File: 1612766989248.png (430 KB, 864x1017, Screenshots_2021-02-08-00-12-1…)

No. 733281
Posted caps from lolcow's server (currently closed) which is all full of milk of various types from white supremacists, weird gore, anons oversharing, multiple very very bad takes etc. Etc.
Do not race bait ITT or cow tip this is for keking at loonsUsers of milky note:
> Overtly horny coomer aryan sperg who only ends up on dates with your classic gross /poltard chincels> Allegedly has been claimed to be babivampire/fake babivampire in >>>/snow/1155445 >even if untrue then babivampire still lurks and reads this which is still kek> Thinks nazi japanese are based> Thinks og nazis were good> Spends an embarassing amount of time tinfoiling over the inner workings of the Nazis when she's not coomin to WWII movies Eldrichterven
>self-admitted middle easterner who engages with aryan spergs for whatever reasonNun two
> Amerifag aryan sperg > overshares weird shit like wanting to see severed body partsP(butterfly emoji)
>aryan spergas op I don't have the discord so I have limited sauce mostly donated from other oldfags who are on it. Thus my descriptions are likely lacking No. 733282
File: 1612767239295.png (468.51 KB, 1080x1080, 1612766995486.png)

Cow crossover.
Not sure if actually her and not sure if kek or not that shes dragging another cow into this. Amusing at best
No. 733283
File: 1612767665358.png (128.27 KB, 521x534, babi nef.PNG)

>>733282I think this might get moved to ot. Reposting from the Things You Hate thread
They talked about this yesterday. I think Nefeli is a fake babivampire, the way they're joking about it makes me think so.
No. 733284
File: 1612767697714.png (9.54 KB, 329x79, ok armie.PNG)

Reposting caps.
No. 733294
File: 1612769260721.png (64.64 KB, 653x430, duality.PNG)

>>733293Weird cause she also posted this lmao. The context is they were stanning for Grimes and talking about how she will take over Elon's company
No. 733295
File: 1612770159216.png (664.58 KB, 500x2000, comp.png)

Ok heres a comp of the Babivampire stuff that was said in the server (at least as far as I've seen). This was before
>>733283. So basically, I think Nefeli is not babivampire, but maybe someone cowtipped and said Nefeli was pretending to be her? Idfk.
No. 733301
File: 1612771514189.png (359.53 KB, 1000x500, ok (1).png)

And finally, just some caps of Nefeli being a nazi pick me. I won't post anymore for tonight unless something interesting happens. Nefeli's definitely not the only nazi fetishist on this site though cough cough /g/ cough
No. 733302
File: 1612771679528.png (32.44 KB, 374x259, hmm.PNG)

>>733301Samefag, one more of Eldritch claiming to be related to a Greek musician Ξυλούρη. Obviously this could be true, but I'll just post it here anyway
No. 733304
File: 1612773410281.png (186.51 KB, 681x499, woooo.PNG)

here we go girls
No. 733305
File: 1612773927309.png (198.67 KB, 444x532, k.PNG)

>@imposterSending subs.
>>733303The only mod is Yokaipussy so there's no way Nef and the others can delete the server. Look in the fetishes you're ashamed of and uniform kink thread
No. 733308
File: 1612774295103.png (106.46 KB, 414x523, 1.PNG)

No. 733314
File: 1612775701920.png (47.98 KB, 305x459, uh oh stinky.PNG)

Nefeli honestly types like a self hating girl who has the humor of a 12 year old 2edgy4me kid.
No. 733319
File: 1612776630833.png (1.46 MB, 900x3500,

>>733315I expected them to go in pm's, but they're talking openly about it. They're talking about nazi propaganda and sex with aryan men so I don't think it'll stop anytime soon. They also went back to the eye color topic
Also want to add, anyone can join the discord right now. I just tried it from a new acc. Just saying this cause I don't wanna be the only one posting caps lmao
No. 733323
File: 1612776946145.png (245.63 KB, 500x1080, No, I will not..png)

Lol ok
No. 733324
File: 1612777010953.png (11.77 KB, 267x117, les equals trans.PNG)

No. 733337
File: 1612777873514.png (782.26 KB, 800x2000, Untitled.png)

>>733295Ok so this is more stuff about the BabiVampire thing. I thought "Lee" had already been a use there, but apparantly they joined yesterday? I have no idea what's going on with that tbh.
Just to be clear, the chronological order is this post and then
>>733295 No. 733343
File: 1612778079023.png (124.1 KB, 571x403, they called me a white mans wh…)

Last one. This Nefeli girl is just the classic /g/ kink poster
Again, if anyone wants to join the LC discord, it is open.
No. 733346
>>733343Thank you for your service
and especially your filenames queen
No. 733359
>>733343bless u, anon.
I tried to join the discord 4 years ago (because anons were using it to post some of the weirder onision drama) but u had to be approved - this is legit fucking hilarious to me.
No. 733368
>>733359>>733358The disc should be open! Just click the link at the bottom or top of the page next to /meta/. To be approved all you have to do is send a code to the Valkyrae bot once you join. It'll approve you a second after you send it.
>>733362Just to be clear, I don't have a vendetta. This thread started cause a anon said she wanted to join the disc in the "Things You hate" thread and I went in to see what was up since I joined a while ago. I didn't know any of the posters there before today and have not typed a single thing in the server. The fetishizing nazis and domestic abuse is very cringy and gross.
I also want to add that this is a /ot/ thread, not a /snow/ thread. I knew that what would be posted here probably wouldn't be milky enough for snow so I asked a mod to move it. It doesn't
have to be milk, just whatever cringy/gross shit the discord users post. That's all. I and other users just want to laugh at the anons in the discord server.
tinfoil: you're salty cause you got posted here.
I'm also not the thread OP.
No. 733369
>>733362Are you defending yourself? kek
Liking nazis is cringe
No. 733372
File: 1612780970685.png (46.24 KB, 652x351, yo kai watch.PNG)

The mod (yokaipussy) stepped in. She makes it sound like the nazi shit was because of this thread, but that was definitely going on before anyone was talking about it here lmao. Also, nobody here is in the channel cowtipping, so idk what she means by "embarrassing behavior from all sides". Nah, it's just you guys ♥
No. 733377
>>733372the cycle of the namefag/unsaged rage
>>733319 'this so funny, those bitches are just ugly regina georges'
>>733362 'it's gotta be vendetta'
No. 733381
File: 1612782099626.png (228.95 KB, 500x1080, 1 (1).png)

1/2 I wasn't gonna post this cause it is incredibly sad and I don't wanna make light of someone being mentally abused, but Nefeli's boyfriend fucked his cousin and left cause she likes military uniforms? Only including the other parts for context.
I'll try to find more users tomorrow so we won't have to talk about the same 3 people over and over
No. 733399
>>733372>embarassing from all sidesNahhh
>traitor of the white raceNefeli is fucking nuts lmao what a cow
>>733381>>733383>being obsessed over a moid that left you, on top of being someone that faps to gay porn, fucked his own cousin, forced you to like traps and fendom, etcJesus christ how pathetic. Milky ass cow oversharing her retarded shit
>inb4 you would root for her if she was anon!!!!No I don't like retards
No. 733403
File: 1612784566809.png (75.21 KB, 771x549, play no frauds by nicki minaj.…)

>>733399You're on their shitlist now anon lmao
Is it cowtipping if the cows are farmers? Also lol at the mod
No. 733405
>>733381>>733383I think she was probably lying, but it doesn't make it much less pathetic. You have to be pretty retarded to start out with to even pretend to be this much of a cow.
>>733401Getting screenshots in under a minute, miss p? Lurking your thread like this is cow behavior.
No. 733408
>>733360Here's four things that have always been true when it comes to online shit:
The loudest are the most retarded
Retards protect retards
People are hypocrites and like compensating for the same things they complain about
What people hate in others reflects a lot on their own personality
Like many threads have said, a lot of posters here would be cows if not for the fact that they don't make their shit public, and a discord server… is public
No. 733411
File: 1612785698681.png (320.7 KB, 500x800, shadman .png)

Weebs are probably gonna be mad at me for this, but Bill 2 has (or wants?) a tattoo by some Japanese artist who makes rape porn of young girls. Idk, I don't care how talented this guy is, it's disgusting to want to have the art of someone who makes stuff like that tattooed on you. I noticed this user also posts a lot in the vent channel, so I'll see if there's anything milky there
>>733407Wdym? What man?
No. 733415
File: 1612785769939.png (38.4 KB, 491x345, if you say so, ma'am.PNG)

No. 733423
File: 1612786338346.png (8.43 KB, 996x148, to the right to the right.PNG)

>>733415Yokaipussy reacted p's msg with "cringe" lol
Gentle reminder that the discord should be open and the link is right here. Begging you guys to join and post caps cause I'm literally carrying this thread on my back and I don't want the thread to die after a few hours lmaooo (please don't start shit though.)
No. 733425
>>733421That's very sad tbh
>>733423>Begging you guys to join and post capssounds like a recipe to disaster, they'll single the new anons out.
No. 733430
>>733314What the actual fuck lmao
Not bathing in 5 days and on top of that wanting to bathe with dead jew kids ashes and mentioning dead fetuses
what the fuck is wrong with these people lol
No. 733432
>>733424I doubt these are the anon who complain about scrotes and scrote-like behavior here. Screenshot anon even said above that you can find their posts about kinks and wanting to fuck nazis in various threads in /g/.
I'd also say that the discord is actually less private than lolcow itself. Everything you've said previously in there is tied to a username, and anyone can join.
No. 733437
>>733432I think unironically, discord servers cause a false sense of privatedness… which is how we can find so much discord degeneracy everywhere. Funny thing is anyone can search your posts there and screenshot them
Also how much of an attention whore must they be to just talk about fucking nazis and dead fetuses in the open like that?
No. 733494
File: 1612792178106.png (175.06 KB, 474x494, just saying shit at this point…)

1. Who's "aryan bussy" is she getting? Nef please.
2. hoes mad.
No. 733520
>>733494I think nef is
a boy.
No. 733524
>>733520Does talk like one, but if nef was
a boy , why would their smalldicked bf need to run off with a trap? Much to think about.
No. 733532
File: 1612795918660.png (6.67 KB, 226x61, if its u-.PNG)

I can't believe discord anons knew about this the whole time and were keeping it from us
No. 733558
File: 1612797095134.jpeg (102.13 KB, 750x420, 5CE486BA-6523-42F8-B44F-5016E6…)

I love this place.
No. 733644
File: 1612803140426.jpg (32.92 KB, 1080x274, 20210208_105026.jpg)

here's the actual name, if anyone is curious about the missing characters
No. 733708
File: 1612807795532.png (Spoiler Image,1.43 MB, 472x5104, longtime_member_captures_liter…)

Had to censor timestamps so they don't track me kek
No. 733733
File: 1612809432833.png (31.51 KB, 900x585,…)

>>733708>>733708lmaooooo, ty anon
No. 733750
>>733708Honestly while I absolutely do not care for her Nazi spergposting I empathize with her point a little bit, especially seeing as she's a teen, but here's the things she needs to understand
1), ultimately it's a gossip board server and anything posted on it can and will be used against you in the future if posters find you milky enough. I was unfortunate to be the center of this kind of situation when I was on another gossip board in my mid teens. Unfortunately many teenagers don't understand context or personal safety well especially online so they won't catch on that they're laughing at you, not with you.
2, I get that she probably wants a predominately female server to vent on where she probably has like minded interests in because lbr, eccentric social media deviated servers either tend to be scrote infested or the ones with majority women is too centered on celebrity culture/social media. Despite this tho she had to keep in mind it's a gossip board and the tone of it is not a funny poster who will be well known but otherwise liked by the other members vibe but more like a cow ready to be picked apart in waiting.
Hopefully she learns from this and stop over sharing. She's not wrong that nobody really cares but you can make online anonymous people care by challenging them in any way so it's best not to draw any attention to yourself and just to lay low in any circles similar to this for years
No. 733789
File: 1612814018540.jpeg (36.46 KB, 1536x202, CC13180F-659E-498B-A5A2-37B52C…)

This is the saddest shit I’ve ever read.
No. 733833
>>733789Oh my god the milk floweth over
Also theres a snow thread for this
No. 733900
File: 1612820111353.png (22.6 KB, 259x191, age.PNG)

>>733708>>733750Thank you so much for these lmaoo
>caring about a teenage girl shitposting>especially seeing as she's a teenNefeli is fucking 19. Yes, that's a teenager but she's still an adult. I honestly still believe she's serious about the nazi shit. She was doing it for at least a month and everyone can see it from searching her name.
No. 733905
File: 1612820306583.jpg (211.79 KB, 810x2213, 20210208_153750.jpg)

>>733708Nef's done hiding in pm's, lol?
No. 733908
File: 1612820383488.png (10.3 KB, 411x66, who.PNG)

Anyone know who Soph is? Context is these
>>733905 No. 733918
>>733708>You're lucky a multitude of your embarrassing confessions are in verified channelsSomeone post confessions! From Nefeli and whoever else is in there
I also want to add: they're all acting like this thread is about Nefeli when it's not lmao. The only reason she's been discussed the most is cause she's the biggest sperg.
No. 733928
>>733900I can’t believe we’ve been laughing at this extremely vulnerable 19 year old baby who simply could not have grasped obscure social etiquette like
>don’t coom over nazis in public spaces>avoid bringing up the trap fetish you got from your micropenis ex bf who you’re still not over>batheI mean, how could she have known?
>>733918True, but I think the others had a spare braincell and shut up faster
No. 733932
>>733929I'm the anon who posted most of the caps earlier, and I don't even talk in the discord so idk if they will find out who I am lmao. I think she's trying to say that Soph is the one who posted
>>733708 though. First it was a mod, not it's Soph.
No. 733934
File: 1612821423866.jpg (108.47 KB, 1080x830, 20210208_155550.jpg)

I didn't see this posted earlier, but here's from this morning when they stopped verifying.
No. 733938
File: 1612821545588.png (263.75 KB, 1398x1126, Screen Shot 2021-02-08 at 1.57…)

>>733918I don't even know if this confession is "milky" but they're just boring shit like this
No. 733940
File: 1612821669553.png (227.12 KB, 1126x1090, Screen Shot 2021-02-08 at 2.00…)

>>733938samefag one of the mods is against abortion
No. 733945
File: 1612821889749.png (45.51 KB, 500x366, y'all can fight a lil more agg…)

Lol at Nefeli calling other people pressed like we can't see the caps where she was crying over being dragged by us and her discord pals l o l
No. 733949
File: 1612822133920.jpg (133.08 KB, 1080x1080, 20210208_160914.jpg)

No. 733953
>>733934Damage control, wouldnt want anyone else to be able to find the verified milk.
>>733948If it’s a throwaway account, you probably could find someone to pass it on to. It would get definitely banned tho the second they figured it out.
No. 733955
File: 1612822260217.jpg (12.65 KB, 300x200, 78022427-56a9b11b5f9b58b7d0fe1…)

>>733948I appreciate your service to milk you get honorable discharge
No. 733957
File: 1612822340447.png (16.69 KB, 543x149, suure jan.PNG)

Sure, Nefeli, Nun two and P are totally playing a character and not retards trying to disguise their retardness as shitposting.
No. 733971
File: 1612822905707.png (322.18 KB, 1694x1294, Screen Shot 2021-02-08 at 2.20…)

yikes apparently the verification system gets bypassed by trannies
No. 733977
File: 1612823183399.jpg (70.54 KB, 1080x457, 20210208_162633.jpg)

No. 734019
>>734011Pink: basic role everyone gets
Purple: female or at least passing voice; gets access to certain restricted channels
Green: mod
Blue: server owner (yokaipussy)
No. 734021
File: 1612825403813.png (202.12 KB, 1476x900, trannyvoice.png)

>>734004This you anon?
looks like they verify people even though they sound like trannies.
No. 734024
>>734021This has to be
>>734002 lol, same phrasing and everything
No. 734026
File: 1612825868137.jpg (406.33 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210208-181116_Dis…)

>>734021>>734024I'm not in the discord
No. 734027
File: 1612825950275.jpg (77.52 KB, 640x640, 62ae6a213292f022473049114d0005…)

Can't believe this thread is more fresh and milky than 80% of the cows right now
Also, this whole discord should be put out to pasture. The whole server kek
No. 734029
>>734026samefag, but it's surprising to me that this is not just a singular experience. I know men are pricks and like to tear women down if they don't fit their manic pixie princess preferences.
But really, I wouldn't come here and say "I'm scared to join" if I were already in the discord
No. 734045
>>734038See my reply here
>>734041You really think someone is going to go through the trouble of saying they're afraid to join a discord they're already in, switch discords to prove that they're not in it, and then post that screenshot. What would be the purpose of doing that if I WERE her? Again, think.
No. 734050
File: 1612826783511.png (104.93 KB, 340x297, d7zf5m4-cf2a7ec0-97da-4618-94e…)

Everyone stop replying to the retarded infight about who is who, they're trying to deflect the attention from themselves. Just post more lol-worthy screenshots so we can laugh at how stupid they are for sharing this shit
No. 734052
File: 1612826953056.jpeg (14.36 KB, 304x212, A8B46D76-3615-47F2-91E0-637A1D…)

Mods, mods, toil away
Wrangling tards
While leakers play
No. 734054
File: 1612827042290.jpg (53.28 KB, 1080x532, 20210208_173105.jpg)

I'm not verified, so I can only post stuff from the unverified channels.
No. 734057
File: 1612827055348.jpeg (14.81 KB, 515x152, 8283B021-0FA9-41CC-A526-64D1C2…)

Finally lmao
No. 734062
Verified anons, please deliver more milk when you can! I wish I would have thought to get verified, but I didn't realize there were hidden channels lmao
>>734033I don't think the discord is controlled by the admin, and anyway it's a different platform so the rules wouldn't be the same. Being a namefag is literally a part of the website, and it would have to be advertised because it's the official lc discord. It's literally linked at the bottom of the page.
No. 734070
File: 1612827628195.png (16.49 KB, 458x109, JrVYhDL.png)

is the invite not working for anyone else?
No. 734071
>>734057She could have just deleted the discord account or joined with a new one. It’s not like she was known for much else besides being retarded so why the dramatics over 1 exposed account.
>>733971Slight tinfoil but there are 2 other active probable troons in the server.
>>733977nta but screenshot anons could easily be doing this on alts so trying to play detective with reactions is meaningless KEK
No. 734073
File: 1612827795300.jpeg (7.94 KB, 329x107, EC13C4A2-7DC8-4D9E-9835-A0D19E…)

>>734062There’s stuff in here I’d honestly feel bad about posting. I have no idea why they thought this was a good idea for a channel or why nef didn’t delete her backlog before leaving the server
No. 734077
File: 1612827873381.jpeg (21.25 KB, 657x202, 3988498E-23AA-420B-961A-B25CE8…)

>>734073Actually I just remembered nef is a nazi freak so I no longer feel bad about posting this, cheers
No. 734079
File: 1612827956509.jpg (12.72 KB, 293x172, retarded.jpg)

>>734071anon dont give nef ideas…
troons always get in and are likely coomin being in a womans space
>>734073damn i wanna see in…. omg post backlog top kek she really is a retard
>>734077she allegedly is in a relationship with a scrote rn so top kek that means he cheated on his trad racist waifu neffy
No. 734086
I'm looking in the vent channel rn to see if there's anymore milk with Bill
>>733411 and her bf. She might just be with a shitty guy, but she posts about him a ton
Tbh, even though I love this thread idk if it'll last long just cause they will be more careful. The only way milk will flow is from older posts OR from verified channels
No. 734113
>>734057Like that isn't a good thing kek
>nooo the meanie lolcow bullies!!!this is what cows say all the time kek
No. 734117
File: 1612829347520.png (5.87 KB, 207x75, fuck.PNG)

Nun two changed her name to Nun Two a while ago, and then changed it back to Mierda today and left the discord. I think P is still in.
No. 734121
File: 1612829467324.png (20.33 KB, 209x286, yams.PNG)

>>734069Yokaipussys tags actually says she's a farmhand, so I think she actually mods here? You'd think she would know how to wrangle her 'tards then, but I guess not
No. 734124
>>734108KEK the name fits
>>734117coward, they probably cried and went to make their own degenerate discord
>>734118Agreed with this, having a discord server just sounds contradictory to being on lolcow
No. 734128
File: 1612829735922.jpg (93.16 KB, 1080x838, 20210208_181410.jpg)

>>734118yeah, that's why this is funny as fuck
>>734117I noticed other names flashing and changing when my app loads - I wonder how many were spooked into changing (picrel - misa turns into snapped tranny)
No. 734133
File: 1612829885044.jpeg (69.7 KB, 667x651, E1A45EAA-20CA-425D-A588-1A7CE2…)

>>734097I’m just saying I’m not interested in posting some rando talking about their ex cheating on them or something. Cows of nefs caliber are fair game though
No. 734161
File: 1612831739483.png (226.34 KB, 588x573, 1.PNG)

It's old now but I thought I'd give some context to Nun Two/Mierdas fetus post
>>733284 No. 734168
>>733708So is this one of the verified channels or is it just a groupchat with only a couple people? I really just want more caps of what they're talking about here (although I'm sure we'll get them if we're just patient and wait). Also,
>the person who keeps posting is autistic and missing a ton of contextDamn sorry guys, it's hard for me to keep up with all the retardation
No. 734210
>>734203If you're talking about
>>734161, I only posted that because I saw some anons say Nun Two was into gore because of the cap of her talking about severed fetus feet, and wanted to give some context. Also, this is /ot/, not /snow/
No. 734240
>>734228>>734144Idk why you're bringing up Eldritch because she was barely discussed and deleted her acc, but I don't understand why you guys have such an issue with this thread. If there's not that much drama any other time, then so what? The thread will slow down, and whenever there is more milk it can be updated again. I don't think anyone expected this thread to fill up. Also, the origins of the thread was already explained here
>>733368 You can literally go back to the Things You Hate thread and see how it started. It's not some vendetta. Discord anons were doing weird shit so a thread was started to contain it
I don't understand these anons who think discord anons are off limits. We literally talk shit about other farmers all the time here.
No. 734272
>>734264Clearly didn't do much for some of them if so much got out
>>734228OP doesn't have even access to the discord and this was all started by anons asking what the it was like. You don't need a vendetta to make fun of these idiots, and they signed up for that risk when they decided to give up their anonymity and act stupid.
No. 734298
File: 1612845983840.jpeg (256.57 KB, 1009x1152, 1609207264698.jpeg)

Anons who are inside the discord: I don't you should be afraid of being posted, it's not like your accounts have your real names either way. Even if you said something milky who cares? Accept you were cringy and move on. It is cow behaivor to try and take down a thread or discredit it, just calm down and enjoy the ride, don't worry so much. You're making such a big deal out of some silly screenshots.
No. 734301
>>734298Some of us just don't care. Every server has had cows join anyways, we just sit back and watch the milk flow.
>>734295It's not organic milk if it's just going to be vendetta posting and cows are doing damage control and leaving.
No. 734304
>>734301How many times does it need to be said that there are no vendettas.
If there's no organic milk anymore, then let the thread die. You guys act like you don't like this thread and it's not good, but keep bumping it to complain.
No. 734338
>>734337What makes you think that? The creator of this thread apparently isn't in the discord
>as op I don't have the discord so I have limited sauce mostly donated from other oldfags who are on it. Thus my descriptions are likely lackingWe're all anonymous though so who knows.
No. 734481
File: 1612871429488.png (7.64 KB, 280x76, nun.PNG)

Lol @ Nun Two changing her name to this right before leaving
No. 734543
I didn't get a screenshot but I don't think mods are involved beyond damage control. Last night in one of the verified channels someone that was verified changed their name and profile to a guy and said something along the lines of "I'm glad to be here". Then, right after, all of the verified channels got archived and new ones were made. Some mods shared private information so I think it was out of protection for them. Neither of the mods or admins have brought it up and are just making jokes about us instead so they're definitely hiding shit.
>>734368I'm pretty sure most of the cows got banned instead of leaving, why wouldn't they have tried to delete messages if they decided to leave? But I think you're right on some level of mod involvement.
No. 734546
>>734543I just think it strange really
No. 735466
File: 1612962107743.png (16.59 KB, 178x297, feeling so high like a g6.PNG)

>>735454Yeah, I looked through her chat (only 49 messages, but she definitely could have deleted some) and there was no mention of meeting up with guys, however she did link to a 4chan pol thread, which is interesting.
Also, there's someone named spergbutmakeitaryan that started posting only yesterday and has only 9 messages. I have no doubt they are probably someone who either got banned or left the discord and is now back under a new name. My bet is it's Nun Two.
Does anyone know what V4 is supposed to mean? There's a couple people with that role, pic related. Even the spergbutmakeitaryan person has it already, along with the verified role despite verifications being closed, which just makes me believe they were an old user even more. UNLESS It's not a new acc and they just deleted their chatlogs or chatlogs automatically get deleted when you change your name.
No. 735471
File: 1612962506614.png (25.18 KB, 594x179, coping mechanism.PNG)

Is this bitch serious? Keep coping, Yokai. Learn how to wrangle your tards better and they won't get whole threads made about them ♥
No. 735489
>>735485And to me the
>those screenshots are doctoreddid not because, like I said, they were already doing damage control. If it was a joke, then ok I misunderstood. Stop getting your panties in a bunch over it.
No. 774218
File: 1617291285885.jpg (447.38 KB, 810x1902, Screenshot_20210401-103105_Dis…)

kek - is this an april fool's shitpost? i forgot i even still had a discord until i got the notification telling me to kms - the tranny seethe is chefs kiss either way
No. 774222
File: 1617292284283.jpg (65.04 KB, 1080x615, 20210401_104809.jpg)

going from trans-visibility day to autism awareness month probably takes a large toll on their deregulated emotions
No. 774225
File: 1617292780439.jpg (287.42 KB, 810x1886, 20210401_105822.jpg)

>>774218it's copypasta from this, posted a few minutes earlier
No. 774590
File: 1617335600452.png (27.19 KB, 700x200, pot meet kettle.png)

I thought it was funny Hex said this. You can judge regular farmers, but what kind of farmer do you have to be to moderate for the site?
No. 774660
>>774657Farmhands already said on meta that the discord mods are also site mods. I believe it was in the current complaints thread. Either way, she's still moderating a LC discord.
Sidenote, but I think it's weird that the discord users seem to dislike farmers so much and talk so much shit about us when they are also farmers. Being in the discord doesn't change that.
No. 788969
>>788813post caps
>>788821>>788855How is it funny when all you’re doing is feeding into some fag’s degradation fetish? Even if farmers reminded him that he’s perma ugly and will never be a woman, again, it’s just entertaining a maladjusted scrote’s desires to get attention, access, and acceptance from women by letting him stay.
No. 792680
File: 1619483134272.png (15.3 KB, 688x83, oldhabitsdiehard.png)

how do these bitches believe this schizoid posting
No. 794658
File: 1619715179408.jpeg (18.63 KB, 1026x192, 2681D3AE-2A8D-4F9E-A7D4-45AF02…)

>>794637Maybe you should lose weight and pay attention to your SO instead of harassing women online you freak. No. 794662
File: 1619715631474.jpeg (180.38 KB, 1241x1872, 2FA95490-ED97-484D-AF04-67C37E…)

>>794637Also don’t connect your social media’s to discord you retarded faggot.
(infighting) No. 794945
File: 1619737159387.png (69.53 KB, 824x312, DD837242-13B4-47AB-BDF9-9A5C50…)

>>794714Dumb bitch you deserved it
No. 795009
File: 1619741230679.jpeg (75.81 KB, 643x506, 30EFBAA9-BFCF-4445-B1D8-135D80…)

>>794945Nope. I don’t even want to be there anymore, it’s literally just a bunch of bitter old women talking about stories that never happened to them and switching their opinions quickly when it benefits them not getting kicked. They allow men to stay if they aren’t “harmless” and are too lazy to verify the hundreds of unverified users who could be lurking. And kek, the cherry-picked convos, those were when people were talking about race in the discord
No. 795033
>>795031How do you explain the other messages?
>I know who you are and I probably hate you….if you know who they are then wouldn't you be more sure about that?
No. 795050
File: 1619744719651.jpeg (138.23 KB, 1242x378, 74992CB4-8935-4539-B588-0B3E72…)

>>795047Also take your meds jfc…
No. 804531
File: 1620780736287.png (16.84 KB, 745x104, k.png)

wtf is she even talking about
No. 805203
>>803733That one has been unfortunately banned.
>>803693Unban me pls
No. 849549
File: 1625831006000.jpg (185.39 KB, 848x572, lol.jpg)

>non-constructive comments about this chat or the site
Vague and also pointless
No. 868676
>>868616that's so fucking cringe. you couldn't pay me to spend my time there.
what is the point of not allowing trannies and men on the main website but allowing them in the discord server? makes absolutely zero sense
No. 868917
>>868826i kinda get that impression from almost everyone not just the mods? i'm not expecting a hugbox but jeez
>>868834no clue, i'd like to know as well
No. 881933
File: 1629038550975.jpg (27.84 KB, 466x335, never.jpg)

>verification is halted indefinitely
>admin is still a sourpuss that only communicates in emojis
>men still allowed
My prediction is the server will be deleted before 2022 because they simply don't want to deal with it anymore without having to hand it over to anyone else
No. 933138
File: 1633635400581.jpeg (638.01 KB, 1170x1074, 72C3F0F8-DC6A-47D0-A5B9-B484A4…)

server deleted …. rip anons
No. 933144
File: 1633635905763.jpg (8.92 KB, 344x342, Tumblr_l_135620367992611.jpg)

>>933115me three
where will I shitpost now!
No. 933191
>>933188I never used the discord before, i just wanted to belong to a group, now I'm sad cause the anon deleted it
>>933189I feel like it might have been her because I was the only one there besides the anon that made it and now it's gone
No. 934369
File: 1633771852232.png (22.29 KB, 1824x233, Screenshot (15).png)

Elaine got the server taken down (picrel is from /meta/)
No. 934613
File: 1633800939336.gif (5.84 MB, 500x281, b8paikknjdp61.gif)

>>934448>joinNo thnx. I guess I'll doge this bullet.
No. 939406
File: 1634313595583.png (1.86 MB, 1607x2107, FBhl8UIXMAMXBEj.png)

Is it just me or is no one talking on Matrix? Or is there some kind of verification I need to pass to see messages just like the old Discord server? Never used Matrix before… I just miss the old server.
No. 1025626
File: 1642056961925.png (27.88 KB, 385x329, faggot.png)

Scrote in the Discord talking about how women don't understand sarcasm and jokes, when he's "joking" about liking fat asses and fucking dudes.
No. 1034675
>>1034628I left a few weeks ago and she was still there. I haven't been back since. I wouldn't doubt she still is there and that's part of what drew the moids in. Problem is there's no convincing her to come down off her high horse.
I truly do feel bad for her as a reformed pickme but she's going to have to learn the hard way.
No. 1055535
>>1055467Eh, Waterflee is the one who started the whole so called bullying of KittyCatMae. This is no anti-bullying campaign, but her being a retard BPD attention whore and trying to fight everyone with her fellow BPD thot piss girl. Almost every day they start tagging a new random person and come up with delusional interpretations of what that poster was saying, so they can pick fights. Waterflee is the same poster whos bikini pics and face got spammed here a few months back for this very same reason.
I really don't care about is it allowed to post her verified channels content, since she herself just today shared someones verified channel vents just to be petty. She got warned by the Admin just yesterday for it and another poster called them both out later as well. She has posted all kinds of stuff on how she has a domestic violence case and is scamming men on seeking arrangement, and then posting their details. She has posted herself half naked, her ex-boyfriends mums contact details, her exes ass and face, and a ton of selfies of herself. Her and piss girl trying to play fight club will end badly for both of them, since both of them have self doxxed in public and in verified channels.
No. 1058277
File: 1644387085452.jpeg (72.62 KB, 1142x337, 054787BB-BC63-4BF0-AACF-460723…)

there is a regina george wannabe in the lolcord. she is friends with kiwi doxxers and does doxxes herself. she is over 40 and brags about how she doxxes others. there is a mod named sandwhich who doxxed a dead girl in private general. made fun of her edited pictures but deleted them and apologized to the girls friend
No. 1058340
>>1058331There's no way there's a 40 year old woman with kids doxxing and fighting with randos in a discord server for a bovine gossip imageboard…wow. Is that the future of all farmers?
>who doxxed a dead girl in private generalWhat the fuck, can we get more milk on this? Was the girl in the discord/an lc user? How did it all lead up to this?
No. 1058341
>>1058340Samefag, I reposted this like 3 times and kept tagging the wrong anon. Meant for
No. 1058344
>>1058337>WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELFWhat did she mean by this?
Not possibly that this is another idiot who self-doxed coming onto the board and all it took to find everything about her was a few clicks and a Google search?
Pretty sure that this is another case of trying to make a point about being safe online. No malice.
>>1058340BTW it's not clear from her post but piss girl (who outed herself by taking an unwise screenshot) is actually talking about two separate women of a certain age on the Discord.
No. 1058353
>>1058350My point is that
>>1058347 points out quite correctly there are other people on that server as well and they could all find the same information. It's not magic. And a lot of people could stand to use a reminder about not linking all their stuff online.
No. 1058362
File: 1644394226140.jpeg (387.42 KB, 1142x1859, 49E9DFF5-8774-4CCB-92E7-1C06CA…)

No. 1058363
>>1058360no way
>>1058361im literally not in the server??? or on tinder for that matter
No. 1058368
>>1058366You’re 40 and acting like this it’s honesty sad. Again not waterflee or whoever but it’s not like it matters. Idk you and I can just see how sad your life is where your only joy comes from thinking you were important on fucking Kiwifarms of all places and doxxing people half your big age.
Anyways, anons please provide more caps of this retard for those of us who aren’t in the server. She’s more pathetic than the previous Nazi lover that was the main server cow. Also just generally sadder
No. 1058369
>>1058342Thank you anon. Not to be dramatic, but that's absolutely disgusting. That person sounds evil. Not to mention posting your friends, friend's urn.
>>1058357I can't believe it either, crazy and sad.
No. 1058389
File: 1644396060318.jpeg (168.83 KB, 1170x914, E53DCEED-151B-4D3F-ABA3-FF15C9…)

No. 1058403
>>1058396even being college aged and bragging about doxxing people is like genuinely unhinged, like the fact she’s 40 is something else entirely
>>1058398he must resent her, I actually feel so bad for her kids
No. 1058408
>>1058404Anon please Amy Pohler is a beautiful woman, she probably doesnt even come close
>>1058406Because she’s a pathetic middle aged woman with literal children doxxing young girls on discord? Now go feed your kids Tardgina
No. 1058417
>>1058412Im not going to join a discord server full of retards to tell this grown woman that she’s a loser, it’s obvious and i’m sure she knows. We’re on an anonymous shit talking image board? Im just using it how it was made to be used.
>Tell herI think you meant “Tell me”
No. 1058422
File: 1644397509154.jpeg (26.88 KB, 256x256, 12743955-7D6C-44F8-A75D-0879BD…)

>>1058412oh no im so scared!! what is she gonna do? doxx us? consider my timbers shivered
No. 1058426
File: 1644397654418.png (147.57 KB, 665x290, so much nicer.png)

>>1058424>The older one was a lot nicer.Yeah.
No. 1058431
>>1058426that larp was an edgy joke
it was definitely in bad taste but it was clearly a joke for some users engaging in it
they were also kicked and not invited back subsequently, mods at present aren't doing anything about regina
No. 1058438
>>1058435It's just typical attentionwhoring
Ooh look at me ~posts attention grabbing shit~
No. 1058442
>>1058439Nta, but why don't
you post it.
No. 1058460
>>1058426The dreaded Nefeli incident. That bitch was there for a few weeks and has left a shit stain forever. There wasn’t much drama after that.
>>1058429She would post all the men she saw on tinder for attention and validation in the general channel. She also shared messages she sent them trying to “own” them but they just made her look retarded. A lot of the anons cheered her on because they thought it was funny someone could be that retarded. All the things
>>1055535 said were posted in general. Other things posted by waterfree consist of talking about the things she let men do to her feet and sugaring. I don’t remember must else past that my brain was saving me from trauma.
No. 1058512
>>1058266>>1058277>>1058322>>1058324>>1058328>>1058333>>1058337>>1058342>>1058348>>1058350>>1058351>>1058352>>1058356>>1058360>>1058362>>1058365>>1058379>>1058389>>1058391>>1058398>>1058402>>1058418>>1058440Go Piss Girl, you left your tag in these posts. You have been samefagging, a-logging and spamming this thread enough for me to warrant exposing you. You are also pretending to not be you, hence breaking
>Do not deceptively post about yourself in the third person for any reason.*As a farmer you should know, this kind of behaviour will result in your posts being tagged.
No. 1058527
File: 1644407691489.jpeg (83.09 KB, 479x812, milky.jpeg)

I like this thread's milk. I like to know I'm posting with retards. It makes me feel less retarded.
No. 1058638
>>1058624>>1058434>>1058430The doxxing screens are out of context. I was not involved in these conversations, but I am verified and a lurker.
The discord has had mods multiple times warn users about linking their socials. A bunch of users were tagging posters that had their socials linked and warning them, in context those were replies to people saying they can't be doxxed because their social media has only pictures of their pets and other such explanations. This Regina poster and others were replying that those are doxxable things and they should be careful. All of the "doxxing" was following people's profiles linked to their discord profiles.
No one was doxxed, people were opening links people had on their own discord profiles. One of these girls whoms "doxxing" was posted here even acknowledged she was uncomfortable with having them up, but that she was a professional artist so having her pronouns and socials was unfortunately essential for exposure to get paid work. So piss girl here is making a
victim out of someone said she knows the dangers and doesn't mind people clicking them.
The only person who commented about the dead girls fillers and them making her unrecognizable, was go piss girl her self. So she is attributing here the insensitive comments she herself made to another poster, mind you; from a funeral of a friend she was herself blogging.
No. 1058733
>>1058716Can't wait until mods tag you
I will take my hi cow ban now with grace.
No. 1078952
File: 1646194327299.jpeg (63.23 KB, 526x993, fuckingstfu.jpeg)

Can mods just please ban kittymae once and for all? All she wants is attention and keeps posting bait
No. 1079290
File: 1646223440286.jpeg (14.91 KB, 128x792, wantsafuckingbabybutgotnothing…)

>>1078962>>1078961Where do I even start tbh… if this girl had any following, she'd be a bigass clowny cow. If you're any curious, just join the server for a couple of minutes and check her post history. She overshares about her messy life, her retarded bf and has baby fever. This is what led to yesterday's meltdown.
No. 1079299
File: 1646223693117.jpeg (19.91 KB, 143x793, wantsajobbutspendsallmoneyonwe…)

>>1079290Samefag, posted the wrong pic. That one is to exemplify her retardation. This one is the context of yesterday's meltdown
No. 1079306
File: 1646224103401.jpeg (746.97 KB, 1242x7706, kjsdhaskld.jpeg)

>>1079303fucking hell, soz
No. 1079732
>>1079669some of us just cut ourselves instead no harm no foul
>>1079655don't doom that prophecy into existence
No. 1079897
File: 1646241369674.jpeg (257.8 KB, 1242x1395, B49C88F3-CAEE-4806-B3C1-B102A4…)

>>1079750y’all just mad she got a fat pussy and y'all don’t KEK
No. 1080189
>>1079750this is lc, you're in the looney bin too
let's have a looney bin party
No. 1085026
File: 1646430090869.jpg (282.65 KB, 784x1280, tulip.jpg)

Random scrote talking about his tulpa today.
No. 1085192
File: 1646436798840.png (16.28 KB, 771x113, Untitled.png)

>>1085026He's banned now. This was his last post, which is fitting.
>>1085037It seems like it's filled with psycho people because they're exciting to talk about. All the boring times when we're just talking about the latest gossip isn't noteworthy.
No. 1087102
File: 1646537246474.jpeg (780.22 KB, 1242x9788, AW1xzDu.jpeg)

mods i beg of you
No. 1087127
File: 1646539455386.jpeg (232.04 KB, 1242x1337, 19A95863-8614-404B-BBE1-2D0048…)

>>1087102It’s a wild day on lolcord today
No. 1087149
File: 1646541017045.jpeg (255.08 KB, 1242x1675, 6BB99A0D-0435-425F-8514-3B99B6…)

>>1087141Nonna what did we ever do to you to wish that on us
No. 1087154
File: 1646541356350.png (574.65 KB, 1832x928, Untitled.png)

shitty disoraganized mae compilation
No. 1087158
File: 1646541659297.jpg (46.31 KB, 397x477, a weed.jpg)

Mae been thriving a long time
No. 1087172
File: 1646543226424.jpg (41.69 KB, 366x344, PREGNANT.jpg)

No. 1087271
File: 1646555092118.jpg (63.07 KB, 946x666, gigantiadave-johnson-harvard-m…)

>>1087172the baby will come out looking like this and speaking in tongues
No. 1087681
File: 1646583855429.png (Spoiler Image,377.54 KB, 500x500, kikomi.png)

>>1087620It's pretty shit but here lol
No. 1094570
File: 1647033619733.jpeg (112.15 KB, 1170x865, 03AD127F-C870-4BAC-856D-72B6FE…)

Villianess is a mod from the old server. Elaine doxxed her.
No. 1094902
File: 1647060908525.png (7.24 KB, 330x47, wtf.png)

>>1093599wtf how many cows are in there ???
No. 1179776
File: 1652454816851.png (55.46 KB, 365x449, Capture3.PNG)

No. 1183917
File: 1652727826038.jpg (94.29 KB, 726x1067, HQC6KjU.jpg)

who would've guessed: the junkie moid had more brain cells than kittycatmae
No. 1200062
File: 1653726397457.jpg (220.17 KB, 790x930, mae17.jpg)

>>1183917Imagine getting dumped by this
what a mess
No. 1201160
File: 1653808337604.jpg (247.26 KB, 992x734, mae18.jpg)

>>1200134>>1200074Bubbo's last """"gf""""""" was a heckin
valid transwoman. He was the bottom. Kittycatmae got dumped by a faggot that took troon dick.
No. 1204308
File: 1654027871054.png (38.52 KB, 558x182, kittycatmae11.PNG)

>>1202286have a sip hunny
No. 1204813
>>1204742Why are you friends then lol
Also do you guys have other cows on discord? Kittykatmae is more annoying than fun
No. 1217754
File: 1654783735099.jpeg (532.58 KB, 828x1528, 3C82F408-6DD8-4229-B9BF-E0E975…)

literal autism. she didn't even butt into a personal conversation or anything kek she just asked what was going on about ELAINE on the cows channel
No. 1217767
>>1217754People in the discord are really insufferable. Maybe the culture over there is just different, but who gives a fuck about introductions if it's a cow channel? You can see her name, what else is there to know that would be important.
Maybe they're just used to every dummy there sharing every bit of personal info about themselves.
No. 1218695
>>1217767To be expected when you’re trying to remove the anonymity from an
anonymous imageboard. Who the hell in their right mind would try to make friends on an imageboard.
No. 1219996
File: 1654880495372.png (1.31 MB, 763x831, drtryjsry.png)

Since the official lc discord is so horrible, are other servers originating from discord as bad too? What about the closed channels on the official ones? I have not wanted to verify myself and expose my voice to someone who will not talk back.
No. 1220088
>>1219996discord server mod talked back with me when i verified, just fyi
unrelated PSA for newfags thinking about joining the discord instead of integrating on the board: don't.
No. 1220092
File: 1654884881137.png (307 KB, 364x439, tuykdftyuk.PNG)

>>1220088Ah I see, I was on the discord only a short while since it was shit, and just heard rumors. Thanks for clarifying, I'll ease my tinfoil a bit.
No. 1231103
File: 1655635750143.jpg (150.31 KB, 1080x513, Screenshot_2022-06-19-11-47-06…)

No. 1246655
File: 1656625986728.png (56.89 KB, 938x223, anon.png)

Who could this be?
No. 1319622
File: 1661729909800.jpg (270.65 KB, 1080x1119, IMG_20220829_001731.jpg)

No. 1348547
File: 1663924234542.jpg (256.11 KB, 1080x1017, Screenshot_20220923_050818.jpg)

She is still at it trying to normalize that bpdchan life.
No. 1796706
File: 1701472681367.png (94.06 KB, 405x292, image.png)

When STEM Stacy Hex isn't crying about her failing "career"/relationship attempts on lolcow adjacent discord servers and shitting up imageboards for days on end, she's performing cosplay choreographies across the nation and putting her coding skills to work. Behold this genius who attaches her entire dox to her lolcord discord handle
>>>/snow/1926030 No. 1796739
>>1796731>>1796717There isn't a discord anymore, but there was an offshoot that Hex was in and she posted caps from when she was trying to dox staff or shatmin. Lolcor mods are really this retarded. >>>/ot/1659649 >>>/ot/1660059
>love live screensaver No. 1798824
>>1796717She did get kicked from the discord last year for posting screenshots in closed servers
>>>/meta/51885 I don't know about the allegations on cc or where they originate from. Apparently screens were dumped that showed she thought she was better than most of us in the server but that didn't stop her from oversharing about her failed LDR and doing karaoke at cons.