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No. 892011
They are everywhere, on social media including our backyard!
Always infighting about stupid shit or doxxing other anti-O’s, lurking on lolcow and always looking for asspats when doing the “extremes”; not to mention praising and/or rimming the Onion Goddesses for validation
>A few prominent ones:Bad Banana (private) Unprivated DeArmour Money Onision>And last but not least…drumrollStevie Wolfethorne/Someguy827/The Original A-Log thread may suck so please feel free to edit/update or whatever
(shit op) No. 892039
>>892023This is dumb .. Stevie already has his own thread. The other people except for aldii don’t even have a Youtube, Banana hasn’t even been as active as he use to be so how are they trying to be the ones to take down Anus.
Sounds like a vendetta thread
No. 892043
File: 1573520673284.jpg (22.37 KB, 879x91, 2019-11-11_20-05-13.jpg)

>>892039Not the one who made the thread, but it's not a vendetta thread, it was requested by multiple in the thread request thread. It's mostly to complain about twitterfags that have been coming here or causing shit (cowtipping and bragging about it).
No. 892049
>>892011>This thread may suck so please feel free to edit/update or whatever>feel free to edit/updateYikes, how newfag are you? Also I don't understand what the milk is here. They're cows because….they're doing what this entire website has been obsessed with doing for years now?
>We all hate Onionboy>We also hate people who hate OnionboyReally, is this what the site is now? If they're not whiteknights or pro-Onion who gives a fuck.
>>892043>Stop posting anti-o flakes.>They do not get to come here for validationSo you did literally the opposite of what you were told to do by mods? And made an entire thread to validate them? Stop posting about them doesn't mean "go post about them over there", it means….stop posting about them.
No. 892057
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Drop coming
No. 892059
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No. 892061
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No. 892062
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No. 892063
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No. 892065
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No. 892066
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No. 892067
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No. 892070
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>>892066she sounds totally insane and obsessed. contacting a cow's parents is not okay. wow.
anyone who claims themselves to be the "mole queen" of lolcow is definitely a cow themselves.
No. 892086
File: 1573523874912.jpg (103.91 KB, 580x845, 2019-11-11_20-58-08.jpg)

>>892065Which is funny since it shows how much of a hypocrite they are.
No. 892087
File: 1573524041363.png (38.39 KB, 736x360, FYLh5EvWHx.png)

>>892086yOu GuYs ArE fUcKiNg EvErYtHiNg Up JeSuS cHrIsT
No. 892097
>>892087You don’t understand! It’s only okay if I do it privately but publicly denounce it so I can get all the ass pats from the celebrity
victims. I’m doing the lords work….. for attention.
No. 892104
File: 1573525872575.jpg (91.21 KB, 673x900, EIo4l9OX0AEhKbK.jpg)

seems like badbanana and onisionunprivated are not on good terms?
No. 892108
>>892093It always starts the same way. The Onion milks dries a bit and they start attacking each other. It happened first with Repzion, Stevie, Zierota, Emily (?) and whoever else was in that group.
It continued in the OTL group, etc. I'd say Joy ( rip cow ) was the most milky.
Advice for the OP - explain why we should care about these people and why they're milky if you want anons to be on board. I for example only know Aldlii for her videos and nothing else and I'm sure I'm far from being the only one.
No. 892111
>>892087>you guys are fucking it upSarah did that on her own imo, seeing as she ruined her own case.
Also I don't blame Sarah entirely for what happened, anti-Os took advantage of her in an emotional state and encouraged this retarded twitter crusade
No. 892117
>>892108>I for example only know Aldlii for her videosSame here. I wasn't aware that she was displaying cow qualities and mentioning what those qualities were in the OP would have helped.
>>892111Regina is in the same boat. She keeps doing interviews with cows and not doing her research on them. Some of these "interviewers" have sided with Pedonision in the past and shouldn't be trusted. Thankfully Shiloh didn't involve herself in that.
I don't think Lucidia has done anything either, but people raise her to "queen" status for calling out Greg.
No. 892128
>>892087agreed.. she’s an attention whore and a cow.
Aldii seems fine to me, I like her videos.
Stevie is okay but his temper makes him look like an idiot when he goes on his rants.
Repzion is a misogynistic asshole who’s ego is getting too big. Him and Joy are a lot alike not sure why he hated her probably to take over the Anus video hate train.
Lucidia use to be a cunt on Twitter but she’s mellowed out a lot, same with banana. Both use to be very vocal antio’s on Twitter.
It’s odd to make a thread about people that hate Anus.
No. 892132
>>892128It's not because they hate the neanderthal but because some of them take things too far and end up becoming just like the cows on snow. They want the fame of being the one to take him down while using the
victims as excuses. It's self-righteous bullshit.
No. 892133
>>892132It’s too bad the
victims don’t see their
No. 892195
File: 1573537053636.png (462.16 KB, 665x1623, Screenshot_2019-11-11 Jesse on…)

>>892019With the exception of maybe one on that list, I don't see the point in making a dedicated thread. I know there was in fighting where Bad Banana, Jesse, Arim and MissHeezy got upset at Unprivated (and some others) for who knows what.
>>892061>>892062>>892063>>892065>>892066I've seen these screen caps and don't know the point Arim(?) was trying to make. Jesse also released something similar (didn't cap those bc didn't see the point).
No. 892198
File: 1573537250242.png (220.58 KB, 636x854, Screenshot_2019-11-08 Arim (al…)

All I saw before all this went down was some pointless infighting caused by what looks like a big nothingburger. Having a vague, personal dislike of someone really isn't a reason to make a thread on them. And unless they're doing something to actively harm the investigation, giving this kind of thing attention only takes away from the Onion's child grooming/harming of minors.
Anyway, I won't be replying to this thread, I'm out.
No. 892201
>>892195The screencap that you posted is exactly why their flakey asses get a thread. All this drama and bickering is what really "distracts" from the grooming, not a thread they don't have to read or the law will even give a single damn about.
>>892198You also don't have to announce when you leave the thread.
No. 892229
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Feeling like some of the farmers who don’t want this thread to exist are twitterfags themselves
In other news… No. 892232
>>892229Some of us only want to know what the actual milk is. To simplify:
- Who tf is Sarah?
- Why is it milky?
With no context that tweet is meaningless.
No. 892250
> Say we don’t need this thread > Complains about thread being made > Seeks out thread in /snow/ > “I hate this” That’s
a lot of effort for hating something, farmers!
>>892128Lucidia gives me the creeps! She’s an old looking witch who spends 100% of her time trying to suck up to Sarah for some reason
No. 892258
>>892131She said herself isn't pursuing this legally in the Hansen stream. You are extremely naive if you think or thought this was ever going to go anywhere.
This is Sarah post breakup, not sarah post onision/ onision related drama. She probably wouldn't have tried pulling off Melanie Martinez clownery if she wasn't pushed into this by the various cowtippers.
By the way, tweeting case details, making thinly veiled threats, and giving randos account passwords that don't even belong to you will hurt your case.
No. 892271
File: 1573561010855.jpg (21.55 KB, 590x120, screencap4.jpg)

sarah cheating on her husband.
someone should fill the poor guy in.
No. 892283
>>892229My thoughts as well. Cows usually show up in threads about them.
>>892243They were dumb as fuck to make that Twitter Blackout thing. If you can't control yourself from giving Grog attention, then you have problems other than spamming pedos to work out.
>>892271>>892273Pure cringe. We don't "feature" people here. Twitterfags are their own biggest fans.
>>892278This. One of the reasons why people wanted a thread is because of all the cowtipping.
No. 892285
File: 1573564282272.jpg (59.56 KB, 540x960, sdf.jpg)

>>892250Lucidia used to be a fucking cunt but she’s ok now. my favorite though is this fucking loser @ChasevsOnision
No. 892300
>>892271>>892273Well which is it
>>892285Do you, or don´t you `feature people here` i mean whats the point of having this thread if you can´t talk about the actual cows?
No. 892314
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how nice, they´re both cheating.
No. 892319
File: 1573570731507.jpg (177.17 KB, 1084x1072, cuck.jpg)

she´s always looking for attention for anything with a cock, featured in the image more cheating, her and her cuck husband who´s a 103.
No. 892321
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she used to be a fatty, has borderline, and lost the weight. her poor husband stood by her for all that, and now as a thank you she´s cheating on him. a lot.(not milk, autistic nitpicking)
No. 892326
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you´d be right about that, stevie, my dear boy!
No. 892335
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Gee whiz
i wonder why sarah
maybe because you flirt with anything with a cock?
No. 892337
>>892336he's a cow on twitter who attacks other users and then plays the
victim when he's outed. he's involved with a group of crazy anti-os who spout tinfoil bs. all he does is bitch now a days so he's losing followers
No. 892343
>>892198These screenshots can be summed up:
Jesse kept going on about his ASM theory, unprivated and kittensaurus being the leaders of the antio movement and ruling with an iron fist told him to gtfo and decided that nobody is allowed to speculate or talk about possible things going on with Anus. Others got involved and upped the drama, friends defending friends and so on.
Screenshots were posted which show unprivated and kittensaurus as being the haggard hypocrites they are.
The Neglected Banana stuff happened because he wasn’t respectful of Laineys pronouns and being a transphobe much butthurt ensued between the secret Lainey Stan’s and Neglected. He has since gone private
everything else has just been collateral damage and friends autistically defending friends
No. 892359
>>892354Just checked their twitter, They're completely nuts, Nobody is interacting with them and they're bitching about the same very people posted.
This thread smells like vendetta lol Arim seems like a huge cow ranting to herself, 25 posts of pure rage, Even posting her own screenshots on this very thread.
Not very smart this one.
No. 892364
>>892353She is. She's one of Sarah's clsoest friends but used to be Plainey's buttplug before she came out to get some fresh air and has been an anti-o since then.
>>892343Seems that way. 90% of the twitterfags associated with them seem autistic as hell and have clearly found out about the thread. You can always tell who the real cows are that way though cause they'll throw a tantrum about the thread.
>>892359Ffs it was
requested by more than one person. Get over it.
No. 892369
>>892365And now this one is getting derailed by them. Other sites are laughing at the Twitterfags too though, it's not just us. They need to learn to chill before they make the
victims uncomfortable again.
>>892367Not even close, but keep being mad.
No. 892376
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I can't with them.
Hashtagging Jimmy sure as hell doesn't do anything.
Them talking about deplatforming him won't deplatform him and doesn't help the victims.
They really are as delusional as his fans.
Bonus: special they/them snowflake!
No. 892422
>>892410There is no investigation anon. Hansen isn’t a cop .. the most he has said he is doing is giving these girls a place to tell their stories. If there was anything illegal implicated he would have no choice but to tell authorities or he is culpable.
Anyone who believes that Anus or Kai is going to jail is dense not sorry to say, it surrounds a false narrative to the
victims and when nothing in that respect happens it will only benefit Greg’s ‘innocence because I wasn’t convicted’ story.
The Twitter antio’s going with that narrative are only going to hurt the girls
No. 892511
>>892336She isn't a
victim of anything. People like to kiss her ass now because they're newfags who think having onion say mean things to you on twitter gives you ptsd.
Ever since falling out with Taylor she's been in anti o circles with other scorned Exes of Taylor obsessing over their every move and cowtipping.
No. 892522
File: 1573597077234.jpg (113.6 KB, 1251x254, 2019-11-12_17-05-37.jpg)

Couldn't have said it any better. The twitterfags wanted attention and now they have it.
>>892422Agreed. They take a bit of information, change it up a bit, and then pass it around like gospel. They did that retarded shit when Sarah first started speaking about this. They twisted her words and changed it into the Onions having sex with her while she was underage. Sarah has flat out said that there is no ongoing case because she's in school and can't handle a court case. She said that she spoke to pro-bono lawyers but that's it. She hasn't accepted anything and if she did want to, she would ask
Chris Hansen for help because of his reputation and experience. It doesn't fit their narrative though so they changed her words around and now it's "There is an on-going case, guys!". That kind of word of mouth is damaging to Sarah and makes her look like she isn't credible.
No. 892675
>>892527is this why she's a
victim? LMAO
No. 892676
>>892671Yeah, I have the same question. Why are you posting caps of someone's house, anon? With still no explanation behind any of this. I understand that about three anons rEqUeStEd it, but some context would be great.
It's the bare minimum required for any thread.
No. 892684
>>892675She's not really a "
victim" in the way the other girls are. She was friends with Sarah and through her leaking their texts it was revealed that Sarah and Lainey had flirted when Sarah was underage, Lainey bathed in front of Sarah and would walk around naked, and she believed she was next in line after Billie. After this was revealed Sarah got sent home, Greg and Lainey attacked Lane along with their asslickers, and Greg and Lainey called her several times anonymously. I think she did a stream with JoySparkleBS about what was going on as well. She's been supportive of Sarah this whole time. After the other girls started coming forward and talking about their experiences she backed off.
No. 892723
>>892676The context is: a group of antio’s are mad at a couple antio’s and I assume they are making a thread about them and posting pictures of their homes to intimidate them because they dislike them of course
>>892522Some of those twitter antio’s act like it’s their investigation.. it’s all going to come back and bite them in the ass
No. 892730
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>>892343>unprivated and kittensaurus being the leaders of the antio movement and ruling with an iron fist told him to gtfo>The Neglected Banana stuff happened because he wasn’t respectful of Laineys pronouns"Laineys pronouns" fucking LOL.
Looks like a lot of he said/she said and overreaction on both sides. womp womp.
No. 892731
>>892364>>892367I always found it funny how some anons think they know who's posting. Not everything's a self post etc., but do go on my dudes.
>>892723>The context is: a group of antio’s are mad at a couple antio’s and I assume they are making a thread about them That's what I thought from the very start. But beware anon, being critical or having a dissenting opinion might mean you're in fact a self posting cow. lol
No. 892762
>>892684Being called a hater isn't being attacked. you also seem to forget that it was Sarah herself harassing laneclone for the most part. Greg publicly addressed Sarah's actions as retarded because it outed him.
She hasn't been a friend for years either, in the gap between basement gate and now she stuck around dramu circles to cowtip with her buddies.
No. 892773
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I hope Anti-O clique A, and Anti-O clique B, along with a few of Onisions Patrons get all their hurt feelings worked out here and this thread can die within a week like every Onision's Patreon Flakes thread eventually does.
Insignificant cows fighting inconsequential cows.
No. 893100
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>>892988Sure spergchan. They even made a thread for your Chernobyl levels of sperg. No one cares.
No. 893341
> Search for the term 'Cylints' on Twitter, and he appears to
> have a history of doing this - offering information,
> delaying it with excuses, then offering people tutorials or
> services for money, which he then reneges on and doesn't
> refund. So it would seem that this is in part a scam.
> People on the Discord server have been warned that if they
> keep asking why he hasn't given the information promised,
> they will be banned and he will then dox them as well.
I've been looking into Cylints too and he says he's a legendary hacker with a history going back to 2008 but there's no mention of him before the deadmoth thing. he's also probably not even old enough to be a "cyber security expert" snicker. Obviously no legit expert is going to fuck around with petty online gaming accounts since they probably have a fucking career.
Also, he's a liar. I've been combing through archives of his now deleted Twitter and he's taken credit for taking down websites he didn't (not "Gran's Recipe Site", but like Facebook) .. saying that he said that he was going to do that.. when really all he said was something very vague and it probably referred to something he heard somewhere else but counted on the fact that his followers hadn't so it would look like he did it. He also did it in the discord saying he said something was going to happen when he never even said that.
He also "doxed" a guy on twitter and got it totally wrong. Like embarrassingly wrong. Not even in the same fucking continent wrong. It is, indeed, a clown world.
he lives in salem, massachusetts. His profile pictures are of some soundcloud rapper guy.
he's just a petty thief who uses password lists. he's not even a skript kiddie, he's a scene whore trying to make himself famous off a "hacker" persona. the discord is a ruse to gain a following. so, unless you like being a stooge, you should probably leave the discord.
No. 893586
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No. 893645
>>892996I have seen a handful attack creators and it's the same bunch over and over.
They claim to be antis but they berate and humiliate creators.
I'll post names and screenies when i get a few minutes.
No. 893660
File: 1573787445871.png (514.9 KB, 1049x1339, 2019-11-15 14.05.08.png)

This one and her followers constantly attack mikenactor
Her whole twitter is obsessive haye towards him and her followers/friends have all brigagded to the point of doxxing him.
They are relentless.
Is he a potential cow?
But why the targeted hate against someone exposing the cuck they claim to hate?
No. 893688
>>893677The attack was unwarranted and relentless.
There is a group of about 6 that have done this to another anti o creator as well.
i will not name them because of other controversy-however that same controversy started with this self righteous cunt and the same group that are still attacking Mikenactor.
He has had the good sense to block and not react any further but still they go on after him,screenshots and even a video by one of them.
Some slow guy they openly manipulated on twitter and who was stupid enough to make a comment about their 'secret plans' .
Firmly believe there is a large group of Onion stans banding together to silence people and they revolve/are connected to this munted female.
No. 893709
>>893660Zizz is batshit crazy
the people harassing that faggot are @ShesOnlySarah this cunt has changed twitter handle
@mommaplaysmagic a noone
@Opal14947633 is now Mike alleged
victim is trying to terminate his account is a virgin fat frump are all twitter cunts he blocked most of them.
No. 893724
File: 1573807557282.jpeg (210.8 KB, 828x393, F59D61B9-BC02-4E15-AA56-1C4EB9…)

Imagine being so interested in drama that you fuck over your own mental health and think people give a shit about constant ‘anti-o posting’. Bitch has no life
No. 893728
>>893724These shadowfans seriously think the world of themselves just because they hate Onion? No one cares about your mental health.
And Lizard Queen tries to fit in wherever she can. She didn't give a shit when Greg and Plainey were hurting all those girls, it was only after they turned on her that she started shoving her tongue into the anti-os' asses.
No. 893736
File: 1573810883459.jpg (694.62 KB, 1051x1835, 2019-11-15 20.38.59.jpg)

Even more dramatic nonsense.
Truly pathetic
No. 893737
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No. 893740
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Again with the pronouns? You people are fuckin’ stupid, I swear…
No. 893749
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>>893736she tried to dismiss this thread uh? she deserves to be doxxed
( Dox threat) No. 893751
File: 1573814218299.jpg (106.33 KB, 654x872, 03.jpg)

>>893660 holy fucking shit she's ugly
(nitpick) No. 893770
>>893749Excuse my mini modding but I don't want this thread to get locked because it reeks of vendetta.
Please don't doxx people and sage useless nitpicks.
No. 893793
>>893770Who was doxxed?
No one.
No. 893877
>>893767 shes some kind of arab so the parents are probably first cousins. Explains the malformation and behavior anyway.
She claims to be have studied medicine,also that she was a psychiatrist and/or lawyer but is now in a "successful" band that no one has ever heard of.
Reality is it lives with its mother amd smokes weed all day.
(racebaiting) No. 893886
>>893740Regina's a
victim and all, but no one gives a shit about those pronouns.
>>893749>Collectively have respect forAnd people in this thread said she simmered down and is cool now. Selective reading seems to be all these attention whores know how to do. And you don't have to dox someone to talk shit about them.
No. 893893
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oof.. who is she talking about?
No. 894019
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I'm really surprised people aren't talking about the legendary hack0r Cylints lol. I'm a little disappointed that I got kicked out of the shitshow discord, but I got to the point where I couldn't not say anything after he tried to take credit for things he had nothing to do with it. People were sucking his dick pretty hard despite him doing absolutely nothing. His mods jump on any slightly critical comment and threaten to dox anyone just for being 'annoying'. No evidence of any doxxing so far.
No. 894098
File: 1573865230061.gif (1.58 MB, 360x202, tf.gif)

>>894096I think you're right. But its probably Kai and James pretending to be Sarah and Regina pretending to be this haxor.
No. 894230
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I don’t trust Stevie, he seems to always interject, err…butt in when the onion girls are distressed or in trouble. Always wanting to be their savior yet using them for personal gain as another attempt to beat the evil onion man.
No. 894288
File: 1573899546876.jpg (201.19 KB, 769x1512, Snapchat-1610945760.jpg)

>>893645Some "screenies" for you Tammy
No. 894302
>>893645>>894288this is insane they humiliate and dox creators? for fun?
I see them harassing people on twitter all the time I keep them at a distance I don't want to get involved with this stuff.
No. 894304
File: 1573902979150.jpeg (183.33 KB, 720x1512, 9DE078FB-B622-45B1-98CD-45D6D5…)

>>894302No one was humiliated or doxxed, this person admits they are a gullible retard
No. 894322
File: 1573906887526.jpg (163.69 KB, 996x2047, IMG_20190923_201029.jpg)

>>894302Let's clear shut up hold on
Elvis and learning to fly are the same person. Elvis is a twitterfag and whiteknight anti o who admitted someone lied to them about Mike being doxxed
No. 894327
File: 1573908363026.jpg (130.95 KB, 720x1512, Snapchat-560499426.jpg)

>>894322The phone number is public on Mikes Instagram anyone can see it
No. 894330
File: 1573909019661.jpeg (222.64 KB, 718x1263, FC89BDE9-515B-43BF-B3FC-43BF83…)

>>894327not content with twitter she takes it to YouTube as well
No. 894332
Waitingonelvis just further exposes herself as the lunatic she's always been. I don't know how old this bitch is but something around 50 and I can't imagine having nothing better to do at that age than whiteknight a mediocre youtuber just because he's Australian too.
>>894309Yeah some are truly mental, that's why this thread exists. It's all personal vendetta. There's literally no milk, at least not worth a thread. I'm just waiting for this to be locked because it's nothing but doxxing attempts or threats
No. 894336
File: 1573911112540.jpeg (173.21 KB, 1034x791, 2F35596F-C2FA-4864-A951-1A6857…)

>>894332Yeah she has a kid and she is known for being an absolute Karen on other forums under a screen name that was her old twitter handle before she changed it to waitingonelvis. In a gross twist of irony, she is also a rape apologist. Here is her charming reply to this reddit post about a girl who was raped (full post for context:
No. 894342
File: 1573913569731.png (87.94 KB, 548x560, Doxxing Children.png)

The twitter anti onision community is utterly insane they dox creators and children
No. 894345
>>894344"I’m convinced that Greg could literally kill someone and get away with it at this point and part of that is because you idiots cry wolf over fucking everything so when something actually happens the authorities think you’re full of shit."
No. 894348
>>894263>>894330Any chance that this is also Elvis? Had your fun doxxing people on this board huh? Maybe people in glass houses shouldn't throw Stones, huh.
Remember the golden rule of Reddit: always troll with a throwaway.
But you're too much of a Boomer to understand that.
No. 894352
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>>894348Holy shit she is deranged
No. 894367
>>894342twitter anti-o are all cows
No. 894368
>>894352LOL. Wow. These people want attention so badly. They would probably email Greg themselves and try to be the next Sarah just to get the twitter followers and sweet sweet
victim status.
No. 894371
>>894368The desperation for attention is fucking palpable. Between this shit and alternating between treating the
victims like celebrities and bullets for their own vengeance because Grugly blocked them from patreon these autistic fucks are definitely deserving of their own thread
No. 894379
>>894371they're all
victims now wait and see
sadly Sarah's slowly becoming like these retards
No. 894385
>>894322>>894327Elvis is mental but so are all of these other little psychos
>>894379I've seen these people in action on discord they'd use any trick in the book to win whatever battle they're in.
No. 894394
>>894371It’s not just that unfortunately, anon… a couple of these idiots are actually pretending to be law enforcement and one of them @kittensaurus. Yep, we have fake lawyers and online internet cops guys.
Sarah and the girls are in good hands
No. 894490
>>894312>I highly doubt the farmers who are also twitterfags are posting capsI'm pretty sure Unprivated Onision is a lurker here and hails herself as the "mole queen". She posts and links screencaps from here all the time like a dumb fucking cowtipper.
>>894339We've all seen how fucking mental Joy Sparkle stans are. I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of anti-os also followed her.
>>894344>Greg could literally kill someone and get away with it at this point and part of that is because you idiots cry wolf over fucking everythingAlso throwing in an amen to that. They're only making things worse. CPS and the local police don't take the reports seriously now because the anti-os keep calling them for the "small" things that they do (like living in filth). Chris Hansen is helping with proper evidence of the more important stuff and has more connections and reputation than they ever will. The anti-o idiots need to take a backseat and be passive supporters so they don't ruin anything else.
No. 894849
>>893341On the 'hacker' again. I do believe he may have been the original @cylints who got banned from Twitter - it wasn't Greg or anybody else - but it seems he was only trouble on that account as well. He started selling hacking tips and jacked accounts for payment or retweets, also set up a Discord server, which all got banned.
Think I also found some of his other old/dormant Twitter tags. There was @returnables and I think @SilentSquadron may also be him, as it's followed by his pals. 'Silent Squad' might be what he calls his 'hacking group'. (By calling it that name, he may have been trying to associate himself with an earlier group of that name from 2008. But I think dude might be in his early twenties.)
Someone said of him in February "He's not even a hacker lol. He just got clout off that streamer and scammed thousands of dollars out of kids…" He also reportedly threatened to 'expose' everyone calling him out. People accused him of photoshopping his image files. Sounds just like the guy we're dealing with now.
He got banned of course on @Tekashied. He still has the other account which was @cylintstho but changed the name of it and deleted all the tweets. Repzion was following him for awhile but has now dropped him.
>>894019Don't be sorry you got kicked out, they was only talking twaddle and sooner or later he'll start wanting money from people and guess what he'll provide in return? Zilch. In the end when the server gets banned like his other one, all the other people still in it will likely get banned too and he'll once again disappear from the web for a period, until trying a new scam.
People pulling this kind of stunt and just being clout chasers are really just a distraction from the main objective here, which is a shame. But I think that's all it really was. And probably all I should put here about this dodgy dude.
No. 894882
>>894858I think that the social media backlash (in the absence of any action from the platforms) has had some effect on Greg, whether or not he gets legally prosecuted. His income and following has been reduced drastically, with little means of salvaging his reputation because everyone now knows. That's something to be grateful for I reckon. Unfortunately though there are usually those who take it too far or who want to grandstand.
I've seen some insisting that responding in any way to Greg's tweets - by insulting or reporting him - is really just giving him the attention he wants. When people report him and his tweets, while distasteful, are not considered to be against their T&C, it gives him a chance to boast and say people are accusing him wrongly of nothing. More or less on Twitter, if you don't like someone's content, you're expected to just unfollow and/or block them.
Part of me would like to think there's a lesson to be learned from this on social media, but my cynical side doesn't expect too significant a change. I believe the bottom line is revenue rather than protecting users of these platforms.
No. 897259
>>897226That happened in early 2013 and he openly addressed it multiple times. He has admitted to having been diagnosed with BPD and to getting treatment for it. Sage your autism because if you're the same anon bringing him up in the onion threads this is getting more than annoying.
>>897250I think what he said was he was able to recognize what onion was by seeing similar symptoms in himself, minus the grooming. Emotional meltdowns etc. He doesn't claim to be a perfect or even all that decent of a person so despite his at times cowish behavior there's at least that level of self recognition.
No. 897441
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Billie NOOOO
No. 897489
>>897250>>897259Yeah and he promised to stop talking about Onion and move on but I guess not kek
WKs gtfo
No. 897883
>>893893>>893915It's not exactly unheard of for this kind of thing to happen. Twitter users seek out just about every community (activist, religious, whatever) just to throw lowest common denominator insults around. Apparently, Twitter bans a-logging accounts a lot more than they used to, though. (The top tag is for reference, the second tag is the post I'm responding to.) Disregard if you were accusing the anti-o crowd of a-logging her. Although, cringey as they are, that seems out of character for them.
I don't think that this thread started for-antis-by-antis. It came up organically in the Onion threads. However, I do think that antis moved in and have all but taken over the thread. All the red text bans are for shit one rarely sees on LC with this level of frequency. Even posts that seem like normal LC users are taking it a little far, though. Like
>>893724 seems totally normal, so
>No one cares about your mental health.Is a little harsh, and presumably some of her followers do care. And, throwing "psycho" around reeks of armchair psychologists that were laughed out of the Onion threads.
Can anyone with even a little knowledge of Twitter anti-Os make an alternate OP with some background info? People who didn't pay attention to these cows before have so little background that it's impossible to follow actual milk.
No. 898070
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I know this has already been discussed in the onion thread, but I’m bringing this here to the anti-o flakes thread.
Repzion claims someone told him it was posted, but I wouldn’t put it past him to be reading here and finding it himself. For someone who is a Patreon creator he sure doesn’t know how Patreon works. I didn’t waste a single cent getting this video from his Patreon. There was no motive to leaking it other than this is a drama site and his shitty video was so hyped.
Anti-o twitter saying it was onision, who would do such a thing. They’re dense as fuck with no self awareness. If repzion cared about the victims he wouldn’t care so much about monetization like Chris Hansen who says he will continue covering the story regardless.
Repzion didn’t work hard on that video at all, the only “new” info (to him) that he dug up were the old tweets lainey sent to Greg. As someone in the onision thread said he focused more on the age gap shit than her being a pedo. And he still had information wrong about her age.
He’s so worried about the sponsor part, he could have easily uploaded the video to another platform without the sponsor. 300 views is still relatively low. I get the whole sponsorship thing is a jab at Greg, but his true colors really showed. He only cares about making money off the victims.
No. 898211
>>898070I just think it's cute how the anti-os will moralfag all day long about people making kai is crying t shirts but don't say a word about people like repzion and mikenactor who openly exploit the drama to cash in on the
victim's stories. I have to think that they're just mad that they didn't come up with the idea of "kai is crying" t-shirts themselves.
No. 898278
>>898211I was thinking about the same thing but Mikenactor is much worse. At least Repzion always asks the
victims to give their approval. Mike first made it about himself when Sarah came forward and now he's milking the situation for money.
I have to say Repzion's sperging about the potentially lost sponsor rubbed me the wrong way too.
No. 898402
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No. 898641
>>897489he hasn't really talked about onion in years in comparison to how much he posted before
I know it's hard to believe, but humanity isn't black and white.
No. 898646
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already. wow.
No. 898662
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why didn't she cover it up years before? yikes
No. 898690
>>898413Yes I saw Mikenactor's tweet which I think he has since deleted, it was quite arrogant. And yeah he did seem to think it was his video that generated a response that could've got Greg's Patreon taken down.
He wasn't the only one who did a video about it, Deity did one before him that also reached quite a lot of viewers. It was also Deity who broke the news directly from Vincent that he and Chris got it taken down. Billie contacted them when she saw she'd been doxxed and started getting calls from strangers. They had a prompt meeting and went into action. Deity also got the exclusive interview with Vincent which was quite enlightening (Vince probably has a bit more freedom to speak openly about things than Chris does).
Deity doesn't get as many views/subs as some others in on this. He has a Patreon as well of course that he's promoting. But he was quite gracious about Vincent agreeing to talk with him and maybe this could be a lesson to some of the others in this.
Anyhow, it shouldn't be a big competition between all these people, seeking attention for themselves rather than letting the focus be the main issue i.e. getting rid of a predator.
Sorry Mike - I don't know if it was a bit of bad judgment but I'm a bit concerned the direction your content is going lately, on this issue. Being honest.
No. 898692
>>898646I was just about to hide this thread but saw this - 2,500 to cover a tattoo? I've had a few done and a coverup but the price is no fuckin way near this much, ever, unless it's some elaborate Onision-themed back piece.
Did they not mean "remove" or "laser off" ?? Or is it a scammer taking advantage of underage Onision ex-fans who don't know better?
No. 898707
>>898690The thing is, Patreon are not sitting around watching Mikeactor videos - it's incredibly narcissistic for him to think so.
They were directly contacted with the information put in front of them in a way the could act on, and it's been said Chris and Vincent are responsible for that.
Tl/dr Mike has no leg to stand on and can go fap to his own "power" somewhere else.
No. 898734
>>898707I think this is so easy to happen to youtubers who aspire to some following, even if they think they're immune - curse of the ego taking over. I don't know that much about Mike, but I've seen it happen to so many other youtubers who seemed to start out okay, then over time become increasingly disconnected from and condescending to their audience and even in the end - nasty and
abusive. It may happen bit by bit in ways they're not even that aware of.
Okay everyone probably needs some amount of ego to survive on youtube and the platform makes it possible now to make a bit of revenue, which there's nothing wrong with per se. But we've seen with Onion how bad it can get, when it's entirely out of control.
Rant over - sry folks. This was just a downer, s'all.
No. 898755
>>898662So.. this kittensaurus who calls herself a dom lol starts a gofundme for Shiloh without her consent, yikes.
For all we know maybe Shiloh wants to keep the tattoo she’s had years to do it and even if she wants to remove it just seems like a really awkward situation to be put into, why wasn’t she asked
These Twitter antio’s are desperate for attention and I’m getting sick of it
No. 898757
>>898734Mikenactor is an idiot. He’s basically a passive aggressive shit starter and plays
victim when hes the one insulting people.
No. 898846
>>898755 kittensaurus, that's the user! Was not sure of the handle. I just noticed that they constantly act like they advocate for the
victims and said they're in law enforcement. But turns out they are a 911 operator. They belittle everyone on twitter and that's just from lurking.A lot of these "anti-o's" are encouraging the girls to do stuff that makes them look bad.And they attacked a bunch of people after Sarah made that post about flashbacks. I didn't know they were a "Dom". KEK.
No. 898932
>>898909What annoys me most about Onisionunprivated is that she came out of nowhere, started this account commenting on onision's tweets that wasn't needed because bigmoneyonision already basically did the same thing for years. And she lacks so much knowledge about onion because she's new yet she and the others in that group act like the leaders of a new movement kek. They unironically call what they do on twitter "working". They are so desperate to be able to say they helped bring Greg down. I assume most of the newer ones were onion stans not long ago.
>>898846>A lot of these "anti-o's" are encouraging the girls to do stuff that makes them look bad.Exactly, like doxxing onion back was NOT a smart move but so many of them were cheering them when they did it. Even tho it wasn't Billie who did it, it can backfire on her or Sarah when all this stuff ends up in court.
No. 898954
>>894352Victim shaming?
Very low.
>>898846>>898909Those same women also follow/Stan Shane and Jeffree. They’re cows themselves tbh
I mean come on, you gotta be a little mental to get with ~big daddy Onion~ uwu
No. 899022
>>898955 I have been waiting to see her in this thread. Self-righteous as all get-out. Turns on Twitter users faster than onision does when a girl turns 19. Brags about how close she is with the
victims to the point that it's embarrassing. Bullies people and blackmails them. Also runs a discord server like a Nazi. There was one user in there who was basically bullied off I'm pretty sure. Also pretty sure there are others. Changed her Twitter because she was convinced people were going to dox her. But she talks about Regina/Sarah all the time. I went through her Twitter and it is all just one big ball of kiss ass and self-righteousness.
Anon on here said she's a 9*11 operator? On her Twitter it just says she's in law enforcement of you scroll deep. I thought she was a cop. What a cow.
No. 899036
>>899022Impersonation of law enforcement is a crime… I hope she knows that. It’s gross that she is using that to gain trust in these girls if they are close… but crazy she doesn’t even ask Shilohs consent to ask people for money.
There’s a group of them that are all
toxic like that
No. 899040
toxic to the
victim's. Most of the "anti-o" community is. I've been following her and others for a long time. She's by far the worse. Apparently is fat and made multiple people leave her server due to being an insufferable twat. I'm still in the server just to lurk. She only posts discord emotes of her sipping a big gulp and comes in to yell at people or gaslight. Lots of nice people left so now it's her own echo chamber. She just talks shit about people in the server and makes fun of them for wanting to be mods or makes fun of them for their trauma. Server is supposed to be about
victim's but she makes it seem like she did everything and not them.
No. 899048
>>899040i’m surprised she hasnt been brought up before. she’s a huge cow who has gone under the radar for so long, too. i’m laughing my ass off knowing her own emoticon. she’s posted bogus legal advice on twitter that could have ruined the
victims’ cases. i wish i had gotten screen caps before she deleted it, someone called her out on it and she got paranoid and purged. i think she should be talked about WAY more.
No. 899049
>>899048It's just as much these retards faults though. Regina is the shortest fuse on that list and publicly asked if she could post revenge porn and doxx.
People need to stop taking legal advice on twitter period.
No. 899056
>>899052>>899053She is fat as fuck.her husband posted a photo in discord but then other girls who were actually pretty posted so she went full on autism on them and then deleted the channel for our "safety" TOPKEK.
She has people's info so she can blackmail if they piss her off.she constantly runs people out of the server.over the last the last few days very active and some not not as active people have left server and people have been private messaging me on server complaining about her. I'm only there to watch the dumpster fire and the end of the discord. Ive just been waiting to see if/when the
victims get fed up with her bullshit because she is only using them and ass kissing for clout and it is obvious.
No. 899060
>>899058Yup.i sent a fake id. She wanted full DLs. Lol hell no.she literally went off on someone for talking about animals in chat.i messaged that girl to say how fucked up it was.they talked so much about that girl.and then kitten's fatass literally has a full emote set as do rest of mods in a server that is supposed to support the
victims. The
victims have emotes but not like mods. Also kittens emotes all involve food.
No. 899061
>>899056damn. now i see why someone called her “iron fist” on twitter. for a 9*1-1 operator shes unprofessional as fuck to people online. she seems like the type of person to be in the body “”positivity”” movement when shes morbidly obese. i wouldnt be surprised if she tried to doxx someone. do the mods not even care? ive never heard of a discord server being so restricted. theres no way any of the
victims are going to do anything about her until they bleed her bank account dry. regina’s e-begging has hit an all time high, and if KittenNazi keeps giving money to her then it actually might be soon. clout chasing during such a serious case is fucking disgusting.
No. 899090
>>899088Yeah, I was creeped out by that as well. I somehow forgot she had blue hair, huh.
Dylan is hilarious in this video though, the cringe is severe.
No. 899092
>>899049Oh for sure. Regina, Sarah and now Shiloh need to stop responding to people on twitter if they plan to go to trial because listening to those self-righteous airheads will get them questioned to hell and back. If they have questions, they should go to Chris. He has far more experience and enough connections to get the answers that they're looking for than twitterturds.
>>899050>>899053>>899022>>899040It's really no surprise. Normally the ones who want to lead the crusades against Greg are just as bad as he is. They end up being as insane as Joy Sparkles.
>>899060>>899058Sounds like she's already Joy Sparkles' level of paranoid.
>>899084If it looks like a girl, talks like a girl, it's a fucking girl. She's also one of the ones who keeps listening to twitterturds which can make things bad for Sarah.
No. 899095
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Dylan 3 days ago. Definitely not a girl though.
No. 899096
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Totally trans
No. 899100
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Profiting off of her friendship with Sarah is more than a little gross.
No. 899101
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No. 899153
>>899103No crap. I feel bad for Sarah, some of the things her so called friends have blurted out on Twitter since she came out is terrible.. like when Ayalla started all this with her tweet ‘Greg fucked Sarah’ … or these friends tweeting about the chair Greg had sex with her on.
And yet they mad at a stupid T-shirt with kai is crying on it, which we’ve been saying for a long time
No. 899157
>>899153I’ve always been under the impression that those people have had the okay from Sarah to tweet those things. She often lets other people speak for her. I think it’s easier for her with certain things.
But Dylan getting paid to be a good friend is disgusting. I would never accept that from someone. My friendship is free. I would be so embarrassed if I were her. She should have politely refused that money.
No. 899162
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There's some shit going on because of the postings here (incoming picdump). Anti o twitter has never been such a dumpsterfire until they formed this group and ironically they're always the ones complaining about infighting.
No. 899163
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No. 899164
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They're all so melodramatic
No. 899165
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No. 899167
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No. 899168
>>899163>>899162What a dramatic cow. They all need to have a nap and chill and get the hell over themselves. It ain't that deep and they aren't
victims of anything but ego. It's always easy to tell who is genuinely there for the women involved and who just wants to use them to boost themselves up.
ohhoneybee blaming this one person for their shitty ass bullshit makes her look like a cow too. They're all a bunch of idiotic drama queens.
>>899152Exactly. It's like the only real "friends" that Sarah has are the other girls that had to deal with the Onions relationship-wise. She should really consider taking a break from Twitter to keep from being used any further.
No. 899198
>>899169I'm looking at @toastyxc now. They're being really quiet. Honestly they don't seem milky. Seems like just another pathetic anti-o who licks ass.
They got called out by @o_honeybee and they haven't said anything. The anti-o group is pathetic. Seems like that @OhNoOnision person is mental.
Anymore milk?
No. 899199
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It looks like this is now deleted. The dramatics are strong with all of them.
No. 899204
>>899100>>899101Holy shit the cringe, someone should tell her to tone it down. Sarah got publicly groomed and abused and she decides to profit off of. it because she is ~Sarah friend~
Dylan, go ask your lawyer parents to give you rent money instead of trying to profit off of your friend's misfortune.
No. 899206
>>899163>~my role in this community~JFC you posted few "onision is pedo" tweets, what "role"?
Are these people gonna start demanding a payment too? Oh wait, dylan is already doing that.
No. 899210
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Dylan is still sperging like the biggest cow and wishing death on the evil transphobes. Funny that no one from Sarah's circle is openly calling her out. I hope Sarah finds some mentally stable friends one day.
No. 899213
>>899206As I said, they consider it work. They're all delusional. All this stuff would be happening without them because all that matters is the
victims speaking out, Patreon (and hopefully others) deplatforming him and the legal investigations in the background.
No. 899218
>>899199It's really not that serious. It's just a bunch of whiny pissbabies that she can easily ignore with a break from twitter.
>>899204Yeah her mother is a lawyer but can't afford to help her daughter pay rent? She was so smug about it, though.
>>899206Can't forget kittensaurus' gofundme for Shiloh to get a new tattoo. They're making things worse for the women for a "yeess queen" moment.
>>899210>I am not a nice personWell you're using your abused and groomed friend for money and clout so… correct.
No. 899277
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No. 899279
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No. 899281
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No. 899284
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Ha! At least this person knows what’s up. All the Anti-Os come here for info but act like they’re so much better than lolcow.
No. 899295
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Be more high and mighty, Bee. What “privilege” did they abuse? They didn’t do anything to the victims. They talked shit about how you and fatass Kitten are power hungry. Don’t pretend this is about the victims.
No. 899340
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>>899336She is such a dumb cunt, the irony of calling someone a retard. She claims she is autistic so at least she is self aware, kek
No. 899341
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She’s a fucking cow herself, she deserves her own thread
No. 899354
>>899220I'll post caps in a bit. They wiped the entire server earlier this morning.
Bee is mental. Basically they want to kill the toasty girl but her Twitter is gone. They are talking about her age, appearance,and about her dead family. Kitten has said stop. It's bad if even Kitten is saying drop it kek.
These people need to smoke some weed or something. Chill TF out.
(toasty self posting) No. 899358
>>899354Toasty said they have a channel on the server dedicated to stalking Jesse and Banana and archiving their every tweet.
Those girls need a life or a dick or something.
No. 899376
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>>899370>>899370Apparently Bean was, Jesse shared this privately with someone who shared it.
No. 899388
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>>899387Seems like someone has been trying to turn the others into a paraiah to cover her own ass… Must be shitty Honey coming out of that azz…
No. 899391
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>>899388Here's the kicker apparently she thought that we were her personal army?
No. 899402
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>>899400Yeah like how she passed herself off as law enforcement and tried to direct the narrative in a way that could interfere with the case and cause Greg to go free on a technicality bc as it turns out she is peripherally employed by a law enforcement agency. What a moron.
How did any of these people become mods in the Hansen stream?
No. 899414
Taa daah, twitterfags turned this thread right back into a dumpster fire. This isn't your personal venting thread, drop some actual milk already or piss off.
>>899410Whoa, what a bitch.
No. 899415
>>899394Toasty deleted their main Twitter. It's on private now. I'm following them. The only thing they had posted so far is please stop doxxing me and stop talking about their family. Nothing milky so far.
Toasty don't be scared of these people. They have made it crystal clear they hate you and will do whatever they can to you. If you know anything then speak up. These people will make your life hell.
No. 899416
>>899401 Yea unlike the some of the other girls who have been posted about here who are actually pretty and don’t hide behind uwu profile pics and arent even cows, the vendetta and jealousy in this thread is off the charts. All these fat fuck female incels should get out of their basements and stop using the
victims of onion and his wife for clout. The
victims look like fools for aligning themselves with these cows, I hope that entire server gets nuked
No. 899424
File: 1575067203929.jpeg (152.49 KB, 635x821, 49CCDE90-5CAF-4136-82CE-F39E2E…)

Bee went private too. Seems she can dish it but can’t take it.
No. 899426
File: 1575067452243.jpeg (129.91 KB, 625x826, EC145B2B-D129-4B1C-A4F8-AF7F30…)

All things aside, at least Kitten handles things better publicly. Bee was an idiot to publicly name names.
No. 899451
>>899446Bee doesn’t dox people. She calls people out and starts drama sometimes but she doesn’t dox. She focuses on talking to Onision’s fans and trying to educate them with kindness and retweets a lot about the
victims. She’s new to the twitter onision sphere it seems. She seems okay, a bit strong headed about her opinions on right and wrong. I think she was just sticking up for her friend.
No. 899470
>>899452I am also all for a good tinfoil. But the girl deleted her Twitter and made her new account private. And a bunch of the anti-os are in their thirties. I think this is some rando with no milk. This all reeks of vendetta to me.
Dylan gets on my nerves with that pronoun bullshit. Is Dylan a they/them or he/him??
No. 899474
>>899419There is 0 proof she was actually raped and this girl is a known attentionwhore in the patreon flakes thread.
She sent onion and foot nudes so that's why she was initially banned from patreon.
No. 899486
File: 1575072881710.png (420.47 KB, 1577x1720, New Tab - Google Chrome 11_29_…)

No. 899494
>>899451No one cares, this is not the place to wk these autistic attention whoring l snowflakes. These retards all think they are special because groomin’ onion’s celebrity
victims are dumb enough to associate with them
No. 899503
>>899494These people are not milky. More than anything it is just sad. What a pitiful community. They should just watch from afar like everyone else instead of thinking they are grade A activists. They complain and yell at everyone about releasing gurg and laineys PUBLIC information yet they have no problem with attacking random people on Twitter without actual evidence except for one psychopaths word. I hate a containment thread even had to be made for this type of autism.
Shiloh should have covered that tattoo up years ago. She had the money to get all of her other tattoos yet did not cover up her abusers name?
No. 899526
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No. 899528
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Oh for fucks sake. She made herself a victim.
No. 899530
>>899528She is an insult to the real
victims here. What a narcissist. Just as bad as onion boy herself
No. 899535
>>899424This little circle jerk of idiots who call themselves The Onion Chefs are just terrible. They’ve gone after several people on Twitter and when that drama is dried up they start going after each other…. not surprised at all
victims should distance themselves from this group or at least don’t involve themselves with their discord (I know Regina does) or let them be mods.
No. 899539
File: 1575080638010.gif (924.97 KB, 498x286, HEYTOASTY.gif)

>>899400lolcow hates fatties and cows. These anti O's manage to be both.
>>899526We know Sarah lurks so I trust her to not be a dumb ass. Maybe she's keeping her distance with these freaks. Good god can you imagine if she goes full fakeboi a la Dylan kek
>>899528The audacity of this bitch.
No. 899541
>>899535Regina is active in that discord. Constantly. Everyone starts kissing her ass the second she comes in.
Maya is coming forward according to onion chef discord.
No. 899543
>>899539Lets be honest, if onion hadnt given sarah the heave-ho she would probably still be in the grease trailer. Lets not forget that she was basically a cow herself before ayalla tweeted that she fucked onion (classy move, announcing it on twitter.) I dont understand why everyone kisses the
victims asses, let alone these spastic fatties who think they are special just because they have been noticed by the uwu senpai heroes. They are all losers regardless oh their
victim status
No. 899545
File: 1575081207665.jpeg (15.95 KB, 225x225, D64FE162-4FDC-4371-B59E-C361DD…)

>>899539>muH pRoNoUnz u TrAnsPhobe This fat bitch
No. 899547
>>899543Sarah is one of the only legitimate
victims you retard. Nobody else was groomed since the age of fucking 14.
No. 899548
>>899547I find it kind of hilarious that some of these girls are competing who's the biggest
victim. Sarah and Regina are legitimate
victims. Haylee, Lane, and the rest of the orbiters aren't.
No. 899554
>>899549Yeah no shit but she was fucked in the head due to having methhead parents and living with the onions.
Meanwhile we see billie selling nudes on her twitter and a few lookalike calfs crying over being rejected by footface
No. 899556
File: 1575083715454.jpeg (340.15 KB, 750x990, ADF4655A-474A-4DB5-A1FB-905894…)

>>899554For real. Luxymoo (good name for a cow, kek) isn’t a
victim in the slightest. Billie is a
victim of her own naivety and stupidity but that’s about it (not that it justifies Greg doxxing her though.) I don’t understand why Chris Hansen had them on stream tbh, and all the twitterfags posting shit like this is so fucking cringey. What exactly was “awesome” about it?
No. 899559
>>899556Yeah … they have your back until you’re being doxed in their discord or you don’t use the right pronouns
>>899557 Sarah’s situation is really fucked up, Skye too. I think those two are the real
No. 899561
>>899558Yeah, I was more than a little confused by her latest narrative ( not that she said much of anything ). Also worth noting that the 'chained to the wall' thing was extreme to us, she said she'd be okay with it if she were sure it's not going public.
She was very clearly into Jimmy, so…I do believe she'd keep returning.
Also, some of the "home wrecker" comments the anons made in the last few threads, how it's also super fucked up that she got treated like that…? She literally called herself a home wrecker and laughed about it on stream with her friends? Why the outrage, lol?
I thought her Hansen show was terrible, especially for a new viewer. But she did get Jimmy to sperg, so props for that one.
No. 899562
>>899559Sarah is the
victim tbf. Luxy is boring. Regina wants to be the one in charge. Sarah should run. Poor Sarah. In Onion cucks server Regina brags anytime she talks to Sarah and posts on Twitter. Hate she got doxxed but cow potential. I am excited to see Maya reappear According to server.
No. 899568
File: 1575085862629.jpg (83.9 KB, 537x399, 1486513419852.jpg)

>>899503>She had the money to get all of her other tattoos yet did not cover up her abusers name?Yeah it doesn't make sense.
>>899526I mean, good for her but they're still throwing her name around and she's not saying anything to them about it.
>>899528So up her own ass like the other onion shadowfans.
>>899534Kek and tell them what? "People are being mean to me on the internet cause I couldn't shut the fuck up."
>>899542She loved having people talk about her in that thread.
No. 899576
File: 1575086398895.jpg (140.93 KB, 1280x960, 0rxbrsp1t7041.jpg)

>>899569Humans are complex creatures and nothing is really black or white.
Victims are not perfect either but it doesn't mean they can't be cows. Overall I'm delighted with the milk flow. It really is pure cream.
Pic unrelated.
No. 899578
File: 1575087102062.png (110.74 KB, 618x754, 1481195359663.png)

OT I don't hate clone but remember the time she dyed her hair back to it's natural color during a meltdown?
Pepperidge farms remembers.
No. 899626
File: 1575108903166.jpeg (314.84 KB, 1242x532, 84C68B4B-D9D1-4AC6-BC19-ECF7C4…)

kek, he’s the biggest „anti o“ cow there is
No. 899628
File: 1575110368484.jpeg (342.35 KB, 750x692, EC73B7BE-2E38-4809-A87B-5A1719…)

>>899626The replies, lmao. I wish these twitterfags would stop bringing us up, there are enough newfags shitting up the threads as it is
No. 899636
File: 1575116710978.png (443.16 KB, 908x1172, billie thot.png)

>>899634No, Grease released screenshots where she admitted she slept with someone else when drunk? Lurk more.
No. 899637
>>899636who cares? she didn't owe them any loyalty.
this is the anti-o thread not the "rate the exes" thread.
No. 899644
File: 1575119647910.png (643.44 KB, 480x590, Untitled.png)

>she didn't owe them any loyaltyshe was in a relationshit with them and she's a thot, not saying that she deserves to shave her head and be tied up in grease's baseement, but she's an egirl cow
No. 899646
File: 1575120112104.png (666.62 KB, 584x432, c19dbcb890aa60b7426e47a87237b6…)

>>899645she sells her nudes and is a high school drop out that doesnt know what "blackmail" is, dated a child sodimizer and defended him, and is a starfucker - only dates "scene bois" with internet fame and cant keep her tongue in her mouth
No. 899650
>>899647You do know its possible to hate more than one perspn at a time,right. Calling Billie a stupid thot, which she is, doesn't make Greg no longer an
abusive pedophile
No. 899680
>>899644Wtf is this thread? Huurr why is Chris Hanson interviewing girls that have a personal history with the predator he's investigating? What's a character witness idk in my Onion Scoreboard they score minus 69 points for not being committed to a married couple that can't even define the boundaries of their marriage.
You are all cringe as fuck. These girls are relevant to the Onion saga because he used several abuse tactics to coerce these girls to live with him so they can fuck and look after his kids. Why are some of you so butthurt one of the girls interviewed didn't actually date them or whatever. She's entitled to feel disdain towards them, she's had more interaction with them than most farmers and we fucking hate Onion and I'm sure some of us wouldn't mind being given a platform to go into the most evident shite he's done but we're not fucking involved. This point scoring is ridiculous and autism at its finest.
No. 899701
>>899569Anon she was 17. We all did dumb shit at that age and she was under the influence of that caveman. I agree
victims can be cows too but I don't feel like any of the girls are cows anymore.
No. 899748
>>899626He is right-wing so he shouldn't complain about the Swastika. Also fucking hell, he couldn't say that without mentioning his own thread that has been dead for ages (he's lucky considering what a massive cow he is). Always playing the
victim, always drawing attention to himself.
No. 899804
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>>899748Psychotic Tammy the 50 year old rape apologist and his number one ‘pick me’ bitch is back to perpetuate his delusions that the only people who are critical of him are Gerg fans
No. 899809
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>>899804She is telling people she hopes they die and Mike is condoning it
No. 899812
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>>899809Since deleted, but kek
No. 899839
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>>899836KEK he is trying to bring Shiloh into it now, he is so fucking milky I cannot wait to see him get flayed for this
No. 899842
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No. 899858
File: 1575160309611.jpeg (306.05 KB, 750x762, AE088FB6-16CA-4FA2-860C-15FA32…)

>>899839Wow, what a cunt, using the
victims to support his narrative. I hope Shiloh sees this horse shit and distances herself from him (but then she has always been
problematic in her own right so I will not hold my breath)
No. 899862
>>899858Skye and Alicia follow Shane and Jeffree who are both scumbags
Alicia, I can sort of understand but Skye? Just because they are more successful than your greasy ex-husband and hate his guts doesn’t mean they’re not on the same level as he is.
(Nitpicking) No. 899892
File: 1575164843646.jpeg (630.12 KB, 1242x1510, CF686C27-C0E9-4ACC-9863-6E7975…)

>>899862Pretty much all the twitterfags follow them too. Except the ones that haggard bitter old sack of ugly Waitingforelvis has a hate boner for (prob because just like the other fat cows ITT she is
triggered by pretty girls, kek) they are vocal about hating them, esp. Jeffree for the same reason they hate Mike (because they are angry radfems, as others have pointed out they are not even Anti Os, they go after anyone who posts retarded shit) and that is why Mike is so butthurt. He cannot handle people with a brain calling him out so he blocks them and sends his fans after them and likes their misogynistic comments
No. 899922
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>>899809Someone is
triggered, lmfao. Lets see how he tries to talk his way out of this
No. 899935
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>>899930…and the irony of one of Mike’s autistic calves not realizing this tweet is about him, my sides
No. 899964
>>899539I love fatties, speak for yourself anon.
>>899543>sarah was a cowSure Jan.
No. 899967
>>899930If this was issued in part to Mikenactor, then it finally makes sense to me why he's friends with JoySparkles (could never figure that one out). I don't know much about Mike but I have on occasion
watched and enjoyed his content.
No. 899968
>>899680>This point scoring is ridiculous and autism at its finest.It is over done and I'm glad someone's finally said it.
Someone comes here just to shit on Onion's exes
>>899646 like they did in Onion's thread right after Billie spoke with Hansen. They even used the exact same "but she's a high school drop out/dated a pedo when she was 16!" spiel.
>>899646Nice try failing to discredit her. Pick your brain up off the floor dude, ya dropped it.
No. 899969
File: 1575183721971.jpeg (822.04 KB, 1242x1239, 17B0FC8A-91F1-4A35-B725-05CCF5…)

>>899964>sure janYou must be new, this was discussed ad nauseam in previous threads
>>899965Yeah and now it looks like she has deleted her account. Meanwhile Mike‘s racist fans continue to be cows. This mongoloid has protected their tweets now, which is a shame because they are very milky with their hot takes on Anti O twittertards being Gerg stans
No. 899971
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>>899969jfc first Joy Sparkle and now this illiterate clown, racist anti onion cows really do herd together
No. 899973
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>>899971>cant be a misogynist because I am a woman and he doesnt hate meWow so cool and not like other girls, gtfo with your pick me internalized misogyny you autistic fuck
No. 899978
>>899930I'd love to have more context for this.
>>899922>>899969>it looks like she has deleted her account. Was it because of Mike? He's made videos alluding to people on twitter criticizing him, mostly for attention whoring, but he always blanked out their sn's. Of course he never showed any comments where he was being a troll. The whole thing is weird.
No. 899981
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>>899973Why is a 50 year old mother of two spending 24/7 whiteknighting a 35 year old obese faggot youtuber who clearly wants Gargoyle’s micropeen against a couple of sassy girls on twitter? Is she hoping she’ll get a ride on whatever is under his fupa instead?
No. 899982
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>>899981TOP FUCKING KEK she is a Maurice stan as well
No. 900039
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>>900036He is implying Shiloh’s tweets aren’t about him but about his critics
No. 900041
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>>899930So apparently Shilohs tweet was about River, which is probably why she deleted her account. Which means….
>>899858 Looks like you were right about Shiloh, once a shady bitch always a shady bitch. If I am reading all this correctly she is supporting this moustachioed Grimace looking motherfucker telling people to die. She might be a
victim but she is still cunt.
No. 900048
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>>899981LMAO she deleted her account (or more likely changed her sn because lets be real she is a fucking bunny boiler who cannot resist a spergout.) Misogynwanker and his calves are top fucking kek
No. 900049
>>899930>>900041Love these double standards that he is allowed to tell people to die but the twitterfags who aren't even saying stuff like that are told to stop.
He's soo in for it to help the
victims, not to fill his pockets! You need a new video everyday to talk about Grease to make people aware of the situation! He's one of the people who contributed to the widespread opinion that everything onion-related is just drama because he talks about every fucking thing Greg does. He gave him so much attention and traffic over the years.
No. 900055
File: 1575207927313.jpeg (270.13 KB, 1242x522, CFF905A3-41E2-4BD4-83DB-B8BE14…)

>>900049And now river has reactivated her account announcing that she has deleted all tweets about the fat cunt because they “hurt the
victims”. If this isn’t bullying and intimidation I don’t know what is. All these assholes are huge cows
No. 900064
File: 1575210196731.png (199.59 KB, 1186x676, JH65NB3.png)

Why is every anti-O so pathetic? Crying so hard over a fat man telling them to kill themselves. Bunch of sensitive snowflakes.
No. 900125
>>900107It's because Greg is an online cow. Other cows have hate communities too, I think it's a rather new phenomenon. Since Grease has spewed his shit on the internet for a decade now he attracted many people that mainly followed him for the trainwreck. Now that his abuse was finally confirmed due to the women coming forward, it all shifted towards a more serious direction. "Anti O's" (I hate that term) were there before and now lots of people joined to support the
victims and they like to moralfag when people still want to make fun of his neanderthal looks and other stupid shit. It's all a huge mess because lots of them think they're activists because they call him out on twitter. Whatever, I think he attracts this many people because everything he does is online and he is so abnormally weird and fucked up that people just have to follow him.
No. 900157
File: 1575227699955.png (33.36 KB, 817x216, dylansrage.PNG)

You aren't part of the group that's getting murdered in the streets you fucking idiot female that presents as a female. You're just desperately trying to belong to a minority group like Draino to use it as a shield so you can behave like an asshole. You are harming real trans individuals.
No. 900164
>>900157>Criticized for being a total bitch that makes everything about herself
>"We are getting murdered on the streets uwu"
>"We"Top fucking kek. This thread might be milkier than old man Onion's holy shit. Hey Dylan why dont you did something useful for the trans community for once and shut your retard(tm) mouth instead of sitting on your ass and being a keyboard warrior? Who is threatening you? The cashier at WalMart giving you stank face because you sperged about being misgendered while you're purcashing a jumbo pack of super aborbent tampons?
Jesus just change your name to Taylor at this point, what a fucking cow kek.
No. 900208
>>900157i thought these weird ass mental gymnastics died out with tumblr.
it doesn’t matter how many buzzwords Dylan uses, Lainey doesn’t deserve for her fakeboi pronouns to be respected. she’s a pedophile.
No. 900255
File: 1575241917609.jpeg (146.7 KB, 750x344, ACCA255E-C0D1-4B63-BC1E-A83A6A…)

>>900048This dumb bitch is another one of mike’s MRA pick me calves, she is a chronic oversharer and loves boasting about how she used to be a massive Greg stan but now loves attention whoring as an “anti” while sperging about how much she hates the community
No. 900279
File: 1575245211527.png (124.66 KB, 507x764, lolcow 6.PNG)

>>900257>>900255Narrowly mised this. Aparently this whole drama is because Bean was leaking secrets from the investigation to LOLCOW which why did these girls even have case information on an open FBI investigation?
No wonder they are on here trying to distract people by targeting another vulnerable kid.
No. 900317
>>900308Then why is this twitter account acting like the FBI case is “ruined”? They nuked their account after making a sob story for Toasty. There are other twitter accounts who were accused of random shit by the same account (ewstopgross was one of them). The account seems like someone Toasty asked to defend her. If she wants to be heard so badly, why doesn’t she speak out herself?
This makes such little sense and it’s stale. Bean deleted. Toasty is off somewhere in the webverse. A new blackout is being done (like that makes SO much of a difference). It’s not gonna go anywhere at this point, and Chris Hansen isn’t contacting anybody. He’s got more people to interview. What information is so sacred that’s been posted on here? Does anyone REALLY think the police are gonna take time out of their day to arrest a kid? This Twitterfag is so overdramatic.
No. 900343
>>900125>they like to moralfag when people still want to make fun of his neanderthal looks and other stupid shit.Why can't you do both? Most people can afford to be self-righteous in front of pedophiles and predators. No one's perfect but most of us don't go hunting for children every other day. It's why pedo's and sex offenders are the most reviled group in prison, they're the lowest of all the dregs.
>>900255Shouldn't Mike stans go in his thread?
No. 900393
>>900350NTA, but they're both attention whoring transtrenders who want the title and oppression points. No one said anything about the grooming.
>>900347Exactly. They all want to come here to snitch on each other but we haven't seen any proof of anything.
No. 900409
>>900347If Bean leaked anything on lolcow there would be screenies from all the twitterfags. All I’ve seen is shit talking that Bean was shamed for. Apologies were issued so I don’t see why twitterfags wanna keep bringing it up. I thought lolcow was taboo to all of them because of the constant moralfagging.
Mind.exe has stopped working on twitter.
No. 900418
>>900279Because one of them (kittensaurus) is a pretend cop who is obviously going to crack the case
Jokes aside, these people just want their drama and also am I the only one who finds it disturbing that these are legit adult women some in their 30’s and they’ bullying literal teens to be quiet … and doxing them in their discord.
No. 900422
>>900279From what I’ve gathered it wasn’t about the case perse but mostly information about this cliques inner circle such as personal information and just shit talking etc and things they talk about like who to go after on Twitter etc. I guess they have certain people chosen from the antio community that they save tweets from as was referenced by the ss of Rivers
It wasn’t about the case.
No. 900461
>>900422Still, Skye, Shiloh and the rest of them should
not trust any of the anti-o's. They need to be careful and not give out any information. Anti-O's do anything to gain their trust and get infos.
We get updated weekly by Chris Hansen, there's no need to contact the
No. 900466
>>900461>>900461You sweet summer child, were you not aware of how many "
victims" are covert anti-os? You would be surprised.
Who do you think pushed this spectacle to start via the exploitation of sarah and gregs breakup?
No. 900469
>>900461I think Skye keeps to herself for the most part, she’s the only one of the
victims who isn’t a cringefest. The way they’re all behaving is probably doing more harm than good, and it’s amplified by retards like Regina and Dylan screeching about pronouns and being huge arseholes to people. And what with Shiloh hopping on Mikenactor’s chode they’re only making themselves look even more immature.
No. 900530
File: 1575289530602.png (246.46 KB, 380x239, baby carrot.PNG)

>>900528MY EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Retaliatory Onion pose!!!
He's praticing this for when they come to kick his ass in prison.
No. 900636
File: 1575315032055.jpeg (286.16 KB, 1221x1072, 6FC043C3-1919-436A-B55A-969196…)

This fag trying his hardest to get a ride on Mikenactors dick.
No. 900669
File: 1575322859385.jpeg (293.68 KB, 750x819, BD202300-ED21-44AC-94D8-92855D…)

>>900636Have you seen the caps in mike’s thread? Pure cream. This guy is a literal incel. All his tweets are attacking/threatening one girl, sperging about Onion and rimming mike
No. 900673
File: 1575323033435.jpeg (270.51 KB, 750x944, 936490F9-B38D-4709-A329-3912C1…)

>>900636He is also pulling his pud to Sarah Defuckingarmond, clash of the cows kek
No. 900680
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No. 900704
>>900680I know this is common for
victim asslickers but there's no need to pretend she's attractive. Just be a decent human being and send some words of support. God.
No. 900722
>>900707She's ugly, stop kidding yourself mate. Not irredeemably ugly, but definitely not cute.
>>900107Started off as a place for
valid receipts and ended up being a jerkfest for edgelords to be excited that there's at least 1 person in the world that's worse than them by all stretches of the imagination.
No. 900836
>>900722Just a thought though how uggo are these girls with cutesy animated profile pics?
Not really comfortable with people rating Kai's exes given that histopry…
No. 900842
>>900680I honestly think onion found Regina to be ugly and the reason why she got dumped by Kai so easily for Billie is because Kai is willing to sacrifice their happiness for him.
Her speaking about her suspecting Greg has been undercover as Kai a few times made me cringe, like an ego boost for her. I felt bad over thinking this but I still couldn't shake that feeling tbh.
No. 900852
>>900849I never knew he considered Ayalla of all people to be ugly too, Jesus she's fucking beautiful imo.
With Regina they literally seem to have only used her to get to Sara. Even in the Chris Hansen interview Regina implied Onion was distant af to her yet she still somehow pulled those mental gymnastics.
No. 900861
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>>900853Speaking of clapped…
>>900636 No. 900863
>>900853All his exes are pretty average white girls with self esteem issues and a history of having at least one emo/ scene phase.
>>900852She isn't his type, obviously.
No. 900874
>>900669I remember him mentioning some people giving him shit for using Lainey's pronouns wrong. Typical twitter.
>>900842I'm not sure about the ego boost. A lot of the girls suspect Greg was talking to them through Lainey's account(s) because of the specific way he writes. Don't forget Kainey asked Regina for nudes too.
No. 900884
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>>900874Cannot wait to see how this ends
No. 900893
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>>900884>>900885Oh boy, this guy really wants people to read his furry inflation fanfic.
No. 900960
>>900871That too, anon. Them acting like this is a middle/high school is embarrassing and making the women look bad.
>>900875They all should have known better.
>>900877No doubt he wanted to fuck Ayalla but she clearly wasn't interested. He's always rude to girls that don't want him.
>>900722She looked clownish during her interview and she was not blessed at all in the looks department, but I think she makes up for it in backbone. She didn't hesitate as much as Sarah did and doesn't seem to be backing down.
No. 901080
>>901055I bet she has never had a job. Too busy being a basic white bitch larping as a black hoodrat on souncloud and defending
abusive rappers while making bank of her own abuse narrative. It is cringe af. No wonder Skye is keeping her distance.
No. 901104
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Oh boy I hope this is about Onision. Then we can have the same shitshow as the thing that happened with Do5 where they all fight eachother and Phillip Defranco over who REALLY brought the situation to the public eye.
No. 901136
>>900928>mentioning the board by name so we get flooded with unintegrated morons It's inevitable either way. I've seen a lot of bans.
>>901055Looks like this is just to promote her music more than anything. If people want to pay for it i don't see what the big deal is.
No. 901138
>>900960>They all should have known better.Sure but there's a huge difference developmentally between 19/20 and 25. 25 being roughly the age the brain becomes fully developed. Shiloh's 24-25, plus she's got way more life experience.
Dylan and Regina act typical for their age.
No. 901206
>>901145Shiloh has always had some critics and it’s obvious because when she was with Anus she did a lot of terrible things… there’s no denying that. She hurt Adrienne too and Adrienne was being a friend and support to her.
I don’t think it warranted the abuse she went through but I personally don’t think she’s so innocent and even now there are things she said that are not true… even how much I hate Anus I know that she lied in her interview about certain things.
I honestly wish these girls would tell their stories and press charges etc but stop involving themselves in these
toxic antio’s and even Shiloh having to make that tweet the other day about people coming to her just was terrible. Sarah herself has had to make tweets too telling people to stop and that she’s not part of a certain group
I don’t think they should be involved with these antio’s
No. 901409
>>901216That and she did take part in the fabricated drama. She was just as bad as Anus towards Adrienne with the whole dirty vagina crap and std video he made she was part of that whole bs.
Plus she manipulated Adrienne into not getting back with him so that she could.
No. 901492
>>893264>>892730Its weird that these were posted after 11-3 when rags said that riplie was in the forums. Is ASM even still relevant after that? Riplie was in the forums, the former mod said so, isn't that what that guy set out to prove?
Why are these girls so buthurt that someone found a crime anus may have comitted that they can't glom onto for attention?
Either way it's hillarous to see them glom onto one
victims narrative for attention (Sarah) while trashing another's narraative (Rag). Part of me wonders, if Rag was actually on the rag would they accept him/her as one of their own?
The sexism is strong in these ones.
No. 901495
>>892059>>892057>>892061>>892062>>892063>>892065>>892066>>892067Is it just me or does the date on this show that the girls were releasing info about the case via DM well before it aired on the hansen program in October?
So confidential info about the case did get posted to lolcow and it was bc of unprivated. ROTFL.
No. 901515
>>901506She came back after the stuff with Sarah came out to show support and back up Sarah’s claims of
abusive behavior from Onion by sharing her own experiences with him. She’s not milky at all.
No. 901525
>>901519We didnt know Sarah and Kai had sex in front of the kid until the hansen show with sarah in OCT. She didn't even bring it up, it was brought up as a question from viewers.
Someone was clearly blabbing to unprivated about that event, was it regina or sarah? either way she kinda leaked it there.
No. 901531
>>901527These girls seem like great friends not to have.
First, they get close to vicitms to get information about what happened to them.
Then they spread it around setting people on personal errands, trying to manipulate people who have sympathy for the
victims to make themselves feel important. Often this involves turning them against other people who support the
victims or hate anus.
Then to cover their tracks they dox the same people they asked favors from and harass them.
If all else fails they cyberstalk people they can't manipulate.
Finalyl when they are exposed they try to appease the
victims by offering to set up fundraising drives for them.
I think Anus is choosing from the wrong pool of girls, all of these are just like him, perfect match.
No. 901542
>>901506Her and Alicia have been stalking the Onion threads for years trying to take anything off the site that referenced Skye and shitting on Shiloh
This is her old MySpace page btw No. 901543
>>901525that's not 'clear blabbing' at all. the same handwringing comments have been all over the greg threads.
sarah also brought it up spontaneously and didn't think anything of it until everyone freaked. so it wasn't a particular anecdote she'd already been telling or she would have realised the reaction before then.
No. 901544
>>901542How do you know what she's been posting when this site is anonymous, number one. Also are you angry that Skye has people defending her because she's the only
victim who hasn't been publicly embarrassing herself? Not sure why you're so set on defending Shiloh when she's the most obnoxious.
No. 901549
>>901495Unprivated has>>901439
People will sperg because they hate Anus but the fact of the matter is, you can hate Anus and still see the wrong things in his exes/
victims just because someone is a
victim doesn’t mean you have to walk on eggshells when they’re an asshole or not admit they’ve messed up too.
And you can still feel bad for them too for having to experience his shit.
No. 901554
>>901549Yeah you should feel bad for them. But the fact is that all teh ahrassing and doxxing they are doing is causing people to stop supporting the
victims, with the exception of the
victims that are also now getting thrown under the bus by these snow flakes.
No. 901573
>>901544Least embarrasing? Her making the same “clever” potato joke a million times is not embarrasing to you?
I only defend Shiloh because its obvious that atleast some of the anon vitriol against get is from Skye how mature of her to smear Shiloh for acting deranged at 17 in an
abusive relationship. Shes just salty Onion wanted Shiloh more than her, pathetic.
No. 901580
>>901504Shiloh was 18 when the pregnancy, breaking up and coming back together drama was happening.
>>901439I always wondered why couldn't she remove or cover her Gregory tattoo earlier? Why did she need some no life orbiting whiteknight to make a GoFundMe for her? She broke up with Grug in early 2012. It's more than enough time to earn some money for a cover up tattoo even with all the bullshit she went through after Grug. Makes one think.
No. 901629
>>901573Maybe Grugly was right for once and she does miss the baby carrot.
Skye, it’s okay. Shiloh don’t want him anymore and no1curr if Kai cries. Just hate-fuck him and film it for our delightful horror. Kthx
No. 901658
>>901654yeah her account only initially became popular because she was getting all his tweets and releasing them.
once he unprivated his account there was no reason for her to grow anymore so she started attacking other a-o.
No. 901732
>>901682I cannot help but blame that account as well some of the other ones for giving Anus more views and attention. It’s absurd.
There’s no way in hell that over 13k people care enough to see what he is tweeting about.
No. 901766
>>901525I think it’s from a group chat that the fake cop kittensaurus said they all belong to, she said they talk to the girls and that they’re ‘closely working with them’ whatever that means. It’s on her Twitter. So my opinion is that one of his
victims must have talked about it in the gc and unprivated just happened to let it slip
No. 901860
>>901158Skye definitely comes across as being the most grounded, she is the oldest as
>>901160 pointed out. Shiloh's been touring/involved in showbiz from a very young age. It also doesn't help that she has at times come off as a bit self-aggrandizing. Nevertheless, I think she deserves a little break after everything Pedonision did to her.
No. 901863
>>901230>>901257Regina's going to school and she has a job. She just needs some extra cash to help her scrape by, it's not a big deal lol. Dylan's living with Sarah. They're young, trying to live on your own for the first time isn't easy.
One weird issue with Dylan, I know her parents are lawyers (she's said as much), yet she can't ask them for money? I can't make sense of that.
No. 901869
>>901439>it all conveniently coincided with her album release too. I've thought about most of your points before. It feeds my tinfoil for why I think Skye's receded into the background. She's really been impressive overall.
I don't want to think the worst of Shiloh, I know Onion put her through hell, but I do recall how initially she
did not want to get involved in any of this. She made a public statement about it (I'll post it later if I can find it), saying how she wasn't going to speak out and she wanted to be left alone. I wondered what made her change her mind, then I noticed that she had an album dropping in the near future. I suspected that she spoke with someone in her management that helped change her mind. It is what it is. Hopefully some of the 'orbiters' will wipe the dust from their eyes.
No. 901885
>>901580>I always wondered why couldn't she remove or cover her Gregory tattoo earlier? Her keeping that tattoo is super weird. Literally no one i know does that. She said she kept it as a "reminder for the mistakes she made" but her explanation never really added up to me. Unless she couldn't afford to cover it up, but I doubt it.
>>901764I don't think that's true across the board. Onision Unprivated did say more than once that it's a collaborative effort. Those aren't the words of someone who's trying to take credit for everything.
No. 901887
>>901883Shiloh never should've gotten involved in that, but as anon said it looks like she wanted to support Mike because for some bizarre reason that makes no sense, she was eager to kiss his ass.
Her gofundme was started by a twitterfag. Unless Shiloh's super broke, I think she should've just donated most if not all of that money to charity.
No. 901925
>>901885Unprivated is one of the worst credit takers. A lot of her info come from here and KF but she wants to be "the mole queen" for doing something that several people were already doing.
>>901924Regina I'd be able to somewhat understand, but not Dylan. She's not a
victim of anything but her own cow behavior.
>>901917It all seemed sincere in the beginning but it's getting a bit questionable now. If you put a person on a pedestal, they'll start getting entitled.
No. 901977
>>901925I thought that "mole queen" thing was a tongue in cheek comment. I didn't take it seriously.
>A lot of her info come from here and KFOk? I don't follow why that matters. It's not like LC needs credit anyway what with it being anonymous. Sure there's been some attention whoring (in general), some people getting into it for the 'wrong' reasons, or
>>901929 cowtipping, swatting, etc., but I think those have been the exception and not the rule. Some of the anti-o's have jumped the gun or made some mistakes, but for the most part they seem ok. Maybe I just don't see the same things you do.
No. 901980
>>901978Yes he uses moles and socks.
I don't know how they managed to mess up Regina's credibility. Last time I checked she was doing fine. There are a few I've suspected of being moles but Unprivated isn't one of them. Like
>>901879 said, some of the more drama focused or questionable people either left twitter or privated their accounts awhile back.
No. 901982
>>901980She gave them info on people from DMs which ended up here (lies saying one ao was 19, another was 17). She participated in the cyber stalking. The group got her talking about her case too much and now she has contradicted her original story on SM with some things she said on Hansen. If she takes the stand she will immediately be in a perjury trap.
That aside they had a case with pierce county PD in August. They got Sarah to publicly join in on attacks the mandatory reporter who started the case for starting the case. I would be amazed if her testimony goes any farther than that without being dismissed and struck from the record. Add to that that they decided that instead of talking to the police they would talk to Hansen so he could open an FBI case. BC they took that call away from law enforcement it could actually get the whole case dismissed.
This isn't to blame either of them. They are young and nieve and probably like all the attention.
No. 901989
>>901982This is the most sense I’ve seen anyone talk for a long time. Whenever people try to bring it up on twitter they get flamed for attacking the credibility of the
victims (which is a fucking straw man if ever there was one) so people have stopped publicly questioning how tenable any alleged criminal investigation is. Someone mentioned that Chris discussing it could be considered contempt sub judice and most of the replies were either people asking what that meant or insisting that because Chris Hansen is involved it is most certainly positively 100 per cent definitely going to end with the onions in jail. As much as we would like to see that, it either won’t happen or it will be a long way off.
No. 901992
>>901989You are absolutely correct.
I'm more of the thinking that this will be the end of Chris' Youtube career.
No. 901993
>>901989Side note: many of the people on TCAP were actualyl dismissed with no charges bc it was entrapment. There were a few that pleaded guilty.
By comparison the police have a 90%+ success rate with child sexual abuse cases.
No. 901995
>>901989Sheppard v. Maxwell, 384 U.S. 333 (1966)
Justice Clark delivered the opinion of the court:
This federal habeas corpus application involves the question whether Sheppard was deprived of a fair trial in his state conviction for the second-degree murder of his wife because of the trial judge's failure to protect Sheppard sufficiently from the massive, pervasive and prejudicial publicity that attended his persecution… We have concluded that Sheppard did not receive a fair trial consistent with the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and, therefore, reverse the judgement.
No. 901998
>>901982>She gave them info on people from DMs which ended up here (lies saying one ao was 19, another was 17). She participated in the cyber stalking.You're talking about Regina? I haven't seen any evidence for that. Maybe I don't follow them as closely as you.
As far as her contradicting her original story, I haven't seen that either. There was one small piece that she mentioned about how she and Kai met that I think was different. This was a long time ago so she may have had an honest mix up. Other than that her story's been pretty consistent, she's able to back up a lot of it with texts from Kai etc.
As for the 'mandatory reporter', if it's the same person I think it is, she went and involved authorities without even having the courtesy to run it by Sarah first, that's why she was pissed about it because she wasn't ready to do that at the time. The reporter was nicknamed Concerned Cunt, and she deleted her twitter. One thing I do hope Sarah and the girls are doing is consulting a good lawyer.
No. 902000
>>901998No there is evidence that she participated in the cyber stalking.
She has now embelished her story and changed certain details, that is more than enough to get her thrown out as a witness.
MAndatory reporters are REQUIRED TO REPORT PERIOD. If they see child abuse and don't report they go to jail. They were reporting bc there are veulnerable children in teh house.
No. 902003
>>902000>there is evidence that she participated in the cyber stalking. I haven't seen it or seen any evidence. I can't take everyone at their word.
>She has now embelished her story and changed certain detailsOk. See my reply to your first comment.
No. 902016
>>902009You’re talking out of your ass. What’s going to get or not get the Onions is whether or not the FBI can build a case on what’s on those devices. It has nothing to do with what Twitter fags have said or done.
Just because a case has coverage doesn’t mean a person can’t get a fair trial. That’s even if it goes to trial or gets pled out, which is the most likely. Again that’s if charges are brought.
No. 902028
>>901989Agree… not the other nonsense that has been spewing tonight but this is an issue Im have with the girls and the little group of antio’s circling them. They are involving them in needless drama and it’s only going to bite them in the ass. The last incident was involving Mike and my guess is that Regina told the person to stop exposing him for telling someone to kill themselves because they need his outlet too to keep the heat on Anus.
I don’t think it’s a huge deal legally for them to be involved in this drama but I do think it could potentially taint their character if it keeps happening
No. 902047
>>902028>it could potentially taint their character if it keeps happeningCompletely agree. You can already see it happening and it seems to be the ones who are actively engaging with the anti-os (Shiloh, Sarah, and Regina).
>>902034Yep. There was no proof to her actually being one and she just spewed a bunch of links and insults as "proof". She constantly came here to defend herself like a cow and was caught each time. Pretty much like the twitterfags here being called out by admin. Kittensaurus is the same way.
No. 902050
>>902034Is it relevant? tehre was a case with pierce county PD. They were investigating.
Instead of cooperating with the investigation they turned to Hansen who got the FBI case opened through a friend.
>>901989Is correct even if somehow they get a guilty verdict he will appeal and overturn it.
No. 902128
>>902018I don't think that case means what you think it means… That guy argued that his jurors were influenced by news media. Greg's case has not been all over the news in the same manner; most potential jurors have probably never heard of him.
I highly doubt the court would hold the
victims in contempt for sharing their stories. If anything, they could claim to be defending themselves against defamation, and list the damages done to their reputation as a result of him talking about them publicly.
Had they been on the television and newspapers, it could be in contempt, but the courts don't take social media very seriously.
>>902034If I recall, 'concerned mom' was a legal advocate who offered their services to the girls, was turned down, but still reported for the kids. It really wasn't as big of a deal as everyone made it out to be.
No. 902142
>>902138They really could have used a legal advocate IMO… Maybe not Concerned Mom, idk, but those people are angels, they literally just give you legal advice and lawyer/attorney connections and moral support for free. They really just want to help.
I thought it was so sad that Concerned Mom was getting torn apart like that while the same twitter anti-o's were posting the phone numbers for police for randoms to call.
No. 902148
>>902128>but still reported for the kids.She came here to shitpost about it which made her look pathetic as hell. If it was "for the kids" she wouldn't have come here to defend herself like a cow. She wanted asspats and got mad when she didn't get it. It was on her twitter too.
>>902142>They really could have used a legal advocateThey really should have had one.
No. 902153
>>902142This makes me wonder if Gerg has consulted a lawyer about all of this. I imagine that surely he has but at the same time I can't imagine that this is the legal advice he's gotten. Then again he might have done so and just ignored everything the lawyer suggested about how he should conduct himself and decided instead to act like a retard. I think everyone needs to talk to a lawyer (or a legal advocate as anon suggested) at this point and needs to stop talking ESPECIALLY to random twitter fags who are giving awful advice. Don't get me wrong it's entertaining as hell but if they sincerely want him & lainey to go to prison they need to be smart about it.
Actually now that I think about it has anyone noticed a change in Sarah and Regina's behavior over the past week/few days? I was just thinking if the feds are doing a formal investigation surely someone reached out to them and told them that they need to be super careful about who they share things with.
No. 902156
>>902148Ah, I must have missed her posting on here. So much was happening at once, lol.
It's a shame none of them even tried to get a restraining order… They can have the person not be allowed to post on the internet about you.
No. 902178
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>>902153Regina did leave that discord. So…
No. 902179
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No. 902290
>>902028>they need his outlet tooPfff I hope that's not true. They don't
need Mike. Repzion, Jaclyn Glenn, Blaire White and a few other medium sized channels are more than enough, and now that Defranco's covered it it'll gain more traction. Mike barely gets 10k views a video. Mike is articulate but he doesn't really add much to the conversation that hasn't already been said in another way. If anything he'd be more of a liability unless he can ease up on the dramatic bullshit.
No. 902294
>>902099And he owes money to the county for the wetlands. I don't know who these newfags think they are coming here acting like they know something when they don't even know how much Greg is in debt to the feds.
>>902153>has anyone noticed a change in Sarah and Regina's behavior over the past week/few days?Other than being a lot quieter, not really, unless that's what you mean. I don't think they should be posting too much publicly on sm anyway.
No. 902297
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>>902294I don't know how much money Greg owes but I'm sure he owes out of his ass. When Chris Hansen offered to have him on, waterhead asked for 350k. And now with Defranco, he wanted 10k when all Defranco asked for was a statement. Ononcion must be real desperate if he dropped the price down that low.
No. 902301
>>902290That’s my impression honestly… it seems as though Shiloh was giving him the green light on his input
>>902286I give it a week or two…
No. 902330
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Wonder what this is about?
No. 902331
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Whatever it is, go figure Twitter fags have to be involved.
No. 902367
>>902363Also Social Repose and Shane Dawson. Can't forget them. I do wonder why he hasn't interviewed Jaclyn… you know he must have reached out to her.
There is something really dirty about trying to reach out to Eugenia though. She's dealing with trying not to die and you know Chris would tactlessly try to get her to talk about her ED and just make her super uncomfortable.
No. 902370
>>902367Hell, even Andy Biersack and Jaclyn's tits are "
victims". Eugenia couldn't even fully talk about it in the documentary on her.
No. 902382
>>902370Remember the Andy Biersack effigy Gregma raped on-camera, he’s a
victim too!
No. 902399
>>902341Given her situation I'm not sure having her on is the best idea, if that's even what they're thinking. Better to have Jacyln. She's talked about Onision's shitty behavior with Eugenia plenty of times. I think she'd be more insightful.
>>902367>Chris would tactlessly try to get her to talk about her EDI don't think so. He was really respectful to Billie when he interviewed her. She was obviously very uncomfortable and Chris didn't step over her boundaries. I'm not easily impressed but I was pleasantly surprised with the way he handled that situation.
No. 902408
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No. 902416
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No. 902556
ayalla and billie are both have onlyfans accounts now guess failing as a musician and youtuber leads to desperate measures?
No. 902640
>>902423Or you could do what lots of other online communities do.. keep things "family friendly" in public spaces like discord if you know there is a good chance your community is full of adolescents & teens (like the anti o community/anything onision related)
You don't really NEED an NSFW channel. Your server will indeed survive without one. If you want to send porn to people do it in private messages that way vetting their age/dealing with the consequences is on you and and you alone.
No. 902706
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No. 902720
>>902706>>902707>>902709>>902713That whole community seems like everyone is walking on eggshells around each other and whoever fucks up has to publicly flog themselves.
No. 902850
>>902842She’s 19, anon. She IS a child and she was seemingly talking to a 30 year old woman who got her to talk shit on the farm. There was most definitely a power-dynamic going on during the dumpsterfire of posts. She probably only lost sleep over the followers she knew she was gonna lose. That, or she was guilted to hell and back after it happened. She’s far from a
victim, but she was thrown under the bus several times. Her situation is far from milky since stuff like this has happened before in the “””community”””
I could give less of a fuck about her, I just wanna see screenies from the discord before sewer grandma became admin/when drama was going on.
No. 902911
>>902862Their age alone doesn't tell me that any of them is the villain here. It's their actions. Bee and Bean have been trying to paint Toasty as the one who posted here and doxxed people while Toasty has gone private and completely stays out of the drama, and I've only seen Toasty being doxxed (her Snapchat and phone number). Bean could literally be making shit up to look like a
victim too so she can come back to twitter. As long as I don't see any kind of proof that she's been doxxed I don't believe her.
>>902865It clearly isn't for her lol
>>902884excatly, there's no proof whatsoever that she posted here. Yes they redtexted some posts but how would they know? They probably guessed it.
No. 903006
>>902911Ok vendetta-chan.
long postIt’s pretty easy to tell that while Bean’s fragile, she was talked into doing stuff on the farms, and then berated for having done so.
My theory is that it started with Toasty grieving to Bean over her family life and discord drama, and then Toasty told Bean about her own vendetta against kittensaurus. Iirc Toasty didn’t fess up most likely because she was “Regina’s friend” and didn’t wanna lose having one of the
victims as a friend.
A 19 year-old apologizing for what they did is actually more mature than a lot of 25+ year-old influencers are, who have done far worse.
She obviously felt shame and guilt for what she did, and probably deleted to help her peace-of-mind. If she wants to come back and prove she won’t be “a little shit” anymore, I say let her prove it. I’m holding judgement until she slips up again.
I still think it’s creepy that a 30 year-old woman reached out to a 19 year-old to have a shoulder to cry on. That being said, Bean also should have thought it through about ulterior motives.
>>902942I thought it was bee who did most of the call outs? Are there screenies that were never posted of Kittensaurus’ antics?
Overall, though, I agree with you. They went pretty hard for Bean. They also went pretty hard for River, too. They shot their own messenger (since river posted the screenies on twitter about the farm posts) over what? Reaching out to Shiloh? Disliking Mikenactor? It’s all such a facade with them. This group of justice-seekers is sad, and they have the mentality of 17 year-olds.
No. 903038
>>902942Toasty does post here and she’s is the worst of them. She was still talking about the drama yesterday on her twitter acting like a
victim, boo hoo poor me. She suffers from victimising herself and thinking she can do no wrong. Toasty is poisonous, just as manipulative and emotionally
abusive as Onision.
No. 903039
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>>902942Kittensaurus made a tweet saying they didn't condone attacking Bean. OHoneybee was the one who attacked.
No. 903226
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If any twitterfag likes to pretend play cop on the case it’s this psycho. What info do you have that’s not public information then?
No. 903243
>>903039Bee is a dumb attention whoring cunt, I wouldn’t be surprised if she is the one bitching about kittensaurus itt. All these bitches are retards with no life who think that being acknowledged by the
victims of a washed up pedo youtuber and his ugly pedo wife is some great life achievement.
No. 903300
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No. 903301
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No. 903327
>>903006>She obviously felt shame and guilt for what she did, and probably deleted to help her peace-of-mind.Sure. That's why she doxxed toasty AFTER her cringey melodramatic "I'm sorry" post
>>899162. She only posts this shit
>>902707to gain sympathy
No. 903425
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>>902370Wow looks like they are going to interview jaclyns tits after all
No. 903426
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No. 903469
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We know what Stevie will be talking about during the interview….. himself
No. 903561
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No. 903573
>>903469Just cackling still at his ‘this day has finally come’
I’m already getting second hand embarrassment.
No. 903575
>>903567A complete nobody. Sarah has already said everything so Lane is no longer needed for that. All she'll do is regurgitate what Sarah has already said.
>>903568After looking at all the people that they asked to be on the show, it's pretty much expected.
No. 903608
>>903573It is embarrassing. Just like
>>903469 said Stevie is probably going to make this interview revolve around himself. And whenever Stevie has confronted Grug in a debate (or when he jumped on his live) I always get "senpai notice me" vibes.
Stevie has offered insight in some of his videos about Ogreasion, but it's usually marred by weird self comparisons and unfounded speculations.
No. 903609
>>903228I didn't know that. I can't find anything to corroborate that.
>>903586He recently changed his sm in the last month or two. He used to go by 'Jesse' @Username_kno. Why would someone be LARPing as Greg's step-dad?
No. 903804
>>903790Jesse’s probably the worst of them all, honestly. It’s been said here before, but he attacks anyone who disagrees with his tinfoils. The fact that he tried to use Rag’s story as fire to one of his tinfoils is absolutely disgusting. I still don’t get how Heezy and Neglected Banana interact with him.
You’re probably right, that he runs the accounts and they’re just different personalities of his. He claims to be a troll but he takes things quite seriously. I wonder if he has a life outside of the internet.
No. 903897
>>903586that's interesting. how exactly do you know it was /that/ stepdad since it seems greg has multiple 'step dads' when growing up whether 'official' by marriage or 'not official' when just shacking up.
>>903609i'd post proof here but i'd be banned for posting information about family members unrelated to the drama. if a mod allows it, i'll post it.
i've sent rags the proof since i couldn't post it here. he can confirm that don ald lat sha is the name of one of tami's exhusbands.
No. 903966
File: 1575953760580.png (4.89 KB, 410x292, temp.png)

No. 903976
> i'd post proof here but i'd be banned for posting information about family members unrelated to the drama. if a mod allows it, i'll post it.
> i've sent rags the proof since i couldn't post it here. he can confirm that don ald lat sha is the name of one of tami's exhusbands.i guess rags knew you'd accuse him and wrote that into the post preemptively?
more a++ research from rsn.
No. 903996
File: 1575966448498.jpg (737.02 KB, 828x2524, Heezy.jpg)

>>903889>>903804>Heezy and Neglected Banana interact with him.I vaguely remember a few months ago Heezy was trying (or said she was) to talk to a FB group called I think 'Gig Harbor Mom's' to tell them about Greg. I don't remember the sequence of events but she ended up lying about Greg's house being swatted and probably some other details too. She privated her account for awhile thereafter.
The other one, Banana, claims to be in close contact with one of Greg's paypigs and privated their account after all the "doxxing" they claimed happened. Banana, Heezy, "Jesse/Latsha" and Arim palled around on twitter in the beginning.
No. 903999
>>903627I looked for that in the wayback machine and it comes up blank. It has something saved for the end of Sept. but if you click on it it redirects to 8trackads and comes up blank. I'll check prior threads
>>903897I don't doubt Greg had fucked up step dads, all things considered.
>>903905>>903966And now he's gone. Ok then.
No. 904000
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>>903996Heezy is a full blown attention whoring clout chasing bag of fruit loops. Here she is claiming she’s friends with Eugenia
No. 904002
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>>904001I know, my point is that she’s still going on about it. She seems pretty doxx happy too
No. 904004
File: 1575971388453.png (454.36 KB, 599x1496, Screenshot_2019-11-21 Donald O…)

>>903790>>903804I think he was the one who started the rumor that Unprivated was doxxing people
>>892195 and a few of the others (Arim etc.) ran with that. He was constantly accusing others of working with Greg too. Looks like he had a hate boner for Unprivated, Kittensaurus and whoever the other 3 are of the "5" he mentioned.
Either way, that someone would LARP as one of Greg's step-dad's raises a lot of questions.
No. 904007
File: 1575972247133.png (593.98 KB, 592x3182, Screenshot_2019-11-21 Donald O…)

>>904004Samefag. Some of the things he said were true as far as TCAP and Hansen goes (that's all public record, yt vids made on it). He also mentioned here that Pierce county sheriff was investigating before Hansen got involved? I never saw PC sheriffs make any public statements in that regard. So some things he said were true, while others were unsubstantiated.
No. 904008
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>>904007They never made a public statement. Heezy released a Tweet where she’d reached out to the Gig’s Harbor PD shortly before that Facebook drama happened and they said Pierce Co was aware of the situation. That was the closest thing anyone got to public confirmation.
No. 904009
File: 1575973105033.png (317.43 KB, 625x2114, Screenshot_2019-11-21 Donald O…)

>>904004>>904007Last one. He didn't mention names, but apparently he was accusing among others, Unprivated and Kittensaurus of working with Greg because according to him, they were coaching the
victims. He suggested "people with assets" like Keemstar only report on Greg if he's convicted because he knows Greg intends to sue everyone for slander if he goes free. His comment about the One Man Band vids was interesting, but again, unsubstantiated.
No. 904016
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>>904015 Supposedly they are reporting it.
No. 904018
>>904016The plot thickens. Hopefully whoever doxxed who will see consequences sooner than later. I hate to think of anyone's actions hurting Sarah's or Regina's case either directly or indirectly, not to mention people pretending to be something they're not.
I do agree with Latsha as far as Regina and Sarah being quiet about their case on sm, but it might be too late for that. Ignoring Greg especially I think is to their benefit.
No. 904024
>>903301I think the llc he's referring to here is that Nesiamotu company registered in Greg's name.
>>903426Anyone who remembers the actual Latsha, was it ever mentioned what he did for a living?
No. 904028
>>904007I recognise this posting style and content from the Onision thread
>>904016Wow at these spergs one-upping each other with their imaginary high level connections
No. 904043
File: 1575985344798.jpg (951.02 KB, 619x2442, Rag-Donald Latsha-Chaisey Lane…)

>>904004>>904007>>904009>>904015Funny he would talk about backstabbing.
Rag mentioned @Username_kno (Latsha) because Latsha contacted him. Latsha used the info he gleaned from Rag and made a vid with it without his knowledge. Knowing that, it's not surprising Latsha deleted their account. And RSN is a cunt, what else is new.
Rag's thread: No. 904046
File: 1575986030448.png (31.84 KB, 591x322, Chase( chasevsonision) Twitter…)

>>904043I thought "Chaisey Lane" was whoever this (pic related) is? If not, then "Latsha" runs that channel or knows who does. That would be a trip if it was actually Greg's crazy step father - nothing would surprise me. He was an asshole to Rag so at least he has that going for him.
No. 904066
>>904046If you’ve been around the antio stuff since the beginning you would know who he is, the username isn’t that deep.
It’s obvious a lot of you anons are new and my advice is not to go bursting brain cells on it because the person in question at times was mostly a troll who use to get into debates with Stevie back in the day, he’s not at all that serious.
No. 904070
File: 1575992305248.png (172.06 KB, 1063x769, cpa.png)

>>904024The real latsha worked in fishery.
he's also claimed to be a cpa.
ChasevsOnision and Chaisey Lane are not the same person. The Chaisey Lane YouTube channel was linked to from the jesse/latsha/username_kno Twitter. ChaseVsOnision is a longtime anti-o. This latsha person seems to be a newcomer, possibly from the tcap community?
No. 904133
>>904070I’ve been observing Username_Kno since I started following Sarah’s thread. He’s an odd individual who goes on spouting sprees trying to claim he’s all-knowing. I’d hate to meet the guy irl, he’d freak me out.
>>903996I remember this happening. A lot of the twitter a-os didn’t like that she was looking into Julia, and I remember taking a look for myself into this group. She claimed the group was “closed,” and got in through a friend. The group was open as a library when I looked it up. I could see the posts for myself. Some moms thought Kia was the kids’ sibling picking them up, others claimed to have seen the couple at a mall, etc. a lot of the comments have escaped my memory since it’s been so long. The most memorable thing was moms in the group being upset that the Anuses were doing what they were. Lots of angry-face emojis and exclamation points.
I don’t think that what Heezy did was wrong regarding posting the streams to the group, but I don’t know what else she said she did on twitter. Contacting GHP was a little out there. It seems like she jumped into the case head-first, with no prior knowledge.
>>904016Banana needs a reality check, because Chase V Onision actually got doxxed and a prior job of theirs had been contacted about them “harassing” people online. Banana isn’t immune to the internet, no matter how “private” they make themself look.
Also, I’m pretty sure Username_kno was the one who posted here saying NB was 17. I vaguely remember a tweet from UK saying “I may have thrown them off by saying you were a teenager” or something of the sort in response to one of NB’s tweets.
No. 904153
>>903999I found it! Go as far back as 2013
> There was one point in my youth where I was told to kneel down in front of my Television by my step-father. He then instructed us to say “I love you Satan” to the TV, as he, I suppose, believed it was a device of the devil, or was just high & confused. I am only aware that event took place as my mother found out about it, and logically, a mother would not be expected to forget a moment like that.He revealed Latsha’s name in one of his videos (iirc it probably was the debunking hsanon video) as the crazy Satan-worshiping ganja-loving stepfather
No. 904181
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No. 904383
>>904352As far with my observations go I definitely think Regina and Sarah have been talking less about it, Sarah herself said on Twitter that she is keeping some things private that she will only tell the police.
I think it’s the best thing for the
victims at this point that they keep distance from all the drama people are making on Twitter and how messed up is that tbh that these girls have been victimized and the people who are supposed to be supporting them act like drama vultures.
No. 904387
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>>903996>>904160I'm guessing "Latsha's" claim that Pierce County PD was investigating Greg came from Heezy - looks like she was the one who started that unsubstantiated rumor.
The second ss at the bottom I don't remember where that was taken from but at #15, she wrote there was a police raid on Greg's home which never happened. People gave her shit because she was trying to play cop on top of getting key details wrong.
No. 904389
>>904054I checked the url yesterday, it said "doesn't exist".>>904123I've not seen any evidence either after months of rumors.
No. 904390
>>904352>He’s acting like Billy badassOn top of LARPing as Greg's step dad.
>>904383>drama vulturesI noticed most of these people either go private, leave twitter or in Latsha's case, deletes their account. Watch him come back and make baseless accusations about being doxxed or "bullied" off twitter.
No. 904587
>>904390shrug everything that was "done" to him was posted here. who he was was incidental, i just wanted to see if there was a connection to greg.
i don't think whoever it was planned on people making the connection with the name don ald lat sha. (wrong middle intital, btw) it was an obscure bit of greg trivia that wasn't talked about much, if at all.
he was a bad actor, constantly advising people against [taking action] because of [reason]. so it kind of worked out in the end.
there's a lot of this kind of thing going on now so be careful who you believe/trust. the capital X with asterisks. the first time i posted the link, they were stripped for some reason)
No. 904630
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Stevie …
No. 904635
>>904630meh he isnt wrong rags was always a troll. he used to exist in the antio tumblr pages for years taking the piss out of people for saying what hes saying about onion now.
he admitted to raping a girl once sperged out on people with death threats and lots of stupid shit. made a total cow of himself and disappeared for a while because there were allegations he was the guy that leaked shilohs underaged nudes to one of the onision drama tumblrs
No. 904673
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No. 904781
>>904635Could you elaborate on that? rag admitted to raping a girl and threatened people? Do you know who the
victim is?
No. 904842
>>904791It's been posted in various threads across lolcow, don't ask to be spoonfed. A lot of farmers don't have short memories and being critical of Rags is not a big deal.
It's laughable people are equating him to the actual
victims Onision and Kai targetted. Rag got clout on a message board and that constitutes as grooming. He participated in the
toxic nature, posted nudes and belittled allegations referring to it as nothing more than drama. It was drama to him because he was an active player in it. Yeah its great when a prior fan wakes up and smells the bullshit but there's loads of fangirls that go on his forums and don't become
toxic trolls. Rag is not a
victim of grooming by Onision or Kai that is retarded. Maybe he should have mentioned how some adult woman had a relationship with him and they met on the site. Why his interview wasn't as informative as it should have been is that he was aware of his own role on the site and trying to diminish it. Which led him to not talking about all the private forums within forums, how a lot of the moderators and members where the ones orchestrating hate campaigns against girls Onion had dumped. It was all fun and games until their idol kept getting heat for all the shit.
I get some anons think that all
victims or people interviewed by Hanson should be given a wide berth because they're helping with the case but let's not become spastics about it and point score and hi cow this and oh this must be rsn or deity or stevie or whoever the fuck else. All these anti os are so cringe I swear to god. Funny on twitter some of the male anti os are trying to throw shade at the bitches on lolcow and make it a gendered thing. Keep profiting off us farmers and getting mad when you can't gatekeep the topic
No. 904868
>>904842I never liked rags tbh. I found him to be the same sort of ex fan as that kid Tall Videos. The have a falling out in the fan base then become ‘anti o’ only to start kissing Greg’s ass when he gives them any attention, like when rags said he wasn’t a fan but yet went on Greg’s younow a couple times and they joked around together acting like buddies and the interviews rags did with Greg after the Blair White video.
He’s an attention whore just like Stevie
No. 905019
>>904842>Maybe he should have mentioned how some adult woman had a relationship with him and they met on the site. Did you even watch the interview? Because he
did mention that. You can have whatever opinion you want about Rags, but at the very least be informed before sperging about it. Otherwise you're just wasting time you twink.
No. 905024
>>905020It looks like some people are really stuck on how they remember Rag's, rather than acknowledging who he is now (assuming he's changed for the better). If he's just trolling everyone and pretending to support the
victims then he'll get dunked on. As it stands, he's good friends with Regina and he seems sincere with his support. I don't see the point rehashing old shit that's not relevant.
No. 905030
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Rag Reynolds and his thoughts on people who dislike Onision.
No. 905031
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No. 905040
>>905030>>905031Judging the post purely on its substance he’s not wrong. This is an entire autism containment thread of people saying exactly what he is saying for the most part.
You’re not selling me on much showing me that he was once an edgy teenager with a hard line stance on free speech who recognizes how ridiculous the anti o people were/are.
No. 905056
>>905030>>905031Was the intent behind posting these supposed to "expose" Rag? I don't know how old these are but I imagine they're not recent. As
>>905020 said, it's possible his attitudes have changed somewhat. Although I disagree with a few minor points, his overall summation of the anti-O community isn't entirely inaccurate - there's a very fine line.
Rag comes across as level headed for the most part, which is exactly how he came off in his interview with Hansen.
No. 905069
>>904587It looks like it was someone with mental issues. However, they knew enough to disappear after being outed so there's that. He did make a lot of factual statements (enough to come off somewhat credible) but sprinkled them with bullshit - psyop style.
>there's a lot of this kind of thing going on now so be careful who you believe/trust.Yeah no kidding. Most anons were pretty astute and had reasonable suspicions about him from the beginning (tbf so did some of the anti-o's). Props to the anon that remembered the step-dad's name.
No. 905401
>>905134>>905167Right, and all the arguments against Rag have had zero substance, that's the problem. Maybe he's changed, idk. It just seems pointless rehashing old shit like we're in 2015-16, especially when the circumstances now couldn't be more different.
Be as skeptical as you want but at least acknowledge that things are different now.
No. 905408
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No. 905411
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Why are all these twitterfags acting like Hansen’s PR team? Of course he is going to interview Cracklyn’s tits, she is as bad as Rag with her flip flopping on Greg. Between twitter and Hansen entertaining these irrelevant retards the whole thing has become a farce
No. 905413
File: 1576289384065.jpeg (216.06 KB, 750x1009, 68F94B4C-8826-44B8-A7A2-3790CE…)

FFS not this shit again
No. 905513
File: 1576326219489.jpg (606.06 KB, 1080x1731, 20191214_122142.jpg)

is this the autistic rag vendettachan that was sperging in the onision thread the other day? No. 905514
File: 1576326284508.jpg (698.87 KB, 1080x1710, 20191214_122153.jpg)

>>905513they're the one posting that retarded fanart too
No. 905614
>>905513>>905514Haha maybe. I just assumed it was RSN. He loves spamming the boards with retarded shit.
Tbh I don’t think there is anything wrong with going after Rag if he’s acting like a cow or some new fucked up thing comes out that he’s done. The only thing anyone has brought though is ancient milk that nobody cares about or tinfoils presented as fact with zero evidence.
No. 905727
File: 1576366562516.png (38.47 KB, 630x231, Screenshot_2019-12-14 FBI.png)

Hey RSN if you're lurking these boards, fuck off no one wants you here.
No. 905822
>>905070If I was screeching into the void then why are you here to whitenight? That's what I thought.
>>905122It's pretty obvious that they're desperate to interview people. It's obvious that the anti sperg mods chosen to overlook this shit are insane and have caused damage. This entire thing is a mess and you anti os are too egotistical to admit it.
Its okay though, plenty of anons will be able to come back to this thread a year from now to relive the absolute state of internet autism.
No. 905853
>>905828Regina didn't interact with Greg or Rag.
Who Rag did interact with was rxbootyslayer/novaslayer/megan who was caught self posting here various times. She was one of Onion's highest paypigs at $200 a month. They're still close friends and they were both mods.
No. 905927
>>905884I don’t think Vincent or Chris is acting like attention whores, I find them to be doing things in a very professional fashion. Both have had opportunity to use things Anus has done since they began all this to attention seek but they’ve kept it to a minimum and have been focusing on the
My thoughts though are the antio’s circling them and there’s no denying it but these folks do engage in a lot of drama and its been embarrassing a few times seeing them try to get Chris or Vincent involved.
No. 905982
>>905822>If I was screeching into the void then why are you here to whitenight?Who's whiteknighting? Anons are trying to tell you you're wasting your time by talking out of your ass about things that aren't relevant anymore. Continue I guess since it's what you enjoy.
>>905823Thanks for sharing their dm's and confirming what you don't know about whatever their relationship is actually like. If Regina says they're friends, I'll take her word for it until proven otherwise.
No. 905986
>>905884The only one I see trying to make this into a circus, is onion. Chris is interviewing people actually relevant to the story, then some anons make idiot hyperbole's like, "is he going to interview the house plant next?"
To call interviewing relevant people who actually have something substantive to add, a circus, tells me you don't know what you're talking about.
(Samefag) No. 906109
>>905982>>905886That didn't happen. Lassie was not in contact with any discordfags before RSN came onto the radar. Lassie did date booty in some LDR cringe but he never interacted with Rag and I don't believe rag was a patreon at the time.
Rag is sketch but I'm just clearing up some flakes drama from the thead.
Lassie didn't leak ambers nudes either amber is literal bpdette that posts nudes on twitter.
No. 906172
File: 1576487029475.jpeg (183.61 KB, 750x708, E8E9D9C2-BA4E-406E-B897-43AD53…)

This is so fucking retarded, of course the anti onion twitterfags think it’s a great idea
No. 906191
>>906172It doesn't seem like they realize that doing stuff like that can hurt the case. I mean Chris Hansen said the FBI's looking into him and if they give onion any reason to cry
victim then he will.
Luxymoo isn't that bad in my opinion. Like not compared to Regina. Don't get me wrong because Regina was a
victim of grooming and had some messed up things happened to her. But having her venmo in her bio kek and E begging for money all the time just doesn't make it seem sincere.
I guess that's why everyone respects Sarah so much is because Sarah doesn't have her venmo attached to her Twitter bio and doesn't constantly ask for money or hint about things she wants. definitely do think Regina was a
victim of grooming for sure but that doesn't excuse the attention-seeking behavior and all the begging from random people on the internet. Like I wish these people would get it together and I wish Sarah would stay far far away from Regina and a lot of those people. I mean even Lane is better because at least Lane was trying to expose what was going on in the Grease mansion.
No. 906330
>>906109That's not true. Lassie had been around with tallguyvideos or whatever and the 13 year old Donald trump fan that tried to harvest lc users ips lol. That was all before RSN. Booty and Lassie were dating when FatBecca and Sylar had their LDR and they all bonded over their cringe fetlife profiles. They all like their sound of their voices and self wank in soliloquys and think they're all oh so intellectuals. RSN came later when drama channels realised they could quickly monetise shit farmers were discussing here.
Glad all their little egos are getting stroked a real celebrity like Chris Hanson notices them!!
No. 906401
>>906330>Chris HansonCan’t tell if you just don’t know how to spell, or if you’re misspelling his name just to dick around. Either way, Hansen and Vincent are doing this because they know it will keep people watching. The viewers they lose are nothing compared to how many they gain each time a twitter cow sends out a link to the stream. More and more people are deciding to come out with claims of being a “
victim” during all of this shit. Once they get cornered they go private and abandon the account.
Whoever they interview is up to them, and the credibility of the case is up to the
victims and if they can keep their mouths shut.
Regina’s having lots of fun being buddy-buddy with Vincent, though. That’s the only ego-swelling that I’ve picked up on.
No. 906467
>>906401I've noticed that Regina likes to go on Twitter and drop weird little emojis and all the Twitterfags go nuts. If I were Vince or Chris then I wouldn't trust her with any information that was supposed to be secret. She tells everyone everything. Above all I wish they'd drop Regina because Regina swooped in and basically acts like the leader which maybe that's what Sarah needs. I don't know. I just wish she hadn't gone Chris Hansen looking like a full ass clown. Also I wish the e begging would stop and her posting photos smoking pot online. There's nothing wrong with pot but if this goes to trial they don't realize this stuff can be used against them to discredit them in some way. I feel Sarah has been really smart as have Skye and Alicia by staying out of this.
I mean ultimately it will keep view count up and it's good that
victims are coming forward. I'm not all that excited about lane but Lane did try to get Sarah out of that hellhole and Sarah begged her not to and like Sarah threatened to kill herself and everything. So I am interested in a way of what she has to say. Definitely interested in Jaclyn.
No. 906522
File: 1576553618586.jpeg (717.01 KB, 1125x1003, A980011F-4596-4C51-84E4-2979F2…)

>Onision: my vegetarian body is ready!
No. 906566
>>906522I'm so uncomfortable with this knowing that they've been friends for years and that Billie was a
victim of sexual violence/abuse
No. 906612
>>906596Yeah them selling nudes doesn't suddenly invalidate everything greg and lainey have done in the eyes of the law anon.
You really have no idea how law works but damn thats some incel-tier thinking. How very "Adrienne couldn't be raped because she had sex with 20+ guys"
Like you realize it doesn't work like that right?
No. 906672
>>906641I think it's great that they are making money and selling photos at their proud of. They can't help if if deviants like onision put them in his fap folder. At least they are making money. And earning it instead of begging online.
This board seems to be where all the Twitterfags who are afraid to express their opinion on Twitter come to talk. It's literally like there is a Nazi group that runs Twitter and if you disagree with those twitterfags then you will get run off the platform ROFL.
But get that coin girls. Good for them.
No. 906722
>>906718The sad fact is these girls aren't in school and they failed at socializing with e celebs as soon as they dropped social repose for onion. Now they have to resort to selling nudes for weed and makeup like the other cows on snow. Billies YouTube channel has always been poor quality despite of her skills.
That being said this is exactly why Greg preyed on them when billie was desperate as fuck working at target. Onion will never go after a girl who's older or doing something worth shit.
No. 906858
>>906800Regina is no oil painting, so she is in no position to determine if Lamey’s
victims are pretty or not. I mean Lame dumped her potato looking ass for Billie so..,
No. 906926
>>906568This isn't a knock to any of them but as with Shiloh, it looks like they're using the attention from this situation to make money, I don't blame them. Will a jury find fault with this and use it to dismiss their testimony is the question, assuming anything they've said will be used in court.
>>906612I could see it possibly (big maybe) damaging their credibility as witnesses to the goings on in Greg's house. Obviously it's not going to affect whatever they can back up with solid evidence.
No. 906928
>>906800>she's using this for clout and Fame.Eh. Like
>>906926 said, a lot of the girls are using the attention to make money which I don't see a problem with.
Anyway, if they were "clout chasing", wouldn't they be selling their stories to the highest bidder?
No. 906929
>>906467>Regina swooped in and basically acts like the leader which maybe that's what Sarah needs.Regina tweeted something a month or so ago after Sarah hinted about feeling suicidal, that she was going to handle this and "make you(Sarah) proud". I'm guessing she's taking the lead here as far as pressing charges. I agree about Alicia, Skye and Sarah being smart with their sm.
>>906172Yeah I don't like the onion's but this is not only pointless, it's taking it too far.
No. 906935
>>906927Because I guess everyone needs to like or kiss Reginas ass and lie about thinking she’s good looking, right? Or we are RSN
Anon was just stating a fact, kai dumped Regina for Billie because she wasn’t attracted to her.
No. 906941
>>906935RSN's mods were shit talking her. RSN is under FBI investigation and he's asshole. No one cares about what she looks like except for a few of you that sperg/nitpick here about it, and that's all besides the point.
Where's the evidence for:
>More victims of Kai are stepping forward>Regina told them they didn't matter because they weren't pretty.>she's using this for clout and Fame.>She acts like she's in control of everythingOh that's right, there isn't any.
No. 906944
>>906937It’s because there’s an kissing contest amongst twitter antio’s and who can kiss ass the best.
>>906941This is an anonymous thread to shit talk about antio’s on Twitter if you don’t like what some anons have to say about your fave don’t read and go back to the Anus thread.
No. 906958
>>906944Nitpicking aside its painfully obvious why she was never even considered to be a third. I don't even gotta say it.
>>906926It's comparable to someone taking a payout, its nasty and dirty. Then again, I'm not naive enough to expect anything to come of this.
1) the so called nudes were never verified, they were censored as fuck and it relies on the assumption that lainey is exposing her crotch when there is no view to verify it
2) I really feel that if those photos were legit onion would have pulled the revenge porn card. The lack of response or worry is not a great giveaway.
4) we've been told the feds are looking into it, but not that anyone is pressing charges
It seems that this entire federal investigation will rely on whatever will be found on the devices, knowing that regina asked me and other randos for help without knowing what she's looking for, I'm going to assume nobody knows what could or couldn't be on those drives or chatlogs
Anyways the milk has been kino as fuck so there's that
No. 906976
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The flakes’ replied to this are peak autism, lord these people are fucking spastic. It only took 10 fucking years and thousands of dollars from complete strangers for to do something about Gerg branding her. What an entitled cow. The way the
victims have become clout chasers enabled by asslickers who treat them
like celebrities is cringe af No. 906983
>>906941Evidence of the male
victims is all over Twitter right you dumbfuck. Also so we aren't all RSN. RSN is probably too high to function much less post on this board. Just because a lot of us don't trust her intentions doesn't mean we are him.
>>906929I didn't know that. That's why I did give the benefit of the doubt to her. If that's the case then good on her.
Overall the problem with Regina is the constant e begging, having her vemno everywhere, e begging people to pay for her schooling which is her responsibility, and a list of other things that make her
problematic. It isn't nitpicking . It's merely making observations. I don't understand why you can't so defensive in their state uni time anyone post on this board period like pretty much everyone can tell that it's always the same user who does this. But most us are not RSN stans lol.
No. 906986
>>906941If you seriously can't see how she's using this for fame and clout then you're being delusional.
She brags daily or there's some weird emoji with anything about Vincent. If you go through comments she constantly asks people for money.
When she mods for Chris Hansen the entire time she she sits there and says things and hearts to people who address her as queen.
You denying all this makes you look delusional.
also the fact that you think everyone on this board is a fan of real stream news is laughable. He's a junkie serial abuser himself just like the onions.
No. 906990
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>>906800Well if we go by beauty standard then regina's own statement definitely doesnt matter.
No. 906995
>>906990I don't think the girl is ugly when she has filters and all that stuff on her photos. it's obvious she has filters because you can't see pores or anything like that.
I'm not going to nitpick on her looks. The onions never chose her and used her to lure in her younger and prettier friends. Regina was cool with all of that until September when she realises if she didn't make a stand she would be hated. I don't believe she's doing all this to be a friend. When she doesn't have all the filters and it's just her then she just looks like a girl with a clown amount of make up on. But that's not most people on this board have a problem with her about. It's the pronoun issue, clout chasing, e begging, acting like she knows everything in case. She can't keep her mouth shut to save her life and just recently started shutting it but hardly.
But then again we must all be RSN because we don't trust Regina. Quit being a daft cow, that's not the reason.
The anti-o community on Twitter is a complete dumpster fire. People on there attack other people who don't agree with their opinion. They dox people. All sorts of shenanigans and Regina is that the core of that. Regina doesn't have to dirty her hands because her minions will do it for her.
That's people's problem with her. and it's really obvious that it's the same person who white knights for her every single time. while a bunch of other people on this board are stating their issues with her because they can't on Twitter because they'll be attacked.
No. 907000
>>906958Lets not forget that Sarah didn’t even release that crotch picture of lainey, It was Regina or Lane if I can remember correctly.
>>906982Considering Chris gets revenue on views and Vincent was planning on releasing his own Walmart version of YouTube it’s not really a reach to say they’re both cashing in on this. Which isn’t to say it’s wrong but yeah, they are profiting.
All involved have been wether it’s views, financially or clout. I mean twitter antio’s like to go after people who were making tshirts with kai is crying on them and saying it’s wrong to profit off abuse yet we have some closely involved doing the same. It’s not wrong to point that out or question people.
No. 907114
>>907064Regina doesn't have friends. She has people that she uses for money or fame. I understand the Regina was a
victim of grooming but that didn't stop her from talking about Sarah all over onision's thread when laineykai quit talking to Regina for 2 years. Regina will have her asslickers do things to people so that way her hand stay clean. I think it's disgusting that she has a fandom and that she gets off on it. It's one thing to show support but it's another when regina uses them for money. Her asslickers paid for her tuition while she went in bought makeup.
>>907011You mean that anti-o ohoney_bee? It's really obvious any time she posts. She insults random people, derails, or licks Regina's ass. And also accuses everyone on the board of been real stream news or Jesse.
No. 907148
>>907114Interesting that she thinks lolcow is so
toxic (ohoney_bee), yet lurks the thread constantly. The virtue signaling is intense. A lot of anti-os who don’t interact with that whole posse seem to have turned into regular OT accounts. They post a lot about Anus, but don’t compliment Regina/Sarah/Shiloh etc. every waking moment of every day.
On a different note: doesn’t a beauty school typically supply students with all equipment needed? Brushes, hair tools, makeup, combs, nail equipment, and the likes? If Regina’s school doesn’t do that then she’s going to a shitty little beauty course. She shouldn’t need to beg for tuition $$$ because beauty school isn’t a hundred-thousand-dollar field to learn. It’s more like paying for a new car. Wouldn’t she also be able to apply for Pell Grants and scholarships?? The money is going to something else. I have a gut feeling of that.
No. 907204
>>907148To quote Regina put on Twitter when she was begging "she doesn't want to get a loan because she doesn't want to be in debt"
Well bitch you are begging people for money for School. She claims she doesn't qualify for scholarships, grants, and absolutely refuses to take out a loan. And her brain dead fans paid for her tuition. But she can post photos almost every day of her smoking pot. how do you have the money for makeup and party but not for school? she also waited until the extreme last minute to start begging for tuition money. She is 22 years old in is an adult. Sarah doesn't behave that way at all and works two jobs and is self-sufficient and Sarah actually had to have sex with the grease monsters.
Regina doesn't seem to understand that a lot of people lost respect for her because of that. With the exception of of her little fandom. She spent a ton of money on makeup and it's all crappy morphe palettes.
It's just like with shiloh. what shiloh went through was horrific. but the gofundme is still collecting money and shiloh never cashed it out so she already had the money on hand to get the cover up and she also already has a ton of tattoos so there was no excuse for this.
I've noticed a lot of accounts on Twitter have stopped posting just because it's gotten to the point where it's obvious what it is.
No. 907220
>>907148It’s because people are afraid of being gang bullied, it’s happened so many times by this group, now a lot of old antiO’s either cave to their narrative or don’t bother spreading awareness about Anus because they get hate for pronouns or they ‘shouldn’t be talking about something’ that goes against their narrative, it’s the circle of Regina white knights.
Like what happened to Stevie, I watched his livestream about rags yesterday when he was disagreeing about the
victim status and saying rags wasn’t so innocent. There were the Twitter fools in his chat harassing him.
It was pointed out here Stevie changed his tune because he was getting hate and of course one of them was on here to say that wasn’t true.
No. 907221
>>907220To be fair, no one gives a single shit about Stevie. He has nothing to offer and is a cow himself.
I completely agree with you on the non-Stevie stuff though. The
victims aren't blameless but you'll get attacked for bringing it up or refusing to moralfag.
No. 907245
>>907221Onion attracts shitty people. Billie and ayalla posted a photo of troy after a petty argument and helped gaslight a pregnant woman. Shiloh did all that fucked up shit and can't stay out of drama by inserting herself with madi. Laneclone, luxy and other ex lainey stans have been obsessing over her in private groupchats and contacting her rapist.
If you wanna want to know why retards like lane are being interviewed its because she's had direct ties to billies asslicking club with other billie era self proclaimed
victims. They're apart of the same clique that's been lurking on lolcow for years and that's why Maya, Sam, AJ, Skye, and alicia want nothing to do with this.
And you know some of the most cringey anti os are apart of this clique. It isn't hard to figure out.
No. 907283
>>907261The main clique of twitterfags fall in with ohoney_bee. They do a lot of the gang bullying. Hell a lot of people on this thread aren't even actual cows. It's just been vendetta posting by honey and her friends. She accuses everyone of being RSN, Jesse, etc. If you don't agree with her then you must be one of them.
That's literally her only argument or else she just gets vicious and autistic.
>>907261I genuinely don't think they meant to post that photo. Sarah and Billie seemed to actually care about those kids. More so than the Onions do.
Retards like lane are being interviewed because they're regina's friends. however Lane did actually try to blow the whistle and tried to get Sarah out of the grease Mansion . and also called Regina on a live stream without saying regina's name way back when she accused or basically told the truth about Regina gathering up girls for the onions. I'm not white knighting Lane by any means but she did speak out about Regina. I don't know why she decided to be friends with Regina again so she lost respect from me because of that but she did try to talk sense into Sarah.
this thread started as a containment thread then became a vendetta against random people that pissed off the anti-o Mafia. Anyone who doesn't agree with them or they use then get what they need from them end up on the list and magically they get doxed or lied about or publicly shamed. there are so many people that have been targeted that won't even post about the onions anymore just because they don't want to deal with the shit.
No. 907284
>>907221>but you'll get attacked for bringing it up or refusing to moralfagI don't get this at all, either. None of the previous threads were like this. Now you get attacked if you don't see someone as a near saintly
victim or bring up something shitty about them.
Like, you must have a hate boner and you're OnIoN sUppoRtEr/rsn/whoever the fuck.
No. 907289
>>907283Anon he's in clear view in the photo, stop being a newfag
>>907286>>907283This isn't the group I'm talking about
>>907220People get bothered when holes are poked into a cows narrative, Rags is one of them
No. 907345
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Because Anus and Lainey victimizing and bullying young young girls is drama fodder and ICONIC. Stuff like this is why half of us don’t like these people because they’re hypocrites and they expect everyone to take this all serious when they’re making a joke about someone’s victimization.
No. 907347
>>907220>I watched his livestream about rags yesterday when he was disagreeing about the victim status and saying rags wasn’t so innocent. So you're saying that on his livestream yesterday he reversed what he'd said on twitter?
>>905058I haven't seen him contradict what he wrote on twitter.
>>907221I think he has as much to add as Repzion, the point being they've both been going after Greg for awhile. Stevie's still angry about what Greg did to AJ. He's entertaining (at least he was on a livestream with Greg) and I'm looking forward to his interview with Hansen.
No. 907348
>>907245>Billie and ayalla posted a photo of troy after a petty argument Wasn't that a mistake? Ayalla said it was. And it was the back of the kids head.
>helped gaslight a pregnant woman.That's news to me anon.
I'm still not clear on why Skye/Alicia have declined to be interviewed. With Skye at first I figured she was busy with school, but after thinking more about it I'm not so sure. AJ, Maya and Sam haven't been in the picture for a long time, Pretty sure it has nothing to do with cliques. AJ already posted on FB several months back that she was staying out of it, that's why her friend Stevie's speaking up on her behalf, she doesn't want to be directly involved anymore.
No. 907349
>>907347If AJ wants to speak up, then she should, she has a voice of her own and doesn't need Stevie "being angry for her". A lot of people are but it seems like AJ has moved on and wants no part of what's going on. Having a second anti-o youtuber on is redundant and dumb since Rep has already gone on there. It would be similar to Lane going on there (which was a huge waste of time) and they'll just be repeating what someone who was already on the show has already said.
Also NTA but Stevie contradicts himself all the time, this isn't anything new.
No. 907350
>>907349I haven't seen anything contradicting what he wrote on twitter
>>905058 Until I do, all I see are more baseless accusations.
Lane didn't add anything, which didn't surprise me, but I think Stevie can add a lot more background info/go more in depth with Onision's history, details that the girls missed.
No. 907358
>>906962>At least shes not retarded like that Dylan cunt tho.>A teenager acts retardedTell us more about this groundbreaking information anon.
>>906995>They dox people>Regina is that the core of that. I don't follow twitterfags as closely as you so I have no idea what you're talking about, but you can't expect people to take your word for anything without having evidence. Some anons come here talking out of their ass forgetting that this is an image board.
No. 907362
victims weren't mentioned at all in this post
>>906941 anon, settle down. It's obvious to anyone with basic reading comprehension that some are making accusations about Regina doing x,y and z with little or nothing to back up it up, then they dodge the questions.
>the problem with ReginaIs obviously yours lol.
No. 907364
>>906976Can anybody tell me HOW she was branded? Wasn't it her choice to get his name on her neck? She wasn't forced to do that. All this branding and cult bullshit is ridiculous when there are REAL cults out there doing
actually heinous shit. None of his gf's were branded, Onision isn't Charles fucking Manson, he's an asshole who fell into a bit of e-fame.
No. 907366
>>907365I wonder of the person posting this shit is a twitterfag gone rogue, or if it’s just some rando with a vendetta against Regina.
>>907346The accounts who have somewhat fallen off have clearly done so because they’re starting to hate the anti-o community. They’re posting things related more related to their own opinions, or are falling off because they genuinely don’t want their handles to be connected to their real-life personas anymore. It depends on who you’re referencing, b/c I’ve seen a lot of them changing direction overall.
No. 907368
>>906958Eh. I think that's a reach to say it's equivalent to taking a payout. idk why some anons act like they're selling their stories to the highest bidder here. Are they using the extra attention and is it making them money? Sure. Is it a "payout"? No. It's not that serious.
If the FBI thought this situation was critical enough to warrant opening an investigation, I expect something to come of it. They don't open investigations on hearsay, not unless they have a vendetta lol.
No. 907373
>>907368The analogy isn't about money, but rather the similarities between taking a payout and not going to trial versus pulling some Melanie Martinez shit and not taking it to trial.
>>907364Yeah it's embarassing as fuck to see anons turning tattoos and regretful decsisons on a brand new level. Its just dishonest. Greg is bad enough on his own but he isn't a mastermind.
>>907348A interesting thing about people coming forward is that they have a chance to manipulate their narratives based off words alone. Sure there is a degree of credibility but there is a lot of motive for someone like Rag to downplay his forum involvement as an adult. The same way it's very convenient for ayalla to say it was totally a mistake even though during that thread they were all giving each other the silent treatment. I'm sure shiloh never explained why she lied about having a pre mature baby and fucking with AJ, or the tattoo she never covered up and flaunted in photos with Madison.
Take what people say with a grain of salt. Direct evidence of events holds greater weight than what someone says 3 years later to save face.
No. 907383
>>907366I've seen twitterfags part of the anti-o group posting a lot of non-Onion related things on their tl's for awhile. I don't know if it's because they're starting to hate the anti-o community as much as they're just tired of talking about Onion overall. I have no idea.
Looking at all the repetitive comments, Ok groomer/pedo memes on Onion's tl I think it's getting a bit out of hand. He actually asked them to stop bullying him lol. Don't get me wrong, I don't feel sorry for him, I just don't understand why he doesn't leave twitter already. I guess it's because then the haTurZ win, as he loses what's left of his sanity.
No. 907397
>>907383All those anti accounts are fucking insufferable with their self righteousness and ass licking, with the exception of OnionUnprivated who is genuinely funny. The others who are mods and buddy-buddy with the
victims are so fucking cringey, they seem to be on twitter literally twenty four fucking seven. I legit do not get why being associated with this fucking depraved circus is something to be proud of or used for clout, it literally makes no sense. Don’t these people have jobs or friends or lives?
No. 907471
>>907409Arim. Sarah. A handful of others featured on this board. There's a helpful little arrow on the side that helps you scroll up.
>>907362Regina's shit is all over Twitter. I can certainly post caps. Unlike a lot of the people on Twitter who post nonstop about onision I have a career. But will post caps. You reported me yesterday so I wasn't able to post a bunch I had. Try not reporting me so I can post all the e begging and general shit she does.
>>907365I think a fair amount of people hold a grudge against Regina after all the bullshit she's pulled. Different type styles. Different statements.
No. 907493
>>907383A lot of people I know stopped posting because of all the drama in the community.people just got afraid of being doxed by their so-called "friends".
Everyone knows who the main problem group is. No one had the stones to stand up to them because these people are known dozers. That's not some Jesse conspiracy shit. It actually happens to people. This whole thing is a full ass virus.
No. 907693
>>907471>ArimShe fucked off from twitter after claiming she got doxxed with no evidence to back it up. She associated/was friends with Jesse/Donald Latsha who fucked off too after people started questioning why he was using Greg's step-dad's name for his sm. These people are suspect and not credible.
>You reported me yesterdayAnd you apparently like talking out of your ass. IF someone did actually report you, there's no way of knowing who it was.
No. 907699
>>907471No one asked about Regina's e-begging. This
>>906941 was asking for the evidence for these accusations. All this bullshitting about being reported or making up whatever excuses for not backing up your claims repeatedly and dodging the actual questions says a lot.
No. 907716
>>907709They originally came back to support Sarah and the girls along with Shiloh, not for onion man himself. At least be there for the girls like you originally promised. Don’t want to do the Hansen interview? Fine, but #DeplatformPredators by hiding isn’t going to solve anything.
Oh yeah and fuck Stevie
No. 907719
>>907703I think Skye and Alicia are probably more embarrassed that the dsplatform predator campaign has turned absolutely cringe and being lead by a bunch of ex fangirls with a chip on their shoulder. Lane's interview was so lackluster. The news about fucking male
victims aka losers from the old Onion discord that were never forced to post their gay nudes like the Matt G looking reject. Is anyone Onion used harsh words against a fucking
victim now?
It's a mess. Sarah was legitimately groomed. Brought in to the home and eventually coerced into a sexual relationship with completely fucked up boundaries, that led to a
toxic environment for all involved included two extremely young innocent children who were subjected to their parents sexual escapedes with teenage girls.
That needs to be the focus. Reading fucking retarded anti os saying WE GOT HIM and warning people not to hurt "our case". Sarah has a fucking case. People that sniffed around Onion, paying to be in his fan club and buying his merch do not. Have a separate series if you want to dive into the phenomenon of people idolising fucking nobodies on the computer that people like Shane Dawson can sell out a make up palette for millions of dollars. Obviously there is a self esteem epidemic because we aren't holding our fucking idols to any type of standards. And it is not an arrestable offence if the YouTube creator you fancy name calls you. They're just an immature dickhead, but it's not illegal. Grooming is. Sending and distributing nudes of minors is. Can people please stick to the key elements. Jfc
No. 907724
>>907719>Obviously there is a self esteem epidemic because we aren't holding our fucking idols to any type of standards. This cult of personality shit needs to end. This has been part of youtube 'culture' for a long time.
>Can people please stick to the key elements.Tell that to Hansen who keeps trying to push this false bs narrative that Greg is a fucking cult leader. He could at least
try being accurate like a real journalist, instead he has to sensationalize it for views like any dumbass youtuber would do.
No. 907827
>>907734It's chill. Not the kind of shit I'd listen to but it's all right.
I hope she gets somewhere with it. It breaks my heart whenever I remember what she lost because of her decisions and the lack of adult supervision.
No. 907845
>>907734i'm sorry, it's all really bad. that sucks, because honestly, i wanted her comeback to be amazing. she's so pretty, she has a decent voice, the time is right for being into this kind of music for her, but this was bad, just poor execution all around. she has so much potential, but man, the beat was shit, the song production was awful, that video was absolutely atrocious and probably the biggest offence, and her styling is so sad. i know what she's going for and she'd look great in the correct styling for that "look" but it's just 'off'. hopefully it blows up regardless, just to spite fuckface.
No. 907858
>>907845I pity Shiloh over the fact the only relevancy and legacy she has left has onion stained all over it. No matter how many fangirls wk here and in pt they're still only there because of her involvement with onion. Anyone who gives a shit about her only cares because of onion drama.
Sucks to be her I guess.
No. 907960
>>907734The bit where she actually sings is good, idk I'm just not really here for the kinda 'bad b' rapping stuff, feels like it's kinda tired.
I like her makeup tho
No. 908014
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Too bad I've got caps already. Going to take a while to crop. Ashamed of your begging Regina?
No. 908024
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Bitch you beg for money online but you don't want to be debt? So it's it's easier to hustle money from twitterfags? but you went out in multiple palettes? that's why you made your account private so wouldn't people see that on the board.
No. 908101
>>908014>>908024Again, no one asked (or cares) why you care so much about Regina's e-begging, vendetta-chan. She's young and she's trying to get her life together after being used by two pedos.
She also went to Disneyland recently… her sister paid for it. I hope she had fun.
No. 908105
>>907858I enjoyed some of her older songs like Decision (it had similar rap/singing style), which for some reason was never officially released. I don't think this
>>907734 is her best, the lyrics aren't clear. tbf it's not worse than anything Beyonce's been doing the last several years, after she left Destiny's Child, back when she made real music. It's easier for big names on big labels to skate by with very little substance to what they do.
Shiloh does have talent, I just don't see it being used fully here. I haven't heard them but maybe some of the other tracks on the album are better.
No. 908140
>>908025I guess? Still a harem's not a cult. I also feel like comparing someone like Greg to a Jim Jones really minimizes what people like Jones actually do. Greg is an incompetent,
abusive asshole. By taking what he does out of context and trying to equate it with anything a cult leader would do, it really makes light of something like a Heaven's Gate type of situation. Since the FBI's profiling him, it'll be interesting to see what they have to say.
TL;DR I respect Hansen's intellect and I'm glad he's covering this, but sensational journalism pisses me off.
No. 908141
>>907345Wasn't this during Lane's interview? Lane wasn't a
victim tho.
No. 908208
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No. 908250
>>908208Revenge porn? That's news to me. Did someone post her nudes or something? Revenge porn is illegal/not allowed.
>>908209I don't know enough about her to have an opinion of her. I think I saw a vid she did with Onion in 2017. In any case, if she had something important or pertinent to add I imagine she would've said it already. The FBI will most likely be approaching her anyway.
No. 908288
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>>908208 the Twitter AntiO brigade has been called in
No. 908315
>>908250Yes it was posted in the Patreon snowflakes thread. That thread was even worse when it comes to vendetta posts than this one because of all the nudes.
I believe Beck would have a bit more to say than Lane in her completely useless interview because she was actually at the Greasemansion, but I also kinda get the impression she only does it to get her nudes removed? Idk. I'd still be interested to hear her story because she was staying with them for almost two weeks and might have some details on how he treats Draino and the children. It would be nothing new to anti o's because of the things others like Maya and Madison talked about in dm's but more for the mainstream audience that watches CH's streams. And she was probably considered as a possible new member of the "trinity" which is also an interesting aspect.
No. 908447
>>908288sis you can't contribute a single thing towards the underage allegations. no-one cares about your clogged toilet story.
chris made a mistake interviewing lane and taking it down to the level of petty internet drama, now very tangentially connected person is lining up in hope for their 15 minutes.
No. 908526
File: 1576991623735.jpeg (364.98 KB, 750x960, 98ACC47B-7CD1-4948-9732-5031C2…)

>>908447Why the fuck are people encouraging her? This is cringe af
No. 908585
>>908526>coming forwardWhat cringe.
Vince and Chris let me save you some valuable time: "hi guys,I had a bad stay at the onions. I clogged their toilet and Greg didn't want to fuck me, the end."
No. 908676
File: 1577042084964.png (889.85 KB, 556x849, 1477960161050.png)

>>908142Can we dispell this once and for all? This is what she posted on facebook first, notice the child is censored.
No. 908677
File: 1577042146436.png (367.38 KB, 480x800, 1477961727355.png)

The instagram photo didn't have the child censored at all in clear view. No idea how that could be missed, especially if she was aware he was in view in the first place.
No. 908693
>>908684It could be they thought it was okay to post considering his face wasn’t showing, at least I don’t think it’s a big deal since you can’t see his face or what he looks like.
I don’t think it was intentional.
No. 908874
>>908677I remember when this pic was released and how much of a big deal either Greg or Lainey made out of it. It's just the back of his head, big fucking deal. Someone's always trying to make more out of this than it actually was.
>>908724>>908730Lied about what? Ayalla herself said it as a mistake, I believe her, some don't, who cares. The whole thing is moot.
No. 908886
>>908868Isn't revenge porn considered nudes that you had somewhere private like a cloud account or on your phone and they get hacked and released, or nudes that were sent to a romantic interest and that person releases them to the public. If I remember correctly the nudes that were posted were posted to either a public forum or some bdsm dating site like FatBeccas They posted nudes to the public, and are crying that this section of the public (lolcow) reposted them. If a spiteful ex-boyfriend posted them or you were hacked its revenge porn. If you uploaded them to a public site and now your angry that its getting reposted I dont feel sorry for you.
No. 908951
File: 1577087430521.png (505.31 KB, 669x459, 68463774.png)

>>908288Does she think the "anti-o community" is a defined group with a president, vice president and board members that hold monthly meetings on what their next move should be?
The way Poopbeck words it is like shes trying to make a transaction "you delete my nudes and Ill talk about how Onision tried to stick his tongue in my hole while on his shoulders covered in shaving cream."
If she had any juicy info she would of already spilled it after he made her cry live on one of his streams when she offered to help him with his books spelling and grammar. If she did go on Hansen all we'd get is an hour of her talking about how she plugged up their toilet with a massive dump and pissed Greg and Lainey off.
No. 908955
>>908288Maybe stop being a slut? yeah?
>>908676>>908677Prostitute if I ever did see one.
(stop) No. 909193
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No. 909339
>>909193Yeah his orbiters are pretty sad. Most of them are in their teens and early 20s so their prefrontal cortex is still developing, i.e. they're still struggling with being able to judge right from wrong and think critically.
Any "innocent until proven guilty" arguments are irrelevant because all that's happening now is Greg's literally on the receiving end of the very same things he himself has done to other people for years. Except unlike what he did, no one with a larger platform and ulterior motives is running him off the internet.
No. 909362
File: 1577176295313.jpeg (667.69 KB, 1125x1290, 67D2547E-F870-47EE-8507-D965C7…)

Anons on the main thread were comparing Gruck to the caveman from the geico commercial and were speculating about him growing his greasy beard to hide his identity. This fucker’s taking credit from the replies or…he’s been posting with us all along.
Stevie; no matter how many wks show up to defend you, you’re still as much of a cow as Grease. Just hatefuck each other and livestream that shit.
No. 909366
>>909362he's probably that anon who posts long rants with open letters to greg, screeds about susan w, and conspiracy theories with their
super important points in bold.
No. 909519
>>909411It is getting quite ridiculous. Posting one slam to Onision would’ve been fine. Now he just won’t stop. It’s very cringe.
Also, I’ve just about had it with all of them. I am so sick of Shiloh, Regina, Lane, and Ayalla. At first their commentary, and pandering was ok. I understood it.
Now it’s just painfully obnoxious. I really get a weird feeling about Ayalla too. There’s just something not right to me. I really feel like she’s solely motivated by attention and fame, and that’s why she can’t hold her tongue for even a minute talking about Greg even though it’s like beating a dead horse at this point.
No. 909534
>>909519What I want to know is why is it okay for Shiloh to tweet a picture of keemstar and his daughter but if someone posts a pic of a blurry unrecognizable child that’s suppose to be Anus’ kid all hell breaks loose.
They’re all so hypocritical
No. 909639
>>909375>>909462Youth doesn't justify stupidity, it helps to explain it better. The science is solid about the age the brain completes maturation. It's illogical to expect people whose brains haven't finished developing to have the same reasoning capabilities as someone who's completed that developmental process.
Lainey's case is complicated by among other things, the fact that she's a mother of two small children, making her responsibility much greater than it would've otherwise been.
No. 909651
>>909362>>909363>>909366lol you make that sound like it's a bad thing.
I'm part of the minority who doesn't have a problem with Stevie. I've seen some of his interactions with Greg and I thought they were hilarious. I'm guessing some anons are judging Stevie based on past behaviors more than anything else. Most people, unless they're Greg, are capable of change.
No. 909672
>>909657>Many of the cows on this site are around similar ages.Gee I wonder what could explain that. I guess we'll just ignore certain biological facts for our convenience.
>even before cloey or troy lainey recieved the same nitpicky treatment.Yeah she did, she also received sympathy in somewhat equal measure. Now, people who were once sympathetic have switched because of her lack of obvious care towards her own children, and also her preying on minors. It's pretty clear she was never prepared to be a mother.
No. 909682
>>909646>if the 4 women you mention bother you that much I suggest no longer looking at their accountsI can see the comeback for this already: but this is a gossip site, blah blah. Someone came through here with a similar hate boner for Regina, whining about nothing and posting irrelevant, non-milk.
No. 909695
>>909193>>909339Unsurprisingly, Onion's orbiters aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer. They act like there's not enough evidence to point to him having done
anything wrong and that this is all outrage/cancel culture at work. They also seem to think that he's been denied his right to due process? That's funny, last I checked he's not in Guantanamo. He's going to see a trial, the FBI's not done investigating. These girls are so simple they just gobble up Onion's little
victim narrative and run with it.
No. 909701
>>909672Of course she was never prepared, she was groomed and impregnated like cattle. A developing brain doesn't mean someone is completely incapable of making any choices, this is peak cope… whiteknight
>>909339Most of gregs orbiters are aware he's a bad person, they just don't care
No. 909736
>>909534Shiloh is a flaming cunt and a cow in her own right, if it weren’t for this circus she would have faded into obscurity. She doesn’t give a fuck about the other girls but everyone licks her asshole purely because she’s a
victim. She actively aligned herself with Mikenactor who is very obviously disliked by the other girls and almost everyone in the “anti” community on account of him being a
victim blaming misogynistic opportunistic piece of shit, plus she was always adamant that she didn’t want to be associated with anything concerning greg but here we are. As much as keem is a flaming turd so is she. Being a
victim of onion doesn’t miraculously absolve her of being a piece of shit
No. 909805
>>909736I agree that’s why I find the hypocrisies here and all over concerning the antio wk’s absurd and comical. Just because Anus hurt them doesn’t mean they are upstanding people and doesn’t mean their actions can’t be criticized.
Most of the people involved with Anus as a hater,
victim or defender are gross in their own ways.
No. 909854
>>909736>she was always adamant that she didn’t want to be associated with anything concerning gregThis was mentioned further up thread. There is a question over what made her change her mind. That she's using this at least partially to further her career, doesn't bother me, all things considered. If her tl is any indication, she's also using her platform to try and draw attention to issues that she cares about, so it's not all about her career per se. Did she make a mistake aligning with Mike? Probably. We'll only see the affects of that association over time, if she continues.
There's been finger pointing at Ayalla and Billie for starting an onlyfans. Again most of us don't really care because ultimately, it's not relevant. This isn't about anyone being above criticism, it's about the actual substance of it. If you don't have anything substantial to add like actual milk, you just come off as sperging over absolutely nothing
>>908955 ,
>>908024 No. 909984
>>909754It’s odd that she’s chummy with Madison when all the other
victims don’t want anything to do with her. Of all the
victims besides Sarah shiloh is the one the anti tards fawn over the most to the point of it being painfully cringe to watch. The fall over themselves to promote her shit music and post YAAAASSSS KWEEEEEN every time she fucking breathes. The way these people who were once dumb enough to associate with Anus are being treated like celebrities is beyond retarded, and the fact that twitterfags have sizeable followings when all they do is retweet the same boring shit and mirrors of Greg’s videos is fucking whack. Like, there are a couple itt who are legit funny but most of them just come across as actual autistic losers with no life
No. 910002
>>909872I hate to burst your bubble but no actual legal or medical professional will hold you with kid's gloves because you're under 25.
In the US the legal age of adulthood is 18, in europe that age is closer to 16.
Yes these are different developmental ages, but not ages where people will be incapable of any reasoning. FYI the brain is developed in most regions by this time.
People don't just become adults overnight, you are incredibly stupid for thinking so. I also suppose you're the type of person who regards a 17 year old as a child.
>>909873I've seen this firsthand as well. The underaged kids are rarely able to afford paying him, the amount of adults supporting him is disturbing but then again we've seen multiple girls fly over this year.
No. 910005
>>910003It's not hard to figure out why Skye and some other girls don't want to touch this anymore. First of all, she's an adult who's moved on. She's actually moved on for a long time now. Skye doesn't feel a need to tweet about micropenises all night on twitter to try getting a reaction from Greg. Skye doesn't need to stalk Greg or lainey the way hayley or lane have for years after a few twitter interactions. Most importantly, skye doesn't feel the need to garner attention or prove anything to anyone. She was disgusted by what she heard so she spoke out, and I guess that's the extent of what she wants to do.
AJ is most likely also minding her own business, Maya got her shit leaked by cowtipping autists.
No. 910017
>>910008I think the fundamental difference between Skye and Alicia and the rest of the
victims and the anti autists is that they have a life outside twitter/the internet. I mean, I’m sure I’m not alone in that my participation in onion related drama is limited to having a scroll through twitter and the threads here when I’m taking a piss at work, these twitterfags, both the
victims and the “onion chefs” seem to have a collective existence that comprises nothing else beyond this shitshow. It is cringe as fuck. AJ said her piece long ago and I suspect that anything else of interest where her dalliance with Grug is concerned will be covered by Stevie, seeing as they’re close friends. Lane is the cringiest clout chaser of them all, even more so than Regina. I mean at least Regina was actually preyed on by the Foot, Lane and Haylee have literally no claim to being “
victims”. Shiloh is undoubtedly a
victim but she is an awful person. She was a cunt when she first got together with Anus, she was a bigger cunt when she fucked over AJ, and now she’s gigacunt who is playing all these mentally handicapped connoisseurs of dramu while also giving clout to
victim blaming misogynist. Even the main onion thread is even more unreadable than usual on account of the rabid Shiloh stans sperging about her awful music and whatever else.
No. 910038
>>910008Skye came forward in support of Sarah because I think she's absolutely revolted that a man she married after divorcing her has went on a rampage of harming young girls. It would turn your stomach. Skye and Onion were highschool sweethearts and travelled and lived in another country together. She had the the most normal semblance of a life with him, they both worked and managed a budget together. They did seem close in the early videos. I mean there was a time way back when when I watched the videos. It was when he left Skye for a teenager I went against him. I always thought he was bad at getting his angry vegetarian thoughts across but fuck me, I thought that was the worst of it. Then Shiloh happened.
Skye supported Sarah and came out at the start. I think her and Alicia are just taking a step back and letting the focus be on the young
victims. Also she might just be busy with work.
I mean if there's the evidence on the laptops/devices they might just let the hard stuff speak for itself. Also the twitter armies just might be too cringe for them
No. 910158
File: 1577383157536.png (1004.9 KB, 1125x2436, 2851E6BF-7607-498F-AA57-16F5D3…)

Stevie gets triggered over Gregma’s “love” for Kurt Cobain
No. 910283
>>910036>she crossed a line when she started fucking in the same bed as her kids.this. anus and footface fucked in the bed as their kids were sleeping or playing in and the twitterfags never talk about it. That’s something to shout about rather than YAAAAASSSS KWEEENing
No. 910440
>>910002lol anon you're unnecessarily complicating the point. I didn't say anything about age of consent, or what courts do or don't consider the legal age of maturity. That these institutions don't recognize the facts of basic biology has no bearing on biological/scientific truth, that should go without saying.
I could go on about how 18 year olds can go off to war, kill or be killed by their fellow man and still they're not legally allowed to drink alcohol, but that just shows how idiotic society can be, or rather the institutions implementing these haphazard dictum's.
No. 910447
>>910036>You're assuming everyone has the same level of intelligence at 25.Anon, if you go back through the replies you'll see the point was that people under 25 are biologically speaking, not capable of the same reasoning and logic as those over 25. It's a general statement based on biological fact. I'm not here to argue basic neurological development, the science isn't ambiguous there.
I agree that Lainey has more responsibility in this because of her children. Her job was to protect them and she failed.
No. 910452
>>910017>they seem to have a collective existence that comprises nothing else beyond this shitshow.I wouldn't know. If that's what they dedicate a particular account to then I'm sure it would come across that way. I think some people have separate accounts just for that crap. A lot of people do that.
>now she’s gigacunt who is playing all these mentally handicapped connoisseurs of dramuI don't know what that's supposed to mean. Grug likes to downplay all of this by referring to it among other things, as petty internet drama. Being under investigation by the FBI for cp isn't "drama". Could Shiloh handle it better? Probably. Do I think she's clout chasing? No. That's also something Grug likes to say. Not saying you're him, I'm just saying I don't see anything to back it up.
No. 910457
>>910070>he secretly wanted AliciaHe even told that to Alicia, if I'm not mistaken. I think he wrote about it in one of his old blogs, how he would've been with her had she been of age.
>>910244I'm pretty sure he is, if he's around the same age as AJ.
No. 910558
>>910447>people under 25 are biologically speaking, not capable of the same reasoning and logic as those over 25. If you actually knew what you were talking about then you would know that no neuroscientist would just yell a random age, it occurs differently for everyone at varying rates.
Intertemporal choice, prospective evaluation, and integration of positive and negative feedback are among the only cognitive abilities not yet developed. Everything else is amplified.
None of these translates to ignoring years of systemic abuse and siding with a known pedo (with the exception of sarah and shiloh).
No. 910619
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So the toilet clogging retard is getting her fifteen minutes of fame after all
No. 910624
>>910158if this is acting
triggered you're setting the bar pretty low
No. 910635
>>910158Stevie is always
No. 910926
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Vince has become cringe as fuck constantly talking about Greg’s dick
No. 911106
File: 1577575786581.jpeg (399.69 KB, 750x924, EAC8B979-C326-4840-A5FE-B470B7…)

>>910926He is currently being flamed for this too
>howdoyoudofellowkids.jpeg No. 911176
File: 1577592080003.jpeg (218.85 KB, 734x1207, 12C88C83-AC0E-4DA4-B798-A8E5A3…)

TOP KEK This guy is trying to blame RSN now. YIKES..This idiot Deity needs to take Vincents cock out of his mouth.
No. 911233
>>910926He’s one of those sad middle-aged men who revert to acting like an edgy 14 year old as soon as he gets some attention from girls half his age.
>>911118>>911176lol sure and I bet his other childish embarrassing behaviour, like eating popcorn on cam, was all down to the haxx0rs too.
No. 911247
>>911233Sadly these antics are only making their campaign lose credibility. Between the dumb posts, clout chasing of Regina, interviewing irrelevant people… it’s turned into a circus.
I hate to say it because the only one who deserves justice is Sarah, i hope they don’t take away from that by acting like a bunch of morons
No. 911401
>>911341Lucidiafer used to go by DGTinfoilhat. Never angel of dread.
>>911118Why the fuck is he trying to act so "in" with the
victims before this anyway?
Stay your fucking lane Vincent and act like a professional.
Jesus christ this whole thing is embarrassing. I hope Chris has enough sense to be rid of this idiot.
No. 911510
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>>911326here comes Repzion the biggest hypocrite to defend someone being a liar and making jokes about disabilities
No. 911963
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>>911962Samefag. So first he blamed his "friends and relatives", then he blamed RSN? Dude needs to lay off the booze and weed. Time will tell if he's learned his lesson.
No. 912000
>>911968Exactly, some people don’t get that it’s not the joke that’s the issue (although it is a poor joke from a professional who’s helping anus’
victims) but it’s the way he handled it. He lied, blamed others and played
victim. He’s a grown ass man with a son he should know better
No. 912140
>>912017>It's retarded of Vince to be behaving at their same level.He's 40 something. Looks like he has some issues with immaturity and responsibility. It's unfortunate he has to learn this lesson under these circumstances, unfortunate for the
victims that is.
No. 912143
>>912140>40 something>learn his lessonYeah I have some serious doubts that thats going to happen.
Good to see that they are publicly speaking out against him. I've heard whispers that the anti o's are fed up with Vince's unprofessional behavior. What a shit show. Anus has to be loving this. I really hope whatever they have on him is rock solid (pictures etc) because I am losing trust in Hansen & co pretty quickly. I know they say they have all of this evidence but at the end of the day we are just going on their word and their word is starting to mean less and less. Sarah deserves some justice and I hope she gets it but who knows at this point. Good on Unprivated for having the balls to call Vince on his shit.
No. 912256
File: 1577855852196.jpg (62.82 KB, 476x697, wtf.jpg)

This was posted in Onion's thread. He deleted this tweet. I don't know how long they've known each other but don't see Hansen taking these outbursts very well.
No. 912265
>>912256I honestly think this is stupid as fuck. Him & the twitter fags calling him out. They should dm him and handle this pRoFeSsIoNaLly, instead of perpetuating the drama.
This is going to have zero influence on the actual investigation, though, if people are seriously concerned about that.
No. 912283
>>912261I blame all the idiots that have gone to him and Hansen about rsn and their Twitter drama with that crackhead. They highjacked Hansen’s stream and the child grooming with all this bullshit and now we have infighting between Vince and these other idiots taking focus off the real issues.
What a bunch of idiots. I legitimately feel bad for Sarah that what started as a campaign to get her story spread and justice has been tainted by assholes and clout chasers with hate boners for one another.
No. 912321
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>>912244I wonder if Vince claimed it on Hansen’s behalf
No. 912345
>>912332They aren't just random people, though. They're the anti o twitter circle jerk that is suppose to be somewhat close to Vince. Close enough that they were even their chat mods and deem themselves way more important to tHe MoVeMeNt than they actually are.
Blasting this publicly isn't a good look for anyone involved was my point. They're all morons.
The important thing is that this has absolutely nothing to do with the investigation.
No. 912354
File: 1577888503296.png (347.91 KB, 503x651, Screen Shot 2020-01-01 at 6.21…)

Jesus Christ Vince stop
No. 912360
>>912321Probably. The video is here now: anytown lane.
the thing about this video that made my stomach drop is Vince threatened this guy with the fbi… It makes the claims that the fbi are going after onision less credible. (I'm not saying the fbi are or aren't investigating onision. I'm just talking about the optics here.)
No. 912361
>>912354I'm here for the milk, but this is also really bizarre. Why is he behaving this way? What set it off?
I understand spazzing out one time because you got heat over a tweet ( yes, even at his age ), but he's also saying that his phone's been tapped and that Jimmy is on the run and he knows "all of his locations" or something. I don't know, it all seems weird.
No. 912367
>>912361>>912360Dumping the video description here. I’d be curious to hear the anti-Os like Regina who have put immense trust into this dude react. I have a feeling Hansen will cut ties just to keep the investigation professional.
In this video we offer some constructive criticism to one of the worst humans on the internet, Vincent Nicotra.
This doof struck 400 videos with false copyright claims. He did this as a PR stunt. He took down multiple channels for a fucking PR stunt. And do you know what he said after he got our channels back? "You see? You gained a bunch of subscribers.
"This is the kind of person we are talking about. On top of that, he continues to come into our community and make all sorts of snide comments under videos.
He can't keep a lid on any of it. He will use sock accounts (Dox Holiday, for example) and try and pretend he is NOT Vince. But, he is such a potato head, he always gives himself away!
We had officially decided to forget about this dip-wad earlier in the year. But, when it came to our attention that he was promoting some new websites he claimed to make, we knew we had to look into it.
Vince comes from the MLM world or business, where you say anything to make a buck. If it screws someone over, that's not his concern. Most important is that Vince has never shown to be highly skilled at anything, let alone website development.
It took no time at all to root out the many errors on Vince's new projects.
The biggest reveal, however, is that Vince is trying to bait Chris Hansen fans into using his services. People need to know that this guy has already proven to be untrustworthy, doxxing people with information from Hansen's website subscription list.
No matter what you think of the guy, DO NOT give your personal information to him, or any project he is associated with.
He is a snake in the grass, and will not hesitate to use YOUR information to HIS advantage.
He is just ripping off others work and claiming it as his and trying to sell it to the Chris Hansen following.
No. 912425
File: 1577902254223.jpeg (90.1 KB, 1024x618, 44ADF6A9-7333-4991-A513-C91DC5…)

>>912361Wtf is wrong with him?!?! This is from Twitter.
No. 912434
>>912425Holy shit. I can see him just not appearing on the next Hansen show. I really hope he cuts ties with him.
There's something mentally wrong there. He even uses the same typing as in the tweets he said were hacked.
And where did mentioning Dahvie Vanity come from??
No. 912439
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>>912425I love it when cows out themselves while interacting with other cows. So much potential with this one.
No. 912469
I’m gonna go ahead & bet that the Hansen mods are gonna ban discussion of Vince in the chat, and Chris will probably distance himself from Vince’s mess. He seems like an alcoholic or something. Holidays your
trigger, bud?
The website/streaming service or whatever that Chris has been promoting hard though is one of Vince’s possibly sketchy ventures, so I’m curious how they’ll get around it. I don’t want this shit to disturb the investigation (it’s already sorta losing steam with Poopbeck as the next guest) but I also don’t want it to be swept under the rug. Especially not with the following
>Vince is trying to bait Chris Hansen fans into using his services. People need to know that this guy has already proven to be untrustworthy, doxxing people with information from Hansen's website subscription list. >No matter what you think of the guy, DO NOT give your personal information to him, or any project he is associated with. >He is a snake in the grass, and will not hesitate to use YOUR information to HIS a possibility floating around. I’d hope chris wouldn’t put his audience at risk and continue to promote a possibly sketchy service
No. 912552
>>912354>another alleged hacker>I obtained proofUh, pretty sure if you have evidence then it's not an allegation. Is he drunk typing? Because it really looks that way.
>>912360>Vince threatened this guy with the fbiDo you have a ss? I hope he's not running around threatening to call the FBI on people or trying to use them to fulfill personal vendettas like they're his personal mafia or something.
No. 912580
>>912256>>912425A snippet of Deity's recent livestream with Vince (from the Onision thread):>>911118Apparently Vince is still blaming "hackers" for some of his tweets,
this after having blamed drunk friends and family or whoever else
>>911962He should've stopped after the baby carrot thing but he just couldn't leave well enough alone, and now he's caught lying while back tracking and trying to do damage control. A simple apology after the first fuck up and not continuing the behavior would've sufficed. All he's done now is discredit himself.
No. 912634
File: 1577938619913.jpg (1.19 MB, 1897x3564, Screenshot_2020-01-02 VEN Inte…)

>>912360After watching that I had to look at the site for myself to see if that joshwhotv email was still there and sure enough. I never watched the video Nicotra did with his gf when he launched prostreams, otherwise I would've noticed the bs then. Never checked out prostreams either. Glad those guys looked into it. No question Nicotra's a fraud.
No. 912637
File: 1577939384292.png (116.02 KB, 588x398, Screenshot_VEN Interactive Med…)

Does this guy even have ANY credentials proving he's educated in anything IT? Surely his taking a break from twitter has nothing at all to do with this video
>>912360Dude's a scumbag.
No. 912706
>>912256So apparently, BakedSalmon ( their yt channel was removed because ol' Vincey falsely copystriked them after exposing his shit.
Wes ( made a video 4 months ago about Vince doxxing him. Guess Vince is keeping with tradition by doxxing him a second time there.
>>912354The one he calls Yap Yap made a video on her channel claiming that she removed everything critical of Hansen due to "doxxing" and "threats of further harassment". That was several months ago. And now Vince has unceremoniously fled from twitter
>>912637 because of a "Hack". What a coincidonk.
No. 912827
>>912646I'm not going to start doubting the whole investigation just because Vince's a retard when the girls themselves said there's a lot going on in the background that we don't know about.
I will say that it's sad that when it comes to Jimmy, other people involved just can't fucking keep it together and focus on one goal. There's always some new drama starting because of the anti o's. It's been that way since the very beginning 10 years ago. Sometimes it's funny sure ( ala Joy ), other times it's totally stupid.
Also, I think some anons are forgetting that it's actually Lainey who'd be in bigger shit legally, not Jimmy ( sadly ).
No. 912891
>>912799Hopefully he won't be back on the internet any time soon. Adios Vinny. You won't be missed.
>>912827>I'm not going to start doubting the whole investigation And that's your right. If this situation has reaffirmed anything for me it's that you can't take anyone's word for anything (especially about something this serious) without proper evidence to back it up. For all I know, all the girls have had to go on is Hansen's word that the FBI are involved. I've been taking Hansen at his word, not anymore.
No. 912928
>>912891>Hopefully he won't be back on the internet any time soon.Unless someone puts him on a leash he's gonna be back. He can't stop himself.
My money is on either "hackers got muh acc" or Hanson was like "stop acting twelve you're making me look bad. I am pro pedo hunter!!“
No. 912940
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vince is still modding and shamelessly plugging his ripoff service. you can see him in the beggining of the video for a couple of seconds like its amateur hour. everyone else obv loves getting cucked
No. 912997
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not surprised
No. 913006
>>912928You'd think after he'd been exposed as a fraud
>>912706 he'd have even a semblance of shame and back out. I thought maybe the deletion of his twitter was a sign of that. Nope.
>>912940>vince is still moddingIf Chris continues promoting him and his garbage/fraudulent company, his credibility's only going to slide even more. I'm wondering if he actually believes Vince was hacked, or if he knows he wasn't and doesn't care. It's not like Vince hasn't pulled similar shit before.
No. 913028
>>913023They can keep it quite all they like. A lot more people are catching on and they're not going to be quiet about it until it's addressed properly. The thing is, some of this info has been stewing for well over a year now, it's not like it just suddenly popped up out of nowhere.
I've seen similar situations where a person (in a position to benefit from it of course) will laud someone else's credibility/work portfolio/reputation, when a half assed internet search yielded tons of evidence showing how the person being lauded wasn't who they presented themselves as, including first hand accounts from people who met them in irl. Of course anyone can say anything about anyone on the internet, but being discerning and discriminating with information/evidence goes without saying.
No. 913032
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>sorry if anyone is offended but I'm going to use Onision as a benchmark for my own conduct
Ah, the ape brain. Looks like Vince and Onision have something in common after all.
No. 913052
>>913051She was impulsive, they all were but she was the most impulsive and she continues to act like a ratchet potato on twitter while e-begging. I don't feel bad for these monkeys anymore.
I'm not really referencing Vince but Regina has literally dm'd case info and other shit to randoms if you simply dm'd her. She's posted insane threats of posting revenge porn publicly. If she's delusional enough to be a non binary space prince then I know enough to see she's mentally stunted.
>>913050It's just kinda scary how people trusted some boomer because of his association with Hansen.
No. 913053
>>913049Regina was groomed as a child by a mother of two children. Yeah both Regina and Sarah were warned when they were with the Onion's but they were also kids. I haven't known many kids that listened to reason, especially not when they're in fucked up or
abusive situations, which Sarah and Regina were. It's not for me to judge, I can't put myself in their shoes.
Sarah's probably more chill because she smokes more weed.
No. 913056
>>913047holy shit lmao
at the very end he's like tearing up about how vince chan never cared about him
No. 913078
>>913051I'm the anon you're responding to, but I was referring to the drama youtubers that she kept blabbering to. People kept telling her that they were bad news and she ignored them and then she started associating with Vince with that same careless behavior and he turned out to be an absolute nutcase just like the Onions. She's like the fool tarot card with the dog constantly trying to get the fool's attention cause they're being stupid. She's too old to be that naive after meeting so many shitty people.
>>913053>but they were also kids.And now they aren't. Sarah is taking a note from Skye and Alicia and staying mum now which makes her look mature. Granted, she just got a new place and that's a whole load of responsibility on her shoulders that she needs to have a stable head for.
>>913059Agreed. If Hansen likes to do research and investigate then he should have known how Vince was before these interviews.
No. 913096
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No. 913105
>>913096He has a lot at stake, a business that won’t be getting off the ground now that he has nowhere to promote it and doesn’t he have a fiancée? And since he was hitting on one of the
victims. Looks like 2020 is starting off great for him all started because of a retard joke, hilarious
No. 913224
>>913105His prostreams autism was still being advertised on the last Hansen interview with Beck. Vince has been repeating the same idiot behaviors for months now and Hansen just keeps looking the other way.
I don't remember which vid it was but BakedSalmon
>>912881 said Vince committed copyright infringement/fraud on joshwhotv. Based on what I've seen, these imaginary hackers should be the least of vince's worries.
No. 913249
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For anyone keeping up with the anti-o's: witchykittne (formally kittensaurus
>>899402 >>899426 ) deleted their twitter acct after posting yesterday that they would no longer be talking about Onision.
I expect they'll probably be a few more anti-o's who drop off in the coming weeks as a result of Vincent's incompetence and unprofessionalism, and Hansen enabling it.
No. 913279
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