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File: 1740155649768.png (742.93 KB, 915x763, IMG_1436.png)

No. 2091522

>>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans"community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this.
/ot/ gender ideology general thread: >>>/ot/2351915

News sites/Studies:
https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/18973/pdf/ (TiM violent crime stats)
https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0016885#pone.0016885.s002 (relation between committing a violent sexual crime and srs)

Gender Critical Writings and Websites:
https://www.chimamanda.com/ (Writings of Chimamanda Ngozi, a Nigerian gender critical feminist)
https://www.jkrowling.com/opinions/j-k-rowling-writes-about-her-reasons-for-speaking-out-on-sex-and-gender-issues/ (JK Rowling's essay)

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cOANC_ykPxL_TZGnkxZCb4HNc-2tvfuK (vile comments made by TRAs)
https://odysee.com/@Skirt_Go_Spinny: (documentaries about TiMs and Trans activism)
https://web.archive.org/web/20231021212912/https://www.tumblr.com/chlorinatedpopsicle/654101574490161152/new-and-improved-not-our-crimes-this-never (Violent crimes by TiMs)

Notable MtF-related subreddits:

Previous threads 1-131:

Thread #132: >>>/snow/1995251
Thread #133: >>>/snow/2003406
Thread #134: >>>/snow/2012701
Thread #135: >>>/snow/2022374
Thread #136: >>>/snow/2035831
Thread #137: >>>/snow/2046188
Thread #138: >>>/snow/2056155
Thread #139: >>>/snow/2063201
Thread #140: >>>/snow/2070564
Thread #141: >>>/snow/2080821

No. 2091523

Hope I did it well kek

No. 2091530

Yes, ty nona

No. 2091536

awww noo don't do it tranny cat

No. 2091540

Kek I couldn't help feeling sad when I saw the thread pic despite the subject matter, I hate seeing an animal in distress even if it's just a cartoon.

No. 2091542

File: 1740158927242.png (1.83 MB, 2047x1487, i sure hope that therapist is …)

Found this fucking ogre on reddit who's unemployed, retarded, and terrifying

No. 2091543

YandereDev if he trooned out.

No. 2091550

i looked at his post history and there are nudes

No. 2091551

He probably has Cushing physiognomy kekk

No. 2091555

File: 1740163244750.png (90.03 KB, 793x315, Screenshot_20250221_153234.png)

I found some moderately cute icons for my phone but something about them and their creator seemed off so i went to check the linked website and…
Let's just say that if you need to put this sort of disclaimer front and center on your page then you're clearly the problem

No. 2091556

File: 1740163608597.png (19.61 KB, 621x122, Screenshot_20250221_154129.png)

If you go to his socials page and check bluesky (twitter is gone) you'll see this stickied post about "important notices" (picrel is the hidden post at the very end). The profile header pic is also choice.

No. 2091558

Nuclear levels of autism on that profile. And of course he's a NGMI wannabe gamedev

No. 2091563

>unemployed, retarded, and terrifying
Isn't that most TiMs kek

No. 2091579

File: 1740170398919.jpeg (347.8 KB, 1170x1493, IMG_1441.jpeg)

Is this the famous “transgenocide” they have been chanting for ages?
It’s not like they have to go around with their passport plastered on their forehead kek. There are bigger problems than not being able to falsify documents.

No. 2091582

File: 1740170714832.jpeg (334.56 KB, 1170x1521, IMG_1442.jpeg)

So dramatic.

No. 2091583

words don't mean shit anymore eh

No. 2091585

File: 1740171072087.jpeg (310.77 KB, 1163x1631, IMG_1444.jpeg)

This is what I meant when I said that being inter Trump will just make these retards go into victim modeTM. They seriously think that they’re like Jews during WW2. It’s so damn annoying.

No. 2091587

File: 1740171103892.jpeg (318 KB, 1170x1730, IMG_1443.jpeg)

Kek fascism isn’t this retard.

No. 2091588

File: 1740171136288.png (69 KB, 484x487, Screenshot_20250221_155040.png)

Imagine typing this crap and not immediately killing yourself in a fit of clarity and self awareness

No. 2091589

why does he sound like jackie chan

No. 2091591

>Lolicon and shotacon do not involve young girls and boys
What is it depicting then?

No. 2091592

Men are women and murder is when you buy a piece of plastic with an "M" on it. Words can mean anything when you're delusional and have no concept of material reality.

No. 2091594

>conventionally beautiful
Double kek

No. 2091595

Autists are more likely to falsely perceive people as androgynous and be unable to tell sex from a glance, so that tracks(learn2reply)

No. 2091603

>therapist listens to my sexual trauma
>male brain activation
>if i jerk off to the thought of getting raped she must be doing the same
>send her drawn porn of me fucking her
>she wants to assign me to another therapist
>she definitely wants to fuck me so bad
>track her down somewhere else and she blocks me
guys, is there a possibility i was a creep here? i really want to rape her

No. 2091604

jokes aside, imagine being the therapist and having to assign this neanderthal to someone else without making him feel sad or else you might lose your job, so you have to tell him that you weren't mad about being sexually harassed

No. 2091609

The absolute mental gymnastics autistic moids have to do when a woman doesn't speak out about being uncomfortable lest she gets fired from her job.

No. 2091617

Who is the girl next to Bo (in front of the car) in Bo Burnhams video for "Repeat stuff"?
As far as I can see she's not credited. Would I be crazy to say that it's Jazz Jennings?(failed transvestigation/sage your shit)

No. 2091619

File: 1740175737524.jpg (60.29 KB, 800x690, 0033.jpg)

No. 2091620

It's not her. I hate his voice so much, this is what everyone is obsessed with my god

No. 2091622

Yes, you would be, sorry nonna

No. 2091628

I didn't read his whole post because I thought it was just a fake spankbank fantasy but
>track her down somewhere else and she blocks me
Why do they always have to do this shit?

No. 2091635

File: 1740178189199.jpeg (237.72 KB, 828x977, IMG_2032.jpeg)

Ah yes such feminine features love the local “music” scene

No. 2091636


No. 2091637

he should take a page out of wallace's playbook and kill himself honestly

No. 2091641

aww the kitty in threadpic is too cute to be linked to trannies

No. 2091650

I've started to seriously doubt any claims they make about sexual abuse, it combines their fav fantasies of autopedophilia and victimhood.

No. 2091667

the way he talks actually drives me up the wall. its so forced its hard to watch the whole thing… he does this thing where he sticks his jaw out while speaking. it is so funny to see him have to make the entire "im privileged!" disclaimer.

No. 2091678

File: 1740188594969.jpeg (512.7 KB, 828x837, 1740112200533.jpeg)

From /ot/. They look exactly like the left.

No. 2091680

>The woman on the right looks up from washing her hands and sees this guy taking a mirror selfie
The only thing missing is the phone glued to his hand

No. 2091681

Imagine your life being so incredibly fucking privileged that a single letter on your passport changing is literal GENOCIDE to you. Genuinely how does this affect you? Oh no, the TSA agent is gonna know I'm transgender when I hand over my passport, and then… probably say nothing about it at all and wave me onwards through the line. The horror!

No. 2091694

That's one thing that really boggles my mind, they're quick to say #transpride but will be quick to screech whenever they get referred to as such.

No. 2091695

OHH NOO anyways…

No. 2091698

File: 1740193064879.jpeg (323.44 KB, 1457x817, 1740188594969.jpeg)

I'm sure we can make up something funnier

No. 2091702

File: 1740193564772.png (1008.95 KB, 1000x837, actual trans people.png)

Reality check. Also, doesn't pizzacakecomics have some kind of drama about her?

No. 2091703

File: 1740193674732.jpg (1.08 MB, 1536x2048, GTBjslNWgAAaBjH.jpg)

While I was making this I found out that the tv glow troon looks REALLY fucking busted.

No. 2091704

Kek nonnas were on the same wavelength. One of these should be the next threadpic.

No. 2091705

File: 1740194053976.png (1.19 MB, 1280x720, 90.png)

Lol I tried editing this after your post

No. 2091714

File: 1740195138471.jpg (78.57 KB, 1280x996, 3421777478.jpg)

KEKKKKK anon this is amazing. Trannyclipping for next thread pic hopefully

No. 2091724

File: 1740198331573.jpeg (580.41 KB, 828x939, IMG_1860.jpeg)

Same artist

No. 2091732

elderly dogs have less tooth decay

No. 2091733

predator eyes

No. 2091735

She started fighting with other reddit subs for making fun of her generic comics & lying about her convos with the mods. You can't post her on bonehurtingjuice anymore. She also started making porn comics.

No. 2091738

his name on twitter is ‘sapphicspielberg’ kek

No. 2091776

>goodbye horses intensifies

No. 2091786

is that Jenny Nicholson's bro on the far right? kek

No. 2091789

the obvious gum disease + upsetting gynomastia, wombo combo

No. 2091836

what the fuck are they talking about?

No. 2091840

she has a thread on kf

No. 2091849

The one on the left looks so true to life that I feel like the artist is trying to keep herself from peaking.

No. 2091900

Never forget this gay man posted his scizo writings once on insta that essentially boiled everything down to him having a humiliation kink and being a 'woman' as the ultimate humiliation to him.

No. 2091932

File: 1740241661618.jpg (150.32 KB, 634x781, 1000052400.jpg)

Next thread pic kek
You forgot the part where he said he didn't feel 'femme' enough because he's not a victim of rape.

No. 2091942

File: 1740242718078.jpg (275.39 KB, 1154x2048, GkQ4oPIWEAAvbF1.jpg)


No. 2091967

Noel Fielding

No. 2091969

File: 1740248135376.jpg (314.15 KB, 1440x810, 90-1054841638.jpg)

>a trans man and a trans woman were brutally lynched just the other week
huh? does anyone know what the fuck they're talking about?
spot the difference

No. 2091974

File: 1740248945498.jpeg (221.23 KB, 1162x1120, IMG_1447.jpeg)

Can they all just die

No. 2091976

The cope around getting boners is hilarious imagine if men got euphoria boners after graduating college or getting promoted at work or beating a Souls boss kek

No. 2091978

I've seen this so many times and it never ceases to amaze me how much it looks like something the BTK killer would have written on the back of his cross dressing polaroids copying his own murder scenes

No. 2091980

File: 1740250765883.jpg (2.65 MB, 3464x2490, 1739722311188.jpg)

(Sageing cuz it's a repost from thread request thread.)

>edits his face different every time

>morphed his face with asian children
>a known catfish and asian-fisher
>been exposed for saying racial slurs
>abuses snow filters
>skinwalks girls
>is/was a nazi despite being trans
>friends with an asian girl who's obssesed with white people
>made a audio acting out being raped
>was in a nazi telegram
>old house burned down and had to move out
picrel is how he edits himself vs how he actually looks like.

No. 2091986

this is him pretending to be raped and moaning

No. 2091994

>nazi despite being a troon
many such cases!

No. 2091999

Fucking kek, even with the voice changers, he sounds like a caveman. TTD when(sage your shit)

No. 2092007

File: 1740254516410.mp4 (430.54 KB, 360x640, VID_20250222_215959_342.mp4)

kekk the voice changer makes him sound like vidrel

No. 2092010

Why do so many trannies have uncanny valley horse faces? I see this in TiMs more often than I do in bio males.

No. 2092012

File: 1740255101607.jpeg (285.57 KB, 1170x1072, IMG_2002.jpeg)

He doesn’t even try to hide his narcissism

No. 2092014

>woman standing normally, even hunching her shoulders forward, normal head-on face picture
>man forcing shoulders back as far as he can, unable to show his face aside from tilting his head down as far as he can while trying to look "normal", push-up bra

No. 2092016

Their maleness stands out when they try to play into fake femininity. The more they try, the more awkward they look.
Look at GNC men as rare as they are, maybe a pretty guy with long hair for example, they look better than a tranny.

No. 2092018

Who is this woman on the left? Is there any particular reason this troon is seething about her or is it just a random woman?

No. 2092022

She’s a politician and has been calling out trannies , specifically a politician TIM.
She’s republican though and if I’m not wrong she also experienced sexual assault and has been open about it and it’s one of the reason why she advocates for female exclusive spaces.

No. 2092025

at this point republicans are a welcome relief from the conservatives in this country. good for her. it's telling that a moid would try to strike her down for her looks instead of going for her viewpoints. can you imagine a non-tranny man posting a pic of elon and then himself shirtless next to it like "guys i'm better than him because i'm not fat!" can you even imagine a woman doing this? we don't.

No. 2092027

File: 1740256918996.png (399.55 KB, 660x891, sc122322.png)

Nancy Mace. She’s cringe for a lot of reasons, but troons hate her for the one actually based thing she’s done. I don't fully trust her because she's republican but I applaud her for calling out trannies. She pushed for the executive order banning trans athlete and was able to ban troons from using female bathrooms at the Capitol.
It was her ex-fiance. She used to be pro-troon before she was assaulted.

No. 2092030

File: 1740257231034.jpeg (449.28 KB, 3000x2000, IMG_1449.jpeg)

She’s also the first woman to graduate from Citadel.
She needs to find enlightenment from her party, she would be kind of based.

No. 2092042

i like how they post pictures of themselves like "omg i pass so well how could i be a M" sir you still have (had?) a penis

No. 2092049

>needs to get half naked to even have a fraction of her power

No. 2092055

You don’t understand, that’s a feminine penis!!

No. 2092062

File: 1740261687822.jpeg (290.72 KB, 810x834, IMG_8440.jpeg)

Are we finally reaching an apex where trans women are getting each other killed for not accepting each other’s unsolicited dick pics?

No. 2092064

File: 1740261913159.png (884.22 KB, 866x832, actualtranspeople.png)

No. 2092066

File: 1740262098380.gif (114.83 KB, 480x360, 8TqcIXc.gif)

No. 2092068

Kekkkk I love troon on troon violence. Rest in horsepiss moid

No. 2092069

File: 1740262479499.jpeg (286.66 KB, 1165x1316, IMG_1451.jpeg)

Given how the average TIM looks like this is a cope kek. Even the most good looking TIMs don’t hold a speck to women.

No. 2092070

Did he do it? I bet he’s just farming for attention in order to divert his actions, typical male.

No. 2092071


No. 2092072

Feel inadequate about what? What on earth is the argument supposed to be. If you can't hold your ground and your only retort is "well women are just jealous" maybe you're just a misogynist who needs to drop the delusion and learn to think critically about what's going on instead of trying to create some irrational, imaginary wall of division.

No. 2092074

File: 1740262780230.jpg (260.39 KB, 1170x2315, 1740249258237322.jpg)


No. 2092076

I would say this is just repackaged "penis envy", but what he means is we feel inadequate because we aren't wearing cheap wigs.

No. 2092077

File: 1740263077947.jpg (763.54 KB, 1080x1533, braveandstunnin1.jpg)

my fault for not stopping at the preview, but got jumpscared by fucking reddit.

No. 2092078

File: 1740263128670.png (1.69 MB, 1080x1858, uglypalerat.png)

Imagining looking like this kek

No. 2092079

File: 1740263136922.jpg (6.08 MB, 1580x3392, bravenstunnin2.jpg)

No. 2092080

>one of them has something to say

No. 2092084

File: 1740264553725.jpg (662.83 KB, 828x1015, IMG_4227.jpg)

The ideal feminine beauty in question

No. 2092085

I'm crying holy shit this is so fucking funny he's shaped like a dorito

No. 2092087

File: 1740265320147.jpg (1.19 MB, 1920x1920, IMG_4228.JPG)

It’s not funny, nona…how are we supposed to compete?

No. 2092095

Why do troons (and twitter leftist) spew out random words? Authority(?) bias? It's so fucking retarded and sounds like schizo babble.

No. 2092096

>Middle aged woman, aging gracefully, authentic smile, nice natural hair, politician
>Man with plastic surgery

No. 2092098

File: 1740266408364.jpg (196.72 KB, 1080x1608, blaire-white-2017-v0-h3nuly8j3…)

>A troon’s life is five good years, five bad years, then the 41%

No. 2092107

plot twist: the left one is like 50 while the right one is 22

No. 2092116

I mean Nancy is pushing 50 so I don’t see his point. I’m not saying that’s old but obviously she’s going to look older than him.

No. 2092119

It’s the same “all feminists are disgusting old hags” that men have used for forever.

No. 2092125

File: 1740269605904.png (Spoiler Image,745.93 KB, 997x1074, gross.png)

did some lurking and i hate trannies

No. 2092129

Men think that women expire after 30 kek

No. 2092141

>don't get any female attention
>mutilate self and inject self with hormones to satisfy a fetish
>still don't get any female attention
>attempt to get even a crumb of sexual attention from other mutilated hormone-stuffed men
>be rejected

No. 2092143

I'd kill myself too in that position kek

No. 2092160

This is such fag behavior.Theres no reason for a man to go “I make for a better gorl than u” outside of him being a faggot.

No. 2092180

File: 1740281711566.jpg (127.67 KB, 1024x808, GKzknihXcAAlYls.jpg)

Can someone translate what the heck this guy is saying?

No. 2092192

>I'm sorry you hate me
fuck you
>I didn't mean to hurt anyone
I didn't do anything wrong
>I really thought woof was good thing
I thought saying "woof" was not creepy but just a compliment
>That's how everyone uses it
If I did something wrong, then so did everyone else. Does that mean it's not wrong? Yes.
>When I was worried she [sic] didn't like it and she [sic] clarifies that "no I appreciate it" I thought that was a good thing
I received pushback but because my victim minimized their discomfort in order to make me feel better, it means I did nothing wrong.
>I thought a catgirl asking someone who frequently calls her moots sisters and stuff to adopt her was normal flirting
I thought a chronically online pornsick man who refers to his mutual followers as "sisters" and who talks about wanting to be adopted was clearly acting flirtatiously, as he mentioned family which logically leads to sex.
>I'm sorry I'm broken beyond repair
I'm not sorry for what I did, I'm upset because people are judging me for my actions.
>I have no one and nothing
I'm so poor and defenseless I can't believe you're attacking me when I didn't do anything at all (see above)
>And no one even cares
People don't care how I'M doing just because I sent unsolicited dick pics and was a sex pest.
>No one will miss me
Please somebody give me attention or I will die from this narcissistic injury

No. 2092209

Does he genuinely think people will believe that he an hero'd over a dick pic?

No. 2092221

Hell is going to be a lot hotter than he thinks.

No. 2092310

Men love killing themselves over being outed as sex pests so it would honestly be on brand.

No. 2092337

The ones that ""pass"" rely on filters and specific camera angles as well as a fuck ton of makeup.
If you remove everything and make him wear a casual shirt + jeans you can obviously see the moidness.
Troons will cope and seethe that women put makeup too but the difference is that they can wear the same casual fashion with zero makeup and everyone will know its a woman.

No. 2092338

Also, I'll say it once and I'll say it a million times, this legendary status of 'passing' they bang on about is predicated on looking like a woman. A real one. So to imply that we are ugly and jealous because they're more beautiful than real women is, frankly, retarded. Because the standard of passing is literally looking like something women already look like. Without surgery, without make up, without training, without effort. So what the fuck are we supposedly jealous of? Your golden standards of """"passing"""" are based on US. The real deal.

Also,'passing' means nothing at this point. So you have invasive surgery and years of training and exercise and use ten pounds of makeup and blah di blah di blah it will never change the fact they are men. And will always be men. You can't gaslamp mother nature. She doesn't give a fuck you think you have a 'female soul'

No. 2092385

That is Alice from pooner lore

No. 2092394

File: 1740340041146.jpeg (385.79 KB, 1170x2013, IMG_1456.jpeg)

The more they speak the more I peak kek.

No. 2092396

“If you are an ugly woman you aren’t one and you are bitter that us men do womaning better than you”

No. 2092398

I mean if you have to start using “ugliness” as a measure of how much you are/you are not a woman, 98% of trannies wouldn’t make the cut kek.

No. 2092401

the way the woman would live a long and fulfilling life doing her own hobbies meanwhile the tranny is doomed to have crippling health complications for the rest of his meager life and has to circle his entire existence and efforts into maintaining his appearance lest he dies either by his own hands or the multitude of health problems from racked on surgeries.

No. 2092410

KEK next threadpic pls

No. 2092415

File: 1740342993501.jpg (6.62 KB, 220x212, 1737611007852.jpg)

No matter how many hormones they inject and surgeries they have, the male ego ALWAYS shows itself.

No. 2092425

File: 1740345042226.jpg (Spoiler Image,179.32 KB, 1170x1593, RDT_20250224_00075544810300748…)

Dude on 4chan ripped out his balls. Notice the ugly skany brown ballsack, proving once again men only troon because they're upset about not being handsome. If he had pink, thin skinned, tight balls he would've been healthy.

No. 2092440

How did he not pass out?

No. 2092441

And it looks way too clean , this is fake. Those must be bull’s testicles or something.

No. 2092443

Have you never seen gore videos of them performing the "surgery" on themselves? You people are too normie for this thread. Also bull testicles are triple the size of that with veins all over.

No. 2092451

Yeah I've seen men elastrate themselves, it might not be fake.

No. 2092455

File: 1740348574842.png (589.97 KB, 747x697, 272733942032211-2427026934.png)

Oh my god I unspoilered without reading and thought these were afoul like liver/kidneys. We were talking about cooking and eating them on /ot/ recently and I assumed that's what they were at first, I hate 4chan and its self-mutilating userbase sfm

No. 2092457

I’m not particularly interested in gore kek. I see enough during my internship.

No. 2092467

New kino just dropped

No. 2092507

Whyyyyy do they always think that every woman wants to look like an idealized feminine stereotype anyway? There are so many of us who are GNC and like, that’s just not what we are drawn to. I don’t think I’m ugly, but I do like to be comfortable and more natural bc it’s just personal preference. It doesn’t make me or other women like me less of women or jealous of anything. That’s just kind of how we roll bc it makes us feel like ourselves.

No. 2092508

The woman they posted has a disorder right? I think she has a lot of post-testosterone damage from destransing but she works in the medical field and had some of the most knowledgeable takes on anything to do with these surgeries. She reminds me of MADD, starkly sober but something people need to see since usually all they get is the glitter, cooms and group hugs. I learned a lot about elder care and healthy footfall watching her channel kek

No. 2092509

Exulansic could look a lot better if she tried and is a detransitioner. This, again, is not the own they think it is.

No. 2092512

It's hilarious how they throw all their beliefs and fellow trannies under the bus at the first opportunity to call a woman ugly. They don't actually believe in any of it and do not care about being a woman - they equate the "woman thing" to cosmetic surgery, makeup, and looking attractive, without even realizing how this is the standard moid mindset. Nobody expected anything different from them, except maybe a few handmaidens that they're helping to peak.

No. 2092524

File: 1740364294958.jpeg (753.43 KB, 1179x1276, IMG_0033.jpeg)

sophie update

No. 2092529

File: 1740364614637.jpg (652.92 KB, 1080x1995, Screenshot_20250224_032546_Bra…)

Girl horny is wearing chastity fetish stuff?

No. 2092531

KEKK this is so painfully cringe. How long is he going to milk it and make it harder for himself to come back from this pathetic suicide baiting act?

No. 2092534

no way…. I was in a grad school class with him last semester (or the semester before, cannot remember). wild seeing him posted here

No. 2092545

He genuinely lives probably about 15 minutes away from me

No. 2092550

This entire post makes me physically ill, but with a username like that it's expected.

No. 2092564

File: 1740378318517.jpg (315.26 KB, 1080x1239, 1000046579.jpg)

gotta love the TIM conflating males being a predatory species with… women not wanting to date him. two things that are equally as bad, obviously

No. 2092574

File: 1740379785196.png (482.55 KB, 747x751, 0cf88f82b4cf1c59304d34f9269e19…)

No. 2092583

File: 1740381461618.jpeg (424.69 KB, 1125x1871, IMG_1227.jpeg)

This gotta be one of the most disgusting forms of agp. It’s quite ironic that the group of women who cover themselves just to avoid male objectification are fetishised by perverted scrotes for this exact reason.

No. 2092584

'Muslim' TIMs are the worst of the worst. They opt into one of the most misogynistic religions on the planet so they can coom to female torture, mutilation, and rape knowing that they can just take off their hijab at any time when they're done.

No. 2092585

This would probably be a pretty instant 4chan trooner fixation since they're so obsessed with posting gore or concern trolling about the middle east

No. 2092605

File: 1740391888649.jpg (218.94 KB, 1080x1016, 1000001263.jpg)

No surprise here

No. 2092607

File: 1740392195625.jpg (59.46 KB, 540x673, 1000000446.jpg)

The "sissy hijabis" are into "race traitor" kink as well. It's a fucking bizarre bdsm thing for them, there are so many disgusting moids taking pictures of themselves fully veiled in restraints, and chastity cages are part of it. There's such a wicked, irredeemable flavor of white male male who is so racist, misogynistic and pornbroken that he centers his life around the brutal subjugation women in the ME suffer and wants the white race eradicated by these alpha Chads who won't throw them off a rooftop for being a degenerate but for some reason be his desert daddy and sexuality humiliate him for his small peepee.
It's the most bizarre thing, Google "sissy hijabi" at your own peril, but be aware that they steal actual Muslim women's pictures for their fetish fuel.

No. 2092611

that looks like a 2 meter drop KEK

No. 2092622

this one is terrifying me so much,
>someones threatening to call the police on me lol
as if it was just a totally normal thing to say, especially while looking like THAT. god help us all

No. 2092627

File: 1740400293124.jpeg (825.16 KB, 1179x1338, IMG_0035.jpeg)

how long until the next suicide bait kek

No. 2092630

>That pathetic drop
At least pick something that actually looks dangerous if you're going to be this histrionic kek

No. 2092633

I s2g I never understand wtf they’re talking about when they describe “girl horny”

No. 2092634

Ya Allah (SWT) I pray to thee that You send these trannies (astaghfirullah) to the deepest, darkest pits of Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia in place of the actual women there (it's what they want anyway). Ameen.

No. 2092638

File: 1740403085108.jpeg (4.98 KB, 293x172, feeeeesh.jpeg)

No. 2092640

All of this over a dick pic that wasn't reciprocated?

No. 2092642

Male only things, we can't get it fortunately.

No. 2092646

Whenever they compare being unable to get hard to being female I want to alog so hard. Just because you can't see the clitoris doesnt mean it doesnt exist retard.

No. 2092649

File: 1740404228997.jpeg (30.59 KB, 584x525, KoreanWojaks.jpeg)

>feels like lesbian sex

No. 2092650

Kekkkkkk, sissy fetishists are so retarded omg

No. 2092651

File: 1740404469071.jpeg (146.26 KB, 856x1043, IMG_1460.jpeg)

Sage for no milk.
He looks like that long necked monster kek.

No. 2092652

It’s because you are a gross porn addicted male kek.

No. 2092653

I think that due to the hormones they take their penises don’t get as hard, aka ED, and when they are horny they aren’t as hard; these retards call their erectile dysfunction “girl horny” kek.
Just because you are a broken male it doesn’t make you female.

No. 2092662

cant even kill himself right a failed moid and a failed troon kek

No. 2092663

How could i miss that one. Of course he'd be a pedo.
Love that all the other TIMs and handmaidens hate him because he pretty much calls them grifters

No. 2092666

Jesus Christ he looks fucking horrible. Like an oversized giraffe stuffed into a narrow sock.

No. 2092671

i feel like 15 years ago people wouldve edited this pic for a creepypasta ie. jeff the killer

No. 2092675

File: 1740412078985.jpg (821.14 KB, 1079x2309, Screenshot_20250224_145821_Chr…)

look what they need to mimic a fraction of a random egirl's power

No. 2092680

>Scrotes will kill themselves because they can't look like a shooped egirl and don't understand the concept of angles
I suddenly love and support shooping.

No. 2092702

look at these fucking flippers

No. 2092704

I actually feel the opposite. When I see troons it makes me feel better about my own looks every time because I fit the "standards" better than any troon by just existing and being female.
Maybe women aren't into men's disgusting shit because it's just the norm for them to be gross and smell bad really. The appeal of it for men seems to be the contrast between a woman being beautiful and gross things, while the average man is just disgusting all around so there is no contrast to be had, they just put all their disgusting shit out there already. Plus men's sexuality is just more retarded and twisted overall because they are worse people on average and consume more porn. I hate how this is framed as somehow a moral failing on women's part too kek like wow those women really need to step up and get turned on by gross shit, you're totally slacking by not being disgusting. Why is not wanting to masturbate to dirty socks bad now? It doesn't even mean women aren't as horny either, just that they don't express their sexuality in disgusting ways like men do as much.
They'll have stuff like this as their transition goal but insist they aren't porn addicted males kek.

No. 2092712

why is he still getting invited to shit? i thought he was irrelevant now

No. 2092713

>waste your time doing shit that will likely result in you looking uncanny valley. just so you can make other pornbrained AGPs horny.

he can also learn to Photoshop. I don't think anyone but the most annoying self loathing gays would be willing to work their butt off and get surgery to look like a self-objectifying women. I bet agphons would realize that there's limitations to everything and even if they become skeletal looking from starvation, I bet there would still be something complain about. and all of this for a fucking fetish like. you get handed one life in one body If you fuck both of those up, that's it. but their lizard brains never get to that point. /tttt/ is infested with tims in their late teens and early '20s who have a literal one track mind and are absolutely fucking insane. like none of these men are good candidates for life altering drugs. but they claim that they will kill themselves if you don't give them the drugs and let them invade women's spaces and sports (so they can get money and awards they don't deserve) so that's cool.

No. 2092725

>they throw all their beliefs and fellow trannies under the bus at the first opportunity to call a woman ugly.

they only care when women call troons ugly. when idiot TRA after idiot TRA says some sexist bullshit like womanhood is measured by how many heavily photoshopped selfies you post online that approximate whatever stupid, contrived capitalism-driven beauty idea is trending right now that their 12-year-old ass thinks is the best shit ever they just leave those morons alone they only care if a TERF says that men can't be women and rhat sexual dimorphism is real because that means that they think that all women are "breedable lolis" (according to master projectors like Ethel Cain).

no matter how unattractive you are you will still have a normal woman's body and functioning genitalia. that's more that you can say for Hunter Schafer. Getting dick up your ass is not what I would call a better alternative to having all your nerve endings concentrated in a smaller surface area like the clitoris. moids wish they had what women do.
how many years of girl who has it been? he still looks like he did in day one. mr bean in a shitty woman cosplay looking ass.
tbqh they know exactly what they're doing. imagine inadvertently dating one of these fuckers and then marrying them and like after a kid or two finding out that they have a severe mental illness and crippling sexual degradation fetish. The amount of stories that you read on Reddit about women finding out that their scrotes are trans when they're either pregnant or have toddlers is disgusting. and as soon as they decide to transition they don't do any more chores that they did previously which is the most infuriating part about it. One of them was quite literally spending money they needed to spend on food because money was tight on lacy bras and sexy workout shit. his wife mentioned that she had not bought any new bras in years because they could not afford it. Sheila Jeffreys was right was she talked about this shit. All these scrotes are the exact same. feeling sorry for any of them is akin to hating yourself because they sure as fuck don't feel sorry for the woman they use and abuse.

No. 2092741

No amount of photoshop or workout routines will do anything for those monster knucks and giant feet
You can see through the stocking he has those unmaintained twisted big-toe nails that all gross men have and refuse to trim

No. 2092754

File: 1740424507200.jpeg (Spoiler Image,526.4 KB, 814x868, IMG_2065.jpeg)

lol the shape of them

No. 2092769

can you stop being retarded please? that's obviously a real woman

No. 2092772

Her feet aren't actually big, she's got a q&a on her Instagram where she says the reason her feet look big and legs look long is because she uses exteme camera angles, she's actually 5'3". It's pretty obvious just looking at it its a lot of photo effects, but men never seem to notice that. The guy is insane for suggesting this is an achievable irl result, 99.9% of women couldn't achieve that look. The woman in the photo can't even achieve it.

No. 2092800

If this woman is 5'3" then yeah she's just elongating everything to make herself seem thinner. Moids don't realize that though.

No. 2092814

Moids genuinely believe those photoshopped egirls like skirby are real kek

No. 2092818

Who wants to bet the “lesbians” he’s talking about are fellow troons

No. 2092826

Take comfort in knowing they will never have lesbian sex or understand what it feels like.

No. 2092829

I forgot who he even was for a moment

No. 2092830

Why are they so strange at the bottoms

No. 2092833

its so funny to me that moids think they could ever look like this when women cant even look like that

No. 2092848

File: 1740443241389.mp4 (19.01 MB, 1920x1080, To the Transphobes.mp4)

the sheer delusion

No. 2092851

is he practicing parkour? that drop isn't enough to sprain an ankle lol, let alone being certain of death if you jump.

Wouldn't it be nice to live a life where that's what you consider "traumatizing"

No. 2092859

im going to throw up

No. 2092860

Imagine giving birth to this.

No. 2092864

Kekk I feel molested. Listening to agp poetry in middle aged white male voice feels so uncanny.

No. 2092867

No woman would ever say this shit kek. Especially referring to pussy as stank. Male moment

No. 2092869

That was an experience I do not wish to relive.

No. 2092897

Who is this? It almost seems like a troll

No. 2092905

File: 1740456374433.jpg (45.88 KB, 600x450, are_you_frustrated.jpg)

I thought his neck was edited at first. he reminds me of this old meme.

No. 2092906

File: 1740456627278.png (549.72 KB, 808x803, Screenshot 2025.png)

No. 2092912

They can't go a day without being insanely misogynistic, yet they get made the evil terfs dare exclude them from feminism. I expect this shit from moids, but seeing teenage girls and female libs fems spout this bullshit makes my blood boil.

No. 2092929

The correlation between transitioning and suddenly believing that the expectation of having to function like a normal adult is abusive needs to be studied.

No. 2092975

Immature, emotionally fragile people who are isolated, constantly reassuring each other that the slightest hardship is trauma. What you're referring to specifically is their insistence that "executive dysfunction" cripples them, and that they are helpless against it. They're dulled by SSRI's and SNRI's on top of that, which makes them apathetic to their filthy conditions or the normal adult drive to use hardship as a motivator. Instead, they cry and cry on discord about how hard their lives are and play games that allow them to live vicariously through their characters as self-care. They regress to childhood, it's infuriating, frightening, unnerving, and embarrassing all at once. Their lives and those of everyone around them grinds to a halt bc they have to spend every moment on "self-care."
Forget about your own problems, especially if you're pregnant, have your own (real) mental health struggles, or have a job, bc every resource is going to go toward their eternal adolescence, and you better believe they'll wait until you're financially tethered to them to do this to you.

No. 2092981

you can view the childishness as embarrassing if you want but if they weren't the worst narcissistic abusers imaginable I don't think I would have an issue with that. every time I try to talk to young trans activists on sites that have a lot of them, regardless of how civil and patient I'm being, If I don't tell them what they want to hear I receive some of the most repulsive responses imaginable. they have no tolerance for anyone disagreeing with anything they do and they think that feeling shame for whatever sexual shit that they might be interested in or engage in is the world's problem, too. and if you don't agree with their opinions 100% no questions asked even if they would stand to benefit from listening to other perspectives they throw a huge fit and like I've said throw around some of the most vulgar language you have ever heard. they're just intolerable. escapism through living out your childhood nostalgia is not an issue in itself, it's the rest of the shit that they do that's the problem. especially if their sexualizing their favorite childhood media. that's just uncomfortable.

No. 2092983

I was explaining why the failmales cry abuse when held to account for turning into useless children. That's the relationship dynamic that almost always seems present when they do this to their wives or gf's.

No. 2092985

I'm sure what you're describing applies to some trannies but imho that's not even the main reason they behave the way they do, especially males. You give them way too much credit kek. A lot of them aren't that medicated (if at all) or fragile, it's just that their newfound victim identity allow them to do whatever they want. Oftentimes they weren't even very helpful with chores prior to their "transition" (like most men), but identifying as trannies now give them a reason to do even less and focus on their ""mental health"" (fetish) since there's literally a tranny genocide at the moment.

No. 2092997

Don't get me wrong, being fragile doesn't mean I'm calling them victims. And most of them are on psych meds due to cross-sex hormones being a depressant for males.

No. 2093012

the fucking sniff was so buffalo bill kekkkkkkkkk

No. 2093065

File: 1740505482873.jpeg (110.27 KB, 828x263, IMG_2066.jpeg)

No. 2093073

File: 1740508116414.jpg (13.51 KB, 236x236, 73cfaeec1236054f05e6bfd2eab0fe…)

No. 2093093

kekk i'm looking forward to it

No. 2093101

His boobs look low poly with those weird sharp edges lmao. They're octagonal

No. 2093118

File: 1740522755935.png (41.23 KB, 746x188, Screenshot 2025-02-25 223113.p…)

is he schizophrenic

No. 2093129

This body is an work of art, more specifically the art of how Michelangelo (a homosexual) used to sculpt women subjects. (Or that one soviet statue that started as a man and got transformed into mother Russia)

No. 2093135

File: 1740525265457.jpg (3.8 KB, 258x195, 1738598646349.jpg)

The trans Kurt Cobain shit hurts because it's absolutely true. I can see him trooning out for the attention and rebellion points. Also this may be fanfic on my part but he would also totally use it to harm Courtney and their daughter.

No. 2093142

I read his diary memoir thing, and while we have to go by his sex weirdo edgelord version of events, he admitted to losing his virginity to a retard on the railroad tracks, so this checks out. He probably would troon out, and he would lose all talent, steal even more from women in music than he already did, and become a grotesque peaking machine.

I fucking hate these moids so much. Period is when pickles and feelings.
And it's kinda funny bc when I'm pmsing, sure The Dodo videos make me tear up, but mostly I just hate troons more than I already do bc they can't be a fraction of what nature just casually gifted me upon conception. And it pisses me off that I can't talk about the period symptoms they haven't glommed into yet for their diarrhea larp bc I know they read here.

No. 2093143

File: 1740528789725.jpg (27.48 KB, 512x384, 1000000450.jpg)

If y'all remember Mad TV, he reminds me of the sneaky snake guy if he trooned out and I read his posts in that voice

No. 2093149

People have said Kurt would do anything for attention. He was one of the og clout chasers kek.

No. 2093150

You want to be taken seriously as transgender and regularly cite that people do not respect your identity but you yourself do not respect your identity
>b-but calling Kurt Trans is just a joke!
You yourself regularly lament over how other people treat your identity like a joke. You are never going to be viewed as a serious individual when every ounce of your identity hinges upon "rules for thee but not for me". You are not the only person who exists.

No. 2093160

File: 1740531990284.jpg (571.75 KB, 1062x1867, 1000027992.jpg)

Tranfiction time

No. 2093161

Cobain was never a tranny. He was subversive, disliked other moids and the way they bully people, and wearing a dress was just a fuck you to conservative 90s hick America. Billy Corgan did the same. Doesn't mean either of them were trans. It was mostly a marketing ploy and attention grab since all their fans were edgy teens who hated their parents.(sage your shit)

No. 2093162

>delusionmaxxing + porn addict
Every time kek. Just girly things amirite sistahs?

No. 2093163

File: 1740532786854.jpeg (115.2 KB, 1170x818, IMG_2298.jpeg)

Pure evil. How the fuck am I, as a bisexual woman that significantly prefers female people, supposed to even participate in my own dating pool/“”“community””” when it’s full of appalling corrective rape rhetoric like this? Just like all the other males the only fucking thing they care about is degrading and psychologically torturing women for their own sexual pleasure. It’s sickening and this is the only place I can vent about it.

No. 2093169

Except it's troons who push the 'oh my disgusting shriveled man penis is just like your strap ons, fellow lesbians' narrative

No. 2093170

File: 1740536407262.jpg (406.15 KB, 1080x1559, 1000000455.jpg)

You might be a febfem! Female-exclusive bisexual female, bc dating a moid is too fucking dangerous lately. They hate us but it's still more socially acceptable to troons than true lesbianhood, which makes me want to pull my hair out.

No. 2093172

File: 1740537139925.webp (20.67 KB, 615x437, IMG_2082.webp)


No. 2093173

Kurt hated rapists and stopped a girl from being sexually harrased,he would’ve never become a tranny.

No. 2093174

File: 1740537633202.gif (916.95 KB, 400x181, what are you waiting for.gif)

Gotta love troon on troon violence
Kek read it in his voice

No. 2093175

I half agree with picrel. The women on tumblr who gush about "straps that get me pregnant" aren't lesbians, but they still shit up the lesbian tags along with the TIMs.

No. 2093176

Sage for being a bit off topic but I occasionally call myself that when I'm not being crypto. It's a great label for likeminded bi women to gather under. I've never dated/had sex with a male before, so I also deeply empathize with lesbians. Unfortunately, they're the ones bearing the brunt of this rapeape bullshit… It's soul-crushing to see female homosexuality demonized by literally EVERYONE, even self proclaimed "progressives".

No. 2093181

No. 2093218

maybe not that far, but he would definitely come out as non-binary or something.
that was from an interview where he was largely bullshitting, even in that fake story, he didn't sleep with the girl."

No. 2093226


No. 2093249

maybe im terrible for this but i really want to see lol

No. 2093250

It's a great term, it's both respectful of lesbians AND a big fuck you to trannies. Seeing more and more bi women peaking in general is great, and all the troons malding over it. I thought bi women weren't uwu validating enough for trannies kek

No. 2093253

File: 1740565236434.jpg (178.63 KB, 1048x1048, 1000018476.jpg)


>To the transphobes insisting I'm a man because I was born unpussied:

>Open your eyes, you fucks

>I am inside-out cunt
>I am everywhere slick, salty silken skin you ache toward
>Like a thirsty deer in the dirty woods

>You would lick your tongue raw if you could

>If you dared to touch this Aphrodite altar
>Moon-blooded mystery
>The birthed afterbirth built out of busted-up boy parts and simmered in the sun 'til syrup oozed from every stank hole

>You keep trying to crank the straps down hard enough to shut me up

>Like I was the source of your lust
>Instead of the pump that fracks it from the cracked shale of you


>I can smell you from here, the rank musk of your want
>As I haunt you awake and asleep, as you struggle to breathe

>I am everywhere G-spot all-over clit

>And you still couldn't find it with both hands and a map
>So scared I'm a trap
>When I am created the wet, hot motherland you will never come home to

>The bittersweet tang in the back of your throat when you kneel down to pray

>For me

No. 2093255

i think i saw a video on the other farms where a dude does it with a rotary saw

No. 2093265

Which farm. Kiwi? That forum is hell to navigate but I’d love to see a scrote literally de-scroting himself kek

No. 2093267

File: 1740569978535.mp4 (16.42 MB, 720x1280, 212727306dc64a5da0a44eebbadf5a…)

>The Gender Guardian, Pakistan’s first ever school for transgenders, is an institution that strives to provide quality education and training to transgenders across Pakistan. The institute seeks to empower the transgender community by attempting to equip transgender students with skills required to gain employment. Formal education as well as vocational training in courses such as cooking, stitching and driving are offered at the school.
I only saw MTFs and they all looked disabled. This is literally just a program for retards in some random building

No. 2093272

this man has the face for an analog horror mascot

No. 2093277

>I only saw MTFs and they all looked disabled.
I wasn't sure how accurate this would be but you're right. They all look some kind of mentally deficient… Yikes.

No. 2093278

No. 2093280

>I only saw MTFs and they all looked disabled.

When you look up the rate of cousin marriage in Pakistan, them all looking quite literally retarded won't surprise you.
But kek at the old trannie. No matter which ethnicity they're from, old TIMs always look the same way - revolting.

No. 2093303

yes kiwi, srs thread, page 1096, it's quite graphic. enjoy

No. 2093305

File: 1740577532064.jpeg (822.68 KB, 828x1414, IMG_2086.jpeg)

The average metal tard

No. 2093309

Somehow it's 100 times worse than I thought.. Thanks transcript anon. I guess.

No. 2093314

File: 1740578965556.mp4 (226.93 KB, 854x480, LfLDmPQ.mp4)

No. 2093316

>Open your eyes, you fucks
>I am inside-out cunt
No, you're inside-out dick

No. 2093329

Kurt WAS a rapist. He would've trooned out the second the story about him raping a retard girl but stopping because her pussy smelled too bad got too much attention. Behind every man, troon or otherwise, who doth protest too much about rape is a longterm sexual assault rumor that won't go away

No. 2093334

This person is back to posting like nothing happened by the way(sage your shit)

No. 2093340

Thank you for the very hearty kek you gave me this morning

No. 2093377

File: 1740592329614.jpg (48.48 KB, 760x520, 1000046731.jpg)

yet another TIM taking the name of a beloved female Star Trek character. it's to be expected ofc since the venn diagram of Trekkie autists and TIMs is just a circle but still bugs me. I personally knew another guy who renamed himself Jadzia kek

No. 2093381

File: 1740592701117.jpeg (669.65 KB, 828x1618, IMG_2091.jpeg)

I hate this goddamned town

No. 2093392

Almost as bad as the ones who name themselves Aphrodite, or worse, Artemis, both of whom would've killed them for their intrusion on female spaces. That one who destroyed a Montana sorority named himself that, there's court documents about a man who named himself Artemis watching women bathe and undress. The irony makes me want to live in a cave on top of a mountain and never talk to a moid ever again, not even if I need a bridge built, which is all they're good for.

I love it, it's succinct, separates us from "political lesbians", and reminds me that women are gonna be there for women, straight or bi or lez, the way men never are for each other. The gays hate the bi's, the straights hate the gays, etc.
Now all we need to do is root out the transmaidens!

No. 2093439

they're so weird. i'm pretty sure lesbian couples have been fantasizing about having natural children with one another for centuries, if not longer. "futa" is the fantasy of a woman with a penis. neither of these things relate to trannies. why do they have to be so intellectually dishonest, he knows that himself but he's still posting this oddly westboro baptist tier shit

No. 2093520

The filter makes them look like father and daughter

No. 2093522

There’s nothing I can say the jokes just write themselves

No. 2093537

File: 1740629556961.jpg (71.51 KB, 714x341, Screenshot 2025-02-26 200959.j…)

Late, but I came here to see if this had already been posted. I just learned (from people commenting on this story elsewhere) that a penis sling is a device that keeps the penis in an erect position even when it's flaccid. This creep is 100% a rapist.

No. 2093543

I wonder how much shitty memes like this give both tims and tifs the delusion that they can "pass" as the opposite sex if they just grow their hair long or something

No. 2093549

File: 1740632070122.jpeg (154.05 KB, 1179x1374, 94M1B8F.jpeg)

not wanting to live with mentally unstable troons is valid

No. 2093552

Off-topic, but which cities in the US have the highest amount of troons?(sage your shit )

No. 2093553

Ask in /ot/

No. 2093555

So a tranny thinks that a woman's value is indicated by her appearance and ability to appeal to pornbrained men. Must be a hot day in Hell.

No. 2093559

TOPKEK that's like eight feet. He's going to commit sprained-ankle-icide.

No. 2093561

I agree that Cobain was a cow, but I oppose the trooning of all dead celebrities on principle. Troons are never going to get away from the Buffalo Bill allegations when they keep trying to puppeteer corpses kek

No. 2093571

Years ago I read an article about people seeking plastic surgery to mimic how they appear with photo filters. I feel like so many troons talk about the gender flip snapchat filter as being their “awakening” or transition goals, so you’re probably not far off in assuming shit like your vidrel is a factor.

No. 2093573

File: 1740637293712.jpeg (279.34 KB, 1170x1634, IMG_1491.jpeg)

Vivian we all know you wouldn’t kek

No. 2093575

File: 1740637337890.jpeg (293.62 KB, 1170x1589, IMG_1492.jpeg)

Uhm…yes? One group is known for being porn addicts and greasy weirdos, the other not. I’ll trust a woman before trusting a male on estrogen.

No. 2093578

God forbid you want to protect yourself and not find yourself with the sex that does 98% of rapes. Just because you are a tranny it doesn’t cancel your rape and violence potential. Women have a right to know with whom they are living, hell even men do,
These people are disgusting.

No. 2093581

if they arent different why are they "trans" and not just women?

No. 2093585

Just a bunch of AGPs desperately trying to escape male pattern baldness kek

No. 2093591

a man not afraid to be roommates with another man? start the presses. They always tell on themselves kek

No. 2093605

In the real world everyone is normal about this kek. These people really live in a bubble.

No. 2093606

That screen name is straight up agp shit too. She's right to ask. And instead of straight up taking the L and moving on with his life, he basically doxed her publicly on twitter. It isn't hard to find someone from a FB profile pic these days.

I wonder why she was hesitant to room with a man hrmmm is it because men do shit like this to put us in danger because their feefees get hurt? Again. Men are scared of humiliation from women. Women are scared of violence and murder from men. We are not the same. We will never be the same. Ever.

No. 2093608

That's just a school for faggots.

No. 2093620

File: 1740650723262.jpg (180.19 KB, 760x507, 230521-trans-pakistan-ha-c566f…)

for some context, the word transgender is usually translated from the word "khusra", which is a corruption of an arabic word meaning "to remove". It refers to eunuchs, gay men and all intersex people and it's used for all of these groups, as for why they look disabled, it's because cousin marriages are incredibly common in pakistan and children born with disabilities are often abandoned leading to fates like organ harvesting, sex trafficking and being kidnapped by Islamists to be used as suicide bombers, the hijra community also takes in these kids and use them as beggars and prostitutes(sage your shit)

No. 2093624

>takes in these kids
pakianon here they dont take in these kids they kidnap them mostly from slums or stop shops where these children work

No. 2093642

File: 1740660808330.jpg (Spoiler Image,514.27 KB, 1080x1646, 1000048082.jpg)

What is with troons and fetishizing self harm scars? This isn't even the worst on his page. He has gotten popular lately for drawing Squid Game porn. Mostly of the troon character. When he doesn't draw the actual troon character he often makes the other characters troons in his art too.(spoiler nsfw)

No. 2093648

>holding the sign upside down

No. 2093658

Probably Portland

No. 2093659

Do they know how many rapes occur in frat houses?

No. 2093668

I’d rather live in a frat house than with one singular MTF

No. 2093669


No. 2093671

File: 1740669016403.png (308.07 KB, 591x581, 1000010592.png)

based children and chaperones

No. 2093676

The kids laughing probably think he's trying to do a silly voice and are wondering why this grotesque man creature is wearing a skirt. There's no malice, really, just laughing at a clown.

No. 2093691

I would love to hear the voice he was putting on in front of these children and their teachers to make them all bust out laughing

No. 2093697

File: 1740677657845.jpeg (161.73 KB, 828x510, IMG_2105.jpeg)

No. 2093699

>Allegedly a poet
>Doesn't understand which syllable is supposed to be stressed

No. 2093706

rap god

No. 2093711

I’d rather commit than either tbh

No. 2093720

File: 1740685160612.jpeg (99.88 KB, 1125x646, IMG_1286.jpeg)

Kek at him accidentally calling tifs women since most of them sit on toilet

No. 2093726

Pretty sure that "bran" is a tif kek

No. 2093738

File: 1740689933604.png (301.35 KB, 512x783, 4tran4.png)


No. 2093740

I physically had to close my eyes halfway through because the cringe got too real.

No. 2093741

Don't even bother with part 2, this autism isn't milk. Can't we add it to the next threads description to not repost stuff from r/4tran4? It's just trannies mocking how other worse 4chan trannies speak but without fail there's always a nona who thinks they're being serious.

No. 2093742

>What is with troons and fetishizing self harm scars?
I have two theories for this:
1. Cutting is most often done by depressed teenage girls, who troons fetishize and want to skinwalk
2. Troons are all mentally ill outcasts who don’t understand that broadcasting your mental illness makes you look like even more of a freak.

No. 2093781

File: 1740695569393.jpg (4.41 MB, 4096x7282, GridArt_20250228_002353281.jpg)

roses are red
violets are blue
this tranny is a sexpest and a shitty poet too

repost dropped pic

No. 2093784

Your aggro reply hurt my feelings on behalf of the OP kek. Posters on r/4tran4 are more serious than you realize. It’s just a Reddit hub for 4chan trannies, and they all talk like that. They really are that self-hating because they know, deep down, that “transphobes” are right about them.

No. 2093785

File: 1740696208560.jpeg (1005.52 KB, 1179x1849, IMG_0858.jpeg)

even on facebook, trannies have infiltrated every possible female group i’m in

No. 2093786

File: 1740696240131.jpeg (147.1 KB, 1179x395, IMG_0856.jpeg)


No. 2093789

File: 1740696972047.jpeg (852.36 KB, 1179x1777, IMG_0859.jpeg)


No. 2093815

So they're all obsessed with Skirby now? Kekkk I'm starting to side with >>2092680 anon, god bless ugly shoopers for giving trannies even more body dysmorphia and unnattainable standards.
It's incredible how much unwarranted confidence going full faggot gives to these men. Everyone knows men on grindr or fetish accounts (hell, even men on the internet in general) will DM anything at all even if you have a meme or a dog as a profile pic, or no pic at all. But the attention is exhilarating to these former incels turned faggots, it would almost be endearing were they not so disgusting and pathetic.

No. 2093825

what the fuck are you doing in a "yandere psycho femcel gf grippysock jail" in the first place? honestly that's on you
>censoring the usernames
are you scared we're going to harass them into suicide or something

No. 2093858

The type of porn drawings scream TIM, but the art style screams TIF. I don't know for sure.

No. 2093860

File: 1740707772057.webp (50.15 KB, 640x640, 541ED686-F719-4CB6-B0CC-37554D…)

KEK I can imagine the voice just based on his pictures

No. 2093864

File: 1740708365495.jpeg (267.38 KB, 1200x1070, IMG_0880.jpeg)

haha touché nonnie
i guess i thought i had to censor it.. how embarrassing
the jokes literally write themselves. this page is a agp goldmine

No. 2093867

File: 1740709575845.png (101.84 KB, 727x791, hemad.png)

men all lumping against a woman worrying for her safety? color me shocked


No. 2093869

>scummy preference
Literally anyone can pretend to be transgender, and there are many articles about rape and assault in female prisons/pedophiles transitioning behind bars to prove it. It shouldn't bother you so fucking much, just ignore it. Literally the most trivial thing to cry about. Worry about the men plotting to assault and murder you and not the timid passive aggressive they/them Soaps you'd clash horribly with as roommates anyway. If you hate to be told no this much then you have some narcissism to unwind.

No. 2093876

Rare peaked TIF W, any moid calling women -phobic or -cist for feeling unsafe around men is a misogynistic predator. If they were actually women, they'd know what we have to fear and that males need to face the consequences for the reputation they've made for themselves.

No. 2093906

I don’t know why they’re acting like once the TIFs /handmaidens see them in person anyway to check out the housing/sign the lease, they won’t clock them and refuse to room together but be vague about why. TIMs can’t really be obtuse about the fact that the same sisterhood they so desperately want to be apart of, as mentioned in the name, has no place for males.

No. 2093920

>artist, activist, and abolitionist
Abolitionist for what? What does he want to abolish? Everything? This is peak post modern word salad.

No. 2093924

Probably abolish gender, which I never understood since it's a made up concept by these retards that they absolutely need for their larp as the opposite sex to work.

No. 2093941

Waiting for part 2 anon.

>I don’t know why they’re acting like once the TIFs /handmaidens see them in person anyway to check out the housing/sign the lease, they won’t clock them
Yea the troon has got to know that's what's going to happen. Seems predatory to stay vague about people's sex in hopes of luring unsuspecting women to your room.

No. 2093954

File: 1740745983366.jpeg (179.79 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_1502.jpeg)

Transbians and their dicksuckers are so insufferable.

No. 2093955

>Seems predatory to stay vague about people's sex in hopes of luring unsuspecting women to your room.

No. 2093958

The sexual dimorphism between these two is sending my sides into orbit right now kek

No. 2093959

Ikr I wonder who the trans one is, you can just never tell can you! Such a mystery!

No. 2093960

I'm heterosexual and I find this incredibly repulsive. not just because I've spent a decade looking at how these men behave. The entitlement and the misogyny is one thing but seeing hulking man after hulking man be creepy towards women and claim that they're actually women too has radicalized me. whenever I see someone who looks like that, I default to "that's a pervert". that kind of sexual dimorphism also makes me uncomfortable. I don't know something about the thought of this gross hulking idiot towering over a smaller woman is just ughhh

No. 2093973

Or a prison abolitonist. Would be a fitting stance for a sex pest.

No. 2093988

File: 1740753976087.jpeg (387.65 KB, 1170x1657, IMG_9437.jpeg)

Every news article I’ve seen is reporting this troglodyte as a woman.

No. 2094001

Bless her

No. 2094002

It's these fucking clowns from last thread >>2085670

No. 2094019

it's amazing how they both look like neanderthals in their own unique way

No. 2094022

File: 1740761967404.jpg (253.73 KB, 1080x939, 1000052559.jpg)

I lurked her profile. She's so close to getting it, she just needs to stop drinking the gendie koolaid.

No. 2094039

They are FAR more scummy than the average man

No. 2094041

I can fix her

No. 2094044

File: 1740765606846.png (1.06 MB, 1080x2340, 1000007708.png)

I saw this comment on a video about how some women in china have to change their names because their parents gave them names that signaled them wanting a son instead. It never cease to amaze me how TIMs needs to make everything about themselves, especially female oppression.

No. 2094045

Wild how every example of "pro-trans culture" and "gender affirming action" comes from instances of systemic misogyny and rigid gender roles.

No. 2094046

File: 1740766333879.png (51.52 KB, 545x410, picrew icon spotted.png)

I refuse to believe these people are that stupid. The names they're talking about are inherently suited to their gender, they're feminine names, they're just given with the express intent of begging for a son.

No. 2094048


No. 2094056

I fucking hate downplaying breast implants as "gender affirming" as if bigger breasts = more female (moid logic btw) instead of what it literally is, which is bigger breasts = more male sexual appeal. The demand for a woman to have sex appeal is not "gender affirming" and pretending it is is literally backwards, brings us back to the concept of womanhood being a spectrum of how much you can adhere to male's sexual demands. By their logic, is a woman getting a breast reduction becoming less of a woman?

No. 2094059

File: 1740769988820.jpeg (326.82 KB, 1041x1541, IMG_1508.jpeg)

Men love misogyny, it’s not a surprise.

No. 2094061

Men really found a way to become the new “oppressed” while simultaneously erasing sex based oppression kek.

No. 2094062

File: 1740770558737.jpg (311.87 KB, 1080x1129, 1000046809.jpg)

I should not have looked at the deluge of angry responses. picrel is so audacious it loops around to being almost funny, but most of the replies are rage-inducing. death to all "amabs"

No. 2094077

Sexual dimorphism as the thumbnail. Beautiful.

No. 2094083

File: 1740772991735.png (2.65 MB, 1083x1920, 1738748531973-2.png)

They need to be next thread pic

No. 2094088

More metal musicians should’ve written songs shitting on trannies instead of being a try hard,blood drinking satanist

No. 2094089

"I no longer Grug.. me new name Bunga and I love me beatiful wife Unga… You call me Grug is transphobic. I will bash you head in with a rock. No TERFs in me cave!!!"

No. 2094090

This was tough to watch. Seeing these two live in a house with a bunch of anime crap scattered everywhere really tied in how immature and stuck in "arrested development" they are. The troon and his handmaiden girlfriend really look like a faghag and her gay best friend.

No. 2094091

There's an automatic AI dub added when I click on the video and the way they used the male AI voice for the troon has me kekking
>Trannies being such revoltingly misogynistic sexpest perverts even fellow TIFs have no choice but to peak
We love to see it. They can screech that terfs are bigots all they want, but at the end of the day they have no choice but to admit we're right.

No. 2094109

How do we get rid of this blatant lie? It's right up there with Marsha P Johnson threw the first brick at stonewall and he wasn't even there until later.

No. 2094110

Nope not misogynistic one bit

No. 2094141

it actually boggles my mind how retarded they are, these women didnt change their name to feel like a girly womanly female woman, they did it to not be regularly reminded of how their parents fundamentally views them as lesser, males will NEVER understand what its like to actually be oppressed, the best they can do is to relate everything people who have actual problems do to their own made-up problems

No. 2094148

File: 1740779859315.jpg (224.93 KB, 598x1920, Fredsargeant.jpg)

That's the same lie, he's supposed to be the "transwoman who gave gays their rights". Reminder that trannies visciously attacked Fred Sargeant, an elderly gay activist who was actually at Stonewall, simply for pointing out "Marsha" is on tape saying he's a gay male dragqueen, not trans, and that he was nowhere near Stonewall when the riots began. He was never even "anti trans", he just implored they stopped mansplaining Stonewall to him when he was actually there and knows what happened. One of the only times I've seen troons be as cruel and violent to a man as they usually are to women, and they did it to an elderly gay activist. These shitstans only target people who can't fight back.

No. 2094151

File: 1740780327932.png (114.62 KB, 1178x1134, exactly as bad as you expect.p…)

>What does he want to abolish?
The age of consent, I'd wager! See picrel for more information on his court case.
>Case Number 27-CR-10-34302 (included for easy copy-pasting)
>Penet[ration] or Contact Under 13-Victim 13-15-Position of Authority
>Significant Relationship-Under16-Multiple Act

No. 2094152

i wish guys just stayed content being gay and crossdressing forever and not trying to insist theyre literally female because they uhh.. inject horsepiss hormones and got their face bones crushed

No. 2094158

File: 1740781381168.png (251.49 KB, 1271x778, david anton picketts legal nam…)

Same anon, but while I was looking into his case, I saw something else of note on the county docket: in 2023, he successfully (!) petitioned the court for a name change with apparently no objections from the DA (!!), so he is now legally known as Davi Gray. I won't link the document because it fails to censor the name and birth date of his child (!!!), but it's not hard to find.

No. 2094168

File: 1740783340556.mp4 (14.6 MB, 1080x1920, shitthathappened.mp4)

sure thing, ugly fuck.

No. 2094196

File: 1740788999641.png (170.43 KB, 720x1433, 1000009424.png)

I love how men whether gay or straight or even bi are allowed to say they're not into trannies meanwhile all the woman oriented subreddit are infested with trannies. Lesbians got kicked out of their own subreddit but men get to draw the line in the sand and tell troons to fuck off.

I bet reddit is 80% male users at this point

No. 2094197

File: 1740789097882.mp4 (2.86 MB, 576x1024, fb65bec4a6258b140a77c39997ac94…)

There is clearly a correlation between those who decide to troon out and autism

No. 2094203

dear lord he's so greasy

No. 2094205

Assuming he isn't lying, is being asked out as a joke or being complimented over something that is clearly not true a female-only experience?

No. 2094207

Women lie to other women. Idk I would feel shitty if women only approached me to lie to me, patronize me, and virtue signal. Men on the other hand aren't afraid of being attracted to you, they just think you're ugly. The "special treatment" people want from women is so crazy to me because you know they're lying, why would you want that. How is that euphoric.

No. 2094218

It seems that they are not the only ones

No. 2094233

File: 1740796410973.png (334.08 KB, 2304x3500, 14qI3iV.png)

>entire poem is about how women suck for refusing to fuck him just because isn't a woman and doesn't have a pussy
>ends it by accusing women of being unable to find a clit with both hands and a map
>woman pisses him off because she refuses to live with people like him
>"I would never live with someone like her!"

No. 2094247

Still, there DEFINITELY wasn't "two dozen or so" of them. I'm sure there was a few who gassed him up to mitigate feeling threatened by his presence, something troons will never understand, women lying to them out of fear they'll chimp out. Probably also some retarded handmaidens yass kweening. Definitely not almost 30 random women genuinely complementing some bald man in shitty makeup kek

No. 2094253

I just want to know how the fuck did the metal community get infested with troons? I haven't really been interacting with metalheads, but aren't people bullying these troons?

No. 2094261

No. 2094263

And then you have TIFs that claim they feel more secure around tims than terfs. Terfs will just laugh at you, Aiden, a tim will punch you if you mention men can have periods too.

No. 2094387

File: 1740839054233.jpg (283.44 KB, 1080x1180, Screenshot_20250301_142158_X.j…)

How narcissistic does one man have to be to tweet some shit like this. Lord give me the strength not to alog

No. 2094390

Lol, lmao.

No. 2094391

MRA with extra steps. These kinds of posts unironically help peak so many women tho kek

No. 2094392

him having her hairstyle but worse… skinwalking is always so creepy. Love that all the comments are hating on them tho kek

No. 2094393

The God damn audacity. "Trannies are the women of women" not even surprising at this point, one thing moids can't help doing is inserting themselves into everything to make them seem like the superior. Disgusting faggot, I can't wait until the "trans genocide" gets him to 41% his disgusting life. Spit on his grave(sage your shit)

No. 2094397

Autistic boys need to be kept off the internet at all cost, this is a hill I'm willing to die on.

No. 2094408

>the vast majority of c1s [sic] women could not handle a trans woman's life.
Fart-huffing misogyny from a troon who could not even handle a cis man's life, kek.

No. 2094414

idk honestly i agree. imagine being one of the more self-aware types and knowing that most people around you will see you for the creep you are, that does sound bad. it's their own fault so i don't feel bad but like. i can concede that i couldn't live like that.

No. 2094420

I guess it’s the same situation where there are trannies that were/are Nazis,they don’t care and will infest anything they can get their man-mitts on.They are known to have contradictory beliefs.

No. 2094430

Try being a 13 year old girl and realize that old scrotes sexualize you and that your sex pretty much determines every shitty experience you’ll have.
These retards would not handle that.

No. 2094440

I wanted to go read the QRTs, but it looks like they privated their account

No. 2094453

>trans women are the women of women
Wasn't this a ripoff of the Yoko Ono quote? But 99% of troons are white so they'd be eaten alive if they kept it how it was kek.

No. 2094455

>the women of women
So, the men?

No. 2094461

File: 1740860031906.jpg (24.77 KB, 720x499, FB_IMG_1563995214317.jpg)

>the vast majority of c1s [sic] women could not handle a trans woman's life.
Damn right, the vas majority wouldn't handle being a fat, ugly and sweaty man in his 40s dressing like a girly girl while expecting to being taken seriously. I'm glad they cannot menstruate, is hard enough to make cramps pain being taken seriously, they would make it sound like a big joke.

No. 2094470

they do that as well

No. 2094476

>from a troon who could not even handle a cis man's life
kek nona, i want to kiss your forehead

No. 2094528

They’ve already started to claim they get periods (because they get diarrhea and have stomach issues), and that just excess estrogen causes them in any body. They’re allowed to do so on all period-related/female reproductive health subs (only the PCOS sub put its foot down).

No. 2094559

File: 1740879649640.jpeg (685.4 KB, 1170x1542, IMG_1655.jpeg)

Seen this guy on tiktok and couldn't help but cringe. Went to his page and turns put he is an "elder emo" into anime and collecting porcelain dolls. (username tempestheresy)

No. 2094561

File: 1740879809540.jpeg (905.23 KB, 1170x1510, IMG_1657.jpeg)

"Welcome home Barbie" God help us

No. 2094562

File: 1740880358613.png (1.18 MB, 1280x1467, 16538125913255.png)

He looks like this

No. 2094563

>implying men cant have a warm and comforting stare
wow misandrist much?

No. 2094565

File: 1740881313767.jpg (25.55 KB, 306x423, 1000000468.jpg)

Mother. Sister. Her eyes are so gentle and warm.

No. 2094573

does he have microcephaly?

No. 2094575

it genuinely looks like he has acromegaly kek

No. 2094577

File: 1740885894885.jpg (31.71 KB, 504x572, 37b.jpg)

No. 2094579

File: 1740887334039.jpeg (779.31 KB, 2423x2811, IMG_0078.jpeg)

sophie is still seething, now unmedicated!

No. 2094580

Just an incel threatening gun violence, yawn.

No. 2094581

this dude is gonna kill somebody or himself in his lifetime (likely both)

No. 2094584

I thought this was fat Tyler childers

No. 2094585

Him and the rest of them literally do it to themselves dressing up like a girl despite being a gross, greasy middle aged man. “Muh hardships” please kys I hate trannies so fucking much

No. 2094588

It's not the stare of a man because he looks like some pre-evolutionary stage before man.

No. 2094600

File: 1740892276005.png (1.18 MB, 751x866, chrome_DBNT4Rkmjs.png)

they hate us so much

No. 2094609

Right? Troons never catch on surprisingly…

Huhh he thinks that people correctly sexing him is "dehumanizing". He's not self-aware in the slightest. If he was, he would realize that people don't see him as a woman because he isn't one, and that forcing others (and himself) to believe he changed sex is what makes his life harder.

No. 2094632

>AMAB only female spaces

Why do they think this is some own? We literally want you to fuck off and they're doing the fucking off for us lmao

No. 2094639

File: 1740904242975.jpeg (712.5 KB, 1125x1441, IMG_1369.jpeg)

He looks like medieval painting with that ghostly pale skin and uncanny facial composition.

No. 2094640

I bet there are a lot of moids in the UK who look like this

No. 2094647

Just what to expect from a penal colony island.

No. 2094693

File: 1740925720063.jpg (578.36 KB, 1200x1500, women's history month.jpg)

Happy Women's History Month, cows.

This meme has been floating around my political group chat.(unintegrated and off topic)

No. 2094728

No. 2094739

Did no other nonnies pick up on the fact she took him in when he was homeless? He's a fag who is using her, literally a cocklodger.

No. 2094746

do they have a kid?

No. 2094749

Cringe retarded bait, genuinely kys

No. 2094829

File: 1740961005837.jpeg (285.57 KB, 1311x1944, Gkeeye2WgAA2DP0.jpeg)

Troons like to use this tranny as the pinnacle of beauty.

No. 2094837

This looks like a homecoming photo of a closetcase and a Christian horse girl who is relieved her boyfriend is "so understanding" about why she doesn't want to have sex lol

No. 2094853

Of fucking course it was in Edmonton, troon mecca of Alberta

No. 2094856

Wow, when he doesn't have his plastic tits hanging out he looks just like a normal scrote with long hair. Shoulders twice the width of the hips and a head taller than Sweeney even though she's wearing heels.

No. 2094857

its funny because an actual female would still look like a woman in these clothes and he just looks like a man with long hair

No. 2094864

File: 1740966134233.png (272.74 KB, 485x421, Oz Media (YouTube).PNG)

He's not a TIM (yet) but for anyone who had been following the Illuminaughtii drama with her trying to pull a lawsuit on Oz Media, it's finally been settled . That aside, I couldn't help but notice how his long hair kept getting longer and longer with each new video update on the situation and I'm sorry but I can't help but feel like he's about to troon out. It'd be cool if he just embraced being a man who likes having long hair but at this point we've seen what tends to happen with these YouTubers from Negative Legend to even D'Angelo Wallace (he's a gendie but still), it's the pipeline.
Again, I don't think this guy is a TIM but I won't be surprised if/when he comes out as a laydeeTM

No. 2094887

File: 1740975599688.png (2.11 MB, 1600x900, Should the trans community sta…)

I haven't seen Colin's face in awhile, still fugly and annoying

No. 2094913

Really surprised that man isn’t a Tim, truly looks like he’s put on a ton of foundation and red lipstick.

Also when did D’Angelo become a gendie? I know he has been developing a feminine fashion sense overtime but I attributed it to him being an art kid playing with fashion. Maybe I’m just in denial and hoping one of my old favorite YouTubers doesn’t troon out.

No. 2094952

He looks like a cute elf prince, too bad he’s a gay tranny.

No. 2094954

I thought "he" passed until I realized you mean the boy in the photo is supposed to look like a girl and the girl just is a girl. He looks so male I didn't even realize he's a troon

No. 2094958

dissappointingly this picture is five years old. he still looks bad in current year but more subtly

No. 2094959

File: 1741001643964.png (387.4 KB, 751x748, mSc6znF.png)

this has to be the funniest troon self-own. some tra went through this woman's account to find the most 'unflattering' picture of her, which turned out to be a photo of her holding her newborn baby without makeup. then compared it to a photoshopped image of hunter, an anorexic, surgically altered man with fake tits

No. 2094973

Anyone who wastes their time on these stupid twitter samsara arguments is useless omg everyone clock in

No. 2094977

Troons viewing womanhood as a pissing contest of who can make their peepee the hardest is the most scrotebrained thing ever. Unattractive women don't even exist to them (which is also why moids don't understand how women can be lonely) They also don't give a shit about pregnancy/birth unless it's part of their fetish, clearly

No. 2095010

unrelated but i gotta say that hunter showing up with the fabric equivalent of an emery board barely covering his nips is also just staggeringly tasteless
it feels performative in a way that only scrotes could imagine. like the first thing a man wants to do as soon as he 'owns' a woman's body is expose it to the paparazzi and sexually exploit it. He & Kanye West should hook up, Hunter would have no issue with being paraded around naked and humiliated wherever and whenever it was insisted on.

No. 2095034

No. 2095039

libfem sex-worker actually

No. 2095051

I'd run over this fat fuck of a troon immediately. "Are you a MAGA bitch?" I like how as soon as she got out her car, the troon went to run to his car. All bark no bite

No. 2095052

based stacey. handled this with dignity and grace until he got threatening

No. 2095106

that man is so creepy, i'm glad she wasn't hurt. also notice how fast he calls her a bitch, disgusting.

No. 2095121

he'd probably just bounce off your car kek

No. 2095128

Absolutely based woman calling him sir multiple times. That obese man needs to sit his ass in his car and go cry to Reddit about how he was misgendered.

No. 2095130

File: 1741033693180.jpeg (186.59 KB, 1200x1477, IMG_1585.jpeg)

I feel like euphoria triggered him because he looked like a twink ogre in it. That’s why he got all that plastic surgery , from fake breasts to fillers.’

No. 2095131

I swear these white trannies are always the nastiest to black women its crazy

No. 2095135

File: 1741034386617.jpg (166.62 KB, 959x1451, Peter Wig.jpg)

I love seeing all the women coming together to joke about him.

No. 2095145

File: 1741035747575.jpeg (257.04 KB, 1170x1226, IMG_1586.jpeg)

Retards really spew shit from their mouths

No. 2095148

It will never not make me laugh when they say shit like this, or call it a "genocide" KEK. Boo fucking hoo you look like a male because you are a male, better kill yourself and hope your fellow delusional males will spin your melodramatic act of narcissistic self harm into some sad tale of genocide or misogynistic violence likened to an acid attack. I cannot believe these freaks have any handmaidens.

No. 2095154

They always make it about themselves. The narcissism is off the charts with troons. Yeah, it's so horrible that kids aren't setting their lives up for failure and pain from the plethora of side effects from HRT. How "heinous."

No. 2095156

KEK, male development is equivalent to an acid attack on the human face. Men should be ashamed to go outside, all of them, not just the dumb trannies.

No. 2095164

Libs of tiktok posted this video and wrote about it. I mean the woman behind libs of tiktok is obviously batshit insane and a huge cunt as well, but at least this means this dude is gonna get aaaaalot of attention because of this

No. 2095191

hope he loses his job

No. 2095208

File: 1741046460637.jpg (Spoiler Image,280.77 KB, 716x968, 1000001898.jpg)

its your fault if you click on it. i warned you.
this filtermaxxing ogre has been getting on my nerves. look at his side profile kek

No. 2095209

That blocky ass and straight legs but of course, lets get tits! I find it funny how the always transition in the sexual areas but never in the small things like getting a round butt and full thighs with softer features. of course they don't care about the parts that people don't see, it's all cheap exhibitionism

No. 2095212

The scroll down was a fucking trip. Nauseating.

No. 2095217

I was warned kek but now I've seen his hairy ass, balls and the tip of his teeny tiny skinny pp. Regrettable..

No. 2095220

looks like men have been the middle aged karens all along

No. 2095221

his costars were probably getting more unwanted sexual attention from the nasty director and he got jealous

No. 2095234

he looks anorexic
i'm pretty sure he hasn't gotten a boob job yet

No. 2095244

File: 1741052700651.jpg (129.93 KB, 699x1772, 1000000370.jpg)

The jokes write themselves

No. 2095264

File: 1741056206596.png (404.84 KB, 552x690, GlGxLSpXQAAumM0.png)

Nope they don't

No. 2095265

and they're all ugly. astounding.

No. 2095271

File: 1741056868909.gif (11.9 KB, 200x200, no-bugs-bunny.gif)

They gotta learn one day kek

No. 2095273

>twanz women belong in women's history
>every single example is from the last few decades
fucking retards

No. 2095280

File: 1741058141548.jpeg (196.46 KB, 828x631, IMG_2134.jpeg)

“I Turned The TV Off”

No. 2095295

isnt leatherface literally mentally handicapped and inbred KEK

No. 2095299

Hit up its Facebook page if you want to see all the people dunking on him for his tard rage.

No. 2095303

Kekkkk his ass looks like a massive knee cap

No. 2095304

So much for trans women always having existed in history. I challenge the creator of this to make it again only with verifiable trannys (no crossdressers/drag queens) who existed before 1950.

No. 2095358

kek it is putting the lotion on itself

No. 2095374

I can't stop laughing

No. 2095421

File: 1741101226865.jpg (9.29 KB, 168x300, 1000018504.jpg)

The obsession trannies have with this film always cracks me up because it's so telling. You feel deeply seen by a movie about a lonely loser autist who's actually totally a pretty teen lesbian with magical powers on the inside? Amazing.

No. 2095467

nta but in his newer videos, he referred to himself as a man. so idk.(sage your shit)

No. 2095468

> Really surprised that man isn’t a Tim, truly looks like he’s put on a ton of foundation and red lipstick.
Yeah so far he hasn't claimed TIM status yet but I'm telling you, it felt like with every video his hair got longer and just the way he set up his filming position, it feels like he's heading in that direction.

>D'Angelo Wallace

Iirc, I could've sworn in one of his recent videos when he came back from his break he said he was "non-binary" or "genderfluid" but maybe I'm wrong. I tried doing some quick google searching to check and I haven't seen anything pop up so I probably am wrong on that. Hopefully I am because it would be great to see more of these effeminate men actually own it and be themselves.

No. 2095469

Hate to break it to you but the writer is trans and explicitly said it's a trans allegory and about "egg cracking"

No. 2095486

File: 1741114252377.jpg (808.52 KB, 1170x1191, 1000000478.jpg)

If anyone remembers our friend the depop pervert from a few threads ago, he was finally posted on the other farms

No. 2095487

File: 1741114277226.jpg (441.35 KB, 690x1080, 1000000479.jpg)

No. 2095489

According to him, the body going through a natural, developmental process experienced by all mammals is equivalent to a targeted act of often lethal terrorism against women. Christ it's like they're all having some kind of contest who can be the most misogynistic and retarded.

No. 2095490

do they even understand what "passing" means?

No. 2095492

Laughing at the implication that being male disfigures a person. They're not strictly wrong about that, but it doesn't entitle them to castrate kids. Males age like milk regardless of blockers and horse piss. Jizz Jennings is a hamplanet, TiM Petras looks like a pudgy little boy in skimpy outfits, and Honter looks like someone stuck fake tits on Legolas' ugly brother. If you were born male, you just have to cope with the fact that you'll have to work hard not to age like absolute dogshit.

No. 2095497

>more photos on request
What so he can spam more dick pics? It makes me furious that men have snuck their fetish into every crevice they can possibly fit, including reselling clothes now. It's so gross. You're just casually scrolling looking for used clothes and being assaulted with some dude's erect penis.

No. 2095499

Anon never said it wasn't. Her point was that it wasn't exactly a flattering portrayal of troons.

No. 2095504

kekk they all look like obvious men or blow up dolls

No. 2095539

File: 1741123010930.jpg (883.52 KB, 2008x3528, 1000000481.jpg)

I wish I could find the original thread on this, he did this with little girl swimsuits and tights, too. This was one of the worst of the worst.

No. 2095543

thread #139, here's the first post- >>2064753

No. 2095554

These are different tims, nona. Understandable mistake though(learn2reply)

No. 2095559

Holy shit there’s really no limit to the depths of their depravity. I feel sick

No. 2095579

File: 1741130559033.png (74.51 KB, 876x409, Screenshot 2025-03-04 161957.p…)

No. 2095584

Kek why is he standing like some kind of sassy bigfoot

No. 2095598

Women need to start adding mites to their clothes.

No. 2095610

Asking a black woman if she’s maga as if he’s not the entitled aggressive white man calling bitch over and over. He would never approach a man or anyone else like that.

No. 2095613

>Please note that the Supervisor involved in the incident is an elected member of the Board of Supervisors and the Board is limited as to what it can do in response to the incident.”
>The board does not have the power to remove Rogan from office.
Lame. Nothing can be done about this tranny's outburst aside from the Board saying "we don't condone this and will review this."

No. 2095623

File: 1741137635799.jpg (90.33 KB, 736x736, 148aaabe4da978b7863286f3fa3183…)

This gotta be the most male ass I've ever seen in my life KEKKKK. When they say "be there or be square" and you weren't there.
>I feel like euphoria triggered him because he looked like a twink ogre in it
I support this tinfoil, apparently most of his storylines and scenes we're cowritten by him so it would be "true to the trans experience" and its hilarious how transphobic it ended up being.
>Tranny regularly seeks hook ups on grindr who pump and dump him and are ashamed of him
>"Straight" closeted character has a gay crisis and falls for Honter's character because he doesn't see him as a woman at all
>Even Honter's character doesn't see himself as a woman, calls the guy a faggot for falling for him
>In S2, he cuts his hair short, wears a binder (as if he had any moobs in the first place KEKK) and says he wants to get off hormones to be more masculine
I think that last bit was a massive cope after seeing how ugly and masculine he looks, but something shifted shortly afterwards and he decided to do the opposite and looksmaxx with surgery and filters in a last desperate attempt to pass.

No. 2095654

kek that was my screenshot but I'm pretty sure thats a different troon

No. 2095662

Yeah, it's a different troon, mb I saw thrifted clothes and plants and had a flashback lmfao

No. 2095686

File: 1741145997369.jpg (459.92 KB, 1080x2082, Screenshot_20250305_043828_com…)

No. 2095699

It's freaking me out how he's almost the height of the room he's in. I would be so scared to use a stall in the same bathroom as him

No. 2095700

Ewww Nonna I got this disgusting guy on my YouTube shorts as well, saw him first on Instagram… he wrote a book about home repair since he's known as the "trans handy'mam" pretty sure he has a wife but I could be mistaking it for another trans influencer

No. 2095708

His home improvement tips are actually pretty good tbh

No. 2095723

Saged since not technically a tim, but this scrote is so disgusting for doing faggot shits while cosplaying as a dead woman. He looks and sounds like an agp crossdresser rather than a fag in drag.

He recently played this show in my local area and they decided put up posters with his gross agp stare in the city centre. Hope he already took his ass back to England and never comes here again.

No. 2095729

Why does this moid spam his shitty tips all the time, of course you can do it you're 8ft tall 300lbs and was socialised as a man, it's not surprising that you know how to do these things and just because you've grown your hair it doesn't mean that you magically lost your abilities and now you're a cutesie woman who just knows loads about DIY!

No. 2095752

File: 1741169701482.jpg (9.79 KB, 213x218, 1000000483.jpg)

Exactly two of you will get this, and that's okay

No. 2095766

>Cis passing
Troons are fucking retarded.(sage your shit)

No. 2095769

So this fucking moron wanted to be woman because misogyny turns him on? And he didn't feel femme enough because he wasn't raped?
Fucking loser faggot bitch even if you were raped you wouldn't be a woman neither you will ever be.
He needs therapy for his misogynistic fetish, these morons always promote violence towards women even if they're fags.
It's not really shocking a fag from my school liked this troon. He used to draw him during class, weird AF
Fucking scrotes.(sage your shit)

No. 2095771

What does he mean by goodbye? Is he finally going to rope? :D(sage your shit)

No. 2095774

I feel fucking retarded but I was honestly going to ask

No. 2095779

File: 1741181351214.jpg (1.02 MB, 1178x1036, oren_ai.jpg)

I don't check this thread often but I'd be surprised if this one has never been posted here.
Transbian techbro who is constantly talking about being a man-hating woman, is convinced he's a "goddess of strife and discord," and occasionally posts his own incomprehensible quotes as if he's a fountain of wisdom.
He has a great deal of selfies, but I didn't want to comb through them because that avi alone is going to give me nightmares.

No. 2095780

Paul Dano trooned out?

No. 2095781

>goddess of discord
more like average Discord mod

No. 2095786

this is like 90% of trannies for some reason. even if you don't know what someone looks like, you can hit them with the
>woah didnt know paul dano trooned out
and they're probably gonna feel it

No. 2095795

His hairline and the hairtie holding that fucking fried nest together has plenty of strife, chaos, and discord.

No. 2095826

File: 1741189997153.jpeg (675.38 KB, 828x1631, IMG_2145.jpeg)

It’s awesome being right about everything. What a pathetic waste of a man and sorry excuse of a father.

No. 2095832

owen also has exactly one independent action as a character and it's punching his supposedly best friend in the face and running away from her.

everything else just happens to him because he lets it.

really the troon movie of the year kek

No. 2095839

File: 1741194240778.jpg (546.14 KB, 777x1336, 1000049576.jpg)

"When I say Happy Women's month, Trans are included cause transwomen are women"

Troons in my country are seething that they aren't being included in Women's month celebration lol.The comments under that post are not having it and saying that they should learn to stay in their own lane as they already have pride month and trans month.

Annoyingly there are still some handmaidens completely fawning over "her".

No. 2095844

when did hasan troon out?

No. 2095845

File: 1741196352139.jpg (437.26 KB, 1920x1080, 1000018509.jpg)

Absolutely stomach-turning find, nonna.

No. 2095851

File: 1741197320063.jpeg (601.94 KB, 1179x3789, Image.jpeg)

Crazy how immediately obvious the kind of e-girls he’s attracted to based on his skinwalking kek. Also showing his typical moid ego with how he thinks he’s gods gift to makeup

No. 2095865

kek u got me

No. 2095869

White Chicks phenotype

No. 2095876

Autopedophilia and autogynephilia, name a better duo

No. 2095882

>they already have pride month and trans month
That's a good point. It never occurred to me that they have both things yet still want more. Insatiable.

No. 2095884

She's not a detransitioner, she likes to pretend her taking birth control counts as HRT because she had short hair at the time.

No. 2095885

i swear doctors might as well bundle the black lipstick with their mare abuse estrogen

No. 2095887

File: 1741206144608.jpg (304.58 KB, 1080x1895, 1000054588.jpg)

Nothing to see here, just a man with a full beard posting on a lesbian subreddit, threatened violent to women who don't want males in their fitness spaces

No. 2095889

0815 moid behaviour, whats new?

No. 2095891

ive never seen a group of people so accurately act like how theyre parodied

No. 2095897

File: 1741207335755.jpg (218.89 KB, 699x1920, absoluteretards.jpg)

I had to check out the sub, and holy shit this is hilarious.
>Trans inclusive subreddit full of moids and like three pickme "lesbians" captioning every selfie "FUCK TERVES!!!!!!"
>They all get extremely triggered when regular "cis" moids lurk, ironically claim lesbian spaces don't have to be inclusive to cis men
Oh how the turntables kekkkk, bite eachother's dicks off.

No. 2095899

File: 1741207598290.webp (303.42 KB, 2084x3286, hrse5f0tx6le1.webp)

Apparently Weird Al is a tranny weight lifter now.

No. 2095902

he's one of my reddit tim cows, there's a rotation of 5 trannies that keep posting in all of the lesbian subs that just piss me off so much lol

No. 2095904

File: 1741208320724.jpg (435.71 KB, 1080x1637, 1000054591.jpg)

This dude posts on that same subreddit once a week and then cries about terfs and their "bots" downvoting him
Has said that the lesbians only downvote him because they wanna fuck him so bad. Absolute vile creature

No. 2095923

The butthurt is palpable, maybe a TIF or two could swan in and be the NLOBs they always dreamed of being and make the trans wammin see that not all men are bad. I'd love to see that, they'd tear her apart.

No. 2095927

File: 1741214149006.jpg (188.11 KB, 719x1381, Screenshot_20250305_162459.jpg)

honter saying that his implants are naturally grown with hormones only

No. 2095929

File: 1741214293827.jpg (Spoiler Image,260.58 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20250303_025946.jpg)

this is what his bolt ons looks like kek

No. 2095930

he got them put in through the armpit and thinks he's slick cause u cant see any scars under his boobs. fucking lying ass faggot

No. 2095932

File: 1741214927529.png (707.23 KB, 1059x915, bambisleep.PNG)

A bunch of trannies are obsessed with some misogynistic erotic hypnosis audio called Bambi Sleep which makes them even more mentally ill. Someone in /ot/ linked a Buzzfeed article which then linked a Reddit full of troons. All of them are hideous even by troon standards. This is what they think of women.

No. 2095933

im fucking dying. what the actual fuck. these cheap ass ai made podcasts(?) idk what to call them since theyre only a few minutes long lol

No. 2095934

File: 1741215443125.jpeg (449.59 KB, 1179x1737, B5DGtM5.jpeg)

based lesbians and delusional trannies

No. 2095935

>conflict avoidant is fembrained
hm, wonder why women try not to upset men who are bigger and stronger than us? because troons totally wouldn't go apeshit and try to harass us if we directly said they are men which we do not want?
>cis lesbians are the worst chasers

No. 2095944

Why do trannies always get a bob with bangs? That's my hairstyle and it pisses me off kek

No. 2095945

>My tanyas
No woman calls them that, he's such a fag and apparently ancient too.
>home grown
Even if that were true, being a result of horse piss you inject daily means they aren't. But how delusional is he, as if we didn't all see him go from being flat as a board on euphoria to having massive silicones from one day to another kek. He was topless for Kinds of Kindness and they're beyond obviously fake.

No. 2095947

File: 1741218716458.png (389.62 KB, 482x552, hairline.png)

Most of them have receding hairlines and huge foreheads, so they think the bangs "hide" it. It doesn't work though because you can still tell how far back their hairlines are based on the how far back they take the bangs from. It's more obvious if you're a hair stylist or you cut hair, but in this picture >>2095826 for example you can tell that he has a very big forehead and that his temples have already receded based on how far back he's pulling the bangs from. One gust of wind and it's over for him.

No. 2095948

They literally made "misgendering" a legal offense and now they're shocked and offended women use the proper sex-based language to exclude them kek.
>"They get offended when a gigapassing ftm lesbian chaser rocks up"
Source: dude trust me. Most lesbians and women in general are super comfortable with ftms, and some even find them attractive. The only reason they might reject them is because they know how insufferable trannies and gendies are in genreal and they don't want a permanently triggered TIF having meltdowns over being called she. Crazy how if you make yourself unpleasant to be around, people won't want to be around you.
>Lesbians gobble tranny cock
Kill yourself rapist faggot, that will never happen outside of your dykebreaking tumblr posts.
Right? Maybe if tard rage chimpouts weren't so moidbrained, women wouldn't have to try their hardest not to get murdered by our violent, mentally deficient oppressors.

No. 2095949

File: 1741219001863.jpg (44.44 KB, 640x853, 1000010803.jpg)

No. 2095953

Absolutely grooming by lying this way

No. 2095954

If any moid says “headpats” I’m just going to assume he’s a pedophile

No. 2095955

In a way it's kind of funny though, picture all the sad trannies wondering why their bathtub horse piss and estradiol isn't giving them the same results and they still look clocky as shit not realizing Honter must've spent six separate fortunes on looking somewhat feminine.

No. 2095958

Disgusting. Checked the third commenters posts and almost immediately regretted it.
>gigapassing ftm lesbian chaser
>some even find them attractive
Honestly I've never seen a TIF who actively chased lesbians. In my experience they try to avoid them, especially the "gay" TIFS (straight girls). The "straight" TIFs I knew would get pretty upset whenever a lesbian showed interest in them, or if they transitioned while in a gay relationship and the other woman refused to start calling herself bi, because it invalidated their identity.

No. 2095967

Yep, sure dude. You can literally see the bunching of the implant at the bottom, also nice and natural square tits there bro. But it's all the magic of horsepiss, eh? I love when troons are delusional like this and lie to each other, that's how they end up castrating themselves and then being eternally miserable with their rot holes full of excrement because everyone lied to them about the reality of the surgeries. They all deserve to be botched.

No. 2095971

whose this guy?

No. 2095972

File: 1741224542717.jpg (53.64 KB, 540x391, schafer.jpg)

Just saw this and it's more than obvious he's skinwalking his less successful, yet infinitely more beautiful big breasted sister. Which is hilarious considering he literally looks like the wicked tranny witch of the west, kekking at his deranged agp smirk and serial killer stare contrasted with his sister's effortlessly gorgeous look.

No. 2095973

File: 1741224866516.png (351.46 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_6528.png)

I had to look up what rance was and it’s some kind of hentai coomer game. This troon basically snitched on himself.

No. 2095974

>they just want pretty women
or maybe to not have a risk of being raped lol? moids projecting their perverted nature onto normal women again

No. 2095975

The funniest thing is you can see comments on older Reddit posts of Hunter’s own fans admitting he’s gotten work done.

No. 2095977

Is that his sister on the right? Had no idea he even had one but it makes so much sense! Is she older or younger?

No. 2095983

Nta but he has two and I think that one is the older sister.

No. 2095985

File: 1741226815242.jpg (113.82 KB, 719x850, Screenshot_20250305_200121.jpg)

He has two sisters and a brother. They did a live a while ago and while his sisters look alike Honter's brother is a copy of him without estrogens kek

No. 2095988

its so crazy to me that even the most worshipped trannies never fully pass… god he just looks so.. obviously male?? but he's not even a ugly guy, i mean, he's a model, i dont get why they cant just enjoy being zesty feminine men?

No. 2095995

No, he wussed out

No. 2095998

My tinfoil is that its for the same reason that some retarded women choose to act like children far too long. They dont want to grow up, they are infantalizing themselves (and are sexist mongoloids who see women as adjacent to children) in hopes to stay young or not grow up or even in extreme cases, to abandon their responsibilities. Being a spicy queer man isnt good enough because they have a skewed and sexist view that men are not sensitive or total manchildren 80% of the fucking time. And that women have it way easier and just gallivant around free of woes and jobs and doing hard things. They also believe women are victims no matter what for no reason besides their sex. And wants victim status, its a part of the coom/goon.
Hopefully they will learn to not fetishize every facet of womanhood. Challenge impossible.

No. 2096001

Probably bc he has a micopenis from his parents transing him before puberty

No. 2096004

Let's be real, it's probably just a cheap wig.

No. 2096010

File: 1741231279617.png (Spoiler Image,816.08 KB, 702x805, grosstranny.png)

If I had to see this, so do you. Yuck.

No. 2096014

bruh where the fuck what this photo taken. the surrounding area looks biohazardous

No. 2096016

File: 1741236723006.png (20.5 KB, 598x214, kek.png)

Right, and with a pink triangle too.

No. 2096017

File: 1741236758391.png (27.96 KB, 598x217, kek2.png)

No. 2096022

File: 1741237799534.webp (7.89 KB, 250x207, IMG_7127.webp)

“women would be just as rapey as men if they had dicks” is such mra cope
More like hunter gathers with them bolt ons

No. 2096032

>women would be just as rapey as men if they had dicks
And if my grandmother had wheels she'd be a bicycle tier argument. At least they admit they are nothing more than vile male coomers.

No. 2096070

KEK right this makes zero sense. Trannies' "arguments" are always random bs they cannot prove in the slightest

No. 2096106

File: 1741273174732.jpeg (377.62 KB, 828x1473, IMG_2152.jpeg)

Those monsters

No. 2096117

holy shit that entitled fat tranny had some nerve. surprised the ground didnt shake when he hobbled back to his clown car. these men have dangerous egos to begin with at birth, this fat fuck puts a wig on and thinks its hiding his male pattern baldness. shaped like mr fucking blobby.

No. 2096121

File: 1741274957331.png (486.93 KB, 1006x771, Screenshot 2025-03-06 152417.p…)

apparently people have been rallying to get him stripped of his position but it seems like he's gone ghost until it dies down. it seems like a small community, i'll just hope they remember this.

>Services throughout the township have been halted for the week as the police conduct their investigation.

Even though the title of Vice Chair has been taken away, Cara Rogan is still a supervisor.
The Township legally has no way to remove Rogan from office. It must be done through the State Government.
I reached out to Senator Rosemary Brown who sent a statement that reads,

I am deeply disturbed by the actions and behavior of Cara Rogan. No individual should conduct themselves in such a manner, let alone an elected public official who is entrusted with serving their community with integrity and respect. Public service is a privilege that demands accountability and ethical conduct, and anything less undermines the trust of the people we serve.
There are several mechanisms within the Pennsylvania State Constitution that may address this egregious behavior. However, I strongly urge Cara Rogan to take responsibility for their actions and resign immediately. The people of Coolbaugh Township deserve leadership that upholds the highest standards of integrity.


No. 2096132

File: 1741277140541.jpg (132.76 KB, 1080x1440, bambi-is-sooo-far-gone-at-this…)

Kek this is nightmare fuel. Check out this one and his disgusting hairy male legs

No. 2096137

File: 1741277947542.jpg (104.31 KB, 1080x1440, looking-for-some-uk-doms-to-ta…)

No. 2096141

Lol the manly legs and hands that don't match the fake breastform or his face filter.

Jesus. Digital Buffalo Bills.

No. 2096163

Trannies making the Holocaust about themselves is wild. A couple of books (that were also concerned with homosexuality, which Nazis actually had a problem with) got burned. That's the ENTIRETY of the Nazi oppression of troons. Not a single troon got thrown in the camps for being a troon. A few got thrown in the camps for doing sex crimes that had NOTHING to do with their gender identity, and not a single one was killed. Germany was bizarrely cool with troons, including giving them IDs with their "correct" gender listed. But waaah waaah some books got burned, let's pretend troons were the "first" victims of the Holocaust and that not using someone pronouns means 11 million people are about to be murdered.

I feel like the rewriting of the Holocaust like this has to kind of qualify as Holocaust denial, right? They called JK Rowling a Holocaust denier for being like "lol wut" when some freak was screaming at her about book burnings, and this goes WAY beyond that.

No. 2096195

They always live like this. Those floors are sickening!
Obviously someone who lives like this is mentally ill.

No. 2096210

The difference in color from his chest and face to his legs make it seem like he is about to die from huge blood clots lol. Why are his legs THAT red? Im very pale myself but I only get this red if im doing super hard exersise or if i get in a sauna/other super hot envorinment. I mean obviously he is using filters and editing, couldnt he have edited his legs aswell? Or put on some tights. I mean at least try

No. 2096215

File: 1741293688505.webp (569.39 KB, 2015x4322, i-think-i-might-be-all-the-way…)

kek what the fuck i thought he was wearing some pinkish/purple tights at first but realizing those are his actual legs is terrifying.
my only explanation as to why his legs are so much more red than his face and chest is bc he likely has ungodly amounts of makeup and filters on, plus his chest is a pair of fake plastic tits that agps love to strap onto themselves. i found another pic on his reddit that shows off the true color of his arms and legs compared to his plastic tits and face even better

No. 2096217

Is this even a tinfoil if there have been multiple non-dysphoric gay men admitting they take or want to take estrogen to avoid "twink death"? Kek you're spot on, it's all a lame attempt at avoiding aging, especially aging like a moid and being another gross bald fat grindr daddy as opposed to a desirable "twink" or "tgirl".
Also, your average gay bottom fetishizes womanhood more than anything in the world, they see us as the ultimate sign of submission in their sodomy fetish.

No. 2096239

File: 1741298035864.png (31.68 KB, 278x112, Screenshot 2025-03-06 164605.p…)

I could be tinfoiling here, but I think he's wearing a breastplate (a silicone chestform worn by drag queens and cosplayers), which would explain the vast difference in color between his limbs and chest. Picrel shows a seam-like discoloration on his neck, but it could be a shadow, so idk for sure.

No. 2096244

He's definitely wearing a breastplate. You can see it here, but warning only click if you're strong enough

No. 2096248

Breastplate and faceapp teen girl face

No. 2096250

File: 1741299956902.jpg (281.07 KB, 807x854, Screenshot_20250306_151854_Chr…)

Late but sure, the dude with zero percent body fat and no feminine shape whatsoever just happened to grow massive tits. It looks like hes wearing a butt. Shit like this is why incel losers think they can take pills and magically turn into a hot chick with life on easy mode. Even getting trooned out before puberty hasn't prevented him from looking more manly with each year.

No. 2096253

This is so strange to me. It makes sense that woman celebrities lie about plastic surgery (although they shouldn't) since people are harsher about women getting PS, but he's literally a tranny. It's expected for them to botch their bodies and they're usually very open about it.

No. 2096255

does this troon live in a crackhouse or a hoarder home
kek at the man hands, hairy thick legs, and block head. he's also going weird poses to try to find his fridge body and lack of curves. he is very obviously wearing a breastplate, look at the neck and yellow plastic skin

No. 2096260

Any female actress would be mocked to hell and back for claiming those boobs are real. Fake as fuck.
>Shit like this is why incel losers think they can take pills and magically turn into a hot chick
For real. Personally, I love to watch as reality hits them and they cry online about how “HRT isn’t working.” They just don’t have the funds for plastic surgery like Hunter does.

No. 2096263

File: 1741301957000.jpeg (31.85 KB, 298x530, IMG_7135.jpeg)

This is what he looked like in euphoria btw

No. 2096267

Omfg. His arms are unmistakably male. Lmfao no amount of anorexia is going to fix that for you, mongoloid ass.

No. 2096274

highly underrated post

No. 2096278

cloud strife arms

No. 2096280

Why is it that they choose to take on some female habits but not others? No woman would go through the effort of putting on heels and getting into pleather pants, just to not polish her bruised ass, unclipped toenails.

No. 2096282

File: 1741304861529.jpeg (66.96 KB, 648x540, IMG_7137.jpeg)

In case anyone argues he’s just wearing a sports bra or something the left is what he looked like with his chest showing more. Why is he lying when the bolt ons are so painfully obvious?

No. 2096283

"Woman" to an agp is just his personal list of fetishes. So using that one as an example, his fetish is latex leggings and heels, not feet. Manicured toenails don't get him off, so he doesn't bother. That's all there is to it.

No. 2096284

Because men only notice the superficial aspects of women’s fashion. That’s why troons think wearing a shitty Amazon skirt and thigh highs makes them look like a sexy egirl, that’s what they notice when they jerk off to those types of girls. Never mind the fact that that style hasn’t been popular since 2020 and these girls had accessories, nails done, hair styled, and some sense of cohesion in their outfits. Only women and fags notice those details.

No. 2096285

>For real. Personally, I love to watch as reality hits them and they cry online about how “HRT isn’t working.” They just don’t have the funds for plastic surgery like Hunter

Maybe he should be celebrated–for making delusional brainrotted people think this is possible and joining the 41% when they realize they can only go from ugly man to ugly freakshow man.

No. 2096286

File: 1741305923622.jpg (49.58 KB, 1080x253, 1000047269.jpg)

I love male on male violence nonas

No. 2096291

It's all about what appeals to their fetish, they don't actually have feminine interests since AGPs are straight men. They don't care about fashion itself. That's why you see TIMs wearing ugly plastic bimbo egirl whatever clothing while TIFs are the ones with aesthetics and Pinterest boards.

No. 2096292

the funny part to me is that the quoted tweet is supposed to be praise, not criticism against honter
>must be the woman that got the best fake tits done on planet earth

No. 2096293

newfags don't even know who rancefag is anymore…

No. 2096294

File: 1741309347935.png (9.63 MB, 1328x7000, imgur.png)

Got curious and browsed Imgur for the first time in a decade and the community has gone from constant attack helicopter jokes and making fun of SJWs to
>Supportive PSA to all my normal looking trans women and men who I know see TGT and get extremely dysphoric from it.
Here's what the post says if the screenshot is for ants:
>One of my favorite looks ever. Very kawaii. Wasn't sold on the red/orange/copper but it didn't look bad
>I know we all see trans girl Tuesdays roll around and they fly to the front page, but I feel it needs said that only ever seeing the super hot trans women kinda fucks it up for normal trans women who never will look like them. I know imgur means well, but we need to remember that average looking cis and trans folk are completely normal and beautiful in our own ways. Sure we don't look like a 5/7 wooden screw, but in a small way in each of our heads we see the super hot girls and trans guys being fetishized and that doesn't really help us as much as people think. Tbh it's a cause for body dysphoria. Personally, it does affect me for the rest of the day, my partner can sense it in my mood and behavior after seeing a few.
>I still upvote then for trans awareness, but more often than not I just upvote and move on because it hurts to see what I'll never be. >No amount of working out, surgery, HRT, nothing will help me look like any of them.
>I don't mind the posts. But it's always the same comments, so pretty, wooden screw, cranked my hog, goals, etc etc. Being hot is anyone's goal, but it's not always obtainable.
>Just a PSA that if you're like me, and not a super smoking hot hunk or babe trans person, it's completely ok and you are all just as valid as the 10/10's. You can see I'm not beautiful. I'm not "hot" but that doesn't invalidate me. It doesn't make me "less than". If you're self conscious about it like me because the world is a scary place for being trans right now, know that I love you. You're amazing, worth more than you know, and every bit as valid as any of the women seen on TGT.
>Trans men, you are every bit as masculine as any hunk out there. You don't need big pecs, a square jaw, or a big beard. You're men the same as any man I served with in the infantry. I see you. I'm with you. ENBY's you're awesome no matter how you feel to present. You're chaotically beautifully neutral and that's such a hard talent to balance and I love that. We are all family.

No. 2096298

He is ignoring the most obvious issue which is that he isn’t even trying to ‘pass’ let alone look more attractive. He’s fat, has beard stubble, greasy unstyled hair, solid beige foundation with zero blush or contour, has his lipstick applied so his lips look even smaller and crustier, etc. Of course he will always be an ugly middle aged moid but maybe with some semblance of effort he would at least come off as less terrifying and unhinged. These agp moids think that hormones will do all the heavy lifting and immediately turn them into a hot 20 year old woman and don’t even bother to learn the drag queen tips HSTS use to make their faces look smaller, eyes bigger etc. then they act like there’s nothing they can do about being ugly and disgusting, I don’t know maybe stop being a fatass? Take a shower? Shave your beard? They’re too lazy to even attempt things most women do on a daily basis.

No. 2096312

>"served in the infantry"
every fucking time

No. 2096329

File: 1741323294160.gif (1.27 MB, 250x256, 1737565689842.gif)

>look like a 5/7 wood screw

No. 2096339

Lol, no.

No. 2096344

great observation honestly

No. 2096345

It's probably the exact same community

No. 2096347

File: 1741329398579.jpeg (427.43 KB, 1179x522, IMG_5343.jpeg)

do i need to go out more or is there genuinely something off about his forehead wrinkles kek
why are there so many so close together

No. 2096354

File: 1741332149884.jpg (53.02 KB, 697x517, 57.jpg)

being someone in the unfortunate situation of having friends who are very active imgur users, i can tell you that it's a combination of two stupid imgur memes from like 2014
wood screw, as in would screw, as in would have sex with because that's a completely normal descriptor to use on yourself.
and the 5/7 is from pic related

No. 2096360

File: 1741335678045.jpeg (332.28 KB, 2048x1536, GlJyj4PWkAE3Fq_.jpeg)

new haus of decline selfie
sage because him being ugly is barely milk. it's common knowledge at this point

No. 2096366

His mouth is so fucking disgusting

No. 2096373

He has the dead eyes of a sexual predator in every picture I've ever seen of him pre or post-trooning. This one is special tho because it looks like it could be bodycam footage taken seconds before the police find the female skinsuits and he knows he's been found out. The lack of self-awareness to know how creepy he looks is such a defining male characteristic.

No. 2096380

Ugh, on the one hand I want that fat troon to lose his job and suffah&shame, on the other hand I am genuinely kinda worried for the woman who videod, that he might go total mental and stalk and revenge kill her for this all coming down on him. He is clearly mad enough to do that, plus the wider insanity that they've been whipping themsleves up into

No. 2096385

spoiler that fucking creature jesus christ

No. 2096401

He repeatedly called her a bitch and was aggressive… There's no way they can let this go

Love it too but I don't think this kind of comments hurts them. As males they haven't internalized that hairy legs are dirty and shameful and ugly

>This one is special tho because it looks like it could be bodycam footage taken seconds before the police find the female skinsuits and he knows he's been found out.
KEK too real

No. 2096415

File: 1741354212869.png (1.18 MB, 1703x1040, download (2).png)

sorry about the bad quality but apparently some more has come out - despite the senator calling for his resignation he's refusing to back down. notice how he apologized to the other supervisors but not the young woman he not only harassed but even threatened? using his own bullshit excuses (the woman was also picking up medication for a family member & ofc can't forget about muh depreshun) to downplay how bad this was. absolutely unbelievable. the blurry black and white picture wasnt very high quality to begin with but its him as a constable before he trooned out, before he was middle aged lmao. looking like a fucking lardball.

No. 2096421

Why does his foundation always look like that? You can literally see the line where it starts.

No. 2096440

Choose your answer:
>None of the real women in his life (if there are any) care to tell him about blending.
>He's too retarded and/or arrogant to watch a makeup tutorial.

No. 2096443

File: 1741361921520.webp (56.86 KB, 1024x576, IMG_1627.webp)

Everytime I see him I’m just reminded of buffalo bill, he looks exactly like him KEKK.

No. 2096444

The hands kekkk

No. 2096457

I bet he seethes over being ugly and completely unpassable so he hides behind 201891899 layers of ironic humor

No. 2096465

dude looks like a future suicide in the making, jesus

No. 2096466

He absolutely does. I saw his comics posted by some nonas, and even his mom would make comments about him being a handsome man or whatever lmao

No. 2096467

Dude, I just realized that isn’t his lip shape, it looks like he’s applying the lipstick on the skin part of his upper lip. It looks deranged.

No. 2096469

He's wearing adult baby fetish gear to be sworn in. He's dressed like a little girl. How can anyone look at that and not get suspicious.

No. 2096472

Nasty as fuck. Imagine if a woman dressed like that in any professional context, she’d get crucified. They’re playing in our faces wearing their fetish gear to make us all unwilling participants in their pedo fantasies. Very telling that he went after a young black woman, too.

No. 2096487

Community Note:
There are obvious scars and an unnatural shape from the implants Hunter Schafer received.
(Users added more information to give this more context)

No. 2096495

File: 1741373432601.mp4 (369.88 KB, 480x270, 1000052790.mp4)


No. 2096501

File: 1741374723013.webm (1.92 MB, 224x400, senpai.webm)

Troons make me feel better about my extremely annoying voice, I might still sound like nails on a chalkboard but at least I don't sound like a man pretending to be an anime catgirl or sultry dommy mommy (no in betweens)

No. 2096505

it rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again

No. 2096527

Can’t help but feel he’d do a really good Buffalo bill impression too kek
Found footage horror movie

No. 2096528

This seems to be an apology for a previous outburst in 2023

No. 2096552

jesus christ the voice change is scary… even the most "passing" sounding ladyboy sounds like that when he isnt trying. creepy af

No. 2096560

Good catch nona. Clearly this isn't his first unhinged public outburst towards a woman

No. 2096565

>Found footage horror movie
kekkk thats exactly what i thought as well- it reminds me of the poughkeepsie tapes

No. 2096576

File: 1741393174731.jpeg (600.87 KB, 750x1307, IMG_6096.jpeg)

just tell your boyfriend that his penis is transphobic and should be more inclusive and tolerant.

No. 2096605

itll be funny when he gets his dick inverted in a desperate attempt to appeal to his boyfriend who probably will want to fuck him even less after kek

No. 2096626

File: 1741404113776.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1111, Screenshot_20250307-221953.png)


No. 2096636

is this the annoying TIM who made bloodborne cart?

No. 2096643

Yes, would be cool if all the insane mentally ill talented artists would stop being the same cookie cutter trans porn-obsessed retards.

Surely it has to fall out of favor eventually. Talented artist and programmer but his personality comes down to furry goth witch shit clearly inspired by porn and cringe tranny culture

No. 2096644

File: 1741408296410.png (367.59 KB, 1080x1979, 1000047287.png)

sorry if this was mentioned in a previous thread, but he recently raged over his game winning a category in an "anti woke" awards show. I hate muh wokeism obsessed moids but the autogynephile's meltdown was funny. retarded male infighting can be entertaining
>Posting on X/Twitter, where her account has since been made private, Walther then demanded that the award be rescinded, claiming she did “not give [you] permission” for the game to be nominated.
>“You never asked for permission like every other awards show that [have] approached me. This is true for other dev’s games [you] put in [your] show,” she continued. “[You] did not ask. Remove it now.”

No. 2096648

File: 1741410312299.jpeg (221.09 KB, 828x1397, IMG_2161.jpeg)

(wrong thread)

No. 2096651

>you liked my game, but i'm literally a tranny who has gay sex!! gotcha!
this is unironically very revealing about their way of thinking: they care more about a content creator's ~identity~ and acronyms in bio than the actual content (be it games, art, movies) so they expect other people to function the same way. he doesn't understand that it's not about him and his mental illness, it's about the game.

No. 2096665

What does one do when their Nigel becomes a person of gender, and you can't abandon your dependents to get away even if he hasn't financially crippled you? These reddit screens of men shrieking about their transphobic wives make me wonder, very seriously, how many of them simply drive their significant others to suicide. I already know that ssri's are used to keep female rage from boiling over, but there's only so much such a significant percentage of the population can take before turning to violence.
Anyway, not my problem, but I'm sympathetic. When are we getting Michfest 2.0 rolling?(wrong thread)

No. 2096667

This is so mean to buffalo bill, this guy is like buffalo bill squared kek. I feel genuinely physically ill when I see his face.

No. 2096681

It's instinct, men like that trigger fight or fight. If you want to get the willies, cover the lower half of his face and just focus on those dead eyes.

No. 2096688

File: 1741431155649.jpg (280.23 KB, 1074x1352, 1000054782.jpg)

Went through my screenshots to find this especially infuriating post

No. 2096729

Seeing moids post there brings out a special type of hate in me because how is it impressive that a man can grow muscle? What’s actually impressive and hot is women who are able to put in the work for it. Why do I have to go on a sub to see strong, dedicated women only to see this shit?

No. 2096731

Same for me, I'm looking for other buff women to get inspired not for men with a fetish bragging about the most mediocre amount of muscle

Bunch of them even give out fitness tips like brother the tip is that you're male and have testosterone you stupid twat

No. 2096733

Unsurprisingly this guy is a zoophile/necrophile. When anyone tries to mention it in the comments section on steam you get your comment deleted and fans demanding proof (even if you send them screenshots they still won't believe you)

No. 2096747

File: 1741453489457.jpeg (893.04 KB, 1179x1745, IMG_3039.jpeg)

holy hell his plebbit account is a goldmine.
if i saw this in the gym i would immediately think that this is just a regular everyday guy with greasy long hair. and he really isnt even that buff, he just has the average male bodytype, but he convinces himself hes just a “buff woman” who “works out” beacuse the average woman looks nothing close to this orge. he probably sees himself as the other real lesbian women on that subreddit who put time into working out to get actual muscle. no, but this hideous gremlin was just born with it and thinks he fits in. okay sorry for my rant

No. 2096761

File: 1741454212407.jpg (166.59 KB, 588x1167, GlZxYjCbwAE_Id3.jpg)

handsome squidward?

No. 2096764

Why do so many trannies with a mild curl to their hair at best learn about the CGM and immediately dump a million heavy products on their disgusting mops? All of that greasy product and effort just to get like four limp ringlets kek. I see this so much on Reddit

No. 2096772

All of this posts are so embarrassing, he posts a bunch in a tranny fetish sub as well even tho he claims he has a wife

Posts in the lesbian subreddits all the time and then cries about terfs and "bots" downvoting him like the average lesbian doesn't hate dudes like him as well

No. 2096777

File: 1741455555177.jpeg (397.02 KB, 1179x1047, IMG_3041.jpeg)

everytime i open r/MTF, i like to search for posts where trannies finally feel defeated and accept reality for what it is. the few of them who arent completely living in lala land, that is. unfortunately, the brief period of a tranny waking up is always cut short because of hundreds of other troons who flock to the comments trying to reinforce their fellow mentally ill cultists propaganda and delusions. i seriously think this world should bring back bullying.

reddit is like a safe space for these nefarious people to take refuge from the real world. its so interesting to look into these sheltered communities. if you comment anything other than the “NOOO you are so VALIDDDDD QUEEEN” agenda you are swifly banned.

No. 2096779

I think 4chan troons have their own term for this, they call it "AGP curls", so it's definitely a widespread phenomenon. Apparently, testosterone generally makes hair curlier, so men are more likely to have curly hair to begin with. And for a lot of these people, their hair is gross in the first place, so their female partners or friends who are embarassed about it point them towards curly girl. And then because trannies never have an eye for aesthetics, they end up just totally fucking it up by overdoing it.
this counts for a lot of why i spend so much time hatereading /tttt/. every other post is stuff like this.

No. 2096782

File: 1741455969570.jpeg (359.59 KB, 1179x892, IMG_3045.jpeg)

(samefagging to show the comments)
judge for yourself.

>you ARE a girl

they genuinely think that they are girls. i remember a time when this mentally ill sausage fest movement used to recognize "transwomen" from actual women. but no. the gender handicapped actually believe they are real women, not needing the term “trans-“ in front of it. it genuinely makes me sick how these people are catered to and safegaurded from even the slightest reminder of reality.

commense the ackenning.

No. 2096785

>hopefully I'm born as a girl next time
He doesn't realize the likelyhood of being born a girl in a society that doesn't actively torture us is minimal so his "next life" would probably be miserable. These freaks don't care at all about what womanhood actually is like.

No. 2096789

tranny is synonymous with paraphile honestly. being a tranny is inheritely asocial, terminally online, isolated behavior, so the overlap makes sense

No. 2096793

File: 1741456605222.jpeg (795.85 KB, 1290x1437, IMG_4552.jpeg)

Wanting to end it all because he can’t finger himself. Fucks sake.

No. 2096796

File: 1741456696358.jpeg (450.69 KB, 1284x1335, IMG_5984.jpeg)

This post is from a year ago but I saw it reposted on a lesbian sub today. They really have no idea, do they.


No. 2096804

File: 1741457122104.png (1.21 MB, 960x983, IMG_3051.png)

they dont care because they dont even know what it actually is.

the average male sees womenhood as wearing bright pink dresses, bright pink heels, cakes upon cakes of makeup on, and petty gossiping around other women, like in those highschool musical movies. they see women as dumb blondes without any other problems but “looking pretty.” thats literally all that “muh gwender dyspowia” is in its entirety. how the average male precives women and how they think they should act. and the below average male is foolish enough to think he could become his own sterotype.

fyi, picrel is a good read.(sage your shit)

No. 2096805

My favorite part of the "those jealous TERF bitches just hate my glorious femininity" cope is that they never elaborate on what they mean. If they were to stop hiding behind this vague language, everyone would see what they really are trying to say is, "Those evil feminazis who criticize makeup and heels and spinny skirts as patriarchal brainwashing are just jealous of me, because unlike them, I find all those signifiers very erotic, I mean euphoric!" The idea that womanhood is inextricably tied to what men have decided constitutes "femininity" is an idea feminists have rallied against forever. All these hard fought gains only for some retarded man with a fetish to prance around and mansplain womanhood to us.

No. 2096808

>Testosterone generally makes hair curlier, so men are more likely to have curly hair to begin with
This is the dumbest fucking thing I've read in a while.

No. 2096809

File: 1741457421897.jpeg (122.67 KB, 580x845, Untitled599_20250308130858.jpe…)

yes, i definitely envy the tranny. /s(sage your shit)

No. 2096814

That and "hate reading /tttt/" makes me troonfoil a bit

No. 2096815

File: 1741457673090.jpeg (703.24 KB, 1179x1999, IMG_3056.jpeg)

>I find all those signifiers very erotic, I mean euphoric!"
A little unrelated, but has anyone ever notice how much trannys like to use the buzzword “euphoria” ? as in “wearing this skimpy dress make me feel so euphoric today” ?

ive never heard a normal person use euphoria in a sentence instead of just using the phrase “made me happy”(sage your shit)

No. 2096817

>(even if you send them screenshots they still won't believe you)
completely believe you bc it's well documented that paraphilias come in clusters, but can you post the screenshots?

No. 2096820

>simple, beautiful euphoria
see, its even here

only a very mentally ill person wouldnt be able to see through all of these honeyed words.(sage your shit)

No. 2096822

When they write things like this it makes me love my body tbh

No. 2096824

i believe it's mainly because it's a direct opposite to dysphoria, which is how troons' body and self image issues are described in therapy speak but it's very similar to fetish talk especially in bimbofication and sissy hypno fetishes where the bimbo/sissy/"feminine" state is described as lulling and relaxed but sexually charged almost akin to a drugged state so.

No. 2096825

do you think that woke therapists are also apart of the problem of affirming their delusions?

now that i think about it, trannies literally talk with eachother like how a psychologistwould assess a mental ill patient. its almost like they echo what they hear from their underpayed therapist(sage your shit)

No. 2096826

File: 1741458732175.jpeg (459.72 KB, 1170x1679, IMG_9415.jpeg)

NTA but this is true, testosterone can make hair frizzy as well. This is why even HSTS/well groomed troons will have shittier hair, picrel is Hunter with his sister for comparison. Hormones have a lot of impact on things you wouldn't expect, hormonal imbalances (which HRT causes to an extreme extent) can ruin your eye health and make you more likely to develop autoimmune problems.

No. 2096827

Troons have shittier hair because they don't take care of it, you don't have to hold onto psuedoscience just to justify your distate of curly hair.

No. 2096829

You think a professional tranny like Hunter doesn't take care of his hair?

No. 2096830

Just tickle your prostate bro.

No. 2096857

File: 1741462697960.jpg (264.07 KB, 1080x1435, Screenshot_20250308_203528_Chr…)

>women walk around with butt plugs shoved up their asses leaking visibly

No. 2096860

File: 1741462852295.jpeg (84.18 KB, 1110x1110, IMG_3070.jpeg)

isnt it strange how trannies are more prone to sexually deviant fetishes than real women?

everytime i lurk on r/actuallesbians and see a fetishy post, i check the profile and its ALWAYS a tranny(sage your shit)

No. 2096864

Leaking? As in anal leakage? Thoughts and prayers to the unfortunate souls who have made contact with the fecal snail trail this cretin has been leaving behind.

No. 2096871

File: 1741464438777.jpeg (468.97 KB, 828x1361, IMG_4014.jpeg)

No. 2096872

File: 1741464461028.jpeg (294.38 KB, 817x810, IMG_4015.jpeg)

No. 2096873

File: 1741464488197.jpeg (485.19 KB, 828x1412, IMG_4016.jpeg)

No. 2096875

File: 1741464604748.jpeg (357.44 KB, 828x1245, IMG_4017.jpeg)

No. 2096877

File: 1741464697805.jpeg (418.5 KB, 828x1347, IMG_4018.jpeg)

No. 2096878

>like omg pre-christian Slavic cultures totally loved troons!
>like omg soooo many muslims, catholics, and jews love and are troons too!
What does pre-Christian Slavic culture (as in at least a millenia ago) have to do with not wanting a hairy dude calling himself Alice to have his kibble and bits on display in front of a bunch of old Russian women?

No. 2096893

He's probably talking about pre-cum in the most disgusting way imaginable

No. 2096898

File: 1741467524864.jpg (175.82 KB, 1080x431, 1000047355.jpg)

well how else do you expect him to experience gender euphoria (dogwhistle for boner) if he can't expose women and girls to his fetish, you transphobe!!1 not to completely a-log but boy do I utterly loathe these entitled, degenerate men with every fiber of my being

No. 2096901

Testosterone does not make your hair curly or fizzy otherwise I must be full on roided. It's part genetic and part bad care. The reason their hair looks worse is 100% because hormone imbalances make your hair break easier. There's plenty of men with long beautiful hair

No. 2096910

You never see TIFs trying to invade gay bathouses with the excuse that "i-it's exclusionary bros!!"

No. 2096941

Yeah that nona is fucking retarded there are millions of women with curly hair and millions of men with pin-straight hair. Trannies just have no idea how to care for their shit because they're dumb

No. 2096947

YES PLEASE BOYCOTT. then maybe women can have more than one dick-free night a month.

No. 2096954

I'm the nona from >>2096826 I'm not saying that curly hair = most masculine person ever with ten gallons of testosterone in your blood, I'm saying that androgens/testosterone can literally change your hair follicles, in this case it flattens them which makes the hair curl. You can look this up. It's something that I'm pretty sure happens in my family, because me and some of my close family were straight-haired as kids and a few of us (included me) got curly/wavy hair during puberty. You can also find numerous testimonies from older women about how their hair changed after menopause, and I even just found several sites where TIFs talk about how their hair became curlier after starting cross sex hormones.
Hair texture IS mostly genetic and care is important, but saying that testosterone doesn't have any effect at all on hair is like saying that having an estrogen-dominant system doesn't have any effect on your skin. Google.com.(derailing)

No. 2096962

women in menopause have much lower testosterone than younger women, you don't know what you're on about. stop derailing.

No. 2096963

>"now I'm in fear"
How horrifying, not being able to whip it out in one specific spa on one night of the month, while also having another night of the month at that spa set aside to specifically include him and his dick.

No. 2096973

File: 1741483462254.png (5.05 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_3790.png)

in the wild kek

No. 2096976

Can't remember which troonlit it was, one of their fave fetish books or whatever, but loads of them only learned that conditioner needs to be left on for a while from reading it.
The authortroon posted on twitter about it.
Retard trannies kek.

No. 2096989

Twenty?? Woof.

No. 2096992

Why do they always have such bad wrinkles? I thought you weren’t suppose to get them till late 30s?

No. 2096995

I did the thing and now I'm scared for real kek

No. 2096997

Because of the Y chromosome

No. 2097008

File: 1741491619104.jpg (38.87 KB, 407x612, gettyimages-1153790034-612x612…)

Didn't know the troon has sisters. It's incredible how bad he looks next to them.

No. 2097009

shitty eyeliner, black lipstick and a spiked choker. why do they all look this way.

No. 2097018

I love the preemptive apology that troons always must tack at the end of their momentary lapse of reason rants. Even when amongst themselves, they can never say anything negative about the troon experience without prefacing it with an empty "this is just my own experience you guise!!" or else they would be committing the worst sin in their community: being transphobic. They know that their own kind are always watching them with a stick in hand so they choose to save themselves from shame rather than warn others that are on the same path of self destruction. They would rather kill themselves when they can no longer deny reality than shatter the illusion for other trannies. Crabs in a bucket mentality mixed with the tinkerbell effect, yet no one sees how this is a cult.

No. 2097025

Shit diet, doesnt drink water, doest moisturize his face. Also probably raises his eyebrows a bunch for many different reasons i wouldnt know why. Gross ugly retarded men have no right to be so confident.

No. 2097039

For any science nonas, has any troon experimentation led to a development on the field of endocrinology? Has this mad science give us any fruit? I'm not asking for treatments for real women, or something major, just some curiosity, like oh, we didn't know hormones interfere with that, or male and female bodies has this tiny overlooked difference.
Have we learned anything besides that men can't be women?

No. 2097040

don't woof at this retard. look at his furry choker and furry necklace. he would enjoy that

No. 2097043

Kek yeah that's how that one suicide baiting tranny earlier ITT >>2092062 ended up doing all that histrionic shit since he thought "woof" was a flirt and sent unsolicited dick pics to another troon who didn't enjoy it (they tell on themselves so hard, trans women are supposedly women but no trans lesbian ever seems to want girldick)

No. 2097047

File: 1741499786707.png (229.07 KB, 504x732, dios_mio.png)

Lmaooooo this fuckass subreddit "Goonette Hub" (https://old.reddit.com/r/GoonetteHub), a supposed "gurrrls only clubbbb who love edging themselves uwuwuwu", sort by "new" and half of its "18-20f" posters (other than the pickmes and recycled porn gifs) are just trannies posting about wanting to be objectified by ~le cis girl chasers~, and the comment box are filled with ""women"" and pickmes commenting how they totes love chocking on tranny peen.

They want to meme themselves that "goonettes" and "cis girl chasers" are true so fucking bad, it's absolutely pathetic.

No. 2097049

Good grief they totally mog him. He looks like a washed out, brick-shaped corpse with zero fashion sense next to them, yet he's the one who gets to be famous. Male privilege is getting to be an "actress" while looking completely hideous, and also being YAAASSS KWEEN'd for getting fake tits while any normal woman in Hollywood would strive to keep that a secret at all costs.

No. 2097050

>I'd wear my plug around if I had a pussy
is he implying that he'd put a butt plug in his stinkditch

No. 2097052

I hate the way this guys uses a full stop after every sentence fragment.

No. 2097059

>Apparently, testosterone generally makes hair curlier, so men are more likely to have curly hair
This isn't true. You need to stop listening to windowlickers on /tttt/. About 8.6% of women with majority European ancestry have curly hair, as opposed to their male counterparts, of whom only 6.9% have curly hair.

Sauce https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002929709004649

No. 2097061

this guy's my age? he looks like he might as well be from two generations before mine.

No. 2097078

lol it's because women in menopause have extremely low estrogen. that's the hormone imbalance. high T levels aren't really needed to count as a hormone imbalance. just lack of normal estrogen is enough to cause full body side effects. that's why post menopausal women sometimes take estrogen to reduce severe symptoms

No. 2097097

File: 1741513646449.jpg (803.43 KB, 2880x1920, Alyssa-Edwards.jpg)

fr, tho. Men in there later is consistently look much more rough than women of that age. I I thought they're thicker skin was supposed to be more resistant to wrinkling?
the obsessions with insulting what is a typical male body type with words like brick which misogynists use to insult women who don't get their dicks up ig, especially for a moid that has been undergoing muscle atrophy since he was a teenager is pretty fucking gross. troon fans types complain that rads categorize women into fuckable and breedable when they're clearly confusing them with bog standard misogynists who have been harassing women using terms like brick for god knows how long.

No. 2097098

The "Bad News" flair is killing me

They focus on the ebil parents as if OP would miraculously start passing, be happy and mentally sound if his parents weren't there. Lies & manipulation as always

No. 2097134

>TLDR : terfs lack the ability to get hard when wearing a dress
yeah sure

No. 2097142

Honestly if I lived there, men boycotting it would just encourage me to go often and bring friends.

No. 2097143

Why do they think this exists? Any “girl chasers” are other men. Women don’t do this to trannies.

No. 2097151

There are some pornsick bi women who are fooled into troonchasing by shooped pictures and anime traps. Meeting a real tranny probably cures the retardation.

No. 2097152

File: 1741529614408.jpeg (374.41 KB, 1170x1879, IMG_1635.jpeg)

The more they push the “we are being genocided” the more ridiculous they look to the average person. Only the die hard TRAs will take them seriously kek.

No. 2097155

File: 1741530747487.jpeg (210.69 KB, 775x1200, IMG_1636.jpeg)

Hugbox quick! Come and tell me that I’m totally valid!!
I hate their fake “uwu am I really invading?”.

No. 2097158

>I really wish I could be the man I was supposed to be but I can't
you can stop calling yourself a woman and get out of woman's spaces

No. 2097163

File: 1741532374850.jpeg (Spoiler Image,342.12 KB, 1125x1547, IMG_1614.jpeg)

What is putin’s nephew doing on xitter

No. 2097165

File: 1741532701041.jpeg (89.75 KB, 529x552, IMG_1612.jpeg)

Samefag. This bloke needs to dissolve his lip filler.

No. 2097168

is that really putin's nephew??

No. 2097176

No. 2097177

wtf why didnt russians cancel puyin yet for this

No. 2097178

AYRT. Kek no, but they have similar annoying ass horse face.

No. 2097185

Hahaha they were claiming to be genocided even when Biden had Dylan mulvaney visit the white house and every lib was kissing their ass. Another word internet retards have glommed onto and stripped of its meaning entirely. Genocide is when you don't let me do whatever I want, it's dehumanizing!

No. 2097191

File: 1741536103287.jpg (11.26 KB, 300x250, 1614239972908.jpg)

>having these thoughts since he was 12

No. 2097192


No. 2097197

The fact that this fake outrage is barely getting any traction in SAN FRANCISCO is a beautiful sign of which way the wind is blowing.

Most of the comments are extremely reasonable, and all the comments claiming this is illegal bigotry are downvoted.(this is an imageboard)

No. 2097198

File: 1741537814620.jpg (233.23 KB, 1125x1125, b.jpg)

No. 2097204

File: 1741538999326.jpg (116.68 KB, 1080x559, Screenshot_20250309_104655_Fir…)

Kek troons are immediately pulling out the BUT WHAT IF THEY BANNED BLACK PEOPLE card when that has nothing to do with the religious exclusions at play.

No. 2097210

There's a local bath house near me that allows TIFs one night a month

No. 2097214

File: 1741541451262.jpg (256.72 KB, 1080x1162, Lyingliars.jpg)

This thread is a goldmine.
>"hrt is a magical substance that changes everything about you!"
>looks exactly the same as before

No. 2097218

Except black people are still male or female. A black tranny doesn’t get to be there just in virtue of being black since he’s still a male.
Their racism always comes off, they are always so excited to say “but muh black women!!”

No. 2097228

File: 1741544421534.jpeg (146.44 KB, 640x853, IMG_1624.jpeg)

Kek at his giant triangular nose and tiny mouth

No. 2097234

File: 1741544979484.png (9.38 MB, 2482x2976, ravenlynclemens.png)

this weird agp guy posting comics also recently posted face the phenotype fails to disappoint plus bonus comics on his internal monologue on romantic relations very interesting

No. 2097235

NTAYRT When someone says "woof" like that, they mean the person in question is ugly and dog faced.

No. 2097237

"Because my trauma and neurodivergence" Moids and using therapy to learn better abuse tactics, name a better team

No. 2097243

At least he seems self-aware. Deranged, but self-aware.

No. 2097246

Why does he look exactly as if one of those eerie plastic blowup dolls came to life?

No. 2097259

File: 1741551721990.jpeg (39.58 KB, 700x372, IMG_1638.jpeg)

No. 2097262

>[she] is very mature for her age
Posting this in front of god and everyone and thinking for even a second you aren't a creep is hilarious.

No. 2097264

it is actually impossible for them to NOT be predators i swear

No. 2097265

>I’m not attracted to most teenagers because they’re intimidating
Ok… Why would you post this online for everyone to see

No. 2097266

File: 1741553850488.jpg (27.15 KB, 524x329, timmy.jpg)

No. 2097268

>I'm not attracted to most teenagers because they're intimidating
>They're intimidating
Kekkkk imagine being a predator and being BTFO by your would-be victims

No. 2097271

The "what if I ban Black people?" Card isn't as woke of a rebuttle he thinks it is. Ngl their reaching makes normies peak against troons

No. 2097272

I've seen this happen in real time, the unintentionally racist handmaiden had this look on her face like she couldn't believe how this could ever happen to her when she was asked very loudly to explain again how black women apparently look like men

No. 2097273

This is disgustingly, it made me vomit. Only a pedo would talk like this. He needs to be shot.

No. 2097275

Even if you play along with it, the gender/race swap scenario they make up pisses me off so much. Between men and women, males are NOT the disadvantaged group there.

No. 2097283

File: 1741556268905.png (346.89 KB, 1033x793, dwight austin.PNG)

>Dakota Rose Austin
>"I'm in fear"

No. 2097289

File: 1741557787872.jpeg (Spoiler Image,678.23 KB, 1639x2048, GkMUdBragAA25su.jpeg)

i thought this was an autobiographical comic at first but turns out it's an original character. i'm 100% sure it's his self insert and nothing can convince me otherwise, especially with how chris is portrayed as this relatable harmless goofy goober awkward virgin moi- i mean nonbinary character you're supposed to emphasize with.
i'd sperg about it some more but it's better suited for the bad comics thread

No. 2097293

Even worse, it sounds like they ARE allowed to go to that ladies night as long as they keep their clothes on.

No. 2097314

>the last thing i would ever want to do is make women feel uncomfortable invalidate their womanhood
Why can't they get it through their fucking heads that this is meaningless to normal people? You can't "invalidate" womanhood, because a woman is a woman outside of language. And more than that, feminist concerns do not include something as abstract and retarded as "validation", because women have actual material problems.
It's interesting that he says this right after brushing close to the real issue, which is that trannies are compromising institutional and societal structures whose entire purpose is keeping women safe from men.
this is very funny too, "i wish i could be a man but i caaaant waa" good news! you are and always will be, no matter how you dress or what cosmetic surgeries you get.

No. 2097317

File: 1741561177291.png (58.94 KB, 2254x170, Screenshot 2025-03-09 at 4.58.…)

Least homophobic TiM(sage your shit/wrong thread)

No. 2097319

They just had to put a swimsuit, but apparently it’s transgenocide to not want to see a penis once a month.

No. 2097321

File: 1741562017442.jpeg (Spoiler Image,348.4 KB, 1151x1376, IMG_1644.jpeg)

A post-op transwoman is identical to a cis one! You can never tell? Why don’t you want to fuck one!!!!

No. 2097322

oh my god i'm gonna throw up

No. 2097324

why the fuck didn’t he get his ballsack removed???

No. 2097329

level 4 is above average/moderate to high risk can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to share a bathhouse with this lovely individual

No. 2097333

Trannies are so aggressively racist it's hilarious.

No. 2097336

Does anyone know what happened to monetizeyourcat from tumblr? Blast from the past.

No. 2097357

his ballsack was used to make his "labia"

No. 2097370

File: 1741570980542.jpeg (297.31 KB, 1206x1454, IMG_0423.jpeg)

Black owned women only gym went from allowing TiM’s to having it be real women only and a white drag queen of course has to bring up race. It’s not like black women can stop being black when things get too dangerous unlike a TiM who can “boymode” and give up the act at any moment.

No. 2097373

Oh my god wasn’t monetizeyourcat the original creator of the whole “baeddel” movement on Tumblr? No idea what he’s up to now, but I can assure that the baeddel-identified males he’s left in his wake are some of the most abhorrent ones I’ve ever seen online. I mean seriously their blogs are like unspeakably bad

No. 2097380

if segregation means women don’t have to deal with these faggots then by all means, advocate for segregation

No. 2097406

I don't care if you're a sheltered suburban tiny white girl next to a giant muscular black woman - you will never elicited the tiniest bit of fear in a locker room compared realizing you're there with a small boned white man. Women don't feel fear being around each other no matter what race. My super tall white friend lived in Japan in a very xenophobic community and she had a tiny Japanese girl go up to her in the baths and full on grope her bare breasts saying "foreign women's boobs are so giant!!" A reason why men even troon out in the first place is because female spaces lack danger.

No. 2097412

isn't this the Canadian tranny with the funny name? Can't believe I recognize this mangina.

No. 2097418

no shit. what's "lol" about that? hormone changes ≠ testosterone

No. 2097420

File: 1741579449540.jpeg (175.26 KB, 1161x1534, IMG_1630.jpeg)

She’s heavily sugarcoating her words but great to see more and more handmaidens peaking. Hope she and other women like her will go on radicalised and stop squeezing themselves into polyester leggings.

No. 2097424

File: 1741580476547.jpg (204.62 KB, 813x662, 1000047379.jpg)

kekkkk it's killing me how there are so many racist comments from TIMs making this comparison. it's actually crazy. commenters turn out to be white men, every single time. operation Let Them S(peak) coming along nicely it seems

No. 2097455

I don't think this is real because if it was then Putin would probably have him killed.

No. 2097461

It's a joke about his joyless expression and giant Slavic potato head

No. 2097473

I think his username on Twitter was Fanny Traggot and that his actual real life surname was Hiscock or something similar

No. 2097477

File: 1741600135967.jpeg (398.93 KB, 1196x1205, IMG_5887.jpeg)

Trans “women” cant even last a minute without wanting to die but ok

No. 2097492

>sounds familiar?
no ♥ glad we cleared that up!
the audacity of insinuating they're being isolated and eradicated when troon shit is promoted in schools and companies. even the whole "we're being called groomers, it's dehumanizing!!" falls flat when they're proudly calling everyone else nazis and encouraging violence against terfs (women who disagree).

No. 2097508

File: 1741613302018.png (1.99 MB, 1319x1600, IMG_2201.png)

Taken from Dailymail so take with a grain of salt, but can they EVER do anything without talking about penis? Why are they so fucking obsessed with it? Also I am a Bernie fan in a lot of cases but fuck him for being cool with this. How would this help his cause at all?

No. 2097512


kek he was one of the troons that helped me peak when he came out as a “lesbian”

No. 2097514

>I'm thrilled by the moral greyness of it
>I kind of know what it's like to be sexual abused, and it would be wrong to make her experience that
What the fuck? Death to pedos

To be fair, excluding trannies one night a month for "religious" reasons is stupid and allows all kinds of comparisons, because people can use religion to be sexist and racist. Trannies should be excluded on the basis of their sex, which matters in spaces where women are vulnerable and possibly naked. Race does not matter in that context.

No. 2097517

I love how these racist tras say this purposely obtuse rhetoric to try and humble black women as if sex segregation isn’t a thing all groups of people globally have established. Also especially when it comes down to facilities, race segregation was separate but NOT equal meaning black people were separate but had to deal with poor conditions in in everyday life(old school books instead of new books; outhouses instead of actual bathrooms inside buildings, etc) whereas sex segregation is just separate from each other and is designed to serve the needs for women and men. It’s good to know that not only trannies failed middle school biology but history as well whenever they make these statements with a straight face. So much for a group that expects ppl to educate themselves on 1001 genders from tumblr. You would think that white agp supervisor yelling at the black woman at cvs just last week would tell them to not to try it with black women, but I’m assuming tras are deciding to crash out in a fury at anyone at this point because of the gradual withdrawal of support from democrats in general.

No. 2097521

File: 1741618862283.jpeg (727.1 KB, 1179x4264, oC3xiou.jpeg)

not a crumb of empathy for the poor victims.

No. 2097522

File: 1741619000863.mp4 (280.15 KB, 720x1278, 1000001658.mp4)

KEKKKK Why do all TiF-TiM couples look like that (TL: "what does your fiance (female) look like?" Time to flex)

No. 2097523

Holy shit THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULDNT BE ALLOWED AROUND WOMEN. The audacity of this piece of shit rapist to think he's somehow a victim because he can't show his dick to unwilling women anymore.

No. 2097540

File: 1741623886498.jpg (414.92 KB, 701x1189, Screenshot_20250310_002219_Chr…)

here's a tempting offer for a lesbian seeking love

No. 2097544

This made me burst out laughing wtf

No. 2097549

>absolutely no men

No. 2097550

This is kind of a common thinking with preds—projecting being the "dangerous" one onto their victim(s).

For example some Lolita reviewers would argue that the book is about a child seductress and the pedophile main character was the one being manipulated.

No. 2097551

>Two trannies, one young, one old, both sit on their stinky asses playing viddy and having gamer rage with big stinky dogs running around
What a catch! I bet they want an actual woman to move in and clean up and cook them tendies.

No. 2097552

>sex workers
Holy moly as if just being trans wasn't enough of a red flag!
also what does inam mean? I searched it up and just got arabic baby names kek

No. 2097554

I think it's just a misspelling of "I'm a".

No. 2097556

File: 1741626609688.jpg (213.76 KB, 714x903, Screenshot_20250310_002416_Chr…)

shamelessly stolen from the other farms. this tranny also tried to beg for $275k on gofundme "due to election"

No. 2097557

File: 1741627335171.mp4 (2.56 MB, 630x990, 1000032871.mp4)

Yeah I found lots of vids of the event on twitter. You can find lyrics for the full song here. https://genius.com/Laura-jane-grace-your-god-gods-dick-lyrics

No. 2097559

One on the right looks like Pixielocks' fiancé kek

No. 2097560

I thought about posting this in the metal thread but I don't want to clog up that thread with shit music. I found a tranny dsbm band called Feminizer and one of his songs is called Sissy Tears and Razor Blades (ew), shit like this is why dsbm is the laughingstock of the metal world.
The cover art also really grosses me out for some reason that I can't place and I've seen countless edgelord cover art's with corpses on them. Pervy trannies are unironically more vomit inducing than that, truly impressive in a sick way.

No. 2097562

Those poor female biker gloves. They dont even fit his meaty claws right. But the larp is so important, that looking stupid isnt a worry. Lmfao

No. 2097567

Thus can't be real holy shit how distgusting

No. 2097568

its so funny how obsessed they are dicks/balls/phallic imagery. They literally never stop talking about it, makes me laugh every time.

No. 2097569

File: 1741631485181.jpeg (167.3 KB, 750x828, IMG_4705.jpeg)

>trans women are biological women

No. 2097572

>cis women can have one day out of the entire month to themselves, please come on any other day except that one

>literally named himself after Dakota Rose

when is my opportunity to punch moids who fetishize underage teenagers in schoolgirl outfits?

No. 2097599

how can you "kind of know" what it's like to be sexually abused?

No. 2097618

With the qualifier that they all look the same (within 4 main phenotypes), I'm fairly crrtain that older troon is the one who made the video a few months back saying "if you try to keep me or other troons out of the women's bathroom it will be the last thing you ever do".
Further backed up by the details of thier recent gofundme, where the only reason they cite for needing to move is threatened access to women's change and bathrooms kek

No. 2097625

File: 1741641165336.jpeg (507.59 KB, 828x1696, IMG_2173.jpeg)

No. 2097633

Wow, Dakota Rose sure looks different than I remembered…

No. 2097643

say what you will, but rhyming bubblegum with vacuum is pr funny

his neck is so fucking gross and red lol

No. 2097654

ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew

No. 2097660

File: 1741648043743.jpg (911.49 KB, 1440x1800, 1000014253.jpg)

No. 2097661

Would be funnier if they weren’t a legitimate threat

No. 2097662

God can they ever fuck off? I hate scrotes jfc

No. 2097667

If only the field of medicine understood that females are the same as males who were castrated as adults and take HRT! Wouldn’t that make investigating the female:male ratio of some diseases so much easier. In all realness, the thing that pisses me off the most about this movement is the denial of biological reality and how excess estrogen or testosterone are upheld as the SOLE determinants of sex.

No. 2097674

We need women only gyms. Maybe trannies should just go to a regular gym instead.

No. 2097678

he posts these publicly??? oh my God I hope he dies alone. that entire thing is a trainwreck. like imagine being one of the women he's hit on and seeing this. i'd kms before having sex with him.

No. 2097687

File: 1741654959858.jpeg (327.84 KB, 681x908, 1465DF26-6E48-4008-B53F-05E6C2…)

jenny is better

No. 2097689

Lmao I literally have the same complaint with that word being tossed around.

No. 2097702

he shooped his pointing hand really small to try and look uwu femme but his hip hand is ginormous

No. 2097712

File: 1741660576026.jpeg (100.77 KB, 1055x392, IMG_7266.jpeg)

Literally just “Know your place, cunt!” With the thinnest possible layer of plausible deniability

No. 2097723

they're such children. they speak of womanhood like it's a toy to be fought over or a status to attain and not just a benign state of reality. also
>there's nothing special about it!!
>buuuut i'm taking hormones the cissies produce naturally and am desperately trying to appear like them tehe!

No. 2097741

File: 1741667158824.jpg (107.75 KB, 488x342, Screenshot_20250311-051704.jpg)

When A "Bio Woman" Says Something So Hecking Transphobic You Gotta Hit Them With the AGP Stare.

No. 2097743

the filters have to be insane on this, look at the hands hand, legs, its giving 40-50 years old but then again its hard to tell with white men since they age so badly

No. 2097744

File: 1741667925720.jpeg (619.08 KB, 1170x1101, IMG_7165.jpeg)

Why does this creepy troon have isabella from dear dumb diary as his background. STAY AWAY FROM HER!!!!
Also the way he draws every character as constantly sweating and looking guilty feels so skeevy for some reason. Very robert crumb. He is most definitely a pervert and thinks feeling guilty about it will excuse that fact kek. Oops, I meant his “original character”!

No. 2097746

god why do i feel like he would expose himself to the poor middle aged woman house keeper

No. 2097747

Isabella would be the biggest fucking TERF and she'd probably post on KF too. Jaime would be on lolcow and have a dozen tumblr accounts. Angelina would be a libfem in the streets but be one of the most popular radblr blogs and she's never been termed.

No. 2097752

>Also the way he draws every character as constantly sweating and looking guilty feels so skeevy for some reason. Very robert crumb
not to derail but I thought the same. he's desperately aping the spumco look imo, very reminiscent of a (bad imitation of) John K. fitting that they're kindred pedomoids

No. 2097753

It reminds me of how obvious perverts in Hollywood play it off for goofs when everyone knows they're actually wretched sickos. But that creep peeping on girls and stealing panties is really awkward and it's adorkable you guys!

No. 2097761

how the fuck do these talentless losers get so many followers but i know all these chinese artists who draw like renaissance gods and have like 400 followers. kill social media

No. 2097768

when it comes to these age gap prison gay relationships i can only think wtf do they talk about? it can't be only coom.

ime i've seen more tifs adopt this purposefully crudely drawn art style and even make their mansonas resemble this guy's self-insert. it makes sense, women are more artistically inclined after all.

No. 2097783

File: 1741679825721.jpg (301.45 KB, 1179x1239, Glss-pCXgAANZjZ.jpg)

apparently the reddit OP is 21 years old

i refuse to believe this is real kek nobody can be clueless enough to post the pic on the right publicly, can they?

No. 2097799

you're right about the stare… terrifying.

No. 2097800

Chinese artists are cross posting to sites that are used by Chinese people more than the + nazi gendie shit pile twitter.

No. 2097806

Yes, that is indeed his last name. His first name is Landon. Not kidding either, the other farms had a thread on this guy.

No. 2097819

>two fat disgusting terminally online porn addict trannies living together
>1 pitbull and 1 german shepherd
zoophile alert
also im being traumatised by seeing the outline of right guys baby dick. seriously disturbing

No. 2097830

right? it's just the character doing mental gymnastics & lying to explain how it's ok for him to lust after a teenager

>there's nothing special but i'm taking hormones
exactly, the craziest cope yet kek. nothing special about women but trannies butcher their own bodies and off themselves for not being one

No. 2097836

>Landon Hiscock
Gabe Itch, Hugh Jass and Ben Dover have met their match

No. 2097871

I don't know what's up with zoophiles and german shepards specifically, they almost always fetishize these poor dogs

No. 2097902

Sometimes I see stuff like this and want to feel mad, but then I just lose the care because no one in the real world thinks this way and it’s cope on their part. It’s just stupid.

No. 2097903

Even if someone would be interested in this arrangement (would only ever be another moid), why would these be the pictures they choose? They both look ugly as sin and absolutely miserable.

No. 2097927

Yes, monetizeyourcat and the mood who wrote the against a gendered nightmare essay started the whole baeddel thing. MYC got ran off Tumblr as soon as he was listed as having raped a much younger tim housemate over months. It was all very squalid.

No. 2097934

File: 1741717706531.jpeg (143.25 KB, 1179x663, C8D3F328-9C4C-4DDF-A14C-17D263…)

No. 2097980

File: 1741723449196.jpg (1.28 MB, 4474x2717, troon-ebegging.jpg)

I just knew this is a tim before clicking the profile

No. 2097983

well at least he said out loud that he's a predator.

No. 2097985

jumpscare alert

No. 2098032

He couldn't even buy the actual soju from the meme?

No. 2098033

File: 1741730671672.jpeg (457.79 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_1068.jpeg)

No. 2098034

What an idiot, they couldn’t even get a uterine transplant to work in male MICE, without horrendously deformed babies and having a female mouse connected to the male to give it pregnancy hormones, and you think that they really figured out how to do it in male humans?

No. 2098038

this is the first time a tim has made my blood boil. i think i have to go take a walk jfc. i cannot believe this isn't a troll or satire

No. 2098078

If there's nothing unique or special about it why did you dedicate your life to emulating it? It's the thing you are the biggest fan of in the world. But it's not special, sure.

No. 2098082

File: 1741737048940.jpeg (288.6 KB, 1163x831, IMG_3349.jpeg)

this tranny goes to r/mtf EVERYDAY to guilttrip other troons for comments to “affirm” that he is a girl. everyone in the comments really try and force using his “desired name” in replies too, on EVERY SINGLE ONE of his posts. makes you wonder, if trannies are really the exact same as cisgirls, why do they need other people to “affirm” their gender every hour of the day?


its “nothing special” they why do they want to be us so bad? i wish i had the level of delusion of the average tranny. delusion is the only thing keeping the average tranny from killing himself

No. 2098088

I feel like TIM talking points only ever work on paper, (hence why they thrive in IT and online only) because if you touch grass and go outside even once, the difference between a man and a woman is unrefutable and exists in so many facets it is impossible to accurately describe or emulate in a single paragraph or gesture. Solely on paper you can look at reproductive systems etc, but only an autist who never goes outside (100% of TIMs) could genuinely convince themselves it is simple enough to emulate with a handful of changes.
TIMs take one, max ten, facets of a thousand and then accuse women of being reductionist when they are the ones trying to boil something extremely complex and innate down to "wig and lipstick and high voice"

No. 2098089

File: 1741737231972.png (877.73 KB, 2151x1643, Untitled605_20250311195152.png)

The pipeline of feminine guy to full on tranny is absolutely fucking grim. I cant stop laughing at these posts.

No. 2098090

this made me mad. they really live through life making up shit and hoping it sticks.

op is 14 jfc, that explains many things but man i can't help but feel a little sad. where are his parents?

No. 2098092

File: 1741737691925.gif (1.88 MB, 350x263, d79dbe365e879b42343a7b680de75e…)

What do you mean, there is literally no evidence they shouldn't have this frankstein surgery at all, what do doctors know anyway? Backwards 5th grade terf biology? Debunked by twitter, this is the future. I'm shaking in my bioessentialist boots right now out of fear of having my status as baby machine (my only worth as a woman) stolen from me, what will be of us now men can pop babies at will?

No. 2098093

i went on his tumblr and like this faggot is like “just you wait bitch until we can harvest your organs bitch women are useless” but in the same breath UM LESBIANS ACTUALLY DO WANT ME

No. 2098095

I haven't posted or read these threads for so long, there is something interesting I saw which has got media attention (like the daily mail etc) which is a woman is starting a gym in London, which is not even open yet, and it for biological women only for safety reasons.
I'm sure this has been memtioned in these threads already, can someone link me to where (if not look up Girl Spot gym on tiktok)

The gym owner has been expressing herself with such decorum and class, she is such a lady and I love how unbothered she is about the TIM screeching.
What is especially fascinating is the vast majority of comments agree with her, in all different videos I've seen by different creators.
The second best thing is in 2021 she originally promised, on Twitter, to include trans women and then changed her mind. This is definitely telling a story. This tells me she learned more on the topic and realised keeping it biological women only was best. So you can't even accuse her of being a terf, girl literally just did her research and decided against it.
Compared to the online culture of say, 2018 it feels like everyone has learned the same things documented in all these threads and come to the same conclusion. Trans women only got "welcomed" before people learned more about their behaviour, it's quite fascinating.
I clicked into one trans "girl" complaining about it and it was a 16 year old boy making boner jokes on his account, self explanatory really why he might not be welcome in a women's gym.

No. 2098096

File: 1741738155581.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1179x1715, IMG_3355.jpeg)

Just look at the HANDS on this tranny. why do they all like to dress like little girls at 40? All of the comments seem to tell him that he passes too. but no amount of airbrush filters or make-up can fix that body structure.

my bad, didnt reallly read. i really want to talk some sense into him in dms even if that meant i would get my plebbit account banned.

the r/MTF subreddit is actively grooming the kid into thinking he is a woman though. absolutely grim
sounds like a failed incel thinking being a troon would up his chances on getting girls.

No. 2098097

File: 1741738417302.png (57.35 KB, 746x323, Opera Snapshot_2025-03-11_2012…)

I find this funny because didn't they try something like IVG on two female mice and they and their babies turned out completely fine? Moids really are defective, why are they putting money into their reproductive abilities? kek

No. 2098099

Samefag, I scrolled up, apolgies for laziness

No. 2098101

its funny how incels and trannies say the same thing.
>once we figure out how to bioengineer artificial babies with artifical unteruses women will have no value!(sage your shit)

No. 2098102

Kek too bad reproduction between two women and no male is much more possible than reproduction between two males and no woman. Even if both are impossible, the males will always need the female.

No. 2098104

>I wonder would you want it to go back to the 1950s
White man refrain from threatening women for five seconds challenge: impossible level
like he literally saw he would be excluded from a gym in a different country (Only americans keep harping on about the 1950s, 50s were shit in the UK too but for different reasons) and jumped to threatening her with slavery and segregation for not bowing down to him. A man being excluded from looking at a woman's ass while she exercises has nothing to do with slavery and segregation.

No. 2098113

his username is just more agp confirmation kek

No. 2098114

To my knowledge, the only uterine transplants that have worked have been between women (obviously) and closely related women at that. (The case I'm thinking of had a mother donate her uterus to her daughter, and her daughter/daughter's husband's fertilized embryo was implanted in it. After birth, the mother's uterus was removed to avoid complications.)
Hmm, I wonder why. What could possibly be the connection? KEK

No. 2098115

File: 1741740497393.jpg (490.84 KB, 1373x2024, tumblr_91158cf7b7e5e4275cc176c…)

kekkkk look at this hon

No. 2098116

File: 1741740548018.jpg (Spoiler Image,412.42 KB, 1912x1678, tumblr_5e91d1d93c308cf4486f2f0…)

i'll post his nasty moobs too. such a gorgeous femme bod uwu

No. 2098119

File: 1741741038394.jpeg (823.35 KB, 1179x1203, IMG_3359.jpeg)

Holy shit i didnt even notice kek. I checked his profile and hes a OF “model” who spams porn. I dont know if i should catorgize “Muh gender dysporia” Trannies differently from the ones who do it for sex work. Its really sad that i cant even tell.

No. 2098121

File: 1741741232486.jpeg (376.21 KB, 758x1000, IMG_3360.jpeg)

The hands. The adams apple. The jaw. the shoulders. The manbun-esque ponytail. MY FUCKING SIDES. theres no way in hell he thinks he passes, right?
What a dad-bod. I can see why he resorts to delusional cope to keep himself from acking. Is he a full on lolcow yet or is he protected by tumblrs tranny guidelines? I want to make fun of him directly so bad(non-milk posts should be saged)

No. 2098123

File: 1741741626549.jpg (201.27 KB, 976x919, IMG_20250311_220503.jpg)

Is never too late to admit you have a porn addiction.

No. 2098124

What's the tattoo say

No. 2098126

File: 1741742074909.png (60.57 KB, 500x500, 42288796-9ac6-4d29-903b-6fbb1e…)

No. 2098129

File: 1741742270683.png (46.25 KB, 668x520, mask off.png)

male moment

No. 2098130

He looks like he's melting.
We need a FTM version of this because it's always, 100% of the time, a happy healthy woman pre transition and a sad deformed creature post transition.

No. 2098136

>escape the south
what about women who can't get abortions? is he going to do anything to help them? what does he think is going to happen

No. 2098147

this asshole is making me want to alog so bad but alas… he’s just a man, and i shouldn’t care what a man has to say. amen.

No. 2098149

I’ve actually seen a lot of women support her openly, especially black women which makes it a lot more ironic considering all the white TIMs comparing it to racial segregation. It’s also interesting that the gym’s owner used to support troons, people on Twitter are calling it indicative of the rise of conservatism. If true, the only good thing about conservatism increasing is that women are no longer afraid to exclude TIMs. It could also be that she had some bad encounters with troons and had to ban them as a result. I feel like most women have had weird encounters with troons at their jobs, especially a woman who owns a business whose clientele is also mostly women.
Even my first job in retail there was a weird troon who would come in and give all the female staff compliments (he called 15-year old me a “dark-haired maven” kek) which wouldn’t be too weird if he didn’t bring his vibrators to show off to us, talk about onlyfans and suggest we start one, and wear pins that said stuff like princess and cumslut. Troons ruin these things for themselves just by nature of being sex pests and being unable to contain it in public kek

No. 2098151

The way he overlines his lips makes him look like a scary ventriloquist dummy. That and the vaudeville blush and peanut butter foundation combo

No. 2098166

File: 1741746654941.jpg (167.23 KB, 720x1153, Screenshot_20250312_131838_Ins…)

Found this cancerous spicy straight account in the wild. The lesbian erasure content is the only thing that gets them views kek. They are absolutely desperate for attention masquerading this painted ogre as a women. https://www.instagram.com/venusandtheirmoon?igsh=Y3llMXFzOTd4M2Jw but more importantly I have yet more evidence for the case study that troons are just racist, misogynists with autogynephilia. How hard is it for these disgusting cretins to not bring up black women every chance they get? Black women do not look like men… And all the retards liking this comment are being racist without having the available brain cells to realise. Someone should actually make a bingo card for all the stereotypical shit they say. Like every time we see a tranny bring up black women, or troon out when their wife is pregnant.

No. 2098171

File: 1741747020146.jpg (167.44 KB, 720x1279, Screenshot_20250312_133423_Ins…)

Here's the moid in question who thinks he's as feminine as black women KEK

No. 2098175

I've bought this soju before and the buzz you get from drinking the whole bottle is less than 1 beer. The bottom text is just how they feel after watching anime porn while drinking, not from drinking itself.

No. 2098207

from saddest man alive to saddest man alive with moobs.

No. 2098216

File: 1741756620594.gif (570.42 KB, 498x373, bd619c1fc38e145382cb3de5bc3dc3…)

Only thing stopping my ass from a-logging is laziness and the fact that I don't use that platform hoooly shit.

They wanna talk about "living rent free in terf minds"? How can these fuckers be so readily racist, unprovoked. Can they not just leave poc women out of it holy SHIT I'm angry.(sage your shit)

No. 2098221

KEK true, they keep going completely mask off to insult women

No. 2098234

File: 1741761550006.jpg (66.33 KB, 960x1080, 1000000382.jpg)

Yes, of course they live rent-free in terf's minds. That's why they're radical feminists; they've seen the truth of how much male sexuality is posted by hatred of women, and there's no more blatant, insidious, and everpresent example than troonism.
Of course they can't stop thinking of the men constantly getting away with the worst things a human being can do, and on the off chance that they're not, being locked in cages with the women they want nothing more than to wear as a skinsuit.
Terfs can't stop thinking about troons because troons are pathological in their violent sexual obsession with children and lesbians.

No. 2098248

are you lost?

No. 2098255

Do you know what sarcasm is? She's dunking on them

No. 2098276

How do these people sleep at night? Seems like a bunch of trannies have been using muh genocide recently to get their moves funded. Meanwhile they're proudly posting their fetishes and pics online knowing full well they're not in any danger.

AGP is a hell of a drug because how tf is he posting this without realizing how ugly and freakish he looks??

No. 2098290

File: 1741785985417.jpeg (455.87 KB, 1179x1997, IMG_3366.jpeg)

This account cannot be real. Tell me im hallucinating. It has to be bait. I literally could not resist alogging this freak in anon asks.

Hes also pretending like hes "owning" the terfs by responding with actually nuh-uh!!

No. 2098291

Medusa would kill this man.

No. 2098294

File: 1741786836823.jpeg (204.91 KB, 1179x764, IMG_3367.jpeg)

I would do anything to put this dude in a rubber room and blast “You are a man.” “You will never be a lesbian” “You are a man with a porn addiction” for 24 hours a day. Maybe that will help him wake up to reality

No. 2098301

this is probably the most attention he's ever gotten in his entire life

No. 2098302

Terf is not the gotcha he thinks it is.

No. 2098303

File: 1741790206224.png (55.06 KB, 659x674, fucking retard.png)

why would you send him a link to the thread?

No. 2098304

File: 1741790372699.jpeg (104.8 KB, 1179x798, F928FC4C-E16B-4D1B-BCB2-FC52F2…)

medusahon(low effort post)

No. 2098306

The projection is palpable

No. 2098307

File: 1741791226532.jpeg (290.93 KB, 1179x1115, IMG_3371.jpeg)

he already knew about lolcow kek
the hope was that if he saw all of the people who were throwing spitballs at him he'd realize that he isnt "owning" anyone with his gotcha comments
yeah, thats why hes trying so hard to pretend that none of it is really getting to him
i wonder how long he spends telling himself that hes a lesbian and not just a straight guy with a dysfunctional dick sleeping with ugly women?
he doesnt even try to hide it LMAO(cowtipping)

No. 2098319

wtf is with their puppy dog petplay beastiality fetish all these tims have?

No. 2098320

They don't see women as people, roleplaying like their intelligence has gone down is part of the fetish, hence becoming a dumb bimbo slut or a puppy. I've seen the puppy part be used as them not wanting to go to work or school because life is stressful but at that point why not aspire to become a stay at home gf/wife instead of a puppygirl? It has to be something degrading in order to be part of womanhood to them.

No. 2098334

how is this retard using feminism in the same argument that's essentially saying tims are more exceptional than women. don't use our struggle to support your freak fetish

also, if he's arguing that women being able to give birth isn't that exceptional, why tf does he want our organs?

also, having a uterus may not be that special? well, at least i don't have to inject myself with horse piss to have weird looking boobs

No. 2098338

File: 1741797303992.jpg (135.25 KB, 1078x586, 1000029181.jpg)


Leaving the post link just in case tumblrinas in the thread feel like suibaiting this pos ballsack(encouraging cowtipping)

No. 2098339


No. 2098343

File: 1741799372104.png (194.19 KB, 736x710, Screenshot 10-02.png)

I literally save screenshots of TRA racism for sport at this point. These failed abortions and their dumb handmaidens are crying about the "rise of conservativism" while literally creating new TERFs with their creepy male behaviors on all women and obsessive racial abuse of black and brown women. No one has to be a conservative to recognize the problem with everything these people stand for.
These ones were seething at a black liberal gendie for saying their public porn addiction/incest/puppygirl RP wasn't cute.

No. 2098344

Zoomers need a lesson on what cow-tipping is I swear to God. Why would anyone send him a link to this thread knowing he'd publicly post it for his hundreds of troon and handmaiden followers to see? Some anons are so fucking retarded that it disgusts me

No. 2098345

I have no idea. It just encourages brigading and should be reported.

No. 2098349

What are they gonna do about it? So what they know about the thread, they already had victim “Im being genocided!” mentality to begin with anyway.
Fuck letting them live in ignorant bliss in their prowtected safespace.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2098350

And the retard is here >>2098307 acting proud of cow tipping? I swear to God it's so bleak how so intensely stupid some anons are. Why would she send a TROON a link to LC?
Are you that fucking stupid?

No. 2098351

Newfag, cow-tipping isn’t allowed here. We don’t want to be raided by rabid troons who want to shut this site down, like what happened to KF, and this isn’t a snark subreddit either where redditards can send their personal army to sic cows. We document milk, that’s all.

No. 2098357

>t-they target cis women now!!
And why should we care? We are still women. I get sir'd a lot because short hair + tall and I just laugh it off. I do not feel threatened by it or anything. They feel that because they are guilty.

No. 2098363

I hate that this dude is covering songs from a widely-beloved punk band (Operation Ivy) and clinging onto their fame in-between singing about his nasty cock and balls

No. 2098380

Wow, two ugly retarded neckbeards for the price of one!

No. 2098381

"Experiencing violence" does not entitle man to women's spaces, and if it were evident that TiMs were women, they wouldn't have to drill it into people's heads. People don't have to be bullied into saying that the sky is blue, because it's observably true. TWAW is a shibboleth that demands everyone deny what they see with their own eyes.

No. 2098393

According to this logic faggots and any poc man should have access to women’s spaces.

No. 2098415

why do so many tims care so much about cis women dating them, to the point it makes them violent? if "trans women are women" then just go suck eachother off about it and leave women; especially lesbians, alone. its like theyre mad that the thing they fetishize doesnt find them sexually attractive as well. the autogynephilia is so strong with this one

No. 2098420

Women also experience violence bc of penises. So maybe it would be best if both women and TiMs had our own spaces, esp since they’re now sooooo afraid of terfs. Unfortunately they have to be validated by us.

No. 2098421

Why not create a trans-only gym? Is it because men won't work for their own self-interest if they can throw tantrums and get women to do it for them?

No. 2098422

It’s weird bc imo anyone can have any dating preference they want. Genuinely, who tf cares.

No. 2098446

File: 1741830061093.png (426 KB, 1080x1490, Screenshot_20250312-213805.png)

No. 2098448

File: 1741830141157.jpg (Spoiler Image,537.07 KB, 2048x1536, Tumblr_l_275645492304227.jpg)

and here he is folks! spoilered for decency

No. 2098450

File: 1741830696807.png (287.1 KB, 1080x2229, Screenshot_20250312-214501.png)

we need a handmaid thread

No. 2098455

These faggots, like any other male, see women as resources and nothing more. Also this is a projection given that most TIMs have to resort to fucking other TIMs. The handmaiden and/or TIF having relations with them is usually entirely made up or drummed up about on social media. Most women won't touch these nasty fucks and they know it. TIMs can't do anything but cope.

No. 2098459

Women aren’t having sex with trannies in general let alone doing all that for them kek

No. 2098484

>constantly guffaws at people distinguishing when someone is amab
>also constantly refers to and singles out afabs
Rules for thee but not for me

No. 2098490

File: 1741846369602.jpg (243.06 KB, 1024x768, south-park-strong-woman-compet…)


No. 2098492

gee i wonder why lesbians aren't lining up to worship him

No. 2098493

I have a theory that Euphoria triggered him because he knows he looks bad in it and that's why he's being so weird about his """natural""" surgeries.

No. 2098494

Weird how much he's angsting over a problem he's never going to encounter kek

No. 2098495

not really, literally every incel thinks this about women. its not different just cuz this one has long hair

No. 2098496

>and a lot stronger than you
Yeah because you're a male

No. 2098497

>assumes all afabs identify as female
friendly fire!

No. 2098505

nta but that comic is very obviously pro TIM, are you slow?

No. 2098508

File: 1741852231961.jpg (95.44 KB, 1080x519, 1000047527.jpg)

to the newfag retard that alogged and cowtipped the male, never return to this website. he's now posting about joining roller derby, a female only contact sport that for at least a decade now has been aggressively infiltrated by men with womb envy. that in and of itself isn't really surprising, but he described it at such
>i am looking forward to a friendly-physical-adversarial sport that is not dominated by men who lowkey want to hurt their opponents (for some reason this is really common in basketball)
>not dominated by men
you cannot make this shit up lmao. the y chromosome carries within it a complete and total lack of self awareness. males are so cooked

No. 2098538

I haven't finished watching this gross video but his body language is so artificial and stilted that it's funny. You just know this guy practiced this shit in front of a mirror kek

No. 2098549

femininity is just playing dress up to them. they will never know what it’s like to have it forced on you whether you like it or not.

No. 2098550

Imagine a black man saying "if you're a white woman and refuse to consider me you should die, I don't care if you've been raped by a black man." And even if someone has seen a black man say this, black men as a chorus don't constantly cry about this like trannies.

No. 2098555

kek who is this for? his imaginary friends?

No. 2098568

troon grooming victim

No. 2098569

AGP speech is so distinct from faggcent in HSTS. There’s something so eerie about it that I can’t put my hands on.

No. 2098584

Even most “cis” handmaidens don’t have sex with them. Normal women don’t really want to have sex with them. It’s other gendies, so at most it would be NB women.
Why do you think they always screech about cis lesbians kek? They are not getting it.

No. 2098585

If it were true we wouldn’t even have the whole “genital preference” debate they always complain about.

No. 2098586

Being recognized as a totes real women by a true lesbian cis female is the ultimate validation.

No. 2098587

File: 1741882798579.jpeg (1.18 MB, 828x1630, IMG_2219.jpeg)

(Deafening fart sound)

No. 2098592

100% AGP porn addict.

No. 2098594

ok so you are contributing to everyday society like… everyone else??

medusahon vs. xanawastaken, who are you placing your bets on

No. 2098614

The real horror is the realisation that some men would fap to that.

No. 2098616

he was already posting about that days ago. this troon is already too mind broken to be changed in any significant way(sage your shit)

No. 2098617

File: 1741887805979.jpeg (624.78 KB, 1179x1936, IMG_3429.jpeg)

Same pornbroken male. Isnt it strange how their horsepiss pills doesnt take away their hedionistic innate male libido? Hes literally just the average man with longer hair

No. 2098618

Can’t they all just die, I’m so sick of them.

No. 2098624

>teaching myself to make sound

Does he think women scream like porn stars while masturbating? Hilarious how male they reveal themself to be.

No. 2098630

when agps do that fake girly voice and then do their normal male voice it reminds me of a skinwalker its actually so fucking creepy

No. 2098648

File: 1741892333546.jpg (283.3 KB, 1080x1900, 1000055393.jpg)

This creep just hot recommended to me. Posts exclusively about rape and incest and tranny shit

No. 2098655

File: 1741892990942.jpg (436.02 KB, 1080x1875, 1000055395.jpg)

And of course he looks like this

No. 2098661

not wanting to start an infight here, but, can we stop repeating the whole horse piss thingc since it's a blatant lie and just makes us look bad? premarin hasn't been widely used in ages, it's almost all synthesized bioidentical estradiol nowadays. drug companies aren't exactly open about what the process is, but mostly it seems to be processed from steroid compounds in yams and soy nowadays.
>t. figured this stuff out for my mom when she got prescribed estradiol patches to ease menopause symptoms and was worried about horse abuse

No. 2098662

File: 1741893882240.jpeg (89.75 KB, 1179x474, IMG_6967.jpeg)

imagine being a new mom, trying to pump breast milk at work for your infant, and you walk in on this. absolutely unhinged

No. 2098663

Horsepiss is just a colloquialism nowadays, I think it's funny.

No. 2098669

File: 1741896737271.png (959.83 KB, 720x1325, Screenshot_20250310-155902~2.p…)

IG keeps spamming me with troons. The next slide is "no, they're just treating you like a woman now". Cope

No. 2098674

what I've been seeing now implies that drag queens and crossies are inherently trans so i mena sure why not

No. 2098680

Theyre treating you like a faggot, they are homophobic and see trannies as the gayest of gay. Im not saying thats completely right or fair or whatever, but its the truth. ALOT of straight men are still hella homophobic. Thats also why "straight" men kill trannies when they get caught with them. Its not because youre a "woman", its because they cant be seen being gay

No. 2098684

And if you read the caption it says how it's affirming

No. 2098705

Males feel entitled to women's bodies and become enraged when they're told "no." They're rape apes, simple as.

No. 2098706

>desire her or go somewhere else
The first option is impossible, so I'll happily go somewhere else kek

No. 2098707

Do men think they can’t make noise during sex?

No. 2098708

Imagine if this was your son or even your coworker.

No. 2098709

>Even most “cis” handmaidens don’t have sex with them.
Exactly. The tards who gas them up in comment sections are just virtue signaling. They're TRAs in the streets, TERFs in the streets. Troons are repulsive and these handmaids are nice to them for the same reason people are nice to retards and ugly babies.

No. 2098720

Why do moids always fuck up the eyebrow slit so badly kek there’s just a massive chunk missing. Also I have yet to see a tranny with clean hair

No. 2098736

File: 1741912556487.jpeg (597.61 KB, 1170x1080, IMG_7185.jpeg)

I swear the majority of this troon’s comics are about watching porn or jerking off. It has to be the combination of being a sex pest and having the humor of a 14 year old boy. Actually a 14 year old boy would be way funnier than him

No. 2098739

That dramatic pose, it's like a renaissance painting. It's capturing the exact moment the moid realizes he's gonna have to dilate forever as punishment for his hubris of trying to imitate and mock nature's perfection.

No. 2098743

I don't get it.

No. 2098744

i believe that he's implying that straight porn is more tame compared to whatever other kind of freak shit he usually goons it to. definitely not the flex that he thinks it is kek

No. 2098747

File: 1741917883623.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1179x2039, IMG_7622.jpeg)

Bluesky is the home app for trannies topkek, at least he realizes he looks like a man.

No. 2098765

File: 1741929085016.png (8.54 MB, 2480x2967, 4xzvucerld471.png)

I swear these white AGP failmale "puppygirl" types are clones. Why do they all have the exact same personality and obsessive fetishes??

No. 2098775

first time he didn't draw them with their dicks out in months kek

No. 2098780

Unironically yes. The male protagonists in porn are often silent because they'd interrupt the "immersion" otherwise and way too many are incapable of grasping how porn isn't a 1:1 depiction of real life

No. 2098791

20%? That’s being generous kek

No. 2098792

File: 1741945223722.jpg (47.66 KB, 1179x750, 1741923603163710.jpg)

Been seeing a lot of these "former gifted child" shit from TIMs lately.

If you spend a lot of time on the internet like me, you'd probably already know that the
>i too wuz a gifted kid who then became medicore, probably cause of society or something
shtick is a common trope among communities whose demographics are made up primarily of autistic white male failsons. Ranging wildly from incels, to alt-righters, to capital-G gamers who don't shower.
It's obvious to everyone at first glance that TIMs are mostly made up of this exact demographic, but here's even more proof if you needed it lol.

No. 2098800

I feel like everyone on the fucking internet thinks they are a "former gifted child".

No. 2098803

it is a genuine blind spot in education, like, mostly for just kids who are bright but have ADHD or whatever, where you never learn study skills and then fail hard in uni. but most of these ppl weren't even that, they weren't that 'gifted' to begin with, just nerds who didn't ever gain the necessary social skills to live their lives in the first place and then they troon out and get isolated even more and just become hikineets. most of the actual former gifted kids end up finding ways to progress in life without being good at studying, they tend to quickly ascend in whatever career they end up in.

No. 2098809

File: 1741948527230.mp4 (15.8 MB, 720x1280, 1ada9f42e3e34872bbd749f6e085f5…)

an entire joke during a comedy set revolving around sissy hypno gooner shit

No. 2098813

>don't just lay there and expect your partner to take initiative!
>let me lay there while you take the initiative!
so he wants his partner to do everything during sex while he does nothing? how is this not just normal male sexuality?

No. 2098820

Yep, I feel like this isn't talked about enough, but the vast majority of "transphobia" is repackaged homophobia.

No. 2098822

I feel like these "gifted kids" are actually spoiled brats whose boymoms applauded them for doing bare minimum and called them geniuses. Then the real world hit them with being mediocre and never having worked for their goals. Makes sense for these types to be prone for trooning out because they still have that entitlement and boosted confidence from childhood. "Dysphoria" is also an excuse for being a loser as a teen/young adult.

No. 2098823

I hope the entire audience googles the bambi shit and peaks.

No. 2098866

The completely silent room is what makes me laugh. The joke that troon set up was nowhere near funny and I hope he's too embarrassed to perform next time lmao

No. 2098870

File: 1741969125652.jpeg (534.11 KB, 1170x2097, IMG_1695.jpeg)

This is why I find the HSTS trannies as shitty as the AGP ones. These scrotes all need to DIE.

No. 2098874

HSTS troons hate TIFS in a very particular way, kind of in a "I'm womaning better than you" way. AGPs also hate TIFs but out of jealousy. They hate women so much, there will never be a sense of camaraderie between troons no matter how much they try to meme it into existence

No. 2098876

this guy is fat and completely obsessed with actual women.
also gross that 'fish' is apparently a slang term for afab(this is an imageboard)

No. 2098879

I hope to hear from him after he has gotten his stinkditch installed.

No. 2098880

Most gifted kids are just autistic children, as autistic children develop extremely fast mentally for the first few years of their life, then around 10 years old, if they don't have the Albert Einstein Ted Kaczynski high IQ autism they begin to fall significantly behind their peers because they didn't realize school is something you actually have to try at and they're too autistic to change their habits.
Believing that becoming a woman will solve your problems and male autism tends to go hand in hand.

No. 2098883

File: 1741971541960.png (90.04 KB, 744x846, hysterical fag.png)

this guy's whole account is just queer theorizing (fart sniffing) and whining that nobody appreciates the beautiful and tragic trans kweenies kek. https://x.com/nesiaprincesss/status/1507922393825652741 curiously he's said nothing about terfs

No. 2098886

Oh… He's one of those faggots who call women "fish". You can probably guess why. The womb envy is so real

No. 2098887

File: 1741972653881.jpeg (800.59 KB, 1290x1432, IMG_3195.jpeg)

My sister in law added me to a support/advice group for women on facebook, however they let trannies in the group and now I get to see shit like this as soon as I open the app. They love to shove their bulges and fake tits in women’s faces so much. A support group of 50k (mostly) women and he thinks this is the perfect place to show off his bulge.

No. 2098889

File: 1741973317384.jpeg (147.69 KB, 1163x362, IMG_1696.jpeg)

Woman is when no hair, smell good and have boobs. And they say that we are the one being “bio essentialists” kekkk.
Dude you were and still are a porn addict cross dresser, you have no experience of being a woman whatsoever. Hope he ropes.

No. 2098891

Never ever ever stop reminding them that pussy only ever smells like fish due to the putrescine, spermine, and cadaverine in jizz reacting to the natural female flora, something he will never have in his weird ballsack flayed colon and/or penis. On the rare occasion he could find a chaser to pump his scrote hole before either trooning out themselves or murdering him in gay panic, it will only ever smell like belly button lint and the spermine stench his male body still always excrete, if he's lucky, or if he's unlucky, like shit and a rotting carcass.
Women stop stinking like men after a shower, unlike this thing.

No. 2098894

>I also like smelling like coconut and vanilla
Scrotes are so retarded. Do they think we naturally smell like vanilla?? What is stopping a scrote from wearing vanilla perfume? They are so braindead

No. 2098895

Apparently he is married

No. 2098897

> belly button lint
Kek nonna. This was really detailed.

No. 2098901

>nearly non-existent body hair
I love being a hairy woman tbqh and weirdly enough my body hair makes me feel more feminine. Women are meant to be hairy bc we’re mammals. I hate men.(blogposting)

No. 2098902

If bro thinks the kind of shit that exists in straight porn is “tame”, he should just go ahead and 41

No. 2098905

Wtf is THAT why he was calling women fish? Mine has never smelled like such a thing, in fact in often smells sweet because my diet is extremely citrusy, something he'd never be able to comprehend because there's no way a wound would change it's scent due to what's happening in the body, a wound just festers and rots which is why he feels the need to argue about shitty smells down there, because it's all he'll ever know or understand about it.(blogposting)

No. 2098909

File: 1741977234608.mp4 (4.64 MB, 754x872, 20250314_133020.mp4)

i recorded it because it was too much for a single screenshot or collage. holy shit the obsession, it seems like he calls regular non tif women fish too.

No. 2098911

AYRT and fucking kek same, the audience looks relatively normie too and I guarantee the only people in the audience who even got it were his troon friends. It’s hardly even a joke, the punchline is a niche porn thing and then a light turning on to ‘hypno’ and ‘bimbofy’ the audience of normal people. They make themselves look bad for us.

No. 2098915

File: 1741978180317.jpeg (97.48 KB, 1179x1232, IMG_8338.jpeg)

I really need to study these creatures psychologically . I believe these people genui know what they are doing because all that troon privilege and protection is really starting to make these troons and handmaidens very bold that they’re now saying the most outrageous shit that would make a klan member blush. I’m sure there are black women who support troons too so I wonder how they would feel about these insults said by their white liberal “friends”.

No. 2098917

File: 1741978210773.jpeg (34.31 KB, 852x230, IMG_8337.jpeg)

No. 2098932

File: 1741981089943.jpg (21.3 KB, 720x533, Tumblr_l_14734212084993.jpg)

>Hitlerous AGP Rapehon

No. 2098944

him breathing directly into the mic makes me cringe so bad

No. 2098946

fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. Worthless pig

No. 2098948

File: 1741984062687.png (137.03 KB, 498x526, a_cool_meme.png)

No. 2098949

Looks like troons are really invested in ruining their image after not getting handed everything on a silver platter for butchering themselves. Classic.

No. 2098962

Should've changed the username, pfp and handle while you're at it.

No. 2098964

Nta but its accurate most troons are nazis

No. 2098974

File: 1741988578657.mp4 (14.4 MB, 720x1280, 9727e6b725884899a385e76a1a1e2e…)

No. 2098976

He got the "I have to settle for steroid pussy because of my ugliness and unchecked chronic porn addiction" phenotype.

No. 2098985

Don't get me wrong, it's not the smell of a healthy vagina, it's from men's putrescent goo wreaking havoc on our dissimilar ph'd genitals. Sometimes when a woman gets an infection, there will be a fishy odor, but in these times it's rare in the first world. But HSTS hate us coz they ain't us so. They think their non self-cleaning poopholes are preferable haha

No. 2098992

literally admitting to trooning out because he was a failmale lol lmao

No. 2098995

men referring to boobs as "perky" makes me want to gouge out my eyes

No. 2098996

the deep voice caught me off guard. but st the same time i really dont think it should because most of these skinwalkers sound exactly like that
he sounds like a creepy pred ew

No. 2099000

I have absolutely no shame in "reducing womanhood to a vagina" because I have known countless women throughout my life and the only thing we all had in common was our sexual organs. Any other attempt at classifying us is purely stereotype based.

No. 2099001

porn-addicted smelly hairy moid with broad shoulders, easily identifiable jawline
porn-addicted smelly hairy moid with broad shoulders, easily identifiable jawline BUT WITH A WIG

im dying to see how this scrote actually looks. i just know he doesnt “smell like vanilla” and is “slim and smooth”

No. 2099003

File: 1741994296794.jpeg (538.24 KB, 1179x1441, IMG_3511.jpeg)

I hate troons and everyone who protects them and supports their delusions so goddamn much. The audacity to even consider themselves even remotely similar to women to be able to experience period cycles when they have NO OVARIES is so baffling to me.

No. 2099009

They are thinking of the cycle as one week and not the whole month kek

No. 2099010

Fucking hell lmao it's the specifity that gets me… thinking they can identify days of their 'cycle' when they don't bleed or ovulate or have literally any body part involved in the cycle? The enable each others self-deception and blatant lies with zero shame, they MUST fucking know they're just in a roleplaying forum with a bunch of other male larpers right??

No. 2099022

No the larping thing doesnt make sense. Because larpers BE the part, With no mention of the true selves. They know at the end of the day its for fun and they arent really a wizard, but goddamn if they wont do as much research and media consumption they can to play that part good. They give a fuck and have passion and sparkle in their eyes. It maybe retard autist sparkle but atleast it isnt dull, dead fish coomer eyes….
These men are constantly reffering to the fact that they know they cant have periods through their choice of words. These are AGP phrased sentences.
"Omg i just got my period.. ugh"
"Me too , day two for me, only one more day… hopefully"
Would be good acting/larping
"Uhm, do men pretending to be women get periods?"
"Not really but you can pretend since we can mimick two or three of the symptoms through estrogen injection and gaslighting."
"Ah okay good, because i keep getting a boner because of it and i know its just my gender euphoria, god i love ripping off real women."
"Same bro, idk that cycles are 30 days long so i am on day two out of three apperently."
Is male trannies being fucking retarded, oblivious, uneducated rape apes. Its just for the coom. May they all 41%.

No. 2099027

File: 1741998939338.jpeg (862.46 KB, 1179x1978, IMG_3516.jpeg)

Obviously if the r/mtf subreddit was called “A place for men to roleplay as women” it would take them out of their escapist circlejerk hugbox delusions
Based. Effiminate delusional scrotes dont actually want periods because they have no idea how they actually feel, they want them because its a blaring reminder that they will never be women. they’ll never have to take advil or tynynol because of a pulsing headache or annoying cramp, theyll never have to rush to CVS because they ran out of pads in the middle of the night, Theyll never sigh in relief when a restaurant bathroom has a female sanitary napkin despenser, theyre just men in wigs and they know they cant truly skinwalk and play pretend being real women on their period
>May they all 41%.
amen. a-fucking-men.

No. 2099032

>that cycle gets activated in the brain region responsible for it
just wrong. you'd think for ppl so obsessed with their bodies they'd actually learn about them. estrogen is produced primarily by the ovaries, secondly by the adrenal glands which are on top of your kidneys. no part of your brain produces or cycles your estrogen.

No. 2099033

Sage for blogposting; finally ripped the band aid off & stopped talking to my troon friend because he literally thinks he is literally female now. Even he wasn’t so retarded to think he got a period.(blogposting)

No. 2099036

Good riddance nona, he was probably studying you anyway

No. 2099040

>imposter syndrome
>(the last vestiges of logic)
kek i hate them

No. 2099046

I think he's referring to the brutal raping they're giving their pituitary and thyroid glands, which they call "second puberty," but you're still absolutely right.

No. 2099061

These fucking lying ass delusional mother fuckers. I am so sick of these nasty fetishizing moods.

No. 2099105

Genuinely wish they'd stop using imposter syndrome wrong. They literally ARE imposters, it's not some illogical thing, it's the very definition of imposter.

No. 2099107

Men have a monthly hormone cycle too, so sick of these dudes insisting their Irritable Male Syndrome is a real period. No blood, no period, simple as.

No. 2099109

The hormones they're putting into their bodies at regular intervals don't have monthly "cycles". They're injecting the same amount every week consistently. These people are such morons.

No. 2099123

File: 1742047798246.jpeg (914.96 KB, 1388x1620, IMG_2216.jpeg)

Exactly. They think putting estrogen into a male body = any of what is actually occurring during a woman’s monthly cycle when really they’re just having diarrhea and mood swings from putting estrogen into a male body.

No. 2099136

NTA and also saging for blogposting, a had a moid friend who suddenly trooned out after i met him who suddenly started copying exactly how i acted, how i texted, and how i dressed. like on some genuine skin walker stalker shit. hes still doing it to this day and it makes me sick.(blogging)

No. 2099140

File: 1742052148448.jpeg (1022.18 KB, 1179x1895, IMG_3528.jpeg)

More period faker milk. hate how this skinwalking troon talks.
>which, slay <3
>like, babe,
>xoxo gossip girl <3 (he said this at the end kf the post but it cut off)
like shut the fuck up. and referring to cis women as “other girls”

absolutely this.
>Hmm, suddenly after i inject my body with chemical horse piss needles im throwing up and experiencing extreme diarrhea and discomfort
it reminds me of that south park mr garrisons new vagina episode. fiction imitates reality

No. 2099148

imagine injecting yourself into incontinence and having the nerve to say it’s ‘affirming’ or like a period tf? You should go to the doctor and pick up some adult diapers while you’re at it since pissing yourself isn’t the only problem that’ll come your way from injecting hormones lmao

No. 2099149

Has any woman actually ever asked a tranny for a pad or use one given by them? If a hulking AGP offered me a pad I would be scared he ejaculated in it already and would throw it straight into the garbage. "Being a good Samaritan" they are so delusional.

No. 2099154

Wtf… is that what theyre refering to when they say they get "wet" and "leak". It's crazy how they get these health problems "I'm getting brainfog, my spine is getting shorter, I can't open jars anymore, I'm leaking… am I turning into a hot sexy bimbo?!"

No. 2099164

File: 1742059407797.jpeg (570.22 KB, 1179x1144, IMG_3537.jpeg)

There is so much wrong with this post.
>Troon in womens bathroom
>"Cis girl" not being able to identify a troon (it is painfully obvious due to their shoulders and jaw shape)
>Troon literally CRYING at the thought of tampons
>If the poster was actually a real woman, they felt ashamed and thought about the interaction all day for hurting the troons fees fees
>1.8k updoots from trannies saying that they would be crying happy tears if a real woman thought they "passed" enough to be casually asked for a fucking sanatiary napkin

No. 2099166

File: 1742059549837.jpeg (811.04 KB, 1179x1097, IMG_3538.jpeg)

Samefag, this is the state of the comments lmao. I cant.

No. 2099168

Jesus Christ what a load of absolute bullshit. You really have to have the most spoiled boring life ever if this seems like a big deal yet they’re raving about how significant and emotional it is.

No. 2099169

File: 1742059710035.png (163.43 KB, 1871x960, smellytranny.png)

ntayrt, i found moid who thinks he's on his period because he smells like rotten flesh and blood and he has ass pains. everyone is telling him to go see a doctor but he keeps doubling down on it being his period kek.

No. 2099170

Why are they telling him? They should nod along and let him learn the hard way kek

No. 2099176

this is why im actually pro-dickchop because if troons dont kill themselves fast enough, atleast that irreversible wound will

No. 2099180

God no. What woman would? How often do they even think that happens, anyway? Most women are prepared, these men just live in a fantasy world.

No. 2099181

>what does it smell like then?
Wouldn't you like to know.

No. 2099196

Nona, I regret to inform you that when they talk about getting wet, they're referring to oozing pre-cum, it's something that started from sissy porn (shocker!) when the moid is in a constant, disgusting state of arousal from a chastity cage. It reminds them of female arousal, but all I can think of is whenever you put a starface sticker on a whitehead and it collects all the sebum your pustule slowly leaks throughout the day.

No. 2099215

File: 1742065787541.jpeg (226.35 KB, 1179x781, IMG_3545.jpeg)

This. execept they call it "euphoria” instead of “arousal” from wearing womens panties. calling it arousal reminds them too much of their scrote coomer porn addiction

No. 2099225

yeah he just hates the female sex

No. 2099230

typical faggot

No. 2099247

>The transgender movement reifies gender essentialism and I get off on it
Yeah, we know

No. 2099250

File: 1742076220148.jpg (61.76 KB, 838x720, Troon.jpg)

How is it possible that this troon "passed" in the serie. Only a closet homo wanted to sleep with him.(sage your shit)

No. 2099257


No. 2099268


Speaking as someone who has had to go on estrogen to regulate pmdd symptoms it makes me incandescent with rage to imagine mtfs fantasizing about this shit (Sage for blogpost)

No. 2099271

File: 1742081131515.png (446.92 KB, 584x628, retard.png)

grown ass man who calls himself a girl thinks a book critiquing trans shit is pedophilic. classic troon behaviour

No. 2099272

Kill them all.

No. 2099273

File: 1742081620327.jpeg (281.27 KB, 1170x1391, IMG_1704.jpeg)

I love it when lesbians aren’t harmed.
Tranny gets rejected by bihet and her fetishistic husband because the scrote wants a real lesbian kekkk.

No. 2099274

File: 1742081717964.jpeg (206.43 KB, 1170x1814, IMG_1705.jpeg)

Full because it’s even more hilarious.

No. 2099275

File: 1742081793384.jpeg (433.26 KB, 1170x1996, IMG_1706.jpeg)

I thought everyone wanted to fuck trannies though? Why the sudden tantrum when he has tons of options?
>biologically I am a woman
Your penis says no Lilith

No. 2099280

The coverart is just of a little girl who's not sexualised at all,the fact his first thought looking at the cover is of pedophilla says alot,love when troons self report on themselves(integrate)

No. 2099281

SO many people have tried the "aren't you bi anyway" shit on me, telling me to "think about where my bias comes from" like men aping women isn't terrifying on a lizard brain level. Like we're supposed to be into a Frankenstein amalgamation of the two sexes.
They're so infuriated by any language used to differentiate them from us. "Buhhhh I'm a biological woman too terf bigot"

No. 2099283

TIMs saying this and then go praise lolislop like Onimai and gushing over magical girls

No. 2099284

LMAO hooly fuck thank you for this milk nona
the insant cope paragraph after the first person was trying to be nice
and him thinking his horsepiss pills makes him an actual biological woman not even other troons are this retarded. & he must have been so easy to clock
he probably repeats these phrases in the mirror everyday and says it to people thinking itll make him believe it more
it has to be satire i want to a-log this troon so hard
i wonder how that lady responded
i would have told him to 41% and he should get off bumble if he wants a long term relationship because will inevitably be dead in 3 years

No. 2099287

File: 1742083481734.jpeg (978.85 KB, 1179x1864, IMG_3560.jpeg)

samefagging, apparently this is what that troon looks like (found off his account janny)
him using the blanket to try and hide his broad shoulders KEKKKK

No. 2099288

All that determines your sex is hormones? Better not get a pituitary gland issue…

No. 2099290

Kek me and my friends bought the bottle with the intention of us all doing shots… we had to go out to buy more alcohol since it did nothing(blog)

No. 2099291

Lol at the intentional framing of his oger shoulders under that black jacket, you can see his arms and shoulders are much larger and longer in the second pic haha

No. 2099292

Please don't, this is legit a jumpscare

No. 2099293

what the hell is this new idea that your sex is determined by hormones? absolute insane cope

No. 2099294

Lol it sounds like he's describing himself having explosive diarrhea

No. 2099295

File: 1742086367955.jpeg (71.28 KB, 750x520, IMG_9965.jpeg)

>sonadow shipper
Are troons trying to skinwalk fujotifs now I hate when moids try to get involved in fandom discourse wars go die in an actual war instead kek

No. 2099301

File: 1742087683868.jpeg (741.7 KB, 1284x2022, IMG_5133.jpeg)

Sadly,this isn’t my first time seeing a tranny sexualize the cover.Except ot was from a tif by the name of monstrostooth/clownstongue.Trannies are so pornsick,projecting their shit onto an unassuming picture of a child and seeing nothing wrong with it.TTD cannot come soon enough.(integrate)

No. 2099304

>can't wait til she's old enough for a nice christian boy to blow a load in her
disgusting beyond words

No. 2099308


No. 2099318

>mentally ill people will never be erased. we're everywhere
ok? we know

>xoxo gossip girl <3 (he said this at the end kf the post but it cut off)
wtf kekk they're so retarded

just in case anyone was still doubting that the pedophilia accusations were just projection on his part

No. 2099326

this is such a disgusting weird thing to even think, let alone type out a tweet of and send, what the fuck?

No. 2099327

File: 1742099527854.jpeg (169.14 KB, 2048x1058, IMG_8289.jpeg)

No. 2099335

>Like we're supposed to be into a Frankenstein amalgamation of the two sexes.
This kek. I like both men and women, not delusional men who call their ED penis a clit or women who think they’re men , they are both gross and disturbing.
Being in bed with a TIP sounds like a nightmare.
These retards think that bi people have no excuse to refuse them, it’s so rapey.

No. 2099342

File: 1742111595108.jpg (370.38 KB, 1080x1487, 1000047611.jpg)

discovered this dude deep in the comments of a (bafflingly grim) post on the 4bmovement subreddit. comment features an epic style deboonk from resident deadbeat dadtran ErinInTheMorning and was posted, going by context clues, in response to stats about MTF crime rates. the scrotum stench wafting from this wannabe OSINT cornball is truly something to behold

No. 2099344

File: 1742111814045.jpg (414.75 KB, 1080x1629, 1000047606.jpg)

here he is fighting the good fight. on one hand I want to a-log bc fuck this greasy woman hater in particular. on the other hand, the cyber vigilante larp is too hilarious to get angry at. the caricature of it all. eat ur heart out unicorn riot

No. 2099369

I guess no other issue form of discrimination or hate is as important to silence than saying a man can’t become a woman. This is actually pathetic, how do they justify the fact that all the public subs frequently lockdown, ban, and call out any “transphobia”. Anymore than that and you’re asking to control indivduals… Very fascist for someone who supposedly hates restriction and rules.

No. 2099378

I'm more appalled by the fact this girl is basically letting her husband having a harem of trannies and women lol the absolute state of women

No. 2099383

File: 1742128504514.jpeg (439.84 KB, 1170x2153, IMG_9763.jpeg)

Stolen from kf
>I expected more from her
>And anger at her for what she's putting me thorough
Just 41% already, they are so selfish

No. 2099390

Based woman, she did so well.
These retards shackle women in marriages and then troon out , even with their wives heavily pregnant. They turn their life 180 degrees and expect their spouses to just accept it.
Narcissistic abusive scrotes, they all need to die.

No. 2099392

It's such stereotypical male behavior as well. Pure moid entitlement to think that just because a woman married you, she becomes an object that you can mistreat and emotionally abuse through your degeneracy and she has no right to leave because "she muh wife".

No. 2099395

Troon on Troo(n) Crime kek

>Troon in polycule kills other troon

>murderer troon pulls gun on investigating officers and gets shot and killed by officers
Kekkerino, defo recommend this fabulous watch to farmers.

No. 2099397

Polite sage, nonna, but I think the bio woman thing is for her not him. Her poly partner (husband) is not comfortable with her dating bio men but is fine with other women. It's a pretty classic setup for poly spicy straights. He isn't threatened by women stealing his wife.

She's so brave to stand her ground and deal with this. Absolutely the only way women should deal with these troons. Deny, dissolve, and divorce. Wives just turn into an ego stroke for their totally lesbian relationships. They cease to be a marriage but simply a vessel for the lesbian LARP kink.

No. 2099406

>44 MTF
i already know he looks fucking hideous lmao but i dont understand why middle aged men would troon out, especially if they have a wife and/or kids, thats the most masculine thing you could have, providing for your family, and you just wisk it away? i know older men arent as suspectable to the woke gen z grooming so why? and they will never even remotely “pass” since their body is filled with testosterone

No. 2099409

File: 1742135210156.jpeg (1 MB, 1179x1742, IMG_3564.jpeg)

samefag, i found what the troon looked like, not even an ai “faceapp” with caked on makeup could mask his defined ass jaw, stubble and chin crack lmao. you know he looks absolutely hideous and gets jumpscared by his own reflection the mirror each morning
>They cease to be a marriage but simply a vessel for the lesbian LARP kink.
also this

No. 2099410

File: 1742135421463.jpeg (1000.6 KB, 1179x1548, IMG_3566.jpeg)

the trans timeline faceapp subreddit is a gold mine kek

>0 likes, 0 comments
what a dumb troon, who does he think he is? what a plain ass fucking narcissist, atleast he gave me some subreddits that arent filled to the brim with effeminate skinwalkers

No. 2099415

It disturbs me how they just assume the wife to be an accessory to their fetish. Like the very act of her resisting and leaving him is putting the troon through a lot when he threw his life away to cosplay and masturbate full time. I'm disturbed at the thought of having an intimate partner of 18 years troon out. Glad she left him, hope the kids are okay.
keking at how you can tell they are ugly middle aged men even with faceapp

No. 2099418

>>i know older men arent as suspectable to the woke gen z grooming so why?
That aside, the majority of trannies were always pornsick "het"moids from the 90s and 00s making their own websites and forums where they spoke about their sissy porn fetishes and called themselves crossdressers, these ones are much the same.

No. 2099420

No one believes me when I say facetune shit has destroyed scrotes even worse than girls. I've seen troons, as in plural, more than one, who never looked in the mirror from the neck up. Using anything but their phone for that made them "dysphoric."

No. 2099423

The video is already unavailable

No. 2099426

I never understand why they expect the wife to change when I imagine in most cases she's a heterosexual so even if she saw him as an honest and true woman she still wouldn't want to be with him.

No. 2099427

I truly think that women need to start beating their husbands more because what is this bullshit.

No. 2099428

Nonna before all this the trannies used to be all middle aged scrotes. It’s not new. It’s scrotes who are having a mid life crisis combined with porn addiction.

No. 2099430

The “I expected more from her” makes me seethe. Hope she drains him for all the money he’s worth.

No. 2099431

wait, i never noticed that little innuendo, he talks like someone who is narcissistic, controlling and abusive. if i was the wife i would do anything to humiliate him and ruin his life. what a freak(sage your shit)

No. 2099437

You need to open it in actual YouTube nonna….

No. 2099439

>marry a guy when he's 26
>go through almost two decades of life
>having kids
>seeing them grow up
>having good times and bad times
>one day
>both of you are now middle aged with kids and a stable life
>he decides to destroy everything for his fetish
this is really terrifying
how could he think she could ever trust him, if he had hidden this from her for their entire relationship? that deception alone is enough reason to cut contact, let alone the whole being a tranny thing. good for her for standing up for herself and her children!

No. 2099442

God I think I would fucking Ronnie McNutt myself with a shotgun if this happened to me. The trans widows are way more resilient than I could ever dream of being, gotta stay strong for the kids I guess.

No. 2099443

Ur all really mean y are u mad

No. 2099444

Same people who say muh media literacy when something like poor things is criticized for having pedophilic undertones. Or who would defend that stwaberry milk tranny for drawing child porn.

No. 2099446

20 year old scrotes (not on hrt)living off liberal boomer parents

Anime posters
IKEA shark
Sex toys
Like one item of makeup

These troons really do write the jokes about themselves

No. 2099448

More like Gen X, not boomers. Gen Xers are on par with millennials with how virtue signaly and liberal they can get. It's either that or straight up trumpers.(sage your shit, newfag)

No. 2099457

>gets shot and killed by officers
this isn't true, she pulls the gun and shoots herself. you can hear the officer say it's not an officer involved shooting and that no officers fired their weapons

No. 2099458

These women should be able to sue because these scrotes enter into relationships while knowing that they are trannies, they simply wait for the perfect moment when their spouses are vulnerable, either when they are pregnant or after many years of marriage and kids. They literally think “anyways she’s in too deep now, she’ll accept my true woman self” while completely dismissing the feelings of these women, for them you HAVE to accept it and you also have to affirm them and teach them how to “woman” and obviously state that they’ve always been women and that you secretly knew it. If you leave they’ll shit on you and smear your reputation by calling you a transphobe.’This is plain abuse, these scrotes need to die.

No. 2099459

And the funniest thing is that they have always acted like useless men kek.
>Never did any chore
>threw the bulk of childcare to the woman
>were selfish
TIMs never become women because they admire women or because they’ve had a prominent female figure in their life that deeply inspired them, it’s always sissy porn with these retards.

No. 2099460

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Kek nonnas. I wish they truly killed themselves after threatening it, life would be good.
Trannies love saying that a uterus and a period don’t necessarily make you a woman(agree , you just need to be female), but they always screech about how “not women” they feel each time. They really always move goalposts.
It’s just like the tranny paradox, everyone wants to fuck him, but somehow he’s always busy complaining about people and their transphobic genitalia preference.

No. 2099473

File: 1742146385740.gif (20.35 KB, 220x294, huh.gif)

>I expected more from her
What more did he expect? No joke, the biggest thing that I think is overlooked is that these men never view their wives as people. Never have, and probably never will. Their wives are props, machines to fulfill a subservient purpose thus they never know anything about them. Wanna know how I know? Because how can you spend EIGHTEEN YEARS with another woman and somehow not know whether or not she would be fine with you trooning out? Or trannies in general, even? How can you wait so long? How can you upend your wife's entire perception of you and her life with you in one single moment and think that she'll just say
> "Tee-hee, whatever you say dear!"
Like, what level of self-awareness and lack of tact do you have to do this and somehow expect anything more than an instantaneous divorce? You've literally killed not only yourself in front of her, but her memories of you being sincere, and her future with you. No joke, these men are lucky that women can be such passive cows because I feel like in a different universe where the roles are reversed this would be grounds for full blown family annihilation.
>I feel such guilt
>And anger
This especially clues me in to how he views her, zero sympathy and pure narcissism that he has to admit that he's guilty to save face but still put the blame on her for not rolling over. He didn't lose anything, he gave it up because he's a fucking retard.

No. 2099478

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A tranny happy because he broke off a family, disgusting behavior.

No. 2099479

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No. 2099482

Laughing at the troon saying he’s not interested after getting directly turned down kek he’s mad
“I didn’t wanna fuck you anyways bitch!!!!!” Is such a moid moment

No. 2099536

Classic story of violent men causing suffering upon mentally ill but devoted women.

No. 2099541

At least the fiancé got free kek, only silver lining.
These scrotes are the same as the faggots who go with downlow men (at the end of the day they’re truly the same kekk), they’ll gloat and gloat yet they’re simply a quick and easy fuck, ready to be hidden once it’s all done. It’s embarrassing.

No. 2099550

File: 1742154884929.jpeg (348.05 KB, 1170x1147, IMG_1716.jpeg)

Everyday I become more transphobic , when is the transgenocide coming? Because I’m not seeing shit other than the retards getting their documents rectified.

No. 2099552

File: 1742154980137.jpeg (228.87 KB, 1165x1437, IMG_1717.jpeg)

>I have no idea what is going on with my body
It’s your Y acting up retard. Somehow every single person with a DSD seems to be trans , and so many of them have Swyer too? 2+2 isn’t four in this case.

No. 2099554

>the period chemicals

No. 2099563

im glad i didnt read your description, i wasnt expecting the tranny to shoot himself in the head while being interviewed. fucking crazy

No. 2099565

samefag but kek i just fucking knew that tranny wanted to kill the other one because he was socially retarded and put 0 effort into transitioning. pure comedy.

No. 2099566

the other thing that gets me is that for women our estrogen levels are at their LOWEST during their period but these morons think popping estrogen and getting intestinal spasms = period!

No. 2099568

>Crying about not being able to receive birth control
Holy fuck i want to scream in this trannies face that he is a fucking man with a dick until he kills himself(sage your shit)

No. 2099569

i suppose i'm being too optimistic if i'm hoping at least SOMEONE in the comments called him out for this, and it wasn't all just handmaidens/fellow troons validating his ego trip?

No. 2099577

Theyve created a pervasive stereotype that estrogen is the magical girl juice that creates all the girly stereotypical traits and circlejerk the placebo. I swear it's leaked into other places online. You never hear them talking about how estrogen affects the immune system or anything like that.

No. 2099578


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2099594

He's literally aping Meg Griffin lmao there's truly no woman they won't skinwalk

No. 2099596

File: 1742162459677.jpg (262.17 KB, 540x720, 1000000511.jpg)

I was gonna go with this noted archeologist and army veteran

No. 2099600

File: 1742162977477.png (73.97 KB, 572x508, 220553.png)

late but i remembered the time he posted a selfie before trooning out and when people made fun of how he looked he was like "well akshually i'm ugly on purpose and not insecure at all!" kek

No. 2099605

I wonder if he would still laugh about being compared to buffalo bill.

No. 2099629

Nooo nona, not Buster skinwalking Rita kekkk

No. 2099630

We need a thread for this faggot already. It's well overdue.

No. 2099633

My gyno who I get my birth control from
Is this another one of those "I have a hormonal imbalance" euphemisms troons like to use? Like is this just a retarded cover for "the doctor I get hormones from" or has he somehow actually managed to find a doctor who'd prescribe birth control to a man? Because I don't think there's a doctor on earth who would actually prescribe birth control pills to someone with "normal testes". He HAS to be schizo posting.

No. 2099640

Ehh I don’t know if he’s milky enough. All he does is post his ugly selfies and his unfunny sex pest humor comics.
Actually I wanted to see how many of his comics were about porn and/or jerking off and I counted 7/10 of his most recent ones. But besides having a massive following for some reason he’s your run of the mill porn addict who had a mid life crisis and trooned out.

No. 2099664

Hes probably going to ack soon anyway, so it wont even be long term(sage your shit)

No. 2099678

File: 1742172920205.jpeg (158.51 KB, 1179x828, IMG_7018.jpeg)

do people actually believe this? outside of tranny hugboxes?

No. 2099679

File: 1742173039506.jpeg (355.56 KB, 1153x2048, IMG_7019.jpeg)

this is “michelle” btw

No. 2099690

The Nazi purges, to my understanding, started as most facist regimes do with political rivals and dissidents in the government, not troons.

No. 2099692

Micheal is totally going to rope holy shit
Scrotes who troon out in their 40s just look like goblins HRT or not. All i see is a man in a wig wearing a sweatshop aliexpress “dress”.
Its clearly fetishy too.(sage your shit)

No. 2099713

File: 1742183794055.jpeg (435.06 KB, 1125x1545, IMG_1800.jpeg)

This kind of interaction is terrifying for actual women but it’s muah affirming to troons because they know damn well they can fight back easily

No. 2099714

the Austrian painter was an inbred retard, but when it came to destroying fringe sexology that lead us to this cancer, he was based.

No. 2099758

>What would you have been doing during the Holocaust?
I lost a lot of my family in Auschwitz, and I still hate trannies.
The first people the Nazis killed were the disabled. They would lie to families saying they were giving their disabled children/loved ones care and then send a letter and some ashes claiming that they died of mysterious causes. The mass killing of the disabled was where they did the bulk of their testing efficient ways to kill mass numbers of people before moving onto other 'undesirables'.
During those times trannyism was preferable to homosexuality. Nazis would do weird shit like force gay men to have sex with prostitutes. If they could climax they were let free but if they couldn't they were sent to the camps. If anything, having a complete and successful sex reassignment surgery complete with functioning reproductive organs was likely seen by Nazi scientists as a potential cure to homosexuality.
Upon typing this, the Nazi-to-Troon pipeline now makes more sense than it ever has.

No. 2099765

I'll take "Things That Never Happened" for 500, Alex.

No. 2099767

Incredibly male behaviour to act like there was absolutely nothing else wrong leading up to the divorce, "it just happened out of nowhere".

Funnily enough, women tend say "I knew something was wrong", even when their partner has gone to ridiculous lengths to hide their secret life and gaslight her suspicions, yet after years of their wife being miserable men always think everything was fine until that one little thing.

No. 2099781

agree. It’s NYC; literally no one would give them a second glance here. Completely made up for internet validation.

No. 2099811

Nazis invented transgender surgeries experimenting on people

No. 2099814

Like there are people literally shitting on the seats sometimes. An ugly tranny isn’t news.

No. 2099815

Nonna how do you feel about them constantly claiming “genocide”?

No. 2099819

File: 1742210890494.jpeg (292.28 KB, 1151x1174, IMG_1720.jpeg)

A win for women kek!(sage your shit/wrong thread)

No. 2099820

There is an Oblivion remake being made? I pray to Azura that they don't touch my Morrowind

No. 2099823

File: 1742211912024.jpeg (133.96 KB, 1170x716, IMG_1722.jpeg)

Tims’s deep seethed envy of women is always so evident kek.

No. 2099825

what's with kiwi-tardesque postings like this itt lately? this is obviously what the kids today called "satire" aka not an authentic post. that picture looks like it was taken in a dave and busters circa 2017

No. 2099826

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The article is horribly depressing. They made a whole class of girls change in front of the boy, after sending them all to the principal's office the principal came and made sure they were changing ALL WEEK. One single mom comes to a board meeting to complain, and the crowd hisses at her. I feel so bad for her. Look at those giant fruity goons behind the speaker just standing around making sure women don't get uppity and complain about men.

No. 2099827

No. 2099853

File: 1742218350164.jpeg (331.49 KB, 828x1273, IMG_5954.jpeg)

>>Weirdly reasonable take from the bespectacled troon.
>>Go to his page and get jump scared by a nude photo of his pubes.
Whether they try to present themselves as mundane as possible these men are always festering pustules of degeneracy.

No. 2099881

that makes me so livid. i would just a-log if i was at that school. fuck that.

No. 2099897

They see the illegal deportations happening in the US as we speak and still act like trannys are gonna be "the first" to be affected. Get a fucking grip.

No. 2099903

nitpicky but these kind of glasses frame are so AGP. they’re literally men’s glasses kek and they’re always THIS exact shape

hard agree, nona. it’s so incredibly selfish and ignorant. i’m sorry, but do they have ICE hunting for them and raiding their entire neighborhoods? are their families being torn apart from something other than their sick fetish? are they being deliberately pulled over based on their skin tone and demanded to provide proof of citizenship? fuck no they aren’t! no one can touch these motherfuckers.

No. 2099905

ayrt. It's irritating. Troons have to know deep down they are being dramatic. When the Holocaust happened it was pretty commonplace to want to eliminate Jews from society by whatever means necessary. They weren't interested in Jews denouncing their religion, they saw the Jewish people as a race, tainting the genome of the German people for a bare minimum of 3 generations (i.e if you were half or 1/4 Jewish you were still considered subhuman. I think 1/8th Jews could be spared from the camps).
Meanwhile I really still can't see a scenario in the United States (or anywhere in the western world) where adult trannies will be denied their "life saving" pharmaceutical/ surgical mutilations. They are incredibly coddled compared to other marginalized groups like immigrants, racial minorities, homosexuals, and women.
Trumps Texas will allow a pro life woman to bleed out from a miscarriage because fetus rights but I'm sure there are and will always be hospitals in the lone star state that will happily invert a pornsick moids dick.
But of course that's not good enough. They want to invert a groomed, pornsick child's micro dick. But since that isn't allowed, and since there might be a gym in England that doesn't want TIMs, in their eyes it's exactly the same as putting troons in camps and gassing them to death.

No. 2099921

is he skinwalking Bella Janke what the fuck

No. 2099925

So I just looked at the Nuremberg Laws and how "mixed" Jews were treated.
Someone with a Jewish parent and a German parent was considered "mixed" if the parents married before 1935 and they were not practicing, if they were practicing they were considered Jewish. "Mixed" Jews in Germany were generally not sent to the camps, but had fewer rights than a "full blood German" mostly in terms of education and job opportunities. They got more oppressed from 39 onward. Someone with 2 Jewish grandparents would have an increasingly hard time to go to a highschool or study at the university for example. Someone with one Jewish grandparent had better chances and was generally able to work as an official, study or even join the NSDAP although unis got more restrictive around 42. Some half Jews and Germans married to Jews had to do forced labor in 42-44. However "mixed Jews of the first degree" (Half Jews) in most occupied territories were sent to the camps. Someone with one Jewish grandparent was still considered "mixed" but was allowed to marry a "full blood German" without further approval needed (which was needed if a "full blood German" wanted to marry a non practicing half Jew) and the kids were considered Germans with full rights. But having said all that, troons are not forbidden from education or unis, they can do any job they want unless they want to join the military, which forbids all kinds of conditions, so no we are not at any stage of genocide or even at the level of discrimination someone with Jewish ancestry faced in Nazi Germany. Trump would rather remove all rights for women than MtFs.(derailing)

No. 2099933

Ironically the histrionic tranny is actually the reasonable one. Women only compliment trannies to let everyone know how open minded and kind they are to the subnormal

No. 2099937

File: 1742234098741.jpg (90.12 KB, 1086x652, whatweseeinwomensrestroomstoda…)

What is he yapping about? Nazis loved men in dresses

No. 2099963

File: 1742238298985.jpg (1.04 MB, 2825x2462, 1694591288171390.jpg)

And they still do kek

No. 2099967


No. 2099991

This is basically sexual assault, it’s disgusting. I would go scorched earth if a retarded school forced my daughter to undress against her will. I hope they sue.

No. 2100061

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the art

No. 2100062

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the artist

No. 2100065

File: 1742250811563.jpeg (709.04 KB, 1179x1755, IMG_1135.jpeg)

this used to be a women’s group

No. 2100069

The kind of shit that peaks people. KAM.

No. 2100076

fugly scrote, he knows he only used that filter to try and mask his ugliness and defined jaw, hope he ropes soon

No. 2100087

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Not a fetish at all.(wrong thread)

No. 2100121

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he’s constantly posting

No. 2100122

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No. 2100175

those are TIFs

No. 2100213

First troon surgery was in 1922 and then elaborated on in 1931 at the Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin. Idk much about Nazi troon shit, I don't doubt it though, just they definitely didn't invent it and even opposed that organisation on paper.

No. 2100336

File: 1742306377685.jpeg (318.29 KB, 1179x1370, v78lL2B.jpeg)

do they not realize that lesbians generally don’t read yuri?

No. 2100339

why is there just a random nail polish bottle? reminds me of my male relatives' bedrooms, male for sure. the citrus manga is laid out like he masturbates to it

No. 2100340

File: 1742306950340.gif (2.51 MB, 498x372, 1000033491.gif)

This is so funny holy shit

No. 2100343

Why is """""SHE""""" asking, hmmmm? If she's a true and honest woman, shouldn't SHEEE already know the answHERRRR???

No. 2100347

>random shit on a bedside table
>tranny: am I female now?? plz validate meeee

No. 2100348

so porn brained that he can’t even fathom having tissues directly next to the bed is immediately clockable.

No. 2100349

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There is a lot to unpack here

No. 2100352

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No. 2100354

File: 1742311705730.jpeg (584.43 KB, 1179x2199, oj5TklJ.jpeg)

yes troon, a niche radical feminist “destroyed” feminism. funny that troons and mras have the same talking points. they continue to have more solidarity with each other than women yet claim to be our “sisters.”

No. 2100357

File: 1742312066614.jpg (292.56 KB, 1080x1367, IMG_20250318_153247.jpg)

And who carried out those 1930's surgeries?

No. 2100363

File: 1742313223686.jpeg (639.98 KB, 1170x1939, IMG_1736.jpeg)

It was nice while it lasted at least, I’ll give it a week before the pornismisogyny sub gets co-opted by trannies.
>women of color
Leave black women out of your disgusting mouth.

No. 2100364

File: 1742313303408.jpeg (432.13 KB, 1170x1167, IMG_1737.jpeg)

Your whole existence is a fetish, you trooned out due to fetish too, you are not in the same boat with women who are sexualized and your experience will never be the same. Shut up.

No. 2100365

File: 1742313428441.jpeg (341.3 KB, 1170x1781, IMG_1738.jpeg)

You are the white cishet man retard kek

No. 2100366

File: 1742313702329.png (39.71 KB, 1194x115, magnus.png)

Nta but it was Magnus Hirschfield, a Jewish sexologist, who performed the first full genital surgery in 1931. Nobody is contesting that Nazis experimented with SRS, but they definitely didn't invent it.

No. 2100368

that was what immediately caught my attention too lmao
100% malebrained bc you have your fap supplies IMMEDIATELY within arm's reach. im sure the comment section was full of 'oo u use femme deodorant and fap to lesbians tho!~ 100% true and valid woman'

No. 2100377

File: 1742315278975.png (51.6 KB, 540x612, vile rapist shit.PNG)

This is what I get in my "for you" page on tumblr because I interact with the lesbian tag.

No. 2100378

i checked his account and apparently hes in the radfem subreddit. seriously, who does he think he is? when women say men are innately predatory, does he think that he isnt one of them and instead “apart of the sisterhood group” just because he injects himself with horse piss and wears a wig?

No. 2100379

holy fuck. i want to a-log so bad. and they say it isnt a fetish. you know this guy is a hideous goblin hon irl that you cant even mistake for being a woman.

No. 2100381

only troons will chimp out at the thought of a few letters. this is why i do my best to casually misgender troons in public, even the smallest things edge them closer to finally joining the 41%

No. 2100382


a lot of troons have a radfem kink. they think if they can larp as radfems (a group of women famously hostile towards troons) then they really are women.

No. 2100385

File: 1742316447814.jpeg (206.95 KB, 1185x933, Untitled615_20250318124246.jpe…)

troon thinking hes “owning” the terfs lmao, checked his account and he looks like the most fugly, smugish hon ive ever layed my eyes upon. even worse is that the original twitter screenshots are biologically incorrect, women have many eggs instead of just one, but of course he wouldnt know that because hes a hairy scrote that knows nothing about female biology. hope he ropes and kicks the chair soon.

No. 2100388

>what about girls born without an egg
Why are males so bad at understanding female/human anatomy? Also fuck them for using birth defects as a justification for skinwalking.

No. 2100391

The "own" in that screenshot is pathetic, that retard couldn't even wait fifteen minutes for a twitter reply.

No. 2100392

It's absolutely shameful that doctors are willing to hand out hormones and perform sex change surgeries on people who are this dramatically unstable. If you're so unhinged it takes you 10 minutes to spell your own name (incorrectly, even) while crying uncontrollably, you should be 5150'd. You shouldn't be driving or working or out in public. This is severe mental illness and it's nuts that it's become so normalised.

No. 2100399

File: 1742319278867.png (83.93 KB, 947x378, Screenshot_20250318_133230.png)

this guy's post history is pretty funny

No. 2100406

And you know thats exactly what they want to happen. They want women to be distressed seeing their rapey shit else they wouldn't tag it. Just like everything else they do.

No. 2100415

I wonder what libfems think of stuff like this. How can they not peak?

No. 2100422

all of the selfies in this thread as so ugly they should be spoilered even if sfw kek

No. 2100424

File: 1742325307620.png (75.01 KB, 535x867, what the fuck.png)

I checked this guy out. What a fucking delusional scumbag

No. 2100428

File: 1742325826740.mp4 (575.6 KB, 576x1024, v15044gf0000cvace7fog65mbt886c…)

Not the five o clock shadow? oh ok

No. 2100431

Like every fucked up thing moids do/say, they brush it off as "kink/fantasy," forgetting that males cannot differentiate between reality and imagination.

No. 2100443

Fuck this is tragic he could be such a cute man….

No. 2100444

>t. never read even an excerpt of hegel
i can tell he is barely literate from the foul physiognomy hidden behind the text

No. 2100458

Justgirlythings amirite, womansisters?

No. 2100459

File: 1742331006167.png (44.79 KB, 792x397, Screenshot 2025-03-18 164846.p…)

i just went to look at the blog too… this guy's bio says he's 18 years old. how do you fuck yourself up this badly already

No. 2100462

File: 1742331198652.jpeg (290.34 KB, 1179x1252, spsva7T.jpeg)

the guy on the left is a rapist btw. the only two paths for troons. brick or rapist.

No. 2100464

18, not on hormones, obsessed with rape/incest porn, claims to have been trans since he was 12.
I hate men.

No. 2100465

They're both ugly freaks.(sage your shit)

No. 2100467

no i think its the unmistakably male jawline, scrote. also you have to add into account that hons like these have insanely deep and plate scratching sounding voices, there is no way anyone in public could ever mistake him for being a woman
samefag, i wonder if this TIM ever looks in the mirror and wonders why he looks 10x uglier than the average terfgodess(sage your shit)

No. 2100468

File: 1742331971962.jpg (600.92 KB, 1079x2179, 1000047633.jpg)

>hrt is literally magic and induces ovulation in males
men are retarded. that's all.

No. 2100469

>we're supposed to get educated on "science" from this people(sage your shit)

No. 2100470

all i see is future suicide “victims” when they realize that their entire lifestyle is based off a lie

No. 2100471

>guy on left is a rapist
You can't convince me that both aren't rapists.

No. 2100473

Doesnt anyone else think its strange how you are 5x more likely to get redtexted in the tim hate threads for petty shit like not saging? its almost like..(retarded tinfoiling/take that shit to meta/read the rules before posting)

No. 2100475

>for petty shit like not saging
you mean the number one rule of posting on cowboards? kek

No. 2100480

bffr is it really a big deal if its not for a specific person , 99% of tranvesitites posted here are literal whos anyway, you can get away with not saging on youtuber/tiktoker threads but not here, even if you do sage jannytranny has something else to say about it.(sage your shit)

No. 2100485

If you can't follow simple rules while posting like saging non milk posts, you will be perma banned and your posts deleted. You have been warned.

No. 2100508

He looks like he is trying to skinwalk both strangeaeons and leanbeefpatty

No. 2100509


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2100513

Treating "gender dysphoria" with hrt and surgery is like treating anorexia with ozempic.
Oh, you have blatantly unhealthy and delusional ideas about what your body should look like? Don't worry we'll just force your body to comply with them as much as possible, no way this could end badly!

No. 2100591

so disturbing and gross

No. 2100623

File: 1742365925771.jpeg (56.65 KB, 640x480, IMG_1867.jpeg)

Picrel is obligatory

You can just tell he laid out the items right before taking the photo. The box tissue is just cherry on top.

No. 2100651

File: 1742375987872.jpeg (460.04 KB, 1164x1929, IMG_1745.jpeg)

Woman: my brother violated my boundaries , most likely went through my clothes for his sick fetish.
Troons: oh my god! It’s just clothes, who cares!! Actually you should totally share all your clothes with him and teach him! You owe him!

No. 2100652

The tranny brother probably stole her underwear too, fucking disgusting.

No. 2100672

Why do so many males lack the ability to understand boundaries and empathy? Is that what is lost when the Y chromosome looses its leg or what?

No. 2100683

File: 1742385063172.jpeg (353.62 KB, 1179x1256, t4xwl3F.jpeg)

idg women like this. just be a terf like wtf you don’t owe these men shit. and of course a troon responded to this thanking her for not being a terf and told her that some troonsbians act out like this because of loneliness. these freaks literally have no empathy for women. we’re just tools for their validation.

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