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No. 92925
The New Queen of Milk, Mariah Mallad aka Momokun Cosplay, has a lot of calves surrounding her, thirsty for those sad, saggy, Patreon bux-laden teats of hers.
Previous thread: >>386826
To prevent further derailing of her many threads, here is a spot to examine all the folks who hang onto her, either by choice or by force. Don't feel sorry for this herd unless it is obvious that Mooriah is browbeating them to keep them in her circle; they generally know what a piece of shit she is even when they claim otherwise, now more than ever after the last year of bucket after bucket of whole, unpasteurized milk from Moomoo. Look forward to this thread's OP becoming completely irrelevant in about, oh, three or four months.
>Please keep non-Moo-related discussion of Onision and Jessica Nigri to his threads over in /pt/, and the uggo costhot threads in /snow/ respectively. MomoAkuma/MomoCastro is a special kind of trash that has her own thread at >>640796 but shit she does for/with Moo can still go here.People Going Down With L.O.L Mootanic:
-Collette/Vamplette: Mariah's chief bitch, Vamp can be counted on to help Mariah with her shitty costumes and take all the abuse Mariah throws at her. Is known only for being Moo's attack dog on social media, having an unfortunate nose, and her even less-fortunate twerking videos. She is supposedly quitting cosplay forever and ever this Fall, we'll see what comes of that. (and Veronica/Veronicalunalu): A roided up fuccboi who, with his girlfriend Veronica, has been slumming around Moo for clout and party money. Matt is a tripfag from the /cgl/ days of yore and is most likely shitting up this thread (or whining at his girlfriend to do it for him) at this very moment in time. He was a big player during Moo's stint at pretending to go to the gym daily, and Veronica will drag herself to Moo's group shoots when called for. (and Nicolette/Nicoletters/Yirico): Another tripfag and his even more tripfag-y ex-girlfriend, Kevin has been white knighting hard for Moo since Nicolette broke up with him. They both previously mocked Moo until they decided they would be better served leaching from her; Kevin was even an absolute fucking genius and posted screenshots of him shitting on Moo over twitter with his icon showing on lolcow. Nicolette was a very staunch white knight for Moo as well over the past few months before suddenly disappearing, laying low during the recent molestation scandal. (and MisoTokki): A photographer who is the only one that Moo has left to shoot (and shoop) her, he used to openly hate her until his naive babythot girlfriend and Moo's money opened his heart to magic or whatever animu crap Moo is spouting this week. Now he's a compliant little bitch for Mooriah, going to bat for her during the groping scandal amongst the other fuck ups she has caused lately. Another porn-making costhot, Holly has subbed in as Moo's cosmom ever since Nigri started properly snubbing our cow. At first, she seemed to be outright annoyed by Moo, but time (and money) has changed her tune. Already more-or-less washed up in every way, it isn't hard to see why she's hitched her wagon to Moo, looking to catch some relevance and neckbeards off her new buddy. in mind nearly every single calf and senpai listed in the last thread has since turned on Moo, keep your eyes peeled to see how many bridges Mooriah burns down this year!
NOW INTRODUCING UMBRANWITCH/MADDIE: Her new lapdog who has taken over for Vamplette since her and Moo's falling out. She will do anything Moo says and barks, literally. She's a clown obsessed, socially inept weeb who constantly lets it slip about what Moo says or does in reality and bts and shows us lovely caps of the massive fat cow. She's moved in with Moo and they've become BeSt FriEnDs. She creates Moo's wigs now which look stiff, overly large which makes them comical sans the already fucked up hairlines on everything. Claims that people steal her tricks to wigs when she didnt invent anything new.
No. 92926
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This is why Moo hates the design.
No. 92952
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>>92926Could also be because Vamp bought fake tits. the cosplay kind and not needing moo bucks to get cucks with a operation. Her Tsunade is also better which I'm sure stings dear Moo hard
No. 93000
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Without a doubt Moo is slowly trying to ease her way into Vamp's life for multiple reasons, and that includes the fact she's with a cosbro who's her type.
No. 93377
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Vamp put out pics with the set. I think she's lost weight since leaving Moo's side too.
No. 93381
>>93377Vamps isn't some amazing cosplayer/thot but it's jarring how her and Moo worked/live/started together yet Vamps can actually pose her body and face
Meanwhile Moo looks the way she does in her shoots
No. 93801
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Moo is almost the only person who can't fit into this outfit. I can't wait until she buys it and looks like the massive sausage we know she is.
No. 99685
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Anteras is moving out finally. Probably got sick of Moo after all her blm fake woke posts
No. 99742
>>99689>>95132yeah, Kevin got a gf and moved w/ her to FL but came back DURING A PANDEMIC to visit Moo and let Moo shower him with shit, like a trip to the wolf sanctuary (all while her poor widdle bby kwitty was so sick uwu)
>>99685Cat moved out months ago with vague post to her Twitter, its in the previous calf thread. Honestly, probably move in with her parents and just now is getting back on her feet w/ new place, bit that's pure speculation.
No. 100222
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Tinfoil maybe but… Umbran may have moved out of Mariah's house (or is possibly just visiting home)
A cosplayer I follow on Twitter who lives in Ilinois mentions Umbran coming over to style a wig. I think Umbran also lived in the midwest before moving in with Moo
No. 101756
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Matt still a calf?
Because oooof what is this?
No. 101863
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>>101763He’s definitely not ugly.
Just annoying.
No. 101910
Body is cut if you like that kind of thing but that is a face only a mother could love
No. 101932
>>101920Sorry Matt, but you look like someone's 50-year-old uncle
>>101889Yeah most old cgl people remember him being just as insufferable as he is now
No. 101994
>>101952>>101932Have you met Matt?
I don’t understand this weird hate
No. 101995
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>>101952>Caring about sage>Kek unironicallyI got bad news for you kiddo
No. 102004
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>>101995>not understanding the importance of saging your autistic non-contributing posts.filthy scrote go back to plebbit.
No. 102040
>>101997>Yall real dumb if you think people selfpost here.You must be new. People get caught by farmhands for selfposting all the time.
>>101920>>101994>>101995Pathetic. Imagine dropping lewds hoping femanons would hype them only to get dragged for being a complete uggo. kek
No. 102071
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>>101997Matt has a long-standing reputation for self posting on /cgl/ and making fun of himself for attention, saying things like
>thing guy looks like a douchecanoe rate his abswhile spamming the same bad photo for months. He was called out for it a lot but kept doing it for sympathy attention, guess he still doesn’t know how to change file names before posting.
No. 102129
>>102116not that anon but how does that remotely sound bitter? they literally stated things as they happened.
sounds pretty cow-ish to be defensive over something so basic tbh
No. 102180
>>102158>>102134>>102133get the fuck off this thread if you dont like it, you are able to hide threads on this site, do it? This isn't 4chan where you can anon defend some """random""" dude you """dont know""". Go read the rules.
This uggo scrote seems like thread material.
No. 102357
>>102349Wasn’t it proved he cheated on TL but not the others? I remember no one having proof and it was all rumors.
Wait wasn’t this all over 4-5 years ago? This cunt is no longer relevant.
No. 102990
Moo's speculated cockboy:
Goes by Mylow____ on most social medias (instagram, Onlyfans, Twitter). Has a Only Fans account and seems to deliver on actual penetration. Is a choreographer, has actually performed as a background dancer in videos with Trisha Paytas, Madonna, etc. so of course Moo loves him. Will post more as needed. (not active, old) No. 110508
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A highlight from the thread anon posted on main. Kevin’s ex, Nicolette, confirming he is pretty much just as lazy as Moo.
No. 117463
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Then please, for the love of God, stay the fuck away from Moo.
No. 118128
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In the post after this she said she's finally getting a nose job.
>>117463Too late they're exes
No. 118448
>>118128this is an imageboard, anon.
post caps or leave. this is annoying.
No. 119016
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No. 119117
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Surprised Moo hasn't said anything but Vamps came out of surgery. Posts incoming.
No. 119119
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>>119118For those who don't know she complained about her vertigo earlier this year
No. 119120
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>>119119Posted for the sake of legitimacy
No. 119121
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>>119120Before and after spliced together
Tiktok is's IG, Umbran and some other affiliates have commented under his post (IG) about Vamp's nosejob, so Moo knows.
No. 119127
>>119121>>119120eh, good for her. looks like a sterotypical shape from the side, im curious to see it from the front because that really shows if you cheap out. he doesnt have many noses on his instagram and his boobjobs look hit or miss. wonder what moo is going to get out surgically to make herself feel better the same way she got those clear retainers when vamp did
repost forgot to sage sry
No. 119162
>>119121This… doesn't look good at all. First of all it's got a weird shape, no consistency between bridge and tip, like it was made by a total amateur. The tip is shaped weirdly and hangs low, the columella also hangs lower than it should and the inside of the nostrils looks far too exposed, which is a deformity. It will inevitably droop even lower as it heals. This looks like the type of amateurish nosejob that will require a revision within 2 years. This doctor is terrible.
/end of nosejob sperg
No. 119192
>>119189true, kek'd at the thought of vamp really thinking her only setback was her nose……
no amount of surgery can fix the tragically homely.
No. 119271
>>119262Keep calling everyone retarded that doesn't change the fact you're acting bitter as shit across several threads you sperg.
Her nose looked busted before and after.
No. 119438
>>119121It seems like Vamps has wanted this for a long time, so I think she'll be happy with the results even if they're not amazing.
>>119170Honestly this bothers me way more than anything to do with Vamps. This surgeon is using a platform with a notoriously large teenage population to advertise plastic surgery. That's tacky and slimy as hell.
No. 119868
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First splint off tomorrow she says. Also, for those not knowing, that is a rubber band for her invisilign not spit
No. 120608
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New nose. This is probably the first time I've ever seen a front facing selfie
No. 124900
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Now that Maddie “retired” her commissions it looks like she can make wigs for her sugar mommy full time, despite stating that she no longer has the passion to create wigs anymore. When does she ever make wigs for others besides cos-famous people anyway? What sad about this is that she rather be working with a well known sexual harasser with a shitty reputation than building her own business as long as money was thrown in her direction. I guess it’s the spoiled rich life she’s used to that made her that way.
No. 132183
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Maddie got fillers lmfao
No. 132203
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>>132198new lizards in Moo's house
No. 133191
>>133070what in the actual fuck.
why would she post this instead of practicing like 3 more weeks. she looks so unsure about the "choreo".
No. 133196
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>>132198has this always been her backdrop? she mentions moving. the trellis + fake plants makes me think of Momo's house - think she moved back in?
No. 133941
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Antares is now banning people from her shop that don’t credit her in every post that has her ears in it. Too bad she won’t ban Moo
No. 134019
>>133941>no idea who this is>look them up>nothing but very average furry earsI can understand being mad if someone outright lied and claimed they made them, but this is totally different imo. It’s so unrealistic and narcissistic to expect someone to credit you in every single post for making such a small part of an overall costume.
And if she’s really checking every customer’s profile regularly, she either doesn’t have that many customers, or she’s a loser with no life and nothing better to do than neurotically check up on a long list of people
No. 134075
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Makes sense though. You have some cosplayers go as far as credit some cosplay company that's low quality, but not handmade customized ears you wrestle with claims to own and to use in the cosplay? Seems like one is honestly more important to credit. People credit wig makers, prop makers.. its basically another prop. It's just laziness and wanting to keep where you get your stuff a secret on most of these cosplayers parts. Its a way cosplayers have been skirting by to pretend everything is them like how Moo usual does. She was ranting about this a while ago too.
No. 134076
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>>134075She's also made this complaint so many times before.
No. 134077
>>134075Imagine if retail stores did this. You post a picture wearing sone dress you bought and suddenly @you
why didn't you credit. This dress is the main theme of your photo. Credit me.Makes the creator of the item look crazy, who wants to be subtweeted and harassed by someone you bought some generic item off?
No. 134096
>>134089The people who do this try to keep their connections or where they got it to themselves even if the stores or person is public. It's just scummy. Especially with ears like these where cosplayers do get asked in comments where stuff is made of not listed, again, especially ears. I see it asked on lingerie and normie ear wearing ooc outfits. Its purposeful on their part not to credit and not just an oversight. The only thing I think happened is they mightve forgot where they got ears if a seller is on something like Instagram and you can't just look up an order like on Etsy. This is a big issue if your whole purpose is just to grab as many listings as possible just to make content.
These people often resell for higher too which is a whole other issue, but imo if you bought it you have every right to sell it for as much as you want. Sellers getting mad that you were able to get more for it are just salty. You own it at that point. Its not the same as crediting.
No. 136684
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We know moo has plans so wanted to show the detail vamp put into her version at least with the aging of the dress and all. She even wore her fake boob chest plate thing. I wonder what Moos train wreck will look like.
No. 136847
>>136684Yeah ngl, while her face isn't perfect for this cosplay, this is probably one of the best takes on the dress I've seen? Over all one of the better cosplays I've seen even if I'm still sick of everyone hopping on this bandwagon. kek
I hope we see Mariah pull out the brown upper lip for this one.
No. 139094
>>139082nta but wasn't vamps a stripper originally? She's probably very used to being completely naked/doesn't care as much about that… So would that really be considered following her lead?
Also, this comment screams 'scrote'. No one gives a shit about vamps naked body, that's not milk.
No. 143451
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Leave it to the white girl of the group to not gaf about Moo's racism while her other friends have. Her, Collette, sniper. The only people still making it clear they follow her.
No. 150942
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Just want to record information because the other thread mentioned this scrote idiot: (?, Dead)
"Boyfriend" is pinkydeath826. Shares a poly relationship with her husband included.
Shi_no recently came out with a tiktok saying:
>whatever "happened all those years ago" is over and whether the victims healed or not is none of their concern>"she didn't digitally rape anybody, she didn't actually rape anybody..all she did was touch people "accidentally">according to Shi_no, Moo has apologized, she's gone to therapy, she takes medication>doesn't understand what other want and deems Moo "harmless">speaks as a victim of PTSDSounds super autistic.
No. 152744
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they really posted this and thought it was a good shot. I don't know what type of look Vamplette is trying to go for here, deranged frog?
No. 152782
>>150942Because lifting someone's shirt is "accident".. Because forcing someone to slightly bend over so you could slap their ass in public without consent was an "accident".
These dumbasses defend everything about moo.
No. 152910
>>152892>>152884She didn't like the bump, but for the most part kept the size. She got just a shavedown and they fixed the deviation a bit. Having a big nose isn't a bad thing
>>152884 unless you're like the anons complaining about Mikan's nose job too which is the same surgery Vamp got.
No. 153738
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Oh god , Moos been taking her to get her lips done, they are so overfilled and look ridiculous
No. 233045
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>>153738This has to be the worst cosplay I have ever seen in my life. Her big ass teeth, her nails, her lips. The dead eyes and lack of lashes. God she’s an eyesore.
No. 239240
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not sure where to put this since she's technically no longer mariah's calf nor does she do cosplay, but sabrina nichole did a photoshoot for a pin-up magazine with a child??? some of the photos are nude although the kid only shows up in the one's where she has a bathing suit on
No. 239242
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>>239240someone made a comment about it asking her why she would shoot pornographic images with a child on set but it looks like she deleted in
No. 239266
>>239240None of the shits are sexual with the kid in the room. A bikini alone isn't really a big deal as long as he wasn't there for actual NSFW shots like
>>239242Its not up to her either.
No. 239291
>>239280but the sexual pictures and the ones with the kid are in the same spread. in a
pin up mag it has disgusting implications.
No. 266460
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Looks like vamplette managed to snag herself an Asian boy. Mariah is probably fuming
No. 273822
>>267999where did 131 go?
why does it keep getting taken down
No. 285127
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Her post vs Waifu Con Pic
No. 329131
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Maddie made Megan Thee Stallion’s Miku wig.
No. 329426
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>>329333It already started
No. 329530
>>329459maddie was really
toxic when she was still on the east coast actually. she caused a lot of drama and betrayed a lot of people to get where she is. she was almost like moo in a sense, copying others and starting shit and only getting away with anything because she had money.