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/shay/ - dolly mattel fan club

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File: 1680306042636.jpg (433.04 KB, 1036x1238, princess_lolcow.jpg)

No. 2[Reply]

NONNY Welcome to the Dollhaus, nonny! NONNY

She’s really done it. As Shayna passes Momokun’s lead with 132 threads, she is gunning for the top spot. It should be no time before she surpasses Onision and becomes the Cow with the Most Threads. Our baby bimbo princess has also been robbed of her Favorite Cow award the past year as elections were not held. Thus, we thought a celebration was in order. Welcome to /shay/.

Of course, no one could ever replace Our Queen, but as the farm languishes without her leadership, we decided to put forth a new member of the Royalolcow Family. Shayna has previously said that a whole gossip site is dedicated to her, and why would we ever want to prove her wrong? Now it’s true! We figured that before our princess turns 26, we should have this board running like a well-oiled fuck machine on a balcony. Plus, now she’ll have some light reading to enjoy while she recovers from surgery. You can find all Shayna threads here, plus some new additions. The board will be subject to typical moderation, shayve our typical shayhead retardation. The only thing that could be more legendary is if we could recover her first ever thread…alas, nonny! Don’t go there!

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No. 164799[Reply]

Which pic made you think DAMN SHES UGLY for me it was this one her head looks like a deflated balloon and her expression is so ugly the smirk the double chin
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No. 169710

File: 1736347686474.jpg (1.25 MB, 2316x3088, 1736136013039.jpg)

She looks like if the Chippette's had a fourth disfigured sister like Bunny from the Power Puff Girls (even though Bunny was based).

No. 169711

File: 1736514561836.jpg (1.17 MB, 2316x3088, 5432152993ef81.jpg)

Another image from her OF where she makes the same expression.

No. 169714

Was there a reason this was 8MB? I'm crying

No. 169719

BIG file size for BIG SHAYNUS

No. 169833

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File: 1706924588899.jpg (7.64 MB, 4096x6707, InCollage_20240203_094443313.j…)

No. 167447[Reply]

A thread for sharing Shay's biggest fashion disasters.
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No. 168919

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No. 169111

At least these fit her

No. 169383

File: 1726869235981.jpg (419.83 KB, 1638x2048, 1726868067504.jpg)

This outfit is objectively hideous and looks fresh out of the aliexpress box it was shipped in.

No. 169802

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No. 169832

File: 1743015460662.png (1.43 MB, 1085x787, special-needs-adult.png)

This isn't cute, she just looks special needs.

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No. 162408[Reply]

Post public figures that you have come across who look like/remind you of Shayna
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No. 169810

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No. 169812

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No. 169813

ever since shayna and pixie got fat i've always thought they look similar… dark brown dead eyes and creepy smiles…

No. 169814

the way this is so accurate what the fuck kek

No. 169831

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Jill Rodrigues

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No. 168836[Reply]

Containment board for Shayna memes and Shatposting.

This is a thread for collecting and archiving all Shay related media, mostly farmer generated. Please curb your autism and save any discussion of milk for the threads on /snow/, and spoiler any NSFW images.

Infight all your autistic battles here.

First thread: >>>/shay/158765
Second thread: >>>/shay/159974
Third thread: >>>/shay/163871
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No. 169823

yea i've tried to get into dana and read most of the first thread but the fact a child is involved just kind of sours it all for me. those threads have gotten pretty autistic too so i guess that is where the shayfags have gone… i miss you ladies. the boob reveal saga was so good. the titspergs got their justice. i still haven't read the shane (was that his name?) brony saga either because i have taken a lot of breaks from shaynas thread and was barely lurking at that time. but i've actually kept her thread alive the last year or so because no one else ever makes threads. i almost gave up on her completely and didn't make the last one for two weeks because i was trying to rid her from my life but i'm extremely mentally ill and hoped the discussion would continue. the only cows i really follow atm are shayna and luna. i just don't find egirls or trannies very interesting. found the boards thru pixielocks but as an actual trauma survivor i can't stand to watch her fake a disorder that would literally only develop from getting like sex trafficked or heavily abused as a child and doesn't manifest the way tiktokers show it off. they all watched the united states of tara and copied that. wish there would be a great cow revival this year. i guess its not 2017/18 anymore.

No. 169825

honestly i think people are taking pity on her since her situation has gotten increasingly miserable since she moved back to washington. she's doing poorly financially and mentally and she stopped doing lulzy shit like comedy porn. most people just want her to move back in with her parents and get her life together.

No. 169827

>and doesn't manifest the way tiktokers show it off
it doesn't manifest the way anyone shows it off, because DID is not real

No. 169828

i almost wrote that its fake too, but i do wonder if psychologists have dealt with people who do really have that disorder, i mean they mustve to put it in the DSM right? but maybe i shouldn't trust the same book that has something called "histrionic personality disorder" and only diagnoses women with it.

No. 169829

File: 1719576631229.png (58.54 KB, 1076x1276, 1681720353279.png)

No. 168781[Reply]

Post screenshots of Shay being delusional or just making up massive lies.
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No. 169299

File: 1724263645417.jpg (251.16 KB, 1080x844, 1724250116161.jpg)

Thinking her content was ever good

No. 169300

File: 1724263912369.jpg (357.81 KB, 887x1521, Screenshot_20240821-165213.jpg)

Thinking people attribute her "success" to being pretty

No. 169311

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No. 169563

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No. 169826

File: 1742280149482.jpeg (242.65 KB, 1702x970, 1742222815672.jpeg)

File: 1709319335118.gif (8.82 MB, 270x480, Shayna gleefully stumbles back…)

No. 167793[Reply]

Lets discuss the "what ifs"?
>What If Shayna never met Fupaul
>What if Shayna was never tumblr famous?
>What if Shayna was raised by a single parent?
>What if Shay was a only child?
>What if Shayna was Vegan?
>What if Shayna never had the breast implant
>What if Shay's relationship with her family was better?
>What if Shayna was born Shane?
>What if Shayna was a lesbian?
>What if Shayna never entered sex work?
>What if Shayna was still thin?
>What if Shayna was born another race?
>What if Shayna was a red head?
>What if Shayna was a horse girl?
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 169371

this is random but i've been thinking about this since lolcows are becoming more popular with normies, what if there was a youtube video essay/deep dive (kinda similar the videos turkey tom or cecil mcfly make) made about her? something that talked about her controversies + what makes her a lolcow. on one hand it would suck because newfags would swarm LCF but it's just interesting to think about how shayna would react.
shay is lucky enough that she's a semi obscure lolcow, kiwis know about her but they think she's boring. how do you think she would react? would she lock down all her accs or ignore it? would she suicidebait? would she use it as an excuse to avoid working? would she cry to her wealthy dad to fix it? the mind of shay is so interesting.

No. 169394

They wouldn’t be able to show enough because of YouTube’s restrictions

No. 169546

What if Shay started making yoga and fitness content, and gained flexibility and a few followers & dollars, and lost a few pounds

No. 169547

If she gave up on being a failed ewhore she could probably start a successful career as a blogger documenting how she left sex work and how she was fixing her life. This would include diet and exercise, gaining qualifications so she could get a good job and how she was taking steps to repair her mental health. She will never do this because it would require effort and admitting that she was wrong.

No. 169817

What if she tried to pull a publicity sex stunt like Bonnie Blue and Lily Phillips

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No. 158286[Reply]

Post your shaydits, photoshops, face apps and possible thread pics here!
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No. 169728

Nonnie it is beautiful…Shortal Kombat…

No. 169803

File: 1739912298520.png (497.8 KB, 414x913, beyond_saving.png)

Quick and rough, shitty shedit. Matched accessories would have at least made this outfit somewhat passable.

No. 169805

Why did you give her clown shoes

No. 169806

bowling shoes for her hidden talent kek

No. 169807

kek, it does look like that. I was trying to add some pink detail to her shoes. She does own pink shoes as seen in

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No. 158187[Reply]

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No. 166259

Her terrible financial decisions. How are you going to come online and cry about how you can't afford to visit your family on Thanksgiving but in the past few weeks have blown hundreds on drinks, brunch, paying for upgraded seats and overweight luggage? In the past month she's publicly posted about spending ~$800 (including the flight to lonestar) which should definitely be enough for a roundtrip flight. If she really wanted to be there for the holidays, she would.

No. 166261

exactly. and not only will she not purposely save to spend time with her family, but she’ll shill her pussy and asshole and do the most embarrassing shit for pennies to raise money for the most meaningless shit yet couldn’t be arsed to do one of her emergency sales to raise $200 to go. She didnt even beg for money this time she was just kinda like “darn! it really sucks!” to save face

No. 167029

File: 1704206308047.jpeg (128.31 KB, 750x313, 1634088260873.jpeg)

this is from 2021

No. 168816

It just baffles me that she thinks the next dick or spanking video or whatever is going to thrust her into fame, you'd think she'd grown out of that shit.
I don't think se feels that strongly about it now, but i know it's in the back of her mind.
>Doing my first Boy/Girl will really go viral!
>Prositution will really help me advance my career and I'll get a sugar daddy who will spoil me endlessly!
It's like girl…her whole, "I'm so special" shit is weird. I used to feel that way until I turned 19 and realized i'm not "Special" i'm just retarded.

No. 169799

File: 1739735762560.png (Spoiler Image,533.86 KB, 581x658, shayna.PNG)

i forgot about this or did not see it

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No. 162962[Reply]

Post before & afters, or just pictures of Shaymu looking particularly portly.
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No. 169720

File: 1737097764662.webm (1.64 MB, 298x480, shayna reading her own thread.…)

Another video of of her from the skidmark shoot.

No. 169797

File: 1739733898347.jpeg (1.37 MB, 3464x3464, IMG_5704.jpeg)

No. 169798

File: 1739733926766.jpeg (1.2 MB, 3464x3464, IMG_5703.jpeg)

No. 169800

File: 1739737862572.jpeg (31.23 KB, 720x528, IMG_1172.jpeg)

Her ass looks like Chris’ pimple

No. 169808

File: 1740150148111.png (689.27 KB, 808x639, Skärmavbild 2025-02-21 kl. 18…)

Came back to see the shitshow and just, these two comparison is insane, you wouldn't think it is the same person just fatter

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