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No. 410996
>>410987Your post made me want to kill myself and I am not even in your situation.
Delete the CP and run as far as you can from the sick fuck. I would tip the police but maybe it's not possible without incriminating yourself.
No. 411001
>>410998I'm not enjoying the CP for clarification but the feeling of him being more passionate and rough. Like he isn't holding back from just melting I to the moment. I still love him and it's like I'm just ignoring the discovery that he's a pedo because aside from that he's so good to me.
Sorry I'm just confused. I need to see a professional.
No. 411005
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>>411001I really hope this isn't real.
Anyway, you realize if you do stay with this brain ball of a man, he's likely going to abuse your children and other people's children down the road. Also, you will soon be very unattractive to him if you aren't already. Even though it feels good to be his object of desire now while he fantasizes about someone else while violently fucking you, he is going to leave you for a younger woman soon.
No. 411011
>>410987Rate this as worst post ever on lolcow
>>410998Or this one?
Jesus, anon. You're descending a dark rabbit hole here. Get out now, while you can still save yourself. And from what I'm understanding the images anon is talking about is her own CP not another child's. Distributing and sharing your own child pornography is still probably a crime, anon. Delete. Dump. Seek professional help.
No. 411014
>>410987You mentioned that you wanted to vent some trauma. Was the trauma related to the images or that time of your life? Do you think that you engaged in this activity as a subconscious way of reclaiming power?
You're going to have to talk to him to find out if he has used CP before or if this was his first time and decide if it's a deal breaker.
Look for a therapist who deals with sexual trauma.
No. 411019
>>411014Trama related to the images and videos. Never distributed them but was also told by someone I trusted that if I ever deleted them they would end up online because deleted things go straight to the dark web.
I'm not comfortable in elaborating. But probably has to do with what you said. This all happened a week ago but this week feels like it flew by and it kinda all hit me this morning. Like I've been ignoring these thoughts.
No. 411033
>>411019also this shit is a huge example of why the internet was a fucking mistake.
and anon, why tf are you even in a relationship considering the state you're in. you need to be in intense fucking therapy.
No. 411037
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In a similar line of thought, I confess that through the Avengers series I have always agreed with Thanos. The Avengers are all largely idealistic which doesn't help their case either.
Thanos did exactly what he said he was going to do and then retired to his nice little farm planet and then they immediately go after him and chop his head off. The entire theater collectively went "YES" when this happened and it made me laugh because it just goes to show how humans think.
Thanos did nothing wrong.
No. 411062
My own unpopular opinion related to that: I liked the MCU a lot more at the beginning, it was more "grounded" and the stakes where high but more realistic than alien invasions.
>>411037Thanos was stupid as fuck, he should have wished for infinite resources or at least more resources available instead of his shitty temporary solution.
>>411050As someone who enjoy watching action movies and superhero movies, I hope it'll be soon. I like the MCU movies but I don't really know what to think about how Endgame ended. The problem is that now that there are so many movies and there are problems with which company own which rights for which characters, the new ones will most likely be boring and repetitive.
No. 411065
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>>411062>there are problems with which company own which rights for which charactersDisney just got a whole bunch of Marvel character rights like a month or two ago with the Fox deal. They own the movie rights to Xmen, Fantastic Four, Deadpool, etc. and are buying more stuff. And with the next Spiderman confirming that there are now multiverse shenanigans going on, it means they could easily do things like pull Ryan Renolds in as Deadpool on a multiverse adventure or something.
I agree with you that they should stop soon though. But I also see that there's a lot more fuel for the tank and Disney didn't buy out Fox around the time that they're closing up this phase and starting the next by coincidence.
No. 411070
>>411067Nothing is wrong with you. Society has brainwashed us to feel guilty for what's natural. Stop beating yourself up, you're human. It's natural for you to think of the possibilities outside of your status quo, add some longing due to the fear of missing out, etc. It's the very core of what we understand as midlife crisis, but we're bound to go through multiple "mini" episodes like that through our lives.
Liking someone else is normal. You're a sexually active young human, you'll eventually have times where you think of people other than your partner. Just understand that they're usually fleeting, heat of the moment, and aren't worth ruining what you have. How we handle our feelings and the actions we take while under their influence is what determines your character. Don't feel guilty for having those feelings as long as you aren't acting on them. Try not to get lost in them, but the more you fight it the more you'll make yourself uncertain. Accept that you have sexual feelings for your friend, accept that it's normal, accept that it isn't worth ruining your relationship for, and accept that at most maybe you should masturbate a few times to the thought of the experience so that you can "get it out your system" faster.
Good luck, anon. I think many people in their 20's reach this point. We're so set on assuming it's vile to even think of someone else, but the reality is that it'd be more worrisome if you never liked anyone but a single person your entire life.
No. 411081
>>411073Well I haven’t had sex with anyone aside from my Bf except for fooling around (bj) with a nice guy who coerced me into it after he guilted me into dating him until he broke up w me after I said I wouldnt have PIV with him until I was ready.
So my bf is my first and only PIV, but my bf has also had sex with two other girls before me.
I also should add a worse confession to this post so here it goes:
I have a fake instagram that I made to look like a bot, and followed my bf’s first gf in high school who he lost his vcard to. I wanted to see if there were any pics of them left on there. Honestly there was only prom pics and he’s blocked her since then so i don’t see any comments from him. I’m not even jealous anymore bc all of her followers are bots, she’s clearly very dumb, ugly, annoying, etc. But I’m still following her on this fake acc for the laughs and my bf doesn’t know. The other day i saw that she “became a business partner” of someone in an MLM scheme, I thought it was so fucking hilarious. I wanted to tell my bf but then he’d be weirded out. I know it’s unhealthy too but I’m bored also of this ex and I want to stalk his other ex from high school now.
We’re 21 and in a relationship of 2+ years. We wanna get married after school so our relationship is much more serious and yet I just find it interesting to follow and stalk these girls despite knowing that we’re a better couple. I feel like I’ve overcome my insecurity mostly but I cannot tell my bf about this or else he’ll def be weirded out (for good reason). What is wrong with me?!
Sorry for grammatical errors btw, I’m on my phone!
No. 411106
>>411081>she’s clearly very dumb, ugly, annoying, etc.>I just find it interesting to follow and stalk these girls despite knowing that we’re a better couple. You realize you are doing these things because you believe the exact opposite, right? Even if you don't know why you're doing it, that's the real reason. You are in fact deeply insecure because insecurity leads us to do the things you are describing. Does that make you a bad person? No, but you need to be aware of this part of yourself and STOP these behaviors if you want to change it. It's normal to be curious about our partner's ex's, but it is not healthy to do the things you are describing. If they really were not a threat in your mind you would not be ruminating on them or feeling any sort of emotion towards them at all, really.
Now that you are aware of it, you can make the choice to change. A good first step would be deleting that account.
No. 411122
>>411062>>411065These stories are so stupid, specially when they try to make them serious and "realistic", not to mention the oversauration of it.
Why is it still going?
No. 411275
>>411142And what do you think of men who fetishize lesbians?
Scrote-sounding faggot.
No. 411278
>>411275Fujoshits are gross, but at least they're usually voyeurs. Actually most fujos are obsessed with the idea that gay men will never be interested in women. That's why they kill female characters in their fics, etc.
Lesbian fetishizing scrots are the exact opposite. They're obsessed with the idea that lesbians secretly want to sleep with men, or that the scrot in question is the only male a lesbian finds irresistible. Most scrotal lesbian fetishism either involves corrective rape or The Exceptional Scrot trope.
No. 411300
>>410987>>410998>>411001>I didn't even vent my trauma to him because I felt like I shouldn't ruin this for him. First, I said "Bitch what the fuck" reading this, and then I got to this point and then I felt sick because I know this exact feeling from being groomed and knowing the very few people I've talked to about it have probably enjoyed the thought of my trauma. I haven't been in this specific situation, but this anxiety and emptiness and fear blended into a numb jelly of complacency. I know it well.
I know this feels trapping. Almost nobody actually listens to this when they hear/read it after talking about their unhealthy relationship, but don't walk, fucking run. I know you have the capacity to do so, even if it doesn't feel that way right now. I know it feels like his love is the best thing in your life, but he is feeding on your childhood pain. This is not right, even if you feel like it might be okay, and it
can't end well for you.
Know that when you leave, you will be completely justified in doing so. There is no deeper nuance to this whole situation. You are not "just as bad as him", he is not the one for you with a "fatal flaw", you will not be ruining anything. Know that when you're out, you did the right thing.
And all the anons saying she is just as bad as him, I know this shit is alarming and horrifying, but you need to stop. That will just reinforce the notion that she might as well stay with him so they can be trash together. And if they do stay together, and even have kids, you know exactly what could happen. The idea that she is "the same" as him, therefore she has no reason to stop it will carry over, and then more trauma will arise.
OP is not the same. She didn't get off to it, she just foolishly encouraged it in a bid to satisfy him and feel more loved. This is absolutely one of the more terrible, but possible things that can happen when you are groomed as a child and don't get the correct help or a good enough grip on yourself. The trauma carries over into adulthood, and you end up with an abnormal mindset and quietly accepting it if you end up dating someone who wants to take advantage of that.
What needs to happen is that anon deletes the content of herself and gets the fuck out of that relationship. If possible, before leaving, find out if he has a CP stash of his own, and if so, submit an anonymous tip to the police so his ass will get v&. He is not the wonderful, sweet human he presented himself as up until this point. It hurts to believe this, but it was all lies. All of it.
No. 411315
>>411275She just said she doesn't watch anime but it doesn't matter.
That's just what the word means. Fujoshi 腐女子 Rotten Woman.
No. 411317
>>410987Where is pedo chan to scare away the pedos? We need her!
Is she too busy defending drawings of anime teens rn?
No. 411324
I've always identified as bi but I'm starting to realize I might actually be a lesbian. Problem is, I'm in a long term relationship with a man.
We started dating when we were both 20, and we took each other virginities, so I've never been intimate with anyone other than him. We've been together for 6 years now, but we haven't had sex in 3 years because I'm just not into it. It always felt like a chore and like I had to do it to please him or to "be normal" because that's what you do in a committed relationship, right?
At first I blamed my mental issues and the fact that I have post-SSRI sexual dysfunction but I'm slowly starting to realize that it's not just that, it's because I'm gay.
I love and adore my bf but I don't find him attractive sexually, and I also can't connect with him in the way that I can connect with women. Because he's just… a man.
But we live together, we have pets together, we're financially pretty dependent on each other, we have trips coming up that we booked and paid for together, so I feel pretty trapped to be honest. If we were to break up, it'd completely change both of our lives and I'm not sure it would be for the better, even. I'm pretty content with our lifestyle and he respects my boundaries so he doesn't even try to initiate sex anymore. I know he's sexually unsatisfied/frustrated but he said that he'd rather be unsatisfied than force me into doing something I don't enjoy.
So I don't know. I'm sorry this got so long, I just had to get it off my chest.
No. 411328
>>411300This definitely is the most sensible comment on the subject. While I agree that
>>410987 is one of the worst posts ever on lolcow as someone else said, the author sounds deeply troubled and it’s clear that she has an "abnormal mindset". Not because she is pedo herself, but because she is a
victim of grooming and desperate for her bf’s attention and affirmation. Anon, I hope you can find the strength to leave him and maybe even report him to the police. I think you could also benefit a lot from therapy.
No. 411330
>>411324It's a hard one. Have you tried talking to him about it? Thgought about dipping your toes in a threesome to see if it's really floating your boat before uprooting your whole life?
I know it's hard to think about restarting it all but you're both going to end up resenting each other if he's frustrated/you force yourself once in a while. Those financial and pet ties will be worse in 3 or 5 years. I wouldn't let it fester longer: you risk a bitter break-up or resent never exploring something that could have lead you to a healthy happy sex life.
No. 411401
>>411367thats why I wanna be the one to teach him
tfw you will never have a cute innocent virgin bf who never watches porn
No. 411483
>>411476>people who have never dated have never dated for a reasonnta but god, it's amazing how it seems men can't emotionally develop on their own. I'm old-ish (21) and haven't dated because I'm unironically introverted (I know it's a meme but it best describes the situation, since I'm not truly "shy") and no men I've approached have been a good fit. But I think outside of some anxiety about being cheated on and falling for someone shitty accidentally, my views when it comes to a relationship are pretty healthy. I want to give everything and devote myself for as long as possible, you know? And just expect to not be treated horribly in return.
I'd like a partner who is similarly inexperienced and open to learning and figuring things out together, but it seems most virgin men are as you described and only have expectations they refuse to compromise on. And I feel like the reverse, an experienced man, would also hold it over my head and treat me like an immature babby which is also not what I want. No winning. I don't want to lie about the virginity either because lying bad.
What level of experience for men would you say produces the best ones? 1 or 2 LTRs?
No. 412009
>>411428Karma isn’t real at all. But consequence is. I have a personal cow like this though! I don’t get a creepy satisfaction out of it, but I do occasionally feel glad she’s gotten what was coming to her.
Does your cow try to be a social media whore too? That’s always fun to watch
No. 413344
>>412009Haha ok fine you're right. I know her current situation is a result of all of her past and current actions, choices, and being a overall horrible human being under her fake nice girl persona but it's so easy to use karma.
She tries so hard get that social media clout as well as try to appease famous e-celebs but not a single person gives her the time of day esp. after they see her real face under all the Photoshop she uses. I die whenever I see a candid/unshooped/video of her right next to one of her shops.
No. 413457
>>413375This site made me gay. lol.
jokes aside it helped me realize how much of a cool girl i used to be, and how that was really tied to internalized homophobia. i also avoided a lot of lgbt stuff because of how sjw it became, and lcf was kinda the first site to be serious about lgbt stuff without being sjw about it. so thanks guys. my quality of life has improved immensely.
No. 413550
>>413546Personally the gencrit threads haven't affected me (forbidden on lolcow, I know). If anything the discussions about SRS just made me more sympathetic. But the manhate threads have ruined me and fucked with my mental health over the past year. But that may just be personal because I'm anxious and very romantically interested in men, so I used it as an outlet to make myself feel like shit.
If you're at all sensitive like that, be careful.
No. 413551
>>413546Everything in moderation. Take your information from many sources and always question the reasons for an echo chamber. I read the GC thread but it hasn't stopped me from supporting my trans friends because unlike the scary caricatures in that thread, they are real people with emotions that just want to live their lives. I don't read the redpill thread every single day because I don't want to be consumed with that, I already encounter the patriarchy sucking every day, so I just read it occasionally and try to talk about those issues with a male friend when I can.
>>413550 says, be careful. I avoid any body nitpicking threads myself because it makes me hypercritical.
No. 413560
>>413554I like lolis too anon, I like lolis too.
Theres no reason to be ashamed imo, as long as you didnt rape a child nobody was hurt, so who gives a fuck.
No. 413561
>>413554If it's any comfort, I was a shotafag from 13-15 myself. And it was the sexual side.
I realized later it was just me developing my sexual interests through what was available to me, but I regret it horribly and am not into it at 21.
But why are you ashamed if it was never sexual? Nothing is inherently wrong with kid characters.
No. 413587
*I don't even
No. 413666
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I like it when anas reblog or like my pictures. I'm actually a healthy weight now and fit/somewhat muscular so it feels weird to see my own picture among all the thinspo.
or maybe they do it to trigger themselves idk
No. 413673
>>413546Why are you frightened, anon? Is it because you actually already agree with them?
Do you get frightened when you hear flat earthers talk about their beliefs? Probably not, because you know it's nonsense.
No. 413702
>>413692nta but I agree, I think they shouldn't seep too much out of their own threads
they often leaks into other portions of ot and it tends to turn into infighting or them circlejerking one another, and all I want to do is post shit unrelated to that in those ot threads because I block them for a reason
oh and kink anons, please stfu kink anons nobody wants to hear about your domme sex lives
No. 413716
>>410987>Everything about this postI am sick to my stomach and my head is throbbing unable to process that this is possible.
How the hell do you farmers find these fucked up men and and how can you be so fucked up to end up with them and stay with them?
This is not normal.
No. 413754
>>413700I have a similar opinion. I care about animals and think factory farming is barbaric but I also recognise that humans need to eat meat. I buy all my meat from an independent butcher. The meat is sourced from local farms where the animals are left to graze in open pasture. I understand that this is something not everyone can afford to do. I live deep in the countryside where it's all readily available, someone living in a city would probably have to pay a premium.
I don't see how veganism is sustainable in the long term. A lot of the popular new burger products are made from soy and growing it on a large scale is hugely damaging to the environment. Animals like cows, pigs and sheep are an important part of land management because they replenish soil through manure. A farmer will not grow the same crop in the same field, they rotate between different crops and pasture so they do not deplete the soil.
No. 413763
>>413707Because if I stop supporting them nothing changes in the world. They'll continue to exist and do what they do. So I better keep eating in an omnivore way.
Just like I know a lot of products I buy are from brands that use slave work. I mean, is it even possible to escape this in 2019?
No. 413771
>>413754A lot of vegan products also contain palm oil which is single handedly making orangutans go extinct, alongside many other species.
I think vegans are really dumb when they chimp out about "but muh poor cows!!!" when I see them routinely do a lot more environmentally damaging shit. If it's a weight loss choice I get it though.
I think we should definitely cut down a lot on meat and milk, especially New Worlders who seem to eat it every day in some form, but completely eliminating all animal products is bonkers, many people need meat to keep their iron levels stable and get enough nutrients. I agree that some farming methods are disgusting and cruel though, which is why I try to make sure I buy meat from a good source, preferably hunted, but not everyone has that luxury.
Fwiw I tried Alpro's chocolate almond milk yesterday and it's damn good so there's that.
No. 413790
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>>413785anon that is devious, you are my hero
t. fellow wagecuck
No. 413827
>>413789Can women be memed into a fetish/sexuality like men can? I think I saw a post on here saying it wasn't likely, but idk.
anyway, i'm of the view that if you're only attracted to the top 1% of super hot stacies, all thotted up, then you're probably not gay. but if you get attracted to your neighbor lady or the cute cashier chick, then you're probably bi/gay.
No. 413871
>>413841her whining about how porn addiction is impossible to fix is retarded. it's not a disease, it's an addiction and it's only a physiological one at that. don't be a fucking drama queen.
>>413848lmao, again, it's not impossible and hopeless. and you're really annoying with your whiny attitude about it.
No. 413877
>>413871is right.
death grip and porn addiction are reversible. if your partner won't change for you, move the fuck on.
No. 413880
nicotine withdrawal:
>literal physical withdrawal including nausea, chronic severe headache, sore throat, extremity tingling, irritability, restlessness, anxiety, weight gainporn withdrawal:
>my peepee is sooo sad :(this guy sounds like a faggot and so was your ex. they don't want to stop, they just don't want to tell you that porn is their priority, not a healthy relationship.
No. 413924
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I am secretly happy that I can't see my LDR bf these holidays because it means I can fast more.
No. 413954
>>413827By your standard, I'm gay, but I still feel meme'd into it from my experience and just how the entire media around me is so catered to male gaze and everything is titty women
Actually I wonder if thats how gay men get meme'd into feeling straight. Glad that they suffer too.
No. 413962
>>413954Anon, you most likely are just gay. Women in porn would not appeal to you if you were straight lmao. There are tons of women not turned on by women despite our society being like this.
Maybe if you were also bi I could see it affecting your preference, but you just said "gay" so I'm assuming you're a lesbian (?). Really it sounds like you just don't want to be, which is kind of sad, anon. I think it's also sad you were introduced to porn so early, not because I think it determined your sexuality but because it's not healthy and clearly has made it hard for you to stop.
idk for a while I felt like this myself, like a fake since I'm a degen bisexual. I saw a cleavage on magazines when I was little so that must be the culprit! It was the bikinis in archie comics! I had a porn addiction in middle school that was it! But truly, it would have had no appeal if I was actually straight. I would've stuck to my yaois. And the diversity in taste like other anon mentioned is also indicative of it being "real," as well as ability to form romantic feelings for them.
"Do you want to date and romance women?" Is probably the question you should ask yourself.
No. 414222
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Since visiting Hungary I've become obsessed and finally understand what it's like to be a rootless weeb but for a different culture
Someone please relate to me
No. 414224
>>414221I'd agree with this if most people didn't laugh their asses off if a man tries to identify as straight despite fantasizing about other men. Why are the rules different?
This is kind of tinfoil, but I feel like there's some kind of vested interest in women being convinced that they're straight above all by default. I don't see any reason not to experiment or question oneself.
No. 414227
>>414224I never said they can’t experiment or anything what even.
>>414225Some people masturbate to cartoon ponies. Do you think they want to fuck horses IRL? Fap fodder isn’t always real life desire, but like I said, that anon can decide for themselves. No one should dictate another persons sexuality or even care that much.
No. 414637
>>414233my partner is still addicted to porn, i actually split up with him over a time about it.
this isn't my advice but if I'm going to be honest I gave up. my antidepressants ruined my sex drive anyway. I stopped saying "save it for me" and literally just let him do whatever the fuck he wants.
probs gonna kill myself soon though so whatever. only put up with that shit if you're dead inside. I gave up.
No. 414834
>>414804The problem is most of those violent offenders are released with worse behavior and locked up with the 86% of prisoners who are in there for victimless crimes making their behavior worse too. And since the US population has the highest per capita prison population on the planet that leads to shit loads more social problems and this is all done on purpose to make more money for private prisons. If you care about
victims you should want the opposite of the US prison system since it just causes more people outside and inside to get victimized.
Also the funny thing is the most violent criminals do the best in US prisons since they can just intimidate and abuse the less dangerous prisoners as much as they want.
No. 414835
>>414824Ha, I actually thought of making one loosely inspired by this. Unfortunately, she's not a lesbian but I'd be happy to just live as friends.
>>414826Nope. Besides, I've been doing her favours and if she knew, she'd probably thank me. I'm not boycotting her happy life, it's the exact opposite. Most men are either
abusive, cheaters, or just want a cleaning maid or a combination of those. And the reason why we made that pact is that she likes the idea. She often jokes that our plan z (what we call our pact) is so good that she wishes that it becomes plan a. I'm still feeling a tad bit guilty about the whole thing. I also fear that I won't be able to sabotage her every (potential) date so… I may burn in Hell but if we get to live together it's going to be worth it.
No. 414902
I was in a toxic situation in my last workplace where one of my bosses started deliberately setting me up to fail (micromanaging, throwing away written instructions just to berate me for having followed those written instructions, lying about things that were easily proven false). My parents have no faith in my work ethic and assumed that I was at fault for what was happening. Not having many other people to ask for advice, I ended up listening to them, which meant I never stuck up for myself or mentioned any of this behavior to any of my other bosses or coworkers.
I got let go from that job last week, but I haven't told my parents yet. All they know about is the emotional distress I was going through. I'm thinking of asking them to wire me money for "therapy", but I would actually just use it to take classes to change my career while I collect unemployment for a month or two. I would feel bad for lying, and for basically collecting an allowance from my parents in my late 20s, but I'm just pissed that I lost this opportunity and that they didn't believe me when I was telling them my boss was flat out lying to get me terminated. Feels stupid to blame my parents for this situation, too, but wah wah, mommy and daddy fucked me up.
No. 414924
>>414403Kind of same, I like frumpy dorky guys and that's one reason.
But they also come off as vulnerable which is so much more attractive than confidence.
No. 414949
>>414945no woman is pretty after 30 obviously!!!
like literally there are so many women that are like 35 that i think are 22 so this is ridiculous. it's literally just age obsession and age fetishism on the part of men when they cannot even fucking tell how old most women are
No. 415010
>>413700>I don't give a damn about pigs, chickens and cows being killed for meat.I have a hard time believing anyone raised in a comfortable 1st world environment actually saying this sincerely. How do you feel about working in a slaughterhouse, or even just as a butcher/meatpacker?
>>413754>that humans need to eat meatVegetarians have existed for over 1000 years. I know vegans aren't always logically sound but why can't meat eaters even get the most basic facts straight?
No. 415066
>>415037>Eating meat is what gave us our big brains<Citation Needed>
But seriously, no one is arguing against humans being innate omnivores. Of course we can eat meat, but the question is, is it sustainable to eat it on as wide of a scale as we're doing now? Adopting a plant-based diet is probably the best thing any 'environmentalist' can do short of straight up nuking people.
No. 415072
>>415066Plant based diet only cannot give a human all the amino acids they need for proper cell production and function that's why vegans need to be taken a lot of supplements to actually be able to metabolise the nutrients they need.
Nutrition research is growing very quickly at the moment with metagenomics and we're starting to understand what we put in our body has a lot more impact than we realise and cooking and eating meat has been implicated in our intelligence.
No. 415078
>>415072>>It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes.The only supplement you would need to take on a properly planned vegan diet is B12, and even then this is only because livestock are fed B12 supplements. 90% of B12 supplements are fed to livestock.
Also plant-based populations have the longest lifespans. See the adventists studies in which adventists who eat primarily plant-based diet live 4-7 years longer than their peers.
No. 415083
>>415078That's cool, but all food is broken down to its monomers in digestion and amino acids are the monomers of protein and humans have essential amino acids they need and some of those can only come from meat. So B12 won't help that.
I will agree that the farming industry is unsustainable and I'd love it to get over hauled and farmers crying about their livelihoods need to understand the majority comes before their wage. Over production is mental in diary arable and meat farming. Obesity is happening because corporations need to shill their products that their adding addictive shit to keep people hooked.
People need to practice eating in moderation and it needs to be made easier for consumers to discern were a product comes from and how much energy went into making it. I think that would be interesting to see on labels so consumers can actually be more informed
No. 415148
>>415087I don't think that statement holds true worldwide. When I first heard of the term "Meatless Mondays" it sounded very silly, in my country we usually eat meat twice a week, maybe three times. The rest of the time we eat either wholegrain wheat-based foods (pasta, savoury filo pastry with cheese, etc) or legumes (beans, peas, lentils) for lunch. We do consume a lot of dairy, pancetta and spicy sausages though, but those are products you buy once and eat over the course of several weeks on a slice of bread or something.
It's super easy to avoid meat, it's healthier, and it's so much cheaper. Don't know why so many people depend on it as if it's the only source of protein.
No. 415221
Horrible emotional ramble, but here goes. I don't want children. Ever. Seeing kids make me so bitter to be honest, I know it's not nice but I had a traumatic childhood my dad sexually abused me, was an alcoholic, sadistic piece of shit sociopath, you know, the usual /s and I still suffer from it, I'm in therapy, I'm a neet, holy fuck do I really seem like mom material? And my boyfriend, knowing all of this bullshit, got mad when I said this. I'm "selfish" for not wanting kids when I didn't have a childhood and wasted 20+ years of my life either suicidally depressed or dissociating my ass off. I want a life of my own, I've barely started living and now I need to sacrifice myself again to not be "selfish" and "childish". Like… you would fucking be "childish" too if you had my life, I did not have a chance to "grow up" while my whole psyche was being destroyed with abuse. "Nice" knowing that men really do just want either a fucktoy to rape or a babymaker to enslave. I'm a walking vagina and nothing more. Very cool. Guess I'll go back to being alone, like all my life until now. I am done.
No. 415235
>>415221Also had a mentally fucked up childhood too and imo it's totally normal if you don't want to have children because of that. I'll never see myself as mother material because my own mother is a piece of shit and her mother was a piece of shit and so on, my family is rife with mental problems, and I don't want to accidentally impart mistakes onto anyone. I hope I don't ever change my mind, I'm afraid of long term relationships because the idea of being betrayed/left/abused haunts me and I've not had a good or stable long term relationship thus far, I feel like I have a horrible proclivity towards
abusive men without even meaning to because I have no semblance of what a healthy relationship looks like, my parents were assholes to one another, assholes to me, and assholes to my sister in many ways. I'm shocked my sister ever wants to have kids and I lowkey hope she changes her mind, she's way too control freakish like my
abusive mother, she's mean to me, and unless she can tone that down I don't think she should ever have kids. Its totally understandable if you were abused as a kid that the trauma resulting from it would make you not want to have kids and that's a personal choice I respect. I mentally remind myself all the time that Ill feel like I'll never be stable enough to have kids and that I spent my entire life letting people walk all over me and therefore I shouldn't reproduce at all and that's probably the better way for me to live since I'm emotionally/financially unstable by myself, I question if I should even get into real relationships at all bc I just feel like the other person is going to hate and abuse me and maybe in retaliation I'll fight back against them and feel like the abuser myself, I don't want to be in an unhealthy cycle, half the time I feel like I'd rather be alone. Why couldn't I just have a happy normal childhood, I'm tired of my shitty sister saying "it wasn't that bad" as justification for shit when she didn't undergo half the abuse I did, even if she was still abused, no, nobody's parents are perfect but my childhood was kinda damn shitty and I've suppressed a shitton of it now because I don't want to remember, I don't want to ever have a baby and end up hurting them like my parents hurt me
No. 415237
>>415221Men just want to be the devil's advocate. If you wanted kids then he'd be offended and say he didn't want them. What happened to you is not "usual" and I'm sorry he is trying to diminish the effect of
abusive childhood had on you.
I'm in the "actually want kids" camp but I have never mentioned that to guys because I know they think you're a bunny boiler psycho for actually expressing your wishes in any direction.
Basically he's a dick. It's not about your choices being "wrong", it's him choosing to disrespect your wishes regardless of what they are.
No. 415331
>>415329I laughed irl, anon. Red poops…
Pretty sure some white people have brown nips though.
No. 415364
>>415351 Sounds like racism, like she thinks people with different skintones are a different species.
My dumb thing is when I was a kid I had a vague idea that before TV was in color, the whole world irl was in black and white too. It's not something I thought about much, like I was also not 100% on whether realistic puppets of humans were people or not in a certain tv show. I was basically aware I didn't know for sure. Being a kid is like being high on drugs all the time. (gender crit: This is why trans kids are not a thing! Reality and fiction are blurred with kids)
No. 415373
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>>415334Calvin must have been your Spirit Animal.
No. 415399
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i feel deregulated as shit lately. my body feels swollen and out of whack since my very recent menstrual cycle, can't sleep, went on a camping trip and got hammered multiple nights in a row, but I was feeling shitty before that, very bloated and very deregulated, loss of energy, I have no idea what's wrong with me and I've never had a cycle knock me this out of whack before. now that I've returned from my hangover hell I don't feel much better. why the fuck is my life like this
No. 415436
>>415364That's pretty funny.
Personally I used to think that people in the TV could also see us and so there are certain things I wouldn't do in front of the TV like undressing myself to put my pajamas on or picking my nose.
Like you it wasn't something I thought about much, I just wasn't sure if they could see me or not so I was cautious.
I definitely agree that being a kid is like being high on drugs.
No. 415627
I was watching a series on cults, where tan FLDS woman was interviewed. She was indirectly gaslighting children who were raped by their father, because he was the prophet and could do no wrong. FLDS live without connection to the outside world (such as internet and TV) because they believe that living in a strict manner will grant them a peaceful afterlife that there is no evidence for.
All I could think was, most people are like this to some degree, ignoring reality to perceive their own truths (I know I am guilty, but I find most people take this to the extreme). I am then reminded 80% of this America identifies with some belief in the Abrahamic God. A majority of the world follows Islam, similar to the cultishness of the LDS. A majority of the world is religious, and among the few atheists, are hard to find good ones, because they defend the religious, stating that it is a culture. As if this makes a difference. I feel like I'm surrounded by complete morons. We could fix climate change and improve the quality of life, but low IQ people are respawning at high rates and pushing their tribalism to every corner which affects politics and production. Not to mention, the high rate of birth defects that could be stopped by separating inbred communities, and controlling the population. I don't care what others say about "ethics," it's unethical to drag people into such a chaotic state. I wish the world's population could be cut down to less than a million, and that only those with superior genes would be allowed to exist in said society.
No. 415706
>>415697Pretty much every child survives now thanks to healthcare, and it was more so a disparity between wealth and survival before not IQ. Wealthier children didn’t have to take part in manual labour, always had food available, clothing suitable for the weather, and some would also have access to education (didn’t do anything for their survival but it meant they had something to pass on other than lived experiences)
Poor people are still likely to have more children than someone wealthy, sex is a (mostly) free activity
No. 416045
>>416041Unpopular opinion but 90% of people who are in Discord chats are
toxic gross people
No. 416065
>>416045eh you really have to find a server that's small but not too small and at least a few people who aren't shit
I met most of them through another site and we formed a discord community around being members of that site, and things were civil for awhile
then the server mod invited some random bitch he met in an online game and she was the main source of toxicity who made the entire server into her spergfest and went out of her way to harass users to the point where the server died and almost everyone split up into new servers when it disbanded, almost all of which she was not invited to except one server that was soon overrun with new
toxic ppl who became sympathizers to bitchy girl, and a lack of moderation, somehow there were still ppl from the old server, albeit very few, who gave her second chances after that, they're fucking retarded for doing it.
she's some crazed drug dealer bitch irl who think she has it made because she used to be a foster kid and puts her poor poor pitiful me self on a pedestal, she's very irresponsible and petty… complained abt her problems a shitton, yet she was always a rude bitch who invalidated everyone else and expected them to somehow validate her back, she's honestly fucking crazed and I don't see why anyone ever let her back into any one of those split up circles because most people fuckin hated her. if she'd never been invited to the community server in the first place or been kicked out and been forced to stay out the first time she was kicked and the mods didn't let everything fall into shambles the server probably wouldn't have gone to shit, this is why you mod your fucking servers correctly.
I think it's very rare that u find servers that don't eventually become
toxic due to infighting drama and bad moderation. larger servers are the worst bc the mods are often unwilling to deal with shit there, and small servers can fall prey to bad moderation as well, you really need wary modding and a willingness to reprimand and kick idiots if u want a fuckin civil server, saying that as someone who owns my own server
No. 416582
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>>416534anon stop inoculating yourself with ppls germs like that. ew
No. 416591
>>416581i do the same with my ex, for an example i cannot stop checking all her social medias to see if she's talking about me or copying me even though i hate her guts so much.
back to topic: it's unhealthy behavior at its finest but i don't really think it's that crazy. people do worse stuff
No. 416638
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I like this type of aesthetic in anime characters (mostly when the story is about battling and going on adventures). I wish the sexualization and sexism were erased, though.
The more tryhard the design is, the more I like it, lol.
No. 416686
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I've been so lonely I've been reading erotic RLM fanfic.
i want 2 dead
No. 416728
>>416473>>416425 Here
I’ll just assume it’s a misunderstanding since your English isn’t great. The way you worded it came off as bragging. IQ does not measure intelligence that well which is why I said it.
As for the religion thing I don’t have anything to say about lol
No. 416849
>>416825>>416821From my experience Chick Fil A treats their employees very well compared to other fast food restaurants and pays them better wages (at least in my area). I know that in my area employees can have their education paid for, not sure if that's company wide or just something the franchise owner does. Their employees definitely seem less miserable than at places like McDonalds where the employees act personally offended by your presence. The franchises are often actively involved in helping local communities, too - I remember after the gay nightclub shooting in Orlando they opened on a Sunday and provided food for people waiting in line to donate blood. I think that, in the grand scheme of things, Chick Fil A is a better choice than a lot of fast food restaurants because they treat their employees better.
You would be hard pressed to not interact with a company on any given day that does not support anti-LGBT organizations in some way. For example, AT&T, Google, Fed Ex, UPS, and Target all have partnerships with the Salvation Army, which has a long history of discriminating against LGBT. Not saying it's dumb to not go to CFA because of personal beliefs, especially since you don't like their food, but I don't think it's something to feel guilty about!
No. 416856
>>416849>Salvation Army what… That's like the only donation my family has supported for years.
Now I feel bad
No. 416965
>>416675It honestly doesn't bother me because the rest of her design is really balanced. Her big sword, flowy hair, and boot cuffs take away that distraction. Also the fact the lighting makes her skin blend in with some of the white out of outfit. The coloring is well done.
IDK maybe I'm that desensitized from anime character designs, but I can clearly point out disgusting lolishit.
No. 417363
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>>417336>tfw this is how I thought of my stepdad up until a month ago when he confessed to cheating on my mom with a woman who's close to my ageNot trying to imply anything, I just hurt that another part of my innocence and faith in
some men was lost again.
No. 417385
>>417356>When someone says "men" what I hear is "all men", and then I need to focus hard on not losing my temper.Lol, no offense, but this level of caping, like, even if you don't act on it, is pitiable bc nearly 0 men would feel the urge to cape for you, kek. Like, you need to get anger management or learn to prioritize your emotions because they overwhelmingly prove to be shit and women are justified in saying and feeling the things they say and feel. Even if they say "all men", like… who cares? Take a xanny, anon.
No. 417557
>>417554To be more inclusive to poc
Nothing wrong with that, but it's kind of dumb, poc were already included.
No. 417582
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even tho my ex from 2 years ago treated me like shit and accused me of cheating and flirting with people 24/7 (despite me only talking to my normal friends and no one else) i still kinda miss her and looking at her selfies never fails to make my heart skip a beat.
i already know i shouldn't be feeling this, i've been in a relationship longer than a year now, but i seriously can't help it. i already feel extremely guilty by just writing this.
i sometimes completely forget about her, but then there are days i do nothing but think about her and wonder what she's doing and who she's making miserable this time and then i think about all the things i could've done to prevent our break up and why i hadn't done any of that. i really miss her when she wasn't such an abusive asshole to deal with, we got along really well despite all that drama and hard times we've been through.
but we ended on really bad terms and she dragged my name through mud and dirt, making me out to be the abusive one and turning so many people against me, and now she's out there, living her best life and being pretty and having a big following on her instagram (she literally looks like those random edgy e-girls you see everywhere) and i am stuck with an overly sensitive boyfriend in an apartment who wants me to take care of himself when i cannot even take care of myself and throws a fit when i do not pay attention to him.
No. 417583
>>416849That's actually really cool and great that they treat their employees well! I noticed that they closed all their stores on Sunday so people could have a day off (and worship if they wanted) which I think is nice. A lot of the Chick-fil-a workers at mine were young students, and I can't knock them down for at least just earning an honest wage. You're completely right about having a hard time not interacting with companies that support anti-lgbt organizations in one form or another (I didn't know all those companies had partnerships with the Salvation Army!).
In the grand scheme of things, as long as I'm not personally handing my money straight to the bigots themselves, there isn't much I can do, I guess. Thank you for that anon, I feel better! I won't be going back just because it wasn't my favorite, but it's nice to know everyone's a little guilty of indirectly supporting causes they don't believe in, buying chick-fil-a or not.
No. 417601
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>>417600damn ok understandable
No. 417605
>>417602fair enough anon.
is the tendency to cheat just inherent in some people? or can it be avoided, like something a lot of people just have to choose to do?
i dont really know how to fix myself.
No. 417678
>>417602lmaoo what
I actually dont see cheating as such a huge problem. Like yea, I would be mad and feel betrayed and would probably break up but its so low on the list of things your partner can do to hurt you. Idk, I really just dont care about it that much.
Also before someone accuse me of it, no, I never cheated on anyone and I hate poly couples.
No. 417686
>>417665i still love him and no one would put up with me the way he does…
i love him, but i would have much more excitement if i fucked around with guys i fantasize about and would never, ever date seriously.
my bf is the kind of guy my parents are happy for me to be with. but i feel like there's no passion sometimes. when i try talking to him about it he reassures me that we're good at he just doesn't show emotions a lot.
i just want fun with other guys sometimes but im too scared to approach men anyway so who knows if i'll ever even cheat. i know it's bad but cheaters cheat because we're attention loving.
No. 417720
>>417591No judgement, just a question: If that's the sort of person you are then why live a lie by playing the role of the monogamous girlfriend at all? Letting him off the hook before you actually cross that line will not only free you up to suck up all the cock and male attention you crave, it will also free him up to find a woman that's better suited for him.
I mean, if the shoe were on the other foot you'd want to know that too, right? You'd think a boyfriend that told you early on he was thinking of other women and fighting the urge to cheat was infinitely preferable to waking up one day with some other skank's STD.
No. 417739
>>417678Whether it's a rational hatred or not it's still one that's pretty much hardwired into us.
When a man cheats on a woman, and gets another pregnant he's obliged to split his resources, which can lead to gene death.
When a woman cheats on a man, and gets pregnant to another, he misses out on his own, which can lead to gene death.
None of us alive want to be cheated on. We're all descended from those were able to guard their mates. Some of us might also want to cheat ourselves, and in the past that strategy could have made us slightly more and slightly healthier kids. Thing is though, the tribes where they developed reciprocal ethics, and where cheating was more looked down on as a whole would have developed higher trust and done better on the whole. This would have eventually lead to where we are now, with most people finding it utterly contemptible, almost worse than even murder, and just a few other opportunistic parasites existing on the periphery. Coz I also guess the less that cheating is suspected the easier it is to get away it.
None of this has any data to back it all up of course. It's speculative anthropology that I just like as a matter of faith.
No. 417877
>>417869Because it's a conscious decision to go behind your partners back, lie and disrespect them?
Men are capable to keep thier dick in their pants, it's really not that hard. Literally anyone that can't keep their dick in their pants or legs together just shouldn't be in a relationship, it's really that simple.
No. 417879
>>417869It's about honoring commitments. If you make a commitment to someone to be in a monogamous relationship, to cheat is to betray that person's trust and loyalty. For the record, I don't think cheating is as bad as most people make it out to be and there are definitely much worse things that can happen in a relationship, but it's still a deal breaker for me. If I had a partner who cheated on me I know I wouldn't be able to see him the same way, and I don't want to be in a relationship with someone who I don't respect as a person.
>maybe that's just handmaiden brain speaking.Yeah, it is. Do you honestly believe a man would do the same for you?
No. 417883
>>417879I guess it stems from me not seeing sex as a huge deal. Like is sex his commitment to me or is it his time and emotional support? I consider him as a life partner and not necessarily a sexual one, though we do have sex. I do understand that most of the time, cheating comes with emotional baggage and shifty shit but just the sex alone doesn't seem like a breach of commitment to me. Just cheating alone wouldn't bother me, he'd have to neglect me in some other way.
I know that sounds ridiculous but it's just how I see things. God, I should go reevaluate my self-worth.
No. 417949
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I feel guilty and ashamed for this, because it essentially means that I have the mind of a gold-digging bimbo, but I think I would be the happiest if I was just filthy rich.
I was a very good student, very motivated and hopeful for the future, I consider myself a feminist, I always wanted to be childless, independent and sucessful, but lately I just wish I was hot enough to get a rich husband (or be born rich). I don't have any desire to work, I just want to have fun and spend money mindlessly.
Today I read that Jia from Miss A (a kpop idol) is dating this singaporean multimillionaire and god I'm so jealous lol He's young and good looking too.
I always get this surge of envy when I see that some model bags a rich guy, I want that too…
No. 417953
>>417949Sometimes I'm really exhausted cleaning up after my family every single day and I wish I was a rich jerk who just told a maid what to do all day. It would feel like god's compensation for basically owning the two children that are my mother and brother.
Also a mcmansion with space. Ugh.
No. 417960
>>417887Nta and I probably wouldnt stay with my partner if they cheated on me but I don't think cheating is such a huge disrespect. I think that if, for instance, your partner is a huge child who is just looking for a mommy in the relationship and lets you do all the housework (or worse :
expects you to do all the housework) or who is actively leeching off your money or who constantly demeans your interests and think of themselves as so much better than you etc… those are all wayyy worse disrespects than cheating in my book but they're viewed as much more acceptable by society.
I know so many women who get emotionally abused by their husbands or who are killing themselves at work while their husbands watch tv while drinking beer all day or who gamble away their common money or are violent in bed (not talking about "consensual kink") and they just endure it but if their husband cheated that would be a dealbreaker.
No. 417977
>>417962The only people who would rather be poor were never poor to begin with.
But some people just want for too much and find temporary pleasure in material things and it's a miserable rat race, this I do agree with.
No. 418268
>>417868No, I don’t think it’s fetishizing- if anything it’s quite sweet. You like HIM so much, you find yourself attracted to people who even look somewhat like him.
Similar things have happened with me on both ends. I’m half black, and my boyfriend found himself noticing black girls way way more than he used to. Same happened when I fell for an Indian guy, I began noticing them more.
No. 418311
I love my dog so, so much. She's my entire world, the light of my life, the apple of my eye.
But holy fucking shit there are so many days where she just annoys the fuck out of me. We've had her since she was 2 months old, for 15 years now. Every morning my parents (and then later me, when I became an adult and came home from college) walk her at 9 in the morning. Every morning. That's our routine. But fuck routine, right? This fucking little asshole wakes up at 7, sometimes 6, sometimes even 5 in the fucking morning! It's been 15 years! You know what time you're walked!
When I quit my job and was in job hunting limbo, I would wake up at 7. Fine, it's around the time my dog wakes up at for some fucking reason, should solve the problem since I can walk and feed her at the time she wants. Well get fucked me, because once she realized this, she woke up consistently EVEN EARLIER!! AT 6 IN THE MORNING!! My family fed her one meal a day, all of her calories at once. She's old and lazy, so she doesn't really use up that much energy in a day. We figured maybe we'll split her one meal into two, and she'll wake up a bit later since she won't be so hungry. Nope. Asshole still wakes up early.
I love her so, so much. I really, truly do. I spend so much time cuddling her, and she loves to come and sit near me and underneath my legs. But holy fucking shit she pisses me off when she keeps waking up so damn early. I have these horrible thoughts of kicking her (and she's a small dog, maybe about 8lbs) and it would obviously send her flying, but my head plays out the scene and she yelps and cries, then would obviously run off with her tail down and fear in her eyes and it makes me want to fucking cry because I love her so much and would never want to hurt her or break her trust. Sometimes when we cuddle, she stares up at me and I look into her eyes and see her cute face, and I want to cry over thinking that I would want to hurt her.
Recently she's been very quiet, not barking in the mornings and not having a lot of zoomies and I thought the calmness was nice. Turns out she's been having an upset tummy and that's why she's so calm, we switched her food and she's back to her normal, annoying self. I feel awful that I was appreciating her calmness because it came at the cost of her feeling sick and uncomfortable.
I feel awful for having mean thoughts or getting so frustrated at her- she's a dog, she doesn't know what's going on. It's only the morning time too. She has so much energy in the morning but she gets it all out in the morning time and the rest of the day is chill and full of cuddles and a little playtime.
No. 418333
>>418330Since I got a job again, I wake up at 6am and walk/feed/play with her then and it's a bit easier since this is the time she wants to wake up at, but she still barks sometimes.
I used to work retail so my schedule was never consistent, so obviously it was rough on her, but I've started working on trying to be consistent with her.
No. 418334
>>418311She's an old lady. 15 is quite old for a dog. It doesn't matter if you walk her at nine, she is waking up early because she has to go. Older dogs pee more.
And just like old humans she's getting energy spikes in the morning after rest. Irregardless of the mammal there's something about being old and restless.
No. 418338
>>418334I'm trying to appreciate the morning zoomies since I don't know how much longer it'll be a part of my life.
She does do that thing where she won't go to the bathroom and just wants to sniff around when we go outside, but whatever she wants, I guess.
No. 418572
>>418569It may be the psychological reasons you stated, especially if you've been attracted to them in the past ("any and every cute guy").
I developed similar feelings for white men. I'm half-Native (and not very white passing, most assume I'm mixed Latina/half-SEA) and developed some complex where I believe a white man would see me as a lesser being. I've seen the term "conquered pussy" used in raceplay fetish discussion and it scares me shitless.
So I just don't find white guys sexually attractive at all now. I think that sort of thing can definitely affect sexuality, especially in formative years.
No. 418577
>>418569I mean, yeah, probably black men rejecting you in your formative years influenced you to feel disinterested from them.. but here's the thing.
You mention there's a lot of black men who want white women as a prize, and while this is a huge problem, a lot of black men choose to fetishize light skinned black women/mulatto women/latina women first before they choose to do it with a white woman. Social media and IG, and music videos, ect, will show you that. Secondly, men of other races, like Latinos, Arabs, and god especially Indians, and other South Asians, fetishize white women and see them as prizes at a far higher rate than black men do. Black people, out of all the non-white groups, tend to have the most racial pride and least colorstruck tendencies.
Thirdly, believe it or not, despite what also autistic non blacks like to push as well, is that black men mostly prefer black women, than other races of men do. Black men never stopped being attracted to black women. Many non AA black men appreciate Afrocentric features and natural hair more too. Still, there's plenty of AA black men who love black women.
I had the same experience with black guys growing up and I think intraracial tension will always be worse than interracial tension due to familiarity and promixiation. If you were a white girl you'd likely find white guys assholes too
No. 418578
>>418570>>418575That’s a fair point; I guess all men are wanting bang-maids, just in different capacities (ugh).
When I tell people I’m a career woman with no ability to cook and suck at domestic stuff, the POC guys are the ones typically pitching a fit. I feel like white men want more emotional labor and ass-wiping, if that makes sense.
Also I think
>>418577 maybe really hit the nail on the head- if I were white, id probably be fucking sick of white dudes and their bullshit, haha. Really thoughtful comments. I definitely think the “white woman prize” shit is overblown, and you’re right about the light-skinned thing too. Don’t even get me started on the
toxic shit that is colorism. I’m very light myself, and I am absolutely disgusted when someone says I got “good hair” or the babies would be “pretty”. Absolutely disgusts me.
>>418572Fuck anon, so strange we ended up on different sides of that despite kind of similar experiences. For some reason white men who see me as lesser (and there’s plenty) don’t even phase me because I’m already rolling my eyes at them, if that makes sense. I hope you never are ‘conquered pussy’ to someone, fucking ew
No. 418580
>>418579I agree, since theres a lot of mulatto or african descended latinos, or triracial latinos, or many mestizo and white latinos influenced by black latino culture
a lot of people ignore this online idk why but i think its because they talk from their own perspective all the time
No. 418680
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>>418575We should have listened
No. 418828
>>418753>>418760Hey, it’s supposed to be confessions, right? Like I said, I’d understand if she thought her body looked disgusting despite being small, or she was ugly- but the fact she literally thinks she’s large but has tangible proof that’s not the case boggles me. She’s in therapy, but she needs some shit that’s much more severe. She’s made no progress and been in therapy a long time.
>>418809Honestly, idk what is wrong with her diagnosis-wise. I didn’t think people with BDD ran around in bikinis and little dresses?? I have another friend that’s formally diagnosed, and the way they behave makes more sense to me, although they do see their body in an altered way.
No. 418843
>>418828BDD differs from person to person. While I agree on the clothing, I disagree with you on the bikini and the pickiness with partners. Even ugly people are allowed to have standards, so even if she was ugly she wouldnt just "take whats offered". Also was the bikini at the beach? What was she supposed to do? Swim in woolen jumper ? Maybe by wearing a bikini she was trying to fight her BDD.
But I do feel for you, I have so many attention seeking friends and friends with legit mental health problems but who refuse to actually work on them.
No. 418845
>>418728I have a pretty bad mental illness but not so far deep in that I am completely detached from reality like this. How does the mental illness get bad you lose complete footing of anything real?
That's my confession
No. 418871
>>418843I agree people are allowed to have standards, I guess I should’ve specified hers are particularly shallow. I don’t think any of my past boyfriend meet her ‘must haves’. Personally if I viewed myself as so gross (and also saw myself as an awful person as well), a really hot nice guy would make me feel even worse/insecure and I would see myself as undeserving.
As far as the bikini goes, I guess I’m surprised it’s not a onepeice or rash guard, which is what my other self-conscious friends wear.
>>418845I feel bad venting about it, but yes, the detachment from reality is frustrating.
>>418856I think something is genuinely wrong, I just don’t know what. She’s always very kind and supportive to me, but she really hurts people with her comments. I don’t think it’s on purpose or necessarily humble bragging, but it just doesn’t make sense to me.
No. 418882
>>418871That's the sign of a bad ED incoming. I am by all means underweight but fail to see myself as such. There's a constant crushing, gnawing, prickly feeling in me that says I am "disgusting, horrible, etc". It's hard to explain but the feeling is real, just like hunger, anger, etc.
Then there's facts that conflict with the feelings. Logically, I know that I am not any of those things. But the feelings are real, and they can be hard to bear, especially if someone isn't emotionally stable to begin with. Your friend might be experiencing what I do and sometimes the feelings are so much that you just have to blurt them out. I stopped doing this awhile ago because it is hurtful to other people. It goes to show how much she is struggling inside even if it seems like narcissistic babbling. She needs to learn how to manage it though because it's emotionally
abusive to spill it on other people.
Not trying to defend or condone her actions, but hopefully my experience will give you some insight as to why she is doing it.
No. 418940
>>418871Eh, irw bikinis : I'm slightly overweight and quite self conscious about it but most one-pieces tend to look worse on my body type than bikinis.
But that argument doesnt make sense because your friend isnt actually fat.
I do get you though. My best friend has BDD and her big focus is her face (she feels deformed and hates her acne) but everything she does is absolutely counter-productive to help her get better skin. Like she will straight up put ACETONE on her bare face or 90° alcohol. I know its because of her OCD and that thats a method of self harm but it kills me that everytime after she does that I'm the one who has to help take care of her. She also asks every 10min "Do I look monstruous? Tell me!! Do I look like an absolute garbage human being with a MONSTRUOUS face?" and like… she wont take "no" for an answer but what does she excpect me to do? Say "yes you look absolutely disfigured" ? And I 100% get that she's mentally ill but she's visibly not willing to make any effort to work towards recovery as she mixes her meds with binge drinking and drugs and considering her therapist is the kind that just gently nods and smiles while listening to her and never challenges her.
No. 418976
>>418940>>418882That’s so fucked. Geez.
I will try to be more patient, this does not sound like a fun way to feel. And fortunately I don’t take offense to being called a whale by proxy (lol), so the comments don’t actually hurt me. I appreciate both of your inputs anons
No. 419050
>>419036>get mistaken for a manletlol, I used to get this often when I was gnc. Customers at my old job would call me "sir" and thought I was a young teen boy. Usually by older men because of their horrible facial recognition (I also actually sound like a teen boy, which is sad now as a feminine woman rip).
But likewise I didn't really care, idk if I necessarily was treated better though.
No. 419068
>>419025That's pretty awesome actually. I wish I could tower over men.
>>419055? That's silly. I never wear heals regardless of what other women are wearing. It's free choice.
No. 419072
>>419068NTA but while you yourself might not wear heels regardless another woman wearing excessively high heels does set the tone of the workplace, not so much with the women as the men who will then begin expecting it of their underlings/coworkers- not necessarily the height but heels in general
Don’t see the point of wear high heels to work in the first place, let alone very tall ones, you’re there to work not break a leg
No. 419079
>>419072>>419055I work in an office in midtown NYC, I don’t look unprofessional, they’re not clubbing heels. Honestly if it sets a precedent, I don’t really give a shit. I don’t do stuff that’s actually harmful to my fellow women, imo. Besides, they’ll find SOMETHING to discount you for as a woman if they’re that kind of person in the first place.
>>419068Thanks! It’s very fun. If you’re small, you can pop out of tiny places and scare them that way too.
No. 419088
>>419079> Besides, they’ll find SOMETHING to discount you for as a woman if they’re that kind of person in the first place.I don't think you're following. Normalizing, of your own volition, super high heels, changes mens expectations for other women. Men are unreasonable, but they're not typically asking for women to wear super high heels at work. They're way less likely to request that people wear super high heels unless they idea is normalized to them by real life experience. There are always going to be porny freaks, but normalizing it irl, without even being asked, is really dumb and I think this is less subversive than you think it is. Wearing heels in general as a tall woman is subversive, but wearing super tall high heels to work is just unnecessary, dangerous, and feeds into the porn fantasy of "professional women are actually secret bimbos that WANT TO BE OBJECTIFIED!".
Plenty of offices request that women wear heels, (which is already ridiculous) but most women choose more comfortable, sensible heels, if they have to.
>>419072A lot of offices already do require that women wear heels, but going out of your way to wear super tall ones is a bit crazy imo. It's already a ridiculous expectation, why up the ante for their benefit, basically?
No. 419089
>>419050Anytime I’m on voice chat for games I get told “GO TO BED LITTLE BOY” ask shit like that. I never correct them, it’s funnier that way.
>>419036Hah, glad to know I’m not alone.
Odd you mentioned not getting harassed- I’m an attractive young woman and I never experience the harassment my friends do, even when dressed ‘slutty.’ There was a documentary that showed both regular men and convicted rapists a video of multiple women walking by, and made them pick which one they would choose to attack. They all chose the same few girls. SOMETHING about my general demeanor has been shielding me from the worst of it. Maybe they can tell I’m itching for a good excuse to snap out on someone.
No. 419093
>>419088Insanely high heels would be unprofessional, and I don’t look unprofessional. They’re very tall heels for me because I’m already tall as it is.
I think women should pretty much wear what they want, and I want to be a giant. I like wearing them, so… soz.
No. 419109
>>419102>>419103Hah, he can never take that yelp back. It’s there, in the air, forever.
>>419097You’re killin me here- I don’t know? 3 inches? 4? Tbh I’m bad at judging distances, I’d been wildly wrong about dick sizes for years. I’m not sure I even know what an inch looks like. They’re boring round toe block heels so I don’t snap them off in the grates on the street. “How high of a heel is too high for feminism?!” sounds like a Buzzfeed article lol
We’ll just agree to disagree anon, it’s all good.
No. 419113
>>419096You’re not wrong, it’s absolutely wild. Even scarier, I can go right now and get a giant moving truck, which requires NO special licensing, and take that bitch out on the highway. What the literal fuck.
The fact you’re even concerned puts you ahead of the curve though, people are retards. You’ll be alright.
No. 419123
>>419109I was asking how tall it is because you keep flip flopping between it being a tall heel but apparently also not actually being tall. Jfc you come off as a bit of a sped. And I really doubt you actually intimidate your male coworkers tbh, oh no a tall woman what ever will the poor men do
This is a weird thing to toot your own horn over and I’m not sure why actually feel so much pride in something so insignificant
No. 419125
>>419123Get over it.
She's wearing heels. Don't have to be rude about it.
No. 419131
>>419123I didn’t flipflop- They’re tall, but not outrageously so. Idk what you want me to say, you don’t need to be a dick about it.
It’s a silly small thing I privately enjoy, which is why I called it ridiculous to begin with. I’m lucky to be well liked and respected at work, and the few who don’t, well, at least I can (literally) look down on em.
No. 419134
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>>419131>They’re tall, but not outrageously so. Idk what you want me to say, you don’t need to be a dick about it.nta. but just post a picture lol. I would consider both pic related to be pretty tall for the average office setting (average office, not some weird sex in the city glam office lifestyle) but one gives a more porny vibe than the other (and I'm assuming the pornyness is what the other anons are harping about)
No. 419161
>>419096hey anon, i feel ya. i'm not a US fag so idk but did you take driving lessons? if you can afford them, maybe take some private lessons where you would drive in traffic. in my country taking lessons are obligatory before the exam and if you fail the test you have to take them again. also, people in big cities (those who can afford to) take extra private lessons.
i was also really afraid before i started driving and thought exactly the same as you. i was so intimidated by the size of a car and it didn't make sense in my head how i'd be able to go around not hitting stuff. in my first lesson with me driving literally for the first time in my life, my teacher took me out to traffic, i was sure we were gonna die. we didn't! you'll make it anon!
No. 419193
>>419134I don't believe that you're "nta". The whole time it's always only been one person harping about it and wanting to know how high they are exactly, the others were reasonable and let the argument go when she said that she doesn't wear stripper heels.
It seems as if you don't have a problem with the heels, but with her being tall.
>Wearing heels in general as a tall woman is subversive. >you come off as a bit of a sped. And I really doubt you actually intimidate your male coworkers tbh, oh no a tall woman what ever will the poor men do No. 419199
>>419193It has been at least two anons, I know this for a fact because I’m the one who called her a sped - and I stand by that because she’s acting like she’s being attacked because I had just asked her how tall they are and I really don’t believe men would be intimidated just because a woman is taller than them. The other pair you quoted is a different anon
Literally just wanted to know how tall these heels are since she kept going back and forth between them being tall and then saying they’re not, like another anon pointed out it’s not hard to post a pic of a similar size or even just measure them
No. 419214
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>>419199>she kept going back and forthExcept she did not
>she’s acting like she’s being attackedShe did stay calm the whole time,
sped lol
>I accentuate my height by wearing very tall high heels>I don’t look unprofessional, they’re not clubbing heels>Insanely high heels would be unprofessional, and I don’t look unprofessional. They’re very tall heels for me because I’m already tall as it is. >I don’t know? 3 inches? 4?>They’re tall, but not outrageously so.Where's the flip flopping?
I couldn't care less because I hate heels myself, but getting this riled up by one anon saying she likes to wear them is fucking strange…
And also (you can ask them themselves if you don't believe this) but men frequently give "because I am intimidated by them" as a reason for dsiliking tall women. So if a tall woman additionally wears heels that only adds to this.
She said 3 or 4 inches, pic related would be already 4. That's definitely not too much.
No. 419218
>>419202If you contact him, it either goes two ways. The first being that you're in a shit online relationship with a man that hates women and you obey his every command and miraculously be his bangmaid mommy forever whilst he cries to you about his wrist circumference.
The other more likely way is that his horrendous views on women lead you to break it off, whether that's in your first few messages or even years into the future, and then he uses you of an example of why women are evil and heartless.
Don't even bother anon. People convince themselves into infatuation with a romanticised idea of people all the time, it's just a fantasy and reality never matches up.
No. 419241
Seriously, don't though.
No. 419257
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>>419134>>419193>>419199>>419201>>419214lol look what I caused during the night- surprised there hasn’t been a riot at my office yet. Pic related is similar.
I’m arriving at the office now, but I’m in oxfords. All my powers are gone.
>>419219A (very sheltered) guy delicately asked one of my coworkers if I’d “always been” a lady haha. I always thought I was mannish until I saw what mtfs ACTUALLY look like- even the beautiful ones are… unfortunate.
>>419250I’ve been doing the opposite- I had no idea how wrong I was until I was at a sex shop and saw a 7in dildo and it looked absolutely jaw-dropping MASSIVE to me. I bet men are just as terrible at eyeballing size and give themselves a few inches.
No. 419271
>>419234I don't know, there's just something alluring about him. He isn't a woman-hater, he seems like a really chill, sweet person, he is very funny, we have similar interests, etc. He has incredibly low self-esteem unfortunately, but that is to be expected. I guess I could type which mod I have in mind, but maybe that would seem like a self-posting.
>>419218You are completely right anon, thank you for your thoughtful reply. It's just that I'm never really infatuated with people, it takes me a really long time to like someone, so I just feel like a dumb teenager right now.
>>419239Wow, I didn't expect to hear from someone who is in similar situation to myself. To be honest, I find all the other users to be deplorable pos, especially pedos.
>>419241Ik girl lol
No. 419341
>>419271I'm married to someone who I met online years ago, and our circle of friends was pretty vile and inceltier. They weren't full-out INCELS as it was before the "movement"(?) really started and the label did not exist. He had some pretty vicious things to say about everyone, regardless of gender, but definitely hated women pretty much uniformly. Hate to say it but I saw that as kinda a challenge seeing how he treated the other girls in our circle. He was also extremely intelligent (graduated early, high iq, jeopardy player, extremely motivated career-wise) but still had some more emotional, more romantic/idealized views, which I found endearing. This is what really drew me to him, as I had not found someone THAT smart in-real-life.
In your case, I'd be more concerned about seeing that he has not only LABELED himself incel but that he is actually a moderator in the community. That shows how tangled up he is in that kind of thinking.
Anyway, some things I've learned from my partner which are pretty much token with these types of men. Some of these are totally "DUH" but just want to fill you in if you do choose to persue him.
1.) Insecure - Doesn't matter how much you love them, they will doubt it and sometimes exhibit controlling/
abusive behaviors
2.) Poor domestic skills - Mommy usually does everything for them, so you will find yourself in this role if you do not set boundaries.
3.) Prone to negative thinking - Behind every "date-able" incel, there's a deeper, darker internal pit from early childhood that cannot be quelled with female partnership.
4.) Their views might not change - It doesn't matter if you are the smartest, prettiest, most intelligent woman, a jaded man will always find ways to devalue you, especially if he is feeling badly. If you have the emotional resolve to deal with this and understand that it isn't personal, then it's liveable. If not, don't even try it.
5.) His views MIGHT change - The most fulfilling thing about my relationship is that I have seen a very "put down" person live up to their potential. There have been some bumps in the road but my relationship is a lot healthier than MOST people I know, but it took some serious work to get there.
No. 419349
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I feel like my boyfriend holds me back with my wanting to improve myself. Whenever I bring up wanting to change our diet and exercise habits he tells me it's unnecessary and that he loves my 'softness.' What I don't like is that I want to get healthier in order to improve my chances of having a baby after a diagnosis that essentially gives me less than 50% of a chance to carry a baby to term. Even if we don't end up having children together, I still want to have the ability available on top of looking good for myself.
I just wish he'd be more understanding that I'm not wanting to change for anyone but my own self and my future- not to fuel whatever insecurity he has about me becoming more physically appealing.
No. 419352
>>419341has your partner actually changed though? does he still blindly hate women, still put others down at every chance?
cause if he's just the same as before then theres really no point in that anon wasting her time either. im of the opinion no one can really change, a shitty person will always be a shitty person but they'll just learn to hide it better, thats just me though.
No. 419374
>>419371because stupidity. have you seen some incel forums whining about how women hate men with thin necks. when is the last time you even paid attention to a guy's neck?
i swear, men creating insecurities in other men is a fucking curse.
No. 419385
>>419371ha, i wasn’t saying being tall is some sort of marvellous achievement.
>>419374 this anon worded my point about that a lot better than i did, its literally some stupid shit men made up that taller = more powerful and therefore taller women make insecure men intimidated.
No. 419388
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I have never had anal sex but I have almost always masturbated with a finger in my butt. The sensation with clit stimulation feels like an actual g-spot, which I never get vaginally.
No. 419401
>>419373Good idea, however please remember a small "heel" of a few centimeters is actually advised to reduce back and feet problems. Completely flat shoes are bad too, it also plays to pay attention to the width of your shoes.
The problems old people have with their feet is nothing compared to what our generation will have, with our cheap flimsy canvas trainers and plastic stilettos.
No. 419415
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There's a massive PRIDE festival happening this weekend right behind my apartment and I am fucking dreading it. Mind you, I dread all festivals that majorly inconvenience my daily life, but this one in particular I am dreading because it's going to be very boozy, loud, and long. My SO and I have already arranged to get all of our groceries for the weekend tonight so we don't have to leave at all this weekend. All the connecting roads to my apartment will be "soft-closed" (which means you have to honk at the guards to move the barriers) and we just don't want to deal with it. Why can't it just be one day? The shit starts tonight and ends Sunday. Not to mention I have to walk my cute ass sheepdog and I'm going to have to push through the crowd while people beg to pet him.
I just hate festival culture in general but this PRIDE festival has really been marketed as an OTT celebration with trannies out in crop tops and spandex and it's gonna be so fucking rotten.
No. 419417
>>419275My guess is that the guy would just think it was a joke and someone trying to get close to him and break his heart. Plenty of men have zero self-esteem and can't even imagine a woman liking them.
>>419287>It's always good to learn about what to avoidThe sad truth is that they all can be horrible people, you need luck to find a good one. I knew an incel who seemed to be very down to earth, he defended women when his incel friends were shitting on them and would present counterpoints to typical incel hate. Eventually he found his first girlfriend and treated her like complete garbage. She did everything for him, but it wasn't enough because she was a little bit overweight and had a country girl accent.
I know a million stories like this.
No. 419426
>>419341>and sometimes exhibit controlling/abusive behaviorscan you write some examples of these controlling/
abusive behaviors?
No. 419465
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I love the dumb bitch memes thread.
No. 419503
>>419470>but it really makes me frustrated or even mad when I see ugly men get pretty girlsThis busts my ass too anon, but shamefully for the jealousy reason.
Basically I'm doomed to never find anyone because men can all end up with beautiful amazing women. Of course I hate when the shittier men mistreat girls, but I'm also bitter for this stupid as fuck reason.
My confession is I'm an incel tbh.
No. 419504
>>419470>but it really makes me frustrated or even mad when I see ugly men get pretty girlsThis busts my ass too anon, but shamefully for the jealousy reason.
Basically I'm doomed to never find anyone because men can all end up with beautiful amazing women. Of course I hate when the shittier men mistreat girls, but I'm also bitter for this stupid as fuck reason.
My confession is I'm an incel tbh.
No. 419518
My biggest confession is that I'm glad I no longer live like I did in the past, I'd have many secrets and sins back then, but ever since I live a healthy but simple life I no longer need to lie or hide.
>>419504>mfw femcel reddit is no longer public because the men asked the femcels outThat is actually hilarious if you ask me
No. 419522
>>419518>femcel reddit is no longer public because the men asked the femcels outHuh? r/Trufemcels is still up for me to see. Also who's to say those men aren't planning on pumping and dumping/using the femcels as practice gfs? That's an equally as shitty fate.
I was half-joking about my femceldom anyway, I know I can get laid if I wanted to lose my card. I'm just unlovable.
Also sorry for that double post, my internet disconnected while posting and I closed the browser. Didn't set a personalized password so now it's stuck. Clearly the real reason I'm a femcel is because I'm big stupid.
No. 419523
>>419522>>419518/foreveralonewomen/ is the private sub. They went private because they were being harassed by incels, not because men were asking them out.
imo the whole femcel thing shouldn't even exist to be honest.
No. 419532
>>419522Tbh nobody is a true incel, I just said it to let you know that even femcels can get asked out.
>>419523Are you in it? Like could you confirm if that femcel that got married meme everyone spams was real? I'm gonna join it since I'm virgin anyways and incels fascinate me.
No. 419582
>>419546Being financially literate and sensible with money is more important than a high salary. Eg, does he budget? Does he waste money or is he frugal? Does he understand investing even if he can't afford it yet? Does he actively try to save for an emergency fund or a house, better car, etc? His choice to live with his grandma and buy a cheap car are an inconvenience but much smarter than spending beyond his means.
You can lack career ambition but still be ambitious with your money. If he doesn't want a more stressful job (I can relate so I wont say he's wrong about that), it's not the end of the world finance wise. But if he's not seriously thinking about how he will save money you need to talk to him. It's not shallow to acknowledge he cant be a long term partner if he cant contribute to a deposit on a house, or split rent in a place up to your standards, or afford a kid, or whatever your life plans are. If he wants to keep his shit job he needs to double down on managing his money.
No. 419592
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Before I write this out, shame on me for knowing better but choosing to look at one of the most vitriolic threads on lolcow just out of recent curiosity.
But I did. I read the Moo thread.
And something a farmer said has stuck with me since. To paraphrase
>Moo can only ever be cute and get attention on the internet because she's grotesque irl.
I'd like to continue believing that farmer said it because Moo shoops a lot of her pictures like in her cosplay sets. But farmers say this sort of stuff in response to when Moo attempts to take ordinary selfies that don't betray her double chin. Or that goofy turtle grin that happens with her upper lip if she's not mindful. Or even if she chooses to post a more flattering body shot than usual rather than going with a candid that reveals a brutal honesty about her day to day body in unsavory moments.
It's not just when she's blatantly catfishing.
It may be unpopular to think, but imo it's not rooted in malignant deceit for someone to want to portray their best presentations on the internet. Pictures are reposted and will be around for as long as the internet exists to be ruminated upon and examined over and over and over again. I just can't blame someone for not wanting to be portrayed as hideous online if that's all they can do in the now.
Is it insecure? Maybe.
It makes me feel bad because I always thought of the internet as a place where I could put my best foot forward, so to speak. Where the sex I'm attracted to would be able to notice my personality, interests, or that keen and playful gaze I have when I'm pictured just so.
Things to note at least before they notice I have a hideous ass body and an acne problem that I constantly battle and feel undesirable for. It may be hokey and sentimental yet the internet was always the place to know before one judged instead of vice versa.
I know the farmer likely said what she said because it's Moo, and Moo is plenty a shitty person regardless of how she looks. But I can't deny that this isn't an issue I've faced.
I have a date off Tinder tomorrow and I'm scared shitless because, for once since I ended my last ltr, I've met a guy that has talked for hours with me and has been respectful. I don't want to blow it. But I feel like I may have already pre-destined myself for rejection. Because men are just too stupid to know that I'm posting the one selfie out of a set of several that was my best pose with a filter on. Even on cam and facetime I still have the benefit of lighting and angles.
He was polite enough to insist that based on our conversations that there was practically no chance how I'd look would affect his opinion of me. But what that farmer said echoes in my head, because I have met men on dates before who became not into me once they witnessed me in action.
I wish I had the grapes to say fuck it and post the most ghastly pictures of me online just to beat most of these dudes to the punch. And genuinely attract only men who like me at my worst. Yet I know it wouldn't make me happy either knowing ugly, or I guess 'everyday' candid typicals of me were online forever.
I feel stupid for feeling so conflicted and a part of me thinks I should just stay single and alone if it means not getting hurt in this way.
No. 419597
>>419595I'm really nervous…
When it did happen in the past it was easy for me to not take it personally because I had not socially invested so much. But because this guy has been so atypical and nice, such as chatting with me for over 3 hours on the phone today, I would truly feel low. Like a worthless maggot. Especially knowing that someone thought so highly of me personality wise, yet my looks just weren't up to snuff and couldn't save me from myself.
No. 419621
>>419616Well you should.
Recently had a 3 year old relationship ruined, because my partner cheated on me behind my back with my friend and I’d like to say that all cheaters deserve to die. Thanks.
No. 419648
>>419616>>419621she shouldnt feel guilty lmao. What were these geriatric creeps doing with a teenager ?
I feel not one ounce of sympathy for a 40year old "dom" dating a teen, not only it's good he got cheated on but he should also get his penis chopped off.
No. 419813
>>419771holy shit this hits close to home anon. my father was an alcoholic and was just overall emotionally
abusive to myself and my mother as a child after he had already moved on and found a new wife/kids. ever since I started taking antidepressants (sertraline) I noticed an increase in nightmares where he's hurting me or running us off a road in car. it really made me think about my relationship with him and the creepy weird boundary crossing shit he would do to me or my step sisters. I was a kinda smart kid so I would always be confused at why my stepsisters would act out in gross sexual ways towards each other but now it makes sense that he was probably hurting them too. I never wanted to relate to those fucked up lolcows who blame CSA on their garbage mental health/relationship problems but yeah the weird touching/aggressiveness him and his wife would put onto me damaged me a fuck ton that I'm even considering going into therapy to possibly see if I have PTSD considering how paralyzing these memories are for me. it sucks because as a kid I never understood how deep this trauma would extend or that it was anything other than "oh my dad's just shitty" so I never told my mom.
but yeah I agree ddlg makes me physically ill especially the dolly mattel diaper changing porn she used to make.
No. 419917
I feel like my anachan tendencies might be coming back. I'm subconsciously feeling like I've gained weight even though I'm the fucking near same according to the scale give or take 1-2 lbs my weight feels like it's redistributed, heaving, and ugly, and I'm just fucking uncomfortable. My thighs feel like they've gotten fatter and now touch more than usual, my midsection feels flabby…. I'm not doing anything… that's how I feel and how I feel it looks, and to everyone else there's apparently 0 change… now I'm panicking, want to reduce my portions/eat more at home in order to lose this phantom weight that's barely been fucking gained.
I hate it so much I can't even begin to describe it. Maybe I never lost the anachan tendencies. Only gained a small amount of weight without trying after that phase of my life bc I ate normally again, now I feel fatter and uglier than ever. I have felt like an ugly and bloated mess around my period the last couple times I've had it, I'm wondering if it's just a PMS precursor, either way it is awful and I don't want to feel this way, I don't want to unbury those tendencies to where they become harmful to me. I'm frustrated with myself for not having the ability to differentiate or even tell whether it's phantom weight/bDD or hormones causing this, like it really fucking matters.
No. 419964
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I never want to be famous or a public figure in any way for the sole reason of what embarrassing things from the past could be revealed… I was never a school booli or internet edgelord, but some people somewhere probably have stuff on me I wouldn't be too proud of.
No. 419967
>>419964same, literally any little dumb thing you ever said can be blown out of proportion
I always think of this one thing that happened when I was like a freshman in high school. I was competing in this national math competition and for whatever reason international students from china were allowed to come and participate (no other foreign countries were allowed to send a delegation tho) and they won like 75% of the categories. I made a post on facebook afterwards and was like "why were the chinese people even allowed to participate it's called NATIONAL [math competition] not INTERNATIONAL [math competition]!!!" and everyone thought I was talking about chinese-american people instead of chinese nationals, I had to write an apology letter to every chinese-american person at my school it was embarrassing as fuck lol. so i'm sure I would 100% be called a racist bc of that
No. 419968
>>419964same… everyone around me tells me I should get into politics but I already know all the shit they'll dig out on me and thats not even like the half of the stuff they'll dig out on me.
I dislike Beto O'Rourke but that hacking thing and fanfic about running over children is something that… so many people have done and if it's something you did as a teen it shouldnt have a consequence on your political carreer.
>>419869It tottally happens to only have a sexual interest in women but not want to date them and there are plenty of bi and lesbian women out there for casual sex.
However, have you consider you're not romantically interested in women because lesbian romance is only ever depicted through the male gaze? Like, you've had so many exemples of what hetero romance looks like growing up that you know what it is, but there are almost no actual representation of what actually loving a woman as a woman looks like so you're brain can't comprehend it somehow? A form of compulsory heterosexuality, if you will.
No. 419978
>>419968>compulsory romantic heterosexualitynta but I have suffered from this (and still do). I know it's because I'm a neurotic person with no interest in spontaneity who goes into most interpersonal interactions with expectations rather than genuine interest. So growing up I always just took up the "oh yeah, of course I'll romance a man" and now I have this "role" burned into my soul that must be filled by a male of a specific type. Meanwhile I'm interested in a larger variety of women than men and I know I'm more compatible with women. Haha rip.
Anyway if anon has a similar sort of disposition this could definitely be the case.
No. 420009
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>>419968>However, have you consider you're not romantically interested in women because lesbian romance is only ever depicted through the male gaze?nta but holy fuck I've never realized
No. 420030
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>>420005Sounds like light maladaptive day dreaming (MDD) Annon. People can become addicted to day dreaming to the point it negatively affects their life.
>it is soothing actually. it soothes me and gives me a rush at the same time. i find that im really only happy these days during/for a little while after i spin. my job is depressing and I'm stuck going to school for a really difficult career that I don't want to do People can use daydreaming as a form of escapeism from their crappy life and that seems what you're doing. The spinning around thing you do is actually pretty big among people with MDD. People pace, rock back and forth, or even spin in chairs to zone off and
trigger their daydreams. This might sound kind of like a 'uwu so special' tumblr disese, but MMD can become a debilitating addiction. No. 420040
>>420014>>420005same here anons! I'm so glad to find others who do this. I have an exercise ball I just bounce up and down on for this reason, the repetitive motion, and if I'm away I resort to just walking around. I daydream while doing it too.
>>420030I think I have MDD. But honestly, I don't feel compelled to take action about it. I daydream a lot out of loneliness and as an escape from mundane life, but since it's not affecting my physical health or career… I'll let it be my vice.
No. 420042
>>420038I don't mean to enable but there truly aren't enough thieves to make retail theft a severe loss for a major company. Shrink is so common it's a predicted variable.
If shrink starts to become a problem, they install cameras and bring in undercovers a la Wal Mart style. Security tags too. I worked retail for a long time and it never bothered me to know that the small shit got lifted, because thieves weren't the true reason why my wages and hours weren't higher. It was a greedy CEO thieving the lives away of us little people working for pennies while the higher ups made millions. Not to mention the theft and rape of the foreign labor and land to produce these cheap goods.
I'll never feel sorry for corporate crocodile tears whining about some lost merch when a lot of it actually gets damaged from mishaps and transportation.
It doesn't mean you should do it because it's not worth fucking up your life for a nail polish. And for shame if you ever do this at a brick and mortar shop where actually a few items stolen do make a difference to their bottom lines.
No. 420071
>>420069You're scared of tinder but want to join fetlife? lmao what
Everyone has tinder nowadays. Depending on where you live, you might encounter some cool people there.
No. 420074
>>420069>too nervous to approach guys irl that i know would be into me out of fear of scaring themLmao take my word for it there should be no fear of this, doubly so if you do it in a club/bar scene where it's expected.
I've cold approached men much tinier than me at fucking university and have only frightened one (who seems anxious anyway).
No advice on dating apps because ironically I'm scared of those.
No. 420078
>>420076Tinder usually doesnt show you your facebook friends even if does happen sometimes (but rarely). And if they run into you it just means they're on tinder too?
When I run onto my friends on tinder, we "like" (swipe right) on each other not because we want to fuck but as a joke.
Sorry, I legit don't understand why it makes you nervous but to each their own.
No. 420091
>>420088Well I just mean that I think it's good advice to do things like… clubs, sports, parties… Like, I'm not really qualified to give advice: I'm basically a shut-in. But when I was in college I didn't have a problem hooking up and it's cause I had a relatively big social circle at the time. So that's basically all I have to contribute.
As for the guy in your class - maybe just ask him to lunch? I think that should be enough a hint that he can take it from there. ?
No. 420126
>>420108autism spinning anon here. It freaks me out too knowing it's associated MDD. 20-30 minutes doesn't sound bad, nor really time absorbing. and if you're still productive with your time, I don't think it sounds that bad. I spin for 2 hours straight a day minimum, right after work to avoid being super depressed. on the weekends I'll spin pretty much all day with breaks in between. I have a job and go to school, so I'm productive, but the daydreaming does absorb most of the rest of my time. But I feel like I have to do it now to avoid sinking into a really bad mental space.
How/when did you start doing it? I've been doing it for like 18 years and never met anyone else that does it.
No. 420145
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I feel like I have been faking my relationship since it started. I had never dated before and I took a lot of uncertainty and nerves that I had for so long for that. and now I've been dating for almost 4 years and she doesn't know me very well or really cares too much about me like she says she does but is disinterested and brushes off comments I make about not feeling okay. And I keep telling myself it's me and I need to fix myself and am making everything difficult but I don't feel like myself around her like I CAN'T, I feel stupid and slow and awkward. I don't enjoy spending time with her, and i've tried to break up several times, and every-time i come out of it crying and apologizing for making such a big deal out of how am feeling and dragging her into it. the whole day i spend with her last week i felt a blockage in my throat and couldn't think clearly or make sense and i asked her if i was acting weird, and she said that i wasn't and that i don't need to talk all the time. I do talk a lot, but i do it when im happy and excited, when i hang out with friends besides her we talk rapidly the entire time we hang out, and it's something i love. And her saying she didn't notice that really hurt pared with her saying a couple of times that she is overwhelmed and doesn't like that i talk all the time She has severe depression and has told me im the only thing keeping her alive, or keeping her from cutting herself and i feel so trapped.
No. 420207
>>419964Every time I see stories like this I'm so glad I outlived my teenager edgelord years before social media ever became a thing. If someone dug up all the shitty cringeworthy dark murder fantasy fanfiction I wrote as a severely depressed 14-15-year old bully
victim I would be done. Yikes.
No. 420214
>>420089It depends on how you use and what kind of people you match with. It sucks in my homecountry, but in the country I live in Tinder is great. I've met a bunch of friends there. Met my former best friend (who turned out to be a back stabbing bitch but we did have 2 years of amazing friendship before that). Met some really cool people for casual short relationships.
Key is to never like people with really boring and basic bios and pictures, block guys who send you basic "ice breaker" puns and pick up lines and unmatch people with whom the discussions run really poorly like "hey / hey/ wyd / nothing wbu" etc…
No. 422988
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Sometimes when I'm at work and there's clients sitting in front of my desk I'll hop on a WPM test and type like a madwoman so they can think I'm doing something really intensive when I'm actually just bullshitting around and improving my game.
>mfw I get paid for this shit
No. 423830
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Sometimes I just want to throw everything away and become a professional thot just to see how far I'd get. I'd never do it but I find myself wondering if I have potential. Am I attractive enough to be some rich dude's sugar baby and never work another day in my life? I wonder how hard it would be, how much ass would I have to sell to be comfortable as a professional thot.
No. 423883
i have nothing left, i'll never become anything and i should probably just die, but that would upset some people around so i'd be guilty in the end.
i dumped my bf 2 months ago and i kinda regret it bc i have nothing left right now. he was the cutest, loveliest person and i dumped him bc i was tired of his immaturity but maybe i should've waited more for him to fix it. now i left him all alone and he's never gonna probably trust anyone again because of me and hates me. i still love him, i think.
in my mid 20s, no aspirations, no real hobbies, wasting my days, thought something big was my dream, worked towards it and achieved it, now realizing that it's not actually what i want. but i don't know what else i want.
don't have any real friends. here on lolcow bc i have no-one to talk to.
confession is this i guess: i punch myself sometimes because i truly hate myself and everything that i am.
No. 423898
>>423883Hey, I hate myself too. I hope you get what is best for you.
Mine: I want someone to kill me quickly, so at least I'm gone.
No. 423900
I was sexually abused as a little kid, and it completely fucked me up sexually for years. As a young girl around 10 years old with old parents who didn't understand the internet, I was preyed on by pedophiles on websites that largely targeted kids.
I was groomed and eventually found myself defending pedophilia, zoophilia, and all sorts of other fucked-up shit to impress my online pedophile buddies. (Because pedophiles are degenerates and can never be into just one thing.) Many websites had sections that allowed for political discussion- and I was on that shit every time, defending "childlove", "pedosexuality", etc., because I believed, wholeheartedly as a young girl, that I was capable of consenting to sexual activity, that the man who abused me was just a "childlover" who thought I was attractive and that he 'loved' me. They told me I was in control, that my abuse was consensual. For several years, I deadass believed my abuse was consensual and that I had initiated it. (I didn't.)
Things got bad when some of my online 'friends' groomed me with anime porn- often times stuff like loli/shota. I guess to normalize sexual abuse and to make it seem 'okay', that 'look! these little cartoon girls are doing it, you can too!'. I was probably 12 or 13 when this was happening. I am ashamed and depressed to say that it went on for years- I think I was 16 or so when I began to realize that what was happening to me was sexual abuse. They pressured me when I was 14 to send naked pictures of myself over a chat, but I didn't. Thank fucking god I didn't. But it didn't matter- I was being groomed into thinking that, at the age of 12-14, I was at my "peak". I believed that pedophilia (ephebophilia) was a completely normal, natural thing. That it was healthy. That kids initiate contact with adutls and everyone is different, guys! Some kids just mature faster than others!
I was told I was so mature, so different, so intellectual, so smart. An old soul. Sexy. Intelligent. Not like other kids. I felt happy to be validated by adults. I thought that being included with them made me cool, made me smart, made me special. But I was just another victim of fucked-up grooming and sexual exploitation. I wasn't smart, I wasn't an old soul- I was just a kid being hurt by adults who had ZERO fucking business having sex talks with a random kid on the internet.
It took years and years for me to feel sexually normal. When I would be touched by a partner, all of those awful feelings of being abused would come back to me. I consumed anime porn with very young-looking characters until I hit my 20s, and now feel depressed about all of my younger years. My colorful past is on the internet for anyone to find- and I worry every single day that someone will find what I used to do and use it against me. It has given me such bad anxiety that I have, in the past, contemplated suicide. Looking forward, I know it could come up again- I've tried to remedy the situation, but there's nothing I can do except accept what happened, and be ready to own up to the horrible stuff I said when I was a kid.
As stupid and corny as this sounds, I feel like this shit happened to me for a reason. Maybe it's just me trying to cope. Maybe not. Maybe I was meant to get the word out that this shit happens to a lot of of kids online, and parents need to keep their kids on a tight fucking leash. It horrifies me when I see people giving kids unfettered access to phones, tablets, what the fuck ever. I think about how things could've been different for me if I had never been abused, or given free range online.
I also want people to know that pedophiles and other freaks recruit kids. This isn't a myth. This happened to me personally. Who knows what would have happened to me, had I kept in those circles of people. I remember other "childlover advocates" from when I was young who were also (supposedly) kids themselves. People didn't believe it- many people thought I was a middle-aged man when I was just 14 years old, but these freaks knew exactly how to find vulnerable kids and turn them into useful mouthpieces for their disgusting degeneracy, and get to sexually abuse them, too. Their tactics are probably different now, but their talking points are remarkably similar to what I heard years prior.
No. 423909
>>423900I’m really curious- and please don’t think I’m “one of them” (Shit like this makes me wonder if men are capable of not being disgusting degenerates and I lose faith in humanity).
But at the time, did you feel pressured or ashamed? Or did that not come until later? You describe sexual interactions as giving you the same awful feeling from childhood as an adult. WAS it awful as a child? Or did you enjoy it under the guise of not knowing you were being used?
I ask bc I loved attention from creeps online in those years and only later on was I repulsed and disgusted by it. I never felt pressured or badly, just gutted later when I realized I was manipulated. Once you age out’ and all of a sudden no one cares about your ‘interesting personality’ and they throw you away like trash. I guess my point is, I wasn’t so much damaged by the exploitation so much so as the manipulation of it. Hopefully I’m articulating myself well and this isn’t insane ramblings.
No. 423919
>>423909I remember feeling pretty apprehensive when I first discovered this sort of thing. I didn't know what a "pedophile" was (I was in elementary school), but understood I'd been sexually abused as a little kid and I carried it around as a sort of "shameful secret"- for lack of a better word. I never told anyone, and felt tremendous guild for not doing so- I knew it was wrong, that I wasn't supposed to be hurt like that, but I internalized the blame and thought I was the bad guy for not saying anything to anyone. I was also keenly aware, even at a very young age that my abuser would go to prison if I told anyone, so I kept it a secret until a long while after.
These people made me think they were my friends, and at school I was a very isolated, lonely person with crippling anxiety. I felt really happy that I was being accepted into a group of people- even if they were online. I knew it was not a good idea to give out things like my real name or location, so we just knew each other by online handles. I didn't really think it was weird, because I was being groomed into believing that I was just as capable as any adult to consent to sexual activity- I didn't feel exploited until I was older and realized how fucking wrong what they did was.
To answer your question…it's probably a mix of both. When I was sexually abused, I KNEW something wasn't right. It was weird and definitely wrong, but I was too little to articulate it. Growing up, I realize later that the man who abused me very likely went on to abuse other kids, and I've gone through a lot of stages of grief over not telling authorities. I had a lot of confused feelings because I was sexually 'awakened' (for lack of a good way of putting it) at such a young age. I went through feelings of arousal long before I should have had them, was drawing pornographic pictures by the time I was 8/9, but, again, not fully understanding why, and seeking out more and more adult content by the time I was 10/11. So it was a very confusing time. At the time it was a mixture of all sorts of things. In the present, I look back and feel sad because it was so clear I had been deeply hurt, but everyone missed all of the warning signs. In those moments, though, it was much more complicated and hard to sort because there was so much that just should not have been there.
No. 423931
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>tfw breaking up with bf of 2 years bc I can't give up drinking
>tfw been sober since met him
>tfw I don't care about my life or family or relationships anymor
Heis a sweetheart and he doesn't deserve a selfish bitch like me
No. 423991
>>423919Sorry anon, I didn’t realize it went beyond just online grooming and exploitation. I was very lucky to never experience anything tangible myself.
Ugh, the whole thing makes me feel ill. I’m glad you are able to recognize your feelings and blame and acknowledge you were the
victim here. I appreciate your insight.
No. 424088
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>>424073Lmfaoo all these posts remind me of the bone apple teeth memes
No. 424096
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>>424088>>424073i love wifey material material
No. 424141
>>424048I know an autistic girl whose
abusive parents didn't allow her to cook until she moved out of the house. In that kind of case, it's just sad. But most people don't have that kind of excuse. Most of the people I know who can't or won't cook are lazy weeaboos, have serious mental issues or depression, or eat like shit, stuff like constant frozen and pre-prepared foods and fast food. My ex barely cooked and he had all of this pickiness about foods, that kind of sucked. He basically only eats meat and potatoes. If he gets cancer or malnourished I won't be surprised. He complained about his father's cooking and didn't eat it, but it sounded like his dad made really good food, if he was repetitive, and it was way healthier than what my ex was eating just by virtue of including plenty of vegetables.
I stopped with the joking about being a bad cook after high school. I would rather people joke that I'm learning to cook to keep my husband or talk about what a good wife I am, no matter how annoying it is, than to be incapable of cooking. I cook well and not everyone I know knows I'm a good cook, not sure if it's the stereotype about students and ones in my major in particular or if it's because I'm a "tomboy" that they just assume I'm like teehee quirky womanchild you mentioned.
I get people having legitimate excuses, but eating like shit makes you feel shittier. Why not start by eating a little better, even if it's buying meal kits or precut foods from the supermarket if you have the money? Lots of places have stuff already spiced or chopped that you just cook up. Eat a vegetable. Stop eating so many salty pre-packaged foods and takeout.
No. 424155
>>424048I remember being in high school and feeling really embarrassed about the fact that I didn't know how to cook to the point of not even understanding how to operate the stove top or oven. This is because my parents never let me do shit growing up - they were weirdly controlling and put it in my head that if I so much as touched anything in the kitchen, I'd set the house ablaze. They were the same way about other household chores, too.
Despite the paranoia instilled in me I managed to teach myself how to cook (and clean, by extension). I beat myself up a lot at first because I seriously didn't know even the simplest of shit, but through perseverance and the help of YouTube videos like
>>424102 I'd like to consider myself a pretty decent cook now. I don't think lack of time or lack of a mentor is a
valid excuse not to learn. Knowing how to cook and take care of yourself is an essential life skill and you can't keep relying on others to do it for you.
No. 424156
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>>424053This book is great for people who are too tired/depressed/sick/whatever to cook or plan meals. It's not a cookbook per se but has a lot of ideas for easy, low effort shit that can still be nutritious. It saved my relationship basically because my partner works a high stress job and I have a chronic illness and sometimes we just wouldn't eat which made us even hangrier.
No. 425051
>>425021What does that entail? Sticking things up his ass?
Tell him to go to the police, it's literally their job to deal with it.
No. 425087
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I'm the kind of person who shits on astrology all the time, it really makes no sense but, in secret I always read articles on the topics and lately I've started to wonder if they were actually true because my boyfriend and my sister have the same sign (Gemini) and they might not have the same personality but the way I deal with them both is kinda similar, they are both big babies that I baby and it is actually mad.
No. 425152
>>425087So my insane, tinfoil hat conspiracy with astrology works with simulation theory.
Our birthcharts are like randomized sim characteristcs.
No. 426307
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I don't know how much of an unpopular opinion this is, but I really want to become an office lady in Japan.
I have been doing boring office work since I was 16, and I actually grew to enjoy it, in a way. I actually think that working at a boring desk job helps my creativity when writing, crafting and drawing as a hobbyist. If I were to work in a creative industry like animation or such, I'd probably be too over-saturated of it to work on my own projects.
Also I already kind of work for a Japanese association here in my country, so I imagine that the work dynamics would kind of be the same.
The only difference is that I would be leaving in a better structured country and being paid better as well. I think that the only thing I would fear would be stuff like gender harassment, but it's not as if the place I live is any better in that aspect.
I am honestly really hoping for this association that I work with to give me an internship in Japan next year, but I am also not holding my breath. I do enjoy working with them anyway, either if I go or not… but one can dream.
No. 426308
>>426307Good luck, anon. I would be worried about gender harrassment too, especially as a foreign woman, but I'm glad to see you're not letting that get to you.
>>425152That's a really cool theory.
No. 426322
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>>425021time for the snip snip
No. 426389
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>>426308Thank you, anon!
I went to Japan under this association with a sponsorship for one week, it was an cultural exchange program and it was great, I got to know also possible future superiors if that was ever to happen, which was cool as well because they were mostly chill (since they were from the international relations area, they were all pretty chill and patient with foreigners ).
But not only that, made me confirm how Japan is so much better than my own country when speaking about safety and infrastructure. I love how I could be hungry in the middle of the night, go to a 24/7 konbini within 10 minutes of walking distance, and have everything that I need and not fear for my life while walking back to the hotel in the night.
The only thing is that I'd miss my fiancee greatly, and since it's a internship it's not as if we could get married just on paper so I could bring him with me as a spouse kekSome people actually said that I have a high chance of going back for a longer period (with ot without the internship program), but I try to stay grounded so I won't be disappointed if I don't get it.
Sorry for this weeby sperging. Saged
No. 426405
>>426395I've never had vaginismus but that sounds fucking terrible. I imagine the trauma from that makes it worse too. Does he put it all the way in? I think I would rather die honestly.
I'm super lucky because at the beginning of my relationship I told my bf what was up even though it was embarrassing (I never liked penetrative stuff, I'm a virgin. I tried on my own and even bought a dildo and it was always painful, extremely uncomfortable or a mix of the two), and he was more than okay with it. I am blessed because he loves touching me and giving oral and when I do the same, when my ex would act so bored and disinterested in it and it made me dislike intimacy for a while.
No. 426411
>>426405My vaginismus has gotten better with time and experience honestly, the first guy I was with couldn’t finger me, even oral would
trigger it, my legs would just fucking shut around his neck, and the first time we tried to have sex it would not go in. At all. I’ve been able to go a little bit further with each guy I’ve been with until now I’ve been able to have PiV with my last two boyfriends! It’s still kind of embarrassing that I’ve gotta explain some things are complete no-go’s: I can never do doggy, and i can’t ride my current bf, which of course are like every guys two favorite positions smh. It really doesn’t bother me as long as I can keep him happy with oral, I’m not too sex motivated so doing it every month or so doesn’t detract from our relationship at all! I like hearing about other couples who have difficulties but are still completely fine with their sex lives as well, some of my friends think I’m crazy for not really caring.
No. 426426
>>425021what exactly did they do him ?
did the stick something up his butt
No. 426433
>>426423Because I already work for a japanese institution as I mentioned, because I do speak the language, because I also did my thesis in japanese history/art and yeah, I also went there before and liked the general infrastructure of the buildings/stores/streets, and also a bit of weebness I guess. But I am fully aware that Japan is not a weebland.
Also as I said before, my country is basically worse than Japan in many ways, be it the sexism and the pay. We are currently going through an economic crisis and our money is half of what it used to be, value-wise.
I didn't mention this, but a lot of my friends that work with me did this internship program, and yeah, there are the lows, but most had a pretty positive work experience in general, even those that didn't speak japanese very well.
>>426425I mean, women are treated differently in Japan for better or for worse. The internship also isn't in Tokyo at all, it's a small province, actually. Which is also better in some ways and worse in others. But I will watch it later anon, thanks - It's always good to have different types of insights anyway.
No. 426713
>>426389Honestly anon, it's not like you haven't been before, so that sounds really awesome.
I was planning to relocate to Japan with my husband several years back- both of use spoke Japanese well (he kept up with it- I didn't), we've been before and really loved the structure and safety. Unfortunately I ended up with a brain tumor and so that dashed all of my overseas-living dreams.
I'd say go for it, anon. Life's short. If you know Japanese, too, that is awesome. It could be an amazing experience, too.
No. 427116
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>>426859It was 4chan's 7th or 8th anniversary so it was encouraged to post tits with "happy /b/irthday" signs.
>>426877You know what, that's fair.
>>426955We survived, bitch. Cheers
No. 427339
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I have spent an obscene amount of money buying my children books the past two months and I can’t fucking stop. I love seeing their little faces light up when the postman comes (9/10 if a parcel comes its for them) and they carefully open up the parcel and excitedly ask me to read it to them. I keep justifying the purchases by how beautiful the books are and knowing they’re something that’ll last year and years and will expand their vocabularies.
I know I’m spoiling them but goddamnit their joy is addictive.
No. 427468
>>427458I understand you. I have felt this way for a long time. A blob… type of person in a female body.
I've heard the term 'social dysphoria' and I think this is that feeling. This was mostly before transtrending stuff took off, so I never struggled with considering myself nonbinary.
I was fine with being female (as fine as a preteen going thru puberty could be i guess), but definitely struggled with the idea of "being seen as female". Part of it was internalized misogyny, part of it was my traditional upbringing, and part of it is being a gay femme.
I'm fine with being a feminine woman, but not in the way traditional, heterosexual society demands, and it can get Really Upset about that. The disconnect can be incredibly dysphoric if you don't have a good support system. Probably even more so now, since people will just pressure you to be nonbinary or trans if you try to talk about it.
I see you, anon. You're not alone.
No. 427499
>>427488cause it fucking sucks that's why
just be careful don't get your foot caught
No. 427507
>>427468Thank you anon, social dysphoria is an accurate description of what I'm going through. I went through a time of struggling as being seen as female too; when people commented that I was "very pretty" or something very feminine along those lines, it just caught me out of nowhere and would send me into these weird downward spirals, especially if the comments were related to me finding a male partner.
>>427488I have to water my parent's lawn by hand with a hose, it's over half an acre and takes about 45 minutes (it's a dry desert) so I usually smoke some weed before doing it.
No. 427571
>>427458I used to go by they/them and non-binary/agender until about 4 years ago. I stopped once I realized keeping up with friendships of those who are trans felt more like 24/7 babying them. I had a little brief anti-SJW phase during that time, maybe it helped a little, then I started looking into gender critical and it all fell into place.
I've always been someone not to fall for stereotypes. I just liked things because they fascinated me. I was more rebellious in the sense I never gave into female stereotypes or gave into societies pressures on what they expect women to like or do based on them simply being women. I never considered it misogynist because I only challenged the thing, not the women who fell for it out of pressure and survival.
So basically, I know for a fact I'm female and I'm proud of it, because it's a part of me, but it doesn't constitute anything about my life. I may experience the same things other women go through, but how I feel and what I do, what they feel and what they do, is up to ourselves. We're all unique people with female bodies, don't ever feel like you're in a box because of it. Society can believe we should do this and that, but they don't live our lives, they live their own.
No. 427879
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One time I beat my meat so hard I popped a blood vessel in my arm.
I'm impressed that I haven't gotten carpel tunnel yet. rip my wrist
No. 427881
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>>427879nobody cares male.
No. 427981
>>427458I feel you anon. I'm gender crit and especially of non-binary people and transtrenders to be honest, but the place I'm coming from is as an ex-enby. I was trying to escape being female, I wanted so badly for people to see me as just a person, sex irrelevant. I actually managed to pass for male or "confusing" without hormones or surgery, or so I think, maybe they thought I was a trans man or butch lesbian. I was suffering from physical dysphoria and remember days I would see myself in the mirror and start crying because I just wished I looked less like a woman so people would think I'm a man or a nothing. Some days I even felt like having a dick would be nice. I wished I could just change my body at will to be whatever would feel comfortable, no surgery, no repercussions. I knew I was biologically female, I was often perceived that way, I mostly rolled with it, but the dysphoria was crippling and I didn't feel like people "got" it or accepted me. I experimented with pronouns but mostly went with she/her and said I'd take they/them and another invented one as well, which is probably gonna come off as genderspecial to people reading this, but it's an established pronoun with roots in academia/mathematics. No one called me by that but I liked how it looked on paper lol. I kind of relied on other people to decide how they wanted to refer to me, like if I was obviously trying to pass as anything but my sex.
I still think it's kinda meh/bs but I think it's an understandable reaction to society as it is. I still have nb friends but worry about what they would think of my opinions if they knew what I really think, because honestly, I only "respect" people who are transmasculine or actively trying to seem androgynous at least part of the time. People like Phoebe (on /snow/) I cannot respect. I understand the feeling of looking female but feeling "genderless" because that's how I feel, but I think going by they/them and presenting like a woman is annoying and stupid. Everyone thinks you are a women and gender isn't just feelings, it is how you are perceived. But everyone deals with societal expectations differently. The problem is when people begin to twist and ignore reality. If you know you are female and always will be, but just want to try to be perceived as anything else, I respect that. I understand that. Even "cis" women probably experience this. I don't want to be called "cis" by other people exactly because I experienced enough physical dysphoria to consider a hysterectomy just so I couldn't get pregnant, which seemed to make me "more" female, more vulnerable. I didn't even want my vagina, my vulva was fine, but my vagina uneased me. I was a "late bloomer" and had something like vaginismus and that didn't help, it cleared up, but it made me feel like a lesser woman anyway. To this day, despite me reidentifying, some things can send me back to those feelings: I do still enjoy androgyny, but play with it less since my boyfriend loves my curves, even though he fell in love with me when I was still non-binary and dressed androgynously more often. Basically, if I start to get back into "discourse," it starts sending those feelings back. I see most of it as navel-gazing that has no impact on real life/reality so I usually ignore it. Anything that pushes me into boxes does the same thing, my two reactions are defiant anger or wanting to not be a woman. I have an especially deep hatred for men with misogyny kinks and incels who think they're better than me, and for whatever reason, they actually don't
trigger me into nb stuff, they actually make me want to destroy them as a woman. It's more the stuff that says, you will always be a woman, you will never escape this fate, it's not getting better, that make me wish I could just be nb and that it would actually work. But I'll always be big-hipped, female socialized, and female sexed, and expanding gender would just put me into another prison, not liberate me.
I got with a straight guy and away from a lot of the genderspecial and hellhole of gender discourse stuff and eventually reidentified because I ceased caring. Gender crit did that to some extent, but I reidentified before I really was reading that stuff. I consider myself female/a woman and genderless, if I have to be asked and I say anything other than "a woman," because I think gender shouldn't exist because it just harms people by forcing them into roles and behaviors. I wish that socialization could someday become undifferentiated enough that some of the differences between men and women vanish, but recognize that biology may always differentiate us to some extent, at least by "more men are x than women are x". All I want is for the violence and subjugation to stop. And it's based in sex, so identifying out will never save me unless people actually believe I'm not female.
This quote by Sylvia Plath really speaks to me, and did then: “Being born a woman is my awful tragedy. From the moment I was conceived I was doomed to sprout breasts and ovaries rather than penis and scrotum; to have my whole circle of action, thought and feeling rigidly circumscribed by my inescapable feminity. Yes, my consuming desire to mingle with road crews, sailors and soldiers, bar room regulars–to be a part of a scene, anonymous, listening, recording–all is spoiled by the fact that I am a girl, a female always in danger of assault and battery. My consuming interest in men and their lives is often misconstrued as a desire to seduce them, or as an invitation to intimacy. Yet, God, I want to talk to everybody I can as deeply as I can. I want to be able to sleep in an open field, to travel west, to walk freely at night…” As I delved slowly into enby stuff, I was struggling with forging friendships with men, I wanted attention and I wanted friends, I wanted to be attractive, but the truth was I was afraid they'd leave if the facade fell and they realized I would never date them. To this day I wish I could put on a male skin and just see the world like that, still being who I am inside, but different enough on the outside that maybe I'd have a chance at what Sylvia wants too. I know for men, there are dangers too, different dangers: but maybe I'd be stronger, maybe I'd blend in better, maybe I could have that camaraderie with other (male) strangers without as much fear, without them assuming I want sex or trying to take it from me.
To all my nb-identified females and detransitioners: I love you, I see you, stay safe and I hope you find a way to love or at least accept yourself. I'll always see you as more than "just a woman" tied to certain expectations and treatment. Sorry for the length, I hope someone can see this and relate or get something out of it, especially op. I guess this is just a long confession on my part too.
No. 428028
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>>427999> i fantasize about being with a trans women with a penisthats a man. you want to be with a man anon.
No. 428325
>>427458You’re not alone anon. There are a lot of ex-TiF/ enby folks here so a lot of people know where you’re coming from.
For what it’a worth, I dress pretty neutrally, occasionally wear just some powder on my face, but still like some feminine things. That being said, even when I don something more womanly or wear extra makeup, I don’t really ever “feel” female. I never have. The only times I “feel” female are when I’m reminded that I am treated differently than men because of it, or I have uniquely female experiences, good or bad. But even that is just more of a sudden acure awareness than a true “feeling”.
I’ve peaked a lot of normie women in my life by just asking them what feeling female, or “knowing” you’re a woman is supposed to mean. Even the most normie women I know who like feminine things- can’t answer that question. But every single one of is agrees that being a female isn’t about a feeling- we just are. Men can’t be women. Relating to us, or being more comfortable around us, or liking culturally-bound things that “identify” us as women…none of those things make someone a woman. They can’t erase their maleness.
No. 428354
>>428340No, and I'm
really thankful bc my dad is literally a gigolo tier whore that ruined his life in pursuit of getting laid, and I've unfortunately seen him have sex/get blown a bunch when I was a little kid, so I'm shocked the same hasn't happened to me. I don't think those dreams mean anything other than that our brains can be assholes.
No. 428552
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When I was a child, I could never understand why women were with men. I thought women were very beautiful and thought men were disgusting looking. I feel neutral now, but now I'm thinking back on it… it's still kinda true. Women in general are better looking, that's ignoring grooming habits, and basing this on facial structure alone. The only men I find nice to look at tend to be very sharp and angular looking, somewhat feminine, and/or boyish looking.
No. 428759
>>428340Yes. I was molested though so it's probably from trauma. Typical ptsd/nightmare/flashback thing.
Also had a really suggestive dream about my little sister. Fucked me up for a while.
No. 428843
>>428340Not with my parents but my brothers.
Try not to take it seriously, your brain just uses images you see around you and dreams don't actually have real meanings.
No. 428997
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>>417869>but I chalk that up to him becoming "normalized" through work and homelifeThat sounds endearing, almost like the story of beauty and the beast.
No. 429076
And veterinary science basically. I am really bad at it though so I doubt anyone would hire me even if I actually enjoy being around animals.
No. 429216
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I read a Luna poem yesterday and usually I hate her poetry and find it try hard but I liked it so much I saved it. I’m embarrassed.
No. 429701
>>429700Yes, as in the family dog, that my brother brought home.
Should also be dog, not dogs.
No. 429734
>>429716Fuck this. I am going to sound paranoid, but. Keep away, be careful, be safe, tell the other teens.
I caught my father as a kid, not really understanding. Later on, as a teen I ended up being molested and traumatised for life.
No. 429744
>>429737Cucks make me sad. How will him fucking another lady make him more interested in you? If you're only engaged and he's already lost interest (which ideally shouldn't happen anyway) things are not looking good.
Love yourself anon.
No. 429758
>>429742I really don't know. I've never been into it at all, until he told me this story about him having sex with this foreign chick at his job a few years back and it turned me on. We started talking about it, and now I kind of want to do it. I've always been attracted to women so it wouldn't be hard to do, but still I feel gross.
>>429744 It makes zero logical sense and I clearly have second thoughts. It's stupid but I don't even know how to bring it up and say lets not do this. I thought I was stronger.
>>429749Really good point. I'm going to ask him when he gets off of work, but I already know his answer: no.
No. 430247
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Watamote is one of my favorite manga, if not my favorite.
As someone that's turning twenty soon and hasn't grown out of her social ineptitude seeing her make friends and just, become a better person is sort of therapeutic. I wish I could've grown like that too, and I hope to do so in the future.
Lmao, the manga just has a special place in my heart.
No. 430262
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>>430252This isn't the first time a white Disney princess was played by someone black. In the 90s Brandy played Cinderella and no one gave a fuck. I bet if this movie came out today people would flip shit and cry about the evil sjw's lol
No. 430276
>>430271I’m saying the style doesn’t suit them or mixed women have the time. You can’t lie and say it doesn’t look ridiculous on them.
It does. Black women look tragic in weave, pink frilly shit, anime and god knows what. That’s why they’re not as popular when it comes to that type of style. It’s a fact.
No. 430277
>>430271>>430271I’m saying the style doesn’t suit them or mixed women have the time. You can’t lie and say it doesn’t look ridiculous on them.
It does. Black women look tragic in weave, pink frilly shit, anime and god knows what. That’s why they’re not as popular when it comes to that type of style. It’s a fact.
No. 430278
>>430252I don't get how black people are celebrating black!Ariel when it's obviously a case of tokenism and outrage marketing. I'd expect people to ask for more original plots and original black characters, or adaptations of stories that are already about black people, at least from what I've been told by people online and irl for years.
I'm glad I get almost no representation in international blockbusters when I see shit like that, it kinda sucks not seeing characters like you on screen all that much but at least I don't get to see token characters either. The representations we have in my country is absolute trash but that's the case for pop culture as a whole, except maybe for some youtubers, so it's not a big loss.
>Also I don’t think the girl playing Ariel is that pretty.She looks ok imo. Not incredibly beautiful but not ugly either. I wonder if she'll have Ariel's iconic red hair in the movie but there's no way I'm paying to see any live-action Disney movie in theaters, these movies look boring.
No. 430282
>>430278That’s the problem.
They throw the dog a bone everyone in a while to keep black people happy. Yet the won’t use black women for original new content and use them for things that’s already been made. Disney are just after honking up the ratings, ip and gaining in that sweet dime off these ten year old girls mothers. That’s all it is.
I dare dive into the twitter or tumblr tags. It’s full of autis who defend this type of shit.
Well the black Cinderella from 1997 had natural hair in braids. I don’t see why they can’t give the black community natural hair representation? I mean, she is a black woman right? They do want a black woman playing her. Why not give her braids with red beads on or something?
Nope. She’ll end up with a red ass weave.
I ain’t going to see this or any other live action Disney movie. I’m dreading the rest.
No. 430284
>>430276you're either self hating or a white person lying. there are black women who look great in wigs and cosplay and frilly clothes, and there are white women who look like shit in it, and there are asian people who look like shit in it too. people contain multitudes.
and again, what the fuck do anime and "pink frilly shit" have to do with a black girl being a fictional mermaid. do you realize how spergy you sound?
No. 430290
>>430284I’m not lying.
How many black girls make it in kawaii fashion? Not many. It’s a dime a dozen. I’m sorry but it looks fucking ridiculous on them.
No. 430294
>>430288Because if they’re using a black woman it would be nice to actually see natural hair. Why not have representation if they’re going this far?
Ariel was white. She was a ginger.
How many black people who’s not mixed or from that one lone village in Africa with blonde hair do you know have red hair? I get it’s disney and she’s a mermaid. But ariels sisters have natural looking coloured hair too and all the other lanky white girls who played previous Disney princess roles all had their own hair.
Why it is when a black woman stars in something it’s always some dodgy bad wig. I’m saying use braids or a weave that at least looks like her hair. Not a fucking red weave. That would just look awful.
Black Cinderella had black hair. Why can’t Ariel?
No. 430295
>>430282most people into kawaii fashion are white and asian, so white and asian weebs are more likely to follow other white and asian weebs.
and nobody actually "makes it" in kawaii fashion, its all empty instagram followers and a sponsorship to spreepicky, thats not success.
No. 430299
>>430294Ariel is a fucking mermaid, she can have unnaturally colored hair because shes not human. If Ariel was a ginger then the face characters at the disney parks would be using natural ginger hair, but no, they wear wigs, all the princesses at the parks wear wigs.
And Lily James in Cinderella 2015 had extensions in and she had to dye her hair blonde because she wasn't naturally a blonde.
>>430296we literally explained why they aren't as popular, but it isn't like the "popular" white and asian ~kawaii fashion models look any better.
No. 430304
>>430277>my subjective opinion is factSweetie…
Again, I'm not saying it's flawless casting (I actually don't give a shit and won't be seeing the movie anyway 'cause live-action adaptations of animated movies are stupid), I just think you're being ridiculous and your self-hatred is showing.
No. 430368
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>>430252>There is a reason why certain things suit mostly white or Asian women. That type of shit never suits black women or even mixed women.Cringy. Just because you and your particular genetic strain are unfortunate doesn't mean that's true for all of us.
I'm pretty sick of self-hating, unattractive black/mixed people trying to blame their black ancestry for their bad luck. It just encourages the stupid "You're too cute/smart/thin/long-haired to really be this race, you must be mixed. No???? Oh you must be one of those Ethiopians with white features or something!!" meme on all of us who don't fit that narrative.
You're like femcels who think your race is why you're a failure, when the truth is, even if you were white, you'd probably still come out looking like PT or Mira and eternally curse your white heritage for not being born a 10/10 Japanese girl.
Next time, please insult yourself alone. Don't involve everyone in your misery. Just admit you're jealous of prettier girls and be done with it. Better yet, actually improve yourself and do something about your looks instead of whining all the time about how you're a negroid and therefore can't ever look cute.
No. 430386
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>>430368b-but black women can't be kaweewee uwu only my precious nips are allowed to be!!!
No. 430413
>>430368Oh fuck off.
Not everyone finds blacks attractive in general let alone kawaii shit. Most people girls don’t suit it hell white girls just about get away with it if they’re dolly looking. Black girls are barely into the style apart from the few weebs that are about and even then they’re fat, dumpy looking with big tits. It’s obvious they’re never popular when it comes to cutesy fashion or cosplay. The only people who ever uplift black women who do all that are other black women. No one else or maybe a small portion of white people or whatever else.
There is a reason why black women just stick to the typical insta style. It’s the only thing that suits them. Jeans, sneakers or the odd girl who’s into pin up fashion.
I’m sorry but big wide noses, big lips and dark skin looks terrible among a pink pastel wig, a child looking dress more than some white girl. The white girl may be dumpy and hideous too. But at least the features actually suit the bangs or stupid wig and make up more.
>>430299Ariel is a white Mermaid with red fucking hair. The rest of her sisters even have natural toned hair. Why is this so hard to understand?
Black women do not naturally have red hair. Jesus.
They might not even give her red hair because they constantly change everything in these shitty live action movies.
Giving that actress red hair is just ridiculous. They should just keep it natural looking because she’s fucking black. She already wears braids, why not give her braids? They did it for the black Cinderella.
Black women don’t naturally have red hair and giving her red hair it just ghetto 101. Red hair looks shit on black women anyway. Even when Rihanna had it and every black and mixed woman dyed their hair to copy - even that looked bad. This won’t be any better.
No. 430432
>>430416Ah yes, Ariel, the black Danish mermaid
Are they at least planning to change the setting to make the black casting appropriate? I don’t understand the point of changing pre-established characters appearances/sex/race on a whim, it rarely adds anything to it other than confusion.
Although to all of the people complaining about Ariel needing to have red hair, I’m pretty sure the original little mermaid was a blonde from the Hans Christian Anderson story, at least all the illustrated versions I’ve ever seen have been blonde
No. 430444
>>430432this. the original little mermaid had her committing suicide and turning into sea foam when the prince marries the wicked witch I'm pretty sure. just cause disney cast a redhead (in a hideous pink dress incidentally, nice gross 80s token fashion choice) doesn't mean every example of the little mermaid needs to be a pasty ginger.
it's a narrative with no explicit "look" to the characters until someone makes it into a movie.
it's not like JK pulling the HERMIONE IS BLACK card when she obvs wasn't. this is just the interpretation of the narrative with a POC cast in the lead role.
I'm sure if they had've cast a redhead people would have bitched that there wasn't enough POC representation.
we're living in the White Whine times, just let them moan about it. fucking morons.
No. 430454
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>>430444The ironic thing is that I've only seen random adults getting mad about Ariel, especially grown-ass men who weren't part of the target audience in the first place.
Like…this is for children in the end, not spergy, Disney-obsessed adults.
Pic related put it into perspective for me. No sane adult gives a shit about this or is complaining that the movie is "ruined".
No. 430481
>>430456I have a conspiracy theory that they are intentionally making the live action movies quite different from the animations due to some copyright thing. Maybe they are not allowed, from one subsection of Disney to the other, to use the exact likeness of the characters. I think there were some issues with the live action Mulan specifically due to problems licencing certain characters. So the black Ariel is their way out of being sued from
within Disney for infringement.
Most edgy emo girls wanted to see their Manic Panic princess, but it was never gonna happen, the same reason the Lion King live action are realistic CG instead of much more appealing cartoony CG lions (that a few people photoshopped together and it looked great). Pretty sure Triton from the musical/stage version is a hunky black guy too so there's some previous. Beauty and the Beast was pretty similar to the movie so maybe I'm wrong, but perhaps only certain movies have licencing issues and that's how we get these results.
No. 430487
>>430477it seems silly that you care so much about this, when you seem to be totally fine with Princess and the Frog. which got this same backlash for making the princess black, when she originally wasn't lol. all that really happened after P&tF was released, was that it changed the lives of black girls in a positive way.
nothing about the story says she needs to be white or ginger or anything anyway.
No. 430501
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>>430487I wanted to like P&tF as a kid, but it was boring and I hated that the princess was a frog most of the time.
I kind of wish they had made something loosely based on African mythology.
A story related to Yemoja would've been great as a more mysterious, beautiful parallel to The Little Mermaid IMO. Then again, it could've been seen as offensive, so I dunno.
No. 430583
black Ariel doesn't upset me at all, and this is coming from someone who absolutely loved the original little mermaid growing.
People will get mad at this because they're significantly changing the appearance of the iconic character, other people will call those people racist, another group of people will see this on social media or wherever and be made aware of the movie thus creating free advertising, diehard progressives will go see the movie purely because of the issue, parents will still take their kids to see it regardless, and the amount of people boycotting it will be marginal. The angrier people get the more people will watch it just to spite them.
the politicization of our culture has unlocked a whole new demographic of consumers, people now pay to watch movies not only to be entertained but also to feel virtuous, they've somehow managed to get people to feel like they're somehow morally righteous by going to the cinema, I think that's a big part of what is driving western society to the left so much, it's ultimately profitable for companies to market their shitty products on the basis that they're more diverse or tolerant, it's creating a feedback loop, the media is making people more progressive and the people are making the media more progressive in a constant effort to one-up everybody else as the most progressive.
any decision made by a corporation the size of Disney has been heavily weighed and analyzed beforehand to ensure maximum profitability, they don't give a f*ck about black people or making quality movies (anymore) it's all about the bottom line.
the other reason I don't care is because who wants to watch a live action mermaid movie that just sounds like a awkward movie to begin with, make it a cartoon and I might still watch it even if you make Ariel a nigger.
No. 430585
black Ariel doesn't upset me at all, and this is coming from someone who absolutely loved the original little mermaid growing.
People will get mad at this because they're significantly changing the appearance of the iconic character, other people will call those people racist, another group of people will see this on social media or wherever and be made aware of the movie thus creating free advertising, diehard progressives will go see the movie purely because of the issue, parents will still take their kids to see it regardless, and the amount of people boycotting it will be marginal. The angrier people get the more people will watch it just to spite them.
the politicization of our culture has unlocked a whole new demographic of consumers, people now pay to watch movies not only to be entertained but also to feel virtuous, they've somehow managed to get people to feel like they're somehow morally righteous by going to the cinema, I think that's a big part of what is driving western society to the left so much, it's ultimately profitable for companies to market their shitty products on the basis that they're more diverse or tolerant, it's creating a feedback loop, the media is making people more progressive and the people are making the media more progressive in a constant effort to one-up everybody else as the most progressive.
any decision made by a corporation the size of Disney has been heavily weighed and analyzed beforehand to ensure maximum profitability, they don't give a f*ck about black people or making quality movies (anymore) it's all about the bottom line.
the other reason I don't care is because who wants to watch a live action mermaid movie that just sounds like a awkward movie to begin with, make it a cartoon and I might still watch it even if you make Ariel a nigger.
No. 430604
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>>430597>>430596I only dislike diverse casting if it's done for obvious political reasons that don't match the setting, like casting a sub Saharan African in medieval England, or if the character is a sassy WOKE PoC put in to BTFO old white men in the most Mary Sue fashion.
This doesn't seem like either, plus real nibbas remember there were canonically black mermaids in the Little Mermaid TV show.
No. 430619
>>430596I would say the same since I don't care about Ariel so who gives a shit. But I care about the Witcher series since those books make a big part of my childhood and seeing an Indian being cast recently as Yennifer who in no way resembles her, made me a bit angry.
It's easy to say don't care, but when something dear to you is being changed for the sake of wokeness, then people have the right to express their frustrations.
No. 430686
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>>430294The thick red hair and the way it was animated to move under the water is Ariel's most distinctive feature. People today would have been fine with black Cinderella because she retained her most distinctive feature-her blue gown. People were probably chiefly excited to see a red-haired QT playing Ariel and are disappointed but I don't think anyone is spitting mad or anything. It's just an eye-roll worthy move.
No. 430688
>>430612You can have your opinion anon and I don't mean to attack it but it's such a 2/10 pointy elbows comment it made me giggle
If they're insisting on having a black girl, at least they've picked someone who can sing, so we don't have to suffer through Emma Watson's soulless horrible autotune in the Beauty and the Beast movie. That was peak gimmicky casting.
No. 430698
>>430596I'm just wondering why all the people mad about Ariel's race being changed
aren't mad about these examples's crazy is that some of the people on this list are actual people, while Ariel is a fictional character
No. 430708
>>430702Yeah, I actually read an interesting tumblr post about someone trying to date the original animated movie from the visuals and they placed it in the Caribbean in the mid 1800's. Like, Eric's castle had palm trees growing on the beach, it didn't take place in fucking Denmark.
The post in case anyone's curious: No. 430714
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>>430702This makes the most sense of anything I've seen so far, except that the native people of the Caribbean islands aren't black. Africans were brought there as slaves in the 1600s. Not trying to be all white supremacist or anything. Ariel probably should've looked like pic related if people are trying to be "historically accurate" (as much as a story about mermaids can be kek.)
No. 430725
Who gives a shit what color Ariel is? It's the story that's good. It's not like it's some fucking Tyler Perry Madea movie.
>>430716>Sofia CoppolaI would've loved that. No matter the colors involved.
No. 430764
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>>430596my issue w black ariel isn't that she's black, it's that she's fucking ugly
>>430604gabriella is latina
No. 430846
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i have a crush on belle delphine. i think she is really funny and our music tastes are similar. i wish she also tried to make some non-sexual content because i'm interested to see more of her personality. i want to cuddle with her and listen to some normie sad lo-fi music. i think she's probably straight though. fuck everything
No. 430871
>>430413>more ugly bitter bitch essaysThe fact that I can't relate even slightly to this proves that it's a "you" issue, not a racial one.
What part of "Next time, please insult yourself alone" can't you understand?
No. 430918
>>430501That would have been interesting and compelling
Oh I love how people whine about black love interests or white characters being turned black but no one points out how the love interest for Tiana was a Middle Easterner for literally no reason
No. 430942
>>430930Lol true. I secretly think they just have an agenda against doing African centric stories and instead just wanna cause a shitstorm by turning white characters into black or mulattoes tbh.
I think they also wanna push interracial and mix racing agenda on black people, which is why Prince Eric will be non black in this movie just like Princess and the Frog.
No. 431180
>>430961It’s plenty clear that you don’t like her lmao nta but I’d like to believe that she’s just out there scamming incels and is nice to women.
Confession but Belle is rather good at being private and not acting spergy like the majority of e whores, it shows she has some emotional intelligence. All of her posts and interactions are just memery and very impersonal, idk how retarded men can think they have some connection with her kek lowkey think she’s a farmer.
No. 431233
>>431225If you think you're actually at risk, and that you have no choice, then go for it. Medication does technically work, at least for the short term.
The downside is that you're unlikely to ever come off them. And I can attest that there is no bigger hell that Venlafaxine withdrawal. Of course they won't tell you this, but it cost me $3000 in lost wages and 6 months of withdrawal pain to get off completely. No. 431237
>>431180>>431228>thinking she's only scammed scrotesWell in addition, the sex workers whom she stole pictures from and convinced the greasebeards it was actually her in order to scheme more money.
Yeah, she's
sooo nice to women and that's why she's exploited them and panders little girl pedoshit.
Drop your stupid ass dyke crush, she'd never give a fuck about you.
No. 431261
>>431237Idaf about her attention? I’m anon ffs.
>drop your stupid ass dyke crushYikes I’m not even that anon but way to sound like a pearl clutching Jehovas witness in the confession thread. Pretty sure the selling swer pic thing was a one time thing. Who was the
victim of that exactly? Pedo baiting whores are dime a dozen but I don’t see y’all wishing rape upon them kek Go back to your dead ass thread to reee about ahegao or something.
No. 431303
>>431233Thank you for your response.
I understand that these are made to be addictive, to support bs pharma. I've tried vitamins, I exercise daily, I'm just broken. I just need to be numb till I can eventually end my time here on Earth.
I'm going to read the article you linked and definitely think about it more carefully before I start anything. Thank you.
No. 431431
>>431416Honestly I find a lot of meme songs are really catchy or fun to listen to on their own, like the Ricardo song or the song that plays in the "ladies and gentlemen we got him" meme
I think it runs in the family, one day I walked in to see my dad using the Apple TV to play Never Gonna Give You Up on the living room TV. He was like "what? I love this song"
>tfw rickrolled by my own father and he didn't even know No. 431558
>>431501This. I recently accepted that my boyfriend is a a blend of my two friend's dads that I wish were my dad when I was a kid.
It makes sense, on a subconscious level I'm ensuring that if we had kids then they would have a good dad.
No. 431961
>>431952If you have to cover a part of your body that isn't the genitals for "modesty", whereas your male counterparts can somehow be modest without it, then yes, you're oppressed.
For me the worst thing is seeing little children as young as 4 wearing a hijab.
No. 432005
>>431952In some cases yes, but even if a free woman decides to wear a head covering because of her religion, the religious text she's obeying is still having her do it for extremely misogynistic reasons that you can't escape.
>>431967that's relieving to hear. I wish more people thought like this. I'm always afraid to criticize religion. I'm not even against religion per se, I just hate how the world's most popular religions are so barbaric and archaic. and even though I have a bit of a hate boner for Catholicism, the other sects of Christianity really don't get criticized enough. the American sects/denominations (not sure what the proper terminology is?) are some of the absolute worst. a lot of them are extremely cult-y with lots of child abuse, incest and rape that everyone just turns a blind eye too. I wish there was more awareness of them and maybe something would change.
No. 432008
>>431949idk about other religions but my country's majority is muslim and most hijabi girls i know have been forced by their families around the ages of 12-15. yes, some people do it on their own will but still, the meaning behind hijab is still misogynistic. you have to cover up because you're a woman, if you don't then you are trying to provoke men. they use it as an excuse to blame rape
No. 432489
I'm planning to cheat on my bf this weekend and I don't even feel bad about it.
He won't have sex with me, its been 2 years without and he's happy as larry about it, but wont consider an open relationship so basically my sexual needs are not met and he doesn't care. I'm financially bound to keep living with him (its complicated) and can't move out but I'm fed up. In the last 6 months I've lost 50lbs, taken up sports and hobbies, and all around tried to be the best version of myself and he's still uninterested in me. He drinks too much, has gotten real fat, doesn't do anything to help around the house, has no hobbies besides going to the pub. I've tried really hard to get him to change or see what I'm going through but he doesn't care. He knows I can't leave because of the money stuff. He doesn't care that I'm unhappy. We've had multiple conversations about it and he's absolutely aware how unhappy I am but he doesn't care. I'm trapped in this relationship where I'm more like his mother than his partner and it's never going to change.
So I've met a seriously fit guy online, who actually likes me and wants me, and I'm meeting him on Sunday. I know this makes me a garbage person but I genuinely don't care any more. Worst case scenario he finds out and we break up, best case scenario I get my cake and eat it.
No. 432492
>>432491He doesn't want to do that. We've had that conversation already.
I know its fucked but it is what it is
No. 432498
>>432489>>432495What is the "financial stuff" because it doesn't make sense if you're not dependent on him and yet you can't leave due to it.
Sounds miserable.
No. 432499
>>432498Basically I'm somewhat financially dependent. We have joint accounts/business together which can't exactly be non-intertwined. We're a couple in name only at this point, which he's fine with. Part of me thinks he might have a cuck fetish which is why he seems to have pushed me to this point - else he'd have agreed to an open relationship.
It's weird AF and I'm saving up money to leave but it'll take months and I'm at the end of my rope tbh
(And again I know I'm still a shitbag person and I'm doing a bad thing. Just this thread is the only place I can talk about it)
No. 432505
>>432503No he's like a dictionary definition of soyboy beta.
I should leave, should have left a long time ago. Just a shit situation for all involved. Don't wish him ill but I can't fix the problems in the relationship that he's the root of.
No. 432541
>>432538Anon, it's COMPLETELY fine to have preferences.
The society will tell you that "everyone is worthy of love" yadda yadda, but you can't help who you are attracted to. And you don't have to force yourself being with people who you don't like.
It seriously boggles my mind when people's attractions get judged as fatphobic or racist or fucking transphobic or something. Just because someone is attracted to you, doesn't mean you have to be attracted to them. And not being attracted to certain features/traits is completely okay, it's basically a bag of random things life gives out to you while you're developing and you go looking for a partner who has those things.
There are plenty of girls who like chubbier guys or who don't care about the build of their partner at all so you don't have to feel bad, they'll probably find someone who will like them.
No. 432562
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i rely too much on fan fiction to… idk, get me through life? i've read fics since my mid teens and am currently in my mid twenties. while i seem like a well-functioning person who has a job and goes to school, gets good grades, in reality i'm extremely depressed and unable to form deep and intimate relationships with others due to childhood trauma. even though i've had years of therapy i still am terrified of intimacy.
i ended up choosing my career path after reading a fic, which is very embarrassing and something i haven't told anyone else. it's just extremely embarrassing, even though i love the field i'm in and have never regretted my decision.
i'm volcel, but feel like i'm incapable of truly falling in love with someone and don't want to hook up with people i have no emotional connection to. i guess i use fan fiction to fill that void in my heart or life or something. i really like reading stories about my fave characters being happy and in love. i guess it's some form of escapism, but it makes me feel so happy and warm inside.
this is the spergiest thing i have ever written, but it is the truth….
No. 432699
>>431938>>431914>Are these casual sexual encounters or relationships? Both.
>Are these people good to you or are they selfish lovers?Good to me through words and not selfish at first, but when they realize I don’t really enjoy sex, they become selfish and impatient.
>When you have sex with people, do they do it how you like it?Yes, I guide them after our third is so sexual encounter if they don’t already ask. I mainly have a sensitive clitoris and guys rub/lick too hard which is painful. I’m usually the person to open up the conversation and want to provide my partner with a good time. That gets mistaken for submissiveness.
>Do you have clear communication and feel comfortable? More recently, yes. Though, I rarely feel completely comfortable…
>Does it feel good at any point or do you just want it to end? It does feel good at certain points, yes. But it’s like when I’m giving verbal and physical signals that they’re hitting the spot, they’ll switch it up and then cum.
I’d say 60/40 I want it to just end. I do have a lot of sexual trauma I deal with and sex is usually always
triggering and I’m paranoid. And yet, when I have opened up to a partner about what happened, it doesn’t affect their ability to empathize with me when I don’t want to have sex.
No. 432703
>>432562There's nothing wrong with reading fic if it helps you. I'm emotionally stable with no mental health issues but I read it all the time because it's really comfy and relaxing for me. It's predictable, takes no brain cells to follow, provides near instant gratification, lets me continue to enjoy my favourite series etc.
I don't want a relationship or hookups either and I guess it does fill a void, but it's healthier than having sex I'm not comfortable with and I'm honestly happy so I don't see the problem.
No. 432800
>>432787reading this made me really sad
anon, please try and talk to your bf about this. you shouldn't have to keep these feelings to yourself.
you're not empty and stupid for wanting the person you love to show that hes passionate, idk i just… this is really saddening and i hope you can talk about this w your bf, maybe there's a reason he doesn't seem to show so much passion towards you that can he can work on
i really hope you can find some resolution anyway anon
No. 432872
This confession is just really embarrassing, thank god for anonymity.
The fall semester 2016 I had a math class (at university) the teacher who was going to teach it couldn't do it so they got this other guy who had never taught a uni class before.
I kept feeling like he was attracted to me for some reason, like he was giving off really subtle hints. I told myself to ignore it and that I was being full of myself but then I later found out I was right because he borderline flirted with me later on. Like, his voice would change completely when he talked to me, he would stare at me a lot, and one time when I came to his office he just got a huge smile on his face (to this day no one has ever smiled at me like that, ever). Eventually he completely stopped acting like that towards me (he probably realized how inappropriate what he was doing was, Idk what our uni's policies were on student/teacher relationships but it's still frowned upon none the less). I got really sad when that class ended, and he taught some classes after that and I would literally stand outside the class room (where he couldn't see me) just to hear his voice.
I knew he was older than me (I was 22 at the time) I thought he was in his mid-30s-ish but I googled him later and found out he was 45 at the time. I also found his old MySpace profile with old pics of him that made me feel weird to look at. He didn't have a facebook (at least under his real name) but I found his niece's social media profiles and used to look at them periodically to see if she ever posted about him.
Not only the age difference, but we also had pretty much nothing in common (as far as I know) so it would never ever work. And something else stupid- I didn't even find him attractive until he flirted with me.
I used to think about him almost every day, and even now I think about him on a regular basis almost. I don't want to, I feel so ashamed that I can't stop thinking of him as it's been nearly 3 years. It's pretty much a compulsion at this point. I don't want to tell my therapist about this because it's so fucking stupid.
No. 432881
>>432758that sounds like such a cute hobby, im jealous
the only plant i managed to keep alive is a small succulent, and it's pretty ugly because i dropped it once and it started sprouting from where it got hurt
also this is the first time i've heard of a cactus club being a thing, what do you guys do at meetings?
No. 432886
>>432872Don't feel embarrassed anon, it's flattering when a person gets such an obvious crush on you, especially when it's a person you perceive to have some kind of high status. Crushes that don't go anywhere have a certain kind of innocent magic because you never get close enough to realise each other's flaws or see that you actually don't have much in common. It's just important to remember that it's not specifically him that you're missing, it's the feeling of someone finding you that special, and he's not the only person who will ever see you that way.
Don't feel embarrassed to talk about your therapist about it, especially if the fixation is affecting your life.
No. 433036
>>432872>I used to think about him almost every day, and even now I think about him on a regular basis almost. I don't want to, I feel so ashamed that I can't stop thinking of him as it's been nearly 3 years. I feel this feel.
I had a crush on one of my teachers in high school, although he was actually a professor teaching a college class on our campus. There was nothing there, but he did blush a lot whenever I wore makeup. Every time I wore it, I'd catch him making glances at me throughout the day. I found it freaking adorable. I never wore makeup all that much. Total tomboy.
No. 433311
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>>433284Good on you, sis.
No. 433333
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i made a few friends from an online game but the thing is, it has been 5 years and they still don't know that i'm a girl. i have a fake male name and that's how they address me. everytime i have to tell them stuff i change a few parts to make it seem like i'm a dude. (ex: using the pronouns 'she,her' when talking about my crush, having masculine activities, etc)
they have shared to me personal details about their lives, but i'm not sorry cause they're extremely racist, ignorant and gross pieces of shit.
i still talk to these guys when i have nothing else to do. i don't know what i'm getting out of this, but im not american so observing their NEET white male lifestyle and culture is baffling and hilarious to me.
No. 433576
>>433514I like this idea
It's not even technically stealing if you're recreating it and not selling it
plenty of people remix music without crediting the music they sampled, how is this honestly any different?
Also, you should be able to put your work in your portfolio–it's not like you aren't skilled in some way
No. 433585
>>433545You're wrong. You absolutely do not need a CS degree to earn a good programmer salary. Learning to program is a fantastic decision because it's such an in demand skill and programming != computer science. It's just a tool. PS >>433284What you do need is demonstrateable technical skills, so pick an area or two you want to specialize in and grind. Choose based off market needs, e. g. webdev is oversaturated, but infosec is in dire need, which is where I work. Good programmers can use whatever style or languages best suits their current task, so learn the differences between them (functional vs oop, c vs python, etc) and don't spend all your time mastering just one. Personal projects and open source contributions are how you sell yourself sans degree. Go to local hackathons if you can, they're fun as hell and great for networking. Use sites like leetcode to familiarize yourself with the abstract problem solving tech companies will test you on in interviews. You will really need to know your shit and it isn't easy, but you can do it.
Also, fuck that dude. I'm sorry he played you. You deserve better and you will find it. Good luck anon I'm rooting for you <3
No. 433600
>>433576It's just the fact that it's not art that I like or art from online randoms I'm stealing, it's art from people I know and some who call me a friend. And I do sell these drawings in my online shop and prints when I do cons. So it basically is stealing.
But I mean, you can't tell what the original art looked like anyway. I pretty much redraw, draw over, or paint over everything, so not much of the original work is left. I don't trace over the art or use actual parts of their art (usually because it's too bad or just badly rendered). It's just satisfying to transform something I think is bad (or just something by someone I dislike) into something I like. Kinda feels like upcyling but with artwork.
I have plenty of 100% original work from my own head and hand. I just do this to be petty toward people I secretly dislike or find annoying, and to make myself feel better. I feel bad about it but I can't seem to stop.
No. 433609
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Pretty lame confession. I'm so over everyone. All my partners have cheated on me. My old room-mate only came to see when I was out of the hospital to hit on my brother. My Brother ditched me when we were sharing a place together because he wanted to bang my old roommate on the regular. My Dad and Brother threw out most of my Moms things when she died
Then when I get to work all I hear is who is cheating and who is in a poly relationship and who likes what things shoved in their asses, and how they totally scammed this guy out of money after leading him on. It's like if I don't have a secret like I get gangbanged in the WalMart parking lot every night, I'm the weirdo.
That's what I feel like, that I don't even belong here.
No. 433645
>>433357I'll be stealing a page from your book. That sounds amazing! I hope you are successful and living your best life now.
>>433545I can eventually get a degree but the area I live in does not require one on the vast majority of job listings. I luckily live in one of the areas where programmers of all types are in very high demand. The area is also super progressive and has many people actively looking for females to hire so their companies can look woke as possible.
>>433585Thank you so much for this advice. Is there any way to specifically look up market needs in my area? I've been wondering that. infosec is something that is very interesting to me so its good news that its in general high demand! Thanks for all the resources you're awesome! <3
No. 433654
>>433545NTA but never had a problem getting a job as a female programmer myself despite starting from literally zero. I've always been employed. As long as you're not a complete socially inept asshole and can adapt well you're usually free to enter any workplace. They don't expect you to be an expert at everything, they just want you to be able to learn. These days there are so many awesome online courses that teach you the basics that it's just so easy to pick it up.
To the original anon: Good for you, programming is fun and pays really well in the long run. And the field is always in need of more women. Watch some TED talks and start following programmer communities to get yourself oriented. I know the field can be pretty big and vast and it's hard to figure out where to start, which is why hanging around people who do it and just observing what they talk about is a good way to immerse yourself in it.
>>433585Webdev is oversaturated? I do webdev and I haven't had a day's worth of rest for years. To be honest I don't think there's an oversaturation of ANY field in programming, I have a wide array of friends from all backgrounds and they've always been employed and busy.
No. 433657
I’ve been severely depressed for months now and it’s all falling in around me, my family knows I’m failing school, my car is busted so my bank account is drained now, my boyfriend broke up with me. I’ve always indulged in fucked up stuff, but recently I’ve been watching “incest” porn and going back to stalking /b/. I went on Omegle the other day and someone was showing cp so I skipped until I found more, but it was just child models. There’s a lot of fucked up child model pictures, like legs spread, tight clothes, sexualized gymnastics. I can’t help my curiosity and it’s almost like I’m making myself into someone I’d like to kill (I was sexually abused at 13) so I can just get it over with. I’m doing ketamine therapy and I finished my second treatment Thursday which was much tougher than the first and threw me into a depression flare. I’m trying to hold out hope but I just isolate, look at the most fucked communities I can online, and indulge my suicidal ideations. Not sure what to do.
No. 433672
>>433662And I say this the same way I would say to you to get yourself out of town if you told me you where about to relapse because your druggie friend are around.
You're not safe on the internet. Go to public places like libraries or coffee shop and get yourself where everyone can see your screen if you have to go online.
Don't let yourself spiral out, anon. You're worth more than this.
No. 433839
>Nembutal is supposedly very difficult to obtain, as its sole remaining human use in most of the world is in liquid form for use as a sedative and anesthetic in hospitals. In Europe it is even more scarce than in the US. Because of this, no brick-and-mortar or mail-order pharmacy sells Nembutal; any such site that claims to do so is likely fake. Also, veterinary Nembutal is a liquid and not in pill-form, which means that it has a shorter shelf life. On the other hand, Seconal (secobarbital), a short acting barbiturate that is as powerful as Nembutal if not more powerful, is still available in capsule form in the USA and probably the UK. However, it is very rarely, if ever, prescribed.>Nembutal has a bitter taste that require the use of anti-emetics to prevent vomiting when given orally at high dosages. careful anon. I hope you've thought this through. I hope you find your peace some day.
No. 433840
>>433821I wish I could get a nembutal too, just in case… but it's so expensive and I am afraid that even if I paid, the package would get intercepted by customs or I would get some inpure shit.
On the other hand, if you are really planning to go, you can use all your money and oportunity to get it…
Having said that, I am sorry that you need it anon, and I hope that you will do what's best for you.
No. 433916
>>432787This might get graphic, so
trigger warning:
Oh god, I really relate to this.
I was flirting with a guy for a number of months and we got really close, but he'd be off-and-on again about how he felt, say we were close friends one second and we didn't know each other the next. He'd tell me he found me attractive, but then neg my appearance and tell me about other women he found hot. He'd try to flirt with them in front of me. He told me he wanted to marry, but seemed to want to be with a number of girls without committing to any of them. It was like this for a few guys before that I was flirting with or dating. My ex-bf never negged me and didn't want to be with anyone else, but even he didn't see the point of anything beyond dating and I just didn't want that. He also was completely clueless or just plain uninterested whenever I tried to engage in any sort of affection unless he was the one initiating it, and I got no pleasure at all because it was all selfish. I struggled to remain attractive to any of these guys unless it was on their terms, ie no other girl reciprocated, so I was the default they fell back on. None would let me get emotionally close to them.
I was molested as a child on a continual basis by one of the staff at the school I went to. I think I was groomed because I actually enjoyed it when he touched me and he's all I think about when I try to get off now, after having so many failed attempts at trying to get into a relationship. So many men I've been interested in only cared during the "honeymoon" phase, and eventually wander off elsewhere. I become depressed because I miss "him" who used to listen to all of my woes, kiss and caress me, and bounce me on his knee to stimulate my clit. I was just a kid then, but my "relationship" with this man has been more consistent and fulfilling than any adult I've ever been with. I grew up in a really religious environment, and this was a religious school. This man used to tell me he wished I was older so he could take care of, protect, and marry me. He told me whatever guy I ended up with would be lucky to have me. He often broke down and cried in front of me, shared his deepest and darkest fears. He's what got me through the bullying and my destructive environment at home.
No. 434014
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I had a full fledged psychotic break down a few months back. The whole shebang. Hospitalized against will. Thought the doctors were trying to kill me. Hallucinated for 5 days straight. Tried to break a door down. Actually stripped down naked and screamed "I'm the lizard queen!" because I thought my illuminati overlords wanted me to humiliate myself. Felt like what I imagine PCP is like.
Before this happened I had a stable job, was going to school, working on creating/selling art. Now I live with my mom and spend all my time trying new medications to see what cocktail makes me feel somewhat human again.
I'm embarrassed and frustrated. I've struggled with my mental health for close to a decade (bipolar/ptsd) but I held it the fuck down, worked hard and never let it get in the way of my life. Now I'm terrified daily that I'll just start hallucinating again and lose control when I least expect it. Or when I work or go back to school it will happen again and I'll have to start all over.
We still don't know if it's an isolated incident or what. I just miss my old life.
No. 434017
A friend recommended Mid90s to me, so I watched the trailer. Midway through, this heavy anxiety mixed with longing basically overtook me. I couldn't finish it, my stomach was literally tying in knots.
It feels like all the years I could've lived carefree are gone (I'm 20 now). It's like my youth is completely wasted, and it's not even my fault. It's my circumstances, which I won't go into here. It's like something integral was robbed from me, and I was watching other people enjoy their own.
What really disturbed me was the intensity of the longing when I saw all the guy friends hanging out and doing stupid shit, though. I was painfully fixated. It actually made me worry that I might be some sort of pedophile, but I felt no sexual attraction to any of them. It just made me really, really fucking sad and almost envious watching them. Even girl's coming of age movies don't make me feel like this, so it was weird.
I do remember that I didn't have any boyfriends when I was an early teen, not even fake pretend ones. I had crushes, but I knew they'd be unrequited, so I never bothered. I know I'm not really missing anything, but it seems like everyone else has had that experience and remembers it fondly. The closest thing I got was older guys in their 20s who groomed me when I was 14 and took advantage of my loneliness. Could that be partly why I felt this way while watching that trailer?
Is there something wrong with me? Has anyone else gotten this feeling about coming of age films? I'm actually sort of freaked out right now.
No. 434410
>>434390I always bought into the "gay men are the best best friends!"-trope, but through some threads I found out how disgustingly misogynist they are.
And reading how hostile and aggressive lesbians write, how they speak about other women has also put me off. It's as if they're trying their best to emulate all negative traits males have. There seems to be a huge difference between them and straight women - which is something I would have never expected before spending time on lc or feminist spaces on the internet. It grosses me out when men say nasty shit about womens bodies and it's the same for lesbians. I just somehow thought they would be different.
I was always very pro-lgb starting from a very young age and I still like the sweet lesbian or gay people I know irl, but the community as a whole, with most of it's members seems to be horrible and not exactly mentally stable.
No. 434421
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>>434410As for your feelings about gay men, that's not homophobia. It's the truth, most are really misogynist because they are men, not because they're gay.
And as for lesbians, if your exposure to them is through this site then reassure yourself that people here are
assholes regardless of orientation. Most lesbians do not act like straight men.
No. 434633
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>>434601Anon, pls, love yourself. You know that bullshit rhetoric incels spout about women treating men like emotional tampons? That's literally how these lost boys treat their exes. He's still exercising a "claim" over you by demanding your attention and sympathy. And you're not even getting any rod from him anymore so why? Phrase it as forcing him to grow up (which he does need to do) for his benefit if you like, but your empathetic nature and kindness are being abused. You don't owe this man shit, and clearly you want to cut him out because he's a drain on your resources. Stop giving him your time. He's certainly not going to grow up from this behavior if you keep reinforcing it anyway.
No. 434651
>>434478I don't know either. Maybe they're worried the poor men will get their feelings hurt.
>>433333I'm in a group where I don't belong either and it feels good knowing I'm not absolute scum like them. Think I'll air on their dirty laundry eventually since they didn't care to learn about my identity and I'll be able to get away with it.
No. 434755
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I have serious trouble throwing away things that used to be pretty, especially wilted flowers or cute product packaging (mostly nice cosmetics packaging or stuff with pictures of kids or pets), to the point that I usually have to ask somebody else to do it for me. Just yesterday, I stashed away an empty bath powder packet in a cupboard, because it had a picture of cute plushies on it, lol. I also keep a drawer full of old and empty makeup that I don’t use anymore, but I can’t bring myself to put in the garbage, it’s too pretty. I always keep the little cardboard boxes it came in at the store too. Idk why, I guess they just fucking spark joy.
I’m worried this might be a tendency for hoarding and I’ll become a full blown thrash dweller when I’m old.
No. 434757
>>434751Why do you owe him anything?
Sounds like you’re a fucking nice person but don’t let your good intentions feel like you’re trapped into this situation.
You don’t owe anyone anything. Please respect yourself and walk away from that situation. You have absolutely no training to handle that and sometimes “helping” makes it worse because he never truly learns
No. 434844
>>434755I used to hoard candy packaging, clothing tags and dumb stuff like that for the same reason but what helped me was getting a scrapbook and sticking the cute parts in there
maybe it's an option for you too, at least with the packaging things
and you can get a bit creative with it so in the end it takes up less space and feels like you did something nice with it
No. 434908
>>434844Good idea anon, maybe I should try it.
>>434861Lmao, I know. It’d be a nightmare for me to throw away any kind of stuffed toy.
No. 435084
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Not sure if this counts as body dysmorphia but I've always hated how I look in photographs without some skin editing and minor sculpting. It's not optional in every scenario like when I'm with friends but thankfully most of my friends like using apps and filters too so I don't typically dread too many scenarios with my candid ass being posted on the internet.
Certainly I never thought the kind of editing I was doing was super drastic, I just always looked at it as putting my best foot forward and avoiding unflattering online pictures because they're here forever for all I know. I work the fuck out of angles, taking a million pictures until I find one to work with, and convenient posing and placement.
Recently, based on feedback I've been getting from using dating apps vs. dates meeting me irl, I asked a few friends if I looked any thinner or different in the photos I was using compared to how they see me irl. They all said the photos make me at least look thinner. It made me feel like a retard with low self-esteem for not being as subtle as I thought. I did have an extreme weight gain within the past four years so maybe I was used to the thinner version of me and continued to edit accordingly.
Now all I can think about is how people pity me that I edit everything I put online and laugh at me like a Momokun of their own. Except I'm not e-famous and I make no beta orbiter money. I'm just a sad woman who hates how she naturally looks and tries to look good on the internet; the only place where I can feel remotely attractive within my tiny circle of friends and strangers.
No. 435093
>>435084I feel you anon but you shouldn't trick ppl like that
I'd hate if when using a dating app I met a guy and he ended up being different from his pics
It's not easy but I think you should try losing weight if it bothers you so much
No. 435320
>>435279I'm the anon and you're right. I actually do love journaling and tea. (although yoga kinda makes me nervous because Im scared I'll do it wrong and hurt myself…) but the bigger point is that I dont even want to do things I like. It's kind of like I'm depressed but it's not obvious or anything. I just try to do as little as possible because work and other responsibilities make me overwhelmed and I go into recovery mode or something.
Also, even if I am depressed.. will telling my therapist even matter? I think not. I only seem them once a month and I've been like this for a while, even when I was seeing her once a week.
No. 435361
>>435348I feel like you, anon.
I’m extremely resentful to people who always complain when they have a good live and I know I have no right to feel like this but I can’t help it.
No. 435425
>>435092I feel you. I used to do yoga classes twice a week, tried to eat healthier, etc. and I felt great most of the time. I know that yoga makes
me feel good but without a class, I feel like I lack structure, and now I'm out of shape. There's something wrong with my spine and muscles and almost always has been, so I'm aching all the time since I stopped. But not everyone likes yoga. I did fast/hard yoga that pushed my body, that's why I enjoyed it, but maybe I wouldn't like another type of yoga or some other type of exercise.
Maybe that and my issues with my waist
(I'm not even overweight so stupid tbh) will convince me to get back into being more of a namaste uwu granola chick and to hit the gym. I journal very sporadically and drink tea, but because I like it. It's a habit that's good if you want to replace sugary drinks or coffee, but you can't force it if you can't find something you like. I could never do stuff like bullet journaling or spreadsheeting my life (>>435118) because not everything "healthy" is for everyone. But it does sound like you need to do something better. I have the same bad habits with the internet, and being away from home or finding offline hobbies has helped me kick them a bit. Honestly…take a break from here in particular, too.
>>435118 you are totally right, btw, if it wasn't clear from my post. It's enticing to get into the pretty things that are pushed to you, but they're not one size fits all. You have to find things to do that are "good" for you that actually work, not what other people think looks nice on instagram.
No. 435542
>>435348i too often feel jealous of people with parents who looked out for them. for some reason it helps me to watch videos of women who had horrible experiences of abuse growing up who are now successful or at the very least functional adults. former child brides, human trafficking
victims, kidnapping
victims, etc.
No. 435567
>>435348>>435542This'll come off more as vent than confession but I am so jealous of people who were born into families who welcomed them and who had parents who had their shit together. I'm not even talking about being rich or well-off. Just that having a stable home life and parents who aren't dumb, selfish, neglectful, and hypocritical shits is so underrated!
I wish I knew all of what I know today and go back in time to call out all the pathetic shit that adults inflicted upon me as an innocent child. When I didn't know any better that the things adults did to me were wrong, or if I intuitively knew that they were wrong that I had no idea how to defend and protect myself from the circumstances.
It's not as if I'm a massive failure today, but I loathe thinking about who I could have been and where I could be right now if I didn't have adults in my life who set me back. Even now I'm taking care of my parents and walking on eggshells to avoid their emotional outbursts when if anything, the shoe should be on the other foot. More frustratingly, is that no matter how much they depend on me right now (as I them), they pretend this relationship is not symbiotic and treat me like a leech millennial when fucking boomers and xennials are the worst mooch and grifter generation come to pass. Fuck them.
No. 435719
>>435567She’s a feminist icon. Nina used to be super political and scandalous in the 80s always talked openly about abortions, sex, drugs and religion. She was always a little crazy and got very spiritual the older she got, I guess that’s why germans love making fun of her but I adore her and don’t know anything ‘
problematic’ about her. She got really quiet now and isn’t relevant in mainstream media anymore…
No. 435867
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I love anime-style art and Japanese alternative fashion, but I can't stand most actual anime that's been put out in the last few years. It's all so fucking generic and boring. I just don't have the patience or attention span to sit through haremshit #8508530958935, isekai #1009302942094, slice of life "cute girls doing cute things" #8953853953958395 or shonen garbage #3084928492842984.
Also, anything that gets massively popular usually overwhelms me with all the advertising for some reason, and I end up struggling to pick it up. I was fucking exasperated by Love Live's existence from the moment I started seeing it everywhere, and the same goes for all the other popular series like BNHA, Mob Psycho 100, Re: Zero, etc.
I feel like such a hipster, or some sort of fake weeaboo (the most pathetic thing ever), but I can't help it.
No. 436053
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I’m afraid to let my relationships get serious because I think there’s something wrong with me, and I don’t want to ruin a partner’s life.
I know I’m too controlling and have anger issues. I like things a specific way and I expect everyone around me to know, and follow that. I get angry and annoyed quick, and I have a hard time controlling myself in situations like that. When my partners are distressed I’m great at staying calm and helping them- but the second someone “crosses me”, I lose it. I haven’t hurt anyone physically, but a few people have called me “chronically abusive” in the past, by at least three men, and I can be very mean, and very cruel, and it can last for days, or weeks, or months.
I don’t think I can make a husband, or a wife, happy. I don’t like sex. It doesn’t interest me. It feels disgusting. This probably belongs on kinkshame- but I can only get off from bullying people. It’s separate from what I mentioned above (above does not arouse me). I like to bite, hit, punch, spit on, and cut. I’ve done it a few times before with partners, and it was amazing. Nothing else compares. But I feel like this isn’t fair to my partners, I don’t want to hurt them even in bed- and I would never seriously injure someone. I want them to have normal sex lives.
I’m also kind of paranoid. I buy into the gov conspiracy stuff & political stuff, hard. I could probably be considered a racist/sexist/transphobic ect, but I don’t think I’m any of those, personally.
I thought maybe I had some mental illness so I went and got looked at for bipolar, sociopathy & psychopathy. I don’t have any of them. I do have anxiety, though.
I really want to have a happy life. I can be loving and I’m very maternal- I want to care for a home and pour all my love into someone, and live together, and get married, and have kids, and grow old… but I’m scared. I feel like everyone who likes me is a virgin/inexperienced, and I feel scared and guilty to date them. I figure once they get older, and smarter, they’ll realize there’s something off, and leave me. Or they just don’t know what they’re doing, so they’re desperate, and agree to take the brunt of whatever’s wrong with me. I don’t want to take advantage of them. Everyone else says I’m too intimidating, or already have their lives together in a way that I just can’t fit (because of my need for control).
I’m scared and I want to cry. I just want to love someone. I’m scared one day I’ll just get worse and I’ll ruin my future (if ever) marriage, or my future children will hate me, or something. I can’t even move in with my boyfriend right now because I can’t handle the way he lives and cares for a house- everything he does ticks me off, none of it is too my standards, none of it is “right”… even though I know to others it’s fine. He’s not a slob. He’s reasonably responsible. It’s just not what I see as perfect. I feel like I’m going to die having lived alone, and miserable.
No. 436067
>>435199The 3rd one is manipulative but not in a way that I actively think about doing.
I do want someone to tell me I'm lovely, it's just hard to feel that way if I don't feel that way about myself.
And then I just explain how I feel, and looking back, it is an attempt at getting some sort of compliment but it just doesn't register that way at the time.
No. 436068
>>436053>I know I’m too controlling and have anger issues. I like things a specific way and I expect everyone around me to know, and follow that. I get angry and annoyed quick, and I have a hard time controlling myself in situations like that. When my partners are distressed I’m great at staying calm and helping them- but the second someone “crosses me”, I lose it.Holy shit anon, I'm exactly like this. Although I've rarely ever had any anger outbursts with anyone, I tend to withdraw because the anger feels too much to handle and leave them wondering what's wrong. I guess the important thing to do is mention what's bothering you, instead of letting it build up. It's hard because it feels like there can be dozens of little things…
I mention these things gently in moderation to my bf and things are a lot better. If someone isn't making you happy you need to let them know. If they can't handle it then you aren't compatible.
That being said you need to work on your anger issues too, I'm getting better and I'm a lot happier now. A lot of the time it's a matter of perspective. A lot of things aren't worth getting upset over. They are a small blip in your life that you'll probably forget about days later. If you change your perspective before you're extremely angry it's so much easier
No. 436477
>>436075Don't have those hang gliding body suit things?
You could probably get into that without seeming like too much of a weirdo
No. 436826
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>>435867I am the same, and i hate people with anime avatars on social media, latinamerican otakus are the worst fucking cancer, you cannnot even imagine. Like i know weebs have a bad reputation everywhere but latinamerican weebs seriously should be gassed and are way worse than anywhere else, i would never want to be associated with that crowd despite living in latinamerica and being a weeb.
I still love 80s, 90s anime and movies thought.
No. 436830
>>435867>>436826>I love anime-style art and Japanese alternative fashion, but I can't stand most actual anime that's been put out in the last few years. It's all so fucking generic and boring.Yeah I feel this. I can appreciate it aesthetically but some of it is shit, even the old stuff, and the number of retards and pedos tainting it has made me distance myself further. Most of my distate is probably coming specifically from finding the media shitty and from finding fans to be irritating. And I know plenty of weebs I like, it's just…there are so many awful ones.
>I still love 80s, 90s anime and movies thought.Same, the animation styles tend to be distinctive from newer stuff and it was animated a bit differently. Still can look cheap, especially with low-budget or lazy stuff, but I appreciate it more. I love the aesthetic of 80s fashion and 80s/90s tech in anime so I can't not like it. The computer generated effects can be neat too if seizure inducing kek
No. 436840
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>>436826>latinamerican otakus are the worst fucking cancerThis. I've only met a few good ones, but most are absolutely insane. At least here in the US the more sane weebs try to keep you in check, but over there it's a circus.
>>436828I know "the straights" are the ultimate enemy, but they can't go on acting like the LGBT community itself doesn't have it's issues.
Rarely do I see people talking about them and if they do it's made into a joke. Also, I wish there was more info on the domestic abuse lesbians since every time it's brought up people use an outdated chart/provide nothing to support it.
No. 436847
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>>436840>but over there it's a circus. they are very open about being pedos openly share that stuff along with gore, rape and heinous shit on their social media. They also speak like fucking retards overusing shitty emojis ":V que ricolino prro xd" . Its all the worst things you know incels do but way more extreme and somehow way more dumb as well, there are not even attempts at rationalizing anything, they just make it being disgusting their whole identity.
4chan actually banned my native country because they discovered it was weebs from there that flooded every other thread with child porn. If you want to be extra disgusted research a bit about , an entire board just for sexual harassment and discussing and arranging kidnapping, raping, killing of women.
I can´t stress enough how much latino otakus should be gassed.
No. 436883
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I was hanging out with the guy I've been seeing last night and we were joking around, I ironically made an ahegao face for him and it drove him wild. He said that it didn't do it for him before but when I did it last night he couldn't help himself.
This is something both of us must take to our graves.
No. 436884
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>>436883Men will publicly joke about how retarded thots look doing that but they make such quick mental associations from seeing porn or lewds they end up liking it. It's the same with shit like tall socks, chokers, and so on.
No. 436906
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>>435867>. It's all so fucking generic and boring. I just don't have the patience or attention span to sit through haremshit #8508530958935, isekai #1009302942094, slice of life "cute girls doing cute things" #8953853953958395 or shonen garbage #3084928492842984.well you will be glad to know that Miyzaki feels the same way and he despises Otaku culture
No. 436909
>>436858Same, anon. I find traits they usually have appeal to me (neoteny, often short) and the fact that they can empathize with the female experience.
Tbh my ideal bf would probably be ftm…forbidden on lolcow, I know.
No. 436932
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>>436883>He said that it didn't do it for him before but when I did it last night he couldn't help himself. He's full of shit, he probably worships Belle Delphine and watches hentai. I think he said he doesn't normally like it to make you feel special and also to hide his porn addiction.
No. 436934
>>436826I'm a massive weeb and even I can admit and agree that latinamerican weebs are the absolute fucking worst pieces of shit on this earth. They're like beasts. I think it's an universally accepted fact. People whine about westweebs being obnoxious because they wore cat ears to middle school or said "kawaii" unironically but latinaweebs are uncivilized cavemen with anger management issues and a complete lack of social grace.
Anyway I don't really watch new anime either because the romcom slice of life isekais are repetitive and made for brainlets, but it doesn't mean I hate anime as a form of media. Every year there's at least one or two series I genuinely like and I still have series from the past 30 years I need to check out.
No. 436986
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I really miss Blockbuster. I dont even miss actually renting movies that much, i just miss going to Blockbuster and being in there, like it had some type of magic. It makes me sad, like wayyy more sad than it should. sigh
No. 437006
>>436986>>437001I feel you. I rarely even watch a makes nowadays I just start them and might get distracted and never finish. Having to pay out movie and making a whole event meant I actually watched them.
>>436990 made me feel ancient as well.
No. 437173
I'm still angry at my ex for dating me when I was barely an adult, while being 15 years older than me, and now pretending he never did it and telling young people he's a "safe" adult because he's asexual. He talks about the horrid things I did, but never manages to mention how old I was compared to him, and it was something that was hidden from people while we were together too. Because most of his friends would have been very judgemental of it, and with good reason. I wasn't the only teenage girl he dated. He also said I forced him into sexual stuff, but I never would have done it if I knew he didn't like it, even if it broke my heart to be rejected I couldn't enjoy anything like that knowing the other person isn't interested because I'm not a fucking monster. He made me feel totally unwanted and flip-flopped on if he did or didn't have sexual feelings for me, and my stupid brain put so much stock into being desirable that I'd just cry and cry. I was only 18 and it was my first sexual relationship so it fucked me up, I regret things I did then but I realize I was a teenager falling apart trying to be an adult, whose support was a maladjusted manchild.
I've wanted to call him out so badly because it makes me so mad seeing him hide things, painting people as evil for dating "minors" when he didn't see an issue with dating me or the (two) others. He's probably considered a minor cow but I'm too afraid of people stalking me or him airing my dirty laundry (I was a bitch and acted like a bpdfag but miraculously outgrew it as soon as I got away from him lol, I'm still a sperg but more normal now and want to put it all behind me) or trying to ruin my life, to come out with it.
I love my boyfriend now, and every once in a while we talk about what happened in the past. He seems to forgive or at least let go my past transgressions, knowing why I acted the way I did and having been there for some of it as well as "friends" with my ex (they had an uneasy relationship where bf wanted to get along but ex had some veiled distaste he denied), and we both think my ex is a loser. The least creepy explanation we could find is he is in arrested development and that's why he can't date anyone his own age, and why I outgrew him when I started to hit my 20s. I realized the ex he shittalked to me was tired of his bs, seriously mentally ill, and didn't know how to dump him, and now I have so much more sympathy for her. She fucked up a ton but damn, I fucking understand her now. She dumped him at a similar age to when he and I broke up too.
I've been able to let go of any seriously upsetting associations with my ex and barely remember him or see him as a person who exists now, and I feel like I'm "over" it as much as I can be, but I think a part of me will always be angry that he can continue to live a lie, and fearful that he will continue to date mentally unstable teenagers and 20 year olds while blaming me squarely for all of his issues. I recognize that I probably fucked him up, but at the same time, he should have rejected me and left me alone as soon as he knew I was still in high school, even if only for a few more months, instead of encouraging me to date him because I was "mature"
I was an asshole in some ways in the past, and I have to say this only to absolve myself of guilt over making myself seem like a saint. But when I realize how young I was, and how old he was, I realize maybe I give myself too much burden of blame.
No. 437175
>>437100Not to be a-loggy but I unironically hope their dicks atrophy and that they get v& too
>>437103Anon I am so sorry. Have you ever sought out therapy or support groups? It may help. That sounds distressing.
No. 437284
>>436858The ones that have been on HRT for a good while, with beards and all, or the more clockable ones?
I'm into really butchy women so I find a lot of the more masculine (not the softboy uwu~types) pre-HRT FtMs attractive.
No. 437365
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I bought a tiny cake and sweets because tomorrow is my waifu's birthday.
My actual real wife-to-be left me recently. A month actually after we got our rings, after dating for half a decade. I have no one to celebrate anything with anymore. So I am turning to a fucking anime girl. Who won't fucking answer me ever. Who doesn't fucking exist.
I feel like a pathetic virgin incel. I'm just so heartbroken and alone. And part of me thinks I'll feel even lonelier if I sit down to eat a birthday cake in front of a computer screen.
But I don't know anymore. I love my ex so much. And running away from problems seems to help other people. Maybe it will actually help me. I hope so. At least the cake is one of my favourites.
Fuck, I am crying so hard.
No. 437454
>>437422Processed meat is bad.
Fish is meat, and it's incredibly good for your heart, especially freshwater fish.
Chicken is meat and it is full of protein.
Turkey is meat and it's even leaner than chicken, though it's more expensive.
Game is also very healthy, but expensive.
No. 437501
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>>437424nta look up a traditional full english breakfast lol
No. 437794
it's why I've been watching shows like secret eaters or these other british shows about obese people
it also helps to curb my appetite, kinda like shock therapy
No. 437876
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god alexei is so fucking cute and hot he's just my type I want to scream
No. 438004
>>437963Preach anon, i am with you.
I think a lot has to do with marketing, theres a billion dollar diet industry and every other guru out there is set to make it way more complicated than it should and sell its own totally novel spicy methods "as seen in Popular Tv show" that sometimes can be actually damaging and unhealthy.
No. 438066
>>438004I feel kinda bad when I see people falling on those traps and I wanna help but there's only so much I can do… I went through this shit when I was a teen and I was never fat in my life, I never had food problems until I had my first diet when I was 13 because I thought I was 'fat' at 110lbs
I wish more people would try to HEAL their relationship with food instead of trying keto or something else that is restrictive. I know keto can help people with certain issues but if you don't have an illness that keto can help, it's like cutting out gluten without having celiac disease. No diet in the world will heal a flawed relationship with food. Life and being healthy is about balance and listening to your body but you can't really sell this idea like diet gurus do
No. 438176
>>438167Argh I forgot about that fuck. This is why Anon boards should stay Anon. Agreeing with you entirely, people think these are "trolls" until they shoot up a mosque or kill innocent girls
Goddamn I hate those fuckin' loser guys
No. 438181
>>438179Post is here
>>397773 sounds almost like it was written by the kind of dude that murdered Bianca
No. 438184
>>438181Oh my God, I forgot about this disturbing turd as well. I really do hope it's just someone trolling.
TBH I assumed that the scrot post would get deleted, but I guess in this case we have no proof it's a male psycho cause they didn't write 'guy here'.
No. 438272
>>438196>>438202It's not just about being a stupid bitch. There's a lot of fear mongering about diets nowadays. It's a tug of war between diet gurus trying to sell you the newest trend and an overflow of unreliable information. There are global warming deniers and flat earth defenders everywhere nowadays, people don't know what to trust anymore.
It's "funny" because people back then were much more chill with their diets and they were thinner and healthier compared to today.
No. 438570
>>438561As someone that used to have cramps strong enough to make me unable to walk and even faint some times, fuck you.
You are the reason people think of cramps and pms as an excuse and not a real thing.
No. 438615
>>438561My mom treated me similarly. She was never available for me emotionally or physically. Yet for some reason whenever I got sick, whatever nurturing instincts that she otherwise castrated from herself daily were brought forth. She'd suddenly be a bit more understanding, sympathetic, and nice. Although I'd sometimes be shamed for sickening her if I was ill with something contagious, as if I had any control of it or I had not done enough to avoid it.
However, this treatment was really only when I was objectively physically ill. My mom had no patience or empathy over period complaints on my end. She might've bought me some midol and a heat pack, I was never to excuse myself from chores or activities. Akin to what anon here mentioned
>>438563, if I wasn't keeling over ill I learned to repress everything else because any kind of other pain was just shit I was using for attention or trying to get out of something.
She was (is?) a fucking ruthless beast lol sorry I hate my mom's guts.
>>438570Lol, anon's relationship with her mother is not why society belittles menstrual pain and women's issues in general.
No. 438617
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I sometimes ignore and get annoyed by social attention from my female friends while I brood that I don't get the attention I want from males I'm interested in. Clearly although I'm not being ignored, because I'm not getting the attention I want from who I'm after my ape brain produces feelings of loneliness. Even though I tell myself the male attention is empty, I still crave and care about it.
I want to die.
No. 438800
>>438674ITA. you're very right.
the beginning of this month i cheated on him, broke up with him because i didn't feel guilty at all, and now I have FWB and great sex with two guys now. he still thinks i'm an amazing person and he will never love someone the way he loves me again but it's not my problem if his worldview is shit, i'm not going to stay with him to give into his delusions. he is just a dumb 19 year old.
very, very worth it.
No. 438844
>>438820>>438841i'm evil for leaving a guy who was unhealthily attached to me, a guy who is deluded and thinks he can't talk to anyone but me, a guy who is 19 and thinks his life is over because he thought he found the love of his life already when she realized that the relationship isn't what she wanted. right.
you know what's evil? if i stayed with him just to support his misconceptions. just to make a single person happy who is too immature to find his own sense of happiness. do i need to be leeched off of and take it just to make some kid happy? when i die i won't be worrying if i pleased everyone around me, i will be wondering if I was fucking happy, because it's my life. i'm not just here for a boy to romanticize. i am just another human being with needs. i am not perfect either. i hated being on his pedestal, especially because he wasn't that affectionate anyway. just entitled. i loved him for a year and that fizzled out. for another year it was rocky as hell. why is it so bad for me to make my own decisions? you sound like bitter scrotes tbh.
imagine wanting some permaorbiter to worship you every single day, instead of being treated like a normal person. cannot be me.
No. 438861
>>438844And here it is, the mental gymnastics act to justify cheating on some poor sod.
Had you just dumped him and did whatever the fuck you pleased nobody would have said anything about it because it's your decision. But you purposefully cheated on someone and hurt him because you didn't like him being head over heels with you. That's extremely shitty and selfish, so you deserve all the backlash you get.
No. 438897
>>438848nope, that's why i left right after cheating the first time. i wasn't fucking egging him on, i wasn't sure if i still wanted to be with him or not. i already receive ego boosts from men all the time, i didn't fucking need an ego boost from him. i stayed with him because i felt bad for him. it was killing me so i broke it off.
are you retarded? do you fucking realize how much shittier it is to stay with someone you don't love anymore like you used to just to make him happy? i fucking hate you femcels who desperately want a boyfriend, and take out your anger on girls who left a guy rightfully.
No. 438920
>>438918nice armchair faggot lol
you know a tiny bit about me based on a couple of posts, great to know you're one of those retards who enjoys psychoanalyzing strangers on the internet because it makes you feel like a big girl. jfc
No. 438925
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>>438923>girl leaves bf because she doesn't love him anymore>"uwu seek help anon you're so mentally ill"do you realize how fucking stupid you are
No. 439292
>>439284good job anon
scrotes deserve to be cheated on
No. 439296
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My boss is on vacation this week so I've been bringing my DS into work and play ACNL in between duties.
No. 439573
I hate being an unsocialised NEET but I don’t have the guts to get out of it. I’ve only had limited amounts of talking therapy that did help some areas in my life but when I leave I eventually go back to the way I am. It’s exhausting and shameful, even boring, and beginning to eat into my mental health even more as I feel myself becoming short-tempered and hyper aggressive to my aging parent who is the only person making sure I’m not homeless. Medication doesn’t help, it just altered how I feel a bit (it wore off) but all my shitty ways of thinking are still there. I’m really tired of this, I’m so lonely but I’m more afraid of the pain of putting myself out there so I just stay at home. There must be something holding me back and idk how to defeat it, I haven’t been a NEET my entire life, I even made some huge pushes that landed me into getting some training and my first job, but that job forced me into doing the things that specifically, well, triggered me on a constant basis so when it was over I just didn’t look for another job because the process of it would spook me even more. It never felt like I was learning to get over my issues when I worked there, despite having to fight it every day. It felt like enduring each day until I burnt out and became even less happy.
I don’t even have high ambitions for myself anymore, I just want a steady job so I can stop feeling guilty about spending NEETbux on the material shit that doesn’t even feel fun to unbox and get a bf.
This year I realised what really makes me happy is spending time with people I love, not even winning my favorite game or even achieving a long term goal, I just want to be around/with a partner and that would fulfil me for the rest of my life. But damn life rolled me the exact cluster of mental issues that’s incompatible with finding and connecting with people. I’m a massive waste of space and I hate how I have to find things to be happy about to be less depressed when all my peers are doing shit like graduating with degrees in cool shit I’d love to study and going abroad with their friends.
No. 439594
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>>439292i like the way you think
No. 439611
>>439605Buy like the kids bubblegum flavor or baking soda natural stuff.
I used to hate that minty sting and didn't brush my teeth for ages before too, but it's not great.
No. 439706
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I thought black people ran the KKK until I was 14. What happened was I skimmed through my history textbook and saw a picture of the KKK, some black people, and some text on how they used the masks to hide their identity when they protested. I connected the images together into "in order to protest against racism without being attacked in their home life, black people wore KKK masks to protest". I kind of learned later on the KKK was not a group of black people, but an organized hate movement.
No. 439765
>>439668I dropped out of education when I was 16 because of a combination of hating the people around me and being disillusioned and stressed with academics even though I was a good student. When the new term came I was going to be shuffled into classes without the few real friends I made, with certain assholes that made me feel on edge every day, my friend group was turning into shit with a guy that mildly bullied me, and I was about to spend the next year with another guy who was my childhood bully in my favourite subject taught by a bitchy no-fun teacher who gave me bad vibes. When I say I I was disillusioned, I mean I hated the grind of studying just to get points on a shitty paper where the grade boundaries keep changing against your favour. For example, I took psychology and most of my class did horrifically bad (I scraped a C, most people were failed) because that year they did something to the grading curve across the nation. (We also had a fucking failure of a teacher who moved and left it to the replacement to cram the whole paper 2 weeks into us before exam day because she … just couldn’t teach?) Classes weren’t fun and they were plainly about "what is the right answer on this bullshit test" and I just wanted to fucking end it all.
Tl;dr Sixth form was a really bad experience. My peers sucked or frightened me and ‘education’ was about passing papers.
I know that’s long as fuck, but it’s why I dropped out. If I couldn’t force myself through my last year then I couldn’t do university which is even more unfamiliar people and trying to exist without getting picked on. I think I could’ve easily coasted by into uni (sans anxiety) but I’ve fallen out of the loop now.
I know you can’t really go through life without brushing against people you don’t like but I have too many bad experiences in mine with people in general and I never learnt or was taught how to deal with all these negative emotions so it’s "easier" to live each day staying out of the world. It’s like living through a fire and then never really getting over it even though I consciously understand I’m no longer in the burning building, but my brain doesn’t want to let go.
I don’t want to go through anything remotely shitty like that again so that’s why I haven’t pursued higher education. There are services out there that are supposed to help me but I don’t take them because, for a lack of words, they suck. I know it sounds like I’m rejecting help in favour of the NEET life but no matter what I do it’s just "endure this until I go home, feel relieved to be at home, I’d rather stay at home". I tried a local charity thing for people up to 26 years when I was 17 and it was a garbage fire: it was a taster day and I was told we’d be going on a 2 week camping trip with the other complete strangers in this group. But they were all really rough white trash, mostly loser guys throwing their weight around in the usual unintelligent caveman fashion, and one fat dude significantly older than the rest of us with a greasy ponytail and a black trenchcoat. I eventually had a panic attack just forcing myself to stay in the same room as them doing those fucking stupid kcebreakers.
I never feel like it gets any better, like that other anon who posted in the thread about social anxiety but I can’t find her post.
No. 439805
>>439801You'll be okay, anon!
I am incredibly shit at makeup since my hands are extremely shaky due to a chronic medical condition. I am also half-blind, so closing my good eye when I do eye makeup renders me completely useless. Still, it's fun and I don't give a shit if I don't have a perfect blend, makeup is all about self-expression and looking like a hot mess is my way of doing it!
No. 440302
>>440275Looks like he gets a 2 for 1 deal with you and your friend. Two different types of people who like him and get along great?
Hopefully there is no "I actually like you anon" bullshittery later and he appreciates his great luck to have you two in his life.
No. 440454
>>440302>Looks like he gets a 2 for 1 deal with you and your friend. Two different types of people who like him and get along great?I mean, if its just me and him as friends that…good?
Yea I also really hopes he doesnt start liking me either. Like ok i am mildly attracted to him (drunk rn, just partied with the two of them) but I would actually hate it if he liked me because if would only be pain for everyone involved.
>>440425that genuinly sucks so much, im sorry for you anon
No. 440455
>>440419Speaking as someone who was sexually abused as a young child, I want you to know that I still have time and willingness to listen to you bitch and whinge about your boss being a dick this week, or your classes being stressful, or even fuckin stabbing yourself in the eye with your mascara because mate, I have to work for a living too, I also found education a lot of hassle and
oh my god that shit fucking hurted and now I have to do my fuckin makeup again *fuck**
I'm just as human as you, anon. Don't do me the disrespect of assuming I can't relate to you.
No. 440703
>>440455lol you sound like a gross human being. anon was just saying she felt petty. and all you're doing is saying, "don't feel petty about your issues, feel petty for
me because i'm a SA survivor
and i have petty issues! how dare you assume i'm not petty!"
especially shit like
>don't do me the disrespect of assuming I can't relate to you.i simply don't think anyone who is passive aggressive about something like that is worth listening to. anon doesn't give a fuck if she can relate to you or not.
No. 440708
>>440703Ah, you have a point, perhaps my phrasing was off. Fundamentally, I want all of us to feel able to be petty together. I was trying to repeat what someone's mother told me, which is that when you engage in too much anxiety about whether your problems are big enough or whether people can cope with hearing your shit or not and use that to silence yourself, you're assuming you can know their minds and are not trusting them to set their own boundaries with you. And if all that results from that is just everyone staying quiet, well, that's no good for anyone.
So, be petty. Everyone be petty. You need to talk.
No. 440745
>>440731same anon
i also eat uncooked rice too
No. 440754
>>440745>uncooked riceIsn't it too hard though?
Do you chew it or just swallow it?
No. 440824
>>440735nta but uncooked block ramen is a god tier snack, anyone who disagrees can fight me but they'll lose as I'm powered with pure carbs from the aforementioned block ramen
also I think they make specific varieties of it in east Asia that are meant to be consumed dry?
No. 440826
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i wanna kms but i am this far (in the end it doesn't even matter kek) but i keep thinking how gross it would be to find a corpse in this heatwave, no one would even think to visit me for days. my life kinda went to total shits 7 months ago and while it has gotten slowly better, i am just getting sick of this. i am not even emotional when i say i wanna die. i just don't wanna make a mess and i can't go out by myself rn.
No. 440957
>>440910Thankfully my therapist was an ugly old man so it was impossible to develop anything for him. lol
The best thing to do would be to talk about it anon.
No. 441036
>>441032luckily hydrocodone isn't a high dosage so you're probably feeling that way since you've never had opioids before. one of my wisdom teeth abscessed before i got it out, so they gave me oxycodone because i couldn't get it out for like a week. i got so fucking sick from one i didn't take any more. i didn't even bother with the hydrocodone when i got it.
try OTC naproxen instead it really helped me when the ibuprofen didn't!
also don't toss them out in the bottle when you do, best thing is to dump them in the toilet so they dissolve.
No. 441048
>>441045i usually hate this, but fucking break up with him. why the fuck do so many women allow their men to be shit like this. i'm not saying be a controlling nutjob, but ffs, having someone who will compromise with you and understand/care about thinks you find important is like the
bare minimum of a relationship. what the hell is the point of even having a boyfriend if you and him have such opposing values? what kind of life is that?
No. 441050
>>441045Whenever I read posts like yours anon, I can't help but think if the situation were reversed how QUICK men would be to dump their girlfriends if their sexual needs couldn't be compromised. And you know they may be onto something.
Doesn't it make you feel horrible that you're thinking of a coworker and going unsatisfied because your boyfriend is doing something unhealthy and has an immature attitude about it?
I don't know what the rest of your relationship is like, but sexual bonding is a huge component in most relationships and it's not fair to put down your needs or feel inadequate because his pornsick ass can't get his shit together.
No. 441056
>>441045Serious question: why do some of you tolerate pornsickness? Is it because you're under the impression all men are like this so it's just something you have to put up with if you want a relationship? If so, I promise you it really isn't. There are plenty of men who choose fulfilling sex lives over porn and that should be a bare minimum standard for anyone to have in a partner.
Pornsickness almost always gets worse, not better. Don't waste your time on someone who made themselves impotent because they decided to choose porn over a fulfilling sex life with you. Life is too short to tolerate shit like that.
No. 441222
>>441056>is ot because youre under the impression all men are like this so its just something you have to put up with if you want a relationship?Yeah, this was my thought process. My ex would watch porn 2-3 times a day and was obsessed with anime and hentai. I would just tell myself "at least he's not cheating on me" even though it bothered me. Eventually I just couldn't stand it anymore. I genuinely believe men who don't watch porn are very rare and if I found one why would he want me?
Also women are pressured to be accepting of porn. If we're not we get accused of being prudish, jealous/insecure and sex negative. There are a bunch of articles on Psychology Today on why porn is the best thing ever and why women need to stop bitching about it.
No. 441429
One of my friends has been catfished by this girl for over a year now. He isolated himself from our group, always wanting to talk w/her instead, not participating in plans just because someone on his stupid mobile phone told him so. He admited to us he never saw IRL but apparently she sent him some gifts and voice notes so it's all okay.
We tried so hard to open his eyes but he just refused because he kept talking about how she's the woman of his life and whatnot.
Some friends even discovered that some of her instagram photos were fake (like literally posted in another account which was real and verified) but when they told him, he just dismissed it as if it wasn't that bad just to stole some photos.
So I decided to do something. I admit at this point that I don't know if I was doing it because I care about him (even with his childish behaviour) or because I can't stand liars and even worse - people who believe all these lies just because they want to believe it, even if it means he's hurting us all and making us feel as if we are the bad guys here.
I searched her phone number, nothing. More photos, nothing. Her fake name and surnames, nothing. And then I went to her FB page and I started to look all posts. It's evident some of her friends are herself posting because they only ask things like ''what do you think about ________? she's awesome!'', ''it was nice to seeing you the other night at (place where she claims she's from), gotta repeat soon!''. And then there's other people. Specifically, guys who apparently she used to date like she's dating my friend (constantly posting about loving them, conversations about nothing…)
So I made a fake Facebook account and I contacted them all. I made up a story about how I used to date her several years ago when I was just a naive teenager and what happened, which is basically what's happening to my friend: being stood up, not Skype, not videocalls, nothing. I even told them everytime I tried to see her (even travelling to where she was), she refused. Always had an excuse planned, sickness, work, family troubles…I asked them for answers because I made up I had to go to therapy and even if I know it's not my fault, I needed to know I'm not crazy for believing it all and thinking this person loved me at some point.
They believed me and spilled ALL the beans. Basically this person did to them the same she's doing with my friend: isolating themselves from family/friends, even making them leave their works/colleges just because. The same excuses she said to my friend were told to them too. The most strange situations always happened to her and this made it impossible to meet them and, best thing? None of them even met her IRL.
So now I feel like I know this dirty little secret and I want so bad to tell my friend, to send him these messages in order to make him open his eyes for once but I feel really cruel about it. I think the main problem is how hurt we are all. We were there for him for more than 10 years now and he just got stuck at some point in his life. Instead of asking for help, he acted the way a little child would act: not wanting to talk, always refusing our help and isolating himself just because. The day my father died, he couldn't come to my house (all other friends did) because he was texting her and she told him how insecure she felt about our friendship and she was having panick attacks. I would never forget him for that, even if that girl was real, he knows she's miles away so there was no excuse to not show up.
I feel like I won in some way. We're not the bad ones here, we're just worried about his health and well-being and he's not appreciating anything of it because she's talking with him almost every hour of the day and that ''has to mean something''. And know that I have evidence that this is just pure madness, I feel way better about it.
No. 441439
>>441432I'm sorry you're in the same situation. Worst part is that one of the excuses is ''why would she talk with me all the time if she isnt' real'' and I can see why he doesn't want to see it. But yeah, I agree, it makes you feel useless as a friend when he wants to talk with other people instead, even if it's so clear this isn't right.
Also I know when he's upset with us, he talks with her and tells her our stories and that is something that makes me want to cut ties with him for real but I know he's going to end up alone if we do that.
No. 441532
>>441523You're right. Years ago I had a friend who was catfished too and even when they "broke up" she was still defending this person, whoever it was.
I guess that she was too ashamed to admit how stupid she actually was, I mean, it happened like it's happening right now with my friend, she knew she would never meet the person she was talking too but she tried to defend it saying that he/she was there for her and blablabla.
If I was in her situation, I'd feel embarassed too.
No. 441566
>>441429damn, the lengths men will go to for pussy. fake pussy at that.
honestly anon the shit he pulled when your dad died is really telling. I would spill your own beans on his ass then bounce, let him realise his mistake and earn his forgiveness. or at least try to earn it. you did the right thing. must have been so, SO satisfying getting receipts after all this time.
update us on the situation if you can, god speed anon. I know losing friends sucks but, you know what they say - cut the bad fruit off the tree, make the sacrifice.
No. 441715
>>441689I'm just genuinely curious as to what you'll do if she gets into a relationship again? Do you plan on destroying her romantically because you can't touch her career path?
What makes your life so inadequate?
No. 441716
>>441710So you don't care at all if she ends up hating you in case the truth comes out?
Why don't you try to become a better person instead of destroying your sister?
Do you ever feel any regret or are you just sociopathic?
No. 441720
>>441716No way for her to know I did it. I egged her on to dump him because he's living a double life with another kid. I'm also planning on telling our parents so they pressure her too.
The whole thing is actually funny (to me). Like when I hear her crying I try not to roll my eyes and I have to stop myself from laughing.
No regrets at all.
>>441713Meh. If she ends up with a guy who's disloyal enough to sext me it's no big loss. Any decent guy wouldn't have done that.
She's just always had an annoyingly perfect life. It gets on my nerves but I guess it just came to a head recently.
I was failed out of nursing school because of some POS professor. I wrote in the teacher evaluation comments that I slept with her husband and dipped.
I'm still figuring out how I'm going to take revenge on her for failing me. I found her FB and added her husband. But I haven't done anything too bad to her aside from saying one of her kids was ugly with a fake account. She was really dumb enough to leave her profile public.
No. 441873
>>441869I'm 23 and also a kissless virgin.
Every guy I liked never reprociated, my friends have tried to hook me up with randos, but I really don't like the idea of dating someone just to cross some experiences off the list, it's also unfair to the other person and I think it will just become a bad memory.
No. 518301
>>410987Man u whites are wimpy as fuck, “OMG CALL DA CAWPS HES TOTALLY A PEEDO” seriously lmfao it’s literally his fucking gf not a rando kid, yet interestingly enough, marriage at 10 was the fucking norm in the UK, so basically: your ancestors were all pedos, sooooo…
Basically: calm tf down dude, it’s you. Unless you look 34 at the age of 23, theres only a 13 year visual difference with that photo, meaning: you basically look the same but now with bigger tits and ass and are taller and hopefully smarter. i’d only be worried if it was someone else, that’d def be criminal material- otherwise if it’s you and he actually loves you, not just kinda, it’s just a form of strong love/bond, you could be 18, 23, 34, 56, and he’d still love you for you. Remember: all your fucking ancestors were 50 when they married 10 year olds— you guys are both the same fucking age