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No. 249310
>>228479Past threads: 193176 & 142402
And his gf, Cheyenne
Twitch: the last thread
>We find out Cry cheated on Cheyenne with an underage girl>Cheyenne goes MIA>Angel comes back to Cry's streams after months of avoiding>Sage accuses Scott of abusing her during their relationship No. 249315
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Oh yay, new thread! Excellent choice in image, OP.
So, Cry canceled TGI yesterday saying he was "dead inside".. I wonder what will happen for the LNC today.
Maybe Cheyenne broke up with HIM?
No. 249348
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So, here's something that I remembered.
When Cry was getting his gall bladder removed last year, these Tumblr blogs popped up: did typical Tumblr shit, but they also seemed to know about Ocean or were friends with her.
If anyone wanted more people to question, these blogs may be a good starting point.
No. 249384
>>249381Obviously Cry realized his mistakes earlier on compared to Battlestar who was super aggressive. And it just made the crew look bad for having someone that immature be associated with.
I met the guy back in 2014 and he is super delusional. He wanted to get validated by the crew members for being a changed person. Any conversation you'd have with him, he'd some how make it about himself and talk about them pegging him as wrong.
It's old news.
No. 249389
>>249387Basically someone was talking about Cry cheating on Cheyenne, and an anon named who it was with, Ocean. Since then she's been kinda attention-seeking and kinda confirmed it saying that people are 'bringing up stuff that happened 3 years ago' but it's mostly calmed down now.
No one knows what happened between them but what was said was they didn't meet in person, and that it was just flirting in text.
That girl seems real messed up though and drinks constantly and posts emo lyrics to her tumblr day in and out.
No. 249396
>>249392I mean it's kinda gross because they're not very emotionally mature, and I would hope if you're in your twenties you'd be above that (sadly most aren't)
but I mean it's legal in most of the world. /shrug
No. 249419
>>249416I think flirting is fine as long as it doesn't go too far. As in it would be considered to be grooming or sexual.
>>249389She seems like she has her mind on her own life goals rather than one involving him.
I personally don't think drinking is bad for her age, especially since we all drink even earlier than that. People have work and life conflicts that lead them to do that kind of stuff. I'm not really one of her supporters but more so thinking on why she does the thing she does?
No. 249423
>>249421I think she's not really on the radar anymore so that might be why.
>>249419I agree drinking isn't that bad, but talking about being blackout drunk every night is a lot.
No. 249424
>>249392Warning: incoming diary entry:
IMO: Dating implies that there's some emotion involved. That's different than just fucking.
One my my buddies technically violated stat. rape laws, a few years back. It was kind of disgusting, honestly: They were over the moon for each other, and she was often the instigator in 'sexy teasing.' She made him break it off most of his friendships with other people (of both genders, because he was bi) and generally absorbed all of his time and attention… her family adored him. Generally everything was pretty grand until she decided she was bored/tired/whatever of him, initiated some sexy touching (not sex. They'd never done that) one day, then said to stop (he said it was said 'playfully' and that her 'playful' statements were a common part of their relationship. (ie "nooo, my french fries" or "noooo.. not snuggles!"))… when he didn't stop instantly, she started crying rape, and threatening to go the the police.
Needless to say, he was baffled, and so was everyone who knew the two of them. She vague posted about it on tumblr, til one of his remaining friends sent her an ask about if she was alright… which she took as reason to tell everyone about how he had viciously raped her.
And because, y'know tumblr, everyone who read about it knew he was evil and vile, despite not knowing either of them. (it blew up a little in the circles they frequented.)
Poor guy nearly killed himself about it. I remember waiting up long into the night for news and slowly realizing that my good friend was probably dead.
(ironically, she got into a relationship with a guy who was older than my friend, who's virtual dick she'd been sucking for months.)
(actually, the more I think about this girl, the more she reminds me of Cheyenne: abusive, rude, didn't respect him at all… and hated him making any comments like "she's cute" while she freely made
PUBLIC comments about wanting an open relationship.)
So… shit.
I feel like love doesn't really respect ages, and that people come in different maturity levels. Having been a teenage girl once, I absolutely loathed most boys my age because they were immature fucks. But I had a friend who was a few years older who was a great guy and I clicked perfectly with. We didn't date, but the few years made the difference in maturity.
But if you're gonna have a big age difference between your ages, you should be careful not to break any rules…. even if the rules are different in every dang state, it seems.
But really, case by case. but I've seen perfectly legal relationships full of inequalities, abuse and a lack of care. both partners being adults doesn't really fix one person being a fuckhead.
Oh my gosh, I'm angry about this bitch all over again and it's been like 5 or 6 years.
(nice blog) No. 249430
>>249428I think they were just comparing situations? But it's not entirely relevant.
Sorry about your friend, Anon!
No. 249458
>>249428>>249430>>249431DiaryAnon here: Yeah, comparing situations. Never been good at abridging my thoughts. (especially about stuff that bugged me.)
Anyway, I agree that it's not good for adults to be mixed up with minors, but "adult" is a weird things. I mean, the calendar one days says you're not-a-kid anymore, but it can take a long time to feel that. One day, you and a friend are 'the same' but the next, you're 'different'… it's weird.
Anyway again, thanks for the sympathies. He's doing a lot better these days. :) Rough road to get there.
Sorry again for the diary entry ;)
No. 249497
>>249495Honestly it makes the most sense. She's been gone for ages and I can't think of anything else that would make him feel "dead inside."
He passed on LNC but was lurking in chat almost the whole time, too.
No. 249665
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>>249473>>249526I actually agree to a certain extent. Whatever Ocean's up to, like her drinking habits, isn't relevant and I have no idea why people bring it up.
However, I think talking about her past relationship with Cry is fair game, not because there was a "relationship", but because of what it means that Cry not only cheated, but flirted with someone who was underage. Not only that, but what constitutes as "cheating" for Cheyenne, who was the one that DM'd the anon that brought it up.
When I brought up those blogs, I was interested in finding out what happened because one option was that Cheyenne was probably exaggerating and throwing Ocean under the bus because she didn't like Cry having female friends (Like Ziegs said in pic related). But, from those blogs, it seems that Cry was romantically flirting with not only Ocean, but other underage girls (since the pronouns seem to be plural when those blogs were discussing it).
Sorry if I didn't make my intent clear, but I hope you see where I'm coming from now.
No. 249680
>>249665I think that Cry used to flirt with any girl, regardless of age and I don't wholly believe it was romantic at all. I think that Cry had/has a pretty immature outlook on the world and since, when he had first began to gain popularity, he had girls swooning over his voice, he felt like talking in a flirty way would get the people he talked to to like him more.
The blogs posting about him "ruining the lives" of other girls, but they're just "too afraid" to come forward are just drama-seeking blogs. If they were true, there would be proof. It's pretty easy to protect yourself and post logs of what happened. Hell, if it were that serious and true, why wouldn't it be brought to the police? I just don't believe it.
Just my thoughts.
No. 249694
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>>249680I get that, but I think Cheyenne also understood that distinction between playful flirting and romantic flirting, at least when it was to fans. It just raises the question of what about Cry and Ocean crossed the line for her and other people who knew about the situation.
As for the blogs, you're right in that they probably don't have anything incriminating so they just resorted to shitposting on Tumblr. I'm seriously considering that they were friends of Ocean's, though. At least I know the cryatoic one was.
No. 249701
>>249698I doubt he sent her a dick pic. I think he was only referring to girlfriends. I do however think maybe they talked about sexual preferences, were too open or even flirted about sex. I think that would definitely cross the line for Cheyenne.
I think the way he mostly flirts with girls is by complimenting them and using pet names. I've heard him call others "boo" and even Angel "honeybun" before. I'm sure that could be viewed as flirting, but he means it harmlessly. Doesn't mean he's right for doing so, especially with younger fans who would see that as much more.
No. 249720
>>249717Wouldn't say going after a 16 year old at age 25 can be categorized as "dumb and immature" more than it is predatory and disgusting.
If you know what all happened between them, spill.
No. 249722
>>249717We never said they actually met in person. I specifically said they might've talked about meeting in person and the other anon said that they live in the same city. We were just suggesting the possibility of them
talking about it, which Cheyenne would understandably get pissed at.
>>249720I think we figured out Ocean was a little bit younger than that (maybe 14 or 15?) or she had literally just turned 16. Normally I don't think it matters but if she wasn't at least 16 it's a bit weird.
No. 249727
>>249722She's 19 now, it was 3 years ago, she was 16.
>>249720I have several times but no one listens because it's not the answers you guys want. It could be seen as predatory, in a way, except in the world beyond the USA, 16 is a pretty normal age of consent. Even in a lot of areas of the States, it is. Is it gross? Sure. But, a 20 year old dating a 40 year old could be seen as gross too. It could be predatory if he was like "ooh, young girl, let me use my YouTube status to make her sex me." but that's not what happened. He flirts far too much and talked about inappropriate things that time, but cut it off and it doesn't seem like anyone has had problems with him in years.
Cheyenne is the real villian of this story. The things she had said, done and threatened are disgusting.
No. 249732
>>249727Explain it exactly again then anon.
What has Cheyenne threatened?
No. 249733
>>249727I agree Cheyenne is the real villain and are we just going to pretend that she wouldn't cheat on Cry if she got the chance? The way she acts and talks I wouldn't be surprised if she already has or would if she got the chance. She'd probably hold the Ocean thing over his head too like "you cheated on me so you can't get pissed if I do it."
>>249732In the last threads we kind of narrowed down that Cheyenne is threatening Cry with
something to make him stay with her. The way Coyote has said things, it seems like she's threatening him with exposing his cheating with underage girls. We thought it was exposing his face (which I wouldn't put past her) but Coyote has suggested that that's not really it.
No. 249738
>>249732She's an abusive person and has said a lot of fucked up things to keep Cry under her control.
I've honestly only stepped in to speak up when I've seen people say witchhunty things or things that have been way too far from the truth. I've said what I came to correct and since I really would like to keep my anonymity, I'm gonna duck out again and just lurk. I can say, for a lot of things you guys talk about, you are really close to the truth or partially correct.
Keep doing your thing, farmers.
No. 249922
>>249889jfc, are you serious? its sort of the ADULTS responsibility to know that flirting with a 16 year old while in a relationship is a bad fucking move.
now i remember why i dipped from this thread after the first one, people in here are fucking crazy
No. 249931
>>249922Flirting is literally nothing. It's not illegal and they could've had sex legally in a few states. Two years doesn't make
that big of a difference in maturity. And it's "fucking crazy" to think that a 16 year old doesn't also know better than to flirt with an adult. It's common fucking sense if you aren't legal that you shouldn't go after people that are.
No. 249933
>>249931Some times people are attracted to people's maturity levels and that's a giant problem when it comes to age.
But like you said, it's just flirting.
No. 249945
>>249931how do you know he didn't go after her and she just reciprocated?
he was someone she admired at that point so she honestly could have just gone with it because of that without really thinking of consequences.
No. 249946
>>249945I really doubt he saw her name in chat and was like "that is clearly a young girl, I will advance on her." I'm sure she reached out to him, and he responded and they had conversations. She's still friends with a couple LNC members, guys.
I have no idea why we're still talking about this.
No. 249947
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You know it genuinely blows my mind that there are fangirls of a guy that literally dated an ogre with a ratchet personality in Cheyenne and flirts with a 16 year old as a 25yo. Cry's gotta be one ugly ass dude especially considering he is famous and well off.
If I, as a guy made a thread on /ot/ about flirting with a 16yo, I'd be called five hundred different names and get handed a ban, but when you are a famous youtuber it becomes the 16yo girls fault.
I can actually understand why Cheyenne's such a fucking bitch if all his fangirls are like this.
No. 249953
>>249947I'm saying it's both of their faults. They both were old enough to know better, especially Cry since he's in a relationship. We're not just fangirls trying to justify something Cry did. We're actually thinking it out because yes, Cry is old enough to know better, but so is she. Also, that same age difference is okay in a majority of the United States so I don't think it's as awful as you're thinking even if it is creepy and gross.
>>249948We're not even really talking about Ocean? We're talking about the fact that Cry flirts with minors, not just Ocean since Cheyenne was one too when they started dating. Ya'll are the ones bringing her up.
No. 250036
So, yeah, I do think she like drinks a lot, and maybe she should like, chill…
No. 250073
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"Constant companion"
So yeah, since Cry mentioned that edited streams will be a thing now, they really haven't spent much time together. I know this is already established but this kinda solidifies that.
Also about the laws regarding the age. Since Cry lives in Florida, Cheyenne mentioned the age consent/law for Florida so does that apply for Ocean as well??
((I'm sorry if I'm re-establishing stuff about Ocean again, i don't know American laws so im not sure if it affects her))
Sage for no new Info
No. 250074
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>>250073Here's the pic about the law that Cheyenne mentioned
No. 250113
>>250090There you go.
Also notice how Scott didn't reply to Cheyenne birthday tweet? I mean it's probably not as serious as I'm thinking it is, but I thought they were "buddy-buddy" now? He didn't even like the tweet.
No. 250313
>>250310I'll try to – it's pretty late here and starting to zone out a bit.
have a good sleep.
No. 250471
>>250436I agree he should at least keep her off the show. If you're gonna be in an abusive relationship and are determined not to listen to your friends or see the signs, don't submit your friends, and in this case us the viewers, to her toxic behavior.
But, I feel like Cheyenne won't be happy with not being on the show. They've probably been fighting about just that, especially since Angel has been on consistently now. I feel so sure in that Russ, Jund and Snake had Cheyenne be removed after all the drama with her and Sage, now that Sage is thankfully gone.
I just really hope he wises up and ends it for good if he hasn't already.
No. 250733
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Cheyenne is probably bitching on him about Angel being back, or maybe they're about to break up.. hmm…
No. 250770
>>250769He could be feeling like that, but they've been together for a long while at this point and hasn't acted THIS bad. He's had sad days but not like this.
I feel like they've either ended or are very close to ending.
No. 250831
>>250769It can be really hard to even just 'have a fight'…
I had a relationship once that… we lived together, they broke it off, but I thought that they were lying about it (I'm not going to get into it… except to say that it was really kind of reasonable for me to think that they would be lying due to prior statements made.)… I spend weeks in this state of 'broken because I was dumped' and 'hopefully waiting for stuff to be better'… That hope was pretty much the only happiness I had in my life (minus the occasional bone of affection they flung my way that kept me hung up on the idea that they were lying about everything.)
But even convinced we'd get back together… I still felt like dying.
Fighting can be hard. So hard.
Especially if you've got a bitch bitching in your ears and telling you repeatedly how worthless you are.
Especially if you're trying to make it better, but all your eager puppy efforts are scorned.
Gosh but fighting can be hard.
I hope to everything that They're broken up, and they is just… the aftermath flowing and not the dagger being twisted.
No. 251111
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I thought this was pretty funny.
No. 251547
>>251541In the description on YouTube it's says
"Happy Valentine's Day you miserable pieces of shit.
Lets drink"
So both would be the best guess.
No. 251897
>>251850Dude, it's way more than being a 'big whiny bitch' on stream, she is straight up abusive. She's said some pretty terrible things while just on stream though, so I can only imagine what she says off stream.
She bullied Ziegs to near suicide. She played a part in Angel and Mash being removed from stream as well. She puts down, bullies, throws tantrums, gaslights and so much more.. From what we just see!
I'm not saying she couldn't have a good trait, and be funny. Sure. There had to have been a reason to be brought around in the first place. But that isn't who she actually is, she's shown time and time again. She is fucking awful.
No. 251915
>>251912>pretty okayyou sound like a Trump supporter. "Oh yeah, he's totally great when he isn't doing horribly sexist, racist and awful things."
Yeah, that's still a terrible fucking person. Just because they can pretend to be nice to a person every now and then doesn't mean they're alright.
No. 251956
>>251940Did Cry, Cheyenne or someone say say "we broke up"? Nope.
But Cry's made several pretty damn obvious hints that he is miserable and potentially single on valentines day.
It's not anything obvious. But it's something that we didn't have yesterday, and is more concrete than an offhanded comment made in a stream around the topic of letting Mia die because of reasons.
No. 251963
>>251956>miserable and potentially single on valentines daycould it simply be because they're apart? cheyenne hasn't changed her bio nor her profile pic, and her valentine tweet seemed cheerful enough
don't get me wrong, i'm seriously hoping that's not the case here, but eh, who the fuck knows
No. 252075
>>252068door's on your left, don't trip on the way out
if you don't enjoy don't participate, the rest of us want a place where we can discuss and theorise this shit with no issue
No. 252090
>>252073Wow, poor guy.
By the way, what do you think about his content lately? I feel like the quality has been horribly dropping over these few years.
He said he's probably gonna quit youtube but recent videos seem to me like he's trying to make a comeback (the RE7 and Detention vids).
Other than that, he kept uploading like 50 parts of 2 hour long FF LPs and his sub count dropped a lot.
Is he at least doing well on twitch?
Also, he said he will quit youtube because he knows he's just a background noise but aren't twitch streams even more of a background noise for people?
I wonder, does he have another job besides youtube/twitch? Because his online career isn't doing the best, is it?
No. 252094
>>252090ever since his channel manager fucked the youtubers up some still haven't recovered
dodger's life is strange vids from the first episode and second episode are still not available, jesse cox left his channel and is going solo which I noticed must have been hard for him because I've sent Jesse a couple of friendly emails in the past and he always answered and now he just doesn't, probably doesn't answer anything that isn't work related
even dodger neglected her channel because she was streaming on twitch where she can host sam her bf, sam can also strap in the dooger fame and it's more money also because of subscription fee
generally speaking twitch is where it's at right now with money and that's why they are all focusing their efforts on it
No. 252096
>>252090He hasn't talked about another job, if he has one. I think YouTube/twitch is it. But, honestly, the entire LNC crew are full time twitch streamers. I think they make plenty from that, or at least enough to survive without a day job.
I think Twitch is becoming a bigger thing for letsplayers and people enjoy it more because they can interact with the streamer.
No. 252101
>>252096I see, that's good to hear because I remember him saying he needed to support his family or something.
I don't visit twitch often and wasn't sure if it as well paid as youtube can be.
No. 252120
>>252090Yeah his YouTube quality from days of old is long gone, but if anything interesting pops up I tend to give it a pity watch in my free time.
Being a streamer is probably more suited to him than being a YouTube content creator these days tbh but with that you have a potentially smaller but more loyal fanbase
No. 252290
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No. 252310
>>252295Yeah in a stream recently this was actually spoken about! I never knew of this person so i didn't think it was relevant
I can't remember what stream it was but i'll try to find it
No. 252325
>>252310>>252290Found it finally
Timestamp of when he mentions the ss guy is 8:40, topic starts at 7:50 though
No. 252341
>>252336Gound it. This was 7 years ago:
"I told her I didn't want to buy Modern Warfare 2 because of the dedicated server issue and specifically the no lean 'feature'. She argued with me that it would be worth it but I declined and told her we should just keep playing CoD4.
I woke up this morning to find a text message, it read:
"I'm leaving u for a real gamer"
She even took my extra controller.
No. 252348
>>252346We are digging and finding some things to mention while we wait for 'fresh milk'
There is nothing wrong with that, let us talk about whatever we want and butt in if you find it interesting.
No. 252359
>>252349Why Jen, though? I really really doubt Jen cares about us, lol. She's been outside of everything so far.
Maybe Sage just wants us to talk about her and her boring streams or something.
But, they do have a point. A girl leaving Cry 7 years ago doesn't really matter to fuck all now. I do think it's kinda weird that he didn't remember her name if he cared enough to get jealous about her talking to someone else, though, lol. But, it is Cry.
No. 252387
>>252349Y'know, I've gotta say, not everyone who says 'this isn't relevant' is one of the topical people. I actually thought to myself that the past few posts were incredible irrelevant as well.
>>252359Eh, I can understand this, actually. Names are more important to some people than others. I can't remember the name of my first boyfriend, though I remember
him past that. I've met some people who use my name obsessively, and some friends who never call me by name.
Plus, with Cry, there's always the chance that if he mentions them by name, some obsessive fans will track them down somehow and harass them. …I'd consider that a fairly harmless white lie, honestly.
No. 252394
>>252387That's true, I didn't consider him glossing over her to protect her, and that makes complete sense.
>>252362What, no way. Spoon's girlfriend is great, I'd be pissed if that happened.
No. 253687
>>253679They're having fun. Nothing really to report beyond Cry being asked about any regrets, and mentioning "The one who got away" when he was younger.
But that's like, barely any milk, so.
No. 253751
>>253745Cry: "Dude, he sexted?"
Russ: "Mannn"
Cry: "At least it was just text, it's not as bad as it could have been. It's just words."
So, basically, Cry's views are just that sexting is bad, but not as bad as actually fucking someone. Going along with how he might have cheated on Cheyenne.
No. 254085
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Seeing this was great. But yeah, Cry was pretty much apologizing for shit and thanking people for sticking around. I think if Cry and Cheyenne did break-up, he won't be mentioning it for a while or until he feels he's ready to.
No. 254109
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are you fucking kidding me
No. 254118
>>254109Could not head bang my desk any fucking harder. Man, I actually got my hopes up this time, it really seemed like it might be IT.
Anyone else think she might have tried to leave him again and just came crawling back so everything is suddenly a-ok with him?
No. 254141
>>254137Angel isn't Russ' girlfriend though.
Personality wise, having their girlfriends on is liking inviting any other friend on. If they're good people, it's good fun.
The only downside is, as I said, if they're having a domestic, it leaks onto stream.
Cheyenne shouldn't be on stream, not because she's Cry's girlfriend, but because she's a shitty person.
No. 254143
>>254140Maybe he knows his friend is back with a shitty person.
>>254141Exactly. It'd be fine if she was a better person and people liked her but she's not and we mostly don't.
No. 254148
>>254140>>254141I have a sort of theory. Maybe Cry/Cheyenne did break up but Russ is upset that Cry is openly still talking to her. Maybe he's worried that Cheyenne will pull him in again…
Things have been so great without her. I mean, the TGivg stream was great and all they did was talk and hang out. They seemed so happy and relaxed.
If Cheyenne was back around I think things would get really bad again.
No. 254157
>>254156True. They most likely had a huge fight though, considering she hasn't been around, on twitter much, or streaming at all.
It's been great and I'm really worried she's gonna return.
No. 254246
>>254109goddamnit, cry
fucking why
No. 254343
>>254322We may not have to deal with her if the rest of the crew can't stand her, though. She still wasn't on stream last night.
I don't mind as much if he wants to be in an abusive relationship as long as everyone else doesn't have to deal with it
No. 255041
>>255035Surgery can be pretty stupidly ridiculous expensive.
That said, I went and had a look at the gofundme, and it was created by Scott Jund…
Though how much roll she had in helping get the money raised is a good question… but I doubt she was the sole driving force.
I still think people are over reacting a bit to a single twitter exchange, and Russ being a little quiet…. or maybe not. who knows :)
No. 255088
>>255053…I.. wow. That's…
Hang on, now I gotta do some research…
Okay, she did that stream BEFORE the gofundme was created (by what she says on twitter, anyway) so that's not as scummy as I thought.
still, though.
No. 255096
>>255091Was it?
That's disgusting. :(
No. 255622
Y'know to come degree, I can't realy fault her TOO much for using money to fly out there (depending on how timing etc etc worked) … it's reflexive to wanna be with our friends/loved ones when they're sick… I dunno. It's still gross, though.
very unethical in HOW it was done, if there was already a gofundme planned :(
>>255309Probably, rather than money guilt, I agree.
No. 255804
Honestly, one thing that just solidified that she views his money as hers was during the first thread. There was an Anon that posted this:
>>>/snow/166284and that really stuck with me. Just before that post there's a screenshot of her saying that the bits they were giving to Cry would 'pay for her trip'
She will always view him as a piggy bank, because that's all she's ever been interested in.
No. 256134
>>255804Ugh, I just.. yeah, anyone would want to be near someone they care about if they're not feeling well. But, man. Man. Man.
You don't just SAY that the money is going to find your trip out there. keep it quiet. ugh.
No. 256176
>>256134Oh that was when he was healthy. She was in chat commenting on the bits he was getting.
When he had his galbladder removed, she said the donations were for his surgery, but used some to fly out there and who knows if he ever saw that money. That was when she had people donating to her PayPal instead of a gofundme.
No. 256378
>>256369No, It wasn't charity. Just a 24 hour Enderall stream or whatever it's called. Still, people were sending in super supportive messages about how Cry has impacted them and she's just like "wow, x amount of money, that will pay for my stuff"
It was just disgusting.
No. 256466
>>256458Also one more interesting thing to point out during the TGI stream- I am not quite sure exactly how he said it but it was something along the lines:
"_____at least they show you boobies. If you're single I mean they at least give-"
and instead of saying "you" he said
"At least give US boobies."
He included himself in that sentence.
Though it he could have just said it wrong but honestly I hope he didn't.
No. 257018
>>256934Man, she seems super sweet though.
>>256984Hard for us to know if Russ has a thing for her, though. Maybe he doesn't! She's a billion times better than Cheyenne and it would be nice to see him with someone who is sweet
No. 257709
>>257441>>257541Well, to be fair, he pretty much "flirted" with everyone, Russ and Amaz included.
I wouldn't give that much thought.
No. 257835
>>257726It'd be really fucked up if Angel and Cry started dating instead of Russ and Angel. We know how lonely Russ has been since Red and him broke up.
Plus mentioned above, she recently went through a death so I doubt she'd up emotionally to date.
No. 257852
>>257835I kind of think it's fucked up that, 1 we ship any real people together… And 2 if she wanted to date Russ, she would date him, considering they've been friends for a while. Lonely or not, he doesn't have dibs on her for knowing her first, nor does she really have to date anyone at all.
So many times I see people putting Angel with other people, just let her live her life.
No. 257872
>>257852that's what i'm saying lol.
We shouldn't be shipping anyone.
No. 257873
>>257850Eh, I agree and disagree about shipping RL people together. Shipping is alright, what's fucked up is when people get weirdly aggressive and emotionally attached to these ships.
On which note:
>>257835It wouldn't be fucked up. It would be two consenting adults doing what consenting adults do. Russ is great and all, but angel has no obligation to get together with him just because he's lonely.
That said.. it was heartening listening to the flirting recently :D
No. 258239
>>258196True. Even if they're just friends though, I personally don't really want my friends dating since I would be caught in the middle of any argument.
>>258206Pretty sure he doesn't exactly care what Cheyenne likes anymore lol. Think he's finally gotten the balls to stand up to her a little bit.
No. 258348
>>258328He was in the streams as soon as they started, wasn't even talking at all. And then as soon as they were talking about bringing people in, he was all "Hey guys :D" as if he had just got there. I'm probably reaching but he does it EVERY time. it's hilarious.
>>258341Agreed. I kinda started hating him when he was kissing Cheyennes ass 24/7, but also he just seems annoying. But I think Cheyenne isn't even talking to him or playing games with him either.
No. 258356
>>258348He DEFINITELY is just trying to get invited to streams, you're right. He always happens to show up just as they're inviting others.
I don't get it, he's not funny at all. He's just annoying.
No. 258387
>>258356He's ok, just a regular normie dude who needs to grow the fuck up and probably needs to learn more vocabulary and articulate better.
Then again he's fucking young compared to the rest of the crew.
He needs to chill out like Chey. They're in similar age range that's probably why they got along well.
No. 258417
>>258389She's memey, yeah, but I feel like she adds a different dynamic by being just a positive vibe in general.
Also, comparing her to Cheyenne or saying that there shouldn't be females on stream because of Cheyenne is fucking stupid.
No. 258620
>>258206I think it's because somebody made a short animation of the love song and he was maybe reminded of it?
Either way, yeah, Cheyenne is going to stream tomorrow and she's apparently 'back'
No. 258621
>>258608Ugh. I'm surprised if they didn't break up and Cry has been bringing Angel around, flirting like crazy and talking about banging so many people.
We'll have to see what happens, but if they're not broken up, maybe they're taking a break. Hopefully he finishes off that toxic horrible relationship, in the meantime, I hope she doesn't come back to the LNC. Maybe she's still trying to get as much money as she can. Probably was running low.
No. 259112
So hard to imagine that people might be altruistically involved?
No. 259628
>>259584She did complain about that during stream too because Cry had read out a message about her and Alex. I feel bad for her, I bet it kinda feels like chat just wants her around to see who she gets paired off with since that's all they talk about.
>>259591Definitely sounds like they spilt up. I don't know what else that could mean. He does sound happier lately though. And considering the timeline and how she's been gone since that stuff blew up, I'd say that her part in bullying more girls probably was the last straw this time.
No. 259872
It took me far too long to realize that it's monday, and it's NOT anywhere near 11pm.
You've taken 10 years off my life.
Trigger warnings plz.
(lol please no. … please?)
No. 260343
>>260340I'll probably pop in for as much as I can stand, but damn I dunno why she didn't communicate that she couldn't stream yesterday after saying she would. She's super rude to her subs.
No one but Cheyenne matters to Cheyenne
No. 260355
>>260343no surprise there, couldn't really expect any better from her
man I really fucking hope I'll be coming back to some good news
No. 260454
File: 1488307269913.png (17.44 KB, 833x140, crydescription.PNG)

The description in Cry's new video. More hints that he's possibly single or is it a bit of a far stretch?
No. 260491
>>260454Maybe, but Cheyenne mentioned Cry at the beginning of her stream today. She was discussing her siblings and how they're already married and have kids. She said something like "I'd like to get married by the time I'm 30, but don't tell Cry that." Then someone asked her whether she'd like being the one to propose to him and she said that she could see herself doing that. Then people in the chat were joking about her proposing to him while streaming.
I fell asleep while watching her stream so I'm not sure if she mentioned anything else. I picked it back up but she seems to be focusing on discussing the game right now.
No. 260535
>>260514Today Cheyenne mentioned that she was gone because she was visiting her sister who recently gave birth. She said that she's been spending most of her time with them.
You're right though, there definitely is something up with Cry and Chey. One of them, or both of them, aren't telling the truth.
No. 260541
>>260535If that's the case, then I am more leaning in towards Cry. (again, depression could be seasonal and not have anything to do with his relationship.)
I am going to assume though that he is realizing how unhappy he is in this situation and now all he has to do is see how to break it off.
This phase seems like he's trying to distance himself.
>>260537"Might" could imply that it is not a decision for her to make?
No. 260552
>>260535Ugh, then why not someone say that? it's not a big secret. Actually it's pretty happy news, over all. So why the secrets? "Busy with family stuff, she's fine, don't worry!" would have saved a lot of questions.
And he got a LOT of questions about it.
>>260541Ugh, Here I go blogposting again: Seasonal depression typically has to do with not getting enough sunlight, and not getting enough vitamin D as a result. Speaking from experience, it tends to be a slow creep in and a slow creep out, rather than BOOM! Of course, that's my own experience.
Cry could be a little (I think this is the right one) manic depressive… or maybe there was something wrong that got better. I dunno.
I like the way you think, though.. :D
No. 260561
>>260552Oh by "seasonal" i meant temporary.
My bad, I apologize.
On another one; in his newest video he mentioned "conversations" being the key to healthy/good relationships (something he and Cheyenne apparently didn't have for a while)
And then he goes to say how "assumptions" can ruin everything.
Now I could only guess what that's supposed to mean- but that would only be me, ironically, assuming.
No. 260565
>>260561Oh, no worries :D I don't think most people know about Seasonal Affective Disorder unless they experience it. :) So no worries.
that said, THAT is a interesting quote…
and, sadly… puts me back in the camp of them still being together. :(
>>260564and then, there is my ray of hope shining! :D
No. 260570
>>260565>>260564That's very interesting! Now I really do think he used the time Cheyenne was away to actually look back on their entire relationship.
He might feel like he is the only one trying to keep it together (something everyone experiences at least once- even in friendship).
The problem with that feeling though, is that as soon as the other person does something as small as simply saying "Hi" first- your train of thought immediately goes back to "Oh I was just imagining things they do care!"
Overall, a very hard train of feelings and thoughts during your day-to-day life & I do think our Cry is experiencing exactly that.
No. 260577
> The problem with that feeling though, is that as soon as the other person does something as small as simply saying "Hi" first- your train of thought immediately goes back to "Oh I was just imagining things they do care!"Not always. Sometimes the feeling is "Oh, NOW they want my attention." Speaking from experience. :(
it does confuse feelings though. Sometimes, all the apology in the world can't fix what was broken, though.
But I do think Cry has given a lot of thought to things lately, and that's good. Because even if they're not broken up now.. Maybe later, maybe next time, it will be the last straw.
After all… it sounds like the seed of doubt was planted. It might be asleep at the moment. But the next time she starts spewing bullshit, it's gonna fertilize that seed.
wait, that got gross. Sorry.
No. 260589
>>260577Oh god, thank you for the wonderful mental image.
You make a good point- but it really depends on how hard you're holding onto something, from what perspective are you observing it, or what kind of person you are.
I can't say I 100% know the guy but, from what we've all seen, Cry is not very full of himself.
His perspective to this might be mostly- if not entirely- self-central.
Which is why he would think he is just imagining things while looking at their relationship and where it's headed.
As for the relationship itself, it might not mean much to him- but I personally don't think he would be the one to break it off.
As I said, he does not want to be the reason something doesn't work out.. so instead he'll keep it bottled up until the other party cuts the thread.
In my humble opinion, of course.
No. 260594
>>260592I'm too jaded to believe these things but to entertain myself,
are our suspicions correct? blink once for yes or twice for no in case the cheymonster sees you
No. 260595
>>260587I agree with this. Especially since Angel was brought back, conveniently after Cheyenne disappeared. Worth Cheyenne around, I doubt Angel could come back, I also doubt she'd want to since it looked like from the outside she was very heavily bullied by Cheyenne and Sage.
I kinda feel like if Cheyenne was brought back there might be issues? Unless they happen to solve months of that stuff happening, which I feel like is unlikely.
Or if Russ and Snake are okay with Cheyenne back.
I have no idea, guys. I feel like we're getting two different stories and maybe Cheyenne is just a delusional crazy person? Either way is confusing and I'm curious to see where it goes.
No. 260598
>>260594Your suspicions are incredibly close.
>>260596No, I'm not.
No. 260602
>>260592A part of me wants to say "proof of you're a lying liar who lies."
On the other hand.. I want to believe. xfiles.jpg
Stay safe, Be his friend. It sounds like he needs one.
And I really mean that – when we're lost, we look around for a guide.
I just want him to be happy.
And to know what's going on, but him happy first.
No. 260603
>>260601That's a difficult thing to find out about without letting the cats out.
"hey do you know about the lolcow thread?"
"the what?"
"oh, uh….."
No. 260604
>>>>260587 >>260595We've mentioned this before, but unfortunately as far as we know, the LNC is the main source of income for all of the members. And although all of them are Twitch partners I have no idea if they'd have enough money just on their own numbers (compare the nightly numbers for their individual streams with LNC, LNC gets easily over 5000 every week (usually a lot more) while their individual streams usually get less than 500 (which is still pretty good for Twitch, so it might be enough to financially support them).
But the point is, we don't know their financial situations. They might not be able to pay rent if they leave the LNC, and honestly, that's probably part of the reason why they've stuck around so long and put up with Cheyenne's BS.
No. 260606
>>260598gotta say, I don't believe you for a second, but I really do hope what you're saying is true and that he does have someone he can talk to
pls be real
No. 260607
>>260606seriously, one of the only times I actually hope it's real because cry really needs a friend, that also isn't from the LNC because it's just one part of the drama
the guy is clearly going through a bad time
No. 260609
>>260595Being that I actually know a good deal of information, I don't know if you're telling the truth or just don't have all the information.
You're right that Cry is unhappy with Cheyenne, but that's not the full story, and if you had more of the actual story, I'm not sure why you wouldn't say it if you were willing to give away that randomly.
Just be careful in believing all anons off the bat.
No. 260615
>>260601I'm assuming that he does not know about the thread. I tried to bring it up to him casually, simply asked him if he had googled anything relating to himself recently, he said he hadn't.
I'm more than happy to post some sort of evidence that I do in fact talk to him. I could post a screenshot of one of our call durations or something.
No. 260618
>>260615I think that would not only be welcome, but probably make a great number of us gasp with relief to know he's got a friend. Or piss ourselves with joy.
Or both.
Gasp with piss or something.
No. 260622
>>260617not necessarily. "googling himself lately" doesn't mean "is unaware of these thing"
…he may have known from before. He may have it bookmarked. He may have had the link shared with him, no google involved, etc.
No. 260623
>>260617Yeah, I know for a fact he knows about lolcow too.
I think the other anon forgot that there are in fact people in here that know what is happening and just correct misinformation in here.
No. 260624
File: 1488318707621.jpg (73.83 KB, 1080x1130, jack.jpg)

>>260615>>260617who do I believe?
No. 260631
File: 1488319093061.png (47.44 KB, 1064x704, CAPTURE03.png)

There's your proof.
More personal things are blanked out for obvious reasons.
No. 260636
>>260632It could be, yes.
But it's more proof than we've seen from most people. Too much proof becomes personally identifying.
I'd rather Cry have a friend, than we have proof.
Take what Anon M says with a grain of salt. Like you would anything else anon posted here.
No. 260644
Alright. Clearly there's some salt in here so I'm just going to go back to hovering. I'm glad that a lot of you seem to care about him, though. Thank you guys for that.
No. 260652
>>260631Okay I don't mean to come up out of the blue like this, but this is either fake or a really old screenshot. I'm not gonna reveal who I am, I'm not gonna contribute to this in any other way than the way I currently am, but I know for a fact that this is fake because I'm a friend of his.
Here are my reasons.
1.) His location isn't and has never been "United States". He keeps it somewhere overseas, won't say where, so people won't find him on there.
2.) He hasn't used the "Away" status in nearly a year. He's either invisible or Do Not Disturb.
I won't provide proof of this. And again, I won't say who I am or what I know. But I just wanna let you guys know that this anon is fake.
No. 260658
>i know him better than you do!>you know nothing, bitch!whatevs, I truly hope one of the two is actually real and is actually helping him out
it'd suck knowing he is completely alone in this
No. 260660
>>260652Thank you for your contribution. It's appreciated to have another perspective.
As I said: Grains of salt.
anyone can say anything and present it as truth.
No. 260662
Y'know I usually never talk on this thread and tonight I dared state my opinions back:
>>260541>>260561>>260570>>260589But so much shit happened after I started typing on here that I'm considering on never doing it again oh god.
No. 260665
>>260662Nah, Speaking for myself, I thought your posts were insightful and welcomed them :)
you didn't start any shit. :)
Relax, and pat the cows. Speak up if you have an opinion <3
No. 260667
>>260660It's no problem. Please, please take information like that with a grain of salt, like you said. I consider myself a good friend of his and no good friend would ever fucking leak information like that. It's dirty and gross. And as much as I know, I would be an awful friend to let you guys know of anything that is going on.
I wanna see what conclusions you guys draw. If anyone leaks fake info like that again, I'll shut it down, I promise.
And to reiterate, I won't reveal who I am at all at any point in time. I just want you guys to have real facts.
Peace out, homes. xo
No. 260684
>>260670>>260673>Are Cheyenne and Cry a thing, or not? Apparently she hinted at them still being together, see
>>260491But really, at this point, considering all the shit that just went itt, who the fuck knows anymore
No. 260701
I need to vent for a second here.
Don't get me wrong, I love Cry. Adore him, in fact. He's my favourite YouTuber and all around, (in my personal opinion), an amazing guy. But sometimes I regret being part of this fandom. There's so much negativity, it makes me feel sad.
I know that no fandom is perfect and that there's always going to be drama, but come on…
I'm not really helping myself by constantly coming back to this thread, I know that. But it's too addicting to not come and read every once in a while, y'know?
The problem is, whenever I do that, I'm left feeling sorta empty, which then leads me to think about this shit for hours.
Argh. I hate it.
I respect most of you people in here but, I just don't know how to put into words what I feel.
No. 260704
>>260701Sorry to hear that.
If I knew your personal twitter / tumblr or whatever, then I'd be able to give you the clarity that you needed.
It'd make you feel better.
No. 260706
>>260701op of the first cry thread here, the negativity is kind of what inspired me to make the thread, because there wasn't a space to be honest with my feelings without inducing fangirl wrath or having to show your url (not that I'm anyone important but still)
I guess the fact that there is a lot of bitterness in here reflects how a lot of fans actually feel but can't express in other platforms. I know what you mean though, it's like reading one of those depressing books that never seem to get better. I miss his videos. Streams are too long for me and I don't find it funny if I'm not live to see it at the time.
I lurk pretty actively, several times a day, and I'm not sure if I'm proud of my "creation" or not. In a way I guess I am since this is the most outspoken area that's not affected by ass kissers, but it also highlights just how shit the situation actually is, when you get post after post or piles of evidence that cry is in a really bad place and needs to get out of it, but probably doesn't know how
No. 260708
>>260701My Twitter is @CupcakeIsHeree so do with that what you want I guess.
Kinda dumb to just put on here but I suppose there's always a privatise option if any trolls come along.
No. 260717
Not vent!anon here:
>>260706I think part of the…. allure? is that we're allowed to be negative. And from what i've seen (I came in ~thread 3… and did a LOT of skimming to TRY and catch up) for the most part, we're not as awful as a lot of people would be, given anonymity. Today's been a pretty decent example: one of the recurring themes is "I want Cry to be okay." and "I want him to get away from someone who is abusive."
So, y'know, it's kinda nice. It's like listening to several other people who have the same 'inner bitch' that I have. It's a bit therapeutic, honestly.
Sometimes, I wish things were a little less anonymous–I feel like I could be friends with some of y'all. But if we were not all wearing our little Cry-anon masks, we couldn't have what's here.
No. 260720
File: 1488323524532.jpg (22.52 KB, 385x385, FeelsBadMan.jpg)

>>260701yeah, I know how you feel, I actually find myself checking this thread multiple times a day hoping to finally find something nice for once, some shred of hope about him finally getting out of the situation, but alas, looks like that never happens, huh?
No. 260725
>>260720I have hope!
Don't give up hope. There's plenty of hints that say that even if they're still together, they won't stay that way.
No. 260733
>>260725eh I guess that's true
weird thing is, despite cheyenne acting on stream like nothing happened at all, I am now feeling more hopeful about the whole situation than I have in a very long while
let's just hope we're not just deluding ourselves here
No. 260755
>>260733I agree with this. I'm more inclined to believe what we see from Cry than what we see/hear from Cheyenne. She could be hard in denial.
Plus, Cry said she was doing some "soul searching" and why would he say that if she was just hanging out with her sister.
No. 260772
>>260767Easy to act nice when you're just doing it for people who are throwing money at you.
She's incapable of showing anyone else respect.
Also, to add, she could be trying to make Cry look bad if he does/did leave her. "look how nice and genuine I am out of the blue"
No. 260778
Pardon my writing-
No. 260806
File: 1488328889965.png (23.23 KB, 564x274, Not as relevent.png)

i was going to post this awhile back but people stopped talking about her so i didn't bother. it's not on his bio anymore but you can still see it on this search result.
No. 260816
man, a dude walks away to watch some movies and comes back to watch the plot go on a rollercoaster.
i'm gonna hold on to the theory that Cry spending time away from Cheyenne made him realise, if only a little, that their relationship is fucked up and that he needs to drop her. like
>>260788 said, Cheyenne herself might be realising this and either trying to get him to change his mind or tarnish his reputation post-breakup.
No. 260817
>>260785>>260788Both of you bring up good points but I didn't mean to say that she's definitely having a change of heart, I'm sorry if I came across like that !! Especially when I only watched 20 Minutes of that stream haha
And even if the realization is only based on her losing the person that gives her fame and money, even if she bullied ziegs and the others, there wasn't much discussion and since her fans stuck up for her, she may have possibly gained the impression that she's safe in the bubble of her fans. Until, like I said, these threads began. Where we tried to go in depth with all those troublesome things she's done, compiled evidence to prove it, brought up many good points in her terrible behaviour, she no longer has that bubble to be in since so far (which is honestly really great if I can be honest here) her fans haven't messed these threads ups and plus, those who seemed to be affiliated with both Cry,her and the LNC, she could be worried that they may say some things that will end up doing a lot of damage…? Because if I'm honest here, I've had two friends who aren't fond of her anymore ever since reading these and they even defended her during the whole ziegs incident–
Sorry for the pointless post-
No. 260899
> the whole conversation went down about how she thought Cry uploading one video a day wasn't impressive,Oh gosh, yeah, I saw that one on youtube (thank you beautiful people who upload stream stuff to youtube) … it about broke my heart.
I mean, I think about how I'd feel is someone i cared baout said that to me and it just. :( Devastating. I know Cry's made of sterner stuff than I am… but who the hell says that to someone they care about? :(
No. 260905
>>260899She thinks she can do/say whatever she wants. She's said before "I can say that because I have sex with you" or something along those lines and I think that's how she really thinks. And Cry actually takes the time and effort to edit his videos in ways that makes sense or are funny and I think he was proud of how he did videos until she said that.
>>260903Not in her mind it isn't. Everything Cry has belongs to her ever since she started dating him.
No. 260947
> It isn't her place to try and dictate what HE does with HIS videos.
> She thinks she can do/say whatever she wants. She's said before "I can say that because I have sex with you" or something along those lines and I think that's how she really thinks
I mean, to a tiny tiny degree, if you're in a relationship with someone, you have some room to be 'demanding'… "You're not going out wearing that shirt. It's ratty and gross looking." "Baby, I love you, but could you not burp like that when we're in a restaurant? It's embarrassing…" … and I think "can you please not flirt with other girls? it really bothers me"
but shiiit, everything I see from her is just.. pure lack of respect. "No, I give you sex, so obey me."
For a while, I hoped that they were just, like, teasing. I mean, My husband and I will 'playfully bicker' in public, playing off of "Oh, you know how men/women are" stereotypes… but it's always very clearly teasing (and honestly, it makes the old-lady cashiers at walmart smile, and start talking about their 'lazy husbands' or whatever)… but …
….if they are 'playfully teasing'… 1) They've crossed the line several times with each other and 2) they're basically doing that thing where you're taking your kink out in public and making everyone around you uncomfortable in the process.
That said, I think it's more likely that they ARE teasing (or at least, Chey says "It's not like I mean it.") and don't realize how much they're hurting each other.
Or Chey's hurting him, anyway.
No. 260958
>>260947Some of the things she's said and done are clearly not teasing. I can see how it could be perceived like that, but I think most of us have been around enough to see that shit isn't a joke.
He doesn't go at her with the same ferocity. He might have playfully said "you bitch" in the past, but that's the extent.
There are so many videos out there that highlight some serious abusive behavior. She always has to have her way, she puts him down constantly, she gaslights him a bunch. These are the things we can see in public, as well. I'm sure she's worse in private.
No. 261531
>>261422No, not doomed.
Just delayed.
There's plenty of evidence to suggest that he's Been Thinking About Things, and that Stuff Might Change as a result.
Heck, her being on LNC might be the last straw.
>>261492Naw. Cry's a sweetheart. And it can be seriously hard to make the decision to end things. Logically, you can understand that, for example, it's a bad relationship, but the heart isn't so understanding.
Nearly every person I've known who's gotten out of an abusive relationship has said something like "But when we're good, everything's great." or "it's only when he gets angry.." or "he's not like that, most of the time." … as well, we're taught that you're supposed to accept our loved ones flaws, not try to change them. just like, even when these people get tired of being abused, they can say things like "I know it's stupid, but I still miss him."
And it really is true.
and to add to it further: From what I recall, Cry lived with a single mother, and had a string of poor to shitty father figures.
Speaking from personal experience, men who have similar backstories tend to have a more difficult time accepting that a woman can be abusive to a man.
And cry knows he's not being abusive, so, what she's doing is probably okay, yeah? She's being strong and independent, and she's not going to take any shit from anyone, and that's pretty attractive, especially in comparison to what he saw his mom do.
(again, please, this is my speaking my own opinions based on 3 young men I've known… and using that knowledge to make guesses about Cry's nature. Not any insider knowledge. Your mileage may vary. Cry's milage may vary.)
So, don't say he's an idiot. He's making a dumb decision, but affairs of the heart are often difficult.
and, I hold to my prior thought – he's had some time to think about things. He's had some time to realize "wow, I feel better about myself when i'm not being constantly abused" and that is really, seriously, one of the first steps.
You can tell someone up and down left and right that they are being abused…. and it won't sink in if they're not ready to hear it–maybe even make them resistant to it, if you keep going on about it. The decision to step away from an abuser often starts from a single step: some moment where they realize "I want happy until you came home" or "I didn't want to come home from work" or something like that. it doesn't tend to spur instant change, but starts some self study and soul searching.
and with 3+ years? (I think?) of soul to search through, it can take a while.
Especially as, I think, Cry's by nature a sweet guy. not the type to want to hurt someone More willing to accept what's offered. But I think.. . at some point… he'll find that line and step paste it.
It's also worth noting that he has several examples going on around him of people breaking up, and it not being the end of the world, etc.
Just give him time. These things need time.
No. 261699
>>261679I still think it's so weird. If that were the reason, helping her sister, why didn't she say something on social media? Her sister had a baby last year and it was on twitter. She was gone for a couple weeks then, after the livestreamfails thing happened, and that's why they said she was gone then.
Now, her sister had a baby a month and a half ago and she's said nothing, hasn't been around, has just talked about how depressed she was.. Cry said she was doing "soul searching…"
Honestly, none of it makes sense and I guess we'll just have to see what happens. We're probably just getting the typical LNC "lie to the viewers" stuff.
No. 261911
>>261569I'm glad I could help <3
Helps me keep my hopes up too ;)
>>261699Honestly, I think she's lying. Or at least… She's only telling part of the truth.
Maybe baby-having coincided with some other event that lead to going MIA/soulsearching for a while.
A convinient excuse to get away from it all for a while.
By the sound of it, she probably didn't say much to anyone about it, or possibly only said something vauge or whatever.
Maybe, after a period of no-communication, cry bothered her until she responded (she's indicated in the past that he can messsage too much) …. so maybe she blew up at him with something like "shut the fuck up and leave me alone" (or something that seems somewhat final, or maybe jsut rude AFK when addressed at someone who's just worried about you, or maybe was trying to tell you something exciting) which started his period of depression….
I dunno.
(I had the wacky thought while writing this that maybe she cheated on him but I've no evidence at all… except… in that clip that other anon just posted, she said that her sister lives nearby. Which means she wasn't, like, 500 miles away from her computer, but was probably pretty dang close to home. …. though that may be me who's been in the position of my LDR-BF-cheating-on-me-with-someone-local-to-him…)
No. 261941
>>261837That was would be autohost for sure, Angel has Cryaotic on her autolist and since Cheyenne was hosted by Cry, she showed up on Angel's.
I know Angel, her and Cheyenne do not get along, Cheyenne was a big part of the bullying that happened a few months ago. She'd never willingly have anything to do with Cheyenne, I don't think.
No. 261959
>>261955Just tried it on another channel I have. If I host someone who is also hosting I get nothing on my channel.
It's like this for a reason, otherwise you would have no control what would appear on your channel.
No. 261960
>>261959When you are autohosting someone and they go offline and begin autohosting it continues showing the new stream.
Otherwise I am incredibly confused and somewhat concerned how both myself and my friends have found ourselves hosting people we've never even heard of.
No. 261968
File: 1488448950553.png (3.67 KB, 359x62, autohost.png)

she probably has this turned on guys
No. 262446
>>262441I agree more with this. She could be doing the thing that all abusive partners do, which is come back acting super nice because they've changed "so much" after thinking about things.
Which sucks if he's going with it, which is what it looks like. She's done so many fucked up things, I don't get what's taking Cry so long to realize she's no good.
I'm really really nervous for Saturday, though. I really don't want her to come back to the LNC. If she just isn't around stuff anymore, it'll be much better, but I'm sure she'll never be happy being out of the limelight like that, so I'm sure she'll worm her way back in.
But if the theories are true about the crew being so upset about the drama that happened because of Cheyenne and Sage, I can't imagine her return would go over well unless they talked it out?
I don't really get it.
No. 262454
>>262446I totally agree about Cheyenne acting nice. She'll do it to get back good with Cry and eventually go back to how she was just like all abusive partners. Then the cycle will repeat until Cry grows a pair and kicks her to the curb.
I don't think the crew has a choice really in her coming back. Like, Russ and Snake especially were obviously unhappy about the whole DnD thing but nothing came from it because Cry is basically the boss and Cheyenne is his boss. Jund for years has openly disliked her and nothing ever came from that either. The title might say Late Night with Cry and Russ, but Cry has the ultimate power since he has a larger fan base. Views decline on nights he's not there and the others know that. I don't think Cry is the type of person that would ever threaten them with something like that, but I think Cheyenne would. I can imagine her trying to convince Cry to get rid of someone (like Angel) or threatening the crew to get rid of them if they started to "rebel" too much. Not saying it would work, but people have been using fear tactics for centuries to keep people from speaking out.
No. 262468
Disclaimer: I'm someone who strives desperately to give the benefit of the doubt.
IF Cheyenne's soul searching was about her behavior and stuff… and IF she's been promising to 'change so much' etc. (I have my doubts on that last one. If doesn't feel right to me) …. I wanna talk about this:
> She could be doing the thing that all abusive partners do, which is come back acting super nice because they've changed "so much" after thinking about things.
I think it's important to mention that not all abusive partners realize that they're doing that. That it's a manipulation tactic, I mean. She may very well feel, in that moment, that she HAS made a realization and DOES WANT to change and be a better person… the problem lays in maintaining that emotion.
I mean, a couple times a month I decide that I'm sick of being out of shape and decide that I AM going to start doing some aerobics each morning. It can be hard to stick to it. Habits are hard to kick, especially when they're a part of your personality. Seriously: Daily aerobics? Adds one item to your day. you think about it, you do it, you're done. But changing your personality is fucking HARD. It's part of you. It's part of EVERYTHING you do. It's part of how you THINK.
It's always there.
And the 'worst' part is, you can 'get it right' 99% of the time, but EVERYONE notices when you mess up that 1%.
So she could legit be sincere.. But I really doubt that this is exactly what happened. It's a good theory, though. It just doesn't feel right to me.
Maybe it's because I don't think it fits Cheyenne's character to vanish for… what… a month and change without any word… if she's such an attention whore?
I've seen plenty of 'over night' conversions. And those are the ones easily forgotten.
So if she REALLY did spend a month thinking about whatever…. Maybe she's serious.
If any of that is real, hahahaha.
Personally I think we're missing a key page or two of this story. :)
No. 262484
>>262468Things should have changed after she was told she made someone want to kill themselves. They didn't change -so much- that she went on to bully 2 other girls, with backup that time.
She won't change.
Honestly, I think for the best would be for Cry to leave her and to actually distance himself from her. She needs to be away from this kind of environment and heavily work on herself. She won't change if everything around her does not. Her and Cry clearly don't work, there's been signs of that ever since they announced they were dating.
No. 262490
>>262487Publicly bickering, a lot. Cheyenne had a tendency to go after his fans like crazy. I feel like, of course they're going to be annoying, but she had this unhealthy possession over him where she felt the need to berate literally every fan that said anything against her.
When it's like, you're already dating him Cheyenne, they're not going to compromise your relationship with him.
After that it just got worse and worse with her obviously controlling everything in the relationship and the people around them getting more and more uncomfortable and unhappy with her, leading up the the Ziegs incident. We're all aware how it spiralled after that.
No. 262495
>>262490Going off the fan thing, she also seems very competitive with them. She was talking about fangirls once and said "Well guess who won, bitches?!" She loves to point out that she's the one dating him and all of her social media is based around their relationship. It's pathetic and like this anon
>>262484 said, she doesn't need to be in this environment. It obviously is not healthy and if she really wanted to be with Cry she would work on herself instead of trying to worm her way to getting money/fame. I personally think a breakup would be best for everyone involved.
No. 262510
>>262508I like how shortly after that Russ refers to them as "Cryaotic Anonymous".
An apt name for us too, but for a different reason.
No. 262514
>>262512No it doesn't. You either accept and move on, or you leave the person because you can't trust them.
You don't become a psycho
No. 263020
>>262928I feel like this is a cop out. Before it was a "yeah, I'm coming back!" and now she's not sure if she'll be busy with her sister during late night?
Maybe she isn't allowed to come back and she's just been trying to play it off. I guess we'll see tomorrow though.
No. 263587
>>263572I think it's weird that Jund will do his own stream every day but the 1 day a week LNC is on he'll be there for a couple hours or not at all.
I hope he isn't getting paid as much as Snake and Russ, because it's every week.
No. 263595
>>263592Except it is. And I get not being 'nocturnal,' I just hope he isn't being paid the same as them then. If you think of it like a job, should your parttime coworker make as much as you when you're fulltime?
because he's basically just parttime
No. 264341
>>264276Aren't you a happy little ray of sunshine?
>>264084>>264275I didn't, but I'll check it out this afternoon.
No. 264548
>>264478I honestly have a hard time thinking she can feel anything for anyone beyond herself considering how she treats others. She seems like she has no empathy.
I think only recently has she been trying to pretend like she can feel for others. She is fake as fuck.
No. 264612
>>264610 Was meant to be for
>>264603I'm a mess lmao.
No. 264616
>>264597It also may have something to do with the fact they bullied 2 girls together?
But like
>>264605 said, she's a nobody.
No. 264867
>>264830I agree that I'd prefer Witwix over Jund as well. Jund's fine usually but for a while now, he has taken to complaining a lot.. And he isn't on LNC long as it is.
Recently, when he is on he just seems pushy and like he's in a rush to put in time to play one, maybe two games so he can leave asap
He doesn't joke as much and clearly treats it like a job he's not that into.
Plus, I got really grossed out by him supporting Cheyenne just to appease and push Sage ahead as a streamer
No. 264874
>>264867I've actually never really liked Jund that much, either. His complaining and negativity tend to bring down the mood (albeit not as much as Cheyenne does).
Not sure if it means much, but they still have Witwix's Blastoise avatar in the firepit in the LNC campfire title card (for lack of a better name for it).
No. 265048
>>265037I think it's that he's acted kinda shady and he doesn't really stay for very long on LNC stuff. Not everyone is gonna be a fan of him, he is an asshole. Some people like that, some don't.
The Jen/Jund/Witwix thing has hit a sore spot with some, I think, too.
I mean even Cheyenne has supporters. I've seen comments on youtube videos and people in chat saying they miss Cheyenne insulting people.
He's just not everyone's cup of tea.
No. 265071
>>265057I'm glad he's nice to you, but he did allow Sage to bully 2 girls with Cheyenne, and supported her doing so because it made her happy. The love triangle of Jen/Witwix/Jund is confusing as hell but I guess we don't know much about it, other than since it happened Witwix has been pretty MIA on LNC stuff.
I get that he isn't Nocturnal. I'm sure the crew has it worked out that he makes less than Snake/Russ which is why he pushes for his own streams all the time.
He is an asshole though. He's gone off on twitter about losing maybe 2 or 3 subs because of x or y, which is really unprofessional. Like it was stated before, recently he seems to just be pushing the stream ahead when they're all talking so that he can play a game, maybe two, and leave quick. He'll just pressure the others by saying things like "so are we playing something" "we gotta play something, people are waiting" and just being pushy and awkward in general.
His attitude, in my opinion, has just gone pretty sharply downhill and I can see that I'm at least not the only one who thinks that.
No. 265077
>>265071First of all, if you have a crazy bitch of a girlfriend like Sage probably was, I'm pretty sure you'd be terrified to not go along with whatever shit came out of her mouth. I'm pretty sure he was just either scared or being a good boyfriend. I know for a fact he didn't like having to do that, as proven by him immediately talking to Angel again after they broke up.
And what does "pushes for his own streams all the time" mean? He's been streaming daily himself pretty much since LNC started with 50 viewers. Are you saying he planned all of this in advance 5 years ago? Come on now.
How is him feeling bad his channel was doing bad making him an asshole? Makes him unprofessional, sure, but how the hell does that make him an asshole? Its like if someone tweeted "got a pay cut at my job, really sucks" would you really go "wow what an asshole!" If so, I think -you- might be an asshole.
He does expedite the streams, which frankly I like. The crew tends to shit around for like 40 minutes occasionally doing absolutely nothing so its good someone pushes them to actually play a game. He never really sounds dickish about it either.
You're free to dislike him an stuff but you kinda sound like a dick yourself.
No. 265079
>>265077No, I mean 'pushes for his own streams' just that he doesn't prioritize LNC at all, but instead will stream his own stuff 2 times a day. Which is fine, if that's what you're about, I guess.
It makes you an asshole when you try to guilt your viewers into subbing/staying subbed. He doesn't know why those people unsubbed, maybe they just couldn't afford it. Crying about it on twitter is an asshole move, sorry. He's tweeting about his job TO his customers.
If papa johns all of a sudden started tweeting about how they just didn't sell enough pizza yesterday and 'what the hell guys,' it would be an asshole move, yeah.
I personally like the banter. I come for the banter, not to watch them speedrun through a game. It's boring when they're playing and just making small comments. I love when they discuss, but maybe that's just me.
And yeah, I dislike how he's been acting. If I sound like a dick, then I guess you sound like a blind fan. The dude just has been sucking lately.
No. 265116
>>265077Going off of this, there was that TGI stream recently where Russ and Cry went the whole time without playing a game so I'm glad someone is pushing them to actually play games. The banter is good, but I'm guessing most people, myself included, want to see them play games as well.
As for everything else, I haven't heard anyone else in the crew complain about Jund's payment or leaving early except for Cheyenne (if you want to count her as part of the crew). They've been doing this for awhile, so I'm sure money distribution is not a problem with them.
I don't like Jund that much either, but I wouldn't say he is greedy. A little bit of an asshole, sure. He was (don't know if he still is) pretty pushy about his viewpoints, but he also seems to care a lot about the other LNC members and genuinely has fun when playing games with them
No. 265123
>>265116Because Russ and Snake don't discuss things openly, we have no idea how they feel about things.
And that TGI was hilarious. Do you mean the vocaroo and Dylan Sprouse one? That was seriously the best, one of the first streams in a while that I wasn't bored at all from start to end. To each their own.
No. 266270
>>266267So…. he did a video with her and that's confirming things? While it definitely seems like something that wouldn't happen in a Cheyenne-filled world, I'd hardly say that it's proof.
Still, nice to see :3
No. 266292
>>266270True. I feel like this is leaning towards good things though.
1. Cheyenne hasn't been on LNC for months, despite saying she'll come back.
2. There hasn't been a "Couples Therapy" stream just as long, if not longer.
3. Angel has been around way more lately
4. Most of the crew isn't even friends with Cheyenne on steam
5. Cry has avoided talking about Cheyenne or actively left her out of responses when people mention her.
I feel like they're at least taking a break from one another, which would be good because maybe Cry will see how much better he is without her. Kinda makes all the stuff she was saying about her and Cry recently when she started streaming again seem like she was bluffing when things are clearly not normal
No. 266321
>>266270What was the last TGI stream was on before she was kicked off Cryaotic channel? Mario Party.
It's also Angel's first appearance on Crys actual YouTube channel. Maybe this is his way of saying, he's not dating Cheyenne anymore and he has the ability to do what he wants. It's his channel.
It could be coincidence but man is it close together.
No. 266713
>>266701It's been better since Cheyenne hasn't been around, but he's a huge Cheyenne Fanboy. An anon earlier had mentioned he only will speak up in chat if he feels like he might be invited by being noticed, so I started paying attention to that more and he definitely does.
Anytime they mention bringing someone in, he'll just appear in chat saying "Hey Guys!" it's pretty sad.
He's not even fun in the games, because it seems like he complicates things for everyone. None of them trust him and he does shitty things that seem to piss off the others.
I don't know why they keep inviting him tbh
No. 266718
>>266133Yea you can reddit and find these shit. Jund would come up too as well since he dated Jen when WixJen broke up then she left for Wix again. Crazy shit.
That's why it's nice to see Wix and Jund were (and still are)talking normally when Wix came on LNC streams for few weeks. Plus all these shitfest has been years ago so I'm sure they are both over it.
No. 266726
>>266713Seriously. It's so retardedly annoying whenever he pops up. Especially for TTS games. That's why that one time when cry replied to everyone saying invite Riskem for Sercet Hitler with he's going to throw himself out the window if Riskem does join was the highlight for me. Sadly Cry didn't stick to his gun. I guess because then it would be too cruel after saying such savage thing.
But god I hope Riskem grow the fuck up soon and learn to speak better.
No. 266755
Does anyone know if that whole deal with Riskem's family getting evicted was legit? He had a gofundme, and got a lot of pity dollars from it. The crew didn't really talk about it, or seem to care.
The whole thing seemed fishy. Like, he posted about the eviction, and how he and his family were currently homeless, then by that next week, he said that the courts were ruling in his favor, and that he and his family would have a new home soon.
I'm no lawyer, but doesn't the legal process take a little more time than that? Like the amount of time to schedule a court hearing, find a lawyer, plead both sides, and reach a verdict seems like it would be longer than a week. The whole thing felt like a scam.
No. 266760
>>266726>That's why that one time when cry replied to everyone saying invite Riskem for Sercet Hitler with he's going to throw himself out the window if Riskem does join was the highlight for me.Yeah, I remember that. I was surprised at how much of an onstream burn he gave Riskem.
To me, Riskem sounds like he's stoned all the time. He just sounds disinterested or inattentive when he's onstream. At first it was a little amusing, but now it's more annoying than anything.
No. 266761
>>266755Oh dam, I'm not sure about court ruling and the days but what is he going to do with the money now that his family is not losing the house? Keep it? God that's gross. I hope he's better than that and just donate it to charity or something. Make something good for once with his name under it.
And I think the crew usually don't bring downer personal mess into streams. They either say the "not feeling today" or they stay quiet.
>>266748I really hope not. I think Riskem has more personality than Bstar, but Bstar was fame hungry af.
No. 266763
>>266760And chey was like that the entire time whenever they played Secret Hitler. And I love SH but can't bare to watch most of the vod for it. Good God.
Nah he can't make a reasonable argument to save his fucking life and he fills his sentences with a bunch of "like" "uh" nooooo" and fucking "listen". I know cry does the whole "listen" thing but most of the time he actually has some kind of idea of what he wants to talk about. Unlike Riskem.
No. 267769
File: 1489276789027.jpg (25.02 KB, 564x317, aknsg.jpg)

When he was taking about a cat, he was LITERALLY talking about a cat, though…
The one on the right, specifically.
What made you guys think he was taking about Cheyenne?
No. 267770
>>267769The anon that posted that probably skimmed through the video and just made a wrong assumption.
Where did you get this pic?
No. 267772
>>267771>>267770I had it saved somewhere in my computer, but I think he actually posted in on tumblr?
Good thing I name all the pictures containing cats "cats" so it was quite easy to find.
No. 267784
File: 1489278557704.png (165.89 KB, 1080x1012, 20170311_182740.png)

I think it's funny that 2 women, who have bullied other women for being around them, are talking about falling in love with women.
No. 267804
>>267788Cheyenne has said before that she's pansexual like Cry. Someone asked Cheyenne a while back on Tumblr if Cry being pan makes her worried/jealous around guys and she was like "well I am too so…" So I guess she could actually like a girl but I have a hard time believing that she feels anything towards
anyone with how she acts.
No. 267866
File: 1489288599185.png (183.22 KB, 1366x670, Capture32.PNG)

Snake is indeed on her friends.
No. 267888
File: 1489290849348.png (39.78 KB, 299x387, still on friends list.png)

>>267866Can confirm she's still on Snake's list via "ugh"
No. 267889
I know some couples are all okay with this sort of thing.. but could one of the closer 'Chey-watchers' say if this is a "usual" sort of statement she'd make?
Cuz, I mean… I would never make that statement if I had a significant other.
However, I am a totally different personality than Cheyenne is.
Thank God for that.
No. 267957
I seriously hope someone's just having a shitty day and taking it out on everyone else…. because otherwise: why would you DO that. I mean, you're a mod because cry or someone liked you…. and presummably you liked cry or someone… yeah?
I just.
Ugh, it's been too long of a day for people to behave like children, whining about losing a minor amount of control.
Actually that's really what it reminds me of: The feeling of having a shitty day, and deciding something ("Billy has to do his homework before dinner") only to see someone go against one's royal decree, and then getting irrationally pissed off because how DARE they decide Billy can, infact, do his homework AFTER dinner. you said he HAD to do it before. There's no real difference between the two except that you were annoyed when he asked if he could do it after dinner. HOW DARE.
No. 267961
>>267947I saw that too. Like, the mods don't have any right to say what happens. What Cry and the others say goes since, you know, it's
their stream. Sounds like someone should get off her high horse. There are plenty of people to replace you with if you don't want to mod or are being a bitch about it.
No. 267968
>>267942I feel like it's just SonOfLiberty and Beckenss who are the real suck up/cry babies, though. And that Tmad guy who acts like a mod but isn't one.
I've seen Angel remove chat restrictions a few times, lol.
No. 268012
>>267947Honestly Beckenss is not the best mod and even her bf too as well. They're like a bunch of teens. She can't handle her cool at all. She's gone rouge a few time before when chat didn't go the way she wanted or slightly pissed her off.
Actually she is shit at modding and her boyfriend isn't any better. I'm so tired of their chat comments.
>>267968Actually Tmad is not bad, he definitely acts he is holier than thou with plebs but because plebs ask the stupidest questions a lot "when does stream start" "i dont bother enough to look at stream vids or twitter".
He is a strict mod on Russ's channel and I sometimes wish he was a mod on Cry's channel when he plays any new games cause Cry's mods are so fucking shit at timing people out it's laughable.
>>267980I can kinda forgive V2 but dam he needs to chill with his ego.
>>268010Yea there was the mod command for donatev2. Why not get a god dam job?
No. 268025
>>268019I've always been a lurker and recently came out of hiding by just responding to the crew is a good way to start. Most chat have their own clique already. And unless you donate a shit ton of bits no one gives a shit about you.
I don't think Tmad will ever get the sword, he's too ass-tight for Cry's streams and Cry has enough shit mods.
>>268012I kind of agree with Tmad getting irritated with time questions though, which they always ask usually 10 minutes before stream. They have been streaming for a long time now and they have never changed their stream time so there is no reason to ask for it.
No. 268121
I'm ok with Angle going with the flow with the conversation so you should learn to not cringe at such mundane thing. Cry and Russ talk about a lot of MA topics but somehow Angle can't? I guess you don't have a lot of variety type of people in your friend-circle.
What I don't like is chat sucking the fuck out of Angle's dick. Why would the LNC buy Angle a PS4 because she said it jokingly in chat. Then the mods and her spam the chat with that idea but wait, suddenly Angle has a changed of heart to that idea and asking chat to not let that happen.
Angle has a job, she can buy her own console.
And no, I don't hate/dislike Angle, however I do hate mods and chat sucking up on new guest. It's so fucking gross to look at.
No. 268125
>>268043Yeah some mods are pretty chill and Angle doesn't really mod. She's just a mod because Cry makes most of his guests a mod.
She sometimes mod when she watches certain Cry's stream.
I wish they complain less when Cry decides to put sub mode off. There are more than 5 mods in chat that have been mods for years and somehow they can't handle 9k viewers? The sudden rush in the beginning is just chat spam "free" so they don't even have to worry much.
They are so whiny when they can't see their own conversation.
No. 270236
>>270161I'll bite
Is Cry finally growing the balls to dump her sorry ass?
No. 270253
>>270161I might as well ask a question too.
Have any of the mods been told not to say anything about Cheyenne? Because I've noticed even they have ignored the "Where's Cheyenne?" questions too.
No. 270317
>>270253Not 'told' exactly, there just hasn't been anything said, so there isn't anything to say. Not going to spread around misinformation, but will calm chat if they got out of hand with that stuff.
I'm sure they'll get questions about her for a long time, unless she happens to come back. (hopefully not)
No. 270385
File: 1489621100772.png (16.65 KB, 575x100, North.png)

My gut instinct was right to unfollow this dude two weeks ago!
No. 270392
File: 1489621556383.png (114.84 KB, 750x892, IMG_2063.PNG)

>>270385Did you see this reply though? Newfound respect for Stranger.
No. 270459
It definitely sounds like most of this is just shitstirring. Regardless of who is liked and not liked in the community, we should probably remember a couple things.
1) Most of us probably like this community on some level. If you don't, why are you even fretting about it? If you enjoy the community, then let whatever is happening between Cry and Chey happen. You can take sides all you want, and root for their breaking up or support them. But at the end of the day, they need to hash it out on their own time, and what happens to the community as a result is more important than any speculation.
2) Let's not attack the mods or other people in chat. We're all people here. Some people don't get along, and that's fine. But digging into them anonymously on a forum is cowardly at best. If you don't like someone, ignore them or speak to them directly, in private.
Everyone's got an ego and an opinion in this situation, even the people on the sidelines. But focus on the main issue: If this is the community you enjoy/like to be a part of, enjoy it. If you don't like it any more or aren't having a good time, leave. Nobody is stopping you if you're unhappy.
No. 270468
>>270464This exactly. I also don't think there's anything wrong with having a place to talk and discuss things, or even get upset about stuff that's happened.
There's no point in trying to police the board.
No. 270474
>>270468 >>270471
Yeah, didn't mean to seem like I was trying to stomp on the whole thread or anything. Discussion is fine, and there can definitely be concern about what Chey might do with regards to Cry's identity.
But at the end of the day, we have no control. So in my view, we just kinda have to hope for the best. It does suck to hear people trying to take digs at people I consider friends.
So I guess tl;dr, it's fine to discuss, but be considerate of people who are being drug into the whole affair without their choosing.
No. 270484
>>270481 I'm still here indeed! I keep this tab open on my laptop and tend to check it whenever a new notification pops up.
Sadly, I haven't received a message or anything from said person. But still, I 'unno, I feel like if someone's willing to talk to a specific person it should be kept private.
No. 270500
>>270418TBF, that's the kinda thing that can take a while to be "up to' changing, if you're a "cling to the past" sort of person. Depends on HOW they split.
I mean, there's a dif between sad "he dumped me" and angry "That fucker! I"m gonna delete EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM"
I mean, they're still human, give it time to filter through their systems.
>>270426Plus, when I go to twitter/tumblr, I don't see my user info and stuff. Maybe I"m using them wrong, haha. Maybe it just slipped through the cracks.
No. 270507
>>270428Me too. He's a sweet guy. Like, If I could meet one of my youtubers, it'd probably be him.
That said…
> I know that he suffered from depression a lot when he was younger, I don't want him to go through that again, y'know?Depression's one of those things you don't really grow out of. It comes nad it goes. He went through a bad patch a coupla weeks ago.
OF course, running theory was maybe that was when he and Cheyenne broke up.
No. 270597
File: 1489641832611.png (97.53 KB, 614x748, North 2.png)

Loss a lot of respect to these people.
No. 270609
>>270600I honestly don't understand how people can defend Cheyenne with how she very publicly treats people and the fact she's bullies so many people over and over again.
So what if she isn't rude to you. You see it happening. It's gross to pretend that's okay.
No. 270664
>>270642Speaking from experience… Sometimes it's not "I know she's shitty to everyone else, but not to me, so it's okay" … sometimes it's more… not seeing how shitty someone is because they are nice to you… so you see it all–their behavior towards other people–through rose tinted glasses. Their abuse becomes "just part of their sense of humor" and people getting butthurt about that is people being 'over sensitive' or 'moody' because YOU clearly understood how they meant it. And it doesn't matter if your "friend" was actually being bitter, vindictive, angry and rude, you see it in the best light. Or at least, better than it's meant.
Letting someone into your circle of friends generally means that we reflexively lets them get away with more than we'd accept from a stranger. Pretty sure it's some kind of instinctive pack instinct sort of thing–that keeps us from rocking the boat too much.
What I'm rambling about is… I wouldn't necessarily a greedy or self serving instinct that has people on her side. It's not necessarily ignoring rudeness so much as not seeing it.
Hanlon's razor says "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity" or "Don't assume bad intentions over neglect and misunderstanding."
Not to say that some people out there aren't selfish and self serving first and foremost, but…
No. 270815
Again, one of the things frequently left out of this sort of discussion of "should we defend certain people or not" is that it's not a black and white issue. It's not that Chey is objectively bad in every single way ever and has no redeeming qualities, because that's simply not true. Conversely, it's not that Chey hasn't done shitty things in the past, because she has and it was very, very awful.
I obviously don't know who anyone here is. But with regards to those tweets: I know Stranger, Leighabug, and Northbound. We all talk very frequently, and are all friends in the same group. I can't speak for any of them on their opinions, nor would I want to. But we all still hang out and get along, even if opinions conflict.
But again, just because someone may like one person and not another is not the end of the story. Everyone involved is complex and has a range of reasons why they do what they do, including defending people others may see as indefensible.
Everyone has an opinion on the situation, whether they voice it or not. But to simplify those opinions into a fight between right and wrong just isn't the right way to go about it. Especially when a large amount of the people involved are chill, hang out in the same group, and are on speaking terms. There's a lot of grey area in-between every opinion and decision that should be taken into account that is frequently ignored in these discussions.
No. 270822
>>270815I understand your side of things. However, clearly there is an issue here. Cheyenne being the center of that issue. She has done a lot of terrible things. She has made a lot of people a victim of her rage, or her jealousy. There's no excuse when it happens time and time again.
Obviously, the best course of action would be to at least remove her from The LNC. She hasn't been on in a while, which is a positive sign, and I really hope that continues. Cry is his own person, and if he wants to date Cheyenne, he has every right to do so.
But, it's the same as if a friend, or in this case someone you enjoy to watch (I mean we've spent so many hours dedicated to watching him, so of course we care,) was with someone abusive. It is upsetting. It makes us frustrated.
Because that's what she is. She is an emotionally abusive person who needs to seek psychiatric help, since she has hurt so many people.
I get that some of your friends, or you "think she's fine" because she's a person, a person who can of course do something nice to others or say something sweet occasionally… But the fact that so many of us, seriously so many, have seen and have a hard time excusing that behavior, says there's a serious problem. The fact that there is so many instances of abuse to talk about, is a problem.
I just hope that it's finally working out.
No. 271070
>>270815yah sure but ya know what when there are 4 threads worth of stone-cold evidence in tweets, tumblr posts or even video where chey is a horrible person and they still stick up for that person then I'm sorry but it's on them
friendship or not, rose glasses or not, that's the kind of shit that lets abusers get away with it because "oh they'd never do such a thing"
if this leigha person things stranger is rude when there are piles and piles and piles of evidence that incriminates the very people she supports then I'm sorry but that is sheer dumbassery
No. 271194
>>271193 She's on instagram, but never posts on there. (found a super old one she had too, pretty amusing to check out).
And she left tumblr after the time that everyone was calling cry a paedophile while he was still in hospital.
No. 271226
>>271220Yeah that's what I thought too.
I wasn't sure if I heard him correctly since I was falling asleep, so I thought to ask if you guys knew anything about that
No. 271326
>>271231So I did hear correctly, thanks
>>271285What are you talking about?
No. 271348
>>271326the person is talking about the infamous "leaked" photo that's the dude with the long hair and sunglasses
I don't know what it says about me that I knew what they were talking about lmao
No. 271371
>>271348Oh yeah, I remember that.
It's just that it was a bit out of the blue, and that anon was talking about a woman being there in the pic too anyway, so I didn't quite make the connection.
No. 271376
Even if that's the case, I'm still kind of amazed.
I mean, that picture was in the first thread, and hasn't been relevant in ages.
The threads aren't all that easy to find, unless you're looking for them. It's kind of hard for me to believe someone found the first thread and then just skipped to the fourth, without discovering the second and third, so people shouldn't be confused.
The chances are the person who posted that was a very young and emotional person, who felt the need to defend Cry, even though that subject is deader than a metaphorical donkey.
Basically, people be dumb.
Also, don't you guys think that Cheyenne girl is kind of mean? I dunno, maybe it's just me but she seems sort of abusive.
No. 271648
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No. 271666
>>271648Weird. I wish I could describe what I"m reading between the lines there. It's… "I wasn't doing this, because of cry" but now she IS doing this? so does that mean Cry's done something different?
On the other hand, I'm not sure how this matters? I mean, she's implying that she couldn't change her name because … because she'd lose followers or…?
I'm actually really confused here. halp.
No. 271799
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It's been raising again recently though, which is nice.
Probably because she's been gone.
No. 271834
>>271831Different Anon than the last couple here.
If it's what I think she's said, then no. I wish no one had mentioned it– since her name's attached and all.
No. 271887
>>271881Well, situations reversed, can you say you'd start to feel otherwise?
There's been a lot of people over the threads saying "I totally have info" and… they don't. Or they're lying.
Some people just like causing trouble.
We don't know you, or what your motivations are, y'know?
You could just be here to watch us squirm and hop through hoops to try and get the information. Or maybe you've been busy for a couple days, y'know? WE're not you, we don't know.
No. 271892
>>271891Agreed. This whole thing is super bizarre. I have no idea who this Cupcake person even is?
Or why it's important to get her information or not?
No. 271893
>>271892 Because she has an idea that can't be said. And honestly, this person who keeps claiming they could possibly contact her is giving us all anxiety
She was brave enough to come off of anon.
No. 271901
There was someone who said, basically "hey I know info I don't wanna share here, gimme your info if you wanna know" … and Cupcake said "Hey, here's my stuff"… then … nothing, as far as we know.
Several of us other people–not brave enough to be non-anon :) –messaged Cupcake, it seems, and have been chatting with her.
And the first person apparently never contacted anyone about anything, but may have info, or may be a troll.
Ultimatly, it ain't no big thing.
But Cupcake has some thoughts about some stuff and some things, and if I were less vague, it would kinda possibly ruin those stuffythings, because she's not-anon.
It's not important. It's not a big deal. It's basically just some little ripples in our pool. Just, there's nothing else swimming around today.
No. 271904
>>271902Someone asked who cupcake was over here:
>>271892I was trying to be nice and answer? Single post, summing up everything in a friendly and somewhat concise manner.
I'm sorry if my summary bugged anyone… but I'm just trying to be nice and help out?
No. 271908
>>271906>>271907<3 Thanks, and forgiven. You're right in that all of this is pretty exhausting. And, sure enough, the world itself is pretty tiring right now too. There's plenty of reasons to get snippy. Especially when it's so hard to know who is who around here.
But that's part of it's joy, too. I'm tempted to give myself a name around here to make it easier. But I barely notice when people are not anon myself :)
Any plans that may or may not be in mind will probably take a while to come to fruition or may never. Relax and don't worry about anything <3
Anyone watch the stream? anything interesting?
No. 271918
>>271914Hmmmm :(
Well, they were also saying that the namechange thing was new too…
Ooooor… well, who knows. They haven't announced–or commented–about each other for months, maybe they're keeping up appearances or something.
No. 271920
>>271916Thank you for your comment! I have no idea if I should believe you or not, but it lines up with a lot of my personal theories on everything–so of course I have to accept this post as truth ;)
Thank you!
(also, no, I wouldn't dream about contacting either of them or talking to them about this. I'd be way too concerned with trying to express in a sentence how much I appreciate Cry :p That's more important than gossip. :) )
No. 271923
>>271917I won't say who I am. I'm just someone who has talked to Cry first-hand about this, as have a very, very small handful of other people. I know what he personally feels he should do, I do not know if he has followed through, nor do I know what Cheyenne plans to do as I haven't talked to her.
>>271919I can only speculate what one of you would plan to do with information on this topic. I'm saying no one should speak to them in the case that is indeed the plan.
No. 271924
>>271923 It has nothing to do with talking to them. Don't worry about it.
Thank you for the information.
No. 271927
>>271921Don't be like that bb, we're all important in one way or another ♡
But aside from that, I don't think anybody has tried to personally contact Cry or Cheyenne
No. 271929
>>271916""As they've come to an agreement"
That sounds oddly suspicious-
No. 271932
Okay. This is going to be my last time on here for a while, I'm losing sleep over this. It's ridiculous.
But as a little heartfelt goodbye I wanna say thanks to everyone who submitted info that could be important. It's put me at ease, (sometimes scared the shit out of me, but y'know, we're all being pretty much fed with a baby spoon).
And, a huge thank you to Cupcake for being as brave as she is to come off anon, and I feel like everything has been a lot more friendly between us all since she joined the discussion? She made us all realise that in the end, we just want Cry to be okay. And most of us all just want a happy endgame, regardless how that turns out. So yeah, thank you for that booboo, and good luck with whatever it is you got cookin' up. Wish I had the courage to talk to you in person.
Annnnnnnnnd thank you to the creator of these threads. Seriously. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be able to rant about certain, now, seemingly pointless shit. It's been great. I wish I could have been friends with most of you but, anons a bitch.
Have a good one guys, I hope this all gets worked out soon. <3
No. 271933
wiggles off anon skin, too!>>271929Nah. Coming to an agreement can mean just that.
"This isn't working."
"I agree."
When I broke up with my first long term live-in boyfriend, we had to come to a LOT of agreements about a lot of things.
No. 271934
>>271929 >>271933An agreement in which neither of them will speak on what is going on until they are ready. According to Cry, Cheyenne is ready. It's only a matter of time for him, and the way he's been talking about it lately it could be very soon.
My final words on this matter will be this.
Most, if not all, of you will like what Cry want's to do. The only thing thing we can do at this point is see if he follows through.
No. 271935
>>271932Hey, it's good to know when you need to back off from something that's harming you. I'm proud of you ^-^
With anyluck, this will all be over soon and Cry will be okay. … and… I think he will. We all will <3
As for 'pointless shit' … most of us are here because we care about Cry. He's part of our weird little tribe of people. Kept me company a lot of late nights. It's not pointless. It's because we care. The world could do with more caring :)
No. 271937
I wanna be a cool kid too.
>>271929What agreement could they have came to really? I seriously hope it isnt something like she gets to stay in the crew and they are broken up or vice versa she isnt in the crew but is still with Cry bringing him down.
>>271932Stay safe.
No. 271941
>>271933Yeah but she/he just came out of nowhere just suddenly and said that while we were in a different topic
Unless they were only referring to Cupcake and how she obtained the information
No. 271946
>>271935Cry is the happiest I have seen him in probably a year. He is very set on doing what he wants to do with this, I don't believe there is much that will shake him in this. He will come out of this being just fine.
>>271938He doesn't mean to make a big deal about this but he knows there is a sizable portion of his Twitch viewers that he may upset. I don't know why he deciding to wait on it but I can only imagine it's to be able to clearly articulate what he wants to say when he says it. He wants there to be no misconceptions. There is not much more I can say without things slipping, so I will leave it there. Just no he doesn't mean to make this seem like a big deal, this was just bad wording on my part. I apologize.
>>271943Everybody has been getting happier for months. There is talking and laughing during breaks again during Late Night, if that isn't a good sign, I don't know what is.
No. 271948
>>271938Ther'es not really a way to lowkey do it. they either mention it or they don't. difference comes in if they do it at the beginning of a stream or at the end when everyone's leaving and stuff.
Try not to stress out about it, hun <3 They've been involved with business together and that cna always be tricky to sort out. but it sounds like everything IS sorted out..
In my opinion, what W was talking about is more about Cry gathering up the man-stuff to talk about it. Whenever he does, it's gonna be the center of attention for a while. and it can be HARD to speak about things with your mouth…
especially if you're not 100% sure that it's what you want.
And going back to that whole "abusive partner" thing.. it can be hard to walk away from someone that you have good times with… even if they hurt you.
annnd this post is pointless because W said what I could say way better :)
I'm stepping away to go try and catch a mouse.
No. 271954
Thanks for trying to clear things up W. And thanks for the info.
>>271951Chey isnt involved in his Youtube that much so its kinda safe to assume it wont. Unless he is upset and it brings down his content
No. 271955
Scampery jerk is laying low.
>>271951Speaking as a primarily-youtube-fan until recently: Youtube doesn't really know much about Cheyenne. She rarely, if other, made any appearances on his channel.
and I don't think she actually has a youtube channel herself, so…
whereas, Twitch viewers saw her much more regularly. like, a couple times a week regularly.
No. 271960
>>271956I can answer any question you may be nervous about, so long as it doesn't give away what Cry wants to do. Or what Cheyenne plans to do, as I do not know.
There is no need to feel nervous about anything going on, from my knowledge of this. Granted, things could change if I ever know what Cheyenne wants to do, which I don't think will happen seeing as we don't talk.
No. 271961
>>271956Aw, it'll be alright! I promise! go google something cute… I like "Baby Tapir," "snek," "purrito," and "pugs in sweaters" :D
If you want more surreal, slightly disturbing giggles, "fish dog"
No. 271970
On a related note, do you know what caused his depression last month around valentine's day? I mean, I can make a pretty solid assumption, but, y'know.
>>271963Ooh, another one: If you'd like some hilarious rainbowvomit, 'sparkledog' or 'sparklecat'
No. 271972
>>271967We could tell it had been on his mind for a bit, I believe at some point in November is when he really had started thinking. It wasn't until around half way through January that me and him had talked about this for the first time. Then it was on and off from there about the topic.
>>271970Yes. Most of the assumptions in this thread have been pretty accurate on why he fell into a depression.
No. 272030
>>272019I was a youtube fan first…. but they both have their bonuses:
A long Cry Plays episode might be 30-60 minutes…
But a stream might be a couple hours. On the other hand, the cry plays are much more intimate… but the streams tend to have him more upbeat.
It's pretty equal to me, honestly. Cry is one of my favorite people to turn on and just ambiently absorb while doing other things.
No. 272068
>>272062Not necessarily true, but also we're talking about in the future, when things are announced. Not everyone who hates Cheyenne knows about this site. Most farmers know cow tipping is against the rules so it would be stupid to brag.
Anyways, Sage sent herself those asks.
No. 272074
>>272019I definitely prefer his solo streams to his videos.
It's more laid back and I enjoy the games he plays more, and it doesn't feel like a production, it feels like he's just playing the game and having a good time.
I'm talking mostly about his RPG streams, like Xenoblade, FFVII, FFXV, etc.
No. 272082
>>272077But I guess that I can add that W was right that February was when it happened, but it hasn't been 'winding down' per say. It just happened, those kinds things suck regardless if the relationship was toxic or not, and he still cares for, and wants to protect Cheyenne.
Edit* fixed a typo
No. 272172
>>272169To add on to the first part because I forgot to mention it.
Most of the crew members are kind of sworn to secrecy, example being Red.
She never was really open about things until she left the crew herself. Having to be more careful of what she says and not bad mouthing people. Aka Cheyenne.
No. 272322
>>272050Well, I, at least, can say that unless Cheyenne has been, like, eating puppies or baby tapirs or something, I'm not going to attack her.
I'd admit I might say something about her, like, HERE, but I kinda consider this a comfortable back room. This is the sort of place where Cheyenne SHOULDN'T go unless she WANTS to over hear bad stuff. Y'know?
But even then, I'm not really a cruel or vindictive person.
I do feel a lot of affection for Cry though – it's sweet that he's trying to protect her.
Especially if my intuition is correct about what happened between them.
But Cry is a sweet guy and I wouldn't really expect otherwise from him.
No. 272350
Just to clarify – I never said Cry was holding off to talk about this to protect Cheyenne. That could be the case but that isn't what he's told me.
>>272050You are correct in that he knows about the board, he has known since the 3rd one. I personally believe that may have been one of the pushes that led him to finally taking a step back and looking at his relationship.
No. 272361
>>272350I would assume he does because he's internet savvy, even if he doesn't actively google himself every day in various combinations of search words to run into this board.
I would hope it had a positive effect in the sense of seeing a shit ton of evidence right in your face, and also opinions from others that it's all fucked up. It's one thing when your friends are involved and also professionally tied to you, but it's another when a ton of strangers with no obligation to be coddling or protecting you are saying that his significant other has done some messed up things.
Of course it's not nice to know there's a board about you and I doubt he'd be a frequent visitor lmao but it's definitely… tough love. They aren't youtube comments, they aren't attacked by chey ass kissers, it's right there in front of him.
No. 272366
>>272361Make no mistake, myself and many of his other friends, Russ included, have been telling him that Cheyenne has been not only toxic for him, but toxic for his friendships, for a very long time.
The thread in the beginning was part of the reason he was depressed, I believe. Seeing all the bad things someone, who you refused to see bad things in, did just piling up in front of you can really damage someone. But it was something that needed to happen. You can tell now, even without me telling you, that Cry is an undoubtedly more charismatic and happy person.
He definitely read through both of these threads, I'm not sure how current he is on this one though. And I hope I am not betraying his trust by giving too much away. But long story short, yes. These threads have helped him in a way the us, his friends, haven't quite been able to.
I deeply thank each and every one of you. Even the ones that may not be too keen on Cry for the way he acts, you still have helped too.
No. 272369
>>272350Man, Cry sure does say different things to different people because that's definitely what he said word for word. I'm really curious who you are though. A mod? One of the people he still talks to from the guild? It's really bugging me, because I know for a fact you aren't Witwix even though, for whatever fucking reason, people keep thinking you are because you went with a "W"
And he's known before the 3rd,but he may have told you the 3rd to seem like he didn't know this was all going on, to you personally.
But yeah, seems like everyone is being told different things. Although some of your story, I have no idea why he'd say that to you, when he's said different to others. Which is just really strange.
No. 272380
>>272375It's just a guess. They could have picked up conversations with the absence Of Cheyenne. I know Ocean is a little nuts about him, and may have reached out.
I don't know Cry's day in and out activities, but I do know what he's said and it doesn't completely match up with that Anon. Either he's telling others different things, for whatever reason, or they're assuming things from what they were told?
No. 272386
>>272380Still them being Ocean? Thats a bit far. "Hey we had this fling thing guess what? Im breaking up with the person I was with while having said fling with you and you are/were obviously very effected by this. And all this is happening also."
>>272383Now I could see that W could be Simple. Simple heard about the thread from Ocean or some such and then again from Cry and decided to come in or something. Or if by some strange and magical ways W is Ocean then she heard what is going on from Simple. But saying W is Ocean is just a bit too far fetched for me. Why would she tell us this after how hung up we got over her the in the last thread?
No. 272402
Couple day lurker here, found thread #2 on the front page of google by accident while searching up stuff. I just wanted to pop in and say that if in fact it's true that Cry realizes what's going on fully and has done some soul searching, it warms my heart. I never really realized what kinda stuff was going on with him, Cheyenne, and LNC until I found this thread because I hadn't watched the streams since like 2 years ago (I mostly check in on things on his YouTube channel or twitter) I really like the guy as a person despite his flaws or drama that surrounds him and LNC. Even though I truly do not like Cheyenne or her behavior towards others, I do hope that she can do some much needed growing herself and realize that some personal change needs to happen, that treating people like shit is just going to bring her more shit in her life as well. I honestly wish I had come to these threads sooner, though some parts were petty, shallow or ignorantly informed, a lot of great discussion and venting has happened here and it's good to see; it feels like a journey with a dysfunctional family lol(except obviously not a journey I physically took part in until now) Though I'm sure it's not the greatest feeling reading through all this if Cry has done so, I'm glad that at the very least it stirred some reflection. My heart really goes out to the guy. You can never make everyone happy in life, but it's truly a gift to see a YouTuber who (for the most part) seems to just genuinely be themselves and want to have a good time, and for that I will always appreciate what he and the others have done. I honestly wish the best for everyone involved in all this. Lots of love <3
No. 272434
>>272429Many of us had already agreed we werent going to message them about any of this.
>>272430Yeah thats true but then how does W know that they are now laughing and getting alone again is my point. How would they know any of that really? Unless they were in it at some point. Or unless they were just assuming this was the case because of how lively the streams are now.
No. 272435
Maybe we shouldn't be trying to figure out who W is? Obviously the letter is there just to throw us off because it definitely isn't Witwix, because he's streaming, I believe. Let's just trust that W has at least some accurate new info, and see if anything arises tonight.
>>272434W could be a mod? Or, and this is very very very far-fetched, possibly one of Cry's siblings? I doubt that but hey.
No. 272446
(Why should it always be assumed that people with possible info be in/attached to LNC or be mods? just because we generally see the people cry and friends associate with online doesn't mean that's the only friends they might have both online and in real life. Maybe he's spoken to other friends online/irl who dont really get involved with LNC. Just throwing that out there.)
>>272440Accidental reply sorry! I've never posted on an (image board? right?) before so bare with me as I figure this stuff out. I see where your logic is but I'm just saying since we dont truly know ALL the connections to people that Cry and LNC have in their personal lives, he could just as easily have a close friend who isn't a mod or part of LNC who found this thread and wanted to contribute in someway to the discussion.
No. 272447
>>272438I would guess my reasoning for thinking W and the other anon are from LNC or twitch in some way is because its harder to believe that its one of their IRL friends giving this info instead of people who have been in the streams or witnessed them and seen all of this first hand.
>>272443Alright thank you Simple.
No. 272469
>>272448beyond who is who and what is true, my concern is the aftermath of ~the breakup~ bc chey seems dangerous and I don't trust her as far as I could spit tbh
even if it seems like it's quietly fizzling out rather than going out with a dramatic bang, someone who did not go to college and has 0,01% of the following he does and probably not cut out for streaming full-time will lose out on a huge chunk of her financial source, her audience source, and uh.. a partner she was talking about marrying for years now, before they even lived together
like even if cry pulled a hamilton and did a reynold's pamphlet and spilled everything the way cry is with privacy he'd need like a goddamn witness protection program to escape her wrath
No. 272478
>>272469If she can do some growing up (which is possible even in those like her) then I'm not going to be as worried. My hope is they can both hash this out decently and that she realizes going about it with viciousness wouldn't serve anyone. I do share your concerns though, I just really hope that she can be civil about this if they are breaking up.
Cry put a metric FUCK TON of trust in her regarding his personal info, identity and family stuff. I would hope she could look past the trainwreck enough to recognize the level of trust he gave her, and respect it as I'm sure he would respect her personal life.
No. 272481
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No. 272486
>>272473from what I understood in here, he's trying to protect Chey (from……… herself??? idek) which sounds backwards, Cry is the one whose career and privacy could be in jeopardy.
Yes, I did list all the things Cheyenne could lose by not being with Cry, but on an other level, what DOES she lose?
>>272478The sad thing about your post is that this is best case scenario. That she accepts it gracefully and maturely and doesn't use his trust to get back at him. The scary thing is that the reason we all believe she COULD is listed in 4 threads.
I hope it works out well and nothing bad comes of it. I don't actually want Chey to expose Cry, even if I live for the drama I don't want him being hurt. My cynicism tingles at the idea of Cheyenne being classy, though.
No. 272488
>>272475I'm more keen to trust W. Here
>>271934 W says that Cry says Chey is ready, but he isn't yet. So I don't really know what's up, but W has been giving us the most we can go for here, and if Simple says it checks out, well then I see very little reason to be skeptical. The other anon has only really told us that Chey isn't ready yet, which is a little conflicting, though maybe Chey mentioned this somewhere? I'm not too sure.
No. 272496
>>272486W also flat out said that he never said Cry was holding off to protect Chey, simply that he wasn't ready yet. He could in fact just be trying to find how he's going to get it across to everyone.
Though this is interesting. I'm really curious what the agreement was? If Cry is following through (supposedly), then obviously nothing personal of his would be in jeopardy here.
>>272489 could be right too, that might be a best case scenario. Though apparently Chey went soul searching too so maybe she decided to just stop the blackmail and let whatever happens happen? Obviously not give up being a psycho, since, well, she can't. But you know.
>>272493Not that I remember. We almost started another Ocean shit show, glad that got stopped before it began though.
No. 272505
>>272496ah thank you, I must have botched a couple of posts together when I was speed reading to catch up, thanks for clearing that!
If he did I hope he'd give out a sort of unspoken contract that she does not use his information. It's kind of sad but that's how he chose to play his game of privacy, I guess.
Like legit hire a lawyer to sign a contract that she doesn't spill anything. Can that even happen?? No idea.
I want to give Chey the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she read the threads herself and got a nasty shock at a long list of the shit she did with no ass kissing from our side. Maybe she also slowly just felt less for Cry and came to terms with that, rather than cling on to him anyway.
No. 272528
>>272518Interesting, thank you.
God help us if she shows up tonight, be strong Cry, you beautiful bastard
No. 272529
>>272518That would really suck something awful. But if it happens then it happens. This is the longest she has been from the streams as far as i can remember so that is a rather good sign though.
>>272522Its ok. I started panicking because i thought i may have accidentally said something bad and not remembered it.
No. 272534
>>272522hey it's okay it takes a while to get used to the format :) I've definitely made some mistakes here lol
(first thread op here btw, I'm still always posting and lurking just not announcing I'm the op of the first thread) it feels weird that the place i made just to rant has not only reached cry himself but also potentially caused him to look at his relationship in a different light
I mean Chey is really not good for him, so it could only be a positive, but it's still weird to think about it I suppose
No. 272551
>>272535I think he's damn lucky that most his friends are still here riding through this next to him, whether or not they have other reasons. I had a friend a few years ago that had a toxic, abusive, manipulative gf and by the end of a year or so most of us left because he would defend her despite several of us pointing out how bad she was to him. She changed him into a person no one liked and he let her. Sometimes you just gotta go through hell before you realize the house is on fire I suppose.
I'm sure that friendships are strained and maybe even some almost non existent at this point to keep things going, but to have friends still stick around through all this, those are amazing friends.
No. 272557
>>272504I believe the only appropriate reply is "Now you fucked up!"
(I'll seriously buy bits to toss them at him if that happens too. I'll break my bit virginity~)
No. 272560
>>272559This could be the only time that it would actually be ok to do this.
Hi Ocean
No. 272561
>>272559Yap, Ocean confirmed.
Welcome to the thread that isn't shitting all over you for little to no reason
No. 272570
>>272535Personally I wouldn't mind if she came on for the "so, we're breaking up" message. It would probably do a whole lot to cool off heads on all sides if BOTH of them were there saying "So this is amicable. we're cool with this." or whatever they're gonna say.
It'll (help) head off any accusations that he's being mean to her, or anything like that.
I doubt he'll be saying anything like "Cuz she was an abusive bitch" … but .. going for more neautral language like "wasn't a godo mesh with the crew" and "personal complications" and stuff like that. and that's the kind of thing you could say next to the person in question. Y'know?
BUt… yeah.
Cry, if you're seeing this: I appreciate you and want the best in life for you. Do it when you're ready: but remember that if you take too long, hard things only become harder. But we've got your back, I promise. With bits. We're gonna cover yoru back with bits. :3
No. 272578
>>272559If Ocean – Hello :) I'm sorry for some of the crap that's been spewed in this place.
I know it doesn't help, but think of it as trying to find your keys or your phone: you know it's around here SOMEWHERE, and after a while, you just keep looking in the same places, even though you KNOW you've already checked the coffee table three times. But maybe it's under that tiny sheet of paper? no? dang.
It's not fair to you, though, and I'm sorry.
No. 272579
>>272570the vindictive part of me wants cry to be brutally honest about how she's acted. Imagine what she's said and done behind cameras and recording equipment. Just imagine. Like a small part of me wants him to fucking destroy her.
But uh, that's not nice. So he shouldn't do that.