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No. 1176463
Prev thread here:
>>>/ot/1155532Reverse psychology works.
No. 1176482>>1176496>>1176505>>1176509>>1176510>>1176514
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how do i socially recover from replying to my auditory hallucination in front of half the class?
No. 1176535>>1176583
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>>1176463bit of a blog but i badly need help. i fucked myself over by working too hard at my shitty fast food wagie job.
i get spergy when things are slow, and work ahead. usually when it's not busy this means my jobs will be done early, and the kitchen staff calls me in to help clean up there. but this has become an expectation of me. now when it is too busy, i'm tired and i can't work ahead, they get mad at me, and even scold me in text after my shift why my job (that was originally the job of 2 people) was left unfinished. it is not fair, and i don't want to have to tell them about my bodily pains to avoid getting threatened. my manager, this fucker, just texted me that "there will be consequences" if i don't finish cleaning the entire lobby and bathroom (sweeping + sanitizing + mopping + emptying and replacing trash) again. while we are short staffed and hours are reduced, AND they call me in the end to help scrub and mop the kitchen, which has 3 people!
please, how do i not kill myself here while i apply for anywhere else?
No. 1176583>>1176585
>>1176535It kind of depends on where you are. If this is the U.S., you do have certain protections. Bring up the original job posting and confirm the specific tasks you were hired to do (interact with customers, take orders, whatever). If it does not state you would be doing extensive cleaning, then I would firmly tell them “I am happy to help clean when things are slow, as a favor, however that is technically outside the scope of the job I was hired to do and I will not be helping when things are busy.” You can also tell your manger that threatening you with “consequences” for not doing things outside of that scope is illegal, particularly when it may cause you physical stress or harm, and you will be documenting his requests and speaking to an attorney if he continues to give you a hard time. Start recording every instance of when you recall having to do more than your job normal job scope and any pain it caused you (that is important because it can result in medical problems and associated fees which the business will be culpable for). Look up OSHA and whistleblower laws. Also if you are friendly with any people in the kitchen or other spaces you’ve been forced to work, having a written statement from them confirming what’s going on will help. Most attorneys will give you a free consultation, but I doubt the manager will want to risk getting dragged that far.
No. 1176584>>1176588>>1176589
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good evening nonnas is it too late to get into drawing in my 20s? i'm constantly overwhelmed with this feeling that since i wasn't an art prodigy as a teen i'll never become decent so why even bother
No. 1176621
>>1176614An addition/correction: I never saw their music videos when I was a kid, I based my assumptions on their voices alone
>>1176615Yeah I'm pretty sure I believed him to be a woman as well at one point kek
No. 1176664>>1176669>>1176672>>1176674>>1176675>>1176696>>1176703>>1176771>>1176777>>1176780>>1176817
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I honestly don't get her end game. Is this some kind of fetish for her or is she literally the worlds biggest narcissist? Also why is he such a cunt?
No. 1176674>>1176677>>1176771>>1176777>>1176780>>1176817
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>>1176664I don't know them specifically but there's an influencer couple like this in my country too and it's just hard to grasp. They talk about their sex life a lot in the interviews, to destigmatize the subject of sex life of people with disabilities which I do understand but at the same time, it's just so odd. In this case, the guy actually seems like a nice person, but he says he never wanted to be an influencer and got persuaded by her when they got together so it's hard to not think it's some sort of weird narcissism on the woman's side.
No. 1176680
>>1176614My cousin and I were perplexed when we first saw Marilyn Manson in his mObscene music video. We really couldn't figure out who it was lol.
>>1176640Nah you're not. I think it's normal to be attracted to androgynous looking people.
No. 1176777
>>1176771Yeah that's definitely a fetish. No way a woman would be with a deformed man with a terrible personality like this
>>1176664 dude. He's so angry in all of the videos and so disgusting. He also acts like his disability is a good or quirky thing and tried to pass it off to his kid.
I don't know about this
>>1176674 guy though. He might just be a normal disabled man. He looks nice so maybe it's just his gf that wants to monopolize on their relationship by making it public? Idk.
No. 1176793>>1176796>>1176804
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How long do I have to floss and use mouth wash to convince my dentist that, yes, Mr. Dr. Dentist-sensei, I have been using it every single night ever since you told me to two years ago?
No. 1176799
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Do people with ADHD suffer from hypomania or something similar?
No. 1176804>>1178803
>>1176793I don't mean to sound condescending, but are you using proper flossing technique? Using a C shape against the side of the tooth and getting the floss underneath your gum line? If your gums are still bleeding a bit when you go in for your cleaning, of course it'll appear to him that you aren't flossing because your gums aren't supposed to bleed. Yes dentists poke at your gums with sharp pointy objects so isn't it obvious they would bleed, no matter how healthy? But I have been flossing for years and at my first visit with my new dentist my gums still bled a bit (so he didn't believe me), but I went back for my biannual cleaning 6 months later and no bleeding (after fixing up how I flossed). Also, how is your teeth brushing technique? Are you brushing at a 45 degree angle, up against the gum line? The most important area to aim for is right where the gum and tooth meet, that's where plaque is most present. That might also have an effect on your gum health even if you floss correctly. Also, are you using a fluoride based mouthwash? I don't use mouthwash but I heard fluoride based is best. The ones with alcohol can dry out your mouth and make it a bacteria breeding ground. Personally I just spit out my toothpaste and don't rinse my mouth out with water afterwards and I feel like it does a good enough job. Last thing I can think of is just having shit gums because of genetics.
Sorry for autism. I'm not even a dentist or hygienist, I'm just a sperg about my oral health kek
No. 1176835>>1176906
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Anons who go to cons, how much money do you usually spend there? Is there any recommended amount I should have?
I am not the biggest hoarder, I do not collect buttons, keychains or posters. I am more of a person who would get a hand-made hoodie or something cutesy-useful like a set of muffin or cookie cutters, etc. Figmas only if I would actually like one, not the biggest collector.
No. 1176906
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>>1176835If we're just talking merch, I generally always spend around ~$200 no matter what I'm buying. I don't really set a budget for myself (although I should kek) but $200 is usually the norm for me and I try to be really picky with what I buy to keep myself in check. I've shifted from buying less prints, and usually go for pins or washi tapes (latter being my biggest weakness, I'm ashamed to admit I've spent like $60 on tapes alone at a con once). I find that apparel merch is usually around $25 for a shirt, but hoodies and others will usually start at $50-65 minimum. They're so pricey I usually only end up getting one apparel item, if any at all. I spend 90% if not all of my money solely in the artist alley, vendors hall usually doesn't have much for me since most of it is stuff I can buy online anyway.
No. 1177067
>>1176967>>>/g/249623>>>/g/249641>>>/g/254415>>>/g/259424>>>/m/199264>>>/m/204004>>>/m/204033>>>/m/204066>>>/m/204529>>>/m/205269And so on, just read the Danofagging thread.
Part of it is also because the actor already has a huge fanbase, and that fanart/fanfic fuels the attraction more.
>i don't watch capeshitThen try watching the movie and there's a chance you will get it then.
No. 1177261>>1177290
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Is Kiryu's superhuman strength caused by autism?
No. 1177362>>1177365>>1177369>>1177377>>1177514
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I'm supposed to memorise a 3 minute speech in a different language, how? is this even possible? My bf said that he used to have to memorise 7 minute speeches (not in a different language). Unfortunately, I don't have time to practice because I have to present it in a few hours.
No. 1177389
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>>1177369yeah I did procrastinate it, I recently got diagnosed with severe adhd so I guess that explains it
>>1177377 >>1177365
I'll make it a hard core song
No. 1177448>>1177451
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Why do men need special products like soap, shampoo, conditioner, creams and so on? Do they have different needs for their skin and hair because of their defective XY chromosome?
No. 1177514>>1177760
>>1177362I'm three hours late so I hope you did well… But for the future (or other nonas), the way I used to memorize speeches was just by repeating the first word, first and second word, first and second and third word and so on and so forth. When I got close to a complete sentence I'd repeat the whole sentence a few times before continuing to add a new word or two.
e.g. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
>the>the quick>the quick brown>the quick brown foxand so on and so forth. I learned this from a foreign language tutor as a kid and have used it all throughout my schooling years to memorize shit both in English and language classes and it helps a lot. Works best if done in advance but I've honestly memorized stuff in a few hours with it too.
No. 1177521
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really awkward question but since nobody answered it in embarrassing health topics, has anyone had discolored spots on their pubic area that arent either ingrown or acne, almost like freckles? Did you find out what they were? I have freckles but I've never freckled down there before. I'm concerned it's something else.
I'm not active so I doubt I'm pregnant. Never been diagnosed with pcos either. I am hormonally unstable with weird periods but I've never seen this before the last six months and they're appearing at higher frequency.
No. 1177539>>1177540
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Is there any website where you can read about what certain different drugs feel like?
Something like people sharing their experiences (not just sterile medical descriptions) and trips?
No. 1177682>>1177709
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Will grease paint give me pimples? Should I prep my face somehow?
No. 1177691>>1177696
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wtf is going on with duckduckgo
No. 1177709
can. If you have access to the materials to practice with you can try applying it over a regular makeup primer to act as a barrier. Make sure you wash it off very well especially if you will be applying a sealant spray over it. If you are prone to pimples you can apply BHA proactively the night of when you remove the greasepaint.
No. 1177718>>1177719>>1177725
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GUYS so lately I've been taking "maternity" pictures except I'm not actually pregnant, I just edit a belly bump on myself with an app and pose like I'm pregnant. Is this a symptom of the elusive baby-fever? I don't really think about nurturing a baby or anything, just about how I look cute "pregnant". I honestly sound like a tranny. I also never thought much about baby bumps or anything, this is completely out of nowhere. wtf is wrong with me
pic semirelated. i take mine alone
No. 1177729>>1177732
>>1177723Well why aren't you?
Actually hate to break it to you but you really are antisemitic and don't wanna accept it.
No. 1177760
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>>1177514I have another speech coming up so I'll try this method, thank you. And I did ok, but I was trembling in my speech and also my hands, I wasn't nervous so I don't know why that happened
No. 1177788
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>>1177779Luv reading this at 20 ticks to 9 bongs in the morning
No. 1177849>>1177879>>1177891>>1178166>>1178797
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Which do you prefer?
>girl who seems sweet, chatty, harmless but turns out to have a brutally sharp tongue and always gets what she wants
>intimidating looking woman who is powerful but people are afraid to approach her
No. 1177938>>1177960>>1179560
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If I may, could the nonas who taste the soap in coriander gather around and tell me just how soapy the taste is? I don't particularly love the taste but I also can't tell if it's actually soapy to me
No. 1177960>>1177984
>>1177938It's not exactly like soap, but it's very similar. There's a chemical-tasting bitterness to it that feels like it's veeery slightly electrocuting your tongue. For me it tastes a bit like celery with 5 times the bitter, astringent taste.
Supposedly my non-cilantro-soap-tasting friends say it should taste refreshing, like a tangy citrus or mint.
No. 1178071>>1178125
>>1177984A little late here, but if it's in a garnish, it's not a big deal, i would pick it off though. If it's mixed in a salad, I would likely not eat it. My stepmother is latina, so she would make food garnished with cilantro, and I'd reluctantly eat it since I thought people just liked how soap tastes.
Basically, when I first tried it I definitely thought "why does this taste like soap?", it was bitter and, well, tasted like chemicals. Other people who don't have the gene describe it as citrusy. I guess if you didn't think cilantro tasted like soap before you found out about the cilantro soap thing, maybe you just don't like the normal taste.
No. 1178174>>1178181
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>>1178119Fuck yeah, me too! You wanna get stoned and go on a hike?
No. 1178191>>1178194
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what did she mean by this
No. 1178402
>>1178188I've gotten back into using one recently and it's great. I tried it first as a teenager but stopped because the "antenna" on the bottom of the cup would start chafing me after a while and become painful. Lost my period for years at one point (long story), but now they've returned and I decided I'm not going back to using pads for several reasons.
This time I tried it didn't chafe at all, in fact I even went running with it and felt nothing. Maybe I've changed anatomically or maybe I was just too scared to put it far up enough when I was younger, but this time it works. Inserting and removing it still sucks at times, but once I get used to it it's just mildly annoying.
No. 1178476
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CP below, don't scroll
No. 1178497
>>1178439If you have famous books printed in their native written language or expensive clothes you don't wear anymore, you can sell them for the price of, like, a grocery trip on ebay or something. Just sell the shit you don't need in general, it's more of a long-term hustle but it's easy and doesn't take up much time.
You can also tutor people in those languages as a chatting buddy on apps like Italki, if you have prior teaching experience or a teaching degree.
I used to have an etsy where I'd paint custom designs onto people's t-shirts for money, all you need is fabric paint, brushes and some paper tape. Same thing with patches/embroidery and flipping clothes if you have time to learn how to sew and enough money to buy a hoop and some thread.
No. 1178529
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No. 1178710
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No. 1178770>>1178780
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Do not scroll, do not go into the safe thread
No. 1178774
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cp bump, dont scroll
No. 1178788
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>>1178780Don't go into the vent thread either. He's probably posted in more at this point. Bumping again with pic just incase
No. 1178797
>>1178081I obsess over my husbandos
>>1177849The second one. I don't know why but I tend to really like older people who are strict and scary.
No. 1178803
>>1176796Thank you
>>1176804Yor autism is appreciated
No. 1178858>>1178862
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>>1178837At this point, i think we should bring back the kpop thread to thank kpop spergs for their service for protecting us against the evil of moids. Not even a kpoppie btw. You ladies aren't bad imo.
No. 1178992
>>1178974Fuck. Yes. I stayed with family/roommates/romantic partners until my mid-20s and I kick myself every day for waiting so long. It is blissful to have your own private space, freedom to do whatever stupid thing you want at any time, decorate how you want, never having to cater to someone else's needs. When I get home at the end of the day I come home to
real peace rather than just another uncomfortable shared space where I have to think about how I present myself and what I do in another person's company. I'm pretty introverted so that probably plays into it.
No. 1179032>>1179056>>1179124>>1179153>>1179617
>>1178988You have it backwards. It's longer ring finger meaning higher T and chances of having a big one, longer index means higher estrogen and less chances of having a big one. But in my experience I've had both smaller and bigger guys having the longer index. There isn't really a surefire way to know. Also height and foot size means absolutely nothing. Shoulders, probably nothing either. Race is debatable, sort of an indicator but it's not guaranteed either.
Also don't use emojis.
No. 1179096
>>1179013Marry lawful trutrans, slap both chaotic enby and trutrans.
Don't wanna fuck any of them though, can I hug neutral fakeboi and play stardew with her instead?
No. 1179104
>>1179013F: Neutral Enby
M: Neutral Fakeboi
K: Chaotic Enby, Chaotic Trutrans
No. 1179107>>1179116>>1179131
>>1179056In my experience skinny and tall does fit the stereotype. But again there are really no biological indicators other than the finger ratio (look it up) but it's still not a guarantee.
Acting means nothing. You can have a loud chad type with a micropenis and a shy virgin nerd with an 8 incher. And vice versa.
Also imo big dicks really are overrated and it comes down to how you use it. I've been with guys on the average size that were great because they knew what they were doing. And I've had bigger dicked guys who were clueless. If you want to have a good time losing your virginity and don't care about romance, go for someone with experience. Just use a condom, please.
No. 1179360>>1179365>>1179628
>>1179356It really doesn't.
One guy I had was 6'3 and about 5 inches. Another was 5'3" manlet at 8.
Why are you all falling for incel tier "science".
No. 1179417
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Nonnies, this is my first time buying a wig. Do you have to wash it when it arrives? I'm going to return it if it looks modified as it's probably been returned, but for new ones is it mandatory? I saw a review that said when they washed it some of the color that was dyed at the ends started coming out. It's from 7JHH If anyone knows any other cheap but nice quality wig stores I'm open to suggestions.
No. 1179501
>>1179407I believe my cat thinks I'm cute just as much as I think he's cute.
He's always looking at me, I must be a pleasing sight to him. He's always up for a snuggle and cuddle.
No. 1179560
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>>1177938okay to me it smells and tastes like how skink bugs smell?
No. 1179589>>1179599>>1180313
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My butt is bleeding what do I do nonnas
No. 1179595>>1179597
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I'm buying a used monitor from someone and I don't have a car so I'm not sure what to put it in. I only have a totebag like picrel that's slightly smaller than the monitor's size, so half of it would stick out from it. Is that lame? Should I go and buy a bigger bag just for it?
No. 1179628
>>1179360Lmao the questions here is why were you dating a 5'3 manlet in the first place….
And i think i remember reading a study that height slightly correlated with penis length, but it's only a little statistically significant, so not worth depending on but it's there
No. 1179730>>1179735>>1179738
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Why is it that some dreams feel extremely realistic even if you’ve never experienced what’s happening in the dream? I’ve never had sex or even tried penetration with sex toys and the sorts, but I’ve had super realistic sex dreams, also blowjobs, I’ve never given nor plan to give blowjobs in the future but I recently had a realistic as fuck dream about me giving a blowjob how does that even happen?
No. 1179733
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>>1179623I'm the anon who asked about bleeding butt and that anon is not me just so you know
No. 1179782>>1179786>>1179789>>1179790>>1179804>>1179807>>1179831
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>hand sanitizer is antibacterial
>acne is bacterial
>therefore i could use hand sanitizer on my acne, right?
No. 1179786
>>1179782It would dry them out so much
nonny it would hurt
No. 1179790>>1180353
>>1179782I don’t think so, hand sanitizer has lots of alcohol that could just damage your skin. I think the best way to treat acne is to go to a dermatologist, a nutritionist or even an oncologist, they could be able to figure out what is it that’s causing your acne.
It could be because of your diet, the daily stress you have to go through, the kind of soaps you use, even the quality of the water that you use to wash your face and so on. Maybe it’s even a hormonal issue and you need to take some medicine or the sorts, or you’re just not drinking enough water, which at this point is probably the cure-it-all because most issues get solved by just hydrating your body properly, according to your daily physical activity.
No. 1179804>>1179814
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>>1179782bleach is an even more potent antibacterial.
you can google it.
No. 1179807
>>1179782No and don't fall for the trap of putting rubbing alcohol on your skin. This will strip your skin of oils and dry it out. In response your body will try to produce more sebum to rehydrate the skin. Causing more breakouts and flakiness. You'll be "clean" but your skin will be as bad as ever.
You need a light exfoliant (salicilyic acid) with a daily moisturizer. You can spot treat spots with benzoyl peroxide.
Diet is pure bullshit. The culprits behind acne tend to be mechanical (face masks, touching face too much), hormonal, or medical.
The cause of my acne was hormonal. I was guilted about my hygiene and diet for fucking years, even my bitch mother with her own adult acne used to douse me with rubbing alcohol and shame me.
Went on spironolactone for the acne, now I barely get zits except around my period and only cause I like to pick which makes it stay longer. I go to bed with a dirty face and shit diet and wake up clear like all the other normies.
Make sure to rule that out.
No. 1179995
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>>1179958An anon once said that I think webp format saves digital space or something like that? But yeah it's so annoying. Sometimes you can rewrite the webp to jpeg in the address bar and that way you can save it as a jpeg but it doesn't always work
No. 1180016
>>1179594Men don't care about their wives or children. They see the wife as sex and childgiver and the child's only bond to him is lasting his legacy.
It was probably for the best. A doctor has better genetic material than a faggot like that.
No. 1180131
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>>1180117thank you so much nona i have been wondering about this for a long time kek
No. 1180229
>>1180147>>1180153I can understand why you might not want to mix certain breeds, that makes sense. I've heard that one is more healthy than the other, but I can't remember which one it is.
I might be sensitive about the mutt hate because there's a specific breed of dog I really like that's technically mixed kek>>1180152Maybe it is an American thing, idk. I know our (the AKC's?) standards for dogs are different than other countries.
No. 1180244
>>1178988Based size queen seething all the dicklets reading this.
> i'm a virgin but i know i can cum with ones that are 6 inches or bigger. But don’t stop saying this ironically but do stop thinking unironically this. All sexually inexperienced and virgin women say this until they actually have to deal with the pain and tears.
No. 1180323
>>1180312thank you nona, i will buy it tomorrow and maybe try to give it to her then (if i see her at work). i hope she accepts it, she comes from another culture so i could see her be like "no i cant accept this" but i am going to try either way!
another dumb question kek is a gift bag too much?
>>1180314if only we had taco bell in my country….
No. 1180338
>>1180331Nta but more milk on this
>yet keep posting it in the ugly art and ftm threadspleasee
No. 1180350>>1180381
>>1180331I legit forgot the exact word, it’s Japanese you know…I know what they are that’s why I’m saying they’re weird.
>>1180330Thank god those are male. But I swear there was a fujo girl I spoke to that shipped little teen boys with grown ass men both in 2d and 3d. Maybe the ones on here ate troons because they do larp as women and gay men don’t like to do that?
No. 1180358>>1180369
>>1180333If you want a basic italian-flavor melange try using parsley, red onion finely chopped, basil, garlic, oregano, thyme. Pepper and then salt to strengthen the lovely flavor. Add a dash of sunflower oil for easy garnishing. If you can’t into fine chopping, a little secret from me to you is to use a blender. Yw.
To cook is to use your soul and think of ingredients you think would combine together lovely. If you’re making an indian curry: use paprika powder, cardemom, salt, ginger, curcuma, curry, garlic, onion. For a middle eastern blend it’s about the same as indian but with cumin, saffron, oregano and the proportions are a bit different. You’ll have a falafel scent and it can be used for a lot of things like an okra stew. Ginger is also rarely used. Unfortunately I’m not a good cook for Asian cuisine yet so I wouldn’t know what to suggest if you’d want an Asian twist, but I think blanched vegetables with not much seasoning and instead just sauce dips would be good for that. Soy sauce etc…
No. 1180364>>1180372
>>1180353Same it made no difference for me at all aside from having to pee ever half hour. “Oh, after a while your body will get used to it and you won’t have to pee so much anymore and your skin will look great”, well bitch I’m rollin up on year 8, so
No. 1180378>>1180389
>>1180353 idk how to track minerals but i drink bottled water. the sink water in my house tastes weird.
No. 1180446>>1180447
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What are some ways I can make google chrome run faster and not freeze up as much? I don't wanna change browsers cause a lot of extensions I use only work on chrome. I tried using CC CLeaner too.
No. 1180657>>1180664>>1180665>>1180694
I wish I could post the picture, but I obviously won’t, so this is a pretty stupid question. But my boyfriend is rather conservative and protective of me. I posted a really cute picture of myself in which I am wearing a tank top, no bra. There is no cleavage, no nipple, the tanktop is girly (bow and lace, looks more cute than sexy), and you mainly see the part ABOVE my breasts (I don’t know the English name— the top of the ribcage?). Overall, it is a nice pretty picture of me and I think it’s a common style. But he became really offended by it and urged me to remove it. I wonder what your opinion is on this. I know what is revealing and inappropriate. I don’t encourage this type of thing either, yet my picture simply wasn’t revealing at all! It is cute! Just because weirdos can screenshot it and pervert it, isn’t necessarily a reason for me to delete it so quickly, especially when I look really cute… tips/ideas?
No. 1180665
>>1180657Men being "protective" in banal situations is often a symptom of not seeing you as a person but something they own. Sounds like he lacks self esteem and is scared of your picture drawing unwanted attention (whether irrational r not) from other men. Telling a partner what they are "allowed" to post or wear is controlling, manipulative and often emotionally
abusive. It is a red flag and indicator he may get more possessive.
No. 1180711>>1182269
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>>1180617I'd suggest getting picrel so the colour comes out a bit more even. Usually packet/home dyes will come with a set of instructions, as well as how long to leave the dye in for depending on what you're going for. They should also come with some gloves, as well as conditioner to run through your hair afterwards, and two different bottles you mix together to make the dye. I then just put it in the little dish like the one in the pic and kind of paint it onto my hair, both on the top side and underneath. A few things I've learnt over the years is to lay a towel on the floor and around your shoulders when dying, it stains! And I know you aren't doing all your head but I'll usually put coconut oil on parts of my skin I'm likely to get dye on, this usually stops your skin from staining but you have to wipe it off with a warm, damp towel once you've applied the dye and before you rinse the dye off in the shower. I usually apply the coconut oil on my ears and neck.
Brand wise it's hard to say, I've found different brands work better for my hair but everyone's unique. Oh and most home dyes usually recommend doing a spot test (putting the dye on your skin and waiting a day) to see if you may react allergically. Generally though it's good to look for brands that don't have ammonia. Good luck!
No. 1181254>>1181258
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Did these things really work?
No. 1181291
>>1181243It's because virtually all hetero porn (aka sex education for boys) is piv+anal because piv is too boring apparently, and the female pornstars pretend to enjoy both equally, so you get moids who grow up thinking they are both for free use and equally appropriate, despite only piv being physically healthy for a woman to do frequently.
Also pickme women who are too afraid to stand up for themselves and say no.
Sex and cooming is always culturally "for men" and including acts that most women get absolutely nothing out of is just part of that.
>>1181286Straight people eating ass is just…Idk I draw the line right there. Just something so monkeybrained about it.
No. 1181454>>1181458>>1181466>>1181469
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I'm seeing this guy and I think that he might become my bf and I show him movies, he kinda liked Oldboy but the slept during American Psycho. Is that a good sign?
No. 1181476>>1181501
>>1181467he's not a coomer, and I wanted to show him something tight but with normie appeal like attack on titan, he doesn't know shit about anime but he said he will watch anything I show him kek
>>1181469>>1181466you're probably right anons, I like AP in a meme way but I probably wouldn't feel comfortable with someone who enjoys it for real like many moids do
No. 1181511>>1181520
>>1181501The Amish have ASTRONOMICALLY high rates of sexual abuse (usually incest, almost always unpunished bc men control that society entirely so fathers and brothers can do whatever sick shit they want to their daughters and younger siblings with total impunity.) I'm not exaggerating, I wrote a thesis paper on this phenomenon in college during a psych unit on cults and deprogramming. Almost every single Amish woman is a sexual abuse
victim whether it's at the hands of her family as a child or her husband as an adult. When men are allowed to do whatever they want outside of any legal limits, they rape their own flesh and blood at alarming rates. It's fucking sick and almost nothing has blackpilled me harder than studying what goes on in these ultra patriarchal and isolated cults.
No. 1181528>>1181535
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How does this book excerpt make you feel and do you think it's good writing?
No. 1181746
UMAMI IS SAVORY. I felt like I was the only sane person left.
No. 1182055>>1182083
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Guys, help, what am I doing wrong? Monitor 1 is my main display but when I open Photoshop, the brush/cursor thingy only appears on monitor2
No. 1182102
>>1182086I think she has like preconcieved ideas about me that she then creates scenarios around. I don't know, it's just weird. She does think I'm out to make her life miserable though.
>>1182089You're right. It's just useless to try to get her to understand. I'll just disengage from now on.
No. 1182128
>>1182094What this
>>1182105 anon says and it's great if you need more calories for whatever reason. I've been having trouble with involuntary weightloss due to illness and adding peanut butter to stuff is a way to easily add calories without it being super unhealthy (I'm not allowed to eat whole nuts and seeds).
>>1182095Calories aren't automatically unhealthy, you actually need them to survive, so it depends. The problem is that people think healthy = you can eat as much of it as you want at any time, no matter your circumstances or context.
No. 1182266>>1182398
>>1182204She is a mixed(?) woman with internilazed racism who thinks rap is c(rap) and all rappers are
subhuman. She also was a coquette afaik? But I'm not sure. She's usually in the celebricows thread. She doesn't seem too bad until she shits on female rappers.
No. 1182504
>>1182503>likes kidsNo
>wants to be an elementary school teacherYes
No. 1182547>>1182571
>>1182537It seems like a stretch to think he was molested based purely on what you’re saying but it definitely sounds like they had a weird relationship. Her being in a towel doesn’t seem sexual to me because some families are just more open like that. Definitely seemed like she was emotionally stunting him for her own benefit though.
I don’t have a ton of knowledge on the subject so take this with a grain of salt but from what I know it seems like parent/child molestation ends up with the kid being very angry and avoidant towards the parent than acting like they’re dating.
No. 1182597>>1182600
>>1182590What's your favorite food? If it's something simple, I think it's great to start with that. Also learn recipes for basic stuff like pasta sauce (bechamel is easy and a base for other sauces), soups/stews, different ways of cooking eggs. Develop your knife skills and learn different ways to cut things like veggies. If you eat meat then learn how to roast, fry and bake. Do as much research as you can and if you're going to follow a recipe then read the fuck out of the reviews. If there's anyone in your family who's cooking you like, ask them. Grocery shopping is also a part of the cooking experience imo, so get good ingredients.
With that being said, I'm definitely no culinary expert. Just someone who cooks as a basic life thing.
No. 1182598
>>1182590Start by doing simple stuff like seasoning a steak/chicken breast, maybe get some minced meat and add some sauces that you think may taste good and such.
If it’s vegan food, then maybe try with some veggie stock so you can add it to other ingredients like tofu and the sorts.
Rice is also a nice ingredient to experiment with, you can add lots of interesting spices and extras like veggies, or even cinnamon and clove.
Just look for simple recipes of food you want to try and start cooking, if you like sweets, try experimenting with pancakes or waffles.
No. 1182631
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Can someone familiar with fandom explain to me the appeal of shipping Stan and Kyle from South Park? I don't understand at all.
No. 1182635>>1182638>>1182646
>>1182633how? have them get prescribed it and then buy it from them?
>>1182634It's for pain
No. 1182999>>1183001>>1183007
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I found this service on the dark web where if you pay 115 USD, you get 1200 USD in return…how is this worth it for the seller??
No. 1183001>>1183004
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>>1182999Found another one that send through Western Union. How is this a thing?
No. 1183047>>1183050>>1183172
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What VPNs do you guys use? And what's the difference between using a VPN with your regular browser and using Tor?
No. 1183081>>1183109>>1183119>>1183122
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>>1183066Netherlands, it's not that expensive, 1-2 euros for a package like this.
No. 1183122
>>1183062>>1183109Samefag, I read once somewhere that most dental floss is produced by Ireland. It is indeed true, every floss I buy says "Made in Ireland". I think about this often when I floss.
>>1183062>>1183081Is the Netherlands trying to limit Irish imports for some reason? Dunno why they wouldn't be recommending floss like everyone else.
No. 1183172>>1183180>>1183185
>>1183047In terms that non-tech-prolific people such as myself can understand, here's how I get it:
VPN: An extra tunnel, which is encrypted (converted into a code so it's harder to fish out) is passed from your computer receiving the data to your ISP which gives out the data. Kind of like how a gate protects trespassers from entering a home i guess. Usually most VPN services use the same few VPS', or IP addresses.
Tor: Tor is a browser that puts a new encrypted tunnel between your computer and ISP. Every time you close all tabs on Tor, you get a new IP. This way, its harder to track a thread of actions or searches on different IPs (making it better for things that might not be legal). Ofc it also wipes your search history once you close it.
Though if you just need to access sites blocked in your country reliably, VPNs are better, since they don't erase your search history and you can control the IPs location.
Tech nerds of lc, please correct me if I'm wrong about any of this (because i probably am).
No. 1183180>>1183185
>>1183172samefag, forgot to mention, I used to use Browsec since it was free and it's just an extension - that's not a bad start for a VPN. I use Tor if i just need a different IP
or am buying drugs. But, if you have the opportunity to buy a VPS (and, better yet, have someone set it up on Wireguard for you), thats even better, since it's completely private. Although a VPN subscription will do just fine.
Again, I might not know everything, but that's my advice.
No. 1183213
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>>1183109They're not like the round things though which a lot of people call toothpicks (which they're not!), these are triangular with a flat bottom. There are also interdental brushes, picrel. When I told the dental hygienist and dentist that I flossed, they told me to use picks or interdental brushes instead. I still floss between my molars, because they're too far back to reach with any kind of pick or interdental brush, but I was told off for using floss everywhere.
No. 1183214>>1183217>>1183218>>1183221
>>1183212that’s exactly why i do it, i live in a country where i can’t speak the language yet, it’s literally the only job that would hire me.
but honestly the job isn’t so bad, i don’t have to interact with anyone, just clean shit
No. 1183216>>1183226
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>Showers everyday just fine
>Daily light exercises no problem
>Enjoy going for a walk outside
>Repeated first year of highschool for skipping too much classes because friendless introvert and wanted to avoid group works
>Can't do work for the life of me, let alone good or on time
>Always did the bare minimum
>NEET after graduated college ever since
>Procrastinate to apply for a new college or a job
>School nightmares every now and then
Do I have social anxiety or I'm just a potato couch? Is there hope?
No. 1183226
>>1183216I get school nightmares despite graduating 6 years ago lol
But at least you graduated college anon, you can always bullshit something as long as you have a degree
No. 1183266>>1183275>>1183342
>>1183262What about
>>1183221How gross does it get? Where do you clean?
No. 1183275>>1183284
>>1183218I got the job through a friend who works at the company! I’m super lucky.
>>1183221So far no, the worst thing i’ve cleaned is super shitty toilets, it’s gross but not thaaaat bad. I’ve also cleaned rat shit & lots of dust.
>>1183266It’s really not too gross! However the mens restrooms tend to be nasty, because the men piss EVERYWHERE. The walls, the floors, fucking everywhere. I clean office buildings, a warehouse, and a car dealership.
I get to use this big machine to clean the floors which is fun.
The worst part of the job for me, is how little time my company gives me to do the work. They’ll allow me 2-3 hours to clean a massive place, several restrooms, floors, offices, tables. It can be overwhelming at times. But I have a good routine now so it’s not so bad. It was really scary at first, the amount of work I have to do in a short amount of time
No. 1183386>>1183391>>1183392>>1183416>>1183435
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Is sewerslvt a genuine pedo?
I enjoy breakcore from time to time but I've heard bad stuff about this…man? who calls himself a girl to avoid being held accountable. is it actually true? and if so are there any non retarded breakcore artists you guys like?
No. 1183421
>>1183391wtf? that's disgusting. i am definitely finding other breakcore artists…how narcissistic do you have to be to try to use someone's agony for your aesthetic? tf?
and why is everyone on reddit defending him? wtf? he calls himself 'june/jvne' now, but even when he was calling himself 'jvnko' these reddit scrotes were like
>bro…it's art…don't criticise the art…it has meaning…why are teenage girls and our suffering and life experiences an aesthetic, mere entertainment for these men? i hate them all. inshallah reddit gets shut down. they can make an aesthetic out of torture but if we misgender men online we're worthy of abuse. it was NEVER about art. the feelings of males are clearly put first every time.
i f wording HATE reddit. i hate men. it infuriates me because if 'jvne' was an actual biological woman she would be cancelled over a colour scheme or not being sweet/nice all the time. i think i'm actually being peaked here.
No. 1183438>>1183468>>1183482
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>>1183416Samefagging because I checked myself and my bad, he didn't just kill cats. He ate their brains to prove how much of a dark, tortured soul he is.
I already hated him for using actual necro/CP photo for an album cover, plus the fetishization/"kinning" of Junko Furuta's death but my god. Everyone should know he's a piece of pigshit, even the "muh art" retards can't defend this. Even his fellow band members/discord trannies don't like him to this, apparently he's in NYC these days, grooming a fan now and hiding under a different name.I don't understand how anyone just brushes this off
No. 1183540>>1183625>>1183901>>1183904
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Anons, I am thinking of buying picrelated book to a person IRL. (Naomi Wolf - The Beauty Myth)
Do you think that would make a good gift? The person in question
>Likes reading a lot
>Is a terribly insecure woman to a core, she can't even take out the trash or water mother's garden without putting layers of make-up
>Depends on male attention, as its the easiest one to get
>Over the past few months was actually commenting that society hates women , men do too, but she tends to play 'depression' mask as attention tactics but I still hope there is a way..
This person always starts acting pissy and making lemon faces everytime me and mother speak out about self-acceptance, but I still hope that there is a way to support her at least a little bit. I want also to discuss it with my s/o, whether gifting a book would be worth it.
No. 1183904>>1183935>>1184478
>>1183540>buying a Naomi Wolf bookeven if it's a gift, really
No. 1184033
>>1184013Am burger. It's just dumbasses who like to shout it's their right because the 2nd amendment gives us the right to bear arms.
Yeah that made sense when you could bear arms to fight against the government if it turned to a tyrannical mess, but the fuck is your gun gonna do against military tanks? It's stupid as fuck honestly. Fuckwads won't even compromise for harsher background checks, as if it's a bad thing to keep guns out of the hands of people who've aroused suspicion.
No. 1184187>>1184286
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>>1184169Dont see the point in kibbe when finding what body type you have and skin tone is important in clothing. You can go from there and look at blogs or ideas of what women with your body shape wear. As for the face you can look for what eye shape you have, make up for it. What kind of face shape you have with which hair style, the skin tone color should go with your hair. If you're cool toned then warm toned wont look good. Pic related is one site with some decent guides for each body type to start.
No. 1184203
>>1184186It takes away existential dread, enhances the senses, gives a body euphoria, etc. It makes things funny and makes me feel more creative. It makes me personally feel more empathetic and social.
However it also does give me anxiety sometimes, and it makes me lazy and retarded. I stopped using it recently just because I got bored with it and found the memory loss really annoying.
No. 1184251>>1184274
>>11842191. Who is it?
2. The way she likes your husbando is different to the way you like him. The version of your husbando that exists in your head is different from the one that exists in the other person's head. Both are different from the real canon version. In any case, it's better to not let yourself feel like you have exclusivity rights over a character, it's impossible to monopolize the concept of a fictional person so instead of thinking that he's yours, you should be glad there are more people who like him and willing to share.
You should post about this on /g/'s "How to devote yourself completely to your husbando" thread instead of here.
No. 1184274>>1184283>>1184288
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>>11842511. he's from a super niche game so i feel like someone could definitely find out who i am (or the other girl) on twitter if i said haaa
2. i was actually just thinking about something similar to what you're saying! as if our husbandos are the same guy but from two different universes. same hat, different head!! it changed how i felt instantly. and you're right! i should be happy that he, an unpopular character, is getting even more love than what i have to offer!! i'm gonna go connect with her so we can bond over our man. also sorry you had to read this i am very cringe and i apologize
No. 1184283
>>1184274Glad to know you feel better about it. I hope you two can become friends over having the same husbando.
And don't worry, I don't care if it's cringe. Who gives a fuck what certain people think.
No. 1184286
>>1184215Thanks nonna! I'll search for it, I watched some of Aly's videos but they're a bit tedious and the 'quiz' video I really did not understand very well. I suspect either romantic as you said or possibly flamboyant gamine.
>>1184187Yes this is very true! I'm luckily at the point where I know what colors suit me but I'm stuck to one silhouette right now and would like to explore but I have no idea what else would look good on me, don't want to buy a million different clothes either. I do think the 'science' (if you could call it that) behind it is quite interesting too, I like to draw so I analyze faces a lot lol. And I hope I'm a romantic so I can just copy Marilyn Monroe when feeling lazy/uninspired kek.
No. 1184288>>1194338
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>>1184274Nta but I love happy endings, I hope you two get along.
No. 1184591>>1184638
>>1184186every single person i've known who smoked weed got a permanent loss of memory (even when sober). to the point that I'm having the exact same conversation with them several times, and they have no idea it's not the first time we're talking about it. it's honestly pretty creepy. i haven't told them though because i don't want to hurt their feelings (they end up thinking i'm really smart for knowing so many things when it's simply me remembering our past conversations lol) i don't think they realize how much their memories were impacted, presumably because they simply don't remember how much they forget? they weren't even big potheads (at least not to my knowledge) and the difference was still obvious to me who regularly talked to them. this has literally only happened with all of the people who smoked weed, and no one else i've known. i can't think of anything else it would be
most of them also had a big increase in anxiety which is hell naw for me who already has an anxiety disorder.
No. 1184616>>1184644
>>1184186Weed has a complex effect and people smoke it for different reasons. For me the main one is time dilation. It makes time seem to pass much slower, like those endless days when you were a kid, when your parents told you you can have ice-cream in the evening, but the evening feels like a whole year away.
It also enhances senses like the other anon said, and that feels like when I was a child too, looking at things around me unfiltered. I actually
saw each tile instead of a tiled floor, each flattened gum on the pavement, all the details, my perception was more "dense". Weed brings some of that back too.
Basically, I smoke to feel like a kid again.
No. 1184850
>>1184756In=if sha=willed/wanted allah=god
God wills it. It takes “i hope” to a prayer level. And its a funny meme
No. 1184910>>1185022
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>>1184888I don't see her as a man, I see her as someone who mutilated herself.
No. 1184952
>>1184852I knew that it came from Arabic, but not that came specifically from inshallah.
Actually, it looks like it came from Classical Arabic. Specifically, from "wa-šā’ allāh" which is where inshallah comes from as well.
No. 1185022>>1185032
>>1184888In this case, I honestly don't care that much and would probably call her "he" sometimes. But that doesn't change the fact that she was born female, and is still female, so no, I wouldn't see her as an actual man, even if her appearance can fool you at first. I don't think she had a phalloplasty either, so lol, her vagina is still intact. Knowing that, it's more difficult to see her as a man.
And reading her story makes me think that she grew up with intense internalized misogyny and possibly also homophobia. I don't know if true, incurable dysphoria exists, but if it does, she might have it. If she doesn't, well, I think the most obvious question would be "what did she see in men that she couldn't have but so desperately wanted to, and why?" Ironic that she talks about accepting what you can't change about yourself, such as her vagina, but her whole life she lived hating her own body, and now advocates for mutilating your own body if you "feel it's the right choice" without hesitation. Why exactly couldn't she accept her female body and herself as just an extremely GNC woman?
You know what? Maybe I won't call her "he" at all. Now that I know her whole story I see her more clearly as a woman.
>>1184910Wow she was really beautiful
No. 1185032>>1185043
>>1185022Samefag but I agree with
>>1185002That would be the only exception, but now that I know her whole story I couldn't call her a man unless I really have to.
No. 1185067
>>1184970>Would you even think to do it had you never heard of or seen them beforehand?What do you mean by this?
If I was in a company where I wouldn't care about outing myself as a
terf then yeah, I'd refer to her as a woman.
No. 1185132>>1185143>>1185151>>1185160
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Wrote out a massive spergy paragraph about how desperate I am to lose weight and accidentally deleted it, which is probably for the best. I'd put this in the diet/health thread but this seems too stupid of a question for that lol.
Here's the shorter version. I just went shopping and spent the whole time envying other girls' thin legs and it made me realise that I really, really need to lose weight. I'm not obese just a bit chubby but it kills me. I've been calorie restricting for two years and never managed to lose more than 5kg, which I've now put back on. I'm short (5'3) I have an active job and I'm pretty sure I have ARFID if that helps.
How tf do I do it, nonnas. I'll take any advice; diet pills and supplements, diet and exercise plans that you've found success with, how to workout without sobbing and losing all motivation for the next three months, ways to dress that disguise the thunder thighs for the time being. Pls help, I cannot live another day feeling like the mf Michelin man. I'm losing my marbles.
No. 1185143
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>>1185132Try keto. It's gonna be difficult with ARFID but you might give it a shot.
Tips: never go up 40g of net carbs. Avoid bad fats like processed cheese. Eat plenty of greens, especially dark leafy greens. Don't forget to ingest electrolytes, you can drink a no sugar Powerade for that. Do some exercise, especially before you eat breakfast, like a light jog/long walk.
Usually when I'm on keto my inflammation goes down within a week, it's not on common for me to lose like 2 or 3kg of pure water weight bloat, maybe you'll be the same. Good luck
No. 1185151>>1185177
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>>1185132I'm trying to lose weight too, and I've decided to try out resistance training. I want to lift weights but the logistics of fitting time to go to a gym in my day is too annoying compared to doing home workouts with resistance bands. My goal right now is to build up more muscle through progressive overload. Switching between higher weight/resistance at lower reps and low weight/resistance at higher reps. I like it because it's a doable in an apartment (I work out in the early morning too) and I just prefer it over cardio but don't feel like I sacrifice getting a good workout in.
More muscle = higher tdee = I can possibly lose weight while still eating at my current maintenance calories/my maintenance calories goes up because I need more fuel for more muscle. Nutrition is important too but honestly I'm still trying to figure that out.
No. 1185189>>1185238>>1185591
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So the 20-20-20 rule says "every 20 minutes spent using a screen, you should try to look away at something that is 20 feet away from you for a total of 20 seconds" but say, for the sake of this stupid question, you're standing in front of a mirror, like an arm's length away or some shit. Behind you is a window that looks outside and you can see through the window in the mirror. If you are looking at something far away, like a building or something, through the mirror, would that still count within the 20-20-20 rule? Or would it not since you are technically looking at a mirror that is just an arm's length away?
No. 1185233
File (hide): 1652803317933.jpeg (9.12 KB, 305x446, he.jpeg)

>>1185223Please make this face
No. 1185537>>1185552
File (hide): 1652814358506.jpg (129.2 KB, 1066x759, idc.jpg)

when is a normal time to get hormonal ? i mean feeling turned on. i heard its usually before a period when you are ovulating, but for me i noticed its often times right AFTER i get my period. is this normal or what ? also i never really paid attention to things of this sort because it doesnt matter to me as i will repress anyway. also i have ASD, so that might factor in as well. sorry if this is the wrong thread but my question is stupid so i figured i would post it here…
No. 1185614>>1185622>>1185629>>1185696
File (hide): 1652816397198.png (594.96 KB, 683x866, 20220517_143632.png)

she looks so familiar to me buut is she that woman who thinks shes a communist on twitter?
No. 1185670
How do some women fast before or during their period without feeling weak and tired? Hell even if I eat normally I still feel like that.
>>1185010What's bad facial harmony?
No. 1185889
File (hide): 1652827913346.png (251.29 KB, 436x289, 1637349354014.png)

>>1185877because different people browse here
It's not a hive mind anon, also not every anon is interested in nitpicking randoms
No. 1185913>>1186024
>>1185877Not everyone who uses the off-topic boards uses the drama boards and vice-versa. In fact there's a lot more obvious Twittertards and scrotes (trannies, coomer simps, incels) on the drama boards, and that's also where most of the banning happens, I think.
On top of that people who are not interested in drama come to lolcow because of /g/, /m/ and /ot/ looking for a female-only imageboard alternative to discuss their interests.
That being said, there's many people here who are also massive hypocrites so they pretend to be radfem while constantly insulting other women because they're insecure about their own perceived flaws. Yes, they exist too, but I'd like to think it's a vocal minority.
No. 1185931
>>1185877They're different people
Look at the tinfoil thread and the celebricow thread, entirely different worlds
One is full of /pol/ moids/tradthots and the other is full of trashy twitter fags
No. 1186069>>1186080
>>1186048what if it was a joke like
>>1186046 said? or he wants to say "aha youre a user" or something like that? I like him tbh. Not that I would mind him buying me stuff… but ijs i would get him to fuck me first, he's hot. also he's neat, personality wise
No. 1186080>>1186089
File (hide): 1652843722316.jpg (49.23 KB, 640x640, 2ee072a7823c44e5847f6c96c2dc32…)

>>1186069If you like him then don't worry about what he thinks and banter with him. Call him your simp. He will like it, make him like it. Smile when you say it. If he says "you're a user uwu" then say you're gonna use him alright. His cheeks will turn red and his dick will get hard. You can trust me, I've read the ancient texts of seduction and romance.
No. 1186174
>>1186167Yeah, I agree with
>>1186172. Not good signs at all and strong indicators he's likely to become violent.
No. 1186275
>>1186256Depending on the person, the one asking is looking for a reason to justify a sort of behavior the person might have. It could also do with political opinion, their speaking, or a type of skill. Something like "oh shes from this country no wonder shes so cheap"
If they aren't trying to be rude to someone I dont see what the problem is either though. Burgers will ask where each other are from in terms of state all the time.
No. 1186496
>>1186455i don't like porn-ish banners either
i come to /ot/ to escape scrotism
No. 1186576
>>1186571Hopefully this isn't starting
too low, but I've had people recommend me workout routines aimed at the elderly or people who have had major surgeries. The workouts seem to care more about making sure you never injure yourself. Otherwise there are programs like "From Couch to 5km" that sorta work your body from next to nothing into a conditioned body. Sorry if none of that helps!
No. 1186807
File (hide): 1652897090572.png (161.23 KB, 260x399, toolkit.PNG)

>>1186794I really recommend pic related - The Adult ADHD Tool Kit: Using CBT to Facilitate Coping Inside and Out. It's a work book that has helpful exercises and practical advice that you can start doing right now. You can skip around chapters to what you find most relevant or read front to back. Make sure you actually take the time write with a pen and paper when there's exercises. I think the book also does a great job of helping you understand why you do certain things instead of just being a long slog of exercises.
No. 1186817
>>1186256i love hearing about other cultures so i'm kinda sad i can't ask without coming off as a racist. i'm also not of american descent and i love sharing my own culture too
bad people ruin everything lol
No. 1187073
File (hide): 1652907904771.png (13.96 KB, 698x179, mika homo.png)

>>1187040literally first result on google
nonnie No. 1187151>>1187219
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>>1187108It really depends on your personal diagnosis. I will probably have to take mine for the rest of my life because my brains hormones are fucked, and not taking them makes me go off the deep end. Medication is there to help you, so if it's not doing what it's supposed to you tell your doctor and they can find out the best fit for you. Please don't suddenly stop taking them unless your doctor tells you to, some meds can have serious side effects if you do this. Try to keep taking them even if you feel like they don't work right away, this is a mistake a lot of people make and it can make your depression worse. There's nothing to fear unless they have you on something like lithium. You'll be the same person you always were just feeling less like you want to die.
No. 1187158
>>1187155samefag and sometimes there might be people unsatisfied with the answer you give them and assume you're lying and keep bugging you about it or go "no, where you
really from" instead of moving on
No. 1187219
>>1187205i guess maybe it's just a matter of practice and/or medium preference? personally i can't really get what i'm imagining or wanting out with sketches but once i'm painting i know almost exactly how to get to my envisioned goal even if i don't necessarily reach it immediately i'm way more knowledgeable and find the process of getting there a lot more enjoyable so i'll put in the time and commitment
>>1187151alternatively don't trust your doctor or any sort of anti-depressant they prescribe you. especially if people are in your ear about "don't stop taking them without permission!" because they are drugs designed to create customers for life and your doctor is basically being commissioned to create users of it
>>1186555google fitgirl repacks (and make sure you have the original site not a copy) but if ur after just individual packs idk how to help sorry!! fitgirl repacks for anyone reading/wanting to play the sims 4/3 (altho really girls we should all just be playing the sims 2) without purchasing anything is safe but obviously you won't be able to play online or upload/download in the gallery etc but honestly it's a great way to scratch the sims itch
No. 1187440
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I had a stupid thought pop into my mind. Since I use my hands for sex and I have tiny hands, does that mean I have the hand equivalent of a microphallus?
No. 1187841
>>1187746I'd tell you not to go to 4chan and that /fa/ is complete shit but it's probably futile. I used adblock and 4chanX together on it for 3 years and didn't have a problem (no, i'm not proud of that. Also not sure if 4chanX blocks the ads but it's much less of a pain in the ass to browse that shitsite with it).
>>1187820>Are TIFs less concerned about achieving an ideal male faceMost fakebois, esp the straight and enby ones, really aren't. They don't want to actually look like a grown man, or even look like a man at all.
It does somewhat have to do with the fact that shaving off human bone is easier than adding silicone onto it and making it stick, but that's a small part of the reason why. The dysphoric-since-forever lesbian ones (e.g. Buck Angel) just work out and gain a ton of muscle mass - it's much easier when you're on T anyways. You can give the illusion of changing your face shape/features by just gaining a ton of weight and mewing or something. Might also have to do with society seeing men with, say, small brow bones and bigger lips not as jarring on a male face as a quite prominent brow bone and a strong jaw on a female face. Not saying those features are bad on their respective faces, just that people don't notice 'soft' features on men as much as they notice 'stronger' features on women.
No. 1187877
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I mentioned this in the YT hate thread, but is there a way to apply to be a YT mod? Is YT even looking for mods from the U.S.?
No. 1187919
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>>1187755Basically yes but it's a bit more specific, high contrast is just that, chiaroscuro refers to having one area of the composition fully lit, but with clear details in opposition to the rest being dark and making the it stand out. Just saying high contrast could refer to anything, like picrel
No. 1188304>>1188470
>>1188153I did alot of hooking up when I was younger and alot of it that seemed ok in the moment was pretty lackluster on reflection. The older I get the more I look back on it as very 'meh' sex. The bar was set so low and I didn't see that att.
I can say I truly enjoyed sex with this one fuck buddy and then with one once-off guy aswell. That is a low satisfaction rate compared to how many there were overall lol. God knows what drove me to keep trying it for so long when it wasn't paying off. That's just my experience. Been single for a while now and I'm all about toys. Gave up on nsa for good.
No. 1188352>>1188930
File (hide): 1652990900172.png (2.41 MB, 1140x1750, aguL0VqjO23j.png)

are people into like crystals and gems and rocks or whatever also into astrology? if not? what pseudoscience does it fall under? also where's the belief these rocks have powers come from?
No. 1188470>>1188524
>>1188233>i like the idea being with them but it’s never been worth it in the pastThat's the conclusion I've come to as well. Even in relationships. Similar to
>>1188304 I often thought I really loved sex in the moment, but physically it did little for me. It was all the mental rush of feeling wanted and desired by men because I lacked the ability to feel like "enough" on my own. Sad as that is. May or may not be the same thing with you, just sharing my perspective. I'm a million times better at giving myself orgasms than any man has ever been and I no longer need the external validation. So the only positive thing that's left is the eye candy and feeling of touch from someone different. Those things are pretty worthless benefits compared to the downsides of feeling bored, unsatisfied, used, shallow, at least in my experience.
No. 1188714
File (hide): 1653002989027.png (635.67 KB, 867x904, 79048302943432.png)

>>1188524I know I'm going to sound like one of those bad inspirational posters, but unironically, by loving myself more. Longer answer… it's been a lot of consistent work on my mindset. CBT workbooks have been helpful, journaling, reminding myself how underwhelming or outright damaging sex and relationships were. I don't even have the energy to feel angry about it like I used to. I know decent men exist, but actually finding one is the luck of the draw and I don't want to wallow and not enjoy my life if I don't find the right fit. Redirecting energy toward other things helps. I had trouble enjoying normal activities at first, like walking in a park, learning new skills or working out, but the more I made the effort to stay in the moment instead of mentally griping about not having a man, the more I realized there were so many things to appreciate that I'd overlooked because I was so hyperfixated on relationships. It's truly a process of deprogramming yourself and it's not at all "woohoo get up 5am and make a green smoothie and do some yoga grrrl" it's more "I've had to redirect myself from thirsting for a man 127 times today, dug into some old trauma in my journal, and only managed an hour of exercise the entire week, but at least I was able to notice a cute bird outside my apartment this morning." It gets easier in time, and it's absolutely worth it. It's nice to romanticize yourself and your own journey instead of men that don't deserve it.
No. 1188882>>1188888>>1188892
File (hide): 1653016965286.jpeg (178.71 KB, 1100x2048, 7DB2D0D1-82E9-4824-892F-3B1F99…)

>>1188843I kinda like it, I've had a weird illness for a few years so now I'm like.. very "good" at vomiting i.e. I don't make a sound, tear up or take longer than a few minutes to empty my stomach. But I also can decide when enough is enough by taking ondansetron. Kinda feels like picrel kek
No. 1189325
>>1189270I'm not gonna spoon feed you and I don't think any other
nonny should either. If you bail out when it's gets spicy then why even ask? Just use the search function to look up "romanianon" and "pakianon" and read the threads, they aren't going anywhere.
No. 1189360>>1189414
>>1189270Romanianon is a mentally ill woman who used to work as a camgirl and posted a random girl who she accuses of being the one who trafficked her. She makes a lot of clearly deranged posts.
Pakichan is a brown woman whose love for white passing men will one day kill her. She always screeches at white women and says she has it worse but in reality she's only mad because she can't bag a white and slavic bf like they can. She also lusted after a nazi and said she wanted to be his maid. She's usually the first to cape for any white
abusive man while putting down women.
Bonus: crapchan is a mixed woman who has internilazed racism and she shits up celebricows on the regular about how much she hates rappers. She usually calls them low iq, subhuman, etc.
If you see a skinny white girl picture, it's crap-chan. If you see a cat picture, it's pakichan. If you see walls of text, romanianon.
No. 1189433>>1189434>>1189436>>1189461>>1189471>>1189507
File (hide): 1653058952222.gif (905.18 KB, 320x480, B7C926DD-F1AE-466A-8558-725BBD…)

>>1189414NTA but pakianon chooses low quality early 2000 designs from google type of cat pics like these
No. 1189471>>1189485>>1189495
>>1189414She uses cute cat pictures to gain empathy then goes on to do weird ass shit like get mad American women have abortions and accuse Romanianon of making the controversial posts she herself made.
>>1189433This. She always posts the same shitty style of pictures and copes for men super hard, it's super easy to tell her posts.
>>1189467I wonder if the anon you're replying to is her? Kek.
No. 1189485>>1189488>>1189499
File (hide): 1653060435996.png (162.87 KB, 1367x352, Screenshot 23.png)

>>1189471>>1189461nta but she does use a lot of cat pics, however said cat pics are always accompanied by her awful grammar, she also use terms that most native english speakers wouldn't, for e.g she says "by god" and terms like "peasants" and "tribals"
No. 1189488>>1189498
>>1189485She always posts sad looking pictures of cats as she worships shitty
abusive men or clearly misogynistic views. She's trying to seem nice and innocent with her 70 iq. Kek.
No. 1189498>>1189502>>1189504>>1189515
File (hide): 1653060909720.png (281.74 KB, 1249x443, Screenshot 24.png)

>>1189488she mentions that english is her third language and its really telling, so maybe she doesn't fully understand certain topics, she also posted a pic of herself with her grandmother in the Babushka thread
No. 1189504>>1189512>>1189514>>1189522
>>1189498Is that her? I thought it was someone else
No. 1189512
>>1189499The screenshot quoted was confirmed to be her post because she admitted. Weirdly caping for white men and hating on western feminists gives her away. She also racebaits and tries to lie or manipulate anons into thinking she's nice until she loses her shit and calls them evil Americans or whatever lol.
>>1189504Can't be bothered to dig it up but she admitted to wanting to get with the nazi guy and told us we couldn't cancel her because thid wasn't Twitter. She has also admitted to wanting slav men in another thread. You can search up her name and itll come up.
No. 1189522>>1189525>>1189526>>1189528>>1189535>>1189536
File (hide): 1653061374478.png (161.43 KB, 1374x346, Screenshot 25.png)

>>1189504>>1189502yeah its her, apparently its her natural skin tone
>>1189515she claims her skin ranges from brown to yellow, and also claims to be mixed-race despite her both her parents being pakistani
No. 1189535>>1189549
>>1189526Nta but here
>>1189522 she uses the weird race terms she always does.
>>1189528Why does it matter? Isn't the Pakistani and brown %100? She doesn't even look %1 asian black or white. Pure brown. I think she had issues accepting she's brown and keeps bringing up the tribes to pretend she's not as dark as other pakistanis.
No. 1189549
>>1189535>Why does it matter? In many third world countries 'tribes' is how they're separated up, I'm not brown but my parents make a big deal about people from different tribes too when we talk about our country. It's odd to me since I didn't grow up there but in their eyes there's a difference. I'm assuming subculture?
It's weird but it made me realize humans will always try to divide even in monoethnic countries.
As for pakianon I remember her posting a cartoon pic of the different tribes in Pakistan and how their skin color/traditional outfit different from each other.
No. 1189830>>1189847
File (hide): 1653070903636.jpg (214.68 KB, 1069x1049, 8bc.jpg)

Should I waste money and time on buying a small gift for sister in law who always acts like an asshole for me (she's been giving me hard time for two years now)? She is going to have her name's day soon and it's a "mini birthday" in this country, you are supposed to buy a gift. I am worried about it only because she is a manipulative person. She always tried turning the whole family against me (I got lucky with mother's side because they knew me before I met her), and always playing the victim card despite being an asshole. Its Ironic how on her last birthday she started throwing tantrum because I gifted her a small birthday gift (we spent a lot of money on a dentist last year). She didn't gift me shit on my birthday or name's day either, so I am pretty sure she will do the same thing again. I always do my best to be polite but she always treats me like shit and I know the second I will do something wrong she will twist it all around to try turning everyone against me, because she is a spoiled narcissistic womanchild. She abuses the crap out of her naive mother too. I am so tired of this crap. I can just buy her a chocolate for 70 cents and call it a day. I always walk on fucking eggshells because I am literally from other country and from a different culture.
No. 1189847>>1189862
>>1189830If not getting her a gift puts you in a bad light, you should probably gift her something. If you have to, maybe gift her one of those "charity giftcards" you know the ones where someone can give your money to a charity of choice kek and tell her how you think she's such a good, generous person so you thought it'd be the perfect gift for her! kek
What's a name's day?
No. 1189851
File (hide): 1653071282369.jpeg (Spoiler Image,31.34 KB, 474x711, 267F4012-2204-4901-91DB-AC18EC…)

What was the motive for Maxwell enabling her pedo husband? I can at least understand the reasoning behind why Epstein trafficked girls, that being that he was a sick pedophile, but what I don’t understand is why Maxwell would help and enable this behaviour. I could understand if she was in a situation where she was being manipulated into doing it or if she were a pedo in the same way her husband was, but from what I’ve heard, that wasn’t the case. Why did she do it? What did she stand to gain?
No. 1189862
>>1189847Some EE countries have "name's day" every day of the year, it's a day dedicated towards someone else's name and it's labeled as some kind of a mini-birthday. For example, if Alexa has a name's day today then you should celebrate it by congratulating her and giving a gift. One of the excuses for people to party, bluntly speaking.
Thank you
nonnie. I am so tired of this crap sometimes, having to play mind games all over again.
No. 1189923>>1189945
>>1189895Some lesbians I’ve met have this /way/ they talk, it’s like very relaxed, imagine a cartoon surfer/skater character and that’s how they sound.
The other girls that I’ve met are just polite, short words, quick, will sperg happily if you’re friendly and will be really just cheerful.
But that’s just the girls I’ve met so far, different ages, same city, different spots. I don’t think it’s that easy because gay moids are just unable to have a personality of their own, so they act like stereotypes because their Y chromlet won’t let them develop their brains properly.
No. 1189941
>>1189922kek pls anon that's not what I need to hear right now
>>1189932I will lol thanks, he is my boyfriend and it will be his first time too
No. 1189977>>1190021
>>1189855>>1189865>>1189880I ask because I'm interested in a moid with this type of voice, but subtler. He claims to be straight but I'm weary.
>>1189927I prefer restaurants that have a bar rather than actual bars, I like to listen to music and read.
But I go there to drink and relax and I hate when people talk to me.
No. 1190056>>1190065>>1190117
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Do cats understand accidents happen? Does she understand I didn't want to hurt her? She didn't hiss at me when it happened, or started to growl when I petted her afterwards to apologize, even though she's normally really aggressive.
No. 1190263>>1190342
File (hide): 1653079509535.jpeg (59.41 KB, 750x209, E5BBB276-D7D2-4FA8-9E59-400B87…)

>>1190194yeah i eat like a beast and ate even more monstrously in the past due to being endlessly made fun of at school because i was hilariously skinny and not at all in an attractive way, i look like a stick bug. like i would eat two big plates of seven vegetable couscous and drink mugs of fenugreek "tea" and date flavored hunger syrup and i still look the same with or without the added efforts. in my country being skinny is so not desirable by anybody ( unless you live in a big city ) to the point that in the south little girls are getting fed cow fattening pills so that they grow into curvy women because it is seen as womanly and feminine … if anything puberty just made me even scrawnier because i grew taller and therefore stretched out. its hell on earth.
im sorry anachans for not appreciating what you want No. 1190309
>>1190295It's been years since I looked but I think one was r/foreveralonedating, but apparently pics are not allowed there
I remember one that did allow images, unless they just changed the rules
No. 1190631
>>1190194yeah it's a hunger thing like
>>1190234 said. Maybe even comorbid with an attention deficit thing for me personally. I just don't get hungry, I could probably eat once a day. When I was little everyone ate three times a day and i would have to eat as well with them but it felt like a chore because I would literally just not be hungry. I would get distracted with anything else, a fly on the wall, anything, because it was more entertaining that eating. When I'm actually hungry I focus solely on the food instead of my surroundings. Anyways, I was basically forced to put food in my body I didn't want all the time and I would literally get whooped if I didn't eat. To me food is straight up like poop if I'm not hungry, so imagine a kid basically being physically abused and being forced to eat poop. That's what it was like for me.
Now that I'm an adult, it's still persisted, I don't get hungry and can eat once a day. I'm medically underweight at bmi 18, but I'm not sick, I have a regular period, healthy (better than most even) hair, nice nails, skin is normal. I have a soft layer of fat and it keeps me from looking anorexic/bony. Defenitely possible to be thin and healthy.
No. 1190702
>>1190679No, it's a self diagnosis ig? It's easy to know if you have POCD. I know because I'm the one constantly worrying about whether or not I am a pedophile( I don't feel like I am but then would a non-pedophile even question if they are? it's a never ending cycle), going out of my way to make sure I'm not a pedophile (like observing myself physically to see if I have any bodily reactions around children), avoiding physical contact with children as much as possible, being hyper aware of my interactions with them, I could go on and on. It's not only directed at myself but also at others, I get uncomfortable when I see children with other adults too close, I'm always suspicious of the adult, look for signs the child may be being abused. Any little thing makes me suspicious, like if they have a favorite adult, or an adult giving them anything. When I think of having my own children, I have no idea how I would manage bathing them or changing their diapers, I get really anxious at the thought of getting past that stage, and it's not like my husband could do it for me because I wouldn't want him to do it either. I'm not sure I want children, I feel I wouldn't be nurturing enough and I would prevent my husband from being nurturing like a normal parent. I'm not sure I want children, I feel like I do, it's just that defenseless stage I wish I didn't have to be responsible for. Sometimes I think it will just stop once I have a kid and I'll get my nurturing instincts then, but that is a gamble. He wants children and doesn't know any of this too. Sorry for wall of text
No. 1190857
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>>1190850I feel panicky and a lot of anxiety about the current state of my life, maybe I'm just having an existential crisis every night
No. 1190959>>1190960>>1190965>>1190981
>>1190956Mine's pretty straight, but because the hair is coarse it kind of kinks out at angles and looks like a bush rather than smooth straight hair
My question is does anyone else have pubes lighter than their hair colour? The hair on my head got darker and more brown as I aged but I swear my pubes are like the lighter reddish colour it was when I was younger.
No. 1190965>>1191587
>>1190958Conflicting answers…
>>1190959I see, so it doesn't coil? Like make little springs? I thought everyone's pubes were curly.
No. 1191069>>1191085>>1191128>>1191188
File (hide): 1653134727537.jpg (78.14 KB, 780x439, coffee.jpg)

I have two stupid questions:
1: Can i eat unbrewed coffe grounds and still get caffeine? Does it have nutrition, e.g. calories, fiber, etc?
2: Is it common for men to want to fuck fantasy characters, or is it pornsicked? (My moid out of the blue told me that he wishes i am a big boobed dragon. He insists that it's a complement but idk if it is or if he's becoming a furry)
No. 1191072>>1191083>>1191087>>1191090
File (hide): 1653134880780.png (17.38 KB, 128x128, AZTDUNj.png)

what does this mean on comments? I've been here for a few years but I still don't know and never bothered to ask
No. 1191090
>>1191083 said, it's for particularly hilarious or high quality posts. I think there was even an experimental board called /cream/ that you can still look at that was meant for these sorts of posts but it never really took off.
No. 1191188>>1191195>>1191368
File (hide): 1653144778037.png (1.14 MB, 950x1100, image_2022-05-22_005233760.png)

>>1191069maybe he's talking about fire emblem rhea, she's a dragon
No. 1191279
>>1191245Seconding eggs and overnight oats recommendation; otherwise definitely smoothies: especially based mainly on berries, even frozen are fine; you can add milk of any kind or water; it's also nice if you start with putting two spoons of millet or oats and let them soak in hot water for 5 minutes, makes the whole thing even more nutritious. Open sandwiches with things like smoked salmon, hummus, avocado, goat cheese (any goat product is a great replacement for cow milk based products, especially for people with diabetes) and some fresh vegetable on the side are great too; ideally with rye bread.
I had a shitty eating habits for all my life and these all are things I got recommended by a dietitian, so definitely good choices.
No. 1191287>>1191300
What kind of a programming language do you need to know in order to create a puzzle gamesite like this? mean for the game itself
No. 1191300
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>>1191287It's a sliding puzzle game btw
No. 1191368>>1191389
>>1191085Thank you
>>1191128I don't know? He told me he fantasies about if I was a dragon with big boobs, how much he wants to fuck dragons, then got mad and tried to insist its a complement when i told him that it's weird. No context whatsoever, he just randomly brought it up one day
>>1191188>>1191261He doesn't watch anime or play video games (to my knowledge), but he is into LOTR/other fantasy type stuff, so I think he might mean a literal actual dragon.
No. 1191389
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>>1191368I think it’s time to breakup,
nonnie, he wants to fuck pic related.
No. 1191501
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Please help me nonnies. how do I harden my heart a little? I'm too soft and empathetic and it ends up coming back to bite me because I struggle to be selfish and say no, I struggle to not empathise with someone even if I know they treat me like shit, and I cry over the mere thought of someone I care about being sad or in pain. It's exhausting and it's ruining my life so any advice is much appreciated
No. 1191510>>1191616
>>1191445>How do you live life? I try to keep myself happy, I workout, eat as healthy as possible
unless I get depressed for other reasons that aren’t linked to my appearance I talk with the friends I got and such. I don’t go out often though, but when I do go out it’s pretty regular, nobody has told me I’m ugly in a while.
>How do you stop caring when someone calls you ugly?You don’t, you just cope by thinking that you’re doing your best and that it could always be worse
>Or you think everyone thinks you are ugly? I’m sure everyone in my country thinks I’m ugly for racial reasons and because I’m not a skinny legend, so I honestly gave up on the moids over here, outside though? When you travel you notice that there are people with other beauty standards and opinions and that in the case of just being perceived attractive, it isn’t a lost hope.
>How is dating for you? I don’t date anyone because I’m not ready, why should I date someone if I still don’t consider myself my best self? I don’t need a psychologist, nor a cheerleader to tell me the things I either want to hear or that I have to hear because I know them already, so there’s no need to keep hitting the nail on the head.
>Do you think every guy/girl is with you because of other darker reasons?When I used to date moids, yes, it was all about money or desperation to be with someone, and honestly it’s tiresome, being single is much better than dealing with another person’s baggage.
>How do I learn to accept I'm ugly?By taking care of yourself properly, and positive affirmations, just tell yourself that even if you don’t look like Venus but with huge badonkers and a bbl, you have nice points that you particularly like, that makes you happy, like beauty marks, freckles, eye color, hair color, hair texture and so on.
No. 1191518
>>1191460I watched this video many years ago and I used to agree with her, but looking back on it now I realize this girl was never ugly. And I'm not saying this to be nice or whatever. She genuinely has average features.
If she changed her glasses, got a new a haircut and trimmed her eyebrows, she would be pretty.
I still agree with her message - but I think it should be shared by someone who is actually disgusting-looking.
No. 1191562>>1191607
>>1191554I don't think I'm autistic though…
>>1191551Rip your nana
No. 1191607
>>1191556I understand this is what’s logical but emotions are running high and no one is being rational, including me who probably shouldn’t have called in the first place.
nonnie ♥
No. 1191641
nonnie ♥
She was in hospital in a delicate condition but stable. Unfortunately, on Friday she deteriorated quickly. This lady was supposedly helping him out and that’s apparently how this all started. I agree with you, he’s awful and I’m having a hard time processing it all.
(ESL, hopefully I made sense)
No. 1192011>>1192039
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>>1191999Refer to picrel or you can find the post styling post here:
>>>/meta/6821 Basically, stick the text you want hidden between either:
# #HIDDEN TEXT # # (NO spaces)
[ spoiler ] HIDDEN TEXT HERE [ / spoiler ](NO spaces between brackets)
No. 1192090
>>1192039No worries,
nonnie! I’m glad you were able to figure it out
♥ No. 1192100>>1192105>>1192807
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Do these "fat burning teas" work? Its such a bizzare concept to me. There are also fat burning pills too, but isn't it all extremely unhealthy and you would rather be moving more and eating less? Picrel is a random picture off google
No. 1192115>>1192138>>1192223>>1192224
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whats this type of top called? specifically the hem part which i like?
No. 1192177
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>>1192107This is just a theory, but I think the reason old ladies or 60+ women compliment me is cause I fit on their old standards, extra "thick" is what's in on my country nowadays and its what younger people will point out if they think you're attractive, but back then picrel was very popular and I do have this bodytype, is a very interesting phenomenon. Maybe your style appeals more to women or vintage standards
im not a tradthot btw No. 1192457>>1192574
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Any former atheists turned spiritualists nonnies here? Would you tell me what made you believe?
No. 1192491
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Why do I get sick when I’m taking care of myself the most? I’ve been eating well, drinking tea, showering, doing exercise, sleeping just right, taking vitamins and my pills, why am I getting fucking sick?
No. 1192495>>1192530
>>1192138Thank you anon
>>1192223Fake news
No. 1192568>>1192606
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Does a thingy like this keep necklaces from tangling? Mine start tangling whenever I wear more than 2..
No. 1192634
>>1192611Depends. If you want to learn, then it's bad, since you won't learn much from tracing. If what matters to you is the outcome and this is how you'll achieve the best one or you're short on time and it will help you with catching up, nothing bad about it.
If you're tracing someone's creative work and selling it as your original concept though, goes without saying that it's bad.
No. 1192637>>1192664
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Are these any good? Will the popping thing make me stop clawing my nails on it? I just destroyed my phonecase because I couldn’t stop digging my nails on it. So I think I may need something to fidget after all, and if this doesn’t work, is there something I can fidget with that I won’t destroy and that will avoid me constantly fucking up my fingers?
No. 1192674>>1192734
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legitimately jealous when reading the nigel brag thread, though some of your boyfriends are mid. I want a nigel bf to spoil, and who'll spoil me too. How did you guys get your nigels. How did you get your nigels?
No. 1192739>>1192752>>1192753
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I remember that anons here talked about Xiran Jay Zhao being a lolcow like a week ago. Does anyone know which thread she was being talked about
No. 1192754
>>1192659They're different regions but those countries have a shared history, cultures, economies and politics. Even when you do MENA or Arab studies it's a very undefined term mostly because the "Middle East" itself is undefined (Should Turkey be included? What about Afghanistan? Armenia? Georgia? Somalia? etc) and Eurocentric/forced upon the region, talking about the term is always followed up by Edward Said's "Orientalism".
Anyway they share more commonalities than differences that the term just makes sense.
No. 1192755>>1192830
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>>1192752Samefag sorry i didnt see your post, thanks for linking the thread so i can laugh again
No. 1192937
>>1192921Step 1: be attractive.
Step 2: don’t be unattractive
No. 1192948>>1192955>>1192956>>1192957>>1192958
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I'm retarded and extremely inexperienced in this kind of shit so please bare with me nonnas:
There's this guy I know from work, we have a lot in common and talk regularly about anything, he's kinda cute and admittedly I have a lil crush on him. Anyways, last week we were chatting and shit and then I noticed something unusual (at least for me, cause I'm an antisocial hikki): while we talked, he started touching my thigh from time to time, he was very casual about it but yeah it was noticeable, not that I'm complaining but, what does that type of contact means? I've lots of guy friends and they never did that, not even once. I'm tripping or there's something else going on here? S-should I worry? Sorry for acting so schizo I just don't trust men like that and you guys know better
No. 1193125
>>1193098They are
Smoking unironically kills schizophrenia and psychosis
No. 1193435>>1193442
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>>1193416Post this in the language thread, your less likely to get replies here since multilingual anons are mostly likely to check on the thread if it's been bumped. Why have a language thread when people don't use it
No. 1193442>>1193483
>>1193424> I'd like to apply for the N3 test too but I never tried applying before because I was cursed enough to work every SundayThat's a shame!
I had to ask for a day off this week so that my workplace can arrange my schedule more than a month in advance.
I use the JLPT to force myself to take my studying a bit more seriously. The effort I've put into my japanese studies is a lot greater than when I do my usual self pace study. But if you can self study just as well without any external motivator then JLPT are not needed and you can easily take a mock exam online for free and when it's more convenient for you.
N3 level of knowledge is seriously good though, kudos.
Although some say that any JLPT exam isn't a good way to measure your knowledge of japanese and that even the hardest N1 is at best high school level compared to the native speakers, I still think that such tests provide a good ballpark to measure where you stand with the language. So regardless how you do with the exam or mock exams, you might be a lot better than you think.
>>1193435Good point, I might do that soonish.
No. 1193699>>1193711>>1193716>>1193739
File (hide): 1653318830152.png (712.15 KB, 1385x752, Untitled.png)

Is wearing band tees tacky? And if so, is it at least slightly less tacky to have a more subtle tee referencing the band's lyrics with a tee that matches stylistically and aesthetically?
Picrel is what I'm talking about. Is it more original to style a shirt with a couple of words/lyrics on it a little "grungier" in this case (fade it or draw over it with sharpie) than just wearing a shirt with just the name of the band, which seems like advertising and kind of "hey, i listen to [band]!1!1"-signaling (could just be my insecurity though).
No. 1193711>>1193723
>>1193699i don't think its tacky nonna, i love wearing band t-shirts and if you enjoy wearing them and enjoy the band then who cares what others think.
i love searching for vintage pre-owned band tshirts, they are always super good quality and really soft too, so i encourage more people to wear band t-shirts kek
No. 1193876>>1193881
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So I accidentally hit the screen of my laptop with my nail bc I wanted to close it but did pay attention where my hand was and I now wondering if this damaged the screen in any way or nah? I see nothing I hit it …
No. 1193881>>1193883
>>1193876what makes that cat british?
well only if you can see something weird happening when you turn the screen on. i once hit a screen with a heavy metal thing and it only left some paint from the metal thing and it didn't affect the picture at all. should be fine.
No. 1193951
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What the hell does this reply mean? I've googled the comedian but have no idea how it pertains to the image posted.
No. 1193963>>1193983
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>>1193954he always reminded me of a catfish
No. 1193983
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>>1193963kek, he reminds me of a stingray sometimes when he does that :3 face.
Please don't ban me I don't know how to describe it with words. He belongs to the sea. No but seriously where the fuck are his eyebrows?
No. 1194016
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>>1193953Well, idk
I just love him
No. 1194046
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>>1194031kek nona I still love him and his lack of eyebrows
No. 1194127>>1194150>>1194154
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I'm in my early 20s but my face kind of looks like this, to an extent. More specifically, the corners of my mouth in certain lighting have this jowley appearance. In pic rel, it looks like it's mostly due to excess weight, but I'm a perfectly average bmi/body fat. Do I just have unfortunate genetics or should I loose 10 pounds and see if it goes away? Losing ten pounds wouldn't make me underweight.
No. 1194154>>1194212
>>1194127I have the same sort of heavy jowl area and eyebags that Amelia does nonna, and mine does go away and improve when I'm at a lower weight or body fat. Mine is genetic but is almost unnoticeable when I am healthier and have more muscles-less fat on me, however some people still have it even if they are underweight. To be honest, I think a lot of the time it's something you just have to accept. Amelia's looks quite prominent in that lighting but she's still very pretty imo.
>Losing ten pounds wouldn't make me underweight.Do you know your body fat percentage, even approximately?
No. 1194195>>1194214>>1194245
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does anyone else get period diarrhea? I woke up to intense pain (in the usual period pain spot), so I went to the bathroom and bam– it's diarrhea. No other symptoms. I feel completely fine other than needing to go to the bathroom more.
I also trusted a fart right before I left the house today and I'm horrified. Is this normal, am I going to die
No. 1194212
>>1194154I'm around 25-27% body fat. I think it really screws with my body image because, like you you mentioned about the lighting, I feel like I look several orders of magnitude more attractive under the right lighting. I do find Amelia really pretty as well but yeah, I think we both got those special bri'ish genetics when it comes to facial fat pads and sagging. I also think since
>>1194150 says they are underweight and have them, it could also just be a health thing more than a weight thing? Like, I could see excess sodium or dehydration causing it? I think I will try to loose a few pounds in a healthy way.
No. 1194236
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>>1194214Damn that sucks, anon. I have Nexplanon (arm implant) and my periods have gotten incredibly regular. Used to never have period pain when I was younger, now I'm turning 30 and have to pop ibuprofen sometimes and my mood swings are super exhausting.
Not sure if endo or birth control. I want to stop taking birth control since it makes me a little cray cray the week before I bleed but I don't trust condoms at all. Guess I'll make a doctor's appointment…
No. 1194278
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>>1194248I wouldn't do that simple for legal reasons. Pay your half and then leave asap.
>>1194248I hope this is your post but I replied above. Anyways here's the collection that I like. The patchwork alt look really fills me with love and joy just like October. No. 1255674
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Anons i was talking to My friend the other day, about some weird tv woman, and we started to make fun of her and after a while i made a joke about transgenders and he laughed but after a while he told me "the joke about You being transphobic it's very funny" but i wasnt…fully joking
Worried because he's gay and he's femenine and clearly into supporting lgbtq+ i'm fine with everything except trans and variations of sexuality that always recay on personality but also less worried because i don't feel like i need to clarify i dislike trannys or anything
So the question is, should i be very careful with what i say around him? Or can i pass it off as irony? Will it bring any problems later on?
Sorry if this sounds cringe