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No. 226912
Previous thread
>>>/w/215511Once Again:
Sage your non-milk posts. Being fat and or ugly, while hilarious, is not milk by itself. Lying/shooping yourself excessively to hide that you are fat and ugly and crying about it when caught is milk.Cows in the SpotlightLiv /Olivia / Dreamy_pastel_princess/ @xxx_pinkgothicrose_xxx / TexlitaOld Milk>Got caught in the drama with rose's shitty lolita 101 book on /cgl/>Nuked threads pn cgl that mentioned her name in rose's book drama.>Continues to lie and make tik-toks saying “don’t go on the boards guys! Problems don’t exist if you just don’t go on them!”>Her ageplay history was exposed>>156205 >>156225
>claims on tiktok that her ddlg posts were from when she was groomed as a minor>was caught by lolcow mod for reporting posts and self wking. >>156237 >>156260 >>156394>same crew continue to shitup threads on cgl and lc >>194116>someone from her discord drops screencaps of them discussing how to mass report threads mentioning her, despite her saying on tik tok that she isn’t on the boards whatsoever >>194622 , >>194624 , >>194626 , >>194627 , >>194629 , >>194630 , >>194632 , >>194633>claims her “personal” information is being doxxed, when it’s just screenshots from public accounts or from her own discord >someone from her group still has a hate boner for mahou.momo >>194633>different ita from her comm is posted as a derail attempt, but the pic itself was posted on “friends only” mode, so the pool is even more narrowed. Unconfirmed, but highly likely either liv or her pals posted it >>194633Updates/Speculation>attended a-kon, paradiso, and was a model for Angelic Pretty >>220532>tons of infighting/milk ensued in the following weeks between dallas comm models and other members/factions on LC and CGL (see hannah + alyssa section)>discord friend called out liv’s airbnb roommate for contracting covid and not telling the entire paradiso page, despite none of them masking and said infected person already informed those they were physically close to at the con >>220375Instagram: Dreamy_pastel_princess
Tiktok: @xxx_pinkgothicrose_xx
Youtube: DreamyPastelPrincess
Hannah / Rosequartzroyalty / Ms. Frizzle / Texlita>Texas Tik Tok Lolita confirmed to at least be in one of Liv’s friend groups >>218901>Openly uses board terminology but also tells ppl to stop going on the boards >>220745 >>223771>Got posted for shitty hair, and immediately responded via tik tok >>216298 , >>216410 >Outed herself last year as being involved in liv’s mass reporting spree >>224189>Multiple posters start accusing Alyssa (a fellow texas comm member and akon angelic pretty model) of being the one who posted hannah. >>220976 >>220990>an attempt at showing proof by comparing phone carrier plans backfires, and reveals it is unlikely to be alyssa>>223333 , >>223319>screenshots come out showing alyssa was in fact privately shit talking liv and hannah, and making unhinged statements (see alyssa section). >Hannah’s crew argues Alyssa’s crew, almost saging the thread in less than a month. Tiktok: rosequartzroyalty
Instagram: rosequartzroyalty
Alyssa / Bird_Symphonia / Shit Stirrer McGee / Texlita >Gained the ire of multiple people within the broader texas comm for her (unstealthy) behind the scenes shit talking. >>223603 >>223615 >>223618 >>223478>Alyssa has allegedly already been removed from spaces by mods for DMing and posting unhinged statements such as telling others to cough on someone and wanting to throw hands in group chats >>223550 >>223520>more screenshots come out about her behavior >>221112 >>223478 >>223561 >>223566 >>223597 >>223603 >>223615 >>223618 >>223478 >>223561>evidence suggests she didn’t post the nitpicks in thread 7 >>223333 , but screenshots confirm that she does lurk >>223374 Instagram: bird_symphonia
Lara / larasuzanne>Ita who wears clothing three sizes too small and got posted in thread 7 >>220931 >>220932 >>220969 >>221276 >>221281 >>221595>she starts to call people anorexic in response to being posted >>221597 >>221599 >>221603 >>221604 >>222628>claims to have had a mental health breakdown as a reason for making fun of an eating disorder >>221645>highly suspected of posting in thread 7 and CGL, but not confirmed >>222362 >>222365 >she starts blocking ppl to try to figure out who is posting her stories to LC, claims it was sp00py and DDZ with no evidence >>222832 >>222833>continues to claim that people are on burner accounts posting her stories >>224647>continues to sperg and is currently responding to every post in LC threads made about her>>226762 >>226764
>>226765 >>226766
>>226769 >>226772
>>226778 >>226838
Instagram: larasuzanne
Tiktok: larasuzanne
Sainte Alkamei / P3d0 Grmer / troon goon**
>Once again participating in the grooming of a minor in lolita spaces >>221300 , >>221301 , >>221302>Was found to be on a discord server filled with other pedos bragging about the minors they managed to gr**m and share pics of self harm >>222335 >>222341 >>222342>Currently shitting up CGL ita threads by “defending” mahou.momo when nobody was talking about her. >>223501LM Account: Alchemy And Gold
Sp00pypants / Nat / former based icon / bible lunatic larperOld Milk>Gets kicked out of her comm AND CoF for saying she wouldn’t want to be friends with a troon >>198513>babylita board releases a statement telling everyone to mass block and/or report her, despite her being a teenager and potentially a minor at the time >>198782, >>198795 , >>198796>Turns out brandon (therealdrlove / bearded lolita) has been a repetitive creep, lesbian fetishizer, and posts sexual content related to characters drawn as pre-pubescent minors >nat responds, demands an apology from those that kicked her out and posts proof on her insta >>204185 >>204331Updates>poked the easy-to-piss-off-beast that is lara >>222862 >>222973>posted a semi-apology for her alt-right/christian trolling and says she’s more libleft >>222993Instagram: @sp00pypants
DeeDeeZeta / DDZ / conservative attention seeker>”nazi” troll that continues to poke itas for personal amusement >>220460 >>220461 >continues to christ-sperg but then claims it’s just trolling >>217152 >>217271>lara gets caught up in deedee trolling >>222782>ddz is accused, alongside nat/sp00py, of running a burner account that’s made to look sjw safe >>223889 >>223891 >>223903>no real proof on it >still a lolita rejectInstagram: deedeezeta
Updates on Expired Milk + Usual OffendersLovely Lor / Lor >Lor related posts, go to her thread >>>/w/39863Tyler Willis / Scarfing Scarves / Last Week Lolita News / AA-Kei>Tyler reappears and confesses that she’s been dealing with depression and alcoholism >>220822>BF/SO is speculated as being sus >>224469 >>224457 >>224465>Nothing new, still dresses in boring coords. Youtube: Tyler Willis / LWLN
Brandon David Thompson Love / therealdrlove_88 / Dr. Love >male bearded “lolita,” who doesn’t even identify as a troon and still gets the protection of CoF and his comm mods. >typical sissy attire galore >>207330>is made fun of by sp00py, and gains the protection of the dick obsessed lolita comm >>198513>proof of his creepy/predator antics are posted >>204231 >>204098 >>204099 >>204102 >>204109 >>204110 >>204113>he responds to the “rumors” in a tik tok and denounces them, but doesn’t address anything >>206051 , >>206201>he gets posted on the new behind the bows >>205048Update>Brandon has yet to be kicked out of any groups, spaces, or called out by any of the lolita creators or mods for sexualizing lesbians and posting lewd/sexual content of kid characters. Instagram: @therealdrlove
Tiktok: therealdrlove_88
Dishonorable MentionsJfashion.watchdog
>Outted as being a lolita name aubrie >>207330 >>198979 >>198980>joined in on the sp00py hate train, they had a falling out >>204570 , >>206575Instagram:
eldritch_cupcake / Cupcake Hime >immense ita that has bought over 20k followers in only a few weeks, sometimes gaining thousands in the hour. >>197734 >>197736 >>198367>ratioed in her own comments for saying a classic baby dress is ugly compared to a clolita dress >>199195>then backtracks >>199196 >Allegedly self posted in an ita thread on cgl >>213225 , >>213253 Tiktok: eldritch_cupcake
No. 227005
>>226976Why are you all so obsessed with him?
If you ever give yourself the chance, they're one of the most normal person you'll ever get to know that is trans in jfashion.
>>227005he is a literal pedophile, predatory, harasses women, fetishizes lesbians and likes incest
this is probably sainte defending himself anyways like he always does kek no woman is deranged enough to associate with this pedo tranny moid
No. 227062
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No. 227136
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big brand weddings lead to divorce
No. 227232
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>>227062You thought she was done? She made a TikTok about it too lmao
No. 227252
>>227062LARA YOU HAVE SHIT FRIENDS. I wish you weren't so crappy yourself because I would be your friend. And I would be a nice friend who doesn't betray you. There's nothing that says you have to keep being a crappy person though. Most o us eventually grow as people.
Here is some advice: STOP POSTING THIS KIND OF STUFF. If you want people to leave you alone quit oversharing on social media. Not everyone needs to know every detail of every fleeting thought that passes through your mind or feeling that you experience.
If you had real friends you could talk to them privately about how you feel and if you are going through something they wouldn't plaster it all over social media. But you and all of your friends are retarded sjws with no real allegiance to each other. You are just ideologues that only care about whatever the current socially acceptable narrative is. So you are all just waiting for each other to 'slip up' so you can cancel each other for clout over whatever this weeks 'phobia' is.
If you stopped this nonsense and stopped trying to appeal to other people who do this crap you could make genuine connections with people who are actually caring. People who won't share your private life and inner turmoil for entertainment. People who will actually love and accept you you beyond whether you are in good social standing with other people.
Anywho, you are clearly troubled and I don't like seeing others suffer. I would love to offer you a helping hand as someone else who has dealt with a lot of annoying drama…. but that begs the question: Do you even want real friends or do you prefer the empty 'there-there dear' reactions to your stories from randos online who don't care but give you validation in your 'victimhood'. The
victim status that sjws seem to strive after so vigilantly.
But maybe this is karma. Because you do this same shit-talk rumor spreading over social media to others and now it's coming back around to bit you in return. There's quite a few lessons for you to learn here. Hopefully there has been some introspection in your part.
No. 227260
>>227252Adding to this… no one actually cares if you are fat. You aren't that fat, you're just normal 30 year pudgy. It's not even a big deal. People keep poking at that fact because it clearly bothers you and you respond to it.
>>227258Literally this. This is so cringe. Stop responding to anons who call you fat. It's really weird attention seeking desperation… the lengths people will go for internet validation. You need actual friends.
No. 227268
>>227261yeah, i kinda think she's having her world shattered that people don't consider her to be medium. Obviously she knows she's not skinny, but she seriously thinks she's not plus size. also if one of her friends
>>227062 did do that, that's kind of wild.
i know she says this is
triggering her ED, but to some extent, to not be aware of what your body looks like means you probably still have it or bare minimum had dysmorphia (in the opposite direction?)
No. 227308
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>>227268Lara after reading this thread.
No. 227316
>>227252I think Lara has got some severe psychological/personality disorder or maybe multiple
She's very clearly so self obsessed and narcissistic she can't help but sperg out when people don't have the same image she has of herself. If not NPD,she might be borderline or both. The delusions and witch hunts point to that. She drastically needs to get into therapy or smth this is sad
(armchairing) No. 227405
>>227268As far as American standards, she isn’t plus size. If she can fit quarter shirred AP dresses, she’s a max 38 bust, which is like a size M/L in US size clothes. She’s got a really unfortunate shape and fat distribution, and she’s probably overweight on the BMI scale but she’s not plus size, which in the US starts at size 16. I’m not saying she looks good or that she fits all the clothes she tries to wear, but she’s also not a hamplanet or anything. If she watches what she eats and exercises like 30 minutes a day she can probably get down to healthy size. If she can’t, it’s probably because he ED fucked over her metabolism and it sucks, but a doctor can probably still help her.
Is she actually 30 though? Because most people who act this unhinged are in the lower 20s at the oldest.
No. 227413
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And it gets worse
No. 227484
>>227405she seems incredibly emotionally immature. The things she boasts about are things maybe a 22 yo would care about. She also has this wild tendency to victimise herself despite claiming to be ~all about positivity~.
>>227405Hard to tell but she could be pushing obesity. You can get away with being an American size L and still be obese depending on height.
No. 227497
>>227410I never said she’s not fat. I was just responding to the anon who said “she thinks she’s not plus size”… which she isn’t by American standards. She’s definitely overweight but that does not equate to plus size.
>>227484I mean without knowing her actual height and weight we don’t know if she’s medically obese. She could be, though does it really matter? The real issue isn’t her size, it’s how she acts about it, reeeing that she’s not fat on Instagram and tik tok.
>>227492I can’t put my finger on what is off about her face. There’s something very strange and uncanny valley about it and I can’t tell if it’s her makeup or just how she looks. I don’t want to say ugly, because I don’t think it’s that really, but something is off.
No. 227513
>>227136This isn't even milk at all tho? Posting this just makes you look bitter
>>227325So, what, now she has reverse dysmorphia and thinks she isn't fat even though she obviously is?
No. 227558
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Have we resorted to posting shit coords on Google maps?
No. 227567
>>227558 Anything to gain attention, I suppose. It's not even about fashion anymore, just clout and fame.
>>227524TikTok can be used by people of all ages, but if you spend that much time at 30 making multiple TikToks per day, it's embarrassing and wasteful.
No. 227603
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Saw this on my feed and was alarmed.
No. 227615
>>227608Considering the recent REEEing over lara being slightly overweight, and this skeleton being considered 'not milk' I'm starting to think there
are ana-chans in this thread.
No. 227616
>>227615Are you retarded? In the past several lolita thread OPs this statement is there
>Being fat and or ugly, while hilarious, is not milk by itself. Lying/shooping yourself excessively to hide that you are fat and ugly and crying about it when caught is milk.The reason people keep talking about Lara is she specifically did the later half and has continued to sperg out about it.
No. 227621
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>>227616Most of the REEing is about her weight though, like just look a few posts up. If we can make a million posts about whether lara is fat or not, we can post skeletors like picrel as well.
No. 227623
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>>227621Another one, look at her collarbones, she looks like she's gonna drop dead any second now
No. 227629
>>227584I know anon. I’m medically obese despite not being what most people would think of as obese, I’m a size 12, but I also am not a medical professional so I can’t look at someone and make the call. I think it’s possible that Lara is, and is able to fit lolita because it seems her fat distribution trends towards her lower torso and legs, and she doesn’t have large boobs so she can still fit the dresses because they’re only really fitted around the upper torso.
I don’t know if she actually has an eating disorder or if she just says that to try to make people leave her alone. If she does, I do feel for her, but I also think that posting online so much is detrimental to it, and she should get off social media until she has things under control. She also might have bulimia or binge eating disorder which tend to lead to weight gain rather than weight loss. No matter what disorder it is, she needs to get treatment and focus on that rather than social media.
The fact that she’s acting like this at 30 really makes me think she’s got something going on mentally that she needs to deal with. She needs to realize that no one would care about how she looks if she didn’t bring it up or react.
Lara, if you’re reading this, get off social media, go to therapy or ED treatment and focus on that. If you don’t give people reactions they’ll find someone else to talk about.
No. 227640
>>227633I'm not lara nor the original person who posted the ana-chan, just think it's an interesting irony for some anon(s) to declare one eating disorder milky but not another, as this eloquent anon
>>227629 says, it's possible lara still has an eating disorder like bulimia, so this is all much of a muchness.
No. 227641
>>227640Lara sperging out over being called out on her shoop is not an eating disorder. Lara had done things that are actually milky. Please also see
>>227613 to inform yourself on why you’re being retarded
No. 227805
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No. 227808
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No. 228093
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>>228082That’s not staying banned though , that’s just getting caught again.
No. 228115
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>>227623yes, sure she has an ED too. Has she responded to posts made about her and gone on a full meltdown @ing the threads? No. That's what makes lara milky.
>>226912I've never really watched the tiktoklitas, so i took a peek and holy shit is their content annoying. vid attached is two different tik toks that contradict each other.
telling newbies that this is ultimately a luxury fashion and they can't expect shit to instantly come their way is a good thing, but why say "lolita isn't for you if you have not spent more than $20 on a garment" ??? most people have some OTKs, blouses, gloves, or even skirts for that much or around there? this is a slow fashion, and it's normal to collect accessories over a long period of time. idk if she just has perma sweet ita brain, but IW averages for 60-80 bucks sometimes for NWT OPso or jsks.
also kek, hannah and the friz
No. 228145
>>228133>poorfag for thinking that it's ok to slowly collect normal priced accessories did you read? you're outing yourself as a new sweet lolita if you think that's for poor people or is uncommon. IW is cheap in the secondhand market, not inherently cheap. Also, the argument is whether that means you're not ready to be in the fashion or not. Hannah making this argument is weird because she constantly talks about how great it is to acquire things at affordable prices overtime. why is there a rush? Oh so i bought $19 OTKs and it's my first and only purchase, but because it's been a month i'm out of the fashion?
for most oldfags it took months to years to finalize a coord. the wait is sometimes a satisfying part. her newness is showing.
No. 228192
>>228186pretty much. a lot of classic pieces in general (especially solid/plain pieces) are less loud and require some natural styling/beauty and coording to shine through.
and again, hannah said "garment" which includes blouses, tights, wrist cuffs, etc.
No. 228290
>>228082I interjected inbetween your dumbshit arguing to ask how long
and by the looks of:
>>227838I think you might be a total idiot. Why do you even bother commenting on anonymous threads? To just be stupid as fuck?
No. 228534
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anyone know anything about this morbidly obese cow? apparently she uses multiple sockpuppet ig and FB accounts to stalk people who have her blocked (aka her ex-friends). allegedly has a history of posting about other girls in the midwestern comm
No. 228710
>>228702you do know that not everything revolves around lara right. there hasn't been milk in days. it's a little weird she is being linked to
>>228534 for no apparent reason
No. 228712
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>>228595nope. i'm from oklahoma and sara has been an
abusive member of the tulsa comm for years. she was confirmed to be behind this sockpuppet account to harass other members.
No. 228713
>>228547>>228534>>228558you're dumb, and obvious.
we go thru this like clockwork - texas cow is posted (see hannah) and then someone posts something with absolutely zero milk attached.
this is not how this shit works, summerfags plz leave
No. 228722
>>228716I was just going to fucking ask this.
Farmhands, please get these derailing cucks out of the thread.
No. 228730
>>228717posting girls im jealous of? are u replying to the right anon? because i'm saying posting without milk is derailing. i'd rather
>>228534 lead to real milk than not.
unless chubby_misako has lost a ton of friends in this niche fashion, she probably already knows who posted in here, so you might as well post caps. this is a receipt based gossip site, plz act like it.
No. 228903
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Liv/Dreamy Pastel Princess changed her username on Instagram. Putting this here so everyone knows.
No. 228961
>>228911agreed, but this describes her so much better: fat and retarded.
>>228923this. calm down
>>228918 it's a saged post that is relevant.
No. 228992
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I'm laughing my ass off at this picture.
No. 229002
>>228992This is lolcow, not your personal blog.
Who cares if you laugh at an old picture with no milk attached
The state of this thread …
No. 229041
>>229002>>229024i mean, you
can post itas here. fatties are ita by default.
No. 229151
>>229114Summer is hitting hard….
It’s okay for a thread to be dead a while if there’s no milk. If you wanna laugh at a picture
>>229108 , you could at minimum laugh at this old picture of Lara that’s already posted that was milk a week ago
>>228093Instead of something that came out of thin air
No. 229174
>>229163If it was a new picture maybe but this is months old and most have already keked at it… a long time ago
Stale in more ways than one
No. 229177
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there's this freak in the SF comm with a furry inflation/feederism fetish who draws fetish art of herself in lolita and she's fucking disgusting. her instagram and twitter's @readthewind. i'm a noob i dunno how to link shit so here's a google doc i guess because there's too much to condense into one pic without looking insane No. 229186
>>229177People tend to forget that lolita is just … clothes. Drawing herself and she happens to wear jfashion isn’t bad in itself. If she is promoting it publicly on public insta where there are minors then that’s where issues arise but shit is private and can’t tell. Twitter says nsfw so that’s good I guess. Having that niche brings in the $$$ though.
There’s more freaks and femcels in lolita than you think. But that’s in every fashion including normie.
No. 229263
>>229181Thread Admins cannot ban people on this site. Only site admins and moderators are given the power to do so. When a thread is bumped, a lot of non milk unsage posts irritate people from other threads, and moderators are usually on it if someone reports you for unsage fagging. But go off retards
If you’re only here for milk turn on ‘Hide saged posts for this thread’. Threads started going to shit when itas were sent here to derail boards. It’s the same state as Cgl, but farm jannies being more reasonable.
No. 229275
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>>228115this is the same bitch who also said that nobody owns a 100% brand wardrobe…i think i know 5 people off the top of my head who own 100% brand wardrobes.
No. 229276
>>226916(lol very very late to respond)
controversial opinion, i don’t think avoiding LMs makes sense? if they’ve got dresses i want, why limit my potential buying pool?! unless the drama is about how they’re a scammer or partake in kink in their dresses, then i’m fine with buying from them
No. 229458
>>229276Ayrt. Because some of these bitches be crazy and I don't want them having my info. Also like
>>229278 said they are more likely to give you a hard time, they're cows for a reason after all.
No. 229495
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sainte the pedo troon has been posting his typical schizobabble on facebook lately, and seething over lolcow there too kek
I'll sage just because I'm not sure if it counts as milk compared to his usual grooming stuff but it's still amusing imo
No. 229496
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>>229495the only "trolling" he does is when he gets assblasted for being called out for unhinged behavior and whiteknighting himself on lc and /cgl/ kek
No. 229498
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>>229496he's been adding randoms on facebook and trying to get into discord servers so if you see someone using any of these names he says he goes by: beware
No. 229501
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>>229498he posted another pic of his ugly ghoulish male face
spoilered cuz he uggo
No. 229506
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>>229501last one, he's banned here and has nothing else going on in his life so this is the only way he can get attention from us
very pathetic
he's been extra insane on /cgl/ lately too admitting to all the grooming stuff he did and said its ok because he's "changed", larping as french, creeping on women in the cosplay and lolita community, admitted he's only into lolita to try and one-up other lolitas by having a bigger collection (typical moid seeing it as a competition and not actually caring about the fashion), and whiteknighting himself even more than usual
go to desuarchive for /cgl/ and search with sainte as the name if you want to have a few laughs
No. 229638
>>229541when someone has a past they want to hide
>>229501yikes. nice office blouse, Sainte.
No. 229704
Greetings 、Lolcow
I want to thank you all just because I love that you love my bait posts on fb. (As in —you fell for them)
>>229638Thanks、it's just my dress blouse I wear underneath my lab
coats for work…
It's enchanted with alkemy magic、 you know right??? That alone makes me so qualified for mixing chemicals and develop formulas.
Like Fr fr
A$ap really is my cousin and Tyler is my BFF.
I Played pro golf with them
(newfaggotry) No. 229998
>>229993>Pro golf how male of you"Laymao"、 he doesn't know that there are more women playing golf in Japan than all the men playing other sports combined in the country, with even pro race drivers included too
Vro0om z0o0o0om z0o0o0ooo0oo0
Mother fuckers!
Everytime I'm winning you gals keep trying to move the goal posts. Fr fr haha
File: 1658116184927.jpg (413.42 KB, 1080x1156, Screenshot_20220717-190107_Chr…)

No. 230311
>>230101>>229998Jesus christ. Can farm hands just ban his range perm?
Ban dodging has to be against site ToS
No. 230325
>>230311don't want to give any ideas if he hasn't already thought of them, but some of the work arounds are too much for this site to prevent, unlike 4chan.
everytime he goes off like this, he proves his scroteness more and more.
No. 230627
File: 1658252211620.jpeg (355.23 KB, 1242x2208, 46E608A6-D772-4CE6-A225-E115CF…)

>>226912kind of an old topic, but i’m glad that nat is in the OP thread and pic, because although i agree with her on brandon, i can’t stop thinking about how she thought it was ok to make fun of the ulvade shooting THE DAY it happened. picrel, this was only one of the “jokes” she posted that day.
seeing the recent footage is actually so fucking sad. i know zoomers are desensitized but wtf, this is moid behavior
No. 230687
>>230627This is old milk
nonny. She made fun of an MK ultra fedboi troon, which is completely warranted. And not even wrong, the faggot does look like Buffalo Bill. Are you too retarded to know the difference between making fun of a fedboi murderer and making fun of dead kids? You're clearly just seething because she made fun of a troon. Cope harder.
No. 230771
>>230687>>230694making a “joking” post about a situation when everyone is in complete shock and horror is the definition of insensitive and out of touch. and are you illiterate? i clearly said i’m on her side for the brandon/troon dm fiasco. also the ulvade shooter wasn’t even a troon, it was debunked because people got him mixed up with a look alike.
time, place, and general decorum would let anyone know that it’s inappropriate and attention seeking. there were radfems who reacted in a perfectly normal way when they suspected he was a troon, by talking about the outcomes of male socialization and female commodification.
No. 230779
File: 1658275856657.png (494.62 KB, 1206x942, gross incestuous scrote.png)

here we go again… pedotroon sainte is resharing cousinfucker posts he made 3 years ago, and still tardbabbling on facebook (larping as rich amongst other cringe larps, not worth attaching screenshots)
some anon on /cgl/ who is apparently related to him implied he did something bad to his mom too, so (if true) on top of harassing women and minors not even his own mother is safe from his nasty moid behavior
betting he will have another meltdown and start sperging out and getting defensive again kek brace yourselves
No. 230813
>>230801ayrt I don't think it's bait considering he originally posted it back in 2019 before people here and on /cgl/ knew much about him let alone that he had a facebook
not gonna give away his private insta but the username also relates to the whole weird cousin bs so imo he's a little too dedicated to the cousinfucker thing for it to simply be bait
I get what you mean about not feeding the troll regarding people like nat and ddz and the like but why would sainte be doing this consistently for so many years even on his personal accounts if he is only trolling? especially considering he has family/friends added on those who can see him acting like a cringey weirdo
anyways sorry for the mini-sperg - I will take your advice and stop giving him any attention (unless he does something very milky) in case he really is just a super dedicated troll
No. 230882
>>230839same, the exact same point keeps being made. also she was posting more than just the buffalo bill posts, she posted a bunch of those
“antichrist” memes (but as mass shooters?) the same day as well. wish i had caps. you can see in
>>230627 that she sperged and made a ton of “joke” posts in one day.
expecting some decency and not make something about yourself after 20 kids died isn’t even a “be lovely!” demand.
No. 230902
>>230627>>230839>>230882She goes by “oatmilkchan” on tiktok and instagram now
>>230821most of us don’t make weird movie references and antichrist memes to dunk on a mass troon-like killer the moment it happens, but whatever floats your boat I guess.
No. 230924
File: 1658331843025.jpg (Spoiler Image,62.44 KB, 1235x681, 1.JPG)

>>230882Nonna. Guess what?
No. 230955
>>230779This is starting to rival Chris-chan levels of delusion, anon.
I think the lolita community finally has a real cow, again.
No. 230974
>>230924troll alliance is so bad at trolling, you're on sainte levels now.
>>230920this is nat supporter bait, please stop saying troon is site specific my god.
>>230939you do realize that is the fucking point of this drama site? post caps or gtfo.
No. 231355
File: 1658428456335.png (97.55 KB, 1092x862, Screen Shot 2022-07-21 at 2.32…)

Thought this tumblr "secrets" blog was dead (last post was in march), this was posted today. saging because I don't think it's new milk, just wanted to know anon's thoughts since I can't seem to find anything relevant to this in past threads
No. 231362
File: 1658429328206.jpg (1.07 MB, 1079x1585, Hbparis6.jpg)

Friendly reminder that Hanikami-stealz-ur-dress is still in the fashion even after claiming she would leave. Pic is from the recent Paris Anniversary.
But I guess we already knew she was still around because she sells on LM (Anmitsu).
No. 231371
>>231362Oh wow I'm shocked she went to this. It's so weird seeing her in the wild now.
Also confirming she is Anmitsu even though it's old news. I had a transaction with her recently and the info matched what was attached to her HK account. Her unhinged replies seemed telling enough tho before confirming the matching info. But I guess the mods are just letting her continue?
No. 231401
File: 1658440230802.png (660.46 KB, 692x856, ageplayer.png)

sage for old milk but dear god can you sweetfags stop mixing your fetish shit in with lolita?
No. 231403
File: 1658441641858.png (Spoiler Image,457.5 KB, 925x556, coomer.png)

>>231401yeah I always got weird vibes from her but when she started making furry porn i noped out
No. 231537
>>231419>>231385they banned sp00py off of screenshots, but when screenshots were posted of brandon being a fucking creepy they've still done nothing. I'm absolutely convinced one of their mods is a braindead age play kinkster/coomer.
it's annoying how many people sexualize the fashion, but at some point sweetfags need to start looking around their friends more. age players are always sweet, and like most coom obsessed individuals they love to take positions of leadership. For instance: Lor.
No. 231580
I remember that the girl had her whole package stolen. Mad.
No. 231635
>>231596>>231620AYRT, the first time was years ago before her shenanigans were as well known and she kept more of her crazy in check. This second time with her new account, I didn't know for sure until after she paid and the info matched.
I understand what you mean but it would have cost me money to refund her because PP would keep the fees. I also didn't want the scathing negative to sit on my account for a long time and deter other buyers while actively selling other things. Sometimes it can take the mods a while to sort things out. If the mods posted a clear statement about her technically being banned and had a separate contact if a banned user/scammer buys from you instead of just promises in DMs, I'd be more keen on trying to fight it. But that plus the loss of money is not worth it to me right now.
That being said, the transactions did go smoothly. I just would have preferred not to do business with her at all because she is a thief and has a history of harassing others.
I think LM would benefit from making a Banned page on the nav bar with a list of banned users/ scammers with their info that people could plainly see to deter them. Other groups I'm in do that when they can't ban accounts and it works great.
No. 231672
File: 1658519939877.png (7.05 KB, 641x59, PPrefund.PNG)

>>231662PP started doing this in 2019. Have you not bought anything in that long?
No. 231692
>>231686i think you're forgetting the part where you claimed anons might be scammers for stating googleable policy, but go off kween.
>>231362I never saw photos of her back then but i remember the drama vividly from threads on twitter. if this is her at a larger weight, then i don't wanna see the before.
also, her animitsu LM acct already has like over 100 transactions in a one year, she really really didn't come close to leaving the fashion.
No. 232231
File: 1658668777378.png (451.89 KB, 1091x742, Screenshot (27).png)

Was scrolling through LM and found this nasty ass "He/they" modeling shoes with his hairy legs. Motherfucker you could of just taken a picture of the shoes you didn't have to shove your hairy legs into the photo also why the fuck are these retards putting pronouns on their selling page ugh
No. 232361
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Making TikToks being toxic to survivors check
No. 232369
>>232361You could say it’s half assed. The Rainn hotline just redirects
victims to services in their area and sometimes disconnects their line with
victims looking for help. She didn’t contribute any new solutions to the rising problem of assault happening.
No. 232416
>>232361Like yeah she's just regurgitating known info, but that's part of the snowflake behavior is that she's clout chasing with literally the most lukewarm takes, bringing nothing at all new to the table, and offers no alternatives to hotlines that don't do shit do like
>>232369 points out.
Anyways that's her, just lowest common denominator shit so she can get that reels engagement in. She's too scared to even do slightly warm takes on her job as a flight attendant lol.
No. 232500
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>>232361Imagine thinking she has a "hate train bandwagon" when she’s genuinely a shitshow clout chaser.
>>232416She is looking for easy ways to get a raise. She thought that being black would do the trick of getting her boss to give her more money. If she’s not getting any recognition, then chances are she’s doing a shit job at work and it’s not because of her race.
>>232488She has never been in the
victim’s position to understand how shitty her take is. This is the same girl who wanted to defund the police because she thinks they're doing a shitjob.
No. 232744
File: 1658847701986.jpg (178.94 KB, 1080x1649, 20220726_093228.jpg)

looks like dd is bullying troons in her ig stories. did sp00py troll alliance convert her into terfism?
for context the troon is shilling violent anti-terf music and calling for terfs to be killed. male pattern violence kek.
No. 232800
>>232744i would say she's more tradthot adjacent than
terf, since she hates feminism too. disapproving of troonery is just one point in radfem theory. both may have the same opinion on troons, but she's still in the NLOG galaxy brain camp.
>>232578moid like comment, it's just an arm
No. 232804
>>232800she hates troons, she hates feminists, she hates gay people, she hates
poc…. is there any group that she actually doesnt hate?
No. 232843
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>>232840i'm convinced "she" is actually a tranny. anon on /cgl/ snapped this. look at that man hand.
No. 232845
>>232843I don't think you understand proportions
>>232840Imagine being the retard standing up for threats of violence,
TERF is just a stand-in for "woman" so this all boils down to ugly moids wanting to kill women, what's new
No. 232848
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>>232845please tell me this doesn't look like a man.
No. 232854
>>232804i genuinely think she's pretty apathetic to most things, and just gets a thrill out of negative attention. i'm sure she generally does disapprove of those demographics, but I highly doubt it's passionate hate. she just likes to take the piss out of shit and put it on display like most attention seekers.
>>232848woof, she does just look generally large. not as in fat, just big. also all of these coords are terrible.
>>232851>>232852nice racebait. it's just obvious the screenshot shows her in movement. she's annoying for a lot of things, but fat isn't really one of them.
No. 232868
File: 1658874266595.png (379.07 KB, 368x629, toastchan.PNG)

>>232843>>232855>>232861>>232859>>232856>>232857>>232865what in the sweet summer fuck is going on with this retarded posting and racebait??
also, if we just have to compare to zeta, toast has the most normie feminine build
No. 232876
File: 1658875089461.png (428.72 KB, 800x658, ddz.PNG)

>>232861gonna go ahead and guess maybe DDZ has something to do with this spergfest. even this
>>232843 reads like someone taking the piss, I doubt anybody fell for it being real. ngl it was obvious she was the one who made that ita thread where every pic was just her. everybody plays into her attention seeking attempts.
people accused her of looking moidish a few days ago in the ita thread and this is how she responded.
>>232869the only thing she hates is not receiving attention.
No. 232904
>>232897>>232899wait this sounds milky for real.
homicidal troon did say they were surprised his “terfs d*e” post got found by the lolita community, clearly she does have a past with him if he he’s not specifically an ex kek
which if ddz is fr alt right and not just trolling, then that would make sense for her to have a troon ex. so many incel/alties troon out
No. 232905
>>232897If this is the case wouldn't this make dd not racist? The other troon is a
No. 232910
>>232905you can dislike a group of ppl and date them. sexist men still wanna date/fuck women, and i’ve seen enough fucked up hate/love relationships based on grievances with aesthetics despite emotional connections. also those videos of kkk members with black spouses kek.
i think ddz literally hating
poc is probably not on the table, but i’d say she likes winding people up into thinking she does. tolerating is also an option, idk why ppl go straight to hate.
>>232903are you dumb?
No. 232916
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>>232840I don’t know if you all know. But she’s beefing with the guy who wanted to expose himself at the wi spa and held a protest at the spa after it went viral, having a "trans" cross-dressing registered sex offender arrested. For once, deedeezeta isn’t really crazy here.
That man is a dangerous predator and he’ll call people to attack women at that spa who were feeling unsafe that a man exposed his parts in the women’s space.
No. 232979
>>232909/pol/ scrotes have been invading the site (and any communities with j-fashion and high amounts of underage girls) for years and I'm tired of pretending it's just a conspiracy theory.
What's going to be the result of this shit in the long run? you nonnas surely know by now that in the long run all you're doing is promoting violent misogyny? like 9 out of 10 of posts that look like this
>>232876 are falsely clocking cis women and they/he ""aidens"" as mtfs.
No. 233081
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>>233078But she avoids Cgl
nonny No. 233093
>>233075this. i can't understand why people are confused that rules are being upheld here? even if no one reported the posts, a mod
would have deleted it. posts like
>>233077 just really out newfaggotry. posts getting taken down mean you were just wrong. when liv and her gang mass reported, the posts weren't taken down, a farmhand just gave a warning.
this en masse scrotish behavior is not cute. tbh im confused on the toast hate train to begin with? she seems like a typical annoying tik tok texlita, but I can't find any literal milk until the recent sexual assault PSA tik tok she made? every mention of her before were just nitpics on her weird mouth and use of face filters. which again,
isn't milk. >>232946thread was dry for days even with the occasional toast post. shit went off the moment DDZ was posted, not the other way around. it doesn't take a genius to see.
No. 233104
>>233081She cries racism so much so that she goes on boards where everyone is unfiltered. Then she picks her fight with Deedee and thinks nobody will catch on. It sounds to me like she was asking for it with Deedee and her anon friends. I love how Deedee be minding her business and somebody thought it was time to expose her again for being a
terf. Turns out she was arguing with a trans sex offender who exposes himself to women and children.
No. 233115
>>233102exactly. board cultures aren't all in the same, this thread became such a shit show. which is sad, because we've gotten some decent entertainment in the past.
>>233101>>233104exhibit fucking a. only one of the people being mentioned in this convo has a history of shit posting. also we're all terfs here? no one was outing her, that would be a good thing.
No. 233142
>>233140It being referenced has nothing to do with normalcy. It got called internet hate machine by news in early 2000's. It's just been around a long time as an anonymous BBS board. The news is only referencing it because social media and leftist news stations are censoring the big leak on the biden family.
It's not exactly normie, but it is filled to the brim with newfags and the quality of content dropped because of lack of integration to board culture.
No. 233164
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>>232916damn ddnazi is raw on this sex offender freak
No. 233192
>>233178I got a ban for calling him out too but it's allowed in discord threads on other boards for some reason, 4scrote tranny jannies are the worst
I found another one of his many alt facebooks with photos of him before he trooned out that I posted in the /snow/ personal cow thread along with him on his current fb basically sperging about how he's going to be forever unloved kek in case any nonnies here want to see:
>>>/snow/1595992 No. 233501
File: 1659038156317.jpg (360.46 KB, 1080x1513, birdsofafeather.jpg)

Anyone else not surprised unhinged and unhinged jr are friends?
No. 233508
>>233498DDZ, bunnakins and all the tradthot christards have LOC in their profile. Means Lover Of Christ iirc.
>>233501who's jr?
>>233507unhinged vendetta chan
No. 233530
File: 1659044879477.jpg (56.06 KB, 1113x288, screenshot.jpg)

>>233508what are you talking about
nonny? sort of related though, wtf is the blm link in dd's profile? is she trying to be antiracist but made a typo. it goes to some transport company. is this a fucking joke?
No. 233548
nonny? What happened
No. 233637
File: 1659084082084.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1170x1882, 90004B5C-2A5B-4418-81A3-EE8640…)

STFU Laura. You hate follow ppl you don’t even know for other ppl you don’t know. Your stupid holier than thou attitude is why nobody can stand your ass. Your so creepy and unhappy.
No. 233651
>>233600>some people don’t follow dramayou’re an actual idiot to say that on a drama site about one of the most drama filled communities. also why get defensive about normal speculation on what could happen to alyssa ? that’s how this shit works? newfag begone.
>>233637is she actually ok in the head? people just slide through and watch stories all the time and don’t have to like your actual posts? sometimes they don’t see them or only watch stories ? jesus she’s self obsessed
No. 233659
>>233651>is she actually ok in the headShe clearly is severely mentally unwell based on her behavior in reactions to these threads.
>>233637I never like anything and I don’t have the time to write out comments for overly shooped pictures of obese women. Does she really think she’s owed a like/comment?
No. 233668
>>233666People are calling her out on it here. She’s just too delusional to accept
valid criticism and calls anyone who gives her anything but positive feedback a hater or troll.
No. 234018
>>233985 it’s so unbelievably racist of her to associate small lips with white people and large lips with
POC. It’s always these hypersensitive wokefags that are closet racists clinging to stereotypes.
No. 234114
>>234107She once wore pink lipstick and her lips were actually normal looking. Which makes
>>234035 even more bizarre in that context.
No. 234246
>>234167From what can be gathered by reading the previous thread
>There was some group chat in the Texas comm.>Alyssa was acting unhinged towards others who were modeling for a fashion show. She finds out who was modeling for AP: Momo, Liv, and Hannah.>Alyssa called all 3 of them dramawhore bitches and talked about Hannah’s discord. >Hannah was being posted on LC and everyone started to speculate about who was posting her during that period.>Alyssa finds out she’s blocked by Hannah.>More Hannah nitpicking thread postings.>Hannah accused Alyssa without evidence at first.>GC messages come out from anons and all the tracks lead back to Alyssa's trash talking about Angelic pretty models, posting screenshots from threads, Discord drama, and wanting to fight the models. Discord Lolitas are something else
No. 234253
>>234018i don’t like lara but isn’t that just a normal observation? like saying black ppl have darker skin than white ppl is just a fact. and on average, they have bigger lips too
>>234246next time, try not to bottle feed lazy newfags. this was all written in the OP with links.
No. 234254
File: 1659298824063.jpeg (239.69 KB, 1242x1021, 89816024-20E5-4F07-8466-DCEB0D…)

gemma seriously posted a youtube video very recently about her fOuR hUndRed dollar dress. nobody is talking about anymore, she needs to give it a rest.
No. 234274
>>234253It’s not a normal association to say that she has small lips because she’s white. Not all white people have small lips, but she’s also implying
POC have large lips which is a racist stereotype that’s been used against
POC for hundreds of years. It’s only recently with the trendification of black trends that big lips/injecting your lips to get large lips has become desirable.
No. 234276
>>234256again, not stereotyping, just a very common feature? how is that woketard-esque? there are a thousand things to poke fun of lara about but calling her racist seems weird. saying a race is loud or mean is a stereotype, but describing what usually defines them as that race visually (their physical traits) is just an observation. also she said white people have small lips, she never mentioned
poc, so was she being racist to herself??
No. 234277
>>234274Anon I don't like lara but your reaching a bit, I think she meant
poc usually have larger lips than white people which is usually true
No. 234292
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No. 234301
File: 1659308606026.jpeg (708.07 KB, 1536x2048, 18DFD55D-A8BD-4E20-8656-59E107…)

Lives in Japan. Wears really American looking kokeshi dolls corset. Also in coord, a MLP necklace. From gray dry skin, to the outfit I don’t know why she is a comm leader.
No. 234303
File: 1659308711506.jpeg (413.63 KB, 1365x2048, 75FCF1F1-991F-4CFA-8BA9-DBCA9E…)

She told me she is professional makeup artist and tattoo artist. I look at both her work and it’s messy and all colors are dull. She can’t tattoo, she can’t dress herself.
No. 234311
>>234301>>234303this looks like gyaru or something similar and not lolita
does she even dress in lolita? you didn't provide her socials either
No. 234314
File: 1659309350492.jpeg (189.15 KB, 815x1190, 7DBED89A-7B26-4B56-8CCA-08A50D…)

>>234292Fuck off you bad built racist
No. 234317
File: 1659309608029.jpeg (267.29 KB, 828x1531, 71AAF279-7E34-4740-97A1-DD3AE1…)

Why does she continue to do this to herself?
No. 234364
>>234359uh, not that i want this thread to go full /pol/, but wtf are you talking about? africans look incredibly different in different regions.
and what’s with the plural white “races” kek
>>234317she’s such an idiot. she’s also just getting her young following to look up these sites too, which is stupid.
No. 234370
>>234367you keep saying “race” but what you’re trying to say is “ethnicity.” two completely different words and meanings you idiot. there can’t be multiple “white races” but there are multiple white ethnicities. you can call me an american all you want, but you don’t even know the definition of these basic words.
did that help you? ok now stfu and discuss lara being milky, not lara talking about her own thin lips
No. 234380
>>234376>would be more cultured about.>culture>AmericaTwo things that don't go together.
Additionally, Americans have always historically SUCKED at understanding anything outside of American ideologies. Also, just a fyi talking about other regions of Africa have nothing to do with you or BLACK african americans.
No. 234386
>>234357Wtf, she looks so much better here! This hair and makeup suits her a lot better and would still look fine with lolita and j fashion.
>>234355I agree. If she’d just ignore it, there’s no milk. I think she looks fine for the most part, but her makeup isn’t flattering. That alone isn’t milk. If she’d stop reading here (or even just read and don’t react) there would be no milk and she’d be forgotten about.
No. 234403
She hears the gossip alot from one. of them.
No. 234692
>>234396>>234389>>234575 Nat personally set them up by posting those two thread posters to her story. She knows what she is doing.
No. 234698
>>234692Wrong :’)
She is a morbidly obese one lol
Lurks here but says she doesn’t
She ass kisses any one with a following for clout
Nat is probably blocked by her
(:’)) No. 234731
>>234692The thread blows up anytime they’re mentioned.
>>234317She’s fighting a wall at this point
No. 234960
File: 1659418708994.jpeg (202.08 KB, 828x1261, 1CE0C6BA-845B-41BA-8333-ED9660…)

Modern day feminism has ruined women in America and their self worth. Imagine not showering and wearing brand in hamburger grease. Why are American Lolitas disgusting?
No. 234994
File: 1659425070324.jpg (561.66 KB, 2880x2880, 20220802_002309.jpg)

>>234960>>234966>>234979I don't think she's even lesbian its another larp. Come on lesbian oatmilk chan (LOC) and then she changed her username to oatmilkchan? This is just another ruse, ignore it and it goes away.
No. 235004
File: 1659427270639.jpeg (344.62 KB, 828x1012, 9DC1B09A-1C8B-4839-B1D2-1D9B4B…)

>>234966So glad this fetishist is banned from my comm
No. 235074
File: 1659453295606.jpeg (27.38 KB, 236x314, A526407B-B43A-469F-B12F-78E815…)

>>235004Public indecency.
Spoil next time for this is a sin.
She thinks she can use a purple plant fruit and KY lube to fuck bitches who’ll break up with her the next day.
No. 235105
>>234994Isn't she the
TERF postergirl? I'm confused.
No. 235136
File: 1659456262741.jpg (Spoiler Image,149.5 KB, 497x793, capture (2).JPG)

>>234986i thought loc was their weird cult? u think theyve turned on spoopy and r blackmailing them with this?
>>234998>>235004i wonder for what? loc cult was just wking them over allegations of transphobia. some trans folx were sperging on spoopy on clockapp for something or other.
terf behavior probably i dont recall details but its recent tiktok
pic related also spoiler because its very gross
No. 235234
>>235064>>235077How is this for men??? Also it literally isn’t porn.
These posts are getting retarded. Is that photo cringe? Yes. But it’s literally not porn, it looks like her and her gay friends just being stupid.
And the one thing nat is for real about is that she’s gay, she is definitely a lesbian. If any of you took the time to watch her tik toks or other posts you’d know she’s serious about at least that. She also has talking about an ex girlfriend.
>>234994 is about how other terfs used to think that because she wears Lolita, it’s actually connected to the book. Yes, she herself is a radfem, but she didn’t make that poster. However, nat did have an actual Lolita nymphette phase
No. 235245
File: 1659468490444.jpeg (279.43 KB, 828x1673, 74B713A8-185F-4F6C-A795-DBA81B…)

>>235234She jumps on trends faster than her being passed around
No. 235284
File: 1659473370108.jpeg (373.58 KB, 718x790, 1B788B3D-7343-4DAC-B2C2-3FA498…)

>>235267They’re from Houston and have actual sense in style
No. 235287
>>235241>>235252>>235267I think it meant Lesbian Oatmilk Chan
>>234994 and was just another troll/solidarity thing.
No. 235294
>>235268(L) (O)atmilk(C)han Fucks
its some sort of signal or code
No. 235662
>>235645So calling out people with eating disorders/disordered eating. Like that is any better.
What you think she meant is way worse than how I was taking it . Holy shit.
No. 235678
>>235668You mean stick thin “uwu” teenager bodies
She really needs to work on how she words things though . It’s like she uses these terminology on purpose to stir people up. Or doesn’t know any other wording. This and the white people lips.
No. 235695
>>235689So much teenagers using lolcow now probs
Good job Lara teaching your audience that they exist.. the many normal who wouldn’t have heard of it otherwise anyway
No. 235729
>>235708>>233501>>233662Two out of a few that are associated with the drama are thread cows. Cows who interact with other cows are guilty by default. Her friends were being racist, and thought posting a sudden distraction
>>234301 and racist essays would stop it all.
No. 235775
>>235729Are you retards really surprised? Nat has been associated with DDZ, who was attacked by the cancel mob for her Nazi costume and racism. Now Nat is the target of a ball for being an unhinged
terf who is best friends with a Nazi racist who got canceled.
No. 235790
>>235788"Everyone who says something I don't like is a cow"
Why are you all so fucking retarded
No. 235802
>>235729Dallas shit stirrer,
Terf, and a Racist all in one connection.
No. 235879
File: 1659580572441.jpg (Spoiler Image,559 KB, 1080x1454, Screenshot_20220804-122925__01…)

>>235298It's just surreal seeing all the ex himekaji girls who orbited her suddenly purchasing garish, hot pink LV when they previously showed no interest and only bought Japanese brand. That being said they've all aged out of it. Alice probably gave them a way to dress more maturely whilst still being "princessy" so it's not inherently a bad thing just an observation.
>>235117Cottondolly's IG was the spitting image of Alice's for a while there (down to the same loveshack fancy dresses), but since it looks like she's not so heavily inspired.
No. 236234
File: 1659634618206.jpg (714.19 KB, 1079x1931, troonin321.jpg)

Anyone else notice she's been posing like this a lot to show off her muscles and binding? Her binding is even ripped from how tight it is. Looks like she stopped shaving her pits and mustache too and bio is they/them, how long til she troons out so she can keep claiming gay? This little lesbian larp is out of control she should have stuck to the croquette "lolita" look, at least she looked female. Sad to see a terf troon out guess she has to stick it to the radfems.
No. 236276
>>235303Troll alliance is once again united after revenge hateposting to lolcow? This time is under troon solidarity? LOC… Loathing Of Cisgender?
>>236234Has she become troon under suspect of nazi influence? Is cape fashion advice of drunken wrestler former lolita Tyler? Is this flex of muscle representive that she is to become wrestler also? This is the evidence. Is for you to decide.
No. 236339
File: 1659652632863.jpeg (160.31 KB, 731x1161, E3294268-8161-491A-B6C8-CE575D…)

>>235729One of them is cleaning up their image with the “I swear I’m not racist” post after being called out.
No. 236346
>>236339Anon, normally I wouldn’t care about it, but considering her, Lara, and
Terf Natalie are all being unhinged on the thread just shows how twisted they are. You see Lara screech body positively, and then she goes TikTok shaming people with mental eating disorders.
No. 236354
>>236351Nat being masculine = okay
Brandon being feminine = bad
Then nat herself posting a picture of him on discord calling the scrote a troon for wearing a dress.
No. 236356
>>236354If you used even 1 braincell to analyze the dude you would realize he wears dresses as a fetish, not because he's "feminine"
Also insinuating that women having body hair, which they naturally have, is in any way masculine is absolutely retarded.
No. 236364
>>236359Kek Brandon still have it for nat. Let him argue with the deranged
No. 236368
File: 1659656634604.jpeg (359.12 KB, 828x1285, 8450AB8F-8121-40FB-866D-924334…)

>>236364Nat is ranting again on her story. She’s not wrong but half of this is her fault.
No. 236391
File: 1659660979369.jpg (67.5 KB, 1079x150, gimmekisz.jpg)

>>236234She's also telling women it's mandatory to kiss her if they see her at renfaire. Moid behavior.
No. 236407
>>236368>her faultwtf is wrong with some of you?? this is a radfem/
terf board, we blame adult coomer men always before blaming a teen girl. you’re sick
No. 236412
>>236411her reason for being kicked was retarded
what’s with all the libfem brain dead takes? this thread has been thoroughly invaded
No. 236413
>>236407However, it is She’s the one who got caught posting shit into the discord that would
trigger her comm members to ban her for being transphobic for hurling the word "troon" at the moid. She should’ve said, "This guy might be a predator, and I’d advise everyone to block him if he follows you.".
No. 236414
File: 1659664093205.jpeg (234.99 KB, 1080x2400, 162DC70B-51AA-4202-B93B-1EBD11…)

>>236413Considering the state of this community. Comms moderators are on grip to exile transphobes and Terfs from their community.
No. 236417
>>236411It's really not embarrassing to post you fuckwad. She has a point. It's embarrassing the community banned a minor over dumb shit. I don't care how she was IRL, it's not a good reason to just up and ban people for nothing.
Also, just my two cents: If you were annoyed by a minor in real life, at meets, well you were an annoying teenager once too. Seriously, check yourself for being "inclusive." These kids are allowed to make mistakes.
No. 236424
>>236423Kek Yes it’s me isha.
Are you going to have a mental breakdown and shave your head?
No. 236429
>>236427Sorry wrong quote
>>236424Even if you're not Isha, it's obvious the people who flooded in are some newfaggy vigilante SJW fuckheads. ur on lolcow moron
No. 236435
>>236430I think in some part you did this to yourself by trolling, but seriously banning you from every community is kind of outlandish.
if you weren't trolling, then sorry bro you're probably autistic.
No. 236436
File: 1659665710601.jpg (59.65 KB, 828x996, IMG_20220804_191218_411.jpg)

>>236418>>236414She was clearly a minor when these comments were posted, and she has pics with her ex still up that at from January. That means her ex held onto these receipts for 6 months to use them when she felt she needed to get back at her.
That's way more deranged than anything Nats done, imo. Does anyone have any milk on her ex? She seems like a psycho and good potential cow
No. 236441
>>236438Quit it with the "hi nat" shit, not everyone who posts is a fucking cow Holy shit
You chick's are dumb as hell
No. 236442
>>236417she has effectively been cancelled over one comment she made as a teenager who was allegedly groomed. this is proof that the only people who are capable of being cancelled are marginalized (especially gay women)
why aren’t brandon’s posts getting him kicked out? we all know why.
No. 236444
>>236438I'm going to be honest here, yes. The majority of lolitas, 80-90% of the community LOOKS like shit. You might dress well, then you have some downsy face, or you're fat, or something.
So in truth, yes, she does look better than a good majority. She kind of coords like shit sometimes from what I notice, but pretty girls get away with more than a fat slob. Idk. I'd rather look at her than most of this community, personally.
No. 236448
>>236441Can we get a mod to ban the "hi nat" people? It's getting pretty annoying. It's been going on since
>>236446 these threads on cgl.
No. 236450
File: 1659666341904.png (181.14 KB, 654x634, B2051C59-F6BA-4C38-9D5D-5A7469…)

>>236443She dressed like shit
No. 236451
>>236450yeah, that is pretty bad lmao but it reads like intentional trolling.
are you autistic? or a newfag?
No. 236979
File: 1659759260686.jpeg (213.37 KB, 798x1285, E5E0C1E9-E7D6-4615-A4D4-962686…)

Nat is targeting Seattle comm again. One of them is going to lose it and post more deets on nat.
No. 237165
>>237029you guys don't realize your obsession on lolcow actually makes you worse than Nat. I hate SJWs who are incapable of self reflection.
No. 237215
>>237202Pretty irrelevant to the point. I don't spam lolcow about someone's every move, personally. I may read it, but I don't stalk people's pages to scrutinize their every move.
Milk is usually something worth talking about, that's some level of deranged crazy and not really an opinion. It's usually like some delusion like PT or Chris-chan. I personally look at some of what gets posted here as one side of a political affiliation having a shit fit, which is ironic because you're now part of the conglomerate that is 4chan and assimilated into being all of the things you're claiming Nat is
No. 237317
>>236462What a stupid ass post. This is a gossip thread. Half of it is leaked private convos. I would agree with you if her ex was posting private sexts or emotional messages, but it's all just Nat shittalking Brandon so it's free game.
>>236437Nat looks like a generic trend hopping zoomer. Get real.
No. 237423
File: 1659833550545.jpeg (199.76 KB, 828x718, 30BD5596-C0D8-4AB9-B463-D4B1B9…)

>>236445Is this the ex gf in questioned?
No. 237537
>>237517that's how you know who is posting ITT, against Nat
that's a common delusion pushed in the trans community that any small biological thing you do, must mean you're (opposite gender). some culty beliefs that completely obey by "gender norms."
No. 237664
File: 1659896539535.png (2.77 MB, 796x2181, 1659581107527320.png)

Noticing that any post calling Sainte a pedophile or a groomer gets deleted on /cgl/ even though he admitted to volunteering to be a moderator for a discord server that got removed by discord for having/trading child pornography. He's been posting anonymously more without namefagging, but if you ever see anyone post with disgusting man hands and terrible coordinates with namebrand items, it's him. Hate that we have to just tolerate sharing space with disgusting moids like him while he looks for more underaged alt children to message.
No. 237704
>>237666That's pretty fucked up (also nice trips). He would just abuse his power like this and do nothing about any of the other terrible coomer shit ruining the board.
At least he can't do anything here. Is there a lolita board on /ot/ or something? I don't really know where else to go.
No. 237728
>>237664I feel so bad for the poor newfag who drew him without realizing they were drawing a pedo tranny scrote
also wtf is with his weird pose? why is he turning his toes inward like he's knock-kneed?
a lot of his posts are so bad that you can report them for off topic, low quality, or trolling outside of /b/ - I've gotten him banned this way a few times before
No. 237823
>>237684soup and sainte have been using eachother's names to fuck with one another, so i understand the confusion.
>>237704>>237710i'll use the /g/ thread, /cgl/ is a trashfire…
>>237795exactly this. i got temp banned for posting the caps.
No. 237882
>>237881like yo, I replied to a damn post
saying she was fat
No. 238125
>>237666>>237892please download mIRC and go bug / harass the mods in the #4chan server.
we need a real gameplan for cleaning up /cgl/
No. 238141
>>238129>>234979>>234991>>235245>>235004>>237317something is deeply deeply wrong with all of you. wtf has this thread turned into? discussing the potential sex life of a teenager? saying it's ok for her alleged groomer ex to get her cancelled for (rightfully) distrusting brandon? you all sound like handmaidens.
an actual teen girl in this fashion got effectively kicked out in favor of a coomer man who fetishizes lesbians. and it was for shit she said when she was 17. the absolute state of this community has gotten to dangerous pick me levels.
this thread has been thoroughly infiltrated.
No. 238143
>>238141Maybe she shouldn’t be posting this on the internet and actually get help. She doesn’t realize how her retarded shit is going to affect her career of wanting to be a government intelligence or engineer. Inb4 anyone asks
she has posted this on her story.
No. 238147
>>238141Booo fucking hooo
Nobody was saying this when Venus angelic was getting talked about back then. Stop taking this to heart or put on ‘hide saged posts’ from anons saged discussions.
No. 238154
File: 1659978755127.jpeg (2.09 MB, 2400x7000, 1655928629245.jpeg)

>>238148>>238152begone pedo moid you incest loving ban evading fuck
>>238151seriously anon? get help. or maybe leave and go join him on cgl. the evidence is right in front of your face.
No. 238170
>>238151from all the evidence from previous threads:
he's admitted to being a mod in a pedo grooming server and made a self harm tag in it, creepily fetishizes lesbians, tries to hide the fact he is male so he can meet up (and likely assault) girls from /cgl/, has tried to get girls from /cgl/ to meet up for sex in the past while pretending he's not male, talks to minors as young as 14 on fb, is a vile misogynist, harasses women on lacemarket and acts unhinged and creepy in general
it's sad you're trying to defend a retarded predatory pedo tranny with plenty of evidence against him
No. 238174
We can take these "evidence" to court if you'd like. Seems more like slander and defamation than evidence
>>238169Maybe not in this thread but I think Jemma, she's weird…
Like really really.
No. 238176
>>238171i'm not saying posting about her is against site rules, im saying she's being critiqued unfairly for her reactions to being socially harmed by a coomer man and his posse, you illiterate troon sympathizer. also a teen is a teen, calling her an adult because she's 18 or 19 is moid/groomer ideology.
>>238143her retarded posting is about how she got cancelled, are we now on the "women should be silent" bandwagon?
No. 238182
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>>238180cool, thanks for basically admitting it. part of being a janitor on 4chan is that you can never say you are or else you get your position revoked and are terminated. good job!
No. 238473
File: 1660063723038.jpg (79.35 KB, 477x801, screenshot_08092022_123912.JPG)

dds totally not at all transphobic blog equating all transwomen to sex criminals. not even trying to be subtle with her bigotry anymore.
No. 238493
File: 1660067102602.jpeg (147.99 KB, 828x1308, 010704E2-30EA-484A-B7E8-B7CBF8…)

Nat has been banned from TikTok
No. 238515
File: 1660072210741.jpeg (58.01 KB, 464x577, 1650568078986.jpeg)

>>238491Here's some of her hentai stuff she's posted about. She always talks about hentai on her youtube. Her favorite con panels are hentai panels, she's said this many times. She called herself the 'Hentai Queen'. She drops mentions of how she is a 'pervert' who has kinks and this because she's a real person with lust and desire etc and that people need to stop expecting her to be pure and innocent because she wears kawaii fashion. and sure, have your sexual desires, but why even mention it on a FASHION YOUTUBE? There's a bunch of weird crap like this. Over the years she's said a ton of stuff like this in her videos. I can't pick out which ones because I'd have to literally go through all of them lol. But if you binge watch her stuff (if you can stomach it) you will encounter these weird things that she says.
I don't know why people need to be public about their sexual involvement. Especially being a public figure knowing a lot of minors follow her content. Being a public figure comes with some level of discretion and responsibility to pay attention to her demographics and her own conduct. "Lots of minors follow me, I probably shouldn't talk about and post about perverted stuff". But we also live in a sex obsessed society that believes their kinks, sexuality, sexual desires and sexual deviancy should be on display as just another normal a personality trait.
No. 238525
>>238473Proof that this thread has been infiltrated. This is a fucking
terf board, leave.
No. 238549
>>238515i find it kind of racist that none of the porn or hentai that she shares includes
poc. i thought representation and elevating
poc mattered to her. guess not.
No. 238599
>>238588Pretty sure people are just having a laugh because we have Lor simps of all things in here
>>238587. For once I agree with DDZ. Surprised they haven't sperged put on their stories yet but they don't seem to be online. Maybe milk will spill later.
No. 238745
>>238479I agree with all this. When you have these creeps knocking on your door, it's uncomfortable.
Can we please HAVE MORE of this in our community? I'm tired of people being afraid to speak out about weirdos
No. 238891
File: 1660182231915.gif (622.33 KB, 383x286, 509765456789.gif)

>>238125The /cgl/ jannies are not active at all. Most of them only go on for no more than an hour and then piss off. Plus the 4chan mods discourage deleting whole threads in the way that would properly clean up /cgl/ since majority of the threads are now coomer shit or barely related shit.
The whole board would benefit from having an actual mod and not depending on one of the random moid mods to depend on.
t.former gull jannie No. 239057
>>239046prob the same retard who thinks Nat can sue Brandon and Brandon can sue lolcow kek.
>>239022yeah youre a moid alright. wouldnt be a problem if she warned people she posted 18+ content but she chooses not to.
No. 239065
>>239057 said. bare minimum, you should add a tag/warning about your content. minors aren't the only people who either don't or shouldn't have to see that shit. her likes are made visible on twitter and tumblr and pops up in people's feeds. also, this is a fashion that is hyper sensitive to porn/DDLG because of the huge association to the book. this isn't like other fashions/interests, we actively are fighting predators and p3dos in our spaces. which you think she would care about seeing as a man revealed his genitals at one of her meets where kids were in fact in attendance.
and it's all reciprocal. yes, it is up to parents to determine their kids internet access/safety, but as a society it's everyone's duty to protect or at least safeguard kids, especially content creators with audiences that lean younger.
and by your logic, kids with shit parents don't get to be warned/protected?
No. 239436
File: 1660338082151.png (882.32 KB, 1148x552, Screenshot_6.png)

I wonder if everyone talking about her shoop on here and cgl contributed to this at all. I honestly don't think she looks super different without it. I'm going to miss her coords
No. 239548
>>239436>>239499Not even from Texas, but judging by recent threads and hearing the drama from connections, it’s the hostility in the online space and fake friends airing out her privacy to others. One of her close friends was talking about her trauma and giving that information to others, being very disrespectful to Momo’s wishes for privacy. I guess that info got spread around and this person since got posted in this thread for other stuff. I’m losing faith in this community for scaring away great people like Momo. She doesn’t deserve to be treated like this
>>239494Fuck off sicko
No. 239583
>>239577if you've been here for that long you'd know what i was talking about. the threads have always been about individual milk and discussing
comm drama you've got it in your head that we can't discuss potential drama because it's not an individual being your definition of milky, get out.
No. 239587
>>239583>get outHoly shit you are so autistic and just digging your heels in. If YOU have been here for any real amount of time you’d realize why posting non milk about momo looks like liv/a vendetta. Even post liv’s vendetta a lolita with no milk leaving Instagram wouldn’t have been discussed here without criticism.
These threads have been filled with more newfaggotry of late and people have been complaining. Don’t act like a newfag and people won’t complain.
No. 239592
File: 1660403619291.png (3.65 MB, 960x835, Screenshot_20220813-100637.png)

>>239436>I honestly don't think she looks super differentsure jan, one look at the video tab and it's pretty obvious the extent she goes through to give herself a different face/body
No. 239733
>>239645Eugenia Cooney?
We already have Zoe
Please no more unhinged ana-chans
No. 239743
File: 1660441554408.jpeg (407.93 KB, 1284x1956, AFE63887-2D49-4681-BE41-2D0C41…)

>30” waist
>I-it’s just the wide angle lenses the photographer used that makes me look big!
She looks MASSIVE in this clip.
No. 239745
File: 1660441687942.jpeg (440.3 KB, 1283x1953, DD3F7423-B9BA-4621-A736-E94AF8…)

>>239743Built like a fridge indeed
No. 239749
File: 1660442770245.jpeg (1.7 MB, 1284x1551, 2EE6B0C6-76A8-42AE-9075-89A0FB…)

>>239745Her arm is as wide as her fucking face.
No. 239750
File: 1660443011867.jpeg (1.85 MB, 1284x1585, 1D77B5C9-7917-435F-9FC1-D8927E…)

>>239749She’s so fat she has to shop in the section of the store that has obese mannequins kek
No. 239756
>>239743Honestly, she probably does have a 30 inch waist, but her body shape is unfortunate in that she doesn’t have a big bust to help balance it out and is just fridge shaped. Even if she lost weight, she’s going to look big because she doesn’t have a defined waist. She also doesn’t dress in a flattering way; the shirt being so tight and the high waisted skirt just emphasize her shape. If she wore a looser shirt (not even super loose, but not skin tight) and didn’t tuck it in it would help. Just like if she didn’t use concealer/foundation on her lips she’d look better.
I mean, objectively, she can fit into 1/4 shirred AP, so she can’t be bigger than a 38 bust/30 waist and still zip it up. I’m not saying she looks good or that she isn’t overweight for her height or whatever. But there is a limit to how large those dresses go. Honestly she looks a lot better in lolita than in the gyaru/whatever this outfit is supposed to be/himekaji etc. Probably because it’s not meant to show off the body.
No. 240110
File: 1660579018052.jpeg (235.27 KB, 695x1523, 2FEA3FCB-31A6-4ECE-B121-79495C…)

>>240093She has gotten bigger from when I last seen her.
No. 240130
>>240121stop talking to troons.
>>240123sc is going to burst open any moment. also the red lipstick looks like shit on her. i don't understand how she spends so much time online getting
triggered by comments, but is too dense to take actual advice about her shit makeup.
No. 240333
>>240330If there is new milk it would show up here …
It’s not something you ask for noob
Obs there isn’t any which is why people are talking about Lara still to keep things going I guess
No. 240354
>>240231This is Lara’s problem.
She needs to get offline and have real social interactions outside the few times she sees her drama obsessed lolita friends. That’s why she’s chronically online and obsessive about the way people on the internet perceive her. She doesn’t have friends outside lolita. Having that closed of a circle isn’t great for most people if they aren’t autismo as fuck. I think she’s outgrown the fashion anyway but holds onto bc that’s the only place she has friendships.
It would be wise of her to explore new ventures and stop living her entire life through her phone. Probably stop surrounding herself with so many ppl that always have drama to tell. She lives to show off but no one is impressed and her only defense mechanism against it is shaming others.
No. 240396
>>240387It’s pretty milky acting completely unhinged over internet comments. It’s deeper than being hurt. Just being hurt doesn’t make someone go full witch hunt and look at gossip sites every hour of the day scouting for reasons to justify her actions.
Who keeps putting their hand on a hot stove after it burns them the first time? She would rather get attention for it and use it as a reason to shit on other body types and others girls with active EDs. She likes the attention.
No. 240412
File: 1660684880889.jpg (1.34 MB, 1614x1214, AP_Dollskill.jpg)

sage for ot but did you guys see this blatant rip from dollskill (no surprise)
No. 240429
>>240387You might be Lara but I have to agree a little.
>>240396But then this. I think she might be enjoying the attention as it gives her new content? Just a possibility
>>240402The whole lolita comm is on lolcow, at least lurking. The unhinged ones are the ones that start fights for no reason. You could say "I've never bought from Meta" and they'll scream newfag bitch shut the fuck up attention whore etc. for no apparent reason. You get it
No. 240696
File: 1660792047593.jpg (Spoiler Image,266.43 KB, 1079x1736, 20220817_224449.jpg)

>>240655yeah thats her alright, or should i say HIM. spoiler for ugly troon.
No. 240699
File: 1660794106325.png (267.57 KB, 512x598, deeedee1.PNG)

>>240655oh jesus she's a complete fucking HYPOCRITE.
she's a sick fetishist for men.
No. 240703
File: 1660794307135.png (Spoiler Image,265.92 KB, 1303x313, deedee2.PNG)

>>240699there's more too.
worst of all, half of these parties have shemales as the big attraction so im fairly certain that the accusation of her possibly being a troon isn't far off base.
>>240701spoiler sure, but it's milk so no.
No. 240723
File: 1660804969770.jpg (329.02 KB, 1080x1563, 20220818_005056.jpg)

>>240699This isn't even her.
Nonny you didn't even post the actual milk. This is literally from that show when she wore the infamous sexy nazi costume.
No. 240727
>>240723we can assume what she was also probably up to at that party
>>240715is this an attempt at defending or just an observation? i personally think that anybody who feels the need fo do a name and shame post like
>>238479 without discussing their own recent past is an idiot/hypocrite. cowish behavior to a T.
some of the ppl at these events she participated with are doing the gross shit she called those ppl out for on her blog.
No. 240790
>>240655>>240696its no secret she was a burlesque dancer at the goth/fetish nightclub. the older outfit photos on her socials are all from those stage shows & she doesnt even hide it. its where the whole ddnazi thing came from see
>>240723 this is stale milk. we always known about this. now the real milk are those fake fucking tits. clearly surgery from being amab. and her no waist obvious male proportions. clock that shit from a mile away. not fooling anyone.
No. 240795
>>240755i literally said that the ppl in said call out post are similarly gross. why so defensive kek? two things can be true, everyone on that list, including lor, are at fault for making this fashion less safe, and DDZ is a hypocrite
>>240794you’re are not fooling anyone. it’s clear she just wants to feel superior, if she actually cared about exposing the harms/predator nature of that world she’d discuss her own participation and sordid past.
the fetish con she attended had
women in collars being pulled from a leash by men. she should talk about it if she really cared about sexism
No. 240798
>>240755Ayrt I'm not ddz TX tard. You posted old milk and then the wrong girl. Your vendetta is obvious.
>>240794Cool storry bro next time sage your wk.
No. 240801
>>240790being a burlesque dancer is one thing, but being a performer and participant at a
fetish con is another.
i don’t even think ddz is trans but i’m going to start calling him that because of his unfortunate build. look AND act like a moid? he/him for you.
No. 240810
>>240801she never posted fetish or sexual content its always just clown fashion shit and show outfits. i think its one thing if she was posting sexual stuff like our hentai queen lor and the swers posting lewds with their egl. but she never does. yall had to dig through years of google results to even find these. really coming off as one of one those people posted from her blog and still seething
>>240723 this looks like the night club afterparty (it even says afterparty) where is she just dancing on the stage. her costume is yikes typical deedeenazee but shes not even doing fetish stuff club seems to have fetish nights. i think she just works at whatever events are at the club. theres cosplay, star wars, vampire and all sorts of themed nights. shes got stage outfits from every theme imaginable. its is probably why she has fetish theme too. i think yall are picking this one thing to make a narrative, but not giving a whole picture of her doing costumes and performance based on the theme of that night. really sad smear and i almost fell for it to until i looked up the night club
No. 240821
File: 1660842628739.jpg (90.78 KB, 489x770, Capture08082022_1231516.JPG)

>>240815his ig before lolita is all just random costumes from events
No. 240830
>>240801i actually think ddz is trans now. if you look at the fetish pics, that's an obvious breast plate. if he was a woman and those were real breasts, they're too big for the dresses he wears. if you look at
>>240821 there appears to be an obvious line around the stomach area where the breast plate ends in some of the photos.
No. 240831
>>240826by hosting those events she literally enables the ddlgers like
>>240699 and other weird fetish freaks. her old friends and acquaintances from those scenes see her mix lolita with fetishwear and associate them together now too. she’s just as much of a sex pest as the others if not more because it happens right in front of her face and she claims she’s not involved lmfao
No. 240833
>>240823Pretty sure she works there as a regular performer
nonny. Hence the 100s of outfits from all the events.
No. 240840
File: 1660844098762.jpg (190.43 KB, 1080x709, Burner.jpg)

Speaking of ddz I follow him on a burner and found a fake acc necromemes didnt out. He denied my follow request but the bio screams 'alt right pretending to be alt left.'
No. 240846
>>240831Ngl, gothic lolita for the longest time has been sexualized and even Japan promotes BDSM lolita depending on the brand because it is a subgenre. I get the outrage, but this seems over the top because she isn't directly mixing it with comm stuff, she just does this on the side. Not even trying to WK, but I'm trying to understand the outrage when she just happens to also be in a comm.
Also, she isn't in control of other girls doing DDLG stuff. That's not really her issue if that's not something she's doing personally. From the looks of it, shes in to cyber/club goth.
No. 240859
>>240852>having beenIf she stopped then what's the problem besides vendetta? Cover your tracks better. The issue with the people she posted is they haven't stopped. Calling out the DDLGs and SWers is based.
>>240840Guess she saw this, I can't find it
nonny but the name pops up for @catsbeforeboysss but it's a much bigger account. Did she steal pics to make a fake "legit" account?
No. 240866
>>240846Kind of looks like a goth dance club that has fetish night sometimes.
>>240852From the looks of it she's not posted goth club looks in years. She probably doesn't work there anymore?
>>240715Nonna has a point. It's probably why she's so vocally against perversion. Must of had a wake up call. She's not following fetish accounts or interacting with fetish content either. She's still an altright lunatic. But I don't think she's promoting sexuality or fetish with lolita.
No. 240869
>>240840 followed by deedee. not surprised shes making fake sjw burners. dni no terfs yet allows known
terf deedee to follow. dead giveaway.
No. 240897
>>240810i simply googled "Dee Dee Zeta Fetish" and it was the
first result. Please try again.
and keep trying to harder to defend, it's totally not making you look more sus
No. 240898
>>240826her callout post wasn't even just for sex criminals you idiot, they were doing the same shit she's been doing. even if its not in lolita, being ok with women on leashes held by men while also pretending to care for women is fucking hypocritical.
sexpests begone.
No. 240899
>>240859do you not understand that it is weird to not speak about your own past while having participated in this shit (as an adult) years? and she potentially still does, its clear she's still in the scene based on her fits.
>>240866you are all starting to sound the same and are white knighting very hard. if this was any other cow, you would not be acting like this
No. 240903
>>240899Maybe a reach, but I’m pretty sure DDZ did a 180 from fetishist to bible thumper because she knew she could get a rise out of people.
>>240866Age players time and time again publicly denounce ageplay while still doing it behind clothes doors.
No. 240941
>>240918agreed. ngl i'm digging this redemption arc. former fetish burlesque performer turned antiporn
terf bible thumper.
No. 240946
>>240898Radfemcels still mad no one will be on their leash so they pretend it's some crazy abuse. BDSM is based on consent.
Seethe more femcel
No. 241178
File: 1660924368086.jpg (407.58 KB, 1079x1931, Screen_20220819_114007.jpg)

With all DD's anti pride sperging it looks like she's actually been attending pride events all along too. She's a fucking hypocrit. She's a repressed lesbian and obviously trying conceal it with her Christ tard image.
No. 241184
>>241106you're forgetting Nat, Lara, Liv, and Lor were also wked. this isn't exclusive to DDZ.
>>241178i thought it was established she was trolling? iirc she even put some like "gotcha" up on her story, she does it every time we take the bait.
No. 241217
>>241161>>241187addiction is a literal disease and can be attributed to a lot of terrible circumstances. Being a sex pest is a complete decision.
That comparison doesn't even work. it would be hypocritical of a former drug addict to shit ON drug addicts. being against drugs after surviving addiction is a normal outcome. being a sexpest/having a sexpest past while also hating other sexpests in a holier than thou position is the hypocrisy.
People in this thread, like liv or lor, have been picked a part for shit from years ago too. that is the nature of this entire thread. very few people white knighted them.
stop fucking whiteknighting.
No. 241263
>>241246Nta but multiple are also saying they did know. DDZ's never deleted her degen past so if you didn't know you're just late. It's awfully suspicious that none of this was brought up until after she posted
>>238473. I don't think it's wking DDZ as much as it's laughing at the cow who posted "outing" her for something that was never hidden kek.
>>241192Maybe but I think all the cows become friends once posted here, probably in solidarity yet secretly posting each other behind their backs because that's what cows do.
No. 241275
>>241246where do you think the whole deedeenazi thing came from? the whole reason she was canceled in the first place was for her sexified nazi bullshit.
>>240723 literally this stupid nazi fetish costume. lurk moar newfags. weve known about this forever. laras public meltdowns over being fat are more milky at this point.
No. 241325
>>241217Being a woman exploited by the porn industry is not being a "sex pest". When they are inevitably hurt by scrotes, they see the light. It's the libfems sitting at home, outside of the industry, who would have no clue and think it's empowering to be taken advantage of.
A lot of young girls these days are told that being a skank is empowerment. It's learning and growing from your experiences that matters.
I'm not WKing Dee Dee because I genuinely believe he's a troon at this point. But no, drug addicts are not better than changed women kek
No. 241375
jesus ddz is unfortunate looking, whatever the truth may be. i think her level of trolling is such a weird cry for attention.
>>241325where are you getting this “woman exploited by the porn industry” take? there is a difference between people who participate in sex parties vs people who are prostituted/trafficked, or “porn stars” that are usually
victims in some form. there isn’t any proof that she’s the latter. working as a dancer in that scene where she clearly finds her own aesthetic AND correlates to her interests doesn’t scream trafficked/coercion.
it IS white knighting to be making all of these assumptions that she’s some kind of damsel that escaped the treacherous world of fetish parties when she’s still maintaining the same monicker she had back then.
i personally think she just thinks that what
she did is completely different than to the people in her blog post.
Keep licking her boots nonna.
No. 241485
>>241375honestly, I think she's into it and that's why all this DDZ milk is just boring. People obsessing over her is boring.
SJWs are so sensitive they have no clue what actual real milk is anymore.
No. 241528
>>241375If she were someone exploited by the porn industry and it’s
trigger a that’s for porn, I think it’s she would keep images around of herself from when all that happened. If that were the case wouldn’t one distance themselves from that entirely?
No. 241569
>>241517it sure is, but in my previous time when cows became a thing we didn't pick trolls and fall to trolling, because we weren't fucking retarded.
seriously SJWs have taken over *chans and anonymous boards, you shits are boring
No. 241585
>>241581>>241544holy newfaggotry. you do know that there are japanese lolita drama forums right? same with scandals surrounding theft, individual exposés, and ita threads. they invented the fashion,
and the culture first.
chans and board culture in general originates from there.
No. 241851
>>233164ngl this
terf rant is so based that i forgive her degenerate past theres not much open disdain for troonery like this
No. 242670
File: 1661528324178.png (Spoiler Image,681.53 KB, 545x624, wtftoast.PNG)

sweet lolitas with followings are slowly but surely becoming a cancer, because why the FUCK is toast liking hentai content from an acct where all the characters are middle school/elementary age???? this is straight loli shit?? and worse, they really look like it too.
the twitter acct is @krosa1028.
toast's twitter is @toastchaaan. feeling really gross that i defended her
No. 242671
File: 1661528739001.png (Spoiler Image,316.14 KB, 538x698, tu48932u4803ur9.PNG)

>>242670for those who would prefer to not go to the twitter acct, here's what most of the content looks like. it's mostly lolicon/ddlg/incest
No. 242705
>>242700Thank you
nonny. I am horrified.
No. 242709
>>242698 said, i cut it out of the screenshot because i hate scrote faces, but you can clearly see she's sitting on a grown man's face in the full pic.
besides… the pic itself is h*rny as fuck, even without his face in view. just look at her face? i know u said "not to WK"'s an ahegao face on a child. think.
>>242703>all sweetfags are ddlg child pr0n degenerates this. classic / gothic solidarity, let's leave them with their shit taste.
No. 242712
>>242670same anon again, but a comment I just wanted to add is that I saw this on my fucking twitter timeline. i didn't go to her page to see this, it showed up on MY page. I bulk follow a ton of people, but i follow ZERO hentai/p*rnish shit so seeing this shit on my curated page right after following her genuinely ruined my morning. you can see in the screenshot that the tweet was only shared on my timeline because she "liked" it. I just want to make this clear, because people in the lor thread made a big stink about how people shouldn't "go into lor's likes hurr durr."
likes on twitter will show up in follower's timeline/recommended section.
No. 242717
>>242710the first girl in the first spoilered pic is the same girl on the right in the second spoilered pic. she still looks like a middle schooler or younger in both. idk if you have coomer brain or something, but the only thing ambiguous about her age is whether or not she's coloring in the lines yet.
>>242711ur fine nonna
No. 242729
>>242727I was just thinking about that. Mind you, toast follows a ton of people that explicitly speak out against the s*xualizwtion of children/teen girls in anime, so I wonder if they’ll say anything about this? If they see it.
Same crowd that demanded lor to apologize for her accidental like kek. This would be a lot harder to excuse.
No. 242756
>>242755now now, "affirmative action" quota clearly doesn't matter considering they ousted rose nocturnalia for a very basic/simple thought on small businesses. we don't need to racebait. also affirmative action is what got girls into college, i feel like ppl forget that.
at the end of the day, they're all libfems that are interested in half-truth feminist ideologies that are actually incredibly harmful to children AND to the people they think they're helping. it doesn't have to be about her race.
>>242752here we go. like clockwork.
No. 242769
>>242766 even her friends aren't going to touch this one
>>242738 is a prime example
No. 242770
File: 1661542888227.jpg (499.34 KB, 2062x1580, sick.jpg)

>>242670Guess this is a pattern of hers. She follows other people into stuff like this too.
No. 242776
File: 1661543677710.jpg (434.3 KB, 1360x1718, hypocrits.jpg)

Semi-related but lol of course these hypocrites are following and liking someone racist.
No. 242779
File: 1661543787790.png (Spoiler Image,41.03 KB, 537x265, toastfollowing.PNG)

>>242770beat me to it anon, a LOT of the people she follows may have innocent OC art, but then you go on their page and they retweet heinous shit constantly, so the loli contact must always be on her timeline.
i know some of youse are off twitter completely, so just as a reminder: retweeting something is the same as posting it and it will show just as much as their own written posts, unlike likes which are only sometimes shared on your timeline (and it's not up to the person liking it, twitter does it for you). so there's no way for Toast to be following these accounts and NOT see their disgusting retweets.
No. 242782
File: 1661543918287.png (184 KB, 531x467, toastfollowpost.PNG)

>>242779oops only half of what i wanted to post, dropped full pic.
No. 242787
>>242770what im realizing is that idk if cancellation over actually FUCKED up shit will work because so many of them either have or follow people with "antis DNI"
which essentially means "let me post sexy kids in peace"
No. 242794
File: 1661545560253.jpg (269.51 KB, 1080x1430, Screen20220826_161334.jpg)

>>242786projecting much. when you are actually the one engaging in and propagating the sexualization of children and exposing minors to child rape imagery. rape culture participant. pedophile actually trying to speak on assault
victims while doing nothing to be against rape and assault besides telling people to be a vooter. literally cooming to child sexual assault all at the same time.
No. 242806
File: 1661547456639.jpg (Spoiler Image,63.88 KB, 540x543, mewithlolita.jpg)

i feel like we can't have anything. this fashion is filled with sweetfag coomer degeneracy. my favorite fashion is thoroughly infiltrated. lord help us.
No. 242915
>>242900this dumb ass doesn't even know the term bittersweet.
ok newfag ita
No. 242924
>>242671wtf this is nasty
also genuinely wondering why does it always seem to be sweet lolitas that are gross and insane?
lor, pedotroon sainte, toast, lara, etc it's a pattern at this point
No. 243118
File: 1661685913689.gif (16.57 MB, 432x768, lara dancing 101 (1).gif)

This is the worse dance I've ever seen
No. 243119
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is this supposed to be a terrorist group?
No. 243179
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>>243153She’s too busy blogging.
No. 243210
File: 1661709433401.jpg (74.06 KB, 828x1575, 301602107_747738756307686_1611…)

yuck no wonder she has to cover her face with stickers in most of her pics
No. 243215
File: 1661710550424.jpg (909.42 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20220828_141035.jpg)

>>243206ESLchan straight from Columbia. How does she even get these kinds of girls to fall for her white supremacy?
No. 243228
>>243216newfag shit poster
seattle community is trash and in these threads 24/7
No. 243230
File: 1661713123542.jpeg (51.19 KB, 843x429, F674A83B-B1E0-40FF-A413-C7CD7E…)

>>243216As soon as nat is brought up someone posts this to make it look like it was her posting. This is her bio. possible dig at the whole LOC DDZ crowd.
No. 243344
>>243317>badasserybesides all of this being cringe, the 2012 internet speak is peak cringe, please go back to reddit.
>>243337but only some of them are in military lolita? regular sweet + a gun does not mix.
also, military lolita does not automatically translate to carrying a real gun, most traditional military coords involve a baton or a sword. please think ffs.
No. 243359
>>243358more proof that ddz and his goons have infested this thread. plz keep your politics out of here.
>drafted last time i checked we’re all women here, unless this is your confession to having a dick?
No. 243393
File: 1661768785042.jpg (39.9 KB, 1280x720, 1647640243039.jpg)

>>243374This is why seniority is important in this fashion. Go back to discord.
No. 243411
>>243404yes, you are dumb.
>>243406are we gonna pretend that’s the vibe her photo gave? she’s a woman hating pick me at the end of the day, why are there so many defenders on here ? i get that she hates troons and stood up about the coomer problem in her blog (which is nice) but she is in trad thot territory. she wears a massive cross in all of her coords, she’s clearly not joking. talking about a cow who’s literally in OP doesn’t make someone a vendetta. that’s the point of this thread.
No. 243419
>>243411nta, but the anon is probably not from your small minded political spectrum that you want to put an entire ass world into.
I'm honestly thinking you're the "dumb" one, here for being ignorant.
No. 243430
>>243427not a tolerant leftie, we're all terfs here. if she was a muslim i'd say the same thing. praising any system that oppresses women should perish.
>>243427why r you all denying that she is a Christian? she says so herself. it's desperate fan behavior to deny it. she wears the cross in non-gothic coords too.
No. 243458
>>243457baseline of this board is radfem ideology, which is more than just hating troons. she's in alignment with one thing. also plz keep the argument str8, why even mention "so all gofficks who wear a cross r xtian neow??!" if you or someone else weren't denying it? the cross was only mentioned because so many ppl in thread r denying it which is weird when she calls herself it.
claiming a poster is a vendetta just because we're talking about a person who is an
acceptable topic is retarded. go to meta and read the definition if u need to. this isn't cgl, this is a drama site.
No. 243468
File: 1661795552524.png (10.87 MB, 3874x3156, degenfull.png)

best i could do. honestly milk was only decent in this thread with toast's p3dogate and lara's ugliness, thread is getting annoying with the ddz army.
No. 243483
>>243473agree. all the political alignment shit is not lolita, it's dumb ameriburger shit and not milky
it doesn't fucking matter to the community. take your political on the spectrum sperg outs to your leftist communities
No. 243489
you’re all fucking /pol/tards whether ur defending or hating, plz pack it up.
>>243468real question is do we add sainte? he loves the attention and will keep blowing up threads. he was mentioned but i don’t want him ruining the thread
>>243494it doesn't matter since he's done it before without even being mentioned anyways - like when momo said she's leaving social media he was in here shitting the thread up being creepy about it
and before all this milk on him was posted he was in the earlier threads being annoying too
just report and ignore him when he makes any posts
No. 243497
File: 1661799218076.png (2.07 MB, 1280x1280, 0BF8A142-B884-438A-835A-241B87…)

>>243468Kek. Reminds me of this
No. 243510
File: 1661802690144.jpeg (329.66 KB, 828x1196, 0631D416-5D37-4574-A554-2B1639…)

>>243507Yes, it was a long time ago.
Pre cancellation ddz and toast were indeed friends. I’m not shocked that they turned on each other because of political beliefs.
No. 243519
File: 1661804101348.jpeg (379.8 KB, 828x428, 83852DF2-D31B-47C9-8F35-B26EDB…)

>>243516Next thread should make them the lolita patrol
No. 243546
File: 1661808613458.jpg (257.45 KB, 750x1153, IMG_6831.jpg)

Damn, she's really going in on Mabel. She changed her profile and everything.