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No. 1980615

Jessica has come up in the arena before, but thanks to cobra her entertainment value has gone up, making her watchers also go up significantly. Gaining her just enough notoriety for her own thread.

>kingcobrajfs's girlfriend
>40 and still lives with parents
>streams drunk daily
>constantly freaking out live
>admitted to pursuing cobra after seeing his kiwifarms thread
>very easily rages when baited
>had beef with Valerie Lynne Glenn in 2023

her youtube is:

Kingcobrajfs / Cobes / Josh Saunders
>Needs very little introduction
>alcoholic autist
>has been documented for 15+ years
>always talking about of-age, alive, non related, consenting women

his youtube:

>since both of them are frequent stream deleters you can find recaps of them on boglim chronicles youtube


No. 1980619

imagine the fucking smell

No. 1980621

Cobra has a gf?? WTF?? Straight women really have such low standards its embarrassing

No. 1980630

shit thread

No. 1980640

Considering we don't even have a KingCobraJFS thread, this should be a KingCobraJFS AND Jessica thread. With that in mind please add both their content/socials etc on the thread summary. I understand you did this time but just letting farmers know this for future posts. Speaking on that, please explain further why he's milky as the introduction to him is not the best.

No. 1980684

At least type out what NAL stands for (NakedandLaughing)

No. 1980704

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I would love a cobra thread especially now that he has a milky gf, not sure why this is a thread on her specifically though

No. 1980712

This thread is about Jessica who is absolutely the kind of cow we have threads on here? She's a drug addicted on-and-off OnlyFans whore with mega BPD who frequently streams herself doing wild shit and thinks she's hot publically documenting her relatio ship with a cow she tracked down after finding him on Kiwifarms. A chimera of Luna, Shayna, Elaine, and like 9 other cows + her own unique milk

No. 1980786

Jessica is Definitely the kind of cow that would be on here , king cobra is more of a moid cow

Someone she rewrite the thread

No. 1980803

We have male cows on here, I’d still like to see Josh be a part of the thread even if we are kind of late to the punch. He’s less milky and more bleak these days kind of like shayna

No. 1980834

this just in: jessica hit herself, threatened to end it, then muted herself after an argument over her insistence of josh not using a skillet with bacon grease (while telling him she didnt care how he cooks)

No. 1980849

I just started getting into this stuff since she's been at Cobra's place. Their relationship is crazy and she's such a mess. Like watching a car crash

No. 1980923

Hell yeah I've been wanting a jfs thread here for a while now, the NAL era is a great introduction to the farms imo. She's beyond unhinged

No. 1980946

"more of a moid cow"
Why are there so many terminal retards here now

No. 1981004

if this thread actually takes off, i 100% believe that it'll be the most active one on /snow/.

No. 1981029

I first mentionned Cobes on the altcows threads but those retarded farmers were more interested in talking about kaya being lazy and fat very milkless shit. I'm glad a thread was made on NAL

No. 1981229

Adding this classic

No. 1981392

I watched this earlier today and I was shocked at how almost normal he seemed here. He's never been very smart obviously, but he can at least form sentences in a clear way here. Had a job. Just a goth autistic nerd. Now he's completely fried his brain, barely gets a thought out and even though he's got a gf now she's going to ruin his life if he keeps her around.

No. 1981499

She’s trying to gold dig(clout dig?) a regarded man. I genuinely can’t decide if she’s actually into him beyond that.

No. 1981509

We use the term retarded here moid.

No. 1981519

Ok retard. But Cobes and his Boghag are regards.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1981639

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Jessica is a demon(sage your shit)

No. 1981738

oh shit, he's getting evicted because of her

No. 1981748

she looks exactly like hila klein, theyre basically the new ethan and hila from h3h3

No. 1981765

I've thought that before kek, josh has the perfect moonface to cosplay as Ethan too. Just needs contacts and a short, gray jewfro wig

No. 1981768

Post screenshots it's true

No. 1981787

nta but here's a video highlighting the livestream where he mentions it

No. 1981821

off topic but these are the consequences of people peaking on troons without actually understanding any radfem ideas, so they just invert TRA ideology and end up spouting equally braindead trad rhetoric

No. 1981822

nta but you must be new to this cow because regarded is classic cobra lingo, it's one of his funniest misspellings

No. 1981834

isn't it also just kind of a meme to say? like saying acoustic instead of autistic?

I hope this thread takes, he's such an awful cow I just can't stand to look at him it's a visceral disgust that I don't even have towards shayna.

No. 1981836

Now people use it to not get flagged on social media platforms because it's a banned word on most, it's a coincidence that it was popularized both that way and within communities that watched cobra's videos. personally i saw it being used by cobra and his viewers first and then i saw it being used as a way to evade bans on social media for typing retard(ed), but they might have developed concurrently

No. 1981841

I'm the one that first mentionned him in the atlcows thread and i've been watching him for a while just don't like censoring words in a site like this where you have freedom of speech

No. 1981862

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No. 1981908

do you know what year that photo was taken? she seemed to have started to rapidly decline after a certain age

No. 1982111

Why kingcobra is being evicted:
>Got a noise complaint from his neighbors cause Jessica was stomping on the floor and screaming
>Jessica confronted the neighbor in the laundry room
>Was screaming in the middle of the night in the laudry room
>Is probably banned from the apartment complex
She was also acting like a complete psycho threatening to assault Josh with a 8$ machete.

No. 1982113

She has to be the most unhinged cow on snow

No. 1982131

The spitting on the phone at the end, kek, what would posse someone to do that. She thinks screeching can bully people into what she wants but doing it at the phone or when the laundry is flooding, why. If her parents didn't support her she'd be another homeless high crazy in the streets.

No. 1982281

Does Jessica have notable online history from before she shacked up with kingcobra? The OP doesn't give much info about her backstory (which has to be interesting because she's the most BPD person who's ever walked the planet).

No. 1982323

She has been known to interact with lolcows (e.g. Cyraxx) in an attempt to break into the community.

No. 1982340

Really? any proof of this claim? maybe cobes would finally wake up if he sees it cause he hates cyraxx.
She's been talking about getting donations in chat so she can buy a house. The whole thing is about money she's using a lolcow for clout so she can get donations.

No. 1982506

A thread on methica! TWU! She’s the milkiest side character in the cobrasphere. She’s clearly unwell, and is on drugs heavily.

No. 1982507

I hope her and cobra aren’t reproducing in the future.

No. 1982522

I found ONE instance in 2023 she was talked about on someone else's kiwifarms thread

No. 1982524

Here's what seems like a physical fight. Sorry it's a deleted stream so this is the best I could get.

No. 1982528

she was one of foodiebeauty's VIBs

No. 1982529

It's so fucking strange how someone would want to be in that community.
Donations shouldn't be that enticing.

No. 1982534

That's what inspired a NAL thread

No. 1982544

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>>1982524 Boglin thumb claw looking good

No. 1982956

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No. 1982957

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She's likely bullshitting like she did after last visit, when she took a pregnancy test but only showed a super cropped image of it trying to make it look positive.

No. 1982976

If she manages to get pregnant it would be the end of josh kek

No. 1983529

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Jessica is a confirmed cat abuser, she punched her cat on stream too but it wasn't in the frame. The cat is a senior btw

No. 1983585

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Voila a little recap of Jessica's unhinged online antics before she got with Josh.

Link to Kiwifarms thread:

No. 1983634

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Reminds me of queen PT

No. 1983933

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The r/kingcobrajfs got banned for brigading which is fair since it was full of a-logging retards what's interesting tho is how the kiwifarms scrotes are rooting for Josh and putting him on a pedestal as if he never did anything wrong in his life but then you remember that they're kiwifarms users and therefore can relate to being an autistic balding incel failmale NEET loser living in a one bedroom apartement at 30.

No. 1983949

the kiwitards are rooting for him because it's the opposite of what reddit is doing, simple as

No. 1984085

Kiwicrotes are rooting for josh because a woman is involved. He had a bunch of a-logs his whole thread, but now that he has a BPD bitch she is a lightning rod for their a-logging. Kiwifags are unironic gorillas who start tarding out when they see a female (and worse still they have to see josh be in a relationship while they're still single kek)

No. 1984091

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Reposting from the other farms, but Methica might actually be a child predator.
>2016 Home Depot review alleging that Jessica listed an underaged child on Craigslist for sex.

Here's the archived site the screenshot was pulled from. It's the fourth post down:

No. 1984092

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>Her Home Depot apron from her personal Flickr account
Linked here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/15538522@N07/
It's a brand new development, but this is pretty damning. Looks like Cobes took "fuck sickos" a bit too literally.

No. 1984096

this is literally the craziest shit ever cobes is dating an actual sicko. she abuses animals, abuses him, raped him while he was passed out cold, and is a pedo. she literally crosses off three of his forbidden 5 or 6 or whatever it is.

No. 1984098

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Don't forget racist, nonny
>From a deleted livestream, skip to 2:45

No. 1984109

>raped him while he was passed out cold
I hate how this thread attracks so many retarded scrotes. NAL is a crazy manipulative bitch but saying she raped him cause she kissed him while he was passed out drunk is fucking retarded. Anyway he's a video where Joshy admits to holding a knife to his ex's throat and threatening to rape her. skip to 1:20 min(scrotefoiling)

No. 1984114

>faggot niggers
lmao he's gonna get so many new a-logs if he sticks to this bitch after all of this. >>1984091 and >>1983529

No. 1984152

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Josh is 100% sexually violent, the rape/murder threats are proof but also the fact that he repeatedly stabbed and peeled the face off of his sex doll in a fit of rage.

No. 1984155

And that's in addition to
>Mocking a woman for miscarrying, saying that he's "glad her twins died"
>Gloating about making her cry
>Saying how lucky she was that he didn't "knock her the fuck out"
>Insisting that she was "pissed because she wants some dick"
Truly Casper's finest.

No. 1984202

She's not a pedo she's just a horrible petty bitch. Her posting the 15 year old girl for pedo moids on incel amazon was for revenge not for a sexual purpose horrible sicko all around but it's annoying how people are trying to twist the narrative. Can't wait to see how Jorsh is gonna defend her now.

No. 1984393

obviously you missed the stream where she was shown humping him while he was literally unconscious but ok

No. 1984584

Crazy how coherent he sounds in this.

No. 1985330

Smells like a crusty old baconator

No. 1986182

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No. 1986274

In Momokun's latest porn vid she cried out "PRAISE COBRA'S MAGIC!" as she pretended to cum.(shitposting)

No. 1986330

stfu anon this made me kek so hard

No. 1986737

Reminds me of the time Pixyteri was doing a photo shoot in the park and King Cobra came waddling by.
PT awkwardly stumbled up to the camera and whispered "that goth dude smells good."(shitposting)

No. 1991149

New channel compiling Jessica's unhinged live streams

No. 1993661

I kek'd. The mods are too overly sensitive

No. 2005994

Aron was some guy that came to hang out with cobra while she was visiting she made thin unhinged rant "exposing him" for hitting on her. She sounds schizoid and is probably lying about everything

No. 2006130

That Aaron guy was definetly up to no good while he was there, he only came around Jersh when NAL was there and was staring at her way too much in the livestreams that featured the 3 of them. He also sold them xanax which was confirmed on livestream. He got all bartarded during NAL's visit, felt all high and mighty, and started self-doxxing in the fb hate groups. Iirc, he was claiming to be doing some EPIC trollin opposed to genuinely acting as a friend towards those two, but ultimately failed at that also.

No. 2006155

He is a little ween. The subreddit doesn’t exist anymore but he was posting on it before he made contact with Cobes. He recorded a video of him knocking at his door and saying what’s up.

No. 2006169

He's such a weirdo grasping for bottom of the barrel clout. This is the exact behavior to expect from bartards popping xanax recreational. I'm just waiting for Jessica to pay Josh a visit in the new trailer

No. 2006176

Same it's gonna be super milky but i doubt him or his dad want her there after getting him evicted i bet the a logs will pay for her ticket tho just to watch him suffer and fuck with him

No. 2006299

That BOY is too SHY and SCARED to invite her back. Scared of pissing off Papa Clint and of NALs BPDemon antics. But I can seeSome ween just buying Methica a ticket and she just shows up anyway

No. 2014047

APPARENTLY she's coming back mid August. Should be a shit show. In the meantime, she's been banned from most of her accounts including cam4 lol

No. 2014625

fucking kek she's going to burn down that trailor to the ground

No. 2014629

>she's been banned from most of her accounts including cam4
means she ran out of shekels kek Jord better watch out she's staying this time

No. 2014944

Domestic violence coming in nicely toobz

No. 2014963

She's probably pissed she didn't get knocked up the last time she visited. Gotta seal the deal this time

No. 2021905

Shit finally hit the fan as expected lol They had a fight while she was twitch streaming she recorded the whole thing

No. 2021910

She said he choked her twice on his birthday legend has it:
>they had sex for 3 hours
>once done she goes to do his laundry
>comes back to him jerking off to chaturbate E-Whore kek
>rages out on him
>he chokes her twice telling her to shut the fuck up
Link to clip of her saying this shit:

No. 2021912

She's now saying he choked her cause she didn't want him to touch her

No. 2021917

Cobra made a video adressing the situation
>she was emotionally manipulative and delusional
>calls him non stop
>got him kicked out
>livestreamed their fight
>spreading lies about him on twitch
>blokced her on everything
>no guy will put up with her crazy bullshit

No. 2021934

She has been accelerating downhill in the past month, her streams are fucking miserable. She was ranting to herself like a batshit tweaker in walmart and loudly talking shit about everyone around her. Around 16 minutes in she took the stream into the women's bathroom with the camera facing a woman holding a baby by the changing table.

No. 2021967

He was whining about her being transphobic (kek). I can't take cobra seriously. They were both a fucking mess. Happy they broke up but dad that these two didn't stay togeather to conceal the bullshit.

No. 2025114

What I don't understand is how would she be able to get this girls number in the first place?

No. 2027308

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Was lurking his thread on kiwifarms (never had an account on there) for some updates and the moids on there are talking about if Cobra having a kid might make him get his shit together lmao Some of them are even saying that it might work if he met some "saintly" (how scrotes sugar coat doormats with zero self worth i guess ?) woman that's willing to do more work than mothers already do in normie relationships. It's wild how scrotes think we're some kind of rehab center/doormats for even literally retarded men that won't even fucking shower or work.

No. 2027309

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No. 2027726

Lmao this is like when they act like NAL and Josh aren't looksmatch. I get that NAL almost makes him seem like a decent person in comparison but he really isn't and having kids would be a nightmare for that child. Hoping his terrible diet and health has made his sperm too rancid and too retarded to actually breed.

No. 2032480

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Since we've be gone; nal flew out to casper on a paypig's dime although cobra had broken up with her and clearly expressed he did not want her coming. Nal goes offline for a few days, jessica messica is pulling her hair out trying to put the pieces together to prove nal is with cobra, and the two are doing better than expected at keeping it lowkey. That is, until they have a huge argument over her asking questions during the movie "Tombstone" resulting in her livestreaming without his knowledge and getting this shot of cobra aiming a shotgun at his own chin. So things went well

No. 2032884

>>2032480 Her brain thrives on this chaotic shit. I wish Cobes had a new hat to adorn his gourd with, it would make this all feel a bit less cooked to witness.

No. 2033223

Small recap of the points of interests. There's too many separate clips covering this and I can't be arsed to link to multiple scrotes' degen channels. Vidrel is the only interesting video to come from all this.

> NAL arrives uninvited to Cobra's trailer

> He calls the police on her as promised but she managed to warp the moid's mind into letting her in; Cobra sends the police away
> Tries to make videos as if NAL isn't there
> They spend the entire time drinking, arguing and cuddling
> Cobra has an autistic meltdown and breaks his phone in a taxi cab because he couldn't find his card; begs for money to get a new phone but is speculated to be begging for money to fund NAL's stay there
> NAL calls a buddytroll and tells them how Cobra choked her again while Cobra is drunkenly yelling in the background

> Chris, one of NALs buddytroll cowtippers, goes on panel and reveals that NAL is in Casper with Cobra

> NAL's dumb ass confirms this by going live while in bed with Cobra, who somehow doesn't immediately realize that she's live even though she's replying to the troll comments out loud
> Cobra finally realizes and blows up on her for going live; she says "I already told you I was live" (she didn't); she blames Chris for her going live since he already spilled the beans

> (Vidrel) They watch the Tombstone movie together; NAL starts asking too many questions about it and pisses Cobra off enough for him to wring her neck and bash her head against the wall

> NAL records a video after this, detailing what he just did as he drunkenly and angrily yells in the background that she's asking too many questions and ruining the moment
> NAL condemns him for nutting on her after she told him not to while she was giving him a handjob; he claims that he didn't even want the handjob and he was just sitting there with his dick out
> NAL also condemns him for spilling alcohol on her new clothes- something he claims was his attempt to "be cute" and flirt with her
> Cobra loses his mind, grabs a shotgun and holds it under his chin; NAL almost sarcastically asks him "so you're gonna shoot me now?" to which he says no, he's gonna blow his own brains out because he can't do anything right and he's sick of everything; NAL gets a quick sneaky shot of him with the shotgun under his chin
> NAL posts this video on Facebook and tags the Casper Police Department; she cuts the video off right after "so you're going to shoot me?", editing out Cobra saying no

> NAL is sent home and Cobra makes a video saying he's not getting back together with NAL; says he only let her stay with him because she was begging his followers for donations to fund the rest of her Casper trip; calls her a delusional stalker

> NAL posts a video of Cobra with the shotgun under his chin on Facebook saying that he's going to off himself, forcing a bunch of people to check in on him
> Josh makes another video saying he's not suicidal and NAL is a psychotic bitch
> NAL makes her usual abuse claims and rants on Facebook
> Cobra makes a shitty breakup song against NAL

TLDR; 2 drunk idiots go on a week long alcohol and fighting bender; NAL went to Casper to get video evidence of Cobra's drunken behavior so she can turn his fans against him with evidence for the next time he pisses her off, possibly hoping to isolate the retard and give him no choice but to be with her

No. 2033421

Her eyes look batshit insane. Jessica is the ultimate trole package…fuck that more like a-log package

No. 2062709

I'm really surprised this thread isn't more active. This has been a wild ride. She's unhinged.

No. 2102646

right. i guess kiwifarms covers her enough. i just lurk there to keep up. maybe we need to start bringing her milk here

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