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No. 1256748
Admin Note: Required Reading
If you're new to the site, don't skip this paragraph.
If you violate any of the following rules, you will be temporarily banned.
- Read the rules. This will tell you what gets you banned.
- Read the usage info. This will tell you how to use this site.
- Read the first thread.
- Read the second thread.
- Don't post in this thread to express your personal feelings about Shannon/Anthony unless you're otherwise contributing to the conversation. This is not a blog or a support group.
- Don't accuse other posters of being Shannon/Anthony. If you suspect someone, report and move on.
- Don't post screenshots of random accounts in the wild to tinfoil that they're Shannon/Anthony.
- Don't post petty insults and nitpicks ("she fat xD"), stick to discussing the drama.
- Don't post videos or statements about this situation unless one of the following applies: It's made by one of her close friends, it's made by someone who was personally victimized by her, it reveals new information not previously discussed in any of the (as of now) 3 threads about Shannon, or it's getting a lot of attention outside of the art commentary circle.
The last thread was moderated laxly because we wanted to let farmers have fun with the outing, but please dial it back now.
Creepshow Art is a commentary youtuber with (formerly) 500k subs who has been receiving negative attention for her obnoxious personality, her tendency to lie for attention, her biased and often misleading videos, and her never-ending drama, and as of recent, her sudden and explosive plummet from grace and public #canceling.
In the first thread, Shannon was outed for using lolcow to manufacture drama and satisfy her vendettas. Go here for the announcement.
>>1244574Recap of last thread:
>>1251957>Shannon's friends continue waffling and more expose videos are churned out by bystanders>Emily's 2 hour video details years of extensive stalking, harassment and blackmail by the hands of her abusive ex-boyfriend Anthony, who later roped his then-girlfriend Shannon into the harassment campaign, video and longer summary at >>1253989>Anthony was a wannabe school shooter edgelord who raped her while unconscious>He and Shannon held Emily's drug addiction, underage nudes and camgirl material over her head and got her fired several times>snapchatted her from locations nearby with schizo ramblings, making her fear for her life>Emily believes that at some point Shannon became the sole harasser>Shannon's entire youtube channel was designed to copy Emily's >Shannon used vast amount of sockpuppets to harass and bait Emily and try to force a conflict between them>may have commissioned Holly Brown just to force conflict between her and Emily>at this time Emily did not know Creepshow Art was Shannon aka her ex's new gf>confronted them and threatened a restraining order>suddenly the harassment stops, but a weird account messages her with a story about how the user's little brother is stalking Emily and lists all the collateral "he" has on Emily >Shannon's friends mostly side with Emily and voice their disappointment, save for the usual suspects >>1255437>have compared details of Shannon's stories and found inconsistencies they're still piecing together>one detail of note is that Shannon and Anthony allegedly shared a phone for a longer span of time, causing much tinfoiling>RTG releases a video in which she declares her friendship with Shannon to be over >>1256392TL;DR of first thread:
>>1053928>Shannon constantly whiteknights or insults herself depending on the time of day and the weather >>1055462>makes a Discord, it implodes to random drama within a month or so>gets into more and more hot water over her impulsive behavior and lies, deflects by saying she has PTSD from being homeless, deletes her twitter >>1098210>comes to lolcow to declare she will never ever return to bird app >>1116462>Hopeless Peaches drama continues for some reason, to the confusion of many >Onision emails a bunch of youtubers including Shannon, Shannon is the only one who indulges him, hits reply all and shows off her smug replies everywhere>friend of Shannon posted? >>1062438>Farmers find Shannon’s old posts about how much she hates her sister, this makes Shannon fume >Shannon talks more and more about her ~bad mental health~ as criticism keeps coming, almost foreshadowing some kind of guilt mmh?>deletes her Community tab, claims her account is just broken, implies she got hacked>uploads a glitch banner and icon because hackers totally gain access to your google account just to give your account a makeover>fans keep asking what happened to her community tab and icon, she keeps stating she has no control over it>Shannon’s sister lands in the ER which inconveniences Shannon, prompting her to post her sister’s social media on lolcow to convince farmers once and for all that she’s the bad seed, not Shannon! Shannon is actually super based! >>1195978>Shannon gets sweet-talked by Gabbie Hannah into attacking another youtuber, tries to come up with a public apology that’s not too public >>1245602>Admin outs her post history including shitposts about her own friends and manufactured arguments to create fake drama >>1053928>Shannon goes dark except for video uploads>Re-emerges with a long explanation stating she has had a stalker (mentioned in a previous video, but there’s no proof this person ever existed) who somehow “spoofed her IP” and posted as her for 2.5 years >>1246100>RTG swiftly backs her up >>1246138>Admin responds to the stalker story >>1246205>Amy the stalker becomes an instant memeSecond thread:
>>1246312>More and more former fans call Shannon out for her "explanation", but plenty enough are still eating it up>Ready To Glare realizes she's been had, Loey Lane is big sad, Ashlee Lillee is begging a stonewalling Shannon to ~speak her truth~>Shannon deletes her explanation>Several commentary people start making videos/statements, few good most bad>uploads a Pride video, gets torn apart for her bad research and told to stop lying about "Amy">Shannon's friends Augie and DeOrio make fun of her on stream, DeOrio posts her private IG story on Twitter, revealing her finsta handle >>1247930>She changes it instantly>doubles down on her story, announces a hiatus from the internet while she deals with this "legally" >>1248353>deletes 3 videos, farmers come through with archives >>1248791>goes dark on IG>Commentary youtubers are having a ball, spamming lazy videos regurgitating lolcow posts and a twitter thread>Emily Artful drops a massive bomb, accuses Shannon of having stalked her for 10 years starting when Emily's ex began dating Shannon. >>1250044>Accusations include spreading her underage nudes, getting her fired from several jobs, causing her homelessness, and other extensive harassment >Emily suspects "Amy" was made up by Shannon as a scapegoat back when Emily first confronted her about the stalking>Claims to have many years' worth of evidence announces a full-blown exposé coming today or tomorrow. >>1250044 >>1251647>Farmers wait with bated breath, thread ends on a cliffhanger No. 1256758
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For the anon that asked in the previous thread. There's no ~solid proof~ but Emily suspects that Shannon commissioned Holly to do a drawing very similar to one of Emily's so that Shannon could later accuse Holly of tracing her.
No. 1256784
Excellent OP, anon. I keep thinking there were more threads along the way but nope. Shannon went from just another backwater cow to a featured attraction in such a short time.
>>1256780What is this fucking obsession with 'reddit formatting' lately? And the oldfag olympics? Move on.
No. 1256799
>>1256795I'm just saying that if the comment before hers was posted with a mac and we know she has a mac and loves samefagging, then maybe it's worth to have the Farmhands look. I'm not saying it HAS to be her and I'm not interested in shitting up the thread with tinfoil. Anyway found it here
>>1256797Nick has his own thread, it was linked in the last
No. 1256818
>>1256812Smokey Glow seemed to be a really close friend from what Shannon showed, so I watched
>very disappointed, sad, hurt>took her a while to speak out because she was very taken aback and it was difficult>people accused her of following a sockpuppet but it was just the finsta, she unfollowed it by now>lolcow said Shannon said horrible things about herself, others, just mean shit>initially believed the IP spoofing excuse because she remembered Shannon bring up the stalker on twitter, but the more she thought about it the less it made sense>why would someone do that for 3 years on the off chance it would eventually be discovered, etc the usual >she'd love for Shannon to come back and prove that it was legally taken care of, but that still wouldn't explain the Emily situation>doesn't think she'll ever apologize>feels sorry for the fanbase for the way she used slurs>says everything about how she cultivated her online presence was a lie>was so hurt and truly disgusted by Shannon using addiction against Emily>"I can't even fucking imagine, it's terrifying">her skin crawled when she saw the confrontation about the restraining order>believes RTG etc are all victims of the situation too>questions everything Shannon has ever told her, sensitive stuff etc>doesn't think she should return>this isn't just a mistake, it's years of documented blah blah>does not deserve a platform No. 1256828
>>1256816I know you don't care, but just for your knowledge: she's a beauty YouTuber who makes commentary videos, hauls/anti-hauls, and generally just talks about makeup or the YouTube community in one way or another.
her voice is grating and she's ugly, but she has a lot of subscribers and loyal viewers, so this will hurt Shannon.
saged for ot.
No. 1256837
>>1256758Thanks anon.
Of course she looks like a chunkster.
No. 1256847
>>1256832I don’t normally like rich lux but I think that was a pretty good video and I watched the entire thing.
I liked the point he made when he played Emily talking about how when csa was obsessing over someone else her hate comments would drop and he said that he was one of those people. It just shows that Shannon has to be obsessing over someone at all times. I think he was right when he said something to the effect of “was she gonna stalk me too”. We know Emily bore the absolute worst brunt of it but who’s to say she wouldn’t and won’t do it to someone else?
I also liked when he said he didn’t wanna hear people expressing concern for her mental health because she clearly wasn’t considering even her friends mental health when she was posting shitty things about them online.
No. 1256883
Farmhand it’s obvious you’re new
>>1256853>>1256878He has threads here
No. 1256891
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Am I the only one just sitting back and enjoying the chaos that's come out of this?
Even if people are capitalizing on the drama and everyone and their mother is making an exposed video, I'm just enjoying watching Shamy being burned from every corner of the internet and by everyone.
It's chaotic and fun and I'm enjoying every second of it.
I love when shitty people get their comeuppance it's the highlight of my life.
No. 1256894
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Just wanted to bring this gem with us lollies
No. 1256897
>>1256812She said that she was following the "seeyousoonbutnottoosoon" ig because it was Shannon's personal ig account, they were friendly with each other and that's why she was following it. I don't understand why that account only has ~20 followers (some people unfollowed obv but it's still very few) and follows only 26, I can't believe that so few people were following her personal account and with only 2 posts?!
The only explenations are:
- Shannon made the account after she got busted as a way to communicate with her "friends" and SG is lying
- Shannon did not let her family and irl non-youtube friends(if she has any) find out about this account so she could keep leading people on with her bullshit lies i.e. pretending her cousin that died was her brother
idk seems a little suspicious to me, let me know if i'm just dumb
No. 1256901
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>>1256891You aren't the only one
nonny, her fall from grace is the most entertaining thing I've witnessed this past two months.
But what enrages me is seeing those man-children defending her and trying to discredit Emily's experience, they are living proof of what not talking to women does to the psyche.
No. 1256906
>>1256897Nope I thought the same.
She admitted she knew it was Shannon’s account when she followed it.
I thought she flip flopped a bit between wether or not her and Shannon were close friends. I think if they weren’t close friends then she wants to make herself seem closer than she is so her video holds more relevancy but at the same time if they were close she wants to be able to distance herself and be like “well I never claimed we were close friends just that we exchanged a few messages”.
No. 1256908
>>1256897Deleted for being a formatting dumbass
Isn't she stranged from her family
because she is jealous of her golden child sister ?
No. 1256910
>>1256896I hadn't even thought about that. Shannon really does ruin everything.
Good luck farmhands, I'm sorry you have to deal with the shower of newfags and trolls.
No. 1256915
At least Smokey Glow brings up Emily Artful and how shitty Shamy was. Meanwhile RTG's vid makes her seem like the uwu
victim, not even really talking about Emily. Wonder how the other vids from her friends will be playing the
victim and ignoring Emily.
>>1256905I wonder how much longer til Shamy deletes the stalker video or nukes the channel entirely. Makes me think D'Angelo is waiting for the video title "The Day Creepshit Art's Career Ended"
No. 1256917
>>1256905I’ll say I watched the 2 FNAF predator videos already and the only interesting information is that she used to work at Michaels craft store, the stuff about hiring an editor, mentions that someone is spreading a rumor that she faked being homeless for clout, and she tells all the bronies in her audience that they’re
No. 1256948
>>1256905>>1256863- I noticed the rant she goes on in 'SJW vs My Relationship' is almost identical to one of her old Reddit posts, some details down to how long they were broken up for (a day)–except in the video she says it's her 'friend, not her sister. Also, as anon mentioned, she specifically denies being abused
- The vid before that (Liquid Ass prank) was dedicated to her late brother Bobby, but didn't watch more than 10sec
- The sleep recording was weird and that's not counting the fact that it wasn't at all like anything else on her channel. It's obvious why it's gone, the question is why the fuck was it ever up
I wonder what/who she was trying to scam with the discord impersonator fake.
No. 1256969
>>1256905>He ABUSED me?! SJW vs My RelationshipHow is she going to spin this video (and the Reddit posts where she claims she and her boyfriend were "fine" and her sister was wrong to dislike him) if she tries to do the "I was BEING ABUSED" to come back?
Both her friend and her sister saw a problem with this guy and tried to warn her, and she just sperged out and called them misandrists/SJWs and insisted he was never
abusive. She really dug herself a hole with this pick-me shit. Imagine being "ride or die" for an entire rapist who hacked a girl and tried to blackmail her with revenge porn/underage nudes.
No. 1257084
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Why is some shitskin coomer gaming youtuber commenting and milking this??? And why does he have 2.7M subs???
Shut the fuck up scrote. We don’t need you to shit up the place with a thousand underage moids. I hate men so fucking much, I wish they would just all commit suicide.(calm down)
No. 1257099
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>>1257084>I hate men so fucking much, I wish they would just all commit suicide.It ain't that serious
nonny jfc
No. 1257102
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Crow of Judgement is live now reviewing Emily’s video with his friends.
No. 1257104
>>1257084Based but ur gonna catch b& for being mean to the
POC man~
>>1257096Jumping to wk much? Sus since you can't even integrate. The CP thing is groundless at this point. Wtf is the police gonna do in an internet slap fight?
No. 1257114
>>1257099Nta but problem?
>>1257101They're all such self-serving hypocrites. Any internet gaymer stouting himself as a nice guy is a big red flag. Every day I'm like who's gonna self-insert into this story today. At this point Shannon should come back and go full female Joker and tell everyone to go fuck themselves for feasting on her carcass like a bunch of hyenas.
No. 1257135
>>1257131KAM is more of an /ot/ thing.
>>1257130That really depends on which janny you ask kek.
No. 1257170
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>>1257165She didn't, lol
And now the artist she commissioned is in a dilemma because they have a half-paid commission from Shammy No. 1257172
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>>1257170Is this not the same girl that drew Ashlee’s YT icon first and then Shannon went and got her to draw her the exact same style?
No. 1257180
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>>1257172Yes, yes she is, this is found on her info tab on her youtube channel
No. 1257190
>>1257177yeah but sometimes people with a lot of money get bored and do shit like that…
>>1257170i read the whole thing and ?? why are all these friends of Shannon (and Emily) so OVERLY nice? this girl was considering giving Shannon a refund even though it's a lot of money to her. I'm getting sick of all these 'your feelings are so
valid uwu' people.
No. 1257192
>>1257190Fake positivity is rampant on youtubers,
nonny, their audiences eat it up and they keep the act to get what they all are after: money, fame and validation
No. 1257194
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0 clue who this person is but their shit showed up on my timeline cause of my follows.
sage cause not really milky enough No. 1257204
>>1257194She jumped the gun without even being friends with Shannon, that's totally on her
I've seen some of her videos, she also went against HopelessPeaches imo she did it to suck up to Shannon.
No. 1257245
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So apparently the mods at Shannon's subreddit confirmed that u/PeanutPunchCucks (from this post
>>1255027 in the previous thread) was indeed one of Anthony's sockpuppet accounts. No. 1257247
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first three are his deleted comments from the creepshow sub
No. 1257251
>>1257247Wow. Grade A retarded scrote, holy shit. Shamu sunk her whole life to grovel for this piece of shit LMAO
Can't imagine dedicating years of your life to simping for someone this degenerate and disgusting, even going as far as becoming the main stalker of his ex.
Shannon you are retarded and deserve everything that's coming to you and more. This low value moid will drop you like a hot potato soon, because now that you've been publicly humiliated and outed his favorite pass time of tenting his ex, you have no value to him anymore.
Enjoy the consequences of your actions and pickmeism, creepshit fart.
No. 1257254
>>1257247I can't believe any woman would be retarded enough to actually stay with a guy like this. What a fucking loser-he has to be the worst catch imaginable and there she is squatting with him doing whatever he says. It's not manipulation, it's just being a pathetic self loathing piece of shit.
>>1257170On one hand I do feel bad for this artist but on the other, why is it that every single artist constantly has an urgent vet bill they need help with??? Literally all of them pull this shit-it's the most cliche twitter begging there is at this point. Anything could happen to them good or bad and they'll post a "Didnt wanna have to do this but my vet bill!!" sobfest. Should have just posted the situation and offered up more commission slots instead, would have lined up a ton of new and possibly reoccurring clients instead of one time handouts from guilt tripping people.
No. 1257261
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>>1257247Fucking lol he’s anti-vaxxer too? Not to mention the plain misogynistic crap.
No. 1257299
>>1257261I think those might be an example of his “trolly” persona that emily talked about in his video. I don’t doubt this guy is a massive misogynistic neanderthal, but those comments seem to be too on the nose for his usual speech pattern.
On a side note, seems like he also really like to call shannon “spastic” for whatever reason. Did she pick it up from him, or were the self hate comments actually his all along? Can’t help but tinfoil
No. 1257300
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>>1257245eh, they have no proof it was him
No. 1257372
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>>1257247>>1257249>>1257251the fact that she used to call him a genius in her videos adds another fat layer of cringe to this whole situation
No. 1257375
>>1257364I dont know, seems like the anon that posted about the account in the previous thread
>>1255027 told the mods that the account was Anthony and they just ran with it. Aren’t all these posts around the time all this kicked off?
No. 1257441
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>>1257432She shits on sex workers? how the fuck twitter hasn't cancelled her yet?
Anyway, to not waste a post, Ashlee is making a video, although I don't think she has anything else that has not been said already
No. 1257444
>>1257443Sage please.
How on earth is that only applicable to this drama? That is literally all that happens all the time.
(infighting) No. 1257447
>>1257441Because twitter holds her up as a hero for being antiWOACB. Their brains are too small to realize more than one person in a situation can be a piece of shit.
She also moved from California to Tennessee because she didn't want to follow covid restrictions, but if you bring any of that up her stans just claim you are KJ.
Honestly wouldn't be surprise if Shannon is antivaxx considering her (suspected) boytoy's reddit posts and the friends she keeps. Yet another reason to be glad she doesn't have a kid.
(integrate better) No. 1257487
>>1257483Implying she has a style instead of just being shit at art.
b-b-but… muh style!!!
No. 1257567
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Didn’t see this posted. Like either talk about it if stfu.
No. 1257583
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Just a helpful reminder to any scorned lurkers. We're all anonymous here. Just don't pull a Shannon
No. 1257591
>>1257586It's just another rave/rant about the latest development, titled "100% Concrete PROOF Creepshow Art was Stalking Emily Artful!" even though it's literally just a claim. Not to say I don't believe it, but there was no proof aside from one message sent
to Shannon.
No. 1257641
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>>1257636>>1257638Saved yourselves the torture of listening to yet another commentator.
Someone who went to college with Shannon tweeted about how she was always open about how much she hated and bullied Emily and bragged about "running her off youtube". No evidence aside from said screenshot
>>1257591, but it's credible imo.
No. 1257693
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>>1257641Posting the screenshots from the Twitter thread. Looks like repzion will be making a video after all
No. 1257737
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>>1256894Her lack of self awareness weight wise was always a red flag for the delusional shit stain she ended up being all along, her skinny avatar was such a fucking catfish
(sage your shit) No. 1257859
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According to a user on r/creepshowart they contacted Shannon's sister after the doxxing and they are now paranoid anyone who contacts them is Shannon or Anthony. It makes you wonder what levels of fucked up things they did to her.
No. 1257886
>>1257867ty anon
cant expect bowblax to be the milky when he’s just reporting what people are saying in twitter, however what he chooses to read in his videos reveals what his own personal opinion really is and it’s not the Oreos lol
No. 1258008
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Congratulations to Shannon for officially losing 100,000 subscribers.
No. 1258039
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>>1257859That's no wonder, Shannon even sperged about her on Reddit and how she hated her shitty husband "only because he's an innocent white male". Since the story about her dead brother was a lie too, I assume she made up more lies here too to gain sympathy.
(already posted) No. 1258049
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D’Angelo Wallace isn’t making a video about Shannon and some people are pissed
No. 1258102
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Today is the day shitshow falls below 400k. It's a good start.
>>1258068>>1258082serving us underbite
No. 1258115
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Alleged exchange CSA had with Tehmimi right after the lolcow posts went public. She deleted her IG account that's why she appears with a generic name
No. 1258158
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>>1258049And that's why, kids, you should never enter the commentary world if you are not ready to admit your people judging skills are not that great and not ready to make a video about a youtuber friend of yours because they turned to be a piece of shit
No. 1258226
>>1258213>>1258211>>1258210You have thirty minutes to delete posts
nonnie, use them wisely.
No. 1258304
>>1258277Drama yt whores be like
>she interacted with my tweet once so I am clearly invited to have a say in thisStrong Regina punched me the face vibe
No. 1258475
>>1258338Angelika Oles has gotten her ass in fire also. She seems so biased towards these random tiktokers so she can get some clout and doesn’t usually add anything new to whatever content she covers. Then there’s the whole thing about her kissing James and Gabbie Hannah’s ass only to turn on them the moment they’re in drama again. I find her unable to remove any bias from whatever she’s talking about.
Sage for being unrelated to CSA.
(off-topic) No. 1258539
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>>1258532 Thats why Shannon is the cow that keeps on giving. You get to see desperate youtubers flip on a whim depending on who seems to be on top
No. 1258816
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for anons that didn't watch the videos, those are texts between shannon and tehmimi about her visiting lc, various people claimed she said multiple different stories in that topic (said to have lc on blockchain, only visiting lillee's thread, sometimes visiting hers to 'keep up', etc.)
No. 1258824
>>1258818also shamy sperging out on her friends for not believing her in ig private stories, people have said that she acted really off in their dms
plus it's speculated that she changed her phone number without informing any of her colleagues (iphone texts that were showing as blue suddenly started showing as green)
No. 1258826
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>>1258824whoops, forgot to add that screenshot
No. 1258935
>>1258877lol idk if john swan can come back and "empathize" with dream, so can shitshowart
all you need to come back is for the people attacking you to self-destruct themselves, as with david dobrick and frienemies
No. 1258976
>>1258943lmao you think someone should be genuinely cancelled for doing drugs and porn
are u living in an amish reality anon
u sound like the onion highkey
"that whore deserves the death penalty for smoking weed!!!11"
(integrate) No. 1259053
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i been wanting to send Shannon a nice box of chocolates or an edible arrangement or something ever since this all popped off.
i saw a claim she'd been "doxed" by WOACB, but apparently doxed is PIG latin for having her middle name published.
i checked the likely places this info would be… but outside of "Shannon Margaret Campbell & Anthony Parker of Las Vegas, NV" I haven't seen anything yet.
this info needs to get out out there for all the creepshow art fans like me who know she'd never do anything like this and want to mail her well-wishes and such
i don't want the P.O. Box because i was thinking maybe send some of those nice white chocolate dipped pineapple chunks on a stick & i think they need a home address for delivery
just on the off chance, is the info out there anywhere?
if it isn't, i hope someone who knows better than me how to find this kind of info is on the case.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1259134
>>1259121>>1259129This is a bit different than other "cancelations" I'd wager, anons.
Shannon has 10 years worth of stalking, harassment, and pathological lying to dig herself out of and as it is right now, she's digging with a stick.
No. 1259145
File: 1623979774987.jpeg (185.7 KB, 788x640, 3AE2ED06-2706-45F5-BDEF-1CB267…)

25% of Shannon’s subscribers have jumped shipped within12 days.
No. 1259358
>>1258107The most important parts of Tehmimi's video:
>She is part of the group chat that RTG mentioned where her friends are sharing screenshots to compare what Shannon has said privately and her LC posts.>Shannon lovebombed everyone after the LC reveal to ensure that they will remain loyal to her.>Prior to her YT hack, Shannon would post tons of tweets having two-factor authentication, strong passwords and other ways to protect herself. She would brag about how tech savvy she is and how unlikely it would be that she could be hacked.>Tehmimi confirms that Shannon has told her and other creators privately that her YT monthly revenue is $20K, which matches her LC post >>>/snow/1160897>Shannon makes fun of the artwork in >>>/ot/359582, but then uses it for her own merch.>Shannon has discussed LC with other creators, but she has told them all different things.>Tehmimi has a screenshot of Shannon confessing to reading her own LC thread as of Feb of this year.>Shannon has likely changed her phone number to avoid messages from everybody.>>1258266Just Stop's video mostly compares Shannon's stalker video with her community post to show the inconsistencies:
>Shannon says that LC is a hate forum, despite having a video praising it.>Shannon claims that Amy made the LC posts to ruin her reputation. However many of the posts actually promotes Shannon's paid content, defends her and even shifts the focus of a thread to avoid criticism of her.>In the stalker video, Shannon says that she interacted with Amy over e-mail and possibly once through Tumblr when she might have started a campaign to label Shannon as a racist. Then Amy sent a message to Shannon's bf to break up with her, which is how she revealed herself to be the stalker all along. But none of this was brought up in the community post.>The community post talks about Amy creating Facebook sock accounts, sending self-harm content and being obsessed with Shannon's sister. >In fact, in the stalker video, Shannon's sister is only mentioned in an fleeting remark and says that Amy's e-mails told her to kill herself, but never mentioned containing self-harm content.>The descriptions and actions of Amy in the stalker video don't match with the community post.>Shannon has deleted a lot of videos where Amy is mentioned, which could be used to cross-reference and prove/disprove her claims about the stalker… which is highly suspicious. No. 1259393
>>1259388So basically, she didn't even bother to read the rules and usage info neither know how an imageboard works
No. 1259399
File: 1624010746397.jpeg (70.13 KB, 720x706, E370CE3A-D5E3-421A-8DD2-962C88…)

>>1259388holy uneducated fuck this video is hot garbage
No. 1259405
File: 1624012005704.gif (351.5 KB, 245x209, tumblr_mmizbjl6Kv1s200lko1_250…)

>>1259388Since every smooth brain wants to do their hot takes now on lolcow and CSA…. At least these grifter youtubers posting their hot takes provides some second hand cringe milk. Even has provided us with Holly Brown getting out of her slumber.
Lots of unexpected milk from unexpected sources with this CSA outing.
No. 1259410
File: 1624012788194.jpeg (63.43 KB, 1200x800, 7A9FD76F-B703-4B30-8F2C-64810E…)

>>1259283Fine bros started out with over 14 million. Creepshow’s loss proportionally is much worse.
No. 1259414
>>1259351Gabbie Hanna would like a word.
>>1259388Not really sure this was worth the sperg. There must be a million of these out there. Almost all of her videos get @100 views. She's literally a nobody gasping for clout.
No. 1259442
>>1259435Well, she also spearheaded a harassment campaign against Rachel Oates for the crime of -
gasp - not liking her poetry book that
she sent to her.
No. 1259494
>>1259435She also is a rape apologist and supported/hung out with her friends' rapist and "heard his side" then lied about it all. She perpetuated a fake rumor about jen dent raping a kid on her patreon because her fanbase wanted something to run with and threatens fans who are minors w lawsuits if they talk negatively about her (she's 30). She has like 500 patrons willing to pay her at least 7 dollars a month so i doubt shes "cancelled" but people have a ton of reasons to think shes a creep. She is such a pick me and human shield for degenerate scrotes that now nick oreos and auglie are simping for her because they cant for creepshow anymore. Oh not to mention the constant
victim mentality after defending the worst people. No one needs to "make shit up" about her she clowns on herself all the time. Someone who records themselves screaming while driving and gets her audience to mass report someones instagram is a danger to society because shes a lunatic. Her shitlist is long.
People were after curtis lepore for raping jessi and thats when gabbie jumped out to like all his tweets and read from her pick me script "thousands of girls from my city cry rape" and "everyone thought you were lying about being raped so i did too". Maybe if she wasnt such a loud mouth martyr for rapists the scrote would've been properly cancelled and gabbies terrible music would have a dozen more 12 yr olds listening to it.
(derailing) No. 1259594
File: 1624040857109.png (1.7 MB, 1334x750, 99BAADFD-896E-45C3-9A47-96E0DA…)

>>1259556Lol at this bitch not knowing what a blockchain is…
No. 1259595
>>1259556my tinfoil says it took him so long to post, because he's been enjoying shamu's downfall just as much as farmers.
i wish a body analyst would react to this dramatic hillybilly kek. this dude feels so disingenuous - he's smiling as big as chris watts talking about wanting his family to be safe and come back. i remember anons trying to make a thread on him, and it kept getting deleted for 'vendetta' but i've been very sus ever since.
No. 1259601
File: 1624041511948.png (128.94 KB, 1394x765, reddit_creepy.png)

This whole thing got me wondering if she actually posted herself on r/delusionalartists and used it to make herself look funny or interesting. Shame OP deleted their account, because some of their comments in the reddit thread read shannony, given the "it's not my fault sarcasm can't be conveyed so well over text…" comment that then goes on to promo her videos and how she's been posting about herself here(tinfoiling)
No. 1259610
File: 1624042328493.png (71.03 KB, 814x262, Screen Shot 2021-06-18 at 2.51…)

>>1259601Removed Reddit for the win, user is kermitwormm.
No. 1259615
File: 1624043048568.png (Spoiler Image,1.69 MB, 934x1098, Screenshot 2021-06-18 at 20.03…)

sage for no input but shannon's new youtube picture always reminds me of this
No. 1259747
File: 1624055756542.jpg (368.1 KB, 960x696, cencor.jpg)

Reposting censored picture
Her sibling just went public and is supposedly answering questions.
No. 1259764
>>1259638Milk it harder peaches! The cow's not quite dead yet.
I'm ready for people to turn on this attention whore too. CSA being cancelled has just emboldened her.
No. 1259791
File: 1624059581854.jpg (89.29 KB, 600x573, 2021-06-18 16_34_11-csa-siblin…)

>>1259747more confirmation
No. 1259794
File: 1624059772346.png (356.31 KB, 600x458, 2021-06-18 16_42_11-(20) Emily…)

interesting tidbit
No. 1259801
>>1259794As much as this could be true, I also feel like Emily is now looking for things to compare Shamy to herself and showing her audience for more
victim points.
She's really milking this situation it looks like. Like, jeez Emily calm down and let it rest. It doesn't do you any good to start making conspiracy theories about every little thing.
If true though, that's funny as fuck.
(integrate) No. 1259804
File: 1624060204286.png (90.86 KB, 541x518, Screenshot 2021-06-18 4.43.04 …)

Not milk, but sibling confirms Bobby was their cousin
No. 1259821
File: 1624061088930.jpeg (442.39 KB, 1193x1193, 565F50E0-E4AF-4FA6-875E-558A05…)

No. 1259850
>>1259556This guy is so faaaaakkkkeeee
The only way Creepshow can come back and gain some support is to expose her online "friends" with the dirt they told her they wouldn't online.
No. 1259892
File: 1624068927027.jpeg (147.44 KB, 1284x544, 93CE755E-549A-4E14-B98B-023EB7…)

Sis isn’t aware of Amy either…of course she’s not…
No. 1259896
File: 1624069152633.png (19.78 KB, 518x117, Screenshot 2021-06-18 10.18.32…)

Not milky, but I thought it was interesting.
reposted to crop out the username
No. 1259906
Her sister speaking up is a big deal in a way, she could be another case of stalking on her own and adds even more credibility to Emily’s claims, still circumstantial evidence but we know that most likely as good as it’s going to get. Shamy must regret trying to deflect attention to her sister.
>>1259850I don’t see that doing anything to be honest, highly doubt she has any dirt on them comparable to what she’s being accused of, she could at most bring down a couple of them with her but they were nobodies anyways.
No. 1259909
File: 1624070429117.jpeg (148.52 KB, 1284x577, 316918FD-A706-4F4D-B969-5FB86A…)

>>1259906She credited Emily’s story either way. Apparently she told her parents about it.
No. 1259912
File: 1624070564400.jpeg (143.64 KB, 1284x528, 3FF1D4E3-4557-4613-9CF4-23FB74…)

Last one. She explains the cousin/brother thing as well.
No. 1259918
File: 1624071342671.jpeg (855.38 KB, 3072x3072, 307B47D9-1225-4C8B-BF5A-7C36FF…)

I lied. I keep finding more interesting things. I think I’m done now. Peep how Shannon reached out like days before. It’s super consistent with how she love bombed everyone right before shit really hit the fan.
No. 1259928
File: 1624072369458.png (53.55 KB, 599x455, holy shit look at that sub los…)

Looks like Shannon might beat James Charles for most subs lost in a specific period of time.
No. 1259947
File: 1624075518567.jpeg (139.66 KB, 1170x575, ABF806DE-EF7C-4706-80AD-6B9F4E…)

didn’t have to scroll far to find this tweet but the date kind of fits in line with her other friend’s love bombing claims. Maybe Shannon thought if she sent her sister money she’d keep quiet when all of this came out, either way pretty hilarious and showing of her reoccurring behavior.
No. 1259971
>>1259966I genuinely wish that somebody could be able to keep tabs on her. Her friends were all dumped and her own sister is crowdfunding a lawsuit right now. I don't think there's anyone right now that knows where she is.
I'd hope to see her in jail or in some sort of mental rehabilitation. But I'll take this public dressing down over a corpse if possible. She's gutter scum but I don't want her to die over this.
Also like, the fuck is Anthony doing during all this?
No. 1259983
File: 1624086427956.jpg (56.82 KB, 600x329, 2021-06-18 23_47_03-(20) csa-s…)

No. 1259993
File: 1624090519036.jpg (107.77 KB, 674x764, hNMc4Qd.jpg)

>>1259987Don't bother, she herself doesn't know what an imageboard is and how it works.
Anyway, Shannon's sibling is soon going private, here is something about Shannon's ~van life~ homeless larping edition
No. 1259997
File: 1624091572643.jpg (101.53 KB, 671x986, IYYH7Em.jpg)

More on Shammy not actually having the moral high ground and SJWness she portrayed on youtube.
Also, Keemstar mod lmao
No. 1260132
>>1259630boy she sure draws herself very
very favorably contrary to what she looks like irl.
No. 1260150
File: 1624119570634.jpg (53.25 KB, 1284x314, E4MYLZzVIAAqPfp.jpg)

What is this?
No. 1260156
File: 1624120327288.jpg (111.31 KB, 1033x466, IMG_20210619_133120.jpg)

Did anyone screenshot the answer?
No. 1260221
>>1260197Short, but here's a summary. I don't think much of consequence was said:
Edited for Shannon from Jan 2021 on. Says he wasn't aware of much internet drama beyond what was included in the video. Says Shannon was a good friend and supported him. Saw her story which said she was thinking of quitting Youtube, talked to her. She kept putting that she had No Friends despite his and many others reaching out. Apologizes for making a bad video on Shannon's channel? Apologizes to Emily.
Says no further statement will be made.
No. 1260230
File: 1624126712651.png (534.58 KB, 2048x1285, Screenshot_20210619-141350.png)

>>1260197Yeah I'm getting sick of this shit. Only person who ever NEEDED to make a video was Emily. God fuck these fags. He already made a long tweet apologizing why does he need to make a video too? Also fatass attention whore loey in his comments lol.
No. 1260266
File: 1624128542432.gif (974.03 KB, 500x324, giphy3.gif)

>>1260151I like how she immediately thinks its lolcow admin and not just some random farmer trolling her. This site has probably tens of thousands of daily visitors. It would make way more sense to assume it's a farmer fuckign with her, but no instead she is so special it MUST be the admin herself.
Also yeah half of the shit admin says there are lies that anyone who has ever gone to townhall would know to be fake. So looks like indeed admin was just entertaining weenies and the weenie in this case fell for it and is even now doubling down on their weeniedom. SAD!
>>1260190Yeah clearly some random farmer fucking with her and instead of ignoring a troll, she doubles down and makes herself look extra retarded. Ì smell a future cow in making.
No. 1260274
>>1260151She admits in a Youtube clip that she only spent a few moments on the site(!) before making a whole video about it, and all her assumptions were based on the "new thread" option not reply option
I pity whoever works with this "software engineer"
No. 1260308
File: 1624130574395.png (153.22 KB, 804x882, embarassment.png)

>>1260289>>1260274>>1260266>>1260151In addition to this, some random bot followed her and she's claiming it's the lolcow admin. This chick is special levels of retarded, holy shit.
No. 1260336
File: 1624132125095.png (47.17 KB, 582x340, keemmeme.png)

Leave it to Keemstar to turn the whole situation into a joke!
No. 1260375
File: 1624134435111.jpeg (40.18 KB, 422x700, Shannon.jpeg)

>>1260336I fucking hate Keem but that's pretty good.
(no1curr) No. 1260401
>>1260197Like these people like him and Tipster give a fuck Look at that fat fuck sperging on trying to milk this for his channel.
Plus that video editor is sad as he's regular income is gone now.
No. 1260509
File: 1624146347994.jpg (215.14 KB, 1080x1642, Screenshot_20210619-155203_You…)

>>1260480But I did anon KEKKKK what a fuckin weirdo
No. 1260554
File: 1624150596567.jpeg (741.46 KB, 1242x1668, C84EB9FA-268E-4105-B05B-AF1BB1…)

not the same convo, but she also said this, saying it was all clickbait
No. 1260595
File: 1624155171007.png (84.08 KB, 720x715, Screenshot_20210619-220930~2.p…)

>>1260592She is certainly getting attention!
No. 1260632
File: 1624163213699.png (Spoiler Image,1.21 MB, 1797x2048, Screenshot_20210620-002352.png)

>>1260614Somehow it being a shitty furry artist that's making fun of Shannon's art makes this even funnier to me.
No. 1260710
>>1260509>I just realized that this could come off as ingenuous given the context but…Did this absolute retard mean DISingenuous or was she admitting she only asked to be a cunt?
It's like Shamy raised these cows to send us milk while she's gone. So thoughtful.
No. 1260723
File: 1624183937831.png (35.48 KB, 1326x442, 2.PNG)

If the "Darlene" thing is true -
Did Shammy live in OR at this time?
No. 1260743
File: 1624187960326.jpg (208.3 KB, 2048x1185, PhotoCollage_1624187696888~3.j…)

Sage for tinfoil but looking at the bangs I'm convinced Shannon has used her sisters pic as her avatar on YouTube. Perhaps a couple months between the photos as the bangs are longer in the left pic. The sisters look nothing alike and with Shannon's record of being obsessive I wouldn't be surprised
No. 1260761
>>1260713But Tipster is so broken and cut up, they were friends after all. How can you be so mean?
Yeah fuck him, he's friends with Augie and Oreo and Keem. You know they're loving this and and getting them easy views. This fuck is such a hypocrite.
No. 1260777
File: 1624192830460.jpeg (20.04 KB, 308x311, B2D4799E-A21B-432F-B898-2DCE53…)

>>1260722I’ll take my “hi cow” ban but nice self post, Chelsea. These cows learned nothing from Shannon’s outing. Surprised Chelsea wasn’t out celebrating Juneteenth considering she claims to be a white passing
PoC (picrel)
No. 1260804
>>1260723Her sister mentions her moving to Oregon at some point during 2016 here:
>>1259993So probably.
No. 1260823
File: 1624200313667.png (30.03 KB, 590x320, shititsshanon.png)

No. 1260825
File: 1624200475721.png (40.8 KB, 532x572, shanon.png)

>>1260823Kinda sus, but whatevs
No. 1260835
File: 1624202290488.png (569 KB, 748x760, Screenshot 2021-06-20 at 11-16…)

Yeah no this is stupid.
No. 1260837
File: 1624202849774.jpeg (953.46 KB, 1242x2021, AE41ECFD-B63E-49A7-B3CE-50269C…)

No. 1260842
File: 1624203397232.jpeg (669.02 KB, 1242x1534, 57B58912-20D3-400B-9326-42EC2B…)

this person doesn’t fucking know when to stop. they already got called out, deleted their tweets and now they’re back again. what the fuck.
No. 1260888
File: 1624209758742.jpeg (626.5 KB, 1242x2059, 819452C0-B879-444C-9BA6-430BE2…)

>>1260867they confirmed they weren’t shannon, but allegedly they’re a friend of hers? in a now deleted tweet, they said they were contacted by someone else (not shannon) to post on her behalf until she was ready to return, but i call bs.
No. 1261122
>>1257251Sometimes I feel sorry for people getting #canceled but when you go out of your way to shit on people for far less then yeah, she deserves this.
She contributed to this PC culture bullshit and now she's getting a taste of her own medicine.
No. 1261130
>>1261111For the first few secs I thought this was a satire of all the other art youtubers out there covering the creepshow topic.
You know, because before they cover how creeps is a bad person(regurgitating info) they need to cover all of their bases and say “oh yeah I use to be complicated, but I’m much better now, unlike HER”.
No. 1261440
File: 1624297242852.png (26.66 KB, 586x330, rp.png)

Can anyone find the (archived) video mentioned in this tweet?
No. 1262264
>>1262032Shannon posted about this channel here:
>>>/ot/333499I assumed it was her doing
No. 1262755
>>1262730I don't think Shannon will ever come back tbh. She only made the channel out of spite and to attack other people she doesn't like. Now that the jig is up she's probably trying to make sure no one can sue her or hold her accountable.
If she was responsible she should be filling out job applications and accepting her fate as a 2nd place replacement wife.
The one time we don't want Shannon to shut up. She will either come back at the start of the new month or just delete her channel now that it isn't making much money
No. 1263693
File: 1624590921361.png (278.86 KB, 581x581, uncle-fester_ethan.png)

>>1263210>>1263247the name on the snapchat is a reference to a character from a book that, no doubt, a few edgy teens have read before. I don't think it has anything to do with this… Turtle Beach employee on twitter…
No. 1263707
File: 1624592744184.png (76.91 KB, 362x574, Creepshow anon forums.PNG)

Conversation that took place in the Group Chat between Shannon and her youtube friends. Edwin half-assedly confronting Shannon on the things she said about him on LC.
No. 1263708
File: 1624592804328.png (117.04 KB, 398x624, creepshow anon forums2.PNG)

No. 1263709
File: 1624592847138.png (80.95 KB, 411x626, creepshow anon forums3.PNG)

last one Edwin shared on this topic.
No. 1263809
>>1263769Vid attached.
The cookie post:
>>1250097 No. 1264065
>>1263707All these read as some kind of fucked up confession
"Well who cares what this anon said! You made videos stating you're bi? Thus the anon calling you gay is right"
"I never said I was bi"
"but you are so even if this was me it isn't wrong!"
Also note, Shannon never technically denies it either
The least she can do is learn to lie
No. 1264178
>>1264173probably into traps/femboys
joking aside people will still be mad at Shannon cuz you can't out someone still in the closet. Or whatever the rules are
No. 1264242
File: 1624657997406.png (407.43 KB, 1252x664, Capture d’écran 2021-06-25 à…)

Can one overdose on milk ?(Nobody cares )
No. 1264513
File: 1624677483488.png (180.7 KB, 450x638, csaINSTAPOST02.PNG)

I have been looking and I can't seem to find any posts of this yet. If I'm wrong I apologize (this is also my reason for sage)
This is the Insta message Shannon sent to a fellow Youtuber when all of this went down.
Snatched it from Edwin's stream last night (6/24/21). He was chatting with that Ashlee leach and he was asking who had leaked this. She seems steadfast that she won't be coming back anytime soon, but I genuinely doubt this. I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't see an attempt at a comeback from Creepshow within a few months.
>>1264173Edwin claims he's straight and that he's never mentioned being bisexual, which to me made the entire exchange really hilarious. The dude seemed very embarrassed on stream that Shannon figured him to be bi.
>>1263871I sat through the entire thing half-listening. There weren't a ton of juicy bits, mostly its Edwin saying she's crazy and he's very doubtful she could actually make a comeback after everything that has surfaced. Ashlee was being wishy-washy as per usual. I do believe he will be releasing an edited down version of the stream, too.
No. 1264653
>>1264312For me it is, if only for the sheer amount of time and energy this creep spent on creeping. It's wild.
And in the end she ruined her own career and friendships for
nothing. Literally nothing.
It's all "but why would anyone…" from start to finish.
No. 1264760
File: 1624719220371.jpeg (76.5 KB, 750x352, ss.jpeg)

Her PULL thread. really does like to creep on threads about her. Someone in PULL said something about her lovebombing other creators and then she tweets about it. You might find some interesting things in that thread, they mentioned some stuff like Shannon inciting drama on purpose in that one livestream but I can't be bothered to check and some other shit like that
No. 1265749
File: 1624828571320.jpg (608.03 KB, 1080x1430, Creep.jpg)

Sage bc idk but sounds like her trying to change her voice
Link: No. 1265868
>>1265749I can definitely hear the similarities, but at the same time I kinda doubt it. She sounds like she has a bit of an accent, but maybe it's just me.
Should probably keep an eye out for this nonetheless. You never know, after all.
No. 1265990
>>1265749Is it possible? Sure. Is it likely? No.
I wish people would stop trying to find 'secret shannon'. It's not milky or intersting.
No. 1266048
File: 1624860636213.jpg (25.36 KB, 500x349, 2hboemuxams11.jpg)

>>1266036Lol why did this tickle me, does creepy ol shannonny rattle your fear buckets newfriend?
No. 1266087
>>1265749she's trying to come back so soon?
she should try to work for keemstar behind the scenes instead just like how he tweeted. I doubt the guy really cares
No. 1267123
>>1265749I dunno…she mentions Shannon's name even before her own, she doesn't even really introduce herself as Odessa until the end, almost like she forgot. Changing your voice with a program is pretty easy, you just need a decent audio program like voicemod, its what vtubers use. It's cheap and you can change pitch, tone and speed.
Still not sure it's her because I hope she isn't that dumb but I also won't be surprised or shocked.
No. 1267180
>>1267141EXACTLY. She says she forgives Shannon because she’s a Christian, but I guess that forgiveness and unwillingness to judge doesn’t extend to Shannon’s ex-friends, who she condemns heavily and foretells their demise.
I can’t believe people in this thread can’t see that this is Shannon. The intonations in her voice are identical, not to mention that “Odessa” is literally a nobody, but claims people already know her and were accusing her of being Shannon.
No. 1267254
>>1267141just like with shannon's amy excuse, this is so clearly her lol. the more she tries to convince people otherwise, the more obvious it becomes.
continue on, shannon. my popcorn is ready.
No. 1267263
>>1267141Holy shit, this clip is like Shannon went heavy on the voice/audio editing programs and is also losing her mind.
This is extremely not the kind of thing some random would post. Reminds me of her meta "characters" that she'd get to act nice and apologize to her
victims, just another sockpuppet.
No. 1267339
>>1265749I'd be skeptical because that account in that screencap has "((( )))" around their name which is an altright dogwhistle created by the senile cp domain owning father of the former 8chan/8kun admin. the fact it posted a new episode sounding very bothered an hour ago which lines up with based farmhand banning dumbasses like
>>1267213>>1267132>>1267262>>1267267Does make me wonder if one of the samefags in here is responsible or that Shannon is still in here. Even if the podcast is her it'll be way more hilarious if everyone ignores it so she makes herself look like even more of an idiot when she uses that as an excuse to make a strawman argument.
No. 1267354
>>1267141What…..the ever loving fuck? With the weird looping 'Hi Shannon' is so fucking creepy af.
I really don't think she's her or anything like that but who ever this person is I think they are totally bonkersville.
No. 1267382
File: 1624985217896.png (322.57 KB, 478x654, csa-emily-twt-resemblance1.png)

>>1267327I found this interesting.
No. 1267419
>>1267393Yeah I have no problem believing this, she was that obsessed. Imagine how many more creepy weird obsessive things she did that we didn't manage to discover. I'm sure there is more than what came to light.
I wonder is she now
even more obsessed with Emily after all this.
No. 1267470
>>1267382I was prepared to roll my eyes and say Emily is reading too much into it but huh, this seems legit, especially in connection with
No. 1267589
>>1267419I'd bet that they totally are.
>>1267339You are retarded and ill-informed. The )))echoes((( need to be the other way around to be what you describe. The anti-echoes we see here actually mean the exact opposite and the person is signaling how they are jewish/jewish ally/zionist.
No. 1268046
>>1268031Unless you were raised by white trash or you’re pushing 40 it’s been considered a slur for ages, retard.
>>1268038Guarantee she’s deluded enough to think her larping homelessness is different because she isn’t rich. $20k a month though, eh Shannon? Can’t have it both ways.
No. 1268317
>>1268046> $20k a month though, eh Shannon? I don't know if she made that much before, just a weird flex on her part. But you're right, she wasn't exactly poor. But she certainly isn't making 20k now.
She still makes SOME cash from youtube however. Don't think she will ever delete it and just let her youtube drip whatever cash it will give her
No. 1268630
>>1268497no, but I'm sure she's chimping out and furious she doesn't have an outlet for her psychotic anger
A part of her wants her to come back and make videos like nothing happened
No. 1269088
File: 1625164985720.png (1.5 MB, 1761x1110, Shamys_perfect_life.png)

Samefag, screenshot here:
No. 1269840
>>1269788first of all, this has all already been discussed. read the thread.
second, this is someone who said they planned to live in their car for 6 months to a year 'to save money' instead of going to school and living with her parents, and they were in the car for like two fuckin years or whatever the fuck, clearly neither of these people can handle their finances. Sage for speculation but if she has triple digits left, she's going to blow through them propelled by stress. She knows no other way but to live stressfully.
Maybe in another timeline she never got caught, and she's saving up to have full body plastic surgery to look like Emily right now.
No. 1271885
>>1271866Can you guys please summarise the milk in the videos you post?
Because nobody's gonna watch that.
No. 1271953
>>1271944The links they posted to the encyclopedia dramatica Shannon wrote about them the link to the Google Drive featuring conversations between Shannon and them: No. 1272031
>>1271944This sounds really ridiculous.
Firstly, the police would never go through the trouble of tracking her IP address. I feel this "autist" only added that feeling it would give validity to their suspicions of the sockpuppet accounts being Shannon. No way in hell did the police go through the trouble of tracking any IP addresses over something as trivial as this. I really don't get why they are so sure its Shannon in the first place. I'm hoping the summary just didn't include some proof that its her, because otherwise this is even more idiotic than I initially thought.
I feel like this individual is just coming forward with some dumbass story hoping to gain relevancy and link themselves to CSA as everyone and their mothers want to be a
victim of Shannon's right now.
Honestly at this point, all recent "milk" has been bullshit and embarrassing. This individuals entire story sounds moronic and their "proof" doesn't prove a single damn thing.. where exactly is there any evidence that the person this individual was beefing with was even CSA in the first place?
Just more attention-seeking imo.
No. 1272347
File: 1625576376237.jpg (335.58 KB, 1080x1534, Screenshot_20210706-075825_Twi…)

She reactivated her Instagram
No. 1272375
>>1272347I can't believe her bio actually says "im mariska hargitay from law and order" wtf?
hilariously i could see this whole incident with emily artful and the rest of her actions being used as inspiration for a law and order svu episode.
No. 1272857
>>1271866The video's gone LMAO
Interesting that the video got taken no sooner after it was made.
Seems to me like they really did try to latch on to the novelty of being a Creepshow
victim with all that reaching.
No. 1273608
>>1272857I remember among the links they had to evidence, they also had a link to where people could donate money to them which they claimed was to fund a cat rescue thing they do where they purchase blankets and food for stray cats and then turn them over to authorities. They explained the cats were not up for adoption (I guess someone asked) because they give them to authorities after. I didn't think it was important so I didn't post that link but now I'm wondering if the whole thing was a scam to get people to give them money, then delete when they got enough. Though this is just a tinfoil so I'll stop, and this thread is not about them anyway.
>>1272419I was also wondering how they knew Shannon was the one behind this, they never explain how they know it was her behind the account she was talking to and behind the encyclopedia dramatica, because the username the person used was not Creepshow art or Shannon as seen in the screenshots they put in the Google Drive so it wasn't from that. They didn't have any screenshots at all in the video, it was just a speedpaint and them telling the story. The most they say is that the police discovered it (they did not say how) but I even question this because even in EmilyArtful's case, the police didn't discover it was Shannon/Anthony, instead Emily did herself using an IP grabber link because she already knew where they lived and it lined up.
No. 1273860
File: 1625809304910.png (69.1 KB, 275x155, 1623705853382.png)

>>1273381What kind of retarded attempt at a takedown is this? And what do you have against punctuation?
>>1273577Thread when?
No. 1273959
>>1273860Honestly not giving that bitch attention might be the worst thing you could do to her, not to say it wouldn't be fun considering how she absolutely loses her shit if anyone is even slightly negative towards her. Fortunately for me though, I have not seen or heard of her in years, since she got banned in AG and even that blog eventually went tits up, so I haven't even been there for years now.
Anyway sorry for derailing but yea, take everything she says with an overdose of salt.
No. 1274592
>>1274534I don't think anyone archived the video, but their channel was named Currentlyplayingmorrowind and they have since posted an update video of why they deleted that video. I'm hesitant to link it because guidelines of what videos you can and can't post, but if you search their channel you can find it. The TL;DR is that their neighbour is apparently threatening them, they claim their neighbour's son climbed into their house through a window and ripped out the fur of their rabbit, and they are feeling suicidal, combined with going through the Shannon drama again making them stressed so they deleted it.
I should also add while looking for their video I found a video someone else made where they found the account that the person claimed was Shannon (the one they spoke to in the screenshots they had on the google drive) was actually a completely person. Again, hesitant to link it because it isn't entirely relevant but if you want to see it, if you search CreepshowArt deviantart on Youtube and sort by new it will show up.
>>1274553said, when you deactivate on Instagram it's only temporary. Usually people do this when they intend to come back because when you reactivate you will still have your followers, your content, and nobody can take your username while you're deactivated. You can reactivate any time. (Vs when you delete, where you have to start new.)
No. 1274820
File: 1625983592351.png (561.02 KB, 1767x1117, Creepshowart Language Style Ma…)

Saging because this is very much a tinfoilhat thing, but going far back to the accusations that Creepshow was Sythyx from back in the day, I decided to dig in. I managed to find one of her Deviantart journal entries from her Niwa-Pon account archived and compared the text from that to her known posts here. I've used this tool before and I have never gotten a score of 1, even comparing my own writing together.
It should be taken with a grain of salt since the text samples aren't very long, but the score is suspiciously so high, I don't doubt that this is Shannon herself.
I will not apologize for the formatting of the image. Get over it.
This is the tool, by the way. No. 1275046
>>1274820Sythyx/Niwapon/Raikiramari and the other accounts in the encyclopedia dramatica article were all accounts of the person who made the accusation video. They're the one who the encyclopedia dramatica article is written about. They linked the article because they stated that Shannon was the one who wrote it about them because of their drama.
They claimed that Shannon's account was called Millefefeuille, and that's the username of the person they were emailing in the google drive screenshots (which I think the link was privated when the video was removed.) I was hesitant to link this video because it is getting a bit unrelated but according to this video, Millefefeuille was actually a different person (skip to 0:58 then 1:54 )
No. 1275064
>>1275046>>1274820Honestly, I'd be pretty hesitant to say shannon was this person as well just from my personal experience with her. If we take the premise that the person who made the video claiming to be
victim of shannon's is indeed sythyx then there's going to be a lot of things that don't match. The ed article for example covers her harassment that spanned out for years. The screenshots of her talking to "shannon" were from 2011 while most of the artist confession/gossip drama happened around 2014 so 3 years after her supposed run in with shannon. Sythyx's age is widely debated but even the ed article mentions her talking about her rent money and doxxing her own bank information which means that she was probably closer to 20 in 2014 than 16 if we believe that video's timeline. Anyway I just don't really buy it and her whole follow up video about a neighbor supposedly breaking in and pulling out her rabbits hair also sounds like such a schizo story, I'm not sure I believe anything said in that video.
No. 1276458
>>1275046>>1274820Again this entire thing was blatant bullshit (they deleted the video anyway but again the police would absolutely under NO CIRCUMSTANCES trace an IP over online teenage drama, verify its CSA Shannon, and then bring their findings like some personally hired detectives to a 13/14 year old (or even her mother for that matter, it just would not happen). Then this person 7 or however many years later just happens to come forward crying about their uwu trauma right when 5000 others are making videos about it…? No. Just.. no.
But if anon is correct and Sythyx/Niwapon are the fake
victim, then A) they sound pretty fucking rude themselves and B) whatever program youre using to link writing style to a particular person is gimmicky trash.
I think any of us entertaining this bullshit
victim are doing so purely out of boredom. But I won't lie it is pretty damn funny.
Shannon seems to have caused quite a stir reactivating that insta account, and all the money hungry youtubers leeching on this topic bit the bait real quick. I've seen quite a few videos around on the topic. Its amazing how much they can talk with so little to actually say.
For now this is just a waiting game until Shannon inevitably returns.
No. 1277683
>>1277132late to the party and not even fashionably late either. also derailing from other things shannon has done.
makes me wonder who you are
No. 1283017
File: 1627067355076.png (224.98 KB, 1078x952, ca8657f5c5e98fb34aa316cf5c4f23…)

Not sure if milk is coming but her community tab is back.
No. 1283108
>>1283017lol Jesus she is desperate. as soon as people stop making videos about her and the dust settles for a few WEEKS, she's already starting to make moves towards a comeback.
I mean I sure hope she attempts to come back right now or sometime soon, because I don't think it would be pretty for her in the slightest. Do it Shannon!!
No. 1283426
File: 1627139880576.jpg (301.06 KB, 1080x1440, 20210724_101658.jpg)

>>1283017fat oreo also claims gabbie hanna told him creepshart hit her up a couple days ago, saying gabbie should make a video on rtg.
No. 1283451
>>1283434Jealousy, I'd imagine.
why she'd be jealous of RTG, though. Bitch is seemingly miserable 24/7.
No. 1283497
>>1283463What's "here"? For the nth time, nobody's going to watch a whole ass video to see whether it potentially has milk or is just another lame promotion attempt.
When posting a video, give a highlight of the milk in it. We come to lolcow for that otherwise we'd all just search vids on YouTube ourselves.
Oh right, "no milk".
Then why the fuck did you post it retard No. 1283543
>>1283497Its undoubtedly about Creepshow hitting up Gabbie Hannah from an unknown number and trying to push her towards making a video on Ready to Glare. Nick Deorio talked about it originally in his podcast Half Baked, and they all called her a crazy bitch in it recently. Nick stated that he wants to make a video, as did SomeOrdinaryGamers (a youtuber with over a million subs) on Creepshow even though the outrage is simmering a bit, as they feel no one has wrapped all of the talking points up into one complete, tightly edited video.
Seems that all of her prior defenders have completely given up on her and are ready as ever to throw her under the bus.
Also if she really did hit up Gabbie, that is beyond hilarious.
No. 1283714
File: 1627171577288.png (348.66 KB, 539x649, 9dccd44bd4a0cc94e3f60095e87012…)

I wonder if this is her or another troll.
No. 1284978
File: 1627340992391.png (77.07 KB, 539x764, 2c1cf728f762b9c9014281b73058ee…)

>>1283729Yeah def troll but holy hell they're really trying so hard to convince everyone they're Shannon.
No. 1290083
File: 1628002944958.jpg (287.62 KB, 660x1231, CreepshowTipster1.jpg)

Tipster posted on Twitter. Shannon apparently replied to him in DMs today. Screenshots incoming No. 1290090
File: 1628003362152.jpg (140.47 KB, 1079x689, CreepshowTipsterComment.jpg)

>>1290087According to Tipster, this is the comment he made on Shannon's husband's YouTube account.
No. 1290294
>>1290130obviously she did. that's why she has been unpromptedly given money and donations to "friends". she's such a narcissist
>>1290214Shannon seriously hates herself, it's sad
No. 1290541
>>1290356The lawsuit? I mean, I wouldn't say its formally filed or still in the works. I'd say its nonexistent.
Interesting that this is the route she's chosen to take - doubling down. Shannon has decided that all of these people she's donated to and been on streams with owed her everything. They were expected to stay quiet and take all of the heat. Shannon was hoping that's what they would do, anyway. And then when she was inevitably proven to be a massive liar, or her friends ended up losing tons of viewers/support, she'd probably pull the, "I mean I DID tell you not to defend me" card.
I see a serious storm brewing now. Shannon is slowly crawling out from underneath the rock she's been hibernating under, and that resentful, bitter, vindictive, cruel side to her is beginning to rear its ugly head.
My bet is this is just the prologue to Shannon attacking her former Youtube "friends". Tipster was the easiest target because he's a complete pushover who cries at the drop of a dime. She was probably testing the waters going after him.
I did find it curious that she showed such outrage over Tipster dismissing her rather than attempting to ask her questions. "You're seriously going to give up this easily?? You're not even going to ask me questions??" She clearly was hoping she could use Tipster as a voice piece for more of her bullshit lies. I for one am very glad he decided to more or less tell the girl to fuck off.
I guess right now we just buckle up and ready ourselves for this rollercoaster to drop.
No. 1290547
>>1290083She managed to ruin her remaining support in one crazy message. He offers her his ear and she straight up attacks him.
And then just continues attacking him. Good on him for telling her off like that.
She's so entitled and aggressive. She learned
No. 1291156
>>1290547This Odessa/Vanessa bitch has to be the most useless self-insert ever
OR part of a massive shannon conspiracy that will be revealed to us any day now! Is anyone getting wannabe Q anon vibes off this now? ew I'm so tired
No. 1291510
>>1290609Not assuming the worst of him, from personal experiences I've had psycho friends. It isn't always easy cutting them loose no matter how psycho or
toxic they end up being.
No. 1291958
>>1290083Finally some fresh milk.
She seems like a rat backed into a corner. Or a screaming child
Hopefully this will be the beginning of slowly escalating to verbally abusing bigger and bigger creators in their DMs.
God I want to see her run rabbid like the sewer rat she is
No. 1300048
Shannon’s now “ex friend” Edwin now has a thread
Well deserved in my opinion:
>>>/snow/1299845 No. 1300093
>>1300048Has a thread now? How recent are you to lolcow kek
start lurking start reading
No. 1305721
Emily dropped a new video
Sage because no new milk but some proof that the screenshots are real, and her relationship with Anthony is messed up No. 1305734
File: 1629589347688.png (1.53 MB, 1620x2160, B36E9572-4CD5-4C64-B9C3-EAB2B7…)

I found Anthony Parker’s old maiden name and old SoundCloud music
No. 1305739
File: 1629589852771.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1620x1166, 0A501B7F-B74C-4BE9-AEE2-24ABAE…)

This is how I was able to find his soundcloud with his old music on it. In Emily’s new posted video, she shows a screenshot with a Dropbox link that includes the name of one of his songs “lethological”. These messages also took place 7 years ago in 2014 which is the same time period of the SoundCloud music when it was posted.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1306707
File: 1629704640972.png (68.01 KB, 595x820, vanessatweets.PNG)

saging for stupid side character shit but these Vanessa/Odessa tweets are great. I don't doubt that she hasn't made any money at her half assed attempt to cash in on this cow, but this hypocrisy is just perfectly ripe. I bet she learned that in church.
No. 1306840
>>1306707i have no idea what this persons endgoal is, but it kind of seems like a pure troll. they say they 'love jesus' but i'm from a highly religious area, and people actually reference scripture so they can be the supreme know-it-all, not just regurgitating 'yAlL nEeD jEsUs!!'
vid semi related - example of mormons justifying disgusting shit passionately with scripture.
No. 1310453
File: 1630169977144.jpeg (179.48 KB, 1080x1401, BB61A603-9A02-45C1-92E8-37959E…)

The only thing Shannon can’t lie about is her time on lolcow kek.
No. 1311584
>>1309400from what I understand she decided to be homeless because her "woke" husband wanted to be. The bonus was her stealing Emily's homeless stories since she has this weird need to skin walk her husbands ex.
>>1310453I hope Shannon stops being a wuss and posts this shit show video. She wont because everything Emily and others have posted proves Shannon is lying. Even her ex friends and her own sister were like "Yeah, she did stalk Emily"
No. 1319407
>>1318990she hasn't run away - she's still frantically trying to figure out who she's got to trash in what way, to make a comeback. crapshart's threads were pretty dead before the admin exposed her, and resumed being dead after a couple of hype-threads (which is why the immediate doxxing stuck out so much.)
tbh, the only people that actually care about shart are her dramatic ex-friend group (and previously teens that used her shitty know-it-all attitude to justify their own) - many viewers/farmers only paid attention when she was making a spectacle by larping as a
victim, kek.
No. 1323629
>>1318990The thing is, she cannot admit or apologize the stalking because she'd admit a crime. The other options are vague apology around the accusations and ignoring the Emily Elephant in the room. That train is long gone, she should've made that apology video before Emily's video. Also her potential apology videos have been parodized to the point she can't do one without doing something people have already done.
The only option for her (if she doesn't want to publicly humiliate or incriminate herself) is to be anonymous troll in lolcow, try to do her "pro manipulator tactics" on other YouTubers to do her deed or make another channel with voice changer and change her background videos from art to some Minecraft gameplay so she doesn't out herself.
No. 1334570
File: 1632635858731.png (2.18 MB, 2880x1476, Screen Shot 2021-09-26 at 12.4…)

Just noticed that she still has her teespring shop up. Wonder how that's going for her. No. 1342139
>>1309469It's so bizarre how the criticisms of creepshow I keep seeing are "omg she said the t slur in one post and said pansexual was just woke bi" instead of, you know, the stuff about her making hundreds of sock puppets to help an
abusive man ruin his ex's life
(sage) No. 1342401
>>1342146Any video that spends 45 minutes screaming MEMEMEMEMEME without getting into any meat is not worth watching.
[Sage went in all fields]
No. 1342468
>>1323629this cow has too much pride to apologize. I honestly thought she'd be back by now, but after seeing her go off on Tipster when all he did was comment on her husband's dead youtube channel, "why'd you delete all your videos", I knew she was too far gone. Her enormous ego and pride are what's getting in the way. She holds so much anger and hatred and resentment for everyone who made a video on her, everyone who commented on her shitty behavior, everyone who dared mention her name in this whirlwind of bullshit… she went after Emily for almost nothing. As far as I know, it was because Emily made a comment that Shannon couldn't sing, or something similar to that. The girl has one of the worst tempers I've ever witnessed. She isn't capable of humbling herself. And at this point, everyone is aware of what a horrible person she is. There is just no coming back at this point, and she isn't capable of it, anyway.
Which is unfortunate because I would love to see her try and fail.
No. 1345768
File: 1634037824866.jpg (73.26 KB, 1024x1024, 1634029670425.jpg)

No. 1361274
File: 1635986414592.jpg (325.77 KB, 1080x790, 20211104_103951.jpg)

Something will happen soon. I can feel it in me waters
No. 1362348
>>1342401>>1340227This retard kept promising a follow-up video that supposedly goes into detail about her and Shannon's actual interactions. So far all she's put out are tarot card readings no one cares about.
This is why you're homeless Piper.
No. 1371476
since doxbin is dead and i cant laugh at the 0.5/10 quality dox someone (probably shannon trying to deflect) i did a bit of google-fu to see if she's actually undoxable as she thinks…not gonna post any of the truly juicy stuff i found, but yeah her claim of being "undoxable" falls apart the minute people switch from google to a less big brothery engine.
as for less revealing stuff, apparently her family are pontifags, bitch went to a catholic high school and everything. these just confirm her by name, but i got them from searching more specific info that came from her parents' shit. (being class of 2011 lines up with her birthdate too)
landwhale was also apparently on the track team too, guess she ballooned up after moving out. found a possible linkedin profile for her, but won't post in case it's not actually her. if she didn't drop out of UC berkley it's not hers or shes lying about her college too lmfao. it's so clear the bitch wants to be doxed i have no clue why nobody's actually put real effort into doing it, but you know something something disavow in roblox
No. 1371623
File: 1637325388870.png (87.18 KB, 598x308, emily.png)

No. 1405670
>>1405663Ladies you need to give me a summary because I watched 15 minutes of this dumpster fire, and Shannon hasn’t even acknowledged her own crazy behaviour yet. I can’t listen to her whine on.
Boohoo a girl called your fatass fat years ago lmao
No. 1405675
File: 1640967523878.jpg (1006.15 KB, 810x7357, 20211231_101806.jpg)

>>1405663that video description is bitter
No. 1405690
>>1405663Wow I think about this
>>1361274 then do 1h on my exercise bike and come back to see that we got an update. The new year does really bring good stuff…
No. 1405698
File: 1640970711858.jpg (50.76 KB, 1080x636, 20211231_111108.jpg)

>>1405676her link doesn't work
No. 1405720
File: 1640972787475.jpg (528.02 KB, 1080x1907, 20211231_114534.jpg)

>>1405663she also posted a tl;dw to instagram
No. 1405738
>>1405728>>1405731>>1405733I can say I believe a few things she said. I think Shannon trolled her for years. Idc. I've trolled ppl for years as well. Welcome to the net. Did she hack her acct? No proof was ever shown that proves that. The screenshots can be faked.
Who the hell keeps nudes on their Facebook? Why? Where? Where was any proof any threats to leak cp or nudes was even made. I remember the accusation but I don't even remember seeing any screenshots of this. Granted the video was long and boring as hell and by the 45 min mark the lack of evidence and nature of it was wearing on my nerves.
I can explain the odd behavior and manipulative language that gave me red flags from being surrounded by liars that set me off but all that serves to do is explain how I think and not what is true. The two main people in this case have the cards, we're just watching the game and that's about it.
She claims she spoke to the police but you don't do that without filing a police report and her story about them telling her to leave doesn't add up to me. "Yeah you were raped and they have child p and all that and have been sending death threats but we don't want to do our job" the world doesn't work like that.
No. 1405744
>>1405738The police doing something isnt how the world works. There is plenty of evidence of this from 100s of
victims who have reported the same thing and nothings happened lmao
No. 1405771
File: 1640976092185.png (272.26 KB, 870x748, kekekekek.PNG)

>>1405764not the same anon but I took a cap.
No. 1405776
>>1405663lol pathetic, this girl is proving further how much of a psycho stalker she is. Wow I didnt think Shannon could sink even lower, she could have just come back with some random video or something but nope this bitch chose to be petty and stupid. Honestly she could have just made some bullshit fake apology or saying something like
"I made horrible mistakes, I hurt my friends but I really just want to move on with my life and continue to improve myself as a human being" or some bullshit like that but nope Shannon is retarded and no one should expect better of her.
No. 1405783
>>1405720Spoiler: she debunked nothing.
She just dragged EmilyArtful for past drug use and having mental problems. This seems more like she's just trying hard to burn Emily as much as possible on the way out.
No. 1405784
File: 1640976674493.jpg (811.87 KB, 1634x4093, 20211231_124418.jpg)

here she is, doubling down that amy (the stalker who posed as her to post on lolcow kek) is real. she's mostly focused on the fact that amy =/= phonetically similar emily, and is a reach (tbh, it is a reach) instead of addressing her absurd claims that amy 'spoofed' her ip (and admin spanked her over.)
No. 1405793
File: 1640977000356.jpeg (114.67 KB, 275x260, 1578247560849.jpeg)

>>1405784picrel she still doesn't know how that works
No. 1405795
File: 1640977047015.png (48.11 KB, 661x245, creep.png)

>>1405702Wait, does this mean that they reached a settlement or that Shannon won the court case against Emily?
No. 1405802
File: 1640977405913.png (128.05 KB, 711x535, final.png)

>>1405794this is fucking hilarious
No. 1405810
File: 1640977701128.jpeg (16.2 KB, 240x180, 6D95AD45-643A-4ADB-BCFE-711E5B…)

>>1405805Kek I’m just imagining her making the exact same content while putting on a terrible accent. She’d be the YT version of guy incognito
No. 1405811
File: 1640977723035.png (1.35 MB, 1159x821, boooo.png)

No. 1405839
File: 1640980407045.png (114.9 KB, 682x472, mmm.png)

>>1405738>She claims she spoke to the police but you don't do that without filing a police report and her story about them telling her to leave doesn't add up to me.From the script:
>There should be some record of this happening with law enforcement. There isn’t. No. 1405850
File: 1640982113787.jpg (349.45 KB, 1080x1846, 20211231_142055.jpg)

trashlee is already going on about how much she's unbothered
No. 1405862
File: 1640984137964.jpeg (334.9 KB, 750x790, 84D75218-3DE7-410D-AF4A-A5CE3B…)

>>1405856digging up stuff from 16 years ago is so normal and not stalkerish, nice one shannon
No. 1405883
>>1405875She sounds obessed and manic, she keeps repeating the same points over and over again. Adding those random FULL clips of scrotes talking about some dumb ass bathtub video. Going back to when she was underage to show shit that shows her "lying".This bitch is obsessed with her.Like she mentioned the same damn video of Emily talking about some asian girl who her boyfriend cheated on her with. She literally played the SAME damn clip, with the same damn story she already showed.
This is overkill.
No. 1405905
>>1405802"To those who told me to kill myself, you almost got what you wanted."
No. 1405914
File: 1640991129269.jpg (73.32 KB, 713x641, 20211231_165048.jpg)

>Metokur fan
>Retarded psychopath
Wow, shocking
No. 1405963
File: 1640996197851.png (95.48 KB, 803x460, metokur fembot.png)

>>1405794if you google this Metokur Fembot person there's a trail of drama across a few different sites, much more than this, I haven't really started looking but it seems like she(?) been inserting her(?)self into this stuff for a while now
No. 1405971
I actually feel bad for her. She sounds so sad when talking about her psycho theythem sister. I don’t know what I believe exactly (I think the truth is in the middle), but I feel bad overall hearing her trying not cry.
No. 1405980
>>1405973alternatively, can they qt least sage so they stop bumping to say/erase the same stupid shit?
>>1405718>>1405734>>1405738was ridiculous
No. 1405983
>>1405968>>1405953Me: points out facts brought by Emily herself
You: literally reaching and pulling excuses out of your ass that literally no one has said including the supposed
victim who has a LONG history of magically being with
abusive people.
One of us is grasping for straws and it ain't me. Hell if u watched the video Emily was only addicted a month. Oooo such an achievement. I bet she got mega addicted for 1 month that her being sober over a long period so hard to believe.
No. 1405987
>>1405983Why are you shocked that a former addict has a string of shit relationships in their past?
I'll be interested so see if Shannon attempts to defend this video in anyway or if she ghosts for another 6 months until her monetization may be up
No. 1406077
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Found this on Twitter. She said that “Amy” was a fake random name she used for her stalker and yet the emails she presented as proof are signed as such. Wtf?
No. 1406079
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No. 1406166
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No. 1406179
File: 1641033897672.gif (261.16 KB, 220x124, regina-george.gif)

Girl had us wait this long for a cringe compilation? Did Emily make out with a hot dog too?
No. 1406238
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11k dislikes kek
No. 1406345
>>1406307>>1406308>>1406310Learn2sage Jesus Christ
>>1406340This isn’t Shannon’s spouse
Reading comprehension - needs improvement
No. 1406437
File: 1641070829034.png (88.23 KB, 593x429, 041BFE89-2A70-4913-B83C-375CE4…)

Sage for non-milk but I was going back through the first thread and my sides fell off when I saw this.
Happy New Year Shannon, I hope 2021 was everything you dreamed of and more.
No. 1406616
File: 1641086060778.png (23.59 KB, 812x202, kek.png)

>>1405811 good update (just download an extension to show youtube dislikes)
No. 1406681
File: 1641093307022.jpeg (336.55 KB, 1170x560, 8B2D00A3-3E3E-448E-87B3-8BEFD1…)

>>1406665I can’t stop laughing at Shannon threatening lolsuits after years of making fun of cows for the exact same shit. She even threatened to sue in her fair use disclaimer. Fuck her threats, Emily should submit a privacy claim if Shannon used images of her kid. If Shannon doesn’t blur the kid’s face, YouTube will remove the video.
No. 1406717
File: 1641098674435.png (25.76 KB, 900x284, keemthinksshesinnocent.png)

>"Keem thinks she's innocent"
lmao of course he would
No. 1406722
File: 1641099271766.png (44.24 KB, 484x590, nathan.png)

Hi Sha- I mean Nathan Davis
No. 1406804
File: 1641109075055.jpg (68.8 KB, 603x845, CSATIP3.jpg)

>>1406717I love Tipster's response
No. 1406813
>>1406804Still don't like him but following her advice to change his name to Second Hand News was
chef's kiss flawless.
And if asking a fair question about your husband's channel constitutes harassment, what if he made a 2½ hour video about everything Shannon's ever posted publicly about doing wrong since she was 13? Surely maligning someone for hours over their status as a sexual assault survivor would be enough to meet YouTube's standards for harassment and cyberbullying, if a single comment is harassment. If youtube actually enforced their own guidelines they'd demonetize a hit piece like that. Its fortunate for Shannon that they don't. She's free to go full onision now, so she might as well milk her villain arc for all its worth while youtube keeps paying for it. Not like she has a reputation to protect anymore.
>>1405905Don't lose hope, anon. She's known to repeat herself.
No. 1406988
>>1406987I'm sure Emily is handling it. Or someone else is since the video is clearly harassment. We don't have to do much of anything.
I'm just enjoying the mental breakdown. What's shannon going to do? Sue Emily? With what money? The 200 bucks she gets a month from her dead youtube?
No. 1407002
>>1406998Wont touch she stalked and harassed Hopeless Peaches, continues to shit on her sister, wont mention lolcow posts, wont touch the community where she lies about "Amy" spoofing her IP, the kek worthy time she pretended her youtube was hacked because of a glitchy banner to prevent talking about her harassment of other youtubers.
Tells people in her description that she doesn't give a fuck and she's here to basically rip apart Emily and everyone is lazy even though she told people not to defend her. Someone put this bitch out of her misery or into a mental ward where she belongs
No. 1407011
>>1407002All this. WTF at her talking about her old youtube friends with such disdain when SHE left the discord without a word, told them not to defend her, basically just peaced out and didn't respond to any of them?
This is not how an innocent person behaves.
No. 1407379
File: 1641174050885.png (289.34 KB, 1523x600, totallynotshannon.png)

So like… this definitely wasn't written by a lawyer, right? It just sounds so unprofessional.
No. 1407394
>>1407379>It never would have>As you know>He would not haveA lawyer wouldn't write in such personal terms making assumptions about what people do or do not know, she really thought she did something there.
Certainly not doing much to disprove the notion she habitually impersonates people/takes on different identities in order to manipulate, is this whole video and "lawyer" shit just Shannon still not fucking dropping it and continuing to harass Emily?
No. 1407398
>>1407394Samefag, I feel bad for Emily that she has this deranged woman on her tail for ten years for the crime of…being Shannon's current partner's EX! Although I guess I'm forgetting the fact Anthony probably had a 50% hand in this deranged harassment as he's still salty to have lost Emily.
IIRC some of those barbie troll accounts that were used to write awful things to Emily typed the same way he did in Facebook messages to her, and were misogynistic in a way I think Shannon couldn't be.
Shannon generally tries to convince herself what she's doing is justified where Anthony knows he's an asshole creep.
What a shitty situation for Emily.
No. 1407557
>>1406305This is Anthony and Shannon's friend, the one who allegedly broke up with Emily for Anthony and then threatened to curb stomp her. Bryce and Anthony used to fantasize about shooting up their high school.
Vid related is Bryce defending himself by saying that he is autistic and 90 lbs, so he could never actually hurt Emily. Shannon said in her video that Emily is being ableist for not understanding an autistic man kek.
No. 1407575
File: 1641199053778.jpeg (19.66 KB, 300x244, STrZf0s.jpeg)

>>1407557stfg he looks just like every other unhinged "joker fan" who's ever threatened to curb stomp a girl ever.
No. 1407616
File: 1641205027739.png (485.45 KB, 595x1202, sideshowlikes004.PNG)

>>1405963>>1405923>>1405914Lol shit! Metokur Fembot is the loser who was suspected to be behind the Sideshow twitter account.
<- picreal is some of sideshow's likes from before it started Creepposting, there was more Killstream and Ethan Ralph things in there too until this was brought up publicly and then they all went POOF
No. 1407934
File: 1641245261727.jpg (24.74 KB, 320x240, Lionel_Hutz.jpg)

>>1407379Your honor, if there's one thing that stopped my client from raping a girl he KNEW* was intoxicated–it's the fact that he was trying to stay away from the stuff.
No. 1407952
File: 1641246306956.png (380.73 KB, 603x539, em.PNG)

Emily posted that she got a DUI for being under the influence in December of 2012 which contradicts the whole bullshit narrative Shannon is trying to spin
No. 1408166
>>1408140They're both pretty shitty but shannon is infinitely worse for refusing to acknowledge her shortcomings and address them head on. Shannon will forever try to play the
victim because it's one of the only ways she knows how to get attention. Meanwhile, Emily has learned from her mistakes and continues to grow as a person.
No. 1408169
>>1408140Oh FFS. What’s that?? An addict did something addict-ey??? No one gives a shit, this isn’t her fucking thread.
Shannon, for over a decade, SOBER, stalked and harassed someone. You’d have to be moronic beyond belief to think those things are even comparable. All Emily did by posting this was prove that Shannon is as stupid as ever.
No. 1408209
>>1408140When you're under the influence you're not thinking right.. not saying that totally excuses it but it does cloud your judgment and people make mistakes.
Shannon, on the other hand, made the 100% conscious decision to stalk and harass Emily for EIGHT YEARS. There is a difference between making a stupid reckless decision out of poor judgment and being straight up malevolent.
No. 1408259
>>1408245Considering Emily has owned up to worse shit she's done, why even lie here? Being a groomed minor definitely would explain her drug abuse later in life too. It's also not uncommon for
victims to defend the offenders or to try to reason away the offense before actually processing the fact they were a
victim of grooming or sexual abuse as an adult.
No. 1408322
File: 1641286698325.png (97.93 KB, 272x275, B83A6AA9-9B98-4B24-89F5-C4EB62…)

>>1408321So sad to see Shannon leave us once again, I wish there was an archive of the kek worthy comment.
No. 1408409
File: 1641301462361.png (41.26 KB, 596x177, cecil.png)

Creepshow's script for this video was leaked to some youtubers for some months now: No. 1408411
>>1408406If I were shannon and wanted to play a master manipulator role, 1. I'd apologize for being on the farms 2. accuse anthony of being
abusive. 3. cut my lossses by throwing anthony on the bus. Emily already laid the framework fo shannon, but shannon is just too stupid, too short sighted, too fucking jealous to see the writing on the wall. I wonder if that D is worth it can't think of any man worth going homeless for let alone stalk another person for years.
No. 1408433
>>1408411Throwing Anthony under the bus is the best possible plan but instead she doubled down on it and incriminated herself more.
Blaming everything on a rapist white man has been the trend online for at least half a decade now, (note, with good reason) nobody would bat an eyelid, she could claim to be abused and controlled, cry, and regain her social media accounts.
But she's too afraid to lose him so we get this.
No. 1408436
>>1408428it wouldn't be a smart move though, Anthony has shown he's a complete and total liability sure Shannon could stop stalking Emily, but keeping Anthony around could mean the problem can pop up yet again. As long as Anthony is around there's always a chance it can cycle all over again anew once the heat dies down for real. then again Shannon was never smart to begin with, if she just kept out of the shit regarding emily to begin with the only thing she'd had to really defend was the attention whoring on lolcow. She could've easily written off Anthony's actions as his alone and given herself a chance at redemption by condemnation of his actions.
then again it wouldn't be amused if this action was taken, stupid women with low self esteem who'll stick by their man no matter how much of a an
abusive douchebags they are incredibly amusing to me. theres just something so amusing about shannon. kek
No. 1408528
>>1408411Problem is Shannon did all this shit for Anthony even if he is a useless man who provides her literally nothing. That and Anthony seems to be a POS and would def leave Shannon if she "ruined his career"
I'm aware he has none, but he seems like the type to go "muh music babe!"
No. 1408660
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>>1408501Maybe because of these dms?
No. 1408670
>>1408660But again, why is she going so hard at Tipster? She's twisted a harmless comment on a public video that no one would have noticed otherwise into "malicious acts" against her husband. Bonkers.
Honestly, it's probably because she, for whatever reason, believed she had something over Tipster. Maybe because she donated to him, maybe because they bonded over some bullshit at some point, who cares. But he started being critical of her, and maybe because he absorbed a lot of her fanbase and continues to make content almost daily… Oh fuck. It was just because she knew for certain he'd talk immediately about it (he did) and she'd get more attention, wasn't it?
No. 1408675
>>1408670the likely reason is that she wanted to keep Anthony's name clean (hence why she rarely talked about him in her videos), and the comment he left implies he isn't.
Also look at the comment on the bottom.
No. 1408768
>>1408670That's a good theory. I just didn't get why she went so hard at HIM when all of her old youtube friends were being critical of her. ReadytoGlare, Thumin, Omnia, and heaps of other people who she knew said they believed Emily, why not go after them? Especially when she likely feels that all of them owe her in some capacity for promoting their channels or trying to help them at various times.
>>1408662I get the feeling THIS might be it though. Tipster seems like the only one to say anything to Anthony directly. That's the only difference I can spot between him and literally every other person who made a comment or video on Shannon.
He must have thrown one hell of a tantrum over that really mild comment to make Shannon go off THAT hard. Talk about projection.
No. 1408890
File: 1641343485944.png (511.26 KB, 1576x836, uragreatstalkershart.png)

I think the bit with the Pen was creepiest example of stalking in the whole video.
I love how shart hasn't brought up the lolcow stuff, AT ALL, even though they are irrevocable proof that she was stalking Emily. At the bare minimum, at least.
She wants to act like Emily was just in her peripherals as soneone she saw occasionally mentioned and knew of…. but her LOLCOW posts prove that she kept tight tabs on her and went out of her way to try to affect everyones percpetion of Emily negatively.
I think that's what gets me the most out of this whole shit show of a "call out / come back" video.
No. 1408892
File: 1641343905424.jpg (10.59 KB, 280x180, lol.jpg)

its just so funny like this stupid bitch was working on a two hour video to prove she is not a stalker and has shit that I can't even pull up in the way back machine that has to span atleast 7 years ago…this is some ironic shit kek
No. 1408971
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>>1408934>she needs therapyuhh yeah, she's unhinged.
No. 1409049
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>>1408971What a shitty way to start a birthday. Shannon is a cunt
No. 1409140
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>>1409090Happy Birthday
Also, how does the law work in Shannon's area? Was the lawyer she talked really a fraud? I have a feeling that the lawyer she talked to is Anthony, because after her career died, I doubt she has enough money for one .
Even if she were to try and get employment elsewhere, a background check would destroy all chances of that.
(screencap from her Wikitubia page)
No. 1409144
>>1409141I'm kind of curious what they see in each other and how they even ended up dating. I think Shanthony get power boosts mentally when they abuse/harass Emily.
In Shannon's old videos she would constantly fangirl over her husband like he was some celebrity. Yet Anthony doesn't even mention her on any social media. Maybe Shannon was a huge fangirl of him, never got over her fangirl crush, and wants to still be with him despite him obviously caring more about other women.
As for no money, no future…correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Shannon say in a Reddit post that Anthony is estranged from his family (and that Jem said he couldn't be an abuse
victim "because he's a straight white male despite being half Mexican")? This makes it even more confusing, how are they even staying finanically afloat?
No. 1409150
>>1409144From what I could glean (and please correct me here if any of this in incorrect nonnies) he's some kind of session musician or beat producer, probably working on the kind of projects your name barely gets put on, let alone your face.
iirc Shannon has been employed in "PR" or "Marketing" since before doing youtube and never needed the fame or money anyway, yoogaize. Presumably they also saved up a fortune while doing the #vanlife thing. I mean being homeless. That was supposedly to get Anthony's music career off the ground but we can't all be rockstars or married to rockstars I guess.
No. 1409155
>>1409059kek that's damning. all she accomplished here is prove she stalked emily. maybe the tinfoil about losing her ad partnership if she didn't post in december is true. or she is just that retarded.
>>1409141i think it's simple. ugly, miserable people like shannon will stay with the lowest hanging fruit because deep down they know their chances of otherwise being alone are high. on top of that i doubt shannon has been spared from his
abusive tendencies. you don't stalk your husband's ex for 10 years if he makes you feel loved and secure.
No. 1409156
File: 1641379100663.png (125.27 KB, 591x596, kevin.png)

Shannon sorta confirmed Kevin's testimony with the chinchilla tattoo story in her recent video
No. 1409157
>>1409154So you're sayin' there's a possibility that all
>>1409150 was online posturing and they're still working the popcorn machine at AMC? Orrrr maybe Anthony has moved his way up to "Sound Technician" and since Shannon changes the posters outside she may have been given the title "Media Manager".
Doxanon please tell me I'm wrong
No. 1409170
File: 1641381940914.png (66.76 KB, 874x327, Mental Heath Master.png)

>>1409163I think that her point was to portray Emily as someone crazy so that no one would take her seriously anymore, like in a "Guys, she's down bad for Anthony and is jealous he's with me and not her! Look at this cringy ass tattoo she has of him!" way. Because the way Shannon talks of Anthony is like if he's the best thing since sliced bread. Even though as many on this thread have pointed out before, Emily 1) was an addict 2) a hormonal teenager 3) abused and manipulated by many people and 4) admitted to it, owned up and became a better person.
I think this tweet is also relevant.
No. 1409174
>>1409144If Anthony if he's half Mexican that might explain the scary shit, most Mexican or shit even partly Mexican men I've dated ended up with fucked in the head tendencies when it came to women; either it was fight for love shit, pitting women against women, or some really sexually sadistic shit, something about the culture that encourages treating women like shit especially those based in California. I have not seen this well in any other Latino men other than Mexicans. sure casual sexism and
toxic masculinity, but nothing akin to mind games. This is from an outsider looking in perspective and not a 100 percent everyone is like this, just my observation.
Either or not everyone wakes up to be a pyscho, Anthony had to learn from his parents that this kind of shit towards women was okay, probably saw his dad pull this kind of shit multiple times and thought if only I just scared Emily enough she'll come back, Shannon has always been from the get go a rebound and probably uses that to his advantage.
Shannon is the rebound and she knows it, he probably pulls this other women shit shit all the time; probably as far and sends pictures of emily reminding her inability to fulfill his expectations. I wouldn't be shocked if he degrades her every day, I say she deserves it; its one thing to sit their and take such possible abuse and edgelordiness but another to drag other people down with you. If anything shannon is the next krai in the making. kek.
No. 1409184
>>1409174This is wierd. In Creepshow's Reddit (she was dumb enough to leave it up after everything), she refers to Anthony as a straight white male time Shannon said he is half Mexican. I remember omnia (a former friend of Creepshow) made a video after the controversy where she revealed that her, prince kai, and Creepshow were in a Discord server together and Shannon referred to him as such. I would link that video but omnia's old channel was deleted by their ex.
(update, I managed to find Truth Sleuth talking about it:
No. 1409198
>>1409184her troon sister is woke yes or no?
Because if she's woke as well as a troon, then more than likely her sister would consider shannons SO white despite a biracial status because black people consider latinos/hispanics white despite their racial status not akin to being white given they tend to be more inclined towards conservative in politics. (I live down south near Florida, almost all the latino friends I knew voted for trump.) If shannons audience is nothing but zoomers then ofcourse she would refer to him as a straight white male because more than likely the very same audience cares about BLM and most blmers consider Latinos as racist as white people, unless its a very flamboyant latinx identifying one then it wouldn't be a wise move to present her husband as anything other than white in videos but biracial when convenient. IE: during that bitch slap fight with her troon sister.
No. 1409214
File: 1641391198074.png (213.55 KB, 1314x745, creepshow-art-reddit.png)

>>1409198I mean the Reddit comment Shannon made implied that she is, but given how unreliable of a narrator Shannon is, I don't know how to feel about it. It could be that the sister is the only sane one in the family and Shannon hates that.
(since it didn't fit in the screenshot, the comment Creepshow made also said "The final straw was my dad having a heart attack a few months ago and coming very close to dying. He spent about two months in the hospital and still has to go to physical therapy. During this time, my Mom desperately reached out to her because she was terrified. I was on the phone with my Mom constantly, and tried to calm her down as much as possible. However, my sister never reached out once. She still hasn't said anything to anyone, essentially sticking to the idea that everyone in the family hates her because she is gay and everyone is underneath her. Despite my parents reaching out, trying to appease her, paying bills for her, allowing her to put them in debt, and much more.
TL;DR: My sister thinks she's above everyone in the family because she went to a 4 year university(that they paid for) , has claimed my boyfriend is
abusive because he's a straight male, said our dead brother was always jealous of her and is better off dead, and claimed my entire family are white nationalist, despite the fact that we are not… OH and told a
victim of actual mental and physical abuse that his pain didn't matter because he's a straight white male."
Now that Shannon brings it up….what "mental and physical abuse" did Anthony go through? Because according to Emily, he described his family as nice. No. 1409240
>>1409214that is actually very interesting, but it goes to the question are monsters born or made?
I think in Anthony's case his parents probably taught him it was okay to treat women like shit. we base our ideal relationships based on what our parents relationship is like, a healthy one will lead to better healthy results whereas an
abusive one like wise leads to abuse. Behaviors like anthony's are learned, but even still at the end of the day one can choose not be
I wonder too, because it has to explain somewhat why the stalking and gravitation towards weak insecure women, emily was insecure because she was a drug addict with trauma, when she got better and dumped him for seeing how bad anthony was for her, thats when the stalking ramped up because she was beyond his control; it can explain the weird dynamics post break up till she cut him off for good. Shannon is definately insecure because face it who stores a decades worth of info on an ex of your so? Anthony probably targets insecure women because they were easier to control which can hint that his father may have exhibited the same behavior being an
abusive cunt to a meek wife, but on the other hand if we abandon that theory and say go into to abuse men who go for weaker women insecure and vulnerable ones tend to have overbearing mothers, so on the flip side he could've grown up in a severely matriarchal household with a female being the head of the house with the husband either not there or regulated to being meek and subserviently on the sidelines. It would kind of explain why shannon chose to live in a car versus arguing the benefits of living with family when there was a fall out, a woman who isnt submissive would probably never tolerate that kind of arrangement if there was another alternative present.
then again this is merely speculation….still interesting none the less.
No. 1409256
File: 1641396526999.png (78.11 KB, 996x501, creepshow-art-emily-stalking.p…)

>>1409240Given how Anthony goes through a lot of effort to keep himself secret (unlike Shannon), I doubt we'll know for sure whats wrong with him. Though you can see a bit of his face reveal ish in Emily's video (, and according to Shannon's pinned comment in her latest video, the two are recognized enough where they are that they're being assaulted ("there's a difference between people thinking I am a dick, and someone saying i committed literal crimes that are so fowl that if I was seen on the street by someone and recognized, I would be assaulted. There's a reason Emily got a legal notice and other people didn't. Because one thing is more serious than the other. If you can't understand that, then one day I hope there never comes a time when you can relate to this. Because it's terrible. touch grass. ").
Your comment makes an interesting hypothesis, but most people have agreed that its more about Anthony being obsessed wtih Emily that fuels Shannon's insecurity.
No. 1409262
>>1408890what's even more stupid is Emily wasn't THAT popular to warrant the amount of hate Shannon tries to paint from a group of angry/horny neck beards who saw her titts in a bathtub. No one has time for that shit except for a stalker. Which Shannon has proven to be.
Also laughing at the fact some of her fans still have hope "She's not a stalker! She does research like in all her other videos"
1. Shannon has proven multiple times that she fakes "evidence" in her videos, posts and lolcow posts to create a narriative
2. the information she has on Emily is redundant, creepy, and no longer publicly available or on the internet archives. Which means Shannon being the creep she is had this file on Emily for years, not months.
No. 1409334
>>1409198Lmao what is this weird psychoanalysis of black people and conservative politics.
What’s more likely is that her husband looks phenotypically white. Not all mixed race people come out looking 50/50- especially not if he’s a white/Mexican mix since most Mexicans have some white ancestry.
No. 1409344
>>1409256Shannon is absolutely Anthony's attack dog, it's a common way women are used by men while he comes off looking innocent. Weaponise her insecurity to get her to attack and stalk other women. Easy to do since Shannon is average looking and overweight, where Emily is above average and slim.
One day Shannon will look back at all those wasted years stalking some woman, Anthony will be out of the picture and she just spent at least a decade of her life obsessing over some girl and making herself look like a lunatic in public, with no benefit to either party.
girlstalking blog:
I only just realised a lurker I've had for like 7+ years who only recently unfollowed me is the girlfriend of my male friend who I haven't spoken to for just as long, she really read all my shit for 7 years for nothing kek. We were never in a relationship but I recently realised based on an old message he wrote about me being "like an ex" that he lied to her and said we were, to make himself seem more desirable. I feel like this ridiculous "ex" stalking is so common. No. 1409370
>>1409340probably why Shannon made her lawyer state they only had sex once after their breakup
Shannon doesn't care that Emily was possibly raped. She cared because her scrote of a husband wanted her
No. 1409378
File: 1641406939895.png (44.75 KB, 752x197, 1624030835614.png)

>>1409256Another photo of Anthony
No. 1409456
>>1408768Because Tipster is the only one who interacted with her husband directly and then tried reaching out to her. All of what she’s been doing is for him. You don’t stalk/harass a woman your husband dated and abused for any reason other than wanting his approval, fear he will leave you for her, and jealousy that he loved her in the first place.
Her reply is hilariously stupid but Tipster is one of the most retarded scrotes so don’t feel too bad for him.
No. 1409459
>>1409240Cringe attempt at psychoanalysis,
nonnie. Took you all those words to say “Anthony manipulative, Shannon insecure.” What profound insight. Nobody cares what you, someone who can’t spell the word “definitely”, speculates about a rapist scrote’s family life based on what little and very broad information we know about him.
No. 1409530
>>1409456Okay, but alternate psycho theory time- If this all of this originally stemmed from Shannon being called out for posting on lolcow and this whole Emily drama has been a distraction from having to answer for that and now it's snowballed into all of this-
I wonder if Anthony is even fully aware of the shit she's pulled to try and get out of this? Maybe leaving him out of it all has been her way to try and hide this embarrassing trash fire from her husband. The more it leaks into his actual sphere of awareness the more Shannon can't help completely shitting herself. The firehose of diarrhea Tipster experienced is because he tried to touch the scrote.
No. 1409535
>>1409530Seeing as how he deleted everything when Emily came out, no.
That and Shannon most def was cackling and laughing while showing Anthony "look what I posted about Emily on Lolcow" or anything else she posted because Shannon has a fucked up sense of humor.
Shannon has no other hobbies other than picking internet slap fights and stalking people like Emily, Ready to glare, hopeless peaches…
Which reminds me. The people she shit on the worst were all females other than Tipster. But she only shit on him because Anthony was butthurt
No. 1409546
>>1409535Tru dat tru dat. You right, Shannon wouldn't be able to keep her mouth shut about it.
Hmm only shits the bed when Tipster, a MAN who makes a job out of calling people on their bullshit… almost like she's fully aware that a man's words are the only ones Anthony might take seriously when he's told "Your bitch is crazy".
No. 1409601
>>1409555Doesn’t mean much if she
could look better than Emily when she doesn’t now and never has, kek. Plus the majority of men (the only people Shannon wants attention from) care 90% about body and 10% about face so the potential to look better than Emily reeeeally doesn’t matter. None of them would give Shannon a second glance.
No. 1409628
>>1409601Oh so you judge women based on what men are attracted to? Emily is fugly, she looks like a man, and Shannon is morbidly obese but decent looking in the face. I keep seeing people go on about how beautiful Emily is and it’s retarded, she’s ugly and I don’t see where she’s showing off her apparently amazing body either. I guess she’s too traumatized after being sex trafficked, oops I mean posting naked anime reviews on her own YT and
triggering a bunch of black nerds
No. 1409637
>>1409631Being a heroin addict (especially for only a year or two) doesn’t suddenly make you ugly. There are probably a lot more people than you think who have used it and youd never be able to tell, a lot of people never shoot it, so they won’t have track marks either
If you google this bitch all of the first results are “is Emily artful trans” lmao but yeah just because I think she’s ugly im clearly Shannon because Emily is a fucking supermodel
No. 1409640
>>1409633Or youre just coping because you’re ugly and hoping people won’t notice as long as you’re not fat. “Guys will still 90% like me as long as I work out!! Some day someone will love me!”
Because somebody said a fat person wasn’t that ugly and that a skinny person was lmao
No. 1409641
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>>1409628>decent looking in the faceKek
nonnie even if Shannon had a 10/10 body and was incredibly well groomed and maintained the very best she could hope for is unmentionably plain. Not a single one of her features are striking and theres 0 harmony between any of them. Not to mention that your attitude and personality are the most attractive things about a person and those are the two most unbearable things about Shannon. Sorry that you have the same beady eyes, wide face and shitty outlook as her and all these digs at her appearance are getting to you, but it’s the simple truth.
No. 1409643
>>1409641she has that down sydrome potato face from the side kek.
also her expression looks like a mix between uncomoftable and constipated! kek.
No. 1409649
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>>1409641Hey, I'm the same flavor of fat white bitch as Shannon and I'm finding these digs hilarious.
She looks like amateur renaissance painter's first attempt at the Virgin Mary.
No. 1409651
>>1409644maybe there's more to beauty than just looks
nonny? if Shannon wasn't such a douche canoe I'd probably be less heavy handed or critical, so far emily has been a hot mess, but drugs and trauma can fuck you up mentally and unlike shannon Emily actually acknowledges her fuck ups to an extent whereas Shannon made a 2 hour stalker video on why she's not a stalker. Shannon can look like a 10 and still be considered un attractive by her actions alone.
No. 1409669
>>1409664I don’t know or care what this means. I just think Emily is kinda ugly and I’m sick of people acting like she’s stunning because Shannon is fat and crazy. I honestly can’t even tell what Shannon looks like under the filters and weird angles, she’s just forgettable/average to me. She’s not the first fat person I’ve ever seen. People gushing over Emily made me realize she’s kind of weird looking. I wouldn’t even notice if people didn’t act like she’s so gorgeous.
Also, I don’t understand why you bring up what guys think of what they look like at all, I’m speaking from my point of view which is a woman’s point of view. And yeah degenerate porn addict dudes are creepy and will fuck anything that walks, groundbreaking revelation
I think Shannon is jealous of Emily because her sick ass boyfriend compares her to Emily, not just because Emily is objectively so attractive that it just drove her insane. He sent Emily a critique of her workout regime while he’s dating a whale. So obviously he does worse to Shannon. Shannon’s a fucking idiot loser for staying with him and it probably makes her gain even more weight as well…he doesn’t care because he’s
abusive and that’s what they do. Fuck up your life and then put you down for it (even tho she was always fat, she gained a lot more weight after him)
No. 1409676
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>>1409628>>1409555Certainly some posts in this thread
>>1409637>If you google this bitch all of the first results are “is Emily artful trans” lmao but yeah just because I think she’s ugly im clearly Shannon because Emily is a fucking supermodelVery legit looking sites indeed.
I'm not gonna say it but goddamn, let it go No. 1409680
>>1409676I don’t think they’re legit sites but how does this happen? Like how are there that many of this sites that pop up first? Can people pay to have negative things come up about their enemy? I agree it’s not from organic searches, but the number of them is crazy
Anyway I will let it go, it’s not that serious to me
No. 1409682
>>1409669Wonderful reading comprehension, nona. Shannon is fat, average, and wants men to like her. Therefore she is jealous of Emily for being more desirable to men, especially her husband. Nobody here thinks that Emily is stunning or beautiful. Nobody here is bothered that you think Emily is ugly. Why are you so
triggered? Die mad.
No. 1409690
this isn't a LOL emily ugly thread, this is a LOL shannon is a stalker thread. it feels freaking odd that a woman would go after another woman's looks especially that woman was subject to a harassment campaign on a website where the very subject of the thread larps as a regular
nonny from time to time.
You said your point how many fucking replies ago? yes we get it you think emily is ugly, what else is there? is there anything else to your argument? I am really trying to avoid a "Hi cow" response, but for someone who claims as a third party outside with a female point of view you seem a hell of alot invested on the fuckability of emily and her appearance.
if this is shannon, I guess it might sting knowing that your husband is still probably wanking to underage nudes of his ex instead of paying sexual interest in you; but thats more of a you problem, for tolerating that shit and stalking another woman.
No. 1409703
>>1409700>>1409701>>1409690keklol awww shit, you guys… sometimes I forget how much I love this
nonny bullshit
No. 1409732
>>1409730Why do you copy me? Oh wait…. I see it now. Subtle. Modest. Wide. Well done,
nonnie. I fucking love it.
No. 1409916
File: 1641453960853.png (149.41 KB, 862x417, LacapiArt.png) accent is kind of thick so it could be hard for some to understand, but this video is on point
No. 1409932
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That's for damn sure.. in this part of the video she uses pale to describe herself while saying "white passing latina woman" to describe Emily to show how different they are. Just a bit weird to me, maybe I'm looking into it a bit too much, but the words connotations seem like opposites, instead of saying white she says pale and then needing to say "white passing" for Emily. Just odd
No. 1409944
>>1409555I don't think Emily's ugly, but I agree Shannon had the potential to be prettier if she spent half the time she spends cyberstalking Emily on just
walking instead. However, Shannon's a fat sack of shit who will never meet her potential because compulsively projecting her shortcomings onto others to avoid resolving her own problems renders her incapable of personal growth. Also very possible she's got that fridge build like her buddy RTG, nothing you can do about that. Have we ever actually seen a full body shot of Shannon?
>>1409689If you're not joking about saying Shannon wouldn't be a fat stalker if Anthony wasn't so mean to her, you're retarded. Are you not making it worse by tying Shannon's appearance to Emily's when they're completely independent (other than Shannon skinwalking)?
>>1409651 works in reverse too. You can find someone more physically attractive if you like their personality. Finding Emily pretty is a subjective opinion, and reeing about that opinion like people are lying to you about something factual makes you look as dumb as Shannon.
>>1409688 and
>>1409685 are the only opinions here that are pure fact.
No. 1409959
>>1409956y'all HAVE to get better with your basic reading comprehension skills.
>>1409944 isn't even implying that high effort Shannon could win a beauty contest against Emily on a good hair day.
No. 1409960
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>>1409932"white passing Latina woman" Emily is mostly white (like 90% according to her Twitter) and only a bit Latino
(also given how woke Shannon tries to act shouldn't she have said latinx)
Still, its obvious Shannon wants to be her so bad
No. 1409973
>>1409960Emily is comfortable in photos and Shannon isn't. Shannon covers her face, uses washed out filters, makes dumb faces or bug-eyed deer in the headlights faces.
>>1409932 isn't a flattering photo of Emily but she still looks confident and pleasant. The OP candid of Shannon is woof.
No. 1410029
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>be me a nonny wondering whats new with this thread
>after caffeination by intaking basic bitch Starbucks goes on lolcow
>looks up shannon on snowflaks and mistakes board
>people still sperging about whether Shannon is attractive
yikes on trikes we're still autisticaly arguing whether Shannon is attractive? she looks like a diet version of rosie.
No. 1410038
>>1410004since we're on this topic
Shannon's Amy video was made years ago, and I believe that she only made that video because apart from trying to gaslight Emily, "Amy" could be the scapegoat she could use for any issue. Channel got hacked? That's Amy. Lolcow posts got exposed? That's Amy.
Now that the plan obviously has no chance of working (since she's been exposed), you'd think Shannon would at least be smart enough to make up a new one if she's not gonna come clean, but she either has too much pride, or is just stupid.
I personally believe Anthony is the biggest reason she's denying all this. She loves him more than anything, does his dirty work of stalking, and doesn't care if her reputation is destroyed as long as he isn't held accountable. I think that if Shannon was to admit that Emily was right, then that would also mean admitting that Emily was right about Anthony, but Shannon doesn't want her precious angel to be dragged like that. So she does what she always does and lies and gaslights. She will go to any extent to keep his name clean no matter how dumb it sounds, eg "he didn't rape Emily because he said so!!!!"
Shannon is willing to throw away her career for a man who thinks about his ex more than he thinks about her,
No. 1410141
IMO Shannon didn’t think she would get her fans back so she tried to get people to dislike Emily too instead, maybe deep down she hoped the snowflakes she pandered to would go back to seeing her as a “comfort youtuber uwu” but it looks like the main objective was to get back at Emily, that actually makes me think less of Shannon. Emily, has a life outside youtube, she, for one, has an actual support system and a family, what does Shannon have? She’s estranged from her family and terminally online so no real life friends (actually no friends at all considering they all disowned her), the only thing she has is that useless scrote of a husband and his 3 inches of magic. Thankfully, Shamy’s pro manipulator skills are worse than GH’s, she just confirmed herself to be a stalker even if Emily got dates wrong or whatever.
>>1410029Even worse, we’re arguing over whether a hypothetical skinny version of Shannon has the potential to be prettier than Emily,
No. 1410164
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>>1410141It's impossible to compare the two when there isn't an up to date full body pic of Shannon's physique on the internet….other than this old gem from her "I was stalked for 8+ years" thumbnail.
No. 1410402
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>>1410116> be me, a fat Shannon doppelganger> but not an insecure turdo anymore so these fat digs don't do shit> but being fat Shannon doppelganger gave years of fat shame fodder that once made a fatty sad in that shameful fat pastTA DA! someone did capture a hole net of butter! WHO IS THE MYSTERY BUTTER HUNTER? Get this bitch a party hat!
>>1410164Those poor shoes are one more standing photo shoot away from being swallowed by the meltfat that already overcame her ankles.
No. 1410743
>>1410530I feel like a lot of people missed the point of that whole segment, (it was absurdly messy and long and hilariously slapped together and unedited).
But the argument there was that there are other possible culprits and suspects for who might have been trolling and anonymously harassing Emily around the same time a lot of the shanthony harassment happened. Or under this logic, the time frame where shannons stalking only allegedly happened.
Emily had said something about not ever getting anonymous hate this bad until Antony started harassing her and Shannon set out to prove that she was hated by the anime community for a hot minute and received a lot of abuse from them.
In particular Shannon claims they are the people who got Emily fired and called her workplace. Kind of a stretch for me with that one, its shannons word on that. But I think there’s a decent point that some of the people being creepy with Emily around that time could have been insane anime dudes . And that Emily was so distraught from her crazy ex she mistook some things random guys from the one piece incel community and lumped them in with all the very real Antony harassment.
The logic stands fine it just doesn’t amount to much . Basically that a handful of mean messages or interference in her real life could have come from that community instead, but the lions share of it still clearly landing on Shannon and Antony.
I do love the idea that Emily got a view details wrong by accident and paranoia, and Shannon is literally seething that she’s been accused of one of the few things on Emily’s stalking hell list that Shanthony didn’t do, and no one gives a shit. No one is going to listen or care or take the time to question it even if there are any mistakes on Emily’s part and thats fucking hilarious. You know that’s eating shannon alive. The idea that she is still so upset months later that she spent the holidays slaving and ruminating over this insane video is such a gift to me.
Idk how to tell you this Shannon but you banked and built your career off of hurting real people by dumbing down nuanced situations with flimsy evidence and spicy half truths to muddy the waters, teens’ poor critical thinking skills and unintelligent or dishonest tea channel adults parroting each other. The same braindead system is just working against you now thats literally the only thing that’s changed here.
No. 1410837
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No. 1410838
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No. 1410839
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No. 1410840
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No. 1410841
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No. 1410884
>>1410841>>1410847Excellent research, all we had to do is scroll down on Bryce's publicly accessible Instagram.
Upon first impression, this throwback comes to mind. No. 1411046
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This one of Bryce is just chef kiss sums up his level of deepness
No. 1411105
>>1410884Am I the only oldfag that remembers when 'emo' music was like Weezer and Dashboard Confessional and emo boys were just plain soft bois with a penchant for soft rock, thick square glasses, and striped polo shirts. Then I woke up in an alternate reality where 'emo' was now an embarrassing mashup of 'scene' kids and goth rejects and the whiny music turned into screaming whiny music.
Is it just me?
No. 1411109
>>1410843he does lmao.
how does she even live with him? as of now we know he's unemployed, has no gigs so far and doesn't have a strong following online(ofc with his ugly ass face)
No. 1411160
>>1411134Agreed. Any band with white dudes crooning about emotions was "emo". It was a subgenre of a subgenre that spawned it's own subgenres.
Emo was really broad but after a few years it kinda split between a group that was more folk / indie type (Hipster) and a group that was more goth / punk (Scene).
No. 1411174
This bitch has gotten zero therapy and has been seething about this for months. The only way up out of this hole she's been digging for the last decade is really to leave him and get help.
Hope she isn't bringing all her personal problems to work at taco bell with her :)
>>1410806Also "Watching this unhinged bitch twist in the wind" is great writing