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No. 940310

First thread: >>>/snow/93507
Previous thread: >>932701
Websites: https://momokun.co/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplay
Twitter: https://twitter.com/peachygirlmomo
OnlyFans: https://onlyfans.com/momokun
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Momokun
Instagram & Snapchat: mariahmallad, mmallad.jpg (formerly btsmomokun, xmariahmalladx), the ragdollranch (formerly mariahthecatlady, momoscats), peachycollective.co
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@peachygirlmomo
Camversity: https://www.camversity.com/MariahMallad/profile (Old, deleted)
Pornhub: https://www.pornhub.com/users/mariahmallad (Inactive)
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/momokuncosplay
Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Momokun_MariahMallad/

Tumblr blog receipts are all outdated as fuck (we're talking like when she got banned from twitter) but here they are if you want them.
(You need a tumblr account to view this one since it's an 18+ blog).

Please keep the discussion about Momokun, her calves have their own thread here >>>/w/92925
General Costhot/Cosplayer thread over here >>>/w/174607
Don't post irrelevant random cosplayers "roasting" her on Twitter unless there's actual new milk attached. We've seen it a million times by now.
Nitpicking, armchair analysis/diagnosis, cat sperging and blog posting are against the rules.
Asking if we have media links to her content is also not cash money. Stop.
And yes, we know about the Kik for Fat ad.

>College larp continues with Moo not even understanding her own lies, like aiming for her masters.

>Talks about making a bigger better photo studio only for it to be a small wearhouse with her old dusty props lazyily thrown in
>fabricated a story of visiting a plastic surgeon where the doctor said he wouldn't dare alter her perfect breasts while fondling her.
>Moo continues to get her lips botched by her sister with an unknown number of injections.
>"Swim suit mommy" video drops, showing she's still gaining weight surprising no one.
>Does a few pilates classes, claims she's a master now
>Claims to harass a random Isreali girl at her pilates class for Palestine. Never hear of her pilates class again
>Fleshlight collab still hasn't dropped, many rightfully assume she lost it.
>More angry twitter posts about men. Goes as far as to say she will never birth a son. Deletes rant when called out
>Goes on another anti lgbt rant saying no one should celebrate pride making a nonexsistant link to pride and genocide.
>Makes up another story that her gay therapist wants to fuck her
>Continues and fails to have arguments online. Gets mad and vaugely threatens people with guns for the 100th time which prompts someone to call the cops and do a wellness check on her.
>Makes up another story the cop doing the wellness check wants to fuck her. Mental spiral downwards continues
>Goes on anti shota/loli rant. Gets mad when people reminded her she liked and reposted shota and loli porn before (Some including rape)
>Goes to AX and no one cares. Claims to have sold out free tickets and over 400 people were there to see her despite no one being seen near or around her booth other than a couple of pornsick moids.
>Paid for a fake NSLS certificate she got from a scam email. Says she has "big brains"

No. 940311

Thanks to the previous anon who made the thread pic. It was an obvious choice.

No. 940319

File: 1723522051853.jpg (635.85 KB, 1080x1757, 1000007036.jpg)

Here since fun quick tea: moo calling an Olympic athlete a pick-me because she wanted to propose to her boyfriend on a national stage.

Wow. Moo is so, so insecure to call this pick-me behavior.

No. 940321

Yes very pick me behavior to want just one man for the rest of her life. Maybe she should post herself naked online and ask for thousands of moids digital sperm like Moo. She's just mad she can only pull a drug dealer with autism.

I'm also waiting for Moo to say what this girl does isn't hard because she's an olympic weight lifter.

No. 940327

It's crazy to see other cosplayers have this same mentality too.

No. 940332

Riddle me this nonnas which woman would be considered a pick me:
>The internet whore who has dedicated her entire “career” catering to male fetishes and spends the money earned on botched procedures that are equally rooted in male fetishism. Spends all day online oinking about how men and women should act while photoshopping away the cottage cheese on her whale carcass of a body before another OF drop.
>Female athlete who chose to propose to her boyfriend after her olympic competition because she wanted to?
With the way she fell for the honor society scam I am not surprised she doesn’t understand the meaning behind words but this retard is constantly being the fattest hypocrite on planet earth with no understanding of the buzzwords she throws around.

No. 940333

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this also the woman who came first (or at least won a medal)? So she is a literal winner that decided to share her moment on world stage by sharing it with the person she loves, whom also probably supported her every step of the way, by proposing. This isn't about Moo pretending to be a manhating bad bitch; she is jealous and malding over an actual girl boss. Just imagine her meltdown if the moid had actually been attractive on top of it.

No. 940336

They sure are using a lot of words for "I'm jealous."
Then again, wasn't Moo too repulsive to even get laid by Japanese men?

No. 940346

Yeah kek not even gaijin hunters want her

No. 940355

it's funny because anyone calling her a pick me are likely pick mes themselves. nothing more ironic than costhots thinking a woman who is taking a generally male role of proposing is a pick me. let's be real, they're just shaming her for proposing.

No. 940391

The meltdown would have been epic if it was an uwu asian boy she loves to lust after so much. She had to pay for one to even touch her lmao

No. 940398

re reading the thread re cap of Moo constantly making up stories that her doctors, therapists, cops, gay and "High value men" want to fuck her she's clearly jealous. At least that woman doesn't have to pretend. Moo is unhinged with her stories lately. Next she's gunna say the cashier wanted to fuck her.

No. 940509

It all takes me back to her first B/G video. Her in That limo with the asian guy. If I remember correctly he looked not at all into it.. same dude could at least keep ot up to fuck Trisha P… but not Moo. Kek

No. 940514

File: 1723748351056.jpg (681.73 KB, 1290x2293, 1715136377559.jpg)

I kinda get it. Trisha is horrible, but it's her job to be sexy so she knows how to work with what she has. Moo irl has a horrible screeching voice, disgusting attitude, her body looks like an Elden Ring boss, her BO is imfamous and finally Moo has no idea how to actually be sexy.
I really feel like Moo was always suppose to be an incel neck beard but just so happened to be born a woman.

On another note, I really feel like she was kicked out of her other studio she was renting. I know it was a money pit, but the quality of that place was better than the current place she threw her props in. And seeing the damage she did to the previous place it wouldn't surprise me if she did break some agreement. If she proudly posted this damage I wonder what else she did. Def the fire hazard she did in the electrical closet comes up. Dunno if it's enough that the guy can sue Moo.

No. 940519

Unfortunately she can afford a money-pit. Also, she's been gaining for many more fans of the female variety back in the cos-scene because so many of them are desperate for special themed easily accessible places to rent out for their own thottery. Moo is, unfortunately, going to have a lot of anime related sets that will cater to the cospalyers who have been moving to Las Vegas a lot lately. I agree she was probably kicked out, but I think a lot of anons who have never been in the scene highly underestimate the demand for things like these. Othewise you're spending a bunch of money of Air BnBs and hotels and this is much more cost effective.

No. 940523

there are a ton of these in cali a few hours away from where she is. no one used the other one but her friends and a few people who found it online. there are also more of these types of studios being opened by rich chinese investors so she won't be able to compete with her poorly made sets.

No. 940528

There are tons in Vegas too. Hell, there are plenty of scenic backdrops in public and inexpensive private spaces. She really only has her circle or whoever is desperate to work with her as potential clients.

No. 940533

I remember when people said this when her first studio opened and no one went there unless Moo let them use it for free. There was only one group that used it and they never came back. That and come on, Moo hates work. Like hell she'll want a regular flow of customers unless they're popular.

No. 940536

File: 1723763258195.jpeg (Spoiler Image,485.33 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_2877.jpeg)

Oooph(namefagging newfag)

No. 940537

Because an Olympic athlete proposing to her man is pick me behavior…. while this is… winning?

No. 940547

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No. 940551


No. 940552

Her latest waist lipo is uh … really something.

No. 940554

she's starting to get like lipo stomach but she is still fat. big oof.

No. 940561

Looking at that fat build-up over her knees make mine ache. She really does look like a tube of tooth paste that’s been squeezed in the middle.

No. 940562

this is so degrading im losing my mind

No. 940564

Yes, I'm sure people will be clamouring over themselves to shoot in her tiny sets, after all, her last studio was super busy. She's hardly even done any promotion for it.

No. 940565

She puts pics like this out for pennys but thinks an Olympic athlete is degrading herself for proposing to her moid fucking K E K

No. 940567

All these threads and this is it for me, this is the grossest thing imo. Moo is just pathetic.

No. 940568

Her udder says "I love sperm", genuinely embarrassing. Don't you have some community college gen ed classes to attend or something, Moo?

No. 940570

looking miiighty lumpy. surprised she posted this.

No. 940572

Does she really speak Japanese or is this some fake Google translate shit? I'm too dumb to know I'm sorry

No. 940580

no she cant. anytime shes writing Japanese it's 100% google translate.
Also that "costume" (i don't even know what you're supposed to fucking call that frankly) looks like an amalgamation of that artists work, so she likely just copied whatever was written on the pictures

No. 940582

File: 1723814602008.jpg (628.89 KB, 2006x638, peachyco.jpg)

we have activity in the studio.
mimsy (no surprises there) shooting in an old western tavern?
and some random cyberwear brand.

No. 940584

None of these look professional.

No. 940585

this. they all look like con hall shots

No. 940588

The dirty edges of the floor meeting the wall, I can't

No. 940590

Genuinely just so poorly designed and the lighting is awful.. god I love this era of hers kek

No. 940593

It's all so plain and the spacing of them is so minimal.

No. 940594

You know she invited them for free. She did the same thing to the last studio
She's going to get sick of it and stop doing it

I'm more surprised the spaces are even smaller. You can't do wide angle shots here at all. May as well go to a photobooth that uses AI to change the background

No. 940595

She should def post her scammy rules about hidden charges. She would slap on charges if she thought you were drunk, acting up, if you didn't clean her sets after use (She's so lazy, she just doesn't want to clean her shit), or if you piss her off or is "rude" to her.

No. 940597

Ah yes, a high value woman right there. Dear lord the projection might as well be the Bat signal in the sky: I feel my inner clock ticking!

No. 940602

what a downgrade from her last studio. She should have funneled her money into an anime themed cafe.

No. 940603

Moo wants the studio because it's the laziest way she can have a "buisness" and also invite people and pretend she's welcomed back to the scene. Though word of mouth is going to spread fast that this is barely a photo studio and more like a filthy warehouse filled with shit. You can get better pics out in public or in an arcade. And it's vegas, there's literally thousands of themed buisnesses that allow people to take photos with permission.

No. 940613

this exactly. she's trying to convince herself she's a big business woman, but she had to resort to porn so it's obviously bs.

No. 940619

She would have to pay a bunch of people and get licensing for food handling and stuff that requires actual effort and responsibility. Can you imagine her as an employer? She'd harass and grope her male staff and bully the women.

No. 940623

That and Moo's main issue is she admittedly hates hanging out with women who are more beautiful than her. She said it makes her insecure. Moo being around a bunch of hot maids would make her crazy

No. 940637

A new low even for her. How much worse can it get at this point?

No. 940639

I don't know how she thinks catering to men isn't pick-me behavior over a woman reversing stereotypes and proposing to their long-term boyfriend. Moo is unable to understand waiting to marry. It's bonkers.

No. 940664

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No. 940667

Girl has no glutes god damn

No. 940671

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No. 940672

"It's not porn! It's hentai!"
She's still ashamed to call it what it is. It's not hentai, she isn't an anime character. It's fetish porn Moo.

No. 940679

People really pay money for this fucking bullshit?

No. 940681

The womb tattoo doesn't even make sense in this instance. She's so stupid and uncreative. Just mashes things together because 'men like this'. Very pick-me behavior.

No. 940685

it does if you look at the work of the artist shes copying

No. 940686

Moo's used this randomly for porn before is the point.

No. 940687

Echos of her saying “i dont have to take my clothes off for” yaddayaddayadda.

You’re no Hitomi Tanaka, moo

I know you probably had a glimmer of hope once she retired but alas. Not everyone is into beastiality. You cow.

No. 940691

Please don't compare her to hitomi. Moo will never be like her and shibuya. They actually have class and are nice people. Lol

No. 940695

The return of her quadraboobs,yikes.(learn to sage)

No. 940713

Am I the only one bothered by this lardo having made content for years but she still can’t hire someone who knows what shutter speed to use (hence the seizure inducing light flickering) Hope it triggers a seizure in one of her coomers.

No. 940721

File: 1723995638997.jpg (215.41 KB, 599x915, Untitled.jpg)

moo continuing to take her anti-jew stance, with a dash of anti-white too
yeah, it was bugging me too, glad i'm not the only one.

No. 940722

You need to have a man in the first place for it to be NTR, Moo.

No. 940723

I know hence why im saying she’ll never be her.

No. 940725


Someone else caught it, I was wondering if I was the one with the wrong definition

No. 940728

Moo really uses zionist as an insult like throwing around racist accusations

No. 940732

Wait is she also claiming all Arab (Mizrahi, Yemenite etc) Jews who are from Arab countries and used to speak Judeo-Arabic are white? But as a superior Lebeanse she's Asian. Shut the fuck up you actual sow go beat up Ozy again or something. Her (Celsius) room temperature IQ combined with her pitbull personality never stops surprising me with how confidently retarded she can be.

No. 940739

>A white person pretending to be arab
pot calling the kettle black

Man Moo must be really giddy. All these years Moo was looking for the perfect excuse to be racist. She thinks she's won but people just think she's retarded. Like why not be mad at the leaders or the people causing the war? Why be a racist POS to everyone who's jewish?
She should just be honest and just admit that being racist is a personality trait.

Historically she's been shit to Chinese, Japanese, black, hispanic, gay, poor, other muslmins, overweight and now Jewish people. I just think she's a spiteful POS who just hates everyone, including herself.

No. 940740

Moo is actually retarded and larping so she has an excuse to be racist towards someone. Her family are actually Mediterranean Lebanese that mirgaed to Italy then america, AKA white. Her bloodline hasn't touched the middle east in centuries. So literally those Arab jews who have lived there for THOUSANDS of years have more say than Moo does. War in general sucks and it's awful how Moo is just being a bitch to all Jews. Like that Jewish girl in her class. I think they kicked Moo out for that.
It's like being racist towards everyone with a German bloodline because of Hitler. No one is happy about this war

No. 940741

File: 1724017600798.jpg (333.43 KB, 1080x796, 1000007099.jpg)

Since fucking when you terf?

No. 940743

This is just a stab at Steff
Didn't she say that no one should be celebrating pride because there is more important things to do than worrying about sexualities? Fuck off

No. 940747

Moo isn’t a terf, go back to Twitter

No. 940748

Forget she's claimed to have dated several "transgenders", nona?

No. 940754

Hasn't she charged anywhere from $40-$100 for photos and meet and greets as just some annoying whore on the internet?
Politics aside, Mark Hamil is a respected part of nerd history and was the star of one of the most profitable franchises in history. It's too rich for my blood, but these prices seem about right. And not to be grim, but Mark is 72. Those autographs may actually have substantial value in the years to come.

No. 940770

i am going to umimeko rant but beato isn't a they/them she's a woman. she's a manifestation of the perfect female version of sayo/yasu who was a mutilated male raised as a woman i hate nu umineko fags who don't know anything about the story and assume characters are trans/nb without understanding context.

No. 940772

She’s referring herself as the guys the like to cheat on their wives with. Just like her attempts irl. She thinks the NTR queen

No. 940773

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No. 940777

I give it one day until she does the dirty.

No. 940788

she's pulling a kanye.

No. 940801

I hope someone on twitter reminds her she's just racist and spiteful towards everyone. She can't say "That was past me" because she's consistantly a shit person, she just chooses new targets.

No. 940812

If she were in a NTR doujin, she’d be the fat ugly cow that makes her husband completely miserable and unsatisfied with her obnoxious personality and gets cheated on and left behind at the end of the story. Although honestly, a more appropriate genre for her would be “annoying bitch gets put in her place and humiliated after mouthing off to men thinking she is in charge”. She only wishes she was the hot woman that guys completely abandon their relationship for. She’s more like the girl that maybe gets a last minute call from a guy after completely striking out at the bar and dips before morning without waking her.

No. 940822

She wishes she was a last call girl. Moo has an annoying habit of broadcasting and filming every time she gets laid. Even finding willing paid dick is hard for her. I think this is why she's on anti man rants lately instead of defending men like an annoying pick me. She hates how she's getting rejected irl. She unironically more resembles a farm animal and most guys aren't into beastiality.

No. 940823

You’re right. She usually goes on these insufferable anti-man rants whenever her ego is bruised after getting rejected. It’s why she’s been all “get your money up broke dusties, marrying for love is a joke, don’t talk to me unless you got six figures in your bank account”. Some dude likely told her to fuck off even after she flashed all her money in his face. Guys aren’t even willing to bother with her even if she is paying now; she’s just that intolerable. The only guys she can get now are broke ass, abusive losers like Ozy who have no shame in leeching off of her.

No. 940827

Kek it makes me laugh when she says things like this while talking about wanting to be a nurse. You’re doing great, moo. Keep at it.

No. 940828

the shitty flaking womb tattoo is sending me

also the katakana on her ass says "onahoso" or "onahori", not onahole. so very linguistics major moo

No. 940886

this is the same person calling another woman a pickme? this?

she only says it because she knows what she’s doing is shameful, disgusting, and can’t last

No. 941011

File: 1724398240628.jpeg (419.53 KB, 1170x2147, IMG_5863.jpeg)

Anyone have info about this?(spoonfeed request)

No. 941012

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No. 941013

Considering how this faggot looks and knowing con culture, especially one aimed at coomers, I refuse to believe this.

No. 941016

what does this have to do with moo?
Ecchi expo happened two weeks ago in denver and the next is not until decemeber in san antonio, which i somehow doubt moo is going to travel to. If she'd gone, we'd have already heard about it and per her own twitter, her next cons not till ALA 2025

No. 941017

The comments are all speculating it’s her and the OP liked all of them, and in their follow up video OP says that it could have been her

No. 941022

File: 1724409170790.mp4 (17.22 MB, tiktok.mp4)

Here's the vid for context. About 3:30 is the part that's supposed to be about moo
1) she never saw it, she heard it from other attendees
2) apparently some girl walks up behind a guy running a booth in the dealers room, says she'd let him touch her boob if he buys her a skateboard. She's pushy about it, he says no regardless. Apparently the person in question has done it to multiple booths and been kicked out for it.
3)she contradicts herself. First she says these were secondhand accounts from other attendees, but then also says she never got close enough to actually see the person, but apparently there's a striking resemblance to moo who she looked up after people speculated it was her, but yet couldn't pick her out from a lineup.

Feels to me like someones clutching at straws to make this about moo, when in all likely hood it was someone else. Not trying to defend moo, just pointing out that we have an unreliable source and moos not going to be the only creepy woman at a con.(not about moo/tinfoiling/unsaged tinfoiling)

No. 941027

All tinfoil, but Moo would harass hotter women than her. Spend too much money on men. And go around screeching, not quietly following. Regardless, this doesn't sound like Moo to me.

No. 941028

Moo isn't the only handy cow.

No. 941029

moo gets off on looking like she has wealth, she's more likely to buy a skateboard for some coomer to get a single iota of attention from them before she'd ask a coomer to buy her one in exchange for touching her boob

No. 941030

Agreed. She has literally no reason to beg for something like that, it couldn't have been her

No. 941048

I think it's more like the comment section are just using Moo as a meme. Cuz whenever you think of a woman assaulting people in a con you think of Momo. She'll never be welcomed back into the community. She has to surround herself with porn thots.

No. 941049


Exactly. It’s more like even after all this time her name is still associated with assaulting people at conventions. Her name is still dogshit and she will never be welcomed back in to the community.

No. 941148

File: 1724532284347.jpeg (1.02 MB, 890x1592, IMG_4057.jpeg)

Looks like garbage, as per usual.

No. 941155

I hate how she still call what she does cosplay. She's 1000% going to do shitty porn in this for fetish content.

No. 941186

that…that looks nothing like fluttershy. Has she even looked at the character she's "making". jfc this thing is going to an easy contender for the worst thing she's ever worn.

No. 941187

It has been foretold >>939028

No. 941207

File: 1724548582071.jpg (222.12 KB, 1125x1500, O1CN01wWvsGn1ddfjaTfKja_!!1374…)

she just bought a premade viral chinese furry head face and slapped on a wig and ears. this isn't even what nice ones look like and the mask design is probably stolen. pic related is a nice, real design.

No. 941208

File: 1724549197223.png (764.73 KB, 1858x826, Screenshot 2024-08-24 192450.p…)

Looks like the stolen shit that Temu sells
It already looks worn and dirty, what is that wig she slapped on?

No. 941214

I thought this was a commission she said.

No. 941215

yea, a commission of fraud.

No. 941217

I wish twitter likes were still visible so we could see witch person she’s trying to get attention from with this sudden pony bs.

No. 941227

File: 1724571909258.jpg (100.47 KB, 1079x305, 1000016455.jpg)

No. 941228

musk hiding likes is one of the worst things about new twitter
I've never seen such a coombrained woman before. This is just weird and sad

No. 941256

so not only did she get scammed for a fake NSLS certificate e also got scammed some random furry. Someone should catfish Moo online to get cash from her kek.

No. 941384

File: 1724647604628.jpeg (2.02 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_5794.jpeg)

Sorry to costumefag but I have to bring attention to the difference between true commission work for something like a kig mlp head vs her cheaped out prefab basehead commission that doesn’t even have trimmed ears. Shes trend hopping since kig suiting is becoming popular in the west and showing once again that she has zero understanding of neither craftsmanship nor IP. (it would have cost her so little to 3D print a maskbase that had an actual horse muzzle instead of calling a feline with fox ears a ‘horse’)

No. 941420

it's extra funny that she didn't even use the mask right. you can tell she got it off temu. wig instead of actual fur, terrible ears, same viral cat/bunny knockoff everyone else has, doesn't even look like she added the flocking. i hope she upsets the kig/fur community.

No. 941437

Most of these use wigs and not fur for kenomimi.

No. 941466

I think it’s outstanding that moo found one of the most expensive hobbies and still managed to cheap out on it.

No. 941469

Why I think this is a one and done situation from her. She has the money to order something good, but choose an option that looks likeit barely costs a couple hundred bucks. I don't think she'll even have the full suit, just this cheap Temu head

No. 941471

Depending on how well this goes, it might not be. She insulted the furry community, yeah, but no one seems to care. The same way half the cosplayers that retweeted callout posts are now her followers. Furries don't care if you're fat and ugly, they love that shit. Moo might've found her new paypigs.

No. 941472

That and most people have forgotten the long list of horrible shit she's done. She isn't really a cosplayer anymore, she makes porn so no one will hold her morally accountable for shit she's done. She'll only see backlash if she stops making porn.

Though it's halarious if you think about it. The only way she can get money and attention is by making this nasty porn but her ego can't handle it so she still calls it cosplay.

No. 941474

Considering she didn't sexually assault someone and no one went to the police and it's come out that Bunny and Suzy are liars in general, no one believes most of the thots who made their claims.

No. 941476

There's video proof and a lot of others came out. But Moo has done a lot. Charity scams (one to buy her designer cat), art theft, design theft, racisim, multiple physical assaults, profiting off of a dead man, sexual assault, being weird with taken men (Never forget her era where she would make love poems and take awkward pics with other people's boyfriends), encouraging people to kill themselves, talking down to sex workers, the list goes on. There are hundreds of reasons to hate Moo outside of Susu, which to add, Susu and Bunny haven't been relevant in Moo lore for years. Moo is a POS. Whatever bad shit you can think of she's probably done.

No. 941477

My moneys on it just being head, paws and a bikini, since that's the majority of what she "cosplays" these days.

No. 941478

I know that anon. I've been here since thread 8. I even retweeted some of the big white callout posters years ago. the thing though is that two prominent OF thots in the scene who were friends with a bunch of other girls in the scene got found out to be liars about even mundane shit like their relationship. That opened up everyone else to wonder if any callouts are ever true, including Moo's. If those thots don't care, no one else will. That's exactly what we've seen, so there isn't a reason to argue it.

No. 941523

>being weird with taken men
Tattoo Sensei arc was my favorite

No. 941530

actually no, they are not made of wig fibers.

No. 941534

Synthetic is synthetic.

No. 941607

File: 1724799695048.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.17 MB, 1290x1810, IMG_3129.jpeg)

You can hear the fabric straining ,trying to hold itself together. You can almost smell the yeast infection

No. 941611

the shop around her arms and waist

No. 941646

the velveeta rose with ketchup kills me every time.

No. 941652

The kraft single bikini is really on theme with her cheese rose tbh.

No. 941653

KEK and the little highlights to her crispy Umbra wigs special. Yellow is awful on her too. if she lost weight for real would her vulva deflate and be a bunch of saggy loose skin I’m being so serious

No. 941701

wow her face looks so haggard here even the wig doesn’t help her….also her pig snout yikes

No. 941715

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No. 941735

The acute angle her nose makes now looks so much worse from a side, under shot. You can see how it is almost a full 45 degree angle straight down to her cupids bow. It's so bad looking, unnatural, and yeah. This is the one thing I think Moo has besides tattoos [good quality, BAD design on her part] that are 'botched'. It's a failed Cindy Lou Who nose.

No. 941736

my favorite part of her nose saga was that she couldn’t handle Vamps one upping her so she had to splurge for a “specialist” and blow $30k on a pig snout.

No. 941739

She just copied that from hiromitsu takeda work(sage your shit)

No. 941741

of course, Moo doesn't have an original thought in her mind. She'll re-use her cosplays until she gets another idea from somewhere else. What is she going to do? cosplay from something she likes? I don't think Moo is a genuine fan of anything. Anything she likes was to impress a moid. Like her DBZ and Fate phases were to impress some guy.

No. 941742

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Why does her cleavage run all the way up to her collarbone? Why is her collarbone clipped? What is going on with her skinny neck? I swear everything about her looks poorly drawn at this point.

No. 941751

I think she genuinely likes Umineko, because let's get real, no moid that isn't a troon likes that shit. Otherwise, she has a surface level like that she hilariously likes to try and flex of the big fandom shit, like Attack on Titan.

No. 941787

She likes it and Higurashi for real. She used to be on Higurashi RP forums or some shit before she was Fat Samus.

No. 941808

I have to disagree. Higurashi and Umineko are her 'I totally have been a weeb for a long time. I definitely wasnt just a mean girl normie in middle/high school' lie. She got into it when it WAS what moids were into (when the anime dropped) and was lying about being one of the people who did translations for the LN back in the day because the moids who were into the anime were the moids into the games when they came out/popped up online. I think you all might be too young or dont remember that Higurashi and Umineko were pretty big when they were airing and were a staple in weeb

Remember nonnas; whenever moo claims to be a fan of something she always goes around and tries to buy/fake her way into being the biggest/longest term fan. Its just that nowadays we know how to track her bullshit like with her buying the FGO account when she was trying to claim she was the biggest fate fan forever.

No. 941810

Nta, but she's just like every retard with anime interests. She actually likes this stuff, she has gone on and on about certain things. obviously translating is a lie, but Higurashi isn't even niche. It is popular and nonnas ITT have even said they like it. She got a damn tattoo for it and made a whole badly filmed youtube cosplay video for it. She obsessed over a lot of this while still middle school and high school, even during lacrosse. She was cosplaying Mai and sperging about Inuyasha. That's one long con for male validation, anon, and I don't think that's what is happening.

What she does do is try to be the end-all for everything of these series, even calling the creator of Higurashi wrong because she thinks Mion and Shion was better interpreted her way. She's just a gatekeeping cunt.

No. 941840

dunno if this has been posted, but i found moo in the background of this video

No. 941863

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Whilst we were gone, moo went on a very lengthy twitter rant about a woman bringing her boyrfriedn food, proceeded to describe her sexual assault as "iconic", fetishized russian soldiers, then topped it all off with a lie about her "classmate" calling her beautiful which i'm sure totally happened.

Screenshots are out of order so a tl;dr
>she doesn't make her videos for men
>men serve her
>claims to live in a multi-million dollar house
>looks down on women who are in relationships and do porn
>only views men in terms of their money, and muscles
>women aren't allowed to pay for men, looks down on equal relationships
>claims to own multiple businesses and cars, and still be in her accelerated courses. Will be an NP one day
>she don't need no man, only boy toys but they can't speak, unless spoken to

No. 941866

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forgot to add it, but the fleshlight is still coming guys, anyday now.
It's been what, a year now? and she's still pretending its coming.

No. 941882

"Working with a few OF girls"
Didn't she say before she was the first cosplayer ever go have one? Lol

No. 941886

She says any man that does porn with their girl is disgusting, pathetic and gross… You fat cow, it wasn't too long ago you were posting videos of you and your dusty small dick ex lol. All that copium to deal with the fact that no man will ever want her. Her soul and heart are fucking dead. Imagine being so undesirable that not even gooners want you.

No. 941891

> l'lI never be married because I said a husband that lets their wife do porn is disgusting? Ok virgin lol
> Any woman doing porn and has a husband means that their husband is an incapable man and I stand on that.
She wants to be safed by some moid so bad and it’s so obvious

No. 941910

umbran looks downright petite compared to moo kek

No. 941918

That’s not near as long as her patreon calendar that she promised what, 8-9 years ago? I’m sure her fleshlight will be another thing like that.

No. 941919

momo not understanding that the only reason she has any money is from shaking ass, sucking dick and getting bent for men and that is quite literally serving them. The power in the exchange lies in the consumer when you are offering non-vital services like being fap fodder for gooners. If the men in question weren’t in control you would have retired long ago in that “million dollar home” yet here you are bouncing half naked around conventions for bottom of the barrel fugly sweatlords that only need to pay a couple of dollars for access to you and permanent footage of you debasing yourself for them. Any man that holds her values would clown on her like she is doing to that woman, how fucking stupid is she to not realize that. A guy that acts like Mariah would laugh at the concept of marrying someone with videos online of them getting railed by their limp dicked ex for petty cash.

No. 941926

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No. 941931

The difference between moo and the petite dancer is absolutely insane. The cankles alone! Moo is doing the typical fat girl thing and stands behind her friends.

No. 941934

I thought she didn't want a broke boy like Ozzy? Unless she's back to being creepy and claiming a single guy is her man again lol.

> topped it all off with a lie about her "classmate" calling her beautiful which i'm sure totally happened.

If you re read the thread re cap she's been claiming everyone wanna fuck her. But honestly this just seems to be her thing for years. If she didn't live in delulu land I think she woulda killed her self years ago.

No. 941935

The amount of lies she's telling about her life is insane. No wonder she has a daily mental break down. She looks like she's back to her Hawaii weight of close to 300 pounds. At this point anything she says I'll believe the opposite of.

No. 941936

didn't this delusional cow say she had a 26 inch waist?

No. 941937

I thought she was that Cammy cosplayer for a second and thought she'd lost some weight, then I saw her on the left and got shocked.

No. 941952

I was looking at how gross her friends are to be sitting on the floor with spread legs in the 2B outfit. Their whole team must smell.

No. 941965

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capped this before she deleted it

No. 941968

She has truly gone off the deep end lately. We came back just in time kek

No. 941969

She has no ankles, it looks like she’s wearing one of those blow up sumo suits you get at Spirit Halloween. Can’t wait for another few years and all that liposuction catches up.

No. 941970

racism and wanting grape hentai of high school characters.
she wonders why she can't form meaningful relationships(do not self censor)

No. 941988

lol she's retarded. being anti israel doesn't literally mean you have to be racist you just hate their actions and propaganda and would need to fight back its not that anyone on the outside should be racist.. this is all a farce she doesnt believe anything truly, what a fake person

No. 941997

There's online Moo and IRL Mariah. Both living in total opposition except for excess. IRL Mariah has poor impulse control, makes poor relationship decisions, and is scared of confrontation. The absolute levels of self loathing she must live through to create such an obnoxious ficticious persona. Sounds exhausting.

No. 942020

Her lies, impulses, and nonstop hypocrisy is why Moo is such an evergreen cow. Every time her milk dries out, she sabotages herself all over again like clockwork. If she learned how to actually stay low and shut the fuck up, she'd be off of the cow radar. She has admitted she doesn't WANT to be forgotten though, so we'll never lack for milk with this cow.

No. 942028

Holy shit what an actual freak

No. 942054

Awesome thing to post while you're in the midst of an (albeit fictional) nursing program. A digital footprint lasts forever. This woman will never have any sort of actual professional career.

No. 942082

I'm not sure anyone would touch that with a ten foot pole

No. 942125

What the fuck is she supposed to be? A slutty Piglet from winnie the pooh?(sage your shit)

No. 942146

Hey look it's Maddie. Now if anyone denies they still hang out can eat shit.

No. 942147

>moo saying all this while her husbando is that polygamist fag
she can't even choose high value fictional men.

No. 942148

They don't hang out much anymore though. They no longer even live together. Not a single poster said they aren't friends or don't hang out in general. She's still a wig slave ffs.

No. 942150

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But will call the Higurashi creator a liar because miin/shiin doesn't fit Moo's canin kek

No. 942185

Didn't she get caught paying for male escorts in an old thread? kek

Still crazy she's spent how many (tens? hundreds?) thousands on botched surgeries and dozens of rounds of lipo to still look this fat and terrible. Her posture makes her look like a little fat kid waiting for some cake.

No. 942186

She paid another onlyfans creator to collab with her, the same one that also collabed with Trisha Paytas. There has no never been proof of her paying for escorts, but tons of tinfoil of anons claiming she's "blacklisted from the whole escort community" which isn't true. Anons just make shit up because it sounds good. Same way we never got proof of her being banned from all the cons she still attends. She was never banned from anything, just told to leave which is basic PR shit from companies so they don't get held liable or clumped together. As you can see, Senpai Squad brought her back.

Unless we have definitive proof of things, just assume it's made up.

No. 942196

There is proof of Moo giving men a bunch of expensive gifts and throwing money at em though. Which is funny when you look at her current rants kek
Even Oz was bragging about Moo paying his way. She's mad because she wants a rich guy to pay for her so she can stop doing porn. A lil off topic but I think even if she found a rich husband she'll still be pushing out porn just for the attention.

No. 942198

To add Moo offered plenty of male "friends" to be her room mate and live rent free. But they either didn't take her offer or don't last long. I'm actually surprised she isn't obsessed with Toji from jujutsu kaisen. A big tall muscular guy who will stay n fuck if you throw money at him

No. 942200

I wouldn't call love bombing people the same as buying escorts.

No. 942201

Throwing money at people isn't love bombing. Love bombing requires faking affection, which Moo can't even do. It's just a funny mention because of her more recent rants about how she will never pay for a man.

No. 942213

It was assumed Triforce Gunt was a dick for hire (escort), but it is more likely that he was one of the dudes Moo lavished with gifts for dickings (fuckboy). Maybe even that one that Ozy screeched about during one of his breakups with Moo.

No. 942222

Moo went through a whole hook-up phase after Sensei-cuck made it clear he wasn't interested in her.

No. 942247

wasn't there another guy who was in one of her porn vids once and then mysteriously disappeared.

No. 942259

There are a lot of guys in Moo's video that just make a one time apperance. Like there was one cos guy who was fresh outta jail for domestic violence.

No. 942269

speaking of DV, whatever happened to moo and ozzy's DV case?

No. 942344

After Moo and Oz went back and forth in their internet slap fight absolutely nothing. He did delete all his socials however, but he went on a trip to Japan with her, gave her flowers (with her money). They both had proof that they were physically and verbally abusive towards the other, espicially with Moo proudly admitting online that she beat the fuck out of Oz nearly daily. Even posting about hitting him with a toilet seat??? So the charges were probably dropped or something so he wont counter sue.

No. 942405

correction nonnie she beat him with a squatty potty. kek

No. 942409

Thanks for the correction kek

No. 942419

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No. 942420

she's right tbh

No. 942421

Doesn't explain why she only fucks with broke boys. Any guy of value isn't going to be throwing dollar bills at her hotdog smelling ass

No. 942422

I think this sow is just but mad because shes nearing 30 and still hasnt locked down a man while other costhots are getting married, heres this lumpy porkshop slop in a beanbag chair, spreading her 18” wingspan labia flaps hoping to catch a man but all she is is an object for the lowest quality man to jerk off to.

No. 942423

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No. 942424

Huffing copium like it's her own farts

No. 942425

>men love me no matter what
Are the men in the room with us right now?

No. 942426

> I don't want to get married, I have everything I want

wasn't she mooing just last week she wants to get married to a rich man so he can save her from porn?

No. 942428

Nonono moo, moids love you no matter what. Crusty, smegmay, smelly, pimply, M O I D S. Love you.

No. 942455

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No. 942457

>And putting your wife in your masculine or your gf?
The fuck is this even saying? God damn, Moo. How are you in college? She completely misses the point that poor people are allowed to have children. She makes it so clear it is only about money.

No. 942458

Has she been reading her woo woo psychology/self help books again?
Alot of her recent man hate feels like either a) she got rejected by whoever she was chasing after; and/or b) her trying to validate her life path and lifestyle

No. 942459

Another anon had it right. Espicially reading back on her rant mocking other OnlyFans girls. That they're "pathetic" if they still do adult content if they're married. She's def seeing all these girls younger than her getting married despite doing porn.

It def cuts Moo deep that average to higher value men are openly mocking her and telling her to shut up. Any other guy isn't even defending her, they just say sexual vile shit to her, and also tell her to shut up.

No. 942468

Thought she was going to have daughters only? Via gene picking or some such rot.

No. 942524

Too bad men dont go for huge unwashes walruses who brag about how how much money she makes spreading her flat cheeks. But she wants a man that makes more than her? Is better off than her? Not That im praising her by any means im just saying her -ahem- “successful”/s career being gooner bait os only going to attracted “broke men” no “high quality man” is going to seek out someone like her. Especially if she doesn’t like an equal partnership. Her plan to get married to a rich man and leave her mistakes behind her isnt going to work. Even of she somehow baby traps a moid its not going to work in her favor.

No. 942525

I think Moo forgets that she has no personality outside of pleasing men and stroking her own ego. Fat chicks can get men, but Moo can't keep anyone for several factors. Big one is that unless she's doing solo content, everyone who watches her can see how bad and terrible of a fuck she is. She can barely move. That's why she just lays on her Hank Hill ass and girates and swings her tits around. On top of that, she is a quick fuck for a lot of these men who watch her. No one wants to put a ring on it. No one wants to even be her roommate for longer than a year lol

No. 942526

never forget martin telling her to act more feminine during a shoot. all she knows how to do is show her body to bottom of the barrel men. that's why she keeps having to use her cash to prop herself up. but at the same time she's practically begging for someone to scoop her up and save her from needing to do porn, that's why she keeps posting about how men would never let their wife do porn. she's trying to hint that she'd stop when she gets married. only problem is there aren't any takers because moo is just a tool for coomers who probably have madonna-whore complex.

No. 942527

Moo out here acting like she's single by choice kek.

No. 942532

Her excuse is that all these men online say 'I wish you were my GF/wife' which is true. I have seen those comments under her posts, anons have capped them before too. There are desperate nerds who would love to lock her down, but Moo doesn't want them and to be honest, they wouldn't want to stay after a few weeks with her demanding to be told how pretty she is at all times and not making enough money for her to not ever spend her's on anything besides herself. She wants to not pay the bills and not work. That is unrealistic for her.

No. 942559

But what I don't understand is how she always misses the glaring fact that she is not a high value woman. As in she brings nothing to the table but beat pussy that the whole internet has seen? That's why men run from her like the plague. She's botched, overweight, stumpy and frumpy as hell, a shit personality and attitude and can't even keep friends around let alone a man. I could go on but… like? Nobody would want to wife her besides someone chasing her OF money, and then she'll be the big manly provider anyways lmao

No. 942585

She should know. She openly mocks other sex workers to the point it's just self hate at this point. Though like other lazy thots she would rather do porn than do honest work. Why she wants a big muscular man to pay her bills. She should just marry one of those rich old men and hope he dies soon

No. 942590

But she wants a high value uwu asian husband to have halfu asian daughters with. She cant brag about an old man to her haters

No. 942598

The exact ideal men of hers that embrace the "masculine" have their own ideals. They embrace the "feminine." Her definition of a high value man with money would like a chased, pure woman who doesn't have a "bad bitch" attitude, remain quiet and earns his money with submission. As many anons point out, Mariah is fat, broad, acts masculine and does not embody a touch of feminine appeal. How can she be so desperate for a sad stereotype of a man when she doesn't even try to resemble her own role as a woman by comparison.

No. 942645

when men say that they're not being serious most of the time. they mean "i wish i had a girlfriend who would do this stuff". moo is a porn actress, men don't really want to date her. it's all fantasy.

No. 942646

Like Ozzy was, kek.

No. 942656

Exactly. The type of guy she is talking about wanting would be immediately put off by her “boss bitch, yass qween slay” behavior. They want someone who is more submissive and soft spoken, not some loud mouth bitch that will constantly try to upstage and humiliate them. That is to say if they could even make it past her repulsive, ham planet , hot dog water smelling body. They certainly would prefer a woman who actually gives a damn about fitness and actually taking care of their body instead of just getting the fat sucked out every couple of months and going right back to pigging out.

No. 942657

This is what Moo doesn't get. Men don't find her attractive at all, it's the porn and fantasy they drool over. It's why they get so mad when Moo breaks the illusion and tells people her unwanted opinion. Moo is suppose to just ask for cum, she isn't suppose to say she's racist or that she hates men.
You're selling a fantasy Moo.

No. 942658

Moo's body and weight is halarious. At her weight all she would have to do is be mindful of her calories and she could lose a lot of weight. No gym needed.
Also what happened pilates class? Did they kick her out for being openly racist to that jewish girl? She never makes it over a month in any fitness program.

No. 942660


Absolutely. These guys she speaks of don’t want to hear her opinions on Palestine or any other hot button political issues. Especially not a lecture from some fat, loud mouth cow who doesn’t ever have a clue what she is talking about on anything she sticks her nose into. It’s immediately off putting to be lectured like the way she does people online and guys don’t find that attractive at all.

She’s selling them on the idea of her being a cum dump who likes anime, and she immediately breaks that illusion whenever she chooses to open her fat mouth to give her unwanted opinions. Because being treated like a whore for her doesn’t feel good. She may try to lean into it sometimes with what she posts online, but when guys constantly talk to her like, constantly degrading her and saying stuff like imagining shoving their cocks in her throat the second she starts talking, that she definitely feels some type of way about it. Like she wants to try to remind people that “Hey, I actually have a brain up here and it’s not always about sex and hentai”. But then she proves to be as stupid as she sounds on a near regular basis and just ends up proving that she’d be better off leaning into the whole bimbo whore thing full time.

No. 942677

didn't one of her coomers tell her to stop crossplaying that demon slayer guy and to get naked?

No. 942690

That was back when she was trying to be “Rengoku irl” like she does with every other cosplay she does. Was basically told how retarded she looked and that they just wanted to see her naked.

No. 942824

moo followed me for years on IG until i blocked her and was obsessed with my body shape and I had a baby right when she started yapping about motherhood. its just another copycat move.(no1currs)

No. 942826

Do you have any caps? Sounds milky

No. 942827

Inb4 she lurks here and begins sperging in IG stories or Twitter. Funny how it’s been days and she hasn’t said a peep about what’s happening in Lebanon right now. Otherwise she’d be on unhinged antisemitic rants well into the early morning hours. What’s the matter Moo, your mom didn’t spoon feed you current events? Or was that what finally got your mmallad.jpeg account nuked? “Proud Lebanese woman” my ass lol.

Also her peachycollective IG has been down for a while.

No. 942839

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No. 942842

Kek, she stays out of frame cause she knows she'll look huge next to SSS how self aware of her

No. 942845

Duck face in 2024? Please grow out of high school, moo.

No. 942863

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No. 942864

god, she uses ADHD as her excuse for everything.
The twitter account is still up, but hasn't been updated in about 2 years

No. 942873

Does she not know what burnout is? It's not being able to function.

No. 942907

This isn't a flex though? She had to leaves her nicer stuido because it was bleeding too much money because she couldn't book any real clients. She literally moved all her dusty shit to an empty wearhouse where she did the impossible, made her photobooth sized sets smaller with worse lighting.
I swear, a girl she's jealous of probably runs a successful studio or something. Also expecting Moo to delete this because shes perfectly ROUND in that picture

No. 942910

She's delusional if she believes that black makes you look slimming. At this point she should do what other fatties do. Take Ozempic and tell everyone it was all natrual.

Having lipo on her neck and belly made it so she can't look at herself without a phone filter. But I guess reality is something Moo hates the most.

No. 942923

at about the 4 sceond mark, you can see all her "sets". Its basically just a bunch of cubicles side by side. The makeup area is just a bench at one end. This whole place is a massive downgrade lol. Her other studio was terrible, but atleast each set had some space.
I don't think it bleeding money was the whole reason. I was definitely part of the reason, but my bet would be the lease was up and she found a cheaper warehouse to use

No. 942925

Not to mention that 99.9% of the work on the new studio was likely done by people she paid. She hangs like one picture on the wall and claims she "built a studio".

No. 942943

Yeah she worded this like she franchised lol

No. 942986

It’s like we didn’t all see the videos she herself posted of the contractors and others taking down the old sets and setting them up at the new place. I guess she means lifting her credit card is hard work lol

No. 943034

my bet is her landlord didn't renew with her.

No. 943040

I’m sure one look at the breaker closet was enough to terminate the lease, that or the smell lol

No. 943058

It had been a year, so probably just ran out.

No. 943063

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No. 943065

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I cannot find a single comment in the 22 replies to her agreeing with her. When she acts like this, all her cosplay "friends" shut their mouths.

No. 943066

Honestly this guy is right. She just comes off as salty. She wants a loving relationship and knows she can never have it. So she shits on it.

No. 943071

Bitch is just jealous that the only guys she can attract at this point is broke losers like Ozzy to treat her like dogshit. So now she wants to cope and try to tell herself that any normal, functional relationship is somehow a “nightmare” that all women should avoid and that they should only keep their financial security in mind. Pretty much none of her other cosplay “friends” are ever defending her in the comments when she gets like this because they know how completely retarded she sounds and comes across as an insufferable cunt that is just looking to piss people off. Also the fact that they are all getting married and starting families meanwhile she is still stuck doing shitty Z-grade porn and can’t hold down a stable relationship must be a huge blow to her self-esteem as well.

No. 943097

yes, that's how it works and unless there's a reason not to landlords will renew your lease since it's more annoying to find a new tenant, especially for commercial buildings. i bet the landlord came to check the building out and found out what moo did and decided not to renew. like >>943040 said, her using the breaker room was really unsafe for anyone who was paying to use the studio. moo doesn't realize that even if she's paying for a space there are rules.

No. 943104

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No. 943106

Isn't seasonal depression in late winter? The fuck is she talking about? Or did she just get new drugs and that's why she's happy?

No. 943115

It’s -seasonal- depression, not winter-depression. You think people in Arizona are happy it’s 120 degrees outside for 4 months straight and have to be inside all day?

No. 943130

It wouldn't be as bad if Moo didn't have to hide her chub in black sweaters and sweat pants.

No. 943176

seasonal depression has to do with lack of sunlight not temp. of course moo doesn't understand this and thinks being mildly upset is depreshun.

No. 943180

Didn’t she say that she doesn’t think depression is a real thing so time ago? That people who say they are suffering from depression are just “looking for attention”. I think it was around the time she tried to be a camgirl and failed miserably.

No. 943182

nta, but yep.

No. 943190

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Called it upthread. Of course she didn’t say a peep as it was happening all last week because god forbid it interfere with her birthday plans.

No. 943196

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No. 943197

She’s already deleted these lol

No. 943218

This feels so performative. Like Moo thinks being racist is a quirky personality trait. But that shit only works in anime against a fake nation like on attack on titan

No. 943219

>my family
yeah, i'm going to call BS on that. Since when did she have family living in lebanon. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if she just grabbed the pictures from elsewhere

No. 943220

>my entire family
Do you even know those people, moo?

>Shut the fuck up you Zi*nst RAT

>wants to be a nurse

No. 943221

Unless Moo has family that's over 200 years old she's full of shit. But glad to see people are calling her out for being stupid or crazy, why she deleted these posts

No. 943222

Both her parents are labanese with some other things like Italian thrown in. I hate Moo as much as the next farmer, but they could very well have extended family out there even if its cousins.

No. 943223

The best part is that she waited to go on her sperg rage until a nona pointed it out here. Her pity party birthday with Lia was much more important than HER PEPELZ, until she couldn't milk her celebration anymore, obviously.

No. 943227

isn't it only her dad who is?

No. 943288

>moo's next con is ALA 2025
Oh god… I'm going to Anime Los Angeles next year…(no1currs)

No. 943295

File: 1727211711812.jpeg (494.5 KB, 828x1184, 1E9B813C-C421-4478-9357-5F38A8…)

No. 943302

I swear if Moo could, she would. She's so unhinged.

No. 943303

File: 1727216322737.jpg (622.55 KB, 1080x2400, 1000017494.jpg)

No. 943304

Moo is literally that crazy cat lady meme. Can't find a man so would rather smell like cat piss and have 10 cats

No. 943305

Is this for when she drags her fat ass to Palestine to fight against the zionists? Lol

No. 943308

Meanwhile, constantly coping trying to tell everyone she is so happy not being married and no man could possibly meet her standards so why even bother with them. She isn’t fooling anyone with this “cat sanctuary” horseshit. Like everything she does, she wants to try to use it as a flex about how much a successful “businesswoman” she is, so she tries to monetize everything she is involved in and tries to point at it to say “see?! I’m not just some talentless porn thot! I actually have business sense as well!”

No. 943311

Moo doesn't even know what a sanctuary is nor will she ever qualify as one. It's nice she's adopting sick cats, but she def uses the cats to seem like a good person when in reality she's vile. She also uses the cats deaths for sympathy points. Everything she does is for attention.

No. 943312

she didn't post a pic of allegedly cat?

No. 943318

Also remember how she said it was supposed to be a sanctuary only for ragdolls? One of the most popular cat breeds in the US. It does get kitten milled because of its popularity and I'm sure some of them do end up homeless, but it's just so typical of her to only want to help cats that live up to her extremely shallow notion of luxury and glamour. Same with her supposed nursing, she doesn't want to wipe asses and work horrid shift hours, she wants to be a luxury health spa/plastic surgery clinic nurse. She does not have a true caring bone in her body, she only does these things to seem like she's a good person when she's truly rotten to the core.

No. 943322

That fucking cunt lol,idf drops leaflets urging people to evacuate (they do it in gaza as well),since hizballah was paying citizens to store rocket launchers in their houses for the last 20 years, especially south Lebanon-weve had rockets launched to the north of Israel every fucking day for the past year.im sick of people not knowing shit spewing their super left Iranian propoganda shit.its always the ones who'd be stoned or lynched in these countries.(integrate)

No. 943325

"We warned you with leaflets! Evacuate your homes so we can raze everything, and if you don't do it fast enough we are going to continue to injure and kill thousands of children!" Almost as retarded as Moo.

Maybe stop wearing full length compression gear in 100+ degree weather. I feel like she must always be moist and stinky.

No. 943328

Don't be dumb,citizens in Lebanon are basically being held hostage by hizballah who don't give a shit about anything besides being a Shahid and die a glorious death.id like to see how your country would react if you were pelleted by missiles and suicide bombers or exploding busses every day for the past 20 years or so.(derailing)

No. 943330

What happened to all her other cats and lizards tho. Like didnt she once adopt a slew of cats and a black cat fucking ran away from her house? I think it was the Maddie wigslave roommate era.

No. 943332

don't forget the snake. It was speculated many threads back, that the original lizard died and she got a replacement one

No. 943339

Theres no proof to this and while Moo is an idiot. Aside from letting cats into the cosplay room, we have never seen her abuse her pets, however, picking up a dog and making it yelp happened years ago. Not even that was abuse. I don't think the lizard died and all her cats look healthy, especially since they are long haired. Most people don't even brush their cats, Moo gets a groomer.

She may not have this sanctuary bullshit she talked about, but she's not an abusive owner and her house is big enough.

No. 943345

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No. 943346

How are they even fitting a production crew in her shoebox of a studio?

No. 943349

Lmao she's deleted this(sage your shit)

No. 943351

lol of course she did
there's no way in hell that its real because if it were she'd have been posting pictures of it to brag instead of just trying to act like she's ~so professional~

No. 943352

So obviously full shit. No one is using that podunk, shoebox of a “studio” except her. Not to mention she’d be plastering it all over the Internet for everyone to see for her to brag about if it were even remotely true.

No. 943353

They probably showed up and then left when they saw how small it was kek

No. 943355

File: 1727304596374.jpeg (898.71 KB, 828x1474, 34BA560F-7904-4990-A80E-1D915F…)

Funny that she posted these different guys filming a video at her (hilariously tiny) studio but no pics for this other group. The guys in this one were likely nobodies since they weren’t tagged and she wasn’t bragging.

No. 943364

File: 1727308201576.jpeg (1.21 MB, 3464x3464, 423C9608-C1AF-4F32-BC93-C8AC53…)

I was surprised to see people in the studio who aren’t Moos friends, I guess it turned from Exclusive membership to book to Anybody with a peerspace account, Kek at the price and second most recent review. Typical Moo

No. 943365

You'd think she'd be bragging about this everywhere

No. 943367

File: 1727310780542.png (72.34 KB, 782x862, studio.png)

riight. So a massive band, with the backing of a huge record label, somehow found and decided to use your studio, which you've hardly advertised and has practically no social media presence, and you're not at all posting about it. Not a single picture or mention?
That's for the old studio, not the new one. She's running bookings through squarespace for the new one. Prices are even more ridiculous

No. 943369

File: 1727311903680.jpeg (499.27 KB, 1179x1992, IMG_1262.jpeg)

No.. it’s also for the new one. Description says she just hasn’t taken new set pictures, and review is after the relocation. Nona do you know math? The prices are not worse on Squarespace kek, one hour is there for 150 and Peerspace has a 2 hour minimum at 185/hour

No. 943372

File: 1727313429760.jpg (642.67 KB, 1290x2293, 461294551_18015720998617051_36…)

she posted picrel to that account's stories but must have deleted it when she deleted >>943345 though it's still viewable via anonymous story watcher sites

No. 943374

Likely didn’t even ask their permission before posting about them online for clout.

No. 943375

Easy way for her dumbass to lose out on the deal with her posting their location for over zealous fans to show up just for clout.

No. 943376

> X No I wouldn't book again

Also, 13 tiny ass "sets"? Also Moo using pics of her old studio to promote this one is bullshit. And her claiming she has studio lights when she didn't have them at her old place is also BS.

They'll def change location before the actual band shows up. That and I have a huge feeling Moo's gunna get in trouble for trying to fuck some of the band

No. 943379

Either one of the band members if a degen and likes Moo stuff and wanted to support her, or she's making it up. If they did, I wonder if any footage is even usable. She didn't talk about this on any other platform or page. No way in hell she wouldn't.

No. 943380

Probably because she's under NDA
She probably already violated it by making the posts she deleted.

No. 943381

I highly doubt that one of the band members even knows of her existence let alone be a fan of her. So I’m 100% sure she is making this shit up.

No. 943390


This is likely it

No. 943391

Photoshoot images get seen by a lot more people than you realize. It's not a stretch. Men are porn addicts, BMTH isn't some magical exception. Someone could very well be a fan in crew too. Moo's little stupid unfinished studio wouldn't get attention otherwise.

No. 943394

you guys realize the band themselves didn't book the studio and someone who works for their label did and probably just found moo's studio in a list of photo studios in vegas and chose it.

No. 943395

This. They are signed under a huge record label so someone who works for them probably chose the cheapest studio in Vegas that was available, which is moo's since no one goes to it. No way they'd have any control over this themselves or even want to do that much work. Moo's not well known enough for people outside her community to know it belongs to her.

No. 943396

she wouldn't be under NDA she's the owner, it would be implied and it's unprofessional as fuck that she's posting any of this. it could get her in real trouble.

No. 943399

Exactly. I’m sure celebrities love it when some asshiole leaks their location out to for overzealous fans to find them while they are trying to get work done. No surprise at all if they ditch her and find someone else to work with, all because she couldn’t keep her mouth shut.

No. 943477

I thought he was holding a light at first and it was delayed for the film, but that's literally a random light strip, twisted in the background over a sign and considered 'cyberpunk'. LOL

No. 943604

I hate shitskins and kikes as well. I hope they kill each other. How's that for you, zioshill?(unsaged racebaiting)

No. 943605

Crazy that BMtH has worked with 3 cows
Corpse Husband
Tristian Zammit
And now Moo

No. 943607

They didn't work with moo specifically they were just booked at the studio she owns. Had nothing to do with her.

No. 943628


I’m sure she’s already off telling everyone how talented they think she is and that they asked her to join them. She can’t ever not be the best at everything and constantly having people trip over themselves to compliment her about her great she is.

No. 943636

Or making up the story about how all the band members want to fuck her and how she's the most beautiful woman they ever saw

No. 943642

wouldn't put it past her, she's already being unprofessional with them by posting about them at all.

No. 943650

File: 1727616199021.jpeg (654.82 KB, 828x1456, 0E12E271-2239-424F-A413-A64F13…)

Jfc Moo. You should have stayed in college.

No. 943653

File: 1727617506781.jpg (351.3 KB, 1080x1213, 20240930_024233.jpg)

Surprised this is all she has to say on Lebanon, and has yet to go on another anti-israel rant

Wtf is she even trying to say here?

No. 943656

She's a fan of symphonies only because she does this thing where she buys expensive things just to show off she can buy expensive things. She doesn't actually like them, I guarantee she's bored.

No. 943665

File: 1727626198902.jpeg (621.11 KB, 902x1578, IMG_4231.jpeg)

She only enjoys symphonies when they are anime themed. I guarantee you if it were anything else she would be bored to tears because it’s not her precious Demon Slayer.

No. 943667

What moid told her he likes symphonies?

No. 943668

Probably not for a moid, but these have been gaining traction the past year with Zelda, LotR, Harry Potter, Demon Slayer, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts.. Moo wants to show them off for her benefit and bragging rights.

No. 943670

File: 1727626714684.jpeg (592 KB, 898x1503, IMG_4234.jpeg)

No. 943680

> Band comes over, pretending to be really into music

Her whole personality is based on moids.

No. 943729

Maybe her fabled flute will make an appearance finally KEK

No. 943836

File: 1727732097048.jpeg (495 KB, 828x1176, E85741FD-05DE-47BB-A75F-1E4653…)

That didn’t stop you from celebrating your birthday and traveling to see anime concerts.

No. 943838

Translation: “I’m too fat and lazy to do the thing I’m actually being paid to do and am now yet again getting called out by disgruntled patrons who are threatening to unsubscribe”

No. 943848

Damn how did she manage to work with BMTH when she was soooooo worried about Lebanon what a hard working queen who just said she… didn't do any work? Huh

No. 943858

I wonder how long she'll milk this for
First it was an excuse to be racist
now it's an excuse for her to be lazy

No. 943863

File: 1727753348054.jpeg (877.72 KB, 1170x1503, IMG_6931.jpeg)

have I missed something? since when is goblin cave mainstream media and not just some freak video on a crappy hentai website. guess it makes sense that moo is into it but god seeing this in the wild was strange

No. 943864

It's not. It's just random internet find gone viral.

No. 943869

Is she chasing gay moids again? Whenever she sees gay media she gets irrationally pissed about it. Reminds me when she use to make up stories that gay men want to fuck her

No. 943883

Seems more like her monster fucker kink, less about gay.

No. 943885

she could also just be trying to trend hop to impress her coomer fans like she often does.

No. 943919

File: 1727812571682.jpeg (283.21 KB, 891x1592, IMG_4247.jpeg)

Bitch, that was you for an entire week and a half as the bombs were going off but you were too busy partying with Lia to care. It’s not until your family texted you that you even bothered to look. Performative as always.

No. 943920

File: 1727812578737.jpg (Spoiler Image,147.11 KB, 1365x2048, 1000017698.jpg)

Check the edit job on her face near her nose and mouth. Also love how she gas to give herself a wedgie to make it seem like she has an ass.

No. 943922

File: 1727813718974.jpg (14 KB, 240x359, IMG_20241001_211414.jpg)

Haha her lower lip is floating

No. 943942

File: 1727822280683.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.41 MB, 1170x1913, IMG_8416.jpeg)

Another cosplayer using Moo’s studio. kind of shocked Anima would.

No. 943944

And yet it’s still as flat as EVERRRR.

No. 943945

Remember when Moo opened her studio last time she invited a lot of cosplayers to come shoot with her for free then no one used it for a year except for Moo
You can't do much in these tiny sets and people who actually pay to use them wont be coming back.
The studio is just for her ego.

No. 943950

Isn't that a set from the old studio? If it is, then it's telling that she's not using pics from the current one.
Also do we have a list of sets in the current studio?

No. 943954

I genuinely don't think she even knows what Hezbollah is.

No. 943985

File: 1727855151864.jpeg (Spoiler Image,123.1 KB, 1290x769, 12602B8A-0B49-427D-9FA0-097EEF…)

(spoiler this)

No. 944009

did she not just move all the sets to her new one? she hasn't posted enough about the new place yet though, but that was the implication. her terrible demon slayer set is in the new one now.
i am cackling. thanks anon.

No. 944031

>demon slayer set
Do you mean the one with wisterias?
Weren't those stuck to the ground, with a path? There's no way she could've just moved the sets over, at-least not all of them, I was on the assumption she was making new sets.

No. 944041

this HAS to be next thread pic. this is great

No. 944051

it wasn't attached to the floor, anon she probably just used those cheap snap together boards for the set floor. she redid some things but she's using the old stuff.

No. 944052

Might need to be spoilered though, I have to hide this just scrolling past. Someone needs to edit her ass for OP pic.

No. 944053

It's like other anons said, she just had to move her studio because she didn't get the renewal on the old place. It makes sense she had to get a barren warehouse because that's probably all that was available last minute.
She did make one new closet sized set though. It's the white one with neon lights.

All this started because a couple years ago she went to Japan and saw the nice photo studios they use their and thought "Oh I can do this too"
Like no Moo, you can't. One was a fully furnished room and another had an actual trolly from a train.

No. 944060

File: 1727891228779.png (1.49 MB, 1080x1653, 1000026033.png)

More thots using her studio for free. No surprise from Stella

No. 944071

spoiler her ass with one of her jewish hate tirades kek

No. 944196

which is crazy because I remember Stella publicly denouncing maraiah when Kaybear spoke up about her experience with mariah

No. 944199

Anons said before that no one in the community with a name cares anymore. Small cosplayers still condone her, but for the most part they pretend she doesn't exist. That is a problem because the ones who get attention are giving Moo good attention. The only person who hasn't gone back it seems is her precious Nigri. Kudos to her.

No. 944219

Makes sense. Nigiri is the one with an actual career with official invites and brand deals. The others are just talentless thots who hang around booths to have their picture taken or sell trashy cell phone pics of themselves. Who gives a fuck if any of them are letting Moo back into their good graces, there isn’t shit anything they could do for her and vice versa.

No. 944248

I'll neer understand thots. They all hate each other but will always take free hand outs despite making thousands a month. They just seem like a miserable bunch to be around and that's why no one else wants to be around them.

No. 944250

It sounds miserable as shit. Constantly having to look over your shoulder out of fear of them all turning on you at the drop of a hat and throwing you to the wolves. Everyone fake as shit where they’ll act all friendly towards you in public but will talk shit about you to each other the second your back is turned. Constant purity tests over who is your “true friends” are. Entitled cunts who think they are owed free handouts. No wonder anyone can stand to be around any of these insufferable bitches.

No. 944254

File: 1728029036072.png (164.15 KB, 1217x950, moo.png)

moo posted some word salad about her family and lebanon, along with talking about the time her/her moms phone was being spoofed by goku(s voice actor) or something

No. 944255

File: 1728033338341.jpeg (950.13 KB, 1290x2078, IMG_6888.jpeg)

“Hit delete” it’s there forever moo

No. 944256

>blackrock owning most medical fields
Moo. Your logic is bad. Also the fact that she's fine with producing porn for the bad guys as long as she gets money from it? If you're so worried about children being exposed to porn, why do you make porn that children could possibly be exposed to?

No. 944257

File: 1728034292178.png (73.78 KB, 619x925, Untitled.png)

She says that whilst also saying that she just filmed a b/g film that'll be on OF. Like all other costhots, they fail to realize once they post something online its there forever. She's going to be in for a shock when she tries to leave behind her porn career.
She's also starting to go an what seems to be her weekly anti-semetic rant too, with a dash of anti-ukranine for…reasons?

No. 944258

You're the not oppressed ones.. I, I mean, we are the oppressed ones! Moo mentality 101.

No. 944259

AAWWWWWWWWWWWW Now where's the stronk in control boss babe? It's gotta suck telling ugly pay pigs how much you love degrading yourself just so you can keep packing on the pounds. Having to pander further and further to nasty fetishist scrotes as they all eventually move on to someone younger and thinner. But yes, that delete button will totally be a clean slate! Kek

No. 944270

We really need to go back to calling Jew haters Jew haters, because that's what she is.

No. 944271

>we are the Semites
So are the Jewish, moo, you can be anti-Semitic while also a Semite, it's not that hard to understand

No. 944274

That is seriously some retarded ass “I can’t be racist, I’m black” logic right there.

Also, seems like every week she is going on one of these insufferable racist ass rants. Her pay pigs that pay the closest attention to her have to be sick of all this political sperging from her, right? Really ruins the illusion that she is “just a fitness mommy who luvs anime and video games” when you have to constantly hear her unwanted opinions on Palestine.

No. 944277

>implying you can’t be racists against your own people
Sheltered much?
Someone should tell her….kek
Oh wait that’s right. She wants to ride her sister’s coattails and join her clinic, which is free of zionists.

No. 944296

She keeps saying "Muh family"
if she cares so much she should pay for some refugees to stay at her house. They are def not her direct family. Like I hate how she made this her whole personality when she only has decendants from there. I feel like she's bored and she feels like a boring person so she's desperately clinging to this so she's more than a dumb whore. But now she just looks like a racist dumb whore.

No. 944297

Making other thots racist as well. I'm just waiting for these stupid thots to say they miss Hitler and he was right. Moo doesn't follow her own religion or customs at all. She's def mroe in line with Nazi ideals if anything.

No. 944300

File: 1728068543781.jpg (510.63 KB, 1080x2400, 1000017759.jpg)

No. 944302

Fucking Christ she is so retarded

No. 944305

At this point she's just racist. People should call out anti Antisemitism. Also wtf is she talking about? The whole population of Ukraine isn't all Jewish? I swear she's only saying stupid shit because it gives her attention other than the coomer comments she usually gets.

No. 944308

File: 1728074785890.jpeg (642.29 KB, 1264x1699, IMG_4271.jpeg)

Openly supporting Russia on top of it. Holy shit. Keep babbling Moo, it makes you look even more retarded.

No. 944309

File: 1728074860847.jpeg (325.31 KB, 1238x920, IMG_4272.jpeg)

No. 944310

You used tour real name on everything you ever posted you dumb fuck.

No. 944311

Why it's laughable she's even pretending to want another job other than porn in the future. The porn alone was going to prevent her from getting any real career. But stack up the daily racists rants attatched to her old name. She said she plans on changing her name but that's not how that works.

No. 944312

It’ll be even funnier when she realizes that she can’t outrun any of this and she’s stuck doing Z-tier porn for the rest of her life. The porn was already a tough hurdle to clear, now she’s got pages of damn nearly daily racist rants and openly cheering terrorist regimes and posting pictures of dead children on her social media. And the bitch was stupid enough to attach her real name to all of it. No employer with a functioning frontal lobe is going to hire her after any of this and it’s so hilarious that she thinks she’ll just be able to put all this behind her one day and walk into a job no questions asked. I want to see her keep doubling down and thumbing her nose at anyone who tells her this will all blow up in her face if she continues like this. It will make it that much better when the day comes where she’s on Instagram live in her car crying because she got turned down from yet another job because of shit she posted.

No. 944314

She's gained 5k followers, so she's getting the racist crowd to follow her.

No. 944315

File: 1728077689234.jpg (360.11 KB, 1080x1844, 1000017761.jpg)

No. 944316

i'm speechless.
this is like arguing with a toddler.

if we apply this same logic to America: Moo, you are personally funding the genocide of Palestine by living in the US. You are not an innocent civilian, you put those weapons in the hands of the people terrorizing Lebanon. You have contributed to the death of your own family.
What now??

good god, social media was a mistake.(integrate)

No. 944318

She literally doesn't care about Palestine. It's Moo. She's just doing this now because it gives her attention.
Literally everything she has done in her life is for attention. Porn isn't giving her enough so she's doing this, even if it makes her look stupid.

No. 944321

File: 1728079013113.jpeg (396 KB, 824x1415, 58126354-C880-4BD4-B9D3-2EE3C8…)


No. 944323

File: 1728079706043.jpeg (340.91 KB, 1179x815, IMG_0714.jpeg)

this bitch is insufferable.

No. 944324

File: 1728080026683.jpg (338.26 KB, 1080x1294, 1000017763.jpg)

No. 944325

File: 1728080500947.mp4 (4.75 MB, 1080x1920, 1000017764.mp4)

No. 944326

Oh look, the buttons she was too chickenshit to hand out at AX make a return. Fucking hell she is insufferable.
lol Moo, no one believes this drivel.

No. 944327

Lol, implying she has morals. Moo, you so funny. Unintentionally, usually, but always amusing.

No. 944342

Boy we've seen her manic before but this is really insane. She knows she's worthless trash and is acting out and blaming everyone else for her failures in life to the point she's about to severely lose her grip on reality. She's going to end up violently assaulting someone eventually, mark my words. She's going to go so apeshit she'll break out of her coward talk shit shell.

No. 944345

File: 1728082703525.jpg (659.94 KB, 1080x2400, 1000017766.jpg)

No. 944346

Typical Moo behavior. Whenever she feels she's in the right on a subject, she drives it so far into the ground, bitch is going to reemerge in China. We know she's total horseshit and a thief when it comes to such things, but where is actually showing support for YOUR PEOPLE, Mooriah? Instead of throwing yourself a lavish party with your thot friends, where are the donations to the causes you keep screaming about? Instead of empty troon-style yelling into the social media void, be the actual bad boss bitch you keep crying yourself to be and work for change.

-But that would take actual work and holding herself accountable for shit so that'd never, ever happen.

No. 944347

File: 1728082795339.jpg (612.79 KB, 1080x2400, 1000017767.jpg)

No. 944348

How she has a following, I don't know. The only people I can see following her and supporting her and not being annoyed with all this shit are retards or people who have her muted so all they see are her photos.

No. 944354

File: 1728086547988.jpg (407.09 KB, 1080x1603, 1000017769.jpg)

No. 944356

File: 1728089046364.jpg (557.7 KB, 1080x2400, 1000017770.jpg)

No. 944358

It’s literally just “shut the fuck up and post pictures of your asshole”. They don’t remotely give a damn about her opinions on anything and just use her for wank fodder. And she knows it, which only pisses her off more.

We know the tubby bitch can’t fight. If she does try assaulting someone, she’s just going to immediately tire herself out and end up getting her ass beat, which would be hilarious. But yeah, she is definitely going to eventually escalate things into actually trying to fight people. Enough of these racist rants from her and calling for innocent civilians to be killed, someone is likely to want to beat her ass. She might need to watch her back next time she goes to any sort of public event.

No. 944359

Holy shit, I’ve never seen a thot so unbearably stubborn on being seen as a poc than moo when it best suits her, but the other girl is right moo will always look white especially when she claims she’s Italian but she knows she got called out rightfully so and defaults to I ain’t reading all of that.
She wants to be a girls girl, a pick me, and a historian with roots so deep she can speak on subjects that don’t affect her, she’s so fucking stupid.
I thought con season was when we got milk but holy shit who would’ve thought this would be what triggers her incoherent thoughts

No. 944360

She knows she’s just some basic loudmouth white bitch, so she desperately wants to be seen as a poc with strong cultural roots.

No. 944361

Doesn't this just prove what anons have been saying? That her family are the Christain Mediterranean Lebanese that haven't set foot on the homeland for over a century that moved over to Italy then stayed in America? Moo really counting on people not knowing.

To note most people count Mediterranean as white. Her family is some of the few Lebanese that are considered white. She needs to stfu

No. 944363

not entirely true. Alot of the accounts follow her have zero interaction and are clearly just bot accounts.
could say the same thing about palestinians
can't wait for 24hrs from now when she hits delete and pretends she never said any of this

No. 944368

She really might have relatives she doesn't know of, but her parents do, who are there.

No. 944369

Are all her accounts on instagram down besides the main mariahmallad and peachycollective? Damn, she got her bts nuked. Kek

No. 944370

File: 1728100817704.jpeg (610.46 KB, 828x1528, 3149FD3A-6A89-4833-A649-F6512F…)

You caught some of the rant at least. She’s already deleted it lol.
Her mmallad.jpeg got nuked a while ago so she’s been hoarding more accounts (besides the studio one, she cross posts to these) in the event her main gets banned as well. Who tf knows how many others she has because she’s desperate.

No. 944404

File: 1728165276643.jpeg (Spoiler Image,879.12 KB, 1290x1603, IMG_7173.jpeg)

New Vid with Ozy she filmed in Japan it’s obvious she posts these without his consent

No. 944406

That's actually fucked up to post a video of you and your ex that happened months ago. Like she could have paid a guy to make a video. The only way Ozy would be okay with this is if Moo paid him. I mean he did pay completely for the trip, but this is still really weird.

No. 944408

Anon, you have to get release forms signed from all participants before uploading. That's in the rules for all states. If he's done that, she can post this. He can't be uploaded, even without his face, otherwise. Its not fucked up at all. A moid made porn, why the fuck defend him?

No. 944410

File: 1728168341860.png (714.67 KB, 1319x2243, chrome_screenshot_Oct 5, 2024 …)

I don't think this was shot in Japan. I think she's still shagging Ozy and it was shot a few days ago when she announced it in the Tweet in picrel. I think there was another Tweet before this saying she just shot a B/G scene but she's deleted a bunch in the wake of her Palestine sperging and I could only find this one. Pretty sure the "scouted in Harajuku" is just scene setting.

No. 944417

moo doesn't have anyone sign forms she's an idiot.

No. 944422

Really wish some of you understood how OF works. She has too. Even when filming with Akemi. Moo is an idiot, but this is porn legality in order to even keep her page.

No. 944427

The reveal is so funny because her hips don't form into her ass at all and she still has the little inverted hank hill ass no matter how much she arches her back or ties to make her hips look like her ass. Why she even focuses on this when it's the saddest little pimple covered chicken ass boggles my mind.

No. 944428

I'm not into the OF scene, so I have to say I am genuinely skeptical she has forms, not because OF doesn't require them in TOS, but because I sincerely doubt OF has the manpower on staff to manually check every single acct has their papers and consents up to date, always. Sure, they require it, but who is actually making sure thats happening? Sites require shit all the time but rarely enforce, the requirement is just to cover their ass in court if someone sues over something

No. 944429

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No. 944431

It literally wouldn't be that hard for you to post proof of this measure with censoring since billions of people use OF and you're probably not on moo's radar but sure, I'll take your word for it that this multi million dollar company keeps track of that every modicum of that shit always and signing a form can never faked and she couldn't have submitted old scans of his id and also couldn't have just submitted bullshit for his consent to posting this(tinfoiling)

No. 944436

File: 1728229486662.png (119.26 KB, 1321x640, Anons cant use google apparent…)

I know anons hate OnlyFans, but when you're going to talk about it so often you'd think anons would do the due diligence to look up any of the information they are talking about at all. even if ozzy isn't an OF creator, he has to upload his ID and prove he is of age to even be in the video. Moo cannot legally post these without cataloged proof that Ozzy has consented. If I remember right, Ozzy has an account. If she is posting these without consent though, thats breaching possible NV revenge porn laws and the TOS credit cards/banks have for transactions involving illegal content. Highly unlikely she isn't covering her ass and getting IDs and forms online.

No. 944437

I imagine she’s also not going to risk her ex going after her for revenge porn. I don’t know shit about it either but posting porn of somene without their consent seems like a huge deal. And even tho moo is a moron, pretty sure she would know better.

No. 944438

Onlyfans does random audits too, they have a pretty big team. Like other websites they do rely heavily on if anyone cares to report, but with so many G/G B/G videos she has, she'd get audited eventually to check IDs. There's no way she's risking losing her biggest income stream, her bank account, and fines.

No. 944439

As I said, she likely has that before they broke up, but it's really REALLY not hard to believe she'd be scummy enough to use those past consents and previously logged ID to post this current day I really don't know why anons are giving moo of all fucking people the benefit of the doubt

No. 944440

anon, she was illegally filming porn in her studio which isn't zoned for filming porn. she does other illegal shit all the time like trespassing in hawaii. and the of rules aren't laws, their tos for their site, and mostly for multiple model work release involving other models on the site and to cover their ass. even if they audited her she'd probably just forge something.

No. 944441

Your proof is "Moo is a liar". At least come back with Ozzy saying he didn't agree or something. Or any of the other people she's worked with.

No. 944444

But she doesn't cosplay or make anything? SHe doesn't count as a cosplayer.

No. 944445

This is true and it's way milkier when we have proof. More like, 9/10 times Moo is always in the wrong. Moo doing illegal things and thinking she can get away with it is a thing. She thinks she's untouchable.

No. 944447

Lazy cosplays count for adult video awards.

No. 944467

I hope she fails to get nominated; it would be great fuel for the garbage fire of her current manic spree.

No. 944475

File: 1728252861758.jpg (Spoiler Image,47.54 KB, 1080x1439, 1000017863.jpg)

Her breasts look like they're her stomach.

No. 944480

Her ass is basically a digital painting. Her paypigs might as well be jerking to AI slop instead of her slop

No. 944481

You can't even see her tits..

No. 944484

Well she can't really enter cosplay competitions kek. She's in for a rude awakening though. Companies that produce porn have all the permits, production, actors and lighting. Even the shitty ones.

Also what happened with her not wanting to do porn anymore? What happened to her collage larp?
"I don't need to take my clothes off for attention"

No. 944485

File: 1728260215063.jpeg (346.2 KB, 828x815, E7EB1DC3-F91E-467D-AA35-3C15EA…)

She is so far up her own flat ass it’s insane.

No. 944487

She's begging for a 'fan award' from AVN, basically any nobody e-whore on the net can urge their paypigs to vote them into a category. Rest assured that even in the disgusting mire of filth that is the porn industry, she wouldn't pass muster there.

No. 944491

Exactly. What happened to “I don’t want to support the Zionist pigs by doing porn”? Now she’s begging for awards from the industry. Complete fucking hypocrite. Any political opinions from her belong in the toilet, that’s all they are worth pretty much.

She is so fucking insufferable. She can’t ever just cosplay a character and shut the fuck up. She always has to try to claim to be the “irl” version of the character and that hers is the definitive version and no one should dare to compete with her. She’s just a fat slob who puts on a wig and stares at the camera like a dead fish and acts nothing like the character. Also says a lot about how little of an identity she actually had that she constantly tries to latch on to these fictional characters and desperately wants to be seen by others as the character.

No. 944493

Nona, that saggy flesh flapjack by her waist IS her tit

No. 944496

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No. 944512

File: 1728287474581.jpg (191.85 KB, 631x792, Untitled.jpg)

its that time of the month again when she pretends she's going to be a nurse. She's also making fun of Israelis & jews, buts we've seen it all a hundred times before so i didn't bother capping it

No. 944513

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Christ, that face. What a nightmare.

No. 944514

when is she going to give the nurse larp up? you cant study to be an RN and a NP at the same time and anyone with more than 2 braincells knows this. who is she trying to fool?

No. 944526

She has her real name on all of her social media. In the incredibly unlikely chance that her larp was true, how mortifying would it be to have received clinical care from a person who posts the things she does. People have been kicked from programs for less.
She is literally unemployable. There is no future for her once onlyfans dries up. All she had to do was keep her head down and she couldn't even manage that much. It's hilarious to think that she could make any sort of transition into a real profession with the abysmal digital footprint she's made for herself.

No. 944527

well, we ARE talking about the woman who also said she was studying for her Masters when she doesn’t even have her Bachelors yet. Not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed

No. 944534

Interesting she should say this. Ain't no way first year nursing students are doing IVs tf? She needs to learn the curriculum for her larp cause to anyone who is in a program/has been through one we know how much BS this is. Also what is "technician clinicals" in nursing school? Never heard of it.

No. 944537

Yes they are. Even EMTs do IVs. That is such a basic thing to learn, idk what you're talking about. This is taught even in 9-month courses.

No. 944540

Like >>944537 said, nursing students can do IVs. What's throwing me off is
>technician clinical's
And what nursing program has students scrounging around on Amazon for supplies? Her school doesn't have a sim lab that she could use? She can't ask her professor if she could borrow it and practice on a dummy patient with the reusable equipment there? They never gave her a supply kit with forceps, scissors, gauze, tubing, etc. when she started? Isn't her sister a nurse? You'd think she'd get even basic details like this right.

No. 944545

Sounds like she's practicing at home, that's what I understood from it and yeah you can buy those to practice with at home, but a lot of people get them for.. Like animals and when they have to do their own medications. I get needing practice, but the classes for IVs are like 3 days straight just practicing on each other for hours. lol Why do it at home also? Moo, jfc. She sounds terrible at this, god forbid the person who gets an IV in their hand now because Moo can't figure out how to fit it into their arm.

No. 944547

It might depend on the school obviously, but from what I know, second year students teach the first years how to do IVs during the induction parties, so around the first two weeks of school. Even outside of nursing schools, many people learn how to do IVs for their chronic illnesses or animals. I find it more suspicious it's not one of the first thing she's learned. Then again, it's hard to picture Moo socializing with anyone.

No. 944550

Yes, but FIRST year nursing student? They're learning head to toe assessments and basic care, IV access is more second year nursing student level. I'm talking about freshmen nursing students won't be doing IVs when they're learning funds and basic care before more invasive interventions. At least in my programs funds came first. But the more important aspect here is the whole "technician clinicals" because what even is that?

No. 944551

She's in a shitty online degree mill, I think her sister went the same route and Moo being Moo, is scrambling to one up her.

No. 944554

Please just use google even. Yes, even first year. Even first month in some cases. This isn't rare and a one school thing. Nursing courses don't even have to be tied to a traditional college. Moo is a liar with how long it took her to start doing these, but she's mentioning practicing, so I'm assuming she learned and never cared enough to spend extra lab time practicing during the original teaching about this.

No. 944573

where did all of these wks come from?

No. 944581

I'm still thinking that Moo is living through her sister. However if they're both doing a scam together then it wont end well for Moo.
However if Moo does practice medicine with this scammy degree it just fits so well. Even if she is practicing illegally she wont face any punishment. Moo always seems to just get away with breaking the law.

No. 944583

Honestly hoping all this news in the scene about how filler never dissolves and just resettles ruins her idea of entering the botox industry with her sister. She keeps going back and forth between what she wants to do. I think the anon who mentioned her name being used everywhere might be on to something. She could be using her sister as a backup plan if she can't get hired somewhere with her name tied to porn everywhere online. Even if the hiring person isn't looking her up, someone seeing her name will check if she's got an Instagram or something. People are nosy and that would spread fast.

No. 944584

Honestly that news explains why Moo aged like 20 years and she looks off. But Moo would still love to inject other women. Moo having a chance to make other women ugly? She'd be so happy.
The only thing she wont be happy about is it's illegal without the proper degree. She can't show whatever joke program she's in either.

No. 944587

Should've started small like a cosmetology degree.

No. 944592

I'm guessing she's going to some type of class to learn IV starts. That way, she can be part of her sisters IV therapy truck >>933377

No. 944594

Explaining how something works isn’t wking. If you don’t like people pointing out that you’re wrong, don’t post.

No. 944595

Heaven help any clients who happen to be Jewish

No. 944596

She would probably keep stabbing the needle in their arm over and over again saying she "missed" and cause some vein damage.
We had a nurse like that at our clinic when I was younger. My parents were upset when I came out with a bruised up arm and them saying I had too much damage to draw blood or do anything else that day. It was found out that woman was only doing it to POC people and was fired once the case was big enough and there was enough evidence. A lot of places wait for constant fuck ups so when they have a case the offender can't fight back.

No. 944597

Also knowing Moo, she would 1000% tweet that she hurt a Jewish client on purpose. She can't keep her mouth shut.

No. 944623

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No. 944624


She’s truly becoming one of those online personalities that only gets views by pissing people off. She advocates for more violence from a group that attacked a gay pride festival in Israell. But no her people are the victims. She used to fake being pure Italian from middle school to college now it’s convenient to be Islamic when her family is mostly Christian.

No. 944625

File: 1728335457846.jpg (363.65 KB, 1080x1573, 1000017878.jpg)

No one is forcing her to be on said platforms in the first place.

No. 944626

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No. 944627

Didn't anons call her a nazi literally yesterday? And because you are Moo? She literally said she hopes all the jews die and there is no innocent ones. Even civilians. This is getting her attention so of course she's gunna say more extreme stuff as time progresses

No. 944631

There is no chance she's ever leaving anyway. Live offline like a normal person? One of the world's greatest attention whores? Unlikely.

No. 944637

Oh look. Like clockwork, they're suddenly gone.

No. 944638

I hope she’s stupid enough to manage to get herself kicked off the platform for a second time. She was already told to fuck off before because she kept making threats at people and she’ll start doing more of the same. She’ll only keep saying more fucked up shit to piss people off and soon it will come to calling for violence against Jewish people, because as she said “None of them are innocent and they all deserve to die for what they’ve done to my people”.

Also just like choosing to continue to work in porn despite how much of it is “controlled by Zionist pigs”, no one is forcing you to be on these social media platforms Moo. You could leave today if it offends you that much. We all know you won’t, because you are terminally online cow that can’t stay away from online drama and discourse. Just like no one believes you’re leaving porn for nursing, no one is buying you ditching being online at all times.

No. 944639

She could just make cosplay content and not porn. But then she won't get money or attention kek.

No. 944641

She already opened Pandora’s box by making the full time switch to porn. She could have stuck to her “principles” by digging in and “not having to take my clothes off/do porn” and stuck to solely doing cosplay. She was of course a terrible seamstress and prop maker and she never looked like any of the characters she cosplayed, but she could have some semblance of standards. There was a time for a bit where she would tell people asking her for nudes to “go bother some other girls that do that trash”. But eventually they got fed up with her and threatened to take their subs elsewhere if she didn’t pull her tits out. She even tried tricking them by using pasties with her “implied nude” bullshit that only served to piss them off more. Now that she has pictures of her spreading her asshole and being filmed eating cum-covered French fries, there’s no going back. They aren’t going to settle for her in barely accurate shit made cosplay’s anymore. They see it as a precursor to her filming herself in that cosplay while jamming a horse cock dildo up her ass, at point not giving a fuck what she’s wearing. And if she tries going back they’ll just take their subs elsewhere, like the others did when they felt like she wasn’t ever going to go nude.

No. 944645

File: 1728347926907.jpg (Spoiler Image,224.11 KB, 1537x2048, 1000017876.jpg)

Again, no one is forcing her to make this type of content.

No. 944646

I love that she can edit her ass into a smooth blurry mess but we have to see that toddler-tier paint job on those shoes. Couldn't afford more yellow acrylic moo?

No. 944650

The yellow in her socks really makes it look like she has fungal feet kek

No. 944651

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No. 944654

Bitch, from day 1 you only did cosplay to try and get attention and fame. Lying to yourself and your pigs every waking moment of your day must be exhausting.

No. 944655

I don't think she'll change careers. More like she thinksthat in 4 years she'll have enough money to retire

No. 944656

Dumb bitch really think she’ll just be able to quit and just slide into a normal ass job. She’s going to be in for a rude awakening when she gets turned away from multiple jobs when the first thing they see when they google her are pictures of her spreading her butthole and screaming about death to all Jews. Also, she tried doing “just cosplay” when she first started out and eventually had to start doing porn since all her builds were dogshit and people only wanted to see her pull her tits out. I guess she didn’t take the hint that no one wants to see her shit tier cosplay. The only reason they still stick around is wanting to see how she’ll debase herself even further. She’s already at the point of being filmed eating cum covered fries. There isn’t any going back for her.

No. 944658

Didn't she do that for her ugly plus size elf cosplay?

No. 944660


It was around the time that McDonalds ad featuring the hot anime mom was popular. She did a video dressed as her getting fucked by that needledick loser Ozy, which culminates in her eating a box of fries covered in his cum.

No. 944662

Then we are already there. Not to mention the anal horse cock video. Can't wait for her coworkers to accuse her of being into animals too. I don't think Moo really understand how everything online, even if she nuked it all, stays forever. We have archives and when she deletes her pages, lolcow will probably shoot up to the top of google which she's been trying to not allow happen.

No. 944663

Yeah there's no way she's beating those allegations considering before likes were hidden she like Billie eilish beastiality art.(sage your shit)

No. 944664

I don't think she wants to fuck animals, she'd have dogs or something, but she definitely feeds into the monstercock kink demographic.

No. 944665

More like she's doing fetishes that she thinks her fans will like. Like when she dipped her toes into pee and toilet fetishes. Sad thing is she'll always has to do more extreme stuff for attention. I remember when she made fun of girls who had to spread their assholes for a living.

No. 944670


Not to be pedantic but Moo is far from the world's greatest anything

No. 944672

File: 1728377632540.png (154.23 KB, 583x783, hypocrisy.png)

So moo is fine with "zionists" profiting of porn so long as it's on an 18+ site

No. 944688

luckily this will never happen because shell never actually be a nurse

No. 944694

She attempts to justify it by saying “she’s looking to get out and making a career change soon”. Yet had nothing to say about getting into the industry in the first place despite knowing all of this supposedly.

No. 944695

She likely can't get anymore surgeries (or realizes she shouldn't but I think that gives her too much credit) and knows she can't keep up the sexy mommy look much longer without them, hence the "career change"

No. 944697

Exactly what I was thinking. She knows she’s on the downswing and is simply looking for an out. She likely can’t keep up with all the surgeries, hates the content she has to film and the audience she has to cater to and isn’t seeing any sort of actual financial success. She’s not getting invited to conventions and if you think her podunk studio was even remotely successful that you would think she would be entertaining any talk of “career change”? That’s all this “industry is controlled by the Zionist pigs” talk is, a temper tantrum meant to give her an out instead of admitting what a complete failure she is.

No. 944699

There are so many influencers with way more surgeries than Moo has. What are you talking about with "can't get any more". Yeah she can..her body isn't even half botched as Trisha's yet.

No. 944703

You can only repeat so many lipo surgeries without having to find a new doctor. And even then, have you ever considered moo doesn't want to look as botched as Trisha does? Trisha has mental illness to excuse her poor choices, moo is just a vain piece of shit who enjoys looking at herself, she would never be able to cope if she ends up looking as bad as Trisha

No. 944707

She can still get surgery and from the same people. Not sure where you're getting this information that she can't. Obviously not lipo weekly lol but every 6 months like she does is fine. Especially because she eats and her skin isn't super loose.

No. 944710

isn't this common knowledge? many lipo surgeons recommend against getting repeated lipo in the same area because it ruins your fat distribution. this has been mentioned in her threads a few times.

No. 944713

If this rumor is true that she can't get anyomre it baffles me that she decided to just stop and not just diet and excersize. I have noticed though that instead of getting her monthly lipo she's just using more photoshop and fat girl angles. Like gurl can't put the fork down to save her only money maker?

No. 944734

File: 1728422465860.jpeg (261.69 KB, 1179x530, IMG_2349.jpeg)

Sure anon, she can if she lies and doctor shops for someone who will do it, or she can if she goes to an unethical doctor over and over that will end up with her looking even more botched. But go on since you're obviously an expert.
I still think moo knows she can do much more lipo without looking like a fucking mess and she doesn't want to make lifestyle changes
How the hell will she be a nurse if she can't even fit through a door

No. 944737

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No. 944739

. . . Is she fucking for real? That literally describes her to a T.

No. 944740

Never mind the fact she’s just casually insulting the kind of people who patron her sad little studio lol. Moo, you also built your brand on being low effort and cheap, maybe shut the fuck up for once in your life?

No. 944741

Hello? The pot is calling. This is rich coming from the girl who said she doesn’t find any enjoyment in the creation side of things. That why she commission her cosplays. If she could fit into an Asian xxl she would buy them as well.

No. 944743

not cuz most female cosplayers are porn thots and those who arent are overly sexualized and don't want to be. Moo couldn't even cosplay n resorted to porn

Maybe they should all be obese like Moo. She really pulled a covert "I'm not like other girls". Didn't she also mention she can't do collabs with most women because she feels ugly and insecure next to them? She needs to fuck off

No. 944746

File: 1728427743399.jpeg (594.25 KB, 1245x1487, IMG_4276.jpeg)

She says this like she herself doesn’t wear just the same wig with whatever random bikini she has lying around. How many "Makima cosplays" has she done that are just her in a wig and random clothes that have nothing to do with the character.
I’d LOVE to see Moo attempt a big build again just to see it fall apart the moment it’s put on.

No. 944747

wtf are they talking about? I've been seeing crazy builds in cosplay competitions lately. Then again these thots aren't in competitions and are just trying to out hoe each other. They aren't seeing these cosplayers because they aren't in the actual cos circles.

No. 944751


There’s tons of big and intricate builds. They don’t see them though because they’re ostracized by the people that actually care about the hobby

No. 944754

It's also funny that Moo has to comment on other womens apperance when the topic was cosplays and builds and not apperances.

No. 944757

This bitch doesn't even have wigs, she has mattress foam helmet sculptures made by her minion

No. 944770

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No. 944772

It has to be about akemi?

No. 944784

Moo, proving yet again, that she is both a shitty fake friend and financially manipulative.

No. 944786

Wait what have i missed? I thought they were still friendly, didn’t they film porn together just last year or earlier this year?

No. 944793

When you google her name a Momokun dedicated blog comes up describing her charity scams. Girl is cooked.

No. 944795

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I really don't like dogs, but it's crazy to see her openly admit that all pittbulls should be killed when she's done "charity" for wolves.

No. 944796

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No. 944799

We seriously need to start executing fat people(alogging)

No. 944802

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No. 944803

Yet she's too embarassed to say she's dating a broke autistic drug dealer

No. 944805

Most guys run for the hills when they see a hideous, unwashed, greasy fat whale like her trying to get at them. They are almost lucky that they don’t get to see she has shitty insufferable personality as well that is only looking to drain their bank account. She still keeps deluding herself into thinking she actually has options and it’s just that one of these guys she’s talking about hasn’t come around yet, when really the only guys she can get at this point are needledick loser drug dealers like Ozy. The kind of guys she’s talking about want damn near supermodel looking women who actually take care of their bodies, that hold the same traditional values that they do, who desire to raise and take care of a family, want women who are generally submissive and see their man as the “head of the household and provider”. They don’t want some psycho bitch going on about how his money is hers to spend, how she isn’t raising any sons because she’s afraid they’ll grow up to be incels, wasting all day arguing with complete randoms on Twitter. She’s seething that a rich businessman hasn’t come along and swept her off her feet and taken her out of having to do trashy Z-grade porn for a living. So now she’s on this “all guys are broke losers” copium to fix her bruised ego and trick her into thinking that it has nothing to do with her, just guys not being able to meet her lofty standards and getting salty about her calling them out.

No. 944819

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Feels like 2018 all over again(sage your shit)

No. 944821

Everyone guess that she would start popping off the second she felt like she got away with everything. A lo and behold, she’s right back to being her usual insufferable self before she got kicked off Twitter the first time. I imagine “is it time for us to cancel Momokun again style threads are going to start coming up again”. Only this time she doesn’t have an army of simps to soften the blow.

No. 944824

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No. 944834

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No. 944836

She's wearing lower abdomen compression-wear here.

No. 944838

ohshes mad people are finally dropping her ass

No. 944839

What irks me is that she’s going around acting like she is some kind of “cosplay kingpin”, acting as if she is playing some kind of 4-d chess with everyone where she has plans upon plans to ruin people and eyes on everyone like she has any kind of influence whatsoever. When in reality she is just some trashy porn thot who is a bad news day away from pissing herself scared to show her face in public like she was when she was outed as a sexual predator. She isn’t intimidating anyone with these passive aggressive callout posts.

No. 944842

File: 1728519759905.jpeg (74.06 KB, 1148x272, IMG_7381.jpeg)

she’s done for.

No. 944844

The 80 year mark from the holocaust? Holy shit?

No. 944848

Cant find this tweet. Was it deleted that quickly?

No. 944850

Probably quickly deleted when she immediately realized how totally unhinged she sounds

No. 944852

This dumbass Bimbo I swear. I’m glad people are finally calling her out with her fake ass sjw bullshit. She’s just attention seeking at this point whether it’s good or bad. Like the others said it’s 2018 all over again but this time nobody will be behind her as they are tired of her bullshit drama.

No. 944858

She's getting attention for doing the nazi posts. This dumb bitch isn't supporting anything and is larping as a nazi. She really thinks she's untouchable. I'm sure she's laughing right now thinking "I can literally become a Nazi and people will still love me and give me money"

Moo, no one loves you. You're a porn thot.

She's 1000% attention seeking. She thinks this is funny and edgy. She's always been racist towards every POC group so for her this is totally fine.

No. 944862

She should just replace zionst with Jews. She should stop tip toeing around it

No. 944863

I love that she goes back and forth between using "Allah" and "God".

No. 944866

Oh brother..She’s been watching HRH again…

No. 944868

In the future we’re definitely going to be seeing her Tila Tequila phase where she cosplays as a Nazi and sympathize with Hitler. You watch it’s gonna fucking happen!

No. 944882

If she becomes as unhinged as tila tequila I’d be all for it kek. I love that kind of milk.

No. 944886


It's mind boggling that she thinks she can just name change her way out of this identity (or however she plans on distancing herself from her own name, I still can't believe she's doing all this under her real legal name) once she's done, especially now that she's starting to spout legit Nazi shit. Does she even have any real friends anymore to support her if/when this all falls apart? Clearly no one cares enough to tell her to knock this shit off and get it together

No. 944887

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No. 944889

She's literally losing it. The guy doesn't seem broke at all and is in a happy relationship.

No. 944890

Her new thing seems to be calling any guy who calls her out on social media a “broke dusty”. She obviously can’t come back with anything else so now she’ll just accuse them of all being just jealous broke losers. She’s completely lost any grip on reality.

No. 944893

"Broke dusty" is the new "bitch boy". It must be hell to know all of your value is tied to whether or not scrotes want to pay for you to do disgusting things with/to your own body. It reeks of insecurity and self loathing the way she's hiding behind her wealth, she knows it can all be gone in an instant, that's why she's lashing out.

No. 944896

She’s one bad news day away from losing all of it. She’s already trying to speed run it with her daily antisemitism posts. All it would take is for those to gain a little bit of traction and next thing you know she’s back to being public enemy number one and ducking cameras at conventions she has to sneak into because she’s such a no name.

No. 944898

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No. 944899

it would be a shame if someone contacted her school and her sisters workplace(encouraging cowtipping)

No. 944900

I don't get Moo this time around. Is she being racist because she thinks it's funny? Or is she trying to cancel herself? If that's the case she could just leave social media? Is all this really just for attention?

No. 944902

To assume she is doing any of this on purpose with some some of plan is giving her way too much credit. She is just genuinely this stupid.

No. 944903

God, her face is absolutely gopping

No. 944904


Cut to a week later; her bitching online about being fired for her social media posts claiming to be a Nazi and calling death to all Jews. Then bullshit claims about how “the medical industry is run by Zionist pigs who secretly try to murder my people”.

No. 944906

KEK can any nurse nonas weigh in on this please. She went from claiming she's in an accelerated Masters in a bachelors program to now admitting to something she might even possibly be able to do ie. a glorified assistant?? What level of education is this at, community college?

No. 944907

Some anons think Moo's sister wrapped her into a scam program for injectors. Probably the sister telling Moo that everyone is ashamed of her doing porn and to "get a real job"
That's just my theory. There is a high chance Moo is just larping and lying though. Her grip on reality has been slipping lately.

No. 944910

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No. 944912

Sage for zero contribution but isnt it funny how all the worst types of bitches and hos go into the nursing field ? Like damn she really playing into that all bullys become nurses trope.

No. 944913

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No. 944914

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No. 944915

Multi millionaire? Seriously?

No. 944916

moo, you literally just uploaded and bragged about how good your last video was doing on there.
>been made a multi-millionaire from this
yeah, i'm going to doubt that. If you had made millions, as you claim, we'd never be hearing the end of it

No. 944917

Pressing X to Doubt on that “multimillionaire” claim. If she was making anywhere near that she wouldn’t even be talking about stepping away. Same with her studio, if she was making any kind of money on it at all, she wouldn’t even entertain the idea of leaving. She likely knows the writing is in the wall for her, no one is buying her content, they are sick of her personality and she isn’t seeing anything remotely close to the kind of success she wants in this field (con invites, professional photoshoots, sponsored deals) so now she is trying to pivot elsewhere. No one is buying your “suffering from success” bullshit Moo.

No. 944918

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No. 944919

Except you aren’t one of the desirable ones Moo. You’re still fat and all alone and only pencil dick drug dealers are looking your way. You’re not bagging some rich athlete to start a family with, you’re going to die alone in your home with only your cats picking on your corpse only because your family couldn’t be bothered to check on you. Those “broke dusties” you keep going on about likely are going to end up much happier than you and end up in loving relationships. Meanwhile here you are still sperging out online.

No. 944920

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Except you don’t do any "costuming". How can you be burnt with something you don’t even do? You buy everything pre-made and then plop in front of a camera for a few minutes and you’re finished.

No. 944922

How the fuck do you get tired of something you don’t even do? You don’t make any of the shit you wear, it’s obvious because the stuff you do make literally falls apart after about an hour. And that’s if it’s not just some lazy ass bikini and wig set. Bitch really trying to act like she spends all day building props and sewing costumes when all her shit is obviously premade.

No. 944923

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>I think the value in helping people is a very emotionally rewarding career. I've made my money. So I genuinely just want to give back. And I have a lot of fun in service. I like running around doing tasks
In all the years she’s been online, she’s shown us that she never "helps" people unless it suits her needs. And she’s never been up to "doing tasks". If that were the case, she wouldn’t have a reputation for being a lazy piece of shit who uses people.

No. 944926

The sudden want to run away and get money another way just seems weird. Her also screeching about "brokies" and needing to marry a rich man ASAP is also just really suspicious. There is no way this dumb bitch is running out of money. It's literally impossible.
She use to screech how she would never need a man for his money because she has all the money in the world. She's the golden goose. So why the sudden panic?

Tinfoil but I think Moo got herself in deep trouble that she's hiding because she's too ashamed and afraid to look stupid.

No. 944928

I mean… it’s too late for her. She already looks stupid judging from everything she’s posted lately lol. But I wouldn’t doubt something rattled her. But we’ll never know what unless she slips up and rants about it in IG stories.

No. 944930

It definitely feels like she like she doesn’t have nearly as much money as she brags about. She used to constantly go on monthly expensive vacations, brag about buying designer clothes and getting into expensive restaurants. None of that is present lately. Not to mention her constantly going on about how she doesn’t need a man, how she’ll raise her children by herself. Now she’s talking about wanting to marry a rich man and use him for his money, how “broke dusties need not apply”. And that she is looking to change careers. My guess is that she owes a lot of money to people you don’t want to owe money to. She was likely stupid with her money despite her constant lecturing and doesn’t want to look stupid by having to admit to it. So now she is praying some rich husbando comes along and swoops her up in order to bail her out.

No. 944931

Didn't she mention earlier this year that the irs an tax collectors were calling her? But she was a "bad bitch" and told them to talk to her lawyers? That's not how that works. Her writing off her vacations on her taxes, cosplays and everything else could be another problem she had. Along with doing porn in her "buisness" with no permits was also a no no. Along with her past charity scams that she thought the law wouldn't catch up with. I feel like it's an Onision case where they waited until she had a lot of shit piled up before slapping her.

If she owes people money she's fucking stupid. Why take out loans? I feel like if you make over 10k a month you don't need to do that. But like you said, in the past she spent way over 10k a month on stupid shit. A dress that cost 3k, vacations, surgeries, salon, buying every beauty gadget under the sun, buying friends, brand clothes. She's not doing any of that anymore other than the lipo.

No. 944932

Of course she had to get a jumpsuit with an adjustable waist because she would look like a whale in regular scrubs.
So she’s basically working as a receptionist? Kek that’s all she’s qualified to do right now.

No. 944933

As someone who has received a commission from her and knows others she commissions from, she makes payments on things and doesn’t pay in full anymore.Shes even been late paying people who have worked for her and now ask how much things cost. Her career started going in the shitter along with her finances as soon as 2022 hit. I don’t know her well but as someone who is a bit close with her “friends” unfortunately this is the truth. Mariah’s photographer and platform manager Alyssa can’t keep her mount shut and blabbers about how little Mariah makes every month now and even told Mariah’s “friends” her subscriber count and it’s bad. Shes old and burnt out. Moo is trying to cook up another drama disaster to get her attention back, it’s not gonna work.(post proof)

No. 944934

Can you possibly post any reciepts or proof?

No. 944935

wasn't that around the time she started the studio? It'd make sense if her finances started going downhill after that. The cost of the lease, monthly utility fees, all the construction she got done for the sets, set decor, equipment, potential staff costs (assuming she actually hired anyone). Those all add up quickly.
her being in trouble with the IRS would be amazing, they're the one agency you don't fuck with. It's a shame its just tinfoil for now, but fingers crossed

No. 944936

That studio is obviously a huge money sink. With how much she had spent on it in tweaks of construction, leasing and utilities and how little use it has, it’s not even remotely close to paying itself off. That’s likely what caused the biggest hit to her finances and has her in the position she is in now.

No. 944937

Another tinfoil is that since she left her last studio a complete wreck she had to pay damages

No. 944938

Linguists major still doesnt know the difference between than and then.

No. 944939

Your sister does cosmetic injections. She's not the same as a nurse, moo..

No. 944940

Like always, she has to grossly exaggerate things to give herself some semblance of importance.

No. 944943

Out of curiosity, how did her friends end up cutting or limiting contact with her? I’m sure they have some tea to spill out to people including yourself. Might as well say it all.

No. 944944

I want to add in, her old studio to rent was $5,000 a month she was in a 5 year contract I don’t know how she got out of it. Her friends mentioned she told them she spent “$100,000” furnishing it. She would complain about it being a money pit constantly and it was “too far away” for her to go to which is why she barely used it.

No. 944945

Everyone is scared of her and are under the illusion they have a lot to lose if they officially cut ties. They distanced themselves but still accept her money.

No. 944947


No. 944948

What I was told is Mariah went from making a monthly wage of $45,000-65,000 to just under $14,000-$16,000 every month now. It’s still a lot of money but not with her lifestyle. She rests from 1.2k-1.9k subscribers as an average compared to her old big numbers. Which I don’t know because they didn’t mention that to me. I’m tired of seeing people guessing her income when I know people close to her that share too much information. She also reads these threads about herself and it really affects her mentally but she pretends like it doesn’t.(post proof)

No. 944949

Did Moo not read this right? The dude wasn't clowning on her, the OG post was. She's so fucking stupid.

No. 944950

To associate with a person like Momo there’s a lot to lose since majority of cosplayers thinks she’s a joke and will shame her till this day. Just look at funimation when they had her model one character, they were on their asses for having her appear. She’s obviously horrible for PR and nobody will take her seriously just like the old days. Nobody should take her in no matter how much she’s paying them. However audience and public reputation is important than money, so that’s probably why people will not mention her as their client as she’s a pariah.

No. 944951

I'm calling bullshit. You need to post caps.

No. 944952

Boy I bet they have stories to share about her. Which one is the most interesting or the most damning in your opinion?

No. 944953

Mariah’s senpai squad booth at AX that was supposed to be a double-table pop up was given to JennaMeowrie instead and they left Moo with a kids sized table. She blamed Jenna and said she wished she would die, called her an ugly bitch and in her exact words said “all those girls can die”. She packed up early and then blocked all the people running the senpai squad booths and went on a rant via private story. This is just what a few of her friends talked about, I’m sure there’s more to the story. Jenna must of found out because they don’t follow eachother anymore(caps of the private story, proof?)

No. 944955

Got proof? You can always block yours and the friends name for safety.

No. 944956

Can you post any caps for any of your claims?

No. 944957

i believe this.

No. 944960

File: 1728629044904.jpg (78.25 KB, 1440x2789, 1000024031.jpg)

Couldn't help but notice she's deleted all of her recent posts involving school, including the picture she posted in the scrubs she purchased

No. 944961

File: 1728629252446.jpg (997.91 KB, 1440x1569, 1000024033.jpg)

Also she posted this. The internet is forever, Moo.

No. 944963

Yep. All her manic Jew hating tirades are there for the world to see for forever. As well as her spreading her gross pimply ass for degenerate coomers. The internet is forever Moo, try getting a normal job when all they have to do is search your name up and see all the heinous shit you have said and done.

No. 944964

I can believe that she blocks so many people that she considers competition or intimidate her talent wise because-she has non.

The funny thing is that those she blocked don’t even give a shit about her it’s new people she pisses off. All the people she’s burned are straight up ready to whoop her ass if she starts shit now, her thirty circle are only nice to her for business reasons. Must be nice to have money but have absolutely nothing but hate and vitriol.

No. 944966

With the drastic drop in quality of photoshopping, public rants of disrespecting her client base, bad social takes on geopolitical issues, and the short e-girl shelf life in general, I'm inclined to think there has been a drastic drop in retained subscribers. Also, knowing her lack of foresight, I'm willing to bet her investments she bragged about were in either her photography studio or crypto. It just kinda makes sense.

No. 944967

moo as a nurse
>mr deathbed’s blood pressure is 70/32
ok can you recheck it?
>never replies

>ms positive says she doesn’t want to take her HIV meds

did you ask why?
ok well can you ask why?
>idk im busy right now(fanfic)

No. 944971

her investments are probably just the lipo, nosejob and her house in the desert kek. also it's kind of obvious she has way less money/subs because she would have just bought a commercial building instead of renting for her studio. moo loves throwing money at everything and it's not as if there aren't buildings for sale.

No. 944973

>oh no, the consequences of my actions
Every single time.

No. 944979

I don't think she'd buy a whole building. That's way more money than renting for a year.

No. 944986

10k a month is beyond enough to live a good life for most people. But Moo has an over consumption issue. Food, drugs, money, she's too stupid to know when to stop or the actual value of things.

I had a hint something was up before she bought her current house. She saw that a lot of smarter thots and cosplayers had beautiful homes and apartments. She was posting photos of all these beautiful mansions she was going to buy. When we saw she bought that Mc Mansion we all laughed at her and wondered what happened to the other manor she was going to get. It's literally just an over sized white box in the middle of the dessert.

Honestly Moo could live a cozy life right now on 10k. But I think with her subs leaving her, her spending problems and the fact that everything is crashing down she's going to keep losing her fucking mind.(tinfoil)

No. 944996

Shes making way more than 10k. Anon was talking out of their ass abiut how much she makes.

No. 944997

For MA, depending on where you go you can get certification in a few months to a year really. ER tech I’m not too sure since I’ve only worked in a family practice, but Google says 6 month to 2 years to become one. Not sure why she kept gloating about being in an accelerated “BSN RN” program when she isn’t taking the NCLEX until 2027. Nursing and med students in general are supposed to be too busy with school to have a job, but of course she doesn’t know shit.

No. 944998

File: 1728687776728.jpeg (601.99 KB, 3264x1489, IMG_4305.jpeg)

Truly hoping her future employers google search her.

No. 945003


She she doesn't seem to understand if she got her license for ED Tech/nursing she can easily lose it with the way she is talking about an entire group of people. Medical board tends to frown upon people who treat others as lesser based on their race. Which can be punishable up to losing her licenses because there is no way she will be able to prove she will not sabotage medical care on that group of people.

No. 945004

This. It's part of the oath all medical professionals take. I guess now that she got rid of all her posts about school she's just going to make all her socials about Nazi shit.
I guess she just lost her mind realizing she's never going to be cos or porn famous. Her sloppy asshole is on the internet forever and she has nothing to show for it kek.

No. 945006

That anon said 14-16k. I agree she’s likely making more because of her lifestyle. 10k isn’t sustainable at all with her house, eating habits, pets, cars and studio. She is likely making around 20k but I doubt she has much disposable income. She is probably dipping into her savings.
Yea it’s weird she’s being heavily openly racist and then trying to get into the medical field. Makes absolutely no sense.

No. 945007

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Samefag but she’s already dirty deleting again. She has this cycle of posting racist shit, deleting when she gets the slightest bit of pushback and then reposting her OF posts for attention. Jesus she’s exhausting.

No. 945008

When she realizes how many Jewish doctors are plastic surgery specialists she will perhaps feel Dumb for posting all this shit publicly—but maybe not! She acts like she’s so Arab and sooooo Muslim but she probably couldn’t even speak a full sentence in any dialect of Arabic if her life depended on it

No. 945009

I think it’s because she doesn’t want to get banned so she says what she wants to say, and then deletes if people push back.

No. 945010

She can delete all her messages if she wants to but people will search up her real name and see her persona online. She’s the one who puts her full name out in the open and associate it with her lewd/porn brand. If she was that damn smart she would’ve used a fake name to protect her identity. It’s common sense, but nope she wants to be a star and the center of the universe, and now it caught up to her and she’s paying for it.

No. 945011

The thing is if she ever harmed a patient on purpose or accident and they/their lawyers looked into her and if the patient HAPPENED to be Jewish or any of the other groups she openly is racist against that 100% will land her in hot water at the least, could lead to at minimum losing her job/license, or even criminal charges for malpractice. The funny thing about the medical field is you MUST treat every patient, EVERY patient the same. Child abusers, pedos, woman beaters, murders. Doesn't matter you must treat them regardless. With her BPD ass I can 100% see her pulling an "oopsie" and doing something foul on purpose.(armchairing)

No. 945028

I remember back in the day people were not afraid to posts caps on Moo. Like proof of Moo telling photogs to shop her body to a ridiculous degree or DM's of Moo talking shit behind people's back. Now it's just "trust me bro"
Like come on

No. 945034

She's literally a whore what gives her the right to have such an inflated ego when she dresses like >>941607

No. 945037

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The return of dorito chin

No. 945040

Wtf she squished her entire head into a Scream mask

No. 945055

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No. 945056

What is this word salad even trying to say? And why does she keep bringing up Ukraine now? I am so confused what she's even sperging about this time

No. 945057

She thinks all Jews are originally from Ukraine

No. 945058

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No. 945059

File: 1728833551918.jpeg (1.11 MB, 2785x3264, IMG_4341.jpeg)

She really believes she’s some brave whistleblower here.

No. 945060

File: 1728833856431.jpeg (307.9 KB, 1267x796, IMG_4336.jpeg)

Hates being called a Nazi but literal Nazis are following her and agreeing with her statements. Jfc Moo

No. 945061

So she has blood on her hands as a creator. And she continues until she, personally, can have a nice comfy job and husband while people are murdered in Palestine?

No. 945062

Moo out here mask off, full manic mode because she thinks she's going to be a bougie practice 'nurse' like her sister and escape the pigsty she made to lay in.

No. 945064

That's literally the dumbest shit I've ever heard. A child can fact check Moo.

No. 945065

This woman has never properly used an apostrophe in her life.

No. 945066

there are better ways to end your career? She could have just left the internet silently to work. Now no place will hire her.

And she can't talk. She was literally on tiktok trying to shill her porn to horny teenage boys and flirting back with them in the comment section. Moo is so retarded I'm wondering if someone in her life is telling her all this and she's just parroting what's being said.

No. 945067

Is it just me, or does it seem like she's been going on manic rants more frequently lately? I wonder what's going on behind closed doors that's set her off.

On topic; You can tell she hates what she's ended up doing with her life, but she's unable to realise she can't just leave it behind when it's on the Internet forever, something all pornstars forget when they try to leave the industry.

No. 945068

Funny how Mariah Mallad only has a problem with onlyfans being Jewish owned now. She sure was OK with the platform back when she was making bank. Now that her numbers are perma sinking, she suddenly is best muslim…

No. 945069

She's doesn't even mark her leaves as 18+. She is furthering the issue of his find NSFW content. She can't even do the bare minimum to label her pages outside of onlyfans, manyvids, and fansly and those are only because they ARE porn sites.

No. 945070

Moo did weird fetish porn for literally nothing. Her numbers are down and she can't retire and needs to find work but can't.

At the start of her career she still had a natural body shape, a boyfriend, going to collage, no porn and had money. Notice how she's larping what she had in the past. You can't go back Moo. If 20 year old Moo saw what she would become she woulda just ended it all.

No. 945071

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Moo, you're buying from jewish adjacent companies got dumb fuck

No. 945072

She read here that anons suspect she's broke so she waddled to her closet to find the cheapest, old name brand shit she could find while wearing the scrubs she hasn't taken off for three days now.

No. 945077

her eyebrows and lashes truly are a fucking disaster lol

No. 945078

I can’t wait for her to speed run getting banned on twitter for hate speech again.

No. 945081

Flashback to OF a year or so ago possibly being shut down in October and her losing her shit to not lose her page, if she was so hellbent on burning that bridge to sex work she should’ve used that opportunity to leave then and not open up other pages on other camwhore sites.
There had to be an alt right dude that she’s pursuing that wants a trad adjacent wife or something cause I don’t think she’s ever been this stubborn on a topic before. Even the Las Vegas shooting muh city shit didn’t last this long

No. 945083

Moo actually proved the impossible. Some women don't have any value. She's a shining example of that.

No. 945084

She shas like 4 other accounts on there for thay reason.

No. 945088

why is she just walking around her house in scrubs? weirdo

No. 945101

If all the companies she does sex work for are Jewish owned, and they take a cut of her profits….does that not mean that she's supporting Israel too (and the "genocide" of her people)? Can this bitch be THAT stupid?

No. 945103

It's the closest she'll ever get to being a nurse, literally larping.

No. 945106

Is that why she's been wearing the same scrubs for days now?

No. 945114

Method acting kek. If she wears the scrubs long enough her larp becomes true.

No. 945121

this is actually crazy, for as long i've been following moo's threads for teh lulz i really think this is the most unhinged she's ever been. going from "i don't need to take my clothes off for attention" to begging for more onlyfans subs to full on mask off "i don't want to be in this SICK industry run by the EVIL JEWS" kek i know she has zero self awareness but holy shit. can't wait to see where this goes

No. 945128

She’s mad people are dropping her

No. 945129

If she hates only fans so much, why doesn’t she just use a different platform? Is she really that stupid?

No. 945132

She does other platforms, namely fansly, but she barely mentions it. She also, or at least did have (don't know if it's still around) a many vids page. She just never mentions them because I'm assuming they have less traffic. Also, shockingly, her patreon is still going

No. 945133

All run by Jews (??), all funding Israel! Muh genocide! wah!

No. 945136

the new weird horseshoe theory pro-Trump thing is that Harris is bad for supporting Israel (true) but that Trump isn’t worse for supporting Russia as well, because if you care about Ukrainians you hate Palestinians

No. 945139

From my understanding Patreon doesn't stop paying their creators even if they're inactive. She's just riding off her past fame and the fact a lot of people simply forget to unsub.

She should just move to the middle east then. See how much they appreciate women like her in her "homeland". Dumb bitch

No. 945141

It's not a brag if you can only buy cheap accessories because you're too fucking fat to fit into their clothes.

No. 945157

That and these are old purchases of hers too. Watch her get more upset anons are calling her broke and buy something.

No. 945161

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Those sharpie eyebrows make me theorize she was going for this as a joke cosplay

No. 945162

Even if someone forgets to unsub, patreon will auto cancel your subscription if your card fails multiple times or passes its expiry date, So I doubt she has many active subscibers there. Even more so, given the lack of interacton with her posts. Its also hard to tell what sets are "new" and what are just reposts of her old content.

No. 945169

Except her patreon is active. Its not force unsubbing people and if they are broke, thays of them and has nothing to do with Moo if thats the case of their cards being declined.

No. 945173

Off-topic but how’s Cyr doing? Last I checked was a few months ago and his last pots are from 2022. From what I gathered, he was popping bottles at bougie clubs and getting bitches or just hanging around ritzy areas. He seemed content, I’ll give him that.(Off-topic)

No. 945174

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No. 945175

Called it!
But she didn't even buy them. Watch her buy obvious knock offs. Lurk hrder Moo you predictable bitch

No. 945179

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No. 945180

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No. 945182

PLEASE LET THIS FUCKING HAPPEN! I shall masterbate to the schadenfreude.

No. 945192

aand they're gone. That was quick.
yeah, totally gonna happen. I'm sure this'll see the light of day like her fleshlight

No. 945202

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No. 945203

She says she's too busy to give a fuck yet she writes a whole fucking essay. Who the fuck is she talking about? You can tell whoever is threatening to sue her really got to her. Allegedly. Supposedly hahahah

No. 945204

Is she on adderall or just really spiraling? this bitch crazy

No. 945205

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Lying about every aspect of your life must be exhausting, Moo. This is public record. In the past, you’ve oinked about wanting to vote for Trump because "muh taxes".
She’s probably freaking out because she’ll be hitting the big 3-0 next year while still doing sex work lol

No. 945206

why not both?

No. 945207

Moo. You can't subpoena discord chats. You're not the police and your lawyers can't ask discord for backlogs when no illegal activity has happened. That's not how that works. It's she stupid? She might as well say "AND they'll give me the IPs!!"

No. 945216

Is she really wearing a sweater over her scrub jumpsuit?

No. 945217

Yes I'm sure hot topic is collabing with porn thots who're on the decline. She's going full delulu.
I think she's tweaking because no matter how hard she tries her numbers on onlyfans goes down, not up. She's losing it because she thinks she can just get money a different way but everything is failing.

First she was suppose to be a super rich injector, now nurse, now nothing. Now she's claiming she's going to collab with hot topic. Like Moo, you're a porn thot. You don't leave that career easily and you made it harder by being stupid and using your real name while going on Nazi rants. Just bite the curb.

No. 945220

what merch is she even talking about? it's probably some lame nothing like gamersupps art "inspired" by her.

No. 945221

Even if that. Like other anons said she has always talked about merch collabs and nothing comes of it. I HIGHLY doubt any company will collab with her with the current rants she's been having. She doesn't want to admit she fucked up. Being a vile piece of shit is hitting her hard.

No. 945223

I hope an anon can post her IG stories in full because it’s just deranged. But she’s implying that the designs are outsourced and being done by multiple artists at some company she can’t disclose yet. So, again, it’s nothing she herself made or had a hand in the design process so what is even the point? Can’t wait for this to be another flex that goes nowhere like everything she announces.

No. 945225

If this is even remotely true and isn’t like her supposed fleshlight collaboration that still hasn’t seen the light of day, then I’m sure her new collaborator just loves seeing their new brand ambassador going on unhinged, hate-filled racist Nazi rants online. I’d be shocked if they didn’t immediately pull the plug on her after that.

But this is her yet again trying to pretend she not anything more than a talentless porn thot. Everything she touches turns to shit, every avenue she tries to take to avoid doing porn for the rest of her life crashes and burns. She was talking about bro g a real estate agent, went nowhere. Talked about doing YouTube/streaming. Failed after a few weeks. Supposedly was already previously in school for “business and linguistics”, with talks about becoming a translator. Obviously went nowhere. Now is trying act like she’s well on her way to becoming a nurse, which history says she’ll fail at that too. She just needs to face reality that she’ll be stuck doing porn for the rest of her life, especially after deciding to go full on, mask off Nazi online.

No. 945227

Probably the reason she’s so hesitant to mention the company she’s "collaborating" with is so that people don’t flood them with caps of her going full Nazi on Twitter.

No. 945228

Delusions of grandeur sure do suck for people like her. She's def not in this reality and doesn't understand the way she behaves has consequences. It's def funny watching her go insane. I don't know how any thots talk to her though. Must be like talking to a mental patient.

No. 945229

The delusion doesn’t stop there. It’s the same as her dating life; she’s deluded herself into thinking she has all these “options”, that these “high value men” she is constantly going on about are just waiting to knock down her door to get with a “real woman” like her. When its actually she is a shit for brains land whale with an insufferable personality, admits that she’s only interested in draining whatever guy’s she is with bank account. The only guys she can get at this point are either degenerate coomers and pencil dick drug addicts like Ozy. Same as her jobs, she acts like she has all these financial avenues she can go down, that she has just such amazing business and acumen that companies will be kick down her door to hire her, when she’ll realistically be stuck doing porn for the rest of her life since she’s proven she’s incapable of doing anything else. Also, no company on earth is going to be looking to hire a full on Nazi screaming about how she hopes god kills all the Jews.

No. 945247

She's talking about. Cosplays so im wondering if shes trying to be a display model but she admitted needing to "cgi" stuff so i doubt she's the chosen official model.

No. 945248

For someone that claims to be anti-Zionist, she sure financially supports a lot of Zionists. Did she at least buy the Tesla used, so she's not directly giving Elon Musk money? I doubt our cow is that smart…

No. 945293

Well, she surely deleted all of those stories.

No. 945304

She needs to stop announcing shit like this until she's sure she secured the contract and the products have a sure release date. She's not beating the claims that she's stupid.

No one will work with a Nazi Moo. Dumbest "buisness" move.

No. 945312

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Was this already posted i couldn't find it but she's beefing with this "friend".

No. 945315

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No. 945319

Can something bad please happen to her

No. 945322

What in the actual FUCK is going on with her eyebrows? Has no one told her this trend went out like 10 years ago, and she looks like fucking Groucho Marx? Also, they should show this video in psych classes as the definition of a manic episode. Can't wait for the hard comedown from this one. Lol

No. 945323

I just read this as
"I don't respect others who do sex work because I'm a hypocrite and I'm insanely jealous of people who do sex work and have a happy marriage"

Her family sees these too. I guess no one cares to get her help. I personally think the jealousy and the decline of cash flow is what's causing this. All she had was money. She can't buy friends now. Also shame on anyone who's still friends with Moo while she went mask off.

No. 945324

Omg that is quite the face holy squash and stretch batman.

No. 945328

The way her eyes keep darting around. Yuh she's in full mental breakdown mode. I guess it's easier to pretend she's famous and working with brands than to face the reality she's currently in.
That and you know she's lurking and she's upset that anons and her mutuals know she isn't doing all that great financially and mentally.

No. 945333

She looks legitimately unwell

No. 945335

This was during her boasting about the deal with Hot Topic. I didn't read it as a breakdown, came across as trying to pass off how special she is. Its another big bitch act for her. She overly emotes when she does stuff like this and it's so telling.

No. 945336

Telling that she's lying? I dunno to me she still looks overly manic.

No. 945353

It’s because she wants so badly to dunk on everyone calling her a “talentless porn thot”. Anything she can rub in people’s noses to say how much of a success she is she is going to immediately reveal. Likely before any contracts have been signed. I bet the bitch is ready to do backflips just from getting a phone call or email. And predictably every single time it’s dead before it gets off the ground because she couldn’t keep her mouth shut and people are immediately flooding their emails with all the shit she has said and done over the years, giving them ample evidence to show why following through with a project with her will result in a complete dumpster fire.

No. 945356

I don't think Moo realizes that the people outside of this thread who also see her stuff send emails to these companies asap. I don't want to spam random people on twitter @ing gamersups, but a few did outside of her rants. Stuff like that will get back to these companies and depending on if they are conservative companies, they might drop her. I don't see GSs dropping her though. I wonder if she is talking about the ambassador thing for Hot Topic though.

No. 945358

Her dayglo white donkey teeth veneers are so hideous.

No. 945360

Holy shit she looks completely unhinged. Even with the sound off she looks like she’s rambling like a crazy person. It’s clear the fall off is getting to her and now that her cash cow is finally bleeding dry she doesn’t know how to cope expect pretend everything is still normal and that she is still just as successful as ever, if not more. She’s completely delusional and needs someone to sit her down and pull her back into reality. Except she’s burned every bridge she possible and managed to piss off everyone so much that now no one can help her and are likely enjoying watching her downfall after all the shit she has said and done to them.

No. 945372

….and she's STILL lounging around her house in scrubs for what?? Like… just wearing them AT HOME for why? I felt disturbed watching that video, is this what mania looks like? The darting eyes, the weird chattering rambling and over animated movements, the squealing etc? It's kind of eerie, also remembering the fact she's at home all alone while behaving this way too is… unsettling.

No. 945373

Those scrubs must wreak of unwiped assholes by now from how long she has been wearing them, likely without washing. She’s like a mentally challenged person sitting in their same piss soaked clothes for weeks on end. She’s totally fried mentally, no wonder someone had to do a wellness check on her months ago. Although she was stupid and deluded enough to think the cop was actually hitting on her.

No. 945380

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That didn’t stop you from flirting with kids on TikTok. Jesus Christ Moo…

No. 945382

Exactly. Whenever it’s her involvement in this shit it’s always crickets from her and “That’s exactly why I’m planing on getting out”. Yet when it comes to others she is so quick to wag her finger in their face and lecture them on their culpability in all of it.

No. 945385

Then fucking leave the porn community and work a min wage job. God she's so fucking annoying and stupid. She wont leave though because she's too lazy to et a real job

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