File: 1709143745281.jpg (172.47 KB, 359x358, YjEOMbx.jpg)

No. 1970834
Meet Lorena Sanchez, a Texan autist, “lolita”, cosplayer and self-proclaimed radfem STEM
TERF Stacy
>spends all day upsetting herself by fighting moids on twitter in between venting about her autism meltdowns and eating disorder>endlessly brags about her high value and standards in dating, but is with a fat 6 years younger 4chan edgelord she moved in with in his college town after only seeing each other a few times and meeting on discord>part of a Love Live performance group aka does dance covers for shitty weeaboo songs at anime conventions, selling polaroids of herself to “fans”>known across discord servers as former mod Hex, has been stirring petty drama and attention whoring for over 3 years now >>>/ot/734680 CTRL+F Hex>attaches her discord handle to her professional accounts despite constant drama baiting and connections>camps out on /meta/ and the lolcow hate thread all day spamming schizo posts, responds as herself when called out >>>/meta/52188 (one of many examples, again CTRL+F Hex)>twitter orbiter to many cows featured in the anachan and leftcow threads ( e.g. Dasha)>namedrops lolcow and crystal cafe on twitter for attention>possibly selfposts on /ot/ >>>/ot/1846538Personal/portfolio website: duplicate threads and spoiler gore) No. 1970838
File: 1709144346898.png (Spoiler Image,620.01 KB, 600x1262, tifsn.png)

>encouraging self-hating underage TIFs to self mutilate
No. 1970861
File: 1709149953316.mp4 (7.1 MB, 480x854, mEqdYvc.mp4)

You're telling me this is Discord Hex who's better than all of us? I'm fucken dead
No. 1970862
File: 1709150080742.mp4 (11.11 MB, 480x854, zeuiQyl.mp4)

No. 1970869
File: 1709150447895.png (248.94 KB, 609x739, rWBExig.png)

Absolute cringe goldmine
No. 1970870
File: 1709150666173.png (2.25 MB, 1010x3379, ERNgWzR.png)

Some insights to her relationships
>only dates younger
>still makes up stories about cops thinking she's underage
No. 1970873
File: 1709151891558.png (111.03 KB, 508x376, 1499187493156.png)

>>1970869Sounds like something Grimes would write. Also kek at using a cgl meme in her professional profile, great way of saying you are a terminally online cringelord
No. 1970885
>>1970873>>1970869The lolita-themed sugary overloaded "coding portfolio" where every link is broken except for her Overwatch stats. You can't make this shit up, if the linkedin wasn't right there
and resume pdf on the website I would think this is some elaborate troll persona
No. 1970893
File: 1709155179948.png (2.61 MB, 1240x2712, BgIzu2O.png)

She's DFE but her boyfriend's twitter is still up and he's a real catch
No. 1970898
File: 1709156773493.png (278.97 KB, 1242x897, IMG_3903.png)

meeting pixiteri with that cosplay is foul
No. 1970899
File: 1709156801503.png (3.34 MB, 1080x1692, 20231130-044443.png)

No. 1970900
File: 1709156833051.png (1.46 MB, 1080x1533, 20231130-044441.png)

No. 1970905
Additional related leads to drama accross multiple sites:
>>>/meta/71967 involvement with kpop speds
>>734337 I remember a lot of the discord leaks coming from private channels that hex would have been in when she was a mod so it could have been her posting on nefeli but there's no way to be sure
No. 1970925
File: 1709162739772.png (958.58 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_5603.png)

Oddly enough, Hex looks suspiciously like “Nenetl” that girl Elaine insisted used to own lolcow… could she have been right…
(Screenshot from her telegram I found)
No. 1971066
>>1970963>>1970951Lmao spot on and both times she found the posts immediately. Lurking 24/7. Same thing when she was posted in personal cows and instantly nuked too.
>>>/snow/1955767Whyyy did she deactivate all her stuff 5 times over but never deleted her public cringe?
No. 1971069
File: 1709203129797.png (83.01 KB, 594x441, 1705420532737.png)

No. 1971070
File: 1709203194033.png (3.08 MB, 1920x17323, 1705503312226.png)

Bringing these over from personal cows
No. 1971078
File: 1709204460454.png (650.23 KB, 2700x1514, professional.png)

>>1970885holy kek the napoleon quote
No. 1971079
File: 1709205172775.png (228.1 KB, 742x744, image (3).png)

What kills me is that she wasn't even trying to hide her identity? If you google her username you instantly get her github, linkedin, everything. How does her brain function? She's spent how long being an active (staff) member of lolcow and she still doesn't understand the concept of fuck around and find out?
No. 1971099
File: 1709209966838.png (1.34 MB, 888x890, image (5).png)

real /cgl/ throwback. what a nostalgic cow
No. 1971101
File: 1709210163317.png (3.78 MB, 1536x2048, GAO2wgUWgAAN2wS (1).png)

>>1971094Cow cosplay and everything!
No. 1971200
>>1970893Oh he's definitely a small-dicked faggot. Musk fanboys are a special kind of pathetic closeted male
Uwu, daddy Elon is so smart, no other human could match the intellect of a man whose companies only make cash during the investment phase as he promises absolute vaporware he's too stupid to realize isn't possible until years later when he has to admit things like the cybertruck were failures from the start causing his stocks to fall drastically. Also love the cope that small dicks = high testosterone much like Elon claiming small dick = more intelligent based on an ancient greek cope. Foolish minds think alike.
Also imagine calling yourself a
terf stacy and coming home to that kek
>>1970925>Elaine …you mean Blaine? You realize the pedo tranny has less than zero credibility and wants to ruin the site right? Half his schtick is inventing lies to make the more schizo posters on the site paranoid there are men all around when he isn't raiding us with CP.
No. 1971345
File: 1709290035075.png (1.98 MB, 1440x961, 366975445_17990989616281265_30…)

oof the hulking troon. bet her group doesn't know about her being le evil terve, makes sense she has all these semi-anonymous socks to separate her alters
No. 1971349
File: 1709290982635.mp4 (3.22 MB, 720x1280, 0B4DD123E569F970809CB799318DAF…)

>>1971345IDGI, what is the point of this? Their cosplays look like ass, none of these wigs has ever seen a scissor, and they can't even dance unless you count this mess, which is spastic and completely devoid of energy or coordination. All that try-hard branding and marketing, I expected at least a tiny bit more in terms of effort.
No. 1971375
File: 1709295401667.png (2.39 MB, 1394x1400, image (7).png)

Who buys this?
No. 1971381
File: 1709296189258.png (1.17 MB, 1170x1388, image (8).png)

Cow crossover. Yass kween stan Dasha, she's giving!!
No. 1971438
File: 1709306370352.png (32.06 KB, 581x152, Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 16.21…)

Her gun-hoarding edgelord got a new semi-automatic rifle, surely he's stable and safe
No. 1971439
File: 1709306413402.png (396.27 KB, 592x810, image (9).png)

>>1971438more bonus racism
No. 1972353
>>1972139She's type II Bi-polar but it doesn't justify the things she does kek.
>>1972139>She would also brag about her Netherlands now ex e-bf I can confirm this, she would talk about it all the time. I am happy I never had to hear about the 1 minute sex though. She broke up with the LDR Dutch guy Spring of 2022. I always knew things with her ex were never going to work, and he obviously isn't a keeper if she found him off the slums of the internet like her current moid.
>>1972314I don't remember Bib in that server but I know that everyone mentions her getting gangstalked in an offshoot server that Hex was in. Bib is also japanon? I don't know anymore.
No. 1972354
File: 1709569700508.jpg (21.04 KB, 497x79, Untitled-7.jpg)

She tries to sound so above it all the time but god imagine being this insecure and bitter.
No. 1972361
File: 1709572058761.png (27.84 KB, 670x126, hex.png)

Found more in the old lolcord. This supports the part in OP about Hex being a shit stirrer on crystal cafe
>She's mad I posted her site on ccSo that confirms it: a year ago someone posted on crystal cafe threatening to dox oldmin "on christmas day" but the dox was never posted, only some neocities blog that was a dead end. the very last post in this thread, she calls oldmin an anachan (projection much) and then apparently made the next thread called "shaymin investigation".
I guess the doxing threats came back to bite.
No. 1972364
File: 1709573010087.png (29.63 KB, 653x177, Untitled-9.png)

No. 1972366
File: 1709573277175.png (43.44 KB, 380x272, Untitled-10.png)

Did anyone save her attention whoring selfies?
No. 1972375
>>1970943You could tell the n3n3tl thing was oldmin/shaymin by the information provided and general behavior/opinions, but it seems like all of the staff are similar cows.
Oldmin/Shaymin used to self harm and talked about being latina too. They were probably good friends before the fallout happened.
No. 1972377
File: 1709576701550.png (548.8 KB, 1137x1080, rl.png)

More about her cringe relationship
No. 1972561
>>1972507I’m saying that because
>>1970869 and
>>1970925 are the same photo at least. Idk how many edgy Hispanic anachan former lolcow staff there were. Oldmin seemed pretty cagey and paranoid so it’s weird she would be so sloppy but there are too many coincidences to ignore. Unless of course she recruited this girl to publically take the fall for her nenetl persona. Also I think the legs here
>>1970870 are very similar to the legs in oldmins old discord icon (sorry I don’t have it but maybe someone will know what I’m referencing).
No. 1972643
File: 1709637297539.png (2.58 MB, 3088x2166, Untitled.png)

>>1972561some more indication of nenetl being rena. I guess it's still technically possible from the timeline that she was set up to take the fall… if you look on wayback for that, you can see the description change to include the telegram/github link is pretty recent, taking place after september 2023. maybe she just got complacent, who's to say
No. 1972646
>>1972476>>1972561>>1972643This poster is probably Elaine
>>>/snow/1567357 , she's been piggybacking on this reveal by trying to convince everyone she doxed admin for real this time 100% when it's just a former discord mod who was never even a farmhand. Inb4 hi cow
(hi cow) No. 1972653
File: 1709640574522.png (587.61 KB, 912x511, 1620577495801.png)

>>1972652Hex has a mole on her finger that admin doesn't.
No. 1972669
>>1972651Sorry I don’t remember discord drama from five years ago that well
>>1972643To be completely fair there never really was a smoking gun that nenetl was oldmin. There were similar aesthetics, politics, edgy antinatalism to the ingenue persona but nothing that totally confirmed it… but then why was hex threatening oldmin with her own dox? Frustrating
No. 1972728
>>1972669The insistence in the cc bunker threads that oldmin was nenetl seemed like baseless tinfoil to me (but I wasn't a /meta/ lurker in oldmin days so no idea how strong the similarities were).
>why was hex threatening oldmin with her own dox? I'd say that Hex might have been the one who wanted to sow confusion about it, but then the bad opsec description change occurring recently makes no sense either. Idk, like you say, frustrating.
No. 1972770
>>1972669>>1972683This proves it is her, the cat she posted is also the same in the other photos she posted on discord or her proana Twitter.
>>1972669That doesn't mean that Lorena didn't know it wasn't her. She was insisting it was a tranny janny until she admitted to being mistaken.
No. 1972958
>>1972957Oh my god Rena go to bed.
Explain how I’d have the CV when it’s not public? Still keeping up the Japan larp, my sides xD.
>radfemOh because dating a 19 year old scrote who makes redpill and misogynistic posts on Twitter, and harasses women on splinter sites is definitely a radfem thing to do.
Not a single person but you would be deluded enough to refer to her as a radfem. Learn to self post better.
File: 1709725296131.jpeg (9.26 KB, 284x177, images (2).jpeg)

>Rust (programming language)
good thing she clarified she wasn't talking about iron oxide… holy shit my sides
No. 1973078
File: 1709739932159.png (650.8 KB, 1079x1804, CHU.png)

>>1973065boggles the mind
No. 1973104
File: 1709745281610.png (109.4 KB, 592x453, rena.png)

She deleted all her shit but her BF keeps tweeting blissfully, is it possible she just didn't tell him about any of this?
No. 1973210
>>1973193She deserved it. Even her
"sweetness" was calculated and faked.
No. 1973330
>>1973210What happened for her to get posted here? I know she'd been provoking and bullying anons in Discord for some time but I just wonder what was the breaking point that she has an entire thread and dox here.
It would be good if mods did a post reveal for her posts here since she's a farmer.
No. 1973378
>>1973373It was years ago nona, but I do remember her using divide and conquer frequently against other farmers in the discord.
She would also often announce taking leave from the discord 'to pursue in real life goals' and kind of insinuated that the others in the chat didn't have a life, and then be back that very evening.
I have no screenshots because normal people don't hang onto screenshots from Discords they were in years ago. My memory is so hazy but I remember about half the users in the Lolcord had a problem with her because she was very uninhibited in what she would say to others and displayed lack of self awareness.
Like I said, she could be quite nice and agreeable at times but it wouldn't take very much to
trigger her rage in discord.
No. 1973385
File: 1709811157646.png (4.23 MB, 2046x1504, cc.png)

>>1973378I remember her randomly and bluntly calling users or their photos (outfits, makeup shots) ugly, tacky and cringe for no particular reason. We had some cord cows with questionable looks and life choices but most people were tactful about it save for the few perma-angry attention whores in there. She should have kept her mouth shut too, especially considering she walks around like this and does 'cosplay carwashes', textbook example of putting others down to feel better about yourself
No. 1973386
>>1973385I actually am really, really shocked she looks like this because other users in the discord who swore to God to have seen her pictures claimed that she was extremely pretty. I was imagining the stacey advertised, she's really just average looking?
I guess this is why she never posted her face openly in the Discord because she would have lost all rights to come at other farmers for their appearances.
No. 1973389
File: 1709811916538.png (297.93 KB, 215x632, image (11).png)

>>1973386What, this hunk isn't what you were dreaming of?
No. 1973390
File: 1709811975287.jpeg (435.49 KB, 517x820, image (1).jpeg)

>>1973386I can see her passing for pretty in blurry pics and when she's dressed for her features, but none of the pics I've seen were it
No. 1973393
File: 1709812066446.jpeg (88 KB, 334x315, wtf.jpeg)

Why would she put this wonky cocktail night picture in her resume, every choice along the way is just nonsensical self-sabotage
No. 1973438
File: 1709818416942.png (604.7 KB, 1202x1376, renauwa.png)

>>1973433Discord ID 225646847983747073
No. 1973460
>>1973452When was that?
What happened to her British king who moved to Norway?
No. 1973495
>>1973491…some of us have to work, nonna
I wish I could get paid to browse lolcow tho…dream job….one day…..
No. 1973504
>>1973500Coming up to my 9th year here. I do not keep dirt 'screenshots' on people I consider my friends just in case, and I did used to consider hex a friend. That's not a normal thing to do IMO.
I don't have screenshots but I do remember her gaybashing quite a lot and calling gay men faggots and sodomites.
No. 1973514
>>1973177>>1973378This post
>>>/ot/734337 always made me think, I thought it was an obvious self post by Nefeli but maybe she was onto something. I remember anons complaining about arbitrary discord bans and it was usually hex who had the most complaints. She seemed nice sometimes but I saw caps where she said she thought most of the lolcord were cows, she truly has zero self awareness.
>>>/ot/1094570The first dox attempt from Elaine in lolcord but it looks like she actually has a Bachelors in econ.
>>1973385Yeah I know what you mean, some of the coords were questionable but nobody was being mean and they were just enjoying themselves. I remember Hex was berating another farmer for her figure collection. I just don't get it.
No. 1973529
File: 1709831942676.jpg (2.06 MB, 3024x4032, hex_cat.jpg)

>>1972655her cat and another supporting photo of the same cat in the bg, another anon already pointed out mole on her finger
>>1972654 >>1972655
No. 1973590
File: 1709840461563.png (25.86 KB, 674x128, kTecbMZ.png)

oh man lmao
No. 1973597
File: 1709842107143.png (21.77 KB, 429x151, Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 21.10…)

This thread really needs to be combed for selfposts
>>>/ot/807967 No. 1973601
File: 1709843011787.jpg (110.59 KB, 560x820, mv.jpg)

Hex' radfem movie night feat. Polanski
No. 1973615
File: 1709844513681.jpg (29.58 KB, 978x90, 125033.jpg)

No. 1973619
File: 1709845815570.jpg (14.42 KB, 422x80, 09.jpg)

>>1973603She wasn't in that server, but I have this from one of our last conversations when I explained why other farmers harbored animosity towards her.
>>>/ot/1660425 Nothing about this was really explained but I can see why nobody wants to speak out if they keep dirt on others.
No. 1973791
>>1973695I remember this vaguely. A long print skirt?
>Later the same person made fun of bib/jap for her fiancé ODingBib is Widowanon from /ot/? ngl that mourning thread didn't belong here but the anons taunting her with weird schizo spam were foul. Checks out with
>>1973580 No. 1973806
File: 1709899222664.png (603.65 KB, 2024x1402, genius.png)

Absolute genius STEM powercouple.
No. 1974293
File: 1710013860278.png (236.06 KB, 1216x1307, LS SS 1.png)

Lorena Sanchez is attempting to get the thread nuked by hiring a lawyer to send us threats. We thought you would all like to see the email her lawyer sent us! We have redacted his name here, but it does appear to have been sent by a real lawyer rather than being something she wrote herself. Unfortunately for her, the laws that her solicitor quoted at us do not apply to this site at all. Not only is the Texas Data Privacy and Security Act (TDPSA) not effective law until July 1st this year, it only applies to for-profit entities that process or sell personal data, which isn't us. Secondly, privacy invasion via misappropriation under Texas common law requires that the misuse of the name or likeness be done for commercial purposes.
No. 1974294
File: 1710013872512.png (279.73 KB, 1093x1392, LS SS 2.png)

No. 1974295
File: 1710013986976.png (327.22 KB, 1259x1402, LS SS 3.png)

We have censored her resume in this screenshot as we've removed it from the thread since it had her phone number on it. We realise it's her own fault, but we would generally remove phone numbers anyway
No. 1974296
File: 1710014004409.png (350.84 KB, 1144x1337, LS SS 4.png)

No. 1974298
File: 1710014224007.png (90.33 KB, 1229x612, LS SS 5.png)

No. 1974303
>risk losing the site altogether KEK, she must know by now that lolsuits have never succeeded.
Did you really think that your years of terrorizing, a-logging and doxxing other farmers and concomitantly sharing personal information would bring any other result?
What did you expect?
No. 1974314
>>1974306>>1974313Admin confirmed it was a lawyer by the man's name that they then redacted
I see ms/mrs/mr all the time
No. 1974315
>>1974314Which means she wasted thousands of dollars to remove a thread she wholeheartedly deserves and which cannot be removed.
No lawyer on earth possesses the legal reach to remove a farms thread.
Learn your lesson, change your name and start again, and stop treating people like dogshit lest you end up in the same situation.
No. 1974372
File: 1710030747619.jpg (34.84 KB, 780x438, intro-1657223167.jpg)

>>1974293How does she continue to make it so much worse
No. 1974374
>>1974293We are
all members/subscribers to drama site,, today
No. 1974431
>>1974305Getting paid big money by the hour to shit out nonsense like this? Who would say no.
He's a hire, anon. He doesn't care, he's just doing what she asked for and taking a check,
No. 1974460
File: 1710060835779.png (195.49 KB, 445x450, IMG_4955.png)

I am absolutely creasing at this. This is Hex? How embarrassing. All that talk about being a Stacey, but all the nonnies I know irl absolutely mog her. She reminds me of empath-chan, but uglier and more delusional.
I remember her trying to tell everyone she’d been in a coma on discord on the back of the “comaeda”/komaeda-chan thing a few years ago. Was that real or just more bullshit?
>>1971705You have to at least be skinny to be skinny fat. She’s a very average weight, which is hilarious for all her ana posturing. Nary a thigh gap to be seen in any of these pics.
No. 1974479
>>1974477She used to mock other discord users for being in this exact same situation instead of empathizing with them. Narc behavior.
I wonder what happened in her childhood for her to be so desperate to have superiority over others.
No. 1974630
File: 1710101466557.png (55.92 KB, 592x310, image (12).png)

How many Hail Marys do you think she loops in her mind these days?
No. 1974632
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No. 1974633
File: 1710101974679.png (4.37 MB, 1536x2048, GBml3q-W0AEwD78.png)

Her outfit choices and meme pics really remind me of /cgl/ but not in a good way
No. 1974640
File: 1710102909045.png (98.13 KB, 1200x376, image (14).png)

No. 1974642
File: 1710102964400.png (72.98 KB, 1174x238, image (15).png)

Her ana powerleveling is intense
No. 1974644
File: 1710103230420.png (58.73 KB, 1176x224, image (16).png)

This is either a lie or her friends don't know about it. She goes to a lot of conventions and meetups that require covid testing, I'm sure they're anal about vax
No. 1974645
File: 1710103367648.png (33.34 KB, 404x277, image (17).png)

No. 1974653
File: 1710105473678.png (880.87 KB, 497x787, sdaff.png)

No. 1974873
>>1974858Similarly she would be coming at another farmer with the powerleveling
>Oh, you like lolita??? Prove it>how many coords do you have?>do you buy brand clothing?then immediately backed down because she wasn't able to call her an ita.
No. 1974897
>>1974892Because she is a highly vindictive person with a high revenge-drive who keeps screenshots from anyone to use as leverage against them.
If anyone here is too specific about their dealings with her, she is likely to take screenshots out of context from their personal conversations to make them look less charitable and almost no farmer wants their privacy compromised like that.
No. 1974919
>>1974916This. Plus hopefully this whole thread is a reminder that if you're active in lolcow circles, clean up your social media. However… Hex wasn't just careless, she consciously, intentionally created professional profiles linking her lolcow discord to her career
including screenshots of her discord name and icon when any newfag retard would at least
attempt to sockpuppet and make a separate discord for farming. None of this can happen to anyone who overshared with her on Discords unless you made the same choices. It's why everyone ITT is automatically protected: after her lawyer was dismissed, I doubt she's gonna dump more money into a lost cause. She also knows shitting up lolcow for months on end won't make this go away because she's done that before and the thread was a consequence of it. Everyone needs to relax and let the milk flow. Learn to laugh at yourselves a bit instead of being this paranoid and uptight
No. 1974922
File: 1710169329175.jpg (2.53 MB, 2429x5596, elaine.jpg)

Something that hasn't been brought up yet is that as of recent she was still hanging out with Elaine and even befriending her on public accounts, they were mutuals until Hex started nuking everything. She has no shame. I'm not Elaine, I got these forwarded and confirmed for myself when they were still up
No. 1974924
File: 1710169783998.png (15.3 KB, 373x153, assley.png)

>>1974865A discord invite was posted to /meta/ during the schizo meltdown featuring all the Fatassley posts and Hex joined immediately to continue onwards. Make of that what you will.
No. 1975178
>>1974853ED does age you like having a poor diet. She's mentioned drinking a lot at cons, it probably doesn't help.
>>1974854 >>1974856
I'm almost certain that she posted other farmers' screens from private channels. She is that type of person.
>>1974858All the anons into lolita or j-fashion who she mocked are all better people and don't look like
that. I don't believe anyone was ever as rude, mean, or vindictive as hex was to others. It is definitely all insecurity. You can look at her posts calling farmers boyfriend less leg beards from 3 years ago and meanwhile she is dating a fat racist she met online (again) just like her last LDR. I never voiced my honest opinion about the LDR relationship and her Stacy LARP but I knew she was a pathological liar by the way she bragged about her life and how everyone in highschool hated her for being upper middle class. No woman that secure in herself needs to resort to e-dating online and lying about working at FAANG companies. Speaking of, I am certain that this deranged freak copied another farmers job because she was lying about working for a grocery store chain as a developer
around fall 2022. She would have been job hunting or still in App Academy. She graduated with a bachelor's in economics in summer of 2020. I wonder what else she lied about because I can guarantee it doesn't end there.
No. 1975194
>>1974898She mentioned playing in collegiate tournaments for overwatch and would complain about how e-famous she was. There is a post she shared that someone else wrote about her, it's enlightening.
>>1974908Any nonas afraid of proving themselves or coming forward can also email cerbmin for a capcode and privately share info they don't want public.
No. 1975215
File: 1710211098543.jpg (114.86 KB, 1245x394, appacademy.jpg)

>>1974922Yam always believed that Hex wouldn't have reached out to Elaine on her own, even in December of 2022 when Hex claimed Elaine randomly added her on discord. I don't know why Hex would reach out to her, on her personal pro-ana twitter account linking to her boyfriend. I understand why he removed her from his bio. He doesn't want to compromise his AWS internship caping for this retard.
>>1974925>I can confirm it was two of the former mods, n. and o.If the former is who you are implying it is, they haven't been around, they don't give a fuck, and you know she has never kept in contact with any of them. The constant mention of former mods just solidifies that all these so-called insiders are unreliable narrators. We were supposed to believe that nobody was moderating the site aside from one schizo admin when there's been less cp than there has ever been in the history of the site's existence.
Yam, Fumo, and Hex were all in regular contact prior to Natu's retardation. They accused Natu herself of being a bootlicker
>>>/meta/61832 because they thought she shared screens which I assume one of them admitted to on meta. They would send threats to the owner of the new k-pop board because they thought it was someone they knew. We also know that Fumo (U.K), Yam (Norway), and Hex (Texas), all shared contact with Bib in ponycord and for some reason anyone who was in there is afraid of posting receipts, even if we have had a couple accounts of what happened.
>>1974925I am tired of former farmhands trying to convince us all that they have never had standards for milk or concrete proof. Just what it was, another sad smear campaign after "spookybones owns lolcow" didn't work. The timing with the shutdown of choachan is too coincidental.
>>1974931All four of those women are confirmed anachans, if not unironic k-pop autists. Of course all they care about is FAT.
>>1974931I don't know if they truly believed it but I think Hex had more involvement than she admitted to. For example these caps here,
>>1974922 >>1974924 then compare to her public posts about the situation where she claims she doesn't know if it's true or where the origins of the Ashley rumor come from. If this is true why would she join a random discord to egg on the rumors.
>>>/ot/1659675 A direct quote from a friend of Yam's who apologized to oldmin before choachan went down. This was before the Ashley campaign and before the new kpop board was created. Is it really a mere coincidence that a mutual of Hex and Yam would be mentioned in the lc hate thread and directly implicated in this gay drama months later, even if this person never had any involvement with the site herself.>>>/ot/1659711 It's heavily implied that this is hex and the anon basically admits to it. She admits to talking to Yam about these things and claims to still be in contact with the anon in the caps above (a mutual?). Hex also confirmed that Yam kicked out a choachan mod for being malicious, however the anon posted herself that she didn't do anything and that one day Yam (choachan boardowner) name doxed her. Here are all the relevant posts from that former choachan mod:
>>>/ot/1659914>>>/ot/1660031>the day i got kicked, i replied to a post of one of our notorious personalityfags where she said she was vegan with "i like you now" which was sarcastic. it was obvious that i didn't actually like her because i had personally banned her multiple times. the admin replied in the thread saying "you're fired" after that. so i thought she was just looking for any reason to get rid of me and this was a reason… that's why her thinking i'm a moid story doesn't really make sense to me, because if she thought i was one, why would she wait for me to say something mildly offensive to kick me out and not just kick me out months ago? it also took a whole week after me getting removed from the staff for me to be permabanned….Here is Hex re-collecting the incident involving a choachan mod in her own words
>>>/ot/1659759 >I don’t think anyone knows who that spammer was. She mentioned to me that it was a ddos or a script attack…>It wouldn’t surprise me if people who previously worked on an ib would try to get into ccc. I think cc and lcf mods have overlapped before.The implications here are that the choas had no idea who was responsible for the DDoSSing even though they previously accused cerbmin or spookybones of being behind it
>>>/ot/1678313 . Correct me if I am wrong but Hex was never a farmhand (I hope) so why would she imply something that oldfags were so against when CC opened? I can't be the only one who remembers the spoony incident, but it all starts to make sense once you realize that a farmhand was also secretly a mod on choachan.
>>>/meta/62881 I will dig for the text file Hex posted, in the meantime I thought it would be appropriate to share the post she made on livejournal. I can only assume it's her from the contents and the chainsaw pfp she reuses everywhere.
No. 1975228
>>1975224which admin were you a janny under?
>>1972655 >>1972654 Apparently Hex has a mole on her hand
No. 1975235
File: 1710213443943.jpg (14 KB, 333x386, 201751.jpg)

She's definitely lurking, malding, and frantically trying to pretend everything is okay in the other servers.
>>1975232If she really was a discord mod, did she have any access to things farmhands or jannys did?
No. 1975246
>>1974293>>1974294KEK so it's okay for her to do this sort of thing to other people, but when it's her, it's a big problem? You'd think she'd know the lawyer route doesn't work by now.
This is what happens when you attention whore on Discord, try to doxx people and antagonize other women for a pathetic online stacy LARP.
No. 1975324
File: 1710240778850.png (5.51 MB, 1470x3574, image-37.png)

>sharing my profile links is illegal. You're going to jail
>shares this on public discords
No. 1975325
File: 1710240850580.png (14.55 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_5381.png)

I'll post another one every time someone shares glorious milk
No. 1975386
>>1975381Because I wasn't in there
>>1975383No but her boyfriend does
No. 1975394
File: 1710253988707.png (7.19 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_5605.png)

>>1975389She lived with her mom up until she moved in with her new guy and had no idea how to run a household or take care of simple things like laundry (despite being a lolita with delicate clothing).
I lost access to my old discord account but this is what I recall about her relationships:
She's extremely insecure (obvs) and gets with these guys because she thinks that 1. incels will appreciate her more for being their first and perhaps only girlfriend and 2. if she gets them young she can shape them into what she wants. She's said that she's deathly afraid of a "real man" with a past relationship. So she tries to raise her own anime boyfriend failson.
She didn't actually break up with her ex; he hadn't been participating in the relationship for a long time and was just waiting for her to break it off because doing it himself would have been too much effort. She begged him for attention and affection for months despite him not lifting a finger or wanting to see her. Tried to use nudes to reignite his desires to no avail. She then used a breakup scare as a final warning and was shocked that he took it without trying to get her back. She ended up sliding into his DMs trying to get him to pine for her again. There was overlap with her new guy.
Picrel is her tacky engagement ring.
No. 1975396
>>1975394No …way? She lied egregiously about renting her own apartment and told another
nonnie, who actually owned her own home, that it looked like an ex-cannibis farm. LMAO.
Does she even have a job? Or does her Mom fund her lifestyle.
>if she gets them young she can shape them into what she wants. She's said that she's deathly afraid of a "real man" with a past relationship. So she tries to raise her own anime boyfriend failson.Not bad logic tbh I think men need to be shaped to some degree.
Wow, she lied outrageously about her achievements and life progression.
No. 1975408
File: 1710255091017.png (4.72 MB, 2558x1476, Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 10.53…)

>>1975405She has an entry-level IT job. Someone more competent than me can probably tell more about her skill level based on this.
No. 1975413
still brings her mom laundry to this day.
No. 1975419
>>1975413why has she even shared
this much? who would admit to this. she's nearly 30
No. 1975435
File: 1710260036488.png (25.78 KB, 419x191, Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 17.16…)

>>1975434According to the now-deleted CV she had no prior experience until she did a 1-year bootcamp at "App Academy".
No. 1975465
File: 1710263302138.png (376.24 KB, 683x550, idol.girl.trash.png)

That moid in her idol dance group actually calling himself a woman cosplayer. I have to kek
No. 1975512
>>1975439an austin
nonnie here - jewboy burgers are fucking fantastic.
>>1975475see comment about jewboy burgers.
No. 1975518
File: 1710271868807.jpeg (2.2 MB, 1290x1601, IMG_9764 (1).jpeg)

No. 1975522
File: 1710272230449.png (211.26 KB, 405x402, cap11087594.png)

>>1970862This is so rough. She looks like a 40y mother of two. I would feel bad for her if she wasn't such a cunt.
No. 1975772
File: 1710338688384.png (566.26 KB, 1312x880, lolcord.png)

From 1 year ago. What photo was posted and where?
No. 1976089
File: 1710407382362.jpg (98.41 KB, 599x606, 020738.jpg)

This explains a lot. Since the legal letter didn't work she decided that spamming elaine was the next course of action. A stream is scheduled this Monday for a big reveal (sure, Jan). No. 1976127
>>1976093The only evidence that points toward that in this thread is this
>>1972643 post which kind of went under the radar.
No. 1976128
>>1976093>>1972643>you can see the description change to include the telegram/github link is pretty recent, taking place after september 2023. maybe she just got complacent, who's to sayInteresting because Lorena got posted to lc before and temp-deleted some of her stuff but put it back
despite having posted about lolcow and crystal cafe and
despite having these profiles shared on LC and
despite constantly beefing with farmers. She added her boyfriend to her bio
after she got posted. She really seems to believe she's untouchable.
No. 1976333
>>1976182do these really look fake the interface looks like whatsapp
No. 1976334
File: 1710465727409.jpg (54.78 KB, 720x307, 82231.jpg)

>>1976333why would she reach out to Elaine in the first place the story makes zero sense
No. 1976515
>>1976511Ok and how does that relate to
No. 1977014
File: 1710640339371.jpg (4.78 MB, 3024x4032, Untitled-9.jpg)

Reposting this because I feel like the baby should be censored lol
No. 1977074
File: 1710660845923.mp4 (1.33 MB, 720x1280, ssstwitter.com_1710553086416.m…)

Posting the video here in case the tweets get deleted
No. 1977464
File: 1710771084133.webm (1.89 MB, 818x704, IMG_5257.webm)

No. 1977534
>>1977529Don't be a scrote.
She looks worse than most TiMs in the thread proper and saying anything otherwise really just leads one to think this is her trying to mess with the narrative again and make it look like she hadn't pissed off every last user on this site.
No. 1977710
>>1977525>I know Elaine is full of shit as always because she is saying this is the girl who told Null that Elaine was spamming CP on and that she admitted this to Elaine when it was actually me who did thatThere has never been any reasoning to support why pisslaine blames lolcow for Null's post. He obviously made it out of his own volition, and the reason it got under pisslaines's skin is because Null didn't need to talk to anyone to point out the obvious spam pisslaine was involved with. He publicly called her an NLOG who hated lolcow because it was full of women who she couldn't try to seduce. I actually believe she has tried to get at farmers, like she will throw herself at kiwis despite claiming asexuality. It's well known that animosity between kiwi and lolcow has existed since Ian so it's a dumb cope on the pisser's part.
>>1977472The biggest problem with this is that Hex or other anons said that oldmin wasn't Hispanic but hex was always open about it in servers. Hex also lied about being in the industry for the past 5 years, she didn't get her entry level job until she completed App Academy a few months ago.
No. 1977833
Elaine has turned Lorena into her new Ines because she's desperate to sink her fugly Anglo teeth into whoever she thinks she can blackmail and exploit. She wants to control the narrative about her - Elaine wants people to see her as Trollcow the super cool hacker and not all the piss stuff, cutting herself, fucking around with vile men, etc. She is in love with clout but can't handle the fact that her actions have consequences. She thinks she can strong arm people into doing whatever she wants, and honestly the best thing anyone dealing with her can do is to go silent. I would not believe anything Elaine says about any situation because she is a compulsive liar and wants someone to be her punching bag so she can blame them for everything. She blamed Ines, she blamed Josh, she blamed Blaine, she blamed Onionfarms, she blamed Graf, she blamed LCF as a whole, she blamed Godwinson, she blamed Lidl Drip, she kept switching who she hated most depending on what she was trying to achieve. I hope that everyone reading this will never let that vile woman erase anything. Don't delete her threads, don't comply with threats. If she targets you and you think she's found something to identify you, go dark. She's powerless when she can't threaten you. She will only swat and dox people (or get a scrote to do it) that she knows will react online or react in a space where she can watch and gloat. This Lorena chick likely had little to do with Elaine but the only reason Elaine inserts herself is because she thinks that targeting her will get her the inevitable control and outcome she is after. Stay safe out there nonnas, don't let ugly British pissminge alogging ruin your fun.
No. 1977857
>>1977850Good luck backing up your claims in that livestream you already rescheduled. Nobody sane dignifies anything you say.
>>1977852She's definitely a flake but treating her as an evil mastermind who is involved with nefarious activities is a bit much. The allegations are hypocritical coming from a well documented cow that has a history of surrounding herself with freaks and groups watched by the feds if anything it makes me raise my eyebrows at the fact hex reached out multiple times knowing who she was and that the cow in question tried to dox other farmers.
(hi cow) No. 1977863
>>1977857>if anything it makes me raise my eyebrows at the fact hex reached out multiple times knowing who she was and that the cow in question tried to dox other farmers.Yeah that's where the lede is buried, why does she keep reaching out to Elaine? Lorena had this whole spergout about how any farmers who were speaking to her were evil and ~psycho~ for either "sexually abusing poor
victim Elaine" or "helping crazy psychopath doxer Elaine criminally harass people" but in reality it looks like she was just moralfagging to have a pet cow she can play with. She leaked this farmer GC despite being part of it herself
>>>/meta/51520 (keep scrolling to see fake screenshots where farmers were poorly framed for CP shit
>>>/meta/51505) so I believe she started using Elaine as a useful retard somewhere along the line and got way, wayy too fucking comfortable.
No. 1978004
>>1977833Not going to give more away except to say that her swatting abilities are confirmed gone as I don't want anyone worried about that from her, gives her too much power.
>>1977850Backing up the other anon that post is rather saying both are the worst sources of information.
>>1977906Likely Loretta or Elaine and her would not blame the same person.
No. 1978065
>>1978004Nobody fucking cares and nobody worth shit in life is worried about a turbo retard swatting them when she needs to take credit for doxes she had no part in. The only people afraid of Elaine would be sad excuses for mothers like seveneightnine.
>>1978045Obvious kiwifaggots are trying to catch up and decrypt the thread so they can insert their own useless takes.
No. 1978085
>>1978076It's really not spicy. You can't act like a
victim of Elaine's swattings if you touched the poo and smeared it all over your family. It's a common theme in this thread.
No. 1978086
>>1978085If you think Elaine's only swatted one person then frankly you shouldn't be posting in this thread and certainly not discounting other anons for spelling errors.
Shame on you, what would your dead father say about this?
File: 1710888546292.jpg (301.09 KB, 897x1769, 327bdea4e094edc708095bde172bec…)

>>1978086I don't know who you think I am but it obviously got under Michelle's skin. Nobody, even
slightly intelligent, has ever been swatted by Elaine. Feel free to list out all her
victims who don't include a woman beater or burger boiling meathead.
>>1978858Go look at who the last post revealed the most if you want to find out who hex talks about more than the person we have just been told not to bring up.
There are posts reveals and here's a hint, the oldfags don't need them officially done so you too can study and identify this thread subjects posts on your very own! The power is in your hands.
No. 1978876
>>1978004"gives her more power"
Bless you anon. This is the heartiest kek I have had in a long time.
File: 1712327522884.png (23.56 KB, 674x169, loretard.png)

Hate to admit it, but it looks like Elaine's schizotinfoil about Loretard being LC's former admin nenetl may actually carry a degree of credence. I found this, the profile has since been scrubbed.
Can anybody prove me wrong? I want to be wrong because I don't want Elaine to be right.
No. 1982893
File: 1712328132645.png (97.62 KB, 350x445, renadotdev.png)

>>1982892Not to mention this is definitely hers too as proven by the link being part of her Github profile.
No. 1982911
>>1982909'I don't care about getting doxxed'
>Has tardmeltdown and threatens Admin with a lolsuit>Doesn't learn her lesson from other cows who have done this who have had their thread engagement lengthenedCan all and any nonnies who have milk on her who are scared of what she will do simply just spill? She can't come after all of you.
No. 1982939
File: 1712338493017.png (104.45 KB, 955x636, Screenshot 2024-04-05 4.32.27 …)

Loretard is camping out in /meta and begging admin not to out her posts. Why the fuck shouldn't they if she threatened them with a lawsuit?
No. 1983236
>>1983233I doubt it's true too, and I think Elaine will say literally anything about anyone regardless of if it's true.
Sincerely doubt Lorectum has the mental fortitude to maintain a project like lolcow while also relentlessly self doxing knowing what can happen to those who do so (this thread).
No. 1983239
>>1983233samefag wait I'm retarded. I read too fast and thought this was asking about rena being oldmin
but if rena is indeed nenetl, nenetl was certainly not oldmin
No. 1984555
File: 1712841296467.png (190.21 KB, 1270x521, Screenshot 2024-04-11.54…)

>>1984051Not sure about kiwifarms, but this is who those still in Ponycord suspect to be the account belonging to her. the posts showing here are authored by Lorena. She abandoned the account the day this thread was erected, which tracks with it belonging to her. She has a massive hateboner against Null too, kek. Wonder what their beef is.
No. 1984645
File: 1712861646872.png (97.69 KB, 860x539, vick.png)

>>1970869Reminds me of Vick's Linkedin, topkek.
No. 1984658
>>1984636Unless everyone in that server was exchanging LinkedIns and social security numbers, I still don't get why that matters. What is she going to do, post autistic greentexts about random Discord users and add on lies like she usually does when she's mad? No one will really care, considering most of us don't know those people. It'll also be incredibly obvious what she's doing, because she always tries to point the finger to distract from her cow behavior.
Also, in general, how the fuck is she to know all the dirt she supposedly has on people is even true? You could tell some discordfag you've been divorced three times before the age of 30 and had sex with Null just to see what they'll say.
No. 1984683
>>1983191She larped as a Computer Science graduate for 5 years on lolcord servers. She lied about having a FANNG job when her own fat racist boyfriend barely landed an AWS internship.
There can't be anything more embarrassing than being exposed for all your lies and then barely getting employment with app Academy. Many boot camps will take your half your starting salary and sell you off to a shitty company. Bottom of the barrel.
No. 1984709
File: 1712871441745.png (56.59 KB, 939x178, hex.png)

She's terrible at hiding her tracks. She is already camped out in /meta/ unsubtly threatening to start vendetta threads about whoever she is tinfoiling about participating in this thread. No one wants to touch this thread because they know Lorena will jump at the chance to start a thread about them, which is probably what she is holding farmers hostage with the thread off. Admin should promise to remove any obvious vendettas by Hex in order to persuade those who have milk to contribute.
No. 1984725
>>1984687You mean on this thread? Yes, Hex made the posts about Ulala being a moid.
No. 1984876
File: 1712927205032.png (346.8 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_9590.png)

Disregard previous post, image didn’t post for some reason. You can probably tell who I am so no real reason to name fag but Hex is @tempsdefille on Discord and she’s threatening to flag me down because I said mean words about her on the Internet.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1984877
File: 1712927274687.png (390.89 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_9591.png)

In this post Hex pretends she’s dating Joshua Moon to try to get me mad. Would have worked two years ago maybe.
No. 1984879
File: 1712927345680.png (400.83 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_9592.png)

In this one I offer to let her share her side of the story on a stream jokingly and she instant seethes.
No. 1984881
File: 1712927436736.png (383.9 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_9593.png)

I’m still trying to be light harder as she seethes at me because uhh, I don’t really know what to say to all that.
No. 1984882
File: 1712927512876.png (1.42 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_9594.png)

Her being misogynistic and calling me an ugly slag despite me literally being voluntarily celibate (4b movement)
No. 1984883
File: 1712927536469.png (416.71 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_9595.png)

More shitposting with Hex seething
No. 1984884
File: 1712927591480.png (408.9 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_9596.png)

This is how it ended! 🌟(please fuck off and don't come back elaine)
No. 2049818
This thread was a ride, thank you to the unsaged necro nonnies for bumping this. I'm perplexed a "lolcord" ever existed and even more that admins would participate, sounds like the perfect set up for all kinds of infighting, personalityfags and general retardation.
>>1971371I don't know if I'm retarded or if the KF search engine is, but I can't find any general lolcow threads. Where can I read more about oldmin/current staff?
No. 2050090
File: 1729808608722.png (60.79 KB, 345x192, img-2024-10-24-23-23-08.png)

when did she get a banner?? I'm dying. too big to upload you guys need to click: to sage) No. 2073696
File: 1735927974922.png (502.89 KB, 2734x1435, kek.png)

>>2073122>How can I avoid rent?Meanwhile she was posting luxury $4,000 pcm apartments that she was 'considering' the Discord and calling other anons in the chat poor.
No. 2074778
File: 1736196930882.jpeg (400.89 KB, 1290x1545, IMG_2402.jpeg)

I’m still being harassed(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)