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No. 437641

This thread passes the Bechdel Test. Do not mention the opposite sex in any context.

If you need to vent about febfem, polilez, horrendous experiences with bisexual women, go to this thread >>>/2X/17680

Please keep posts focused on women and female homosexuality! If you want to talk about attraction towards the opposite gender it probably belongs in the bisexuality thread or questioning thread (check the catalog). Please ignore obvious bihet/troon/tradthot/fujo/etc ragebait as well. Remember that when we take the bait and infight, the trannies win! If you suspect a poster is XY, pls report and ignore instead of shitting up the entire thread with accusations. Newfags pls lurk and read the site rules before posting, and be careful to stay safe and anonymous (be wary of external links/discords, and be very cautious about the personal details you include in your posts).

Topics of discussion may include but are not limited to:
>first crush?
>what’s your local lesbian scene like?
>cute stories about your gf
>favourite lesbian media? lesbian media you hate?
>coming out stories
>are there any cows you’d uhaul with?
>bitch about being lonely
>tips for coping with being lonely
>butch? femme? how do you feel about labels?
>top? bottom? how do you feel about those labels?
>what's your type?
>when did you know you were gay?
>f/f fanfic and book recs (pls)
>which lesbian stereotypes do you fit? which ones don’t fit you at all?
>what were you like as a kid? tomboy? girly girl who made her Barbies kiss?
>what do you wanna be like as an old lady lesbian?
>get mushy and describe your dream relationship/date/etc
>best date/match? worst?
>how homophobic are your family/friends? is it woke homophobia or old-school homophobia?
>dating app horror stories
>everything we hate about every other online lesbian community
>lesbian friends, role models, or family members you appreciate
>lesbian history, literature, and politics

previous threads:
#1- >>>/g/132141
#2- >>>/g/174105
#3- >>>/g/200981
#4- >>>/g/247377
#5- >>>/g/273508
#6- >>>/g/296902
#7- >>>/g/321065
#8- >>>/g/350481
#9- >>>/g/377964
#10- >>>/g/391273 (link is fixed)
#11- >>>/g/416206

No. 437701

do you guys have preferences for women youre into? whether thats appearance or a certain personality trait

No. 437785

I always feel drawn to women with dark hair and glasses and who are really creative in some way

No. 437797

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Controversial opinion on lolcow, but I like strongfat women. I'm not talking roidpig or deathfat, I just like when it's obvious that she's very muscular, but she still has belly/thigh fat instead of abs. The hammerthrow woman in picrel is close to what I'm talking about.

No. 437799

it might be good that I'm too naturally ugly to ever date the type of woman I'm interested in because I would be the same way. I'd try to kill myself for sure, there's no way I would be able to bear it.

No. 437800


No. 437802

Shit I missed it can someone please add a rule to the thread not to talk about men or fujos and ideally not talk about bisexuals either. so much retarded infighting can be silenced if we add this rule

No. 437805

I like short hair. if it's only physical traits, I prefer women close to my height, I like stretch marks, I like big breasts, nice hands, big eyes, and also I like big noses. or unusually shaped ones. I think the ski slope plastic surgery nose is so painfully boring that it's genuinely unattractive. I prefer women to be fit and I like women who are hovering around overweight chubby. I don't particularly find thin women attractive unless they work out a lot instead of just being on weird schizo diets. I like women who are funny and socially successful in particular, because it feels more like a win when they like you most out of everyone. I like women who don't use social media a lot and it's best if she has no pages. her social prowess should come from irl charisma. I like women who are confident and self assured, bordering on arrogant, but get flustered easily if teased. I like women with highly sensitive bodies.

No. 437808

It would be easier to not talk about bisexuals if they weren’t so rampant with causing heartbreak in our community.

No. 437819

look, you have to choose to heal someday

No. 437845

I want a girlfriend so badly and we can snicker about lesbian sex jokes together

No. 437846

Hnnnnnng I love my gf so much

No. 437847

All of what you described is exactly my type too. I love a little arrogancy and a lot of self-assuredness, it'so sexy. This type of woman, ime, is almost never into women.

No. 437875

I'm hideous looking as well, I just accepted it and moved on

No. 437880

I like women who are a little shy and introverted. The thought of dating another extrovert like me is exhausting, I can be outgoing enough for the both of us. I like nerdy women with big breasts & glasses. A nice voice, dark hair, educated and intelligent. She can work from home and be my housewife so I can come home to eat her pussy everyday. I love women!

No. 437890

How did you do it? Asking for a friend. I feel bad even fantasizing about the woman I like.

No. 437896

just got a new job and theres one other lesbian working here (a tif but she can change) and ive tried so hard to befriend her because its so lonely being the only one but she ignores me to always talk to men…

No. 437901

tifs hate women. why even bother? get a grip

No. 437946

skinny/slender body, short hair,booksmart and witty/sarcastic.

No. 437958

Rip. Since she's a TIF she probably gets a kick out of you "chasing her" and making her feel like she's higher on the social ladder. Sorry anon, if she won't even talk to you she's a lost cause already.
She has to be smart, witty, and reasonably in shape or willing to work out with me. Being slightly internet poisoned tumblr- or imageboard-style is a plus. Also has to have a compatible music taste, hobbies, and a job. I'm not too picky about physical traits tbh, women are attractive in so many varied ways. She does have to be taller than 5'2" though.
Ooh, I check almost all your boxes. Would you say D cups are big?

No. 437984

I like women who are comfortable with themselves and won't shrink down who they to fit in with the social nicieites that are typically expected of us. No weird excessive smiling or timid behavior. That always gets my initial attention at least.

No. 437992

And I tick most of yours so far. D cups are the perfect size actually.

No. 437994

we are seeing a romance in action

No. 438004

>go on a date with an amazing girl but she's not over her ex, icanstillmakethiswork.jpg
>>434887 happens
>that woman is her new girlfriend
I want to kill people

No. 438031

How did your dates with her went?

No. 438057

>not fat
>my looksmatch
>doesn't use social media
>extrovert and won't shut up

No. 438089

I don’t really like makeup but self-expression can be attractive, otherwise the most I can usually take is like, eyeliner with nothing else. Slender figures are the most beautiful to me, on masculine or feminine women. Will probably get shat on for this but I love prominent collarbones, jawlines and hipbones, they’re appealing sensually and I just want to kiss them. Lithe shortish-haired women in a suit with no shirt underneath or an unbuttoned blouse is one of my biggest turn ons, or delicate women in turtlenecks or pretty dresses/skirts. But I do like softness too (much more than muscle). What else? I love pretty fingers especially if they wear rings, and I prefer dark eyes (especially if they’re large) so much it’s like 50% of whether or not I’ll like someone kek. I also prefer people who are healthy, healthy skin is very attractive. Personality-wise? I must have someone who embraces both masculine and feminine aspects of their personality, like one anon I saw mention some time ago. I do tend to prefer nerdy or tomboyish alternative women, or quiet creative women, or weird women. And someone I can have a deep conversation with. + think I’m attracted to rude personalities kek. Height doesn’t matter.

No. 438106

How do I take babby steps to “put myself out there” when I am afraid of online dating?

No. 438124

I guess it was the realization that romantic/sexual relationships are based on psychical attraction. I don't care about relationships that much anymore I suppose, I'm still grieving and crying about it of course because I'll never know what it's like to be loved. But it's really the least thing that bothers me about being an ugly female. People don't even take me serious or treat me like human, when that's your reality I guess human relationships just sounds absurd. I feel disconnected from my body and self because of that as well. When I imagine myself with other women it never feels realistic and often lacks enthusiasm because no women would look at me like that, would enjoy my presence and company, would want to feel my skin against hers. It leaves me frustrated, it's true that you can't even be happy in your own dreams. It's not possible to feel comfortable under your skin when you're unattractive. So I guess my answer to your question is, I acknowledged that what makes me feel this way was more than just not being able to find a date, so I started caring less about it as much as it sounds cliche

No. 438140

I relate a lot to this
>When I imagine myself with other women it never feels realistic because no women would look at me like that, would enjoy my presence and company, would want to feel my skin against hers. It leaves me frustrated, it's true that you can't even be happy in your own dreams.
But in a way, I’m sort of like your opposite when it comes to this
>what makes me feel this way was more than just not being able to find a date
For me, I was really comfortable in my ugly skin, I had come to terms with it and wasn’t that bothered, all the way up until I really fell for someone for the first time. Only after I had experienced what love and burning attraction felt like did my ugliness really start to make me depressed and suicidal because it sunk in that no one would ever feel that way about me. I’d never get to experience being mutually in love. After experiencing intense love, everything else feels dull and uninteresting by comparison.
My biggest issue though is that I can’t make friends because I get too painfully jealous of other people for going on dates or having relationships. All the talk about love lives makes me want to die, I get physically nauseated and extremely angry at the universe. It brings me so much pain that being alone 24/7 and never having friends is less painful than being reminded all the time of the normal life experiences I’ll never get to have. I spend almost all of my free time sleeping. At least sometimes I have dreams about cuddling my crush where I feel so happy and warm and unaware of the impossibility of the situation. I honestly live for those dreams.

No. 438197

How do you keep a friendship without being paranoid about a possible relationship?

No. 438209

>My biggest issue though is that I can’t make friends because I get too painfully jealous of other people for going on dates or having relationships. All the talk about love lives makes me want to die, I get physically nauseated and extremely angry at the universe.
Another anon, and I feel this so much and I hate it about myself. I hate that I can't share my friends' happiest life experiences of finding love, getting engaged, getting married etc. because I'm too envious of what they have. I'm not ugly myself (I think), but I'm extremely emotionally damaged, have body dysmorphia and I'm unable to heal. From the already miniscule dating pool no woman my age wants to have someone who dissociates when touched and has practically no love language due to trauma I'm not going to get further into here or has the patience with me as I attempt to work through my issues. When I think about how I will keep coming to an empty home for the rest of my life I genuinely feel like roping, but I've buried myself in work and hobbies to have some semblance of purpose.

>At least sometimes I have dreams about cuddling my crush where I feel so happy and warm and unaware of the impossibility of the situation. I honestly live for those dreams.

I have those dreams too and I love them. At least I can be confident and loving and feel loved in my dream form.

No. 438213

>feel loved in my dream form.
shit this made me sad. how to sleep forever?

No. 438227

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I'm so fucking embarrassed. The cute girl at the gay bar asked me what my favorite Girl in Red song was, but I don't listen to that stuff, so my drunk ass asked if she likes Gangman Style. She and her friends looked at me like picrel, I will never recover from this fumble

No. 438230

You actually won because any woman that listens to girl in red has terrible taste. Now you celebrate.

No. 438242

never settle for a girl that cant handle your autistic swag

No. 438288

KEKKKK anon… Honestly it's her loss

No. 438289

That would have made my night kek, her loss honestly

No. 438308

if I asked a girl if she liked [band or singer] and she said that, I'd have giggled and thought it was endearing. never settle for normies

No. 438309

I don't want to go too into detail, but she was just so funny, charming and beautiful. She has such an interesting life I wanted to get into so badly, but of course, I'd never be her type. Really, I'm nobody's type. Never in my life has any woman been infatuated with me or wanted to court me, so it just makes me seem like a creep whenever I'm really into a woman. I was nervous and really awkward and too giggly and stuttery. The woman she's with now could be a supermodel and she flies her out to different countries and she's totally more normie than me. She's sensible, resourceful, responsible but fun and adventurous. She's just about everything I could want. She had a few things that made her imperfect, so I'm trying to focus on those to make myself feel better.

No. 438326

On this discussion, tbh being a lesbian has made me appreciate myself better. I used to be insecure but these days I look at myself and realise I’d find attributes of myself attractive if they were on other people.
On the contrary, I hope for it.

No. 438328

I'm the opposite. I look in the mirror and realize how fucked I am. I don't have a single attractive or even average facial feature. Sometimes when I have to bend close to the mirror to pluck my eyebrows or something of the sort, I realize that if this is the view someone would have of me when going in for a kiss, it would be literally repulsive, like kissing an ogre 3d model from a video game. I want to go back to when i didn't care, it hurts too much.

No. 438338

don't ever stop being based anon

No. 438399

This is how I feel about hip dips. idk why people are so weird about it, but other women calling them ugly and even getting plastic surgery to fill them made me dislike mine. but I wouldn't think anything of it on another woman. it's an inherently feminine trait, men don't have hip dips. it's another curve on a woman.

No. 438402

That's funny and I would've loved it.

No. 438403

Not sure if this is the right place to ask but does anyone know anything about the lesbian scene in Moscow/St.Petersburg?

No. 438405

Since we’re asking I’d like to ask about the lesbian scene in London, I’m moving there. Is there a lot of troons? Fun events? homophobia? Any info would be nice

No. 438452

currently waiting for my girl to turn up for evening dinner at this vibey place, one of our servers is gay and I'm ready for her to see what a sexy beautiful androgynous dark eyed beauty I have the pleasure of spending my time with. I really lucked out with this girl she is the kind of attractive lesbian that make straight girls confused kek.

No. 438484

I am this anon >>438227 and I'm going to the same bar after work today. What are some things I can talk about with other women that won't out me as a complete autist? So far, I know not to talk about Gangnam Style.

No. 438487

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How often have you guys been in a relationship where you were both shitty? Or relationships that were so bad you don't even consider them a relationship? What's your story?
>Be me, years ago, teenager
>Ask cute bi girl I've been friends with for years out
>She says yes
>The next day she immediately tells me she needs a "mental health break"
>I get upset but try to understand, so I brush it off
>See her throughout the week talking about the scrotes in her class sexually and saying she wanted to date them
>Get really pissy and start making sarcastic jokes about how she never said any of that about me
>She asks me to talk in private
>She admits she dated me out of pity because she thought i was going to kill myself if she said no

No. 438493

>she admits she dated me out of pity because she thought i was going to kill myself if she said no
Being fake dated is so fucking insulting you have to have an ego the size of the moon to do that to someone. Like she wants to be the cheerleader taking the downie to prom so larps it on a rando. So retarded

No. 438559

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How do I stop myself from dating yet another insane BPD psycho? I know misery always follows, but the trauma pussy (the trussy) just hits different. I swear their tits are bigger too.(ai shit outside of containment )

No. 438560

>AI out of containment

No. 438561

You sound gross. You’re your own problem.

No. 438562

if youre dating bpd psychos over and over you probably got something wrong with you yourself

No. 438563

She really thought she was hot shit, wow. So sorry anon. What did you say to her?
I have a somewhat similar story.
>ask out a girl who is claiming to be bi
>she says yes, we do most of our flirting online and hang out once a week or so to cook together and watch movies
>she calls me cute/wifey/love etc and sends me cutesy emojis and talks about moving away together one day but still hasn't tried to kiss me even a month into the relationship
>constantly saying gay shit about me on tumblr and sending me couple memes but when we're together in person it feels like all the excitement and chemistry is coming from me
>kinda just feels like I'm hanging out with a friend but I really like this girl and I think she's gorgeous so I decide to wait and see, maybe she's nervous?
>one time she straight up forgets our 'date' and schedules a hang out session with some other rando instead
>didn't know what to do so I just stayed and we all end up hanging out for a few hours kek
>most awkward day ever
>finally work up the nerve to kiss her but when I put my arms around her I could feel she wasn't into it so I hugged her instead
>my heart is pounding fireworks going off just from hugging this girl and she could barely give a fuck
>go home and be miserable
>text her it doesn't feel like we're in a real relationship and that I want to end things
>she says she's relieved because she feels the same
>I get upset and we block each other
>just a few years later I find out she married the middest scrote in existence
never again.

No. 438565

>still hasn't tried to kiss me even a month into the relationship
just to be clear, you did mean to type that neither you nor her tried to kiss the other a month into the relationship, right? that's what your post implies

No. 438605

>it's an inherently feminine trait, men don't have hip dips
Aaand? Saggy breasts are also exclusive to women. Does that make them feminine and beautiful suddenly? No.

No. 438608

I really, really hope the anon constantly posting tryhard moidy coomer replies is just a baiting XY and not an actual lesbian, but with schizos like yuripedo lurking here you never know.

No. 438620

Same. I have issues with the vast majority of bi women (the few febfems / male abstinent bis I knew are okay, as rare as they are) and I refuse to ever date them again, I have SA trauma from them, etc. But I just want to talk to lesbians about other things. Lesbians have a right to vent, but it's like how bihet women can't stop talking about men, certain lesbians can't stop talking about bisexuals. I want to talk about our lives and relationships with each other, find local communities, make friends.

No. 438628

Aw, look who's trying to be smug. I know this is bait, but
>saggy breasts
There is no such thing as bad breasts. Yes, big floppy breasts are attractive as well. Crawl back to whatever hole you came from, there is no bad way for a healthy woman's body to be built.

No. 438630

Kek, whoops. Yes ftr I did try to mamke moves on her but I was a very sheltered cowardly lesbian and it was my first relationship so I was never brave enough to just go for it until the night I mentioned in the post. I didn't think it was weird to take things slow as we'd essentially only been on four or five irl dates and we both came from christian backgrounds where it was common for some married couples to save their first kiss for their wedding. Sad shit, I know.

No. 438635

My gay faggot of a brother outed me infront of my mother. I'm so pissed and I feel like crying because now my mother has been quiet and reserves around me. My mother is like my best friend and I couldn't stand a world where she thinks I'm weird. I know it was gonna happen eventually, but I wanted to be the one to tell her. I'm so fucked nonnies, does it ever get better?

No. 438637

it can, but you need to learn that mothers are mothers and not best friends. it's not healthy to treat a parent like a peer or let them have a hold over you as an adult.

No. 438651

Your autism is charming and cute, If a girl responded that to my question I'd kiss her

No. 438655

They were drinking and didn't go "hell yeah I fuck with Gangman Style"??? Anon you dodged a wet noodle for real.

No. 438659

No, no, I do respect my mother as my mother and I view her as my mother. I just mean, we share a certain closeness and bond beyond that in that she's both my mother and my bestest friend. I'm sorry, I may have typed my post improperly and caused a misunderstanding. I'm sad if who I am will cause discomfort, but I have no plans to change for her I love women and I can't change that. I was just pissed that my brother didn't allow me to tell her myself and that she started acting odd after the fact.

No. 438712

Tonight I found out tribbing is a big fat scam. Fuck anyone else who says otherwise.

No. 438715

how ? you're breaking my heart anon. but i've heard that it's anatomy dependent so i still have hope…

No. 438720

I have saggy breasts myself lol no they aren't attractive at all, why are you even lying? You may find them attractive if you force yourself to sexualize them maybe, but they're objectively unattractive. Anyway I'm not here to sperg about saggy breasts or hip dips. My point is just because it's healthy which is also arguable, doesn't mean it's attractive. Ugliness is natural as much as beauty is

No. 438721

Yes, unfortunately pussies aren't evolved to rubbed each other….

No. 438724

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Anyone have experience dating older women? Like 10-20 years? I’ve been talking to this incredibly sweet woman on tinder but idk if I should pursue it, for various reasons but mainly I’m embarrassed what my family/friends would say

No. 438725

Just couldn’t get it to fucking work. Tried for 20+ minutes and just couldn’t align ourselves right. We even shaved beforehand and bought lube. Also neither of us are fat, I’m 174cm and 54kg my partner is 170cm and ~50kg as well.

We will try again tomorrow, although I’m already convinced it won’t work but my partner doesn’t want to give up. She thinks it’ll work next time but I’m doubtful. Any expert tribbers ITT can provide tips I’ll be happy to accept.

Then why the fuck do we have clits?!?! If a woman’s role in sex for evolutionary procreation is to take dick why not put all our nerve endings inside the vagina instead of a small fucking external nub? So fucking frustrating.

No. 438726

What you see is the tip of the clitoris, external part of it.
>why not put all our nerve endings inside the vagina
Because it would make childbirth unbearable and probably impossible

No. 438741

>Then why the fuck do we have clits
Pair-bonding, I don't know why people here try to say otherwise in the literal gay thread,
also don't get why retards itt are spamming "your only purpose is childbearing" "lesbian sex isnt real" garbage with ESL grammar kek.

No. 438744

>clit was established for pair-bonding
Most [REDACTED DUE TO BECHDEL TEST] don’t even bother stimulating the clit anyways lol

No. 438746

yeah but who cares we're lesbians and bond with other women through clit stimulation. no need to discuss how the non-fe's get down when some women talk about how they have trouble tribbing. Biology sperges are annoying I don't get the point of discussions of this nature in this thread.

No. 438764

I luv my clit and I want it to be touched by girls. I would also like to touch a clit. luv the clit ♡(unintegrated, emoji)

No. 438816

>big fat
Yes that’s what non tribbers are

No. 438821

>I’m 174cm and my partner is 170cm
aaaaannnnddd that’s your issue right there. leg/torso length is extremely important, moreso than weight tbh. you can be anorexic tier models on ozempic but if you’re limbs/torsos are too long they will get in the way and you won’t have as much suppleness/leverage in your movements.

also are you an innie or outie? usually innies have trouble getting off by tribbing while outies are much, much more likely to enjoy it. also i highly recommend missionary over scissors, the latter is much harder to pull off and the former is much more intimate anyways.

if it doesn’t work out when yall try it again and your gf is still super adamant, you can always just defer to rubbing on thighs or sharing a vibrator. it may not be as intimate as pure clit on clit tribbing but it’s still tribbing nonetheless.

- expert “tribber”

No. 438826

This is so fucking stupid, what magical height and weight do you have to be then? Post a diagram or something, I'm nta but I've been frustrated by this shit for actual years

No. 438833

I don’t get it, how can people not trib? Like physically what is stopping you? I’ve never not been able to do it with like, anyone…? So confused. Am I the weird one? Do I have too much space between my legs? Genuinely need to run an experiment/poll because it feels so fucking amazing to me, literally the best thing ever. For reference I am underweight with short labia and no clitoral hood.

No. 438836

Yeah but it useless, I don't want to use my hands or mouth, I want to have real sex. But we can't even trib

No. 438861

I think it depends on the shape of your vulva. My ex could because her clit and inner labia was more visible from the outside, but I personally can't because my outer is too fat. TMI, sorry, but I'm convinced this is why it works for some but not others. Bodies are different.

No. 438865

Do you think the looks hierarchy that exists for heterosexuals exists in SSA spaces? Is there ever a feeling of people being “out of someone’s league”? I just found out a very pretty microcelebrity has a secret girlfriend and I sort of realised I usually see all lesbians with a sort of camaraderie, like we’re all equal - but I can’t imagining interacting with a woman like that irl thinking I had a chance, she would bully me kek.
Interesting, I’ve heard some women saying that having a large outer labia makes things feel really good. I can’t imagine it well since mine are practically nonexistent

No. 438867

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You have to evaluate yourselves and your parts and see which rhino beetle method you can accomplish

No. 438869

Sorry esl here, is tribbing like rubbing clit to clit? Because I have never been able to make that work, might be because I am tall and not flexible at all, partners have been smaller than me. But rubbing clit on thighs has been enjoyable. Eating pussy is still my favorite thing.

No. 438870

>I’m 174cm and 54kg my partner is 170cm and ~50kg

No. 438871

No. 438882

this interaction is hilarious to me
yeah, just realising i have pussy privilege. when i open my legs my clit is just smack dab there kek

No. 438884

I thought the heart emoji was ok

No. 438906

The black filled one is, but dunno why this one isn't allowed either because they're practically the same

No. 438965

In general I've felt that lesbians are much more lax with looks per se and they base the hierarchy more on style and aesthetics, but the celebrity worshiping lesbians on LChat hate everyone who's not ultrafeminine, skinny and model level beautiful. Never met lesbians like them in real life though.

No. 439030

>real sex
you're retarded.

No. 439177

While we’re still on the topic of tribbing, I hate how in most pornos whenever they do it they always slam their vulvas against each other like it’s supposed to be pleasurable instead of painful. Takes me out every time especially since I have a very sensitive clit

No. 439179

Just came across a tumblr blog of someone who claims to be a lesbian and says her favourite male character is gay but writes self-insert heterosexual smut about him.
What?(this thread now has a bechdel rule, do not mention scrotes itt)

No. 439186

File: 1729505378462.gif (Spoiler Image,783.25 KB, 500x250, tumblr_oin5xspKIm1tuzf77o1_500…)

I just want to have sex like this and have it be pleasurable for both parties(/g/ rule 4)

No. 439247

I'm not one of those hardcore anti-porn radfems or a prude, but can we not use this thread to dump your porn stash?

No. 439278

But this one is hot and related to the conversation. Their genitals aren't even show on

No. 439285

It's still porn and against the site rules? Lurk moar.

No. 439307

In the world of tribbing there are thumpers and grinders, both anre equally valid based on your sensitivity imho.

No. 439312

What's that?

No. 439322

This same retard was posting this porn gif the other day. What's their autistic obsession with it?

No. 439324

straight women are fucking insufferable I can't stand them. I hate them for how they treat me and I hate them for how they think they're superior. Whether it be woke or old-school homophobia, they never let go of it. I never sound well-adjusted to anyone when I say that but I never can catch a break with straight women so I just can't help but hate them sigh

No. 439330

I like it

No. 439356

I love breasts so much. And I do not discriminate. Fuck, I love boobs. Just saw a woman in a tight sweater with gorgeous tits. Thank you god for breasts.

No. 439370

confession: Sometimes when I read posts like this I imagine it's a stranger I saw irl writing about me… I hope girls get horny when I wear tight shirts…
A girl in one of my college classes wore a lot of short shorts and low cut tops last month and it drove me crazy. I love when the shirt is just a liiiiittle too tight and the top digs in to the soft part a little. People who think there are ugly breasts just could never get it.

No. 439418

I’m not complaining but, why are all the wlw threads on /g/ so active? Are there really that many dykes in LC or are we really just 3 terminally online retards talking to each other in multiple threads kek.

No. 439420

I think it's because LC is one of the few "public" spheres where absolutely no one will bring up the gender bullshit in a positive light, which automatically eliminates a lot of the harassment that ssa women face. It's a pretty good - and one of the only remaining options - for women who don't have a strong and close circle of non-handmaiden-y friends in real life, seeing as how roleplaying heterosexuals invaded many of our public spaces. And there's also a lot of bait and infighters and raiders which contributes to activity.

No. 439422


Wow. That is really hot. Okay. Thanks nona.

No. 439439

It's the latter

No. 439448

Yeah I was just thinking I kind of enjoy “thumping”, at least when I’m humping a desk or table or bed frame kek, to be fair it sometimes aches afterwards but a pussy can’t be worse than that.
Same, it’s unacceptable but I really just don’t like straight women, even some on this site.
Even when I’m inactive on LC I still go on these threads for anything pertaining to relationships or sex, this is like the only good place I know so it’s stuck. Can’t even find my brethren on lesbian reddit subs. It’s a breath or fresh air (especially female fantasies, you’re not allowed to express yourself like that anywhere else, when I found anons like me I almost cried tears of joy)

No. 439548

Dumb question but are you usually wet after kissing/touching? I usually am but when I had an experience she wasn’t and I didn’t know if that meant she was turned off or if most women don’t get wet at that point… sorry for the virgin-y question

No. 439552

It would be easier if you just asked her what got her really going/what she liked than asking what most women are supposed to feel at that point, and if we think she was turned off. I can say from my own experience that there have been times I have been really into the kissing and touching and think I'm ready but it turns out my body just didn't get the memo, and it is kind of embarrassing for me.

No. 439562

I don't get wet, I still enjoy it but I feel my clitoris is twitching

No. 439576

i haven’t had a serious crush on a celebrity in awhile but havana rose liu is changing that. i think it’s because i know she likes women for real.

No. 439598

Most of the time, but like >>439552 said, sometimes my body betrays me even if I’m into her. No clue why, just happens on occasion.

No. 439606

How about total flatties? Like literal airport runways?

No. 439608

Today was our second day and not to be dramatic but I can see myself getting married to her, I'm looking at engagement rings thinking about which one I'd propose with

No. 439613

My pussy goes insane by the act of kissing, idk if wet but it really turns me on

No. 439648


i’ve always found the insistence on rubbing vag to vag a bit ridiculous. i much prefer to rub on a thigh or the ass.

No. 439651

I guess it’s because bumping privates is just so much more intimate than any other sex act 2 people can do. Even gay non-females rub their privates together even though it probably practically does nothing for them.

No. 439694

Ok. I do discriminate. Sorry.

No. 439695

i can't do this anymore

>went back on a dating app

>fatties like so many fatties
>pansexual/queer/demisexual/questioning. like i'll take a bishit over all these nonsense. lesbians are probably like 10%
>no personality. bio barely says anything.

to make it worse i live in some SEA shithole. i probably used all my luck on my ex gf. i'm going to die alone.

No. 439697

Is there anyone else who’s an anti-toy purist here? Or am I a rare breed?

No. 439709

Kek don’t u-haul nona but I get the feeling. It’s cute you love being with her already, sometimes you just find someone you click with. I’m happy for you.

No. 439711

File: 1729673355773.jpeg (Spoiler Image,23.77 KB, 471x651, images (4).jpeg)

Nta anon but I like flatties, I would choose them over huge breasts

No. 439717

which shithole nona, surprised at the lack of troons for you

No. 439719

File: 1729680737762.jpg (30 KB, 419x437, f2e2b03e4a09994174f3c612cf0b36…)


yeah there are troons but their number is negligible. somehow westoid brainrot that is troonism hasn't fully infected us yet and hopefully it stays that way. are you a fellow SEA dweller anon

No. 439732

Ot HSTSs exist in SEA. AGPs and transbians don't really exist in SEA. (As I'm pretty sure they'd get bullied by everyone, even by the HSTSs, kek).(this thread now follows bechdel test rules, please refrain from posting about males)

No. 439739

am i the only one that likes some fat on a girl? i’m kinda repulsed by overly thin women. nonas would probably be shocked by some of the womeni i find attractive

No. 439748

Are you the weirdo who keeps posting that sane porn gif? Stop

No. 439750

Post an example. "Some fat" is hot because it implies softness but if you're talking about 600lb whales then…no comment

No. 439757

I agree with you, but >>439750 is also correct in saying that there's a certain amount of fat that's too much. Obviously, women aren't perfect stick figures, so I don't mind if she has a bigger belly or any other higher body fat. In fact, I think people who complain about regular women being chubby are weak and will not survive the winter. But i draw the line at deathfats.

No. 439758

>I think people who complain about regular women being chubby are weak and will not survive the winter
fat copium - fatpill

No. 439759

You're jealous because your tits are huge

No. 439762

So that’s a yes, then. Farmhands need to investigate your chromosomes.

No. 439763

I don’t mind a little bit of chubb but fat acceptance have been so invasive in western beauty standards that literal landwhales are considered ‘beautiful’ nowadays because Americans can’t stop stuffing their faces with addictive super processed foods and Americans largely control western culture.

No. 439764

Since when posting half naked women pictures makes you a male? You're jealous, admit it.(this thread now follows the Bechdel rule)

No. 439767

Why do so many of you either like skeletal anachans that look like little boys or huge fatties. Am I the only one into happy, healthy women?(this thread now follows the Bechdel rule)

No. 439773

literally every here is a chubby chaser what are you talking about KEK. i feel isolated as a scrawny woman enjoyer. but a pretty woman is a pretty woman, it’s muscle i don’t like tbh.
fat “positivity” is what turns me off people who are chubby+ the most, way more than the body type in all honesty. it’s just the fact that it’s first world greed that makes you this way and yet you want sympathy for it… pisses me off. pisses me off more that outside of here lesbians are meant to be perfect people and saying you don’t like fat woman would be like a death sentence only second to saying you don’t want troons kek.
i don’t care what anyone’s type is but for fucks’ sake calling any woman’s body type like a “little boy’s” makes me want to alog soooo fucking hard. it’s a moid neg anyway, little boys don’t look like skinny women, and to even make that connection is freaky.

No. 439778

Yes anon, you are super duper special and the only lezzie to ever like women who look like they don't have health problems.
I don't like how many chubby chasers are here either, it's weird and gross. I hope for >>439739 's sake that the women she's talking about are under 200lbs. Pretty generous estimate, so if she doesn't pass that bar then she's a lost cause.

No. 439780

why can't some of you just shut up about them for a second, you can do that on literally every other thread but you have to bring your petty insults here too

No. 439781

Boys don't have pussies and female brains(this thread now follows the Bechdel rule)

No. 439783

…in what world is >>439711 half naked?

No. 439785

? What are you referring to

No. 439786

You're exaggerating, her hand hides her coochie. You wouldn't think it's crude if it was a male. It's spoilered also, so I don't get why you all so jealous of my beautiful flattie(this thread now follows the Bechdel rule)

No. 439791

File: 1729701306781.jpeg (Spoiler Image,50.04 KB, 640x1137, cant-gain-weight-v0-gxjardfwu0…)

>>>/g/437107 This is a good example of a cute woman. Only women shaped like picrel try to call feminine women ugly fatties to cope.(this thread now follows the Bechdel rule)

No. 439797

No. 439798

>>>/g/437470 you're same anon who wrote this right? You fatass

No. 439800

The only people attracted to bone-rattlers are pedos and/or repulsed by femininity btw. Have fun cuddling your bags of bones, leaves more real women for me.

No. 439802

The woman in that picture have a dog face btw. KEKKK was your ex skinny?

No. 439805

File: 1729702522455.jpeg (127.37 KB, 736x1034, fruits magazine.jpeg)

why do fatties think someone being attracted to thin/normal weight women is an attack on them? I don't like anorexics either but I'd take that over an obese whale any day. too many fat women taking out their insecurities on skinny women on this site

No. 439806

How am I pedo or repulsed by femininity if I like women who look like me? Does that make me not a woman?

No. 439808

File: 1729702839294.jpg (171.71 KB, 800x1200, 08_si_usvi_kami_0004_wmweb.jpg)

No one is talking about whales, though. You're jumping to the most extreme end of overweight to try to win. Your picrel has to hide her body under ten layers of clothes (and dresses like a preteen kek) to not look like garbage when feminine Stacy beauties with a little bit of arm and tummy chub actually have nice bodies.

No. 439812

god women are beautiful. never got the hype with being skinny, women built like picrel makes me feral

No. 439813

Just say that you have fat fetish and move on, stop personalityfagging. This woman isn't even curvy on the top, she have ribs like a barrel. Curviness isn't just determiend by fat but also bone structure, so skinny women can be curvy as well

No. 439816

File: 1729703589349.jpeg (Spoiler Image,23.27 KB, 452x678, images (29).jpeg)

Real curvy women looks like this fatass(spoiler)

No. 439819

File: 1729703711220.jpg (162.73 KB, 750x750, saowaluk-FP.jpg)

the fruits girl doesn't even look deadly skinny to be considered 'extreme' kek that's just how regular healthy thin women can also look like. Do you cope by telling yourself the more rolls you have the more feminine you are? Other girls looking cute doesn't take away your femininity but for some reason you have to put down thin women to push your own ideal. Your picrel doesn't even look chubby, that's just a woman with a normal weight, albeit not exactly slim. Chubby is more like picrel. At least try to use an accurate representation of chubs if you want to cape for them kek

No. 439821

File: 1729703773121.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1411x1992, IMG_6953.jpeg)

nta but ehhh. you can’t shit on women for having a different type from you, there is no “correct” type and shaming women who like certain body types or women who look like that is just weird. i don’t know where picrel is from but just like chub is hot to you skinny waists are hot to me and some others… even skinny curvy women look better than large curvy women to me (like tyla) but i don’t like lots of curves anyway. even then body type is only one factor, i find women of all body type’s beautiful
don’t know why this smells of moid to me

No. 439822

Oh shut the fuck up you doormat. She's the one who attacked women by calling them "fake women, boy like body, bome rattle, dog face"

No. 439823

samefagging but it’s retarded to act like any sort of attraction to women isn’t “lesbian enough”. troon logic

No. 439824

If she’s too fat/skinny/tall/short that she can’t trib me to an orgasm then she’s not for me.
Simple as, case closed.

No. 439825

Kek you can't be serious, some fatass came here to say "only fat curvy women are real women, you're bi if you like skinny women" and I am the one who's accused of being a moid

No. 439826

unironically looks like a femboy.
>fat fetish
hahahahahaha cope skeletor
It's subjective, look at the replies above calling that picrel fat. Your picrel is what I consider on the upper end of attractive before it becomes unhealthy. She looks warm and soft. She's more attractive than >>439805 to me.
>the more rolls the more feminine
No, I don't like actually fat or obese women, but that's not the point. Most people don't.(this thread now follows the Bechdel rule)

No. 439827

what if we're anatomically compatible but my pussy just isnt built for getting pleasure from friction?

No. 439828

you sound like fanny ngl

No. 439829

it’s cuz the boobs look fake/porny to me but maybe i’m brainrotted due to media or something and women can look like that.

No. 439830

>unironically looks like a femboy
They wish their figures could be this feminine.

No. 439831

nona im sorry to be the bearer of bad news and probably shouldnt say anything, but i saw picrel from the home page and recognised it as evelinss who i am 90% sure is a 15/16 year old

No. 439832

just delete this

No. 439833

No you’re right those are fake tits. Honestly not being able to tell obvious fakes is a bigger indicator that you’re a non-female

No. 439836


No. 439837

i dont see why she said she doesnt know where picrel is from the people have a right to the truth
random cosplayer 4chan moids constantly hebe over

No. 439840

File: 1729704859132.jpeg (Spoiler Image,20.21 KB, 452x678, images (28).jpeg)

No. 439844

Nah I don’t like fatties, I like women who are healthy.

No. 439845

i just looked her name up, “eveilns” seems to be who you’re talking about? only thing that comes up similar and it looks like her. i couldn’t find her age anywhere but i she said somewhere that she’s been cosplaying for 7-8 years so it seems unlikely. that being said i don’t go on 4chan so maybe you know better than me, i’m 18 so i don’t feel ick if she’s close in age to me. also she’s some weird FTM who calls herself a guy? kek

No. 439850

File: 1729705931323.jpeg (234.4 KB, 974x1440, 9m8ttg8zyhod1.jpeg)

her tummy is so cute

No. 439851

so anachans really are squatting this thread

No. 439855

Second ayrt, KEK what even is this accusation? Ooh, so we have skinny lesbians squatting in the lesbian threads now, hm?

No. 439856

Yeah that's her, I mispelled it apologies. I promise I dont frequent 4chan underage cosplay threads there are just some girls who r harassed by these moids and post about it. I thought I recalled her being underage but I could definitely be wrong especially if she's been cosplaying for that long sorry nona! I wasnt trying to make u seem like a creep

No. 439857

File: 1729706272031.webp (68.53 KB, 1600x1157, 178937288.webp)


No. 439859

but the real issue isn't the weight here honestly but the aesthetic sense of these girls btw these clothes look juvenile and ugly, you gotta be an ugly weeb yourself to actually enjoy this shit.

try eating something maybe you wouldn't be so pissy all the time, cures the brain fog too

No. 439861

This website is pro-fat for some reason, how uninteresting

No. 439863

Ah yes, latex suits, the most juvenile of clothing

No. 439864

my bmi used to be under 15 but now i am cured, so i get to have the superiority complex not only having been a genuine spoop but also as someone who's not mentally stunted retard to keep being that way. you can tell yourself acting out your teenage girl mental illness makes you better than others but it only makes you bald and stupid. take care.

No. 439865

if you don't like cosplay or j-fashion you can always go back to facebook or something. you like fats too so you have the whole fat-positive queer spaces built just for you

No. 439867

File: 1729706606457.jpeg (3.76 KB, 183x275, download (3).jpeg)

No. 439869

Why is it that ex-anachans seem to be more mentally unstable than actual anachans? This whole discussion only started because this ONE anon for some reason had a problem with the lesbians itt not preferring chubby women.

No. 439870

So you're fat again(infighting)

No. 439872

you are the one being unstable. i just said "huh it seems like anachans really are in this thread" and your response is to yell fatty fat fat, get personally offended etc bone rattler antics.

see >>439870 .

No. 439875

go back to twitter

No. 439877

I understand you feel your fat territory being invaded because women are attracted to their equals and not fat moms like you but please stop personalityfagging

No. 439881

you keep being unstable and unhinged with your fatty fat fat posting. you are not being clever or smart, you are making yourself seem insane and obsessed with weight related issues.

No. 439882

File: 1729707168740.webp (186.38 KB, 760x1236, tumblr_e6c5be1f337a5f481cb28ae…)

if you genuinely think that anyone preferring nice looking thin women over obese women must be some bone-rattling anachan then it sounds like a you problem. you should solve your complexes about your own femininity instead of assuming we must be all pedophiles into eugenia cooney for liking normal women

No. 439884

i don’t know how to break it to you anon but multiple of us are replying to you, yurifatty

No. 439885

Says the person who sperged about how curvy chubby women are real women and lesbians who aren't attracted to that pedo/bisexual.

No. 439887

This is a tranny shemale

No. 439888

Holy I was gone for a day and the thread has already been cursed with a retarded infight about weight what the fuck

No. 439890

Nta but that’s Haruka Shimazaki, she is cute but was definitely a teenager in this pic so if it wasn’t obvious the WMAF troll is a scrote. Don’t drink the tranny koolaid, no males look like this.

No. 439891

i didn't. my first post in this whole mess was just saying oh anachans are in this thread and like a siren call that attracted all you unhinged weirdos after me projecting your personal issues.

No. 439894

That's what being fat does to a mf

No. 439896

So you're FTM?

No. 439898

Stop it with the weight fight or lesbians rimming buttholes will be posted

No. 439900

you are all unwell

No. 439902

what are you even talking about

honestly you guys should make yourselves less easy to bully making me feel like i am holding some kind of nuclear codes of infighting

No. 439904

Stop fighting, let's go back to talk about tribbing(/g/ rule 4)

No. 439908

if i'm being real i find it actually endearing the way this thread can explode in a nanosecond when you just make up shit and post it and you all get silly it's not that serious you all are cute

No. 439911

‘ate fatties
‘ate skellies
‘uv normies
‘uv tribbies

No. 439918

File: 1729708972475.png (3.49 MB, 1732x1072, wedding venue.png)

You're all so unhinged about weight holy shit
Anyways, I don't even have a girlfriend currently but I've been thinking about my wedding and I imagine a venue like this would be beautiful to get married in. Any nonnies that have wives want to talk about their weddings?

No. 439919

I had a dream that someone on LC posted something from my account saying they wanted to fuck me and got really happy because female attention but then I realised it was in the women you’re ashamed to say you’d fuck thread and not the attractive women you want to fuck thread

No. 439975

Sorry to drag the infight out but did you call tyla (the singer, right?) large? That's insane

No. 439992

She meant that tyla is a skinny woman with curves.

No. 439993

Omg anon, I have some of these pics saved to my pinterest wedding board!

No. 440038

i think i’m drawn to depressed, emotionally volatile women. i should fix that.

No. 440041

File: 1729721679721.jpeg (1.45 MB, 987x1618, IMG_7873.jpeg)

I wish dressing like this was in fashion again. Very cute and attractive. I also miss when low rise jeans were a thing as i love waists. Baggy is undeniably more comfortable though and i see why more women are leaning towards it

No. 440048

Ew everything about this picture is hideous

No. 440050

nta but nice infight bait, right after we just got done with one

No. 440051

Millennials should be barred from the internet.

No. 440052

File: 1729723094787.jpg (27.5 KB, 333x500, a6c2c817ee36161f6c6a7061a15c54…)

same, i love when women wear low-rise jeans with belts and there's also a bit of tummy peeking through in between the shirt

No. 440060

i love this style so much, if the jeans are higher than my belly button im not wearing it kek. was out shopping and saw the cutest jeans and belt but i couldnt get it because i was on budget. fuck ill dream about that pair tonight

No. 440064

Fuck why did the discussion on tribbing stop?
I’ve never done it before but I think I’m lowkey borderline obsessed with it, my goon account on twitter is filled with amateur tribbing kek. I wanna try it but people around me constantly tell me it’s a porn-exclusive thing and it won’t work. Anyone else feels the same way?

No. 440068

>goon account
go back

No. 440072

Can the anon with the onahole explain the appeal of it? Because I thought it was just bait at first, but the girl that I'm seeing right now owns one too. She's not a troon, and she's not a bislut either, so there's no way she could be using it for its intended purpose. I didn't say anything to her when I saw it because she's super hot and I don't wanna blow my chance with her, but was that anon onto something? Or is the girl I'm dating some kind of weird pervert?

No. 440074

File: 1729729780546.gif (463.23 KB, 220x220, blazedpx.gif)

im not onanon but she probably uses it to simulate pussy on pussy action such as tribbing. I remember one of the anons argument against it being "you need a wee wee to own an onahole therefore you're not a woman" and that was retarded to read considering you could easily say the same thing about a real vagina but clearly that wouldn't be true kek. Onanon most likely uses the toy to simulate some type of tribbing, vibrators are way better but to each their own

No. 440080

Idgad I do like deathfats and skinny (not ana) and everyone in between. As long as hygiene is good and a surprising amount of fat women (at least who fuck women kek) do have really good hygiene bc they don't want to be like dirty ugly smelly fat people. Also a lot are trying to lose weight. Idk if people aren't into fats but I am.

You know what I don't like? Natural redheads. They appear sickly. I'm being fr ever since I was a child I have found them really unappealing.(integrate)

No. 440085

i’m the opposite i love redheads omg. there’s this one on tiktok who is into women that has amazing boobs that is so perfect. well physically that is, her personality is kinda annoying but she can also be kinda sexy with it.

No. 440087

>tfw no lesbian farmer gf to goon with

No. 440094

We do not goon
We will never goon
We have never gooned
There is no gooning on lolcow.farm

No. 440100

but it is zoomers who mostly dress that way these days

No. 440104

I'm just thrilled that we had a normal (for lolcow standards) infight and not some nightmare-dimension shit we kept having in the previous threads. Ladies, I believe the new rule is healing us. Very proud of us.

No. 440109

onahole anon here, it’s more for intimacy than anything. getting an ordinary fleshlight or a dildo is like getting a tool, but an onahole just looks and feels more real and soft yknow?

i didnt buy the onahole in the end so i wouldn’t know how it would actually be like but i’d imagine its much easier to fantasize that im having sex with a real woman rather than simply pleasuring myself with a toy to get my horniness out of my system whenever i ovulate. plus if i bought it i would probably cuddle my onahole to sleep every night and probably even start speaking to it like im pillowtalking to a lover that doesn’t exist haha yes im weird kill me

No. 440112

I like the new rule and I think it needs to be lightly enforced compared to the actual bechedel test thread as referencing redacteds could (unfortunately) be necessary to vent/tell a story such as >>438487 or >>438563
. I think it's good for avoiding spergs obsessed with het dynamics, and sooo many infights on the basis of redactedfoiling have been avoided. This was such a necessary rule and I'm so glad it's here now. How does everyone else feel about it?

No. 440113

>tfw no anorexic farmer gf to trib and make fun of fatties with

No. 440114

You do not want an ana-chan gf, much less a farmer ana-chan gf. These are the type of women who will rip your heart out, devour it, then shit it out onto your soul.

No. 440115

File: 1729735500184.gif (1.49 MB, 498x498, 27d959bf91c44ee9b74603f627bf34…)

>tfw no farmer gf to tend to the farm with

No. 440116

I want to have a gf with some farmer traits but I wouldn't date an actual farmer kek

No. 440117

jokes on you I’m into vore and scat

No. 440121

File: 1729736389244.jpg (81.4 KB, 564x705, d331e03d8d19a178d8a77c5ec6b911…)

She wants your adrenochrome, do you accept? Would you give it all up for an illuminati-connected reptilian woman?

No. 440124

i accept without hesitation i don’t need any adrenochrome she can have it

No. 440126

i know how to tend to chickens

adults adrenochrome are tainted anon. they prefer extracting from babies/kids

No. 440180

File: 1729752993375.gif (7.79 MB, 374x374, boxing.gif)

Wait so this entire time you were gonna hug it? I seriously thought you'd trib it or something. I don't use toys tbh, I find them kind of useless. As a lesbian you're supposed to be fast with your fingers anyways.

No. 440190

Fuck off, you probably barely finish because your ass is too fat to move it around(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 440209

This is the dream genuinely

No. 440219

>I didn't say anything to her when I saw it because she's super hot and I don't wanna blow my chance with her
I hope she actually finds a gf that appreciates her degen coom ways and not your normie ass

No. 440234

onahole anon you're pretty weird and pathetic but I somehow find it endearing, never lose hope

No. 440239

is having an onahole really such a big deal for some? i agree that it can be a bit creepy but i don't think it actually is that concerning, just meh. same if she had a vibrator or something. it is even hot imo that a woman is such a coomer that she went out of her way to buy an onahole kekk

No. 440243

For me it’s not hot but I still feel endeared especially since sometimes I question if the women I’m with actually is into women sexually or thinks liking women is just wanting to hold hands

No. 440244

>thinks liking women is just wanting to hold hands
I don't want to sound like starting another infight but so now anyone who isn't a coomer somehow aren't attracted to women?

No. 440255

She didn't say that. It's just nice to know for sure if someone really is turned on by a female physique and having a visible confirmation of it.

No. 440259

What is your reading comprehension?

No. 440345

File: 1729783414337.jpeg (47.02 KB, 1135x344, 6EFCD3CD-937B-4812-A412-AD8D78…)

Being a lesbian zoomer is exhausting

No. 440349

Hey where did you get me and my gfs chat.

No. 440350

Is that girl a farmer? I've never seen any zoomer say "sperg" before. They're all too woke for that shit

No. 440352

at least you're not getting called her little bean

No. 440355

AYRT She's a radfem who has hung around farmers before.

No. 440390

My girlfriend says im retarded

No. 440398

God I wish that were me.

No. 440418

File: 1729802206834.jpg (69.69 KB, 735x588, 86d7483118b6529971fdcd6678f583…)

Anyone else here get aroused really REALLY easily? I'll just see a woman with a nice body bending over and all I'll be able to feel is my clit and I'll have a strong urge to get off for like two minutes. I feel so perverted sometimes because I know that most women are grossed out by the thought of me being attracted to them

No. 440422

>I know that most women are grossed out by the thought of me being attracted to them
Are you ugly?

No. 440427

I'm like that sometimes, after I discovered I liked bdsm I was absolutely feral for like two months and simply seeing a woman with a little bit of cleavage made my clit go crazy

No. 440428

No I'm like mid and I'm 6'0 so it makes up for the midness anyways but I'm autistic and that's even worse than being ugly
Also the average woman is straight so there's that too
I think it might be hormonal tbh

No. 440433

You sound retarded tbh. you probably shouldn't go near to any women(bait)

No. 440435

No same, completely. I feel unashamed about it though, the only reason I felt ashamed is because of my sexuality, heterosexuals are the same too. If I meet someone my type I’m horny the entire day afterwards, I don’t know if it’s common to get like a? vulva boner? But my underwear feels uncomfortable and everything. Unfortunately means I don’t live up to the uwu women-respecting lesbian expectation and yeah I feel ashamed being in changing rooms with women.

No. 440437

A vulva boner would be like the clit becoming engorged because you're aroused by stimuli, so blood flow would get directed to that area

No. 440438

The person you're replying to is probably a hettie stumbling onto this thread from the front page. Don't be ashamed of your sexuality nonna. Women will never be as bad as moids.

No. 440439

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>I feel so perverted sometimes because I know that most women are grossed out by the thought of me being attracted to them
thankfully i've never been directly told this but by god do i feel like the worst nastiest predator ever when i feel sexually attracted to a woman. i know anons here will say that it's scrotebrained or whatever the fuck but people in real life will think that too and worse. even many "allies" are like picrel or this dumbass post >>440244 i can't fucking stand it. everyone else is free to thirst after strangers but when you're a lezzer you've got these moral expectations and obligations because you're "supposed to be better than men" as if we're not by virtue of being women. i do feel isolated tbh because i'm easily aroused like you, and sometimes i wish i really was asexual like other (actual) autist lesbians, but i'm just not. arrest me for actual homosexual thought crimes i guess. all that said i still can't shake off the shame and guilt, it's awful. i hate making random people i don't really know into the sub/object of my arousal who didn't and wouldn't ever ask to be… it feels invasive almost, despite knowing that other groups of people aren't held up to such standards and it's not like i'm actually hurting them. i don't know…

No. 440444

kek the comic is amazing

No. 440446

If you can ever travel to a city with a lesbian/gay bar and go to a lesbian night, especially if they have performances, definitely do it if you can, make it happen if you can for a big trip, honestly. The guilt starts to leave you when you realize that the internet “uwu cottagecore handholding” lesbian thing doesn’t even really exist at gay bars, and women who are genuinely sexually attracted to other women do. You have to surround yourself with women who want women to see how normal you are. If you can’t ever encounter these communities irl then I am very sorry and I understand but definitely keep in mind that asexual homoromantics aren’t the norm irl, even pillow princesses feel attraction.

No. 440447

YES YES YES right on the money. People expect us to be the most conscious with our sexuality. They expect us to be asexual and shame us for any attraction we display towards woman, so that shame starts to become internalized. I see straight women constantly seethe over the crushes lesbians have or the things that we watch/like. It's so stupid, they want us to be polilez. They come up to me to ask for advice about THEIR relationships because they think I'm some feminist nun scholar. The constant surveillance we have, people making sure we're perfect and pure 24/7. I imagine that's what caused the cottagecore fakebian boom in 2020. I just feel like if I fuck up once I'll get treat like some antifeminist serial rapist. They literally expect us all to be like your picrel kek
I'm not het just because I get shit from straight women for my sexuality, retard. have you never been shamed for your sexuality before? Do you live in portland? You faggots throw around the het label like a cripple throwing around shit in a tardhouse
I don't get a "vulva boner persay" I guess I just feel really stimulated

No. 440451

>I'm not het just because I get shit from straight women for my sexuality, retard. have you never been shamed for your sexuality before? Do you live in portland? You faggots throw around the het label like a cripple throwing around shit in a tardhouse
Kek what is with this self-flagellation. Own up to your sexuality and stop trying to succumb to your female socialization. If you're not going around raping women like Genghis Khan then who gives a shit what narcissistic het women think.

No. 440456

Bar scene is dead as hell now to be honest. I much prefer just finding friends who happen to be gay. It's a longer process but it's much better. Especially if you're an autist like the ayrt is, most normie lesbians are gonna be boring.

No. 440457

I can pretty easily recognise this sperg, just ignore them. They always say the same kind of shit.

No. 440458

This is a really retarded question kek, but what country/region/area do you think has the most amount of lesbians? I have only met one other lesbian in my whole life.

No. 440459

I'm from the US and have moved a lot and I can very easily say New York City. I'd assume that has to do with population density though. Any major city in the US is probably going to have a lot of gays

No. 440462

Yeah, I figured it'd be somewhere in the US. I need to move asap, otherwise I have a feeling I'll die alone.

No. 440463

I believe in you nona

No. 440476

Definitely only in the West, and even then only in America IMO. Europe is still very much only political/pornbrained when it comes to LGBT issues - only mentioned in politics as a protected minority group or sexualised for niche gay content by OF models. IRL European society is still extremely heteronormative and traditional. I’d imagine anywhere else in the world it’s even rarer considering the fact that homosexuality is only societally accepted in the West.

No. 440477

To add on, gay culture is just much more rich in the US. US cities have much better gay nightlife

No. 440480

I do, emphasis on "some fat". I find rail thin and morbidly obese (like 300+ pounds) disgusting in different ways, but I'm mostly attracted to chubby or softer women in general.

No. 440481

I find it so hard to be closeted because I’m a loser kek. I pray whenever I’m out with my family that I don’t see a woman I find attractive because I will turn very visibly red and find it hard to act normal. There’s kind of no heterosexual explanation.
Damn is it really? I live in the UK, if I’m missing out that kinda makes me sad. My (internet) crush lives in NYC so that makes me feel worse kek, I’m jealous

No. 440482

>I find it so hard to be closeted because I’m a loser kek
Same I'm not closeted I'm just retarded

No. 440483

>The person you're replying to is probably a hettie
>I'll just see a woman with a nice body bending over and all I'll be able to feel is my clit
why would a straight woman type this

No. 440485

I know who you’re talking about and this thread would lose its mind if they knew

No. 440487

File: 1729810930423.png (84.02 KB, 198x228, lalalala.png)

Because not liking a post by a lesbian means they must be straight somehow. Lolcow lesbian logic. "Everyone I don't like is a fakebian." If you want to see a real fakebian look at chappig roan

No. 440488

SPILL NONA PLEASE. is it a tiktoker ? kek

No. 440489

What the fuck don’t scare me…

No. 440490

WOAHHHHHHH who… who are we talking about.. too many lesbians live in NYC

No. 440494

Pretty sure it's this lesbian that anon posted in the ashamed thread. She somehow has quite a few people lusting over her.

No. 440499

Lesbian thread tries not to lust after someone who is indistinguishable from a man challenge impossible.(baiting + this thread now has a bechdel rule, do not mention scrotes itt)

No. 440502

This sounds so schizo. Anon could have been talking about literally anyone from NYC.

No. 440504

…what makes you think that?

No. 440505

idk, there's like 4 of us on this site these days and very recently someone posted that woman who lives in NYC on the want to fuck thread. doesn't seem so farfetched to me but it's whatever

No. 440506

No? Seems like kind of a random conclusion. TBH from that discussion it seems like mostly bi nonas were thirsting, I’ve heard some mention they like the… blending? of the genders since they’re attracted to both sexes. Honestly I’m so shocked by that anon’s comment so I’m really curious who they think I’m talking about though.
This is so obviously the same baiter/sperg that I hope this is breaking the bechdel test rule enough to get banned.

No. 440507

Oh wait, it was you. No you’re wrong kek. I think this place is pretty full of users though, I’m not much of an oldfag though so I don’t know if it used to be more active. So there’s more of us than you think.

No. 440515

Anon is just pulling it out of her ass. She just wanted to use this opportunity to gush about ugly Joe Rogan looking ass TIFs while larping as a lesbian.

No. 440521

I want to go to a farmer-only lesbian bar. Even if you’re all ugly losers.

No. 440522

us being ugly losers is what would make it fun tbh

No. 440526

I’m not ugly but I still turned out a loser. Help.

No. 440530

she doesn't live in NYC anymore so either way at least one of you are a fake fan

No. 440534

why nona? i have the excuse of being an ugly autist. i always thought that being hot would have helped me escape loserdom.

No. 440538

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No. 440544

I’m ayrt, idk I guess I just fell into a rabbit hole of consuming too much Japanese media at a young age, which led me to /a/ (biggest mistake of my life).

I’m not exactly a loser if you know me personally (have a good job, healthy social life, vacation with friends/family every year) but my edgy non-PC brand of humour, addiction to imageboards, and being gay in a very conservative but wealthy country that obsess over appearances to other strangers makes me a loser in my mind.

Every year my extended family always ask me when I’m going to find a man and get married (I’m chinese so this happens every lunar new year) and I tell them I’m not currently looking which draws a lot of judgement. My mother even broke down in front of me one time and said “why are you like this, I want my grandchildren”, which didn’t help either. Gay scene in my country is non-existent, in fact sex between men being illegal has just been repealed recently. So yeah.

No. 440547

KEK are you me nona I know exactly where you live because I live there too. It's near impossible to find relatable women where that is, let alone SSA women. Have you tried dating apps? Heard it worked out for some normies

No. 440559

Do you guys think there is any particular impetus behind the current widespread bi-vestigation trend where people are always debating the definition of the word lesbian? I was looking for a post in /ot/ and the confessions thread had a big long debate about lesbians. the unpopular opinions thread had a "lesbians don't exist" discussion. I just feel like this is a meme right now and I wonder if something specific prompted it because I feel like that happens on the internet. chappell roan's existence? troon talk? I know this has always been something that people discussed and people are going to want to chime in "nobody respects lesbians" or something, but it feels extra prevalent right now and I'm just wondering if it's something in the water or what

No. 440560

How does such a big country not have any LGB scenes? Also
>why are you like this, I want my grandchildren
Why are handmaidens so fucking annoying holy shit

No. 440565

There's Chengdu but you'll never hear about it because of the Great Firewall

No. 440568

>Have you tried dating apps?
I don’t want to out myself, I feel like I will get ostracised immediately if I do. I’m semi-comfortable in my current weird limbo of a status quo, where the only person giving me shit for not urgently finding a husband is my mother.

Also our small LGBT scene (went to Pink Dot once) is full of extremely radical, fat, ugly queers and transbians. I honestly just want a socially adjusted, non-turbulent gf who has a normal job, is not fat or ugly, or super into complete socialist revolution in our country. If I can find someone to be secretly gay roommates with who I can build wealth with and then move to Europe and finally get married to, I’m happy. But at this rate I know I’m basically asking for a unicorn..

I’m ethnically chinese but I’m not from China (or any of its territories). In fact I grew up speaking English and only learned chinese in primary school. I don’t think you can find a chinese national with a command of English as good as mine tbvh kek.

No. 440569

nta but how the hell did you guess china from that? china may not like homosexuals but it still spits on tradition and is quite literally a socialist state that’s only ‘wealthy’ if you’re connected to the government or work for one of its government-connected megacorps.

No. 440573

>I don't want to out myself
I get that. I was afraid of getting recognized or noticed when I tried dating apps too. You really aren't missing out on much there. Mostly dead/inactive accounts. On more popular apps like tinder or okc, they're all bis who are more interested in looking for [redacted]

>is full of extremely radical, fat, ugly queers and transbians

KEKK I had no idea, I've never went. I want to hear your stories and pics if you took any nona. I've left my email on this post.

>But at this rate I know I’m basically asking for a unicorn..

It's common for most women with that dream to not be out and about here, makes the bleak landscape look even bleaker.

No. 440591

I don’t have any photos of the event unfortunately, I didn’t really want to be there and I only went because my (first and only) gf at that time wanted to go, and we were in a huge uni friend group who also pressured me and her to go since we were openly dating. But it was mostly uneventful - a couple of bands playing queer songs, some skit by a couple of pro-LGBT local entertainers eg I remember Kumar was one of them doing his usual crossdressing routine, some kind of sit-down talk between other local celebrities about LGBT rights. I went during 2018 if it matters.

Many of the people there were actually hets kek usually uni students trying to support their queer friends, only about 30-40% were actually LGBT and you could visually distinguish them because they were either fat butches, flamboyantly feminine m*n, or flat out troons. I remembered me and my ex-gf got mistaken for being a het ally by an event organiser because we looked too “normal” ahahaha.

Idk if the event is still the same now since it’s been 6 years but I can imagine the number of troons to be higher nowadays.

No. 440604

KEK it's always these types or the other extreme of the moidconditioned coomers who will only use women as practically sex toys but would never date or marry them or do anything emotionally intimate or romantic.

No. 440639

london lesbian scene is tragic

No. 440645

i need to just get on an app. find a woman. and fuck her. idk what’s worse. me not having any friends or me being a virgin in her early 30s. the problem is though i hate the idea of having sex in my body. i hate how i look and would be put off by someone liking how i look (most people don’t like how i look anyway). it’s hard to explain it but even when i fantasize about sex its never as me in my own body it’s always me in the body of some other woman.

No. 440660

Is there a source for this? Because I agree with this in general when it’s lesbians making the complaint but somehow this cartoon feels moidy(this post does not pass the bechdel test)

No. 440665

>would be put off by someone liking how i look
Meeeeeeee. This is why I’ll probably never date or have sex. It’s repulsive to me to imagine someone finding me attractive

No. 440671

What would you do if your gf wanted to be an altruistic surrogate for a gay male couple!?

No. 440673

Bitch slap her then dump her. Also remind her that that kid is gonna get raped in every hole as soon as the gayfaggot moids get ahold of it.(this post does not pass the bechdel test)

No. 440681

>got out of a relationship two months ago
>political science major but won't tell me what she believes in "yet" as it's supposedly crazy
>told me as a teenager she abused sleeping pills and did crazy shit (like lashing out at people)
>likes Kanye

but on the other side:
>beautiful goth femme
>smart and well spoken
>similar interests and have shared deep conversations
>attracted to me
>lives kind of close

How long will I be able to ignore these red flags? I plan to dip the second we start having conflict but she's so pretty and smart and I really want a girlfriend, plus I haven't had action in literal years

No. 440685

>political science major

No. 440689

you have shit taste

No. 440699

Oh gosh nonna. Get ready for your first bi woman heartbreak, it sounds like it’s going to hurt bad too kek.
There are genuinely bi women with good intentions who will love you well, but this one is just a crimson flag.

No. 440701

>got out of a relationship two months ago
Man or woman?(this post does not pass the bechdel test)

No. 440708

ayrt what do you mean source? the source is literally the text i've attached to the post about this lived experience and the people replying to me relating. do you think there's some kind of statistics study on this?

No. 440714

I meant a source for the art

No. 440734

My sister in christ you better run as fast as you can. She's going to start spreading mad shit about you to everyone and ruin your life the second you get intimate with her. Liking Kanye in 2024 alone should set every single alarm off in your head. I know the bisexual BPD-chan always sounds tempting to a lonely lesbian but you have to remember that they're masters at adapting THE identity you want to lure you in.

No. 440754

Never stick your fingers in a bishit(bait)

No. 440775

File: 1729914823831.jpg (293.11 KB, 600x600, 16650750461162918387.jpg)

on the topic of feeling aroused at random moments, i absolutely hate it whenever i am out doing my own thing and a woman looks good and is near me and i feel funny down my pants because it just makes me feel like a fucking creep for even having that reaction around her in the first place. on god the one time that felt especially retarded was when i had to show a woman where the time card machine was at our job and we walked side by side together. just seeing her smile and talk about how hard it is to find the stupid machine were enough to turn me on and if she asked me if i could please lick her clit just because, i definitely would. and it sucks because i do think i don't pass as straight at all even if i'm casually fem i guess, so i don't get to have a lot of opportunities for things like platonic hugs and cuddles with gal pals because women look at me and just KNOW, and keep their distance from me. i look at hets and seethe because they can be affectionate or close with one another without a second thought and i can't remember ever feeling comfortable enough to hug a woman without feeling evil afterwards.

whatever. i can just hug myself.

No. 440785

How's the lesbian dating scene in Nordic countries? I have no luck in the US where I'm from (way too liberal, full of handmaidens or TIFs, etc) is it the same there or is there hope for me?

No. 440787

Stay in your shithole, burger.(infight bait)

No. 440788

I'm already moving in retard, too late for that.

No. 440818

Anons with homophobic relatives, does it ever hurt you that you might not be able to introduce any girlfriends to your family? My family is very involved which might be a cultural thing, parents and grandparents usually know who you’re dating. From their perspective I’m never with anyone kek. It kinda hurts me, my parents had me young and I look at how close they were with each other’s families, always visiting each other in pictures even before they had me. They’ve not been together in nearly two decades and my paternal grandmother still calls my mum regularly, asks her to call her mum (a thing in her country) and everything.
My friends’ boyfriends all come over to the house often and know each other well, go to dinners together… it seems so cute. I’m really, really, really jealous. Maybe I just want that picture perfect fairytale romance, especially since I’m still living with them. There’s a girl I like, to be fair we’re not dating kek but I like her so much. She’s so good-looking, charming and likeable, she’s got the sort of personality straight women wish their boyfriends would be like haha. Buys me flowers and confectioneries and stuff, and she’s got such a good sense of humour. I daydream about being together, I know if you removed the prejudice out of those couple of family members they’d love her so much, I know she’d get along with them… I want her to go on holidays with us like my friends’ boyfriends do, come over for Christmas, for them to invite us both over for a weekend too, know her as a person and her habits - I think this is an extension of wanting them to know me better too because I find it hard to open up to them. Like they’re shopping and they go “on [anon] and [anon’s gf] would like that”. Ah… I want to be able to have a girlfriend and for her to be accepted as part of the family, basically. I know there might be enough pushback by the more open members and it could be accepted eventually/begrudgingly, if I do come out, maybe…. I probably will once I can support myself, and we’ll see what happens, but I’m scared for it. This turned into a bit of a vent sorry.

No. 440823

Nordic countries are probably the wokest on earth. And we have long cold winters for retards to sit inside on tiktok and reddit and figure out they are trans. Zero spaces for just lesbians, even very few that include women and trannies. Good luck anon.

No. 440826

are you also a virgin like me because of it or have you managed to push through it to get laid at least once?

No. 440829

I'm acquainted with two lesbians who live there online and from what I've heard from them, the mote rural parts are very gaybash-y conservative but the liberal cities are California tier woke. One still managed to find a girlfriend though, some leftist activism skews radfem-adjacent when it comes to issues like sex work but I dunno if you're that kind of person who wants to meet people via politics (I'm not).

No. 440838

I used to feel this way but then I came out and everyone was so horrible about it that I hate them all now and I'd never want to bring my wife around for a cute family dinner.
I'm gonna be real with you guys, idk how you look, but this attitude is what's ugliest. I can't stand coming into this thread to see nonas ranting about what hideous beasts they are. Feel like it happens weirdly a lot.

No. 440846

Ok well thanks for sharing luckily I’m ugly enough that my “attitude” doesn’t matter either way but thanks for telling me that’s ugly too

No. 440847

>this attitude is what's ugliest
I hate when they project their insecurities onto other women the most. Like >>438605 >>438720 just sounds like a bitter incel trying to convince everyone that some features are "objectively ugly." No, xyz feature is not irredeemably ugly, it's your overwhelmingly negative, shitty attitude that repels women.

No. 440855

Yeah, and the doompostery waah waah shit like >>440846. At least you can work on your personality but if you’re going to wallow in self-pity about that too then well just stay alone kek.

No. 440856

Well obviously I’m staying alone, even said so in my innocent vent post you’re shitting on. Hope doing this makes you feel good about yourself or something.

No. 440861

Anyone else feel like they accidentally pay more attention to women they’re attracted to? I mostly ignore men, but since women are both my expected friends and partners it blurs boundaries between the two a bit. The result is me ending up friends or “friends” with women I’m attracted to more than women I’m not. This kind of complicates SSA friend groups in my experience

No. 440864

File: 1729963374173.jpeg (75.78 KB, 720x720, IMG_7926.jpeg)

Most lesbians like 3d girls over 2d girls and i have yet to be proven wrong
Yes that’s normal though for anybody to prefer attractive people of the sex that they’re attracted to.

No. 440865

File: 1729963381864.jpg (70.8 KB, 736x723, kddjehsjehehw.jpg)

fuck my socially retarded ass i wish i was a normie stacy.

No. 440869

I love the vibe of this picture.

No. 440871

god bjork is peak qt

No. 440873

File: 1729965420108.jpg (16.56 KB, 256x256, mfwnogf.jpg)

i love it too its why i chose it i hope to experience this someday in the future, thinking of it makes me feel so lonely right now kek

No. 440875

True but looks already seem to matter in female friendships and this seems to be like 10x more of a thing when I’m friends with lesbian and bi women.

No. 440924

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does anybody else feel extremely disconnected from people of both sides of the political spectrum and just consider themselves politically homeless? leftoids push the "sexuality is fluid" slop while conservashits love religionfaggotry and think that lesbians are simply mentally ill. I hate them both. I already feel like I need to be on high guard all of the time with these retards but post-pandemic it feels even worse

No. 440926

Not really. I used to be one of those "centrists with no political home" but after I saw the amount of misogyny and homophobia right wing brainrot is enabling I'm willing to go as far left as possible to preserve my rights. My family has eaten up all the conservatoid propaganda to the point most of them have turned racist and think homosexuals are sick woke virus spreaders despite being fairly moderate in their views before. Being concerned about trannies feels like such a small problem now in the grand scheme of things where we're teetering on a third world war, the economy and climate are being ruined by billionaires and female reproductive rights and the human rights for sexual minorities are getting heavy-handedly rolled back.

No. 440928

AYRT and I side with the left on most issues, I just hate how vile they are towards lesbians. I'm no single issue voter and hate rightoids more than leftoids but I can never feel fully in-tuned with any leftist cause because they value everyone over lesbians. It wasn't even this bad before the pandemic either. I'd rather hang with actual radical feminists and do my political action with them than other left-leaning people. I do agree with you though, conservacucks can go to hell

No. 440938

It's just how things are, I guess. As a butch I don't feel at home at lesbian spaces either regardless of political alignment since they're very in tune with femininity and fully subscribe to the rhetoric that being attracted to masculinity equals being attracted to men, and this is including my experiences in the radfem spaces. I don't think we ever fully recovered from the damage political lesbianism did to us decades ago before getting batted by gendershit again which makes the entire scene so clustered, but I'm simply at the point where I'm willing to deal with the "sexuality is fluid!!11" bullshit to prevent my baseline legal human rights being revoked.

No. 440946

Seriously, I actually reported the post you linked too because I thought it was a scrote kek. If I heard a woman talking this way about herself I'd just assume she was nitpicking me in her mind as well.
Girl STAND UP oh my god

No. 440974

>bishit dumps me
>I ask why
>”our love just doesn’t feel… real? you know? i cant love you and you cant love me as much as a m*n can.”
What the actual FUCK did she mean by this?

No. 440975

File: 1730007236654.jpg (104.98 KB, 736x981, 26d41bc272cf62ec83594ece36c8ab…)

Dude that sucks so bad, actually something similar happened to me before but she didn't say it to my face. just give her a big fuck you. that's so fucked up, worst feeling ever. especially when you're attached

No. 441004

Just don’t even think about it, not worth the headspace.

No. 441034

i keep having recurring dreams about some women ive never met in my life, dont get my hopes up like this.

No. 441052

Yeah. I hate conservatives with every fiber of my being, but even if leftism is correct on paper I cannot stand most leftists because of how revolting they are to lesbians, even a lot of radfems. Right-leaning LGB people are too obsessed with trying to LARP as straight and being "one of the good ones" too.

>I don't think we ever fully recovered from the damage political lesbianism did to us decades ago before getting batted by gendershit again which makes the entire scene so clustered, but I'm simply at the point where I'm willing to deal with the "sexuality is fluid!!11" bullshit to prevent my baseline legal human rights being revoked.
Exactly. They're not leftist but I still grit my teeth and vote Democrat because I don't want things to get worse under Republicans.

No. 441071

File: 1730048313651.jpg (119.64 KB, 680x760, morikei.jpg)

samefag to answer my own question i tend to be attracted to women who dress in a fashion that isnt the "norm". i was walking in lidl the other day and saw this very cute girl who was dressed in mori kei(?) i think, she had really pretty brown curls and big brown eyes. i wish i atleast said hi ugh

No. 441076

I agree nonna and to top it off I feel disconnected from the LGBT as a whole too, we literally have only ourselves.

No. 441082

This is exactly my type too, I prefer when they're more femme or androgynous but a unique style and the confidence in wearing it is extremely attractive to me

No. 441088

That was me!

No. 441166

File: 1730078461428.gif (26.69 KB, 220x220, 1000004198.gif)

>at some paint and sip art class full of cute women
>hot gym butch sits next to me
>we get drunk and start talking about anime, and I learn she's an autistic lesbian and her special interest animation
>"what's your special interest, nonnie?"
>autism activated
>I explain my obsession with 9/11, how it started, my theories, my fun facts, everything 9/11 that I can think of
>I'm drunk and autistic so I didn't realize how uncomfortable she looked or her trying to change the subject
>she starts shaking
>"what's wrong, are you okay?"
>her super abusive stepdad was a 9/11 conspiracy theorist and my rant reminded her of him
>she leaves crying
>mfw I blew my chance with this girl because of my 9/11 sperging

No. 441181

brutal read

No. 441188

Conspiracy theories isn't an special interest it's called being retarded kek.

No. 441191

One time I scared a girl off after having literally two drinks and sperging about my personal cow going into much greater detail than a normal person would ever care to know by cyberstalking a stranger

No. 441197

it's her loss nona

No. 441200

I can definitely see a world where I try to put myself out there and wind up doing this but just with the medical case studies I read about or have seen documentaries on. I have this one case about a man who started growing barnacles inside of his hand on his tendons after they got in through a cut while he was fishing and there's no medicinal treatment for it so they had to open his hand up and manually scrape all the barnacles off his tendons as best as possible. No one likes it when I tell them this story even though it's so fascinating. They always stop me at the part about the barnacles growing in his hand and I never get to the treatment part or the science of why they can survive in your body.

Also, I would have been interested in your 9/11 sperging.
Maybe this is a sign I have ass burgers. Anons, do I have autism?

No. 441204

aw nona, i too am an autistic lesbian who has a special interest in 9/11. did you go to this paint and sip alone or with friends? i’m thinking of doing one but no one i know wants to go.

No. 441209

this sounds obviously fake

No. 441243

I’m interested in lesbian 9/11 conspiracy theories group

No. 441267

since we’re doing greentext situations
>best friend of about 1 and a half years, were only online friends until recently
>really close even for the time we’ve known each other, she’s a weeby autist just like me, genuinely my dearest friend
>weekend, sleepover like usual, just got done playing some games and i shower first and get out
>since i left the door slightly open, i hear her say my name
>realise she’s masturbating
>run back to the bathroom, stay there for 10 minutes until i think she’s finished
>may have rubbed my clit to the sounds she was making before i did that though
>come back to her room
>pretend nothing happened
>adrenaline heart beating fast in true virgin fashion
i can’t believe people actually masturbate out loud like that kek it almost makes me think she wanted me to hear? because why? oh and also the kicker
>is in a relationship
i don’t know how to stay rational in this situation. i’ve been having terrible thoughts because of this. first of all, i had completely suppressed my attraction to her for several reasons i won’t get into because anons will just laugh at the shitshow i’m in since it’s hilarious, but i’m embarrassed. but also she’s been doing weird, out-of-line things lately that i thought i was just being paranoid about like:
>hiding pieces of my clothing so i leave them at her house
>seemingly trying to take upskirt shots of me??
WHICH i might be wrong about tbf. again i have really mixed feelings that are preventing me from being able to view the situation impartially. when i thought she was trying to sneak pictures of me i was kind of turned on but also i think she’s been being underhanded in some ways (always casually telling me i should wear a skirt/shorts in a way that’s innocent enough on it’s own but if it’s for her own purposes i should objectively be looking at her like a creep).
sorry if this is meant for relationship advice but i don’t like that thread so

No. 441268

All I have to say is that I'm burning with jealousy.

No. 441269

She sounds like she’s trying to literally enact fanfiction tropes on you in hopes it leads to a fanfiction happy ending. The masturbation calling your name thing while you’re right there is so unhinged I’m not even sure if I believe you’re not just making up a story.

No. 441273

>in a relationship
Is she a lesbian too? Or…

No. 441280

If she has a gf then shame on you for cucking some poor dyke. If she has a bf then godspeed but beware of STDs.

No. 441285

See this is the thing right - the whole reason I shut down any feelings for her (other than self-esteem problems) is because she’s a TIF with a weird complex situation with her sexuality. I swear she’s not as bad as she sounds and up til now has been awesome otherwise, she doesn’t poison herself with T or anything she just doesn’t want to be called a woman, and I have a feeling her sexual abuse as a child has to do with her gender dysphoria. Basically she’s a “straight transguy” who only dates women but is a fujo (for anime and live action men). I kind of assumed she wasn’t reaaally interested in women and just larping a bit even though I know she masturbates to her waifus too. But the primary thing isn’t that, it’s the fact I’m openly lesbian. I’m… not allowed to like her? Since I’m undercover gender critical we’ve had a funny conversation about whether or not I feel anything for “transmascs” and I basically lied. Tbh at the time she straight up asked if I feel any sexual attraction to her and I was all “Mmm you’d be my type if you were a girl I guess” KEK
Yeah no, not a dyke I’d be cucking but still a woman. I’m kind of gloating since we don’t really get along I was kind of territorial before they started dating ngl but she’s still quite sweet and has been friends with all of their friend group for way longer too so…

No. 441291

If the gf is a bishit then who cares tbh, she’s going to be onto the next dick quick enough anyway.

No. 441296

Don't do it anon… I feel like she's going to sing a different tune when she's less horny and constantly lowkey neg you about IDing as lesbian when she's a true and honest man!!1!1one!1 Not even accounting for the fact that she's in a relationship and should know better to try to seduce you into coming onto her, for what looks like plausible deniability for later. Even if you actually manage to get together with her and she decides to ruin her current relationship (and friendship with the other woman and all her friends) for you, what's stopping her from pulling the same stunt with someone else? Troons have a weak sense of identity and most of them trendhop regularly. I don't see a good ending for this even if she wasn't begendered.

No. 441298

>only dates women but is a fujo who lusts after anime and live action men
Kek as soon as she is mentally ill enough to go on T, her sex drive will do a 180 and will start chasing dick. Mark my words.

No. 441302

You’re seriously encouraging someone to knowingly help someone cheat on their gf just because the gf is bi? Unhinged

No. 441307

Yes. Cucking bisluts is based. Ideally every bislut with a gf would get cucked out of the relationship, bisexual women need to stay with males and keep their STD pussies and BPD antics out of the lesbian dating pool.(bait)

No. 441311

Ntayrt but you're right, it would be more based for anon to cuck this fanfic-LARP fujo AAP tiffany and seduce the other woman.

No. 441312

some of you have really ugly personalities you know(infight bait)

No. 441316

you have really sexually violent fantasies about other women and like to use sexuality to humiliate and hurt others, huh?(infighting)

No. 441318

tell me, what's the difference between you and common sex pest? because that's what you are. a sex pest who obviously has sick views of sexuality because it seems to be your go to weapon against others.

No. 441322

it's not guilt-tripping, it's the truth you fucking pervert. you could call me a retard, you could call me an idiot, you could call me jobless fat ass neet bpd bone rattler autist moron but you don't, you go straight to sexual insults because to you sex is a tool to hurt others. you view sex as dirty, you view sex as a way of humiliation, you are pathetic and porn brained and you will never make love. you are broken that way.

No. 441323

Go be mad in the bislut thread or better yet, hide this thread since seeing what lesbians think makes you so upset. There’s literally not even a good reason for you to ever even read this thread, it’s not for you. And if you followed that rule, your feelings wouldn’t get hurt. Shoo.

No. 441324

it's not about sexual orientation, it's about you all being rapist minded weirdos.

No. 441326

So do you have actual autism because it's seeming that way

No. 441327

might have but better be autistic than sexually violent freak.

No. 441328

calling women cunts, using sex as a tool to hurt others is sex pest behavior. it's rapist shit. that's what makes you all ugly.

No. 441329

Obvious scrote, ignore it.

No. 441333

>calling lesbians sex pests and rapists
real original. And you wonder why we hate you? Go cry to your nigel and stop shitting up the thread.

No. 441336

oh please shut the fuck up with that martyrdom. i have no reason to be ashamed of being against sexually violent language.

No. 441338

like it or not i belong to this thread and i have the moral high ground. you think you are being clever with trivializing rape but you are just being a perverted weirdo.

No. 441339

don’t know what this infight is going on about but
>she’ll neg you
>just pump and dump
My answer to both of these is that it’s hard to explain how close/special our relationship is that I can’t imagine either of these situations happening.
She is very accommodating to me and anything I think/feel. I can’t imagine her being unkind to me for actually being attracted to her and even during that conversation some months ago she explained she kind of understands lesbians being attracted to “transmen” logically (though she said she thinks some of them on hormones pass and that makes them just bi). Like I said I genuinely think her gendieshit is reactionary and she’s generally quite rational when it comes to most things, but has some “”triggers”” mostly about how she’s perceived.
And being so close makes me unable to just use her for sex and leave. She’s very dear to me, there are just some friendships you know you’ll never be able to replace, you know? I want to know her for years to come.
This whole thing is scary to me because it’s so out of nowhere and could make things change. I have really bad executive control and I don’t know if I’d do something stupid. I think it’s obvious when I’m horny. After the thing happened I felt so weird. I saw her briefly earlier today and felt weird and couldn’t concentrate. I avoided talking to her while in bed like we usually do that night and idk how I’m going to deal the next time I sleep over.
Yeah in my head she’s in the “most likely bi”, category not lesbian. She thinks T would make her look ugly and not pretty so I doubt she’ll go on it though.
Kek I don’t know how serious this is but I’d never hurt her like this plus she’s hotter and has a niche following of simps on a social media platform she would totally publicly cancel me on if we turned on each other. No thanks.

No. 441341

like are you all really not fed up with how ugly language is about sexuality. are you not fed up how negative it is all the time. as a lesbian i personally would love to see sexuality viewed as something nice and beautiful, something that is rarely granted for homosexual women especially, but no, always some weird sexually sick shit going on. don't you all get tired.

No. 441342

once again you resort to nothing else than e-sexual harassment.

No. 441343

You… you don’t honestly think we’re going to believe your claim of being a lesbian right. You, who just derailed the entire thread in courageous defense of bisluts?

No. 441346

my sexuality is not depended on how you view it. you personally have a tunnel vision and do not actually reply to what i am saying, but imaginary things you make up in your head.

No. 441347

Is this you in the pic >>440439

No. 441348

why does sexuality being nice and beautiful translate as non-sexuality to you? that tells more about your mindset than mine.

No. 441349

>e-sexual harassment
Just log off nigga

No. 441350

Kek right I have no part or opinion in this conversation but I was just thinking she sounds like the same kind of twitter asexual aromantic lesbian who defends “transfemmes” and things lesbian sex is holding hands like that comic kekk

No. 441352

same to you. why does sexuality being nice and beautiful mean non-sexuality to you? is violence needed for lust in your mind? is sexuality inherently ugly?

No. 441353

Why can't lesbians be sexually nasty? In fact most are because women tend to be a lot into BDSM coomshit.

No. 441354

Ayrt, what exactly is the “violence” you’re referring to…?

No. 441356

Encouraging anons to make a bislut TiF cheat on another bislut is high impact sexual violence. Also calling them bisluts. It equals literal rape.

No. 441357

Correctly stating that bisluts are riddled with STDs. Facts are violence now.

No. 441358

File: 1730147796410.webp (36.38 KB, 750x814, IMG_7949.webp)

>Just pump and dump
We gotta stop talking like we got dicks lolol

No. 441359

What’s so funny about this is that bisluts can’t feel actual love for women anyway, ( see >>440974) so even if anon did break them up they’d get over it in like a day. Anon is being offended for no reason.

No. 441360

who says nastiness can't be part of the beauty? once again, it is your personal problem if you think sexuality being nice and beautiful = non-sexuality stripped of all lust, hand holding, etc. you do not actually understand the conversation i am having here. you are being willingly stupid.

the exact shit displayed in this thread for example; calling women sexually violent names, writing weird fantasies about other people's gonorrhea crotches, etc, just being as disgusting as possible about sex and sexuality as a way to humiliate others. this kind of language is a reflection of the person, it is a reflection of the culture as a whole. words on the screen are part of the bigger environment, and nowadays, sex is violent, it is ugly, it is pornified. none of you are being edgy or clever. you are just a display of the porn riddled culture we live in. sad.

No. 441362

Why do so many of you here have a 9/11 special interest? I’d like to hear you all sperg

No. 441363

why do you talk like middle aged podcast haver.

No. 441364

sometimes it really feels like i’m the only dyke on earth. why does every “lesbian” i come across have an exception?

No. 441365

I don't even watch porn, it's just common sense that if you fuck a scrote you gonna have an ugly ass STD ridden pussy, and it's also just biology because scrotes rarely get bad STD symptoms on their genitals since they need their dicks to pass it on.

No. 441366

Bisluts, again. Literally all our problems are because of bisluts. Hell, even this thread being derailed right now? Cause of a fucking bislut.

No. 441367

>why does every “lesbian” i come across have an exception?
If you’re a zoomer talking to another zoomer it’s because of the pandemic. Everyone was chronically online and a bunch of teenagers read the masterdoc to cure their boredom. it has done massive harm to the community. I expect the trend to fizzle out eventually soon though

No. 441368

Lesbians are less than 1% of the female population. If you find a SSA woman in the wild there is a very high chance she's bisexual. Also unfortunately on the internet lesbian has become a subculture rather than a word to describe a sexual orientation so you just have fakebians everywhere. At least fakebians in the past were at the very least somewhat bisexual or partywhore bisexuals, now they're just spicy hets that wouldn't touch a pussy with a ten foot pole.

No. 441369

and yet you let the porn culture shit seep through your words. sorry but your brain is ruined. the way you talk about others could be quoted for pornhub titles.

No. 441371

Mods need to rename this thread to the Bisexual Obsession Thread.

No. 441372

Sounds like you're the porn damaged one if you know about Pornhub titles lmao.

No. 441373

Mods need to ban anyone sperging at lesbian sexuality in the lesbian thread. Go bitch cry and moan in the bisexual thread. I don't know why they have to do it here. Fuck off. Go back.

No. 441374

that was weak and you know it too kek

No. 441375

constantly sperging about bisexual women is a part of lesbian sexuality?

No. 441376

Maybe when anons actually talk about lesbians in the lesbian thread for once.

No. 441378

It's funny how bisexuals will excuse scrotes being actual literal pedo rapists and would never say anything if it was their Nigel but as soon as it's a woman then it's moralfagging time calling lesbians literally the Hitler of rapists for the most minor stupid shit ever. This is why no one likes you, you're all massive handmaidens. If you only SIMPed women the same way you do men no one would have a problem but you reserve that special treatment just for scrotes. Seriously hope you all die of AIDS.(a-logging)

No. 441380

wtf are you talking about

No. 441381

sorry you got called out for your sex pest language and are ashamed about it because you know i am right.

No. 441383

I’m sorry but how did my search for advice for my retarded situation end up with this? Sperging about bisluts vs literally comparing calling them that to rape kek. Do we need another rule or what? Genuinely, this happens too often.

No. 441384

you are a liar. no one objected you not liking bi women or whatever your obsession with them is. i objected against sex pest language and calling women cunts. but you gotta shield your ego with acting like a little victim that is unfairly persecuted against for not liking bi women or whatever even if you know that's not what this conversation was about.

No. 441387

Bislut hands typed this post(bait)

No. 441388

>i objected against sex pest language and calling women cunts.
Why are you so hellbent on policing lesbian women's language. Go back to twatter if your feefees are hurt.

No. 441390

Because bishits love to come in here and get triggered when they're confronted with the reality of how lesbian women really see them. Just look at their recent discussion right now in their thread crying about a post an anon made about being heartbroken by a bishit.

No. 441393

ywnbam tiffany
i mean bi’s are bound to come up in any conversation revolving SSA because lots of lesbians end up dating bi’s. don’t be gagged when there’s women with shit experiences with them. Obviously there’s people with personality disorders in this thread. but after the pandemic you can’t say certain parts of our community haven’t been shat up by bis and fake gays(scrotefoiling)

No. 441394

>ywnbam tiffany
Says the retard posting a meme comparing a strap to a dick. Your AAP is showing(scrotefoiling)

No. 441395

What are you talking about? I’m not part of this infight, I’m the anon with the TIF best friend. Stop being schizo.

No. 441396

i was clearing out old chats and came across a massive fanfic paragraph an old online friend made to me years ago and it just basically details how she killed me in her story in a really gruesome way with strange sexual undertones, damn i miss her

No. 441399

>I can’t imagine her being unkind to me for actually being attracted to her
>has a niche following of simps on a social media platform she would totally publicly cancel me on
I was two of those anons. Ok sorry yeah, I was joking when I said to woo the other woman. But if she's the type who'd do callout shit and set strangers on you, I think there's your answer. Not that cheating doesn't deserve social consequence, but it's one thing to tell shared public spheres and another to set total strangers as sexually-motivated (for her, as they're simps) attack dogs.
Also, sure, maybe she won't get nasty about you being attracted to her but with her defensive/reactionary gendie-ism, she might end up associating your sexuality with her own baggage of being perceived as a woman. And there's imo a lot more wiggle room than you might think for her to complain that you're not perceiving her correctly, which triggers her dysphoria, and maybe you're being kind of -phobic like some TER- sorry, lesbians - are, and her previous girlfriend didn't do this, etc. She's far from the first person where troonshit rotted their brains and flipped a personality switch when it comes down to it.
There's just so much potential damage here and it's not fair that she's trying to rope you into her mess at risk of your friendship just because she's horny. She should at least have the decency to break up with her girlfriend instead of trying to set up a fanfic-seductive real-life-creepy scenario. Judging as an uninvolved 3rd party, she's being selfish, impulsive, and willing to make collateral damage out of other people. Don't do it, nonny.

No. 441402

This. They like to spy on all our shit and insert themselves into our communities and then when they hear what lesbians really think of them they start shitting themselves all over the place. The fact of the matter is there is no well adjusted lesbian who would ever date or marry a bisexual. I have literally never heard of a lesbian and bisexual couple that worked out. Never. Not even once. We are not compatible because one side loves women and the other side thinks boobs are hot or whatever but in the end is addicted to penis and unable to form real attachments to anyone without one. Bisluts are for ONS at best and even then, as other anons pointed out, it’s a risk because of their STDs.

No. 441407

For the record she’s not exactly the type to do that - I guess I’m saying it’s just another reason why I wouldn’t sleep with her gf kek, and tbf I don’t think that’s something crazy to do if you’re no longer friends with someone and they slept with your partner anyway.
As for the situation, yeah… I’m not exactly one to make a move regardless. I have no sexual experience and like I said there’s a lot about this that scares me since I value our friendship. My problem was never whether or not I should sleep with her and moreso what to like… do? Because how do I move forward? Just try to forget about it? Do I confront her at all or…
>Judging as an uninvolved 3rd party, she's being selfish, impulsive, and willing to make collateral damage out of other people.
Well, yes… And I do think I need a 3rd party to properly judge this. It kind of hurts to hear her described that way though, I know you only know about her from this situation but she’s a really good friend to me. It’s not like I think less of her for any of this, at all, at worst it’s amusing, but maybe I have fucked moral standards

No. 441409

i love when my gf touches me, her hands are so soft

No. 441414

>I don’t think that’s something crazy to do if you’re no longer friends with someone and they slept with your partner anyway
I mean I can get why someone might do it, but the scenario you described is so extreme to me in another way. It's like:
>broastcasting my moments of humiliation and deep pain to the world is an acceptable price to hurt people
>my simps go after my ex and ex-gf only because they want to fuck me instead
>friends see how I set strangers on two people I previously were very close to
>despite the severity of their wrongs, people will think twice about getting close with me in the future because I've shown I'm willing to make and use a personal army
People with dignity don't do stuff like that imo.
But yeah personally I would ignore it and reframe it as funny. She wanted to fuck you so bad she looked fucking stupid kek. She was willing to throw away her morals for a hot second. Hopefully she got hit with post-nut clarity after that stunt and never repeats it again.
>she’s a really good friend to me. It’s not like I think less of her for any of this, at all, at worst it’s amusing, but maybe I have fucked moral standards
No, I think your response here is the answer. Many people make good friends but terrible lovers. Personally I would say keep this incident in mind though, if she ever breaks up with her girlfriend and tries again. Whatever happened here might happen again if you two ever get together, and the other person might be too stupid and impulsive to assess the situation like you did.

No. 441423

I agree with the nona saying she's trying to enact fanfiction tropes on you. She comes off as kind of autistic

No. 441431

Ouch. I was hoping this would be funny until the end. My interests were never "red flag" like that but 9/11 affected my childhood a lot so I'm curious why it'd be a special interest in the first place.

No. 441434

I'm nta but I can get why people get highly interested in 9/11. It was an unprecedented large-scale disaster, a murder of thousands of people, and it's affected world politics ever since. There's a ton of media and literature to go through on the subject. Inside job spergs can be absolutely tactless about it though.

No. 441437

Maybe if nonas starting posting tits in here the fighting could end

No. 441445

Nonnies, I need help decoding a situation I'm having with a woman I went on a date with. We kissed a couple of times on the first meet but after that I thought she'd ghosted me and wasn't interested because she didn't message me for a week. But now she's messaged me back saying she was just busy and would be interested in my suggestion of meeting again with the potential of hooking up. Is this mixed messages or am I just very autistic?

No. 441448

you should post yours i'll post mine after that i promise

No. 441449

She’s trying to establish an FWB relationship with you. She clearly doesn’t romantically care about you but is physically attracted to you.

No. 441454

Is attraction to same-sex pheromones a key indicator of whether someone is truly homosexual or not? For example if you’d smell the sweat of another woman and your first emotion is disgust does that mean you’re actually not a lesbian? And vice versa?

No. 441457

>same-sex pheromones
>key indicator
>truly homosexual
Are you trying to get your pussy ate or doing research in the mating habits of a new species in the Amazon rainforest?

No. 441468

one person is not a big enough sample size to accurately gauge attraction to an entire sex

No. 441469

what about two people

No. 441481

No, I’m just curious as to how big of a factor pheromones play in attraction. I was in a heated discussion the other day with my brother because he was adamant that if I was truly a lesbian I wouldn’t complain about the female locker room in our local gym being smelly. He went into some sort of pseudoscience about how humans are attracted to the smell of sweat from the opposite sex, and how most heterom*ids love women’s BO.

I initially disagreed entirely but after researching a little bit more I found out that we do indeed release pheromones that are supposed to attract the opposite sex. And if that’s the case then my brother probably had a point about people who are homosexual being attracted to pheromones being released by the same sex. Idk was he right or am I just looking too deep into this shit??

No. 441483

Really? That's more positive than what I was assuming which was she isn't interested in me and might be weirded out by me. I got a little drunk when we first met but made it clear I'd be down to at least hook up, it does seem strange for her to keep messaging me knowing that.

No. 441488

>a key indicator
It could be one of those, but it's not the end all be all
>if you’d smell the sweat of another woman and your first emotion is disgust
Some people just stink like shit. Also, many factors influence a person's smell and sweat, like the foods they've eaten recently, any medication, hormones.
>does that mean you’re actually not a lesbian?
I know it's not your point but how would bi people even factor in this tentative theory of yours? Disgust at both sexes?
There's some merit to pheromones and how they're transmitted by scent and how humans pick up on it. But your brother took that one thing and ran with it to oblivion. It's stupid. Come on. It's like when people learn the 'monkeys and humans are related in the vast sphere of the animal kingdom' and come up with 'did you know Big Science is trying to tell us that humans are descended from monkeys?'

No. 441489

He's right about the pheromones but if you're not willing to have sex with the other women right at the moment and just wanna get in and out, it's not really significant that the smell bothers you. sometimes bitches just stank!!!
>For example if you’d smell the sweat of another woman and your first emotion is disgust does that mean you’re actually not a lesbian? And vice versa?
as I said earlier I like it when women are sweaty but homosexuality is much more complicated than pheromones although they are an aspect of it. As long as you know you're exclusively same-sex attracted you're gay. Don't worry about that silly stuff, you're only not a lesbian if you're not a homo.

No. 441490

also samefag but it's like 3am for me so some stuff is probably worded wrong… but my point is, don't try to psychoanalyze yourself so much. if you're confident in your sexuality, there really isn't any need for any of that stuff.

No. 441495

Sorry for butting in as a hetero, but I would like to weight in because I'm autistically interested in pheromones. The way a guy smells is probably the most important factor in whether I'm attracted to him. That doesn't mean all moids smell good to me. 98% of moids smell bad or off putting, but once you connect with that special moid whos odor is compatible, attraction is off the charts. I would expect it to work similarly for other sexualities. Perception of how someone smells can also change depending how you're feeling about them, particularly for women. I've experienced this on several ocassions. There's some research suggesting women become annoyed by their partner's smell before they file for divorce for instance. I think body odor is a very interesting and overlooked part in attraction and social behaviour.(This post does not pass the bechdel test)

No. 441555

Does this retard think most straight women like the smell of a gross locker rooms? Kek. Yeah right. Humans emit different chemicals based on sex but “pheromones” don’t really exist in the same way for us. It’s arguable if they even exist at all, seeing as we don’t have receptors for them.

No. 441563

No offense but I don't trust your self reporting about how smell is the most important factor in your own attraction, in much the same way that I don't trust people who swear that astrology is real because it always works for them or any other superstition. You have a hypothesis and that's going to affect how you interpret your life and interactions. Similarly, like,
>after researching a little bit more I found out that we do indeed release pheromones that are supposed to attract the opposite sex
Can you link me to the things that tipped you in the direction of confidently asserting this? Because I'm ready to be proven wrong but I'm pretty sure the scientific consensus is that they might exist but we haven't identified them and reducing the social phenomenon of attraction to signaling molecules is a silly game to play for a lot of reasons.
Full disclosure, typing this all when I personally loved the way the only ex girlfriend I've lived with used to smell. I just think this is way oversimplifying a lot of things.

No. 441575

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as if the state of lesbian books wasn’t bad already

No. 441578

that "butch" looks pathetic

No. 441579

i was ok with it until the
>trans bi heroine
who asked for this ??

No. 441581

Sorry but you all stupid fucks fell for pseudoscience. There is zero evidence that humans actually produce pheromones. Arguing about homosexuality on terms of something that doesn't even exist in people is absolute mental retardation.

No. 441586

whats your experiences with dating apps? ive been thinking about it but im nervous lol

No. 441679

It all started coming together for me when anon said her brother mentioned it. men see women as subhumans with unrespectable animal motivations and only apply that sort of biological explanation to their own behavior to claim consciously predatorial behavior like rape or pedophilia is just natural. Nobody is more obnoxious than a moid who incorrectly uses a scientific sounding word and thinks that makes him a rational thinker just like his idol ben shapiro or whoever and these people don't deserve to be taken seriously or rebutted.

No. 441697

I love pseudoscience. I believe in astrology
True my guess is that the scrote was probably just trying to debatelord her sexuality or some shit. They all act like this on xitter, annoying as fuck

No. 441700

Straight romance, so groundbreaking

No. 441705

Who the fuck even wants to read about labor organizing? How is that something they consciously chose to market about the book? There's no way in hell homos actually read this stuff. I can only guess this attracts spicy straights/bihets for the sole purpose of posting about whatever BIPOC sapphic representation garbage they're reading on Tiktok to show how woke they are.

No. 441715

Anyone have any actually good lesbian book recs?

No. 441718

There have been studies that show straight men and lesbians respond positively to female scent, and respond negatively to male scent. Maybe it's not fully proven, but there is something to it. I find the smell of males off putting, but I love the smell of women, including sweat.
>The team gave 12 lesbians a sniff of AND and EST and used positron emission tomography to measure blood flow in their brains. They then compared these results to those obtained from their previous studies on heterosexual men and women.
Much like heterosexual men, lesbians responded to EST but not AND.
It's not perfect research, but it's not completely unfounded. I like hearing about research on lesbians.

No. 441720

Those aren’t pheromones though, they’re just chemicals.
I do think there’s truth to this but I somewhat think it’s learned; aka people learn to associate some scents with characteristics subconsciously, whether it be gender or other characteristics (eg fat people smell, old people smell) then connect the smell with the appearance.

No. 441756

just do it there's nothing for you to lose what are you afraid of? dating apps are good for hook ups imo, finding a gf not so much.

No. 441760

I’m afraid of STDs.
Also on the topic of STDs, is it even possible for us to get them? I can’t imagine catching anything if I don’t go down or trib with another woman.

No. 441762

You'll only catch STDs if you sleep with bishits.(bait)

No. 441766

I think it’s possible but the odds of actually catching something are pretty remote

No. 441776

Oral herpes from kissing is very common, but those are just cold sores anyways.

No. 441777

Cold sores are literally herpes just with a different name. If you have cold sores you have herpes. it’s like saying I don’t smoke weed I smoke marijuana

No. 441778

>sister identifies as non-binary, lesbian, and complete with dyed hair
>gets into an argument with our mom due to the idea that homos would receive less hate if they acted "normal"
>decide to take my mom’s side
>sister calls me a bootlicker during it because I’m offended by kink at pride

It’s been a month since and the incident plagues my mind. Now I need to know how to stop myself from bending down to scrote’s words. Tips?

No. 441789

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No. 441802

>gets into an argument with our mom due to the idea that homos would receive less hate if they acted "normal"
She's right. Even if all the gays looked like "normal people" they would still be discriminated against and hated, especially because the really out there degenerate kinksters are spicy straight or hypersexual bihets, practically anything but homosexual. The "if them LGBT folks just behaved like regular people I would have no problem!" thing is pushing the envelope, these people believe that even mentioning your same sex partner in passing discussion is "rubbing it in their faces" because anyone who really doesn't have a problem with gay people would realize that the kind of fearmongering cherrypicked shit you see conservatives posting about pride festivals are an anomaly and explicit behavior would absolutely be much less of an issue if it was heterosexual. And I'm saying this as someone who fully passes as a "normie".

No. 441820

Anything by Sarah Waters. Books are older now but they’re written really well. Don’t expect a lot of smut, they’re more historical lesbian romance novels.

No. 441917

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What are your favorite lesbian movies/series?

No. 441974

I quit watching at season five or six but I really liked piper and Alex in orange is the new black

No. 442008

having the same taste in women as imageboard scrotes makes me want to KILL MYSELF. i know it makes sense since i’m their counterpart but i just went through one of their tiktok posting threads and found my irl that i have a crush on. i want to murder the entire fucking world. i want to doxx them and put a bounty up for them on the dark web.

No. 442038

Anybody else got the irritable urge to just shout “I LOVE BOOBS” in the middle of the streets?

No. 442044

no cause i'm not a cringe retard

No. 442046

but… I just fucking love boobies so much……
one day theyll fine me suffocated to death, with my lover’s boob in my mouth and nose

No. 442047

You will be a cringe retard and you will like it.

No. 442049

on endchan ? i'm sorry nonnie

No. 442177

yep. i thought she was safe since she’s somewhat GNC but turns out they like tomboys too. went through the 5 stages of grief last night

No. 442181

going on [REDECATED] IBs to look at girls is basically cucking yourself anyways. I'd rather go about my day knowing I'm better than them than try to get on their level knowing they coom on there to those girls I like. This is why I only share my tastes to other women, and have their tastes shared to me. redacteds are so gross

No. 442199

What imageboards do you guys even frequent nowadays besides LC? I only ever used LC, CC (sometimes) and 4ch (very rarely and mostly just /a/).

No. 442202

Seconding this, she's a very sensual writer. I used to cut my college classes to read her books in my car.

No. 442204

was talking to a girl and it went like this

>"i have dated men before but i'm SSA"

>so…a bisexual?
>"no anon! i'm not bisexual i'm SSA"
>uh okay

and then i changed the topic. what the hell did she mean by this i'm so confused.

No. 442214

They are irrelevant, don't worry about it. Seriously. It has nothing to do with you.

No. 442224

My best guess is that she's a crypto who's a non-goldstar lesbian but says SSA instead for a loophole around troonshit. Or maybe the troons are trying to co-opt the phrase SSA as well and she's some mysterysexual. Or maybe she's questioning between bi and lesbian but know that she definitely wants women. The fourth, most optimistic guess is she's a lesbian and saying she dated transmen before in a most roundabout way to signal it.
Your guess is as good as mine.

No. 442231

Sometimes I get worried that I'll end up psyop-ing myself into those khv wizards who consider real people to be 3dpd, after relying on 2d for a while to feel less romantically lonely. My priorities aren't romance-focused and won't be changing anytime soon, and I barely make enough time to socialize once a week. I don't want to be a bad girlfriend or a lesbian spinster, or one of those late-bloomers who act like high schoolers in their adult relationships. A lot of my straight and bi friends are in serious relationships and I don't want to get left behind and possibly pitied behind my back. I know the answer is 'there's no set milestones blah blah' but I want to be normal. Who cares if I only found out when I'm 16? Who cares if 16 is still considered early for lesbians to realize? Sometimes I think I've made a lot of peace with myself on being female AND homosexual, and then other times I'm so resentful that the conditions in general are so unfavorable right now despite it being relatively the best they've ever been.

No. 442241

Maybe it just means she can say with 100% certainty she is SSA after trying to date men. For a lot of women it isn't normalised to date women immediately, many people take time to accept that they won't be living the life we are raised to expect as children

No. 442256

you’re 16? life hasn’t even begun yet relax

No. 442268

No, I found out I'm lesbian at 16 but I'm in my mid-20s now. That wording was confusing, my bad.

No. 442345

Anyone else ITT just not into oral? I've only slept with one woman but I found giving and receiving oral disappointing, and the smell is too strong. (I did love her scent aside from that, I used to sniff her neck and armpits so much)

No. 442354

Strong vag smells just mean that the person’s having their period, or their PH is extremely unbalanced due to poor diet, or they have a yeast infection, or maybe pheromonona’s brother was right all along kek.

Jokes aside either way, pussy is not supposed to smell horrible. My partner loves fruits and eats like 1kg of them everyday and I swear I could sleep with her vagina in my face.

No. 442355

Pussy is genuinely my favourite smell in the world kek even if it’s strong, so long as it’s not a deeper issue

No. 442357

I'm going to gorge myself on fruits now

No. 442367

I got banned from LC for basically a month. Which method do I use to kill myself?

No. 442369

Fucks that gotta do with eating pussy

No. 442371

Oh I actually do agree with that one anon about not liking it, not because of the scent though I just heard it could give you oral cancer and that scares me

No. 442379

>My partner loves fruits and eats like 1kg of them everyday and I swear I could sleep with her vagina in my face.
WTF you might be onto something because I eat insane amounts of fruits and genuinely not trying to brag but my pussy has always smelled amazing to the point I smell my own panties kek.

No. 442387

Get the multivalent HPV vaccine ASAP and communicate with partners about their sexual history.

No. 442414

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The Watermelon Woman is always kinda cozy to watch. I used to be really into Revolutionary Girl Utena as a young lass and should probably do a rewatch.

No. 442451

The only time I've disliked the smell of someone's pussy was because she had an early case of BV and didn't realize it. Maybe that was the case?

No. 442548

Anyone else here pretty cute funny smart and social but still cant get pussy? I hit on so many women but no one is crazy over me. Its probably becuz i come off too strong and very slightly mentally ill plus i drink a bit. Oh and most women are so straight Wish ladies were more direct like me. I just want a girl to kiss my as tbqh

No. 442554

i’m so glad i’m not in my 20s anymore honestly dating women in your 20s is hell because of how they act. their needy personalities are so unattractive. so glad that i can date my preferred age range now without it being creepy.

No. 442557

I love needy women but I hate them

No. 442568

She put on Jenny by Studio Killers, am I overthinking things?

No. 442571

Put your hand on her thigh, NOW.

No. 442572

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>I hit on so many women but no one is crazy over me.

weirdly enough as soon as i stopped trying at all was when all of a sudden women started acting like they want to give their pussies to me. so if you want to play the game and actually win.. just stop playing

No. 442598

Women never hit on me, what do you look like?

No. 442601

I’m guessing she is butch looking.

No. 442615

I dream about doing this with my BFF

No. 442629

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Nonnies please help me I'm suffering so much. I'm the anon with the friend who I miss and I swore to myself I'd message her this month because I want to invite her to an event that's happening and I thought it was a good conversation opener but now it's the third day and I'm so scared, I can't do it. My hands are shaking so hard just from going to her profile. No I never went to her work, I had a moment of clarity and figured that was psycho. Her art reference posts are all photos of generically attractive men. I overthought this too much, there's no way she wants to hear from me. I need to leave her alone, right? I can't even bring myself to follow her. If she blocks me I'll never get over it.

No. 442642

I hate being horny. I wish I was one of those low libido women.

No. 442649

To what extent is it ok to be honest with homophobes? If I’m honest with my religious family that I can’t think of any man I find attractive when they’re trying to play matchmaker do you think they will see that as some transgression or sin? Or is it only actual homosexuality that will trigger this? They can’t really hold a lack of sexual attraction against me, right?

No. 442653

I don't think any type of super religious people (Christian, Muslim, Jew or Hinduist) has ever cared of women's sexuality. Even a straight woman's sexuality is not really supported or cherished to be part of her faith. They don't want to match you with a husband so you have a fulfilling sexual life with him, they want you to become his baby machine/caretaker because they think that's what a woman should do as an adult. Some people may think your sexual orientation is a sin that you must bear forever, some may think there's really a cure for being a lesbian. Whatever your personal case is, I wish you luck to be able to move out asap.

No. 442660

Thanks. Yeah, they do want me to marry and have children, later though. The oldest generation are the ones that are very religious whereas my father’s generation are casually religious.. But as it is now they seem to be expectant - I’ve struggled with my mental health for a while and they really want me to live and experience things like before they were fixated on whether I was spending time with any friends. But these days they seem to find it odd that I’ve never had a boyfriend and I get the sense that when certain topics come up they’re weirded out by my complete lack of interest in men and inability to answer casual “girl-talk”-y questions from female members. I don’t know if my family (or my reaction to it) is just weird but they are quite gossipy and judgemental so there are never small things that are just skimmed over unfortunately.

No. 442663

trust me you don't. i hate feeling nothing almost all the time it resulted in my last relationship ending. sex felt like a chore even if it was great. i wasn't always like this either and i miss when i was not constantly feeling burnt out on sex.

No. 442692

Why is every fucking lesbian on dating apps a dog person? I’m tired of looking at their pictures with their stupid dogs. Where are the cat people. When I see a dog picture it’s an instant swipe left.

No. 442693

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maybe find another lesbian in the dog hate thread kek
I don't know honestly because I'm always open about my sexuality, I don't really care about the repercussions I guess. I've gotten a lot of shit, so if you don't want shit you could just play it like you don't like anyone kek

No. 442706

You can either walk on eggshells around gossipy people who will give you shit for the rest of your life, or you can put your foot down and stand up for yourself. You're going to skirt around your sexuality and hide yourself forever? What are you going to do when you get a girlfriend?

No. 442712

I’m sorry kek that’s so ironic, the lesbians I know all have cats. I love hanging out because we’re always surrounded by cute cats. They have girlfriends though, maybe most of the cat lesbians in your area are taken. I pray you meet one soon nona

No. 442720


i'm actually somewhat feminine irl tbh, i do think i have the gay aura that tells other women that i like pussy so they just go for it without any hesitation. people always get curious about the one person who just doesn't seem to want anything with anybody, its like a mystery they want to figure out. the times i've spent in my life when i was 'trying' to make something work between me and another person, whether that's a relationship or a friendship, was when it was usually messy and doesn't work out in my favor. you gotta take things one day at a time with people, especially the women you want to be with.

No. 442736

>You can either walk on eggshells around gossipy people who will give you shit for the rest of your life
Many people choose this path. It is not simply cowardice, sometimes coming out is too risky for some people.

No. 442877

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this is not aimed at anyone in particular but i don't like how there's so many rules to lesbianism. i feel like it just makes it so much harder for some lesbians to finally come to terms with their sexuality, or it takes them much longer than necessary in contrast to, say, gay men. like wdym real lesbians look like this or act like this or believe in this political opinion or that? there's retards on other platforms who swear that if a woman doesn't do stereotypical shit like shave a line in the middle of her eyebrow or has a carbiner or endless rings on her fingers that she's not a true and honest lesbian. i wouldn't say i'm not the most feminine woman on earth, but its hard to be super into dressing up gender non-conforming or even feel as interested in butch/masc women like i do with more feminine women. i always felt fake as a lesbian because of that, among other things. but i seriously hate how other groups feel more lax and it seems easier for them to realize their attractions in contrast to the lesbian group and its like… why does it have to be like this?

No. 442885

I blame transbians for this

No. 442897

I find middle age women more attractive than younger women.

No. 442907

It doesn’t have to be like this? The one “rule” is just being a woman who is exclusively into other women. Sorry if this is harsh, but you feeling like a “fake” is a you problem and it can be overcome. If what other people say bothers you so much, you have to learn to ignore it and go on about your day, because all being a lesbian is is being sexually attracted to other women as a woman. Sure, there are cultural aspects of it, but there are many, many lesbians out there who don’t follow any of the “rules” you mentioned and are just going about their days.

No. 442937

I find younger women more attractive than middle aged women.

No. 443070

>grow up in conservative family environment
>get bullied at school for being gay before I even have a chance to figure out my sexuality
>psy-op myself to believe that being gay is a fringe identity despite living in the first world
>join LGBT club at uni thinking I will find ‘my people’ in the community
>only biological females there are too bisexual or roided for me
>notice women in my classes referring to having a gf like it’s no big deal
>realise that homosexuality is so normalized that lesbians just meet women outside of places like of gay bars

Has a similar epiphany happened to any of you?

No. 443077

That’s pretty much exactly my experience too

No. 443087

The media and pop culture has trivialized lesbian relationships so much that it’s almost impossible to find serious lesbians (aka not spicy straights or bishits checking off a SSA experience in their bucket list) in most social settings, even ones specifically catered to LGBTQ+ groups.

No. 443109

I'm more attracted to neither, but I'd choose a 40-something woman over a zoomer.

No. 443157

Are lesbians more comfortable being single than straight/bisexual women ?

No. 443170

Probably? I feel like we’re kind of forced to get used to it earlier on because there are so fewer other lesbians.

No. 443187

I want to come out no matter what people think or how many ostracise me for it. But how do I get over it emotionally? I’m just thinking about how after it happens I’m 90% sure one of parents will never speak to be again, among other people. Just crying thinking about it. I feel like this is getting to me more than others seem to let i? At least from what I see.

No. 443198

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a girl i liked got a gf.

No. 443208

The girl I liked got something worse.

No. 443268

>friend wants me
>feel nothing
>she moves on from it
>I want her

No. 443274

Seems like you just enjoyed the attention you got

No. 443314

No. 443415


No. 443416

I'm so jealous of gay men and the community they have, I browsed r/gaybros out of curosity, no talk about Trump, no troons or troon memes, no infantilizing bullshit or spicy straights present, just a big, active community talking about sex and relationships.
I'm so fucking jealous, why can't we have this?

No. 443435

lesbians refuse to gatekeep

No. 443436

More like lesbian communities get invaded by bisexuals who have absolutely no problem welcoming all the undesirables and they outnumber lesbians so they bully them into silence when they try to gatekeep.

No. 443437

then gatekeep the bisexuals tbh

No. 443442

Bisexuals aren't the issue tho? or at least not the main issue.
On the gaybros community there are lots of bisexuals but they never talk about unless it's relevant information in relation to something.

No. 443443

The bimoids in gay communities are kept in check by the fags, they know they are inferior bislut trash and need to behave if they want gayfaggot attention. In contrast, "bisexuals" in lesbian communities are just pickmes who hate real lesbians in secret.(baiting)

No. 443459

I feel the need to go outside after reading this

No. 443503

I’m not jealous of gay men.
Their community is not very welcoming towards gays who are not your stereotypical white Chad. They are also very promiscuous.

No. 443510

Gay men themselves have been complaining about this since forever.(this post does not pass the bechdel test)

No. 443517

The bisexuals talking about straps in their thread kek. Predictable. If I was dating a woman and she asked to use a strap on me or vice versa I’d dump her on the spot. Pornbrained het nonsense.

No. 443520

I think a good bunch of women are bisexual because they just really like penetration. Most lesbians aren't into it that much.

No. 443523

Tbh as long as the toy isn’t shaped like a gross vainy dick I don’t understand this. Sexuality has nothing to do with the ability to derive pleasure from penetration, I think it must be a mental hangup for a lot of women because although it’s true some women don’t feel much from penetration, there’s no way 99% of lesbians just happen to have that, it makes no statistical sense.
It feels really good done right, tbh I’m kind of sick of having it stereotyped as a bisexual-only thing.

No. 443524

My hypothesis is that if you like penetration a lot you might also find penises attractive, and that makes you bisexual.

No. 443526

If you like boobs you might also be bisexual because fat moids have boobs too

No. 443527

Droopy boobs are not attractive tho.

No. 443528

I don’t think that makes sense tbh because it assumes sexuality develops after realizing whether or not you like internal stimulation, when is bet pretty much all women have a sense of what their sexuality is long before ever trying specific sex acts.

No. 443529

Droopy boobs are super fucking sexy take it back anon. I especially love small droopy boobs idk why they just light up my brain. Maybe it’s because I like older women.

No. 443530

I think bisexuality is a consequence of having a natural high affinity for penetration in SSA women.

No. 443531

Ok well that just doesn’t make much sense to me but alright

No. 443532

Gay male community is pornsick and hypersexual but I envy how they're allowed to have their exclusive bars and spaces, they're allowed to be actually homosexual and talk about liking penis and vaginas are gross without pushback. Not to mention TIFS don't affect them as badly as TIMS do us. Even bisexual fags mostly fuck men so they don't stick out by being there.

No. 443533

How does enjoying stimulus in your vagina (which can also be given via fingers, tongue, etc) mean you like penises? This makes no sense.

No. 443534

Fingers can only reach so deep. I think many women who discover they're bisexual is because they really like penetration. If they didn't have an urge for penetration they wouldn't think about men sexually at all.(this post does not pass the bechdel test)

No. 443537

Anon I love you but this is not how human sexuality works.

No. 443539

Anons, what female musicians/-fronted bands do you like? I want a music recommendations swap and tune into what other lesbians listen to.
I'll go first with their genres and best "sample platter" songs:
>Lights: electropop, Lions!, Stop Thinking
>Casseyette: rock/screamo, Petrichor, Friends in Low Places

No. 443540

this is so retarded

No. 443545

I'm going to chop my tits off now

No. 443547

>Yeule: electronic/glitchpop, 'Pretty Bones', Pixel Affection
>Madonna: pop, Ray of Light, Candy Perfume Girl
Nobody expects me to like Madonna but her Ray of Light album is amazing and so different to her other work
>Scarling: alternative/indie, City Noise, Baby Dracula

No. 443549

Rock: I like In This Moment, The Breeders, and The Pretty Reckless

No. 443551

Or maybe they just like male bodies and penises, not specific sex acts and stimulus in body parts with pleasure zones? This is like saying straight women who only like receiving oral are basically lesbians. You sound so virginal.(this post does not pass the bechdel test)

No. 443552

Ok is it easier to get laid instantly at a lesbian bar or at a lesbian hookup app? I need to get laid ASAP help me

No. 443553

What’s your theory then? There’s gotta be one.

No. 443554

It's bait, or someone too chronically online to understand what women think.
I have normie taste tbh. Mitski, Clairo, and Fiona Apple.

No. 443563

>In This Moment
Based, nonna. There’s something about Maria Brink’s voice even tho she isn’t amazing live, I love how raw she sounds and her backstory inspiring. plus she’s always been a hottie in that 2000s hard rock bimbo style way

No. 443583

I like synthpop-y type music, like Japanese Breakfast and Magdalena Bay.
I think this person has to be baiting, but there are a surprising number of people who conflate enjoying a specific sex act with an actual sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is such a simple concept to grasp I don't understand why so many people treat it like calculus.

No. 443614

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woah careful there, you just made a completely logical and sensical argument! in here we only schizopost about evil bisexuals lurking and poisoning our community with their stinky cock breaths.
Unfortunately we will have to execute you for this misdemeanor! sorry!

No. 443618

I didn't remember that lesbian general had to pass the Bechdel test

No. 443621

A lot of people from the previous thread were suggesting a bechdel test to be added to avoid unnecessary infighting.

No. 443623

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Is going to a meet up with a friend a bad idea? my gay bar is having a small event for lesbians today and a friend asked to go with me so we're going together tonight. While I always have fun at these type of things I'm nervous about the scenario where she really hits it off with someone and I don't so I'm just left awkwardly sitting alone for a couple of hours until it's time to go.

No. 443628

Bisexual hands typed this post.(infighting)

No. 443634

Aaaah I love your picrel so much, Reiju is so peak!!
I think you should go. You said you always have fun at these events, plus there's a friend with you. Ideally, both of you drive there separately, but maybe you two can set a time to check in with each other and see if you want to go? Have a good time tonight nonnie!

No. 443635

Make an effort to chat up women.

No. 443651

Go and talk with the women, nonna! And make sure you have fun!

No. 443654

Guys, I need help. I'm happily engaged to a man I will spend the rest of my life with. However: I am massively into women, always have been. Homoflexible you could say. Partially for this reason I don't have any female friends anymore. I've made out with pretty much all of my female friends in the past. I've been in a relationship with two before meeting him. Now I want to find female friends again but honestly, as soon as I really like a woman I also get into her like…that. What do I do. And how do I find female friends to begin with.(baiting)

No. 443656

Report and ignore the baiting anon

No. 443657

definitely go, but don't plan to sit awkwardly alone! you should probably just casually mention to her that you might bounce early. do your best to mingle and call an uber if she ends up distracted by somebody else and you don't have your own distraction.

No. 443692

Hey lesbians, I need some advice. I met this girl on a dating app and she’s very my type but she’s really awkward (she told me this on our first date), but I don’t know if she’s awkward cause she’s not feeling it or if she’s just like that.
We’ve been talking for a little more than two months now and we went on a first date (I
asked but she paid and she basically took control). I asked her out on a second one but for three weeks now she’s just been saying excuses so I’m not sure. I really like her but I don’t want to feel like I’m forcing her to go out with me and I also don’t want to keep texting someone when I know it’s not going anywhere. What do I do? Should I pull the plug?

No. 443723

For sure stop asking. If she's interested, it's her turn to ask if she's turned you down three weeks in a row.

No. 443744

is "gay face" a real thing or is it just a meme? i do think butch women who were masc their entire life has a certain look to their faces that's hard to miss as well as the more flamboyant gay men, but other than that, that's about it as far as i'm concerned regarding facial features correlating with orientation.

No. 443749

this was discussed a few threads ago kek but a meme imo. there's no consistency to the supposed gay features. people will claim it's women with masculine features and men with feminine features but 90% of the time they don't really look that distinguishable from a straight face. there's plenty of straight people who aren't stereotypically straight looking.

No. 443790

Is coming out worth it if you’re not the relationship having type?

No. 443801

Modern day phrenology

No. 443804

Idk. Probably good if you want to do community stuff but it’s not required. Just do what makes you comfortable.

No. 443817

I think it exists but it’s just the way used muscles tense/relax the face. So it’s an actual vibe and not features. I come across as more stereotypically “masculine” despite having feminine features.
This isn’t everyone though because female-socialised lesbians still make up the majority probably?

No. 443818

Samefagging but straight women definitely cater pretty much everything about themselves to men, perhaps without realising. So even their faces and voices are made to look and sound more demure or non-threatening. Raised eyebrows, widened eyes, excessive smileyness, high expressive pitch and frequent laughter. With other women it can come across as slightly passive-aggressive. But they change so much in a room with men versus a room full of only women or alone with a female friend they’re comfortable with. It’s all a performance.

No. 443835

This behavior is necessary for women to advance in society because you'll be called "intimidating" or a "bitch" otherwise.

No. 443847

In your experience, is it a bit naive for lesbians to have strict standards? A lot of female-focused dating advice goes like "don't settle or compromise your standards/requirements in a partner" but those are also written with het women in mind. Is compromise more realistic as in: she'll have a few traits that grate and annoy the piss out of me, but everything else is alright?
My personal experience is still limited, but all the lesbians and bi women I've met in-person AND online have largely been unattractive to me because they had a combination of any of the below traits:
>too out of my age range
>NEET/has no aspirations
>smells bad
>shit music taste (to me)
>alright in the face but just not attractive to me
>incompatible mental baggage
>inconsiderate/constant victim mentality
Not to say I don't have have issues, but this is before I even consider my own. I'm alright with being single, but I'd also like to experience a romance in this lifetime that isn't a waifu or a weird situationship. Maybe I need to put myself more out there (and I will!) but I just want a second opinion from peer lesbians

No. 443859

So why do straight women act different when men are around versus when they’re not?

No. 443865

Realistically if you NEED a girlfriend you will need to settle. But I think it's better to just be single because settling will always lead to misery down the line. Also I think it's pretty cruel to the other woman, she deserves to be free to find someone that doesn't secretly dislike her, I would kms if I found out my partner thought I was unattractive.

I think the happy medium is to just date casually because flaws are less of an issue if you're not married and stuck with eachother 24/7.

No. 443872


everything on your list i agree with and have them as my standards myself but the last two feels hard for me to place because like.. i definitely have my own mental baggage and its possible that i may come across as having a victim mentality depending on who you ask or if i ever feel comfortable enough with someone that i let down my walls and talk about how i really feel about life and the world at large, you know?

like i don't think i deserve a woman who has pristine perfect mental health because i don't have that and it's not fair for her to take care of me in that regard anyway, but i think of it like this: if you have a standard, you better be that standard yourself. in other words, if you don't have a victim mentality, then of course it makes sense to find a woman who doesn't have it. but if you do, it just seems hypocritical imo.

No. 443875

If music taste is a deal-breaker for you then you probably will be alone for the rest of your life. That kind of thing doesn't matter at all when it comes to meaningful relationships.
Honestly, obesity isn't even a deal-breaker for me anymore as long as she's currently losing weight.
I think you could say "incompatible mental baggage" would be incompatible mental illness as well. I have my own problems, but I could never feel loved by someone with ADHD, for example. I don't want to put up with someone with severe body dysmorphia or an eating disorder because it just feels like somatic narcissism, even though that's probably not true. I'm sure there are people who don't want to put up with my [disorder], either.
Actually, someone with no mental issues is a turn off to me. I don't feel like I could ever be understood by a normie with a fairly good life and no severe depression at any point.

No. 443876

>Shit music taste (to me)
Why on earth is this a dealbreaker kek

No. 443887

are there any butches that are active on this thread? asking for a friend

No. 443895

I dont think butches go on lolcow nonnie..sadly

No. 443907

That's a fair point that I also keep in mind. I want to develop myself into an upstanding character, and the only thing I need to put active conscious effort into maintaining is my mental.
Mental baggage =/= constant victim mentality. I'm trying to keep on the up and up, but some people love to navel gaze into oblivion and take no blame in any situation, you know?
I know it sounds very nit-picky but the last women I started to catch feelings for would only recommend me animeshit and clubslop with nonsensical lyrics that repeated 'cunt' 40 times in 3 minutes. I even like animeshit and clubslop in moderation, but that was all she ever knew.
She was also a gendie. I decided to cauterize my losses.

No. 443918

us girls can dream cant we, a butch for me and a butch for you

No. 443919

File: 1731297028026.jpg (40.46 KB, 507x246, 867867786.jpg)

I'm a butch but I'm only interested in other butches/masculine women. Sorry, anon.

No. 443930

Are you retarded or new? There was literally a butch thread. I assumed from anecdotes most anons were at least mildly GNC tbh. But I’d be interested in a poll. I don’t know what counts as “butch” but I am definitely GNC.

No. 443972

Everyone's idea of GNC would be a little different. Maybe a poll asking hair length, if they shave, if they wear makeup etc?

No. 443973

In my adult life I’m starting to realize that most people have “mental baggage”. It’s just whether or not they take responsibility for it that makes a difference.

No. 443977

I hate that being bisexual is a popular fad now. I never know who just wants to experiment or who really wants to be with me.. my worst nightmare is getting with a girl who thinks she’s “bi” because it’s so popular then throwing me away like an object. I feel like being bi is super popular among narcissistic people too because everyone is an object to them.

No. 443978

We used to have many active butches in this thread but I think they've all left. I'm one myself and I barely check in here anymore because it feels like I'm surrounded by socially retarded coomers asking about absolutely weirdo shit like finger length envy or schizoposting about how only bisexuals like penetration.

No. 443980

Sorry nonnie, I doubt we live anywhere near each other

No. 444003

ayrt tbf she did ask me out on a study date but I said no because that didn’t seem like a fun thing to do together and I suggested something else which she rejected.

I think you’re right though, I’ll stop asking and just see how things go.

No. 444009

both retarded and new if that interests you at all, and a GNC poll would be interesting to see
seems like all butches are far far away its okay nonnie distance is just a teeny obstacle

No. 444041

No. 444108

How dare she masturbate to you when you're there in person and she herself has a girlfriend. Not to mention that gendie nonsense. That's a red flag there, even though stupidly amusing as other nonnas have commented. I'm sorry to hear your experience and I hope that if it comes to that, you will firmly tell her to have some respect and behave.
>hiding pieces of my clothing so i leave them at her house
>seemingly trying to take upskirt shots of me??
Ok excuse me what. Girl. Big red flag. That's creepy and not respectful towards You at all. She's fucking nuts and you need to beware. Yeah sure she is your bestie for 1 and half years, and maybe that's why she's going Studio Killers Jenny on you. If she's doing all that stuff you have told us I don't see her stopping there unless you put clear borders between you and her. I was about to ask if she's mono with her gf or in the nonsense open-relationship but I don't think that matters here, because what matters is knowing that you have come here to ask for advice is already telling that she has made you uncomfortable and crossed the line. And nonna dear that's not ok.

No. 444227

I took responsibility for my mental baggage by abstaining from relationships until I did enough therapy to ready to date. Why can’t more people in my dating pool be like me?

No. 444231

File: 1731465473201.jpg (405.38 KB, 745x1971, yandex profile.jpg)

Is your Yandex anynonny's type?

No. 444236

nice try glowie but i'm not giving yandex pictures of my face

No. 444238

til absolutely no one looks like me

No. 444298

Idk nona, I truly wish they could.

No. 444338

I feel like the only real lesbian in the world

No. 444339

I did this but then I just got depression from the results and about how I and the women that look like me are

No. 444360

File: 1731532880892.jpg (869.39 KB, 1080x2400, 1000048489.jpg)

Yes i have a huge forehead ty yandex for making that clear again

No. 444374

You are, nonna.

No. 444389

I don't mean to be disrespectful but genuinely how the fuck do the people in this thread find these gold nuggets of insanity. Like I believe all of these stories because they're too outlandish to be made up but it just baffles me.

No. 444416

How retarded of me would it be if I tried to get a lesbian gf on /soc/

No. 444418

I'm not doing this because I know it would return pages of photos of old men and then I'd want to kill myself. that's what happened to me no matter what picture i use on the starbyface celebrity lookalike thing and I've never recovered

No. 444427

I’m retarded, what is this and how do I use it? It looks like it brings me to a search engine or something

No. 444428

retarded camera lenses distort your true beauty nona dont take it personally

No. 444429

Thank you for your advice. To be honest things have already progressed for better or for worse kek. Regardless I think boundaries are the most important thing going forward - from an objective perspective. Idk how to explain it but we’ve always kind of had an anything goes kind of relationship if that makes sense.
I guess it says a lot about nonas in this thread? I’m not really friends with many regular people now that I think about it… lol

No. 444430

File: 1731557678123.jpg (803.13 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2024-11-13-22-14-09…)

I guess I look like a psycho tranny.

No. 444432

File: 1731558391752.jpeg (674.44 KB, 2048x2048, D6C19489-836F-4B50-ACC4-847EEA…)

KEK nevermind, figured it out. Here’s mine, I was wearing a red blazer in the left one and an off the shoulder red top in the other one.
IRL I was compared to Sandra Bullock when I was a brunette, and Shakira and Anya Taylor-Joy as a blonde. (So basically blonde hair and big brown eyes w/dark eyebrows rn)

No. 444433

Sameanon as above, all 3 of you look cute to me. Gotta admit I’m a sucker for glasses though, >>444231.

No. 444439

File: 1731563368919.jpg (125.94 KB, 531x1280, IMG_20241114_104743_787.jpg)

Surprisingly, they do sorta look like me kek

No. 444440

Are you serious? I'm not gonna get tricked into uploading a picture of myself.

No. 444441

N(retardation )

No. 444447

Doesn't yandex have an API feature that returns most recently uploaded files? An xy and/or baiter might have gotten your face pic.

No. 444469

I'll live

No. 444473

Idc thousands of ppl see my face when i go out

No. 444509

File: 1731592068633.jpeg (432.64 KB, 1115x1864, IMG_0584.jpeg)

lmaoooo yandex is glowing me up immensely. I swear I don’t look anywhere close to any of my search results kek

Get a grip. I can sort of understand hetero m*ids having yellow fever because of the whole “more docile” shitty stereotype and their need to “control” us but if you’re genuinely a female who also has it you’re inexcusably disgusting, or a terminally online weeb. Idk which is more disgusting, ew.

No. 444520

>tfw you’re NTA but also a female who is only attracted to women with Asian features
sorry. I can’t help it, it’s been since childhood. But don’t worry I’m staying single for life because I know women find it creepy to have a type that is a race (not that that’s the only factor, my type is more specific than just that but yeahhhhhh). I’ve tried to fix myself but it just doesn’t work.

No. 444527

>no one knows london

No. 444530

>know women find it creepy to have a type that is a race
Naw, just don't date +2nd gen Asian Americans. All my gfs have been Asian and they don't have a problem with my yellow fever. Some Asian lesbians I know also exclusively date white women and there is nothing wrong with that. Anyone seething at race preferences in women is a terminally online amerilard. It's not like we date to find a submissive trad wife or only date the "superior" race, etc.

No. 444533

Ayrt, honestly idc if you have racial preferences or whatever but to sperg out about it is (like the other nona did) what defines “yellow fever”, at least for me. Or have retarded preconceived notions about how I should act just because I look a certain way.

Racial preferences is fine, but imho exclusively dating a race that’s not your own is weird and there’s something mentally erroneous going on with you if you do so. Either an unhealthy amount of fetsihization of another race or an unhealthy amount of self-hatred for your own (both of which a lot of western-born asian women are guilty of tbvh, gay or straight).

No. 444535

Well funnily enough the Asian-born Asians I've encountered so far don't care. It's the Asian-Americans that do.

No. 444542

no one is more persecuted than the lesbian that likes to give strap

No. 444543

>just don't date +2nd gen Asian Americans

No. 444547

Meeeeeeeeeeeeeee. and receive#

No. 444552

this feels like an online problem bc none of the women I've had sex with irl gave a shit

No. 444555

Because they're obsessed with idpol due to racism and they're gonna call you a literally Hitler fetishist racist for it (they still have no problem fucking whte mn when they hide their yellow fever though). Asians raised in Asia don't give a fuck since they didn't grow up in an environment that judged them for their race.

No. 444559

I'm dealing with my first lesbian breakup. Even if it was a LDR. It hurts so much man. I truly loved her but she don't feel the same things for me. I feel worthless now. I just wanted my life with her.

No. 444560

i don’t like to receive but i’m glad that you do >>444552
nah some lesbians irl get weird about it too. i don’t mean not liking them that’s fine it’s moreso that they think it’s not gay enough

No. 444563

>LDR discord kitten
You were literally asking for it.

No. 444570

Go fuck yourself. It wasn't a "uwu mommy kitten" shit. We were just far, but i had sparkles and love for her. I wanted to close the distance and make my life with her.

No. 444611

LDRs are the only way to go if you don't wanna settle for a retarded gendie or an ugly deathfat.

No. 444644

our population is too small to be snide about LDRs

No. 444658

I feel unattractive and insecure in ways that having a woman that loves me unconditionally would seriously fix. Almost all my uncertainty and second guessing about who I am as a person could be remedied by someone to tell me I'm good the way I am at the end of the day. I don't feel like I'll ever meet a woman for me. I'm in my 20s and have never once clicked with a woman in a meaningful way. I've been in relationships that meant nothing just to kill time. I have love, but no one to give it too.

No. 444665

File: 1731643565008.png (1.66 MB, 1266x880, Screenshot 2024-11-14 at 21-57…)

These things always think I'm more Asian than I actually am, but honestly, some of these do kinda look like me

No. 444667

Start practicing giving your love to yourself. Relying on someone else for all that validation and "fixing you" is so much to ask for and giving them too much power over you. Not many good people will be looking to be someone's emotional pillar of self-worth. Putting it in a more direct way, you idealizing someone as the one to fix you will be asking for a lot while blinding you to how they really are. It's kind of selfish in a way. Be more selfish! But in a not self-punishing/-restricting way.

No. 444668

does anyone know where that thread was that was named “attractive women you want to fuck”? and the one that was like “women you’re embarrassed to be attracted to”? or maybe it was called “shameful female attractions” idk. did they get deleted or something? I cannot find them for the life of me

No. 444677

there's a search bar in the catalog anon. they're all still there

No. 444739

Has anyone ever been courted by a woman? I want a woman to fall head over heels for me and really want to impress me and take me on nice dates. I think men kind of do this, or at least the men who are attracted to me are trying to impress me. But women don't hit on me or anything. I want a woman to want me to pick her. How unrealistic is this? I'm awkward and kinda ugly but not too ugly to be hit on by normie men.

No. 444744

Most of the more forthcoming gay women are butches, if you don’t mind them just hit any lesbian bar and you might get hit on by them.

If you’re looking for a femme though… good luck lmao

No. 444746

i looked them up but i couldn’t find them.

No. 444748

File: 1731686354961.jpg (206.06 KB, 1096x1080, Screenshot_20241112-185022_Ins…)

not a scrote, just masc

No. 444768

cute…… but if you're a lesbian it's butch

No. 444832

File: 1731716541287.jpg (404.7 KB, 1080x2102, ss.jpg)

i had such a good dream last night, don't remember what happened but there was this girl who was quite tall and lanky, slight shitty posture, a little shy, fuck it was so attractive. i wish i could meet someone like that irl
>>444231 wish i looked that good kek

No. 444835

File: 1731717101310.png (653.13 KB, 1123x304, chrome_3wCg9X37PD.png)

Bottom right is the closest, I don't really look this… symmetrical.

No. 444867

Yeah yeah ik, this sounds stupid but I'm into goth fashion so sometimes I paint my nails black or wear raccoon eyeshadow, I feel like a fraud when I call myself butch. In my head it's a title I can only earn after I shop at home depot and finish a woodworking project.
Masc is easier since it's so vague

No. 444874

This is my thing to, butch seems like a specific look? I feel as though if I call myself butch it’s not accurate, especially since my hair isn’t suuper short. The women I’m into (tomboyish with a slightly masculine fashion sense) I don’t consider butch either.

No. 444875

Closetfag here.
My stepdad keeps insisting on making me watch women’s sports. Do you think he knows? I’m over 25 and have never had a bf.

No. 444893

Nta but same. All this hand wringing around labels that are essentially gender roles for lesbians and forcing it onto everyone else is retarded.

No. 444894

Perhaps. Good luck!

No. 444908

My face is already on the internet so it’s nothing that isn’t already on google kek

No. 444932

No one is hand-wringing. I heard bisexuals say they use masc to avoid using the lesbian term. Honestly I just think "mask" sounds retarded kek but it's obviously nbd

No. 444941

I don’t think masc and butch are the same though. Butch is more of a historical term and does relate to a very specific look and lifestyle. Masc is more modern and applicable to a lot of lesbians these days. You don’t really see a ton of actual butch women anymore and most of them are older.

No. 444944

File: 1731769096811.png (211.73 KB, 1003x812, information.png)

I'm autistic so I made an infographic about this

No. 444960

I always appreciate the masc women who self-select out of using butch because there's a very clear difference when we stand together but not everyone is willing to name it. Butch, for me, names it.
I never see anyone take 'butch' as seriously as those who don't use it.

No. 445023

Anyone else feel like they get treated like a straight moid lite by straight women (or even bisexual women)? I’m sick of it.

No. 445038

I call myself "masc" because I'm completely butchpassing otherwise but have long hair and a lot of people draw the line there. But on lolcow people consider it a tranny/bihet term so I just use the term "butch" here for the sake of convenience but even here people think you need to have a boycut to qualify but refuse to name a more fitting label. Damned if you do and damned if you don't I guess.

No. 445043

I’m sorry buy this makes little, if no sense

No. 445044

You misunderstand. I also think "masc" sounds retarded.

No. 445075

Sometimes straight women hit on me hoping that I’ll give them attention in return. In doing that they’re demonstrating that they have forgotten I don’t get horny enough to be manipulated by a little flirting because that I’m not a man.

No. 445156

Yeah it’s weird how they don’t get we are women too and therefore have female sex drives

No. 445176

has anyone else never been to a lesbian club or event? i think about going but i worry it will be too queer?

No. 445182

Yeah, I get it. It's especially bad in radfem spaces and happens on here, too. They'll try to make you feel ashamed for being attracted to women under the condition that it's "sexualization", but that is just how sexual attraction naturally works. They can't process that their attraction to men is equal and opposite to our attraction to women. I think many of them conflate this concept with "objectification" which isn't the same thing.
No disrespect to you anon but I hate that people have distorted the word "passing" to represent something outside of its historical meaning. Passing is a verb and conscious decision. There is no societal benefit conferred to a woman for ""passing"" for butch—and any lesbian who makes the active effort to "pass" for "masc" is just butch.
I myself have never been to a lesbian club before, but I think it could go either two ways:
>older 35+ lesbians
>younger gendy special/""queer"" Gen Z women
I think more likely it will be the first point because a lot of women in my generation (Z) do not identify with the lesbian label specifically, they're more likely to call themselves "queer".

No. 445207

Please read about hyperreality and go to that event you absolute retard

No. 445244

Just go. There's gotta be at least one other person like you and you can sus her out and make a friend if you try hard enough. You'll have to go to find out though, kek.

No. 445455

depends on if you live in an ultra lib area or not to be honest. events/clubs are pretty dead in 2024 though lol. not me nor my friends go to them anymore

No. 445502

I need more lesbian events in the daytime. I’m in my thirties and I go to bed too early for bars or clubs. I’d kill to have a lesbian book club or coffee meets in my area.

No. 445541

>I’d kill to have a lesbian book club or coffee meets in my area
Make them yourself? Create a facebook group + an insta page and advertise it, there are a lot of lesbian events in my city and it's always rando women with dayjobs making them.

No. 445558

Sometimes yeah. One very casual friend used to keep me around for favors but would act so distant with me despite all the lipservice about how she wants to hang out more. It felt like she thought I liked her and wanted to use that as a way to get easy free transportation. I didn't even realize until it went on for like 6 months, I thought we were good friends and she was just extremely busy. It was so weird, why would she think I was attracted to her pre-pubescent-tier voice and constant emphasis of her childlike qualities?
She's mostly out of my life now, though we have some mutual friends. It's weird seeing her throw her time down the drain with her hentai coomer moid bf and her brain down the drain with tumblr sjw talking points and cadence.

No. 445601

I had a dream I asked a barista out and did MDMA with her.
What does this mean?

No. 445615

Sorry if this has been asked before but does anyone have any lesbian artists they recommend? I have a distinct lack of songs that relate to me at all but there’s gotta be some good ones out there right?

No. 445752

do studs like asian girls? or do they get in interracial relationships in general

No. 445778

studs generally date black femmes but some do date interracially. are you into a specific stud?

No. 445788

Sometimes I see a random anon who misuse the label butch and it makes me irrationally angry. When an anon calls a dominating or assertive woman a butch or having a butch personality, when an anon calls a feminine goth woman with short hair butch, I'm going insane I hate the modern societal understanding of gnc women.

No. 445789

I’ll bite, what is butch exactly? No one ever seems to be able to describe it properly but everyone screams when you misuse it.

No. 445791

Kek if this isn't true. It's probably the most gatekept label ever and people get so fucking mad when something is labeled "butch" but refuse to elaborate on what actually counts as a butch besides a vague "you just know it when you see it" thing. I sympathize, but I'm pretty sure that's why so many lesbians now call themselves just "masc" because nobody wants to go over another debate of how short your hair has to be and do you have to wear either a wifebeater or a vest with a sweater to qualify.

No. 445798

>studs generally date black femmes but some do date interracially
I have noticed the opposite. Dating interracially is the rule rather than the exception to studs, especially if they are successful financially.

No. 445816

Just a woman who rejects feminine clothing. I'm complaining about retards who see a goth girl or an assertive feminine woman and calls her butch because she acts dominant.

No. 445822

being butch is about making the effort to break out of feminine stereotypes and expectations, not the mere rejection of it. you don't have to be butch to not wear makeup and heels and dresses and skirts, but you probably are butch if you go out of your way to wear vests and suits and cut your hair short and look like a visible dyke. if someone says you "look like a lesbian" it's a good way of knowing if you're butch or not imo kek.

No. 445831

I like studs with long hair like brittney griner but she doesn't have to be tall as her

No. 445838

Reminds me of how the entire internet memes zendaya as butch just because she wore hats kek

No. 445900

idk where you live but generally most studs are with other black women.

No. 445935

File: 1732222869383.jpg (1.08 MB, 1284x2535, Guess.jpg)

Billie eilish makes me feel like an incel observing a Chad
I saw tiktok of some girls grinding up on her She actually pisses me off

No. 445944

I don't think Billie is LARPing but she's probably just the average bisexual in the sense that she's sexually attracted to women and will have sex with them but won't ever date or settle with one.

No. 445964

You don't need to seethe nonny I'll wear any panties you buy for me

No. 445966

Why do black studs prefer black women unlike straight black men?

No. 445968

straight black men also prefer black women the ones that don’t are just loud about it

No. 445990

Nonnies help I've been dming this girl for a few months now and we share the same niche autistic interests and she is just my type. I recently confessed I had a crush on her and she says she "can't fall in love long distance".
It's so unfair and I can't help but fantasize about her changing her mind and falling for me.
I know I'm delusional and should move on but I can't help but keep up the charade that our conversations will somehow turn into something more.

No. 445991

I was in a similar situation, and our conversations turned into more eventually, us texting every moment and saying “I love you” and “good night”, sexting and sending nudes, and it was great. Until she actually found someone irl and moved with them. It absolutely broke my heart all over someone I was realistically never going to meet irl.
Even if your convos “grow into more” it won’t be worth it. I absolutely promise you it won’t lead to anything but the brief illusion of satisfaction if successful, and then pure heartbreak.

No. 445998

Nta but I hate this don’t dash my hopes, I have a crush on someone I know online…

No. 446018

How decent are lesbian clubs or bars? Are they a good idea if I want to find hookups? I wouldn’t really go for any other reason tbh

No. 446022

i've seen this question being asked so many times omg just go!

No. 446023

you should offer to be her noncommittal e-dyke

No. 446031

I’m asking specifically about hookups, not queerness or if it’s fun or whatever. I’m solely wondering if it’s worth going to find casual sex.

No. 446034

File: 1732289956629.jpg (295.51 KB, 1303x826, 86784676.jpg)

I wanted to give it a try

No. 446055

No. 446288

This might be a dumb question but how do you decide whether your relationship with another SSA woman is friendship or a romantic possibility? If you find them attractive is it just a possibility right off the bat?

No. 446298

If they're attractive and I can see something lasting with them, I don't date based on physical attraction alone or enter flings if I know that's what they're going to be.

No. 446320

File: 1732424934208.jpg (111.44 KB, 736x552, 44a9bc21cd378b1bb9253128fc729a…)

honestly this is embarrassing but me and my girlfriend started dating like… day one. But it was really casual at first because it was only really sexual shit at the start. So i guess if you find her attractive it could be romantic, on your side atleast.

No. 446321

Your picrel looks like an ideal place to pick up polyamorous they/thems

No. 446341

Was looking up how female homosexuality has been portrayed throughout history out of curiosity. Found an interesting write-up in a reddit thread about Ancient Greece and Rome of which I have no one to share with so I’m just posting it here so I hope that’s ok kek.

Very long but such a good read. Even despite the homophobia, for some reason it makes me appreciate my sexuality more. Like, my feelings are completely normal and women throughout history have felt the same, persecuted or not.

No. 446401

when the chad masc lesbians complain that women just want to use them for sex i have to pretend that i relate as an ugly and that being used by baddie bi women for sex isn’t my ideal situation

No. 446406

File: 1732476980511.jpg (514.16 KB, 1472x1960, aaVM9jT.jpg)

Another month of using dating apps and going club all to not meet anyone. I've accepted that I have too much internalized lesbophobia to ever be super flirty with a woman cause it always just feels creepy and predatory.

No. 446423

i feel like the only lesbian incel in the world. i think about the girls ive fumbled and it makes me so depressed. i have really low self esteem and intimacy issues so even though im conventionally attractive i cant bring myself to try to form a real relationship. how do i fix this so i can be a normal lesbian and not a weird autistic loser?

No. 446428

Just wear the universal lescel symbol

No. 446440

>i feel like the only lesbian incel in the world.
No, I am. I even stayed up all night writing my lescel manifesto. At least you're attractive… Be grateful kek

No. 446441

Being an attractive lescel is worse than being an unattractive lescel. At least you can just chalk it up to you being ugly. But I am about 10x more attractive then pretty much any man, yet still women would rather just go get abused by an uggo ogre

No. 446443

every woman is at least 10x times more attractive than any man anon

No. 446447

>see beautiful girl at the mall, almost exactly my type
>too intimidated by her friends to say anything
I am going to die alone

No. 446449

Unlikely she's gay anyway.

No. 446491

which is..?

No. 446510

Do you guys actually go up to random strangers when it’s not an environment where that’s more accepted? I hate when people approach me when I’m out with friends, I could never do that unless it was at a bar or something.

No. 446526

What did she look like?

No. 446532

You're not a lescel if you're just shy. I genuinely can't find anything worthy in a woman, yes I'm retarded but I wouldn't want to be their friend anyway. I'll enjoy the pussy scenarios in my head and the genuine love fantasies because that doesn't exist in my timeline.

No. 446551

To all the lescels: literally just create a post in the friend finder thread. All the LC spergs I personally know have gotten gfs that way.

No. 446553

Would you even be annoyed if it was a woman? It only pisses me off when men approach me, especially if I'm out with friends. It's flattering when a woman does it, even if I'm not interested. That's why I considered it.
She probably doesn't really stand out if you're not specifically into her blend of features. Tall, slightly long ginger hair that may have gotten highlights at some point, angular features, black pants and black long sleeve shirt.

No. 446554

I live in a latam shithole, I don't want to do long distance I want to feel the warmth of another person

No. 446556

Whore yourself in the LATAM thread.
I'm also LATAM doing LDR but I do meet with my qt and while it's not ideal that hasn't stopped us from feeling each others' warmth.

No. 446567

I'm a lescel because I'm too spergish to even talk to people on discord

No. 446625

No way few nonas that i have talked to from there were horrible

No. 446626

Horrible how?

No. 446632

File: 1732590997693.jpg (356.32 KB, 1084x1167, Vi_Hart.jpg)

>develop mild crush on girl in STEM youtuber
>they/them pronouns
Girls in male dominated fields internalizing that "woman" means "bad" and needing to identify out of it makes me so sad. Genuinely heartbreaking.

No. 446650

How long distance are we talking here?

No. 446653

hypothetical situation. you meet a woman and she's great, you feel chemistry with her, there's compatibility, yadda yadda. you may or may not be interested in anything long term with her, but you don't mind sleeping with her. so, you did. the sex was fine and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. she leaves and all is well. how would you feel if that was the very first time she had sex with another woman? let's say you enjoyed the sex and she never mentioned anything about being inexperienced, just that she wanted you to have a nice time with her.

No. 446674

Im cackling reading this in more and more exaggerated britard accents

No. 446675

File: 1732609152696.png (746.61 KB, 692x691, 1487122540952.png)

Lmao do you have any idea of who that is? chanfags where slitting their veins when she died. 4 nonas (me included kek) got bans just last month foor sperging about her on the attractive women thread

And most of the others are Katya Lischina, who is also an angel. Really curious about what you look like now

No. 446679

I keep fantasizing about butch4butch sex with an older butch (can’t decide what she’s wearing…suit, leather, classic flannel/jeans, it’s all hot) sitting on a chair in front of me (like a nice old-fashioned office armchair) and telling me to kneel in front of her. Once I’m kneeling, she sticks one of her legs out and steps on my thigh with her leather combat boot and forces me to spread my legs wider apart, then grinds her boot between my legs against my (clothed) crotch. She then orders me to eat her out. As I unbuckle her belt and unzip her pants, she shifts so that I can pull her clothing down around her ankles, keeping her boot on me the whole time. As I pull her underwear down I see that she’s sporting a full, thick, curly bush, and before I get time to properly appreciate it, she grabs my hair and forces my face into her cunt. As I’m eating her out she’s pressing me harder into her, not letting me breathe, and just tasting her is making me so horny that I’m grinding against her boot. I cum before she does, but she keeps grinding her boot into me and making me squirm while I finish her off, sucking her clit and breathing her in. As soon as she cums she lets me go, puts her clothing back on, calls me a good girl, and lights a cigarette while I try to regain my senses. Maybe she blows some smoke in my face or something, idk. I’ve masturbated to this for like 2 months now and it never gets old. When will it be my turn…

No. 446683

i remember you. kind of mad you got banned then, I liked reading your spergs

No. 446692

i feel like dating would be a lot easier if i was tall

No. 446703

Same. I don’t even care about being tall tall, I just wish I had a couple of extra inches in height.

No. 446716

If you're not interested in anything long term, tell her asap. It's cruel to string someone along, regardless of their experience. Lesbians in my experience don't put a lot of weight into virginity, so maybe she didn't think much of it, but regardless, you should figure out what you want.

No. 446743

she died? what? when? how???

No. 446796

Would you be okay with your girlfriend kissing her gay (male) friend on the lips? Just a quick peck, but still.

No. 446798

Ew no, I don't even kiss my family on the lips kek

No. 446799

I don't want herpes, so no. A woman kissing a man in any case is gross

No. 446802

Read the top of the thread again.

No. 446803

girl i like said she's sexually into women but not romantically, what does this mean?

No. 446804

She's either bi, who prioritizes men romantically, or "aromantic" lesbian

No. 446805

she likes men too. it's a long story yadayada basically we were hanging out without her friends knowing and whatever and then she kept telling everyone i was making her uncomfortable when i asked her multiple times and she said taht the people saying that i was making her uncomfortable are lying. idk nobody sees me as i see myself and i'm pretty male brained and i don't know what she wants from me. everytime someone comes out with a "she's uncomfortable with you" and i have a breakdown and ask her about it she just vaguely answers some of it instead of actually saying wether she likes me or not. and there was this whole audio where talked in a really disgusting way about me saying shit like that she hangs out with me because of potty and she only started touching me because she saw me as a pet (wtf). but everytime i leave her alone like everyone tells me to she starts messaging me again. anyways the explanation is pretty retarded but this has been going on since the beginning of the year and i've asked so many people about this and nothing ever makes sense in my head.

No. 446806

*because of pity
not potty wtf. sorry i'm phone posting and autocorrect is retarded.

No. 446807

>she's uncomfortable with you
kek you sound like a teenager but let me say that women who say shit like this are always spicy straight. her bisexuality starts and ends at MFF threescore

No. 446819

you could say that i am
why did she fucking accept to cuddle with me in bed when she knows i like her and says a bunch of shit to me and then goes to other people and says other stuff?
i've almost been sent to the ward because of this situation irs so humiliating.

No. 446820

Just ghost her she’s messing with you and being an asshole. Seriously just stop interacting with her completely.

No. 446848

Ciara Horan/Eliza? She OD'd in a hotel where she was meeting with a druggie for sex back in 2020.

No one know shit about Katya since she disappeared from the web, but tards kept creating all sorts of elaborate fake profiles for her, and that's where 90% of anything you've ever heard about her comes from. So you might as well think of it as she never existed to begin with.

I got a late ban for "infighting", but there were at least 4 casualties from trigger happy farmhands. The Markyfag who started it, an Agathafag who engaged with her, a Ciarafag who I think avoided a ban, and then me. Someone else got banned, but I think they were actually stirring shit kek

I wonder if there's enough of us for a thread. I doubt it though.

No. 446851

I was one of the Markyfags, I think there was another too? seems like they were multiple anons. I did ask about a thread but I’m not even sure where it would be located

No. 446854

File: 1732668258020.png (183.08 KB, 703x768, Bild_2024-11-27_014143815.png)

this is why we should go back to the old flag, i'm so tired of her e-begging and in general the stupid discourse tumblr kids try to start every few years. the axe design is way cooler anyway.

No. 446886

I was with a girl that said pillow princess but just starfished the entire time, like wouldnt even make any noises of like, encouragement? wouldnt interact with me at all like hold my hand. I stopped because she did not seem into it at all and I got uncomfortable and she just replied thats what pillow princess meant but is it?? I understood and didnt mind not being touched sexually by her cause getting a girl off is hot enough but damn i thought id get some feedback during it or like would try to make it fun for me? idk i guess what im asking is if im a dumbass and didnt understand what a pillow princess fully or what

No. 446910

Anon you're not male brained, you're just being led on by a spicy straight BPDchan who likes the attention and validation you give her, but has no interest in you as an actual person with feelings. She can cast you as a sex pest or a pity project depending on how she wants to portray herself (irresistible, martyrly, and completely unaccountable), but make no mistake, she is definitely using her to feed her ego. Do not stay wrapped around her finger and think it'll change. Of course she doesn't actually want you to go away. She'd be losing a toy she can pick up and discard whenever she feels like it. You get nothing from this arrangement. People will think you're a creep because of her, you will not respect yourself, and it will never evolve into whatever you hope it will be. You should block her. Save all that energy, time, and affection for someone who is worth the trouble.

No. 446918

File: 1732685859132.gif (Spoiler Image,915.9 KB, 498x268, 2IKKA7H.gif)

>she kept telling everyone i was making her uncomfortable
>there was this whole audio where talked in a really disgusting way about me saying shit like that she hangs out with me because of potty and she only started touching me because she saw me as a pet (wtf).
And why are you still talking to and obsessing over this person. Is she a victoria's secret supermodel or something
>i'm pretty male brained
Shut up.

No. 446949

i just said that because if she only dates guys and not girl but is into girls what does that even mean?? i mean i'm a person too and i have feelings too and i don't think like people think women should so i don't get what she means. i mean what the fuck does "sexually but not romantically into women" mean???

No. 446950

My god, have some self respect girl. Drop her like a bag of bricks, immediately. BPD-chans like her deserve to be alone and you're only damaging yourself for her to the point you meet someone who actually cares about you you'll be second guessing her all the time due to the trauma. And you don't want that to happen. LEAVE.

No. 446951

I feel fine being single for my whole life but I get random pangs of desperate longing for a gf. How do I remind myself I am not entitled enough I a relationship so I don’t turn into a bitter incel?

No. 446953

idk how to leave because i know her irl and my friends are her friends. she's a walking red flag but i really do like her even if she's a shit person. apparently she also had an eboyfriend this whole time who gave her steam games and tells everyone irl that he's just her friend. when we exchanged discords and she invited me to some servers she was asking for dick pics and i was like wtf dude. idk what's wrong with me. the first girl i ever liked when i was a little also didn't give a fuck about me, used to lock me in the school bathroom with lights turned off to the point where i had developed a fear of bathrooms and i had to have someone at the bathroom door at all times so it wouldn't close. i've been so depressed for so long and i thought i was going to die alone and someone goes into my life and does this to me? i've given her real life gifts btw.

No. 446954

What about it? I am the lesbian and I'm asking, as my girlfriend was doing it with this specific friend and they're about to meet again so I need to talk to her about it and introduce the topic in a good way. Would you rather I asked reddit instead?

No. 446955

I'm not sure what pillow princess is technically supposed to mean, but I just wanted to say it's not your fault she's bad in bed. I've had an experience just like what you're describing and it made me feel awful for years because I thought I was so terrible in bed, like I was incompetent and unattractive. But if you feel that way at all, it's not your fault. Women like that are selfish and lazy. A woman who cares about your pleasure will encourage you when you're doing well.

No. 446956

I wouldn't be ok with it. I don't care if he's gay or European or whatever, it's crossing a boundary imo. I wouldn't get pissed or anything and I wouldn't call it cheating, but I'd ask her to stop.

No. 446965

Ignore her. Don't do favors for her anymore. Don't buy her gifts. Don't let her guilt trip you into doing her bidding. If she's retarded enough to gloat to others about how she's only with you out of pity or because she sees you as "a pet" while having an online boyfriend she gets gifts and dick pics from, I'm sure at least some of your friends think she's a bitch and most definitely you're not the only one she's treating this way. Get a hobby to focus on. Or a new game if you're into that. Focus on growing a spine and don't let yourself be abused ever again like that because you don't deserve it.

No. 446977

No, that’s weird of her tbh. Ever pillow princess I’ve been with was still very into it and encouraging me with touches, moans, etc. Sounds like she just kind of sucks in bed in general sorry nonna

No. 446978

Is any nona here happily married? Not relevant to me, sadly, just curious

No. 446979

It's edgy-speak for "Boyz r U impressed that I can use girlz too?" Just drop her she's using you to impress some moid who dgaf about her

No. 446985

Get in a super low commitment relationship, when you get that random pang you text her to go on a date and get that gf experience. I'm doing that and it's awesome, when I'm not in the romantic mood I turn into an avoidant schizo and want to be left alone, she's the same so we work perfectly.

No. 446986

that’s honestly how someone being raped would act maybe she has past trauma and is disassociating?

No. 446988

As someone who was in a similar situation, stop worrying about the mutual friends and just get out. If they want to hear your side, they'll come to you, and if they don't, they were never your friends. Do not waste any more time on this girl than you already have. Block her, ignore her, and if she tries to rope you back in, stay rock solid and do not let her do it. She does not give a fuck about you, so you need to stop giving a fuck about her. Or at least pretend until the affection fades. You are being exploited by someone who will never, ever, ever return your feelings and only sees them as a means to an end. Is that what you want? No more excuses, you have to get the hell out of there.

No. 447055

Anyone else feel like best friend-ships as a child were like the prequel to lesbian dating as an adult? I don’t think this is the case for everyone who had best friends as a child/teen but it was for me definitely. Being suuuper close and shutting everyone else out, the jealousy, being obsessed with each other and saying we were like soulmates. It was almost like mock dating except socially acceptable for two girls and I honestly have no doubt the girls I experienced that with had at least some feelings there, regardless if they identify as SSA now

No. 447056

The perfect arrangement

No. 447060

I would hate dating a woman like this kekk. I am a romantic

No. 447092

I feel like I'm the only lesbian on the planet who has a sex drive sometimes. The women I've been with have always made excuses or have just not express any sort of interest in being intimate like lesbian sex is a forbidden act of some sort

No. 447094

I notice this more with feminine women or the really “sapphic”-y ones. Unfortunately that’s one point for going with the genderspecials because while I can’t stand them I find more that are unabashed about their sexuality even if they are retarded. (Not like I recommend it though)

No. 447129

Same. I think the lesbian dating pool is at least 50% women who have no sexual interest in women but want a bff to cohabitate with and occasionally cuddle. Then the other 49% is troons and unicorn hunters so in total there was probably 10 lesbians in the entire world who actually like pussy and are actually lesbians.

No. 447131

I mean yeah nona, this is like a hallmark of being a lesbian. I think many of us would relate.

No. 447259

it's been 4 days and I'm still fantasizing about kissing and cuddling her. I want to kill myself

No. 447283

Stop trying to fuck bihets.

No. 447328

Say East Asian and stop giving the rest of us false hope…

No. 447332

File: 1732874782125.png (152.09 KB, 588x653, 1730311313678939.png)

wfaf is beautiful.

No. 447335

need me an aryan queen….

No. 447348

>tfw wfaf enjoyer but southeast asian without monolids so these nonas and other yellow fevered women aren't referring to me
why even live

No. 447357

Anon, you still have some similar features. I'm from another part of Asia that everyone forgets, so it's even worse…

No. 447360

i think what they mean is mongolian type of asians and not the whole continent

No. 447374

Where do you find women like this? Tinder and dating apps were always full of "serious relationships only" types on my end.

No. 447376

File: 1732898931564.jpg (139.38 KB, 550x776, mexico.jpg)

>Whitetoids btfo.
YP is a latina

No. 447380

might yuripedos canadian girlfriend actually be asian? did she quench her yellow fever thirst?

No. 447386

What the fuck is happening here

No. 447387

girl on the right is cute doe

No. 447388

Oi, you proper mug, who d’you think you’re chirpsin’ off to like that, yeah? You got any idea who you’re dealin’ with, fam? I’ll have you know I’m certified, top-level badman. Done bare secret missions, mate – SAS vibes, yeah? I’ve got more confirmed eliminations than you’ve had hot dinners, you absolute melt.

I’m trained in every kinda beef, bruv – unarmed scrappin’, knife game, and firearms, fam. I could take you out quicker than you can say "chicken shop special," and I wouldn’t even break a sweat. You think you’re hard behind that keyboard, do ya? Nah, mate. You’re nothin’ but a little wastewoman.

I’ve got a network, innit. Girls in every postcode, ready to light you up like a corner shop sign. I can get you clapped in ways you can’t even imagine, bruv. Bare subtle, bare effective. You’ll be gone before your mum’s even clocked you’re late for tea, yeah?

You wanna chat greazy? Try me, fam. I’ll end you, simple as. You don’t know me, mate. I’m the real deal. So pipe down and jog on before you get shanked with words or worse. Stay safe, init.(integrate)

No. 447391


No. 447392

why are a bunch of posts deleted?

No. 447396

Anons are racebaiting. Same as it ever was.

No. 447522

What the fuck? I’m never looking at anons itt the same again

No. 447529

>can’t picture myself with a gnc woman
Does this mean that I am butch?

No. 447530

File: 1732958502825.mp4 (1.4 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik.app_743969358425466806…)

i just wanna find a big beaked queen

(i'm not into tiktok thristing and this girl's nose is kinda comically huge but it just fits her so well and she seriously is one of the most stunning women i have ever seen)

No. 447531

File: 1732958777650.mp4 (882.83 KB, 576x1024, never gonna have a nosejob pli…)

also her confidence with the nose job tiktok trends you tell them when you look at her comments you see people so angry that a girl with a nose like hers dares to be confident about her looks please world why did you make me be born somewhere where i am not with her

No. 447533

? can you explain your thought process

No. 447537

Anon is a retard and/or baiting and is saying she only likes feminine women so that makes her butch because everyone knows femme for femme and butch for butch are myths made up by the illuminati

No. 447540

How did you get that from my comment kek

No. 447544

You’re fighting invisible demons.

No. 447545

This is random but how is the lesbian scene in places like New York and London? It looks like I’ll be going between there often so I’m curious (if any nonnies know)

No. 447551

Oh boohoo a lesbian having racial preference? Blasphemy

No. 447553

idk to play devil's advocate, some people say b/f is more about a certain dynamic than looks. Every time self-describing as masc vs. butch comes up, people say that butch has more meaning than just fashion for example

No. 447559

why do some ssa women have such terrible taste

No. 447578

One day you will find true enlightenment too

No. 447582

tranny hallmark. all of you kill yourselves immediately(a-logging)

No. 447583

there's no shortage of cabbage patch kid face shape winged eyeliner tiktok filter women online if a real woman scares you

No. 447585

So true. LFAF supremacy is where it's at.

No. 447591

File: 1732991980281.gif (701.56 KB, 500x360, tyra-banks.gif)

>real women is only when ugly

No. 447593

Damn, she's gorgeous

No. 447594

You've clearly never had a big beaky nose in the folds of your pussy before.

No. 447610

I would absolutely hit on her if I saw her in public

No. 447622

>ugly is when unconventional
bisexual thread is that way. you clearly have male poisoning.

No. 447655

Real. Latinas belong to Asian women. Asian women are genetically closer to Latinas than white women anyway, it barely counts as dating outside your race. It's just natural compared to the abomination of WFAF.(racebait)

No. 447661

DO NOT send her to us.

No. 447700

File: 1733023987594.jpg (401.32 KB, 888x967, gzbcibnleup91.jpg)

me being sandwiched between my latina and white queens

No. 447712

Really sick of this new round of baiters itt. Sucks that they’re probably from kiwi

No. 447714

No. 447724

let's recap: anon was trying to send a baiter to our thread for no reason, so I figured it's fair game to pop in and make a "no thank you" joke. Didn't think it would get you this worked up though, goddamn. My sincere apologies and I hope you feel better soon.

No. 447730

If you havent reached my level yet you will with time, don’t worry. Being around bisexuals is the biggest radicalizer there is.

No. 447733

well, as long as you keep no-true-scottsmanning all shitty lesbians and saying they must be bisexual, as if being bisexual is equivalent to being a terrible person, i'll keep speaking up because it's not right. You can't honestly expect to be able to shit on a group of people in broad daylight and have them just meekly tiptoe around your thread without protest, right?

No. 447736

>as if being bisexual is equivalent to being a terrible person
…I mean… well I’m not gonna say it kek.

No. 447741

Bisexual women willingly date the most rat-looking people, so nothing of value would be lost.

No. 447742

I want a girlfriend in theory but I just can’t muster the effort to care when I get a match on hinge. Maybe it’s because I know I’ll be moving back in with my parents indefinitely within the next few months? Wish I could just skip ahead to living with the loml already.

No. 447753

Nonna, don't be lazy. Don't give this weak train of thought any more space in your brain. If you look, you will find a gf. Don't be passive. Love is out there.

No. 447771

These characters are cute, what's this from?

No. 447780

Being a lesbian is so fucking lonely, sometimes I feel it crushing me and I consider myself a very positive person but gosh sometimes it's hard to be such a small minority. There's this travel influencer in my country who used to be in a long-term relationship with another woman. She has many vlogs about coming out and a lot of feat. videos in other channels (about being a lesbian) that I used to watch ~7 years ago and that helped me feel less lonely. I remember in one of her videos she was telling how she realised she was a lesbian when she was 15 and her parents didn't see that coming because she had always been very girly, and how she lied to her mother when she was dating her first gf and her mother made her confess what was happening. Her travel vlogs with her gf were so cute, they had like the lesbian dream life. It's probably not healthy, but I watched their videos for years and that helped to escape the fact that every single female content creator that I start enjoying is always dating an ugly bearded balding moid. They lived like a married couple. Then ~3 years ago she moved to Berlin to finish her studies and her and her gf were long distance, but then she broke up with her gf because she said she "changed and now is not compatible with her anymore" and she "discovered parts of herself she was not aware of". Of course that's their life and people break up all the time, that's none of my business. But she sounded and looked so annoyed and salty having to even mention her ex-gf that I thought that was weird. I stopped watching her videos for a while bc I was not interested in her solo content. Now a few minutes ago I decided to check her insta to see what she's doing and discover she's dating a fucking guy! Like, a gross overweight balding moid with a beard that looks like pubic hair. She has removed the rainbow flag from everything in her profiles and she's living with him in another country. And she started posting couple videos with him ~1 year after breaking up with her gf. I just saw a post in her ig saying "I finally got the family I've always wanted to have" and that crushed me. Everyone in the comments is so happy that it seems everyone was just waiting for the moment her "lesbian phase" would end and now she's "normal". She was an out "lesbian" since she was a teen and she's older than me (I'm 29). I'm sorry for the rant and blogpost nonnas but I don't have anyone to vent about it. That makes me feel so fucking lonely. Every single ex (besides one febfem but she trooned out tho) I have is living happily ever after with a moid now. There's 2 friends of mine who got married in 2023 but they divorced after like 3 months and one of them started dating moid a fucking month later and she can't stop posting about how "he's the best partner she has ever had and she never loved anyone so much". She's in her fucking 30s already and used to be so proud of being in a same-sex relationship. That's so humiliating and disrespectful with her ex. Her ex-wife post every week about how she's dealing with depression now. All her posts are pretty dark and sad when for almost a decade her whole ig used to be about how much she loved her ex. It's fucking soul crushing. I'm looking for a serious relationship and I am les4les now. But what if you fucking marry a "lesbian" in your 30s and suddenly she discover she loves dick? I wish I were asexual or some shit because being a homosexual woman in a world full of hets and bihets kills me.

No. 447781

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No. 447782

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It really is shit like this that reminds us of how small of a minority we actually are. We barely take up any space in the LGB population so it's shit like you described that really hurts us. I really do think a lot of bisexual women who are same sex attraction heavy just call themselves gay because it's "easier". but it really hurts us when they FINALLY decide to embrace that part of themselves. They don't understand what kind of stereotypes they're spreading by never labeling themselves correctly and it's so fucking frustrating. Then people wonder why lesbians are so gatekeepy nowadays

No. 447784

I'm convinced there is only five or six of us on this whole site

No. 447787

>They don't understand what kind of stereotypes they're spreading by never labeling themselves correctly and it's so fucking frustrating
ayrt I don't want to get salty and become a bi hater but honestly I'm starting to think they don't even care if what they do harms us or not because they're too busy "living their true selves". So they craft a new persona according to whom they're attracted to each time. I've seen that irl so many times, they get really excited about being in a "lesbian relationship" and FucK tHe pAtrIaRcHy. Then they meet a moid they like and suddenly "fuck evil mean biphobic lesbians why they hate us for no reason?????" Even yesterday I was browsing r/biwomen and there's a recent post asking why lesbians and bi women often don't get along and most comments were just blaming it to "70s lesbian separatism" or simply saying we're hateful for no reason and gatekeepers because we don't like when bi women bring their moids to gay bars and "we don't get to decide who's queer enough for a gay bar".

Even this travel influencer I just mentioned, I just realised she has a podcast now and she has an episode about "bisexuality". I'm listening to it now and she's just RETELLING stories she told 7 years ago but differently. She's speaking as if she has always been openly bi when a quick youtube search of her name + the lesbian word in our language proves otherwise, including her doing a collab with a famous local lesbian, openly saying she's a lesbian. 6 years ago she said on a video she only shortly dated a boy when she was 13-14 and she didn't even like him and that was "comphet". But on her recent podcast she said she dated that guy 1.5 year and she has been with/dated many other guys before her ex female partner (I discovered she was actually married to her for 7 years as a "lesbian") but she had never mentioned that before! Why do bi women craft their backstories like this to seem more legitimately lesbian? Because of this shit we have no way to know if a lesbian is actually a lesbian. That's so fucking selfish.

>I'm convinced there is only five or six of us on this whole site
sometimes I think there's not much more of us in this whole world.

No. 447792

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>Being a lesbian is so fucking lonely
so relatable, sucks that my area has no meetup areas to atleast try meet others and dating apps are a dumpster fire for me

No. 447793

I refuse to ever use dating apps, so many lesbophobes. There's been so many cases of women setting lesbians up too. Just sooo fucked up

No. 447794

Funnily enough I've only followed a couple lesbians that are conventionally attractive, not specially obsessed with LGBT culture and none have turned out to be bisexuals so far. I think women who are GNC to the point of being fugly and women obsessed with the alphabet soup culture are more likely to be bisexuals in denial. The first because they might be extremely GNC/unkept due to sexual assault and the second because they see lesbianism as an aesthetic. All the lesbian friends I've known for over 10 years have also never turned out to be bisexual. They don't like any sort of man, fictional or not, they never caped for troons in any capacity and they seethe about other women a lot. So for me these are green flags even if the last one might trigger some people here but it makes sense because someone who dates women would know about the shitty parts of that. The women who say all other women are perfect queens are just performing and a huge red flag. Now, I've dated bisexuals but they've told me they're bisexual and never hid it. The bisexuals I dated also never talked about men so I was sure they greatly preferred women. Even then I always know they could date or marry some guy and that would be okay because I know they are bisexual. If I saw one of my lesbian friends doing that it would indeed be soul crushing but dunno, I think I have a somewhat good lesbian radar and I'm really intolerant of any bullshit from "lesbians" so I think I know when I clock a bisexual fakebian.

No. 447796

It's not really and issue with being GNC it really is just being unkept. Fakebian GNC women tend to try too hard to come off like that from what I've seen

No. 447797

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Dating apps when you’re a lesbian:
She was even cute kek.

No. 447798

Yeah, you learn to realise the fakebians after a while. Honestly sometimes there’s also just a different vibe bisexuals give too. Or their body language around men. Not saying I could never be fooled but I’ve definitely learnt to take people’s words with a grain of salt. There are bisexuals that are more SSA than self-proclaimed “lesbians”

No. 447799

It’s actually easier to be bi, they just want special victim points. They’ll say they’re lesbians , but then say that they love dick, bilesbian, translesbian and other shit and once they find their scrote to marry off they run off and leave the community in shambles. I wish people just left us alone, it’s so annoying.
I got bitter and angry over the years , no one has our backs, not even the LGBTQ, we’re seen as a fetish to fucking scrotes too, I hate them all.

No. 447800

This just screams hyperhet not even bisexual. She's gonna talk to you about how she's gonna take you to this anarcho-communist queers for Palestine protest instead of eating your pussy.

No. 447801

You all people say shit like this then sperg out and cry when one calls them bishits and tries to gatekeep.

No. 447802

And the queers in question will be 3 TIMs, a TIF , two NB scrotes and another handmaiden. They’re all a polycule too by the way.

No. 447803

I’m not one of those, I’m all for gatekeeping, it’s what we should have done from the start. We wouldn’t have fucking scrotes having the balls to call themselves lesbian otherwise.

No. 447804

if you didn't display any sign of attraction towards males then why would you be called a bishit? it probably happened for a reason.

No. 447806

What about the roided bearded TiFs, what about husbandos, what about yaoi. The OP of these threads is a horny husbando thread regular lol. There is a reason why so many posters sperg out here when you call them bisluts.(baiting)

No. 447821

Maybe yp was right all along

No. 447824

>what about husbandos, what about yaoi. The OP of these threads is a horny husbando thread regular lol.
I don't even get why these people call themselves gay it sounds so useless. "muh yaoi and husbandoslop is written by women" like yeah it is but youre not DESIGNATED to read the japanese jerk off material. I don't know maybe it's just because my sexuality has manifested in ways that arent just reading cartoons made for me to jack off to. Lesbianism =/= feminism so I really don't understand the "husbandoshit is female centered" argument. I don't care about what is female centered or feminist, I just want to ogle women

No. 447829

>I don't care about what is female centered or feminist, I just want to ogle women
Literal tranny mindset. It's almost as if you're sexually attracted to women or something. Gross.(baiting)

No. 447830

i'm so lucky to be lesbian. i'm grateful that i'm in love with the sex that is effortlessly beautiful, rational, capable, empathetic, and emotionally intelligent. i love that women are so good to touch, hug, kiss, and have sex with. there are a lot of societal problems we face due to the heteropatriarchy but all those structures are imaginary and were specifically built to keep us down since we're so powerful on our own. i wouldn't trade my existence for anything.

No. 447834

Bihetdemons are always lurking among us. I don't know how you can date a woman for 5+ years, break-up, and immediately get with a moid. It's so disrespectful it almost feels narcissistic.

No. 447840

It's always baby fever and their extreme internalized homophobia coming out at the same time. People who do this are mostly the types who were extremely non-conforming to society when young but they secretly crave being normal and when a moid finally shows interest in them it all comes together, they can now have the normal family they always wished for but never could have with another woman.

No. 447920

Me too, I feel this all the time. It’s like we had to be nerfed or something

No. 447966

I feel like if women could easily biologically have children together (NOT with troons), more of these women would be and stay with women. Does anyone else feel this way?

No. 447968

Why was this redtexted? It's obviously sarcasm, autist mod.

No. 447984

I think it’s this + feeling secure socially. The heterosexual life is just easier, and us lesbians are left in the dust because we don’t have the option to choose. Whereas the bisexuals we date always end up tempted.

No. 448023

I thought I was going to be a wizard forever, but I finally had sex. I didn't cum but still had fun. The woman I was with is so pretty and gentle.
Don't lose hope, nonnies!

No. 448033

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>The woman I was with is so pretty and gentle.
fuck, my dream. this will be me one day once i actually get the courage to ask her out

No. 448046

squidward is not allowed here

No. 448070

Squidward isn’t a redacted he’s a sea creature

No. 448076

Agree. It's mostly the social status that comes with dating heterosexual - physical safety, being seen as "normal", the possibility to conceive biological children, you get a piece of that male privilege pie through him in one form or another. I know a lot of bisexual women who clearly have a way more deeper emotional connection with women while barely paying attention to their Nigels, but it's the concern of losing that safety of being connected to someone with a better social standing that keeps them shackled. Or maybe it's just me coping after having so many of them flirt with me, I don't know.

No. 448212

>I know a lot of bisexual women who clearly have a way more deeper emotional connection with women while barely paying attention to their Nigels, but it's the concern of losing that safety of being connected to someone with a better social standing that keeps them shackled.
You're absolutely correct.

No. 448221

How do you deal with this insecurity when dating a bisexual? Like knowing that even if she hates dick she would still rather have a family with a scrote she despises just kills me.

No. 448228

>How do you deal with this insecurity when dating a bisexual?
by not dating them, but then there's fakebians that you also have to deal with and filter out.

No. 448253

Be clear about your intentions and goals for your life and relationships, ask for honesty and communication in return, and it will help you filter out people who don't want what you want. Obviously you don't tell someone you're hoping for marriage and 2-4 kids in the first fifteen minutes of a first date but life goals are a reasonable thing to talk about with someone you're in a relationship with.

No. 448255

How much time into a relationship is acceptable to start discussing a family and kids?

No. 448257

God, I don't know. But pretty early, as soon as it feels natural and comfortable to talk about your life like that with someone, and once things are getting more serious, in the sense that you're seeing each other frequently enough that you clearly haven't decided the relationship is a nonstarter. That's my opinion about specifically stating the words "kids" and "marriage," but I think "I'm looking for something serious/monogamous/long-term" is the sort of thing you put out there up front on a first date or in a dating profile.

No. 448271

Be honest, is this something you encounter in real life? I've never met a woman irl pretending to be a lesbian. Spicy straights almost always identify as bi.

No. 448296

ntayrt fakebians usually ARE same-sex attracted instead of spicy straights, that's why it's so tricky. They're usually bi and either trying to convince themselves they don't like men or they're the "lesbians can like men" type (they think that liking "feminine" men or fictional men doesn't count). The problem of dating women like this is that they will make you believe she's actually homosexual - till the moment she cheats on you with her guy friend, or she falls in love with a man and leaves you for him (and gets pregnant within a year), or she confesses that she used to hook up with men frequently despite being a lesbian but that doesn't count because she's "homoromantic" and is disgusted by the idea of actually being in a relationship with a men. She'll be constantly craving dick tho. And yes nonna, they do exist in real life. Most "lesbians" you'll meet are probably Kinsey 4-5 fakebians but it's hard to tell at first. Actual lesbians are pretty rare, sadly.

No. 448303

Yes but like someone else said they identify as bi while massively playing up their attraction to women and performatively hating men.

No. 448339

hey nonnies, if all goes well for me i think im about to start dating this girl i really really like. im in my early 20s and have never dated another girl (or anyone actually so im at a total loss for any and all experience) and am nervous about all of it. if we start dating officially, what can i do to make her feel special? what have your previous partners done that made you feel loved? or even things they did you didn't like, any and all info is appreciated!!

No. 448364

The only thing that worked for me was meeting a spergy bi woman who doesn't want children (I'm more amenable to having kids than she is), doesn't treat men as immediately special, is very monogamous, and has a lowish sex drive to begin with (which matches mine). The #1 red flags with previous bi girlfriends was that they would prioritize any moid over me, like whatever generic guy #54218 had to say automatically overruled my opinions, even if he was "just a friend" or a total stranger. Mismatched sex drive was big too because they would cheat and blame me for not fulfilling their needs (even though they only wanted to have sex where I did all the work). They were also performatively misandrist and downplayed their attraction to men as if they had something to prove. A normal bi woman who doesn't pretend she's basically a lesbian but also decenters men is, in my opinion, a much safer choice, especially if she doesn't care much about fulfilling social norms related to marriage and family. Trust your gut, a bi woman who will break your heart will usually display a lot of warning signs that you ignore because you love her, but perpetual anxiety is a good sign you have something to be anxious about.

No. 448376

>The #1 red flags with previous bi girlfriends was that they would prioritize any moid over me, like whatever generic guy #54218 had to say automatically overruled my opinions, even if he was "just a friend" or a total strange
The fuck? Why would you want to date a woman if you're gonna be acting like a massive pickme whore.

No. 448430

All bihetdemons are like that.

No. 448450

I want to go to a gay bar but none of my friends are gay and I feel like bringing a few along would be weird/cringe. Am I overthinking it?
I've heard the idea to join a sports/hobby club to increase the chances of organically meeting les/bi women, there just doesn't seem to be any clubs that I'm interested in around me. I'm in a big city though, and feel like joining online groups is too much of a toss-up and wasting my local resources. I'm not looking to date right now, I just want actually same-sex attracted women friends.

No. 448462

what an odd way to think

No. 448471

It might be a little weird to bring straight people to the gay bar, but if you're not comfortable going alone, it's still better than just not going at all. Your situation is fairly common (gay person intimidated by going to a gay bar alone and wants to bring straight friends), so I doubt anyone will be shocked or overtly rude about it. But I feel like it's hard to make friends with people at bars unless you're a regular and people start to recognize you.
Every bihet woman I've dated has been straightfowardly cluster B and has confused platonic codependency with sexual attraction, but I don't think it's possible that no bisexual women exist. I think what's really happening is that cluster B women are more likely to call themselves bisexual because they have a ton of identity issues and slap on labels like bandaids to patch up the empty void inside them. Saying they're bisexual grants them immediate access to a supportive community, makes them stand out as different and unique, lets them assume a victim status, and also means they can fish for attention and romantic validation from anyone.

No. 448475

I'm sorry a bi woman hurt you but continuing to be this bitter and obsessive will only hurt yourself more

No. 448534

>go to gay bar with my straight friend cause i'm a lescel
>see qt3.14
>she starts hitting on my straight friend

No. 448552

Sorry to hear that happened to you, better luck next time!

No. 448563

Which sport attracts the most lesbians? I'm thinking of joining a local team so I can find my people in this wee town of mine.

No. 448564

I think paying attention to all the small details in things she likes or might mention in passing tends to show you think she's special, i.e. "Here nonnie, I found that specific woodworkimg tool you mentioned needing to finish a project at a garage sale and thought of you!"

No. 448569


Rugby hands down. And it's super fun

No. 448589

I second rugby. Might try something like crew/rowing too. My city has a group for adults that I did for a little while and I remember a few other lesbians being there.

No. 448601

When I start talking abiur astronomy and space she always kisses me and we end up making out, I can't tell if she likes it or wants me to shut up.

No. 448602

good for you (giwtwm)

No. 448608

Used to be roller derby, now that’s troon infested. Def rugby or soccer

No. 448648

my gf calls women she had sex and even situationships with friends when she talks to me about them and that bothers me a lot and i don't know if i'm overreacting
i also know for a fact that she still talks to the one she used to see just before me (like not even a couple weeks) and that bothers me even more

No. 448650

Your gf is a hoe and she doesn't respect you. Sounds like you're not too far into the relationship, it's best if you break up.

No. 448651

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manifesting a lesbian romance in 2025

No. 448653

it's like she doesn't see the problem with it. she told me that even if it started as dating or even hookups, there was no physicality anymore and now they just give each other news sometimes but like?
at least she promised to be more explicit from now on
it's just that i'm so used to being told that i'm overthinking or overreacting that i don't know if me being upset is legitimate

No. 448679

This is pretty common, but you are not alone in finding it uncomfortable. I think there is a strange obtuseness surrounding the "being friends with your exes and prior hookups" phenomenon among lesbians, like a lot of lesbians act like it's totally unreasonable and even possessive for a partner to ask them to draw some boundaries. I get that it's so hard for us to build community that we can be reluctant to distance ourselves from each other, but I have never liked this norm. As if we are supposed to just be fine hearing about and being around women who've had sex with our girlfriends or else we're uptight and unenlightened? An ex of mine accused me of trying to isolate her from her support network, but there was no acknowledgement that she had slept with her whole support network and that it was normal for me to feel some kind of way about that. I can't wrap my head around it.

No. 448689

Tomorrow I'm hooking up with this girl but I'm a massive virgin, I don't think she knows this. Unironically what the fuck do I do? I hate penetration so I've never fingered myself and I don't know how to do it, I have some toys so how weird would it be if I just pulled them out.

No. 448711

Enjoy the makeout, groping & grinding and then feel out where things should go. When it hits that point you can tell her you have toys if she's interested and see how she reacts. If she notices you're nervous, that's ok, just tell her you're nervous bc she's so (insert compliment here) and you're having a good time. Does she know you're a virgin?

No. 448729

This video is so cute

No. 448730

>think they both look like textbook example of tumblr jailhouse gay
>decide to give them the benefit of doubt and think maybe this is the current state of zoomie lesbians
>one of them actually has a whole ass video on comphet
Every time. At least I know my gaydar isn't failing.

No. 448731

You could also just watch the full youtube video before replying and fostering doomerism in the thread

No. 448734

The curly headed girl actually did hate the thought of her being attracted to women and explains that none of her two relationships with men worked out and then she realized she was a lesbian and not bisexual after dating a woman and then she dates more women but is still emotionally cheating with everyone she's ever been with on her childhood best friend. You still haven't watched the youtube video and I'm sorry but homophobia and internalized homophobia still exist, even for tumblrinas.
But sure, lets do conversation number 1092 where we talk about the 2 percent of fake gays in the country.

No. 448735

Samefag but the level of terminally online you have to be to make every convo about muh fake gays in a lesbian only thread is ridiculous. If you're not interested in talking about anything other than bisexuals and bihets there's a thread for that but don't try to rope this into yet another lame ass conversation about how much you hate tumblrinas and bihets and blah blah

No. 448736

nta but this is complete word salad, I kinda agree with you in your point but read what you write and use some commas.

No. 448737

My bad. I'm currently 30 minutes in so I was listening to the video while typing the response. It's just annoying when you want to share something but some autismo on here turns it into their rage-filled special interest.

No. 448739

Why do you care if they are true gays or not. People like you are retarded and have brainwashed yourselves into thinking being cynical makes you enlightened. It doesn't, it just lets the normal people know that you're not well.

No. 448741

You've projected so much that you think most lolcow users are mentally ill like you when in reality this site was never a refuge for lame neets. You all just flocked here and are actively making the site worse

No. 448745

Even if they're fakebians, I'm all for bihet women getting with each other than marrying men, honestly. I wouldn't be so quick to shame them

No. 448753

nta but she has a good point that fury-filled sperging is also just annoying and embarrassing to read sometimes kek.

No. 448754

Holy shit, the twists and turns were crazy. I'm glad they worked it out, makes me feel like I should double down on my delusional crushes on best friends.

No. 448763

>Noooo stop policing other people's sexuality you're being meeeeeean
Lawl. This is why lesbian spaces keep getting invaded.

No. 448765

the lesbian thread is so funny. how are you complaining about a video of two married women being not gay enough because they use tumblr hahahaha

No. 448768

thank you nonna i feel less unreasonable. she told me i was being possessive and jealous when i told her that it makes me uncomfortable to not know if she hooked up with the girl she's talking me about or not. i'm not even asking her to stop speaking to them or anything, i just want to KNOW and i don't think it's too much to ask. i know i'm not the first one to eat her out, but come on it's just fucking basic decency to tell your partner which friend of yours has seen your asshole.

No. 448783

Has anyone here dated a significantly older woman? How did it go?

No. 448804

right kek. probably anons angsty over the fact they can’t get pussy let alone a wife

No. 448813

I bought Aimee & Jaguar to read which is a war testimony of her with a family already falling in love with a woman that got killed two years later. The list of characters includes "her second husband" and now I feel like puking because this is so sad.

No. 448877

so did anyone actually join that lesbian gooning server that was posted in the friend finder thread iirc kek how did it turn out

No. 448882

Vi Hart is a theythem now? Sad.

No. 448907

I never actually did it, I got a sex buddy so I started channeling my hornyness by eating pussy instead of here. I sill have the email with all the applicants tho, if you go to the friend finder you can still find it, I might still do it some day

No. 448944

so you abandon us sexless lescels for your stacy life. man

No. 449026

Bisluts are really bad at manipulating people

No. 449094

How significant? What are the ages?

No. 449130

Me and who

No. 449198

Ayrt, well I'm late 20s and I'm really only attracted to women at least in their 40s. I have no experience primarily due to body image issues and social retardation but I'm ready to get over it and put myself out there, I'm just not sure what the market for someone with my tastes is like or if it even exists

No. 449359

I think I only feel at home with other lesbians and it’s distressing to me.

No. 449381

same nonna. and I was just browsing the bi thread and that was… an experience kek. people like to claim that all "sapphics" are the same but that's just not the case at all. I'll never get this "i kinda miss my ex-gf but i'm with a moid now btw hehe" or "I ate a lot of pussy but that's not real sex so I found a muscular 4channer moid to fuck me so now I'm finally not a virgin" or "muh why all bi women I know never date women??? i feel so alienated and dont understand why they even claim to be bi. i'm with a moid now too btw" or whatever.

No. 449382

the world would heal if at least 30% of women were born lesbians

No. 449386

Can we ban bi sperging from the next thread too the way we did man sperging? The horse is beaten to death already.

No. 449389

Kek honestly it doesn’t even have to be that, but genuinely I think a large part of what’s holding women back is their attraction to men. Scrap that, it’s not even their attraction itself it’s their catering to men. If women sought female validation, did things for themselves and other women, the world would look so different it’s insane. I think for this reason I will never really “get” straight women - their “straightness” goes beyond their sex and romantic life and extends to how they orient their entire being.

No. 449390

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kek are you talking about this anon?

No. 449391

No. 449392

you can just scroll if you don't like lesbians criticising your bihettery

No. 449405

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yuripedo and her discord kitten derail threads doing exactly this. report and ignore

No. 449411

what derailing?

No. 449417

>Anyone who hates bishits must be the same two people on this site!!!1
Bihetdemon hands typed this post.

No. 449419

yes. wtf was that kek

No. 449426

Don't forget the anon who dated a TIM in the past and is now calling other bis annoying and fake KEKKKK

No. 449427

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>t. picrel
we will have people like this policing what lesbians should and should not talk about in their own thread to not hurt the bihets feefees while theyre shlicking to their h*sbandos behind the curtains and unashamedly inserting m0ids in the OP.

No. 449429

whatever, you dumbasses falling for yuripedo trolling again because you can't stop being biphobic for even a microsecond. you deserve this thread to suck

No. 449431

KEKKKK go back to twatter and you might stop hallucinating yuripedo everywhere

No. 449434

Why do you think it’s yuripedo? I didn’t even think this conversation was a derail, like which posts are you referring to exactly? I posted the screenshot because I saw it too and just thought it was funny.

No. 449460

KEKK the call is coming from inside the house and she isn’t answering.

No. 449461

Are you the bi woman that fucked a troon kek?

No. 449496

>bi thread full of sperging about lesbians
>les thread full of sperging about bis
so is anyone gonna talk about liking women anytime soon?

No. 449497

I could do that

No. 449500

It's very, dare I say, tsundere behaviour.

No. 449514

Only bihet str8 bitches talk about women anon. I'd rather write fanfic about all the dicks women I don't like are sucking.(baiting)

No. 449515

One of my old friends from secondary school finally got engaged to her girlfriend. They're so cute. When will it be my turn…

No. 449545

You’re right. All lesbians should be given a designated bislut to own.(baiting)

No. 449575

Are most lesbians some flavor of atheist in your experience?
I feel like 99% of the world is so entrenched in hetbullshittery that even way before I realized I wasn't straight, the utter misogyny and 'priming girls to like misogyny' turned me off from Christianity entirely. Ditto for other religions which also have their own misogynistic teachings.
I know like two Christian lesbians and one Muslim lesbian. It's nice seeing them move in the world with their faith as another support in their life. It makes me kind of wish I could trust something like that enough to believe. The closest I ever got was pseudo-Buddhist spirituality where I rip just the parts I like and throw out the rest.
Idk, I feel like a large part of religion is trust in some greater part of the world untainted by human vices. And sometimes I feel maybe I've had my trust broken too many times with homophobia and misogyny driving those incidents to put my faith into (mostly male-centered) intangible beliefs.

No. 449637

I know this isn’t the place to come and vent, but I just went through a horrible experience. I wish I had someone to hug me, someone who really accepts me for who I am and cares for me, but I don’t. Is there really something wrong with me? Am I abnormal? For who I love? I can’t help but feel like I really must be disgusting. Like something pathological that can’t make me like a regular woman. It would just be so easy. Rationally I know this can’t be true, but I really feel it right now. My stomach feels completely constricted, I feel like vomiting

No. 449638

it's 50/50 between atheist and spiritualist in my experience.
>It makes me kind of wish I could trust something like that enough to believe.
if you genuinely want to get into spirituality i think goddess stuff is very aligned with lesbian interests. check out the holy book of women's mysteries and the spiral dance. the former is more radical, the latter more liberal but maybe better for a first book. i feel you on not really being able to get "into" religion/spirituality but this was the closest i got personally and it's still nice to think about

No. 449688

>the spiral dance
ntayrt I used to love that book when I was younger, that was really helpful to me in some point of my life even though I never agreed with everything Starhawk says. But I confess that even though I always knew she's a "everyone is a bit bi" type of woman, I never expected her to be supportive of troonwomen invading female only spaces. Now I can't take her seriously as a feminist anymore. But oh well, she used to perform naked rites with naked males around so I should've seen that one coming

No. 449720

Have any nonnas ever had a successful situationship? I became friends with this girl I met on a dating app, and I’ve made it clear I’m not further interested in pursuing a serious relationship with her. I am still attracted to her, I just don’t think our personalities match enough for something serious. We talked about it, and she seemed to still have interest in me, so we are considering a FWB-type thing with the understanding that if someone else comes along for either of us, we will both move on. The one rule is just being honest, I’m scared she will get too attached though bc I think she likes me more than I like her. Would I be an asshole for doing this? Maybe it would turn out okay. Also, we are both lesbians so we’re at least on the same page there. I just don’t want to hurt her, but it would be nice to have some companionship like that.

No. 449723

what happened anon…?

No. 449749

A year ago I would've said situationships never work out but I've been in a successful fwb situation for over 9 months now. We were friends before that and we tried to seriously date for three months but it didn't work out, however sexual chemistry between us was great so we just continued having sex occasionally. I don't think there are any feelings other than friendship between us. However we don't tell each other about other people we date or fuck, idk I wouldn't want to hear about it cause it's none of my business anyway. I would feel weird, like why do I care?
Anyway make sure there are no feelings on either side and keep it friendly outside of sex, that means no kissing, hand holding or cuddling or any other typical couple-y things. That shit is why feelings develop.

No. 449758

Nta but the thing is with FWBs is that I’d feel weird to act so distant after sex. It feels more natural to cuddle afterwards and weird to have sex with no kissing, like it’s less enjoyable. Even outside of that I am affectionate with my friends too (holding hands, cuddling, even peck kisses).

No. 449762

>Other people we date
Dating while you have a FWB situation going on seems kinda weird

No. 449765

My family basically had suspicions I am gay and jumped me for it kek

No. 449776

Ayrt, that’s kind of how it is for us. We have really good sexual chemistry and hooked up a few times when we did try to date. And yeah, the only thing we’d be telling each other about other people would be if we met someone else and wanted to pursue something with that person/cut off the FWB situation. Unfortunately, we’ve been holding hands and cuddling and whatnot outside of it, I think that’s why the conversation with her came up, because it felt like things were still close but neither of us was saying anything so I had to know what it is we were going to do. I guess that’s when the “situationship” stuff came up, I just don’t want it to develop into a bigger thing but I’m admittedly physically lonely lol.

No. 449891

i hope this doesn't ignite anything bad but i have to wonder, i know that the comphet thing has become a total meme by now, and young women who sperg about how hot their ~unattainable nigels~ are obviously not gay.. but what are the actual signs of internalized lesbophobia? how far can internalized lesbophobia go? one of the saddest stories i've heard was an african woman who realizes she is a lesbian and has a homophobic grandmother who told her to fix herself or else. so she lets a man have his way with her and she ended up with hiv. that's an extreme example and given her background, i feel like it happens more than i would like. but what about women who don't live in such dire situations?

No. 449892

Funnily enough I am a 3rd generation African immigrant - with some family members it is extremely obvious they are not attracted to men, just subservient to them, and suppress attraction to women. Unfortunately these women are the most viciously homophobic because since they believe they must suffr you must too.

No. 449895

Idk, I remember when I was growing up, every time I thought I was gay I’d feel this immense shame and sinking feeling in my body. It wasn’t because of religion directly, but my parents were very conservative and judgmental and would always comment on other people around us. One of their things was bringing up how disgusting “dykes” were, and I internalized it for a stupidly long time. Even now as an out lesbian, sometimes that shit creeps back up on me. I did attempt to date men in my early 20s because the other thing my mom never shut up about was me getting married and having a grandchild for her. It sounds stupid but for some reason I had a very hard time unraveling myself from her and her thoughts and what she wanted me to be. I think I was just mentally weak or something, but she was so scary and controlling growing up that that stuff stuck with me.

No. 449896

i'm so sorry that sounds very hard. i think its also hard to tell if one is a lesbian when you feel like if you want to be accepted into society, then that must be a sign that you're straight when clearly that's now how sexuality works.

No. 449898

sounds super relatable and i am also sorry that you went through that. i remember almost feeling afraid of looking at lesbian media because i worry it'll bring up feelings i don't want to come up, so i avoided them. or if i did see them, told myself, that's other girls/women, that's not me, good for them but i'm not like that. it's hard to explain.

No. 449909

internalized homophobia is a feeling of homophobia directed toward yourself, so picture shame, disgust, guilt, low self-esteem, living in denial, and anything that stems from that. how far can it go? as far as self-loathing can go in any other case: self-sabotage, cutting, suicide. but why are you asking? to diagnose yourself?
