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No. 437641

This thread passes the Bechdel Test. Do not mention the opposite sex in any context.

If you need to vent about febfem, polilez, horrendous experiences with bisexual women, go to this thread >>>/2X/17680

Please keep posts focused on women and female homosexuality! If you want to talk about attraction towards the opposite gender it probably belongs in the bisexuality thread or questioning thread (check the catalog). Please ignore obvious bihet/troon/tradthot/fujo/etc ragebait as well. Remember that when we take the bait and infight, the trannies win! If you suspect a poster is XY, pls report and ignore instead of shitting up the entire thread with accusations. Newfags pls lurk and read the site rules before posting, and be careful to stay safe and anonymous (be wary of external links/discords, and be very cautious about the personal details you include in your posts).

Topics of discussion may include but are not limited to:
>first crush?
>what’s your local lesbian scene like?
>cute stories about your gf
>favourite lesbian media? lesbian media you hate?
>coming out stories
>are there any cows you’d uhaul with?
>bitch about being lonely
>tips for coping with being lonely
>butch? femme? how do you feel about labels?
>top? bottom? how do you feel about those labels?
>what's your type?
>when did you know you were gay?
>f/f fanfic and book recs (pls)
>which lesbian stereotypes do you fit? which ones don’t fit you at all?
>what were you like as a kid? tomboy? girly girl who made her Barbies kiss?
>what do you wanna be like as an old lady lesbian?
>get mushy and describe your dream relationship/date/etc
>best date/match? worst?
>how homophobic are your family/friends? is it woke homophobia or old-school homophobia?
>dating app horror stories
>everything we hate about every other online lesbian community
>lesbian friends, role models, or family members you appreciate
>lesbian history, literature, and politics

previous threads:
#1- >>>/g/132141
#2- >>>/g/174105
#3- >>>/g/200981
#4- >>>/g/247377
#5- >>>/g/273508
#6- >>>/g/296902
#7- >>>/g/321065
#8- >>>/g/350481
#9- >>>/g/377964
#10- >>>/g/391273 (link is fixed)
#11- >>>/g/416206

No. 437701

do you guys have preferences for women youre into? whether thats appearance or a certain personality trait

No. 437785

I always feel drawn to women with dark hair and glasses and who are really creative in some way

No. 437797

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Controversial opinion on lolcow, but I like strongfat women. I'm not talking roidpig or deathfat, I just like when it's obvious that she's very muscular, but she still has belly/thigh fat instead of abs. The hammerthrow woman in picrel is close to what I'm talking about.

No. 437799

it might be good that I'm too naturally ugly to ever date the type of woman I'm interested in because I would be the same way. I'd try to kill myself for sure, there's no way I would be able to bear it.

No. 437800


No. 437802

Shit I missed it can someone please add a rule to the thread not to talk about men or fujos and ideally not talk about bisexuals either. so much retarded infighting can be silenced if we add this rule

No. 437805

I like short hair. if it's only physical traits, I prefer women close to my height, I like stretch marks, I like big breasts, nice hands, big eyes, and also I like big noses. or unusually shaped ones. I think the ski slope plastic surgery nose is so painfully boring that it's genuinely unattractive. I prefer women to be fit and I like women who are hovering around overweight chubby. I don't particularly find thin women attractive unless they work out a lot instead of just being on weird schizo diets. I like women who are funny and socially successful in particular, because it feels more like a win when they like you most out of everyone. I like women who don't use social media a lot and it's best if she has no pages. her social prowess should come from irl charisma. I like women who are confident and self assured, bordering on arrogant, but get flustered easily if teased. I like women with highly sensitive bodies.

No. 437808

It would be easier to not talk about bisexuals if they weren’t so rampant with causing heartbreak in our community.

No. 437819

look, you have to choose to heal someday

No. 437845

I want a girlfriend so badly and we can snicker about lesbian sex jokes together

No. 437846

Hnnnnnng I love my gf so much

No. 437847

All of what you described is exactly my type too. I love a little arrogancy and a lot of self-assuredness, it'so sexy. This type of woman, ime, is almost never into women.

No. 437875

I'm hideous looking as well, I just accepted it and moved on

No. 437880

I like women who are a little shy and introverted. The thought of dating another extrovert like me is exhausting, I can be outgoing enough for the both of us. I like nerdy women with big breasts & glasses. A nice voice, dark hair, educated and intelligent. She can work from home and be my housewife so I can come home to eat her pussy everyday. I love women!

No. 437890

How did you do it? Asking for a friend. I feel bad even fantasizing about the woman I like.

No. 437896

just got a new job and theres one other lesbian working here (a tif but she can change) and ive tried so hard to befriend her because its so lonely being the only one but she ignores me to always talk to men…

No. 437901

tifs hate women. why even bother? get a grip

No. 437946

skinny/slender body, short hair,booksmart and witty/sarcastic.

No. 437958

Rip. Since she's a TIF she probably gets a kick out of you "chasing her" and making her feel like she's higher on the social ladder. Sorry anon, if she won't even talk to you she's a lost cause already.
She has to be smart, witty, and reasonably in shape or willing to work out with me. Being slightly internet poisoned tumblr- or imageboard-style is a plus. Also has to have a compatible music taste, hobbies, and a job. I'm not too picky about physical traits tbh, women are attractive in so many varied ways. She does have to be taller than 5'2" though.
Ooh, I check almost all your boxes. Would you say D cups are big?

No. 437984

I like women who are comfortable with themselves and won't shrink down who they to fit in with the social nicieites that are typically expected of us. No weird excessive smiling or timid behavior. That always gets my initial attention at least.

No. 437992

And I tick most of yours so far. D cups are the perfect size actually.

No. 437994

we are seeing a romance in action

No. 438004

>go on a date with an amazing girl but she's not over her ex, icanstillmakethiswork.jpg
>>434887 happens
>that woman is her new girlfriend
I want to kill people

No. 438031

How did your dates with her went?

No. 438057

>not fat
>my looksmatch
>doesn't use social media
>extrovert and won't shut up

No. 438089

I don’t really like makeup but self-expression can be attractive, otherwise the most I can usually take is like, eyeliner with nothing else. Slender figures are the most beautiful to me, on masculine or feminine women. Will probably get shat on for this but I love prominent collarbones, jawlines and hipbones, they’re appealing sensually and I just want to kiss them. Lithe shortish-haired women in a suit with no shirt underneath or an unbuttoned blouse is one of my biggest turn ons, or delicate women in turtlenecks or pretty dresses/skirts. But I do like softness too (much more than muscle). What else? I love pretty fingers especially if they wear rings, and I prefer dark eyes (especially if they’re large) so much it’s like 50% of whether or not I’ll like someone kek. I also prefer people who are healthy, healthy skin is very attractive. Personality-wise? I must have someone who embraces both masculine and feminine aspects of their personality, like one anon I saw mention some time ago. I do tend to prefer nerdy or tomboyish alternative women, or quiet creative women, or weird women. And someone I can have a deep conversation with. + think I’m attracted to rude personalities kek. Height doesn’t matter.

No. 438106

How do I take babby steps to “put myself out there” when I am afraid of online dating?

No. 438124

I guess it was the realization that romantic/sexual relationships are based on psychical attraction. I don't care about relationships that much anymore I suppose, I'm still grieving and crying about it of course because I'll never know what it's like to be loved. But it's really the least thing that bothers me about being an ugly female. People don't even take me serious or treat me like human, when that's your reality I guess human relationships just sounds absurd. I feel disconnected from my body and self because of that as well. When I imagine myself with other women it never feels realistic and often lacks enthusiasm because no women would look at me like that, would enjoy my presence and company, would want to feel my skin against hers. It leaves me frustrated, it's true that you can't even be happy in your own dreams. It's not possible to feel comfortable under your skin when you're unattractive. So I guess my answer to your question is, I acknowledged that what makes me feel this way was more than just not being able to find a date, so I started caring less about it as much as it sounds cliche

No. 438140

I relate a lot to this
>When I imagine myself with other women it never feels realistic because no women would look at me like that, would enjoy my presence and company, would want to feel my skin against hers. It leaves me frustrated, it's true that you can't even be happy in your own dreams.
But in a way, I’m sort of like your opposite when it comes to this
>what makes me feel this way was more than just not being able to find a date
For me, I was really comfortable in my ugly skin, I had come to terms with it and wasn’t that bothered, all the way up until I really fell for someone for the first time. Only after I had experienced what love and burning attraction felt like did my ugliness really start to make me depressed and suicidal because it sunk in that no one would ever feel that way about me. I’d never get to experience being mutually in love. After experiencing intense love, everything else feels dull and uninteresting by comparison.
My biggest issue though is that I can’t make friends because I get too painfully jealous of other people for going on dates or having relationships. All the talk about love lives makes me want to die, I get physically nauseated and extremely angry at the universe. It brings me so much pain that being alone 24/7 and never having friends is less painful than being reminded all the time of the normal life experiences I’ll never get to have. I spend almost all of my free time sleeping. At least sometimes I have dreams about cuddling my crush where I feel so happy and warm and unaware of the impossibility of the situation. I honestly live for those dreams.

No. 438197

How do you keep a friendship without being paranoid about a possible relationship?

No. 438209

>My biggest issue though is that I can’t make friends because I get too painfully jealous of other people for going on dates or having relationships. All the talk about love lives makes me want to die, I get physically nauseated and extremely angry at the universe.
Another anon, and I feel this so much and I hate it about myself. I hate that I can't share my friends' happiest life experiences of finding love, getting engaged, getting married etc. because I'm too envious of what they have. I'm not ugly myself (I think), but I'm extremely emotionally damaged, have body dysmorphia and I'm unable to heal. From the already miniscule dating pool no woman my age wants to have someone who dissociates when touched and has practically no love language due to trauma I'm not going to get further into here or has the patience with me as I attempt to work through my issues. When I think about how I will keep coming to an empty home for the rest of my life I genuinely feel like roping, but I've buried myself in work and hobbies to have some semblance of purpose.

>At least sometimes I have dreams about cuddling my crush where I feel so happy and warm and unaware of the impossibility of the situation. I honestly live for those dreams.

I have those dreams too and I love them. At least I can be confident and loving and feel loved in my dream form.

No. 438213

>feel loved in my dream form.
shit this made me sad. how to sleep forever?

No. 438227

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I'm so fucking embarrassed. The cute girl at the gay bar asked me what my favorite Girl in Red song was, but I don't listen to that stuff, so my drunk ass asked if she likes Gangman Style. She and her friends looked at me like picrel, I will never recover from this fumble

No. 438230

You actually won because any woman that listens to girl in red has terrible taste. Now you celebrate.

No. 438242

never settle for a girl that cant handle your autistic swag

No. 438288

KEKKKK anon… Honestly it's her loss

No. 438289

That would have made my night kek, her loss honestly

No. 438308

if I asked a girl if she liked [band or singer] and she said that, I'd have giggled and thought it was endearing. never settle for normies

No. 438309

I don't want to go too into detail, but she was just so funny, charming and beautiful. She has such an interesting life I wanted to get into so badly, but of course, I'd never be her type. Really, I'm nobody's type. Never in my life has any woman been infatuated with me or wanted to court me, so it just makes me seem like a creep whenever I'm really into a woman. I was nervous and really awkward and too giggly and stuttery. The woman she's with now could be a supermodel and she flies her out to different countries and she's totally more normie than me. She's sensible, resourceful, responsible but fun and adventurous. She's just about everything I could want. She had a few things that made her imperfect, so I'm trying to focus on those to make myself feel better.

No. 438326

On this discussion, tbh being a lesbian has made me appreciate myself better. I used to be insecure but these days I look at myself and realise I’d find attributes of myself attractive if they were on other people.
On the contrary, I hope for it.

No. 438328

I'm the opposite. I look in the mirror and realize how fucked I am. I don't have a single attractive or even average facial feature. Sometimes when I have to bend close to the mirror to pluck my eyebrows or something of the sort, I realize that if this is the view someone would have of me when going in for a kiss, it would be literally repulsive, like kissing an ogre 3d model from a video game. I want to go back to when i didn't care, it hurts too much.

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