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No. 470643
>>470635>>470635nta and this might be easy for me to say because I live in a country where tuition is more or less fixed for all majors including art school and won't put students in a unreasonable debt. But art school is most definitely a fantastic way to explore and learn art: you get a large amount of resources, supplies, time, workspace, equipment and support to explore and experiment with art (mediums). Not to mention how incredibly inspiring it must be to be in a small community of like-minded people. Unless you happen to be very rich, but the average person realistically doesn't have the funds and/or time to do this besides having a non-art related job or major to sustain themselves.
I very seriously considered studying fine arts; built a portfolio, even got half-way through a strict selection for a prestigious art school in my country, before deciding not to go through with it. They where very clear that "you do this because you love art, not because you're likely to get a job/paid work as an artist" and they're right. I dont regret my decision but I still marvel at how fantastic it would've been to have access to all those resources, equipment and workspaces at art school to explore and experiment with things I don't really have access to now.
half of this is blogposting forgive me
No. 470659
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I was the second anon who talked about their cringe twitch. My confession is that my curse word twitch is thw n-word, hard r, so multiple times I've almost said the n word in front of my family, friends, and boss. I catch my self by the first vowel, but one day I know Im going to fuck it up. I'm black if that changes anything
No. 470794
>>470659I had this problem, almost slipped infront of a customer. The only way to prevent it is to stop using it altogether.
>>470677It's less looked down upon if you're black, but still strongly disapproved of, especially among other black people. Using that word is typically seen as very ghetto and trashy. Saying it innfront of your boss would get you in A LOT of trouble, possibly even fired depending how professional the setting.
No. 470839
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>>470810But we'd all be in the same boat. I was raised non-religious though my mom is protestant. Didn't even get that water stuff thing done… But I do know of "God", Jesus and what not. If I were to die, I would still got to hell for not knowing better. Only those very last tribes somewhere in the amazon are safe kek
Even then, I am a spiteful edgelord. That motherfucker let millions of his own "chosen people" die in the holocaust. Idk, he still lets this shit happen every day. I think I'd rather burn in hell, as edgy as it is. He doesn't deserve my worship.
No. 470878
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>>470874In this moment i am euphoric
No. 470881
>>470874of course the monotheistic one. let me guess ghosts possibly exist but since you grew up in a monotheistic religious society it just can't possibly be possible
omg so deep
No. 471008
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>>470958>clean>good hygieneAre you too fat to wipe your ass right? Do you have a leaky asshole, that’s a medical condition
No. 471143
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>>471071>reporting someone for tax evasion for working an under the table jobYou're a piece of shit.
No. 471147
I actually think antivaxxers are a good thing because they can help to stop the human over-population on earth and improve natural selection for the species.
>>471142"Arian" sounds like a word only an alt-righter would say though.
No. 471156
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I mix cashew milk and regular low fat milk together & pretend it's coffee at work because I'm addicted to drinking milk.
No. 471184
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>>471177The Ministry of Newspeak is not pleased, Your social credits are now in the negative numbers and the speech police is coming over.
No. 471205
>>471190This. I've noticed with slurs, I pay more attention to
who is using them and the context than just the word alone.
Racists, homophobes and sexists often tell on themselves in all sorts of small ways they're too stupid to conceal (and that's why when they use it and get social repercussions, they cry about how their free speech is being snatched away - there's a reason some people get away with saying it and you don't), but when they actually use slurs, they basically do everyone else's job and fully expose themselves.
Use of slurs cuts right to the chase and remove all doubt. That's why I still kind of support their stigmatization, even though I don't really take offense.
The guy who listens to rap music and has a twisted sense of humor/bluntness about everything, including his own demographic? Whatever. Might be kind of shady, but usually nothing.
The guy who already has a weird, negative fixation on people who aren't like him, has strong political opinions, has already made tons of sideways or "suspicious" comments, and is particularly passionate about how his demographic should be able to call other people slurs as if it's integral to his very identity, on the other hand? Lmao. They're not the same, no matter how much Guy B insists he's actually Guy A. We can all tell.
No. 471258
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>>471245i have the tingling sensation certain anon is not paying her taxes either
No. 471278
>>471258Weak attempt at a "gotcha", sweetheart. I just have this thing called a conscience. Get a therapist and maybe they can help you get one too.
>>471266A lot of people work under the table jobs because they can't find official ones, so actually you can't say difinitively that they aren't being forced to. However, no one is forcing you to cost someone their livelihood and pat yourself on the back for it.
That's my last post on the subject, I don't wanna clog up the thread anymore. If you wanna delude yourself into thinking what you did was morally justifiable, you have fun with that, hopefully karma will bite you in the ass eventually.
No. 471299
>>471190>>471205He really doesn't have any ill will towards anyone else and he definitely makes fun of everything/himself included. He's only half-white himself(which I know doesn't matter, just more context) and he's never been hateful to anyone.
I guess it's more that he doesn't censor himself around me where most people would never say certain words, no matter what the context.
No. 471316
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>>471283>"I can't find a tax paying job" is a lame excuse and doesn't justify it.… So, they should just sacrifice any possible income and starve/be homeless because their precious paultry tax contributions are worth more than their lives to you… Okay…
No. 471325
>>471283I agree as well.
Taxation sucks but I get mine every damn paycheck and I am NOT well off yet I'm just above poverty to pay the shit.
No one cares about my situation. Why's some random special?
No. 471331
>>471325It's not about them being ~special~ it's about not intentionally brutally fucking over under the table employees because you can. Y'all are acting like these people are only working these jobs just to get out of paying taxes, when in reality it's the employers who choose whether or not they go on the books and these people are just trying to get by like everyone else. Yet here you guys are, justifying hurting people in such a severe way over ~muh taxes~ because for some reason it
triggers you so much that these people aren't paying an almost certainly inconsequential amount (the vast majority of under the table work is very low paying) in taxes. It's gross.
Also, under the table is worse than being on the books because it makes you much more vulnerable to being taken advantage of and you get no benefits at all, including workers comp if you get hurt. Stop acting like they have it ~so much better~ than you and need to be knocled down a peg. I am genuinely disgusted by how shamelessly heartless you guys are being over something that has no fucking impact on you.
No. 471340
>>471160It won't suffer because it will be dead.
Also, the argument is not anthropocentric, so it doesn't take human feelings into account, just what would be best for most of the species in the planet.
No. 471342
>>471316How many tax avoiders are truly unable to pay taxes for xyz reason? Most certaintly few, most are using it as a lame excuse to justify avoiding paying taxes. Let me put it this way: if you can pay taxes you should, and most tax avoiders can. (this includes rich ass people avoiding to pay their taxes
>>471322Taxation allows you to live in a country with moderate to high living standards. Taxation helps the government to ensure your (relative) safety and provides you with resources that allows you to live in freedom and develop as a person. Without tax you'd probably not even have roads to drive your car on to work or school.
Call tax theft all you want, and yes paying tax sucks, but it's a neccesity.
No. 471343
>>471331>brutally fucking over under the table employees because you canThe government "brutally fucks" me just because it can, and yes, you're saying someone else is special and don't deserve the "brutal fucking."
Meanwhile, their special asses reap ALL the benefits that someone else getting brutally fucked pays up for.
You're supposed to report income period, "my employer didn't help me" isn't a
valid excuse.
>under the table is worse than being on the books because it makes you much more vulnerable to being taken advantage of and you get no benefits at all, including workers comp if you get hurtAlmost like that's a huge personal risk and you ought not go that route, but wait, motivations like not paying taxes add up so much that people feel incentivized to do it. Because paying taxes fucking sucks.
>you're all shamelessly heartless for not respecting these special lambs!Pay. your. taxes.
No. 471352
>>471343>>471342>Almost like that's a huge personal risk and you ought not go that route, but wait, motivations like not paying taxes add up so much that people feel incentivized to do it. Because paying taxes fucking sucks.Or maybe they're incentivized by this little thing called survival? Like literally everyone else who works a shitty job?
How the fuck does them losing their jobs benefit you or the rest of society in any way? All it does is severely hurt them. Here's a crazy concept… you can be rightfully annoyed about under the table workers not paying taxes… without actively causing them to lose their job. I know the idea of not being as harsh and brutal as possible toward other humans is lost on a lot of people on this site, but it's really not that hard.
No. 471355
>>471352Unless they're a felon or a person without legal status, why would anyone have trouble finding a job that's not under the table?
How is saying they ought to pay taxes suddenly the same as taking away their jobs?
How is saying that they ought to pay their fair share brutality?
Tumblr please leave.
No. 471360
>>471355>How is saying they ought to pay taxes suddenly the same as taking away their jobs?… Anon, this entire argument was started because someone said they reported an under the table worker for tax evasion and caused them to lose their job, which they were very happy about. The argument is not about whether or not people should pay taxes (I agree that they should) it's about whether or not it's morally justifiable to actively get under the table employee's jobs taken away.
>Unless they're a felon or a person without legal status, why would anyone have trouble finding a job that's not under the table?Finding a job in many parts of the US is ridiculously difficult. This is not news.
No. 471363
>>471360>caused them to lose their jobBecause they did something illegal, which is why they lost their job.
You think everyone self-employed, under contract, working non-traditionally, or just accepting donations don't report their incomes? You're supposed to report everything.
>not it's morally justifiable to actively get under the table employee's jobs taken awaySeems like the employer's choice, not because of anon's report. Weren't you just saying stuff about employers who take advantage of this?
If you think someone should pay taxes, then reporting was still the right thing to do.
What about losing their under the table job prevents them from seeking actual employment?
>Finding a job in many parts of the US is ridiculously difficult.Finding a job one
wants is difficult. Getting a job anyplace is nothing.
No. 471369
>>471363>Seems like the employer's choice, not because of anon's report. Weren't you just saying stuff about employers who take advantage of this?Yeah, because employers get in trouble for having off the books emoloyees, so they had to fire them to cover their ass due to anon's report.
>Finding a job one wants is difficult. Getting a job anyplace is nothing.This is simply not true and really showcases an impressive amount of ignorance.
Look, we're gonna have to just agree to disagree and call it a day. You guys think people who work under the table should be reported and lose their jobs, and I think people who think this way are needlessly harsh pieces of shit. We've been arguing about this literally for hours and there's really no point in continuing, so I'm out.
No. 471371
>>471369?so they had to fire them to cover their ass due to anon's report
Sounds like you're more pissed at employers who game the system than citizens who are rightfully angry that people avoid taxes and do their duty to report it when they see it.
Anyway, something something brutality, something something too harsh.
Sorry it struck a nerve.
No. 471372
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Taylor's chonky noodle is a cute.
No. 471381
>>471048I was groomed too by someone who was meant to be my mentor. It was all online, but I got harassed (stalked me/contacted me on other accounts to tell me to stay away from him) by his partner who was twice my age and had several kids with him. Was fucked up because I was like 15/16 and he (27 or w/e) apparently was a prolific cheater. I really hope she and her kids got away from him, 'cause that situation was really bad.
I don't feel traumatised either because I didn't do anything like send nudes or w/e, but it makes me feel uncomfortable and guilty when I do remember.
No. 471428
>>471343I hope you know the majority of the people picking the fruit you eat are also paid under the table, and paid shit wages. So are the people getting their limbs cut in meat factories owned by corporations like Mc Donalds. Same for the women making shit clothes in sweatshops.
If anything, Americans take advantage of undocumented workers.
No. 471460
>>471428I'm American and people love taking advantage of undocumented immigrants. They only see them for the work they do.
My boyfriend used to work in factories where majority of the workers were undocumented and he witnessed how poorly they treated him compared to the undocumented. Lots of things put him at risk for losing his job, mostly suggesting things he wanted to make the work environment safer. One issue was for a machine that ripped out a previous employee's limb, thankfully he never witnessed that but a coworker once brought it up. HR never wanted to deal with his concerns, at multiple factory jobs mind you, because they knew he'd never get hired on permanently because he wasn't undocumented, which meant he'd have to get paid more.
No. 471477
>>471460It's truly revolting how we treat them. I worked at a place that had an undocumented worker who had been there for 10 years and when the ICE shit started getting real, our bosses just straight up didn't pay him. Owed him 5k and when he made a fuss they basically said he should work out of gratitude they weren't reporting him to ICE.
Thankfully, another employee had video evidence he secretly took of one of the owners sexually harassing a waitress in the past, and threatened to expose it if they didn't give the guy his money, so it all worked out in the end. (It hadn't been exposed previously because the waitress didn't want to do anything with it unless it escalated, which luckily it didn't)
I've also read a lot of horror stories about female undcocumented workers being specifically targeted for sexual abuse because people know they will probably get away with it, since it's not like they can go to the cops.
No. 471486
>>471428>it's not the employers who take advantage of these workers, i-it's you guys! Okay fruit loop.
Love the reshaping of this narrative to be about undocumented people now, cause that's not a total strawman, because you totally lost the argument about a legal citizen getting reported for cheating on taxes, which was actually the OP.
All you have left now is assuming your opponents buy shitty underripe grocery store fruit, fast fashion, and mass produced meats. Full circle.
No. 471497
>>471495>You're changing the storyNo, you are.
>one would naturally assume that this person does not have permission to workWhy would one "naturally" assume this when plenty of documented people want to avoid paying taxes, and ones of those ways is to pick up odd and "under the table" jobs.
>you already know you did a shitty bitch thing out of personal spiteLmao, I'm not OP so I didn't do anything. Looks like you're frustrated that more than one person thinks you're full of shit.
No. 471498
>>471495Onision didn't report his taxes properly because he was trying to avoid paying. We have sex work lolcows who've been in trouble for not reporting because they don't want to pay.
Only illegal immigrants have a motivation? Hardly. Gtfo.
No. 471510
>>471495>>471497I worked under the table years ago simply because it was the only job I could find in my area that I qualified for that paid over $10 an hour and gave me enough hours. I know plenty of other people who have done so for the exact same reason. I'm so fucking sick of people in this thread acting like all under the table workers are either undocumented or just taking these jobs to avoid taxes, like holy shit.
(Before anyone starts sperging about tax evasion to me, my state allows a large amount of under the table hours before you have to be official and this was a temporary gig… not that I knew that at the time nor cared, I still would have taken it anyway since I'm a fan of having the ability to eat)
No. 471511
>>471460> work in factories where majority of the workers were undocumented and he witnessed how poorly they treated him compared to the undocumented.the only reason lefties want open borders and defend illegal inmigration so much. To exploit the cheap labor on companies owned by wealthy liberals. Of course the damage all those undocumented people cause to the economy, collapsing the public services, cheapening the labor market and not paying taxes is on the back of the local working class and ironically legal immigrants.
>>471417I bet you want to vote for Yang too , free thousand dollars maaan. the math checks out
No. 471512
>>471511… But if the boarders are open, it would be harder to exploit them since they wouldn't have to fear deportation for reporting
abusive empliyers, so your argument is fucking retarded.
No. 471661
>>471640I crave romantic relationships, yet just like you I always get a bit disappointed when I'm with someone long enough and they just don't try as hard as they used to. The energy dies. Things fall into routine.
It makes me feel so "bought" I guess.
No. 471666
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>>471640toxic codependent relationships might ruin you but they are never boring, i give you that.
No. 471685
>>471398I'm the original OP of the IRS report post.
The person whom I reported it, I felt like they deserved it. They were smug about not having to pay more taxes because they were PT levels of delusional. They would spend their money irresponsibly, and they were very racist. They looked down on undocumented immigrants and spoke badly of them. They were also an animal hoarder and with their income, supported the terrible addiction of owning many animals, even illegal animals and kept them as pets. Many animals in their area overpopulated and bred because they didn't spay/neuter the pets they had.
Yes, it was also due to a grudge but also because this person has done some really cruel things that have fucked up other people's lives including myself because they are a vain, selfish narcissistic person that only use people for their own benefit.
So it was my own way of revenge. Call it fucked up, but as a full-time worker who pay my taxes, pay my bills, and not abuse the system, I will report people who get paid under the table whether I have a grudge on them or not. Hating this person and having them be a shitty person made the process easier.
Like I also reported someone to the social security department for lying about their autism to get SSI income. I do not tolerate people who abuse the system like that.
No. 471691
>>471685And I don't support illegal immigration either. I just think it's very fucked up that they spoke in a way they seem superior for being an American working an under-the-table job when they were capable of working an on-the book job.
They were being smug and not wanted to pay taxes so they could buy more kawaii shit and be a parasite and a hoarder.
No. 471708
>>471658Well, what's the point of a relationship if the guy isn't completely devoted and isn't putting his all in for you? I just don't want a standard boring "comfy" relationship where both people turn into slobs around each other, I want to be in one where we always put in effort to woo each other. Otherwise, there's no point in being in a relationship.
>>471661Yeah, it's like they already have you so they don't need to try anymore. It feels like a complete waste of time when it gets to that point.
>>471666I don't like controlling and violent guys. I'd rather be single forever
No. 471752
>>471751Don't play stupid, you know what to do. End the relationship.
He isn't the sweetest and most caring man if he cheats, simple as that. He's 32 years older, even if he were to leave her (which he won't) he'd trade you for someone younger in 5 years time. Anon, you know how men like this are. Be glad it's online - you can simply ghost him.
No. 471769
toxic cesspools. I rarely think people deserve to be straight up ghosted, but I honestly think that's the route you should go. Just completely ignore them and never speak to them again.
No. 471910
>>471744based anon
go get em tiger
No. 471958
>>471779Yeesh anon this sounds a little uh… unhealthy to me. Like maybe you needed to see a therapist. It seems to me like this happened a long time ago, so I hope you've gotten help or learned better since then.
Popularity on the internet, and the resultant theft, is not indicitive of quality. The internet values novelty and sex above all else. Network with industry professionals irl– they have a lot to teach, and getting compliments from them feels better than a thousand likes online.
I know it's hard, but also try not to attach attention online to your self-esteem. You shouldn't need to rely on other people for a sense of self-worth, especially to the point of faking being victimized.
No. 471961
>>471959Trolling yourself? Are you the anon I replied to?
I'm just trying to offer advice.
No. 472020
>>472018Assuming this is real and not scrote bait you should just break up with your bf right now
and as someone who was cheated on fuck you
No. 472030
>>472018>I don't know what to do Either stay in a miserable, unhappy relationship and sell yourself out for the possibility of money.
Or break up.
Seems straightforward to me.
No. 472134
>>472098I see alot of my past tendencies in cows on here, it's like taking a painful look at my cringey and over sensitive early-twenties
Now I'm less inclined to listen to constant 'uwu my mental health causes everything'
I'm sure alot of posters are in a similar situation. Easier to spot a liar or bullshitter when you've been there too
No. 472289
>>472098lolcow has 1000% made me a better person. i used to get fucked over a lot. but now i can spot red flags from a mile away. better ability to trust those who are good, and know who isn't worth my time. i'm dumb, but i know how to not piss people off to a t, and understand why people would get upset about certain behaviors. you guys taught me how to do makeup, grew my style, made me a solid human being.
however, if any of my new friends knew i posted here…. they would disown me in an instant. keeping my reasons for being suddenly good at life a secret is hard.
No. 472340
>>472303I have friends who browse 4chan with me but I'd be kinda sketched out if they recognized I posted here. I don't think I post too awful things, but some of them are things that are kinda vent-y and personal to the point where I wouldn't want them knowing.
It's just nice to have an anonymous chan space to myself.
No. 472420
>>472289Might sound mad but I'm in my thirties and in the last year I've learned alot about red flags in relationships and mostly from posters here and on Reddit
I would love to have known all this at least a decade ago
No. 472813
>>470621I logged into my facebook account that I have not used in over two years, it is full of posts about going vegan and animals being tortured.
[also one of the people i knew there became a full-on transgender when he was just a crossdresser]
No. 472830
>>472523>>472525Be careful not to start pulling other areas like your head or eyebrows. As another Anon said it's an impulse disorder. People that do it often have anxiety disorders or another underlying condition.
I've been pulling for twenty years and the one area I've never managed to leave alone is my eyelashes, I have basically no eyelashes at all times but I'm ok with that. I manage to leave my head hair alone so as long as you pull an area you don't care about it can at least feel more controlled. Still the underlying cause/anxiety needs addressing
No. 472928
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I use Tinder to get free sushi dates a couple nights a week. Last night it was sushi and a movie.
Don't even have to give fucc either.
Sometimes it's nice just to have conversation.
No. 473015
>>472928Do you ever run into a guy that wants to go halves on the bill?
I see guys online claiming they do that now cos 'if women want equality' blah blah
No. 473165
>>473163If they mgtow over one date they're weak af and will look for some other reason to mgtow anyway. There are women out there who get beaten and raped on dates and don't hate men.
>>473015NTA but I'm a girl who likes paying for myself only so I can avoid male entitlement over that at least and so if he does wanna talk shit it won't be about me using him for money. Most men I've met will literally beg to pay for dates. I also have a good paying job so when I offer to pay all together they get so hilariously offended. I guess they're afraid women will treat them how they treat women when they insist on paying for dates
No. 473167
>>473164hair pulling videos help? i've pulled for a long time but i couldn't actually watch it.
sometimes i go and look at pictures of people who have plucked themselves bald to try to scare myself straight but it only works for a little while.
mine is severely
triggered by anxiety though.
No. 473176
If they're MGTOW they had that mentality way before they signed up on a dating app.
No. 473353
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I'm engaged to a guy I've only known a week.
No. 473360
>>473354We both want the same things, have similar upbringings. He's a no bullshit kind of guy. He wants to pay for my degree so I have some level of equality and independence, and then make me a housewife after some income. We both want kids.
>>473355We're getting married in a year, if we're still together then.
No. 473377
Trusting a literal stranger and saying you’re so in love you will marry them. 90 day fiancé contestants have stronger bonds
No. 473386
>>473373>brought up my concerns >with said guy i don't even know>he's not a low quality dude>agreed to get engaged after a week>likely an aspieare you sure
you're not a fucking aspie, anon?
No. 473395
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i like to emasculate my boyfriends and make them beat themselves when they cross out of line with me (usually when they're acting like worthless boyfriends) because i hate men
it's honestly just funny to me seeing a normal guy do everything i say, slowly breaking them into a freak who loves being humiliated and used by women exclusively
i'm pretty sure this is a fetish for some women wanting to dom guys? i guess? either way ive converted several guys from all walks of life into being submissive and i don't really feel ashamed of leaving them like that because i'm sure there's some woman out there wishing she could do the same. my current boyfriend has a bubble butt and is so thin, he was asking for this to happen. i just keep getting lucky with beautifully blessed men because my ex was muscular and hung lmao it's like god wants me to live my deviant best
No. 473405
>>473360Anon you'll look back and laugh (or cry) at this stupidity some day, not even being mean. I married too young and too quick
What ages are you two?
No. 473434
>>473353Yo I've been through this and IT DID NOT END WELL.
Did he smother you with flattery? You're the most beautiful girl he's ever met? Love at first sight? He felt a connection as soon as you met and feels that it's "meant to be"? Giving you lots of gifts and calling you constantly?
If so, he's love bombing you to trap you. He is playing a game with you because you're dumb and now you've agreed to marry him, the fun is over and he's probably love bombing other girls to test how alluring he is for his own narcissistic boost.
BE CAREFUL, if anything sounds like what I've described he is not who you think he is.
No. 473443
>>473353Before you get engaged it makes sense to know a person a while, meet their family members and friends, hear about past relationships and how civil (or not) the break ups were. Holiday together and see how you get along, live together and see how you get along. Read up on what a healthy relationship is and what the red flags are for abuse. He's either locking you down to abuse you or he is unhinged to be planning all that so soon
Get back in touch with reality anon and make sure to take your birth control
No. 473493
>>473395I do the same shit except for entirely sexual reasons, I call it a "consensually
abusive relationship"
note to
>>473353 we got married within 4 months of dating lul
No. 473712
>>473698But anal has nothing to do with submission
>>473700Then they just want to use you to get off
No. 473770
>>471640there's literally nothing wrong with this. women are put at a major disadvantage in relationships. if a guy can't see that and isn't HAPPY to make the relationship cater towards the person that's systematically disadvantaged, i want nothing to do with him. if he can't see the discrepancies and seek to amend them so i feel more safe or happy, then he's shit, and almost all of them are shit. and just generally, if guys aren't willing to or just can't keep that fire for you, why keep them around when you're happy alone? they're just a nuisance then tbh.
i keep my fire for people who feel the same way, but only if they can prove they're like me and will be as invested, but they never are. they just try to call us narcissists or whatever for not immediately accepting their 3 minutes of passion as if it's as sustainable as what we have to offer. if a guy can't match it, he's literally just a burden to me. gtfo, i'm fine on my own. make yourself an asset to me or leave me alone. almost all men fade quickly once they realize the chase is over.
No. 473788
>>470621I am a snob and I can’t help but judge everyone else and have these thoughts like “damn they suck compared to me “ or like “ew she’s so ugly.. unlike me, good thing I don’t look like that.” “He is SO stupid who would even say something like that”
I don’t act on my thoughts and I try not to be so critical of everyone else and gas myself up internally does anyone else have this ? I’m well aware that I’m eh but sometimes I swear that I’m better than everyone else.
No. 474422
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I unironically enjoy Jopping and find it catchy. Whip me, Kpop Crit
No. 474448
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I really feel like I want to kiss somebody. Like have a hot and heavy make out session. I've never enjoyed kissing/making out in the past, but now I feel kiss horny? lol
No. 474640
I feel like there are a lot of posters here who I should feel bad for and post sympathetic messages to. But I feel like if these people ever saw my photo or knew anything about me, they would nitpick the fuck out of my appearance and my life. That makes me feel better about not feeling sympathetic towards people here.
Like for example
>>474470 was the
victim of an
abusive relationship so I guess I should feel bad. But I figure she would probably call me fat or something, so what's the point?
No. 474642
>>474640Honestly anon I feel the same way. I like it a lot here though kind of for that reason? People are more mean anonymously but also you can connect to people you never would because of those superficial reasons.
I consider myself "nice" but I have plenty random nitpicky reasons I wouldn't be friends with someone irl. So do you probably.
No. 475727
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>>475104same anon, I made a "new" account like 8 years ago and play it everyday. But now I'm way better at hoarding neopoints than I was as a kid and I can paint and customize my 'pets the way I always dreamed of. pic related is my dumb baby ready for the season
No. 475747
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i'm pretty much normal in the head but i can also get so creepily obsessive and stalkerish of anyone and start running on freak mode.
i remember when this random person followed me on my tumblr last year and i suddenly devoted my entire time into stalking and finding more information about them. in under 2 hours i found out their real name, all the names they used to go by, what their abusive ex had done to them, who they used to date and also all of their old usernames and other social media accounts. i even saved the selfies they posted when they were so much younger vs the ones they posted now.
i made sure to save all their account links on webarchive sites so that they'd be forever there for me to look at and no matter how many times they changed stuff and deleted, i'd still have enough evidence to obsess over. i kept an entire text file and folder dedicated to all the information i gathered about them, made sure to send them anon asks to get more information about them and always pretended to be someone else and typed all differently so that they wouldn't think that it's just one person. and they always answered the asks which fueled my stalker fantasy even more. this went on for months, even when i was in a relationship.
i also remember spending so much time into thinking how our friendship would be like, how they'd joke around with me and pretty much convinced myself that they're meant to be my best friend. at one point i had such a big crush on them but that lasted only about 2 weeks. and then suddenly they messaged me months after, telling me that they like my blog and always have but were too scared to message me. i was seriously all over, so damn excited and we started talking.
we're still friends to this day and they know none of this and i have zero intention of telling them. i somehow managed to leave my delusional stalker bubble and now i barely text them despite them acting all excited whenever we get to talk (which should be making me so happy but it annoys me now). this is some weird shit man.
No. 475863
>>475845Sounds like you've been through a lot, anon. It's not weird at all that you feel overwhelmed and could kinda wish your boyfriend was more of a sturdy shoulder to lean on.
Just don't get lost in that "grass is greener" mentality. There's a lot of normal/stable boyfriends out there who are quite emotionally underdeveloped and won't be much of a help in times of need either. Hell, all this stress and negative emotions you carry are hard to share whether people around you are supportive or not. Is there no one else around you to talk to? Maybe you could carefully bring up needing some more support from your boyfriend? Even though he's in a dark place himself he might find it rewarding to carry some of your burden with you. It's complicated. I hope things get easier for you soon anyway.
No. 475871
I couldn't reply to you all individually, but I'm the anon that got engaged after a week. I'm calling it off. I wasn't too serious in the first place, but willing to give it a shot. Dumb of me; he turned out to be abusive like I thought, although it wasn't physically toward me, it was animals. It will be me sooner or later, and now I regret him ever meeting my pet. All of you were polite replying and being concerned, so thanks. I feel better that I'm not alone in noticing something is off. I grew up in a house where arranged marriages were normal, found out it wasn't for me. No one should do it, honestly.
My new confession: I'm a lesbian. Anything physical with men is miserable, neutral at best. I met a cute girl at my local fast food, who complimented a rainbow trinket I was wearing and winked at me. Honestly the first time in years my heart ever fluttered for someone. I'm not rushing into that, but the mild flirtation was nice when going through immature behavior from the guy I mentioned. I've had feelings for girls as a kid, tried to ignore it because of my upbringing in religion. I told myself I was bi, but I've only genuinely been attracted to one guy in my life, and his porn addiction killed anything we could have had. I just need time to myself right now. This whole experience has been rotten.
No. 475908
>>475871lel, do people seriously buy this?
oh, wow bwahaha
No. 475924
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>got engaged after a week>nevermind lol>wtf , a girl winked at me i am a lesbian nowthis is either a larp or you are an unhinged bpd jumping at her first impulses, at this rate you´ll end up joining a cult and with all your savings in dogecoin.
No. 476017
>>475875>>475877Thanks anons.
>>475878I was emotionally available, he pushed me into a corner by trying to change everything about me. He didn't like I was a tomboy and wanted to physically alter my appearance permanently. I told him I was willing to do minor changes like make up, hair color, wearing dresses, etc. but he kept pushing past that and not respecting my boundaries. He insulted my career, and my father's profession because of how much he made (keep in mind, my father can provide), and said he wouldn't bang my mom among other nasty things. He wanted to get rid of any independence I had, like my car. Lastly, when he was drunk, he threatened to choke me out and that was my final straw. I never said anything back to the girl that flirted with me, other than "thanks" for complimenting my keychain/charm. He, on the other hand, talked about his past exes and girls in porn frequently, and what he liked about them I should do, but he never gave me the choice, it was a requirement. Don't turn that on me.
>>475921>>475924>first time in years my heart ever fluttered for someone. >I've had feelings for girls as a kid, tried to ignore it because of my upbringing in religion. >I told myself I was bi, but I've only genuinely been attracted to one guy in my lifeRead.
No. 476030
>>476017Anon, I never "turned anything on you", I was just giving general, well-meaning advice. I made that mistake once and was just trying to be nice.
But damn, that's wild. He is scum and I'm still glad you could remove yourself from that situation.
No. 476112
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i have a crush on my boyfriend's brother because of how sweet, funny, cute and successful he is. he's also 10 years older than me.
i feel guilty as fuck.
No. 476126
>>476117no anon that's terrible.
fuck him and then tell us.
No. 476148
>>476017So you knew him for a week, he spent that week treating you like shit and telling you to change how you look and act for him, and you thought giving marriage a shot was a fun and cute idea because he was so romantic and sweet?
It’s bad writing, your story makes no sense. There’s better on menwritingwomen.
No. 476151
>>476148>fun and cute ideaI'm on the streets now, anon. I have no place to stay. I'm packing up my shit and going to be living in a shelter.
I give up. I can't even get empathy from an anonymous person of all people, where what you say has no effect on you, and you could literally say anything. I had an atrocious upbringing and didn't want this, but I got tired of my situation. My mother has been pushing me into the arms of worse men. She completely denied it today. I honestly want to off myself. People are so disgusting. The last guy I build a years long relationship with strung me along with no intention of actually being with me long term and cheated; you wonder why I would run to the first guy who isn't appalled by the idea of getting married.
No. 476158
>>476151You need therapy, not marriage.
Idk how anyone could possibly think engagement after a week was a good idea, but if you’ve been so abused and misguided into thinking marriage is something to seek after leaving an
abusive relationship, go see a women’s shelter and they can get you the psychiatric help you so clearly need.
You got shit on because you dismissed genuine advice repeatedly based on an obvious fantasy. When told it was a fantasy, you doubled down on ‘it’s real love’.
You got healthy advice, rejected it, got as burned as you were told you would be, and are now offended about not getting sympathy.
No. 476174
>>475871>he turned out to be abusive like I thought, although it wasn't physically toward me1 week ago here
>>473373 >Abuse is heavily ruled out my the fact he's made all of his work public to me, and his livelihood actually depends on his home behavior, because it's investigated.And also here
>>476017 >he threatened to choke me outSo which is it? You were totally deceived and had no idea he was
abusive? Or you knew the whole time and went along with it anyway? He was supposedly only
abusive towards animals but he also threatened to physically hurt you? At least try to be consistent with your fiction.
No. 476178
>>476174>So which is it?It’s a lie. Probably not even the same anon, just someone posing as them to get attention.
If it really is a same anon, none of this might have even happened. Just a social experiment, and they forgot their own story after some days…
No. 476263
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>>476252people are still defending that moterfucker
No. 476331
>>470839(((chosen people)))
first of all, if God was policing everything that people do, the free will concept would make no sense. You have really shallow perception of what Christianity is about. Like a lot of other edgelords who spouts things of the likes of "an old bearded man in the sky"
No. 476351
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I just saw this guy with the tightest ass in grey dress pants and a button up. I couldn't stop staring despite trying and imagining spanking it and groping it. I hate myself.
No. 476429
>>476425The latter. I don't want to date or marry anyone.
>>476427I'm not your personal PR, retard.
No. 476568
>>476526I don't think the whole "friendzone" dichotomy is really all that bad
basically both people want different things, which is normal in a lot of different relationships
It sucks, but in the same way that someone only wants to be friends, someone only wants to be in a relationship–there's nothing wrong with calling it out, but it's shitty to deal with and it's never good when you only look at it from one perspective
If someone wanted to go from acquaintances to friends, and another didn't, it's basically the same thing–no need to call it anything other than what it is
No. 476574
>>476526I agree, not for those exact reasons but it makes perfect sense to want to distance yourself from someone who rejected you and isn't on the same page with what they want. If I reject a guy I cut the friendship off because I don't want the awkwardness, and of course it'd be even worse for him.
My main problem with the use of the term is that incels think it's an act of pure evil and means women are malicious emotional leeches. In reality, out ability to want friendship with someone we aren't attracted to >>>> male inability to even tolerate the presence of an unfuckable women. They have zero moral highground.
No. 476591
>>476568>I don't think the whole "friendzone" dichotomy is really all that badNTA but I don't get what this has to do with "friendzoning". when a guy gets rejected by a woman that he's friends with, he'll say he's "friendzoned". the term came from the show "friends" when chandler and joey said that if you're friends with a woman too long she'll never want to date you because she only "sees you as a friend". but any time men get romantically rejected by a female friend they think that they've been "friendzoned" when really the woman just isn't interested in them that way. they blame "frienzoning" so that they don't have to deal with the fact that she just doesn't like them like that.
I agree with the first person though, if I liked a male friend and he rejected me I wouldn't really want to be friends after that. it would just be awkward.
No. 476592
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I had a crush on Nux from Mad Max Fury Road
No. 476735
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>>476666i have a fever and i'm in bed feeling like shit but this made me laugh. also i hate to be so finnish but are you sure they were looking at you and not just looking all around like lost puppies? (how i always recognize finns abroad: we stare… but then try to hide it)
No. 476761
>>476666As a native Finn my sides are in stitches after reading this. Thanks for making my shitty day better anon.
>>476735>we stareWhere the fuck does this happen, staring is like the cardinal sin of our ethnicity that one should never commit and it's also why anon's story sounds so damn funny, as a finn you should just slightly peek and make it as undercover and unnoticeable as possible
anyway torille
No. 477133
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I'm not admitting this to other people, because I'd look like a narcissist, but the only reason I didn't cut when I was younger was because it I thought it'd make my skin look ugly. It's not because I was some depression romantic who only wanted the cool and emotional side, but because one of the roots of my depression was moderate eczema. Cutting would simply make my problems worse
No. 477155
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>>471333>>471328And here I thought I was the only one who was still on a DN high. It's so good! After 12 years of putting it off I recently finally blew through the whole thing in 2 days and let me tell you I was on the edge of my goddamn seat the entire time. I'm so glad I got to enjoy it now as an adult rather than when I was a middle school edgelord weeb. I don't think I would've fully appreciated it then. Ended up pre ordering L's new nendo because I'm an idiot.
No. 477168
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>>476771 huutist, you should never be too loud even abroad and switch to english when you spot other finns koska hyi saatan666
No. 477170
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Would never publicly admit it but I love drawings like these with bandaged/bruised/bleeding dudes.
Don't know why but I think it helps me cope or something.
No. 477198
>>477194Anon you need some help. And rape is about power/domination not them wanting you. And if you're that serious about losing your virginity and don't care about an actual relationship it would be really easy, most guys are extremely desperate to put their dick in pretty much anything. Just go to a bar or a party or tinder and tell them you want to fuck and they'll probably accept.
I am by no means recommending you do this, im just saying you could.
Also your classmate was a cunt.
No. 477206
>>477198Yeah I need actual help I guess, which I've been getting supposedly for a long time, I am pretty functional on the surface though despite everything. (I managed to become functional myself since no official therapy works for me)
Men don't want me because I sperg when they are about to humiliate me/"make love to me". I think only once this guy wanted me and I refused but that's because he wanted to record me.
And I normally told my psychologist that Idk how to boyfriend, but then she offered me to go to this match making service that focuses on people with severe disabilities. I think I refused too after one try of going to their gatherings but that's because I don't wanna wipe someone's ass and I sorta want to pretend a guy is sentient.
As for classmate, it used to hurt me a lot when I was young but now I don't seem to care about any sort of pain, I am still feeling ugly and unwanted that the kind of abuse I suffered was non-sexually and it makes me just feel meh. Is it schizophrenia?
No. 477215
>>477206Thats rough. That doesnt sound like schizophrenia though. Schizophrenics have auditory and visual hallucinations and are often extremely paranoid, and believe weird things like they were abducted by aliens or that jesus is tlaking to them. I can't actually say though since I'm not a psychologist.
Have you ever tried another dating service like eharmony?
No. 477222
>>477215I have the constant empty can't feel any real emotions symptom, which makes me think of bpd too, though my therapist did literally say she doesn't understand me. Oh well…I figured out how to function on most aspects anyways.
Eharmony? No I never did, I stopped trying after a while. Is it like tinder or can there be le soulmates be found?
No. 477226
>>477222From what ive heard people with bpd often have very intense emotions and mood swings but maybe lacking emotion can also be a symptom. Also you dont need all of the symptoms to have that diagnosis. Lacking emotion can also be a symptom of depression and other illnesses though.
I've never used eharmony, but it's not like tinder. Its more sophisticated and tries to set you up with people based on interests and stuff like that. Unfortunately though you have to pay for it.
No. 477235
>>477226Meh, even if I would have something severe as npd or whatever, no matter how much I cooperate(d) there was not a single therapist that knew how to treat me and the closest to cure is me trying to pretend I am alive/get a successful life, which I am busy with. I am pretty contained with becoming the 40-year-old virgin or the dead virgin, though it did give me some thoughts how I really tried hard.
I am willing to pay the price, I have nothing to lose anyways..thnx for the name.
No. 477514
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I've really been into watching fights and fight compilations. I can't figure out if it's because of some trauma I've suffered before, or if i really just enjoy people blindly beating the shit out of each other. They're kind of funny to be honest.
No. 477719
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>>477625Sorry anon but I laughed. I started imagining you having a Hetalia phase at the same time. Like Ahuviya Harel or whatever that cow calls himself these days, I think he was a tranny now? At least you didn't go that far, anon.
No. 477734
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>>477625When I was a dumb anti-SJW test who only new about the world was from "SJW CALL EVERY ONE HITLER", "I mean was hitler that bad???", and "retarted People should be erased from the gene pool" reddit posts. So I came put to my dad as a nazi.
I'm black
Every day I cringe looking bsck and I surprised my dad didn't mention that event ever again
No. 477748
>retarded people should be erased from the genepoolwell… i mean… you were right sbout that at least. we really don't need more hartley hooligans (rip) on this earth. it's for their own good too, i don't think it's ethical to continue a pregnancy where you know your baby will have mental retardation or other severe deformities. i don't think this makes me or anyone a nazi, idgaf about the "racial purity" side of eugenics for example. just the medical.
…i guess that would be my confession. not all eugenics is bad and in fact there should be more screening and in worst deformations abortion should be the only legal choice. it is sociopathically evil to birth hartley hooligan tier monstrosities and let them suffer through life for years and years (the other hooligan was 13, the other 17 when she died) just shitting and drooling and catching every illness under the sun until they finally croak.
No. 477776
>>477734That screencap is so apt to all the "Uhh no all the alt-right stuff is
ironic to
trigger you snowflakes haha see kekistan issa meme you dumb boomer" shit going on today.
No. 477777
>>477750if despite all the screening a deformed child is born and it's alive, well, it's born. you don't just yeet it out of the window of course but the mother should not be forced to raise it. given up to adoption to people who want to raise it, or if there are no volunteers (doubtful), there are homes for the mentally disabled. of course i'm not saying "kill already existing and living retarded people", come on now. i'm talking about prevention.
and i think i know what i'm talking about, sorry for blogpost but i happen to have a severely retarded cousin. like, non-verbal, can't use the toilet without assistance kind. he is in his 30s but mentally like a young toddler.>>477754"shilled" ok, so this is not just common sense? i know it's not very "correct" to say it but i bet more people than you think silently hold this view. and it's not about hating people with mental disabilities, why should i hate them? i just pity them and think their parents were selfish and cruel.
No. 478264
I like turning things in last second because it spites my classmates. I share all the exact same courses with 7 people, except 1 or 2 different classes. Yet they're always complaining about how they can't do their work. One girl bitches about how it's to much work for one class while socializing while I've seen kids literally complete their work in one class. Another girl, who has all the same classes as me, broke down crying during a lecture because she was that stressed out. I feel bad for them, because 2 of them have had abusive childhoods (along with one being in and out of therapy), but I feel their complaints are over exaggerated. Someone else wanted the administration to do something about the professor being to harsh (the proff gave us extra work once most of the us didn't turn in 1 assignment. In this new assignment the same group of people didn't turn it in and they're acting so confused on why the dudes so irritated). They also complain about how they 'were forced into the class'. All of them were told before hand how hard it was and how they could change classes if they wanted, but now they want to drop the course 4 months in and are confused on why the admin is reluctant on letting them switch.
I can't really express this to them, the crier one is my friend, so the only way I can express my rage is in some petty freudin way. I get joy from putting all my work off until the last day and finishing it at once without complaining it's to much work. The worst part is that my grades are literally better than the girl who tri-daily has a mental break from how she never sleeps and eats from having to much work, she also had a metal health day. We have all the same classes. I usually get the course work done in class, but for some reason she's so slow it takes her until midnight to finish it. They're good people, but they're fucking annoying in classtime. They take the professor just doing their job as a personal attack on them.
No. 478435
>>478264So you're annoyed or amused by the fact that your friends are breaking down because of stress?
I hope the next time you think you're amazing and special and intelligent enough to do your work at the last minute you actually fail to complete it.
No. 478457
>>478433Anon what year of uni are you in? I hate to break it to you but it sounds like you're holding yourself back from enjoying university, there's really no point in trying to fit in when it's over in only a couple of years. The stereotype of uni is literally "experimenting and finding who you are".
Join some societies, join societies in other universities too if you have to (I did, it confused people at first but once I explained that my uni didn't have those societies they accepted me).
You're not going to find people who like you for who you really are if you wear a mask all of the time, passing your grades is exhausting enough so there's no point in that extra work of a fake self.
No. 478494
>>478457I'm actually 25 and I'm in my last year of university lol. I've actually attended university for several years. I've actually been involved in different clubs and such. Like, a lot. So maybe my confession is extra sad. Whatever.
I think one thing was in high school it was easy for me to hang out with people on a superficial level. I could talk to them in class, eat lunch, and do clubs, and I was fine with going home at the end of the day. I think in college you have to be closer with people to hang out with them on a regular basis. Otherwise it's easy to go without seeing anyone and that fucked me up. I think people will avoid you if you don't put on a good first impression.
No. 478559
>>478556Jesus fucking Christ anon I'm so sorry.
I wish you the best.
No. 478611
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First of all I promise I’m not a scrote, some MtF larper, or even baiting I’m sadly being 100% honest because I found that stupid reddit thread similar to the fantasizes I had as a kid. I never had the best relationship with my parents, but I wasn’t abused or sexually assaulted as a kid either. I don’t know what caused, these frankly disturbing, fantasies I had as a kid. Growing up as a kid I never thought it was weird.
The story was re ran multiple times in my head, each with different changes, but it was usually about a boy from a family that abused him (by neglect, extreme social isolation, overly harsh punishment) or he was severely bullied by his classmates around him. The boy also was somewhat mentally retarded (pee’d his pants when he was scared, was the most hated kid in the school, but always tried to get with the popular girl [was always brutally rejected], failed most their classes, had child like behavior. The kid was like 10-12). The story was about his life being a literal torture until a women came in, who was always paranormal or sci-fi in orgin, who claimed to be his real mom (his abusive parents were called pa and mum and his real parents mom and father). I was always coming up with odd ways the boy could some how been snatched form his ‘Mom’ to be raised by his abusive parents. If I couldn’t I just make it so ‘mom’ got randomly attached to the boy and decided to eat him so he could be reborn as her son. The weird part about all of this was that his real father was always abusive. His father hated the may his ‘mom’ loved him and always tried to ruin it. In some stories if ‘mom’ died father would just banish the boy into the slave mines (until he rekindled his bond with him because of reasons to complex to go into now). The stories never ended, but just menander until I started an new one or fell asleep. Yeah I used these stories to go asleep. I have many memories of incorporating whatever I saw/watched that day into my torture fantasies and salvation of the boy. I used fruit basket, pupa, some random comic I can’t think of, and other shit to fuel my weird obsession. I liked doing it as a kid because I felt a cringe in my stomach and I liked that feeling. Also the kid never grew up. I could never imagine the story beyond him being a mentally fucked up child from the abuse
Another one was about this dude with a daughter. It’s like really weird and I don’t get it, but a bunch of dudes had some genes that would make them attracted to their daughters or the other duded daughters. When they came into contact with the daughter/pseud-daughter they would slowly become mentally retarded. The girls always emitted a pheromone that made them retarded and calmed them down so the they were ever separated form them they became smart again, but increasingly distressed. I imagined they tried to make fake pheromones to replace the girls, but that failed and just made them more irritated. Sometimes if they were stupid beyond saving they’d become stupid beyond saving so they became pets for rich people (they were abused and eventually saved by the girls). I had multiple versions of the dudes being saved from their shitty life by the girls
I grew out of it when I was teen because it was replaced with porn fantasy's. One of the most recurring was about this short stack milf, I swear to fucking god I’m not a scrote, dating a bear, the gay term, demon. It always ending up with the milf turning into a demon herself, she was always gluttony and the male was wrath. It was wholesome. The first half was them being a cute couple in shit until they started having sex 24/7. The story also had reruns with slightly different versions (sometimes medieval japan, sometimes he was an office worker from the underworld, sometimes he was an ancient warrior and she was a princes married to him, sometimes they were both divorced single parents). Him being a demon was somewhat constant, but ti was sometimes changed into being a virus or advanced race. It also combined my fetish of weight gain, breast/ass expansion, and monster transformation (I was a filthy DA degenerate). They never had kids, together, for some reason
When I became 16 I guess my brain got confused and combined the first two stories? I had fantasy at age 16 about a 9 year old having an over protective dad. It started about this dad who was an alien, beast, magic, or whatever the plot commanded him be be genetically (like a big part of the stories were just describing why he was so attached to his some by some weird scientific explanation. Hormones? Pheromones? Inbreed traits? Like the story would get stuck if I couldn’t find some scientific way to explain the events) overly attached to his son. It soon moved on to the son not being from him and a women, but being from him being impregnated himself(from another male, self impregnation, or straight up magic). I grew this weird aversion to women were even if the kid was born from a women his dad would eventually kill her (usually to eat). Oh yeah the father ate humans in 90% of his versions because he was a monster. It was always stated he either liked humans a lot, needed them for their specific nutriance, or he just ate them because they were big sacks of meat near him (he didn’t like fruit much). It was like in the stories he had to eat thrice as much as a normal human and during his pregnancy he had to triple that amount. In latter versions he existed in a pack (pack of animals, secret conspiracy cabal, alien race visiting another planet to find a new food source). The story later Incorporated some elements from story 1, kid was abused to be adopted by his real father, but it mostly stayed away from that in favor of the queen bee stuff. Like his dad was a queen bee who was hyper pregnant all the time giving birth to multiple guards daily and the kid was his special child he cared about, because he was a baby queen bee. The Queen bee was always male for some reason. The stories usually were the father discovering he was a monster, fully transforming, and then giving birth to his son. The son stuff was mostly wholesome. They went to fairs, he celebrated holidays when them. It sometimes had the weird plot of the father killing a robber who came into his house and feeding their remains to his son to calm him down or peeing on his son so he’d smell like his phermones, but out of that it was wholesome. Never saw his son growing up for some reason.
Sometimes I still have these fantasys, but I never thought it was weird. Should I seek therapy for this shit.
Tl;DR I don’t know man.
No. 478634
>>478611Anon, you're my soulmate. You're expressing fantasies publicly that are adjacent to ones I thought were too fucking awful to ever share myself. I don't even want to share them here and now tbh, I typed them out but I'm not as brave as you.
Not going to say it's normal, because weird dA fetish stories are considered weird for a reason, but it's probably more common than expected.
I remember once discussing in an old shameful fetishes thread with some anons that weird fetishes in children are probably a result of early development of sexual feelings, just with no sexual content to actually use (and rightly so). I also had Abused Boys narratives, for instance, and am now a femdomfag. But some others like inflation and feederism just didn't stay. But I think with some people it just never evolves into more "normal adult" fetishes and so you continue to fantasize about weird shit.
No. 478746
>>478611you're literally fantasizing about adults peeing on children and abusing children? and for super long too?
are you attracted to children outside of your weird fantasies?
you def sound like a pedophile just based on all of this
No. 478767
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I keep dreaming about this guy who barely knows that I exist.
To preface this, I recently broke up with my boyfriend of around 8 months. We live near each other, luckily I don't run into him too often on campus (he's one below me in year). But we broke up because I'm going to be moving away in about a few months and I'll no longer be able to be in close contact with the guy bc I'm graduating, not that it fucking matters because we barely saw each other anyway since he kept prioritizing seeing his friends instead of me. He even told me that they were more important than me. Well that just wasn't my cup of tea (he should date a girl who has similar priorities). Hence why I broke it off but…
There's this guy I always see around, for about the past few months, he's such a cutie pie. He's short and kind of muscular and he's got the most adorable face I've ever seen, period. Anyway, what happened was I recently saw him with a group of people working on a group project. I didn't get his name, but I did get the chance to speak to him, and god anons. Fuck!! He kept asking me questions about other classes which was cute, he was totally focused and serious on his task at hand. I'm getting to the confession part I swear, I'm just. Jesus christ on a pogo stick. He never smiled, something which I find decently…unattractive. His entire group was joking and laughing but he just kind of stayed out of it. Not a fan of that, but I remembered one day I was wearing a really nice and flattering outfit and I ran into him (this happened a few weeks before I got the chance to talk to him) and he looked me up and down before walking past me when all he usually does is just walk by without a glance. He literally almost ran into a tree because of me and I literally cannot get it out of my head.
I'm not a dominatrix or anything, I'm just dominant/want to call the shots in general without any of the fetish shit and I wonder deep down if he could be the one. All the other guys I dated, you know how it is, guys who are into being bottoms in BDSM but that's not the same thing as genuinely submitting to a woman which most guys just can't do because they're cowards. I don't really like BDSM but I was just desperate to not be forced to be the submissive one. The way he looked at me wasn't in a predatory manner, it was more like he was caught off guard. After all, I did see him a lot and I'm usually not done up.
I've had eleven dreams about him (ten of those were in the same night) and I just had the eleventh one last night. And it's driving me crazy. He's always the same in them, not particularly interested in anything but always giving me that same eye he did. But he's too young for my taste (I think he's two years below) and not only that, like I said, I'm leaving soon and I want to be single as I'm finding work post-education. Also my ex is still an alright dude despite what I said before and it would suck if I ran into him or he saw me flirting with the guy. What I would fucking give just to stop having these fucking dreams. I'm not someone who dreams, and I've never dreamed about other people, so something's definitely up with that.
Other than the dreams the other confession part of this is that one of the girls in his group is in my class, but I don't like her that much, she's honestly a bit of a cow. I just want to get his name from her but I'm worried it'll be rude if I just nope my way out right afterwards and I feel little bit disingenuous for doing that. Idk. I think I'm gonna do it, just talk to her for one class. I mean, maybe I'll find out she isn't as bad as I thought either, but I still feel like I'm taking advantage…ngl though I think my mind is made up.
No. 478781
>>478767kek, are we into the same guy? I mean. Almost definitely not, although I know someone at my uni uses lc and I am working in a group with a guy who fits that description.
Is he brown?But I hope it works out anon!!! I wish all my luck to all manlet chasers out there. It's a weird taste and they're super rare, so we need all we can get.
No. 478791
>>478781omg anon this made me feel so relieved lmao good to know I'm not alone. He's a redhead w/ brown eyes, I've never seen that before but the contrast is so attractive to me, so its a different guy. They are super rare esp ones without a napoleon complex,
No. 478799
>>478494I'm in the same boat as you anon.
I didn't even really enjoy school but now I feel super nostalgic about it. Back then I also wasn't super popular but I simply had my classmates and some friends with whom I was together all day and now in uni I didn't manage to get close to anybody. In school everything just happened so naturally, plus the workload was also a billion times less stressful. I barely hung out with anybody outside of school too, but I was content that way. Now I don't have anybody in uni and it feels painfully lonely.
>Now I feel like I have to impress people all of the time and leave a good first impression. >I feel like I'm forced to wear a mask and can't be myself. Yup, I didn't even think much about how people saw the way I acted, now I feel that I need to think carefully about every single thing I say, otherwise they'll think I'm dumb or weird. It somehow feels more like a hivemind, like there's only one correct opinion and everybody always needs to agree on it. Everbody always says or likes the same things (or at least pretends to), I constantly have to act fake, it's so hard to fit in. And despite trying my best I still haven't found anybody after 5 years.
No. 478997
>>478924>>478981I'm guilty of thinking this way too, but we all know this kind of mindset it just
toxic and stops a lot of great ideas from ever happening. A lot of people could have contributed a lot more for this earth and a lot died never being able to do anything because we have this stigma of having to achieve everything before we hit 30, or even younger nowadays. And we shame anyone who's old enough to get back into a hobby. It makes it worse that the media is always promoting or rubbing it in our faces that we aren't just as great or as talented- just to elevate the few who were lucky enough to make it young. I hate the smugness of it all, all it does is fuck everybody else over from anything that can be potentially great.
This is cheesy as hell but keep on going anon and keep on being the best that you can be. Im on the same path too just trying to catch up with everything despite it being so painful. Just know that you aren't alone in this, and those who are young and successful are actually pretty rare.
No. 479266
>>478981on top of that, personally, i think the younger generation have it better now like it's easier to access technology and tools
for example drawing tablets and apps for art and cheaper DAWs for making music. Back then these things were expensive and hard to come by
now you can even just casually do these things on your phone and that would have been considered crazy a decade ago.
No. 479273
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I’m thinking of hiring a male escort to drop some stuff at my parents place.
My mom spent her entire life blaming me as the reason why she could not date hot men also I’ll be willing to pay extra for him to make my stepdad as awkward as possible
No. 479346
I don't consider it a shameful thing, but I use guys, including ones that I'm not attracted to, to get over struggles from relationships or exes. I'm open to actually taking it seriously and not just pretending if they turn out to be good people, and I know I'd fall for them if they turned out to be good people, but they always, without fail, turn out to be shitty people anyways, so it's very justified. I'm essentially just waiting for them to drop the act while I also get some emotional benefit. Men get tired of women like clockwork anyways, so it's really like using the honeymoon period where men pretend to be ~sooo~ into a woman, so I can get over my issues, then bounce when they start to reveal their true selves and when they also start to lose interest anyways (muh novelty). Nothing is actually lost on either side, really, but men would have you believe it's such an evil roastie thing to do.
It works out because men usually want you to get emotionally involved and attached, because they're either intentionally or unintentionally manipulative, when they actually have no idea what they want and when their desires change with the wind. Taking men seriously as soon as they claim to take you seriously, and not using them for a few months is useless, because you won't generally actually know what they're like in a relationship until the honeymoon period is over, since they're so accustomed to manipulating and hiding all of their flaws, kinks, fetishes, in a near sociopathic way, so it works out. Anyone else relate?
No. 479371
>>478605I think a good % of users here have cow traits themselves, and use this site for honest appraisal in order to not become fully-fledged cows.
Cows always lock their social media down so it looks like all their crazy antics get 100% approval rating. It's pretty easy to think certain behaviors are acceptable when they aren't.
No. 479372
>>479346I approve of your antics but also hate that the male brain leads us to ridiculous paths like these. I wish they could all be honest from the start.
It's like always dating an Oscar winning actor; a character.
No. 479374
>>479346My only standards for men is not to cheat emotionally or physically, don't be fat or have bad hygiene, and don't treat me badly
Somehow, so many men are incapable of just this but women do this with a breeze and much more to offer, God I wish there were lesbian pills
No. 479377
>>479375I think it's about hanging out with the guys during the Knight in Shining Armor phase, and then shaking hands and parting ways when he gets sick of putting the nice act on.
I can see the appeal, but I wouldn't do it myself. Guys want to "win" and if they think you benefitted more than them, it usually leads to crazy results. (Stalking, rumours spreading, etc)
No. 479394
>>479375To use them as a distraction or to get over my ex, things like that. They aren't assholes at first. They pretend with all their might to be what you want, and that's the whole point of my post. With the ones who are self aware enough to hide, you don't know they're assholes until the honeymoon phase ends. They just always happen to be assholes because 1 in 1,000,000 men are good people. Sometimes it's the case that they aren't just being assholes, they just confuse their puddle deep feelings for something more. Either way, it turns out that they aren't what they claim though. I should mention that I never actually have real sex with them, because it's obviously not worth it and I'm not turned on by them anyways unless I know they're good.
>>479377>Guys want to "win" and if they think you benefitted more than them, it usually leads to crazy results. (Stalking, rumours spreading, etc)They don't find out. You're right though.
>>479372It's sad. It's not just male brain though. They're encouraged to be losers like this. Some of them aren't lying, they just mistake lust for love and whatnot. They really do act like stupid children no matter the age, so even if they're being genuine, you can't trust their claims, even if backed up by action. They turn on a dime and lose interest on a dime, so even if their interest was genuine, you can't trust the longevity. The only way to get to know them is to see if the act drops. It's only when men have what they think they want, that they realize they don't want it. The ones that promise marriage and loyalty and offer gestures of love, even have histories of long term relationships, none of them know what they want, so there's really no way beyond actually pretending and waiting it out, for you to know. You can't vet them without actually letting them think you're in a relationship and you feel the same way towards them. They're just too unpredictable.
>>479386That's another thing too, if a guy doesn't understand it and can't objectively see why this is necessary, he isn't a good guy. Good thing yours understood you.
No. 479552
>>479544You're not bad, a nice relationship often involves gift giving and signs of appreciation outside of special occasions. Even small things.
I don't know if there's a proper way to bring it up, but honestly anon that reaction from your bf was super dense. It just seems shitty to me, it's one of the compounding things that would have made me unhappy in past relationships myself.
No. 479555
>>479439I hate weebs and pedophiles and all that but I also hate the amount of kpop fans/threads here, though I also hate the nitpicking which is why I hardly ever visit /snow/ anymore. I love the drama on /snow/ but mostly these days the threads I follow are just people taking unflattering screenshots of cow's acne/fat and when I pointed out that it isn't drama and we don't need 897 acne shots I got called a sperg. I also hate the 'women shilled as attractive' thread and it reminds me of my overweight grandma who is hypercritical of people's appearances.
Also I have no idea why you would think that koreaboos would hate weaboos/Japan when in reality those fanbases intersect/overlap an awful lot (a lot of weebs are koreaboos and vise versa).
Not everyone who you disagree with has to all fit in the same tiny box, even though I'm sure you'd like to think so.
No. 479558
>>479544>I'd never bring it up to him in fear of looking like some sort of gold diggerWhat if you do something like a gift exchange? Like tell him you want to get him a little small thing you might think he'll like, and he can pick something out for you as well? Tell him that you think it's sweet and romantic to do little things like that for each other once in a while that show you're thinking about each other.
If he still doesn't get it or he gets upset, he's probably one of those guys who think a proper relationship/romance is high maintenance lmao. Some guys are just like that, they want to ~chill~ and not have to deal with any fussy things like thought or effort in their relationships.
I dunno how the rest of your relationship is, or if he puts effort in other areas, but you can see how strongly a guy feels about you by his actions. Always look at actions and not words. This can help you save a lot of time dealing with low quality men.
No. 479579
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>>479575I think it's worse when considering that this is a fetish I kind of forgot I had, and that picture alone made me remember. just kill me.
No. 479583
>>479558We have a good relationship and he does put in a lot of effort in other areas, but as
>>479552 picked up, he can just be a little dense sometimes.
The gift exchange idea isn't a bad one, but honestly I'd love a surprise gift or something to show he was thinking of me, not something I'd have to directly prompt him to do. Which makes me feel silly for even thinking about it because what's the point in dwelling on something I can't even tell him to do (hope that makes sense)
No. 479584
>>479579thats a fuckin mind bend for sure, anon i hope you can recover lmao
pls not hate tho but ngl i love smart uniforms and weaponry and stupid nazi coats and insignias did look smart and commanding. and inb4 some stupid reactive anon thinks im some supremacist, its just an authoritative thing.
i also have the fantasy that i could shave logan pauls head and stuff his hair shavings into his face. yikes. its probably not like your thing but i love humiliating men who think they have authority and power over other people.
No. 479589
>>479584yup I sure as fuck agree with you on that one. uniforms are fuckin hot, especially if they make the person look snappy and smart. I'm not much into the idea of those types of men dominating me, I just want to knock them down a peg. make them regret they ever thought they had authority over me.
my coworker used to mentor interns, so he'd always come by our area to see what we were up to. but in my first few weeks of work as an intern, I noticed that he'd always dote on me specifically. I'm pretty sure it's because I'm the intern HE interviewed and helped to get hired. I always like having someone older than me to look up to and talk to when I need advice. I kind of want to ask him for a hug sometimes but I feel like it'd be weird/overstepping boundaries. but I just need a fuckin hug honestly, I've been having a hard time lately. he always shares pictures with me of his family and his 3 year old daughter specifically. he's a really caring guy. I like seeing dads talk about their family in a positive way, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
so knowing this, I don't want to look at him and think "fuck I have such a huge fetish for men in uniform and my image of you is now tainted". I'm just rambling here but I really needed to talk about it because wires are being crossed here and I sure as fuck don't want them to.
No. 479615
>>479589nice. you get it.
but i totally understand. nothing wrong with him being a mentor, thats actually really sweet. but it sucks for him to have activated that in you. doesnt mean you need to do anything with it and its not like you went up to him and said that if he wore that then you would feel like that. you seem fairly level headed about it and thats cool especially compared to some other thirsty anons in this thread. you got this.
No. 479621
>>479555>Also I have no idea why you would think that koreaboos would hate weaboos/Japan when in reality those fanbases intersect/overlap an awful lot (a lot of weebs are koreaboos and vise versa).They really don't. Koreaboos often are the people who were obnoxious weebs in their early teenage years, then "grew out of it" and dedicate their lives to bitch about how
problematic Japan and anime are and how weebs are should be necked. While supporting a country that's anything but politically correct and an industry based on exploiting actual young people instead of cartoon characters.
No. 479643
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I have my “boyfriend“ a blowjob in front of my parents on purpose.
Long read TLDR at the end
(I apologize for my grammar I’m on mobile)
Let me start by saying I’ve never been close to my mom, she was abusive from when I was 3 and the abuse just became worse over the years until she broke my nose at 11 or so then it became entirely psychological with a few slaps here and there.
I could have forgiven that she was young and stupid.
However after years of off an on dating with different men walking in and out of my life, she finally found someone.
They got married and she decided to dump me at my very physically abusive dads house
She knew that he was abusive and was pretty aware of how much of a monster my biological dad is
4 years in hell that I still have nightmares about to this day
She finally allows me to move in with her and her new husband
Turns out I’m there as the scapegoat for their marital issues, instead of walking into a place to come home after praying for someone to get my out of my biodads house hoping to reconnect with my mother I realize within my first month that they despise each other.
He’s angry he hasn’t had sex with her for moths (why in the fuck would I at the time a minor need to hear about that I don’t know) both involve me in their fights and when they made up they blames their issues on me.
This is an adult couple with clear issues and they knew it but they refused to face themselves and knowingly left me in the worst possible place to only bring me into their home when they needed something to not break up.
It was better than my bio dad but it was horrible in its own way.
She had me as a buffer for his anger and my stepdad kept me as a leverage, as such I was completely denied of any sort of privacy including conversations on MySpace Texts or any sort of communication to my family members was carefully monitored so I wouldn’t say what was happening.
I wasn’t allowed to eat without asking first if I could have some of THEIR food amongst other arbitrary rules
It all exploded one day when my stepdad almost punched me and my mom over something small the exchange student from their church’s Christian college stepped in and asked him to stop
>I begged my mom to leave finally confiding in her that the lengths that my bio dad abused me
and how scared I was that we couldn’t talk anymore because her new husband wouldn’t allow us to talk in private
>Her response:
>“I’m not surprised he did that”
The memories of me praying for someone to help as a young teen covered in bruises from my bio dad flashed into my eyes
All the times that I drank bleach hoping I would die before he came home
How much he hit me when I begged for my mom to come and save me and how much harder the punishments got
And it didn’t surprise her…
How happy I was when she finally told me to move in with her
I was done
I couldn’t physically hit my parents or have any retribution that was illegal so I did the second worst things I could think of
I made sure to make a fool out of myself on every community event with my mom, I dated people that I knew sucked and were losers (in their eyes) and paraded them in their church meetings until they finally stop asking me to go to their wacky church. (Think MLM evangelicals)
That hurt my mom socially and emotionally more than losing her own child
Every morning I would make sure to take his water bottles and dunk them in toilet water (this wasn’t in the plan but he made sure to ask one morning before school why would anyone like me if I’m ugly so I made it my chore every morning as long as I lived in the same roof as him)
But that wasn’t enough
He had made sure that my life was hell when he couldn’t take it out on my mother and made sure I had no one to rely on by cutting my communication to them for years
And then a light bulb moment happened
What was the thing he’d always wanted but my good Christian mom would deny him for months? (Ew I know)
Then I took noticed that my stepdad put cameras so I explained the situation to a guy I knew and he agreed to help
Cameras filming in all the angles he placed himself where I asked him to be
If they wanted a show they were going to get it
I gave the guy a “blowjob” in front of their main camera and spit the “residue” (ty realistic lube) in his favorite motorcycle jacket/ the couch and a wall
But it wasn’t over… I asked the guy to masturbate in front of the cameras whilst I packed my shit, he came on my stepdad dad’s personal computer and wiped it out.
See I could have just left after the church stunt but it didn’t actually hurt him at all
He didn’t care about what people thought of him at all for years he was happy to be an outcast and weirdly proud of being a nerd (not in a good way more like in a fedora way) only a few friends no one besides my mom actually liked to be around him because he’s so … off putting outside of small doses
All that he cared about was his pride as a man of the house, the fact that he didn’t get laid, his computer and how much he could push me around to get some sort of payback to my mom instead of you know get a divorce and sort out their shit like adults.
I was a minor in the video to confirm that they had cameras would get them in jail for filming me in my room (Very illegal where they lived)
It’s been (8) years since I’ve ever spoke to either of them I’m happily married
They are still together and still hate each other
Abusive parents use me as a scapegoat and bring me into their marital issues then set up cameras to be extra crazy so delivered a gooey Hollywood production with extra revenge on top
No. 479788
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>>479643At first I was concerned yet totally interested in how that situation came about. Honestly? Good on you & fuck those people that made you so miserable. Doing that little shit to get under their skin, especially after years of abuse? They deserved every uncomfortable inconvenience.
A+ confession.
No. 479795
>>479783I recall reading someplace that an adult diagnosis for women doesn't really help us much. Basically, we've already socially conditioned to mask most symptoms and have developed ways to cope whether we're conscious of it or not.
I've often wondered if I'm on the spectrum too, but at this point I don't think a diagnosis would be helpful–if not stigmatizing. I always think of how some cognitive behavioral therapy might help me on some issues, but again it's not like I need a diagnosis. I'm not even from a poorer country and I feel this way.
Only you can choose anon, but it's just my 2c.
No. 480000
>>479988shid arent we all.
best of luck anon,
No. 480007
>>479783A lot of the list of symptoms for women with autism seem like bullshit to me. Apparently, if you are a woman likes poetry and is sensitive, you might have autism lmao. Just seems like a way for people to feel special.
I would consider self-diagnosis if you have serious symptoms. I'm not an expert but things like not being able to ride a bike and being a very picky eater seem like symptoms from people I've known with autism. Otherwise the other symptoms are too vague?
No. 480009
>>479958Op here, thank you all so much for your advice, anons. I would only tell my mom and my partner that I think I may have it. I don't even take meds for my anxiety/depression so self medicating is not a worry.
I think I'm already pretty good at handling it/coping but being able to put a name to my struggles would be a huge relief. I'll look into some help online
No. 480079
>>480009I'm glad you're already in a good place anon, that's a relief. I struggled for years and I abused benzos and alcohol. when I finally was able to put a name to what was wrong with me, it helped me a lot. for me it was kind of like "saying the demon's name", if you get what I mean. regardless I'm now more stable than I ever have been. my boyfriend and I both have ADHD so we can relate pretty strongly with one another. also we can both support each other and help each other with our inattentiveness. if you have a solid foundation, it becomes a lot easier to embrace your disability as being a small part of you, and not see it as a hindrance.
as one word of advice, if you ever see a doctor, I would strongly advise that you bring up autism as your main suspect rather than a side note. you can bring up that you FEEL depressed or anxious, but you suspect that something else (ie. autism, ADHD) is making you feel that way. in my experience, my lack of treatment for ADHD caused me to become incredibly depressed and anxious. also a symptom of ADHD is emotional instability, so I have a lot of issues with mood regulation. and this is ignoring the fact that autistic and ADHD women often don't get diagnosed until way later in life. like ADHD girls tend to be the inattentive type rather than hyperactive, so they're not actively disrupting classes and making a teacher's life hell.
I'm rooting for you anon, I really hope you find peace one day!
>>480007adding onto this is that a lot of symptoms overlap completely with ADHD. like one major symptom of autism is becoming overstimulated easily (loud noises, itchy clothing, etc.). but that's also a symptom of ADHD, too.
obviously this list is for children but it still can apply to adults: what I've experienced, autistic people have social issues from the get-go and will always struggle with that area of life, whereas with ADHD, you get kicked around so much for being "weird" that you end up becoming severely socially anxious as a result and just forget how to interact with people normally. that's what happened to me, anyways.
No. 480115
>>480104NTA I was actually diagnosed with ADHD combined type recently after a big 4 hour evaluation (I was also diagnosed as a child, but my parents were spergs wouldn't let me be medicated so I just suffered). As my psychiatrist put it, adults with ADHD that goes unchecked for a long time tend to build a lot of "mental scaffolding" to cope, and so as adults they will seem more functional/not seem to have the stereotypical hallmarks of ADHD like losing shit or being disorganized. They wind up becoming dysfunctional in other ways that don't seem even remotely related to ADHD such as severe depression/anxiety, noise sensitivity, BPD-tier mood swings/instability and fear of rejection, etc.
My coworkers were really surprised to learn I have ADHD because I worked so efficiently and was very organized (really, I was just hyperfocusing and never took breaks ever - also an ADHD symptom!), but I was a total mess in other completely unrelated ways. Meds have made my life so much better, I'm happy I pursued testing for it. The depression diagnosis I was saddled with as a teenager never fit and anti-depressants did literally nothing, even though I tried more than 10 different ones through my teens and twenties. But my doctors were never like "hmm, maybe it's NOT depression" and were content to keep putting me on shitty drugs for something I did not have. I had to be really persistent about getting tested and it finally paid off.
No. 480457
>>480312You did nothing wrong anon, glad you walked away.
Unfortunately a man like that isn't going to realize why you had to take a step back from him and instead it will become more ammunition for why he hates women.
No. 480584
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>>470621I keep a list of men whom I would never in my life want to have an actual relationship with call them orbiters if you may, I send them random photos of myself to get a morale boost, I don't think that I'm unique for this but in reality I'm a completely different person, no one who knows me irl would ever guess that I do this.
No. 480715
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I steal from my work (even though most of it has been thrown out). I've stolen the odd pen and recently stole a paint palette (like where you put the paint to mix), a few paint brushes - just because I wanted them and knew they wouldn't be missed. that's the actual stealing. I've also taken things that were meant for the rubbish - so many things over the years even though its very much against company policy. I've taken books, dvds, a flash drive, a lockable money bank, sunglasses, among other things. they're so wasteful at work and I don't see too much wrong with taking things that'd just end up in landfill. I don't care if I'm a womble. if anything I'm doing a good thing… just, very much against policy. I'd lose my job if they knew.
No. 480743
>>480715that being company policy is so retarded. i used to work at a shitty chain pet store and would take returned (unopened) food and day past sell-by-date and donate to shelters. or just take toys or food for my own pets.
they would destroy the returned or past-sell-by date stuff anyway, it was so stupid.
No. 480767
>>480764Nah men cheat no matter what, a cheater is a cheater, whether you're a 2 or an 11 if he wants to cheat, he will
>>480765I would but she creepily skinwalks me and attempts to copy my hobbies, my style, even my career path. The entire reason she even kept going for him is because she constantly tries to be like me
No. 480769
>>480767You should be doing all those nice things for yourself for your sake, not to potentially spite some girl who hurt you and for all intents and purposes you ought to forget about. You must know she skinwalks because you go on her social media, don't do that. Erase both of those
toxic people from your life, this is no way to live anon ffs. The fact that men
will cheat with whoever is all the more reason why your comparison doesn't really matter.
No. 480775
>>480763>ugly as sin girl with a refrigerator body>her disgusting saggy tits, fupa, and smelly pussyFunny that you write an entire essay about how (supposedly) subhuman this girl is, wanting to see her get "destroyed" while not saying one bad thing about the actual cheater…
Maybe you were left because you act like a narcissistic psycho?
No. 480779
>>480775Oh I have a lot to say about him
She repeatedly tempted him and chased him, both are shit, but it's fun to spite her
Did you really think the confession thread was going to be jolly and innocent?
No. 480783
>>480782I didn't "stay with him" by breaking up with him?
anyway all I'm doing is posting pictures and showing off, it's not like I'm actively trying to bother this girl
No. 480792
>>480786Tell that to men who are obsessed with comparing their currents to their exes and girls who obsess over their boyfriend's exes
It may not matter to you but laughably most people care because everyone is insecure
No. 480798
>>480791I understand what you're saying but I was bullied for my looks a lot in my life. Now that I am an adult I want to finally feel beautiful. As you can read I had men thinking I was sexy before but it doesn't matter because I want to be beautiful to myself. To look at myself and not cringe.
I am currently studying, luckily in my country it's not very expensive, so I don't have to worry about that. Therapy I've tried and it wasn't worth it in my case tbh
No. 480824
>>480816or you could…. just work on your self esteem so you don't even need to pay for all these bullshit procedures or debase yourself through prostitution.
I'm tired of all of you anons with ridiculous self image and self esteem issues. Most of your problems would vanish if you'd just give yourselves a chance and stop drinking the koolaid.
No. 480880
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>>480855Why are you being so predisposed over a situation you literally don't know about outside of my confession? If your only reaction is false assumptions about me and the situation then you literally have nothing, and yes if you knew someone was in a relationship and still chased them until they gave in you should be just as accountable for your actions as the cheater, why is acknowledging this somehow making me a handmaiden? A handmaiden is someone who defends men no matter what, not someone who holds men and women accountable for their actions, you're actually doing harm by throwing the word handmaiden around and allowing it to lose its meaning
No. 480914
>>480880Why do you suddenly act as if you care so much about anything related to feminism when you just posted the vilest shit I've read in a very, very long time?
I called you a handmaiden (tho you actually sound more like an incel) because the worst you manage to say about your cheating ex is "both are shit" - while putting the entire blame onto her, making up fantasies about how gross her genitals are, wishing the worst onto her and obviously dedicating a big part of your life to coming up with ways to spite her.
>Why are you being so predisposed over a situation you literally don't know about outside of my confession?You are the one who said that the confession thread isn't going to be all jolly, what did you expect after going off like that? Nice replies, people feeling sympathy for you? It doesn't matter that you fell
victim to a cheater, everybody can clearly see that you're a major cunt.
Now continue taking selfies of beautiful you to make the girl who get's fucked by your bf die inside lol
No. 480929
>>480914>Dog haters wishing dogs were violently murdered>Anons comparing rando cam girls to serial killers>Stalking, cheating, and abuse
>>Somehow posting sexy pics to make some girl I don't like jealous is the most vile thing everIt's clear you're coming from a place of insecurity which is why you're overreacting like this and hopelessly defending my skinwalker
This is one post about one person, yes I have talked about him on her and said much worse however my posts were about her, sorry I don't treat her like a poor special innocent fairy like you apparently want me to
No. 480945
>>480942How exactly do I think "everyone is after me"? You are again assuming assuming and assuming over people you both don't know much about, whether you choose to believe if she was skinwalking or not is one thing but assuming the absolute worse and that she's a poor innocent child and I'm a big evil meanie who's out to get her says a lot about you and your bias
>>480939How am I "obsessed with the idea my ex is pining over me" exactly?
She's a jealous bitch and skin walker and I enjoy fueling jealousy, plain and simple
No. 480956
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>>480945 BPD fag detected
No. 480959
>>480956>No defense so just falsely diagnoses people based on an internet fight despite the fact psychology students are told specifically not to diagnose strangersTypical farmer
>>480957Then… Just ignore? I dont care about most things posted on lolcow, I most certainly wouldn't reply then claim how no1cur while still giving the subject attention. Unless you're the girl in question then it doesn't involve you, just stop reading, and worry about yourself
No. 480962
>>480945Why do you constantly claim that she's jealous, how would you know that? She already got what once was yours, why should she be jealous?
He obviously found her more attractive/sexier/better than you. I doubt she's as physically repulsive as you make her out to be, but even if that's the case, then that just proves that your personality must be seriously awful for him to choose a monster with a smelly pussy over you.
No. 480966
>>480962She is objectively physically unattractive, masculine features, bad acne, obese but shaped like a fridge. You really think men get with women they're physically attracted to? And you really think men don't cheat with women they consider ugly just for the heck of it?
She is jealous because she's a clear skinwalker who's been skin walking me a few months after she met me at work, including copying my Instagram and Snapchat posts, getting her hair styled and dyed similar to me, even changed her career path to my field which was way off than her original plan. You can come to whatever conclusion you want but until you see for yourself you cannot make insane assumptions about how she's a pure innocent goddess and I'm an ugly spiteful meanie or whatever
No. 480981
>>480763This is some gimpgirl555 shit, anon. People have been dragging you for this (and with good reason), but I kind of get it.
The problem here is that you're going to be very salty and start feeling inferior if she stops skinwalking you at any point to find herself. You're relying on her constant attention, and the idea of her being less than you. Neither of those things are promised.
If you continue on this path, it's going to turn into some bitter, A-logging hag shit like
>"O-Okay, she might have gotten fit, hasn't checked my accounts in a while and started looking better recently, but guess what?! Look at those NASOLABIAL FOLDS! I bet she's wearing shapewear, too! And she's still dating my man! She's fucking OBSESSED with me, so jealous">furiously scrolls through her page, checks her stories, and reads her postsLike, you're going to turn into the stalker and stan if you fixate like this. You sound like you already are, honestly. It's better to just ignore her and your ex. Leave that shit behind you.
No. 480992
>>480977I'm asking for explainations of different claims made about me as well as making myself clear because anons here tend to… Have reading comprehension trouble
Anyway, it's lolcow, we like to yap at each other, there's no crazy psychology behind it, you're thinking way too much into this
>>480981I'm making fun of her, why is it so hard to understand?
Also first you tinfoil about how she must be a sexy model goddess, then when I go into detail how she looks I'm gimpgirl, what makes her so special? Are you sure you aren't in a situation similar to hers and this is why you're projecting this hard and defending a stranger who, by your knowledge, had sex with a guy who had a girlfriend and now the said ex girlfriend has negative feelings towards both of them?
No. 480999
>>480992Because you're clearly emotionally invested and angry with this. I don't sense much pleasure in any of your descriptions, just scorn and disgust that needs to be worked through.
It probably makes you feel better to say I must be projecting and that I'm actually "defending" her, but I'm not. The same way she's a stranger to me, she's not an important entity in your life, or someone you can rely on for shit (not even a petty morale boost). She's some random girl that fucked your boyfriend, and that's it.
Excommunicating her from any part of your mind and doing the same to your shit-tier ex is the healthy thing to do, because dwelling on this and ruminating on the scent of her pussy flaps can only lead to more irritation down the line. It won't help you.
He showed you exactly where he belonged when he went off with someone who's apparently acne-ridden, obese and has identity issues. If you choose to lie down with them and play their games instead of just blocking them, that puts you on their level. You can't call yourself an entertained spectator if you join the circus.
I also want to add that I never tinfoiled about her being a "sexy model goddess". That post comparing you to gimpgirl555 is literally my first reply to you.
Like I said, putting yourself in competition with someone you know isn't shit just means two things: It's a sensible comparison at all (if you're better than her, there really isn't - no one compares a supermodel to a warthog), and that if that person actually does become something, your mental state will worsen.
No. 481004
>>480999>Because you're clearly emotionally invested and angry with this. You say as you write a novel over situations amoung strangers that doesn't involve you
I have a right to be emotionally invested and angry, I don't know why you say that as if I was being irrational
He cheated which involved me having to kick him out and move back to my parents house and I resent her because she acted buddy buddy with me to get closer to him and blatantly tries to be like me to the point where even others have pointed out her creepiness towards me
>on the scent of her pussy flaps can only lead to more irritation down the line. It won't help you. I'm not saying it will, this is lolcow, there's much bitter shit going on and being said to milkless cows in snow, me joking about how a homewreckers pussy stinks is literally nothing, if anything, most women who are in situations I am, will do similar, because its perfectly normal to have this reaction
>He showed you exactly where he belonged when he went off with someone who's apparently acne-ridden, obese and has identity issues. If you choose to lie down with them and play their games instead of just blocking them, that puts you on their level. You can't call yourself an entertained spectator if you join the circus.I don't care, all I'm doing is posting pics and laughing about knowing how jealous she is. That's it. That's literally it. You act like I go out my way to contact or bother them but I do not.
Go preach about muh mental health to anons obsessing over me, even diagnosing me with bpd or the fact there's loons on here running around diagnosing everyone on lolcow with bpd, anons who dox and stalk cows, the anon who claimed me being a snob about my looks and laughed at the jealousy of my bunny boiler was the "most vile thing she's ever read" on a site that has to be heavy moderated because the amount of insane shit that goes on here. Seriously if you think me not being a calm Jan and doing literally nothing out of spite after being cheated on is some ~crazy out there thing only someone who is deeply mentally ill would do~ you need to get out there more and actually see what crazy reactions to getting cheated on is, this is not one. You sound sheltered.
No. 481005
>>481003>yapping" about this for like over 20 hours? So have other anons, what makes me so different other than your bias?
Also what planet you live on where you think people getting frustrated over strawmans must mean they're trying to prove themselves?
No. 481009
>>481004>You say as you write a novel over situations amoung strangers that doesn't involve youOkay, then why did you share this story at all? Don't you have any friends you could've told this to instead of online strangers? Maybe even a private journal or blog that you could've put this in? If you didn't want feedback from people you don't know, there was no reason to come here. In fact, why do you keep responding to us uninvolved strangers at all?
You can't use the "Not your business" defense when you make your own shit into a public affair, lmao. You literally put this thread into your drama. We're on season 3, episode 6 now. There's no turning back.
The rest of your post is too long to read, but you've spent 2 days now arguing with strangers about this. Get some help. Or don't, I (and many other farmers) actually find it really interesting when anons air out their dirty laundry this much.
If you get up to any crazier shit, please make sure to post a detailed update about it in this thread (preferably before any jail time can happen).
No. 481011
>>481004Anon gave you some sound advice.
>writing novels>writing a novel to say:>"hur durr says the guy writing novels"For the record, what separates you from the anons is the fact you're desperately coping for validation and the rest of us are just laughing at you. The BPD thing is also mostly a joke, imo akin to calling someone a boomer or incel(may not actually be, but displays a lot of the same hilarious habits and patterns)and the fact that you're stuck on it makes you look worse. Your original confession was pretty average, nothing horrible or "crazy." Your responses to anons is what comes off as "bpd" behavior.
People get cheated on, yes. If you can't handle the fact that anons aren't going to praise you up and down for having an unhealthy coping mechanism that will eventually backfire on you, maybe you shouldn't post.
Anons aren't calling you crazy because of what you confessed, they are calling you crazy because of your sperg. Your reaction to criticisms/being loled at is cow-level.
>"Go preach about muh mental health to anons obsessing over me,"Topkek. No one's obsessing. No one KNOWS you. You have however become an entertainment in this thread lmao. Most anons probably commented twice. You've obviously been here for hours and hours defending yourself when, once again, a confident person would not do. I can't imagine caring enough about what anons think of my personal experiences enough to post about them and spend the following hours defending it tooth and nail. These people don't know you. who would care other than a person who desperately needs validation for choices they probably deep down know are the wrong ones?
Get help anon, find healthy coping mechanisms. It really sucks you got cheated on, I sympathize with you on that. However, your way of dealing with it (and critism) is abysmal and quite frankly hilarious.
No. 481032
>>481009Because it's a confession thread and that was my confession? You act way too emotionally invested in the lives of others, especially over literally the most lowest reaction such as laughing at jealousy compared to how other people react to cheating
If you think silently laughing at my exes current gfs jealous is some crazy insane reaction to cheating you're extremely sheltered and don't know what you're talking about tbh
>>481011>The "it's a joke" excuse when someone can't own up to what they say even when it clearly wasn't a joke or it came of some place of actual thoughts>Insisting "NO ONES OBSESSING OVER YOU!!!" While obsessing over meHuh
No. 481085
>>481042I'm not sure if I understand you fully, but I think I agree? I hate how much people overreact to small things in general, and ignore the bigger things. I'm not going to give actual examples though because I know it would start a war here.
>>481049I've wanted to fuck professors before but not be them. But I know what that feels like to, wanting to absorb someone else's knowledge. Just not in the same person if that makes sense.
No. 481427
>>481421I feel you.
How do you know he/she doesn't find you attractive tho?
No. 481545
>>481525Where do you find fat fetishists to sell to?
Just curious. I'd ask the same if you told me you sell feet pics to footfags.
People always post about the fetish honeypot yet it's unclear where one would even start.
No. 481602
>>470621an old summer fling was back in town and i cheated on my perfectly nice, lovely boyfriend with him
and i don't even feel bad, i just want the summer fling to come back.
No. 481653
>>481602This be nasty
My confession is I found this utterly nasty.
No. 481690
>>481666You could improve. There's still time.
>>481602If that's how you feel then you might wanna break up with your bf
No. 481741
Currently away on work with 5 coworkers.
I'm staying in a place which is very dangerous for your health, and I had an emergency a week ago.
Even before the emergency, the situation was pretty bad and I complained to my bf about it. Bf started being very condescending, talking down to me and telling me to "stop being a drama queen, you'll be fine". The situation was so bad it was in the news worldwide. He kept telling me what I should do and say instead of being supportive and kind. He used to talk to me like that a lot, even my best friend noticed and said "he's arrogant and thinks he's smarter than everyone".
Then the incident happened and I was rushed to the ER. One of my coworkers was with me the whole time, made sure I was safe, checked up on me, carried my stuff, tried to cheer me up etc. We also have very similar interests and talking to him is so enjoyable because he's so patient and sweet.
I told my bf about the incident, thinking he'd get worried and be a little nicer. Instead he was offended that I was angry with him for brushing off my distress and said I'm blaming him that the incident happened. Which is not the case, I blamed him for being an insensitive ass. I said it's dangerous, people are dying out there. He then took to google and replied with "um ackshually it's only sensitive groups who are dying, not everyone". Which is beside the point.
He wouldn't apologise for his behaviour because "he didn't know what he did wrong" until I started crying and telling him to figure it the fuck out and that it's appalling that he's more concerned about being right than my own wellbeing. He apologised only recently and then started getting huffy because I wasn't being nice enough to him in my replies.
My bf has done many nice things for me in the past, like pay my rent and offer me to move in because I lived in a shitty dorm with no heating in winter. I was kind of dependent on him and still am because I have a cohabitation visa thanks to him. But we've fought a lot because of the callous way he sometimes addresses me and I don't think I can recover from this one. What if we have kids and he tells me to "suck it up" during labour?
I'm starting to regret my relationship and think I'm falling for my coworker, and the feeling is mutual. I would never cheat because I've been cheated on in the past, but I feel so betrayed because a person I knew for 4 months is being better to me than someone I shared a home and a life with for over a year.
No. 481750
>>481746I wasn't talking about feelings, just bedside manner, at least on my part I'm trying to keep my feelings entirely out of this for now and think somewhat rationally. My bf was less callous when we met sure, but he had a similar attitude to what he has now.
At the time I just chalked it up to age difference (he's 6 years older) and went with whatever he said just to pacify him and stop him from being bitchy, but I remember him complaining even when we were playing Donkey Kong Country because I sucked and his flatmate telling him to leave me alone.
I'm slowly getting sick of it because even then I knew this wasn't the healthiest relationship, but I chalked it up to me being insecure, poor, unemployed and confused and him being the Rational Adult just trying to help me get better.
I never had any medical emergency before but he always assured me he would be there for me. Now he isn't and is even bossing me around when I'm feeling like shit. My coworker might be an apathetic piece of shit deep down for all I know but even if nothing happens, I'm still deeply hurt because all this time I thought I was being hysterical and irrational, and comparing him to other people just… puts things into perspective, a lot.
No. 481795
In the end I know it's mostly my fault I did badish academically, but I secretly blame my parents for some of my current academic record
>They, unknownly, sent me to one of the worst charter schools in my area
>Still stayed after the school showed it self to be extremely incompetent (multiple teacher fired at once, 3 principles in one year, one time was to lazy to print our grades out, it was graded 'd', bad communication, a lot of shit)
>Didn't tell me about a scholarship opportunity for a charter school 4x as good because they were to lazy to research it
>Didn't give a shit about my grades (I could come home with 60's and I'd just get a small slap on the wrist)
>Didn't tell me they heard of a volunteering opportunity, I had to get a few hours for my Cambridge class, because they thought 'I wouldn't be interested'. I was literally 3 hours short that year and had to beg my teacher for an extension
>Mom did jack to help me in school:
>Didn't take her thyroid medication, had a ~natural cure~, so she was always drowsy and mood swingy
>Any attempt to get help on homework was 'ask your dad', dad came home at 11.
>Mom didn't do much to help me or my brother academically. Just left us on the TV and computer
I know I could have fixed and most of this is my own fault, but if my parents ever tried to help me more or curbed my teenage stupidly, maybe punishing me for bad grades, I would be in a better place. It was also to late, junior, when I realized how screwed I was from my bad academic history. I couldn't switch to the fancy charter school now. I don't blame them, but more see an alternative universe were things could have been better. What if my mom tried to take us to a nature museum on her own will once or twice? Or she tried to care about my little brothers interest in coding and get him some books based on that? She could have at least helped me with my homework. I know it's my fault, but my parents also kind of set me up for that path.
No. 481854
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i adore 2000s celebrity fashion and i wish i could dress like i just walked the red carpet at a naughties music award ceremony.
No. 481869
>>481864Your height/size has nothing to do with you being pushed around or feeling scared, that's got more to do with whether you've got a doormat personality or not.
If that was the case when no tall women would ever be bullied in school, get attacked by men etc.
No. 481873
>>481870Being pushed around has nothing to do with physical abilities - unless people are pushing you in a literal sense.
People treat you that way because they sense that you are weak and won't dare to complain. I was always treated that way despite being taller than everyone because most can immediately see that I'm a shy loser. And even if it would come to a physical fight (which is more than just highly unrealistic) when I still wouldn't be able to defend myself because I'd be too scared of hurting others.
Plus if you're smaller men want to take care of you and protect you.
No. 481885
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>>481859>I'm just so tall, muscular and bigD-Do you… happen to be into girls, by any chance? Asking for a friend…
…Anyway, please don't feel like this. I've always thought that women like you are so beautiful. Women don't "have" to be short and dainty. Tall and muscular women have their own appeal that many people actually appreciate. Plus, there's nothing wrong with being physically strong. I assure you that only shitty men and insecure women would think of you as "half man".
Take pride in your body, because it's awesome.
No. 481894
>>481859One of my best friends is 1,85m and just big for a female and I or anyone never thought she has to carry our books or stand so we can sit or whatever.
Hate to say it but what you're thinking is really dumb and stupid. You need a good dose of common sense and need to alter your way of thinking.
No. 481907
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I sometimes amaze myself at how perv I can be. I was talking to this guy while he was sitting and I was standing besides him when suddenly I got this urge to grind myself against him while sitting on his lap. It was just a random thought I had, he kept talking to me but I couldn't register anything of what he said from that point, I just nodded.
I've only experienced this with two guys in my life. I remember having a conversation with the other one about how he had to study some curves (like, statistics idk) and the very first thing that came to my mind was "I know other curves you can study". It just popped into my mind and I shocked myself like "what did I just thought??? omg I didn't think of that, I didn't… what??"
It's kind of funny because this is not my usual self, I'm kind of clumsy when it comes to "being sexy" or "flirty" or "bold".
No. 481928
>>481859I kind of understand since, though I am not super tall, I have always been big and unusually strong. Paired with having mostly male friends for my whole life, I always feel like the "man" in the room whenever I'm with women.
I hope you can grow comfortable with it, anon! There's something really cute about tall and big girls, especially if they're kind and gentle. It's not less womanly-it's just a different sort, imo.
I'm sure you're adorable.
No. 482278
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>>473395this is such an obvious scrotepost.
>>473698It's not a LARP, it's literally a man posting on here to make masturbation material.
No. 482286
>>481741dump him (if you can), what more has to happen for him to be worried about you?
what the fuck
he sounds like an asshole or like he has severe autism
No. 482288
>>481859>>481885 s-seconding this, anon
you sound like you're lovely in your own way, don't put yourself down too much because the grass is greener on the other side
i'm short/ average and always wanted to be taller, but all my tall friends tell me they want to be smaller
work with what you got, some other girl is probably jealous of you too
No. 482291
>>481741he sounds AWFUL to not care about your health, but to be so nasty about it???? the apathy is bad enough, but to then be mean to you about it? that's appalling, anon. completely unacceptable. he is not a nice person. please get away from this piece of shit. either his true colors are coming out, or he isn't into you anymore, but either way, holding onto someone that is like this is dangerous. he sounds like the type of person that might fuck your shit up even more when you ask for help. the whole reason for companionship is for mutual compassion and care, especially in times of need or emergency. he does not care in the slightest and is actively aggravating your situation. you deserve someone better.
it was cool of him to help you in the past, but either he's resentful or just isn't into you anymore, because people who care don't treat their partners like this when something serious arises.
No. 482529
>>482520He's an adult too, and the least we can say about young men is that when they have sex with older women it's because they legitimately want it.
Unlike the case where young women are memed and groomed into fucking older men and come to regret it.
No. 482616
>>482558Same, i have probably about 150-200 books, most unread. I also have a nook with pdfs on it. I love buying books at thrifts stores, used book stores etc. Honestly its dangerous for me to go anywhere that books are reallt cheap like a library book sale. And yet I still go to the library lol
I'm trying to get through them though
No. 482651
>>482518Several reasons actually
Most men who go for younger girls often do so with malicious intents of manipulation or purposely looking for someone vurnerable, or them actually being pedophiles so they go for girls as young as possible without getting in trouble, men being meme'd by porn and the media to like certain types of women instead of liking what naturally comes to them, them being misogynists and trying to "own" women by claiming to have an endless supply of 18 yr olds, etc.
Most large age gap relationships, in general, are unfulfilling and simply don't work unless both of the people are older or they're in a situation where they can make it work, a young girl fresh out of high school trying to start her career and find herself simply doesn't work with an old man who wants to quickly get married and have kids before he dies
No. 482745
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>>482702Eyy anon, I fit your description. I'm ready to be bullied.
>shorter than meHow short are we talking about? I'm 5'3.
Anyway yeah, I'm femme but not into butch women either. I tend to like other femmes or chapsticks.
No. 482755
>>482740Idk how to describe it, her whole appearance is just plain, which yes, is subject.
Oval/roundish face, meaty jaw, thin lips, pointy long nose, full cheeks, slightly large eyebags, somewhat hooded/deepset eyes, brows that are a bit too far apart and look like > with a thinner tail, strong brow ridge(?) with a slightly large forehead and long, brown, straight hair.
Like I said, she's not ugly at all, would probably look really good with a bit of stronger makeup
No. 482760
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>>482748Husband…? You meant to type, soon to be ex-husband, right?
No. 482777
>>482748Please tell us you’re leaving him. To go tap some buttons and shoot pixels is a pretty big announcement of ‘idc about you or our child and never will’
Unrelated, the number of books in my house has gone over 300 again and I’m tempted to just let it take over. They’re shelved and read not hoarded in piles or whatever but husband and I collect so many things it’s getting cluttered af. Minerals, books, plants, weird thrift store art, scarves, taxiderms, Limoges boxes, things with cats on them, and 1940’s fashion all smooshed into one house lmao. It’s as ugly as you imagine
No. 482799
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tfw I'll never gf pic related
No. 482802
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>>482799Thanks for making me discover this woman and her perfect biceps
No. 482909
>>482827>anti natalist I don't think anon is, sounds more like she's wanting to argue from a place of insecurity. Which is why she thinks a critique of selfish and stupid people breeding is a Hitler tier call to action to sterilize all people I see fit. That's why she thinks it's "narcissism."
>>482869Not really but I see this topic has caused you great upset and I don't feel like arguing with someone who doesn't know what narcissism means to apply it correctly.
No. 482914
>>482909Saying that Educated and wealthy people are best equipped to have kids, and are unfortunately the group having the least children, is now literal genocide and eugenics against the poor and thinking so makes you a personality disordered bigot lmao.
Unadulterated, organic retardation straight from the farm.
No. 482917
>>482914>Saying that Educated and wealthy people are best equipped to have kidsThey tend to be. It doesn't mean there aren't exceptions but providing your kids more direction, access to resources, and opportunities tends to produce better equipped children for life.
I'm sorry this fact is so unsettling for you.
>literal genocide >eugenics >bigotry >personality disordered >retardation Calm your spergout.
No. 482920
>>482919Being poor doesn't make you automatically emotionally mature and less emotionally neglectful.
That doesn't work.
No. 482922
>>482917Who was disagreeing with the idea that the super poor aren’t the ideal people to pop out kid after kid?
Sarcastically pointing out that it’s not eugenics to say poverty isn’t great for kids seems far from a sperg out.
No. 482926
>>482922>Who was disagreeing with the idea that the super poor aren’t the ideal people to pop out kid after kid?The anon who sperged that it's narcissism to think so.
>Sarcastically pointing out that it’s not eugenics to say poverty isn’t great for kids seems far from a sperg out.Are we agreeing? The way you worded this is confusing. To be clear, I'm the anon who doesn't think it's eugenics. I was making fun of the anon calling it that and saying it's genocide.
No. 482969
>>482962Lol I feel sorry for you but this made me nostalgic of back in the days when friends and I also got arrested for hotboxing in sketchy places. Few of those times, I'm 90% sure they planted that bitch in our car! I guess bullying stoners fills the quota easier than catching gang bangers or rapists.
Sure glad as adults with our own place, everyone can smoke pretty consequence-free.
>>482965Lucky af tbh. Just embrace and enjoy it anon. Brains just make shit sexual for no reason in dreams. I had sex dreams about many of my friends just because I miss them.
No. 482973
>>482962Ugh, all that trouble for a shitty dime. I'm so sorry that happened to you anon.
Hopefully in a few years we can look back on laws like these and laugh at how archaic and nonsensical they were. At least it's a fine and not a sentence.
No. 483060
>>482994They might not want your pityfuck anon
Does it actually come from a place of wanting to somehow help them, or just from a narcissistic desire to feel superior for bestowing 'their first time uwu' onto a guy you think is below your league? Imo just carrying on as you are by being their friend and giving any solicited dating advice sounds like it would be more useful for teaching those guys how to treat women, rather than starting a charitable vagina donation service
No. 483389
>>483327nta but how is that even autistic?
the word autistic/autism has become so overused on lolcow to the point where it has no meaning anymore. someone posts something I find disturbing? they're autistic. someone expresses their annoyance at something? they're autistic. someone posts their opinion that I disagree with? definitely autistic!
No. 483473
>>483397Well, I don't mind the "servicing" after I've got my satisfaction (aka he said and did what I told him to and he's reasonably blushy and awkward after it, kek). Luckily my bf likes pleasing me as well and isn't a selfish coomer who only cares about his own pp tingles and just lies there like a dead fish.
>>483446This is like my only weird turn on and it isn't even that weird, hardly a kinkfag tbh. I hate the word "kink" anyway, what's wrong with fetish? I have a humiliation fetish. It's only 2 letters longer and doesn't sound retarded.
No. 483747
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i have an American girl doll from my childhood I recently started keeping with me In bed while I sleep. I’m so glad my S/O is nice about it. I’ve been going through a difficult time and the doll has a nostalgic comforting smell and playing with the hair calms me down. I feel like a woman child but w/e I’m not harming anyone
No. 483759
>>483755why you can't say that you like dolls without someone having the absolute need to tell you how creepy they find them.
No one cares about your bizzare phobia of inanimate objects, let people enjoy things.
No. 483808
>>483747That's great he's so accepting. Honestly surprised, because most people don't like when there's an object on the bed. Like phones stay on the floor/desk because they're harder than sheets.
>>483761Okay and you don't gotta tell everyone you don't like dolls whenever the topic comes up. Way to make it about you kek
>>483753Speaking to yourself is so therapeutic. It's basically like journaling with your voice. I found it helps me converse better and speak louder when I have the chance to talk to other people.
No. 483812
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>>483747Tbh I see nothing wrong with that anon, especially since it's from your childhood. I have a couple of small keychain plushes that I take with me in my purse lmao. I'm a very anxious person and holding/looking at them helps me feel better.
No. 483813
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I want to break up with my bf but his life has just been so sad and difficult. I feel so guilty for even thinking about it. I'm afraid of what he might do if I did end up going through with it.
I'm just really tired, man.
No. 483881
>>483855Nah, I’m just stuck in a long term relationship struggling with how to leave. He’s not a bad person but can be verbally
abusive, prefers to spend all of his time at work and when I ask to do things together to try to salvage our relationship his heart isn’t really in it. That’s why I fantasize about being with other people, though I won’t cheat. I’m just not sure if I should give him a chance to fix things together or if the whole relationship is done. It sucks because we’ve been together so long and own property together, so even though I feel like breaking up might be better, I’m scared.
No. 483910
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>have cute coworker that I am obsessed with but he's a lot older than me and is married
>he's very gentle and is always there for me when I'm upset
>I feel horribly guilty because I want this guy to fuck the everloving shit out of me
>he's not even my type, he's just so charming
>tell him today "I'm going to regret saying this, but if you weren't married, I would fuck you"
>he replies with "don't worry, the feeling's mutual"
even worse is that his wife is hot as hell and I fantasize about having a threesome with them… sigh…
No. 483914
>>483910honestly if I was in your position and I said that to him and he said the feeling was mutual it would seem depressing to me and make me stop being attracted to him
I would just be thinking about what if I was his wife and he was fantasizing about not being married and fucking this younger coworker
No. 483969
>>483910You're living my current fantasy. Wish I was as bold as you are. My older co-worker crush is distancing himself from me, feelsbad.jpg
Good luck. Hope nobody gets hurt. I'm sorta happy for you anon.
No. 483972
>>483910gross. keep it to yourself. unless he was separating or divorcing, that was not cool. his wife probably thinks the world of him and you're out here placating this older creep's fantasies of fucking his younger coworker.
No. 484045
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>>484018GOOD FUCKING RIDDANCE!!! Congrats on your freedom anon!
No. 484047
>>484018I felt the same about my dad who was also an
abusive pedo piece of shit who never got caught because I didn't dare to tell anyone. The only person I have ever truly wished cancer on and when they found out he had cancer it was so far gone it was too late to treat it. I felt like something out there was finally on my side. Rot in piss. I'm happy for you anon, you deserve to feel relieved and you don't have to feel bad for anything. Good luck on your recovery, I'm still on the way as well but things are looking up.
No. 484056
>>484014I guess "accepted slang definitions" must mean "meaning what ever you want it to mean"
ite then
No. 484068
>>484018Fucking feel bad for you that he didn't die a worse death tbf, gg still especially if he's in the prime of his life.
>>484047Nice bae, glad for you.
No. 484183
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I really hate kissing for some reason. Is that normal? I'm afraid it might be related to some trauma or something
No. 484190
>>484184oh god, not this again. you can't even mention bpd on this site without anons getting
triggered out of their minds and having emotional outbursts at everyone who dares to defend people with bpd (oh the irony)
people with bpd are different people, not all of them are the same. some are malignant and unwilling to change, some not. you can't know what kind anon is from that one confession. not to mention I've known leagues of people who didn't have bpd and still never took responsibility for their actions.
>you would realize that the cheating anon most likely doesn't really feel bad for what her actions were, but rather what the consequences of them will be FOR herumm lots of people with bpd have guilt and shame, and their is actual academic research that suggests people with bpd have a higher proneness to guilt and shame than other people. even if they externalize the blame they probably still feel bad. and it's not like people without bpd never do this either.
>also, if she REALLY thought he cheated, she should have broken up with him, that's no excuse at allI mean I guess I can see what you mean, but I disagree, unless he repented and promised to never do it again and they decided to move forward but judging by anon's confession I don't think that's the case
you're also forgetting the fact that she's in financial trouble that's influencing her to do this
No. 484199
>>484197ummm ok? I didn't say he did? she said she
thought did but she never actually said if he did or didn't or if she even knows, so obviously we don't know, but that's not even what I was talking about.
I was responding to the anon who said that even if he did cheat on her it would still be wrong of her to send nudes and I disagreed with that. learn to read please
No. 484231
>>484176my anon I'm in the same boat, I used to mock people that liked it but honestly at some point I realized I like it myself. They're cute. I don't give a shit about irl kids but shotas are cute. Not in a pedo "I want to molest them" kind of way but more of a "I relate to these characters more and find their aesthetic adorable" sort of deal.
scrote pandering mommy kink shota needs to go though
No. 484284
>>484120wait are the nudes the cheating or did you physically cheat?
>>484245i hope you both come out ok but definitely dont try to kill yourself with a knife ever, anon, or through any other needlessly painful means. would be a huge and painful mistake.
No. 484293
>>484287a few things:
a) if your bf gave a shit about you so much, i think he'd be helping you out financially so you'd not have gotten to the point of needing cash for nudes
b) it's not great but it's not so terrible, the fact that you just sent nudes. imo, men don't really care. i think they only ever "care" to make women feel bad. their emotions quickly fade. don't do it again, etc etc, but what did the messages in his chat say? imo, the intention is what's important. doing something out of lust is much, much worse than just being an emotional mess and being impulsive.
No. 484310
>>484300that sounds like coming across that could be hurtful. i don't think what you did was so bad considering. it's obviously not advisable, but whatever. the scuzzy porncentric behavior is really normalized so people are taught to put up with it, but i wouldn't want to be with a guy that did this. to me, despite what you doing not being great, it's more important that you only want your bf, while he's out here thinking of other women sexually and watching and sharing porn of women he wants to fuck. no amount of nudes (that aren't sent out of lust) is as unfair, imo. it's an emotionally/sexually imbalanced situation when you only want one person and they are the type that is sexually or romantically indiscriminate.
i'd rather be with a guy that sent out his meaningless nudes out of sadness but only wanted me vs a guy that didn't share photos of his body but wanted to fuck lots of other girls.
i really think you two are coming from two different places. i couldn't find myself being sexually or romantically compatible with someone like your bf and i'm not sure that you are either. perhaps you're better off being alone until you find that right person. i think it'd spare both of you heartache.
No. 484331
>>484300Honestly you both sound bad but at least you weren't sexually harassing someone. He sounds disgusting and awful, I dunno how you can love someone like that. You can do way better but you have to work on your self-esteem first. Maybe because you have bpd you feel like that's what you deserve because he puts up with you but he will make things much worse for you. Not worth it.
>>484310I think it's harder to find a guy who is romantically/sexually discriminate but it is so worth it. I don't believe you can be in a deep loving relationship if either party is constantly looking and getting off to others, even if it's just porn. Hate how normalized it is. I'd rather be in no relationship than settle for that.
No. 484343
>>484236I'm the same and it's horrible. When I first meet people I give the impression that I'm hitting on them just because I'm so intense and I worry that my friendships border on emotional cheating.
I'm not sure if it's the same for you but every sign in my life points to codependency issues, I need to learn how to deal with things alone without reaching out to others for emotional support or needing to 'live my life for other people' but I can't imagine ever doing that.
I get by through having enough friends that I'm not putting all of my baggage into one person or my SO but as I'm getting older more friends are drifting away. My greatest fear is that when all my friends get married and have families I'll be alone. I don't think I'd be a good mother but I can understand why people have kids, the prospect of having nobody to live for is awful.
No. 484364
>>484343Oh yeah codependency is a huge huge thing in my life, from a codependent parent to shitty relationships etc. and I know I am codependent on a lot of my friends as well, the funny thing Is that most of them are in serious committed relationships anyway and I’m one of the only single ones and acting this way when I’m single just seems so much worse haha. Like every new love interest that pays attention to me gets tired of me quick because of the intensity. Really trying to tone it down lately but then I feel bottled up when I can’t express myself properly especially to other people..
Lately I feel super conscious of at least the worst behaviors though and I’m trying to fix it. Also nothing wrong with not wanting kids anon. You can still have a fulfilling life without them.
No. 484471
>>484200they're cute, i enjoy shota doujins (h and not), etc.
being honest with myself feels good tbh
No. 484529
>>484245what are you even on about !! throwing away a hundred knives is probably something gladly do if it was necessary for you to stay alive.
I'm glad you talked to your mother and I hope you find help and get through this, you are NOT selfish anon. sending you good thoughts.
No. 484764
>>484644okay, but you can even apply it to other personality disorders and conditions. for example it would be like saying "nah I have autism and I know all autistic people deal with sensory overload". like, just because it's common doesn't mean all of them do, and non autistic people can also have that problem.
you only need to meet 5 out of 9 criteria to have bpd. it could be a different combination of traits with every individual. some people have 5, some people have 6, 7, 8, 9 and there are different combinations of those traits and those traits don't always manifest the same way in every one. just ask an actual psychiatrist and they will probably tell you the same thing.
No. 484975
>>484956>crush on a boy 4 years youngerDamn anon, me too.
Makes me feel like a creep haha. Let's be creeps together.
No. 485412
>>484956i got a crush on a boy 2 years younger but he's got a gf, he's 18 and i'm 21
worse, he actually flirts a lot and idk if he meants it
No. 485544
>>485475Second anon and yeah, I'm 22.
It's just weird that he was underage a few months ago. Even if that's still legal in my country. Idk. Feels scandalous.
No. 485586
>>485543For what reason did you post this here?
>>485559Probably 8chan
No. 485593
>>485543You're a piece of shit, truly.
So wrapped up in your own individual needs and desires, such a blatant lack of responsibility and duty to others.
think you're being selfless by offing yourself, but in reality, the only thing you're doing is engaging in some petty, meaningless individualistic desires while
actively complicating the lives of everyone around you.
Instead of being a pathetic, mopey piece of shit who can't even commit to dying, why don't you volunteer at a children's hospital, homeless shelter, literally anywhere else where there are vulnerable people.
Why don't you sacrifice yourself for others instead of indulging yourself in these silly fantasies?
No. 485619
>>482546>>482558How do I improve my reading ability anons ?? I must have 50 or so unread books that I have bought this year and yet I can only get through a couple pages
I wish I could just read casually without it feeling like a chore
No. 485659
>>485586Mostly I wanted to confess to feeling good about something terrible - this is the confessions thread. Obviously I can't tell people irl, so I chose here.
>>485593You sound a bit upset, anon. If I thought I was anything more than a pos, I don't think I'd put this much effort and time into planning such a horrible act. To assume that I've been delaying because I can't commit is fair, but I do actually care about the consequences of how I go and what I leave behind. Were I as inconsiderate towards others as you presume me to be, I wouldn't hesitate to find an easier way that would traumatise more people. Choosing a discreet method and researching to understand what I need to prepare is enough.
While I understand your pov (really), I think you hugely overestimate how many people will care and how much they'll be affected when I go. In the time between finding the first forum and the second, I've recovered from my neetdom and even had a decent job for a bit. Despite this, I feel as though there is something fundamentally wrong with me; after feeling so awful for so long, I'm allowed to choose what happens to my life. I will wrap up every loose end so it should only be a slight annoyance to the very few people who might be affected. It's better than being a burden in every way for decades to come - that is far more selfish imo
No. 485675
>>485593Nta but I think it's pretty telling when you counter to suicidal individuals with shaming them into duty to other people, and saying how they'll feel better if only they can make themselves useful by donating their time to service others.
A person's value shouldn't subsist on what they're able to provide for other people. If that's what keeps you going that's great. But individual value separate from what they do for the herd is important too.
No. 485680
>>485659Why do you think suicide is "your choice" and not just another programmed choice society has allowed you to engage in?
I highly doubt there's anything wrong with YOU, genetically or socially, but rather the fucked up society we live in, that allows you to even consider suicide instead of reaching out to you and protecting you.
You say like finding a job was supposed to make you happy, but have you ever considered why society pushes finding stable employment with happiness so much? It's because 99% of the time, they are so wholly incompatible that they MUST be forced together to form this unnatural pairing lest we see what they really want from us (to be a silent, willing paypig).
You've probably experienced horrible shit, personal and not, for a long time, so "logically" it makes sense that you think it's you, but who the fuck are you really?
When you are being constantly manipulated, whether it's top down (like political messages, how you should feel about family, your position in life, ideologies, values etc) or bottom up (how you react to the color red, certain sounds, scents), how can you say with SUCH certainly that YOU are the problem, when you can't even comprehend the manipulation and trauma that's being done to you?
I'm rambling now, but what I mean to say is, whatever you think of yourself, is probably not even you. All of these idealations and fantasies, this low self esteem and image, it's all been constructed by literal vampiric demons who feed off of this energy (as well as any money/labor you invest).
No. 485694
>>485619Set a small goal every day. Like say you'll read 30 minutes a day, or x amount of pages every day (even if its just one page).
Combine reading with a habit you already have. Like if you drink coffee every morning, put the boom you want to read next to your coffee machine.
Read before you go on the internet because the internet is bad for your attention span and its harder to get reading done after being on the internet because your brain will want instant gratification. It might help to read in the morning.
Hope this helps. I got this advice from a YouTube video.
No. 485747
>>485593there's nothing wrong with her post. she didn't ask to be born. she isn't obligated to help anyone considering that she's suicidal herself. she shouldn't feel obligated to suffer for the benefit of others. other people who aren't suffering because they're alive can volunteer and help others. helping others is not a panacea for suffering. there are a fuckton of people out there. if you care so much about helping others, why don't you try to use your shaming tactics to convince people to prioritize volunteering and helping others over popping out kids and pouring all their resources into stupidly and selfishly creating MORE people who are capable of suffering endlessly, rather than using their resources to eliminate the suffering of countless others who are already alive? who says helping others even gives people the will to live? it doesn't if you're genuinely suicidal, i can tell you that much. your post is so stupid and ridiculous.
>>485680idk if you were the anon with the dumb post but i agree with some parts of this post. there's nothing wrong with being unhappy or suicidal in a very broken society. broken in many different ways and they want to make everyone who is discontented with being reamed feel like they're abnormal. part of it i think is that suicidality is so pathologized, when it's nothing but rational to be sick of suffering and not want to suffer for no reason, or for the benefit of a few, who hate you, mind you. problem is, unless it can be fixed, what to do? numb yourself by being high 24/7 to avoid suicide?
No. 486255
>>486108I hate that this is the way you felt, that you "owed" something to someone to such a point he thought the act was genuine.
But I'm glad you are able to see that now from a distance.
Also sorry for your loss Anon.
No. 486289
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Back in 2008 I hacked Habbo Hotel accounts with a fake website and stole coins and furniture worth thousands of dollars (and got banned together with all of it in the end kek).
No. 486488
>>486289Me and my sister on separate computers on opposite ends of the house would run fake "falling furni" and "chair races" competitions in one of my rooms on Habbo.
Players could "pay to stay" at the end of each round if they lost, with a Habbo Club sofa offered as the grand prize. My sister would always play in the races, always "P2S" after every round, and won every game.
We had so much furniture from our scam, we opened more rooms and more games, all filled with the goods. Eventually we got reported and my account was banned, but my god it felt good.
I also used to hold fake raffles on Neopets and sold omlettes and other crap in my shop for 10k neopoints a piece, these were the tickets. I'd offer a Baby Paint Brush as the prize. Eventually I made 400k NP from these fake raffles and bought myself a Baby Paint Brush. Painted my Lupe with it. I was 11 and extremely proud. Account banned.
Karma is real.
No. 486549
>>486548>Ten minute long YouTube vids have ruined mine, I can't enjoy films or TV series anymore. My attention span was much better in my twenties so it's an odd age to suddenly realize I have issues with focusRaises hand, I can't even watch a full movie without losing focus
How do I get better anons ?
No. 486598
>>486572I have also had these deep thoughts anon. I wish I could go back to high school, with the social skills and IDGAF attitude I have now. Maybe I'd even make friends. I could stand up to the bullies with ease. I could try harder in my exams and do better.
I'd be a completely different person. I'd be living a different life right now. I wouldn't have my bf, my dog, maybe I wouldn't be so close to my family.
Please try to focus on what you do have, right now, rather than what you don't. You won the lottery even existing right now. If your poor grades make you feel that bad, there's nothing stopping you from signing up to a post grad class to improve them. My brother dropped out of high school 15 years ago but has recently got his grades back and is now going to university. Stay positive!
No. 486634
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Gonna go have a decent binge at the chinese buffet today on my last day off. It's a 30 minute drive one way but worth it. Gonna dig into that cheap sushi, seafood, and dim sum.
They have this eggplant dish that I really like too. I actually really like going to eat alone cause then I don't have to be secretive or polite about loading my plates and stuffing face.
The only thing that sucks is this dude who I buy weed from blew me off last night so I can't get proper high to enjoy it even more. But oh well, I still will.
No. 487027
>>487014She probably would have. You're not alone, though, I played a huge role in bringing negative attention upon an influencer on here too. Her life has dramatically declined since, and it is clear this site played a large role in that. I can't even try to pretend she "deserves it" or that the threads about her are "just some legitimate criticism" because some of the anons who participate in it are so deeply unhinged. There is at least one person who crossed the line into actually lowkey stalking her IRL briefly, yet most people in the thread saw nothing wrong with it because they were so thirtsy for whatever milk they could squeeze.
The lesson I learned is that you should never bring anyone to this site's attention (or any other chan sote for that matter) because, while you might just want to complain about some dumb shit they did, there likely will be someone out there who will become frighteningly obsessed with them.
No. 487036
>>487014Omg I swear to god I thought it was me who originally posted her here but I couldn't remember for sure. Whew I'm glad you posted this
>>487027This is super honest and interesting anon. Thanks for sharing
No. 487051
>>487027>because, while you might just want to complain about some dumb shit they did, there likely will be someone out there who will become frighteningly obsessed with them.I 100% understand this and it's the reason why I don't start cow threads myself because it's bound to ruin someone who's already in an unstable mental state. The a-logs become so obsessed they'll be there until the day the person dies, even if the milk ran dry long, long ago. It's not worth doing just to complain about someone doing dumb crap unless they're doing something actually destructive to others around them.
However… here's my confession:
>Had some fat fucked up narc SJW snowflake trying to start calling me and several others out because of petty SJW bullshit snowflake tumblrina reasons>I'm absolutely not going to deal with this >Make a thread about this fucker>People immediately jump at her because she's a big piece of work >She immediately deletes her existence from the internetI'm not sorry about this the slightest. Callout culture needs to die and I'm willing to play the game with their rules if it comes down to that.
No. 487064
>>486950kek that's always so satisfying
i occasionally check out my exes youtube channel and she still uploads weekly despite not even reaching 30 subs
feels good to know you got out of a relationship better
No. 487093
>>487027Thanks a lot for your reply, I appreciate your honesty
I never thought that my annoyance with her would spawn literally 11 threads about her with no signs of stopping. Obviously other people find her extremely aggravating as well since there are thousands of replies?But a part of me certainly feels totally responsible for bringing her to lolcows attention at all even without ever even making a thread for her myself, since really I just believe she is extremely mentally ill and just needs a good therapist. It’s really sad and I feel like a piece of shit for being pretty hateful.
Thanks for reading
No. 487420
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>>487414I always stand up for everyone, no matter their race, age or gender. Feels good to be good.
No. 487450
>>487444and literal Slavery in Saudi Arabia only legally ended in 1962
1962 can you imagine that
No. 487463
>>487441NTA but this would only be a good excuse if AA people were treated like slaves or former slaves in African countries. Instead, they welcome them.
Some countries even fund them to return if they want to, and at worst, they're treated the same as white foreigners where only their money is considered important
Africa has already apologized for slavery and is happy to give reparations for it. Americans, Europeans and Arabs on the other hand just refuse to acknowledge it and insist it's all in the past so it doesnt matter
(racebaiting) No. 487511
>>487508>>487508everyone (except men obviously) is welcome here dumbass
take your racebait somewhere else
No. 487762
>>487697I used to want a son rather than a daughter, but that flew out of the window after reading some 15 year old boys being pedophile apologists on Instagram. The logic was being attracted to children is fine as long as you don't act on it.
Also other stuff like how recently teenage boys have been throwing toddlers off balconies for some reason, basically grabbing a strange child in an art gallery or somewhere similar and chucking them over the edge. A 19 year old boy who brutally raped and murdered a sweet pretty mom (not his own) with a carjack. Stuff like that. They are cute <10 but the chance of becoming an immoral devil drastically increases once they are a teenager.
No. 487816
>>487813>>487815I have a full time job where I work 40-50 hours a week as well. I just don't make that much money, but at least it has benefits.
This is just an additional 10-20 hours on top of that. I plan on doing it until I stop making as much, whenever that is.
No. 487818
>>487766Well, my reason is quite weird but my communication with males has always been very shallow. They tend to be afraid to show me their true selves, so I only see their finest gentleman act and nothing else. I've only ever had irl friendships with women, where my online friendships tend to be with males.
There was kinda a gap in my knowledge which I thought having a male child to observe would educate me further on male psychology. However I've managed to learn a lot more about male psychology via the internet (see: awful things in my other post) so that's kinda covered and now I'm neutral about future genders.
No. 487873
>>487833I would love whatever child I had, that's kinda the deal. It was more that I was curious about male psychology and now I'm not, heh.
I guess to explain better I thought having a girl would be boring and easy (quite the opposite opinion to another Anon in the thread) and a boy would be more of a challenge, thus more interesting.
I mean "easy" is surely preferable than "challenge" and girls are emotionally complex, but I'm able to handle that. Raising a child is difficult whatever gender you end up with, that's the truth. It's impossible to prepare a child fully for the world.
I agree all guys are not evil or whatever, it was more I had an overly rosy view of them before due to their shallow interactions with me, always "on best behavior". It's hard to explain but basically instead of showing me their bad side, guys just break contact/disappear so I thought they were "mysterious" where now I know they were just hiding secrets. Like one mysterious gentleman was revealed to be a racist Trump supporter, laughing about how he is in a safer position than "brown people" due to his skin color. He certainly never showed me that side. I've never been verbally or physically abused by a guy (partially due to my own caution) which I now know is incredibly rare.
So my perspective was warped due to years of constant friendly messages from guys daily online, them always being charming and helpful in person, but still a bit distant and mysterious.
Anyway, now I know more about the mystery…
gestures at 4chan and Reddit Sorry for the book, just thought my post needed more clarification.
No. 487875
>>487873ok but like if you wanted a boy just to uncover the mysteries of the opposite sex, how tf were you gonna have him without some sort of bf/husband involvement? would you be on the same level of intimacy with your bf/husband that you are w random male friends? would like a couple years of cohabiting not uncover all the mystique that there ever was?
ignore all of this if you're a lesbian-chan.
No. 487885
>>487875Well…I'm asexual and straight but femme-leaning, I find cis, masc straight males very boring.
But assuming femme husband exists, yes I'm sure the cohabitation would sate my curiosity before the child rearing part did. You have highlighted the fact I haven't put much thought into this until this moment.
Anyway, love whatever gender child you have, anons.
No. 487892
>>487887How is it offensive, sweet angel? Do you have a boring straight male at home or what?
Not everything is about you.
No. 487901
>>487892Actually I’m a separatist radfem, you’re just retarded. Also
No. 488120
>>488087Pamper you in exchange for what though?
My old ass is cynical about men and arrangements like that
No. 488128
>>488125Nah I'm actually nearing my 30s and the mommy and free therapist part are past experiences with a LTR. I'm done sticking with an asshole with no respect for my boundaries.
If no one wants me once I'm over 30 and "expired" I'll just be a happy crazy cat lady. No more emotional work for scrotes.
No. 488143
>>488025I feel like this topic is too complex for a board like this. I would hope a son would be nothing like the average male, and as previously stated I have learned enough about them now to not be intellectually interested in them
No. 488162
>>488156Skinny-shaming is real and tumblr sexualities are
valid… what is happening on here today
No. 488195
>>470621>>488161Men are what they are: hyper sexual and impulsive versions of women. You either love them or understand them . Their function is to be the first line of defence before women and children, to be a hunter and provider alongside women, but to take over when a woman is pregnant/nursing. It makes perfect sense for them to be a little more hotheaded and to want to spread their seed around a little more if you look at humans from a more animal perspective; that’s no excuse for them being shitty, as we all have to control our primal urges.What these MRA fail to understand is that if they’re not protecting women and children or providing for them then they are failing to fulfil their role as a male animal ergo: they’re fucking useless to women and should stop complaining.
Honestly when men can accept their gender for what it is then they can start to be decent human beings to both women and children, to see where they’re going wrong with men in society and how to fix it, self reflection which usually only women are capable of
No. 488207
>>488200>female supremacismholy shit that's a first
Who the fuck said that
you got to be a scrote
No. 488483
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>>488291>>488435There absolutely is such a thing as female supremacist. Hell, my professor of Human Rights Law is one. They think that women are better to men due to being less violent and more nurturing and take every chance to let us know that if men were barred from and women were in charge of positions of power then the world would be a strictly better place to live in. She is also into "witch" shit, like she has a group with which they worship the "divine female". The funniest thing is there are a bunch of guys into that group, can't believe what kind of self hate these men have to go to these gatherings.
No. 488501
she sounds great, if you're too much of a bootlicker to not like men self-hating then i will gladly take your spot. or recommend you give it a shot. it's more gratifying than you might expect to overindulge your ego sometimes… would absolutely recommend
No. 488611
>>488502have you considered they're in it just for a better grade/to get on her good side or because that sort of shit turns them on? do you still feel bad?
also yeah, she sounds based, much better than my psychics teacher who refused to help girls or let them access the exam kek, and it isn't even like she's doing anything like that to guys either so I honestly see 0 problem.
No. 488627
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I'm far from being a Musk fan or a redditor or whatever, but I have to admit that I find the Tesla Cybertruck kind of cute.
It's so ugly that it turns around and in the end it looks cute. I like "strange" designs, plus the cyberpunk vibe is right up my alley.
Rip me to shreds
No. 488642
>>488200The Titanic was purposely caused to kill the last remaining opposition of central banking in America.
It has nothing to do with males dying for women lol
No. 488710
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>>488627I'd rather drive a Homer.
No. 488726
>>488650Yes, I saw the video. I agree that it was larpy and pretty cringey.
It's not like I'm ever going to buy it anyway, so just by looking at it on the internet I think it's interesting looking. Ugly, but interesting.
No. 488823
>>488773How old is the dog and what breed? Unless it's a senior it would be worth training it. You should really sit down and talk to your wife about how much it's harming your quality of life. You could even go to dog training classes together so you can both learn how to deal with the bad behavior and make it a team effort, instead of holding her solely responsible (even though it's her fault). It is very difficult to get a dog to learn and behave if the whole family isn't working with it. You guys are a unit and should be approaching a solution together.
If she still isn't willing to invest the time and money into training, then she is better off taking it to the shelter tbh. If the dog is purebred or small it will get adopted quickly to someone who is willing to give it more attention.
No. 489041
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>>488961Not sure why. It's not out of a physical type of fear. I'm not afraid of the dark, I don't have enemies, and I have a secure home. Maybe it's a manifestation of my dread in general. So that being left in the dark alone with it is as big a monster as any boogeyman. Which compels me to make sure I stay in the light.
No. 489073
>>489052Sounds like he had his cake and ate it too. Constant stream of uninterrupted sex while girlfriend-hopping.
Reminds me of how Heidi said she was still sleeping with Jared while he was "leaving" and his new relationship with Holly was ongoing. I presume she had considered the likelihood of you still sleeping together (I assume it when someone is still living with his ex)
Just promise me you will ignore him if he resumes contact with you. He's been treated too well.
No. 489081
>>489069Use that power to pink pill girls in the server.
>>489078Girl same. If only glitter wasn't brutal to everything around it.
>>489070You are an asshole. Kys.
No. 489085
>>489069I have a similar situation. The Discord channel for a video game series I frequent a lot considers me "The Girl" in the server. I'm basically like one of 10% of girls who use the channel the most lmao. The thing is, I don't act any different, we just shit talk about video games.
Funny thing, there was one guy from Italy who I thought was a girl for the longest time because his name was a typical American female name, but then he started joining voice chats and when I told him, he was like "Oh my god… I'm so sorry anon." We still talk to each other the same amount.
The server had like one or two troons who frequently visited, but basically no one payed attention to them any time they'd try to talk about being a trans girl lol
No. 489089
>>489073I don't know if his new gf even knew about me. He kept us so separate that I don't know if she thought he was single or if she knows their relationship was an affair. He never answered those questions for me
He's still been sending me bday and xmas gifts for some reason. Probably thinks he's buying my silence
>>489075Thanks anon, only upside to these things is I guess it leaves us wiser
No. 489125
>>489118you took it out after 7 minutes of being in boiling water or water, period? I usually boil eggs for 6 minutes for that runny middle but also poke a hole in them before putting them in to avoid cracking (there's this weird tool for that), had never heard about the salt thing and google says the effect is negligible so feel free to rub that in their faces lol
good news is, as you said yourself, they are basic chores and you will get the hang of them easily enough! it sounds like your family is making it worse for you and you'll probably fare better away from them when you aren't afraid of embarrassing yourself or whatever.
No. 489131
>>489124They both can be, but I'm kind of stupid
>>489125Thanks for the encouragement! I had it in the water for 7 minutes so it wasn't boiling the whole time.
>>489126Fuck. I hate myself. I actually recall that I heard salt raises the boiling point so I don't know why I thought it would boil the egg faster.
No. 489140
>>489131yeah, your only mistake was putting them in the water before it had proper boiled. i usually use when i get confused about eggs, they've never let me down. it is quite tricky to get that perfect soft egg! also don't hate yourself for believing a persistent urban legend, like even your mom believes it
No. 489317
>>489272>>489305Let me say- this feeling doesn’t go for just anyone. Someone who I have no attraction to, or is actually dangerous this would be a nightmare/revolting. But a boyfriend/crush? Ugh, yes please.
I knew it was weird and fucked up, but I didn’t know it was bad enough to entertain the idea of it being complete fiction.
>>489316Yeah? My best friend thinks it’s all bizarre that my ex did did this stuff, and even moreso that I’m so into it. I’m trying to recall other obsessive things he did.
No. 489324
>>489321Yeah, I kind of relished the thought of him aching for me and doing all this creepy shit; and then later blowing his mind when he actually gets to have me. He never shut up about how surreal it felt that I was into him too.
The pining is definitely a huge part of what I liked. I still loved anything gross he did while we were together, but I ESPECIALLY cherished the things he did prior when I had no clue.
It’s probably an insecurity thing (a guy this obsessed won’t lose interest/leave) and some kind of narc shit where I want to be worshipped? Idk, I wish I didn’t miss it so much- I think well-adjusted men and guys that do things like my ex are mutually exclusive.
No. 489328
>>489272>>489324I understand this completely although I would want the obsession to be more respectful. My childhood friend (now ex) pined for me for 8 years. For the first few months we started talking again he used to worship me. He would constantly leave me over 200 messages on how amazing I was and how much he loved me when I was sleeping, beg me to move in with him, tell me he would do anything I wanted and be my slave (cringe ik but I liked it). When I moved in he told me every day he couldn't believe he was with someone like me.
Too bad he turned out to not be what I wanted. He was very rough around the edges and had terrible habits like bad hygiene, poor posture, and awful diet. I was patient and he worked on it but by the end I was tired of him not taking my feelings into account. A lot of the time he would do inconsiderate things and tell me I was being over-emotional when I got hurt by them. So I just left. Even when I left he told me I was his dream girl but still didn't want to take my feelings into account or even beg me to stay? People are weird but good riddance.
I know what I want sounds selfish and narcissistic but I want someone who genuinely treasures me and I don't want to have to settle for less lmao. I'm happy being alone either way, so if a man doesn't add to my life in a significant way he's gone.
No. 489333
>>489330Isn't that abuse? I don't think he was trying to manipulate me. I just think from when we were friends many years ago he had the image I was that ~cool chill gamer gurl~ but when he found out I had standards and emotions he couldn't deal with it. Should've known when he described himself as chill and laid-back. People like that are almost always low effort in relationships.
>plenty of guys can keep up an act of cherishing you, then once they have a good enough grip on you that all stopsHow do you even see through this, for future reference? I know it's a huge red flag if someone does it right away without barely knowing you. How can you know that someone truly does these things bc they care about you and not because they're trying to manipulate?
No. 489342
>>489333If someone tries to rescue you at a time when you're particularly vulnerable, if someone puts you on a pedestal and tries to tie you down quickly with commitment. Those are some of the red flags that people confuse for 'ooh intense' love
They wait til you're tied into a lease, til you're pregnant or til you've invested enough time that you're really reluctant to walk away
The reddit relationship advice subs are full of women who watched things slowly change from them being doted on to being constantly devalued, it tends to be a way more sudden shift if you get pregnant (even with planned pregnancy) It's sad reading their confusion at what exactly they've done wrong.
I'd take a less intense relationship any day
No. 489350
>>489328> Even when I left he told me I was his dream girl but still didn't want to take my feelings into account or even beg me to stay? People are weird but good riddance.Isn’t it the weirdest thing? Just doesn't make sense. I’m your dream girl, but you still can’t meet these basic needs in return?
My ex was severely emotionally stunted- has no concept of communication or normalcy. He’s ok being talked to like shit or having his feelings hurt, and will internalize it and expects the same. He was unable to regulate his outbursts with me, and although I could see him TRYING, I just couldn’t stick around. I was/am his closest friend, and he still thanks me for (very basic) emoting and communication I “taught” him.
Yknow aside from his creepy fixation on me, I could write a book about this dude. He’s a mess. So miserable.
No. 489356
>>489351This exactly
"Oh you're my dream girl" kek. It's easy to talk bs so I wouldn't be too flattered by empty words
No. 489419
>>489342All that sounds pretty scary. I get pretty attached since I am a romantic at heart. At the same time that works in my favor because I go absolutely cold if I'm not treated right. Seems like you can just invest years and still have someone turn on you, thankfully I've watched for all the little signs and ended things early
>>489350>but you still can’t meet these basic needs in return? Exactly! I don't deny my ex did a lot for me (and I did for him as well) but if we had a disagreement or I brought up something respectfully he would get defensive, blame me every time, and disregard my feelings. I need my partner to be able to empathize with me and be respectful even when we don't see eye to eye on things. He had very low emotional intelligence, like your ex although maybe not in the exact same way.
>>489351>>489356Exactly this. He wasn't willing to work on it and instead expected me to accept it. I honestly thought if I left, he might take it as incentive to change. But in the end he'd rather lose me than improve himself. Like I said, good riddance. I don't want such a lukewarm, low effort person in my life
No. 489570
>>489549>>489545>>470621>>489535Alright then, I won't get too deep into this but here are the basics and the easiest ways to avoid being doxxed…
Note that they're somewhat similar to the basics of information security.
First of all, try to use a different user name on every platform and NEVER use your email handle for a user name (and never even think of even mentioning your actual name god forbid), the least platforms you use the easier they're to manage. Delete inactive accounts if you're not using them anymore.
If you're a social media user have more than one account, one personal that is set private but even the other is better to made private if possible because then people won't be able to see who are the people you're following, therefore, they wouldn't be able to even guess where you're from, yes avoid letting people know where you are from/where are you living right now and there are a few tips on that, if you talk about the weather try to be as vague as possible because it is easy to get an idea of where you are based off the weather and it is not that hard to do, don't let anyone online know what your local time is, it might not be something that would help a stalker know your postal address but it gives an idea of your physical location and we don't want that, avoid geographical filters.
Don't mention restaurants, festivals, concerts..etc in your area because chances are they are posted on social media with their location on google maps.
Avoid talking with people online as much as possible, don't talk to different people who know each other, try to alter your accent, don't mention names of people, cities, family members… you get the gist. never post your photos, if you send selfies to someone take them indoors and try to not have any windows in sight.
This one is important if you were sent a link it is better to use VPN to open it because some sites and link shorteners allow you to see where exactly was your link opened from.
I can't stress this enough but go now to your email inbox and search the term 'account' see all the sites you've made accounts on and deactivate all the ones you don't need and delete everything pubic on the ones you can't delete either because you still use them or the site just don't allow you to, and one last thing DO NOT USE THE SAMR USERNAME TWICE, for a username it is better if you use a generic word like an animal or a plant, and if you're using a word that would have 10,000 results if you google it I can say that it is safe to add another word before/after it for a new username.
Eg: username no.1= rabbit, username no.2= happyrabbit
That's all I could think of hope it helps, stay safe anons <3
No. 489626
>>489602Replied to wrong anon myb.
Do you use an email search tool, or do you just google emails? Very curious
No. 489654
>>489626I mean it's not like I dedicate days to this shit plus I don't do anything with the info besides gloat to myself. sometimes I look up prospective boyfriends/weird colleagues of my friends when they ask me to. we all do dumb, time wasting shit for fun.
I'm not THAT professional, just abuse google and sns, sometimes go off of maps or public registers if the name's more niche. my peak was finding out my cashiers identity using their cringe tattoo lol. most people are just really easy and use same usernames for everything or derive them from their actual name and over share out the ass.
No. 489738
>>489654Hey thanks for answering.
You deff aren’t the kind of person I’m thinking of then lol, sounds a lot less unhealthy than the kind of people on here who gloat about what is actually point blank just fixated, creepy stalking.
I’m impressed all it took was a tattoo though. Was it something really out there?
No. 489742
>>489534I'm the same as well. I can also find out info about random people from popular videos because of comments people leave. Like, I found the address of the Back At It Again and Krispy Kreme guy due to a lead on where the video was taken.
Also I've help doxed a criminal in a second world country using a photo of food they posted.
No. 489746
>>489570something I'd advise is don't reveal your birthdate online
you can have someones full name and have trouble finding them but if you have the birthdate it's easy since there's possibly only one person alive with that name + DOB and it's tied to all their official records
No. 489911
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This is a tinfoil but I think my crush browses lolcow. After I posted on here with very specific circumstances as to why we can't be together, they started acting weird around me, like they saw my post and knew it was me.
No. 490017
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>>489570Can u find me anon?
No. 490092
>>490082my confession is I come really easily and I've faked not having an orgasm exactly one time to hurt a creepy guy's feelings
hopefully i helped restore some balance to the universe anon. my slutty days are over so i hope to never do this again but if any anon needs to enact this specific revenge i support it.
No. 490143
>>490082You didn’t know that it was perpetuating those ideas at the time. You were fed the same lies we all were. What matters is that you realised it wasn’t the solution and chose to do something else instead of perpetuating a lie after you were aware of it.
You aren’t personally responsible for someone else’s ignorance and don’t deserve to beat yourself up over it.
No. 490177
>>490082I've slept with probably slightly more men than this and when I was particularly young I faked it a few times. Then I stopped and honestly about 30 guys just plain didn't care or comment on the fact that I never got off with them, including a bf of 3 years
I get off very easily by hand by myself
No. 490268
>>490242I've had a guy insist that I came when I didn't, He really wouldn't take my word for it. Never fucked him again lol
I orgasm much quicker now than I did in my twenties. I've somehow turned into that woman who comes in 2 minutes
No. 490289
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>>490268>>490242>>490234Imagine egos so fragile you gaslight women about their own orgasm
No. 490301
>>490082>I helped perpetuate men being bad in bed >by faking an orgasm That's not how that works. Lmao. Don't martyr yourselves when it's not necessary. Guys who are good in bed are communicators who adjust according to their partners needs, and don't automatically assume every woman cums to the same rough dicking.
Seriously stop blaming yourselves because men are selfish or can't perform in bed. It's not your fault and that's ludicrous, men are certainly the last to blame themselves when they don't orgasm, why should you?
No. 490322
>>490320Don't try and act like going after a minor is okay just because most old guys are gross.
She's 22, now she knows he's 17 she has to move on.
No. 490325
>>490320I agree.
In fact I think anon should only wait until 18 for legal reasons. Other than that, I don't see anything wrong with their ages. Guys like him are fine with sex, they have got nothing to lose, unlike young women. And they know what they're after too.
No. 490330
>>490317Only thing you should be worried about is legal repercussions. Like that other anon said guys at that age aren't vulnerable like women are, so it's fine. I would wait until he's 18.
>I'm officially a disgusting pedoNah, don't be memed into thinking you should be liking crusty old guys.
No. 490344
>>490330she doesn't have to want old guys, she should try to date guys who are her age.
why are so many cunts ITT excusing this with 'but male socialization!!"
No. 490361
>>490320don't even act like anon cannot find other people her age and all of this is slightly ok. it's not like he is her destined soulmate and they are supposed to be the romeo and juliet of the century, so she cannot let him go
anon should just move on, 5 years is 5 years and it's especially very fucking creepy when the dude is 17 (not even an adult yet with barely any experience) and anon is 22 (an adult with enough experience).
she's just making herself look like a female predator over a crush and that's really unnecessary, isn't it.
>>490358or you can also.. you know.. find someone else your age..
No. 490363
>>490362>teenage bum fluffYou mean to tell me it goes away for most people?
No. 490372
>>490363If anon is from the uk then bum fluff means that shit patchy facial hair that teenage guys start growing and refuse to shave
Unfortunately your ass hair is forever anon, but unlike a teenager you can afford laser removal if you want
No. 490409
>>490391These anons are as young and are probably a little low key insulted that we're roping them in the same mental age bracket as freshly graduated high schoolers but lol it's true. People really don't smarten up and tuck into major life decisions until at least mid 20s.
The whole point of being upset over age gaps is because the older individual is typically manipulating and exploiting something from a younger, more naive individual. I can't think of anything a 22 year old woman can gain from a teenage male.
No. 490414
>>490412You missed the point to nitpick about a different topic
I don't disagree with what you said? Clearly I brought up that question in the context of asking what's to be exploited, and therefore what's anon from upthread's outrage.
No. 490427
>>490423People atop growing at like 16. How many men have you met who went from 5'5 to 5'11 from age 20-30? If they're short at 17 theyre gonna be short at 30 lol
Plenty of young guys are tall as fuck tho.
No. 490439
>>490438IMO I don't think that's too bad, but could definitely be better, but you do you.
For some reason it's always OK with me as long as both of them are somewhere in their twenties.
No. 490458
>>490438It's still a bit older, but im 21 and my boyfriend is 24. It doesn't feel pedoish at all because I'm quite career oriented and we share so many interests that I often forget he's 3 years older. I think once you've matured and been out of highschool for a while it's not the same.
If you just turned 20 and he's on the cusp of 25, it's a bit weird but I don't think it's nearly as weird if you're both intellectually on the same level. A naive girl with a dumb controlling guy is never good with an age gap.
No. 490467
>>490462>like you're overcompensating.Agreed. It's so unnecessary and men would never worry or feel guilty for a second about it so why should we?
We aren't sinking to their level until older women/younger men couples are the socially mandated default and there's an established pattern of predatory, pedophilic behaviour in the older partners (the way it currently is with older men/younger women). That is literally never, ever going to happen so you can safely assume any younger (adult) male is not suffering external pressure or undue influence into being with an older women, and there is no wider issue at play there.
No. 490468
>>490467men would never worry or feel guilty for a second about it so why should we?
because someone should???
No. 490469
>>490462>like you're overcompensating.Agreed. It's so unnecessary and men would never worry or feel guilty for a second about it so why should we?
We aren't sinking to their level until older women/younger men couples are the socially mandated default and there's an established pattern of predatory, pedophilic behaviour in the older partners (the way it currently is with older men/younger women). That is literally never, ever going to happen so you can safely assume any younger (adult) male is not suffering external pressure or undue influence into being with an older women, and there is no wider issue at play there.
No. 490476
>>490317People need to realize the difference between pedo and ephebophile.
The guy is probably fully grown. Try being friends first. In three years nobody will care about the age difference at all.
No. 490497
>>490492why do you think that girls are more vulnerable?
>>490495that sentence is usually used by pedos
No. 490546
All these anons talking about how it's okay for a 22 year old woman to be dating a LITERAL HIGHSCHOOLER and CHILD are fucking gross. You can argue "20year olds are just as dumb as teenagers" all you want, it does not change the fact that they are children, and you are NOT. You're getting dangerously close to the famous "You're so mature for your age" type shpeil.
A 22 year old has 3 years of real life experience (aka: not high school, still-sheltered-by-parents experience) and this can be used dangerously by the predator. It doesn't matter how you feel; What matters is that that there is a power dynamic in the predators favor because a teenager is more likely to believe your every word.
This idea that 17 year old girls are more ~uwu naive and stupid~ than 17 year old boys is absolutely retarded. You're all pedophiles. Congrats.
>>490476Haha ok guys, looks like we can delete the onison thread, he clearly did nothing wrong according to this anon! FBI investigation? Throw it out the window.
No. 490549
>>490546Even though I agree with most of what you said, maybe tone down the spergery a bit?
I also wouldn't call a 17 year old a child. Not necessarily an adult either. But 17 year olds can be capable of committing horrible crimes.
No. 490551
>>490549Yeah you're right I apologize. This is very personal for me and it kaur blows my mind to see people actively engaging in this.
I was manipulated and coerced by another woman who was 23 years old at the time I was 17. It left me with a lot of problems. Wouldn't be shocked if anon does the same to that boy.
No. 490553
>>490476>>490476When it comes to specific medical definitions, yes, there's differences between them.
When it comes to colloquial ones, please go join nunnery before you end up hurting someone.
No. 490560
>>490438I think 20 and 24 is fine honestly. that would be a normal age gap for an older man and a younger woman, but if it's the woman who's 24 people might think it's weird. I don't think it's a big deal either way.
this is all such a gray area. for example, 17 and 23 seems creepy to me, but 19 and 25 doesn't seem that bad. 17 and 19 seems fine to me, but 17 and 20 seems creepy. that's just my opinion.
>>490555agree, often 17 year olds can look older than their age, if you find someone attractive you can't help it. there's a big difference between finding someone attractive and actually pursuing them. however, if you find someone attractive BECAUSE they are/look like a teenager, that's a huge problem.
No. 490571
>>490332are we really going to act like an older woman/younger male pairing is anywhere near the same as an older man/younger female pairing? a slightly older woman will never have the same power as a slightly older man. unless anon is his teacher or principal, or something, it's highly unlikely that she's capable of exerting the kind of power, pressure, and influence over him that older males do to younger girls, and obviously anon isn't getting off at the age difference. boys are not taught to placate older women and prioritize their needs over theirs, sexually satisfy them at their own detriment, serve older women sexually or romantically, or in any sense. there is no lifelong conditioning that they're subjected to that demands that they serve older women and that by serving women is basically the only way their lives with have meaning. it's nowhere near the same. girls are taught from birth that they're the supporting characters in their own feature film, and the men in their lives are the lead. and js, but 22 year olds are still pretty undercooked. she's far better off going for someone nearer to her age though as 17 is just way too young and inexperienced, obviously, though.
No. 490572
>>490571Okay, one is worse than the other. Is that what you want to hear?
They're both still pretty bad though. You shouldn't be doing either.
No. 490595
>>490572it is. men are already prone to hyperbole when they're guilty of far worse and use that hyperbole to distract from their countless sins. you guys don't need to pretend anon crushing on this kid is anywhere near the literal hundreds of millions of men who have an enormous sense of entitlement and jerk off to the thought of fucking, abusing, and manipulating like, the youngest girls possible and fetishizing literal childhood and men who are literally resentful of women for aging and being adults.
>>490579anon, i think you're missing the point. no one wants fish that they later find are irredeemably poisoned. sure, the initial catch sounds impressive but once you find you have a biohazardous fish in your hands, it's depressing and annoying. idk i dont think that many girls here have a problem getting a guy.
No. 490602
>>490458Anon, I think you misunderstood, I'm the one who's older and he's only 20.
I just don't want him to feel grossed out or traumatized by me confessing to him. Maybe he only acts nice, but actually thinks of me as an old hag.
Plus I also can't have any rumors spreading about me.
May I ask what you guys consider an ok age gap? Would 2 years younger be alright or still weird? And what about guys who are older? According to this rule
>>490452 34 would be ok for me?
No. 490616
>>490612But I think that rule is flawed. I don't think that I can go for that 20yo and I sure as hell would never look at somebody who's only 19. Heck, I'd probably still feel weird even if they only were a day younger than I lol
So, maybe 34 would also be too much for me? I still have to finish uni, but people in their mid 30s usually have kids already, and a house, etc.
No. 490625
>>490616Key word there was limit. It's the line in the sand between "huh, that's a little odd, how did that happen?" and WTF is wrong with you, get someone your own age, creep!"
For example my 30 yr old cousin was being a wannabe Jared in spending time with a 17 yr old groupie, so we asked him what was wrong with him and made him know he was being a creep.
You might have different notion of what you're comfortable with personally, and good on for you for having one, but for now I'm just concerned with what's considered scandalous to outright dangerous.
No. 490837
>>490772This reminded me of this other anon (on /g/?) who said her bf was still emotionally stuck on some Japanese e-gf who suddenly died or something. But she said it was very clearly fake.
Imagine if that was you…
No. 491035
File: 1575573989059.jpg (190.3 KB, 768x576, how_to_press_flowers_450402070…)

We get a new batch of fresh flowers to display in the welcome area of my office. I work the front desk alone and change out the water for the flowers everyday. When no one is around I always pluck a few petals and press them in my planner. I just really love pressed flowers/flower petals. I feel bad since my company is paying for the flowers (but I don't take that many petals that it makes the flowers look shabby or noticeably different).
No. 491072
>>490317Pedoanon here.
He likes the same history stuff as me (american civil war on the confederate side WWI, Vichy France, Yugoslav wars …), I think I'm going to stick to teaching him stuff for a while.
I have no experience and my puberty isn't fully completed because of health issues. I don't want to hurt him he's juste very very cute.
No. 491095
>>491089The color isn't really preserved. I just keep them in there and collect them for myself so they definitely don't look good, but I don't really use them for anything anyway lol
Now I'm curious as to how one professionally presses flowers?
No. 491147
>>491096Oohh, thank you anon! I definitely want to try this out!
>>491123I just did a really quick google search but this tutorial seems simple and easy enough!