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No. 700379
Thread to discuss Cryaotic.
>Cry has allegedly cheated on his ex-girlfriend, Cheyenne.
>Accusations of pedophilia. YouTube Channel: No. 700400
>>700381>being this newcry and his gf have been cows on here for a long, long time.
>>307644>>272593>>249310>>228479>>193176>>142402 No. 700534
>>700381, where are the accusations?
No. 700536
>>700534A link was already posted by
>>700385Not so much of an accusation, more fact.
No. 700575
I quite like Cry's channel tbh, out of all the lets players he's never changed. Markiplier and his ilk are OTT, when if you compare it to their videos from some years ago they weren't Jacksepticeye is a really good example of this, before he was an average let's player, (tbh, he isn't really good at it to me, he rarely explores the games) now? He's really fuckin over the top and overall just annoying.
A pedo (or ephebophile) is Yamimash, I unsubbed after the accusations as I believed them without proof, lmao. Didn't matter because he admitted to it anyway. Haven't checked on his channel after that, but at the time he was a dude in his 30's living in his mom's basement making lets play videos, had an 18 yo gf (red flag) and unsurprisingly got exposed for having an underage fan (14 at the time) sending him pics of her tits. He claims he didn't know her age, and then proceeded to say something about her big boobs, lmao. He had to make sure all his fans knew he wasn't a pedo, as he's an ephebophile he made sure to tell everyone he isn't a pedo because "pedophiles are attracted to prepubescent kids" then gave the age range that they're attracted to. Nice touch, Yami.
No. 700639
>>700591Has Cry ever chimped? I feel like "do they chimp" is the best litmus test for whether or not someone is a cow.
I feel like he hasn't, but I'm pretty out of the loop on Cry, so he might actualy have.
No. 701033
>>700947They unfollowed each other?
Phf, and they were trying to act like they're still friends.
No. 701060
>>700944Chey had a girlfriend (who was her friend long before that) almost the instant they broke up. She literally tweets 24/7 about her gf, why is she stirring shit for the millionth time? Thought losing her e-famous bf would kill her thirst for attention but apparently not.
Even if he did cheat on her, a) she was an emotionally abusive cunt and b) they broke up a year ago. No one fucking cares about her anymore.
No. 701079
>>701073Honestly, the responses such as
>>700947>>701033>>701041are not even dried milk worthy. Big shit, they unfollowed each other and Cry likes to be passive and professional and say they're on good terms. So what?
No. 729592
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Since we have a new Cry thread I'm going to go ahead and link some of the older posts about Angel/LoveXombie since she is a person of interest, and as an update from the JonTron drama Cry still let her come back.
>>615508>>616604>>617045The status of their relationship is currently unclear. In the past Angel has expressed they are just friends, although she seems to take no issue with using Cry's streams to boost her own views. She also likes to post a lot of "lol im sad :'( #sorelatable" content typical of a snowflake.
>>700575>out of all the lets players he's never changedLol no, that's a fat load. He's definitely a Twitch streamer now and doesn't upload youtube LPs like he used to. He even commented about it in the announcement video about cancelling the Vampyr playthrough because he wasn't enjoying it and the videos weren't getting a lot of views. can also look back at his older videos and notice that before dating Chey he didn't use so much ghetto slang. Now it's been ingrained into his personality and he doesn't even realize it was from Chey and her ghetto lifestyle. I think his politics also changed over time, whereas years ago he was right-leaning/centrist and sometime around 2012 it became more apparent he started leaning left. He has definitely changed over time and in more ways than one.
In fact, let's look at how his youtube channel's going these days like his sub count's been on a downward trend for a while now, he's lost 835 subscribers in the past 30 days as of posting this. Surely it wouldn't have anything to do with how his youtube account has become a Twitch stream announcement channel, right?
>>701365I honestly don't know what's worse, Cry himself or the cows he seems to attract like flies to honey. I'm inclined to believe the latter, mainly because Cry is good at cleaning up behind himself and keeping his mouth shut in public. Pic related. These should really be "Cryaotic Community" threads or "Cry and Friends General" if anything, but currently there's just not much to go off of. Even this post is scraping the barrel. Maybe someday something will happen but until then Cry's career is a sinking ship. The only reason he's still afloat is because of social connections and loyal fans holding on to the past.
No. 818122
>>729592Angel and cry are definitely an item, just wish it wasn't so obvious to the rest of the viewers, very annoying.
But she's not chey and she's a good sport so I'll keep that illusion. For now.
I'm always afraid these love-interests / ruin the dynamic for the audience but I don't think most people see much into it.
Hell if they were to come out now, the audience would clap with approval.
No. 839907
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>>828820The first couple Let's Go Pikachu streams pretty much confirmed that they live together/have physical contact IRL.
Cry was such a goddamn fucking creep during those streams
>"Guys can be cute too, damn it!">"I'm 30 and I'm cute!">getting corrected by his chat over gender politics>"Tomboys are hot, I love short hair on girls">Angel goading him into complimenting long hair bc apparently she has long hairAlso "2019" is an inside reference between him and Angel.
Someone in the chat generically asked if Cry was ever going to get married and have kids and he quite openly said "Yeah sure eventually, whenever Angel feels like it" or something very close to that. He definitely namedropped Angel.
They are not subtle at all and the mods just continue to go "no shipping allowed!"
Normal people don't do this shit, normal people don't go so far as to try to control their audience from playing cupid when it's clear as day they are dating off-stream. It's strange.
I predicted a while back that they would go ahead and date. I was right on the money. It's a testament to the fact Cry is ugly, lazy, and could only ever get a girlfriend if he met/manipulated her online first.
>>818130>And he's life isn't sinking. He's got it make and continues to get hundreds subbed to his twitch. And he's gotten more comfortable with his audience, which everyone is happy and more receptive of.Yeah, because it's the same 60+ group of people that have blindly followed him for years, some of which also have skeletons in the closet and feel safety in numbers in their little hugbox community. Not enough to be cows themselves, but enough to look at Cry's dating history and not even bat an eye.
Imagine if someone actually made a big public callout post highlighting the Ocean/Chey drama and put it next to his current behavior and it picked up wind. It would scare away plenty of his current viewership.
>He said many times that by working on his anxiety and stressHe has every right to have "anxiety" and be stressed when he dated two teenagers as 20+ y/o adult, cheating on one of them with the other about 10 years younger than himself, and has a current audience that strongly buys into policing morals that would go up in flames pretty quickly if they knew about his pedo behavior. It would effectively put the final blow into his internet career.
He would actually have to get a real job instead of playing video games for money, oh no.
>>826289>>826310This was posted several threads back.
No. 841133
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>>839907LOL people were always hyping him up to look like some picrel tumblr gamer boy, if that actually is him than wow i'm surprised he even got cheyenne.
>>826899i'm not surprised
No. 841561
>>839907Damn you have it out for them, lol. That picture has floated around forever, hard to say if it's him honestly.
Angel definitely doesn't live with him. It seems you can't tell the difference between joking playfully and being sincere. Angel still talks about being in Minnesota on her streams, and Cry is in Florida.
It's obvious that Cry has a crush on her in the very least, but she does seem to dodge it a lot. Hard to say if they're actually together or if he just wants to be.
If they did date, Angel would at least be an improvement on his choices in the past.
No. 841693
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>>839907>They are not subtle at all and the mods just continue to go "no shipping allowed!">Normal people don't do this shitAngel posted this in a discord late last year on why the mods are weird about shipping. Worried about posting this because I don't want to give my identity away, but Angel had a lot of issues with Russ, that she went into further after this, but she explained why she isn't around as much.
No. 842173
>>841561>It seems you can't tell the difference between joking playfully and being sincere.Doesn't make the utter lack of self-awareness creepy as shit, and when it's not creepy it's incredibly fake and empty lol. I guess you aren't bothered by a 30 y/o still acting like a quirky pizza sloth myspace teen.
>If they did date, Angel would at least be an improvement on his choices in the past.That's like saying "dirt is an upgrade from shit"; You're not wrong, but goddamn that's pretty sad for it having to be said in the first place.
Then again, garbage attracts garbage and that's why Cry and Chey dated for as long as they did after all the crap they both pulled, especially on Chey's behalf. I almost want to say Angel should do better if she's even considering reciporicating Cry's awkward stockholm crush.
>>841693That's a hilariously immature way to handle it, holy fuck. Instead of directly telling your audience that you aren't comfortable with it, just tiptoe around the fact and make a "no shipping" rule. Yeah, that sounds smart! That could never possibly become a problem should you ever want to date another fellow streamer, or anyone else with an online presence for that matter. Nothing could go wrong!
It's unfair that the mods have been thrown under the bus like that with the hypocritical way the rule has been tossed. Really tasteless. Again, this is not how people who don't do all this "my life is super private but I also want to entertain and be part of the e-celeb web" nonsense deal with these issues.
Either one is small enough to nip it in the bud and have these conversations directly with the people initiating it (be it pulling them aside privately or making a public statement but refusing to give names while reassuring you don't want said individuals getting harrassed by the rest of your audience), or one is a massively popular e-celeb that knows there's always going to be a certain weirdo subculture that's gonna do it anyway even if you make it crystal clear and firmly ask them not to, so you just don't let it bother you at all. The majority of streamers and youtubers fit into the former category, since the latter you can practically count on your hands.
The clarfication is appreciated though, thank you for going out of your way for that post.
Nobody's going to rat you out, it'd be pretty hard to. Besides, do they even look on this corner of the web? Would they even think to without someone weening?
I can't blame Angel for wanting nothing to do with Russ, his laugh has always been incredibly obnoxious and one of the biggest reasons why I never fully latched onto LNC. I'm sure other people are more up-to-date on his baggage than I am.
No. 842225
>>842190Fucking lol. And why should we believe you, random anon coming out of the bushwork proclaiming that you've "met him a few times and he looks TOTALLY NORMAL GUIZ MOVE ALONG NOTHING TO SEE HERE"
Post proof or gtfo
>>842173tbh Cry's angsty crybaby behavior has been getting on my nerves for a while now. It was sorta funny in 2011 but after almost ten years him still acting like a "quirky pizza sloth myspace teen" like you said it's getting so old. I was a fan back then when he was posting LPs on youtube and have tried watching his streams a few times but it's just so boring. There's nothing new there.
No. 842473
>>842467I mean yeah, he's been doing a lot better with getting medicated and working on a lot of things, but there's nothing to talk about unless it's tearing him down for being human, I guess.
There's literally no milk here, folks.
No. 842512
>>842415Not that anon, but I agree that it seems like he's always fishing for compliments when he does stuff like that.
>>842473So let people talk? Every thread is about talking shit and speculating so I don't see what the problem is? Cry isn't exempt from that.
No. 852968
>>839907 >>841133
Now this is a face and name I didn't expect to see again.
>>842224>It floated around tumblr, some anonymous person made a blog and said it was him.While I don't have concrete evidence, I do want to share this.
I was the creator of that blog, and I can tell you that this is 100% Cry.
I did some digging back in 2012-2013 and ended up finding his mom's Facebook profile. That's where I got pictures and screenshots from.
I'm pretty sure that I posted at least one other picture of him at an outdoor wedding ceremony. Again, it has been years and I've forgotten much about it. Anyone here who happened to see the blog at the time might remember that picture and there being more proof posted on there in general.
I ended up regretting my actions and removing the blog. I'm surprised to see that this one picture survived through reblogs, while everything else disappeared when I deactivated the blog.
Reading about some of his actions and behavior the past years is the reason why I'm ok in "exposing" him again and want to confirm that this is him. The thought of him using others' fantasy idea and image of him to his advantage and to manipulate young girls disturbs me. I want to confront them with reality: Cry is not some hot cute stud. Behind the mask is just a normal, overweight, and quite unattractive man.
I'm surprised that nobody else in his life or community has ever come forward to confirm that this is him, not even one of his exes.
No. 855080
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No. 855082
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i went thru his blog again because i wanted to see if something was still there and the fact that he was in his 20s and… the way he typed and acted was kinda cringe on god
No. 855084
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No. 864766

>>842889>>855121How can you have vendetta over laughing at someone who sabotaged his own career with drama and mental illness? Seems like the opposite, really.
You're right, his name
is relatively obscure now. A lot of streamers and youtubers have risen over Cry in the entertainment industry. Many years ago, if you asked someone to reccommend you some good youtubers to watch Cry's name would'be at least been one of the top ten or twenty. That isn't the case anymore.
In his own words,
>When you're doing youtube, you're sitting there alone with your thoughts and uh, it hasn't been the best place in the thoughts I guess, until I get everything worked out.He went to Twitch because the Twitch viewership gives him more immediate attention and validation than a sea of youtube comments. It also allows his mods to filter out criticism or negativity more easily.
I agree that his oldest posts are old milk now and not worth looking into beyond seeing them for comparison. Over time Cry shifted from being politically unbiased to mostly left-leaning/politically correct, which turned away viewers that wanted an unbiased entertainer like he used to emphasize as one of his content's features. Cheyenne and Angel are both very politically biased and both had a part to play in that, which is why past threads were geared more specifically as "Cryaotic and friends".
His most recent Cry Talks video is pretty interesting, he directly says "I never got to grow up" (awful mentality btw, lots of pedos use that exact phrase to excuse their bullshit) and "I kind of never stopped just simply being a middle brother, or just like a fucking kid mentally I guess."
Really clarifies all his immature behavior, both past and present.
I'm glad to hear that he's getting therapy and medication, but I also don't think Youtube/Twitch is a good career for him. Maybe as a profitable hobby, but it's pretty mutually agreed upon that his popularity died out when the Let's Play/horror game popularity era died years ago.
His shit is only worth talking about at all because people will always be curious about the "what happened?" and "where are they now" of past celebrities, including e-celebrities. The fact that he is actually seeking self-improvement when in the past he was fine with letting things fester is worth noting.
Maybe he can finally stop being a cow, or at least be downgraded to a personal cow if he keeps acting like he never had sour grapes towards other entertainers that actually put more of themselves out there for their viewers. Pewdiepie is still a sore subject for him lol.
No. 864885
>>864766The fact that he is still making a career off of twitch, and the video you linked has thousands upon thousands of positive comments, proves that his career was never "sabotaged" and maybe he's happier with a smaller audience.
He clearly is making enough.
Cheyenne was the cow. She still is a cow with her obsession of her girlfriend and thinking that because she's attractive she's "made it" while still tweeting trashy videos of her girlfriend' 's ass, offering to sell pictures, and talking about doing coke.
I don't know why you keep bringing up Angel, personally. She doesn't seem to do anything worth of note.. Like, ever.
No. 867812
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I only just recently came across this thread so I'm sorry if I'm not doing this right, but my friend recently sent me this screenshot of a conversation between herself and Cry. She was 15 at the time, this was the same time frame that he was dating Cheyenne if I'm correct.
She sent me some other screenshots but nothing incriminating.
I've only had one interaction with the guy but he's always had something off about him so I didn't bother continuing to talk to him.
No. 867992
>>867812That says Disneyland. He lives in Florida, and they have DisneyWORLD. Also, I don't think he's ever gone by "Cry" on any messenger, at any time.
Fake harder, dude.
No. 868845
>>867812Ah, so you know Ocean then? How is she fairing? Can you give us any more information?
>>868097What the fuck do you mean you "assure" that it's fake? We literally have proof that it was real from past threads leaking the same exact conversations years ago. He did share his number with Ocean amd we have the logs for it right here:
>>700385You are clearly a fan of his, that's why you keep defending him with stupid shit like
>>864885And yeah, Angel did make a clown of herself on stream back when she openly admitted that she thinks JonTron is a nazi.
Either you need to show evidence as to why anyone should listen to you and have aby sort of credibility or stop posting ITT immediately. I'm pretty sure you're also the same anon that keeps claiming the obese sunglasses guy isn't Cry but you won't post a real picture of him either, or any other evidence that would prove you know him personally.
>>867992You realize once you have someone's phone number you can edit the way you see their profile on your device however you want, right? You are so damn suspicious it's not funny.
No. 868916
>>868845She said jontron is a racist, which… He is? Why would you defend jontron lol
That isn't ocean. They're saying it's another nondescript friend of theirs. Literally anyone can make a fake phone conversation. I also don't know what the anon talking about locals mixing them is talking about, they literally get DisneyWORLD beaten into them by advertisements in Florida. No one mixes them up.
No. 868983
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phone conversations are just so easy to fake, guys.
No. 869311
>>869242Uh, OK? So what if she watches beauty YouTube videos. You're bringing up something she said well over a year ago. She still doesn't do anything, lol. You're quite the little vendetta-chan, aren't you?
I disagree that it was inappropriate to bring up anything during stream. Why is talking about a youtuber inappropriate? Or was it that the opinion stated just made you upset?
Previous posts of yours link to a discussion of youtubers and you brought up the jontron thing then, siting that was a "hill she would die on," yet literally no one cares… Mostly because people agree with it lol
No. 871065
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I know this is Cheyenne related but she's "selling pics" for a snake and the trashiness scale is off the charts! Anyone want pictures of Cheyenne for money? 😜
No. 876839
>>876714How does someone manipulate you into a relationship? You would have to be pretty weak and cornered for the person to think it would work.
Can you show me where she said this?
No. 876867
>>876852Weren't they friends until ~2yrs ago? They were on cry's video together and tweeting on twitter.
But I think I understand it now -
If a good friend says they're a
victim I guess you just gotta roll with it lol
Maybe cry knows what russ can be like so her points may be
valid and he's not about to "give up" a friend just because they didn't like another friend of his coz he loves them both. And they're good friends to their friends. Pity whatever shit went down had to go down oh well
No. 876934
>>876880So you're saying that if I spend 8 hours on a Saturday with you, in public, we gotta hang out in public on other days as well even tho we can still hang out in private and chat in private, otherwise we're not good friends anymore? Wow
And you said you were going to be busy on Friday nights!
No. 876945
>>876942while Angel gets to hang out with cry more..?
And Angel doesn't like Russ..?
How come it almost sounds like Russ has become the
victim lol
No. 876988

I thought it was a little milky that Cry chose not to show the Rin reveal scene from Catherine: Full Body on stream; Despite the creators constantly saying Rin isn't trans, and even Rin saying he's a boy, some people keep pushing him as trans anyway. It's basically the Chihiro Fujisaki drama 2.0 except the pronouns aren't even much of an argument.
Here's the scene. Keep in mind, the whole game is rated Mature.
>>876557Both of the posts above you are tinfoiling and speculation. I think it's been made clear on both sides that unless there's any new major milk with
valid evidence the thread will just devolve into bitchy infighting and vendetta accusations.
>>876852>>876867>>876880>>876942>>876945It's clearly not a stable friend group, especially if what Angel said about Russ is true. Not even LNC will last forever, but that goes without saying.
>>876852It'd be great appreciated if you did, if only so people who don't have access to the Discord can see it.
No. 876993
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>>876852I've found a few instances of her talking about him. It's hard to search through discord if you don't know exactly what you're looking for lol, but here's some.
No. 876996
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No. 878026
>>876995>He says his gf left him because he wasn't over me and has felt like she was too much a pitstopFucking moids amirite? Also, I'm not sure I've ever seen "pitstop" used in this context before. Meaning she couldn't take any more of his shit, right? lol That's pretty good.
>I'm sof (uwu) and am unfortunately easily manipulatedI honestly hate when people do this shit, it's not cute.
If you're aware that you were "easily manipulated" then you shouldn't still talk about yourself like you're "easy" to manipulate anymore, bc you've had to have some previous point of reference that made you realize you were being manipulated and can reflect and recognize the symptoms of manipulation for the future. It just seems ridiculous to perpetuate that you are still "easily manipulated" for any reason unless you're playing up the
victim card.
>>876993>>877217>>877222It's really lulzy that they're all late 20s/early 30s and still behave like shitty high schoolers. Maybe people were onto something when they said video games will rot your brain.
No. 878046
>>878026>If you're aware that you were "easily manipulated" then you shouldn't still talk about yourself like you're "easy" to manipulate anymoreI dunno,
abusive relationships/firendships can be hard to escape, even if you know they are
abusive. Sometimes it's not as easy as you think!
But the sof uwu thing isn't cute, I agree.
No. 878312
>>878026>If you're aware that you were "easily manipulated" then you shouldn't still talk about yourself like you're "easy" to manipulate anymoreAgreed. She's fishing for attention with the "I'm uwu and innocent" song and dance. She's playing up the
victim card a lot in those messages.
>>878107It's no secret that Cry's a cuck.
No. 880301
>>878321My reasons aren't really milky but I just hate her personality. I've mentioned this further up, but I hate how she never takes anything seriously in story based games like Life is Strange 2. Cry in his youtube prime days was KING of being able to play games while also knowing when to shut up during a scene or take something seriously, but also when to laugh and crack a joke. His playthrough of LiS2 with her is so annoying. She talks in this exaggerated valley girl vocal fry accent when I'm sure in her day to day she doesn't speak it so intensely, and I've noticed Cry has been picking up on her inflections, she mocks everything and everyone and will make a stupid dumb joke during a scene when she could instead like idk, just shut the fuck up and play the game. And it derails Cry too because he goes into tangents and laughs instead of being in the scene.
Like I'm using LIS2 as my prime example but in general she sounds like she's trying too hard to be cool and unaffected girl when it really doesn't suit her. She sounds like a toned down version of Cheyenne who also tried that hard girl who doesn't take anything seriously. And we all know how that turned out. Also personally I find it uncomfortable how during games he'll give her control of his PC because more than once she's assumed control of the mouse and pressed options. Idk it just feels very boundary crossing especially coming from Cry who is constantly on ultra incognito mode.
Like overall I'm glad Cry made up with Angel after that previous fiasco but it just feels like he replaced one bad female influence with another.
No. 880330
>>880319NTA, but how is that petty? I hate youtubers and let players who talk over important scenes in a game.
I used to watch Cry years ago because he uploaded on the regular and played serious games like The cat lady and actually got really into them as he played. His whole dynamic has gone out the window and what made him charming to watch.
No. 880422
>>880319>>880358WHY on earth would I be jealous? of what? lmao please take your weak rebuttal elsewhere. I answered anon's question about why I dislike Angel, and gave my reasons. I dislike her personality. Everyone watched Youtube Cry for the story based games because he was one of the first chill content creators who didn't yell or scream or make dumb jokes. Literally every compilation that's popular is him taking a game scene seriously. He was a breath of fresh air in an era of pewdiepies and jacksepticeyes and markipliers who thought talking constantly and as loudly as possible was "good" content.
Y'all were HYPED to rip Cheyenne to shreds in the previous threads, don't even try to act superior now with Angel. What, is she above criticism? When he co-plays with her he has zero ability to focus on the story and appreciate what's going on. That was the whole reason we used to watch him. The other half were thirsty fangirls who creamed over his voice and the mystery of his face.
Whether anon thinks LIS2 is awful is not relevant to the discussion that Angel is obnoxious and tryhard.
No. 880535
>>880422Cheyenne is/was a grade-A absolute bitch. She belittled everyone around her, constantly put Cry down, refused to let anyone on stream unless she approved of it. She was awful. There was reason to rip her apart.
Angel is nothing like Cheyenne, lol. Your reasoning just sounds like jealousy and your only examples is of them talking over a shitty game and her voice upsets you. It sounds fucking petty.
No. 880867
>>876996TOLO yelling at Russ?!
WTF did Russ do?
No. 880868
>>878321for being close to cry.
that is all. A waste of nothing
No. 887172
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He just responded to her on twitter a couple days ago. I see no tweets from him saying he's super depressed. He just posted a video on YouTube, even.
You guys think that maybe a ton of people here just make shit up for literally no reason?
No. 887183
>>887170Shes raided lnc a lot of times before so thats not a thing obviously, and hes alone right now too.
>>887172Didnt even see this, it looks so passive aggressive and hostile. If theyre arguing it fits right in to the timeline.
No. 887188
>>887186It's all just assumptions. She even popped into chat while he was streaming and wished him and everyone a Happy Halloween. None of this is good milk and it honestly just comes across as hating her because she's close to Cry.
This place has been dryer and bitter since Cheyenne left. What ever happened to that teen girl that said she had pictures of Cry from him taking her to Disney World?
No. 887214
>>887208Why do I doubt she doesnt know of the site
How convenient for her to show up and be all nice for a few messages and post about it
No. 887267
>>887199ah so you're that anon that is ridiculously defensive every time someone talks poorly about uwu princess angel? please either bring receipts or stfu and lurk because arguing with every anon who DARES to criticize her is making YOU look bad and you're clogging up the thread with pointless white knighting. This is lolcow, what are you expecting, we're gonna coddle her if we disagree with her? Some of us dislike her, get over it. You won't get brownie points defending her. And you don't "win" any arguments by saying we're bitter, petty and jealous cause lmao we are not jealous of that shit show or the LNC, please grow up and make better points if you're gonna be participating.
Ahem, that out of the way, I am not surprised Cheyenne is charging a ridiculous amount on snapchat but that's so… tacky. Who is she expecting will shell out that sort of cash on those two? Porn is free. And those two have the personalities of wet mops. Cheyenne, liking X-Files is not a personality trait.
No. 887627
>>887277People who don't like your uwu-chan are not jealous of her, anon. You are delusional. Not liking a certain kind of personality is normal, especially uwu-ones because by the end of the day they cant bring anything but their 'uwu guys am so wholesum'. Geez. Instead of arguing with people and bumping this thread with your whiteknightness, go do something productive or cry to your pwecious guwurl instead.
Anyways, does anyone know hows Russ's ex (Red) doing? I used to love her art but it seems like she dissapeared from social media completely.
No. 887632
>>887627she got married and left the internet, that's about all we know.
You guys need to learn to sage for non-milk.
No. 887676
>>887627My bad, unclear…
>>887277 was agreeing with
>>887267 as in all of angels drama is juvenile bullshit and no thank you we are not jealous of it.
No. 888564
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how much y’all wanna bet Cheyenne didn’t tell Christine shit about what she’s done? Obviously Cry has done some shitty things too (regarding cheating and possibly his insecurities) but Cheyenne is far from a saint.
No. 888661
>>888564Abusers don't tell people they abuse other people. Of course she'd want to relate as a
I hope she's changed honestly but she's clearly a liar and desperate for money and attention since her Twitter link is to PayPal and she's charging people 150 dollars a month for people to see her cellulite filled legs wrapped around her girlfriend.
No. 893042
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Oop. Someone angry.
No. 893043
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No. 893151
>>893042Do we have any examples of him being a pedo? Like has anyone come forward and been like "he was creepy with me"? Not doubting, just wondering since I only found out about this recently. I know there's a girl in his chat who's been very vocal about having a crush on him at like 14/15 (dk how old she is now, and she claims she's not into him anymore) and he acknowledges/talks to her. Think he said it made him uncomfortable. Can't remember if she's a mod or vip or anything though.
With his crazy anxiety about his identity being found out I'd assume he at least wouldn't fuck around with fans like projared etc. The cheating is objectively shitty though.
No. 893172
>>893101She said at the beginning of their relationship. So probably Ocean, and not Angel. And most likely Red like someone had said in the thread before.
>>893151There’s supposedly people who’ve stated he’s been weird with them, but they say they are afraid to step forward so there isn’t anyone you could name.
No. 893177
>>893043What he did was shitty, but saying telling others to move on when she obviously hasn’t herself is laughable. Talking about it with your gf constantly isn’t moving on. And there isn’t anything wrong with that, but don’t lie to make yourself look like the bigger person. Cry was shitty, but she was a horrible and an
abusive asshole. She chose to keep his secrets. She was begged, but was not forced. That’s all on her.
No. 893797
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I thought she had said before that they didn't date when she was 16? So I'm not sure if this is about Cry, but it sounds like it was?
No. 893824
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No. 893842
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>>893797Definitely about Cry
No. 893852
>>893842this person
victim blaming is gross tbh.
Is 2019 the year all these male youtubers who pretended to be wholesome are getting outed for being creeps and predators? Cry, Dan from GG and Jared rofl
No. 893947
>>893852Cheyenne was a horrible
abusive cunt and until he broke things off with her she defended that they didnt date until they were 18 and that it was all legal and they were so happy. Of course as soon as it doesnt suit her agenda anymore she turns on him and starts victimizing herself.
Abusive manipulation 101
No. 894240
>>894158That's so creepy…
I can't believe I used to like this guy and thought he was genuine.
I truly was a child!
No. 894944
>>894240That's a whole 6 year age gap, wym?
Anyway, on the fence on whether she was telling the truth about that or not considering she did try to say they weren't messing around when she was 16 and then changed her story, wouldn't put it past her to try to slander him further.
But I do know people who would cap for whoever they dated that was older than them then once they wake up they tell it how it is.
No. 902359
The biggest slight against Cry is the age gab thing with Chey, and even then that's only weird by modern standards, perfectly legal. The only other one is that the man cannot stick to a schedule to save his life.
Aside from that, I have never seen any evidence of him doing anything wrong. Chey is and will likely always be a dramamonger. Scott has said as much on his tumblr. Snake has said similar things in passing on his tumblr. Russ was always too much of a clown-fuck to humor that shit on tumblr. Angel as well is probably a clout chaser, in my opinion. She tries too hard and is like a 'soft' Chey. She was originally Russ's friend, so I can see why he might be upset she's trying to jump Cry's bones. So what if Russ was trying to make friends with her so that he could get a girlfriend. IIRC, he knew her prior to the LNC. So what is he to do, go out with a fan? He'd be blasted for that. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. That's a problem with anyone who has a following. Streamers, celebrities, anyone with money or clout has this problem. Hell, HE probably feels used because she was suppose to be his friend. I've stopped by Angel's stream years before for D&D and she's talked about being on medication for things like anxiety and depression. I'm sure she's also a perfectly well-adjusted individual outside of the internet face she keeps up. Just while I'm at it, look up underage people saying all sorts of shit about people even remotely famous. You wanna find it, you will. All that shit as to be taken with a grain of salt. A lot of these kids wrapped up in made-up fantasies because they're crushing on someone they've never met. Maybe some of it's real, but as far as I've seen the shit around Cry in that regard is standard fair, if actually on the tamer side.
I also don't know what's this shit about people saying Cry and Russ don't stream together anymore because they stream together with Scott over on this one professional Dungeon Master's Twitch in one of the games he's doing (you'll just have to forgive me for forgetting the name, he's some 100 viewer Andy when it's not their game). You wanna look for it, look for their names in the titles. Cry has never really streamed together with just Scott or just Snake, and the TGI thing was of course gonna fall apart just like every other project Cry has ever done because the man, again, can't keep a schedule to save his fucking life. I haven't watched Cry's streams outside of clips for ages, and I only know about the D&D thing because I still watch Russ from time to time.
As for what Ryan looks like, out of his own mouth he says he has short hair, a short scruffy beard, he wears glasses but sometimes uses contacts though mostly just wears glasses because he doesn't like touching his eyes, speaking of his eyes he's said they are green (he said this when he was talking about fan art and how he's always depicted with blue eyes), and he's physically average if easily winded due to that gamer stamina. I'm also fairly sure I've never heard him say he's worn anything other than shorts and flip-flops. VRChat sensors says he's 5'7", but he says that's wrong (though he sounded quite embarrassed when he said it).
Honestly, the lot of you just seem like a bunch'a cunts. Not even in the amusing way of trying to get someone to kill themselves. I'd bet pretty money most of you are women. But I can't even watch his shit anymore due to him constantly making excuses for why he won't keep a schedule, but you guys blow this shit so far out of proportion. Sage because this is gay.
No. 902402
>>902359> I'd bet pretty money most of you are womenDid you forget what website you’re on or are you just some autistic newfag?
> and even then that's only weird by modern standardsStandards change for a reason dumbass. It used to be okay to get with girls as soon as they started their period and as we’ve progressed as a society with new developments in psychology we realise it’s not moral or ethical for men to take advantage of young girls like this. I will never understand why girls wk this man. He’s fat, ugly, unfunny, and quite clearly a creep. There is no reason a 30 year old man should be flirting with girls who haven’t even hit their 20s.
No. 902405
>>902402Most relationships through history were roughly same-age. The old dude/young girl relationship was common in the aristocracy, which is why it’s overrepresented in people’s imaginations.
In hunter/gatherer societies of today, the average age of parents having their first child is 19 for mothers, 20 for fathers. That is the most likely representation of prehistoric society as well.
No. 902442
>>902402I'm Jesus fucking Christ, motherfucker. I'm God's chosen gift to you miserable pissants.
>new developments in psychology we realise it’s not moral or ethical for men to take advantage of young girls like thisQuite literally Women's Lib is what did it. It was almost purely the idea of women. Mind you, many of which who now think it's oppressive and was the idea of men. Point is, women are fucking stupid, and since this place is mostly women it's fucking stupid, too. 9/10, bet you're ugly.
>He’s fat, ugly, unfunny, and quite clearly a creep.Where's the proof? The photo up above has literally never been proven to be him, and I've been here since LITERALLY all the threads made about him. Current speculation by you dumb fuckers is that he's a green-eyed ginger, and his sister is blonde and blue eyes like his mother. The VRChat height description alone is more substantial than fucking anything you mongs have posted. Fuck, if that photo is him, the guy in the back must be a turbo midget.
Go catch a dick, it'll do you some good.
(retard) No. 903235
>>902817"The only drama around Cry you see is with everyone around him, it always involves him, but he's a perfect angel!!"
Dude, what the fuck
No. 920459
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Cheyenne still talking about how Cry cheated on her, and how she hated the girls he cheated on her with, even though he had a commitment to her and not them…
She was also just before this talking about selling the sex videos that she made for him.
She has been trying really really hard to sell sex videos of her and her girlfriend, too. She's a real trashy piece of work, lol.
No. 920813
>>920805Highly doubt she ever apologized. She thinks of herself as the
victim in all sense of the word. She doesn't think about the people she mistreated at the time at all.
Like you said, the other girls he was cheating on her with could have been going through similar things as she was but even now she says she's angry THEY didn't apologize for ruining her life, not Cry.
No. 921176
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>>920459"or apologize at the very least?"
No. 921191
>>921176Oh damn, are you one of the girls that she wants to apologize? Of course she would block you, she WANTS to be the
victim, and blame you for it instead of her boyfriend at the time.
No. 921510
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Yes, Cheyenne. Your actions were his fault not yours… Did everyone forget how often she derailed the stream with abuse? How she used to attack people in chat? How she almost made someone commit suicide over bullying them? Wasn't her fault, guys.
No. 921523
>>921510I don’t think Cry made you a terrible person towards others who had nothing to do it with it. Imagine thinking yourself the
victim when the people you bullied off most likely had no idea what was going on between you and your ex besides how you acted towards them.
No. 921532
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No. 921540
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rip my bad I meant this tweet
No. 921552
>>921540lol she deleted that one real quick.
funny how she started all this today by saying if he changed and is a better person, she wasn’t going to tear that down and only talk about what she’s gone through. but now all bets are off i guess because she also said she would spill everything IF she found out someone else got hurt by him.
No. 921567
>>921565caught up with both christine's and cheyenne's tweets, christine really likes to insert herself into the narrative
chey says she'll blow the lid if he hurts someone so dear god please let some drama unfold. To be totally honest I do believe Chey is telling the truth but I also believe she did really bad things.
According to chey's tweets he was super into roleplay porn and stayed inside all day so I guess most of his cheating happened on the internet
No. 921577
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Anyone feeling like Cheyenne's reading this?(emoji)
No. 921580
>>921577I don't doubt she got tipped off about the threads when they were active.
But when we had pages upon pages of proof of shitty things she said or did and is coming out with her truth it's gonna be hard to immediately turn around and kiss her ass.
Even from day 1 a lot of people felt there was something off about cry or that he was overrated especially by fangirls. He just knows to keep his mouth shut which Cheyenne couldn't. So she got the most heat, and she was very chaotic and vocal in streams or on tumblr.
Still I'd rather support Cheyenne than Angel. Angel comes off faker than Cheyenne right now, and I couldn't stand that Angel-stan anon all over again whiteknighting her.
No. 921592
>>921590Well lucky for you they don't seem to stream together anymore lol
He's been streaming a ton with Naomi, Summer and Beckens though.
No. 921645
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Anyone else think it's hilarious that immediately after saying all this shit about Cry…. She's trying to sell her girlfriend's sex stuff again? Immediately after trying to become relevant by calling Cry out?
No. 921662
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So he was cheating before they even met irl and she knew this, but met up with him and fucked him anyway? Not really sure on the timeline. Still, that seems like a dumb decision on her part. Don't get me wrong, cheating's fucked up, but if you knew about it that early why wouldn't you just dump him and move on?
Her old tumblr is still up and the most recent post from three years ago is her defending their age gap. Funny she hasn't deleted it with how much she hates him now. If she really wants revenge on him leaking his face would probably get more attention than vague tweets implying he's a pedo
No. 921674
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Something that caught my eye. Weird how she’s saying here she had undiagnosed BPD but, she didn’t mind telling everyone she HAS BPD when she had to write an apology to Ziegs when all that shit went down.
No. 921696
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I love how she went from none of these people apologized!!
>>920459 to liking the tweet sympathizing for the 16 year old
>>921532 and the image I just posted talking about "manipulating other teenage girls". Her constant flip flopping on hating them for fucking her man to being like "he's the one who did all that to them" is obnoxious.
No. 921711
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She just sounds like a bitter ex now? Like, you just said you 'endured trauma' but you're mad that he wouldn't let you move in with him? (she was really abusive openly though, so that's not really a surprise?)
No. 921727
>>921724I was meaning
at the time. She didn’t get a diagnosis until after they broke up. So yes, she didn’t have one DURING the ziegs incident and used it as an excuse.
No. 921798
>>921662to be fair if you were 18, super inexperienced with relationships in general, full of issues because your mother died when you were a kid, and some big youtube man gives you attention, I can see that she didn't have the mental clarity to say "fuck that" and dump him. Unfortunately this resonates with me on an unpleasant level, that feeling of "why did I not do anything back then?" which is a reasonable question, for older experienced people, who don't have personal feelings at risk, and now you're older you feel dumb for going along with it. At the time she probably felt like he was her entire world and the best thing since sliced bread.
The amazing twist is that she actually gave a sort of apology for how she acted back then. She admits she was a terrible person. Cry has vagueposted that same sentiment but it just comes across as "poor nice guy feels self deprecating uwu" and the fans lap it up. He has also never hinted at being a sex-obsessed scumbag towards Chey, and while he did defend her once or twice he never really made any attempt to fix himself either.
christine tho is kinda butting in a bit too much and it leaves a weird taste in my mouth like I get it's social media and it's your "voice" on twitter and nobody is banning you from talking but this is clearly something chey would talk to you about in private so she doesn't need you to step in and be her white knight. idk. Like I get the sentiment she's trying to get across by being supportive but this isn't a real life conversation where you sit next to her and stand up for her, it comes across much less genuine when it's a twitter post you hand typed specifically for everyone to see.
No. 921846
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if all of this is true I sincerely hope the guy has changed.
i hate that i know how wrong this is but yet i still feel like i support him, i guess that has something to do with watching him since I was a young teen though, who knows
god damn it cry. fix your shit.
No. 922008
>>921989I don't think he's on the same level as R. KELLY, Jesus.
>>922004Fuck off dude, it's still relevant.
No. 922012
>>921585this, looks like someone is jealous because of their proximity to cry lol
>>921590Oh so literally nothing. Got it, just vendetta shit.
>>922004This, Chey has always been an attentionseeker and has always gone after other girls. She needs her own thread because cry and her broke up 5+ years ago and NOW she starts saying shit? Hell most people that follow cry don't even know who the hell she is and previous milk shows that she isn't willing to change and keeps vagueposting like a retard. Say it if it's true Cheyene, Cry did xyz, you have nothing to lose. I don't get what she's doing.
No. 922017
>>922012ew grow up why would anyone be jealous of talking to him. he's a sex obsessed 30ish nerd who stays inside all day and plays games for a living while being a financial doormat to his sister and family. The guy has basically cornered himself into being the cash cow, has removed most chances of a normal social life due to his ~privacy~ and he has the mentality of a 12 year old. Are you that Angel-chan anon that called everyone jealous if they disliked her? Are you also 12?
Please come back with a better argument. Cause you sound like you're still in middle school with that "oooh you're just jealous and attention seeking". Go do your homework lol
No. 922063
>>922061Just saying, she might be able to avoid the other thread but wants to read all the Cry hate lol so gotta get rid of the
valid Cheyenne points about how she still sucks
No. 922071
>>922069Alright guys, let's talk about Cheyenne
still a wishy washy, attention seeker who obsesses over her girlfriend
What else is new
No. 923059
It might be worth noting that if he hadn't apologized in some way, Cheyenne wouldn't have stayed on. Im not sure you can argue that he manipulated her to stay on, because it was a relationship that lasted 2+ years with no further cheating incidents reported. Maybe he hid his tracks better, it is possible. Maybe he was worried she would spill his secrets so he made sure she stayed until the relationship ended on her terms. Smart. When it ended, she immediately publicly jumped on to the next person whereas he manages to keep all his baes quietly in a relationship with him for the next, what, 2-3 years now? That takes some skill, I gotta say.
He might still be cheating on people. That is true. And we may never know coz it'll be a whole bunch of he said she said.
Regardless, I think Cheyenne's advice in terms of not to idolize and to value/respect yourself is very valid. I don't think Cry himself can disagree with that because it's the same thing he says these days. Even Angel says these things.
I guess everyone's grown up huh. That's awesome.
Everyone's on their own little amazing journey thru life.
Ok and lastly, I just wanted to share that the world is actually a humungous place. Absolutely ginormous. It's bigger than you and me and Cheyenne and Cry. ~300million trees got burnt down in Australia and a bunch of Koalas died or lost their homes, women still get killed by the Taliban for teaching girls to read and write, whales actually exist imagine that! , and someone is living their best life in France sipping coffee at a small cafe. There's so much to see! Maybe we should get out there and experience it a little.. y'know?
If we're reading this right now, life really ain't that bad lol
have a good year ahead y'all
No. 923996
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This is my first time ever posting, so hopefully I do this right. I didn’t know he had a thread on here until today.
I didn’t find out about this website up until about a year 1/2 ago and mostly just lurk on TND and onion’s thread. If I would’ve known about this website back in 2014 I might’ve posted this back then, or maybe not because I was still a big fan of his. I don’t watch him too much now, I liked his let’s plays and since he doesn’t do those anymore I kinda forgot about him.
Anyways, like I said, I used to be a fan of his and did some digging and ended up finding this photo on Facebook that I’m pretty sure is of him. I posted on Facebook a blurred version of this that had the Sup guy photoshopped on top of him to “respect” everyone’s privacy (I use respect very loosely because I found the photo in the first place) and posted it with a caption explaining how I found it. The caption is posted below with all my 2014 cringiness.
“I spent countless hours online watching youtube and searching random things just to keep my mind from over thinking. I was already a huge fan of Pewdiepie since 2012 and just discovered a new Youtuber named Cry (Cryaotic). I decided to watch a couple of his series and then got to the point where I would set aside everything else to watch his late night streams. I became obsessed with the angelic voice he had possessed( sorry for the cringe) I felt like he had become an actual friend of mine. A friend I could go to whenever I was feeling down. I was able to last about a month or two with just hearing his voice and imagining what he could possibly look like since he's never shown his face, I tried to force myself to keep imagining him as his Sup Guy persona, but I couldn't take it anymore. My curiosity had taken a hold of me.
Now, anyone who is really close to me or has hung out with me before knows that I have ways of finding things easily like a person's ex's, pictures, posts, etc. My close friends made jokes about me being a grade A professional stalker or that I should join the CIA because of the things I find. Either it could be a talent or a useless skill due to too much time on my hands. But because of this skill, I was able to cure my obsessive curiosity with Mr. Terry's face. You see, I was able to find his actual name easily. He let it slip in an old steam and many people let it spread through the internet like wildfire. So all I had to do was a simple google search and bam! Ryan Terry. Easy enough. But, no matter how much I googled Ryan Terry's face, I was always led to a dead end. I always came up with this model hunk who I knew couldn't be him or some forum saying that no one has seen Cry's face. Luckily, I found out from one forum that he had a younger brother, Nathan. I googled him too, but lost interest as most of the searches seemed like people posing as him. Then, I facebooked him. Oh the wonders of facebook. I did seem to find a kid that could possibly be the brother of the man of mysteries, but I wanted to keep the possibilities open. I decided to take a break on my hunt for the mysterious face and relax for a few weeks and eventually lost interest in searching. I just went back to enjoying his videos like before. Until one day he had a random stream. The new Mario Kart had just come out and he was playing it with his sister, Allie Terry, and until that stream I had no idea he even had a sister. From the chat I had found her name, which Cry and her didn’t seem to mind to keep a secret. The only name they were trying to keep confidential was the sister’s baby girl, who they’d ask the chat to name her and just call her by that or by “baby”. Reading the chat, it seemed like no one ever leaked this little girl’s name and that Cry and his sister did a good job at hiding it. I was so excited about these two new family members of Cry I’ve never heard about that my curiosity once again was sparked. Thus, I headed to facebook. I found many “Allie Terry’s” in my search that could have fit in as his sister that through countless profiles I was about to give up. It was like fate that on the last profile I was on that barely had any pictures that were public and only one video, that I had found the Allie I was looking for. Because I am such a cat lady, I had decided to watch this Allie’s video of her cat trying to eat its food. In the video, Allie is talking to her cat in a funny “demonic” voice saying that it is fat because it is binge eating. You might ask how this video confirms that I had found Cry’s sister and to that I say again, fate. When I had played the video I also had the livestream up playing, so both audios from the videos were playing at the same time. I heard Allie’s “demonic” voice in the cat video first and as soon as it stopped I heard it again in the livestream, that was playing on real time. There was no way to deny it. It was the same voice! I had found the sister through pure luck. So, the stalker that I am, I looked through her facebook (come on, don’t deny you haven’t done it before). There I saw that she was in fact friends with the Nathan Terry I found weeks back. So that confirms him as the brother. But, I had gotten a bit too far and some might find it invasive. I started connecting family members, seeing who was related to whom. I even found out that Allie Terry went to school and knows Allie Wesenberg, who is the new girlfriend (now wife) of the bass player Charles Trippy of We The Kings. Big coincidence huh? I was also able to find the name of the baby or Cry’s niece (I didn’t want to give this out since she’s a minor). So looking through all these facebook profiles, I find an aunt who had a couple of family pictures. In one of the pictures, I find Cry/Allie’s mom and brother among some other faces. But this one face seemed to catch my eye. He was a normal guy, nothing made him stand out in particular, nothing besides his nose. Why his nose? There was about 10-12 people in the picture and out of those people only three had the same noses and basically the same facial features, Cry’s mom (Julie Ann), Cry’s brother Nathan, and that one other guy who I hadn’t seen in any other picture from all the pictures and profiles I had looked through. And because of this nose, I had come to the conclusion that it has to be the one and only Ryan Terry. It might seem a bit crazy or far fetch or I might seem like a complete lunatic and I’m sure someone might say I’m invading his privacy and his family’s, but as soon as I found the picture, that’s when I stopped. I didn’t message any of his family or him or try to add them. I let them be. I just had to satisfy my curiosity. Long story short, I found the face of the man that many fangirls long to see and thus ruined my imaginative form of this mystery man. “
I could be completely wrong and this could just be a random man, or maybe another family member who looks like the sister, brother, and mother. But I was pretty sure of it at the time and just wanted to see what you all thought.
Before posting this I went back and searched their profiles to see if his sister still has that video public, but unfortunately she doesn’t. But she does have pictures of who I believe to be Nathan (obviously older now) in her “featured” pictures. I also don’t know if that twitch stream of cry playing Mario kart with his sister is still up since this was all back in 2014.
No. 924148
>>924125All but one of them were e-fucks only as far as we know.
>>839907This is him.
No. 924171
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>>924051I looked back in the old threads. I wouldn’t say the shirt is huge like a dress on her. I could see it fitting the guy
No. 935816
Hey guys, glad to see this thread is still going well.
I was the anon who posted this message here
>>701041however, I was not in a great mental state back then and proceeding with the police. So I stayed shut.
I was a fan of Cry back in 2017 (I am a woman), a pretty dedicated one at that (chatting on the streams, commenting on his videos, hanging out with other fans and speculating, etc etc.). However, since november 2017 I have been in a pretty messed up situation with him and I don't know how to make it stop.
I'm at the point where I'm running out of options and in light of what Chey recently revealed I've decided to come here. If anyone here is willing to hear the full story. I really need help or at least to warn others.
No. 935833
>>935816>>935819Well basically he has been stalking, hacking me and spying on me regularly since end of 2017 (as in spying on my camera, reading my emails and my chats, getting into my online accounts, getting my internet history, you name it). He is hinting at very personnal and precise things relating to my life and that's how I came to realise it. Of course it took me a while as I thought it were coincidences at first or me being paranoid, but, trust me, if it concerns you you get to realise it eventually. He is playing mind games and getting an hard on on the situation, thinking he is untouchable.
I have tried messaging him but it leads to nowhere. I have tried everything to solve it on my own but everytime I thought it could calm down on its own, he finds a way to do it again.
At the end of 2018 I went to the police to file a complaint. They were nice but because he never tried to steal money (dude had my freaking paypal at some point) or blackmail me, and the fact I am in europe and he in the US, the complaint couldn't go on.
And if the situation is not enough messed up for you, some of Cry's friends know what's going on, but since they are compromised (read: blackmailed by him) they are too afraid to turn him in.
I am writing this today because I need this to stop and I don't know how. But also because I need to warn you guys. I would be very surprised if I were the only
victim. Whatever hacking he is using is very neat, leaves very little trace and I am fearing this could be a "past-time" for him, to spy on some of his fangirls. I've come to this realisation as I read what Chey has recently revealed about his cheating. That and his social impairment, grooming of underage girls and general control freakness, it fits well. So if anyone has any information on this, please tell me.
No. 935853
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>>935839>>935845>>935840Dude, I wish I had that imagination or patience to larp for years.
Why do you think I shut it for so long or couldn't do anything about it? Of course it sounds crazy. I'm well aware.
The hacking thing, I'm embarrassed to say this, but despite everything I have underdone security wise I still don't know how exactly he is doing it. He doesn't do it by any hard entry in my devices. I have no viruses. He is probably using pre-existing services. But it's very neat nevertheless. I've asked around 5-6 computer scientists or security specialists (either people I know or at the police). Some say it is def. possible as the technology is constantly evolving, some others yes but very difficult. I only have minor signs and speculations. That's it.
As you put it very well I am not that important to justify so heavy means and he is far from being an uber-roxxor hacker (I remember one Unity stream from 2017 and dude was a beginner at programming). I also couldn't believe it at first. Now I am thinking he might have had help or paid someone, and doing this to others as well.
Pic related from my complaint (lol all that black). I can't show more otherwise I utterly doxx myself or where I live.
P.S. I was on a mac
No. 935865
>>935858If you are under the impression I am crazy, it means I have been constantly hallucinating since end of 2017. That even though I tried to ignore the whole thing and living as normally as I could for large periods of time, and proceeding with police for months.
If what I think the material he holds on me is true I risk my entire reputation ruined, and doxxing.
Since he knows who I am by now, he can also very well sue me for libel.
Posting here was the last resort from me and that for a reason. I'm risking a lot. I am not joking around.
No. 935867
>>935865You're absolutely crazy and make no fucking sense at all. How did you guys meet? Why does he care enough to find a way to go literally FBI on you and access your CAMERA along with your internet history??
Your literally insane.
If you were going to the police and had an actual, real case going you wouldn't be posting to fucking lolcow about it.
Fuck off psycho.
No. 935869
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>>935865> it means I have been constantly hallucinating since end of 2017I mean yeah it sounds like you’ve had paranoid delusions for years. I’m sorry. I hope someone in your life notices and helps you get help bc I doubt you’ll be able to see it but your posts sound super unhinged
No. 935875
>>935867Well I do have suppositions on why he targeted me, but these are personnal (jealousy, for one).
You are naive if you think your devices are that secure. Even fricking 4chan could access nudes through icloud in 2015. Technology is constantly evolving and security flaws are constantly being found. You can search on google.
I understand you guys reactions because I had the same one. I liked him and followed him for one year. It is hard to accept.
But I am warning you, his online personnality is a mask. Well no content creator show 100% themselves on the camera and that's normal. But for Cry there is a huge fucking gap.
Do not trust him. If his endeavours with minors is not enough of a warning, at least take that from me.
No. 935885
>>935878By the way, if anyone here has any information on this or think he/she could have been
victim of him, please contact me here:
tia_lolcow (remove space)
No. 935910
>>935853Would you be able to give us more info or proof? How did you and Cry meet? What kind of blackmail is he holding against you?
Its just hard for me to believe because I myself have been a
victim of someone hacking me, I'm from the UK and the guy doing it was in the US. The police were able to pass the information on overseas and something was done about it - so surely it would have been the same sort of case for you.
If you want us to believe you even slightly we're going to need more evidence and information.
No. 935913
>>935906Yes I remember the incident you are talking about. It was in july 2017.
Please someone, anyone helps me. I can't get out of there alone.
No. 936832
Posting one last thing. It's pointless I see it, but I just need to add this.
"Internet personality" I see what you are coming from
>>935933, because I once had the same mentality.
You perceive Cry as this inaccessible and superior person you see through a medium and a persona. But it's not Cry the online persona that is doing this to me, it's the man behind who got upset over shit and can't let go.
Content creators are not robots who are stuck 24h/24h to their online presence. They've got their share of "real shit" happening behind doors and between them, are dependent on a faulty medium and their image can easily be destroyed in one second by a scandal. As a fan, you have a lot more power on them than you imagine. (oh, and they all stalk this website too, but that goes without saying)
I was angry at them at the beginning because I couldn't understand why they weren't doing anything. Now I get their struggles better and I forgive them, but I would like them to understand too that I value my privacy like the next person and never asked for that mess in the first place. I can't live like this. I need to move on.
And yes there is also blackmail happening between them in order to keep each other in check. I don't know how it began and who began it but that's the reality today. And now we are all stuck in a loss/loss situation with a big elephant in the room that is not dealt with.
Why do you think Chey waited so much time before speaking up for exemple? Instead of waiting like sitting ducks for the next AW to release her insta story, take a step back and see the bigger picture. You may call me crazy but you sure can't observe for shit.
I'll just leave that here too. I thought it was interesting:>>935910I'm sorry you had to experience this anon, I'm glad you could sort it with the police at least
No. 938090
File: 1582849924011.jpeg (312.15 KB, 828x1312, 3DE1A0B0-DF29-4727-80E3-B11CB1…)

This one?
No. 938091
File: 1582849973518.jpeg (142.87 KB, 828x904, 82C65B51-03B1-401E-8626-430E8B…)

There’s this one too, and Cheyenne replied to this one with someone else messaging her.
No. 942024
>>940782If we take anything that cheyenne said as true in relation to her tweets, wouldn't it be likely that ocean was a
victim? Christine hasn't done anything trashy other than dating cheyenne either
No. 947115
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>>946581Naomi is a streamer/friends of the crew, Summer was firstly a mod/viewer but then I guess turned into one of the mods they also play with.
But also, someone got into a little argument with Cheyenne on twitter, and I think she posted a screenshot from Cry’s apology to her. Not really milk but oh well
No. 963028
>>962864If anyone ends up paying for it they should drop some stuff in here.
Honestly though who wants to see Cheyenne naked. Butter face, butter body.
No. 964833
>>964499Just post it here. There's a Cheyenne thread but it was immediately complained about by someone like we're not allowed to talk about her now just because she's irrelevant lol
Unless someone feels like starting a new thread and linking it here.
No. 969321
This is my first time posting here, so I'm not sure if I'm doing this right.
Cheyenne and Christine recently posted pictures of the sup guy plushie which they are currently drawing all over. Kinda odd that Cheyenne would keep something from her "terrible cheating abusive ex" especially considering how long it has been since the plushie was released and sold.
Honestly, I dont understand why anyone takes what Cheyenne says seriously. We all know how terribly abusive she was/is and how shitty of a person she was to the entire LNC. It's been 5 years and she decides to drop a bunch of random drama, change up the timelines and ages multiple times, while never actually name dropping cry? But oooh she'll like the tweet talking about burning up the sup guy doll and then talk about her girlfriends tits and weed.
Honestly, I wouldnt be surprised if all of the drama she posted was an attempt to get more clout. She used Cry for clout before, so why wouldnt she do it again? Jund openly shamed her for it on twitter back then too. Obviously she is using him for attention once more.
Cry has done shitty things in the past, but like previous comments have pointed out he is changing. He is trying to be a better person.
I've been lurking around the cry lolcow for awhile, and from what I've read Ocean is the only possibly credible example of Cry talking to someone who is underage. With the exception of Cheyenne- but even she confirmed on Twitter and in an above screenshot that they didnt start dating until she was 18, and that they stopped talking before that when she was 16. Even though that's sketchy on Cry's part, they didnt start dating until she was 18. Sounds more like a waiting for legality type deal than pedophilia to me, especially considering that there are only 2 examples of it- one of which isnt even fully credible.
tdlr; Cheyenne is attempting to start drama for attention and it is becoming extremely more apparent by her obvious jokes regarding cry as of late. She hasn't changed from the abusive bitch she was before. Cry has and is actually trying to and succeeding with changing from what I have seen so far. If he hadn't, then why tf hasnt there been credible claims in 5+ years?
Much to think about.
No. 969849
>>969321I'm with you. I mean, he did obviously cheat on her but i don't think he's a pedo or something? But she was really awful OPENLY to everyone so it's very clear their relationship was
abusive. He does seem to be doing better now, which is good.
No. 970921
File: 1588957890951.jpg (288.06 KB, 1080x2146, Screenshot_20200508_180739.jpg)

Hey so I'm just gonna drop this here because I'm honestly tired of this man, and if cheyenne still reads these, I'm sorry for posting this if it's something you're not comfortable with
I won't show my initial message to cheyenne because it has some personal stuff, but I was involved with Cry for a little while and although I knew about these threads, I didn't want to believe any of it was real. I messaged Cheyenne a while back because I started feeling insecure, but she pretty much confirmed everything to me,including the whole thing with Red. I messaged her from an alt account because honestly, sometimes this guy scares me and I didnt want her to know who I was in case it went back to him
She asked if I was Beckens, so I can only assume he has something going with her too, will post the second screenshot after this one
No. 970922
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No. 970963
>>970921>>970922sorry, but are you able to clarify where the milk is in these screenshots? this is literally just a rehash of what we just discussed, with a good post from
>>969321there was a lot of cheating, but if it was with red that is easily something that happened… 5+ years ago? its clear that that isnt something that is current in his life.
theres not really any record of "new" teenagers hes fucking around with and theres still not a single 12-15 year old that has provided evidence. these screenshots are as you said from cheyenne
what was the point of your post?
No. 970975
>>970963I guess to rehash the same shit. She thought Cry was involved with Beckens because SonofLiberty, her ex, thought she was involved with him. SOL has been seen commenting all over her tweets, so I'm not surprised he told Cheyenne about it when he was freaking out for no reason.
The other stuff is the same shit that's been said time and time again, like the other anon said, and has been over 5 years since this stuff has happened.
This milk is so curdled.
No. 971980
Posting another comment here because I think it's important to note.
Since the majority of recent information regarding Cry being a pedo comes from Cheyenne, I think we should take it with a grain of salt. YES he did in fact talk to Cheyenne when she was a minor, but they started dating when she was 18. Yes, he did talk to Ocean when she was a minor, and although thats gross af, it was 5+ years ago.
About the SonOfLiberty stuff, again, we should take it with a grain of salt. He sided with Cheyenne, even though she was a known abuser.
Speaking of which, quick question for those who know more about the topic- did Ocean reveal their relationship before or after Cheyenne and Cry split up? I just find it weird that Cheyenne and Ocean are mutuals on twitter.
Also, even though it's an opinion, I don't think Cry's intentions were predatory, at least not with Cheyenne. If his whole intent was to manipulate a minor for sexual shit, why would he continue dating her after all the shit she pulled? She was literally tearing all of his friendships apart and abusing him- if he was trying to take advantage of her then he did a shit job cause she obviously took advantage of him and used him. In my opinion, I think it was a genuine love, not driven by predatory thoughts. Doesn't make it any less gross, but still, I don't think his true intentions were malicious. Cheating was shitty, but he was in an abusive relationship. That tends to happen when people feel like they arent being loved.
Also like the above comments said, we have no proof of Cry still talking to minors. I also don't think he was ever involved with Beckens. This is some serious curdled milk.
It's not surprising that Cheyenne is attempting to use Cry AGAIN for popularity. Abusive people like that want attention even if it is negative attention. IN the end, Cheyenne was the abuser. She is trying to sugar coat what she did by making Cry seem worse.
No. 972093
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It's so fucking stupid to me that Cheyenne thinks she has cptsd because her mom died from an overdose. Yeah, that's terrible, but people suffer from cptsd from years of actual abuse.
You don't get cptsd from your mom dying and your boyfriend cheating on you and then you abusing the fuck out of him for 3 years. Get the fuck over yourself.
No. 972768
>>971819half of this is an opinion though. the minor accusations didnt appear until cheyenne started spewing it like
>>971980 said.
even the red dating stuff is still cheyenne banter, we can just sort of assume it happened but is there proof of any other party saying that it did?
the other unfortunate part of this all is we are saying he talked to these girls as underages, etc, but i have to wonder what the actual dynamic was of them meeting for the first time online. maybe not so much in 2015 did girls lie about their age, but in 2010 pretty much everyone on the internet was young and would say they were much older. i mean, people still do that now i guess
just like, i have to wonder if in the beginning cry even knew they were young? cause he quit talking w/ cheyenne till she was of age. sorta same with ocean right? or am i forgetting something w that
No. 974342
>>972093she use to be a tumblr user, of course she says she has cptsd.
Cheyenne reminds me of those people
who get way too cocky just because they have a hot gf. With the way she acts, (posting about using shrooms and smoking weed, etc) it’s like she’s a 16 yr old stuck in a 24 yr old’s body.
No. 974511
>>974063This exactly. I don't care if people think he's changed to be honest, he still did what he did and has not owned up to it. Sure, to some people it might just be opinion that he did it - but are we forgetting people had literally confessed years ago that he had made them feel uncomfortable and then they were bullied off of tumblr for speaking up about it? Cheyennes accusations add to that. Sure, she might not be super reliable but at least she's publicly came forward and addressed that her attitude wasn't the best.
Also I'm fairly certain we brought up that they were dating before she turned 18 a couple of threads ago, but I might be wrong about that.
Something's still incredibly off about this guy and his fans are just sucking up to him.
No. 974617
>>974566He used to be milky. Literally there's nothing recent. Cheyenne is an ongoing dumpster fire.
I'm not defending Cry, I'm just saying this 5 year old milk is boring as fuck.
No. 978224
File: 1590273995466.png (Spoiler Image,4.85 MB, 1608x1608, onlyfans.png)

Ehh fuck it. Here ya'll go, the pictures that
>>977783 mentioned
No. 986299
>>986294I came in late too so I'm not sure what happened but what I did see was.. Intense.
He should definitely call his therapist or something if he's able, he's clearly not in the best mindset right now
No. 986309
>>986289just from what i heard (not 100% sure still)
apparently some people was saying he was only streaming because of the money
and cry said that wasnt the case, he wants to make people happy
No. 987334
>>987319This exactly
The way he's interacting with minors is still VERY creepy, but he didn't rape someone
No. 987401
>>987400..and if this thread were about him that would matter. I'm sure he's fine. The point is Cry is unhinged and bullying people under the guise of being a "better person."
Also what did Jund say in the past?
No. 987414
File: 1592176564284.png (600.85 KB, 1440x2846, Screenshot_20200614-191454~2.p…)

Here's screenshots of him saying nigga on twitter, I'm not OP nor do I have the stream clips but this was just from a cursory glance.
No. 987415
>>987413"Representation for LGBTQ doesn't matter" is not even on the same planet as not caring about a video game character's sexual orientation.
Anyway, off topic. You're basically saying because he said a thing no one ever reported him as saying however many years ago that he deserved to be bullied by Cry when everyone in the stream thought Cry was being an asshole.
No. 987418
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Didn't find any mentions of anything LGBT on his twitter but there were a few boring ones where he bitched about being called a faggot and these.
No. 987422
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>>987405Aaand heres Cry saying nigga. All from years ago.
No. 987432
>>987431Oh god that was - so cringey wtf
Jund wasn't even being negative tbh, he was being fairly lighthearted about it
Jesus christ, Cry
No. 987434
>>987431The way he basically put Jund in a corner
''You're confused because you're not used to me expressing myself''
It's a fucking video game, man
No. 987664
>>987653A whole lot of apologizers in this thread, huh.
Jund has been a known edgelord for a long time. Let's not pretend he's baby just because Cry yelled at him.
No. 987792
>>987750I understand where you're coming from, and that word in particular is in a weird limbo due to it's reclaimed meaning, use in popular culture, etc.
But the main point is that society has deemed it wrong to say. To continue to use it, despite knowing that it's been used to hurt people, and still hurts people, makes you at best callous and uncaring.
No. 987883
>>987431hearing the discussion about the trailer, gonna say I think Cry's had some feelings towards Jund, and this was a tipping point. The argument is exactly like countless arguments I've had with a friend, over shit like this. And the problem was that they did this not just with trailers, but this pessimistic/judgy attitude seeped everywhere and it became excruciating to deal with on a regular basis. And then Jund is like "it's just a trailer, I'm giving my thoughts about the trailer" but it's not about Jund's opinion on the trailer, it's that it's another jenga tile on a huge tower of "just trailers".
I'm just tinfoiling that what happened there was deeper than the trailer itself. It seemed telling that Cry is saying that him discussing/expressing himself is "out of character".
Honestly I think his family is reaching
toxic levels of dependency at this point. Everything he's done so far, starting the youtube channel because he wanted to impress an ex, continuing because he has to support not just his mother and brother, but also his sister and her daughter, while the mother was in a string of
abusive relationships and has turned Cry into a father role he was honestly never prepared for. And at some point he was supporting Chey as well. He's just done shit for others all his life and now he's stuck in this place or his family can't survive.
I am not surprised he is venting about his sister. I'd resent the hell out of her.
No. 987886
>>987883sorry for doubleposting but also he keeps saying he doesn't care about money. I don't think he does, but his family sure does! And he dragged his friends into streams, which means they need money too. Does he even leave the house anymore? And for him to even mention his real name, wow, coming from a guy who used to literally pay websites everywhere to hide himself, I can tell he's getting exhausted.
Hate him or defend him the guy is reaching breaking point. I really think him moving out AND finding some IRL friends that matter will help him. His mother and brother turned him into a father at a young age.
No. 988675
Idk if this helps the conversation in any way, but I've thought Cry had cheated for many years, but I was never interested to keep up with the story. Now I see Chey has actually confirmed it. spilled the tea in 2015 in his "In the Room" comment section (a thread which I think he removed a short while after he posted the comments), and I took screenshots before that just in case this all came to light down the line whoops. From this exchange, I can tell this was honestly free info in their circle. Wouldn't have trusted Chey to keep her personal shit to herself anyway, she probably let everyone and their mommas know what he did.
No. 988706
>>986294>>986293>>986299what the fuck is this? is this actually a women's forum? you pickmes are all boo-hooing and sympathizing with a literal predator who's having a public breakdown after he was exposed for the creep he is?
30yo pornsick limp dick manchildren who prey on young girls are not your friends. Get a grip.
No. 988939
>>988811These threads have always been fan clubs on lolcow where anything he does is excused.
Sure, he's a bit creepy but ~his voice~!
No. 988997
>>988675anon that elephant in the room video and comment section was linked in the very first Cry thread
>>988685anon how tf is that bullying, this is a disagreement between two friends online, saying "because you always shit on things" is not bullying lol
>>988939you realise this string of cry threads have existed for 4 years now and the accusations of being a predator came up in this thread, right? Coincidentally when Chey had a fit on twitter about him?
like at this point cry AND chey were both equally shitty people who ruined each other. Cry is apparently a creep and cheater, Chey was publicly a bitch to anyone with a pulse. They don't excuse each other, and no amount of "I was different back then uwu" is just gonna erase all the bullshit she did especially when there are 4 years worth of receipts to back it up
Chey could have broken up with him to spare her mental integrity, Cry could have broken up since he's apparently incapable of keeping his peepee in his pants. They both dun goofed, except Chey insists of dragging out her old laundry in public with her gf right behind her egging her on without any indisputable proof of what she's talking about
Like either get over it privately, go to therapy, deal with your shit and move on with your life to start a fresh presence on the internet without him or bring the damn receipts if you're gonna call out someone.
If Cheyenne gets to have her "I've changed, I'm a different person now" moment then so does Cry. And if Cry is still a predator, then Cheyenne is still an asshole. You can't have it both ways YEARS after it's happened. If she came out with all that shit at the time of the breakup I'd be more inclined to take Cheyenne seriously and consider that Cry is a serial cheater who gets off on his anonymity because he's so secret and mysterious he builds up the hype without having to actually do anything
And yeah you know what, sometimes you do dumb shit even if it's obvious. I don't doubt some part of Cheyenne loved Cry and also loved the attention she got from him. I don't blame her for not having the wisdom to dump his ass when it first happened. You learn the hard way. But I am SURE she also knows Cry would 100000% never bring any of this drama up himself so she gets to have a monopoly on the narrative right now knowing he won't show up to debate it
Also this is a fucking gossip thread we're not a jury, it doesn't matter what anyone here believes
No. 989062
>>989060Same anon here but I just wanted to add more to what I was saying
People like Onision and like someone else added, Dahvie have all been outed as predators. I can't think of another forum like this that keeps a content creator being a predator to themselves. I feel like we sort of have a responsibility to make him address it at this point?
It disgusts me that he thinks he can go on about redeeming himself and getting therapy, but continues to dodge all of this
People need to see him for how he truly is because for all we know, all of this going to therapy bullshit could very easily be a cover up and whats stopping people who know him (possibly even members of the crew) from speaking up against him- they might think he's getting better and don't want to derail him from that
I'm sorry if that sounds confusing, I confused myself a couple of times there
His audience is very impressionable, so I feel like keeping this hidden isn't a good idea anymore
No. 989098
>>988706He had a breakdown because he realised he's 31 and just sits inside playing video games all day. He hasn't been #exposed, I can't even find anyone else talking about the allegations.
Cheyenne's tweets blew over without most his fans even being aware of them. It's pretty likely that the 16yo he had "skype sex" with is Ocean, but she just has a couple vague tumblr posts from 2018 calling him a pos. When she first got discussed in an earlier thread she wouldn't talk but you're welcome to try asking her again if you want to do what
>>989060 says to try and publicly cancel him.
The only other person who's claimed to be a
victim of Cry is the anon with the french police report earlier in this thread who's convinced he's hacking her laptop.
It's pretty much impossible to convince people he's a predator when no one is coming forward to accuse him, and especially when none of them are showing evidence. Depending on what "skype sex" actually means in this case it might also be difficult to prove he's done anything illegal, since most sexting laws are focused on images. If it was just texting it might not be covered by the law, and if it was video calls there probably isn't evidence. Being a creepy pos to teen girls is unfortunately very hard to prosecute, especially when it happened six to eight years ago. And like
>>988939 said, it's even harder when no one wants to believe it because he's uwu stream dad.
Look at what happened a few years back when that girl tried to accuse Markiplier. The harassment she got was insane. It's easier to convince the public that Onision is a predator because he's already a greasy creep. It's harder when it's someone like Cry who's cultivated this chill wholesome sjw vibe, especially with how secretive about his identity he is. No one will believe he's dragging teens to his basement, and his fans will crucify anyone who tries to accuse him.
No. 989110
File: 1592512563908.png (23.19 KB, 566x187, twitter.PNG)

This is all I could really find of people mentioning it. So it looks like some people are aware, it just isn't as widespread as it should be.
No. 989111
honest question, not aggro: how many of you here are new/only been here recently?
I ask because 3 years ago there was a supposed leak of Ocean and Cry messages, and the imgur links are still up
>>274524 (unsure if linking this way still works, I'll add the link here just in case, too)
>>>/snow/274524>>>/snow/274603>>>/snow/274649direct imgur/gyoza links if you cannot be bothered to click on the links themselves (they do contain context/explanations and other anon speculation though) still don't know to this day if they are real or fake. Take everything with a grain of salt
No. 989115
>>989111I've been here since those images first surfaced and to be completely honest, i've always thought they were real and still do now.
I know ocean and simple came on the threads saying that they weren't but that could have been to try and cover ocean from any harassment, and simple is cry's friend i think? not sure if he still is but was then, so it's a bit weird for him and ocean to be friends when ocean very publicly disliked cry
No. 989234
how the FUCK does this thread get bumped by autismos/vendetta-chans who dont know how to sage on a monthly basis?
what child predator thing has come out about him recently that shows he has on-going creepy behavior involving minors? why do farmers still insist on NOT posting milk if it is true? twitter screencaps, vods, clips, anything? what """Proof""" do you guys have that you are likening him to the dahvie guy whos actually raped children? is quarantine making you this bored?
and sorry to all the pickme twitter girls who think 1 or 2 allegations from a shitty
abusive ex is enough to get lolcow to be your personal army; accusations from cheyenne aren't proof and never will be.
>>987056>>989050>>989062you still have no evidence posted to the thread of him being a child predator, none has ever come up
>>986911>>987013>>987185>>987186>>988706hi underage b8 twitter anons, can you go back to twitter to seethe?
>>987405>>987414this infighting gag you two have going here is incredibly lame, as
>>987542 said all of this shit is from literal years ago when saying "nigger" on the internet didnt mean you were racially putting someone down and against BLM and whatever the fuck you guys are turning it into. using nigger on the internet still really means nothing especially in video game communities, and honestly, who cares
No. 989242
>>989234People have came out about him being a predator on tumblr years ago plus the whole ocean situation?
calm down and stop defending a nonce, salty balty
No. 989591
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wonder what this ''very important video'' is going to be
No. 990129 to the video.
tdlr; he says he cheated on chey with people who are underage but he didnt know they were underage at the time. he apologizes for it and says he's changed, then links the stream video from his birthday. i'm pretty positive he has changed.
No. 990142
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I'm really surprised he addressed it. Though, a two second mention out of the entire video feels like brushing it over. Looking at the comments/his twitter most people still aren't even acknowledging it. This is the only reply I saw calling him out.
He's being so vague about it. "cheated on my girlfriend with." "began relations with." I know it's unlikely he actually fucked a minor but if nudes were exchanged and there's evidence that's enough to get him in serious legal trouble. Be interesting to see if he streams tonight since I doubt the rest of LNC will want to be involved in this, but given all the fans talking about how "brave" he is and how much they love him it feels like this could just blow over.
No. 990217
>>990213He stated in the description it was all online anyways. I doubt he would go public with this if there were a ton of
victims that could step forward and out him on more serious charges tbh.
No. 990239
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Looks like this person spoke up too
No. 990252
>>990236Pretty telling he apparently got back in touch with her a year ago and tried fucking around again. Sure doesn't sound like she got a private apology. Will hopefully shut up the people trying to argue "it happened years ago uwu he's changed".
So, including Cheyenne that's at least two girls that he put on a back burner until they turned 18. Yikes. That's a pattern.
No. 990253
>>990236also in those images cry admits to "messing with his best friend's girl"
how come Russ has been so okay with this so far? didn't he know?
No. 990259
This is a bit old, but here is somebody who modded for Cry and is Ocean's friend confirming what we know about his cheating habits and creepy behaviour towards fans., he's also apparently an awful friend and affected this individual's personal relationship quite a bit. No. 990268
>>990217>>990213Wait, so all of this cheating was digital? Was he sexting people or pulling a projared and sending / getting innapropriate pics?
There has to be more to this right? That's it? This isn't cool at all but the way you all were talking about it sounded 100x worse than this.
No. 990270
>>990269Where did you get that? Did one of the
victims say that?
No. 990279
>>990277This, people have been saying shit for years now and still no proof. This is why I want to believe the
victims and I want them to come out with some kind of proof, text messages, SOMETHING. Right now we have nothing but Cry rambling. People above were thinking how can they make the accusations go viral and talked about him saying "nigga" (ffs this isn't tumblr guys). People keep asking for proof, but no one posts here, no one posts online and people keep subtweeting about it, it's getting annoying. Now is people's chance to show proof. But, that hasn't happened yet, and it annoys me.
No. 990283
>>990279There definitely is proof out there since Cry confirmed dating underaged girls online and being very awful to them. If he want to redeem himself at least one bit, he should post all of the available logs for all people to see, of course after getting the consent of the
victims (with proof) to make it public first.
No. 990291
If you don't have new information/screenshots and are just stating your opinion or discussing please put sage in the email field to avoid bumping the thread unnecessarily.
>>990282He said it was an online relationship and not physical, but that doesn't automatically mean nudes, could have been only explicit messages. That doesn't make it any less disgusting or inappropriate, but we shouldn't spread misinformation just to be sensationalist. Wait for someone actually involved to confirm. There are people on twitter rn calling him an actual physical rapist and exaggerating like that just convinces his fans that everyone must be exaggerating.
>>990283Fucking disgusting, it sounds like you just want to read those messages. I agree he should make another video clearly stating what he did and what he's doing now (e.g. if he's going to step back from interacting with fans, remove donations from his twitch etc), but there's no need to further upset
victims with something like that.
No. 990294
>>990282Old screenshots in older threads and his bio on the YT vid don't mention nudes.
Try again
No. 990302
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No. 990306
>>990296We are complaining becuase you all said NUDES where involved. NOT ONE
People are annoyed because by throwing false accusations with some legitimate ones fans will NOT BELIEVE YOU.
No. 990308
>>990306why do you care though? What's it to you personally if there are accusations of nudes or no proof or whatever?
Like I get it, but if you aren't Cry talking, then it doesn't matter to you. The point is that he did something shitty more than once
No. 990312
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So the crew cares more about making money. Yikes.
No. 990313
>>990312Its likely they all knew about this for years so its not like their opinions would suddenly change.
Also I'm pretty sure Snake and Russ solely rely on this for income so yes, I expect they'd err on the side of not being homeless.
No. 990336
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>>990330And just like that, the brigade is out
No. 990343
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"The only way cry can apologize is to surrender himself to the law. "
No. 990344
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Would what he did be considered grooming?
No. 990350
>>990343There's pretty much no chance Cry is convicted of anything based on the complete lack of evidence other than sexual text, where it would still have to be proven that the assailant actually knew the
victim was underage.
No. 990352
>>990344Grooming doesn't need to be from adult to child/young person, it can be between adults too. Grooming essentially means emotionally prepping someone to behave in a way you want, without their conscious consent of that purpose. The act of doing this to someone who isn't aware what you are doing to them is ultimately more harmful than good, is
abusive. They may think they are autonomous and aware but as soon as something changes they become distressed, which perpetuates the cycle because they are too worried they'll lose them if they leave
What could be considered grooming is Cry's hot and cold aloof tendencies with the fans. Rewarding them with affection from their senpai, sexting as well, but then on the flip side retreating or becoming distant and turning the blame on them for being clingy. In one of the threads he told the person either break up with their SO or stay with Cry. That sort of ultimatum, if true, is very
abusive, considering he wasn't even willing to commit to them in the first place
I don't know if he actually knew that they were all younger, specifically. For all we know the
victims were faceless females with anime profile pics and sweet voices, which don't indicate age. Maybe he did know though, maybe they told them about their troubles, or about school, considering a lot of people opened up to him because they thought he'd understand
His extra anonymity was better for him because he de facto never showed himself to anyone; Unlike Projared who willingly shared nudes with his face included, no fan would ever dare trespass Cry's boundary of keeping his face hidden. Therefore nobody would probably ever ask, either. His voice and his words were enough. And considering how easy it is to fake screenshots, any proof that comes out has the burden of being called fake.
No. 990362
>>990352>>990352Yep, he lucked out on not showing anything about his real life. No one knows definitive facts about him other than:
> his name is Ryan (which is a common name and not unique, giving him an advantage) > he lives in Florida > he is chubby/fat/ not a uwu bishi pretty boy (based on what how he has described himself over the years and how he recently cried about praying he never ends up like boogie2988)>his voice is real and not fake (this is honestly the only lead we might have because he never altered his voice). The only way we will find out who he is and what he looks like is if one of his closest friends (Russ/Jund/Snake), ex-girlfriend (Chey), or IRL close friends that know what he does online release the deets, but they will never do that. Everything else is speculation. It's amazing really, that in this day and age, he hasn't been outed irl 100%. He's really lucky he got away with it this far.
No. 990376
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Chey's tweets on the matter
No. 990379
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No. 990380
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No. 990382
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No. 990407
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A moment of silence for those who had tattoos. Shame I remember seeing one around a year ago of a sup guy that looked real cute.
No. 990411
>>990407My best friend got one last year and now it's the biggest regret of her life lmao
Poor souls
No. 990414
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Amazing how all the old screencaps I have that I thought were funny are actually a glimpse into the hellish future.
No. 990424
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lol and somehow she is still a victim. make them all go irrelevant and nonexistent please
No. 990433
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>>990424Got I can't stand it, she gets away scott free
>>990428She most likely knows but is staying silent because Cry made her popular, same with Arcadeum and the mods, Draxr and others close in that circle.
Looks like people are trying to contact the FBI and Florida patrol on Cry now, they want a bin of all possible leaks, screaming groomer, etc. People need to calm the fuck down lmao, I need to see the further detailed video tomorrow, I'm hoping for some more leaks/DMs for everyone to implode. Because if Cry ends up leaving, so does everyone else, Jund, Russ, Snake and others rely on Cry for the LNC stream every week so they won't make it themselves. When they stream by themselves they have a few hundred people. They're fucked by proximity as well, this is what people don't understand.
No. 990434
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No. 990444
>>990434Cheyenne said everyone in the crew knew though?
Who’s lying?
No. 990447
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>>990445That they knew about Cry messing with underage girls/Red
No. 990449
File: 1592721497217.jpeg (116.25 KB, 750x657, 90CBBE64-ABB1-4798-BC24-627514…)

Honestly, I would’ve expected Jund to brush this off based on his past behavior/character. I know you can’t believe everything online but I feel that he might’ve been one of the crew members who didn’t know all the details and is legitimately blindsided by how bad it is.
No. 990451
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>>990449Sounds like he wasn’t.
No. 990460
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>>990444>>990451>>990457Chey's lied about other stuff before, so she probably exaggerated how much they knew. I'm assuming as far as they knew, he didn't do anything with Chey until she was of age (something she has said herself before)
Snake also admitted he did't know anything other than that Cry cheated on Chey until he saw Chey's twitter rants, and then I assume he just found out about the other shit when Cry posted the video.
No. 990475 read this thing that keeps getting reposted as "proof" of something and all I see is "socially manipulative asshole".
With a horde of underage female fans in those days any interaction with them could be worded in a way that makes it sound like he's trying to get in their pants. If he's really waiting for 18 before going FULL asshole, all it takes is a few of them lying before shit goes south.
But hey, you graze up against the 3rd rail of pedo and there goes the career. Trying to hang him over being "emotionally involved with people under the age of 18" (actual tweet). Not romantically, EMOTIONALLY. Fucking hell.
No. 990476
>>990460Yeah, say what you will about Cry. But Chey is no saint. She's a fucking lunatic, who mentally and physically abuses people. She treated Cry, Russ, and Jund like shit, and then blamed them for her shitty behaviour. The only person who she didn't have the balls to insult was Snake, and it's because she knew he wouldn't have any of her bullshit.
She also tried exposing Cry a few months ago on these same accounts because she wanted to reboot her Twitch career and because she wasn't selling nudes very well on Twitter. She's an absolute scumbag through-and-through, and hasn't changed an iota.
No. 990479
>>990476Same thing with Angel too. She is all about positivity and wholesomeness. But if you pay attention to anything she does more than two seconds, you realize that she's a super judgmental, edgy, fucked up person who has literally no empathy for anyone who even remotely disagrees with her.
Rumors are out there that she was manipulating Cry for a long time. She'd act all nice to him to get stuff, and the moment he stepped out of line, she'd verbally berate him to get what she wanted. Gross asshole.
No. 990482
>>990481I can't say any of the juicy shit because I have too many morals about sharing DMs. Especially since I gathered those DMs from a third party.
So take everything I'm saying with an entire salt-shaker full of salt. But I'm close to both Cry and some of his other entangling issues, and Angel isn't the Angel she SJW saint she pretends to be.
No. 990490
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more tweets from cheyenne about this all
No. 990501
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>>990490yawn she's still going on saying they knew things they didn't actually know
No. 990502
>>990501How do we know they didn't actually know? At the end of the day none of us know LNC personally and we don't know how far they'd go to save face.
If they're all meant to be so close to Cry and essentially be his only friends outside of all the minors he's groomed, they obviously knew a lot more than they're letting on.
No. 990503
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No. 990506
>>990502The Crew and Cry don't really hang out that much. Cry has a very small group of people he hangs out with, and only really hangs out with the rest of the gang on Saturdays. It's been that way for years.
The others have nothing to lose. It's not like they're stay on a sinking ship with Cry. The question is, will they move on independently or not? I assume they will, but who knows.
No. 990518
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How does one girl have so much fecal matter leaking from her mouth? Where does it all come from?
No. 990519
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>>990518He even states it had nothing to do about the cheating with an underage person stuff, but about her behavior at the time. Like he was supposed to read hours of posts.
No. 990527
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>>990519He was always my favorite LNC member.
Chey is projecting her anger for Cry at Snake right now.
No. 990532
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Fuck this actual cunt. She's such a hypocrite. Why does anyone even listen to her anymore?
No. 990533
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I'm completely on Snake's side here.
No. 990538
>>990530She's done this since the beginning. High-key manipulative,
abusive behavior. It's disgusting, and she does it to everyone around her if she doesn't get her way. She's a total sociopath with zero empathy, while also being the perfect
victim that can do no wrong (besides guiding multiple people to suicidal ideation, in public, in front of thousands of people, and then denying it saying she knew anything was wrong.)
Sound familiar?
No. 990540
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>>988675speak of the devil pog
No. 990543
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>>990540Wonder if Markiplier and Pewdiepie will say anything, I know there are people out there who still wanted them to do collabs.
No. 990551
>>990548"Please help, I am helpless
victim, please stop the evil mean man who did the evil mean thing."
Honestly, she should just shut up and let Cry implode on his own. She's not helping at all. Just go have rage-sex with your lame-ass girlfriend, record it for the onlyfans, and call it a day.
No. 990554
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She’s never satisfied. One moment she’s wanting him to admit to everything and the next he’s… ruining her pace of moving on? She realizes she’s not the only victim, right?
Cheyenne, just shut the hell up. You are only making this worse for yourself and gonna cause people not to listen to your story, as well as others.
No. 990557
>>990554oh god, a prime example of how to lose all the right you had by having a shitty bf:
she caused a public stink WITH HER GIRLFRIEND about how he cheated on her and abused her mentally and how hurt she was from it, she showed bitterness that nobody came up to her for forgiveness (not with that personality they won't), in the beginning of cry's drama she said she finally felt some catharsis
and now she's "moved on and brought it back"? NO CHEY, YOU HAVEN'T MOVED ON! Clearly! If you had you would have been pleased the information is out there but felt a peace of mind that you are better than you were back then. If you had you would not have been running around trying to smear his name publicly until he's forced to speak (not that I am defending Cry here, he's clearly in the wrong)
It's this shit right here that makes me roll my eyes at her. She could have just accepted it, it's not like she's hanging out with LNC anymore anyway. She's away from them with her own life and girlfriend, why not be happy with what you have now instead of digging up the past to be angry again? Jeez.
No. 990558
>>990554LOL is she saying she never wanted this to never come out to the public? Or is she just pissed she's not the only one getting attention? Him admitting it from his own mouth to everyone should make her fucking happy he's admitted he abused people.
But no, Chey, you're never happy, even though it's his story, it's the other 2 girls story, hell it's even Russ and Reds story since you keep fucking bringing that up and saying it's all connected. Get over yourself.
It. Is. Not. All. About. You.
The others need this too.
No. 990563
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The way she is reacting towards Snake bringing up Shards of Iso is very telling.
Why are you deflecting so hard about that particular situation? It’s like she really doesn’t want people to know about that night. Or take responsibility that she didn’t just bully Ziegs off LNC.
No. 990565
>>990558Oh how little you know, young padowan. It was always about her. She is the only one that matters.
>>990563She desperately hopes people don't remember how awful she is. But the internet doesn't forget your sins, even if you were the
victim. No. 990589
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No. 990667
>>990665Would it be possible for LNC to continue without Cry? That's the only solution where everyone's demands get met:
1. Cry gets deplatformed
2. LNC continues so the fans still have something to watch
3. Rest of the LNC crew gets to continue and not have their only source of money taken away from them
No. 990775
>>990771it's because of retarded twitter fags trying to #cancel him and the most evidence I've seen is that "he made me feel good, now I'm sad because he played with my feelings" all, online. No nudes, and everything released as far as DMs is "uw you are cute/i love you/ go to bed" It's gay cringey shit but not enough to get sent to court. Not even Chis Hansen level expose. And now Chey is attacking Snake and Jund and saying they are all gaslighting and trying to bring them to ruin.
If you have a problem, it's with Cry, and she even MADE UP with him and said it isn't a big deal and wanted to put it behind her. Now this.
No. 990780
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No. 990782
>>990775I think that's something that's getting me.
Cry said that he had spoken to Cheyenne multiple times and has apologised. Christine and Cheyenne have also both said that he's apologised, and even uploaded a screenshot of some of his apology, they said that they had a talk on Cheyennes stream.
Where is all of this suddenly coming from?
No. 990783
>>990775There were nudes exchanged. Even ignoring my own sources information he straight up admits to cheating on Chey in his video.
>>990780He absolutely knew. Maybe not as much as he thought, but he knew something, and that traces back to Chey as well.
No. 990785
>>990783What is defined as cheating though?
Talking to another girl while dating is cheating.
Watching porn while dating is cheating.
He said he cheated, but he never said NUDES were involved.
Did he cheat? Yes. But the cheating consist of talking with fans, nothing about getting nudes from them .
No. 990787
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No. 990791
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God I fucking hate twitter
No. 990793
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No. 990797
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>>990793You see. I told you all.
Also some retard tried linking this thread hours ago, looks like Chey knew about it and of course probably posted here trying to incriminate everyone.
No. 990802
>>990801How dare you say that.
Holly Conrad does not deserved that, Chey is nowhere near what Holly has accomplished.
No. 990804
>>990802anon true lmao but she's getting there. Holly is her own league by now, a queen of the pasture
But still, it's true, she had her moment of feeling relieved and heard, and now she just wants to drag everyone down… because stonks? I guess? She's not gaining anything except creating a mob against the others
Like I get it, you feel a surge of adrenaline and excitement now that you have some power back in your hands but you haven't dealt with these people in months, if not years, there is nothing to gain mentally or otherwise by harassing them trying to "worm out" a truth
No. 990808
>>990804How? Unlike Holly, she was a lolcow in her own right prior to this. Even she gets her wish and everyone falls down, she's still a cow and will still post nudes and smoke pot on stream while acting stupid on twitter.
Holly just vents and talks like a normal person on twitter. Chey isn't like that
No. 990812
>>990810If Chey gets her wish probably.
Before she would shit on and stop fun playthroughs on stream. Now she gets to destroy the entire show by using other
victims message and try and twist them to push her own narrative of everyone who was on the stream as evil and guilty.
No. 990816
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chey is deleting her tweets from when she was taking severe jabs at some of the lnc. unsurprising
No. 990817
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>>990782It's all a vendetta
>>990781You're right, and this statement validates it
No. 990822
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>>990816There she goes
The video wasn't for you Chey, it was for the other girls. So self-centered
No. 990826
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No. 990827
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She says she forgives him but is mad that he came out, and now she's mad she's not getting attention? lmao
No. 990829
>>990827One minute she wants him to own up to it, the next he has no right to own up to it?
Makes no sense, man.
No. 990830
>>990808holly was always a cow, people just didn't care back then, you clearly must be new to holly's antics
she was a cow back in heroes of cosplay when she scammed cancer patients and she was passive aggressive about mass effect fans not choosing her self insert, and she was a cow in the height of her career and she's a cow now
they are both self-victimizing cows
No. 990836
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Chey's girlfriend speaks
No. 990839
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No. 990841
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No. 990842
>>990777"They can't provide proof because they're the
victim" does not mean declaring themselves a
victim is itself proof. Anyone can say anything, using specific language as a woman does not automatically make them default to being right.
You may not usually get it in as so many words, but this is the pushback on "believe women". It's shitty that this actually lets some people get away with things, but if we swing the other way too far cancel culture gets even more out of control.
No one is a "
victim" just for getting their feelings hurt.
No. 990844
>>990840lol, so fucking 2 faced they are. They acted like they were still friends and it was water under the bridge during her twitch stream.
>>990842Thank you! I'm for the
victim but this is literally "believe women" meme that makes so many people push back and think this is more #metoo #cancelled garbage. People will believe you and give you support but sooner or later you need to show some kind of evidence and not just take your word for it. This gay shit fucks over and invalidates women with real concerns. I'm sick of it.
No. 990846
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No. 990848
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I wonder what Ocean sent to Chey?
>>990846Looks like LNC is a wrap. God do I wish to be a fly on the wall.
No. 990852
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Dodger's take
No. 990856
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Looks like Ocean (was he a former mod?) is pissed
No. 990859
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No. 990860
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Didn't know Coyote was a former mod
No. 990871
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No. 990875
>>990869Again, if he's suffering from delusions or mania, he might not be in a healthy place to make logical decisions. Again, all tinfoil. It's just a
valid concern when someone is very obviously having a midlife crisis.
No. 990876
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>>990857Arcadeum's response
No. 990877
>>990861i thought about this exactly but wasn't sure how to put it into words. they're definitely linked.
i'm thinking also he was about to be outed by somoene else so he decided to do it himself.
No. 990881
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Jund didn't say LNC is over, for now at least
No. 990883
valid. If they want to do their own thing, I'd support them. They weren't responsible for Cry being an idiot, no matter how much Chey is gonna pretend it's all their fault.
No. 990887
File: 1592775113038.jpg (53.25 KB, 674x478, give an inch, take a mile.JPG)

they won't just quit
No. 990890
>>990856you know someone is new when they don't know ocean…
no, anon, ocean is one of the people cry cheated on Chey with LOL
No. 990891
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No. 990896
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No. 990900
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the "in the room" video was unprivated
No. 990901
>>990881The problem with the others running LNC, is Cry has all the numbers. All of the subs are on his account. All of the followers.
Think about how many people sub to Cry on Twitch, MOST of them have not seen his video or his confession. They'd have to get him to host them, which isn't a guarantee. They're kind of boned.
They could rebrand, (which they should imo) but they'd have to start a little backwards. Probably their best bet.
No. 990902
>>990895he's either lying or the medication is weak/ not doing anything to curb is mania. He's been on a "save the world/super woke" high and didn't realize joking about a furry game is the same IRL prejudice.
He's realized that he's free to say what's on his mind, but he's still immiature, due to lack of IRL experience as to how to control his thoughts and behaviors, as if he's a big manchild that finally realizes he can dress himself so he goes way overboard.
No. 990904
>>990900wow, wasn't excepting that, nice
>>990901yep and that's why even if they keep LNC, who's going to host? everything, the artwork, sayings (leppy), popular emotes, people saving streams (Daxr), etc. is centered around Cry. Everyone else is just part of the backdrop.
No. 990911
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No. 990933
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Idiots going after Acadeum
No. 990939
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Looks like Cry really isn't going to continue being part of the crew
No. 990943
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>>990929Quasi-off-topic sidenote, I guess judging by their Twitter they're a she now. Things change, I suppose. Good for her.
No. 990959
>>990957From what inside information I have awareness of, no. He just made this decision unilaterally, and talked to his therapist after the backlash occurred.
My big worry is that he hasn't really had a chance to talk to his therapist at all since his mental breakdown. He was feeling super euphoric after that event, so it's possible he didn't understand a problem was occurring.
No. 990963
I don’t see any path forward for Cry in the public eye. I believe his statements about never mentally maturing, as I’ve experienced that, and I know how it can influence behavior. But that doesn’t actually excuse anything. Everyone has a reason for how they act. If he actually thought that video would go over just fine, then he clearly is not seeing the reality of his situation, and obviously doesn’t undertand the consequences of his actions, which seems in line with his behavior. If that’s the case he shouldn’t be the center of a large fan base, and probably needs serious mental help.
Jund and Snake seem to be doing all they can at the moment. I don’t know how anyone would expect them to career suicide at what they had heard in the past. Whether it’s incomplete information, or allegations online, it just not reasonable. It sounds like Snake supported Chey when he found out about the cheating from her, which seems in line with his character. And it’s been pretty clear for years that Jund and Cry are not really friends, so I wouldn’t expect him to know all of Cry’s secrets, anc certainly wouldn’t expect him to hide them for him. If they say they didn’t know the extent, I don’t think anyone without unrealeased information really has a reason to doubt them.
And I understand Chey’s anger, but this lashing out at the other guys is just misplaced. Maybe she wishes one of them had looked deeper into everything before and done more, but that doesn’t mean they did anything wrong. She could’ve told them everything before and made a huge deal (rightfully) out of everything Cry did. If the guys didn’t do anything then, that would’ve warranted vilifying them, but that’s not what happened.
Hopefully Jund, Russ, and Snake can move on and start something of their own. I think they would be able to make it. I’ve fallen off of late night, but I would actually watch them. They have been the best part for a long time.
No. 990979
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yo zeigs is in the stream
No. 990982
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No. 990984
File: 1592781675906.jpg (66.49 KB, 700x586, 9827983275892.JPG)

He was manic LMAO
Jund said he said NOTHING LMAO
No. 991007
>>991001I missed most of it but came into the stream of him saying it's messed up, sounds like it's confirming everything in these threads so far.
>>991004thank you, it's too much for me to write it all so quickly and I don't want my account to get banned for clipping shit like they did with cry's breakdown
No. 991012
>>991010Russ is fucking breaking down, I just know it.
Russ was so close to Cry and was his first online friend. Jesus fucking christ. And from what Jund is saying, he's barely hanging on while Cry is coming down from his manic state.
This is all like a fucking fever dream, like some kind of fucked up timeline.
No. 991018
>>991014Who knew his breakdown was the beginning of the end. When he said he felt free I thought he was going to say his mind about stupid opinions about whatever he plays on screen and not be an uwu innocent pan boy, like shift his personality to something more like Russ and Tolo. Not fucking this…
All because of mania, he thought he was some kind of hero. He got "too woke" (Jund)
No. 991021
>>991019Yea the ADD is new to me. He's REALLY realized he fucked up now.
Look on the bright side, at least his sister and mom won't harrass him for money and he and his family will all need to get a fucking job, unfortunately it won't pay as much, but better than nothing.
No. 991042
I just hate how this fallout is affecting everyone. People are contacting Pewdiepie, Dodger, Tolo, Spoon Krism & Minx, Markiplier and so many others because of this. It's terrible.
>>991037You're right, Russ has been getting shit after shit from all of this
I swear to god Cry don't do anything stupid.
No. 991043
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Tolo is just like russ, completely silent and hasn't been saying shit for days, just retweeted Jund's post.
Knowing Tolo, he probably won't stream for the rest of the month or 2 till all of this dies down
No. 991045
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>>991042Minx has made a response on her twitter about it. I'm not sure about the others.
No. 991048
>>991044Sounds like Witwix is
abusive, based on what I'm seeing in Jund's stream
No. 991050
>>991048I remember back in an earlier thread Jen accused Witwix of being
abusive, but that was around the time that Sage was accusing Jund of being
Seems odd to me that people are bringing it up now and asking how Jen is. Thought maybe Witwix had said something that I missed.
No. 991060
File: 1592785278740.jpg (96.32 KB, 689x849, ziegs.JPG) the actual fuck, when she say "we" does she mean the rest of the crew?
No. 991098
>>991096the dumb girl will keep popping back in again to make some stupid remarks for attention. I thought this was about the
victims, not about her? Always about MEMEME!
No. 991099
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Being acknowledged
No. 991105
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>>991102What a fucking punk
No. 991108
yep, Chey is now a 100% vindicated uwu princess
give me a fucking break
>>991105 No. 991109
>>991105ziegs is a fucking
victim of chey. she is not at fault.
No. 991110
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Look who liked it
No. 991116
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No. 991122
>>991120It's been her gameplan from the beginning. Only reason it didn't work in January is because the people who weren't circlejerking with her immediately called her out for
abusive tendencies.
This has been an ongoing problem for awhile too. Lots of the mods jumped ship when Cheyenne made her announcement. They were ready to and just waiting for an excuse, immediately sucking on her dick.
No. 991125
>>991122Yep, this is why people kept saying everyone bumping the threads back months ago was becuase of Chey and her goons, she just went out of her way to find the
victims to give herself "catharsis". She's always been a fucking rat itching for revenge. I knew she wouldn't stop after Cry broke up with her. She wanted blood. And it shows, she used the
victim to come out as a way to make her feel validated and she's gloating online like a madwoman when the other
victim is genuinely at peace now. Fucking disgusting.
No. 991144
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>>991142Welp there's that.
One and done, tolo style.
No. 991160
>>991153how the fuck? I'm watching right now and I don't see it?
>>991155Is that active right now? Like is the list everyone in is active right now? How do you do that?
No. 991166
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No. 991172
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No. 991178
File: 1592795282526.jpg (74.41 KB, 1493x622, russ.JPG)

Russ is seen in Witwix's stream right now
No. 991180
>>991173This is just my personal opinion.
Cry has recently (in the past two or so years) started getting super political, using his platform to encourage discussions about BLM and such. Before the BLM stuff this month, he had started getting a little more political on streams, usually when Angel was involved. I think this new politicalness, combined with a possible manic episode, guilt, and the fear he'd be outed on terms he didn't like led him to do this. On top of this, I don't think Cry really expected such backlash. I'm guessing he thought that with his audience it would be a majority of people patting him on the head for his "bravery", not be condemning his actions. That or he thought because he was admitting it, he'd not only get some points for being "woke" about himself, but also could do it on his terms.
No. 991184
>>991180I think ladytiabeanie's tweets laid it out why he did it. He even told her he was making a video before he did, or at least her tweet said.
>>990911 No. 991188
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Chey getting defensive about her behavior. Just another lolcow
No. 991189
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No. 991191
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No. 991201
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Poor Russ man
No. 991217
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The "angel" has spoken up. I get the feeling she doesnt need to use cry anymore now that hes all dried up
No. 991220
File: 1592800251974.jpg (65.91 KB, 760x590, 04.JPG)

After shitting on the crew she retweets Russ, kek
No. 991221
>>991219I'm not sure, I could understand jund saying that but coming from Russ I was shocked because he never gave it off that way. Then again, if my friend lied to me and cheated with my significant other, I would probably have at least a burning sense of anger that would take a while to quell in the public eye.
Snake is silent, and I don't blame him, Cry really seemed to like Snake too so who knows
No. 991237
Wow that's quite a lot of shit for a day or so? I was one of Cry's online friends before he started youtube, I'm the same age as him, and I modded for his Twitch for a few years when LNC started.
He didn't know how to handle fame and he honestly shit on a lot of his old friends like myself almost immediately after gaining popularity because just sort of freaked out and isolated himself. He didn't know Russ or Jund when he became famous, he met them during the youtube climb, specifically because Russ and Jund I believe made Amnesia custom maps. And they became his only friends while he shut out all of us who knew him before that from WOW and shit. Some of us modded for him early on, I was a mod for a few years and it was pretty crazy seeing him change.
I do think it's gross that he's sought relationships with underage girls, I always have. It's awkward to hear that there are apparently way more girls than I was aware of, which was just one girl outside of his girlfriend at the time who was Cheyenne who was also underage. Hearing it back then it came across as a really reasonable scenario for both. He got super emotionally invested way before actually asking their ages, and he's got some pretty severe mental issues so he wasn't able to just nope out of it and became stuck between a mental place, where he is unstable enough to try and rationalize dating someone under 18 as long as there are no nudes exchanged, and a legal place, where by god you best have the paperwork because it doesn't matter if you even knew you're looking at 15 years in prison minimum for liking someone. The guy is mentally very unstable though, and I don't think he was ever an active predator. Talking to Cry was almost always like talking to a child.
No. 991243
>>991239Oh I'm not defending him at all, I'm just surprised that it's coming up now. He flirted with everyone back then. The guy has been dating whoever will say yes since way before his youtube career is all I was saying.
Also I haven't been his friend in like 7 years so I'm not sure what horse you're shouting that from but that wasn't the point of my post at all.
No. 991244
>>991235>>991242If this was your best source of income because you're doing something you genuinely enjoy (play video games and crack jokes) and get paid for it, I think a lot of people would swallow their happiness and just do it for a living. Russ and Cry haven't interacted like they used to in years. It's been clear since 2015, and all it takes is rewatching old VODs to see that.
You guys forget this has been a job for them for close to a decade now. It transcends friendships, and those probably died years ago considering the history.
No. 991248
>>991244For sure I definitely would have co-signed my personality away for money. That's just life now.
His friends are literally just collecting a paycheck off his channel for their personalities. It's the same as literally any job.
No. 991259
>>991254LNC has always been a business, from the day it started.
They just tricked themselves into thinking they were friends. That has obviously died over the years.
No. 991276
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>suspected this shit coming from a mile away almost a year ago >>839907>several anons shut me down about it>soon after I decided "yeah okay, I probably am being the vendetta whore here" and bought into the evidence gaslighting >>868983 since I couldn't prove it one way or the other besides just pulling up old threads>decided to just move on with my life and very loosely keep tabs on things at the very most
>turns out I was indeed smelling fishy behaviourI'm not happy that I was right, but I am happy that the truth is finally being brought to light.
I was a young Let's Play fangirl back when Cry first started getting popular in the late 2000's. Without getting too personal, I was groomed by a less popular 22 year-old Let's Player (unrelated to LNC ofc) for a few months while I was just 13-14. My family thankfully intervened before anything really awful happened to me in "our relationship", but yeaes later when I read the Ocean texts via image boards it was almost verbatim the kinds of things that the 22 y/o said to me to flirt with me, and get me to basically sext with him. It hit me like a ton of bricks. That was what convinced me that they were genuine, but obviously an instinct doesn't have weight as evidence.
>>991260He is way too damn old to act the way that he does, and I say this as someone nearly a decade younger than him. He really does need to get mental help, badly.
No. 991283
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No. 991286
>>991174They left because Mark couldn't separate work and friendship, wasn't related to Daniel>>991217I noticed she was getting distant for a while now, talking and participating less. This just gives her a reason to dip out without it being too obvious imo
No. 991291
>>991217>>991286The timing of it is tacky lol. You want to dip before stuff like this happens, not after the fact. Makes one's motives look blatantly selfish.
Angel was always shallow like this btw, like the time she talked about how she "disowned" JT after the Destiny drama, and now Jon has more subscribers and followers than Erin or GG. Karma bliss.
No. 991298
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Posting this just in case Cry somehow finds this thread
No. 991300
>>991297Yeah, because they both reacted the same way after the fact to a new situation. I'm just starting to think some of you guys are sexist.
I've also seen a lot of
victim-blaming too, but a lot of defending any of the dudes.
No. 991305
>>991302His stream was a couple posts up? His tweet was posted here:
>>991146I don't understand how you know who everyone else is but not him.
No. 991308
>>991305Sorry I don't but yeah, he is also shallow by principle. At the same time I don't really remember this guy at all except maybe with Cry hosting his streams or something, so I guess that just makes this all the more pathetic.
Once everyone finds out Milkshake Duck is racist, it becomes trendy to disown him and burn his merch.
No. 991314
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No. 991316
>>991308If you watched his stream that was linked above you would've seen him ranting nonstop about it and how it could've been his sister in the very beginning. How the fuck was he shallow? You twitter fags are unbearable.
>>991314Jund and the crew are still going to get blamed unfortunately from twitter fags, no matter how much they explained the limited info they got and how their trust in Cry was betrayed.
No. 991321
File: 1592815950562.jpg (388.26 KB, 1080x1595, Screenshot_20200622_095146.jpg)

Looks like the Ocean logs were real.
No. 991324
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This was retweeted by Late Night V2, seems like Twitch is getting involved.
No. 991327
>>991315>>991319>>991322This information was't "new". Cry's community was
toxic as fuck and full of fake positivity and that's why this shit got as bad as it did for so long. It was a giant festering wound being covered with colorful duct tape.
Funny how asshats went from "stfu you Chey-supporter, leave Cry alone you don't have PROOF" to now saying, after people with influence posted the same old receipts, "CRY WTF I've stood by your side for YEARS, you make me SICK!"
Cry is, and has always been, in the wrong here. Strawmanning away from that,
>lol, finding our your friend is a pedo and dipping is "shallow"just makes you look like a dick. The point here is that those that are
really going out of their way to disown him are the ones milking the most out of this. Angel was a clout chaser from the beginning.
The way that Scott and Russ have handled this is much more mature than those spreading even more fake positivity and/or mob pitchforks for personal gain. Twitch is a cutthroat industry, and that's why people cloutchase.
No. 991340
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>>991328>>991330>>991333Y'all are just intentionally trying to be obtuse at this point, jesus.
Cancel culture is shit, the other streamers and youtubers that are so very loosely connected to Cry shouldn't HAVE to be denouncing him at all. They're not responsible for his actions. Literal (wo)manchildren that can't understand that concept are shitheads.
>especially with Chey saying every single person who spoke to Cry knewEverything Chey says should be taken with a grain of salt, one would have to be extremely new to this drama to not know that by now. Also Chey is not an all-seeing god so anyone that would assume she's right and then go shoot first and ask questions later is a total dumbass.
No. 991343
>>991327This, particularly about Angel. She was a hot mess. She was trying to ride Cry's dick so hard, not just for the fame and the clout, but because she also had this weird crush on him. It's why they were so close.
But then she flipped her shit any time he even remotely talked to any other female. Talking to female mods? She'd scream in his DMs. Talk to another female streamer? Call his phone and argue with him about how lonely she is without him. Ever wonder why sometime mid-stream he either BRB'd for 30 minutes straight, or outright walked out when he had guests on? It's probably because Angel blew a gasket and was emotionally manipulating him to change his mind.
No. 991361
>>991352>>991353It's a weird mix of issues. On one hand, he had lots of people who cared about him, and would be there for him if he wanted them to. But he never communicated with any of them, and let those friendships wither on the vine.
At the same time, he also has an extremely close group of friends that he transitioned between. Some of those people were good, but some of those people were shady. Most of them women, and most of them who he had romantic interests in, and who had romantic intentions back.
And those he was most often closest too were a little too close. Some would only compliment him because they were pushovers, others would try to ride his coattails. If they legitimately cared about them, it got mixed up with all these other emotions.
So he came to this place where he was successful, and couldn't trust people because he was worried they were just trying to exploit his fame, while also getting closest to people who weren't able to criticize him and had crushes on him.
>>991359He did have resources. He was getting therapy. That doesn't mean it's effective, or that the lessons he's learning in therapy reflect the issues he's dealing with on the ground.
No. 991365
>>991359hi there, same anon as 991352. im not trying to blame anyone here. i was just trying to look at it from a different point of view thats all.
>>991363exactly. glad someone understand where i was coming from
(newfag) No. 991369
>>991365yes am the anon w you. and it's entirely possible that most of his friendships were possibly just
toxic and tenuous due to perhaps a tendendy to use others as therapists/lie to them/unintentionally emotionally guilt them/whatever. maybe he thought he was taking his shit in his own hands. i don't know. after all, it was a manic episode.
No. 991389
god I wish all you new people would take a moment to read the rules or take in some etiquette and fuckin put sage in the email field if you don't have any new information so you don't bump the thread, please
that being said honestly until we hear Cry's new video where he elaborates we're just going in circles. Chey is shitty and feels a renewed sense of air under her wings and is bathing in the clout of being a victim, which is cool I guess everyone wants to be thought of by others by their lowest point, imagine now the rest of your online career your identity will be "cry's abused minor ex" lol sorry girl you chose that for yourself
red is equally as shitty as cry and for some reason she just dipped out years ago, went off and got married and is now in some obscure lala land living her life
angel is basically chey 2.0 with weed and is insufferable
jund and russ and snake are gonna suffer but maybe due to circumstances people will crowd to their streams for support.
Interesting that those ocean backlogs were real. In that case I assume those skype logs etc were real, from that big post a few threads back.
I do believe Jund when he says it wasn't that he deliberately went after young people, he just craved attention. He called himself a basement dweller in his breakdown stream, I really think his isolation from the world and his anonymity played him in the end: I think that behavior instead of helping him stay safe basically stunted his emotional growth because he became too paranoid to leave. He said he used to visit stores etc in the dead of night if he ever did go out. Other people would take his place in conventions. "I just want to be a cartoon character", he said. I don't think this is just about his appearance anymore; and his comparison to boogie isn't about appearance, it's about boogie being batshit insane. I think he really did just use this as a crutch, escapism, he basically Ready Player One'd himself, which is kind of tragic. He could have grown into a better adjusted adult, taking medication, living alone, having a social life, leaving the goddamn house
No. 991395
File: 1592827985161.jpeg (276.61 KB, 1242x1407, E792A47A-41E2-4ACE-A7E9-7171A3…)

She is acting like a different person
than the one she was yesterday, she went from not wanting to mention Cry to desperately trying to take him down which is understandable. I also love how Cheyenne wants to make this news worldwide but no one really cares for her. Cry, just so you know, you brought this to yourself.
No. 991428
>>991416I hear you, both she and Chey are insufferable, which really isn't helping in gaining peoples support in all of this, even if they are the
victims. All in all I feel like ALL parties could handle this much better, it always becomes extra messy when you bring this stuff up to the public's eye. Ofc I think it's good for us as viewers to still know what kind of people we're supporting.
No. 991437
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Eh, all of this is really weak shit. There's no fucking proof of anything. As far as we know he maybe has sent some 'love you' texts years ago and now being his doormat self, he feels the need to apologize for it.
I'm fucking tired of this cancelling bs. I wish there was at least a fucking dick pic to look at but no. It's just all dry dramaqueen ramblings.
No. 991439
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>>991437He literally admitted to it, you idiot. Shut the fuck up. No proof? There's tons.
Also, this twitter exchange. That video gave you suicidal thoughts Cheyenne? Wasn't the problem you bullied someone so bad for so long they wanted to kill THEMSELVES and that's why the video was made? And now you're complaining that was brought up again? Please.
No. 991441
File: 1592834621276.png (9.01 KB, 531x141, cheyenne.PNG)

Maybe some actual proof of him sexting minors, though?
It's all well and fun to accuse him, but we don't know to what extent he cheated.
These are HEFTY accusations without proof.
No. 991442
File: 1592834774961.png (18.89 KB, 570x175, agedmilk.PNG)

This aged like milk lmao
No. 991443
>>991439Yeah? Where's the fucking dick pic then? Hell, give me some saucy texts, I'll take anything.
There's nothing. It's not even milk at this point. Christ, you guys are so bored you'll jump at any bait.
No. 991446
>>991439I said it before and I'll say it again: Chey does not get to own "personal growth" from her shitty actions unless Cry is also given the same chance. If she wants to parade her "I was different then and I've changed now" then she has to step the fuck aside and say the same about Cry
For events that happened years ago she is STILL using her being cheated on as an excuse for her shitty behavior. She's still using excuses to justify how she acted, while not giving Cry the same benefit
Because it's easier to claim someone a predator which is a hot iron brand on someone, than to brand herself as
abusive and mean
No. 991451
File: 1592835409565.png (15.26 KB, 583x183, yikes.PNG)

She hasn't changed at all
No. 991454
File: 1592835569549.png (15.1 KB, 633x136, ohnoes.PNG)

Kek, 18 yo with undiagnosed bpd. You couldn't find a more compelling victim story chey?
No. 991463
If he was a predator, she should have fucking left him and spoke up about it. That would have been the right thing to do then. Not almost a decade later when he very clearly hates his old self.
Was the money worth it Cheyenne?
No. 991474
>>991470That's my main concern as of current.
Cry, if you still read these - please for the love of god do not kill yourself. You did the right thing. Show us that you're capable of redemption.
No. 991491
>>991480>>991437Thank you.
The reason why this blew up the way it did is because he cultivated a fanbase of baby softie tumblr runaways. If you see up thread they wanted to cancel Jund and Cry for saying "nigga". If this was anyone else this would've been a nothing burger.
The newfaggots here are insufferable and cryingg about leaving milkly people alone because they're
victims, lmao leave the fucking site and go back to posting BLM in your twitter handle retards. This is not your safe space. Everyone gets shitted on. It's hell week anyway, were the fuck are farmhands.
No. 991493
Maybe now the fanbase will have less tumblr kids in it lmao
No. 991495
File: 1592838465474.jpeg (613.08 KB, 1242x1244, 4D7582A3-D33D-4AD0-B571-88A61C…)

Can someone please tell this bitch to shut the hell up already? She’s making this a lot worse for herself.
It’s like she is just intending to cancel Cry at this point while clearly the first post she made was because she just wanted to be able to with herself.
No. 991500
>>991495Keked at "adults".
Oh poor soft uwu child (with undiagnosed bpd) 18yo cheyenne.
No. 991502
>>991495They will not stop until they burn down everyone by association not matter how much they apologize and have an alibi. She went from being a seen as
victim to this. So fucking see through they coordinated this.
No. 991503
File: 1592838874351.jpeg (424.92 KB, 1242x1208, 3303508E-0117-4C91-A739-3F04EC…)

She’s doing it again. I literally just asked why she didn’t voice out when she got cheated on a minor and this is her reply.
No. 991504
>>991502It's such a weirdly timed vendetta. Seemingly coming out of nowhere. I really wonder what happened behind the scene to
trigger such venom.
No. 991507
File: 1592839201471.png (19.86 KB, 584x140, beanie.PNG)

So they're aware cry didn't legally do anything wrong right? right.
No. 991512
File: 1592840004731.png (39.38 KB, 594x349, n.png)

No. 991520
>>991514sage your goddamn sperging anon, jesus
he's been around since like at least 2013 do you realize that thousands of people grew up alongside him and his channel and have emotional connections? it's okay if you never loved anything before, really
also he was someone famously considered a nice guy he's not a logan twin who is blatantly a dick but he keeps getting forgiven, take a chill pill
No. 991539
>>991518Fucking weak sauce. Overfucking blown. Cry should've laid bare everything from day one like witwix (now vindicated with receipts) because he let these retards get awat with this shit.
>>991533They never do, literally becoming the "believe whamen" meme and I fucking hate it but that's what I'm seeing.
No. 991540
File: 1592841661638.jpg (77.45 KB, 818x671, rats hidding.JPG)

Chey's smelly girlfriend is hiding
No. 991541
File: 1592841728178.jpg (93.08 KB, 730x729, sensitive bitch 1.JPG)

Chey got coyote to private the video and delete Shit becuase she "self-harmed"
No. 991542
File: 1592841854392.jpg (86.41 KB, 731x648, sensitive bitch 2.JPG)

No. 991543
File: 1592841987298.jpg (80.13 KB, 717x782, sensitive bitch 3.JPG)

No. 991549
File: 1592842169015.jpg (99.33 KB, 761x800, sensitive bitch 4.JPG)

Her shit sticks so much she's literally using the "I'm hurting myself" shtick.
I'm going to post the original tweet and thread for posterity.
Coyote stop being a he/she bitchboi and drop some milk on her.
No. 991550
File: 1592842211801.jpg (101.76 KB, 748x816, 1.JPG)

Original tweet and comments
No. 991551
File: 1592842221908.jpeg (256.12 KB, 1125x740, 5AA4449B-362C-41F8-BC28-0A5E40…)

I love how she is turning this into her thing now despite having perfect knowledge of the scandal. LMAO these people are relentlessly awful.
No. 991563
File: 1592842673002.png (1.61 MB, 1242x2208, FF9069B6-2A87-4319-93D3-684FF8…)

>>991560Here’s some receipts you ordered good sir:
(newfaggotry) No. 991565
>>991562They sure are a relentless bunch of bullies, wow.
You think they'll get to silence the whole crew by victimsplaining.
No. 991572
>>991567Cry is a fucking beta, we all know he folded the minute someone told him "I know all about it, I'm gonna tell and you're going to lose it all". He's been unstable for years and he had a birthday coming up (known
trigger for depression and anxiety).
It's a farcry from proof. He's a whimp, eveybody knows about it.
No. 991576
>>991567He responded to me asking about evidence of Cheyenne cheated. She admitted to that in here.
No one here said anything about Cry not done something wrong with an underage person. I discovered this board since the video and the narrative has been consistent of: Cry is a dumb asshole who’s emotionally and mentally unstable and his way of addressing it is to vent and have relations with people he should not touch with a 10 foot pole.
No. 991581
File: 1592843313751.jpg (55.33 KB, 621x450, backtracking chey lmao.JPG)

Chey is backtracking LMAO
No. 991585
File: 1592843521188.jpg (77.99 KB, 643x837, lol.JPG)

>>991583spill more coyote
No. 991586
>>991574Pretty hard to be considering his intention when his actions are easily categorized as immoral. Maybe he could have talked to a therapist or seek clinical help by then but he did not (and just because a guy pulling a lot of money from YouTube and stream doesn’t mean he automatically goes to therapy for problems. Maybe I’ve not been on tumblr or Twitter that much but the whole encourage people to go see a therapist wasn’t a fad/ a thing back then. Shit, it was mostly people self diagnosing themselves as anything they could find in DSM-5.)
So his intention might have come from a place of lack of wellness, mental or emotional. However, at the end of the day, his actions are being judged and in a post me too era, his intention doesn’t mean enough anymore.
All I wish is for Cry to get away from all of this after talking PRIVATELY to people he hurt by making that impulsive selfish video. This will be the end of his career but doesn’t mean the end of him. God I hope he has some saving.
No. 991590
File: 1592843787751.jpg (24.7 KB, 938x219, screenshots and archives say h…)

No. 991591
>>991541Yes, drag that stupid
victim blaming bitch
No. 991592
File: 1592843880757.png (283.83 KB, 674x363, gulpgulp.PNG)

>>991588Finally some milk! I'm sure Chey is surprised to see someone call her bluff.
No. 991599
File: 1592844131804.jpg (62.17 KB, 606x666, oh fuck 1.JPG)

someone please help me I cannot screengrab and archive all of this myself
so much being spilled right now it will be deleted
No. 991605
File: 1592844466538.jpg (65.52 KB, 461x923, sad.JPG)

She doesn't even fucking deny it, holy shit
No. 991606
>>991600>>991605Coyote is doing nothing but spilling the truth but Chey cant handle anyone who isnt kissing her ass. If you are abused but become
abusive yourself, it doesnt discredit the fact that you are trash. Chey is trash. She abused and harassed Ziegs to the point of suicide. These are facts
No. 991608
File: 1592844637472.jpg (87.9 KB, 616x774, orbits.JPG)

Retweeting pickmes and orbits
I thought you were going to bed Chey?
No. 991612
File: 1592844840140.png (358.91 KB, 343x416, wahwah.PNG)

>>991608She's seething someone is not kneeling to her
victim's status. It sure looks like it's tickling her (diagnosed) bpd.
No. 991616
Anyone got more info from chey's rat smelling girlfriend? Her tweets are protected
>>991540 hopefully somebody got in and can spill more
No. 991618
File: 1592845042398.png (947.93 KB, 828x1792, FCC48E0A-A464-4CE6-B67D-000FCE…)

A statement by Coyote
No. 991619
Is this thread full of twitter fags, name fagging, not knowing how to sage and basically saying the same thing?
Seems like it's 2 people kek.
>>991555He decided to stay with her and cheat, it's his fault he cheated. He's a grown man, if he didn't want to be with someone fucked up he could've gotten out.
Cheating makes literally no sense.
"She didn't give him validation! She was mean! So he cheated!!" sounds retarded and I don't even like Chey.
No. 991620
>>991585Not Coyotemation preaching about being a "nice person" when he blocked me and some of his fans on tumblr for belonging to a minority group he hates lmao
All these people need to get off the internet
No. 991624
File: 1592845401763.jpeg (352.54 KB, 828x1327, 83E95233-AB7E-4D6D-8BB1-F9397C…)

No. 991627
>>991620>blocked me and some of his fans on tumblrGood. you fucking lot are insufferable. Go back there. I wish tumblr didn't shut down and you idiots didn't migrate to twitter.
>>991625Don't care, this is the biggest milk we've had on this streamer and his crew.
No. 991631
>>991619That's what it seems like. There are a lot of retarded newfags in here since the video dropped and coyote bringing attention to the farms. He admitted to cheating and to being inappropriate with minors (and magically didn't know any of their ages), but hearing it out of the pedo's mouth just isn't enough for people, I guess. He's just a misunderstood person with a mental illness who only cheated because he was abused.
Seriously, Onision should have used this defense cause it seems to be working for Cry.
No. 991637
>>991631I can't wait for him to try to spin this mental illness bullshit when it comes out with the full list of what he's done, and it's so much worse than initially thought.
Scott was still learning shit about how deep this rabbit hole goes up to just a few hours ago and said it only gets worse. Cry isn't coming back from this to begin with, it's going to be absolute 'salt the Earth' when the next vid drops.
No. 991644
>>991638I jsut don't get how people here are being so sympathetic to cry and his mental illness, they are rooting for him despite what he's done but using others mental illness to talk shit and have no sympayhy for them.
Again, I can't stand Chey and think she's trash but IDK.
This thread is weird ass hell
No. 991647
Fuck it I'll just say it.
I have considered posting here for a while, and well, now that Cry has opened up about it I'll say my take.
I was one of the people he cheated on Cheyenne with. Take that with all the grains of salt you'd like.
Personally, he never asked me for nudes, and our conversations only turned sexual once I turned 18. He's an asshole, but I believe that he should not be getting labeled as a pedophile right off the bat.
At first, no, he didn't actually know our ages. The thing with Cry was that his self esteem was always super low, and so whenever anyone showed him any sign of affection he'd jump on it without thinking.
I ended up telling him my age when I realized the direction things were going and he immediately backed off. We lost contact until I turned 18, and as I mentioned above, only then did our conversations become sexual.
I haven't been in contact with him for almost three years, and it's given me a lot of time to think about how he treat me.
If he actually does read these, I would like him to know that I forgive him. That doesn't mean that everyone else should/does, but I forgive him and would love to see him show us that he truly is a better person compared to how he was back then.
I wish him nothing but healing.
No. 991648
>>991644We know nothing about what he has done. All we know is some vague bullshit about
meybe text cheating.
We know for sure chey is a vindictive bitch and a brazen bully.
It's not that hard to do the math,
No. 991652
>>991636I want to shit on Cry, but if you all are screaming that he's a rapist pedophile and the cheating involved was digital / emotional and not related to physical sex/ nudes involved then I'm going to be annoyed.
>>991637This is the only lead we have and I hope more comes out so that there is proof nudes was involved, expecially since there is more yet to come.
>>991647post some proof man, any old messages? something! This is an imageboard
No. 991653
>>991644it's cause there's a lot of noobs in these threads that love cry and discovered this due to the drama
there's people like me who think overall cry got dealt a shitty hand in his family life and has a lot of unchecked mental illness, but it also doesn't excuse his behavior and I think he needs help and to get out of the house and see some sun and get therapy
also cheyenne is still
toxic and
abusive but is using a bad thing that happened to her to lead a vendetta bc idk she's feeling vindicated suddenly
and there's some really weird fanatic cheating doubters who want cry's dick pics in their face until they accept what cry himself admitted to
these are all shitty broken people and honestly let them all chew each other out until we hear what cry has to say and we can continue the festivities of this bountiful milk harvest
No. 991657
File: 1592846809599.jpg (75.48 KB, 751x722, coy gives up.JPG)

looks like coyote gave into the pressure, sad
No. 991658
>>991647anon if you are true then this is stuff you should be taking to twitter because you are adding a more nuanced narrative to the one currently being supported, you know that right?
if you are honest then your voice should also be heard even if it may or may not add anything new, just sayin
No. 991660
>>991658You're absolutely right. I'm just a pussy who's too afraid to reveal my identity I suppose.
I'll see what I can do, pool together the evidence I still have and try getting it out there tonight. Apologises if it ends up being a little later, though.
No. 991665
>>991660Make a new account so nothing links back to you if you're more comfortable with that.
We need clarification.
No. 991681
File: 1592848442939.jpeg (293.16 KB, 1242x939, 1B5072C0-1C19-4B2A-9C2E-050B1C…)

lol what a bitch
No. 991682
>>991647Can't wait for the
victims to kick off at someone who's level headed and might be able to provide actual evidence kek
No. 991703
>>991700Come on dude, that’s pretty low.
Like I don’t even think Cheyenne would go that low…
No. 991708
>>991705there's some really emotional anons who refuse to sage in this thread.
(I'm not the anon who made the comment either)
No. 991710
File: 1592850548009.png (179.14 KB, 530x1341, cryfamily.png)

a reminder of his post about his family situation for anyone who doesn't know/forgot
included link as well in case the image is too small/not loading No. 991720
File: 1592851545192.jpg (79.86 KB, 734x545, post3.JPG)

Take your time anon, and watch out if anyone tries to stop you. Release the kraken.
No. 991727
File: 1592852271175.jpg (123.87 KB, 1080x908, Screenshot_20200622_205426.jpg)

>>991710honestly, I remember that post clearly. moreover, this is the kind of thing he'd hint at here and there that had me genuinely worried.
No. 991728
File: 1592852276936.jpeg (206.15 KB, 828x1211, E64A5441-C881-40D4-B976-F9140C…)

No. 991730
>>991728We don't know the context of it yet, and as the anon said, they're not trying to defend him.
Typical sjw getting mad kek
No. 991732
File: 1592852638094.png (33.27 KB, 588x277, anon.PNG)

I like this anon.
No. 991734
>>991730and the come out and shut down stories they don't like, typical kek
>>991730they're so predictable
Anon do not back down no matter what side is talking to you. Say your mind and ignore the creetins dming / subtweeting you
No. 991745
File: 1592853816197.png (174.1 KB, 588x604, screenie.PNG)

No. 991746
>>991743My phrasing may be off, but I was basically wondering how they got back in contact? Who made the first move? I wonder if Cry will confirm that this person is being truthful?
All of this "Low self esteem" talk DOES make me wonder what Cry looks like in real life more so then I ever had before.
No. 991750
>>991745Well fuck.
That broke my heart to read.
Anon, I'm sorry you had to go through that.
No. 991757
File: 1592855224452.png (33.12 KB, 595x263, anon2.PNG)

No. 991758
File: 1592855264446.png (100.06 KB, 933x712, coyotequit.png)

aaand coyote's gone
No. 991764
>>991758Can't blame the guy, honestly.
Big respect for him calling Chey out
No. 991765
>>991745Thank you for sharing, anon, and I hope you’ve found ways to heal from the damage he did to you.
>>991758Coyote said it’s better for his mental health which I get, but it’s so frustrating to see Chey essentially bully someone off a platform yet again and get away with it. I wonder how long her
victim immunity will last before her supporters realize that she is also a shitty person. Is she even getting help for her alleged BPD now that she’s an adult or does she just think it’s a get out of jail free card?
No. 991768
File: 1592856859099.jpeg (361.82 KB, 1242x692, 31864FF0-BEB8-4302-AAAC-3BA043…)

Holy fucking shit, she’s still going. Someone tell her it’s not that serious.
No. 991789
File: 1592859319318.png (94.1 KB, 587x472, anoncry.PNG)

Looks like anon posted the sexts you were all wanting.
No. 991790
>>991789Oh my, saucy texts. I'm clutching my pearls.
Any dick pic, tho?
No. 991791
>>991789The last message says
>I hope you’d put that pretty little mouth of yours to work-Yikes
No. 991814
File: 1592862088350.jpg (114.35 KB, 1080x517, Screenshot_20200622_224040.jpg)

So he liked to dilly dally in vc too
No. 991822
nonnie got her rocks off with a "celebrity" on the cheap side.
Thank for the story but it sure is underwhelming.
No. 991827
>>991823Well "constantly" is 1 vendetta and 1 rando anon saying he didn't know she was underaged and backed off when she told.
It's pretty thin proof but then again, anyone who thought Cry was a pure angel that didn't want any sex was pretty deluded in the first place.
The bar is so fucking low I'll take as a win he didn't want to cam or ask for nudes.
No. 991829
>>991794I am that anon, I just meant that I cringed at that line.
Picturing someone typing that regardless of any age problem or history is just super gross.
No. 991848
>>991835I don’t mean to make you feel bad in any way saying I cringed at that stuff, looking from the outside things always look different than they do for the people involved in the moment, and it doesn’t involve me so I don’t mean to say you should’ve felt a certain way.
Thank you for coming forward and talking about this, you’re helping the community to be a better place, and calling out injustice even though it’s hard. Respect.
No. 991852
>>991848Oh no I completely understand don't worry about it! <3
Im just happy to be helping where I'm able
No. 991857
>>991852Thank you for saying your piece, I'm sure you've grown and reflected nonetheless. It takes a lot and you've at least partially demystified a portion.
>>991839Not defending him at all, in this anon's case it seems that it's more of a mutual relationship that ended sourly. The question is how many young women did he do this to and did he pressure/exploit fans continuously?
No. 991885
>>991790Honestly the amount of anons trawling this board hoping to see Cry’s dick is actually quite revolting. You guys gonna fap off to it or what?
>>991843Really appreciate you speaking out and adding more context and info about what these relations actually entailed. Even at expense of your own embarrassments with those sexts, so kudos. I’m glad you’re not in a bad place following your experiences; it still doesn’t lessen what Cry did, but it’s refreshing to see evidence without a personal vendetta.
No. 991890
File: 1592868235546.jpg (285.29 KB, 1080x1820, Screenshot_20200623-011938__01…)

>>991883Kek, yeah the guy with all pink Tumblr, died hair and very feminine chubby face? HE sure got me fooled too.
No. 991901
File: 1592868892465.png (56.1 KB, 859x578, cryexposed.PNG)

If anyone still cares about
>>839907 and
>>852968 , it seems like another party confirmed it.
No. 991904
File: 1592869020109.png (40.49 KB, 368x468, cryinchat.png)

stream just started, but Cry is in chat
No. 991925
>>991921"He underwent a huge weight loss"
Explains why Chey kept calling him a fat fuck, she knew he was self conscious about it.
No. 991960
>>991955Snake claims what Cry did was "absolutely illegal." He didn't know about any physical interactions, and he didn't elaborate further.
The implication seems to be that there might be nudes involved.
No. 991971
File: 1592873576759.png (31.01 KB, 587x275, auri.png)

I would definitely be interested in that
No. 991981
>>991978She wasn't defending their relationship anymore tho? this is the tweet in question, it was made in jan this year and Snake saw it, but didn't contact her about it