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No. 513119
The more secrets you feed the farm, the stronger the farm gets. Lay yourselves bare before the farm gods.
Previous Threads:
>>491663>>470621>>442082>>410984>>368066>>317675>>3463 No. 513217
>>513210You're taking care of a two year old which is challenging enough for someone who doesn't have mental or physical problems, yet you have both and you think that sort of stress has nothing to do with your lost libido? Your body is telling you that you are overburdened in some way.
Really consider the amount of work you are doing. Does your husband help you with your child? Does your husband show concern or do anything to woo you into intimacy? When's the last time he took you out on a date? Does he say or do anything that shows he cares about your happiness?
You're willing to give your husband permission to cheat to spare his feelings, but what about your happiness?
No. 513241
>>513215>>513218I've had horrendous periods since I had my daughter - like they were bad before but they've made me so anaemic that my red blood cells have apparently shrunk - and all my blood tests have shown no abnormalities, so I've had an IUD put in to help with the periods, which will hopefully help with the fatigue and anaemia.
>>513217My husband is a great dad. He works full time but is very attentive and loves being a dad - he and our daughter have such a wonderful relationship.
He is aware of how I feel, and he says he wants me to feel better. I don't remember the last time I was romanced, but honestly I feel if he was to try, I'd know it would be an effort on his part to get laid and I would tap out very quickly.
I don't want to sound like a martyr, but I put myself behind everyone else. My daughter is of course my number one priority, and I don't want my husband to be unhappy - so if him having sex with someone else made him happy then I'd be okay with it.
No. 513262
>>513256I have. And he just sorta shrugs and goes "I don't know what I can do to make you feel sexy." And then I think, maybe it's me that's the problem. But I've never felt
sexy in my life, I just like sex. But even in the worst times of my life I've never felt like this - no sexual desire or want to have sex or masturbate.
I've experienced sexual trauma in my past and worked through it to have a healthy sex life. So for this to just HAPPEN is depressing. Whenever I think about it, I just want to cry. I feel like I'm broken.
No. 513265
>>513210Why does your relationship need sex when you have just created a child and the both of you should be fully invested into parenting (as you are)?
Your husband should practice some actual self control and autonomy over his base desires, especially when it's one of the most critical times in your child's life.
It sounds like he's not emotionally or spiritually in tune with you or your child right now.
No. 513275
>>513241Have you considered that it's your husband who isn't sexy, hence why you've lost all your libido? It's usually the women who get bored in a relationship first. Personally I can't imagine finding someone you have to take care of exciting, it's borderline incestuous. Sex just becomes a dull chore, like cooking and cleaning. How do you even fuck someone if you're basically his mom?
Make a dating profile and explore your options. Purge your husband from your sexual thoughts. See if it reignites your libido.
Also, you majorly cucked yourself by having a kid, that's usually when all moids start to cheat. And when they cheat, they start thinking about not paying the wife. Make sure he gets robbed blind if he decides to leave you for his side piece. Good luck.
No. 513286
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please pray for my pubes. i tria'd them because i had so much goddamn pubic hair and it was just annoying and another responsibility that i don't care to maintain, but now my pubes are patchy, like i have alopecia, and i don't know what to do with them. i didn't expect that it'd be as effective as it is considering it wasn't laser from the clinic. i really didn't want to be bald, i just wanted less or more manageable pubic hair. instead i just look like i have pube mange. this sucks. i just wanted more manageable pubes, damnit
No. 513306
>>513210If you're already on anti-depressants or other medication, a low sex drive can be a side effect. It's worth checking.
Looking after a toddler and dealing with the hormonal changes after pregnancy is stressful, make sure you're eating enough and take some time to do the things you enjoy.
No. 513335
I had a job that pays 10$/hr which was pretty good for an entry-level job. Turns out, boss gives me little hours 20-30 hours a week, if even that, on top of that I would have to pay for tolls, gas, etc that she required for the job since I was a personal shopper. Into the job the vast majority of what I made went to gas for her, I wouldn't be able to eat even a $5 lunch without worrying if I'll have enough to go back home, if I brought anything for myself even if it was under 20 my card would be declined for weeks on end, she required nice clothes which I wasn't able to afford because most of my money went to gas FOR HER and other car bills. My car insurance would overdraft my account every single month when I worked for her. During the interview she mentioned about how because she doesn't offer insurance she tries to make up for it by paying for our lunch, bringing us to the spa, etc. I only got free lunch once for the entire several months I have worked for her. She didn't even have the nerve to actually fire me, she lied about going on vacation and just never texted and called me. I literally made more money in my previous fast food job (which I'm going back to in a few days) than I made with her, if you even call mostly losing money getting paid
No. 513352
>>513342sadly, they are, anon. i at-home lasered them using the tria. i tried my legs using the same laser and it didn't work at all even after multiple treatments, so i didn't expect it to be this efficacious. i asked my mom a few weeks ago how uneven and patchy it was and she told me i have "alo-peepee-cia". it's noticeable and patchy. i don't know that i can even it out with strategic lasering as there are patches in the middle. i just want less body hair in general, not none.
>>513293thanks, anon, but that's too much effort. i guess i'll have to try to make it symmetrical by lasering a lot more off. at least that's less work/aggravation. my pubes go like, abnomrally wild to the point where it's difficult to tame anyways so i guess it should be less work, but i personally don't like the completely hair free look very much.
No. 513407
>>513404i think perhaps if you were into fashion you might like gucci, michele's maximalist direction is pretty radical compared to the scandinavian minimalism that dominated early 10's. if you buy interesting pieces that aren't just "ay lmao gucci flex" it's pretty cool.
lv can go to hell
No. 513456
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>>513422>>513432>>513445Guess I'm not hungry anymore lmao
No. 513486
>>513471I also have terrible intrusive thoughts lately, but not in that way. I saw a couple of car accidents when I was a kid since I live in a really busy road that used to have bad traffic regulation and accidents happened way too often. It never bothered much and it only started affecting me once I was around 18, but now I have a fear of driving, cars etc. My mind is often full of pictures of my family members and loved ones being hit by cars, dying in car accidents and sometimes it's hard to block it out, sometimes it's not. I'm 22 and I still don't have a license because of that (and also because frankly I don't have the time or money for it now, but if I really wanted a license I could make it happen).
I'm really happy that I take a train to uni because they feel so safe and calm compared to cars. My country has really decent public transport with trains, buses and trams so I don't feel that pressured to drive a car anyway. I also don't have a fear of flying, it's just cars that really bother me.
No. 513496
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>>513484Worst aesthetic tbh.
No. 513499
>>513432I’ve done this. It’s very satisfying.
No. 513525
>>513382this is good actually
>>513210Could this be postpartum depression?
No. 513565
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>>513563stop watching hentai, I got rid of my fetishes by reading some vanilla romance novels written by women, where the guy is super respectful towards the female POV chracter
No. 513583
>>513565i've almost stopped consuming porn entirely, though once in a while i'll be home alone and will pull up some doujin or smth. a lot of my weirder fetishes have definitely gone away but i haven't been able to kick the futa thing just yet (was exposed to it at a very young age)
do you have recommendations? for specific books or authors
No. 513725
>>513422I pick my nose too and eat it… and I enjoy it. I'm embarrassed by it but it's the least of my bad habits
>>513445doesn't your hair just break as you floss with it? or do you have coarse hair?
No. 513893
>>513729I’m sorry you’re going trough this too, anon. I'm the same as you, I would never hurt anyone irl but I came to the conclusion this is the way my mind tries to release some anger / anxiety.
When I have these intrusive thoughts I feel a rush of adrenaline like I’m doing something I shouldn’t be doing, like when you’re a little kid and you act mean…more or less.
No. 514058
>>513471i'm genuinely the same but most of the time they're directed to myself only
it has come to the point where i cannot even use regular metal cutlery to eat anymore and need to stick to chopsticks because i always get the urge to start gauging my right eye out with the spoon or stab it out with a fork and it's such an overwhelming urge too
i also fantasize a lot about putting a knife through my stomach or doing it to someone else and then having the joy to pull their intestines out, jump on their rib cage and then gauging their eyes out only for me to pop it in my fist like a little balloon whenever i'm angry with them
not trying to sound like an edgy 12 year old btw i've had these thoughts for so many years now and it's truly hellish
No. 514074
The only person I can call a friend and with whom I have regular contact with (not in person, different countries) is my ex who abused me during the relationship to the point that I haven't been able to let anyone physically touch me for the past three years.
I just compartmentalize, though sometimes it hits and I feel disgusted with myself. My life's a trainwreck and this person is the only one who somewhat gets me, and who hasn't walked away like everyone else has. I hate it. Boohoo.
>>514058It's a relief to hear I'm not the only one with this kind of shit. The times I've had to put down a hobby knife and walk away due to sudden intense urges of slowly shoving the blade into my eyeball, or peeling off my face ala Mason Verger.
No. 514277
>>514274Anon,you're not alone,I'm sure there have been thousands of bullying
victims who have such thoughts and tendencies,it's nothing unusual because in middle school I had them,looking back they will be a in ghetto shithole forever whilst I'm getting paid $1,000 in a nice job in a half decent city,just think about your future for a good moment
No. 514298
>>514274My bullies are fucking losers. Back when I was teenaged and hormonal I used to have the same thoughts, but they did a perfectly good job destroying their lives all on their own.
One bully bullied me specifically because I dared criticise her about teenage pregnancy. Of course she's now a drug addicted almost 30 year old who still can't hold a job and now has multiple children by different men. The men abuse, abandon, and cheat on her constantly. She can't keep off drugs, so even the pro-life social media mombies are angry at her because she chooses drugs and shitty men over her own kids.
She's never left my shithole hometown and she never will. They like stupid, drug addicted welfare queens who pop out babies who will occupy the minimum wage jobs for the middle class there. I feel sorry for her children who will grow up with a deck stacked against them because she's so damn worthless and unstable. She's too worried about other people talking shit than looking in the mirror and reflecting on most of it.
Live your best life. Bullies are broken people.
No. 514377
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>>514283I have a similar confession. When I was 13-14 ish i used to go on barbie girls and shit post and start fights like crazy. Some how it resulted in me making friends on the website and i had a blast. rip barbie girls.
No. 514444
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I want Catwoman to do unspeakably nasty kinky things to me, and I'm not even attracted to women
No. 514510
>>514446I think they give some of the "advice" out of sadism.
They know it's ridiculous but want people to put themselves in those situations for their own entertainment.
No. 514663
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I told one of my friends who's been a neet for the past 7 years of his life that the reason why he's unloved and alone his basically his own fault. I know it sounds awful but I'm just so sick and tired of people making excuses for themselves. He's a straight white man from a wealthy family who paid for his college tuition and lets him live with them rent free. His mom cooks all his meals and does all his chores while he plays video games all day– and then he complains about how he's a failure in life and that he feels like no one will ever love him. It drives me crazy, so I snapped and told him it was his own damned fault and that he hasn't changed since I've met him.
Now he hasn't talked to me in a week. It's probably for the best though. I'm sick of people making excuses for themselves when I have to go to a job I hate everyday of my life and try my best despite that while they get to laze around and eat literal chicken tendies made by mommy. Stop being lazy and expecting the world to be kind to you.
No. 514668
>>514510I don't even think it's for entertainment value. At the end of the day, people just like to feel superior over others.
People just hide it behind their fake scenarios and moral signaling.
No. 514822
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Every night I sleep with this small little pillow that I've had since I was a baby. I've named the pillow (gibberish name but it's pronounced with the tones of my mother tongue so most people have a very hard time pronouncing it) and refer to it as 'he' and say goodbye to him with a kiss every morning when I leave for work. I'll tuck him in or not based on how hot I think my room might get because I don't want him to be uncomfortably hot underneath the blanket lol. He's super dirty and I only wash him every couple of years because his "clothes" (ie the pillow cover) is so extremely thin and fragile now. The water is honestly very grey and murky and gross whenever I do wash him. I always like smelling him, he smells like a weird amalgamation of things (the environment, my body odor (which I don't really have any of tbh)) but it's comforting. He's particularly ratty because I have a habit of rubbing some of the edges of the fabric between my fingers until it forms a hard lint ball, idk why I just really like the feeling of it. Unfortunately the little balls will eventually become detached. Over the course of 20+ years, that means there's like 1/3 of the pillow cover missing because I keep turning all the frayed edges into these little lint balls.
I have a really hard time sleeping without him (I don't even have to hug him, sometimes just knowing he's in the bed too is good enough) so I'm embarassed about dating and eventually having to show him to my future partners. I've even taken him up with me to college and when I went to go study abroad (my host mum came into my room once or twice when I travelled away for break and even said to me once "this is really important to you, isn't it?" probably because she saw that I had tucked him into bed before I left LOL. If we ever move in together, it's unavoidable. My ex had a similar comfort item too so it was fine and she understood, but fuck. Some of my friends know of my pillow and make jokes about it and I laugh with them, but deep down it hurts me lol. I don't know if I'll ever find a partner who won't think he's weird or gross as fuck.
No. 514852
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I have a male friend who always gets into the same shit I'm currently into and it's frustrating me. Usually when I get into something new (like a movie, game, etc), I’ll tell my female cousin, who I’m very close with, and we both start talking about it. However, my male friend will see we are talking about it and pushes his way into each one of our conversations about it.
Keep in mind he’s not very close with my cousin and will like snapchat her out of the blue to show her he’s watching the show me and her are currently into. I am all for people getting into new stuff but he only does this because he needs to feel included in literally every aspect of my life because heaven forbid I have any other interests or friends that aren’t him.
I’m not sure how to deal with this but I literally can’t enjoy any new media without him mansplaining and acting like he fucking knows everything about it. None of my other male friends act like this and I know this is really stupid but I’m starting to lose my patience.
No. 514872
>>514853I'm actually dating his brother right now (almost 5 years now) and he's never shown any interest in me. I do think you're right about him finding excuses to be included.
tbh I'm more afraid he's like gonna try to pursue my cousin. This guy broke up with his longtime gf of like 2 years the moment another girl said she liked him. Then dumped that girl after a month to start dating my friend only to dump my friend after like 3 weeks. Keep in mind he told each one of these girls that they were his "soulmate"
No. 515035
>>514852I think there was a post not too long ago saying they don't like when someone has the same interests as them and I'm the same lol so it seems to be more common than i thought, although your problem is the mainsplaining part.
Your friend kinda sounds annoying and clingy. Either he's into you or he has low self esteem and no personality on his own. At least that's how it sounds like to me. If he's annoying you try to get some distance from him or show him that you don't like this behaviour.
No. 515081
>>515063Have you watched Hustlers? The main character was a total Mary Sue bitch but I really felt like it did a good job of showing those weird bonds.
I still think a lot about this girl I was friends with in Highschool, she was completely nuts so we couldn't stay friends and she turned everyone else against her too but she was the coolest girl I ever met and I'll always feel that about her.
No. 515284
>>515268I feel you anon. I’m crazy possessive with my bff too. She is in a LTR right now and I am acting all supportive about it, but only on surface though. Every time special occasion nears, I start building up her expectation and when he inevitably disappoints her, I reassure her that he will change and she just has to try harder. And then I turn around and talk about how men never change and once men stop putting effort into relationship, it is over.
I know I’m horrible but no guy is good enough for my baby, okay!?
No. 515360
>>515350Lowkey thinking about marrying my best friend who I broke up with my bf to be with.
On the outside it's a bad idea because my ex was rich and handsome but I love my friend so much more.
No. 515509
>>515503So much mainstream porn right now features the idea of randomly coming onto your sister/stepsister or another family member and it all somehow ending in hot sex and not y'know.. a horrified sister that never wants to be left alone with you again. You can bet he's consuming a lot of those scenes
Glad you are out of there Anon
No. 516135
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I love wes anderson films, I watch CW shows like Arrow, flash and riverdale, I love Tim burton movies and I will never admit this anywhere else online because I'm scared of people on the internet callimg me a "basic bitch" and insulting my tastes
No. 516157
>>516121This is good!! I imagine this is how men feel all the time. Society pushes women to be nice, to be the caregivers and love everyone, yet we live in a dog-eat-dog world, so the nice girls end up being the ones eaten. You don't gotta be polite and cordial and sweet if someone's treating you like shit. You defy the expectations placed upon us as women, and forge your own path.
This took me far too many years to learn. Removing the negative bullshit people has opened space for good people. Last year I cut almost EVERYONE out of my life when I learned I was making bad decisions. Lonely shit. But a year later, I've had three amazing friends who I love to talk to, ask to hang out last weekend. I'm not afraid to have male friends anymore, I will call them out on the slightest red flag, and whoever passes the test of being a decent human being, over multiple interactions, is a friend.
No. 516777
i pray but idk who to, i just need help and need to b heard
>>516662oh god, any more info? who's the ex? i love lolcow bc it's common consensus where as /r/grimes is a circlejerk of bts level stans
No. 516778
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>>516662KEK, her ex is a troon now. i only knew him as james. he's jaime now.
No. 516857
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My skin is being the worst it's been in years for the past two months. I have awful hormonal acne that overproduces sebum. I get these horrid cystic inflammations that take weeks to go away and even after that I'm dealing with red hyperpigmentation that makes me look broken out even if there's not an active zit.
There's always been acne on my face, even with antibiotics, strict diet, and birth control.
My scarring is getting bad that I'm going to be an ugly crater face just like my mom, and the only grace I'll have unlike her is that I haven't smoked tobacco. My face is one matter, but my back is a monstrous landscape of scabs and scars and holes. Same with my shoulders and upper arms that thankfully aren't actively breaking out but nevertheless still get infected zits and clogged pores every fortnight. I have vague chest/boob acne but it's mostly clogged pores so as long as I don't squeeze they are ok. But still there.
I wear makeup and conservative clothes so no one thinks I have a skin problem but it's very hard to hide my face right now. The left side of my cheek and around my chin have broken out so badly for the past month that I've resorted to a benzoyl peroxide cleanser treatment, combined with a benzoyl topical. I can't moisturize during the day because that will leave me greasy by the time I get home from work and that means more zits.
As a result my face is so dry. My eyelids are wrinkled and stinging me because of the dryness. Even though I put moisturizer on them specifically before I left for work today. My skin is so dry and peely that I cannot wear foundation right now lest I call attention to my flaked skin. It wouldnt disguise the lumps and bumps well even if I could.
I actually want to be tested for an autoimmune disease. I had an STD test recently that screens for non-specific antibodies in your system and I got a false positive. Among the explanations is that people who get false positives on these tests may have been sick or have an underlying disease. I don't have health insurance and it's too expensive to get tests. I tried to apply for Medicaid and was told I make $200-400 dollars above the cutoff on my gross income so I could go kick rocks. Back when I had insurance and could go to a physician they did tests for my thyroid and didn't find shit wrong so I dunno.
In addition to my shitty skin I have
>thin, dry hair that sheds so much I'm cleaning my brush every other week
>depression and fatigue, even for the things I loved I generally don't want to do anything
>weight that's difficult to get rid of and stretch marks everywhere
>inconsistent bowel movements which are mostly watery
>sensitivity to cold, pins and needles in my extremities
>sometimes random pains in my chest cavity area
Can't say this out loud though because most normies insist I'm rubbing bacon grease on my face and eating too much milk chocolate. Like why don't I just try hydration and exercise? /s
No. 516869
>>516844I like how q-tip brands say not to use it in your ears, but it's in the bathroom section and in large amounts like people do use it daily for cleaning in said ears
>>516778Hold up, THE Grimes used to be with a troon, or pre-troon?? I wonder if his lunacy from back then makes her act out now.
No. 516875
I hate my father. He was an abusive alcoholic and now he acts as if he’s better than anybody else, as if he’s the only one who accomplished something in this damn life. He loves to say “oh, anon, you should know by now, you’re not a kid anymore!” but truth is he neglected us when we were kids, he chose alcohol instead every. Single. Time. And when I was only 16 he disappeared to get another wife who absolutely despises him. I was the only one defending him, trying to understand his problems but as I grew up I got more and more frustrated every time he tried to act as if all the shit he put us into didn’t happen.
Right now he lectured me about something related to a work I applied to and all I want to do is to scream that he doesn’t know shit about me, he didn’t care while I studied, he didn’t care when I tried to kill myself and obviously he doesn’t care about me right now, because if he did, he would understand that I never talk with him about anything because I only get the same old talk about “doing things right, like I did” and…idk, I guess I’m terribly sad about this situation.
No. 516876
>>516836If you wanna feel really clean, go get your ears syringed by a nurse. Or buy something to do it at home, I prefer the nurse though.
It feels so goddamn good, they squirt water in and it completely empties out your ears. It's not a permanent solution but q tips cannot compare.
No. 516877
>>516873I can't keep q tips in my house because I inevitably end up with muffled hearing from them. Are you diagnosed with any kind of compulsive disorder?
I have trichotillomania and feel like over cleaning is probably related, similar to people who pick at spots or their skin too much
No. 517121
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I'm a nearly 30 year old woman and my best and only friend is my 13 year one nephew, like he's literally the only one who seems to give a shit about me and I love him so famm much but I'm terrified he's gonna abandon me someday, just like everyone else(Necessarysped4, the same one who claimed to have slept with their nephew.)
No. 517136
>>517134there's nothing wrong with that, especially when it's her
nephew. i think you're projecting a bit, mate.
No. 517137
>>517134NTA obviously
How can you consider a child your friend??? You can be their mentor or guardian, IDK the exact word but a friend is supposed to be your equal. OP, do you want to end up like Pedobot when she was bitching to a 14 y/o Sarah about her marriage issues? Please get help before your 'friend' or his parents realize you have an unhealthy attachment and cut you off for being a creep.
I know this sounds harsh but I am saying it all in good faith.
No. 517140
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>>517137wtf. why are you like this.
No. 517144
>>517136I don't know if it's neccersarily
wrong, but it's definitely weird. She's in a completely different stage of life than a teen is, it's weird that an adult has enough commonground and a connection with someone who's still nearly a child to be a friend of theirs. I know he's her nephew, but she specifically called it a friendship, not just a friendly, normal relationship between familymembers.
And no I'm not projecting.
No. 517158
>>517147I don’t think considering him a friend is bad in and of itself (I got into video games around that age so I became friends with one of my uncles). But you need more friends and can’t use him for emotional support. He might start finding it weird himself. You
should be prepared for distance to form between you.
No. 517163
>>517158 said, you can't rely emotionally on him. Having a single friend and feeling abadoned by everybody else is something bad by itself. If you ever split, you will probably have a breakdown or something.
And in your case, it will happen. Overtime he will want to expend more time with his friends and maybe a partner. If you want to continue like this, go ahead. But don't even try to think he "abandoned" you once he gains new bonds.
Not to tinfoil or armchair. Maybe you are actually a pretty chill person, but I've seen this happening before and the "abadon me like everybody else" is a quote used by very possesive people.
No. 517303
>>517242If he has trouble socializing, you should be encouraging and supporting him to socialize with his peers.. growth and development of his social skills is important and valuable.
It sounds like both of you are sticking together out of convinience because both of you have a source of problems that makes it difficult for you to meet new people your own age. That's not healthy. As the adult in this friendship you should address this problem.
No. 517305
>>517242>I love him so famm much but I'm terrified he's gonna abandon me someday, just like everyone else>he's a good boy, I know he's not gonna leave meAnon… please…
Even if he is socially stunted, he will find a friend or even a crush his own age and want to spend most of his time with those people. As he should! Please get therapy (I know it's not a magical fix, but it's a start at least) and try making friends online. If you are in the USA, you might have a lot of luck with reddit, some women are hanging around r4r and needafriend. Hell, even try with the lolcow friend finder (if you haven't already).
The older he gets, the weirder the relationship will get, especially once he realizes you cling to him and no-one else. I can imagine him feeling guilty for wanting to spend his time with other people since you were his only friend or something.
No. 517310
>>517306How do you live your day to day life then? How do you do your groceries? How do you go to work/school? Or are you literally stuck at home all day and have someone to take care of you?
Confide in a familymember and look for a solution together. I agree with
>>517305 you need theraphy.
No. 517321
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>>517319The rope then I guess, better that than child abuse
No. 517324
>>517319You're a grown adult, stop making excuses for yourself. Realistically you ARE a nuisance, you're freeloading off them at nearly 30 without doing anything to even attempt to get out of your situation, be grateful your parents are putting up with you.
Find a social worker or something and get help.
>>517322I honestly think you already are.
No. 517347
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I feel like I've been slowly developing an eating disorder. I've been restricting and exercising, looking at the pro-ana cows thread a lot. I've never had an eating disorder before I'm skinny already, but I have always had bdd whether it's my face or thigs or belly.
I live in an all girls dorm and can't stop comparing myself to the girls on my floor. I also have this personal lolcow I keep around who also has a restricting type anorexia, and she has been rapidly losing weight. I think she's also affecting me.
Ugh, I'm a mentally strong person but I seriously don't know how to deal with this. On one hand I really want to lose some weight and get abs and thinner legs, but on the other hand I'm scared this might turn into a serious issue.
I've never purged and never will, that shit is way too damaging, but I keep starving myself as if it's any better.
I just can't stop looking at the stupid anachans on ig, or my personal lolcow and thinking "hey, I'd like to look that slender".
No. 517352
>>517347Go read a book you fucking moron, or do something actually challenging.
How fucking vain are you, where your PHYSICAL APPEARANCE takes up this much of your thought, not even your bodily strength or skill.
I swear to god, all anachans are mentally stunted and can only think of the flesh and vanity.
No. 517375
>>517352You do realize that ed's are mental illnesses you don't ask for, right? This is the equivalent of telling a person with depression How dare u be sad when you have it so good when there's children starving in africa. That's not how it works.
What an unproportionally agressive reaction
No. 517386
>>517352Yeah this anon seems mentally ill herself.
Whew, what a sperg. Sometimes I like to imagine what my days would be like getting so heated over an anonymous persons self image issues.
No. 517388
>>517363Right, because removing personal responsibility is a surefire way to improvement and clearer self-analysis right? It's like you purposely want people to be weak and coddled.
>>517375If this farmer can be self aware enough to theorize she's developing an eating disorder, organized to plan meals and exercise and has enough social awareness to constantly compare herself to other, then she's sure as fuck capable of realizing how retarded and vain she's being.
You don't think someone of this intelligence and capability couldn't rationalize spending their time on something more valuable? Or are you just going to allow her to remain stagnant in pointless "beauty" trends and
actually destroy her body.
Higher standards and expectations are not your enemy.
No. 517479
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I subscribed and followed this girl on ig who has such a weird obsession with vampires and romania. I found her while watching cringy makeup videos from my country on youtube and I can't get enough of her weird ass posts, she keeps talking about her "books" that are just very badly formatted and written semi historical fanfiction. She has odd videos where she "plays guitar" and simgs google translate romanian, reads out random things in romanian, like menus and such. I just find her endearing and kind of cringy but I always get in such a good mood while seeing her delusional yet childlike posts about becoming famous. She's 20 or so but seems more like a tween, I think she has aspergers or something. I never link her stuff bc I don't want people to bully her, she just likes to post a lot about the weirdest shit and isn't hurting anyone.
No. 517512
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I own 100+ plushies after many years of asking for them or buying as souvenirs. Around 4 years ago I stopped buying big one and went for the tiny keychain ones. They dont actually take up a lot of space because of that. They're the only thing I've ever collected. They can be super cheap on resell sites if I'm looking for collector ones. I only hate that the ddlg trend has sucked plush in with them. I might end up being an old lady one day with my favorites still around. At least I'm not collecting porn anime figures.
No. 517518
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I've reviewed some vent posts I've made over the past few months and wow, I can honestly say I'm not coming across anything positive, if at all. Seriously lc vents kinda substitute for the irl journal that I'm too anxious and lazy to write. Seeing myself not living very happily overall is a bit sad. I do enjoy that I'm relatable, in that farmers frequently comment and reply to my posts where I'm complaining about something lmao but yeah. Apparently I'm the queen of negativity otherwise. To be fair I'm probably depressed and I do legitimately experience a lot of fucked up shit. I'd just love to have some joy every now and then.
No. 517519
>>517512Anon, keep on collecting! There's an obvious difference between you and the DDLG degenerates.
I have about 100 plushies as well. Perfectly placed all around my living room and any guests that come over love to see them!
No. 517787
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I'm still not over uffie, like all her old stuff, not post-comeback. At this rate I'll never be over it. She's a trashy, talentless, cringy, tacky myspace has-been. And I love it. My mind's just like "wow this shit is awesome", "wow what a style queen". Idk why I love this bitch. Maybe cause she's a bitch.
No. 517819
>>517787>>517815Oh god, same. I don't even mind her comeback stuff so much.
One thing that puzzles me is that she's apparently writing for other artists now. Putting it kindly, songwriting was never her strongest skill.
No. 517841
>>517815I wonder about that too. Afaik she was actually making new material with some Ed Banger producers like 5 years ago. Dunno why it never got a release.
>>517819Lmao is she really writing for other people? I wish her the best but I don't have high expectations.
On a side note, I was surprised Feadz remixed No Take Me Backs. If they're on good terms now I hope they'll work together again
No. 517943
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today this woman at my work was trying to return something (I work customer service) and she pulled her receipt out of her bra which usually disgusts me but I kinda didn't mind it because she was gorgeous and smelled good and had a really attractive smile. I always staple the receipt + return slip and when I went to hand it back she was like "oh~ you can keep that." For a moment I almost thought I could understand what men go through when women try to charm their way out of things.
>tfw you're so starved for affection you literally develop manbrain
If the receipt had been wet and sweaty when she handed it to me I probably would have been irreconcilably disgusted, though.
No. 518072
>>518069It's an understandable reaction but I think that usually it's best to not wish harm on others for their shitty opinions. More shit usually doesn't solve other shit.
My mom is mostly pro-life which I respect because she's one of the good ones. She would never reject abortion in all cases (like rape particularly since she's a rape
victim herself) or want it to be illegal. She just doesn't agree with it always morally and that's fine imo.
No. 518077
>>518069sucks to say but she's right tho. it's horrible that this is the reality, but if people want to demand the abolition of choice and safety for countless women and girls, they really should have to experience it firsthand. what they want is horrifyingly cruel, it's just so normalized that it's seen as a reasonable position when it's actually batshit and evil. people always try to make it like these are two sides of the same coin but it's not at all. the difference is prochoice people understand that tragedy is possible and that
victims shouldn't suffer unnecessarily. prolife people want
victims and the innocent children of rapists, to suffer, and don't give a fuck.
>>518072no, she's right. these people literally live by "fuck you, i got mine" and don't care until it happens to them. they are not people mindful enough to come to the right conclusion without it happening to them. it wouldn't be an issue if they didn't try to make everyone else live by their personal beliefs, and by proxy, destroy the lives of millions. these are the same people that will fight to slash ssdi, until their brother loses his limbs.
No. 518085
>>518077I agree, although the disgusting thing is that you don't even have to go as far as rape to make a lot of prolife people want abortions. Many of the same people who are down to force raped 12 year olds to carry to term will suddenly think abortion is a
valid option for themselves just from their condom breaking.
No. 518091
>>518069It sucks but she's right in that people really have no say in something until they're the ones facing that imposition, then they can put their money where their mouth is. It's really easy to tell other people how to live when they've never had to deal with it themselves.
And I don't mean miss church-goer with the nice job and supportive husband and stable living situation gets raped and then decides to keep a rape baby because she's got good health insurance and kind of wanted a baby eventually anyway.
Try being that young woman who rents, has no partner, a low wage job, working on education, and zero medical support keeping a rape baby when it would DEVASTATE her life and the theoretical life of the child if she decided to bring to term.
No. 518195
>>518091My god this.
I'm sick of seeing people care so much for a non-existent child instead of thinking about the woman when it even comes to talking about prochoice. She already has a life with people who love her while the supposed baby doesn't even have a brain much less anyone knowing it exists outside the dr or woman. I always consider how damaging it is that a woman who didn't want a child is now being forced to ruin her body and life by carrying then birthing it.
No. 518356
>>518353so maybe start using it, its been a great help towards me, and its not
toxic like Incel places because were all trying to get out of this lifestyle
No. 518410
>>518374Not entirely sure what your full confession was, but I can say with certainty you could do better than a man nearly 20 years your senior with kids. No man is that special.
>>518358I'm buying some shelf stable goods soon too. If it turns out you don't need em cause a crisis never comes to fruition, then the way I see it, you've got yourself some awesome camping provisions and a good laugh.
I'd rather buy a few things I'd never seriously have to use than be stuck in a situation where I wished I bought them.
No. 518643
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I have yaoi fantasies of my ex boyfriends cuddling and kissing each other. They were/are good friends. One of them is in love with the other, but the other is in denial about it. I think I am too obsessed with yaoi now and I don't know how to stop
No. 518662
Confession time :
When I was in my early 20s, (23) around 2010, I had my very first boyfriend (like first first for everything). For one reason I couldn't trust him and managed to get his password for facebook because he was not tech savvy at all and did not realise his password was stored in google chrome (this was pre smartphone era and there would not be notification that a new device has connected bla bla).
I started obsessively reading aaaaaalllll his messages to the point where I could spend hours just going through hundreds of messages from a few years before we met to current days. I read obsessively about his past relationship, his lengthy flirty chain of messages with pretty girls.
I discovered he was a bit of a player and flirting heavily before we met, but also while we were a couple : for instance, inviting a crush to come visit him in the country we lived in and "sleep in the same bed but innocent, promise !" without mentioning me at all, inviting another of his crush to a 1.2.1 romantic dinner while visiting our home country, and later he also cheated (just kiss not sex allegedly).
I also discovered just how deeply stupid and disrespectful it was to have violated his intimacy, no matter why I did that. He never truly knew the extent of my disturbing stalking - he thought I'd gain access after his infidelity so only a few days. I never corrected him.
Worst, cringiest part is how I managed to get access to his gmail post break up, desperate to see if there were any messages about me from him (at the time facebook would display the whole body of private messages in email notifications). I harassed one of his friend to give me some news omg. The horror. The crazy ex girlfriend from hell.
Needless to say, I never did that again and thankfully have grown the hell up from there. I actually no longer have facebook now.
No. 518808
>>518662>I also discovered just how deeply stupid and disrespectful it was to have violated his intimacyLmao who cares? You had an instinct to not trust him and you were correct. Trust, but verify. And good that you did.
Your only mistake was tormenting yourself by sticking around after the fact in his gmail hoping he'd mention you even a little, only to realize that painfully, men easily stop giving a shit.
No. 518819
>>518811Yep. I started accessing my ex's Google history after he gaslit me over his female friend staying at our apartment and I caught him in the lie telling on his phone. After I confronted him, he locked his phone and never apologized. So one day I made an excuse to access his chromebook (my laptop legitimately couldn't print) and I took a little peeksy at his history and was disgusted at what I saw.
Not only was he watching porn, sometimes masturbating on my bed when I was in the other room watching tv, but specifically going to camgirls hosted on websites where you had to pay some kind of coin. This is the same guy who had accused me of blowing off his advances, when in reality I was exhausted from work and having to clean up after him. He never did anything romantic and his hygiene went to hell. I felt like his mom, of course he did not turn me on.
Additionally, all those nights he claimed to stay late working at the bar? According to his mobile Google map history he had been taking uber to party at other bars until ungodly morning hours–conveniently being 'too tired' to help me around the apartment of course.
When I broke up with him he monkey branched into a relationship with a homely bar owner I mentioned he was staying out late with. Obviously he'd been prepping a parachute for a new relationship because he can't take care of himself on his own.
I was wrong to try to save that relationship, I wasn't wrong for investigating shady behavior.
No. 518895
>>518808Thank you so much for saying this anon. It seems so not a PC thing to say. Anyone would tell me I was crazy for doing it but in the end he was such a piece of turd I cant believe I was so naive and deep down I'm glad I found out before too late.
He was a fuckboy and by all accounts, he's been cheating multiple times on his now wife and mother of his 3 children but she's a NEET and can't leave him so sucks it up.
No. 518948
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I wish I was as photogenic as my cat
No. 519127
>>519070Be careful anon. At the end of the day those things weren't meant to go inside the vagina so there's a lot of potential for cuts and infections. I once got chewed out on plebbit because I said I'd rather buy my daughter a sex toy than know she is risking sticking random objects inside herself.
When I was a preteen I used handles of objects and my bitch mother yelling and shaming me for it instead of educating me. Feels gross thinking about what I stuck up there now and how dirty those objects were even though I washed them.
No. 519134
>>519127I didn't actually buy it, just had the thought while browsing. Similar to you I started young with random household objects like plastic hairbrush handles. Partly good memories, partly worrying when I remember how pointy some of them were..
Tracking on toy finally updated to say it's arriving on Monday. I should last til then lol
No. 519284
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this sounds like a meme but I sometimes get bummed out whenever I see people saying how scandinavian/nordic/europeans have high nose bridges, big eyes or shit like that. I don't have those, not that I hate my face, it's just an annoying thing I mostly see coming from americans trying to explain off some clear shooping or ps.
No. 519501
>>519491yeah, wondering the same thing. Op just said she misses being around a girl, which is a normal thing because her bf can't provide that aspect to her. And even he seems to be ok with her being with a girl, even when it's against her own choice of life. For me she sounds rather conflicted because she doesn't want to disrespect her bf.
>since you don't seem to notice the blatant disrespectful attitude OP is expressing, mainly toward women.can you quote the part that is disrespecting towards women in op anon's post?
No. 519798
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The left can't meme-meme is fucking real. Even though I'm very liberal with my values I like to browse alt-right-slanted discussion because I find it hilarious how unapologetic they are. I hate them for their misogyny and racism and MAGAfags are cringeworthy but I'll be damned if they don't have a sense of humor.
No. 519805
>>519799>fat genesthere's no such thing anon
that weekend staring at pictures of a hot guy could be spend working out and planning healthy meals.
No. 519809
>>519807You can't possibly burn the massive difference in calories needed for maintaining a healthy weight and calories needed for attaining obesity by working out, that's far too much. Your whole post reeks of fatlogic.
There's no such thing as a certain weight your body naturally wants to carry
No. 519824
>>519811Hunger in the modern world isn't real.
What you consider "hunger" is simply a hormonal cycle which coincides with certain time points during the day. At this point, it's almost entirely Pavlovian conditioning.
If you get up at 7am, eat at 8am, noon and 5pm, your body will start to tell you you're "hungry" around those times, regardless of caloric input.
If you ingest your total daily calories at 8am instead of throughout the day, you will be metabolically "full", but you will still feel "hungry" at noon and 5pm because the hormonal cycle is still being engaged. If you kept eating all your calories at 8am for a while, you'd cease being hungry throughout the day as your body adapts to it's new cycle.
No. 520413
>>519060lmao sounds reasonable to me. praying your new toy arrives soon anon
>>519127>>519134nayrt but I had a hairbrush I used to masturbate with as a teenager and it had this weirdly shaped handle that perfectly hit my g-spot. if I'd have known how perfect it was I would never have thrown it out cause I've never found a toy that's shaped quite like it. it was like this hairbrush handle was perfectly shaped for my vagina lol
No. 520438
>>519359this is so disgusting but also interesting to me
anon please tell us more
how did you even start all of this
No. 520628
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This is so dumb, but I fell in love with a murder from an extreme horror novel. It was because the book never gave him a description so I imagined him as a random hot dude. The book also focused on his interactions with another killer so his personality kind of grew on me. Even if he was a murder in the story the plot revolved around him being the victim in the situation (he was kidnapped and forced to torture some people). I'm confessing this because if I said it any where else I'd be yelled off for romanticizing something. I know it's a dumb and fucked up crush, but I'm attracted
No. 520643
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>>520631>>520632Bit obscure, but it's from A Glimpse into Hell 3 by Wade Garrett. The dudes an EMT who killed and cut up his wife for cheating, even though he cheated first. He blamed some serial killer and the killer and the plot of the book revolves around the serial killer forcing him to torture criminals as revenge.
No. 521114
i can’t stop watching people on Instagram eating cornstarch
im also
>>521025 No. 521116
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Comments like pic related is why I will never believe concern trolls regarding weight.
At the root, it's not about being thinner or healthier, it's about other people reminding you that your body is inferior no matter what you do. It's always been about hierarchy and it always has.
Imagine losing a bunch of weight and then being gaslit that your most unhealthy weight was actually your prime!
No. 521130
>>519798you're such a pickme lol magaboys aren't going to love you just because you laugh at their shit
also try listening to actual leftists not annoying whiny liberals
No. 521136
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I have a need to be emotionally close with another human, the kind of closeness where they cuddle with me at night, stroke my hair, and tell me everything's gonna be ok cause it will be since they are there…if I had someone.
No. 521190
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>>519798You’re smelly, but I sort of agree.
>>521173Not that anon, but here is a cute video because I want to share: No. 521198
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>>521183>ChapoI literally cannot believe this
No. 521212
>>519799Depending what you mean by 'scenarios' plenty of attractive people also waste time pining after fantasy things that will never happen due to the fact men are terrible.
There are plenty of anons on here who have boyfriends who won't even buy them a birthday cake or a valentines gift.
No. 521215
one night stand maybe
No. 521216
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>>521198>>521186I posted chapo as example of why leftist memes suck, they make shit like this and expect us to take them seriously
they make rape jokes about women they don't like, they make gay jokes about conservative politicians and think that's somehow peak comedy
No. 521228
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>>521223look at it! look at it!
No. 521257
>>521248It's cultural, boys are investement and will bring money into the house, they were historically living with and taking care of eldery parents, will earn money, in some cultures will get part of wife's parents land as a wedding gift. Girls are waste of resources, they'll move out to husband's, in some cultures parents will get gift from husband (she'd be basically sold) and that's all. Not worth 15+ years of feeding them. It was common sense untill 50's or even later, it's still subconciously presented in media, even Disney princess movies.
Same with kid being similar to father- if he's not similar, maybe it's not his and will fuck off taking land and money, leaving eldery father alone and with no resources.
No. 521294
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i have the biggest heart eyes for lanky tall men with long straight hair that looks all silky and soft and just ugh i love men with long hair so much, it's been a weakness of mine since day 1 lol
i am also rly rly rly rly rly rly rly rly rly rly rly rly rly rly rly rly rly rly rly rly rly rly rly rly rly rly into androgynous men and women
i just love everyone and want my own harem with those people
No. 521340
>>521330I had a friend like that too. She always copied everything others did out of fear of being left behind. But she was plain stupid and a
victim complex narcissist.
It won't change even if you talk to her, if it's too much of a hassle to you just forget about her and go on, those people are not only interest copycats, but also emotional leeches on average.
No. 521586
>>521539Same, anon. I'm a csa survivor and made CP of myself as a kid and now I get the most horny thinking about some old man (or woman) treating me as his small child. It's fucked up and so I don't really flick my bean at all now.
At least, I don't have an account dedicated to this degeneracy though. Silver lining.
No. 521596
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>>521588>>521586>>521539As I said here, stop doing roleplay, read some nice vanilla romance novels written by women, where the guy is super respectful towards the female POV chracter
No. 521603
>>521599I mostly stick to a number of authors rather then go out to the web to search for content, Karen Witemeyer and Mary Connealy are two of my favorites, Aiming for Loveby by Connealy is a good starting point
I also recommend staying celibate (not watching any porn or reading any bad smut) for 5-15 days before reading the works, that way it will have greater impact when you do read it
No. 521605
>>521597I'm the csa anon. You're right. I really am ashamed of myself because of this and my way of dealing with it is to just ignore it. Pretend that part just doesn't exist. I don't know any other way to go about it. Looking on the web just tells me that its a harmless kink uwu and I just need to embrace ~ddlg~ or some shit and I don't agree with that. So, I don't know what to do man.
>>521603Thanks for your help anon. I'll check your recs out. I think respectful romances will definitely help me deal with my flawed way of viewing sex and relationships. I don't watch porn or read smut or anything at all so I'll get to reading Connealy. Thanks, you're the goat.
No. 521612
>>521605Nta but I can relate. I cried about being an addicted cumbrain here before, I was getting desensitized to even really fucked stuff. Participating in kinks didn’t fucking heal me at all, fucking liars.
Strict no fap no porn and consuming cute heartfelt romance has really helped. Relapsed a couple times, felt horrible every single time just for 20 seconds of coom. I still get
triggered when I see degenerate stuff but my brain is learning to stop itself. Recovery is possible ily!
No. 521616
>>521611thanks for your response anon. it's good that you got rid of social media when you realized there was no positive outcome for you using it. what do you mean by aspects of day to day being harder without sm?
you're right about real friends not caring about that, i'm happy to have people in my life that don't care about social media clout though i do find that my "cooler" friends find it weird. some people try to convince me to get it, saying that it would help me keep in touch with people tho i do have fb messenger and i text
No. 521635
>>521616Sorry I meant to say, according to your age it might be more or less difficult. I'm in my early 30s so people my age don't care as much but when I was in my 20s it was a big deal. It's harder day to day because a lot of my acquaintances still use facebook or WhatsApp to organise everything they do as a group but I find they will always include me ie text me / call me.
In the end anon, just weight the plus and the minus. Like if it truly is a big deal for your group age might be wise to have at least instagram, snap a pic from time to time and done. Otherwise, especially since you had bad experiences, just make sure you organise differently meaning call your friends/ text them more often so you don't "slip through the cracks"
Ultimately do what is best for your peace of mind anon
No. 521648
>>513119I hate to admit but radfem and PP ideology are blinding me from seeing how wonderful my S.O. is.
I overthink everything to start with and since getting into radfem I became even more obsessed with analysing his actions and thinking the worst based on one silly joke or something.
No. 521649
>>521648Honestly I think it just helps to make people realize that what our normal baseline of "wonderful" and "nice" is really not that fucking much at all. I see people describing their SOs as the best thing ever when their SOs barely treat them well. Yeah, maybe they aren't
abusive but they are usually thoughtless, low effort, and disrespectful even without meaning to be. Women usually know something is off but they doubt themselves and their intuition, like what you're doing now
No. 521650
>>521648I see so many women (irl and on here) making excuses for bad bfs or ignoring obvious red flags. But I guess the opposite extreme must also exist.
I had a shitty bf for 3 years where he gaslit me into thinking he was 'doing great things for me' but he abused me and made me jump through hoops. Stepping back and analysing isn't a bad thing.
No. 521651
>>521635great advice, i'll weigh my options. my gen (z) is more steeped in online interactions, though thankfully for irl events i'm still included
i feel like connecting on social media is more about commenting and liking other people's stuff and idk if it'll be worthwhile to keep scrolling thru ppl's selfies/food/etc to keep up a sense of friendship. seems draining
No. 521657
>>521651It is draining indeed anon, one of the many reasons why I gave it up. It seemed pointless to me but I get why some people feel like they need that. Mid 20s is pretty young, I see why they would want you there (my younger brother is the same ate and all his friends and himself are constantly on some sort of sm stuff indeed).
>>521652Kudos to you anon, glad to read you made it work well. May I ask what are your reasons for not using it ? I'm curious about it although of course feel free to ignore if you rather not share.
No. 521691
>>521667I'm also from a small country but I firmly believe in using your right to vote. Especially as a woman. Women have fought for decades for us to get our right to vote, many people around the world in opressed countries wish they would be in our position. Voting right shouldn't be taken for granted.
Imo always vote, even if it's blank.
No. 521773
>>521649I think you're right. Women need to have higher standards. If women keep dating low value men then there's no incentive for them to improve. Most men do have the opportunity to better themselves. It also reminds me that while I am in a happy relationship, I shouldn't tolerate any slipping of standards on his part.
>>521657There's multiple reasons that mostly originate from being underage b& on 4chan. I came to associate it with cows and normies. I also got to witness just how exploitative it is and what the end result could be for girls that were my age at the time. As privacy concerns about data collection became more apparent I felt vindicated in my original decision. 4chan fucked me up in some ways and saved me in others.
No. 521880
>>521838I wanna get a mild cold so I can exaggerate it as flu symptoms and stay home from work for a few weeks.
I never get sick and never use my sick leave, I deserve this
No. 521890
>>521657>>521652thanks for taking the time to reply to my posts, i wish i knew ppl irl that don't use social media
i realize that even my friends won't care about the random stuff i post on there, at least not in a real way compared to catching up irl, and i probably wouldn't be able to keep track of others' stuff considering the frequency ppl use these platforms
No. 521913
>>521895I am you but younger.
They told me my eyes are very healthy just a bad prescription, not even as bad as their patient with -22. My glasses all need to be thinned out and I can't buy some frames though.
No. 521988
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picrel sounds fun
No. 522066
>>522018wait what, anon why do you think this? may I ask?
you're not a femcel, don't let that incel shit get in your head. you're worth more than that
recovered neet asking btw. if you need anything dude….idk please just dont think of yourself that way. you deserve better
No. 522318
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I feel like I finally want to give up on lolita fashion. I love it - but I don't love what it's become. I hate the western community, but Japanese communities don't really exist online and I feel as a foreigner I'd just be shunned out despite speaking the language.
I love pastel sweet from 2009-2012 or so, that's when I got into the fashion. I have some dresses from back when 2010 era sweet was cheap but now everything's price is jacked up to 200+ dollars.. and I WANT to buy new dresses, but I just don't want to spend 200 dollars on something that was previously 100 dollars all because of a stupid trend. Same thing with oldschool, it's all been jacked up to the max and what's cheap is quickly swooped up by Japanese lolitas. And I don't want to look like I'm just hopping on a trend either if I started social media.
Getting ready in lolita takes too long for me too, and the clothes are so many layers with a petticoat and cutsew or blouse and I just tend to overheat in it even in cold temperatures.
It sucks, I feel like I'm growing distant from a big part of my life. I'm going to keep my most treasured dresses but I've already sold a lot of them off. I still plan on getting married in lolita, and wearing it on rare occasions.
I also don't want to deal with the community nitpicking and judging every little move I make even if it's not related to lolita.
I've just drifted off into other Japanese fashion where I feel I'll be less judged and I can afford it much better - I easily find pieces for anywhere from 5 dollars to 15 dollars on secondhand Japanese sales. It makes me so much happier to wear. I feel cuter in it than I do in lolita, and I feel like I suit it so much better.
But I feel so guilty for leaving behind lolita. I really do. It was my life and blood for so long.. but it doesn't make me happy anymore. It doesn't. It's difficult to accept that. Maybe if one day I'm rich, I'll get back into it. It just doesn't make me happy enough anymore to spend all that money on it.
I don't know how to feel, I feel sad but happy that I'm letting it go. I've always felt like I didn't fit in in lolita. I'm just so conflicted.
Despite not wanting to be a lolita anymore, I still think pics like this are adorable and I save them.
No. 522347
>>522318what other japanese fashion styles are you into now? i used to admire larme kei a lot
luckily there are a lot of ways to dress cute, if you're passionate about fashion you should still express yourself
No. 522404
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I accidentally called my one of my platonic friends "daddy", it just came out of my mouth and I haven't spoken to him in days
No. 522432
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I'm scared that no one will ever love me again. I have no family or friends and on top of that I'm mentally ill and financially not independent. I just have nothing to offer.
No. 522446
>>522432We should be friends anon. I got out of a
toxic relationship and during that relationship I basically shunned my friends or used them only to vent about said
toxic relationship. I got treated like shit, so treated my friends like shit and I'm not even going to impose myself on them anymore. I basically just talk to my mum but she's busy a lot lol. We need to get jobs anon, then at least we'll be able to do fun things without guilt
No. 522491
>>522433I love you too bb
>>522446I did something similar, except I ended up cutting off all my friends because I though I would move to the city my now ex lives and makes friends there. Haha of course that never happened.
Lol, I hope we find some good paying jobs then, would be about time it happens
No. 522660
>>513119I've been single for about 7 years now - and I mean
single (not even the odd ONS or kiss or anything).
It was on purpose - I don't lack men proposing dates, being interested or stuff like that but I needed to steer clear after a pretty bad experience so just kept pushing back on anyone who is trying to.
The last few weeks though I keep thinking
I need a man. Lol. Me, the in your face independent feminist blah blah who needs no one ever, I actually really really
really need one. Whoever is my next bf hits the jackpot…you know.
No. 522696
>>522690i'm watching his old movies, he's in his later years now, but i'm watching stuff from when he was younger, like his prime, early 30-mid 40s, and fuck, why do i think this dorky human being is hot? my friend messaged me that horning over him is like horning over someone's dad who tells bad jokes when i told her about my episode
i had a crush on him when i was younger that was really bad, i think that's part of why my sexuality is so weird, but i never expected it to be rekindled, i hadn't thought about it in years. then i saw his stupid face when i was horny and it clicked for me
i feel you anon i really feel you and i hope you can get through this as well, glad to know i'm not the only one experiencing summn like this
No. 522729
>>522719For me it's her jaw and eyes, i know many don't think she's the hottest person but it's her confidense/face/hooded eyes. I think my thing for started with scott pilgrim but i would love to have her as my kinda dominating gf, not like
oof mommy but like, i could trust her to fuck people up for me by taking no bs and just being weird and hot. This has been a ramble.
No. 522817
>>522726>she hasn't seen the interrogation and thus couldn't see how much of an autistic freak she really was'Saw her interrogation and I wasn't even as disturbed as when I saw this video where she claims she's nothing like her mom and that shit was some scary shit because of obvious reasons. She's being the scariest "woman" I've ever seen in those 2 videos and she's obviously an atrocious product her dumbass mentally ill
abusive mom created. (Did I say her mom didn't see it coming btw? I'm speaking purely about gypsy's lying psycho ways).
That bf is an incel schizo mentally retarded guy yes, but he's got the life sentence at least and he's an npc type of psycho. At least her being out of prison is not as bad as that Karla Homolka, but she's not as much as an autistic freak despite her obviously even worse actions.
Ok I'm done venting about people I'll never meet and binge watching retarded true crime videos.
Also one more thing, just give the death sentence to all mentioned pretty please.
No. 522872
>>522849t. gets manipulated on the daily basis probably
She's nightmare fuel anon.
No. 523612
>>522849agreed. justice for gypsy.
some kids aren't even given a chance.
No. 523624
>>523458Her father and step mother commented they still visited her in prison a lot, and they both picked on some clear psychopathologic traits, especially her tendency to lie and manipulate which is just second nature now.
According to their observations, she's been so fucked up by her upbringing it's unlikely she'll ever be anything but a psychopath.
I wouldn't trust her outside a prison as if she was just a poor v*ctim or a standard person something unfortunate happened to.
She did instigate the murders according to the inquiry, and was fully aware of what she was doing - no matter her reasons for it.
She's not a balanced, normal individual that should be allowed to roam free in society.
No. 524322
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Kinda hoping that my abuser will die from the coronavirus. It's stupid and the chances are astronomically low because they're not immunocompromised/physically disabled or old enough to be at risk of dying from it but, you know, a girl can dream. I mean, if anybody I know is going to have to die from it, just let it be them and not a loved one.
No. 524385
>>524352wait NB is considered trans? HOW? Maybe your partner is just GNC.Sounds like they are a trender.
What makes them think they are NB?
No. 524389
>>524385I think NB is bullshit by the way. I'm a TERF through and through, but I do believe people can want to live thier lives presenting as the opposite sex, I just don't think they are the opposite sex. They are transwomen/men.
NB is bullshit though.
No. 524603
My parents did a lot of fucked up shit to me. On some things, they at least admit to these days so I don't feel as gaslit as I used to. I feel less guilty for being angry at them, for way more wrong than what they'll ever be comfortable taking responsibility for.
What's really got me down lately is knowing I don't have a childhood/teenage diary because my mother traumatized me out of keeping one. When I was a preteen she had found one of my childhood diaries while digging around in my room. I never got privacy and her intruding into my room didn't stop until I was in my 20s and moved out, it's kind of weird she didn't find the diary sooner. Well anyway, there was a fictional story about an elementary boy I liked in there. I had wrote some passages with an innocently naive sexual theme (before I even knew what it meant beyond what adults did when they really loved each other). She proceeded to humiliate me, read aloud from it, and held me back and kept my diary from my reach. Of course she angrily asked prying questions while yelling at me. I wanted to tell her that despite being molested by a teenage male babysitter she hired when I was little, I actually picked up sexual themes from the dirty movies and language I was constantly surrounded by as a kid. I remember her anger and shaming for something that was never meant to see the light of day, and how I became so paranoid to write about myself from that point forward. I remember tearing up the individual diary pages and flushing them down the toilet afterwards. I hated that bitch, she made me feel so disgusting and wrong.
While I saved myself the harassment by not keeping anything around that the bitch could use against me, the downside is that I don't remember a lot anymore. I'll have moments of lucidity where I'll remember something seemingly at random. But dates and years all meld together, and now I have no paper record of what I thought and did as a young girl at all. It's sad to me, because something so horrible and petty came from a person who was supposed to be a figure of trust. She'll never know the profound ripple effect for the negative that she had on my life, and how a part of me is gone forever because of that. Yet this is one of the instances that she will never fess up to, or if she does then I'm "too sensitive" and this was one of those insignificant things I ought to have gotten over by now.
I don't feel bad about hating her.
No. 524651
>>524624I would call you a fucking dumbass but I've slept with an ex after he asked me to one last time so… we both dumbasses, sis.
It's so difficult saying 'no'.
No. 524658
>>524603The reason you have issues with missing memories and now trying to piece things together is more likely caused by the babysitters behavior. It's a trauma response from being molested.
I was raped for years by a family member and always thought it was normal to just not remember much from before age twelve (when it finally stopped happening) my counsellor knew I was abused before I told her, the lack of memories gave it away.
No. 524674
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don't even like the military and i really don't care about it too but saw this attractive muscular guy in military clothing today and maybe i fell in love
No. 524720
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Sometimes I actually wish she would kill herself already. I'm fed up after all these years full of complaints and zero changes. Your life is meaningless, no one cares about you anymore and you're going to die alone.
No. 524722
>>524699>>524701I've done this too, SSRIs and pain pills. I guess I got help in time cos I was told by a nurse that it's the most painful death to give yourself but I'd no pain (apart from lots of induced puking) Where do you get pain from it, liver?
I remember being on drips and getting up to piss all night, I assume my kidneys were getting flushed out by the iv bags
No. 524861
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>>524671Do something else to relieve the urges and pressure
No. 524953
>>524385Eh I call it trans because at that point I consider trans people who identify with something different than what they were born with. Makes it easier for me and I don't have to bother learning the new, bullshit terms people make up. I consider NB a sort of a testing point with how I've seen people do it over the years.
>>524417They're not closeted, they are a dude but they've been open about being bi for a few years now - but still keep it to themselves. I'm kind of being unfair about it but they're just one of those people who doesn't tell anyone ANYTHING unless they're in their close circle of friends/family. They've discussed it with them a couple of time and they've all been as nice as texans can be lmao. I don't think it's for points, at least online because they literally don't post about themselves at all unless it's discuss games and shit on a forum when they're free.
No. 524990
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I'm on my period and for some reason this morning after taking a shower I forgot to put on a pad. Got home and saw that my good panties were ruin. Rip comfiest panties. You will be missed.
No. 525070
>>524722Sleeping pill anon.
It was stomach pain with nausea so bad I couldn't scream out for help. I tried to make myself puke but it wasn't coming up. I was stuck to the toilet shitting like mad, passing out in 10-30 second intervals. Everytime I realised I was awake I was panicked but happy to still be alive. After maybe 2 hours of it I dragged myself to my room. I remember my legs weren't working, I couldn't stand so used my arms to hold onto cabinets. Passed out in my bed scared I wouldn't wake up, but I did 20 hours later. My family didn't notice all of it, or they were gone so if it worked they've have found me dead in my bed later.
No. 525173
I feel like my social anxiety is developing into full blown paranoia. I’ve deleted my Facebook, because I’m so petrified of the thought of someone looking through my stuff and using my posts against me. I tried just making everything private, like literally just so only I could see it and not even my few friends but that didn’t make me feel any better. I archived all my posts on Instagram, made my page private, removed my profile picture and my bio is blank.. and I still feel like there must be something to dig up. Like just the fact that my profile exists is freaking me out. I’ve tried making friends in this class I’m taking, but I’m struggling to actually talk to them because what if I’m annoying/they hate me/they’ll use something I say NOW against me in the future when we’re pursuing similar careers.. like?? I know I’m being crazy but it’s so hard to just… not let it affect my life. I worry about people listening in on my casual conversations at work/school too, I can’t bring myself to open up to anyone about this either.. because what if I’m right?? I used to self harm, it’s been over a year since the last time I did it (though I’ve picked up a razor a few times lately, but didn’t do anything), but it’s all I can think about between my crazy paranoid thoughts. I hate that I’m going down this spiral and all my attempts at getting better aren’t working (eating better/more, sleeping more, exercising).
No. 525184
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I want my boyfriend to wear cute skirts and thigh highs. I don’t know when this desire started but now I cannot stop fantasizing about it. He’s slightly shorter than me and super pale and thin and I cant imagine just how cute he would be wearing feminine clothes. I think theres seriously something wrong with me as I’m completely vanilla in every other way. Once when I was high I said that he wanted to be put into skirts (projecting my own thoughts) and he denied it. I don’t know if he would be into it at all but I’ve been “joking” around with this idea every so often. IDK what to do. Ugh.
No. 525188
>>525158Been there except he only had one kid and he was already 12, I could tell the kid resented me for being there (despite all my best efforts to give them time to themselves) the ex resented me just because.. and then eventually my partner resented me cos I wasn't amazing at dealing with the ex ringing up causing pointless drama every weekend.
All I seemed to do on weekends was stay behind and clean up after the two of them as they went out and had fun. Then the ex would ring every sunday night and stress him out about something he said or did in front of the kid.. so he'd take his temper out on me after my lovely weekend of cleaning up after everyone else
I learned that if the guy you're with isn't making an equal effort to help blend eveyone then your own efforts are wasted.
No. 525190
>>525163Nta but when it works out well it means that the kids are gaining another meaningful relationship in their life, another adult to be there for them and provide care, and to ease some of that workload for dad.
When that healthy dynamic isn't there it's a real shitshow though.
I have grown friends who feel closer to their step parent now than their real parent.
No. 525311
>>525195Me too, anon but i'm not sure if you're as awkward as me.
I grew up as an only child in a strict household with a religious mom, and it greatly affected my personality and my relationship with boys and men.
Everyone had crushes at some point and they pursued them but but i kept mine to myself just cause i was afraid to let anyone know, and it only got worse once i got older.
I only had female friends and i would occasionally talk to guys in my class. I'd get super embarrassed if i had to converse with a semi-attractive guy and would blush to death.
Once this guy had a very obvious crush on me and i ended up completely avoiding him out of embarrassment.
I'm in college now and it still is the same. I avoided guys so much and i was so afraid of what my parents would think if i engaged with guys that i can't be normal with them now…
No. 525418
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>>525153>I'm horny>someone will report it>but I want to fuck>someone will report it>but I want to fuckWhat can you do then?
This is what it looks like when rendered with Audacity btw
No. 525709
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>>525699>>525686I actually know of older woman IRL who confessed to me that she was attracted to underage boys, she revealed that this all started when she watched the 2003 live action Peter pan film and grew an obession with Peter pan when she was just 16, she like you chooses to remain celibate rather then ever harm a child
No. 525713
>>525686Agree with
>>525706I'm also 28 and would 100% sleep with a hot 19 year old.
No. 525715
>>525686When I was young I liked older men, now in my thirties I've started liking younger. Still wouldn't go near say a 19/20 year old because I'm in a whole other stage of life so it feels wrong.
That and I think guys that age are stupidly pornsick and too heavily influenced by extreme porn anyway. I'm here worrying about morals but I doubt they worry about it much!
No. 525721
>>525718From what I've noticed younger men claim to be sex positive and liberal but they really do hold the same sexist ideals as older men.
I was talking to this young boy and he was saying "I dont like the girls at my school because they're all thots and wear a lot of makeup" or
"I like this one girl because shes a virgin and shes sweet. Not a thot". They all want to do porn fucking too and are not willing to listen or learn about what the girl wants because deep down inside they dont respect womens opinions.
No Matter how much people blab about how this is 2020 men are just as sexist now. Men still think of women who arent virgins and or have casual sex as literal pigs.
No. 525735
>>525173You suffer from social anxiety. As someone who still has it but has learned how to manage it these were my exact thought patterns.
Here are some of my tips:
1.Check if you have hormone imbalances
2.Go for a brain scan/check to see if there is anything abnormal going on.
3.Do you have a history of mental or physical illness? Check to see if you have a mental health issues with a professional.
4.If you have social anxiety(phobia) whatever you do, do NOT I REPEAT DO NOT take medication because it wont work and it will just fuck you up, medication does not work social anxiety because its is a phobia, Only therapy and your own self thoughts can help.
5.Change your thought pattern to something more positive about yourself,think positive things about yourself, even when you make mistakes or have people bully you you still need to keep on saying good stuff about your self in your head.
6.Learn to snap yourself out of a episode by saying things like ''this isnt real'' or ''im exaggerating,yeah im calm''
No. 525811
>>525709God to be fair though 2003 Peter Pan is peak shounen beauty.
>>525699I’ve seen Japanese women express fondness for teenage or even younger boys. Shota characters are really popular with women. I wonder if it’s because they’re cute and perceived as unthreatening.
No. 525839
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>>525811>>525825I don’t only like young characters but this is direct attack on my decade old crushes on Clamp School Detectives
No. 525840
>>525838When I was growing up everyone was homphobic and the slightest sign of being pretty or caring too much about your appearance got a guy labeled as gay and then ostracized. If you were a girl and fancied (an assumed) gay you were humiliated even worse than the guy.
A few guys in my class were written off as gay and tbh they were basing it on nothing
No. 525859
>>525699Anime has the right idea. Honestly, I think femininity in general is better-looking than masculinity. All the most attractive guys (to me) typically just end up looking somewhat like girls with short hair.
I've tried to mull over what
>>525811 said about the "unthreatening" thing, but I don't even think that's it. I'm just not attracted to men that aren't beautiful in some way. It makes more sense if I say I'm just into androgyny, I guess.
No. 526014
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>>525975Sure, I have no desire to change
No. 526075
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I still fantasize about being like a masked vigilante. How do I go about realizing this dream.
No. 526114
>>526076He literally is 40 in one of the parts. And he's almost 18 in part 3, since the part ends in 1988 and Jotaro was born in 1970.
Sage for JoJo fagging
No. 526116
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>>526108Same anon and I have breathing difficulties too so my chances of death are higher. But the area I’m in hasn’t had any cases of coronavirus yet, I almost want to go to the congested areas where the tourists come for spring break just to try and get it.
No. 526202
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>>526108Me too, anon. But I am pretty much indestructible and I never get sick so I bet I'll survive.
No. 527141
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I developed a serious asian-guy fetish 7 months ago and I can't get over it. I'm in my mid 20's and I've been watching only asian porn for MONTHS. I am not even into weeb stuff or Idol shit.
It even went so far that I had sex with 7 different guys in nippon 2 weeks ago.
I finally felt satisfied and it was fucking incredible. The problem is that I am no longer attracted to western men. Like- really. Help, mates. This is very serious & I think I am fucking up my life and my future.
No. 527176
>>527166There is no "real" secret Anon.
I can just give advice on Nip dick: You just have to be a willing (cute) Gaijin. Use Tinder (Hosts) and Okcupid (Gaijin Hunters / english speakers)
Hosts are easiest, but most have trash persona and bootycall you at 3am after work. Say goodbye to sleep here, I had some standing in front of my appartment at night and begging for fuck.
Normal dudes is basically going for dinner/bar/karaoke/love hotel.
Good luck
No. 527197
>>527184Nah, just go to a love hotel. It's fine.
>>527192Huh really?
Actually no guy tried that. Even the Hosts.. They used condoms without a haggle.
No. 527332
>>525686just go for anything 18+?
i dont see the problem here
No. 528719
>>528630 > They move on very quickly emotionally and generally aren't as involved as they claimooph, this. I've had an unbelievably devoted and loving husband just switch off his feelings overnight and I've also had an
abusive and obsessive bf switch his feelings off and move on in one day.. That is the thing with men. Even the most devoted or obsessive men have that sudden off switch
No. 528747
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My boyfriend bawled in my arms today and I love him more than ever after it.
He is leaving back to his home town and we aren’t sure when we will meet again. Today I went over to help him pack his stuff up and around 2AM all of it was set nicely outside of the bedroom. I laid in his bed in the dark and he climbed in. I began crying and he pulled me into his chest… so of course I cried only harder. After a while I calmed down a bit… and cradled him towards me… kissing his forehead, petting him, and running my hands through his hair. He was feeling my arm and ran his fingers along my self harm scars and just slowly began crying, harder and harder. i brought him close into my chest and he was telling me how i was too hard on myself, that he loved me, that he wants me to be happy and i deserved everything the world has to offer. i held him even closer and told hiim that ill always protect him… and he just continued bawling. it was heart melting… hes such a tough guy, really. in the 4 years of our relationship, he has held the patience for me through everything. we have never genuinely fought and if we did it would be about the fact that he was worried about my wellbeing as Im extremely self destructive. He just never cries, ever. But seeing him so exposed and vulnerable… cradled in my neck in tears and crying without holding back… that stuck so deep within me. I just love him so much. Ill miss him even more but… fuck.
No. 528793
>>528785 > 2. Seeing women who pushing the men are evil, calculating psychopathsI've been with someone
abusive and really calculating in the way he did it, I think it's just hard to trust again once you've encountered even one guy like that.
The pink pill thread reads as one big trauma response whenever I visit it
No. 528801
>>528793Yeah, that’s kind of the sense I get too. Like I understand it and I relate to the belief that every man is evil and out to get me but it erodes at my sanity. Feels like a circle jerk of fear and I’m tired of being fearful, personally.
>>528790Thank you, I think.
No. 528806
>>528804He would go on weekend trips with his son every few weeks. Did it the entire 3 years we were together. Dumps me very suddenly one day and heads on his usual weekend away with the son.
Comes home from the two day trip and tells me he'd cancelled our lease a month earlier so I had 24 hours to move… I was homeless. He never admitted to cheating but just happened to move in with a new gf and her four kids in his usual 'holiday spot' a couple days after we broke up… there was other shit too but.
No. 529258
>>529140I guess I just hold a little rehabilitation flame in my heart to keep myself from being consumed by despair.
No reason to keep living if I’m surrounded by monsters I can’t escape from.
I think of those people who left hate groups and feel remorse and try to believe that men too can heal from hating women.
No. 531103
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just drank too much booze and am now gonna try and finish my notes for class ooof
No. 531585
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I love /meta/ so goddamn much, shit.
I am loving the Anisa/Nicole spergers.
No. 531990
>>513119Once when i was really high and biking with my friend close to a nearby forest where lots of deer roam, i had convinced myself that the deer would think us on our bikes would be a threat(another animal) and they would attack us and were stalking us, i was scared shitless
Not my brightest moment
No. 531991
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>>531959also praying and hoping she is a lesbian, i just have never sensed her having any sort of sexual interest in men. tbf she comes off as a weird asexual horse girl to me kek but am hoping its closeted gayness only karlie kloss gets to see.
No. 532082
>>514235So true. whenever I did so much as swung a hand in my ex’s direction he would flinch a mile backwards, whereas I wouldn’t back down after being strangled, threatened with knives, having my jaw squeezed until almost breaking, arms bent behind my back etc. Also when they’re threatened by other scrotes, women abusing scrotes only know how to grovel and apologise; especially if they’re the type who “struggles saying sorry” they will be saying sorry 300 times a minute when confronted by an aggressive man.
I think it’s just
abusive men are pussys
No. 532492
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>>532478I've liked kpop since 2010 and I hate how degenerate it can be but I also indulge in it way too much, help anons
No. 532697
>>532630are you sure you're not a minor anon?
anyway, you're not a bad person for not vibing with a certain person, but you shouldn't be giving her a taste of her own medicine. That doesn't usually turn out well and only encourages mutual dislike and drama. If you have a problem with her, sit down and tell her about it. Look for a solution together. She might be completely unaware and willing to fix her behaviour.
No. 532702
>>532630I second this
>>532697. This sounds like the kind of approach a teenager would use. She sounds like an emotional vampire, but your solution is equally
problematic. The best thing to do is directly tell her what she's doing and that you really need her to meet you guys half way.
No. 532808
>>532697>>532702> Even when we talked with her so many times, always telling her in the best way that what she was doing probably was hurting her more than anything else, she wouldn’t listen.We’re on our mid twenties and we already called her out about her behaviour so many times but I think she just doesn’t want to see it. I also think we were too easy on her, always caring about choosing the right words to tell her and that she profited this to make herself look oblivious. Right now we can’t see each other so it’s easier for us to not respond messages when she gets into this spiral of self pitying and magically this works every time and she gets better without anyone having to tell her anything or encourage her.
I know it may sound childish or stupid because you don’t know her and I’m only explaining half of the situation but it remind me of those super nanny episodes when she tells the parents to not give attention to a toddler when they’re having a tantrum. Basically it’s the impression we all have, if we’re checking up on her all the time and everyday she takes us for granted and never ever thinks we may need help or just a few nice words now and then too.
But I get what you mean with your words. I know we should just talk to her and express how we feel about herself but she’s actually really self destructive (idk if she’s faking it or not) and we just feel guilty in advance of anything she can possibly do. I just vented because this distance from her did me more good than bad and I was surprised my friends were feeling the same way, we didn’t talk about it until now and we have known her for more than six years now.
No. 533030
>>533011I'm saying if I had to have one as cancer runs in the family at least I'd see one upside with not wearing bras anymore. I don't dream of having a major surgery though that'd be damn weird.
>>533015>>533023I was a kid and it was meant to be as a light hearted "at least you can do this now if you wanted!" I'm aware what happened to her was awful. I tried to find something semi-positive at the time. It was unfortunate what happened to her and I wanted her to know she wasn't any less beautiful or a woman without her breasts. Though the phrasing wasn't on that level since I was rather young.
No. 533045
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I actually like RCD's art. She has a basic grasp of art fundamentals, posing, and color schemes. Most of her flaws come from her god awful style and personality. Even with that her styles grown on me because aside from the few 5 super crappy drawings everyone posts everything else is somewhat decent, albeit a bit SJW-ish. I dunno, I guess I'm sick of the basic drama whore artist making 'fuck RCD art!' ignoring the fact RCD is light years ahead of them in most aspects.
No. 533070
>>533067Yeah, I'm thinking either it was an excuse or it's one of those shitty jobs where they consider staff replaceable. It sucks that anon's bf loved his job but legitimately good workplaces don't fire you over nothing. Most people in my office wouldn't have a job if running late on a break was a fireable offense.
Anyway, it's not anon's fault either way. Her bf made a choice to text her and was unlucky that he got caught. Blame his shitty manager.
No. 533142
>>514822Reading this made me so happy. This is something I'm pretty shy about admitting on a site dedicated to shitting on people but fuck it.
I'm 22 years old and am still very attached to my baby blanket. It was handmade by my great grandmother and although it's a blanket, I call it my "pillow" because up until age 16 I would lay it over whatever actual pillow I was using and bury my face in it. (Honestly, no sleeping pill has ever compared to how fast I would fall asleep with that thing.) My great grandmother had to fix it about 4 times over the course of my child years, and when she passed my grandma had to fix it 3 times when I was a teen. I took it everywhere and did absolutely everything with it.
I once left it at a friend's house, across the street, and to this day I cannot recall a more horrible feeling (other than her passing) than thinking I had lost it forever. I remember being 15 and still taking it with me to my best friends house for sleepovers, because I had awful trouble sleeping without it. One time I even forgot to bring it and I bugged her into riding her bike with me back to my house to get it, lol. She always thought it was strange and teased me, but not in a mean way, she just didn't understand. She did in a way because she knew my great grandma had made it, but still couldn't understand why I couldn't at least sleep without it.
When I was 16 I finally sucked it up and decided that it was far too fragile to be toting everywhere and/or drooling on it every night, so I put it in this box with some other treasured things I had collected that were related to some memory or another. I still have the box and keep it under my bed with some cheesy "anons treasures" doodle I made as a kid plastered on top.
Every so often I open it up and just take the blanket out and press my face into it and just breathe for a few minutes. Sometimes, despite all the washes and midnight tropes it's been through, I SWEAR I can still smell my great grandma. Sometimes I do it just to do it, but I've found that just cuddling it can calm any sour mood I'm in. When I'm feeling really anxious, sad, worried, or even if I'm sick with the flu, I'll get it out and it 99% of the time helps more than any medication. That blanket got me through an incredibly emotionally and physically
abusive relationship in which my ex tried to get me to kill myself "with him" (spoiler alert, he lied and just wanted me to die for the pity he would get.)
I remember he had just put his head through the coffee table and I had gone home, mentally breaking down, thinking I loved him and I was in the wrong and what I could do to fix myself to be enough for him. How I could be strong enough to go through it next time and not chicken out when it came to shoving fistfuls of pills down my throat, or hanging myself. Anyways, when I got home, I got the blanket out, spent maybe ten minutes just breathing my grandma's smell in, and I had an epiphany that hit me like a freight train. I dumped his ass, told him he should have killed himself a long time ago to save everyone around him the pain, etc etc. I moved the fuck on and didn't look back once. I think at the time I had some weird notion that when I was smelling the blanket my grandmas spirit was with me and comforting me, like an essence of her was still there telling me what I should do. Silly I know but it genuinely helped me out of one of the most dangerous times in my life.
People make fun of adults still having comfort items but I believe that as long as you aren't one of those "age regress uwu" faggots, its perfectly normal. My bf knows about it and even told my mom once how cute it is that I sometimes open the box and just hug the blanket. I'm incredibly grateful for him not being judgemental about it.
TLDR; I'm pretty sure my baby blanket saved my life, I love it to death and I probably will until I'm dead. In fact I probably want to be buried with it.
No. 533167
>>533096I have never heard about that being a thing irl.
>So butthurt by rejection she shot me at point blank range and then dropped out of the course the next dayWth I think that bitch was just crazy.
No. 533257
>>533179>>533168I wasn’t being mean and that was a genuine question, I am autistic myself and by her words it reminded me about some experiences I had.
>>533199I am sorry if I come across as rude, wasn’t my intention but I was sleepy and didn’t want to make my reply about myself at all.
I’m glad you find confront in it, I thought it was very sweet and I can relate to you. <3
No. 533488
>>533485>I agree with some aspects like the cynicism of pop culture and the skeptical view of political institutions etcPlenty of well adjusted people have those views, you don’t have to be an incel to think critically.
Have you ever thought that maybe you’re projecting your own feelings onto them? Like maybe you want someone to do those nice compassionate things for you?
No. 534937
>>534930same… I can't even force myself to be attracted to guys who arent a little bit muscular. So much of my sexual attraction hinges on it.
>>534846I used to cry at work all the time. Then I got a data entry job. Its really nice for emotionally stunted social retards.
>>534918maladaptive daydreaming is the hardest habit I've ever had to break. by the time I realize I'm doing it, 20 minutes have passed.
No. 535382
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I’m actually making a list of all the times my sister has been an asshole to people (and me too) so next time she cries about not having friends and feeling lonely, I’m going to send it to her to shut her up for once.
No. 535479
>>535461NTA and not really here to shit on you like the rest, but maybe the individual men who are scared of accusations should try to do something about the men who are actual pedophiles and rapists.
It's very easy to point fingers and direct blame at people who are suspicious of men in general, but in reality, the rapists/pedos are the ones at fault. They're the ones destroying men's reputation, putting fear into people's hearts and making life hard for the good ones.
All this "Wtf is wrong with you, you're making the men afraid!!" won't solve the problem. It just means women and children (especially those who were
victims) will continue thinking this way, but they won't state it out loud because they'll be shamed and gaslit. At worst, it'll just make them angry, stop caring about being shamed and double down.
No. 535495
>>535456Excuse me what the fuck
I posted that expecting to be the one accused of being a shotacon lol
No. 535669
>>534846Who the fuck has EVER said “retail is one of the easiest jobs”?????
Have they… DONE this job? It’s fuckin dehumanizing and shit and I’d much rather be in my fancy office than that shit ever again. No one verbally abuses me now ffs
No. 535676
>>535271>>535389Honestly I just miss his D, because that's genuinely the best sex I've ever had lol
And I don't feel like hooking up with a random dude, so, well. I'm here, frustrated as shit. Might as well just buy a toy.
No. 535688
>>535669I see people in /pt/ and /snow/ who say shit like "she can't even handle a simple retail job" or something along those lines a lot, but I definitely exaggerated it.
It really is the absolute worst, where I worked we would barely even get breaks. For example, after working 5-6 hours you would only get one 15 minute break that was really more like 10
No. 535717
>>535690this is what i've interpreted it as also. easy as in "easy to get" or simple. retail jobs are easy to get and easy to do if you're not handling customers. not all retail jobs are customer facing sales jobs, stuff like stocking .
>>535703i get LJ but why shayna?
No. 535948
>>535943Certain drugs are not as addictive as others. Heroin and opiates, as you mentioned, can destroy lives easily. The shitty thing with some of these drugs is your body will gain a physical dependence so you will feel like you are sick/dying without them.
Some habits start out very stupidly but others are more innocent like for pain relief. Have you ever had severe pain, the kind where ibuprofen won't treat it? You basically will do anything to make it stop, even consider suicide if the pain is great enough. Opiates are the answer to this.
I've gone on too long but if imageboard shitposting is your greatest addiction consider yourself fortunate. Also I personally think it is fine to have empathy/compassion for these individuals but within reason. Addicts who come from well off backgrounds that aren't managing some kind of pain are hard to find sympathy. The whole peer pressure thing you mentioned is just them trying not to feel so alone.
No. 535993
>>535983i'm pretty clearly not that anon
>>535987obnoxious levels of presumption. guess everyone who thinks it's pathetic that people who want to position themselves as superior to addicts pounce immediately on people who very clearly aren't working with a full deck
No. 536016
>>536008let's not act like a woman making an emotionally charged post defending those in the throes of addiction is anything like your ex in an
abusive argument while multiple other anons, who believe themselves to be so much better than addicts, and better than her, specifically, shit on her. the anons who claim to be better than the mentally/emotionally vulnerable should be able to restrain themselves if they are
so mentally and emotionally stable that they believe they have the high-ground to shit on addicts. guess all people trained to deal with emotionally and mentally reactive people should just respond with similar levels of reactivity when dealing with a reactive person, while also mocking them? great idea, anon. you're totally right, the people who try to claim superiority shouldn't be held to a higher standard at all
No. 536351
>>536336I don't know what community you’re talking about but please try to get out of it. If you’re already depressed over it, isn't it a matter of time until things get worse and you HAVE to leave?
Just leave now before you waste years of your time and energy.
I wish you all the best, go draw or treat yourself or something now
No. 536363
>>536336If you want out of the community, does it really matter if you get kicked? If it's a discord server you could delete your account and not give them any indication of where you went.
I'm curious anon, what kind of community is it?
No. 536367
>>536351Thank you kind anon,, things are in fact going downhill and with every passing day it gets less friendly and more aggressive and competitive, I even catch myself competing over who is more extreme and it's not fun anymore. I'll try and figure something out . Thanks again .
>>536363like I said it is kinda political and kind of a subculture on its own and it's hated and meme'ed a lot. TBF I dunno if I either was brainwashed or if I opened my third eye but I can never be the same .
No. 536530
>>536430 > It's like all my worst agoraphobia episodes are now kind of being felt by the general publicHad agoraphobia in my teens and at my worst I didn't step outside the front door for a solid couple of years. Thought I'd be taking this thing in my stride compared to having gone through that.. but now I'm worried staying home so much will cause me to lapse back into that after it took years to make progress.
Don't know if you're worried about that too? but when I heard that this'll last a minimum of a few more months that concern really hit me.
No. 536645
>>536197Why would I seethe over something my stupid roommate does?
No. 536898
>>536854Same. I'm turning 25 and I feel like I've wasted my youth.
>inb4 "25 is still young"I know, but the fact that I've wasted my early twenties being a poor, depressed shut in will haunt me forever, even moreso when my mom does nothing but remind me that "I'm getting old" when she was the main cause of this.
No. 536928
>>536898When I turned 20 my mom also mocked me for "being an old lady". I know that being sad because of that means I'm a sensitive bitch but aging is just really difficult for me.
25 sounds like such a turning point in life, I'm so scared of my birthday (hated them since I was just 16). Like before you're also already an adult but still kinda young but at "25+" you're supposed to have everything in order, your wild or adventurous years are supposed to be over, you should no longer dress or act a certain way or have certain interests. I always thought I'd be dating while in university, traveling loads and then moving together with a guy but I did none of it. All other people at that age are already in relationships, some build houses, are married, some have even kids already. Everything is no longer as easy as when you were allowed to be young, dumb and kind of "free". Feels like I'm running out of time, when I first vented about my shit life on lc I was 20 and thought in the upcoming years everything's gonna be alright, but I haven't bettered myself at all. Even back then my family told me that I'm wasting my life by always being at home alone and never taking care of my appearance but what should I do when I don't have anybody to spend time with, because I'm too anxious and weird to make friends and too ugly to catch a guy's interest? I know that I'm a loser, telling me only makes me feel even more down. I feel like I'm mentally retarded, I might act somewhat mature in public but on the inside I still feel like a bullied teen. I'm so scared of working and moving out, I wish I could stay a child forever. No idea how I'm gonna deal with the big 30 in 5 years…
No. 537075
>>536660this makes me sad
please don't hurt yourself
No. 537104
>>537098Are we sure anon is reading her mum right…? It's absurd that a mother would think 20 is old, it sounds like obvious hyperbole to me. Many older women I know are likely to make fun of insecure young women on their birthdays and sarcastically call them old, because they are obviously extremely young and especially in comparison to the older woman making the joke.
I mean, if it was a more low key comment about her prime or getting a man before it's too late or something, I would believe it's real ageism. But in this case it just sounds like a joke anon took to heart.
No. 537114
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>>536928My mom did the same thing and I don’t know why. Started when I was 26 and has happened more and more and now I’m almost 30 and it’s like…are you trying to warn me since I’m not married / have kids yet or what? Seems to be almost universal with mother’s, calling you fat or old or in my case both.
No. 537141
>>537112Anon, I mean this in the nicest possible way: get a grip. You're not old and you know it, please refrain from feeling sorry for yourself for at least another 2 decades at least. Like, do you you think many of the women around you are sad old hags for being 20+? I'm 28, is my life over?
Society/men like to make women feel bad for aging but at a certain point, women become a massive part of perpetuating this by constantly bemoaning how ancient they are. Younger women see it and repeat it as they age, and the cycle never ends. I'm really losing my patience for objectively extremely young girls crying about their age and managing to insult older women and negatively influence younger women while they do it.
No. 537282
>>536928Anon don't worry, I used to be a worthless neet but got my life together at 25, found my dream job at 28. Still no bf or gf but I don't need them now either. I'm just happy being able to live by myself and enjoying the little things in life.
My mom treats me like a little child though and I hate it. The only time she called me "old" was when we found out the last of my childhood friends got married. She wants grandchildren but I'm not gonna fuck up my life for her or any scrote.
No. 537990
>>537937Could he detect the dog poo?
I've never eaten dog poo and nor would I ever but as someone who owns a few dogs I recognise the smell.
No. 538297
>>538269Don't worry anon, is good to acknowledge porn is bad, but while you don't take it too far and avoid making it an important part of your everyday, there's nothing wrong with comsuming it from time to time.
Just take care of your mental health and be careful.
No. 538447
>>513119My confession is that some woman from my fiancee's past sent him a nude a while ago, and I'm going to forward it to her workplace and tell them she sent it to my 14 year old son.
Don't know when or how I'm going to do it, worried it will link back to me and wouldn't want fiancee to think less of me.
If he's taken, keep your fucking hands to yourselves, ladies. She fucked around and is about to find out lmao
No. 538451
>>538449Lol, what? No….
>>538448I don't fuckin' know he didnt solicit it in anyway, it's just as creepy and weird as sending a dickpic in my opinion. I saw the exchange and she just sent it unprompted. Hubby doesn't give a fuck about her and we both laughed at her
>>538450It was totally unsolicited, like a dickpic that insta models recieve.
You think I have any sympathy for some uggo freak who needs to interfere with married men to comfort her ego? Sounds like you have something on your conscience, anon
No. 538455
>>538451so if you and your husband (previously said to be your fiancé so probably a made up story anyway) totally don't care why are you wanting to ruin her life over it? why not just block her and forget about it?
and yes sending a nude to a 14 year old is a sex crime, it could lead to a police investigation and it wont look very good for you when they find out what actually happened
No. 538456
>>538451So you want to get into possible legal trouble over nudes.
Waste everyone time and resources to make a false claim.
Also how do you know for sure they were unsolicited nudes. Even guys don't send random dick pick to people they haven't been talking too.
No. 538487
>>538458You know, most phones and apps have a function that allow you to delete certain messages, while leaving others up.
Anyway, wasn't there a story kind of similar to this yesterday, except it was from the POV of the woman sending nudes, but then it turned out that the author was some 18 year old sex worker whose boyfriend received the nudes?
You even messed up your own story in a similar way to the last one (she said "I have autism and asperger's", you're saying "He's my fiance" but then "He's my husband") and are mass-replying the same dismissive way.
You could easily not be the same person, but the advice is the same: This all goes back to your fiance/husband/boyfriend. You're really sliding in to take revenge? Why can't he handle this shit himself? What has
he done about her? Does he actually think you're special, or are you living in constant fear of the next woman sliding in and "stealing" him? Did he even tell her to fuck off, or just leave it and play innocent to you?
You're not going to get validation for this. If you actually have a 14 year old son, please act like a fucking grown-up.
No. 538493
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I don't think I can ever be fully myself in a relationship, meaning I am from an abusive household, have large amounts of bizarre trauma and I honest to god, no matter how hard I have tried, cannot feel comfortable with people who know nothing about that kind of life. While at the same time, I don't wanna hang onto that shit, but I cannot live through holidays and such when my SO has a normal ass family and will get upset after hearing a tiny portion of my bullshit? I have dealt with a lot of things, I am genuinely doing quite okay mentally but I also cannot just huddle up with people and wallow in my trauma that often can happen with other survivors, not to generalize, just been my experience. I wonder if the "I don't wanna see your family and have them wonder why I am not with mine, I don't wanna tell them why I am in this situation, don't pity me, don't fucking act like my life has been some horror show when I share a tiniest bit of with you". I SOUND LIKE A CUNT but at least I am not putting my shit on others shoulders. Sorry for long post, anons.
No. 538677
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When I was in 8th grade, my friends and I found a student assistant from school on Facebook. They thought it would be funny to message him a quote from spongebob. We were logged into my account, and the message was like “ (SA’s name) you’re quite the charmer”. I think it was from the same episode as the picture. Well cut to me getting called into the school counselors office for sexual harassment lmfao. She kept saying this could be on my permanent record and other stuff that would make a kid, or anyone, scared as hell. I really thought I was an evil piece of shit sexual harasser bc I sent a spongebob quote. The counselor didn’t talk to my friends or their parents, just mine. My parents were like uhh I guess just, no more Facebook for a while?
Cut to a little later in the semester when my parents called the school and talked to the counselor about what to do about a depressed kid. The counselor told them to look into my journals. I come home one day to my room ransacked. The counselor I guess then tells them they should admit me into a psych ward. I come downstairs for school one day and my parents have a suitcase with my clothes saying we’re going somewhere else actually. They didn’t tell me where til we got there. The ward was so overwhelmed with patients and I guess they weren’t willing to carefully consider new ones as I easily lied my way out of it without much interrogation even though they brought my journals where I said how much I wanted to kill myself.
Whenever I’d see that school counselor in the halls I’d smile big as if to say “lol I got away w everything and all ur efforts flopped”
No. 538678
>>538677samefag but I’ve never told anyone any of this. How could I tell someone I got in trouble for sexual harassment in middle school? Just the words sexual harassment would make people judge me from the start.
And I’m embarrassed of the whole psych ward fiasco and …basically the whole lot. Traumatic year
No. 538715
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>>525089From a scientific point of view suicide by pills actually kills you through slowing down your brain (relaxing it) enough to tell you to stop breathing, therefore typical depressants when mixed and en masse contribute to overdose fatalities such as benzodiazepines, opioids, barbiturates and alcohol. Don’t ever choose suicide anon, it only makes everyone else look bad and hurts everyone else around you because the last thing they would want for you is to just vanish leaving them wondering what they did wrong. Talking about it with someone mature is always the best and first step, hope you’re doing better now
No. 538958
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I think I'm basically internet stalking one of my profs.
She uses the same username everywhere so it's quite easy to find out her instagram etc. I noticed she was a fan of this one band (which is actually quite good) and apparently active on their private facebook fan group. I joined it and my god, she is… slightly obsessed with them haha.
I feel bad for invading her personal space but also strangely excited by it. Hmm.
No. 539064
>>538712Apologising wouldn't take back what you've done or bring the dead back to life, but it might help anyone who's been badly affected by you and your friends. If what you care about really is preventing more harm/suicides (and not getting forgiveness, because I doubt you can get that if the bullying was that bad) then that's the best thing you can do.
You can look into anti-bullying campaigns/organisations around you, too, and volunteer with them. You can't take anything back but you sure can use your experience for something good and constructive.
No. 539492
>>539489I feel like that sometimes, but a few days back on tinder always reminds me why I have been single for so long. Nothing like actually talking to men to turn me off them.
It's too bad because I really do wanna have sex, I just don't want to deal with the person attached to the dick.
No. 539607
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>>539590alright this has mentioned a million times here before, but your kinks aren't natural, read some nice romantic novellas written by women about good compassionate men who love/respect their female parents and have nice non-degrading sex with them
No. 539663
>>539590Meh, some women can't help their kinks from things like abuse or seeing porn too young.
No one should fault you or shame you for such things. I come from a place as well being radfem and anti-porn. But with added side effects of some of my own none vanilla kinks. I think if you work on things, maybe try distancing yourself from it with sex. Try forming healthier sexual habits, with time for myself its works.
I wouldn't enable it, like I'm working on for myself. I feel it can be helped.
No. 539665
>>539489>>539492Man i'm the complete opposite of this. Im looking for the companionship from ya know relationship.
24 years old asexual(?) virgin from the conservative country+conservative family. How conservative? I intended to lose the v to my ex but he turns me down because he's trying to protect me if we dont GET MARRIED. Dont see the point of having sex since my lower body is numb from depression medication and i dont want no complication with the person attached to said dick. Speaking of which repulses me. I cant stand being in a relationship since if the other guy starts to get clingy, no matter how attractive i just lost interest. I hated how being in a romantic relationship has whole other rules than friendship and being married means i have to get tied down to a dude whose little quirk would get annoying soon never mind for the rest of your life.
I fucking hate that i'm close to my family which means that i cant live how i want to be which is childless and unmarried
No. 539678
>>539655pic was Eric from the 1960's PSA don't be a sucker, I've had a crush on him for the past month desperately trying to find who the actor was
>>539666well first advice I can give to you is stick to set number of authors rather then trying to find erotica on your own on kindle or goodreads, or you end up with shit
avoid anything related with stuff like Alpha, or Biker in the title
Amish romance novels tend to be very good
as for authors Sarah Dessen and Jenny Han are great for starting off
No. 539715
>>539703i know, and the show recognises that, but they opened up applications anyway. if it doesn't get made this year i can always wait the following year.
>>539713it's the only TV show where i actually think i have a chance to win money. also i'm a fan of the concept.
No. 539782
>>539780> which is why becoming a radfem was really easy for me, because it just reflected a lot of beliefs I always held> and I'm not even into other "slutty" things like actually sleeping around.Awww you pure little thing. You could also argue that radfems exist because of sexual abuse and """sexual abuse""", considering a good chunk of radfems like andrea dork were escorts for easy quick cash. And it doesn't help that this always anti-sex anti-porn radfem on reddit later threw a tantrum that her pornographic images got leaked by some indian she's never met.
Radfems remind me of those radmuslims who are ok with drinking alcohol yet stone everyone else who does.
Radfeminism is American poison just as much as libfeminism.
No. 539784
>>539782She didn't "argue" anything, she was only talking about her own experience. Why the fuck are you
No. 539791
>>539782>You could also argue that radfems exist because of sexual abuse and """sexual abuse"""What the fuck are you even trying to say here? Do you believe that experiencing the worst society has to offer women is not a
valid reason to stand against it? Love how you are casually invalidating
victims as well
No. 539801
>>539785>thinking ideologies have a nationalitykek wtf are you high on.
> a good chunk of radfems like andrea dork were escorts for easy quick cashgo back to r9k
No. 539809
>>539801The cancerous waves of feminism is an American thing after all, no need to further elaborate things.
>>539791Sex"workers" are not always forced to be in this industry, and that's dandy and fine and all, until they sperg about women with fetishes of course.
No. 540049
>>540003>>540007>>540013>>540014>>540019wow thank y'all
I'm still trying to work through the guilt haha. Maybe it's amplified by the fact that I was raised hardcore Catholic as well; I actually got caught during Christmas shopping; I spent all my [birthday/little allowance] money on Christmas gifts and just had to get makeup of course.
After I moved out to a college dorm I got a job and it felt so much better to actually earn the shit. Soon after I got on a medication for my eczema and later threw out most of my makeup (bought+lifted), it was surreal seeing how much I had accumulated and how much I felt I needed.
Sage for obv blogpost but it feels so good to get this off my chest
>>540020I urge you not to feel guilty or that you're delusional for not being insecure about your body! It seems it's often portrayed that all women have some sort of insecurity with their body that eventually they learn to combat/accept and get empowered from. But if you aren't unhealthy, please don't think you are wrong for not finding something wrong with your body!
No. 540259
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>>540239Anon what has happened to you to make you do that?
No. 540415
>>540406admit your mistake and let him dump you, you might have to fake cry as well so he doesn't get too angry
also we hate cheaters far more then ana-fags
No. 540416
>>540406The cheating-despite your claim that it was a one off thing-is an indicator of a bigger problem in your relationship which won't just go away if you ignore it like other anon suggested. Would this be a secret worth keeping if your relationship is already to the point of dishonesty and using others to get your needs met?
I hope you can get the help you need for your ED.
No. 540427
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idk why but i get horny after washing my hair, like everytime
No. 540672
>>540671My bad. I'm on mobile and missed the question thread. Oops.
Second of all, maybe don't mislead customers and give fake delivery dates at checkout if they can't actually be fulfilled due to covid???? What kind of excuse is that?
No. 540690
>>540504BPD is basically a meme diagnosis at this point that clinicians in mental hospitals give to justify billing your insurance company for in-patient treatment. Most people with BPD symptoms are suffering from childhood trauma. C-PTSD, while not technically listed in the DSM-V, is a better diagnosis, since it's far less stigmatized and allows the sufferer to look at their behavior as stemming from chronic abuse, as opposed to something that is inherently wrong with them.
I'd recommend seeking a trauma-informed therapist. Don't worry about receiving a diagnosis. It's probably not going to be helpful for you. Just focus on healing.
No. 540694
>>540679kek anon I work in order fulfillment/shipping right now and it's not that deep. we make fun of the dumb nonessentials people order, pack their boxes and carry on.
though i do wonder where anon is ordering from. a lot of places have a notice on the front page that deliveries will be delayed.
No. 540840
>>540780When I was in college I was at my deepest level of depression. I was scared that it would never change. It seems to be turning out to be correct unfortunately.
While I’ve never been that low again, I still go through depression spells and sometimes wish that I were suicidal/could kill myself. I won’t, but it just sucks that it seems that life will constantly oscillate between feeling bleak/pointless and sadness.
Good luck, anon, with your mental health. May we both get better someday.
No. 540877
>>540765I think it's mostly because our 20s is when we're finally striking out into the world as independent adults. I feel like my issues have always been underneath the surface however my stress when I lived as a teen with my parents was very superficial. Plus I just didn't know the cruel realities of the real world yet, back then I thought shit was mostly fair. I didn't have to worry about sucking it up to go to a boring job just to give away the majority of my paycheck to bills only to realize it's still not enough. I had the free time for hobbies and distractions and friends with a better headspace because I wasn't worrying about so many responsibilities and money. I was less physically and emotionally exhausted.
Maybe some mental illnesses do manifest randomly but there's so many changing and difficult circumstances for folks in this age group that I find it more than just a coincidence.
>>540840>>540780Good luck to both of you. I have high functioning depression and the only thing that stops me from throwing in the towel is knowing that 1. I'm too cowardly to die and 2. If I fail then nobody is there to help me, failing will only make my life that much worse.
Personally I'm waiting for the day where I feel passionate about something again. Right now I have this baby step routine where I just try to do, do, do because the inertia of my life won't stop for my issues. I just want to do something strictly because I want to, enjoy the fuck out of it knowing it's just for me.
No. 540950
>>540945I was low key hoping my ex would get a financial paddlin' since he works in the restaurant industry too and they had to close recently. Nope, now he and his chick can sit at home and collect unemployment, it's actually a paid staycation for him. He even made a post on social media talking about a DnD party so clearly he's not adhering to the isolation order either.
It's a great time to be a scumbag,
No. 541253
>>540945>corona is actually making me happy because everyone i know now gets to experience the high-key depression that comes with being a NEETYikes.
We're in a pandemic and thousands are dying, people being scared and sad is just natural, nothing about this is comparable to losers putting themselves into neetdom.
But joke's on you anyway, this situation won't last forever, once it's over you will feel even more like shit because most have a nice life to return to while you're stuck being useless. This only serves to make people appreciate the freedom of going outside, meeting friends and traveling even more than they did before, meaning the gap between you and people who study/work will grow even more.
No. 541281
I'm 27 and I've never been in a relationship (even casual hook ups), I have zero desire to be with somebody ever. I don't think I'm introverted, I love going out with my friends and working with my colleagues, but the mere idea of being romantically involved with somebody bores, almost disgusts me. When I mention this fact to people, they go "don't worry, you'll find someone eventually" (god I hope not) or "omg, that's so sad, were you abused?" (no, I had a pretty normal childhood). With the current lockdown, I see people eveywhere saying how touch starved they are, and I can't relate at all, I almost feel like an alien.
I'm not unhappy, far from that, I was just wondering if some people here felt the same way.
No. 541284
>>541281Tbh I think it's pretty sad that people view women as being incomplete people if we're not with someone romantically, especially when that sentiment comes from other women. Lol @ people thinking you've been abused because you're not with someone at 27 how ridiculous.
Not that they care, but actually women who were sexually abused as little girls are more likely to be the promiscuous ones searching for validation from men so their own logic doesn't even make sense.
No. 541296
>>541284I've stopped caring about rando's opinions when it comes to this kind of thing, I'm just happy that my parents never put any pressure on me for relationships, thank god my mother is not one of those grandchildren crazy mommies. It also helps that my brother is exactly like me for relationships, but when my sister got her boyfriend, I felt she became kinda haughty towards us, as if we were loser for being single by choice.
>>541285>>541290I'm definitely not asexual, and I'm very iffy about using the word "aromantic", I associate it too much with the Tumblr mogai neet crowd. For a time, I thought I had a schizoid personnality disoder, and I would not be surprised if I was autistic (very high functioning and normie passing though). Whatever my "problem" is (if there's one), I don't really care, it doesn't forbid me from living my life to the fullest, and as long as my family and my close friends understand me, I'm not interested in stranger's opinions.
No. 541311
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>>540631I really need to get swole anon im going to take all the inspo i need
No. 541341
I'm gonna wait a few paychecks more, but I'll be so happy when I can get rid of my ghetto washer and dryer. The washer doesn't abrade my clothes so they never seem to be well cleaned. I know this because my detergent is blue and sometimes I'll catch blue stains on my clothes and have to run the thing one more time with just plain water, even though the amounts I put in are appropriate and I never overload. I had to remove the side panels because the barrel goes fucking nuts during the spin cycle because it's misaligned, and was actually sparking the metal and making all sorts of ruckus.
The dryer is a piece of shit too. It never catches lint and it must be equally inefficient because I often have to do two 80 minute cycles to get dry clothes. There's lint on my clothes, and even lint on my front door where the vent is which is super dangerous. But no matter, I went to twist the dial the other day and it broke clean off so now my dryer doesn't work. These units are allegedly only three years old which attests to their shittiness.
These were Christmas gifts from my parents. It's not that I want to hurt their feelings per se, but they always buy me cheap stuff believing I'm too naive to know a difference. Even my stepdad later admitted they were basically pieces of shit. I was grateful at the time because before that I was taking my clothes to the laundromat, so it was marginally better than having to haul my shit someplace, pay, and know my laundry was in the same barrels as other peoples' clothes. I just wish they had an eye for quality, or not buy me this cheap stuff at all because it's more burdensome than it's worth. Ultimately it's a waste of money. Not to mention my mom would just turn around and use these cheap things to hang over my head later and call me an ingrate when I got rightfully angry at her for something. Of course I can't say how annoying this is out loud because I'll only be seen as haughty for wanting cleaner clothes and not being satisfied with table scraps.
I'm looking at units now and they're cheaper than what I thought they'd be. I thought I would be looking to spend at least $2k, but it appears as though even high end unit pairs go for a little under that, and it's for super fancy and new units at that. I wanna get the ones that play a tune after the cycle is done.
No. 541407
>>541281I’m also 27 (well, 28 tomorrow) and pretty much the same way. The only thing is that I grew up in a house with a lot of fighting and alcohol abuse, which resulted in making it hard for me to open up to other people.
But I don’t want a family and know multiple people over 40 that are happily single.
No. 541443
>>541281>>541296Are you familiar with attachment theory? Because you sound like a textbook dismissive-avoidant. People like this usually come from families where there emotional needs were neglected and dismissed by their parents. However, sometimes it can be the opposite, in that their parents were overly responsive and over-protective in regards to their emotional needs, which can feel smothering and make the child feel unsafe. To cope with this, they start suppressing their feelings at an early age by denying they have them at all. They begin operating under the assumption that they can't trust or depend on anyone to appropriately meet their emotional needs, so they become overly independent. This may have actually alter brain development to the point that adults, they genuinely don't crave close relationships at all.
You probably only consider your upbringing to be "normal" because your parents weren't overtly
abusive or neglectful of you otherwise. The thought of being in an intimate love relationship likely disgusts and bores you because it reminds of you of your earliest attachments with your parents, which were disappointing and ineffectual.
Emotions are adaptive. Negative emotions like disgust exist to keep us safe from things that have harmed us in the past.
>>541284Being repulsed by the thought of a close romantic relationship is actually not normal or healthy behavior for anybody, but sure, let's use identity politics to side-step the real issue. That's very progressive and original of you.
>>541236There is not a soul on earth with an IQ above 89 who'd believe you're genuinely happy and have a great life after reading this. There'd be no use in being grateful that you don't have it "as bad" as someone else if you yourself weren't suffering in some form to begin with.
No. 541471
>>541447>She's not unhappy.She's posting on
>Forcing relationships onto people who don't want them is the real kookydooks here, sorry to tell you.I didn't insinuate any such thing. I explained how experiencing revulsion at the thought of being in an intimate relationship tends to be indicative of an insecure attachment pattern, which is neither good nor healthy.
No. 541495
>>541281Feel the same as you but I often feel like having sex
I wanted to do one night stands but I'm too afraid of being murdered or seen as a whore.
No. 541565
>>541561Yeah. But I don't feel like having a mother-in-law nagging me about not being pure enough for her son
>>541564It's a shame really because I like the culture and language. My hafu cousins are gorgeous tho
No. 541611
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>>541594Well, are you going to tell that anon who it is?
No. 552111
>>514377OMG i loved this shit as a kid. Mum bought me and my sister those special £50 VIP memberships with the little barbie shaped USB sticks and I broke my sisters' after I got mad at her, I feel so fucking guilty.
I also hid her Lelly Kellies in a holiday rental one time cos she got me in trouble.
Pissed in my other sister's Hello Kitty water bottle after she annoyed me.
I'm a terrible big sister