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File: 1720579278655.webp (21.86 KB, 600x400, quiz.webp)

No. 2083600

Post dumb or fun quizzes.
Previous thread: >>611508

No. 2083605

File: 1720579811382.png (87.88 KB, 842x846, personality-style.png)

No. 2083658

File: 1720585121990.jpg (157.78 KB, 1080x935, Screenshot_20240710-141548_Chr…)

I refuse this result

No. 2083661

File: 1720585519487.jpg (246.54 KB, 1079x796, Screenshot_20240710-142354_Chr…)

Double posting but I feel like the cow quiz should make a comeback

No. 2083673

File: 1720587293206.jpg (1.03 MB, 1935x2048, img-17.jpg)

this doesn’t look right

No. 2083686

I got her too kek

No. 2083698

File: 1720591471781.jpeg (985.13 KB, 1170x1260, IMG_4838.jpeg)

I'm not that autistic smh

No. 2083814

File: 1720604267020.png (134.74 KB, 953x796, schizo.png)

I'm such a normie it's embarrassing

No. 2083821

I got abby brown
Not mad about it

No. 2083823

File: 1720604765144.png (264.89 KB, 711x835, FLKFDF_855.png)

No. 2083825

Whatever happened to her anyways? I kinda liked her brand of crazy

No. 2083898

This pic goes unironically hard, not gonna lie

No. 2083899

I also got her, also I am about to snap too lol

No. 2083900

She's still making videos. The people who document her just stopped. I'd be up for reviving her thread with some up to date milk.

No. 2083908

File: 1720615994982.jpg (1.04 MB, 3840x2160, 20240710_155113.jpg)

I single handedly destroyed the field of psychology. Jokes aside, that's what they get for their ambiguous ass questions and answers. I answered genuinely but some questions have a "depends" kind of answer but that's not an option. Also, have they never heard of the concept of being two-faced or doing things you don't like because you don't want trouble? Lmao

No. 2083911

File: 1720616394688.jpg (559.52 KB, 940x1140, why.jpg)

This is so upsetting

No. 2083922

File: 1720617387406.png (35.8 KB, 635x690, quiztestresults.png)

It's impossible to get a "normal" personality style on this quiz regardless of what options you choose. You're either schizoid or dependent, a masochist or a sadist, schizotypal or a hypomanic. Still, it was fun.

No. 2083930

I got him too kek

No. 2084025

File: 1720623715812.png (639.1 KB, 1018x1164, normie.png)

Honestly disappointed kek

No. 2084844

File: 1720667866824.png (160.15 KB, 1170x910, wino.png)

Cute dumb buzzfeed which wine are you quiz https://www.buzzfeed.com/jbennett300/wine-personality-quiz

No. 2084846

File: 1720668085461.png (1.47 MB, 1170x1466, my one true love.png)

KEKK I got my favorite

No. 2085129

File: 1720693140886.jpeg (415.39 KB, 1173x1027, BA1358EC-5F0F-4F65-B679-D72161…)

No. 2085160

File: 1720695455801.png (307.83 KB, 684x766, Screenshot 2024-07-11 162330.p…)

my nonnies, but i have to ask, who??

No. 2085291

File: 1720702367266.jpg (172.31 KB, 720x1086, Screenshot_20240711_140339_Bra…)

Idk why I got this ?

Also please add the kelly ronahan , empathchan and other female horrorcows

No. 2085300

If you don’t know who that is, you haven’t lurked enough to post here

No. 2085308

File: 1720703872528.png (264.15 KB, 702x580, LKNEF8_22222.png)

Also got my favorite, I didn't even know americans knew about moscato I thought it only was a thing in France / Italy

No. 2085316

lol no moscato has been the choice for women under 30 for years that want to get fucked up quickly for cheap

No. 2085343

Makes sense since it's so incredibely sweet, it's more of a grandma's drink where I'm from

No. 2085533

File: 1720720041454.png (736.09 KB, 1170x1252, strangepepe.png)

No. 2085540

File: 1720720547301.jpg (41.81 KB, 670x398, rembrant pepe.jpg)

only a few of us can be Stacys

No. 2085549

wow this quiz reeks of 2016

No. 2085554

File: 1720721334456.png (284.92 KB, 605x601, peppy.png)

she’s getting into pepe Harvard

No. 2085555

kekk that’s mostly why it made me giggel

No. 2085828

I got pretty rare as well
What the fuck I got Chris Chan too, I think you just get him if you aren't super girly because he's likely one of the only male options

No. 2170485

File: 1726742270755.png (81.62 KB, 730x576, presidential-test.png)

No. 2170501

File: 1726743731175.png (87.25 KB, 726x500, lol.PNG)

kek we definitely wouldn't like each other, anon

No. 2170503

File: 1726743818257.png (239.03 KB, 720x1280, Sleepy_Joe.png)

I think we would.

No. 2170526

File: 1726746314953.png (96.54 KB, 732x362, firefox_a0L1ubVhhZ.png)

No. 2170543

File: 1726747865324.png (111.15 KB, 673x363, firefox_P2xmPMvnjK.png)

I think our frontal lobes have developed too much for that quiz kek

No. 2170565

File: 1726750589050.jpeg (465.13 KB, 1162x1800, IMG_9365.jpeg)

No. 2170566

File: 1726750720698.jpeg (600.41 KB, 1170x1478, IMG_9366.jpeg)

I’ve been spending a lot of time outside lately

No. 2170571

File: 1726751041818.jpeg (476.08 KB, 1170x1263, IMG_9367.jpeg)

I don’t know anything about her

No. 2170575

File: 1726751417146.jpg (88.1 KB, 720x944, Screenshot_20240919_080616_Chr…)

No. 2170578

Lol, this test relies on like two memes from only one spot on the internet. I spend waaaay too much time on the internet, and I failed.

No. 2170589

File: 1726753214901.jpeg (159.13 KB, 1389x952, IMG_3589.jpeg)

I would play put put golf with him

No. 2170911

File: 1726768871929.jpg (161.3 KB, 1080x1481, Screenshot_20240919-145037_Chr…)

This test sucks I got chris chan, and now with bill clinton on this test and prince hamlet (it's always him or moaning myrtle or fucking gollum) in another what does that make me

No. 2170924

File: 1726769270312.png (257.93 KB, 1480x978, Screenshot 2024-09-19 110709.p…)

obama twins

No. 2171436

File: 1726788079649.jpg (488.52 KB, 1439x2563, Screenshot_20240920_022011_Sam…)

Is this good or bad

No. 2171439

File: 1726788291975.jpg (241.15 KB, 1079x1407, 8847573.jpg)

No. 2171441

File: 1726788356689.jpg (504.28 KB, 1440x1788, Screenshot_20240920_022429_Sam…)

Twins. I don't even know half of the memes in the test lmao.

No. 2171443

File: 1726788438755.jpg (905.64 KB, 1170x1961, wuixie .jpg)

Ok, THIS hurt my feelings KEK

No. 2171461

File: 1726789232097.png (285.42 KB, 1473x888, Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 7.35.…)

Holy shit is this good or bad.

No. 2171462

File: 1726789241236.png (779.29 KB, 843x1197, what.PNG)

going to go off myself

No. 2171469

File: 1726789641367.png (885.87 KB, 1079x1309, 1000002267.png)

No. 2171474

File: 1726789769622.jpg (328.1 KB, 816x1547, 1000063844.jpg)

This is pretty bad.

No. 2171476

I got George H. W Bush… hello son
What does his quote mean…
Got her too

No. 2171477

File: 1726789827675.png (776.38 KB, 645x1061, pt.png)

surprised but weirdly proud of my result

No. 2171479

Lyndon B. Johnson.

No. 2171485

File: 1726790255703.png (649.05 KB, 764x608, quiz.png)

not sure how to feel about this result

No. 2171489

Dakota Ostrenga… boooring

No. 2188529

File: 1727738218243.jpg (533.21 KB, 1440x1618, Screenshot_20241001_021651_Sam…)

Saw this in the autism thread and had to give it a try, I'm proud of my results.

No. 2188554

File: 1727739104892.png (110.92 KB, 720x575, 1000008820.png)

No. 2188576

File: 1727739843749.jpg (171.08 KB, 1080x870, 5fygygy.jpg)

I figured it would have been higher tbh.

No. 2188610

File: 1727740977429.png (109.49 KB, 915x627, whayyy.png)

im already diagnosed with autism but this is higher than i expected. i forgot to say that i hate these quizzes cause they kind of leave out the big picture if that makes sense

No. 2188616

File: 1727741134411.jpeg (628.65 KB, 1125x1051, IMG_4187.jpeg)

Yeah, I agree. My result made me laugh (I’m also already diagnosed with ASD) but I do think this type of thing should be taken with a grain of salt anyway since there can be other causes for scoring high.

No. 2188628

File: 1727741450903.png (290.46 KB, 1003x847, Screenshot (879).png)

No. 2188629

File: 1727741458637.png (116.78 KB, 793x612, 1292010634523.png)

Doubly agreed. I'm diagnosed with ADHD and routinely score low on official ASD testing, but for quizzes like this I always get told I'm autistic. A lot of tests like this are misguiding and I very frequently wonder how many online self-diagnosed autists are just ADHDers.

No. 2188635

nta a lot of the answers I gave to some of the questions were influenced by experiences and not by my default settings so I don't think they are valid

No. 2188654

File: 1727742190692.jpg (425.63 KB, 1080x1327, 1000006190.jpg)

This is not very surprising

No. 2188658

File: 1727742327973.jpg (307.38 KB, 1080x1599, 1000032156.jpg)

I attributed several of my answers to being severely anxious and introverted.

No. 2188663

File: 1727742502797.jpg (118.39 KB, 720x832, Srsly.jpg)

Bro I'm not even diagnosed..

No. 2188671

File: 1727743009995.png (96.36 KB, 777x538, autism.png)

Every single AQ test I've ever taken has said that I'm autistic. I've never been diagnosed.

No. 2188682

File: 1727743469849.jpeg (208.28 KB, 1060x1067, IMG_9673.jpeg)

Fuck yeah!!!

No. 2188899

File: 1727753019919.png (556.36 KB, 1260x798, are you gay.png)


No. 2188908

File: 1727753543155.png (656.97 KB, 1398x888, autsim.png)

No. 2188913

File: 1727753737943.png (483.75 KB, 1370x854, am you gay.png)

No. 2188935

File: 1727754415492.png (235.31 KB, 848x713, Screenshot 2024-09-30 224634.p…)

No. 2190687

Ayrt and I agree, some of the questions are designed to make you admit to having symptoms even if you don't, and are a bit misleading. Some are repetitive, too. For example, I live in a coastal reigon, so it's very easy to sense the change in humidity since it affects my health and it makes my clothes damp when I walk outside, but there's a question about being sensitive to humidity and pressure, which I answered yes because it's the truth and my circumstances lead to it, but the quiz seems to frame it as a pathological thing. It misses context.

No. 2190725

File: 1727877380388.png (86.83 KB, 640x400, poly10c.png)

It called me an autist but I don't know how to interpret this graphic, what does it mean?

No. 2190727

File: 1727877614251.jpg (336.29 KB, 665x1072, Screenshot_20241002-095257_1.j…)

Nah I see it. We actually do act and look alike, to be honest

No. 2190738

File: 1727878695232.png (86.16 KB, 640x400, 1000002298.png)

i was diagnosed a while ago but didn't expect it to be this bad..

No. 2190741

File: 1727878758089.png (35.66 KB, 635x690, global-style.png)

I need some weed

No. 2190778

>86% depressive
>71% paranoid
>86% schizoid
You definitely do not need some weed

No. 2199175

Are autistic people literally cats?
I got 100% not an autist as I knew I would but the questions made me laugh
>Do you have an urge to jump over things?
>Do you instinctively become frightened by the sound of a motor-bike?
>Do you enjoy spinning in circles?
>Do you like to follow (walk behind) people you are attached to?
>Do you have a fascination for slowly flowing water?

I know it's a disability, but these questions make it seem like they're more like animals then disadvantaged humans

No. 2199179

No. 2199195

File: 1728418742787.png (86.17 KB, 640x400, poly10c.png)

Jesus fuck. I've been diagnosed but this is a little surprising to me somehow

No. 2199217

File: 1728419314454.png (221.92 KB, 797x497, inconclusive.png)

I have no idea how to interpret this

No. 2199288

it said I'm 98% likely to be autistic but I've never been diagnosed. should i reconsider?

No. 2199294

File: 1728421036906.gif (188.75 KB, 251x211, giphy-3649761984.gif)

No, but you should get checked out by a vet

No. 2199308

>98% likely to be autist
>have 4 cats
did they make me autistic?

No. 2199329

It’s possible!

No. 2199375

I read my in-depth report with a 52% chance of being autistic. I’m perfectly average in most things with the exception of being above average in atypical talent, which can be a sign of autism or OCD. Super interesting. I’m diagnosed with both ADHD and OCD. I know a lot about the former and how it impacts my functioning, but had no idea OCD manifested in that way.

No. 2213083

File: 1729295249302.png (30.29 KB, 876x728, WHtat.png)

this question is taking me the fuck out i can't breathe https://uquiz.com/quiz/AWAY7a?p=7687404

No. 2213085

File: 1729295340972.png (7.44 KB, 858x175, you fucker.png)

No. 2213090

only 12% got this result? we need to pump those numbers up

No. 2213119

File: 1729296479249.png (117.7 KB, 918x559, Screenshot 2024-10-18 200133.p…)

I got 94% and i actually do have diagnosed autism and adhd. I don't think it really means a whole lot because my autism diagnosis is strictly based on my naturally bad social skills ingrained from childhood, having a schizoid personality type and lack of interest in others, but the questionnaire barely touches on that. It told me a scored highly for OCD but i know for a fact that i don't have it.

No. 2213123

File: 1729296578455.png (24.63 KB, 767x462, Screenshot 2024-10-18 200854.p…)

Can we talk about how bisexuality has been erased??? Tras are so silly.

No. 2214128

No. 2214141

File: 1729376068795.png (29.02 KB, 1025x485, ddsdsdssdgfjhdf.png)

im a zoomie and i took the quiz… sorry

No. 2214146

File: 1729376287735.jpeg (590.65 KB, 979x1335, 7EC42207-B758-4603-A295-A6A2DC…)

do I hear wedding bells anon

No. 2214150

File: 1729376416396.png (310.89 KB, 720x1027, Screenshot_20241019-171729_(1)…)

Also a zoomer
>Don't take the quiz if born after 2000
You're an NLOZ aren't you, lmao

No. 2214160

File: 1729377038375.png (92.88 KB, 2124x828, Screenshot 2024-10-19 152924.p…)

im a normie but its because i dont gaf about anime anymore and all the BL looked like shit

No. 2214168

Seriously, boyfriends? That shit has a tranny, it barely counts as bl, ans the tranny icon was retarded too, anon must be a fucking child.

No. 2214516

File: 1729406839425.png (145.14 KB, 501x647, Inch_resting.png)

My people skills are so low, it kinda makes me sad.

No. 2214518

The entire quiz came across as very "zoomerish"

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