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No. 2442735
ITT: share uneventful, mundane, or just downright ordinary events from your everyday life.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/2423171This thread is not for sharing random passing thoughts. This thread is for sharing mundane or otherwise ordinary events that you have experienced in your life. If your post does not contain a mundane event that you experienced, then it is off-topic and doesn't belong in this thread.
Lolcow is
NOT a chatroom. If you want to discuss a topic, you have to discuss it in the appropriate thread. All off-topic posts in this thread should be reported.
For anons that struggle to understand the topic of this thread:
>Examples of mundane events:>>2423333>>2427539>>2431892>>2428345>Examples of off-topic posts that belong in different threads:>>2436970>>2438610>>2425958>>2424447If you want to post random thoughts, then
find an appropriate thread to post about them. If your thought is about food, it can go in one of the food threads; if your thought is about a movie, it can go in the film thread on /m/; if your thought is about skincare, it can go in the skincare thread on /g/; etc., etc..
If you can't find an appropriate thread, or if you want to shitpost, then you can use the Dumbass Shit thread:
>>>/ot/2151490 No. 2442750
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Thank you for the new thread anon my pic was cooler though
No. 2442770
>>2442756Because this is Lolcow. We have different threads for different topics of discussion. This thread is for sharing mundane events that you have experienced. We have other threads for talking about food, or dreams, or whatever it is. There's nothing wrong with using the food thread for when you want to talk about food, or the dream thread for sharing dreams, it's actually better for the health of the board if many different threads are regularly used for their intended purpose.
>>2442757>>2442748Just because you're upset that the thread is going back on theme doesn't mean you need to have a chimp out and fail to impersonate those that care about thread themes to make us look bad.
No. 2442784
>>2442770You're right, and the way you said this was kind of hot.
I hope we can get back into the habit of using different threads more often like you said. Made me really happy to see the OCD thread get revived. Their vents and questions usually get lost in other threads.
No. 2442802
>>2442792I’m autistic. I think I get it:
I can say “watching a movie and a fly landed on my donut”
but I can’t say “this blueberry donut tastes so good” or “I want to bake a donut”
the mundane event has to be the main topic of our post?
>a shopping cart ran over my toe>president trump was on tv and it freeze framed as he fell down>my sister and i both went to check if the oven was left on because of our ocd hahahaalso, what if my mundane is not your mundane? this bitch sees owls so much its mundane yet i have never seen one
No. 2442817
>>2442802>I can say “watching a movie and a fly landed on my donut” but I can't say "this blueberry donut tastes so good" or "I want to bake a donut."The first example is an event that has happened to you. The second two examples are thoughts that you have had. Since this thread is focused on events that you have experienced, the first example is permitted and the last two are not.
>A shopping cart ran over my toeA mundane event - on topic
>President Trump was on TV and it freeze-framed as he fell downAn observation - off topic
>My sister and I both went to check if the oven was left on because of our OCD, hahahaA mundane event - on topic
>What if my mundane is not your mundane?It's different for everyone.
No. 2442825
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>>2442811Many countries use the monarch on their currency. Since Elizabeth's reign lasted so long, we've all had her face on the money for a long time. All my life, my parents' lives, and my grandparents' lives, Elizabeth has been on the money. This is the first time for a lot of people around the world that Elizbaeth won't be on the money anymore.
No. 2442836
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About to play Sims 3 and eat ice cream. Gonna try to get my sim hooked on drugs for once and for all. Also, my glasses come in the mail today!!! I'm so fucking excited to be able to see again.
No. 2442841
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Got an analog alarm clock, the old fashioned ones that have the bells up top, and its LOUD. Still went back to bed and slept a little longer though. Im a bit disappointed you cant turn it off by slamming it down like they do in the cartoons, its either a switch on the top or a button on the back that you have to flip gently.
No. 2442900
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I'm sleepy, this week I've been quite tired, I guess I'm getting burnt out because of stress? I just want to play retard games and have sex with bots.
No. 2442939
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once i find out how much im getting in financial aid from my uni, i think im going to pay off a chunk of my debt. i can't wait nonnies
No. 2442989
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>>2442944>Cocoppaplaynow that's a name i haven't heard in a long time
No. 2442997
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>>2442989Right now there's an event to celebrate their 11th anniversary, I can't believe I've been playing this game daily for 11 years.
No. 2443084
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Had a small dog who looked like a sausage that passed away last year.
When he was still alive, every morning I’d wake up and quote Cotton, looking for him in his little bed.
No. 2443148
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I'm drinking dragonfruit juice right now. Years ago someone on reddit once said it tastes like a sad, sad kiwi with no friends that cried all its flavor out and I kinda see it. The kiwi taste is definitely there, but it doesn't "reach up" completely, it's kinda the same way when I had Covid and could only taste something in the highest corners of my nose.
No. 2443198
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Found a very lolcow feeling shirt yesterday
No. 2443204
>>2442939Uhm part of your student debt?
Coincidence I’m waiting for my financial aid atm too. When I finish I’m considering applying for neetbux or getting a job, but probably neetbux first..or a job. I just want neetbux, I don’t have savings so now is the time to do it. When I become rich I can’t be on neetbux.
No. 2443238
>>2442754Serves her right for gardening this early.
I’m jealous don’t mind me. I’m not the owl but that’s what the owl thinks too. That’s his home now. Also kek.
No. 2443347
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>be me
>family too poor to afford new clothing, much less a tailor
>start learning sewing, on top of embroidery and macrame
>have fun while learning useful abilities to fix things
>fix clothing and random stuff around the house, eventually sew my own clothes and random plushies
Schools should teach this type of stuff as well tbh it's quite handy
No. 2443478
>>2443410I'm very stubborn and basically practiced nonstop until it worked. Tbh there's maybe something in my brain that just
clicked recently, I was very VERY bad at sewing and embroidery, but now I can pull it off with not a lot of effort
No. 2443896
>>2443410NTA but yes you absolutely can! I taught myself to sew. When you mess up on your measurements, put on what you made, use pins and chalk to mark out where it needs to be altered, and alter it. Add strips of fabric if it needs to be longer/larger. Put it on again, mark it out again with more pins and chalk. Keep going until you have something that fits. It can look shit, as long as it fits you correctly.
That's your new pattern. Mark the pieces in pen, take it apart, add in any markings like notches, and you're good to go and sew something from your fashion fabric.
It's also a base for new patterns. Frankensteining a new pattern from a bunch of old ones saves so much time, you know it's going to fit you and the separate parts look good on you, it's just a case of making the new frankenpattern fit together in the way you want it to.
Look up different methods of drafting patterns if you struggle with the one you use now. Look at your own clothes, practice taking patterns from them, see how everything fits together. When you're making patterns on shitty practice fabric ALWAYS make sure it's got a similar weight and drape as your fashion fabric or you will regret it, trust me on this.
You could also make clothes for dolls. I have a BJD that I use when I'm drafting more complex patterns and don't want to waste a ton of fabric.
Also, please keep the grain of the fabric in mind. It might not be the cause of your pattern problems but it could be making them worse.
No. 2444119
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I thought my mom the English word "retarded" and now when I say something stupid, she keeps calling me retarded.
Ladies… I think I played myself.
No. 2444132
>>2444128She'd probably find it funny tbh, she has a pretty good sense of humor and I'm not mad at her for calling me a tard. I just thought it was a funny situation I got myself into and shared it.
My mom is cool.
No. 2444418
>>2444411No one does lol
You need hundreds of views to make them hatch. You use hatching websites and they get clicks and views from others shoving their eggs in there. Too bad the website never tells you about these sites. Gotta have a friend to tell you
No. 2444425
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I am going to ask a guy out, holy shit i am so nervous. If he says no i am going to be incredibly depressed for a while.
No. 2444447
nonny its just hard not to be depressed because i have very niche taste and this is the first time ever i have met a guy who mets all the criteria. I just dont think i will find another cute guy like that in a while, probably ever.
No. 2444452
>>2444424no problem
If you ever do pick up this lil hobby try finding the wiki for the hatching game you play n they should have a list of all the clicker websites to make em hatch
No. 2444490
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almost fell asleep eating my dinner. going to finish my zucchini and vegan mac and get cracking on this god damn essay crap!(ai outsaide of containment)
No. 2444510
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My puppy is sleeping next to me and sometimes he wakes up to check if I’m still there and then I pet him and he sinks back into his sleep like a little baby
No. 2444517
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>>2444510Awwww my heart. My kitten also does that it's so cute I always reassure her that I'm not going anywhere. Baby animals are so precious
No. 2444526
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My bar of soap during my shower today was such an even and yet malleable thickness. It was like I was washing up with a Kraft American cheese single.
No. 2444645
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I am so happy that i overcame my fear of roaches, all it took was a roach infestation and having to see several roaches crawl from the dishes in my kitchen and walk on the walls. I cannot believe 3 years ago i was crying in a corner of my room calling for my mommy to come kill the roach that had entered my room, i feel so pathetic now.
No. 2445543
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I used Lyft for the first time ever today because it was 1 dollar cheaper than Uber and got a woman driver with the women+ connect program. Her car was so nice and clean and wasn't blasting shitty male podcaster bs and didn't smell like smoke, no creepy suggestive comments, just pure chill and safety.
No. 2445572
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I set up a goal to lose 12 KG by july. I signed up for tennis and swimming classes and i am trying to curb my stress triggered binge eating by counting calories. There is a cute jfashion shop near my house and i want to wear cute clothes without looking giga cringe.
No. 2445609
Maybe I blocked out my entire middle school cooking class experience but I can’t believe how easy it is to make soup. Just some broth and frozen vegetables and a can (or fresh) tomatoes and grains. Toss in a couple herbs and garlic. Dump it all in a multi cooker for a couple hours on the slow cook setting and boom. Soup for days. Why the hell did my family eat canned soups so much when it’s this easy
>>2445547Whoo synchronicity
No. 2445709
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>>2445488I have never really discussed koth with anyone so I have no idea lol. But I think it's pretty normal to see yourself in a character, especially when their flaws are highlighted and it's like "oh god I do that too don't I?"
No. 2445719
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This has been me lately. I'm usually the type that just need to bitch and whine for a little bit and then I'll make sure to pull through most shit and if I don't come out on top I at least make sure to get close to. But this time I just kinda want to lie down and give up.
No. 2446045
>>2446021i don't know tbh
>>2446034this is weird and confusing to me, you clearly hate that i shaved meaning that you're pro-body hair but then you're wishing that it grows back twice as thick meaning you clearly think body hair is a nuisance that would be ideally invisible so i might as well shave, so what is it? to shave or not to shave if scrotes around you shave as well?
No. 2446167
>>2446045I… wasn't wishing it would grow back twice as thick? I was making a joke? Because everyone's parents tells them that when they start shaving? Like
>>2446071 says, it's a pretty well known myth.
well, in 99% of cases. I had a dyke cousin who shaved her happy trail bc a girl was coming over and it came back thicker, wider, and longer. We shrugged our shoulders about it because it's not like she'd have to deal with men caring about it, but it was funny in retrospect. No. 2446176
>>2446168Ohh, that's interesting! And it makes sense, because don't people say waxed/plucked hair doesn't "grow back thicker"? So that's because the hair grew back in instead of being cut, right?
>>2446124It should be mandatory that men get their assholes/that entire taint area waxed. They're so foul there's an epidemic of men who don't wipe or wash their assholes, and it'll make all those hypermasculine faggots cry themselves to sleep.
No. 2446535
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>buy a baby bottle pop thinking it's strawberry flavored
>it's fucking tropical flavor
I'm pissed. I dint even want to eat it anymore.
No. 2446569
Warning for kinda gross story if you're too queasy.
I live with my family in a 3 storey villa. We live in the 1st floor, anf use the ground one to store old furniture to sell it later to people who recycle it, while using the 3rd floor which has the rooftop and 2 rooms and bathroom as another storage room, to air the laundry, and to store excess food in an extra fridge there. Yesterday, I smelt a strong stench that I couldn't locate the source of, but thought maybe it's from outside since the neighbors were cleaning their septic tank, or from one of the bathrooms after someone took a shit or something. Later on that day, I went upstairs to the roof in the evening to catch the lunar eclipse (it wasn't visible in my country unfortunately) but I noticed the stench was way stronger there and there were tons of flied. I called on my one of my brothers and we got face masks, chloride spary, lemon scented cleaning spray, pesticide, gloves and trash bags to locate the source of the stench and get rid of it, thinking it was probably a dead mouse or gecko. Turns out, the fridge stopped working and the 5 kilos of ground beef we bought 2 days ago went bad…the smell was from the rotten meat all along. We threw it away and threw all the other items in the fridge because they all stank and we weren't sure if they were still good. We sprayed and cleaned everything and opened all the windows and the roof door, then I burnt some incense to further get rid of the smell. We are yet to get someone to take the fridge and get a new one. We lost $94 worth of ground beef. Today, the neighbors called and said they're gonna bring us some food they made, which is just a coincidence and out of kindness because they know our mom passed away a few months ago and they think we're probably struggling with food with no one to cook for us, even though I do cook. But I still appreciate the thought and their kindness, and the food was tasty. They brought some tuna sandwiches, bechamel tuna casserole, a salad, and some fried donut balls with honey and sesame seeds. They made my day with this tbh.
No. 2446631
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I wish i was taller, restricting my diet to less than 1k calories because i am a fat womanlet is literally pain
No. 2446747
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>>2446730Sure thing. Here's the receipt if you want to try it:
For the base: put onion, garlic, carrots, dill and parsley in a food processor, then stir fry them until they sweat, add your ground beef (I add ¼ a kilo), a tablespoon of tomato paste, one cube chicken bouillon, salt, pepper, ground cumin, ground turmeric, and Arabic 7 spice. Stir it all until your beef is browned thoroughly, add enough water to cover it up and let it simmer and cover it with a lid on low heat until all the water is gone. Once it is, kill the heat and let it cool down then start filling your samosa sheets and shaping them as triangles. It's tricky the first few times but you get used to it eventually. The trick is to buy the store made ones that are cut diagonally at one side and use that side to start the folding, fold it twice to create a pocket pinching the folded sheet between your index and thumb to keep it open, fill with 1 tablespoon of beef, if you over fill it, it won't seal properly so don't go overboard. Keep folding it to create the triangle shape and when you reach the end side, estimate how much of it can be tucked in and how much would be dangling out, and cut the extra dangling part so it would get tucked in properly and sealed. Deep fry them or brush them with oil and put them in the oven or air fryer for 10 minutes on high heat and flip them halfway through for the best golden browend and crispy results. Enjoy. It's unorthodox but I like dipping them in Worcestershire sauce or soy sauce and sesame oil mixed with grated garlic and some green onion slices for an extra dimension of flavor. Picrel is the samosa store bought sheets/dough so you don't have to make it from scratch yourself, unless you'd like to.
No. 2446824
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I had a very cute squishy stress toy in the shape of a cute animal but it suffered an accident and it died. I'm a bit upset to be frank, I can't replace it. What now? I don't know if buying something "similar" online could replace it. It had a specific shape (not pictured) and it was from a special store so I'm always going to think about it. I know it's stupid to get attached to an object but it doesn't happen often and I really liked the squish.
No. 2446850
>>2446124maybe, body hair on men is really appalling sometimes, i saw a white scrote on the metro that had mousy blonde hair everywhere but it was so thick, his forearms looked like he had dryer lint stuck to them
>>2446195>you'll feel pressured to keep doing it.not really, i think he shaved because the college had a function recently, so as soon as he grows it out, i'll feel more comfortable to grow it out too.
No. 2447002
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I feel so bad for my consoles, I’m cursed with being a clumsy faggot and just accidentally sent my wii flying to the floor after getting my foot caught in a wire. I did the same thing a few months ago when I tripped on my 3ds charger and forgot it was still connected so that went straight to the ground too. Why do I have to walk like a tard goddamnit
No. 2447249
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I did it. I made my last post in the fandom discourse thread, it bores me now and I feel no pull to post in there anymore. I realize I have grown out of it and I have seen every argument repeated at least five different times. Sayonara autism containment thread. I might view the thread if they talk about any interesting cows.
No. 2447285
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Damn its nice to have a therapist friend when you are chronically mento ill. Free therapy sessions whenever you want. And we are both retards so he has monumental patience with me. I love him.
No. 2447413
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I need to buy new jeans and I'm sort of panicking over the sheer amount of different fits being sold, I can't decide on what I want! All I know is that I don't want low rise or ankle jeans but otherwise I'm completely lost
No. 2447738
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my hoya cuttings bloomed and the flowers are so pretty
No. 2447785
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I've been watching Little Bear while watching a toddler and I'm now deep into the lore of the idea that the talking animals are just normal kids playing pretend but the human girl, Emily, was the only kid who refused to be a furry
No. 2447901
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I thought I was super depressed but it turns out I just had the typical combo of vegan deficiencies kek. It’s even funnier because I’m not even vegan just lactose intolerant and too lazy to cook meat
No. 2448026
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I was having a tough time before and I really fell off the wagon with healthy lifestyle habits, but I've gotten back to it and I feel really great. High protein/low card, 80 oz water a day, supplements, 1 cup of tea in the morning, teeth whitening, skincare 2x a day, 1 hour cardio a day (even though it makes me so hot and sweaty), cleaning my home. It feels really good to be taking care of myself again. I want to implement more but I need to focus on being consistent with these basics first.