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No. 359107
>>359074I already feel a principle of
trigger whenever I see her thumbnails. It's just so ugly and uncreative, I avoid her channel like the plague
No. 359424
>>359333All she had to do was draw a jawline or chin..
I couldn't even watch.
No. 359581
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So now gothcell is just cringy
No. 359690
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>>359636It also looks like she drew the 2000s version tamagotchi
No. 359748
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>>359581>So now gothcell is just cringyand gross. why would you post this?
No. 359989
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from gothcell's personal ig. i find these posts hilarious because an exact quote from her is "i'm never going to help myself and i don't care to"
No. 359990
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>>359989"lazy and don't want to grow up" indeed
No. 360161
>>360155It's freaking sad to watch her older videos and then
this. Some anons had mentioned this before, but she's probably depressed because being a full time artist isn't as glamorous as social media makes it out to be.
No. 360190
>>360184I only got about halfway through and yeah, her tone is really strange. It sounds like she's wanting to cry, but she can't, but she knows this is dramatic so she has to pretend she is.
Minor blogpost, but as someone who experienced similar stuff, it's hard even for me to take this seriously. I've never understood how people make such "polished" videos about stuff like this… I always figured it'd be awkward as hell to edit these types of videos? You're revealing some serious emotional trauma, but you also have to make sure your sprites are timed correctly… More power to her, I guess.
No. 360211
>>360184To me it just seems like these people find ANY REASON to post a storytime video for views even if it's fucked up shit and for an excuse to make edgy/dark art.
Guess it's like a new form of a broken girl attention whoring for sympathy like an emo girl showing her cuts and talks about her tragic backstory.
No. 360240
>>360184Definitely strangely disingenuous right off the bat, drawing a little girl lying beat up on the ground while describing her father's behavior, then immediately going on to explain he never physically abused her. Same with her description of his pedophilia: she brings forth what she poses as a horrifying accusation against him, but then says (paraphrasing) "he never actually sexually abused me; I could just SENSE he was attracted to me" and says how he spent time around her and looked at her.
A lot of aspects of this video come off as forced/artificial: the creepy music and drawings, the Shane-Dawson-esque sound effects and narration, etc., while talking about things that aren't even inherently creepy or unusual (like strict parents yelling about their children's underachieving and friend groups). She whimpers, cracks her voice, and constantly references her bad feelings while explaining almost nothing concrete or compelling behind her story, even representing things as simple as "I used the internet often" as tragic, horrifying experiences.
No. 360256
>>360184"I won't give any nasty details"
Uh cause there are none lmao
Terrible art, ew at those giant tumblr brows
No. 360267
>>360194Hmm, I've talked about my own publicly, but it was a far more "spur of the moment" kind of thing… Sometimes specific things spark those kind of emotions and memories in you and it's hard to keep them down. That isn't the case for everyone, and I get why others wouldn't want to talk about it, but I think it's a case by case sort of deal.
But this video seems so contrived. To write a script, record lines, draw cheesy animatics blatantly dramatizing the abuse (bruises and scrapes for abuse that she admits wasn't physical? alright), and spending the time editing it all together… It makes it all so much less genuine to me. Honestly it does seem like it was made with getting views in mind, and it sucks to think that cynically, but I truly can't shake that impression. I guess that's what YouTubers are in it for, though.
No. 360269
>>360184there was nothing in this video that gave the impression that she wanted to talk about abuse. she just wanted to suicide bait for views. not in the sense of 'im gonna kill myself' suicide bait, but the kind that is like 'suicide is Bad because i had it but i Cured it' sort of way. it feels like a pander to the (im assuming) younger audience she has to seem more relatable by saying she had/has suicidal tendencies and an abusive father.
i honestly think this entier story is horse shit. the editing, the recording, the way the script is written; nothing in this is genuine or inspiring.
what bothers me the most is the fact in the video she claims to have attempted suicide 'on june 11ths of this year'. the video was posted to youtube on june 29 2018. that means in 18 days, a little over two weeks, she had attempted suicide, decided the root cause was her father, then wrote the script, recorded the audio, animated it, and then editted the video in the dramatic Shane Dawson way that she did. in 18 days.
this entire video stinks of 'depression LoL' clickbait.
No. 360363
>>360326Honestly it reminds me of this video by BannanaJamma and it feels just as wasteful imo
saged because its an old video lol
No. 360456
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any thoughts on cyarin
No. 360513
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>>360509also she puts stuff like this on twitter like 'oh no people are so mean to me'
& her comments are 100% 'I am ten and I think you are the MOST talented and pretty i luv you'
No. 360542
>>360456I actually had to look on her Instagram if this was recent. And oh god, it is, and it lacks the organic look that she tries for in the rest of her work.
But anyway, I fairly know about her but read from a source how she uses her disability as an excuse for a majority of her actions, going as far as having her own mom having to apologize to a tablet company.
No. 360551
>>360491I don’t understand this mentality, why are we, the audience, not allowed to be annoyed that we’re just seen as dollar signs? Sure, I understand that these people need to earn a living, and I can empathise with that, but it’s so fucking callous and obnoxious how many sponsors they have they try to sell us while clearly not using the service themselves, or the amount of ads they try to cram into videos that clearly didn’t take a significant amount of effort to film or edit. I and most likely many others are sick of being obviously treated like nothing more than a means for more as revenue, it completely puts me off of the creator.
I significantly prefer it when they have a patreon (even if it doesn’t have physical reward tiers like most artist ones do these days) because I can support artists of my own volition and I’ll be getting one ad/sponsorship per video max from what I’ve seen of most channels that have Patreon.
No. 360570
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This is one of the points a previous person meant about people not liking her upstuck personality.
No. 360576
>>360478Real talk now, are there any other solid options to YouTube that isn't Instagram video? I thought of looking at Dailymotion or Vimeo but still haven't done my research.
Unfortunately mainstream social media is going to be monetized and full of advertising, no matter how much we sperg and complain here in lolcow. At least with those recorded advertising I can skip every 10 seconds of the video both in my phone or desktop and get straight to the video, but what about AdSense(or whatever that shitty advertising thing is named) that Kasey crams 5 at once in her 10minute videos? That shit I can't skip on my phone as much as I want and it uselessly spends my data.
No. 360592
>>360478Her Instagram is really irritating to view. She does obnoxious sales posts,
and hides obnoxious sales slides at the end of slideshows. So you either train yourself to never swipe to the last image in a slideshow, or leave her page never to return. Slides are like (all caps, giant font)
ETSY!!! SALE!!!!
and is hella jarring when juxtaposed with her soft, pretty mermaids and faeries
No. 360600
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>>360570Her art is also very lacklustre compared to Loish’s, the only thing she’s managed to even remotely copy really is the painterly style of colouring
No. 360634
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>>360363why is it wasteful? the end painting is nice and the bread was expired
cancer is atrocious wtf is that hair
No. 360636
>>360634Each and every one of these look so busy and tryhard.
This may seem petty but I really dislike her bug-eyed style and I hate the symbol/emoji shit she draws on the eye. It looks so offputting. Her designs are so unpleasant. You'd think by now she'd have grown out of this mess, but time and time again youtube artists never do.
She's one of those artists who's found her "style" and clings to it desperately because she's afraid she'll loose her core audience if she made the effort to actually study or improve.
Artists like her, once they find their audience, they don't budge. They just cater to who they get for ever and become complacent.
That's also people like Kasey and sakimichan, but there's a good discussion there; is there anything inherently bad about the complacency of artists? As long as people like their stuff and they're making a living it's all good right? You'd think the repetitive nature of their subjects would wear on these types eventually but who knows, maybe the money just really
is that good.
No. 360687
>>360627I don't really know the details and i dont have any caps to prove this because this happend a few years ago and she deletes a lot, but mainly companies don't want to hire her because she refuses to draw anything but her pretty girls. There is also the incident with Wacom.
She bought a Wacom Companion and had issues with it and contacted customer service. She wasn't satisfied and instead of continuing to maybe call or email Wacom she decided to harass the online spokesperson who initially talked to her and sending her whiteknights to them. It got to the point that Wacom told her to fuck off. Shortly before this happened Wacom asked her to collab like with other popular artists. She was stuck up and told she needed to talk to her manager and ended up demanding a rediculous amount of money from Wacom and Wacom said fuck this and pulled out. I don't think she had a collab with a company since HP ever since.
No. 360777
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>>360687did some digging and found the facebook post about the wacom drama
No. 360828
>>360789>>360672Do you realize that an anon asked for reasons why she isn't well liked in the community? Of course it's old crusty milk but it's nice if someone gives us the deeds like the Wacom drama. People change and I hope she learned from her actions
>>360777>>360570thx anon for your effort
No. 361023
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>>361018ross draws is in the process of getting "cancelled" by twitter because he heavily references from stock but doesn't credit the models or photogs. they keep asking him for credit in his DA comments and he just ignores them. I can't find the original callout post but if you search him on twitter you'll find a lot of pissed off tweets.
No. 361060
>>361050I thought it was a lil weird too. I've also never understood why art companies charge so freaking much for packaging the supplies in a wooden box. Usually, they're decent boxes, but it`s so easy to get your own boxes and customize them or even find very similarly designed boxes at a lower cost.
In Liquid Color seems like a really nice lady though. She doesn't have any real milk afaik, even if it irks me somewhat that she's one of those art tubers who have giant collections of art supplies that they wouldn't feasibly be able to use in their lifetimes. (Which she admits herself in one of her vids that she has way too many watercolor paints for one person.)
No. 362162
>>361060Wooden boxes are a little impractical to me for watercolors. It's a wet medium stored in a container that has an ease to seep moisture inside of the material, no matter how many layers of water repellent substance they might have layered into the wood.
We have plastic and metal boxes for the sake of weight and practicality! Whereas wooden box(and the way materials are placed) would be tied to studio-only use.
You are true on one thing: Denise, alongside most art YouTubers who have a sizeable section of paint material reviews, suffers from hoarding and excessive buying. Buying and reviewing stuff is the bulk of their videos, reflecting on their collection left to gather dust.
Teoh at least seems to sell some of his tube paints in pans and make local giveaways for drawing tech he has reviewed over the years. I think it wouldn't hurt some of these creators who have patreons to make a giveaway of materials to certain patron tier's and patrons who have been there for the longest time. Could be an extra boost reward for fidelity.
No. 362192
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Old gothcell milk but damn…this is your edgy crackhead queen? All over a flow in a song that’s not that original anyway.
No. 362346
>>362162I mean, boats are wooden too and they seem to deal just fine with water.
And the wooden palettes are also clearly intended for only studio use, not everything has to be portable - plenty of artists work primarily from home, it makes sense to prefer a nicer looking material for your palette when it’s going to be on display essentially 24/7
No. 363628
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I'm surprised I haven't seen a post about angelganev on instagram/youtube. I think his work is aesthetically pleasing and I understand artists can have unique styles but I feel like he gives every drawing the same fucking face. It bothers me so much. I feel like the characteristics that make a person's face unique he just strips away turning them into some kind of big lipped doll.I haven't lurked his youtube either but his page also has advertisements about it. One of the titles was "my thoughts on slut shaming" or something like that. This guy irritates me overall
No. 363980
>>361050To be fair I think the point was kind of an indirect way of telling other people not to buy it, basically telling her audience it's packaging is unnecessary and expensive for no good reason.
>>361060This mostly just bugs me when it's people spending crazy amounts of money on hoarding art supplies for no reason. I tend to give a pass on reviewers since that's what they do (and often it's gifted from viewers or companies), but I wish more would do something to make sure their collection sees some use after doing the review. I like Dr Oto Kano's solution of making sample paint cards for patrons on Patreon. Good way to engage and reward her audience with things she actually talks about, and incentivize people to supplement her income. Donating would be nice too.
No. 364108
>>360507Awful and embarrassing. Even if it was a test video I wouldn't have uploaded that shit. I don't think I would even do test videos unless the company sponsored me.
>partly it's my prejudice against people who think copying an image is good art, partly it's just cos she in particular gets on my titsSame, I understand if it's for practice (you're trying to get the feel of how to draw in a certain style) or sketchbook purposes but as a finished piece or something you're going to make a whole video about? No.
No. 364171
>>364164Saged for the blogpost.
I've tried some of the arteza supplies, and from my experience I'd call them higher end student-grade supplies.
They're great for beginners, and made for a nice donation of art supplies when I decided they weren't for me. But if you have any experience at all with art supplies, I'd give them a pass, with the exception of the watercolor paper. It's decent run-of-the-mill 140 lbs/300 gsm paper. The two-pack for $23 is great, but obviously only worth it if you do a lot of painting.
tl;dr I honestly don't now why people shill for them so hard, they're pretty comparable to store brand art supplies.
No. 364242
>>364164>>364171similar experience but I'd say their only good product is the water-soluble woodless pencils, they really melt fully as they say, and are a good alternative if you can't afford caran d'ache.
But their products are not lightfast and I've seen some of them sold on other brand names on fucking aliexpress of all things, and I've seen them there before arteza popped out on amazon.
No. 364251
>>364164>>364171>>364242I think it goes back to the limited amount / type of sponsors arttubers get and they don't want to burn bridges with the company or young kids that watch them…just like new makeup gurus rave about shit products in hopes of getting more pr to review. It is really irritating though and I avoid arteza reviews like the plague now.
I've only tried arteza gouache and for student grade, it's the best I have tried. Must be used from the tube though, they're more trouble than they're worth to try and reactivate once dry in pan/palette.
No. 364351
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Looks like qinni is getting a heart transplant
No. 364428
>>363628he is actually pretty milky.
compares virgin women to untrained horses and says that the only men that like virgins are the ones that blow themselves up to go to heaven. supports women having sex, but only because the practice will help them suck his dick properly.
No. 364502
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>>364428bitch what the fuck
No. 364511
>>364428is this kid for real?
>>364351excited and nervous for her, hope it goes well.
No. 364575
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Except you’re not that creative. Get over yourself you narcasstic douchebag
No. 364652
>>364613Just the whole part about her going off about “omg! I’m so creative! My art is so special!” When it’s not. She’s just an angsty teen who draws herion chic bitches.
>>364636Right? She doesn’t even have any pieces that are gallery quality, even for more avant-garde places.
No. 364655
>>364171probably because a lot of people's store brands are shit. The only store brands near me are artist loft and Reeves, both of which, even for their price, are on the lower end of student quality.
I imagine that's how it is for artist and Arteza. Not to mention, not wanting to burn your bridges because unlike the BG community, sponsorships for artists are slim pickings.
No. 364758
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Anyone else grossed out by the way some people draw noses? A red bump with a very strong highlight, it looks like a greasy pimple. Just the whole extreme highlighting in general makes just makes the character look so greasy
No. 364762
>>364758Extreme highlighting can work, the main issue here is the lack of extreme highlighting anywhere else on the face, and the over rendered/too dark shading on the nose. Since the shading is so centred on the nose it just looks really weird.
I mean if you're using extreme highlights blend it out a bit, throw some on the cheek where the light is coming from (instead of both) and then you'll get much nicer lighting probably
No. 364940
>>361018good riddance. still remember that time he held a contest where he promised to draw one of his fans and then he he completely changed all her proportions to fit his drawing "style" to the point where she didn't look anything like the fan (in fact it looked exactly like another drawing of a pretty girl he'd posted a week earlier)
can't imagine being a fan of his dude and getting something so skivvy
No. 365175
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this is so sad. art from 2015 that is more varied, and look, an actual attempt at a body!
full post here No. 365177
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>>365175and something from her private. i hate the attitude this girl and her fans have 1/2
No. 365205
>>364883She's so ignorant of some basic things in art history. Like really, really basic things. I take it she's self-taught and didn't go to art school? Even if she didn't, I can't believe she's a professional artist who apparently has never noticed how intriguing the Mona Lisa's smile is before this video…
I think Kasey has the opposite problem to people who are all over the place and constantly searching for a 'signature style'. She's so entrenched in doing the same thing over and over again, telling herself it's her style, that she can't even deviate it from it to improve or learn.
No. 365347
>>365270the Mona Lisa is in every fucking history book known to man, especially when talking about the renaissance. Leonardo da Vinci is mentioned all the fucking time; it was a fucking meme for YEARS to say Leonardo da Vinci was getting an oscar and not Leonardo DiCaprio. how did she go through being a self-taught artist on the internet, a place where you can learn LITERALLY ANYTHING, and then turn around and have no so little knowledge about classic art?…
her entire gripe about the mona lisa being dark and shit shows a complete lack of effort to learn anything about the renaissance. fuck, even color theory talks about this when covering just the history, something a google search can inform you about easily. yet, she sits there, irgnorant.
look, i get it. i love the whole 'draw this in your style' meme, but when you outright dont just ignore, but blatantly admit you avoided learning about the history behind a historical piece, sorry not sorry, you are not an artist. gatekeeping is a load of shit, but you can't make a video on HISTORIC ART and then not fucking learn even the wiki page about it!
No. 365356
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What do you guys think about Learn2DrawManga on Youtube? Her art is very flat and pretty unappealing . I wouldnt care too much if she didnt have that whole teaching people things about drawing theme going on. Also her voice sounds just so forced and fake it really annoys me how she is trying so hard to sound "kawaii"
No. 365357
>>364883Not only are these not "cute" in any capacity
But also Kasey, your being an arrogant, ignorant prick who is resistant to change for no good reason is showing
No. 365368
In other news,
Waffles recently hit 1 mil and I honestly think she deserves it.
Unlike the majority of popular art YT's she seems like a good influence on the kid demographic, none of that woe is me or edge-lord shit, and she's always talking about studying various subjects and trying new things etc etc
I'm happy for her.
Plus, just another 100 000 or so more and she'll even dethrone Baylee!
>>365356Wow, yeah I'd say that looks ok for a teen just starting out with digital IMO…except she's not a teen.
In this video ( posted in August she admits to being at least 22 years old, AND that she's been doing digital since she was 15.
I'm sorry, but HOW on earth can she still be at a WIKIhow level of drawing after 7 years?
>>365365Do try to keep it civil.
3.5c Don't engage in race-related arguments outside of dedicated threads. (racebaiting) No. 365698
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Long story short, gothcell made a curious cat and got valid critism. There’s way more on her page.
No. 365699
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Also, a total creep show copycat uwu
No. 365710
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>>365704Oh she’s mad. Because people are speaking the truth and she can’t handle it.
No. 365721
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>>365710This girl has full on fucking issues, this is a truly disgusting brand of insecurity
No. 365723
>>359072>>365698Wow. Imagine being this embarrassing. The criticisms aren't even particularly biting. Even if she was being legitimately copied, could she really not try to sound less cringey? She sounds like a 50 year old dad trying to imitate stan twitter. Or an alien whose only knowledge of humans is through reruns of drag race.
Yeah u really
popped OFF on those clowns!! Read them to
FILTH bitch!!,,they dumb af for coming for gothcell
No. 365744
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"there's a whole thread of people talking shit about you" ah yes, my favorite thread, Gothcell on Instagram/General Baylin Salt #6.
anyways, this girl has issues. this newest meltdown makes me think she might just be worthy of her own thread after all. let's see if she actually ~reflects~ on this or keeps on being a melodramatic woman-child.
No. 365748
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>>3657403 hours ago: roast me please haters give me life lol be brutal as fuck!
42 minutes ago:
No. 365792
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>>365725A few more of the cringier posts, this whole thing has been so pathetic. I know she’s a teen, but I don’t remember being so fucking edgy and pathetic at 18, like holy shit get a grip.
No. 365835
>>365356>>365391Just checked her out and the way she talks reminds me of someone talking to a baby, repeating nouns, overuse of "like" it's so damn annoying omg.
And lol at her having 8 siblings and all of them homeschooled - I smell Mormons.
No. 365987
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>>365744>A whole thread I didn't even know who this bitch was before i read here. And I came to this thread for artube drama lmao
No. 366022
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if that's how you act, that's how others will perceive you. not a hard concept to grasp. if it quacks like a duck…
No. 366026
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>>366022yeah let's not give this attention whore a thread. gothcell, we make fun of and talk shit about a lot of people. if you're on here, it's because something about your behavior/general internet presence warrants mockery. we do this for fun. you are not important.
No. 366047
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>>366040So she’s our new creepshow now?
No. 366060
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No. 366109
>>366097how hard could it be to ask?? she is so cringey.
and of course she's wrecking art supplies. that poor sketchbook.
No. 366312
>>366287don't put your art online dude, did you not get my argument? yes /some/ people are trashing art but not all, if you actually looked through the thread (and past ones) you'll see that there are plenty of genuinely good critiques, and that most of the trashing is towards artists acting inappropriately and in an immature manner. just because it's the internet, doesn't mean you can't have manners and shouldn't expect that after you have an attitude that someone will not act the same, respect is earned. and i contribute to here because, shocking, i am a artist and am still learning so seeing people in the threads point out mistakes in other's art helps me notice it in my own and allows me to improve and grow. the only person who is wasting your time is you, generalizing and being misinformed about this thread. and also, i am not using fucking lolcow to "deal" with any issues in my life, i'm mature enough to know that the best way to deal with my problems are from medical professionals, and the fact your first assumption of me was that i need to "trash" peoples art to "deal with whatever i'm going through" makes me think you have a toxic view of how people deal with their personal issues.
No. 366351
>>366269>>366287didnt have enough braincells to read that we were moving on away from gothcell cause she turned into old milk real fast, maybe some reading comprehention classes would be in order. especially since you couldnt read the rules of the board before posting. just here to sympathy wank. yawn.
>>366334finally, someone who gets it!!
No. 366435
>>366121I grew bored with Danica Sill's content so fast when i first found her. Everything has that people stiffly posing for a camera look.
Also, I was a bit curious about this piece so I went to her store, but she doesn't even give a description or background to it. So i'm left with a lot of questions.
Why does it have a childishly stitched together thorax incision? She mentioned wanting his bones to glow through his jacket "like a shark".
Do sharks commonly have open heart surgery and glowing bones?
I'm just left feeling very confused. Honestly, the entire point of the video felt like one big shill for skillshare.
No. 366502
>>366435>>366446Danica's thought process never goes further that thin white person with random wounds and stitches, posing, flowing hair, maybe some smoke~ It's the exact same as Jacquelin deLeon and her pouty tattoed witch girls floating in the void
They're both repetitive and boring
No. 366541
>>366497Just ignore them or call a mod over to ban hammer their asses if they brigade.
She's old news, no one cares.
No. 366568
>>366544Animals, landscapes, buildings, statues in a museum, anything really- or even some figure drawings if she
has to draw people, it would help a lot with the stiffness in the poses and bring some much needed variation in body shapes
No. 366631
>>366593Why on earth would you not want an artist you admire to get more expressive?
Especially since you mentioned her wanting to branch out and do comic/graphic novel work.
I mean;
Comics is one of the most shorthand (aka expressive) communication styles of art there is! And graphic novels (as far as I know) require even more depth and thought in each panel, both composition and detail wise, with plenty of narrative environmental pieces as well.
If she's serious about doing graphic novels, she needs to work on a lot more than just character expression. Things like scene composition, landscapes etc etc
I'd honestly love to watch her work on improving her skills in those areas! I'd subscribe just for that,even if it was just an occasional dedicated video here and there.
AND it would really set her apart from the "making bust up portraits only" YT art crowd.
No. 366640
>>366631There is a difference between putting more thoughts into each drawing, working on composition, background etc and being expressive ala using a pallet knife as other anons have suggested. What I meant was I don't want her to change her style (the way she draws the human body/color scheme/mood)
But I completely agree. She needs to step up her game and actually do the graphic novel/comics. She has what it takes to start and watching her waste her time/energy is kinda unnerving.
No. 366650
>>366640I…think you misunderstood me? Sorry, but I'm not the anon talking about palette knives, and I definitely wasn't implying that the only way to be expressive is to use splashy loud ways of painting.
All i said, was that I think she should work more on conveying more narrative through scene composition, light values, and FACIAL expressions than what she's currently doing.
No, of course she doesn't have to change her style. It's her trademark.
Exactly! She needs to start drawing some characters actually emoting, interacting with an environment, conversing, SOMETHING that isn't the same stiff "i'm such a beautiful tortured soul" OC portraits she keeps doing.
Glad we agree on that!
No. 366726
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>>366697Sage your posts, newfag.
No. 366735
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>>366729Not the same anon but what drew my attention was that she probably countoured her nose with a tad too dark shade of brown and slapped a highlighter there on the end of the nose. Also maybe it's the common sin of using foundation/powder that is darker and more orange than her actual skintone. Check out her neck.
No. 366757
>>366749This is the trend now isn't it? Pretty, boring girls. So dull.
The original illustration in this video is cool looking though.
No. 366791
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Not really salt but there’s been a lot of copycats of 80s/90s anime art style. Don’t get me wrong, I adore this style but after seeing this so much on Twitter it makes me wonder if copying another artist’s artstyle is going to be the norm and it’s making me sad that they tend to get more traction compared to people who’ve spent years developing their own style.
No. 366807
>>366767Is it? Ugly can be fun to draw. Drawing doe eyed Disney girls gets old after a while.
I like a lot of "pretty girl art", I just wish people varied it a little more
No. 366871
Again, the lack of storytelling in a lot of online art in general is mind boggling to me. Art is so more than just OC portraits and fan art.
Why not create actual scenes for their characters, put them in a setting and let them be doing something other than posing. Or maybe do a piece that let's the scene composition say something about their world or the character.
I'm not talking about creating fully rendered masterpieces, just…an attempt at creating another world and telling a story with their art once in a while.
No. 366937
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>>366767To an anime artist sure but generally ugly guys are a lot more fun, their uglyness can be unique and fun to play around with
No. 366941
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anyone in here follow javi_draws on twitter? i love the way she draws bgs and stuff (pic) but her comic sucks ass. the blurry ~aesthetic~ effect is horrible and all of her characters are so stiff.>>366886i can't stand this bitch and her dumb edgy same-faced ocs.
No. 366982
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>>366941Do people actually dress like this? If so, where? I live in New England and have never seen people dressing like this, not even in summer.
No. 366992
>>366982InstaThots and people who aspire to be InstaThots wear this shit and it doesn't look cute in irl. I can't wait for this fashion style to be over.
>>366989Lol not all of us dress like this.
No. 366993
>>366975Lesbians are older when they have their first relationship, so they have had the chance to get comfortable being alone with themselves before they ever have a relationship, it is usually calmer/more mature than straight relationships in the same age group. Growing up gay means coming to terms with the fact you might be single your whole life, since there aren't really that many of us out there, never mind ones with a mutual attraction. Lesbians don't have a girl-crazy phase where they lose their sense of self in a bid to get a partner, even if they are lonely they know who they are and stick to it. I think there is a lot less spite during fights as well.
Of course there are exceptions for both sides, but I think it gets confused by the fact there are a lot of het/bi girls that call themselves lesbian because they have an unstable identity. This is just personal opinion but I see a lot of similarities in lesbians to autistic women (I'm around both), e.g. not wearing something that you feel uncomfortable in even if you would look more "normal" in it. Hope this makes sense.
No. 366996
>>366961nice trolls remorse
>>366992it looks bad irl because no one actually has the body to pull it off without Photoshop.
No. 367007
>>366526It always bothered me how he never showed his drawing process in videos
I feel like yt artists are limited with what they can do.
I really like when people have fun with art like Drawfee, but idk anyone else doing something similar.
No. 367045
>>367007yt artists are limited. they have to move with what yt wants, fight the algorithim, monetization, all that bullshit. they see what makes them money in number form and repeat it, over and over and over. creepshow even talked about it, how none of her less than 10 min videos got money (which is one of the most moronic statement she has ever made, were you living under a bridge before posting on youtube? everyone knows this.)
it is why people paint same-y bullshit and do story time after storytime after sketchbook tour after art challendge; they are the first to show up in the search bar. and people click on thumbnails like Ross because it is a pretty girl that 'looks artistic' or has a fandom connection. in the end, yt artists limit themselves over money. why try to gain any new experience or skills when what you are already doing gets you money?
No. 367155
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>>367129I haven't seen many people execute the 90s/80s style as successfully as heart puff. Besides the pic related artist(who I forgot the name of) and a japanese artist called pikurusu00
No. 367181
>>367155Dsloogie (hope I'm spelling it right) is pretty great with that style, too! Only his is kinda based on the 80s/90s action anime style.
He even animates a bit from what I've seen on insta.
No. 367185
>>366957ain't most all relationship drama the same anyways? like there are plenty of gay couples that have "het drama" because there is no such thing as "het drama" it's just "drama" and LGBT+ people are subject to the same "het drama" as straight couples are.
relationship drama is all the same.
No. 367186
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>>366941This comic is literally a pulp romance novel featuring an instathot and a vampire.
No. 367190
>>366993Most of what you said just sounds like maturity tbh. Most people who are older are comfortable being alone with themselves before they enter a relationship, for whatever reason may have come to terms with potentially being single for whatever reason, etc.
>lesbians don't have a girl-crazy phase where they lose their sense of self in a bid to get a partner, even if they are lonely they know who they are and stick to ithave you ever been around any teenager, young adult, or even desperate to get laid and not be alone?
>less spite during the fights as wellgood one anon
No. 367275
>>366975NTA but I responded to a similar question in a different thread, I’ll paste it here since it’s relevant
- they’re lesbians just because. It adds absolutely nothing to the story, it doesn’t impact their characters whatsoever and there was obviously little to no thought put into it
- they’ll act like a het couple in the sense that none of the problems they come across will be wlw specific, and almost always there’s a “woman” and “man” dynamic involved. One will be hyper feminised and quite meek/submissive, while the other is very masculine in their behaviour, often larger than the femme, and extra points if they make them dress like a teenage boy.
- it’ll come off as fetishisation if there’s an absurd amount of gays in the story, almost every single relationship will be wlw when real life isn’t like that at all
- and lastly, they somehow never ever face any sort of homophobia. It’ll often be set in a modern time and everything will reflect reality, except how everyone is apparently just fine and dandy with everyone being a lesbian. These women seemingly never gave any sort of struggles to do with their sexualities
Long story short, don’t make them lesbians unless you actually have good reason to, it’ll impact the story in a meaningful way, and you treat them like actual human beings that will have faced struggles
No. 367334
>>367275Okay, but why do lesbians have to suffer homophobia to be considered legit? The author makes up the rules for that world, they could be in a safer part of said world or it just might not exist. Or maybe the author just doesn't want homophobia in their story. An author creating fiction can say this reflects our world except Coca-Cola doesn't exist, and they can because they're the author.
It sucks that lesbian characters have to have a 'good' reason to exist as opposed to their heterosexual counter parts. They have to be more impactful and meaningful and be perfect WlW couples without a hint the gender roles they were likely raised to conform to.
No. 367340
>>367334They don’t HAVE to suffer through homophobia, but these characters never have anything that sets them apart from others other than eating each other out. These women wouldn’t experience the world exactly the same way that straight people would, and if the story wouldn’t change in any way if you were to make one of them a man then you’re not a very good writer. It’s like making a character black for the hell of it and it in no way impacts who they are as a person, which in turn in no way impacts the rest of the world
Even ‘safe’ parts of the world have homophobia btw
No. 367349
>>367334>>367340>>367345Can you anons discuss this somewhere else, it’s getting way off topic
>>367300Oh yeah supplies hoarding is definitely a problem in the art community. Noticed that some artists just collect a bunch to flex at their audiences about how they can afford nice art supplies.
No. 367440
>>367300i get why people hoard, you never know when you may need a certain supply, but when people like baylee jae show themselves going through shelf after shelf, drawer after drawer, box after box of just hoarded art supplies they never use. it is honestly gross.
i understand having a set of various similar supplies. if you paint, you are going to have varying paints, if you draw, you are gonna have various markers and pencils and pens. but the people that have ALL THE SHIT, like baylee jae, with the fucking beads and felt glue and just hoards of junk, most of it given to them through sponsored content- learn to throw shit away, god damn…
No. 367449
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>>367440I wouldn’t really call having multiples of a medium you consistently use a hoard though.
Pic related, I have a fuckton of watercolour paints, but they all actually add some sort of value to my work in that I actually use them and they all serve some sort of purpose.
What I meant with my original post is that many youtubers seem to buy supplies just for the hell of buying them and then showcase them in a single video, then these supplies are never ever used again. They’re often not even displayed or within reach. I feel like these supplies could all very easily be given away, whether it’s to their followers or donated to a community centre/school/shelter, and all those supplies would actually be used rather than just rotting away at the back of their clutter drawer. A lot of their studio tours consist of showcasing all the many many supplies they have that no one person could ever make use of and they’re just carelessly tosses around. I’m not saying anyone is entitled to the things they’ve bought, but they should be more mindful of their purchases and stop excessively buying all of these supplies imo
It’s nothing but greedy and vapid, their reviews hardly ever hold any actual worth
No. 367606
>>367556Aw Man… I'm subscribed to her because her videos are easy listening to have on in the background, but that video was honestly cringe inducing.
The attachment grown people have to frigging COMPANY is really unnerving.
Talk about worshipping corporate.
No. 367617
>>367606Her frugalness weirded me out but it seems a lot of English people have this particular mindset, quantity over quality - but they also often will splurge in a not particularly important area, especially if you compare it to something like quality that won’t fall apart after two washes.
She buys so many expensive things like a sticker printer, but she raids the discount bin at an already cheap store? This whole video was uncomfortable, from the gushing of things only being a few pounds reduced to the majority of purchases being Disney
No. 367618
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>>366982i think the comic takes place in socal, or at least it looks like it does. i do see women dressed like that here.
>>366992yes pepper is based on some instathot (but is also simultaneously javi's self insert).
>>367334>It sucks that lesbian characters have to have a 'good' reason to exist as opposed to their heterosexual counter parts.agreed.
and i don't mind this uprising of lesbos in media, even if writers are just doing it for sjw brownie points.
No. 367673
>>367656First off, this thread is in
Off Topic for a reason.
Secondly, the reason why some of us are so positively inclined towards Waffles probably has something to do with her being perceived as a positive influence in the online art community, particularly for the younger audience demographic.
Some of us also just happen to believe in constructive criticism and being happy for others when they succeed.
I hope that answered some of your question.
Now if you've come here just to vendetta or bash the community, at least learn how to
sage your posts.
Nothing in your comment was milky besides you.
No. 368028
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For her realistic work it just seems like she’s copying images and making a “collage” and trying to pass it as a digital painting.
No. 368067
>>368056I got the 36 set and I'll be honest, they're not worth it. M Graham has a similar consistency to them in that they are sticky, but M Graham is a superior brand if you live in the US. Also, the earthtone range is a friggin joke, their yellow ochre is a 3 pigment blend when it should be a single pigment. Also, a couple of colors in the set are not lightfast, such as their ultramarine light and a few of their earth tones and sap green. People praise their paints as being super vibrant, which is great an all, but tinting them down is a bit tricky. Another point to note is that trying to buy the tubes separate from a set is rather expensive, which sucks but again M Graham is a better alternative in when it comes to price and reliability. Honestly, I regret getting these paints, I got them after seeing a few videos from PearFleur and wish I hadn't.
No. 368109
>>368107Daniel Smith are my current favourites, with M Graham currently coming a close second, I’ve found that the Holbein paints are all a bit too opaque for my taste and don’t granulate enough.
>>368067That’s a shame, I’m interested in trying them because of PearFleur as well, they look quite vibrant and translucent on video, but all the reviews I can find are quite mixed and extreme. I also like the honey binder of the M Graham’s so I may just stick to those, but thanks for letting me know your experience with them
Sage since this is OT from the thread, but no one ever seems to reply in the art help one
No. 368155
>>368028I was just looking through her account this morning and thinking it was really obvious that she's taking photos and painting over them. Especially when you compare her realistic portraits to her more stylized work.
And how quickly she churns out fully rendered paintings.
No. 368176
>>367834Yes, absolutely agree, I'm all for lesbian and black people representation, even if they are just black or gay for the heck of it and it does not contribute to the characters personality or story at all. Or it is the point of the story that they are the only gay lesbian in a community of white heteros. That is all fine but I absolutely despise characters or storys that are purely written for the purpose of having a gay or black character with no further depth. E.g. Zahra is black, sexuality lesbian, likes her black skin, hobbys looking at her beautiful fat black body in the mirror, dislikes homophobes, racists and fatphobia, who does she look up to herself because she is a beautiful fat black lesbian goddess. This is a case of really bad writing, the only way I could see how this could be saved is if she was the only one in the story like this and it was about a narcist who comes to realize there is more in the world. But a lot of stories tend to have all characters as plain and unrounded as this and that is just bad writing but people love it because "black lesbian representation"
No. 368202
>>368110I've seen a blog post about their pure pigment set, also saying the company had to reformulate the paints due to complaints about pigments and lightfastness. This post is more recent than the ones you linked so hopefully they modified it in the meantime…?
>>368056Jackson's selling the 10ml tubes for a good price, depending on the colour. I want to grab one that is similar to Prussian green, but of course Mijello has to put a different colour name.
I'm planning on buying W&N's potter's pink too, but should I get the 5ml tube or a full pan? The bigger options are more expensive.
No. 368272
>>368249Oh, we're in 100% agreement on that!
Although she does seem to be aware of it at least.
Maybe it has something to do with the stress of making videos? Idk, but I'd love to see some results sometime soon.
Also yes; the waffles maw of teeth is quite the sight.
No. 368484
>>368473I always find it sad when her old sketchbook tour is recommended to me. Yeah, they’re not amazing, but they’re diverse. Compare it to her sketchbook now and it’s like she’s constantly just drawing the same woman over and over again, just wearing different wigs and clothes.
Also, does any one else get slightly irked at how much prettier she draws herself? I know artists tend to embellish themselves a bit, and so many will look cuter because of the style, but she makes herself as thin as a model with bombshell waves and it’s just not .. accurate in the slightest.
No. 368545
>>368484Pretty-girl artists are a dime a fucking dozen but I have never seen an artist as samey and boring as her, it's so disappointing to watch.
I remember sometime before I finally unfollowed her, she complained about not fitting in well as an artist in Cali and it just didn't surprise me in the slightest.
No. 368552
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>>368545doublepost, but this tweet. The way she stated it just made my head hurt.
No. 368601
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>>368155I was reverse searching some of her art. I don’t understand how she got 11k followers
No. 368617
>>368552honestly this bitch dumb as fuck. anyone that says they want to be an artist is told by LITERALLY EVERYONE that it isnt a real job, that you wont make enough money, that you'll need another job, etc. you are more likely to fail than to succeed as an artist, and this bitch complains about silicon valley being expensive and competitive? DUH!
you are in a business that grooms failure, and you expect to be handed money and a silicon valley lifestyle on a silver platter? someone didnt work enough 9 to 5 jobs to appriciate making money period, let alone on the art they make, and you can tell. i wish i could make money drawing the same hipster, same face syndrome, 'not-like-other-girls' looking bitches in every illustration, but alas, i have bills to pay, and my time goes to paying them in a way that doesnt include a luck-based lottery on 'how cool uwu' my fanart is.
did a little digging because these tweets royally pissed me off, in her about page on her website, it says she got a BFA from laguna college of art an design. BITCH, that college cost 33k and has an acceptance rate of under 40%, this bitch knows what competition is and is shocked that her career is mared in it, i am FLOORED.
No. 368618
>>368601Yikes she just painted over the face and changed the dress color. The entire body is still the photograph.
I know she sometimes puts in the comment that the backgrounds are photos, but I don't think she's ever admitted that she's painting over the people.
No. 368696
>>368685Maybe it's that she doesn't have much of a personality, or at the very least, not a memorable one that could possibly stand out. You could draw the best witchy alt girls in CA but if no one remembers who made them then you're just dime a dozen.
I know that personally, I forget about Jacqueline every so often.
No. 368718
If you stick to drawing the same thing people will eventually get tired of you and you'll fade into obscurity when the new trendier thing comes up.
Drawing different things keeps it fresh imo
No. 368776
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>>368484>Also, does any one else get slightly irked at how much prettier she draws herself? >>I know artists tend to embellish themselves a bit, and so many will look cuter because of the style, but she makes herself as thin as a model with bombshell waves and it’s just not .. accurate in the slightest.Maybe it's..just an OC that happens to have her hair colour??
If not, it's a bit sad to see, but not terribly unusual for online avatars either.
I also seem to recall her having drawn fuller bodied witches before…not sure why she couldn't do so for her avatar/channel OC or whatever.
(Pictures taken from this video: )
No. 368850
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>>368473you should be able to draw anything you're asked to, but once you're working, i don't think sameface is a problem for illustrators. see every book you loved as a kid.
someone like robert mcginnis, who worked constantly and probably did every book cover from the sixties on had horrible sameface and even samebody, outside of hair color after a point all of his girls look exactly alike. i think it's more what you do with it. his use of color etc. is amazing and his layouts are also really pleasing. being an old dude he was super informed by the pulps but when we learned about him in history class i got much less concerned about samefacey shit, if you start getting paid, no one's going to care much and it'll be seen as your trademark or look. it's definitely not what we're taught but i think in the end no one cares, look at audrey kawasaki or mark ryden or whoever's hot this second (because i know they're not but can't wake up lol) and tell me that's not absolute sameface.
pic related, favorite robert mcginnis. wuthering heights variant based off his own paperback cover.
No. 369107
>>368776Swamp Green hair almost never looks good, that's for sure.
>>368812She's just another boring, basic artist peddling her pretty girls. Nothing much more to her than that. I always feel so detached from her videos because she seems so uninteresting. I can't say that she's not passionate about what she does, but I also get a 'business as usual' vibe from her.
I guess if kids love it it's fine though. She's relatively harmless.
No. 369173
>>368484>>368776Might be her lack of skill in drawing any other person other than the same pretty girl model.
Yeah a lot of artists make their avatars look cuter/prettier or more interesting than what the look IRL. It's very jarring when you see what the artist really looks like sometimes because they are nothing like their avatar and usually uglier/fatter/balder.
I think the only artist (not a youtube artist though) that I know who makes their avatar uglier than they really are is Katie Tiedrich AKA Akward Zombie. She draws herself with acne, frumpy clothing, with a slouch, very graceless and all around unflattering. I thought she was a dude at first and was honestly surprised when I saw a picture of her. She's not incredibly beautiful or gorgeous or anything but she is way prettier than how she depicts herself.
No. 369178
>>368776This reminds me of an artist I found a while ago. I found them through their "Meet the Artist" video and I really liked their artwork. Great lining technique, dynamic pose, good coloring.
I ended up not subscribing because the artist drew herself as having black skin/features, but when I went through the rest of her videos she was super pasty/pale. It wasn't an OC either.
No. 369304
>>369297I don't think it was a tan situation. She looked like one of those pasty Irish girls who can't tan at all, and she drew herself the same color as Lupita Nyong'o.
I'll try to see if I can find it. I was going to post about it when I first came across it but she had less than 1k subs so I was worried people would think I was vendetta posting (or self-posting)
No. 369385
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It baffles me how people like Natali Sanders are able to get away with this shit. All of her "art" is early deviantart tier collages.
Sage cause not a tuber.
No. 369531
>>369514Her voice is in fact one of the worst voices I have ever heard, very unmotivated and the nasal does not work in favor for her.
She also simply isnt a good speaker. She doesn't know what she wants to say - that is why there is awkward pauses and some sentences are not connected properly. She just speaks as she goes and some people can do this fine but she simply can not, she should start writing herself a script.
No. 369637
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Instagram keeps recommending this girl to me who somehow has almost 80,000 followers.
All her artwork is photographs covered with scratchy lineart and blurry airbrushing that she claims are paintings she makes from scratch. Her fans praise her for her "photorealism", and anyone who points out that she's passing off photos as her art gets blocked and their comments deleted.
No. 369640
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>>369637She didn't even bother painting over the jacket, just blurred it. The pattern lines up too perfectly.
No. 369642
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>>369637>>369640People have been clamoring for her to share process videos for years now, and she replies with "soon" or teases "WIPS" that are just her scribbles with the photo layer hidden. She asks if people want to see process videos, and then never never delivers on anything other than eye speedpaints.
No. 369643
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>>369637>>369640>>369642She even has an anti-hater story that overlays the photo over her art and makes it even more obvious that she's tracing.
No. 369712
>>369643Im kinda tired of seeing artists copying-paste the same bullshit perfect face on Pinterest/Instagram.
Sometimes it's sad to see illustrators who can actually draw from their imagination and not having a big fanbase and begging for money to survive.
I hate these "Instagram" Artists, also this is overly nitpicking from me but I can't stand when they put their age on the bio as if they are ¡¡th3 most young prodigy in art!!, lmao, you're not a better artist just because you're 13/15/20
No. 369733
>>369718>went to art school>complaining about supply and demand vs skillCome on anon, this is classic first year Duchamp/Hirst stuff
They're a laughable cow for pretending they don't trace, but acting like it's somehow scandalous of for people to succeed from tricking the populace into applauding that the thing they easily pulled from their ass isn't very art of you
No. 369741
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>>369675scorpio's got a cleft lip
No. 369757
>>369652Do you have examples of that?
I used to look up to a lot of chinese artists
No. 369813
>>369811God, this just looks like every 3rd Instagram artist
I swear it’s the new tumblr in how it only rewards certain styles and that’s what everyone devolves into
No. 369848
>>369825She’s from New Mexico. Not exactly know for great schools, let alone art classes.
That being said, this shit is pathetic. She 100% most likely traces her realism pieces.
No. 369864
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>>369675I am perpetually disappointed by people’s designs for Sagittarius, but what the actual fuck is going on with this leg. Surely she sees these mistakes, why doesn’t she put in any effort to correct them during the sketching process? And what even about this design is Sagittarius other than a lame arrow tattoo
No. 369886
>>369716I was about to post this lol
I cannot fathom how this girl went to an art school without learning how to use references? she literally only knows how to 100% copy an image but she never studied anatomy even once, that girl in the first drawing looks like something I would‘ve drawn at 13 starting out with art. This is just incredibly sad at this point.
No. 369894
>>369886samefag but that she genuinely believes that illustration doesn‘t require references has me shook
I don‘t know if Rae is really worth her own thread. She is cringy but not nearly on the same cow level as Holly or Baylee.
No. 369903
>>369716She calls her Ohuhu markers Copics. Over and over. Does the girl know that Copic is a brand, not a blanket term for all alcohol markers?
And when she drew those star everywhere I got flashbacks to drawing in middle school. How does she have so many subscribers?
No. 369917
>>369808Building a decent art community takes time, even years. This means opening the doors to all sorts of people.
My group of artist friends has been going strong for almost ten years now and most of the original members (with the exception of 1) are still active on a daily basis. The key is to choose members not just based on their skill level, but on their creativity, willingness to improve and on their quality as people. Sometimes this means accepting novices. Those novices will eventually improve and then help others do the same.
I've been in a few exclusive groups that only accept 'skilled artists' and those tend to burn out quick because you'll end up with a lot of big egos and clashing personality when skill level is your only criteria for accepting new members. But being surrounded by only novices can also be a bad thing as it can stunt your growth as an artist. The key is finding that happy medium.
There is a lolcow discord going around, but it might not be the best place for starting a community because a lot of people are not going to want their art/social media accounts to be associated with a gossip site.
Good luck with your search.
No. 369964
File: 1549688396047.jpg (38.89 KB, 255x287, QLsYa9c.jpg)

>>359072im so sick of this shit.
granted this is mostly common in nsfw art but im really hating this trend of obese hips + stick legs. i get nsfw art often exaggerates but this shit looks ridiculous. and it kinda sucks that a lot of ocs are being reduced to gigantic pear shapes when theres so many other body types that can be appealing in their own ways
No. 370072
File: 1549706152657.png (593.34 KB, 793x645, 2019-02-09 20_55_02-Drawing St…)

>>369716when she did little chicken scratch lines while inking i shed a tear
No. 370103
>>369716Listen I know entertainment =/= quality but nonetheless it is butt fuck wild to me that this girl has over 800k subs! When she draws like this!!
This isn’t even mediocre this is straight up Bad and the way she talks about it in her video like oooh so pretty oooh I love this. I'm sorry are you legally blind
No. 370106
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>>369864 i know i may be late to this but like.. something else felt wrong in that anatomy so i tried making a screenshot and kinda highlighting it.
this cannot be a perspective thing.
No. 370113
File: 1549716409365.png (3.65 MB, 4436x2562, leaning ref.png)

>>370106I don't think your outlining is very accurate to how i visualize the anatomy, but i get your point.
I don't think the upper body is that much of an issue, one of the many perks of drawing in a heavily stylised style is not having to adhere to absolute realism after all.
Perhaps he could lean a bit more heavily on his left (bottom) elbow, but other than that it's really just that darned leg that's objectively "off".
No. 370143
>>370124…I meant compared to people like Rae Dazzle and Baylee. But sure, if you want to be a snob about teenage art go ahead.
As someone who couldn't afford a computer and drawing pad to do ANY of that at her age, I happen to think it's impressive and shows a lot of practised skill.
I'm not saying it's prodigy levels but the majority of artsy teens online aren't at that level of detail, rotation, and rendering of gradient colour.
But idk, I'm not an art teacher. Maybe kids today progress faster at that age than I thought.
Although if that's the case, I sure wonder why so many of them seem to admire stagnated and low effort artists like lavendertowne online kek
No. 370148
>>370143How am I being a snob by point out that there are beginner mistakes?
>As someone who couldn't afford a computer and drawing pad to do ANY of that at her age, I happen to think it's impressive and shows a lot of practised skillI don’t see how that is at all relevant, plenty of 14 year olds don’t have access to drawing tablets, they just use paper instead. It’s just that these kids will be passionate about art and practice it for fun, money has absolutely nothing to do with it
>Maybe kids today progress faster at that age than I thoughtI wouldn’t say kids are progressing any faster as much as it is that they have platforms to showcase their work and have limitless resources to learn from
>I sure wonder why so many of them seem to admire stagnated and low effort artists like lavendertowne online kekBeginners tend to not admire those not too far ahead of themselves as they’re at achievable levels, plus youtubers are better liked for their personalities than their skills. And young adults are just a lot more approachable to 13 year old than say a 30+ established artist who has worked in the industry
No. 370268
>>370148>I don’t see how that is at all relevant, plenty of 14 year olds don’t have access to drawing tablets, they just use paper instead. It’s just that these kids will be passionate about art and practice it for fun, money has absolutely nothing to do with itWe were literally just discussing the digital portfolio from back when she was 14, an age when few have their own disposable income.
That's why in this case, and any other medium that requires some form of premium materials, I believe money can matter a whole lot in regards to someone's early growth.
But it's whatever.
I'm not gonna derail the thread by arguing about class inequality and how many people are outright discouraged from pursuing art (for example in strict muslim families) with a rando artisté on lolcow.
So how about we focus back on the art.
What pointers would you have given her to improve her art? What are these glaring beginner mistakes in your opinion?
No. 370450
>>359072>>370404seconded lol in the video she just presents herself normally? and then she goes to talk about krita and her art progress?
IDK, I imagine I’m gonna get the same type of comment but I’ve been following Dina for a while and I really like her work. A while back she posted a couple of videos with her school work from her year at FZD and it’s so good! The level of detail on her drawings of complex buildings and spaceships really impressed me. She used to work as a concept artist before she became more freelance/published her own book, which is p cool.
Her 14 year old was pretty eh though but whose wasn’t
No. 370451
>>370268>I'm not gonna derail the thread by arguing about class inequalityOh yes anon, you’re absolutely right, her skills at 14 have absolutely EVERYTHING to do with disposable income and nothing to do with her own hard work. Povo kids might as well just give up I guess.
For all you know she was using a second hand tablet on the family computer in the living room, it doesn’t at all reflect her own disposable income - most kids get birthday gifts.
>how many people are outright discouraged from pursuing art (for example in strict muslim families)Listen mate, not my fault your Muslim parents told you not to draw and if they’re so strict that was probably the least of your problems, I don’t see why you’re getting so fucking ass blasted that I had the nerve to point out that at age 14, when she was a beginner, she made beginner mistakes. It was disingenuous for you to say she was better than the youtubers ITT. And like another anon said, being better than Rae or Baylee is no achievement
>What pointers would you have given her to improve her art? What are these glaring beginner mistakes in your opinion?If you’re at the level that you want some rando artisté on lolcow to hold your hand guide you through what her beginner mistakes were and how to correct them (which she clearly doesn’t need help with because she got better) then you should go work on your fundies and not shit up the thread by critiquing others when you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Jesus fucking Christ, all of this because I pointed out a 14 years old artwork isn’t worth kissing ass over.
No. 370464
>>370393I have no idea what they’d be like in humid places as I live somewhere extremely dry, but even here the paint stays sticky in my travel palette
Con: I always somehow get it on my fingers and it takes much longer to dry so I can close said palette
Pro: the colours are so vibrant and the honey makes the paint very easy to rewet and immediately get a highly pigmented result
If you’ve only ever used cotmans before I’d recommend just getting a few small tubes from different brands so you can get a taste for what you like - student grade don’t vary too much outside of how much filler they use whereas with artist grade you’ll have things like single/mixed pigments, granulation and transparency to consider. In the end it all comes down to individual taste and whether or not you’re going to display or sell originals
No. 370575
>>370138Holding a pencil improperly isn't a sign of artistic skill or competence.
Her art does suck tho
No. 370631
>>370612this is clearly something she's sketching out for fun. what's the deal?
not every sketch is meant to be perfect.
No. 370660
File: 1549772737387.jpg (63.85 KB, 867x573, JDL2011.JPG)

>>370656for some reason the picture didnt appear in my post, apologies
No. 370757
File: 1549797194601.png (1.37 MB, 1461x813, euvceudvudv.png)

I know there was a lot of talk about "collage digital art" (something like that). I didn't realize people did that.
I've been following this artist for a while and now I've grown suspicious. She finally posted a process photo and I found her reference photo (which she did not credit).
No. 370759
>> 370757Wait, which picture is the drawing and which is the original? Because the two of them look the exact same to me… Even with the process shot in the middle I'm heavily inclined to say the one on the right (?) is just photo with some filters and brush strokes added to it…
In my opinion that type of stuff isn't art, just because there's no actual thought or 'artistic opinion' put into the piece, if that makes sense. In general I don't care for hyper realistic art but with the really good stuff you can tell the artist put a lot of thought on what they wanted to paint and how they were gonna do it. There's no thought in these images, IMO.
No. 370767
>>370766Yeah… I feel pretty stupid.
I always thought it was at least partially traced but I guess bc I never saw the actual images I hoped the painting aspect was actually real.
No. 370911
>>370757the comments on this post are so braindead. all of them are kissing her ass.
also, this post got 2200+ likes but only 77 comments, 32 of which are hers. seems suspicious. someone doesnt like critisism.
No. 370929
>>370757This one and the other girl that was linked a while back. Once you become aware that people are doing this, you see them all over the place.
Half the people that put up hyperrealistic procreate timelapses slap the photo over it at the end, but since you saw the timelapse you think it's all their work. Instagram is full of them, and all their fans worship the ground they walk on.
No. 370936
>>370757The fact the "WIP" looks like this is hilarious. This isn't how people paint. You don't just take a random corner and finish that one corner without touching the rest of the piece (actually, children do this, but adults who can actually draw know that you have to continually refine the whole image for accuracy and cohesion). Sad that these types have so many followers for "art" which amounts to 5 minutes of photo editing.
Good thing? They will never learn how to actually draw and be scammers hiding in the shadows forever
No. 371052
does anyone else feel like your enjoyment and respect of cartoon artists is ruined for almost everything that isn't academic painting or master studies or restorations? Its my major to criticize art, but I miss enjoying cartoony anime-ish works too. sage for no saltiness.
>>370942I subbed to D'Angelo a few weeks ago. Hes kinda funny and pretty upfront that he's only in it for money, but still puts admirable effort into his work.
No. 371326
File: 1549853742762.png (593.98 KB, 490x606, 192.png)

>>371297Wonder if she lurks. It's interesting that this popped up right after we were discussing it.
>>370757Looking at some of her other process shots, I wonder if she's also using a filter to make the line art. Her lines are so meticulous and unnecessarily detailed for something that'll be covered up by the quote unquote rendering. I attached another piece of hers to show what I mean. There's so many tiny lines that are gone in the final image. It reminds me of those paint by numbers kits. People don't sketch like this.
No. 371328
hey artists, is skillshare worth looking into? I see a lot of people shilling for it and even some people in my personal art community.
>>371297lurk much, Emily?
No. 371533
>>359072>>371297lmao at least no one can say this forum isn't productive.
anyway something about her voice is too hype and annoying. take it down a notch, emily. it's a youtube video not a high school drama class.
No. 371750
File: 1549912787084.jpeg (774 KB, 1125x1353, 445B522F-3353-4A58-A90D-E929A7…)

>>371741Here’s the pic lol
No. 371763
>>371750Is she talking about ApSelene?
If so, that’s pretty sad :/
I would say that they both have similar styles but Selene seems so much more varied
No. 371788
>>359072>>371750I'm gonna go against the grain here and say that I kinda agree with Jacquelin. This doesn't apply to every artist, but there are people out there with very unique styles in regards to their consistent use of linework/rendering/theme and when you see someone else draw pictures that look just like the other person's… it's a bit iffy to me.
Of course, this is all subjective and most cases of "art style theft" can be bottled down to all art is stealing + artists often influence each other so BUT I will say sometimes it really does feel like people are deliberately copying someone else's whole gimmick just so they can cash on it.
Nonetheless, it's very hard to actually argue this and as such it's mostly a dead topic IMO
No. 371813
File: 1549917405156.png (681.5 KB, 1069x524, 6E079112-D234-4337-A3C2-53C1EB…)

>>371750Anna Cattish vs Peter Straubel
Exact same styles. (Both incredibly ugly)
No. 371820
>>37181350% of Tumblr artists draw like this. the style stealing argument literally makes you sound like a 12 year old. it's hilarious coming from Jacqueline becausex there like 10 other artists minimum who draw boring witchy tattoo girls in procreate lmao.
these artists need to stop worrying so much about what other artists are doing, I swear.
No. 371848
>>371820Personally, I don’t understand the argument here because there seems to be a limit where people will straight-up hate a person due to their style looking too similar to another (more bigger artists).
Ex: a lot of people, primarily when Cyarine became ‘big’ didn’t like her because it looked like she heavily referenced Loish’s artwork
Does anyone else (besides
>>371788 ) think that there’s a limit to reference another artist’s artwork?
No. 371879
>>359072>>371813Just took a look at their instagrams. The work is pretty similar but then again all they both draw are portraits of edgy girls with bold makeup which is the heavy standard for 70% of today's popular artists lol
They're similar styles but the concept is unoriginal AF and to waste time fretting over this is to give oneself a headache for pleasure.
No. 371923
>>371879But would you argue that it isn’t a coincidence that some artists ‘suddenly develope’ The same style as said popular artists?
Personally I believe that it’s good to reference works, even of other artists, but can studying one particular style and developing that said style hinder an artist in their career?
I’m just genuinely curious in people’s thoughts on this matter.
No. 371946
File: 1549932783203.png (3.97 MB, 2224x1668, 053C0F53-12EB-4149-9C7B-7C2FD8…)

I don’t understand why artist are so bitter towards likes? Like are they not a form of long term engagement for an audience? It’s worse that they flat out lie and say it means nothing in reality, when in reality they are selfish and feel like their art deserves everything
No. 372049
>>371952 Yeah the likes on Twitter are basically retweet lite. It's good if you can get likes that spread to different people's tl, but bad if you don't want everyone seeing that you liked porn or whatever.
The artist above should've taken into account the passive sharing function of the like button before shooting their mouth off for some shitty unfunny, ungrateful meme they're wrong about anyway.
I dislike when other artists make people feel guilty or obligated in this passive aggressive manner. I see this kind of message going around a lot(worded more politely than this), and it's not cute.
No. 372269
>>371848I feel like there should be a limit to how much you copy another artist. Being a carbon copy of another artist is not okay to me.
But my reasons for being against it is different from the usual arguments I hear.
It's not the art of "stealing" itself that bothers me. Rather, I feel that when a young artist is doing everything EXACTLY like another artist they're stiffing their own creativity and becoming the poor man's version of that bigger, more popular artist. Worse is when they copy from an artist that lacks technical skill and then go on to repeat those mistakes instead of trying to learn the fundamentals.
That being said I've come across very few exact carbon copies of other artists. Usually it's just people taking inspiration from the artists that they look up to (which is okay to me)
No. 372270
>>372269I mean, sage, but this.
The problem is that a lot of beginner artists don't know how to pump the brakes when they're trying to emulate a style. Many of them lack the ability to edit themselves, so it ends up being a lot of symbol drawing. Plus they don't have a grasp on how to incorporate studies into their art, if that's something they're looking to do, not everyone who draws is interested in studying their fundamentals.
No. 372443
>>372315What I’ve found is that the backgrounds which try to communicate a “message” or a mood of the illustration helps a lot. Try referencing a lot of real life images for their lighting/inspiration, or even some movies, or, as anon (>>37241) said, look at background artists’ work.
There’s also this thing called rule of thirds, which is a simple principle, but it really helps in composing the image
No. 372483
File: 1550007293473.jpeg (2.17 MB, 1125x2064, C745C320-00C1-4384-8EF3-90AD54…)

she uses such a boring color palette
No. 372719
>>369848Holy fuck art programs here at the fucking worst. I swear to god they actively try to keep anyone who's interested in commercial art from improving. It's all about feelings and critique is ALWAYS focused on the positives of a work. No one ever seems to actually get constructive criticism. You're basically shit outta luck if you don't want to be a middle aged white woman with a terrible desert gallery in Santa Fe.
They'll give anyone who shows up to class a degree here in the art departments. It's a huge fucking joke.
No. 372730
>>372483Complimentary colors. They're aesthetically pleasing
I had to lol at the fact that her cat is basically the same color scheme though lol
No. 372733
>>372269>That being said I've come across very few exact carbon copies of other artists. Usually it's just people taking inspiration from the artists that they look up to (which is okay to me)cough Lulles cough
I agree. Stealing an art style isn't a thing unless someone is building their entire entire brand and identity off of another artist's style or personality (or both), then it's an issue. But that's not what's happening in 99% of cases.
No. 373247
File: 1550105261771.jpg (96.23 KB, 612x612, tumblr_mtvuzv5zzr1sn267fo1_640…)

>>372268She's pretty good, we've been tumblr mutuals for 8 years or so, and met at her gallery show.
But honestly, her designs have gotten so uninspired and garish. She only draws the same character in static positions, lazy line work, flat movement. Her work has absolutely none of the soul that it used to.
No. 373751
File: 1550184350628.jpeg (1.36 MB, 2032x2048, 2186CDEC-F13F-4F64-9F3F-7863DA…)

I usually love Kasey’s art, but damn, this is uncomfortable to look at.
No. 374147
>>374134>And are you implying that artists shouldn’t use references if you personally don’t like their stylistic choices I’m not. There are plenty of services available to obtain reference photos that are specifically for artists to use, or artists can take their own photographs using people and models. This is the information that should be shared instead of a bunch of Illya Kushinov imitators saying it’s fine to photobash any photography they find.
And yes, that style is heavily anime influenced. The creator of the video specifies in the comments his art is inspired by anime. Illya Kushinov works in the anime industry.
No. 374151
>>374147Influenced would be the keyword here.
And there’s nothing wrong with using other people’s work to reference from as long as you don’t trace it nor take credit for the original concept, artists shouldn’t be limited to only stock images.
And a reference can be more than just photography, other more skilled artists pieces are also great points of reference
No. 374476
File: 1550316920266.jpg (330.61 KB, 1080x1135, 20190216_033422.jpg)

Saw this going around. Pretty ironic, coming from a one trick pony.
No. 374477
File: 1550317166292.jpg (212.17 KB, 1080x513, 20190216_033437.jpg)

Part 2 of the tweet.
No. 374542
File: 1550329034847.png (2.88 MB, 1372x2048, Screenshot_20190216-085500.png)

>>374476>Shitty linework>Bad anatomy>0 sense in coloringCongratulations Meyoco, you fit all 3!!!
No. 374547
>>374542Not to WK, but how does her work not have good line work and use of colours? Sure, the palettes may be very similar to one another, but that doesn’t mean they’re bad. I swear you guys just hate any artist that predominantly uses pastel colours.
>inb4 using pastels is lazy Something being easy/simple doesn’t make it bad
No. 374551
>>374476Maybe those people with 'crap art' are self aware and want to improve so they are chill with unsolicited crit because it actually helps them toward their goal of being half decent.
Plus I've seen several professional artists offer unsolicited crit. It's really just a case of people who like to give criticism unsolicited, also tend to enjoy receiving it as well. I like receiving crit, no matter the situation, solicited or unsolicited. I stopped giving it unsolicited years ago because I recognized that a lot of people obviously didn't like it, but I hate that that is the standard just because I miss getting criticism all the time. I definitely miss being part of a community where criticism was standard if you posted something and where everyone was just chill about receiving and giving criticism.
No. 374552
>>374542 …how?
What I am seeing, the lines are clean. Anatomy is okay but all the poses are really simple and easy.
The colors work well together and since they design products, it's good they work well together too.
You seem bitter.
No. 374694
>>374542um, no?
>good linework>passable anatomy>nice coloringwhat are you on lol
>>374477seems like common sense tho. artists who know they're bad and want to improve–how else would they but for criticism?
obviously artists should never stop improving, but for established artists with careers the need isnt so strong because they arent as obviously shitty. (or they have hundreds of fans kissing their ass on the daily they think they're above improvement)
No. 374708
>>374479Even if you receive critique you really don't want or agree with, you can either ignore it or accept it with a simple "thanks," instead of screeching autistically about it on social media while insulting whoever dared to think you need to improve and make yourself look like a delusional crybaby.
The art community online is literally so high school sometimes it's pathetic.
No. 374722
>>374547>>374552>>374694Her art really isn't that bad, I was just being a shithead lol.
I have noticed that her linework all has the same weight to it though. There is very little variation. She doesn't draw a lot of people, but when she does the anatomy is kinda wack.
I just thought it was funny that she implied that she was really good in these areas, when it's actually a bit weak. Colors are fine, but samey.
No. 374739
>>374722It's not wrong for linework have the same weight to it. It's just a matter of preference and some things just look better with it. Like pin designs. So I wouldn't say it's wrong or bad.
Same with colors, if they are planning products and stuff to sell, it's good that they work well together. People collect pins so it's nice they look good together, kinda like from the same collection. If everything they make would be different, it could get really messy.
No. 374812
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No. 374942
File: 1550370521606.jpg (53.98 KB, 500x500, tumblr_p7o1mwhMRQ1uyiewho1_500…)

>>374476The entire field of art history is literally based upon "unsolicited critique". I don't need to be able to draw unstructured cartoons to have the visual tools and foundation to point out all the blatant color theory, sloppy line tricks, and anatomical flaws in contrived vapid work like this. if you can't handle any comments that aren't a compliment, don't put it on social media lmao
No. 374953
File: 1550372205156.jpg (537.22 KB, 2100x1113, François_Boucher_-_Cupid_Wound…)

>>374951>broken vanishing lines instead of maintaining a thick to thin flow>using like colors that wash out the subject with no contrast>distorted anime proportions for kawaii appealI admit to nitpicking, but "bullshit"? even within the parameters of "minimal cartoon" theres no real artistic reason she can't draw adult face shapes or or use complementary palettes with contrast.
>>374920Meyoco's palette tones are actually moreso saturated. Pastels can be used very well when applied properly, like most rococo painters did. but a lot of the times cartoonists use them in a super boring way without enough deeper tones to bring it all to a balance.
No. 374964
File: 1550374354023.jpg (229.69 KB, 550x845, tumblr_mk94dieROq1qzgamco1_640…)

>>374954my point is that its hypocritical that she uses such plain palettes and boring, lazy gimmicks to further her career instead of actually holding herself to the high standard she's claiming to have. its funny that she thinks her work doesnt have wonky lines and anatomy.
for comparison leslie hung does the whole kawaii style, limited palette, minimal details off the subject, warped anatomy too, but it isn't done with so many shortcuts, and she still has a solid art career.
No. 374968
>>374476To all the anons that think unsolicited critique is overwhelmingly a good thing - would you feel the same way if complete strangers gave you unsolicited advice in other aspects of your life? After all, they’re just trying to help.
I don’t see why artists are expected to gracefully accept all unsolicited advice and critiques of their work (something which is usually very personal), but other people aren’t expected to do the same in their careers.
Plus, most unsolicited critiques just boil down to ‘you’re bad at this! This is wrong!! But I have no idea how to actually fix these problems as I myself don’t have good enough foundational knowledge to avoid these problems so I’m not going to offer any advice.’ Another issue is that critiques will often completely ignore what is good/correct in a piece, when it is equally important to let the artist know what they’re doing so they keep applying these aspects to their future pieces.
Just food for thought. And I do agree, majority of the anons ITT have mediocre skills at best and have no idea what they’re talking about other than a very beginner level of seeing problems but not knowing how to fix said problems.
No. 374980
>>374968I think giving unsolicited critique is a shitty thing to do if not asked for, but I also think a popular IG artist can take the high road and ignore critical comments, especially when she is most assuredly receiving overwhelmingly positive comments. Instead of throwing a fit and making yourself look like a melodramatic asshole, leave a clear message that you do not want any critique and leave it at that.
I think the issue here is less about approving of unsolicited criticism and more the way she presented her opinion while also throwing in "btw u guys who do it are bad at art lol." It's super petty, and it's the reason why she's getting blasted on twitter.
(The irony of her saying people who are offended by her comment should grow thicker skin when she herself is getting assblasted over critique from apparently bad artists…)
No. 375053
File: 1550388185345.png (157.5 KB, 398x194, kindabad.png)

>>375030Not the anon you're responding to, I actually hadn't heard of this artist until today. These two in particular are pretty bad, the rest I do like though.
No. 375055
File: 1550388294688.jpg (89.13 KB, 1080x310, 20190216_232135.jpg)

Frankly, I don't care if an artist refuses a critique or not. What really bugs me about this girl is how she's overreacting to the unwelcomed critiques. If this was some beginner artist with 500 followers, I bet everyone would be ready to tear them down. But since Meyoco is a popular artist, it's 'okay.'
No. 375057
>>375017Seriously. Nearly every post doggedly defending this artist reek of self post or some delusional stans.
You can think something looks good while knowing it has flaws or could be better. It's not all black and white.
No. 375059
>>374956I've literally never heard of this artist until she was posted here. The rest of the crit is pretty accurate, but the thing about her not drawing 'adult faces' is reaching (since it's subjective and innately part of that saccharine anime style), which is the reason why I singled out that specific bit.
But yeah, her bitch-ass attitude is the main issue here, and not her skill.
No. 375072
>>374953>no real artistic reason she can't draw adult face shapesStylisation is a ‘real artistic reason’, retard
I don’t even like moe shit but that’s such a dumbass criticism
No. 375349
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>>375058>Anyone who defends Meyco has to be her!How dare other people have different opinions from you.
People are salty about the concept that maybe when they tear into popular artist's art to be petty they might not actually always be giving good advice, maybe they're actually just as shitty as the artist they're mocking. Just look at redline/redraw there, half the art there looks just as bad as that of the cows we mock.
Meyco's acting cunty but she ain't wrong. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say most of the critics here aren't great, or even decent artists either. It's classic Dunning-Kruger. And that's fine, cause this isn't /ic/, it's lolcow, art quality doesn't matter, it's the pretty drama we all care about. But people seem offended by the concept that might be even shittier than that of the lolcows.
No. 375373
>>375349I wish disagreeing with anons turned me into Meyoco. I'd have almost a million followers on instagram and wouldn't have to worry about getting commissioners ever again. I think that's a fair trade for a nasty attitude.
Seriously though, having a differing opinion doesn't automatically make someone a self-poster. I think people like Meyoco have bigger fish to fry than a bunch of salty, mediocre artists who hide behind anonymity to complain about people who are more successful than them.
No. 375405
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>>375072>>375059that wasn't a criticism. I am saying that it is extremely hypocritical of her to suggest that her own anatomy is good when she puts a squashed baby head with bulging eye sockets on top of a terrible skeleton shape. She doesn't draw properly herself, while discrediting the criticism of others who draw at the same level in a less "cute" way. And anime "style" isn't an excuse not to learn real anatomy. I hate to be harsh, but it looks like shit.
No. 375422
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>>375405Yeah, I don't really think it's fair to pull up work from 2 years ago when we're discussing an artist who has plenty of current works to pull from.
I don't like her tweet and I think she's being a stuck up bitch, but her anatomy is fine.
No. 375433
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>>375422That isn't fair. I wa scrolling through google randomly without checking the dates. Apparently this is an older work of hers that does stylize and distort anatomy in a pleasing way without the laziness and shortcuts.
I guess digital work makes her into a total slacker. She has been capable of going beyond her shitty "style" for years but would rather sell pink baby doodles than make any really good work.
No. 375439
>>375433That's fair enough. A lot of artists get stuck in boxes based around profit, so I kind of get it. The work she does now sells well if what she implies on twitter is true.
But if you're making thousands upon thousands of dollars a month on what you're making now, where is the incentive to try harder/experiment?
No. 375448
>>375433>She has been capable of going beyond her shitty "style" for years but would rather sell pink baby doodles than make any really good workWhy change when she clearly enjoys the stylisation and the majority of those around her donas well, enough so to even cover cost of living for her
You keep arguing the same point anon, ‘I don’t like this particular stylisation therefore this artist shouldn’t pursue it’
So much of the ‘criticism’ ITT really is just contempt towards those that achieve success, it’s almost a crab in a bucket mentality
No. 375455
>>374812There's a time and place for critique as well.
I'm going to have to agree with Meyoco on this one, albeit her approach and wording was crass.
There are countless forums that make it okay to give that type of advice.
Reading how some anons feels about Meyoco's art makes me think that it's true, a lot of amateur artists don't give real critique.
"She keeps drawing the same style!" "Pastels are so easy and overrated!" is not constructive, sorry not sorry.
No. 375456
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>>375455Other artists on Twitter's take about criticism/critique
No. 375457
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No. 375459
>>375457I'm not by any means saying critique on someones post is a bad thing, but it depends on where they receive it.
On forums I frequent outside of Twitter and Instagram there are specific ones for receiving it, or they add c&c / concrit welcome at the bottom of their posts.
The criticism usually goes well beyond "stop drawing the same pallette/face style!!!"
No. 375461
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>>374812Meanwhile this is D'Angelo Wallace's actual artwork
No. 375488
>>375456I wouldn't be where I am today as an artist if it weren't for unsolicited criticism.
I know that not everyone feels the same way about it and I agree that people's boundaries need to be respected, but I feel like these sorts of rants do a lot of harm in the sense that it makes people afraid to offer valid criticism out of fear of hurting someone's feelings.
If you don't want to receive criticism that's fine, I respect that. Some people just want to do their own thing that's cool. But just don't go on twitter and act like you know what's best for everyone.
No. 375500
>>375439>>375448I am saying that she is a hypocrite who doesn't apply good color theory or lineart or anatomy to her work. Objectively, what she does can't be evaluated seriously by any academic or industrial standard.
My point is that she is suggesting that her art is holier than thou, (anatomy, color, lines), but it is pretty much just trash draped in kawaii tricks.
She sells pins and decorations that little girls and childish women and other embarrassing people like, but she doesn't work in comics or animation or illustration or have many mutual followers in the industry, because her art isn't actually developed or skilled enough to do anything like that.
She doesn't NEED to be a technically skilled artist. But it is incorrect to imply that she is so far above everyone else.
No. 375521
>>375500>She sells pins and decorations that little girls and childish women and other embarrassing people like, but she doesn't work in comics or animation or illustration1. It’s embarassing to call people that like different things from you embarrassing and it’s literally just a cute and appealing stylisation to the majority and you’re an outlier
2. Has it ocurred to you that not everyone has the same goals as you and plenty of artists are content being self-employed and selling at markets/cons rather than for clients or companies. Again, this is funding her lifestyle just fine and her work as a whole is inoffensive so there’s no reason to change.
You sound like a self-hating ex weeb with how much you’re focusing on the moe stylisation
No. 375544
>>375521Of course I had embarrassing phases that's growing up. everyone's embarrassing for a few years. but I love the style of anime, cartoons, comics, videogames, everything.
there are tens of thousands of great artists to every art style and era. meyo isn't one of those. it has nothing to do with her style and everything to do with her bad lazy technique.
you guys don't have any reading comprehension on here, but I have repeatedly stated that there is nothing wrong with making vapid art. she doesn't need to improve or advance what she does. she can do the same thing over and over and make good money for it like margaret keane.
but she implied that she is already at the point that she can draw like someone who does real studies and training. she is not. the 'thin skinned pussy' artists she sneers down on are pretty much her peers.
No. 375823
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>>375643i won't go a far as terrible, at least he is working on it, bleh, anyways, who cares about his art? the whole point of his channel is calling sucky artists out (in terms of personality)
No. 375841
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why do waffles faces always look like That
No. 375947
>>375899Bad reality tv sums up Emily’s personality pretty well tbh
It’s a shame she’s such a cow bc her art is generally nice to look at
No. 375971
>>375967We get it, you hate Meyoco, can you quit bringing her up any time the topic changes? You're more annoying than the white knights.
>>375899The story is nothing shocking, either. Sounds like 10 year old kids being 10 year old kids. If she'd been in high school or an adult it'd be more noteworthy.
No. 375976
>>375456>>375457I mean, they have points. People accept and want criticism in different ways.
In a classroom, work, etc. environment I would expect feedback from my peers, colleges, and bosses.
Posting online to Instagram, twitter, etc. not so much, especially when you consider that
1. Many people don't know how to give critique and a lot of it boils down to "This looks bad/wrong/not my personal tastes and you should fix it/i have no idea how to help you fix it" when they didn't commission the work. 2. think that people have to listen to their criticisms, which gets ugly and complicated when you have two people who think you should listen to them but they have contradicting criticisms. 3. People online can have no sense of personal boundaries.
Mix all of that together and it is likely why people dislike giving and recieving critiques they didn't ask for. Not to mention, giving critique is a learned skill… which means whatever criticism you give to someone is also subject to criticism because getting critique on how you give critiques is the only way to get better at giving critiques. Now, if someone were saying not to give critiques in a school, work, etc. environment I'd be more inclined to say they simply have to grow thicker skin because some people really do only want asspats and compliments.
sage for blog post
No. 376032
>>375976>People accept and want criticism in different ways.Which is fine, but most people here seems to have issue not so much with the fact that she doesn't like unsolicited criticism so much as the fact that she's assuming everyone who
does want to receive and give it are all terrible artists who she's superior to. Plus the implication that people who aren't top tier artists aren't allowed to have opinions about art.
It's one thing to say you don't like receiving unsolicited criticism, it's another to insult everyone who isn't like you.
No. 376036
>>376032I do agree with the sentiment though that beginner artists have no place critiquing the work of established artists. They won’t be able to provide any sort of help or information on how to fix a problem they’ve noticed, or why it’s even a problem in the first place, and this is purely because they are beginners and are they themselves learning their fundamentals. A lot of beginners also won’t realise that pointing out what’s working in a piece is also an upon part of critiques, hell most people online seem to forget this.
Critiques are evaluations, not criticisms.
No. 376051
>>376032tbf beginner artists really shouldn't be giving critiques to intermediate, advanced, and established artists. yeah, you don't have to be a chef to know if a dish needs salt but you also do have to know whether or not salt is even the right seasoning for the dish, whether the choice to add or not have salt is viable for the dish, etc. a lot of things that a chef with more experience than one who just started or one who isn't knows. likewise, it's the same with art. sure a non-artist or beginner can point out what is wrong, but only someone who has a relatively or even semi-grounded understanding of fundamentals can point out when something needs to be fixed and how to fix it.
it's the difference between "this looks weird" and "this isn't working the way you want it too because the colors are too saturated"
No. 376133
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>>375823I care about his art, that's why I'm in artist salt.
From an artists perspective, I think it's bad.
I get that he's categorized himself as a drama youtuber in the art community but as an artist youtuber himself he's fundamentally and stylistically lacking.
If I saw it as it is now trending on art forums (which it wouldn't) I wouldn't click on them or comment.
He brushes off other artists he disagrees with as just being mainstream, while his art himself is boring and ugly.
Anyone has potential and he's in his twenties and claims he's going to art school so he can learn and grow.
As an artist I feel like he wishes he could garnish more criticism because no one actually comments on his body as work, more his deadpan humour.
No. 376137
>>376133Say what you will about his art at least it's not pretty girl facing left for the millionth time. I do hope that as he learns, his art has more of a direction and that he grows out of the youtube drama phase that younger people especially, tend to use to gain a following. I think he chose that kind of video content because otherwise, nobody would really pay attention to his art.
I do think though, that he thinks he has some kind of clout for being outspoken. To me he's just kinda boring.
No. 376138
>>376133I honestly don't care about his art, because that's not the point, his art is not "ugly" is not your typical anime shit, he is learning and that's fine, he criticize people attitude, not their art to be fair, like holly shitty attitude, tracing and stuff. so tbh, his art is really irrelevant, but his persona is pretty brave to call "popular" artists shitty personality out. idk, this smells like vendetta to me.
No. 376150
>>376138If you throw shit within the art community and have your name/persona attached to it, of course your body of work is going to come under scrutiny.
It might not be ugly, but it’s boring. It’s the really bland and personality lacking concept art stylisation that thousands of men within the concept industry all draw. It’s so lacking in personality that if you were to chuck it onto a gaming concept art site you wouldn’t be able to tell whose is whose other than beginner or professional
No. 376152
>>376150he is exposing shit, not his art, not even their art just their personalities and lies
jesus, i don't even like d' angelo but i dont think his art is actually "linked" to what he says. meh, his art is pretty dull but i didn't watch his video of holly because of his art
No. 376405
>>376051I would agree with this if it weren't for the fact that sometimes intermediate/advanced artists make novice mistakes. To use the same example you used: sometimes all a dish needs is really just salt.
Pic Related: You don't need to be an artist to point out that the man in red has a third leg.
No. 376406
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>>376405forgot to add the picture, my bad
No. 376431
>>376420Um, nah, this is just a courtesy thing on Twitter that helps people interact with artists more clearly. I know that this is especially important for Japanese artists on Twitter.
It's not like they're guilt tripping people into reblogging, nagging the general public about how 'likes don't do shit' and passive aggressively telling people they should be sharing their work.
It isn't entitlement to ask people to be a little more mindful of how they interact.>>376420
No. 376501
>>376420Personally I don't mind it when people quote-tweet my art because I'm just happy to get some attention and love, but there are times/specific people where you get the vibe they're quote-tweeting so they can get the attention which is kinda… just sad TBH a lot of artists only get a few likes/retweets so to have some of the attention "taken" from you can be disappointing. it's a lot better for the artist to just retweet & reply with affection!
but like i said, in general any type of positive feedback is better than no feedback.
in the case of some japanese/korean/artists who don't speak english well it's also quite stressful to have people quote-tweet your art because people often quote tweet to shame others and maybe you can't tell which is which.
No. 376563
>>376524His two legs are straight, but he is resting his hand on a third leg that is bent at the knee.
Rockwell (the artist) didn't notice until someone pointed it out to him years later and was pretty embarrassed by it.
No. 376727
>>376563OT, but if i was Rockwell, i would've answer with something like "he is holding his dick"
sage for OT
No. 376781
>>376550reaching 1 mil really went to her head huh? also I love how many waffles stans we have here that everytime a video of hers is posted it's "I usually like her, but.."
she's worse at art than holly imo
No. 376805
>>376797Are you retarded? Not thinking that disliking a medium is somehow edgelord behaviour makes me a stan? I’m the anon above that was also complaining about stans.
Perhaps you should rub your two brain cells together to realise that criticising anons for being assblasted over nothing doesn’t automatically mean someones a stan
No. 376807
>>376791>>376805>not liking a medium makes you an edge lord now?No, but making exaggerated vomiting and hissing noises when you first see the medium as an attempt to be funny does- so is going out of your way to mention how much you don't like it every other sentence, or using a random piece of cardboard for your first attempt and wondering why it doesn't look great, and later having to resort to a default cartoony style to make something that looks "good" because your attempt at realism turned out like shit, and you didn't want to try again.
You should calm down, dude.
No. 376849
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It’s such a nitpick, but I hate how Tori says wave wave. Coupled with her weirdly childish voice all I can ever think of is the OWO copy pasta
No. 376861
>>376550Holy hell, she was annoying in this video. In the Paletteful Packs unboxing where she got pastels, she didn't even attempt to use them. In this one she started with "maybe I should look up a tutorial" and then didn't follow through with that.
She talks a big game about wanting to learn and always trying to improve but when push comes to shove, she's stuck in a rut like Kasey. Which is whatever, if she only wants to do watercolours and copics then have at it, but why do subscription box unboxings that force you out of your comfort zone if she's not even going to try?
No. 376931
>>376917"Hello YouTube it's me toriii" hfdjjfgh
I'm subscribed to her and I love her art and development but I gotta agree her voice gets on my nerves sometimes. I've seen her old videos when she had a different style and thought she would grow a Little bit more out of the childish voice but she didn't change, dare I say it got worse
No. 376933
>>376932… do you know where you are? I don't agree with most things I read here either but I'm not gonna tell people what to complain about in a salt thread lmao
I'm here to entertain myself during long bus rides… let people salt…
No. 376945
>>376939>>376941Translation: "Let us WK in peace!!!"
If something is nonmilky for you, how about you provide some milk then instead of bitching
No. 376981
>>376975Once more because you apparently can't read:
1. Provide the milk then, because your bitching and lowkey WKing isn't milky either, at least the complaints are salty and I'm here for the salt (even though I don't always agree, no1curr whether I agree or not)
2. What's it to you to defend that artist?
No. 377055
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An artist I found on Tumblr posted their progress in the span of a decade, and I thought it was a little lacking for such a long time and it made me question what would even be the general course of improving for an artist? It reminded me of earlier in the threads were anons talked about Danicia Sills lacked of improvement as well as this other artist.
I personally think this artist definitely improved, overtime, but it got me thinking if the several changes in style affected that growth? Because from 2012 and on her art didn’t necessarily improved?
No. 377109
>>376975If you compare her voice to her earliest ones it sounds as though she’s putting it on, it’s so much higher and it sounds like she’s always forcing a smile
It really does sound like a customer service voice
No. 377114
>>377055Other than focusing on style too much, something anons ITT don’t want to acknowledge is that at some point people will stop improving. They just a hit a will, and that’s the end of their abilities. Sure, they might learn some lore fundies and apply them, but by and large their work doesn’t get any better in the appeal department
It’s sad, but it’s something we have to come to terms with - some people just reach their peak a lot sooner than others
No. 377157
>>377055you arent wrong. there doesnt look like much changed in their stylistic choices, and their color palette remained similar. this compilation does focus on faces, and based on just that, from 2012 on, nothing changes.
the thing that does show the most improvement is the july 2018 piece. if around 2012, more images like that began to show up, then i'd say there was improvement. but instead, we see the same cutesy, pastel colored, 3/4ths chibi anime style for 10 yrs straight.
they found thier niche and dont seem to be leaving it any time soon.
No. 377242
>>377196I meant more fundies, I’m typing on mobile.
And it is true, there are plenty of people out there who will religiously learn their fundamentals and they still don’t get any better, or at least not much. Everyone has a peak/wall and some just hit it sooner than others, even masters and industry artists after a while stop getting better no matter how much they practice. This is the same for every single field, I don’t see why it would be any different for art
No. 377286
>>377242 Your age of stagnation is when you stop growing. For most, it's when they get married, settle into a routine. You meet someone who loves you unconditionally and never challenges you or wants you to change, and then you never change.
But I disagree anon not everyone has to get stuck like this. It helps to not have an unconditionally supportive audience ex. Holly brown
No. 377304
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blurred her face since she has 30k followers so I don’t want it to seem vendetta
I hate it when artists/creators whine about algorithms. It’s part of your fucking job to learn algorithms and adapt. Like I get it, it’s frustrating, but that’s just an inevitable part of your chosen field - changes happen and you have to learn how to appropriately market so that you can reach a wider audience, making a profit on social media isn’t easy and it shouldn’t be.
No. 377309
>>377304I wholly agree with this. Marketing is a huge part of being a popular artist on Instagram and marketing, unlike what some people think, is an actual science with a lot of studying on markets, audiences, product, plans of action, etc.
I get that artists are creatives and don't like numbers or limiting themselves in their art, but fact of the matter is the best way to grow on social media nowadays is to study these platforms and implement thought out plans based on your findings (which is really not that hard to do lmao)
Personally I don't care for growing on IG because w/e but I've made up a mini plan for how to grow on social media if ever need be. It can be done. You just have to accept the importance of marketing and take the stick out of your ass.
No. 377310
>>377309Yeah, art has both gotten easier and harder in terms of making it.
On the one hand, you no longer have to rely on having connections and networking is easier than ever.
On the other, because everyone can put their work out there so easily it’s now over saturated so you have to be ruthless in your marketing and presence.
No. 377599
>>377579While they can both be considered luxury items to an extent, there are key differences;
Cintiqs and Ipads are luxuries in the sense that they’re not a necessity to everyone, but you have to keep in mind that they’re marketed as work tools. They’re also not custom made to order, the parts within don’t at all represent the cost of the product, and it costs them pennies to produce. These things are also made on a mass scale and the workers have salaries. Honestly speaking, the prices are also inflated because they don’t have much competition to force them into consumer friendly prices. Continuously raising prices while the quality of the product doesn’t go up enough to justify it (especially considering these companies hold back on tech purely because they can) is hugely anti-consumer.
Artists more often than not aren’t overpricing their products, most products are custom to order (commissions and such), the artist isn’t able to purchase their stock in bulk as large as large scale companies are able to which significantly brings down cost per piece, artists income is commission based not a salary, handmade items will always have a higher value due to the nature of the product and it’s intimacy, and also there is absolutely no need to own artwork - sure, it will increase the quality of your life (same way something like movies do), but it doesn’t feed/clothe/bathe,shelter you and it isn’t used for work related purposes either
No. 377612
>>377600Compound that with the fact that in certain industries it's more or less required to own a cintiq or something similar, and that a lot of art programs are now subscription based, which in and of themselves can get pricey if you have to buy different programs from different developers.
As far as the pricing thing, most prices i've seen aren't exorbitant, and i've actually had to tell other art friends tho raise their prices because they were taking on too many commissions and they were running themselves ragged.
No. 377734
>>377629If anyone has an offline computer I recommend installing an old version of whatever programs to do your work in rather than subscribing. Also do more research on free ones, some are very good and do exactly the same things as the pay for programs.
I think people overpay for their programs and devices which leads to a sort of mania where they want to recoup their costs and validate their purchases. Art is tied to our emotions and commodifying it with expensive equipment I think leads to all the soulless "pretty girl" shit we see everywhere now. People are more inclined to do the stuff that gets clicks and sales over pushing their abilities and becoming better artists.
No. 377738
>>377055It looks like they hit a wall around 2014-2015 and didn't try and improve since then. They probably are happy with their neopets crossed with adventure time art* and aren't trying to improve
*Not trying to be disparaging, I think it's pretty cute
No. 377795
>>377791seconding ClipStudioPaint, wait til it goes on for 50% off which is nearly monthly.
As a once long term Adobe user this was a life changer.
No. 377952
>>377940That’s because they want people to pay for the full suite and not individual programs. College students get adobe suite for $20 or pay $10-$20 for individual program.
Also, some companies purchase the software for the employees. I worked for a business that used illustrator and Indesign and I just used them on their office computers.
No. 377974
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>>377927The pirating would have barely made a dent in their sales. Here are their current prices, these are individual ones rather than business - plenty of people either freelance or are expected by their employer to also work from home
They’re honestly making exponentially more than their programs are worth tbh and I hope some true competition comes along soon. You see ridiculous prices for anything that doesn’t have competition purely because they can get away with it
No. 377975
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>>377974Most industry professionals will need more than just photoshop, so that’s $40 USD every month every year for your career. And that’s assuming they don’t raise the prices again just because
No. 377989
>>377978I also just noticed that these are offers that end first of March, so most would be spending over $50 USD every month - purely because this is the industry and is what is expected of you to use
$600 every single year for some software.
No. 378152
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What do you guys think of Leilani joy ? I use to keep up with all her videos about 7 years ago but I feel like she hasn’t improved as much.
No. 378159
>>359072>>378143Procreate is great but it’s meant more for painting than comics, so it doesn’t have certain tools like text or shape building. Unlike Adibe though the people running Procreate are working hard on improving it. The last update included clipping masks and quick shapes which are a massive help. If they continue to update the app I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see many people choose it over other options.
I tried to use CPS on the iPad but I found the interface unbearable. Took up wayyy too much screenspace and there were too many options for non-important things.
The only real downside to Procreate/the iPad is your file size. I bought the cheapest model and while I don’t regret it at all, I can only use up to 14 layers on Procreate, which has made quite inventive.
Weirdly I can go up to 40 layers easily on Medibang paint, so I don’t know what that’s all about.
No. 378169
>>378159Your layer count is greatly dependant on your dpi/canvas size. I have a 2nd gen ipad pro 128gb and I either work on a 300dpi 5000x5000, which gives me a max of 17 layers, or a 300dpi 3000x3000, which gives me 55 layers.
I'm not sure how large you work, but if you get into the habit of cropping your canvas if you end up not utilizing the entire thing, it helps a lot with layer caps.
I also want to add that you can animate on CSP. I don't think we'll be seeing anything like that on something like procreate for a long time, if ever. But Preocreate has come such a long way in just the year I've been using it and is amazing for sketching/painting, esp at it's price point.
No. 378173
>>378169I work at roughly 3000 x 3000 and get 18 layers max :/ It’s a nuisance but I have the regular iPad (2018) which costed 340€ so eh. Can’t complain.
Same thing for animation, by the way. Can’t do any because the iPad can’t handle it. I don’t animate so it doesn’t bother me, but yeah, if anyone here is planning on working with big files / lots of layers you should invest in the iPad Pro.
Considering how portable, easy to use and capable these tablets are I honestly think they’re worth the price over a big Cintiq, but that’s just a-me.
No. 378229
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>>378152Whoa blast from the past, I watched her in middle school. I like her pan's labyrinth piece and her mulan one. But those are the only two I really like. That willow piece looks rough tho.
No. 378356
>>378284I don't really watch minnie so this isn't about her per se but just in general
i would say that small things don't actually require thought or growth because like you said, you don't need to draw complex pieces. Doing large or complicated pieces that require you to push yourself a lot can be overwhelming at times and freeze someone into inaction because it can feel like it is no longer managable. idk does anyone else get those feelings of trying to do something large scale and being afraid to even put the pencil to paper even though you know you need to improve?
i would count something as progress as long as someone learns something about what they were doing.
No. 378519

I know we have a Baylee thread, but it’s utter shit, and honestly none of the art tubers should’ve gotten one they’re not nearly milky enough to warrant it (I’m surprised no one has to tried to make a Kasey one).
Anyway, the amount she shops is so uncomfortable. I swear she is constantly buying enough things to make haul videos, her voice and expressions are so husk like in this video. I feel like this is something that’s gonna happen to most of the art tubers tbh, they’re gonna get really popular and then start loving all the love for their craft and just become shells of the artists they used to be.
Baylee was never amazing, but her personality and passion were enjoyable and now all she does is shop for supplies that rot away in her room
Why do so many art tubers do hauls so frequently? I get that it’s exciting to buy things and that the dopamine rush is addictive, but with how frequent they seem to be with copious amounts of artist quality brands, which are by no means cheap, it seems like some other aspect of their life must be taking a hit
Nitpick but will she ever stop using teal in all her pieces, she even said in this video that she was gonna get multiple different types because it’s a colour she uses a lot
No. 378549
Look at those hands
No. 378563
>>378519Sage for the sperging, but I don't understand why she would waste her money on the radiant paints. They're all tints, that means you could mix the colors easily yourself, or get an approximation.
The only one that seems remotely useful to me is the radiant white.
And even if you do find a use for them, which seems to be mostly for accent colors, you know that Baylee is going to end up using them straight out of the tube and then complain when they're extremely intense, especially compared to the other paints she has.
No. 378656
File: 1551006133033.jpeg (43.97 KB, 645x676, DBbc-bMUIAAQNFy.jpeg)

>>378512It's surprising to see how popular meyoco is. I always assumed she was a chinese bootleg version of tofuvi/matchavi. Then again, this style is so popular, I don't know who even started it.
Pic linked is by tofuvi.
No. 378670
>>378661You described how I feel about this type of picture very well. I feel sort of provoked by it.
Art of beautiful women is nice but I wish more artists would think about how they are drawing a person instead of a uwu dainty little object.
No. 378682
>>378519Haul videos in general garnish a lot of views.
I can't remember the last time I saw Baylee actually paint something though.
Doesn't she usually use Copics and Prisma colours?
No. 378717
>>378649Please, not this shit
again, no one cares
No. 378738
>>378661I dont think it's that deep fam. Not everyone's art is meant to be thought-provoking, deep and says something about beauty, nature, female form, etc. not everything is or has to be that deep.
Sometimes people just want something that looks pretty and enjoyable to look at, and that's good enough too and isn't inherently a statement about something in particular.
No. 378846

>>378823Renata Celi is a Brazilian artist YouTuber with a very…. Meh mediocre art that has nearly 1M subscribers. I found her a while ago while looking out for art material reviews suited for my reality and tailored for the stuff I like to draw. Thought her content would be interesting and (expecting too much) with a little more technical information (think of Teoh To Chie and Nattosoup's kind of technical information but a little less)
It's just disappointing. Her audience is clearly tailored for children (no not even teenagers, it's too dumb) as she talks putting on a voice of child entertainers you would find in parties. She also always puts on the "like challenge" as in "hit that like button with your elbow or key smash" shit like that.
Haven't watched the entire video because I gave up halfway but she puts around EIGHT ADS in a ELEVEN MINUTE VIDEO. She's currently living in the US (Florida I guess since she claims she lives near a Disneyland?) and still can't explain the translation of "chisel nib" even tho she just said the translation of it a few seconds before showing the words in English. She feels like a weird mix of jazza and pretty girl artist but more mediocre.
No. 378848
File: 1551053432183.jpg (760.83 KB, 1079x1343, Screenshot_20190225-103840_Ins…)

Looks like she has 3 fingers
No. 378856
>>378848Gotta be honest I'm tired of meyoco on this thread. We got the milk from her Twitter but nothing else. I don't recall her having an YouTube account for us to rant on like Holly BRown with mediocre art but constantly spurting some nonsense.
I think it's okay to occasionally post about her but in such a short time has me bored already.
The melty finger thing is a stylistic choice I enjoy from time to time but in meyoco's case it just feels lazy.
No. 378950
>>378936I think it's part young artists feeling insecure about their art and wanting to have an identity and half not wanting to improve and blame inconsistencies on style.
>>378949It's a way of giving """representation""" while still being aesthetically pleasing enough for tumblr.
No. 378987
>>378961>>378949I don't think her art panders to the tumblr sjw audience. Even being mediocre, it's not the same grade of ugly that panders to tumblr. She hasn't blackwashed any characters with offical art that i know of, and in the case of this video the vitiligo thing makes sense because of the context.
I skipped to the part where she talked about the Earth design and she said that vitiligo seems like an "awesome interesting skin condition"….. no please don't do that vitiligo is an illness for god's sake. It's one thing representation to show up that people affected by it aren't the same as the bibilical leprosy patients where they needed to be quarentined, but to romanticize it….
No. 379081
>>378936Because popular artists talk about/promote it.
Case and point; the 'draw this in your style' meme. a pefect example of the emphasis on artistic signature over core fundementals of art. it is a social media trend, and young artists get most of their inspiration and motivation from social media, even more so with people that have found fame and success on those platforms. they see the same image hundreds of times, but each is slightly different because of the style that a certain artist holds. to a new artist, or one not as well versed as other artists, they see that style makes each artist unique, and work to imitate the success they see, but no one wants to be accused of copying. so, instead, the ever growing search for style continues, but with the end goal of being seen as original, not enjoyable (laverndertowne is the perfect example here, i mean for christ sake, her art is so overly stylized that it is more toddler heatwave vomit than art)
the sooner these kids learn that nothing is original, the better off they are, and the search for the style will end. you need to learn the rules of art before you break them, best advice i ever got from a professor. unfortunately, most kids in search of their own style are skipping that step, and rarely any of the artubers actually talk about this cause 'who the fuck will click on a video talking about art fundementals when i can do another unboxing or prompt list or art supply haul!'
No. 379357
>>379315nope, not alone. i laughed when she said STRATHMORE of all papers, bougie.
wonder what rae thinks of arches.
No. 379374
>>379357Idk. I've balked at prices for art supplies, but honestly i'd never really consider anything 'luxury'. Usually if something's pricey i've found it's because the materials used to make it were expensive (cadmium/cobalt-based paints, hand made paper, etc) or they're archival. I get trying out new inexpensive materials is great for the audience, but idk, at least once in a while use the decent stuff?
Also way to thin the fuck out of that gouache and basically turn it into watercolor.
No. 379379
>>379374I’ve found that using more expensive and better quality supplies tends to alienate a lot of the more popular youtubers audiences since their viewers are so young and tend to take things way too personally, if you look at older artists or more cinematic channels (think furrylittlepeach or Mateusz Urbanowicz) they use artist quality supplies and don’t shy away from discussing their quality, but these channels have older viewers who also don’t tend to be beginners so I think the creators have a bit more leg room with not having to be hyper aware of how something mundane may offend their audience
Plenty of popular art tubers will get shit flung at them by their audience if they dare speak against Crayola because ‘that’s all I can afford and it’s really good!!!’
Kids can act like apes tbh
No. 379553
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>>379551I never understand the way she poses legs. Pic related. I usually really enjoy very basic shape based forms, but the way she poses the shapes doesn’t make sense
No. 379554
File: 1551172854552.png (22.1 KB, 786x195, 2019-02-26 19_52_52-D'Angelo W…)

what's got his panties in a twist? he usually ignores this kind of stuff. i'm still confused why he took down his latest video, it was ok.
>>379548yes, that's absolutely the case. except kasey, she probably unironically enjoys his videos.
No. 379568
>>379565>tumblr How? Can we stop throwing this around, it means literally nothing at this point because no one can agree on what tumblr style is
If it’s purely because she draws hair legs, that’s more common on insta than it was tumblr
No. 379589
>>379586When I was watching her getting surprised with the thickness of the paper… Bitch the gsm is PRINTED ON THE COVER? She claims to wear glasses but I don't know if that will be enough to excuse the fact she didn't even bother to read the cover.
Flipping pages like that also smears your hand's natural moisture on the paper edges.
No. 379919
>>379295This entire video is so fucking painful to watch. I can't stand people that clearly have no idea what they're talking about but still try to make themselves out to be ~experts~.
Please Rae, learn what gsm means,stop saying dumb shit about brushes and google 'how to use [art material]' BEFORE filming next time
No. 379986
>>379950Because they don’t understand why it’s a rule
They just don’t like to be told no.
No. 380067
>>379633Lol you're not wrong she made an update in which she says:
>the watercolor paper is available in thicker weight. I’m American, and I am used to lbs Instead of metric, thus why I didn’t know it was thin. Jesusfuck, lol.
No. 380136
File: 1551241781293.png (349.85 KB, 490x409, 2019-02-27 15_26_43-(2) Twitte…)

oh boy i can't wait for the most mediocre collab of all time to drop
No. 380236
>>380229Ugh, you can tell from the packaging alone that Arteza is just trying to dupe actual premium brands and that it’s not a quality product. I hate how artists will shill literally anything.
Also, do these companies not realise that oversaturating the market with half assed reviews outs off a huge chunk of potential buyers?
No. 380248
File: 1551270050225.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1242x1510, A9FC937D-329A-4A80-8320-C5AAAB…)

Happt D Artists facial anatomy is just getting worse and worse, and I don’t know how she doesn’t notice the mistakes and try to fix them with how long it takes to paint with oils, there’s more than enough time to try to fix things up. Or better, fix it in the sketching phase. It’s a shame because the rest of her paintings are beautiful, the anatomy in general is a bit wonky but the flaws in the face make it off putting
No. 380308
File: 1551285490807.png (407.25 KB, 616x815, fjdklsa.png)

>>380136apparently waffles is with them??
No. 380331
>>379295Nitpick I guess but why would she think something that is water BASED is waterPROOF?
Water resistant doesn't mean it won't budge in water, it means that it won't fully dissolve in water. If you put water on something that is water RESISTANT then of course it will still smudge a bit because it is not waterPROOF
No. 380362
>>380152Yeah, uh, that's just her face and she's just smiling like a normal human being Don't be a dick.
>>380308I thought waffles actively avoided letting people see her. It's weird that she'd do an in-person collab.
No. 380457
>>380248It's ironic that somebody who claims she only paints females since males are not fun to paint. She draws most of her girls in boring poses and has no life/personally to them. How can somebody find one gender fun to draw, when they hardly do anything new with them. (granted I haven't seen a new
video from her for a while, and she
could have gotten better… )
No. 380669
>>380292Yeah she's cute kinda
not seeing anything horsey.
No. 380670
>>380295The idea of "tumblr style" is dumb bc I usually see it in reference to subject matter but there are definitely some aesthetic trends that were/are more popular there than others, not sure why people are denying this. It's made up of elements that are ok on their own but when combined altogether they instantly date a piece, the same way shit like this:
>>380248 looks v 2009 as another anon stated
No. 381431
>>380670Tumblr art style is just a result of teens combining their favorite cartoon Network cartoon styles they enjoyed growing up with a bit of Voltron thrown in. In the 2000s growing up you go on deviantart and it was full of the same anime style everywhere. How much you wanna bet the entire outrage over Tumblr style was created by 20+ year old weebs about children enjoying their own pop culture.
It's dumb.
No. 381747
File: 1551419866941.png (540.91 KB, 1015x732, hHhHhh.png)

110% me being a nitpicky cunt but, the sprites lavender towne uses for videos make me break out in hives out of annoyance.
I know it's probably just an "uwu aesthetics uwu" choice, but god, the tiny misplaced sections where lines meet and unevenly filled in bucket tool look so terrible and could be fixed with minimal effort.
No. 381750
>>381747this isn't nitpicky at all. the sprites are unprofessional and beyond disappointing. i spotted this too a while back and thought someone else mentioned it but apparently not.
it looks like she took 15 mins, said 'meh its fine', and didnt even bother calibrating her pen/tablet sensitivity before drawing. it looks like it was drawn with the deviantart in-site drawing program with a mouse. this isnt aesthetic, this is laziness.
No. 381965
File: 1551467798129.png (816.5 KB, 1143x1017, ms1.png)

>>381952"These are some really good ones"
"I'm actually really proud of these"
A+ for confidence, at least
No. 381967
>>381754I've heard this before too! She definitely comes off that way lmao
>>381952For some reason I thought her art would be better, but it's worse than Holly's.
On another note, I really love Fran's channel. I've been getting real tired of all these art youtubers trying to appeal to its super young fanbase, so it's nice to see someone who's a little more relaxed but still successful.
No. 382125
File: 1551484163109.jpeg (325.75 KB, 750x845, 674897AF-E8FE-4A69-956A-F3B20E…)

What do you guys think. She just graduated form art school. How is this possible? The hair is on a different plane than the face. She’s not a cow but I’m so confused… Her graduation work had some really noob mistakes in it too. When she started I thought she’d be such a good artist…
No. 382128
>>382125just because you go to art school don't mean it's gonna be good… like is it even possible to even get kicked out of an art school or department?
not saying it's perfect but i really have seen worst though imo.
No. 382195
>>382190They most definitely do
‘P’s get degrees’
People will put in the minimal amount of effort regardless of the field, it’s very naive to think that just because someone graduates then they’re competent. We live in an age where degrees are virtually worthless because everyone has one
No. 382299
File: 1551520213847.png (14.52 KB, 585x128, ew.PNG)

Does anybody else not like Starheavenly? I don't HATE hate her but the stuff she does kind of irks me.
Some things I've picked up by casually watching her videos and going to one livestream.
-She fakes her voice because??? (I was at her stream where she admitted this and i'm still not sure why really)
-She has SUCH CLICKBAITY TITLES (just because you say 'lol clickbait title' in the desc doesn't make u any less shitty lol)
-SUCH BORING SORYTIMES (to sum them up it's just: my fwend wuz kinda mean 2 me, and: my kinda fwend was kinda mean 2 me and traced animay art, oh but they didn't get into art school with traced art technically, and they didnt use traced art in their portfolio either lol the title was clickbait lOL IM SO SELFAWARE)
-She had a stream with her BF and acted like a salty lil baby when describing how much her mom likes her boyfriend (lol he sounded so uncomfortable at some points it was kinda hard to watch)
-Banned a kid on stream for saying stupid jokes like "hippity hoppity women are property" and "my gender is attack helicopter" with no verbal or text warning to stop (they were probably like 10 and regurgitating twitter memes jeez, no need to get your panties in a twist over that- like ur 20- probably twice their age lmao)
-Can't take criticism (She did a redraw and someone said she didn't improve but merely changed style- then she got salty and whined on insta for pity and validation from her 13 year old fans)
-Hasn't uploaded in a month (Might seem irrelevant but it's real suspicious that she stopped posting AFTER she posted about trying to monetize her videos, also it seems her monetization is finally kicking in so OFC she says she's going to post soon haha, desperate for those youtube shekels honey? c;)
Basically she's just a immature college dropout who wants to quit her coffee barista job by making those sweet utube speedpaint storytime muns and I don't like her.
No. 382313
>>381952“here’s a lil sketch that I may or may not have finished digitally because I’m a whore”
I know people can describe themselves however they want to yadda yadda but that is /such/ a weird thing to say
No. 382316
File: 1551522076399.jpeg (307.3 KB, 1242x825, 1AFB2812-29EE-44EA-91E5-654386…)

Not milk so I’ll sage, but Instagram keeps recommending this person to me and it’s bizarre just how much she copies popular youtubers and how she keeps swapping between Kasey and Steph. And I know styles can’t be stolen, but this is a weird amount of copying. She emulates them to the point that she’ll even do similar subjects and use the mediums they use.
No. 382320
>>382301Skimmed through her stream to find it. at around 2:18:37 is when there's a whole minute of no audio bc she doesn't want the chat to hear her mom praising her bf?
Also this exchange was funny.
BF- Your mom's nice
Star- She's- southern
BF- She's still a nice person-
No. 382370
>>382320Lmao how insecure do you have to be that you don’t want even your own mother talking to your boyfriend
‘Wow daughter, your boyfriend is very nice!’
No. 382379
>>382299I mean if some dumb 10 year old was shitting up my stream chat and interfering in my engagement with my followers I'd ban their ass too, lmao what's wrong with that
The rest of the shit you listed is weird though she sounds annoying
No. 382389
>>382379I would've agreed with you- however the stream was at least half full of children repeating dead memes, the fact that this one child who copy pasted a meme she didn't like got banned without warning rubbed me the wrong way. I mean I can't prove this as the stream was taken down for whatever reason so eh.
And yeah, will admit my list was pretty weak but she seems to hit on all of what I don't like in people/youtubers. As I stated previously, I just don't like her.
No. 382721
>>381754I didn't get any bad vibes when I spoke with her and Bryan at a meet & greet. She's definitely an archetypal valley girl but everyone here is. Its not rude/bitchy, its angelino culture not to be fake nice hyper cutesy ass kissers who pretend to care about every comment. You can see that throughout Snotgirl.
She draws the same few characters these days but still applies a way more skilled technique and is much less boring than other poorman lois b clones and "anime" artists.
No. 382866
File: 1551623481093.jpeg (1013.19 KB, 1224x1827, 4D03200B-BA78-4A70-AD36-BE1CBB…)

How is this pride, Kasey..?
No. 383133
File: 1551677363906.png (4.35 MB, 2732x2048, 53A3AAB6-7AC0-4FE5-B4EF-79254B…)

>>382866Gonna just dump them all;
Behold! The Seven Lazy Sins
No. 383171
File: 1551696971437.png (644.69 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20190304-185529.png)

>>383168Pretty uncreative too
I remember she said that she was deciding on whether or not he was gonna be a big/muscular guy but instead she went the typical bishie looking guy with the same damn haircut like gemini and sagitarious
No. 383186
>>383171I actually like the idea of Jupiter being huge in height but very lanky because it's a helium-heavy planet. But I don't feel she executed the concept very well, I don't get a feeling of tall-but-lanky from her design. Just looks like any standard hot guy.
It would get the idea across better to draw him as slightly hunched over, to give the feeling that he's so tall he has to squeeze into most spaces. Draw the hands much bigger than the rest of the body to exaggerate the feeling that he's skin and bones, and exaggerate how his clothing hangs off him rather than just giving him a jumper that fits him.
No. 383279
>>383133All of these look exactly the same, and have similar elements;
same swirling pattern, same sort of poses (straight up and down), same-ish colors…
which I guess is what she's going for when it comes to a 'theme' and it's supposed to be her, but looking at this set of art, it just makes her look so narcissistic.
I personally don't find the 7 deadly sins theme to be particularly creative, and it's not something that's easy to make unique, but she's very much in her comfort zone with these. they're boring and kind of fugly.
No. 383385
File: 1551743426436.jpeg (244 KB, 639x967, FD74FF6E-8A36-4315-A37D-BE41F3…)

I can‘t deal with the fact that they all look the same and as boring as their art
No. 383416
File: 1551750170035.jpeg (21.71 KB, 217x162, 7E2A4861-538D-4C0D-9A47-C5A080…)

>>383385Why would you want this goofy ass long neck gremlin havin photo of yourself on the internet. It looks like a reaction image.
No. 383501
>>383466agreed, Robin looks fine and more down to earth compared to the other cookie cutter yt artists
>>383416stop being a salty bitch
No. 383509
File: 1551778752156.jpeg (38.05 KB, 554x554, FDE73619-F83F-4953-B07C-70D918…)

>>383501So many stans ITT, she looks like shit compared to how nice she looks typically
No. 383514
>>383509It's an awkward angle lol who cares
You're right though she looks qt here
No. 383531
>>383528why not just use
>>383385 , it's literally mediocrity embodied
No. 383653
>>383542ntayrt, but yes salt is literally the purpose of this thread, as the title says…
>>383416robin isn't miss universe but she's certainly not ugly, and she is the only hardworking talented and also quite reflective / bright one, this picture is just really unflattering.
No. 383707
>>383653>this picture is just really unflattering.Derailing at this point so last time I’ll reply about this, but yes this is literally all I’ve been saying. This photo makes her look like a gremlin when she usually looks really nice, and I don’t see how not wanting an ugly photo of you floating around for tens of thousands of viewers to see is a self-esteem issue as many anons have mentioned (do you guys also think that those that dress up to go out in public also have confidence issues?). If someone posted such an ugly photo of me that does me absolutely no favours while everyone else in the shot gets to pose I’d reevaluate whether they’re really my friend, especially if it’s tied to my artistic career for thousands to see.
Sage for rant and like I said I’ll stop derailing now.
But really anons, you’re calling others out for being salty.. in the artist salt thread?? Yeah, we all are lmao, that’s why we’re here.
No. 383712
>>383707Lol boo how many selfies you take before you pick one
Pretty sure the reason people are derailing is cuz no agrees with you cuz it's a non issue that most people don't care about. It's not unhygenic or unprofessional to have awkward or even dare I say ugly as fuck photos of you on the internet. Most people just don't think about it for more than 30 seconds before moving on with their lives because who cares but depressed hos like you lol.
No. 383767
>>383761This is why artists like Jacquelin Deleon, Vickisigh, Meyoco and all those other one-trick one-style artists are so damn popular, people just want more of the same.
And I don't mean that in a petty way, I respect a lot of samey pretty girl artists cause they're good at what they do, it's just how it is. The internet is weird.
No. 383812
>>383776I totally get that, like I said they're all so bad at what they do it just seems weird to harp on a bad photo rather than their awful art when it's already acknowledged that none of them are actually ugly.
But now I'm harping and derailing so oop @ me, carry on lol
No. 383823
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>>383819Anon, are you really trying to pull a moral high ground about bullying when you’re posting on an image board dedicated to laughing at others
No. 383905
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>>383891None of the guys in snot girl that are supposed to be hot manage to make my no no say yes yes, they all look deformed
No. 383913
File: 1551873675386.jpeg (793.04 KB, 1242x1948, 4924CBC8-9247-41B9-8DD2-F8F643…)

The #drawthisinyourstyle challenge on Instagram is so soulless, majority of the work barely differs from one another. I don’t understand why this tag is so popular
No. 383956
>>383913It isnt a challenge at all. a challenge would mean it gives the artist a limitation that hinders or forces creativity. all this is is copying another artist’s character sheet.
I’m actually shocked this caught on so quickly, with everyone and their brother on insta being all ‘original oc, do not steal, dont steal my style, copying is evil’ until this. guess everyone becomes a shill and loses their precious soapbox when free clicks are involved.
No. 383959
>>383956Agree with the first part.
Publicity aside, most people are happy to get free art of their characters so it's really not that surprising (to me) that it caught on as quickly as it did.
No. 383998
File: 1551902844125.jpg (39.48 KB, 1080x1080, keropluvia_50799827_7864008217…)

>>383924this girl blew up over 6k followers overnight from her dtiys even though this character is so plain and her art sucks. its literally just followerbait.
No. 384068
File: 1551918673962.png (4.59 MB, 2732x2048, E9ADF785-6E80-4C9F-AEF6-6E307E…)

>>384054Can we use OC’s this time around, I’m sick of the OP pic just being a bad LavenderTowne crop
No. 384145
>>381768>>381895>>382721you won’t get even a fraction of the real leslie by just meeting her at a fanmeet. privately she is just poisonous. always negative, passive aggressive when she doesnt get her way, shit talks other artists regularly and makes fun of people for the most inane shit, like physical appearance. Snotgirl was her self insert in many ways.
she’s sweet to artists she wants to suck up to but outside of that tiny group she hates everyone and everything.