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No. 228479
Previous threads: 193176 & 142402
And his gf, Cheyenne
Twitch: the last thread we were discussing the Sage/ Angel/ Cheyenne drama. Also Jund and Sage broke up. Good for him.
No. 228566
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I'm a week behind but damn that's sad. You dump a guy on New Years Eve out of nowhere, especially after he went to the trouble to get you Hamilton tickets for the holidays.
He's better off without her.
No. 228629
>>228544Basically we went through how Cheyenne (Cry's girlfriend) is very manipulative and seems abusive. Some of us thought that maybe he's only staying with her because she has some sort of dirt on him (most likely cheating based on what Coyotemation has said), the whole age controversy, or the fact that she could ruin his life by putting pictures of his face out to the public. It could however be that he's just insecure and doesn't think he can do better. Also, Cheyenne bullies any girl that gets on stream, especially if she's single. One instance of this is when Ziegs, an old member of the LNC, was bullied enough to feel suicidal and publicly announced this. This caused a half-assed apology from Cheyenne (with her basically using her mental illness as an out and wanting people to feel sorry for her) and Cry basically ignoring the problem to support his gf. Recently, there was an incident with Angel/Mash (Snake's gf) and Cheyenne/Sage (Scott's ex). We don't know what happened for sure, but something happened where Angel was apparently bullied off the stream and is now depressed. This probably happened when they were playing DnD, but it's unsure of how involved Sage was in the bullying. Now, Sage and Jund have broken up and it seems that Cry is hopefully phasing Cheyenne out, as she is now rarely on Late Night and Cry doesn't ever really interact with her/makes excuses for why she's not around. I want to say though, that we're not completely making shit up. In the last thread we had a lot of links/screenshots of evidence of bullying or the LNC hinting/talking about things. You can go to the other threads for these and the second thread had links at the top to some posts from the LNC talking about things like the Ziegs incident.
tl;dr: Cry's abusive-seeming gf is known to bully girls on the LNC and Jund's ex was somehow involved. Cry ignores all issues, but is hopefully trying to get rid of her even though she could ruin his life.
No. 228656
>>228566He should just take a friend, damn.
Although to be fair (and definitely not trying to whiteknight Sage), if you don't like someone anymore, there's no point in dragging it out. Yeah it'll ruin your holiday but if you stay with them just to break up immediately after then it just looks like you were using them or being insincere - in this case, Sage would look like she was using Jund for Hamilton tickets just to dump him right after.
There's no "convenient" time to dump someone. Just less convenient than others, like birthdays, holidays, etc.
No. 228664
>>228656From the way he worded it, he might not have even wanted to go, she did.
And yeah I'm not saying she should have dragged it down but damn that was probably one of the worst times she could have done it. Like "Alright here comes 2017 so I'm dumping your ass, have fun being single the first day of the new year. kbye"
No. 228710
>>227301This is replying to the last thread,
Ive been on multiple streams, and every time the cameras are off its either awkward silence or fighting. One time when i was on Chey started SCREAMING at Cry over something and it basically killed the rest of the stream with no explanation given to the audience. I do have screenshots of the group chat, but it's too risky for me to post.
No. 228778
>>228485I was told by someone close to Angel/Mash that they are forbidden from being on Cry's channel. Even if it isn't LNC. Which is why Angel hasn't been on TGI, the only sellout station they've had since the ban was on Russ' channel, and Cry was forced to leave Iso and it was moved to Snake's channel.
This was entirely Cheyenne's doing. Russ and Snake tried to stop her, but without Cry actually standing up for his friends, they couldn't do anything.
Sage wasn't involved in that stuff directly, but she for sure wanted Angel gone, so I'm sure she worked with Cheyenne for it to happen. Sage resented Angel for guesting on LNC and because people liked her "for no reason."
But yeah, that's why Angel/Mash haven't been on LNC/anything on Cry's channel. Cheyenne forbids it.
No. 228875
>>228858Anyone could just ask them, honestly. They've talked about things to people before.
But there's nothing wrong with using your reasoning skills with what we have actually seen, if you're not going to take others accounts or ask them on your own.
No. 229110
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No. 229188
>>229098or Jheyenne lmao
could be jund although I doubt he'd care enough to actually post in here, unless I'm mistaken in which case this is rad and I'm loving that someone's jimmies may be rustled from the lnc
No. 229212
>>229204For real though. Jund wouldn't label himself if he DID care enough and I really doubt he does.
Considering Angel and him are following each other now, and she posted about mending bridges, I doubt he'd get pissed on Sage or Cheyenne's behalf. He must have talked to her.
Sounds like the usual fan stuck up Cry's rotund bottom. Wonder why they deleted it though.
No. 229447
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She is so disgusting. You know she would freak out if Cry wrote something like this about 2 females.
No. 229573
>>229532why would chat even care
unless they just wet over any girl on the internet
No. 229578
>>229573Chat always tries to suck up to Cry by sucking his horrible girlfriend's dick.
>Cheyenne calls someone a fucking idiot"Oh Cheyenne, you're so funny!"
>Cheyenne throws a fit because she loses"Cheyenne, you're too good at games! Nerf Cheyenne!"
>Cheyenne shuts down and ruins a game for one reason or another"Poor Cheyenne! Everyone be nice to Cheyenne! CHEYENNE IS SO GREAT!"
It's fucking stupid.
No. 230662
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I thought this was hilarious.
"You guys are idiots for not knowing the whole story."
"Okay, tell us!"
Jesus Fucking Christ, dude.
No. 230669
>>230668Um, she'd rather not shit on him though? so????
But I agree with you. She didn't say anything, didn't act like she cared. She did break up with him. It didn't look like anyone was actually questioning anything.
Maybe she wasn't getting enough attention for it.
No. 230674
>>230669There is no reason at all to say something like that unless it's for attention.
"You haven't heard my side!"
"Then tell us."
That's attention-seeking.
No. 230675
File: 1484032418925.png (66.5 KB, 619x562, now this is a story all about …)

Okie dokie, same person from before that said Sage had been posting everything she'd normally post. I decided to look through her tumblr to see if anything was out of the ordinary and found this. She tagged it as "yep" at the bottom. No idea if she's implying that it's about Jund but it's a possibility . It could also just her wanting us to feel bad for her. Some people think she found our last thread and a bunch of people were shitting on her so she could just be trying to make herself look better. No idea though. I just like making theories.
No. 230678
>>230674That's exactly what I was thinking. Most people don't even mention something like that unless they actually want people to press them into talking about it.
>>230677Right? Lol. It seems like she's doing everything to stir the pot when things start to mellow out.
No. 230709
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>>230707I think I might've found her old twitter lmao. I'm not 100% sure but her old tumblr did say her name was Sage Gray and another comment said her old tumblr was Lakota. It's like 6 years old but still kinda funny if you scroll through the tweets. Whatever scavenger hunt this is was worth it.
No. 230716
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The hair is similar to the other twitter she has
No. 230718
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I think someone in another thread mentioned that Sage has "had a hard life" or something along those lines and was trying to use it to excuse her possible bullying of Angel. I kinda thought they were making shit up, but these tweets seem real. Even if she did have to go to rehab for whatever reason though, that doesn't excuse her if she played a part in forcing Angel off the stream.
No. 230802
File: 1484062591859.png (246.57 KB, 1440x1001, Hmmmm.png)

Saw this. Wonder what that's about! Sage sure does like to ban people from things.
No. 231170
>>2311642:23 is kinda where it starts, where Cheyenne starts complaining, then Russ brings up Angel.
That was really cold, damn.
No. 231327
>>231164"what the fuck, jeez, fine"
I feel like I am slowly witnessing the breakdown of a man
except there's not been a big crescendo yet and it's like watching paint dry
No. 231362
>>231164This game could of went REALLY went but half of it was this fat bitch complaining that she cant get up and cook for herself or go out and buy food. like wtf… this is actually pathetic. She knew what time this was going to start. Go out and get some damn food.
And of course as soon as they mention Angel, the shit goes down. I hate this bitch so much. Cry is actually pathetic
No. 231447
>>231366"alright we're just going?"
That's so sad. Jesus Christ Cry fucking sucks.
No. 231450
>>231362The thing is though, she's literally gone during streams before to get food because I think she lives near a Subway or something. She was just complaining because she couldn't get food because if she did, Angel would be on the stream. She only stayed to spite Angel and that's not okay.
>>231447It sucks even more because Russ hardly ever invites his own friends and now one of the people he liked hanging out with is perma-banned because of Cry's psychotic girlfriend.
No. 231730
>>231540It is so sad that another campaign is shut down. I felt like it was just starting to pick up and get good too! It's understandable that he is having a hard time to continue to write for it after everything that happened, though.
>>231609It's possible that he has. Honestly, it's possible the entire crew knows about these threads. Sage was OBVIOUSLY here before, so I wouldn't be surprised if word jumped from her to Jund, to Snake, to Mash, to Angel, to Russ.. ect. They probably have all seen it.
I think what he's trying to say is there isn't CURRENT drama with the people involved, so he didn't want anyone to think that.. but after everything that happened, he just doesn't have the energy to keep going.
So fucking sad.
If only Sage and Cheyenne had never come around, so many amazing things would be coming from the rest, I bet.
No. 231914
>>231451And in the tweet she also said "watch out Cry" or something like that which was completely ignored by him lololol she even tagged him
I actually think she's lowkey getting desperate for some kind of reaction from him… Hell, maybe they're not even talking irl
No. 232080
>>231914I wonder why they even stay together at this point. They don't stream together anymore, couple's therapy or LNC. Hell, she doesn't even stream on her own, which I think is pretty fucked up to her subs…
She tries to get his attention which he doesn't even reply to, when he used to all the time.
I really really hope they're on their way to breakup land. Everything would be so much better knowing Cheyenne can't snake her way back in.
No. 232442
>>232187I think it's fine as long as they eventually resolve the problem i.e., getting rid of Cheyenne once and for all. It's painfully obvious she's the cause of all this unnecessary drama. I swear I'll watch LNC again when that happens (hopefully this year,
cross fingers)
No. 232657
>>232634They don't really communicate with us, but if we see no Cheyenne and they start bringing Angel back around, that'd be a good indication.
It's too bad it's taken this long for things to happen. Things that never should have been a problem if Cry had a backbone in the beginning.
No. 234857
<iframe src="" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>
No. 234862
>>234859well her breaking up with Cry in the past wasn't a secret, she had stated that on tumblr a few times. Too bad she didn't stay gone back then and save everyone a lot of trouble.
Wish she was still depressed!
No. 235600
>>235589He still makes let's plays. Compared to Pewdiepie he really hasn't been doing too much shit posting/filthy frank content.
I used to like his content but seeing that he has no back bone and can't defend his friends is a huge turn off.
No. 235620
>>235591His voice doesn't even sound that great? Not that he has a
bad voice but it's not remarkable enough to be known for. idgi. It's like Markiplier tier for me except Cry sounds more like a faggot.
No. 235679
>>235665And why did she tell you this?
Also Cry has said on twitter that he's going to be doing a playthrough soon. Like legit I guess, so there's that.
No. 235704
>>235679I think he's referring to Detention (which I'm watching part 1 of right now!)
It feels a little less strained and forced. Sounds like he's actually having fun imo
No. 235728
>>235704I actually like the game a lot!
It's been so long since I had a reason to refresh his channel every day for a new upload.
His playthroughs have always been fun to me- especially with games like this one.
No. 235783
>>235781the phrase 'caught their cyber log' is so fucking funny to me.
but yeah, i'd imagine it was just through skype or something
No. 235840
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>>235839Well if that's the girl, Cry was talking/flirting around 2014 like everyone is saying
No. 235896
>>235890Coyotemation follows her on one of her alt accounts (which is also private), which makes sense considering he was really pissed about the cheating situation.
Since Coyote said that Cry threw his friends under the bus because of his cheating, it seems more likely that Cry fessed up and blamed Ocean for the whole thing.
No. 235899
>>235898I think that was the main part of it, but Coyote mentioned here
>>213340 that Cry was faced with a "choice". Of course that could've been referring to the Ziegs thing but it also could've been about Ocean. Cry has let too much shit happen just because he cheated. Honestly, I'd cheat too if I was dating someone that is abusive like Cheyenne.
No. 235900
>>235899That's just dumb. I'd just leave them. why cheat?
It's funny that there are so many fucked up things Cry has done there's no telling what people are refering to most of the time.
No. 235906
>>235900Yeah, you're right, the mature thing would be to grow a pair and break up. Cry doesn't seem capable of doing that for some reason though. Like, is he afraid of her putting his face out there? I could see it. Also, there's that whole thing about how old she really was when they started their relationship. He could get into a lot of trouble if she was underage and I wouldn't doubt it if she had some sort of proof.
>>235903Cheating's bad sure, but I hope that's not the reason why he's still with her. I think most of us would understand where he's coming from with how Cheyenne acts. He wouldn't socially take too hard of a hit. I think it has to be something more than that.
No. 235913
>>235907There's a statute of limitation on statutory rape per state, but that's if it can be proved they had a sexual relationship when she was underage, and if she was below the age of consent wherever they actually did it. I know Nevada age of consent is 16 and the SOL is 4 years but idk where Cry lives. But it'd be a lot of trouble for Chey to go through getting actual concrete evidence and charge him for it.
The real issue, like
>>235909 said, is that he could be persecuted online for dating/fucking a girl much younger than him and it would affect his career. And really he should've thought about that before sticking his dick in her, assuming it's true he was doing it before she was 18. For someone who values his privacy so much and whose income relies on how good his reputation online is, he sure is a fuck up. lmao.
No. 235919
>>235910No idea how old Ocean is, but we're pointing out Cheyenne because they've always been secretive about how old she was when they started dating and there's been a bunch of rumors.
>>235916Cry lives in Florida, where the age of consent is 18. Cheyenne has never been very forthcoming with her age so we have no idea how old she actually was. Even on her tumblr she has "none of your business" under where her age is or something like that.
No. 235923
>>235919SOL in Florida is 3 years. But I guess if there's no solid timeline of when they started dating it's hard to say.
But either way it's definitely less about the criminal aspects and more about how Cry would be perceived online if they dated when she was still underage.
No. 235924
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I don't know if you guys have seen this before, but this was four years ago, which means she would've been 18 I assume. I think Cheyenne might've tricked Cry into her being 18 not really having a motive at first, then when finding out about him and Ocean, she just started using it against him.
No. 235934
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it looks like she lives in florida, too.
No. 235942
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>>235933Well I think you just won the gold lol. That has to be what Cheyenne is using to blackmail Cry. Coyote has mentioned blackmail, cheating, and in the same comment thread he called her a "gold digger". I think Cheyenne is using the whole cheating with an underage girl thing to blackmail Cry into staying with her. He should've kept his dick in his pants.
>>235938Well someone mentioned "sexy talk" so maybe they exchanged nudes? That's kiddy porn on his end and Cry has mentioned before that he's sent nudes. He could've sent some to Ocean and she could've sent some back. Cheyenne could've gotten screenshots for all we know lol. I have no idea.
No. 235961
>>235959The mods on here have seemed to be supportive in the past, if they are actually mods, why would they be warning Ocean of anything?
What would us finding out about Cry's pervy stuff have to do with her deleting things? I'm so confused why she'd try to hide it
No. 235973
>>235970Nope, they were definitely private. Both were.
See v-
>>235866 No. 235978
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Can we talk about how this is her twitter banner? lmao She isn't really trying to hide things, especially since she's still talking about it after a few years, like in this post
>>235965 No. 235986
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No. 235991
>>235990Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!
Way to go, summarizing all of this with just a few sentences.
No. 236029
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No. 236108
>>236102I wonder what it could be though. Angel has straight forward said there are people she cares about protecting, which we can assume are Russ and Snake.
Im so curious lol
No. 236132 her on steam. She's still friends with Snake and Russ and it links her twitch guess check it out before she locks it up
No. 236156
>>236153his sister may have no idea that Chey is a pulsating tumour of crazy underneath her skin
for all she knows it's all peaches and cream
No. 236168
>>236165i can definitely see that lol.
found her instagram as well, but there isn't anything relevant on there. No. 236181
>>236175God they're so similar it's creepy. Though imo she looks much better than Chey, not really pretty but waaaay less trashy.
Also I like the milk she gives us and that she obviously does it on purpose. Thanks Ocean!
No. 236189
>>236181I mean, she looks like a prepubescent boy…but at least she doesn't look like a poor man's fiona in ogre form.
Tbh, she's kinda cute in a way that I can't fully understand
No. 236202
>>236199yeah, i'm seeing that now. but still,
>>236189 was right. still looks better than queen lazy eye over there
No. 236206
>>236204Maybe Cry assumed her gender, she got
triggered, then dumped his ass
No. 236216
>>236206did you just assume xir gender?
if cry got dumped by an actual child, that's pathetic on his end.
No. 236244
>>236238"has to be a case by case basis"
Uh huh
No. 236322
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Also hey look what's gonna be back.. :/
No. 236326
>>236321>>236323if she was 16, it's worse legally for cry if they sent each other nudes than if they'd fucked (in florida)
if chey were blackmailing him, this sounds like it'd be the most likely way to do it
No. 236444
>>236442Sort of hope he does, sort of hope he doesn't. Some of the things said were rude as shit and completely uncalled for…but some the other things were completely on point and 107% necessary for him to hear/read.
But dammit Cry if you see this, pls. Get your shit together man. Fuck's sake.
No. 236445
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>>236437Yeah. Ocean might look like a prepubscent boy (and Cry might be into that, who knows?), but she's better.
No. 236447
>>236444For real. Obviously people care more about him treating his friends like shit than being dumb and cheating on a clearly abusive and terrible person.
Cheating is shitty. Allowing your terrible girlfriend to bully everyone around you is inexcusable.
No. 236453
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she's definitely better looking than chey, she may be a cunt at least she's not a literal cow.
No. 236523
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Kinda wanted to be an asshole so here <3
No. 236528
>>236523Ugh her eyebrows are so terrible. Then she's got that huge nose.. ugly mole.. and she's got that lovely lazy eye.
She's so fucking hot /s
No. 236544
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No. 236758
File: 1484773033617.jpg (584.92 KB, 2048x2048, 41B3FF84-DE18-4C88-BA1F-E88749…)

>>236709Just because you asked for it ~ also I would put a "spoiler" on the picture but I'm dumb and don't know how so my bad.
No. 236765
>>236758She wouldn't be nearly as bad if she wasn't such a cunt, stopped pulling stupid faces, and knew how to apply makeup/dress well for her face shape and body. Also, her hair is fried. She needs to stop dying it.
P.S. There's a checkbox in the bottom corner that says "Spoiler Image" if you ever want to use that lol
No. 236874
>>236859One of us is gonna have to take one for the team and follow her.
Speaking of ig, Oceans has disappeared.
No. 237151
>>237110Yeah, it has been extremely weird. Erasing this, but unprivating things.. Then reprivating and changing names.. Responding to anons..
She honestly doesn't make sense. Maybe she's just fucked up all the time.
No. 237438
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unsurprising , but oceans drinking as well
No. 237597
>>237578Nah, if you thought she was telling the truth, why would you care? Why would you follow someone you thought abused someone and why would you care whether or not they would ban you?
I think people maybe don't care that she's saying this and that maybe they don't believe her. I noticed she's down like 50 followers at least since they broke up
No. 237602
>>237598Oh shit you ain't jokin' feel like she didn't say anything mean publicly until she started realizing "oh wait this has repercussions"
No. 237627
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No. 237698
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No. 237710
File: 1484961506823.png (100.32 KB, 590x665, Boohoo.png)

People are telling her about actual emotional abuse and I bet she's going to some how still make it about herself.
No. 237918
File: 1485018530956.png (438.69 KB, 1440x1596, homewreckerr.png)

I guess she's finished with the title of homewrecker lol
No. 237929
>>237918Well, looks like she lives in the city where Cry lives aswell, unless he moved.
So there's a good chance they met up irl.
No. 237946
>>237943Maybe. But she also might not have any proof of what he looks like. She's petty enough to post a picture of Cry merchandise, telling someone how dare they bring it around. I feel like we think this is way bigger than it actually is.
If it were more, I feel like it would be a lot bigger and would have hurt more people. I still think he emotionally cheated.
No. 238297
File: 1485100945817.jpg (270.3 KB, 1416x1035, Thatwasfast.jpg)

That explains why he and Jen have been in each others' streams so often.
No. 238298
>>238297Oh my god Sage, let it goooo, you broke up with him, remember?
Find a new dick you can ride on.
No. 238362
>>238295If this were ocean, wouldn't she know? Lol. We ask for more milk, but only if it fits the kind we want.
>>238297Seriously pathetic. She DID break up with him, and it wasn't like he was cheating on her. She came out with all this "he was emotional amusing me!" and then cares if he has moved on.
She's probably bitter he's getting support and no one cares at all about her bullying ass. GL with life Sage.
No. 238424
>>238368She didn't get enough out of it, probably hoping it would get her internet fame. Now that they've broken up it's clear that people were only interested in her because she was with Scott.
Damn how bad it must feel to tweet about a relationship that YOU ended and getting 3 sympathy likes.
No. 238434
>>238284If this is from what chey told you, then i wouldn't doubt she was lyin Imagine how bad it would sound if her bf was legitimately fucking a minor, before him and chey had ever even met in real life.. I would put money on Cry/Ocean not limiting it to online
Also Oceans location is gone off her twitter after we brought this up
No. 238594
>>238587Sage please stop being so obvious 5 seconds after that post about donations. I regularly watch Jund. What donations are you even talking about.
No. 238610
File: 1485137993320.png (131.53 KB, 596x888, Sage stop playing victim.png)

No. 238612
>>238610"he's a good person" "I can't believe people donate to him."
>>238599If you're Jund, write a message here, can be anything, and tweet it out an hour later. Or something.
No. 238658
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>>238656Okay, then they stole from each other. Either way, they don't really give any shits
No. 238662
File: 1485144076372.png (14.65 KB, 504x177, grudges.PNG)

I only said that he didn't give a shit because of this one and another post where he states that Witwix "wasn't the one who fucked [him] over"
No. 238664
>>238662so ironic. also sad that witwix did things out of "sheer desperation for the woman he loved."
idk man
No. 238678
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No. 238684
>>238678She couldn't talk about it before? What would he have done? That's stupid.
She just sounds bitter and angry with all this "why are people donating to him :( he's dating someone else already, he emotionally abused me, but he's still a good guy, but he treated me like shit." stuff
No. 238728
>>238725Does she think that we're going to donate to her or something? Can she get even more obvious here, is it even possible?
Seriously, what the fuck was that lol
No. 238821
>>238820bye Sage
God she's stupid.
No. 239000
>>238978They started dating around June 2014, so a couple of months after Cry and Cheyenne were official. later broke up some time around July of the same year because there was "too much drama".'re still good friends, so I doubt Kirby would be willing to spill anything.
No. 239036
File: 1485229096563.png (925.76 KB, 604x925, oceandisney.PNG)

i can guarantee im reading too far into this, but did they go to disney together? he also tweeted about being out of the house on the same day, so…
No. 239045
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>>239036I mean, I don't really know if this classifies as being out of the house lol. I think he was just making a statement. Still though, they could've gone. It's not like it's too far away to go to for them.
No. 239062
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Wonder what this is about…
No. 239088
>>239085How did I know about ocean too? I can't prove anything without giving myself away, but I'm just saying, they didn't.
You guys are gonna keep making up theories about it and stuff, which is fine. I just know that they didn't meet.
No. 239364
File: 1485300941762.png (137.63 KB, 586x404, umm.PNG)

so when I was trying to grab the sageroo_ account it wouldn't let me because it was already taken, so it finished setting up with a default name (sageroo1). Zieg followed the account almost immediately.
No. 239437
File: 1485310105458.png (87.33 KB, 268x199, Hosting.png)

Choosing to host her instead of Snake.
No. 239488
>>239484This is Chey, we're talking about.
Pretty sure she must've done something to gain some more information about ocean that could ruin her image even more. After all, she did make most female members leave
No. 239612
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I almost feel bad for her at this point.
No. 240032
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No. 240346
File: 1485460726780.png (40 KB, 593x306, coyoteocean.PNG)

oh shit.
No. 240376
>>240358"Can you believe that people gossip????? On the internet???? And it definitely takes more time to do than saying out loud?"
the ode of the salty. What about the people who make money off of this shit? Gossip rags like people and us magazine, not to mention drama youtubers. But the people who check or post on an image board on break or browsing their phone before bed have "no life." Logic.
Why's coyote up ocean's drunk ass now?
No. 240415
>>240346what an ass rly coyote mr. shade cry in public youtube comments
well hey maybe we gossip here about shit we don't know but at least we're not living in that shithole dramafest go enjoy your salty lives
No. 240417
>>240407Well it's okay if HE talks about stuff, but no one else. We have no lives for discussing things on the internet, you see.
It's not like we don't actually care about some of these people, but if you're gonna act like a cunt then I guess whatever, you're gonna get talked about
No. 240423
>>240419I feel like it's just to get attention now. She complained about it being 3 years ago, which is true.. it's old, but interesting enough to talk about. Not like anything is happening currently.
But she is seriously seeming to grab for attention now. It's so hypocritical.
No. 240523
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I completely forgot about Cheyenne because this thread just got so immersed with Ocean.
Is there still a ton of friction between her and Cry or is it a completely different matter-?
No. 240526
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Sorry for samefagging-
Forgot to merge both pics-
No. 240534
>>240528That is, if Cry really has the guts to do that or if she is really done with him.
Cause I mean, she's still defending the fact about him dating her at that age or so when I checked her tumblr-
No. 240545
Sorry, I really have no idea how tumblr works so I thought it was recent-
But damn her reasoning skills aren't the best-
How in the world does she have an iron fist over others?
No. 240963
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I get what Jund is saying, but just by their actions after a break up it's clear to see who is more mature. He's right, shit talking after a break up is petty and Sage doesn't make herself look good by doing it. It makes her look like an attention whore. No matter what really happened, it's stupid to post shit after a break up, especially when she's called someone like Cheyenne "nothing but kind".
No. 241089
>>241077So true. They're just doing it so Cry will see their youtube name and go "oh wow, this person supported my girlfriend! what a wonderful fan!" but in reality he doesn't give a fuck…
and seems to be distancing himself from her anyways.
They're just stupid kids for sure.
No. 241509
>>241500It's possible! this is recent though, last time they played this Russ suggested Angel on stream and Cry did everything in his power to ignore it and change the subject. This week, it seemed completely different.
Maybe Cry told Cheyenne to finally get lost.
No. 241877
>>241821I always look at who's side Snake seems to be on to decide what seems true, honestly.
The fact Snake wasn't friends with Cheyenne and Sage just solidified that they were bad people to me.
No. 241971
>>241964But she was clearly talking about before? I don't get it.
Again, someone should just ask her something. I don't have a tumblr so I don't think I can.
No. 242501
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Does anyone know what this was about?
No. 242511
>>242501completely unrelated to anything we care about, I think. It was a while ago.
Girl is fucking dumb though.
No. 242621
>>242602He is dating Jen, yeah. I don't think she got any hate mail at all beyond one girl calling her out for shit talking.
She just wanted sympathy.
No. 242686
>>242671Honestly, I dunno if it's related to this, if it's that extreme. I feel like if something like that happened she wouldn't be involved with anyone from LNC stuff. She's friends with Snake and Russ, and if Cry did something so horrible to essentially give her PTSD, why would they stick around?
I think it's unrelated, I also think that's why she deleted it, so we wouldn't assume and try to associate it with Cry.
No. 242872
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Jen just posted this, looks like she and Scott really are back together. Sage must be pissed as shit at how quick he replaced her but let's be real she was his replacement for Jen in the first place lmaoo
No. 243063
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>>243059imagine being the rebound and then being compared constantly during your relationship to that rebound > reach a breakingpoint > breakup and have fans beat down on your already bruised self-confidence partially because of a bad partner > partner almost immediately hooks up with the girl he's been comparing you with for years….I legit feel bad for sage. i think even the best of us would feel awful in her situation right now. Id call it mental abuse, no sane guy does that to someone they love hopefully sage can move on and jen and scott have a healthier relationship!
No. 243100
>>243059I'm pretty sure its as simple as they just both didn't really love each other that much. Scott probably wasn't the right guy for Sage, and Sage was probably just a placeholder for Jen.
Just because Jund isn't saying anything doesn't mean he's guilty. In fact, it makes him less suspicious overall because he's taking the high road and not endlessly talking shit about his ex. After all the shit we've seen with Sage, I guarantee he could destroy her with things she's done.
Also it looks like Jund and Jen just started dating, not "immediately after." Then again, none of us were there so idk.
No. 243343
>>243308Idk what streams you were watching but I never saw any of that. In fact, Sage was almost never in his stream.
As for the moving on thing like…Sage dumped Jund. Its not like he broke up with her and immediately went back with his ex. Jen probably contacted him after they broke up and it went from there. Whether its good for him or not is kind of irrelevant. You sort of give up the right to bitch about your ex seeing other people when you dump them, when they're apparently doing much better like you said, on New Years, no less.
No. 243394
>>243343This exactly. She dumped him. Who cares if he moved on really quickly. I'm sure he did still have feelings for Jen, and obviously she did for him. I hope this relationship works out better for them, and if not, they learn from the experience.
If he was a dick to her, that was wrong, but she shouldn't have stayed then. Nothing about the relationship says that she was scared to leave, she just chose to stay with someone it seems she didn't particularly care for.
I had gone on Sage's discord a few months before, there was always a lot of drama. She uses people to vent, mostly about not being invited to LNC or Angel getting more attention than her or something. She just isn't nice and seems to use everyone.
I hope they can both move on and grow up a bit tbh
No. 243435
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No. 243440
>>243435"We almost never had sex even though I wanted to!"
"He was shit in bed!"
Sage can't even make up her mind.
No. 243585
>>243577Honestly they look really awkward together. Maybe they'll be together for more than a month and they'll look more comfortable, but I don't think they look cute at all together.
I do agree Scott kinda has a type though, lol.
No. 243592
>>243588No, judging how they look together in one picture. Sorry if I
triggered your offenses.
No. 243783
>>243776I haven't heard this! Any more to that story?
But they were saying that they were pushovers "in a relationship." Is that somehow relate to Mash or is that just an example of him being a pushover?
any examples for Russ?
No. 243867
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I mean it didn't stop you from running away and not fixing your mistakes.
No. 243869
>>243868I mean if she showed the thread to every Sage supporter, she'd end up losing a lot.
There's a lot of things supporting of her being a horrible person and they consist in the second and third thread.
No. 243902
>>243896To call Angel the devil of course and paint herself as the real angel.
Also for ammo to send herself fake anon asks.
No. 243918
>>243897If our assumptions are so wrong, then why is half the gang here? If we are so wrong then why hang out?
Also start standing up to shitty Cheyenne, thanks.
No. 243953
>>243588Ok Jen, No need to b
triggered :) But ur not cute together
No. 243976
File: 1486131898257.gif (1.96 MB, 400x225, hehehehehe_duck.gif)

what I absolutely love is the attitude of "scrambling for info and all your assumptions are wrong" in this condescending manner like we're idiots or something
as if it's our lives that are a huge dramafest and total joke all over social media and twitch lmao
the attempt to make us seem stupid and ignorant kind of backfires when you consider how fucking pathetic they actually are which is why three threads exist in the first place
like ~oooohhh you think you're so smart but you don't know all the info~ nah bitch you're all dumb as bricks and we don't even need to speculate for that, you provide all the milk yourselves by being rude whiny manipulative gossipy twats
No. 243990
>>243953Not really, they are cute together.
At least Jen doesn't have that ugly rat face and rat teeth and is probably a much nicer person.
No. 243995
>>243849Wow, she's disgusting.
It's how she acts, how she talks, her facial expressions - everything seems so… fake? I can't find the right words for it.
No. 244025
>>243996Yep. Fake, obsessive, pathetic.
She comes here constantly trying to stir up shit, but the other anon is right. Ignore that shit. What a sad existence she must have to frequent an imageboard thing to defend herself because the people on there aren't fooled by your "nice girl" routine.
She's demonstrated over and over how terrible she is. She can't bully us and I'm sure that upsets her so much.
No. 244302
>>244289Beat me to it. Fucking finally Angel is on a stream.
>>244283Like about her depression and shit. Yeah I know it's an actual thing for her but idk with the way she uses BPD as an excuse to be an asshole, I don't doubt she uses her depression for sympathy.
No. 244576
>>244487This felt like a Donald Trump tweet.
Jen and Scott are NOT cute together. Jen STOLE VIEWS from Witwix. RUSHED! SAD!
No. 244610
>>244289>>244341And still no Shane(Cheyenne)… Maybe we are heading towards being finally free of her! That stream seemed really positive and everyone was having fun… Luckily it wasn't even cut short by her like the last time Angel was on and that seems like so long ago now :(
It was a nice change of pace
No. 244617
>>244576Ill tell ya, what Scott and sage had was UGE. BIG MOVES. It was GREAT. Nothing like that Jen girl.
I genuinely can't understand how anyone defends Sage besides herself, because even the people that were friends with her have turned.
No. 245413
>>245392You do realize the two are associated with each other right? Are you living under a rock you uncultured fuck? We're on lolcow, where we make comparisons.
Are you just jealous that Witwix actually hosted Jen? Because I know it's real hard to get out there when Jund never does teehee! That's because your content was shit. I'm saying compare to you sage, anyone can be seen having a great personality and being ENTERTAINING. Why do you think people actually make her fanart? How much fanart have you received without having it commissioned?
Fuck off kid.
No. 245415
>>245392Not everyone here is a crew member and actually has this thing called common sense. People watch what they like. I don't agree with dating this quickly and that's a given. But I do think the relationship is much healthier than what Sage and him went through.
If she was a big attention seeker, why the heck would she go off and leave witwix, one of the bigger names on twitch and speed running community? Just tell me that.
Man, it's like her community actually likes her for who she is? She doesn't have to hide it. People posts pictures of themselves all the time on social media, who are you to dictate how to use their outlets? You're the no fun police.
No. 245461
>>245391It's optional for them to follow and continue following. They're not held at gunpoint.
At least Jen is growing and not constantly losing followers No. 245661
File: 1486339764815.png (17.06 KB, 544x77, same.png)

Just like joining the Late Night Crew and dating Jund. ":^)"
No. 245908
>>245865I know, right? If you're gonna defend yourself for being a cunt, be less obvious about it.
Speaking of defending yourself, im surprised chey hasn't chimed on yet.
No. 246708
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No. 247012
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I know we've already established that Angels back but the fact that he's acknowledged Angel instead of Cheyenne is amazing to me.
No. 247038
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This mean anything?
No. 247088
>>247079Baiting is sin,Anon
You mentioned that you asked her and she replied to you,only to not tell us. Then why mention it in the first place haha
No. 247167
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>>247165and then there's this person lul
No. 247171
>>247154Not gonna lie. I unconsciously got a kick out of Cheyenne's behavior and actually was looking forward to hear her bitch about everything. I realized I was exactly like her when I was 16. huh
Also Cry picking Zoe over Mia No. 247209
>>247194Still sounds like they're on the outs, which is awesome.
Side note, what if he got a lawyer, though? With a legit gag order or something?
No. 247236
>>247171Cry's doing an RE7 editing stream and left in a clip of him having what looks like an existential crisis to "let people worry about my well being" and he also said "no spoilers but when the clip goes up of my choice between Zoe and Mia, check the comment sections."
These aren't word for word by the way.
No. 247693
>>247681Usually she does do raids with them. But Scott said she disappeared, so I imagine she hasn't even been doing those either or doesn't talk with them like normal when she does.
>>247682Nah that's understandable. I felt like too many people had gotten into shitty situations with his girlfriend and him not really doing anything about it, so it's almost like karma really.
No. 247774
>>247773I agree. Even if he's in pain now, once he's away from her for a bit he'll realize how terrible everything was. How he let so many bad things happen, just out of fear of her.
It's for the best, for all involved.
No. 247904
Not necessarily.
They may not have officially talked about things and ended it.
They could be "spending some time apart".
Maybe they're not appearing on camera together because it's just causing a lot of stress on everyone.
There are some other possibilities like that too.
Not ever relationship ends with a boom and a bang, or even in a single moment.
Not to mention, if they're in any kind of transitional stage, or whatever, he may not be ready to announce it, or whatever. (which is lying, yeah).
It's also possible he did something like lay down an ultimatum: Is she with him, or with his fame? If she's with him, then not being on twitch and involved in every stream etc shouldn't be a big deal. (I actually have mixed feelings on this: because, yeah, that's really true.. on the other hand, I think relationships are stronger when they share common interests.)
Lots of thoughts, y'know?
Heck, maybe she realized that being a bitchy attention whore was stressing her out and is taking a vacation from social media/streaming.
I have trouble believing she could become a better person over night, but hey. Every journey starts with a single step.
Though if we were gonna have a scrooge-style miracle this year, I'd rather it happen on a governmental level :P
No. 247919
>>247912"Someone asked him in chat if he's still with cheyenne and he confirmed he still is with her.
So he is either lying or he did not dump her like this thread specultaed, kinda disapointed."
No. 247926
>>247924In the editing stream, someone in the chat asked him how to tell if they're falling out of love with someone or something like that (i don't remember exactly), and he answered, very quickly, something along the lines of "you find it hard to talk about stuff with them, etc," then he went back to editing for a second, then said "You find it difficult to say you love them, too."
I don't remember exactly what he said since I'm still watching the stream, but I felt it was kinda sad when he said it. Things definitely aren't okay still.
No. 247942
>>247926Oh wow, yeah. That's super telling, especially since I think Cheyenne is the first SERIOUS relationship he's had. Sounds like they're drifting apart.
They may not be broken up, but they're obviously not doing okay. He doesn't respond to her, she's not around AT ALL, they usually avoid any questions about her.. if were simple like "she just wants a break" they'd just say that. At first it was just "she's tired" and now they just ignore it and Scott straight up said she disappeared.
They're clearly not doing well.
I have no hopes for Cheyenne changing 'for the better.' Her horrible personality is ingrained in her, and if she had any plans for change she would have done it when the Ziegs stuff happened. Being told that you made someone feel suicidal should be a HUGE wakeup call.
But she continued her horrible behaviour, acting out constantly, talking down to everyone and name-calling. She very clearly played a part in Angel & Mash being gone for a long period of time, and now that she's not around, Angel has been back on stream…
I think that Cry is starting to wake up to her and is finally starting to pull away. But, of course he wouldn't straight up tell us that. They NEVER communicate with us on most things, he definitely wouldn't with something so personal, so we just gotta watch and see.
I really hope he leaves her and moves onto someone better and much more supportive, though.
No. 247990
>>247926Gosh, that breaks my heart. I mean. lousy choice of girlfriends aside, Cry's kept me company on a LOT of quiet evenings. I want him to be happy, because he makes me happy.
And that… Gosh, I've been there. hearing them say "I love you" and hesitating because you don't want to lie to them, but you really don't feel it anymore either.
Poor guy.
>>247942Yeah, I doubt Cheyenne is going to change, honestly. I'm old. I've known a lot of shit heads in my life and I've only known ONE person who decided to become a better person and actually succeeded. and it took them years.
and yeah – I don't blame him for keeping his personal business to himself. He'll tell us when he's ready. Even if he's ready to be done with it, that doen't mean he's ready to have everyone discussing it.
Especially because there will totally be shit fangirls throwing themselves at him.
Anyway, I don't think they're over yet. Yet. Soon, though.
Anyone know aroudn when in the stream the falling out of love question came up? I'll end up watching the whole stream eventually, but it's like 5 hours long.
No. 248043
>>247990I mean, serious relationships i think he had some more?
Recently in this last editing stream and around 2? episodes back of RE7 he's been mentioning this girl who he used to date (and they used to play RE co-op) which left him for a youtuber because he became overly jealous of her talking to him on twitter (which is kinda ironic, if he is really a cheater like it's been speculated here). Whenever he talks about her it seems the relationship was serious. idk, just pure speculation based on the few times he mentioned her.
>>247942Watched it live, but rewatched it now and it's at 1:48:00. (There is also an interesting bit a bit before that where he talks about platonic sex and the implications of it.)
"How do you know when your girlfriend doesn't care anymore"
"When you stop having meningful conversations and you start realizing you don't like being around them as much as you used to.
When you find it hard to say I love you."
And then he went real quiet for a while, it sounded kinda personal. He also sounded kinda distant when chat asked him if he was still with Cheyenne, like he didn't care too much kek
Recently everytime he's asked a qestion like this he gets in this kinda mood, makes me think that there is definetely something going on with Cheyenne behind the scenes.
No. 248147
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>>248110I don't think it was her?
No. 248249
>>248238Still white knighting, no?
We've almost reached new thread time in hardly a month. Good job, farmers.
No. 248256
>>248249No idea lol.
Wewlad, can't believe we're almost on the fourth one already! It's crazy.
Though most of it was from the fights with Sage and thread manipulating.
Hopefully the next thread will have even more milk for us to suckle on.