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No. 2459582

This thread is dedicated to all and any fandom discourse. Global rules apply: don't infight, report and ignore bait, etc.

Current topics include, but are not limited to:
> Proshipping vs Antishipping
> Ao3 Censorship and TOS
> Slapfights between slash, femslash, and het shippers
> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads
> Whitewashed/blackwashed/colorist fanart drama
> ‘[Insert Sexuality/Gender]-Coded’ Characters
> Debates over death of the author
> Stalking/harassment experienced by actors/creators

Related threads:

Fujo vs. anti-fujo discourse:

Fujocoomer cringe:


No. 2459650

Threadpic made me feel like I got socked in the fucking face.

No. 2459652

It looks like his legs are detached from his body and laying beside him and also like he has flippers, instead of hands

No. 2459675


i'm so sorry. it was the worst thing i could find in the last thread that wasn't fucking jayvik or whatever that ugly arcane ship is called

No. 2459686

heterosexuality with extra steps(bait)

No. 2459690

I never understood why they did this shit to daniil who is a total hyper-logical rude autist from the early 1900s who would probably misgender a tranny and tell them theyre an abomination
I know jojo is known for having tons of character color palettes but didnt Dio always have orange-brown eyes in the games and anime? i really hate when authors cant make up their mind on important shit like that

No. 2459710

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Have you heard of the AniList cow emporium? That site has been revealed to be modded by trannies who crack down on any anti-trans sentiment (they even banned the use of the word 'trap').

No. 2459735

I really should not be surprised kek

No. 2459743

i thought these retards loved characters like astolfo and bridget? make up your mind

No. 2459749


and "femboy" isnt on this list???????????

No. 2459851

I'm so fucking sick of retarded Arcane fans. I wish enjoying that garbage automatically disqualified people from posting here. The animation is ugly and the game it's based on is for neckbeards.

No. 2459858

God men are so fucking retarded. They'll buy anything with miliary equipment and anime tits in it. KanColle, Nikke, Girls und Panzer, etc.

No. 2459881

Dont compare GuP to shit like nikke and kancolle.

No. 2459914

Why was she banned for this? I don’t get how it’s bait.

No. 2459924

Possible derailing. We have thread for this anyway too.

No. 2459932

are you new

No. 2460029

Jojo doesn’t have any official color scheme and the ones you see aren’t colored by araki. That’s why the characters are always drawn with a variety of color palettes

No. 2460041

I’ve been using anilist ever since i got permabanned from MAL years ago, never knew but holy shit kek. MAL had insane individuals but it was never overcensored
GUP isn’t really porny though, iirc the creator actually specified to add no panty shots. But this was made by the same scrote who created strike witches so make of that what you will.

No. 2460061

But all my jonadio fanart has dio with brown eyes… so its all wrong? this is triggering my autism so bad help

No. 2460101

I just use the anime color schemes because it's easier, and they're used in most official merchandise anyways. I'd say Dio's eyes are light brown/amber, but it really doesn't matter.

No. 2460221

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I was pretty neutral on the “should otome games have a gender option” argument but this is so fucking stupid
>actual queer men in mind
Ignoring that this person is an obvious fakeboi, neither would otome even with gender options kek it would bring in more fujos if anything. There’s not even a huge difference in the general structure of BL and otome (minus the obvious) other than BL is far more likely to have R18 scenes.
>cishet women love joining queer spaces
It’s the opposite, I can’t think of any space that’s more straight than otome games kek.

No. 2460257

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Oh there's stuff for queer men. It's just that it's shit like pic related KEKKKK

No. 2460264

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The replies to this are actually insane kek. Did they forget that in the early days of fandom it was largely heterosexual housewives who liked Star Trek and made and distributed KirkSpock zines and mailing lists to share fics? What do they think early fandom was like? Stonewall? A drag show? I'm sick of these retards, go play BL or Galge if you cannot stand playing as a woman.

No. 2460280

Why can't gendies just make their own games?

No. 2460284

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I mean they do, they’re just usually shit like validate
I can’t deny that there’s some Jap gendies that make kamige like Mamiya though.

No. 2460289

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This brings flashbacks…

No. 2460300

Remember when the creators of Validate got assmad because the fanbase was only thirsting over the white, Italian e-boy? Lmao, don't have the screencaps but that sure happened.

No. 2460303

They want to kick and scream until everything is gendieslop. I remember when the creator of Salvus:Aries was harassed for only having a female MC. Im glad she didn't bend at the knee because so many creators do if the gender crowd gets too loud. If it was about inclusion the gendies would just play games that interest them but it's not about that, they just want to exert power over devs. Look at what people are saying about Stardew Valley of all games not having pronouns.

No. 2460305

I think they were mainly thirsting after him and his mom, I don’t think anyone was genuine about it (since the characters are so ugly) but it still pissed them off none the less

No. 2460310

i love cuntboy too, but not trans, and now there's barely any distinction because women are obsessed with policing fetishes and claim that cuntboy is transphobic. i don't like mutilated girls, i like the idea of a man born with a vagina for a fun power dynamic shift

No. 2460311

These things always end up being racist in a weird way. Notice how all the black women are fat?

No. 2460315

They like to invade others spaces like the pestilence they are

No. 2460317

What about male futanari

No. 2460319

don't know what that is. a guy with boobs?

No. 2460343

A guy with a dick and vagina

No. 2460348

you just like butches anon

No. 2460354

What the fuck is so hard to understand about otome games being female MC x male LIs? Why can't these retards fuck off to play BL games? Adding a male MC option simply wouldn't make it an otome at that point. Are they just too stupid to use VNDB or something? Because it pisses me off whenever I see this shit.

No. 2460355

kinda creepy
i like both of those things. fantasy genders are fun. a big strong man with a pussy is hot

No. 2460357

>not bifauxnen
Butches are a completely separate thing, they’re only really appealing to other butches.

No. 2460363

a man with a pussy doesnt exist, at least futanaris often have both dicks and vaginas, but a ''cuntboy'' is literally just a butch or TIF. Cuntboy shit is the worst thing that ever happened to fujo/yume art i am so tired of bisexuals shilling their fetish onto straight women.

No. 2460365

I’m not a fan of it but the amount of Hugh Jackman cuntboy art was kinda hilarious to me

No. 2460377

yes it doesnt exist thats why that person said its a fantasy thing lol

No. 2460378

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I'm tired of posting this image why cant you monkeys stay in your shitfling containment
The same is happening to the date everything datesim too kek the one where you can literally date a toilet

No. 2460382

ok but its still gay

No. 2460385

Stop being a retard

No. 2460386

All anime is gay

No. 2460387

bisexual people don’t exist

No. 2460388

Rude, I am bisexual and find cuntboy disgusting, the anatomy of male hips and chests is too different.

No. 2460390

yeah I figured this out quickly as soon as I started using the site. trannies trying to make the word “trap” about them into some slur is hilarious because I guarantee not a single person thinks of their hon freak show selfs when they imagine a trap.

No. 2460393

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No. 2460396

>Something something reclaiming the label

No. 2460397

The only problem with this meme is that Natsuki was the DDLC girl troons latched onto, not Sayori

No. 2460401

stop schlicking to degenerate tranny shit

No. 2460403

Nah they liked Sayori too, she was always in their ‘realistic gender transition goals’ meme

No. 2460412

fandom has always been by and for women, i'm so sick of aiden whining that she can't larp as a boy in a fucking otome game, make your own shit! ever notice that gender people almost never attach to media that panders to them like the validate game and other ugly western tumblr visual novels? it's always whining and trying to make something else worse. do men ever do this shit and cry about eroge and galge being exclusive?

No. 2460416

>do men ever do this shit and cry about eroge and galge being exclusive?
There’s probably a MTF troon who complains about some moege not having a female protagonist

No. 2460421

I think men don't mind it because the girls in those games exist for fanservice, but FtMs hate being reminded of their bodies and the male love interests being stronger than the MC and lifting her up and stuff like that.

No. 2460426

A man born with a pussy in a fantasy setting isn’t a tranny. He wasn’t born a woman and cut his tits off.

No. 2460430

didn't Sayori hanged herself?

No. 2460431

No. 2460434

They're doing the same with infinty nikki too I'm sick of posts like these
>I'm a twans man and infinity nikki helped my femininity
Yeah no shit you're a woman
>um guys can you stop asking for Male npcs? It makes me uncomfortable as a gay man
Again you have a vagina
>unfold is so bigoted for not having a Male option for nikki!
Boohoo based Chinese devs

No. 2460441

The most based thing they did is when they banned shipping art for LADS on official tags, I know a girl who still cries about it to this day kek

No. 2460464

they always do the "this makes my uncomfy as a gay man [sad face]" thing to guilt other people, not my problem. same with crying about evil straight women fetishizing gay men. based chinese devs.
i support that decision as a fujo. you have your games, we have ours.

No. 2460473

The another based thing they did was when they banned retarded yumes who were sending threats in game to other yumes they should've used Twitter retards kek they all got their accounts banned with no refunds kek infold really doesnt tolerate retardation AND I HOPE THEY DONT ADD THE NON BINARY SHIT TO IN LIKE THEY DID IN SHINING NIKKI

No. 2460475

What drama are they causing now?

No. 2460479

NTA but as a casual arcane fan they deserve it for existing

No. 2460498

They can’t play BL games bc the MCs dick is visible on screen and their pussyboy fantasy gets ruined.

No. 2460513

Because they just like complaining and acting like a victim. Plenty of indie games (that may as well be and should be otome) have their stupid gendie options but they don't play them because they're dishonest and retarded.

No. 2460580

They also get a kick out of "wueerfiying bigoted nippon media" without considering japan's history with security and privacy. Otomes will forever remain games with a female mc and her entourage of men.

No. 2460602

Is pathologic good?

No. 2460607

I know he's an ugly annoying scrote, but if you can stand it, hbomberguy's video on it is a really good primer on why it is a very good game but also makes you want to kill yourself. Also maybe check out Patho 2 (which he also talks about at the end of his video).

No. 2460618

i played 1 and 2 without watching that homofags video and yes its really good if you like atmospheric psychological media. and yes the threadpic makes me want to hang myself

No. 2460642

Yes, and you shouldn’t watch hbomberfag’s video on it and instead just play for yourself

No. 2460671

Holy shit, thank god i never migrated from MAL. My comments and tags would get nuked by them

No. 2460674

>"fandoms have always been queer spaces"
How old are these people cause when I was on tumblr at 13 I only followed straight fujo women

No. 2460687

Everyone still is a straight woman in fandom, but the gendiepocalypse happened and we’re not supposed to acknowledge that anymore

No. 2460704

Why do people from tumblr literally try to ruin everything? It's been 10+ years of trying to have fun and still a tumblr user with brainworms can show up at any moment to try to give you every reason in the book as to why you shouldn't be allowed to have things. Unless the male mc option is for fujos, Aiden can fuck off.

No. 2460773

When I was younger, the artists/authors I followed would write and blog about men, but a LOT of them ended up dating and marrying their fellow female fans kek. So if they don't count as lesbians, at the very least many of the women I personally followed were bisexual.

No. 2460782

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Trap slop is for bisexual and tranny chaser men. Gay men are into bara crap like picrel

No. 2460794

There's a fuckton of games made by and for gay men on places like Steam and itch.io. The problem is that those games have heavy bara muscle themes that TIFs are disgusted by despite being true and honest menzies.

No. 2460795

They want to date the pretty boy bishies and know, deep down, that their fellow gendies are fugly. Pretty boy bishies are only found in Otome so there's that.

No. 2460797

This is gonna sound stupid but can't the creator just ignore fans who heckle about wanting pronouns/a male MC? Just don't reply to them or acknowledge their existence—would that makes things better or worse?

No. 2460865

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Moids are so braindead and broken

No. 2460871

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The otome game Velvet Bite has a female protagonist and 3 male + 3 female love interests, and got some poor reviews which I was checking out. This one made me roll my eyes. Indie devs should drop pandering to gendies and drop the LGBT/Amare tag even when trying to cater to the few women who like F/F in their otome games. It just invites an audience that doesn't give a fuck about women.

No. 2460879

why do they always draw those repulsive blockhead pig faces

No. 2460889

No. 2460906

What the fuck is that nonna

Also from last thread
Latest Jojo part had a tranny character and everybody clapped because Araki was incloosive so there you are.

No. 2460927

>what the fuck is that nonna
Moids doing their pedo shit on reddit in a thread asking for favourite wedding themed skins in games

No. 2460953

I guess so it’s as far from regular anime art as possible? They don’t want to be grouped in with the fujos or the moefag guys kek

No. 2460978

Honestly, better? Unless they harass and doxx the creator in a bid for compliance because otherwise ignoring their demands is better than knelling down and letting them walk all over you.

No. 2460983

Ignoring them outright is what the stardew valley creator did, right? I remember some YT channels reeing about how transphobic it was for him to stay quiet about the topic, kek. Found a vid of a dude mocking one of these idiots, it was quite cathartic. You know you have won the competition of being the biggest dumbass when even furries can shit on you

No. 2461054

Why do bara artists have the exact same art style? Show me a few bara artists in one image and i couldn't tell them apart. Even moe slop has some variety

No. 2461056

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Part of me really believes that this was an elaborate psyop trying to scam gendies out of their allowances. There’s too much explicitly racist shit and all of the NPCs were leagues more attractive than the “datable” options.

No. 2461072

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There’s actually been a recent rise in TIFs being into barafaggotry but I have no clue whether their interest in it is genuine or if they’re just trying to skinwalk fags. I know one IRL myself.
Isn’t there a (black) LI who works at Popeyes, is a deadbeat and gives you his mixtape? Also why are western games incapable of creating attractive darkskin characters when Japanese media can do it just fine?

No. 2461077

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Oh I remember that game, Im surprised it even launched at all and assumed it was another doomed kickstarter project. Im a bit disappointed they swapped artists and didnt go through with vaccum's art, seems a bit of a waste to scrap all of the finished assets. iirc most of the review bombing is because many kickstarter pledges never got delivered and people expressing frustration with the art style change

No. 2461197

at this point, people should just learn how to use excel to keep track of anime. how you turn an anime tracking website into a shitstorm is beyond me

No. 2461264

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The double edged sword of mass produced games lately is that there's so many flooding the market with so many fanservice female characters that they need to make actually interesting characters to stand out. While this gives a surface level of "coolness" and standing out, the issue is that those women are still written by men for men and shallow beneath the surface.

But a lot of women on twitter and else fall for it, because why is there no badass soldier character in girl games? "Don't you see, GFL/Nikke is achually celebrating women and has more interesting female characters." And that's how you get the fangirls who are willing to ignore the loli fanservice and everything being catered to men.

No. 2461272

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you could have at least posted one of the actual cool gf girls

No. 2461277

All of them are white noise in a sea of moeblob waifuslop that is gacha. Idk why any of these characters have fans when they most I can say is at least they're not repulsively ugly.

No. 2461294

Well in a way it's true, the only people bothering to write interesting anime female characters are male coomers. Most women into anime are fujo/yumes and so have zero interest in creating good female characters themselves. And that's understandable, all anime otaku watch anime for the coom and heterosexual women won't be cooming to female characters so why even bother.

No. 2461297

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most of the well written female character content Ive seen came from other women's oc works. I can see why people would be reluctant to post their oc works to a broader audience, moids are fucking barbaric and sexualize anything. I would kms if I came across deviantart feitsh artwork of my characters, look what happened to ryoko kui's stuff; no amount of world building and characterization saved her female characters from being reduced to coomer tropes.

No. 2461301

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Latest character in NIKKE by the way. Ofc coomers and handmaidens are celebrating fat representation because at least moids are cooming over cellulite and stretch marks! Even if it's just another moeblob.

The well-written female characters by men
>mentally ill
>personification of a fetish
>self-insert but sexualized/coomified
Not sure where you're seeing the good writing here.

No. 2461307

Well she did that herself because the demographic of that work is seinen so her editor makes her pander to waifufag moids anyway.

No one is saying that they are well written. In fact, I don't think you should look at anime for well written characters. If you think your favorite husbandoslop character is well written that's pretty much your coom speaking.

No. 2461309

When a female character acts in a way that might be threatening or even just complex, I've seen men immediately try to degrade by sexualizing her. Wonder if it's a reflex thing.

No. 2461311

It doesn't matter how a female character acts, men will fuck kids and animals what makes you think they won't coom to female characters regardless of their personality? Only hard SJW DEI forced inclusion female characters are the ones that manage to make moids truly seethe and it's funny.

No. 2461312

Harta, the magazine Dungeon Meshi was published in, seems like it aims for a pretty gender neutral demographic.
It wasn't until the anime that Marcille started getting lots of this sort of sexualization despite having been published for almost 10 years.

No. 2461314

To be fair no manga series, unless extremely popular before animation, ever gets much fanart/doujin content.

No. 2461316

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No. 2461318

Off topic but weird, pretty sure Chilchuck had the first doujinshi.

No. 2461320

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There was already a gachashit with female characters aimed at female fans and it flopped hard within a year. And it wasn't some low quality KR/CH shit, it was funded by Square Enix. Most JP women don't wanna read a glorified ludomania VN with lesboerotic content and that's ok, prob over 95% of JP women are heterosexual and would rather read shotaslop.

No. 2461321

Were there any butches in this game at least?

No. 2461323

I find Marcille incredibly tiresome and the butt of all jokes. The author's taste in games also shows some pickme energy. She makes lovely designs and artwork though.

No. 2461325

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Yes, two of the main girls (picrel). They are shipped with each other so it's butchxbutch yuri.

No. 2461326

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It is pick-me behavior to engage in d&d and fantasy themed media. Women are only allowed to play animal crossing and cozy games.

No. 2461327

I thought the lesbo gacha was that AK clone with a bunch of tall sexy ladies?

No. 2461329

How? Iirc she like Darkest Dungeon, Dwarf Fortress, and Balder's Gate. Just seemed like she likes fantasy games

No. 2461330

Counterpoint: Path to Nowhere exists and also the thing is that it's painful to read female characters in works targeted at women being reduced to blandness.


Yes, look specifically at her taste in characters in this pic >>2461326
Zevran and Fenris are the only truly based answers, the elven girls are moidslop.

No. 2461331

Liking Solas is a major red flag of shit taste, nonnie.

No. 2461333

You are exactly the type of person the anon you responded to was criticizing.

No. 2461334

>Manga that doesn't get an anime adaptation don't get much fanart/doujinshi
That's a really broad statement and just not true.

No. 2461335

>Counterpoint: Path to Nowhere exists and also the thing is that it's painful to read female characters in works targeted at women being reduced to blandness.
Are they written by men? If they are written by men then the waifucrap characters are not for women. If they are written by women then it just supports the het women are not interested in writing good female characters argument.

No. 2461336

Shocked it flopped because there are so many dykes in the animanga industry who oversexualize their female characters

No. 2461337

The picture is just fanart of well known western elves, its not a display of her tastes. Solas and Astarion are labelled as "popular with the fans".
The only ones that I could translate(?) as her outright favourites are Camellia, Fenris, and Sera

No. 2461338

So it's not the games but the characters she likes?

No. 2461339

Oh no, gotta uninstall my fantasy games so I don't show pickme energy on accident. Stardew Valley only for you!

No. 2461340

Dunno why you're taking one statement and flipping it that far. I also played Dragon Age and Baldur's Gate, that's why I know she gives NLOG vibes based on the interview that drawing is from. And even then that was an offhand comment second to the fact how irritating the Marcille jokes are in the first arcs of the manga.

No. 2461342

Forgot to add that scrotes on 4chan frequently celebrate her "based" taste in women kek, I still praised her art and designs.

No. 2461343

It was a joke. If you think playing massively popular games makes you a pickme I think you might have brain damage though

No. 2461344

Is this game still going or is it too late? I'm tired of path to nowhere pandering to moids I want more gacha with butch characters

No. 2461346

They look nothing like butch, they're just ouji lolita/androgynous

No. 2461347

That is the most masculine type of woman japan can handle tbh

No. 2461348

No, it was terminated years ago. You might be able to find the story in some YT channel or blog, maybe. But it was never translated.

Sorry they aren't 300lb overweight.

No. 2461351

>comment:she has a half orc boyfriend

No. 2461370

Are you the Blue Archive/Nikke nonnie? Nice schizo rant

No. 2461374

No one cares you retarded wannabe blackpiller faggot, go play nikke I don’t care if you have a pet scrote or not women will rightfully make fun of you for it and find it gross

No. 2461375

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No. 2461378

The word hubby makes me want to barf to be honest

No. 2461379

I bet anon can't even name a single female character from those games who she likes beyond design and give an explanation that doesn't have moidslop pandering

No. 2461380

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This thread truly is the honeypot for autists.

No. 2461392

How is path to nowhere aimed at lesbian/bi women? I thought it was the same as any regular coomer scrote gacha

No. 2461393

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Tbh sometimes it really seems like the word "pickme"'s usage is getting pretty ridiculous.
I didn't watch pic related, the thumbnail just made me laugh

No. 2461395

Something about her face is annoying.

No. 2461398

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Look at the designs, the fanbase takes yuri and feMC as canon and the moids were gated because there's not enough straight man pandering
Why are you seething so much? Nobody cares about the male characters and I haven't spent a single cent on these games lol

No. 2461399

All the women are in skimpy outfits or have humongous tits. I seriously don’t see how this is female oriented. Guess strike witches is for women to now before there’s yuri of the female protag and the other women

No. 2461400

NTA but if the anon is saying it’s for lesbian and bi women of course the women are gonna be hot with nice boobs lol

No. 2461406

For real I have never seen any of the residents moesloppers here ever even talk about the female characters they supposedly like outside of the design lmao, some love.

No. 2461408

>Strike witches
Careful youre going to summon her

No. 2461418

And it’s indistinguishable from gacha games for scrotes which was my point

No. 2461426

The artstyle and designs are nothing like the half naked lolis in moidslop. Get your eyes checked and stop whiteknighting moid games. The characters are also confident and don't bootlick the mc.

No. 2461434

Not any of the anons you're replying to but what are you even talking about? I'm confused.

No. 2461436

never seen whatever this is before in my life but langley is hot

No. 2461438

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No. 2461489

You still can't name a single blue archive/nikke girl you actually like without it being moidslop lol

No. 2461496

>I seriously don’t see how this is female oriented.
You don't see it because you're a heterosexual woman speaking over what les/bi women like or don't like. I for one think the women are hot.

No. 2461501

Let's be real. If all the women in this were genderbent you'd see a bunch of het women slobbering all over the characters. But now it's male gaze because they have a vagina lol

No. 2461510

Agreed. I think picrel was hot, the art was nice, a little bit sultry, and the women weren't too moidslopy. People are just overly puritan or obviously like you said straight as an arrow

No. 2461513

I'm straight and I don't mind hot/pretty/beautiful female characters as long as they aren't coomery.

No. 2461514

File: 1742932013120.jpg (130.47 KB, 1000x1000, hob.jpg)

>>2461431 was right and she got banned for telling the truth.

No. 2461516

Nta but tbf it was genderbent they'd probably get covered up kek.

No. 2461519

what was the post? I did not see

No. 2461529

File: 1742932396739.png (303.5 KB, 870x729, shadow if he was a lesbian.png)

You don't like Nikke, straggot femoid?
Heh… Nothing personnel kid…

No. 2461530

Why is it that almost every argument here gets boiled down to:

>I don't like thing. ur stupid for liking it

>ackshually, this coomershit is based and terfpilled and ur more stupid for disliking it

No. 2461531

No. 2461533

I love you nonnie KEKK

No. 2461535

>the most masculine type of woman japan can handle tbh
Bleak. I ain't gay but I can at least stomach yuri when there's cute butches in it.

No. 2461536

Idk this game but imo it's because they look like adults. If this were more male-targeted they would look like teenage/loli moeblobs, like Strike Witches does.

No. 2461537

>Me after drooling over Slutarella from WuWa

No. 2461538

File: 1742932649911.png (562.31 KB, 1099x720, every day i dream of raping th…)

Along the lines:
>you can bitch all you want about female characters being this or that, aimed at coomers etc. but you'll never confront men about any of it off-line or even on-line (even if you are behind 7 proxies), instead you bitch on a female image board; you'll also keep on excusing/ignoring your future husband/boyfriend watching teen porn and even raping kids while you bitch at women liking fictional female characters for being moid fanservice

No. 2461546

>Slutarella from WuWa
Who's that?

No. 2461572

File: 1742933972799.jpg (Spoiler Image,179.43 KB, 850x1511, __trina_goddess_of_victory_nik…)

Still wish I knew which slop moidbrained nonnie likes

No. 2461576

someone please post that brown dust 2 vid

No. 2461577

I hate this because her hair is genuinely really cute but everything under the neck is hideous.

No. 2461578

I'm tempted to try this game but unfortunately the fanbase is filled with yuritrannies being obnoxious and some of the fanarts gave Rahu a dick and I'm ballistic over females being given male genitalia.

No. 2461583

I genuinely want to know what moids see in these designs? It's all coombait.

No. 2461585

File: 1742934412793.jpg (Spoiler Image,60.52 KB, 1080x1080, Gm24mp1WQAAHZvB.jpg)

WuWa's new character, who was recently featured in a borderline pornish trailer, where she was eating a cherry suggestively to say the least.

No. 2461594

No. 2461597

This is why the gameplayfags here are hilarious. There are so many games of every genre like shooters and strategy games and whatnot and you’re telling me this is the one with gameplay so amazing, better than any other game, that you can overlook that monstrosity and the unfiltered coomerism of moids.

No. 2461605

What is the point of gacha games and why are they so popular? Can't the industry return to having proper games with good stories and characters?

No. 2461607

Not me, I tell weebmoids they have shit taste and are are retarded to their faces.

No. 2461611

>What is the point of gacha games
Money sink
>why are they so popular
Easy to get into
>Can't the industry return to having proper games with good stories and characters
Gamers don't really like waiting 5 years for the next game, play it for the next 72 hours and keep it dusted in their library forever.

No. 2461621

Overwatch, FIFA and Counterstrike did it years ago with lootboxes and crates and nobody stepped up because of money
The big issue is all games transitioning to live service subscription models like spotify or netflix

No. 2461631

>the only people bothering to write interesting anime female characters are male coomers
it’s really a wonder how weeb pickmes even reach these kind of retarded conclusions

No. 2461632

Where did I whiteknight moid games?
Blue archive’s gameplay is incredibly simplistic and easy. Maybe the integration of gameplay elements makes it more enjoyable but LADS has more complex gameplay and those scrotes love to shit on that

No. 2461640

>you bitches have just as bad of games as we do! you have period trackers!
meanwhile, games for men:
>half-naked loli in a wedding dress with her legs spread open
the cognitive dissonance and mindgames moids will do to avoid accountability for their degen porn addiction is insane

No. 2461722

File: 1742940807983.png (621.33 KB, 739x1065, Jungkook mafia edit.png)

Why are k-popfags like this(kpop is a banned topic on lolcow)

No. 2461726

Who the hell gets triggered from a cigarette?

No. 2461729

me, that entire image cigarette included is giving me god damned ptsd flashbacks

No. 2461734

>god damned ptsd flashbacks
about what?

No. 2461741

satan consuming my very being nona, i had to listen to a kpop song once and i never recovered from the fagginess

No. 2461759

Because portable consoles won't ever be a thing anymore and people (specially asian) want something to play on long train/bus rides. Also the sense of community that comes from reading and discussing story/event chapters together as they come out or sharing gacha rolls with each other, oh and also gambling addiction/sunk cost.
The reason there are so many is because gacha games are incredibly low maintenance and have the potential to have absurdly high returns over a prolonged period of time, FGO is one of the prime examples, during the peak of its popularity it raked in more cash than anything else Type Moon had ever made and probably still does today, and that game was cheap as hell to develop.

No. 2461781

>Can't the industry return to having proper games with good stories and characters?
They still exist have you not been paying attention you hipster? Like what games do you like?

No. 2461895

Their itch.io page says that they canceled it.

No. 2461898

the original game "softly with teeth" was cancelled yes, but they later reworked it into "Velvet Bite" which has the same characters (albeit in a different art style). Not sure if the plot is the same from the demo or if they changed it

No. 2461900

>pickme games
Just like "woke", that word has no meaning anymore.

No. 2461903

Idk man, maybe she liked the elf girl characters because she was going to make an elf girl herself. Some of you really need to get that pickme boogey(wo)man out of your brains.

No. 2461993

As hilarious as that would be, I think Validate is just a bunch of people quadrupling-down in response to criticism for their hokey idea. And some of the characters (like Yolanda and Alonzo) look slightly better in the promotional art >>2460284 posted than they did in the lineup art.

No. 2462086

Alas nona I cannot even dare to like any fictional female characters without getting #canceled by the #notpickme masses

No. 2462124

File: 1742967735035.jpg (333.56 KB, 1772x994, 03_26_25_11_28_VelvetBite.jpg)

The game isn't cancelled, I'm playing it and feeling confused by all the reddit raging over the art, it looks great imo.

No. 2462148

Someone saying she gives pickme vibes isn't cancellation, though it seems nobody ITT played those western RPGs with elves to judge her taste.

No. 2462228

Which ones the main character?

No. 2462255

Its a fun game with good voice acting and story which you can expect since one of the lead writers is an actual woman. You might find it more enjoyable most gachas too. The gameplay is quite in depth so its not actually an AK clone. The game anniversary is close so this is a good time if you wanted to start. As for the fanbase, you might see the usual suspects on twitter going crazy over drawing/imagining the female characters with penis but the koreans and japanese artists usually dont entertain this idea. Im also sick of seeing Rahu or Deren with cocks

She probably thinks women in lesbian medias should be covered up like hijabis. Its not the lesbians fault that moids (and trannies, but im just repeating myself) found the design attractive as well, though there are moids who cant handle some of the womens personalities like Coquelic and Chameleon lol. Chinese incels even reported the game to the government to the point of getting a female character temporarily removed.

The ayrt are just trying to be dense for no reason. Its obvious that the character design and artstyle are tasteful and not as pornographic as moidslop gachas. Theyre not a bunch of bootlickers like you said. Not explicitly moid pandering too since theres also the princely/bodyguard type woman that has exclusive dialogue to female MC in her story

Lol youre right they will lose their puritan opinions if that is the case. You can already guess their excuses for being like that too

I wish there are more people like you here nonas. I swear this board lately gets kneejerk reaction whenever yuri stuffs get mentioned to the point of getting homophobic lol

No. 2462258

File: 1742982083509.webp (Spoiler Image,1.68 MB, 1920x1080, 1000033603.webp)

The pink haired one! I don't understand why they made such a pretty FL and then excluded her from all promotional art and gave her no sprite. Self-inserters would mald over her being in CG and non-self-inserters who want to read the story like a romance would mald over her face not being seen during 80% of the game. Still, the funniest thing about the situation is this game being promoted as LGBT+ and the gendies reeing over how it's mislabeled due to lack of twans. Maybe now they realize why LGB and T need to be separate.
Spoilered for cg, forgot to do that last time

No. 2462260

File: 1742982131735.jpg (528.5 KB, 1920x1080, old art.JPG)

>they swapped artists and didnt go through with vaccum's art
Sucks for her but otherwise I do not see the downside honestly

No. 2462269

One of the lead writers for Rance was a woman. I don’t know why you’re so insistent on defending your moidsloo because “t-the artstyle is respectful doods!” despite the fact the women have cartoonishly large tits and dress the same as in any other gacha.

No. 2462271

I hate moid gachaslop and their retard waifus but this one is not bad? Except the first one who looks like designed by moids, and the harnesses on the second one, the risque clothing doesn't bother me much kek and they are fully clothed and none of them are lolishit. Their makeup even reminds me of Nana

No. 2462284

>One of the lead writers for Rance was a woman.
Same as Nekopara and Azur Lane. Still doesn't change the fact that PTN's playerbase in China is predomnantly female and AISNO is not kowtowing to incels unlike other big gacha titles (Hoyoshit, Kuroshit, the faggots behind Snowbreak, etc…).

No. 2462286

>the Chinese incels

Lmao what? What did the character do that made them report it to the government?

No. 2462295

You’ve read my mind anon. They know deep down that if they sat down to work together to make a game, it’s gonna inevitably have to look like this >>2460284 for virtue points. I remember that retarded yansim “overthrower” game where the MC was made into a fat girl, oh sorry, a fat thembie to please the virtue signallers.

No. 2462358

File: 1742990241967.jpg (282.06 KB, 1624x1080, GZ1BYbEbgAASSbZ.jpg)

The company is under Infold, the creators of Nikki and LADS, so that's why

No. 2462360

File: 1742990472690.jpg (50.95 KB, 640x1125, 1000034136.jpg)

Oh my goodness, the Love Letter drama! And then the artist who came up with "Bow-chan" threw a shitfit on Twitter and bought a patent for the character so the rest of the team couldn't use her (not that they were any better, I think one of them was a groomer scrote but I might be thinking of something else). Your post just made it all come flooding back to me kek

No. 2462365

They can’t kowtow to incels when their game is the very definition of incel pandering

No. 2462368

no its not? its by asino games and nowhere do they mention theyre under paper, where did you heard this?

No. 2462373

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It's because of people like the crazy sperg in this thread that they have to hide it

No. 2462374

File: 1742991754423.jpg (116.68 KB, 1280x865, Memorial_Lobby_Izumi_(Swimsuit…)

>definition of incel pandering
I think you got the game wrong lol

No. 2462375

When her design kept getting changed, that's when I knew it was over. For a yandere simulator rip-off the game development didn't look too bad, it's just that nobody could keep their mouths shut so it was drama after drama. When your picrel I jumped nona kek

No. 2462379

Kek she looks like an obese midget. This is somehow a few steps away from resembling woke art, just add a wheelchair or something.

No. 2462382

I always said that this looks like a baby gesturing for its mother, but moids tell me this pose is "a women opening her arms for the man to climb on top of her". Don't believe it, won't believe it; I'm not retarded.

No. 2462385

Blue archive has been pandering to feeder fetishes for quite a bit but didn’t go all the way like nikke did. That character is basically just anime Patrick star from what I’ve heard

No. 2462387

>draw boy
>call girl
>call it “butch”

No. 2462388

File: 1742992839624.png (112.46 KB, 870x760, 03_26_25_18_38_chrome.png)

Thanks nonnie for bringing the Asino and Paper relationship to my attention, I found some hella crazy discourse from 2 years ago thanks to it kek. Imagine this much shitslinging based on a virtual outfit design's theme

No. 2462392

It goes crazy, if only they stood up the same way to moids in korea because the 3 most braindead coomer games come from there.

No. 2462396

SAYRT, watching that train wreck was a fucking blast.

No. 2462407

>I never understood why they did this shit to daniil
Because like that curiously banned anon said, he's the fandom bottom. Everyone loves shipping him with Artemy and everyone wants to fuck Artemy, so there you go.

>That site has been revealed to be modded by trannies
Yeah, this explains a lot. I remember I tried to get Ryuuji Ayukawa's bio to say that he's male and not non-binary and basically got a couple of stern reprimands from the mods, even after I posted proof of the author straight up calling him male. Also complained that characters like Kino were also being referred to as nonbinary instead of female and the thread was locked after a few people came in to agree with me. All this happened when I was like 19/several years ago, I swear I'm not arguing with people online about cartoons.

No. 2462501

Nonna, futas also don't exist but atheist with "cuntboys" it's established that they're bio males who randomly gained a pussy. they arent the same as just a butch woman or ftms because they're already built like a man by default. some people enjoy gender fuckery and genital swapping in fiction without having to include troonshit into it. futa shit 99% of the time is just a "big dommy mommy" female character with massive dick and balls and vag is optional.

No. 2462510

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repost, to better acknowledge some things. I know that Robo Ky was always a comedic character, and that he lost his body in Xrd, but this new retarded toaster design is genuinely annoying me. Alongside the covered up, censored Venom, I know they never would've given us a cute, shippable male duo in this game. They'll turn sexy male characters into ugly waifus (Testament), but won't even let fujoshi have decent ship bait. There were tons of female fans that wanted him to return with a body and a decent design, fuck this game. It's the ultimate fanservice for males, but nothing for female fans. The fandom pretending go eat this up reminds me of the Big Man cope in the Splatoon fandom, kek.

No. 2462518

still mad they trooned out bridget. i wanted to see trannies get reminded you can be feminine without co-opting the female label

No. 2462519

Trannies really are the Korean incels of the west aren’t they

No. 2462526

I know some anons look at this and go say "moid pandering" but honestly, the designs aren't so bad.

Yeah they show skin in places like the tummy and boob area but they're more fashionable than coomer to me. They're not doing retarded poses either to emphasize the A&Ts. Comparing it to stuff like NIKKE is like night and day.

No. 2462730

They fucking censored him? God fuck this shit of a game.

No. 2462741

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No. 2462753

File: 1743015936974.jpg (51.74 KB, 750x664, they-faces-killing-me-why-nobo…)

god just play the fucking dressup game and do your wish dailies, why does everything have to turn into social or political commentary

No. 2462754

This post is annoying but I'll take it over whining that there's no XYZ protagonist option. TIFs and to a lesser extent TIMs seem to be the only groups that obsess over playing a game as "themselves". I genuinely do not fucking care if my player character is "me" or not and I don't know anyone else who feels differently. Most of the time character creators don't have my hair texture but I don't fucking care about that because I'm usually making a bishie that looks nothing like me to play as instead of being self-obsessed. Most people I know make up characters instead of trying to recreate themselves

No. 2462790

What is it with troons and choosing mythological names like Morrigan or Lilith? Comes off as highly egotistical imo and makes them instantly clockable.

No. 2462793

does this retard live under a rock? a vast majority of games have a playable character, what the fuck is she even babbling about acting like its revolutionary that Nikki is an established character

No. 2462799

i hate characters with heteroachroma. It looks overdesigned and weird most of the time and is a lazy attempt to make the moe blob design interesting and without risking coomability.

No. 2462838

It can work but the heterochromia feels tacked on for no reason.

No. 2462871

You can only block and curate so much before feeling exhausted by it. I hate modern fandoms and I hate women policing each other even harder than they do to moids.

No. 2462879

>omg i am such a sickly little twans boy and can't be a footballer or barbie and since i constantly think about myself i am so happy i can be nikki and made this whole reddit post to talk about myself instead of the game me me me me me me me
This is why discussion on ibs is sadly much better because you get these terrible quality diary entries on reddit

No. 2462925

Lol I was just talking about this on the mtf snow thread yesterday, about how its actually impossible to use reddit without seeing gender ideology discussion. might as well just rename the website to transgender dot com at this point

No. 2462945

File: 1743025655735.jpg (41.54 KB, 800x587, 1742415551349.jpg)

I'm actually so glad infinty nikki is Chinese so troons shit will never be added I'm also glad theres also pushback to posts like these by the normies in the subreddit so much so theyre asking the troon mods to lower these attention whore posts I just want to see the new outfits not your mentally ill ass trying to suck her own fake dick

No. 2463064

This is BA? I thought it was a hecking wholesome game that moids only sexualize in fanart

No. 2463226

They can never be satisfied.

No. 2463232

File: 1743035276326.png (112.75 KB, 753x211, 2025-03-27T11_25_56.png)

Trying that since even my opps told me "just block xD", but apparently everyone takes it personally and gets triggered when you start blocking shit you don't want to see. I started mass blocking lolicon and furry porn artists and it upset them.

No. 2463237

>tfw no male gachaslop with this level of sexualization
why live. Moids memed me into trying lads but its not even coomery and the guys are too realistic.

No. 2463241

women in fandom not only police other women harsher than moids, they don't police moids at all and even simp for the stupid fanfics and content incel dudebro moids make. "omg jacobzeta69 you did such a good job on this!!" (and it's his self-insert harem fantasy) it's pathetic why are fandom women such pickmes pretending to give a shit about feminism

No. 2463245

Nikki is no different from characters like Link and Joker but because she's voiced and female they think a character you're supposed to project onto but that still has some canon established traits has never been done before

No. 2463261

What did the tiny search show them kek, a pattern of blocking troons?

No. 2463264

it's annoying as hell honestly. i just want one game that prioritizes coomer women. one single game that has pec and ass jiggle physics on a guy and lets me run around and see them bounce. i dream of a gacha game that's basically for women only, puts out only hot guys, and at most they'll throw a trap or something to try and print $$$ from horny dudes if the female playerbase is slacking for whatever reason

No. 2463271

I try not to let it get to me and for the most part I can ignore it, but sometimes I just get hit with a heavy load of sadness about it. I just want my nerdy spaces with equally nerdy women back, I’m fucking sick of the witch-hunts.

No. 2463274

What are the hallmarks to you of a fanfic written by a man and one written by a woman? Moids tend to just write about their toys fighting each other and how a spaceship with 10,984 mounted laser turrets would beat a spaceship with 10,985 mounted plasma turrets but only if it took place in the Crab Nebula 7,000 years ago and while under the command of General No Personality McSelfInsert or their waifu fantasies where every woman is either old/ugly (and secretly attracted to them) or young/hot/also a lesbian but not in a threatening way.

No. 2463279

I mean you pretty much just posted it. I'll add that males tend to make what are basically novelizations of their video game campaigns. There's a couple of strategy games I play that have a 95%+ male fanbase and they have multiple 500,000k+ word fics that are just mission-by-mission completely non-pornographic retellings of their campaign.

No. 2463283

Posting fanfic is one of the most stereotypically female things you can do. It surprises me that there's not more TIMs trying to infiltrate AO3 but I suppose they're too busy jerking off into stolen underwear and playing gacha.

No. 2463296

They’re probably the ones posting AI fics because they have no ability to write on their own

No. 2463299

AI fic makes me so sad. At the very least, you used to be able to say that whatever stupid fucked up pervert shit you'd find in the dark corners was from a horribly sick human mind but no longer.

No. 2463306

File: 1743039559064.jpg (262.12 KB, 1024x768, 1000001111.jpg)

Yumetwt and yumes in general are the most unhinged freaks I have ever seen. Overtime I go in there they always fight about such nonissue stuff.

No. 2463308

Fanfics written by gay men always have the top saying things like "this is what a REAL man is like" or "this is a REAL man's cock."

No. 2463322

Correct lmao. Troons swear to the moon and back they aren't perverts but they're always following lolicon gooner accounts

No. 2463326

They don't. My biggest Ao3 troon oop needs his handmaidens to help him write and it's still middle school childish garbage

No. 2463327

I always laugh when they have meltdowns over really popular husbandos because they 'don't share'

No. 2463329

Who's the most popular husbando you've seen them do this over? I'm just struggling to imagine a yume not realizing that other people husbando Leon or something kek

No. 2463347

I saw it over Genshin Impact guys, so it was yume autism compounded by gacha autism.

No. 2463363

Men don't write fanfiction unless they are lore autists or fetishists. Male fanfiction is continuing on a story with a very canon accurate continuity or a troon writing pwp fetish garbage.

No. 2463371

They do, you just don't see it because it's comical how bad it is. I usually think teenagers are pretty dumb but I genuinely worry how the average 30 year old troon gets gapped by the average teenage girl writing slash. From experience their biggest asskissers are the "profic" "proship" crowd who like to flood all the m/m m/f f/f tags with tranny shit even more. Surprise! The male tranny fandom experience in a nutshell. Everyone placates the troon's yuri so he won't throw a massive tantrum and threaten to rape or kill random women in anons and strawpages but nobody's reading or spreading his fics when not under duress of being called a twansmisogynist.

No. 2463386

Nona for your sake, I was able to deduce who you are from your ss + posts (without need to search for specific quotes) and saw that you have done poorly in the past at remaining anonymous on alt accounts. I don't care about your opinions but you need to learn lay lower.

No. 2463447

Like the obese americans are going to knock on my door. They're too busy crying about someone misgendering them again. I will continue to block whoever I like. I just think it's funny they take issue with being blocked so hard

No. 2463449

TIMs are still moids at the end of the day. moids don't get off to written porn like women do

No. 2463455

ive been reading fanfic for 15 years and idk if ive ever read anything by a man i liked. there was this one "male" author i liked a lot but it turned out to be a tif

No. 2463473

I've been reading fanfic for 20+ years and I can count the number of male authors I've enjoyed on one hand. They're few, extremely far between and almost always professional authors writing fanfic for fun between novels or gigs. All other male fic authors are either autists with 100 chapter kitchen sink epics featuring every one of their obsessions or porn screenplays starring their waifus.

No. 2463504

I knew of an actual male author in pre-2010 Harry Potter fandom (I'm old), not a TIM but I guess could have trooned since, who's to say. Also bi iirc, not gay. His fic was genuinely well written in that there was plot even if it was a bit pretentious, not overly edgy either the way a lot of proshippers/TIFs seem to write like they're competing to be the most shocking

No. 2463607

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Because of Addy's thread I just remembered something from over 15 years ago. How people first saw this scene and thought it was the dumbest shit ever, but then because Lucky Star is popular in Japan they convinced themselves that it's subversive and funny, because they're such otaku and cute girls doing cute things is the best. Similar with the pantyshot in the first episode of Bakemonogatari, every sane person thought it was dumb, but then people started saying how exactly because it's so stupid and unnecessary it's brilliant. Same shit is still happening today lol

No. 2463644

They're here, the average woman just has no desire to read autistic Loud House x Smash Brothers crossover slop. Fanfic is the only arena online where men automatically quarantine themselves by having shit taste, instead of being rewarded for it.

No. 2463658

For one of my main fandoms, which has a decent male population of fic authors:

Male Authors:
>genfic mostly is broad or world-focused, if it's about a single character it's usually about them growing in power or otherwise coming out on top of a situation, less interest in internality unless it's an angstier tone. Usually action or adventure.
>shipfic is usually het canon couples, sometimes including canon gay couples as a background element. Non-canon ships tend to be the most obvious other het option, not a lot of variation
>porn has a weird division from those who write shipfics, and feels more generic, has a weak understanding or amount of attention given to female anatomy or sensation in comparison to a blatant fixation on dicks, balls, and cum, reads like someone trying to describe a panel of hentai. kinks are clearly just there for the author and add nothing else.
>prefer crossovers over AUS
>fixits are usually re-scripts or otherwise about changing the whole story on a broad level, often more a plot outline than an actual story

Female Authors:
>genfic is more often about interpersonal relationships/smaller slices of the setting, more interest in internality of the cast involved regardless of tone. Much wider range of genres and points of divergence from canon
>shipfics are varied, with much more flexibility in pairings and how they're depicted. More crackships, rarepairs, and levels of how seriously they're treated, and stories will have overlap with the same kinds of genfic female authors put out, following similar situations but with a focus on a romantic relationship
>porn is intertwined more with shipfics, and has a better balance of erotic description regardless of if it's het or slash, more likely to include kinks that both appeal to the author and match the characters and tone of the fic. PWP tends to have a less… idk, greasy feel
>prefer AUs over crossovers
>fixits are usually character or scene focused and written as normal prose, sometimes combined with shipping or not, more about a character being done dirty or a dynamic falling apart/not happening

Obviously this is a very generalised list, but they're the trends I've noticed (and may not just be common to the fandom but also the characters I personally look for stuff about kek). Other fandoms I'm in either have no obvious male population of writers, or only have autistic crossover fics and commissioned porn fics that have blatantly male authors, nothing in between. Tims and Tifs also have their own tells that make them stand out from the rest of their sex, though imo tifs can be harder to spot due to numbers and most fic authors being women, but it's usually obvious by tags/kinks, typing styles, and sometimes character choice

No. 2463751

I don't think I've ever read a fic written by a male in my life, nona. Now you have me curious. Do you mind linking a few examples including NSFW?

No. 2463754

This is spot on honestly especially the crossover stuff. I wonder why male fic writers love crossovers compared to women in fanfic communities? Could it be a manifestation of their curative interest in fiction?

No. 2463795

if you want to tour a moidy fic environment, trawl through the Metroid series tag on AO3- it's got pretty much all the bad or retarded/embarrassing moid fic writer traits on like, the first page kek

maybe, especially when the media involved has some actual link to each other, and there's also the autistic 'mash all the things I like into one place' aspect too for the mega crossovers. Arena fics are then what happens when powerscaling gets involved, I guess.

No. 2463802

i love analyses like these. would you mind sharing the tells for TIMs and TIFs too, beyond the obvious "shoves in a futa/cuntboy to make gay ships piv"? especially interested in the TIM part since i don't think i've ever read a fic written by one

No. 2464034

File: 1743091020800.png (121.21 KB, 960x394, Screenshot 2025-03-27 10.56.07…)

the first thing that immediately came to mind was the breeding ground by megamatt09 on ao3. one of the highest word count of all hp fanfictions with 2000 chapters of poorly written pwp.
The difference between moid works in hp and women written works is night and day (one thing to look out for is whether they depict Harry as the movie version or book version. moids always chose the movie version for coom)

No. 2464061

seconding the TIF vs TIM analysis, the wish fulfillment I've seen is like
>I'm gay and I love you the way you are with your pussy, let's talk through our feelings and become a family together
>lesbian sex, "lesbian" sex with penis, forcefem garbage

No. 2464071

>nicely worded gay conversion vs fetish fueled gay conversion

No. 2464125

Why is most male written fanfics always some form of wish fulfillment fantasy. If it isn't goon material, it's powerwanking, and if it's not powerwanking, it's haremwanking or canon ship wanking or waifuwanking. There's never a moment of rest for this slop, it's always the same old muh this and that. Men are truly retarded.

No. 2464175

NTA- but I just saw some messed up shit on Ao3 and it gets me real down to see young TiFs writing it. I can laugh it off as cringe, but when you see 20 fics where a popular male character gets raped and the fics have tags "underage, trans, vaginal sex" really makes you think about the author.

No. 2464346

What's the point of writing het rape shit but woke anyway? I'll never understand gendies, especially TiFs where a real man can take all the rape and we can all beat our clits to it.

No. 2464507

There's "What in the hell is bad?" Which is like Obey Me buy you can rub the demons' horns and they cum from it lol. I find the art style ugly though but it's 2D so maybe you'll like it.

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