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/shay/ - dolly mattel fan club

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No. 158673

If you were to wake up as her one day, or simply were allowed to make changes into her life, how would you get her life back on track? Where would you start? What steps would you take?

No. 158675

>quits sw
>goes back to her dad's house (she hates her mom too much kek)
>gets a job
>goes to trade school (I unironically think she's too stupid for college)
>goes to the gym
>eats healthy
>goes to a therapist and psychiatrist and takes her meds for whatever she has

No. 158704

I'm a savior type romancer so I'd try to fix her with my love. It wouldn't work and we'd both live in torment

No. 158726

I have never seen someone that I genuinely think wouldn’t be able to go to school, get some type of job, who has no hobbies or interests to fulfill them either. The only path I see as remotely feasible is her living with her dad again and him supporting her.

No. 160414

I wake up as Shayna. I charge my phone on my desk so i don't check it first thing in the morning. instead i drink a glass of water and do some light stretching in bed and a yoga flow to help my flexibility (lost after 80lb weight gain). i check my phone - no texts. i make a black coffee in my pink keurig and settle down to write in my journal
about all the ways my old life as a sex worker has affected my mental health, and all the things i'm working on to do better now. 10 am, i head out the door to my 6 hour shift at the dispensary. since i started going to the gym and only drinking on weekends, i've lost some weight in my face and some of the customers flirt with me. i decide to keep these ego boosting moments to myself. 4pm, i stop to get iced tea and a veggie wrap with one of my vegan hippie stoner friends from work. i come home and take noodle on a long walk through the beautiful nature right outside my house. its payday so i debate ordering out for dinner, but i decide i'll save my money so in a few months i'll have enough saved to get a car and not have to uber everywhere. i make myself some pasta with lots of broccoli and pesto, sit down at my gaming PC and boot up twitch so i can settle into an evening of relaxing gaming with my 10 loyal subscribers, all of whom like me for my personailty and the way im honest about my growth and development as an ex-SW. 11 pm, i skip dessert as im close to losing another 5 lbs, and i fall asleep peacefully with water, a humidifier on, and chapstick next to my bed incase i get too dried out. tomorrow is another day of being my best self!

No. 160416

this is beautiful nona. actual artwork. i wish i was living this fantasy shayna life.

No. 160427

I wake up as Shayna. I feel like shit. It is time to break the cycle. My body and mind can't take this anymore. So I call my dad and mom. I also schedule a doctor's appointment. I admit I was wrong about sex work being a good career choice. I admit I'm an addict. My parents tell me they love me and want the old me back. They tell me I don't have to prove anything to my high-school friends or siblings. Everyone understands I made poor life choices. Nobody is perfect.

The doctor sends me to rehab. They take away my phone because that's one of my many addictions. My parents let my pets stay with them. They move my stuff out of my apartment and terminate my lease. I couldn't afford that place in the first place.

No. 160428

can you control my life next thanks

No. 160436

Nona this low key made me tear up, it was beautiful. This is our version of Geno Samuel’s April fools CWC video kek

No. 160451


thank you, i basically want her to do the things that i try to do for myself. it pains me to reread because i just know she would never do this, and yet she'd be so much better off and happier for it. a shaynon can dream

No. 160461

Wtf I'm shaytarded as hell because this made me tear up. I don't know what that means. I think I really do want Shayna to make it out of sex work and to make up with her parents and to have a better life. I think that's why I like to frequent her threads and nitpick her, because it's so frustrating to watch her refuse to do something as easy as this post.

No. 160471

I get you nonna. Idk what it is even with all her disgusting ways that I still have a tiny sliver of hope she could shaynge. Feelsbad.

No. 160496

She’s a pedo and general defender of abusers, deserves to be miserable and is due to her own choices without us, but when I think about how sad her life is I do feel bad for a split second. Then I remember I don’t believe people who produce pedo pandering material deserve to be able to wipe the slate clean and should be punished. Another part of me feels like that statement is contradictory, because it would be good for everyone if she stopped, and people who make this stuff won’t stop especially if they know they’ll always be vilified for past choices. I’m shayflicted.

No. 160569

I wake up as Shayna. Probably have a pounding headache from overnight alcohol and weed withdrawals. I call my dad to ask if he can watch my animals while I’m gone for a bit to get sober. I pack up my things and check when my lease expires. I contemplate what’s here for me in Washington.
>Johns who know where I live
>nature I’ve shot porn in
>Ellen Patricia Dresel
I get a tall (24 oz) glass of water and flavor it with a shot of whatever flavored vodka I have around to stop the headache. I chug the first half and then sip slowly. I apply chapstick and look up some rehab centers near dad’s cabin. They’re expensive, but luckily I’m still on my parents health insurance. Plus I’ll be making passive income on manyvids and onlyfans while I’m away. I start packing up my life into my leopard suitcase set. I finish my water. I contemplate whether or not to pack the litany of sex toys strewn about my apartment. Finally, once my spot is secured at rehab and my things are packed, I take an edible gummy to quell my anxiety about a new life and stop my nausea, turn on my gaming console for a little Animal Crossing to reward myself, and tweet
>babys going on a big vacation at a nature retreat!! pls buy my content when im away so i can come back to a big daddy surprise!!!! emojis not allowed on lcf

No. 160570

this. she doesn't need to shoot new content, she can just re-hash what she already has. OF lets you schedule posts that expire. She could easily focus on the less is more approach… it's much more financially viable but our business mogul hasn't seemed to realize this yet. Quit, move back home, go to school, get a normal part time job around normal people… still profit from sw for as long as she cares to. I'm sure she has plenty of photos from over the years… just get it all organized, bait moids with subs and when they tip for nudes select one from the archives and RP, just like the catfish do… Easy.

No. 160571

all these hoes that prattle on about how much work goes into SW are only hurting themselves. see meme about sexting with horny men while in pj's eating Mac and cheese… and this goes for the ugly ones too. work smarter not harder

No. 160580

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This won’t actually improve her life at all but shaynus would benefit from finding out her body type and dressing accordingly.
Absolute shaytardation but I would guess she’s a flamboyant natural and if she leaned into that she might not look so fucking tacky all the time

No. 160716

this isn’t poetic but it feels maybe (?) attainable imo:

Month 1: Commit to aquaphor and literally any moisturizer. Smear them all over face and lips and i don’t even care. there’s nowhere on her body that doesn’t need it. Drink one glass of water a day if it kills you. put flavoring in it, put it in a giant sippy cup, who gives a fuck. Get up at 10 every morning.
Month 2: Find an evening group-based activity to substitute for rolling around stoned. hiking or a dance class or art class or pretty much anything. Do that 2x per week. try to make one normal friend at activity.
Month 3: Buy pre-made salads eat one for dinner everyday. Any flavor. Put garbage on top. Doesn’t even fucking matter but that’s what you eat for dinner.

In 90 days shay could be a person who has a hobby, a casual friend, something to talk about other than sw, non cracked skin, a semi normal sleep schedule, and who is capable of drinking water and eating green vegetables. she’s still gross, she’s still a pedo panderer and a failure but she’d resemble a more normal 20something fuckup and it would probably be easier for her to imagine fixing her life if she was capable of interacting with normies.

No. 160966

I'd stop posting pussy for free. I'd shower at least once a day.
I'd take that retarded fat dog on a walk at least twice a day.
I'd let go of the baby bimbo shit and lean into stoner girl next door.
I'd drop the diaper bullshit.
I'd apply for a day job at some ghetto little head shop or sex toy shop (part-time, as Shayna is not used to working).
I'd force myself to include raw leafy greens and berries in my diet day to day.
I'd develop a skincare routine.
I'd tell Ellen to get my clients that just want regular PiV sex.

No. 161528

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It might be shaytarded but I agree and think her Shibbe (shay+kibbe) body type is flamboyant natural and all her shein tatters are the exact opposite of what she should wear with her features. She also definitely wears the wrong tone of colors. This is why she looks so much more porcine, gray, and haggard for a 25 year old. If she wore black slim straight jeans with a flowy mauve tunic and dark brown hair she would look her age.

No. 161534

You get it nonna ♥ that’s why I’m so disappointed she didn’t stick to the tumblr stoner girl aesthetic because the color palette and the way her clothes fit her were so much more flattering

No. 161834

>quit drinking (slowly) possibly with the help of rehab paid for by my parents
>learn to make easy, cheap and healthy meals focused on vegetables and whole grains
>stop sharing personal info on twitter or social media, make it a purely digital marketing platform
>get a part time job at a boutique store or book shop or become a hostess/server
>declutter all cheap, crappy clothes and go second hand shopping for pieces that fit made of nice material
>find a hobby, like knitting or pottery or an easy sport
>stop making new content
>clean up my pages to only have vanilla/normal stuff (so no more ddlg or baby/incest shit)
>save money by living very frugally, doing no spend, etc
>eventually increase my hours at work and quit sw all together, do my best to get shit scrubbed off porn sites, copyright strike reposters, use services that help former "sex workers" hide their old stuff
>delete all public social media
>try and make friends through work or my new hobbies, spend time with them socially without drinking
>reconnect with family/move closer to them/get a cheaper apartment or roommates
>once lc starts to lose interest in me, get an official name change (hates her name anyway)
>get a good therapist
>find a partner who respects and cares for me, isn't ashamed of my past but will help me move forward
>try and move up at work, become a manager, etc
>take night classes in something that interests me, maybe try and pivot into a higher paying career
>once i've made progress in my healing process, start a small group where former sex workers meet to discuss our trauma, difficulties, etc. meet up once a month over coffee and lean on each other for support.

No. 161874

Shay won't dress for her Shibbe type because first you have to accept what you have and she clearly does not kek I can totally see Shay hearing "broad" and "width" from N family and immediately start convincing herself she's some kind of G or R, just taller and totally the rare case!! She's oblivious enough to still try and wear those lines when they look so comically separate from her that it looks shooped on top of her. Like, do you think Shay understands ruching? Or why a sleek high ponytail and oversized sweater on a G type is a completely different impression than whatever the fuck it is that she's doing?

Ultimately she doesn't want to dress for the female gaze anyway.

No. 162162

A little twist on the thread question: How would you try to help Shayna if you were her mom? I keep thinking about how awful it would be to have a daughter that was so thoroughly groomed by internet creeps that she resorts to doing repulsive sex work for 7 years now. It must be really hard for her mom to see the kid that she loved and raised destroy her body, mental health, and throw away her future. Is there anything her parents can/should do, aside from cutting her off? I don't even think letting her fend for herself would do anything, she's too far gone…

No. 162163

OT but whete is that pic from

No. 162167

FYI i am kind of trolling but this seriously puts into perspective just how bad shayna has fucked herself over:
i feel horrible for her mom. i know if i was like shay my mom would be absolutely heartbroken. so i would look into a conservatorship to see if it was possible. it would be difficult to get her to stop hurting herself without her running somewhere and claiming abuse.
a tough love approach is necessary. we would need to have many heart-to-hearts. she needs to be able to trust me and feel safe, but also seriously needs a reality check, and to have some autonomy taken away.
>delete all social media accounts
>take away anything with internet access
>throw out unused and likely long expired makeup. she can keep some of it tho
>throw out/BURN all her tacky whore clothes, BOWS, and shoes
>get rid of the majority of her cheap pink useless shit. pink is no longer your favorite color shay, not in my house.
>make a big show of burning all of her sick porn-related items and props. huge bonfire in the backyard where she must mourn the beginning of the end of her past self. no more cage. no more paddles, canes, or diapers. melt the dildos into a pool of shit-speckled slop.
>a new, basic wardrobe of decent, suitable clothes THAT FIT HER.
>she would no longer be allowed to do her own hair, makeup, or get her nails done. those cuticles need to heal!
>secretly have some kind of tag on her to track her just to know where she is at all times, and minimize any travelling alone. she will not be allowed to drive
>get her a job, maybe one where a family member who is aware of the situation works at, and can manage her on the job. maybe would need to offer money to get them to help out, as shayna is a handful. working retail would be fine for her.
>wean her off all substances and put her on a healthy, balanced diet. and drinking water only.
>bitch needs a real skincare routine she can stick to, would probably need to ensure she takes a shower every day and moisturizes after
>hobbies: WORKING OUT, CLEANING, actually giving her pets attention, spend time with family, cooking/baking, some kind of hands-on craft. literally anything that isn't degenerate. MINIMAL television watching with me, and it must not be degenerate. if she wants to play any games she can play something normal like animal crossing.
>maybe have her pick some classes at a community college to take, or maybe some beauty school which could seriously help her figure out what looks good on her for once
>get her a great psychologist who will help her work through her issues, self-hatred, and inevitable trauma she will need to process as she realizes what she's done to herself. need a psych that is not a wokie, someone who will not enable her whatsoever or believe her BS
>bank account would be monitored multiple times a day by me. she is not allowed to have a phone, pc, or a car.
>she may hang out with (non-bimbo) friends but only in the house when i am at least on the property. no male friends allowed.
>no dating for the time being, until she meets a normal non coomer guy that i approve of, and she seems at least 80% mentally stable.
>helpful gifts to reward her as she progresses into a somewhat normal (albeit damaged) member of society:
-shopping sprees with me where new makeup, clothes, and shoes must be approved by me.
-new room decor. some cutesy stuff is fine but she's gotta get organized, neat, and a bit more mature
-SELF HELP BOOKS especially for binge eaters, or any books related to how damaging porn, the sex industry, and promiscuity are
-hobby-related items or something that promotes movement like a bike
yes, i am mentally ill for posting this.

No. 162169

tbh at this point I'd cut my loses. She's not doing regular porn, she's catering to pedophiles. Someone like that can't be rehabilitated imo. Certain lines you cross, you can't come back from. Would you be able to trust a grown woman who writes rape fantasies for pedophiles alone with your kid? Even if that's her niece?

No. 163163

I'm now imaginging some browser game where you the player was isekai'd into Shayna's body. There's no quest/system but you obviously don't want to keep living like she did. Imagining all the gameplay details/systems involved makes me kek and grimace. Entire minigames for basic things like washing, dressing, talking, etc that would take maybe one button/action in a regular game, since she has like no foundation to work with.

It's really hard imagining what kind of job she could start with. Retail maybe, but before that, maybe Doordash/Uber driver so she gets used to micro responsibilities, flexible hours, and minimal and manageable normie socialization.

She could even do dog-walking, a lot of people got dogs for corona and it'd help her get money, more fit, and touch grass. She's just fat right now, not morbidly obese. I think she could more than handle it. Maybe she can start her dog-walking experience by volunteering at an animal shelter, and get more practice with responsibility via all the other duties it comes with.

No. 163164

Samenon and I just remembered that yearbook anon said she used to even pawn off art class assignments on the other students. Forget a job, she needs to start with consistently doing ONE healthy non-detrimental hobby she enjoys. Her receptors that accept any positive emotion chemical have been almost perma-damaged from all the weed and and vapes. She needs to practice being awake without any substance for an hour, and then two hours, etc.

No. 164161

Is Shayna's problem more nature or nurture, what do we think? She won't change unless she wants to change, and I can't see what might get her to.

im hoping she has some brutal realization moment after she decides to stop hitting rock bottom. or decides to try spacing them out more
>realize family is one of the most legally binding support system and source of love and care anyone gets in life
>still cant stand her mom but decides to try doing it a little at a time
>move into a cheaper apartment closer to her mom's place. throw away everything she runs out of willpower to pack, eliminating a lot of clutter and seeing how much of it she won't miss
>visit her mom once a month, once a week if things get better
>continue sugaring, streaming, and selling old vids until she can wean off sugaring
>get one offline hobby. ex: maybe she wants fries so she buys those frozen bag ones, some seasonings, and microwaves them for super cheap, and gets it hotter and faster than she would've from delivery
>revisit old hobbies and interests now that she's a little more comfortable not conforming to the bimbo stuff 24/7 - rock, normie alt fashion, etc?
>get more comfortable with trying more things in life and get some basic, repetitive job. she doesnt have to give up her allowance, she could start with something part-time

No. 164238

well, to start, deleting all content all of social media, changing her stage name and going with a vanilla rebrand and posting nothing about her life or feelings. moving in with ellen/vice-versa until she pays of her debt. that would be her awakening.
then to undergo her metamorphosis she would need to somehow obtain reliable access to a car, start group therapy, satisfy her desire for attention by working a twin peaks or somewhere else with creeps. in her self-actualization saga, she would move past the booby jobs, become accustomed to working full time, and let her sex industry presence fizzle out. finding enjoyment in hiking and traveling and whatever other innocent things.

No. 164586

Honestly do you guys think that she could even have a normal life with the amount of shit documenting her past here (as well as Twitter and other accounts)? It seems impossible, any employer could google her name and find her threads. Even if she changes her name, someone could do a deep dive and find this stuff.

No. 164594


There's always a possibility that someone would find out about her past, but as long as nobody cared enough about her to do a deep dive, I think she could do it. Change her name, lose the stupid bimbo clothing, delete her social media accounts, come up with a cover story to explain the last decade of her life, take advantage of her parents offer to pay for college or take a community college course for 6 months and get an entry level job. Idk how she would explain the gap in her resumé, but I'm sure plenty of prostitutes have managed to switch to different professions without issue.

No. 166082

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I've been playing around with this website trying to figure out my own color season as someone who like Shay also has a 90% pink wardrobe but feels like they're aging out of being able to pull off pink everything, and for fun I decided to analyse Shay and find some colors that she could wear if she wanted to change her wardrobe and start dressing like an adult woman instead of an overgrown toddler wearing clothes made out of deli ham. These are the results I got. The only shade of pink in it is a bright shade very unlike the musty stale meat colors she usually wears. If I could change Shay's life, one of my first steps would be to put her in clothes that aren't from Amazon and are in colors that suit her rather than mismatched shades of pink

No. 166084

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I think she's a dark winter, not bright winter, because she has black eyes. There's some pink for dark winter, but not the salmon pink she wears.

No. 166890

This is slightly off topic what do you think shay will do when she actually becomes too broke to survive and how long do you think it will take knowing her spending habits, debt and monthly klarna payments

No. 166892

move back in with mommy and daddy and try to find a moid stupid or predatory enough to let her move in with him the whole time

No. 166899

I thought that was a Shayna themed pride flag at first glance.

No. 166900

her eye color is green/hazel. The best word for her would be wearing a t-shirt with that the situation red carpet photo of him making the same face she always does.

that would be the most suitable for her

No. 166901

>her eye color is green/hazel

No. 166902

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her eyes are very dark brown (almost black). they only look light brown/hazel in the pic I used for her color season because there's some kind of filter lightening them. there is no hint of green to be found

No. 166910

Lol nona, she uses filters in 90% of her photos.

No. 166917

If I were to help Shay I would tell her to quit porn and become a pimp instead.

No. 166924

> become a pimp instead.
Why?! So she could harm others instead of just self harming?

No. 166932

seriously kek that suggestion was retarded. manipulating women into selling their bodies and then taking a cut of the profits is not a valid career path, it's something deserving of the death penalty

No. 168435

Autism incoming. I spent the last hour writing about how I would fix her life in four different stages, starting with:
Level One: Bare Minimum Semi-Functional Adult
>Wake up before noon each day
>Eat vegetables with at least one meal a day
>Take Noodle for a walk daily
>Get a basic skincare routine. Cleanser, moisturiser and spf in the morning, and cleanser, toner, moisturiser and eye cream in the evening
>Buy lip balm and use it throughout the day
>Brush teeth twice a day
>Shower at least three times a week, preferably every day (and actually use the lush shower products she has that gather dust)
>Do basic chores, like making her bed in the morning and putting bleach in the toilet a few times a week (I will never get over the shit ring, blech)
>Take her meds daily
>Buy clothes that fit instead of ones two sizes small
>Stop getting hotdog nails and keep her nails short and manageable with a slick of clear polish on to make them look maintained. Or if she insists on having pornstar French tips, as least get them done properly instead of only getting them with the tiniest white tips ever for some reason.
>Take a vitamin each day
>Drink and smoke a couple of times a week instead of daily
>Drink water, even if it’s just a glass a day

No. 168436

Level 2: Halfway Healthy
>Find out what colours and clothing suits her, and leave behind the pastels that wash her out and the cuts that accentuate all the wrong places. Colour season analysis and Kibbe types are a good jumping point for people like Shay with no idea of what colours suit them and what body type they are (I believe Shay to be a flamboyant natural Kibbe type and a deep or bright winter). If she still can’t give up pink, she should at least wear bright shades of pink that will give her the contrast she needs instead of musty ham pink.
>Dye her hair brown or copper red, as she needs contrast to look good (which is why blonde doesn’t suit her as the contrast it has with her skin is low), but black is too much contrast against her pale skin (the pics of her in a black wig were way better than her usual blonde, but still looked rather harsh, whereas as brown and dark red are dark enough to give her the contrast she needs but would still look soft on her). I believe she has medium-high contrast.
>As well as dying her hair, she should also stop flat ironing it so often it looks dull, limp and flat, and begin a basic curly girl routine. Also she needs to stop doing retarded poodle hairstyles.
>Go on YouTube or TikTok a couple of times a week and start copying makeup tutorials that are contemporary instead of doing makeup that’s a decade outdated.
>Start incorporating more exercise than just walking Noodle into her routine. TikTok lazy girl exercises would be good for her as they’re not long and low-effort enough that she won’t give up on them after a week, but they’re still helping her get used to movement and exercise. Exercises for senior citizens or disabled people on YouTube would also be gentle enough for someone as unfit as her, but the TikTok ones would likely be more appealing.
>Pick up a hobby that actually appeals to her instead of ones like listening to dad rock she only does to impress johns. Perhaps painting, as she does have art supplies and paints while drunk sometimes. This would also give her something to talk about to normies as well as enriching her life.
>Make an effort to go somewhere or do something that would broaden her mind at least once a month. Like visiting an art gallery or museum, or going to a pottery workshop or something. I’m sure there are a ton of these things in Seattle. And if you look online you can find free or cheap events and venues in your area, so she won’t have to go broke.
>If someone talks to her, having a whole conversation from start to end that doesn’t mention SW. She’s also not allowed to introduce herself as Dolly.
>Ease herself into education very slowly. Find a cheap evening class and go to it. She isn’t ready for a four year college course after being out of school for a decade, but going to community college for an hour or two a couple of times a week would be good for her. It might not be a full degree but learning how to use Microsoft Excel or something is better than getting stoned in the evening and will teach her an actual skill. Plus she’ll be able to meet normal people. She should try to befriend at least one person.
>Begin slowly getting rid of the tacky pink shit she hoards. Do one area at a time, like emptying a drawer or clearing up the bathroom counter, etc. Throw out expired makeup, too-small clothing, things she bought but never used, etc. Just anything that takes up space and will never serve a purpose.
>Begin typing normally over time. At this point, she can still type in all lower case, but use words instead of numbers, like “to/too” instead of “2.” It will look more natural than just jumping straight into using perfect grammar, but will seem less retarded than typing like it’s still 2004 and you have to pay for each character.
>Start reading, even if it’s just ten pages of a Colleen Hoover book a day.
>Start slowly learning new things. Watch a documentary once or twice a month, listen to a podcast while walking the dog, even doing a duolingo course would be better than nothing and would help her be less ignorant.
>Try new cuisine while on “dates” with her johns instead of deep fried slop. There’s a whole world of restaurants serving decent quality food from different cuisines that are the same price as the places she usually goes to.
>Use her phone less. Have one day a week where she’s not allowed to tweet or post on Instagram stories whatsoever. Delete apps that don’t serve any purpose other than wasting her time.
>Make at least one meal a week from scratch.
>Increase the ante on her skincare routine a tiny bit. Apply collagen serum in her pm routine after toning to regain some of the elasticity she’s lost in her face from her bad habits. Taking collegen supplements would also be good.

No. 168437

Level Three: Approaching Normie-ness
At this point, she should have relatively good hygiene, healthier skin and hair, a decent wardrobe, a cleaner hovel, some new experiences and hobbies, a semblance of an education, a fitter body, and some time spent socialising with people who aren’t degenerates talking about things that aren’t degenerate. Now it’s time to try fully assimilating into the normie world. And to do that, I would have her:
>Join an exercise class. Doesn’t need to be intense. It could be something as low-impact as a yoga class mainly attended by grannies. It’s getting her out of the house, and it’s exercise. It would also be good if she continued exercising at home, but replaced the TikTok lazy girl exercises with more intense ones (could even be something like “2000s dance party“ themed YouTube videos or something). As with the evening class from the previous level, she has to try and befriend at least one person from her exercise class and talk to them about things that aren’t SW.
>Visit a job centre in her area and see if they have any training classes going on. Learn CPR or manual handling or another skill that would look good on a resume and wouldn’t take too long to learn.
>Try to get a part time job and ease her way into employment. Sex toy shop might be a good match for her because it’s the one normal job where years of being a prostitute won’t work against her. They might even think that she’s more knowledgeable about toys because of her “career” than most other candidates. There are other retail jobs she could apply for too, but with those she’d have to explain why her resume is nearly empty despite being an adult for a decade, whereas sex shops literally sell porn dvds so she could be honest about her past “experience” without them being put off.
>Wean off off SW. Leave the MV page up but don’t post anything new, just generate passive income. Repost old nudes on onlyfans but don’t make new porn.
>Look into full time education. I still don’t think she would be cut out for university at this point, but I think a six month community college course would be doable assuming she’s been successful at becoming somewhat functional. I think a beautician course would be good for her because it’s not something particularly academic, and it would help her learn more about how to style herself and take care of her appearance. At least where I live, beauty school also tends to attract women who don’t really know what else to do with their lives because it’s not something you need to be super brainy for, there are lots of salons that might employ you afterwards, and beauty is an interest a lot of women have. So hopefully she wouldn’t feel out of her depth the way she might in a class full of people determined to become IT technicians or something.
>Create weekly routines, like going to a cafe every Monday, or watching a non-SpongeBob show every Friday.
>Pick up a second hobby, like learning to cook/bake, playing one of those obscure sports she’s weirdly decent at, playing the guitar, etc.
>At this point she should hopefully have a few normal friends she’s made at school and exercise classes. She should keep her new friends and block her SW “friends.” Delete texts from them too and unfollow them on social media, etc.
>At this point she should have showering, skincare and haircare figured out, so it might be a good idea to take an evening out of each week to perform self care. Exfoliating, putting lotion on her entire body (ideally she should moisturise her body after each shower but I don’t know if Shay is patient enough for this), scrubbing hard skin off her feet, doing a sheet mask, etc.
>Now that her apartment isn’t filled with cheap Amazon trinkets and she’s used to small chores, she should learn to do bigger household tasks, like doing laundry and changing bedsheets regularly, sweeping the floor daily, and so on.

No. 168438

Now Shay is in school, has a part-time job, practices hygiene, has a nice wardrobe and a clean apartment, and has made new friends and cut toxic ones out of her life. She’s on the way to being normal. But there are still more things to do. Things that she may never be willing to do, which is why they’re not included with the tasks I’ve already outlined. But these things are essential to becoming fully normal, nonetheless. Which leads me to:
Level Four, the Last Hurdle to Functionality:
>Change her legal name from Shayna Clifford to something else, as it’s too associated with the farms.
>Delete her social media accounts. No more pandering to retarded scrotes on twitter, She needs to fully deactivate her account instead of just uninstalling the app in case she gets tempted to post under the Dolly Mattel persona again.
>Make up with her parents and try to understand that her mother just wants her to be safe rather than trying to control her.
>Take their offer of free college if she can find a course that’s not too academic (not convinced she’ll ever be able for a subject you need to be somewhat smart or studious for, her brain is too fried)
>Stop paying for that overpriced apartment and start fresh somewhere new. Move back home if things go well with her parents. Who knows, they might even be able to get her a job at their work.
>Speaking of work, at this point she should be used to part time work, so now it’s time for a full time job. Hopefully she’ll have a qualification from community college, but if she doesn’t she can try waitressing, retail, working in a dispensary, or anything else you don’t need a qualification for. She should have experience from her part time job so lack of experience shouldn’t hinder her.
>Hopefully she will have reduced her drinking to a normal amount by now, but if not, rehab.
>Also, therapy would probably be a good idea.
>Fully give up SW. No onlyfans, no camming, definitely no irl prostitution.
And there we have it. A healed and healthy Shayna.

No. 168479

Nona can you fix my life too pls

No. 168494

I’m going to play this exercise out as if Shay/me still wants to be a successful “sex worker”, at least for awhile.

First thing, physical: dye hair a cool-toned brown, stop penciling in eyebrows and just run a clear brow gel through them, wear a bit more blush and ditch the cat eye. Practice making more appealing faces, genuinely happy looking smile and otherwise neutral but attractive. Wear darker colors, lean into goth, scene, metal, emo, weed girl shit & ditch bimbo cuz it ain’t working for us. We’re going carefree weed girlfriend, “chill” vibe. Wear hair more natural and cut off some length. Obviously start dieting but as I am still Shay exercise can go by the wayside. Diet alone could bring her down to pleasantly plump, especially if she isn’t trying to be a high class bimbo.

Attitude: same thing, ditch “bimbo”, “baby”, “little girl” and her godawful domme phases. Strictly “funny horny girlfriend”, both ethically less awful and way more sensical for her.

Clientale shift: this is the big one. Get this bitch to Gathering of theJuggalos pronto. Funny clown stripper, goofy spongebob “sexy” cosplay girl

No. 168495

cont. seriously, Shay has no idea what her true appeal is. She is an absolute white trash phenotype. Shay in clown makeup in one of those trashy like monokinis or whatever, I am not fucking with you nonas, she would get an HVAC certified condo boyfriend within a few hours of being at a Juggalo concert. Truly, her best option and the easiest and quickest way she can just extract herself from sex work. Juggalos won’t care either!

No. 168498

she would be perfect as one of those juggalettes who let guys touch their boobs or twerk on guys for 5 bucks a pop, maybe could even charge 10! she would be in her element there. plus tons of drugs and alcohol for her.

No. 168499

if she seriously wanted to be succesful in sw she should've just gone full feedee tbh. Feeders love the thin to fat thing. Big bellies are popular in that kink which could work for an apple-shaped woman like shay. She could make money with low-effort videos of herself just eating in lingerie or w/e. She's always trying to get coomers to 'reimburse' her meals anyways lol

No. 168502

It's been suggested in the main threads several times. It would have made so much more sense than her current delusions. She is never going to lose the weight she's gained because she has no self control. Instead of getting fat by paying for her own doordash orders and still trying to sell herself as a smol skinny bimbo barbie to a decreasing pool of coomers, she could have feeder coomers that would buy her doordash and then pay to watch her eat it on MFC.

No. 168530

>Just move into a trailer with some drug addicted/alcoholic scrote with no money (who will probably beat shay up and get her into hard drugs)

>Become a juggalo! Grind on a bunch of strangers in a moshpit.

I thought that this thread was about how to improve Shay's life, not fuck it up even further.

No. 168531

Apple shaped? I don't think so. She has a fat ass and fat legs. Apple shapes usually have slim legs even when they have belly fat. She's a rectangle. She gains weight all over but doesn't have a very defined waist = rectangle shape. She's also midsize rather than plus size. Appealing to feeders wouldn't improve her life at all because they would want her to continue to gain weight to the point where she could actually start having health problems.

No. 168532

If I was shay for a while had to improve her life, I would delete my social media, move back in with my parents and get a job in a weed shop or sex shop or maybe somewhere like hot topic. I don't think shay would do well in a typical 9-5 corporate job or around hardcore normies. Shay has a creative streak so maybe I would pick up some hobbies like crafting/sewing/painting/crochet. I would decenter scrotes and focus on doing what I found fun and I enjoyed for myself.

No. 168550

all she needs to do is not be fat. it shouldn't be that hard. she hasn't always been fat, it's not like she's been this way her whole life. like weight fluctuations happen sure, but she treats it like it's an act of god, like she can't do anything to control her weight. all she needs to do is not eat as much for a few months. buy a kitchen scale for $20 on amazon. track her calories until she understands portion size. it's literally her JOB to look good and be sexy. like her livelihood depends on it… doesn't she care? she could probably be making double her income if she lost 30 pounds.

No. 168551

Shay if you're reading this myfitnesspal and YouTube workouts are free

No. 168560

fat ass? no she's just a fat ass. she's very top heavy as a fatty, it just didn't show when she was twink looking but she went from looking like a twink to a chubby little boy. she has unfortunate fat distribution, it went mostly to her midsection and upper arms. i am still shocked sometimes at her lack of butt at this size. she just lacks curves and only has rolls

No. 168610

I would go on a thru-hike. She says she loves nature, and she could eat the same shit but lose weight. Maybe she would get some serenity from being away from her phone. She would have to stay hydrated and would exercise for 10 hours a day effortlessly, all you do is walk. She could go slow, not finish it, get stoned every day, but she would just need to hike from San Diego back to Seattle. She would be a new woman when she got home.

No. 168617

>delete social media
>quit sw
>go to college
>get a job
>fix love life
>lose weight

No. 168632

Maybe try some ayahuasca. How bad could it possibly get her from where she is now?

No. 168638

Everyone thought she’d get some life altering introspection when she did shrooms and we’re still here so I wonder if that’d do anything. It feels like she’s incapable of true introspection and drank/smoke any little brain cells she might’ve had.

No. 168671

She should 100% forget about scrotes until she's properly medicated for her anxiety and BPD and in a much better state of mind. You can survive without scrotes, Nona.

No. 168685

You can't really medicate for BPD

No. 168691

This is beautiful. I love this for her.

No. 168702

You can take SSRIs for BPD. They genuinely work for a lot of people. The problem with BPD is the intensity of emotions. I take Zoloft for long term anxiety and depression and I no longer feel intense emotions much at all and it's great.

No. 168711

She should get a bike for transportation

No. 168713

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Honestly she should get a motorcycle

No. 168742

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Being very autistic with this post, but Shay's complete lack of ability to dress decently and her talent for consistently picking the exact opposite of what suits her just annoys me so much. This is how I think she should style herself.


Shay needs medium-dark hair to go with her medium-high contrast. Hair colours she should avoid:
-Blonde: the contrast is with her skin is far too low and it washes her out.
-Ginger: See above
-Black: although far better than blonde on her due to creating contrast against her skin, when she wore a black wig in the past it was a bit harsh. She could pull it off if she wanted a more vampiric or "goth" look, but for an every day look, she should stick to hair colours that aren't quite as dark.
Hair colours she should wear: chocolate brown, red-violet, espresso brown, medium brown, copper red, dark auburn, ashy brown, burgundy, violet.

She also needs to stop flat-ironing her hair until it looks limp and dead. Her natural curly hair looks far, far better on her than straight hair, which really doesn't suit her. She needs to look up a simple curly girl routine.

I think she should cut it too, both to get rid of damage from years of heat and bleaching, and because her face has become so chubby and round it badly needs the definition shorter hair would give her. Long, limp hair also emphasizes her harsh features. She would look better with hair ending at or slightly above her shoulders, preferably cut into layers to give her limp hair more volume. I think her natural curls are 2c, although I'm not an expert on curly hair types (she could possibly be 3a).

Also, very important: she needs to stop doing retarded hairstyles. No poodle dos, no turd buns, no conehead hair pieces, no giant thick bangs. She needs to stick to normal, simple hairstyles. There are so many five minute tutorials for nice hairstyles on YouTube, Tiktok, and Pinterest that she can easily save for future reference.


Shay naturally has a rectangular frame, but since her boob job her body has been a P shape. Her large bust looks very out of proportion with her narrow hips, so she needs clothes that will balance her figure out.

To slim down her upper half, she should wear tops with loose and wide sleeves, and flared (if long-sleeved). This will make it harder to notice her lunch lady arms. If wearing tank-tops, she needs them with wide shoulder straps instead of the usual thin ones. She needs tops fitted at the bottom to give the illusion of a defined waistline instead of just loose all over though. Necklines she can wear are V and U.

She needs to avoid: puff sleeves, details on the sleeves or chest, fitted tops, off-the-shoulder tops, double breasted tops, ruffles, pockets, heavy knit sweaters, capped sleeves, polo necks, high, widescoop, square or boatneck necklines, horizontal lines (as they will widen her already broad figure)… Anything in a boxy style or that brings attention to her upper half should be avoided. She also needs to wear tops in dark colours to minimise attention to her upper half.

To create volume on her lower half, she needs to avoid slim fit pants, leggings, and skinny jeans. Flared, harem, wide pleated, high waisted, cargo, drawstring and boyfriend pants would make her hips seem like they have some width. For skirts, she should wear: bubbled, panelled, pleated, full, mermaid, tulip and trumpet skirts, especially in bright colours and with patterns and details as they help add volume. She needs to avoid pencil and tapered skirts as they will just highlight her lack of hips and ass.

For dresses, she needs styles that flow down from her waist, preferably with brighter colours, patterns or details on the lower half. She should avoid bodycon dresses, dresses that are fitted on the bottom of the body or that highlight the top.

For outerwear, she should wear single breasted blazers and coats, slouchy cardigans and cape style coats.

As for colours she should wear, I think we can all agree pastels and baby pink looks terrible on her. She is high contrast and pastels don't give her any contrast. They wash her out. She looks far better when she wears black in an attempt to be "goth." She needs to wear dark, bright and jewel toned colours (she's definitely a Winter in seasonal colour analysis, probably deep or bright). If she wants to wear pink, it must be bright pink, not ham pink. She has an olive overtone and looks greenish in some pictures, so she should wear red (the opposite of green on the colour wheel) to counteract this.

Colours she should avoid: ham pink, pastels, warm-toned colours (she is cool-toned so they'll clash with her or make her look muddy)


- Handbags that sit on the hips
- Wide belts to cinch her waist in and create the appearance of definition between her waist and hips
- Silver jewellery, as she is cool toned.
- Absolutely NO giant bows. They look juvenile and make her head look huge.


She really needs to give up those heels with ankle straps and ankle boots she wears, as they bring attention to her broad calves. Instead, she should wear pointy-toe heels, knee length boots, wedges, and chunky heels (one of extremely few things she does right is wearing chunky heels, which are in harmony with her legs whereas as the contrast slim heels would give would just emphasize her fat legs), especially in nude colours to give the appearance of lengthening her legs and thereby slimming them.


She needs to stop getting those hotdog nails which have tiny tips and are 90% nude. If she's going to insist on porn star French tips, at least do them properly (although they'll always be trashy). It's enough to just keep her nails neat and filed, but for nail polish colours she should wear: eggplant, wine red, scarlet, white, dark green, navy, magenta, or just clear.


Her makeup is not only a decade outdated, but also never suited her to begin with. The huge liquid eyeliner wings she draws on only serve to make her eyes look even smaller than they already are. She needs to ditch the eyeliner altogether or stick to a basic pencil line that sticks straight out instead of heading to her eyebrows.
And speaking of her eyebrows, she should grow them out as they are weird and tiny, and draw them closer together as they are far apart. She needs to avoid blocky 2016 brows (which is probably what the result would be if she ever tried to thicken them) and draw in small, natural looking strokes. She should use a brown pencil instead of a blacken to soften her face, which is naturally harsh.
Her mouth is narrow, so she should use lip liner to lengthen the ends.
Her nose is large and bulbous, so she should contour in L shapes on both sides of the nose bridge, and highlight down the middle and on the tip.


Her skin is in an awful state for someone who's just about to turn 27. She has deep, papery lines under her eyes and lots of lines on her forehead that even women a decade older than her don't usually have yet. To be honest, there's no helping her unless she stops drinking alcohol constantly and eating junk food, and starts drinking water and doing skincare. If she ever does decide to get a skincare routine, she'd need a decent makeup remover (somehow I doubt all the slop she smears on her face is getting properly wiped off every night), some collagen serum to restore some of the elasticity she's already lost, and an eye cream, which she really needs to apply morning and night to help reduce her massive eye bags. This would be on top of doing a basic skincare routine of cleansing, moisturising, and SPF. She may or may not still have buttne (her ass skin looks normal now, but there's been a couple of times in the past when someone else posted the same picture she posted on her account, and the picture on the other account


We all know the baby bimbo pink looks does not suit her at all. Her original tumblr grunge stoner look actually suited her. Tumblr grunge is a bit outdated, but going back to it would be far better than what she's doing now. Plus hippy-influenced styles have been popular lately. Paisley print, leather, suede, crushed velvet, and corduroy would look good if leaning into this vibe. Plus oversized flannel and maxi skirts would at least hide her unfortunate figure.

She also looks rather Italian somehow, so she should lean into Mediterranean style if she wants to look more elegant. She would just need some well-fitted dresses, blouses and pants, a decent handbag, a couple pairs of heels and flats, light makeup with maybe a red lip, simple jewellery, and a nice pair of sunglasses (not those cheap ones that take up half her face) for when it's sunny.

No. 168804

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Shay is some type of autumn, she's not a winter her skin is very warm toned

No. 168806

She's cool, she just has an olive overtone and people often automatically assume olive skin is warm due to its yellowish quality, but olives can have any undertone. If she were an autumn black would be a bad colour on her (autumns typically look better in brown whereas winters look good in black), but black is actually one of her best colours. Plus she also looks good in baby blue and true red, which are winter colours.
The warm pinks she wears would look great on people who are actually warm toned, but instead they look like bologna because they're just not meant for her skin tone.
Her chroma is also noticeably bright whereas autumns are muted.
Autumn colours would make her look muddy, she needs cool and bright colours

No. 168811

Where do you see warm toned… She is grey like a corpse in unedited photos.

No. 168917

If I could time travel I would go back to a year ago and use the boob job money for a blepharoplasty and a nosejob. Her boobs were weird and still are but I think her tiny eyes and massive honker are a more pressing issue

No. 168931

Pretty sure a decent nose job alone is more expensive than her boob job. I think her parents paid partially for the boob job due to her deformity, they wouldn’t do the same for facial surgeries even though her dad is a massive pushover.

No. 168932

Good point tbh. Shay would probably go to the cheapest surgeon she could find and end up with a Voldemort tier nose that's even worse than her original witch nose

No. 168983

Gel aug where I am is around $5,000 and then the unilateral lift would probably be $3,000. Yeah, $8K is about right for a good rhino. Sorry that she couldn’t have traded up for rhino and bleph combo, jesus. I wonder what she’d have looked like.

No. 168984

Damn Nona, this is a fashion thesis. Will you do me next? Also
>She may or may not still have buttne
Her photographer exposed her…

No. 168988

And they say that female autism is difficult to spot

No. 169020

I really wish I could send her some beginner exercises on YouTube but she'd never do them, both because she's too lazy to do basic exercise for 10-15 mins and wouldn't be able to stand looking at fitness influencers who are skinnier, prettier, and some even younger than her.

No. 169030

Move in with her dad, stop doing porn because her parents would probably let her be a NEET, clean up internet presence with high priority on scrubbing the ugly/weird fetish porn, get her name legally changed, get a lot of therapy for her various issues, get a car, and get a simple job

No. 169052

I can definitely see her as a hair dresser or nail tech. Not as glam as she'd like to be but both make decent income instead of sucking off moids for dollars.
>Delete everything.
>Go off social media.
>Develop a healthy diet/routine.
>Attend a vocational school or community college with money that she's saved (hopefully she has)
>Get a conservator?
>Therapy and meds.

No. 169073

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I did the Dear Peachie makeup archetype using a picture of Shay and the result I got is that she should be doing makeup styles like picrel instead of trying to look like a child

No. 169682

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all she needs is a job at the mall and a moid who looks like Vaush and she would be happy as a clam

No. 169683

God she'd love having lame little injokes with her coworkers, adding SpongeBob stickers to her name tag, getting the employee discount at the boba place. Truly she's needs to retvrn to tradition and live the life every townie was born for, she'd thrive.

No. 169684

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>be me, ex junkie hooker trying to unfuck my life
>somehow convinced cookie shop to hire my sketchy ass
>roll up every morning in a clapped out toyota but i don’t give a fuck because i finally have freedom of movement
>spend 8 hours a day slinging cookies
>better than slinging other things i guess
>only good part is cute weeb who works at box lunch
>dude comes in every day at exactly 2:15 for his cookie fix
>"just talk to him anon"
>yeah right, tell him what?
>"hi i used to be a crack whore but now i bake cookies, wanna date?"
>mfw he finally talks to me
>doesn't just order his usual snickerdoodle
>wants some gay heart cookie with writing
>"write 'coffee?' on it"
>try not to think about my past life while writing with frosting
>actually say yes because what could go wrong
>now sitting in my car screaming internally
>still got that sweet $70 monthly onlyfans residual from my old life
>cant delete it cause a girls gotta eat
>now gonna blow it on a decent first date outfit
>god i hope he doesn't ask about my "modeling career"
>whatever, still better love story than being a hooker
>maybe normie life isn't so bad after all anon
>tfw might actually have a shot at being happy

No. 169685

this is one of the most retarded Spergs on this entire board. shayna's current style is ugly but I would respect her so much less if she listened to any of you in regards to her style and didn't just wear whatever ugly shein shit she wanted.

the r9k greentext is weird. Shay would never work in food service. and she we'll probably still only associate with kinksters because "they would accept her". The best thing for her is for her to continue avoiding men and get out of e-whoring.

No. 169686

Are you retarded? /shay/ is literally a containment board for being retarded, weird, and sperg-y.

No. 169687

Found the ugly tard who can't dress herself

No. 169691

Go fuck yourself, I like anons' responses to the creative writing prompt. >>169684 painted a kind, soft, and even Hallmark-esque life that contrasts well with Shayna's bleaque, stubborn downspiral. It's like the hooker edition of The Little Matchgirl

No. 169703

I can’t believe some of you retards took this greentext shitpost seriously lmao

No. 169718

I've been laughing at this for 5 minutes. Some good ole' greentext.

No. 169729

Obsessed w this

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