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File: 1741877987928.jpg (11.17 KB, 594x586, mundane shit.jpg)

No. 2442735

ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary events from your everyday life.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2423171

This thread is not for sharing random passing thoughts. This thread is for sharing mundane or otherwise ordinary events that you have experienced in your life. If your post does not contain a mundane event that you experienced, then it is off-topic and doesn't belong in this thread.

Lolcow is NOT a chatroom. If you want to discuss a topic, you have to discuss it in the appropriate thread. All off-topic posts in this thread should be reported.

For anons that struggle to understand the topic of this thread:
>Examples of mundane events:
>Examples of off-topic posts that belong in different threads:

If you want to post random thoughts, then find an appropriate thread to post about them. If your thought is about food, it can go in one of the food threads; if your thought is about a movie, it can go in the film thread on /m/; if your thought is about skincare, it can go in the skincare thread on /g/; etc., etc..

If you can't find an appropriate thread, or if you want to shitpost, then you can use the Dumbass Shit thread: >>>/ot/2151490

No. 2442738

Quick thread, nice. Guinea pig.

No. 2442741

Get that nigga tookie out da sink bruh

No. 2442742

Nice guinea pig, nice thread description

No. 2442743

I have been having dreams lately about a handsome albeit faceless male holding me and kissing the top of my head. Last night he pet my long eyelashes as well but honestly that doesn’t even seem like it would feel good.

No. 2442744

The British monarch is featured on the currencies of the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and other countries.

No. 2442745

This is all the love that would satisfy me forever, honestly.

No. 2442748

PUT THIS IN THE DREAMS THREAD(minimod/integrate)

No. 2442750

File: 1741878288778.jpg (Spoiler Image,51.37 KB, 500x500, 1000002023.jpg)

Thank you for the new thread anon my pic was cooler though

No. 2442751

Damn okay sorry don’t report me

No. 2442754

There's an owl that occasionally sleeps in this small tree in my backyard. My mom was doing gardening and pruning it the other day and it flew up in her face and scared the shit out of both of them lol

No. 2442756

Why can’t we talk about dreams or food if it fits into the mundane?

No. 2442757


No. 2442762

Unless the owl is helping me plant my plants, NO

No. 2442767

Ignore this anon, I'm pretty sure they're not even the OP but someone trying to stir shit up kek

No. 2442770

Because this is Lolcow. We have different threads for different topics of discussion. This thread is for sharing mundane events that you have experienced. We have other threads for talking about food, or dreams, or whatever it is. There's nothing wrong with using the food thread for when you want to talk about food, or the dream thread for sharing dreams, it's actually better for the health of the board if many different threads are regularly used for their intended purpose.
Just because you're upset that the thread is going back on theme doesn't mean you need to have a chimp out and fail to impersonate those that care about thread themes to make us look bad.

No. 2442772

Because then the thread would be filled with only that. Obviously sometimes anons mention their meals in passing here.

No. 2442773

I’m just enforcing these rules to highlight how ridiculous they are in some instances

No. 2442776

No, you're just being annoying.

No. 2442777

But you're not even making your point kek. That anons post wasn't about gardening, it mentioned a garden. Don't be obtuse.

No. 2442782

One of you just stated that food and dreams are for another thread while also acknowledging that in passing either will be mentioned at times? So which is it? Don’t want to infight but this was the same shit I saw last thread when an anon walked by a tasty pastry shop or some shit only to be told it wasn’t mundane enough

No. 2442784

You're right, and the way you said this was kind of hot.
I hope we can get back into the habit of using different threads more often like you said. Made me really happy to see the OCD thread get revived. Their vents and questions usually get lost in other threads.

No. 2442786

I'm the garden owl anon and I thought it was funny, it's okay

No. 2442791

>the way you said this was kind of hot.

No. 2442792

This thread is for posting about mundane events that you have experienced. If you want to post anything that isn't a mundane event, you can go post that in a different thread. It is that simple.

No. 2442798

I'm amused with one of my classmates referring to males as "the gentlemen" I find her very sweet

No. 2442799

I'm still so fucking mad that Dumbass Shit thread is (still!) on autosage. It was a retardation containment thread and I laughed my ass off daily, I miss it so much nonas. Anyway I am mundanely sitting on the couch waiting to start work and my adorable little grey cat curled up next to me and it's raining outside, cozy

No. 2442802

I’m autistic. I think I get it:
I can say “watching a movie and a fly landed on my donut”
but I can’t say “this blueberry donut tastes so good” or “I want to bake a donut”

the mundane event has to be the main topic of our post?
>a shopping cart ran over my toe
>president trump was on tv and it freeze framed as he fell down
>my sister and i both went to check if the oven was left on because of our ocd hahaha

also, what if my mundane is not your mundane? this bitch sees owls so much its mundane yet i have never seen one

No. 2442803

t's so cold in my house but I can't turn on the heat because it'll get hot later today. Also I forgot to feed my bugs. And I ordered more isopods.

No. 2442811

I had no idea. But now I also have more questions.

No. 2442816

That's cause we see are all still under the British Monarchy.

No. 2442817

>I can say “watching a movie and a fly landed on my donut” but I can't say "this blueberry donut tastes so good" or "I want to bake a donut."
The first example is an event that has happened to you. The second two examples are thoughts that you have had. Since this thread is focused on events that you have experienced, the first example is permitted and the last two are not.

>A shopping cart ran over my toe

A mundane event - on topic
>President Trump was on TV and it freeze-framed as he fell down
An observation - off topic
>My sister and I both went to check if the oven was left on because of our OCD, hahaha
A mundane event - on topic

>What if my mundane is not your mundane?

It's different for everyone.

No. 2442825

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Many countries use the monarch on their currency. Since Elizabeth's reign lasted so long, we've all had her face on the money for a long time. All my life, my parents' lives, and my grandparents' lives, Elizabeth has been on the money. This is the first time for a lot of people around the world that Elizbaeth won't be on the money anymore.

No. 2442836

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About to play Sims 3 and eat ice cream. Gonna try to get my sim hooked on drugs for once and for all. Also, my glasses come in the mail today!!! I'm so fucking excited to be able to see again.

No. 2442838

i've been addicted to sudoku a while now, i especially keep play it when i'm on my commute and the metro train goes underground and i can't get internet anymore so i just start playing sudoku on my phone, it's better than just mindlessly scrolling but i don't know if it's actually a good thing.

No. 2442840

Did they update her visage with every new minting? Also how disgusting, it should have stayed Elizabeth. People should protest the change.

No. 2442841

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Got an analog alarm clock, the old fashioned ones that have the bells up top, and its LOUD. Still went back to bed and slept a little longer though. Im a bit disappointed you cant turn it off by slamming it down like they do in the cartoons, its either a switch on the top or a button on the back that you have to flip gently.

No. 2442900

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I'm sleepy, this week I've been quite tired, I guess I'm getting burnt out because of stress? I just want to play retard games and have sex with bots.

No. 2442913

What's a reatrd game?

No. 2442917

Just discovered women's day was this sunday through the sillypoo video

No. 2442939

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once i find out how much im getting in financial aid from my uni, i think im going to pay off a chunk of my debt. i can't wait nonnies

No. 2442944

Tapping games like Mandrake Boys, Livly Island and Cocoppaplay. But I also consider DoL to be a retard game because once you memorize everything, you don't need to do much to reach your desired outcome.

No. 2442945

Blessed. Hope you get so much cash you can annihilate your debt.

No. 2442980

I've become too accustomed to binge watching an entire series that the thought of having to wait an entire year for the next season to come out is driving me insane aaahhhhhhhhhhhhh. i haven't had to wait to finish a show since game of thrones.

No. 2442989

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now that's a name i haven't heard in a long time

No. 2442997

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Right now there's an event to celebrate their 11th anniversary, I can't believe I've been playing this game daily for 11 years.

No. 2443053

a girl replied to someone ranting on the phone "She should just do the griddy" and so we got up and did the griddy and felt better

No. 2443070

Damn, they really let some reddit hall monitor not only shit up this board with an ugly picture, but spew her dumbass thoughts across the entire opening. This isn't a blog honey, take it to tumblr.(infight/bait)

No. 2443072

A dream is a mundane event. It happens to almost everyone almost every night.

No. 2443084

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Had a small dog who looked like a sausage that passed away last year.
When he was still alive, every morning I’d wake up and quote Cotton, looking for him in his little bed.

No. 2443087

aren’t you blogging in this post though?

No. 2443091

My cat woke me up a few minutes before my alarm this morning because he wanted to cuddle, he didn't even react when the alarm went off because he was determined to fill his daily cuddle quota today kek

No. 2443092

Aw, rest easy lil sausage dog

No. 2443124

>Feel horrible, sick, sad, whatever
>Feel fine
Every time! I know how dumb this sounds but sometimes I really don't realize how bad it is.

No. 2443148

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I'm drinking dragonfruit juice right now. Years ago someone on reddit once said it tastes like a sad, sad kiwi with no friends that cried all its flavor out and I kinda see it. The kiwi taste is definitely there, but it doesn't "reach up" completely, it's kinda the same way when I had Covid and could only taste something in the highest corners of my nose.

No. 2443155

This is a really interesting and accurate way to describe dragonfruit! I only had some for the first time in December, and I like them alright. Apparently some people can't taste anything at all when eating them.

No. 2443182

I’m so fucking glad I didn’t say “it’s st Patrick’s day” out loud on Tuesday. I saw corned beef sandwiches at the grocery store and another lady wearing green, so I thought “oh it must be the holiday today and I’m wearing green too.’

No. 2443190

Omg wtf ccpp!!! I stopped playing but miss it dearly. If I get my account id we should be friends.

No. 2443192

I remember the first time I tried it as a kid and it was very flavourful but when I tried it again as an adult it was as bland as you described. They were both of the white variety so Im not sure if the purple/red one has a different taste

No. 2443198

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Found a very lolcow feeling shirt yesterday

No. 2443199

File: 1741896548533.mp4 (506.87 KB, 434x360, Stan Twitter_ Its St.Patricks …)

No. 2443204

Uhm part of your student debt?
Coincidence I’m waiting for my financial aid atm too. When I finish I’m considering applying for neetbux or getting a job, but probably neetbux first..or a job. I just want neetbux, I don’t have savings so now is the time to do it. When I become rich I can’t be on neetbux.

No. 2443238

Serves her right for gardening this early.
I’m jealous don’t mind me. I’m not the owl but that’s what the owl thinks too. That’s his home now. Also kek.

No. 2443271

My youtube recommendations have been so bad lately. I miss opening it up and seeing like 5 videos I want to watch immediately.

No. 2443283

I finally finished knitting a sweater I designed and immediately began another one. It feels cool to make something so custom, and the first sweater's sleeves end exactly at my wrist joint so it makes me feel really fancy. I'm built like goddamn Michael Phelps so I've only had sleeves fit me when the rest of the garment doesn't fit properly. I also only spent $3 on the wool from a charity shop, and its machine washable to boot. Win/win/win/win.

No. 2443335

Just realized that my feet are busted.

No. 2443345

It tastes like a pear that gave up on life to me. I don't hate it or dislike it, it's just not worth $8.

No. 2443347

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>be me
>family too poor to afford new clothing, much less a tailor
>start learning sewing, on top of embroidery and macrame
>have fun while learning useful abilities to fix things
>fix clothing and random stuff around the house, eventually sew my own clothes and random plushies
Schools should teach this type of stuff as well tbh it's quite handy

No. 2443410

Can you self teach yourself stuff like that? Maybe I’m retarded but I always mess up on my measurements and make clothes too big or too small.

No. 2443426

kek. Sorta how I feel about cactus fruit. Though both dragonfruit and cactus fruit go hard as juices/smoothied

No. 2443440

I thought they were boring until I ate one that didn't come from the grocery store.

No. 2443444

I been kickin ass at my new job this past week. Got all of my tasks for the week knocked out already. Might take it easy and just draw or something tomorrow.

No. 2443463

Nonna, I'm jealous! Great job! I haven't gone far enough to make myself a sweater yet because I'm nervous about losing or gaining weight and being unable to wear it kek

No. 2443478

I'm very stubborn and basically practiced nonstop until it worked. Tbh there's maybe something in my brain that just clicked recently, I was very VERY bad at sewing and embroidery, but now I can pull it off with not a lot of effort

No. 2443481

That's cool I hope I get to this level of craftiness one day. Which colors did you use?

No. 2443583

This is cute as hell. Sorry for your loss of your sausage

No. 2443589

i was so obsessed with the pixie hollow online game as a kid

No. 2443649

Nice Nona! Happy for you. I’d do the same but the one thing that puts me off sewing projects is the wasted material. Did you practice on crappy quality fabrics before making a higher quality one? My impatient tard brain would do the reverse honestly kek.

No. 2443654

Tesla cars are uncommon where I'm from and they're usually driven by those that lane hog. My new driving thing is doing a nazi salute undertaking them

No. 2443669

I've lost a few kg from having to walk around so much near my new workplace. Is this what it's also like in Europe according to tourists there

No. 2443763

i was listening to a productivity subliminal and the background music seemed familiar and i checked the description and it was Beethoven Virus/Piano Sonata No. 8 and the reason why it was familiar was because it was sampled for Confessions of a Rotten Girl fml.

No. 2443822

Queen shit

No. 2443896

NTA but yes you absolutely can! I taught myself to sew. When you mess up on your measurements, put on what you made, use pins and chalk to mark out where it needs to be altered, and alter it. Add strips of fabric if it needs to be longer/larger. Put it on again, mark it out again with more pins and chalk. Keep going until you have something that fits. It can look shit, as long as it fits you correctly.
That's your new pattern. Mark the pieces in pen, take it apart, add in any markings like notches, and you're good to go and sew something from your fashion fabric.
It's also a base for new patterns. Frankensteining a new pattern from a bunch of old ones saves so much time, you know it's going to fit you and the separate parts look good on you, it's just a case of making the new frankenpattern fit together in the way you want it to.
Look up different methods of drafting patterns if you struggle with the one you use now. Look at your own clothes, practice taking patterns from them, see how everything fits together. When you're making patterns on shitty practice fabric ALWAYS make sure it's got a similar weight and drape as your fashion fabric or you will regret it, trust me on this.
You could also make clothes for dolls. I have a BJD that I use when I'm drafting more complex patterns and don't want to waste a ton of fabric.
Also, please keep the grain of the fabric in mind. It might not be the cause of your pattern problems but it could be making them worse.

No. 2443907

I'm hungry but I'd rather starve to death than spend $20 on a shrinkflation sandwich because welcome to this economy.

No. 2444119

File: 1741967696921.jpg (118.62 KB, 723x723, 1715331813584556.jpg)

I thought my mom the English word "retarded" and now when I say something stupid, she keeps calling me retarded.
Ladies… I think I played myself.

No. 2444128

KEK when she calls you retarded, say "I got it from you"

No. 2444132

She'd probably find it funny tbh, she has a pretty good sense of humor and I'm not mad at her for calling me a tard. I just thought it was a funny situation I got myself into and shared it.
My mom is cool.

No. 2444137

Oh my bad anon, your pic made me think you were more upset about it. I also thought it was kind of funny, glad you guys can laugh about it. Hope you and your mom have a good day ♥

No. 2444158

it was a cute story. reminded me of how my brother taught our mom to say "u mad?” at the peak of that meme lol

No. 2444259

I'm going to a birthday party tomorrow with only my closest friends at a beach house and we're doing shrooms. I'm excited!

No. 2444302

Woke up with my back and torso hurting. I'm drinking warm water and it's making it feel a bit better

No. 2444315

Kekkk what did you tell her it means? Does she know it's a no-no word in some circles?

No. 2444325

She knows exactly what it means, I think i explained it sufficiently, she just doesn't really care and finds it a funny sounding word.
Real slavic mom shit

No. 2444346

I ate 2 lbs of clemetines/tangerines in the span of 2 days.

No. 2444380

Your vit C levels are probably Godlike rn

No. 2444405

I was bored and then remembered a childhood comfort I had. Hatching websites. I went on an old ass website called "dragon cave" and it's still active, along with my account. it's just how I left it. So I decided to get back into it

No. 2444411

How do people succeed at games like that? I remember my friend showing me an egg clicker game, but I never had friends to play and click my eggs for me kek

No. 2444418

No one does lol
You need hundreds of views to make them hatch. You use hatching websites and they get clicks and views from others shoving their eggs in there. Too bad the website never tells you about these sites. Gotta have a friend to tell you

No. 2444424

I am so retarded, this seems so obvious in retrospect kek. Thank you for stepping into the role and telling me, nona!

No. 2444425

File: 1741982770563.jpg (8.54 KB, 234x196, 1680531064772.jpg)

I am going to ask a guy out, holy shit i am so nervous. If he says no i am going to be incredibly depressed for a while.

No. 2444431

Good luck nonna I wish I had the balls to do that

No. 2444439

If he says no, don't be depressed! It'll hurt, but you should treat yourself to something fun or good meal afterwards for exercising your confidence! You're being really brave and cool, embrace it no matter the outcome.

No. 2444444

I haven't talked to my friend in a month because of depression and trying to figure out my life so I'm preparing to gift her a box of candy and crafts I've made as an apology, still waiting on the packaging tape and stickers to arrive

No. 2444447

thanks nonny its just hard not to be depressed because i have very niche taste and this is the first time ever i have met a guy who mets all the criteria. I just dont think i will find another cute guy like that in a while, probably ever.

No. 2444450

Holy post number

No. 2444452

no problem
If you ever do pick up this lil hobby try finding the wiki for the hatching game you play n they should have a list of all the clicker websites to make em hatch

No. 2444490

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almost fell asleep eating my dinner. going to finish my zucchini and vegan mac and get cracking on this god damn essay crap!(ai outsaide of containment)

No. 2444510

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My puppy is sleeping next to me and sometimes he wakes up to check if I’m still there and then I pet him and he sinks back into his sleep like a little baby

No. 2444514

Get him checked for BPD. Definitely sounds like he has it.

No. 2444517

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Awwww my heart. My kitten also does that it's so cute I always reassure her that I'm not going anywhere. Baby animals are so precious

No. 2444526

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My bar of soap during my shower today was such an even and yet malleable thickness. It was like I was washing up with a Kraft American cheese single.

No. 2444557

i didnt know it was AI im sorry farmhands those roboticatrons getting good at it

No. 2444599

I woke up before 9am for the first time in months, yay.

No. 2444645

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I am so happy that i overcame my fear of roaches, all it took was a roach infestation and having to see several roaches crawl from the dishes in my kitchen and walk on the walls. I cannot believe 3 years ago i was crying in a corner of my room calling for my mommy to come kill the roach that had entered my room, i feel so pathetic now.

No. 2444654

post number has blessed you with good luck, happy friendship reconciliation!

No. 2444772

This is AI? Darn.

No. 2445064

King of the Hill marathon for the 2nd time in the last few months. I realize… I always wanted to be a Luanne Platter but instead I ended up like Peggy Hill

No. 2445086

I'm a Bobby and I'm OK with that

No. 2445337

Bumped into the corner of my bed. I now have a bruise.

No. 2445369

the day before yesterday i came back from college with heavy ass bags and i had a snack too high in carbs and it was like i was hit with a tranq. i was drifting in and out of sleep, drooling too, jesus, i wasted the entire day.

No. 2445372

Crap I can relate. I was driving around yesterday thinking of what a Peggy I am. Cope: I decided to lean into the good qualities of it without tearing myself up over her more…negative traits. Hoyeah!

No. 2445383

I turned into Dale

No. 2445447

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he said yes

No. 2445488

Is it… popular to self insert into King of the Hill introspectively?

No. 2445496

I cant get that video of the subway worker dancing and singing to without me with the woman recording hyping her up out of my head

No. 2445498

Thanks for the contagion.

No. 2445504

Thinkin you can leaaaave without me (AY FUCK EM, FUCK EM UP)

No. 2445543

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I used Lyft for the first time ever today because it was 1 dollar cheaper than Uber and got a woman driver with the women+ connect program. Her car was so nice and clean and wasn't blasting shitty male podcaster bs and didn't smell like smoke, no creepy suggestive comments, just pure chill and safety.

No. 2445547

Samefag and this was the song she was playing the whole ride over! What a coincidence coming to post my experience here

No. 2445548

I feel really good today. It is kinda hot for it to be so early, but im still pretty optimistic. I finally washed out my moldy teacup and now I'm enjoying some peppermint tea.

No. 2445572

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I set up a goal to lose 12 KG by july. I signed up for tennis and swimming classes and i am trying to curb my stress triggered binge eating by counting calories. There is a cute jfashion shop near my house and i want to wear cute clothes without looking giga cringe.

No. 2445609

Maybe I blocked out my entire middle school cooking class experience but I can’t believe how easy it is to make soup. Just some broth and frozen vegetables and a can (or fresh) tomatoes and grains. Toss in a couple herbs and garlic. Dump it all in a multi cooker for a couple hours on the slow cook setting and boom. Soup for days. Why the hell did my family eat canned soups so much when it’s this easy

Whoo synchronicity

No. 2445634

I recently watched KoTH all the way through for the first time and it's such a cozy, comforting show.

No. 2445646

Hit my 60 day sober goal the other day and then realized I can have some weed as a treat if I wanted to but… I don't want it anymore? I love getting takeout with the money I would've spent on alcohol and drugs instead, I love taking long sober walks, I love going to bed early and waking up not hungover. The other day I was talking to a classmate about all the sketchy situations we'd get ourselves into in college and how it's like, incomprehensible to us now. Mundanity is so cool.

No. 2445709

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I have never really discussed koth with anyone so I have no idea lol. But I think it's pretty normal to see yourself in a character, especially when their flaws are highlighted and it's like "oh god I do that too don't I?"

No. 2445719

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This has been me lately. I'm usually the type that just need to bitch and whine for a little bit and then I'll make sure to pull through most shit and if I don't come out on top I at least make sure to get close to. But this time I just kinda want to lie down and give up.

No. 2446018

i usually feel indifferent about my unshaven body but then i noticed a male professor had shaven forearms and i was like fuck now i gotta do it too and shaved my arms.

No. 2446021

why did you let a walled moid influence you?

No. 2446034

Don't worry anon, you won't do that again after it grows back twice as thick ♥

No. 2446045

i don't know tbh
this is weird and confusing to me, you clearly hate that i shaved meaning that you're pro-body hair but then you're wishing that it grows back twice as thick meaning you clearly think body hair is a nuisance that would be ideally invisible so i might as well shave, so what is it? to shave or not to shave if scrotes around you shave as well?

No. 2446071

Hair doesn't grow back thicker after removing it, that's a myth.

No. 2446124

Maybe he's shaving because he normally has thick ape hair. You probably have a lot less so you shouldn't feel bad about it. Tbh I think men should shave because their body hair is often obscene (and dirty) but women naturally have less and they're clean.

No. 2446167

I… wasn't wishing it would grow back twice as thick? I was making a joke? Because everyone's parents tells them that when they start shaving? Like >>2446071 says, it's a pretty well known myth.
well, in 99% of cases. I had a dyke cousin who shaved her happy trail bc a girl was coming over and it came back thicker, wider, and longer. We shrugged our shoulders about it because it's not like she'd have to deal with men caring about it, but it was funny in retrospect.

No. 2446168

Supposedly, the "it comes back thicker" thing is because fresh cut hair, when it grows out, has a blunt/cut end which makes it look thicker as opposed to a fine tapered end.

No. 2446176

Ohh, that's interesting! And it makes sense, because don't people say waxed/plucked hair doesn't "grow back thicker"? So that's because the hair grew back in instead of being cut, right?
It should be mandatory that men get their assholes/that entire taint area waxed. They're so foul there's an epidemic of men who don't wipe or wash their assholes, and it'll make all those hypermasculine faggots cry themselves to sleep.

No. 2446187

Yeah, exactly. I learned it from a friend whose mom would pressure her into getting haircuts when she started to grow it out lol

No. 2446195

kind of hot a man hates himself enough to shave his arms, but tragic that you did so. it will probably grow back super uncomfy and you'll feel pressured to keep doing it.

No. 2446402

The stray cat i sometimes feed is sleeping on my bed and i dont want to scare her but i also want to pee. Shes so goddam autistic.

No. 2446410

Aww, let her sleep. Kitty has had a hard life.

No. 2446535

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>buy a baby bottle pop thinking it's strawberry flavored
>it's fucking tropical flavor
I'm pissed. I dint even want to eat it anymore.

No. 2446569

Warning for kinda gross story if you're too queasy.
I live with my family in a 3 storey villa. We live in the 1st floor, anf use the ground one to store old furniture to sell it later to people who recycle it, while using the 3rd floor which has the rooftop and 2 rooms and bathroom as another storage room, to air the laundry, and to store excess food in an extra fridge there. Yesterday, I smelt a strong stench that I couldn't locate the source of, but thought maybe it's from outside since the neighbors were cleaning their septic tank, or from one of the bathrooms after someone took a shit or something. Later on that day, I went upstairs to the roof in the evening to catch the lunar eclipse (it wasn't visible in my country unfortunately) but I noticed the stench was way stronger there and there were tons of flied. I called on my one of my brothers and we got face masks, chloride spary, lemon scented cleaning spray, pesticide, gloves and trash bags to locate the source of the stench and get rid of it, thinking it was probably a dead mouse or gecko. Turns out, the fridge stopped working and the 5 kilos of ground beef we bought 2 days ago went bad…the smell was from the rotten meat all along. We threw it away and threw all the other items in the fridge because they all stank and we weren't sure if they were still good. We sprayed and cleaned everything and opened all the windows and the roof door, then I burnt some incense to further get rid of the smell. We are yet to get someone to take the fridge and get a new one. We lost $94 worth of ground beef. Today, the neighbors called and said they're gonna bring us some food they made, which is just a coincidence and out of kindness because they know our mom passed away a few months ago and they think we're probably struggling with food with no one to cook for us, even though I do cook. But I still appreciate the thought and their kindness, and the food was tasty. They brought some tuna sandwiches, bechamel tuna casserole, a salad, and some fried donut balls with honey and sesame seeds. They made my day with this tbh.

No. 2446586

I opened up a bag of blueberries and it smelled sooo blueberryily.

No. 2446589

High quality mundane story, thank you for sharing. Felt like the literary equivalent of when I go walking by my house out on the canal that’s been buried and turned into a paved trail, and I get to look into people’s backyards and see how strangers live. What on earth were you gonna do with 5kg of ground beef?

No. 2446627

My cat always sits in my lap and purrs and I feel like I'm being healed from the inside out

No. 2446628

NTA but a store by me used to sell 20lbs of ground beef in a huge package. I would buy those and divide them into 1-2lb packs, and freeze them so I could thaw as much as I needed for tacos or chili beans, stuff like that. It was a lot of ground beef and money at once, but saved money and time in the end.

No. 2446631

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I wish i was taller, restricting my diet to less than 1k calories because i am a fat womanlet is literally pain

No. 2446635

Being short is a curse. I get fat easily

No. 2446656

Same, I wish I was even just an inch taller…I could also just start working out to justify eating more kek but I'm lazy

No. 2446667

I'm cooking a ¼ of it everyday to fill 20 samosas for my family members who are all Muslim and fasting, while I'm not but keeping it lowkey and eat while cooking so I don't faint from the hunger and heat from the stovetop, lol.

No. 2446682

Protein powder makes me so dizzy

No. 2446685

I hate it so much, it makes me want to throw up. It's weird because as a kid I liked it a lot, but over the time I began hating it.

No. 2446730

I bet your samosas are killer, nonna, I’d love to try them. Then you can come over to my house and help me bake these 14 loaves of sourdough tomorrow.

No. 2446733

Greek yogurt is a good replacement for sour cream in savory dishes. Nonfat is a good replacement too.

No. 2446747

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Sure thing. Here's the receipt if you want to try it:
For the base: put onion, garlic, carrots, dill and parsley in a food processor, then stir fry them until they sweat, add your ground beef (I add ¼ a kilo), a tablespoon of tomato paste, one cube chicken bouillon, salt, pepper, ground cumin, ground turmeric, and Arabic 7 spice. Stir it all until your beef is browned thoroughly, add enough water to cover it up and let it simmer and cover it with a lid on low heat until all the water is gone. Once it is, kill the heat and let it cool down then start filling your samosa sheets and shaping them as triangles. It's tricky the first few times but you get used to it eventually. The trick is to buy the store made ones that are cut diagonally at one side and use that side to start the folding, fold it twice to create a pocket pinching the folded sheet between your index and thumb to keep it open, fill with 1 tablespoon of beef, if you over fill it, it won't seal properly so don't go overboard. Keep folding it to create the triangle shape and when you reach the end side, estimate how much of it can be tucked in and how much would be dangling out, and cut the extra dangling part so it would get tucked in properly and sealed. Deep fry them or brush them with oil and put them in the oven or air fryer for 10 minutes on high heat and flip them halfway through for the best golden browend and crispy results. Enjoy. It's unorthodox but I like dipping them in Worcestershire sauce or soy sauce and sesame oil mixed with grated garlic and some green onion slices for an extra dimension of flavor. Picrel is the samosa store bought sheets/dough so you don't have to make it from scratch yourself, unless you'd like to.

No. 2446780

i was hoping that once i started getting gray hairs they’d come in a stylish way, like up in the front or at least sorta in a streak (like stacey from what not to wear or tulsi gabbard) but now that they’re starting up i see them just everywhere dispersed throughout my head messily

No. 2446824

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I had a very cute squishy stress toy in the shape of a cute animal but it suffered an accident and it died. I'm a bit upset to be frank, I can't replace it. What now? I don't know if buying something "similar" online could replace it. It had a specific shape (not pictured) and it was from a special store so I'm always going to think about it. I know it's stupid to get attached to an object but it doesn't happen often and I really liked the squish.

No. 2446850

maybe, body hair on men is really appalling sometimes, i saw a white scrote on the metro that had mousy blonde hair everywhere but it was so thick, his forearms looked like he had dryer lint stuck to them
>you'll feel pressured to keep doing it.
not really, i think he shaved because the college had a function recently, so as soon as he grows it out, i'll feel more comfortable to grow it out too.

No. 2446890

I'm supposed to be asleep, but I've been in bed beaming my phone flashlight at my nipples. I'm trying to figure out if they look darker when hard.

No. 2446937

I always make fun of my coworker for shaving. Sometimes he even denies he does it. I don't know why he's insecure about it but it's pretty funny.

No. 2446941

i'd say making fun of him for shaving might discourage him, but i realize praising him might have the opposite effect as well, scrotes double down on doing something if they know women don't like it, and they get annoyed if there's something women like, so you might as well keep doing it, the only people that can "bully" a moid out of doing something are fellow scrotes.

No. 2446977

It's so dry and hot right now for some reason and I'm nosebleeding a little thanks to it. Darn

No. 2447002

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I feel so bad for my consoles, I’m cursed with being a clumsy faggot and just accidentally sent my wii flying to the floor after getting my foot caught in a wire. I did the same thing a few months ago when I tripped on my 3ds charger and forgot it was still connected so that went straight to the ground too. Why do I have to walk like a tard goddamnit

No. 2447005

I'm sorry nona but the mental image of this made me kek

No. 2447027

Yum, thanks!!!

No. 2447030

Maybe your problem is not the way you walk, but wire management?

No. 2447065

I had my raisins and coffee right beside each other… reached into my coffee instead of the raisins.

No. 2447206

Why would you call yourself that?

No. 2447249

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I did it. I made my last post in the fandom discourse thread, it bores me now and I feel no pull to post in there anymore. I realize I have grown out of it and I have seen every argument repeated at least five different times. Sayonara autism containment thread. I might view the thread if they talk about any interesting cows.

No. 2447256

Proud of you, that thread is samsara

No. 2447258

Fell in love with someone's original character. I can't stalk their lore because I am banned from Instagram.

No. 2447260

This is more of a confession than it is mundane kek. Why are you banned from insta???

No. 2447269

Made an account and it labeled me as a bot for some reason???? It wants my phone number and I'm really not trying to connect the unhinged shit I'm into with my IRL identity.

No. 2447282

Conditioner is so fucking expensive holy shit, 6-10 euro for a fucking bottle from the drugstore???

No. 2447285

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Damn its nice to have a therapist friend when you are chronically mento ill. Free therapy sessions whenever you want. And we are both retards so he has monumental patience with me. I love him.

No. 2447296

Sounds like a great situation for him to manipulate you nonna

No. 2447304

manipulate me how?

No. 2447307

Holy shit you’re cooked

No. 2447312

She doesn't know. smh
There is a bit of a power imbalance here, but I think you'll be alright if you're feeling alright with the friendship.

No. 2447324

I am not dating him nonnies. He's currently helping me ease my brain worms because the guy i like hasnt responded to a message a sent him asking him out on friday. If he wanted to manipulate me he would lean hard into making me feel like my brain worms are justified and that he hates me.

No. 2447337

That's not how subtle manipulation works, but if he's not crossing any boundaries, you really could just be fine. Just be careful and evaluate the relationship to make sure it continues to feel safe and fulfilling.

No. 2447340

It's okay, anon. You tried, but some lessons need to be learned first hand.

No. 2447342

>feel pressure on my asshole like I need to shit
>before I get to the bathroom my butt clenches so hard the poop retracts deep inside and it's hard to shit
Every single time(use tmi thread)

No. 2447350

I just dont understand why he would manipulate me?. He puts more effort into the friendship than i do. One time we had a fight over some dumb shit and i blocked him off all my socials until he sent me a message apologizing. I wasnt planning on apologizing to him first and i am dense and arrogant enough to have never unblocked him if he didnt apologize. He was also the only one that cried over the breakup so he clearly needs me more than i need him.

No. 2447352

He’s your ex? Jfc

No. 2447355

No kek. Sorry i am ESL. I meant we had a fallout.

No. 2447413

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I need to buy new jeans and I'm sort of panicking over the sheer amount of different fits being sold, I can't decide on what I want! All I know is that I don't want low rise or ankle jeans but otherwise I'm completely lost

No. 2447516

I recently found out the only comic/anime con near me has been calcelled for this year and I'm a bit bummed out by it. It was a small event and the only one of that kind I've ever been to since I can't travel far away and I'm in a rural area. I'm not super weeby but the event was mainly for people having fun dressing up as childhood or popular cartoon characters, fucking around and listening to a few famous voice actors so it was fun. The food was good too and it was the only even that got me close to people with some of my interests (art, internet culture, games, anime, movies, voice acting, collection and niche items, cosplay, AA shit) and idk it's a small thing but I looked forward to it.

No. 2447680

Logged onto social media today and saw that an old friend from elementary school sent me a friend request. She had also posted that she was starting a new account because apparently she had responded to one of those obvious spam messages “Warning! Your account is about to be deleted-“ and she sent them all of her info and fell for it, kek. Which got me to thinking, I’ve noticed that the people I know who have kids now, tend to have the most “boomer” issues with technology like falling for scams or reposting AI art with “beautiful!!!!” and stuff that seems like something my elderly relatives would do. I wonder if it’s because they had kids younger and didn’t have time to learn computer literacy when the rest of us were online and still figuring all of this out?

No. 2447685

There was a relatively small window in which computer literacy skills were taught. I'd say being born around 1992-2002. Zoomers and Gen Alpha aren't good at computers because all of their time is spent on half a dozen websites or on mobile phone applications.

No. 2447738

File: 1742167024356.jpeg (2.4 MB, 1290x2170, IMG_3224.jpeg)

my hoya cuttings bloomed and the flowers are so pretty

No. 2447744

You should set up a video recording of the unopened ones to record what it looks like when they bloom

No. 2447749

Forbidden treat

No. 2447750

Are these yours? They're beautiful

No. 2447751

the first word in her post is "my" kek

No. 2447753

They look like strawberry gummies! I wish we had a gardening thread

No. 2447755

They look like a mediocre baker’s attempt at creating flowers out of buttercream frosting.

No. 2447756

No. 2447760

I graduated high school in 2010 and it was the last year my school had a computer readiness class. In hindsight I’m glad I got to take it but I was mad because it was a mandatory freshman class and I had to take it my senior year because my stupid moid advisor forgot to place me in it. I would spend most of class browsing Japanese webrings for SMT kek

No. 2447773

Pink hoyas creep me out for some reason, but im super happy for you anon

No. 2447785

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I've been watching Little Bear while watching a toddler and I'm now deep into the lore of the idea that the talking animals are just normal kids playing pretend but the human girl, Emily, was the only kid who refused to be a furry

No. 2447797

I used Pimpeye with an old photo of myself i had and tons of cute girls that arent me popped out instead. Now i feel better about my looks.

No. 2447799


No. 2447845

I love the way water tastes kind of sweet when you swallow a paracetamol and its been on your tongue a few seconds.

No. 2447857

No. 2447865

As a burger, the word 'knickers' makes me uncomfortable. One time in class, we were reading, and I had to read that word aloud, and I wanted to kms.

No. 2447873

Bong here, I feel the same way for "panties". It feels way too vulgar, I refer to it as underwear or pants. I don't like saying knickers but it's not as bad as panties is.

No. 2447886

NTA but also burger, I hate the word panties so dang much. Stole use of the word pants for underwear from you guys and never looked back.

No. 2447891

panties always is going to make me think of some fat creep who steals used underwear idky

No. 2447896

I feel like such a sped waiting for some scrote to write me back.

No. 2447897

Probably because fat creeps who steal underwear call them that. "Panty raids" used to be such a known phenomenon that it happened on an episode of Spongebob Squarepants.

No. 2447901

File: 1742173419900.png (1.11 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_0314.png)

I thought I was super depressed but it turns out I just had the typical combo of vegan deficiencies kek. It’s even funnier because I’m not even vegan just lactose intolerant and too lazy to cook meat

No. 2447902

You couldn't be bothered to crop the picture?

No. 2447907

No I’m still too weak. Maybe next time

No. 2447974

Ugh I remember suggesting two movies for us to watch on Mooovie night but I can’t remember what they were(not a chatroom)

No. 2448026

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I was having a tough time before and I really fell off the wagon with healthy lifestyle habits, but I've gotten back to it and I feel really great. High protein/low card, 80 oz water a day, supplements, 1 cup of tea in the morning, teeth whitening, skincare 2x a day, 1 hour cardio a day (even though it makes me so hot and sweaty), cleaning my home. It feels really good to be taking care of myself again. I want to implement more but I need to focus on being consistent with these basics first.

No. 2448046

Kek whenever I hear the lyrics
>Damn, these (n word) got me! I hate these (n word) more than a nazi!
It always makes me giggle because people think that lyric is him saying that he hates nazis when really he’s admitting to hating jews(not mundane)

No. 2448136

His behavior is so troll but unfortunately there are teenagers who look up to that shit so I keep my cackling to myself and try not to engage. I honestly don't think he wrote any of that though, and your smile might disappear a little to know that most of his ghost writers are white

No. 2448220

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I sent the info of my groomer to some guy who made a callout involving one of his briends and briefly him and he doxed the fuck out of him. The youtuber ended up being a super cute 19yo with a 90s fuckboy hairstyle and now i think i am in love.

No. 2448229

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Manifesting this for me now that I’m going on a cut

No. 2448361

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Going to the Mexican gas station to get some dried peppers for traditional enchiladas. The Mexican gas station is the closest place that sells any Latin American goods. I miss my old hood sometimes.

No. 2448376

Good luck anon! It helps me to think of this stuff as "doing something really annoying everyday". I have a hard time sticking to habits, but admitting that I'm lazy and I don't want to do some of this stuff makes me feel better somehow. And then I always feel great after it's done, so focus on how nice you'll feel and how proud of yourself you will be.

No. 2448396

kek the hachiware image says "today i also didn't lose weight"

No. 2448518

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currently falling asleep at work. oh well, at least i only have 3 more hours and then i can go home and sleep.

No. 2448532

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>pros of wide pants
Lots of leg room, nice silhouette, kind of professional looking if they don't have any ripped details.
>cons of wide pants
Weird inner thigh chaffing, like what the fuck? It's bizarre, they're not even big enough on me for them to be like a skirt? I've been considering buying these types of underwear so it stops hurting my inner thighs.

No. 2448560

I'm only just getting into Lady Gaga's discography today for some reason. I respected her back when she was in her crazy heyday but never had any motivation to really listen to her. Today I had a really strong want to listen to her and damn I really understand everything now. Maybe it's because I went through a bit of a "pop sucks" phase during the peak of Lady Gaga's stardom, that was too bad because now I really do kind of like the pop music that was made during that time kekkkk. Nowadays though… yeah no nowadays it really is kind of rough. I like what I hear from Dua Lipa though, Chappel Roan is good but only when she's really leaning into the Cyndi Lauper sort of thing and to be honest her sound doesn't even seem developed enough for her to truly switch gears and do a country album?? Lady Gaga had a good sound development, at least in my very weak opinion considering I've only listened to Gaga's first two so far.

No. 2448578

Getting good at recognizing an accent this guy I'm dating has. I heard an artist on the radio that sounded like him and he was from the same city as him kek.

No. 2448627

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when i feel sleepy it feels just like picrel, having an apple right now to feel less drowsy

No. 2448688

I didn’t know me listening to Graduation was such a momentous occasion, mods…

No. 2448700

I'm getting in the bath okay anons, come and yell at me when it's been 45 minutes because I don't want to waste the day away.(lolcow is not a chatroom)

No. 2448735

Got black acrylic paint on my bright pink shirt

No. 2448737

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im back to my typical pixie obvious lesbo cut and ive never been happier growing the length out was hell for me

No. 2448738

oh that's tragic, and trying to rub it off with nail polish remover and a qtip would just spread the paint, i'm so sorry nonnie

No. 2448739

Would be funny if the ban was timed until nona finished her bath

No. 2448743

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samefag, you could do some small simple cute embroidery on the spot maybe? embroidery is really easy to get into, and starting with embroidery equips you with the knowledge to undo it if you don't like how it turns out so no worries with having to fix any mistakes

No. 2448760

That’s tough nonnie

No. 2448809

>not a chatroom
They enforce this so randomly, there's not actually any rhyme or reason to it. I would be fine if they enforced it all of the time, but the randomness just results in some people getting banned while six other people do the same thing and then don't get banned. I wish I understood.

No. 2448820

I crochet all day and I felt good but all I can do now is sit here and bleed it's exausting

No. 2448833

If you read this thread back, you would see where anons very clearly outlined what posts go in mundane things thread. Learn to read threads and lurk.
Lolcow isn't a chatroom because our threads have topics and you are expected to stay on topic. Responding to say "hi" or use "…" or "lol" is also chatroom crap. Our threads have a limited number of posts before they close, so don't shit them up.

No. 2448926

I feel like a basic bitch but I love finding Le Creuset stuff at TJ Maxx. I'm starting to accumulate a cute collection of carribean and azure blue tableware.

No. 2448941

ayrt, we're millennials born in the 80s

No. 2448943

Nta but I don't really care if someone itt wants to get slightly silly in here, there will be another thread made if it maxes out, and who cares if they can't post about their boring day because somebody else posted about their boring day in a goofy way.

No. 2448961

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Picrel is me whenever I see a baking recipe video for something banana based and they use fucking either BARELY OR PERFECTLY RIPE BANANAS

No. 2448976

Get some friends. Genuinely go make real connections with real people and make friends and be silly with them. What is this Zoomer loser obsession with being silly? This is LC. It's not your personal silly playhouse.

No. 2448982

ntayrt but lets take a chill pill for a second anon…

No. 2448987

Chill girl this is /ot/. Maybe take your own advice.

No. 2448993

No, I'm not trying to be mean, but genuinely if you come to LC to shitpost and to be "silly," then maybe this website isn't for you. Maybe a groupchat with friends that you know and love would be a better option. Maybe a chatroom with pseudo-anonymity would be a better option. Maybe even a forum where you have a full profile would be a better option. LC isn't going to change to conform to your standards. So if you don't like it when people get banned for posting off-topic posts, and if you think that every thread should be for whatever you wanna post, and if you think the rules here are stupid, then maybe this site isn't a good match for you.(derailing, infighting)

No. 2448996

I've been here for ten years, maybe this site isn't for you if you're driven to long spergs due to seeing the word "silly". Let's act our age, yeah?(derailing, infighting)

No. 2449001

Why do newfags ask about why bans happen/the rules, and then get mad when you explain the rules to them kek.
Like why are they getting mad when you say "go be silly on another site". If the site is not compatible with the kinds of things you want to post, use another site? This is why I use lc instead of twitter or instagram.

No. 2449003

Nobody is mad except for one anon who was forced to see the word "silly".

No. 2449009

I'm not the original anon but what sort of pseudo-anonymous chatrooms would you recommend? Like sites, or apps etc

No. 2449013

>long spergs
>it's 6 sentences
It's bizarre to me too. They take everything as a personal attack for some reason. Like I'm sorry, but if they want a place to shitpost and be so exdee random and all that, then they can go do it somewhere else because here isn't the place for that.

No. 2449025

i understand what you’re saying completely, and i personally am not apart of any demographic of lolcow that likes to shit things up or make threads unbearable and unenjoyable, but i don’t think the way to deal with that is by going on a tirade

No. 2449030

You are literally using this thread as a chatroom with your weird sped spergs though. Sperging out over seeing a single word isn't very mundane of you and doesn't belong in this thread.

No. 2449031

Nta and while I agree anons should stay on topic, you're being ridiculous kek. Shitposting has always been a part of lolcow. It was until pretty recently that everyone became so fucking serious.

No. 2449038

If you read that and think it's a tirade, I don't know what to tell you. It's 6 sentences. It's not rude or particularly mean. Like genuinely I don't know what to tell you. I get that some people are sensitive, but seriously get a grip.

No. 2449040

Nta but you are acting weird. Maybe go and drink some water and take a break.

No. 2449045

I actually think it's weirder to get butthurt over something so innocuous and banal

No. 2449055

Right? Like making the occasional silly post itt? Ugh if only newfags didn't sperg at any hint of silliness and whimsy, then we wouldn't be dealing with this bothersome sperg. I'm glad you agree nonnie.

No. 2449063

It's just bizarre that something so innocuous as explaining that LC isn't the place to shitpost inspired such a dramatic reaction.

No. 2449065

No idea. It always happens. Some newfags don't understand that not every place has to conform to their needs and wants.

No. 2449072

anon how many sentences long it is doesn’t matter, and other users aren’t even disagreeing with the point you’re making, but cmon. don’t be aspergian, please.(bait)

No. 2449074

Because this is not the thread for your bloated six sentence mini essay spergs, even if it makes you really upset. You should have just gone to /meta/. The anon banned for saying she was taking a bath was literally following the rules better than you are right now, which is quite ironic.

No. 2449075

well, you sort of freaked out upon your eyes catching glimpse of the word “silly”

No. 2449095

because newfags are retards that chimp out whenever someone disagrees with them kek(infighting, baiting)

No. 2449096

been needing to replace my shabby chic lopsided uncomfortable thrifted desk chair and saw a very comfortable "cross legged" chair for $70 at the store. googled it and they sell some for $30…thank god i didnt go retarded out of desperation

No. 2449101

>Maybe a chatroom with pseudo-anonymity
Zoomers don't know what IRC is.

No. 2449102

That's crazy because I remember looking up those chairs over ten years ago and I don't remember the actual price but I do remember being flabbergasted at the monetary value.

No. 2449103

My previous job had the best desk chairs. I looked them up once, and they retailed for over 1k.

No. 2449107

File: 1742244209295.jpeg (572.24 KB, 1498x1930, IMG_5949.jpeg)

I'm designing another sweater and debating between the cropped cut or the belted one. I'm leaning towards belted because it would involve getting to design a belt, as well. That could be fun! And I could leave it open. I wouldn't have it button up if it were cropped so I imagine it would have a weird silhouette.

No. 2449112

Were they Herman Miller or something?
I've been considering taking a pilates ball to my workplace

No. 2449116

Do the belted
>more natural hand position for pockets
>can be dressed up for laid-back casual or full comfort casual
>if want left open, can tie belt in bow behind back
>long, which gives you a great cover for your pants which means you can more easily avoid the "forgetting to zip up pants fly" scenario that drives me to anxiety every time I leave my house

No. 2449164

Thank you for your input! You're 100% right, that one has so much versatility. Thank you again.

No. 2449177

ooo yes that anon is right, do the belted one. i’m not sure what type of body you got but i’m sure it’ll be complimentary ♥

No. 2449225

I did read it, and if you could stop smelling your farts for five seconds and read, you'll note that my problem isn't it being enforced, it's how randomly enforced it is. For example, is the post talking about clothes above mine going to be banned? Designing clothes isn't mundane, plus there is a fashion thread so it's in the won't thread.(infighting)

No. 2449230

Don't try to reason with that anon, she likes to camp itt and chimp at anons not following the rules when she doesn't even follow them herself when she chimps.(infighting)

No. 2449247

You are completely right nona. Thank you for reminding me of reason. I'm going to get off the internet and go get ice cream whole reading a book about dragons. Thank you.

No. 2449345

idgi, is bathing not a mundane activity? it doesn't read as a shitpost at all

No. 2449393

When inzoi comes out, I will completely detach from reality and make the cutest husbando possible

No. 2449412

Will you be able to make mods?

No. 2449436

Damn i cant concentrate in this dumb text because i want to cry. I guess i will make some tea and try again in 30 min.

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