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No. 859842

Thread for current NEETs who do not wish to/are not ready yet to rejoin society. Please be considerate of eachother, no shaming.

No. 859851

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I'm a fucking neet myself, so is this thread for neets who don't want to recover like in the other thread?

No. 859860

Don't want to recover/ don't want to take steps yet to recover. I'm at the point where I just want a long break from trying to recover, and return to old ways. But that would seem anti-recovering so I just made a new thread for neets who don't want to change. Sometimes it's too late to recover for some people. Hope they don't feel too alone, even if it's through a screen humans need community.

No. 859880

Question for neets: if there was no internet, no radio, no tv, no computers, no books, no games no media, etc, would you still be a neet?

No. 859886

Yes, it's called being a hermit in the woods. The sewersidal neets would probably off themselves though, there'd be no interesting distractions to use as copes.

No. 859899

I'm 18 and I'm pretty sure my life is going to be full of neetdom. My crippling social anxiety and inability to get hired in my shitty state is stressing me the hell out

No. 859920

I'm broke as fuck, living with my parents, playing wow all day. Does that qualify me for neet?

No. 859926

Yeah see if it were the case that I had none of the things mentioned I'd probably go to the woods alone and take up witchcraft or tame feral dogs

No. 859927

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My anxiety made me postpone college applications until they are closed for kek I don't mind another year of Neet so long I manage my little goals (I'm more or less progressing on them) but I'd like to find a part time job this year tho. Don't know what and how.

No. 859934

Word of warning don't postpone too long if you want to do college I took 2 years off and had to cram to relearn maths. Didn't matter in the end though since dropped out. Neeting rots your brain if you aren't doing some kind of learning.

No. 859935

I hate work from home because now my parents can see what I do all day and are probably starting to resent me for being so lazy while they have to work

No. 859938

No. 859940

The resentment is real lol. My parents get so snappy when they're home and constantly interrupt and snark at me when I'm using the computer/existing outside my room. Or if they don't see me they just come into my room to lecture me. Honestly thinking of playing up my depression just so they'd leave me the fuck alone.

No. 859949

What's the line between neet and just loser? For example, parents who support you but require you to work one day a week at a part time. And the rest of the time you're living like a hermit. Is it actually just "not in education employment or training"? Or is it more of a lifestyle/mindset?

No. 860032

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Are you planning to do something with your limitless free time? i am going to start streaming, Vtubing to be exactly.

No. 860033

Well, do you want to find a career? Or go into school? You have a job yes, but if you're not striving to do anything and just exist in your parents house, it's pretty much a neet.

No. 860037

Vtubing is based, ultimate leveling field, don't have to be pretty just have good personality. What kind of persona will you present?

No. 860048

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Mostly chill. I want to play retro games like Korone, draw and talk about movies/manga.

No. 860059

How do you guys spend your days? I'm not a NEET but I'm restless even having one week to myself…

No. 860060

play videogames, draw, watch anime/movies, read, shitpost. If it's a cold day i just binge watch yt all day.

No. 860064

Browse internet, watch youtube, read, and do chores nobody else in my family wants to do. I used to watch a lot of movies and shows but I lost all interest a long time ago. I also do 1 hour of exercise because as I get older my body aches badly after just one day of zero exercise.

No. 860089

I'm technically NEET though I spend my time freelancing for crypto-donations and building a portfolio. It's pretty damn hard to get a job nowadays (not just a gig), but if I could detach myself to an alternate society I would. Unless I'm in France, cryptocurrency doesn't buy the basics like food or rent.

No. 860090

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I've been a neet for about 6 months after quitting my job so i can still buy a lot of weeb shit if i want.

No. 860094

You can buy weeb shit with a job too, silly.

No. 860151

Chores at home, care & play with pet, books, forums, gardening, anime.

No. 860179

Have you ever read Recovery of an MMO Junkie?

No. 860182

but it just feels good to buy jingero merch with my autismbux

No. 860191

Former NEET. I get up at 4am every day for work now. Sleep in for me sisters. My soul is weeping.

No. 860193

Will try. It's warmer at night then it is in the day atm and I'm dying.

No. 860202

My sleep schedule is beyond fucked up. I am consistently falling asleep at 4-7 AM and waking up anywhere after 4PM. The other day I slept in until 7PM for the first time since highschool.

No. 860208

May I post that I’m not a NEET but at this point wish I could be? I work too much and it feels so ridiculous and stupid. I want to pursue things I enjoy and have time. Maybe that’s romanticizing NEETdom, but I kind of dream/am quite jealous. What’s it like for you, good and bad?

No. 860231

I became a NEET out of force, i gain more money by doing 5 furry porn comissions once a year than working 8 to 8 like the wageys in this shithole. If you have any kind of dreams and hopes i do not recommend NEETdom unless you have money to spare. If you are already dead inside, have nothing to persue in life and are ready to kys when the money runs out then it's a great life.

No. 860312

God I wish I had tardbux, but here female autism is a joke unless you're low functioning.

No. 860314

I thought $$$ furry art was a joke, isn't the market over saturated by now?

No. 860318

>I work too much and it feels so ridiculous and stupid. I want to pursue things I enjoy and have time. Maybe that’s romanticizing NEETdom, but I kind of dream/am quite jealous. What’s it like for you, good and bad?
Neetdom is a luxury tbh, your parents have to be nice and rich enough to care for you. It can be miserable or great depending on whether you're depressed.

No. 860327

I've quit every job i've ever had besides like one after a month or two because bosses are just complete and utter assholes. Unfortunately, I have a car payment now and like I could do a delivery app but I'm still terrified of driving and don't know directions for shit. I used to think that people didn't want to be my friend because i couldn't drive, but now i just realize that i really don't have any friends and leaving the house makes me extra paranoid.

NEET life was really fun for me when I was a highschool dropout but after a long enough period of time, the depression gets so bad. It's probably ok if you have rich parents, though. I'm twenty four now, and I don't have that luxury, so I'm pretty much putting off the work life as long as I can because I can't do a 9-5 without having a breakdown. Do any of you live on disability? Is it worth it?

No. 860328

Holy shit how much do you make a commission? How talented are you?

What kind of stuff do you have to draw?

No. 860329

I've always been a socially anxious mess and I was fired from my job at the beginning of this year and cannot for the love of God find another one. I also cut off my friends because I just felt safer without them. And since I'm also broke and dependent on a family member, I cannot even go anywhere

No. 860331

What platform do you post on? Twitter? Or a specific furry site?

No. 860337

I'm technically a NEET but I get away with it because I can just call myself a homemaker or housewife. My husband makes just enough for me to stay home but I don't even do anything because I'm too fucking depressed. I have a Bachelor's degree in a useless field that needs a PhD and I am over being in school so I can't even use it. I'm hoping to get a part-time job soon so I can pay for therapy.

How did you manage to learn? 26 here and terrified to even begin. I feel too stupid to be able to operate a vehicle. Also a high school dropout here as well and the NEET life was so fun then but yeah, feels bad to be my age with only a shitty barista job and sporadic food concessions jobs under my belt. I legit don't think I could function 9-5.

No. 860338

Are you one of those madmen who auction off the "your character here" group drawings? You know the ones.

No. 860347

nta but what does that mean?

No. 860358

I'm not a NEET (work 39.75 hours a week so my employer can avoid giving me full time bennies kek) but I really miss the lifestyle. Now I have a job and a bf, I socialize every day, but when I was a NEET I felt so much more individual and creative. I feel like getting a job and bf were beneficial overall but sapped my sense of identity and individuality. When I was a NEET I drew fanart (I used to get recognized by developers when I would make vidya fanart, feltgood), watched a ton of movies and series, and wrote a lot, too – all things I could do for little to no money.

No. 860366

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nta but big furry artists usually make a pose sketch with characters generic enough and offer you to buy a 'spot' in it. It's a popular format because it's a much faster form of commission.

No. 860379

i got laid off a few months ago and have been neeting since but unemployment is ignoring me and the job search has been futile. i have savings but send me my money goddamn

No. 860383

Why didn't god bless me with some art skills, I'd be fucking rich, that's like 45k in country

I'll most likely lose my job next year thanks to all the crap going on on the resource and shipping market. Don't want to be a neet again but also I could use a break

No. 860385

$7500????? People are fucking insane

No. 860387

Can't stop thinking about bad interview experiences I've had in the past. I had one where the manager berated me because I didn't have experience in the shitty HRIS system they used because I'd never held a similar position before. Even though the person at the first interview told me I'd be perfect for the role. Makes me feel like I will never get hired. Every time I get to the second interview stage I never get the role and it just gets my hopes up. Why do I fail even when I've prepared with notes, rehearsed common interview questions in STAR format, show up professionally dressed? I think it's because I am ugly and have bad social skills (I used to be bullied in school). Who wants an ugly awkward woman working for them? Yeah I wouldn't hire me either. I should've taken the hint when I had so much trouble getting a required internship in college I had to delay graduation by a semester.

No. 860394

I was also teased by a manager once during interview for my useless degree. It was fucking scarring, I know how you feel
>I think it's because I am ugly and have bad social skills
I think it's because they can tell that you hate yourself and that you think very little of yourself. You just need to change your self image

No. 860405

I've been working full time for the last year, but I miss being a NEET so much. Having a full time job killed my spirit. I can feel how much it changed me, I'm a lot less funny or spontaneous, and I have a less energy, I never want to go out because I much prefer getting a good night of sleep. It sucks. And for minimum wage;

No. 860408

Fuck everything I’ve ever done and worked for, I’m going to sell overpriced furry line art starting today.

No. 860410

That was not my intention, I'm sorry

No. 860412

I don't show up like Eeyore I'm smiley and engage with interviewers in a normal way and try and sell myself so your advice just made me annoyed. I was just venting. Regardless you'd have to be high on copium to be content with yourself in my shoes. I won't be satisfied til I'm hired.

No. 860417

I got sick right as I finished high school, was thrown into a rehabilitation facility for some time by my own parents because they didn't want to help me and told lies to the staff to have me admitted, and now I live like a neet because I feel like I don't have enough psychological strenght to work a job I don't like for so much time. Weighing on my parents makes me feel guilty, but at the same time I think they deserve it for what they've done. I make some money with art and I plan to make it into some sort of job. I also take care of my dog. Honestly doing things at my own pace feels nice, and the end results may not even be that different from having a random minimum wage job. I've never had friends even when I was not a neet, so the loneliness doesn't bother me that much.

No. 860454

I swear to god this is pushing me over the edge

No. 860456

what do you mean with a spot in it?

No. 860466

Ayrt, damn, maybe I really should go for the furry buxx. I’ve joked about it a lot, but if it’s that promising…kek but seriously, that’s a good point. To be fair the hopes and dreams I’m working towards are in the framework of being forced to work. Still genuinely appealing to me, but if I could do absolutely whatever I want, I’d live on a commune with some of my friends and just self sustain and sell our art, food, and crafts.
My parents aren’t rich and live outside of their means so that will never happen rip.

No. 860471

There are always customers looking for cheap commissions
I make very little (30-60) depending on complexity but we are talking from the perspective of someone who lives in a country where the min wage is 150 and it keeps decreasing thanks to inflation. I have managed to make around 1500 from when i started back in march.
All of the ones you can find, the more exposure the better
You need to be kinda popular to sell those otherwise your posts end ignored.

I am currently learning animation, pixel art and other skills so i can increase my prices. My goal is to have a 500 dllrs monthly patreon someday, that way i could live like a queen NEET in this country of peasants.

No. 860525

i think it's the attitude. A loser doesn't give a fuck about working, is happy to live of other people's money, but is otherwise a normal person, with friends and relationships.
A neet is more reclusive, imo, either by depression or by choice. But i read neet as it is normally used as a synonim of hikikomori.

I didn't like being a neet, because i hate being under my parents thumb (even though they are getting more generous and patient with age), and i like working if it is something worthwhile. Media bores me.
But honestly, if someone drops a wageslave shitty job to become a neet, and uses their free time to work on something that makes them happy or needed, like caring for an elderly, or becoming a handyman or farmhand or housewife/husband, or working gigs, i can't really judge. Wageslaving in shitty soulsucking jobs is fucking hell.

No. 860577

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I love NEET life. I think many people are just wired for it but society makes us all have guilty complex about such compulsion. I loved school, or rather learning, but I always hated working. If only going to school is a job, if only I could just collect knowledge for money, then I’d consider it. But be it manual labor or white collar, normalfagging absolutely destroys my mental health, by the 9th month of any given job, I’d be zooted at work constantly.
NEETdom is double edged sword though. It is very easy to fall depressive and get stuck in a cycle of misery if mismanaged, you’re also very vulnerable if you don’t have support network.
But with just a little discipline and finesse, it’s the best. I study whatever the fuck I want, I have time to eat well and exercise, to indulge in hobbies and hone new skills. I actually practice time management and goal setting on my own volition.
Luckily I don’t have to struggle for money atm. I draw for spending cash for fun but that’s about it. Although I made decent amount of seeding cash from meme stocks and crypto this past year so I’d like to take investing more seriously.

I’d like to hoard enough money to just fuck off to a third world coastal town and grow old with some friends and cats.

No. 860604

>Having a full time job killed my spirit. I can feel how much it changed me
Seconded I turned into a zombie. Literally lost fat under my eyes so I have a sideways v eyebags/lines. Literally selling your soul so others can feed off of your life force like dementors. I worked in customer service though so maybe that's it

No. 860607

Hmm you've given good ideas, maybe I should save up and just move to a piss country.

No. 860611

The most I want to recover to is getting an online job so I can just stay a hermit. Maybe a spouse, and buy cheap house on cheap nowhere land so I don't have to see anyone.

No. 860634

Funny, I'm the exact opposite. College killed my spirit and I don't wanna go back (unless it's a paid scholarship in another country) but I wish I could get a boring job again, especially to afford my hobbies. I just can't find it due to the economic crisis.

Don't come to a shitty country, the violence against women is not worth it. Maybe Cuba and Uruguay would be the best options if you really want it.

No. 860698

I was thinking about Rwanda since there's lots of women and their country is developing very quickly + decent cost of living. But idk I'm white.

No. 860718

Are you in the US? Honestly, move to a tiny town in the midwest before you move to a third world country. My town isn't even that tiny (~150k people) and my rent is only $550 for a two bedroom apartment with over 1000 sq ft and it has a balcony and huge kitchen. Cost of living here in general is super cheap as long as you rent and don't own a house.

No. 860720


No. 860725

You'll have to sell your soul, first.

No. 860729

does anyone else struggle with an absence of ego? I mean ego in the basic esteem sense. I have no desire to be seen or heard, no desire to speak or be spoken to. no desires at all really. no social media, nothing but anonymity, and even then only a passing interest in expressing a thought coming from an “I”. it’s like by not participating in society, I’ve forgotten my name. even worse, by not participating, I feel I deserve to forget it. to lose my name and lose my mind too.

I don’t know if NEETdom is the cause or if NEETdom is the consequence of these feelings. either way, that’s what keeps me here

No. 860736

Yeah, I feel this. I blank when I have to write my information on medical paperwork. I forget I'm me sometimes. I have no desire for friends or interaction. If I leave my home its to do the same two things and I have no desire to add anyone or anything else to it. Trying to clock social situations and the task of essentially proving your self to others when you become acquainted is exhausting. Being code on a screen or a jpeg in space is much more comfortable than participating irl.

No. 860738

what kind of freelance work do you do?

I'm 24 too. I work a 9-5 and have had breakdowns but I work from home so it's not as bad. It's a boring as fuck admin job but I can afford to live alone in peace, not with my parents. But before this job I was on disability from my old job due to mental health reasons. When I came back no one noticed so I just didn't work, got paid for 2 months (plus the pay on disability) then put in my notice kek. So I was considerably NEET for a few months. It was ok on disability because I was going to therapy in the mornings and in the afternoons I would just watch tv, draw, read, do whatever and not have to stress about work. I don't think I could get on disability again unless I had a psychotic break unfortunately. It seems like a lot of work to get semi-permanent disability, you need paperwork from doctor visits spanning years along with diagnoses, references, etc. and I don't go to treatment regularly. Maybe if you have a lot of professional help in your past and start to keep track of it you could build a case.

No. 860764

Not to get ~deep~ but do we even need a name? Society wants to put us in heirachies and labels, existing outside of that you need to develop your own self from the ground up, not based on what/who society told you you are. If you don't develop it then yes you risk losing your mind because there is no "you" anymore outside of society's system.

No. 860766

>essentially proving your self to others when you become acquainted is exhausting
Yes I never got normies need to constantly prove themselves/strut, even when I was a kid and considered "smart & pretty" I didn't want anything to do with others. Maybe it's the autism.

No. 860768

I'd really rather move out of the west, even if I don't interact with others the culture/energy disgusts me. I don't know how to describe it. Plus the lack of healthcare, gmo'd food, water contamination, etc. disturbs me. It's like a slaughterhouse here.

No. 860773

Me too. Something bad is going to happen and I don't want to be here for it. America is gonna face consequences sooner than later and a bunch of innocents will suffer because of that. I don't want to see that and we can't save everyone. Been a long time coming. You have good instincts to sense its a slaughterhouse and feel the need to leave. I don't care what other people say, take the chance in a country that you think you may stand a chance in. Anywhere but here. It's gonna collapse soon. No point in falling with and for a country that never did anything for you.

No. 860775

You could've been a researcher or something. Just hidden in your lab, studying genes, medications or any other thing of your choice. Pretty interesting and it basically is studying for money.

No. 860777

Oh boy, you're one of those people… tell you what, move to Iceland.

No. 860784

You get exactly the same thing elsewhere but even shittier and not in English. Except worse healthcare and more polluted air. Free doesn't mean good.

No. 860786

You could try some of the European countries like Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria… Central Europe is pretty cheap for Americans, the society there is advanced (sexism isn't stronger than in the US) and people are chill as long as you assimilate and aren't obnoxious.

No. 860793

Every mention of Iceland makes my urge to go stronger. Icelandic people please let this American anon come live with you

No. 860795

>as long as you assimilate
This will never happen, Westerners stick out like a sore thumb and can't learn the language, and being a woman is shit there in case you haven't followed what is currently going on in these countries. Healthcare is abysmal and there is an ongoing problem of companies selling products with bad ingredients here because they can get away with it more compared to Western Europe.

No. 860805

I'm from one of those countries, care to tell me what is going on that makes it shit to be a woman here? Bad products, wtf?
By those two things you mean Poland which I specifically didn't mention because it's the only socially shithole country among central Europe?
Healthcare is excellent here.
Please don't talk about shit you know nothing about, honestly you prove your point about sticking out like a sore thumb with your ignorance.

No. 860807

>can't learn the language
Speak for yourself, I have a family member who moved to Hungary and speaks it fluently.

No. 860808

Um one of what? Someone who doesn't want to die of a tooth infection and wants tasty food?

No. 860811

Why is iceland so great anon?

No. 860813

immigrated to slovakia, pls no.
coutnry is super corrupted and there's literally no money. don't talk about other countries if you don't know shit about them.
Hungary is also going through hell right now, too.

No. 860814

You must be living in a different country than me I guess because that's bullshit.

No. 860818

Sorry but fuck you. If i lived in a decent country, even the USA i would happily be a wagey, here it sucks because the corrupt goverment drowns you in taxes and on top of that the country is very insecure. I dunno why anyone would like to move to a shit country.

No. 860821

If you want "tasty food" then that's your fault for not knowing how to cook, or getting classic cookbooks and learning from them. If you don't want GMO food then grow your own. Dying of a tooth infection is next to impossible here unless you're a slob who doesn't save up money or have a job. You can find dentists doing $100 cleaning specials all the time, and shop around for cheap ones. They want your money and are probably willing to negotiate a payment plan with you. You sound like you just like complaining more than actually doing anything.

No. 860827

Yeah I want to know too. Don't they kill themselves for breakfast?

No. 860851

I looked it up and it's 50% more expensive to live there than where I am, doesn't feel worth it.

No. 860858

These type of people piss me off so fucking much, american brainwashing is a disease.
Our country is about to have a massive fallout within the next 5 years cope with it.

No. 860859

What did you do so far today as a NEET?

No. 860866

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I woke up at 3pm(15:00) and took a shower, now im going to do laundry and internet surf for the next 13 hours.

No. 860867

Ikr all small buisnesses are getting wreaked in the ass, and people have stopped working min wage jobs because it just isn't worth it, it's better to literally just be a couch drifter. 90% ppl live paycheck to paycheck. And they want to keep dishing out lockdowns to make ppl poorer. Plus no matter if you get the vaccine or not there's new strains and most ppl are going to have long covid. Literal downfall. I guess the american propaganda is still working though.

No. 860869

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I cleaned out my fridge and freezer and bought new food at the store. I also took out a bunch of other trash. Showered. Also made phone calls. It's super hot out so I called it a day, might do laundry but probably not. This is a productive day for me

No. 860871

Woke up at noon, chores, vidya, forums, gather raspberries, take care of bunny.

No. 860873

>made phone calls
Anon what did you have to sacrifice to get that superpower…

No. 860874

So proud of you both!!

No. 860877

I have a new case worker at the unemployment place and she's amazing, she had me write out my exact situation, what lead to it and what I am realistically wanting to do and how I am gonna do it. What kind of support I need, all that stuff. I am a NEET due to an ongoing illness that won't be fixed in a year, not even two but I am hopeful for the first time in 3 years! I was so scared that she would just tell me to apply for jobs I just am unable to do even if I wanted to, what an angel.

No. 860878

Grateful if someone could please indulge me: how to NEETs afford life? Benefits? Living with family? A bit of both? I hope this is received in the spirit of genuine curiosity with which it’s asked. Thanks anoneetas, x

No. 860881

Live off parents and spending money from part time job.

No. 860882

Bit of both, also I have always been stingy and have always saved every penny ever since I was kid due to aboosiv household. My dad also drank himself to death so I inherited a house with my mom, so most of my savings went to the taxes but at least I have half a house I guess. I am also anon from above you, so it's a tricky situation for me.

No. 860888

Like >>860881 said, live off parents and go to part time job.Although Im going into trade school soon so i can get a rialiable job faster.

No. 860889

Become a military wife, no joke.

No. 860890

Dad killed himself and left me enough money to buy 2 small apartments (and a shit ton of trauma), one I rent out the other I live in. It's barely enough to buy groceries but I'm extremely good at saving. I'm trying to get a full-time job and rejoin society, so pretty similar to >>860882 I guess.

No. 860893

But if part time job not neet
Am confused

No. 860895

My mom supports me. She buys me almost anything I want because I don't really ask for expensive things. Sometimes I make money on survey/task sites to buy the frivolous things I don't feel like asking my mom to pay for.

No. 860898

I work 1 day a week for medicine $, and am hermit the rest of the time. I don't think that counts as a functioning member of society.

No. 860906

working retail once a week for less than 5 hours doesn't really contribute to society, plus i call out sometimes.

No. 860914

Boyfriend, a few orbiters, trading. I’d work for a couple months, eat rice, collect low income gibs if I really needed extra cash flow that year. Some family …bizniz too where they allow me to skim the top.

No. 860918

saving all my unemployment checks (thanks covid, but like literally thanks covid because i had already wanted to leave that job so bad without quitting or being fired) and being a casual clothing reseller

not being officially employed & having free time instead of all of it being eaten by full-time school or work is legit the happiest i've ever been as an adult and i hope i figure out a good form of self-employment (i have a few plans) while i stretch this temporary phase out for as long as possible. i think i'd literally kms before i work for someone else ever again

No. 860929


No. 860931

>not being officially employed & having free time instead of all of it being eaten by full-time school or work is legit the happiest i've ever been as an adult and i hope i figure out a good form of self-employment (i have a few plans) while i stretch this temporary phase out for as long as possible. i think i'd literally kms before i work for someone else ever again

I feel you, I want to be a freelancer for the rest of my life: work some temporary gigs, have a small candle business, do a lot of art to sell, maybe even get into crypto or stocks. I'm never gona get a real 9-5 studio office job (I'm a graphic desinger), that shit would just make me kill myself.

No. 860935

People that are actually freeters but want to be considered NEETs for the aesthetic or whatever

No. 860950

I don't know how many people fail to get what a NEET is. The acronym literally spells it out, it doesn't mean 'hermit' or 'doesn't contribute to society enough to be considered normal'.

No. 860970

Bc calling yourself a loser who works 1 day a week isn't aesthetic. Not all of us have family that can support us anon. The stuff you do day to day is basically the same, idk call it hikkikomori then.

No. 861030

i got my license last year, and it was basically a matter of nagging my parents to teach me. driving lessons were super expensive, and when i took those i failed because i didn't know how to handle a bigger vehicle than the tiny sedan i practiced in. the best thing you can do is practice with someone you trust or shell out the cash for lessons.

No. 861049

Eh? Its of no consequence to me. A neet gotta hustle.

No. 861076

Exactly, why do these retards want the label NEET so bad? Because it sounds quirky?

No. 861188

I spiraled out of control in a webm thread, then proceeded to watch ero animu for 3hrs. ;_; Now I'm gonna cook lunch.

I'm currently voluntarily neet, but I finance the lifestyle myself. >>860878 I saved up a lot of money, own an apartment and have a good safety net (long term bf, family).

No. 861284

Not sure if i count as NEET… I occasionally draw commissions if i want to buy myself things or travel, but despite being 30 i have no jobs or studies that interest me enough to change my lifestyle… I know every year that passes makes it harder to find any sort of meaningful employment, but i can’t find the will to change things.

No. 861288

I'm a NEET who was occasionally in education on and off for most of my twenties, living with my parents. I don't ask for basically anything ever. I do actually kind of want to leave NEETdom, but I don't feel like there's anything really worth doing it for. If I don't want romance, kids or a job with responsibility… what the hell is there to do in the current times? I don't have concrete goals.
I've been regressed to total shut-in mode the last two weeks playing a video game, but I got bored of it, so I'm trying to figure out what to do. I should probably at least try to get back to working out a bit at home or in the park.

No. 861319

>what the hell is there to do in the current times? I don't have concrete goals.
The worlds in a slow decline. Have fun and don't bother with normies and the outisde world.

No. 861323

>doomer faggotry
"the world sucks and it's failing" is a massive cope for "I feel sucky and I'm scared I'm failing." Like…be honest. You're consoling yourself for not having what you want. And to be clear, i think being a neet can be one of the highest forms of life, in the sense that it's contemplative, like the Desert Fathers. I would much rather be a neet with nothing than trapped in an eh job just to pay for a car, house, bills, etc and running on a hamster wheel like that. I just dont stand for doomer pissy shitty posting…go back to twitter

No. 861324

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Rant blogpost: I quit the part time job I got after 3 years of neeting. My family is having a bitchfest and mom threatened to call "mental health services" for "my unstable mental health" because quitting clearly means i'm having a breakdown, apparently. Fucking ok. Try it bitch. I know you're too much if a coward. I can tell they're at the end of their rope and it pisses me off how they won't even admit to my face that they don't care about a failure like me anymore. Make sewerslide legal and administered by a dr, or let me rot with mental illness that parents caused. At this point I'm only being kept alive to act as everyone's negative energy dumpster. I hate this.

No. 861325

World economy is literally failing bc of lockdown, ppl getting long covid, and basic necessities are getting more and more expensive. Ppl are going crazy I see it at work and on the street. But ok go back in your feel good ~enlightened~ bubble.

No. 861332

Maybe you should just kys
Both of you are coping

No. 861333

Why come to this thread to be a cunt? Go to things we hate and rant about how much you hate NEETs for being NEETs. You reek of bitterness.

No. 861334

Come and off me anon

No. 861337

>a bunch of things that happened in the last year
Oh so you're a fucking child? A literal baby who was just born? Not 30 years ago the world's two superpowers had missiles pointed at each other on a hair trigger. Not even 80 years ago the world was in a literal world war. And covid is so harmless compared to smallpox that covid would genuinely not even have been noticed among all the other diseases. It's only now, because the world is so clean, peaceful, and healthy, that there's one disruption to your literal comfort cloud life and you're like "it's all SHIT now! it's all FUCKED!". You have literally zero perspective, you absolute whining worm. Or baby, i hope. You'll fucking live lmao.

No. 861347

kys boomer

No. 861350

>watching people drop like flies due to capitalist apathy isn't traumatic
>try being in nineteen diggity two when there was a threat of bombs
>back in my day attitude despite probably being 20-30 years old
>Covid is literally nothing despite it's constant mutations and the life long disabilities it leaves people with

You sound like you have conservative boomer scrote brain worms. Trauma is subjective and you can't compare the material reality of now to back then. The world has radically changed. It's still not a cozy place. America isn't a safe or cozy place. If you aren't from burgerland shut the fuck up about it, if you are and you still think like this, unironically neck yourself and do us a favor. Dead weight is dead weight, you're a fucking retard.

No. 861351

Samefagging, I know you didn't outright state it but I know this is coming from a place of vitriol for Americans because our media has complained the most and are responsible for the fear mongering continuing the spread. We literally had the fucking virus leaked on our own people then pinned it on China. Shut the fuck up. Biological warfare is warfare regardless just like asymmetrical social warfare. You took the psyop pill.

No. 861353

My grandmother, who went through WW2 and losing family members to it, her country being a colony with something very comparable to the apartheid, and the violent decolonization process, and who went through all the other events you mentioned and some more, told me that the current pandemic is even more fucked up than all that, so I'd say it's very subjective.

No. 861361

your grandmother is stupid

No. 861374

I guess some ppl don't understand that mental torture exists. Social distancing and isolation severely effects ppl even some prisons banned isolation because of how horribly it effects humans. Plus the constant stress and hopelessness from all the absurdity and fear porn nowadays.

No. 861384

Nta but neets isolate themselves, that's a large part of what being one usually means and throughout lockdown neets were on here saying it's a breeze and actually suits them. Someones granny with a poor immune system and no grasp of the internet would suffer but a young neet.. staying home is mental torture? That is the neet goal lol

No. 861400

I'm talking about normies, who makeup most of the population.

No. 861416

What does this have to do with neets then?

No. 861421

I'm responding to anon's grandma's normie opinion >>861353

No. 861485

All this tells me is that ypu literally have no idea how bad thongs used to be. Literally diswase, war, hunger, violence…literally everything was way worse 50 years ago than it is now. You can say "there are sucky things in world" and that's true, but when you go full doomer like "evrythings getting more FUCKED by the day" you're flat out wrong by literally every measurable metric. I'm not a conservative lmao, you being like "it was better 50 years ago, i wish i could go back to that" is the conservative thing. You are literally a conservative. I trust that things will continue to get better from human efforts. I am a progressive. That's what those words mean. And idk what ypu were going pff about exactly but I am american and i can say that it's literally paradise on earth compared to most of the history of human existence and most of the rest of the world today, and if you think otherwise it's pure cope fot getting the privileges of being american and yet still being a failure.

It's simple: you need it to be true that "the world is fucked" because believing that makes you feel less bad about your own life. be honest with yourself for once and just be sad without needing to pull all this doomer shit. bye

No. 861561

K why are ppl offing themselves so much then.

No. 861565

NTA but it's more nuanced

Life in the west from 1945-1970 was objectively better than life now. For starters, you weren't derided as being a loser for just leaving school and going to work in a factory, people were much more accepting of class differences back then than they are now. There was less obesity, you didn't need a car to function, rent and homes were cheap and people were genuinely healthier and happier. Things were more social. And introversion was reserved for Ted Kaczynski tier assburgers and not for 20% of the population.

In the west now, materially we're better off than most parts of history, but I do think we're degraded due to our cancerous stress inducing lifestyles. Between the internet addictions, shit diets, isolating lifestyles and extreme oversocialization, we definitely do suffer more than the generation before us. It's a new type of suffering we really haven't come to deal with yet.

No. 861569

>She thinks NEETs didn't exist in the form of village idiots and weirdos who fell out of the gene pool by never marrying or reproducing in case their parents never forced some poor woman to marry them (as women had to in order to survive), ignores drastic improvement in child mortality rates, prolonged life expectancies and absolute poverty slowly diminishing and people generally dying less of treatable disease
anyway don't let me disturb your tradthot fantasies

No. 861573

For some reason a lot of people aren’t aware of the food shortages/limits stores had during war times or the fact that most people with mento illness were locked up in psychiatric facilities for decades

No. 861575

>most people with mento illness were locked up in psychiatric facilities for decades
This, most of the people putting their mental illness on display these days would be put in an asylum for the rest of their days to be lobotomized and generally abused.

No. 861623

>Life in the west from 1945-1970 was objectively better than life now.
If you just said the economy was better than it is now, I would agree. But I think the aspects of:
>smoking is good for you advertisement with photos of doctors
>asbestos is fine
>these pesticides are totally safe and not going to impact the environment and linger in human breast milk
>radiation is glowing, healing magic 1000th superhero comic starting with radioactive accident, puts radioactive paint on clock dials, puts uranium in dinner plates, use x-rays for fitting shoes
is a category more insufferable than what we have now. I actually have no idea how boomers can live through that yet have so much trust in authority (at least before Trump drama).

No. 861639

I'm not opposed to this, tbh. The sheer narcissism of these fuckers on twitter…

No. 861649

Even if the economy was good, who was it good for? Not us that's for sure, we couldn't open bank accounts without our husband's permission lmao.

No. 861721

As a NEET do you treat weekdays and weekends differently or do they feel the same to you?

No. 861725

My boyfriend works a mon-fri job so I try to keep to his schedule a bit. I look forward to them.

No. 861745

Weekends are still special to me. I go to the farmer's market since it's only open then, and I deep clean the house every Sunday morning. Plus my bf has a regular 9-5 wagie job so we usually go on a date. I love weekends.

No. 861749

They're no different to me. Everyday blends together since I took the summer off from school. It's kind of bland but I think that may be partially due to the depression

No. 861758

Weekends are busier because family is home.

No. 861772

i hate sundays because my mom is always at home

No. 861909

I'll soon be rejoining society after many years of being NEET. I don't want to but I can't handle the shame of NEETdom any longer. I find it hard to wrap my head around not owning my own life anymore. Someone else is going to control half of my day, nearly every day. It disgusts me.

No. 861949

The only time I'm actually glad to be able to be a NEET.
I can stay up all night watching the Olympics.

No. 861991

Take it slow anon don't want to burn yourself out. In another bout of neetdom now because I burned myself out.

No. 862077

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Friendless neets, do you want to get normie/irl friends?
It's no for me, most ppl act like animals with hierarchy and power plays, and I don't want to waste my energy proving myself to them. (Probably the autism)

No. 862083

Nah, my tastes are too niche and modern weebs/gamers are super obnoxious anyway

No. 862104

I have normie friends on a superficial "work friend" level, but whenever we hang out I just realize I want some lower energy real friends or marry some introverted high-earning man and live a boring married life. I like them as people, but I'm just too boring and out of the picture and don't feel like I can entertain them.
I lost all my childhood friends because I got tired of them witnessing my neetdom and depression. I also thought it'd make making positive changes easier, but I probably devolved instead.

No. 862141

I would, but they care too much about their image to invite me to parties or not hide me out of embarrassment. It's crucial to social climb for them!

No. 862243

I actually do but I have a lot of insecurities that always made me sabotage friendships in the past and I feel like I still need to sort that out. Also my life situation is embarrassing, if they asked me to hang out I would need to use my mom's money and they have to drive me everywhere cause I have no license. Another thing is that I'm not interested in drinking or using drugs which a lot of people in adult friendships seem to do together.

No. 862257

>implying normies would talk to us in the first place

No. 862377

Very true. I signed up for too many classes and I'm gonna cancel some of them. How did you burn out? It's hard to accept you have to take things slow, when it's tempting to go all in to make up for lost time.

No. 862409

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Loneliness on Saturday night as a NEET hits different

No. 863012

none of them

No. 863684

Whenever I get a job or something, I realize how incredibly stupid and incompetent everyone around me is, and then i get pissed off because i'm at a lower level than them because either they have connections or they're better wage slaves because they let people step on them… It's really difficult to relate to other people when you have a neet mindset and oppose the current capitalist society. i have debt now because my desire to learn outweighed the annoyance of having to pay for it, but I feel like a lot of people are so consumed in materialism these days that they need like five credit cards just to one up their friends with meaningless purchases.

on the other hand, i can't exactly start living in my car because i, too, have at least some capitalist brain rot and i don't want to give up my dumb anime merch. life is hard. I try to be nice on social media but it's still hard to make friends because i guess my bitterness comes through and i can't really relate to others who were either born rich or have this crazy work ethic but adhd really fucked things up for me.

No. 891978

ive been a neet since covid happened so since im 19. im 21 and im turning 22 this year and im putting an end to me being a neet next week. im applying to jobs, thinking of going to school. i miss having a social life and going outside.

No. 893758

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I so badly wish I could just neet for a month or so. I just need a break from work/life/everything. ugh.

No. 893769

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I posted this on the other thread, but basically I'm living with my brother and his family
I'm actually content with my current arrangement, I help with the housework, help with the kids and the rest of my time I spend on streaming sites, playing games and watching movies
My brother and Sister-in-Law are very understanding and don't ever bother me and I love them both very much, I don't know what will happen in next 20 or 30 years but for now I'm happy like this and I hope we can maintain what we have

No. 895291

Sorry in advance, but I think I'm in route to become a NEET at this point; I have no prospects and my career didn't get anywhere. My only two options is to get a entry-level job that I will hate and will destroy me physically and mentally, while having to live with the shame that I threw my life away, or embrace Neetdom and live a life of seclusion and avoidance. Those are really my two choices, and I hate them both.

No. 898612

Since becoming a NEET I personally could not envision any other way of living. Every day I wake up with satisfaction of knowing that every hour of this day belongs to me. No matter how I decide to spend my time I can say that I spent it on my own terms, not to the rhythm of an alarm clock or a punch card. I'm thankful that I want for little, because it lets me live a life of very little stress with each lazy day bringing its own blessings.

No. 898700

i have been a neet for 5 years now pretty much … after i had a huge mental breakdown in high school and barely graduated, it has been a struggle to get back into society.

i still live at home (which i hate) but thankfully my family is very understanding after i tried to do sudoku some years back. do i even want to be a part of society again? i just want to be left alone and be in my own space doing my own stuff. i just want to be a hermit and be alone.

No. 917218

I'm trying to not be on computer so much but it gets boring, what do you do with your free time? (That isn't expensive)
I cook, read, and garden, but those get boring after a while.

No. 917258

What do you think about embroidery? Materials aren't expensive and you can get designs for free online if you don't know how to draw

No. 917293

Idk I'm an impatient person

No. 923464

One reason I feel I'm meant to be NEET is that I'm just too lazy to participate in life. Even as a NEET just doing the chores and grocery shopping is exhausting. I couldn't handle commuting, doing work and reporting to a boss, making a budget and paying bills and dealing with taxes, getting a car and keeping up maintenance, etc. Just too much bullshit to deal with all the time in normie daily life, would rather rot at home.

No. 923465

same, life is too much

No. 923483

Humans are in denial that doing exactly what you said for the rest of their lives seems like actual hell and it is. Humans aren’t mean for constant work, whoever the fuck made up this capitalist industrial system deserves to die. I’m so tired of living and I’m still young, I never want to work I admit I don’t give a single shit about labor or following my dreams or doing something I would want to do because it will never matter. Work is a scam

No. 923484

>you need it to be true that "the world is fucked" because believing that makes you feel less bad about your own life. be honest with yourself for once and just be sad without needing to pull all this doomer shit

the world doesn’t actually exist, everyone views and interprets the world extremely differently from one another. we are all in one gigantic prison created by demiurge

No. 923506

Nta… but the work I want to do isn't open to me anyway. I can't be creative. I'm not a rich girl who can leisurely get an art education and do photography when not travelling the world and having a condo daddy paid for.

I am not NEET rn but I was for a while. I'm an office drone now and my day consists of typing numbers into excel for 9 hours for low pay. Sometimes in the middle of the day I find a quiet place to just cry and what sucks is that I used to cry alot as a NEET too. I thought that if I'd at least get a job is be happier but it's not at all true. I see my coworkers who got old here and have carpel tunnel and dead dreams and just feel like going insane.

I love you fellow gnostic

No. 923515

>gigantic prison created by demiurge
What does this mean??

No. 923524

>Humans aren’t mean for constant work, whoever the fuck made up this capitalist industrial system deserves to die.
I think it's normal to want to work, but not in the way we work in capitalism. Working back in the day was ok because the rewards were instantaneous. When I went to help on family members farm I enjoyed working and being exhausted at the end of the day, because my efforts were clearly and quickly rewarded. Nowadays ppl (if they're lucky!) sit infront of a box indoors doing super abstract work for their company. If they're not lucky it's lifting boxes in a warehouse until they get injured then fired and homeless. Employers don't even care about paying ppl enough to just survive to keep working. Of course it's super demoralizing and makes ppl not want to work at all. I find lots of neets had horrible jobs, whether it was being super over worked, or mentally abused.

No. 925889

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I've stayed at home so long as a NEET that I hadn't realized how quickly the place where I live was undergoing development and changing. Very strange feeling when I go outside now, I feel like I don't even live in the same neighbourhood anymore, makes me want to stay home even more now.

No. 925898

Spot on. I just finished a great audiobook called Womens Work, which is about the overlooked history of textiles. It really painted a lovely picture in my mind of ancient women working together to process fibers and weave on their looms, creating intricate cloths & patterns for them and their families to wear. They'd work all day technically but they'd do it on their own terms, often outside while chatting and watching their kids play.
Pre-currency work, when the gap between elite and common folk was much smaller, was when work was most rewarding.

Meanwhile all the work I've ever done has been a meaningless job exactly as described in the book Bullshit Jobs: A Theory.

No. 926158

How to get over the feeling of selling your soul and dreams when becoming a worker after years of neeting?

No. 926161

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Focus on the stuff you want to buy? That is the only reason I want a job, I've come to terms that in the field I have chosen, it's extremely unlikely that I won't work with something super vapid

No. 926163

Yes having a personal income to buy vidya is my motivation for life

No. 926168

Once I save enough I can buy a place in the mountains and never see another human again, only my chickens and goat and veg patch.

No. 926176

>They'd work all day technically but they'd do it on their own terms, often outside while chatting and watching their kids play.
The social aspect is huge, at work you have to avoid any conversation except small talk, constantly have to be on guard for spiteful ppl who rumor mill to get you fired (happened to me twice), have to basically spend your whole day around strangers constantly on guard. Constantly waiting for confidence tests and someone to shift blame on you.

No. 926218

Then you should hurry up, all of that land will be bought by the rich the second shit goes down in cities and/or gated communities start to fail.

No. 926245

By the time shit goes down in cities land ownership won't matter, and no richie will bother to hike to where I am just to set up house.

No. 926250

It's already happenening right now but with upper middle class, but as a trend.

No. 926270

How are you planning on saving for retirement? Or are you just planning on killing yourselves before then?

No. 926274

Is there anyone who wishes they could be a NEET but gets too bored? I hate being bored/isolated, I would rather just work some sort of random job than stay at home all day. I also hate the idea of living with my parents because my mom gets on my nerves and is always asking me to do stuff when I am home. You guys are lucky kek

No. 926497

No that's normie shit, a smart neet knows how to use the time bestowed upon her.
>mom gets on my nerves and is always asking me to do stuff when I am home
What are you, 12? If you're neet then atleast help your fing mom. Or did you watch too much anime with character who never goes out of their room and mom leaves food by their door?

No. 926619

Ok so how do you use the time bestowed upon you?

If I were a NEET my mom would always be bothering to get a job or something like that. If you have parents that don't care then good for you. lmao

No. 926638

If you're not a neet then what are you doing in this thread?
I help my mom with housework, go driving to practice for driving test, draw, garden, code, write, physio exercise, and read.
They only bug me when my progress slows down.

No. 926639

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Any NEET wives here ? I'm a NEET and married to a wonderful man who takes cares of most of my needs, I do a little housework here and there but spend most of my day on the computer or playing video games
If he ever dies I'm most likely gonna take my life though cause I basically have no one else but him

No. 926641

Nonny if you can code, why are you a NEET? Isn't coding the easiest job out there. I heard it's really stress free. Do you have autism?

No. 926642

How do you find a beta orbiter like that to marry? I need tips

No. 926647

he's not a beta anon, I love him very much he just takes care of me and loves me

No. 926653

That’s not what a beta orbiter is

No. 926654

I'm still learning

No. 926655

It's obvious what anon meant though. If someone chose to marry a beta orbiter they would be more willing to support a NEET wife, as opposed to a normal guy with options and self respect. Even if his status has been upgraded to husband it's beta behaviour.

No. 926657

Imagine thinking taking care of a woman you love is beta behavior

No. 926659

They don’t know what love is kek

No. 926660

My husband has had normie girlfriend before, I think he takes care of me out of pity mostly, like he knows if he abandons me I'll die and he's been with me so long he can't simply risk it, plus with me he's assured that I won't ever leave him or be unfaithful
Its a perfect relationship really

No. 926665

This went from cute to pathetic real fast kek

No. 926668

Taking care of a SAHM, ill/disabled wife or someone in the middle of job search etc is one thing, but bankrolling a woman's existence so she can sit around playing video games indefinitely is not 'taking care' of her. It's enabling her.

I'd literally die before slaving away at work to pay for a man to be a NEET, I know it's not quite the same with the genders reversed but it's still not fair or balanced. I'd find a man pathetic if he didn't stand up for himself in that situation.

No. 926671

I'm truly happy in my life, me and my husband never argue, we have similar interests, he takes care of me and we have a healthy sex life as well
what do you have to show for your life

No. 926672

lmao I never denied it's good for you, I simply said he's a beta for putting up with it

No. 926673

I don't think he's a beta cause he could get a normie gf or wife, he just stays with me out of obligation and his own sense of morality
his father took care of his mentally ill mother despite all her problems and he does the same with me, even though he might resent me a bit he won't ever leave me

No. 926674

NTA but don't get salty cause anon clocked you kek
>me and my husband never argue
of course not, you're reliant on him for everything and have no income, why the fuck would you try to bite the hand that feeds you and risk losing anything

No. 926676

what do we have to argue about, I don't ever mess with his shit, take his money and disturb him when he's tired
I only unload my feelings on him when I know he has the energy

No. 926677

jfc anon admitting he feels obligated doesn't help your case at all, at least pretend he does it because he loves having a tradwife and is so rich it doesn't affect his finances

No. 926680

This is me minus the mom thing (since I really love my mom and living with her) luckily I started a job the other day so I can go back to buying shit. I think it just generally takes my mind off of deep depression for a while because it keeps me on somewhat of a pattern.

No. 926681

well your not meant to be a NEET then, you should leave your bf

No. 926682

I just buy videogames and stream movies, I don't need much maintenance
we actually save a lot of money, we don't ever go out, we don't buy random bullshit, I don't shower much so that's also money saved

No. 926683

You sound like a pickme who is jealous she’s never been picked lmao

No. 926685

I don't hate normal NEETs but I find single mother NEETs trashy and insufferable. They constantly complain about how they don't get enough money when I know they're on more than many full time workers in this country.

I find it funny how people will dogpile the single NEETs playing video games by themselves that get $300 a week, these types are at least appreciative of what they get. But the second there's a child involved suddenly there's a total ingratitude to the fact they get free money and don't have to deal with a scrote.

No. 926712

I'm an on and off NEET who only works very part time jobs inbetween to fund a couple hobbies. I do all the cooking (because I like to) and a weekly deep clean but we share all other chores. I would like to get to a place where I can contribute more and offer him a break though. Life is chill and mostly nice but it would be nicer with two incomes lol

No. 926927

This obsession with beta men… Go back to 4chin and seethe

No. 929127

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I'm a NEET cause I'm utterly terrified of people and the world, see I've been bullied my entire life. I was a victim in Primary, High School, College AND Workplace bullying(I think workplace bullying was probably the worst to deal with). when I got married and decided to be a housewife, for the first time in my entire life I felt truly safe and I never wanted to be afraid again. Im more happier at home then anywhere else and I've improved in all levels by becoming a NEET
I exercise, I read, I practice new interesting ways to make all kinds of food and most of all I'm truly happy

No. 929141

You’re living the dream.

No. 929154

Is this all some weird psyop to get neet women to turn into tradwifes kek

No. 929155

There's so many neets or socially isolated women on here who can't make friends and even get bullied manage to find bfs and marry
Literally how can you be incapable of having any social relationship except for romantic.

No. 929193

I don't know about the rest but I initially never had any plans of becoming a NEET, only after I got married did I end up in the neet style of living, before that I had a job and lived with my parents

No. 929202

I wanna make money off my artwork but I’m too depressed to make a portfolio or interesting art so due to depression induced art block gaining a following can be a real bitch.. I also mainly only know how to draw people and currently trying to practice other things lol it’d be really nice to make money online as a neet

No. 929230

Dress up like a kooky art teacher lady as a disguise, then walk around your town with a notebook drawing whatever weird shit catches your eye. The imagination does not function so well if it is not fed regularly on the weirdness of life.

No. 929234

Because there's a different dynamic: other women will judge you, while the man who loves you, will accept you as you are. As someone who has been somewhat in this situation, women will judge you, from the way you look - the clothes you wear, the makeup you wear, or don't, to what you say and what you do - if it's according to their taste, they like you, if not, they will tear you apart… For some people, it's much harder to establish a true friendship than to find true love. Some women have a whole group of friends, but are absolutely unlucky in finding romance, which is the opposite case. As for having them both, few people are that lucky.

No. 929469

I have OCD so severe that I ended up being a NEET some years ago, I used to go to University and I was pretty good at it; however, 5 years ago I started to go to psychotherapy, hoping to get rid of my mental illness for good, instead, I worsened so much I ended up being a NEET, thanks to my fucking therapists (I visited 3 in this last 5 years). I don't even really wanna recover for my NEET phase, because I hate society so fucking much for having not accepted me for much of my life (I was bullied in middle school, I felt hated by my peers until my early twenties). Sorry for the rant, I'm also a newfag, hope I respected the general rules

No. 929704

there's also the factor of benevolent sexism, its a little more easier for women to stay at home all day and in certain cases its expected of women to stay at home

No. 929711

>As someone who has been somewhat in this situation, women will judge you, from the way you look - the clothes you wear, the makeup you wear, or don't, to what you say and what you do - if it's according to their taste, they like you, if not, they will tear you apart…
How much have you been around women because this has not been my experience whatsoever. I don't think any women or female friend has even pointed out or said anything about my looks besides (rightfully) pointing out orange foundations when I was 13.

No. 929722

Exactly. Try to self improve and get out more see if the scrote will still love you and accept you.

No. 929862

Because men are literally desperate and will take literally anyone. The ugliest woman on earth is still more attractive than the ugliest man.

No. 929863

I was just thinking about how grateful I am that my bf shields me from the world
Being a woman is wild

No. 929992

Ayrt, I meant other women will not make friends with you if they don't like you, or worse, be fake friends and laugh about you behind your back. I'm happy you have good friends, maybe it's harder to make friends as an adult, when time is limited and it's harder to change who you are. It's also true that you have to keep up a persona in certain situations, like at work, and for some people that's difficult, maybe that's why OP experienced bullying in every case.

No. 930178

Any NEETs on disability? Preferably American NEETs? How did you get on it, and how long did it take? How is the pay?

No. 930913

European but I get $2300 a month. Might move to a poorfag country and live like a queen.

No. 930927

jesus christ why am i even working

No. 930934

Is there anyone here who became a neet by pure will AND doesn't rely on someone else for money? Like did you manage to find a way to make money without needing to leave your home? I'm not sure how loose we can get with the definition of neet

No. 930949

Like early retirement? Kek I like the idea that all the startup angel funded exit-by-thirty dudepreneurs living in Thailand on their millions are technically NEETs

No. 930959

I know this comment is gonna get shitted on but unironically onlyfans. Except absolutely 0 nudes bc if you can get a bit of an online following (doesn’t have to be anything big at all just 10k on twitter) you can milk the depraved men with rly shit quality underwear / feet pics and make liveable income. I’ve not had to work or leave my house in two years and I don’t have to post nudes plus nothings linked to my real name

No. 930980

An online following doing what, though? And isn't 10k quite a lot? I used to be so against SW until I got my first job, it made me realize that owning your time is everything. I'd rather fuck for cash than work all day long.

No. 930988

Not all hikikomori are NEET, anon

No. 931011

wtf how?

No. 931157

the worst part about this is that people are gonna treat you like a sex worker even if you don't sell nudes.

No. 931163

Because she is

No. 931270


Okay, so hikikomori are people who make money themselves and neets tend to rely on someone else? I've seen people use the terms interchangeably so I got confused my bad.

No. 931274

Hikikomori is weeb-speak for shut-in, NEETs don't study or work

No. 931280

I love being a neet and never want to return to society. I just hate how my family and inlaws are waiting for me to either a) pop out a kid to justify being a housewife or b) get my shit together and return to the workforce.

No. 931284

I just built one by sharing memes from anime/video games lol I didn’t even make them I would just google them and change some words so they couldn’t reverse search and see I stole them
Yeah that’s true, the other anon saying it’s sex work I mean you could think it is but I personally don’t think it’s sex work just bc people are fapping to your pics, but at the same time after being in gaming community since a young teen etc, I realized no matter how pure I am online or what I do, men were gonna call me a whore or treat me badly so I might aswell make some money while they do it, also people who I was friends with etc don’t really care since nowadays everyone online is doing it.
But yeah it was just a suggestion since it’s how I was able to make money to survive and not have to interact with the real world, it’s not perfect and has a lot of downsides but they still outweigh the negatives of a regular job for me

No. 931296

My NEETness was premeditated. I'm such a lazy sack of shit it couldn't have been any other way, housewife or highway.

Be hot and socially crippled.

No. 931330

NEET is just not being in education, employment or training. Hikikomori is being a shut-in. A NEET can still go outside and do stuff while a hiki will stay in their room for very long periods of time and have difficulty leaving it.

No. 931413

I don't like being a neet because of the guilt. well, technically I am in school so not a neet, but I may as well be one since I've never had a job, still can't drive, and live with my parents. I had hope that I could get better and solve these issues but lately I realized my depression is still bad and I've been in denial. Every day is so tiring. When getting up at all is this tiresome how can I do much more. At least I'm still in school with good grades. I'm gonna hang in for that even though I'm not sure it's a good fit, it's community college but getting an associate's degree is better than nothing I guess. I tell myself I'll work on the license next, but not today (I have a phobia of driving). It feels bad since I believe I'm like this from being coddled. However depression is a pain in the ass I keep underestimating because I wish it weren't

No. 931424

It is sex work and very, very few people partake. I don't know why you think everyone is doing it, honestly it sounds as if the communities you've spent time in may have warped your perceptions a bit. As for why you started… I don't want to be a dick, but to most people you sound pretty abnormal ngl. You will be better off keeping your history of sex work private, or be very careful who you decide to share that info with, in real life people really look down on it. Yes it's hypocritical cos they're all cooming, but looking down on providers is never going to change. Don't be fooled by the current sex-pos bullshit and e-whore cope.

No. 931431

File: 1633477082338.jpg (97.44 KB, 735x1041, 6a62e4c66ccf90c892d67afe56be15…)

The NEET housewives with no kids in this thread are making me insanely jealous. I wish I had a husband who was good to me and a pretty home to take care of.

No. 931435

Right, can't relate to this thread anymore.

No. 931440

I want to know their secret. being a shut-in means I don't meet any men

No. 931529

as already stated idk about the rest of the users but I became shut in NEET only after I got married

No. 931537

Tbh I’m thinking about if things turn sour with their husband wtf would they do

No. 931545

Anyone else have understanding nice parents and you still feel like they secretly want to kick you out to get rid of the burden? I hate being in this situation but I'm too mentally broken down to function outside.

No. 931549

They probably do.

No. 931627

I have been failing out of school for years because I struggle to focus on important tasks and even tasks i actually want to do at times like art or writing. I have been stuck living with my parents and i am nearing my 30s and all I want to do is leave, but I cannot afford it and it's so depressing.

My ultimate goal in life is so live in a cosy little house in a forest away from everybody and surrounded by beautiful things, travel the world, pet cats and eat tasty bread. But I am stuck. I don't know how to make it happen. It makes me unbelievably depressed.

No. 931629

I don't think any of the anons who want to be tradwives really mean it. I thought about becoming one myself, but the thing is, you have to find the perfect man who really whole heartedly wants to take care of you financially and respects you as a human being and this is a very tall order in a world where men look down on housewives and dismiss them for being lazy leeches. I highly doubt these anons want children or to look after a man for the rest of their lives with no escape if he hurts you. They are looking for an easy way out of feeling unstable and a burden to their parents.

No. 931634

I agree but
>look after a man for the rest of their lives with no escape if he hurts you
why do anons forget divorce exists and also why is this situation treated as inevitable? my parents aren't doing too bad

No. 931647

NTA but if you're a housewife with no formal training or job experience there's a huge risk in divorcing since you couldn't support yourself and possible kids. Being a tradwife is a lose-lose situation for women, sure you don't have to go to work but you're fully dependent on your Nigel's money that he can decide to take away any moment he wants. According to statistics 50% of all marriages end up in divorce so I wouldn't take my chances.

No. 931653

we aren't talking about neurotypical women with education and work experience here. We are talking about women who would literally be choosing the streets if they divorced their husbands since they are too unstable to work and barely completed high school in some cases.

No. 931815

Being able to full support yourself seems like an ideal situation tbh but as said before that wouldn't really make you a neet. I know it's early but when this thread is full should we add hikikomori to the title? I know they're different but I feel like there'd be some shared experiences

No. 932037

What country??

No. 932055

Finally I have a job, not even 1 but 2 the other being a small effort job. This will make up for some of my lost opportunity. Still no education because I am waiting for results. Still no friends because no money to join a club or anything. Sometimes I think this is worse than being NEET because despite the guilt, I at least had energy for fun. Now that I come home there is no energy left to watch a video or play a game.

No. 932057

There are definitely women here who do want to be one or are, homemakers that is. But I think that being in or having been in this situation helps you see all its flaws, and you're definitely right about all that can go wrong if you don't find the right person. You raise good points every woman should at least consider before becoming dependent on anyone. Putting all your eggs in one basket is dangerous, especially if you don't come from a solid support system you can return to if shit hits the fan one day. People who act like everyone needs to be a wheatfield tradwife to be happy are just coping and/or probably not even actually housewives themselves, everyone is different and it depends on who you meet. NEET or not, there's no one way for women to live. So many posters on this board and /snow/ recently seem to act like this is not the case, but you are right.

No. 932068

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Same. Literally same. We might be the same person.

No. 932084

nta that's an amazing place and i wish i could live there too. maybe we should make a commune.

No. 932110

Because men get sex. Other people have no reason to put up with you, they're not gaining anything

No. 932116

No. 932126

Not a neet but fuck this hits close to home. Even worse, when I was younger I joined a whole kink scene and for onnce in my life I was a social butterfly! I had never found social situations quite as easy as I did… when I was at a parties pretty much naked lol. Instant popularity.

I'm cringing but it's true.

No. 932780

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Anyone else purposely become a neet? I'm thinking of saving up some money and then just quitting my job. Like taking a 'gap year' but from the workforce. I need some serious time off to work on my mental health. I feel like I get closer and closer to killing myself everyday I wake up and remember how much of a wagecuck I am, slaving away with little enjoyment or fun and no time for myself.

No. 932790

I did this, sort of. I got so burt out after two years on my shit job I just… stopped caring and got fired, so I could get on government pay.

My savings can cover for at least half a year and I don't live on my own so it's not too much trouble. It's been almost a month that I've been out of work and while it's not exactly relaxing, it beats waking up at 4am and coming home at 7pm for minimum wage.

No. 932805

I'd love to do that but not now. I got a nice job recently after working for nearly a year for a call center that nearly burned me out. My current contract is 6 months long and I've had this job for a month. I want to be able to renew my contract for a few years so I can save money, get more exp and get my own place. Once I do these things I'll try to stop working and get some rest or I'll try to move abroad if possible maybe back to Japan.

No. 932882

It's not only about sex, but also men get perks from having a gf like affection and validation just from having a girl who wants them. Women don't get these same perks from being your friend.

No. 932937

I’ve been a neet off and on a few times since I was about 16 (25 now). My parents kicked me out at 18, so my brief stints of unemployment were funded by my own savings and/or whatever guy I was dating at the time. My depression is so bad right now, I want to quit my job and be a neet again but no savings or simp bf. Life is hard, I miss never leaving the house and sleeping whenever I want

No. 933273

And when your husbands leave you what will you do? Off yourselves?
are these even decent dudes? do they watch porn?

No. 933761

Same here. Work has been overwhelming this past week and I am dreading going today because my boss loves to take her stress out on employees despite us not making her make the stupid decisions she does. My wrist and shoulder have started hurting a lot recently too so on top of being a wagecuck who gets shit on, I'm afraid if I have this job for any longer I won't be able to draw anymore. I'm honestly thinking of throwing away my dignity and drawing furry porn so I can quit faster

No. 935405

Stupid question, I know what neet stands for but can you be a neet if you study online (for a degree) and volunteer? cause volunteering is sort of like being in training

No. 935570

no because getting a degree is working towards your future. neets have no future and have accepted it.

No. 936215

Who else here loves to laugh at wagecucks

No. 936225

nta but despite being in the same situation as her, I can't help feeling like a neet anyways. having depression, being a shut-in with no friends, living with my parents never having had a job it's hard to shake the neet identity all the same. it's hard to feel any type of pride or accomplishment until I actually graduate maybe or get a job.

No. 936326

I have to be up in three hours for work. God please let me win the fucking lottery so I can NEET

No. 936329

I've been with my longterm bf for over a decade and I've been a NEET/borderline hikkikomori the entire time, except when I had a job for a almost a year when we first moved in together, but I just couldn't handle it. He's become increasingly resentful, jealous and bitter over the years despite me taking care of all the errands, cooking, cleaning, etc. He has his own mental health issues and shut-in tendencies, and I always try to be as loving and understanding as I can, but I can feel him breaking and he desperately wants our roles to be reversed. I love him but it sucks.

No. 936339

Wagies are getting more uppity and useless. God forbid I actually get service. They have shitty attitudes. Half the time I have to do their job for them. Wagies are halfwitted slaves. Most of them need to learn to shut the hell up and just do what they are supposed to do. Their brains aren't smart enough to handle speaking and other tasks, that's why they mess up so much.

No. 936352

>NEET calling wagies useless

You'd have a shitty attitude too if your fat leeching ass actually had to work for a living. Do the world a favor and remove yourself from it, parasite.

No. 936367

File: 1634027356030.jpg (36.79 KB, 554x554, 1600368919767.jpg)

You better get moving or you'll be late for work wagie

No. 936395

nta thats kinda cute

No. 936664

Nta but someone’s jealous, get a job you lazy fatass parasite.

No. 936670

You are a special kind of loser.

No. 936697


I have HD scrote detection sensors and the troony image, moid aggression and lack of substance, both conversational and comedic, have determined this poster has a dick and deserves urethral sounding.

No. 936704

How do you stop being terminally online? please help nonnies. I need rules coming from the exterior to follow. Anytime I tried to establish some by myself, I just shrugged them off.

No. 936925

Same, I’m tired of being aware of “terminally online discourse" its fun but soul crushing

No. 936926

>get a job you lazy fatass parasite

nta but kek I love it when the measy $9hr slaves think they aren’t parasites as well

No. 936939

check out the digital detox/nosurf thread queens >>837722 godspeed

No. 936961

I just became a wagie at a restaurant and I can't handle it, it's too stressful and I screw up so much, customers and co-workers hate me. Thinking of saving my dignity and just going back to NEETdom.

No. 936997

File: 1634070396306.png (1.03 MB, 964x754, 1784174981794.png)

I purposefully became a neet last july. I had a breakdown, quit my job and been living off my savings since. I really should go back to a normal life, but I'm just too content like this. Just me and my dog doing whatever we want. If you have a lot of savings or have a cheap lifestyle you can do it

No. 937021

I could afford it but I know it'd be near impossible to go back to work afterwards. And living off your savings is kinda like borrowing time from your retirement… better to work when I'm young and healthy than when I'm old and tired.

imo working part time is the best compromise, my current job isn't quite part time but I get way more time off and it helps me deal.

No. 937045

Yeah that's actually what happened to me. I had enough savings to last me for a whole year but had a medical emergency that ate all that up. Now I'm trying to re enter the workforce but I'm having a really hard time because of the gap and not really knowing how to handle being around people in a work setting anymore.
Working part time is the best thing you can do if you can afford it tbh.

No. 937049

you seem very passionate about this subject

No. 937052

anyone heard anything about laying flat? Apparently the Chinese are trying to turn NEETdom into a social movement

No. 937054

I'm stuck with paying back loans so I probably forever going to be a wagie unless I win the lottery or something. I wish they'd fucking disappear I'm so tired

No. 937060

I'm getting ready to do that by quitting my 50 hours a week job and just working part time at a library with minimal expenses. Fuck "advancement". My mom was career centered her whole life and all it got her was a lifetime of frazzled fatigue a heart attack one year before retirement.

No. 937071

I was doing some research and I found that before the pandemic it was around 10-15% of young adults in the West who were NEET and now its up to 20%. I'm surprised we don't hear about NEETs more often in the media, even before the pandemic that's still about 1 in 10 young adults who are NEET.

No. 937081

That seems like a really large number. I'd wager a lot of those are normie drug addicts and temporarily laid off wagies.

No. 937107

honestly sounds nice. I've felt existential dread from working plenty, but I've never experienced a highly competitive field which is probably insanely stressful to work in for many years. It seems like a choice between suffering more or suffering less for potential gain, which just sounds rigged to me.

No. 937242

>living off your savings is kinda like borrowing time from your retirement…
Who wants to be 70+ anyway

No. 937244

My savings have run out and I have to work again, there are actually some jobs that I might like but I’m so anxious about applying. Love being mentally ill, rip neet-life

No. 937254

I plan on retiring at least a decade before that and living my best life, like my parents. They retired in their 50s and spend all their time on traveling, going out to eat and enjoying their hobbies, they never have to worry about money and unlike NEEThood it's considered normal. God I can't wait to be retired.

No. 937284

What kind of work did your parents do to retire so early?

No. 937555

Uuhhh I got sick of being a neet so I signed up for college but everything is taught online so I feel no difference… I hate it so much… I want to be normal again

No. 937572

so working for less than the value of your labour somehow makes you a parasite?

No. 942575

File: 1634612025018.png (81.14 KB, 1460x730, linkedin-statistics.png)

Is anyone else horrified by the idea of LinkedIn? Why is it normal and expected for wagies to have so much of their personal information publicly available online? If I ever get a job I will refuse to use it.

No. 942676

I'm disgusted with networking and connecting with people that I work with (because I have a personality disorder and haven't found a job that I enjoy and identify with), so yeah. I also 100% agree with you that putting all that information is concerning.

No. 942681

File: 1634625960139.jpeg (857.38 KB, 2770x1633, D4967E3B-2C98-45DE-87AA-70F878…)

It's hard to enjoy being a NEET when you hate your house.
Environment really is everything.

No. 942881

I hate linkedin, even back when I had a "professional" job I never got on it because it's just so invasive. I also hate how it shows you every time someone views your profile.

No. 943349

every time LinkedIn gets brought up I just want to say that a guy who showed up to my workplace to harass me was using LinkedIn as a tool to monitor me. Never again.

No. 944432

By definition aren't all housewives NEETs?

No. 944434

Technically yes, so are retirees.

No. 944445

Day traders too. And most government "employees" aka overpaid welfare recipients.

No. 947474

>And most government "employees" aka overpaid welfare recipients.
Read Bullshit Jobs if you want to feel better about being a NEET. There was a woman who spent 2 whole years literally just making up tasks for herself and her underlings. They could've all stayed home for 2 years and it wouldn't have made any difference. Jobs are simply kindergarten to some people. You drive to your office and sit there dangling your legs while playing Facebook games all day long.

No. 947480

>making up tasks for her and her underlings

how did she have the money to pay them though, was she just rich?

No. 947484

You are pathetic and defensive. You don’t do shit but just play games I doubt you have a good sex life when you probably talk to felons all day

No. 947516

Why are you so bitter?
Any man who truly loves the woman he's with is happy to support her mere existence. Many straight women don't get this, but to men, the company of a woman they 100% adore means more than money ever will. "Alpha" and "beta" are irrelevant copes
Stop falling for the "50/50" nonsense lol, men don't work that way

No. 947518

Girl I don’t fall for a 50/50 nonsense. I just don’t get how she plays games all day and pretends to talk to her husband. She thinks she’s happy but she’s using him

No. 947698

She had a boss who paid her. Many companies hire more people and make up bullshit positions/titles to make the company look good from the outside. Like if this woman has multiple assistants, surely she must be a really important worker. It's literally roleplaying.

No. 947894

>using him
Yes and? What's the problem? Go back to reddit.

No. 947897

This made my customer service persona have an aneurysm.

No. 952038

late reply but I'm not "using" him in any sense, we live together, he buys me stuff occasionally but I don't ask for much in the first place
Its a partnership and for the record we have awesome mutually pleasurable sex, he just refuses to have sex with me unless I take a shower

No. 952039

You smell like a groom ballsack hi nice evening my lady

No. 952041

Still no tips…

No. 952057

I don't know, it just sorta happened
I wasn't a neet when I met him but I was kinda weird and he was also kinda odd and we just married in six months, I also told him my intentions of wanting to stay at home all day once we got married but also that I didn't want any children and he accepted

No. 952098

It'd be kind of nice and I actually have an offer like that lined up, but it'd require me to move and I don't want to live my parents behind. I love my parents so much I'd rather wageslave and support them in old age than to NEET out but think about them struggling in my home country alone

No. 952670

So what games do you play?

No. 956305

>I also told him my intentions of wanting to stay at home all day once we got married but also that I didn't want any children and he accepted
I'm so jealous. Do you think he secretly resents you for it?

No. 956349

This. Do you think men would ask their dream gf to pay 50/50? If a man does this it's just proof he settled for you. Unfortunately many women don't realize this until too late, like if they get sick or have to leave work for other reasons, their husband resents them.

No. 956590

File: 1635793700271.jpg (25.79 KB, 500x492, 6d2.jpg)

I hate how saying that you're a neet has become the newest fad among zoomer girls, at least in my circle. Bitch, you're in college AND you have a part-time job, isn't that the exact opposite of what a neet is?

On a more positive side, I found out today that I'm eligible for government neetbux. It's enough to cover my rent completely, which leaves more money for me to fuck around and make terrible financial decisions with, I guess. Nonnas, don't be afraid to look if there's any govt financial support like that in your countries, sometimes they're literally giving you free money lmao.

No. 956958

>NEET whie going to college and working
What does NEET even mean to them? That they like playing video games or something?

No. 956968

File: 1635819786293.jpg (10.7 KB, 236x177, 1635026891435.jpg)

Does anyone else kinda enjoy themselves but worry about "waking up" in the future? I'm scared I'll turn 30 or something and realize what the fuck I've done and completely panic over the wasted years.

I panic like that on and off but right now I'm okay because I'm in a phase of not caring about time or existence.

No. 956971

That they watch anime and have a messy room, apparently.
Not really because I dissociate so much that thinking about the future isn't possible.

No. 956974

that already happened to me but i've configured an unusual and retarded 5 year plan towards a sustainable hermit lifestyle
was NEET for ten uninterrupted years and only succumbed to the world roughly a month ago. no stolen valor on my part. just find the recovering NEET thread too depressing.
hope you're all doing alright ladies. godspeed

No. 956976

Mid-life crisises are basically unavoidable regardless of whether you've been wiling away your time or making progress in your career. I think in a lot of cases, having achieved a lot actually makes you feel worse, either because you feel like you have nothing left to accomplish or because you've been exposed to an even more successful class of person to be jealous of.

There are a lot of valid NEET worries, but this type of anxiety is something that's going to happen one way or another so you kind of just have to confront it head on imo.

No. 956977

Do you plan to commit suicide?

You too nonnie. I'm on year 10. Forced myself out there but only lasted a month. Had a massive mental breakdown realizing the world out there isn't for me. What's your 5 year plan?

No. 956982

Only if I lose family support. I've been on and off neet, working min wage jobs until I break down and quit. I don't think family wants to accept that I just can't function irl and that therapy is waste of time.

No. 963893

I was a NEET for most of early adulthood but finally escaped it and was doing ok for myself, even if it was a bit less than people my age. Then not even 3 years later, I developed a physical disability that leaves me housebound and unable to work and now I'm back in the NEET hole, this time not by choice. I want to kill myself every day, not just because my disability makes life unbearable, but just that I had such a short period of success and no chance to get it back. I know I should be glad I managed to do it at all. But god. It hurts so much to look back on. Especially since I can't enjoy the things I once did in my first round of NEET life.

Anons, I don't wanna speak for everyone, but if you wanna recover from being a NEET, it is possible. Steps are gonna be small and seem insignificant compared to everyone else. But you may be capable of much more than you think, if you choose to try.

No. 967131

What about working from home? Do you receive disability benefits?

No. 967657

Careerwomen are cucks. If you cannot find a guy to support you 100% you are being cucked out of the relationship. Only pickmes would say otherwise

No. 967668

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No. 967677

i think a good balance is both people are career oriented and the man still pays for everything

No. 967698

Absolutely this

No. 967714

Deigning to be with a man is automatically being a cuck whether he supports you or not. Staying single and making your own money is for women with dignity and self preservation instincts.

No. 967732

wanting male support. opinion disregarded

No. 967736

I disagree, because personally my art career fullfils me more than any relationship (man or woman) would. It makes me feel alive, so I love making art and will never stop

No. 967738

NTA are you a freelance artist nonna

No. 967740

I'm a gallery artist, not a freelancer

No. 967813

How did you end up getting your work in a gallery?

No. 967860

I'm feeling so desperately lost. I have been a NEET since I was fired then sexually harassed (in that order) in my last job in early 2017. Since then I've tried to work a few times, but was r*d in late 2017. Since then I've been completely depressed. I tried to go for a bar job either this or last year, but only lasted 2 shifts before I had a panic attack & extreme paranoia/anxiety about it, so I had to stop. I just found out about Victims Of Violent Crimes compensation & have been considering it but it's an ordeal to apply for, and I'm only doing that rather than report it to the police because the guy killed himself.
I feel too fucked up to ever be able to work a real job, and my brain has been rotting in NEETdom.

No. 967861

rd = rped, sorry

No. 967920

that's amazing, good for you

No. 993933

When your parents ask you if you've been applying to jobs what do you say?

No. 993968

Yes, and list off the roles I applied to and how so haven't heard back. If it's been one of those weeks and I haven't applied then I make shit up.

No. 994634

is it neet if you know, your stay at home having to babysit two terminally people?
I'd like to atleast get a part time job, but the problem is I am sometimes required to stay up until 2 am in the morning dealing with a possible bathroom accident or having to roll people, I feel guilty because its like I want to work but, to be honest its not feasible until one of the people who have an illness dies.

No. 994657

No, nona, you're a full time caretaker. You're not a neet, and don't feel guilty about it either, if they had to pay a professional caretaker they'd be spending thousands. It's very hard work.

No. 994660

Personally I think that falls under the "working" umbrella.

No. 994663

yeah my payment for it food board and a occasional monthly stipend money, I only need 100 to 200 a month for goodies, in between having to watch them when the other person is out I get to sit on my ass and play videya watch netflix with my cat and snooze. really beats my 40 hour job before, only downside is my room is a literal book closet.

No. 994765

I dropped out of university in 2015 when it became too much for me to deal with on top of ADHD, depression, and dealing with multiple consecutive deaths in my family at the time. Tbh even then I was just taking random courses because of the societal pressure to have a degree in order to be seen as worthy and intelligent. There were a few courses that really interested me, but I still have no idea how people decide on a career path. Nothing jumps out at me and screams "this is something I can see myself devoting my life to."

I've always struggled with just finding jobs I can "do" because of my social anxiety. I know I wouldn't be able to handle a position directly on the front lines in customer service dealing with unpredictable and irritable people, but 90% of entry level positions are in retail and I've never made it past the interview process anyway apart from volunteer positions and one year I helped out at the store my mom worked at bc they needed extra people at Christmas time.

At this point I really need the money and I was almost ready to bite the bullet and look more seriously for a part-time position somewhere, but then the pandemic hit and my mom developed an autoimmune disorder that scarred her lungs to the point where she can no longer breathe properly and even struggles just speaking some days. She's heavily immunosuppressed to stop it from progressing, and if she even got a mild case of covid I don't think she would survive it. So now I'm in a position where even if I did want to go out and get a job, I'm not willing to risk her health and life by going out in public then coming home to her everyday.

I've tried to make money online but everything I've attempted so far has failed lol. I tried designing some KDP notebooks but it's already too saturated with greedy people who just copypaste stock images, I tried selling adoptables on FA but nobody is really interested because they're sfw and I'm not comfortable drawing fetish art, I've made some gaming videos but I don't know if I'll ever be able to make it to the 1000 sub mark to be able to monetize (though that doesn't really matter, I'm just doing it for fun anyway and I don't want to focus on numbers).

I don't really know where to go from here, I don't want a "real" job or to go back to school. I just want to be able to make a small living sharing my art and passion with the world. Especially now there's something I really want to save up 2500CAD for but I have no idea where to even begin to get the money.

No. 994818

I can't work customer facing jobs either. I actually tried one and thought I'd get over the anxiety but after a while there I was still constantly fucking up and couldn't handle the pressure anymore. Another problem with my anxiety is passing the interview. I was lucky with that job because they were desperate so there were barely any questions, but in the past when I had to do a normal interview with questions I failed miserably and it was incredibly humiliating. Somehow Amazon has zero warehouse slave openings in my area right now but if there was I would go for it because there's no customers and no interview in that job.

No. 995015

I'm not technically neet because I have a part time low interaction job so I can live on my own. But I have zero friends and never socialize, even before covid. Someone randomly made plans with me and she's supposed to come over tonight with some other people. I'm levitating out of my body with anxiety like my heart is beating really heard and my face feels numb. I refuse to believe she's actually coming and it's getting sort of late and I'm going to feel really bad but I'm also scared of these people showing up because no one but me has ever been in my house and I won't be able to escape and go home. So I'm just drowning in two conflicting sources of anxiety because it's going to either be a disappointment or a disaster. I just want it to be over so I can feel normal again even though normal sucks.

No. 995045

about to graduate the neet lifestyle, but i really don't want to nonas. the only thing that saves me is that it'll be just two years at max until i can neet for some more months again.

No. 995252

Ntayrt but I feel you on the customer-facing jobs thing. I’ve had a variety of customer service-oriented jobs, figuring working in these roles would help me with my social anxiety. Nope. I maybe learned how to be a little more conversational with strangers, but without fail, I still struggle through each interaction, regardless of how long I’ve been doing it. It never seems to get any easier. At this point I’m just ready to accept the fact that I need to avoid any job that has me work with the public.

Anywho, I returned to neetdom at the beginning of October after managing to work consistently for nearly three years. I haven’t been doing a lot of job searching due to terrible job listings and my newly developed fear of dying at work or on the way to work. I’m trying to work on that. I’m using the free time to get back into drawing so that I can feel productive and possibly open up an avenue for income in the future.

No. 996169

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I want to be a cool independent career woman but the thought of working every day makes me want to throw up and die. I must acquire a husband. I would be willing to fuck him once a day, clean and cook. I would do it with a smile. 2022 will be my year of approaching men. I am indeed a leech and a parasite and I need a host.

I don't want to do things, I just want to be myself. I want to stay in my comfy Internet bubble and be terminally online or whatever it's called and shitpost and watch cool and funny things and stuff I like. I hate doing boring things so much I'd rather die.

No. 996177

I'm already so tired and I just have a part time job for the past year. I don't know how normal people do this, or do I just have some kind of hormonal illness. Even 3 hours of low stress cashier job makes me into a zombie. I'm scared, in 3 years my parents will retire and want me out of the house. But I honestly don't think I can survive, I do want to get my life together but I'm so socially stunted and easily tired that I think I'm just going to become homeless and die. I hate this so much.

No. 996293

Being a stay at home wife is the only way to be a NEET if you don't have wealthy parents or get welfare you retard. And being a NEET is way better than being a career cuck

lol I wish my dad would kill himself so I could be a NEET

No. 996360

totally feel this, i'm also canadian too. i am a depop seller right now in order to just keep a little income flowing lol i usually make 50-400$ a month (lots of fluctuation as you'd expect) but i'm thinking of just being a cashier at dollarama. reasons: brain dead simple no pressuring sales or begging for customers emails etc just cheap 1-5$ items being scanned and bagged.

No. 996578

Hate to burst your bubble but if you leech of a man he'll resent you and make your life hell. He's going to expect more than a clean house, meal and pussy. He at the very least will want you to pop out kids or do something other than be terminally online. You're going to turn into his emotional punching bag when he has a bad day at work or one of his friends make fun of him for supporting a leech.

No. 996666

Nta but I had this happen. He was so happy to have a gf at first, a clean house when he got home, someone to cuddle and fuck and just hang with. Dude had been single for years before me so I was the thing turning his life around just by being in his house and pulling a bit of my own weight. I was a blessing. I thought he was one too. A perfect pairing, filling in the gaps each one of us needed help with.

Oh how that changed over time. Resentment, being normal one minute and taking every bit of frustration out on me the next. No explanation for the mood swings. No apologies ever. Silent treatment. Shit slid in so slowly it fucked me up and my self esteem was on the floor. I went from being appreciated for just existing in his life to that bullshit. It was a far fall from grace. We always had an agreement on how things would work.. I kept up my part from beginning to end. He just changed his mind over time and thought he'd emotionally punish me rather than get straight with me. He ruined my confidence to a point where leaving was honestly really daunting. The world… facing it alone when he'd slowly convinced me I'm an absolute tard who needs him to function, fun times.

On leaving I went from my lowest point, like should I just rope myself point.. to the weight of the world being lifted off my shoulders. I realised I'd had a knot in my stomach before this, a constant knot. I woke up one morning in my new house with no knot and it hit me how bad I had it before. How blind you can be when your brain is fried from just trying to cope with the loss of control. The fucking relief of waking up alone. He was very purposefully trying to emotionally fuck with and set off muh anxiety because he knew he'd changed the goalposts for what a partner needs to bring to the table and I couldn't be that. I had shakes and developed a facial tic from the mental fuckery. He knew I couldn't suddenly reenter work after a several year gap and a decline in my ability to face people or not shake in peoples presence.

The risks of being a neet. My dad thought I had a blessed life with this guy. From the outside he sure liked for people to assume that.

No. 998403

Hey guys, do you have any idea on how to stay fit as a NEET?

I am waiting for college in September, having finished high school in November (our school system is quirky), and can only get a job post January. For now I will be working (i hope) and getting another qualification, focusing on my instrument for those uni points.

I go to soccer weekly and do bodyweight workouts most days, and walk. Soccer is over until mid January though, and walking is fine, but it’s the same everyday. When you get out of the house, you’re in a busy road. We don’t have gardens, I’m tired of suburb walks, and the middle of town is destitute and unsafe, like half shops are empty and you will get stalked or harassed. I just feel a bit trapped. It was so easy in school because you get a walk by walking to school, you can go to a club, or the gym after school, and you see people every day. And I don’t like just going for walks because men will yell at you from their cars, there are molesters in both parks who went after both women and little boys, and there was a dead body in the pond so it’s ruined for me. It just feels like a bunch of factories, suburbs, and dodgy parks.

I know I’m lucky to have a roof over my head, but I feel trapped in this town. I hope to learn to drive, but mostly, how do I burn off energy and get out when there’s not much to do? Get a manual labour job? Go to zumba at church with old ladies? Should I ask to stay with a relative who lives in a better town? It would be nine months pre university, we get along, and the change would be nice.

No. 998413

Thanks for sharing, that sounds awful and I'm glad you got out nonny. To go from appreciating you to messing with your head and your confidence, women should always maintain their independence for that reason, even if living with a man. Own income, somewhere to walk away to at anytime.
Also you sound very kind so I hope you have good things ahead of you from now.

No. 998416

I mean how about starting up your own business (learn a saleable skill first or pivot your current career to an online one) and then you can be terminally online and free from scrote abuse, win-win.

No. 998437

how about swimming? I love going for a swim really early when the streets and pools are empty. I'm in a similar situation to you, exercising alone just isn't an option for safety reasons, but the pool is pretty safe (especially early) and at least warm in the winter.

No. 998486

Because that's not what a NEET is. NEETs don't do anything valuable and do not support themselves. She even said she doesn't want to do anything other than shitpost online. You're describing a recluse or something. A person who supports themselves but doesn't participate in society outside of that

No. 998520

I think NEETs should play video games like Just Dance. They don't have to leave the house and a lot of them already own consoles. Youtube workouts are good too but it can get boring.

No. 998572

That's a pretty good idea, like biweekly it could mix things up. And swimming early, that does sound pretty tranquil.

I may give that one a go, I love to dance. Also finding reasons to leave like to volunteer or to pick up shopping and walk back with it, or visit a relative.

No. 1000575

Sometimes I seriously think about getting a job because the people I'm with insult and humiliate me often and it's making me suicidal. But then I remember that I had jobs before and I just kept having panic attacks every day. Something about doing the same thing every day for hours without time for anything else sends me into full blown panic attacks (and I also lose appetite/get nauseous) and I don't know how to avoid it. I wish I could just be content with working like anyone else but something's not right and I can't do it. For now I earn money here and there but I can't say it's a job. Any anons with the same experiences?
I've been sick for a long time and became a neet because I was mentally exhausted. I wish I could rest properly but at the same time I don't deserve it, people let me know that and I get even more ashamed. I don't know how to get out of this one.

No. 1001551

Anon I would seriously consider trying for event work. I used to work conventions through a temp agency and it was the best. Different job everyday, and you get free stuff usually. 1-3 days a week usually paid rent. Also, please go to therapy.

No. 1011125

Wanted to join the neet subreddit but its filled with moids who think women have it easier when the richest people are men. Youtubers like pewdiepie screamed on youtube and hes the richest. Moids get rich for playing videogames. Where does the lie tjat women have it easier come from? Female neets have mental issues and trauma whereas male ones just complain about sex

No. 1011473

nonas, any recommendations for good NEET discords?

No. 1012329

>Wanted to join the neet subreddit
They have a rule that says ''No signposting of gender'' (because it ''causes arguments'') I like the sub and it makes me seethe having to pretend to be male just so males won't sperg out. There was a subreddit for female NEETs but I believe it was banned.

I think a lot of it comes from men being retardedly naive about sex work and think that any woman can post pictures of their toenails and earn thousands.

No. 1012332

I feel like I’ll get shat on for starting my studies at 23..

No. 1012346

do NOT give a shit nonny, is your life, do what you need to do with your life at the time you can.

No. 1012355

being a full on neet has officially rotted my brain, i've never been so obsessive, neurotic, sad, empty. i'm mourning all the fun internet chatrooms and friends i used to have years ago, because now the internet isn't even fun and i have no friends anywhere. there's just nothing besides me, alone and ugly in my bedroom, crying, and having no money and credit card debt with no fucking education. i'm a retard and being neet has made it so much worse lol, time to yank my lame ass bootstraps up! but then i'm sure working some shit job will make it worse.

No. 1012410

Same, I stopped having online friends 3 years ago. But I don't think I even want to make more because most online friends I've had weren't NEETs and I feel like I have to lie about my situation to them. Also I have fun talking to them and joking with them initially but then they always ask me to send a selfie or webcam chat with them which makes me uncomfortable and basically ruins it when I refuse. I only like talking to people through screens. But even if I wanted to make more online friends I don't know where I'd go anymore, the internet sucks now. The only person I talk to anymore is my mom.

No. 1012651

You'll be fine. A lot of people are starting late due to taking gap years due to the pandemic. It's also common for some people to work first and study a bit later so chances are you won't be the oldest person in class. I started at 23 as well and it gave me no issues, if anything I felt like I could focus better than my peers who were still fresh out of high school and wanted to just pass and get a degree.

No. 1013476

I never thought it was possible for (young) people lived like this. I never thought I'd ever live like this. Life is funny, cant wait to see what's coming next.

No. 1027861

I almost never play games but I just wasted two whole days playing a very addictive mobile game and I'm feeling intense existential dread. Even though I'm NEET and have all the time in the world I feel so bad for wasting so much time on that. NEET + gaming addiction seems to be a soul sucking combo and I'm glad that's not me because I probably would have roped a long time ago.

No. 1027907

I fucking love being a broke neet. I wish I knew it was an option a decade ago. Respectfully, fuck money and fuck the destructive, overtly sadistic society that it facilitates. Fuck greed in general, actually.

No. 1028263

NEETdom is indeed just one social (or lack thereof) response to capitalism. I feel like more of us are slipping through the cracks and becoming NEETs. How do you make being broke work out for you though nona?

No. 1029029

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>be neet
>only have little ways of making money online, so still have income but of course live (partially) rent free with mom
>my mom and uncle make fun of me saying i'll never move out and they both agree i need to get a "sugar daddy" in order to have plenty of money and i'll need to get a man just to move out one day


No. 1029788

I just graduated but I wish I could be a neet haha. All of you that can live with your parents are so lucky, I live with annoying ass roommates for $730 a month. Would love to not have to spend so much but it's just not an option.

No. 1029819

In the city where I grew up lots of people are paying hefty rents all for the privilege of sharing an overpriced apartment with total strangers alot of the time. I had to do it for a few years.

It makes me appreciate having a solo place now. All those years of overbearing parents, followed by annoying roommates, shared bathrooms, taken up kitchens, strange noises coming through the thin walls. I'd some crazy weird roommates along the way. Life is so quiet now..

No. 1033173

I graduated neetdom about a month ago, but since it's not like I did it because I wanted to, I'm thinking this post is better suited for this thread than the recovering one. Anyways, onto my vent, obviously working takes a good chunk of your free time, but holy shit leaving at 6am to then come back only at 6pm is killing me. Before, I used to just take walks literally all day every day, and I didn't expect I'd miss it so much. I'm so fucking thankful I'm one of those people that work very well on little sleep, I think I'd actually kill myself if four or five more hours were taken from my free time every day because I have to sleep eight hours or something.

No. 1033181

I mean you could prove them otherwise.

No. 1033508

When I had a job I had to wake up at 6 am and get in bed at ~9:30 pm to fall asleep at 10 pm and get 8 hours of sleep. It felt like being in prison having to go to bed to so early and I couldn't even stay up on weekends because I had to maintain the schedule. I've always had problems with my sleeping schedule, for example in high school I was always exhausted and would be late 20 minutes to school everyday. As a NEET I've had so many problems maintaining a consistent sleep schedule too. I believe I have either Delayed Phase Sleep Disorder (natural nocturnal sleeping pattern) or Non 24 Sleep Disorder (constantly shifting sleeping pattern). However for 2 weeks I've now forced myself to maintain a daytime schedule because when I have a noctural schedule my parents start talking about me being disappointment but they leave me alone when it's normal.

No. 1033526

Congrats on getting out of neetdom anon! Im a current neet and you just described what I know i’m gonna struggle the most with once I go back to the real world. Currently I go to bed when the sun is rising and wake up way past noon most of the time and I dread having to go back to a 9-5 especially knowing the hours it’ll take me to commune and being too tired to do any of my hobbies. I don’t function well at all without sleep and before I was a neet i basically did nothing but work and sleep to not be tired for work but was always tired anyways. It’s such a dreadful cycle no matter what.

No. 1036170

No. 1045394

I've been a neet for two days now and I already feel like a fucking lazy loser

No. 1045849

Anyone else's parents encourage them to keep being a NEET?
When people complain about NEETs one complaint I see a lot is that it's likely leeching off your parents, but I never read/hear of others who are a NEET mainly because of their parent who enjoy their child NEETing. Parents can be codependent too. My dad has a job, but he prefers me being a NEET so I'll stay at home with him and be there when he gets back. I've asked for help with getting a job many times and he's always dismissed it. I'm not sure how to feel about it.

No. 1045856

my mom's the same way, she's fine with me not even having a driver's license. The thing is that I hate being dependent on someone else for money and transportation

No. 1045863

Anon if you do want a job, please go search for one. Or take your time figuring out what you want to do or getting the skills or education needed on your dad's support. Neeting is comfy for now, even more so when you have a dad who's encouraging it, but he won't be around forever and that's the dangerous part.

No. 1045865

Yeah if your dad likes helping you get him to help financially with a career if you need to pursue qualifications you could join a course and study at home around him.

No. 1047986

It's either
>oh nonnie i love having you here why can't you live with me forever i seriously would love that it's not usual but it could work out great we could so this and that and redecorate the kitchen together and thanks so much for helping me with stuff youre the only one who cares oh whooa aahhh nonnie its so nice not having to clean because my back can't take it anymore
>do something with your fucking life, get the fuck out of my house. you do realize you're 24 and STILL live at home?

No. 1048018

Don't forget the
>threats you like a house slave and expects you to not have life other than mandatory going to school
>doesn't teach you anything about life or how to function in society
>hit 18, "why are you still here you lazy piece of shit! Make dinner and clean the house!"

No. 1048053

>doesn't teach you anything about life or how to function in society
This is something I could never understand. Parents duty is to teach kids basic life skills, that's how mankind existed all these years. Parents taught their children skills so they could survive. Why the fuck parents don't do it anyomre? If you are lucky, you will figure it out by yourself, but if not, you're fucked.
It struck me when I watched another video where Japanese mom was teaching her daughter how to cook.
I learned cooking all by myself, but why?
Now I'm in the awkward situation where people assume I understand everything as an adult and I'm too embarassed to ask.

No. 1048068

I was in the same situation except my mother wouldn't let me even try to learn about how to do things. I get that she was afraid I would break something because that's what children do sometimes (yet I never broke anything important), but then as an adult she expected me to know how to do everything while she didn't teach me anything and didn't allow me to learn by myself. Because of this I always felt so weird and embarassed, because I felt guilty for not being able to do some things, but what am I supposed to do?

No. 1048079

What I really needed was intervention or counselling at age 12-13 when I started exhibiting signs of mental illness instead of pacifying me with unlimited internet time and hoping everything will sort itself out. My parents thought sending me to university would fix me and start me on the path to normiedom. It didn't and when I got to 4th year suddenly they started asking why I'm such a failure with no job, no life skills, no friends, can't drive, etc. Now they think what I need is to go to a Master's program and that will fix me, when they should know graduate school is highly stressful and I absolutely couldn't cope with that. I was an adult when I went to university so I can't blame them entirely for that choice but I wish I got some help earlier on.

No. 1048084

I don't know, it's almost like they subconsciously want their kids to fuck off and die already. Mine didn't bother to teach me basic hygiene or let me go anywhere other than school because "we're always so busy with work"… Ok what about the weekend? Why did you have time to help me with homework yet nothing else? Did they think they were raising an animal who only existed for studying? It's so bizzare because they did everything normally with my brothers and then did this shit to me. I don't even feel bad for being a neet because like what did you expect?

No. 1048092

Parents nowadays literally just dump their kids at school and give them a screen all day to stare at and expect them to fend for themselves. Everything I learned I learned by myself, even tying my own shoes when I was a kid, because my mom (no dad) was neglectful. My older sister had the same experience and we both learned just from our friends or other people's parents. I'm trying to teach my younger sis life skills because it shouldn't have to be this way, you shouldn't have to learn these things from strangers.

No. 1048567

My mom died when I was little and me and my dad moved in with my hoarder schizo grandma because my dad was working all the time and we couldn't afford a place of our own, so she pretty much raised me. I wasn't allowed to use the microwave or run my own shower water until I was in high school. I couldn't use the oven at her house until I moved out with my boyfriend and I repeatedly told her I knew how to use an oven and not burn down the house. She still freaks out when I'm on my phone during thunderstorms because I could get electrocuted? I still can't tie my shoes.

No. 1048599

no offense because that is just awful and i'm so sorry but given you have internet and have made it onto lolcow, i would suggest you youtube a video on how to tie your shoes, it's a very useful thing to know and quick to learn. learn with the bunny ears method if it helps.

No. 1048624

okay so just found out that this is what i am. i've been putting off writing my undergrad thesis for 3 years now because i feel so dumb and incompetent, i've been trying to tackle that for the last few months but i can't focus, i feel like my brain is mush at this points and thus giving me great anxiety, so i go back to putting it off

i was thinking about the other day about how much i hate leeching off of my parents and if maybe i should kms bc i don't care about anything anymore, but i reached the conclusion that they would be worse off without me because then they wouldn't have anyone to take care of the house and our cats (they moved abroad and i'm living with my sister who is out at work for most of the time). so that made me feel a little less worse

No. 1048644

No. 1048701

I'm not technically a NEET at the moment but I feel like I'm close to slipping back into one. I am working rn but it's not my ideal job and I want to work somewhere Im passionate about. I have a degree but I don't really care about that field anymore and it's too expensive to go back to school again to get the degree I wanted. My social life is non
existent besides people I chat with casually at work but I'm too afraid to spend time with anyone outside of work. Also live at home still and the way my job pays I won't be able to afford to move out and get a job somewhere else even if I wanted to. Shit sucks

No. 1048856

No shame anon. I didn't learn how to tie my shoes or read an analog clock until I was 13. My family moved a lot so I skipped on certain subjects being taught at different times across each different school, and whenever I told my parents I didn't know how, they didn't believe me and thought I was faking it to mess with them. Didn't get fixed until one day my granny gave me a book for 5 year olds on how to tell the time, and I watched youtube for the shoe laces.

No. 1052573

I hate the fucking weekends. Parents are home, I can't just do what I want. I hate living at home even more than being a neet, I have some money saved and might be able to move in with someone loaded this year (and get a parttime job obvs). I know I'm lucky to have nice parents, I just hate people trying to control me. I'm going to get a cashier job maybe, at least send in my resume or work in a warehouse. I can't wait until next year, or two years.. I wish life was a movie and you could just skip to the happy end

No. 1052609

Late, forgot I posted. I don't receive benefit. I'm in the processing of applying, albeit very late, but it's tough to get approved for, even if debilitated. Thankfully I do have enough work credit for proper disability, but my monthly payments are estimated to be only a couple hundred bucks.
I'm learning some skills that could allow me to work from home just to prepare for the inevitable denial, but I expect employers to deny you if you at all imply you need accommodations. Plus, no relevant degree.
With how life has gone I almost feel like being a NEET was my destiny. Always some kind of setback to the path of normie life

No. 1054795

Hey nona, I'm in the same situation as you. Was meant to graduate in summer 2020 but had to retake, and I still haven't submitted my final work. I feel like a failure, but every time I sit down to read/write, my brain just goes blank. Feels like I'm stuck in limbo or something. Don't know whether it's even possible for me to graduate anymore (haven't checked my email in months), or whether I should just get a minimum wage job, or even just kms.
All my friends are moving on without me, and I'm not social enough anymore to ask them to hangout. Haven't had a job in four years, and the thought of having one fills me with dread lmao.
Kinda of reassuring to know that I'm not the only one going through this.

No. 1059487

I think I figured out why I lost interest in watching movies and TV shows and it's because as a NEET I don't relate to most of what they portray. I don't relate to working, going to school, having friends or a relationship, driving, going to parties, etc. I'm totally disconnected from that mainstream life so it isn't appealing for me to watch.

No. 1061072

I want to be a neet but I also want to see the world, but I don't have the money or degree to work abroad.
kinda sucks how the easiest way to achieve that would be kind of degrading

No. 1061101

>With how life has gone I almost feel like being a NEET was my destiny. Always some kind of setback to the path of normie life
Same. I've always felt like an alien outsider. And everytime I've made progress there's been setbacks. Like a damn rubber band I always bounce back to being a shut in NEET. Maybe it was meant to be. I feel uncomfortable and trapped in any other state.

I can get by just fine on benefits - forever. And I'm not sure how to feel about that. My entire life could pass me by so easily. I can sit right here in this dumb gaming chair forever and no one would ever save me or try to get me out. It's just me. Sometimes I think, why not? Maybe I should just let it happen.

No. 1061106

>as a NEET I don't relate to most of what they portray. I don't relate to working, going to school, having friends or a relationship, driving, going to parties, etc. I'm totally disconnected from that mainstream life so it isn't appealing for me to watch.
Felt this a lot lately and have been watching quite a bit of sci-fi and horror.

No. 1061193

I always was drawn to those genres plus stuff like fantasy or historical drama, mangas and animated movies with bizzare plots so far from reality. I always was kinda insecure about this because it felt immature But now you two have brought it to my attention of why i prefer them over typical stuff kek i just don’t relate, it’s a feel good experience

No. 1061208

AYRT. I dunno about you but I never really felt I had a direction in life anyway, and that every attempt was sort of me coping or trying to larp as a normie. Like you, an alien. Every time I would say I didn't wanna deal with people, normies just talked down on me and reminded me that dealing with people was just part of life. Couldn't handle it.
Now I just pretend to be a cool hermit and learn things on my own time. I'd rather do this than be a 9-5 slave honestly.
How hard was it for you to get on disability, if you don't mind me asking? I have a physical condition that isn't easily proved for SSA criteria so I might try to play up the mental health factor.

No. 1062401

It was super easy for me because of the country I live in. Play up the mental health factor, feel no shame about it. I hope you can reach financial security. I had aspirations for a while but when I imagined myself actually doing the whole 9-5 thing I was prepared to literally larp all day every day like an actor. And I realized that's not possible without going insane. My last attempt at working led to this sort of meltdown. Because I had truly realized I can not do it at all and probably never will. My many years long delusion of ''if only I do this and that I can be a normie too'' were completely shattered by reality, it would never happen. Will never be me.

Let's keep doing things on our own time. If you can get on disability, then figure out a way to make everyday life bearable. Still haven't found my recipe for that but working on it. People won't really believe you when you say you don't want to deal with people, they'll always think it's a cope because they can't imagine it themselves. They get enough joy out of it for the negatives to be worth it. I don't and I assume you don't either.

No. 1062502

>be lesbian
>found a woman with a career through online dating
>arrangement where I live with her rent free and just keep her company while she works and spoils me
Is this acceptable for a NEET life?

No. 1062551

Is that not what being a homemaker is, minus the kids?

No. 1062552

The issue that I'd worry about (and get a back up plan going for) is the same as a alot of straight women who get a partner who allows them to live the neet life.. It's great while you have it and you can only hope it lasts but if an unexpected break up happens tomorrow (or down the line) will you be ok or will you be stranded and struggling? Make sure you have something or someone to fall back on and that they don't become your everything. That's an easy trap to slowly fall into when you're neet.

Break ups blind-side you sometimes. I think realistically everyone should feel like they'd be able to manage ok with or without their partner. Be careful not to fall into agoraphobia or a state of worrying dependence over time. I've been in crisis after an ex seemingly changed overnight and secretly had lined up my replacement essentially. In the long run it was a blessing that got me my independance back and made me face my issues but it was rough going at the time. It took years for me to become that dependant on him and then the guy pulled the rug out from under me in a split second. I was far from my home town, out of touch with family, isolated, no income, no plan, most of all no confidence or belief in myself. Hope for the best but also plan for the worst case too.

No. 1063236

Aw you're so lucky. How did you approach online dating while being a NEET? I'm way too embarrassed. Like what did you say when she asked about your occupation? I feel like I don't deserve to date when I don't have anything to offer like a career or education. Like a man would be embarrassed to tell his parents about his NEET gf. I hope things go well for you and your gf.

No. 1074641

Disgusting thread.

No. 1098235

I wish there were female NEET youtube vloggers. The only one I can think of is Kalel Cullen but she barely posts.

No. 1098237

NEETs are too lazy to make content. They just yawn, fart, and consoom content.

No. 1098238

We cry, too.

No. 1098241

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Nah there are NEETs who make vlogging videos. Just talking to the camera for 30 minutes isn't too much effort for some of them. I wish there were more female NEET vloggers but they probably don't want harassment.

No. 1098275

he's actually attractive. is this another hidinginmyroom situation?

No. 1136254

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Mish is a NEET recluse. Most of her vlogs are going shopping, in her apartment or at the gym. It gets a bit repetitive but it's relatable. She was recently diagnosed with autism (although I don't think she is) so I don't see her situation improving.

Kinda motivates me to watch her clean, actually get up in the morning and go for walks and stuff. She seems content with her life.

No. 1136440

Thanks for sharing her channel anon, I have watched a couple of her videos now and find them kind of relaxing

No. 1136700

I see people who get paid by doing nothing - like exchanging emails, doing phone calls and sitting on meetings - not even participating
And making money. Not just money - decent money. And receiving job offers
I don’t understand
I can’t understand
What should I do
I am feeling horribly anxious even browsing job hunter sites
Even when I apply, I receive nothing, which is ok, I am not afraid being rejected a job
But the whole corporate culture, this normie linkedin shit I just can’t bear, I don’t know
I did have various jobs and gigs, but they are so irrelevant, I don’t know if I should put them all in my cv
Just how people are working.
I feel myself so miserable, why I can’t do things I am in theory able to do, but I just can’t
I am feeling this nausea physically

No. 1136716

Nonnie, your first mistake is not putting anything and everything in your CV, think of it as the section of the jobs you’ve had in your autobiography, as long as you have proof of working there, like a note or something from your boss, signed with a seal of the company/business, it counts and work experience.

No. 1136718

What in the troon
Socializing and looks and connections.

No. 1136870

Kek she has her own thread here: >>>/snow/411172
She used to have a video where she lip synced Barbie Girl for her "daddy", lol.

No. 1139515

I want to work but I don't want to work any of the jobs available near me. I don't want to be a NEET but if I am I don't want to be shamed for being a NEET. I hate how many people look down at important jobs like janitors or shelf stockers.

No. 1140094

I wouldn't mind doing those jobs but years of being sedentary as a NEET have made me weak and have poor stamina. It's easy to only take a few hundred steps a day and barely lift anything as a NEET. Which is why recently I've been going to the gym and doing both cardio and weightlifting.

No. 1153201

ive been a NEET since high school, i tried college but went in absolutely unprepared with out even buying books before (im retarded i didn't know that was a thing?) and couldn't really afford it and owed 5k still so dropped out within a week (none of my family would co-sign for loans). i have a lot of half siblings but none of them have ever considered helping me with anything cuz they don't like my mother and i think consider me a drug addict because i smoked pot for awhile (i don't smoke anymore and don't even like it i'm just severely mentally ill and needed to check out of my life). i also dealt with some alcoholism problems for awhile in private but quit that on my own also. i live with my disabled mother who's also been one of my main abusers my whole life and also tries to blame me for the abuse i faced at the hands of my (now dead) brother. i tried working one job at a fast food chain working drive thru but i cried every day and although everyone was nice and the work wasnt that bad it was unbearable and i actually fell physically ill and had to quit after about two weeks. i think im an autist but i've tried looking into getting an evaluation with my case manager but she only seems to be able to try and help me get a general psych eval, which i've been trying to get for months now to no avail. i've also had two different case managers over the last 4 years and neither of them have been able to help me get a job, a license, or further myself any way in life. i was diagnosed with BPD at 19 in the psych ward while in the midsts of some of the worst of my substance abuse issues and i just don't feel like i fit the criteria anymore, and the ones i do i feel like could be attributed to my suspected tism. i also fell thru the cracks my whole childhood, they even somehow put me into special ed in elementary school without a diagnosis? idk me and my case manager are trying to get my school records now because im applying to disability. i also have agoraphobic tendencies and only leave the house to go to two different stores near my house or go see my ex boyfriend. i guess i just wanted to vent and ask if theres any other NEETs on here on disability or applying for it? i also just generally don't understand these system type things i don't even know who diagnosed me with BPD i don't understand how they let me go to college with money owed still i just don't really understand anything in life cuz my parents were really bad drug addicts growing up and never had jobs. it also sucks people just telling me repeatedly i should get a job when if it was that easy i would just do it. i've been struggling for years and years and it just feels like no one sympathizes with me when i really can't help the circumstances i was born in. all my sisters escaped poverty by marrying men with rich families. im in the US and one of my sisters moved in with her now husband when she was 15 and he was in his like 50s. they have enough money they could buy me a car or help me in some way, her husband even bought cars for all my siblings, but i guess i just don't matter to them. my mother also has fairly well off siblings but i guess since she's an addict she doesn't deserve help. please nonas wish me luck with this disability thing it really seems like my only chance to keep surviving and not just off myself.

No. 1153280

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Ok, I'm here in the wild giving fake ass CVs to all the shops offering jobs. Actually doing this IRL right now. This is so embarassing. Let's hope something will come out of this. Gimme luck , neet sisterhood

No. 1153283

this is probably more suited to the recovering NEET thread. this one is for people who don't plan on rejoining society

No. 1153328

good luck nonna!!

No. 1153339


No. 1153351

read the OP, and there's literally a recovering NEET thread. maybe check the catalog first before posting retard.

No. 1153379

So you projected this shit on me. Who said I'm ready to rejoin society? I just really need to find a job since my financial situation changed.
Who hurt you nonnie? Maybe some girl with a job?
By the way I wish you a good day, you poor soul.

No. 1153380

She said, step in my transporter
So I can teleport ya
All around my heavenly body
This could be a close encounter
I should take care not to flounder
Sends me into hyperspace
When I see her pretty face
oooh she's just a… cosmic girl
On a job search

Wishing you luck nonna.

No. 1153385

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Thank you nona!

No. 1153404

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I really want to go back, further into my neetdom. When I was at my peak (0 work, 0 college, 0 hang outs) I was the most content with my life. Now I have e-college and a "job" as a "digital marketing specialist" at my dad's friend's business… But also now the idea of HAVING to do something, be it go outside to the store, mortifies me and makes me even more unwilling to do it..

No. 1155879

How did you manage to get a husband? Before I was a NEET I had so much ambition but now all I want to do is have a comfy house and be happily married (idc what people might say about marriage on lc), obviously can't meet anyone when I don't go outside

No. 1155904

Damn can you get me a job nonna? I'm a beer graphic designer

No. 1155922

*Neet not beer

No. 1155927

i might have to go neet, but never done it before, can i ask some questions?

>will it be in social housing only or a normal (cheap) rental?

>is it enough money for food or would i starve?
>is there money usually for saving or for hobbies or is that not possible?

No. 1155933

Uhh anon this is all extremely variable and dependent on your situation to the point where none of us could give an answer…

No. 1157899

I want to unNEET myself and be normal because I can't live like this anymore but there's nothing out there for me, I'm too autistic and socially retarded. The hard work of recovering is never worth it. I tried retail and worked at a cafe and it was just me embarrassing myself and being a cringelord in front of customers.

No. 1158249

kaitlyn get off the site now! mom says it's my turn to use the computer!

No. 1164979

Nothing. I’m a neet. I’m living on meme coin money but that doesn’t count.

No. 1164988

Felling back into NEETdom as agoraphobia takes over my life once again. Boyfriend doesn't really mind since I'm pretty cheap to keep around kek but it does make our make our goals that much farther away and I'm filled with so much guilt. I wish I could do something online for work but shitty internet, a small space, and loud cats doesn't really allow that atm.

No. 1164990

If they’re working they’re not a neet.

No. 1164994

I imagine real neets do have hustles but are not consistent enough to be called jobs. I have survived off government bux, selling weed/ my own prescriptions, invest (gamble), mooching a few orbiters, sometimes if I’ve been a good girl my family gives me some spending money. I don’t eat much, so I can spend it on other things. If there’s a big expense that I really really really want, I’ll actually get a job for a couple months.

No. 1165027

Do… do you know what a neet is?

No. 1165028


I'm officially ending 2 years of neetdom at the end of the month with a new design job. Good money but feel kinda depressed now that the paperwork is signed

No. 1165036

How did you explain the 2 years nonny? Did you have the qualifications for the job?

No. 1165108

my thing was selling cameras online.

No. 1165140

part covid and part I did have the qualifications. Actually took a pay cut from my previous salary for this job, but the life-work balance is much better so hopefully it'll make for an easy transition…

No. 1165166

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Kaitlyn!! Kaitlyn!!!

No. 1165171

Idk who that is or why I keep seeing her name chanted I’m so sorry

No. 1165174

A retarded The Atlantic journalist who posted a thread asking us to email her for an article about femcels, could have not been her and a repost, but who knows.

No. 1165176

kek this, not everything is a real job.

No. 1165246

how do you hikki nonnas have the will to live knowing you give nothing and mean nothing to the world? do you still feel like a human being?

No. 1165252

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your boss doesn't care about your livelihood, nonny

No. 1165254

not neet but this

No. 1165256

yeah not a neet either, but I'll never understand the "uhm… don't you hate not sucking the balls and licking the taint of your power-hungry general manager?" conviction a lot of these people have.

No. 1165287

There's times where i feel depressed and empty seeing how my friends move on with their lifes while i'm stuck feeling useless that i want to k1ll myself. Sometimes i think about having a hermit phase where no one can bother me, just me and my thoughts.

No. 1165299

I mean… even regular people who work mean nothing and give nothing to the world. Most people's existence is meaningless and will affect no one.

No. 1165304

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I feel like I'm regressing. I did actually go to the gym today but after that I wanted to throw up I was so stressed about people potentially watching me. I hate social anxiety the way I deal with it is to just leave the place I'm at but I can't always do that. I hung out with some mutuals (not actually friends, just people happen to be in the same place) but hearing about their lives getting better than mine makes me feel lonelier in their company and want to die. I gave a job I'm tired of doing and want to quit. And a degree I'm not using. Sorry I'm technically not a full blown NEET i just need to vent i feel like I'm cracking. I want to just revert back into my former self and destroy 3 years of progressing from this lifestyle

No. 1165626

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No. 1165755

sorry to break it to you but all the ""neets"" we used to have here were just people going through unemployed covid lockdowns kek

No. 1165984

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No. 1166001

Even by not doing anything I still mean things to people. I'm a daughter, granddaughter, sister, childhood friend, etc. If I didn't live with my mother I suppose I would stop feeling like a real person at that point, but I still feel like I have a purpose taking care of her.

No. 1166168

i really want to bond with my fellow neet sisters, not these dummies who are on a little 2 month break from work or who are in college. don't mean to gatekeep but it sucks when these types pretend they know what the lifestyle is like.

No. 1166885

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No. 1167411

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Sometimes I think I want to return to work because the stagnant feeling sucks. But the anxiety is nauseating. All of my experiences in a professional workplace has been abusive as fuck. Why am I surrounded by so many bullies, male and female. What is it about working for a firm or corporate that makes people so fucking soulless and sociopathic. I am unable to mask around coworkers because they are just too different from me, white, conservative, and religious. I can’t pretend to fit in with those people so I just keep to myself and I think that marks me as an outsider and a subject for disdain.
Working grown up jobs has really confirmed for me that normies are malicious and hateful, they are all the same. I want to retreat into NEETdom forever.

No. 1167414

Can we go back to the part where they call us beautiful girls again?

No. 1167426

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same, I can't handle the bullying nature of cooperate spaces, I have been traumatized by the bulling I went through when I was younger and get panic attacks just thinking about them, I love my current living situation, I get to play the vidya , shitpost online and continue to do the activities I'm interested(such as archiving all the media I like) and have someone that unconditionally supports me

No. 1167985

same, hello fellow NEET sister <3

No. 1168027

Omg meee

No. 1168079

same, i feel like a lot of people who i try to talk to about it don't really understand how hard it is for me to get a job and hold down a job

No. 1169705

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Is anyone here older? I turn 30 in July. I'm pretty frightened of the future.

No. 1169751

ill be 31 in august, life just gets worse, kill yourself nows

No. 1169758

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fixed it for you

No. 1169759

Almost 30. I haven't been a lifelong NEET but a large portion of my 20s I was. Now there's no hope left to un-NEET myself

No. 1169768

I'm 30 and at 29 felt terribly afraid of the number 30 however, it just feels like another number nothing different. It sucks being a neet at this age though. I have things i'd like to pursue but my social anxiety, learning disabilities etc. hold me back. And meds and "getting help" don't really help either.I have to fight off anxiety about my future every night.

No. 1169796

What kind of learning disabilities do you have? I know that you can get government help with stuff like housing and all that with documentation in the US at least. Though of course if you've already done that disregard this. I'm trying to work on getting gov help and disability and came across that so figured I'd mention

No. 1169870

Thanks for the input but i'm sure I qualify for nothing. I tried getting assistance but it wasn't granted. I'm someone that fell through the cracks. Despite my social anxiety I come across as fairly normal because i'm self aware and for some reason people think i'm smart.I think I have dyspraxia, I can't do most math. I can never figure anything out on my own and I can't remember anything. My short stint at Walmart went terrible. I was slow,couldn't get anything done,didn't know what to do and it was really hard for me to work in general and I had to rely on my coworkers which I feel really bad about. I tried getting help but ended up with not a single diagnosis they didn't even tell me if I had anxiety or depression,adhd etc. but gave me lots of useless pills. Maybe I just have a low IQ and my life is hell because of it?

No. 1169911

What did you try? Social security and disability? It takes a long time and a lot of denials before you get it and you usually need a lawyer.
Were you in special ed during grade school? That can count for something too. If you can get it through your insurnace maybe you can get some sort of neuropsych testing done to prove what might be wrong. For developmental disabilities or autism you can get help though Department of Developmental Services in the US.
I feel you though…Unfortunately a lot of doctors are just pill pushers and don't really care about diagnosis. It's a lot of work to put in just to get some goddamn help and not everyone is willing to hear you out but having some semblance of security is really worth it.

No. 1170285

I think it was SSI. At the time I was younger like between 23-25 can't remember exactly. I don't have a lot of documentation of my issues because a lot has not been treated and I hated the help that I got and gave up and I take no meds. In like 4th grade I started a special ed class that was like a hour or so but had regular class as well until high school. There were other kids like me who seemed normal but there were also some legit retarded kids depending on my grade/class that year as well. I had to have special help to graduate because I couldn't pass my math tests. Good luck on getting disability anon. I knew a guy that got it at like 25 but he had TONS of documentation,lawyer didn't leave his house for years and weighed 350. My cousin got it to but he attempted suicide many times and is now living in some mental health facility.

No. 1172414

I'm so fucking angry at my parents cultivating learned helplessless in me.

>"What, YOU think you can just apply for a job and people will hire you, it doesn't just work like that. I think you'll find it's harder than you think"

>"What, you think you'll just find an apartment, in this market?"
>"Living in a boarding house? You'll be bullied by niggers (there words) every day, you're living in fucking lala land"

What the fuck was their problem

No. 1172417

What's a bullshit business that makes some money but isn't hard to do? I made some money in stocks and crypto over the last few years and now I'm pretty much cashed out, is there any way I can put it into some business that isn't too hard for an autist to run? I've been not working for almost two years now…

No. 1172418

Cleaning business. Literally just buy a van, the cleaning products and hold your stock in a shed. You can do early mornings and evenings in staggered shifts, that way you're not around anyone.

No. 1172420

anything that doesn't require me cleaning toilets? like can i sell things online or buy a vending machine or something?

No. 1172422

Every second bored housewife is selling shit on etsy, it's doable but it's not easy. You're putting in more effort than stacking shelves at a supermarket for less money.

Vending machines require lots spread around town to be profitable.

No. 1172425

fuck. why can't i just sit at home and do nothing? work sucks.

No. 1172435

Any anons make enough to get by off art/commissions? If so, what's your strat? I'm an artist and too much of an autist to get hired, I don't care if I have to draw inflation porn for some moid I just want money. I've thought about Etsy and stuff too but I don't really have a following

No. 1172438

my sister is all into her dog so for christmas I bought her a painting of her dog off etsy. can you do some commissions like that which normies will pay for their ugly kid or dog to get painted or similar? and yeah since you're familiar with the bowels of the internet maybe there is some niche you could do but that's depressing.

No. 1172442

Good luck to you too nonna. If you need any other advice or directions let me know

No. 1172446

Nta I agree. There are so many normies who even pay people for adventure time artstyled commission. Hell, even family guy or sth.

No. 1172450

>Implying you are more than just a replaceable number

No. 1172452

Yeah so many shitty sites and services on instagram exist too for 'have your family drawn in this popular cartoon style!' and they're all god awful. People really seem to care more about content than skill. It sucks to have to capitalize on trends to get by as an artist but you gotta do what you gotta do

No. 1172482

You're a human being with a right to live your life from the second you were born, regardless of how "useful" you are to ""society"".

No. 1172521


to the tune of…?

No. 1172609

giving nothing and meaning nothing to the world doesn't imply usefulness to society. (or having a job like other equally pressed neets were implying. what are you going to do when the people caring for you die?

No. 1172823

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I’m happy NEETing, it gives me time to do everything that brings me joy. The only time I feel bad about it is when I get reminded that society doesn’t value my non-contribution.

No. 1172828

What does the average person do for and mean to society? As the working class, we are all disposable.

No. 1173236

Are writing jobs good for neets? What about copywriting?

No. 1173241

I fuckin value you. I value your life and your right to exist and to be a happy person who follows her passions and dreams. Fuck the world. Let's make art and play video games.

No. 1173247

My point is that you aren't any less of a human with a right to live just because you don't work/are otherwise contributing to what ""society"" deems at ""useful"". This mindset is why half of the population thinks they are never enough of anything.

No. 1173264

being a woman and being neet is based

No. 1173265

I agree

No. 1173481

Online assistant maybe? If you know basic shit like excel and sending out emails you may be able to do it. I heard about this a long time ago though, so I don't know specifics.

No. 1173516

Only the truly worthless think they matter.

No. 1176052

That is an awful jobs for neets to do. It's very physical and gross. You would need to have a lot of energy and a lot of neets can barely get out of bed. I'm also a bit of germaphobe and couldn't handle it yet people always recommend cleaning jobs because it's all we qualify for.

No. 1176061

Just wanted to also add that I think most neets are only capable of working from home.

No. 1176158

I'm a neet but I'm envious of other neets who do productive things with their time like draw or learn how to code. Where do you guys find the motivation? Do you do it to keep yourself busy or in hope that this skill will eventually get you out of here?

No. 1176177

I like to draw, it’s a pleasure thing. But I’m also learning a new language and coding, yes I am motivated by the possible future prospects. But honestly most days I’m not thinking about the future, I just enjoy having the mental stimulation. When you’ve been NEET for a long time, you might feel like you’re in groundhog day and learning news things helps keep the depression at bay.

No. 1176189

I learned Japanese so I would have access to more entertainment things. And I'm trying to draw better now so I can draw out my fantasies. It's just for fun, and I wouldn't ever want to actually translate for a living because it's hard work for shit pay and I don't want to draw things I don't like even if I get paid for it.

No. 1176206

Nta but how long have you been practicing and how is it coming along? Comfortable enough to read manga or play a vn?

No. 1176275

I started in 2013 and was reading stuff with a dictionary within a year. I don't really actively practice anymore but I can understand streams just fine and that's all I use it for these days once I realized how lame most vn's actually are.

I probably have the skills to do boring technical translations of things, but I don't really have creative writing skills even in English so I don't want to translate stories and I'm not fast enough to translate real time.

No. 1176890

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>being a woman and being neet is based

No. 1177380

What are your embarrassing NEET moments when facing the general public and how do you usually react or respond? What explanations do you give?
I'm a bit of a sperg so I always feel the need to answer things honestly and I can't hide my emotions when this embarrassment happens. When people try to make small talk with me and ask what I do it's humiliating. Dentists, hairdressers, it's unavoidable. I feel like this kind of nosy invasiveness about life is on-brand for being in burgerland vs other countries but maybe I'm mistaken.
I had a dental assistant who for years would try to fix me with unwarranted advice. Just the usual, how about you do this, what about trying that. I was happy when I lost my dental insurance and never had to see her again kek.
I got grilled by a family acquaintance at some funeral asking what I do for work, and when I answered I don't do anything, she gave the usual boomer reasoning of how everyone has got to do something. Fuck, if only they knew.

No. 1177382

that's so badass. it's like in being a legbeard you have also become a skilled queen, good job.

No. 1177388

I try not to go to the same stores too often or at the same times because I don't want anyone to recognize me. Small talk with hairdresses is something I also dread but usually I just try to ask questions so I don't have to talk about myself

No. 1177409

I give different responses to strangers or family members depending on my mood. I've said that I do freelance graphic design, that I'm an actor and I spend most of my time going to auditions, or that I'm enrolled in online classes. Or I just talk about shitty retail jobs that I've worked before. I honestly have never straight up told someone that I'm a NEET, because I know when people ask for your occupation they're not expecting the awkwardness of you just saying "nothing." I find that as long as you somewhat take care of your appearance people won't guess that you're a NEET.

No. 1177415

Well pre COVID I only went to stores in the dead of night wearing the most stereotypical hikkineet fashion so I’m sure whoever paid me a thought didn’t think I was a functional human being. But hey if they’re working graveyard shifts, they probably don’t have room to be judgy of me. Other than that, I just lie and say I’m a student. I don’t have any contact with extended family so I’m spared of the nosy aunties.

No. 1177416

>neet woman
I mean if you were really rich back in the day, this was the way it was

No. 1177420

I feel weird, I really don't feel bored ever despite not working. I keep myself busy enough cooking/cleaning for my parents that it feels like I'm doing something productive with my life even though I'm not. People always complain they wish they had more spare time for things they enjoy but I barely have hobbies, I don't even watch a lot of TV or movies. I just listen to music, do chores around the house, and occasionally play games with discord friends.

No. 1177443

Going to activities and events alone because I cut off all my friends because they all advanced in life while I didn't and felt embarrassed. I don't want to make any new friends either because I don't think they understand my situation. So if I want to attend an event I just hang out by myself while everyone else is with their group of friends.
I bought hair cutting scissors and have trimmed my own hair for the past few years partly because I got tired of the questions. It's just cutting the split ends off so not too hard to screw up.

No. 1177499

You reminded me of when I'd go to the closest grocery store there was this one employee who would make comments to me asking if it was school vacation or something because I guess I looked young. I felt like she thought I was some kind of truant. I would use self checkout but eventually she would be on standby there and a few times had to fix my transaction. I'd always buy a shit ton of yogurt every time I went too on top of looking disheveled and awkward so I always wondered if I earned a reputation with her or her coworkers as being weird yogurt girl. I should have just gone to another one. I stopped going to stores physically years ago though at least

No. 1183153

NEETbwos who funds your lifestyle? When I used to be a neet I lived with my large family since no one moved out, just everyone splitting the bills. So I guess I "made up" my contribution by cooking and cleaning. Just curious if you guys rely on family or just have neetbux from previous jobs. I might have to go back to being a NEET, college is destroying me and it's too late in the semester to take a break.

No. 1183260

Being a queen is just being a NEET in a big house

No. 1187221

If I'm doing small talk and someone asks what I do, I say I'm studying. Which is true, I do study, but in my own time and I'm not enrolled in any course. But if I feel like they want a good answer I'll say I'm doing an online course in [something I'm interested in] and I hope to get a certification from it and get a job soon.

No. 1187973

So uh I'm back into NEETdom after failing college a second time and then being fired from my part time job. I'm legitimately unemployable. No one would want to hire someone who hasn't gained a qualification or 'proper' work experience in the last 5 years.

How did you guys cope with this shitty feeling? A part of me is relieved I don't have to keep up appearances anymore but the larger part is telling me that I literally can't live like this forever

No. 1187992

I rotate the liquor stores I go to, especially if a clerk starts to get too chummy. I had to abandon a breakfast place I liked because the waitress remembered my "usual". I don't even let people develop an in with me and I remain a stranger. I also no longer develop relationships with neighbors because they are nosy as fuck and it's none of their business what my living situation is like and who funds it. Because in my experience, people do NOT treat you with the same level of respect as when you seem employed. If I have to go to the doctor's or dentist I wear my old office casual clothes and pretend I'm still a secretary so they treat me like a human being instead of a retarded little girl that failed to launch or a loser burnout. Also I feel more confident when I'm more put together and adult looking as well. Additionally I repeat the mantra to myself "I am allowed to be here too" when I feel insecure about doing yard work or running errands during working hours, or when I go somewhere teeming with normalfags and I feel like an undercover monster

No. 1187997

If I don’t have a job right now and I’m in college am I still a NEET like what am I called

No. 1187999

Google what NEET means

No. 1188003


No. 1188018

Nta but it's so depressing. I live in a small town and I can't even change stores/doctors/pubs so much because there are like 2 and I have no car. Can't even make up lies because they will reach my relative's ears and they will start humiliating me for telling lies and not working. The absolute worst is when I see some ex classmate. I was lowkey glad that during the lockdowns I could just say I was unemployed because a lot of other regular people were, so it wasn't so weird. What is even up with people treating an unemployed person like trash? I couldn't care less if a person I know works or studies or does nothing.
Now I either stay inside or go take walks in the countryside where I can only see old ladies or farmers who mostly don't care.

No. 1188020

>The absolute worst is when I see some ex classmate.
How do you guys handle that? I literally froze the one time I ran into one and had to pretend I was "hopping between jobs". It still keeps me up at night remembering that encounter.

No. 1188030

Usually I leave before they can see/recognize me, but if they came to me and asked I would just say that I'm in the middle of changing jobs and I would make shit up of they ask about previous jobs. I was always the weird friendless kid though, so I doubt they would stop to talk to me even if I approached them first.

No. 1188038

This seems like a very small, dull life. I don’t get neets.

No. 1188074

This small dull life is better than staying at a hospital (or mental hospital) because of burnouts/breakdowns and having panic attacks every other day. I'm bad at dealing with reality like many other people. Trust me I tried very hard all my life and I only got more and more mentally ill. Working a soul-crushing job in some factory isn't going to make my dull life any better.

No. 1188614

You're a student. Can't believe you forgot that word existed

No. 1188621

Most NEETs are the way they are because of crippling mental illness and/or a strong preference for a rich inner fantasy world than reality.

No. 1188833

Some people weren't built to be workaholics and sensation seekers like most normies. Yes it looks like a 'dull life' from the outside and it seems like we don't do much but it's because that's all we can really handle. There is usually a very big reason we cannot hold regular jobs or are so behind in life vs our peers, and it's not just out of laziness

No. 1191259

I go really crazy if I'm not doing something that feels productive to me. I also hope that in the future I'll be skilled enough that I could be employable enough to work from home despite having no work history. Even doing something like freelance work. It keeps anxiety at bay to think I'm doing something to give myself options since working outside the home isn't an option for me. I also find it really fun to study and feel good about myself when I'm doing it.

No. 1191304

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Yeah… as a NEET of 8 years, I didn't bother posting because it seems like most of these girls don't even know what being a NEET is. "I'm a neet but I got to my job everyday" shit was just annoying to read. I get being a wagie is probably exhausting but I hate hearing how you're more functional than me in a thread for losers…

I think my family is getting tired of me but if I talk about trying to get on disability for my (admittedly awful) health, they tell me I'm just lazy. They won't let me get diagnosed with autism or depression or EDS because they say I just want a label to excuse my laziness even though I was an overachiever before having a psychotic break and my health slowly deteriorating almost a decade ago. If they throw me out, I don't know what to do. I can't rely on a man, I'm not attracted to them, even after the conversion therapy attempts. I wish I could find a way to exist while being left alone with none of their heavy expectations.

No. 1191313

I'm so sorry you went through that anon. I was similar, right before becoming severely mentally ill I was the perfect kid with great grades and I was supposed to go study in one of the best universities in my region with a scholarship. I'm still so bitter about it, some days I can't cope with the fact that now I'm a completely useless loser (and everyone has forgotten about the things I achieved, of course…). I guess it was humbling in a way though.

No. 1191319

Can you do that stuff (apply for disability, get a diagnosis) without telling your family? It's not really any of their business if you're an adult. Although in my country you do need to disclose the income of the people you live with to get on disability.

No. 1191361

Oh lord this. When I read of a NEET or someone having Agrophobia or extreme social anxiety, then they go, "Well I work" or "I do social thing".
My brain cannot take it or understand. I'm In my later 20's. I have never had a job and I don't think I could even be capable. My brain feels like it's slowly rottening and I'm aware of every single thing going on. I think everyone see's my every single flaw. That I'm just an ugly monster leaving a cave, even though I speak the same language of those around me, I don't understand it the same way they do.
I know it's weird and wrong to think this way, but it's like, "Damn, I'm proud of you. For being like me but being able to function, I don't feel I can" but at the same time i do have some resentment. I guess it's like misery loves company. If you are in the same shitty place as me, I feel more comfortable discussing it because you understand.

No. 1191765

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>I'm still so bitter about it, some days I can't cope with the fact that now I'm a completely useless loser
I struggle with this feeling everyday. My family went from being proud of me to sort of just barely tolerating me. I spend a lot of time almost mourning who I used to be. I have a lot of "I wish I could go back" fantasies. But that me is long gone.

I could, but since I live with them I think it could cause tension and I want to avoid that as much as possible. My NEETing is already enough of an issue, you know? Not like I have any money to my name, still have loans to (eventually?) pay off. I have no other place I could go if they get tired of me since I pushed all my old friends away years ago. I think at the end of this year, if they still don't listen to me, I'll just do it secretly and deal with the consequences. I wish they didn't see it as being weak. It's not like I was lazy before any of this, so I don't get it. Thanks for that suggestion, nonnie.

I could have written this myself. I'm sorry you're dealing with the same feelings. It just feels nice to know someone can relate when I feel so unnaturally fearful of the world compared to most people. I know it's not healthy but other than disability, I don't know any baby steps to get out of this. I feel like I'm too far gone into hermit mode to even try graduating from NEETdom, so I'm just coasting through life.

Thanks for the replies. It feels nice to be able to express myself to people who understand.

No. 1192036

I hate trying to explain why I'm a NEET to normies. I get the usual "Well you have to realize that you have to deal with people your whole life and it's unavoidable" patronizing comments. Like no fucking shit, I'm not retarded. It's just harder for more and I will do everything I can to avoid it.

I have had jobs before but I barely functioned and didn't last. The only one I liked was mostly independent. When I dealt with too many people I shut down. My coworkers would get on my case for it, or if I'd try to interview for jobs and express I prefer working independently, I'd get the same speech. I think people like to perpetuate this idea of resilience that applies to everyone, but some people just don't have it. Like the whole 'bullying builds character' bullshit. Some people just never get used to this sort of thing and they crack under the pressure.

No. 1196090

>I think people like to perpetuate this idea of resilience that applies to everyone, but some people just don't have it.
Absolutely. I'd compare it to expecting an autistic person to just stop flapping their hands, or to stop ''being weird''. Some of us just don't have what it takes. I feel too sensitive for this world.

No. 1208253

Late reply. I hope you are still reading. I am 27 and I try to escape NEET lifestyle. I got an invite for a job. I hope I will make it…

No. 1208269

2022 is going to be my year. I will escape NEETdom, I will get a job in the capital and live in a city with millions of people. I will the weird part of the internet behind, I will quit weird toxic online friendships, I will not feel guilty for not checking Discord. I want to leave the sweet comfort and good and bad memories behind. I will recover from this life style and not remember my sad existence anymore. Please wish me luck nonnies. Thank you for everything. I can not express the comfort I found in this thread. Good bye but not forever. Thank you again. I think and root for every single one of you.

No. 1208304

Love you gorl, hope you make it out there.

No. 1208382

The ppl who go on about resilience usually are well off and never had any real problems. It's just a different flavor of the pull yourself by the bootstraps. Only ppl who have resilience had a middle/upper family, had loving and supportive parents, and were heavily invested in growing up (educational activities, sports, constant encouragement, emotional support, nepotism).

No. 1208386

Yeah it’s very easy to condescend others about how you’ve been sooo strong and “taught yourself” to be mentally sound when your mommy and daddy are just a phone call away when you need to remove yourself from a situation. Plenty of people don’t have the support or resources to “get better”.

No. 1208690

I wish I could leave my home town but I don't think I'll escape NEETdom any time soon

No. 1208761

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I don't remember if I posted in this thread so here I go. I'm 25 and have been a NEET for 3 years now. I spend all my time on my computer, playing video games and streaming. Streaming has not been a "real" job for me and I don't earn enough with it to make a living. I used to work and study but it all came crashing down when I had a panic attack and broke up with my ex. I suffer from depression and anxiety since my early teens. I'm just tired living like this. I can spend weeks (months if I'm really down) not taking a shower. It's miserable. I want to have my life together. Do my skincare, wake up at a decent hour, go out, work, travel, get new tattoos, go to the hairdresser etc etc. At least I talk to alot of people in vocal or texts but ye. I'm just exhausted from this existence and this has never been how I imagined my life to be..

No. 1209010

Are you me? I feel exactly the same without the streamer part. But anything else hits close to home… I wish you strength we got this.

No. 1209011

I think your looking for the NEET recovery thread

No. 1209014

>Only ppl who have resilience had a middle/upper family, had loving and supportive parents
Who exactly can afford to be a NEET except those with parents who are at least well off and supportive enough to let them live at home and not work tho

People with truly shit home lives and no support don't get the luxury of not working

No. 1209078

this is not true. i live in poverty with my mom on disability in low income housing. im sure a lot of other NEETs happen to be poorfags who live at home with family.

No. 1209082

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No. 1209091

I've fully leaned into my role as the family black sheep and fulltime neet. My little brothers are rude as fuck to me, my parents treat me with kid gloves because they think I am mento, and I have no social media to avoid everyone else possible (that hoe in the confession thread that randomly messaged a girl she bullied for example, I'm not trying to see shit like that it would disrupt my vibe). My goals are lowkey like house chores and finishing manga

No. 1209115

I don't consider people on disability to be true NEETs unless they completely scammed their way into being on welfare, if someone is genuinely too disabled to work that's fair.

But ignoring that, your mother lets you live there, right? Is that not a form of parental support? Obviously not every NEET has a well off family but it's significantly more likely that they do just by virtue of their circumstances. Less privileged people wouldn't be able to afford it at all, their parents wouldn't be able to afford it, they wouldn't tolerate the presence of a non contributing adult just because they have anxiety or whatever. Anon was acting like NEETs become that way because they don't have middle class, loving parents but it's obvious many if not most do and they must or they couldn't be NEETs at all.

No. 1209149

my mothers on disability and im not. im not going to do a whole sob story but shes not a very supportive person and i dont have many people i would consider support at all. im just kind of chilling and rotting. i am trying to apply for my own disability but its for mental health so does that count as "disabled enough not to work" for you? technically wouldnt most NEETs in this thread fall under that category? i do agree a lot of terminally online neets probably are middle class/rich but its not a definitive rule for NEETdom.

No. 1209184

NEET means not in education employment or training and disability isn't any of those. Even if they are disabled and getting the money legit they are still a neet by definition

No. 1209213

This. I have a friend who is not only disabled but her parents are aging and need a lot of help around the house, so for most of her 20s she's had to stick around and help them and hasn't worked. No car to pay off, gets EBT for groceries.
Some NEETs are simply roommates to their family or caretakers for their parents. It's not always a situation of privileged influencer type girl who never needed to work a day in her life, or overly coddled freeloader with a rich family.
Let's not forget thirdie NEETs who marry rich guys online to escape their situations too.

No. 1209866

let's talk to each other nonie, I'm curious ! send me your discord I add you

ah yes sorry, my bad

No. 1211023

>I don't consider people on disability to be true NEETs
Ok so you're a retard

No. 1211714

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The power of NEETs

No. 1211716

I'm rooting for them.

No. 1212561

Articles like these are so funny to me, all they can do is blame and shame. Neets are just as hated as old people who've become vegetables. Situation in Italy is almost as bad as japan I read, they're socially ruthless there.

No. 1212591

As a former Italian NEET, nepotism is crazy rampant here. If you don't know, or are related to, the right people it's hard to do pretty much anything, even land a spot in a university sometimes. A lot of really talented and smart people just up and leave to work elsewhere because the country's so fucking unwelcoming. And people who DO want to work and escape NEETdom run into a lot of shitty and frustrating bureucracy and in general aren't helped at all, especially those suffering or who have suffered from mental illness. But sure, it's their fault for holding the country back kek.

No. 1212757

How did you overcome being Italian nonnatella?

No. 1212887

I put pineapple on pizza and they automatically removed my citizenship

No. 1212918

Nonas I've had it. Today I'm going to change my cv and I'm going to lie my ass off. I'm going to make the most beautiful cv you could imagine for a motivated and ambitious mid 20s woman that is looking for a career change after being a valuable employee in a small company for several years. I'm going to get a job and no "1 year of experience required for an entry position" is stopping me.

No. 1213112

Go for it anon! Lying is so worth it. Lying got me in the door and legit references.

No. 1213159

Nta but where can we find advice on how to lie on your cv

No. 1213172

If it works for you come back and share everything you did

No. 1213173

Be careful with that, you don't want to get sued.

No. 1213275

stunning and brave, congratulations on escaping italy kek

No. 1213525

super late and NTA but this absolute bop deserves recognition

No. 1213543

nonnies im so tired
i cant be bothered to work my incredibly low-effort, not even part-time job, i dont want to do any amount of hard schoolwork, and ive dropped or removed all of my friends. about 8 months ago i sperged out at the friends because they were all shitty normie women and i didnt want to play the social game and dont have it in me to pretend to like a faggot fucking caricature of a woman. why do they all do that?
this is the first summer i havent had to do anything related to school or work and i cant imagine wanting to do anything after i graduate in a semester or two. ive purposely delayed it in fact so that i can avoid graduating. but im scared my moms going to blow up on me (as she has done previously for a mental health crisis)
i need to figure out how to secure a neet life before i go nuclear about it all

No. 1214628

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how do i get out of neetdom if i dont have a baccalaureate degree ? not sure what the equivalent is in america, but its the diploma you get once you finish highschool/senior year. and there is no GED in my country. am i doomed ? realistically i know i am not since i know plenty illiterate middle aged people working jobs and such but i dont know if they just hire them out of pity or through connections, i know 0 people. i feel so ashamed of myself but i need to pay back my parents, they havent asked for it but i feel terribly guilty and it will keep eating away at me if i dont

No. 1214757

I used to be desperate to get a job and become a normie but now after years this is the only way of life I can tolerate. I wonder if there is a time limit on how long you have to escape NEETdom.

No. 1214819

Where I am there is Adult high school/secondary school at which people can finish their education as an adult and get their diploma. Maybe there's something like that in your country and you can do that? Alternatively ask for advice from a social worker? They could probably help you get in contact with the right organizations to finish your education or get a job. I also wouldn't worry too much on your parents if they haven't actually asked you to pay them back, they'd probably much rather see you get on your feet.

No. 1214916

I feel guilty about not feeling guilty about my NEETdom. Is that weird? It feels like I've been working my entire life (eldest daughter's curse) and after leaving my high-stress job a few months ago, I don't want to return. I have a small part-time job that brings in a few hundred dollars a month for my small bills and little items and I'm supported by my wife who just wants me to be happy either way. I don't even miss the social aspects, it's very nice to stay home and work out and read and draw and write and take care of my pets. The house stays cleaner and I have more time to bake as well.

Maybe I should be striving for more, like going to college or getting certifications/taking classes in my field. I know I should want to go out and make something of myself. But I love my inner world and my hobbies, I love going for a long walk whenever I feel like it, even if it's a weird time of day. Maybe there's something wrong with me for not caring if I have a social life, but damn. This is so peaceful.

No. 1214975

i think some people just thrive as neets. not all for sure but some.

No. 1214996

nona tu peux faire un DAEU, c'est un équivalent au bac et j'ai déjà rencontré des personnes à l'université qui ont fait ça avant une licence.

No. 1215024

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about to graduate from neetdom IF i get a call back from all the places i applied to work at. Getting a job in this city is so hard. Everyone employs their own kids and relatives and if its not the case, the competition is high since ive got no work experience competing with graduates and people who’ve worked like 50 similar jobs and know what theyre doing so theyre likely to be interviewed. But i can’t live like this anymore.

No. 1215029

Vas voir pour les diplômes équivalents au bac, ou essaie de passer le bac en tant que candidat libre. Je sais pas si tu peux prétendre à des aides pour des formations pour la réinsertion à l'emploi ou jsp quoi. Après ça si tu veux faire des études essaie de voir s'il y a possibilité de trouver des alternances ou de faire un BTS ou DUT qui te force à faire des stages, comme ça si tu trouves une alternance ou un stage ça te fera un énorme plus sur ton CV. Idem si tu peux faire un job étudiant en parallèle des études. Même si c'est pas des trucs oufs tu pourrais faire genre t'as obtenu des compétences transverses et des soft skills qui te serviront toute ta carrière. Bon courage.

No. 1215032

Why díd yóu réply tœ hér en français?

No. 1215037

I've been a neet for a few years and my god, lately I can't stand talking to normies. All they talk about is their job. Work, work and more work. Why do they even want to talk about their job? Doesn't it already take up most of their days? Isn't it better to NOT talk about work on your time off? Ffs, it's like their dead-end job is their whole identity.

No. 1215045

Noni it doesn't sound like you're a neet, you pull your weight around the house and still have a part time job. You're doing fine.

Because she saw the word baccalaureate and assumed even though it's a word that's used p much all over the world.

Ugh same. I used to be so nice and charming, nobody really disliked me, but now I can't be assed, I just don't give a shit about their cum trophies or their boring job or the weird self help book they're reading. I can't even pretend anymore.

No. 1215066

Good luck anon, I hope you get a call back! Also your picrel speaks to me because I am also a sped with an old dad who was in his 40's when I was born kek

No. 1215069

humans literally only have two options anymore: neetdom or excessive work

No. 1215237

I am trying to recover from being a NEET and I had a conversation with a guy my age he doesn't know what Steam is and never heard of Discord. Wish I could have a normal conversation without talking about the internet. Fuck.

No. 1215249

some people cant rely on neetdom because they would end up homeless or starve to death so they have to work and get long grueling jobs that leave them with very little free time unlike you.
You are the reason why you cant make a basic convo with people around you and not those normies that have jobs.

No. 1215293

Kek I was waiting for this reply. Good job assuming why some people can't keep a job.
Also I didn't think I had to specify that I don't really talk about "neet" stuff because I'm not a retard who brings up videogames and discord to normal people, I try my best to seem normal myself. People who have hard grueling jobs can still think and talk about something else in a conversation, and most people have a day off at least. I just wonder why they keep talking about the jobs that they fucking hate all the time.

No. 1215299

How are you a NEET if you still have a job

No. 1215307

You have no idea how much I wish there was a happier medium, burnout almost killed me but I am trying to only be a temporary NEET and don't want to be shut out of society like this forever just because I'm a tard

No. 1216487

Your life sounds cosy and you don't have to feel guilty about enjoying it. Also you're not a NEET.

No. 1217233

Did anyone else used to skip school
a lot as a child? I kept faking illness and got to stay home at least one day a week. I had the NEET mindset from the start.

No. 1217237

Same, nonnie. If I wasn't fake sick, I'd sit in a bathroom stall for the entire day on my ipod.

No. 1217239

kek yeah. Didn't help the fact my friend at the time had her own car so we would leave after whatever period that day.

No. 1217242

Samefag I'm retarded you said child. I would fake having a bad throat and then somehow end up actually getting sick every time which resulted in me staying home longer. Was I a manifesting queen?

No. 1217345

I was in a heavily abusive household and by the time I was in high school I wasn’t really fed and I was embarrassed and unable to focus. I showed up less and less and when I did I would just sleep at my desk with a blanket and not even the teachers bothered me because everyone knew what kind of people my parents were but nobody knew what to do about it. I was failing important classes because I was severely depressed but my teachers purposely passed me with the highest grade possible (C-) in those classes and it’s an act of empathy and compassion I still think about sometimes.

No. 1217355

Yep, not as often as once a week but usually a few times a month, mostly in middle school/high school when I was getting bullied. I faked illness but also sometimes my parents took pity on me and let me stay home because they knew my situation. >>1217242 omfg the same would happen to me kek

No. 1218006

I'm 26, never had a job, live in a little house my grandparents own and they 100% enable me bless em. I've written a few books, only for fun, currently trying to improve things by taking my A levels in the hope of going uni next year. But let's be honest if I don't quit this course, then I probably won't go to uni either but we'll see. Ah, I wish I could do nothing forever, and I guess I could, but I feel like being an intelligent young woman I should at least try and enter STEM or do something with my life that isn't being dependent. Idk.

No. 1218014

Oh yeah and I don't even have one friend, but I prefer that really. Would like a girlfriend though but finding another lesbian who isn't a TRA or a normie is impossible.

No. 1218609

>I've written a few books, only for fun
That's still so cool, anon! I have started a lot of books but never finished one, I think what you've done is a great accomplishment

No. 1218717

Starting in middle school if I was really anxious about something the next day in school I'd wake up early eat a bowl of cereal then make myself throw up in the kitchen sink and wake my grandma up going "Look, I'm sick. I feel awful I can't go to school." It would usually work. I couldn't do it as often as I'd like though or I knew she'd catch on.

No. 1218873

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Not technically a NEET, but…I got fired last year and I'm REALLY enjoying being unemployed.

I have a degree in Dramatic Arts (lol), and the only non-performing jobs I've had are in customer service, which I learned I absolutely fucking hate.
Whenever I see people talk about going to work, it sounds so bleak and I remember how much I hated it and I just double down into my comfy relaxation. I probably can't even get a job that's not minimum wage customer service anyway, so what's the point?

My boyfriend is paying for my rent and food and everything I need, and honestly it fucking rules. This is what I've always dreamed of. I can just chill, exercise, shitpost and make delicious healthy food all day and I never want to fucking work again.

I know I'm going to need income sooner or later but the longer this goes on, the less I want to actually rejoin the workforce. I just want to live like a housecat forever.

Picrel, me today

No. 1218949

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>Thread for current NEETs who do not wish to/are not ready yet to rejoin society.
Ugh… Trying to enjoy my last few days as a free woman before I become a corporate drone clocking in and clocking out… But I have to stop being a selfish woman and help the sister I'm leeching off of I honestly feel like she's close to kicking me out if I don't get a job soon kek. I'm sorry, sisters!

No. 1218965

why would you throw up in the sink you absolute lunatic? throw up goes in toilets

No. 1218971


I'm so jealous I hate being a 9-5 drone

No. 1218986

You're living the life and I hope it lasts forever. I want that more than anything. I spent years obsessing over becoming a normie and trying to get a job, then I got one. I quit after a month. Getting up at 6 every morning even when you barely slept is torture.

The biggest realization of my life is I'd rather be rich in time than money. Owning my own time is the ultimate luxury. I could never work 40 hours a week even if that meant designer bags and a luxury apartment. Never. I'd rather die.

No. 1219016

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I recently got a part time job and while I like having the extra money I cannot wait to quit. I’m tired all the time and barely have time to clean my apartment. Being a NEET is the best honestly.

No. 1219101

so many non neets in the neet thread. be a broke lifeless loser or leave please

No. 1219230

Ye I agree.. If you have a job or go to school, you’re not a NEET.

No. 1219252

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Any anons have some passive income/neet friendly ways to earn $? Not all of us have eternally understanding rich parents kek.
I've though of some kind of art commissions, write book, Esty shop, anything else? No retarded "sell underwear" shit.

No. 1219354

Thread for former/recovering neets:

No. 1219413

Lol true, when I said I'm doing my A levels what I meant was I've tried twice before, spent about £1000 of my family's money, quit immediately. Third time's the charm though.

No. 1219418

That's kind of you thank you. It's one of the few things I'm vaguely proud of…seeing at least something through to the end.

No. 1219469

depop. it is not just for cringy twitterfag teens like some farmers say

No. 1219697

In the last year of high school I got an email after Christmas break saying I had missed 250 hours of school because I called in sick 2-4 times a week kek. My parents allowed it because they knew I wasn't doing well and my grades were fine. How the government didn't get on my ass I don't know.

No. 1219898

>Not all of us have eternally understanding rich parents kek.
I thought most of us were on welfare. I am.

No. 1219988

It depends where you live. Cost of living and also likelihood of getting on disability or just not being bothered while long-term unemployed. I'm on disability but where I live it's definitely not enough to live on without family support. The cheapest rent possible for a room in a disgusting shared house full of students is more than the entire payment. Then on top of that you have bills and living expenses. And we have a comfy as fuck welfare system, just rent is extremely high.

No. 1220365

I hate when normies tell me to volunteer. They think it's all noble things like women or animal shelters. There's not many in my town and those are full. Most of these volunteer positions on the local website seem like corporations trying to get a volunteer to do what should be a paid position. Why would I work for free.

No. 1222808

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My mom suggested I get on medication. Hate to break it to my mom but there is no magic pill that will make me a normalfag. Sorry toots better luck in the next life maybe you'll roll a better daughter

No. 1222833

Because you can add it to your resume, if you don’t need it someone whos desperate for experience will

No. 1222848

I've done it and while it helped me take things less seriously/not have a panic attack at the slightest social interaction, it really made me hate the outside world even more. The work I had to do was chill and almost fun but all the scrotes employed by the charity left trash everywhere for me to clean up and were so disorganised that everything started to fall apart as soon as the volunteer work-mule (who was a woman obviously, as were all the volunteers) took a few weeks off. If even supposedly well-meaning, woke charity scrotes can act like this towards women giving them their time for free, actual employment must be so much worse.

No. 1222859

They're telling you to do that to improve your CV if you're not capable of getting a job for whatever reason right now dumbass.

No. 1222877

Volunteering is 100000% cucked, why would you work for free. Men sure don't. If women stopped doing all labor for free society would collapse.

No. 1222887

retards. to help animals? because they're non-profits that can't afford to pay everyone who helps out because the money goes towards the animals? they do have paid positions but they can't afford that for every volunteer. money goes towards medical, food, trapping, etc. jesus christ, you people are soulless.

No. 1222889

Be right back going down to volunteer at the animal shelter and get mauled by a dangerous dog to justify my existence. Not

No. 1222894

you can work with cats, hello?

No. 1222918

In my post I said that it would be noble to spend your time as NEET in womens shelter, animal shelter, homeless support, etc. That's what most people think of when they hear volunteer. But where I live there's not many positions like that. The "volunteer opportunities" are basically companies trying to get people to do normal jobs for free.
I just realized it's not even free, you lose money if you need your own transport too.

No. 1223156

this never happens lol. but also sorry you apparently live in pitbull-allowing state, tragic

No. 1223318

I've volunteered and it sucked working full days for nothing. I got all the dirty work while the bosses (who got all the credit and social status from owning the charity) just relaxed and ordered us around like slaves. One of my tasks was MAKING THEM COFFEE. The ones telling you to volunteer probably wouldn't do it themselves. Also I hate some peoples attitude that if you're not working you owe it to society to volunteer. It's like fuck off Jonathan your job consists of sending emails and drinking Starbucks all day. How are you contributing to society?

No. 1223335

In what type of career could I work from home and support a recluse lifestyle?

No. 1223377

No. 1223379

sex work

No. 1223398

medical billing and coding

No. 1224318

Coding, art commissions

No. 1224504

I think it's working, I got an interview and I'm doing a technical test tomorrow. I've been studying for a few days. If I do well then I'll have a job, wow

No. 1224507

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No. 1226759

When I first read this I was like, ahh I'm not like her I'm a coool NEET, I'm so understanding and neat and I get it when they want to vent about the same work shit for the umpteenth tim-JUST KIDDING REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I HATE THEM STFU NORMALFAG. I'd cut off my pointer to be where you are. You can't complain to me. Get some fucking sense. Holy fucking shit

No. 1226792

I do art commissions, though I can't call it work because I don't make enough to be a normie. It's pathetic but at least it makes me feel like I'm doing something useful, even if I'm not.

No. 1226883

Thinking about this

No. 1228256

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I've become too spoiled by NEETdom, all my ambitions in life are gone and I just want a scrote to enable and support my lifestyle. I don't require much and would be cheap to have as a stay at home girlfriend. I love this NEET bubble too much, I love my dumb little things my dumb little video games and consooming media. If the internet stays as it is now I could remain here until I die. I want to dive into my computer and live there forever. I don't want to accomplish things, I want to be comfortable and relaxed like a pet cat. I've lived like this for so long that my entire brain has changed. I can't go back now.

No. 1229223

The statistics on NEETs interest me. NEETs seem like a niche group. But in the US for example, in 2019 (pre-pandemic) about 13% (or 1 in 8) youths were NEET. NEETdom is more common than I thought.

No. 1229241

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I was an extreme NEET from 16-19 (wouldn't leave the house at all for any reason) until I started college.. then the pandemic happened and the forced quarantine completely fucked me up again.
I can longer leave my house and I've given up on trying to make something of my life. I want to die a NEET, hopefully soon, mooching off my parents and doing nothing but browsing the internet and playing vidya all day. That's it.

No. 1229313

Nonnas, can I make a living by playing poker online?

No. 1229349

if you're really good and/or really hot, you might

No. 1229377

How does a 16 year old even count as a NEET?

No. 1229386

I got pulled out of high school and did all my work from home. Had zero friends, zero human interaction outside my mom and image boards, and never left my house save for going to therapy (usually unshowered and disheveled).

No. 1229434

how did it go?

No. 1229435

how was the transition from neetdom to college student? how did you manage such a transition?

No. 1229444

I failed everything my first semester, failed half of everything my second semester. Ditched class a lot. Soon enough I just kinda got used to being around people. Everyone minded their business so it was a lot easier than grade school - high school. But things like group projects still make me shut down. I definitely quit a couple classes because too much interaction was expected of us. I'd also see a school therapist frequently when I was feeling like shit + was going to therapy outside of school.
So basically I just threw myself into it and did it. Also a lot smoking and alcohol eventually. I'm trying to do the same now but I just have no motivation anymore. I feel like I've failed already and graduating this late is just embarrassing so why even bother.

No. 1229448

>graduating this late is just embarrassing so why even bother
The only thing more embarrassing is going through all of that and then not bothering to graduate at all…

No. 1229457

I guess so, I'm still trying. I just feel like giving up rn and wanted to vent.
Eternal NEETdom would be nice.

No. 1229459

Are we living on the same planet? People take longer than the standard 4 years all the time. Some people graduate after decades.

No. 1229468

Lol It's been 5 years anon. I started at 19 and I'm 24. It was meant to be a very basic 2 year vocational degree.
And it's really more so about having 2 older overachieving sisters who I could never compare to. I know I'm the family disappointment still living at home.

No. 1229476

who gives fuck about your sisters or you living at home still, just finish the school and get on with it. Better later than never or something.

No. 1229657

>13% of youths
People under 20 years should not be included. People whose period of unemployment lasts less than a year shouldn’t be included.

No. 1229771

yeah it's fucking weird to see ppl under 20 claim neetdom. where are they getting this from?

No. 1229796

Lack of life experience and the general bleakness of everything right now probably gives them a very melodramatic outlook on their contributions. I think it’s pretty normal for 18-22 year olds to be completely stupid and clueless and very melodramatic about what they think they should be doing until they drop the insecurity and mellow out a bit, it’s just amplified by pandemic and internet addiction.

No. 1230062

Yeah I don't get this, back when I went to university a lot of the others in first year had taken gap years between high school and post secondary if they could afford to. Now I feel like every time someone talks about taking a normal gap year online they are calling themselves a NEET. I mean I guess it's technically a year of doing what a NEET does, but it's not the same thing.

No. 1230231

I thought about posting this in the recovering NEET thread but it didn't quite match. I've been NEET for a good few years, (19-26 currently), my only "job" being to focus on MH recovery. I'm at a point now where I'm doing okay, stable, but NEET and v comfortable with that. I recently got the opportunity to volunteer in MH, which I feel will be a step in the right direction but theres this inescapable feeling that the only reason i'm doing "well" is bc of my NEETdom. Being alone and becoming my own bestie, eating when i want, doing what i want, sleeping when i want. I'm so adverse to structure and routine i'm worried that i'll fuck it up again as soon as i make commitments, but im not sure if im being defeatist/self sabotaging the opportunity before its even started. Like, I really like being NEET most of the time, but i feel it must come to an end, especially feeling the pressure as I fast approach my 30s. I guess i'm worried that all my progress on my MH will unravel when I'm forced to confront the "real world" more, not that i'm completely estranged to that, I just am so comfortable being alone. Restaurants alone, trips alone, gigs alone, cinema alone, shopping alone, everything. Guess this is more of a vent than anything. I'm going to pursue this volunteer opportunity none the less, test the waters so to speak but i'm just so damn comfortable in NEETdom and aloneness (not loneliness).

I'm wondering if any nonnie has been neet as long or longer could share their perspective on this bc even in this thread i'm like wow, im too old to be doing this.

No. 1230955

neet here and i used to have friends but they literally told me that "if you don't have a job by next year it's like not gonna work" (referring to our friendship) this was like 5 years ago. i just remember being truly deeply soulshocked that it mattered that much to anyone else. i dont have any friends anymore

No. 1233024

What kind of mental health issues, if you want to share? I've been a NEET for 10 years (16-26). For me it's social anxiety that I've tried everything to recover from, but I guess this is just my personality. When I stop trying to recover I sleep well, work out, eat healthy and feel somewhat content with my quiet little life. When I've tried working or volunteering it all goes to hell. Binge eating to cope, bad sleep, wanting to die, not exercising, wasting money, apartment becomes a hoarder tier mess and so on. I had a full on mental breakdown the last time I tried to recover. I think we're in somewhat similar situations, as soon as there's a regular normie type routine that has to be followed I just unravel after a short while.

How often are you going to volunteer? Please don't do too much at once. It sucks that you worry your mental health progress might be lost, I hate that "good mental health" is often considered being as functional of a normie as possible.

No. 1233035

The same is happening to me. My friends all got jobs and I could tell they didn't want to talk to me anymore because I didn't have one. It's so weird how normies are so obsessed with jobs, even on an emotional level. I get that some people NEED to work, but I used to work too and honestly I couldn't care less if someone I knew didn't work. I also didn't think about it 24/7 and didn't think my "value" depended on my job. I didn't really feel superior to anyone.

No. 1233041

I wonder if its because they think NEETs won’t have money for going out with them, having their own transport, going on trips together, etc. If you were wealthy NEETs maybe their opinion would be different.

No. 1233055

That’s still not what NEET means. It’s literally right there in the acronym.

No. 1233075

I'm not 100% sure what my issues are, but my diagnosis collection is ADHD, Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder. Docs think I have Bipolar Disorder as well (I'm being treated as though I have bipolar disorder but idk if it's officially on paper yet).
Oh and anorexia. On top of a physically ill condition.

Got a job offer recently though, so I guess I'll be taking a break from NEETdom

No. 1233082

The term people like you are looking for is hikikomori or shut in

No. 1233499

sorry for stupid question, but is a housewife without children/elders to care for a NEET?

No. 1233541

I say yes.

No. 1233655

I dont think so. I think being a housewife is a demanding full time job but without the pay. Basically domestic servitude for a moid

No. 1236358

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can you please give me advice for what clubs/courses to look for to get out of the house? i like violence, fighting, and weapons and i don’t like talking to people. i am bored and miserable.

No. 1236361

Martial arts? Or join the army

No. 1236454

Muay Thai and MMA. Go kick some ass nonnie

No. 1237053

Local show wrestling or circus classes.

No. 1237060

streets of the ghetto past 3AM

No. 1237067

Nah the crackhead are mostly asleep then. Prime ghetto is 11pm - 2am.

No. 1252840

any nonnie on NEETbux that lives on their own? like full on leeching off the government? I would like to achieve this, the mental disorder I have is considered a disability so I'm going to apply for it and possibly housing… I lived with my sister but she recently kicked me out for being a suicidal neet so I'm with my mom now figuring out what my next move.

No. 1253446

god i wish. i'm canadian and i don't think they'd give me nearly enough, they'd just force feed me shitty pills and make me work lol.

No. 1254721

I have a friend on disability and in social housing living in Canada and it sucks for her. She told me after all rent and bills she's looking at $90 extra for the month and relies on food banks.

No. 1264231

I lost my job about a month ago, had a bad depressive episode and had to move back to my home town. My mom called me when it was all going down and I had a breakdown and sort of revealed that I'm suicidal. She got so scared and told the whole family. My dad was particularly scared. I spoke to him later and asked him if he would support me if I just decided to be useless (I meant neet but he doesn't know that term) for the rest of my life, and he said yes. I kind of want to neet out forever until he and my mom die, then I'll just slide the sewer. The only problem is socializing. I've been in this state for a month, just playing vidya and surfing the web. It's really starting to hit me how lonely I am. I don't know how to make friends outside of work though. I also just want to be around people for a bit, like maybe go to a bar and get drunk and just be around other human beings even if they ignore me. I don't think financially this situation would be viable though. My dad makes good money but he's not rich. My mom is retired and is traveling a lot after decades of wage slavery, and she deserves to treat herself and not have to support her 30yo daughter. Idk man. Sorry for the wall of text.

No. 1264809

I wish. right now I'm too fucked to keep the little job I do have (just got it and it isn't going too well).
was gonna ask my doc about disability shit but then he ghosted me. my physical issues aren't officially recognized in the U.S. but I'm being treated for a mental condition which would qualify me for disability checks. but idk if a bipolar diagnosis is actually on paper yet. my medication combination is suited for bipolar but idk if I've been officially "diagnosed". the U.S. health system is so weird. I don't understand anything. like, tell me what my motherfucking diagnosis is, don't kill me with a dangerous medication combination, why is that so fucking hard?

No. 1264979

We're in a pretty similar situation, left my job a month ago, bad depressive episode, spend my time playing replaying Mass Effect to forget i exist. I live alone and i have no family, though. This month i took my savings to live, next month i won't have enough to pay for rent.

I feel so lonely, too. Haven't spoken to another human in 2 weeks, and last time was a doctor. But to me it's a good thing because it'll finally push me to suicide, next month i will literally have nothing to live for, can't even be a NEET in peace because i have no support system. Meanwhile i play video games and act in denial.

No. 1265226

back when I was living in the city (the "worst" part at that) I'd get out around 5 or 6 in the morning and the crackheads would still be twitching in empty parking lots. just standin' there. twitching.

No. 1270976

The more the very real reality that i might be leaving NEETdom soon encroaches in me, the more i feel scared. I'm honestly terrified, i want to go back to my safety net and spend my days safely at home. I don't know how to have adult responsibilities and i'm too scared to learn. I'm autistic and i feel like i'm doomed to fail if i even try.

No. 1280677

Anon why don't you just switch to a BTEC? You can still get into a good uni with that or start with a foundation year and get into an even better one, it's so much easier to pass too. I wasted my money retaking first year twice tho so I'm not too far off you.

No. 1287459

The "ew what a pathetic disgusting creature" look from random people just makes me want to never go outside again anymore. I do hygiene and dress up but it's like they smell the neet on you, the disgusted sneer is +2000 emotional damage.

No. 1287484

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Bought notebooks, gel pens, fountain pens, went to a half hour zoom meeting (muted and no webcam/icon of course) about the community college starting on the 31st. Still haven't applied of figured out what I want to study lmao. Tempted to wait until next year yet again because I did not do any money financial aid FAFSA shit I should've done months ago. If I don't do it I'll get some minimum wagie job instead and try to put on the normie not socially awkward act. Gonna miss the neet life again but I am too stagnant and I want money

No. 1287489

Hi cece enjoy your notebooks. Anons how will her lizard fingers hold the pens? Should we tell her?

No. 1287491

Former neet here. You don't have to wait until next year if you don't want to. I started community College in the winter. And you don't need a declared major for community College. Most get a general transfer degree, and even if you don't wanna go to a 4 year school and wanna just do a 2 year certificate, the first semester is so generalized you still don't have to worry about a major until later.

No. 1287494

How can they tell if someone is NEET?

No. 1287616

Same. People can always feel something off even if I try my very best to be social, clean and well-dressed. I guess it shows no matter what.

No. 1288362

my mom is telling me I should get a job and when I was like sure I'll start applying, she snuck in "people are asking me if you're special" and I laughed and was like "who asked if I was retarded" and then she was like "no special as in depressed" and them started naming her boomer friends
well ok mom ty

No. 1289507

I need something productive to do when media consumption gets old but there's nothing that interests me so I just sit outside and stare into space

No. 1289663

Tell her those boomer friends are probably able to get you a job connection instead of being rude geriatric fucks

No. 1292348

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touched grass today, but it looks gross

No. 1292391

try baking

No. 1292396

Body language
She probably has a weird look in her eyes too

No. 1294115

I'm a neet and people smile at me, I think it's in your head.

No. 1294118

I started a fully remote job recently and it made me spiral back into my old NEET ways.
Being an adult NEET that earns good money was my teenage dream but the older I get the more I realize that I should go outside and experience real life before I die. I am in a constant battle with myself where I want to go outside but I have no drive to because NEETdom is so comfy.

Any other nonnas in the same situation?

No. 1294125

what type of area are you in? I’m lucky enough to live in a place where walking and biking to places is fun, but a lot of the US sucks for that.

do you live with parents? alone? with housemates?

No. 1294127

make an indie game in Godot engine

No. 1294128

I miss being a neet so much. Live your best lifes for me, nonnas.

No. 1294129

I'm starting a new job in less than a month I'm going to miss neetdom.

No. 1294148

You aren't a neet you're just a homebody. I know what you meant but you are using the word wrong. I'm a neet that loves the outdoors so I have no advice for you. I don't have to force myself to go to on a hike or the beach or camping I just naturally want to go

No. 1297852

You're not a neet if you have a job idiot. You're just a shut in.

No. 1297890

I'll take it extra easy today in your honor

No. 1297916

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I’m fully realizing my neet dreams. My disability is going to increase so now I can create my ultimate weeb room and tell everyone to fuck off. Life is good.

No. 1304693

Sorry for barging in as an ex-neet, but I feel like if I complained about this anywhere else on here I'd only be called a blight on society like it always happens whenever an anon admits to neeting kek. I went from my only human contact being talking to my parents on the phone about once every other week tops to having to talk to 100+ people in a day. I hate everything and should I ever leave the job I currently have I'll try to find something where I work at night and preferably talk to absolutely no one at all. I have no problem living off of savings for a long time, I just have no idea how I should explain the gaps of me doing absolutely nothing job relevant.

No. 1304703

Is it possible to learn this power?
I want my disability scraps so bad but I already know I'm gonna be fighting it for years because mine ain't recognized

No. 1304723

I was a NEET for the better part of 9 years and I miss it so much. Wake up whenever, do whatever, sleep whenever… I can't do this work shit anymore. It's so limiting.

No. 1336988

For a site filled with NEETs why are we so slow on this thread?

No. 1336991

I just don't think there's as many neets on this website as anons tend to think. Imageboards aren't highly obscure internet places anymore and normies are on the internet 24/7 aswell these days.

No. 1337003

im currently in the process of applying for disability and its so hard and i feel like i'm going to get denied. they sent me this whole packet about my daily life and abilities and i couldn't handle filling it out myself so my case manager is doing it for me and im worried she's not gonna get any of my info right. my mom is also filling out something disablity sent her, and i swear shes trying to sabotage me. she started writing stuff about ADHD when i don't even have that and i'm not diagnosed? i've even told her exactly what to write and then i see her write something SHE wants to write to make me look bad? like instead of putting helpful info shes just trying to spite me and be mean as possible? she's on disablity herself, and has pushed me to get it for years, so its not that she doesn't want me to have it. like ok when i get denied its gonna be all your fault lady. i've been a NEET for 5 years now since highschool, and the only job i've ever had was at burger king and i lasted two weeks before quitting because i felt like i was holding everyone back and i would cry every single shift i worked right in front of customers and i can't multi-task.

No. 1337123

I’m a 28 year old neet and haven’t worked since I was like 20. I’ve never even applied for a real job, I was a musician and have only had jobs you audition for. I developed severe neuropathy in my hands and arms and had to leave my degree program (should’ve graduated in 2016), moved back to my parents’ house and have hardly left. Parents got had a horrible divorce and now I’m the only one ever here so I’m alone almost all the time. I don’t feel entitled to even apply for disability because I’m sure there’s SOMETHING I could do but I’m so ashamed of my existence that I avoid everything. I’m bad at leaving the house and getting dressed because I’m very ugly.

I want to start an online course for something that will guarantee me online work. Maybe medical billing and coding? I never learned to touch type and have limited feeling in my hands but (obviously) I can type. I’m afraid to commit to anything where I have to be anywhere at a certain time because getting ready is overwhelming and exhausting for me.

I sound retarded and feel strange making so many ‘I’ statements.

No. 1337126

im not sure what instrument you played, but have you considered making digital music instead? im not sure if your neuropathy would limit that, but it seems to me if you could type you could do that? even if you dont try to make money that way, even just as a hobby, as a singer myself i know how important it can be to keep up your craft. i would still say medical coding/billing sounds like a good plan for you though anon, and maybe looking into things like fiverr? i know thru fiverr you could compose music for people and sell it to them (i've seen them do it on cold ones). or if you have any other skills you could do digitally to sell thru fiverr, theres a lot of services people do, like photo editing or graphic design. maybe try transcription services too.

No. 1337129

Isn't that called linguistic insecurity?

No. 1337149

Sorry if this is a rude question but where have you gotten the money to live up until this point?

No. 1337159

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I'm a 28 year old neet too, twinz

No. 1337164

Bass! I’m a huge classical music nerd and it will always be part of my life but I’m really not interested in electronic music and cannot live freelance job to freelance job. I’ve accepted that music will not be a career for me In any capacity and really really should just do the medical billing and coding course. Thank you for the kind words.
I’ve never heard the term but it appears to refer to altering the way one speaks in order to fit in with various social classes. I just don’t like talking about myself because it feels self-centered.
You’re not rude. I understand that my life is very abnormal. I live in the house I grew up in rent-free but do take care of absolutely everything around the house including 4 cats and a pool. I only really buy groceries and don’t have a social life or any friends so I live very frugally. I live in my dad’s house but he’s rarely here.

No. 1337166

Aww, fat baby! Do you have any friends? I feel like I’m not allowed to have any because I’m worthless and who tf would want to befriend me?

No. 1337188

I got a degree related to software development because I thought I'd be able to quickly get a job that I can do at home and it turns out that all local entry level jobs have become extremely selective and they require 1 year of work experience, which I obviously don't have because I just graduated. I got frustrated with job hunting and have effectively been a neet for 3 months. I feel like the last 3 years of my life getting my degree have been a waste, if I'd known becoming a programmer would be so hard I wouldn't have gone back to uni. I'm so sad nonnies.

No. 1337200

It’s normal to search for a long time, two of my computer sci friends searched for almost a year for their first job. The salary you’ll make will likely make up for the neet period

No. 1337203

I'm another 28 y.o. neet and have some friends but sometimes avoid even talking to them because I feel like I must be really boring to them, having no changes in my life for years. I feel like that one jobless "problematic" uncle that everyone got disappointed in long time ago. Also always hope I won't meet certain people until I actually find a job. Damn that's really so isolating.

No. 1337210

Time to start a 28 yo neet girl gang!

No. 1337262

Touch typing isn't needed at all to learn how to code, all you need is to know how to google and how to copy paste lol

No. 1337321

Oh dope, thank you. Medical coding isn’t actual coding but submitting codes for insurance purposes. I just want a job that’s in demand and will be enough to support myself, thank fuck I’m not concerned with prestige or trying to find fulfillment though work lol

No. 1337440

Why is every single woman in this website "28"? I swear to God, and it's not just in this thread either.

No. 1337450

Really? I feel like I’m seeing more teens and early 20’s and way fewer late 20’s and up compared to when I first started lurking years ago

No. 1337457

Nta but same, I feel like theres been an influx of younger posters recently.

No. 1337488

It’s a conspiracy. We’re coming to get you.

No. 1337556

honestly nothing knowing im neeting with 0 support while others get apartments gifted to them by their parents, gl in your recovery though anon

No. 1337569

I'm jelly can I move in nonny

No. 1337890

I feel the same. I wish I could just drop them (they don't really care about me either) and find a group of neets like me that won't be disappointed in me. I'm just too much of a failure to hang around normal people.

No. 1338286

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>what brings you comfort, fellow neets?
Going to the gym. I go 3-4 times a week, lifting weights is fun and since I don't do anything I can go whenever I want, never having to suffer a crowded gym comforts me. Neet fitness.

No. 1347789

lifehack: spend as much of your day pacing as possible

No. 1347800

what do you mean by that anon?

No. 1347811

Your legs must be really strong, good for you nonna!

No. 1349565

I became a NEET due to not having any interest in working in my degree’s field. I feel comfort and simplicity helping around the house for my family. My house probably would fall apart if I ever get a job. I’m glad my mom doesn’t want to kick me out. I wonder how healthcare (American) will work after I’m out of my Dad’s plan at 24. I’ve been taking care of my body accordingly by eating a plant based diet and exercising.

No. 1349600

Good news, it’s 26 and not 24.
Bad news, you’re pretty screwed if you don’t find insurance after that point.

No. 1349694

NTA but in my state you automatically get poverty insurance anyway, which is what I did. But my state is also very strict on needing insurance so maybe it differs elsewhere

No. 1349818

My pandemicbux and savings are running out nonnas. I might have to actually work soon.

No. 1349966

i'm not positive of this, not a neet so idk, but pretty sure (and i'm assuming if you're a neet youre dependent on a parent or they can claim you) but if you're unmarried and under 30 and a dependent you can still claim their insurance i believe. check your state and ask an insurance person

No. 1350046

Yep the seasonal job months again. Live frugally through the winter, comes spring I’ll be comfy NEET again.

No. 1350171

Sorry for long-winded sperg but I'm freaking out. I'm going through a state job finding program for the disabled but the prospect of getting a job terrifies me and I keep avoiding emails. I always struggled with employment. Most of my jobs in my life have been connection related, I only got one naturally. Since I haven't worked in a few years now I'm too scared to get back to it. My social skills are worse. I go into full panic mode when anything involving jobs comes up. I hate the potential rejection, how I fuck up interviews so badly, how I have more barriers now. Being reminded I'm not good enough destroys my self esteem and makes me want to hide from the pain. Also the last time I took a career aptitude test it basically told me I was a retard who was better off being a cashier…because I failed to prove I was good at any job that involved minimal human interaction, and my verbal skills put me in categories with people-facing jobs.
The irony is I'm probably more qualified for certain jobs than a lot of tech illiterates that are somehow in the work force, but I feel like I'd still be unable to prove that because of the asinine requirements of every fucking job listing needing like 40+ years experience and 5 bachelor's degrees and whatever else just to use a fucking computer. It's never been that I'm too lazy to work, it's just the fear of everything that comes along with it that makes me shut down. I feel so useless.

No. 1350453

I miss being a NEET. I'm going to college now and like my degree, like my classmates so I shouldn't complain but the commute time (3+ hours every day, can't get housing), all the work, having to wake up at 5 in the morning sometimes to just be on time and trying to maintain a social life is too much. I know I'll kms sometime in the next 10 years anyway, I don't know why I'm trying. I just want to be 50, have my own apartment and have a normal work-from-home job but that will never happen if I don't finish my degree. Last winter the energy prices were normal so I could turn on my heater all day, go for walks on th weekdays and spend my leftover salary from my job before on the weekends (ofc I threw most of it in savings but kept about 500 in my paying account). I was living the dream and now I'm drowning in homework and can barely find the time to relax and do something for myself. I don't want to fail at this but I don't think I have it in me. I can do my best now but winter depression is coming soon and I won't get out of bed for weeks let alone go to school, I was hopeful but realistically I'll drop out within the next year and I'll have wasted my parents' money they worked for to get me a good life. I have to keep on living, I don't want them to have worked so hard for nothing but I would rather not have to deal with life.

No. 1352558

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I recovered from NEETdom and had a stable job making good money as programmer for a lot of years but COVID really fucked me over mental health wise. I think working from home and being in the house all the time was just terrible for me and progressed my alcoholism. Started drinking to cope with work stress in the middle of the day etc. Eventually anxiety and stress levels got so bad I just quit my job. Now I haven't worked in 6 months. I applied for a lot of low wage, entry level office jobs but none of them got back to me. It's ironic because the work that stressed me out to begin with (developer shit) always gets me interviews and replies. I got a job offer from a big bank but I freaked when they mentioned the workload and didn't reply to them. I just don't want to subject myself to those high levels of stress again…I can't take another boss yelling at me and making me feel like a retard.

Been playing online games, met a nice moid by running a guild together in an MMO. He wants to support my NEET lifestyle(is sending me money and everything) and wants me to just uproot my life and move to him and live with him in his country and just run the guild full-time. I feel like I'm betraying all my principles by letting a man have complete financial control over me but mental health wise I don't think I'm ready for work again yet. Hopefully I don't get too comfortable and spoiled by him, I hope I can be independent and work again someday. Maybe I'll start things off small with a few hours here and there and part-time jobs.

//blog and maybe this is better for the recovering NEET thread but this is the 2nd time I've relapsed into being a NEET. I just don't know why keeping a full-time job without having a complete mental health collapse is so hard for me. Working 40 hours a week for someone I don't like doing something I don't enjoy makes me feel like a dog and a slave. At least this thread makes me feel not so alone in the end.

No. 1352820

>met a nice moid by running a guild together in an MMO. He wants to support my NEET lifestyle
Anon you're fucking yourself over. Seriously, don't fall for this shit. He's trying to trap, isolate and control you. Gamer moids are all mentally ill and they will abuse women in vulnerable positions. I wish you the best nonnie, try to get away from him if you can because letting a moid control you this way is dangerous.

No. 1352857

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nonnie, please don't do this, this is possibly the worst fucking idea, you are going to ruin your life for some random dude.
>wants me to just uproot my life and move to him and live with him in his country and just run the guild full-time
This seriously proove how bad his life objectives are, this is not someone that you can trust. A good moid would want you to progress in your life and career, not isolate so you can play mmo with him. He knows that you are stressed and in a difficult situation right now and you can be more easely manipulated but don't fall into the trap.
>I feel like I'm betraying all my principles by letting a man have complete financial control
Stick to your instinct nonnie, he wants you to be dependant. Run while you can and don't feel pity if he was retarded enough to give you money kek that's his problem not yours. You deserve an unstressful job in a good career path, not to live subservient of game addict moid.

No. 1353035

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still trying to get a job. I'm honest with an employer "I love [product] and I am passionate about it"
>don't get the job.
I lie to the employer "I love to sell and earn money for [company]"
>don't get the job

what the hell? too much experience for McDonald's but too little experience for management. I need money.

No. 1353315

Could be the way you act. A lot of management positions look at assertiveness and confidence over what you say. You mentioned you love selling the product, can you give an example with actual numbers? Like 'I sold x amount of product in 1 hour/day/week' or 'I love the product and this helped me boost sales by x %'. You can embellish examples from your previous jobs, too much honesty is not going to get you hired.
Ofc everywhere is different and the advice I gave you might not apply depending on what you're applying for.
Good luck nonna, I believe in you!

No. 1353671

thanks nonna, I do exude a lot of confidence and energy but I don't really go into details about numbers, that could be a really good idea.

No. 1354483

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Currently NEETing right now and my parents really want me to get a job but I am so terrified of the field I have qualifications in (cosmetology) because autism makes it so difficult and exhausting for me to make small talk and form relationships with clients. I wish I could just stay at home all day and do nothing and get paid for it which I know is stupid but honestly the only reason I would ever get a job is for money and to get my parents off my back. I wouldn't actually enjoy it.

No. 1354523

Chiming in as someone who has seen maaaaaany similar stories:
it always ended poorly for the woman with maybe one exception.

Also >>1352558 everything about this is a bad sign. He wants to escalate in this very autistic, 0 to 100 way. It's an ironic sign that he never actually putting that much thought into it and has a robotic schema of how it will unfold, so he'll end up repeatedly mistreating you because he just wanted to own you, not really be partners with you.

The fact you two met in a MMO is already a dumpster fire and he seems like he might be incel adjacent in one way or another too. How does he react if you indicate doubt about the whole thing? And if you want to ignore us, then at least consider meeting up with him a few times…how does he react if you ask him to come see you in your country? Oh, also, the red tape and shit involving moving overseas is nuts - so lots of additional work - so it's weird that you think you can do that, and magically recover in a foreign country when you will struggle with recovering because you would feel less confident going outside, won't find anything familiar, will struggle with finding resources, etc. How could you even think this is a good situation for you to heal? Especially not considering it's very likely he'll lord over you that he's financing your survival and likely get you to do things that you don't really want to do. Also can you tell us what country you live in–and where he is at? I assume where you live has better opportunities for you, but I might be wrong.

No. 1354531

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>be an autist
>choose one of the only careers in the world where making constant frittering small-talk with strangers is a core part of the job.

No. 1354553

sorry if this is blogposty and doesn't really fit, but how does one even begin to be a NEET? I have enough saved for a couple months of living without a job but I feel like my fiancé wouldn't be too happy with me not working. I currently have a job that is destroying my mental health and I'm at the point of straight up quitting or committing suicide. I went through college and have a degree in the arts but the art market is absolute garbage for a career so I've been feeling very listless about my future this entire year and might just end it all anyway.

No. 1354565

neets can’t exist without enablers. If you have nobody to leech off you can’t be a neet.

No. 1354580

get pregnant, take time off of work, trap moid financially

No. 1354661

Neeting, even if you can get your partner to sustain your lifestyle once your own money runs out, isn't going to solve your problems. Consider looking for a way to get back to school and getting useful education or otherwise switching careers.

No. 1354694

Hmmm… I have been debating on getting a masters and having that time to work solely on a thesis… Food for thought. If anything I might go for something in IT/coding since those types of jobs won't be going anywhere. Thanks nona!
lmao if only I didn't loathe babies and have an irrational fear of pregnancy.

No. 1355039

What site/app did you use?
HER bent to troons and it's flooded with them
I'm too anxious/embarrassed to put pics n shit up tbh but ive been really thinking of trying to find someone who wants to be alone together.

I go back and forth on weather or not I like being a neet. I feel nothing and completely apathetic (I blame being put on antidepressants at like 12 and still being on them for my brain being fried at this point) so finding something I like doing has been hard.
Just want a wife, a decent house that I'd clean and take care of for her, and tend to my little garden with some fruits n veggies and some chickens and just live.

I do a little art when I have the energy, which I have very little of, nothing substantial but I make enough to treat myself once in a blue moon. I just over exaggerate what kind of work I do and say I'm a freelance artist. I really love Paleontology and will rattle off about how I'm getting ready to go to school for it (I'm not but I'd love to). Just exaggerate my hobbies basically. It helps that despite being 30 people still ask me when I'm graduating highschool.

This thread makes me feel a little less alone, at least.

Got a question for you all. How do you get mental health help when you have no money and no insurance?

No. 1357991

>How do you get mental health help when you have no money and no insurance?
Well… I just don't. If I do have some money and I feel especially bad, I can use older prescription and buy antidepressants or even go to my psychiatrist. Right now I have very little money and actually have to say goodbye to the neetdom which is not that easy kek. I guess I also got worse recently and ruined my sleep schedule + don't walk very often. This definitely doesn't help. But sleeping (properly), walking, exercising usually do help me I think, so I'll try to get back to all of that. I also always intend to read those self-help books based on CBT approach but I would only read a few pages and then forget about it hehe.
Couple of days ago I applied for a free psychological help but it's only for one time. Just to talk with someone online. They say on their site it's based on CBT methods too. No one has reached out to me yet. I don't expect much but am not too skeptical either, surprisingly. I guess I just want to let it all out but I don't want to bother my friends, and I hope to get some good pieces of advice. Have any of you tried something like that, nonnas? I don't know if something like that is available in other countries though and don't remember how it was before the war, some services just got free for the time being I guess. Pretty sure there's always been free psychological help but I'm kind of suspicious about that one. Having one talk with someone who's volunteering seems more legit then actually going somewhere, to some institution… for some reason. Maybe I'm wrong about it. Plus I feel like it's more for addicts or people who attempted suicide etc. so I'd feel stupid going there.

No. 1357996

>Plus I feel like it's more for addicts or people who attempted suicide etc. so I'd feel stupid going there.
Just go anon we all feel dumb for going but it's better if you go.

No. 1358090

I am the career woman. I used to have a gf that didn't have much of a career or education and has mental health issues and severe social anxiety so I would have offered this lifestyle to take care of her but we broke up in the end.

No. 1361868

applied for another job and put my whole pussy into it (still not going to get hired)

No. 1372759

I feel like such a shitty autist friend for this but I hate when my friends talk at me about their jobs. One of them keeps doing it. I literally do not care. I don't understand half the stuff they're saying. I have nothing productive to say or respond with. No advice to give. I hate hearing about it. When they talk about their project managers and how their boss needs to push the deadline back and blahblah. I do not care. I'm sorry if that makes me heartless. It is just so boring to me. I will listen to my friends complain and vent about anything but as soon as they try to talk to me about their jobs I lose all interest, but I don't have the heart to tell them to stop.

No. 1372847

Haven't held any job but my first back in 2019 and since then I've only had a brief spell of volunteering for a few months. Don't even know what's wrong with me anymore to be able to verbalize it to my therapist and I'm slowly giving up hope that even private therapy will save me. I'm scared but also ready to admit I just don't want to join society forever and that this is it but it hurts when I think I should support my aging mother at the very least. And the loneliness gets so bad but I shouldn't be looking for romantic relationships even though that's the only thing I really want. Everything is frying my brain and the only thing I'm glad to say is that I work on my OCs and make stuff for games to keep sharp. Existential dread haunts me every day.

No. 1372862

Honestly same. Like it's fine if they want to vent about a bad boss or a bad coworker but I just hate when they go "omg I'm sooo busy and tired because of my job I have no time because of my job I did this and that at my JOB" almost every single day and it's exhausting to hear. I had jobs and I sure didn't want to talk about them on my free time while I hung out with friends. Most jobs are boring as hell anyway, what is even there to talk about?

No. 1373365

I love hearing about my friends jobs. Maybe because it's kind of exotic to me. There's always some weird office dynamics going on or petty drama happening. It makes me feel a lot better about being a NEET, too.

No. 1379668

That's the thing anon it's never petty drama that's interesting. It's really boring stuff like
>The deadline needs to be pushed
>This coworker isn't getting the job done so we need to have a meeting with them
>I have to redo part of the project
>We're taking on more people to complete it
Like I don't know what to even say to this half the time. It's so dry.
Said friend also bitches about coworkers being cringe though which I do appreciate

No. 1395494

I pretty much have the same set up as the ayrt but I met my partner in high school. Not married but I stay home and fuck off all day and he pays all the bills. He is disgusted by pornography and I’m the only woman he’s ever slept with. He’s attractive and has a big dick but he’s somewhat of a misanthrope and possibly on the spectrum. We’ve been best friends for half our lives and he would stay with me even if I turned into a worm.

Better not to get married cause I can get better health insurance from Uncle Sam than what his work offers. If it made sense financially we’d be married, he’s not against it. I’m fuckin insane and I consider myself really lucky to be able to take my NEET naps all day.

No. 1395496

Happy for you anon, always have a plan tho, stash your bux when you can

No. 1395498

Thank you nonna. Worst case scenario I continue being NEET while living with my parents. They know they raised a broken mess of a bitch who will never be independent. They currently give me a monthly allowance of a few hundo.

No. 1395504

Bruh that sounds exactly like my life. I'm married to my man though, he's literally the sanest and kindest person I've ever met and he just lets me do whatever and supports my neet life while not wanting anything from me.

No. 1395506

Hell yeah, nonny, I’m glad for you! Any chance you also don’t know how to drive? All my exes wanted me to learn eventually, but my partner has seen enough of my mental breakdowns to know I wouldn’t be able to stay calm enough to deal with crazy drivers even if I ended up being a good driver myself. He’s fine with driving me around and is the safest driver I’ve ever been passenger to. It’s so nice that I never have to ask him to slow down on the road, most moids are speed demons for no reason at all.

No. 1395510

Yeah, I have never driven and I was never pressured to learn either.

>He’s fine with driving me around

Same here! I also like to go around riding bicycles with him or just walk if it's short distance enough.

No. 1395532

>he just stays with me out of obligation
>he might resent me
Old but why are straight people like this? Being a NEET is great and all but being in a resentful, loveless, dependent relationship to bankroll your life? I don't feel sad for the moid, it just seems like a pathetic existence knowing your relationship is only continuing because your partner pities you.

No. 1395543

Don’t tell me you’re also a stoner who loves their cats like they’re children too. Of course I’d find someone in a similar abnormal boat as me on LC of all places, ha.

No. 1395649

Lol. I only smoke weed occasionally and I don't really have cats, other pets or children.

No. 1395662

I’m a neet that taking college classes and I feel so guilty for not having a job because one of my parents is now having a really hard time paying their bills and I also gracefully live under their roof rent-free, but also gets no help from their sons who are way too old to be living with them. I’ve tried applying to jobs in my area because I don’t have a car or license but I never get a hear back and the only time I got a call back they wanted to have me work ridiculous hours even though I told them through the interview I’m a college student. I’m just so scared of my life turning upside down when I don’t see it happening and I end up very poor, homeless or in a bad situation. What should I do?

No. 1395680

You're not a NEET. Focus on your studies, your parents can hold it out for a few more years until you graduate and can get a good job.

No. 1396082

>He is disgusted by pornography
I mean… you know that's not true, right? Besides he sounds like he's going to snap one day and kill you while you sleep.
Nonas here don't understand that moids don't just selflessly support a woman. There has to be something in return, and that's often sex or a sense of ownership over you. Those moids don't love you. It's fine if you're okay with that of course, but let's not pretend that they're kind and amazing people for jerking off to the idea of trapping a vulnerable woman.

No. 1396090

You are bitter and delusional as fuck

No. 1396107

you just haven't met the right virginal autist yet

No. 1396115

I understand the cynicism and women overall should approach “too good to be true” moids with utmost caution. That being said, if you’re a woman with solid intuition, certain personality traits and a bit of good luck, it is possible to attract that type of men. Some men are simply the “caretaker” type, they truly do internalize their role as protector and provider without other baggage about gender roles. It just feels right and natural for them. Even though they are not born Nigels, quite a few men can be taught to follow you, to assimilate to your philosophy, especially when you know you are his dream woman.

No. 1396119

I agree with you, nonna.

No. 1396131

I have met many men and all of them are sex pests who are dangerous for women, especially virginal autists. I get that it's hard to admit that the person who has economically trapped you is a bad person, but that's how things are. Men are men. Aside from "he doesn't like porn!" being laughable, men don't have the will to protect, they don't love you and will happily leave you if you disagree with them or stop providing sex/food/care/emotional support or satisfaction. Neetdom is nice and safe but not if you're dependent in every way on a moid. I expected people on lolcow to know better but I guess not.

No. 1396135

I'm not even in a relationship, I'm talking about my stepdad.
My mom put him through hell and he never wavered once.

No. 1396186

AYRT, and I totally get that what I’m claiming sounds unbelievable. I don’t blame you for being incredulous. Like 99.99% of moids are porn sick psychos. I got a hold of mine when he was basically a baby and all but groomed him to be perfect for me. I’m a few months older than him. He was already naturally reclusive and not super high libido like your average scrote. He’s not an ugly manlet/dicklet so he doesn’t have any complexes in that sense, and he’s extremely introverted - he has 3 friends including me. Like I said I’m very lucky.

No. 1396195

Don't worry, she is just bitter. Enjoy your relationship, nonna.

No. 1396198

I just wanted to let you know that stories like yours make me hopeful for the future. Knowing that many people are good natured and that you just have to know where to look to find them is comforting.

No. 1396200

god are you me nonny. Same. I found a good moid. He's also younger than me by a year

No. 1396207

My ex sounds like your current one. After 9 years together I found out he watched hentai and rape porn. Luckily I wasn't a neet and I could escape. He tried to make me stay by saying that he wasn't lying about the porn because it wasn't "real and filmed" porn. Good luck with him, nonna, but please make sure you can escape if you can. Once the perfection cracks, these guys turn into horrible guilt tripping assholes who will use everything they've done for you against you.

No. 1396271

>Is this all some weird psyop to get neet women to turn into tradwifes kek
Me reading this thread. This stuff always turns out bad for the woman, a woman needs financial security of her own, freedom of her own. Tying yourself down to a man means if he has a sudden change of heart your life falls apart.

No. 1396477

Yeah it sounds like a lot of cope. When shit hits the fan it's hard to have any sympathy too.

No. 1396523

Lol, being married isn't even a con for a woman. We can easily get money out of it, through divorce. The nonnies here seem smart enough to control their men, there's literally nothing to be scared of unless you're a shitty person with no other connections/support in life.

No. 1396532

It's great in theory but there's so many issues eith marrying a modern man. The best thing to do is marry a RICH modern man, no prenup then divorce. Although if there is a prenup, most have things where if he cheats then you get everything. It's easy to bait men into cheating, sometimes just going to a different country is enough to make them cheat

No. 1396534

Cope. Why on earth would you rely on divorce? Also you can be as much of a controlling girlboss as you want but if he decides he doesn't want you anymore because he would rather fuck a 16 year old then you will be left with pretty much nothing. Every single woman needs financial independence, stop coping and get a part time job or something. It's pathetic. Every woman I know who has pulled the "ah he will take care of me or I'll wreck him in divorce" has either ended up homeless or with her ass beat because she realised she doesn't even have enough money to move out and escape abuse.

No. 1396549

Why would you as a woman marry a man in the first place? You literally get nothing but constant house chores and food money until he finds somebody who is younger (why would young women marry old farts?)

No. 1396550

Feels like I'm on /pol/ kek. You just sound like moids who pretend they're women.

No. 1396551

Come back when he starts to abuse you because he resents you and wants some other tradwife pickme. You called him a misanthrope and an autist earlier and I don't understand how naive you can be to not see this as a huge red flag. Men who are "introverted" are porn addicted autists who will lash out sooner or later. You met him in high school, he was not a fucking baby, you're not in control, you did not groom him at that age (especially if you're just a month older) and he isn't simply content with financially supporting you out of the goodness of his heart. Realistically what will you do when he gets tired of you (and he will)? If you're a neet you're basically trapped there. Get a grip.

>The nonnies here seem smart enough to control their men
In what way are they controlling them? By being a free fleshlight, maid and therapist to them? Do you maybe have full access to his bank accounts? To all of his things? Can you throw him out of the house when you get tired of him? Does he live in your house? If that's not the case then you're not in control.

No. 1396558

I don't have sex when I don't want to lol, we're both very low libido but I guess it's so traumatic to be sexual with someone you find attractive and love? Lmao. I don't even know what you mean by maid and therapist, we just both enjoy our own hobbies most of the time or go out to restaurants, museums etc. Yeah I have full access to his property, bank account, and his codes for crypto wallet, he told me in case he dies. I have no reason to throw him out because he does everything I want.

No. 1396561

Take some of that money of his and put it in a secret savings account for yourself. That way at least you wouldn't be completely lost if he decides to break up and change all his passwords to remove your access.

No. 1396577

This, a hundred percent. There is no such thing as leeching off a man and "wrecking him in divorce", statistics show that divorce is always a financial disaster for the woman and the gold digger taking all of muh money is both an incel scare tactic and a FDS power fantasy. Neither exist. All women should be financially independent no matter what, never ever let yourself become dependent on a man.

No. 1396578

I don't need to. I already have like 3 savings accounts in 3 different countries. My family is all over the world and I'm gonna inherit some of the properties from them too.

No. 1396580

Being financially independent and having a satisfying high quality life is a fantasy for most. You can't make it in life alone, unless you're one of the gifted and lucky ones.

No. 1396602

You can be either a NEET dependent on a moid who has full control over you and can throw you to the streets the moment you don't comply with you having nothing to bounce back off, or you can be financially independent and be secured if and when the moid decides to get rid of you. Having a career and finances will cushion your fall and give you freedom no matter how small your income is. A lot of anons ITT think they're based girlbosses who are actually manipulating their scrotes to pamper them but in reality literally every woman who ever got abused thought they wouldn't be the one to be so "stupid" as to let a moid exploit them.

No. 1396603

AYRT, if shit ever hits the fan I can always move back in with my parents. I don’t have siblings and they had me young.

I really think if he was gonna resent me, he would have a long time ago. He’s had ample chances to leave me over the years. I’ve gone nuts and cheated on him more than I’d care to admit, and I’ve broken up with him to date random shitty moids. He’s always been there for me no matter what. He stayed my best friend through all of the bullshit. I’m the only woman he’s slept with, but he’s not the only man I’ve slept with.

Although I will say I have all his passwords to everything and am up his ass literally all day long. I would know if he was watching porn, and I also wouldn’t really care - I’ve tried to get him to watch hentai with me during my unhinged hypersexual manic states and it’s just not his thing.

Yeah this, I’m literally too crazy to hold down a job. I can’t rely on myself. It’s either this or living with my parents or offing myself, there’s no fucking way I’d be able to be a wagie, I’ve tried and failed many times cause I have breakdowns at work.

No. 1396612

Anon I'm telling you this as someone who has seen it happen many, many times - he'll dump you once he's secured a new girlfriend. You're still presumably young and attractive, do you really think he'll be tolerating your shit when you're in your 30's? 40's? 50's? He's holding silent resentment against you and suddenly dumps your BPD ass like a bag of bricks the moment some other woman shows interest in him. Men don't put up with you out of the goodness of their heart but because they don't have a choice at that very moment.

No. 1396620

Oh so you're one of those people who think in extremes. Tired of insane people giving me advice.

No. 1396626

You sound like you have no sense. I hope your moid dumps and divorces you

No. 1396627

40-50% of all marriages end up in divorce, it's not like it's some rare occurrence that you don't have to worry about until it happens. If you end up in the group that gets divorced and you don't have a job or any finances lined up, then what are you going to do? just die in the gutter? There are many cases of stay at home wifes getting divorced after 20 years with an equally long gap in their resume, what are they going to do having no skills of trade or the looks and appeal of a 20-year old?

No. 1396630

I've managed to avoid toxic and bitter people like you all my life irl, so I think I'm doing great with my sense.

No. 1396633

>just die in the gutter?
No, I have family other than my husband, I have savings and will get more money from social benefits.

No. 1396634

>toxic and bitter
hopefully you will never see such a sad day as what anon here is describing but when you do well you can't say nobody told you so

No. 1396643

I’m already 30. Thankfully the worst case scenario for me is I end up living with my parents and inheriting their house when they pass. But I really don’t think my guy is gonna leave me, I come from a long line of crazy cluster B bitches who get men to take care of them for life. My cousins have all accomplished the same, and my aunts/mom, and grandma.

No. 1396648

Holy based family. My fam is kinda similar, the women have leisurely life but they're still the ones in power that decide things/how to use money, it's all very matriarchal.

No. 1396650

Well, that alone told us all we need to know about you, kek.

No. 1396652

He's not gonna pick you forever you know

Oh ok, so you don't have to worry because you're rich. Other neets are mentally ill/disabled/poor so the advice for them is to not rely completely on a man. You have someone else that will take care of you and you will have their money, but other anons here are literally trapped by a moid.

No. 1396654

>because you're rich
I'm hardly rich lol. I just have family/government that cares about me and makes sure I have money to live.

No. 1396655

More wishful thinking of bitter people. If you're a neet then you should contribute with your experience to the thread if not then stop shitting it up.

No. 1396658

Don't mind the haters. I think what you are doing is awesome. How do you find a guy to take care of you? I'm desperate to have your lifestyle

No. 1396659

You're the one shitting it up, pickme. And who says we're not neets? We're simply not sucking nigel dick to live kek.

>but I guess it's so traumatic to be sexual with someone you find attractive and love?
So you're one of those who thinks that moids actually love women instead of seeing them as warm fleshlights, maids, pets or property? Cute.

No. 1396660

>I hope your moid dumps and divorces you
Mask off huh. You weren’t concerned for anons safety, you’re a man seething at le evil hypergamist bitches.

No. 1396662

Smells like scrote in here.

No. 1396663

Hell yeah nonny, same here. My grandma was such a Stacey. She left my grandpa in the 1970s and ran off with his nephew (20 years younger than them both) and lived it up in Cali for a few years, learned a 4th language, and made a bunch of art before she got bored and returned to her family.

No. 1396664

Literally no one said that, you sound like a male.

No. 1396669

File: 1667477717199.jpg (12.37 KB, 757x41, larp.jpg)

Found the larper.

No. 1396670

Pack it up nonnas there's no getting through to FDS shills, that's enough laughs for today

No. 1396672

I’m the nonny who was lucky enough to meet my moid in high school. Our initial interaction, I asked him if he liked German rock and introduced him to Rammstein. Best friends ever since.

No. 1396674

Hypergamy nonna is probably lying anyway. Every time someone questions her, she suddenly has a convenient answer like family money, access to passwords etc. She's probably coping hard with the fact that her moid isn't perfect and using this thread and the support she gets to convince herself that she's not fucked. Seen this a thousand times with women who live in these kinds of relationships and are too afraid to admit they're not the one in control.

No. 1396675

The ones that are coping are the scrotes larping as misandrists.

No. 1396680

There are two separate nonnies in here btw. I’m the legacy cluster B bitch who has cheated on her high school sweetheart. The other nonny seems to be European considering she’s saying she has social welfare in her country. I’m a burger so all I have are my parents and guns should stuff go sour.

No. 1396682

Idk about the other anon but I'm neither a scrote nor a misandrist it's just that when I happen to be witness to stupid/naive women paying their dues I'm inclined to laugh rather than sympathize. Yes I am a bitter seething misogynist neet etc etc heard it all before but you can say it all again kek

No. 1396686

Ok so you're here to shame other women, if you just wanted a laugh by imagining terrible scenarios you can do that without posting your fanfictions.

No. 1396689

>warm fleshlights, maids, pets or property
NTA but only handmaidens get treated like this, most het women are. But put that aside for now.
Interesting the way you’re implying that by simply getting a part time job, women would no longer be at risk of abuse. Do you really think a part time job, nay, a full time job, is remotely bulletproof against a nasty fallout? Unless, the woman is very comfortable on her own with solid support system, most separations are financially disastrous for working class women who AREN’T NEETs. Sure sounds like you’re mainly angry about women being leech than about female NEET as some sort of attack on feminism.
Another question: if you are insinuating that men are incapable of loving and taking care of their partners in any altruistic fashion, then shouldn’t you argue for women abandoning heterosexual relationships altogether? Because clearly, men do not treat women better based on whether or not they have saving accounts and job prospects.

No. 1396691

You will never be a woman

No. 1396696

I was born a woman retard. On the other hand many of the coping anons in this thread will never get their self respect back

No. 1396699

>not misandrist
>gets off on womens suffering
>refers to abuse as “women laying their dues”
>not a man
Uh huh. Kek the truth comes out. Tfw no neetbux.

No. 1396701

Kek, no shit. Even if it’s not a scrote and just some crazy pink piller, that nonny seems to hate the idea of a woman living a comfortable NEET life with a male sponsor to the point of misogyny. Seems like a failed pick me.

No. 1396710

I'm not technically a neet, but might as well be. I failed school due to learning disabilities, now I work at Appen which is very simple work like filling in surveys, but you don't get a contract or job security at all so I could just wake up tomorrow with no income at all. I love this job but it pays so little I can't even afford to move out of my parents house at mid/late 20s.. Don't even know how to cook or clean because parents didn't teach me and because of my learning disabilities and they don't exactly give me the chance to learn either. Also live in a crappy area with no supermarket or anything and barely a bus and I can't drive so I hardly go outside. I want to do some kind of remote job due to my shitty empty area etc but all simple jobs like data entry are going away, and I can't do customer service due to multiple severe anxiety disorders and speech impediments and other crap. Any other losers similar to me? Also mid-late 20s?

No. 1396714

Nonny are you cute? You could probably manage to munch your way into a relationship if you wanted. Say you have like fibromyalgia or something in addition to your retardation. Doesn’t have to be true but would be a good excuse to not have to lift a finger and be NEET somewhere else than your lame hometown.

No. 1396717

>male sponsor
Kek do you fucking hear yourselves?

They'll understand when their "sweethearts" will turn out to be just like any other male. I used to be a pickme too but being exposed to males' true nature really changes you.

I'm not the one who talked about the part time job and yes, women shouldn't stay with men at all and I say this as a heterosexual woman. Men don't love women and a woman neet that's "taken care of" by a male has even more chances of being abused and controlled.

No. 1396729

There is nothing pickme about being a carefree neet girl with a bf. You just do whatever you want every day.

No. 1396733

My bf runs errands for us so I have more time for shit posting he even gets my car serviced. He's my butler. Also I'm from wealth and own where we live even though I'm a neet so I'd be kicking him out if he betrayed me and I'd be fine. My jelly haters can seethe

No. 1396737

Just kick him out and get an actual butler. Wealthy people are stupid and tone deaf as always.

No. 1396738

The weird female separatist larp you've been doing for the last week is really boring can you like um, stop? Thanks

No. 1396743

Seems like me and all the other NEET nonnies with bfs in this thread have backup plans should things go south. The only pickme behavior in this thread is coming from you, kek, wanting other womens lives to go to the shitter and baselessly accusing matriarchal NEETs of being pickmes.

If you were actually concerned about us you would have stopped posting after we all assured you of our backup plans. Not a single nonna here is without a plan B. But you’re not a concerned woman, you’re either a failed pickme or a scrote.

No. 1396745

Samefag but why would she get a butler she has to pay a wage to when she has a free butler she can bang whenever she’s horny?

No. 1396775

No one was against the matriarchal neets you tranny, and if you have a plan B we don't really need to know how totally wholesome and cute your secretly porn-addicted scrote is.
The warning is a fair one, especially because not all anons here have a plan B like you say. There was a girl above who was thinking about living with a random gamer moid in another country ffs.

No. 1396778

Could your tranny pickme ass possibly project and seethe any harder?

No. 1396837

>if I call other people trannies they won't be able to tell I'm a tranny!

No. 1397078

Female NEETs who live with their parents are one of the most invisible and oppressed groups

No. 1397106

Bad take unless it's due to poverty and/or abuse and basically have no choice but to stay stuck. Rich ones are just lazy.

No. 1397144

no I'm a woman who has seen other women in my family get in the exact same situation I just described and I'm fucking tired of it. You sound like a retard who can't handle personal responsibility, how the fuck is relying on a moid's finances or a divorce more acceptable than getting off the couch and getting a fucking job? You're probably taking it personally because you're lazy as shit and would rather risk your financial and physical safety for some disgusting scrote instead of working in a supermarket.

No. 1397319

You're both retards thinking your experiences are the absolute truth. Fuck off with imagining everyone is as unlucky and miserable as you.

No. 1397333

Explain how a supermarket job is gonna afford financial and physical safety. A career woman still ends up robbed and abused if she gets with the wrong man. The average earning in America is not livable as a single bachelor-degree woman in her 20’s, more than likely she’s gonna have to move back home just like the neet woman. Happens every day. I know it fucking sucks you have to slave and split the bill while others laze around lmao. Only a woman’s wise selection of mate, her support system and her own resourcefulness that are gonna keep her safe.

No. 1397334

You sound so mad kek I know you're seething because most women actually have the self-respect to get a job and be financially independent while you're stuck at home sucking Nigel's dick for your monthly allowance and praying he won't cheat on you

No. 1397339

Define “financially independent” right now, like give me some fucking figures. At what tax bracket do scrotes stop cheating and taking advantage of women. I wanna know.

No. 1397350

This is not a thread for writing out your sexual fantasies.

No. 1397354

I'm 27 and have been neeting on and off. I dropped out of college to pursue other interests but fell off due to financial instability. I had major depression issues since I was 6 and my parents always refuse to help because they were too poor or religious to think I needed it. Now I'm here suffering from many chronic issues as I rot here. I have never dated moids nor have any interest in doing so because they treated me and my sisters and mom like shit. I'm stuck in this cycle of waging and not getting enough to support or startup for a career or new job.

No. 1397378

no one said that scrotes don't cheat or abuse you if you're above a certain tax bracket, the point was that if you actually have your own job and financial independence - as in literally making your own money and not relying on handouts from the state or your scrote - you will have less chance to be stuck playing penniless neet bangmaid for a scrote who's abusing you. how is this just not common sense kek, you can sperg about figures all you want but it's just common sense that women with their own money and own jobs can escape abusive or shitty relationships easier because they're not reliant on the moid. i won't explain this any further because if you don't get it you're probably just in denial like the rest of them in here thinking they can genuinely control their relationships when they're not even in employment - it doesn't work that way, sorry

No. 1397397

But no one here is being abused. You came here to shame neets and to pressure them to get a job.

No. 1397400

>Thread for current NEETs who do not wish to/are not ready yet to rejoin society. Please be considerate of eachother, no shaming.

No. 1397444

Someone is giving NEETs jobs itt?

No. 1397459

Go back to twitter faggot
It's hopeless nona, the moid defenders in this thread are retarded for sure

No. 1397460

>get a job and be financially independent
>financially independent
Financially independent people are NEETs

No. 1397464

>just turned 30
>NEET since 22
>Wasted my best years, never leave my parent's house, lost contact with friends, basically never leave my room and developed agoraphobia
>Started applying to jobs a few months ago. Get interviews but no work yet
>Disabled (tism, EDS, depressive) but not on disability and haven't got the insurance to go to the doctor and my diagnoses are either old or nonexistent
>Losing hope
I don't necessarily hate being a NEET. But unlike a lot of nonnas here that enjoy it, I'm starting to realize I'm getting old and my parents will die soon and I'm a lesbian so no easy house wife to hope for. Some days I blissfully lay around in bed and other days I'm a wreck when I think about the future. I try to pick up hobbies and watch movies or read but my depression just makes me sleep all day.

The thing is, I don't really want to work. I like my lifestyle, I just wish I had a passive income source or a paid off house or something. But I'm not sure how sustainable this is.

No. 1397474

You can tell when men are posting ITT because all terminally online men have memed themselves into believing take muh money in the divorce is a real thing and not fabrication from their own brains.

No. 1397478

File: 1667523088120.gif (344.95 KB, 1024x666, 9a74f33987c7157c9cbdb3daf367d5…)

Samefag, the men ITT trying to talk about "us women" and giving terrible advice that hasn't been relevant for a century:

No. 1397489

I drift in and out of neetdom; after neeting it up I always find myself getting a job because I need an income and a purpose in life. I’ll move out, but I always move back in with my parents when times get tough and quit whatever job I have, wash rinse repeat. Definitely not a sustainable way to live. Surprisingly my parents don’t care how chaotic it is. I have no friends except for one. Hope to have my shit together by 30

No. 1397503

You are being so dishonest. All you're trying to do is sow doubts and distrust in women's already established good, long-term relationships. Next you'll start shitting on their parents and family in general. You can be alone if you like it so much.

No. 1397511

I've been stuck in an abusive situation with a scrote before for this reason. I was dependant on him but it all seemed so rosy in the beginning that I didn't see the danger in it. I thought it was safe move. We had 2 great years before this so I thought I knew him well enough. When it comes to men and dating.. what seems like the best thing to ever happen to you can end up feeling like the worst thing to ever happen to you. Thats a harsh reality that gets harsher if you add any serious level of dependance to the mix.

My dad moved away during that time (thinking all his kids were out of the home and thriving anyway) Then things went south between me and this guy, very south. I was far from any family and stuck with this guy who had started to resent everything about me. All those things he loved earlier, he now hated. He didn't break up with me but obviously hated me and treated me like shit. I was like.. ok time to make a plan because I can't live like this. But my confidence was at a record low and I fell apart not having a clue what to do next. I hadn't made a back up plan in advance. I didn't have great prospects to be able to pick myself up after years of depression and isolation. My mental health had gone from poor to being in crisis. I could barely talk to people or look them in the eyes while this guy wore me down more every day that I stayed. With my dad now retired and living in the middle of fucking nowhere I felt too ashamed to admit I needed help and too afraid to go live in this rando place he'd retired to hours away. I didn't want to face him. I ended up at an emergency appointment to get something to take the edge off how doomed I felt. I stared at the floor the entire time and my bf probably looked like he was holding me hostage. I'm surprised they didn't investigate him for abuse. I know how it must have looked. Me staring at the floor, him speaking on my behalf. It was a low point I'll never forget. We had started out amazing. Been good for years. Now that

Neetdom while living with parents is one thing but it is risky with scrotes. Especially if you grow distant from family or if you move to be with the guy. Its a gamble. I think being pretty cautious about 'scrote dependant neetdom' is fair.

No. 1397523

>I think being pretty cautious about 'scrote dependant neetdom' is fair.

This is not a problem at all. The other anons are just being deliberately hostile, name calling women and imagining everyone ITT will end up being abused. It's not realistic or helpful at all.

No. 1397535

I shared a personal experience as a neet in a neet thread. I didn't name call and I don't have anything to do with whatever other posts you don't like. Stop trying to mod.

No. 1397543

>>I didn't name call and I don't have anything to do with whatever other posts you don't like.
Your reading comprehension is terrible. I didn't imply any of this on you.

No. 1397550

Anon, depressed and mentally ill women are incredibly vulnerable to the situations being proposed. I just think your posts are hopelessly naive and pretty dumb. Recommending women who can barely take care of themselves to marry out of their parents house is a recipe for disaster, not even in regards to possible abuse, but if they can no longer rely on their moid for whatever reason they can possibly end up in a worse position than before. On top of that, most rich men do not marry random neets unless they are instagram models no offense ladies or usually expect them to pump out children. I don't think very many nonnies here want kids.

No. 1397552

Why is a literal trad wife here?

No. 1397562

I never recommended anything to other women, so stop putting words into my mouth.

>I don't think very many nonnies here want kids.

I don't want to either, so I don't have them.

I'm not even a trad wife.

No. 1397564

>depressed and mentally ill women
Why do you correlate neetdom with depression and mental illness? I'm not depressed or mentally ill.

No. 1397570

Careful nona, speaking the truth will get you labelled bitter and jealous here.

No. 1397571

The reality is that most neets are mentally ill and depressed. I was generalising. I'm sorry about making any grandiose accusations.

No. 1397575

Making shit up about others lives is not speaking the truth. Projection or wishful thinking at most.

No. 1397589

File: 1667527302434.jpg (22.53 KB, 564x470, ae914435e7ed5bf8d6c1c798025a1e…)

I wish I lived in a nanny state

No. 1397599

What part are you referring to specifically? For example, >>1397511 exists and it's a very common situation.

You should be a bit worried if something that is kind of borderline common sense sets you off so much–like, what is your living situation? In general, those situations can work, but historically it's a situation that's easy to be trapped in. I have seen many like the one I linked above. Does this mean it always ends poorly? No. But moral of the story? Having a safety net is good.

No. 1397626

>What part are you referring to specifically?

All the posts that say shit like: pickme, tradthot, all men are dangerous, porn/sex crazed rapists, he doesn't love you, you are or will get abused, he will dump you, you have no self-respect, you will die in a gutter. It's a disgusting tactic used by moids, if you're really a woman and say shit like that then you're as bad as them imo.

>what is your living situation?

I have enough experience in my life with people of all kinds to know who to trust. I'm not all alone with my SO. I have many people in my life to seek advice and support. I would never come to a fucking imageboard for advice anyway. Just wanted to share my happiness with the other nonna, but others have to stir shit up with doomposting.

No. 1397642

>if you're really a woman and say shit like that then you're as bad as them imo.
holy fuck you're retarded. i guess women really are just as evil for the heinous crime of being bitchy

No. 1397645


No. 1397646

It falls into mental abuse, psychological manipulation. I delete people like that from my life.

No. 1397660

I asked my partner to get snipped and he did! Idk why I asked him since apparently I’m a tranny and a pickme but look at me go.

These people sowing distrust in here seem rather unhappy.

I’m not too lazy to work at a supermarket, I’m too CRAZY. but like why would I want to even if I wasn’t too nuts when I can have my partner or my parents support me? You have to stand up all day at burgerland supermarket jobs.

No. 1397666

>sowing distrust
>on an anon imageboard known for tranny and males larposting
>in the only thread on the whole damn board where the idea of being financially dependent on some scrote autist is recommended as good life advice

Yeah I will distrust shit in this thread, some of the above is such obvious fiction from male larpers I can't believe anyone would take it seriously.

No. 1397674

Ok, Satan. Keep projecting and fuck off.

No. 1397753

What would be a good job to lie about having?
Lying because the only thing I dislike about being a NEET is the negative social stigma.

No. 1397759

I've worked part time call centre at home and no one knew I even had a job kek. That could work.

No. 1397769

Customer service or IT support WFH for some company you know has remote positions for basic stuff. Pretty sure health insurance CS reps can be remote.

No. 1397783

Agreed, sounds like a larping man or underage.

No. 1397794

call centre sounds good because i think no one wants to hear more details about that job kek

No. 1397817

No. 1397898

thank you for posting this

No. 1397948

I know some anons do have good intentions, but I can't help but notice that with other anons, every time this subject gets brought up, it's like
>"Don't be a NEET and then marry or live with some male, or you'll be at his mercy"
>"I will live with him, but save money so that if the marriage goes south, I can leave easily. I will also keep close ties to my family so I can go home"
It's like that response doesn't register in their minds, so they just repeat that NEET anons will be abused, get murdered, get cheated on, forced to have kids, etc. It's like they're not really looking out for any NEET woman's safety, they're just angry at the very idea.

No. 1397953

Thank you for the voice of reason and understanding, I wish more people did but oh well.

No. 1398033

>It's like that response doesn't register in their minds
Tbh there was a reason why they werent being taken seriously when they said that. I've no side in this but the posts from a few hours ago made no sense. You had someone sperging out and at the same time pretending they're not mentally ill, not naive and not vulnerable. They didn't sell that image very well. Doesn't add up.

No. 1398044

There was more than one neet defending themselves. Also if you take no sides then you should hold back your petty assumptions as well.

No. 1398113

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>No replies because of endless tradwife vs. girlboss infighting
I guess I should have checked before I posted…. I just wanted a little perspective I guess. Carry on.

No. 1398137

I'm in a bit of a similar boat. My parents are taking care of me right now while I try to find a job. I have debilitating anxiety and depression IDK what to do. All this to say is your not alone. I keep applying for jobs, some online and some in person. Part of me wants to self-sabotage my interviews and the other part of me knows I'm a fucking moron. At least if I get an online job, I won't have to commute, but if I do get an online job, I know I'll never leave my room. Maybe it's fine.

No. 1398220

Let your parents take care of you and just inherit their house when they die. You don’t owe your parents anything, meanwhile they owe you everything for deciding to give birth to you.

You owe nobody anything in this life unless you decide to procreate, nonnas.

No. 1398442

>no easy house wife to hope for
Why not? You never know what luck might bring, but also this is why other social connections are important. Average person can't afford a rent/pay for their living space unless they have trusting roommates, friends etc.

No. 1398613

Thanks for the replies, nonnies! I feel a bit guilty bringing attention to it but I appreciate your thoughts a lot.

>At least if I get an online job, I won't have to commute, but if I do get an online job, I know I'll never leave my room. Maybe it's fine.

I feel you on the self sabotage. I would say maybe start with a job that stresses you the least so you have a lower chance of self sabotage. If having a motivator to go outside would help your mental health, try for a job like that. If going out would be a little too much to handle while getting used to working, maybe a remote job would be better for now until you become more confident. I was trying to go for the latter before trying to motivate myself to go outside.

>You owe nobody anything in this life unless you decide to procreate, nonnas.

Thanks. I know you're right but I at least don't want them to pass away wondering if I can survive after they go.

I figured finding other lesbians would be difficult to come by when you try, much less when you're a NEET. My chance of finding a wealthy gf who will take care of me and let me live as a housewife, cooking food and decorating and sewing/knitting is a pipedream. You're right about connections but I don't even know how to build those as a NEET. Thanks for replying, kind nonnie.

No. 1398655

In online verification girl groups I've heard quite many lesbians complaining about their lonely wagecuck life, wishing they at least had a gf to come back home to. They might not be rich, but I don't think you actually need a lot of money to sustain a healthy lifestyle for two.

No. 1398665

>just inherit their house when they die.
ntayrt but how does this work exactly? whenever my parents tried getting their own parents/my grandparents house after they died, they couldn't because they needed a certain amount of money to pay for it or something like that. idk the exact details but basically they couldn't get ownership of the house

No. 1398682

So, I'm not a lawyer (kinda obvious I guess), but if your parents are in debt when they die, the bank and debt collector will try and recoup there losses by collecting the property first. There are also inheritance taxes (which take a lot of the inheritance often), and it depends where you live how everything shakes out. It can also depend on if your parents have any siblings, any other children, things line that. Basically, losing a parent is a legal nightmare. Even with a will, it's not as simple as 'just get handed property', unfortunately. Having life insurance, a will and a lawyer helps a lot, but not a lot of people prepare all that in advance. It's difficult.

No. 1398684

Samefag, but I guess you knew all that already, but I just wanted to chip in.

No. 1411200

I'm a neet and sometimes I think back on my non-neet days when I was still in school and going outside and I feel nostalgic. But then I realize that my memories are kinda distorted and I just feel nostalgic because it's the only thing I knew and I'm lonely. I was bullied so hard in school for no reason and it all led to me being severely mentally ill. I tried working but I was just too weird comparing to normal people and it felt like hell (I also had trouble with dissociating and maladaptive daydreaming). So yeah, staying in my cozy bed isn't bad at all. It's a bit of a boring life but it's definitely better than being treated like shit by other people.

No. 1411221

I'm becoming more and more of a hikki. I sperged out at some guy today for almost bumping into me at the store, I had to wrench my body to the side to avoid him hitting me. I'm like EXCUSE you and he said sorry in a pissy way so I yelled bitch at him. I have 0 patience for strangers and their foibles. When I get back to my house it takes me so long to calm down and I find myself not doing things I used to do so I can avoid people because inevitably somebody pisses me off. I can sort of trick myself for short periods of time but for example I went to an art museum last weekend and basically had a meltdown halfway through because people kept crawling up my ass
I know what you mean I romanticize my college days but it's mostly because I felt like less of a loser with the student excuse

No. 1411267

lol you don't pay inheritance tax in most countries unless your parents are leaving you tens of millions of dollars and the only way that leaves you with nothing is if they had tens of millions of dollars in debts
The only American millennials who will inherit anything from their parents are ones whose parents die suddenly at a relatively young age in a good financial situation. Our parents' money will all be spent on healthcare before they die if they live long enough. This is all by design.

No. 1411745

Mad because I messed up my sleep schedule again. I managed to keep it consistent for months but I got hit with a few days where I had a lot of energy and stayed up later. I already exercise for 60 minutes a day but I guess that doesn't compensate for all the time being sedentary. So I'll try to add another hour each day to burn more energy.

No. 1412046

I know the thread says >thread for current NEETs who do not wish to/are not ready yet to rejoin society
but is anyone else a NEET against their will/it would be very hard for them to escape NEETdom?
How do you cope?

No. 1412070

Idk if I am a NEET or not. Learned the term recently. Basically I have stupid nuerological issues that make it very difficult to work full time. Went into sex industry at one point because my issues dont qualify me for govt assistance, and for them to I would have to be jobless and by extention homeless for 2 years to prove I cannot work. But I was too proud to apply anyway. Fast forward now I have been with my Nigel for 3 years. He got a decent job and asked me to stay home. So I did.. and my health improved quite a bit since I could take care of myself. But I contribute almost nothing financially. His health insurance is actually pretty good and I was able to get life changing medication. I think I could go back to work now. But I have been out of it for so long and it feels so hopeless to go for slave wages. I recently started selling some of my handmade things, it is not much but it is something I guess. But my Nigel pays for everything. I bounce back and forth between hating myself for relying soley on him and telling myself it is okay because I genuinely have real issues and the other work I do (budget, grocery, cooking, cleaning etc) does have value despite society not recognizing it. Also I have grown to love my time at home pursuing whatever I want to do that day. Still hurts to think about how becoming a stay at home whatever (no kids) was the last thing in the world I would ever want to do and yet here I am. He makes enough money for us to get by but not enough that I can really spend much so no school etc and my truck is old and beaten down so any jobs I would take there is a weird balance in distance travelled (gas, wear and tear), my physical driving limitations, and the realistic amount of money I could bring in. It is better for now that I do not do that…I feel pretty trapped honestly but he is great and I love my free time…we both need new clothes and shoes and other stuff and I think about how if I could earn just something I could pay for that for us but the situation is weird so that isn't realistic right now. Maybe if my craft stuff takes off I can get some new non stained sweats for me and non stinky shoes for him lol. I feel guilty being a millenial in this shit and being 99% mooch. Real guilty. When people ask what I do for work I hesitate because of shame. Not sure if it is what you wanted but I feel like I am almost sorta involuntarily approaching NEET but maybe not quite there yet. I try pretty hard to make myself valuable at home. Feels weird.

No. 1412081

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I honestly wish I knew the secret of people coping with it.
My health have always been terrible, i spent my whole life going to doctors or being in hospitals. I was even born dead but rescued by doctors and plasma donation. I was always a sheltered kid as we didn't live in a good area and I would often get sick, my immune system is extremely weak, on top of that my organs and my body being weak in general too. I have experienced a lot of stress over the past few years while I was studying the local language to a country to which I moved, but this year my nervous system completely broke me and now I have an untreatable chronical disease and my organs are messing me up everyday. It's funny how i always wanted a job, to work with elderly or children because i spent all of my time raising siblings and taking care of my elderly, just to end up being the weakest person i've ever known. I can't find a job because of that, and also with me being an immigrant (which people here don't really like, but i also understand, the economy here keeps shattering). I really want to have at least online job, but all i do is stream videogames for a bunch of people out of pure loneliness and lack of interactions irl (other than my partner and his family). I can't go outside for too long due to my illness, and on top of that i always have to protect myself from the sunlight, otherwise i start wanting to puke and pass out (my head is damaged after the accident). So i am always stuck in there 4 walls. At least i am not crazy enough to not clean, but damn do i feel lonely. I don't know how people can deal with any of it. Makes me think i should somehow manage to open art commissions to save up for vr, so i could pretend i have IRL friends and can go outside. I am so tired, nonny.

No. 1412084

Nayrt but I feel you that sounds maddening. At the risk of giving unwanted advice have you heard of an app called 'be my eyes'? Basically you sign up and blind people or elderly people who need help identifying something (is the sweater on the right blue or red) do a little facetime call and you answer, (the one in your right hand is blue) and they say "thanks!" And thats that. Just helping with teeny little tasks that visually impaired people struggle with. Lots of elderly. Another app called 'slowly' where you can befriend a pen pal, actual hand written letters. There are several little apps like the be my eyes thing. All volunteer, but if you wanted to help the elderly or disabled that is one low effort at home way to do so. Good luck nonna!

No. 1412087

I luckily don't have health issues, but I'm also trapped within these 4 walls, so know that at the very least you're not alone and I can at least somewhat relate. I've thought about VR too but my 4 walled box is probably too small. Maybe I'll try an MMO, even if I know they'll never replace real human interaction. I wish the best for you nonnie.

No. 1421066

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I've been trying to be less of a neet but after seeing a barrage of women that basically act the slightest bit awkward and get publicly hated, outcasted, etc, I'm starting to realize that I might just kms after my freelancing gig dries up. I don't want to live in the real world. I have a social and speech disability that 10 years of speech therapy in school didn't help and it has gotten much worse with age (I can barely pronounce most things anymore or form sentences aloud), health conditions that make me feel horrible, I am repulsively ugly, and I pretty much act like a brick wall, 0 emotion, because of years of being told that my laugh and smiles look terrifying or like a hag's. I don't want to make excuses but holy fuck, what is even OUT there for someone like me that can't even talk even though she's a grown ass adult? Not anything fun or being able to connect to other people, that's for sure. Sorry about the vent. Wish I could have had cozy stuff to say.

No. 1473309

it's def a mixed bag of feel happy I got husband who is supportive and understanding vs thinking I'm holding back our future relationship (can't find WFH job etc) but he says as long as I keep house tidy and look after pets he's mostly fine with it


yes! for chronic mobility pain about …800/m + rent help.

No. 1481812

Necroing this thread so I can post my psycho rant. I just got a job offer but I told the guy I needed sometime to think about it. I have a funeral tomorrow (this is true). and I have a lot to think about.
However, the real truth is I don't want this job. I don't want this job so badly I think I'd rather get hit by a bus. I've been crying about it all evening and I just don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. Why can't I have motivation like other people? Why can't I be happy like other people would? I'm mooching off my parents and my mom is honestly so nice to me but yet I feel like a pathetic freak.
The real matter is I think I never got over my shitty trauma. Why did I never get over my shitty CSA trauma? Now every time I go out and have to be near men I panic. This is not a joke. I legit want to throw up being near men. And yet if I accept this job all I'll be is near men. There were no women at this job. I wish I was kidding. I know I'm being dramatic right now but there's no fucking way. I can't explain it to anyone. Not my parents, no friends or anthing to talk to. How can I tell tehm that I'm almost assuredly going to burn a good job interview because the men I met at the job site creeped me out? I literally threw up earlier today, thinking about it. I know not all men are child sex abusers, and I know this just looks like psychotic ramblings to like most of the population, but I can't explain it. I tried to tell my parents about me getting abused but they wouldn't listen about it. I never got therapy or meds for it and I think I need either or REAL bad. Like I know meds can't solve trauma but I can't even fucking go outside without my mommy. I'm a 25 year old woman and I'm fucking petrified of leaving the house, let alone working with men that give me the exact same fucking feeling as the fucking pedo that fucked me up. What am I supposed to do? I'm not really suicidal or anything but I can't live like this either. I just don't know. I know I'm spoiled rotten ass bitch who just needs to shut the fuck up and take this job but I can't even leave my room without throwing up. I'm serious. What the hell's wrong with me? No one gets it and I can't tell anyone about it. Like, imagine if you just trauma dumped all this cringe shit on somebody? I mean, sure I'll type it all out on the internet, but IRL? How could I explain this shit? It's not even that I'm unwilling to work, I just feel like I can't function. I can't even eat or bathe myself right. Why couldn't I be normal? Why did life have to be this way for me? I know I have a victim mindset but no one knows what it likes getting fucked up as a child. I've never recovered and I've never gotten over it. I'll never be over it and it's ruining my life.

No. 1510288

How many NEETs here are full blown hikis? I made that personal distinction for myself, between people who just don’t work/school and those who don’t go outdoors at all. I think I went outside under a dozen times since 2020. Anyone got any tips on staying physically active? Because I’m really struggling to. Sometimes I don’t leave my room and just lie in bed for up to 48 hours, I’m getting so weak that for the first time in my adult life I’m losing adult strength and struggling to hold slightly thick mugs and books like a kid. It’s scaring me.

No. 1510303

Love you nonnie. I wish there was a place for us. My freelance work is starting to dry up, but I wish I could make just barely enough and fuck off to a cheap country like Thailand or something. Isolate in nature and adopt some stray dogs.

No. 1510324

You can exercise indoors. Buy a dumbbell set and follow a routine on youtube. If you want to go outside and where you live is safe, you can take advantage of the early sunrise in the summer and go walking without bumping into anyone.

No. 1510333

Literally just walking around your house/room for 5 mins is better than nothing, then start ramping the time up. Shitty workout apps are good, they usually require nothing apart from some space. Stamina is something I really struggled with so don't push yourself too hard

No. 1510765

I have agoraphobia but I've recently made a tiny home gym setup. It's nothing fancy just the cheapest indoor bike machine I could find and some weights. I try to do some planks and pushups and situps although recently I haven't been that motivated and I mainly stick to the bike or the tiny pedal machine I have under my desk, which doesn't work that well but it feels a bit better to be doing something other than just sitting still at a desk for hours.

No. 1510772

Like other nonnies have mentioned, I have the cheapest exercise bike I could find. I try to use it for a few hours a day. I use it when I watch something on tv, play video games, scroll my phone, and even at the computer sometimes. I can fold it, it's light, and has wheels so it's easy to move from place to place as needed and to put away. I really recommend it. I definitely don't do "real" exercise on it, I cycle pretty slow and am usually distracted by something, but I think it helps with the hikki lifestyle. I feel I also get some benefits to my core from not having a backrest while I'm sitting on it. And if you wanted you could push yourself and do real workouts on it too I'm sure. I still need to get a proper exercise routine and I'm still unfit but I think this has stopped me really fucking up my health.

No. 1525237

When the internet becomes mostly AI content, I'm definitely going to quit but I wonder what I'll fill my time with after, since this has been my #1 timesink. I might become so bored I'll stop being a NEET.

No. 1525398

Absolutely invest in a walkpad/treadmill, unironically stopped me from killing myself, staying active is crucial
If you’re doing NEETdom right, you’d hardly be bored

No. 1525463

Maybe this is just me but I never felt that bored as a NEET. Maybe it's because in my case I ended up taking on a lot of chores around the house but I never have actually felt that bored, more just depressed and aimless . There's always laundry of groceries or cooking or cleaning to do.

No. 1525633

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I'm (unfortunately) working rn so I can buy a small cottage or land to park a shitbox trailer on and be a self sufficient hermit neet in a few years. I could maybe get gov bucks but that seems like a tiresome and unpredictable process. I really would only need money for gas and phone service.

No. 1525639

This is me, plus I also have some hobbies like digital art. I just draw for myself, but it fills a lot of my time. Plus, I always cook and clean for my parents so they don't get too resentful of me…

No. 1529668

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No. 1529683

I feel so productive and accomplished when I do housework, tend to my plants and pets, enjoy my hobbies, cook meals. I really don't want to get a job. I spend hours looking at jobs and don't apply to any of them because all of them sound unbearable. I have a unique set of skills but also unique set of handicaps that makes me seem stupid to recruiters. I feel like I went to school for nothing. I don't have the social skills or math skills for jobs. I can't even pick parts in a warehouse that shit was dangerous my supervisor was injured on my third shift so I got spooked and left. I only feel good about life when I'm unemployed

No. 1529822

what skills do you have?

No. 1530171

>Absolutely invest in a walkpad/treadmill, unironically stopped me from killing myself, staying active is crucial
This means a lot from another anon, I’m getting pretty desperate, honestly. Either I kms or get killer glutes.
>I can fold it, it's light, and has wheels so it's easy to move from place to place as needed and to put away. I really recommend it.
Is it one of the white colored $120 ones from Amazon? I don’t have much budget and even though I’d pay for better build quality the more expensive ones don’t tend to be foldable.

No. 1530566

I don't want advice

No. 1531002

was more curious than ready to advise

No. 1534488

not a NEET yet but it’s looking to be in my future. I have to quit a good job I got right out of college due to chronic illness. hate this shit.

No. 1534502

>Is it one of the white colored $120 ones from Amazon?
No, I'm a eurofag. But I had a look and it's very similar in specs to those and it cost similar. It looks almost identical to "Pleny folding exercise bike 3-in-1". I normally am the type who is happier to pay a bit more for better build quality so I can't believe this has lasted me so long, at very minimum an hour a day for 3 years (and have gone through times of 5+ hours a day kek). I was only planning to use it until it broke and then get something better if I was finding it useful. I will say that the little computer that tracks everything is completely worthless, it resets itself around every 5 minutes that I'm cycling (like every time I shift my weight on the bike) and I lose all my stats but I don't really care about that. The bike itself works perfectly. Maybe I just got lucky, but at those prices if you got a year warranty it would be worth a shot. I bought from a local place so I could easily return it, if that is an option for you.

No. 1549261

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>40-50% of all marriages end up in divorce
Yeah, because of shitty people in threads like this who try to make you ruin your life by spreading useless distrust and suspicions not only towards your husband/boyfriend but also towards your family as if they won't take care of you IN CASE things go sour with him (not very common outside of western countries that treat marriage as a joke).
Good thing casual sex and adultery are not allowed in any capacity where I live, so I don't have to worry about my husband cheating on me.

No. 1549288

Oh nonnie I'm so sorry. It's okay you'll understand eventually.

No. 1549316

Why did you necro a thread to reply to a five month old post?
Also I personally live in a Muslim country and there are so many escorts here which most of them are trans so the chances of your man cheating in a convervative city/country isn't any lower than him cheating in a more liberal country or a city. It's more about your man's values than the available women as men will usually pay sex workers to cheat because no woman wants to fuck an old married man.

No. 1549317

>female imageboards ruin marriages

No. 1560072

My parents are officially sick of me kek. My mother has been talking to me about which job I should choose. She's going to choose it, because she's a control freak and her tendencies are what's making me mentally ill in the first place, but anyway… she says she doesn't want me to work in a local factory (even if that's the only place that can hire me) because that's a shit job, in her SAHM's eyes the superior job for me is being a cashier, because "they don't do anything all day" she says. Honestly I'd like the factory job better, I don't think I'll be able to handle talking to people and using the cash register (I'm a retard when it comes to that).
I know I'll have to accept it and I try to not think about it. Still sometimes I do think about it and it makes me panic. I have huge issues with dealing with the loss of control and my mother choosing even my job now (after she chose my entire life) makes me go insane.
What are you going to do when your parents get sick of you/die nonas? Would you be able to choose what to do?

No. 1560074

>Good thing casual sex and adultery are not allowed in any capacity where I live, so I don't have to worry about my husband cheating on me.
KEK, sure, cheating never happens on countries like yours.

No. 1560075

If you'd really prefer the factory just go and apply and if you get the job tell your mother. What's she going to do, make you quit? No way

No. 1560079

Nta but why do you guys always want women to be in abusive relationships with moids. You can't say anything positive about your relationship unless you wanna get dog piled, it's getting weird now.

No. 1560080

How the fuck did you interpret that post like that?

No. 1560084

is working at good will a shit job? i'm gonna have to get my first job soon unfortunately..

No. 1560091

Because whenever any woman posts anything positive about het relationships they're met with hostility. Don't play dumb

No. 1560100

nta, but how could you interpret it any other way?

No. 1560120

She's going to have one of her autistic bpd meltdowns and yell all day until I change jobs. I know I can technically just ignore it, but we live in the same house and someone screaming at you 24/7 isn't going to be easy to ignore. My sanity is already going to shit.

No. 1560154

>Good thing casual sex and adultery are not allowed in any capacity where I live, so I don't have to worry about my husband cheating on me.

No. 1560260

If you have a job maybe you can plan to move out and that can keep you going? Or can you tell her you took the cashier job while going to the factory one kek.

No. 1560284

I would agree otherwise but that anon was just being laughably naive

No. 1560288

Anon, I live in a shithole almost rural town where a lot of people know each other. If I'm secretly going to the other side of town she will eventually find out, especially because she's extremely controlling. Someone that knows both me and her is going to tell her.
Also moving out isn't easy in my town. You have to have a partner/roomate to help pay for a place to stay, no one can do it on their own on a minimum wage job. And I'm a neet, I don't have friends and I won't ever have a partner. I'm fucked kek

No. 1560295

Just apply for that factory job anon. What's she gonna do if you get a factory job over a cashier job? Physically force you out of their house when she's let you be a NEET already? seems doubtful.

I've done factory work though and it sucks, especially if it's physically demanding factory work. Only students and paper-less immigrants do it. I'd choose a cashier job over it. It's boring routine work once you get used to it but at least you get to sit down and talk to people a little. If you're forced to spend time at work you may as well try to get some social skills out of it if you ask me, might serve you later. Although the one upside to factory work is being allowed to listen to music or whatever on your own device.

No. 1560482

NTA but can't you say you got the shit factory job because you're an inferior shit person and the cashier position is beyond your reach? I've gotten batshit narc family members off my back that way. And I agree with the other anons, factory work is hard, doing the same thing all day takes a huge toll on you mentally and physically.
More importantly do you know what will happen to your money? Is she going to spend it on your behalf, will you be able to put some away, can you open another account that she doesn't know about?

No. 1560507

>apply for cleaning job
>get call next day
>on the phone with the recruiter
>says i can come in for induction the next day
>need documents
>dont have documents

No. 1560510

Dear god nonna yes it’s a terrible job. My mom worked there and quit during lunch. It’s handling nasty old shit and dealing with the worst people who will argue about prices. Wear a kn95 to protect your lungs from the gunk.

No. 1560511

Being a cashier really sucks depending on the store you work at. Cashiering at Walmart was hell on earth. Cashiering at a busy cafe was busy but kinda fun. Cashiering at a mall kiosk was chill af.

No. 1563100

even fast food is better just because you're less likely to have retarded males for coworkers

No. 1567085

Any social NEETs here? I feel like people who don't have work or school are usually stereotyped as sad losers but honestly having so much time and being able to hang out any time is so nice. I've just been having fun for the past year, I see my friends almost every day, do my own thing when they can't and it's the best. Maybe I'm just trash but I can get used to this life kek. Until everyone gets a good job in a few years and moves cross country because of the shitty house market

No. 1567093

Being a neet is definitely a luxury. The sad loser thing is overstated by people who are forced to work but not working or going to school typically means SOMETHING is wrong in one's life. I enjoy neeting it up. Working manual labor fucked up my foot.

No. 1567109

Sorry about your foot nonna, is it permanent? I'll have to get a job this year probably but I wish I didn't have to. I'd be pretty content being homeless if it was safe but it's not so I'm looking into trailer parks (I'm no amerifag, they're not so bad around here).

No. 1567125

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Not going places is so nice. I just saw a bus completely crowded, not having to take the bus anywhere is the best.

No. 1567129

I am thinking of quitting my online school to be full neet. It's hard for my autistic ass to keep up and feeling retarded is bad for my self-esteem. I'm randomly interested in teaching myself how to make music now, it could be fleeting but I think one of the joys of being a neet is that there is a lot of time to learn new things. I'm desperately searching for a hobby that I can turn into a passion. No luck so far. I'm terrified that I will never find a passion

No. 1567135

I'm not social but I'm not a complete hermit. I hang out with my nigel every weekend and see friends every couple of weeks. I used to be more social, but I'm 30 and don't much care for people anymore (you'll experience this when you are 30 too)

No. 1567142

NTA but man I’m almost 30 and I do not feel this way. I am up my bf’s ass 24/7 when he’s not working because I don’t have anyone else to hang out with. Last time I hung out with a friend besides my partner was in January. I would love to have more friends and hang out with people more. Sadly I’m disabled and can’t drive so even if I knew people I’d want to hang out at my house with them or just do low activity level sort of things.

No. 1567156

I wouldn’t, if you can tough it out. I’m a former NEET and the most charitable thing I ever did for myself was get my degree. It was almost impossible and I had to take a year off before my senior year and senior year took so much out of me that I did fuck all for like 3 years after. But when I was done NEETing I was able to get a really great paying career that I actually love. If you don’t look at my 401k you wouldn’t really know that I wasted all that time bc I make at least twice what everyone I know makes, and I can afford to buy video game and oil paints and private oil painting lessons. Literally my degree is the only reason I’m still alive at this point and it basically cancelled out my years of NEETdom. Very very useful thing to have. If you can bootstraps your way through it I insist.

No. 1567159

nta and I'm glad you've found yourself in such a good position but lets be honest.. making really good money AND having a career you genuinely love is not for most of us.. I don't want to discourage anon from quitting her studies because I agree she shouldn't but..

No. 1567160

how about taking up trade school, you might find something interesting there, seriously I have taken like 3 separate courses and it was a breeze.

No. 1567169

What I'm doing is a trade school for 3D animation and modeling. It's so much harder than I thought it would be since I'm generally good with art stuff. There's a reason I'm a neet and it's because I get really unwell when I'm stressed and have extreme burnout so it's a challenge. I have an associate's degree already and never bothered to use it kek

No. 1567179

well I did a course of graphic and IT certification and those were easy, if you've been on the internet for even a brief period you'll be somewhat familiar with aspects of these two

No. 1567329

What did you get your degree in nona?

No. 1567337

Five years being useless since I finished high school and counting

No. 1567351

No. 1567367

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I'm doing online school for an associate's but it's going giga turtle pace because every time I think about taking more classes my parents say something about it being too much to handle and I fold. I literally am incapable of defying them. I had a job for a bit but it was painful and anyway I'm back to taking one class on my slow path to a fucking 2-year community college degree, incredible. It's already been two years. It sucks when you get good grades and people say you can do all these things in life but you're actually useless. I like school at least, wish you could get paid for that instead of the reverse.

No. 1567375

Do you mean one class a semester

No. 1567391

More or less. The most was at 3 but I am back to 1 for summer. I know at least I'm 'technically not a NEET' but let's face it I'm not functional in society. I only had my very first job for 6 months before I had to quit for family reasons. Currently I have no desire to be around people and I have no solid goals just hoping eventually I'm competent enough in what I study to find a job. It doesn't help that I don't feel competent no matter what my grades are but I'd rather not reveal my subject area. Worst case scenario I'll have to leech off a man if that's even possible anymore. I have crippling social anxiety so I'm scared to meet people or return to working. Sorry, just venting at this point. Once I cry it out I usually return to being mindless and maybe even think it'll be okay.

No. 1567541

Let's gooo

No. 1568382

That's not a given. I'm in my 30s and I just feel more lonely and a stronger desire to spend time with people as the years go on, especially in a "spontaneous" way that I think is more associated with younger people.

No. 1568893

maybe you can try and fuck uo the interview for the cashier job so you have no choice but go for the factory job instead? or if you already have it, you could quit and say you were let go, if no one tells her?

No. 1580678

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Been a NEET for a year soon.

No. 1580716

I ended up becoming a neet for the last decade aside from earning money online because I can barely function. I thought I was just a lazy sow and the pain and constant darkness was all in my head until I was, here in my late 20s, diagnosed with a debilitating disease that have had likely all of my life which explains why I have always felt like death even as a little girl and probably had, what, 1 day I felt alive in my entire life? unfortunately, treatment will take a very long time and not really be "definitive"–it's not as easy as taking a magic pill.

God. My life has already been taken from me. I even have a speech/social disability on top of those health issues, and there's pretty much no way I'm gonna be able to fit in or ever connect to another person. It's all so unfair. I also wish I didn't have that 1 day I felt fine because it just confirmed how horribly I have felt my entire life and how subhuman I am. at least the internet exists so I can cling onto something.

No. 1613142

Even though I'm a NEET I still have problems with not getting enough sleep. I've wasted many days being tired. Good sleep is one of the best parts of being NEET that I'm not experiencing. I will have to become one of those people who goes to sleep and wakes up with an alarm at same time every single day. Although it will be tough for me as someone not used to strict discipline.

No. 1613149

Good luck nona, sticking to a specific sleep schedule is really one of the best things you can do for yourself. I feel my best when I consistently go to bed at around 8pm and wake up naturally at 6am and after a while it gets easier because your body gets used to it, so it won't require actual discipline anymore. The only difficult part is not allowing yourself to sleep in or stay up too long

No. 1613177

Caught myself literally doing this pose as I was scrolling

No. 1613224

Nayrt but you saying you go to bed at 8pm makes me feel better in a weird way, I try to go to bed by 9 but its still light out where I am and it feels weird, plus that is really early for someone my age. It also really hinders the few social interaction opportunities I have with same age people…I really need to get up before 6 to get shit dealt with before midday and been toying with 8pm, earlier than my grandma haha. I am glad I am not alone in such early bed times. Yes a very consistent sleep wake cycle has done wonders for me and I wont give it up.

No. 1615754

i hate being a NEET man. i am so desperate for a job at this point that i'm applying for everything, anything. i'll move states. i'll just lie about not having a driver's license too, i mean, how the fuck would employers even know? why do i even NEED one if i can call a uber. christ
>get a license
i can't. suspended.

No. 1621087

Most of the time I'm depressed and anxious about my life, but sometimes I'm taken over by the joy of not having to commute anywhere. Human beings were not made to commute.

No. 1621968

i hate driving and i can't anyway anymore but i wish we had decent public transport that would be safe and clean and reliable

No. 1622533

got a job in march already fantasising about quitting to be neet again kill me

No. 1623440

Happy NEETversary nonita <3
Been 3 years for me. I want to reenter society again before I hit 30 but I'm taking it slowly.
I just don't know where to start and I end up overwhelmed doing nothing, playing my MMO, drawing anime men holding hands and eating snack

No. 1623441

I love you wherever you are whoever you are.
I hope good things come to you. I wish everyone in this thread a good life. I didn't take my life last year because I want to be kinder and make people feel nice. I think that's my calling in life.

No. 1628945

Nta I'm a random ass anon but you seem so sweet. I hope you're doing well

No. 1641545

My mother often tells me about how some people in town (including my aunt and her relatives) mock me because I'm a loser neet with no job. I mean, I get it, they're right, but at the same time I wish my mother wouldn't tell me. I feel like she tells me because she agrees with them, otherwise why would you tell somebody that people are making fun of them and calling them retarded? Then she asks me if that bothered me and I told her no, but in reality it affects me. I self-harm over such comments, I've received them all my life (even when I was "normal") and now I can't stand them anymore. Makes me want to never step foot outside again. I've honestly tried to be the best person I could be but no matter what they can tell I'm retarded and even my own family will hate me. it hurts because I didn't expect those people to be like that behind my back, but oh well, I was too stupid to think that they thought nothing of me and my situation. I miss being loved.

No. 1641552

Been working remote since Covid. Moved out to a small cottage in BallyFuckNoWhere Ireland. Paying 300 euro a month rent for a house vs previous 800 euro with share with 3 people in the city. Boss wants us all to come back in. I'm thinking of just quitting and going on the dole for a while. I've paid money into it for 8 years why shouldn't I be able to claim it back?

No. 1657152

I recently finished my undergrad and have been unemployed for going on 3 months and even before high school the trajectory of my life was like a slow acclimation to NEETdom, by my second year of college I was already pretty much a neet in training. Now I really am one and my mother calls me her pet quite literally because all I do now is eat shit and sleep without the veil of school to shield me from reality. I should get a job and start sending out applications already but just thinking about every company rejecting me without letting me know at all already pisses me off before it's even happened. Can't even rely on the prestige of my school to save me since I've done jack shit with myself my entire life, no connections, no charisma either I'm angry looking by default monotone voice always coming off as cold rude and unfriendly and basically everything that could be acceptable or even just passably decent coming from a male that is absolutely intolerable from me. Only thing comforting me is the fact that my mom is willing to cushion me for a bit and that other people way more retarded than I am have made it before, I'll hit my stride someday even though I'm far behind other people my age and probably will be for a long time. I don't mind.

No. 1657391

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Network Nona. If you don't have a LinkedIn, get one and spend an afternoon making yourself look employable. Pretend you were volunteering or working on personal projects for the last few months. Better yet, actually do those things if possible. Find as many people who graduated in your major from your school and ask if you can get coffee with them. Say that you're interested in learning about different directions you can take with your degree or that you'd love to learn about their current role and how they ended up there etc. Extended family or friends of your parents are okay for this too.

No matter what you do, do not directly ask for a job and do not admit to being a NEET, and act like you genuinely like who you're talking to. I know it sucks getting your first job, but good luck anon!

No. 1658283

Anyone with two braincells would know instantly that she is a neet. Only neets randomly invite strangers to coffee over linked in.

No. 1658515

I'm sorry I can see why it's upsetting. It's almost as if she's trying to get to you. I know it's a late reply but feel better soon.

No. 1658575

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Does anyone have any tips on making up and sticking to a daily routine? My days feel scattered and aimless because I have very little structure. I can think of a bunch of things to do every day, but not when to do them or how long to spend. I'm also nervous that even if I make up a plan, I will give up on/go against it immediately. Historically, I really struggle to follow through even on the things that I want to do. I feel like having a routine would help with that, but only if I don't rebel against it first kek. What do you nonnies think? Have you had any success creating schedules for yourselves?

No. 1658584

NTART but …and? People love talking about themselves and nice people will typically want to help out youngsters. The worst they could do is say no. Anon needs to get out and do something with herself and that's a good way to get your bearings.

No. 1658599

I'm not a neet but a habit tracker helps me stick to routines and setting a timer for reminders helps me

No. 1658610

when building new habits, stick to one or two changes at a time. choose one or two things you want to add to your schedule and focus on doing them consistently even if not perfectly.

No. 1658735

How do you nonnies deal with loneliness? I'm basically going to be bedbound due to surgery (didn't have a job before but I went out with friends a lot). My friends said they'll visit me but I know I won't see them as much because it's not that fun to keep someone company when you're not able to really do something together, plus I probably don't really want to see anyone anyway on most days. Also a lot of my friendships are declining, it's people I know from school or summer jobs and I don't feel like we have much in common anymore though we still have fun together. I've seriously considered joining a religion just to have some like-minded people but I know that's not bound to go anywhere.

No. 1658801

Learn how to have deep, rich, compassionate conversations to maximise the time you do have with friends. How to ask questions, how to be an active listener, how to speak from your heart and invite others to open up their hearts too. There are tons of books, articles, and videos about communication and empathy. If this idea interests you, I can recommend some. If you want to try it without any studying at all, i suggest looking up "36 Questions To Love," which is a game you can play with anybody whom you want to know deeply, not just romantically.
Conversation is very stimulating for me— maybe not so much for you or some of your friends— but this is how I deal with things. The whole point of friendship is to make an empathic connection, and since deep conversation comes naturally to me, this is my preferred method.
Lastly I'm wishing you a swift and gentle recovery. All the best to you nonette.

No. 1668539

It's just so embarrassing. My boyfriend texts me sometimes asking if something happened today, like if I did anything fun. It's sweet of him but it reminds me I've been spending almost a year in my room, going out on the weekends when my friends have time because they actually have work/college. I love being a neet and having all the time in the world but it can get so humiliating when friends or family ask what you've been up to. 'I organized my bookshelf last month'

No. 1669079

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Depending on where you live and how the public sector is ran. There are certain public jobs where you can work there for about a certain amount of time you can sign up for loan forgiveness.

I have a BA and my job at local library and it forgave my remaining student loans after working there for 10 years.

No. 1669114

Do any nonnas have advice for curbing apathetic thoughts. Every time I try to partake in a hobby I enjoy/makes me feel good I’ll eventually find myself wondering what the point is? Like: why am I doing it, it’s no good, it’s never going to amount to anything, it doesn’t matter. Even when I power through and keep going the thoughts don’t stop. I have to try to distract myself while doing the hobby just so I can ignore the thoughts long enough to get to a stopping point. What is wrong with me, how do I stop this? I’m wasting so much of my life giving into this shit but it’s like no matter what I do I inevitably find myself frustrated/angry/sad. Should I just suck it up and make peace with the fact I’ll never fully enjoy anything?

No. 1669133

What I do is play mind tricks with myself into thinking that the thing I'm doing is essential to my life like food, water, and shelter. Mind rumination and thought-loops can only be dampened by diversion. You need to know not just the roots but what exactly triggers those thoughts to spiral.

No. 1680988

My thoughts generally go along the lines of it doesn't matter and I'm bad at it but I'm doing it anyway it is what it is

No. 1699923

Will be signing up for organ donation with my city.

If I end up in an accident, I don't want them to save me. I want them to take my organs and give them to someone in need, someone who will actually make use of them. I can at least be of some use to society that way.

No. 1699983

Yeah I was NEET once after finishing school with 16. Internet was already a thing but it was slow and I didn't really use it back then. Spend all day reading about historical shit and concepts of hell and drew a shitton of pages for my comic.
Unironically missing this time. Something in me has broken at some point and prevents me from being motivated and happy now. This only makes working even way harder though, so I need my NEET downtimes even more now.

No. 1699994

I know a lot that live like this or only work part-time because the husband is rich or having a top job, but I cannot tolerate other people around me every day, I am autistic and cannot love and I have no sex drive so any sort of partnership or shared apartment is out of the question.

Wish my cat was useful and making money for once.

Wish I knew. I can draw but in my country I would have to do so many top tier commissions for 150 EUR a month that it would take as much or more time than a fulltime job and completely sully my hobby and probably get me starved if I should get sick or too depressed to draw for a month. Wouldn't be able to ever go on a trip either.

My dream when I was a kid was always to rob a bank one day. But today I know how fucking risky it is, not worthy. They would put me in jail and there are other people in jail and I don't like being around others.

No. 1700111

This is how I live my life. Working a year or two, depending on how bad the job is and NEETing till I start the next job. My rent + food and such amount to ~900 euro a month. Even with minimum wage I make 1200 a month, so 300 surplus (unless I buy extra stuff, but I don't care about much, plus, piracy and hacked handhelds), making it 3600 spare euros a year, that's 4 months of NEETing, more if I plan my food shopping smarter (or eat less spare ribs per week).

Last time I had a bit more income though, amounting to one year of NEETdom. Sadly that period is now about to end and this time I feel like I am still not regenerated despite such a long time of peace.

Scary flashback but the only time I ever used my real name on the net was when I made a photobucket account for my fanart in 2003 because I was retarded and thought it needed a real name. And then I forgot it existed.
Flashforward 14 years.
While we were peacefully cleaning skulls with toothbrushes in 2017 my boss once casually told me that he was googling my name after getting my application but only finding a photobucket account that he clicked. With internal terror did I realize that one of the first pics he would see opening that place was the second last one I drew and uploaded back then which was a yaoi artwork with Hitler fucking Himmler.
The other shit I drew back then was similar, but it was at least involving Satan or Torquemada which people might assume to be some comic characters. He was considerate enough to not go into details and just told me that I have some talent for art.

To get back to topic, yeah, I will never use linkedin. No facebook either and I even refuse to get an extra what's app account or change appearances, so my last two bosses had to add a person with cringe chuuni name and Sentinel Prime avatar to our group chats.

No. 1700120

Well, I hope they save you, nonna. Thinking you need to "serve society" in some way or you should die is the moid in your head. I hope you feel better and realize being at home and messing around on the internet and having fun looking at things that interest you is peak. You're not hurting anyone.

No. 1700159

Idk if this counts as being a NEET but

>22 years old

>autism and schizophrenic combo
>former anime club girl, wanted to keep in touch with friends after high school
>didn’t because no college, hopes, aspirations, relationships
>spend 18+ hours a day online (more if you count the fact I fall asleep to fact videos/documentaries)
>I have friends, but only on discord that I’ll never meet in person
>paying rent with disability check
>make extra income by online voice acting cause I don’t have to talk to people
>haven’t left the house for any reason since July 30th 2023
>haven’t had a real job ever
>lesbian, but only woman I’ve ever hugged is my mom
>not even my cat likes to leave my room, and she’s my only motivation to go out (buying food/litters/taking her to the vet)

This lifestyle is honestly the closest thing I’ll ever have to a normal life with a job, but that barely counts because I only make 150 a month MAX. How do you guys make money to keep the NEET lifestyle?

No. 1700209

I went back to listening to the songs I listened to 2 years ago. I feel like my internet-induced depersonalization is what made me change so much after social isolation. Once I get back to my old habits and rebuild my confident personality, it will be easier to let go of NEETness.

No. 1742334

Neet nonnas, what keeps you going in life? Do you have any projects or passions that give you a sense of purpose? I have so much time that I'm wasting, I could be doing literally anything to work on myself but somehow it all seems so meaningless. How do I kick myself out of this rut?

No. 1742361

Should be posting in the career thread but this is sort of a vent too. I got a 300 on the practice gmat test (its a pretty bad score). I just need maybe a year of math to bring it up but I'm ashamed of my verbal reasoning which shouldn't be so low my grammar isn't that terrible. I wonder if I should focus on getting a tech job since that's something I have some understanding of or have loftier goals for myself. If I get a high gmat score over 700 I could theoretically get into the top 20 business schools and run a company in the future. Do I trust myself to do well? No. Does anyone else believe in me? No. If all fails and I'm still unemployed a couple years from now I'm going to massage therapy school all you have to do is learn by watching someone else, complete your number of hours, and now you're an LMT. I just need a jorb so bad.

No. 1742409

I've been through unpleasant things for most of my life now and my mental health is below the ground but I've learned to keep going by thinking about the simple things and being happy about them. You don't need some grand purpose in life, in fact many non-neet people don't have passions or interests either. It may be stupid but I feel like I have a purpose when I remember that my dog won't get to eat if I'm not here, that I make her happy, that the plants in my house will wilt and die if I don't water them. As for passions even the most common things are fine. You can think about becoming good at drawing, sewing, cooking, programming, learning a new language, making sweets and things like that, it may lead you to good things in life. Anything that interests you really.

No. 1742410

No passion, only whimsies. I have accepted that I’m just this kind of person who tries things. I’ve gotten over feeling shame about not committing to things. Even if doing things is meaningless, aren’t you bored? One time I was so bored I got a job for a month because I thought I’d rather feel miserable than bored. Another time I got so bored I started exercising and lost 10kg (since then gained most of it back kek). Don’t waste NEET time by thinking too much, just do what you think is good or fun. You know those memes “your unemployed friend on tuesday”, live like that unironically.

(Antidepressant helps. It’s not as fun to be NEET when you’re depressed.)

No. 1743057

Read, draw and see my boyfriend/friends at least once a week. I'm lucky to have a few people I can count on, I would go absolutely mad if I stayed inside all day. Also taking walks and watching nostalgia shows or documentaries helps me a lot to stay sane, plus I'm at least learning something new. Would never give this life up for wageslaving but I hate that I'll have to one day.
>those memes “your unemployed friend on tuesday”, live like that unironically.
Best advice!

No. 1746105

Hey nonnies i have to be a neet for two months. Got any idea of random stuff i could do in that time?

No. 1748147

>2 months
That's called a long vacation. ffs

No. 1748747

I’m not gonna leave my house

No. 1759025

Hello neet nonnies, how are you doing? I've been a neet for years now and while I appreciate the slow life I just feel so lonely. I don't have any friends or a partner. Most people automatically resent you as soon as they discover you're a neet, obviously my family doesn't really like me and for some reason internet friendships just feel so shallow and I wouldn't even know where to begin. Seeing other people having meaningful experiences make me want to rot inside my house forever.

No. 1759033

They have a word for that too: staycation

No. 1759054

reorganize and clean your home, daily walks in the sunlight, learn to draw or bake or sculpt polymer clay, pick a language you used to learn back up

No. 1759525

kek I'm so stupid.
I deluded myself into thinking I can't off myself because it would crush my mom. The truth is that she is empty inside and doesn't care. I was minimizing our interactions to successfully repress this fact.

No. 1759770

Are you still alive nonna?

No. 1766150

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I've been a neet my whole adult life. except for this brief period where I relocated to another fucking continent to go to college. I lasted there for about a month or so before I dropped out. I'm not ready yet to rejoin society and I had to find out the hard way. well. life isn't too bad.

No. 1766159

I work from home and go to school from home, it's all online. I live with my best friend and rent a room from her. I dont have a car, I do have a license, but I don't feel like the expense of a car is necessary since I do everything at home. I even get my groceries delivered or just walk to the store if I only need one bag of stuff it's only a mile away. I don't really talk to my family often. Mostly I talk to my one best friend and my boyfriend. And probably once or twice a month I see other friends. Am I a NEET because I always am home all the time and rely on others to help get to places? And I keep my social interactions to an absolute bare minimum, because I prefer to be alone. Or am I not a NEET because I do work and take classes? I feel like a loser regardless

No. 1766167

Not in education, employment, or training

No. 1766176

You are a borderline hikikomori

No. 1766178

You work and study so you're not a neet. You're almost a hikikomori though.

No. 1766287

There needs to be a thread for hiki-like retards like you who want to call yourselves NEET despite not being one.

No. 1766361

You aren't even a hiki, they live alone. You are just lazy or agoraphobic. Fucks sake.

No. 1766368

I've been trying to keep busy with diy projects to fend off the loneliness. Having the same issue as you with online friendships feeling too shallow but irl friendships not working out because neet stigma. I don't know if my family resents me or not but I am putting a lot of effort into doing stuff that makes their lives better or easier which I hope makes up for not bringing in money. I wish very much that I could make friends but working for my family helps a lot. I feel very bad when I spend a day just playing games or reading.

No. 1769720

I kind of hate weekends because I use podcasts as my main source of parasocial relationships to fill the void, but barely any release their episodes on the weekends. Monday morning when I open up my feed feels like a mini Christmas to me each week.

No. 1769739

Not true, hiki's live in their parent's house.

No. 1769741

You're not a NEET you're just a fucking retard. Congratulations friend.

No. 1770044

Why we ganging up on >>1766159 ? She's definitely not a NEET but it's not like that's a crime. Her life actually sounds nice, she probably just has self esteem issues.

No. 1776024

Because she was obviously fishing for anons to tell her she's not a loser and that's extremely annoying.

No. 1777597

Been a neet since I dropped out of my last year of highschool 5 years ago and 2 years of a hiki phase throughout. Have no qualifications and I feel like a lowlife bumming off of the gov with neetbux (about $313NZD from benefit every tues) my grandmother livig rentfree and being so eternally online and antisocial I really want to be independent someday meet my best internet friend but god. Outside world scary, and my dormant lifestyle has led to me letting go hard so activity is worse. Kind of want to get into social housing to spare my grandmother this stress but I'm hella anxious .

No. 1777617

What podcasts do you like nonny

No. 1807929

God if boredom were a cause of death I'd have died a long time ago. I've got all the free time in the world yet I cannot bring myself to do fucking anything.

No. 1934859

Samefag I have a job now, going to grab lunch with my coworkers tomorrow and get my very first paycheck next week.

No. 1935590

Sweet, congrats nona!

No. 1935911

Thank you!

No. 1936257

File: 1711209973805.jpg (74.29 KB, 374x581, il_fullxfull.2319970664_s5co.j…)

I have decided to embrace the housewife life and aesthetic because it's just a variation on what I've been doing for the past several years. Instead of being a gross sweatpants girl who plays vidyagaems all day now I look presentable and I make myself useful all day. It's a cozy way of life when it's divorced from religious expectations and the idea of scrotal supremacy.

No. 1936269

how many NEET wives are there on lc?

No. 1936279

It's a way to deal with the employment hell scape in today's world. A lot of these anons want to be successful career women, even if it's deep down. Doom scrolling on indeed and Zillow, year long job finding processes if you're lucky enough to not get fired every other week, giving up your livelihood for pennies, and not even being able to enjoy various amenities because of inflation and everything being monetized has made a lot of women give up and take the housewife route, even if that's not what they want

No. 1936282


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No. 1936284

there's a whole debate you have about technical jobs, like I don't have a problem with working, but I'm just not that smart for anything technical and that's a lot of people these days and it sucks there are basically no option to support yourself.

No. 1936293

The project got shut down starting February but I'm officially unemployed since March 15th and I hate to admit it but I have checked for jobs maybe twice in these almost 2 months. I'm so burned out from my previous job (tech support in a call centre) that even the idea of ending up in a place like that gives me anxiety. It's also the only thing that seems to be posted on job sites, where tf did all the "normal" jobs go? I'm lucky that I have savings so I can chill for a few more months but geez, my mental health isn't improving.

No. 1936297

I've been trying to find a job but I'm not willing to work in fast food for minimum wage and anything around here that pays decently only hires men because blue collar. Never wanted to be a housewife. It's not that it's a lot of work or anything (no children), it's just inherently lonely and boring. Not having much money makes it that much worse.

No. 1936319

Even with technical jobs you have to search the entire sea to find ones that aren't a complete scam/mlm. Most warehouses laugh off women unless you're a massive butch (not that it's an issue), and a lot of female oriented jobs are filled with prissy people who can and will tried to get you fired just cause they didn't like your vibe or something. It doesn't help those jobs don't include unions and don't pay well.

No. 2150434

Exactly this. I'm glad I'm not the only one, nonna.

No. 2307549

Recently became a NEET again after quitting my job in October. I only lasted 3 months there because of how shitty it was. I lasted for almost 2 years for my job before that but had to quit because depression. I kinda regret it sometimes and was thinking of going back several times but I don’t want to fuck it up. I still have to live with my parents and living with an NPD mom only makes it worse. I’ve learned my lesson and I’m thinking of socializing using websites like Meetup because I know the loneliness and isolation can drive you crazy. Maybe it will be good for me to get out of the house and have a little bit of a social life and avoiding my mom. I’m gonna start this Tuesday and tbh I’m a bit anxious, but I’d rather to that than be stuck in the house. I’m not ready to go back to work because that last job kinda traumatizes me. And I’d be too tired to go back to school again.

No. 2314233

do people really resent neets so much? I barely remember how indestructible I felt as a teen, sigh. I idolized neets i thought they cheated and won at life

No. 2328791

i’m afraid of death, but i think it’s finally time
for me to die. i’m low iq and mentally ill, and every time i try to take the steps necessary to escape NEETdom and stop being a parasite (driver’s license, get a GED, get a job) i have a mental breakdown because everything is too daunting and difficult for me. things will only get worse. i just need to remove myself from this earth

No. 2358757

Not a neet but it doesn't seem appropriate for the other neet thread and I'm not sure where else to put this. Anyway, I'm in college but I'm only taking one online class right now and have a lot of free time. I was thinking of getting a part time job but now I'm not sure. I'm living with my parents and have a bit of money saved up so what's the point? When I finish college I'm gonna have to deal with working for the rest of my life anyway. I could use my free time to learn stuff like programming, languages, and drawing. I can get myself to go outside by volunteering and going to the gym.

No. 2359615

I fucking wish so bad, but the one guy that genuinely asked me to be one wants me to have a million children that I don't want. So unfortunate

No. 2360179

I feel like being a NEET is my destiny. My moms side of the family has multiple NEETs. Mental illness is rampant and some just have a breakdown in their 20s and never recover, the rest learn to cope somehow and are usually successful. My mom is an on and off NEET herself since she never really deals with her mental illness. I'm currently not a NEET, but have been for years in the past and I hate not being a NEET. I hated being a parasite, but the self-hatred never vanished after escaping NEETdom either, so what is even the point? I dread working and am scared of the future anyway. I can't deal with normal things like making appointments, driving a car or cooking regularly. The only thing that keeps me from being a NEET currently is that I am unable to find other NEET losers to do things with and the fact that my parents wouldn't pay for that lifestyle for me anymore. It's like there are only teenagers and the occasional 20/21/22 year old left online and I don't want to hang out with teenagers or college kids.

No. 2360200

Break the cycle nonna and take it one day at a time. Apply for any job coaching services or disability to help you, some government services like vocational rehab types will help pay for your education/therapy but I don’t know where you live but this applies to the US since I live there.

No. 2361796

>No education, no work experience
>Applying for jobs, tries to find jobs where no experience is needed
>What's the most stereotypical burnout job? McDonald's
>Applies for McDonald's job, answers all the questions
>Gets to the page where they say they want a reference
>I have no reference
Am I destined to be a NEET forever? Even the most meagre entry level jobs are asking for experience and references that I don't have. How am I meant to get experience if nobody will hire someone without any

No. 2361875

If you have anybody in your life that you can trust (even if it's just because you know they really want you to get a job), use them as a reference. Have that person vouch for you doing some work for them - babysitting or cleaning for money, volunteering to help them on a project, etc. If you get scenario-based ("tell me about a time where you experienced…") questions in an interview, you can use that story as a basis for your answers.
I have a good career now, and it's common to have people in your social / professional network who will attest to pretty much anything as a reference.

No. 2362682

Being a neet in america is easy mode due to neetbuxx
Being a neet anywhere else is hard because neetbuxx dont exist/are very hard to get
Neet nonnies from other countries will understand. Hi nonas.
I wish I could get a high end PC. I dont wanna wageslave for centuries just o get one. And I hate SW and people who appropriate/do SW. You are degrading other women, imo.

No. 2362694

Kek what American neetbux are you talking about?

No. 2362707

SSI disability + SNAP + Medicaid i'm assuming

No. 2366072

I went to the doctors and he condescendingly looked down upon me when I told him I didn’t have health insurance to cover the meds he wanted to give me

No. 2366079

SSI is incredibly difficult to get unless you're visibly and profoundly disabled. Receiving it also cuts into your SNAP benefits. That's not even factoring in housing costs.

No. 2366130

The UK is possibly the easiest country to get neetbux in

No. 2366147

Whores don't qualify as NEET. They're still working a "job", it's not a traditional job. But the whores I know are pandering to scrotes asking them for money, selling photos of their anus, nudes and sex tapes, and begging, so like degrading themselves and begging for scraps is their job. They became employed the day they decided to sell porn, it's just the grossest job out there.

These days too many jobs aren't traditional in-office 9-5s. Most people wouldn't consider someone running an online business with drop-shipping for instance (where it doesn't require them to do anything outside of the house) as NEET, since that's how they make money. E-whoredom is the same thing, but instead of running a little shop selling clothes, art, trinkets, etc, they're selling their bodies, and most of them are broke and make about 200 a month (so they beg on the side because selling porn alone doesn't cut it). Whores calling themselves NEETs are just coping. If you don't see pandering to scrotes and advertising porn as work, it's probably because you enjoy your "job" and being a whore is meant for you. But don't feel like it brings you down just because you're a woman so a small percent of women bring all women down, whores are in a separate subclass of their own.

No. 2376859

It's not that I can't get a job, my job prospects are currently pretty good (although that could change with AI in the next few years), the good job prospects also disqualify me from neetbux and I go to therapy thanks to universal healthcare, but it doesn't really help. I can't deal with working. With each passing year I feel more like a failure and less like I should even continue trying, a lot like >>2328791
described. Therapy made me a little less retarded in social settings, but other than that it didn't really do anything. A few years ago I was depressed, but had hope for a better future. That's not the case anymore. Every doctor/therapist I go to gives me a completely different diagnosis just for the next one to tell me it's bullshit. My current therapist thinks I have adhd for example. I probably don't even have anything, I'm just lazy and being depressed isn't surprising for a loser. Sometimes I wish we had an euthanasia program like Canada.

No. 2380747

Aww nonnaa you’re so hard on yourself hugs.

No. 2380791

Samefag though working is not easy. Have been a NET (in education) but still jobless and idk if I”ll work after college. I hope but I’m depressed right now. Even showering is a chore skincare and haircare have been a while.
Hmm laundry too a chore. We don’t have warm water been a few years now. I thought I could do it by washing with a small washer and not go to my bf to crash a few days and I did survive somewhat but, it’s hard having to survive on my own. I’m crashing at my bf for a few days and then I can actually shower like a normie. I had a big goal this year and now I want to postpone it ‘s deadline further along this year. It’s so overwhelming finishing college. I know the depression is making me self sabotage. I want to recover but it’s so hard at the same time I don’t know if I will meet all these milestones it’s a lot.

No. 2384785

I genuinely don’t understand how normal people live.
Everything little thing about the world seems so complicated, inefficient, dirty and alien to me.
Humans basically destroyed nature to try and make life easier and happier, but instead we accidentally forced ourselves into these ugly, smelly, loud ass cities where you have to work an unnecessarily shitty job for most of your life.
Most jobs would be decent if workers rights weren’t constantly being violated and the common people weren’t so retarded and aggressive for no reason(why the fuck do teenagers working at mcdonalds have to deal with aggressive fatties attacking them everyday? Is this just an american thing?)
Even as a child i had zero interest in partaking in society. I just hated it and struggled to understand it or find anything redeeming about it, and i still dont. It’s so ugly and anti-human.
I think i genuinely have some sort of intellectual disability as i always struggled with simple shit everyone seems to grasp naturally like basic math and socializing.
It feels so wrong and evil for some reason to leech off my parents at and not take contribute to society, but i also dont care. I can’t imagine living a a wageslave for decades and not killing myself.

No. 2384831

My NEET and hikki status are 1000% because of trauma. It's nice to get a "we're sorry" check from the government every month but it doesn't help with the suicidal thoughts. The only reason I'm not dead is because of my meds and doormat husband. This month is the anniversary of the incident and my brain is screaming to end it all. I want to be brave enough to go outside just to take in some vitamin D but everyone around me is old people so they're super nosy and talkative. The thought of being nice to these people when they're the pro life types makes me wanna vomit. I'm trying to express myself more creatively to keep away the thoughts instead of smoking pot all day to cope. I was the type that used work and school to distract myself from everything and ended up crashing and burning hard. I miss her, she was such a boss babe and was the girl that everyone could rely on and knew exactly what to do in any situation. That girl is gone and replaced with a depressed husk that's literally wearing down her computer chair to the filling she sits in it so much. I'm awake at the crack of dawn wondering what it is I want out of this life now, everything feels pointless. I'm trying to be nicer to myself but it gets harder with each passing year. Idk just NEET hikki ramblings

No. 2384849

I know this is slapping a bandaid on an open wound, but if you don't get outside much for that vit D, try taking supplements. I did start feeling better when I started taking vit D and iron supplements even though my life is a nightmare kek.
Sorry you're suffering, nona. Hope you stick around with us, despite it all.

No. 2384899

Thanks for the kind words nona, I know I have some in the house somewhere but I always forget about them so thanks for reminding me.

No. 2385054

It's probably a cope but I think the best contribution you can make to society is to do nothing and let it fall apart. People are born wanting to be useful to others, yet society is all about competition and working for yourself. It's the complete opposite of what being human is. We really need to just admit defeat and try again.

No. 2385260

>It's the complete opposite of what being human is
I agree.
This is gay as hell but i was always of the belief that humans are suppose to be “better” than nature. We are suppose to be forgiving and kind animals working to separate ourselves from(whilst preserving) nature to create a beautiful and equitable world for ourselves. but the world we created is anything but that.
The way we made everything so anti human from the architecture to our culture, exploitation of people in the 3rd world, to the way we treat the animals that provide food for us make me really depressed.
I try to do what i believe to be the right thing like buying used goods and being vegetarian at least. Writing this made me realize that maybe i would enjoy volunteering? Maybe something simple like cleaning up litter or donating cloths.

No. 2385267

You can also buy vitamin D supplemented milk, vegan plant milks, or even orange juice or eat certain kinds of fish if you want to get it directly from your diet.

No. 2385356

Kek yes that's gay af but it's true. The world needs more kindness. We're the animal with the most transformative power over the world and we are completely failing all the responsibilities that should come with that. More than half of the insect population has declined in the past decades and animal population has been reduced massively as well. We are killing this earth when we're the only ones with the power to protect it. We are even systematically and efficiently murdering 70 billion sentient lifeforms each year for what is essentially recreation, it's perfectly possible for us to live on a plant-based diet. But meat tastes good and animals can't fight back or speak up for themselves, so let's deem it as normal and okay. I get so angry and disgusted thinking about it. We are such a failed species. Everything is about us and what we want. There's no consideration for others unless it's beneficial for us.

I think volunteering would be a great idea. You'd be around like-minded people who share the same goals and you'll really be able to feel your actions have a tangible impact on others. It's essentially a simulacra of how work and jobs used to be, humanity in its natural environment

No. 2385529

Hate to recommend reddit and I haven’t personally used something like this, but there’s the subreddit r/JobReferences and other places like it online with people who will help you out and be your reference

No. 2385589

References are the bane of my existence, every time I look for even the most basic jobs I give up because they always require references which is impossible because nobody knows I exist. I went to university in the past and had the highest GPA of my graduating class and even then I can't get any work because I never once interacted with any professors (I didn't realize you were supposed to, it's like an unspoken rule that everyone knew except me) so none of them will give me references. The whole networking element of careers makes me want to off myself.

No. 2385803

I cringe at the thought of updating my Linkedin and I wasn’t the greatest student like you I’m still studying. I have to interact with my professor and I hate it so muchhhhh.

No. 2385810

I get so heated when people say as a grown up child you have to pay parents rent. It’s so weird wtf! First of all they wanted me here, second of all working is not that easy. Parents have to provide at least shelter so the child can establish themselves when they are ready! And have a safe haven to return to if they weren’t ready to keep participating in society. That’s not failure. The world sucks so the least parents can do is be supportive and not ask kids for money. Kids CAN give some money if they want but helping with chores here and there should be enough. Proof me wrong! Don’t I’m not taking a different stance.

No. 2385980

I'm confused about how normies do it, when having a year gap in your resume or not having 3 references can screw you over. Do most of them just have a perfect life track starting from 16-18 (working age) with no detours ever?

No. 2386734

You have more explaining to do if you have gaps so they just avoid it even if they work only weekends. I used to work weekends until I couldn’t handle it anymore never progressed to working more days. As a NET I just focus on school rn. Can’t wait to be a full neet for a bit after I’m done. Even if it’s just a few months. Maybe get neetbux to move out. Aah how I long to fully Neet.

I went outside today it was so cold. I don’t like nature anymore. I like it on my screen and the cute plant I have that’s it.

No. 2386741

How do you gain work experience as an adult? I spent my teenage years and young adult years studying but that's useless and nobody gives a shit if you have a PhD anymore unless you have experience. A lot of entry jobs will hire little high schoolers because they're easy to hire and toss away and tend to accept less pay, but not a retarded adult.

No. 2386802

i'm a semi-neet right now with a similar background to you, not working or training, but i am volunteering, which has opened up a lot of work experience opportunities. it's also what i reccomend for other neets looking for low-stake opportunities, depending on what kind of work you want. my volunteering is a mixture of creative work but also corporate-facing stuff, and also some admin bits. through this, i have references, a small professional network i can dip into, and just enough social skills to get by. i appreciate that this is a little different to volunteering work like soup kitchens or running charity shops, but you've just got to be picky about what you want and what you're interested in. if you like animals, maybe you can volunteer to help out with shelter websites. if you like cooking, you can volunteer to work in the back of a soup kitchen cutting onions.
otherwise, you can send thousands of applications and hope for a bite. grad schemes are good but not if "too much time" has passed since you graduated, and also you're competing against their ideal candidates - the easily manipulated 21 year old. if you really don't care, sectors like recruitment will take genuinely anyone and train you into the job with some level of stability, but it's mostly exhausting brunt work.

if you have everything else, a gap on your resume can easily be played off as 'travelling' or 'family emergency' or etc. a lot of these people just have the right combination of things to cover anything that might look like a red flag to an employer

No. 2387122

I'm still trying to claw my way out of neethood, but when I asked for advice in here a couple of months ago someone said to just say I was self-employed in something they won't bother to do a background check on.

No. 2387590

It's been years since I've tried to start work and I'm glad I haven't bothered. If people want to act like such cunts towards me when going to and from work then they can pay me though taxes to lay down all day and relax. I deserve it.

No. 2393306

No. 2394738

File: 1739344104946.jpg (66.15 KB, 450x497, burnt-out.jpg)

>homeschooled young but barely graduated from public HS
>have always been on the internet since I can remember
>a close friend's death during HS
>worked a couple jobs but quit within weeks
>used to talk to irls & family, slowly became distant until fully isolated
>schizoaffective passed down from mom, paranoia being the biggest "ailment"

I can't speak for all neets, but I have such a love/hate relationship with it.
I realize I'm lucky to be able not to work or go to school and get to use my time how I want, yet all my thoughts are burdened with how much of a leech I am. I'm too scared to drive yet, closest I got was my temps.
I want to help pay rent, make something of myself career-wise, have friends; but theres something wrong that I can't solve, if theres even a reason to solve it.
Therapy doesn't help since no matter how I try to train myself, I will always be weary of their practice.
I feel stuck in a cycle in my mind and I'm paralyzed no matter how deeply I want to make something of myself.
I'm not even suicidal, I just dont care what happens to me since I've adapted the cope of not giving a fuck what happens, I just let it happen. Which may be contributing to the reason I can't progress.
Do you see the circles I'm running in typing this out?? I want to be someone but I dont care what happens to me. God I feel like a walking contradiction…

No. 2395351

>yet all my thoughts are burdened with how much of a leech I am

Am I supposed to feel this way? I'm able bodied but I've always tried to swindle and cheat other people

No. 2400485

i can't get a fucking job AHH it's killing me. i look for starter type jobs like cinemas and fucking convenience stores and they all ask for minimum 6 months of experience, bitch how am i supposed to get the experience if no one wants to hire me? my mom says i'm only 19, you can pick up college, study to get a better job in the future, but i fucking hate studying and nothing interests me. i'm stuck at home all day doomscrolling and rotting in my bed because i have no talents and nothing catches my attention.

No. 2400517

Perhaps apply for a dish washing gig, you can also try baskets weaving or spoon carving at home and sell them at farmer's market or online. Alternatively you can just lie in your resume like most people.
There is always something productive to do that can result in a financial gain.

No. 2400538

Did you just suggest a neet begin basket weaving and whittling away at wood until it turns into crude cutlery

No. 2400559

It's good to have hobbies, anon.

No. 2400564

Really, one could say the neets surviving off of commission money from drawing cartoon men fucking and sucking eachother is the modern equivalent of a basket weaver

No. 2400640

Lie on your résumé. I was in the same position, getting ghosted by entry level minimum wage jobs for literal years, and didn't start getting interviews until I just lied. Look up a business that closed down recently and say you had a year's experience working there (or longer depending on how old you have to be to legally start working where you live). If a business is closed down then they can't call it up to ask questions about you working there. It also answers the question of why you don't have many references (because you can't really get a reference if you no longer have a way of contacting your old boss). If you're able to, do some quick courses on things that might help you, like manual handling or Microsoft Excel or something else you can learn fast. Where I live the local employment office runs training classes for free that will give you skills to put down on your résumé. If you really need references ask friends to lie, or failing that, go on Reddit, there's a subreddit just for people asking others to be references for them.

No. 2402740

Kek nonna I can’t but a neet can still take up an extra hobby and turn it into a sidehustle

No. 2402761

Thank God I can still postpone working for another week! Woohoo.
Realistically I can postpone working for 2-3 months I hope I can get something figured out by the end of next month and towards april.
I don’t have to work thank God now I just have to destress again.

No. 2404702


This is the way. Worked for me back when I gave a shit. Claimed to work at a closed business, and to have been running an eBay reselling business to tide myself over until I started working again full time.

No. 2404718

this 100% works. closed businesses nearby or remote work for closed startups is the best. especially startups.

No. 2404871

File: 1739826306490.webm (775.01 KB, 272x480, i have to go to work.webm)


No. 2404979

What did you sell? I used to sell stuff but it wasn’t enough compared to the time going into selling. I did clothes and books one electronic item.

No. 2417896

Part of me wants to go out and make friends, have job, be educated and travel, but everything about how the outside world operates feels so alien to me. I always struggled to relate to other people, and have no idea how to connect or socialize properly. I can watch people but i cant interact. I really don’t know how id survive having to brute force something that isn’t in me.
Also Spending all day on the internet has made me hate men so much that i dont even want to go outside since that means i will have to be around them for real.
Id rather live a short life stuck in my dark cozy room with plushies and vidya games whilst laughing at the ugly scrotes breaking their backs building a walmart.

No. 2418043

What kind of games do you play, nonna?

No. 2418167

I've accepted that I can't function in society. I'm too autistic to hold a proper conversation and I have an endless amount of naivete. I feel extremely lucky to have a husband who supports me and understands my struggles, even if he gets frustrated sometimes with how naive I am, as I often struggle to understand people's bad intentions and he has to hold my hand and tell me that sometimes things just aren't my fault, as I continue to do mental gymnastics to find a reason things ARE my fault actually. I don't want my life to be a useless one though, so I want to dedicate my time to making stories that people who have had similar experiences to me can see themselves in. If I just had someone tell me that it's okay and that I'm not broken when I was younger, that I am the way that I am due to mistreatment, and that it's okay to dislike people, then maybe a lot of issues I have now could have been avoided. I want to save people who were just like me.

No. 2418224

really relatable
if you have a husband youre already functioning in society somewhat. are you sad that you rely on him or something?

No. 2418280

I'm an autistic NEET too, nonna. Where do you like to post your stories? I would like to read things like that. I wonder a lot if I will ever be able to get married someday. I'm a couple years into trying to get on disability because my psychiatrist herself told me I'm not fit to work (at least right now). My parents and several therapists help me with autism stuff, but I can't help but feel lame living this way while my few childhood friends are working jobs, driving, travelling, and what not. Even just laying in bed reading this site all day can make me overstimulated, and I have to take regular breaks from doing anything at all, from playing videogames to just reading on my phone. I feel so stilted, and guilty for not reaching out for more. But I can't handle any more. I'm barely surviving as is.

No. 2418284

Cant take you anons with husbands/lovers seriously. Some of us dont even have that and are incapable of forming those types of relationships too due to being a NEET. Put on your big girl pants and make good use of the moid you have.

No. 2418295

kek i always want to say this but i push back my bitchiness

No. 2418301

Why do so many anons here think they're too retarded to function but somehow still manage to have a husband or a long term boyfriend? Having a husband seems nearly impossible to me in comparison to everything else but maybe I'm picky and you're not?

No. 2418303

Kek I didn't want to say that either. Like "Oh noo I'm such a failure NEET, I can't function in society" but you have a fucking husband. Did you get your husband by not being able to communicate? Did he appear in your house magically? Being a stay at home wife isn't being a NEET.

No. 2418309

Getting a bf is pretty easy anon you just have to exist around men, be it online or in real life, and one of them will likely take an interest in you. Now to get a non abusive/manchild one you need to be lucky. Men will also rarely dump their gf/wife, they would rather cheat and continue the relationship. So yeah you are likely "picky" aka have standards.

No. 2418379

I wonder a lot about this too. I can't picture being married and having to talk to some guy all of the time. I don't know how we could even get close because I only talk to the same three people who I've known for over a decade. How do these girls get husbands/boyfriends? I try to imagine if I could get married too, but I seriously am starting to think the only moid I can love is my husbando.

No. 2429235

I wish more people would give thought to what someone's circumstances might be before jumping the gun. My parents are dead and I struggled for many years not having that support network, even being homeless for a time. My husband and I met each other online, it's not hard to meet people as a NEET these days. He is the only person I am capable of speaking with, I let DMs rot in my inbox for days and I struggle to keep up with my family members who ARE alive. He approached me because he really resonated with some things I was posting online and while I had trouble with him too at first, he started saying some things that really clicked with me and my autism latched onto him, and he began to support me when he realized what a shitty spot I was in.
I post them on various social media sites, I normally make drawings to accompany them. I think that there is someone out there for everyone, even if you feel like you aren't lovable, my husband told me that part of the reason he likes looking after me is because he wasn't cared for as a child, so he sees me and wants to do something for someone akin to what he never had. It's okay to take life at your own pace, there will always be someone who understands, even if it takes a while to find them.

No. 2429514

nta but I would if iceland wasnt cold. aside from the fact that cold and dark just piss me off, it also makes you way more dependant on society. Can't use solar effectively, can't grow your own food, need elaborately built houses to survive. Everything that humans are naturally meant to do is 10 times harder in cold.
A goal for neets is to save enough to not have to work ever again and when you just live off savings and dont work, corruption doesnt matter that much.
For those who expect to live off neetbux though, no place better than america. Literally just become a drug addict and you immediately get housing and sponsorships for your addiction.

No. 2429519

Not a NEET but I have neet aligned question. So I work from 8-12, and on free days I wake up at around 11 so if I was neeting I would have more or less same amount of free time.
I still really struggle with getting shit done. Cant even clean or make food properly. If I start cleaning or for example go to gym I end up spending like 6 hours on that shit…I'd kinda like to use my free time in fulfilling way like maybe create art, pdfs or actually trying interesting recipes etc. But all my time end up being funneled into barely staying alive. My work isnt even hard. I feel retarded. How do you guys actually manage your days to not become an amoeba?

No. 2429526


Men are easy, easier than the general sum of society. With many nonas their partners just find their own way but I got tired of waiting so I just went on and started flirting with random people I liked online until one of them turned out to be my neighbor (lol)
Its much easier though if you dont take those interactions very seriously, allows you to be cringe and perform le @romantic@ stuff more easily.
Also if you can write posts online you already CAN in fact communicate
To be fair we dont really talk much, I am half mute and retarded and our interactions are mostly physical (as in, cuddly). I actually peeked on his diary and he expressed a frustration about it there but he still stays so I guess he finds something else more important than my ability to talk.

No. 2431096

Nonnas acting like incel moids when other women going through genuine struggles admit to having a supportive partner will never not be hilarious to me. If someone loves you, all your other issues are invalid. Meanwhile meeting people over discord is so fucking easy that there's tons of memes dedicated to dogging on chronically online ugly couples who do bakudeku fictionkin DDLG petplay.

No. 2431141

Damn I need a vacation. Sitting in the house all day got me fucked up

No. 2431224

>he finds something else more important than my ability to talk.
Sex, probably.

No. 2431246

Actually no, he is borderline asexual. We have sex like 1-2 times per month and I have never done a bj.

> If someone loves you, all your other issues are invalid.
You being sarcastic? Pardon my autism, I assume you are.

No. 2431252

NTA but I think she either meant to reply to someone else or was agreeing with you. Because you responded talking about how you went out and found yourself a mate, right? So she was saying "yeah, see, I don't get why anons are acting like incels".
Hopefully she chimes in to clarify though kek

No. 2431356

Damn he must be mad ugly then, or he's jacking it to hardcore stuff.

No. 2431907

I don't wanna possibly "brag" but you baited me to it.
No he refuses to jerk off even if I ask him to because touching penises is ew in his opinion. And he is pretty, and matches my type perfectly.
He has his issues but they are not of manhate archive content, and more about him being a massive fag and a latent tranny (but he is so pure he doesn't even realize it). In any case his testosterone is low. He also has ocd. But there is a lot of non sexual tenderness between us.

No. 2431971

>disgusted with his dick (but still uses it)
>massive fag
>latent tranny
>low testosterone
>"""pure""" small bean
AND he's the one taking care of you supposedly? Anon I was baiting a bit but that's a lot worse than I expected, damn. Good luck because you'll need it. The OCD alone would make me want to kill him since I have experience with OCD freaks, then the rest is just… bad.

No. 2432674

The ocd is annoying but I learned to largely ignore it. The rest is kinda whatever to me, I'm homosocial anyway. I dunno where you take that he takes care of me… Well I mean of course we both care for each other, but like in this patriarchal sense of being provider and protector. He isn't. I don't expect him to. I have someone who accepts and loves me and that is enough for me. Someone to meet at the door and watch anime together and cook pasta with and scratch my back in the shower. I am piss lonely in terms of my social life, and having at least someone certainly helps not to kill oneself, although general issues with life and mental health still remain. That's the point - just having a partner is not life solving. Maybe next time when you hear that nona has a partner, consider that he may not be some sort of perfect prince.

No. 2432704

Yeah, this is exactly what I was trying to say. Sorry it wasn't clear.

No. 2432814

I don't get it, is he financially funding your NEETdom or not?

No. 2432820

File: 1741349965249.jpg (106.13 KB, 950x950, IMG_0195.jpg)

I've been a neet for the last 5 years now, i was doing well until that point, had a job, an apartment, financially stable, mentally secure for the most part and attracting attention enough to find relationships on occasion. I had always been sort of socially inept to the degree that i gravitated to online spaces for socializing though.

It fell apart when i met someone online and really connected to them, and we eventually met in person and spent a fair amount of time together. I was being careful because i got the initial impression they didn't want a relationship but eventually it got to a point where i thought based on what they were saying to me that things could go in a specific direction and the way i felt about them just ran away from my control after that, it was so viscerally passionate compared to others i had been with where it was usually mostly just a comfortable contentment that i was throwing my job away just to be around them more. I know it was stupid, but there was without a doubt at least something there by their own admission and i wanted it pretty bad.

When things didn't turn out the way i had hoped everything sort of fell apart internally then externally, right before they left to go home i had this extreme sense of dread that i knew i would never see them again and i couldn't not cry as hard as i was trying not to on their last day, i at least didn't tell them why so they just assumed i was gunna miss them. After they got home communications sort of broke down over a couple months, and i just sort of silently spiraled. I didn't have the motivation to try and save anything because for what reason i thought, to a degree i still don't. I've since gotten re-certified for some jobs that interest me, and i've stabilized mentally and can enjoy things for myself, returned to somewhat socializing online like before, i've even tried moving on emotionally with a couple people (warning them ahead of time that i think i'm supposed to be alone right now, or maybe forever because at least i can manage that, but some are persistent), but i keep thinking about this person at some point each time, feel guilty, and leave, i think ive developed avpd to an extent over it, i really don't mean to hurt anyone, i want to feel the way i felt about them with someone else and i want to believe that can happen, but i'm scared to keep trying when it keeps turning out like this, i just feel like a shit person every time.

I almost wish i never met them, but i liked rediscovering that i could feel that way about someone too, and at least want that.
It was never a scorned kind of situation just not really compatible in the end, we wanted different things with each other it seemed? idk, ig i'm still working it out, just a way to think about it that doesn't leave me frustrated and yearning thinking things could have been different if i was a little more different or something, and i'm doing it alone with no satisfying closure, i wonder if messaging them again would be worth it but i think i'd ultimately just end up wishing i could have them the way i want to still, and i know that's not in the cards, i have no idea how they've been for at least the last year or so, and it would feel selfish, they did have feelings for me too to at least some degree i'm fairly sure (the doubt is a struggle), they did want to keep contact and try to at least stay friends because they really enjoyed being around me out of plenty of other options i just couldn't, even though surely by now they would have at least moved on i just wouldn't want to hurt them by bringing it up just because im stuck it feels selfish. idk i think im gunna keep focusing on trying to find a way to think about this and doing some half hearted applications and hoping something happens naturally without my interaction again, this has never worked before but maybe this time.

you seem very dreamer core and maybe thats just who you want to be, i kind of resonate with it a bit. i'd like to see some of your art if there's any you'd share here? the topics you said in your other post sort of seem relevant for me in some ways.
>there will always be someone who understands even if it takes a while to find them
maybe but i think after a certain point i wouldn't want it anymore, it's too late, passive observer in life time! idk, nice sentiment though.

No. 2432826

>you seem very dreamer core
>angsty furryshit image
Just leave you insufferable newfag

No. 2432828

whats angsty about it

No. 2432888

Not a problem, nona. It was clear enough for me and I was able to translate for you kek

No. 2433823

Man, I wish this thread was a little more active. Most boards and communities I stumbled upon for neets are packed with trannies or sociopathic moids who moan about not getting laid kek.

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