless shit but I always imagine him at my side and having something with him, but the worst of all is that he is a family member of mine and I always see him.
idk how should I feel?
No. 82826
>>82743>and forgetting him will most likely make me feel better anywayKeep telling yourself that when you are 40 and a single mom to three cats.
First you stop chasing other people.
Then you stop seeking out relations.
Eventually you shut down others advances because you have grown in to a big pussy who fears intimate interactions and will only take steps backwards to avoid any mishappenings.
You either change today or you never change, ever.
No. 82849
>>82826Is this bait?
You know life doesn’t revolve around chasing boys? That it’s possible to get into a relationship while focusing on yourself and not seeking someone out?
Yeah… this has to be bait, and I’m an idiot For taking it lmao
No. 83314
>>80021apologies for the late response, anon with a crush on her ex's best friend here
He definitely seems to like me, he even said that he was glad a convo I had with him was casual because he "was probably going to drunkenly confess some feelings", as well as going out of his way to message me a lot. My ex was selfish, and I don't understand why I care so much about his feelings when he didn't show me the same…
No. 84087
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I've posted here about a really retarded crush (>>71765, yes I still want to die), and was finally getting to the point where I'd settled it, but here recently I started watching some videos from a major gaming Youtube channel, and one of the hosts from it has me wanting to super-die right now thanks to the growing crush I have on him. He's about 30, he looks extremely average and dad-like compared to everyone else in the group, and he's recently married, but he looks so precious and nerdy and awkward and I HATE ALL OF THIS IMMENSELY.
>>70382I don't know how I missed this last time, but I know that feel, anon.
No. 85565
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I have this gigantic crush on this small gaming youtuber from Ireland. Everything about him is just so great to me, he's so funny and goofy and it kills me that I'm not able to share my life with him. I know we'd make a great couple. I became a patreon and hopefully soon I'll be able to donate the highest amount so I have more chances to talk to him and show him my adoration. I think about him and just smile, he's so cute. I haven't been able to tell anyone this l m a o
No. 85709
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So…. I asked this guy whom I met in a lecture out today. He has an accent and kinda looks like he could be a model. I ended up getting rejected and I feel like a complete moron. I get the heck out of there and am now binge eating and watching Netflix. I'll see him again tomorrow. Not looking forward to it.
No. 85711
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I still stalk a guy that broke up with me
two years after it fml >>85709Anon, congrats on having the guts to ask him out now you have to complete fly ignore his existence so he never knows how hard this was on you.
Seriously it works
No. 85728
>>85709Anon, you did what most would be too cowardly to do. It sucks that he rejected you but now you know you can focus on other things and people instead of constantly being in the state of "what if".
(btw it doesn't mean you are less worthy)
No. 85737
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>>85709lmaooooo my girl, congrats. I did the same thing back in 2016 with a classmate and it was the best and worst thing I have ever done to myself, I owned my feelings and for the first time in my life I felt like a bad bitch. A bad bitch with her expectations and dreams broken, but still a bad bitch.
If it makes you feel better about yourself, I did it in the cringest way possible: I wrote him a letter asking him out with multiple choice anwers. And I throwed it at him and ran down stairs, he then texted me a way too long rejection letter, I saw it while I was in class and I couldn´t stop laughing. I just could not believe that I actually had done THAT!
I was hurt and everything, couldn't look the dude in the eyes for a long time, but you know what? fuck it. I realized that I prefer chasing than being chased, to choose who I want to be with and when. I felt confident and I still am.
Don't try to ignored him like the other anon said, thats just childish and its going to have the opposite effect: you will show that you are hurt.
Treat him like always, be polite and all, be classy about it.
Show him that you own this, your feelings and your pussy!!!!!!!!!!
No. 85767
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>>85709Rejected Anon here with an update.
>Sees him again. >He ignores me and refuses to make eye contact with me even though I was right in front of him. No. 85806
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I got played Anons.
Been talking to a guy for a while. Found out that he still talks to his ex, caught him physically all over another girl all while messaging me daily.
I'm not humoring him anymore and I am just short of ghosting him. Anything else I should do to deal with a fuccboi?
No. 89783
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I feel you anon… weep..
No. 89921
>>89913Damn. Me too, anon.
Living that hyper monogamous life. Get even just a crush on a guy and I no longer have eyes for anyone else (until he disappoints me).
No. 90412
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I had a big crush in high school that I knew would never work out. He wasn't like the hot guy, but I looked like a fucking potato. one of my friends revealed to him that I had a crush on him and it didn't go well. Years later, I look a lot better, I've had a few relationships that were shit. I'm now in a nice relationship with someone who I feel comfortable with, but not necessarily crazy in love with. I still talk with my high-school friend as are in the same friend group. I consider him one of my best friends and I just realized that I still like him, and probably love him. I'm crying knowing that it will literally never happen as I know he's not attracted to me. I don't want to ruin anything with the relationship I have now as its the best one I've had, and probably the best one I'll ever have. I just don't know how to get over this crush, and I don't want to stop being friends with him as we are in the same friend group.
No. 90878
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I have two that are just so fucking embarassing. One is Seth Everman who does music related youtube videos. He's so completely opposite of my usual type so I'm not sure what the deal is but I get genuine heart palpitations when I see his pictures or vids.
The other is a guy from reddit who does sexual audio posts. I have no idea what he looks like or his real name but I contribute a humiliating amount of money to his patron so that I can get personalized audio posts and special one-on-one chats with him. I feel like I would do anything for this man and I have no idea who he is.
No. 90934
>>90878Seth Everman is hot as fuck, on top of being talented and funny, so I don't see what the issue is here.
Who's the dude from Reddit? Just curious since I'm guessing he posts in gonewildaudio? Maybe it is retarded, but I donate $$$ to Patreon every month to some dude just because of the sexual audio and ASMR shit he does. No real clue who he is but I don't care bc I love his voice and the content he makes is 10/10.
No. 91223
>>90878>a guy from reddit who does sexual audio posts.oh thank god this isn't just me. I've got a few on there, one I really like always just makes a post or two then deletes the account, I've spotted him several times and
saved all his audios in a folder that I listen to and fantasize about, pillow talk stuff included to make me feel better. I also imagine life together with this person whom I've never even seen god im pathetic
No. 91497
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I've been really sad since my own breakup and watching a bunch of let's plays and I've developed a huge crush on Matt from Supermega. He's just my type, lanky and nerdy and has really nice eyes and wears glasses. I also have a really immature sense of humor so I think he's really funny. He loves Animal Crossing and his cat too.
He seems like he would be just such a sweet and loving bf and that's all I want.
No. 91520
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>>91506He's the lost third brother.
No. 91523
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Andy ward from Camel will forever be my ultimate tragic, bipolar, wrist slitting rocknroll husbando with the ultimate facial aesthetics to my tastes. Even if I have to contend with the reality that he's an probably currently an old alcoholic in his 60s who has basically no resemblance to this photo.
No. 91525
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>>91523 One more for good measure
No. 91543
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>>91523Love love Camel and prog in general. Andy still sings really well. I have a crush on young Peter Hammill(Van der graaf generator). Sadly he did not age well.
No. 91544
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>>91523 Most of my musical crushes are dead or aged badly. And I like the the look of 70's haircuts but nobody has them.
No. 91555
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Talisen Jaffe from Critical Role. I seriously wasn’t even attracted to him when I first started watching the show and then one night I had a dream where he was my ~uwu~ soulmate or something and it felt incredibly real and my brain got stuck on it and now I have a really stupid crush on him even though he’s like my chubby goth dad. Somehow the fact everyone else on the show is married makes it even worse because I just want to be the one to comfort him and make him happy or something and then we can all be friends. It’s sad.
No. 91559
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>>55352I just want to find me a man like ProJared. Someone cute, nerdy and fun who is completely at ease with himself, who he is, and his level of nerdiness.
No. 91614
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My female chemistry teacher… Not to be objectifying but she has one of the nicest bodies i've ever seen, i bet she's both soft and firm at the same time. I suck at chemistry.
No. 91684
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>>91597Ah I see now. I was amazed by the 2018 night of prog performance. Ward was not there though. I am not sure if Ward still performs. If you like Camel you will probably enjoy most prog and tons of cuties too(though not so cute anymore)Like Mike Oldfied who also had mental problems. I really like the vibe of many 70's men.
No. 92172
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My husbando is hella dead :-(
No. 92271
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>>92255Me too! I thought he was super cute and I stupidly assumed his whole edgy internet persona was an act. Reading the Anisa threads killed that crush real fast.
No. 92740
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>leave a comment on the aspie subreddit because i feel like it’s one of the only places where i can relate to others
>the OP replies to my comment and because im lonely and curious i check his profile
>learn he posts on r/foreveralone and wizchan (not in a woman-hating incel way)
>all his posts are about being lonely and craving affection, barely ever mentions wanting sex
>he seems so sweet and reminds me a lot of myself
I’ve been checking his profile every day now to see how he’s doing. I’d… want to message him but I don’t know what I’d even say. Why am i retarded like this anons
No. 92769
>>92740I think talking with him would do you good, just approach him saying you're in the same situation and would like to talk
I am also in the same situation but I usually manage to drown the bad feels by posting on imageboards, listening to music and doing my hobby
No. 92811
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>>92769>>92774Maybe if he ever responds to another one of my comments I'll message him so it doesn't seem like I just messaged him out of the blue, but I'd even feel weird doing that. He's also in his 20s and I'm not even 20 yet so he probably wouldn't want to message with me. He'd probably just judge me. I think I might just stick to stalking him…
No. 92859
>>92811Fucking DO IT
Don't worry so much, if you're worried your age will put him off then you'll at least be able to be friends and you'll be 20 eventually, right? Plus, i doubt he'll care about your age if it's an online thing anyhow. Just give it a shot, you'll either both be happier for it or you'll stop having to feel sorry for him
This is just a very… familiar story and my end of it went super well, so I feel giving it a shot couldn't be so awful
(small-ish/not huge age gaps aren't even so bad on the internet since it's not like he can pressure you into fucking him or pull nearly as many fucked up power dynamics over your head while you're at it, unless you're very very not careful, so no worries. just keep your eyes open and chase that nice fella!)
No. 92863
>>92740The worst thing that can happen at this point is that you message him and he doesn't reply. Try something like this:
>Hi, you replied to a comment of mine (x) days ago and from looking at your comment history it seems like we have a lot in common. Would you like to chat on (kik/discord/etc)? I was really nervous about sending this message and have been thinking about what to say all day. No pressure, you just seem cool and it would be nice to have someone to talk to. -(Anonette)Don't get too upset if he doesn't feel comfortable talking, he'll probably feel a little comfort just from getting a message like the one above. I'm socially retarded too (avpd) and a lot of the time I just can't handle interacting with people, but it's nice to know someone is thinking positively of you. Idk if aspergers differs in that regard.
No. 92895
>>92859OK I'll try to message him next time he posts on any of the subs I frequent (dont know how long that'll take) but i really doubt it will go anywhere
>>92860I don't know if an age gap would make him uncomfortable or something but I'm probably being overly pessimistic
>>92863Thank you for that message blueprint anon. I probably would've come off as 1000x creepier if i tried coming up w/ a message myself because i'm also a social retard
No. 93121
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>be me
>friend asks me to watch kamen rider with him
>sure why not
>watch drive
>this is okay.jpg
>come across screencaps of pic related
>"b-bro… who is this"
>"he's from kamen rider ooo"
>we're now watching ooo
>getting in deeper
>becoming a weeb again
>have to stop myself from making him my wallpaper on my phone because that's too much even for me
This fucker is legitimately causing me to question my sexuality. What the fuck. I just really liked his weird face and anime hair and it spiraled from there.
No. 94573
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Update from crush on ex's best friend anon
>>79625We're now dating and I've never been happier or felt more secure with someone before. We have the same values and he genuinely loves me and cares about me. Keep your chins up anons, there is a chance your crush might develop into a relationship.
No. 94596
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>>94573That’s amazing anon! Can you tell the story of how it happened?
No. 94906
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I've developed a crush on my mom acquaitance's son quite recently,we havent knew each other personally but through the photos he sent us his son was sooo cute,charming and hot…While i was setting up my moms linkedin account for work and i happend to stumble accross his profile,he was wayyy beyond my reach.Ivy league school,future chemistry engineer,prolly in a relationship too while im just an English major at a fairly normal uni in a third word country (he lives in the us btw) and have quite an age gap too,im a uni freshman and hes already a allumini le sigh
No. 94912
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Ugh I have a huuuge crush on a celebrity, but when he was younger. Basically all I've done this weekend is stalk his imdb page and watch everything he was in when he was younger. In interviews he's so funny and charismatic, looks wise I find him so cute even though my type is usually the opposite of him. Sigh, I even daydream about me being a celebrity during those times and us falling in love, etc. It hurt less when my crushes are fictional since I know I'm my heart that no humans exist like them. But, this crush is going to make a standards kinda weird lol. It also made me try and find what sort of girl he would be attracted to for some retarded reason, it makes no sense to try and be like that anyways. I hope this crush goes away soon ugh.
No. 94965
>>94912i have this a lot but only because im getting old lol
im pushing 30 so a lot of the people i grew up crushing on were young in whatever i liked them in but are actually older than me and im not really attracted to them as they are now
No. 95060
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I have an impossible crush on an unknown artist who makes rap music, writes cheesy posts on his social media and has impeccable fashion sense. He also has really nice and big hands with long, slender fingers that satisfy my hand fetish.
I've left comments on all his recent tracks so far and I wish I was creative enough to make music because I know he listens to the stuff his followers like/make and I want to get noticed by him kek.
Too bad he lives an ocean away.
No. 95180
>>94578thank you so much
>>94596well he and I had been flirting with each other and sending signals under the radar for about 6 or so months, honestly we just grew closer because we had similar interests and a lot of time spent together. It was hard to do this without possibly causing issue for my ex/his friend, so we never actually made any solid attempts because we both didn't want to cause any problems. But one day he invited me out to this film festival that he knew I wanted to go to, so I went to visit and ended up talking to him for a couple hours about everything, and that's when we realised we both felt quite exactly the same way about each other.
It's so cute learning now how we both subtly tried sending signals to each other, and how we constantly second-guessed each other's actions. He deems me to be fit as a life partner and that's all I've ever wanted. I wish you luck anon, sometimes you just need to be patient.
No. 95613
>>94912same, but with bruce campbell :/.
>>95380you have been attracted to his brother for most of the relationship? oof
No. 96879
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>>95613I cant believe its been going on for so long tbh. When it first started I was thinking "haha this is stupid, it'll go away!!"
5 years later…
No. 96889
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He's gay and dead.
No. 96923
>>96921I can understand. She is gross but comes across as kind of tragic and oddly alluring. I'm not into camgirl culture or anything but felt drawn to her thread for some reason (aside from her trashy lifestyle).
She was also decently cute before she really fell apart.
No. 96960
>>96921It okay, anon. I know she's shit but I can' help but like Luna.
Maybe cause she is so interesting to me and I see bits of myself in her crappy art, shitty poetry, mental health issues, adorable trinkets collecting etc. I just reallly enjoy her threads and find her really cute under all that grime.
I wish I was brave enough to take selfies, pictures of my stuff like she does… I feel to stupid and shy for that even though I would love such a photo diary, even just for myself.
I wish I had a friend like Luna, but without all the inexcusable shittiness… Idk how to find one though
I would never support her financially in any way and would love to kick her ass for fucking up her own life and being selfish cunt lol
If anyone knows a similar instagram or tumblr user that are not greedy, stealing junkies and that blog about their lives, mental health and have a kinderwhore type of an aesthetic etc. I would appreciate a link.
No. 96964
>>55359I KNOW THIS IS A YEAR OLD BUT ANON YOUR LIFE STRAIGHT FROM A FIC. I would like to know if you had your way with her anyway of your heart was broken?
sage for being noisy
No. 96987
>>96923>>96960>>96956Lol thanks for making me feel less crazy you guys. Her tragedy IS oddly alluring, and I just can't help but feel like deep down under all the grime, she can't really be that bad of a person. All this girl needs is a push in the right direction. Like you said, the fantasy is that I'd be the one to show her what a loving relationship actually looks like, and how to have a happy lifestyle.
I noticed my attraction began after she moved in with her shit abusive boyfriend. Now that things are actually dangerous for her, I feel an urgency, and a crush developed.
This isn't the first time I've been attracted to this type though. I'm always drawn to tragic and fucked up women. It's most likely a result of my own dark past & all the things I've had to personally overcome. When I see someone so "broken", I can't help but feel affection for them, like I know that they can get out of it like I did. And I want to help.
It's not wise to feel this sort of thing. I wish I was naturally so attracted to actually healthy people, but here I am lol
(sage for my blog/essay)
No. 96989
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I have a huge crush on my coworker. He’s goofy and funny and respectful and him and I just vibe really well. He listens to me and gives me advice and has never crossed a line or made me uncomfortable. He always calls me hun/sweetie/doll (but I think he does that will all the female employees tbh). He’s 10 years older than me, with a wife and new baby. I’ve been with my bf for 3.5 years. I wouldn’t cheat on him, and I don’t want to hurt my coworkers wife, but I can’t stop fantasizing about him and always make excuses to be around him or talk to him. It’s killing me bc my relationship with my boyfriend is past the ~new and exciting~ stuff and I’ve been so bored with him the past few months. I crave all the feel good and butterflies. He gave me a ride home from work for the first time today because my bus would have taken forever to come. My heart was going a million miles a minute the whole time. Rip.
No. 99154
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>play tabletop rpg two years ago
>fall in love with my character
>fantasize about her all the time even now
>tfw I'll never fuck a shy yet invincible fictional amazon
>boyfriend has a cute bisexual best friend who is insecure about being a virgin
>best friend is 6'4", attractive, lifts weights, sweet caring personality, smart but not pretentious, a bit shy but opens up around us
>mommy kink activates and I crush hard
>boyfriend knows and is cool with it
>we offer cute best friend a threesome
>he gets flustered and says he'll think about it
>it has been three years and he's still a virgin
>female best friend of past six years
>bisexual, beautiful, so interesting and clever and funny
>only fucks people she's in love with
>considers having casual sex with me but doesn't love me enough
No. 99189
>>99177>>99164>crushes on family fembers?>fine>crushes on video game characters? >fine>crushes on bosses/teachers/authority figures? >fine>crushes on literal friends who already care about me? >wow anon too farThis is a thread for impossible/retarded crushes, I know mine aren't going to happen. Especially with my best friend, I'm not even going to raise the topic. I just tend to crush on people who care about me.
The threesome with my bf's best friend is a special circumstance, he has said multiple times that he is actually into us and that he wants his first time to be with someone chill who he's not dating so he doesn't feel like he has to impress anyone and can just relax and learn. And we're not pressuring him about anything anyway we literally offered once to do that for him and that's it. The offer is on the table and if he never takes us up on it that's fine too.
No. 99249
>>99154>>99189NTAYRT but yeah, all of this sounds gross AF. Do you want to fuck all your friends? Always thought crushes are about wanting to be close to the other person, not just getting into their pants.
You are not doing anything wrong morally but I still am disgusted. You do you, though, as I am speaking out of my ass and based on an emotional response.
No. 99325
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Anyone else who's mentally ill start to think about someone all the time when you catch them looking at you multiple times or staring? Maybe bc I'm a lonely fuck but my god, the amount of times I fantasized about a relationship happening with any guy who gave me a little attention and I thought was cute is much too much.
My OCD really screws with my thoughts.
No. 99326
>>99325…that doesn't necessarily seem connected to mental illnesses anon, just loneliness and isolation. Unless it's invasive and unpleasant and is distracting you from day-to-day function.
Regardless I have a similar issue. If a guy is nice and smiles at me or holds the door open I wonder if he thinks I'm cute. Or, like you said, he looks at me in class and I imagine him trying to make a move on me.
Meanwhile no one has ever hit on me and I've faced constant rejection from men lol, even non-normie nerds. I'm not even super ugly and take good care of myself…but that's another issue not for this thread.
Anyway, I feel you. One of the men that rejected me was even one of those that shared a passing smile and stared at me, so I don't recommend hitting them up after some "signals." It will just end in disappointment, especially with your imagination running into the future with him. It's tough when you've fantasized about being married to them and growing old, then they just hate you.
Which isn't blaming them btw, it's just how things are.
No. 99403
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I have an absolutely retarded crush on a YouTuber Peter Knetter
No. 99407
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>>55352I'm still heartbroken from Solas… I've never fallen in love more with a character. It honestly hurt when I finished the full game/DLC content lol, took me a while to get over it.
I even got irrationally angry when I saw a video of another character besides mine in romance scenes with him lol so pathetic.
Same with Alistair in the first game, he was so cute and funny. But with Solas it was just perfect in every way, the romance was top notch and I kept wanting more scenes with him.
No. 99447
>>mfw Angel was literally my first love and jesus christ I remember that cringey ass ride. I'm actually rewatching the series atmI know this is an old ass post but fuck I couldn't not respond to this.
No. 99912
>>99908>>99911I mean, I even gave her an alternative option of chilling till she falls in love with someone else. Though tbh I would be afraid that if anon is so attracted to the person, with contact kept she would fall for them despite having an irl partner. lol
Dropping them might be the best option of avoiding drama and heartbreak if anon can't just be friends and keep herself in check.
No. 99942
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I'm going to see a band live this month after kinda "forgetting" about them for four years, and I accidentally reignited a crush from my teenage years on the bass player, only now it feels way stronger.
Thing is, even though the band is well known in my country and they're definitely famous, they're still kinda niche, their gigs are relatively small and it's actually quite likely to get a chance to meet the band members, but I think it only makes the whole thing worse. With big celebrities it's kinda comforting to know that I'll most likely never even see them IRL, so I don't get my hopes up. But now it's a "so close yet so far"-kinda feeling, because I could easily meet him face to face, but the chance of him seeing me as anything more than just another fan is pretty much non-existent since he most likely already has a girlfriend, he's ten years older than me and I look like a sentient sack of flour. But goddamn he still makes my heart pound so hard my chest hurts.
No. 99968
>>99912>>99911>>99910nta but telling anon to simply obsess over someone else
is shitty advice.
No. 99998
>>99968>>99978What do you suggest then?
You are not helping by criticising the advice and not providing a better solution. I am genuinely curious what would that be.
Getting quickly romantically attached to people met over the net without chance of meeting them is a shithole I would not wish on anyone. You get too sweet on them too fast cause they are halfway imagined by you and there is a false sense of deep intimacy.
Anon is already falling in love and senses it's not good.
If she can meet the other person soon then fine, but from her post it does not seem so.
It's not my life though, so if anon wants to keep going, I wish her the best of luck.
No. 100063
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I’ve had a crush on Etika for months but never actually watch his streams unless it’s on my YouTube feed. I hate how he’s the type to forget he was ever in a relationship after a hangover and his ADHD personality doesn’t help. He’s so unstable but I keep coming back to his videos
No. 100100
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I've noticed I've developed this really weird crush on my coworker that I only see once a week and I only noticed it because we were joking around earlier and I almost called him "babe" mid-sentence (I only do this with really close friends), and I've been thinking about it all day (tbh I've been thinking about him for the last few months but I tried to never entertain the thoughts). I hope this is just some passing fad for me because even though he's most of my type I really don't want to have this crush, especially not on a coworker I have no chance with (plus I think he's has a girlfriend anyway). I hate that I fall for guys who give me attention and I can vibe with so easily.
No. 101292
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I’m this anon (
>>92740 ) with an update if anyone even still cares. I
finally built up the courage to message him and I am so fucking nervous that my body vibrated continuously for probably 15 minutes after sending the message and I feel like I’m going to vomit.
It was a slightly long message explaining why I was drawn to him, and i basically asked if we could be friends at the end. The suspense is going to make me fucking die anons, he’s either going to ignore, block, or report me. I definitely came off as a creepy e-stalker. Because I am one.
No. 101300
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>>101294I will anon
<3 even though im 90% hes going to ghost me because i physically cannot reread my message without cringing
>>101297Ah fuck, you’re right. How would I prove that I’m not? I guess he’d just have to take my word for it. He posts on some other subs but rarely
No. 101308
>>101292>I definitely came off as a creepy e-stalker.Guys are far less worried about that kind of stuff than girls are.
>he’s either going to ignore, block, To the forever alone types a girl going out of her way to approach them is like finding a winning lottery ticket just lying on the street. If he blocks or ignores you he's not actually rejecting you, he just found the whole thing so implausible that he doesn't believe it's happening. He doesn't know you at all so really, don't take it personally, whether he agrees to talk to you or not has nothing to do with what you are like, it's entirely about how he would react to a message like that.
If he blocks you there's really nothing you can do, creating a different account and messaging him through there would definitely be creepy. If you see he's been posting but hasn't replied to your message, don't immediately assume he's ignoring our message, he might be trying to work up his courage to message you back.
>or report melol, don't be silly.
>>101300>im 90% hes going to ghost me because i physically cannot reread my message without cringingYou made yourself vulnerable and that is always scary, but your message is probably fine. You are likely cringing at nothing. Even if you dropped the spaghetti if both of you post on the aspie subreddit he will probably be understanding (assuming he's not an idiot, in which case good riddance).
One problem I see is that you are head over heels over somebody you only know through reddit posts. What you like is this image of him you've built in your mind, it's possible that he doesn't match it exactly. Please keep this in mind if you two end up getting in contact. He might be good but in some ways not match your idealized view of him, or he might be awful and then you don't want to leave him because you think the idea you have of him actually exists somewhere deep in him when it actually doesn't. Please remember that you would be only in the getting-to-know-eachother stage and not in some soulmate fairy tale. You've had him in your mind for several months now, so you could mistakenly think he's more than some guy you are just getting to know. He isn't.
No. 101384
>>101343I don't know if it's the same for you, but it's always the case that either I have no chance to hit on them, or the ones I do always end up having gfs/rejecting me.
Absolutely cursed either way.
>>101381He was wearing headphones at the time, and I didn't know he (potentially) reciprocated at all until he got up and left…
If I see him again I'll try to make conversation I think, maybe bring up recognizing him and asking what he's majoring in. Nothing to lose.
The chance is unlikely though.
No. 101588
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Not sure if this makes me creepy, I know some of you anons won't like this but I have a little crush on some boy who's the same age as me (a little older actually) but he looks so much younger than his age and it's so cute to me. It's also kind of shameful because he's pretty much rocking the emo look but without the makeup. I think I like that androgynous look…
Anyway, I started looking at him a lot whenever I was bored just for something nice to look at and because I'm a bit of a perv and I think he started catching on because now a lot of the time when I'm looking in his direction, he's already looking at me first (I know it's most likely to check if I'm looking lol). I don't even know how he caught me though because I always made sure I was looking at him when he wasn't even facing me.
Tbh, I don't even know why I'm attracted to him, he's not my usual type at all and I get super embarrassed on the occasion he says something to me. I start blushing so hard when he's right in front of me and it's really obvious when I don't have makeup on, I'm almost sure he can see it.
He walked up to me and complimented my appearance today, noticing that it was different and I can't stop thinking about it. It made me kind of happy because I never get compliments from boys, but I can't stop thinking about it like a stupid teenager. When he said that to me, I wanted to runnnn! I actually wish I never started looking at him because I don't like my crushes to know that I exist or that I like them. I don't want them noticing me at all. I have major issues in my life including with my depression and spergy anxiety and I don't want to drag anyone down with me so I know I can't have a boyfriend.
I feel dumb and embarrassed. On one hand, I imagine pure scenarios with him and on the other, I have dirty thoughts of him. There's no way I can look him in the eyes after the stuff I've imagined lmao I hate this!!!
No. 101593
>>101588Welcome to having a crush anon
You don't have to do anything about it, you don't have to marry him just because you fancy him, maybe he's not even available and doesn't even know you like him
Despite all of what you've said, flirting is fun and you're experiencing new things. Try to just enjoy the mysteries of life and don't just turn down future opportunities based on the past
No. 102215
>>102192Thanks anon. I'm trying to draw that line + your message helped put it in perspective.
I mean, you're right - he probably does do it a lot and more with the girls around him, and it's nasty to think about. One of my friends was actually hot and madly into him, to the point where she made her personal art practice into loads of really provocative photos of herself and kinda about him. They used to have a weird "thing" until she left. Now he acts like he doesn't remember her.
Just something in my stupid little lizard brain just goes mad anytime somebody shows me a shred of positive attention.
Sorry to hear about your own boss trouble. Hope it hasn't affected you + your career too much.
>>102193U right but how?
No. 102398
>>102387This is what I was thinking too, and maybe there’s something I can take from this extremely ridiculous crush that I can talk to my bf about within our relationship.
I think part of it was that my crush was talking about me and how he wished he knew me irl so he could help me embrace the weird part of myself and apply it to my art- since he is living in as an expat in an artist colony. Before that, I already found him interesting because he’s doing a lot of cool creative things that I’ve checked out and found really exciting. It’s fun to imagine being with him in some capacity and he’s hinted that he’s thought about me in the same way.
My boyfriend is a computer programmer and half the time when I suggest we do something, I don’t feel like he’s all that into it. Like he would rather be working out or at home playing video games. In fact he often finds an excuse for us to leave things early so he can go do just that. My life has become more stable but also less interesting since dating him. I also feel like the only way I can entice him into spending more time with me is through sex.
My crush is someone who can and wants to have good conversation for hours. And I think the good conversation component is one of the biggest things missing from my relationship to the point that I’ve actually become a more social person looking for that elsewhere with other people.
No. 102401
>>102398this post of yours completely changes the game. I wouldn't go as far as to say "break up" but… that's a possibilty to have in mind. As anon above says, you need to talk to your boyfriend, communicate that you feel unhappy with the way things are - and his reaction should give you the answer. If he brushes off your feelings then don't waste your time. Don't settle for someone boring just because it's stable. With the crush-guy, if you get with him obviously it won't stay exciting forever, but from what I can gather form your posts, you two are way more compatible.
You really need to ponder deeply about what you actually feel towards your boyfriend. Is it love, or is it just gratitude for security and stability?
No. 102438
>>102398You are having good conversation for hours because he is trying to get with you. It doesn't mean it would be the same irl or if you lived together. You always see the best side of someone before you get together.
I understand your troubles with your current bf though. Just dont take uwu art colony uwu chat for hours as the full picture
No. 102450
>>102438this. and anon will never get a chance to interact with him irl period because the level of control one has with online interactions is insane.
hell, it's hard enough to feel someone out irl.
No. 102506
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ok so storytime (not clickbait)
i am a complete nobody as is most everyone ITT. for some reason i have never had crushes on real celebrities and instead only on fuckin D-list e-celebs. probably because they seem more attainable and my self esteem sucks. however i did luck out in the genetics department and guys think of me as very attractive so i have been able to talk to certain youtubers through twitter and rarely through snapchat. i feel so embarrassed, most of the YT fangirls are like 16 years old and i'm 21 and i hate being in the same pool as them. i dont sperg on twitter trying to grab attention, i dont draw creepy fanart or write fanfics, i have never ran any fan account. i am extremely low key and it works, but i still feel disgusted with myself kek.
so for the last 2-3 months ive been talking to a guy that was very popular on youtube because he was a part of a very well known 'team' (all the guys ive talked to or stalked have been in the gaming community so dont worry its not team 10 or other cringelords). he is very invested in me and won't leave me alone (no shade). we've been talking every single day, either just texting for hours or talking over the phone. however, at this point i am using him to get to vinny from vinesauce. i feel terrible and i know i'll never get to vinny because he's the most unattainable e-celeb i could have picked (the pastebin circulating 4chan proved this). this guy only briefly knows him, but he has close friends that are close with vinny. i have this whole elaborate plan on how to at least just get his attention. i am also talking to one other popular yter albeit he hasn't shown explicit sexual interest in me which i appreciate. however he lives in LA which is too far from vin so i doubt they see each other outside of cons.
the funny part is, i dont even like vinny's streams. i much prefer joel and he is the only streamer i actually watch. i love vinnys music, his intelligence, his personality and he is one of the top 3 most attractive people ive ever seen.
sorry for the sperg anons i just feel like a complete loser idiot and i had to vent lmao. i'm not gonna pretend like i'm a shy uwu foreveralone grill because i do have opportunities to have relationships/sex but i literally cannot feel any attraction to anyone except for the person i'm fixated on, which is fuckin vinny at the moment. pls no booly
No. 102517
>>102513kek thanks, i was afraid people would judge me for being such an autist.
i dont know actually, its never my intention to start convos with these people so i guess it's just random "luck". perhaps it helps that i don't sperg out like the majority of their kiddie fans and have slightly more followers (if that even matters), so they feel more comfortable replying/following. maybe i just shoot low, i would never even attempt to @ anyone with over like 3 mil subs because its embarrassing lol. the yter im talking to on a regular basis has been off the platform for a year but still collabs on other channels and is thinking of continuing before he becomes completely irrelevant. so my groupie luck hasnt been
that great.
>>102515warning, if you stan vinny maybe dont read, its very cringey. granted its from many moons ago but still. the girl in question is a complete lunatic too, so i do take this with a grain of salt. here ya go- No. 102519
>>102506not gonna lie, this is crazy but I'm not judging you in a slightest lol, you go girl. I also tend to fixate on youtubers, I have a "crush" now on some UK guy who's not even that attractive - he's cute though, and I like his personality, he seems very in touch with his sensitive feminine side which I'm always attracted to. I'm also I guess above average in the looks department, I feel like I could grab his attention easily but honestly what's the point. So I'm manic enough to fixate on some yt rando, but also enough sensible to not act on it in any way. Will wait for it to pass.
Anyway, keep us uptaded, that's an interesting situation you're in
No. 102552
>>102517does anyone know why this was posted in the first place? i remember reading this like a year or 2 ago and i recognize the girl he's talking too, she used to show up on streams a lot with her art.
(i also used to have a huuuuuge crush on vinny too, even had some cute-sy little fantasies in my head about being his gf like some other anons here)
No. 102604
>>102552eh get in line, who
hasn't had a crush on vinny/cr1tikal at this point lmao
and idk why this was exposed. the girl says vinny leaked it, /v/ says capicoli faked the whole thing out of vendetta, some think the bitch did it to humblebrag etc. it seems legit but there are a lot of irregularities, like the girl claiming he cheated on his gf with her when in the transcripts he says he hasn't had a gf in like 10 years. also the dates dont match up. whatever the case, both her and vinny seem pretty unhinged in that convo. reading it is a great way to dampen the crush due to his autism (i'm still gonna continue my totally-not-creepy operation tho lul fingers crossed)
No. 102734
>>102438Well we aren’t talking one on one for hours because I would consider that cheating but I see him having great conversations with others and so I’m saying he’s capable of it where my bf kinda isn’t.
Anyway I ended but talking to my boyfriend about it and honestly this was the best possible option. I stopped obsessing over it immediately after that. But like another anon recommended, it turned into a deeper convo about our relationship. That part didn’t go as well :/
Oh well hoping things work out
No. 102830
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I have a huge crush on one of my professors. He's only a few years older than me and he's newly single and we've hung out together socially before, so maybe it's not impossible. I've thought about asking him out once the term is over, but I've never asked a guy out before and I'm not sure if I have the courage. Also I have to write a 2000-word essay for him by the end of this week on concepts that I barely understand, and I'm afraid he'll think I'm an uninspired halfwit (if he doesn't already).
No. 103259
>>102734I didn’t stop obsessing… I ended up messaging my crush and he has liked me for a while, but he said he doesn’t know what to do about it. And he doesn’t want to mess up my relationship.
Which is probably too late at this point. I think I have to break off my relationship. Not because of anything happening with my crush because it honestly can’t. But because I feel like I’ve basically cheated.
No. 103285
>>103009I added him a few days ago, actually, but he hasn't accepted. Maybe I should've waited until the term was over, but he has someone else in our class on FB so I didn't think it would be a conflict of interest or anything like that. Also he's literally referred to me as his "friend" before. But whatever, I should probably spend less time overthinking this and more time writing essays.
Glad it worked out for you though, anon! Is it more of a friends with benefits thing or an actual relationship?
No. 103760
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>visiting someone who lives in city near Chinatown
>stop inside supermarket real quick before i arrive at their house
>almost immediately make eye contact with a man who looks identical to my vidya husbando, except more built
>same hairstyle, facial hair, face shape, features, height, eyes, wtf
>even has the same criminal air about him (lmao)
>get chills, feels weird seeing what my husbando would look like in real life
>turn to look at him again
>he's still looking at me
>first thought that pops in my head is if he thinks im cute
>instantly hate myself, this guy is a bit old for me
>tell myself he's not my vidya qt, just looks like him and that he's probably a scumbag, dude literally looks like a convict
>go elsewhere in the store to grab some stuff
>guy randomly appears and is still staring at me
>my brain is so retarded, says he must think i'm pretty and basically thinks this is validation that if my husbando was real, he would find me attractive
>guy's probably really looking for an opportunity to mug me or rape me or is just a weird pervert
>despite thinking all this, i kinda want him to touch me
>can't stop wondering why he's been looking at me
>ok i got to go
>pay for my items and gtfo
>have sexual thoughts about him days later anyway because im lonely and mentally ill and it just became easier to imagine sex with vidya husbando
Kms, lassies.
No. 103837
>>103760Who's your vidya husbando? I kept imagining Kiryu or Majima from the Yakuza series while reading your post, it made it hilarious.
>crushing on someone because they remind you of a vidya/anime character you likeBeen there, done that.
No. 103868
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>>103837You got it! It's Majima. The guy at the market facially looked like older Majima but he had the longer, tied back hair that Majima had in his 20s in Yakuza 0. It was honestly surreal.
>Been there, done thatNow you got to share your retarded crush story, anon.
No. 103928
i dont like him anymore
i actually think he's pretty cringey now
No. 103942
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>>103760>>103868he was just hitting up the discos. no need to worry, anon
No. 103982
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>>103953i think kiryu is more handsome, but majima just radiates charisma
No. 103993
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>>103984i love the yakuza 0 version of majima the best. i'm so sad there's barely any merchandise of him. if he can't be real at least let me buy a figurine or something
No. 104012
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Watching "It's a Wonderful Life" and realizing how attracted to 1940's James Stewart I am…
No. 104390
>>102734I lied I’m still obsessing and I feel like a creepy weirdo.
I think about my crush all day and wait for him to talk to me. My boyfriend just wants me to stay with him and is sticking by my side which makes me feel guilty.
I kinda want to just break up with my boyfriend and also ignore my crush and be single now because I’m clearly not cut out for any of this
No. 104392
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I have a crush on an internet friend I met through my irl friend. He's a tall, lanky boy who likes varied music and we can talk about such things.
Right now, it seems impossible since we live on different coasts in different countries, and I don't know what is going to happen with my academic standing.
And well, after a shitty relationship, I'm scared of getting hurt again.
No. 104462
>>104458I'm super wholesome, I definitely could never do that haha. But thanks for the suggestion!! I've definitely been on the side of being cheated on so I don't think I could ever approach someone with a girlfriend without feeling like a piece of shit. Even with friendly intentions.
>>104459Wow I didn't know that! Super interesting. I'm not super pretty like Marzia though, I'm like…very average. Which adds to the cringe.
I used to make fun of like forever alone guys on worshipping girls on twitch…and now I'm basically one of them except worse cause I'm a girl. I'm like…100% sure if he found out I was interested in him and he saw what I looked like he would think its creepy instead of cute.
When we talked for the first time, he even asked me why the fuck I was watching his stream at 3am in the morning and I didn't know what to say without being creepy so I said his stream helps me fall asleep, and he was kind of hurt about that so I tried so stay up as long as I could lol. It was kind of cute cos he would check in every half hour to see if I was still awake or not.
anyways i want to die lol
No. 104467
>>104451I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but I'm curious why you flew to his country then went to his house after he broke up with you. Do you have family or other friends there?
I agree with being reluctant with internet strangers, but my irl friend, whom I met in university, has known him for a long time and currently lives and works with him at the same company. My irl friend and our other mutual friend (who is closer to my crush) would have told me if he's a scumbag, but they both haven't. He's not a complete stranger in the way that we met on 4chan or other "questionable" means.
Either way, I posted in the impossible crush thread for a reason – the distance is too much, I don't know him as well I need to (yeah ofc I know this) and I should try to meet other guys in my area.
But who knows? Maybe I'll get a job in that area after graduation and it won't be a pipe dream, but hopefully I'll have found someone irl.
No. 105073
>>105043I don't see why we need a new thread, I think women have been posted here before
Maybe it's just less embarrassing to want to fuck women in general lol
No. 105555
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>fictional character
>guy in his late 40s with a stupid hairstyle
>on top of that, the actor has been dead for almost as long I am alive
What the hell is wrong with me?
No. 105861
>>104390I broke up with my boyfriend. I'm still messaging my crush and he wants to meet except it's really not possible right now.
I'm being so stupid. What am I doing. I was lucky to find someone who wanted to be with me for 2 years. My ex said he didn't want to marry me, but now he's saying he wanted to be with me forever.
I wish he had just been receptive in the beginning so I could have gotten excited about where the relationship was going instead of getting swept up in to some fake Internet thing I can't get out of.
No. 105885
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>go see RHPS last month with a friend
>the guy playing Riff Raff is kinda cute and keeps doing all the callbacks with the audience
>develop huge crush on him
>can’t get him out of my head and imagine us in romantic scenarios constantly
I’m hopelessly in love with a bald cap wearing, 30-something year old stranger. Kill me.
No. 105947
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definitely not an impossible crush, but a retarded one for sure.
>2017,last year of highschool
>notice this cute guy at my bus stop
>keep looking at him from afar, see that he's friends with some acquaintances, lurk their accounts
>find him, know his name, lurk his accounts
>see that he has the same humor as me, the same interests and even follows some obscure unknown YT channels I follow too
>develop a crush.jpeg , without ever talking to him, stalk his online accounts
then I had health problems and missed lots of HS days, met another dude, he becomes my bf
>had a bf so I forced myself to focus on the relationship
>a week after I started dating said bf, I receive a message from someone I don't know asking if I'm cute guy's name's GIRLFRIEND
>panic.jpeg , turns out our common friends wanted to make us meet bc they thought we'd be a perfect match
>oh fuck
>I tell the guy who contacted me that I don't know who cute guy was, pretented to look him up to see what he looked like (as if I didn't already know ffs)
>then they called me to explain, turns out cute guy said we were dating so his friends would leave him alone, but one took it seriously
>they call me to explain, pass him the phone, he panicks and says my name then our common friend rips it off of him
>ask said friend cute guy's twitter to talk to him (I waited until he gave it to me to keep up the appearances of ignorance)
>we talked a bit that night, then we never talked again
>It became a running gag, at the stard of 2018 when our common friend tweeted at him asking "when are you gonna be in a relationship?" cute guy answered "My heart belongs to anon" obvs a joke but get flustered anyways, tweet back and forth some shitposts
>August 2018, see common friend, still insists on how perfect we'd be, taunts me by saying stuff like "awww anon misses cute guy"
>dude if only you knew the truth
I still have a huge crush on him and I lurk through his facebook events now that he's studying in the same town as me
I never crossed his path yet, but I won't stop hoping for it
No. 105949
>>105948*him out
Swear I'm noy him
No. 105959
>>105809samefag, he's noticed me blatantly checking him out several times and I thought it just made him uncomfortable (which I'm into). But today in class he sat two rows behind me despite only sitting across the (huge) classroom for the past few weeks. His old spot was also free so there was no reason for him to be there, and when I saw him at the end of class he left quickly.
Could be reading into it too much but. lol.
I almost feel bad since I'm currently invested in pursuing another guy, I just thought this one was cute. No. 105981
I don't know if this belongs here, but I don't know where else should it go
>9 years ago, I was a dumb oblivious teen
>meet some cute guy at a local convention
>we chat for hours, eventually start hanging out and become fuckbuddies
>neither want a serious relationship with the other one so when he gets a girlfriend we stop
>eventually lose contact
>fast forward to a few months ago, suddenly he contacts me on twitter
>start talking again, decide to meet in the city to catch up on what's been going on
>turns out we still have similar interests and points of view, decide to be friends since we are both in happy relationships now
>invite him over one weekend
>we chat and laugh and have a good time watching stupid videos and talking about people in our past
>my body just itches to get closer, manage to restrain myself
>a few days later I tell him, turns out he was the same
>confesses me he couln't forget about me all these years and shows me poems he wrote about me
>we decide to keep distance and hang out only outside or with more people around so we don't ruin our relationships
>every time he's around I'm wet and can only think about the times we had sex
What is wrong with me? He's not a stud, he's just average cute. I wouldn't want him as my boyfriend either. And I had similar fuckbuddies in the past, but neither made me feel like this when I met them again. I really love my boyfriend, but this guy drives me insane.
No. 106400
>>55352I've just recently gotten a retarded/impossible crush on this character from a book series I'm reading and I knew I had to come straight here to vent about it.
So I have a boyfriend, but I've legit started losing my feelings for him and developing feelings for such a mary sue character in the Divergent books and movies, Four.
He is typical strong-silent type who seems harsh but is soft and deep on the inside and I'm a total slut for those characters.
My boyfriend is sweet… but soft and not masculine or very deep or interesting.
Our relationship is coming to an end soon by itself but it feels so weird to be in love with someone who I know isn't real but it still feels like a genuine crush? I'm going insane but uhhhh, I can't help it
No. 106497
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came in to whine about my suga longing but there's already a bunch of you here :')
No. 106886
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>I have definitive evidence I didn't develop the Westermarck effect with my second cousinWhy does he have to be exactly my type? Our parents have even joked that we'd be dating if we weren't related. If only they knew. I always knew I was a disgusting person, but I didn't expect to stoop
this low.
>>106871 btw)
No. 106905
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I have a crush on the kiwi farms admin. I weirdly like his voice and I've been watching his streams a lot. His laugh is pretty cute imo.
No. 106907
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I gotta crush on this guy I know.
He's tall, thin, handsome, exactly my type.
We even dated for a bit but then he broke it off. I still really like him even if he needs to workout some issues, and we don't always agree.
What makes me really mad at him though is when he sends me mixed signals. He told me that he didn't know if he was ready and that he didn't know if we'd get along, but then he hugs my legs, sometimes holds my hand, hugs me, rests his head on my lap or shoulders. Sometimes he jokingly threatens that he'll "put my face on yours. Goddamn it anon I'll fukkin kiss you." It just hurts because I still have feelings for him and want him to be happy, but know that I can't be with him.
No. 106920
>>106910not the anon but i posted about having a crush on him a few weeks ago in crushes i'm ashamed to admit to have for the same reason.
>>106905 it's okay… i understand.
No. 107471
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>>107461>>107427me 3, I would die for brad
No. 107546
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>>107544 it's clancy brown
No. 107738
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i'd never seriously consider dating a much older man, but i've been really nice acquaintances with a few teachers/professors over time and i just love talking with them in general. really sweet guys who love the subjects they teach and are knowledgeable and passionate about it. it's not really a teacher crush, more just admiration and looking up to them. plus only respectful dudes wouldn't go after students. sometimes i have wondered if they had a slight thing for me too because of obvious favoritism, showing classes my work as an example, keeping my work after i graduated, things written in recommendation letters… i think i'm overthinking it though. never want or expect anything to happen, but i do still visit the teacher i was closest to once a year. apparently he still talks about me a lot too. last time we talked my friend brought up my ex boyfriend in front of him and for some reason i was annoyed she mentioned him. sigh.
No. 107764
>>107738 anon, i think you developed some bond between you and your teacher and while getting annoyed to have your ex is brought up in the conversation, it doesn't exactly mean you have feelings for the teacher either. I think you don't want to beat a dead horse and reminiscing those memories might be a burden for you to linger any longer and being with someone pleasant with the talk going back to something unpleasant and downright frustrating simply sours the mood, especially when you only visited your teacher once a month with a short time limit due to many circumstances such as school and work.
I say don't think about it a lot. Just let it flow in your head, but if you're determined on knowing what you feel just try to nudge the conversation with him to something less platonic but still on the grounds of friendship. Ask him about his preference, listen to him talk about his relationship and analyze what you're feeling.
Or take the easy route, stare at his picture longer than five minute and imagine a life with him or a relationship with him once a day until you decide you have feelings for him or not… i'm rambling, sorry.
No. 107770
>>107764nah, at the time i was with my ex. i only see him once a year, not month.
lol i don't even want anything to happen, but it is a weird situation to think about sometimes. i posted it in the "impossible crushes" thread for a reason. he has a wife and kids and i would never seriously consider doing anything. it's one of those siuations where you're like "…do i have a thing for this person? actually i think i do. but it's completely okay the way it is." besides the small awkward moments here and there that solidify my belief that he definitely likes me in a way you wouldn't normally like a student. it would be totally immoral if anything happened and i don't really want it to, lest it taints the relationship. it's just kind of something i ruminate on a little but don't worry about that much.
No. 107776
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>>106871>>106886Same boat
I have a crush on my nephew,its so weird because he looks more or less like his father(my older brother) and I'm not attracted to him at all but Just a hug from my nephew last week has me daydreaming about him
No. 107796
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I stumbled across his channel a few days ago and I hate his stupid hair but damn he's an incredible musician.
No. 107823
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>>107809>>107812well I just turned 25 about a week ago on Feb 2nd and he's 17 (but he looks a lot older then he actually is)
he is like a younger and more improved version of his father and I again I would like to say that I am not attracted to my brother sexually at all,I do love him thought
No. 107825
>>107776>>107823wow that's really gross anon.
You should look into those issues of yours
No. 107992
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>>107776Wew anon… I guess I should thank you for this post, it makes me feel 0.1% less bad for crushing on a mere 5th degree relative
No. 108019
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>go again this month
>Riff Raff is still looking cute doing the callbacks being cute
>catch him staring at me a few times
>after the show the girl who plays Eddie asked me if I want to join the castWhat the fucking fuck. Don't know if I should go for it but like, what?
No. 108061
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>>108019tbh, could be that riff raff was 2shy to ask you directly so he had her be his wingman. naisu anon
No. 108355
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I go through insane phases where I'm VERY obsessed with a person and try to do everything in my power to get them to notice me, and the only way I ever get over my obsessions is by moving onto another one,
Had an obsession with an artist, got into everything she was into, talked to her as much as possible, met her irl, and we became friends. She was married so I then I had an obsession with a musician and I got all her cds, got into everything she was into, met her irl, talked to her as much as possible and we became friends and I stayed very obsessed with her for a long time. I didn't ever let her know because I didn't want to mess up our friendship with my literal insanity.
I eventually for some reason grew a giant crush on a movie character and spent years fawning over him. I knew this was different than the other two because the other two were people I knew I could become close to, and he was an ultra famous movie star who is also married and way older than me. He's really ugly and the character is really trashy but he is your typical bad boy but with a soft heart, and I like to day dream that my love would make him a better man.
I'm over him too and I guess the focus of my attention became my boyfriend. I definitely become easily infatuated with people but at least with my boyfriend it feels extremely different, mutual, and not insane.
No. 108357
>>108355off topic but are you
>>>/ot/289539where did you find those gifs?
No. 116610
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>>106871tfw developed a crush on a literally who comedian who’s now basically retired and has a hot young model wife and 3 kids
i’m ashamed and this is not even the worst one, i kept on dreaming of cuddling with my tech teacher when i was in highschool
No. 116685
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Ah holy fuck I've developed the worst crush on Jay who I was never attracted to until my break up. I watched the channel he's on before I got dumped and never really gave him a second thought until I got super lonely. I think he's really endearing and I really like his film knowledge and love for weird obscure horror which I also like. I'm so embarrassed because he's a fucking youtuber and 15 years older than me, and I normally think older men are gross. He's had a glow up and turned from an incel to a hunklet so it's not too embarrassing looks-wise but the age difference makes me feel so weird for crushing on him. I know it's more just a projection of my loneliness onto some man with a few characteristics that I like and not real but I can't help but come up with dumb fantasies about meeting him and what I think it would be like. I know when I find someone irl again I'll forget all about him but for now I just fawn over him in secret. I also feel awful because I found an actually well written fanfic about him that I reread all the time even though I really hate erotic fanfics about real people
No. 116825
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>>116760It's bad taste but it's my taste anon.
No. 116858
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Some guy sent me a friend request two months ago, but I ignored because we didn't have mutual friends and I was suspicious. A few days ago I was looking at his profile just for kicks and thought his profile picture was actually kind of cute so I accepted his friend request (a whole two months later kek). Now that I see his posts on Facebook I see that we have the same taste in music (I actually think he found me because we're in the same black metal shitposting group, which is autistic I know), the same type of humor (he'll share stuff that I've saved on my phone just a few hours before to show my friends), and is my type physically (long hair, kind of looks like young Varg Vikernes).
I've been enjoying seeing his posts on my Facebook feed and I have to stop myself from (Facebook) reacting, because obviously that would be super weird. He might be a total sperg or something in real life, I wouldn't know, but at least online he seems pretty cute (and no posts that strike me as a red flag). Anyway it definitely counts as impossible because we live in different countries (and continents) and it counts as retarded because I accepted his friend request for a totally shallow reason and am attracted to him just because we have the same autistic interests.
No. 116860
I have a stupid crush on a YouTube industry guy that will never go anywhere.
We met a few years ago at an event, just for a minute and talked about a band we both liked. It was such a quick conversation but he tracked me down afterwards. We talked for a little while, and flirted a bit, but it died down soon. We're half the country away from each other, and he took a social media break that I didn't want to interrupt.
Tonight I got to see him again. We only talked for a minute, but he sought me out in a huge crowd just to say hello and give me a hug, and smiled the whole time. I was so nervous and so immediately charmed by him and felt absolutely stupid.
I know he has a girlfriend now, I know he was just being polite, but I'm completely enamored. We messaged for a little bit afterwards, and he told me not to be a stranger. I don't know how, I don't know how to reach out to him. I don't want to bother him, I don't know if if he's just being polite, but I feel so foolish but not being confident enough to pursue things back then. My head's been dizzy for hours.
No. 117009
>>116860Can you consider him as a work colleague almost? Perhaps you work in a similar field as you are both at the same events, it's good to have contacts in your field.
He has a girlfriend so try not to crush on him, but it never hurts to have contacts in your industry that you actually like. If that's the case, send him useful information or updates and perhaps he will return the favor.
No. 117339
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I have the hugest celeb crush on Iwan Rheon. And its weird for me because im a grown fucking adult and never really developed celebrity crushes growing up as a child or teen. what fucks me up most is i have the same name as his IRL wife lol. i wish.
No. 117368
I keep falling for youtubers like some preteen, knowing exactly that I'll never come close to one irl, much less get to date one.
This time it's not even that, he's just the bf of a youtuber I follow.
Not only is he super attractive, he's a bit childish, but also very caring (paying for her, asking her to please eat some more). He's absolutely my type, down to the clothes he wears.
Also, I keep getting unhealthily obsessed with singers I like. It's to the point there I imagine them being with me all all the time, like I keep having conversations with them, as if they're always next to me. There are some that I've liked for over 5 years already. The thought of never meeting them and being close to them irl depresses me, to the point of panicking. And it's never guys from my country, so that makes it even more unrealistic.
No. 117370
>>117368i have youtuber and singer crushes too, i feel you anon. there is a singer who is exactly my type that i have a retarded crush on, it's been more than one year. i know that it's pathetic but before finding him i was trying to get over a
toxic relationship, so being attracted to a guy who doesn't know that i exist and can't hurt me in any way kind of helped me get over it. i think it's fine as long as you know that it's likely never going to happen and don't take it too seriously.
No. 117994
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I get dumb crushes on youtubers. I've spent countless hours watching cow chop and have developed crushes on three of them lol. I don't get obsessed with celebrities like I used to as a young 'un, I don't try to interact with them in anyway but I'm a 29 y/o virgin and too shit scared to talk to men irl. I've had a crush on a guy I don't know anything about and who I occasionally see around my town for like 4 years (holy shit) but he has a gf. I would say I kick myself for not talking to him sooner/before he got a gf but again, too chickenshit to say hi
No. 118129
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Does anyone here have an SO and feel guilty for having retarded crushes on other people/characters?
I watch a lot of romance shows, atm it’s Kaichou Wo Maid Sama. In my case, my relationship is past the 2 year mark now and I really get into the “budding” stages of love in these shows. Maybe because I miss the ‘firsts’ of getting to know someone, but I also get really fangirlish over certain characters like Usui Takumi, who is the complete opposite of my bf, which is making me feel really guilty.
I know this is a particular question but can anyone relate to having retarded crushes that are the opposite of your SO?
No. 118280
>>118129hey anon! i love romance/shoujo shows too, am also in a LTR with a SO i love very very much, and i can relate to pretty much all of your post. the thing i love the most about romance shows, aside from how wholesome and asexual they are (i fucking hate ecchi tropes and pandering moeshit most mainstream anime seems to be riddled with) is the budding stages of romance and love and how giddy and cute everything feels around that time, for me it reminds me of when I was going through that with my boyfriend and how magical and strange everything felt back then, it truly was a unique moment in my life that i know i'll never relive again, but personally i'm glad bc i wouldn't want to experience it with anyone else but him.
i'm well past the early stages of my LTR, so those firsts and getting-to-know-yous are long long gone and i know my boyfriend like the back of my hand, and so does he, but sometimes it's nice to watch a show about two people going through those firsts and that magical period where every day you learn new things about your crush and they learn new things about you. it makes me nostalgic and gets me in a very lovey dovey mood. ngl, shoujo anime might have spiced up my sex life more than i'd like to admit (watching two people fall in love and be cute with each other makes me want to get cuddly and lovey dovey with my own boyfriend and, well, one things leads to another).
don't feel guilty! first of all, these are FICTIONAL characters, and most of them are anime schoolboys who probably would never exist IRL; and even if they DID exist, let's face it, none of us would be the shoujo heroine they'd fall for. you may lean towards them and find them enticing, but i doubt your crush goes beyond "aah i wish usui was real". for example, i absolutely LOVE tamaki from OHSHC, and while he's not the opposite of my bf (my bf is incredibly loving, affectionate and coddles me a lot), he certainly doesn't treat me the way Tamaki treats the ladies. sometimes i do find myself wishing Tamaki was real so he could treat me like a princess and do all the corny shit he does as a host/with Haruhi, but it doesn't mean that i love my boyfriend any less or that i wish i was with someone else. it's a harmless, private fantasy.
retarded crushes on fictional anime boys are a guilty pleasure we're very much entitled to. the average man in 2019 is more often a douchebag than not, so it's kind of refreshing for once to see a man, even a fictional one, treat women like human beings with respect and compliment them with stuff beyond "nice tits lol".
No. 118310
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I was in a borderline abusive ~open relationship~ with a guy who used that label as an opportunity to pulverize my self esteem and flirt with any girl he wanted. I'm not seeing him anymore (thank god), but I never got over my huge idiotic girl crush on one of the girls he had been orbiting for nearly 10 years. She was/is the epitome of perfection and it's completely understandable why he was so obsessed with her– in my eyes she's quite literally one of the most beautiful girls to ever exist. It was super unhealthy but my ex would tell me about her any time I asked, and from what he said I can infer that she's also incredibly charming (and to add insult to injury also has a lot of common interests with me). I've made countless drawings of her over the years, and constantly fantasize about messaging her on social media and telling her how captivating I find her. I hold back from doing so because she's constantly sought for her beauty and it would break my heart to be left on read as yet another weird orbiter. I still harbor fantasies of looksmaxxing and messaging her though, so that she would perhaps be a tiny bit flattered that another cute girl was putting her on a pedestal.
No. 118318
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>>55352I have a weird crush on a coworker only for the sole fact that he has the same stature and mannerisms as my boyfriend.
How we interact reminds me of the playful crush phase I had with my bf and it’s extremely frustrating working with him since we have great chemistry and it’s hard to not interact because our job requires us to be like 5 feet away from each other at all times so of course we’re always goofing off and teasing each other.
I always end up getting so flustered, just looking at him makes me wanna hug/touch him and act TOO friendly I guess… Its weird too because I assumed he’s was gay the first few times we worked together but if he’s going out of his way to tease me this often and direct his attention to me when we’re working then I guess not or he’s just bi/ more feminine which is a thing I like when it comes to boys So fuck me I guess!
I definitely would never do anything with him beyond being a dumb “work flirt” (especially being in a relationship, I don’t think of it as flirting but according to other people it is) and knowing this is just an infatuation thing ill get over it eventually but holy shit is it such a confusing feeling and I hope he doesn’t try take it anywhere if he does possibly have interest in me. Wish me luck yall…
No. 118363
>>118310For what it's worth, reading put a heartfelt smile on my face. Not your shitty ex ofc, yours just sounds like such a pure adorable internet crush.
Maybe it is creepy, but I wouldn't be the one to judge that. My former internet crushes have involved fantasizing about holding the person hostage Funny Games style.
No. 118462
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I have a big crush on this artist I've been following for 4 years or so. He's 100% what I'd look for in a partner and oddly I feel like our work is even on par, I just have less followers since I rarely post hehe. But I'm afraid to talk to him despite him receiving an anonymous confession from me pretty well last year, curious as to who I am. He just seems like a much nicer person than my bitter, slimy, lolcow loving ass. Plus even if we became friends and I confessed (again) he probably wouldn't want to move to my country because all his friends are in his state and I never want to live in the USA again.
Just had a dream I was dating him and now I'm emotional lmao. God I wish my dream self were me.
No. 118465
>>118463He doesn't even follow me though…
But I am thinking of becoming a higher level patron for a month just to get on his radar.
No. 118795
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>>118465My situation is different from yours but I relate to this sentiment on an emotional level. My mental health isn't great atm and I've fallen head over heels with a youtube personality (I know, kill me). In addition to making fanart and hoping he'll notice me, I'm also thinking of donating to his patreon to get on his radar for at least a second. I can feel myself sharing the same mental space as the guys buying gamer girl bathwater and I'm completely helpless to it. In any case, I wish you the best of luck with the object of your own obsession.
No. 118834
>>118795Shit anon are you me? I've been doing the same thing for the past two months. Like, posting jokes and shit on his subreddit and refreshing his social media every half hour, it's bad. But he already has thirsty girls crawling up his Twitter and Instagram replies so I'll just get in line I guess…
I've been trying to keep myself no-contact so I don't start down the path of "I'll just join the $10 tier on Patreon, well maybe ten more dollars, oh wow he has a place for fan mail I could send him a message about how I love his hobbies, maybe if I buy his shirts he'll notice me." Like, I know it's pathetic and creepy and I don't even know if he's straight but I just love him so much oh my god.
But if I can just go without making a fucking fool of myself, this will all pass in time, I think. Good luck, anon, maybe we'll get better.
No. 118876
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Fuck, I posted this in the dumbass shit thread in ot before I even realized this thread existed.
I've been following Simone Giertz for a little while now and genuinely enjoy her content, but her uploads aren't the most consistent and I forgot about her for a while until she came back with Truckla.
I just recently decided to accept that I'm a lesbian (as opposed to bisexual) and holy fuck I don't know what it is but she's suddenly so much more attractive than she was before (and I've already always thought she was so attractive). I love seeing her get grimy and dirty working on things. Her short hair makes my heart flutter, but episode 2 of her bootleg space camp shit where she goes on the ZeroG flight makes me want to fucking die because she is SO CUTE just floating around with the purest smile on her face. Watching her drive makes me wet, I don't know what it is, but it's really hot when she drives lol. I signed up for her patreon and now I'm reading all of her posts. Ugh, I just want a smart and cute handy gf.
No. 118881
>>118876>>118834>>118857>>118795are you guys literally me lmao
I'm thirst-leching on a youtuber hard it's the worst. lewds and shit. stop me.
also Simone Giertz and the girl from How To ADHD legit make my heart flutter too <3 lmao I get a massively gay vibe from Simone for some reason idk i love her so much
No. 118964
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>>118881Speaking of youtubers, Safiya Nygaard is funny and beautiful. Her videos have been lame lately but I used to have a tiny crush on her.
No. 118974
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I have a crush on Simone De Rochefort of Polygon. She's such a goofball. I can rewatch Video Game Theater for her intros/outros forever. She also has a ridiculous cackling laugh which just makes my insides tingle. It's been a while since I had a purely wholesome crush.
She's confirmed bi, but I'm never going to meet her either way.
>>118964Saf is cute too. I guess goofy brunette ladies are my type?
No. 119011
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I’ve seen this movie 3 times already just because I think he’s so cute and sweet, and every time he smiles or is on screen I get excited. Just thinking about the character makes my heart flutter. I feel dumb as fuck for it, but he seems so attentive and caring, regardless of the fact that the movie is about a cult lol
No. 119038
>>119034I can feel my crush coming back rn.
I fell in love after watching her in this beautiful jacket kek
No. 119242
>>119202oh shit are you me?
my friend speculates it's unresolved intimacy issues and a fear of rejection. we can't actually cope with the reality of being vulnerable with someone so we choose somebody unattainable, create a sense of pseudo-intimacy by getting to know everything about them, and then never ever make a move.
i don't know about that but i guess it makes sense.
i've found out my crush's home address, past addresses, applications for planning permission, his wife's birth certificate, his daughter's middle names, his mum's maiden name, his brother's net worth, his family's company, his personal phone numbers and email addresses… and a whole load of other stuff. i'm not a dangerous stalker and it's all out there in public already if you look hard enough but goddamn i need an irl boyfriend to break me out of this.
i think the only way we gonna become normal functioning people is therapy/finding somebody attainable to love and obsess over who will treat us gently. it seems impossible but i will be rooting for you anon
No. 119296
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I'm acquaintances with a guy, as in we've been mutuals on social media for a few years. We're not friends, haven't spoke for years, and I actually have no idea how we met in the first place… we FB friended each other in a time where I was trying to get over an ex and drinking excessively at parties (I know, stupid). I really hope I wasn't acting like an idiot when we met, he's definitely my type.
His YouTube channel blew up in popularity since I met him, and I started watching their stuff and genuinely liking it. I daydream about this guy, as we share a lot of interests and have a similar sense of humor, but I know in reality I would hate to date anyone that's e-famous and broadcasts so much of their life to the Internet. It sounds exhausting and terrible.
Worst part is, I'm in a committed relationship right now with a perfectly nice normie with a stable job, no interest in clout, etc. I dunno why I'm experiencing this insane pipe dream of dating a fucking YouTuber, of all things. I'm too embarrassed to talk about any of this with anyone. There's no chance of me with him, because his world/friend circle of Internet fame is definitely way bigger than me, and I know I'd go insane from "content creator" culture.
Anyway I know we'll run into each other eventually. I guess at the very least I have the slim chance of actually befriending him, but I'm keeping my expectations low so I don't disappoint myself. Gotta keep reminding myself that knowing someone through their online persona isn't the same thing as knowing them IRL…
No. 119347
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>>71749I know this post is like a year old but this resonates with me. I worked with 2 of my professors last year and thought I was starting to develop feelings for them. It made me feel really awful because I'm in a solid, healthy relationship with the man of my dreams. I never thought about cheating or anything, but I just felt guilty for finding my professors… cute? I loved working with them, it was a blast.
Later on I realized that what I was feeling was comfort, because I haven't had a positive (older) male role model in a long time. I don't have the closest relationship with my dad, and the only man I ever looked up to was my grandpa who died 10 or so years ago.
They never made me feel like I was "different" for being a woman in a male-dominated field. Also one of them helped me get through a really tough time when my friend passed away and let me vent to him, and he'd give me advice and shit. That was around the time when I started to realize, "holy fuck, I just needed an older person to look up to, this isn't a crush". I even called them my "dads" and the younger one (who's like 7 years my senior) just said "ok, daughter". They're also the only people besides my friend group that I came out as bisexual to (not intentionally, I was talking about a shitty ex of mine and accidentally made it clear I was talking about a woman), they didn't treat me like I was different after that, either.
I don't work with them anymore, but I do work in the same building as them. Whenever they stop by to say hello, I get so stupidly happy. Not only are they great professors (I love my classes with them), but they're genuinely good people, too.
Sage for blogposting and replying to a really old post, but this post really jumped out at me and I felt like I could provide some insight into thinking you're crushing on a person you look up to solely because they make you feel comfortable.
No. 119373
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It's oddly comforting to realize so many of us thirsting over unattainable youtubers. I recently donated money to the guy I'm obsessing over and my heart did a flip when I received a generic thank you e-mail. This is possibly my lowest point. Please put me out of my misery, anons
No. 119375
>>119373sweetie don't donate money to them. if you genuinely want their attention and validation don't pay for it, earn it.
send them lewds if you want it that bad, just know what you're getting yourself into.
I'm in the same boat tho and trying to stop my shit, but I'm not going to donate to the mofo, he has enough people to do that for him. I'll send him a pic of my butt on occasion tho. which is funny because I legit never send them otherwise ahahaha
No. 119380
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>>119375It's pathetic beyond belief, but his channel actually helped me through a rough patch and that was the main reason I donated (I even opted to keep my identity anonymous, which is why I was so surprised to receive a thank you e-mail). I sent him lewds during a moment of weakness but he never replied lmfaoooo. I didn't expect a reply because I'm not even sure if he's straight, but my ego took a big hit
No. 119392
>>119373>>119375i am deeply curious about which youtubers these are. if i had to guess i'd say anything but let's players
t. reviewbrah sperg from upthread
No. 119475
>>119392same i at least want to know what type of videos they make to capture so many hearts.
>>119380i didnt know how many girls actually did this until recently. call me naiive. does it work though? also, would people really want to be with someone who interacts sexually with complete strangers/fans?
No. 119488
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>>119475I would bet cash that their videos are nothing special. People will obsess over literally anything and anyone
No. 120225
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this man is absolutely perfect.
>has long hair
>into linguistics
>really sweet to his gf
No. 121946
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I have the most massive infatuation in a VERY popular (1 million subs) youtuber from my country, when i actually was never his fan.
He first came to my attention when he did a total 180 in content and his youtube critique videos were actually quite good, but i didn't care about him as a person at the time. Then he came out with wild puzzle videos, ARGs and all the spooky shit i've always loved (I still didn't watch his content because i knew everything he was talking about anyways). i fell hard. We have the same taste in media, the same opinion on alot of subjects, retarded sense of humor.
Even though we a very faint connection (my web-best friend's cousin is one of his inner circle friends) hes a very attractive teen heartrob boy-band esque guy with a fuckton of fangirls, i honestly don't even like his looks i just want someone to spend 6 hours talking about dumb puzzles, internet freaky shit and indie movies.
No. 123264
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he's such a sweetheart. i like how caring and selfless he is, he was so nice to his ex wife. i also like his nerdiness. i really wish i could meet him.
No. 123265
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My personal trainer
No. 124004
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i have a dumbass mini crush on my bf's ex-roommate, he went to the same school but graduated last year and now works there. i never really interacted with him when i would visit my bf, and it's not so much that i'm attracted to him than i'm fascinated by him.
he's kind of a legend among the students and staff cause he allegedly has some "rare gene" that allows him to stay awake for days on end, which enabled him to work multiple campus jobs at once (5 or 6 at one point, i recall my bf mentioning, though that might be an exaggeration), so basically everyone knows him. i observed this the few times i slept over my bf's when they lived together, he would be working at his computer at night and still working in the morning when i would leave. i also found out recently that he worked on an AAA game mod that made it to the game awards back when he was in high school.
i think a good amount of why it's more of a weird, "want to be friends" crush than a full on crush is that he's not really physically my type. before i met him in person, i was expecting him to be like 6'-something based on how bf described him, but he turned out to be a 5'5"-ish manlet (kind of a cute subversion tho). he also likes to dress up/larp as pic related and became a meme at the school for it, which normally i would find retarded but he somehow manages to make it really endearing
i guess it's not the most "impossible" crush since he and my bf are from the same school and the game industry is relatively small and focused where we live, but i don't have actual interest in pursuing him. i just think he's adorable
No. 124456
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It probably doesn’t seem impossible to others, but it really feels that way. I have the biggest crush on a guy I go to uni with. He seems like a social guy with a lot of friends and I don’t think it would ever work because of that. I’ve tried asking if he ever wanted to meet up and he seemed pretty keen at first; but when I actually asked to meet up, he said he was busy and never messaged me back.
I’ve considered just messaging him to talk but I don’t want to be too much or seem clingy. It’s hard to come up to him irl because he arrives to class late and is the first one to leave and he doesn’t even show up to the lectures anymore. He’s just so cute and funny I don’t want to get over him but I doubt he’s even interested.
No. 124500
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not really an impossible crush, but it is really retarded. i'm crushing really hard on a coworker that i sit 3 feet away from. it's a fairly chill workplace so we all get along very closely… but i still really value professionalism and keeping my personal life out of my job, so i would never EVER date a coworker.
but man, i keep waking up from these intense sex dreams involving this coworker… it gets pretty awkward when i come into the office and immediately get wet just from smelling his scent lol, i have to just ignore it the whole day. does anyone ever smell the pheromones on someone and immediately know that you'd have amazing sex with them? welp… hope my libido goes down soon
No. 124523
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>>124507I'm boss anon, oh god please don't encourage me lmao. I wish it were reciprocal, as much as I find myself repelled by the little things. When we work together I still instinctively think of him as my boyfriend hhnnngghh
If it was reciprocal I know I wouldn't be able to say no, as annoyed as that makes me.
No. 124547
>>124500Are pheromones even real like that?
Because I think I have experienced this with one guy who isn't even that extraordinary, it felt crazy at the time.
>>124507>tfw had a dream where a guy who works in the same mall as me that I ogle told me to leave him aloneIs it over for me, witch-chan?
No. 124661
>>124500>>124514I love you anons
Pheromones are real though. What else can you blame when you can barely breathe around a guy with average or less looks and you don't know him enough to say it's his personality?
No. 127936
Really retarded crush I can’t tell anyone I know about.
4 months ago, me and my friends decided to play an old online game we used to love, this game is still relatively popular. I played it for a week. I met a really funny guy in the chatrooms and we exchanged social media.
This guy: he’s one year older than me, lives in the same general area as me, has a lot of common interests, likes the same music as I do, is insanely nice and funny. HE IS VERY ATTRACTIVE. Like seriously. Only problem is HES GAY.
This is a separate issue, but It’s important for context. I thought that I was a lesbian. I’ve only ever had crushes on girls despite having experiences with boys and girls. I did tell him that I like girls and want to be with a girl. This has made me realise I’m actually bisexual.
We speak every single day for hours, sometimes we even speak for the entire day straight. Of course we have things going on but we do spend a lot of time talking to each other. We FaceTime constantly. It’s like we’ve known each other for years, we can spend hours on FaceTime just laughing with each other. We just get closer and closer. He tells me about all his problems and I tell him about mine. I actually motivated him to quit smoking. He doesn’t smoke anymore and he said he did it for me. We always say the same things at the same time without meaning to. Every single day. It’s like our thoughts are interconnected. That sounds a bit stupid but we get along very very well.
From the start, he’s been very affectionate with me. When we exchanged social media, we just instantly clicked. I never really say ‘I love you’ to anyone and I’m not very affectionate. After a week of speaking to each other he told me ’I love you’ on FaceTime and started sending good morning and good night texts. We’ve sent them every day since. He tells me how happy he is he met me and how much he loves me just out of nowhere.
The first time he saw a picture of me, he said ‘YOU LOOK EXACTLY LIKE MY EX’. I asked to see her and I actually look exactly like her. He mentions her a lot and it seems like he misses her but idk. They haven’t spoken for a while. So he’s gay but he’s had relationships with females, he’s had sexual experiences with girls but I’m guessing he didn’t like it since he is gay. Well I also had sexual experiences with guys and didn’t like it yet here I am feeling sexually and romantically attracted to this guy.
He constantly tells me how beautiful and I am and how badly he wants to fuck me, I assume it is just jokes and I reciprocate it. I am serious tho lmao I want him to destroy my guts. It is just his sense of humour I think.
He also tells me we’re going to get married one day and that I’m the love of his life, again I think it’s just his sense of humour.
So all this affection he shows me has made me catch feelings hard. Who wouldn’t?
We haven’t met, we talked about meeting up vaguely ages ago but honestly I am really scared to meet him because I’m scared he won’t like me anymore. I’m no different in real life to how I am with him on text and FaceTime, but I just feel insecure. I’ve never had an online friend before and neither has he.
Recently, he met a guy. I’m incredibly jealous. This really made me realise how big of a crush I have on him. He initially didn’t like the guy and told me he’s really annoying but a few days ago he told me he’s catching feelings. That broke my heart. I wish he was catching feelings for me, but he’s gay. He likes dick. I need to get over it. He hasn’t been speaking to me that much because obviously he’s met this guy and wants to talk to him more than me. I understand. He still flirts with me constantly and it makes me go mad. They’re going to meet next week (they live quite close to each other and met through mutual friends on snapchat) and I hope it goes well. I do want him to be happy.
Also, it’s motivated me to self-improve because I want to get over him and maybe hitting the gym and improving myself will help me move on.
So yeah, idk what to do. I feel like I should cut him off because it kills me knowing I can’t be with him. But I don’t want to lose him because he makes me really happy.
TLDR have a stupid crush on a gay guy I met online and I can’t get over it
No. 127946
>>127936He's probably bisexual. I think he's playing with you. It's great to be able to improve and you should keep him around until you love yourself I guess. But imo this guy is bad news.
You could try to confess your feelings before he meets that guy, but bisexual guys are unfaithful as fuck, and drama attention whore 99.99% of the time.
No. 127947
>>127946Yeah I was wondering why a guy who says he’s gay would be saying all the things he says to me… wouldn’t you feel disgusted ‘joking’ about having sex with a girl constantly if you’re gay? Idk. He‘s even told me he’s masturbated to the thought of me several times. It just seems too much for him to say that even as a joke when he’s gay. I don’t want to invalidate his sexuality but it’s just weird to me. I reciprocate the flirting, so fair enough that he’s continued to do it. I literally fantasise about having sex with him and no ones ever made me feel that way so whatever he‘s trying to do definitely works on me.
I don’t think that I am going to tell him
how I feel any time soon. It’s quite embarrassing for me. The topic of sexuality came up early in our conversations and I told him I am a lesbian. It just makes me cringe how I told him that and now I am absolutely obsessed with him. I wish him well with this guy he’s met and hopefully if they get in a relationship, I’ll get over him. I do want him to be happy and this guy he met seems like a good one.
Honestly, it wouldn’t work anyway. I am not one for long distance relationships and I’m sure he isn’t too. It isn’t super long distance anyway, but the relationship probably wouldn’t last long. I’d say that we are very compatible and if he wasn’t gay and lived closer to me we’d probably already be dating by now.
It’s nice that he’s motivating me to become hot again tho. I’ve gained some weight recently, slacked on the exercise, my skin is bad. I’ve been motivated to fix this so that I can delude myself that he is in love me when he compliments me.
No. 128046
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Last crush was on a girl who is engaged.
This time I'm crushing on TIF who is in a long-term relationship for over 5 years.
End me now. I don't know why my brain is like this.
No. 128048
>>128045If your life ideals and viewpoints match and he's literally perfect for you, then maybe give it a try. But if you just think he's cute, then there's no point.
>>128046The most chemistry I had with someone in my life was with an engaged guy. All our hobbies matched, our music taste, and there was so much sexual tension. We talked for hours and hours and it was obvious we both liked each other.
He was a colleague though, and we worked in different countries. We only saw each other every few months on company trips (nothing happened between us though).
Everything felt so unfinished and sad between us each time, but there was no way out of the situation, he was engaged (together 7 years). I remember listening to alt rock together and it just hurts. I've never had such chemistry with someone. :(
No. 128742
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Recently i felt in love with the bestfriend of a dude i almost dated, and i love every new thing i learn about him:
- very good looking
- gentle
- catholic like me
- wants to have kids
- we like the same type of music, clothes, and paintings
- he is an amazing artist
- he has a good relationship with his family
- same opinions on politics
I tend to like dudes who look more like me (think of portuguese/italian men) but something about his blonde hair, blue eyes, pinkish lips, very white skin with freckles makes my heart pound hard. But i am afraid my "almost boyfriend" will tell him about how i wanted to get on his pants first, to be honest i didn't actually like him and was just desperate, thank God i stopped flirting once i realized but now my chances with the cute blond boy are ruined.
No. 128782
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oh boy another tinder crush story
> be interested in somewhat younger guys
> meet cutie a year ago
> only occasional hookups at first
> he comes back to college after summer and has his own place
> invites me over more often and we hang out longer
> super gentle like making love when we fuck, never experienced anything like it
> discover we get on pretty well and have quite a bit in common, love his personality too
> catching feelings
> record scratch i'm 7 years older than him with 2 kids
> knowing he's still in his young and wild phase as he should be
> even if he felt the same, cultural hangups would further prevent a real relationship
> accept that he probably just enjoys the novelty of a milf/older girl/white horse as with every other guy I've been seeing
> will never confess because what's the point?
> thisisfine.jpg
I have plenty of other things to focus on so I'll get over it. I'll just have fun while I can.
No. 128882
>>128872Uhh why? The age difference? He’s an adult, I’m still in my 20s and I don’t go lower than 21, so I didn’t think too much of it. We were on tinder for the same reasons, but I can’t help it if I start to have a crush just because they’re younger than me and things would never work.
>>128873Too bad for you I have reproductive autonomy and have already used it and probably will again in the future. What are you going to do about it? Nothing.
No. 128914
>>128873>>128872How is it? That's ridiculous.
Anon, you have fun, don't get hurt.
No. 129005
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>start going to the gym
>develop a crush on one of the regulars
>scary looking chad
>take a creepshot of him
>looking at the picture later I notice a slogan on his shirt
>it's a fucking football ultras club
>literally asking for abuse if I peruse him
I generally can't stomach men like this but he is so handsome, way too handsome for a meathead. Even if he isn't violent we'd probably have zero things in common.
No. 129085
>>129058i don't disagree with you, i heard he treated actresses horribly and i personally hate his fixation on sex. i think mulvey wrote narrative cinema and visual pleasure on rear window and vertigo too.
it does make silver fox a little bit less palatable, true - he acknowledges the problems with hitchcock's films but is of the opinion that they are misogynistic in a very self-aware way.
that said, compared to the outright misogynistic attitudes in the department, he's a breath of fresh air. he regularly calls out other staff members for their treatment of female students and in his personal life from what i can tell he is a very good husband and father. i know his wife, she's even older than him and she still loves him to pieces after thirty years together. lucky.
i hold out hope that i'll find somebody my own age and grow with them like that, but it's so hard to find.
No. 129240
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I'm a literal stupid autistic fuck and i'd love to find a community that accepts me for being deeply in love with fictional characters to the point that I don't find real people attractive anymore. I found one dude who I loved and we broke up, and now it's just reassured my obsession with qt anime boys and girls so i'm basically forever alone how about yall
Pic unrelated
No. 129347
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>>129240>>129249>>129272>>129281ily anons, we're all gonna make it
No. 129805
Another YouTuber crush here. The guy in question is objectively attractive, I've always observed that, just never felt anything. After doing therapy, continuing to open myself up more and be mindful of what I'm feeling in the current moment, I realize I'm in deeper than I thought.
I repress my feelings for people in general because I know they're unrealistic and won't happen, but when I do, life becomes a numb checklist of realistic, obtainable goals I know will happen in a matter of time. It makes life so boring. I don't know whether or not I should just let these feelings take their course instead of burying them and dissociating. However, then I have to deal with the crippling sadness that I will never meet said person, and that gets frustrating after a while because you know women are emotional, not visual, and I'm going to have attachment fantasies more than anything.
How do any of you deal with this? It's all new to me. I've never acted on a single feeling of mine, and I'm in my 20s.
>>128000Awwww, that's so cute.
No. 129829
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>listen to dnd podcast for months
>start crushing on a gay elf character
>tfw he's voiced by a fat middle aged man
i am pathetic
No. 130180
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I'm infatuated with a discord friend that I've already met twice irl, and i think it's mutual, but! Somehow it's been snowballing only lately, and when we met he made it a point to mention how his dates were going with a certain girl to me (I responded being genuinely happy for him, because I really was), indicating that he wasn't interested earlier. He's been giving me lots of compliments/DMing me lots lately, and I really have no idea what to think of it because I'm just so confused. We live literally an ocean apart but he's warming up to me now?????????? I just?????????? I visit his state once every year, if not 1.5 years (because of family), so I can't see him often at all. Help me out here
>>127953I remember having a bunch of crushes on fictional characters from Russian Lit like Bazarov and Pechorin, so yeah, I relate. But your infatuation with Dostoyevsky reminded me of his books, especially White Nights when I realized "Holy Shit, I actually live, think, and fantasize like [main character] - I need to stop being such a fucking limpdick", and took steps to get out of NEET-dom. Then I read his biography and it turns out he was a huge dreamer when he was young and used it as a coping mechanism like i did, which made me relate to him so much more and made me read more of his stuff. It's kind of one of the only things I actually learned from crushing on someone dead for the umpteenth time.
No. 131844
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I wasn't a fan of the pilot but I watched the whole thing anyway because the Radio Demon made me horny. sad face emoji
No. 131943
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>>131844i’m glad i’m not the only one. i don’t know what it is, but alastor is so fucking hot. i want him to violate me.
No. 132521
>>131844Ew cringe
The web is free,you can search up demon hotties (who actually look like demons) for free
No. 132535
>>132531Does he have a wedding ring on?
If not, ask him for help on some work after class and then try to get into a casual conversation with him while he's helping you maybe? Be very friendly and happy.
I don't know why I'm giving you advice on this honestly.
No. 132815
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it's Valentine's day so I'm going to shoot my shot.
I think it's too early to confess/the timing is bad because we're both busy this month but Japan takes Valentine's extremely seriously so if I didn't give him chocolates he'd probably give up on any feelings he might have for me.
I've had this retarded crush for several months now but idk how he actually feels about me. I'm co-workers with his mom who, in hindsight, introduced us obviously intending to match-make. I've met most of his family who seem to like me but I don't want him to feel obligated to date me just to please his family. so I can't tell whether he actually reciprocates or if he's going along with things out of obligation.
I really like talking with him, plus we have similar interests and he's so cute when he gets excited about doing the things he likes. the first time we met, he said,“Your legs are as long as mine!” with so much delight that my stupid crush probably started right then and there. he usually has a brusque way of speaking which I think puts people off sometimes but i prefer straightforwardness to the fake nice thing guys do when they want something from you. and he's never been mean or condescending even when he's clearly tired/upset. I like the way he interacts with women and children, that he makes the effort to be kind to everyone even though he's fairly shy.
I'm going to dinner with him and his family tonight so I hope I can catch him alone afterwards so I can give him the damn chocolates. i actually need to get out of bed and start baking right now lmao.
No. 133576
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I've got the hugest biggest fattest crush on this guy I'm not supposed to like for two reasons. I also swore up and down I wouldn't like anyone again but I can't help it. It's killing me. I've been trying to divert away from him by looking at celebrities, though. It's not workin
No. 133672
Uh hi! So I developed a huge ass crush on a cute physiotherapist whom I see at least once a week at work (I'm a receptionist in a nursery's home) He's exactly my type: tall, brown hair, blue eyes, neatly cut beard and a cute smile. (Yes I'm a basic bitch) I'm 22 and he's at least 27/28? He looks quite young.
I feel retarded because I only saw the guy what…. 4/5 times, and I can't stop thinking about him all day??? I try to keep myself busy with work and other hobbies, but he's always in the back of my mind, and when I go to sleep, he's the only thing in my thoughts.
I think that maybe he's interested in me, but I'm not so sure… In the beginning he would just briefly look at me, say hi and taking care of his patients, but now he greets me, asks me how I'm doing and even winks at me when he says goodbye and hello… I told him that I have some issues about my left knee, and he asked me how I was feeling when I walk etc… Is that a sign?? Or is he just being friendly and polite?
When a man is hitting on me, I see it from 492872 miles away, but with him it's kinda different. I really wanna ask for his number and ask him out for a coffee after work… but I'm way too shy, and I fear rejection if it only happens that he's just being kind and friendly.
Someone kill me pls.
No. 133783
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One of my professors, he's super enthusiastic about the subject he teaches, and is really dorky about his interests (comics) and it's so wholesome. It isn't a crush that's based on his position of power, but he just seems like such a nice person.
He overall just radiates a positive energy, super fun and easy to talk to and I don't have a legitimate crush on him but I feel like if he was my age, I'd 10/10 would go on a date.
No. 133889
>>133878He has a wife and child, and I wouldn’t want to intrude on that.
He also seems too wholesome to have an affair. But thank you for the encouragement anon Chan, maybe in another lifetime….
No. 134778
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>>58130Over two years later and having boyfriend doesn't help anymore.
I'm doomed ya'll. I just want my fake love.
No. 134848
>>134790Any tips for that kinda shit?
>>134800I'm too embarrassed anon, but he's from a Telltale game.
No. 135103
>>135102can't post for fear i that will spontaneously combust.
it's tmnt s2 ep3 may god have pity on meanyway at least i hope this can make y'all in the fictional crushes anonymous feel better because i don't feel any less retarted after reading the thread.
No. 135110
>>135105If anon was 8, it's probably the first or second cartoon (assuming they're over 18).
2003 to 2010 series s02e03 ("Turtles in Space Part 3: The Big House") has to do with aliens. I think the crush is either on a Triceraton or an alien called Sleeg. 1987-1996 series s02ep03 is "It Came From Beneath the Sewers". For 2012-2017 series it's "Follow the Leader". Didn't watch but reading the summaries, it's probably the 2003 series.
>>135101Forgive me for being an autist. I'm sick of seeing anime husbandos.
If I have the right series, is your crush on one of the alien prisoners, like Rynokk or Sleeg?
No. 135353
>>135110Im tired of seeing them too,anon
It's nice to see a wide variety of crushes coming from non-japanese media for once
No. 139326
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I have the most retarded doki doki every time I see his face
No. 139328
Also he will probably never love anyone more than his own reflection.
No. 139383
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It's been years since I've started watching Joel's streams/vods and I still can't get over how adorably dorky he is. There's something about his dumb random sense of humour that is really endearing to me and I just want to chill and play vidya with him while gulping down Pepsi but I'm too shy to send in any fanart or to say anything in his streams.
His streams are also the only ones that genuinely make me laugh out loud, and he always seems so genuine and like he's really doing streams just for fun.
No. 139412
>>139396Yes, but this would be my last option.
I‘m dreaming of meeting him somewhere in a store and talking to him - but this will never happen.
I‘m not at the stage where I want to stalk him and know his every move. (Ok let‘s be honest - I would if I was not too scared to be found out)
So I think of requesting to be in one of his lives (he sometimes talks with his fans), but I’m not sure if this would be a smart move. I don‘t think he likes crazy fangirls (yes- maybe for one night- but I want more).
What should I talk to him about, can i DM him afterwards?
But this would be too desperate, no?
>>139405sure thing
>>139406Probably the truth for most rappers but he is more of a 'soft type‘.
Sure -he has songs about fucking bitches but most of his lyrics are about heartbreak. That‘s why I am so stupid and have feelings for him. Whenever I hear his songs I just want to hug him and never let go.
No. 139417
>>139386You're not in love with him; you've never met him. You're a groupie. You don't know who he is and only what he portrays in his music and livestreams. If you pursue him know he probably won't want anything serious, and that because you're a fan there's a weird power imbalance.
Going on his live to talk sounds like a bad idea. If you're not in his area and can't meet up irl I'd drop the idea. If you are close by maybe wait a bit for things to start opening up and then DM him.
No. 139418
>>139417Yes, thank you this is what I needed to hear…
I think I’m too stupid to even dm him. What could I even write him so he wants to actually meet me and not just sleep with mit anyways. It will come off as desperate aswell and I think I couldn’t handle it if he never opened my messages.
I‘m just going to obsess over him silently and pray. Fuck I hate myself. It really hurts.
No. 140444
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>>140422Is it shaun? His voice is cute. I used to keep up with breadtube shit and also liked his vids. Pro tip: imagine him as pic related.
No. 140988
>>140444I'm the anon and yes it's him lmao. I love the picture
Anyway ok so I have another one but it's especially retarded for multiple reasons so be warned
I fantasize a lot about a guy who's very active on a subreddit I follow. I check his post history multiple times a day and read every single comment, and I get butterflies when he happens to reply to mine. I also hardly ever reply to his because I'm too nervous that I'll say something dumb. I don't know his name and I've never seen his face or talked to him (guess I have a type lmao I hate myself), I'm just really infatuated with this stupid imaginary version of him I've constructed in my mind from the tiny bits of information I have on him
actually typing this out feels weird like damn I really am that exceptional
No. 141146
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I have a massive crush on a mid-30s Youtuber with a shit-ton of science and education videos. I really wish I wasn't attracted to him, but after finding a video where he mentions an ex telling him they had chlamydia, I feel gutted to find that he's not a virgin. I'm honestly surprised? but also just super sad cuz he's really smart and funny and has done so much amazing shit in his life and I'm over here with little to nothing to my name and just wanting to have something with him.
Also he's from across the pond and I could listen to him read a phone book for hours and I'd still love it.
No. 141306
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I have this stupid crush on this C-List british actor who I met once and have been social media stalking ever since. He's such a dumbass but also so funny. Literally my type made into flesh and bone, I hate it.
No. 141315
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>>141309Correct. Someone posted him on another thread and I've been hooked ever since I looked his channel up…
No. 141336
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For about two months last year I was obsessed with the guy Caravaggio used as a model for a series of paintings. I read a bunch about who he could have been, fantasized about him, and thought about him way too much. I still sometimes think about him.
No. 141379
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>>141336Weirdly enough, me too anon.
No. 141392
>>55352>>141315 ayrt
I don't see why you'd be ashamed, anon. You've got sublime taste in my book.
No. 141421
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My crush on joji/george can literally only be described as retarded. I weirdly can take a step back and think to myself "why the fuck am I so attracted to this person. He's physically average at best, and his FF videos were for the most part really stupid and annoying, and his music isn't anything unique" yet I find myself cracking a smile whenever I see him on anything and find myself daydreaming weird scenarios with him in it. I guess I just find him to be really interesting. I like how he does whatever the fuck he wants and ends up successful, and he seems like a good guy. I don't even care for asian guys so idk where this is coming from.
No. 141431
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>>141421I like him too, but for me, his FF videos were the main cause. They honestly make me feel less depressed because they’re so retarded. I actually miss that era of youtube and the funny songs he used to make.
No. 141540
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oh pharaoh
No. 141595
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I'm only half joking. His VA in the new translation genuinely has a really nice voice.
No. 143891
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girls im losing my fucking mind. the biggest crush in my entire life, the one that made me go yup im a lesbian AFTER THE FIRST TIME I SAW HER. i dont think i can describe how mad i was about her. i kinda stalked her girls… i was so damn creepy… and then one day, after my usual going on the same route as her after high school (even though it was a completely different from mine) just kinda going behind her to sort of get a glimpse of her. i left early art class (i only joined cause she was there) cause i saw that she left early art class. so im going to the route i know she takes home and… i see her kissing a dude and my heart breaks in pieces cause im like 15 lol.
anyways, after three semesters in love with her i kinda gave up. change my schedule completely even though i knew i wouldnt see her anymore. i stopped caring cause i knew it was impossible and people in those classes bullied me a lot. so in the new schedule i met a girl who loves art (like her) is nerdy (like her) and has a soft voice (like her). i fell for this girl obviously and we ended up dating for FOUR YEARS till she cheated on me.
anyways. i randomly thought about my original high school crush and i kinda started creeping on her again cause i was curious on how shes doing. im pretty sure shes a furry now? and her art skills are even better like this is some pro shit. anyway, completely impossible and retarded cause we only spoke like four times in the year and a half we were together and she probably has never thought of me in her entire life.
she drew this. idk im really ignorant at art, but i think this is dope as shit. sigh imma go cry now
No. 143981
>>143891I feel for you anon, but you might want to remove the image from your post since reverse image searching takes you to the twitter of (presumably) your crush.
On the bright side, looks like she retweets quite a lot of lesbian art/ girl on girl fanart. You might have more of a chance than you think?
No. 143985
>>143981I was just about to say this, she def looks like she might be lesbian from her posts/likes.
Crushes are hard though, I think often they make you feel/do irrational things.
My little story. I had a crush on this guy I met in like 2008. He had this friend who was really into me but I was only interested in his friend. Looking back, I probably made myself look like an idiot with my obvious infatuation for him - it was not usual behavior for me. The friend who liked me ended up getting really resentful about it and one day was like "here's his number, have a blast, fuck u!"
Anyways, I actually ended up dating and marrying my crush's only brother, who happened to live with him. He was the closest approximation to him that I could get, I guess? He had a lot of the same qualities/appearance. I did love him a lot but admittedly my initial attraction to him definitely was his similarity to my crush haha.
We ended up divorcing (amicable) in 2016 and lost contact soon after.
I STILL 12 years after first meeting this guy think about him, even tho we no longer have any connection/speak. He is still the most sexy and attractive person I've ever met in my life, even tho I don't think most women would go for him (he's like 5'6 and not terribly well off) but I would still trip over myself to be with him. He was absolutely gorgeous like just total perfection to me. He was also incredibly talented at anything he attempted (which tbh is something people have told me all my life as well, so I felt we had that in common.. lol, stupid..) As messed up as it is, I also think part of my attraction may have been his total disinterest in me.
I used to tell myself that in another universe we are the greatest lovers of all time and that gave me some comfort lol.
Also, I have fears that I will never again meet someone who makes me so flustered and weak with desire. I'm afraid that I will be returning to my memories of him for the rest of my life.
No. 145758
>>145693Not even junglebook who has a semblance of a personality beyond the idol schlick
im disappointed
No. 145802
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>>134778Bitch I'm coming back before this thread ends.
The ride never ends, bf no more. Still in love with the impossible.
Gimmie my daydream bf.
No. 145921
So, I've had a crush on an underground musician for like 5 years now. I was underage when it started, but I'm not anymore. I've met so many people in the music scene since then, and I know people who know people who are close friends with this musician. I've met the musician 3 times in person, hung out after shows and stuff, hugged him, shared a drink, he gave me his email (never checks it). I ended up befriending his sister without even realizing it before she went to college. I moved several states away and I'm not in contact with him, but I'm in contact with friends of his. I never ask about him, or pry at all, because I already feel like a fucking creep for liking him this much.
I feel like there's at least 1% chance of somehow ending up with him but I feel so retarded for even entertaining the possibility. I feel like a creepy r9k robot for being so infatuated with a "celebrity" and daydreaming about him. This dude has fucking pitchfork articles written about him.
No. 145924
>>145802Have you considered using Dungeon AI to roleplay interactions?
I'm sorry you cant seem to let go of this doomed character lol.
No. 145929
>>145924I actually have lmao.
Nah I'm just hyping a bit cuz thread will reach max soon.
No. 146391
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my new flavor the year, it's weird he doesn't look like the type i'd fall for and i haven't watched the movies he's in but i'm currently watching every video about him, might go to his instagram and twitter and scrap whatever more information i can find.
i only know about him like recently. a few days ago. instantly heard that he was in mexico a month ago with his gf for some vacation, not social distancing and not wearing a mask. (girlfriend did blackface but the opinions were divided, like she was forced to do it in a role at 15 so they kinda sympathize with her and think it was impossible to deny without experiencing consequences to her acting career, others weren't so kind).
i wish that was enough to kill my infatuation with him but i'm still here, having feelings.
No. 146411
>>146405already spent doing that for three years in highschool, anon. he was a guy friend, popular and handsome, fucking talented and smart as hell and idk why he hangs out with me when we were barely in the same league. he didn't feel the same romantically, and also our friendship dwindle when we went to different colleges.
besides this crush with timothee chinmalet won't last for a few weeks or so, this is something to pass the time. more so with quarantine. it's not serious, don't worry.
No. 146415
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I want to fuck Jon Zherka.
No. 146423
>>146417welp, you helped ruin a portion of my crush towards him anon. thanks for that. i also read his imdb page hours ago and it somehow made my feelings towards him die a little. the facts section made me kinda rethink about him even if we don't know some parts of it is true or not.
guess fame got to his head.
also the rumor of him spreading chlamydia was funny.
No. 210516
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