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No. 1742759
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Long COVID truthers are truly something else.
No. 1742792
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Did zoomers just recently discover the situation in Israel and Palestine or why they are doing this only now? Why do they think that abandoning their hobbies and retweeting every single tweet (that you may not know whether it's misinformation or not) helps people in Palestine at all?
No. 1742800
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>>1742792Also these people post shit like this to "educate" and then list something like Al Jazeera as a reliable source. Why not add RT there as well? They're pressuring each other to "do something" and then they end up doing retarded shit for moral points.
No. 1742950
>>1742792They were always described as the most progressive generation that will change things for the better so now they think hashtags on twitter and petitions online will make the tards from the Israel government change their minds about committing mass murder. I can't blame the younger zoomers for not knowing until now tbh because the conflict is so old that the reason why it's in the news right now is because the situation got a lot worse very fast and very recently. If you don't even know or suspect something exists you're not going to look it up in the news or in documentaries after all.
>>1742885So just like tumblr 10 years ago with people reblogging hardcore yaoi and long explanations about Leelah Alcorn's suicide or BLM then. It's really more of the same shit. I find this very disrespectful.
No. 1742964
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>>1742950Free Palestine 2023 for zoomers is what Kony 2012 was for millennials. It will be over soon and remembered as a social media fad which didn't achieve anything important. This one is just more absurd because it's about "spreading awareness" as if people haven't been aware of it for decades. Also believing any random tweet that claims that half of the population of Gaza is dead by now without giving any critical thinking to it.
No. 1743603
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>>1742989NTA but the way they have this mindset is wild. I keep seeing accounts I follow (be either artists, personals, daily [X], etc) going "I'm so sorry I haven't spoken about this yet" I even saw a few artists apologizing for opening commisions to pay rent (literally said went "sorry, I know people in Gaza deserve money more than I do" "I don't want to redirect attention to me rather than the war"); people in the QRTs are stressing themselves out about not speaking enough or speaking too much….
They act like their (and others') RTs can solve everything, when they're just random teens with nerd followings, keeping all their "activism" online will do absolutely nothing. If all these people actually cared, they would seek how to help in real life, talk to their gov representatives, send food and money, etc.
If they knew I have all words related to the war blacklisted I think they would come to my house with knives kek. I wish they realized social media is not a salvation zone, the same things happens every single time.
No. 1743712
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>>1743028>>1743020You don't have to defend Islam or Hamas just to say mass bombings are bad. As if Israel is some bimbolicious feminininist utopia with nukes. Like if you don't want a population of terrorists, then stop bombing them? Like billions of wasted dollars on what? Bragging points? Oil? A Jewish South Africa. " Oh America, defend us from the anti-communist ooga-booga ayyy-rabs!"
Fuck you
No. 1743748
>>1743739>the PalestiniansImagine thinking that a minority of violent moids represents a population made out of people who just want to live their life in peace. Embarrassing.
>>1743743>People send their kids over there for a couple years of military serviceMilitary service is mandatory for all Israeli citizens over the age of 18. People don't send their kids over there, they are forced.
No. 1743885
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>>1743856Damn. Personally I would not retain citizenship somewhere with mandatory military service if I was that age but I guess he didn’t know better.
This conversation reminds me of that Taylor swift Stan account that went radio silent for a couple years then came back and said they were in jail for refusing to serve in the IDF.
No. 1744045
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The reality is sinking in that this war isn’t going to be over in 2 days and they’re not sure if they can commit to not posting about Genshin and K-pop that long after all.
No. 1744382
>>1743885>I guess he didn’t know better. No my friend's cousin knew, he did it on purpose and regretted joining the IDF.
>picBased Taylor Swift fan.
No. 1744509
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>>1742964Its resistance to genocide.
Zionist owned western media is being biased, so its important that the people show that they do not support genocidal Israel.
No. 1744533
>>1744509I keep forgetting that so long as men proclaim they are oppressed they’re allowed to rape women, murder babies and execute civilians indiscriminately. Thank goodness their are a few good eggs still around to advocate for male violence. Don’t worry
nonnie when the idf’s war crimes come out they can just say they were fighting their oppressors and worried about genocide too! See all things work out equal in the face of male violence.
No. 1744554
>>1744545>apparently parading naked female bodiesIt's not even "apparently" because they make sure to film the whole thing and tell everyone that it was them who did it. They're proud of it and so are many muslim men around the world. Ohhh but they shaked hands with an old lady!! The Hamas terrorists are akshually saints!
I don't care about how many sheltered allah cocksuckers ree about muh "genocide" and "resistance" on twitter, islamic terrorists' (as well as male civilians') actions toward ALL women and children can't and shouldn't be hidden or defended under any circumstance. You wouldn't excuse Israel raping women because of some past event where muslims genocided them (which still happens in islamic countries btw) and you shouldn't side with muslim rapists now because of a war over some fucking piece of land (but it's not really about the land). But for some reason this type of moid is protected despite being the one that's most openly violent and misogynistic.
>>1744509Taking hostage, raping and killing women and children in not resistance in any way you fucking retard. There's also been a lot of pro-palestine parades where muslim people are chanting violent anti-semitic phrases in the name of god. This is not was resistance is and it's not only about muh territory and politics. The violent moids you're defending are using muslim women and children as human shields and hostages too, saying that it's all necessary.
No. 1744606
>>1744601Palestinians aren't even all Muslims. A lot of them are Christians. One side has locked down the boarders of and is blowing up the other which is already severely crippled, the "war" is a meme. It might
start a war but Gaza is all but defenseless.
No. 1744609
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>>1744585That's not even a theory, it was. It's the same story every time.
No. 1744610
>>1744514These zionists arriving have no claim yo that land, they are more polish, british, german etc than they are palestinian. Israel should NEVER have been created, it has NO right to exist without consent of the native population, eho are jew, christian and muslims.
Its obcious you are jewish and have been brainwashed in one of the school they send you off to, whats next, “Palestine never existed”? And you do not negotiate with colonizers, its THEIR land, the colonizers can go back to where they came from.
If you feel bad for the innocent civilians blame Israel for starving and bombing them ruthlessly and holding them captive in an open air prison for more than eadecade.
No. 1744614
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My thing is, there's nothing we can do. They're basically fucked, it's a waste of time to flood your TLs with scammy donation links and countless videos of children covered in rubble having panic attacks, dead bodoes, and a wartorn Gaza. Rip to them but lets go back to our regularly scheduled programming. Keep calling out the Israelis with fan accounts though because it's funny. They always end up being really fucking ugly.
No. 1744619
>>1744601Exactly, all muslims should be bombed to smitherines for the sin of a few, they are animals who dont deserve to exist, only jews can be
No. 1744628
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>>1744622Leon-chama is very disappointed in you. He's going to eat his certified non-kosher burger very angrily now.
No. 1744643
>>1744617This isn't a widespread problem, israel is anal about letting people in that aren't jews meaning this only concerns a miniscule amount of jews that live outside of israel that happen to be sex offenders who can do the aliyah. Even then, it's necessary for you to provide a certificate of good conduct and a background check is done on you.
This is like saying "did you know countries in europe are housing pedophiles who have run from their countries?" in regards to immigrants that got there illegally. No shit, criminals will also slip through the cracks.
Even the article you linked says the blame might lie in the country of origin kek
No. 1744660
>>1744628As a burgerchan, I cannot imagine a kosher burger being any good. Like tomatoes and lettuce, cheese just belongs on burgers.
>>1744631So you're claiming that Gaza has a better record on women's rights than Israel? That women in Gaza have more rights and better quality of life than women in Israel? That's so cute.
>>1744651I never mentioned Hamas. Israel wants the land that Palestinians are on, and they're going to do anything in their power to make that a reality. We shouldn't be funding this war, but I have no say in that, so it's happening regardless. But out of the two possible winners of this war, Israel or Palestine, I hope that Israel wins because they're a culture more in line with my morals on women's rights than Palestine is.
No. 1744683
>>1744610Okay youre very fucking stupid but i'm gonna address your points anyways.
The jews who came from poland, germany british etc etc were polish, german and british in nationality. Not culturally or genetically. They have no ancestral ties to poland or europe, in fact they lived in a bottleneck of sort and refused to intermarry with non-jewish populations, have you ever heard of jewish endogamy?. If they were european they wouldnt be discriminated against by europeans for being jewish. Genetic studies show that ashkenazi jews are mostly southern European and you guessed it right, levantine with very small traces of eastern or northern european. Youve never seen a true ashkenazi jew, they look very mena, like job lovitz, abby hoffman, herzl who's the founder of zionism, meor kahane, shel silverstein and so on. There is a very distinct ashkenazi phenotype thats defined by the high nasal bridge, the dark coloring, the curly hair etc etc. Not only are jews native and indigenous to that land but wouldnt you know it, the al aqsa mosque was built upon the ruins of the jewish temple.
It's not their land, it was ottoman land and then it turned into British land. The palestinians had no right of acting against jewish aliyah to the area like they did with the white paper, u dont get to dictate who ur neighbors sell land to. Jewish land was legally bought, the palestinians were mad at their fellow arabs for LEGALLY selling land to the jews. There was no nakba or lands stolen until the arab league waged a genocidal war against the jews, absolutely nothing of the sort. Their leader was a fucking nazi collaborator ffs but people seem to gloss over that fact
"Holding them captive" the ppl in gaza had freedom of movement where they could move freely to and from israel until hamas started bombing civilian areas. Israel unilaterally left gaza in 2005 to give land to the palestinians and look at how they thanked them lmao . Blaming the bombings for the blockade is like blaming the terrorist attacks on the checkpoints, it's the other way around – the blockade came second and so did the checkpoints. they've brought it upon themselves and r now dealing with the consequences.
No. 1744727
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Kek zoomers genuinely responding to this "thanks for letting us know!!", don't they even teach the most basic WWII history in schools now? At least back in time even the most uneducated redneck knew about this shit.
No. 1744758
>>1744736“There was no nakba or lands stolen until the arab league waged a genocidal war against the jews, absolutely nothing of the sort.”
“but people seem to gloss over that fact
"Holding them captive" the ppl in gaza had freedom of movement where they could move freely to and from israel until hamas started bombing civilian areas. Israel unilaterally left gaza in 2005 to give land to the palestinians and look at how they thanked them lmao . Blaming the bombings for the blockade is like blaming the terrorist attacks on the checkpoints, it's the other way around – the blockade came second and so did the checkpoints. they've brought it upon themselves and r now dealing with the consequences.”
No. 1744773
>>1744684Yep, Israel has really done a number on Palestine and the trauma incurred on their citizens will infect them for generations. But there's going to be a winner of this conflict, there is absolutely no alternative. Israel has made it clear that they will be wiping out Palestine, and Palestine has made it clear that they would do the same thing back to Israel if they could. You can pretend that a two state option exists, but since both of the two states say it doesn't, I'm going to listen to them and believe them when they keep saying that they'll keep killing each other until one is dead.
Also, I love your example of all of Africa. Can't even name any individual countries and their conflict
nonnie? Black people just one mass to you? Ridiculous.
>>1744686Nothing any of us can do will stop this war. People with more money and power than you are capable of imagine are supporting this war and so it will continue until there is only one state left. Answer me though: When directly comparing Palestine and Israel, in which country do women have more rights?
>>1744700>there is no way they didn't know that Hamas was going to attack.Oh 100% Israel knew they were going to be attacked. There is direct confirmation of this by several intelligence agencies. They allowed themselves to be attacked in order to more thoroughly justify their genocide of the Palestinian people. In Israel's mind, they sacrificed pawns in order to win the game. But again, this war will only have one winner. And as much as I would like to see Israel wiped off the face of the earth, if I am given the choice between Israel winning or Palestine winning, Israel with their record of fairer treatment for their female citizens wins when compared to Palestine's "honor killings and marrying your rapist are still legal on the West Bank until 2018".
(derailing) No. 1744800
>>1744753 "The sparse Arab population in the areas where the Jews usually bought their land enabled the Jews to carry out their purchase without engendering a massive displacement and eviction of Arab tenants" not only did they buy land but they bought it in sparse underdeveloped areas like the galilee. Look up the jewish national fund.>but people seem to gloss over that factHis collaboration with the nazis is rarely mentioned if ever.
>"He asked Adolf Hitler for a public declaration that "recognized and sympathized with the Arab struggles for independence and liberation, and that would support the elimination of a national Jewish homeland" ">"some scholars, such as Schwanitz and Rubin, have argued that Husseini made the Final Solution inevitable by shutting out the possibility of Jews escaping to Palestine.">"It is the duty of Muhammadans [Muslims] in general and Arabs in particular to … drive all Jews from Arab and Muhammadan countries… . Germany is also struggling against the common foe who oppressed Arabs and Muhammadans in their different countries. It has very clearly recognized the Jews for what they are and resolved to find a definitive solution [endgültige Lösung] for the Jewish danger that will eliminate the scourge that Jews represent in the world" literally calling for ethnic cleansing of MENA jews from their countries before any nakba had occurred and for the genocide of the jewish people. All this preceded the nakba.
>ppl in gaza had freedom of movement where they could move freely to and from israel until hamas started bombing civilian areas. Israel unilaterally left gaza in 2005 to give land to the palestinians and look at how they thanked them lmao i hope the formatting doesnt look like shit but whatever
No. 1745475
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actually pathetic.
No. 1745549
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lmao I hope they keep doing this because it's going to peak so many people KEK
No. 1745625
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Libfems at it again
No. 1745733
>>1745549Who decided that the tranny genocide started in 2021? Lol I wish.
>>1744619Real question for Americans and any European anons in countries with a sizeable Jewish community; has there ever been any terrorist attacks by rabbi and Jewish terrorist/religious groups?
Sure, no one can justify bombing civilian women and children over violent moid religion Olympics but I have to say Islam has a fucking terrible reputation for womens rights and global terrorism whereas Judaism is quite clean by comparison, Judaisms biggest issue is being the projenitor of all other dogshit Abrahamic religions that have been used to justify mass murder and rape of children like the catholic church and islam. I'm not surprised the only people taking sides with Palestine are morally grandstanding twittertards spouting "think of the bombed women and children" while ignoring the constant violence and threat of Islam. When one side is stripping enemy women naked spitting on their corpses and parading them around in celebration its hard to feel sympathy for their plight and "ethnic cleansing".
No. 1745905
>>1745870I love how every pro-palestine (pro Hamas and Islam, since they never condemn them) loves to go "(palestinian) Women and children!! You're okay with women and children getting killed because you think Islam bad!?!" but again never says a thing abount innocent women and children getting killed and further humiliated because of muh land, or about all the women muslim men abuse on a daily basis because muh allah, or about how many people they kill in terrorist attacks because muh haram.
Also yes, hating Islam is completely
valid, it's a pedophile worshipping religion that allows honor killings.
No. 1746675
>>1745870My solution doesn't matter because males will always find an excuse to mass cull women and children.
>it's a bit ironic that you're asking for examples of Jewish terrorism when this is literally itI must have missed the rabbis who were hanging womens bodies up against a car and spitting on it like they are subhumans from a different planet. Terrorism is different from aerial bombings. Terrorism is specific and calculated against a group of people, terrorism is what Islam is to women. I know little about Judaism but I know at the very least rabbis don't engage in this behavior, and they don't attack foreign countries because their own is shit due it being a theocratic hell hole. Aerial bombing civilians is non discriminatory compared to spitting on and stripping a woman. The "cultural differences" if you can even call it that are that Islamists are subhuman monsters and some people especially self-hating women on twitter are idiotic enough to defend this.
>even if you hate menThat's a fairly shallow takeaway from clearly religious fueled male violence. "even if you hate men uwu".
>Do you hate Islam because you care about women, or do you hate it because you just do? Stop concerntrolling, it's clear you don't actually care.I hate Islam and the male violence therein period. It should be self explanatory why. You are "concerntrolling" about me shitting on Islam and doing exactly what I complained about "won't someone think of the childrening" the only difference here is you have few of an audience of first world women to updoot you for praising terrorism.
No. 1747097
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I hate libfems so fucking much.
No. 1747099
>>1745905girl you're only seeing what you want to see. all i've been seeing since the start of the attacks is people defending the women and children no matter what side and condemning religion. you're getting mad just because you want to complain and tbh i get that, sometimes i do that too just to get the edge off kek but seriously all you have to do is look shit up on twitter or something. i hate when someone says
>zomg no one's doing/talking about x thing !1111like first of all that's not even possible because there will always be some form of contrarian (however you see it) and secondly you can easily verify that information but you choose not to just so you can keep being mad kek
No. 1747227
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What did the tranny mean by this?
No. 1747493
>>1747483Cry more goyim. I said I'd cover both up, but I just find Jewish people to be more annoying because of their
victim complex and generally annoying nature.
(bait) No. 1747622
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Sheesh. Pick a struggle.
No. 1747644
>>1747099I don't even understand where the "no one is talking about x" is coming from when it's been the only thing on my TL for the past week, you can literally find tweets with 60K+ retweets 200K+ likes supporting Palestine. It's like people saying "WHY ISN'T THE MEDIA REPORTING THIS" when they're retweeting news headlines. Are they retarded?
>>1747227Black trans women threw the first brick at Stonewall shit. People parrot this 24/7 but I have yet to see them name more than one black troon who was a large figurehead for gay rights other than MPJ (who didn't even start the Stonewall but TRAs will constantly repeat that anyway). These people act like the gay rights movement was 200 years ago with no documented history when you can search up images and the protests are full of those gross white cis gays they hate so much. TRAs seriously believe gay people didn't fight for their own rights and it was all trannies.
No. 1748424
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Sometimes you stumble upon the strangest people casually on Twitter, like this woman, a Chinese convert to Judaism, whose account is just pro-Israeli/Zionist sentiments in Chinese.
No. 1749683
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I've posted about this woman before in the previous threads and now in the personal lolcow thread but she probably belongs here more, especially since some anons recognized her the last time I posted her
>30+ year-old mom on Twitter who mainly posts about Metal Gear Solid
>Obsessively tags and talks about the voice actors, mostly David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake)
>This is often in a way that can be seen as suggestive or flirtatious (keep in mind she has a husband and talks about him regularly)
>She's mentioned having personal contact details of his
>Speaks about her husband who's in the military, he's apparently asked her to stop as it can put his life/work in danger but she seems to keep doing it anyway
>She also posts her autistic (she makes it a point to let people know this) kids online all the time
>Including photos and personal texts
>She is often seen tweeting about either how broke she is or how rich she is, bragging about buying designer items while also shilling for donations on her side projects.
>Oh yeah, she's made a game studio and is apparently working on a game
>Uses said game studio Twitter account to make unrelated tweets about her kids, sending her kids money, thirst posts over game characters and whatever else she should keep to a non-professional account
>Is often trying to rope said voice actors into doing voicework for her game
>Has a podcast about ADHD and one about MGS
>More recently has decided to pick up a cleaning job (good for her)
>Decides to ask her 9k Twitter following to leave reviews on her Yelp page (these would ultimately be fake reviews since she hadn't cleaned anyone's house at this point)
>Accidentally doxxes someone she's cleaned for, possibly even gets them in legal trouble
>The zoomers pick up on this, leave her bad reviews
>Back and forth between threatening legal action against terminally online children and getting their reviews taken down
She really needs to hire a PR persona with all this new money she's raking in, especially when she's trying to build multiple brands alongside established creators.
No. 1749693
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>>1749683This is really weird, she keeps posting pics of her kids almost every other day, I suspect she wants them to be scouted for modelling contacts or something.
No. 1749814
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KEK gendered violence???
No. 1749818
>>1749814God I hate it when they do this shit. 99% of the same, non-white men are not getting killed by white women. Like the vast majority of all male
victims, the perpetrator is just another man.
No. 1749842
>>1749814men of color love blaming white women for whatever the fuck is the issue they have atm. then when
woc point out they're wrong and actually oppress
woc, they're called colonized or simply told to stfu because female. crime statistics never lie though.
No. 1749849
>>1749814this person is ignoring that "
woc" face actual violence and sexual abuse under "moc". or they just don't care, because they want virtue signal pickme points by any means possible. it's like when "progressives" ignore or even help censor ex-muslim women because they don't really give a fuck about women suffering. they just want to dunk on their own white, christian family and "fight islamophobia".
No. 1749872
>>1749814I love how "white feminists" are the boogeyman for everything kek, clearly this person has never looked at any studies and graphs that show most violent crimes have a perpetrator and
victim of the same race rather than white on -insert race here- crimes and are largely committed by men not women. Also men don't even face "gendered violence" men aren't attacking other men for being born male kek, what a retard
No. 1750042
>>1749814Some people in the quotes are saying it wouldn't be gendered violence but racism at least. It's sad to see people on Twitter being so braindead about this because both the fact that 1) white women can discriminate moc based on their race, and 2) moc can discriminate white women based on their gender, are true but you have retards overcorrecting and acting like white women are literally the spawn of the devil or vice versa.
>>1749872>I love how "white feminists" are the boogeyman for everything kekThey think every white woman is Emmett Till'ing moc. Obviously there are instances of white women weaponizing racist stereotypes but I doubt the "white women tears" stuff even makes up 1% of the violence against moc.
No. 1750224
>>1749814Asking these men to get a stable job and not harass women in public transport is gendered violence now? We're in hell. Do they think that the BBC category on porn website is the epitome of gendered violence against men? Kek, and I'm a
woc I'm allowed to say that!
No. 1752831
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No. 1752843
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>>1752831Victoria's Secret tried doing it too. Apparently it didn't work, I heard that sales dropped by 70% or something.
No. 1752879
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>>1752831Probably an unpopular opinion but I'm not mentally ill nor anachan enough to reee and screech at the sight of fat models it doesn't concern me because everyone deserves to dress nicely but I do wish they chose more nicer looking fat people to model. It's like they always choose the most homely, ugly and visually unconfident people and don't even try to style them to look more aesthetically pleasing or fit in with the general brand style and themes.
No. 1752909
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>>1752892>VS didn't tank because of fat people and trannies taking overIt wasn't the only reason but surely a major one, cause the moment they announced they would drop the sjw branding everyone started investing on their stock again
No. 1753378
>>1753107It's basically a mini-movement of black women choosing to detach themselves from "the black community" because of the many
toxic aspects in it. However, it often turns into self hating black women worshipping white men, delusionally thinking that white men will save them from societal and romantic troubles. I'm probably going to cop a ban for even talking about this.
No. 1753650
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>>1752843Tinfoil; they did it in the most obnoxious way on purpose so they could go "see people don't want diversity!". Listen idc if VS only shows the top of the top models but if you're going to do plus size models you need to make sure the clothing fits and absolutely all of them looked haggard. I don't doubt for a second they did it on purpose.
See pic related; I refuse to believe a single person thought this looked flattering, both the garment construction and the posing.
No. 1753723
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>>1752892I'm so tired of people acting as if "going woke makes you broke" and that deciding to pander to minorities is the reason of a brand's downfall and
not the last ditch effort to save a failing business with a publicity stunt. Selling gaudy, overpriced plastic lingerie has been out of fashion for a while.
>>1752909They really didn't, their stock plummeting just plateaued. Your image is a 5-day graph, it tells you literally nothing. See picrel.
No. 1753726
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>>1752831As if Calvin Klein still didn't include impossibly beautiful, skinny models in their advertisements. People pick one pandering photo and start acting as if attractive white people are literally being genocided and everyone is forced to be a fat vitiligo tranny in 2023. I hate these bad faith malevolent conservatards so fucking much, it's unreal.
>>1752843>butch lesbiansTerminal pickmes just can't shut the fuck up and revealing their idiocy to the entire world. What the fuck is up with anons recently posting all this 2016-esque Kotakuinaction own the libz bullshit and openly agreeing with it?
No. 1753739
>>1752879Same here, apparently you're correct in this being an unpopular opinion too. There's no reason a size 14-16 or greater can't be beautiful like this woman in picrel
>>1753650 sans the abscess-looking fat rolls. However the image on the right of picrel
>>1752831 are not plus sized attractive larger framed and bodied men and women; those are landwhales. Also the male in the left "good" photo looks like he has a particularly bad case of constipation, I wouldn't call that beautiful kek.
>>1751426Knowing of the Touhou project as an actual female makes you based nonna, you should know better than that.
No. 1753983
File: 1699202908050.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1170x1597, IMG_3708.jpeg)

Black twitter in a nutshell
No. 1754137
File: 1699209727182.jpg (71.2 KB, 980x1470, white-look-frontedit-1-641d77b…)

>>1753650This look (and others from the same shoot) were created by Michaela Stark, a designer whose whole thing is using corsetry to emphasize fat rolls, bellies and such to create interesting silhouttes. VS clearly tried to appeal to the alternative fashion crowd by collaborating with a more avant garde and quirky designer but even the so called fashion girlies on twitter and tiktok hated it, which is dissapointing since it proves once again that all the preaching and crying about challenging and dismantling the current beauty standard is just an empty discourse.
No. 1754147
File: 1699210201100.png (505.74 KB, 616x456, shrek.png)

>>1753983this is the same as those shrek and disney edits made by millenial white women on facebook kek
No. 1754154
File: 1699210451577.jpg (94.91 KB, 734x683, acbd069103da428c5aef4dcb0e6be6…)

>>1754147Are you sure it's Facebook moms and not just teenage zoomers?
No. 1754188
File: 1699212126100.jpg (312.16 KB, 1240x1600, s-l1600 (1).jpg)

>>1754167>Women can never be freeI think you're being kind of dramatic, nobody's forcing anyone to buy VS lingerie and there are lots of options nowadays for women who want to buy something comfy and simple. Me personally I like their designs a lot because I'm tacky as hell and I don't find them uncomfortable, if they bring back high quality pinky underwear I may buy a pair
No. 1755367
File: 1699245771939.png (1.33 MB, 1109x2218, mc-lol1.png)

>>1749683I didn't expect to have to update so soon, but the company/game studio she was running has been wholly abandoned. She's deactivated her main Twitter and Discord and has shut down her Patreon. Everyone is angry that she's done this because many people donated to this project and won't know it's been axed since she only cared to update people on BlueSky (a website that is exclusive and invite-only currently), so anyone else can't contact her for a refund, and might not even know about this new update.
No. 1755373
File: 1699245972769.png (1.6 MB, 1092x3736, lol2.png)

>>1755367Posts from her BlueSky account, these were screenshots taken from other Twitter users. I didn't think there would be so much milk so soon
No. 1757828
File: 1699375815819.jpeg (181.93 KB, 534x1175, IMG_5172.jpeg)

68k retards
No. 1759035
File: 1699451249057.png (245.85 KB, 974x616, bUjKySq.png)

Behold the single worst take on Israel/Palestine.
No. 1763376
File: 1699583328380.jpeg (205.31 KB, 1170x1224, IMG_7185.jpeg)

Kek what
No. 1763620
File: 1699591621085.png (31.69 KB, 747x264, Sushi is white.png)

This is what happens when your too obsessed with twitter rhetoric that you have no foot in reality.
No. 1764286
File: 1699621540491.png (164.82 KB, 747x483, jun.png)

>>1763620I'm sure other races will be brought up if this discussion progresses, so I just want to remind everyone that the OP is a Chinese man and nothing else. Have fun.
No. 1764295
>>1764293these two
>>1764286 are
>>1763620 different accounts though?
No. 1764298
File: 1699622011172.jpg (347.52 KB, 1507x2048, F7jRruDW8AA1WTf.jpg)

>>1764295Look at the bios. Also, picrel is from the likedbycat's account. Same person. Let's just keep things known kek
No. 1764485
File: 1699637700123.jpeg (134.53 KB, 1170x549, IMG_7209.jpeg)

What the fuck even possessses a man to post bait like this? Doesn’t it just land him in an interrogation room now?
No. 1764841
File: 1699650646004.png (15.29 KB, 586x149, tweet.PNG)

Oh grow up bitch
No. 1764843
File: 1699650682297.png (10.83 KB, 573x73, tweet 2.PNG)

>>1764841The followup tweet
No. 1764886
File: 1699652748381.jpg (228.91 KB, 720x1171, maleontwitter.jpg)

A girl gets killed and these sociopathic losers immediately mock her. They just want to be racist and make an example out of her to push their culture war bullshit. If the murdered had been white they wouldn't have cared and might even have celebrated him, the same way they celebrated Kenneth Darlington who shot 2 protestors.
No. 1767619
File: 1699767717904.jpg (832.65 KB, 1034x1981, QFQIOwD.jpg)

>Skeleton twt when they see a well toned stacy
No. 1768451
File: 1699812125509.png (366.14 KB, 606x655, SH_214.png)

being autistic now excuses you from viciously assaulting a woman and beating her half to death.
No. 1768635
Wow the video of him beating the teacher is horrific. This guy is a wild animal who should never be allowed around people. course the white woman teacher is being blamed for not asking the judge for leniency in is sentencing as if she has control over the outcome. This beast needs to be locked away forever.
No. 1768726
>>1768635>Now 18, Depa had three prior battery arrestsHe should have been booked the first time.
>Flagler Live also reported that Depa got into a brawl in jail just last month.He obviously hasn't learned anything and will continue to be a danger to others. I hope the judge throws the book at him.
No. 1769357
File: 1699868737509.png (52.53 KB, 602x683, Screenshot.png)

What kind of black Incel logic is this?
No. 1771123
File: 1699959216287.jpg (36.02 KB, 564x361, EVcKjPlXQAMzanU.jpg)

I think this is most a society as whole probem rather than a Twitter one, but plataforms like Twitter were the start of it, so….
I can't stand how fast-placed everything is, nothing leaves impact anymore and people just want their weekly new digital stimulus and that's all. We don't have memes like Caramelldance (who stayed for years) anymore, it's just your new rebrand of "thing I like / thing I dislike" or "draw your character like this" that is lucky if it manages to stay revelant for 4 days. We don't have songs of the summer or iconic songs anymore, just 10-second loops that play on every single tiktok for a week & then is left forgotten. Series are binge-watched on a day and disscused for a week before everyone moves onto the next new one; even anime, which still airs a chapter weekly, is forgotten because we got so many new ones every 4 months, barely anyone manages to leave a mark because all of them blend onto the other.
I just want everything to be slower again. The shift from blogs to Twitter, 1000 words messages agaisnt 120 words ones. The shift from Youtube to Tiktok, 3-minute videos agaisnt 10 second ones. Even the memes, before you used to need to come up with a joke or small story for stuff like rage comics, but now all you need is to change a single word (are they even memes anymore? they're more akin to reaction images).
People say it's because we don't have time anymore, and while that's true, lack of time doesn't justify why you need something new every week or why 30 micro-videos are better than one longer one. I would argue that eve the 1 episode a week is better when you lack time than binge watching a series, if you find 10 free minutes a day you will be able to watch the new episode in 3-4 days; that's easier than finding free hours to binge watch.
No. 1771142
>>1771094I also live in an ultra peaceful European place. Here they get a slap on the wrist, a small fine and damages to the
victim(s), and a 3-year sentence if they really messed up. Our prisons are like student dorms, in fact they're much better than the place I live in now as a student and they're all free. Supposedly it's to help them reintegrate into society and rehabilitate them, lol. Our courts are circuses and the judges are clowns.
No. 1771431
File: 1699983330151.png (451.18 KB, 720x1027, Screenshot_20231114_111011_Chr…)

Women's bodies do get worse treament than men's, I'm not sure why I'm seeing these "Oh, women aren't nice at all, they judge men all the time" type of responses.
No. 1771492
File: 1699986919976.jpg (141.19 KB, 749x1178, F-34WouXQAAXbH5.jpg)

What the fuck is wrong with some people? how can you be this insensitive and asinine, even autistic retards have more common sense then to make and post this shit.
No. 1771571
File: 1699992555758.jpeg (78.76 KB, 638x848, 8975CB14-4BD5-43A6-BE81-DAB462…)

>>1771558Ithey literally don’t think of black people as people but as foot soldiers for their cause. The fact that other arab countries don’t want them is a major sign. I’m already over the hoopla
No. 1771718
File: 1700000827939.png (826.49 KB, 707x1412, mad.png)

>>1771431related. she gave such a harmless statement but the mra had to make it about themselves agaIn.
No. 1771810
File: 1700007693885.jpeg (264.5 KB, 1169x1631, IMG_3805.jpeg)

Religious people are insufferable
No. 1772820
>>1771718men’s own dysmorphia has nothing to do with her statement that men aren’t as openly shamed or criticized for their looks. There’s a completely different culture around celebrity men, most of them are old and busted and still treated as sexy uwu cinnamon rolls by millions of fans and keep lifelong careers. Men don’t have to do anything special, just not openly be
abusive, and people will be like wow he seems so cool and nice!! I always have a good laugh seeing men rage when it’s pointed out they’ll never deal with the same abuse and scrutiny as women, no matter how much they want to be the sole
victims of society.
No. 1774176
File: 1700135502662.jpg (194.49 KB, 1125x1393, FwQyx59XsAA-bFq.jpg)

No. 1774260
>>1764879>>1764846shes obviously joking you autistic faggots
>>1769277mental facilities (for adults) should be for traumatised and mentally unwell women, all antisocial violent moids should just be executed. this is the best policy, its true.
>>1769578>>1769598>>1770846so true and real queens
>>1771492kek this is so retarded i actually love it. have the furries come out with israel/palestine fanart yet like how they did for ukraine?
No. 1774741
File: 1700168773356.png (141.21 KB, 667x726, !.png)

Elon Musk posted again.
No. 1775518
File: 1700227122418.png (272.35 KB, 605x594, Screenshot.png)

No. 1775674
File: 1700239830415.jpg (146.52 KB, 1290x1162, FyhudAbWAAE5Q3D.jpg)

>They assaulted a woman.
No. 1775823
File: 1700246905999.jpeg (268.34 KB, 1623x2000, IMG_5296.jpeg)

This is the tranny who wrote an entire book about jkr getting raped and murdered btw
No. 1776293
File: 1700272806673.png (38.24 KB, 751x321, twitter.png)

leave it to trans zoomies to defend chris chan. also the way they call this middle aged man a "girl".
No. 1777131
File: 1700340956822.jpg (49.06 KB, 441x746, ATwwW1m.jpg)

Incelfags are so mentally delayed, how is someone being mixed because of slave owners being rapists an own?
No. 1779618
File: 1700471799223.jpg (78.45 KB, 557x680, TVznHTbZ.jpg)

I absolutely despise the fact that it's always a Pakistan(or Indian Muslim) who posts crap like this. They genuinely couldn't care less about Palestinians beyond the fact that they are simply Muslims and think they are the only ones whose support actually matters. meanwhile every single Muslim government does jackshit for the Palestinian cause, while the majority of aid comes from secular organizations.
No. 1779650
>>1779630Nta, but are you against reparations for
victims/family of
victims of things like Bikini Atoll, the Holocaust, the Tuskegee syphillis experiment, etc?
No. 1780499
File: 1700519863340.jpg (119.42 KB, 1125x1310, melonstwatter.jpg)

What the fuck? Why are these kinds of ads allowed to be on twitter? I know it could be a scam but even then, it's still wrong to allow such ads.
No. 1780963
File: 1700544974424.jpg (276.38 KB, 950x1995, 30HuiU8dArHiY.jpg)

No. 1781019
>>1779650Depends, do we have living
victims of those crimes right now? Then sure. As for the children that are suffering through the consequences, yeah I'm in support of that too. But I think there should be an end to it eventually.
No. 1781186
File: 1700568275766.jpeg (165.58 KB, 941x1010, IMG_3874.jpeg)

They managed to make the Black Death about race kek
No. 1781191
File: 1700568381725.png (253.8 KB, 845x2002, ikin.png)

Moids lie like they breathe.
No. 1781546
>>1774176Only a twittertard liberal "feminist" male can take wanting women to be safe and use reddit-tier mental gymnastics to make it "aschutally misogynistic". These motherfuckers will look at the circumcision and say that FGM needs to be more popularized to have women "equal to men", or else not doing FGM is "misogynistic" because it "implies" that women are weaker than men. I bet some of them are even saying shit like that right now.
Does that faggot even
truly believe the words he typed in that tweet? Or does he just hate women and wants to use being a "male feminist" as an excuse to try kicking down any point a woman makes?
No. 1783139
File: 1700672006057.png (58.93 KB, 604x727, 45b652v.png)

This man is totally a pedophile.
No. 1783355
File: 1700684688817.jpg (162.29 KB, 1080x762, Screenshot_20231122_150906_X.j…)

I hate coming across these types of tweets because there's always a bunch of low tier pick mes and bottom of the barrel men in the replies talking about how they do this in their relationship together. What the fuck is wrong with people? Men aren't liking those photos because they think her makeup is pretty or she has a nice fashion sense. No, they're fucking beating off and pleasuring their bonobo minds to some random women as their gf puffs her chest out as she states how cool and not like the other girls she is. Is it normal to be "cool" with this? At least some women have self respect in the replies.
No. 1784409
File: 1700718001450.jpeg (707.91 KB, 1170x1954, IMG_5314.jpeg)

Idk I think it’s a good thing moids aren’t publishing their pedophiliac fantasies out in the open as much anymore
No. 1785035
File: 1700734262941.png (185.52 KB, 1044x1036, Screenshot.png)

>>1784409The only worthwhile replies from the QRTs.
No. 1785658
>>1785648Samefag, like he specifies white women are the
victims but calls the perpetrator just black? He doesn't want to say the male part. He wants the male aspect to be forgotten.
No. 1785931
File: 1700775561367.jpeg (391.69 KB, 1170x1315, IMG_8004.jpeg)

Ok I don’t normally post twitter screenshots but
>screaming and crying in fear
>scarred for life
Over using the toilet? What the fuck ever happened to the excitement of “I can use the toilet I’m a big kid now”? And these incapable parents are just coddling it while they let the toddler shit themselves. Fucking hell.
No. 1785933
File: 1700775721394.jpg (32.54 KB, 600x600,…)

>>1785931are they putting their kids on actual toilets? cause that is moronic
have they never heard of baby potties?
No. 1786173
File: 1700792467350.jpeg (423.92 KB, 828x876, IMG_7245.jpeg)

Trannies and fags joking about this? Imagine my shock
No. 1786190
File: 1700793324981.jpeg (170.42 KB, 828x573, IMG_7249.jpeg)

This account used to post dumb/silly stuff but now it’s mostly rage bait or videos of people getting beat up
No. 1786218
File: 1700795028782.jpg (11.38 KB, 362x350, 1670608802927.jpg)

>>1786207I'd call her an uber tbh and then pay for multiple homeless people to get on the bus to pee on you
No. 1786225
File: 1700795349192.jpeg (60.36 KB, 750x524, 012548BD-847C-455D-A1DC-F1E9FD…)

>>1786221Some people literally dont have a choice.
No. 1786637
File: 1700836998987.png (89.86 KB, 587x633, 1000005786.png)

Why would you wear that in public?
No. 1786667
File: 1700839660576.jpg (13.96 KB, 360x342, 1000005787.jpg)

>>1781193>Mental incapacity>Non-consensual>Severe Malnutrition>Mildly UnconventionalWhy aren't we killing people like this?
No. 1786784
File: 1700846870460.png (283.22 KB, 601x654, v1casf3g.png)

I hate libfems so fucking much, Also he reason the term 'women and children' is used is because women and children are more vulnerable in dire situations. A group of young, able-bodied men can survive and look out for themselves. However, in times of war or civil unrest that option is just not possible for women and children.
No. 1786786
>>1786784>killing men is equal to the killing of womenNo the fuck it's not KEK
>Men are not acceptable collateral damageYes the fuck they are KEK.
No. 1787025
File: 1700860860052.jpeg (413.84 KB, 1170x1257, IMG_5320.jpeg)

>furry pfp
No. 1788097
File: 1700927629841.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1284x2126, IMG_9679.jpeg)

I keep trying to decipher what he means with this in the context of this movie. The girl’s brain is the workplace? Most people born in the nineties are in their 20s and 30s now and were the prime audience for Pixar movies, so why stop at 1990? Do people just post weird opinions to get engagement on this site? I don’t actually care about this movie at all and was a little too old for a lot of Pixar movies, I’m just confused by the post.
No. 1788104
>>1788097I understand what's being said but it's still a bad take because
>the most successful cartoon franchises do pander to adults>plenty of children do experience 'adult' problems i.e. social anxiety, so it makes sense to market a movie that is relatable to both child and adult demographicsI hate pseudointellectuals who piss over cartoons about how much more mature they are than the plebs who watch them.
No. 1788752
File: 1700961883990.png (16.71 KB, 552x180, butwhataboutmoids.png)

>they're not given the chance to be victims under the patriarchy
And women do? Little girls are harassed and silenced by their own mothers to protect their pedophile fathers. I hate bitches who say shit like this so much.
No. 1789070
>>1787033But they're just a big babies, nonna uwu they don't understand how world works. When he bashes your brain in, please understand where he's coming from! Terfs are literally bigoted nazis though.
>>1787103And incels deserve empathy because he is one.
>>1788765It really reads like a fanfiction from her. Or it was fanfiction from those adult men, since they do self-insert sometimes as shotacons in their porn, which is insane. I wonder what was "the amount".
No. 1789981
File: 1701044118948.png (3.72 MB, 1844x2048, image (4).png)

Some radfem account posted these photos. Some other users called women who read erotic stories and porn without plot, porn addicts. It's just ridiculous to me, erotic books are not anywhere as bad as actual porn.
No. 1790592
>>1790591because its all that gets pushed in female targetted media its literally a psyop. Women werent into this shit back when titanic became the highest grossing film. They started to get psyoped into it when hollywood started shilling 50 shades tier
abusive shit.
No. 1790671
>>1790628True, but honestly I feel like some anons saying that women who read smut are porn addicts would be
triggered at anons calling people who read certain other content pornsick. That's just me though.
No. 1793120
File: 1701238727878.jpeg (110.93 KB, 1242x469, F9LVsUcAIrj79A.jpeg)

No. 1793595
File: 1701282738098.jpeg (175.52 KB, 828x1294, IMG_5886.jpeg)

yet moids will cry and shoot up a school if you tell them they're short
No. 1793988
File: 1701307964519.jpeg (226.59 KB, 1170x635, IMG_5326.jpeg)

Keep your disgusting parasites to yourself(bait/derailing)
No. 1794073
File: 1701312179336.jpg (Spoiler Image,67.3 KB, 1169x821, men.jpg)

No. 1794111
File: 1701313432262.jpeg (57.25 KB, 215x315, 4D11C253-7058-4DE4-A869-553080…)

>>1794073Fat men should be allowed to get horny
No. 1794151
File: 1701315234540.png (68.79 KB, 243x275, 1686421807670.png)

No. 1794179
File: 1701317306961.png (291.86 KB, 527x543, Screen Shot 2023-11-29 at 11.0…) drives spoiled western women to do this? Can someone explain the reasoning tor me?
No. 1794224
File: 1701318446327.jpeg (53.05 KB, 680x516, GAJmhbCWMAAO5Gf.jpeg)

>>1794179the fucking loops muslims will throw themselves in
No. 1794320
File: 1701319897358.png (280.09 KB, 800x1478, greekbustpfp.png)

the whole thread is a mess. random men are assuming things about op and her father because how dare she tweet "men
coffee cup emoji", dont you know not all men????? No. 1794325
File: 1701319968168.png (459.92 KB, 598x692, Screenshot_2023-11-29 iTalkShi…)

>>1794179Can we talk about this archetype of white liberal women?
No. 1794369
>>1794320I love how they mention all that crap as if they personally did it. What have
you done besides play video games, masturbate, and waste your life on Twitter, retard?
No. 1794834
>>1794320>Is is so much to ask for someone to cook a fresh meal when we come home tired, battered, war torn and longing?Yes, faggot. Do it yourself, women are busy doing shit other than masturbating and posting on twitter. Idk who taught these failmales that if they do the slightest bit of physical activity then everyone has to bow down and cook/clean for them (plus sex because they're entitled to it!). That's not how reality works, fuckers. Just like most women do, you get off your ass and do things for yourself, or shut the fuck up and accept what's given to you.
>>1794333You expect males on Twitter to actually walk out of their house and learn how the world works?
No. 1795656
File: 1701388547718.png (141.59 KB, 596x697, women suck at mental illness.p…)

uh huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
No. 1795658
>>1795656BPD MAN: serial killer, pedophile, rapist, mass shooter
AUTISTIC MAN: serial killer, pedophile, rapist, mass shooter, brony
depressed man: serial killer, pedophile, rapist, mass shooter
No. 1795661
>>1795659>>1795658bpd man: domestic abuser
autistic man: sex pest
depressed man: mass shooter
accurate version!!!
No. 1795665
File: 1701389123865.png (320.83 KB, 478x930, hunter schafer.png)

more retarded shit
No. 1795680
File: 1701390343882.jpg (208.54 KB, 1800x1390, mery__S2_-1663487942114054151-…)

>>1795678he was a shit artist lol i have seen autistic women that draw the same retarded anime ship over and over and over for years that draw miles better than that faggot
No. 1795683
>>1795667BPD men are scum of the earth faggots with no redeeming value. At least NPD and ASPD men can be charismatic and get shit done and be useful to society by being surgeons or whatever, even if they’re
toxic abusive scrotes at least they don’t have the same propensity for being pathetic useless leeches as bpd men.
No. 1795712
>>1795656well i'd pick being a stupid bitch 100 times over being the next chris chan, an incel or a kid murderer. most men arent poets, geniuses or lovers either.
No. 1796040
File: 1701415279994.jpg (135.44 KB, 719x674, FvZaiWzAA_LGVa.jpg)

No. 1796136
>>1795656BPD man: serial abuser
Autistic man: hopeless manchild
Depressed man: potential school shooter
BPD woman: stupid bitch
Autistic woman: very interested in few subjects
Depressed woman: disturbed artist
No. 1796613
File: 1701466164793.jpg (322.51 KB, 446x1348, spedarmy.jpg)

The amount of people defending this violent sped is concerning. If the school had to call in a crisis team just to take away his nintendo switch, then he was clearly a danger to everyone around him.
No. 1796787
>>1795656BPD man: murderer
Autistic man: murderer
Depressed man: murderer
BPD woman: stupid bitch, muse, socialite
Autistic woman: genius scientist, preserver of nature, knowledgeable old lady
Depressed woman: poet, musician, artist, novelist
No. 1796954
>>1796613Identity politics have seriously destroyed the progress being made in the movement to eliminate DV. All rationality out the window in favor of competition virtue signaling for the most pats on the back. Oh, but the son has autism! Never attribute fault or responsibility to anyone disabled ever. I’m made more bitter over the fact that this dangerous, enabling rhetoric is being spewed because some Twitter grown retards need to be told they’re such good people for considering the disabled.
That poor mom is better off with her son in jail. If it’s not another woman first, he was going to end up killing her. It’s always so depressing seeing boymoms defend their especially demonic sons to the detriment of their own well-being. Why do so many women keep ignoring their own safety and willingly choose or even fight for the opportunity of putting themselves at risk of serious harm?
No. 1797563
>>1796613I really hate how people defend violent
black males, as if this violence was an inborn trait and not a regular choice he makes. Nonnies I wish there was a way to be firm and actually do something about these violent freaks
No. 1797569
>>1796832I support eugenics for many reasons
>>1796889They identify as leftists to piss off mommy and daddy, who cares about real worker's rights?
No. 1797575
File: 1701560509354.jpg (59.82 KB, 564x756, 56b6b3320a0f607d2f3e7321d18daa…)

Wow, Elon is both unfunny and a coomer
No. 1797665
File: 1701567003601.jpeg (388.38 KB, 1170x1061, IMG_5330.jpeg)

No. 1797943
File: 1701594858345.mp4 (1.64 MB, 480x852, IHYpctolflHfdiWc.mp4)

>>1797665This is the video she's reacting to btw.
No. 1798040
File: 1701610988019.jpg (401.83 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20231203_142710_Gal…)

I typiclly don't post in this thread but this situation is so sick I had to come here.
This autistic man had brutally attacked his teacher after another teacher took his console away. He KO kicked her and she fell unconscious and then he proceeded to stomp, kick and punch her head while she layed unconscious on the floor. It took multiple people to get him off her. He was trying to kill her.
The woman now suffers partial hearing loss and brain damage
The man is 6.6 in height and he has 3 previous reports of violence.
Now the majority of Twitter has taken it upon themselves to defend this man and blame the woman.
Some of the defends they are making:
>he is a autistic man and shouldn't be punished for this.
>He is a black man and people who judge him are racist.
>He didn't do anything, if this was a white man he would be free.
>The teacher is evil for reporting him to the police.
>It's the teachers fault for taking his stuff away, if she didn't do that then she wouldn't get hit.
>it's the systems and schools fault for this happening, dont blame this opressed, autistic black man.
What the fuck is wrong with People, so because he is black or autistic he is allowed to beat women??? If this was a autistic woman or a black woman NOBODY would be defending this violence.
So many people having sympathy for this man on Twitter that at this point I believe anyone who feels sorry for that woman getting beat to the brink of her life make up a small number of people.
No. 1798047
>>1798040listen if you never been around autistic moids who are low functioning then just say that! They ALL act like that. You literally have to speak to them in a certain way otherwise it will
trigger them. Also the mom begged the administration not to put him in public school because he is a danger to himself and others but no one listened. The teacher didnt deserve that at all but that student didnt need to be put in that environment at all either. Putting him in jail would solve nothing because he is clearly low functioning. Also it is true nothing would be done if he was white because I worked with a white woman who brought her autistic son to work during covid and if she told him one thing wrong or if the office was too loud for him he would spit and attack his mother and if he couldnt get to her he would attack himself and the office itself. We had giant holes in the office, chairs were destroyed etc etc. He did that shit in shcool too but guess what. not once were tcops ever called on him! He was just forced to go home. But because this autistic kid is tall for his age and black he is automatically a criminal when again its not his fault or the teachers but the administration and honestly society for failing autistic kids.
No. 1798054
>>1798047>I knew a white violent autism moid and cops were never called on him.Neither were the cops called on that black autistic man (he is over 18) either until this incident. He has 4 previous accounts of violence and the cops were not called. The cops were called this time (cops weren't actually called,the woman attacked filed a charge) though and that's because he almost murdered this woman. Please stop with this race shit.
Also you never mentioned the white mold in your post attacking someone to the point they got brain damage or almost died.
No. 1798183
>>1798040She warned him multiple times, and when she finally confiscate it, this like 300 pound Rock thought it was appropriate to beat up some old jewish lady? Being autistic isn’t an excuse to act like a caveman. And if you’re
this low functioning cognitively, you need to be locked in a padded cell with a straitjacket on, because that is not acceptable.
No. 1798185
>>1798047>Putting him in jail would solve nothing because he is clearly low functioningdoes someone have to explain to you what prisons are for, sweet newfriend ? they're not uwu altruistic rehabilitation centers, they're meant to 1) lock up crazy violent criminals that threaten the lives and well-being of everyone, 2) bring justice via punishment.
also your story is completely irrelevant and supports the absolute opposite of your points (bad behaviour needs to be controlled).
i feel so bad for teachers in general.
>>1798158we might be peaking. i agree twitter is some indication, but keep in mind reasonable, well-meaning people on all sides don't tweet political opinions all day and are instead busy with life and loved ones.
No. 1798189
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>>1798040>>1798047>>1798185>>1798183He is NOT low functioning. His iq was tested to be somewhere between 97 and 116 so this man is a high functioning autist. So you can't use the low functioning excuse on him, he knew what he was doing.
No. 1798361
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>>1798040I looked this up because I was sure nothing was going to happen to this guy but he pleaded no contest to aggravated battery on a school employee which could get him up to 30 years. The video was chilling, and he was very calm and compliant with the officers immediately afterwards which tells me this was not some kind of uncontrollable meltdown. His attorney is referring to him as an "autistic child in a cage" to draw some sympathy but I don't know how anyone could see that video as anything but a calculated attack. Especially with how he didn't swing on the other paras. He went for her specifically.
>>1798249Honestly it terrifies me the way people make excuses for violent mentally ill and disabled people. I get where they're coming from but there comes a certain point where you can't just send them to the quiet corner and call it a day. Some people are legitimately dangerous.
>>1798202They were so hesitant and gentle while trying to remove him too. I understand there's a bunch of new rules irt physical intervention and restraint but jesus christ.
No. 1798618
File: 1701655921264.jpg (296.42 KB, 1080x1678, Screenshot_20231203_210344_Sam…)

I follow a few manga accounts on Twitter, and I recently heard about a Kadokawa controversy (pic related). Is the book actually debunked or something? It just seems like another tranny and handmaiden meltdown over some book that doesn't align with their views. It makes me roll my eyes because it's a lot of westerners who are complaining about it.
No. 1798657
File: 1701658666466.jpeg (537.38 KB, 1125x1384, IMG_4204.jpeg)

>>1798646yeah, the users tora / tiger and leo are both FTMs that translate into english
No. 1798896
File: 1701680560476.png (24.21 KB, 604x284, silence.png)

Tell me you're terminally online and base people's entire being on what they post without telling me.
No. 1799107
>>1799084They actually were pro russia because it's anti-america and they like that. Some also got offended at the "white blue eyed blonde ukrainians get to safety first" thing so they were against ukraine because of that. Even though I don't think there are any arab or muslim people in ukraine during the war? Other than tourists, expats, and scholarship students? Not sure. And some are pro israel now because they hate Palestinian immigrants. There's a loud minority of Palestinians who feel entitled to the resources of countries they immigrate to, and try to play a
victim card whenever they get in trouble and such, and deny any help they got from fellow arab/muslim countries, so people from these countries got fed up with them and became anti palestine and pro israel out of spite.
No. 1799120
>>1799107>a loud minority of Palestinians who feel entitled to the resources of countries they immigrate to, and try to play a victim card whenever they get in trouble and such Interesting, that's exactly what happened in my country with Ukrainian immigrants. There's also a loud minority shamelessly demanding resources and getting out of trouble by playing
victims, fucking it up for all the other immigrants. Ukrainian moids being less polite to women than our men and catcalling/assaulting us (happened to me too, both catcalling and inappropriate touching) doesn't help in the eyes of the public. Now almost every normie that isn't a younger liberal claims to hate Ukrainians even though they were trying to help in the start, which is a shame. They're fucking it up for people who just want to be safe and live in a war-free country.
No. 1799390
File: 1701720883150.png (180.75 KB, 1200x822, how sad.png)

Mental illness. She's a 31 year old they/them by the way. The I/P conflict has been going on for decades, this weepy shit is so performative.
No. 1799391
File: 1701721024287.png (92.38 KB, 591x492, lol.png)

>>1799390And of course, shameless e-begging. It's funny how she didn't even bother to redirect the guy to links to directly support Palestine but her own stuff after writing an entire thread about the situation.
No. 1799891
File: 1701766548037.png (417.1 KB, 674x805, Screenshot 2023-12-05 085642.p…)

Cope and seethe
No. 1799894
File: 1701766687795.png (476.53 KB, 533x562, 1646533486319.png)

>>1799891lmao, kadowaba has no problem publishing manga/anime with sexualized underage characters, but these fucking weebs draw the line at them publishing an anti-tranny book? fuck them
No. 1800503
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>>1799891they bent the knee
No. 1800614
File: 1701814470376.jpg (356.24 KB, 1080x1712, Screenshot_20231205_165537_X.j…)

The gall of people who sit on twitter all day long citing "trauma" and "witnessing genocide" as reasons why they're academic failures. Like get your ass off your phone and hit the books kek. This is beyond pathetic
No. 1800616
File: 1701814701137.jpg (214.62 KB, 1080x1136, Screenshot_20231205_171822_X.j…)

>>1800614Sorry to samefag but also blaming covid for giving them brain damage when they're just lazy and addicted to tiktok is just… topkek
No. 1800876
File: 1701832908707.png (100.58 KB, 828x450, IMG_1693.png)

>>1800783and they do it on every topic but especially picrel
No. 1800907
>>1800137based and true
>>1800016>>1800616long covid truthers are my favourite munchies atm
>>1800553i live in a glorified american satellite state and our endless importing of burger politics and general thought just cements us more and more as an identitiless, cultureless sham-nation. so depressing i wish we had been colonised by the french or portuguese so there'd at least be a language gap
No. 1801009
File: 1701843306864.png (263.22 KB, 749x635, yawn.png)

annoying as fuck. and of course the feminist is a nazi.
No. 1801015
File: 1701844122646.png (228.06 KB, 751x715, yawn2.png)

>>1801014ayrt, its a little bit more specific to this account. op posted this image yesterday and was hit with "backlash" or whatever.
No. 1801325
File: 1701879348531.png (1.14 MB, 660x2695, SH_4071.png)

This poor girl posted one cute pic on twitter and both black and white racists on Twitter started harassing her.
No. 1801333
File: 1701880145292.png (341.03 KB, 573x441, tweet.PNG)

>>1801331Samefag but yeah it's not her.
No. 1801334
>>1801325If she's making so many retards seethe that means shes doing the right thing tbh.
>french white nationalistsAh yes, the same degenerates who always type racists slurs like "négresse" and "beurette" when looking for porn videos online. Can't wait for them to commit suicide en masse.
No. 1801456
>>1801438If we're talking about like 10 generations ago maybe, if someone in France tells you they're Italian or Spanish or Portuguese it's more likely that their grandparents moved to France for work.
>Germans and CeltsAre you talking about people in Alsace and Brittany? Regardless they're all white people, you know damn well they don't see themselves the same as 2nd or 3rd gen Africans born and raised in France.
No. 1801904
>>1749683I am just now catching up with this cow, I had her blocked on twitter because I couldn't stand how smug and how much of narc she is but saw someone else on mgs twitter talk about her. I am so glad I checked this thread bc I remember other anons posting about her as well. Apparently she never paid her co-host on the shadow moses podcast (jorin lee I think?) his half of what they made off it. Glad karma is coming back to her
sage for blogpost
No. 1802213
File: 1701929597944.png (218.58 KB, 1080x1163, Screenshot_20231205-203232_(1)…)

I don't get it… so just don't do sex work.
No. 1804361
>>1801329Ultimately, it's misogynoir. There's a lot of people (male & female, black & non-black) that are invested in black women only pursuing black men, having a poor self-esteem, and never thinking that they could be legitimately viewed as attractive to anyone let alone to non-black men. It's fucking infuriating to sit back and see how this maltreatment is ingrained in our community, a group you'd think we'd be uplifted in.
>>1802160hmm, it's been the opposite for me. The ones that are religious didn't date out because they were 'nothing but a black man'-type black women. I and one of my female cousins are agnostic and date out exclusively. My black female friends range from spiritual to agnostic and most don't seem to consider race, but one does show an obvious preference for black men. It may be the area. Which country or region of the US are you basing your experience on?
No. 1805266
File: 1702144766102.png (1.19 MB, 600x3098, HB1.png)

There is something seriously wrong with the IQ levels of most twitter users. Just imagine them applauding such absolute degenerate behavior, and using money that is probably is taken from people's taxes.
No. 1806494
File: 1702226425999.jpeg (999.65 KB, 1179x2047, IMG_6584.jpeg)

The ads on twitter are atrocious but it’s funny that community notes can be added to even paid promotions. Hate to say something positive here but this made me lol
No. 1806898
File: 1702248865723.png (8.36 MB, 855x11829, sto.png)

Anons, what are your thoughts on this story?
No. 1806918
>>1806898she made it all about herself. boils the whole thin down to "yeah ok you got raped but what about me? im the
victim too!"
the tryhard cutesy animals are super inappropriate too.
she sounds like a horrible self-centered person with 0 empathy. fuck her
No. 1806959
>>1806898these are the same self-proclaimed blackpill
femcel types that post on here. grim.
No. 1807860
File: 1702325327493.png (3.18 KB, 543x534, x.png)

Is Twitter not loading media for anyone else?
No. 1807969
File: 1702331915633.jpeg (450.22 KB, 750x940, IMG_1951.jpeg)

what the fuck does this even mean
No. 1808121
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kek “inner psyche”
No. 1808127
File: 1702341060344.mp4 (3.15 MB, 1280x720, The 4 corners of the male psyc…)

I think he's a Sheldon
No. 1808135
File: 1702341381058.jpg (24.05 KB, 506x340, Heather.jpg)

>>1808121If he had just made a silent hill joke he'd actually have friends.
No. 1808207
>>1808131But they do (as
>>1808204 and
>>1808156 said) and then the men grow up and power-trip on assaulting women and children for the rest of their lives to make up for it. Truly pedophiles are the root of an enormous amount of evil in the world, and it just perpetuates through generations.
No. 1808433
>>1808344Plenty of men were beaten as children or watched their moms get beat and still go on to abuse their own families in the same way. 1 in 6 does seem high to me too, and obv girls get it worse, but I have had a surprising number of dudes I’ve been friends with or dated who have confessed to me that an older boy or sometimes grown man did some fucked up shit to them as a kid. Men really are so sociopathic and opportunistic that they will commit horrific abuse against their own kind for the sake of the coom if they think they can get away with it. It’s just easier for them to do it to us since we’re not seen as people to them by default. It takes more mental gymnastics for them to dehumanize little boys enough to do that to them but they still manage it.
Plus the misogynistic messaging in society that a man or boy getting raped is somehow worse more traumatizing than a woman or girl getting raped because of the homophobia aspect as well as it being considered natural and normal for us to be sexually violated. Kind of like how they experience a special kind of loneliness that we could never possibly understand. They really do all see themselves as the default, as the main character, and that doesn’t tend to go along with empathy.
No. 1808593
>>1808433Actually males are proven to experience much less trauma when raped. There are countless cases where they feel little to no discomfort about it. Remember, they were made to be public use. Their bodies are not sacred temples, they are meant to be used by anyone who wants to. They aren't meant to say "no." There was a psychologist who studied the
victims of a fag who raped hundreds of different boys and many showed sympathy towards him or were neutral. None pressed charges even when presented the opportunity to do it anonymously. They just pretend to care get sympathy points and attention.
(Bait) No. 1808641
File: 1702382091223.jpeg (76.67 KB, 1080x792, WIEgaUT.jpeg)

>>1808593moid/troon comment. go back to your femboy discords where you groom minors and hopefully get caught by the FBI one day.
(scrotefoiling. use reports) No. 1808672
File: 1702385791691.png (443.46 KB, 520x519, 1671585893581.png)

>>1808593>>1808665It's disgustingly interesting. Males are so apathetic towards perverse and grotesque behaviors, they don't even care that much when they're on the receiving end. Their nonchalant attitude about things like rape and child abuse doesn't even just stem from hating women; it's that they really just don't care much about anyone or anything.
No. 1808705
>>1806959No. No one wants to be fucking raped here you sick fuck. Delusional.
>>1808672What a cop out. If males got raped constantly they absolutely would care about themselves solely and not women. The "humor" from someone being traumatised and assaulted
>>1808665 here
comes from being humiliated and degraded, something that is uncommon for males but commonplace for women. Women are seen as less by default because many opt for said humiliation and embrace it, so much so that whole industries are built and mobalized around this humiliation. It's fairly obvious why the inhuman cruel moid finds rape funny, even if it applies to other men.
No. 1809678
>>1808705>>1808672It’s so weird and disgusting. They’ll cry all day about male rape
victims under posts of women talking about their issues but they treat it all like a big joke when amongst themselves. I think pedophilia is horrific and disgusting, regardless of the sex of the
victim or perpetrator. However, rape will always be more destructive - socially, psychologically, physically - to female
Not to lose my edgy pinkpill cred on here by showing any sympathy to males whatsoever, but yes I have definitely known men who were sexually abused as children and deeply traumatized by it. Yet the biggest difference between them and the female
victims of abuse that I know is the way they speak about it and even conceptualize it. An alarming number of men really don’t see it as that big of a deal. Or if they don’t say that directly, they just immediately try to shift gears, and change the subject, but yet always somehow manage to put in some kind of dismissive or disrespectful remark about victimhood. They start acting weird around male friends who’ve tried to confide this in them (so I’ve heard, take with a grain of salt as this could’ve just been a bid for pity) and usually try to brush it off with a crude joke and slowly phasing the traumatized friend if he doesn’t stop talking about it.
Regardless it’s not worth wasting our time harping on male
victims of other males. If they truly wanted to heal and make things better, then they would make even the slightest effort to do so among their own ranks but they don’t. Not my monkeys, not my circus.
No. 1810327
File: 1702462161583.png (181.78 KB, 590x1501, v40vzz.png)

This all in response to a radfem account being disgusted with Shane Dawson getting babies.
No. 1810452
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No. 1810463
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>>1810327Please god let this just be teenagers being retarded and unable to think more than two seconds.
No. 1810473
>>1810464I think most people just aren't exposed to the reality of it. Before I was exposed to the slave trade where most people buy a surrogate from a third world country, I only knew of the surrogates in my small community. Which was a woman who carried a baby for her sister, a military wife who carried a baby for an infertile couple in her church, and a woman who was like addicted to being pregnant or something (she had had five surrogate pregnancies when I knew her, and she had four of her own children. Talked about how much she loved being pregnant and how beautiful it was to give someone a chance at a child). None of those women needed the money, and there was a strong sense of charity and generosity on the part of the mother. So I know that before I learned more about the process, I was pro-surrogacy due to my personal experiences. Hopefully these people are just ignorant like I was.
I still don't support the anti-natalist view of surrogacy (in that surrogacy is wrong in part because you're creating child who did not consent to exist through surrogacy), but now I'm wary of the whole industry because it's rarely like what I saw.
No. 1810481
>>1809678I don't know if it's a combination of male ego or what, but i worked construction for a short period of time with a dude who randomly broke down to tell me he we sexually abused as a child by an older man. He had bad issues communicating and anger issues. Men always channel their rage instead of doing something constructive with it. If all men who were abused spoke up and helped shaped how society treated
victims of abuse (esp women,) the world might be better, but instead they just lock it inside and let it burst out like a retard. They literally do nothing about it, or speak up about abuse against women by men. They always expect women to solve their issues caused by other men.
No. 1810707
>>1810481>>1809678The case of Robert Maudsley disproves the childhood trauma defense of serial killers and rapists, Maudsley was physically and sexually abused his entire childhood and was forced to work as a call boy when he was a teenager and despite that he never harmed any innocent woman or child.
he murdered a client who had a collection of childporn almost immediately after that client showed him, he was sentenced to life imprisonment and so he murdered 3 other human cockroaches, 2 Pedophile rapists and a man who beat his wife to death.
No. 1810747
>>1810707There was a huge trial recently in France because of dozens of boomers and gen X men and women who were raped by catholic priests for years and most of the men were traumatized and seeked justice even though it happened long ago, I don't know what these anons are smoking but they're wrong when saying male
victims aren't all that affected. They're just not affected the way women and girls are and don't react the same way but that doesn't mean it's ok for grown men to rape little boys.
No. 1810848
>>1810801Rape happens on a larger scale to women. All the men coming out, speaking up against rape are in such a minority, it's sad. No one deserves to be raped, but funny how 99.9 percent of the predators are male. They rape women, men and children with no remorse. Look at the middle east. If more men spoke up against it, it would be better, but instead they
victim blame women about what they were wearing. I wish rape never existed, but at this point, it's pathetic how little men speak out against it and how many men don't give a shit until it happens to them.
No. 1811060
File: 1702496025078.png (97.18 KB, 1088x312, Eunuchs in China.png)

>>1810895>most of those people were "gender-affirmed" against their will.Mostly, they were children abandoned in temples. In China, there was a very similar system where orphan boys were made into eunuchs and then given positions as officials and governors. The idea was that these eunuchs wouldn't have children to pass off their titles and without families they wouldn't work to plan any sort of coup or take power away from the emperor.
No. 1811997
File: 1702570734980.png (618.33 KB, 602x1004, vef3gva.png)

I don't think even libfems ever advocated for this nightmare scenario.
No. 1813452
File: 1702658048265.jpeg (786.04 KB, 1170x1267, IMG_8898.jpeg)

This study was only done on insects and the faggy little journalists decided to make it sound like it’s about humans
No. 1813471
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>>1813452Most of the time science reporting is pretty much this.
No. 1813516
File: 1702660286815.gif (194.37 KB, 220x163, shane dawson mpreg baby.gif)

>>1811997jfc poor thing. Shane Dawson already defiling that baby by making it breastfeed on his gynecomastic nipples…
No. 1813998
File: 1702677223654.png (126.51 KB, 1170x548, fucking shut the fuck up just …)

Seeing people say shit like this just rubs salt in the wound, at least for me. I feel really shitty about things that happened when I was a teenager, and when I think about how it would’ve made my husband feel back then it just makes me want to kill myself. Twitter trads are not at all trying to be more Godly in their behavior. The whole religion angle is a LARP.
No. 1814092
>>1813998>Twitter trads are not at all trying to be more Godly in their behavior. The whole religion angle is a LARP.You said it. Anyone seriously judging someone for their "body count" or things done when a vulnerable teenager while larping as a christian is missing the entire point of the religion and shouldn't be taken seriously at all
Christianity is the religion that literally has examples of prostitutes and adulteresses being forgiven in its most important texts, I don't get how moids get "deus vult begone thot!!!!!" from it at all. Not that it matters, they're all "fighting" a "porn addiction" anyway, every single one of them, so even if their legalistic bullshit were
valid they'd be breaking the rules way more than you
No. 1814348
File: 1702700985671.jpeg (526.33 KB, 1170x1243, IMG_8911.jpeg)

I caught this from /snow/ and it is the most braincell deficient thing I have read in a long time, which means a lot considering I go on this website daily
No. 1814422
File: 1702705730632.jpg (389.48 KB, 1170x2760, M9wW4SXMLRN.jpg)

>women don’t want me, they want buff chads
>become buff
>women still don’t want me and are dating ugly soyboy nerds
>the women have been psy-oped
No. 1814839
File: 1702723975986.jpg (832.75 KB, 1284x1392, derangedmoid.jpg)

A “comedy” account with more than 26k followers, btw.
No. 1815163
File: 1702752398968.jpg (91.08 KB, 828x697, Fqe07rzacAAy_Uc.jpg)

No. 1816323
File: 1702809508072.png (16.45 KB, 736x98, cope.png)

I hate when bitches post things like Picrel but their entire Twitter is stuff like this: almost their entire social media is coomer baiting, bitches like this know exactly what they are doing, rinse and repeat hoping to get more attention and retweet their gross photos where their butthole is nearly showing when their followers are nearly all incels and neckbeards, what did you expect?
No. 1816340
>>1816323I know a girl JUST like this
nonnie, the worst part is I know she lurks and posts on lc/cc so I'm wondering where her self awareness is. She loves to post pictures of her cleavage, her loli art and general loli hentai and then next moment complains that men are dming her sexual things kek
I don't want to put her on blast here because she's 20, retarded and has like 40 followers but god do I seethe when looking at her twitter account.
No. 1816380
File: 1702819832589.jpeg (280.96 KB, 1536x2048, 48D15BC8-06A5-44C7-B53C-8840B6…)

>>1816329I think I’ve seen her posted on here before either in /w/ or in one of the photoshop threads. Shes a filipino cosplayer that posts thirst traps and was made fun of for how she posts obvious angled photos in comparison to how boxy her body seems picrel being the example
No. 1816386
File: 1702820229881.jpg (Spoiler Image,148.39 KB, 736x797, 000_000.jpg)

>>1816380>>1816340"don't make sexual comments about me"
posts shit like this
No. 1816751
File: 1702838765277.png (474.02 KB, 600x768, vu3nfa.png)

Imagine trying to frame surrogacy as a matter of "gay rights" and then attempting to justify the idea of allowing Share Dawson near children, let alone entrusting him with parenting.
No. 1816802
File: 1702839716607.png (203.82 KB, 605x666, SDL.png)

>>1816751This account posted about how one tribe in the Philippines had "queer-identities" and gender expression, and it was just rich men preying on young boys and eunuchs, That's it.
No. 1817658
File: 1702871991483.png (629.59 KB, 699x1026, tweet.png)

Is this something that people actually think? That if you pay for a commission, no one else can screenshot it and use it for their own purposes?
No. 1817878
>>1817658I'm not usually petty about this stuff, and I think it's stupid to expect that people
wouldn't use the art but something in my gut just knows that I too would be irrationally pissed off if I had shelled out like 50 quid for a cute self-portrait and some grubby handed 19 year olds pinched it for their own icon/persona. You're paying for a unique artwork and suddenly the value drops to some cheap thing you could find on Pinterest. Not in the right, but I'm kind of with them on this one. P.S. Any drama could've been prevented if the artist had just… slapped a watermark on there.
No. 1818160
File: 1702915629725.png (218.93 KB, 600x842, v3vaf.png)

Seeing seemingly every gay moid on Twitter just making a joke about it and cheering him on is honestly kind of blackpilling me about gay moids.
No. 1818207
>>1818160The video was originally shared in a gay men in politics chat group. Meaning it was intended to be seen by
their colleagues. I don't want to go back to the beforetimes when gays were targeted because lesbians don't deserve hate, but I miss the days when these men were more afraid for their lives and livelihoods.
No. 1818328
File: 1702925029139.jpg (320.48 KB, 1800x1800, 6AqzdxD.jpg)

>>1818302I looked up that guy and thought he looked super handsome. then I looked at the lower part of his body, I couldn't help but laugh. It's as if someone took the most stereotypical 'chad' body on the top and added these baby limbs as a joke
No. 1818912
File: 1702953928092.jpg (270.75 KB, 1180x2197, image (13).jpg)

Males are terrifying and companies are just egging them on
No. 1819166
File: 1702982425959.png (16.15 KB, 621x186, fv3va.png)

stan twitter humor is so fucking retarded, like what's the joke supposed to be?
No. 1819323
>>1819247No one said anyone deserved to be raped, sick. But honestly look at those comments. Prostitution is rape period and the question is why would you sign up to a prostitution app? Bizarre.
No. 1819877
File: 1703020588898.jpeg (281.67 KB, 1170x714, IMG_5342.jpeg)

Based queens I hope they had fun
No. 1820292
>>1820148signing up for and arranging to be humiliated and degraded by moids
>>1818912 in picrel. I'm clearly not talking about a miniscule minority of lesbians which is odd to bring up, womens sexuality doesn't operate the same as moids.
>>1819933That's the purpose of the app. Why would you sign up to an app known for commoditizing moid worship and degrading women?
No. 1820961
File: 1703099333809.png (83.8 KB, 641x553, Fswhc8adc.png)

No. 1821468
File: 1703117180888.png (584.68 KB, 1170x1395, be loyal and get nothing in re…)

and unfortunately no, this was not satirical
No. 1822844
>>1821469>Muh moid brainwashingTroll post or not this retarded behavior is not reflective of me nor the result of brainwashing, speak for yourself. Masochism isn't bad for masochists.
>>1822823>Men lie and manipulate women.Then why fuck them?
No. 1822860
>>1822832The screenshot where the context is girl is reached out to by moid who asks her if she wants a Fwb benefits situation? Do you know if they went on dates? How many? What he texted her first? Or are you assuming they hooked up at a party or some shit? Most of the women I know in the above conversations got hit with them after they developed an emotional connection under the purposeful misleading of the moid who is doing so with the hope they can push them into the above instead of actual dating. We don’t know what the above is, that’s my point.
>>1822844Because most of them don’t know. How do you know someone’s lying until you find out the truth? Are you psychic? Kek Also Masochism builds trauma bonds and is in fact bad.
No. 1823035
>>1822860Apparently you're also psychic because you assume all women are perpetual
victims of their own infantile behavior. How can all men be liars and you don't need a man but then you should also trust them until proven otherwise? Your logic makes no sense. Performative misandry is pathetic.
>Muh trauma bondsTrauma bonds which further cause more suffering and masochism for the masochist woman. Stop matyring yourself for imaginary pickme women who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire over their moids. Is it so hard just to not fuck men? Dick obsession truly knows no bounds. You didn't even answer the question either. Sad.
(infighting) No. 1823223
>>1822844>"Muh moid brainwashing"yes, there's lots of brainwashing and ridiculous standards that men like to place on young women and girls. Just because you feel like shitting on some random girl on Twitter, doesn't change reality.
>Troll post or not this retarded behavior is not reflective of meokay, good for you.
>nor the result of brainwashingFor girls and young women, it often is. The media is powerful.
>speak for yourselfwho said I'm speaking for myself?
>Masochism isn't bad for masochistswhat does any of this have to do with masochism?
(infighting) No. 1823244
File: 1703188590574.jpg (104.64 KB, 720x1122, GAqU8rbWcAA_Zu4.jpg)

No. 1824112
File: 1703245854674.png (79.26 KB, 1036x471, v3fav.png)

At this point, if you have the gaul to admit this, you might as well admit that you have a porn addiction!
No. 1824115
File: 1703246458637.jpg (17.67 KB, 274x275, m-6.jpg)

>>1824112>knife to my throat while he ate me outdumb question but how would that even work? What position would they be in? is the scrote stretching out the knife-holding arm while he goes down on her?
No. 1824127
File: 1703248974104.webp (9.74 KB, 254x254, b8edcfd6dd79720249b61853c178e8…)

>>1824112This is the biggest bullshit lie ever. What is anatomy
No. 1824139
File: 1703250472381.jpeg (746.18 KB, 1170x1272, IMG_4153.jpeg)

American scrotes are the worst
No. 1824565
File: 1703271458107.png (470.47 KB, 720x1085, IMG_20231222_125727.png)

>wow my logic is flawless!!!!
No. 1824799
>>1824581"According to TERFs, the weakest cis male would easily outcompete the strongest cis woman"
Except what's happening isn't a random 5'2" skinny nerd with 0% muscle deciding to compete in professional women's sports, it's male athletes who have trained and had to at least be better than a LOT of people, even if they're not the best when put against other men. No one is saying literally any and all random males are going to be better and stronger than every single female athlete. How disingenuous of a take
No. 1825131
File: 1703291561194.jpg (168.63 KB, 700x394, 5snanc.jpg)

i made a twitter acc to follow sfw artists and indie game devs, and my twitter feed is filled with ads for OF, racism, war propaganda and unspoilered gore. jfc, this shit is as bad as /b/.
No. 1825133
File: 1703291609951.jpeg (1.06 MB, 2048x2048, IMG_9063.jpeg)

>>1824565She’s an almost 30-year-old woman larping as being a gay man in a gay relationship. I don’t take anything she says seriously.
No. 1825694
>>1824139Most people in Czechia are now telling government to make obtaining guns even harder, not the opposite.
And owning guns isn't illegal anyway? Ameritards really think guns are illegal everywhere when it's totally legal to own guns, you just need to go through a psychological test and some basic training. People could own guns here but they don't want them because it makes for an unsafe society. The gunman had a legal gun.
No. 1825718
>>1825131Sorry nonna. You have to only look at accounts you follow never look in the for you tab it sucks; trending topics are also fake it will only show you hashtags that it thinks you want or that it wants you to see, just make yourself become blind to them.
>>1825175It really got so much worse after musk. Suddenly shit like dog beheading videos in the foryou page, etc. He's an annoying edgelord so he probably approves.
No. 1825877
File: 1703348677213.jpeg (534.87 KB, 1284x1245, IMG_3776.jpeg)

Men are seething in the replies and quotes to this but its true that men mainly benefit from marriage. Their lives barely change once married but a woman’s life is completely flipped if she chooses to start a family. The worst thing for a married man is… financially supporting the woman he supposedly loves? No. 1825918
>>1825877Men love talking about how women aren't getting married anymore but only if they can claim those women desperately want marriage and are being denied their dream by men who are too good or too smart to commit to a woman. That's the only version they want to believe in or talk about.
Dunno about nigeria but where I am plenty of people in their 30s and 40s are already divorced or have at least ended engagements. Getting proposed to or getting up the aisle ain't the hard part. Its keeping a marriage going after a man thinks you're hooked and tests the limits of just how stuck he thinks you are with him. Turns out, not that stuck anymore.
No. 1826129
>>1825877Women aren't married anymore because it's expensive as fucking taxan ladyboys thai hookers
That's especially if you lives somewhere where the Gov hates marriages for some reason
No. 1827069
File: 1703429132009.png (335.84 KB, 564x688, RV4WxDP.png)

>>1825877I already posted in the tradthot thread but it fits here as well, my thing about this whole "debate" is that no one ever talks about the actual economic reality. In my opinion, it's the undressed economic factors that partially push tradwiveism. For example, I tried living away from my family, but I couldn't afford it. Mind you, I was living with three friends in a small apartment, and we were careful with our money. However, it just wasn't enough. The era of the 40's housewife was a very specific economic golden age in the United States that cannot be replicated. These days, young people absolutely can't afford to live on their own or with a spouse. It's frustrating that people like Matt Walsh won't dare acknowledge the issues that capitalism causes. Even the fucking Nazis understood this. It feels like we'll have to work just to afford basic necessities until we reach total collapse
No. 1827119
>>1825877Betting $100 all the men talking about how marriage has no benefits to men (false, there have been numerous studies proving the opposite) that say men are providers and their money is stolen in divorces, are working for minimum wage and have absolutely 0 assets.
Their own arguments don't even make sense because the vast vast majority of households have 2 working adults. And in the countries where that isn't the norm, clearly the women don't have enough rights and absolutely deserve those protections even more.
No. 1827904
File: 1703490461449.png (228.94 KB, 596x503, average trans woman.png)

No. 1827922
>>1827904the virgin living to be moid's cumsock tranny and spending 100k in cosmetic surgeries vs the giga stacy
terf who doesnt care about her appeareance, yet its a woman
No. 1827931
File: 1703493606630.png (82.98 KB, 1330x443, as a cis woman.png)

>>1827904The fact that they hyperfixate on how ugly and mannish TERFs look and thus are of low value only proves the point about transgenderism being focused around gender stereotypes. The girl in picrel is a 18-year old koreaboo and I feel bad for punching down but they're fueled by clueless teenagers who simultaneously tweet "I HATE ALL MEN!!! FUCK THE SEXUALIZATION OF WOMEN" and then posture like this.
No. 1827932
File: 1703493880876.png (2.09 MB, 1372x2085, copes.png)

>>1827931Samefag, it's actually pretty surprising that in the QRTs a lot of troon sympathizers are calling the OP out for blatant misogyny but who would've guessed handmaidens use that same picture as farmers to justify obsessing over a cow's looks over their actions. This is how you people look like to everyone, on par with sexist trannies.
No. 1827934
>>1827931Nothing proves how male trannies are like pickmes kissing their ass and insulting other women lmao
Maybe they live in a fantasy world dominated by plastic photoshopped HSTS instead of a reality full of hideous transcels, middle aged hons, and legitimately deformed tards who troon out due to autism. I can't even take the high road and criticize them for being superficial, it's genuinely just a fact that troons are next level repulsive. That's why most of them troon out to begin with.
No. 1828991
File: 1703594445246.jpg (350.3 KB, 1080x1810, Screenshot_20231226-133825_X.j…)

Almost 14k likes on this shit, fucking bleak.
No. 1830847
File: 1703718478670.png (389.12 KB, 725x675, TIFvs.TERF.PNG)

Speaking of porn-sickness, half of the women who defend porn addictions online only do so because the "porn" they look at is at worst some random anime characters. If not that, then they're "twitter sex-workers". Why do they feel the need to defend things like pornhub? Picrel and other quotes in the thread were accusing OP for spreading "Christian fascism" and "puritan rhetoric" for saying that porn is bad. They also made a whole post talking about how being anti-porn links to being a TERF.
No. 1831296
File: 1703745950880.png (623.82 KB, 592x2752, 90rnca3.png)

Shitlibs are so pathetic and so embarrassing. So, I'm not a fan of Ricky Gervais by any means. However, I do respect him for actually keeping to his ideals. Recently, he made a joke about most fleeing refuges that arrive to the UK, being mostly young able bodied men, and of course, shitlibs got mad because he was 'punching down.' It doesn't matter if his statement is true; punching down is considered and being potentially Islamophobic is considered the issue.
No. 1832026
File: 1703794410663.png (1002.06 KB, 584x839, twthate.png)

Good, now do a WW3 so we can push even more moids into the meat grinder and away from power. Moids will literally hoard all power and destroy society then go and blame women for the mess they made
No. 1834672
File: 1703975925757.jpeg (1011.82 KB, 1170x1973, IMG_6730.jpeg)

“cute and childlike”
No. 1837812
File: 1704301976670.png (1.38 MB, 715x2048, QV07YJ4.png)

behold the worst tweet on muslim twitter.
No. 1837817
>>1837401I don't like Elon and i found it cringe when he bought Twitter but i don't care much about him. I joined twitter to follow asian artists and more niche stuff i liked, i've never cared for social stuff but i left it so quickly just because the X logo was horrendous and i was kinda surprised it wouldn't go away. I've yet to delete my account because i want to save the things i liked but every time i go back to do that, twitter looks even worse.
I've always loved to check out art but for now i can avoid it just because i'm busy irl so having less distractions helps me.
Really wish there was a good substitute to twitter for the artists i liked but at this point i don't even know if they would leave.
No. 1837847
>>1837401I don't plan to delete my account unless twitter becomes unusable for more technical reasons or if there's going to be a paywall to use it at all. I'm fine with how I use it even though it's a shithole in general, I managed to follow Asian and European artists I really like who mostly post about fandoms, personal stuff or art, I made some terfy mutuals with time, I muted a bunch of words related to topics I find annoying, and I blocked nearly 2000 accounts, mostly trannies, Americans, politicians, anything related to "game journalism" and bluecheck mark accounts that just constantly repost other people's content over and over again. I tricked the algorithm this way so now even my "for you" tab is just full of good art, cute pictures of cats and dogs, a little bit of jewelries and nail art and the few times I sew anything I don't like in there I click on "see this less often" until I don't see that shit anymore.
Most of the people I follow are either still very active, especially Japanese people, or they became way less active on tumblr and twitter around 2016/2017 to begin with.
>the replies on all popular Twitter posts are just botsYeah I noticed it got way worse as soon as Apartheid Clyde took over and changed things specifically to avoid this outcome. How can one grown adult man be this retarded? A lot of big accounts would repost the same shitty, unfunny "memes" over and over again and years ago the replies would at least be related, even just a little, nowadays it's shit like different meme accounts reposting completely unrelated crusty as fuck tiktok videos in the replies, hoping they'll get a bunch of likes.
>engagement baitersBlock. Always block these fags, be more like Hideki Kamiya.
No. 1838800
File: 1704376562499.png (673.13 KB, 602x1540, V2Jhas.png)

Indian moids shamelessly celebrating the fact that their countrymen exploit vulnerable people, and attempting to portray it as a grand conquest, when in reality, it's more acting like cockroaches.
No. 1840310
File: 1704480298272.jpeg (214.08 KB, 1170x749, IMG_7113.jpeg)

71K retards really liked this tweet
No. 1841929
File: 1704596678748.png (722.23 KB, 1476x676, IMG_20240106_210144.png)

Woman won't let her biologically female child compete in sports because she's afraid her kid will be mistaken for a troon due to how allegedly "masculine" her kid looks.
No. 1842002
File: 1704599689777.jpeg (458.19 KB, 604x864, IMG_4835.jpeg)

>>1838800They deserve to get made fun of on twitter, I stopped feeling bad for them lmao
No. 1842334
File: 1704630155585.png (96.94 KB, 744x826, Screenshot.png)

>father verbally threatens to mutilate child if he cooks for himself and his sisters
>praises the dad
No. 1842343
>>1842339What the fuck are you even talking about schizo
>>1842337Men love glamorizing abuse
No. 1842439
File: 1704637897648.jpeg (330.23 KB, 1125x2123, IMG_3080.jpeg)

these retards really deserve to have their teeth falling out lmao
No. 1842442
>>1842439>daisy pfpI see those a lot. A laxative abusing rotisserie chicken eating
victim to her dads sexual molestation is supposed to be cute or glorified? Lol
No. 1842710
File: 1704653170737.jpg (282 KB, 1080x1985, 20240107_134717.jpg)

This has to be parody… right
No. 1842928
>>1842807I see the gayfoiling all over gossip sites and especially on CDAN and I think it's fucking retarded that so many people think one of the most obviously heterosexual if not totally narcissistic women in the business is closeted lesbian
Bisexual, okay, she might be, I think everyone is a little bi, but why does it matter? Who gives a flying fuck if she may have kissed Karlie? She's dated more wonder bread moids than any alleged connections she's had to women and it's ridiculous to assume she's fabricating them all. Her fans are above Chris Evans levels of unhinged
No. 1843653
File: 1704701423832.png (54.11 KB, 745x384, v2gbg.png)

>This is your brain on post-colonial libfem logic
No. 1843712
File: 1704707259573.png (15.14 KB, 598x146, x.png)

Saw this and everyone in replies agreed and/or had similar stories. "My partner who exclusively likes women doesn't want me to turn into a half-assed excuse of a man" no shit sherlock.
No. 1844092
File: 1704737385557.jpeg (138.44 KB, 828x706, IMG_6328.jpeg)

whoa…really? i wonder why that might be….
No. 1844322
File: 1704750753393.jpg (176.32 KB, 1080x815, Screenshot_20240108_165059_X.j…)

Typical scrote being a porn-sick addict. Obviously some children's video game character became popular because of a moid's coom habits.
No. 1844451
File: 1704758806705.jpeg (778.99 KB, 1242x1330, IMG_2560.jpeg)

I keep getting this fag on my feed. He just does these annoying race bending photoshops, and it’s so creepy
No. 1844882
File: 1704777003549.png (74.8 KB, 898x680, xPUX8Oq.png)

now women are cars now.
No. 1844886
>>1842337I feel like when men write stories about parental abuse, it's always an
abusive father 99% of the time.
No. 1845401
File: 1704818916957.jpg (30.81 KB, 984x201, asylumescapee.JPG)

No. 1845477
File: 1704824956545.png (643.47 KB, 800x1064, sound.png)

Post is worthless without sound but it still has 24,000 likes.
No. 1846014
File: 1704855045429.png (61.8 KB, 640x288, Capture d’écran 2023-06-22 à…)

>only she/her in german
No. 1846538
File: 1704890213093.png (399.77 KB, 604x2415, v2vaawe.png)

First, we get media illiteracy, and then we get biological illiteracy. So, I'm sure everyone has heard of the whole "we can create sperm from bone marrow" at some point, which is based on a paper from 2007 conducted on rats. However, its validity has been questioned. Despite this, it hasn't stopped being repeated in pop-science for over a decade. A lot of prominent feminists seem to repeat it, and now there are people who genuinely believe that it's possible. and I have a tinfoil that it's partially normalized transhumanism and even transgenderism as many of the comments seem to indicate.
No. 1846839
File: 1704911397158.png (72.27 KB, 720x584, GBywiyaXEAAMLKc.png)

No. 1848627
File: 1705011808927.png (55.32 KB, 591x482, analangel.png)

Twitter thots are some of the most embarrassing people on the planet. When they aren't humiliating themselves through their "content" they often slide into the dms of random moids selling their pussy like a mixtape or hijacking posts with their self-promo. I block every single one of them on sight.
No. 1848647
File: 1705012763354.png (842.89 KB, 902x581, privilege.png)

>>1846839Look at this fat cat and her cooking utensils, I bet she doesn't even donate to cosmetic surgery GoFundMe campaigns.
No. 1849625
File: 1705074106659.jpg (145.03 KB, 556x680, 1000007064.jpg)

No one complains about the reverse though
No. 1849650
>>1849625Women can't have sex with several partners but if you hold men to the same level of standards and expect them not to watch porn you're an insecure controlling bitch who can't stand men wanting to look at prettier women, funny how that works.
>>1849637>Why are straight women even a thing at this pointYou probably meant it as a hyperbole but I've seen this opinion fairly frequently here recently and I find it stands dangerously close to believing your sexuality is a choice and therefore conversion therapy is legit which is another whole can of worms
No. 1849788
File: 1705079920908.png (22.91 KB, 598x286, jokesonyou.png)

>white women should stfu
>me as a white latina: why don't you stfu?
No. 1849792
File: 1705080092115.gif (1.63 MB, 360x270, 1462666218517.gif)

>>1827931>Trans women are almost ALWAYS hot asfSomeone should show her the thread on /snow/.
No. 1855366
File: 1705319028239.png (27.12 KB, 337x285, 7G6E1Wc.png)

The Twitter algorithm seems to think I'm a pick-me.
No. 1855468
>>1855444twitter's algoritm is designed to show you things it knows will piss you off and make you wanna go into a tard rage spergfest all over the site.
Its not a bug, its a feature, facebook literally admitted doing it too.
No. 1855630
File: 1705336358927.png (37.17 KB, 601x430, vv3va.png)

>Lives in Germany
>Anti-Semitic and praises the Nazis
like pick a struggle.
No. 1855868
File: 1705347293105.jpg (21.91 KB, 299x357, 3a750915-1cdb-4d32-8735-31cf5a…)

>>1855630>Do not feel bad about the victims of the "Holocaust"So you do not feel bad about other
victims, like war prisoners, lbg people, Romani, people with physical or mental problems, foreigners, etc? Look at the size of that edge.
No. 1855874
File: 1705347653274.png (1.6 MB, 1644x2419, Screenshot_20240115-082839~2.p…)

Nonas I'm so tired
No. 1855877
File: 1705347787464.jpg (41.8 KB, 951x589, stacy comment.jpg)

>>1855874I am so tired of the psyop
No. 1855878
File: 1705347850915.png (Spoiler Image,3.2 MB, 1644x2378, Screenshot_20240115-204428~2.p…)

>>1855874For context this is his body, I will never understand why are people so against men having decent bodies
Spoiler because of male kind of naked torso
No. 1855879
>>1855874>thinking male abs are disgustingIt's the only thing men can do is gain muscle, lift heavy things and look good.
I hope zoomers and their shit tastes on fatties and old men
No. 1856076
File: 1705358195276.jpg (84.07 KB, 540x533, EXVHPTWUYAEmto2.jpg)

Every single person in this photo probably grew up in their cozy little upper-middle class bubble, never having to deal with any real hardships or bother with self-improvement. meanwhile they consider themselves "marginalized" rebels against society, It's sickening
No. 1856082
File: 1705358638355.jpeg (432 KB, 828x1099, IMG_2139.jpeg)

>>1856076they don't know that
terf is the new punk
No. 1856885
File: 1705417352374.jpg (1.13 MB, 877x1510, chrome_MrRGaP18f8.jpg)

Not only is this level of pain not normal, but the replies and qrts are full of people encouraging each other to get their uteruses removed.
No. 1856894
File: 1705417693051.png (34 KB, 598x284, 2311232.png)

"I'm a white woman, please punish me for my privileges".
No. 1857074
File: 1705427359762.jpg (101.54 KB, 725x473, 55383BCLN2007metisflagraisingg…)

>>1856894I looked up the original poster, and she's a metis. For those who don't know, Métis are the descendants of French and English penal colonists who 'bought' wives from local Indians in exchange for fur pelts and guns. They have had a difficult history due to their heritage and were forcibly assimilated in many cases. However, the vast majority of them have European ancestry and appear white as well, and there have many cases of people pretending to be Métis and getting away with it.
No. 1857084
File: 1705428361316.png (352.12 KB, 599x693, Screenshot.png)

WTF is wrong with Pakistani and Indian moids?
No. 1859697
File: 1705562815465.png (184.62 KB, 720x1181, IMG_20240118_012502.png)

But what's wrong with being anti porn?
No. 2328093
File: 1735745575920.jpeg (Spoiler Image,793.33 KB, 2016x2016, IMG_0007.jpeg)

TikTok what used next Telstra and Tesla app