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No. 317906
>>317872Relatable, anon
I'm not sure if some of my co-workers classify as cows, one is a whiny slut proud of being an addict and takes a lot of dumb decisions, other is always whining and making everything about their (((mental health))), other is a narcissistic fuck and believes they're special because of hair color lol. They all talk shit about everybody behind their backs but if you dare to criticize them, hell breaks loose.
I always have to fight the urge because I think some of them lurk LC or are even farmers lmfao.
No. 317926
>>317872Same, it's hard because I'm from a fairly small town.
This personal Lolcow of mine who's subtly hinted about sites like this one who point out when Internet personalities shoop their pics and she's strongly against it, while at the same time she points out physical flaws of people she dislikes. She's been trying so hard to be an internet personality and actress for years and I just know she lurks or has other attention thirsty friends who hatewatch this site hoping they don't end up on here.
No. 318003
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>>317963Here for this post tbh
I genuinely like my features, just wish my skin was slightly lighter.
I often get mistaken for being another ethnicity, and I play along with it sometimes for fun.
No. 319345
>>319329I thought this kind of retarded behavior only happens to overly emotional anime characters (
no offence to you, Utena the TV series, fucking love you and you were right all along) yet here we are.
Holy crap anon you are actinng like a psycho and don't even have an excuse of being a hormonal and whacked in the head teenager. Go seek therapy you selfish fuck.
yes I know at least she did not drawn it, but still No. 319388
>>319386holy fuuuuuck im so glad you got out of that anon. i had a good friend go through that recently and she hated the fact her partner wanted to cuck her out. i hope youre able to work through that.
sexual exploitation is awful. what a horrible person.
No. 319390
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I'm just here to see if I can find a certain woman with hybristophilia.
No. 319752
i've been stalking this guy i swiped on tinder for weeks. we matched and he super liked me but i unmatched because he's way out of my league so it must have been an accident, even after he dm'd me saying he loves my music taste. from his name and connected instagram alone, i've found out the school he goes to, his facebook, vk, soundcloud, tumblr, the clubs he frequents, his school media projects, that he immigrated from russia to canada when he was 16 (he's 21 now) (i dug deep). i know the names of all his inner circle friends, and videos of them and him together, his favorite films, music, etc. i feel like i know just about everything about this dude without having said even a word to him, and i'm still digging.
No. 319845
>>319805Because he's so fucking special and she's just a creep uwu
So of course the solution is fucking stalking the poor guy and giving yourself an obsession instead of a chance to see where it goes and move on in case he's not interested
No. 321785
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My boyfriend and I used to be Ana tier, I miss it to some degree.
He was 45 kilos in this photo and sometimes I imagine myself fucking him back then so I can get off… our sex life stalled after recovering
No. 323148
>>322959But…why anon…?
Taking into accounts that Indian people are currently the cheap IT workforce, they can be trusted. I could understand with youtube or audiobooks in English spoken with an accent making it hard to understand, but books? What's your problem with them?
No. 324752
>>317675>>324552Its called being a Slavaboo.I'ts a fairly new coined word.Watch this video about it: Weird thing is a noticed a lot of korean being like this.Im eastern european myself and i remember talking to koreans and they all thought that i was Russian cause of my accent and they treated me as a exotic person.Its a bit weird for me but its okay if you like Russia.
No. 324854
>>324552Same anon. I actually did start taking language classes and have a trip booked next year. The only reason anyone would think it's creepy is because they think it's equivalent to being a koreaboo/weeaboo, and that's only creepy because they are big groups which attract a vocal minority of creepy nutters. Taking an interest in a foreign culture isn't inherently bad, it would be weird if we only cared about our little bubble.
Speaking of dancing, this Ukraine dance company is fucking amazing. Not Russian I know but it still comes up when you search for Russian cossack dance.
>>324752It's just being a Russiaboo, an interest in Russia doesn't mean an interest in all slavs. They aren't really official 'coined' terms or whatever, /int/ just slaps -aboo onto any country as required.
No. 325155
>>324752>slavabookek what a great term
Also I noticed that Japan is moving away from fetishizing(?) france/french people and moving on to Russia/russians which is interesting.
I think Yuri on Ice might have something to do with that but idk No. 325450
>>325443Puke green.
For the record other colors were teal, pastel orange, pink, magenta and lavender. So it didn't go together AT ALL.
No. 325962
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My mom stole thousands of dollars from me that I worked for out of our shared bank account (her name is on it too but all the money in the account was what I saved up and worked for alone) to pay her bills and some of her debt and I wish she would literally die. I tell her the most horrible things when we're fighting because all the anger from when she abused and neglected me as a child and how she fucks with me now becomes so strong. I feel half guilty for saying such terrible things to her when we fight but also get a sense of satisfaction from it hoping my words do really tear her apart inside. I feel like total shit about the whole thing because she was the last of what I thought was my family but now I've come to the realization that I'm literally alone and have nobody left. I'm so fucking scared and lost and feel like a child.
She crashed 3 of her cars within just this year because of drunk driving and that only digs her deeper in debt making the 15k she took from me basically useless except now I'm broke too. It pisses me off so much because I STILL don't have a car and can't go to school because she's set me back to square one over and over again and here she is just going through cars, crashing them all. She's stolen my money before as a child (child support money) and in my teens too. It's like I'm stuck a loser and it's all because of her financially setting me back instead of supporting me and helping me like a real parent would. She never even noticed or cared and would physically and verbally abuse me every day at home when I was a kid getting bullied horrifically in middle school and it haunts me still. These memories kill me every day. Oh and she gave 20k to some guy who swore to pay her back just because she thought she was madly in love with him even though she only knew him for 2 months and he basically only used her for sex. Guess what, he never payed her back the 20k…big surprise hur dur. I told her she has no right to bitch about him stealing her money because she did the same thing to me. She's so stupid and disgusting to get conned by some guy she barely knew. She's like those old dumb asses on Dr. Phil that blindly give all their money to those conmen in Africa who fake their identity on OKCupid.
When me and my mom fight, I tell her I wish she would drink herself to death and die of liver failure, crash her car again and die, and that I hope the guy who abuses her kills her in her sleep and that she's so insufferable, no wonder why we don't have any family left and everyone hates her. I told her that now she has nobody because she's lost any of my love and respect.
I don't know how I'm still alive dealing with this bullshit. I honestly just want to disappear forever.
Sorry if this post reads like garbage I'm just so furious.
No. 325976
>>325962Did you post this on CC because I thought I seen
>>My mom stole thousands of dollars from me that I worked for out of our shared bank account (her name is on it too but all the money in the account was what I saved up and worked for alone) to pay her bills and some of her debt and I wish she would literally die. on there before. Or maybe that was the Vent Thread. I guess my question is: is this your second time posting this story
No. 326031
>>325976I probably did post it here before but I don't remember. I haven't been on crystal in a few years so it wasn't there.
>>325982Because it's my mother and she helped me open it once I turned 18. I expected her to help me like any child relies on their parent for help when they're new in the real world, as I already stated I have nobody else.
No. 326032
>>325976I probably did post it here before but I don't remember. I haven't been on crystal in a few years so it wasn't there.
>>325982Because it's my mother and she helped me open it once I turned 18. I expected her to help me like any child relies on their parent for help when they're new in the real world, as I already stated I have nobody else.
No. 326082
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This is a very long post that's maybe more applicable to the vent thread, but I just feel the need to get this out there in some form, and I don't really care if no one reads it.
I don't feel guilty over the fact that I think my little sister is a sociopathic monster any more. She's high functioning autistic (i.e., has a normal IQ, and doesn't just bang saucepans and wooden spoons on the ground all day), but she's one of those autistic kids who get away with being awful little cunts and it's turned her into some child of rage shit. She's always been incredibly destructive and violent, and my mother is so emotionally absent/conflict avoidant that she was never told no. She knows she can get away with whatever bullshit she likes if she flips her shit, and no one (except for me, I was the one who put the emotional labour into trying to raise her, only to be told that I'm not her parent so I don't have the right to discipline her, which just resulted in her beating the shit out of me with her tard rage, and no capacity to defend myself because she'd go cry wolf to our parents about it and I'd get belted for it) has ever really contested her or called her out on it. She hates my guts because of it, and has basically convinced my mother that I shouldn't get to see my family as often because of it ("I can't stand her, and I don't want anon to be around when we visit our grandparents for tea every week") so we have to take turns (my mother tends to bail on my weeks, which means I don't get to go at all, because I can't drive and the only way to get out to where my grandparents live is to drive, so I can't make my own way there), even though when she's there she just hides away to play on her phone, and doesn't actually interact with family, because she hates old people and finds them frustrating or whatever the fuck. I'm probably not going to see my family for christmas because of this, because my mother suggested to her that only one of us go, and she went "christmas christmas I want christmas!". My mother doesn't understand why I got angry about this when she told me, and got shitty at me over it, and suggested that maybe I just drug myself (I've got prescribed painkillers and a bottle of emergency oxazepam to take for gynie exams and stuff) so "[I'm] able to tolerate her, because she "triggers" [me] so badly". I don't think I should be the one to drug myself considering I'm not the instigator, but like, whatever I guess.
The last time we were all together at my grandparents' for tea, I made a passing, facetious comment about how my sister and the dog have a lot in common because they're both possessive and jealous (I can't even have a private five minute conversation with my mother if my sister is around, she just butts in and drapes herself over my mother going "mummy mummy pay attention to me") and apparently that comment was so awful that on the way home that night after I got dropped off they both melted down into hysterical sobbing and my mother wanted to drive both herself and my sister off [local mountain with fairly perilous roads]. She's made these kinds of comments before too, about how she wants to drive both her kids off a mountain because she's fucked up as a mother and has fucked up kids, since I was about 16 or so, and I never really knew what to do with them. I almost kind of wish she would, sometimes.
I definitely plan on moving far away (overseas, ideally) so I don't have to look after my sister after my mother dies, considering I'll be the only family she has left, because fuck her, I already did my time.
Anyway, the reason I don't feel guilty any more was because I opened up to my psychiatrist about this, with a few choice stories: my sister trying to poison me by pouring windex into my pasta when she was like six, cackling as she watched me as I took a few bites to figure it out (my mother's reaction to this was "well at least it wasn't drain cleaner, just go get another serving); her choking out my gran for changing her bedsheets; and just recounting her violence and destruction in general (I had to train myself to not have or enjoy nice or sentimental things, because she'd just steal and ruin them to get a rise out of me). His words were "that sounds like a lot of emotional neglect on your mother's part, and that's some sociopathic behaviour from your sister", and I responded with "yeah but she's autistic, and has ~pathological demand avoidance~ or whatever" and he straight up said "yeah, that's bullshit, that's just a diagnosis bad parents hide behind to justify their failures in asserting boundaries and telling their kids no. Like how parents blame sugar/red food colouring/MSG/etc for their kids being little shits. She sounds like a monster of your mother's own design", and it just felt so validating (and he's an absolutely no bullshit kind of guy, he wouldn't say this just to placate my fee-fees. He's got a reputation for being a hard arse – when I was referred I was warned that "lots of people don't like him, he's very straightforward and not gentle with your feelings, but he knows his stuff"), like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I've always felt like an awful person for feeling this way, but being told I'm sane and justified in those feelings was so fucking good. I know I need to continue to try and mask my disdain for the sake of the rest of my family, but I don't feel bad about it any more, not even a little bit. I tried to love her and care for her for all of my childhood (I'm a tough love hard arse kind of person myself, but I did genuinely care), through all the abuse, and I'm relieved that it's like, okay to distance myself and give up on her/stop giving a shit, and not continue to waste my energy on her.
But fuck me, I'm never having kids though, even if they'd turn out normal. I've already done far more than my fair share of parenting (I've had to parent my mother too), and I need to focus on parenting myself at this point, and take good care of my inner child.
No. 326083
>>326082This is still a confession of sorts, so it fits here. I hate hearing about shit like this. Its so unfair and I find it bizarre that no one besides yourself and probably outsiders find there to be a problem here.
Reminds me of my mother and her younger brother, not as severe, but still a case of being a parent figure way too young. Don't feel bad anon, your sister seems like a lost cause and fuck em really.
No. 326194
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I've been masturbating to gay porn since last year and I have recently gotten into a relationship but I just can't stop, there's something hot about it but I always gross myself out by it. There's something wrong with me man and I don't know how to stop.
No. 326235
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I kinda hate making out with my bf, tongue kissing grosses me out. I feel bad because he really likes it and it FEELS nice but I just can’t get passed the taste ugh. Even after brushing it’s still unpleasant. Watching people do it is exciting, but not being able to do it and enjoy it myself is frustrating.
No. 326237
>>326231Watching gay porn of actual men =/= being a fujo who likes shipping 2D anime characters who barely look or act like men.
The so called lesbian fujos who are into gay sex specifically probably aren't at gay to begin with. The rest of them are just into BL manga and fanfic because it's romance written by women for women, and their other options are unrelatable het or male gazey yuri written for men.
No. 326241
>>326235my ex boyfriend smoked and i hated it too for that reason
he's the only guy ive ever kissed at all and it put me off of kissing forever basically
No. 328990
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The jelly some farmers are emitting in the Moo thread over her Japan trip fuels me.
No. 329239
>>328990same tbh. you can tell every one of them has been to japan maybe one time? or none kek.
my confession, and yes, it is a brag, i have more money than moo and my fiance's parents regularly fly us out to japan because we live in hong kong, so all those salty weebs feed my ego hardcore as well.
No. 329285
I don't get what the big whoop is about Japan. I think Italy would be more interesting and less expensive.
>>329239Yeah anon, me too. I have 42 Ferraris and I'm friends with the Pope. Please, write more Crazy Rich Asians fanfic for us.
No. 329441
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I think God Is A Woman is really catchy and I hum it to myself!
No. 329444
>>329442pls send me gifts instead, anon-chan ! my birthday is coming soon and i'm an asshole but i don't hate women !
i want the mipha amiibo <3
No. 329503
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>>329442Why to robots. Send a gift to me instead, I'm not a woman hater and not an asshole… most times
No. 329514
>>329442why the fuck would you even think doing that? Better yet, why do you even go there? It's a shit place with nothing of value.
and yes, you probably sent gifts to women haters who would send you death and rape threats if they knew you were a girl.
Showing kindness to robots is like being that farmer showing kindness to the viper. No. 329880
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>>329442It's actually a really cute idea for an anonymous imageboard to do a secret santa thread. It's kinda wasted on a place as prickly as /r9k/ though.
Kinda gets me nostalgic for Krautchan and those christmas card exchanges we would do.
No. 329977
>>329846Oh yeah I'd definitely do those too if people are interested
We need a secret santa thread
No. 330373
>>330350They sound like your stereotypical movie abusive family. It's like they're
trying to be shitty people.
Get a boyfriend if you want one but don't tell them. What an odd thing for them to fixate on.
No. 330404
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I relapsed on heroin. A year and 6 months down the drain. I can’t fucking stop. I don’t even enjoy doing it any more, I just can’t stop myself from touching it.
No. 330411
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>>330404That's not down the drain anon. You successfully quit and remained sober for 6 months. That is worlds better than getting addicted and never being able to stop, even for a little while. Now that you've stopped once it'll be much easier to stop again, even if it'll still be hard and require effort.
When you first quit, did you think you'd quit with no hiccups and that would be that? Or did you doubt that you would even be able to quit at all? You knew that you had this weak point, so there's no need to discredit yourself and act like you achieved nothing. You're past the biggest mental barrier. You now know that you're capable of stopping for months at a time, and there's no taking that back even if you relapsed. If you were fundamentally incapable of stopping for good you never would have made it that far.
No. 330689
>>330625>despite acting like a dick to meBy putting up with the first guy you're enabling his shitty behavior, if you flirt with him then you're flat out rewarding it
Congratulations on actually encouraging men to be shitlords
No. 330886
>>330762Hello me from the past
I stayed 'best friends' with him for years to quell his suicide threats. He eventually got new girlfriends to nurse his mental illness, sobbing to me whenever it went wrong, then one day I deleted and blocked him and… Theworld didn't end. If he ever tries to talk to me I'm going to yell "why don't you do good on your threats and kill yourself already" as I walk away, because all those years I wasted trying to prevent it are never coming back to me and I'm over caring, so forgive me for projecting my experiences here
If you're concerned then tell the emergency services, his friends and parents and then just cut him off. Either it's a manipulation tactic or it's too much for you to be responsible for anyway, live your own life for yourself.
No. 331173
>>331123wot? lol
this is even more funny coz i had a friend who would steal barbie clothes from me… i wonder if she would sneak them out hidden in her labia now. oh my god. thanks for the evening kek, anon
No. 331285
>>329938Please do so!
Confession: I used to be really mean as a kid. I would push and hit my cousins all the time to the point where one of them never wanted to visit because he was scared of me. I pushed another cousin down the stairs while we were playing with our Barbies just because I felt like it. I can vividly remember seeing him roll down and crying. I seriously regret it now, but looking back it feels like I did these things on impulse.
No. 331339
>>331311please take care of yourself anon. it is difficult to see it now I know but school is not all of life, there will come a time when grades just won't weigh as heavily as they do now, honestly. As for friends, I understand your fears - I would say if they're true friends they won't turn on you, and all that, but it's also probably difficult for fellow students to help you enough right now, it sounds like you need someone professional. Is there a support/counselling service at your school?
Or can you find an AA or NA meeting?
it makes a world of difference getting help from proper support structures if you possibly can. I also would hope that your school will have help available, maybe you could get medical leave to postpone exams or something? And if you need further medical help which maybe you do, your school might be able to facilitate that?
anyway, best of luck. you deserve to get help, you are worth it.
No. 331353
>>331331I'm female, but I used to be a very shitty person.
I was a huge edgelord obsessed with 4chan.
Hopefully I'm better nowadays.
No. 331355
>>331311I'm glad someone called the police and saved you Anon. Please listen to the advice from
>>331339They are very right. And I agree that you should seek counselling of some variety. You need people to talk to, it should not get to that point of desperation. We are here as well obviously but we are not good in an emergency due to timezones and stuff.
Focusing on a hobby (something crafty and complex?) might help you from over-focusing on school and your grades.
No. 331550
>>330886i cut contact w/ him. he tried to harass me with phonecalls, emails and messages, but has backed off now.
i'm hoping his family and his mental health team will be able to help him now. i'm sad in some respects b/c i've known him for years, but after the break-up, he was just getting worse psychologically by not wanting to let me go.
No. 333224
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one of my favorite things to do is go on subreddits like femalefashionadvice and look at the OOTD threads. they all think they're oh so very fashionable but so many of the women posting have just… horrible style and can't even color coordinate. Some of them will post pinterest boards of their "style inspo," but their attempts at recreating it are just pathetic and way off or completely inappropriate (wearing slippers to an office job, for example). most of them have no idea how to dress for their body and buy extremely ill-fitting clothes, but the whole subreddit is such a circle jerk that people just upvote and tell them they look good even though they're 50 pounds overweight and wearing a body con dress and stilettos to work. so many troons posting there too in tragic outfits (pic related). I know it's pretty shitty of me but it's so entertaining
No. 333225
>>333224I only read the first line of your post then looked at the pic and thought "But isn't that a man? Or a troon, anyway."
Then read the rest of your comment and got to the last lines. Kek.
No. 333228
>>333224Anon are you me?
we should start a thread! there are so many tragic ootd and so many delusional people giving them compliments, it's the same in makeup lol
No. 333231
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Usually my friends and I celebrate the new year together at one of our friend's apartment, we eat a lot and we have a sleepover. One of them probably won't be able to come celebrate with us and I'm so glad because she's so obnoxious and immature sometimes and she always brings one person that nobody knows or cares about, which ruins the point of having only close friends celebrating. I'm not too sure she won't come but she wasn't able to visit us for a long time now and she prioritizes other friends of hers. She wants to go live abroad in a few months and I'm really looking forward to it too. I don't even dislike her, it's just that I can't deal with her for too long because she's exhausting.
No. 333237
>>333224femalefashionadvice is practically split into two types of people
>women who actually dress decently and give advice about clothing based on fabric/material and brand history >thirty-somethings that brag about still wearing converses, owning the same underwear for a decade (WTF), worship old navy pixie pants, believe anyone recommending Uniqlo is a shill because they’ve never been to one irlUnfortunately they are also split like 1/20
No. 333238
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>>333228The inspo albums they post are equally tragic. So many based on characters from teen shows like Riverdale - if you're a grown ass woman, taking inspiration from a fictional 16 year old is not a good idea…
I just feel like these people must be such a weird combo of insecure and full of themselves. Clearly you're just looking for compliments and for people to tell you ~omg I love ur style gurl~ they always say constructive criticism welcome but no one ever criticizes them or they'd be downvoted to hell. How is pic related even worth posting to a fashion subreddit?
No. 333924
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I have this friend who's been burning through relationships. We had a regrettable thing a long time ago, too, but have been on friendly terms since. It's kinda annoying how many friends he dates though and he sometimes has a condescending attitude that puts me off. All his gfs are nice but it just fills me with absolute pure glee when his relationships fail and I'm not even sorry.
There generally is nothing more carthartic than seeing the messes of relationships that come after you.
I used to have low self-esteem but it's getting better. But I made poor choices often.
One time, this absolute bitch, fugly too, was in an old friend's circle. She was an annoying dramawhore and thirsty for my LDR ex. My ex was a literal neckbeard living with his parents. I know. He cheated on me. That girl lowkey bullied me and kissed my ex at a party in the bathroom after which she threw up and passed out.
I broke up on the phone, ex cried (pathetic). A while later they started dating. She knew about his cheating antics. I was disillusioned about him and though angry, looked down on them and on her for being a bitch and making this poor choice after me. They moved in together and he reluctantly got a kitten with her. Fast forward a bit later, they have a nasty break-up, he moved back in with parents, she does whatever but tries to keep up a happy facade, continues to be a fugly slut, kitten is never mentioned again, idk I wasn't keeping up with this circle anymore. However, to this day, it makes me so happy that this girl made this mistake after me. It feels like I had been cleansed of a regrettable choice and it was absolutely carthartic. I truly have to thank … this bitch
No. 334946
When I was a teenager, I met a girl online. She was much older than me, in her early 20’s, and from another country. We started writing to one another. She was my only friend and I was depressed, fat and suicidal. We talked every day for four years, for several hours, sometimes it was all we did. She was my whole life.
I thought that I loved her, even though I was straight. I think I’m straight at least? We became a couple. Never having met each other, not video chatted and only spoken on the phone twice. Not that she was a catfish though.
Then, when I was 20, I finally got… better. I started going to uni, I reached out to people, I got a part time job. She on the other hand got worse. She started self-harming, we argued a lot.
After 4 years, almost to the day, we stopped mailing after a fight and didn’t talk any longer. That was in 2015. I got a new rebound relationship that lasted for 10 months, and then in 2016, she mailed me again and we had a real good bye and said sorry I guess?
It’s been almost three years and I still think about her… not every day but a couple of times a week. She has no internet presence and I hope she’s happy. I still love her, but I also know how shitty our relationship was. I want to reach out but know it’s a stupid idea. It was my first relationship and it’s so pathetic.
No. 337877
This white-brand feminist, pseudo-intellectual, fatass, vegan, holier than thou twat from my friend circle. Because she was texting and driving. She almost killed a mother and three children under the age of 13, because she ran into their car.
I'm pretending to be sad so I don't look socially inept or piss off any of my other friends and become ostracized, but inside I'm laughing my ass off. She was a total fucking hypocrite in the way she lived, almost killed children because she couldn't put her phone down for three seconds; why the fuck shouldn't I laugh when someone gets exactly what's coming to them?
Oh, and she blabbed about my abortion to literally hundreds of people (some of whom were violent rightwing incels) after I'd confided about it to her in private and told her to tell no one, and still tried to play the "I'm totes a feminist u just aren't woke enough uwu" card. Because women who support other women totally do shit like that and aren't just sad cunts looking for approval from men, amirite?
Tonight, I shall celebrate karma with a nice glass of wine and a 12oz NY strip. Extra bloody. And I'll throw $200 into her victim(s) GoFundMe; not much but medical bills are expensive.
No. 337878
>>337877Not sure what the fuck happened with the grammar in my first paragraph there, I think I'm still waking up.
Am I a sociopath for laughing about someone's death?
No. 337882
>>337878From your first post, I understood that nobody died?
Regardless, I think that laughing at someone's death is awful, but if you don't make a big deal out of it, I think it's an acceptable level of awful.
No. 337897
>>337894And so do you, but you seem to think your shit doesn't stink. I'm sure you have no flaws whatsoever, so a person who laughs about the death of a person who was abusive to them/whom they didn't like (on a fucking anonymous internet forum instead of real life, because I don't want to offend everyone around me) must be just the worst.
Yes, you're a perfect fucking princess in your little ivory tower, looking down on all of us. I am humbled to be in your shining, spotless presence, Cinderella.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to prep for a 36 hour shift. Emergency rooms don't staff themselves.
No. 337899
I'm not sad about having no friends anymore, finally. Just reached the point where I can't put faith into it being real so I give up on letting anyone get close.
Some guy friends I used to have in my partying days were really just orbiters hoping for sex, since none of them are around now that I'm settled down with kids. In fact all I had to do is say "I had a baby" and they fuck off so quickly.
My best guy friend who wasn't like that, died of an OD this year.
I never keep female friends for very long. As much as I envy those who do, it's just not in the cards.
There was this girl I got close to this summer, I helped her see that her marriage was abusive, we swapped mom tips and life stories, went out and did things together, shopped, went to a fair for my birthday, etc. She dyed my hair, lent me clothes. She was a beautiful girl with a tragic life story, a great mom to a toddler and I urged her not to put up with the abuse. I gave her advice on how to deal with people who constantly use you. I even helped her learn things about politics and history and we had many plans for our kids to grow up together. Our kids dads used to be BFFs.
Well she decided to quit her habit of Suboxone cold turkey at home instead of going to rehab or something. I was enabling her habit by giving her mine, half the time for free. I didn't want her to suffer and all that. Her habit started before me.
Now I think it was all bullshit and she got close to me for the pills. While saying she wasn't like that, our friendship was real bla bla.
She quit and then never spoke to me again. At first I thought she was mad because I didn't give in when she was craving. But nobody knows. Her and her husband disappeared from our lives. It was so fucking weird.
I'm mostly over it, but it really hurt. What the fuck. Too scared to try and reach out again since i already did.
Oh well. My partner and family are enough, I will keep telling myself that. Done trying with other moms though. Sorry if this is in the wrong thread.
No. 337901
>>337898Woah holy shit I didn't see those, wtf.
And I'm the sociopath? Ya'll need help.
No. 337902
>>337893humans are shit on average, animals are not. So yeah, the more I interact with people, the less I like them and the more I think animals are better.
Sucks that we are going to exterminate a lot of the species here on this planet because of so many retards that think like you.
No. 337904
>>337902>humans=shit>animals are never shitTbh I wonder if people who say this have ever actually been around animals. Yes, like humans, even animals can have cunty personalities that are motivated by the same reasons that humans have cunty personalities ie. greed, insecurity, lack of empathy.
I'm not even the anon you're replying to, but man people like you are ten bags of kooky dooks.
No. 337907
>>337902Nutcase. Natural selection will get ya.
No. 337910
>>337904Are you stupid or what. We are the ones that have the ability to rationalize and make decisions. Yet we selfishly destroy the ecosystem over short term thinking. Animals can't be faulted for whatever faults you're ascribing to them. They're not the ones fucking up our planet.
If we would only destroy ourselves, that would be fine. But we're hurting and damaging other species that don't deserve that.
>>337907> Based.kys incel
No. 337913
>>337905> Fucking animals are just animals. They have no intrinsic worth since they have no souls. by that logic neither do humans. And we can all say with certainty that most animals are thousands of times more useful than most of us will ever be since you're measuring usefullness from the anthropocentric made-up pov.
why am I even arguing with retards like you
No. 337920
>>337910>We are the ones that have the ability to rationalize and make decisions.Animals also make decisions based on their perception of needs and wants.
Your argument makes sense only in our relationship to animals; that we shouldn't abuse them when we know better. But insofar as your argument about how animals are never "shitty"? Sorry, but you're wrong.
Animals have no conception of ecosystem or environment, and will just as well make decisions that ease their creature comforts while destroying their own environments. You can claim they're ignorant of it and hence it exonerates them, but innocence doesn't absolve selfishness–which animals inherently are.
You're not going to get anywhere by calling anyone who disagrees with you a stupid.
No. 337923
>>337864Oh goodness my. I live in a dorm and I have indian neigbour (male). I only said hello to him sometimes when we met in the hallway, or asked if he wanted some apple juice I got from my grandmama. But today was different.
He decided to knock on me door and asked if we could chat. I'm like okay, I don't mind. One of the first things he asked me is not to mention his name to my other indian friend (female) for some reason. It was weird. We added each other on a whatsapp and chatted for a bit. And for a bit I mean he talked my ears off. He was like saying how Indian men are nice and how local white girls are nice but also lot of them are materialistic and mean?
Dis nigga seriously messaged me how im nice and he likes me. I'm honesly creeped out because its the first time we talked and he calls me "dear" now.
If I met him in the net I could easily ignore him/ block him, but he literally lives next to me and he can hear me leave/enter my room. I cant avoid him when he knows I'm there.
Welp, I guess I'll have to ask my best friend to help me pull off the lesbian card. I think I'm gay anyways so it won't be much lying.
South asian men are so creepy…
No. 337927
>>337877If you're a sociopath for not feeling bad about her death, we can be sociopaths together, anon. Fuck irresponsible, dangerous, distracted drivers. If anyone had to die from that situation it's much better that the selfish person breaking the law dies than a random woman and her innocent young children. I hope they're recovering well, and major props to you for donating to their GFM.
Seriously, fuck people who text and drive. I don't feel an ounce of pity for anyone who decides checking Facebook or texting their friend something silly is worth more than their life/safety or other peoples' lives. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
No. 338006
>>337897All of this
>And so do you, but you seem to think your shit doesn't stink. I'm sure you have no flaws whatsoever, so a person who laughs about the death of a person who was abusive to them/whom they didn't like (on a fucking anonymous internet forum instead of real life, because I don't want to offend everyone around me) must be just the worst. Yes, you're a perfect fucking princess in your little ivory tower, looking down on all of us. I am humbled to be in your shining, spotless presence, Cinderella. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to prep for a 36 hour shift. Emergency rooms don't staff themselves.In response to this
>>337894>It doesn‘t matter. She sucks but so do you.Ntayrt
Lol why are you acting so defensive? You sound as insufferable as the woman whose death you're celebrating. You seem to think you're really important an on the ball. Your original post wasn't even that bad; at least you have the tact to keep the thoughts of glee to yourself. But wew that response kek
No. 338037
fuckin' phone
No. 338046
>>338040I think it's more sociopathic to deny the full spectrum of human emotions or to try and fit them in
your preconceived notions of morality and experiences, and that Americans obsession with diagnosing any behavior they're uncomfortable with as "sociopathic" or "autistic" is armchair psychology at it's finest, but sure.
Where did you get your medical degree, again?
No. 338050
>>338040Oh and I guess I'm a sociopath for laughing at my rapists death, because a random anon who (
maybe) took psych 101 at their community college one semester says so.
People like you are so predictably armchair-lazy in everything you do, it's just sad.
No. 338062
>>338046Jesus what‘s wrong with you.
If you‘re that bitch who asked us, then don‘t fucking ask it, it‘s simple.
No. 338072
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>>338050>I guess I'm a sociopath for laughing at my rapists deathWhether it makes you a sociopath or not doesn't matter, you should straight up celebrate that shit.
No. 338083
>>337878>>337877whom tf cares, she had it coming, and by this point people accusing others of being sociopaths and psychopaths on the internet is a fucking meme anyway kek. enjoy your wine anon.
>>338066said person that anon is laughing at also almost murdered an entire family
No. 338114
>>338094Anon, let them ride their fake high horse, it isn't worth ruining a thread over.
More confessions. I shat on the floor of a CVS when I was three because I couldn't find my mom and panicked, and I still feel guilty about it, especially now that I'm an adult who worked retail in college. I often wonder how often this happens in retail stores, because I found several dirty diapers in weird places whilst working at Target. They should get hazard pay, I swear.
No. 338179
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>>317675Being a somewhat attractive girl (around 7/10) but suffering from extreme low self esteem and wanting to go around everywhere wearing a mask
My prefered physical form is a full venetian costume
And i know alot of people have so much worse in terms of appearance than i do, and hell maybe some people wish they looked like me but its hard to not feel like an ugly sewer monster when i look in the mirror
I feel like an ungrateful little bitch
No. 339269
>>339168The actual definition of a prostitute.
No. 340118
>>339258In my country psychiatric care is free, but if you admit to being suicidal you can be involuntarily institutionalized. And our mental wards are more like prisons than hospitals.
So I have a pretty good reason for keeping it a secret.
No. 340416
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Not an uncommon confession, but I catch myself thinking about scenarios and social interactions that have upset me in the past. Worst of all, they're absolutely meaningless and have no bearing on my life whatsoever.
They replay in my head, and I never know why I start thinking about them sometimes.
The pettiest one is the laundromat incident, this happened way back in 2014.
I was trying to wash my comforter before I had guests come to my apartment, and it required this industrial sized washer in order to completely saturate the fabricate. Regular washers wouldn't work. This particular washer was directly in front of the entrance door at the laundromat. It was the only one.
I put my money on top of the washer and then carried the comforter over to a table to spot treat some stains.
Out of nowhere, this old bitch swoops in and tries to go first to use the washer. She must've saw from the outside window what I was gearing up to do, and didn't want to wait.
I politely inform her that I was there first and I would be using the washer. All she had was a god damn bedskirt and she didn't NEED the industrial sized washer, she just wanted to have it to have it. She replies in this bitchy ass tone "What about MY schedule? Why don't you use the other washers?"
I explained how my comforter clearly didn't fit the others, and furthermore, she was the one who should use the other washers because all she had to wash was a thin bedskirt.
But no. This bitch. Clicked her tongue at me and shoved her shit in anyway.
I was so, so fucking beta. My eyes welled up from the confrontation and I gingerly stuffed my comforter into the tinier washer which was a waste of time and money - because surprise - the water didn't even saturate the middle.
She left her shit there too. I should've waited for the cycle to end so I could've dumped bleach in there. Or pissed in it. I'm still really fucking mad that the selfish bitch didn't get her just desserts and got away with being a bitchy old hag.
And does any of that matter today? Fuck no, but the shit still gets me wound.
No. 340437
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>>340416Oh my god, I wish I could offer advice but I'm the exact same way. I just get so fucking annoyed that I'm such a doormat and can't stand up for myself, and I hate that there are shitty people who will take advantage of me for their own gain and I'll always just take it like a fucking bitch. It makes me so furious and feel so powerless, like I'm a prisoner of my own shitty mind. Ugh. I feel for you so much, anon.
Sorry to rant but something kinda similar happened to me, some dumb bitch backed into my car because she was too retarded to use her mirrors and of course she blamed me. I was so terrified that I apologized despite it being her fault completely and I was so shocked that I didn't get her insurance or her plates. Luckily there was no serious damage to my car, just a minor scratch and my car is an absolute shitbox anyway, so it's not like it has any impact on my life. I just want that stupid bitch to get her comeuppance for being a careless driver and being so entitled that she would blame the person who is clearly not at fault and did nothing wrong. It makes me so fucking angry even though it doesn't matter at all. (The only thing that makes me happy is that her car was a new, black luxury car and she got a huge ugly red scratch on her paint because my car is red.)
I hope we can both learn the courage to stand up to asshole strangers together.
No. 340517
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I hate that everyone thinks I'm Muslim because of my race and because my family is Muslim. They're really moderate Muslims for the most part but since I'm a woman they're still expecting me to not have a normal social life and have male friends but they also want me to get married asap to first Muslim guy I can find. But anyway, I feel like me not being white and other people thinking I'm Muslim makes everyone a bit wary of me, and people either think I'm "no fun allowed" incarnate or I'm a really stupid beurette. My classmates at university and my coworkers just wouldn't stop asking awkward or invasive questions at some point and would judge me no matter the answers I would give but since they never really have bad intentions despite saying some weird shit, I could never bring myself to say that I was uncomfortable with this. I've always hated being asked about ramadan because I couldn't fast when I was younger because of my health and I was still judged by family friends despite having very good and VERY personal reasons to not do this.
I also feel like I'll never have a boyfriend because the only guys who tried to flirt with me so far where this type of fuckboys who try to have a pious Muslim girlfriend with a stick up her ass while the guy can drink, smoke, cheat on his gf, do drugs, while also preaching about god but only during ramadan. Every other types of guys are avoiding me. No way I'm ever getting involved with Muslim men, they think we're here to be their second mom and pop out babies without having a decent social life on the side, and I can guess that's how other men are thinking about me as well.
I'm considering abroad for a year with a working holiday visa so I can do whatever I want somewhere where nobody knows me or cares about what I do and who I am. This is a very controversial subject where I live so I'm venting here instead of the venting thread, I don't feel like talking about this to anyone irl except maybe my close friends.
No. 340585
>>340416>>340416Oh my god this
triggered me.
Earlier this year I was waiting nearing the end of a long government appointment and just had to pick up one document before leaving. An employee led me into that office and brought me to the front parallel to the line because I was just picking up that paper instead of applying for something like everyone else waiting in line. Still the people before me took a long while (over 20 minutes) so I sat down for a moment. A couple came in, so to avoid looking like I was cutting in line, I got up and moved to the counter, and the dude started telling me to get back. I said that I'm just picking up that document and will only take 30 seconds, but he kept telling me that I didn't even wait and I just stormed in, to which I responded that I had been waiting for over 30 minutes. He kept denying this, and I said I'd been sitting there right in front of him when he got in. I glanced at the employee because I got nervous and again the employee came over and brought me to the front. The guy kept protesting despite his gf telling him to just let me go. It took 10 seconds, I just got my paper, and leaving the room, I told him in a very sweet voice "I am sooo sorry you had to wait that extra minute", but my voice still cracked and I cried on the way out. I'm so pathetic lmao
No. 340803
>>340690They are moderate Muslims, but sometimes they're assholes and have shitty opinions because of traditions that aren't related to Islam. As I said it's complicated and I don't want to go too into details because I don't want to be accused of race-baiting for talking about my personal life. When I say moderate I'm being a bit vague I guess, it's more like they don't practice and just avoid eating pork, my male relatives all drink alcohol and they think that the hijab is a mean of oppression against women but if they knew I ate hamburgers with bacon in it a few times they could kick me out at best and if my parents had a son he would be treated like a prince. Anyway, my family isn't my only problem at the moment, so getting out won't solve everything.
> Get out while you canI'm trying but it won't be possible until the end of the school year, but only if everything is going alright. Right now I have an underpayed internship and I can't have another job on the side but I live with my family so I can still save a little bit of money. If everything is fine I should graduate at the end of the school year and then maybe I'll move out asap but I live in an expensive city even though I could get good job offers there, and a good part of my family lives there in general and we often see each others without meaning to. And I don't see myself moving to a smaller city because there are way less job offers so that's risky. I'm considering getting a working holiday visa to go to Japan for a year because I studied Japanese a little, and while I know it's also an expensive country, I've did some research on how to stay for as long as I can for cheap and it seems way more doable than stay in my city. And maybe I'm being delusional but if I go to Japan and not another Western country I will just be seen as a weaboo foreigner, and not as an idiotic sandnigger or some shit.
tldr; I'm looking forward to getting out of here so much that I've already done some research and if everything goes well I should have a taste of freedom in less than a year.
No. 340804
>>340689Me too, and I really like my vagoo smell.
Do you also like the smell of your own farts? I've heard that's common at least so it may just be a human thing.
No. 340827
>>340689>>340699>>340804def enjoy all my bodily smells when alone except if it smells unusual. I think that's normal and healthy although weird to process because of bodily taboos.
You probably smell your own hormones, too. It's like when you like someone and enjoy their smell. Other than when you don't like someone and don't like their smell. Of course you should enjoy your own smell, even the dirty part. You probably shouldn't tell strangers "I-I like the smell of my doodoo sometimes" but chances are you both do.
Hyenas love smelling bad and they make a competition out of it. If they find something gross, they jump right in and who smells the worst/best wins.
No. 340857
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>>340825can't stand this fucking board sometimes
No. 341029
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Twitter threads like pic relates are so funny to me, becase they are so overdramatic like sure Ur mom hit you and then let you go to work like that, i guess i just lost empathy for this kind of people
No. 341043
>>341029Are we really assholes though?
I feel like if you're going to be making significant medical changes that require surgery and expensive medication, maybe you should be independent enough to live on your own.
It's not as if she NEEDS to transition, no matter what the TRAs say. Not being able to transition has never killed anyone. Their fragile mental state and their catalog of mental illnesses and poor coping is the reason for suicide.
Maybe try going to a fucking therapist instead of begging for money to cut your tits off in your ~own room~.
No. 341147
>>341145I feel the same. I think it's a result of having mostly male friends growing up and having my mother as the dominant one in the household. My automatic reaction for women is "respect" since that's what my strongest female relationship consisted of. I was also ugly growing up so am now afraid pretty feminine girls who always have been will look down on me for lagging behind in that department.
Don't know if it's the same with you.
No. 342126
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I'm a bit dismayed that the Hartley Hooligans thread was locked upon Claire's death.
It was one of the only threads I've ever seen where so many farmers addressed crazy, unethical parents exploiting their invalids, and agreed on it.
I don't really know where I'll post related bitching now.
I thought the memes were really funny.
No. 342240
>>342213You do know that the men who up vote you absolutely despise you right? Sure, they jerk off to your figure, but they despise you at the same time. They constantly harass and degrade the women they are attracted to (as well as any other woman tbh).
Why do you enjoy getting attention from pigs, anon? Do you enjoy knowing they want to stick their chodes in you? Or do you enjoy knowing they hate you for making their peepees hard?
No. 342276
>>342213im sorry you turned out like this anon lmao, youre imaginary fighting women who dont know you exist for the sake of goblins who take time out of their day to rate nude bodies yikes
couldnt live w/ knowing pics of me will 5ever swim around in peoples libraries/on sites cause you know those cumtards archive like fucking rats and repost them to tonnes of other sites.
No. 342354
>>342244>>342240I never thought that they’re actually jerking off to me. I always just thought they said that, because they think it’s a compliment & not that they are literally doing it.
Having a lot of upvotes really does make me feel so good about myself. I don’t know why. It’s not like it matters. I just like feeling more important
But when I read the comment history of guys that comment on my pictures and they’re complimenting trannies it makes me want to neck myself.
No. 342414
>>342213I'm with
>>342411 bitch make them pay you. That's the least you can do. If you gunna be an attention whore at least get paid.
No. 342484
>>342473Maybe I'll get hate for this, I don't care. You're pretty shitty yourself for watching it. Have some fucking respect for the victims and their families, instead of engaging in this terrible spectacle. How would you feel if this happened to someone you care about, and knowing everyone around the world was watching their very private last moments played out in front of millions on their fucking smarphones? It's sick.
Also, I don't understand the hate against #notall_X_ .. I mean, I wouldn't jump right to it after a horror like this, of course. I'm fucking outraged, but these are obviously deranged killers. It's a fact of human nature that knows no racial boundaries. It's a sickness of the mind present in select people from of ALL races, genders, shapes, sizes. Just turn on the news it's fucking everywhere all the time.
No. 342492
>>342484I have to agree re:watching such videos. They should not be shared, out of respect for the victims and their families.
Reminds me of the reddit watch people die which pretends to be educational, but links to sites named bestgore and such. How is that respectful?
No. 342525
>>342473Even reading your post breaks my heart. I can't imagine that poor woman's fear and terror… Her life being ended by disgusting men. I'll always be against immigration for reasons like that and i feel like those who aren't are turning the other cheek to the obvious reasons why we shouldn't be blindly letting in muslim men from super sexist countries with no rules against hurting women.
>>342510Thanks for the summary.. Sad.. Really sad.
No. 342544
>>342542nta but why would
women go anywhere with strange men? it's either them trying to sex, or them being the dumbest women on earth.
No. 342554
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>>342539>>342544They didn't let the men go with them all the way to the camp. The men stalked them.
Must have been quite sheltered to go anywhere with them though. On one of the girls facebook posts she talked about not discriminating based on what people look like.
No. 342559
>>342554anon. they met strangers, strange
men in a foreign country and asked them to take them up the mountain. it even says the men pitched a tent near them, they knew. they brought them up there.
why would they enlist men for this in the first place?
No. 342578
>>342473>when she called for her mother, my heart sankthis shit isn't from a fucking movie, it's not a sad video of a puppy in a shelter. you watched someone die. anyone else would have been sick just from seeing it happen at all. you're fucking disgusting for even thinking you should watch it.
i don't care how
triggered you got about muslims.
i hope it haunts you when you lie in bed. i hope you fucking wake up and remember that voice.
people like you are disgusting.
No. 342591
We had to put our family dog down this week that had been going through cancer, and, of course, I got drunk. Because that's what you do when you lose a pet you've had for half your life. I also, stupidly, texted a coworker who had been talking with me recently about potentially adopting a dog, so in my sad drunk-ass state told him about it and told him not to get a dog if you can't be ready for the time they have to be put down/die (since he actually had never owned a dog before, even in childhood).
But he… was surprisingly the easiest person to talk to this about it. Even easier than my parents or friends I've had for years. Like, he stayed up texting me into the early morning hours. He didn't do that "I'm here for you if you need anything" sort of thing. He engaged with me about her, asked me about her quirks and such. It was nice. It was actually what I wanted to hear.
… what kills me is that he is taken in a LDR and has been with the girl for 3+ years. But he is literally the easiest person to talk to about anything and we bounce off each other really well conversationally. So that sucks. Because I've never met anyone this easy to talk to. Even outside of this instance. When we talk one-on-one, there's never an awkward silence. It's just really nice. We'll take time out of the afternoon every few days and have tea and chat about whatever and it's great.
Ugh. I'm sorry this also turned into a sort relationship-vent post. But seriously, I've never met someone this easy to talk to about just generally anything. But of course he's taken, so it feels like it should be a confession because it's not good to lust over a taken man.
(I'm sorry this turned
No. 342599
>>342591c'mon prematurely posting!
I should've deleted that last line kek.
No. 342613
>>342591> he stayed up texting me into the early morning hours.Not normal for a guy who is taken.
>We'll take time out of the afternoon every few days and have tea and chat about whatever and it's great. Sounds like the start of an emotional affair, be careful. He's getting the benefit of having you there to talk to in person about anything with while his girlfriend is away.
No. 342622
>>342613… I know I should be careful. I've just literally never found anyone so easy to talk to. I know I should be cautious, but I know that he is also equally at fault. More times than not, he's the one initiating conversation. I know there's a loneliness factor in there for both of us because we have talked about it, but at the same time… I think the occasional conversation helps remedy that? I mean, I've convinced him to cut back on smoking (he still vapes, however, but doesn't do both at once anymore)
But at the same time, he's an adult. He knows what he's doing. I know I'm not helping by being up for conversing whenever, but he should be responsible for his own actions.
(and I know 'should be" and actually 'being' are completely different matters)
No. 343174
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Sometimes I think Fahr Sindram's ultra-edited/contoured self is really hot and I wish she wasn't actually a huge mess.
No. 343433
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I live a fairly normal existence and I’m even dating an extremely normal Christian man who is a bit socially conservative. However, I’m really into terrible Deltarune fandom stuff right now including the gross, shitty porn of characters no one in their right mind would find attractive. It’s an embarrassing secret since I’m way too old for fandom bullshit and I haven’t been into anything fandom-related since I was a teenager. I never even liked Undertale.
No. 343714
>>343711nta but I imagine you're sacrificing good looks and social skills if you're going for them.
…although all of my neckbeard friends lost their virginities quite easily too, so idk. Do male virgins exist?
No. 343724
>>343714>>343711I do a lot of gaming (both vidya and tabletop) which has a higher propensity for virgins. Not all, of course, but a decent amount.
Thing is, you don't have to sacrifice looks or even social skills necessarily, but they will typically have very low self-esteem. Out of the three, one was a socially retarded NEET but tall and good looking, the other two had very good jobs, could talk to people and were in the 5'8" range but still cute (they were hapas). None of them were abusive or terrible people but the NEET was not relationship material because he refused to grow up. All of them were in their early-mid 20's. They all turned into longterm relationships (hapa 1 was 5 years, NEET was 3 - a mistake, he roped me in with the "muh depression ur all i have" meme - and hapa 3 is 2 years and going and I honestly hope we get married) as virgins are less likely to hit and quit or ghost you or be douchebags because they're grateful to their one and only waifu.
As for attracting them, it's easy, because they have low self-esteem. If you're super hot they might be intimidated or suspicious of your motives. I would say I'm pretty average all around in the looks department but I genuinely share their interests, which is what nerdy types really like.
Good luck on your virgin hunting!
No. 343800
>>343724I've had bad experiences with virgin or semi virgin guys, you may just be lucky
>virgin, talked online for 6 years, too scared to meet me>virgin, Real life guy met at work. Pretty rapey/technically orally raped me, weird and sexually aggressive>Date with various of them, either too scared to kiss you or just ask you for sex on the first date>socially awkward>try to emotionally blackmail youNone of them were neckbeards. All normal/decent looking.
No. 343802
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I'm very, very sure I'm on the autism spectrum. I've thought this for about 9 years now. I go to massive lengths to blend in in social situations so I've never had anyone suspect anything serious but people realize that I'm "quirky." I'm really ashamed of this and I would never want a formal diagnosis. I've never told anyone this and I just wanted to say it somewhere. It can feel very lonely.
No. 343845
>>343800>>343724I'm a bit older than the average here so I've known plenty of virgins. Some were complete pieces of shit. They'd get women who were nice to them and then dump them like trash after having sex. And it wasn't just typical 4chan/incel guys, the biggest virgin asshole I've met was an artsy self-proclaimed male feminist. He'd lecture other men on things like slut shaming but when he got a girlfriend he was so shitty to her that even men were telling him that what he did to her was fucked up.
On the other hand I've met some who were nice and just wanted to be with someone. They were usually submissive and felt more comfortable letting the woman dictate the pace. The ones who suffered from low self-esteem and loneliness would take a bit longer to open but then they'd drop on their knees and worship you like a goddess for being the mythical woman who actually liked them, which obviously can be a huge ego trip or off putting depending on how you see it.
No. 344271
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Even though I don't really hold any /pol/ tier beliefs I can't help but have a soft spot for stupid /pol/ memes like the merchant, Ben Garrison edits in general, Goblinos, Vargposting etc.
No. 344725
>>344722Even the ugliest, fattest, trashiest women manage to get married and have kids most of the time. If you're struggling, either your standards are higher than you realize (not necessarily a bad thing) or you're statistically just not likely to encounter that many men (by being a NEET or homebody or whatever).
And the fact that you're blaming yourself rather than reeing about how men owe you dick is enough to prove you aren't a femcel.
No. 344728
>>344722I used to feel the exact same way since I never had a guy show interest in me irl. However, I eventually gathered the courage to actually use a dating app (Bumble if you're wondering because fuck Tinder) after being single for way too long. If you're able to handle some rejection, there's at least a chance of meeting someone you might click with. I was pretty honest about what sort of personality I had and what my interests were and actually found a decent guy. It took a ton of swiping and rejection though and I probably went through hundreds of profiles.
Anyways, getting the confidence to do that stuff in the first place was pretty tough but the whole process strangely gave me more hope that I wasn't undateable. Apologies if I assume you have zero dating experience like I did.
No. 344753
>>344749I strongly doubt the average guy uses/posts on 4ch
New things are scary and being cautious is alright but sometimes you have to do the scary thing to get over a fear.
You might want to try therapy too
No. 344809
>>344749>Men can be so mean and I never wanna be that girl that they make fun of with their friends or post about on 4chan/reddit.You’ll know what those types of trash guys look like on dating apps. Plus, I doubt you will be that noteworthy for someone to make fun of online. There are women on dating apps who just shamelessly list that they want a sugar daddy or who list their stupidly unrealistic standards on dating apps.
There are normal and nice men out there on dating apps despite what others say. It’s just going to take effort to find them. Sure, apps aren’t the most ideal way to meet someone but if you put even a little bit of effort into it, it may pay off since it’s just a method that ups your chances of meeting someone decent. I eventually overcame my fear of the process by being ultra selective with who I swiped on and using the app infrequently so that I wouldn’t take it too seriously.
No. 346507
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> childhood friend
> only briefly saw him twice in the past 10 years
> last time we saw each other (5 years ago) I was at my peak tumblrina phase, he kinda ignored me
> The time before that (6 years ago) he also ignored me but I later found out that he was embarrassed because of his looks and affraid I was judging him or whatever
> he's a fascist now apparently
> works for Milo Yannoupoulos
> I'm also 100% sure he's a robot, maybe even a full blown incel
> mfw i still wanna fuck him so hard
> i want us to hatefuck our political differences away and become best friends like when we were kids
wont happen anyway because we live on different parts of the world and I'm not a 10/10 18 yo virgin
No. 346516
>>346507fuck anon :(
Don't let your dreams be memes
No. 346967
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I love anime guys and yaoi so much. I refuse to date anyone who won't accept that this is who I am.
I also want to watch Saint Seiya because I fell in love with this character. Yummm…
>>346507Isn't Milo broke? How can he have anyone working for him.
No. 347152
>>346967he was working with/for Milo more or less a year ago, last time I've heard from his mom. Not sure if he's still exactly doing that. I just know he was doing it back then and that he is still now being paid to write some alt right bs (but not as a journalist).
>>347134russian is beautiful! Watch Tarkovsky.
No. 347763
>>347169this is such a load of bullshit. i was neet and people irl still expect you to go to school and have a job. while losery guys never treated me poorly and still liked me, doctors, dentists family, government, legal, anyone you have to deal with that isn't a weeb male will still treat you like shit for not being a functioning member of society.
being liked by guys isn't the whole world. it doesn't matter how cute you are, most of society will express disapproval. you sound super r9k.
No. 347780
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I keep wetting myself in public areas and I'm too scared to go to the doctors about it. I wear tights and so if I need to dash and change its not noticable but Im really scared of going to the doctor.
I'm 21 not 82 why now.
No. 347843
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when i was in elementary school, i misheard someone and replied " yes" to someone asking me if i was jewish. this spread EVERYWHERE and i couldnt stop it, years later every single person i know including my partner thinks im jewish. ive tried to distance myself from it saying im not religious and not practicing but it still gets brought up. i feel constant guilt and disgust in myself because of how this spiraled. i legit have no way to fix it and i feel like i want to end all of my relationships because of it.
No. 347856
>>347852I'm sorry but I'm laughing irl right now at this ridiculous predicament.
You've lived a lie for years due to a small miscommunication with some kid in elementary school holy shit. It's sitcom-tier.
Seinfeld tier.
May I ask why you never corrected anyone? What a weird way to live.
No. 347941
>>347922Tbh theres way bigger consequences to pay than "rip u guiz u cant make fwiends",
Especially in an age where (20-30yr old) people will be more upset if you don't support a woman for exploiting her body,
Like the fact that yeah you're probably being recorded every single time and someone somewhere will probably find the video recognize your face, body or surroundings or how many of these customers who turn bitter/4Chan tier gremlins who's whole hobby atm is fucking with thots because you're doing something fringe and its easy to for people to fuck your life up because you out of own volition are already half way there.
No. 348015
>>347843this shit is hilarious, im legit cracking up
Have you witnessed any antisemitism because of it ?
No. 348043
>>347922>>347941I don't know anons. As I said I used to be a camgirl, so this isn't something I'm doing anymore. I didn't really have regulars and most of the people that would tip me were probably from America as I blocked my country and many other surrounding countries nor am I some 4chan waifu or something like that.
I'm afraid at some point I might make a friend and somehow I will end up showing them what I did and they will betray me telling or showing other people.
No. 348211
>>347893>>348043I'm sorry anon. You absolutely deserve love and friendship and community. I wouldn't have a problem with a new friend having been in the sex industry.
>>347905I hope your home gets a permanent infestation of bedbugs.
>>348032>>348122ugh, same. I don't even know where it came from, my country is like 0.5% jewish.
No. 348385
>>348379I see them like a dish I'd eat once in a while but wouldn't eat every day. They're not my preference.
Another thing is that I wouldn't want a half black kid.
No. 348400
>>348385Eh I actually understand but with a different trait. Sometimes I have fantasies about specifically fat Asian men but would only want to spend my life with skelly brown or black guy.
It's only chubby east Asians too. Idk what it is about them that does it for me.
No. 348411
I'm black, and I deliberately ignore black guys to date white ones. I'm bi and attracted to other black women, so I know it's not self-hatred. I honestly just can't see myself with a black guy, even sexually, for whatever reason. I can't say I understand why anyone would fetishize black men, but everyone has their tastes. I personally like skelly, pale white guys (and sometimes biracial guys) who look like otome game characters, but I get that that's not to everyone's taste, either.
This has never negatively affected my dating life, but I avoid outright talking about it, since racial preferences can be a very sensitive topic. I've been yelled at online for this enough times to know it's a minefield, so I keep my mouth shut IRL. It just feels weird (and kind of isolating) when people are talking about interracial relationships, and I'm almost automatically expected to be very gung-ho about loving black men or whatever, when my boyfriend is white and I'm only into black women. People should just be with who they want.
No. 348454
I would gladly give away some liberties or "basic" human rights such as privacy in exchange for some more security under an authoritarian government with the interest of its people in mind above anything else.
By that I would like to clarify that I would never want to be in a society where women are considered second or third class citizens, be kept in the kitchen and be forced to shit out babies. Nor do I mean another Reich or some race based ideology propping a government but I really do think that the democracy we have today or we are having in the past few decades is utterly inefficient and it's difficult to discuss that with others irl without being presumed a neonazi for thinking that an authoritarian rule would be a better option than what we, at least in the West, have today.
I'm just disgusted by the capitalistic greed and the governments that work with them, while the people are being distracted by material things. I'm aware that I'm often times one of them too and no better than the masses, and it's not a woke thing either. But the priorities we have today and the excess of goods that stimulate are senses make me feel disgusted with our society.
I'm not religious either however I wish we reestablished contempt for those biblical seven sins. It's like we live in the times where gluttony, lust, envy, all those things are being encouraged and celebrated instead of being shunned upon.
I'm convinced that only a dictatorship of sorts would be able to handle our unbridled state of affairs. If I could choose, I would pick an eco-fascist society but that's never going to happen. Also, a society with harsher sentences for all sorts of criminals and deviants even if it meant bringing back the capital punishment.
I just want order and some sense of control but the way things are going, it's just a dream. If there's ever going to be an authoritarian regime it will be in the service of the big corps.
No. 348466
>>348454tbh the problem with every government system is that humans are garbage in general, but
especially those drawn to power. Authoritarianism would be great if the people in charge were guaranteed to be moral and pure, but in reality that would never happen.
Overall I agree the ideal society should be strict.
No. 348468
Here goes….I been married to a guy for a few years and moved across the Atlantic ocean to live with him. We got a long most of the time, when we're both home we just kinda hang out and dont go out into town very often. We would fight sometimes and he had a habit of losing his temper and just saying really nasty things. In addition to his temper our sex life wasn't much to talk about, we would have sex like once or twice a month.
2018 had been really stressful for us, with me being in school full time and him working. These fights became more explosive to the point where I came very close going back home on a few occasions. He would yell at me, say mean things about myself, like I'm dumb, spoiled, lazy, mock me when I cried, and he'd also say mean things about my mother (who had been only hospitable to him when they met in my city). I talked about wanting to see a couples therapist, which he actually agreed to. I mentioned it again out of the blue a couple weeks later and he accused me of starting shit and basically put me down for bringing it up. So I didnt think to mention it again after that.
So a few months ago I'm playing online and make some new friends. One of these new buddies starts flirting with me a bit aggressively even tho I told him I'm married. He starts even sexting me, and for some reason I am kinda into it… A couple weeks later my husband looks through my phone when I'm sleeping (I guess I had been acting distant) and is furious, wakes me up, and in trying to get my phone back from him he shoves me to the ground a few times which gave me some bruises.
We stay up all night cuz of this, and early in the morning he actually wanted to have sex even tho I was in tears and confused why he would be horny after all that.
I go stay with a friend after that and just didn't return to him aside from a couple short visits. I filed for divorce but it will be about 5 months waiting time before anything is finalized. After a few weeks of staying with my friend I even stop talking to that guy that got me in trouble in the first place. Now I found a place of my own and I have developed feelings for another friend I made online and am planning on meeting in the future (and I've only told one close friend of mine about this meeting).
My husband texts me often asking for forgiveness and asking for another chance with what we had, promising he has been working on his temper and he has changed. I don't really want to try again and I have told him I don't feel the same anymore nor am I interested in trying again. I feel like I care a lot about him (in spite of what I did to him) but I also feel like I could watch him fuck someone else right in front of me and it wouldn't really bother me. Sometimes when things are rough I feel like I want to go back to him but I also think this stems from a fear of being alone and not being able to take care of myself.
I just wanted to get this off my chest since I am a little isolated in new-ish country with very few friends.
No. 348477
>>348468Holly shit anon, I must say you are super brave for ending it after the first case of violence. It sounds super rough to be alone in another country and going through all that, I hope things start to get better for you and I'm sure they will considering how active you are about your own life.
About your soon to be ex husband, why don't you just block him?
No. 348487
>>348468Wow. You're amazing, anon. You definitely don't need someone like him in your life. I honestly wish I had some of your strength for ending things with my abusive boyfriend.
He's done some pretty horrible shit to me in the year that we've been together. I don't even really care about him or love him anymore. I just want to be done, but I can't take care of myself. He made very sure to push any support system I would have away when we got together so I couldn't leave easily. Idiot that I am, let him turn me against my family and friends.
No. 348495
>>348477Thank you anon. I guess I haven't blocked him cuz I still have a lot of my things at our apartment plus my name is still on the contract so at some point it will be time to take care of that..
>>348487I wish you all the luck anon. I consider myself extremely lucky that even tho I dont know many people in this country I had one good friend willing to let me stay with them until I found a place. Can't you get reconnected with your old folks?
No. 348643
>>348468Divorce. Run. Do it now that it's not too late yet.
I'm not exagerating. A man that assaults you physicly once will do it again. No man ever has hit his wife "just once". It will happen again and again and again.
Where are you from anon? I doubt that you're from my country, but if you are, I'm ready to provide support.
I beg you, get away from him.
No. 348869
>>348685This smells like bait
>>348823Top kek anon. I'm 5'5 and I don't have to eat 1300 calories per day or less to keep at a normal weight and most people I know that are shorter or my height don't eat that little to maintain a normal weight and if you're short you don't automatically look like a GREMLIN because proportions and fat distribution play a role in the way you end up looking
No. 348993
>>3489885'2" is literally average height for women. It's not short, you must be one of the ogre bitches whining about how you wish to be smol.
>>348962No they don't. Everybody has different body types and there's women out there who can eat as much as they want wihout gaining weight. Yes that applies to petite girls too. Why does that bother you so badly?
No. 349010
>>348993>>348987>>348988I think it depends on where one lives and what they consider the short threshold.
5'2" is below average where I live but not womanlet status exactly. Same level as a 5'7" guy.
No. 349060
>>349054I'm not mtf.
Maybe I should have put this in the vent thread since it's more an issue I'm struggling with than a secret…although it is also that.
For what it's worth I do suspect I may have high t. Or maybe I'm just too in touch with my animal instincts lol.
No. 349166
>>349060Maybe you’re just hella immature?
Toddlers smack smaller children when they want the toy being played with. You slapping a smaller woman for dating someone you find handsome is no different.
Are you able to talk to someone about is professionally? Emotional development is super important.
No. 349326
>>349166Maybe? I've never hurt anyone, but I always get these urges when put on the spot in such situations.
It's also never as thought out as "being upset by some girl dating a guy I like," I've had that sort of conscious rage in the past but this isn't it. It's very instinctual like I said.
>weaker person in way: urge to shove them>attractive person: urge to touch themSort of like that irrational compulsion people say they get to jump when faced with a high cliff, except that it's kind of daily. I was just contemplating it today and realized perhaps others don't have it.
>>349179idk if it's that serious, maybe if I get the time.
It's possible that it's the final step before I successfully rid myself of my anger control issues.
No. 349327
>>349322I've already said why the wet spot appears, if he doesn't want it he'd take the suggestions, no?
Seems you're nitpicking the difference of him believing it's cum versus pee, apologies if I have a little secret fun knowing that 'squirting' is still pee.
No. 349335
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>>349327did you think we'd read your post and be like "yas queen!"? you look like the loser in this situation from ours and his point of view.
No. 349336
>>349328>>349329Lmao, I'm tickled you're this passionate about my piss.
>>349335It's a confession thread, memechan. Not a "post an agreeable confession or else" thread.
No. 349342
>>343174Update: I had a dream about us together.
I need to go the fuck outside
No. 349370
>>349326Yeahhhh you need therapy more than you realise. I’m no expert and not diagnosing, but it doesn’t sound normal or healthy.
Maybe prioritise getting something done about that a little more, idk. Financially I know that’s not always possible.
No. 349387
>>349314You need to take this shenanigans to the “man hate thread” on /ot/
This ain’t it sis. Maybe would’ve been appropriate confession ITT if you didn’t add that “he should be a psychic and know what I’m really doing and know what I specifically want him to do” “he deserves it” “men are retarded” shit.
And tbh, I deal with permanent medical incontinence myself, and even I think it’s really fucking weird that you get a secret thrill out of it. Instead of informing him and asking him to be more careful to not shove his dick in the back of your throat (maturely communicating in adult relationships), you just let him keep doing it, knowing what’s going to happen, and then getting pissed at him/getting a kick out of it. My SO knows and goes out of his way to help because I told him what was happening/what to do. It’s not that hard, but it seems like you really don’t want to “fix” it. Like you want to stay silently fusterated, just so you can have an excuse to exact revenge on him, with a sprinkle of man-hate on top.
It’s humilating and uncomfortable af, not enjoyable or funny. Why dont you just wear panty liners? Even a tampon would work. Or you could wear the underwear diapers which are now thin as shit and basically look like normal underwear.
Or just…. y’know….tell him……
No. 349390
I'm in my late twenties and I've been almost exclusively socializing with teenage girls online. It's not like I've set out to do it either, it just so happens that I come across them on discord, /soc/, my old tinychat room, etc and we get along. It's not a sexual thing either, although every single one of them at some point has tried to get close to me and romantically involved, at first when I was in my teenage years myself I was down for it, but after realizing how empty and blueballed online relationship stuff is I don't bother. But more now it's due to the fact that I want them to get IRL boyfriends, and would feel such disgust with myself if I interfered with that through petty online shit. After graduating high school most of them do get boyfriends, and then they grow up and we slowly become more distant, and then they fade away entirely. So really, I'm only very close (talking every second or third day) with these girls for a year or two at most. Which I'm actually fine with, it's good that they're moving on with their lives.
Now that I'm approaching 30 year old boomer age I'm getting really self conscious about this, and am starting to see myself as more and more pathetic with every day that goes by in regards to this. But I enjoy it so much and find it cathartic and relaxing to talk about life with them as I browse the internet and play video games after work, it makes me feel a bit better about coming home to an empty home. I lowkey think that it's a weirdly paternal thing for me as well, just because of how much I try and serve as a good role-model and give them good advice.
It's a habit I'm going to have to break soon, because doing this at 30, 40 or 50 just seems so wrong and repulsive.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 349413
>>349399V upsetting that troons and makes larping don’t at least learn the most basic things about vaginas before pretending to be women online.
The urethra would have to empty inside the vagina for a tampon to absorb pee.
No. 349416
>>349413Not to mention putting a tampon in a vagina that isn't bleeding is quite uncomfortable.
We have a male blogging about his 'paternal' feelings towards underaged egirls right here
>>349390 so you may be right
No. 349417
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>>349399It helps absorb urine surrounding the vagina and on top of it, as the cotton of the tampon ends at the entrance of your vagina, and urine can go over the opening. So as to limit staining on clothing (underwear and pants) if you don’t have a pantry liner or underwear diaper on hand.
That anon I was replying to was referencing stains on her bf’s bed, I suggested it as a less visible way to
lessen the amount of staining on his sheets, as it would absorb
some of it.
So uncomfortable having to explain this in detail, M8 jfc.
No. 349418
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>>349417vaginas aren't gaping holes, retard
No. 349423
>>349420Anon, the tampon is usually inserted 1 in away from the vagina opening. Like
>>349421 said, it would be uncomfortable otherwise. And how the fuck is piss fetish anon going to explain to her bf why she's wearing a tampon?
No. 349439
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>>349418>>349421I know it’s a bit uncomfortable, but it’s a good last plan if you have nothing else or want to be intimate and naked (not intercourse). When you have incontinence you often have to do uncomfortable shit to avoid even more uncomfortable situations. Esp if your in someone’s home or school etc and have nothing else. Toilet paper usually isn’t enough, and at least it helps decrease the amount. It does feel a tiny bit uncomfortable, but it’s just at the opening so it’s really not that bad.
I think she should just tell her bf, so he wouldn’t be wondering why she has a tamp in. Or if it’s a first time hook up and they’re embarrassed, the girl could say they’re on their period.
Pic related is how it works. Works better if your sitting, laying down, kneeling. I know it’s shitty diagram but you get the picture.
>>349418….never said that but ok.
No. 349443
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i was obsessed with yame asmr for a day then i watched his streams and he kept talking about how he's a sexual sadist and loves to be called oppa while making jokes about japanese porn. i've never been more turned off in my life.
No. 349563
>uses the word tampon once>….2 seconds later…..>”your a male!!1”>”you’re retard”>”you don’t know how vaginas work”>[respond once] cue 5 “you’re a samefag!” posts [links to a different anons post]>”you’re disgusting”Was just trying to give a suggestion as a last resort based on my experience. Keyword: last resort. To be used very, very rarely, hopefully never. It’s not some crazy out-there concept, it’s been discussed many times on female incontinence support groups/forums.Fuckin tampons are the last thing I thought I’d be chewed out for here. Prolly get shit for this too but idgaf some farmers get so hostile with their fellow anons over the smallest shit lately. Feelsbadman
>>349444I’m not “disgusting”. All I said is that it helped a bit the 2 or 3 times I’ve tried it (out of the 10+ years I’ve had incontinence due to waist-down paralysis). I’m not “gross” bc it worked a few times?
If you think that’s disgusting, then I can’t imagine how disgusted you get when period blood gets all over your tampon. Do you freak out if a little bit of blood gets on your tampon string? No, you probably don’t.
It’s the end of the cotton on the tampon doing the absorbing. It’s whole purpose is to absorb bodily fluids. You throw it right out after, just like with pads, you don’t just leave it in there. Chill out and sage your posts if your going to tell others they need to leave.
No. 350205
>>349887Didn't really expect replies at all.
I'll never underestimate a farmer's passion for watersports ever again.
No. 350227
>>350196Considering it's done for attention anyway I think that's the wisest call. Not like any of those fucks ever became less lonely because they lurked their echo chamber for years. Maybe if it discourages them from posting they might write it off altogether.
I'm friends with a couple ex robots and whaddya know, they stopped being hateful dickheads when their parents cut them off and they got jobs which forced them to go outside and be responsible for themselves.
Can't be a self-loathing NEET forever if no one enables it.
No. 350326
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>>350257You're CLEARLY from Pull. Poor people can also go to Japan and they can also learn Japanese. You just have to work harder than the rich people. Lol the fact that you'd rather wish such a horrible thing on someone as boring as Kenna shows how retarded you are. Lol bitch if you want to be on the same level you gotta put work in it and not just stay on PULL and cry in her thread.
No. 350345
>>350339I'm also shitting on sissies and transvestites, to keep the universe in balance.
There appear to be some legit trans people, but most are either mental (MTT) or transtrenders (FTT).
>>350342I used to be FTT, but thankfully got over it.
No. 350357
>>350352That took long enough.
I wasn't even the original r9k poster.
Though I wasn't lying about the rest.
No. 351527
I'm not lazy per say, it's more that I've had raging OCD since I was 6, and my compulsions prevent me from studying. Starting CBT the day after tomorrow; fingers crossed I can become a functional person eventually.
No. 351543
>>342126I think I am going to hell for laughing
rip Hartley Hooligans
No. 351601
>>351595>>351580he has social support other then me
he often spends time with his brother who lives a couple hours away and his younger sister and they love him and are always their for him
he also has goes to therapy weekly
if he himself doesn't wanna socialize with other people then I can't force him to
No. 352017
>>351792>>351872>>351885I don't think Fruit is unhealthy and neither does he
he just says that their are heather food options like Potatos (everyday couple days he buys 12-24 lbs/6-10 kgs worth of potatos)
thats something about him I dislike he makes the same recipes over and over again with no variation what so ever
at first you think its nice for him to do all the cooking but it got boring fast
No. 352022
>>351911listen Im just a stranger on the internet Im not gonna pretend I know who you are and what your struggles have been
but I am someone who like you has thought about suicide and actually attempted it
I never finished my secondary education because I had to leave due to bullying,Im terrified of what other people think of me
I spent a year at home living with my parents
but I am trying to get better
I found employment and due to dumb luck a good guy to be with
I guess all you can do is just try because other then that what can you do
No. 352025
>>351911listen Im just a stranger on the internet Im not gonna pretend I know who you are and what your struggles have been
but I am someone who like you has thought about suicide and actually attempted it
I never finished my secondary education because I had to leave due to bullying,Im terrified of what other people think of me
I spent a year at home living with my parents
but I am trying to get better
I found employment and due to dumb luck a good guy to be with
I guess all you can do is just try because other then that what can you do
No. 352034
My confession is that I think
>>352025 should be banned for avatar-fagging with this style of writing
No. 352035
>>352034Im new to this site alright
I came from r/GenderCritical
No. 352046
>>352044I can't believe a woman wrote this
is this entire site just men LARPing as women like everywhere else
No. 352096
>>352053I've been the same since high school, but took it next level.
My whole family and I didn't have mattresses for a while and we all camped out in our living room on the floor. Even after getting new mattresses, we kept sleeping on the floor, I think it lasted 2 years. When I moved out, I got a mattress, but it had to be on the floor, extra firm, no pillows. Now that I have a boyfriend, I'm using a pillow and my mattress is on a box spring, but they still have to be firm.
No. 352110
>>351913>you do sound like a psychohow am I psycho in your opinion ?
>hope he leaves and tells others how terrible you are. plus you clearly don't love him, Well I love him and he loves me
>and if you're the only source of his social interaction he does not love you.see
>>351601 No. 352571
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After reading some anon’s comment about Hartley Hooligan I was reminded about how triggered I get when I see parents popping babies out like it’s nothing when they know the kids are at risk of some genetic disorder. There was one family that got their own 15 minutes of fame from a documentary over their children’s skin condition where they can’t even enjoy their childhood because they are constantly in pain, so you would think the parents would stop having children after the first one but NO they decided to have others to suffer with her and rake in those pity bucks. I don’t give a shit that they are paying for all their necessities when they can’t even imagine what these kids are going through. I’d rather abort my baby than let it live with a disorder like that.
No. 352587
>>352571i went to school with someone who had this illness i think (or something similar), they looked a lot like this and were always covered in bandages.
they smelled really bad (like rotten fish) and i always felt like an awful person for being disgusted by them.
>>352260that sounds fun, i like you.
No. 352642
>>352571I’m the same way. And these same parents will berate couples for aborting their kids, even if the did it for health reasons. These parents will claim they’re xtian and what not, as though there’s something holy about giving birth to children knowing they’re physically disabled in someway.
I don’t think either option somehow outweighs the other because you get irresponsible people on both ends of the spectrum and it just sometimes boils down to selfishness (in my opinion). It makes me wonder why adoption is an issue, or even genetically modified babies? If you really want a kid but your genes are fucked, maybe people could get the eggs modified to remove the bad DNA so the baby isn’t screwed for life. I just don’t see the appeal of giving birth to a human being who is suffering in someway just to have a child.
No. 353123
I feel like youtube is influencing me in a weird way. I think I should take a break maybe, because I'm starting to doubt if I want to work in the field I'm studying. I feel like I want to pursue my talent again, improve my writing and drawing. Buy a proper tablet, paint, send my stories for amateur writers contests, start a yt channel to finance all of this maybe, like this is so naive yet feels so good, like I'm finally in touch with my true self.
The reasonable and logical side of me says it's a waste of time, you have enough talent to do it for a hobby, not for a living. You'll lose opportunities after graduating and be a failure. But my heart is like, stfu voice of reason, I'll hate working this job, I want to be happy with how I live my life…
I'm just so jealous of people who can make such a comfortable living shitting out commentary bullshit on yt, doing commisions, just utilizing the internet culture really. All those rich 19-20 year olds, jesus fuck.
This feels so childish and naive I don't have the courage to tell even my friends.
No. 353267
>>353123I don't have much to say with regards to YT per se, I'd just chime in to gently remind you that "do what you love, and you'll never hate your job" is a meme. Anything, ANYTHING you do every day out of obligation will start to grate on you after a while. You'll get good at it, yeah, but happiness is a moving target.
You might think it would be fuckin' sweet to be pewdiepie but consider this: you'd be pewdiepie.
No. 353312
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>>353310I have never experienced anger
No. 353383
>>353377I have a relative whose health is really bad and her immune defense is just as bad. She got vaccinated last year and it seems to have worked well on her. I got really sick because of the flu and gastroenteritis at the same time and she didn't get the flu so at least it wasn't useless for her to be vaccinated.
I've considered getting vaccinated before knowing this to make sure I won't be able to contaminate her but I didn't and I don't think it's worth it for me, since I'm sort of healthy and I don't hang out with fragile people except that relative or children, I can deal with the flu once in a while.
No. 353394
>>353377Because vaccinations are not just about you. You could pass the flu to someone for whom the flu is very dangerous or deadly and/or who cannot get the vaccine.
Around 80,000 people in the US alone died during the 2017 - 18 season.
Even if the predominant strain is not included in the vaccine, the resulting antibodies will help your immune guard against similar strains.
No. 353400
>>353394the 2017-18 vaccine was infamously extremely ineffective anyway. people are just throwing money away in case it ~might~ protect them against what is a relatively minor disease to a normal healthy adult. if someone has legitimate issues that mean they need the vaccine (children, elderly, chronic disease) then its their/their parents responsibility to get the vaccine and protect themselves, not everyone elses.
also herd immunity doesnt apply to flu vaccine that much, considering how inefecctive it is. even if someone is vaccinated theyre extremely likely to get the flu still. its a meme, a waste of money.
No. 354137
>>354122Maybe try mojoupgrade?
Although really if you can't be honest with your partner about this then it doesn't bode well for any relationship, even if you're into different things you should still be able to communicate about it
No. 354353
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I enjoy being my cat's favorite person and find it funny how he snubs my roommate.
No. 354412
>>354396I’m also an asexual who can feel romantic attraction. I haven’t gone through trauma either. I’ve noticed that a disproportionate amount of self-identified asexuals happen to be on the autism spectrum
including me lol. Do you think that could be it anon?
No. 354413
>>354396so you can be attracted to someone romantically, but there's no desire to have sex with them?
have you tried watching some non-hardcore porn or looked at erotic photography? have you ever been in a long term relationship with somebody before? were you ever pressured to date other people or felt like you had to?
sorry for all these questions.
sometimes sexual feelings are absent, don't sweat it. when i'm really anxious i can't masturbate at all even though people say it'll make me less anxious. i just can't get myself in the mood. maybe you just have other things in life you need to take care of first.
No. 354419
>>354412 i'm not autstic
>>354413 i've been in long term relationships with people i'm super attracted to and love, but nothing? I love making out with people, but I have no desire for sex? I've watched different types of porn ect but nothing? I don't think its anxiety? Like I've felt comfortable in those relationships?
No. 354551
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>>340118>our mental wards are more like prisons than hospitals.Aren't they all?
No. 354638
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My confession is that I wanna fuck my best friend's dad really really badly
Him and I have been best friends as in hanging out every single day for the past 3 years since we were 18 so it's not like his dad knew me since I was a kid so it's not weird like that you know? Anyway I spend a lot of time over at their house so I see his dad all the time and the three of us talk a lot and watch movies sometimes, and other than the fact that he is EXACTLY my type he is also such an amazing person, very cool parent and very creative. He is also a teacher which is kind of another fantasy of mine.
He is only 47 so not that old and he has been divorced for like 10 years and hasn't had any relationships recently either.
Yesterday I was at their house because I'm painting a portrait of my friend by their window for a class and as usual we were fucking around so it took longer than it should have and he had to leave for class, so I stayed to finish the background. His dad was there reading a book so we didn't really talk much but he is always cool with me. I was freaking out the entire time because I was trying to psych myself up to make a move. After I finished the painting I mustered up all the courage in me and asked him if he wanted to smoke a joint (I know how dumb it sounds but I know he smokes and I know he knows his son and I smoke too and it was the only excuse I could come up with to stay). He laughed and was skeptical at first but he said yes (he's cool like that) so we sat by the window smoking. We talked for about an hour and it was so amazing he's so articulate. At some point I said something stupid (as usual) and he laughed and put his hand on my knee and I felt ALL the butterflies. Then I left and nothing else happened he just hugged me. And I don't know if it's all in my head but the way he looked at me I think he definitely likes me even a little bit, even if he wouldn't actually do anything.
I feel so bad about this because I could never do something with my best friend's dad and I could never keep a secret from him and this would definitely ruin our relationship. I can't risk it because I love him so much. But I've never wanted anyone else as much as I want him. Guess it's daddy issues but I can't get over it.
Anyway sorry for rambling you guys I just needed to get this out
No. 354643
>>354638wanting to fuck older guys is kinda gross. my thing is that any older guy worth anything won't fuck or want to be with a young woman. if they do, they're not as great as you think. not that he has expressed direct interest so far, but just saying. the only older guys worth being attracted to are the ones that would reject us, imho
i also think it's inappropriate to put his hand on your knee as the father of your friend, but i guess that's the prude in me
No. 354653
>>354643Older guys worth their salt won't date or sleep with a girl who's too young because they're still maturing and come off as kids. My boyfriend is 45 (I'm 30) and he vetted me for a long time, almost a year before making a move even though I'd been crushing on him forever and was dtf from the start. Recently, he moved to a new city and the only friend he made since the move was 49 but really into barely legal girls and young 20-somethings cuz they're "hot and gullible". My bf said he felt really uncomfortable around this guy and stopped talking to him because even being loosely associated with the guy made him feel like a pedo.
In hindsight, I'm really glad my bf kept his distance and got to really know me and I him before we got into a relationship.
No. 354661
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>>354643You've acknowledged that you have issues with your own father and this is fueling your fantasies about this guy.
Why not take it one step further and actually go to therapy for this instead of letting a depraved old man take advantage of you.
This man is not going to give you what you wanted from your own father or other men in your life. He's not going to start a life with you and truly see you as an equal.
Honestly it's quite sad that you value your relationship with your best friend so little that you would even entertain this and let it get to a weird physical level.
No. 354683
>>354661Wow what a fucking stretch.
I do acknowledge not having a dad probably has something to do with it but are you seriously saying that wanting to fuck a handsome older man means I need therapy? jfc
Don't worry I can get what I want from other men in life just fine. And I obviously don't want a relationship or to "start a life" with him, I just want to fuck him. That was literally the first sentence of my post.
It's not a conscious decision who you're sexually attracted to, these things happen and I already said I couldn't actually do anything because of how much I love my best friend, and he wouldn't do that to his son either.
Don't understand your need to be so condescending but whatever.
No. 354709
>>354683But it's not just a handsome older man. You specifically mentioned he is a great parent which is a bizzare trait to bring up if it's supposedly just sexual.
Haven't you already done something by asking him to smoke a joint, which you specifically stated took courage and effort, so it's not something you would have done normally? Then he inappropriately touched your knee, which I'm sure your best friend wouldn't be so happy to hear about.
I think you are weak and desire an authoritarian figure in your life to give you guidance and control. Which, if you need to find in older men, whatever. But you're kidding yourself if you say you respect your friendship with your "best friend", while you gush over the butterflies you get from intiating a hopeful romantic encounter.
Don't you feel like you betrayed your friend by acting the way you already have?
No. 354742
>>354709>Don't you feel like you betrayed your friend Nayrt but steady on, she just had a smoke with him, people have secret crushes all the time.
She should definitely nip it in the bud and avoid creating situations like that again though, older men are so easily won over by young girls and it goes straight to their head. There's nothing wrong with a little forbidden flirting but they probably wouldn't be able to control themselves in the future, and if anon isn't even perusing something longterm with the guy then it's a pointless way to wreck a friendship.
No. 354831
>>354776People find many things attractive. I like traditionally attractive guys, but I've fucked many guys who weren't like that.
Sometimes you just wanna mix things up. I prefer guys my age but I've fucked much older, I prefer fit guys but I've fucked fat guys, I prefer white guys but I've fucked every race. Variety is great for your sex life.
No. 354842
>>354709To answer your question, yes I do feel bad about it and I know it was stupid but it was just a joint, I don't see it as a betrayal. I could tell my friend about it and he would probably be fine with it. It took courage and effort because when you're crushing on someone everything you do or say to them does, it was just me being an idiot.
I brought up that he is a great parent because he is very open minded and artistic and well read etc and I don't have anyone in my family like that so I admire it, I see the way he raised my friend as how I would want to raise my own kids. And the knee thing wasn't inappropriate, I was sitting across fro him with my knee up and he just kinda pushed me while he laughed, just friendly nothing sexual.
Thanks for the diagnosis but it's not that deep. I don't need any of those things you said and I don't have a thing for older men in general at all, sorry.
>>354776I don't understand why it always has to be about women in general or society or whatever. If you find older men gross then don't fuck them, simple as that. If it weren't for my relationship with his son and he was just some random older dude I wouldn't be doing a disservice to society by fucking him, what happens is between the two people involved and it doesn't change shit. And ffs he's only 47 he doesn't have any bald spots, besides, people are attracted to all sorts of weird shit we can't always blame the media. you sound like you're writing a high school essay.
>>354742Thank you! Like I said I'm not going to do anything else, it will just remain a little fantasy that I probably will get over soon anyway, it's not harming anybody. It was stupid trying anything in the first place but in the end it was just a smoke.
No. 356168
>>356152Further elaboration: He was secretly a gross sex pest who would bug his friends to ERP with him, but the ERP was just a front for obsessing over and sexually harassing them. He was very charismatic/persuasive and at the time tumblr in general was on a huge sex positivity trend that he used to his advantage in getting people to humor his disgusting fetishes (SNUFF). He also did that thing where to the friends he wasn't interested in sexually he was just a greeeeat guy and sooo funny and nice how could you ever not like hiiim???
At the time I had no self esteem and fell for his shit hard, and by the time I realised who he really was he had trapped me in this awful toxic friendship where I'd been goaded into saying enough shit that if I tried to break the friendship off normally he would just cherrypick screencaps and use them to blackmail me. So I struck first and wrote a callout that pretty much ensured that every last one of our friends would be so disgusted they wouldn't even entertain him trying to defend himself. It doesn't help that he did shit like try and show snuff porn to people unprompted.
Anyway, he lost every last friend he had, one of whom he lived with. Dude got kicked back to his shitty parents house and I'm pretty sure he lost his job due to getting booted from the area. Also, he was going by his real name and not a pseudonym online, so another ex friend doxxed him super easily.
I was a fucking idiot for buying into his gross sex-positive kink bullshit and the whole experience made me realise I was being way too kind on men and their libidos. Disgusting. Ugh. Yuck.
No. 356171
>>356168>snuff pornSo, footage of people being murdered?
Yikes. No one should feel they have to accept a budding serial killer. Was the police ever involved?
No. 356180
>>356171Yeah, footage of people being killed. He also had a lot of "Ryona" (anime drawings of women being beaten up) and fake snuff porn which is what he showed people at first to 'warm them up' to his fetishes.
Some of his former friends made noise about calling the police but I never heard any follow through about it.
No. 356249
>>355435Sorry about your childhood anon, I hope the best for you, please don't be too hard on yourself.
>>356164Some would argue that it's both the same, but the sexually liberated person read enough high brow books or tweets to defend their choices as consensual etc. It's pretty classist when you look at it that way.
I want to live in a world where we don't slut shame anyone, and people don't pressure others for sex. If we stop caring so much about people being 'slutty' then maybe people will stop talking about their sex lives so much too, I want sex to be so noncontroversial that it's a boring topic.
No. 356340
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I don’t know why I get out of bed. I don’t know why I continue breathing. I don’t know why I continue to eat colourful foods which now taste bland. Everything is meaningless and I’m just a piece of shit drudging her way through her degree.
I just want to die honestly. But at least I get to laugh at toons online I guess.
No. 356399
>>355435Similar childhood situation with the exception that it was my internalized-misogynist catholic mother who put the idea that women are only as good as the men they partner with and how much money they get. My mom told me conflicting platitudes, that I should value myself yet to act upon sexual urges lowers my value because "Why would men pay for the cow when they can milk it for free?" Was never lost on me how my mother was comparing me and other women to cows on the market for men! I was extremely sexually repressed as a child and got myself into a lot of unnecessary trouble when I rebelled later on. I had no one to turn to for guidance during puberty, nobody to talk to about birth control, and I never told her about any abuse from boys I dated because she'd just blame me in a crassly cold manner.
Turns out my mom had plenty of skeletons in her closet. When I was an adult she confessed how she had at least three failed marriages, just as an example. She claims now she was trying to "protect" me by being awful and sexist, but the truth is she never talked about it because at her core she's embarrassed and knows she made her lot of mistakes. It was just easier for her to unleash her judgement and anger out on other women and her daughter than it would be to hold men accountable.
t. fellow catholic/conservative turned feminist atheist
No. 356427
>>356340i do hope you find your purpose. and in the mean time if laughing at troons gives you something to look forward to, that's already something, but i know you're capable of much more.
sending you good vibes !!!
No. 356691
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i accidentally knitted a few strands of my hair into a pair of socks for my boyfriend. i'm leaving them embedded in there so he'll have pieces of me touching him whenever he wears them.
also period sex turns me on because i like blood/the idea of my boyfriend fucking me until i bleed.
No. 357741
>>357733Fuck that's sadly relatable anon, even if it all sounds spergy as fuck to non-ocfags. God knows I've drawn some weird fucked up torture/rape porn involving my characters that are FAR from canon. Just wank material for me, even if it's shameful. Although I am writing a romance so some of it has seeped through, mostly in making the mc a bit of a socially unadjusted degenerate herself lol.
For yours though, if it's more about relationship compatibility then why not make them stepsiblings? It's under your control after all.
No. 358743
>>358734lmao sorry for that typo
I'm not meeting him to push my work forward or anything. I just want to ask him some questions. I'm generally gonna meet about 4/5 affluent artists from my homecountry because I'm interested in this sort of "duality" between eastern europe vs "western" art. Their work wasnt political per se but it is undeniably tied to the political context of the country that has a specific (or at least used to have) relationship to the rest of the world. (its an ex-yugoslavian country)
I'm having questions/troubles/etc with that own topic in my praxis and I want to…get better at what I do, I guess?
No. 359645
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i just realized that i have a stomach kink. not in a feeder way, i like athletic men. i just… find the lower part of fit men's stomachs insanely hot? i found a wiki article about it, but it's only about people being attracted to female stomachs. i'm 23 and don't understand how i didn't realise this sooner. lmaoo, im baffled by this.
No. 359715
>>359691Yeah I wanna have sex at least a few times.
>>359697Not really. I'm just doing it for the sex.
No. 359885
>>359878What bs anon. Elaborate
>>359883But he's not bad at it I'm just not up for it lol
No. 359888
>>359885Well for one, giving your bf permission to masturbate sounds like all kinds of dysfunction, usually any woman who gives a fuck about her bfs masturbation habits is too insecure for a relationship anyway. But needing to schedule sex is the first indication you guys aren't sexually compatible. Seeing stuff like this just makes me cringe, because you're obviously both annoying the hell out of eachother, so why not find someone who won't.
>inb4 but i luvs him!Love doesn't fix that level of incompatibility.
No. 359893
>>359888I didn't say anything about giving my bf permission? I am not
>>359873 and my bf doesn't annoy me nothing in my post indicated that at all.
No. 359902
>>359893Okay, my comment was more directed at
>>359873 but I 100% don't think you should listen to her for the reasons I stated. Tbh you should probably just talk to him about your low libido. It sounds like you don't hate it, but more that you don't really care about it. Having sex less is pretty normal for most people as the relationship goes on, but your bf may just have a high sex drive. If that's the case it may be a deal breaker, and that's fine.
>>359892This is also pretty bad logic. Anon's bf isn't disrespecting her boundaries, they simply have different sexual needs, she's also not disrespecting him by having those needs either and shouldn't need to force herself into doing it with him, but not at all for why you said. It's totally reasonable of him to be insecure about her lack of interest, especially given they had more sex before.
No. 359959
>>359903There are some bullies i wouldn't really forgive however…
There was once a little girl, bullied me by telling me that i should "go die." She got in a heck of a lot of trouble at the time. And she was still a little snatch, but she never went that far again.
Then later in like middle school i reconnect with a childhood friend. She ended up going to the same middle school as aforementioned snatch. They had a class together and worked on a project. During the project they talked about me, apparently. My friend was told about how she got in a lot of trouble at the time, how she felt really bad that she ever said anything like that to me, and even had sympathy that i still got bullied in my new school district. I found out from my friend that her life was truly fucked up at home, much like mine, and that her stepdad would tell her shit about how they as a family would be better off without her.
I honestly hold no animosity after that. I feel pretty sympathetic, more than anything. I had already started suspecting at that timeshe must not have had a good life at home and that confirmed it.
So anon i really don't think you need to beat yourself up. You know what you did was wrong and particularly after i had a stint working with kids at a summer camp I'm very aware that kids who bully don't exist in a vacuum. They usually learn it from their fucked up parents. Their parents often encourage it! There's poor little kids getting beat and shit at home if they AREN'T bigoted little bullies to certain kinds of other children.
Don't listen to other trolly anons. You have remorse and you know you were acting out. That's more than can be said for a lot of assholes that grow up and just repeat the cycle with their own kids.
No. 360008
>>359959> You have remorse and you know you were acting out.No, no, and fucking no. The bully says "I'm sowwy" and now all is forgiven? Speak for yourself. The only person that is allowed to say that is the janitor's daughter if she's still alive.
How can you have such a blasé attitude towards someone's childhood and feelings? Young age is the crucial and most vulnerable age in which we start forming an image of the world around us but most importantly of ourselves. When someone repeatedly tells us that we are x, we start to believe it. It's difficult to rebuild self worth once you're older.
Besides, I don't believe that they do feel sorry. I'm sick of the stupid idiots that constantly marginalize victims and protect criminals and wrongdoers. You make it sound like forgiving is the right thing to do without any consideration for the ones that were wronged.
No. 360026
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>>359921>>359954NTA, but do you guys think that it is worth reaching out to people and apologizing for bullying them in the past? Would it make a victim feel better even if it's like 15 years later? Not necessarily in a bid for forgiveness but maybe to at least make them feel less shitty about it. I have a similar story where I bullied this kid about his weight in 6th grade until I was told by a counselor to stop and I always wondered if I should tell him sorry since I know his FB. As stupid as it probably is I always think of that one scene in Billy Madison where he apologized to the guy he bullied in school.
No. 360031
>>359920This, I was bullied all thorough elementary and middle school, very harshly I might add (got beaten up almost every day, called every ugly name in the book, my stuff was broken/stolen, rumors were spread and so forth) and I was bitter towards my bullies for the longest time, but at some point I figured that I haven't seen these people in well over a decade, they don't have any control over me, they're in the past. If they changed their ways and became likable people, I'd be ready to forgive them.
However if I were to meet them again and they'd deny everything, blame me for "asking for it" and still continued to be cunts to other people in their current social circles, they deserve to be hit by a car. Some bullies had an awful home situation like the girl anon here described
>>359959 and it reflected on their behavior, but some people just weren't raised right and became little assholes who never had to face the consequences and carried their demented social games into adulthood. Kids do dumb shit because they have a limited capacity of understanding empathy. I'm sure I did something terrible myself too because I just didn't think it was that serious. So original anon
>>359903 , just try to be the best person you can be right now.
No. 360034
>>360026no, life isn't a movie.
Apologizing to someone you bullied is a selfish act. You do that to make yourself feel better. What's the bullied person going to get out of it? Certainly it won't change the past.
No. 360038
>>360026Maybe? I don't know, I don't think it would change much for the victims.
My childhood bully reached out and "apologized" (quotes because he asked me out five minutes later, so I don't think he was sincere, just looking for a hook up) and I didn't feel like it helped me in any way. The damage had already been done for me, and I already did the work to move past it. The only positive feelings I got out of it were when I told him to fuck off.
No. 360045
>>360026I'm with
>>360034 you're apologizing to make yourself feel better. In both situation it's always about you (you bullying them/ you apologizing to them). Both times you're the only one who gets anything positive out of it. Would it do good? Maybe? Should you try? No because no matter how you spin it it'll never come off as genuine tbh
No. 360063
>>360026Fuck no. Don't do that unless it happens in an organic way like idk, you happen to meet the person you bullied, they're ok with talking about the past and maybe then you can talk about it.
I know that if one of the stupid brats tried to reach me now to apologize out of the blue for insulting me, beating me and making fun of me for not being white, having health issues and being poor, I would want to murder them more than anything else. It's a good thing that you're not a sociopath anymore and that you feel bad about harassing and potentially traumatizing a child when you were one, but apologizing out of the blue would be ridiculous at best.
No. 360086
>>360059I was not a
total sperg in hs but I wasn't with the popular crowd either and I never suffered bullying either. The more I read others' experiences online and otherwise, the luckier I feel. My high school is a shit hole, too.
No. 360113
>>360089Yes I am a woman (no bans pls)
I actually dropped out because of it. I still can't speak to men or boys properly because of this because I always think they're going to turn around and laugh at me or anything I say or make fun of me behind my back. It's always a couple word response if they do talk to me so no boyfriend ever (i kind of always wanted one ironically, just someone to love me ugh ik sappy)
I used to get flashbacks and they've gotten better but I still get horrifying feelings when I'm near a school setting. I had to sit in the college cafeteria once to finish my GED and I suddenly felt overwhelmed by all the people around me and had to leave.
No. 360131
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I recently realized that I want my boyfriend to roleplay a pretty fucked up scenario with me and I have no idea how to ask him about it. I'm massively turned on by the idea of being captured by a sadistic and eventually affectionate person. Ideally I'd like to experience things like having little free will (for the session), have him bully me however he'd like, feel him press a knife into my skin while he fucks me, praise me any time I follow orders well, etc. Obviously safewords and precautions would be taken, but you get the idea.
I can't shake the guilt of feeling like an absolutely shit person for wanting him to do this weird shit to me. I don't know why my brain finds this sexy and why I want to be hurt/scared in a consensual way. Our sex life is very healthy and we experiment with different things, but I'm afraid this might be too intense to ask for. He's dominate but I feel like asking will just make me sound crazy.
…So lately I just read bad fan fiction and daydream about it. Wish I had the guts to ask him about it.
No. 360196
>>360131anon i can relate to feeling guilty/wrong about being into that sort of thing. i mostly just suppress it.
you might like the VN boyfriend to death. it's free, one of the routes is pretty much that. it gets kind of extreme though. i felt bad for being into it. i don't know why i like fantasizing about it and i can't get off to normal stuff so i just don't persue intimacy and try not to think about the dark stuff i'm into lol
No. 360217
>>360196>you might like the VN boyfriend to death. it's free, one of the routes is pretty much that. it gets kind of extreme thoughwhat the fuck. this sounds terrible.
idek how you guys get into this kind of stuff. you guys should def try to suppress it, this is the path leading down to becoming a BDSM tragedy in national news
No. 360410
>>360217i'm that anon, lol can u read? i just said i suppress it. i literally avoid relationships or getting close to men bc of it (among other things, like really bad body image). i'm even certain if i see a therapist again i'll probably want to discuss it because yeah, i don't know why i'm into that sort of shit.
and "bdsm tragedy in national news" u must be retarded though bc degeneracy is becoming normalized if u ask me. and i dont think its a good thing.
No. 360415
>>360008Tell me anon, what do i get out of continuing to be angry that a bunch of kids in usually bad homes with terrible parents bullied me and all the adults failed me?
Nothing. The anger that keeps me warm now would only make me cold in my grave.
I'm not blase to others feelings. On the contrary, I'd like to go into psychology to help people. I was affected deeply by bullying. And i even said i don't forgive every bully thus I'm not one of those people that believes you have to forgive every person that every wronged you to heal and move on.
However at some point you do have to make a personal choice about whether you'll allow the past to continue to affect your future. The decision I've made is to enact several therapeutic actions and do a lot of emotional work to attempt to live a more healthy life.
A lot of anons on here hold onto bitterness and anger like their lives depend on it but you be real with you your life probably depends more on doing the work to heal.
Is it fair that you have to take on the burden after such things? No not really. It sucks that adults fail children to this level and i can only hope i helped those kids i volunteered with when i sat down and had a very grown up talk with them about the effects of bullying. I did notice even the biggest little shit in that group acting differently after that discussion.
Life isn't fair sometimes though and you take it upon yourself to make it more fair.
No. 360455
>>360452honestly, just random stuff. if i see a description for a film/tv show that looks interesting and it has subtitles ill watch it and see how i like it. some korean and japanese dramas are ok, but a lot of the recent korean dramas are just as soulless as american media imo. i also sometimes watch russian tv shows because theyre available for free on youtube.
also, i think older american media (from 70-90s) was better. i have a soft spot for old detective shows and cheesy soap operas lol even though some of the older ones are a really dated.
No. 360502
>>360026I apologised years afterwards to someone who i traumatised horribly with a suicide attempt. He was cool about it, appreciated it.
You can offer the apology but there’s a good chance it will be ignored or you’ll get told to drop dead. It depends why you’re doing it imo.
Is it because you owe them or is it because you crave forgiveness?
No. 360521
>>360460same tbh. i really like star trek, and even the new star trek series is so… empty. idk.
when i lived in the uk, there was a channel (itv4 i think?) where they mostly reran old cheesy tv shows. i could watch it all day. my personal favourites were diagnosis murder, quincy me, and the avengers.
No. 360661
>>360656>>360651I am sorry to hear that anon.
You say you dissociate for the sake of this man, but remember, you need to love yourself too. It doesn't sound good or healthy.
No. 360673
>>360651It seems a bit strange that the process is
>partner informs you they want sex>you go shower for themIt's not very spontaneous or romantic. I second the Anon who said it doesn't sound like you're ready for a sexual relationship yet. Thank you for speaking up about this, Anon and I wish you luck in your recovery.
No. 360676
>>360656I'm really sorry for you, but you need to stop making yourself have sex with him. No person who loves you would want to priotise sex over your wellbeing.
Does your SO know any of what's going on? Even if you just phrase it as having a bad experience in the past that's bubbling up now, it's important that you can open up to him more and feel comfortable enough to say no even in the middle of sex.
I can't imagine being you, but what helps not disassociate during sex is stopping for a second to see his face clearly, saying his name and getting him to talk a little so I can just listen to his voice, touching everything around me with my hands so I can feel that I'm definitely there in that moment. A counselor taught me that even when we want to have sex, sometimes our bodies are so used to being in crisis that the raised heart beat is misunderstood for stress, and
triggers all the same feelings, and we should just take a breather to let our bodies know that we're in a safe place.
Counseling like cbt can really help, but in the short term if up can't access that please look into women's or rape crisis centres in your area to see if you can find some support for free.
No. 360713
>>360676>>360651seconding CBT. it really does help. there are extremely cheap and free resources out there that can give you the care you need.
please take care of yourself anon. you don't need to have sex to show you love him, i hope your boyfriend will understand if you let him know. you don't have to tell him you did sex work or anything. any kind of trauma can do this to you.
i've never been in sex work or been sexually assaulted, but i have dissociated really badly while having sex due to the racing heartbeat and all. you're in a whole other world and it's really unsettling.
No. 360726
>>360720oh i definitely understand this. my boyfriend loves cats. i feel like his preference to cats is a factor in him being very calm.
most guys who prefer dogs, i can totally see a difference in personality. they're usually really competitive and macho types.
although, i do have a cousin who loves cats, he's a pretty competitive type of guy, but he doesn't really try to show off or feel like he has to prove himself.
No. 360868
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a guy i used to be online friends with became extremely creepy to the point where he made me nauseous, so i cut him off. he is mexican, and i feel like the encounter i had with him has twisted my view of other mexicans. i live in a tiny european country, and have never met a mexican person in my entire life. but i'm starting to develop racist views on mexicans because i associate them with him. is there a way to stop this? i have never felt this way in my entire life. i'm an ethnic minority and despise racism, but every time i see the word "mexico" i think about him and feel uncomfortable. this guy made me start developing /pol/ views ffs.
on one hand i want to stop having racist views and thoughts about mexicans, but on the other hand i want to "give up" and just accept the fact i have become a racist. it's not like i'll be vocal about this in real life, and i'll never encounter mexicans on a daily basis. i'm sure this is going to make me develop xenophobic views too though.
No. 360924
>>360868lmfao what the fuck anon, i'm sorry but your post made me laugh so hard, not even trying to downplay your dilemma.
I'm half mexican and honestly you wouldn't believe how good-natured the men on that side of my family are. All my family drama and abuse comes from my white (french) side of my family, who are literally insane and toxic as fuck. I'm really lucky to be Canadian though so I don't have to put up with American stereotypes of Mexicans which are clearly ridiculous. Although my racist French grandparents constantly bash on my father and paternal grandparents for the most asinine reasons ("if you learn to speak Spanish, you'll be prone to being lazy and take siestas all the time", "those colourful floral dresses make you look like a prostitute", "this spanish name [mispronounced on purpose] is so ugly"), I actually had to cut off the French side of my family because of their abusive trashy ways, and although I appreciate being fluent in French, I totally regret not learning Spanish and spending more time with my dad's family, they are incredibly patient, empathetic, well-travelled and educated whereas my mom's family is either already on welfare or declaring bankruptcy to clear their debts, generally very insecure and hateful people. It's a shame I spent most of my childhood around my mom and her family really.
People are just people. But I understand your feelings if you have a hard time meeting people from outside your culture. The only solution to that is to travel to many places, possibly work or study abroad, learn new languages, make friends from all walks of life etc.
No. 360937
>>360911Ill raise you:
No job in four years despite trying, living with in-laws, highschool drop-out with certificates I can’t pay for (and therefore can’t use)
No. 360948
I mean even if you’re as much of a loser as you say, you don’t deserve that shit. Those men are so far below so-called losers you’re basically mt Everest in comparison.
No. 360952
>>360939can you afford to take an online class or two while you're at home? maybe you'd feel more productive.
I don't have kids but my friends do and from what I've heard it's pretty normal to feel a little regret/resentment about your kids because of the things you might be missing out on. it doesn't make you a bad mom.
No. 360983
>>360946anon, i really think you're being down on yourself or have just gotten very unlucky. incels are weird and obsess over like literal models that pretend to relate to them so ofc they reject normal girls sometimes. please hold out and do not date horrible men, because seriously, they will fuck your shit up for fun or for sexual pleasure. be careful.
and js, there are crap, ugly, entitled men that have no interest in me because i'm not their preference (they tell me so even though their opinions are totally unsolicited), that i have no interest in, but 100% of the time it turns out there are nicer, smarter, better all around dudes that end up wanting to be with me, so you can't just let the opinions of absolute losers dictate everything. they have no reasonable or valuable metric. i'm almost positive the same is the case for you, and basically every other person out there.
there are some real low down uggos that think they're hot shit that have no appreciation for women, when in reality, you can almost always actually do better tbh
No. 361004
>>360937Not working for four years? What do you do all day?
If you're living with in laws, are you married or what?
No. 361007
I’ve taught myself to sew, embroider, garden, whittle, carve stones, cooking/baking, beekeeping, and befriending the yard crows.
Plus reading, archery/hunting, comic book collecting, looking after friends kids, fishing, and hikes to find native orchids.
Everyday I need to have made at least one thing to feel slightly productive.
No. 361019
>>356399>"Why would men pay for the cow when they can milk it for free?"My mother and my grandmother on my dad's side have said this exactly to me.
I have a memory of my mother, she would watch my neighbor's daughter (my friend) walking to school every morning, and evaluate her clothing. One day she was in short-shorts. My mother called her a slut who was "looking to get it." That girl was 10 years old. She used to do this all the time, evaluate this girl over the years, trying to assess based on clothing when my friend would lose her virginity. It was like a game to her, and she found it funny and was really nasty about it. I found it fucked up because I knew the only reason my friend was trying to attract male attention was because her home life was terrible and her boyfriends were sweet to her and could help her "escape."
My mother has called me a slut over and over again as well, even though I'm a virgin and have only had one boyfriend despite being an adult. I've also told her numerous times I'm asexual, but she won't accept that because I've had ONE crush back in middle school. I FINISHED COLLEGE.
>Turns out my mom had plenty of skeletons in her closet.Mine as well. I was told that women need to be virgins over and over again; women who have sex before marriage are "used up" and have no value. No man would ever want to marry me… My mom mentally damaged me and made me fear/check my behaviors constantly. I developed c-PTSD (diagnosed).
A few months ago, I found out my mom lost her virginity to her first boyfriend when she was a teen. Had sex with every boyfriend after that, and she's had many. She'd purposely wear short skirts and bend over in front of professors to get better grades, who knows what else she did. She's also had an abortion with my father before they were married. She's cheated on my dad numerous times and continues to do so, she tells me in detail now about her sex life when I don't ask.
I'm so angry I have a mental illness I can't afford to treat, because I was policing my behaviors to be like the "perfect" image of who I thought was my mom.
>>356399 No. 361105
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My earliest childhood crush I can recall is Snap Crackle and Pop. All three of them. I vaguely remember climbing into my laundry hamper and then imagining my self going on dates with them. I think I was about 5. Also when I was 7 I basically imagined myself a tulpa husbando.
I wonder if it's weird to have been so "romantic" or romance focused at a young age.
No. 361112
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I miss my boyfriend being muscly and attractive but work is killing him and being fit isn’t a priority when he works a lot.
But I still find myself fantasising about his old body
No. 361117
>>361105I'm laughing anon. 3 husbandos at 5…
I was similar, I had a thing for Randall from Monsters Inc. when I was around that age lmao. I don't think it's weird (wasn't he result of abuse or anything) but just a personality thing. I'm still super driven by romantic feelings as an adult.
>>361107>ShaggyPatrician taste, me too.
No. 363883
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The real reasons why I smoke are because I want something to do with my hands when I'm outside (like waiting for the bus), and because it makes me feel kinda cool when I do it. Ridiculous, I know. I'm not physically addicted, I don't get any withdrawal symptoms if I go for weeks without smoking. The only time I actually remotely CRAVE cigarettes is when I'm drunk. I guess I'm more addicted to smoking itself rather than the actual cigarettes.
At least I've gone down from one cigarette a day to only 1-3 in a month.
No. 363894
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>>363893>Are we going to pretend grown ass women didn't LOVE Zac Efron and Taylor Lautner at 16-17?I didn't love them nor find them sexually attractive.
No. 363897
>>363885Somewhat related, I'm really into neotenous and petit guys that could be mistaken for being underage. Having my boyfriend mistaken as my younger brother is a scenario that would be hot to me, but I know it's P R O B L E M A T I C so I just say I generally like cute men. (I'd be fine with him aging of course, but just having that for a few years would be nice)
This aside, although I can understand instant attraction to some teens and don't think it's demonic or anything, sleeping or dating high schoolers as an adult is pretty weird. The chance of it fucking with them is too high.
No. 363900
>>363898I've never been attracted to a teen as an adult.
I don't know why you would think there's some big conspiracy to lie about this? Even when I was a teenager I felt most other teenage boys were immature, lazy, and manipulative liars who weren't all that good at taking care of themselves.
Nevermind anon's cherry picked example of teenage celebs who had money, a team of stylists, and PR reps that could at least made them seem more likable and presentable. Yet still not hot to me.
No. 363905
>>363883Are you me? I honestly started smoking mostly for aesthetic reasons. I also enjoy the social aspect of smoking, it's like having a cigarette together immediately breaks the ice. I quickly moved on to rolling my own cigarettes, also to keep my hands busy. When I get drunk I know no limit though and will chainsmoke the whole night, then feel disgusting the next day and take a break. Sometimes I run out of filters, paper or tobacco and can't be bothered to buy new ones for weeks.
My friends always told me this is how you get addicted but it's been like this for a long time now. My plan is to quit once and for all when I hit my thirties, I'll see how that works out.
No. 363908
>>363904You may have a point about some 18 and 19 year olds, where it's a bit more ambiguous. But for the most part most 16 year olds really do look underage, and if not in looks then in behavior.
Friendly reminder that OP wasn't about finding ambiguously mature older teens to be attractive and then finding out their actual age later, but specifically said they think 16-17 year olds are their targets for attractive. It is creepy no matter how you spin it.
No. 363914
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>>363909>you don't want to seem like a creepy pedoWell you are objectively being a creepy ephebophile.
>one of the retards who bought into the "men age like wine" memeOr how about dating someone my own age? Or maybe only a couple of years younger/older than me?
Because if I don't want 16 year old baby dick I must be a gerontophile after fossil cock? Grow up sis.
No. 363916
>>363883>>363905Wow, I didn't know this was a thing. I never smoked, my dad did it around me growing up and I always reeked at school. Other kids would make fun of me; I got sent to the principal's office once because I stunk so bad the teachers thought, I, an elementary student, was smoking at home. Really, my dad just had 4+ packs a day and smoked in the car when dropping me off at school. I can't fathom what they taste like because the smell is enough, but I like having something in my hands/mouth and have always liked the way cigarettes look in the hand. I tried vaping (because you can do it without nicotine), but it has no taste so I didn't care for it. I chew gum, but I do it so much my jaw locks up. I've considered digital cigarettes, but they have nicotine and I refuse to add another addiction to the pile. My family is loaded with heroin junkies and alcoholics. No toxic substances for me. I still want something to puff on, what do?
No. 363918
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>>363914Dating=/=thinking someone is attractive. You can find a teen attractive without being dumb enough to try to date one. Considering how unreliable adult men are you'd be setting yourself up for failure to date a teen. Pic related was 16 in this photo, I'm not going to lie and say he wasn't hot.
No. 363930
>>363923Yeah I admit I read too much into that and assumed someone anon would fuck=someone they'd date, because I was projecting how I'd treat someone.
It makes her sound even more predatory tbh.
No. 363933
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boys are the best guys
No. 363934
>>363929I don't go after teenage boys. I don't think I would gain anything emotionally from dating a guy that young. Listening to my 16 year old brother speak hurts my brain. I'll admit a lot of young guys are cute though.
I imagine a younger man with a older woman could only work if said woman is rich.
No. 363945
>>363940I don't know what ever gave you the impression that this website has ever endorsed grown adult x teenager sexual relationships, but you're sorely mistaken. We're not scrotes, we're women who don't take advantage of younger people because it's predatory and creepy. In the same vein of older men creeping on teenage women.
May god have mercy on your bait.
No. 363948
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Ok we get it you're bored. Find something else to do.
No. 363952
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>caring about morals in 2019
this is post-post-post feminism, baby
No. 363962
>>363946You can't spin my post the other way like that, because men are open about it.
>>363949This. If you see a beautiful teen girl, look around you. There's atleast 1 man obviously drooling.
No. 363992
>>363986They sure as hell don't look like adults! You can tell in how they act that they're immature. Regardless of what they look like, it's repulsive to prey on young boys. Boys mature slower than girls, both emotionally and cognitively, so it's probably even more damaging to sleep with underage guys.
>inb4 scrot detected!!1111no, i'm just not a degenerate
No. 363993
>>363992I don’t understand how anyone would want to even fuck a teenager. They have weird proportions, gangly limbs, awful skin, and they all act like retards, and honestly they’re just intimidating when they’re in a group because they’re mentally unstable.
Real teens don’t look like the ones on CW
No. 363994
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>>363990lets not do that today anon
No. 363997
>>363885You're 100% right. I think this is a mostly an american puritanism thing. Nobody in their right mind will tell you that you're a pedo because you find some 17 year olds sexually attractive.
I've heard an american woman say 19 year olds are children.
>>363924>underdeveloped pencil dick alone is enough that I'll never get close to anyone who isn't past their early twenties again. Imagine thinking that penises grow past 18. This is like an incel talking about vaginas.
No. 364008
>>364003>only virgins are vulnerable Their brains aren’t fully developed, they aren’t yet capable to make completely thought out decisions, not to mention they’re naive and someone older going after them is absolutely taking advantage of them.
We judge the men that go after teenage girls to have predatory tendencies and be abusive, why would you think that being a woman makes you any different
No. 364010
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>>364008how's that higher moral ground working for you? achieve equality yet?
No. 364012
>>364010I’m not taking advantage of children and skewing their views on sexuality which could easily lead them to in term become sexual abusers, so I’d say it’s working out pretty great
I’m also going to safely assume that just like their male counterparts majority of you look like goblins and the kiddies run when they see you
No. 364013
>>364008Be real.. What kind of guy is gonna look back and think ''damn I regret having sex''
Men and women are different.
No. 364014
I swear to God I'm the only one who doesn't find young guys in general attractive on this thread. I don't like anyone in their twenties, let alone their teens. I regret dating my own age group, my instinct tells me not to, but I do it anyway and I'm bored shitless on dates. There is 0 chemistry; I have to go at least late 30's to be able to find someone to hold a conversation with. Why anyone would be attracted to a high schooler is beyond me; emotions play a huge part of attraction. Yes, I can look at a 17 year old and acknowledge he has nice features, but there isn't a single physical feeling in my body. Not to mention; it's predatory even if there was chemistry. That's someone who has never figured out what career they want, likely never really dated, and doesn't know who he is yet. You're swooping in on someone vulnerable, they're not children in the sense they are completely naive or infantile, but there is a MASSIVE barrier. The fact that this doesn't deter a lot of people's attraction toward young people is disgusting.
>>364011A 17 year old is in high school living with parent; 18+ is usually graduated, working, paying their own bills, and starting to live on their own with a roommate usually.
No. 364025
>>364020I'd rather fuck a consenting senior than a minor.
>>364022Consider maybe that I'm conservative and millennials in my age group don't hold my views, scream "nazi," and therefore do not talk to me.
>>364023I never said I was mature or an old soul, but keep projecting retard.
>>364024I hold a conversation rather well, I just care about topics most 20 year olds do not.
No. 364177
>>364069It’s nice, but it’s hard af to bring in any money doing it. Two hives don’t make enough honey or wax to sell more than a few jars, and nobody round here has the kind of cash to buy handmade quilts. (Even cutting prices for labor they’re a few hundred bucks just because it’s a queen size made from 1&1/2 inch hexagons)
By next year I should have baby quilts, bearded irises, and honey to sell/trade but ideally I’d have a normal job and not trying to survive as an artisan/farmer in a coal mining town.
It’s a constant battle between needing money from a real job and needing satisfaction from being a weird hippy.
No. 364360
>>364347This is something that nearly all people who were beaten as children have in common: They think beating kids is okay, because hey, they turned out alright!
If you seriously think about beating children and are stupid enough to believe that serious punishment is in order to correct their behavior, then no, you didn't turn out alright. You might not be lazy, but certainly fucked up in other ways.
Children of around 8 to 9 understand very well that they did something wrong and what it was if you just try to explain it by talking to them, they're no longer toddlers.
No. 364381
>>364347What power do you think kids have over adults that makes it so you feel you have to hit them to regain control?
You are literally taller, more educated, and mentally equipped to handle their bullshit. Regardless of how much a kid annoys you, all you're teaching a kid by showing aggression is that they're allowed to set off and get violent with others if they become frustrated and don't get their way.
Of course there are healthy ways to punish without making it physical.
Timeouts and revoking privileges are very effective.
No. 364386
>>364347I don't much like kids either but hitting doesn't do much good. I got hit as a kid too and all it taught me was that I don't like being in pain.
The stuff that worked on me was confiscating things, like computer access or being able to watch television or being able to go and play outside with my friends.
Being told to consider how I would feel if someone did what I'd done to me helped too, but I think that one would only work on kids who have already developed some empathy. If the kid's been allowed to run loose without good parenting, that one isn't going to work.
No. 364411
>>364390>I can't understand people who brag about being beaten up as a kid and how it by some twisted logic turned out okay despite thinking that violence is a proper way to discipline children.Mental cope, probably.
If they were to admit what they went through was abuse then that would call into question the relationship they had with their parents and guardians. It makes a lot of people uncomfortable. Probably easier to write it off and say they deserved it since they feel as adults they can distance themselves from what happened in the past.
No. 364425
>>364360Of course I'm fucked up in other ways, who isn't? But surely not because my mom beat my ass. All of my cousins are spoiled as fuck, their mothers/fathers never gave a fuck about discipline so they grew up in a way that "trying to explain it by talking to them" just doesn't work, they're spoiled brats who dgaf. Believe me, I, too, thought that 9 was old enough because when I was this age, I wasn't trouble for my parents anymore. So I tried being patient at first and solve any problems just by talking to them, but not only they don't listen, they kick me and pull my hair out, and so many other little things.
>>364362I truly hope so too.
>>364381Sounds like a good idea, but that's their parents job. I tried once not giving one of them their smartphone, but as soon as their mother arrived and I told her about her kid's shenanigans, she just brushed it off, gave him the smartphone back and was all like "oooh he's just a kid"
>>364411I really don't have any trauma regarding my mom beating my ass a few times, believe it or not
>>364390That's just too much
No. 364463
>>364454I was in your situation, the only thing you can do is quit drinking completely. My reason for drinking was also because I had terrible social anxiety and the only way I could feel comfortable with a group was by self-medicating with alcohol. I would go into fits of insane emotional rage after too many drinks and lost a lot of friends. I never physically hurt anyone, but I've said some terrible things.
I recommend getting out of bed, getting some sun, giving your husband a heartfelt apology, and start tomorrow by ridding yourself of alcohol. Maybe see a psychiatrist, because all alcoholics have underlying issues. No one is an alcoholic just because they like the taste of alcohol. Good luck and I hope you get better.
No. 364515
>>364425yeah but the issue is that they're incompetent parents, not that children can't be disciplined without being hit.
can you beat the shit out of your misbehaving neighbor? no? then why the fuck should children not have the human right to not be assaulted by their own parents?
no. i dislike children and have no desire to have them, but teaching them that they can't trust their family to not hurt them, and violating their bodily autonomy by harming them isn't the way to discipline them.
also, it's shown to developmentally retard children. like, not literally hitting them in the head or anything, just spanking/beating arrests development and shrinks their brain, and makes them more prone to emotional dysfunction/impulsivity.
No. 364570
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>>364543Nta but it's legal in most states
No. 364574
>>364570i mean, don't a lot of states have stipulations regarding the age gap, so a 30 yo can't prey on a 17 yo? i know mine does, thank god. regardless, like literally all of these examples of guys who "totes look like 25 yos!!!", they all have looked like, and esp, acted like kids.
bc of test and how popular lifting is for hs guys now, guys that are like 17 CAN look like 25, but why the fuck are these anons wanting to prey on clueless retards when men that are 24 look literally exactly the same? why not just date 24 year olds? idgi. high school guys arent even innocent with 'cute' personalities. most of them are exceptionally degenerate, even moreso than 25 yos. assuming they look older, it's like dating a 24 yo but with literally no positives and all negatives?? that's not attractive at all. anons in this thread are either larpers or really need help.
i think the thing is that they just prefer 'cute' slightly fem guys and most facially fem guys start to purposefully undergo transformations to look more masc and macho when they go to college, to better compete with other males and because of male culture, but it's not like there are no femmy pretty boys that are not children???
No. 364576
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>>364574degenerate guys don't become less degenerate with age. so if all guys are degenerate, wouldn't you want one who has been degenerate for the least amount of time?
No. 364586
>>364585i already said they're all impulsive retards controlled by their dicks, but again, it does chill out. i have dated teen guys and had many teen guy friends as a teen girl, and have dated adult guys and had many adult guy friends as an adult, and every guy i've known has been significantly more tolerable and less impulsive as an adult, so…
it's not better when they're younger. it's typically worse because they're more impulsive. idk if you guys never had male friends or dated guys as teens, but it really feels like this is an incel tier caricature of what you guys think teen guys are bc youve never had experience with them or something
No. 364590
>>364586a guy who's easiest to manipulate > a guy who knows how to keep the facade of a respectable guy
i'm not looking a guy who's mature and my equal. i'm looking for one to be my bitch, retard.
No. 364600
>>364596>>364594Speaking from experience here, younger men really are easier to deal with. My husband is 8 years younger than me and much more manageable than any man my age.
When men date women their age and younger, they always desire to control them because they think that's the natural way of things. With men who are at least 5 years younger they always take a more submissive position.
No. 364605
>>364600i've not found that to be true. the most sub and passive man i've ever dealt with and dated was my age, while plenty of younger guys i spoke to still wanted to control me/treated me, even just as a person, like i was their subordinate, and later suggested that i would be their subordinate or submissive romantically/sexually. i think it depends on the guy, really. their experience, confidence level, etc, but this idea that most younger guys, and teen guys in general, are meek, innocent boys that will respect and answer to older women is completely delusional, detached from reality, and is some hentai bullshit or something
No. 364643
>>364638There are 2 possibiloties: either you don't know as many men as you think you do and have gotten lucky or you don't know them as closely as you think you do and they don't feel sure enough to let their flaws out. idk how old you are but I'm 21 and all older men start out acting sweet and considerate and protective of me either because young female paying attention to them or weird projection of a daughter/granddaughter role but then they eventually get too comfy and slip up. Doesn't necessarily make me cease being friendly with them because I can still recognise they have good traits but it does make you lose
a lot of respect for them.
No. 364646
>>364643Yes, there are only two possible explanations… it could
never be that not
every single man in the world is a disgusting pig…
No. 364647
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I hate the male sex drive so much, I hate how soulless and empty and predatory male sexuality is, I hate how men deep down aren't truly capable of living or caring for anyone but themselves, and how every single one of them thinks exactly the same with the only difference being how well they can fake their humanity.
I fantasized about castrating them all personally, and then executing them if their degeneracy doesn't change.
No. 364659
>>364649>what is hyperboleAt some point you need to realize that if the men around you are treating you like shit you need to do something about it and speak up for yourself. You can't just write them off as ~*evil men*~ and blame everything on them. If you truly believe that they're slighting you or discriminating against you then fucking say something and don't let them walk all over you, dear god, it's pathetic.
Mods, please bring back the man hate thread so this pathetic shit can go in there.
No. 364667
>>364659oh my god anon, do you even read my posts? never once have I said they are evil, just childish and self centred/misogynistic, third time repeating myself! They aren't treating me like shit or anything, they are generally nice, I luckily have never once gotten in any bad situations with them. I just stated that they eventually
will let their childishness and pettyness show and, when it does, I
do infact call them out on it, generally doesn't do much once they're in those ages tho.
Why don't you think a middle ground between "men are saints and women disagreeing with that are angry virgin hags" and "all men are pigs that need to be castrated" can exist? (inb4 I'm actually illiterate bc hyperboles, man)
No. 364670
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>>364647even though i don't think all men are 100% that, most men are, i feel u anon. my ex and i are still friends and i asked him if guys ever genuinely befriend girls just for friendship, and don't look at them sexually, and he told me that the majority of guys are too obsessed with sex to do that.
pic related was mfw i finally realized that i'll never be able to be genuine friends with a str8 male because he will always be hoping to get sex from me. it's just sad thinking how most men are incapable of wanting a wholesome companionship with a woman. it's made the whole gender hard for me to navigate.
No. 364674
>>364617you right, i know a lot of people that had been beaten when kids (i live in a 3rd world country) and almost all of them have a lot of psychological and when older, mental problems, it hurts to watch. From all the generations, from kids to elders, every person that denied it either ended most of the time on a mental breakdown, unable to admit that their parents hurt them, or totally the opposite, wanting to fucking kill them. You can't negate the harm that violence can do on a fragile and innocent mind, when somebody that is supposed to protect you hurts you, it makes you fear and feel hatred to them, that hatred doesn't go away, it transforms, and for most cases, it goes directly to the people that least deserve it: your own kids.
Respect ≠ Fear, make your kids truly respect you by respecting them, fear goes away, true respect never.
No. 364732
>>364729it isn't necessarily white knighting they could just find you annoying
having a break from the manhate is nice now and again.
No. 364741
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>>364737Why can't we just be left alone?
No. 364743
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in a few months it'll be 5 years since i've kissed anyone or have done anything romantic/intimate irl
No. 364764
>>364749I wish I could get tonsil stones, I love watching vids of people removing theirs.
I wish my body was a bit grosser in general, I love popping pimples, blackheads and all that stuff but alas the one and only thing I won in the genetic lottery is my smooth skin. I do pick my scalp a lot to get scabs I can scratch off.
No. 364785
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>>364748I would too but I like Walter a bit more tbh.
No. 364807
>>364670Maybe I should post that in the "unpopular opinion" thread, but i don't think that the will of men to fuck anything is an obstacle to friendship between men and women. I don't believe that because you are sexually attracted to a person, every interraction you have with that person is aimed at getting them to bed.
I know men toward whom I feel genuine strong frienship, and am sexually attracted to, and am not in love with, and so I guess they feel the same. I don't think sexual attraction necessarily hinders a friendship, as long the men prioritize frienship over an oppurtunity to have sex.
No. 364840
>>364837nta, but most people don't get them, they are just calcium deposits… you will know if you had them because it will feel like a sore throat.
usually you just have to gargle with salt water and they will come out by themselves, but don't try to dig them out (like the other anon) or you risk damaging the tonsil and giving yourself a bad infection!
No. 364864
>>364764Oh anon, I'd give you my chest and back acne if I could.
Might be a confession (maybe an unpopular opinion?) bur although I hate my own acne, I like how it looks on others. Mostly facial acne that's clearly just genetic and not a result of hygiene issues (I still like people who bathe ofc). I think spotty people are cute.
Maybe it's a cope? To look for partners whow also suffer this affliction so they can't judge me.
No. 365094
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rlly embarrassing but i used to do ddlg shit with my ex, it was only for like a year and a half and i havent touched that shit since mid-last year, thankfully lolcow showed me the light on how cringe that shit is and all the cows and snowflakes on here who do it makes me cringe into the fifth dimension thinking how i used to be like that too. truly no relationship with the ddlg "dynamic" can really last, and every person into it has mental health issues. its not cute at all and im so glad im not into that shit anymore.
No. 365107
>>364899>>364855Op here, I know it can be dangerous to do them, but I'm also a skin picker too lol. I won't stick anything into my tonsil to dig them out but just lightly pushing against it made them all pretty much fall out on their own.
I've had a few over the years that were super small and didn't bother me and came out naturally but lately my tonsils have been so swollen it hurts to swallow and now one of them is pretty much flat to my throat again.
I'm really tempted to go to a doctor and see if I can electively get my appendix and my tonsils removed because they constantly give me issues.
No. 365161
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I get turned on by stuff in fiction that I find abhorrent and disgusting irl like age-gap couples, incest and rape. I'm not remotely kinky when it comes to my actual sex life, yet when it comes to fiction I find this degenerate shit incredibly arousing. Part of me wonders if It's because I was exposed to this sort of thing when I got involved in fandom circles as a kid. I wish I could just be into normal fandom stuff and not fucked up porn. I comfort myself by thinking about how at least I'm sane enough to feel ashamed of it and keep it 100% to myself.
No. 365189
>>365161>>365173If it makes you feel any better I think the whole acting on your fetishes thing seems like a bigger problem with men than women in general (fakebois being an obvious exception but I digress), like so many men are basically narcissists when it comes to their sexuality which prevents any kind of guilt or consideration of the people it effects irl which is how you have guys who easily fall down the slippery slope from liking loli to liking actual children. That is unhealthy fantasy.
However wanting things in fantasy that are the opposite of what you want in reality are more common than people think, or rather they are less direct manifestations of what a person finds appealing about them (rough sex and maybe the idea of there being a protective and nurturing component to a relationship)
Those are healthy and normal.
No. 365324
>>365300Definitely, but what about women who cheat? Not to be all "muh wimmin are also ebil" but…it is 60/40 for cheating with women being 40 and that's a lot.
FGM? Remove the clit?
(I have no cheating trauma btw and agree with you)
No. 365348
>>365300it's only backfiring because of this shit
>>365334, there are tons of women who willingly cheat for no reason (many of which post on the site about it) and it's pathetic that you're so
triggered by men cheating.
No. 365359
>>365334ayrt and no, disagree.
If your partner is emotionally distant uhhhhh, fucking leave. It's such a straightforward solution. If you can't move out right away, break up but live together separated until you can. But just end the relationship first jfc.
Maybe I'd understand if it was physical abuse and she felt trapped with him lest he kill her, but that's a very specific scenario. And I'd understand if a man was also in that scenario (although that would be even rarer).
But using "he's so cold unu" as an excuse is as stupid as men using dead bedroom as an excuse, please reflect on that. It's male-tier. Just leave! Or if you have kids, agree to have an open relationship while staying together!
Also what
>>365348 said. Many also do it for no reason.
No. 365370
>>365359>But using "he's so cold unu" as an excuse is as stupid as men using dead bedroom as an excuse, please reflect on that. It's male-tier. Just leave!lmao, that's not even remotely the same. i think you guys fail to understand how harmful resentment, emotional abuse, and neglect can be, ESPECIALLY when you still love the person, or just generally feeling taken advantage of as husbands often do in marriages, especially if they have children. that's not the same as "my wife won't let me fuck her and i'm so horny!!". i have read many cases about women who beg their husbands (that they still love) for care and affection, but receive nothing, or face pushback because these men 'check out' of relationships, or may even emotionally or mentally abuse their wives. it's hard when you have an attachment to someone and wish they still loved you, especially when you have a family with them and just wish they treated you like they loved you again, too. there's definitely a psychological and emotional component to plenty of women cheating. people that cheat because they're gross and lecherous are disgusting, but i'm not talking about them.
i'm not excusing women who cheat for fun or cheat for no reason. they're gross and there's no excuse for that. i'm just saying there are reasons why people cheat and it's dumb to say that the reasons why women cheat are always the same as men. it's not, and most people are able to acknowledge the harmful effects of patriarchy, male entitlement, and male socialization in everyday life, but we have to ignore how they can affect women's feelings and actions in relationships and pretend they don't exist?
No. 365375
were talking about them, retard.
>>365324 asked about women who cheat and you responded with "uwu women never cheat the same!".
No. 365383
>>365375no, retard, they weren't. OP post was saying "i don't care WHY people cheat, it's never excusable", and i said to other anon who was saying "but what about women who cheat!!", that women and men don't cheat the same and it's dumb to say it's always inexcusable. i think people who are gross and can't keep it in their pants should be punished, but the 60/40 stat is probably further inflated because women experience emotional, mental, financial, physical abuse, and neglect, at higher rates than men. male entitlement is a thing, and being mistreated contributes to affairs. it's dumb to just look at 60/40 and act as if there aren't other motivations for women cheating. 56% of cheating men report to be happy in their marriages, whereas 73% of cheating women were unhappy in their marriages, and let's not pretend men aren't claiming to be 'miserable' all because they don't get their dick sucked enough. i think it's comparatively rare that you'd see such a case for women – that not getting oral enough means they'd cheat.
there are definitely dumbass women who cheat for no reason, but i think that % is lower than what people assume.
No. 365407
Men buy whores because their wives won't do anal and women fuck the pool boy because their husbands are neglectful alcoholics who beat them and buy whores, it's a cliche at this point
No. 365433
>>365419I remember that too, anon. A study found that when women said they'd been abused, they were talking about being physically beaten, raped, and having their children violently threatened. And when men said they'd been abused, in the majority of cases once questioned they were talking about their wives not wanting to have sex with them once, or not having a hot meal on the table when they got home from work.
Can anyone remember the name of that study? The researcher's name was Elspeth or Elseth or some slightly weird version of Elizabeth.
No. 365436
>>365404I never believed the "cutting is an addictive behavior" either, but years later I still haven't gone a whole year without cutting which is pretty pathetic but whatevs. Honestly the thing that helped me cut down on it was picking up smoking, which I'm just a complete dumbass for lmao
>>365334nah I know many women who cheat because they're bored or 'someone better came along'. The couple of times I cheated was when I started really falling head over heels for my partner. Doesn't make sense, I was afraid of being too dependent or having someone close if that makes sense. Still really shitty I won't lie, & I still don't know how to fix it but that's why I'm not dating rn lol
No. 365548
>>365542this sounds both fake and cringy
>6k is not that much money, it's a pathetic amount >you have that much "dirt on him" but somehow only have a hunch he's cheating on you>you think he gives enough of a shit about you or whatever it is to give you $$$unless you are dating a high powered employee or a politician or something it's literally a non-issue.
No. 365584
>>365575Yeah definitely a horrid jack-ass and not a victim at the moment.
I meant if like a crime were to almost take place (I just watched a video on a failed murder for hire lol).
No. 365596
>>365542Why are you larping as a cartoon villain and implementing this mentality into your real life? Ur dude's not gonna pay you 6k, hes gonna laugh at u (like everyone here is, seriously whyd u post this shit) and leave ur ass. I've never read an edgier, cringier post. You sound like such a pussy irl too but want to pretend you're cunning.
Talk about insufferable. Go back to lipstick alley.
No. 365603
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>>365600I'm only half black so I technically reinforce the white trash trailer park thot stereotype as well.
No. 365623
>>365619>Claims to be worried about child>proceeds to Call child a bastard>Seems more upset about some random guy they have never met being scammed than the childJust admit you're a
triggered scrot
No. 365625
>>365623should have known you were
triggered by the word bastard, but that's the term, you know? and i don't give a fuck about the guy, never said i did.
No. 365648
>>365647Literally did not argue itt
Not the same anon
No. 365659
>>365657Clearly the last part about the black market was to throw off the story.
>>365651She seems severly unhinged rn.
No. 365662
>>365657So…either you lied about the whole thing and sat here pretending(?) to be assblasted for 2 hours or this is a record breaking hard cope.
>>365659Don't be ridiculous anon, she's obviously just way too smart for us!
No. 365663
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I seriously hate women who are pretty, tiny and underweight. I know they didn't choose to be born cute but I hate them. I just wanna throw hot boiling coffee at their face.
No. 365668
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>>365666I'm 5'6 at 103 lbs and I'm still ugly and I still hate cute/tiny women. Everytime something bad happens to them(not extreme physical harm) I feel a bit of joy.
No. 365674
>>365668what do you mean by tiny? im short but i dont think that even if i lost another 10 lbs i'd look tiny bc bone structure. brb kms
taller girls can look tiny easier i think. you guys just need to be skinny and then you get tiny wrists and tiny arms and stuff because your proportions are usually less retarded. i just feel like an average sized person that has been resized, but only vertically, so it isn't cute, and it isn't fat width either. at least you can take solace in that you arent like that
No. 365684
>>365675>>365681i know the feeling. im especially resentful of males that are good looking tbh. not because i want them, but because i really, really want to be them. i lowkey resent my bf because he's so pretty. i just want to be a tiny tall long haired waif man with tiny wrists. or just to be a tall and skinny man, period.
i dont take pride in bad things happening to them, but i just can't take good looking people's complaints seriously. like, even if your life is shit, you can still work that 'goodlooking' avenue. it really does help you in every part of your life, male or female.
No. 365713
>>365685>My bf showed his mom a photo of me and she replied "why do you keep dating these ugly womenI'll say this much anon: speaking from the experience of my ex's mom telling him "You could have anybody," a lot of moms are deluded about their sons and harbor some deep misogyny for other women. Particularly if they never had daughters.
Mother's love. Don't let it trick you into believing that what she said is an actual reflection of reality and what you are as a person.
No. 366050
>>366020>>366035In high school, a Watamote-tier girl from a different class latched to me as I was a lonely emo kid and tried to rope me into committing suicide with her. The only reason she tried to be my friend was so that she had someone to kill herself with or (alternatively) force her to take care of herself and live. It was not cute at all.
I understand OP's viewpoint, cause I used to think like this too in the past, but living with a friend or a lover is much better than dying together, even if some days are shitty.
No. 366057
Just control what you put in your mouth impulsive fuck lmao
No. 366075
>>366063nah i would never compare someone with an illness so bad that death is the only escape to the degeneracy of troons.
tho, wanting someone to die when you die in some sort of camaraderie is weird
No. 366080
>>365663This fills me with so many emotions… I've never heard someone talk like this tbh.
I feel like this is the type of farmer who is a cunt to everyone and it fills me wth joy. Sage bc who cares but I had to get it out
No. 366082
>>366063I am all for death with dignity, but it was impossible to tell from anon's post if they are in a situation which makes life more trouble than it's worth or are they in a temporary mentally bad spot, unmedicated and/or glorifying the ~let's die together uwu~ idea out of some confused notion.
Unless you believe that everyone should have an access to suicide clinics, to which I do not have any reply, because I am so torn myself about it.
No. 366140
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i pretend irl that i dont care about guys, but im 20 and kinda sad since valentine's day is coming up and i've never had a cute guy take me out on a date or give me flowers before. when will a cute sub guy friend i can do fun things with appear, sigh
No. 366209
>>365542when reading shit like this, I really feel like the sanest person on this website.
>>365553can you blame his parents tho ? look at you.
>>365628at this point I'm 100% convinced this is a robot larping for the keks
No. 366313
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I have intense cravings for red meat constantly.
It's almost midnight, and all I wanna do is go raid the grocery store for a steak, or find something in the freezer to fry.
I don't think I have a nutritional deficiency and I eat pretty damn well.
No. 366537
>>366425My friend is a clout-chaser too in the jfash community, and while I don't necessarily care, it's sad how she treats her less popular friends such as the likes of me like afterthoughts. What's funny is that she spends the most time with us since the actual e-popular people live far away.
It's the little things that make me sad sometimes. Like her taking her time to respond to messages
if she decides to at all, knowing if it was a cloutchan she'd respond immediately, etc.
I know a lot of her secrets, and one of the biggest ones is that she doesn't even like one of her main cloutchans, she actually participated in an anonymous takedown of her.
Popularity does fucked up things to peoples' heads, and my naive ass believed I would be done with this once I left schools.
No. 366573
>>366569Yikes sis. I was just saying that
if the reference was to include lolita, there's definitely clout chasers in lolita and it makes complete sense.
No. 367733
>>367687It makes me feel guilty when I do it for some reason, as if I'm doing something bad. I'm not even religious or anything so idk where this stems from.
And the stuff I fap to makes me feel like a degenerate. (It's just otome cds not weird fetish stuff) but I guess any sort of porn related media is really cringey. I'm just annoyed with my sexual frustration and wish I didn't have to fap to relieve tension.
No. 367823
>>367814Recently I also had a dream about having a crush on a guy (who doesn't exist irl, was only in the dream). I woke up to find myself still utterly uninterested in men.
I wouldn't think about it too much, sometimes dreams can be weird. Somewhere on the board I once read of an anon dreaming about having sex with her dad, when she obviously had no such intentions.
No. 367850
>>367814remember that dreams are basically just random neurons firing off in your brain during REM sleep. they don't really hold much meaning, at most they're piecing random thoughts/events together while your memories consolidate.
the first time my ex and i ever had an argument over, it was over me having a dream like that. specifically in the dream i was trying to cheat. i woke up feeling really upset that i even wanted to cheat in a dream.
i also have had many dreams of men in my life confessing to me/trying to get intimate with me, which was always weird; some teachers and my brother, whom i am not close to at all, i even resent him. so it's always just weird. i also rarely remember my dreams too. last night i dreamt my ex and i video called and he bleached his hair and i was like "oh no, he's having an identity crisis. it looks so bad." lmfao.
just keep in mind, what dreams realistically are. as far as we know, they don't really hold any secret, deep meaning. it's just your brain being weird, and sometimes feels like torture lol.
No. 367862
i've never told anyone about this before because it's extremely embarrassing and i just need to talk about it somewhere anonymously. i come from a very normal, relatively healthy, very well functioning family. i have never been abused. my parents are good people, i just have this one memory that i can't escape sometimes, because it seems so fucking weird, but i could never talk about it. any anons experience an event like this, randomly, and never again?
i might have been around eight or nine at the time. i was in the living room with my parents and i guess i pissed them off, because my dad punished me. it was really unusual of him to be this way, but he was pissed and just ordered me to kneel in front of him. i did so to avoid further punishment, i remember being uncomfortable and it being fucking awkward, looking at the tv and my parents and not being acknowledged for ten minutes, before being told to go to my room.
it bothers me to remember that because even though i'm ashamed of it and don't talk about it irl, that memory somehow made me develop a fantasy of a man making me do that very thing. i hate it so much, because it sounds so freudian but i really am not attracted to my father at all.
i hope i'm not overreacting, i just needed to get it off my chest because it nags me a lot.
No. 367866
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>>367814sex dreams can be horrific and fucked up and not reflect how a person really feels at all in waking life. I've had fewer good sex dreams than wtf sex dreams.
No. 367951
>>367862It's probably not even related to your dad so I wouldnt worry about it. I mean, of course you got the fantasy from that incident but just because your dad was the one doing it, doesnt mean you have some sort of daddy fetish. You get what im saying?
Kneeling in front of a man while he ignores you generally sounds hot if you're into that sort of thing.
No. 368045
>>368038You're not horrible, you're just manipulating a situation (to the detriment of your health) that a lot of people would take advantage of if they were in your shoes.
If you had to work, I think you would force yourself to do it because being homeless ain't fun. But it sounds to me like you have an understanding and caring support system, and as long as they're not overburdened by you, then there's really no harm.
Work is fucking overrated. Unless someone is lucky enough to land a cushy job, or work a dream job, most of us suckers are stuck. And it's not as if none of us have ever tried to advance our educations or careers to wind up where we are. We report to a drab, hostile environment for 8-12 hours a day (not including commute) where we aren't paid nearly enough for our time whilst we suffer all kinds of stresses over bullshit we don't really care about.
I'm envious of my friends who are stay at home (they're not even moms-their bfs/hubbos just let them stay at home), because they get to spend their day pursuing their hobbies and creating things. There's tons of ways to find meaning and fulfillment in life without making yourself a slave.
No. 368052
>>368045Damn, thanks for the compassion. I do have a support system, though it's kinda scummy, my bf gets disability benefits which he uses to support both of us (he has a legit reason for not working). Even if that fell through, my mum would house me and make sure I'm provided for after she passes. My amazing family that I do not deserve make me realise what a fucking waste of life I'm being and I randomly get motivated to change myself into a productive member of society, but that never lasts.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks the wageslave life is shit. I 100% agree that the stay at home life is where it's at - when I'm not playing vidya from dawn to dusk I've managed to develop a lot of my skills like programming (which got me my job despite being uneducated), 3d modelling, game dev, illustration, and others. It makes me fucking happy to develop myself at my own pace without pressure, but the moment it's a job I lose all will to get up in the morning and start planning for my next excuse to quit.
No. 368060
>>368054I don't think I have anything that's better than other people, in fact I'm quite self loathing. And my family is definitely not rich, it's just that we have amazing social services where I live and the state will intervene before you get to the state of homelessness.
>>368057>>368059I'm not looking for pity points, I was expecting responses like yours, which is why the post starting with "You're not horrible" caught me off guard.
>I hope you grow up and take the chance to do something with your life instead of depending on your bf and too, rip
>God you sound so boring and insufferable.yep that's me.
No. 368064
>>368052You're welcome anon. I'm not really here to bash you even though on a level what you're doing is dishonest and bad for your health.
Wasn't trying to give you asspats. I just find the sentiment relatable, as a fellow human who empathizes with the drudgery of work and don't think it's moral since I'm forced to do it.
If I could live without working, I would.
>>368050Most of the smart ones do part time work or make a small business from their hobbies to form a nest egg for such an occasion.
Sometimes though, good women wind up with great men who have no problem providing for them because they see value in women for who they are–not what they happen to provide and do. They're not lookers, either.
Some people just wind up
that fortunate.
No. 368068
new thread
>>>/ot/368066>>>/ot/368066>>>/ot/368066hope I did it right, never made a thread before. also my phone is eating ass constantly on lc these days.