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No. 2443295

This thread is dedicated to all and any fandom discourse. Global rules apply: don't infight, report and ignore bait, etc.

Current topics include, but are not limited to:
> Proshipping vs Antishipping
> Ao3 Censorship and TOS
> Slapfights between slash, femslash, and het shippers
> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads
> Whitewashed/blackwashed/colorist fanart drama
> ‘[Insert Sexuality/Gender]-Coded’ Characters
> Debates over death of the author
> Stalking/harassment experienced by actors/creators

Related threads:

Fujo vs. anti-fujo discourse:

Fujocoomer cringe:


No. 2443299

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No. 2443306

>lesbian cartman
is this what the world has come to

No. 2443310

>>2442979 genuinely what is wrong with these people? do they think nobody will ever love them irl? (they're right..) at least they take themselves out of the gene pool. may future generations be stronger for lack of these freaks bearing children…

No. 2443320

lesbian really just means anything after stepping out of the microlabel arena now

No. 2443323

Aktually hes a Jewish trans woman who's lesbian so you cant cancel him libtard so checkmate this would be in a south park episode just to mock him kekkk

No. 2443329

File: 1741901957785.jpg (162.87 KB, 1080x1080, toxic-hobbit-yaoi-v0-nrypvdnvd…)

I have 0 bad feelings towards yumejoshi, but these parodies? of the concept take me out

No. 2443338

>"Libido level"
>It's high

No. 2443341

I need the template, please

No. 2443343

holy shit not even the original bakshi hobbit but the one from the shittiest smiling friends episode? whats wrong with these people

No. 2443348

i don't think it's a parody nona. i saw this artist posted in the bad art thread before and she's just… like that

No. 2443350

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If you want it in better quality:
A lot of people using it quoted this tweet

No. 2443353

>yume'ing this ugly shit
may as well date a 3dpd moid

No. 2443359

There is way too much effort put into this for it to be a parody.

No. 2443361

I know this shit isn’t a parody but does it feel ingenuine to anyone else or is it just me? All these modern yumes feel ironypoisoned to some degree. I’m not really feeling the true ‘tism spirit here it almost seems like they revel in how lol quirky it appears from the outside

No. 2443366

seems like being a selfshipper is now seen as some kind of edgy counterculture instead of just a regular part of fandom, so now you have all the south park zoomers shipping themselves with lesbian enby polyamourous cartman or some shit.

No. 2443370

yeah the pronouns + yumeing for literal joke characters is very obviously irony poisoned

No. 2443374

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Late, but Lycaon is the zzz furry designed to appeal to women, he has a dutiful butler personality, a deep voice and has some shippy dialogue with the female mc.

No. 2443377

I find that there is a yume community of sorts to be weird in itself because why would you care about other's husbandos who aren't related to your husbando's source material when you could be doing something directly related to him?

No. 2443386

>suitfaggot so it doesnt hurt moids feefees

No. 2443398

how would a wolf man hurt moid feefees lol

No. 2443400

I think a lot of yumes are irony poisoned but the girl in the OP is genuine, just extremely autistic. She is a fakebian with a tranny ebf though, identifying as a lesbian has been trendy for the last 2-3 years because of the comphet shit/Chappell Roan/bisexuality not being novel anymore.

No. 2443406

So what's the difference between avator, sona, and persona?

No. 2443423

sona and persona are same things imo, but i think the diff is usually someone has one avatar that they use to represent themselves, vs having a bunch of persona's (in my mind theyre glorified OC's) that fit specific scenarios

No. 2443438

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Moids go into melty mode whenever they see a guy in revealing clothing. I'll make a compilation of moid seethe but if you wanna look at the replies yourself

No. 2443443

if he was as sexualized as the female characters moids would start sending protesting trucks to mihoyo

No. 2443448

Why do they even fucking care? I'm definitely not the target audience for lads but the inane spergery and rage it inspires kind of makes me secondhand fan.

No. 2443451

This is especially funny when you consider that those same moids have said for years that unlike "stupid women" they aren't bothered by sexy male characters and it gives them motivation to work out. Turns out that was a load of BS lmao.

No. 2443455

This isn't a mihoyo game though…

No. 2443456

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she's such a tryhard pickme

No. 2443458

Who is that
Also of all things in LADS why crash out over a period tracker?

No. 2443462

Yes it is, ZZZ is made by Mihoyo.

No. 2443464

Oops, I was talking about Love and deepspace

No. 2443465

pickme who posts unfunny anime memes
I got so pissed at this, a normal thing every woman goes thought is the grossest thing ever but dating middleschoolers in gachaslop is fine according to her

No. 2443471

I'm legitimately angry at this. Imagine hating yourself and your fellow women so much that you wholeheartedly agree with period shaming and become upset at the mere thought of other women being catered to in the slightest way.
And I don't even play this game, I came from the front page.

No. 2443476

God, I hate how futashit has destroyed the f/f and GL fandom, Every time I use AO3 I have to add like 50 tags to my blocklist because there'll be an untagged dickgirl in it. Why the fuck is noone capable of writing good femslash smut without giving one of them a dick?

No. 2443482

samefag and the issue is compounded by the fact that authors who write strap-on stories often tag their stories as if the character has a dick on AO3. Like, I get that AO3 is meant for straight women for the most part, so it can be difficult to tag things properly, but come the fuck on.

No. 2443484

troons have infected yuri fandom. the cuntboy stuff is bad in yaoi fics but not nearly as bad as what happened with wlw

No. 2443485

It seems like everything is mutating into a grotesque sexual mush. It sucks.
I wonder if it'll get worse, like years from now it won't be enough to have just one set of genitals but to represent all sort with hyper inflated breast's and stomachs.

No. 2443489

why do they all id as lesbian?

No. 2443495

im so mad his sexy ass english voice actor has been gone for so long (I guess he's busy with other roles) so all his appearances in the events and story recently are unvoiced and its so immersion breaking. dropped the game so it doesnt really matter now

No. 2443500

The word lesbian has been completely bastardized in the last almost-decade now

No. 2443502

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I don't know. I suspect it's a way of swearing loyalty to their husbando by claiming no attraction to irl men.

No. 2443505

i love flonne's site but i wish she would just say shes febfem instead. half of the characters she has romantic feelings for are male kek. like what is so wrong with being bisexual? it gives the feeling of somebody desperately wanting to feel special and like bisexual isnt special enough

No. 2443511

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A bit late, sorry. Here's the meltdown compilation.

No. 2443515

Its so obvious how jealous they are KEK men are so threated by and scared of women's sexuality

No. 2443516

This is actually so funny holy shit

No. 2443517

Being straight/bisexual isn't feminist enough (even though she openly has a ddlg kink).

No. 2443527

>women raping men
omg based i am downloading LADS now

No. 2443530

didnt this girl actually confess to having a mdlg type relationship with a woman? i remember her post about the digimon dog thing

No. 2443545

Way more than half kek.

No. 2443547

like another anon said, obvious bisexuals that want to attention whore use the lesbian label now since everyone and their mommas are bisexual now.

No. 2443549

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That's her. She's an ex-TiF with psychosis so I wouldn't take her word at face value. Sansfagging aside at least she seems to be doing better now.

No. 2443551

I doubt some of them are even bi tbh

No. 2443555

…You couldnt torture this information out of me, holy shit

No. 2443559

kinda feel a bit bad for her. ngl

No. 2443569

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No. 2443573

Being straight isn't cool when you are terminally online.

No. 2443657

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Nona, I want to let you know that some of us aren't too retarded to see your point and support your opinion. Just because we don't always reply saying it doesn't mean nobody agrees with you. And obviously you're not the only one saying this, but some anons really think only one person can have the same opinion
Anyway, you're absolutely right. Many yumes like to make their self-inserts as pretty or sexy as possible because they're just like any other woman, socially conditioned to care about their appearance more than they should and value themselves based on that. They have fucked up standards like the average person who thinks women are pretty and men are plain/ugly, and that this is just "how things are". This is especially blatant when the husbando looks plain or unattractive in comparison. Yumes making their self-insert considerably cuter/sexier than the husbando may be harmless in itself, but it's ultimately a consequence of this social programming. It's subconscious, as is some yumes making their self-inserts appear small and young. But not all yumes are like that, some portray themselves normally or not conventionally feminine, and others aim for pretty husbandos that look about as good as their self-inserts (or vice versa, they aim for ugly husbandos that they feel they "deserve", which like the other extreme of ways to deal with beauty standards).

Also I don't see what's wrong with making your self-insert realistically kinda ugly, but not like ugly bastard levels of ugly, since at that point I think it'd be obvious that you hate yourself and self-deprecate a lot. It's showing that the yume accepts herself as she is, and doesn't think she's any less worth loving by a fictional character just because she doesn't conform to society's ideals of feminine beauty. Moids in real life are expected to be loved by women regardless of their appearance, because what counts is their "personality", after all. That's why moids are allowed to be ugly in peace, and even devoted waifufags don't think about it as much as I've seen yumejos worry about it. Women should also be allowed to be plain or ugly. Picrel is obviously a joke, but if we dig into the actual reason for this phenomenon, we can see it's because of this real-life situation where girls learn to dedicate their whole life to being beautiful, while moids aren't taught to do the same and everyone is told to ignore a male's looks because "that doesn't matter". Therefore, a girl's fantasy will more often involve her being pretty and physically attractive, while a moid's fantasy will more often involve getting lots of sex without having to do anything to be attractive in looks or personality. Males don't feel like they need to do that, unlike women. No straight moid is fantasizing about looking like a K-poop prettyboy, and no straight moid is reading shoujo manga and BL games, wishing he was just like the boys in those works, and being a pickme online to get female attention (unless he does it for the money, like Vtumors), but we see tons of female pickmes doing it with lolicon games and shounenslop like My Dressup Darling to get male attention every week and for no reason.

And I'm talking about yumes who are self-inserting, not about yume media where there is a self-insert for the viewer/player/reader/listener. But in the latter case, it'd make more sense to have a plain-looking self-insert, since the point of that kind of media should be the male characters being appealing, not the protagonist herself.

No. 2443662

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This has always been a thing, in the past people were just more intense about it with them starting internet slapfights over it, nowadays people just block each other and move on.

No. 2443663

fucking kek

No. 2443664

Yuris been futaland since the late 2000s, yaoi is only now catching up with all the cuntboy ABO.

No. 2443665

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No. 2443678

Are we sure its a cis woman and not a man pretending to be a woman? I remember seeing men pretending to be tradthots on twitter.

No. 2443683

No. 2443687

Compare these to each other, they're not the same level of sexualization OR anthropomorphization at all, she even wears a mask that covers the snout so the moids who aren't full-blown furfags can coom to her kek

No. 2443697

>cis woman
Actually you make a good point, I thought she was a Vtuber pickme but turns out I was thinking of someone else who also shits on the game for her incel audience

No. 2443700

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>Ayrt says she's so fearful of him, but she makes no effort to avoid him or avoid being alone in a room with him.
i want to clarify that i found mouthwashing to be merely "okay", i've consumed far better media, i thought it was really cheap to make the sole female character's biggest tragedy be pregnancy rape, but it's a point of her character that she's forgiving to a fault. it's a brief mention but it's there and i'd also argue women forgiving their rapists or trying to look past it is sadly not that unrealistic

No. 2443702

Moid 1
Moid 2
They can't even agree on how to lie, hilarious. And let's not forget that that specific even was met with tons of backlash from both the East and West because everybody was expecting a cute and sweet Valentine's event.
>Its so obvious how jealous they are
This is exactly it. Some of the scrotes in the screenshot even admitted to being jealous.
You're going to be very disappointed kek

No. 2443703

>I wish we could have this but with anime girls
they're greedy as fuck and that's the worst part to me

No. 2443704

They already have dozens of games like that kek that moid is just a total newfag

No. 2443709

People want to connect with people who have a similar autism level and want to show off their weeb cred + in their own fandom they are ostracized by shippers.
It's just friend/community seeking behaviour, though usually it devolves into catty drama.

No. 2443713

Anon, the average woman is just prettier than 10 average scrotes

No. 2443718

Why do they need to make their self-inserts even prettier then

No. 2443734

NTA but vast majority of both women and men like playing as hot, cute and sexy characters. No one wants to play as fat and ugly slobs. That's why Concord failed.

No. 2443736

Why are male game protagonists so ugly then kek

No. 2443747

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>op pic

Gross. Stan belongs to Steve.

No. 2443756

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You might get booed and heckled for this, but I agree completely. There are tens of thousands of male wish-fulfillment manga that basically have the same premise:
>outgoing gyaru who falls for the generic, black-haired, dot-eyed plain guy because he was nice to her
>transfer Russian student who falls for the unremarkable, plain guy because he was nice to her
>elf who falls for the unremarkable human guy because he was nice to her
>tanned girl who falls for the unremarkable, plain guy because he was nice to her
>tomboy who falls for the unremarkable, plain guy because he was nice to her
>reverse trap who falls for the unremarkable, plain guy because he was nice to her
>class prez who falls for the unremarkable, plain guy because he was nice to her
Maybe I need to read more manga kek, but I do not really see this kind of escapist fantasy for women, where the plain, unremarkable girl ends up with a guy who is way out of her league. Also, the male self-insert is always the black-haired, dot-eyed guy so the average Japanese man can easily see himself in him. But this is not very common in manga targeted towards women. The only exceptions I can think of right now are Mitsumi from Skip to Loafer and the FMC from Busu ni Hanataba wo.

No. 2443762

File: 1741936299938.jpg (174.37 KB, 1250x875, Glgj-SVakAA0oDV.jpg)

I think most women just see themselves as pretty/or cute or relate to that more than being plain.

No. 2443764

nta but how I see it is that generally people have far less tolerance and more hostility towards plain or unattractive women and see pretty women as more valuable; >>2443734 ignores the super stardom of Mario, Sonic (well he does have his weird fans into him, sure, but they're the minority), among many other silly and iconic main male characters that aren't just Mr. Wonderbread that easily are far more beloved than almost all of your picrel. this is whitewashed because otherwise the fact even women tend to, like men, tolerate far, far less diversity and difference in womens' design in media would become too blatant. speaking as someone whose fave character was Fiona when I was a kid kek. I really didn't realize that she was actually supposed to be the odd female lead out because I found her so cute and interesting to look at as an ogre.

No. 2443766

>I'll stalk your pass record
Creepy bitch…

No. 2443769

i'll be honest with you all the fictional men these self-professed lesbians pair themselves with with are so far removed from real-life men that they're not even comparable. it'd be different if these were real-life male celebrities but they're literally just lines on a screen

No. 2443771

maybe petty but im so bored of these generic bishie gacha anime boy yumes. gacha characters arent made for the love of telling stories, theyre made to appeal to people and get lots of money, when you husbando these type of characters and blow a bunch of money on rolls and merch youre literally getting played like a fiddle. its lame.

No. 2443772

What a weird take, that guy is from Enstars and has 10x more story content than the average boy from a game and high quality 3D music videos and outfits you can put him in.
Most people can only dream of getting that much fanservice of their favourite boy and rely on fanart.

No. 2443773

They all have the personality and backstory of white bread though.

No. 2443774

Yes, he has all that content and fanservice exactly so women fall in love with him and spend their cash! Of course you can like him as a character and all that, but those sort of games exist just to make people blow money on the gacha and merch, and I find their characters inherently kinda lame because of this

No. 2443776

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>ton of content is bad!
>a-actually their personalities must be bland even though I haven't read it!
>why do women like pretty boy characters?
>why do women like old men characters?
>why do women not have ugly self-inserts?
Maybe you just need to learn to enjoy things and let people enjoy their things.

No. 2443777

list of shit i didnt say. if you wanna get played by gachaslop go ahead. i swear youre the same person always trying to infight with me with the "quoting you but i add a stutter to make you look dumb" thing

No. 2443778

>a-actually their personalities must be bland even though I haven't read it!
Watched the anime, all these bitches boring as shit.
I personally don't care if someone likes enstars or not, I just think they have the husbando taste of enjoying unsalted crackers if they do.

No. 2443782

no you're definitely right. i'm all for women having fun with cute bishies or whatever but these gacha game boys from stuff like 18trip and enstars (where ALL their content is based in the gacha game and paywalled in some capacity, forcing you to spend money or attend a real-life event in japan) just feel like the yume equivalent of industry plants– and i say this as someone who was an enstars yumejo back in the day. i miss when more yumes were into guys from manga or drama cd series.

just because he gets content doesn't mean the writing is good, nona. the main author for that series is a hack who makes all of his choices based on shock value and what will bring in the fujobucks for hapiele. pick up a book or something.

No. 2443786

Those guys are incels and everyone makes fun of them. Not to mention isekai anime where the stories are like "I'm a fat neckbeard and I reincarnated as an anime girl", even the anime creators make fun of their audience.
Also there are a lot of men who self-insert as superheroes, vikings, and other kinds of "winner" types of men. Women can self-insert as princesses if they want to.

No. 2443791

the princess anime always suck ass though. it's always shit like
>i became the side character who the prince falls in love with but i am bland as hell and don't want to step on anyone's toes for the first 2/3rds of the series
meanwhile males have
>i became the universe's most satisfying dildo on the horny sexy demon succubus planet also i am sentient and can turn into a girl for some hot lesbian action and everyone wants to marry me
the mc in yume and otome stuff is always the most awful passive nothing

No. 2443802

the sad part is that the normalization of these characters is pretty much a great thing for men because it shows people accept them way more and objectify them much less, alongside way more variety of male self-insert beyond those plain characters. also nobody's saying women can't self-insert as princesses. discussion of the collective trends generally isn't an attack on them by default.

No. 2443805

Looking at the kind of men they pick I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and wonder if it's a combination of irony poisoning and looking for a father figure to fill the void in their lives rather than actual crush/love. I used to latch on to a lot of big brother/father-like male characters because I was desperate for some kind of a positive male figure in my life despite not being attracted to them so I get it.

No. 2443817

A lot of yume-based hentai bothers me because it's often extremely female-centric in a negative way, like the focus is constantly on showing off how unbelievably hot the female MC's body is and how attractive she is in every given situation, the moid seems to be more of an afterthought or a floating dildo. It always reminds me of that one poignant comic in which the woman experiences her sexuality only through her own perceived attractiveness, like she needs to pick a position for sex that doesn't make her look like she has a double chin or belly rolls.

That said, personally I wish self inserts had more variety rather than just a super hot goddess perfect in every way or a plain (you) with no identifying traits at all. Like you can have an interesting design and a bit of a personality while still allowing plenty of room for identifying with the protagonist. In fact, for me it's easier to self insert if a protagonist is closer to my tastes rather than just an NPC off the street.

No. 2443855

There should be more games where women rape men. In fact, there should be games centered around men looking like complete sluts 24/7 and also being in love with female MCs, and there needs to be an entire industry underground of indie games/manga by/for women where men are raped and exploited by women. Where is the male version of Teaching Feeling? Emergence?
Men are so retarded it's unreal lol

No. 2443857

Imagine if Saya no Uta was genderbent, would it be hailed as a great piece of writing with every weeb girl having a nonchalant Saya figure in their rooms because "it's ackshually super deep bless Urobuchi for being a genius storyteller"? I'm guessing the answer is a big fat "No".

No. 2443863

I know you're right nonna which is why this guy nearly turned me into a furry if I'm not already…

No. 2443865

Really, this is why I used to read a bunch of regular anime porn, it isn't that different from original yume porn, the emphasis is always on the girl anyways, but at least in regular anime porn I can find anime girls that are physically similar to me so I sift through the retarded and nasty shit and find like 2 manga that are bearable.
The difference between those though is that there is a change in the narrative most of the time and you actually read the thoughts of the anime girl rather than the thoughts of the coom rotten guy.

No. 2443869

>genderbent sayo no uta
>saya is a loli
>boy saya would then be a shota
idk how I feel about this nonna but more power to you. We need more games where women get the female archtype (male) of their dreams.

No. 2443883

Anon the point is that Saya no Uta is filled with gratuitous rape scenes, many of which include the clearly prepubescent female lead, and a paper thin plot relying on shock horror and Eldritchian tropes to tie them together and it's seen as a cornerstone in horror visual novels and openly celebrated, but if Saya was a shota it would be considered a low class fetish game with a tryhard 2deep4u story.

No. 2443893

NTA but I don't really care, I want men to be uncomfortable and gaslit.

No. 2443931

Men are uncomfortable with being seeing as attractive to women and hate that yes even female fictional characters would want men who are actually attractive and not fucking Mario. So they perpetuate the psy op that women should be attracted to their shit genes because "they're the hero."

No. 2443939

Why should we keep caring what moids do? Why should we go to their level? They don't care about being attractive to waifus because men love pretending that women don't care about looks and would happily propagate their shit genetics (on top of that, men's clothing is just less revealing and have less variety than female clothing).
Romance is the most shallow form of love. Everybody should strive to be pretty without being obsessive about it. It's not cucking yourself to want to see that.

No. 2443975

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Preach! Only men should be allowed escapist media where the nice guy gets a woman way out of his league just by being himself. Meanwhile, all media for women should strictly enforce the highest, most supreme standards of performative femininity—constantly reminding them that unless their sheer beauty knocks out everyone within a 100 metre radius, they are unworthy of love and might as well not exist.

No. 2443976

man I cant help but think yumes are based. really what is the point of keeping a 3dpd moid around if you dont want kids.
yumes they can never make me hate you.

No. 2444085

actually pulchra is a direct response to furries complaining that all the animal girl characters up until now have just been ears and tail on normal girls. She is absolutely designed for furries by furries kek

No. 2444086

They recast his va, he was fired for striking despite not being part of a union, same with soldier 11 va

No. 2444093

Those obligatory makeover scenes ruined me as a kid. If any teen movie had the outcast nerd girl, you bet she's be all dolled up for some scrote and proceeds become any other pretty girl ever. They don't even try since the actor portraying is usually bombshell in real life.

No. 2444110

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>same level of sexualization OR anthropomorphization
I am no furfag but I think this is a thing in nearly all furry shit outside of Beastars perhaps? Picrel is the teaser visual for an upcoming shoujo furry anime and the male and female furries look so different.

No. 2444114

I genuinely don't know which one looks worse.

No. 2444122

>man is dog
>woman is cat
how innovating!

No. 2444131

File: 1741968173509.jpg (164.54 KB, 763x1200, 1000060818.jpg)

Fwiw, googling it and it seems like there's male cats too.

No. 2444133

This art style is hideous imo. Why are all the characters so long

No. 2444134

It looks fine to me. Seems like it's going for a little bit of a "delicate and flowery" sort of feel which isnt particularly rare in shoujo.

No. 2444135

I think it's the combination with the tiny super squashed faces which isn't helping.

No. 2444136

I understand what they're going for, but I agree with other anon… something about it just looks begtier or gross to me.

No. 2444139

My bad. I had only seen the trailer and the main visual, so my first impression was that the mangaka chose to make the female furries look more human-like. But the cat guy in your pic looks pretty similar to the female one, so that is actually quite nice.

No. 2444177

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The wolfman is unappealing even from an anthro/monsterfucker standpoint, skimming the manga he looks like a pinhead 90% of the time. His snout, jaw, fur game is weak

No. 2444183

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No. 2444193

These scenes should ONLY happen with the dude and not out of 'revenge' but because he wants to glow up for her.
Very telling that I've only seen this in Panty & Stocking w/Garterbelt–and I've consumed A LOT of media. "He cleans up nicely" is too rare.

No. 2444217

File: 1741972980057.webm (340.44 KB, 400x400, bocchi sudoku.webm)

Whoops, meant to reply to >>2444131

No. 2444228

Kek I was wondering wtf you were apologizing for

No. 2444232

First time I want to enjoy a comfy humanxwolf monsterfucker anime and the have to make the wolf as fugly as possible smh

No. 2444236

File: 1741973984677.png (928.99 KB, 846x1200, Hana and the beast man.png)

I've read this manga and its prequel, it has both male and female cat and dog anthro characters

No. 2444238

File: 1741974176585.jpg (177.36 KB, 574x545, to the kill shelter he goes.jp…)

sadly hes genetically inbred too, he needs to be euthanized before he mauls the local obasan going for a walk

No. 2444248

What happens when you don't mew

No. 2444262

only time this trope didn't piss me off as a kid was in the princess diaries since Mia still kept her dorkiness and headstrong nature, and she also decided to stay single by the time the 2nd movie ended.

No. 2444264

Nobody said that, retard. Men should focus on beauty more than woman because that is their purpose

No. 2444265

I'd put money on this being sincere nonna. Mip was a creepy stalker in the show and it seems to be popular to lust after characters like him. The negative or creepy traits are easily twisted into anime yandere uwu tragic love and since they're ugly the chance you'd have to "compete" with other selfshippers is low. The perfect man for unfortunate-looking terminally online troons. Plus, if you're prolific enough you may earn enough clout to become the the CEO of (character).
I wonder what Nemu would think of all this if she were still public. Part of her schtick was being the "weird waifu" girl. Now that every Tom, Sock and Aiden selfships with the ugliest characters imaginable she doesn't stick out so much. The sharing/non-sharing thing makes me kek cause what the hell are they gonna do when they come across another yume with the same waifu? These characters don't belong to any of them. If I were an author or showrunner I'd write in a canonical love interest just to fuck with these types.

No. 2444343


damn, absolutely NONE of them have lips jfc. also, i'm not like a korean media expert but i've seen that some drama/manhwa leads are just regular ol' girls that manage to catch the attention of both the princely rich heir and the bad boy through the power of ~personality~. they do get ending up getting makeovers though so that ruins my whole point.

No. 2444353

File: 1741979648443.png (190.34 KB, 623x623, 1711362399790724.png)

Anyone who says this has never had an actual encounter with a terminally online "non-sharing" yume before. They all are narcissists who will shit themselves at the sight of another person liking the same character as they do (not even legitimately self-shipping, mind you), God forbid another fan of their particular interest wants to interact with them and share thoughts.

No. 2444432

narcissists of all kinds are annoying and found in any community. still think yumes are based idc

No. 2444458

NAYRT but I used to be friends with one and she would literally have a meltdown if she saw “doubles” or ship art of her fave with another character. It’s just 2010s kinnie tumblr all over again

No. 2444476

At this point we all know everything men say is projection of their own insecurities, but its really funny seeing them jealous of fictional boys when they've been using that argument for themselves whenever straight women dont like their disgusting waifuslop

No. 2444492

This is how I feel when I go on /jp/ VN threads and see anons pretend certain galge are profound. Even the supposed female anons, they wouldnt be pretending its profound or interesting if the same themes remained with the roles reversed.
Most non-sharing yumes I've met seem no different from most weebs nowadays and just mute/block at their discretion. Sorry you got traumatized in some discord server by a yume sperg but no need to project that onto every single one.

No. 2444544

>Most non-sharing yumes I've met seem no different from most weebs nowadays
Proving my point.
>in some discord server
Please, you have to be a fucking retard (AKA not me) to seek out fandom shitcord servers.
>no need to project that onto every single one.
Who would have thought people that delude themselves into treating fictional characters as if they were real might be mentally unstable?(infighting)

No. 2444617

It really is just kin shit again, seeing people here praise it so much is just telling of what kind of fandom demon they are.

No. 2444618

People here praise it because it's really not that big of a deal if women don't want to seek out relationship with real scrotes lol..

No. 2444619

Not dating scrotes is a completely separate matter from being a schizophrenic who’s impossible to interact with.

No. 2444624

they couldnt even bother to give the guys dogsona human hair so it looks less uncanny

No. 2444628

I think a lot of the yumes that act like this are just young (many teens are like that online, not just yumes) or womanchildren. But there are also yumes who either share and therefore are not so spergy by default, or if they are non-sharing, they're more chill.
They probably aren't the type you'd find in these Twitter communities, though.

No. 2444631

absolutely grim because i could automatically picture atleast 3 different mangas in my head with the same plot. its so generic and gives weebiescrotes false confidence, and then anger when it doesnt exist in the real world.
also, not to mention the generic 16 highschooler x 40 year old teacher hentai trope. its disgusting

No. 2444637

I block my favorite character’s fans because I hate his fanon characterization. Most non-sharing yumejos just stick to their own stuff and not interact.

No. 2444648

Agreed. Even if the writing is bad, the design and personality generic, or the character is designed to manipulate you into blowing your paycheck on it every month (pathetic, yes) why does it surprise anyone that girls like cute bishies?

>just feel like the yume equivalent of industry plants
kek that's a good way to put it

No. 2444660

That's a reasonable motive and I doubt anybody here hasn't blocked someone over annoying OOC fanon before. Although in my personal experience, a lot of yumes (regardless if they are sharing or non-sharing) who accuse other fans of mischaracterization are themselves guilty of creating poor portrayals of their husbando.

No. 2444678

Yes, this is a problem with both the TL manga it's based on, and, although it's just my own speculation, the fact that the anime adaptation's staff is all or mostly male, especially the directors and producers who are always male, and the animators who are probably also scrotes. And not just that, but they're so used to animating hentai for moids that even if they tried, they couldn't make it female gaze. I think I even saw one case where the protagonist's massive breasts and nipples were very detailed (because of course), but the male love interest had no fucking nipples. The only difference between those anime and a regular hentai anime for moids is that the male has a face in a half-assed ikemen style kek.

>It always reminds me of that one poignant comic in which the woman experiences her sexuality only through her own perceived attractiveness

I always think of that comic when talking about these issues.

>In fact, for me it's easier to self insert if a protagonist is closer to my tastes rather than just an NPC off the street.

I couldn't agree more. I want more variety in protagonists, because it's always super feminine and perfect girl #1958710 or plain, faceless self-insert with so little personality that she just lets things happen around her #960971. It'd be awesome if there were as many protagonist types as there are kinds of women, but female-oriented genres are small compared to their male equivalents, plus they're being controlled by moids (except for BL), so it's hard for that variety to truly happen.

>and there needs to be an entire industry underground of indie games/manga by/for women where men are raped and exploited by women
Based and true.

No. 2444694

>The difference between those though is that there is a change in the narrative most of the time and you actually read the thoughts of the anime girl rather than the thoughts of the coom rotten guy.
You mean in hentai for males or TL manga? Because in my experience both do the same thing kek.
You're so right, it's infuriating when manga that's supposedly for women does the same things that porn for men does, and with worse art on top of all that. Personally, I'd rather find a rare hentai gem among all the trash, than be disappointed by "our" genre over and over again. Although I'd obviously support any TL author that does things right in a heartbeat, I'll do everything in my power to financially support those women.
Sucks not being a fujo anymore, because then I wouldn't be facing this dilemma.

No. 2444703

Adding onto my post (too late to delete now), I once had a funny encounter with a crazy yume online who husbando'd the same character I did at her age, around 14. I even acted in the same cringe way at that age. She was being an asshole to someone else so I pretended to claim him in front of her and she got insanely mad kek. Then I told her to chill out and that it was just a joke. I really can't get mad at girls like these, they're just immature teenagers and they'll probably get over it as they grow up. I just find them funny.

No. 2444717

>a lot of yumes who accuse other fans of mischaracterization are themselves guilty of creating poor portrayals of their husbando.
Yeah that’s why I’m non-sharing kek

No. 2444721

do you think they see these characters as women?

No. 2444725

YMMV but I love that trope and it's a common "shoujo" trope not "hentai" trope lmao

No. 2444745

the art is really cute too bad she seems like a crazy bitch

No. 2444748

god forbid women like pretty male characters when 90% of male characters in media are ugly

No. 2444749

I think their issue is more on the gacha male puppy mill aspect.

No. 2444752

>theyre made to appeal to people and get lots of money, when you husbando these type of characters and blow a bunch of money on rolls and merch youre literally getting played like a fiddle
You just described the majority of modern otaku shows/games

No. 2444753

the art is quite obviously commissioned, also i bet she is one of those turbo passive aggressive crazy ones with the pink haired oc and the “<3” after a threat

No. 2444757

File: 1741998942107.webp (81.91 KB, 1000x462, 29_Tomoya_Mashiro_CG.webp)

>liking cute husbandos tailored for women BAD!
>actually if you like husbandos who are meant to be appealing to you, you have bland taste
>you like thing with cute boys made for you? you are an industry plant not a real yume!!1!
Holy shit you bitches are as annoying and crazy as attention whore moralfagging gendies who ''yume'' for crazy ugly characters or have to trannify characters so they can larp as ''lesbians'' with geriatric cartman. Being a yume is not a contest about whose taste is the most morally correct, you absolute baffoons. You are not a better yume or a ''real'' one because you simp for some ugly male character from a scrote mango with a ''''deep'''' lore meant for moids. The whole point of being a yume is to distance yourself from real life moids, yet you sound like those nlogs who screech at women who like jpop boys for being ''shallow'' and not being into ''real'' men(fat, ugly, bald). Sorry but i am yume because no 3DPD could reach the level of perfection of a 2D bishie. I am not interested in being a yume for flawed or ugly characters, i dont care how 3deep5u their stories are i just want to daydream about a cute anime boy who's too perfect to exist irl, who doesnt have flaws and if he does they are cute flaws who make him cuter and more appealing to me. You bitches are so annoying you gotta be NLOG about fucking husbandos. How you manage to be a pickme for fictional men is beyond me. Notice how moids are never moralfagged into liking ugly female characters? how they are never told that stuff being made for them is BAD, and instead have the opposite problem where media is often bend to be appealing for them(and only them). But suddenly when women get the same treatment its bad ackshually, women are not allowed to like pretty anime boys with cute personalities, no, just like IRL we gotta see past the visual appeal, we gotta be ''better and not shallow'' even in our fantasies. I am so tired of all the moralfagging. Enjoy your ugly husbandos all you like, but you arent better and you dont have ''pristine'' taste because you yume for a character made for moids.(infighting)

No. 2444758

aint nobody reading allat sis(go back)

No. 2444759

its not even that long, but here
tl;dr: stop moralfagging about husbandos, you are the reason why ironic husbandofags like the south park randy ''lesbian'' exist.

No. 2444766

I know your bank account is in the gutter

No. 2444771

Newfags can't read

Okay nonny but I think the main problem those anons have is that those characters come from a predatory gacha game. I think if it weren't gashit, they wouldn't mind that much because it'd be as stupid as getting mad at women falling for shoujo manga love interests.
Also rich of you saying being a yume is not a contest while shitting on yumes you don't like

No. 2444774

this is so fucking retarded it's almost based kek, yoomers ftw

No. 2444779

no i just dont give a fuck about what a broke girl has to say about yume shit(infighting)

No. 2444780


No. 2444782

File: 1742000515787.jpeg (32.11 KB, 510x346, Da7lHVCU8AUnZq-.jpeg)

>Rape is when women want to fuck a guy who is hotter than me
Ah, so this is how "men get raped too".

No. 2444783

Thanks for posting this gem. I love yumes so fucking much.
>Seph actually finds people like you amusing
I'm laughing my ass off, how do you know that? He's not fucking real!

No. 2444786

you speak the truth, weeb women are constantly nitpicked by other women for what weeb men constantly do. irony poisoning and insecurity ruin fandom, i wish other women would just say they like pretty men and common het fantasies.

No. 2444790

Absolutely based Tomoya nonnie.

No. 2444797

File: 1742001252023.png (915.04 KB, 991x583, asdsadasdsadasads.png)

I have never spent a dime on this game. I only produce one idol, so i only save up for his cards. The only f2ps that struggle with gachas are the whores who just do it for the thrill and not because they genuinely want the card.
Its not predatory though, you can enjoy the game just fine without spending a dime. I saved all this just from playing daily and saving for my husbando.
learn to read because the only ''''yumes'''' i shat on are the obvious attention whore gendies. If you cant even love your husbando without having to trannify him so you can larp as genderspecials and not lose your gender special LGBTWTFBBQ bragging rights, then yeah, thats the ONLY thing that makes you a fake yume. If you cant love your husbando without butchering his character to the point he's unrecognizable just to fit your own manufactured gender identity then you clearly dont really love him how he is and are just attention whoring.

No. 2444799

I love you nona

No. 2444804

So much yume nitpicking could be solved if western yumes bothered to look at JP yume culture for five seconds and realized that being a yume is not serious business or something inherently deep.

No. 2444809

>Its not predatory though
Microtransactions in video games are inherently predatory, and gacha games are the worst example of it. Just because you (claim to) play completely F2P doesn't mean gacha games don't intentionally use dirty tactics to influence players into spending money. Commercial video games in general are meant to be addictive, gacha adds elements of gambling to make things worse.
>learn to read because the only ''''yumes'''' i shat on are the obvious attention whore gendies.
Yeah, sure.
>the whores who just do it for the thrill
>You are not a better yume or a ''real'' one because you simp for some ugly male character from a scrote mango with a ''''deep'''' lore meant for moids
>Enjoy your ugly husbandos all you like

No. 2444811

Japanese yumes can get pretty crazy and sensitive though (as do Japanese shippers of any kind) so I don't think you make a good point

No. 2444812

>it's not predatory
>gacha game
its just slot machines with a different coat of paint, nona. spending on gacha is highly incentivized and there are certain things that are unobtainable without paid currency. glad you have an anime boywife but please be serious for a second

No. 2444816

File: 1742002122919.webp (30.4 KB, 716x1200, IMG_3527.webp)

NTA, but i dont think those anons were saying you cant like attractive male characters, its just so many times those male characters are made by moids who are profiting off of the gap in the yume game market. like cmon, this is literally the CEO of papergames, the company that made love and deepspace. i have never played enstars, but you cant blame anyone who thinks its a generic gachaslop game from first glance. Mystic messenger is the worst example of this, Yes the husbandos are decent but you literally have to pay to learn more about their character, other than that they are bland and generic.(derailing)

No. 2444820

Damn. I read that a decent part of either Infold or Papergames was women (where did they even learn that? I'd like to see the source). What's the use if the CEO is gonna be a male anyway? Nothing he says will ever feel genuine.

No. 2444822

oh so they can call bishies bland and poorly written, and the yumes who simp for them industry plants but cannot take shit back? kek, as always they throw the first rock then they get angry when people returns them their nasty attitude. Once you shit on someone's taste and act holier than thou you open the flood gates and you are not entitled to my politeness anymore.
cringe, dont call my husband that disgusting twitter tranny term ever again. Also, again, its not the system's fault that people cannot moderate themselves. They gotta make a profit somehow. Before gacha VNs and husbando anime used to make money off selling merch, some of which you had to acquire through a raffle system.
oh no god forbid things are made for women!!!! lets go back to all media having bland male protagonists and skimpy women, women cant get shit, its bad actually!! women are not allowed escapism, its bad when women do it
>other than that they are bland and generic.
sorry i forgot that the world revolves around you and your opinion, when did you become CEO of husbandofaggotry?

No. 2444825

So did selfshippers but you never saw people treating selfshipping as something serious based off of them and acting like you had to be that way if you wanted to be a "true" one.

No. 2444827

I'm curious, what female-led, female-owned franchises are you into?

No. 2444828

Tbf if you took out every husbando in the husbando thread with a male creator you wouldn't be left with much. There's Mr. Crawling ig.

No. 2444831

Oh, I see your point now.

No. 2444833

Why have anons been seething about yumes all day, this topic is no different from the fujohime moralfagging. Take that shit to the containment thread.

No. 2444836

I think this topic is way less annoying than the other one, tbh.

No. 2444839

There isn't one, pretty sure bringing up yume bad in the antifujo thread would be seen as a threat.

No. 2444840

We can tell why you do

No. 2444841

Nta but both are annoying when it goes on for hours

No. 2444844

>ITT: Discuss the controversies and disagreements between fujoshi, yumejoshi, and himejoshi.
Inccorect, that is your containment thread.

No. 2444848

This isn't even a yume vs. fujo thing. It's yume infighting.

I guess, but I mean, this one doesn't feel as angry.

No. 2444851

Thought you meant the other one.
Also what's up with anons refusing to believe more than one person is in a conversation? It's obnoxious. Sure it was meant to be a slightly snide comment, but a fairly harmless one.

No. 2444852

>yume infighting
Dont lump me in with them, I’m actively shitting on them and I’ll do it in the other thread

No. 2444855

Who said anything about there only being one person involved?

No. 2444861

It's ok nonita. Go and let it all out in the other thread if you want.

No. 2444865

Do you see how it works when I reply to your comment and say "your comment"? You understand I'm specifically addressing you, yes?

No. 2444866

>last reply
Is this just scrote bait? I literally just said I agreed with you. There is nothing wrong with liking attractive male characters, its just the motives behind the people who make them that make their personalities flat. I just found it harder to like gacha husbandos because i felt like the female version of a scrote coomer who simps over his generic big titty waifu. But if you like it, more props to you. Its definitely better than that one yume who liked that gnome-looking thing from smiling friends lol. Again, to me he looks like a generic blonde haired anime boy, but i dont play enstars, so maybe you see something i dont.
Yes, its very different when it is pure fanservice though. it just feels a bit sneaky to me. Doesnt feel organic

No. 2444871

What is going on kek

No. 2444882

Point to where I said only one anon is in the conversation. Please, do show me where you failed basic reading comprehension.(infighting)

No. 2444883

No. 2444887

Nta but I love how you tried this bait last thread and pre-faced it with “do not argue with me” only to bring it up again in this thread to argue it kek, at least stick to your guns. What a loser.

No. 2444896

NTA but you can't be sure that's the same person. Several people agreed with that point earlier.
I don't know who is baiting who anymore lmao

No. 2444904

Are you replying to me specifically or speaking of the entire thread again?

No. 2444905

>it's not the system's fault people can't moderate themselves
it's also not the consumer's fault that gacha mechanics rely on gambling for high-rarity characters with low rates. before pity systems were forced in due to law changes, there was no limit to how much people could theoretically spend trying to get their husbando/waifu. some guy literally spent 6k usd trying to get a new meta character in granblue for god's sake. you can have your gacha game boyfriend but acting like the systems in place for gacha games, which take advantage of yumes who want content of their oshi saying cute and dreamy things to them, don't have a predatory aspect that baits people into spending real money for them is wacko behaviour

No. 2444907

I mean you can just look at the last thread and see the exact same speaking points. Its a strangely specific thing to suddenly bring up in a short time frame.

No. 2444908

nona take a deep breath and take a step away from your monitor, please
all -joshi infights are obnoxious as fuck

No. 2444912

Do you know how imageboards work newfag-chan?

No. 2444916

Not to mention, several big gacha games are based on pre-existing franchises, so they attract people who were already husbando/waifuing characters from a non-gacha game, and do everything in their power to bait them into spending money.

>their oshi

Unrelated to the topic at hand, but why the fuck have westerners started using the term "oshi" to mean "favorite"? Isn't oshi supposed to be more akin to "fan"? Like, YOU are the oshi, not the character.

She sounds more calm and reasonable than the sperg who posted the generic gacha bishie.

No. 2444920

ayrt i actually meant to reply to the enshitter

No. 2444924

No. 2444928

Tried to explain how replies worked but it seems like it didn't go through.

No. 2444930

I’ll take that as a no then. Still waiting for you to point to the proof of your original statement.

No. 2444937

Damn you're nice. Deleted the reply, and didn't take advantage of me replying with "your comment" to go "now who is the one thinking this conversation is only between two people". Still don't know how you can't understand how somebody could see "your containment thread" as insinuating they're a schizo yume though.

No. 2444938

ayrt it's used in both contexts from what i've seen from my time going to concerts in japan. it both refers to a favourite member of a group as well as your status as a fan of a group.

No. 2444945

Ah so you’ve changed your point from me saying “only one person is in the conversation” to me implying you’re a schizo yume. I’ll explain it clearly so that even a retarded baby can understand: If you reply to me, of course I will address you directly. That doesnt mean I think you’re the only person involved in the original discussion. If you lack the basic cognitive function to connect those dots, then you probably shouldn’t be here.

No. 2444979

Shit nevermimd, seems like you're a pissy twat. Before you post next time, maybe ask your guardian about how the words you use come across to other people.
I never changed my point, though. I don't know why I have to explain it to you, but the discussion the thread was about yume fighting each other. If anything, you just admitted that you were replying to me directly originally.

No. 2444990

Nona this is embarrassing. You can use it both ways.

No. 2445015

Oshi literally means favorite what are you on about

No. 2445017

genuinely why are you so bothered over what type of husbando women have. Maybe if it was something really cringe or even creepy but being mad over bishies is insane moralfaggotry.

No. 2445021

The bishie haters just want to feel superior to other women. They even shit on non gacha bishies from random anime too don’t take the anti-gacha moralfagging seriously, its fake concern.

No. 2445022

I was the one who originally said gacha husbandos are lame and yeah thats what i meant. its just you getting marketted to lol. never said its wrong to like generic bishies but i find the gacha bishies lame. i dont get why people are saying this is nitpicking women, as i would say the same thing about men's gacha waifus, i just specified husbandos as this is supposed to be a woman's website…

No. 2445027

>its just you getting marketted to
Just like most media

No. 2445028

I will never understand how anyone can see stuff being made for women as a bad thing. When literally 90% of media has fanservice for men. Probably most of their husbandos come from series that have tons of fanservice and tailor made waifus for men.
post your husbando then

No. 2445032

Wait til you find out that anything targeted to a demographic involves marketing

No. 2445033

when did i say media for women is a bad thing? i dont feel superior its literally just something that puts me off, ive never been able to get attached to a gacha character, male or female, because they have a gross "give us your money" feel to them. also i husbando the onceler if it matters
yes but most games you pay 30-60$ and youre done with it. gachaslop exists to get people to dump hundreds or thousands

No. 2445034

I stand corrected.

No. 2445035

>yes but most games you pay 30-60$ and youre done with it.
and gachas are free

No. 2445036

>also i husbando the onceler if it matters
you dont even have the balls to post your real husbando

No. 2445038

Nona those anons are the "SO YOU HATE WAFFLES??" kind of tard, don't even acknowledge them. Anyone with reading comprehension knows what you meant and won't take it personally.

No. 2445039

Honestly in enstars, the roster is so large that by the time your fave rolls around you can get him for free, hell even two favorites is fine f2p. the only people strapped for cash are gigawhales trying to max out every card or people who roll for entire units.

No. 2445040

dont you know nonny, you’re supposed to slobber over a shounen man or an side character with 2 seconds of screentime instead of something targeted at you

No. 2445041

Seeing someone act like a nlog on lolcow over who people husbando is kinda funny kek

No. 2445044

So is the problem the gacha system and not the fanservice? is something like DoA or Oneechambura fine then? since its a full game even though it has the same quality of a f2p gacha

No. 2445045

i mean id post my paintings of him but i posted them on my twitter too and you could probably reverse image search them, so it feels like a bad idea
thank you

No. 2445046

The problem is wahmen bad for liking basic boy instead of enlightened tumblr sexyman

No. 2445047

She tries to spin it to be about the gacha system when anons point out her talking points are specifically about the niche subset of women, its a conversational loop.

No. 2445049

Remember to ignore blatant bait

No. 2445050

if he was actually your husbando it would be insanely ironic you complain about ''bland'' bishies KEK

No. 2445055

>its just you getting marketted to lol
This is bait. It has to be.

No. 2445060

how is it bait to say that gacha characters exist to get people to spend on rolls and merch?? im sorry for even giving my opinion on this in the first place yesterday i swear whenever i post a controversial opinion it leads to a day-long infight like maybe i should just shut up. sorry.

No. 2445062

Almost every anime character exists to sell shit its not unique

No. 2445065

Baby's first day discovering capitalism?

No. 2445067

yes but ive frequently seen people spend hundreds or thousands to c6 their favorite blob person in genshin or honkai. thats what i mean. those games feel insidious to me and i cant connect with the characters for this reason. thats all im saying.

No. 2445069

anon the fucking onceler exists to sell shit too

No. 2445070

Yeah it’s free, but with a massive asterisk next to it saying that you will probably need to do a microtransaction to get what you want out of it. Don’t you think a flat one-time payment is better than gradually spending over time only for those PNGs to eventually disappear because the company shuts it down?

No. 2445074

I play a couple of gashit games and I see where you're coming from. I don't agree with the idea that husbandos from otome games are "fake" or "shallow", but I do agree that gacha games are garbage designed to milk your wallet and that makes them inferior to any other kind of game. But still, gacha characters are characters just like any other, so it's not shocking that people fall for them. But I get being put off by the gacha aspect.

Stop replying, Jesus. If you ignore them, they'll shut up after a while. Notice how there wasn't this amount of seething towards you a couple of hours ago, the replies exploded out of nowhere. Let it go for a while and they'll shut up. This is basic imageboard etiquette, you don't need to defend yourself to people who just want to fight.

No. 2445075

I wish we could go back to before microtransactions got popular.

No. 2445076

Of course anons will shut up when she finally stops posting bait kek

No. 2445077

That doesn’t mean the freaking onceler is a bettet husbando choice because you feel that way though

No. 2445078

>Don’t you think a flat one-time payment is better
and less content, a playable life of maybe a few weeks and the possibility of never garnering enough for a sequel? no, thanks. I take the f2p model. Fanmade servers will always exist.

No. 2445079

thneed isn’t a real product

No. 2445081

Where do console otome games fit with your nlog ideology? Since they’re one-time purchases that are specifically marketed to you.

No. 2445083

File: 1742010996395.jpg (41.19 KB, 465x515, 1699908736604029.jpg)

ive heard everything. nothing you can say about him will phase me at this point.

No. 2445084

Female targeted media is lesser because it involves marketing, dont you know?

No. 2445088

why do you need a constant stream of canon content flowing into your veins like some kind of iv bag? at least one-time purchase games can tell a whole story in one sitting without walling off stories through a literal gambling mechanic

No. 2445089

NTA but in the vast majority of cases, you're getting less content and/or less quality out of a gacha game than a game you gotta pay for once, of comparable quality. It's better to wait for a fully developed game, unless you have internet-induced ADHD and are addicted to the gacha model, which seems to be most young people nowadays since everything around them, like social media, is designed to deliver short-form content slop and keep them glued to their phones to watch as many advertisements as possible (ultimately, to profit off of them more, just like gacha… interesting).
Gachashitters are so pathetic when they try to defend their gambling addiction kek.

No. 2445090

This post cured me.

No. 2445092

Nona I am in love with you from this response. Thank you for having a brain.

No. 2445095

Because its escapism and it brings me happiness. After seeing the attrocities men commit irl and how ugly the average scrote is i just want to come back home with a mint tea and see my husbando. I cant do that if the game has only 50 hours of playable time.
>It's better to wait for a fully developed game
Women have been waiting years for this. I am sorry but its not happening. You cry and moan but you arent going to learn how to code and do it yourself either. You just want to have the moral high ground either because you dont actually play otomes/yume/fujos games or because your taste alligns more to the normie ugly scrotes you see in normal videogames so you never had a drought in content yourself. Gaming has been a thing since the 80s and i can only come up with 7 male characters that are actually attractive in a sea of hideous coom creatures and generic male self inserts.

No. 2445097

you know what else is escapism? using your imagination instead of relying on gachaslop companies to spoonfeed you content. you sound like a retarded zoomer with a TikTok addiction

No. 2445098

Her husbando is the onceler btw

No. 2445100

The absolute state.

No. 2445101

where did the gacha husbando touch you nonny

No. 2445102

I stopped engaging after that reveal kek

No. 2445106

Nice non-argument. Gachashit sucks ass, it's an excuse to both spend less resources on a game that could've been 10 times better, and to extract more money from your credit card. Gacha players are constantly cucked by the devs, always complaining about how the devs have screwed them over in some way. Gacha players have to log in daily and do boring-ass in-game chores (read: waste time) just to save up on whatever free currency the game has, and then they cope pretending that they were totally not played by the game because they're not actually spending any money on it.
>Because its escapism and it brings me happiness. After seeing the attrocities men commit irl and how ugly the average scrote is i just want to come back home with a mint tea and see my husbando. I cant do that if the game has only 50 hours of playable time.
Oh god this is just sad. You don't need gashit in your life to have a husbando or to escape from real life. How the fuck do you think fandoms survived before huge social media platforms like Twitter became the default and before gacha was a thing? Like >>2445097 you can literally just use your imagination.
>but you arent going to learn how to code and do it yourself either.
Nice projection too. Sorry that you gave up, but I'm actually learning programming and developing my own stuff.
>you dont actually play otomes/yume/fujos games
lmao, more completely wrong assumptions.
>or because your taste alligns more to the normie ugly scrotes you see in normal videogames so you never had a drought in content yourself.
And even more assumptions with no basis or point. Are you seriously implying there has ever been a drought of bishies in media? Shoujo manga, shoujo anime, otome games have always been there and they were very popular. Many are still popular. Do you think that just because they're not as huge in popularity as Genshit Infart they have literally no fans? kek. Fully developed otome games are a thing and they are being talked about today, I wasn't necessarily talking about non-romance games.
>Gaming has been a thing since the 80s and i can only come up with 7 male characters
Then instead of wasting your time (and probably money) on gacha games, crying about having to see ugly males, and defending your addiction online, learn to program?

No. 2445108

nona just stop theyre obviously just in bad faith at this point. they dont even have anymore arguments so theyre just making fun of my husbando kek

No. 2445109


No. 2445111

Whole lotta text just to say you like uggos and fuck women who don’t.

No. 2445112

None of this is fandom discourse

No. 2445113

File: 1742013126511.gif (6.43 MB, 422x498, IMG_3169.gif)

post more fandom funnies

No. 2445116

It is though. Gachaslop ruined modern fandom even more.

No. 2445117

You arent talking about any particular fandom discourse you're having a hysterical meltdown about gacha as a concept itself and infighting with that anon
>inb4 i'm not that anon
Ok, she*

No. 2445121

Yeah you're right.

No. 2445141

File: 1742014823267.jpg (264.1 KB, 2048x676, 3585258972682.JPG)

If you husbandofag one of these, you are disqualified from speaking on yumejos.

No. 2445149

Alastor was the 66th most popular character for yumes in Japan last year

No. 2445152

Proving my point

No. 2445155

File: 1742015616378.gif (654.72 KB, 300x436, 7aed33ad9e943e3ee5199f37702533…)

>shes still going
yeah i won(bait)

No. 2445160

I'm not listening to whatever a filthy gaijin "yume" has to say on the matter. Japanese yumes are the original yumes.(infight bait)

No. 2445163

File: 1742015914334.jpg (888.07 KB, 660x920, RikaParadoxRift258.jpg)

the only objectively correct character to yume is her btw

No. 2445165

>"filthy gaijin"
okay burgerfag pack it up

No. 2445166

desu~ nonna-chan, do you happen to be from the mythical land we know as nippon? omaigah, i am so lucky i get to interact with a superior lifeform!! please inject me with all your kawaii sugoiness, after all i am only a mere mortal

No. 2445168

File: 1742016169112.jpg (54.57 KB, 600x800, kensama.jpg)

No. 2445174

Aint no way its not a troll. Her husbando being the Onceler, crappy bland character from a children's movie that bastardized a beloved book to sell hapoy meal toys and plushies HAS to be baiting.

No. 2445190

No. 2445197

Top left's meme template is retarded. I guarantee you if women left it at the guys are hot, moids would be doing mental gymnastics about their games to prove they "aren't shallow whores unlike women" or whatever.

No. 2445273


you are based and you give me hope. i hope he comes home for you always nona

No. 2445375

No matter how male a woman appears, the moment the clothes are off I'm leaving. I'm not gay enough for this shit or gay period.

No. 2445388

I always thought Komaeda didn’t truly count since he’s meant to be attractive in universe unlike the others.
Also he’s gay so I don’t get why one would husbando him.

No. 2445390

Was there any instance of him being gay besides not being into girls?

No. 2445428

File: 1742042622528.jpg (84.5 KB, 850x683, __the_once_ler_the_lorax_drawn…)

I husbando'd the Onceler real hard back in 2012. what're you gonna do about it

No. 2445458

File: 1742046289342.png (786.82 KB, 960x544, 1000011043.png)

He literally says he loves Hajime in the game and drama CD multiple times and calls their hotel a love nest

No. 2445468

>Also he’s gay so I don’t get why one would husbando him.
why would that stop anyone from husbandoing a cartoon

No. 2445478

Why should any woman respect a male fictional character's sexuality? Besides, he could be bisexual.

No. 2445479

I just said that i didnt care who your husbando is, as long as he isnt turbo ugly and obnxious like the thread pic, even then i wouldnt care
>She sounds more calm and reasonable than the sperg who posted the generic gacha bishie.
Finally! thank you! not a single person itt thinks you cant like enstars or gacha husbandos. I was talking about the companies that paywall them

Ive made only 2 posts in this entire thread, and i have never been to the previous one. Trying to spot anons is cringe(derailing)

No. 2445485

Based nonnies. Let your heart out nonnies, life is too short to care about fictional character's sexualities and whatnot

No. 2445490

can we post more obnixously bad "erm hes actually lesbian" husbandos and not ones that millions of people yume over for controversialness?
Yeah and esspically since thats mostly a headcannon from fujoshis

No. 2445499

I dont care if women yume him, I'm just responding to the anon asking if there was any evidence of him being gay. He's a fictional character lmao

No. 2445502

Baiting anons is the only way these losers get their daily dose of attention

No. 2445511

My ojisan husbando from a semi obscure JRPG mogs all of these homos(infight/bait)

No. 2445512

American hands typed this.

No. 2445513

File: 1742048588611.jpg (72.04 KB, 960x550, 43b756fba8ab99cfaf6e25f8142194…)

If this is who I think it is…

No. 2445515

File: 1742048652215.png (1.5 MB, 720x916, IMG_0786.png)

Can we pack up the yumeposting now and get back to posting fandom milk, please

No. 2445519

You sound fat

No. 2445535

File: 1742050144498.png (15.11 KB, 761x185, firefox_vuEvYOCNWB.png)

Nonnies complain about ZZZ meanwhile scrotes be like pic related. Similar how for most games that have male and female characters if you go to 4chan you will see scrotes crying that the game is "too homo" and "not coomer enough".

I think it's really weird to defend a fictional man's homosexuality when 90% of his fans are women. It keeps happening over and over with non-masculine-uggo characters women love and it feels like bitterness towards women enjoying things. Some people are fujos and want the guy to be gay to fulfill their ship fantasies, rather than seeing the fictional character as just a toy to use for fantasies. Maybe it's also mixed with some weird western moralfagging about not being a voyeuristic fujo but a heccin wholesome MLM supporter.

No. 2445538

I'm confused, ZZZ has like 4 actual bishies. Does their existence scare moids that much?

No. 2445540

>Does their existence scare moids that much?
NTA but yes. Men are insecure, its why their self inserts are always boring and stale like kirito.

No. 2445545

It's from reddit, they proudly call themselves gooners and make anime porn their whole personality. They frequently cry about LADS being a gooner game and only want porn in their games lol

Similarly, the Granblue Fantasy general on 4chan is legitimately schizoid and having frequent meltdowns that a girl flirted with another guy or girl and call all characters homo or cuckbait, it's insane.

No. 2445551

This is baffling to me because they can just go play those games with 0 bishies if the mere sight of an attractive man makes them feel inadequate. They exist in abundance. Its not like female-orientated games where you have to pick between 4 half-decent options, typically auto battler/card game slop and the rest are trash that might EoS next week

No. 2445554

File: 1742051322578.jpg (126.78 KB, 1064x1200, 1000011045.jpg)

>was there any instance of this character being gay?
>yes he says he loves the male protagonist in canon among other things
>wow it's really weird you are defending a fictional character's sexuality maybe you are a bitter moralfag fujo seething over women liking him or something

No. 2445561

>he loves the male protagonist in canon among other things
NTA but he confesses in his FTEs (Which are semi-canon), and even then it's his hope-loving bullshit. (I love the hope inside of you)
>Drama CDs
They aren't canon as with FTEs, just secondary side material like with character songs etc.
The only true "canon" koma/hi we had that was part of the main storyline was the DR3 special but again nothing important was said.

No. 2445562

Anon, it's called going on a tangent

No. 2445566

They play them because they're good and popular games, but then cry if it's not a coomer "galge". On the other hand if it's an all female cast they cry that it's yuribait unless there's a male main character that constantly has sex with every woman. It's so stupid how they're that close to getting that those loli porn games are slop BECAUSE they only pander to moids.

No. 2445658

so this is how he got doxxed?

No. 2445705

File: 1742058049517.jpg (446.78 KB, 1080x1092, Screenshot_20250315_175931_Fir…)

Holy cancer thread

No. 2445713


No. 2445728

File: 1742059288395.jpg (195.44 KB, 1080x861, IMG_20250315_111820.jpg)

>Nonnas wouldn't be arguing if they had ascended to the superior realm of yume'ing their own OCs

No. 2445730

Like Fanny?

No. 2445732

I mean, that was still a step up from yumeing her own dad.

No. 2445741

Nonna, that's a bit strong? You know some can't help themselves in their depravity?

No. 2445756

>still a step up from yumeing her own dad.
ahem her dead* dad fucking the self insert who looks like her older sister.

No. 2445766

File: 1742060807517.png (255.51 KB, 601x378, 3235245254.png)

>sexualizing a 14 year old the game makes a great deal not to sexualize
>he/they in bio
I hope all LGBT faggots besides lesbians perish off the face of the earth for being disgusting degenerate coomers. I don't wanna alog too hard but picrel deserves to get raped to death
If 40% of Nikke players in Korea are women if i'm reading that right, that's fucking bleak. Hope the based Korean feminists bully them outta it.

No. 2445768

>14 year old
Nitpick which doesn't actually negate your point in any way, but she's 19 in Madness Returns

No. 2445769

how do you people even find these tweets by literal whos with 5 likes

No. 2445770

They run in those circles lmao

No. 2445771

Didn't know that. I just hate fagmoids and this scrote likes Rance so I wanted an excuse to shit on him.
He has 1k followers or so and his tweets came up on my timeline

No. 2445777

>I hope all LGBT faggots besides lesbians perish off the face of the earth for being disgusting degenerate coomers.
So bi women are evil then? Good to know.

No. 2445780

Bi women are turbopickme degenerates so yeah. I've never met a bi woman with a normal, healthy sexuality that isn't enshrouded by degeneracy.(bait)

No. 2445782

For the love of christ do NOT start this again.

No. 2445783

>fandom discourse

No. 2445785

File: 1742061304676.jpg (888.42 KB, 2347x4096, GjmqZodawAAnw7X.jpg)

>If 40% of Nikke players in Korea are women if i'm reading that right, that's fucking bleak. Hope the based Korean feminists bully them outta it.
Big doubt. You can tell when a game has a big female fanbase by the type of fanart it gets and the accounts that interact with it on twitter, a lot of them have more women on livestreams too. Nikke just shoehorns in one motion cap actress and it's a sausagefest otherwise.

No. 2445787

based, think about it
>you can make your own merch and you are the only person in the world who owns it
>you dont have to complain about people “stealing” your husbando
>no paywall and no waiting for extra content to come out
>no fandom dramas like “ermmm you cant actually like this character because i headcannon him as gay”
what are the cons? seriously why doesnt everyone just do this?

No. 2445789

File: 1742061405955.jpeg (750.96 KB, 1284x1532, IMG_4045.jpeg)

r/AO3 having a normal one after being met with an author who doesn’t want incest shippers to interact with them. Pro shippers are always about anti harassment while people in the comments were going on and on about bothering OP with the incest ship. Also, admittedly yes the OOP was being a little strange.

No. 2445790

Because they need clout on the internet

No. 2445793

Being in love with your own OC is like huffing your own farts. You can change your OC at will and control his fate, it becomes simply being in love with your own taste.

No. 2445795

Half of yumes do this anyway with character bastardization

No. 2445798

I don’t really see it being any different than creating fantasies about an already existing character in your head IMO. atleast you wouldnt have people bitching in your ear about it not being cannon enough or “_ wouldnt do this nooooo…”

No. 2445799

File: 1742061747170.jpg (92.08 KB, 850x850, totally not marine.jpg)

This. Nikke is like azur lane in that it has 0 appealing or actually well designed characters. Absolutely all of them are slop. I can see a woman playing Blue Archive because some characters have cute designs and pastel colors, but literally all nikke characters are weird contorted sausaged with massive titties slapped onto them. They are so cheap and lazy they even steal famous vtuber designs to make their ugly rip off characters. I like some pretty crappy gacha designs and i legit cant find a single Nikke design thats actually appealing in any way. I fucking hate Azur Lane and Nikke.

No. 2445802

DNIs and asking people to not give kudos or interact on a fanfic site for shipping something you don't like is pretty cringe ngl

No. 2445803

>pic rel
How they not getting sued for this?

No. 2445806

Then you are going from the angle that yumes love characters because they need something to love, it's the opposite- people find characters who they end up falling in love with. So to create your own OC just for the sake to have something to love is kind of like buying a sex doll.

Yeah some people are autistic and cringe about it, but just explaining why it doesn't work with your own character.

No. 2445812

File: 1742062076518.jpg (18.96 KB, 374x149, 5fgxbpVzTaIB3ETw3KMYfTQ-M8BBBi…)

I know it's genshit without looking up. This battle of retards is eternal.

No. 2445813

Trying to control who interacts with your shit like this is always cringe. Just turn off comments if you can’t stand the thought of certain people looking at your work.

No. 2445822

tbf she is a adult in that game. Still doesn't change how creepy it is since most people don't even know she is adult and the pedos get off thinking they are sexualising a child.

No. 2445825

File: 1742062766664.webp (Spoiler Image,268.19 KB, 977x1048, Cinderella_2_FB.webp)

This is the most retarded design imo

No. 2445831

File: 1742063028243.jpg (Spoiler Image,111.35 KB, 1139x720, c17ef7eaea9a5e25e509c44ed2ba66…)

You could spam the entire nikke repertoire onto the bad design thread. The only good thing about Nikke is the live2D. But its probably only because i work with Live2D myself and i know making fluid animation with it is incredibly time consuming and annoying.

No. 2445832

No. 2445839

irc nikke also has a child character as well i mean imagine a gooner korean moid gachashit having pedoshit who woulda thought, this shit is as feminist is as moids drawing naked women with guns which means its not and dont forget them firing female artists too just because they comment on the rape culture in korea

No. 2445841

No. 2445842

Moids can have a loli spreading her legs and showing her underwear at the camera (Brown Dust 2 Refi or Rafi whatever) and will claim women are just as bad kek

No. 2445845

File: 1742063546489.jpeg (541.13 KB, 1179x1335, IMG_3541.jpeg)

I keep getting nikke confused with the actually good dress up game infinity nikki, and i almost downloaded it from an ad but then i realized it was just another generic souless coomer waifu slop. I also equally hate the unwashed scrotes who shamelessly like the game and pretend it isnt paywalled shit because of “big booba animu girl” I hate scroteslop so much

No. 2445850

>40% of players are women
Why do scrotes always do this with their worthless media? Pretend like a lot of women actually like it or that the ACTUAL target audience is women, I see them say it about their romcom animeslop too. Do they want our approval so bad or something

No. 2445855

It's similar to the Madonna-whore complex, they want approval from women while also considering them lesser and hating them.

No. 2445856

File: 1742063941852.mp4 (Spoiler Image,3.94 MB, 1440x1080, aeb3358429bbdcda40d34cc966ec3e…)

>Brown Dust 2
literally never heard of this but it looks like straight up porn how is this allowed on the playstore

No. 2445859

They are that desperate to offload their degeneracy onto women. They act like they are based for liking coomslop, but deep down they know they are scum. That’s why they want to pass it on to women so badly.

No. 2445863

The worst thing is that it's rated teen or 12+, same as Azur Lane. No one is reporting that shit and google doesn't care.

No. 2445864

Wtf I literally thought this was Marine. Imagine stooping so low to copy a vtumor design kek

No. 2445866

>Moids are playing shit like this then get BTFO over a period tracker

No. 2445867

File: 1742064144644.mp4 (Spoiler Image,1.53 MB, 1280x720, 611477934ffb3a9c67500764fb9f6e…)

I am laughing so hard at these, men's sexuality is so retarded.

No. 2445868

The pussy print is crazy

No. 2445872

Drawing pussy lips so fat you start giving your waifus a bulge. Men are so gay.

No. 2445874

I laughed at the pussy stamp

No. 2445876

What are you searching up to find these? They're funny as fuck. This makes Nikke look chaste

No. 2445877

The ass print and weird way she just lifts up and scoots away like she's made of jello.

No. 2445879

What type of woman do you have to be to voice this shit… also the pussy print implies she has a deflated ass kek

No. 2445881

File: 1742064691791.png (Spoiler Image,763.6 KB, 751x772, firefox_T94smzgax0.png)

Apparently this is cosplay LMFAO

No. 2445882

Plottwist: Its actually scrotum imprints to peddle to futa coomers, adding a second layer of degeneracy

No. 2445883

>Five billion updoots take my gold you sir just won the internet!

No. 2445884

How do these women live with themselves after doing this?

No. 2445885

She looks like a downie and that poor blur too kekkkkkk

No. 2445887

why do they act like mentally challenged?

No. 2445888

File: 1742064932696.png (Spoiler Image,2.47 MB, 1140x1195, g6rexlx45moe1.png)

Idk about anon but I looked at their reddit and somebody made a "tier list" of these
Sadly there's one cute blonde slut guy who was there at game launch but devs abandoned guys and went full coomer.

No. 2445890

File: 1742064963692.webp (160.56 KB, 1400x1050, browndust2-in-agf-2024-agf-202…)

Imagine the smell. Seeing all of these moids gathered here makes me want to say something that'd get redtexted for alogging.

No. 2445892

I am checking the ones uploaded on gelbooru. But there are more on youtube. Most of them are boring coomshit but the ones that try to out-coom the others are honestly hilarious.

No. 2445896

File: 1742065081851.jpeg (243.92 KB, 1000x523, IMG_3544.jpeg)

Wait, This game actually has the full scroteslop package kek
>Generic male self insert protagonist
>Loli character whos actually 208 years old (no joke, devs actually confirmed)
>Female battle characters that have impractical designs to show off skin
But when one yume game with barely any sexual scenes or innuendos shows up, all hell breaks loose

No. 2445898

The male ones are so lame, not sexualized at all.

No. 2445899

It even copies the Bravely Default font poorly and the whole final fantasy beast behind title font thing kek

No. 2445901

I'm pretty sure these arent intended for women but for the isekaishit incel moids to self insert into

No. 2445902

How is this shit allowed on youtube its so normalized I keep getting gachaslop ads for shit like this and i keep reporting them for nudity and they still show up Im alogging so hard right now i fucking hate scrotes i swear to god

No. 2445911

File: 1742065810662.jpg (62.47 KB, 636x464, 1739480468312.jpg)

>the coomer miku

No. 2445912

>tfw there will never be a husbando ball sweat imprint gachaslop

No. 2445913

Not if I have anything to say about it. Nonnas get coding now!

No. 2445915

It's heartbreaking. Fuck I remember a JRPG I used to really like until it became coomslop sold itself out to a coomer gacha game. Sad stuff, an entire generation of men is somehow going to see women as even more of sex objects now

No. 2445916

I honestly wish we had a strong doujin community like in Japan. I am working on a game but between uni and other chores i barely have time to develop it anymore.

No. 2445917

What series? It's heartbreaking to see how the Atelier series went down this path as well.

No. 2445927

File: 1742066282847.jpg (Spoiler Image,168.95 KB, 850x478, breuhhh.jpg)

Trails/Kiseki. It used to be a cute comfy JRPG with great emotional storytelling but after the first 3 games it slowly sold itself out to coomershit. Now the games are selling like shit and they're outcooming themselves every game to make it sell better including collabs like this. For the collab, they picked a character that got sold to sexual slavery and is a huge part of her backstory to use as gooner bait (not picrel). She's not as heavily sexualized as the other two characters picked but it's so fucking disgusting and distasteful to the point where If I expressed my disgust I'd get redtexted for a logging.
>It's heartbreaking to see how the Atelier series went down this path as well.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't the games always been like that? I know in an earlier entry there was a loli-like character who got tentacled raped, or are you talking about earlier? From what I've seen as someone who hasn't played the games yet, they had a very shoujo feel to them and now it's just trash.

No. 2445934

>I honestly wish we had a strong doujin community like in Japan.
It's honestly pretty depressing. Not to go "thing, Japan," but Japan has a much smaller population than the US, much less the rest of the English speaking world, and they still manage to put out so many more high effort fanwork projects. I started drawing my own NSFW doujins of my OTP because I realized unless I did it, no one else would, and even joined a JP doujin anthology. I know Eastern fandom isn't perfect either, but the women over there have so much more autistic dedication to their passions, whereas so many western fans I know mainly just care about getting RTs on their FOTM fanart at the end of the day.

No. 2445949

I hate how in the west fandom is mostly seen as a way to get clout and sell cheap soulless merch. I rarely see genuinely interesting merch, its always FOTM slop. Patreon is another thing that doomed western fandom.

No. 2445953

I'm not sure, I only played a couple of the older games on the DS so I'm no expert on the series but I never saw any coomshit when I did. Wouldn't be surprised though. Comparing the ones I played from like 2007 to what's being released now is like night and day though.
There's an awful paradox in the west where people who have good taste don't typically consume fanmade content besides well-made fully rendered fanart and the people who do engage in fanmade content are more likely to be straight-up grifters or have shit taste and drive out people who don't pander with political activism. Unrelated but it's also way cheaper to get doujins printed in Japan than it is here. I wish we could have more affordable printing in the West and be able to do something like Comiket.

No. 2445955

Whenever I write my own original male characters I think of them as my creation so I can't romance them myself, I always end up pairing them up with other female characters I write.

No. 2445972

Games that resort to coombait to “sell” and then end up continuing the downtrend in sales… do the retarded men behind this decision ever connect the dots to realize that coom wont save it?

No. 2445993

File: 1742067521689.png (26.34 KB, 1353x176, IDGAF.PNG)

>“ermmm you cant actually like this character because i headcannon him as gay”

No. 2445998

I guess some people aren't creative enough or aren't satisfied with their level of drawing/writing/imagination. I recently began husbando-ing my own OC and it's going pretty well so far.

No. 2446000

File: 1742067752805.jpg (353.33 KB, 900x767, head-exploding-abstract-bill-h…)

I've had the same OCbando since middle school, I'm the final boss.

No. 2446002

As a yume myself it's cause idk I don't choose the characters I fall in love with, it just happens. I can't force myself to fall in love with an OC just cause it'd be more convenient.

No. 2446007

I think most people made the OC first for a different reason and then fell in love later. That can be really hard though depending on the person.

No. 2446030

Too many women have lives, so the percentage that looks up coomer male content is small and the percentage of artists in that small too.

No. 2446050

I don't think that's really the issue, I work full time and go out with friends (I'm the anon who posted about making doujins, I've made like 80 pages of comics about my OTP so far) and a lot of my JP mutuals post about going to work and school as well, when Japan is notorious for having poor work-life balance. I think it's simply a flat out lack of passion or perhaps a fear of sincerity.

No. 2446073

At least one con: your autism levels may be low on an individual basis, but never 0, and so you are always at risk of ending up like partycoffin.
Fuck yeah, I love to see a nona winning!

No. 2446142

based. i mean imo thats what yumes are doing anyways, most of their husbandos dont act very in character when it comes to their relationship

No. 2446171

You know I don't even care that scrotes get games like this, it's just fucking pathetic that tame stuff in LADS sets them off when they have content like this in abundance.

No. 2446177

Not like fujos write character in-canon either(fujo sperging)

No. 2446192

I never got what the "your husbando is gay, checkmate" argument was supposed to mean. I only ever read it coming from gendies who wanted to be progressive while being misogynistic towards random women in their fandom. Is a male character's fake sexuality supposed to matter enough to anyone who's not a spicy straight or a salty shipper?

No. 2446199

based. stacy behavior

No. 2446209

People feel like their take needs to be the most canon and valid one, so they love undermining other fans. It's the same as people who call others problematic for liking something and wanting to cancel them.

No. 2446217

>wanted to be progressive while being misogynistic
It's pretty much this, some people get touchy like it's an insult to turn a fictional guy straight. In the past, I felt weird about yumeing over guys from BL (even though some of them are technically bi in canon) for a while because of it.

No. 2446220

Personally, I don't but my brain is retarded so any man's good regardless of sexuality.

No. 2446231

Yumes and fujos whose main interest isn't a BL/otome property are on the same level of delusion, I don't understand what the fuck they even argue over.

No. 2446232

That isnt retardation that's enlightenment

No. 2446237

THE PUSSY PRINT KEKAROO I'm actually laughing so hard, they circled right back around to giving her a bulge

No. 2446241

but you can't have your period tracker no ma'am that's too far. why are females such gooners oh my gosh?

No. 2446263

You're based

No. 2446268

Next time someone does this to you, just remind them that actually, pansexuality is real and valid so it's regressive to assume he's "just" gay, and also, why are they treating you like a woman just because you are one (fucking bigots)? What if you're a stunning he/they keeping it quiet for safety reasons? Turn it around on them and make them scared to question it kek

No. 2446270

fujos in the arcane fandom really trying to force riot to make their stank ass ship canon but here i am yumeing over viktor because i genuinely do not care what the creators do. he's fictional and he can do whatever the fuck i want him to do.(fujosperging)

No. 2446272

File: 1742079773800.jpg (511.15 KB, 1659x2048, 7315842585158.JPG)

If yumes are allowed to turn fujobait straight, then fujos are allowed to turn yumebait gay.(fujosperg outside containment)

No. 2446279

Your screenshot reminded me that sometimes I look at r/WuWaHusbandos to see how they're coping and I dont know if I feel sorry for them or not. They're smart enough to realize their game devs absolutely hate them but then they always end their sentences with "I hope they can finally give us more males… I hope they release at least 3 males per year instead of 1… I hope… I hope…" like just drop it. I cant imagine logging into a game every day that makes me frustrated.
I give genshintards the benefit of the doubt because they were hoodwinked for the first few years but wuwa never once hid the type of loser scrotes it wants as an audience. I remember when I was looking there just before Brant released they were saying stuff like "Lets spend a lot of money on his banner to prove males sell!" as if they wont just use that money to make more waifus, falling right into the trap.

No. 2446286

File: 1742080232541.gif (1.46 MB, 200x200, 1000033712.gif)

This entire debacle can easily be solved with one thing: multiple universes exist. Inside each mind is a world, and in that world, there's a wildly different interpretation of the same character. In some of these worlds he gets raped up the ass and in other worlds his buttocks are solely for a yume's grabbing pleasure, and that's okay.
>But nona, that's not canon! Only one of each character exists in their official source material!
That's what they want you to believe. Do most canon characters not have merch? Do they not pose in official art wearing strange clothes, in strange scenarios, in some cases even after they're canonically DEAD? Do you suppose every plushy or figurine that gets released is the same object which just rotates through the houses super fast? No! The magic of 2D love/lust is that it can take any form you want!

No. 2446292

>who wanted to be progressive while being misogynistic towards random women
Whenever someone points that out to them they always jump with the "AM QUEER!!!" line kek.

No. 2446296

Allowed to? Fujos have been making gay stuff regardless if the men are yumebait or not.(replying to bait)

No. 2446318

My issue with this is that I can never decide who bottoms kek(replying to bait)

No. 2446347

Unrelated but wheres that cute cow devil from?

No. 2446610

>tfw no bl with a male cat and male dog

No. 2446638

you will never romance the male character yourself imfao.

No. 2446651

The merch and strange official art only exist because of the impact of the original story though. You want to see those things because of that.
So people can make up their own versions like all those spin-offs of all those different religions, but there remains the fact that they were inspired by that one story. They have no narrative to draw from to support their… impressions.

No. 2446659

is her looking in distress crucial for the coom?
>brown dust
that is such an ugly name for your game

No. 2446677

you need to remember that men are defective and need the opposite sex to suffer to get off

No. 2446710

File: 1742095937185.png (646.99 KB, 1000x1000, elsie_komaeda.png)

Nonnie, whenever you doubt my love for you, it fills me with despair…

No. 2446736

File: 1742098186564.jpg (59.76 KB, 624x567, get on her level modern yumes.…)

>He's not fucking real!
To the yumes (though that wasn't even a term when these were posted) he is.

No. 2446743

Agreed, I always roll my eyes when I see people apply tumblr/twitter shit like this to other sites.
No one on MFC pulled this shit till twittertards started using it.

No. 2446748

File: 1742099026724.png (1.28 MB, 1280x856, homodachis.png)

I just don't get why you'd purposefully chose a gay character, like damn girl do you wanna cuck yourself or something?
Obviously you're open to do whatever you please but I don't get why you'd chose someone who's super faggy (and batshit insane) like Komaeda.(fujosperging)

No. 2446757

Speaking as an American, we have a zine culture that needs to be taken more advantage of by fandoms that isn't yet another horribly mismanaged fanart compilation campaign on Kickstarter. There's something to be said about hand-assembling a comic you made about your favorite ship and sneaking in some surprises for the <10 buyers who share your silly fixation.

I think a lot of it is due to how some things are set up, too. Long driving commutes, algorithmed entertainment, no chance to be bored turns people who would otherwise create into consumers.

No. 2446775

File: 1742103004583.webm (3.49 MB, 1408x1404, 1740226826820.webm)

I do not even play WuWa, but I will admit Brant mogs most of the male characters from Hoyoslop. Still, it is beyond me why any fujo or yume would willingly play that game. I only play HSR, and even there, the female characters sometimes make me want to uninstall. WuWa takes it to a whole other level, fem!Rover’s design is enough reason to skip the game entirely. You seriously have to hate yourself to be giving money to that game.

No. 2446823

>brant mogs hoyoslop
Anon please, he looks silly and Lighter easily mogs him

No. 2446856

I guess I just have a personal bias for 2D men with vibrant color palettes, like Childe, so Lighter feels a bit too generic for me.

No. 2446863

now who was in charge of names

No. 2446888

>get clout and sell cheap soulless merch
The American way.

No. 2446933

File: 1742122784191.png (480.27 KB, 746x912, q4fdndOpqO.png)

About the doujin culture:
I don't think it's much different in Japan. 90% of it is scrotes making soulless porn at comiket to rake in sales. The people you praise for making indie work of love are usually just left standing, just like the creators in the west that don't pander.

No. 2446956

File: 1742126379269.png (572.76 KB, 582x857, chrome_tR4t3tmqqx.png)

Scrotes pretending they're the most vanilla of the bunch will never not be hilarious. Retard even picked the faceless hentai protagonist to "prove" his point, which is supposed to be a stand-in for the moid when they want to fuck a girl.

No. 2446957

Fuck gachaslop, but based

No. 2446981

It's interesting, men are objectively less consumed by moral guilt or any type of regret regarding their gross tendencies and addictions: they love sex, violence and violent sex, we all know this, so why make these memes? Who are they trying to convince, themselves? They know it's bullshit, so, who is this for? I suppose they're just trying to make women feel bad

No. 2446984

It's part of the kink, they want a pure looking girl who is "secretly a whore" into the fetishes they actually like.

No. 2446987

Judging by the way a period tracker in LADS made them lose their shit, I guess they needed to depict women as all degenerates.

But let's be real, how many pickme/groomed female artists are drawing degenerate shit because they genuinely like it and not because they were psyop'd in it or wanted to make coombucks?

No. 2447011

Men don't feel guilty over being whores because of they're own personal moralities, they just don't like how women react when they learn they're whores and avoid them. These cope by repeating "well see? you're no better than me!" ad showing misinterpreted studies about what average women like. It's less "I'm a disgusting pervert and should be ashamed" and more "I'm embarrassed I got caught".

No. 2447014

File: 1742133005151.jpg (Spoiler Image,420.5 KB, 2048x1480, tumblr_c0c517fa4ec7d2125a8af6a…)

This is just my experience, but I've personally ran into more female artists online that are into furry/monster/niche fetishes or weird trans art (like in the bad art thread) than those that draw big titty coomer art

Actually for an example I wanted to find this one artist who went by xiphos (billie), but she nuked her profiles

No. 2447018

File: 1742133415591.jpg (10.19 KB, 368x326, E3-zJcXVIAIMXT3.jpg)

wait why is this kinda…

No. 2447021


No. 2447025

hold on i see the vision

No. 2447026

there no way this isnt satire right??
are moids really this braindead?

No. 2447029

File: 1742134523056.png (947 KB, 1305x786, 1740088507860.png)

oh, isn't it the same person who got mad at LADS?

No. 2447038

This meme is extra retarded because the art he is using from a female artist who only draws fluffy stuff and talks up how much she hates NTR

No. 2447041

File: 1742135297548.png (221.14 KB, 360x360, 360 (3).png)

The cherry on top is his profile picture is from a loli rape game called Black Souls which is frequently compared to Rance. From his profile I get the impression he's a wannabe who wants to skinwalk 4chan users but is too much of a pussy to use the website himself kek

No. 2447050

He needs male genital mutilation, for his sake.

No. 2447051

I thought it was Lain iwakura this whole time kek

No. 2447053

I think they're trying to psyop women into normalizing their violent paraphilias.

No. 2447060

The art and character designs in Black Souls are so fucking ugly, moids will jack it to anything.

No. 2447063

Teratophilia isn't one of the fetishes listed on the meme, though. It lists moidslop like gangbangs, NTR and cervix penetration.

No. 2447064

oh what a fucking loser kek
male coomers should be gas chambered

No. 2447066

Twitter-ass reaction image

No. 2447068

File: 1742136387649.jpeg (760.48 KB, 1179x1233, IMG_3567.jpeg)

hes also one of those male coomers with a female persona and pretend its not gay
all he does is retweet rehashed shit and be like: haha men smart women dum hur dur and his art fucking sucks you just have to take a gander at this account

No. 2447070

File: 1742136430349.jpg (16.86 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg)

Imo it's cute in its own way but if I were a moid coomer I could not imagine getting off to it.
Like the rev says desu faggot? I hate those people so much, they're bound to troon out

No. 2447077

you can easily farm followers on twitter by just posting unfunny coomer anime memes these days

No. 2447080

File: 1742136737525.jpg (Spoiler Image,173.78 KB, 640x960, 4e4b462187204.jpg)

This design is ok, kinda generic but it's inoffensive.
Picrel on the other hand is… special

No. 2447084

File: 1742136862404.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.33 MB, 1179x1880, IMG_3568.jpeg)

but really who is the target audience for this shit. im thinking its other male coomers who think hes a femboy but in reality hes a 30 year old balding man. the people who like his posts are scrotes who are like “haha i fuck trannies but im not gay” censored for buldge. i really dont know who interacts with this shit, its webtoon tier art, scrotes are so absolutely braindead a single line signalifying a bulge sends them into a frenzy i hate them so fucking much

hes definitely on the troon pipeline. you start being a porn addicted hairy scrote, then you go into fetishes like futanari and “femboy” and then youre wearing a wig and thinking youre a woman.

No. 2447086

that’s really what he does lmao. nobody who interacts with this stuff has an IQ with 3 digits

No. 2447095

File: 1742137268895.png (Spoiler Image,343.66 KB, 492x275, tiny hands.PNG)

>Black Souls
This game fascinates me because there is some good rpg horror elements but its heavily crippled by the creator's moid tendencies of adding awful coomslop. >>2447080
And its not the regular kind of coomshit but it's genuinely badly drawn, like something an incel highschooler would scribble on his notepad.

Honestly, he just needs to drop trying to be a hentai artist but rather just make a straight-on horror game. He just needs to tone done the obvious edgelord shock value and learn how to improve his subtle horror writing.
Otherwise Black souls is the biggest "I got tricked into playing a shit game" I have ever experienced.

No. 2447097

File: 1742137640995.png (432.8 KB, 508x385, dasgjasdgjhads.png)

For every cute design, there's at least 10 schizophrenic coomer ones
Agreed, there's a reason why the fanbase is all lolifaggots, they're the only ones who can appreciate the creators blatant mental illness and fetishes seeping into his work like no other kek

No. 2447101

the art isnt even that good it looks like chickenscratch
who is getting off to this? it could have been based if it was made by a woman and she didnt feel the need to add coomshit

No. 2447104

File: 1742138267457.jpg (149.47 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

AYRT but what I hate about Black Souls, specifically Black souls 2 is that it uses the molestation of Alice Liddell as an edgy plot point and showcases the pedo Lewis Carroll as a tragic figure. BS fans try to convince you that the game dev potrays Carroll as the bad guy but saying that having a sexual obsession with a child as an adult is bad doesn't really work in a game that constantly sexualizes loli characters and lets you chose whenever your main love interest (Alice) is your mom, sister or fucking daughter.
Black souls has some interesting themes but they are ruined by clumsy coomerism and edgelord tendencies. Best girl in this shit game is based misandrist Unis, she also has the best design in the whole game imo. Even if her motivation for being a manhater is obviously written by a man, she's still cool for wanting to have a pure female only kingdom

No. 2447111

Why are you even playing this shit

No. 2447116

I haven't played it lmao but I've seen some route and lore videos of it on youtube because I was curious about the moids that make a fuss about it being dark and deep kek. I was severely disappointed to say the least because it's shit tier dark fantasy and a total fromsoft ripoff (inspired my ass)

No. 2447123

File: 1742139535045.jpeg (185.55 KB, 750x865, IMG_4072.jpeg)

The 37 year old fandom mom sounds kinda Stacy

No. 2447125

>child abuse cw
>bullying cw
>children's rights
How do these faggots survive in the real world?

No. 2447131

Oh my god get a lifeeeee go outside please. Actually don’t because I don’t want to see these people in the real world

No. 2447132

The amount of hatred people had for Otayuri just because it was a 3 year age gap was so fucking funny. That and retards seething over 1st/3rd year ships was the point everyone should've known fandoms were doomed.

No. 2447133

They don't. They stay home and the very few times they go outside they have panic attacks. They cope by acting like they're hot shit on the internet.

No. 2447134

Why do they hate older women so much? They're the ones making actual quality fan content instead of drawing characters floating on a white background with titchop scars and shitting up AO3 with untagged tranny jumpscares

No. 2447135

File: 1742140268032.png (374.44 KB, 606x430, metro.PNG)

Offtopic but I checked out his xitter. As a big Metro 2033 fan I've always wondered who in their right mind would like bland ass Anna as a character and think that her romantic relationship with Artyom is well written.
I guess I have my answers now. It's this coomer.

No. 2447136

I'd actually argue the opposite. Those people don't need the thousands of trigger warnings they request and can operate in the real world without them fine. It's only online where they force themselves to cry type and have panic attacks over seeing food because it's largely a subconscious power play, seeing how people will tag the most minuscule things for them, or just keywords to add a resume of what they're traumatized of for more victim points.

No. 2447138

I've seen this play out in real time kek I have a munchie childhood friend who acts like a crytyping SPED online but is pretty functional irl

No. 2447139

Dude, do you like this character in a romantic way? Don't be shy.

No. 2447147

What character specifically nonna? I don't really know what about my post made you think that I like any of Black Souls boring waifu bait romantically kek.

No. 2447157

I think “””anti””” zoomers are annoying and retarded but also I sympathize a little lol. I don’t give a fuck about “problematic” ships but I keep meeting people who just want to shove it in your face like I’m supposed to be impressed that they like incest, and pick fights with dumb kids over it. I like “problematic” ships too but I usually just block whoever says they’re against it or looks like a zoomer and just move on with my life.

No. 2447170

internet identity culture is a plague, they have to make sure all the labels they use make up a significant part of their personality even when it's something as innocuous as not minding age gap ships

No. 2447187

I think the internet encourages people to take absolutist stances on things even in cases where it doesn't make sense to. It's obnoxious that retards on Twitter expect you to "pick a side" between wokescold children who think it's pedophilia to ship a 17-year-old with a 20-year-old, and creepy autist adults who goon to loli and incest.

No. 2447207

Still seething about Sheith after all these years

No. 2447212

It's more crazy to me that there are people itt that genuinely pick a side in the argument instead of laughing at everybody.

No. 2447218

i mean the ship name literally sounds like shit kek

No. 2447225

doesnt this game have zoophillia in it…why are you really playing this game for..

No. 2447226

I don't really care. I've never watched Voltron nor gave a shit about any of its characters. I just thought by now people would've moved on from Voltron.

No. 2447233

I thought it was an old Tumblr post, it's very 2017/2018

No. 2447237

It definitely seems so, especially with the seething about ereri kek

No. 2447246

Kek nona I meant the pronunciation of sheith sounds like the word shit.

No. 2447247

I agree with the bottom sentiment to an extent but fandom moms are weird and I hate encountering them.

No. 2447248

File: 1742146564556.jpg (231.45 KB, 850x1042, __the_girl_d_arce_cahara_enki_…)

It's funny because on the other hand you have Fear and Hunger, a game that features monsters with their dicks out, but everyone jokes about the male MCs getting raped and the second game is super woke with a MtF main character.

No. 2447250

Just to clarify, I meant something like "on the other end of the spectrum" because the game features nudity, gore, violence and is considered woke

No. 2447254

Can you even read, I literally told you that I haven't played it

No. 2447255

I feel like I've never seen an actual fandom mom ever

No. 2447259

>”fandom moms” are based
Did you all forget about Nemu

No. 2447265

File: 1742147529453.webp (Spoiler Image,114.68 KB, 249x319, Cocoon.webp)

It's ridiculous. Marina in Fear and Hunger 2 disliked his parents forcing him to cross dress. His moon scorched form clearly shows that. Troon mindset really shows than any trans representation is good.
I did like they toned down the SA in the second game though. I got anal bleeding status effect in like the first 2 mins of the first game.

No. 2447266

wastn nemu in her 20s

No. 2447275

File: 1742147818952.jpg (Spoiler Image,569.69 KB, 1448x2048, GBOCi96WoAAEPiW.jpg)

Apparently a fanartist got piled on for drawing masculine Marina lol
They don't care about all the fetish coomer art of him though
Miro is smart for shutting the fuck up and not talking about these things at all.

No. 2447291

Literally more elegant looking than the ugly sprite.

No. 2447297

The hate for this fanart was so retarded kek trannies are genuinely delusional about how they look, it's not even like Marina was on HRT and had surgeries or whatever the fuck even if you wanted to be generous.

No. 2447300

"Psychological projection is an unconscious way of coping with emotional discomfort. It's a defense mechanism in which people attribute their own behaviors, impulses, and emotions to another person without realizing it." — a quick Google search

No. 2447346

>"H-half of the playerbase are women guise!!"

Omfg this again. That one healing rape anime (forgot its name) having a female audience, The Rising of the Shield Hero author being a woman (source: dude, trust me), Rancefags, and now Nikke supposedly having a ""40%"" female playerbse in Korea? Why? Why are they so insistent women like this? It's like that shitty comic about Men's Vs. Women's romance or ""goonettes"" Jesus Christ.

No. 2447357

File: 1742151138727.jpg (179.68 KB, 424x600, 110018l.jpg)

>forgot its name
Redo of healer?

No. 2447364

>healing rape anime
Redo of Healer. Extremely fetishistic power fantasy thing where the MC was raped by a gang of heroes, goes back in time and rapes them all and brainwashes them to love him.
It's just hentai, it's literally just that.

No. 2447392

File: 1742152153000.png (3.38 MB, 2000x1339, 500401.png)

I will say, there are a disproportionate amount of female Rance fans (chose picrel because obvious woman took this pic) but disproportionate /=/ majority like moids like to push. I've noticed Rance and their parent company's games have tons of female, LGB and tranny fans for the content they make. Well I guess troons being into it isn't surprising

No. 2447398

To be fair redo of healer was actually gay as fuck. This isn't a defense (it's trash) but there's a downright bizarre amount of male on male violence to say it was written by a scrote.

No. 2447406

See for me the thing is that I enjoy mature sexy women, especially if they have confident personalities, so I can tolerate some ecchi things on a visual level alone.

The thing where I draw a line is violence towards women, it makes me want to jump out of my skin. You have to be an extreme masochist to be into Rance.

No. 2447409

Redo of a healer was confirmed to be written by a man, there's an interview with him and the anime man if you wanna find it. I think the author is just a turbodegenerate which explains the tranny-tier plotline of keyaru dressing up as a woman to seduce a lesbian. There was also an oniishota ugly bastard rape scene. What the fuck is wrong with the author kek
>You have to be an extreme masochist to be into Rance.
I will say of these women I've talked to that are huge into Rance, a lot of them if not literally all of them got raped as a kid. I nooticed this is the case with (biological) women into rape beyond just shoujo level fuckery, loli, and extreme violence towards women.

No. 2447414

Who the fuck is rance

No. 2447425

Fandom moms are annoying

No. 2447428

File: 1742153995070.jpg (256.02 KB, 1500x1209, 20250313_191942.jpg)

The artist of Shield Hero is a woman, a yumefujo. The author is unconfirmed.
The story also becomes time loop homo madohomu after a while so it's not all that surprising that it has female fans.
The author wrote it for a paycheck, he really just threw shit at the wall that he'd figure would get people outraged and "wow no way" enough to read. He saw there was "revenge" genre that didn't have anything going full tard with it so he made a series that was nothing but edgy revenge retard shit. The definition of shock schlock.
Not that his serious work is much better though.

No. 2447429

What the fuck kek. I hate male sexuality.

No. 2447435

>disproportionate amount of female Rance fans
I don't know this VN but I doubt this part because VNs come from an extremely niche part of otaku culture and otakus are almost all moids (At least as far as Japan is concerned. Maybe the West is different).

No. 2447437

Kek no

No. 2447449

You need to go back if you don’t know who rance is at this point

No. 2447450

Otomes and bl exist to discredit narrative nonna.

No. 2447456

I said what I said based on several people I know irl, including one who became a neet and a shut in so she could avoid anything that triggers her (literally everything) and she could have more free time to argue with other fandom idiots. The ones joking that this type of people can't ask for ketchup at mcdonalds without stuttering and panicking aren't exaggerating.

No. 2447457

I like problematic ships and lean / would be considered proshipper but would never hang around people who label themselves that way or involve themselves in discourse. It's like they can't stfu and make content, they have to show off how edgy they are

No. 2447463

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Might as well add this funny tidbit adter looking through her twitter, she actually drew the male characters for both Valentine's Day and White Day.
It seems like originally, she was going to draw female characters for the second holiday, but since apparently male weebs complained she drew them again. Said it was her personal account and she hoped they'd keep complaining about it.

No. 2447464

Fuck if chicken scratch coomer shit like this can have a playerbase for being faux deep what am I doing putting off on making my vidya project. this is prime hope fuel

No. 2447465

>Said it was her personal account and she hoped they'd keep complaining about it.
kek that's pretty funny.

No. 2447466

Rance sounds like a gay fantasy mc name

No. 2447467

I say disproportionate for a series of that nature, not majority. I'm talking about the western fanbase though, obviously the majority of female weebs/otaku both here and Japan aren't into stuff like Rance. I'm not trying to spread the narrative that "w-women are actually super into stuff like rance doods!", sorry if it came off as such.
>It seems like originally, she was going to draw female characters for the second holiday, but since apparently male weebs complained she drew them again. Said it was her personal account and she hoped they'd keep complaining about it.
Fucking BASED. I rarely seem women do stuff like that so I'm glad. I heard that Shield Hero had a notable fujo following in Japan but don't quote me on that. Do you have her Twitter bro?

No. 2447468

Check twitter, some were posted in the last thread. It's millennial western VN girlies after zoomers took saya no uta and euphoria lol

No. 2447477


No. 2447512

90% of VNs have been nukige, galge, or some other type involving mainly heterosexual romance. Otome and BL are a relatively smaller part of VNs. Check VNDB for an example of the number of entries that exist for nukige vs otome (Not counting of course, ones that are both. That's even more rare).
5604 results for otome
7760 results for nukige
That is a 2156 difference.
>I'm talking about the western fanbase though
Yeah I'm not sure about that then, since VNs still aren't that popular in the West. Unless it's ones heavier on gameplay elements and it seems like this series is, so maybe that's why. Westerners just tend to like VNs with less reading and more gameplay.

No. 2447522

You seem at the same time like you know some things about VN fans and like you're totally out of touch. Hell, there was that edgy english vtuber who even mentioned liking "gore screaming show" to get incel cred

No. 2447526

This person literally posted some rpg where the main girl stays in her child form after you marry her as best girl. Gross.

No. 2447528

Borderline porn like this can be posted to youtube but god forbid a person says 'fuck' or 'pedophile' in a video

No. 2447536

>you know some things about VN fans
Well I've been reading them since middle school and love them as a medium.
>like you're totally out of touch
In what way? I've read more VNs than you could count. I can talk circles around most people that bring them up.
>edgy english vtuber who even mentioned liking "gore screaming show" to get incel cred
I don't watch vtubers and don't care about that, but that sounds about right. People like to be melodramatic with "Oh, that's some fucked up hentai shit" when talking about VNs. Again, Japan doesn't help with this since they push out mostly nukige and because sex sells. At the same time, that doesn't mean VNs that don't involve scat/piss/shit/tentacle rape/etc. don't exist and there are plenty made that aren't. If anything, the "non-degen" ones are even more available to you now, looking at what has happened to the state of VN translation.

No. 2447540

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Damn a lot of her art is pretty gorgeous.

No. 2447547

Yes, while VNs aren't big in the west as a form of media, it's undeniable that the infamous ones got translated and got attention. This tangles itself with the edgy culture that idolizes 4chan and some content creators that bait views with shock value.

Western anime fans undeniably have circles that try to one up each other about how deep in the know they are by showing the edgiest thing they read. In that niche group, saying you like Rance or Futa porn is so not like other girls and gives you otaku cred lol

No. 2447567

I know that she's a giant pickme but the worst thing to me about sydsnap is her fucking voice, it is unbearable to me, even though I can sympathize by also being a woman with an annoying voice.

No. 2447585

she larps as a tsundere so its no wonder why shes so obnoxious shes a ultra pickme who reviews moid sex toys and commissions porn of herself

No. 2447594

>Western anime fans undeniably have circles that try to one up each other about how deep in the know they are by showing the edgiest thing they read.
What makes me laugh about those fans is that they'll brag about sitting though guro porn but they go into a frenzy if there is NTR in anything.

No. 2447608

>she larps as a tsundere
Really? That's pretty sad, though I always assumed that she larped as a pervy hentai obsessed cool girl, aren't most tsunderes in anime pretty sex repulsed and call the self insert main guy a pervert over innocuous things?
I haven't seen harem shit in years so I don't really know.

No. 2447623

yup whats worse she used to rp as the incest anime tsundere (found the actual clip)

No. 2447628

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HOLY SHIT I know this is meant to be a joke but this was… just really hard to get through.

No. 2447700

This is pretty much where I'm at, too. There are pairings I ship specifically because they're unhealthy, which makes them more interesting to write fic about. I'm not into any of the crazy bullshit like incest or lolisho, I just like moral complexity in fiction, including romance.

A few years back, I remember a few zoomies on Tumblr discovering The Vampire Armand and having a conniption because Armand (a teenager) was infatuated with Marius, who was (biologically) 36. But they totally ignored all of the context around it: relationships between master painters and their young apprentices were unfortunately pervasive at the time, and the book makes it pretty clear that Armand's interactions with Marius had a lasting negative affect on him (not least because Marius turned Armand into a vampire when he was only 17). A lot of Armand's development throughout the book is focused around how he goes from venerating Marius to realizing how unhealthy their dynamic was. Forbidding that anyone depict these situations kind of throws the baby out with the bath water, because it lumps in critical, artistic examinations of morally complex topics with run-of-the-mill fetish slop.

Basically, my attitude towards portrayals of "problematic" things has everything to do with the framing, and not exclusively with the content itself.

No. 2447733

>Shield Hero
Yeah, I'm not skeptical of the female fans, other than the daughter-slave-love-interest and false rape thing—the pretty (light novel) character designs and mild fujobait can definitely justify female fans.

It's the "the author is actually a woman!!" shit that grates me. What woman would create a character who's surrogate daughter who's also a slave who's much younger than her physical body and calls the main male self-insert with "-sama"? And marries him and bears him kids in the end?

No. 2447748

She's married to Gigguk right? Christ, I wish she'd divorce him, I'm 90% sure he's the cause of her being such a pickme.

No. 2447800

I know we expect better from women but I'm pretty sure she was always like this nonna.

No. 2447815

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No. 2447816

This used to be in every weeb cringe compilation

No. 2447817

And I think that gay men should go fuck themselves and make their own games.

No. 2447834

They do already, tifs just don't wanna play them for obvious reasons

No. 2447878

these zoomer fucks are worthless fan creators both when it comes to art and fanfics, with few exceptions. based middle aged proship fandom moms.

No. 2447959

Nemu would be in her early 30s now and was most milky through her 20s. The fandom mom shit she peddled was part of her ddlg preggo kink and her habit of surrounding herself with teenagers gave her delusions of being an experienced and mature Nice Lady. She was never a fandom mom. Most fandom moms have enough sense to keep to themselves and stay out of fandom spaces. The ones that openly call themselves mom, auntie, etc. are overgrown autists or zillenials insecure because they're over 20.

No. 2447963

That twitter post was painfully obviously made by a TIF, anon

No. 2447998

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I don't really think it makes a difference since otome protagonists are usually silent or almost silent anyway so I guess you could pretend that they're a guy anyway.
If the option is there though I'm not gonna complain.

No. 2448004

I suppose her religious background fucked her mentally and becoming popular with degenerate moids at a young age didn't help. But it's still pathetic of her to get married and still being a pick-me.

No. 2448005

>Goes back to writing my otome that has a female main character because I'm writing for women
It's in the fucking name, otome means maiden.

No. 2448010

I don't think gay men are the target anyway, when they do protagonist gender options they're going for fujos as an alternate audience.

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