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No. 783702
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Her constant whining, terrible formatting of posts, worthless fat positive rhetoric and her uncanny ability to be offensively ugly despite trying very hard to be cute.
I get it, she was born unlucky in the looks department and had serious bulldog face before her jaw surgery and this is all her way of coping..but goddamn, she’s determined to shove it in your face and demand compliments instead of just accepting she’s not a pageant queen and being a normal productive person anyway.
She’s not even 30 and she has a bona-fide hump like Quasimodo, spends half her time in bed if her instagram is anything to go by, and just lazily rants about how she’s awesome and gorgeous and totally not gross because her fat is a genetic blessing.
No. 783720
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Alex Mucci, claims to be all natural when she has obviously fake nose, lips, wears color contacts, fake freckles, tits, etc. Buys thousands of fake comments for each of her posts, many thousands of fake likes. Tries to look deep and soulful in her ig stories posting basically video selfies of herself looking innocently into the camera (has a few video posts on her feed like this, didn't bother to buy as many fake likes for those since it only displays # of views, so they only have 20-40k compared to her photo posts which have ~140k). Exposed on reddit for not going actually nude on her Patreon and wearing pasties, she got everyone who outed her banned and became a moderator which effectively killed the subreddit. I am actually fascinated by her clusterfuck of a face and so I keep an eye on her but god she is the worst. Also she makes a big deal of herself as an aerospace engineer despite never working in the field and only ever working as a bartender and pinup camgirl
No. 783722
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>>783720Pic related, her before some of the surgeries she's claimed never to have had (like her nosejobs). She sometimes posts old photos of her parents, who she used to resemble but now she looks like an attempt to construct a sex doll of Krysta from Fern Gully. Also cringily refers to herself as an elf on her Patreon and in some of her posts. I should make a thread for her some time
No. 783725
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back to the bella and selena drama but besides from her getting closer with kat, i remember around the end of last year there was a thread going around on twitter (i follow alot of random la egirls and it seemed it never spread beyond this or got deleted) about some girl who claimed to have known both of them and was trying to out bella for being “problematic” and have everyone cancel her cause apparently she’s a shit talker or something idk. they even mentioned something about bella laughing behind selena’s back for having vaginitis aka smelly coochie and having her bf complain about it lmaooooo. as soon as that thread got rted by Jovan (gay twitter troll) i always got sus vibes seeing them still interact and hang with each other so when they unfollowed, i honestly wasn’t shocked. does anyone else remember reading it? or remember the girl who posted it on twitter, its another white latina from la
No. 783733
File: 1551839844479.png (Spoiler Image,659.23 KB, 471x545, grossanlazers.PNG)

>>783702This chick and the rest of the bodyposi instagram community like bodyposipanda etc. are so deluded. I think glitterandlazers is even milkier though, for being a fugly ebeggar and making excuses for why others should pay for her to sit at home and write body posi content and try on her 17896869th winedrunk amazon haul after quitting her job.
No. 783773
>>783733Her growing alcoholism makes me sad and her face wounds are bordering on ulcerations. Her sadness is so palpable that I can’t hate her so much as pity her the way I pity the very very old. She’s losing mobility and the diabetes is getting too severe to ignore judging my the colour of her legs and fingers and how she’s straight up not healing at all.
At least Dani is obnoxious and spouts so much ignorant shit, it’s enough to just hate her.
Wonder why they all make that same giant open-jawed smile like they were photographed laughing.
No. 783774
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>>783722The 40 year old stripper is now clamining to be pregnant. Probably gonna claim its her exs to try and get even more money out of him. Mostly likely a randoms or her pimps lol
No. 783796
>>783722genuinely can't tell which one of these basic white girls are supposed to be her pre-surgery, none of them look anything like
>>783720 . obv it's between the two in the center photo…but they both look so different, i'm bamboozled
No. 783827
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For me its definetly star_666_.
She's super narcissistic, rude, doesnt treat her fans well, is a "kvlt" trash, has been accused of being a nazi, acts like normal food makes her sick bc she is totes all natural, loses her shit and turns comments off and literally accused a fan account of stalking. I have tons of screenshots of her acting up.
No. 783883
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>>783867She spergs about her hair very often
No. 783886
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>>783867This one was because she recieves every once in a while a bobs and vagene
No. 783887
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>>783867Also her opinions on mental health are trash
No. 783890
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>>783867A personal favourite: her flexing her ugly ass unshaved legs
No. 783920
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>>783796I'll try and do some more side-by-sides
No. 783959
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>>783943For now she is subtle about it
No. 783991
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>>783943Here she is all up in Varg Vikernes insta, definitely a nazi!
No. 784005
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Dug up this gem
No. 784212
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>>783774She has some of the worst tattoos I've seen
No. 784213
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Lilkatattack or Lynette isn't 40 but 38 she's been divorced once. Jumping for relationship to relationship. She recently tried to create a patreon to post her "opinions" in a blog like fashion. Nobody signed up after a month and then she deleted it. According to her bestfriend she got pregnant a month after her nasty split from her ex James. She's thousands in debt, her new bf and baby daddy is now working his ass off to try and provide for her and the baby. Sadly the kid will be born addicted, she was snorted coke and smoking dope weeks before announcing she's pregnant
No. 784288
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>>784213This is everyday sadly, wonder if she's gonna profit off her pregnancy like other sw do. Wouldn't surprise me, didn't take her long before she started fucking customers for money
No. 784635
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>>784288 I wonder why Lynette? Is it because you talk shit about the other dancers and at like you are a God send to the stripper community. She does this all the time, has a pity party until some random 60 years stroke her ego and she's back to posting thot pics
No. 785043
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>>783943>>783827check out the nazi flag in the back
No. 785060
>>785043Bitch doesn't even know black metal bands apart from the top three popular ones, but feels entitled to complain about the movie like she is a source of knowledge.
Does anyone remember that thing between her and that Astrid girl? Turns out both had quite the nazi edgy past.
Her pole routines are also nothing impressive, specially considering she brags about her body strength and flexibility daily.
I also find it really obvious how she attacks other people for things like "she said her eyes were hazel, but they are pure brown!", like the only thing that matters to her is being white.
Her husband Lars looks fucking inbred, too. And now she can't stop complaining about how someone made a fake Facebook account of her, which she took to mean people are roleplaying as her to spread rumours and because they are sooo obsessed with her.
And whatever happened to the self-hating black girl that she used to be friends with to prove that she is totally not a white supremacist?
No. 785085
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Quit her job to be a "model". Ex stripper. Used to be a hairstylist but no longer licensed. Lost custody of her kid because shes too focused on guys and going out every night. Her ego trips are nauseating. Used to be kinda cute but I think alcohol/age is making her haggard.
No. 785111
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I once had a small interaction with this girl, she was complaining how she wasnt posing in a (now deleted) pic with lingerie but what she was wearing totally was. Nothing wrong with that but I wanted to see how she would defend it so I commented and she lost her shit. In the screenshots you can see the pic if you zoom.
No. 785112
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>>785111Zoom in to see the socks
No. 785117
>>785113She complains weekly about all the attention she gets, and threats to shut down her page, says she never wanted to be famous. Needless to say, she never leaves instagram.
Also, I don't know why she pushes this "trve kvlt" persona, a few years ago she only talked about like The Misfits and Nine Inch Nails lol. She seems to be getting more into black metal after she got with her pig faced european prince. They also sell shirts of his music project (which never released any music) and people buy this shit. How on earth is it kvlt to support something off of instagram that you never even heard?
No. 785187
>>785043what a wreck, she does deserve her own thread. her account is private right now, i wonder if she saw this thread.
>>785060who is astrid? any milk?
No. 785223
>>785187Astrid is another wannabe trad waifu, used to be @missanthropicon now she's over her kvlt phase and has become a skinhead @strengthruoi, they had a feud where Astrid tried to expose star by lying to her that she is a fascist as well and then star flipped her shit trying to defend herself.
>>785137she is not as outrageous but if other anons can take our word for it she does produce minor milk, some major every now and then ,worthy of a thread.
No. 785301
>>785187Astrid is a dumb columbiner that jumps from trend to trend, tried to be trad and pagan, but that fell apart quickly, tried to be part of the black metal community, and now is a skin. Caitlin would try to expose her for shit like lying about her eye color or being fascist, or because she used the "revolt against the modern world" hashtag while wearing wigs and makeup and this girl and some random ppl from insta started revealing Caitlin's real name etc.
Astrid also accuses girls in the metal community of stealing her "signature" hairstyle": fucking pigtails with shaved sides. So original lol
No. 785340
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Surprised nobody had posted this cow. This is London Goheen, the notorious clout chaser or home wrecker. She's known for breaking up Twan and Hannah. And then cheating on Twan with Reece Hawkins, who cheated on his fiancé Tammy who he has 2 young children with. Reece is equally milky, all he posts are adds, tried doing a tell all interview about his ex Tammy with DailyMail but they turned him down cause he was asking for way too much money. Made a serious of IG stories about how Tammy took away his range rover (he got speeding tickets and didn't pay his rego so it got repossessed. It is also still in Tammy's name). So now he can't see his kids and has to walk everywhere. Few days later he took London to LA and then Texas and hasn't been back in Australia since. London herself has gotten a bad botched nose job and boob job. Photoshops all her ig pics. Her mum and dad are equally trashy. Her sister uploaded a video of her mother drunk rolling around on the ground and her dad spit on her.
No. 785343
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>>785340Tammy herself had some cow tendencies. Flies to LA every month to hang out with other Insta thots and youtubers. Has been linked to O'Dell Beckham Jr. and Tyga. She passed out at Kylie Jenner Birthday party, had to be taken out face down on a stretcher. All of the Kardashians/Jenner unfollowed her. Wants to move her and her whole family to LA. Her sisters and her are being equaled to the Kardashian sisters. She also has gotten a bad boob job and obvious filler to her face and lips but she denys the fillers. She also wears super skimpy bikinis and post revealing pics on IG. It's been debated him her butt is from the gym or the operating table
No. 785390
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You guys she's sooo kvlt
No. 785434
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>>785301Haha fuck I was gonna add a post about Astrid on this thread but didn't know if she was milky enough. I actually used to think she was really pretty during her black metal phase, but then she completely rebranded herself, her account and her wardrobe when she became skinhead.
Her Columbine cosplay is the edgiest thing I've ever seen (pic related). Astrid is on the left in the Eric Harris "cosplay".
She's basically just another "not like other girls" edgelord that jumps on any subculture that'll make her look the most "unique" and get her the most attention.
No. 785474
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>>785441I've honestly never been sure. She had a tiny waist back in her black metal/pagan days but she said she had an ED back then. Now it seems like she's gained weight everywhere except her waist so it's a little suspicious.
No. 785486
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Sorry for double post, but mini Astrid pic dump incoming.
She's been my personal insta cow for years. She has 0 personality which is why she latches onto so many different subcultures/styles. She was punk a few years ago too.
No. 785489
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She used to post /pol/ memes and was obsessed with Sam Hyde for a while. Also peep the black sun necklace, even if she was wearing it because she was ~pagan she can't deny the Nazi connections.
No. 785490
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>>785489totally not just being an edgelord btw.
No. 785497
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>>785340You forgot to mention when London broke up Christian Guzman and Nikki Blackletter. London and Nikki were bffs before that happened. She also broke up Twan Kuyper and Hannah Stocking. Reece Hawkins and Tammy Hembrow. She's the definition of homewrecker
No. 785501
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She's also one of those photoshop hoes
No. 785507
>>785490I was waiting for this girl to be brought up.
I don’t have much milk on her but I have mutual friends. She’s Australian yet when she was ‘trve kvlt’ claimed to be German (lol). Now she’s a skin she claims to be fully British.
Her name is Beata but she gets people to call her Astrid. Apparently she lies about a lot, too, but I don’t know about that so can’t confirm.
She went skinhead not long after her kvlt bf cheated and they broke up. Then she got a super skin bf (she dates stereotypes of whatever edgy subculture she’s currently riding).
Also, when people called her out for completely changing subcultures she claimed she was brought up with punk music etc and that she was ‘still pagan’ but just a skinhead.
That’s everything I’ve got on her, but I’m surprised it took this long for her spotlight on here.
No. 785572
File: 1552344000949.png (831.25 KB, 816x599, 16145837495.PNG)

>>785507>Also, when people called her out for completely changing subcultures she claimed she was brought up with punk music etc and that she was ‘still pagan’ but just a skinhead.She also claimed that her belief system hasn't changed at all, even though now she goes around saying "england is my city" and shit like that.
She also made this post explaining why she changed her look, which is fair enough, but I don't think anyone changes their whole wardrobe, social media, beliefs, interests, and friendship group just because they were "unhappy and unmotivated".
No. 785596
>>785489She used to self-post on /pol/ a lot.
>>785507She used to say she was Danish, not German.
>>785539Wasn't her "kvlt bf" Finnish? Or was that another lie she made up.
>>785585Her bf wears a Skrewdriver (RAC/White power band) shirt too.
She was friends with a girl named Chris (ultra.violenceeee on ig), another racist skin. They're not friends anymore but Astrid/Beata is obsessed with copying her. She even got a German boyfriend because Chris got one lol
No. 785603
>>785596>She used to self-post on /pol/ a lot. Why is self-posting on /pol/, /cgl/ or /r9k/ always the trademark of a "not like other girls uwu" bitch?
>/pol/She was never a Nazi or alt-right and definitely isn't a racist skinhead btw guys.
>>785585Her chelsea cut looks shite too.
No. 785606
>>785596Yeah they're shit. That's the thing with these bonehead bands, regardless of their political standing, the music is absolute dogshit.
>>785603It is pretty bad for a chelsea. You can tend to tell how edgy someone thinks they are a Skin depending on whether they have a try-hard chelsea or a more grown up/flattering feather cut. Doesn't suit her at all.
No. 785723
>>785700The laces don't really mean anything, but white power skins/boneheads take that shit to heart and as a result other skins usually don't wear them so they're not confused with them.
And at least 'fetish' skins are more credible than she is. You can guarantee they'll be more into the sub culture than she is instead of wearing cookie-cutter nazi bonehead tees.
No. 785809
>>785768Yeah, it's like the Sonnenrad necklace she's wearing in
>>785489 - it was originally a pagan symbol until it was adopted by Neo-Nazis and the ADL due to their obsession with norse and Aryan supremacy and shit. It's pretty much primarily a Neo-Nazi symbol now unfortunately.
No. 785823
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@katiecosplays does anyone have the video she posted of throwing matcha tea on her neighbor's dog because "it was barking and she was tired" ? her recent picture is getting spammed'm a newfag and lurker pls don't bully if i did this wrong)
No. 786126
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>>785880He looks super inbred either way
No. 786192
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>>786126But he should totally model, right.
Btw, remember these stupid faces she used to make in almost every pic? I can almost hear her reeeing about not being like these other girls through the screen.
No. 786195
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Also, fvck african people.
No. 786196
>>786192Wish she didn't delete her attempts at black metal vocals lol
I remember some girl called posercorpsegirl on IG used to laugh at star for this, but she herself posted videos trying to sing or making trve kvlt faces and generally trying to portray herself as the biggest BM and Mayhem fan ever. I find it so funny when underage idiots listen to BM once and then try to shape their whole personality around it, even though it is not even their favorite music genre. They act like they know all about BM history, but they just repeat what is on the internet.
No. 786215
File: 1552498298767.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.24 MB, 732x4204, trve kvlt aryan natural beauti…)

>>785683I think I remember seeing the period blood picture too. Wish I took screenshots back then, my bad. I have a couple saved from a while back on my phone so I compiled what I had on these cringelords. I always knew they'd be posted on lolcow eventually kek. Glad to see I'm not the only one driven crazy by her and her husband though.
>>785060I remember seeing Lars posting lots of memes of that Astrid girl on his page when I first found his insta and being confused about her connection to these two. I only thought to screenshot the one though at the time.
No. 786275
>>786215She looks just like any other blonde american girl. Her skin is terrible, her nose is weird. She is so average
And they really look like siblings.
They really want to make this "nordic aryan viking" thing happen, but the only thing they have is being blond and white lol
No. 786276
>>786200After the feud with Astrid, she is very careful when things get out of hand. Instead of exposing that girl, more and more evidence of her being a shitty nazi flake came to light. She disabled the comments on her page so no one can talk about it (she says it is because she doesn't like the attention, but come on…)
She also keeps talking about people making up rumours about her and her husband, but apart from her past, nothing more was discussed on instagram. She is afraid people will know the truth, especially now since she is trying to be a public figure in the pole community.
No. 786287
>>786215I'm pretty sure that meme is still on his page with zero context. Even though I don't like Astrid, that meme is so pathetic and pretentious. I'm pretty sure if anyone "killed" anyone in that feud it was Astrid, since she exposed Caitlin for being a Nazi and people actually listened, even if it was a pot meet kettle situation.
Caitlin has an ego the size of the moon and her inbred boyfriend hyping her up just makes it worse.
No. 786504
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>>786287The meme of Astrid and Caitlin because Caitlin is definitely as troo kvlt as Varg and will fly to England to stab Astrid 23 times in self defence
No. 786507
File: 1552570205369.png (506.35 KB, 425x506, sssss.PNG)

Speckledgal has always been one of my least favorite Insta celebs, still sad her thread here never took off
>>>/snow/397000Got into an argument a few weeks back on Twitter about how you should start taking dog medication instead of the prescription your doctor filled for you because it's cheaper kek
No. 786520
>>786283I just find it funny when trailer trash complain about all the browns taking their jobs, when those people "taking their jobs" are obviously working so much harder than this lazy, greasy bitch.
Also, that's another thing, she is always so fucking greasy. If you stuck her out in the sun, you could fry an egg on her disgusting hair. She looks like she reeks of canola oil.
No. 786571
>>786507yea she was always so messy, not milky enough i think though. similar to for example pnp - fun to laugh at and comment on her antics, but too boring/predictable for lolcow in the end
she used to be such a weeb. what's going on in her life lately? somehow she disappeared from my radar completely
No. 787410
File: 1552768421090.png (1.13 MB, 1222x2048, Screenshot_20190316-143123.png)

This 3 eyed bitch is Allison Kate, self proclaimed "lightworker" aka sits on her ass all day taking IG selfies. Has gotten botched plastic surgery to her face. Has been denying it since her tumblr days. She actually deleted all her socials back in 2012-2013 but returned to IG in 2014 with even bigger lips. Use to say she got bullied for her "naturally big lips". Spews the same old "love yourself" "vegan" "alien child" bullshit but heavily smokes cigarettes and uses fillers. Not only that but she's an abuser of photoshop
No. 787412
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>>787410Doesn't even look like her selfies, she monitors her tagged pics so only the good ones or the ones she edits are allowed
No. 787413
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>>787412Proud owner of the anus lips
No. 787414
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>>787413She also outted herself al the whole "my lips are natural"
No. 787416
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Allison also made her own fan pages on tumblr and attacked anybody that disagreed with her. also was posting hella thinspo pics before she finally admitted she had an ED, luckily she got help for the ED
No. 787431
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No. 787432
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No. 787433
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No. 787434
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No. 787435
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Sorry for the photo spam, wish I could upload more than one pic at a time. But just showing off her different stages of Photoshop and Fillers
No. 787521
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Caitlin used to submit her pics to this page claiming to be dutch lol
This page is clearly racist, lots of neonazis commenting, lots of 1488 being thrown around. She used to like a lot of posts, but stopped after the feud with Astrid. Her husband also submitted a pic and liked some posts.
They literally can't post a fucking selfie without using european/aryan/nordic tags
I find it funny how she is conpletely silent about this thread, she usually tries to appear all bad ass exposing every little thing that people say to her
She really is scared
No. 787820
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Canniny. Chinese weeb, trying to pass herself of as nipponese with asinine shoops. Idk if she is milky particularly but I’m so goddamn tired of seeing her nose-less face on my explore. Maybe it’s because she makes me think of Berry Tsukasa.
No. 787822
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This is such a bad edit, making herself look like a cartoon
No. 787969
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Her shoops have gotten worse, she use to make herself look like a 50 year old women and now she looks like a weeb
No. 787976
File: 1552943403710.jpg (35.44 KB, 500x400, allison-kate-alternative-amazi…)

Here's an older pic from her myspace/tumblr days. Lips are visibly small compared to now, and her eyes are also super small
No. 788109
>>787969 Why does she look so stiff? Like someone posed a very new mannequin around a tree? Why is she hoverhanding the tree actually?
Does she know it can't reject her?
No. 788475
File: 1553058708840.jpg (2.18 MB, 1920x1920, Photo Collage_20190319_2238096…)

Vanna aka homicidalqu33n, photoshops the shit outta of her IG pics but posts the originals to her private Facebook
No. 788734
>>787549Same can someone give me a recap ??
No. 788970
>>785572Fam is it just me or is this chick obviously part Asian? Is Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath spreading her seed?
>>785122Do these chicks not know their pagan Viking zaddy Varg hates modern BM and tradthots
No. 789235
File: 1553286777606.png (387.01 KB, 781x624, Screenshot_20190317-203305~2.p…)

This aradour bitch is a FRAUD! We use to chat all the time on tumblr, she was engaged to a 22 year old when she was 17! Once she turned 18 she started doing "sex work". Pretty sure her ex-fiance paid for her lip injections. She got enough money from begging gross ass perverts on Twitter to get more surgery and to move to LA
No. 789448
File: 1553359436448.jpg (47.14 KB, 593x594, yQbbgyH.jpg)

lauren alice avery - popular around 2014-2016 on IG, former LA clubkid (lmao) brief stint as an aCtReSs.
heir to $300m estate and buys her way into social scenes with flights and expensive gifts
No. 789518
>>789497it's a joke because there wasn't one
just young adults that like to play dressup and pretend they're artists
No. 789619
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No. 789621
>>789619fuck forgot to add the info lmao
sUper Quirky girLie !!!!!!
over use of photoshop
rufuses to tell ppl her age so ovbs underage
got a group of friends just as QuIrKiE as her
its really rude to people of her lives
saw a thing on reddit that said shes actually 15
regularly drinks n uses drugs despite being under age
has a long list of ex friends
ana chan
No. 789892
File: 1553462668059.png (Spoiler Image,627.57 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

luhshawnay is fucking annoying. Like, you don't get any jobs cause you can't model and your work ethic sucks, not because you're fat.
No. 790266
File: 1553536565837.jpeg (103.53 KB, 888x960, 1557F66E-71AF-43B1-AABA-691E6A…)

good god its like she’s getting lazier with her editing
the eyes look like shit
No. 790296
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>>790266this eyelash edit is so fucking bad
No. 790632
File: 1553622322778.png (1.22 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20190326-114050.png)

>>790627 back to crying around about doormatt again after vowing to never see him
No. 791138
File: 1553747682501.png (844.3 KB, 943x621, 638939832.png)

Has anyone seen this girl? She's your basic tradthot, she seems a bit like shuwu but less milky
She sometimes complains on being 10 lbs underweight and that nobody should ever want to be as skinny as her but at the same time she exposes her body in really tight clothes even lingerie all the time on instagram and tumblr. Not only that, a lot of pro ana blogs reblog her shit and you can see the tags "pro ana" on her search bar on tumblr
She's definitely into ddlg
Hates sjw's
Cringy videos
Obsessed with herself No. 791262
File: 1553791396710.jpg (154.08 KB, 593x589, congratulationsagnijagriguleyo…)

@agnijagrigule real name: Agnija Grigule sometimes goes by: aguccifox / a gucci fox
i used to always see her on tumblr, lookbook, and basically everywhere else. she's some influencer chick from latvia and it seems that she has always wanted to be internet famous. seems incredibly narcissistic and photoshops herself to hell and back. she's always been pretty skinny but she might have developed an eating disorder because she looks way skinnier these days. she's also not shy in showing off her sick body. on top of that she likes to photoshop herself even skinnier, but also curvier. which often has hilarious results (see pic). don't know if there is any other drama with her.. but if anyone knows please share.
here's a link with a pic dump on what she used to look like: here's a video of what she looks like without photoshop (there's more just look around): No. 791269
File: 1553792292587.png (472.27 KB, 591x582, Screenshot from 2019-03-28 17-…)

>>791138Lmao she really works her angles to try and hide her big ass nose
No. 791613
File: 1553881539838.png (3.13 MB, 1440x1817, Screenshot_2019-03-29-10-41-41…)

This person is ultra sjw. Disabled n constantly complains about abled bodied and cis ppl on their stories. Also enjoys their lime green lord farquaad hair and follows fatvegfemme.
No. 792248
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>>791974>atpisiesnudien ciltsmāsas
No. 792511
File: 1554062736767.png (2.06 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20190331-140549.png)

This chick has been crying on her stories for the past month now. Cause her pregnancy is so hard and nobody understands
No. 792568
>>791798….I HOPE this isn’t what people think “sounds like a farmer,” we’re not all prententious tryhard contrarian extremsists like dis bitch
She was really pretty during the .08 seconds she sarcastically smiled though!
No. 792570
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>>791262Totally forgot to post this, so sorry it’s late. I went on this chicks IG after you posted out of curiosity and clicked on just a random photo, wasn’t even looking for an obviously sh00ped photo, stumbled upon her warping doors instead lmao couldn’t resist
No. 792764
File: 1554150223218.png (2.22 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20190401-142021.png)

This chick is so dumb
No. 792858
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>>792248>>791974man vispār nav ne jausmas, kapēc es tērēju laiku lasot šo forumu. pat ja skatos uz 5 min katru dienu, tāda sajūta, ka paietu 1 stunda :/
visp pārsteigta ka kkādi latvieši šeit ir
No. 792882
>>789892She’s a huge cow in every sense of the phrase. I had the misfortune of following her private instagram for a while that she only allowed a few people on and I lost the little respect I had for her. I don’t have caps as it was a long time ago and she obsessively deleted and reactivated it because “YOU GUYS ARENT INTERACTING WITH MY POSTS AND SUPPORTING ME ENOUGH!!!1!” I know it’s annoying I don’t have tangible proof but this is snow and not a very prolific thread so I figure I’ll spill some milk anyway if people want to listen.
>Constantly complains and thinks people owe her everything. I got the sense that she’s an entitled brat who just lazes about in her mum’s home doing nothing because most the pictures she posted were from her bed. She complained that her mum was pissed she wouldn't get a job/go to school but still lived under her roof and used her money for everything. For some reason, La'shaunae saw this as unreasonable. She would also regularly sperg out if someone on tumblr suggested she get a side job to help pay for her to become a model instead of e-begging, saying they're not supporting her dream.>Interestingly enough her mum and family members are all fit/normal sized. It seems like she's the only massive one in the family and based on pics she posted of her when she was younger (she was a skinny kid), she gained a shitload of weight in a really small amount of time in high school.>Would use following/unfollowing people as leverage for them to interact with her posts. She claimed if you didn't like/comment on her posts immediately, you weren't being a supportive enough friend and she would unfollow you. If you didn't shower her in pity on all the posts on her private account, you also weren't supportive enough and she would constantly whine that she should "just delete this account because none of u are rly here for me!!!1" despite the fact that I never saw her interacting on anyone else's posts and she'd get pissed if you didn't just kiss her ass.>Would post pictures of the most heinous food I've ever seen, MASSIVE portion sizes with tons of carbs smothered in mayo and condiments. No surprise there, it was just fucking disgusting to see.>Loves talking shit on her "mutuals" who she's "friends" with. would regularly shit on them on her private ig and then act like their best friend in comments and on their posts on her main. Same goes for companies she works with.>Sells PR she gets for free for really high prices on depop. She has tons of bad reviews on there as well because she was too lazy to go and mail people their items for months at a time despite never working or doing seemingly anything.>Has a complex about "small fats," claiming that unless someone's a landwhale like her, they're not ACTUALLY fat and can't call themselves fat (this includes women sizes 14, 16, 18, etc). She claims companies using "small fats" such as this are not really inclusive, and that if they were truly body positive, they'd book her. Lol.>Posted multiple times that she would lie about her weight and measurements on applications for modeling agencies/jobs to raise her likelihood of getting booked.>Generally thinks she's the shit at modeling for no apparent reason. She always has the same dead look in her eyes and never does any unique poses, yet blames the fact that she's not booked on her being fat. No. 798331
File: 1555444203818.jpeg (437.66 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-04-16-22-47-54…)

Our uwu totally not a poser qwen had to comment on the tragedy
No. 800564
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>>783720Her eye color always looks fake but you can see part of her natural brown eyes under her blue contact in her story here
No. 803017
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>>800564This reminds me of that influencer Sarah Mcdaniel, who faked having heterochromia. She was featured on The Late Night show as well, and its really cringe. Her contact lenses were inconsistent shades between photos, and later she got bright ocular. Which if you're not aware, its a contact lens implanted over the iris. It's illegal in the States and a severely risky procedure.
No. 807474
File: 1557978371683.png (8.89 MB, 1242x2208, 2172502A-9C7C-4C75-962A-1EBCD6…)

Has trashy ass Sahar been discussed here yet? The more lives she posts the more embarrassing and bratty she reveals herself to be. She also keeps revealing that it isn't just the photoshop ruining her face, she really completely botched herself.
This last live was especially creepy, with her mom blankly staring into the phone screen, almost encouraging Sahar to keep getting drunk and cursing in public
No. 808406
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does timmythick have brain damage?
No. 820790
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Astrids back with that shoop'd waist. Peep the rails lmao
No. 830016
File: 1561992927743.png (1.48 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2019-06-30-05-27-51…)

Yes you CAN delete your Instagram page so nobody will care anymore
No. 831265
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No. 831295
>>807474Everything you said here is facts. I need more milk on her
Sahar botched her face and traveled the world by herself before she was 18. Her parents paid for and encouraged all of it, including her underage drinking. She also dated a dude in his mid twenties while underage
Her lies include her two bad nose jobs, scary looking shoops, pretending to have grey eyes when her eyes are brown, fillers in face/lips, and a facelift. She’s insanely insecure yet narcissistic. What teenager gets a facelift? Her parents are so
abusive for letting her, her mom used to call her ugly
No. 833533
>>831419Late reply cause I just saw this while browsing /snow/ and don't follow this thread but Strength Thru Oi is a popular Oi compilation album from the 80s. So she probably just ripped the name from the album, knowing the context but she didn't come up with it herself. People wearing skrewdriver shirts is so laughable though, All Skrewed Up is a great album but no one advertises themselves as a nazi unless.. they're a nazi.
Sage for music sperging.
No. 835658
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She went out like this. Idk if this belonged in the soundclout thread or not
No. 843827
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I'm becoming a bit annoyed at Claropsyche/Juliana Horner lately. I think she's incredibly talented at what she does, but ever since the success of her new eyeshadow palette she's been doing sketchy stuff. She recently released new earrins and they cost $30-65 for what is essentially lightweight plastic trash from eBay (she even mentioned buying earring materials in stock from eBay in one of her stories). She's now deleting any negative feedback/criticism she gets and even disabled comments on one of her posts.
No. 843894
File: 1564067778950.jpg (89.73 KB, 988x638, pearl.JPG)

I noticed Alannapearl selling Aliexpress clothing for an outrageous markup. I noticed after I spent over $100 dollars in her shop and realized the quality was shit. I wouldn't be surprised if everything from their store wasn't straight from China. Kinda sucks bc i liked her.
No. 844254
File: 1564136528309.jpeg (159.5 KB, 750x1196, 57DF033E-FE21-43A5-8CC2-AFB567…)

Anyone know anything about @GenesisTheAngel ??
> insta-thot goth gf
> Dating Matt aka @WolfDrawn aka @InternetGirl’s ex boyfriend
> Posts about stalking him on the internet, sending him letters and then they started dating (weird)
> Sells her used underwear for $100 -$150 a pair ?
> Wears see through minimal clothing so you can see full on tits out in public then complains when she gets slut shamed by older ladies
> Posts about her “schizophrenic tendencies” ? on her story
> Starts selling on depop with @WolfDrawn. Also saw some posts about him stealing @InternetGirls MacBooks and light/photo equipment after the breakup and using them for depop
> @WolfDrawn uses someone’s personal nostalgia photos as advertisement by photoshopping them wearing his shirts for his shitty brand (@SoWet69) without permission. Owners politely asked them to be removed but both Genesis and Matt cause a huge scene, refuse to remove them with the reasoning being anything posted onto a public domain is free to use as advertising (kek). When the original owners keep calling them out they then start to insult, make fun and send abusive messages.
> Genesis and Matt are now traveling around the USA, selling on depop and now releasing her own shitty jewellery line
I also have screenshots of most so if anyone wants to see receipts
No. 844258
File: 1564138822753.jpg (176.52 KB, 1080x1350, FJOallf.jpg)

miss alba banana
she shoops her photosa lot and got really bad skin. and in all the videos she does the blow kiss thing
No. 844438
>>844258Lol, I follow her too. Dunno if she's milky, since I always skim her caps, but the faces she makes are kinda annoying, her clothes are wrinkled or badly fitted or both and she seems to always wear the same shitty petticoat.
Aside from that she seems pretty cute. She got married recently I think.
No. 844815
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>>844519(1/2) @internetgirls spam account. she commented back to some people saying “he also has about $1000+ worth of my light / cam equipment that he’s using with his new gf” but her followers were getting rowdy so she must have deleted it.
No. 844816
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No. 844827
File: 1564246553049.png (1.07 MB, 2048x1024, CFA95A5A-F8AF-4BFD-8B4F-610C7E…)

(1/3) the @sowet advertisement messages between the original photo owners
No. 844828
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No. 844833
File: 1564246789533.jpeg (410.83 KB, 2048x1365, 84249D47-3FE9-4763-B6E7-DA6D22…)

(3/3) best part is the gaslighting from both of them… guess they are made for each other. Matt has been called out in the past by @internetgirl for being mentally and emotionally abusive
No. 844861
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>>844833Dude literally looks like Doctor Finklestein from The Nightmare Before Christmas but manages to get buried in e-girl puss idgi
No. 844915
>>844833Anons found the girl he dated before Bella in the soundclout thread and he literally hit her and she had to get a restraining order dudes a piece of shit, I was initially so worried for genesis but I guess they deserve each other
>>844815I feel bad Bella can’t talk about this even on her spam the soundclout/ig hoe scene is brutal
No. 845654
>>843909i think that self vanity comes with any makeup artist on ig, but at least most makeup artists put their work out on other people's faces. if you keep doing it on yourself then at some point it's gonna seem too comfortable of a position to get out of.
i like some of her drawings from the paperbrite series and her makeup is to be fair really good, but lately she's been really boring me.
No. 845657
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Wasn't Anythingforselenaaas supposed to be featured in a Vogue Beauty video a few months ago?
No. 847537 Bunny Cosplay, I find her conceited and I met her at a convention once, she's even ruder offline and looks nothing like her photos. Was all uwu with Alicenyanya who's also unbearable and fake and latches onto Obayed Kahn for attention.
She looks down her nose at you like she's better than you, I cannot stand her fake ass weeb ass. Just another two-faced fake uwu girl.
No. 852116
File: 1565643263219.jpg (Spoiler Image,130.46 KB, 1080x1080, 1542922442212.jpg)

No. 852120
>>852116Damn, is that ever my goal body.
Is this the one woman that also spergs out about her natural hair or whatever?
No. 852391
File: 1565690277932.png (2.76 MB, 750x1334, 33E407F7-0466-4A8F-8FB6-4A164A…)

This bitch can constantly be seeing going REEEEE on her stories. Today she posted what looks like two hours of content to her story just talking about an eyeshadow palette, as if she's some makeup guru. Worst new york accent known to man. I met her in high school but not even a vendetta, she's milky in the sense that she is literaly constantly shitposting her personal life to her stories and shares screen caps. Lots of graphic details and drama.
Most recently adopted a man who is way hotter than her who was still fucking his skinny white ex and got publicly mad and insecure over it, blasted him on ig only to let him move in a week later cus he was tired of sleeping on his family's couch.
Animal hoarder. Has had several cats die in her care. Never takes them to the vet and bitches about money but loves lush bath bombs. Constantly fucking with her nasty frizzy hair. Is ghetto af, always talking at her front camera. Just….. A whole mess. If you want to watch an absolute train wreck, her ig is @princess.deadass
No. 854769
File: 1566123586941.jpeg (829.74 KB, 1242x1661, E974388E-0BF8-4A44-9E88-670106…)

>>831295has any of her surgery been confirmed though?
i forgot to post this. anons on gg/pull/idk have been speculating about it, but i really think she has BDD and this pic really shows how …. well it's just very telling on it's own. i think i mentioned before the weird family dynamic. on her lives sahar really tries to one up her sister. this pic does not look good on her especially taking that into account. with that caption it almost seems like sahar asked her to post this. idk. big upper middle class sociopath vibes. her body disturbs me a bit.
No. 855983
File: 1566370957601.jpeg (1.38 MB, 3464x3464, C7217F3A-4E36-43B5-8599-5EE4DC…)

My favorite photoshop queen recently posted this. She's only 31 I believe, recently fell off the wagon after a catastrophic public break up after being sober for a long time. Pic on the left was uploaded a couple days ago vs one on the right in March. I didn't deep fry or edit either of these at all.
Ig @bratoutofhell
No. 855997
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>>855986This thread made me wanna peep that subreddit and big
oof. Looks like I'm not the only one onto her. Now I feel kind of guilty for posting her a while ago. I know her irl and she's a pretty nice person, if not extremely manic/obsessed with her partners and being in a relationship/unhinged
No. 856107
File: 1566404633836.jpeg (919.46 KB, 1242x1786, 7E8F9425-74BA-4FA9-A044-A5A825…)

Her face shoop has gotten insane. And she actually has a great body shape so idk why she even bothers with the insane editing on that.
No. 856301
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>>856107yeah I was just going to say, i don't understand why she bothers. she has these insanely shooped selfies literally side by side on her feed with unedited videos of her where she looks completely fine. she honestly has an ideal body shape and a cute face without the weird ass editing (she has p severe dark circles/ eye bags but doesn't even bother editing them out which leads to the monstrosity on the right here
>>855997), i understand what it's like to have severe body dysmorphia or whatever but at least have the self-awareness to keep that shit consistent enough to where it's believable lol
No. 857777
File: 1566723846724.jpg (103.86 KB, 720x519, _20190825_100413.JPG)

fairy0nacid, a ridiculously conceited individual who has bought thousands and thousands of followers, it makes it all the more embarassing when the likes on her photos don't match this a la Mariah. Asks people for money constantly and thinks she's too good for everyone. Posts really low quality lewds and asks people to DM her for money. Typical cow.
No. 857825
File: 1566740457066.png (1.09 MB, 1080x1403, Screenshot_2019-08-25-15-40-09…)

I've found this one yesterday on a social media platform and guess what sOmEoNe iS sPrEaDiNg RuMoRs AgAiNsT hEr
No. 857833
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No. 859975
File: 1567051386790.jpg (507.11 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190609-234723_Ins…)

>>851174Her and her husband only eat meat and she claims vegetables are bad for you. No wonder they smell.
No. 859981
File: 1567051655290.png (1.41 MB, 1080x1820, screenshot.png)

Star is also an anti-vaxxer
No. 860037
>>859981she's so fucking full of it.
i wonder what kinda household she grew up in that made her express her deep insecurities with "i'm the most naturest of them all"
also love how all these insta-idiots constantly misuse both "wholistic" and "holistic".
No. 860108
>>860037She used to post pics of herself crying and writing huge paragraphs about how her mother abused her, made her cut her hair and withheld her clothes when she moved to relatives. No idea if it's true tho. She used to post alot of personal stuff like this.
Also, about all that "I'm so pure uwu" shit. She once said she used to smoke weed.
Sucks that I have no receipts. But I've been following her since she had a few hundred followers. In the beginning, she had another internet-boyfriend and both of them had swastikas in their profiles. I believe they were long distance and he broke up with her after a while. She posted huge rants about him and sent her followers to harass him.
No. 862169
File: 1567368665658.png (4.17 MB, 750x1334, 318C69C3-7BFD-49D2-A999-D76320…)

Caught @bratoutofhell on a mutuals story, body editing confirmed. She gives herself curves.
No. 862491
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This looks soooo bad kek
No. 862559
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Caroline Calloway. So much that I don't even know where to start. She's 27, lives in NYC, and has literally never had a real job in her entire life. ~740k followers. Here's a brief history:
>is upper middle class (at best) but is obsessed with the elite>transferred to an elite new england boarding school for her senior year>then went to nyu for three years, basically failed out>got into cambridge university on her third try >once at cambridge, started to gain an instagram following from detailing her relationships and life at college >barely able to graduate and was proudly a horrible student>had an adderall "addiction" which she is allegedly now "clean" from but much speculation that she still uses it>plus she has admitted to using coke >still writes and posts about her ex while she was at cambridge, oscar, despite him trying to get her to stop >got a book deal for 500k w/ a 150k advance, admitted to using a ghostwriter, blew her advance, never wrote her book and had to pay back the advance, probably still owes some >started dating another guy, conrad, who broke up with her and she still posts about him constantly and compares other guys to him 2019
>decides to go on a tour across the country to teach "workshops" and sells tickets for $150>twitter thread about her basically scamming everyone goes viral, fans refunded by eventbrite, caroline asks for the money back bc ????>managed to put on a couple of sad events, which didn't include what was originally promised>begs fans to venmo her & she spends it on alcohol, clothes etc>begins selling shitty paintings of her tits but takes forever to ship, some people never get them >holds another workshop which is actually planned by her unpaid college aged "assistants">blocks anyone who criticizes her on insta>apartment is a crusty disaster - she admitted to not washing her dishes for a MONTH>wears the same outfit for a week or more and never does laundry >it was revealed that she didn't pay her rent for months and almost got evicted until she paid her back rent (over 11k iirc)Currently
>started a patreon>increasingly spiraling, seems to be on some sort of drugs>is obsessing over a guy she dated for 2 weeks and trying to get her followers to message him for her>she may be committing actual credit card fraud by taking out cards, maxing them out, and reporting them as stolen >copying matisse cutouts and selling them for $140>buying $40 cambridge sweatshirts and reselling for $80+ bc "sentimental value" >wrote a freelance piece for refinery29 and got btfo in the comments>never showers (even after doing pilates, spin, and sauna)>SO much moreThe best part is that all of this is documented bc she lives entirely for Instagram. She needs a thread tbh
No. 862573
>>862559No joke, I am 99% sure I saw her at a coffee shop yesterday while I was there working.
Because I've lived in the city for a while, I usually don't notice strangers unless they're doing something egregious or weird. She caught my eye, though, because she wouldn't get off her phone and her hair was incredibly greasy. Other than that, she looked relatively normal. I wish I knew she was certifiably insane (assuming the person I saw was, indeed, her). Crazy.
No. 862576
File: 1567451868650.png (2.42 MB, 950x1184, Screen Shot 2019-09-02 at 3.18…)

>>862573she goes to the same coffee shop every day (yesterday she apparently went there 3x) I won't post the name because I don't wanna dox you but if it starts with a b and is on the uws it was probably her lmao. and you'll see her again bc she's there allll the time. I think the owner gives her free stuff too
here are some more links:
>her r29 article>article about her newest scam (She literally called it scam)>older vice article about her>w article>twitter thread that went viral>funny twitter thread from past 24 hours with screenshots just today she took a fucking fig tree off the side of the street and put it in her apartment and it doesn't even fit.
pic is her nasty apartment
No. 862585
File: 1567453854328.png (712.77 KB, 540x853, Screenshot_2019-09-02-15-47-28…)

>>862576>>862576Your post made me curious so I went to her Instagram and immediately saw this. You think she lurks or googles herself incessantly? Caption is long and will be in the next post.
No. 862591
File: 1567454761709.png (89.17 KB, 658x500, Screen Shot 2019-09-02 at 4.06…)

>>862585people are pretty direct with their criticism in her ig comments and I think she stalks her reddit thread on blogsnark too. there is a lot of criticism about her on twitter as well
her latest thing is replying to "hate" on ig with "leave me alone" and she claims that her ig page is her private space and ~haterz~ don't have the right to comment. like turn the damn comments off or filter them if you truly thing that or go private
her post from last night in which she proclaimed her love for logan and jake paul got a LOT of hate, though, and most of it hasn't been deleted (no clue why my ig interface is suddenly in spanish pls help)
No. 862600
File: 1567456108873.png (3.43 MB, 750x1334, E47515E8-D053-4F46-9FE8-CA2F03…)

>>862523This bitch belongs in delusional artists. Check those prices. I just started following her after you posted and oh mannn her story is a disaster. She needs her own thread.
No. 862614
>>862559agree with everyone else, she needs, no, DESERVES her own thread. absolute icon, queen of absolutely delusional manic internet presence, cannot believe that this isn't all an elaborate performance art scheme and that she is just genuinely like this.
but yeah either add this post to the thread requests thread in /pt/, or someone with enough receipts just start one on /snow/ because i'm sure she has more than enough potential with the milk she brings literally every day
No. 862615
File: 1567457489161.jpeg (482.73 KB, 750x1126, 674E6241-2110-480A-B1CC-CA2177…)

>>862586Sperging seems to be her speciality anon. I'm so excited for this new milky af cow. Look at this gem: from 2014 or 15 I believe. I can't stop cringing.
No. 862617
>>862614I am OP, i'll make a thread now!
>>862615her long winded IG captions are what made her popular to begin with believe it or not
No. 862634
>>862576Holy shit, what a wild ride that Twitter thread was.
I for one welcome this new cow to end all cows to /snow/. I'm excited to hear more of Caroline's sperging, she seems like a true narc.
No. 862846
>>862576Nah, not doxxing me as Manhattan is a big place, and I don't frequent the West Side much anyway. Also, I meant I was working on schoolwork at the coffee shop, not that I was a barista, lul. Saged for NYC autism.
I'll snap a pic if I ever see her again. I'm following her, now. She seems like she'll provide some great milk.
No. 864721
File: 1567747345242.png (262.34 KB, 750x1334, 73F5A516-7C66-43BF-B917-F401F2…)

love how she didnt include any of the posts bashing her, but this one was apparently “alarming” enough to bother with(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 865252
File: 1567856502987.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1125x2060, C32B1D66-9194-42B1-8E82-639A38…)

Don’t get me started on this emo freak. She’s so annoying and shops like crazy.
@ded9irl on Instagram.
No. 865295
>>860108She used to go by "Wolfette Hayter" or something like that on insta, complete with the swastikas and smiling-with-guns pics (and don't forget the cringy "black metal vocals" videos she used to do). She did have another bf that she now tries to cover the tracks to make it seem like the greasy neanderthal was her first true luv.
As for her mother, she spent so many years bashing her on SM and talking about how she wanted to run away, but still posted messages exchanges with her to prove a point against Varg's (!) stupid views on female athletes (I think her mother practices yoga, or is an instructor). So yeah, seems like she exaggerated their whole relationship.
No. 866630
File: 1568062295563.png (765.5 KB, 750x1334, 44C30F18-BDC3-4ED2-B689-DD1106…)

>>866579looked at her profile and..
No. 866631
File: 1568062328006.png (1.19 MB, 750x1334, 7EF160CB-AC70-49A5-A9E6-DBE444…)

No. 866632
File: 1568062419155.png (329.43 KB, 750x1334, 6320DC4A-2CB8-4221-B88C-268604…)

someone else calling her out kek
No. 866711
File: 1568073455166.jpeg (386.32 KB, 1536x1534, A7F9C032-A130-4743-B2E7-2CD80B…)

>>866704Sage for samefag
*striped nails
She calls out a lot of girls for “copying” her oh so not seen before emo MySpace style. She totally skinwalks Layla.
No. 866731
File: 1568076896204.jpg (709.77 KB, 1411x1282, 352eecc76ac7fa674a42e3677f70ad…)

>>783701i fucking hate @jynx111 aka jynx33 aka "dad". a virgin from MANE discord who could never have sex, let alone get clout. the worst type of e-girl honestly
No. 868919
File: 1568553915544.png (33.66 KB, 1080x575, Screenshot_2019-09-15-15-22-25…)

I think their inbred love story seems to have its ends. She's not following him anymore and deleted all the posts of them. He did so, too.
No. 868920
File: 1568553951541.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1505, Screenshot_2019-09-15-15-22-57…)

This is the only remaining picture of them, she probably forgot about that one
No. 868972
>>868387Dont forget about how he thinks Saunas/Steam rooms are
toxic gas chambers
No. 869548
File: 1568669945876.jpg (1.04 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190916_143632.jpg)

I mean…
No. 870002
File: 1568789155479.jpeg (Spoiler Image,88 KB, 640x939, 497753F6-0335-4278-A46E-3FB1C3…)

>>785683>>786215Was just looking through some old screenshots I had saved and found this gem…
No. 872792
>email:>666>screenshot of a screenshot of a post made right before this one (>>864297)>both posters fail at sage/email field>both commenters were put out to pastureHmmmmm…..
No. 873395
>>872956NTA, but what makes you think that anon is lying? How would you know? …unless you know her as well?
Also sage that shite
No. 873487
File: 1569535902199.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1464x2208, 085C7F96-2BC8-4012-9328-9CCDEC…)

Reposting from the Heavily Modded Girls thread because I need to not be alone in experiencing this type of crazy.
Not sure if very milky beyond being "wtf" material, but the instagram account @artwithaliens is a total shitshow in terms of heavily modded instagram idols. She does questionable, terrible art with elementary-school-MySpace-level anatomy girls and animals drawn from obscure memory rather than reference. I included a long-winded explanation of her reason for having such faded and shitty scribble tattoos everywhere but if I included every terrible piece of art she's either painted or tattooed, the picture would be four times the size. Just curious if anyone else is following this shitshow. Apparently she used to do a ton of LSD and mushrooms but then was diagnosed with something akin to schizophrenia and was put on heavy medication. Now she's 100% straightedge non-medicated and running wild. All of her facial tattoos was done in about 2 years.
No. 873630
File: 1569570151166.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1125x2042, 1B704D6A-BC27-434E-9D55-4533AF…)

Charlotte Free.
I hate this inbred cunt.
She used to fuck her half brother.
No. 873687
File: 1569589660268.jpeg (16.78 KB, 275x183, 0EB933D7-F330-4B31-BF69-9A071D…)

>>873630Nope not lies. You must be new to this Charlotte Free. Gryphon O’Shea is her half brother and Charlotte confirmed they were dating and that they were half blood.
No. 874408
File: 1569754535196.png (1.55 MB, 1080x1451, Screenshot_2019-09-24-06-22-09…)

Seems to be an on/off relationship. She deleted it again. Is following/unfollowing him. Milky af and shitty behaviour. She wants everyone to notice.
No. 876285
File: 1570180391940.jpg (81.46 KB, 750x750, bDvsH7YvPXA.jpg)

A very old shitty pic of @star_666_. She uses to delete a lot of images but I saved them all since beginning there is just the fact that she hates guys but seems not to take a look at the girls who follow her. (I still have access to her tRvE account lol)(Emoji)
No. 876287
File: 1570180497620.jpg (162.75 KB, 1080x1080, 42fe78c80369b797a97e8f233ab5fe…)

ThEreS nOtHinG sExuaL iN thESe piCtUrEs. Of course, that's why you did a body closeup twice
No. 876289
File: 1570180546250.jpg (75.69 KB, 632x632, 27579299_152645278772634_23291…)

"I don't get why people send me rude messages/dick pics"
No. 876290
File: 1570180752051.jpg (13.18 KB, 320x320, 41751429_527891614330934_28479…)

Bet she wants the "bad" attention she got/gets
No. 876731
File: 1570288859005.jpg (87.71 KB, 750x750, h7onfsY (1).jpg)

Man, that's all so fucked up milk here, sheeeet xdxdxd(Ban evading)
No. 876779
>>876731Jfc this girl doesn't even
try to make her weave look natural. How does she even use the toilet without sitting on her weave damn
Also from the back she deadass looks like a tranny.
No. 877994
File: 1570556607983.jpg (468.55 KB, 1080x1639, 20191008_193950.jpg)

Star and Lars used to post inside jokes on this ig account which they seemed to share with friends. You can find a few gems on there, some stuff is racist as fuck, which is obviously not surprising.
No. 877995
File: 1570556769800.jpg (567.43 KB, 1080x1609, 20191008_194453.jpg)

No. 877996
File: 1570556831527.jpg (464.69 KB, 1080x1494, 20191008_194441.jpg)

No. 878081
>>876775Oh I remember when she used to make clear all the damn time she was "a virgin waiting for procreation". She hasn't talked about this topic in a long time tho, but you say they indeed had sex? lol the procreation shit didn't last long.
Also, I remember she once uploaded story on IG in which Lars literally had his face in the middle of her buttcheeks, but she always said she never showered. It was kind of disgusting. She had her hair much prettier when she did shower and when it wasnt so long and dry
No. 878085
File: 1570577720870.jpg (384.23 KB, 1080x1488, 20191008_203221.jpg)

They also used to both be friends with this Timo guy. I'm pretty sure he is Swedish and he had tons of weird nazi/super nationalist stuff on his IG account. It was pathetic. I also remember a German guy she used to follow who had drawings on his page with swastikas. She commented on one of those pics that she needed to unfollow someone so she could follow him. It was those times when she used to follow 666 people exactly 'cause TrVe KvLt
No. 878087
File: 1570578115888.jpg (182.29 KB, 1080x1108, 20191008_203954.jpg)

>>878085It was this guy, who casually has the number "88" on his username lol. She still follows him
I checked on the link he has there but it's all in Swedish so I didnt understand a thing. I think he was also one of this dumb European tradicionalists she used to love like daddy Varg. She once liked an imagine that said "pregnancy: a women's duty" on a european pride page
No. 878208
File: 1570605202771.png (1.1 MB, 1080x1511, Screenshot_2019-10-09-00-32-52…)

I don't even ask anymore, what's going on.
No. 878369
File: 1570647309311.jpg (Spoiler Image,86.28 KB, 526x621, Capture.JPG)

>>878362It's a Swedish Stormfront. Img is screenshot of their "what happened on this date" thing.
>>877996Sure, Jan. Bet she did't get past the first 2 pages of that brick sized tedium.
No. 880363
>>880340this is like the mindfuck of scrote posting because this sounds like what someone might assume a man thinks like and there are constant references to semen but it's sounds way too lesbian because of all the small (non-body) related details??
what I'm trying to say is: mood scrote or no
No. 880379
File: 1571154809668.jpeg (760.46 KB, 750x1084, DA906197-525E-408F-AA4B-636BE5…)

Lifted from fb but @bratoutofhell is giving 120 people three days to unfriend her ex who she is accusing of being an addict and also a pedophile (yet she stayed with him…?) I'm pretty Sure his name is Andrew Archery or @thatgingerbastard on ig. Could also be that bald guy she was just engaged to… Girl is such a mess. Her posts scream manic.
No. 880380
File: 1571154845917.png (338.58 KB, 750x1334, A89F78D7-AF22-4CE0-BB84-F6E6CC…)

>>880379Pedophile accusation
No. 880382
File: 1571155080913.jpeg (342.68 KB, 750x1062, B8098CF8-D7DE-4413-8A3B-6FFA8B…)

Sorry and sage for samefag but my last sperg. She's friends with some guy who was fucking one of my friends when she was still an underage teenager and she's buddies with this guy who has been accused of knowingly spreading herpes and ex accused him of hitting her. Hypocrisy much?
No. 880392
>>876809lmao remember when she was sober for like 12 days (no I don’t either)
gatekeeping lameness too but I can’t stand her for using goth alternative looks and being a basic ass non goth bitch all she listens to is trendy trap and shitty rap music but looooves to dress edgy.
No. 880408
File: 1571161129858.jpeg (115.3 KB, 1080x1080, C41A69C1-7A37-4AE5-AE44-F03BED…)

>>880379She’s talking about this guy (mopedkorey). I don’t know how bratoutofhell doesn’t have her own thread. There is so much milk, and it’s always flowing.
No. 880798
File: 1571228268245.png (659.92 KB, 974x554, Screen Shot 2018-03-09 at 23.5…)

If there was ever any doubt
No. 881284
File: 1571327772146.jpeg (620.25 KB, 750x1103, B59DD28B-CAB1-4ADE-811B-573FA2…)

Not sure what this is related to but uh, yeah, if you're an adult, why play the "I'm throwing your stuff out" card lol just say you're done at let it lay. Really wish I knew what she was on about in this one.
No. 881386
File: 1571339078166.jpeg (508.35 KB, 750x1158, 6C90A28E-4C44-4585-AC79-E831F3…)

>>881284I’m just excited for the next impending rollercoaster. This chick is constantly finding men on the internet, meeting them in real life, getting engaged within a few months, and burning it all down in a dramatic display. Rinse/Repeat.
victim on deck shown here.
No. 883069
>>876775Sage for no milk, but Lars sure likes to like other #metalgirl pictures on Instagram, especially evonthunder and bela_m.b
He is always commenting on Bela's pics, you can't tell him apart from the mass of orbiters she has on her page.
No. 883690
>>883684If she isn't posting anything and you have nothing to share:
No. 885266
File: 1572149017837.jpeg (596.29 KB, 828x1449, CA3035AC-C6C4-4805-8799-FFE748…)

creepy incestuous twins
No. 888337
File: 1572778626855.jpeg (637.09 KB, 750x1040, 4871EAA8-CFDB-4268-94BE-8D3425…)

>>886518How do you take a pic your current significant other chose for a WCW pic and make a long blogpost about how you were going through it with another man? So awkward and kind of… Backhanded?
Dude is some basic cringelord try hard with barely any following, to boot. Amanda sure knows how to pick it em. Nothing will top toothless man imo tho.
No. 888519
File: 1572828265851.jpg (1.82 MB, 4000x983, ZomboDroid 03112019163931.jpg)

Cassie @hotelshrimp is being embarrassing again.
These are clipped from videos posted on her instagram. She's lip syching to Avril Lavigne
No. 888567
>>885266When u look like that I guess the only thing you can do is lean into twincest for clout
>>888519Ur implying she ever stopped being embarrassing
No. 890067
File: 1573106860543.jpeg (356.09 KB, 750x945, FA0E75E2-0D9F-4C97-8A7C-82B342…)

>>888337This chick is covered in names already.
No. 891759
File: 1573466333350.png (2.64 MB, 750x1334, IMG_3982.PNG)

this one zoes_story
not sure if her medical issues are legit but she sure loves giving complete bullshit reasons for them. this isn't how science works
No. 892478
File: 1573591382383.jpeg (699.65 KB, 750x1212, C70ACED5-DE7D-4415-A8FF-8CB631…)

Deserves a thread by now.
No. 892521
File: 1573596973947.jpeg (683.16 KB, 750x1147, D5B8D781-5616-4F4F-8654-686835…)

>>892478Hilarious. Just the other day she was thirst trapping trying to sell her nudes. Can someone PLEASE make a bratoutofhell thread??
No. 892528
File: 1573597808022.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1125x1899, 934DA90E-FC72-4AC0-946E-0BE745…)

This e girl is so cringey tho
No. 892790
>>892768Nobody deserves to be on this site, but im sorry you are blind to 6snot’s past and the cycle of
victim he harvests. He got caught with child porn.
No. 892793
>>892565lol next you’re gonna say “ADMIN CHECK MY IP”
because every old board member feels the need to IMMEDIATELY state how they’re an old user and CAN SAGE unlike most cows that come here. so OBVIOUSLY it can’t be a self-post? right??
just forgetting that the OP only posted a random selfie of some irrelevant thot, no context or milk at all, and just said “this girl is cringe”
cringe indeed
No. 892960
>>892917>>892850your hostility and defensiveness just further proves you are 6snot. probably monitoring this thread after obsessively
searching your name. no reason to sperg out when nobody has posted your real
dirt yet, if you don’t want it to happen for real then stop engaging.
No. 893041
File: 1573682471033.jpeg (181.26 KB, 1336x737, F2A1194B-7442-4079-A7F7-6A8755…)

this is all i could get him to talk about. oh well i tried
No. 893060
File: 1573684208119.jpeg (108.27 KB, 1563x288, 4D264F99-DBE8-4540-8106-B049D7…)

No. 893711
File: 1573801231503.jpg (378.49 KB, 1080x1795, Screenshot_20191115_015920.jpg)

Ok momo
No. 896511
File: 1574435795470.jpeg (571.38 KB, 750x940, F2914B84-1F5C-443D-8C06-C91C4C…)

This bitch ripped off one of her teeth flossing and is now looking into veneers. Gross. Have you guys seen the process for veneers?? It's gnarly as shit. Doesn't surprise me from Amanda. (1/2) pic and her sperg
No. 896513
File: 1574435835808.jpeg (570.9 KB, 750x973, E9CD314F-58A0-4A76-B2DB-4F3FB3…)

No. 898156
File: 1574792833255.jpg (377.21 KB, 1080x1763, ZomboDroid 18112019175314.jpg)

>>896511This is the weirdest nitpick ever.
Anyways here's more pics of internetgirl being try-hard in public and in a running shower
No. 898165
File: 1574794004649.webm (9.51 MB, 720x1088, 20191126_103550-VideoToMp4.web…)
Does she think this is cute or endearing? You can't be a cunt all the time and then try to pull off the Bratty Emo attitude it falls flat. She's got a good eye for this shit but the look and feel just doesn't connect because she's bougie and privileged as fuck. Imo
No. 903509
>>903306she’s been putting on for gbc for almost 5 years at this point it’s not even weird for her to be in that tbh
no one continued the SoundClout thread so I’m putting it here that juicewrld died now too. these emo rappers keep dying.
No. 906150
File: 1576477934305.jpeg (144.18 KB, 750x1111, E2F44B4E-26AB-4FCF-AC95-5F18AC…)

Bella posted this cringe video of her walking in a public space like a catwalk while giving people dirty looks. Idk but it really rubbed me the wrong way? I can’t stand her nowadays. She’s got some kind of attitude that is so high and mighty. Please say I’m not alone on this
No. 909614
File: 1577238487150.jpg (46.58 KB, 720x960, elena22049955_1901776176754898…)

Instagrammer, has an onlyfans account. Could be a narcissist, has photos of herself in her apartment posing naked, calls her selfies 'art', there are articles on her talking about her "troubled youth": No. 909819
File: 1577303861666.jpg (45.75 KB, 640x960, elena_69395562_231742032852381…)

>>909632She calls her boyfriend "daddy"
No. 910704
File: 1577475484589.jpg (189.59 KB, 665x1182,…)

Instagrammer, Elena_Rosso. In her hashtag, it says "extraordinary beauty"
No. 910713
File: 1577476840601.jpg (184.94 KB, 1182x665, PGj2nzR1Tmmy3HhTC9oanw_thumb_1…)

"Alien beauty". What the fuck.
No. 913166
File: 1578077966678.jpg (164.51 KB, 643x474, 20200103_105851.jpg)

Why is her mouth area so grotesquely ugly and why does she seem to accentuate it in her pics. V punchable
No. 913751
File: 1578188413784.gif (18.07 MB, 600x744, dumb.gif)

can yall imagine seeing her in person doing all these dumb as fuck faces and poses for her little insta vids. CRINGE.
No. 913782
>>913751high cringe. she was all looking around like
oh is anyone looking at me i bet people are looking at me sombody please look at me
No. 913826
File: 1578198782955.gif (11.92 MB, 416x624, 20200104_203058.gif)

Look at what a bitch she is. She's sneering at the nOrMiE GiRlS and totally hoping people are looking at her.
No. 914029
File: 1578262252582.jpeg (193.79 KB, 747x888, 986BC050-4C9F-42F7-9F6F-D67F55…)

>>914000Uhhh…to each their own, I guess
No. 914581
File: 1578359329315.png (996.32 KB, 1080x1620, Screenshot_20200106-170623.png)

These bleached brows tho. Lookin' like a Cro-Magnon
No. 916483
>>916476her & jupiter gaslit one of their former fans into thinking ethan (cc founder) was stalking & harassing her through anon tumblr posts. she ended up finding out it was actually alice & jupiter sending the anon asks, targeting her weaknesses and harassing her in the meanest ways. they later called her and tried to convince her she was having a psychotic breakdown and that she was ruining alice/jupiter's lives.
alice has recently adopted this super high-pitched way of talking, makes me think she's into some dd/lg shit. she posts a lot of ageplay stuff on her IG that really grosses me out. i'm not trying to kinkshame or whatever, it's just really gross to me that she would do this after apparently being sexually abused/groomed as a minor.
her & jupiter host parties in their house in LA where they give fans drugs in an attempt to get them to "open up" about their feelings towards them and horrible emotional/
abusive sitatuons they've experienced in their lives.
ethan's ex-girlfriend said that she has texts from alice of her trying to hook up with ethan just before alice released her statement.
alice made that statement suspiciously close to when she dropped her solo music. she got a loooot of media coverage over that drama. really makes you think.
alice's own sister has said most of her statement was BS, and she was alice's makeup artist while alice was still with cc, so she was ethan a lot. she also claimed that jupiter is super manipulative and all of this drama started because of him, which doesn't surprise me at all considering he makes fake accounts to harass cc fans. jupiter is a massive tryhard creep in general, though.
i'm not a CC fan anymore because i believe alice's statement, but i'm not a fan of alice either after all the shit i've seen since 2014.
No. 916558
File: 1578775319505.png (199.93 KB, 698x872, 67547745757567.png)

>>916547>>916530she also gave sworn testimony to the legitimacy of these claims during the defamation case
No. 916561
File: 1578775626365.png (78.77 KB, 1143x302, 4536456547657.png)

>>916530here are some reddit posts coming from the same person who leaked the dms with alice's sister. he's in contact with a lot of people close to CC, including ethan's ex-girlfriend.
i wish i had screenshots of his ex saying she tried to fuck ethan after they split, sorry.
No. 916562
File: 1578775713255.png (127.61 KB, 500x280, tumblr_inline_ocvbbx2hh71uub3q…)

>>916561context for jupiter/alice lying about videos being removed from the CC youtube page
No. 916563
File: 1578775756578.png (102.09 KB, 500x291, tumblr_inline_ocvc17mz2n1uub3q…)

>>916562sorry the images are so small
No. 916565
File: 1578775909043.png (1.63 MB, 1280x1892, 656354645646.png)

>>916563just for clarification, the video (affection music video) was never removed from youtube. i have nooo clue what they were on that day, but it was ridiculous.
No. 916571
File: 1578776314656.png (1003.96 KB, 1280x1452, uZ8t1LS.png)

>>916562>>916563i found some higher res copies i saved
No. 916578
>>916530this is what i was talking about in regards to her odd way of talking now vs how she used to sound
how she sounds now: how she used to sound: also want to include this video because in her statement she claims she was never allowed to have a phone or be in contact with anyone, but then there's this: No. 916621
File: 1578781574967.png (1.28 MB, 1016x3592, t564635464565.png)

one last dump. sorry.
again, going back to her claim that she didn't have access to a phone or internet or whatever. here are caps of her consistently emailing ethan from 2008-2012.
like i said, i believe her statement because she was 15 and he was in his late 20s. that's fucking sketchy and disgusting. but i also believe she exaggerated the truth to make her claim more damning of him.
No. 916622
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No. 916623
File: 1578781672288.png (1.68 MB, 1024x4902, 65464356456.png)

(small correction: 2009-2012, not 2008)
No. 916624
File: 1578781714787.png (1.06 MB, 1008x3584, 5463456456.png)

No. 916629
File: 1578782527269.png (12.84 KB, 291x51, tretertret.png)

>>916627it looks like an older version of gmail to me. if you look closely, you can see the handle next to Crystal Castles
No. 916633
File: 1578782895908.png (250.02 KB, 836x692, 6453456456.png)

>>916629here's an example of the layout
No. 916646
>>916621i'm not really surprised that alice glass exaggerated her statements or flat out lied about some of them. she has never come across as particularly stable, but that doesn't mean she didn't experience abuse. she seems like a vulnerable person susceptible to manipulation by partners despite her bad-girl attitude. just because she isn't a perfect
victim (she could have been and probably was shitty in her own ways), doesn't mean she wasn't abused in some way. i mean, it's a trope that battered women return to their abusers time-and-time again, so her being lovey-dovey in these emails doesn't refute claims of abuse, just that she didn't have access to the internet during this timeframe.
also, there's really no excuse for ethan grooming her from fifteen onward into a sexual relationship with him. it doesn't change much in my book if he waited, hand on dick, for her to be legal, either. he seems like a total creep a la titanic sinclair. continuing crystal castles with a look-alike replacement gives me major mars argo/poppy vibes.
No. 916655
File: 1578785714909.png (555.92 KB, 936x1688, 64563456456456.png)

>>916646i totally agree with you- i'm not trying to discredit her claims as a whole by posting these caps. i think their relationship was
toxic, unhealthy, and disgusting given how young she was when it started. she definietely suffered emotional, verbal, & physical abuse at the VERY least (proof of such in the caps i'm posting rn).
i only posted the email caps as proof of a timeline in which she had internet access despite saying she wasn't allowed to have any. i'm definitely not trying to say her lovey-dovey attitude in the emails means they were totally stable in their relationship and it disproves her abuse claims. sorry if it came across that way. i should also point out that ethan likely cherry-picked all of these email exchanges to try to make it seem like there was no room for abuse because of how much ~*~they were in love~*~. he's obviously a liar and is trying to exaggerate his role in the relationship.
No. 919039
File: 1579174905677.jpeg (666.65 KB, 750x1112, BEE4CC31-125B-4F72-8795-9A68F6…)

Amanda @bratoutofhell flexing her ex husband's wealth. Someone please make a thread out of her!
No. 921161
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No. 921162
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No. 921163
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No. 921164
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No. 921170
File: 1579578581416.jpeg (767.82 KB, 1098x1914, A6ABC10D-810B-4FFA-8644-D5733A…)

I thought she was lying and just crowd sourcing for breast implants until I saw this.
Not that tape on a boob means “biopsy” or “cancer”, but you never know with her.
We’ll see what happens on February 2nd after her “surgery”
Also, the girl managing her gofundme doesn’t live in NY and the bratoutofhell account doesn’t even follow her. I know because I used to work with said girl, who in her own right is another absolute mess
No. 921172
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No. 921173
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No. 925314
File: 1580273479730.jpeg (676.59 KB, 1124x1907, DACCDA08-568F-4C26-A977-C67C90…)

So, the Feb 2nd “surgery” has been pushed back to March. Anyone here who’s actually had cancer ever have a surgery pushed back?
This girl is using her gofundme funds for breast implants and this whole cancer act is a total sham
No. 925480
File: 1580318062213.jpeg (413.3 KB, 828x1516, FEA85353-CB59-4CB0-883E-A6CE85…)

>>925314Her goFundMe was shut down. So I guess she’s “paying” for her surgery herself. My mother had breast cancer and this whole situation she keeps describing sounds like BS. She doesn’t have an oncologist, she just keeps talking about the plastic surgeon, who is only half of the story when it comes to cancer. She claims the lump is the size of a clementine, yet she has small boobs and you can’t see it at all in her topless photos she’s been posting for the passed few years. Also she’s planning a flight to New Orleans afterwards… no oncologist will let you fly within weeks of surgery for fear of complications with your lymph nodes. I call BS. She also claims she’s broke yet check her Poshmark account and she’s been buying tacky UNIF stuff like it’s going out of business.
No. 925520
File: 1580324086451.jpeg (437.49 KB, 1125x2111, BA44EB43-EEE2-4210-A07F-9878A4…)

>>925480Here she is wearing the shirt she bought off poshmark with a caption about how she got it in a box of hand me downs. This girl gets a thrill from lying and deceiving, but is too sloppy to cover her tracks
No. 926058
File: 1580431045011.jpeg (816.68 KB, 1125x2106, 1CC54587-E090-4BDB-9E03-FF8EF5…)

This is about Nika @hewwokittyuwu
No. 928466
File: 1580918399037.jpeg (518.6 KB, 750x1184, 5471E9A1-8E1C-456A-B484-24FB8A…)

Amanda's gofundme is back online. Guess the cancer is real?
No. 931934
File: 1581646420557.jpeg (172.48 KB, 640x745, 9F7DB6E8-BF74-4CDB-81E0-A0B4E8…)

>>931933Samefag, back to validate my claims with this ancient comment on the blog lmfao
No. 931975
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No. 932145
>>932068Right? Way too harsh, Amanda lacks the self awareness, intelligence and backbone to effectively roast herself. Wish they would update with new posts.
She's now back in Miami in the condo "she and John own together" yet still seeking handouts via gofundme. can't wait for the inevitable callout comments.
Has she ever implied she knows this thread exists? I hope she does.
Heres her reddit account. be pretty milky if you cross-reference between the lies she tell on insta, fb, and it. First example the humble brag post about her amateur MUA experience and 'two wide loads ruining her two very expensive pallets'. Would hate if the bride saw these comments she makes. But I digress, wasn't it only one pallet she broke herself originally? girl cannot keep up with her own lies.
No. 932174
File: 1581712384526.png (861.38 KB, 2474x1268, ssab.png)

GFM caught up to her bullshit and turned off donations and she still can't help but post cringe selfies and bragging about going to get tattooed.
No. 933803
File: 1582141676432.jpeg (1.33 MB, 3464x3464, 6043EA93-31CF-41BE-A387-663A86…)

Sage for non milk cus it's been known that she shoops all her photos, but her is her exposing herself in a video of her hoola hooping. No butt/curves to speak of.
No. 933804
File: 1582141987218.jpeg (94.68 KB, 750x298, 3350261A-EA12-4CBA-ABD0-B89A04…)

Samefag but she's also getting into selling content but still no updates on her "beast cancer" surgery kek. Yeah this is totally what I would be doing if I had an invasive surgery for a potentially fatal disease coming up, taking videos of myself masturbating to sell to thirsty dudes on the internet
No. 934827
>>933803Is this a current video?
Her FB is private. What more gold can you share with us?
No. 935123
File: 1582338568711.jpeg (558.01 KB, 828x1665, E5DD2BCB-EE9A-4744-9254-7EEB33…)

>>934740She updated it recently to read “ brand owner | creative director | singer-songwriter | forges & kilns | embroidery artist | daughter”. All things I doubt she does anymore (or now wondering if she ever did?)
No. 935197
>>935123“Daughter”…if only we could all reach such hallowed heights.
I think there’s enough milk for a thread about her + she’d def find it and go bratshit (guarantee she’ll use that in a post in the next couple days).
No. 935523
File: 1582410333158.jpeg (243.97 KB, 1570x629, 47470F13-FF59-476F-8B46-A19C3A…) (owner of the brand posted this on her story last night. not really that milky but thought it was funny and noteworthy. good to see that more people are starting to call bella out.
No. 935800
>>935787if your post isn't 'milk', which is relevant updates about whoever the thread is about, please write the word sage in the email field. basically, internetgirl copied someone else's tattoo exactly, which is very frowned upon. she also has lil peep's "love" tattoo on her hand, but people often get tattoos that those who are dead had as a tribute to them and that's less looked down upon. however, renaissance fox clearly isn't dead and, from what we can see in the dms, internetgirl randomly copied her exact tattoo and placement and told her after she had already gotten it done, probably knowing full well that she wouldn't have gotten permission had she asked. it's just a very weird thing to do. there's "skinwalking" when someone adopts someone else's traits and copies them to a noticeable degree, but this really is skinwalking - copying someone else exactly.
No. 935801
>>933320You can defo see which ones are her originals and which ones aren't. I feel bad for her clients, especially for the cover up ones.
I didn't see the wisdom tooth bit but even without that she seems to be a bit of a housefire type lol.
No. 935892
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>>783701Dog say “Help me. Please.”
No. 935958
File: 1582487737691.jpeg (527.31 KB, 750x1094, 789FBD8E-44BD-41E6-BC15-45E215…)

Super weird flex.
Her post before this was a meme about thinking a our someone you care for a lot that is not thinking about you at all. She thirst posted a ton of "outfit" videos to her story as well so I'm assuming she's going thru a breakup with her latest bearded tattoo man kek. She also said she's going to Miami soon where she goes every time she wants to run away from her problems so breakup is all but confirmed imo. She also said in one story "doing this without a filter for once" or something then proceeded to upload a string of maybe three or four videos to her story where the audio and video is COMPLETELY out of synch lmao. Like it's so obviously snow or some other third party shitty ass app she's using to hide her giant undereye bags and make her face alien style pointy. This bitch is so weird.
No. 935971
>>935800she also wears daisy dresses (the dress bella is wearing in the last pic) and has promoted the brand a lot in the past, so she obviously knows what she’s doing. I hope daisy cancel her, they’ve got quite a big following and it would make a huge impact. she’s annoying as hell and I’m sick of everyone thinking she’s ~oh so original~ when shes clearly not.
if the tables were turned, bella would be such a ~
victim~. bella heavily promoted dollskill (well after they were publicly called out for being notoriously shitty) until they started copying her designs, THEN she called them out and stopped doing PR. it’s just shady business.
No. 935986
File: 1582491632294.png (Spoiler Image,3.31 MB, 828x1792, 5FDE3B08-99CE-4DE6-944C-8A694D…)

>>9359581. Her mom took the pic of her ass, ya know cause that’s what moms do.
2. She JUST posted a story about the newest dude being back in town. Probably going to the local shitty motel to not be 32 yrs old and fucking in your parents house.
3. She’s gone back to selling clips and masturbation videos.
4. Hasn’t mentioned one word about “cancer” surgery happening March 2nd.
5. Threatened to take down her own cancer funding GoFundMe because of all the trolls reporting it… but still it’s up.
6. Oh right, still has a trip planned for this week to go to her ex husbands parents condo that she now says “they” own together.
7. Just posted a bunch of stories of her in lingerie and skimpy outfits asking for people’s opinions on what to pack. I thought she was dead broke? Still bought a new IPhone 11max
No. 936344
>>935986The cancer shit is an obvious lie. If she’s heading to Miami during the week of her “surgery”, I think it’s pretty telling that she’s just getting implants and isn’t “dying”. All of these NYC girls fly to Miami for plastic surgery. It’s a third of the price of any NYC surgeon. She might also be gaining all this weight to have a fat transfer.
I’m excited to see what she looks like in 3 weeks.
No. 937183
File: 1582695180737.jpeg (552.3 KB, 750x1007, 7317C473-358E-462D-B429-8BF845…)

Amanda love bombing her ex husband as her alleged favorite person kek. I'm sure he's always the favorite when it comes time to hosting her broke ass for free when she's having her latest mental breakdown. Idk the man's social but I hope he has his own life both romantically and socially going on outside of her. One of our mutual friends said he saw them interact once at her shop and she a but treated him like a thankless intern. If he weren't a rich bastard that would make me feel pretty bad for him.
No. 937455
>>937312What are the odds they might still be married, Amanda just doesn’t want the fact to scare off any of her new potential ride or dies of the week. It’s known she can’t function independently and he sounds like a hopeless cuck who caters to her.
Anyone remember when she used to run with twiggy levy from Halona Glass? They even got matching neck tattoos and of course a massive falling out because Amanda is a piece of shit. This whole cancer ordeal with Amanda stinks of piggy-backing shit considering twiggy just got over a massive public battle with ovarian cancer. Seems suspect that now Amanda has be own cancer and is basking in all the sympathy. Just a thought. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 937555
File: 1582763341202.jpeg (102.82 KB, 813x235, 5838F125-8EBD-4B99-96E0-F23F00…)

>>937455Oh wooooow, I had seen that they were friends years ago and knew they had matching tattoos but didn’t know what the falling out was over. I saw Twiggy’s journey with cancer on her IG. I didn’t even THINK she would do a similar thing for attention. I mean I know it’s for attention, but not to spite an ex bff. Amanda had talked about having breast “cists” on an old 2007 blog, so she knows exactly what to say. Except she doesn’t mention what stage it is, never mentions an oncologist, just that the cyst is cancerous. And she’s had it for years. It might be one of her finest scams ever. Besides Facetune.
No. 937608
File: 1582769499130.jpeg (156.37 KB, 750x1114, 03475F6D-8C74-4162-9477-923CB4…)

Does anyone have any info on Neurotic/Nika on insta? Apparently she had a spam page that was popular and then deleted it, she deleted all the posts on the Neurotic page and has a tiktok LilithReborn, a lot of people hate her and I’m curious as to why
No. 937699
>>937632>>937608I’ve been following Nika for a long ass time, theres so much milk on her , she’s fucking horrorcow-tier nuts.
Before she was an anachan/junkie she was posting racist shit on her spam(her dad also has a white Supremacist tattoo lol). Once she was called out for using a bunch of racial slurs way back in the day and claimed it was because she was gang raped by a bunch of black men. she posted her ‘sex tape’ on ig with her (ex?) boyfriend and was known to use her friends and steal shit only to subsequently drop them and sperge out on ig. Shed post harm often too.
There’s so much more of her histrionic antics I’m probably leaving out, but yeah…I kinda feel sorry for her. She used to look kind of cute and now she looks horrifying.
No. 937701
>>937699Whoops , Accidentally replied to
>>937632 ^
No. 939256
File: 1583064219601.png (3.13 MB, 750x1334, 575EFD53-E9E7-4528-AC12-0C0CA8…)

from the other day but look yall Amanda is so broke guys! Pls donate to her gofundme! Can't wait to see her reappear with new boobs after her "beast cancer surgery" like does she even know how long and traumatizing the reconstructive process is for actual survivors? What a slap in the face.
No. 939424
>>939256this brand new iPhone is my cOuSiNsmy cousin paid for my nails!!Doesn’t mention paying for yet again brand new manicure a week later lol
Love her bullshit. She a liar and entertaining af.
No. 939573
File: 1583122129110.jpeg (253.44 KB, 750x1114, 061A47B2-30D3-4BE3-AC1C-E35BF3…)

so much has happened over the past few days alone!!! latest nika post
No. 939574
File: 1583122179117.jpeg (223.81 KB, 738x922, 99C9FA3E-3FB9-4AD3-BE72-255AEC…)

samefag but from jaelles story
No. 939592
File: 1583127637221.jpeg (439.55 KB, 1934x1363, 7B378F70-F23C-4E50-8BAE-90753D…)

>>939586 what jaelle has to say about the situation. let me know if yall want me to keep updating or not.
lots of people are saying it’s fake but I personally believe it’s going to happen kek
No. 939607
File: 1583130562157.jpeg (57.77 KB, 608x301, 423AA082-4BD4-495B-96F9-A873EC…)

“mY mOm GaVe Me HiCkiES FoR a JoKe”
jaelles response to people asking what her mother would think (I think she has passed) about her dad fucking nika. she also said the hickey thing again on live. need some eye bleach.
No. 939617
File: 1583133495897.png (2.38 MB, 1920x1080, 2DAA8E7D-E6FC-45C3-AD42-BFE796…)

its done! nika admitting to fucking jaelles dad. also jaelles other friend julia (who she was on live with) asked jaelles dad if he “fucked nika or nika fucked him”
in which he replies “bit of both”
No. 939619
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nika lap dancing on jaelles dad!!!! gross
No. 939620
File: 1583134068035.jpeg (Spoiler Image,272.32 KB, 1830x1024, 037BD5FB-4F53-4224-85D3-C96659…)

please don’t open unless you want to see old man dick!!!
he literally had his whole dick out…. HIS DAUGHTER WAS FILMING THIS!!! im so shook
No. 939655
File: 1583142923133.jpeg (Spoiler Image,174.34 KB, 828x997, AB57F46F-DD96-4F14-AF9A-9BFDE9…)

>>939639Her and Jaelle have been massive cows for years, they need a joint thread (I think someone started a Nika thread in snow a year ago but it was locked for some reason)
No. 939796
File: 1583166690952.jpeg (889.45 KB, 1242x1574, 7DEE03F3-3867-49FE-AF6A-E18F46…)

Pic for lulz. Anyone know the details on her supposed beast cancer surgery today? She’s mostly private now.
No. 939861
File: 1583175557074.jpeg (185.99 KB, 750x662, 2F837FEB-FEFC-451D-851B-74EC9A…)

>>939801Looks like she's one ahead of you! I checked her page and the gfm link was still there two days ago. Her ever evolving bio lol what a tragedy.
No. 939868
File: 1583176568784.jpg (498.08 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200214-170804_Duc…)

I'm wonderful see.
No. 940110
File: 1583201657636.jpeg (435.66 KB, 783x1324, D56A60B4-E89D-4B20-B04A-C3F8BB…)

>>939864She got banned on FB probably for posting her nipples in lingerie for sad likes. Her surgery is coming up
eyeroll She’s enlisted in “adult education” aka a 2 hour class at her old HS, scheduled for 6 days after her “surgery” I cannot wait to see her try to work a real job with a “high paying” salary at Sephora in a mall. Also her “post surgery” recovery. Her goFundMe is still live she just took the link down.
No. 940178
File: 1583212333599.jpeg (171.63 KB, 750x632, 6175B4B5-F73E-4E32-9FE1-BC5CD9…)

>>939861Same anon. I posted that cap of her bio ten hours ago and she's already changed it. Bitch has no idea what role she wants to play today. Florist? CEO?? Who knows what it'll be tomorrow. Someone get this manic bitch a mood stabilizer
No. 940425
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>>940342Anytime, anon. I'm endless amused by this cows antics as well.
Just tiny update, looks like some guy she's dating or maybe has just been orbiting her for a long time sent her this letter calling her his partner, lover and soul mate. Wonder how her (ex?) husband feels about this when he's constantly flying her out to Miami to crash at his parents condo whenever she's feeling sad. A mutual of ours said he's seen them interact at their store and she just bosses him around and treats him like her personal assistant. What a cuck. Looks like she had a few hundred dollars more for her "cancer" surgery now. So cringey and embarrassing to be posting super intimate letters like this on a public forum. If I were this Jake guy, I'd feel embarrassed.
No. 940854
File: 1583339938865.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1242x1781, A4281403-4F79-48DE-9920-5B9B56…)

Another filtered-to-fuck and glitched out video of her ranting about the GFM backlash. Now she’s saying she “been” working this job. Bonus John looking derp as fuck, not only did she not notice the filter glitching out but also the secret husband she usually avoids filming kek. Amanda, never change.
No. 940863
File: 1583340962855.jpeg (22.48 KB, 266x400, 7A793618-FED2-4D90-8BEE-F59C95…)

>>940854Love this cow but since her teeth constantly remind me of this, I find it fuck hard to watch her animated.
No. 940885
>>940854Wtf is @johnnydarling thinking? Why does he let her do this to her?
When her shop opened around 5 years ago she had a huge block party. I attended with a bunch of mutuals. While I was waiting on line for the bathroom, Amanda walked up to the guy next to me, grabbed him by his dirty patches and said “Make out with me before my husband comes out of the bathroom”. Crust vest dude totally complies and they finished their disgusting display right as Johnny exited.
Not only did she betray her husband, but the proprietor of her business on the night of its opening party.
This dude follows her with a mop and constantly cleans her messes.
No. 940929
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>>940178Same biofag anon here. I'll stop after this one cus she changes up her shit so often but kinda funny how she went from CEO and florist to business owner and "Senior florist"… Senior florist. At the subdivision n of her shop that hasn't even launched yet, that she is the sole person involved in. I can't with this delusional girl.
>>940885I absolutely believe she did that. Fucking gross. Maybe he thinks she's the best he could possibly do? He's not too much of a prize himself. Or he's afraid of how she would hurt herself if he left cus let's face it, she comes unhinged every single time a guy ditches her, which seems to happen about twice a year.
>>940854Looool she deleted the three parts where she talks about the GFM and just left the one of her smoking weed up.
No. 942216
File: 1583555147148.jpeg (346.96 KB, 750x1091, F9EC4A23-6EF4-44AC-8E57-7FF149…)

Mere days out from her alleged breast cancer surgery and she’s more concerned about staying relevant on Instagram than emotionally and physically preparing herself for this extremely traumatizing event.
Also, why does she call every one of her friends a "ride or die?" Cringe
No. 942232
File: 1583557136546.jpeg (1023.56 KB, 1242x1751, F33C8F72-0F95-4E07-98E2-563BF6…)

>>942216Love how her feed is 90% recycled pictures from years and years ago when she was still decent looking, although still shopped to hell. Bitch knows she aged like milk, and god don’t even get me started on her 60 year old pack a day smoker voice. Amanda you are straight garbage.
No. 942641
File: 1583634190359.png (2.93 MB, 750x1334, 56B50FD1-D418-4F86-B134-8B1374…)

Amanda says she's on a date and they're going to a roach motel called Midway. Right before she flies out to Miami on her husbands dime, classy
No. 942959
File: 1583732573021.jpeg (1018.9 KB, 1242x1732, 6689D959-1BB4-49CA-B9CF-60168C…)

>>942670My favorite thing is Amanda claiming to be x amount of months sober but then posting this. I don't really even consider mmj to be a "drug" but nothing about her smoking is medicinal.
recently she claimed to be 8 months clean and someone in her comments blew up her spot about doing coke with her a month or so prior.
No. 942963
>>942959When people want you to feel bad for them for having cancer after spending their entire lives indulging in cancer fueling substances.
Her posting non-stop streams of herself smoking juuls in her cousin’s car while crying cancer stirs my haterade
No. 943029
>>942983 look at her singing… terribly, no face filter and looking HIGH AS FUCK. Also added in her rant about her GFM.
No way this girl is sober. She mentioned once about going to an NA meeting and wanting a chip for her sobriety. Um, she fucked around for her birthday in September, definitely was wasted for that. Sober means nothing….not weed, not CBD, not getting wasted for your birthday and then continuing counting days. I have absolutely seen her with my own eyes, doing blow the LAST time she was sober, when she was dating that ginger kid. “Don’t tell him, he thinks I’m still sober”
No. 943041
>>942983 YES FINALLY! I don’t have and caps but been following her since about 2014. She definitely on the verge of another breakdown so best be prepared with her own thread. “cancer” surgery soon which is a hoax. Need a place to dump all her milk.
>>943029Wow just wow. This has to be one of the most uncomfortable things I’ve watched. Also why the fuck is her tiny mouth always like that? She keeps her lips parted and pouted out while squeezing the corners of her mouth in and it’s so fucking weird to me. Sorry for nicpick bullshit but does any else notice this?
No. 943103
File: 1583771699305.jpeg (675.77 KB, 1124x1907, 5DF71180-FBE1-49E6-927A-286EDA…)

Tomorrow’s the big day! Strange that we haven’t gotten a 40min instastream of her her ranting about this big event yet
No. 943107
>>943041It’s because her teeth are way more fucked up than that “dog attack” loose tooth.
You can’t do that amount of drugs for 12 years without dental repercussions.
No. 943298
>>942983I made the thread.
>>943296>>943296>>943296Sorry if it's shit, it's my first attempt at making a thread. Hope I've been thorough enough. Please feel free to drop in with screenshots now, ladies
No. 943348
File: 1583810410119.png (2.74 MB, 828x1792, 2E7679AC-E303-4B16-B34C-E3E5C4…)

Alexis aka vintage_venom_, only personal beef with her from last year would’ve made me post her because it’s literally lasted this long. She has a secret account with a few thousand followers where she posts her drama with other people, and because she’s so good at manipulating pity out of others, she’s able to get her fans to attack the people she doesn’t like as long as she posts a crying selfie DAYS later saying “guys I’m not a bad person, I didn’t mean for you to bully her:(“
Other annoying things:
• Abuses Snow and Facetune and denies warping or deletes posts she is called out on
• Edits her body skinnier (but says she hates being skinny and makes celebratory posts about weight gain)
• Bleaches her hair, says it’s natural
• Curls her hair, says it’s natural
• Wears light blue eye contacts, says they’re real (this was last year but I think she’s open about it now, but only if you ask her directly.)
• BTS stan who fetishizes her Asian boyfriend
• If she isn’t bad enough already, says she isn’t white. Yikes
The screenshot I’m posting is just a hilarious still from a video that was like a half second long.
No. 948061
File: 1584757789316.jpg (170.05 KB, 720x882, _20200321_022426.JPG)

Stumbled upon this Alice_in_the_dark account and was surprised by the amount of followers she has. She's cute but the state of her clothes and living incidate a lack of personal hygiene. She looks like she smells and doesn't look after her clothes
No. 953490
>>807474I always found her family weird, she's regularly naked/topless with her sister Nessia who's now a youtuber. They made a clothing line with horrible anime designs and fought people who called them out over the insane prices
Beyond that I don't think there is much milk on her, she used to be bffs with fatherkels who seemingly dumped her to hang out with kardashian-adjacents and used to date unsuccessful emo boy Goody Grace
No. 955476
File: 1586276132526.jpg (482.95 KB, 1080x1606, 20200407_181435.jpg)

How can someone be so nasty
No. 956770
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So important for y'all to know @star_666_ is so trve
No. 956771
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It couldn't be any better right? She acts like she really loves black metal and all that pagan kvlt so it's surprising her ancestors are from "norwaz" bich why don't you go n live there
No. 957313
File: 1586649073427.jpg (909.86 KB, 1080x1858, 20200412_014834.jpg)

Feels like this needed to be shared. She's a real milky cow. She says it's so bad to have big boobs, everyone is sexualising her and her back hurts but she had a breast augmentation already (or two, not sure). She claims being asexual and people really should question themselves if they sexualise her while her profile is just about her naked body and she's showing nipples through Ssemi-opaque clothes. Yet she has several accounts because she knows people could report this brat
No. 957314
File: 1586649290487.jpg (742.59 KB, 1080x1488, 20200412_015430.jpg)

Before breast augmentation and he this is a flat b Cup. But let's do not forget. She's asexual. That's why she wants to get sexualised ;)
No. 957324
>>957314I think she's confusing narcissism and sociopathy with asexuality. Her account looks like a sex worker's with all the slutty selfies, and she has a post with a collection of movie screencaps on the theme "I have no emotions, I can't love"
Asexuality doesn't mean you can't love or have no feelings, literally just means disinterest in the sexual aspect of relationships.
No. 957383
>>957377Who cares about asexuals? Take this shit to tumblr.
>>957313This is so fucking bizarre coming from someone who willingly got a tit job.
No. 971361
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No. 971651
File: 1589074925345.png (8.57 MB, 1125x2436, 11ABF246-6779-4F81-859E-593C57…)

Been watching the progression of ‘Astrids’ skinhead persona to see how much supremacists content she would end up posting. I really enjoyed her content until i realised how much she revels in the attention of “is or isnt she a racist”. She adores the attention she gets wearing controversial band t shirts etc.
Anyway i saw recently that during lockdown her and her pasty low IQ friends decided to break lockdown rules and meet up for her birthday. No. 971652
File: 1589075139048.jpeg (165.01 KB, 1125x1013, 4D64DAA2-BF7E-45FC-8B10-82E5E8…)

Skinheads too cool for pandemics apparently.
No. 972317
File: 1589206931258.jpg (612.11 KB, 1080x1554, 20200511_162108.jpg)

Our UwU queen is talking in Dutch now. And also, everyone who sexualises her for that pose is a son of a bitch or what??
No. 972814
File: 1589287607449.jpg (502.85 KB, 2289x1445, PicsArt_05-12-02.44.01.jpg)

Isn't it interesting how her "hair thickness" just varies all the time? The pictures in the middle are clearly edited. The left one is from January '17 and the right one a few days ago. I knew the bragged a lot about having thick, long, natural blonde hair. I also don't understand why she thinks this is blonde just because some hair ends were bleached by the sun. Her hair is clearly a dark brown. Ugh. Idk I feel so bad for all the followers loving and praising her. She also was at 72k followers. But now she's at 59k. And she's still turning her comments off although she's already private.
No. 972815
File: 1589287997115.jpg (697.36 KB, 2289x2289, PicsArt_05-12-02.53.22.jpg)

Another example
And I'm pretty sure she knows about this thread so it was probably her commenting we have nothing better to do
No. 972831
>>972822Lol u mad? Idc
That is what this app is for
Caitlin is a cow and probably u2
(newfag) No. 972834
>>972814Eh, it's not dark brown, I see this often on lolcow, idk if people perceive hair colours differently in different countries or what? but that's medium blonde bordering on dark blonde, in no way a dark brown
No. 972892
>>972830Hey, we’ve all been there. I know it’s easier to just hate everything about a cow to the point that little things grind your gears. idk if she edits her hair but I wouldn’t put it past anyone. I can say though that the hair can look a lot more fluffy and voluminous when it’s freshly washed, and can look finer and more weighed down/limp when it’s greasy. It is totally annoying when having long hair is someone’s only personality trait, ie Kiki.
>>972831>appI’ve been a lolcow user since it’s inception and I’ve been shitting on deplorable bitches since staminarose. Nice try kid.
No. 972929
File: 1589308556842.jpeg (178.12 KB, 828x1003, 3BF7379C-BB8D-4BF3-A5EA-A893B0…)

Does anyone know who suede brooks is? She’s this YouTuber basic bitch who bought all of her followers and clings to popular ig baddies like Delilah Hamlin and the Carlson sisters etc. she’s actually really problematic and recently uploaded a video with her sister doing drag makeup and they seemed so be making fun of it the entire time and at one point her sister (who’s quite literally sweating profusely) calls Suede a “chunti bitch” which is a Mexican slur and these bitches are white as hell. Her YouTube is msftxgypsy and her ig is suedebrooks her sister India is super annoying and tries to look like she’s a poc and wears cornrows and bindis she’s just a poser honestly and takes advantage of the fact her sister got her followers her ig is “rugratrae” and she recently posted those scam money wheels and was urging her followers to put in money she’s as trash as suede is and when confronted she just blocks u also they’re both fake vegans lmfao
No. 974446
File: 1589555361425.png (2.41 MB, 1080x1907, Screenshot_2020-05-15-17-07-10…)

I don't know if I am right but wasn't she the one who was anti-Semitic and praising Hitler? Now she has a mixtape with Hebrew letters a "friend" gave her
No. 974580
>>973065>>973768Is this the same Avalon who made Deadbeat Boy? I like her music.
>>973893>“Sage but…”>doesn’t know what saging does or is forKEK what
>>974446thats a Kabbalah tree, just there for edge factor.
No. 974880
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>>974878Not so much “total clarity”… the girl on the left said all the Patreon money is in her dad’s bank account. From what I can gather, they’re a rich Tibetan family with some land. Devi had some connections to get whatever hippy project she wanted done there, Hannah got involved and they realised she’s a ~celebrity with the ability to bring in big Patreon money so did her up somewhere to stay on the land while Devi was renting somewhere out of her own money somewhere else.. apparently she woke up a few weeks ago to a letter from Hannah saying she was no longer wanted at the project - real pussy move if true, why not meet face to face? It all seemed super dodgy from day one but I wasn’t expecting it to unravel so quickly (within six months). Seems like even if you fly to Tibet your narcissistic personality disorder goes with you, who’d have thought?
No. 974883
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>>974878Sorry for the typo it’s @devidivine. Here they are in happier times kek
No. 976771
File: 1590008523311.jpeg (162.73 KB, 640x748, 1B825256-0B7B-4D77-865C-20450D…)

>>783701Out of all them, internetgirl truly takes the cake. She produces jewelry from a factory in Hong Kong and then cries about replicas being made kek. Every baby tee she’s made was a stolen design and she works closely with sydnasty who pushed Unif in the direction of art theft. Instagram is @unifcopied for receipts of that milk but igirl only wears unif more and more too.
No. 977224
File: 1590087708216.jpg (254.91 KB, 1080x2025, 20200521_210131.jpg)

Not sure if you know her but she's constantly buying likes, followers and comments
She also dm d me asking if I could follow her - I don't know her - and that's how I noticed her
No. 977366
File: 1590096564529.jpg (53.72 KB, 678x404, dbggdhhgfggh.JPG)

twenty something year old woman who's obsessed with emulating a child and who's friends are exclusively all around 15-16, had drama with erin painter over erin copying her, and is a ddlg thot disguised as "sfw agree" despite her tumblr being full of sasha grey screencaps and even posted her own ddlg lewds with a petplay anal plug.
No. 977438
>>976771they're probably not even replicas, just factory leftovers from her ~small independent factory~ which is probably staffed by young women and girls making pennies
also, kinda ot but half the stuff on that instagram account doesn't make sense to me. yeah it's shitty that unif is ripping shit off, but a lot of the stuff they're ripping off is mass-produced stuff from the 90s and 00s which you can't even purchase except for a few random ones on depop. the people selling them on depop didn't design them, but they're acting like the depop sellers are being ripped off? and the comments lol, "tbh i just wish they gave credit to the original piece," like what are they gonna do write in the description "credit to walmart 1998"
No. 979352
File: 1590513418789.jpeg (479.07 KB, 1242x2208, FC7725A8-E2FC-40AA-9C11-79BA96…)

Hi everyone, Astrid (@strengthruoi) here,
Just like to say thanks for assuming you know everything about me I love all of you and hope you get through whatever you’re going through to care so much about other people’s lives.
Some things you got wrong:
1.was born in Australia, parents are English, Dad is of Danish decent.
2. I never said that Chay was Finnish, he just had a funny Finnish nickname.
3. I listen to everything, from black metal to punk to Oi to progressive rock to glam to thrash to post punk etc so don’t come at me with this “nnnnnng she changed rEeeEee”
I am allowed to do whatever I want and listen to/ dress how I like.
4. This whole “Nazi” business is just name calling really but I’ll leave that for you all to figure out, I don’t post about my political beliefs online anymore but they haven’t changed and I don’t give a shit about what anyone thinks of them.
As for the “weight gain” I have gained a mild amount of weight since recovering yes but my waist has always been the slimmest part of my body and anyone that knows me knows that.
None of you have met me but It’s flattering that you all claim to know my personality.
As for the “ hooking up with older men” :
Not that it’s any of your business but I had a close buddy who was in his 40s and we worked on a music video together for his band, nothing more.
I’m 21 and over this shit now.
As for the edgy columbine stuff:
This I have to admit is cringey as fuck and that’s the one thing I have to admit was regrettable.
Please I urge all of you to get the help you need because talking about people you don’t know is a lil bit sad and I pity all of you,
Thanks for reading.(no1curr)
No. 979420
>>979352if you scrolled on this site for one second more than the bare minimum ego reading in this thread you did for yourself, you'd probably realize how absolutely cringeworthy you posting here is. if you're putting yourself out like this on the internet for people to see, people will talk. either take better privacy precautions, stop being such a cow, or stfu. nobody cares if you want to clear your name or argue what you do/don't believe or have or haven't done. this is an anonymous imageboard and you're a loser coming here to defend yourself from strangers you're calling sad.
think about that for a moment. by all means continue to be a cow tho
No. 979448
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No. 982966
File: 1591242476534.jpeg (349.17 KB, 828x1413, 8143E794-883A-4F82-A38A-0CE9CC…)

Does anyone follow Chaneru (chaneru.pt2) on instagram? She used to be some leaguethot who dated a few old pro players, and then got into drugs and went into an absolute shit spiral. I think she also was big on reddit for a while, but I'm not sure.
I remember for a while she was posting pictures of feces, screeching that her mom stole her money and begging random people on instagram to venmo her money so she could buy more whippets. Apparently she went to therapy and now she's back whoring all over instagram
Newest post related, jumping on the bandwagon of BLM complete with a tone deaf thirst selfie of her in a schoolgirl outfit and thigh highs
No. 982969
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>>982966instagram story of her crying over losing followers for "supporting" BLM
No. 982973
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>>982966samefag but she's also a huge catfish lmfao
No. 982993
File: 1591245786427.png (3.89 MB, 750x1334, 55304C0E-0017-4FAF-9FB3-F33B69…)

star_666 put a poll up today, funny how the majority thinks her ‘chad trad bf’ is a neandarthal lmao
No. 983119
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am i crazy or does this look weird? what the fuck is wrong with her arms?
No. 983468
File: 1591320301208.png (Spoiler Image,568.53 KB, 750x1334, 3FB09285-38AB-468B-A57B-FB260C…)

Idc if this is cowtipping but you guys should report this account, it’s ridiculously awful like oml.
[spoiler]They posted a porn deepfake of Greta thunberg,
They posted a baby being tied down and a man shitting on him [\spoiler]
Fuck this account they keep coming back
No. 984161
File: 1591479782327.jpg (Spoiler Image,538.88 KB, 2289x1526, PicsArt_06-06-11.42.41.jpg)

@sentient_meat_ now and one year ago. She keeps getting fatter and more milky. She also made a second account exposing her chest with her nipples rarely censored. She also turned her comments off.
No. 984671
File: 1591572149647.jpg (400.69 KB, 810x1908, 20200608_012122.jpg)

Check @albinoxwhite out
She's claiming to have aLbiNiSm but I know her from years ago and she's just a casual girl with dark brown hair and normal eyes. The fun part is that even one person asked her why she edits her eyes (which is clearly visible) and she says she doesn't.
No. 984673
File: 1591572611496.jpg (366.97 KB, 1080x1802, Screenshot_20200608_003055.jpg)

>>984671Lmaoooo wtf
She's also claiming to be legally blind. These captions read like self inserts in a fanfic and I cannot get enough
No. 984679
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I used bad English on purpose to fuck her up and make her use her brain a lil bit to understand what I mean. But seriously? I just asked why she edits it. She also called me retarded in the comment section. Such a rude fake person doesn't deserve 8k followers… I mean she's minifame being fake. Hell. And yeah. She's in her self smol anime world. I wonder why none of her followers gets she's editing the hell outta her pics when it comes to her eyes(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 984733
>>984673many people with actual albinism are legally blind
(i dont know if it includes this girl)
No. 993568
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>>984671 1/2
This albinoxwhite person has definitely piqued my interest, you say you used to know them and their hair was dark before, can you provide sources for that? This person definitely smells of bullshit regardless, it is quite clear in some pics that they have used white mascara and their defensiveness is very shady. A lot of weird excuses.
No. 996879
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>>993568Pretty clear that she is faking it even by looking at how absolutely fried her hair is from having to bleach it constantly. Even her new growth at the roots look extremely crunchy. Also her eyelashes are never actually white, you can compare it to a real albino model to see how bright the lash area looks on real white lashes. Hers look dark at the base whereas authentic albino lashes have this shimmery look.
For reference, real albino: No. 996929
File: 1593260694921.jpg (294.91 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200627-142050_Ins…)

And because she "doesn't care" she has to write it over and over again her story and posts. From what I know is that she is mean to everyone who just asks normal questions. Ive got albinism myself. She claims to have OA (ocular albinism) and OCA (oculocitaneous albinism). Turns out you can't have both because OCA includes OA. So. She claims to be legally blind. She isn't. She doesn't use a cane, when she posts something in her story the letters are always very small and she doesn't have nystagmus (eye shaking, every person with albinism has that)
No. 998757
File: 1593463535012.png (3.37 MB, 828x1792, 6B08CC9D-74E7-4F58-B63B-5EB539…)

Welcome to the internet??
No. 1003063
>>998757lmao what a fucking whiner
"pride" on ig stories is literally just a folder for pride month where IG puts any stories of accounts you DO follow that use pride themed stickers or hashtags on their stories
if she doesn't want to see the folder, create an echo chamber of people who dont post lgbt related stories or use lgbt instagram stickers, and she wont see it. dummy
No. 1003305
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this chick is not that milky. But she seems to skinwalk @sheslethal, and she looks like an anachan. She had a sugar daddy and recorded him saying “I missed that tight little pussy” which was disturbing considering how skinny and cracked out she looks. I don’t see how any man would find this attractive. She looks like a mix of Jeffree Star, Bella Thorne and Nika Petrova (from the spam com)
No. 1003531
File: 1594122688345.jpeg (123.71 KB, 534x755, 4787DF58-A859-485F-8DAE-6DDE62…)

>>979352Ah yes
The slimmest part about you that you constantly photoshop lol
It’s okay to gain weight as you get older. Why lie about it?
No. 1003891
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No. 1004211
>>979352i'm glad you posted this, i was wanting to post some of her newer pics as now we're watching real time her transition into another phase. wonder how long it'll take to dump her skinhead bf for some thrash metal dude? does she have any genuine interests of her own?
sage for no milk just armchairing
No. 1004609
File: 1594277550683.jpg (205.58 KB, 808x1564, 20200709_084749.jpg)

Her crunchy hair is natural white. Who believes that stuff, seriously?
No. 1004610
File: 1594277665483.jpg (201.87 KB, 1080x1056, 20200709_084803.jpg)

The comment section under that post makes me even more cringe, albinism us now up to self diagnosis. At least this girl doesn't claim to be from Japan any longer which she did for a long time.
No. 1004612
File: 1594277805113.jpg (195.9 KB, 1080x1723, 20200709_084816.jpg)

Why would people believe him? He definitely does not have albinism. His roots are dark and he's wearing contacts. Why lie about and say "it makes me strong"?
No. 1004613
File: 1594277845842.jpg (314.88 KB, 1080x1639, 20200709_084841.jpg)

Old picture of @albinoxwhite /@albino_sumi
No. 1004674
File: 1594297653008.jpeg (474.04 KB, 1536x2048, 631139B7-D83B-4A0E-BBB9-F7A9D6…)

Pastelwife, 26 year old OF thot, she used to be engaged, now she’s been dating emo sc rapper 93feetofsmoke (who had recent allegations about him from his ex, physically abusing her and he’s been getting a hate mob). “Silver fox” pastelwife posts cringe tiktoks bragging about dating a successful sc rapper and how younger girls are trying to slide in his dms so they should be jealous of her (Yikes)
I dislike her so much because not only is she dating a piece of shit but she thinks she’s the shit because of it and being an OF sex worker
After the allegations against her boyfriend she made her ig private, kek
No. 1004757
>>1004609Aside from the other instances of blatant/intense autism in that speech
>I'm just a snow white fairyBasically says it all.
>>1004674First time seeing these people and I'm convinced she's trying to convince herself scummy Michael J Fox is a catch, but when compared to her, he just might be.
No. 1005175
File: 1594399011742.jpg (1002.46 KB, 1080x1710, Screenshot_20200710-183329_Ins…)

She seems to know about this thread because she keeps changing her username constantly (@albinoxwhite), her new name is "suminettory"
No. 1010980
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Ok what’s with Harmony Nice. I used to enjoy her so much but something about her strikes me the wrong way. Also pic related- this is not how she really looks…
Did anyone notice how she’s moving houses every other month??
No. 1011027
>>1011018If she’s changed I would say it’s because of getting sober. Usually you have to get new friends and you can kind of bottom out until you find a new, healthy alternative to fill whatever void drinking was filling.
I don’t know, I like her sobriety advice videos. But tbf I also don’t know much about old Harm, because I only learned of her from all of the Georgia/Jade drama three or so years ago.
No. 1011089
>>1011018Yea but now she changed from cottagecore to hippie??
Is it just me or does she have every other month a new boyfriend, moves in with him and suddenly lives at home again?
No. 1013033
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Never understood her fashion choices She looks like she lives in a trailer park
No. 1014037
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astrid needs to hurry up and start an onlyfans(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1014043
>>1014037Suddenly her waist doesn’t look that tiny
>>1013771Too bad star isn’t posting as much milk as she used to
No. 1014541
File: 1596065682872.png (3.88 MB, 828x1792, E94280A1-273B-464C-A7D2-6120E0…)

Her neanderthal boyfriend might get deported
No. 1014734
>>1014695Yea she’s from Minneapolis
I believe the reason why her bf moved to the US is so she can get a career in pole dancing
No. 1020776
>>1003891God I remember this girl
She used to use her platform to preach "traditionalism" and shit… i remember when she just went from metal girl to lowkey prob nationalist skin
No. 1021663
File: 1597218131580.png (1.48 MB, 828x1792, 7DC1D530-FEA5-4A79-9883-13DA88…)

Samefag but she also added her ~ancestry~ Info again to proof that she’s totally ~viking~
No. 1027183
File: 1598120189866.jpg (Spoiler Image,386.95 KB, 1076x1600, 1076x1600_ac297c8d025e12c8fd09…)

Man this girl @thefreeelf.9 is the most fake ass hippy bullshitter on instagram. Shes constantly preaching about nature and loving oneself and pretending to be 'holier than thou' but she actually has rich ass arabic/australian parents, has had loads of plastic surgery, dresses like a stripclub hooker when shes not trying to dress like mother nature, and travels the world fucking different guys and girls. Has an onlyfans where she pisses on peoples balconies and you can tell she loves herself even more than her simps do. I genuinely havent seen her work a day in her life or do any charity work or help anyone. She just basically gets paid to be naked everywhere and go to festivals and her friends suck up to her because shes a hot alternative arab chick. If she were ugly then she'd be working at fuckin maccy d's with her lack of personality. I just can't handle the double standards and lies and how she milks this whole 'im a person of the earth' bullshit without making as single contribution to said earth except giving them pictures of her tits.
No. 1027286
>>1027209i think you can be certain that's not her natural nose. Lots of middle eastern women end up with that exact pointy, slightly too short, who-ville nose after rhinoplasty bc most surgeons don't know how to do "ethnic" noses properly. look up any before-and-after nose job pics from turkey/iran/ etc. and they all look like that
her lips also look like they could have filler, but that could just be the effect of the plugs pushing them out and making them look poutier, nose job is a pretty much sure thing tho
No. 1027808
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Instagram kink throuple from florida, Tank and PiggyLuLu seem mildly attention craving but tolerable, Ellez on the other hand is potentially milky.
-refers to herself as Goddess, that’s the only thing LuLu is allowed to call her
-thinks she’s a “kink celebrity”
-constantly talks about how she’s an artist, only ever paints herself
-has several instagram accounts: ellezworld is her main, stylezwithellez is her hairdressing account, ellezcreations is her “art” account, carnivalerisque is her and tank’s kink company account (they give seminars on bdsm), and clubswinkster is their new “bdsm dungeon” account
-fights with “piggy” a lot and vague posts on her stories about it
-constantly talks about and posts her butt but always spells it “but”
-posts a ton of stories almost daily, mostly near identical videos of her face while she makes the same snarl expression
-recently asked her followers if she should get dreads or not, freaked out when people called it cultural appropriation, insisted it was appreciation
-did a few youtube videos topless with a random youtube bodybuilder about a year ago, freaked out when everyone asked if her husband was ok with it, still talks about it
lots of other stuff too, nothing major but she’s becoming increasingly attention hungry and gets pissed whenever she’s called out for anything
No. 1028014
File: 1598263475294.png (806.43 KB, 548x930, grim.PNG)

>>1027808I didn't know of these people before you posted them anon, but the cringe of poly kinkster cows is unmatched. I noticed she posts a lot of old pics just of her and her husband with mushy captions, I wonder if she's jealous of the other girl and regrets it. Imagine you marry someone who wants to move another woman into your home to fuck dressed as a farm animal.
No. 1028140
File: 1598284767982.jpeg (568.25 KB, 1123x2269, 22DC2E47-3497-46FE-A0C2-21E6D6…)

Anyone else here who knows about Ketsuban?
IG: officialketsuban
>international, seems to come from a very rich family
>known for her rap covers on YouTube
>in a relationship with Drew Monson (?)
>recently got into some drama with aforementioned dude because he’s “close with” Shane Dawson, whom she dislikes for how he “used racism in a very inappropriate way”
>posted a video of herself singing a weird song about how she’s biracial and constantly has to endure racism as a Fijian Indian
>”I had to come out as biracial”
>posted family photos to prove that she’s biracial
>dropped the n-word during the song but it’s okay because she’s only white passing
>more drama about her telling some girl to kill herself
>even more drama about her ex, who allegedly is the son of Bon Scott from AC/DC, threatening to kill her
>generally extremely full of herself
I don’t know much about her, I just used to like her videos like 5-6 years ago. This is what I could gather from just one peek at her Instagram.
No. 1028143
File: 1598284873664.jpeg (524.8 KB, 1125x1753, E2FC7179-5DCB-48CF-9E30-DF6997…)

>>1028140samefag to give an example of the obnoxiousness
No. 1028214
>>1028140>dropped the n-word during the song but it’s okay because she’s only white passingHer mom looks ethnically Indian and her dad is white so what makes her think she gets to say the n-word? Just because shes a ~POC~ doesnt mean she can say that
>>1028143you should have posted a screenshot of the last pic in that set, its way more unflattering and funny
No. 1028232
File: 1598299433724.png (Spoiler Image,1.83 MB, 750x1334, 7C6FE1E5-DD17-4725-9BA1-DD90FA…)

saw her in my explore feed and had to see this shit on her page along with dozens of titty pics… her butter face reminds me of joanna kuchta. does anyone know if there‘s more milk or if she‘s just an e-whore posting pro ana bullshit with a body posi caption
No. 1028459
>>1028305What do you base this assumption off of? You can't even see her face or hands, those are the telltale signs of bulimics.
Sorry but this is a weird comment.
No. 1028972
File: 1598428146584.webm (2.01 MB, 885x1498, RPReplay_Final1598299931.webm)
>>1028214You have a point. Anyway, here's her Shane Dawson song.
No. 1028978
File: 1598429890599.webm (14.06 MB, 640x480, RPReplay_Final1598360632(1).we…)
>>1028972Apparently, she broke up with Drew Monson by sending him this. She seems to be in a hospital now. Sorry for samefagging, but this one's mikly rn.
No. 1033896
File: 1599297190436.jpeg (Spoiler Image,707.33 KB, 1089x1936, A3D78D5F-3898-435D-BE2A-4E38E8…)

Everybody in la hates this bitch so she bounced to vegas. She shoops her photos to oblivion and walks around like she’s the shit. Her age is really showing physically and she gained weight so she can’t use men in person anymore. Top 2 rows are unedited pics of her the bottom row is pics she’s posted on ig. She’s horrible to anybody who doesn’t worship her and thinks everybody wants to be her. She runs multiple fan accounts of herself and she dressed like an EdGy goth nazi in a music video for a song she sang with Dahvie Vanity and was proud of it despite backlash. She’s on some qanon quack shit now and thinks she’s some intelligent woke goddess.
Her ig is @elenavladi or @elenavladi.snake
Blocked on her twitter so I can’t post stupid tweets from her
No. 1037492
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there‘s this porn actress who has her own clothing label called „be a bimbo“ and the ig page is filled with potential cows who shoop badly, have terrible bpd and/or dysmorphia and is just overall an eyesore and cesspit of mentally ill bitches
No. 1091743
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>>1014037well, you called it anon. seems she has completely abandoned her skinhead fleshsuit and is now posing as a heavy/glam metal fan instead.
No. 1092608
File: 1606460759537.png (594.35 KB, 640x1136, 14020C17-46DB-471E-A2C3-A9195C…)

>>1091743Where is the big butt ? Magically disappeared. So funny that this girl always has to show all the glam bands she listens to. She wants to be so original and true that it hurts.
No. 1092614
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>>1091743I wonder how she feels when she looks into the mirror and clearly doesn’t look like her Pictures at all. She soon will have her own „onlyfans“ page. Then we can see more attention graving photoshopped Pictures of her yay. She said that the onlyfans pictures won’t be so explicit but let’s see what she will do for money to afford herself new clothes, so that she can look like an edgy glam metaler groupie. Maybe she should get her nazi tattoos lasered instead wasting money to buy clothes when she claims so much that she never was a nazi and isn’t a nazi.
No. 1093817
File: 1606595588952.jpeg (204.39 KB, 828x1152, A7C1D97C-9994-4AB7-8198-C193B5…)

>>1092614Shes trying to be Miley Cyrus now?
No. 1094995
File: 1606715958358.png (878.73 KB, 900x586, Screenshot 2020-11-30 002146.p…)

@nativeboytoy Coyote Park is a 21 year old recently married grifter who makes their living as a "trans spoken word historian and artist" AKA they make their coin by ebegging their gullible woke ~queer~ following.
In the last six months Coyote has
>ebegged for money to visit their "ancestral roots"
>change of plans whole family has rona (allegedly) so he decides to move to LA to be with his "wife"
>ebegs for $500 to travel from NYC to LA and seeks out BIPOC housing
>he shortly moves out to be with his "wife" (not yet married lol and only had been dating for a few months)
>his roommate during this time calls him a slob, he doesn't seem strapped for cash, spends frivolously
>gets married for real probably motivated so his wife can have American citizenship
>starts a $12k kickstarter for "survival funds", currently at $8k
>now wants a baby, stopping T for good
No. 1094998
File: 1606716065250.png (896.49 KB, 1252x3357, Screenshot_2020-11-30 POC Tran…)

>3,000 (Coyote’s Last Name Changes: ID / Social Security Number / Passportlol ok
No. 1109061
File: 1608220122654.jpeg (239.35 KB, 828x1114, 7161928F-29D6-4A79-BF0F-69BE38…)

Topkek how she think she looks totally hot with this fit and hair
No. 1109114
File: 1608226861927.jpg (44.1 KB, 640x480, 1606739016962.jpg)

>>1109100Ntayrt but, she looks she just came back from a hoedown. If that's 'hot' to you, then I pity your shit taste dear anon.
No. 1109710
File: 1608298409777.jpg (110.79 KB, 1080x931, Screenshot_20201219-002936__01…)

>>1109061Anon, don't forget her suddenly deciding to be genderspecial. Her path to troondom (despite being an autist) came out of nowhere…
No. 1109743
>>1109061Metalheads in the 80s would never wear this Designing Women ass shoulder pad middle America polyester blouse. She just looks like the alcoholic trailer park auntie that would give you a mullet out of her double wide for a 4 pack. Girls like this are insecure about not looking attractive like their peers so they go over the top like "you cant call me ugly, I'm
trying to look stupid".
No. 1112595
File: 1608652214172.png (2.16 MB, 1214x1080, bretmichaels.png)

maybe when our aryan queen's drunkenness subsides she'll see how fucked these edits are. didn't she just come in here and sperg about how hot she is?
No. 1114396
File: 1608851766128.jpg (101.38 KB, 1080x685, IMG_20201225_001512.jpg)

Kek, 80 hours a week. But she seems to have plenty of time for photoshoppin n getting wasted n posting on ig. 80 hours my ass.
No. 1117335
File: 1609260964272.png (3.93 MB, 750x1334, 8F594CC6-A3AB-42B8-BBA7-806E8D…)

Did this bitch forget that not even a year ago she had 3/4 of her head shaved in a Chelsea? Lmao. Can someone please make an Astrid thread, her latest identity as a they/them glam onlyfans whore/drunken photoshop disaster is sending me, this truly deserves to be documented
No. 1120089
File: 1609576705471.jpg (68.02 KB, 707x649, Untitled.jpg)

>put out garbage content
>people stop giving you money
hopefully she starts getting naked now(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1120183
File: 1609596358283.jpeg (341.28 KB, 750x1206, A9D2AC34-FD3C-4726-B65B-70D5D0…)

Latest “uwu I was in a dark place uwu” from Astrid
No. 1120362
File: 1609613899239.jpg (234.88 KB, 828x1097, IMG_2309.jpg)

Sandy Cassandra or sandycassandra__. Abuses her dogs and caused one to go blind through poor care, blocks anyone who gives her proper criticism and makes stories about the haters stalking her. Constantly whines about haters and has scammed 5 people on her Patreon.
No. 1126786
File: 1610206203503.jpeg (96.31 KB, 600x600, 9CF1F371-90AB-4654-9282-D4062D…)

she is literalllllllly the most annoying bitch on social media. one of my mutual’s followed her and i saw she had 50k followers on instagram and 80k on twitter at her peak.shes had about 10 twitter accounts deleted because she can’t shut up about problematic things. i’m hoping her instagram gets deleted too so she doesn’t have a platform. pic related, it’s her without facetune and makeup (yikes).
she is in a long time relationship with a racist nazi sympathizer named alex portillo. she has been with him 5+ years, he has cheated on her publicly but she stays with him saying her borderline personality disorder is causing her to be dependent on him… even though she makes $10k per MONTH (yep) on OnlyFans so she has the resources to leave. a big punch in the face to actual abuse survivors who are literally dying because they can’t escape their abusers.
she has covid from not social distancing properly and has tweeted she plans on going back to working at her retail job (Sprint) because shes “money obsessed.” she also tweeted she made over the amount of the cutoff for stimulus checks but she “hopes they go by last years income ‘hehe’”. she deleted the tweet quickly because what the fuck. she also posts stupid ass shit begging for her followers to buy it. her dog destroyed her apple pen for her ipad and she posted “can someone buy this for me?” and also makes commissions from Amazon for marketing products to her followers during a pandemic. she is grossing $20k per month, risking other people’s lives, and the bitch looks like a gremlin.(namefag, obnoxious posting)
No. 1126793
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>>1126786boyfriend in question. her side profile and teeth have me goneeee, she deleted this tik tok fast as fuck because everyone calls her out for posting him (as they should)
No. 1127654
File: 1610301989594.jpeg (1022.49 KB, 3464x3464, BFE7D9D3-BF4A-4759-997D-6633B9…)

Ang3lThigh irks me how is a this tattoo original it’s literally just copying the design of the movie title?
No. 1129279
>>1120280Why should anyone be jealous of a poser girl that photoshops herself into a dream version of herself she would like to be? In this case it’s quite the opposite. This insecure Poser is jealous of beautiful intelligent women because this girl knows she is trash that keeps on fooling everyone.
There is no identity to be jealous of. Not even nice character traits.
No. 1130114
>>1129945>>973991This you?
She’s just a try hard LA kid with rich parents
No. 1130516
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Chevleia was in rehab, apparently.
No. 1138041
File: 1611244984378.jpeg (349.15 KB, 750x1334, 37C96D3E-309E-42DF-8DE9-484D7A…)

>>ella >>28 from canada not too milky just cringe her whole aesthetic and has done shady things on ig to her followers and ex roommate
>>doesn’t use ig anymore only posts stories to sell merch or promote her wife’s music or what rave they’re going to next ellas 28 peaked in like the 2010-2015 area on tumblr and ig making selling art and zines. was or still is very into spirituality “angel numbers” she changes her style and identity every 2 years or so 3 years ago she was all a kiss designer cloths fashion/ pretty much early 2000’s look used to get a lot of lip fillers and stuff done to her face until she met her wife online (eleanor 22) she’s apart of the rave 909 world spam community friends with 100 gecs
ella pretty much changed her whole identity after meeting her wife lol
>>meets wife online a year ago while living in canada still >>moves in with a roommate lives there for about a month >>suddenly wants to visit her wife bec of covid and doesn’t know when CA boarders will close/open again >>visiting turns into a 3 month stay because canadian boarders CLOSED that turned into getting married >>doesn’t give her roommate rent for the months she’s been gone and says she never fully agreed on staying being roommates for that long (6 months worth of rent not paid on ellas part)>>spams her roommate with threats and calling the landlord and police if her roommate doesn’t mail all her belongings>>even tho ella was the one who planned on moving to america before boarders did close >>tried to sell stickers and bracelets to support her ketamine addiction and wife kratom withdrawals but never actually sent out bracelets just spam posted about making and selling things never committed she’s also living with her wife’s (22/23) parents and she’s like 28 about to be in her 30’s living with you’re wife’s parents when you’re in your late 20’s is embarrassing on top of that she acts/types likes she’s 15 and is just discovering myspace
No. 1139496
>>1138757i remember her callin a girl out for copying her style/stalking/skin walking her but she’s really not original edgy emo scene or whatever she’s a washed out tumblr 30 year old who is trying to stay relevant online by getting married to a trans kandi 23 year
old who love with her parents still and is having her 30 year old wife who isn’t contributing to rent or food she really is just always on ketamine/e-begging for money to help with her wife kratom withdrawals and the facts ella literally doesn’t do anything and is living at her wife’s parents house is so cringe
also having her wife and her wife’s 20 year old friends spam/harassing/threat/doxx her ex roommate for faking having a seizure and mental probs issues bec they weren’t able to send ellas stuff to the states
cos her roommate was actually in the hospital from actually having a break down from ella and her wife doxxing
ellla more than likely has brainwashed her “wife” into thinking everyone is out to get the both of them but it’s ella who can’t handle any negative constructive criticism
>>almost 30 >>wonders why her hair is falling out but is bleaching it every other week>> still going to raves >>stuck in the us and can’t get unemployment because she’s not a US citizen >>her wife and their stupid 909 world raver simps attack ellas ex roommate >>ellas wife posts on facebook how ellas roommate is withholding things but her roommate was literally in the mental hospital at that time and couldn’t send elllas things ella she’s just so obsessed with herself ive followed her for years im shocked she hasn’t came out as they/them or something
>>1138626 it’s like apart of me
wants to feel sorry for but she’s
been groomed by tumblr to change her life/face/style at an early age and now she’s just mentally stuck in 2008 on myspace
No. 1139748
>>1139517you can already see the effects of just one year of doing K non stop will do someone seeing her with and without make up is scary no one should feel sorry for her she did this to herself she i think honestly believes she’s still 18
she’s having her 23 y/o wife defend her on ig when this chick is about to be 30 she shouldn’t be scamming people with the idea of her mailing people her “art” just because you’re stuck in the states due too poor life choices
No. 1140490
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No. 1140494
>>1140490lel i just came here to post this.
ive turned myself into a jew morty
No. 1142016
File: 1611611115234.jpg (55.16 KB, 673x520, Untitled.jpg)

>become jew
>immediately start burning(racebaiting)
No. 1142882
File: 1611699522099.jpeg (1.7 MB, 3464x3464, 75CFFDA1-BBEE-42AD-8390-712357…)

This girl she shoops and had ten snow filters on her face to the point where she doesn’t even look real. She’s always making an ugly ahegao face with her dirty ass tongue with other dirty tongue degenerates
No. 1157367
File: 1612910120613.jpeg (213.11 KB, 937x964, 946ED07A-6A1F-4EFB-A3BD-0FB111…)

Anyone knows mainlyboredom? She deleted her Instagram unfortunately so i can’t hate follow her anymore
>used to be goth
>hung out with toxic tears
>mental health issues bpd?
>can’t hold a relationship
>reveals to be trans/fakeboi/enby
No. 1158611
File: 1613004722123.jpeg (59.97 KB, 540x961, CA4CDE86-3F17-41BC-8292-3487E0…)

her pics/shoops/outfits are getting more bizarre by the day
No. 1163685
File: 1613562603677.jpeg (128.37 KB, 400x533, 734799A3-9BE7-40D2-A4F6-F4B3B5…)

>>1158611One of the worst shoops i’ve ever seen. Nowadays she seems to chase after a fantasy alien body she’ll never have in real life. I almost feel sorry for her insecurities.
No. 1164045
File: 1613595026483.jpg (62.56 KB, 533x786, Untitled.jpg)

>get woke
>go broke
No. 1171755
File: 1614404785632.jpg (65.83 KB, 770x746, erika.JPG)

erika lipps is still deathfat lol
No. 1172283
File: 1614475245616.jpg (32.03 KB, 521x430, map_philippines.jpg)

>>1172250Anon…Filipino people are southeast Asian
No. 1172295
>>1172250>>1172261>>1172283I'm 99% sure we had this exact same argument a month ago. Even if it's not bait,
>>1172250 isn't gonna change her mind, so let's just drop it.
No. 1173522
>>1172389hey nigger
shut the heckin fuck up
File: 1614720329727.jpeg (564.8 KB, 750x1103, 05F060D0-C6D1-489F-9D88-EC2869…)

Astrid’s new look is becoming steadily more cringe
No. 1175454
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lel she went from 70 patrons to 20 in a month
No. 1175456
File: 1614802451113.png (10.65 MB, 1242x2208, 6565AD1E-5409-48B8-8A29-2EB1A1…)

Idk her new @ but her sugar daddy looks crusty and gross idk how she’s not embarrassed
No. 1175521
File: 1614809070103.jpeg (526.4 KB, 947x1064, 82A5C643-709B-4AD0-BFAF-E34FF9…)

>>1175476>>1175486She has qualities of a cow. She was bragging about how the workers at Tiffany and Co know her and her sugar daddy because they go there so often. Gross.
No. 1175523
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>>1175521Samefag but yeah she’s not attractive in the slightest
No. 1176395
File: 1614901657191.jpeg (146.71 KB, 1080x1153, 42B259DF-DBC0-4804-BDEE-4E6ED4…)

>>1175454Maybe cleaning the room would help to gain followers back
No. 1199807
File: 1617319932975.jpg (877.09 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210402-103052.jpg)

Does the prosperpina or whatever the fuck her name is need an introduction or is everyone already aware of this auscow?
No. 1215287
File: 1619225991281.jpg (911.36 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210403-100535.jpg)

>>1201894She's still a major source of perpetual cringe
No. 1220225
>>1199807Do you have the pictures of her when she was seen out and about with her parents? She’s like really ugly, dumpy and fat KEK.
Also does she still have her serial killer portrait tattoos? She had Charles Manson, as well as cannibal paedophile Albert fish.
No. 1220466
File: 1619803542011.jpeg (574.79 KB, 828x1125, 69A3A63E-04E3-4D70-A923-5A2574…)

genuinely can’t believe people pretend to think luhshawnay is a “model” kek every pic of her looks like she’s melting into her own fat folds. how she is able to maintain a following is beyond me.
No. 1221949
File: 1620000251907.jpeg (758.14 KB, 828x1351, E4568B48-B6F0-4F6C-B774-212334…)

Astrid has a new account and a new boyfriend to suit her current cosplay. His @ is sleep_in_hope
No. 1222004
File: 1620006718474.png (Spoiler Image,1.69 MB, 828x1792, 9DDD4ECE-8F0F-4496-B0D4-99468D…)

>>1221949>>1221978Sage for samefag but yeah her but shoops have been hilarious lately.
No. 1225520
File: 1620414241071.jpg (369.29 KB, 1300x1557, 1265889.jpg)

>>1224246It's the same as with Aaron Phillip. I'm sure there are many people who would like to be models but at the end of the day if you can only make the exact same face and pose in every shoot then you aren't a good model and no amount of social justice posturing will change that. Maybe I'm naive about the industry but I seriously don't see what they bring to the table apart from the novelty of someone with cerebral palsy modeling. It seems like a lot of the people who consider modeling to be a form of activism are delusional, like the modeling industry is superficial by nature, if it wasn't then there wouldn't be an industry.
No. 1225570
>>1225520honestly i don't mind aaron philip and people who look like him modeling (him being disabled and kweer is part of his value as a model so it matters less if his face is uninteresting) but i hate the fact that he got where he is just by making it sound like designers HAVE to cast him to be proper allies.
the catWALK doesn't actually need wheelchair users.
No. 1226917
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Top 10 anime betrayals of all time
No. 1227568
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Technically this is a twitter post but I find her social media persona insufferable
No. 1229148
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I'm surprised she's borderline posting her OF content on her IG, even more so it's so unrealistic…
No. 1229221
File: 1620913260517.jpg (Spoiler Image,316.81 KB, 1170x2532, 46553568_media_IMG_5504.jpg)

would you sniff it?
No. 1230475
File: 1621048159843.jpg (467.31 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210515-083807.jpg)

This doesn't look like her shops why is she outing herself?
No. 1232063
>>1231017Please make one
nonnie. I remember her from her black metal era aswell and saw her being posted on star666 Instagram because they had some drama. Please tell me I’m completely mental or didn’t they call out Astrid for being a nazi?? The irony
No. 1232255
>>1232063I remember their drama too, I first discovered Astrid during her black metal phase. They just went back and forth calling each other out for being Nazis and posers. I mean, both of them were right kek.
I feel like with her SWer phase, Astrid is definitely milky enough for her own thread.
No. 1237609
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No. 1241197
File: 1622280575465.png (1.88 MB, 750x1334, 640CCEA4-5158-4325-A610-D053AD…)

With the right angle everything can look perfect lmao what a poor trick
Seems like someone needs a lot of male attention
No. 1250244
File: 1623203598406.jpeg (311.04 KB, 724x1150, E2A4CCAD-104E-4A10-8AB2-E1BE3F…)

good grief Astrid
No. 1251658
File: 1623333967594.png (4.22 MB, 828x1792, 9E5CBB06-936F-4A21-9519-A643C3…)

Not really milk just thought this was funny. Astrid posted this to her IG story the other day and it’s hilarious how hard she’s sucking her stomach in and the suck in face she’s making lmao.
>>1250401She made a post some time ago basically apologizing for her shit views and said that she’s changed. She’s a wokie now and at some point even had they/them as her pronouns in her bio.
Also she changed her handle again. It’s now @hardrockinghellion on IG.
No. 1251674
I wonder if she went neonazi because of their affinity for stocky ass bitches
No. 1252250
>>1251658She has no real beliefs. She's a complete BPDfag and just changes her entire personality and all of her views for whoever she's trying to fuck/get in with that particular month. Although, most of her audience are right-wing scrotes left over from her Neo-Nazi days, so I wonder how many are going to bother to stick around for tits with her new wokie views.
>>1250244It's a shame, she's not ugly by any means, but her real face/body is jarring because of how she shoops herself. BDD: not even once.
No. 1252496
File: 1623379486528.png (3.77 MB, 828x1792, 718D8F10-2A9D-4974-89E6-AF717D…)

Last one for today. Ridiculous waist shoop.
I’m gonna start working on a thread for Astrid as we’ve been shitting this one up with her lately and obviously there’s enough interest. If anyone has some vintage milk to contribute to the recap please post!
No. 1257046
File: 1623727212393.jpeg (219.04 KB, 593x664, 8E50F379-5259-4D34-AC40-B4DC2B…)

vintage astrid/questionable hair
No. 1257108
Can we just make an Astrid thread? She's got enough of a past and pics to probably constitute one. We kinda just take up this whole general thread and it's only us bumping anyway.
No. 1259461
File: 1624024379378.png (202.23 KB, 640x599, wvv41goows571.png)

Not sure what other thread to post this in, but she's an instagrammer, so…
Vulgadrawings is a 'feminist' cartoonist with massive (over 215k) following.
Aside from a having horrid art style, she pushes sex work and has some mind numbing takes on social issues. She gets featured outside of instagram a lot too.
No. 1259469
File: 1624025126259.jpg (3.15 MB, 3024x4032, pt2021_06_18_16_03_01.jpg)

>>1259463How feminist of her to imply women are unstable because of their menstrual cycle.
She also said in the comments that she can't trust her decisions during her period and assumed women are usually like that.
No. 1259470
>>1259469“Bitches b crazy on their periods amirite?”
More brave & stunning “feminist” commentary.
No. 1259472
File: 1624025622222.jpg (3.09 MB, 3024x4032, pt2021_06_18_16_09_24.jpg)

Not sure why I hate this one so much, I guess it's the ridiculous pandering and the ~qweer~ guy in BDSM gear kek
(Sorry for reposting last images, I needed to crop some identifying info out)
No. 1259477
File: 1624026122844.png (495.34 KB, 720x1117, Screenshot_20210618-191919.png)

>>1259472I would prefer the black and white world over this
No. 1259491
File: 1624027869779.jpg (2.22 MB, 4032x3024, pt2021_06_18_16_48_42.jpg)

>>1259461Some comments were really disagreeing with the 'all women want violent sex' angle. Someone said they went through abuse and it was quite shitty to see someone fetishising the cigarette arm burning and joking about it.
Her reply was 'have a kitkat' and passive agressive story kek
No. 1259533
>>1259472Jesus H christ, gays didn't invent ballgags and poly relationships, pretty sure the straights have been doing this just as long. So fucking offensive and unhelpful.
Also this person is so bad at art, literally wikihow traced photo quality.
No. 1259541
>>1259533(Don't factcheck this because I certainly won't)
but I know I grew up associating kink with specifically old white straight couples where the guy has erectile dysfunction, it used to be a running joke about what old straight people would do when their sex life dried up.
Trying to claim it as specifically queer
and act like there's nothing else to gay relationships other than kink, fuck this person and their retarted takes and even worse art
>>1259463What is a threat model? Is a domestic cat the same as a lion? this person sure thinks so!
>>1259461Promotion of abuse to young women who are already strongarmed into being a "cool girl" who lets men do everything and anything to them, subsequent mental health issues, ptsd and celibacy notwithstanding
No. 1259946
>>1259533Pierre Loti has entered the chat
Joris-Karl Huysmans has entered the chat
The Marquis de Sade has entered the chat
Brothel murals of Pompeii have entered the chat
No. 1260155
>>1259946>Marquis de Sadewhy do people reference this as if he wasnt a piece of shit?
go away, twitterfag
No. 1260175
>>1260155what the fuck is wrong with you? he was a heterosexual piece of shit who lived in the 18th century
the argument was against that the dumb assertion that 20th century gays had invented “bdsm” shit, not a defense of it
No. 1260318
File: 1624131008376.jpg (238.25 KB, 1170x2080, 2021-06-19_16-02-16_UTC.jpg)

I believe Astrid has gotten lip fillers? She had a story earlier today about being excited to see the results of her injections, with a close up of her lips. Didn't have time to download it. Can anyone else confirm?
No. 1261248
File: 1624271068064.jpg (219.56 KB, 1170x2080, 2021-06-20_22-11-45_UTC.jpg)

>>1260318samefag, but managed to download the story this time
No. 1261470
File: 1624299691643.png (2.21 MB, 1161x2048, Screenshot_20210621-111634.png)

Anyone know what she's even talking about? I want to see the video because it's probably funny KEK. I love how she's such a victim of bullying and so above it yet repeatedly brings it up to cry and get ass pats. You're almost 30, you fucking baby.
No. 1261472
File: 1624299746632.png (1.07 MB, 1247x2048, Screenshot_20210621-111743.png)

More crying, I think she deleted Facebook and stuff because of it.
No. 1262447
File: 1624418748898.jpg (456.12 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210623-132417.jpg)

>get nose job
>proceed to cry on social media for a week straight
No. 1262887
File: 1624484745274.jpg (211.33 KB, 1170x2080, 2021-06-22_16-47-08_UTC.jpg)

>>1262869Yep. Her lips look packaged-bought. It's funny because 2 years ago, she's the one who would talk about "thots" disparagingly - in fact, I first learnt the word from her captions/comments.
No. 1266555
File: 1624918467718.png (2.14 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20210628-231220.png)

>>1261682You called it anon. We'll see.
No. 1271204
File: 1625393699181.jpg (986.43 KB, 1920x1920, CollageMaker_20210704_05001883…)

Looks like Bella Ferrada tried to throw jabs at Selena yesterday. I wonder what made them fall out? Bella doesn't seem like a genuine person at all. It's also weird because they hang around in the same circles still but go out of their way to avoid each other.
No. 1274443
File: 1625901847088.jpeg (524.11 KB, 828x1641, 87AB4ECE-B486-4F7C-9A5A-38F97D…)

No. 1275231
File: 1626061726016.jpg (623.04 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210712-134538.jpg)

>This is England
>London is my city
>Union Jack everywhere
>A few months pass
>Stop being patriotic this isn't the 1950s
>It's an ugly flag
>England is colonial oppression and I hate it
Surely there's some sort of mental illness that allows you to reach her heights of hypocrisy.
No. 1275270
File: 1626070859439.jpg (53.79 KB, 600x413, 1626044599407.jpg)

>>1275231Astrid should be happy the same niggers she worships are the reason England lost
>>1275231There is, it's called BPD kek. I can't believe that none of her followers have ever called her out on her hypocrisy and how everything about her life changes completely every few months. It's insanity. Are they all just blinded by badly shooped ass and tits?
It's also insane how much money she must drop on each new aesthetic. She does her hair, gets an entirely new wardrobe, new physical music, and even seems to change her decor.
No. 1276846
File: 1626314778887.png (3.35 MB, 750x1334, 1A010F60-1877-478D-A145-2EAEC7…)

>>783701Astrids always had an ugly personality and now she has the face to go with it, not that long ago she was the skinhead skinwalker of her Nazi BFFs who shamed sex workers and admired ~natural beauty~
No. 1277186
File: 1626369393192.png (2.28 MB, 828x1792, 9B0C0E29-84AE-4C8E-8459-25DBDD…)

Shut the fuck up Astrid
No. 1277693
File: 1626418087942.webm (5.58 MB, 640x1136, 218195060_561777844815313_7376…)
Reckon she's still reading this thread
No. 1278344
>>1276846Jesus fucking Christ, why does she look 40 and cracked out? If this is what she looks like after lip fillers, I can't wait to see how her face looks after whatever else she'll inevitably
>>1266555 get done.
>>1277863Hasn't she outed herself for using filters on her videos before? Or am I remembering wrong? You can even tell from pictures that her body definitely doesn't look the same as on Instagram.
No. 1278802
File: 1626523168945.jpg (Spoiler Image,347.68 KB, 1080x1335, Screenshot_20210717-215537__01…)

>>1278344Yeah she has, was gonna get a vid but she's deleted them all. Also wtf is this kek?
No. 1281076
File: 1626812859091.webm (1.67 MB, 640x428, 219012480_896072077922680_6888…)
She changed her IG name to "bimborocker" to now "rockerwhore" wtf literally following the latest bimbo trend
No. 1281526
File: 1626876865647.jpg (86.71 KB, 496x791, clown.jpg)

She really has no friends kek
No. 1281705
File: 1626894340831.png (2.47 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20210717-231611.png)

>"good night white pride"
>white lace skinhead
Just posting pics of her new door. Nothing to do with signalling her newfound virtue eh
No. 1287135
File: 1627629852447.jpg (116.07 KB, 640x877, god avert my eyes.jpg)

I wonder how she feels about this kek
No. 1290283
File: 1628021664470.webm (2.03 MB, 640x1136, 231278447_158824579658070_6071…)
Gather round everyone! Videos of Astrid gyrating for the cost of a coffee.
No. 1290359
File: 1628028288435.png (13.43 MB, 3776x3064, cccc.png) Jes Cain is blatantly ripping off emilyriboflavin mushroom girl costume and is passing it off as her "original character". She copied her tea party shoot idea too.
At least credit the person you copied..
No. 1312257
File: 1630373268136.jpeg (479.26 KB, 822x1471, 49738A00-0709-4D75-877E-F4C22B…)

Incredibly sorry for necro but I thought this might be extra fodder for potential Astrid thread. Looks like she’s stripping now. I offered to make one before but irl has caught up with me. If anyone wants to step up there’s plenty of material ITT I think.
No. 1327513
File: 1631980699242.png (2.54 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20210918-165431.png)

Astrid's cringe dancing vids make me wonder how she's a stripper tbh. Also what is this edit, she looks like a chunky yellow dwarf when she doesn't shop her waist.
No. 1327613
File: 1631989979847.jpeg (302.72 KB, 828x1518, 3B29C0B3-70F8-4C55-90B3-B122B7…)

>>1325519She has calmed down so much I believe there is no milk. I tried to find her ex new girlfriend but didn’t see anything . Maybe the anon
>>1327446 can enlighten us?
She’s boring these days with not allowing comments, messages etc
No. 1328248
troon detected
No. 1328419
My account was anonymous
Also sage your shit idiot
No. 1331138
File: 1632309947214.jpeg (438.4 KB, 2048x2048, 8B4C3B2F-232B-4FE1-ACF7-25E877…)

>>1327513Don’t forget her cringe bikini posing
Her friends in the back are chilling their life and she has nothing better to do than making all the time stupid videos and pictures of herself. She must be thinking „I’m so hawt! Look at me I’m the winner of an 80s body contest“ lol this self-absorbed girl lives in such a fantasy world. I feel sorry for her so called friends that have to take pictures of her all the time to feed her narcissism
No. 1334088
File: 1632597297496.jpg (296.53 KB, 1080x1920, 2021-09-25 07.33.17 2670328629…)

Why do you keep indulging her by calling her Astrid? Her name is still Beata isn't it?
No. 1334090
File: 1632597423032.jpg (111.39 KB, 1080x1350, 2017-08-22 15.24.04 1587025835…)

(You mean this Burzum shirt?)
No. 1334556
File: 1632634477213.png (3.17 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20210820-222855.png)

>>1334090>>1334088She must be trolling her lurkers, rightR?
No. 1335519
File: 1632731697927.jpeg (Spoiler Image,165.03 KB, 750x957, 2BA71024-D2CE-4BC1-BD15-92E8E5…)

>>1334556Trolling? She’s pissing on them
No. 1337619
File: 1632946137298.gif (1.16 MB, 900x1200, ezgif-2-ce812254e7e0.gif)

Protip: Don't post a shoop after you've already posted the original image
No. 1403699
File: 1640739037649.jpg (712.06 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20211229-114730.jpg)

Please God Astrid stop with the lip fillers nobody asked for this
No. 1415348
File: 1642005690329.jpg (776.48 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220113-033916.jpg)

This is so retarded I can't believe some scrote is shopping pregnancy fetish images of Astrid No. 1424724
File: 1642957450381.jpeg (292.86 KB, 1170x2236, 69D3F69D-E1D8-4104-98D8-89E0B3…)

Looks like the stripper lifestyle has slimmed her down, presumably all the coke she sniffs
No. 1432085
File: 1643714371309.jpg (Spoiler Image,320.27 KB, 1080x1818, IMG_20220201_121723.jpg)

Alicia Amira. Nightmare fuel
No. 1435926
File: 1644129688221.png (2.52 MB, 1219x2048, Screenshot_20220206-003549.png)

idk if she's been mentioned yet but this douxfairy girl has always irked me.
>was vegan but started getting sponsorships from leather shoe companies and mcdonalds and fish oil supplement companies and stopped being vegan just for money
>broke up with her boyfriend and began living in a hype house
>clearly very rich but makes videos butchering clothes from the thrift store ("thrift flips")
>extreme consoomer (doesn't need explanation)
No. 1440493
File: 1644573150694.jpg (354.85 KB, 1061x1774, IMG_20220211_105154.jpg)

No. 1442673
File: 1644834570394.jpeg (725.11 KB, 828x1435, 86EB41E9-ABB5-47D9-8503-D3DCFD…)

No. 1442756
File: 1644845451060.jpeg (338.38 KB, 1170x2021, 78A185AE-1DEA-4D5C-8C61-33090C…)

No. 1444177
File: 1644966554647.jpeg (957.38 KB, 828x1440, BF809A87-8B52-436B-B0B9-436010…)

I don’t know if anyones mentioned her yet, but this is Eileen Kelly. she originally made waves being a “~pro pleasure~“ pick me blog columnist who only wrote about sex, but then she fell off and had a nervous breakdown that caused her to admit herself into the hospital from “Girl, Interrupted” (not attention seeking and annoying at all) for 5 months and now that she’s out she’s regaining her income by making sweatshirt designs of the medications she’s prescribed. Undeniable cow behavior, especially with the “it was so cathartic coming up with these designs”…when all she did was type words
No. 1445024
File: 1645054528861.jpeg (444.61 KB, 824x1340, F130E0CC-C930-412E-BB9E-C33209…)

In another shocking turn of personality, Astrid is now squints a “batcave vampire” as per her new bio. I guess she’s moving onto the goth/metalpunk look that’s really popular in LA right now.
No. 1445741
>>1445024I haven't checked in on Astrid for a while, I should've known that she'd have a new persona. She changes "aesthetics" and personalities like normal people change clothes.
>>1445093Same. I wonder if she just throws all her clothes in landfill once she's tired of a persona and then buys an entirely new wardrobe.
No. 1445839
>>1445741It literally is just a change of clothes. Unfortunately, "aesthetic" obsessed kids try to use consumerism as a substitute for a genuine identity.
Blogpost oops but I remember being a teen and wondering if adopting a new ~persona~ and ~aesthetic~ would help me finally carve out a successful niche for myself, because everywhere I went (after changing schools several times) people always hated me. Maybe someone would like me if I acted out something I saw other, more socially successful people do, who stood out in a positive way instead of a negative way. Unfortunately I had attributed the problem to "the way people perceive me" instead of the negative ways I think and act.
I think kids constantly being fed shit about "acceptance" and how "being different is good" and "never change who you are for someone else" just reinforces the negative aspects in people with underdeveloped personalities, because they are too underdeveloped to discriminate between "good" difference and "bad" difference, just as their peers shun both their productive and unproductive differences.
No. 1446841
File: 1645259804390.png (1.51 MB, 750x1334, 943EC2D7-82B0-4257-B566-A493D2…)

Posting selfies and ass pics in psychiatric ward. No real problems detected.
No. 1446893
File: 1645266926499.png (317.04 KB, 1235x905, 1645266481650.png)

She's just quirky and weird and doesn't need any medication, obviously
(This was under her new post on ig which is a whole trainwreck in itself)
No. 1496634
File: 1649470871026.jpg (632.77 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220409-121852.jpg)

>>1495290>>1495574These aged well
Kanadajin3 inspired Muslim larp when
No. 1542877
File: 1653772850516.jpg (204.95 KB, 1170x2080, 2022-05-28 21.25.55 2848317768…)

how long do you bet beata will be able to stay away?
No. 1546030
>>1542877her continuing to spam story as usual after posting this is all i needed to see.
No. 1569332
File: 1655951545256.jpg (429.97 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20220623-123006.jpg)

Needed to post the Damsel from Vampire: the masquerade bloodlines phase for future generations excuse me nonnies