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No. 837043
Previous Thread:
>>>/pt/828285Onision Thread Archives:
>>511709Onision Drama Crash Course:
http://www.lifeofonion.comOnision/Onion/Greg/Gregory Avaroe/Gregory Daniel/James Jackson is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been declining ever since. He has a fetish for underaged alternative girls and a good portion of his milk comes from his attempts at grooming these unfortunate
victims. He also likes to distract from controversy by faking mental breakdowns and suicide baiting. After over a decade of this pattern of behaviour, he eventually came to mainstream attention through a documentary, and Youtube subsequently demonetised his channel. His wife/spouse/fellow groomer, Laineybot/Lainey/Taylor Avaroe/Kai Jackson, is a trans man who has abandoned her Youtube channel and locked down her social media presence to hide away from allegations of sending nudes to underaged girls and helping to lure in new targets of Onisions' abuse.
Links: [deplatformed] —
Last time on Shrek:> Everyone remembered to sage and integrate and we all had a grand old time> Before moving, Greg put in minimal effort and expense into meeting conditions for wetlands restoration, notably less so than the effort and expense he put into destroying it in the first place: >>828489, >>828490> Greg keeps spamming emails at Jaclyn Glen's inbox because it's the only box of hers he'll ever fill: >>828546> And he's very much not mad at her for complaining about it: >>829217> He also spammed Creepshowart: >>831801, >>831802, >>831803, >>831805> Greg drags up a nearly decade-old email from Shiloh wishing him luck, just to show us all that he's totally moved on, guys: >>828900> Andy Dick confirms that not even he wants to be associated with Onion, despite the uncanny physical resemblance with the only person who hasn't yeeted themselves out of his life: >>829513> Speaking of Lainey/Kai, have we ever seen her in the same room as Social Repose?> Onision fundraises a whopping $200 towards building his own video platform: >>829954> In another fit of nostalgia (because there's no new milk), the anti-O who shall not be named allegedly made an FOI request for the police report for that time Greg enticed a minor to cross state lines for the purposes of sex (Shiloh): >>830222, >>830248> and allegedly received/found said police report: >>832598, >>832783> In a discord leak, Greg threatened to become self aware by expressing moral outrage at Elvis having married a teenager, but then explained that it was only bad because they got divorced: >>830726> Greg believes netflix will eventually contact him to make a documentary: >>830730> Tiktok bans Onision's freshly minted account: >>832015> But then reinstated it: >>833232> In a new low, Greg challenged Jake Paul to a boxing match, which is promptly ignored, despite Keemstar's valiant efforts: >>832350> Swamp Shack finally sold: >>832611> Every week this dude comes out with a new forum or discord server in a desperate attempt to maintain an audience as tiny as his suspicious trouser package. > Onion appeared on Kermit and Friends with Andy Dick's wife, Elisa, where he was owned by an anti-vax Karen and completely disregarded by Elisa >>836157> Greg reuploads the song he did with Shane Dawson (has he told you yet about the time he kissed Shane Dawson?) because just like these threads, there's nothing left in his life but old stale milk >>836703, >>836735> Next doco ep out 27th May, the only hope for milk left: >>833537—
For the sake of making Onision threads more readable and avoiding bans, please follow these rules:
Do not derail the thread about the onion flakes/orbiters unless their posts have some connection to Greg. Attempts to discuss the onion flakes that does not relate to Greg will result in a ban. The flakes thread can be found at
>>>/snow/691458 Don't post anti-o caps unless they contain direct milk we don't already have. A separate thread has been created for anti-o's
>>>/snow/ 1081173
- REPORT AND IGNORE BAIT, just don't respond. Responding to blatant bait will result in a ban.
- No nitpicking.
- Do not liveblog streams.
- Do not contact the cows and post about it here. You will be banned.
- Do not post nudes of any exes.
No. 837084
>>837083Minute long teaser trailer for "Sarah Speaks?"
Or just a general trailer for the whole series, meaning the past 3 eps?
And if it was a teaser for ep 4 can you share or give us a summary?
No. 837087
>>837083Correction, wasn’t a minute, just shows that for anything under a minute on the app:
Just clips of people talking about him being a predator, clips of him licking Shiloh’s head, and the tag like “onisions story continues”
No. 837116
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I can't believe he had Muse on, of all people. He was actually trying to avoid her not responding to her emails and such. She complained about that before.
Hope it goes all wrong and she'll stalk him too. That would be awesome.
No. 837144
>>837132>who is muse?search her names and the names of the people she accused of trying to sex traffic her on YouTube and there are a bunch of videos about her.
Muse, The Muse, Muse Talks, Wes Moast, Brittany Simon
Muse tries to be the ultimate
victim and with Gregs hero complex I can see him bringing her in like he did Sarah and Sam and some of those other girls who were having issues with their family or just needed a place because they didn't have a stable living situation.
And if Greg brings Muse into his home, holy fuck will there be milk. Fingers crossed!
No. 837152
>>837144definitely not. he's been avoiding Muse like the plague and I bet he's even bummed he fell for letting her on the stream. She's been angry about that a bunch of times, yet I don't even think Greg knows that. He knows she's already completely fucked up, where's the fun in that? She's already broken. And too old too. Way too old.
He likes them young and just broken in enough by a bad family life so he can take them in and then fuck them up completely. He won't give Muse the time of day. Besides that I think she's probably too ugly for Greg.
No. 837289
>>837283>left inactive for a day>a dayYeah, after all the milk that has sustained it over the last month or so a break for a day was definitely needed /s
They even saged lmao
No. 837291
>>837275A mind-blowing insight into what isn't even the current milk. Worried about how the next documentary episode is going to go?
>>837289Sage isn't a license to be as dumb as you like without reproach. Between milk it's not meant to fill up with shit, and I too had optimistically thought maybe the morons had run out of sperging.
No. 837337
>>837283>>837291Yet here you are. Keeping the post active. Makes you claim of hoping for inactivity disingenuous at best.
You completely fail to see the irony of you shitting up a thread with irrelevant complaints of people shitting a thread.
You do realize that you could go a few days without reading or posting yourself? It's not a requirement.
No. 837339
>>837337We now have Gen Z Karens that are slightly more tech savvy than their Boomer counterparts moving in to the internet world to try and shit on anyone and anything not or catering to their whims.
>>837291>Sage isn't a license to be as dumb as you like without reproach. Between milk it's not meant to fill up with shit, and I too had optimistically thought maybe the morons had run out of sperging"I want to speaking to the lolcow manager.."
No. 837382
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don't expect too much, but a "mr odd" was in playmatetessi's stream asking questions about her. he was acting sus as heck.
i don't know if it was greg, i just found it… odd.
No. 837387
>>837372"I do anti-x videos"
As though he had anything of value in those videos. Any time I've bothered to even watch a clip of those videos, they're always harmful towards their "intended audience" because of his giant water headed ignorance on every subject he tries to talk about.
No. 837397
>>837372Ugh if anyone was able to stomach the whole thing congrats. This is such garbage and just him talking over his sycophants and regurgitating the same story over and over.
I did think it was interesting that he did try to say sarah was poor because she works at a soup kitchen and is trying to go pre-med. he’s got balls to try to make her look bad for either of those.
I also thought it was interesting that he misspoke when retelling all the other bad stories people should be focusing on rather than attacking him. He goes on about stabbings but then brings up a “father that molested his 11 year old daughter for falling…” and then corrected himself to “failing exams…” I don’t think he’s molesting his daughter to be clear but it stuck out to me.
I’m ready for this blister on the ass of the internet can finally fade away after all these years.
No. 837400
>>837399The NDA isn’t the fault in his story, it’s the bad trade off of terms.
By his own account he accepted a bad deal by submitting to Sarah’s demands because choice A was that sarah tries to ruin his life by spreading baseless rumors because he didn’t groom her or have sex with her after constantly reassuring his audience she was just a friend, less even. Choice B was to get raped alongside Lainey in order to have the slight chance that she wouldn’t try to ruin his life (even though it takes a pretty unstable and unreliable person to blackmail you into sex but whatever) but also give her something that would be legitimately staining to his reputation aka having sex with her.
I’ve never seen him give a legitimate reason why choice A isn’t 10x a better option than the other.
Someone should take him out of the equation and ask him why he would prefer the guaranteed rape of his angel husband over the risk of a crazy person spreading rumors about them. That’s harder to defend.
Everyone’s covered it a million times but it’s the core of why his story makes no sense, especially when you take his history and the context into account alongside it.
No. 837402
>>837400What demands did Sarah make? Onion printed out the NDA to start their relationship like he has done with other girls. By all of his cringe accounts, him and Sarah wouldn't have fucked unless she signed it. What rapist agrees terms with their
victim and then signs a contract? If anything that's implied consent lol. The entire thing is retarded.
No. 837405
>>837402>>837404its like the guy asked, say that it had been Billy the Fridge making this "demand", "yeah im not going to sign it unless you have sex with me"
would greg have had sex with billy the fridge then? the whole rape story is complete and utter bullshit. No. 837426
>>837372It’s a two hour video so
We have a time stamp for
Where his meltdown and rage begins. Any highlights?
Saged obviously.
No. 837456
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Welp Greggys not gonna like this one. Apparently there’s suppose to be a new allegation from Sarah that’s gonna be revealed.
No. 837460
>>837457>interviews with online experts, Greg's family, and with Sarah herself.Greg's family? Randy and step mom again? Or could it be the sister he fucked over by telling the internet about her numerous abortions and failed marriages. Or maybe Crazy Tami is finally over his bullshit with trying to take away the house he gave her.
>and turned the tables, insisting Sarah had raped both him and KaiI hope they really dig into that and show how absurd that claim is. Greg hangs on to that bullshit story every time he streams and Id love to see him watch his rape allegation be torn to bits by professionals.
Greg said he had a panic attack when he heard Sarah was being interviewed and that was the reason for "the 9 hour call." I think he's scared because for so long he thought he was untouchable. He could do and say whatever he wanted online and face no consequences. Then episode 3 dropped and YouTube told him to fuck off. He saw that the the Discovery documentary got his biggest paycheck yanked out of his hands. I think he's now afraid that episode 4 may get him in some legal troubles.
Episode 3 pushed YouTube to demonetize him. Episode 4 could push the authorities to fast track criminal charges.
No. 837467
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He spent a good portion of last nights manic livestream sperging about Tami. Maybe he has an inkling she's going to rat him out on Discovery so he's doing a pre-emptive strike.
>she's a shitty person so you can't believe anything she says about me.
No. 837482
>>837467Yeah I think you're right, he's poisoning the well in anticipation of the next episode. "She ruined the house" "the Sarah thing isn't a big deal" etc anything he says this week is a clue to what he's expecting to feature in it. I wonder if he's right, if Tami and her house will rate a mention or if he's just paranoid and taking a stab in the dark.
Did he bring anything else up that might hint at what he's expecting?
No. 837483
>>837460>Episode 4 could push the authorities to fast track criminal charges.Eh, I wouldn't get your hopes up too high. Bringing media attention doesn't make a case viable, especially if evidence is lost or inadmissible, like OJ Simpson, or if it's timed out on the statute of limitations or if he's deliberately made sure to stay within the law with his immorality.
Like maybe but if he survived the IRS and the EPA, I'm not putting money on it.
No. 837486
>>837457i'm really interested to hear her speak on her experiences - hopefully the format of a 1 on 1 interview, that will be edited, helped her feel like less overwhelmed and helped structure her answers.
my biggest hope is this interview gets everything out that she needs to say, then she can leave this whole stupid mess behind. get into trauma therapy & focus on good shit, like work & school. she's still so young. in a few years hopefully all this will feel like one long, bad dream.
my 2nd biggest hope is it'll make gerg sperg & he commits hara-kiri live on twitch.
milk's sooo fucking dry the past few months. he really is washed up. he's barely even amusing as a punching bag anymore, which is arguably all he is good for
No. 837505
>>837460>and turned the tables, insisting Sarah had raped both him and Kai>I hope they really dig into that and show how absurd that claim is. Greg hangs on to that bullshit story every time he streams and Id love to see him watch his rape allegation be torn to bits by professionals.I wish they would go further and serve him with something legal to punish him for slander or at least force him to stop parroting it over and over.
Ultimately the show exists for entertainment only and not to find any kind of justice for people involved though so I doubt they will take that step however it would do a good thing as well as provide interesting content.
No. 837512
>>837404Greg could film Shiloh when she threatened suicide and to end his career and he could film his baby girl after she had fallen out of the window.
But he couldn't get a hold of any of the cameras, including smart phones, in their house to film Sarah while she threatened him?
Try again, Greg.
>>837460>I think he's now afraid that episode 4 may get him in some legal troubles. While I wouldn't count on that, I secretly hope that twitter will finally yeet him off of the platform. He'd be stuck on his boring forums 24/7.
No. 837561
>>837372I don't wanna tinfoil, however I do wanna say look at his eyes in those latest talking with people streams. I know that look very well, its hard to translate but I feel that he's burnt out. overwrought.
I feel he's very close to just snapping and I wouldn't be surprised if pretty soon he will have to take like a month long break, or something.
Just that redness and wildness in his eyes, combined with the eyelids looking kinda tired. I know that look, I've seen that look, and and its always resulted with people just breaking down completely. And no, not talking fake meltdowns here, I'm talking breaking down and not being able to stop crying.
No. 837568
>>837460>Episode 4 could push the authorities to fast track criminal charges.lmao the daydreaming that goes on in this thread. What authorities? What charges? Thanks to Sarah fucking around and the boomer squad contaminating key evidence, there is no investigation and thus no charges.
Also, how is it that everything Greg says is obviously bullshit but when he cries for pity about muh panic attacks, suddenly his word is gospel? Oh right … the imagination thing again.
Why can't people just take the milk for what it is and stop with the wild fanfics.
No. 837581
>>837372at 1:27:00 he talks about sh being chained in a basement and "raped for one or two weeks"
he asked billie to do the same thing as a punishment.
No. 837598
> who the fuck tries to cheat on his wife, who also has kidsOnision said this about Hansen. I think onion actually has a faulty memory of the past. Some narcs like him seem to cope by actually editing their past memories so their actions are always justifiable but no one else's are.
>why won't a lawyer take on this caseWhy won't you start a gofundme to launch an anti defamation case, Greg? He thinks lawyers just go around picking up cases on their own. Has he tried to get legal advice on this? I'll bet not given his aversion to engaging trained professionals.
No. 837599
>>837560>>837575They're pathetic. That Kira Yagami one especially, but they all get yelled over by him sperging about FAX even when they're being total sycophants. He said to one chick about how he hates women and she was like "oh yeah totally, women always hold a grudge". Grow a spine already.
>>837597I just realised it must have been Muse he was blocking from the stream.
No. 837629
>>837598>Has he tried to get legal advice on this? I'll bet not given his aversion to engaging trained professionals.Of course he hasn't, that would ruin his line of bitching about being a
victim. If he actually went to any lawyer, he'd be laughed out the office. On the off-chance he finds a lawyer dumb/desperate enough to represent him, he would be laughed out of court.
Kind of flips it from his "I'm a poor, pitiful,
victim" spiel to "No, you're just stupid." Which is well known, but have it stated by a judge/legal professional makes it worse.
Plus the fact that he's probably too broke to try.
No. 837689
>>837634All his exes only "destroyed" him by telling everyone the ways he tried to destroy them. I dont like most of them and am of the thorough opinion that shit attracts flies, and sure they made mistakes and associated with a piece of shit, but at the end of the day, Sarah was a teen, Shiloh was a teen, Billie was a teen, teens are dumb but they're teens and he's the grown ass pervert who took advantage of vulnerable teen fans (pretty much all of them have been
victims of sexual abuse even before meeting him) and lo and behold gets what he fucking deserves. Vengeance or not there's too much proof that it happened, even in his own recordings, so if they have a grudge they got a damn good reason
No. 837693
>>837634>>837687Exactly, some people do, some people don't.
I've seen men hold a wicked grudge against their exes (Onision included) and I've seen women shrug off some really terrible people. Just depends.
In this case it's not so much of a 'grudge' but making sure this guy gets held responsible for his shitty actions.
No. 837700
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>>837372While watching his latest meltdown stream I think I may have an answer to a question that's been bothering me. Even before he lost his partnership with Youtube how was he surviving financially? I suspect he has 3 or 4 fans who keep giving him huge amounts of money on a monthly basis.
Ester has been sending him thousands of dollars! How often? I know I've joked that McFly has a mental deficiency but how can you send a huge chunk of your Whataburger check to a man who will treat you like shit every other week in front of his other fans?
Has McFly entered PoopBeck territory where she's eating dog biscuits so she can keep sending Greg money every money?
No. 837709
>>837689Besides being teens, another important distinction to make between onion and the flakes is that if you Mandela Effected onision out of this timeline, we wouldn't know any of them except for Shiloh. Even as lolcows only Shiloh would be worth a thread that would be dead by now and without Onision maybe she wouldn't have turned out like that.
Best milk was Billie. Erase Billie from the timeline and you still have: screwing over Skye, the Shiloh saga, the voicemail harassment of Adrienne, teen bride Taylor, dumping Cyr for vague political reasons, his head canon about Hannah Minx, the milking of Eugenia Cooney, his ongoing obsession with Jaclyn Glenn, the Blair White debates, family beef, constantly reliving the Shane Dawson kiss, arse fucking Sarah, and his Eric Clapton moment when his daughter fell out of a window only instead of a touching song he wrote creepy bdsm tweets.
If onision had lived alone all this time and had no friends at all, he'd still have produced his cult shit, his pre-youtube forum and blog shenanigans, neglect of several animals, underaged body rating forum and videos, curing the world of self harm by telling kids to knock it off, tax evasion, suicide baiting, and wetlands destruction.
His ability to believe he's not the source of all his problems is an impressive feat of persistence in the face of reality. He is the Michael Phelps of fucking up.
No. 837726
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seems like the new episode is out. does anyone have a mirror?
No. 837732
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I'll be watching once I get home from work.(no1curr)
No. 837733
>>837693It's not something you can fix in a box as a whole. It depends on how was one invested in another and how they were hurt by them afterwards.
I wouldn't blame the girls that went through gurg's swamp shack to hold a nasty grudge toward the guy for not only what he did to them there but also afterwards.
Greg would add the insult to injury by humiliating his exes and sharing all his secrets online while singing his gospel of the "woe is me" victimhood. I've had experience in the past of being taken advantage of emotionally and financially by someone I deeply loved. I've held a grudge ever since I realized what actually happened. I can only imagine how bad sh must be fucked up deep down inside after everything gurg did to her.
No. 837741
Someone on the farms watched and summarized it. Here are the worst bits.
11. In 2015 the friendship between Sarah, Regina and Laimey evolves and their convos become more intimate. They had a group chat that was sexual in nature.
12. They would exchange underwear pics. Brings up the "I'm grooming you nicely" tweets. Laimey reveals details of her sex life with Greg to Sarah. Sarah claims she thought this was normal behaviour due to lack of other normal relationships. Laimey comes out as bi. Sarah says she thought she was in love with Laimey.
13. 2016 - Greg and Laimey invite 15 yo Sarah to come visit them at their home. Laimey asks Sarah if she'd be ok with them kissing, even though she is aware it is not legal for them to have a sexual relationship. "It's not illegal for me to make out with you or kiss you, right?"
18. Almost immediately after signing over PoA to Laimey, Sarah senses a dramatic shift in her relationship with the couple. Sexual elements introduced into their convos. Sexual jokes and innuendos. "At one point Greg reached his hand out and caressed the side of my face and smiled at me. Something about it just felt kinda off. There was definitely a part of him that, in a sick kinda twisted way, was into me.. I think it was the fact that I was so much younger. It was the taboo thing of it all, I think. I think he likes really young girls. I really do."
19. Laimey was also pushing the boundries with Sarah. Laimey said "Hey if me and Greg ever get divorced, can we get married?" When Greg and Laimey fought, Laimey would say "zillow time", and they would go look at houses together and fantasise about running away together. Sarah says Laimey does not know the boundries between romance and friendship. "The grooming was very subtle to someone who was 16". People online became suspicious of Greg's motives and expressed concern publicly.
25. Nov 2017 - Sarah finally tells Greg that his comments, which he claims are jokes, are making her feel uncomfortable.
26. "Greg was so, SO angry. He was like 'I can't be living in a house where someone is so uncomfortable around me.' He kicked me out, and I didn't see them again for another 8 months."
>Gerg got assmad that she didn't like his "jokes"
Unfortunately, there seems to be nothing about the supposed 9hr call
No. 837764
>>837726>>837734>>837741Honestly there wasn't any real new news. But there were a few highlights:
>Lainey controlled Sarah's bank account until she was 18 y/o>when they first met in person Onision told Sarah she looks like "orange soda feels going down your throat">Lainey knew about their 'hookups' and told Greg to stop porking Sarah while she was in NMAlso, Lainey is still on-brand, only threatening Sarah instead of her adonis husband when she got upset.
An even bigger disappointment than the first few, but it's the closest thing to fresh milk.
Randy makes another appearance and fully supports Sarah. He's definitely not father of the year (obviously was never invested enough in his kids, even now) but he seems infinitely more credible than Crazy Tami.
If anything the Discovery+ series just shone some light on that dynamic.
If I had to put money on it, I'd believe Randy's story over Tami's.
No. 837778
>>837751>>837757I think Sarah was still partly conditioned to respond when Greg called her. It hard to uninstall all those buttons an abuser puts in you. And who said Sarah didn't ignore Grugly when he called the first time? He probably called over and over and over until Sarah answered in order to yell at Greg to knock it off. I'm sure that went on for nine hours. They definitely
did not have a nine hour long conversation. Can you imagine a nine hour phone call of
Grugly: You have to tell them you're making it all up!
Sarah: No! It's all true!
Grugly: You know it's not, you stupid cunt!
Well, shit. On second thought…
No. 837783
>>837757I'm the one you're replying to and I doubt it was for nine hours too. It's hard to say with Sarah. I thought she would be too smart to talk to him after everything, but she did. She should know better by now and hopefully she does.
She also said, "At one point Greg reached his hand out and caressed the side of my face and smiled at me." I think everyone who read or heard that part cringed out of their skin.
No. 837795
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>>837777thank you!
lol they got def noodles for his useless commentary
No. 837799
>>837786>>837796Yeah I don’t think it was a weird but sweet compliment I think it was a sexual innuendo masked as a compliment.
He constantly infuses everything with a sexual undertone (or overtone) around young girls. He does it on a mass scale in his videos and on a micro scale with girls he’s interested in. It’s a component of grooming to constantly turn things in a sexual direction.
>>837741> Greg was so, SO angry. He was like 'I can't be living in a house where someone is so uncomfortable around me.' He kicked me out. It’s so funny and sad that this man cannot take an ounce of rejection from girls, especially teenage girls.
Lainey’s pathological worship of him has clearly lowered his tolerance for any rejection not that he had a particularly high tolerance before.
No. 837827
>>837777Cheers anon I'm going to roll a blunt and watch now.
Sorry I'm only 8 minutes in but I think it's great so far. Sarah looks great, and I just wish her the best. I feel emotional kek
No. 837836
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I guess this is referencing the alleged nine hour phone call that happened back in january?
No. 837841
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Uh oh there goes Greg's rape defence
No. 837846
>>837841Hearing that Greg wasn’t even the room when she made that joke was a shock.
His dad speaking up and supporting sarah was a big highlight. With Greg’s daddy issues that’s got to cut deep.
No. 837847
>>837777I thought this was very well done. Have to admit I didn't watch the other episodes and relied just on recaps but I think I'll go back and watch those.
Sarah is a gorgeous woman and I'm so happy she spoke for herself in this. I didn't realise her first kiss with Greg was the moment he pulled her into a threesome with Lainey. They didn't warm her up at all so to speak. They started making out and fucking each other while her back was turned then Greg pulled her down into it and she said her stomach dropped. That's coercion and rape, Greg. Unbelievable. And the NDA wasn't signed until the next day and while it is bogus and redundant, even in Greg's false reality where it matters he fucked the minor he had groomed before anyone put pen to paper. Lainey is a greasy bitch too I hope her parents are utterly ashamed of her at least we know Greg's dad hates him.
Overall I hope social media does get governed so predators can all gtfo
No. 837854
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>>837846>Hearing that Greg wasn’t even the room when she made that joke was a shock. yeah i was surprised i didn't hear that before. he repeated his lie so often about sarah wanting to sleep with both of them.
No. 837871
>>837854> he repeated his lie so oftenHe relies on the repetition to make his lies seem like truth. That’s why he never says shiloh’s name without adding “the girl who got pregnant with someone else’s baby” after it.
Even people who are critical can get sucked into it but the teen girls that still watch him totally fall for it. He wears people down.
No. 837888
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No. 837899
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>>837888You really need to get some new material. Then again you've been riding the same tired old banana joke for 12 years so no, i won't get my hopes up.
No. 837907
>>837839>Onion>ethicsThis is some great bait, mate.
>>837847Try to be less obvious next time, maybe. or just fuck off back to twitter.
No. 837927
>>837899Ngl, the lack of interest in this thread (pretty much the last bastion that follows his idiocy) on what would amount to a nuclear milk bomb is encouraging
Onion is officially to the point no one cares, which is the worst possible outcome in his eyes
No. 837967
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>>837949I do not mean to sidetrack here, but heres a comparison:
Playmatetessi is also a streamer, here are some of the things she does daily: harass, slander and stalk her ex. she's a racist and she often jokes about george floyd and shits on the BLM movement. she harasses and bullies people on omegle, just for views, including kids. and last but most certainly not least she abuses her cat Molly, ties her up, holds her against her will, the cat screaming in agony. now she was banned before, for about a week, and they gave her her account back.
so in answer to you saying that maybe they will ban greg: no, no they will not. don't hold your breath. like, seriously. don't count on it. picture absolutely related. its youtube susan. everybody say thanks susan wojcicki.
(derailing ) No. 837969
>>837967oh, lest i forget: she also hates gays, makes fun of cancer patients to their face, and says cancer and AIDS are for poor people.
so there you go. people report her daily and this has been going on for roughly a year now.
and like i said they banned her before and then gave her back her platform.
(No1curr) No. 837983
>>837949Agreed - I think the fourth part was probably the best compared to the other three.
The bit how Kai had power of attorney and control over her bank account while growing up was also telling.
No. 838005
>>837949Agreed. It went over all the things I'd hoped. The only thing I wish they'd touched on was the Billie tattoo basement saga. I can understand her not wanting to be in the doco, but they could have talked about cuddlegate/basement gate. They already showed clips of her Ayallah with blurred faces.
Plus Billie not participating in the documentary probably makes Greg think she still respects or has love for him and Lainey
No. 838006
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>>838003>.>>>837967>I do not mean to sidetrack here, but heres a comparison: Congratulations, you've earned it.
No. 838008
>>837781It makes me more afraid for Cloey. Taylor wasn't crying over being pregnant with a girl because she was sad and afraid for her daughter. She was crying because she knew her daughter would be competition.
I really, really hope both those kids are far away from Onion and Taylor before that happens.
No. 838019
>>838005I disagree on this one. It was Sarah's place to tell her story.
Even though Billie's story is no less important, especially since Greg still pines over her, it wouldn't have been wise or respectful to either of the girls to squish her story in the episode.
Hopefully Billie will get her own episode in the future, so Greg has something to look forward to. Haha.
No. 838027
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>>838005>>838019She was shown in the beginning of the episode with Sarah helping her do her makeup for the documentary.
No. 838052
>>838008>>838009I really hope for her own sake that C grows up dumpy and ugly. Hopefully that will be enough to keep Greg away from her.
TBH this is why Lainey is arguably worse than Greg. Greg is the scum of the earth, but he’s so narcissistic and retarded that he’s literally delusional. He’s so disconnected from reality that he doesn’t ACTUALLY know/understand why everyone hates him.
Lainey on the other hand knows she fucked up with the Teen Harem Situation, knows that Greg is terrible, and knows that her innocent fucking daughter is going to grow up unloved by her father and probably diddled, and that’s not enough to make her leave. I mean, she won’t even send the kids away to live with her parents. If she’s so determined to “win” and stay with Ogre, at least let the kids have a shot at not being irrevocably traumatized?
Sarah sort of has an excuse for having sex with the pedocouple while one of the kids was in the room, because she was groomed since she was 15, but Lainey has to know that it wasn’t right.
I genuinely don’t understand how someone could be so selfish.
No. 838058
>>838056And he thought he was untouchable.
Also, "27" will never have the same meaning for Greg ever again. I still think it's just a lucky coincidence, but he married his ball and chain on the 27th which kind of led to the documentary being broadcast on the 27th - good that Greg and Lainey both have that number carved into their skin. What they wanted for Billie, they unknowingly did to themselves.
No. 838060
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>>837152if that's true then is this scheduled live stream with the two of them not happening? If so then that's a bummer. On second thought, I wouldn't want Muse's penchant for crying "wolf" to potentially diminish validation for those that were actually hurt by Gurg. They both would be using TF out of each other. One would use it as vindication when he's still a disgusting groomer while the other is just a clout-thirsty nutbag.
No. 838124
>>837777Anons from /ot/ who like to manifest shit by thinking about it better start manifesting Part 5: Billie's Story Feat. Skye because this was way better than the other episodes. The show did well to avoid featuring controversial side figures.
Sarah did a good job conveying why girls wanted to go to the onion mcmansion, why they were so enchanted by such a gross man.
No. 838138
>>838135>>838136>>838137Tbh I think B doesn't want one of the cringiest periods in her life to be immortalised on a more mainstream platform with a much wider audience.
Also not talking about it never gives grug anything to misconstrue or paraphrase to suit his narrative. GG Billie.
No. 838172
>>838136The weed thing was such horse shit. What Greg really wanted was control. To start his own little cult thing. Like how he wanted to name both Billie and Lainey with one word "Lilly" and wanted them to get that shit tattooed. The guy is a total narcissistic Megalomaniac. Most guys would be happy to have an in-house threeway but not Greg. Greg wants to mindfuck and control them. I am absolutely convinced has Billie drank two glasses of wine every night, that would have been a problem. Had she eaten a lot of peanuts that would have been a problem. Had she talked too much to her friend Ayalla that would have been a problem. Greg wants his little harem fantasy, his little cult, and have complete and utter control over these people because he's a sadistic weirdo freak. Hell, he had a whole website about wanting a cult back in the day, that whole weirdo Siscesca thing or whatever the fuck its called.
And try as he might to claim he does not want that cult anymore, he does. Sure he no longer wants the whole Final Fantasy 7 weirdo religion around it anymore, he just wants a sex cult. A private harm he can stick his rancid little prick in whenever he wants, and for them to worship him.
Thats always been his deal and always will be his deal. Greg the mindfucker.
Complete and total control.
It was never about the weed. The weed only gave him something to nag about trying to break Billie, thats all.
No. 838237
>>838183I think I remember something about that too. Wouldn't surprise me neither. He thinks he knows better than a doctor, which is something he learned from his mother crazy Tami. Narcissists / psycho's often want to force / coach people in to quitting psychiatric drugs. I remember Shmorky did that to his gf too who had schizophrenia, and then as she was having psychosis he was trying "to be the voice of reason" on this really awful recording to try and show to his friends how she was the bad guy and him the good guy.
Think of it as a cautionary tale, don't have people talk you out of taking your meds. If you wanna try and stop yourself (and discussed it with your doctor) thats fine, but don't have some schmuck try and talk you in to it. After all, its your body, not theirs.
No. 838249
>>838239For all that edgy atheism, all those years of being Seventh Day Adventist along with Crazy Tami has stuck with Greg like glue.
>>838237Oh and I haven't forgotten the narc aspect of it either.
No. 838262
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>>838183He sure did but he deleted all his old videos in order to make himself look better.
No. 838264
>>838262jesus christ he's literally fucking insane. I can actually agree with the pot smoking thing, but if she was already smoking when he met her, he can fuck entirely off. and I don't actually approve of how easily SRIs are dealt out, either, but fuck him for that too.
absolute lunacy the way he compares both to a 'bike' or 'juice' LMFAOOO imagine your s/o telling you not to drink apple juice because they just don't want you to. wtf is he even saying
god i hate him lmfaooo
No. 838300
>>838262Ugh, it's all about how he wants someone to be, not how they want to feel.
Another example of him overriding the judgement of professionals for his uninformed opinion, this time on mental health diagnoses.
No. 838326
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>>837888>If you ever wonder why I'm scared of women, why I refuse to be alone in a room with oneOmg Onision is so brave for saying that despite all he went through. Let's not forget that James is also traumatized due to almost being raped by a bunch of 10 year old girls (!). They literally tried to rip clothes of from Onision in order to have their way with him. And yet people call Onision a 'rapist' and a 'groomer'. Sexual abuse of men by women, including underage ones, is seriously Not Okay, and we should talk about it more often. Onision is Brave And Stunning for speaking out about this horrendous crime that so many men face nowadays. Thank you James for being a HERO and saying what most all people are afraid to say.
Look at this fucking clown aping actual victims of sexual abuse aka WOMEN RAPED BY MEN, who are often overpowered and therefore have an actual reason to be afraid of being alone with them. I'm so fucking happy his career is fucking dead and the internet doesn't consider him even worthy of spitting at No. 838330
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Greg is resorting to nickname stealing now, in a desperate attempt to stay relevant.
No. 838379
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just watched the livestream.
same old same old. it was just onion boy whining about how haters aren't brave enough to come on, and then proceeds to troll and dodge questions when one actually does show up. she asked some questions and he would spam rdj in blackface calling people retarded.
he made this face when asked about whether or not he has plastic surgery.
No. 838421
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No it appears to only be the OnisionSpeaks channels maybe he did that himself? Is that an option? Seems like a way to disguise suspicious subscription stats.
No. 838422
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His desperation is palpable. He might actually love the attention that the documentary has garnered.
No. 838426
>>838330… This seems pretty desperate in itself.
>>838421Yeah it's an option. He's done this before.
No. 838431
>>838422Did this gross greasy bitch have cheek implants? Why does his waterhead look like it gained so much damn width here
DAMN he's ugly
No. 838442
>>838422I saw an archived version in the other farms. I don't think he's trying to be funny. It was too hateful. He's straight up retaliating against anyone he can. Onion clearly thinks he'll up his engagement by playing the "then let me be evil" trope.
Too bad it's just part of his cycle of narc rage and most people are long over it.
No. 838485
>>838431Some time ago a clip from a stream was posted on the other farms where Greg drinks from two different bottles straight after each other.
Ever since people started speculating that his bloating is due to him being on the bottle.
No. 838515
>>838485Tinfoil but i think it was purposely done to lend credibility to "all they do is speculate" argument he has. Especially because it's already been established that his paypigs would come in and muddy up the farms with rumors.
Of course he's fucking retarded because how else do you explain that behavior but it may definitely be something he did on purpose.
No. 838536
>>838382ok yeah so he's
definitely had work done. it's a simple yes or no question, and the world's most honest youtuber won't answer
No. 838537
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>>838536Maybe he does his own plastic surgery?
Last thread had a photo showing his eye had a huge bump on it.
>>833842It seems that he's getting styes and Chalazia on both eyelids. When I read that he's jamming needles into them I was shocked and disgusted but not surprised. Greg of course is smarter than any doctor, and is able to do minor surgery to his eyelids at home. I hope both eyes gets a horrible staph infection, flesh eating bacteria and we have a "Im going blind saga."
I find it funny that he calls Lainey "his buddy" Is he trying to keep her name out of his social media? Or is he trying to make it look like he actually has a friend that visits his home? We all know that the only people he sees in the flesh are Lainey and the two kids.
No. 838551
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>>838537I was going through his forums looking for more talk about his eye herpes and I realized he has a huge list of censored words. These are just a few examples of the ones I found. I had to make guesses as to the words by the context and letters before or after the censor.
It seems pretty fucking creepy and gross to have "child, kids, rape, fuck, sex" in the same list.
No. 838554
>>838551That's so odd. The other words I could understand, it seems like something someone overly sensitive would do to avoid
triggering someone by seeing the full word spelled out (I know, it's Onision, but for the sake of argument). But why the words child and kids? Who would be upset by those words? Is he trying to stop people from searching for messages from him about children? It obviously didn't work if so.
No. 838564
>>838537This is one of the most insane things I’ve read. How did he not get an infection??? Who shares this w randoms as if it’s a kooky fun story? It’s not. He’s weird as hell.
Does anyone know
1) what he possibly had
2) possible cause?
No. 838569
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>>838564>Does anyone know>1) what he possibly had >2) possible cause?Sounds like he had a stye in the left eye first. Those are common. Its a clogged gland or follicle that gets infected on the very edge of your eyelid where your eyelashes run.
The right eye had a chalazion which is a blocked oil gland in the middle of the eyelid. Those are more
Anons had noticed his eye was getting droopy and there was a visible bump in the middle of the eyelid.
No. 838576
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>>838571He did exactly what doctors say not to do, popped it with a dirty needle and squeezed it. And who did he have help him? His "buddy" which is code for Lainey. And we've all seen the herpes sores she has all over her lips. I hope she was wiping her mouth minutes before he asked her to touch his eyelid and squeeze and poke at an exposed wound.
No. 838590
>>838489He's an edgelord and the word dildo isn't a unique creation. Trying to tie it down to 'theft' is diluted skim milk.
>>838551Not really? It's a word filter list ffs. Obviously people were calling him out for being a pedo, rapist, whatever so he censors those words. Christ this thread is getting desperate.
No. 838592
>>838590ntayrt, filtering out "pedo", "rapist", "abuse", etc seems reasonable but censoring "child" and "kids" is weird. The examples show how it affects people talking about things that aren't controversial at all, like childhood memories.
It's pretty typical for waterhead to think it's just normal to asterix the word "child", just like he thinks being mean to teenage girls is what totally normal non-pedos do to show they're not attracted to teen girls.
No. 838693
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If you were featured as a villianious pedophile on the television would this be your twitter profile? Strange weird twitter header with evil luigi character, a young looking person (I know it's suppose to be leafy) and digital Greg who looks creepy and definitely like an old man pedo. Then his profile pic looks like fucking willy wonka. He's so fucking dumb.
No. 838713
>>838576I think that "buddy" was probably his son because let's be realistic here, he has NO friends at all and if it was lainey who did it he would say it since he loves to speak about how his "husband" is still with him .
This nasty fucker and his styes remind me of Junji Ito's Grease.
No. 838717
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>>838592Have to agree with this anon. Censoring out anything that has to do with children kids etc. is fucking weird. Why isn't he censoring out grooming & pedo since those are the biggest accusations against him. Tbh why is he censoring words at all? Aren't his sites "18 only" Everyone is suppose to be adults on there or at least that's what he says EVERY FUCKING TIME he mentions his forums or discord.
And why is he censoring "shit" Does he have some freaky scat fetish and he's worried that someone who knows his kinks IRL is going to spill the beans? That whole censored word list is a giant red flag.
No. 838740
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cuckboy really can't handle getting older. it will be amazing when he hits 40.
No. 838767
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>>838422Being a horrible person aside, Greg is such a fascinating-looking “art” subject.
His waxy, messed-up skin, his caveman brow and boney face; his razor-thin lizard upper lip compared to his huge bottom one; his nose is simultaneously fat/bulbous AND angular, his bushy eyebrows and indented forehead, and his ‘butterfly’ front teeth.
Even the poor guys’ strongest feature (his eyes/eyelashes) are accompanied by Tami’s crazy eyes.
I’m not even surprised he’s so hyper focused on people’s physical appearance. Waking up to that monstrous noggin in the mirror every morning has to take its toll.
No. 838771
Anon you are spot on - Gurgles life is basically a Kmart version of a Junji Ito Manga.
If I had the skill I'd edit his face on that famous whole-face-pimple-squeezing image from Ito's grease…squeezing onto Homolkai.
>>838713 No. 838792
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The big interview with Muse happened a few hours ago. This is the depths that Greg has sunk. The only people that will interact with him is some mentally ill munchie with DID and a goofy looking clout chasing rapist. Greg has burned bridges with most of the YT commentators and the only one that will talk to him is RapeStream News. I find that hilarious.
No. 838854
>>838792I'm willing to bet Rape Stream News was sucking Greg off and cradling his balls the whole time. All the while Greg "comparing" literally everything to "his own situation".
Then they all sucked eachother off slightly too, telling eachother how they're all
Yet all of them are the perpetrators/
Greg - Well, obvious.
Muse - Tried to get an innocent man she was living with (without any relationship, just out of the goodness of his heart) in to prison for human trafficking (maximum sentence 20 years)
Rape Stream News - Raped Amber, scammed a cancer patient, scammed his own followers, the list goes on.
Cue any of them pretending to totes not be them coming here to defend themselves. No. 838904
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As expected a lot of self-sucking and self gratification. A hugbox of fail, unwarranted self-importance and them trying to explain away their behavior since nothing is ever their fault, because other people.
Kinda wondering why Cucky the Clown had complete nutbag Muse on again. Is there a further interest? He had to giggle when fans begged him to please never fly her out.
Personally I would love to see him hit it off with Gozer the Gozerian. She's definitely his type, broken and a complete psychopath. Maybe it can blossom in to a true and honest Fred & Rose West, Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka type relationship where Greg finally can live out his fantasy of just kidnapping tweens with her and then dumping their bodies in to the swamp.
No. 839308
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>>839148I'm positive he's gotten Botox or some kind of work done on his forehead because it doesn't move or wrinkle no matter what expression he makes. There are some really old videos being uploaded by someone named Sid Vicious (I think that's the channel) that are from Greg's MrOdd time. So he was late teens at the time. And when he does all his weird facial expressions his forehead wrinkles up pretty bad. Compare that to now in his streams and he can move his eyebrows around and that forehead is waxy smooth the whole time.
No. 839349
>>839308>>839107Even friendlier reminder
greg is fat and i wont have sex with him not even with andy's dick.>>839308
also a really weird nose job. like i think he got work done on his nose too.
No. 839453
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sage for no new milk but he's finally shutting down kais' patreon
No. 839470
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>>839453what kind of sad idiot was still paying for her patreon? it did take a dip after the last discovery show
No. 839478
>>839453that is fucking creepy
him shutting down “kai’s” patreon is gross af
No. 839506
>>839453Since he was banned from Patreon, and then revealed he was still controlling laineys account for many months. (He sent out mass email months ago telling people to sub to his onlyfans.)
Is there anyway they can force refund everyone who was paying for kais content considering Greg was controlling it and he was banned from that platform?
No. 839511
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He seems to be mass deleting all of her social media. This is all that's on coolguykai and beautybot has been completely scrubbed of content.
No. 839524
>>839477My sentiments exactly. The last time we ever had a sign of life from her was with that report when C had fallen out the window.
This is all very bizarre.
No. 839525
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Hold the phone everybody, Greg was abducted by aliens.
Well, beam me up, scotty!
No. 839560
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SierraFivehead-BigtitsMcGee had her nose rubbed into the carpet for daring to backtalk Greg. went on a rant about abortion and how women are all pieces of shit.
>Here's another hard truth. Men, rarely say they dislike men yet women, CONSTANTLY say they dislike women - you ever wonder why?The only truly dedicated fans Greg has at the moment are McRetard and SierraFiveHead, and Im getting the feeling Sierra is going to join the ranks of LizardQueen, Dev, Tamara and Blasian seeing the way Greg slapped her in the face on his forum in front of the other fans.
No. 839562
>>839560How dare she question the master?! Such blasphemy shall not be forgiven!!!
No. 839564
>>839560It's not like this dumb alien looking bitch didn't know Grease is a misogynist, he's been demonstrating that behavior for years yet she still chose to continue supporting him. Also she's half black and we all know Grease hates black people
>Im getting the feeling Sierra is going to join the ranks of LizardQueen, Dev, Tamara and Blasian Blasian is back to sucking his dick though, even after he accused her of sexually harassing him and his ugly wife. Like how low can someone's self respect be? His fans are all pathetic doormats
No. 839577
>>839525Didn't one of his shit novels have some weird segment out of nowhere about aliens?
Old gurg is recycling ideas for clout. Shocked. /s
>>839558that's implying gurgle can overpower a woman.
No. 839580
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>>839560You are WRONG ONCE AGAIN Sierra! Greg is allowed to tell women what their body should look like so its attractive to him. How black women should style their hair and how often they need to wash their hair so he's not grossed out by it. And he has every right to condemn women for having an abortion unless it was because of a rape.
No. 839583
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I love how hard Greg tries not to look like a pedo. He calls some girl he met in high school a "lady" because he's so afraid of how it will look if he said
>I had a date with a girl
This coupled with his censoring out "kids, child" in his forums is very telling. He's like that creepy dude at the pool trying his hardest not to look at the little girls in their swimsuits because he assumes (rightly so) that all the moms are watching him like a hawk and he wants to show the world he's really not a pedo.
No. 839591
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>>839589When I wonder what Greg really looks like IRL without the filters and angles I remember what Maya said.
No. 839630
>>839591I'll gladly take the pasture but
it's Frankenstein's monster or Adam, read a fucking book Maya
No. 839638
>>839577Yup his dumbass book "rapists asscrack" or no wait reapers creak thats it. in which he hilariously describes one of the aliens as "looking like agent smith but with a bigger head." hell of a way to describe a character just assuming the reader seen the Matrix. I can imagine his obsession with big heads though since he has that big fat watermelon head. then the aliens gave him super duper God powers of imagination, you know, much like his moms batshit insane home made religion of weird tulpa headmates and forcing yourself to become schizophrenic to gain imaginative superpowers.
>>839581literally everybody has weird bruises from time to time. it can be because greg doesn't know how to bone to save his life and probably sperges out in bed a lot, or just bumping in to shit and not remembering. to think you've been kidnapped by space aliens just over that is literally retarded. plus they could thus transport you trough windows and walls and shit yet have you bumping in to shit? he's probably seen that movie "Communion" with Christopher Walken on cable at the time and used it as yet another "interesting selling point" about himself. What a dumbass.
No. 839853
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Greg has quit YouTube again.
There's a lot of manic behavior and forced laughter. I don't know what the fuck happened for this reaction from him. Likes/dislikes and comments have been enabled.
No. 839862
>>839853>Greg has quit YouTube again.Good.
But since Greg has the attention span and memory of a toast, he's probably already working on his next "video".
No. 839934
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>>839931>>839933I had to look that up, no idea who Mitchell Davis was, but it amazed me how much that guy looks like Mr. Repzion.
No. 839952
>>839853He's out of ideas, no surprise. It's disappointing that he's not hatching a more creative plan for attention. Dude should build a killdozer, go out with a bang.
All this to avoid getting a real job. Cleaning toilets would have more dignity.
No. 839996
>>839952>go out with a bangI sincerely don't wish it would happen but I fully expect Onion to go full Chris Benoit for attention as a desperation move to remain in the spotlight. Going on a video posting spree crying something about ending his family's suffering "cause you trolls are meanies" and he is a hero and even his family is against him and bla bla bla yawn. All this because he can't help himself not being the source of drama and his mortal fear of holding a job.
>gets rejected by someone he wants to bang>is baffledHe definitely had facial surgery. I'd bet my bottom dollar on it. He's too vain to not do it. My estimation is that he got it done around the time he was wearing a facemask in all of his videos for a while, late 2019-ish. He tries in vain to maintain a youthful appearance to woo some teens but in the end, time will do it's work and he will lose his shit and he fails further and further to find a way to replace footwife. I mean, he's almost 40. Nobody young would like to settle with him.
No. 840015
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>>839542>>839511Not only are the videos only the pre-trans phase, but also the names on the video are the "deadname". maybe she actually left this time?
No. 840034
>>840015No. It’s probably just because she is pretty much unrecognisable in the videos they left up vs what she looks like now.
Maybe they’re just the higher earners of the old appearance phase videos. They’re probably also hoping that if anyone online uses clips of lainey, they’ll use from those videos instead of more recent ones.
No. 840035
>>839996Chris Benoit's crime was primarily a result of his brain being turned to mush from dedicating himself to his career in a time before CTE was a known thing.
Greg is just retarded and failing at life. Chris Watts is a more appt comparison even if Greg is uglier and even less skilled.
No. 840095
File: 1623389245818.png (164.35 KB, 759x647, hmm.PNG)

>>839934I suspect Greg was lurking the farms and saw your post.
No. 840100
>>839996Pffttt. He's too cowardly and narcissistic to do anything of the sort. His daughter could shake her fist at him and he'd shit himself. Where do people come up with this shit.
>>840084source: alex jones. Benoit did it.
No. 840104
>>840095It's been long suspected that grug lurks lolcow and KF. He's too much of a narc to resist not googling about himself. I guess it's more obvious by his constant sock puppeteering on KF than another message board. His hubris usually let's his mask slip (no pun intended) and tends to write as he talks, going on long tirades about how he "keeps smiling at life" and he's a
victim down to using almost the same exact buzzwords he spouts about himself. I wonder though, for how long does he browses the internet daily to maintain his simp harem and his narrative versus the time he actually spends taking care of his kids and checking if footwife is still alive in the backyard shed?
No. 840106
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>>840095it doesn't matter what he looks like now. when Lainey had a crush on him he looked like Repzion.
But hey, nice narc mental gymnastics from little Greg.
pic related, what Greg will look like in only 5 years when he hits 40, including the ever slimming receding hairline.
No. 840136
>>840084It seems the sources I found years ago were either deleted or hidden pages and pages away, and I used DuckDuckGo instead of Google.
However, I found an archived discussion about it. No. 840201
File: 1623466292038.png (205.71 KB, 596x409, 6112021.PNG)

Did Onision have to kick the dog fucker out of the clubhouse again for attempting to share her zoophile fetish?
No. 840295
File: 1623560466781.jpg (226.11 KB, 1000x980, High on the Hog (2019).jpg)

I'm positive Greg isn't making enough money with his Immortal/Elite discord membership grift or the nickels he gets when some idiot clicks on the wall of ads that assault you when visiting his newest forum. If the rumors are correct he hates his current gig at Uber so that wont last for long.
Maybe Sierra can hook him up with her B-movie connections(casting couch.) Schlocky horror movies are where washed up entertainers go to die. This would be a perfect fit for Greg.
No. 840590
>>840567Since Greg likes Jim Carey so much I will quote Carey from Liar Liar:
"He's a desperate fool at the end of his pitiful road."
No. 840697
File: 1623888111215.gif (2.23 MB, 320x180, MlTCZV.gif)

I'd love love to be a fly on the wall at Casa de Greaseball. I can only imagine the epic fights, misery and asshattery going on through all this, and it couldn't have happened to a more deserving pair of fucktards.
No. 840715
File: 1623903767950.png (624.18 KB, 1066x2011, Screenshot_20210617-001208.png)

Randomly saw this on tiktok and had a small chuckle
No. 840749
triggered because it almost happened to her? Grease was hella trying to impregnate her, she's so lucky it didn't happen
No. 840887
File: 1624000775204.png (257.83 KB, 756x1230, 567223.png)

Greg tried to get a reaction out of Repzion by spam emailing him about that girl that Billy the Fridge said
>she made a face when I mentioned Repzions name"
Which obviously means Repzion raped her. All he got from Daniel was a meme of him ass fucking Greg as a turtle.
He didn't get the attention he wanted from Rep so he moves on to his echo chamber and randomly posts a screenshot of the emails he sent to Repzion in his discord. I think he was hoping that his fans would be shocked and start a discussion about how Daniel is a sexual predator/rapist, and maybe even start a Twitter hashtag to cancel Repzion. All he got was one person saying that Repzion still supports Creepshow. Even his fans don't give a shit about his petty vendettas. His fans then continued on about vanishing ghost DM's and trying to sneak into paypig status because they're besties with a mod and dont want to pay Onision. I was surprised Greg didn't get upset they ignored his email screen-shot and start trying to steer the topic back to "Rapist Repzion"
>hey guys, so what do you think about that girl Repzion allegedly raped? That's gross isn't it?
No. 840894
File: 1624008397624.png (699.65 KB, 1565x567, onision koikatsu party.png)

I think I accidentally stumbled onto Gregs preferred jerk off time. I was lurking around his discord and I saw he was online but not actively shining up the turd that is his new forum or posting on his discord. Then it said he was playing a game, I had never heard of it so I went back to my lurking and reading boring posts by his fans. I check back on his status a half hour later and he's still playing this game. It made me curious so I Googled it and WoW! Its a hentai game where you get to design and dress up what look like school girls and then have them act out your fantasies. I wanted to see what the "game play' was like so I searched for videos of Koikatsu Party and holy hell that's some graphic stuff.
So now I know that Greg likes to wait until 2am for Lainey and the kids to be sound asleep so he can creep around that tiny house, get online and create his perfect little high school girl and then probably act out some disgusting sex scene with a dolphin. I felt dirty staring at his discord status and knowing that he was probably jerking off to a little hentai girl at that very moment.
No. 840992
File: 1624055775346.png (49.65 KB, 742x387, onision billie.PNG)

I think it was a interview stream or just a regular fan stream earlier this year where Greg admitted that both him and Lainey are still not over Billie. He still dreams of her and emails Billie not expecting a response but just to let her know he hopes she's doing well and living her best life. Both Greg and Lainey haven't moved on from Billie so I guess they're not each others true loves if you listen to Onisions relationship advice.
No. 840996
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If he was lucky each tweet got 5 likes and 10 replies. I guess Greg got upset that 9 out of those 10 replies were trolls calling him pedo and groomer. He's really trying to drive traffic to his new site. Does he really think he can survive on the pennies he gets from the ads on his shit site? I love watching him scramble to make money since YT dumped him. And then the inevitable blow up when it all falls apart. Patreon was going to save him from his financial crisis, until they shitcanned him. He was going to become the next big Twitch streamer. How long did that last?
Is he really that lazy or scared to go out into the real world and get a job? Or has he actually tried and the infamy of being a sexual predator ruins every job interview. Im sure Gregs spirts rise when the interviewer says Greg looks familiar and has he seen him somewhere.
>yes I was a YouTube star for over 10 years
And that rising spirt plummets into a knot in his stomach when the interviewer says
>no that's not it, it was some crime show on cable tv.
No. 841003
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Something triggered Greg big time this afternoon. I don't understand why he posts these tirades to his fan discord. He's screaming at the last 5 or 6 people who support him.
No. 841014
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He threw a tantrum
No. 841033
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Creepy and stalkerish?
Isn't Greg the one who kept emailing her repeatedly even after she asked him nicely to stop contacting her. And his response wasn't to respect her request but to send her step by step directions on how to block him.
No. 841035
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>>841033He's been at it all day.
No. 841036
>>841035Oh he's big mad. Wonder what
triggered him to make him this manic.
No. 841037
File: 1624082590657.png (931.02 KB, 998x1738, 10F43-8E37-44A1-A7E7.png)

>>841036I think there was a major spam bomb this morning and he got pissed because he got woken up much to early with a couple hundred notifications. Don't these trolls understand he was up really late jerking it to little hentai girls and needs his sleep. Not sure what caused his sperg to veer off onto Jaclyn and Repzion.
No. 841070
>>841014Oh the irony in that top post.
If you don't like it Greg, then stay away from it, but you are insanely dumb.
No. 841071
>>840984And from what we've heard from his exes and Lainey, he's not even good at it. Additionally, most of the time someone talks about sex 24/7 it usually means they ain't getting any.
>>840992I 100% per cent doubt that Lainey isn't over Billie yet, it's Greg, anon. It's Greg alone.
Lainey just wants the emotional support, someone who looks up to her and deals with the chores and children.
>>841070This, tbh.
It's no wonder he has no friends, and the last people sticking to him like flies to poop are only there for clout, because of some weird inferiority complex or because they think they can change him. Taking peeks into Greg'S life is like watching an incredibly bad movie which is also excessively long.
No. 841094
>>841071He was friends with Vincent Zyr since they where in kindergarten, even lived together. And he broke that friendship off over Zyr not voting for whom he wanted to vote for. (Hillary I think) Vincent Zyr wasn't even sure, it was just a tiny disagreement. And he just dropped Vincent Zyr and "kicked him out of his life" as Greg always puts it like he was nothing.
I often wonder about it, Greg is so narcissistic he must be one of the loneliest people on earth.
>And from what we've heard from his exes and Lainey, he's not even good at it. Additionally, most of the time someone talks about sex 24/7 it usually means they ain't getting any.He's obsessed with it and I always wondered why he owned several houses. Yeah some "just to film youtube videos in", again, why? People often compare him and Lainey to Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka and judging from how he is, and the things he did like with Sarah, well lets just say Paul Bernardo was not only a serial killer but also the Scarsborough Rapist. Have that sink in for a minute there. Not tinfoiling, not saying that Greg has done things, but I am saying that if it ever turned out that he did weird shit in those other houses I wouldn't be surprised at all.
Then of course how things with Adrienne went, some people still say that that was rape too. Again, I ain't saying anything, I'm leaving it up to the reader to decide. Just some thoughts I had about it.
No. 841144
>>841003Seems like the creepshow drama has made him manic about anti-o scandals. Enough to make him backflip on his "real
victims to to the police" spiel.
He's right though: retard is his culture.
No. 841147
>>841145>>>/pt/767318>>>/pt/817330The first linked post from a year ago references Glorg's anti-depressant claim, the second linked post from 4 months ago references Grub's claim and has a link to a video of a livestream where Grot apparently makes the claim.
But it's a 4-hour vid, I'm not gonna search through it.
No. 841152
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>>841063You're right. I assume Greg saw these videos pop up recently on his daily search for his name and he's been stewing.
No. 841216
File: 1624221500335.png (218.3 KB, 398x398, greg.png)

>>841037his rage is pretty funny. he starts cursing a lot because he has the emotional expression of a teenager.
also i love how he said that anti-o's are usually youtubers and not people who have actual jobs.. did he forget that he's also insulting himself there?
No. 841226
>If anything they should ddos attack his forum.don't do any of this. especially giving the fool even a lil bit of your money.
follow the tattoo advice: DO.NUT.ENGRAME~
No. 841380
File: 1624322813446.jpeg (784.24 KB, 1242x2092, 023A6EF5-E6B3-460B-93A2-FE95C8…)

He’s so fucking out of touch. He’s starting to sound like a boomer posting
No. 841485
>>841280Certainly you’re not that retarded. I was making a joke about the anon (which I replied to) calling him Zyr.
Hence the lolcow screenshot cut as his name.
>>841380He will be screaming forever about being held accountable for his own actions.
What a sad burnout for him. Go from a mansion with a Tesla to a farmhouse that probably stinks like mildew with your man-wife and everyone knows you’re a pedo.
No. 841528
>>>841504>narcs don't do thatWrong. very wrong. Tons of narcs an hero, its just they do it when there is no more way out and they're about to receive punishment. as their final "fuck you" to the world.
No. 841820
>>841788I wonder how annoyed the people posting on his forums really are by his constant antics and just outwardly try to calm him down but inwardly are all like, "Ugh, not this again…"
Dev's "You have a beer gut." comment still lingers on my mind and she was a high tier paying patron, hence she participated in the meet up.
No. 842307
File: 1624923862016.png (118.85 KB, 720x1417, Screenshot_20210628-174604.png)

Super sus. I clicked a link he posted on Twitter. This came up. His site is .net not .com and he linked it to .com? Then this comes up? Pissed at myself for not using VPN.
No. 842317
File: 1624936184848.png (104.92 KB, 1205x545, onision.PNG)

Greg made another page on his site dedicated to Sarah, where he doxes her full name and personal social media profiles. 30 faxx about Sarah.
No. 842337
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He's left Twitter forever (again.)
I guess he was lurking lolcow and reading the hidden posts he has to approve on his forum before they go public and it all hurt his feelings.
No. 842339
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>>842338He must have the memory of a goldfish. Does he forget that he's let it slip many times that he comes here. Most notably when he did that interview with Crows of Judgement
>>817332 and said
>I was browsing over at lolcow and they're fucking brutal to her, like they really go savage against Regina.He wanted those men to know that Regina was being ridiculed for her looks but didn't realize he'd end up confirming what people knew all along. He lurks lolcow on the daily.
His "Onision Is Suffering, Deeply" blog is a boring read. Just a rehash of his usual whining
>why wont anyone listen to me? I was raped. They got paid so that means they lied.But the best part of this is that he is so proud of his 1500 members (most are trolls that have been spamming and disrupting his forums and discord) and almost 70 people have read this particular blog, but he only got 5 comments. And even the comments from his most loyal paypigs are just half-hearted pats on the back "it'll be okay buddy" and basic bitch gifs of support.
No. 842341
>>841820What a loser.
No. 842344
>>842342It's his "most anyone" and "most everything" for me.
Also I hate how often he uses "dumped". This is coming from the fucker who still screeches about Shiloh. By all means he has never been capable of moving on in his life. I'm sure he still yanks it to his mom screaming "Greg"
No. 842381
>>842379Agree 100%.
Thats also the reason why afterwards he lashes out so viciously: He knows they're finally over him and his narc brain can't have that. Except for Shiloh maybe, she was still hung up on him but couldn't relapse into his poisonous grasp thanks to her mother.
No. 842401
>>842317My personal fave from is exposing sarah pages ate the glittering of "sarah shows onision haters are lying when they say hes not tall"
And all the little mentions of "she said onision haters are insane guyyyyz" "she 'smelled' my crotch" and of course "she admitted she heard my three minute hate fuck sessions with my spouse" and "she faked orgasms bc she learned it from porn who does that?( oh I dont know, teenage girls groomed whose first sexual experience is your misshapen baby carrot)"
And iirc when sarah went to kiss lainey for the first time, Greg had told her to. Like he said that in the video he made describing rapkng her anally in detail, that he told sarah kiss krai but now he conveniently changed that already cringe story to be cringe and all Sarah's master plan.
That page is a goldmine and I need to archive it for when it inevitably is changed again so it can be compared to his next changed story.
No. 842408
>>842401it still blows my mind that this grown ass man thinks his bungled attempt at character assassination will work. His list of grievances sounds like petulant whining and produces so much second-hand embarrassment. How all of this makes sense in his mind is beyond me.
Well, actually, no. We've all seen his attempts at making an analogy. I'm really curious which wires were crossed to make him think this way lol.
No. 842423
File: 1624997388628.png (76.17 KB, 760x814, Screenshot_20210629-140832.png)

Hansen is a moron, but I cannot wait for the five alarm meltdown next monday.
No. 842426
File: 1625000110036.png (287.87 KB, 1248x956, lolcow.png)

Greg has an opinion on us
No. 842429
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No. 842430
>>842426All I read is: Boo-hoo my fee-fees have been hurt. sadfaceemoji Pwease agree with me and tell me how right I am, cunts.
Fast forward a few months, just to find out that half of his forum's members are posting here. kek
>>842429ok i'm still reading but with #7 didn't grease say he'd only speak to hansen if he paid him a ridiculous amount of money?
even if all of this is true to word (which of course it isn't, it's all twisted around), a mid 30s TALL MAN was raped and extorted by a young 19 y/o that he cared for in his home since she was 14. kek. is it the vegetarian bodaayyyy that prevented him from protecting himself, his spouse, and two young children?
No. 842465
>>842432Yes gurgle asked for 350k for an interview with Hansen, and 10k for anyone else "to subject himself" to the insanity of cancel culture. He changed his mind after how bad he continued to make himself look and then offered a live debate
only with hansen, all last moment and not according to anyones working schedule but gurgles, chris didnt cater to that whim.
I'm not sure how he is blaming sarah for that but he's constantly reaching on the things he's blaming her for, obvs. Its almost like he's trying to make the girl he groomed for years that spoke out after he antagonized her look hysterical and unreasonable so no one believes her.
No. 842471
>>842465He hyper focuses on Sarah because her situation is the most damning. If she did the same shit to him, but didn't have a compelling story of being groomed at 14, he would have chosen another target.
I'm still impressed he says he's kicked everyone out of his life, yet knows that we've all seen Billie's leaked emails she doesn't respond to begging for her to come back years after she's moved on. Billie ran away in the middle of the night with a friend as Frankenstein's monster came running after her uber in the rain. That's qualifies as him kicking her out of his life?
No. 842494
>>842465-that spoke out after she got paid.
No. 842499
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>>842339Almost 24 hours later I had to check back on Onision's pity party blog to see if his myriad of Elite & Immortal fans showed their love and support. I was expecting at least double digits.
He got ONE extra comment for a grand total of 6 fans who felt sorry for the pedo. Fucking pitiful. I can see him returning to Twitter by the end of the week if this is the kind of interaction he's getting in his shitty hugbox.
How can he have over a thousand members on his forum and only get six comments on a post where he's obviously begging his paypigs for asspats?
No. 842504
>>842471You just made me think mentioning about how he chases his
victims lol. Poor Greg… wants a house full of young teenage poon but is so mediocre in every way that he can’t even get them to stay. I mean he’s THAT unbearable to be around that money can only persuade them for a little while. That’s how unbearable Greg is to be around…
No. 842509
>>842499Could also be that no one wants to be associated publicly with Greg anymore.
Hence they're willing to give him asspats on Discord but not on his forums.
Or they just don't care. Wasn't it quite well known that people in his earlier forums liked to chat among each other but weren't really fond of Greg himself? For obvious reasons, of course.
No. 842532
File: 1625059246802.webm (7.52 MB, 854x480, pressuring kai.webm)
>>842429No 6. Did he forget that he was the one who encouraging that kiss?
Also No. 10 shows how unexperienced she was. What the hell did he think was gonna happen when he was getting together with a girl who's only intimate encounter was being sexually assaulted?
No. 842533
>>842532Reminds me of Greg trying to kiss Maya.
Maybe that situation did happen indeed, but it was Greg who tried to kiss Maya while Maya jumped backwards, being upset.
No. 842547
>>842429when will this retard understand him just typing and makinig up paragraphs aren't "receipts?"
also I notice he never uses her last name. If I was raped, and naming the person that raped me, I would use their full name. Ever realize how greg never does this? It's because if he did he'd open himself to a libel suit which he'd easily lose
No. 842555
>>842429Yes, Greg. That was a real,
grown-up, legally binding NDA which was drawn up by real, grown-up lawyers and notarized by real, grown-up notaries. It was nothing like that Google docs bullshit you printed off the internet.
No. 842560
File: 1625072975455.png (965.72 KB, 1066x656, ONISION_IN_REAL_LIFE.PNG)

>>842544I found Episode 4 "Sarah Speaks" on my first search. need a Discovery+ sub or Discovery ID on your cable package to watch all 4 episodes. Do some searching around and you may find some twitch streamers who react to the episodes on their channels so you get to watch the full episodes for free you just have to put up with their annoying commentary.
Interesting side note- when Greg interviewed Muse and Rape Stream News
>>838792 Craig mentioned that he had heard "from his sources" that Discovery was beginning production of Season Two of Onision: In Real Life for 2022. I don't put much weight in anything Rape Stream says but I loved seeing the panic in Greg's face as he realized this may not be the end of it and another 4 episodes about him and his pedo-wife are in production for next year.
No. 842593
>>842589Speaking of tinfoils.
There's something fishy about this random doxxing. The Sarah situation's been on going for two years now and her documentary appearance was a whole month ago. Why doxx her now?
It's a stretch but this reminds me of the random sex tweets Greg made to distract the public from what was taking place with Cloey at the hospital.
This doxxing seems just as random and aimed to garner attention in the worst way. As with the sex tweets.
He might be using the same pattern of distraction and if I am correct it would work for the time being but as with all Greg's "cover ups". He doesn't think about what might be found out or exposed in the future (as with the sex tweets linking to Cloey's fall).
There might be something horrible abrewing irl that caused this manic doxxing.
No. 842602
File: 1625095381084.jpg (71.94 KB, 1018x570, Sarah Billie (2).jpg)

>>842589It would be epic to have Billie on the next episode. Every girl that had their face blurred out in the first three should come forward in future episodes and tell their stories. Plus Id love for it to "accidentally leak" that they all got huge checks for their appearance just so it twists the knife and makes Greg rage.
Rapestream-news is an unreliable source but I can see Discovery doing another season because each episode made them a lot of money. When a movie does good there is inevitably a sequel to milk that cow. As much as people bitched and moaned about the first 3 episodes it must of made everyone at Discovery and Blackfin big bucks because they jumped at the opportunity to make an episode 4.
No. 842635
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Greg chimpout
No. 842642
File: 1625110703522.jpeg (52.48 KB, 792x410, 1D2DE25C-C25B-4D9A-A40D-229E8C…)

>>842635I can’t believe I used to care about this redundant scrote’s drama, holy shit. Literally the only time this dumb waste of space was ever interesting was when other more attractive or talented people were involved with him.Toss Greg (not James) in prison and throw away the key. Nobody would love or miss his presence after like a week. Get him away from the kids while they still have a slight chance of turning out normal.
No. 842649
>>842635Tl;dr same shit different day
>Wouldn't real victims stay silent if they were hurt or traumatized? Clearly lying.>But also, as a real victim myself, sperging about this on social media is the right thing to do.>The people I dumped had mental illness, they're so crazy I literally kicked them out of my life!>Also I am seeing a therapist for my mental illness, but it's not a bad thing when it's me!>But I'm living the good life, just chilling like a normal person, hugging my family etc.>why everybody hate me? Why nobody pay me for my story? >I didn't do nothing, the evil teen villains just want to hurt me for money and sex>The teens I groomed destroyed my life. Maybe I should of [sic] just let them do illegal crimes to me>Anyway be glad you aren't me, and never date or dump someone or you could end up just like me, an innocent victim who isn't a sperg or a sex pest, getting cancelled for money even though I didn't do nothing and was super chill and normal as alwaysSorry for retardation but
>…chilling, like a normal person in most instances (when I'm not m——-e/super down)What word is he censoring?
No. 842650
>>842429Obviously nothing new, but hot damn - Greg’s really so morally bankrupt he bases everything off “what’s legal”
Imagine what a monster he would be in Nazi Germany. At the Nuremberg Trials “your honor, the neighbor shopkeeper LIED and said she wasn’t Jewish. And then she broke the law by (illegally) hiding her Jewish family. Now I’m being crucified for being a law-abiding citizen and being BRUTALLY honest.”
No. 842671
>>842649>What word is he censoring?I have 2 guesses.
Nine letter word begins with M ends with E = miserable. It fits in with the feeling he's trying to get across about being "super down" He must of self censored this word tho because I know when a filtered word like "cum" or "kid" is within a larger word it still gets censored. Example "do
cumentary" or "
kidding" But "iserabl" is not a word. I have no idea why he would censor miserable.
Second guess is that he meant melancholy and misspelled it like the illiterate tard he is. He tried to sound it out and spelled it "melonkole" That's nine letters and starts with an M and ends with an E. He self censored the majority of the word because he knew he fucked it up then added the "/super down" so he'd still get his idea across to the reader about his depression.
No. 842694
>>842635I couldn’t sift through this shit if someone paid me. I start reading and immediately drift off after a sentence or two.
>>842649Ty for your sacrifice anon. I’ve grown bored of this man’s repetitive bullshit, but I’m kinda curious about this supposed “therapy.” Sometimes the autistic ways he transparently twists things (“talking to my friend is therapeutic so therefore it is by definition therapy!!”) is creative, so I’d love to know the ACTUAL therapy situation.
No. 842741
>>842671Thanks anon, both make a lot of sense. I'm terrible at crossword puzzles. It was confusing because if censored m-word and super down are the same then why not just delete m-word and say 'super down?' But the answer of course is that Greg is stupid.
>>842694More details for you. He claims he was diagnosed
>Severely depressed>With a depressive illness, before any of this happened>Major depressive episode>Chronic depression>Adjustment disorder>Major depressive disorder (but thinks he may have gotten the wording wrong)>Extremely depressed on the regularHe also claims to
>Have a therapist but people with depression, therapy is just often not enoughI agree that Foot is most likely the current "therapist" who isn't cutting it because she's not a therapist. It's also worth nothing that although he claims
>it hurts, so deeply and badly to live like this, every dayand claims he's barely surviving mentally and physically, and despite his claims of being blackmailed and raped by Sarah's scary criminal butthole and crazy people who do illegal things targeting him for no reason, he doesn't consider himself to have a "significant mental issue" like any of the teens he's groomed and abused over the years. Should give you an idea about the validity of his diagnoses and therapy claims.
No. 842782
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Desperation at its finest. This isn't going to go over well. The last time Greg started throwing around freebie memberships the fans who had already paid for those perks got pissed that they had to pay for something he was now giving away for free. He's now only allowing people who pay (Immortals & Elites) to post on his forums. I think he realized that its going to plateau his membership growth. So this is his new idea to pad those numbers. I've skimmed through the forum and its a very small group that post. 1,564 total members and its just 9 fans burying their nose in his asshole.
No. 842789
File: 1625200926585.png (405.91 KB, 868x693, 6457128374.PNG)

10 to 1 that Greg breaks his promise and returns to Twitter so he can gloat and give his 2 cents about Hansen.
No. 842835
>>842782The funny thing is that this also creates and increses rivalries (funny for us, not funny for his """Immor(t)als""" and """Elites"""). So, telling them to bring in new people also indirectly tells them, that he's not interested in any of them and is looking for new poon.
I honestly don't know what's sadder here, Greg being smort enough to take advantage of his members or his members being dumb-dumbs and pulling in new people that will inevitably push them out of Greg's focus.
No. 842878
File: 1625256276762.png (329.02 KB, 1026x725, OnisionSpeaks Copyright.PNG)

I'm hoping someone smarter than me or more savvy concerning YouTube's Partnership & AdSense can explain this.
Greg uploaded a video to his Speaks channel today complaining that Discovery put in a copyright claim against one of his videos. The video in question was uploaded to OnisionSpeaks on Jan 7, 2021, the title is Onision: In Real Life Documentary - Full Episode 1 Response. The section of the video they are claiming is 30:56-31:27 which was Greg commenting while watching a part of the documentary. The screenshot I grabbed shows that Greg is still able to monetize videos? Why would he still have access to the YT creator tools if YT dumped him from their partnership and demonetized him. Did Greg get reinstated and is(was) keeping it quiet because he knows the internet will try to get him dumped again? He figured out that letting the internet know Sarah was visiting causes problems so they started bringing her around in secret. He learned how to keep things on the down low when he knew the internet could fuck him over if they caught wind he was being shady.
No. 842906
>>842878Greg can't monetize.
But if he uses someones copyrighted content, THEY can monetize HIS video for themselves.
I once uploaded a video using copyrighted music. I have like 0 subscribers, it was just a random vid. Sony or w/e makes a couple of cents off it.
They get the money from licensing fees (presumably), not from ads.
No. 842969
>>842878I think what happened is that D+ basically makes money from Greg's original video: Greg himself made a song or video which D+ featured in their documentary. Apparently YT's algorythm attributes Greg's original content to D+ now. lmao
It's not fair, like at all, and is kind of another problem D+ could make a ducomentary on, but it servers Greg and his habit of striking anyone and everyone right.
Just because D+ is being a dick, doesn't mean that Greg is absolved of all the BS he has done.
Still, lmao.
No. 843065
File: 1625428959277.png (695.17 KB, 508x874, fucking up the garage.PNG)

What the fuck has he done to his new cum-cave? The dry wall has been pulled down and now the electrical conduit, framing studs and wall insulation are all exposed. I hope he's trying to do this work himself. We've all seen the mess he makes when he tries to be Mr. Handyman. With any luck he'll try to take down a pony wall in the garage so he has more space and it turns out to be a load bearing wall and the whole fucking Cow Barn collapses on top of him.
No. 843075
File: 1625430604701.png (57.38 KB, 752x351, they_do_it_for_free.PNG)

So his fans pay him $40.00 to be able to join his forums and discord (where he rarely interacts with them) and now he wants them to work for free captioning the lyrics to his shitty songs. Sad thing is there will be at least 3 or 4 paypiggies clambering over each other to be the first to do the job and hope Greg gives 'em a pat on the head.
No. 843091
>>843075Honestly it's on them when they waste their money AND time on Greg.
No pity for fools.
No. 843133
>>843075I love how his profile picture is an OLD photo. He can't even upload a recent photo without heavy use of filters. The man is hopelessly trying to relive his old "glory days" so hard.. Fucking sad.
I wonder how much he truly makes now that he is heavily relying on his makeshift pedo haven site.
No. 843205
File: 1625525480149.png (55.78 KB, 824x411, 752154678.PNG)

He says he's trying to cut down on spam. In reality I think he's trying to get any lurkers out of his forums. What is he doing on there that he's nervous that people are screenshotting and documenting?
No. 843230
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>>843208He's deleting the lurkers so they have to buy a 2 dollar monthly membership. Who does he think is going to buy that?
No. 843243
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No. 843245
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>>843242>>843244Not too sure that it’s legit, judging by the way they post. Specifically, the way they talk about Kai seems off.
No. 843247
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>>843246Why doxx Kai’s dad? I googled it and this appears to be his actual law office. Not sure what the point of it is if he’s after Greg. Am I missing something?
No. 843250
It’s just Gene being Gene for attention again.
>>843243Unsaged because the reason he’s trending might be because the doc had just aired on TV, on the ID channel kek, right on time as per
>>842423 No. 843262
File: 1625574344327.png (26.27 KB, 288x347, E5lsVK7WQAIjNaw.png)

>>843243He's still trending. Someone posted this as well and there are jokes that the Grand Theft Auto people are using him as inspiration for their criminals in the next games.
No. 843270
>>843250imagine being so retarded that you think it’s a hoot to impersonate an actual attorney on Twitter
yeah, he’s an insurance attorney, but he has to have friends or classmates who do civil damages litigation
Gene may be the dumbest fuck in this whole cluster of fucks
No. 843273
>>843270Greg and Gene are on the same level, for different reasons.
Bottom of the barrel.
No. 843435
File: 1625668058631.png (626.82 KB, 903x381, 46548486486684863354.PNG)

>>843247It's definitely not actually him.
Damn I feel bad for the guy. Can you imagine your HS-aged daughter makes a typical teenage mistake by dating an older loser - only this loser is a prodigious internet whore with an impregnation fetish?
No sympathy for Taylor since she definitely made her own bed at this point, but I'm sure she would've just been typical suburban woman like her sister (only exponentially more bland and basic) if it weren't for Grease.
Discovery+ would easily get enough narc content for an episode 5 if they could somehow get him and Randy in the same room together. After all, they know what's LEGAL and HONEST being men of the cloth and the law
No. 843451
>>843370Taos is 2 1/2 hours away from Albuquerque. NMfag here.
>>843435Taylor thought she was marrying into money and fame. Now she's been driven off the internet, labeled as a pedo and downgrading a house every few years.
No. 843516
>>843277Lainey's mother and stepfather currently live in Las Cruces.
Lainey's biological father William lives in Albuquerque.
No. 843558
File: 1625731292586.png (22.65 KB, 343x175, current members.PNG)

He's a man of his word.
>>843205Greg deleted all the lurkers and trolls today. His membership count was at 1.600 yesterday. Now its 376. That says so much. And I'm positive that the really dedicated trolls just made sure they had 4 posts to keep themselves active and alive on the forum. How many out of that 376 are real fans? Id say maybe 50, and I'm being generous.
This is the man who had over 2 million subs on 3 YouTube channels. And now he can barely get a few hundred.
No. 843561
File: 1625734573048.png (184.38 KB, 1414x1062, 864500.PNG)

Greg uploaded another "woe is me" blog before he went to bed tonight. He goes on and on about how your family name can be tarnished forever by rumors and false opinions. And how you shouldn't trust anyone
>the only people who should be your priority is you, your offspring, your spouse (if they love you like you do them)
I think him and Lainey are truly isolated now. His mom and sisters hate him. He's obviously an outcast with his extended family because he's no longer invited to holiday get-togethers with the cousins, aunts & uncles. This is pure speculation but I feel Lainey's family now look at her with a bit of suspicion. All those "rumors" and documentaries about her being a groomer and sexual predator has to give them pause. I'm sure Lainey is not allowed alone with any of her younger relatives when she visits them in New Mexico. Did he write this new blog because Discovery did a marathon of all 3 episodes on their main cable channel Investigation Discovery which caused #Onision to be trending for a day on Twitter.
He's fond of the word "offspring" now. Every time he has to talk about his kids he uses this word instead. Is it similar to the way he overuses "human" because he thinks it makes him sound smart? Or is he so triggered by the words "kids & children" because people always put "fucker & diddler" after them when talking about Onision.
If I didn't know any better Id say these last two blogs read like a suicide note.
No. 843563
File: 1625736687087.jpg (1.05 MB, 5312x2988, IMG_20210115_133641.jpg)

>>843250name one instance where Greg has even mentioned Gene, ever. and that one thing Gene tried to take credit for the fake invoices which Greg did respond to weren't his.
Gene is probably one of the most fail trolls to ever try to troll anyone. Greg barely even knows he exist. Does he even know Gene exists?
Doubt it.
No. 843583
>>843580Gregory James Daniel Birth name
Gregory James Latcha For a short time went by his stepfathers last name
Gregory James Jackson He didn't want any connection to his father so he used his mothers last name
Gregory James Avaroe Legally changed last name when he married Lainey
James ? Jackson Legally changed 5/2/2019
No. 843595
File: 1625764722751.jpg (62.43 KB, 1388x565, a.jpg)

Shit this video greg just made proves he knows who Anon Gene is.
No. 843622
>>843558this is particularly funny since he made that video bragging about his forum having over 1000 members. Less than half of those were real.
He is truly dead on the internet.
No. 843652
>>843650I just checked his forums to see if the membership numbers had gone up or down and Greg removed the ability to see how many members he has lol. Going from 1600 to 300 must of been a huge hit to his ego. I remember when he told Heezy and Trisha to remove all trolls from his discord and he lost his shit when he found out that they had to remove hundreds of people. He enjoyed that high membership count.
Im sure the option to view how many members he has will return once he gets the time and money to bot the fuck out of it.
No. 843653
Greg was on national news again. Hansen was being interviewed and the reporter was laughing that Greg acted like a little bitch and called 911 when Hansen came knocking. They even talk about Cloey falling out of the window and Onision taking a video of her as she lay on the concrete driveway. I hope Greg sees the interview. Knowing that this will never go away and he will forever be known as a predator pedophile is priceless and having the female reporter Ashleigh Banfield laugh at him will cause a meltdown.
Onision part starts at 27:27 or click the link No. 843655
File: 1625804239926.jpg (418.21 KB, 1611x1001, Screenshot_20210708-1431537_Gm…)

found on the other farms
someone trolled onision by emailing him and pretending to be a lawyer who wants to help him
there are 27 screenshots of the email back and forth but there is one interesting part of the conversation when he goes from
>I never traveled state lines to meet anyone
and when greg realizes the person knows the lore and has proof of what he did greg says
>traveling to meet someone doesn't mean youre going to sleep with them
yeah greg we believe that you drove hundreds of miles, hit a deer, but were so intent on meeting shiloh you then booked a flight to get to her
and when you arrived at her hotel room you just ate pizza, made a pillow-blanket fort and watched wholesome family friendly movies the rest of the night.
having him first deny every traveling across state lines, then saying visiting someone in another state doesnt mean they had sex makes me think hes worried and hoping denying they had sex means he wont get in trouble
No. 843660
>>843655I know he's dumb as a rock and easily
triggered but watching him falling for this … How did he never get himself arrested for all his shit over the years?
No. 843671
>>8435941. there has never been a video series like that.
2. gene did not make those receipts. the proof is literally in that image itself.
but this is getting stupid now, no more responses to gene because its exactly what he wants and just sidetracking this thread.
No. 843672
>>843273Cope harder.
>>843650My best guess is that he still secretly hopes to get sponsored or show his """vast amount of""" subscribers in order to gain any benefits, e.g. partnership with Twitch back in the day. And obviously for narc reasons as well.
>>843652With his forums, he might have hit a dead end. If he fluffs up his numbers he has to pay more, so he loses twice the money. If he keeps his member count low, his fragile little ego will suffer. And no teenage alt pixie girl will like him when the numbers aren't right! Awww, poor, old Greg. So sad.
No. 843673
>>843660Where is Greg falling for any of this?
He keeps deflecting everything in his one-sentence statements and tries to get as much info on the person as possible, only to use it against him later.
The only thing worth mentioning is that the dude keeps the mail exchange up for an extended time. He feeds Greg bits and pieces of new (and partially fake) info and pretends to be sympathetic which seems to fuel Greg's narc ego.
No. 843676
>>843673Responding to an unsolicited email and trying to convince a random stranger that you're innocent is the first example of falling pretty hard.
This reminds me of the time Greg got trolled by fake PETA. They strung him along for weeks promising him media exposure and a big paycheck. Greg was chomping at the bit to speak to them on Skype to set up the details with their media department to get him his money. All Greg got was a big "CUCK" and hung up on.
No. 843725
>>843707It's because of the fact he knows he violated federal law:
(b) Travel With Intent To Engage in Illicit Sexual Conduct.— A person who travels in interstate commerce or travels into the United States, or a United States citizen or an alien admitted for permanent residence in the United States who travels in foreign commerce, with a motivating purpose of engaging in any illicit sexual conduct with another person shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.
(f) Definition.—As used in this section, the term “illicit sexual conduct” means— (1) a sexual act (as defined in section 2246) with a person under 18 years of age that would be in violation of chapter 109A if the sexual act occurred in the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States; if you cross state borders and have sex with someone under 18, you have broken federal law, which is a felony, punishable by up to 30 years in prison, and you are seen as a sex predator by the federal government.
Greg thinks he can weasel his way out of it saying he didn't specifically cross state lines for sex (even though he threw himself at shiloh within 5 minutes of meeting her) - but that doesn't matter. If he's not a resident of PA, he's under federal jurisdiction for these acts.
The fact that greg alludes to this shows he's all too aware of it.
No. 843744
File: 1625878256272.jpg (149.68 KB, 479x917, 2021-07-09 11389635.jpg)

I was reading through his How Well Do You Know Onision? quiz and most of it is him taking pot-shots at the "haters & anti-o's"
There were the usual rants
>Social Repose is a cheater
>Jaclyn is a fraud
>Repzion is a rapist
But there were some new claims Id never heard before. Did Tamara the dogfucker get busted naked at her local dog park? And I hope this paintball drive-by incident was Billy the Fridge adding some new color to the front of Greg's house.
No. 843756
File: 1625885468226.png (917.38 KB, 1114x988, onisiontiktok (2).PNG)

Greg is crying in his forums and discord because he's gotten multiple community strikes on TikTok and videos taken down. How many strikes does he need to get to be suspended? Gotta love that one of the strikes was for
>predatory or grooming behavior towards minors.
No. 843761
>>843756At this point it's sus how much he's going on about being raped. Sounds like a goddamn fetish at this point. Sarah making a joke not even directed at Gurg over an NDA he pressured her, a groomed teenager, into signing does not equate rape. Especially when that NDA was supposed to keep her from speaking about the current relationship. Like I'm sorry what.
She's been coming to his house since she was 14 and Gurg, with a track record of going after the youngins, claim that she raped him? Lucky she waited until she was over 18 to do so otherwise that would've been statutory rape. /Gurg logic
No. 843781
>>843744 >TheRightOpinion, marrying cousin (self-admitted) kek where did that come from? Most likely bs coming from Greg ofc
I have to appreciate the fact that after all these years Greg is no closer to wrapping his mind around the concept that two things can be true at once; that these people who spoke negatively about him have done bad things and also he is still a miserable person who's done awful things to people.
No. 843790
>>843744oohh even going after RagReynolds now..
that must hurt the fatty.
No. 843886
>>843744>>843781Also hilarious the parenthetical "receipts" little gurgles provides for Mr. Hansen is "multiple news articles"
Uuummmmmmm Google your own various shady ass legal and youtube names you fucking mong. So does waterhead Jimmy thing "multiple news articles" count as evidence now? Got some bad news for you, narc bitch
No. 843892
>>843790Rag will be so excited, no-one ever remembers he exists usually.
>>843886>waterheadYou're like Greg junior.
No. 843935
File: 1626037668024.png (117.47 KB, 640x307, 95753452199.PNG)

>>843918youre absolutely right eventually someones going to get the phone number of their fathers lawyer and shits going to get real hot soon
No. 843936
File: 1626038667026.png (78.32 KB, 488x678, 4E55-9F43-F2F54F.png)

Greg's TikTok account has been banned. I've checked his discord and forums and haven't seen a post or blog about it yet.
No. 843938
File: 1626040948033.png (554.6 KB, 651x729, Capture7112021_402088.PNG)

>>843936He may know that he's not getting onisionprime back by appeal. He dumped all the videos he had on there to his back up TT channel onisionarchive 5 hours ago. Isn't that ban evasion?
No. 843942
File: 1626042972973.png (67.28 KB, 533x563, 678768.PNG)

>>843938Checked his forums. He's promoting OnisionArchive as his new TikTok channel and hoping everyone migrates over there. This is blatant ban evasion and I hope he gets fucked for it.
No. 843949
>>843938Funny that the pic he used for his "archive" channel is the same exact pic he uses when he trolls on /x/ asking how to become a vampire. Just a friendly reminder that's a thing he does unironically.
you know gurg, the extreme cringe that you sincerely believe it's a possibility would make Bela Lugosi spin so hard in his grave that he could power a small third-world country on his own. He can deny it all he wants, only a narc like himself would post a pic of himself asking how to become the blood-sucking undead. I'll give him that he's an emotional and mental vampire but that's not the same thing.
No. 843986
File: 1626068426346.png (122.21 KB, 1792x681, Screenshot 2021-07-12 133632.p…)

>>843985same anon.
pic for clarity
No. 844002
>>843935Two trailer park girls go 'round the outside
'Round the outside, 'round the outside
Two trailer park girls go 'round the outside
'Round the outside, 'round the outside
Guess who's back, back again
Tamara's back, tell a friend
No. 844003
>>843938>>843942the funniest thing about it is that he has to let people know about any new shitty account he has anywhere, yet people will continue to report the ever lasting shit out of it.
Pretty soon he won't need to pretend to get rid of social media, the public and moderators will just do it for him.
God I wish youtube banned his ass already instead of just a demonetization.
No. 844086
File: 1626135456494.png (1.13 MB, 1216x1565, 1626122247369.png)

aaaand he's back.
how long did this social media "delete" last?
few days right?
No. 844122
>>844086Who would have guessed! /s
On another note, I wonder when (not if) he starts age-baiting and slaps baby filters over his grandpa face, like that kitty woman on tiktok did.
No. 844215
File: 1626232057785.png (843.5 KB, 1207x1493, 42E8BC0F-EB0F-438E-9BC2-BE4B67…)

>>844122He’s probably getting warmed up right now
No. 844230
>>844215Chucky doll
Was only a few weeks ago he did the MAKEUP IS DISHONEST sperg and now he posts this Waxwork looking shit
No. 844234
>>844215>Onision wants to talk to youGreg is on the prowl for new underage poon again.
Mom's lock up your daughters. Take their internet away. Oh wait he's old and irrelevant now never mind. Time to order another doll it seems, Greg, a cheap one from china i'm guessing since you're not doing too hot financially these days.
How are things with your new neighbor Mr. Repzion?
No. 844279
File: 1626314535193.jpg (87.89 KB, 787x316, Why OnlyFans Creators Are Succ…)

>>844234>Greg is on the prowl for new underage poon are absolutely WRONG Ma'am. In Greg's latest blog "Why OnlyFans Creators Are Succeeding" he distinctly mentions multiple times that he finds women in their 40's sexual attractive and would rather have a relationship with an older woman.
I laugh every time I see him do this. He overcompensates by pushing this whole
>I LOVE women in their forties and older. They're much better than those sugar tits teenyboppers.You're known all over the internet as a pedophile do you really think saying that you're hot for middle age ladies a few times is going to change everyone's mind about you?
No. 844281
File: 1626315494398.png (780.85 KB, 1371x652, Why OnlyFans Creators Are Succ…)

>>844279and of course he cant help but have his true nature show through. Peppered throughout his rambling blog he pastes pictures of women who I assume he chose and uploaded because his baby carrot gets hard looking at them. Unless they all have some incredible skin-care routine none of them are in their 40's. At least he restrained himself and didn't upload anime looking 13 year old little girls like those VR video games he enjoys so much
>>840894 No. 844303
>>844279>do you really think saying that you're hot for middle age ladies a few times is going to change everyone's mind about you?Well, if he doubles down on it a couple more times, it might be his own demise. In that case he won't attract even less teens and even more 30+ women with self-esteem issues. And honestly, who wants to hang out with their mom's friends.
I really hope he publicly declares his preference for middle aged women over and over again.
No. 844309
>>844279>>844281>>844303Look at TCAP or literally any rip-off pred catching show on youtube, literally every pedophile claims that. And that they "hate kids."
Yeah right, you're still there to meet up with an 8 year old.
No. 844326
>>844303There are probably multiple layers to this part of onion.
His creepy mother.
The trying to deflect from being a pedo.
Being so broke that Ratso wife has sent him out, Midnight Cowboy style.
No. 844351
File: 1626377864781.png (614.19 KB, 594x756, quiz.PNG)

Another Onision quiz. And the multiple choices made my eyes roll into the back of my head.
No. 844359
>>844334He also seems to think that child predators are only attracted to children. In fact most of them are attracted to a range of ages, including age appropriate ones.
But we already know how retarded Greg is. I can't think of a single subject that he's actually knowledgeable in. He's shallow in every facet of his being.
No. 844364
>>844351nice how he always has these self-serving answers without any real negative what so ever.
"am i an asshole? (n/N)"
gg greg.
No. 844366
>>844351Ah another narc style quiz with answers that only revolve around him and won't bruise his fragile ego
Hey faggot - why don't you just let people fill out there own answers for once? It's funny how much emphasis he puts on first impressions when most of his are terrible -
Adrienne, Shiloh and Taylor all had surprise sex the second he saw them in person. He always asks invasive questions whenever he meets a women, and we all know what Maya said about him lmfaooo
>WhAt WoUlD yOu Do If YoU MeT mE? Scream waterhead and baby carrot until you have a full autistic meltdown kek. There's my answer to your sooper speshul quiz Gruglet
No. 844367
always badly trolling, always badly looking for teen poon
No. 844411
>>844279He says he's "confused how to feel" when men message him on OF and enjoy his content because he's not gay.
Grug you fucking moron OF isn't a dating site, ofc though he can only date huge fans of his because then there's the power imbalance. He's probably seething his balls off that not a single attractive under 20 yr old has hit him up on there or even followed him
No. 844425
>>844351Isn't this almost exactly what he posted and hooked lainey with? He really is on the search for the next
victim lul
>>844369Right? He should actually be saying "(older) women my age" instead of just "older". Geezer can't even remember his own age, alzheimer's already must be settling in. Either that or just a hard case of greatly forced denial.
No. 844510
File: 1626499477433.png (431.74 KB, 924x555, 7162021_1425221.PNG)

I actually laughed when I read this. I know he thinks all women are the devil now but I hope his paranoia kicks into overdrive and he starts looking at Lainey with a suspicious eye.
No. 844520
File: 1626521726118.jpg (412.61 KB, 949x882, self_sucking_101.jpg)

oh shit i'm sorry..
bit of an upset stomach there.
No. 844544
>>844543Kek he's one to talk about moving on. Pretty sure he still furiously beats his meat over having to pay alimony.
Also jfc. Someone show him that bit that Donald Glover did about crazy ex boyfriends. For caring so much about "facts" he sure uses his personal experience as a slosher to dictate reality. "In my extensive experience" jfc.
No. 844547
File: 1626539353160.png (94.17 KB, 1389x370, one third of women.PNG)

Do you hear that ladies? 1.3 billion women are psycho con artists. If you're ever in a room with two of your best girlfriends you better figure out which one of you is the psycho before that girl tries to kill the other two.
No. 844548
>>844510“is so common they made a movie about it”
my dude, movies are not made about ordinary, everyday things
“giant radioactive dinosaurs destroying Tokyo is so common they made a movie about it”
No. 844549
File: 1626540163528.png (539.83 KB, 1000x415, 16253193468271.png)

>>844547I wish someone would start a topic and ask Greg which 3 of the top 9 contributors on his forums is a "psycho con-artist"
No. 844587
File: 1626565431825.png (209.85 KB, 828x758, 2685257098.png)

This is the first time I've seen him acknowledge his most recent TikTok suspension. I was hoping for a huge public spergout online but I guess only Lainey and the kids had to deal with him screaming and banging around the house when he got banned.
And no Greg your account wasn't deleted by spammers. You got multiple community strikes for harassing your ex's and talking about pedophilia and rape.
No. 844630
File: 1626580174782.png (61.61 KB, 744x414, date yourself.png)

He's going hard on this "I'm attracted to older women." Who's he trying to convince? If you look at his relationship history all the women he's been with were teenagers. Except for one woman (who was the same age not older) he raped in a hotel room and stalked when she didn't drop everything in her life to be at his beck and call.
No. 844658
>>844587yes thats what a kiddie video site you were spamming your shitty site on lacked, depth.
so insightful.
No. 844994
File: 1626768208540.png (62.39 KB, 884x374, half a million.PNG)

I was reading his newest blog about how "all hoomuns are selfish" and he's crying about how Crazy Tami didn't give back the house when he was having financial problems. He says he had a bill for half a million dollars. This must of been the IRS penalty that happened years ago. I was sure the penalty was $150,000? Ive been looking online for confirmation but I cant find it. 150,000 dollars to 500,000? That's a huge jump. Greg doesn't lie, he just embellishes the truth.
No. 845057
>>844994350k to the IRS
90k to skye for alimony that he was always bitching about
So combine both of those and you are pretty close to half mil. Add the wetland fines and there you go
No. 845067
>>845014He also chose to pout in the car instead of enjoying a rare family appropriate activity because didNEH wouldn't let him bring his knife wallet thing in
these poor kids lose even if they end up just like him and don't notice how fucked up he is
No. 845089
File: 1626839672048.png (259.52 KB, 909x731, onisionforums.PNG)

Lets see if Greg learned his lesson and doesnt give some paki scammers his password. He started his new FB a week ago and still only has 3 followers. All the comments and reviews are trolls calling him pedo, predator and groomer.
No. 845093
File: 1626841873781.png (503.92 KB, 800x400, I Bought The WORST Youtuber On…)

Blaire is a way late to the game but she reviewed Onisions Onlyfans along with some other notorious YouTubers (Gabbie Hanna, Tana Mongeau, Nikocado Avocado)
Some memorable quotes-
>that's what you call a chode right?>what are those bumps, does that look like an STD?>it looks like a botched circumcision.>ewww why is it shaped like that? It looks like the alien that comes out of your chest.Placing my bets now that Greg will be talking shit about Blaire this week because of it. No. 845111
>>845093I'm cracking up at a botched catfish troon laughing at ANYONE's body, sitting next to his gay boyfriend who would love Onion's chode if it was attached to a troon.
A bunch of idiots picking at other idiots.
No. 845129
>>845095Being mighty generous “
nonny” by calling greg a e-celeb.
No. 845477
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No. 845485
File: 1627093850831.jpg (170.79 KB, 946x2048, E6_9WxgWEAIYrcD.jpg)

>>845477I checked the reviews on all 4 sites and it seems only 5 fans left recent reviews bringing up the Pierce County Sheriff Dept report. I remember the old days when Greg would point his "Banana Nation" at someone or something and they could destroy it or run it off the internet in just weeks. Now its a ragtag army of sad women looking to gain ass pats from their delusional cult leader.
Looks like when Greg found out about the police report last night he started emailing the usual suspects. I hope Repzion, Blaire and the rest release their emails. Those always give me a chuckle.
No. 845524
File: 1627114849834.png (316.06 KB, 1325x1191, Onision In Real Life online re…)

>>845477Greg rallied the troops and this is the best they could do. These are the most recent reviews (July 23) on all 4 sites RottenTomato's- IMDB - Letterboxd - AmazonPrime
If you've lurked his discord and forum you'll recognize the names of his new group of paypigs.
No. 845526
>>845524>Most of what Shiloh said was lies, there's proof of thatThen they proceed to call Randy a child molester without proof, just cuz Greg said so kek
Of course Greg is going to have a field day with the police being unable to determine that any crime took place, the fact remains he is a miserable cunt who spends most of his waking hours scouring the internet reading about himself and baiting people into giving him any sort of attention
No. 845537
>>845477A police report saying that they were unable to determine that any crime took place is not proof of innocence Greggypoo.
Many times in investigations of all kinds (even murder, rape, etc). Initial searches etc turn up nothing.
No. 845538
File: 1627126120016.png (86.59 KB, 951x314, 5757888.PNG)

>>845526I thought that was odd too. I've seen his fans go after Shiloh, Hansen, Billie and Sarah, but I've never really seen them have it in for his dad. Now Greg on the other hand has to bring up his father being a sexual predator every other video. This Izarallia person has just popped up in his forums. I know its tinfoil but its well documented that when Greg makes sockpuppets they seem to divulge a lot about themselves to flesh the fake profile out. Your first post and you're giving your age, marital status and how many children you have? Seems sus. Makes me wonder how many of these other members on his forums are just Greg.
No. 845541
>>845537and yet he once RREEE'd telling people if they followed OJ Simpson then he demanded they unfollow him.
OJ was found innocent in a court of law at the time, Greg. Doesn't that make him totes innocent?
No. 845545
>>845477How retarded is Greg to realise his decade long reputation on YouTube has been plagued with accusations that he's a pedo from the start. He makes immature shite content, he lazer focuses in on teenage girls to rate their bodies, he spoke for years like a cult leader talking about having a trinity with his wife so he could fuck the blue haired teenager who was his current obsession and when she dumped him he went on various rebounds by slewing through his fans to see who would be an easy target for manipulation. He fostered a 16 year old to groom her for a relationship.
He then made an OF and his needledick saga and making 3d porn etc etc. He's damaged his own reputation and he's ugly af so it's very easy to also make a monster out of him. Perhaps he should just die.
No. 845558
File: 1627141191633.png (18.17 KB, 601x139, 72.PNG)

Greg thought that once everyone read the police summary people would put him on their shoulders and parade him down the streets as the innocent man wronged by a bunch of evil women. Instead everyone is saying he's still a piece of shit and the police summary means nothing. He's big mad. Watching the "Onision Rant: Police Vindicate Onision, YouTubers Crying" video was hilarious. If you listen to his voice at the very beginning and then jump to the last 30 seconds, he goes from fairly calm to literally screaming nonstop obscenities' into the mic a mile a minute.
Also, wasn't he a jobless YouTuber? How can he use that as an insult?
No. 845588
>>845582So he's excited to know the FBI were/are trying to nail Kai for the nudes to minors.
I notice that the kid being in the bed for the threesome didn't make it into the report. It's not a crime in that state along with sex tweeting from the hospital after the same kid falls out of an upstairs window onto it's head. Vindication!
No. 845625
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Now Gene is sending random people to Onisions house.
No. 845634
File: 1627180440175.png (53.81 KB, 525x500, 7242021_3452.PNG)

>>845625Tab said It takes a village Puyallup so I searched that on FB to see if this is real. I can just imagine what's happening at Greg's home right now. Some man is yelling outside Gregs house "CHRIS HANSEN SENT ME!" Poor Sam is going to get 911 called on him.
No. 845649
File: 1627186615564.png (56.62 KB, 557x131, 774611.PNG)

>>845647I saw the screenshot posted by unsaged anon
>>845625 and was skeptical thinking it may be an edit for laughs. You could see the open tabs on top and it was just a quick search on Facebook and I found 3 pages that had similar names. I found the lost dog thread in minutes and posted my screenshot of the ending to the conversation. In not sure how this anon
>>845625 originally found the FB page & thread. Seeing as they don't know how to sage I think it may give hints.
No. 845660
File: 1627196981179.png (1.54 MB, 1080x720, 98EC2-0A7-E8C-9B3-A558.png)

>>845634>they seem to have a lock on their gate>Yea hes got cameras and micsAfter Hansen's visit and his house & Tesla getting egged we all saw how Greg made the exterior of the Swamp-Shack look like a prison with the ghetto chain-link fence, trespassing signs, motion detectors, flood lights and security cameras. I'm sure he's done the same thing with his new downgraded barn seeing how close they are to the public street and how paranoid he's become. I'm curious if his neighbors appreciate how much he's brought down their property values and made it look like they live next to San Quentin.
No. 845666
>>845634It's fully unfair to involve some random innocent unrelated party in this spergery. Grow some balls and go visit the onion yourself.
We don't like you and we don't care about you gene, you're a poop touching retard. stop grasping for relevance by self posting
No. 845689
>>845625the gayest of gayops
this is absolute shit-tier high school bullshit
what an embarrassing pile of cringe gene is
No. 845694
>>845689Agreed. Gene or whoever this
>>845625 is needs to find some IRL friends or something. Nobody will praise you for being a complete idiot. I don't necessarily mean the anon who posted the ss but the idiot who can't stop sticking their arm up to the shoulder into poop. If you're the same, get lost.
No. 845733
File: 1627255277990.png (920.61 KB, 651x727, tta.PNG)

When Greg's main TikTok account got suspended he dumped all his videos into his back up account. I've been watching to see if he tried to become active on it or if TikTok figures out he's ban evading and suspends the back up acct also. Its been inactive, no uploads since July 11th the day he moved all his videos there. On his old account he would get a few thousand views in the first couple hours. Some of his TikToks got got over half a million views and a couple stand outs garnered a million+ in just a week. Yesterday he uploaded a new video. This new video has been up for a day and it hasn't even gotten to 50. Someone said they think Onision is shadow banned on TT. By the look of the low views it sure seems like it.
No. 845771
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hes wearing a mask in his latest video.
No. 845773
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No. 845790
File: 1627314214745.png (1.1 MB, 1362x562, The Problem With Documentary B…)

He linked to a blog by Fiona Dodwell. No idea who that is, seems like a glorified tumblr. talks about the injustice of men like Michael Jackson, Woody Allen and Onision being tried in the court of public opinion with a documentary instead of a court of law.
What great company to be in. Onision being compared to 2 kiddie diddlers.
No. 845796
File: 1627318649403.png (285.81 KB, 1011x571, Capture342311.PNG)

>>845771While he's reacting to Repzilla's video about the police report its quite telling that when this excerpt comes up on screen Greg says
>This part is kind of boring and doesn't really say much to me. I got no comment.Is it "boring" because it brings up you trying to convince Lainey and Sarah to have a threesome and Lainey being "hurt" that you were fucking Sarah while Lainey was in New Mexico?
He glosses over the FBI having the laptop and examining it. I hope Lainey is on pins and needles about the nudes she sent and the nudes she got back in return. She's downing her meds by the handful.
No. 845799
File: 1627319907629.png (508.42 KB, 621x744, future board.PNG)

>>845779I wish I could find the video of them changing their future board (we didn't realize it was right after they had fucked Sarah and it all blew up) Id like to see how its changed since then. One memorable part of the video (that I cant currently find) was Lainey getting visibly upset with the picture of two women on the board and yanking it off and crumbling it up. I think the Our Future Board video was one of the vids Onision made private/deleted off Lainey's channel.
No. 845807
File: 1627321444578.png (368.82 KB, 731x530, U2R3XHF.png)

trisha mentioned pedonion in her title. nothing milky at all but i wonder if he will respond in a desperate attempt to get some attention.
No. 845814
File: 1627325848903.png (148.29 KB, 727x472, 845611.PNG)

>>845807He just did. He tweeted out thanking Trisha for her apology and made his own vid saying he didn't actually watch her video but since he's not David Dobrick she must be saying she's sorry to him.
Since that police report came out he must be desperately searching online every day for any YouTuber saying they apologize for thinking he was a pedo groomer. And this is the best he could find. Trisha doesn't even apologize to him. She fucking tears into him and even talks about Shane telling her that Greg has mental issues.
>and onision i know he's not relevant and i think he's getting his karma for the past you know 14 years of being an absolute just parasite on youtube and i finally think there's like repercussions coming
>when i met shane in like 2009 2010 he was pretty pretty clear like this person's actually like psychotic and we actually can't ever bring him up or talk about him or joke about him like he actually has problems he was like chaining girls out to their basement having them like the only way they could get back is tattooing their names and branding them like he's he's been messed up
>and onision especially because he had a 15 year old girl move in with him and kai took legal like guardianship sent her back and forth about seven or eight times when she turned 18 had sex with her
>but yeah onision his channel has been demonetized but really he needs to be deplatformed and i actually wouldn't say that about anyone else unless they're harming minors
>and onision is now creeping back onto youtube he did like an i'm back thing and because the thing is money drives people to post on youtube but for people who are actually sick in the head like onision and preying on new young girls and fans because there will always be another fan that wants to come up and be that personI'm sure he watched the Trisha's video but he's hoping he can get her to react by saying "I accept your apology Trisha."
No. 845827
File: 1627333531373.jpg (148.5 KB, 1024x1024, ECqRY0UXkAAe5UD.jpg)

>>845790yeah and both Michael Jackson and Woody Allen were guilty as FUCK.
But you know this is the internet so lets take a little look at the author, Fiona Dodwell. for work: in ghosts, so has that in common with Greg: paranormal horseshit:
books she self published I'm guessing: seems to have a thing for Morrissey, some sub-par britfag band no one cares about)
Accusations against said band here: seems to be a rabid fan of said aging band: I had to guess she's your classic example of a self inserting fan, you know, starting fan clubs and then having unwarranted self-importance over being a shitty band's "fan club" boss or whatever. now butthurt over morissey getting canceled she found other people no one cares about, like Greg, and used that to write a shit article without doing good research first and just accepting Greg's own words as incredible FAX of his innocence. So in a sense she's using Greg to try and get her shitty favorite band "uncanceled."
I don't know, I'm sure people here can do better research in to this aging hipster than I can.
Just figured it would be fun to look in to her lest we perhaps have another whats her face, Jodee or whatever.
No. 845833
File: 1627337785441.jpg (125.17 KB, 720x671, fboard then and now.jpg)

>>845799Found it: picture of Woodstock and Snoopy is gone and that was supposed to represent them being together/spending time together.
The picture of Super Mario being chased by other characters is gone and that (ironically) was supposed to represent them playing video games together.
The only thing that's there is the "Healthy Relationship" picture. They are still legally married with children.
With that being said, I'm almost pretty certain Greg wanted to show off the futureboard for speculation purposes.
No. 845864
>>845833I forgot she actually said she wanted top surgery in this updated video. It would help her hide from her past a little bit but not by that much.
Huge risk given how unsure she seems and waffles between labels and that it would likely push greg to find a girlfriend so he could be with a cis woman (more realistically a cos girl). I think she will either say no to him pursuing that and get cheated on again or let him have a totally separate girlfriend on the side like he basically had with Sarah.
I can’t believe she’s managed to fully hide from the internet for this long though.
It’s a shame she never was confronted with how she betrayed sarah and also reneged on her promise to leave onision if she ever had proof that he cheated on her again.
No. 845886
File: 1627355062362.png (957.54 KB, 761x569, Onision LIVE Response.PNG)

>>845884>the only people still willing to date him are his 5 remaining fans who are unattractive, desperate lonely women who are way too old for his tasteIt's sad how true that statement is.
screenshot from todays livestream
No. 845889
>>845864I wouldn't doubt Lame has body dysmorphia to a degree, but I've never really bought that she feels dysphoria and that's why she wants surgery.
Or says she does.
Not that I care either way.
No. 845897
File: 1627356899004.png (54.59 KB, 1039x475, 5751254.PNG)

Greg left a comment on Social Reposes latest video. This is further proof Greg does watch and read everything he can find about himself when he does his daily/hourly Google search for Onision.
Every time he says "I didn't watch the video but someone told me what they said" it means he searched for it, watched it, and then watched it again because he didn't understand most of the big words used.
No. 845939
>>845886Well, McFly, you finally did it. After waiting everyone else out you finally are the most attractive between all of these.
How do you feel now that you finally have a chance?
No. 845977
File: 1627404392533.jpg (80.65 KB, 577x796, dennis_the_menace.jpg)

he keeps claiming his "innocence has been proven" but what has been proven exactly? the stupid NDA "we were raped by Sarah"-thing? Nothing has been proven, he hasn't been proven innocent, he's a dumbass retard who keeps flailing, parading around preening his feathers like a pigeon while there is no victory. His "career" is done and his innocence has not been proven.
No. 845983
>>845981It's cringe and I don't know how that 3rd person shit wasn't teen girl repellent back in the day? I still can't believe he was as popular as he was.
I'm still excited that you don't have to A-log, Greg. He often says that the death of his social and financial life is worse than him dying. That's so wonderful.
No. 846019
>>845977Whenever he posts shit like this, it makes me think of Dennis from always sunny but dumpier. No self-awareness and thinks if he keeps repeating shit, people will think it's true.
Waterhead doesn't seem to get that even if everyone were to suddenly believe him and he had fans, he's not getting famous, he's not getting rich, and no one would work with him.
I can't decide how much of his dedication to making things worse for himself is more narc delusion or narc tantrum.
No. 846020
>>845983It was because of Shane and his early collabs. Even if his content is shit even by early Youtube standards, the collabs and emo schtick making 2deep4u and """edgy""" humor content was the big thing. So you have people following him just because he puts it out and collabed with other people they liked.
Once you get the numbers and any sort or recognition, teeny boppers will swarm and swoon even if the person looks like a skinny fat Neanderthal (not that they could get a good look with the contrast settings on his videos and photoshopped pics)
No. 846023
>>846022This is the guy who thought he could start a religion
teen poon sex cult for himself
No. 846024
File: 1627427882166.jpg (192.9 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_20210727-181310_Chr…)

Saged for being a bit behind but unshockingly the "police investigation report" anusion is referring to literally states it has not been established a crime took place, that the report is ONLY for informational purposes due to the high media interest, and there is nothing to add "at this time".
I'm not a criminal justice anon but it sure does seem that this is worded to say its basically unproven he committed a punishable crime, that the investigator has not interviewed other potential victims and the "nothing more to add this time" has an implication that there could be further information on this investigation, like this is just a media release based on the demand for information on the case.
How the fuck does that vindicate him in any way? It does not say he did not groom Sarah. It says he didnt rape her.
No. 846026
>>846025Exactly, if anything it seems to hold up Sarah's side of the story even more and makes him look a bit worse. I get the fucking egomaniac tries to spin anything in his favor but parading a police investigation update that does not exonerate him of anything except raping Sarah (and not even fully, as she says she is still confused but feels like everything was consensual), just makes him look bad. It literally says he wants the other potential
victims reach out about things they have alleged. It once again shows him tk be a liar and fraud, but all hes focusing on is that it says "no crime has been shown to be have been committed at this time"..=total vindication.
No. 846028
File: 1627430738588.jpg (343.09 KB, 1218x1600, Adolf-Hitler-1933.jpg)

>>846022>>846019>>845981“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf.
Not comparing Greg to Hitler, but Hitler did say that.That being said, too bad it isn't working for Greg. No. 846127
>>837043The unfortunate thing is that grooming itself isn't illegal, because it can always be excused or is so under the radar. And so much of it is normalized. People can easily be like "I don't intend to have a sexual relationship with them, I am just close to them and we do xyz platonically."
It is sad, really.
No. 846131
File: 1627504949046.png (556.43 KB, 1013x570, rsnonision.PNG)

Onision is being interviewed by the only YouTuber that will still talk to him. Rape Stream News.
Still wearing the mask. He must of really fucked up his face.
No. 846144
>>846131He even apologized to Rape Stream News which had to have been rock bottom for him. Because Rape actually managed to convince Amber "nothing happened". The guy barely has viewers and literally nobody cares, being on Rape Stream News has to be the lowest point Greg has ever been. Rape Stream News is the bottom of the barrel, Greg has hit rock bottom.
He must be running on fumes, really the only reason he keeps going is his narcissism and desperate financial situation.
There is no coming back from this, its over. There's barely even people in this thread or the one on KF. Nobody cares. Greg is washed up, a has been.
No. 846172
File: 1627514202473.webm (1.44 MB, its ruined my life.webm)

>>846131Nothing really milky during this interview but there were a few things that interested me.
Discovery is suppose to do a total of 6 episodes. They're unsure if there will be an Ep5 & 6.
After Billie lied the first time they made up and she returned to Washington. Immediately after her plane landed and she was in his car Greg spanked her bare ass before they got to his house as punishment for lying. Sounds like he didn't want Lainey to know so he did it in the car.
Greg talks about Billie for a bit, Craig says it sounds like Greg is still carrying a torch for Billie and Greg spends a full 5 minutes talking about how Billie never washed her hair, was a "dirty, greasy, stinky person her armpits smelled" when he would hold her from the back of the neck it was just sweat and grease. And then adds
>but she wasn't stinky downstairs, her crotch was the bestI'm positive I watched a video where Greg and Lainey discussed Gregs hesitancy for oral with Lainey and he said because it was "bitter." So Billie's was "the best" and Lainey's tastes like vinegar.
He spoke to a lawyer this week and they requested a $250 consultation fee and he nixed the idea. He must really be hurting for money if he cant afford that.
The toy review video he did dressed as a clown with the little boy arresting him. The father was a home inspector they had hired. The father found out Greg was a YouTuber and asked for a collab. Greg warned him about the mob out to get him but the father didn't care. Once the video came out the negative feedback hit and the father removed the video and apologized for not knowing about the allegations against Onision.
Not a single family member reached out to him when the allegations and Discovery documentary came out.
>there were two family members I've known my whole life who went straight up Anti-OMy guess would be his two sisters.
Talks about the false rumor that Billy the Fridge did a paintball drive-by on his house.
>>843744 Also says that Tamara the dogfucker emailed him enraged that he was now spreading rumors she was arrested for public indecency.
Joy Sparkles has been emailing him nonstop since she returned to YouTube saying she is sympathetic about his current situation and "cares about his family."
I know this is pure schadenfreude but I had a smile on my face when he talked about how this has ruined his life, it lives rent free in his head and he doesn't leave the house because of it.
No. 846197
>>846172>I know this is pure schadenfreudeNothing wrong with enjoying a bit of it. Gargle is a walking talking contradiction. He claims everyone know better than him when he has a god complex and needs a cult to satisfy his ego the size on Mt. Fuji. I don't know what got him that mad but I did enjoy hearing him REEE for almost 10 minutes.
His latest attempt to hide his face is reminiscent when he wore a balaclava for a while a few years back. I suspected he resorts to surgery to try and keep his uwu sadboy looks or he fucked up his face somehow, twice, for each time he wore a facial cover / not show his face on camera. I don't know if he either tries to skinwalk Corpse Husband at this point cause he is running out of ideas to make people talk of him or, and i know this is tinfoil, he got a mark on his face from domestic violence from his background furniture that also serves as a wife if she didn't leave him already.
Funny how he stopped talking about being gay after his husbando moved away / was locked in his dungeon instead of Billie to attract future potential underage poon. He'd take it up the ass on camera from Shane Dawson if it made him relevant again. He always wanted to suck his dick from the get-go just to leach off him. Either way, I'm still positive he is a turbovirgin. He talks of himself as this great Adonis of a sex god but i'm willing to bet he is a "pump and dump" kind of a sex god.
No. 846210
File: 1627536429237.png (711.08 KB, 1129x536, 7282021_34532.PNG)

I just saw an ad for Discovery True Crime and they have Onision and Ed Gein in the same promo. Gotta love it. No. 846216
>>846212Kek but according to
>>846172 Greg doesnt go for oral with Lainey because she tastes bitter? He's so full of shit. And how is he giving oral for eight hours with kids running around his house
No. 846232
File: 1627565960577.png (19 KB, 601x192, Greg.png)

Batten down the hatches everyone.
No. 846242
>>846212>>846228He was fumbling for an excuse. He was too embarrassed to tell the truth that his skin looks like shit. When Rapestream asked about the mask Greg had a long pause and said
>when you're good at something never do it for free. I'm really good at being sexy so I cant give it away for free anymore.Then his mind goes to sex because that's just how his pervy brain works.
>I got in a horrible sex accidentbecause to be honest what other activities does he do? Sits in front of a computer screen for 16 hours a day and occasionally jackhammers Lainey's blown out hole for 3 minutes.
No. 846243
>>846216Or Lainey and the kids are gone and he's managed to get some new vulnerable girl. We know he can't stand being alone for more than a few weeks.
I do think it would be for the best of the kids where no longer living with old water head but to be honest I think
>>846242 is right about this one. Grug probably just didn't want to admit that his face is fucked up due to all the sloshing he's been doing lately.
No. 846261
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>>846256>>when you're good at something never do it for free.God, more of his pathetic Joker shit..
No. 846295
>>846278Remembering the giant sores that Lainey always pranced around with, I don't doubt Greg caught herpes as well.
Would make sense since it's an STD that mostly flares up around the nose or mouth. kek
No. 846305
File: 1627608489597.png (241.05 KB, 635x777, Capture.PNG)

major milk @ bigmoneyonision's twitter.
greg is basically confirmed grooming yet another minor.
signs point to him watching Old with her in cinemas yesterday.
she is believed to be a past patreon who started replying to greg's hornytweets from the age of 15.
she is now newly 18, and greg likely immediately pounced to fly her from texas to washington.
never change, greg.
No. 846306
highlight tweet for me is the one dug up from 2019, "I will have everything I want in 2 years". greg tweeted this after he'd already met her (candy_savvy), 2 years before she'd turn 18 in 2021.
last dark thought of the day: the recent face mask may be to hide hickeys. the moronic "8 hour sex accident" excuse may have more of a grain of truth than originally thought.
remember, greg is a retarded creature of habit and his MO has always been to fuck the groomed teen girl AS SOON AS POSSIBLE after meeting her.
No. 846311
>>846305You have to wonder how mental these girls are or are they just wanting to hit and quit and have a story to tell.
Kai is such a loser if she's still hanging around and having her kids live with him. I do wonder how they function in that considerably smaller home.
I wonder after his only fans got leaked those low self esteem girls thought Greg couldn't possible do that much damage since his winky is so small. Like no matter what they have the upper hand they've already saw his tiny goods. He's like an ugly safe bet. Ngl feels weird to try and enter the mind of a delusional fan girl
No. 846319
There seems to be a pattern here.
When Greg cuddled with Billie he helped Kai pack to leave the house (Kai took the kids too) promising that he "wouldn't do anything he wouldn't do with a friend". That lead to the topless body massage and Kai being nasty towards Billie.
Sarah confirmed that in July 2019 Kai flew back home to visit her parents in New Mexico, it should be assumed she took the kids too. That's when only Sarah and Greg had sex. Sarah confirmed they went to the movies. The situation lead to Kai blaming Sarah and being nasty towards her like she was to Billie during Cuddlegate.
It's July 2021 and this girl is allegedly there having sex with Greg. She was groomed since she was 15. She went to the movies with Greg, who also took Sarah to the movies during their sexcapades.
Common denominators:
Kai leaves (with the kids) then Greg has his sexcapades.
Takes place in July (convenient since Kai would be gone with the kids as schools close/summer vacation starts).
Greg takes his groomed teens to the movies when it's just the two of them.
Victims are 18 when it happens, some are groomed first.
Kai is nasty towards them, blames them and then takes Greg back after he "cheats" on her with them.
Rinse and repeat.
These series of events, coupled with the futureboard tinfoil
>>845833 and the fact that schools closed June 17th in WA leads me to believe Kai really isn't there. She's probably in NM with the kids waiting until he's done using up Candy_Savvy, or maybe they even split for good and are just staying married for spousal privileges sake.
Either way, get cucked Krai.
No. 846326
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>>846305I remember how hard he used to defend why he was allowing a 15yo to be in his 18+ discord server. Here we go again.
No. 846327
File: 1627620247029.jpg (89.71 KB, 1079x1007, E7gWvQTX0AYUNg0.jpg)

>>846325The Onision sighting was posted nearly a day before he made this post too.
No. 846328
File: 1627621451253.jpg (68.7 KB, 936x563, r767844657.JPG)

recent activity
No. 846331
>>846328>>846326Oh great, now he's smug as all hell knowing he has at least some form of actual asian pussy. This girl is a true fucking retard, groomed or not. He's going to knock her up and ruin her life reducing her to nothing but yet another half bald drugged up humiliated whore selling her nudes and story desperate for ways to cope with all the abuse she willingly endured. It never pays to tell young girls to stay away because all it does is make them want to take a couple punches to the face even faster which unfortunately he knows.
On the bright side, lainey is once again getting exactly what she deserves. but on the other hand, there's no such thing as a sexual situation that lainey is left out of no matter how much she doesnt actually want it to happen. So they're probably both dipping into her-greg with his carrot and lainey with her gender affirming strap on I'm sure, finally feeling like the fuckboi she wanted to be before shit hit the fan. Both of them pedophiles clear as day, but laying so low that they dont even have to bother denying it.
Oh well, looking forward to this new
victims meltdown twitter tell all inaction a year from now!
No. 846335
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>>846333 thought it was confirmed
>>846234 agree. he is king fool of the anti Os. i trust him as much as i trust grease himself.
No. 846352
>>846335Idk, I remember anons in this thread might have mentioned savvy candy a while back and it got ignored because it just didn't seem believable with the Hansen situation, but his delusional fans know no bounds.
The girl on twitter gave permission for her dms to be posted. Someone asked her if her brother could describe the girl before showing a photo of savvy and the brother said she looked Filipino which matches candy's IG.
No. 846356
>>846333> Even Greg is not stupid enough to go on a public outing with an 18 year old girl at this point.I think you’re overestimating him by leaps and bounds.
I didn’t think he would ever actually try and sleep with Sarah because she was the one person that would truly make him look like a pedophile and monster but sex won in that equation for him.
But you’re right, it’s still tinfoil and isn’t proven yet.
No. 846359
>>846333He's absolutely stupid enough. Dumbass thinks he could wear a mask and not be recognized and he's brazen enough to do just about anything at the chance for barely legal sex.
Even if it's not this specific girl, it's another girl that isn't Lainey which means there's once again people moving into the swamp shack.
No. 846362
>>846359>Dumbass thinks he could wear a mask and not be recognized and he's brazen enough to do just about anything at the chance for barely legal sex. This. In his mind as long as shes 18 , it is legal and so its fine and he has proven he does not feel ashamed of the age difference at all.
I am wondering tho, after the twitter girl said her brother said he was with a phillipino looking girl(maybe latino?)…..what if its mcfly?
No. 846366
>>846359Yup. Onision always fucks himself. He's going to get a charge eventually. He needs teen women. His spergs about hating women and young women were definitely compensation. So much for honesty! Well he's a huge liar. We know. He knows. He just says differently.
I'm surprised these young girls are so unloved they get caught up with a broke, small dicked, ugly old guy. I don't get it. If any of us have young women in our lives, give them extra love and confidence. So they don't end up like this…
No. 846419
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No. 846420
File: 1627678187080.jpg (448.72 KB, 1654x856, emily onision lainey.jpg)

>>846353So Greg was seen at the movies with someone that looked Filipino. That's fact. It obviously wasn't Lainey because there's no way she would be mistaken for a
POC. It's still hard for me to believe Greg would be stupid enough to hook up with a freshly turned 18 year old girl that he's known and interacted with "I want to decimate you" since she was 15. But he's surprised me before, especially with the Sarah saga.
I do want to put this out there. There was a girl named Emily (online names - Hanako, Papi_Hana) who he made a bunch of videos with Greg in 2019 before COVID lockdown. Some were those collabs at AirBnbs with Joe, Billy the Fridge, Jessica, Mcfly and Eugene. And he did a few at his swamp shack with just her and him. She was a ghost, another with him & Emily using a Ouija board. Lainey even collab'd with Emily on her failed makeup channel. She emailed Greg in January to say she felt Greg was wronged for being demonetized on YT. So that's proof they are back in contact and she sides with him, plus she lives near him since she was readily available for all those collabs. I'm unsure of her race, I think she may be Mexican. But if you put a mask on her which I'm sure everyone had to be wearing in the movie theater she could pass for Filipino I guess. I can see Greg trying to fuck with Emily on the down low. And because Lainey already knows her he thinks he can get away with it.
No. 846430
>>846377>>846378dude you can easily do it from a safe distance and zoom in.
as long as theres no picture i simply don't believe it. not unless waterhead himself confirms it.
No. 846718
>>846660IDK why you are under the assumption that
>>846626 isn't aware of that
No. 846871
>>846718and I don't know how you'd be able to rape the willing.
>>846754any woman that goes to him now, thats on them. they'll get everything they deserve.
No. 846919
>>846907this is the only evidence I've seen of the sister recounting what her brother told her
>>846353>my brother didn't recognize the lady he was with but he described her as short filipino womanshort - Filipino - woman - lady
Nothing about young. If she had been 18 Id expect he would of said girl, not woman or lady.
No. 846942
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There's no way Greg will be able to pull in young teenage poon ever again. Not even Lainey can help him lure a new girl since they're both known as sex pests nation wide. Maybe he's taken the No Neck Ed approach. Got himself a Filipina mail order bride from some rural shanty town that has no internet.
Everyone in the Onion household gets something they want. Greg gets a new subservient fucktoy to dip his baby carrot in, Lainey gets an indentured servant to babysit, do all the household chores, and the kids get someone new to spit on and throw their toys at.
No. 847116
File: 1627845324455.jpeg (39.38 KB, 252x450, 778908A0-FB58-4750-B01F-B47449…)

Nostradingus here.
As someone who’s stupid enough to have followed the Greg show since he first started recruiting Billie - there are a couple constants: Greg never learning and Lainey never growing
Up till now, it’s been a bigger inconvenience to leave the McMansion/swamp shack/barn than it has been to stay.
Now that the dream team doesn’t have the money for Lainey to sit around all day, it’s a game changer. Not because she learned, but because she doesn’t want to work/change.
Plus, Greg also is only involved with his kids to satisfy his hero complex. If Lainey was willing to take them away - it would give him an excuse to play a martyr and say he’s sacrificing for the kids’ best interest. He’s tried it before.
Plus he’s probably realized child support is cheaper than maintaining Laineys couch life
With that in mind, and knowing Greg won’t let any of his family watch his kids anymore, there’s no way it’s Lainey as the recipient of a hellish “8 hours of oral”. Despite being a terrible mother, she would at least put out vegan crackers or something for the kids over the course of a day.
Also for as sexually deviant as he is, Greg isn’t close to being sexually attracted enough to Lainey for that.
-Lainey/kids are moving to NM (or will be soon)
-Greg has found his newest twin flame. He won’t be picky at this point.
No. 847172
File: 1627857987908.png (263.55 KB, 611x796, 812021.png)

If you've been following Onision for a few years you know who LizardQueen is. She was a hardcore paypig and Greg trusted her enough to have control over 2 of his YouTube channels to clean up the comments, plus all the free work she said she did as a mod on any of the sites & forums he created.
I think she's having some kind of mental breakdown on Twitter. She's dumping a shit load of screenshots from her time running his channels and as a patron. Onision and McFly seem to be the focus of her rage. Hopefully she reveals something milky.
No. 847215
File: 1627862246242.png (1.86 MB, 1704x965, E7vU20dXIAUUt2L (2).png)

Chris Chan has been arrested. can only hope the same happens to Greg soon.
No. 847329
>>847215really is amazing that there is someone out there worse than greg, as hard as that is to believe (but who's keeping score?)
This might really help greg, I bet the drama tubers flock to chrischan with him being back in the news.
No. 847520
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>>847199Oh oh, I think we have a "Tamara the dogfucker version 2.0" Maybe lizard queen does have behind the scenes information. Seems like Greg liked lizard more than the dogfucker since he let lizard mod his forums and run his youtube channels for a while. Do you think Hansen will do another "Onision
victim interview?" Or has the money dried up and they all moved on.
No. 847578
>>847520another big fat nothingburger i'm sure.
>>847545actually they aren't too sure about that anymore, from what i read.
No. 847597
>>847578>>847520Considering the only people who stay around him are insecure attention whores with narc qualities (like himself), place your bets:
>he was mean to me and manipulative >rehash of information that is widely known by now >yeah inappropriate content and interactions on the discord full of underage children….but about how he was mean to me I don't get why they keep doing this same cycle. If they just want attention/validation about their holy onion being a dick to them, they should stick to drama channels.
Short of proof that Onion was asking for inappropriate content from children, encouraging/normalizing sexual interactions from minors, or anything evidence towards illegal activity beyond her "personal experience" of him being shitty nothing they share is of value even to Chris Hansen.
Considering she hasn't been a mod for that long, 100% this is just going to be her venting that she was "enamored by the image he portrayed and was too 'scared' to speak out before even she was totally disgusted when she got to know him more and the girls came out but him being an asshole to her specifically was the straw that let her 'escape'"
I absolutely believe that Onion at some point had a trove of pictures with underage girls in various states of undress including his video solicitations for "rate me" videos that he either wiped or has hiding around somewhere, and that he creeped on girls we don't know about
But since the start of anything official, I doubt he's doing anything obvious since he wised up to troll Billie clone attempts.
Ex: allowing a "don't ask, don't tell" situation with sex weirdos and underage kids interact inappropriately because he thinks it gives him plausible deniability until someone makes a deal out of it and he knows he's on too tight of a leash to let it slip.
No. 847633
>>847597Its not like ten years ago when Shiloh walked in on this wide puppy eyes babe in the woods type thing. By now everybody knows he's a scumbag. So anybody willing to associate themselves with him unironically (so in a non-troll capacity) is just really fucking stupid and deserve every bit of what he gives them.
I don't know how other people feel about it, but Greg newfags simping him will not get my sympathy if they come out that shithole bawling their eyes out. Kai me a river, hon.
No. 847657
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>>847597I watched a younow stream that lizardqueen made when she originally got kicked out. Im not trying to be insensitive or knock her down but if you had seen it Im sure you'd agree. The way she spoke, her body movements and fantasies about the true nature of her relationship with Greg gave me the idea she may be on the spectrum. When I talked about that stream many many threads ago I joked that she reminded me of a more feminine version of Chris Chan. I still stand by that now. Just in the way she talked, facial expressions and body movements. She also seemed to have this idea that Greg was trying to start a sexual relationship with her. I'm sure there's someone out there for her, but knowing Greg's proclivity for thin teenagers I don't think he was grooming her.
No. 847681
>>847657While anyone that follows onion like these people are definitely missing eggs from their carton, none of those are really indicatiors of autism and things like weird body movements and such that you've listed are common with other conditions.
So I would just call her a reatarded attention whore and not medfag like an actual retard. Especially when you have no authority on the subject and this is a Grug thread.
No. 847759
>>847691Let's not forget he supposedly bang mcfly and I think she is 49034509 times uglier than lizardqueen. So obvi his taste in women is lacking.
>>847520tamara had no behind the scenes information dude, at least none that we didn't know already.
No. 847814
>>847692>I feel Onision took advantage of someone that is very gullible and doesn't have the same mental capacity we all possess.Rinse and repeat, Ladies and Gentlemen, rinse and repeat.
He has set up his online life to exactly draw in these kinds of people, so it's no surprise.
If there's really another Lainey / Sarah in the making, I don't have words for it, nor sympathy.
No. 847848
>>847759>tamara had no behind the scenes information dude, at least none that we didn't know already.That's what I was alluding to. Im afraid if lizard queen gets an interview with Hansen we'll just get the same thing we got with dogfuckers interview. Crying and snotty blubbering as she explains
>Greg was mean to me. He made fun of my videogame skills and said I fucked dogs WAAAAHHH! I'm hopeful that because lizard had more access (was able to log into his YT channels as an admin, same with his forums) she saw things no one else did.
No. 847910
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From the other farms.
Greg pretends not to know who candysavvy is.
But he pretty much admitted it wasn't Mcfly, as the post he's responding to here asked him if it was. He can try to hide behind "muh personal life!", but if it really was just a normal outing with a friend, he would say so. It's not like he doesn't usually foam at the mouth to prove the haturz wrong.
No. 847916
>>847910that profile picture is fucking hilarious
he filtered it until he looked like one of the hansons singing mmmbop
No. 847918
>>847910Just read the thread. So, it seems Kaitlind and brittnii are quite well-versed regarding the drama that revolves around Greg. Guess we'll have much more milk to come when Greg inevitably is going to "kick all people out of his life" who
say something he doesn't like tell lies and smoke weed.
No. 848018
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old news but funny nonetheless. back in june onision tried to get compensation from the SEC from the fund robin hood (stock trading company) had to set up for bad practices.
in his comments he attached pictures of the losses he made trading stonks, which is worth a laugh.
No. 848019
>>848018samefag, the page where you can find commenters on the case:'s there under avaroe.
No. 848042
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Is he having a mental breakdown?
No. 848045
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Greg is now judging & rating (celebrity)teenagers. He does a Chris Chan impression on the Aniston one.
No. 848081
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No. 848093
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What work? Does he have a real job now or is his idea of "working" tweaking the layout and changing the background colors & fonts for his shitty website. He doesn't even make videos for YouTube or TikTok anymore so it cant be that.
No. 848101
>>848097Maybe he's larping as a day trader. This info
>>848018 that anon found seems like he's dipping his fat head into stock trading and losing it all. Im sure he tells Lainey the same thing. He's working really hard that's why he's in his cum cave for 12 hours a day. Doesn't see her or the kids all day and only comes out of the garage to grab some food and immediately goes back in and locks the door.
No. 848118
>>848081man, to use your own image and quote yourself as an "inspirational quote". well if that isn't the very epitome of narcissism I don't know what is.
plus what exactly has he been trough? he's been a complete douchebag psychopath with a bunch of women, and a borderline pedophile, so now they're all after him.
other people should be so lucky as to choose our own strife. seriously greg, stop being a little baby and man the fuck up. maybe own up to the shit you did, get your ass off the internet and do something with your pathetic life. good grief.
No. 848156
>>848126I remember when the IRS came knocking and he made a video crying about it. If I had been Lainey Complainey I woulda told him "what the fuck are you doing? making a video? close the computer, shut the fuck up and get it fixed or i'm outta here."
Seriously. He isn't a man, he's a stupid dumb little crybaby kid. And he's always playing the
victim. I hate guys like that, be a man for fucks sake.
I honestly don't even get what kind of woman would ever fuck a toddler like Greg.
Big man wanting threesomes, really big mouth on the internet but when push comes to shove he breaks down and tears up.
What a bitch.
I seen 8 year old girls that had more balls and were a whole lot braver than Greg. No really.
No. 848157
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One question I've seen brought up again and again in these threads is what kind of person would still be an Onision fan.
These posts from his forum say a lot. They are sad broken human beings looking for love and acceptance anywhere they can find it. And if they cant find it they will buy it or create it out of duct tape and a heated blanket.
No. 848159
>>848157I'm starting to wonder if these female fans that want to fuck him are maybe pedophiles themselves, since they're willing to fuck a little kid like Greg.
Most of us prefer to fuck a MAN, not a baby.
No. 848208
>>848157Oof, I'd be mortally ashamed to share such a story publically, and even more so about having sewn my own boyfriend replacement. I get that you're heart-broken after a breakup, but that sounds equally as childish as Greg's behavior. He says his forums is 18+, all I see is kindergarten.
Great ss, anon, thanks for sharing.
No. 848237
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This brings me joy. He probably sent them the PCSD incident report and demanded to have his partnership reinstated. YT told him to fuck off.
No. 848249
>>848237So someone finally starts to realize that being a shitty person has real life consequences.
I feel really sorry for Greg's kids who do and will continue to suffer from their parents' imbecile antics and actions, and I hope they'll grow up stronger than their dad and mom-dad and turn their lives around for the better.
No. 848269
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Just skimmed through Greg's new Speaks video. He spends the first 10 minutes scrolling through Binkie Princess thread in snow. Yet more proof he lurks here. How many hours a day does Greg sit in his cum cave garage lurking his own thread while telling Lainey he's "working."
No. 848288
>>846024>I spoke with SA Mendoza…to follow up on their investigation. Mendoza told me the examination had not yet been completed…I don't understand why they use the word "examination" instead of investigation? At this point I'm doubtful there's been any new leads a whole year later but ofc we don't know if it's been officially closed or not. imo what's unusual is the report was released for "informational purposes"? Since when does a PD publish official reports (rather than a spokesperson's statement) in response to a "high volume of third party and social media interest"? I think it was 2019 that same twitterfag uploaded documents showing there was at least one active LE investigation open but the name of the detective was different.
>>848237Imagine being so delusional you wake up everyday telling yourself that the underage girl you groomed, raped you? That's stratospheric levels of delusion. He 100% believes his own lies, which is why he is where he's at right now (deplatformed everywhere lol) while blaming everyone else.
No. 848443
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I sincerely hope this is a troll or some kind of Gay Ops.
No. 848609
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Greg has emailed this cease and desist letter to CecilMcfly, Repzion, iNabber, OrdinaryGamers and Im assuming anyone he can think of that has made a video about him.
No. 848611
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>>848609>CecilMcfly, Repzion, iNabber, OrdinaryGamers Now add Social Repose
How many more got this email this afternoon? My guess.
Jaclyn Glenn
Creepshow Art
Chris Hansen
Blaire White
The Right Opinion
Edwins Generation
Realstream News
Trisha Paytas
Joy Sparkles
Mike Morse
Strange Æons
Philip DeFranco
No. 848634
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>>848632Its not like any of these people have made recent videos about the allegations either. I can only think of 2 reasons why he sent all these emails out today.
1. He has a habit of just randomly getting riled up with no real catalyst and sperging out. There have been times he's woken up and suddenly does 3 videos in a row about whatever's bothering him. One time he was in the shower and got an epiphany that 8 years ago his Texas-Ex had told him that her father raped her so he immediately had to make a 10 minute video about it.
2. He's hoping that the recipients of the emails all make videos about him. He gets some exposure, his name is back on peoples lips and he'll try to claim the video. I've heard he's still doing that even though he's demonetized.
No. 848675
File: 1628409576024.jpg (115.63 KB, 1103x500, The Church of Onion.jpg)

Onision started a thread about Chris Chan today. Nothing really interesting. Just the usual Greg putting his 2 cents in about a widely publicized event. All the while condemning other YTubers as clout chasers and money hungry because they're talking about it the same as him. The last part of his post made me pause. I don't know if he went down some Chris Chan rabbit hole and the CWC's "dimensional merge" got stuck in his head but Greg was talking about multiple lives (reincarnation?) Earth being between Heaven and Hell and multiple realities. I would love if the next chapter in the Onision Saga is Greg going full blown religious fanatic. I could see him preaching that this world is so unjust and vicious. And the righteous and truthful (like himself) are persecuted and falsely accused of crimes they never committed. There must be another life or spiritual plane that follows this one where you get your reward for being a good honest human being. If he setup his own religion he wouldn't have to worry about those pesky IRS audits ever again.
No. 848700
>>848676> Is he that fucking dense?Yes. He also doesn’t realize how difficult defamation suits are to win. Especially when you are a “public figure”. (Yes, Greg is an incredibly minor public figure, but a public figure as far as a lolsuit would matter)
Plus, he just said the other day he didn’t have the $250 for a legal consultation. And that he would have to sue each person, individually in their home state. (I.e. where the defamation occurred)
That police report does not say what he thinks it does. But it would give Sarah some good evidence of slander/defamation against his “she raped us” bullshit.
Doubtful that would happen, but it would be hilarious to see him get sued using the very thing he things proves his innocence
No. 848705
>>848675I knew he was gonna talk about that, because he'll try and attach himself to anything that is now to try and stay relevant. Even though he's very much not relevant anymore. Just look at this thread. We used to need a new thread almost every few weeks, now look at it. Its barely going.
Which is a good thing, mind you. Its very good that even this thread is dying, no one cares about Greg anymore. And its great, really.
No. 848801
>>848700>the very thing he things proves his innocenceI think it's more that he's ignoring what's
actually there - like he always does - and instead gloms on to any sliver that he can twist to use in his favor - like he always does. Sad, pathetic. No wonder his entire family's disowned him. When his kids get old enough to think for themselves I'm sure they'll have nothing to do with him either.
No. 848802
>>848609More wasted time writing pointless word salads as per usual.
The police report doesn't say anything about the case being closed. I can't tell if he's that desperate to cover up his grooming and predation or if like
>>848634 said, he's desperate for shekels and wants to do more false DMCA's.
Still holding out hope Lainey will leave with the kids if she hasn't already. It's only been over a year since there's been proof of life.
No. 848803
>>848705>Its very good that even this thread is dyingTotally agree.
>no one cares about Greg anymore. And its great, really.Who ever "cared" about Greg? I come here just to read the comments and laugh at farmers' shittakes more than anything.
No. 848849
File: 1628544767318.png (810.16 KB, 1298x776, lets bully meg griffin.PNG)

Maybe I'm reading to much into it but it seems like he's trying to have his fans insult Sarah under the guise of insulting a fictional character. How many times has Greg described how he couldn't have groomed Sarah because he was mean to her and called her Meg Griffin and Drew Carey. It just seems weird to start a topic out of the blue where he wants everyone to shit talk a cartoon character. Seems like an attempt to get Sarah's attention.
No. 848852
>>848849>Maybe I'm reading to much into it but it seems like he's trying to have his fans insult Sarah under the guise of insulting a fictional character.Trust me, you're not. If Greg could drag Sarah through the mud like he did with Billie after Billiegate he would. Seems like he's trying to do it more lowkey after doxxing her recently.
My guess is that Greg's taking out his lolsuit frustrations on her now that everyone's just laughing in his face at the nonsensical bluff.
No. 848853
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Not really worth a mention I guess but with seeing the archived list of "false accusations" Greg made on his malware site I gotta ask… Who exactly is accusing him of murder and abduction and why is the murder accusation so high on the list?
The human trafficking accusation, sure, everyone brings up the MANN ACT and PROTECT ACT he clearly violated but murder and abduction? Who's talking about that? Is he so desperate to seem like a victim he's willing to outright lie about what he's being accused of to such a degree?
No. 848854
>>848849Pathetic, he needs to keep seething though.
Its funny to watch.
No. 848875
>>848853I speak fluent Gurg, end my suffering.
1) Traveling across states for teenage poon, likely.
2) One or multiple of the girls screamed "you ruined my life" because he plastered their relationship drama all over the internet for millions to view. That's a lot of pressure for anyone, let alone a young adult.
3) We all know this one.
4) hentai mentions, his tendency to choose 'em young. Maybe those weird spergs who speculated that he diddles his kids.
5) Equates his narc twisting as "dishonest". Can't accept
valid and founded criticisms.
6) That one sperg that said there was a registered weapon at his house (wasn't that according to police reports btw? That's a hazy memory.)
7) Billie-basement-chain saga. His dumb slosher would equate that as "abduction" according to his personal brand of Gurg Legalese.
8) anons noting his physical deterioration/"do a flip" commentary.
9) his constant tell-alls to the internet, then person x does something unrelated yet subjectively bad and he says it's proof that he was telling the truth.
10) targeting vulnerable audiences for a paycheck: young, mentally ill, socially stunted, etc.
No. 848966
>>848926I'm just glad farmers were able to spread his onlyfans content and we all got to make fun of his small dick. Chris Hansen really did put the final nail in the coffin for Greg.
All the threads on lolcow are full of info, but for discovery to come along and do a TV show lead to him finally no longer getting money from YouTube for his shite unfunny content.
There's no more milk. If he dates anyone they're most likely mentally deficient and probably not even up to Greg's standards. He will die before he gets over Billie. The only thing that would generate a bit of hype would be if Laineybot came back in some form. And the fact that even Greg can't get his wife on camera shows just how beta he really fucking is.
No. 849259
>>849219I don't get why he bothers if he isn't going to back it up.
I really doubt having his name brought up when it happens actually drives any significant (for him) traffic to his site and stuff at this point
No. 849369
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>>849346We've all watched this rerun before. But there's usually an ulterior motive. Listening to him preach about how "you shouldn't shit talk other people to the general public" make me wonder if he's doing this as a pre-emptive strike. This is just tinfoil but what if Lainey has been hinting to him that she may tell what she knows. He wants to make sure she gets the clear message that she better not tell secrets about him or Greg may start spilling the beans about her.
No. 849377
>>849369This is the most ironic quote from him ever. The audacity is unreal since most of his career focussed on that (as well as the shitty skits and characters that he literally stole from other people, that absolutely entertained no one past 2012) He has made SO MUCH MONEY from publically humiliating and slandering people in the most disgusting ways. Even going so far to expose their private matters like abortion or accusing them out of spite of having bad hygiene, said in the most disgusting vulgar ways he could manage (AJ)
You know what they call this onion?
Getting what you fucking deserve.
No. 849594
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I think I may have found Lainey on someone else's social media. Ryan the fakeboi friend made a TikTok saying she was moving away from her(his) hometown and the final shot is Ryan arriving in Washington state June 17th.
No. 849595
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>>849594On July 23rd Ryan makes a TikTok outdoors documenting her voice after 7 weeks on testosterone. The wall behind her looks very much like the back side of Onisions new house.
No. 849597
File: 1629214306472.webm (730.34 KB, Lainey filming Ryan T shot.web…)

This TikTok someone is filming Ryan giving herself a shot of testosterone and it sounds a lot like Lainey. I grabbed the audio and uploaded it here. So is Ryan living with Onision and Lainey now?
No. 849598
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Goodbye Kai. Hello Luke.
No. 849637
>>849636Samefag, Footface better sleep with her eyes open and never leave "Ryan" alone at home with Grease.
"Ryan" may be ugly as fuck, but Grease already showed he'd stick his deformed dick in anything that moves, also he admitted he fetishizes trans people who were born with female genitalia
No. 849660
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>>849629I remember Lainey testing the names Lucas and Spencer back when she figured out she was a fakeboi. From what Ive seen on twitter she's been using Luke, Lucas, Spencer, Spence for her social media. Im guessing that Luke is now the name she uses instead of Kai. I assume the name change was because of the last documentary episode. They highlighted her legal name change and used "Kai" quite a bit when speaking about Lainey. I checked the WA online court website and I dont see any record of a recent name change so I dont think "Luke" is Laineys new legal name. Im sure Lainey is going to think up a new name now that she's been found out. What are the popular fakeboi names these days.
No. 849675
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>>849662The new house is a 3 bedroom 2 bath. When they lived in the old swamp shack each child had their own bedroom and the master bedroom was Greg and Lainey's. Jessica mentioned that Lainey co-slept with Cloey and Greg did the same with Troy. Maybe they're doing the same thing and allowing Ryan to have her own bedroom but I doubt it. This whole situation is giving me Sarah vibes all over again. Family and friends sometimes turn their back on a person when they come out as trans and they end up with no support system and living on the streets. By the look of Lainey's (Luke's) Venmo, Ryan was worried she would have to sleep in her car. They're taking someone who is vulnerable and offering this person "safe haven" in their home. They did the same thing with Sarah because of her
abusive mother.
No. 849676
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>>849675one more thing
Twitter detectives found a 5 year old Reddit post that Ryan made about the dysfunctional relationship she was having with Lainey (its now been deleted of course) would say I have no sympathy for Ryan because she was 19 when she got involved with these predators but she may be blinded and in desperate need of a friend during her transition. I can already see how this is going to play out. Ryan is trapped in their house with no other friends or family support. Greg will start giving hints that maybe Ryan should try to have a relationship with Lainey. Greg will then pressure them both to allow him to join in because
>its unfair for you to have a girlfriend without me involvedand shit will hit the fan. By the looks of Ryan's TikToks she still looks very feminine. The voice is a little deeper and she's stopped shaving her legs and pits but other than that I know Greg will try to fuck her. She still has a vagina, still looks feminine and is living in his house. Ryan is in danger of being the next Billie/Sarah.
No. 849688
>>849676> Greg will start giving hints that maybe Ryan should try to have a relationship with Lainey. Greg will then pressure them both to allow him to join inI know Greg is desperate right now but I don’t think he would go for someone who is midtransition. He likes the taboo when it comes to age and incest but hasn’t shown any real interest in legitimately masculine afabs (not people who just change their wardrobe and pronouns like lainey).
It is interesting that Ryan’s there though especially since they share so much in gender journey as lainey. They both became non-binary and then identified as trans men around the same time. I wonder if this means lainey might be considering transitioning medically soon…
She was still playing up her fear of needles in the tiktok but at points did sound like she was trying to do some voice training to make hers lower.
My tinfoil is Greg blames her for everything that’s gone wrong and wants revenge so he’s really playing up how much he wants to support her transition so she does it and then is permanently changed.
No. 849693
>>849688>He likes the taboo when it comes to age and incest but hasn’t shown any real interest in legitimately masculine afabs Im sure the video Im thinking about was one of the videos Greg deleted or privated on Lainey's channel so Im not even going to try and find it. I don't remember the topic of the video but Lainey and Greg are vaguely talking about what they do in bed and she says to Greg
>well you do call me faggotfaggot was obviously bleeped out but you could tell what she said by reading her lips. Greg got anxious and they laughed that it would be edited out. Im sure Greg has all kinds of weird kinks he attempts to live out with Lainey and the girls he lures in. I can see him fleshing out his homo-erotic fantasy using Lainey as the "twink faggot" he fucks. Greg gets to safely role play his queer kink using his doormat wife. And now there's this FtM in their house and she's even more twinkish than his wife. Greg's a fucking deviant, he's going to try to fuck anyone new that's in that house.
No. 849696
File: 1629293191250.png (167.49 KB, 562x495, Ill Miss You.PNG)

>>849680I think we've already seen one of those "indirectly attacking" videos. "I'll Miss You… (my mistakes & a farewell of sorts)" was suppose to be him making an apology and saying farewell but when I listened to it it sounded more like him trying to tell someone in a round about way that talking shit about him on social media would be a bad idea and good people don't do that. These excerpts are suppose to be him realizing he was a shitty person and apologizing for it. But to me it sounds like he's indirectly telling someone to watch their step and be careful what they say about him.
>when you break up with someone or when you kick someone out of your life that's not an excuse to go on social media and talk about how crappy they are that's not an excuse to to talk about their personal details even if you do think that they're bad there's a certain level of respect that you're supposed to give people when you break up with them you're supposed to be the bigger person and not just drag every little detail of their personal life for social media to see and dissect and blindly rip apart
>this is personal shit this is shit that doesn't need to be expressed to the general public in attempts to defend yourself you're not gonna look like the bigger person by ripping someone else apart even if it is like uh hey i know they're saying terrible things about me but they're worse for this reason like nobody wins in that situation it's like literally a shit-throwing contest and everyone's covered in shit by the end of it which is why you don't go on social media and say these things and it's why you be a fucking adult and you don't run around trashing people because that's the most immature unproductive thing you can do
>it's also a big red flag would you want to date somebody who has dated people in the past and every time they break up with them they shit all over those people they broke up with probably not you probably think that person's really fucking immature that person's really really disgusting the way they treat people that they they break up with it's terrible i wouldn't date me if i thought that i was going to get dumped and treated that way you know
>that doesn't give you a free right to just try and fucking destroy their image or whatever because you're mad or because they're saying something petty about you being the bigger person which i rarely have been it means that you actually move on with your life and you don't act like a goddamn loser on social media because you're not supposed to feel good hurting people that you once loved or that you once cared about
>that doesn't make you a good person for attacking them you're supposed to be a fucking human being not a merciless i want to destroy your life because you're hurting my feelings type person you know that's disgusting behaviorRyan arrived at their house on June 17th. It wouldn't surprise me if he tried to fuck Ryan or attempted to convince Lainey that they should give a poly relationship a go one more time and it all went to shit 2 months later. Now he's doing damage control in case Ryan starts talking.
No. 849727
>>849696As much as people want new drama and this to be about Ryan…I think it’s not.
I think this babble of self-flagellation is more about Billie. I think the walls are closing in and he’s still reminiscing back to the “good days.” It probably doesn’t hurt that she recently posted a death note cosplay recently and he’s probably stalking her OF like a creep.
All the details of the apology are about feeling bad about hurting “someone you said you loved” even if they lied and did illegal drugs. He did throw blackmailing in once which would tie into sarah but the rest of it is the old song and dance about Billie.
It’s hard to follow sometimes because he keeps trying to blame the people and point out the bad they did to him while pseudoapologizing but still.
Maybe not but I really don’t think Ryan is his type but I’m sure he’s doing his best to find and groom a new girl sometime soon.
No. 849826
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Im unsure if this is actually something. I see on twitter people warning others that Gregs forum is an IP grabber. His newest video about angryslug telling TommyC that he lied on Hansens show, Greg shows a DM he has with someone named La Kov and at the far right there is "IP v" Is that an option Greg has because he is the forum administrator to click the down arrow next to the IP and see that persons IP address? Would the forum members be happy to know Greg is tracking and gathering their personal information?
No. 849850
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>>849696Dude's like that singer Heino at this point. Just as old and creepy and always promising to leave forever, yet never leaving.
No. 850151
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>>849594This got me curious; sageing since this isn't particularly milky, but I found some links for Ryan. around for Kai/Luke's stuff, but outside of some empty looking Facebook accounts and one weirdly empty Insta (pictured) with some followers, nothing came up. No. 850291
File: 1629629788014.png (1.44 MB, 2848x1545, 1629584216722.png)

nice spergout word-salad about onlyfans
No. 850293
>>850291This man is what, 36, with two kids.
Spamming the word "bro" and swearing like an 11 year old trying to show off to older kids when their mom isn't around.
The cringe is intense. He's trying so hard to act unbothered and cool but Whenever he does that it just becomes even MORE obvious that he's fuming.
He's prob the most mad that he won't be able to oggle Billie's OF anymore
No. 850353
>>850291I think he wants to feel persecuted is all. There’s no way he was making that much off of OF anyway.
>>850343I agree. He’s a cockroach and has managed to evade most consequences in the past but I think he’s losing the fight in him. Everyone hates him but it’s not something he can use to his advantage anymore. He’ll live out his time in his forums with his few fans but will continue to fizz out over time and probably the next big thing we hear about him with be a private divorce or him getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar again.
No. 850360
>>850353Doubtful, he ain’t gonna fade away that easily; not if he can help it. He craves attention and will do his damndest to have our eyes on him no matter what.
Dance monkey, dance!
No. 850374
>>850359His fear of aging is where things will get really interesting. As it is now, he’s almost exclusively using pictures of himself from 10 years and even then still photoshops them to a ridiculous degree. Speaking of which, has he been seen at all irl anywhere? He used to go to conventions and other shit but all I’ve seen in the last few years is Twitter sperging and videos from his cum cave.
Come to think of it too, there’s gonna be a time when his kids start making friends at school. Eventually parents will want to meet the parents of their kids friends and meeting water-head & the foot will be one hell of a ride.
No. 850536
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John Swan is premiering his new video about Chris Hansen/ Onision investigation soon, and look who was caught sperging in the comments
No. 850566
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>>850536the sperg continues with some classic i'm-14-and-this-is-deep quotes such as "being normal is not a good thing"
No. 850568
>>850536>1. Hansen wants to reboot his career.So? You helped him do it since you are one of his depraved subjects. If a cop makes a top bust that helps his career, is the cop to blame?
>2. "Hey everyone hates this Onision guys, what's that about?"It's about him being a depraved sex weirdo pervert who can't keep his dick in his pants, and his deplorable footfaced spaceboi husbando-waifu.
>3. "Oh wow, Onision name is making me a lot of money!"Yes, you've been doing that for Youtubers as well. Again, when you put a huge target on your back don't be surprised when people take a shot at you.
>4. "Guys! I promise I will get justice!"Hey, he tried. But I guess you outsmarted him.
So far.
>5. Literal only person on report: I'm not aware of any crime Onision comitted.Just because cops don't manage to find something, doesn't mean theres nothing there. A lot of people got off at first, even people like Jeffrey Dahmer. And obviously where theres smoke, there's fire. tl;dr You're guilty as hell and you know it.
>6. Y'all: IT'S HANSEN'S FAULT!!!!Not really, its a combination of fuckups, mishandled evidence and you sneaking out from under all the evidence like the dirty rat you are. It doesn't mean anything because we both know sooner or later you will strike again. Just like your foot wife will, granted if she's still even with you.
Unlike you Hansen has owned up to his mistakes, which makes him just a tad better than you and more of a man.
No. 850658
>>850638Greg is shit to his kids, but he probably just thinks of his kids as a mere footnote than actually fantasizing about them.
However, that still doesn’t discount the weird things he’s done, like the infamous window humiliation tweet and making his daughter’s middle name the same as his self-insert’s love interest/character that his ex-girlfriend played.
No. 850751
>>850730Yes? That’s what I meant by the infamous window tweet? We can tinfoil all we want about how the tweet is 100% about his daughter, I too could lean towards her being related to it, but I’m not going to treat it as a confirmed fact he’s sexually fantasizing about his daughter. Unless there’s something else I’m missing?
It’s like with the window fall itself, it can be chalked up to gross neglect, and not some weird conspiracy that they intentionally let her fall out the window to be rid of her like what’s been talked about in this and previous threads. The onions being neglectful parents because they’d rather still act like selfish, stunted teens is already considered shitty, no need to stretch things.
Anyway, also consider Greg not bothering to talk to Cloey because she couldn’t talk back as a damn baby. Given all this and comparing it to when he made a whole ass song dedicated to Troy about always loving him, I would be inclined to say that Greg just doesn’t give a shit about Cloey instead of fantasizing about her. I would fucking hope he doesn’t fantasize about her.
Although it could be too soon to tell, since Greg is a hebephile after all. Who knows what goes on in that fucked up head of his.
No. 850767
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>>849598Goodbye Luke. Hello Spencer.
Does Lainey have a "Wheel of Generic Fuck-Boi Names" she spins each time she gets found out?
No. 850775
>>850767There’s a list somewhere of all the guy names she was considering when she first groomed out, so she’s just slowly going through them now.
I’ll note you probably should’ve kept this a secret till some saucy material got posted, she’s gonna wipe it and get a new one now so you’ll have to start again.
No. 850798
>>850566He really thought the equivalent "normal people scare me xD" would leave such a burn that he closed with that statement.
>>850788>>850792Well, now you've done it! How dare you nonnies insult her Latin@x heritage, she's crying now.
No. 850822
Plus the kids are familiar with Greg’s verbal abuse, if him screaming at them for something as inconsequential like losing in Mario Kart is an indication. Who knows if it will escalate when they get older?
I wouldn’t blame people hoping T and C are not in a worst-case scenario. No one
wants them to suffer. But the longer they’re stuck with Greg and Kai, the more futile holding onto that hope may be because they’re awful parents and Greg especially never changes his ways.
Speaking of never changing,
>>850798 He’s almost 36 this year and still posting things like this. Cringe
No. 850827
>>850825Her grandma is Hispanic. She was born in NM, lots of mixed gringos.
>>850751His inconsistency with how he saw troys birth and cloeys birth is one of the bigger red flags. Especially when he made it a point to claim he never even speaks to her. He tried the same tactic he used with Sarah, forget and degrade. If he ignores her he won’t be accused of being a creep and he won’t have to worry about thinking about her. It’s like when he always says “if you’re under 18 you’re gross ew!” It’s so see-through.
No. 850833
>>850638While I don't really (want to) think Greg fantasizes about his daughter, there have been a couple of odd signs, including the afore mentioned sexually charged tweets when C was at the hospital. She is named after a character that Shiloh had played for a Youtube series and her middle name was Abbigale before it was omitted, which he had chosen for one of his protags in one of his "books". The quote she, i.e. Abbigale, is the "embodiment of pity porn" still lingers on my mind.
I also distinctly remember that he refused to change Madison's little girl's diapers because he didn't want to seem like a pervert. People concluded that he had weird thoughts about changing a toddler's diaper due to his own statement.
Then he was mean up to hostile towards Sarah when she was still underage but pounced on her the moment she was 18 (and a half, kek).
He also wanted Alicia as his sister-wife, alongside being married to Skye, and at one point Lainey's younger sister was forbidden to hang with Lainey and Greg iirc.
No. 850879
>>850859>TL;DR: It would be willful ignorance to think Greg AND KAI aren't deliberately involving the children in sexual situations. Sarah said they used to make out in front of her. A lot. Based on all of what we know now it's pretty clear that was a grooming tactic. Even Sarah confirmed the first time they all had sex started with Greg and Lainey making out… Then seeing them having sex… Then Greg pulled her in to join them. Its clear as day they were getting her used to seeing them sexually for 'the big day'.
It's fucked to think about it but with their pattern of behavior, Greg's incest fetish and their lack of boundaries, they could have very well been grooming their own children into thinking seeing them sexually is normal for the exact same reasons they did it with Sarah.
It's a dark and touchy speculation but with everything else surrounding the topic… Can such a plausibility be ruled out indefinitely?
No. 850886
>>850879As they grow older and more milk is released by then (if Lolcow and Kiwi Farms are still around), this is going to make “Chris-Chan fucked his mom” look like child’s play in terms of horrorcow news.
The feds better hurry up with their investigation soon.
No. 850887
>>850860You’d get the detractors complaining how the kids didn’t consent to the doc. Greg would also take it as an opportunity to pretend to be a concerned dad because “evil Discovery weaponizing my kids that I want to keep offline” or “Chris Hansen and Discovery is exploiting my own children in an attempt to slander me.”
I agree that it’d make their case all the more stronger that Greg is a predator, but that’s how I imagine it would play out.
No. 850925
>>850860Kinda strange that no
victim but Shiloh was shown on the documentary. Could the documentary crew not be fucked to ask them or did they just not want to be associated with Hansen or the anti-o community any longer? I can't really blame them if it is the latter. Regardless, the documentary was a MESS, the timeline was mixed up, there was so much backtracking, and cases that were unrelated to Grug were brought up. It was tragic considering Grug has done so many shitty/entertaining things that they could have showcased but instead they chose to add filler voice overs and stock video
No. 850981
>>850925Billie and others had declined to be on the doc (and even the minor characters with barely a story like Luxymoo wanted to make a huge show of it), so the producers had to tiptoe around their stories and blur their faces when they had to mention them. Like another anon said, they did the same with Sarah, but she also had a whole episode dedicated to her AFTER the first three episodes came out and Greg was demonetised, because she decided to be interviewed for the doc later.
The entire
victim-story-doc deal was literally a whole fiasco last year, where the fuck have you been anon lol
No. 851021
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Definitely not the same Tammy, but I do believe Joanna is now married under the name Shaw. Tami is still a self proclaimed author using Lucille Marks as her Facebook name. Boomers aren’t always the best and keeping things private .
No. 851040
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"That Lady" What a sick POS. He's obviously referring to the 16 year old he and foot face were grooming at the time.
No. 851056
>>850751I really hope we're wrong, but at this point I'd lean towards him having perverse inclinations towards his daughter. Especially once she hits her teens (his preferred age range)
Every time he has the opportunity to cross into a new level depravity (without legal consequence) he takes it. Most people thought he would never do anything with Sarah.
Reminder that this guy is so twisted and pornsick that he admits to watching bestiality, etc.
Lainey even cried when she discovered the sex of the baby. And lets not gloss over their ABDL foray and Greg's incest ""KINK""
It's shitty to speculate about, but Greg has damaged enough young women that he's lost all benefit of the doubt.
No. 851075
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>>851040>>851072It cracks me up whenever he uses "lady" to speak about the teenagers he's fucked with. I guess he thinks it makes the teenage girls sound older. He's so afraid of saying "girl" which is how most would describe them.
>>851056>Every time he has the opportunity to cross into a new level depravity (without legal consequence) he takes itThat is one thing that is a constant with Greg. He follows the the letter of the law and will try to bend it or twist it, but he'll never break it. I assumed that would mean he's shit out of luck because incest is illegal in all 50. But I did some searching around and it turns out its legal in New Jersey and Rhode Island. To make matters worse the AOC is 16 for legal incest in Rhode Island. We all know Greg is keen on traveling to other states where the AOC allows him to fuck underage girls. I hate to say it but I can see Greg telling Lainey that him and Cloey will be having a special "daddy-daughter only" vacation to Providence on her 16th birthday.
No. 851117
>>851111He feels that if he uses the word girl when speaking of any of the teenagers he dealt with it will automatically be thought of as "little girl" and the next step in the thought process will be he's a pedophile. Same as him not wanting to change Madisons babies diaper because he made the creepy connection that if he changes a babies diaper people will think he wants to diddle the baby.
Greg is like Norman Bates sitting in the police interrogation room thinking the cops wont think he's a serial killer if he doesn't kill the fly walking across his hand. I can see Greg going to a water park and trying his hardest not to even glance at the girls in their swimsuits thinking everyone there is watching what he does.
>as long as I don't look at them their parents wont think Im a pedo No. 851120
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>>851110Funny how you mentioned the possible connection to subway.
No. 851131
>>851123its funny because i've been around on and off with this greg shitshow for quite a while. and i remember them you know, greg's glory days. i happened to have been there when there where literally hordes of tweenie boppers defending him on twitter whenever someone said something even remotely negative, and look at him now.
its true what they say the bigger they are, the harder they fall.
had he been smart he would have saved a ton of his money from back then but oh no, not greg. he spent it all. what a fucking dumbass.
No. 851138
>had he been smart he would have saved a ton of his money from back thenAlso, had he been humble, more likable or at least been able to learn from his mistakes and change for the better, he wouldn't be falling so hard right now. I'm sure there would be more people to support him, albeit unrightfully, even though he did all this creepy and immoral shit.
But since he's such an unlikeable person in general, there are only a few die hard fans orbiting him, since they have no other place to go. Birds of a feather, I guess.
No. 851140
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I'm pretty sure that raising a healthy well adjusted child requires more than just feeding them. Greg and Lainey cant even do that right. Iirc Troy's teacher called CPS because the little guy let it slip that he doesn't have regular meals and is expected to snack from the pantry when he feels hungry. Great parenting Greg!
Im surprised he tried to use the word "kids" and didn't call them "human offspring"
No. 851175
>>851140Oh wow. Take notes everyone, the first rule of good parenting apparently is "Don't let your kid get obese". The only thing he missed there was: "Especially when they're girl. Who would want a fat girl. I wouldn't."
Good job, Greg! You should get an award for best parent of the year!
Like, getting a good education, growing up to be a decent person, being compassionate and caring… totally overrated, right? Rite, guise?!
No. 851266
>>851253Oh god I can already see the backstory of a 600lb life episode. "Food was my only defense against being molested, the more I ate, the less attractive my dad found me."
Really hope lainey decides to keep them in school and not homeschool them
No. 851272
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>>851140>>851190Cloey's case is pretty severe to say the least but I can understand CPS not intervening as much as there was no immediate proof abuse or foul play occuring in the situation.
But It's saddening how they never found reason to do a thorough investigation into Troy's situation with what his teacher reported. Greg clearly created significant situations of abuse, that's beyond an accident, via what seems to be gross and purposeful negligence.
And I use the term abuse and purposeful negligence because Greg let Troy's teeth rot at age 2. And teeth don't rot overnight either. How did he not notice how severe it was getting unless he REALLY wasn't paying attention to Troy at all. And if he was paying attention to him, that means he just stood by and let it happen. Greg should have done something long before that poor baby needed to undergo general anesthesia to deal with the pain and rot. And any parent would (and should) make a dedicated effort to feed their kid properly. A teacher calling CPS for something like that shouldn't have happened with the money and resources Greg had at the time. Even Greg's words here
>>851140 proves that he's very much aware of this. Making the abuse via neglect even more purposeful and all the more worse.
What are the chances of CPS intervening for Troy? Correct me if I'm wrong but I think it's likely.
No. 851288
>>851284Nonny you forgot about that incident when their son got their testicles turned or something like that, and onion took him to the ER and proceeded to scream at the doctor and got thrown out of the hospital because of it.
I don't know why some anons say foot is a good mother. No she isn't. She sucks as a mother and needs to have her kids taken away from her ASAP. Before she had the (lame) excuse of staying with onion because he had money but now? He doesn't have shit and she is still staying with him.
No. 851343
File: 1630419695548.png (77.32 KB, 607x550, house keeping.png)

Just a reminder, they are both lazy and relied on the girls they brought over for house cleaning, child care, and sex. It's despicable that the underage/just turning of age girls had to basically take care of the onisons as if they where spoiled children.
No. 851389
>>851362I remember Jessica telling that story too. It was during the YouNow stream she did with Cali (smolbutwide)
The way I understood the story was this. Greg was laying in the bathtub. If you've seen any of his videos where he's actually bathing not playing a character for a skit, Greg sits in the tub, turns on the shower head and fills up the tub like that. Ive always thought it was weird. So Gregs in the tub, Cloey comes in and gets to the sink and turns on the faucets. The sink starts to fill up and then overflow, Im assuming because they never clean anything so the drain is probably mucked up with biofilm and hair from years of use. Jessica didnt specify but I assumed Greg had the shower curtain or shower door closed so he couldn't really see what Cloey was doing, or maybe the way the bathroom is set up you cant see the sink from the bathtub. But I wouldn't doubt that Greg watched Cloey do this and even sat back as the sink overflowed thinking that its not his problem because he's taking a bath and Lainey should be watching the kids. Any damage is on Lainey because she's a neglectful parent and Greg should be allowed his "me time." Jessica said that Lainey eventually came in and shut off the taps and took Cloey out of the bathroom.
No. 851470
File: 1630470336373.jpg (59.44 KB, 997x397, Capture4561.JPG)

Projection off the charts
No. 851489
File: 1630476959658.jpg (136.19 KB, 1080x1414, Screenshot_20210901-015724_Tik…)

So, Ryan follows Shiloh on tiktok… is it just me or does anyone else find it weird?
No. 851529
>>851504>Wouldn't be surprised if Ryan is watching here tooLess than 2 hours after these posts
>>849594 >>849595 were made Ryan privated her profile then changed the name to getsomehelp114. Ryan definitely lurks here for Lainey.
No. 851531
>>851529Embarrassing. I don’t understand why Ryan would want to be Lainey’s little henchman let alone want to be friends with someone like that.
Maybe lainey has Ryan hooked with the same “I’ll run away with you, I need saving” schtick she used to keep sarah around for so long. Ryan has a girlfriend but that didn’t stop them last time.
No. 851715
>>851536Honestly, if Lainey and Greg are Ryan's ONLY option, she must have done something really fucked up to alienate everyone around her. Like, how do you lose all of your friends and your entire family? I get that one or the other might be incredibly conservative but everyone in her life?
Makes me start to question her character. It might be a pot meets kettle situation with her and the Jacksons / Avaroes. I hope I'm wrong, though.
No. 851733
>>851715living with lainey and greg is something that I wouldn't wish on a dog that I hated, or my worst enemy, I mean even if ryan was a piece of shit its stilly a fucked up power dynamic if that's the only option left, trading autonomy for some shaeky security is messed up; what would be next? his state has a huge homeless crisis, with homelessness comes survival sex, and possible human trafficking. if he gets away with this, what makes you think that he wouldn't look towards an even more vulnerable group? Then again lmao if he tries to "rescue" a possible human trafficking
victim, whose drug addled, that might be the final nail on his coffin. he's already probably on some fed watch list even if they chose not charge him now, at the rate this is going he'll probably end up in a fed prison.
No. 852182
>>852136So few people think the bad thing will happen to them. It’s much more likely to be the rule rather than the exception.
I think Ryan will be okay in this instance. Lainey probably only needs emotional support (now that sarah no longer occupies that role) and while greg will sexualize everything I don’t think Ryan is immediately his type. Sleeping with Ryan would only serve the fringe benefit that sleeping with Sarah which was to further isolate lainey and keep any friends that might stand up to him at bay.
No. 852597
File: 1631305307592.jpg (280.1 KB, 907x694, new-video.jpg)

New video upload and 13 min of whining. He got his other TikTok account banned (kek) but he’s also going to write another book. Other highlights from the other farms
>He's comparing what he's going through to the Red Scare and the Salem witch trials and compares that anyone who supports his faxx is a russian/witch
>He calls anyone who's under 18 retarded after he shills for his NSFW forums
Apparently, he claims that it was Sarah who told Chris Hansen that he should cancel his interview with onion.
>The book he's gonna write is his autobiography, says that it's important to tell his side and tell his story
No. 852620
>>852597another book
I may expire from kek overdose
No. 852761
>>852597This video title is so pathetic, pitiful and embarrassing.
The fact that he's shitting out an autobiography is also pathetic, pitiful and embarrassing.
You just know he's going to write in disgusting humiliating and unnecessary detail the "junk to rear" story (gag)
It'll be hilarious if he does more Billie pining in it.
No. 852843
>>852761I hope he gets sued for defamation, but knowing how spineless his "
victims" are when it comes to taking legal action that won't happen
No. 852874
File: 1631509858721.png (9.3 MB, 1242x2688, EA2DDDDA-C398-41FA-B737-FBB2A5…)

Looks like they sent Ryan back home. From the sound of their caption “greatful to be back” it’s safe to assume something went down.
No. 852904
>>852854dude these days its all about streamers and ip2.
if greg wants to make a buck he needs to start streaming outside and press people. i bet he'd make a killing in hate-donos.
but he's too scared to. he already wore a bulletproof vest to vidcon.
No. 852993
>>850859>Those occurrences, along with Greg's public declaration of loving incest porn seem like a form of "proxy incest". >They're not making T and C physically partake per say (ie molestation) but they have them there.It's molestation. I did some research on parents letting their kids watch them have sex. If it's an accident, it's an accident. If sexual criminal intent is proven, it's exhibitionism and forced vouyerism. It's sexual abuse and illegal:
Exhibitionism - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics>Sexual abuse or molestation may include contact with genitalia, anus, or mouth or may be in the form of exhibitionism, voyeurism, or pornography. >The perpetrator usually is known to the child. Although incest is the most common form of child sexual abuse, it is usually missed or unrecognized by clinicians. >Incest usually occurs between the biological father or stepfather and daughter or stepdaughter, but it can occur between father and son as well as mother and son.>Sexual Abuse — inappropriate adolescent or adult sexual behavior with a child. It includes fondling a child’s genitals, making the child fondle the adult’s genitals, intercourse, incest, rape, sodomy, exhibitionism, sexual exploitation, or exposure to pornography.>To be considered child abuse, these acts have to be committed by a person responsible for the care of a child (for example a baby-sitter, a parent, or a daycare provider) or related to the child.>If a stranger commits these acts, it would be considered sexual assault and handled solely be the police and criminal courts.Exhibitionism - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
>Noncontact Offenses>These more unusual sexual offenses are mostly associated with paraphilic drive.>Exhibitionism or exposing the genital region attracts legal sanction in the form of indecent exposure offenses.Washington Indecent Exposure to a Child Charges and Penalties>The law regarding indecent exposure differs greatly depending on the state that you live in. In Washington, it is considered indecent exposure when a person exposes his or her private parts in a public space, or in a place where other people are present. >A person is guilty of indecent exposure to a child if he or she intentionally makes any open and obscene exposure of his or her person or the person of another to a person under the age of fourteen years old, knowing that such conduct is likely to cause reasonable affront or alarm.>Indecent exposure is a misdemeanor, but if the person exposes himself or herself to a person under the age of fourteen, it is considered a gross misdemeanor.>A gross misdemeanor is punishable by imprisonment up to three hundred sixty-four days, or by a fine of up to $5,000.00, or both. No. 852995
What's frustrating to note is this:
Washington Indecent Exposure Laws >Simply put, there must be lewd or obscene behavior in order to get arrested. Another element of the crime is that a witness must be willing to come forward and complain and later appear in court to testify against the defendant.T and C or Sarah would have to testify against the parents for them to be convicted. Makes me sick to my stomach that this might just be another thing they get away with.
No. 853026
>>853015>they made a specific law to cover the fucking in front of children>people are degenerates like onion and kai (sarah)Seems like you're mentioning their specific "law" excuse to lowkey defend the Onions while demonizing Sarah. I wonder why…
But anyway, the problem with your defense, and by extention Greg's defense, is the context that proves it's a lie.
If they were so concerned about what T would see, they would've had Sarah watch him because she was there. Simple as that. And even if she was busy or something like that, they could've waited. That's like them saying "We're so concerned about our son seeing us have sex. Let cover ourselves instead of asking or waiting to ask Sarah to watch him for us."
Because that's what responsible and reliable parents do and of course it happens more than enough times for their grooming
victim to notice the weirdness of it all /s.
Then with C, the fact that Sarah was trying to put her pants back on when C was waking up obviously proves that she and by extension the Onions, were very much uncovered and visible to C. You can't throw pants across the room when you're covered up under sheets (duh).
And may it be reiterated. Onision did a livestream saying he had C in a cot away from the sexcapades. Then months later in another live stream he said he had no recollection of a child being in the room while any sexual activities occurred.
Therefore, it's very unreliable to assume Onision's excuse is the truth anon. It's also very malicious (and suspicious) to demonize Sarah on the same level as them when she was the only one who showed concerned for C.
TLDR: Onision's excuse is an obvious fucking lie like everything else that comes out of his mouth. Defending him with HIS own "we were covered" excuse when there's reliable testimonies linking to otherwise occuring, ain't it chief. Try again.
No. 853029
>>852874this looks as much like a cover as anything. That hashtag seems a bit tryhard.
>>8529935 minutes of milk and then back to CSI: Autism.
>>853026Seems like you're reading it in a weird way so saint sarah remains pure. I wonder why…
No. 853058
File: 1631752985660.jpg (62.31 KB, 720x355, WAredditor1 May 11th 2020.jpg)

>>853029>Seems like you're reading it in a weird way so saint sarah remains pure. I wonder why… Well since you wanna know why I'll tell you why. There's proof that Onision might have known exhibitionism and forced vouyerism is illegal. I did some more digging into Washington's exhibitionism and vouyerism laws, and found a (deleted) redditor who shares the same location and fact specifics as Onision's property. They were in r/legaladvice asking about laws related to being naked outside their house. This was posted May 11th 2020. Two weeks before Onision made his first yard lewds on OnlyFans (May 27th 2020).
No. 853059
File: 1631753057846.jpg (153.23 KB, 720x997, WAredditor2 May11th2020.jpg)

This is what OP had to say. Now if you Google Onision's former home, redfin would show that the property is 2 acres, same as this redditor's property.
They say they have a 6' fence around their property. At the time Onision had an installed fence around his yard. This was done after the wetlands and "It's Chris Hansen." debacles.
They said it would take someone actively trying to look into their yard to be seen. Onision's neighbor from across the water took their camera and actively filmed him destroying the wetlands.
The deadest give away to me is Onision's common parlance of using "most" instead of "most of".
>I have a 6' privacy fence around most my yard.
No. 853060
File: 1631753175623.jpg (189.54 KB, 720x680, OnisionOnlyFansTweet May26th20…)

On May 26th 2020, just two weeks after that reddit post. Onision tweeted a picture of himself in a wifebeater IN HIS YARD. Hinting that he'll be taking it off for OnlyFans. If you go back in heatboss' archives of his OnlyFans on the other farm. The timeline would show that Onision never posted lewds/nudes outside his yard before then.
No. 853061
File: 1631753226463.jpg (99.35 KB, 720x353, OnisionInstaPost May26th2020.j…)

The same thing was posted on his Instagram.
No. 853063
File: 1631753399344.jpg (125.24 KB, 720x729, heatboss #28,844 May27th2020.j…)

The next day (May 27th 2020), heatboss who archives all of Onision's onlyfans posts, showed Onision's first lewd/nude pictures of himself in his yard.
No. 853064
File: 1631753506117.jpg (Spoiler Image,242.24 KB, 720x724, natureandvomit.jpg)

Proof (spoilered for a reason):
No. 853065
File: 1631753631253.jpg (239.45 KB, 720x994, beratingpost.jpg)

I think it's safe to say that redditor, like the turbo tax redditor, is Onision. And here's why. OP answered his own question but in a very scathing and disapproving manner. He forgot to switch accounts before berating himself. Seems familiar.
There's also this- here OP says:
>Do your neighbors have houses that have windows on the second floor directly facing your yard?
Anyone who knows the swamp shack knows it has second floor windows directly facing Onision's yard.
No. 853066
File: 1631753870197.jpg (53.58 KB, 720x645, breakingfederallaw.jpg)

Why he berated himself idk but when an actual redditor asked what federal law would be broken, OP says no law would be broken in doing what he originally asked about doing, with no proof to his claim. If that ain't Onision- wait no- of course it's Onision! And you just know it's him because now the account's gone for no apparent reason. I mean- it doesn't seem like a harmful question to me. Dunno why OP would delete it.
No. 853067
File: 1631754071257.jpg (44.8 KB, 720x231, knowingbetter.jpg)

In conclusion, if he researched it and knew it was wrong to do outdoors, and even said it back to himself. He very well knows it's hella fucking wrong to do it in front of his kids. That's probably why he made up the excuse of "we were cover up". Onision likes to abuse, taint and defile AND get away with it too. I'd be blissful ignorance to believe his kids are an exception to the rule.
No. 853068
Oh, and to answer your question. The reason I'm "reading it in a weird way so Sarah remains pure" can be found in
>>853026 and
But I hope the extra information helps to even out the concern anon.
No. 853076
>>853064this deranged shit looks like BTK’s weird ass polaroids he took of himself in some woods. idk how/if anyone can get off to this
has Greg said anything about the vaccine? i wonder how he feels now that the kids won’t have to be home all the time since schools are opening back up
No. 853251
>>853064I thought that was Lainybot at first
What is with the mud all over his ass like his crapped him self
No. 853254
File: 1631907061435.jpg (39.51 KB, 550x305, onioncry.jpg)

ot, this must be killing greg
No. 853335
File: 1631962104156.jpg (122.09 KB, 500x463, 668f1e4344da202262db9_44b369c4…)

>>853202You forgot to mention the signs he put up. He wrote that shit with a magic marker on a piece of paper and then slapped it on a metal fence post. Always the half assed attempt.
No. 853336
File: 1631962693354.png (504.38 KB, 600x336, 0988667.00.PNG)

>>85325410 bucks says he makes Lainey up in a similar outfit tonight and jackhammers her in positions where he doesn't have to look at her face. Not sure how he'll explain away him grunting Billie's name the whole time. He's done it before to flesh out his Harley/Dog fantasy.
No. 853972
>>853890lovely peaches is ranked as more favorable than him. lovely. fucking. peaches.
he's all by himself, unknown and disliked, as it should be.
No. 853980
File: 1632304193044.jpg (341.21 KB, 1440x2128, 20210922_104311.jpg)

Shiloh has gained weight but she's also working on a new album with some songs about Greg.
No. 854011
>>853980Missy Elliot called, she wants her old style back.
>>853972Is that the same chick who sang “suckin’ on my titties like you wanted to…”?
No. 854090
>>853980She has been embracing her "non-skinny" image. Stopped caring about what she does since her
problematic internet presence. Hate how onionboy used that to debunk her claims. Feels like it was good she came into his life and fucked his shit up lol.
No. 854132
>>854093I don't like billie either but please tell me what career does shiloh has? She's probably paying her bills by sucking dick (like in the good ol' days). Did shiloh finish highschool? Nah. Lets face it, gorg knows how to find these losers (only ones that would date him tbh).
>>853768this almost brought a tear to my eye. he is finally finished.
No. 854166
File: 1632419394530.jpg (716.51 KB, 809x1758, McflyOF.jpg)

Mcfly has an OF now and she unfollowed Greg on Twitter and Instagram
No. 854167
>>854166Own income? Is there no jobs available? The unemployment rate here is 8.5%. No sure why only fans is her only option. Ineptitude?
Marketable skills? Laziness? Stunted?
No. 854178
File: 1632430690474.jpg (135.42 KB, 1048x673, uhohbro banana tattoo teemo mc…)

>>854166I was wondering if something happened. McFly and had stopped commenting on the forums. Even Sierra went silent since August. So can we expect a GoFundMe to get the tattoo covered up?
No. 854181
File: 1632431431923.png (115.51 KB, 714x632, 3344.PNG)

>>854166>>854167>3 hours agoWeird coincidence? She hadn't posted for weeks and immediately after this post was made (almost to the minute) she's all over the forums. Not sure if she's keeping an eye on the thread. More likely Greg saw it and contacted her to make some posts to "prove the haters wrong." like he did with Sarah.
No. 854197
File: 1632438580163.png (102.6 KB, 831x411, 6785647324756574.PNG)

>>854186If I was Onision Id be insulted she's asking over 10 times what he is. Greg better bump up his prices. He's a well known YouTube star, author, musician and editor, and she's just an ex-Whataburger flipper, how embarrassing.
No. 854236
Anon pls he failed disgustingly at all of them, even his paypigs don't have good things to say about these tragic ventures of his
No. 854346
>>854301tbh I want Ryan milk. I'm positive Greg did some creepy ass shit and tried to Svengali her and Lainey into a 3 way and that's the reason for Ryan's "never leaving home again" TikTok. Even if she shot him down and nothing physical happened Id love to see Greg have a melt down because she starts telling bts stories. I think the "I'll Miss You" video
>>849696 was directed at Ryan and letting her know that talking about private goings on behind closed doors is evil and could have repercussions.
No. 854382
>>854165Who cares what kind of "career" Shiloh used to have? Her last attempt at an album was objectively shite, more importantly, farmers have justifiably referred to her as a
mini-Onision. I don't know or care what Billie's living situation is, whatever her cow'ish tendencies they're nothing compared to the shit Shiloh's pulled. She and Greg are two sides of the same lying, cheating, manipulative coin. Her appearance on the Discovery series was gag-worthy. I was surprised Sarah agreed to do it knowing what she'd said about Shiloh too. If anyone deserves to become deathfat, it's Shiloh
No. 854391
>>851284>There's a pattern here.Yeah Greg and Lainey have A LOT of those. Parents of the year.
>Daughter falls out a window at 2 years old.And then the tweet Greg made about "humiliating" and "destroying" someone in front of the window whilst he was in the ICU with her. No he doesn't sound like a predatory nonce at all.
Funny how random autists on the internet can connect the dots but somehow authorities are either unable or are too busy to do it. I've read stories of kids taken from their parents for smoking pot (before it was legalized), but your very telling list of verifiable info apparently isn't enough for any investigator to go on. American tax dollars hard at work.
No. 854465
>>854442The audio deep-fake would have sounded a little bit more legit if there weren't those weird pauses. Sounded robotic.
Also if it was really a voicemail from Greg it would have been long and drawn out. Over 3 minutes at least. And there would have been a dozen of them.
No. 854474
>>848609Old milk but this yt scrote made a 10min vid on it.
It's like he threatens to sue whenever he's staring in horror at his dwindling bank balance, high on the smell of his own farts and cum stained carpet, forgetting his wife and children exist (or wishing they didn't).
No. 854476
>>851284>>854391I don't think it was ever stated definitively that the investigation was
closed, and I don't mean FBI investigation because it's been confirmed Hansen never spoke to the FBI after lying saying that he did, I mean the local LE investigation. This was the twitterfag that confirmed a year or so ago that there was at least one open investigation, he dropped the docs.
No. 854478
File: 1632623720272.png (56.01 KB, 592x568, 1596837865848.png)

>>854382>knowing what she'd said about Shiloh too.Gotchu.
>>853980Not surprised she's a chonker now. Weird photo. Is she shooping herself like Greg? Her face doesn't even look real here.
No. 854482
>>854442Keep this deepfake bullshit out of here sped.
>>854476>Chris HansenHow much of a sad self important pathetic loser must one be to lie about speaking to the FBI or having FBI contacts? The world may never know.
No. 854484
>>854346>I want Ryan milk. Doubt it'll happen. At first I thought maybe she didn't know Greg's history and that's why she went over there but if she's bff's with Lainey there's no way she's been totally in the dark. Who'd want to be friends with someone who does shit like this
>>851284 to their own kids?
With Lainey trying to sneak back online with her faggy fakeboi accounts, it looks like she thinks the dust has settled and it's safe for her to reemerge. Wouldn't be surprised if she picks up youtube again before years end.
No. 854528
File: 1632663584133.png (27.75 KB, 693x481, tt4433.PNG)

>>854472He was uploading old videos on his 2nd TikTok account that he was using to ban evade with. It got suspended Sept 10. Some how he got it back a few days later. It was suspended again yesterday.
No. 854561
>>854478>Her face doesn't even look real here.There's something about her in that pic that's malevolently cartoonish - like a fat, sausage fingered Disney villain. Her appearance is finally starting to resemble what she is inside lol.
>>854499Girl please
>>854184. If I had to choose I'd take Billie's life over Shiloh's any damn day.
No. 854562
>>854496>she definitely knewRyan's a headcase then.
Greg's often wondered aloud why he attracts cows (mostly Shiloh really) and never bothered to look in the mirror except when he's jerking off to himself. He's been on a merry-go-round of failure for over a decade and it'll continue because he'll never change.
Are pedo's capable of change? No. 854583
File: 1632701569780.webm (2.85 MB, 320x240, FH2CN9UWFA9I.webm)
>>854562>Ryan's a headcase thenThat goes without saying. She's a mentally ill tranny slamming testosterone and trying to convince everyone around her she's male by dressing like a circa 2010 high school emo-boy and making weekly TikToks where she purposefully lowers her voice and does a vocal fry to show how well the hormone therapy is going.
I hope Ryan knows the testosterone she's pumping into her thigh sometimes kick starts male pattern hair loss. She's trying to emulate Gerald Way and ends up looking like George Costanza.
No. 854599
>>854596Ryan is 25. In one of her TikToks the girl injecting her with the testosterone says "you've been waiting 25 years for this." And in this reddit post
>>849676 its titled I'm 19f pathetically in love with a married 21f. Lainey is turning 27 in a few weeks so the it would be a 2 year age difference.
No. 854781
File: 1632842975832.png (76.62 KB, 902x805, esthermcreynolds.png)

>>854178Only thing I could dig up was a vague post from her but it's not that recent.
No. 855062
File: 1633030403407.jpg (247.82 KB, 1600x692, 1a (2).jpg)

Onision going to Pierce College Puyallup, Washington.
No. 855078
>>855061>>855062I cant believe he's going to an in person class. This has to be online only. He's so paranoid about being shot he hardly leaves his home, and when he does he wears his ass backwards bulletproof vest.
I'm sure Greg believes that once he gets the degree there will be a plethora of high paying jobs just waiting for him to choose from. There's plenty of companies dying to have a notorious pedophile that had a 4 part documentary made about him, work for their organization.
If he doesn't flunk out or grow tired of it like he does every new thing he starts, his framed degree is going to hang next to Laineys BA in Psychology gathering dust.
No. 855084
File: 1633041229286.jpg (52.26 KB, 1280x551, 2021-10-01 00.34.58 kiwifarms.…)

>>855062>>855061No sage, fake screenshots, must be anonymous gene.
Just fair warning: disregard anything he posts as complete and utter horse shit. the cunt also cross posted this bullshit on kiwifarms. he let out the gene part here because he knows we're a tad smarter than that.
No. 855085
File: 1633041605243.jpg (183.27 KB, 1631x932, 2021-10-01 00.38.28 pierce.ins…)

>>855084 might however offer some insight in to who cunt gene is, considering you need a student login there to even view that forum.
No. 855097
File: 1633054489350.png (317.05 KB, 619x494, 57645384764.PNG)

>>855084I assumed Gene swiped that single screenshot from the multiple ones heatboss tweeted out. I do believe that Greg is trying to get a degree that will go no where other than bragging points like Laineys BA.
No. 855104
>>855102>>855097 11:39AM
>>855084 12:46PM
looks like gene took over an hour to do his swiping
No. 855106
File: 1633063802764.png (1.3 MB, 2060x674, Pharma Bro 2021 Official Trai…)

>>854882>fat guy mc diabetesYou mean Billy the Fridge? Funny you bring him up. I saw his fat ass in the new Martin Shkreli documentary "Pharma Bro." I never knew that Billy and Shkreli were buddies. Billy defends the slimy little weasel "he's not that bad, he's just a troll." Sound familiar? Either Billy has the worst luck in picking friends or its a case of scumbags attracting other scumbags. Seeing him in Pharma Bro tells me that he's in it for the clout and his story about Discovery begging him to be in the Onision documentary and him being above all the drama and telling them "no thanks" was a lie. Discovery probably did ask him and then nixed the invitation when they realized Billy had nothing to bring to the documentary.
No. 855108
File: 1633066299168.jpg (72.54 KB, 618x516, bald.jpg)

>>855104You sound dumb, shut up.
No. 855109
File: 1633067953704.png (633.03 KB, 1263x703, malding.png)

>>855108First of all Ash @cosmicjoon is the OP of this information. Gene and Heatboss just DM'd and got more information from Ash then tweeted it out. And by the looks of the DM timestamps heatboss got that info way before Gene. Late to the party again Gene.
No. 855113
File: 1633070811113.jpg (184.2 KB, 770x1141, 5657_7735.jpg)

>>855110I don't think he's bragged about never going to college. He's bragged about not needing to get a college degree to become successful and used his YouTube fame and the money he made as proof of it. But I've also heard him brag about taking college courses while still a senior in HS. If you read the first screenshot that HB tweeted out Greg has done this before. He enrolled in online courses years ago at the same college and got 13 credits with a 2.1GPA.
We all know that no company is going to hire him but this is Greg we're talking about. He's entitled and feels he should get what he wants. If Greg went to a strip mall karate class and got his yellow belt in 6 months he would absolutely think he should be allowed to fight McGregor because he put in the time, money and effort. A good example is when he thought he could be as popular as Cyr on Twitch just because he was doing the same gimmicky gaming streams and trying the same humor as Cyr.
As for the question of money to pay for these online courses. I'm sure they're not that expensive and if he does need some financial help he seems to fall back on any military aid he can scam. That's how he's bought his houses.
No. 855142
File: 1633098773317.png (144.45 KB, 525x629, newhhhhhh.png)

>>855109 Looks like Gene had the info a whole hour before Heatboss did, what you have to say about that? Totally looks like Gene was first.
No. 855167
File: 1633108948371.png (286.34 KB, 1012x646, 5674_005_34431.png)

>>855142The DM conversation went from 8:28 to 11:20? A three hour DM? Sorry I don't believe that. I do believe that Gene contacted @cosmicjoon at a little after 11 am had a 5-10 minute conversation then tweeted out the screenshots Ash gave him. The 8:28 screenshot is an obvious fake, a really bad photoshop much like the Discovery/Blackfish $20,000 check to Edwin and Shiloh. You can use any online photo forensics app and see that the timestamps have been cut and pasted back onto the screenshot because of all the blocky digital static around them. If Gene had gotten this information at 8 in the morning why did he wait till almost 1 in the afternoon (12:46PM) to tweet about it? We're suppose to believe he sat on this hot little nugget of info for hours? Gene is a notorious liar so the only way Id ever believe this conversation began at 8:28 is if Ash @cosmicjoon confirmed it themselves. And that's not going to happen because it's a lie. Heatboss got the jump on Gene, its a fact with screenshots to prove it.
No. 855169
File: 1633110065613.jpg (77.73 KB, 888x535, E9L35nsX0AEe9zu.jpg)

>>855168He twists the truth about living in Ohio so people wont know he's in Washington, but he uses a well known Onison face shot as the pfp? Why didn't he use a random selfie that sort of hides his identity. Its a glamour shot of Onision that pops up in any image search you make of him. Makes no sense.
No. 855173
>>855169Because he’s a retard who doesn’t know how to incognito correctly. Man, I hope face-to-face classes come soon for Washington state; can’t wait for potential milk!
What an era we live in; Chris-Chan rapes his mom and Onision goes to college? Didn’t expect this plot.
No. 855185
>>855167 What kind of twitterfag would spend that kind of time proving or disproving anything anonymous Gene says? Take that twitterfagget shit back to twitter.
back to greg. So why do you guys think he is going to school. I heard rumors about underage girls being in the same class.
No. 855187
File: 1633120187190.jpeg (39.52 KB, 597x392, 6B47B836-A239-4ED7-BAEC-CAA1CF…)

Anonymous Retard has gone from touching the poo to full on smearing it on his face and licking his fingers. This is the reason Greg gets sympathy from people who don't know the full story about him.
No. 855189
>>855062What is this screenshot? Is this how he types for college? Lmao he's such a fucking dunce.
>>855169Omg it's the college forums. I hope he gets bullied.
No. 855195
>>855187>>855188so Gene truly believes that no one would have known who Onision is?
Oh Gene, keep failing. Gene always loses.
No. 855199
File: 1633127711972.png (69.6 KB, 600x621, Untitled.png)

On a different note, Greg has started following people on twitter a large number of them are early 20's
No. 855441
>>855187Could this
>>855062 be the same tard that posted this obvious bs
>>854442? If it's Gene, there are old (verified) ss of that tool interacting directly with Hansen on FB and twitter, with Hansen later claiming publicly that he didn't know who Gene was.
Two old scamming scrotes just doing what comes naturally. Cows really do attract other cows.
>>855078>bragging points>Laineys BA.Where she graduated, and I quote, "MAGMA cum laude" and had edubirdie write all her papers for her? Yeah she has nothing to brag about.
No. 855462
File: 1633374323178.png (34.88 KB, 518x263, 873422.PNG)

Maybe Im reading too much into this tweet, but Im getting a "why is suicide illegal" vibe.
No. 855507
>>855462I've been made aware of this show recently and who wants to bet that this will be his new Joker-tier obsession for the next decade or so? He will start turning emo again about suicide and killing classmates à la Battle Royale / Hunger Games and just ramble like a crazy person about being a brooding lonesome uWu hero that nobody can love? Same shit, different wrapping. Waterhead insists playing the emo teen shit in his mid-thirties. How embarrassing.
Something tells me about his online classes that he will try to PM some random classmate he finds attractive similar to passing notes in class just to hit on them. He though this was probably the next logical step to finding fresh poon away from the prying eyes of footwife.
I'd also assume he will probably try to pass some of his workload on his fans and use the excuse that if they want content from him as he goes to school, that THEY need to help him to finish his assignments. I'd say, i'm rather confident about it. No fucking way this retard who dropped from school years ago will be able to keep up with college as if he never left it. He will get bulldozed with work.
No. 855550
>>855507I know this is boiling down things to absolute basics. But college courses means reading. Greg does NOT like reading. And his reading comprehension is horrible. I've watched streams where he's reading an article or email live to his fans and he's fucking the whole thing up by adding words here and there or he's unable to understand what the writer was trying to convey because he didn't understand the 50 cent words and had to ask his fans for definitions.
There are a multitude of reasons Greg isn't going to complete these college courses but I'm positive the big two will be his Oppositional Defiant Disorder and inability to read. When he does quit I'm sure he will accuse Professor Pak of unfairly targeting him
>I should of called him Professor Anti-O No. 855595
Let people live how they waaaant!
Oh unless they do drugs, drink, eat meat, believe in any type of religion, don't adhere to what I think a healthy body looks like, take medications at all, wear make-up (even though I wear it myself)
No. 855791
So these were posted on the other farms correct this if I got anything wrong; it's been a long time.
IIRC Konstigo was the girl who did an interview with JoySparkleBS defending Onision. Joy didn't publish the interview and so Konstigo did. It was a whole thing and I think Joy ended up flagging the video and threatened to sue her and tell her mommy and daddy.
If IIRC, she did, in fact, get a DS from Onision and there was a whole issue it because she was in the UK.
Some of the stuff was posted here as it was happening so that would probably be more reliable than my faulty memory.
No. 855807
>>855791Greaseman is dumb but not this dumb, plus that first video is summed up as “dude trust me” which really doesn’t help either. Both seem like they’re chasing clout and attention since the second one is a Tiktok trash video with no evidence yet again and the first ends with “muh anxiety, who knows what could’ve happened, I’m so scared to this day”.
I enjoy shitting on water head as much as anyone but both those videos need to be taken with a boulder sized grain of salt.
No. 856090
>>855550>Oppositional Defiant DisorderIt's dumb shit like this that makes me think that profession's devolved into full on quackery.
Onision's a pedophile and likely a sociopath, no need to tack on extra, made up categories some fag pulled out of their ass so they could make more money pushing pills.
No. 856229
>>856214No. It does look very similar to a multi-cam security feed, but it is simply his remote feed for the camera taking the photo.
If you zoom right in, you can see that it is the same as the main image.
Which makes it even more hilarious that the end result is the poorly posed and laughably badly lit image we see here.
No. 856404
File: 1634181214808.png (645.44 KB, 1021x702, 159943547794883.png)

>>856319That's nothing compared to the aftermath of his workout stream. 10 pull ups, 10 sit ups, 10 push ups and then alternated between vomiting and laying on his floor-mattress exhausted.
He never cleaned it up either. He poured scented laundry beads on the puke then covered it with towels. It probably stayed that way until the realtor agent had the place prepped for sale.
No. 856407
File: 1634183042986.png (707.05 KB, 1217x564, tiktok4562100.png)

I've recently seen 3 girls on TikTok claiming Onision acted inappropriate with them years ago when they were underage. KF dug up old tweets that added some validity to one of the girls claims. These incidents were years before the Sarah/Hansen/FBI saga. Onision felt he was untouchable back then so I can see him not being that careful. Could Greg be so stupid that he thinks he walked the legal line with these girls?
>Sixteen is legal in my state and the UK. If we can legally have sex then it's perfectly okay for her to send me nudes.
Are there statutes of limitations for requesting and receiving CP?
No. 856419
>>856407>>856407Not really, but there would have to be physical evidence it happened
like finding nudies on his computer
He probably has them stored on some HD hidden away in a shack or something
No. 856502
File: 1634260163616.png (221.92 KB, 734x761, onision dot net forum.PNG)

Looks like Onision's forums are figuring out ways to do "rate my body" threads without actually calling them that. This thread is titled "What is your favorite piece of clothing?" I can see other threads being made like "What's your favorite swimsuit? Show and tell."
The woman looks over 18 but Im sure this is just the beginning of the degeneracy.
No. 856755
File: 1634463094589.png (20.72 KB, 599x262, bye forever againe.PNG)

This is a new take. Usually its him trying to "stay positive" or remove the toxicity from his life that causes him to say goodbye forever on Twitter. Now he's using COVID as his reason for leaving social media?
We all know he wont follow through and he'll eventually return in a few weeks. But my favorite game is reading his statements and trying to figure out how he will twist things so he can do the total opposite of what he said originally. His most infamous example of this was the
>Id never do anything with Billie that I wouldn't do with a friend.
or the time he promised to stop making videos about Eugenia if she asked him personally, she did and he stopped for a few months. When confronted with his early pledge to stop making videos his excuse was
>its like a stop sign. Do you stop and never go again? What I meant was Id stop for a a while.
I cant figure out how he'll twist this tweet so he can back track but I have the feeling the
>permanently disabling my access to this Twitter
will be the main point he will play wordsmith with and then use as an excuse for his return. Maybe he'll come back on one of his side accounts and say
>I said Id disable my access to @Onision but I never said anything about @OnisionForums, @OnisionIRL or @OnisionPrime
Or he'll just delete the tweet and play stupid like it never happened. I wish Vegas took bets for this. If we have a pool going Im gonna take the 16 day slot.
No. 856829
>>856589Doesn’t he sell all his old computer equipment on eBay any time he upgrades anyway? (Apart from the old laptop that went to sarah though I think she had to buy that too).
So even if the files could be undeleted I doubt he still has the hard drives anymore anyway. Doubt the po are going to track down everyone of his ebay buyers for a maybe photo somewhere.
No. 856851
>>856201jesus christ this picture is haunting
this looks like a screencap from a snuff film
>>856404How? I mean he's not a fitness model but I remember him being relatively fit. Im not super up to date on the Onion lore though, is he sick or something?
No. 856857
>>856851onion was relatively thin because he starved himself
he was never fit
then he hit his mid-30s metabolism wall like a wrecking ball
No. 856869
File: 1634536456256.webm (2.08 MB, 268x180, Just Sex Dude WEBM.webm)
>>856851He's never been physically fit. Just like anon said he starves himself to get thin. During an interview with Vegan Gains. Greg seems to get irritated with Richard because he keeps asking if he lifts weights or does any kind of exercise. Greg then tries to boast that sex is the only exercise he gets. So 2 minutes of furious rabbit humping is his workout regime.
No. 856873
File: 1634537416467.webm (2.47 MB, 640x360, 675_4556_112.webm)
>>856869I'm not even going to critique his laughable punching technique.
After 3 punches Greg is so winded he's sucking air.
No. 856906
>>856760If he really does start to leave the internet I wonder if it’s better or worse? Sure he won’t have to publicly lay out whatever future bad behavior he gets up to but also if he fully starts to leave now he’s forever the pedophile that left in disgrace.
I’m curious to see if this is finally it, for the first time it really feels like it might be.
I wonder what the biggest reason he has is for shrinking his presence so much. I feel like lainey but I know he also won’t fully listen to her if he doesn’t want to like he’s done a million times in the past.
No. 856984
File: 1634601430711.png (318.75 KB, 597x491, twitter onision forums.PNG)

and he's back
His work around for returning is that his @Onision twitter is now the onision net forums twitter. When he said he was "permanently disabled his access" to his Onision twitter I assumed that meant he'd eventually delete the account or change the password without saving and would not be able to log back in but the twitter account would still be up.
So now he'll just be tweeting/linking to his dumb articles and threads. The new guessing game is how long until something riles him up and we see tweets about him being raped and found innocent by the police, FBI, CIA, MI6 and Interpol.
No. 856995
File: 1634609160086.png (142.67 KB, 1415x690, admin onision.PNG)

For some reason he changed his title to Admin on his forums. His "woe is me" thread didn't surprise me but the small detail that he's taking meds did. I wonder what scripts his doctor has him on.
No. 857007
>>856995Honestly? The "medicine" sounds more like illegal drugs from his description. Depression meds don't work like that. You cannot just pop the pill for the first time and immediately feel better. He doesn't mention going to a doctor too. I think he may be loopholing again, kek. Unless he got some calming pills like Valium, that's one possibility of him speaking the truth. Anyway he's not on depression medication.
Glad to see he still has the 2005 emo writing style. Get on with the times, Onion. Nowadays you crytype instead of using like a million ellipses!
No. 857025
>>857012 said. While Wellbutrin is a norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor instead of an SSRI, it still takes a couple of weeks of taking it before the effects kick in.
No. 857031
File: 1634649543474.png (60.54 KB, 861x399, cbd.PNG)

>>856995Could the "medicine" be CBD oil? I've never taken it so I don't know the effects or how quickly it works. Greg started a topic on the 14th EXPERIENCE WITH CBD OIL? He asked his fans questions like
>Does it eliminate anxiety>Any of you get headaches from CBD?And in his last post he says he'll rely on it for his sadness. If this is true it would be Onision's hypocrisy at its finest.
No. 857070
>>857012nah i'm not saying wellbutrin 'works immediately' so much as it has way less side effects than typical SSRIs (usually) so it would be easier to pick up and drop like that. I don't think it's anything prescribed now revisiting because he seems like the kinda retard to champion being ~so psychotic~ or cry about how the internet gives him panic attacks now.
>>857031This is probably what the "medicine" is and why he won't specify what kind of "medicine" it is or what it's suppose to do. Whatever "high" he's insinuating he's experiencing is most likely just horseshit. I wouldn't be surprised if he thought CBD actually got you high lmao.
No. 857137
>>856407If they can prove it I don't know why they're taking it to sm. Take it to LE first and if they do nothing (which is likely) THEN take it to sm and complain forever.
These stories are nothing compared to the pedo forums Greg ran for years - mods Rag and Erika talked about it at length - which there are archives of. If they submitted underage underwear pics to the pedo forums, they'd find themselves in the archives.
No. 857143
>>857019She's one of several I've seen. It sounds like something Hansen would jump on for another grift- er,
exclusive. Though any fool can see the money train's dead on this story.
No. 857151
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I would love it if TikTok ends up being the reason Greg gets caught and arrested for being a pedo. I keep seeing more and more videos from girls who say they had contact with him years ago and he either asked for nudes, groomed or acted sexually inappropriately with them when they were underage. He should of stayed off that platform.