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No. 859851
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I'm a fucking neet myself, so is this thread for neets who don't want to recover like in the other thread?
No. 859927
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My anxiety made me postpone college applications until they are closed for kek I don't mind another year of Neet so long I manage my little goals (I'm more or less progressing on them) but I'd like to find a part time job this year tho. Don't know what and how.
No. 860032
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Are you planning to do something with your limitless free time? i am going to start streaming, Vtubing to be exactly.
No. 860048
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>>860037Mostly chill. I want to play retro games like Korone, draw and talk about movies/manga.
No. 860090
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I've been a neet for about 6 months after quitting my job so i can still buy a lot of weeb shit if i want.
No. 860328
>>860231Holy shit how much do you make a commission? How talented are you?
What kind of stuff do you have to draw?
No. 860337
I'm technically a NEET but I get away with it because I can just call myself a homemaker or housewife. My husband makes just enough for me to stay home but I don't even do anything because I'm too fucking depressed. I have a Bachelor's degree in a useless field that needs a PhD and I am over being in school so I can't even use it. I'm hoping to get a part-time job soon so I can pay for therapy.
>>860327How did you manage to learn? 26 here and terrified to even begin. I feel too stupid to be able to operate a vehicle. Also a high school dropout here as well and the NEET life was so fun then but yeah, feels bad to be my age with only a shitty barista job and sporadic food concessions jobs under my belt. I legit don't think I could function 9-5.
No. 860366
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>>860347nta but big furry artists usually make a pose sketch with characters generic enough and offer you to buy a 'spot' in it. It's a popular format because it's a much faster form of commission.
No. 860383
>>860366>$7500Why didn't god bless me with some art skills, I'd be fucking rich, that's like 45k in country
I'll most likely lose my job next year thanks to all the crap going on on the resource and shipping market. Don't want to be a neet again but also I could use a break
No. 860394
>>860387I was also teased by a manager once during interview for my useless degree. It was fucking scarring, I know how you feel
>I think it's because I am ugly and have bad social skillsI think it's because they can tell that you hate yourself and that you think very little of yourself. You just need to change your self image
No. 860466
>>860231Ayrt, damn, maybe I really should go for the furry buxx. I’ve joked about it a lot, but if it’s that promising…kek but seriously, that’s a good point. To be fair the hopes and dreams I’m working towards are in the framework of being forced to work. Still genuinely appealing to me, but if I could do absolutely whatever I want, I’d live on a commune with some of my friends and just self sustain and sell our art, food, and crafts.
>>860318My parents aren’t rich and live outside of their means so that will never happen rip.
No. 860471
>>860314There are always customers looking for cheap commissions
>>860328I make very little (30-60) depending on complexity but we are talking from the perspective of someone who lives in a country where the min wage is 150 and it keeps decreasing thanks to inflation. I have managed to make around 1500 from when i started back in march.
>>860331All of the ones you can find, the more exposure the better
>>860338You need to be kinda popular to sell those otherwise your posts end ignored.
I am currently learning animation, pixel art and other skills so i can increase my prices. My goal is to have a 500 dllrs monthly patreon someday, that way i could live like a queen NEET in this country of peasants.
No. 860525
>>859949i think it's the attitude. A loser doesn't give a fuck about working, is happy to live of other people's money, but is otherwise a normal person, with friends and relationships.
A neet is more reclusive, imo, either by depression or by choice. But i read neet as it is normally used as a synonim of hikikomori.
I didn't like being a neet, because i hate being under my parents thumb (even though they are getting more generous and patient with age), and i like working if it is something worthwhile. Media bores me.
But honestly, if someone drops a wageslave shitty job to become a neet, and uses their free time to work on something that makes them happy or needed, like caring for an elderly, or becoming a handyman or farmhand or housewife/husband, or working gigs, i can't really judge. Wageslaving in shitty soulsucking jobs is fucking hell.
No. 860577
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I love NEET life. I think many people are just wired for it but society makes us all have guilty complex about such compulsion. I loved school, or rather learning, but I always hated working. If only going to school is a job, if only I could just collect knowledge for money, then I’d consider it. But be it manual labor or white collar, normalfagging absolutely destroys my mental health, by the 9th month of any given job, I’d be zooted at work constantly.
NEETdom is double edged sword though. It is very easy to fall depressive and get stuck in a cycle of misery if mismanaged, you’re also very vulnerable if you don’t have support network.
But with just a little discipline and finesse, it’s the best. I study whatever the fuck I want, I have time to eat well and exercise, to indulge in hobbies and hone new skills. I actually practice time management and goal setting on my own volition.
Luckily I don’t have to struggle for money atm. I draw for spending cash for fun but that’s about it. Although I made decent amount of seeding cash from meme stocks and crypto this past year so I’d like to take investing more seriously.
I’d like to hoard enough money to just fuck off to a third world coastal town and grow old with some friends and cats.
No. 860634
>>860577Funny, I'm the exact opposite. College killed my spirit and I don't wanna go back (unless it's a paid scholarship in another country) but I wish I could get a boring job again, especially to afford my hobbies. I just can't find it due to the economic crisis.
>>860607Don't come to a shitty country, the violence against women is not worth it. Maybe Cuba and Uruguay would be the best options if you really want it.
No. 860738
>>860089what kind of freelance work do you do?
>>860337I'm 24 too. I work a 9-5 and have had breakdowns but I work from home so it's not as bad. It's a boring as fuck admin job but I can afford to live alone in peace, not with my parents. But before this job I was on disability from my old job due to mental health reasons. When I came back no one noticed so I just didn't work, got paid for 2 months (plus the pay on disability) then put in my notice kek. So I was considerably NEET for a few months. It was ok on disability because I was going to therapy in the mornings and in the afternoons I would just watch tv, draw, read, do whatever and not have to stress about work. I don't think I could get on disability again unless I had a psychotic break unfortunately. It seems like a lot of work to get semi-permanent disability, you need paperwork from doctor visits spanning years along with diagnoses, references, etc. and I don't go to treatment regularly. Maybe if you have a lot of professional help in your past and start to keep track of it you could build a case.
No. 860805
>>860795I'm from one of those countries, care to tell me what is going on that makes it shit to be a woman here? Bad products, wtf?
By those two things you mean Poland which I specifically didn't mention because it's the only socially shithole country among central Europe?
Healthcare is excellent here.
Please don't talk about shit you know nothing about, honestly you prove your point about sticking out like a sore thumb with your ignorance.
No. 860813
>>860786immigrated to slovakia, pls no.
coutnry is super corrupted and there's literally no money. don't talk about other countries if you don't know shit about them.
Hungary is also going through hell right now, too.
No. 860858
>>860777>>860784These type of people piss me off so fucking much, american brainwashing is a disease.
Our country is about to have a massive fallout within the next 5 years cope with it.
No. 860866
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>>860859I woke up at 3pm(15:00) and took a shower, now im going to do laundry and internet surf for the next 13 hours.
No. 860869
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>>860859I cleaned out my fridge and freezer and bought new food at the store. I also took out a bunch of other trash. Showered. Also made phone calls. It's super hot out so I called it a day, might do laundry but probably not. This is a productive day for me
No. 860888
>>860881 said, live off parents and go to part time job.Although Im going into trade school soon so i can get a rialiable job faster.
No. 860890
>>860878Dad killed himself and left me enough money to buy 2 small apartments (and a shit ton of trauma), one I rent out the other I live in. It's barely enough to buy groceries but I'm extremely good at saving. I'm trying to get a full-time job and rejoin society, so pretty similar to
>>860882 I guess.
No. 860893
>>860881>>860888But if part time job not neet
Am confused
No. 860918
>>860878saving all my unemployment checks (thanks covid, but like literally thanks covid because i had already wanted to leave that job so bad without quitting or being fired) and being a casual clothing reseller
not being officially employed & having free time instead of all of it being eaten by full-time school or work is legit the happiest i've ever been as an adult and i hope i figure out a good form of self-employment (i have a few plans) while i stretch this temporary phase out for as long as possible. i think i'd literally kms before i work for someone else ever again
No. 861188
>>860859I spiraled out of control in a webm thread, then proceeded to watch ero animu for 3hrs. ;_; Now I'm gonna cook lunch.
I'm currently voluntarily neet, but I finance the lifestyle myself.
>>860878 I saved up a lot of money, own an apartment and have a good safety net (long term bf, family).
No. 861324
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>>845814Rant blogpost: I quit the part time job I got after 3 years of neeting. My family is having a bitchfest and mom threatened to call "mental health services" for "my unstable mental health" because quitting clearly means i'm having a breakdown, apparently. Fucking ok. Try it bitch. I know you're too much if a coward. I can tell they're at the end of their rope and it pisses me off how they won't even admit to my face that they don't care about a failure like me anymore. Make sewerslide legal and administered by a dr, or let me rot with mental illness that parents caused. At this point I'm only being kept alive to act as everyone's negative energy dumpster. I hate this.
No. 861332
>>861324Maybe you should just kys
>>861323Both of you are coping
No. 861337
>>861325>a bunch of things that happened in the last yearOh so you're a fucking child? A literal baby who was just born? Not 30 years ago the world's two superpowers had missiles pointed at each other on a hair
trigger. Not even 80 years ago the world was in a literal world war. And covid is so harmless compared to smallpox that covid would genuinely not even have been noticed among all the other diseases. It's only now, because the world is so clean, peaceful, and healthy, that there's one disruption to your literal comfort cloud life and you're like "it's all SHIT now! it's all FUCKED!". You have literally zero perspective, you absolute whining worm. Or baby, i hope. You'll fucking live lmao.
No. 861485
>>861350>>861351All this tells me is that ypu literally have no idea how bad thongs used to be. Literally diswase, war, hunger, violence…literally everything was way worse 50 years ago than it is now. You can say "there are sucky things in world" and that's true, but when you go full doomer like "evrythings getting more FUCKED by the day" you're flat out wrong by literally every measurable metric. I'm not a conservative lmao, you being like "it was better 50 years ago, i wish i could go back to that" is the conservative thing. You are literally a conservative. I trust that things will continue to get better from human efforts. I am a progressive. That's what those words mean. And idk what ypu were going pff about exactly but I am american and i can say that it's literally paradise on earth compared to most of the history of human existence and most of the rest of the world today, and if you think otherwise it's pure cope fot getting the privileges of being american and yet still being a failure.
It's simple: you need it to be true that "the world is fucked" because believing that makes you feel less bad about your own life. be honest with yourself for once and just be sad without needing to pull all this doomer shit. bye
No. 861565
>>861485NTA but it's more nuanced
Life in the west from 1945-1970 was objectively better than life now. For starters, you weren't derided as being a loser for just leaving school and going to work in a factory, people were much more accepting of class differences back then than they are now. There was less obesity, you didn't need a car to function, rent and homes were cheap and people were genuinely healthier and happier. Things were more social. And introversion was reserved for Ted Kaczynski tier assburgers and not for 20% of the population.
In the west now, materially we're better off than most parts of history, but I do think we're degraded due to our cancerous stress inducing lifestyles. Between the internet addictions, shit diets, isolating lifestyles and extreme oversocialization, we definitely do suffer more than the generation before us. It's a new type of suffering we really haven't come to deal with yet.
No. 861623
>>861565>Life in the west from 1945-1970 was objectively better than life now. If you just said the economy was better than it is now, I would agree. But I think the aspects of:
>smoking is good for you advertisement with photos of doctors>asbestos is fine>these pesticides are totally safe and not going to impact the environment and linger in human breast milk>radiation is glowing, healing magic 1000th superhero comic starting with radioactive accident, puts radioactive paint on clock dials, puts uranium in dinner plates, use x-rays for fitting shoesis a category more insufferable than what we have now. I actually have no idea how boomers can live through that yet have so much trust in authority (at least before Trump drama).
No. 862077
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Friendless neets, do you want to get normie/irl friends?
It's no for me, most ppl act like animals with hierarchy and power plays, and I don't want to waste my energy proving myself to them. (Probably the autism)
No. 862104
>>862077I have normie friends on a superficial "work friend" level, but whenever we hang out I just realize I want some lower energy real friends or marry some introverted high-earning man and live a boring married life. I like them as people, but I'm just too boring and out of the picture and don't feel like I can entertain them.
I lost all my childhood friends because I got tired of them witnessing my neetdom and depression. I also thought it'd make making positive changes easier, but I probably devolved instead.
No. 862409
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Loneliness on Saturday night as a NEET hits different
No. 863684
>>862077Whenever I get a job or something, I realize how incredibly stupid and incompetent everyone around me is, and then i get pissed off because i'm at a lower level than them because either they have connections or they're better wage slaves because they let people step on them… It's really difficult to relate to other people when you have a neet mindset and oppose the current capitalist society. i have debt now because my desire to learn outweighed the annoyance of having to pay for it, but I feel like a lot of people are so consumed in materialism these days that they need like five credit cards just to one up their friends with meaningless purchases.
on the other hand, i can't exactly start living in my car because i, too, have at least some capitalist brain rot and i don't want to give up my dumb anime merch. life is hard. I try to be nice on social media but it's still hard to make friends because i guess my bitterness comes through and i can't really relate to others who were either born rich or have this crazy work ethic but adhd really fucked things up for me.
No. 893758
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I so badly wish I could just neet for a month or so. I just need a break from work/life/everything. ugh.
No. 893769
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I posted this on the other thread, but basically I'm living with my brother and his family
I'm actually content with my current arrangement, I help with the housework, help with the kids and the rest of my time I spend on streaming sites, playing games and watching movies
My brother and Sister-in-Law are very understanding and don't ever bother me and I love them both very much, I don't know what will happen in next 20 or 30 years but for now I'm happy like this and I hope we can maintain what we have
No. 923506
>>923483Nta… but the work I want to do isn't open to me anyway. I can't be creative. I'm not a rich girl who can leisurely get an art education and do photography when not travelling the world and having a condo daddy paid for.
I am not NEET rn but I was for a while. I'm an office drone now and my day consists of typing numbers into excel for 9 hours for low pay. Sometimes in the middle of the day I find a quiet place to just cry and what sucks is that I used to cry alot as a NEET too. I thought that if I'd at least get a job is be happier but it's not at all true. I see my coworkers who got old here and have carpel tunnel and dead dreams and just feel like going insane.
>>923484I love you fellow gnostic
No. 925889
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I've stayed at home so long as a NEET that I hadn't realized how quickly the place where I live was undergoing development and changing. Very strange feeling when I go outside now, I feel like I don't even live in the same neighbourhood anymore, makes me want to stay home even more now.
No. 925898
>>923524Spot on. I just finished a great audiobook called Womens Work, which is about the overlooked history of textiles. It really painted a lovely picture in my mind of ancient women working together to process fibers and weave on their looms, creating intricate cloths & patterns for them and their families to wear. They'd work all day technically but they'd do it on their own terms, often outside while chatting and watching their kids play.
Pre-currency work, when the gap between elite and common folk was much smaller, was when work was most rewarding.
Meanwhile all the work I've ever done has been a meaningless job exactly as described in the book Bullshit Jobs: A Theory.
No. 926161
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>>926158Focus on the stuff you want to buy? That is the only reason I want a job, I've come to terms that in the field I have chosen, it's extremely unlikely that I won't work with something super vapid
No. 926497
>>926274No that's normie shit, a smart neet knows how to use the time bestowed upon her.
>mom gets on my nerves and is always asking me to do stuff when I am homeWhat are you, 12? If you're neet then atleast help your fing mom. Or did you watch too much anime with character who never goes out of their room and mom leaves food by their door?
No. 926619
>>926497Ok so how do you use the time bestowed upon you?
If I were a NEET my mom would always be bothering to get a job or something like that. If you have parents that don't care then good for you. lmao
No. 926638
>>926619If you're not a neet then what are you doing in this thread?
I help my mom with housework, go driving to practice for driving test, draw, garden, code, write, physio exercise, and read.
They only bug me when my progress slows down.
No. 926639
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Any NEET wives here ? I'm a NEET and married to a wonderful man who takes cares of most of my needs, I do a little housework here and there but spend most of my day on the computer or playing video games
If he ever dies I'm most likely gonna take my life though cause I basically have no one else but him
No. 926660
>>926655My husband has had normie girlfriend before, I think he takes care of me out of pity mostly, like he knows if he abandons me I'll die and he's been with me so long he can't simply risk it, plus with me he's assured that I won't ever leave him or be unfaithful
Its a perfect relationship really
No. 926668
>>926657Taking care of a SAHM, ill/disabled wife or someone in the middle of job search etc is one thing, but bankrolling a woman's existence so she can sit around playing video games indefinitely is not 'taking care' of her. It's enabling her.
I'd literally die before slaving away at work to pay for a man to be a NEET, I know it's not quite the same with the genders reversed but it's still not fair or balanced. I'd find a man pathetic if he didn't stand up for himself in that situation.
No. 926671
>>926668I'm truly happy in my life, me and my husband never argue, we have similar interests, he takes care of me and we have a healthy sex life as well
what do you have to show for your life
No. 926673
>>926672I don't think he's a beta cause he could get a normie gf or wife, he just stays with me out of obligation and his own sense of morality
his father took care of his mentally ill mother despite all her problems and he does the same with me, even though he might resent me a bit he won't ever leave me
No. 926674
>>926671NTA but don't get salty cause anon clocked you kek
>me and my husband never argueof course not, you're reliant on him for everything and have no income, why the fuck would you try to bite the hand that feeds you and risk losing anything
No. 926676
>>926674what do we have to argue about, I don't ever mess with his shit, take his money and disturb him when he's tired
I only unload my feelings on him when I know he has the energy
No. 926682
>>926677I just buy videogames and stream movies, I don't need much maintenance
we actually save a lot of money, we don't ever go out, we don't buy random bullshit, I don't shower much so that's also money saved
No. 929127
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I'm a NEET cause I'm utterly terrified of people and the world, see I've been bullied my entire life. I was a victim in Primary, High School, College AND Workplace bullying(I think workplace bullying was probably the worst to deal with). when I got married and decided to be a housewife, for the first time in my entire life I felt truly safe and I never wanted to be afraid again. Im more happier at home then anywhere else and I've improved in all levels by becoming a NEET
I exercise, I read, I practice new interesting ways to make all kinds of food and most of all I'm truly happy
No. 929155
>>929127There's so many neets or socially isolated women on here who can't make friends and even get bullied manage to find bfs and marry
Literally how can you be incapable of having any social relationship except for romantic.
No. 929234
>>929155Because there's a different dynamic: other women will judge you, while the man who loves you, will accept you as you are. As someone who has been somewhat in this situation, women will judge you, from the way you look - the clothes you wear, the makeup you wear, or don't, to what you say and what you do - if it's according to their taste, they like you, if not, they will tear you apart… For some people, it's much harder to establish a true friendship than to find true love. Some women have a whole group of friends, but are absolutely unlucky in finding romance, which is the opposite case. As for having them both, few people are that lucky.
No. 929469
>>859842I have OCD so severe that I ended up being a NEET some years ago, I used to go to University and I was pretty good at it; however, 5 years ago I started to go to psychotherapy, hoping to get rid of my mental illness for good, instead, I worsened so much I ended up being a NEET, thanks to my fucking therapists (I visited 3 in this last 5 years). I don't even really wanna recover for my NEET phase, because I hate society so fucking much for having not accepted me for much of my life (I was bullied in middle school, I felt hated by my peers until my early twenties). Sorry for the rant, I'm also a newfag, hope I respected the general rules
No. 929863
>>929127I was just thinking about how grateful I am that my bf shields me from the world
Being a woman is wild
No. 931284
>>930980I just built one by sharing memes from anime/video games lol I didn’t even make them I would just google them and change some words so they couldn’t reverse search and see I stole them
>>931157Yeah that’s true, the other anon saying it’s sex work I mean you could think it is but I personally don’t think it’s sex work just bc people are fapping to your pics, but at the same time after being in gaming community since a young teen etc, I realized no matter how pure I am online or what I do, men were gonna call me a whore or treat me badly so I might aswell make some money while they do it, also people who I was friends with etc don’t really care since nowadays everyone online is doing it.
But yeah it was just a suggestion since it’s how I was able to make money to survive and not have to interact with the real world, it’s not perfect and has a lot of downsides but they still outweigh the negatives of a regular job for me
No. 931296
My NEETness was premeditated. I'm such a lazy sack of shit it couldn't have been any other way, housewife or highway.
>>929155Be hot and socially crippled.
No. 931431
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The NEET housewives with no kids in this thread are making me insanely jealous. I wish I had a husband who was good to me and a pretty home to take care of.
No. 931634
>>931629I agree but
>look after a man for the rest of their lives with no escape if he hurts youwhy do anons forget divorce exists and also why is this situation treated as inevitable? my parents aren't doing too bad
No. 932068
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>>931627Same. Literally same. We might be the same person.
No. 932126
>>932110Not a neet but fuck this hits close to home. Even worse, when I was younger I joined a whole kink scene and for onnce in my life I was a social butterfly! I had never found social situations quite as easy as I did… when I was at a parties pretty much naked lol. Instant popularity.
I'm cringing but it's true.
No. 932780
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Anyone else purposely become a neet? I'm thinking of saving up some money and then just quitting my job. Like taking a 'gap year' but from the workforce. I need some serious time off to work on my mental health. I feel like I get closer and closer to killing myself everyday I wake up and remember how much of a wagecuck I am, slaving away with little enjoyment or fun and no time for myself.
No. 932790
>>932780I did this, sort of. I got so burt out after two years on my shit job I just… stopped caring and got fired, so I could get on government pay.
My savings can cover for at least half a year and I don't live on my own so it's not too much trouble. It's been almost a month that I've been out of work and while it's not exactly relaxing, it beats waking up at 4am and coming home at 7pm for minimum wage.
No. 933273
>>929863>>929127And when your husbands leave you what will you do? Off yourselves?
are these even decent dudes? do they watch porn?
No. 936367
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>>936352You better get moving or you'll be late for work wagie
No. 936939
>>936704>>936925check out the digital detox/nosurf thread queens
>>837722 godspeed
No. 936997
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>>932780I purposefully became a neet last july. I had a breakdown, quit my job and been living off my savings since. I really should go back to a normal life, but I'm just too content like this. Just me and my dog doing whatever we want. If you have a lot of savings or have a cheap lifestyle you can do it
No. 937021
>>936997I could afford it but I know it'd be near impossible to go back to work afterwards. And living off your savings is kinda like borrowing time from your retirement… better to work when I'm young and healthy than when I'm old and tired.
imo working part time is the best compromise, my current job isn't quite part time but I get way more time off and it helps me deal.
No. 937045
>>937021Yeah that's actually what happened to me. I had enough savings to last me for a whole year but had a medical emergency that ate all that up. Now I'm trying to re enter the workforce but I'm having a really hard time because of the gap and not really knowing how to handle being around people in a work setting anymore.
Working part time is the best thing you can do if you can afford it tbh.
No. 942575
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Is anyone else horrified by the idea of LinkedIn? Why is it normal and expected for wagies to have so much of their personal information publicly available online? If I ever get a job I will refuse to use it.
No. 942681
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It's hard to enjoy being a NEET when you hate your house.
Environment really is everything.
No. 947516
>>947484Why are you so bitter?
Any man who truly loves the woman he's with is happy to support her mere existence. Many straight women don't get this, but to men, the company of a woman they 100% adore means more than money ever will. "Alpha" and "beta" are irrelevant copes
Stop falling for the "50/50" nonsense lol, men don't work that way
No. 952038
>>947518late reply but I'm not "using" him in any sense, we live together, he buys me stuff occasionally but I don't ask for much in the first place
Its a partnership and for the record we have awesome mutually pleasurable sex, he just refuses to have sex with me unless I take a shower
No. 952057
>>952041I don't know, it just sorta happened
I wasn't a neet when I met him but I was kinda weird and he was also kinda odd and we just married in six months, I also told him my intentions of wanting to stay at home all day once we got married but also that I didn't want any children and he accepted
No. 956590
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I hate how saying that you're a neet has become the newest fad among zoomer girls, at least in my circle. Bitch, you're in college AND you have a part-time job, isn't that the exact opposite of what a neet is?
On a more positive side, I found out today that I'm eligible for government neetbux. It's enough to cover my rent completely, which leaves more money for me to fuck around and make terrible financial decisions with, I guess. Nonnas, don't be afraid to look if there's any govt financial support like that in your countries, sometimes they're literally giving you free money lmao.
No. 956968
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Does anyone else kinda enjoy themselves but worry about "waking up" in the future? I'm scared I'll turn 30 or something and realize what the fuck I've done and completely panic over the wasted years.
I panic like that on and off but right now I'm okay because I'm in a phase of not caring about time or existence.
No. 956971
>>956958That they watch anime and have a messy room, apparently.
>>956968Not really because I dissociate so much that thinking about the future isn't possible.
No. 956974
>>956968that already happened to me but i've configured an unusual and retarded 5 year plan towards a sustainable hermit lifestyle
was NEET for ten uninterrupted years and only succumbed to the world roughly a month ago. no stolen valor on my part. just find the recovering NEET thread too depressing.hope you're all doing alright ladies. godspeed
No. 956976
>>956968Mid-life crisises are basically unavoidable regardless of whether you've been wiling away your time or making progress in your career. I think in a lot of cases, having achieved a lot actually makes you feel worse, either because you feel like you have nothing left to accomplish or because you've been exposed to an even more successful class of person to be jealous of.
There are a lot of
valid NEET worries, but this type of anxiety is something that's going to happen one way or another so you kind of just have to confront it head on imo.
No. 956977
>>956971Do you plan to commit suicide?
>>956974You too
nonnie. I'm on year 10. Forced myself out there but only lasted a month. Had a massive mental breakdown realizing the world out there isn't for me. What's your 5 year plan?
No. 994765
I dropped out of university in 2015 when it became too much for me to deal with on top of ADHD, depression, and dealing with multiple consecutive deaths in my family at the time. Tbh even then I was just taking random courses because of the societal pressure to have a degree in order to be seen as worthy and intelligent. There were a few courses that really interested me, but I still have no idea how people decide on a career path. Nothing jumps out at me and screams "this is something I can see myself devoting my life to."
I've always struggled with just finding jobs I can "do" because of my social anxiety. I know I wouldn't be able to handle a position directly on the front lines in customer service dealing with unpredictable and irritable people, but 90% of entry level positions are in retail and I've never made it past the interview process anyway apart from volunteer positions and one year I helped out at the store my mom worked at bc they needed extra people at Christmas time.
At this point I really need the money and I was almost ready to bite the bullet and look more seriously for a part-time position somewhere, but then the pandemic hit and my mom developed an autoimmune disorder that scarred her lungs to the point where she can no longer breathe properly and even struggles just speaking some days. She's heavily immunosuppressed to stop it from progressing, and if she even got a mild case of covid I don't think she would survive it. So now I'm in a position where even if I did want to go out and get a job, I'm not willing to risk her health and life by going out in public then coming home to her everyday.
I've tried to make money online but everything I've attempted so far has failed lol. I tried designing some KDP notebooks but it's already too saturated with greedy people who just copypaste stock images, I tried selling adoptables on FA but nobody is really interested because they're sfw and I'm not comfortable drawing fetish art, I've made some gaming videos but I don't know if I'll ever be able to make it to the 1000 sub mark to be able to monetize (though that doesn't really matter, I'm just doing it for fun anyway and I don't want to focus on numbers).
I don't really know where to go from here, I don't want a "real" job or to go back to school. I just want to be able to make a small living sharing my art and passion with the world. Especially now there's something I really want to save up 2500CAD for but I have no idea where to even begin to get the money.
No. 995252
>>994818Ntayrt but I feel you on the customer-facing jobs thing. I’ve had a variety of customer service-oriented jobs, figuring working in these roles would help me with my social anxiety. Nope. I maybe learned how to be a little more conversational with strangers, but without fail, I still struggle through each interaction, regardless of how long I’ve been doing it. It never seems to get any easier. At this point I’m just ready to accept the fact that I need to avoid any job that has me work with the public.
Anywho, I returned to neetdom at the beginning of October after managing to work consistently for nearly three years. I haven’t been doing a lot of job searching due to terrible job listings and my newly developed fear of dying at work or on the way to work. I’m trying to work on that. I’m using the free time to get back into drawing so that I can feel productive and possibly open up an avenue for income in the future.
No. 996169
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I want to be a cool independent career woman but the thought of working every day makes me want to throw up and die. I must acquire a husband. I would be willing to fuck him once a day, clean and cook. I would do it with a smile. 2022 will be my year of approaching men. I am indeed a leech and a parasite and I need a host.
I don't want to do things, I just want to be myself. I want to stay in my comfy Internet bubble and be terminally online or whatever it's called and shitpost and watch cool and funny things and stuff I like. I hate doing boring things so much I'd rather die.
No. 996293
>>967732>>967714Being a stay at home wife is the only way to be a NEET if you don't have wealthy parents or get welfare you retard. And being a NEET is way better than being a career cuck
>>860890lol I wish my dad would kill himself so I could be a NEET
No. 996666
>>996578Nta but I had this happen. He was so happy to have a gf at first, a clean house when he got home, someone to cuddle and fuck and just hang with. Dude had been single for years before me so I was the thing turning his life around just by being in his house and pulling a bit of my own weight. I was a blessing. I thought he was one too. A perfect pairing, filling in the gaps each one of us needed help with.
Oh how that changed over time. Resentment, being normal one minute and taking every bit of frustration out on me the next. No explanation for the mood swings. No apologies ever. Silent treatment. Shit slid in so slowly it fucked me up and my self esteem was on the floor. I went from being appreciated for just existing in his life to that bullshit. It was a far fall from grace. We always had an agreement on how things would work.. I kept up my part from beginning to end. He just changed his mind over time and thought he'd emotionally punish me rather than get straight with me. He ruined my confidence to a point where leaving was honestly really daunting. The world… facing it alone when he'd slowly convinced me I'm an absolute tard who needs him to function, fun times.
On leaving I went from my lowest point, like should I just rope myself point.. to the weight of the world being lifted off my shoulders. I realised I'd had a knot in my stomach before this, a constant knot. I woke up one morning in my new house with no knot and it hit me how bad I had it before. How blind you can be when your brain is fried from just trying to cope with the loss of control. The fucking relief of waking up alone. He was very purposefully trying to emotionally fuck with and set off muh anxiety because he knew he'd changed the goalposts for what a partner needs to bring to the table and I couldn't be that. I had shakes and developed a facial tic from the mental fuckery. He knew I couldn't suddenly reenter work after a several year gap and a decline in my ability to face people or not shake in peoples presence.
The risks of being a neet. My dad thought I had a blessed life with this guy. From the outside he sure liked for people to assume that.
No. 998403
Hey guys, do you have any idea on how to stay fit as a NEET?
I am waiting for college in September, having finished high school in November (our school system is quirky), and can only get a job post January. For now I will be working (i hope) and getting another qualification, focusing on my instrument for those uni points.
I go to soccer weekly and do bodyweight workouts most days, and walk. Soccer is over until mid January though, and walking is fine, but it’s the same everyday. When you get out of the house, you’re in a busy road. We don’t have gardens, I’m tired of suburb walks, and the middle of town is destitute and unsafe, like half shops are empty and you will get stalked or harassed. I just feel a bit trapped. It was so easy in school because you get a walk by walking to school, you can go to a club, or the gym after school, and you see people every day. And I don’t like just going for walks because men will yell at you from their cars, there are molesters in both parks who went after both women and little boys, and there was a dead body in the pond so it’s ruined for me. It just feels like a bunch of factories, suburbs, and dodgy parks.
I know I’m lucky to have a roof over my head, but I feel trapped in this town. I hope to learn to drive, but mostly, how do I burn off energy and get out when there’s not much to do? Get a manual labour job? Go to zumba at church with old ladies? Should I ask to stay with a relative who lives in a better town? It would be nine months pre university, we get along, and the change would be nice.
No. 998413
>>996666Thanks for sharing, that sounds awful and I'm glad you got out
nonny. To go from appreciating you to messing with your head and your confidence, women should always maintain their independence for that reason, even if living with a man. Own income, somewhere to walk away to at anytime.
Also you sound very kind so I hope you have good things ahead of you from now.
No. 998416
>>996169I mean how about starting up your own business (learn a saleable skill first or pivot your current career to an online one) and then you can be terminally online
and free from scrote abuse, win-win.
No. 998572
>>998437That's a pretty good idea, like biweekly it could mix things up. And swimming early, that does sound pretty tranquil.
>>998520I may give that one a go, I love to dance. Also finding reasons to leave like to volunteer or to pick up shopping and walk back with it, or visit a relative.
No. 1012329
>>1011125>Wanted to join the neet subredditThey have a rule that says ''No signposting of gender'' (because it ''causes arguments'') I like the sub and it makes me seethe having to pretend to be male just so males won't sperg out. There was a subreddit for female NEETs but I believe it was banned.
I think a lot of it comes from men being retardedly naive about sex work and think that any woman can post pictures of their toenails and earn thousands.
No. 1012346
>>1012332do NOT give a shit
nonny, is your life, do what you need to do with your life at the time you can.
No. 1029029
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>be neet
>only have little ways of making money online, so still have income but of course live (partially) rent free with mom
>my mom and uncle make fun of me saying i'll never move out and they both agree i need to get a "sugar daddy" in order to have plenty of money and i'll need to get a man just to move out one day
No. 1029819
>>1029788In the city where I grew up lots of people are paying hefty rents all for the privilege of sharing an overpriced apartment with total strangers alot of the time. I had to do it for a few years.
It makes me appreciate having a solo place now. All those years of overbearing parents, followed by annoying roommates, shared bathrooms, taken up kitchens, strange noises coming through the thin walls. I'd some crazy weird roommates along the way. Life is so quiet now..
No. 1047986
>>1045849It's either
>oh nonnie i love having you here why can't you live with me forever i seriously would love that it's not usual but it could work out great we could so this and that and redecorate the kitchen together and thanks so much for helping me with stuff youre the only one who cares oh whooa aahhh nonnie its so nice not having to clean because my back can't take it anymoreOr
>do something with your fucking life, get the fuck out of my house. you do realize you're 24 and STILL live at home? No. 1048053
>>1048018>doesn't teach you anything about life or how to function in societyThis is something I could never understand. Parents duty is to teach kids basic life skills, that's how mankind existed all these years. Parents taught their children skills so they could survive. Why the fuck parents don't do it anyomre? If you are lucky, you will figure it out by yourself, but if not, you're fucked.
It struck me when I watched another video where Japanese mom was teaching her daughter how to cook.
I learned cooking all by myself, but why?
Now I'm in the awkward situation where people assume I understand everything as an adult and I'm too embarassed to ask.
No. 1052609
>>967131Late, forgot I posted. I don't receive benefit. I'm in the processing of applying, albeit very late, but it's tough to get approved for, even if debilitated. Thankfully I do have enough work credit for proper disability, but my monthly payments are estimated to be only a couple hundred bucks.
I'm learning some skills that could allow me to work from home just to prepare for the inevitable denial, but I expect employers to deny you if you at all imply you need accommodations. Plus, no relevant degree.
With how life has gone I almost feel like being a NEET was my destiny. Always some kind of setback to the path of normie life
No. 1054795
>>1048624Hey nona, I'm in the same situation as you. Was meant to graduate in summer 2020 but had to retake, and I still haven't submitted my final work. I feel like a failure, but every time I sit down to read/write, my brain just goes blank. Feels like I'm stuck in limbo or something. Don't know whether it's even possible for me to graduate anymore (haven't checked my email in months), or whether I should just get a minimum wage job, or even just kms.
All my friends are moving on without me, and I'm not social enough anymore to ask them to hangout. Haven't had a job in four years, and the thought of having one fills me with dread lmao.
Kinda of reassuring to know that I'm not the only one going through this.
No. 1061101
>>1052609>With how life has gone I almost feel like being a NEET was my destiny. Always some kind of setback to the path of normie lifeSame. I've always felt like an alien outsider. And everytime I've made progress there's been setbacks. Like a damn rubber band I always bounce back to being a shut in NEET. Maybe it was meant to be. I feel uncomfortable and trapped in any other state.
I can get by just fine on benefits - forever. And I'm not sure how to feel about that. My entire life could pass me by so easily. I can sit right here in this dumb gaming chair forever and no one would ever save me or try to get me out. It's just me. Sometimes I think, why not? Maybe I should just let it happen.
No. 1061208
>>1061101AYRT. I dunno about you but I never really felt I had a direction in life anyway, and that every attempt was sort of me coping or trying to larp as a normie. Like you, an alien. Every time I would say I didn't wanna deal with people, normies just talked down on me and reminded me that dealing with people was just part of life. Couldn't handle it.
Now I just pretend to be a cool hermit and learn things on my own time. I'd rather do this than be a 9-5 slave honestly.
How hard was it for you to get on disability, if you don't mind me asking? I have a physical condition that isn't easily proved for SSA criteria so I might try to play up the mental health factor.
No. 1062401
>>1061208It was super easy for me because of the country I live in. Play up the mental health factor, feel no shame about it. I hope you can reach financial security. I had aspirations for a while but when I imagined myself actually doing the whole 9-5 thing I was prepared to literally larp all day every day like an actor. And I realized that's not possible without going insane. My last attempt at working led to this sort of meltdown. Because I had truly realized I can not do it at all and probably never will. My many years long delusion of ''if only I do this and that I can be a normie too'' were completely shattered by reality, it would never happen. Will never be me.
Let's keep doing things on our own time. If you can get on disability, then figure out a way to make everyday life bearable. Still haven't found my recipe for that but working on it. People won't really believe you when you say you don't want to deal with people, they'll always think it's a cope because they can't imagine it themselves. They get enough joy out of it for the negatives to be worth it. I don't and I assume you don't either.
No. 1062552
>>1062502The issue that I'd worry about (and get a back up plan going for) is the same as a alot of straight women who get a partner who allows them to live the neet life.. It's great while you have it and you can only hope it lasts but if an unexpected break up happens tomorrow (or down the line) will you be ok or will you be stranded and struggling? Make sure you have something or someone to fall back on and that they don't become your everything. That's an easy trap to slowly fall into when you're neet.
Break ups blind-side you sometimes. I think realistically everyone should feel like they'd be able to manage ok with or without their partner. Be careful not to fall into agoraphobia or a state of worrying dependence over time. I've been in crisis after an ex seemingly changed overnight and secretly had lined up my replacement essentially. In the long run it was a blessing that got me my independance back and made me face my issues but it was rough going at the time. It took years for me to become that dependant on him and then the guy pulled the rug out from under me in a split second. I was far from my home town, out of touch with family, isolated, no income, no plan, most of all no confidence or belief in myself. Hope for the best but also plan for the worst case too.
No. 1098241
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>>1098237Nah there are NEETs who make vlogging videos. Just talking to the camera for 30 minutes isn't too much effort for some of them. I wish there were more female NEET vloggers but they probably don't want harassment.
No. 1136254
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>>1098235Mish is a NEET recluse. Most of her vlogs are going shopping, in her apartment or at the gym. It gets a bit repetitive but it's relatable. She was recently diagnosed with autism (although I don't think she is) so I don't see her situation improving.
Kinda motivates me to watch her clean, actually get up in the morning and go for walks and stuff. She seems content with her life.
No. 1136700
I see people who get paid by doing nothing - like exchanging emails, doing phone calls and sitting on meetings - not even participating
And making money. Not just money - decent money. And receiving job offers
I don’t understand
I can’t understand
What should I do
I am feeling horribly anxious even browsing job hunter sites
Even when I apply, I receive nothing, which is ok, I am not afraid being rejected a job
But the whole corporate culture, this normie linkedin shit I just can’t bear, I don’t know
I did have various jobs and gigs, but they are so irrelevant, I don’t know if I should put them all in my cv
Just how people are working.
I feel myself so miserable, why I can’t do things I am in theory able to do, but I just can’t
I am feeling this nausea physically
No. 1136718
>>1136254What in the troon
>>1136700Socializing and looks and connections.
No. 1136870
>>1136254>>1136440>>1136718Kek she has her own thread here:
>>>/snow/411172She used to have a video where she lip synced Barbie Girl for her "daddy", lol.
No. 1153280
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Ok, I'm here in the wild giving fake ass CVs to all the shops offering jobs. Actually doing this IRL right now. This is so embarassing. Let's hope something will come out of this. Gimme luck , neet sisterhood
No. 1153379
>>1153351So you projected this shit on me. Who said I'm ready to rejoin society? I just really need to find a job since my financial situation changed.
Who hurt you
nonnie? Maybe some girl with a job?
By the way I wish you a good day, you poor soul.
No. 1153380
>>1153280She said, step in my transporter
So I can teleport ya
All around my heavenly body
This could be a close encounter
I should take care not to flounder
Sends me into hyperspace
When I see her pretty face
oooh she's just a… cosmic girl
On a job search
Wishing you luck nonna.
No. 1153385
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>>1153328 Thank you nona!
No. 1153404
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I really want to go back, further into my neetdom. When I was at my peak (0 work, 0 college, 0 hang outs) I was the most content with my life. Now I have e-college and a "job" as a "digital marketing specialist" at my dad's friend's business… But also now the idea of HAVING to do something, be it go outside to the store, mortifies me and makes me even more unwilling to do it..
No. 1165036
>>1165028How did you explain the 2 years
nonny? Did you have the qualifications for the job?
No. 1165166
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Kaitlyn!! Kaitlyn!!!
No. 1165252
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>>1165246your boss doesn't care about your livelihood,
nonny No. 1165304
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I feel like I'm regressing. I did actually go to the gym today but after that I wanted to throw up I was so stressed about people potentially watching me. I hate social anxiety the way I deal with it is to just leave the place I'm at but I can't always do that. I hung out with some mutuals (not actually friends, just people happen to be in the same place) but hearing about their lives getting better than mine makes me feel lonelier in their company and want to die. I gave a job I'm tired of doing and want to quit. And a degree I'm not using. Sorry I'm technically not a full blown NEET i just need to vent i feel like I'm cracking. I want to just revert back into my former self and destroy 3 years of progressing from this lifestyle
No. 1165626
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No. 1165984
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No. 1167411
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Sometimes I think I want to return to work because the stagnant feeling sucks. But the anxiety is nauseating. All of my experiences in a professional workplace has been abusive as fuck. Why am I surrounded by so many bullies, male and female. What is it about working for a firm or corporate that makes people so fucking soulless and sociopathic. I am unable to mask around coworkers because they are just too different from me, white, conservative, and religious. I can’t pretend to fit in with those people so I just keep to myself and I think that marks me as an outsider and a subject for disdain.
Working grown up jobs has really confirmed for me that normies are malicious and hateful, they are all the same. I want to retreat into NEETdom forever.
No. 1167426
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>>1167411same, I can't handle the bullying nature of cooperate spaces, I have been traumatized by the bulling I went through when I was younger and get panic attacks just thinking about them, I love my current living situation, I get to play the vidya , shitpost online and continue to do the activities I'm interested(such as archiving all the media I like) and have someone that unconditionally supports me
No. 1169705
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Is anyone here older? I turn 30 in July. I'm pretty frightened of the future.
No. 1169758
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>>1169705fixed it for you
No. 1169911
>>1169870What did you try? Social security and disability? It takes a long time and a lot of denials before you get it and you usually need a lawyer.
Were you in special ed during grade school? That can count for something too. If you can get it through your insurnace maybe you can get some sort of neuropsych testing done to prove what might be wrong. For developmental disabilities or autism you can get help though Department of Developmental Services in the US.
I feel you though…Unfortunately a lot of doctors are just pill pushers and don't really care about diagnosis. It's a lot of work to put in just to get some goddamn help and not everyone is willing to hear you out but having some semblance of security is really worth it.
No. 1172422
>>1172420Every second bored housewife is selling shit on etsy, it's doable but it's not easy. You're putting in more effort than stacking shelves at a supermarket for less money.
Vending machines require lots spread around town to be profitable.
No. 1172823
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I’m happy NEETing, it gives me time to do everything that brings me joy. The only time I feel bad about it is when I get reminded that society doesn’t value my non-contribution.
No. 1176275
>>1176206I started in 2013 and was reading stuff with a dictionary within a year. I don't really actively practice anymore but I can understand streams just fine and that's all I use it for these days once I realized how lame most vn's actually are.
I probably have the skills to do boring technical translations of things, but I don't really have creative writing skills even in English so I don't want to translate stories and I'm not fast enough to translate real time.
No. 1177443
>>1177380Going to activities and events alone because I cut off all my friends because they all advanced in life while I didn't and felt embarrassed. I don't want to make any new friends either because I don't think they understand my situation. So if I want to attend an event I just hang out by myself while everyone else is with their group of friends.
>>1177388I bought hair cutting scissors and have trimmed my own hair for the past few years partly because I got tired of the questions. It's just cutting the split ends off so not too hard to screw up.
No. 1188018
>>1187992Nta but it's so depressing. I live in a small town and I can't even change stores/doctors/pubs so much because there are like 2 and I have no car. Can't even make up lies because they will reach my relative's ears and they will start humiliating me for telling lies and not working. The absolute worst is when I see some ex classmate. I was lowkey glad that during the lockdowns I could just say I was unemployed because a lot of other regular people were, so it wasn't so weird. What is even up with people treating an unemployed person like trash? I couldn't care less if a person I know works or studies or does nothing.
Now I either stay inside or go take walks in the countryside where I can only see old ladies or farmers who mostly don't care.
No. 1191304
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>>1165755Yeah… as a NEET of 8 years, I didn't bother posting because it seems like most of these girls don't even know what being a NEET is. "I'm a neet but I got to my job everyday" shit was just annoying to read. I get being a wagie is probably exhausting but I hate hearing how you're more functional than me in a thread for losers…
I think my family is getting tired of me but if I talk about trying to get on disability for my (admittedly awful) health, they tell me I'm just lazy. They won't let me get diagnosed with autism or depression or EDS because they say I just want a label to excuse my laziness even though I was an overachiever before having a psychotic break and my health slowly deteriorating almost a decade ago. If they throw me out, I don't know what to do. I can't rely on a man, I'm not attracted to them, even after the conversion therapy attempts. I wish I could find a way to exist while being left alone with none of their heavy expectations.
No. 1191361
>>1191304Oh lord this. When I read of a NEET or someone having Agrophobia or extreme social anxiety, then they go, "Well I work" or "I do social thing".
My brain cannot take it or understand. I'm
In my later 20's. I have never had a job and I don't think I could even be capable. My brain feels like it's slowly rottening and I'm aware of every single thing going on. I think everyone see's my every single flaw. That I'm just an ugly monster leaving a cave, even though I speak the same language of those around me, I don't understand it the same way they do.
I know it's weird and wrong to think this way, but it's like, "Damn, I'm proud of you. For being like me but being able to function, I don't feel I can" but at the same time i do have some resentment. I guess it's like misery loves company. If you are in the same shitty place as me, I feel more comfortable discussing it because you understand.
No. 1191765
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>>1191313>I'm still so bitter about it, some days I can't cope with the fact that now I'm a completely useless loserI struggle with this feeling everyday. My family went from being proud of me to sort of just barely tolerating me. I spend a lot of time almost mourning who I used to be. I have a lot of "I wish I could go back" fantasies. But that me is long gone.
>>1191319I could, but since I live with them I think it could cause tension and I want to avoid that as much as possible. My NEETing is already enough of an issue, you know? Not like I have any money to my name, still have loans to (eventually?) pay off. I have no other place I could go if they get tired of me since I pushed all my old friends away years ago. I think at the end of this year, if they still don't listen to me, I'll just do it secretly and deal with the consequences. I wish they didn't see it as being weak. It's not like I was lazy before any of this, so I don't get it. Thanks for that suggestion,
>>1191361I could have written this myself. I'm sorry you're dealing with the same feelings. It just feels nice to know someone can relate when I feel so unnaturally fearful of the world compared to most people. I know it's not healthy but other than disability, I don't know any baby steps to get out of this. I feel like I'm too far gone into hermit mode to even try graduating from NEETdom, so I'm just coasting through life.
Thanks for the replies. It feels nice to be able to express myself to people who understand.
No. 1208761
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I don't remember if I posted in this thread so here I go. I'm 25 and have been a NEET for 3 years now. I spend all my time on my computer, playing video games and streaming. Streaming has not been a "real" job for me and I don't earn enough with it to make a living. I used to work and study but it all came crashing down when I had a panic attack and broke up with my ex. I suffer from depression and anxiety since my early teens. I'm just tired living like this. I can spend weeks (months if I'm really down) not taking a shower. It's miserable. I want to have my life together. Do my skincare, wake up at a decent hour, go out, work, travel, get new tattoos, go to the hairdresser etc etc. At least I talk to alot of people in vocal or texts but ye. I'm just exhausted from this existence and this has never been how I imagined my life to be..
No. 1209014
>>1208382>Only ppl who have resilience had a middle/upper family, had loving and supportive parentsWho exactly can afford to be a NEET except those with parents who are at least well off and supportive enough to let them live at home and not work tho
People with truly shit home lives and no support don't get the luxury of not working
No. 1209082
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No. 1209115
>>1209078I don't consider people on disability to be true NEETs unless they completely scammed their way into being on welfare, if someone is genuinely too disabled to work that's fair.
But ignoring that, your mother lets you live there, right? Is that not a form of parental support? Obviously not every NEET has a well off family but it's significantly more likely that they do just by virtue of their circumstances. Less privileged people wouldn't be able to afford it at all, their parents wouldn't be able to afford it, they wouldn't tolerate the presence of a non contributing adult just because they have anxiety or whatever. Anon was acting like NEETs become that way because they don't have middle class, loving parents but it's obvious many if not most do and they must or they couldn't be NEETs at all.
No. 1209213
>>1209149This. I have a friend who is not only disabled but her parents are aging and need a lot of help around the house, so for most of her 20s she's had to stick around and help them and hasn't worked. No car to pay off, gets EBT for groceries.
Some NEETs are simply roommates to their family or caretakers for their parents. It's not always a situation of privileged influencer type girl who never needed to work a day in her life, or overly coddled freeloader with a rich family.
Let's not forget thirdie NEETs who marry rich guys online to escape their situations too.
No. 1209866
>>1209010let's talk to each other nonie, I'm curious ! send me your discord I add you
>>1209011ah yes sorry, my bad
No. 1211714
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The power of NEETs
No. 1214628
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how do i get out of neetdom if i dont have a baccalaureate degree ? not sure what the equivalent is in america, but its the diploma you get once you finish highschool/senior year. and there is no GED in my country. am i doomed ? realistically i know i am not since i know plenty illiterate middle aged people working jobs and such but i dont know if they just hire them out of pity or through connections, i know 0 people. i feel so ashamed of myself but i need to pay back my parents, they havent asked for it but i feel terribly guilty and it will keep eating away at me if i dont
No. 1215024
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about to graduate from neetdom IF i get a call back from all the places i applied to work at. Getting a job in this city is so hard. Everyone employs their own kids and relatives and if its not the case, the competition is high since ive got no work experience competing with graduates and people who’ve worked like 50 similar jobs and know what theyre doing so theyre likely to be interviewed. But i can’t live like this anymore.
No. 1215045
>>1214916Noni it doesn't sound like you're a neet, you pull your weight around the house and still have a part time job. You're doing fine.
>>1215032Because she saw the word baccalaureate and assumed even though it's a word that's used p much all over the world.
>>1215037Ugh same. I used to be so nice and charming, nobody really disliked me, but now I can't be assed, I just don't give a shit about their cum trophies or their boring job or the weird self help book they're reading. I can't even pretend anymore.
No. 1215249
>>1215037some people cant rely on neetdom because they would end up homeless or starve to death so they have to work and get long grueling jobs that leave them with very little free time unlike you.
You are the reason why you cant make a basic convo with people around you and not those normies that have jobs.
No. 1215293
>>1215249Kek I was waiting for this reply. Good job assuming why some people can't keep a job.
Also I didn't think I had to specify that I don't really talk about "neet" stuff because I'm not a retard who brings up videogames and discord to normal people, I try my best to seem normal myself. People who have hard grueling jobs can still think and talk about something else in a conversation, and most people have a day off at least. I just wonder why they keep talking about the jobs that they fucking hate all the time.
No. 1217237
nonnie. If I wasn't fake sick, I'd sit in a bathroom stall for the entire day on my ipod.
No. 1217345
>>1217233I was in a heavily
abusive household and by the time I was in high school I wasn’t really fed and I was embarrassed and unable to focus. I showed up less and less and when I did I would just sleep at my desk with a blanket and not even the teachers bothered me because everyone knew what kind of people my parents were but nobody knew what to do about it. I was failing important classes because I was severely depressed but my teachers purposely passed me with the highest grade possible (C-) in those classes and it’s an act of empathy and compassion I still think about sometimes.
No. 1217355
>>1217233Yep, not as often as once a week but usually a few times a month, mostly in middle school/high school when I was getting bullied. I faked illness but also sometimes my parents took pity on me and let me stay home because they knew my situation.
>>1217242 omfg the same would happen to me kek
No. 1218873
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Not technically a NEET, but…I got fired last year and I'm REALLY enjoying being unemployed.
I have a degree in Dramatic Arts (lol), and the only non-performing jobs I've had are in customer service, which I learned I absolutely fucking hate.
Whenever I see people talk about going to work, it sounds so bleak and I remember how much I hated it and I just double down into my comfy relaxation. I probably can't even get a job that's not minimum wage customer service anyway, so what's the point?
My boyfriend is paying for my rent and food and everything I need, and honestly it fucking rules. This is what I've always dreamed of. I can just chill, exercise, shitpost and make delicious healthy food all day and I never want to fucking work again.
I know I'm going to need income sooner or later but the longer this goes on, the less I want to actually rejoin the workforce. I just want to live like a housecat forever.
Picrel, me today
No. 1218949
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>Thread for current NEETs who do not wish to/are not ready yet to rejoin society.
Ugh… Trying to enjoy my last few days as a free woman before I become a corporate drone clocking in and clocking out… But I have to stop being a selfish woman and help the sister I'm leeching off of I honestly feel like she's close to kicking me out if I don't get a job soon kek. I'm sorry, sisters!
No. 1218986
>>1218873You're living the life and I hope it lasts forever. I want that more than anything. I spent years obsessing over becoming a normie and trying to get a job, then I got one. I quit after a month. Getting up at 6 every morning even when you barely slept is torture.
The biggest realization of my life is I'd rather be rich in time than money. Owning my own time is the ultimate luxury. I could never work 40 hours a week even if that meant designer bags and a luxury apartment. Never. I'd rather die.
No. 1219016
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>>1218873I recently got a part time job and while I like having the extra money I cannot wait to quit. I’m tired all the time and barely have time to clean my apartment. Being a NEET is the best honestly.
No. 1219252
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Any anons have some passive income/neet friendly ways to earn $? Not all of us have eternally understanding rich parents kek.
I've though of some kind of art commissions, write book, Esty shop, anything else? No retarded "sell underwear" shit.
No. 1222808
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My mom suggested I get on medication. Hate to break it to my mom but there is no magic pill that will make me a normalfag. Sorry toots better luck in the next life maybe you'll roll a better daughter
No. 1222918
>>1222887In my post I said that it would be noble to spend your time as NEET in womens shelter, animal shelter, homeless support, etc. That's what most people think of when they hear volunteer. But where I live there's not many positions like that. The "volunteer opportunities" are basically companies trying to get people to do normal jobs for free.
>>1222877I just realized it's not even free, you lose money if you need your own transport too.
No. 1228256
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I've become too spoiled by NEETdom, all my ambitions in life are gone and I just want a scrote to enable and support my lifestyle. I don't require much and would be cheap to have as a stay at home girlfriend. I love this NEET bubble too much, I love my dumb little things my dumb little video games and consooming media. If the internet stays as it is now I could remain here until I die. I want to dive into my computer and live there forever. I don't want to accomplish things, I want to be comfortable and relaxed like a pet cat. I've lived like this for so long that my entire brain has changed. I can't go back now.
No. 1229241
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I was an extreme NEET from 16-19 (wouldn't leave the house at all for any reason) until I started college.. then the pandemic happened and the forced quarantine completely fucked me up again.
I can longer leave my house and I've given up on trying to make something of my life. I want to die a NEET, hopefully soon, mooching off my parents and doing nothing but browsing the internet and playing vidya all day. That's it.
No. 1229444
>>1229435I failed everything my first semester, failed half of everything my second semester. Ditched class a lot. Soon enough I just kinda got used to being around people. Everyone minded their business so it was a lot easier than grade school - high school. But things like group projects still make me shut down. I definitely quit a couple classes because too much interaction was expected of us. I'd also see a school therapist frequently when I was feeling like shit + was going to therapy outside of school.
So basically I just threw myself into it and did it. Also a lot smoking and alcohol eventually. I'm trying to do the same now but I just have no motivation anymore. I feel like I've failed already and graduating this late is just embarrassing so why even bother.
No. 1229457
>>1229448I guess so, I'm still trying. I just feel like giving up rn and wanted to vent.
Eternal NEETdom would be nice.
No. 1229468
>>1229459Lol It's been 5 years anon. I started at 19 and I'm 24. It was meant to be a very basic 2 year vocational degree.
And it's really more so about having 2 older overachieving sisters who I could never compare to. I know I'm the family disappointment still living at home.
No. 1230231
>>859842I thought about posting this in the recovering NEET thread but it didn't quite match. I've been NEET for a good few years, (19-26 currently), my only "job" being to focus on MH recovery. I'm at a point now where I'm doing okay, stable, but NEET and v comfortable with that. I recently got the opportunity to volunteer in MH, which I feel will be a step in the right direction but theres this inescapable feeling that the only reason i'm doing "well" is bc of my NEETdom. Being alone and becoming my own bestie, eating when i want, doing what i want, sleeping when i want. I'm so adverse to structure and routine i'm worried that i'll fuck it up again as soon as i make commitments, but im not sure if im being defeatist/self sabotaging the opportunity before its even started. Like, I really like being NEET most of the time, but i feel it must come to an end, especially feeling the pressure as I fast approach my 30s. I guess i'm worried that all my progress on my MH will unravel when I'm forced to confront the "real world" more, not that i'm completely estranged to that, I just am so comfortable being alone. Restaurants alone, trips alone, gigs alone, cinema alone, shopping alone, everything. Guess this is more of a vent than anything. I'm going to pursue this volunteer opportunity none the less, test the waters so to speak but i'm just so damn comfortable in NEETdom and aloneness (not loneliness).
I'm wondering if any
nonnie has been neet as long or longer could share their perspective on this bc even in this thread i'm like wow, im too old to be doing this.
No. 1233024
>>1230231What kind of mental health issues, if you want to share? I've been a NEET for 10 years (16-26). For me it's social anxiety that I've tried everything to recover from, but I guess this is just my personality. When I stop trying to recover I sleep well, work out, eat healthy and feel somewhat content with my quiet little life. When I've tried working or volunteering it all goes to hell. Binge eating to cope, bad sleep, wanting to die, not exercising, wasting money, apartment becomes a hoarder tier mess and so on. I had a full on mental breakdown the last time I tried to recover. I think we're in somewhat similar situations, as soon as there's a regular normie type routine that has to be followed I just unravel after a short while.
How often are you going to volunteer? Please don't do too much at once. It sucks that you worry your mental health progress might be lost, I hate that "good mental health" is often considered being as functional of a normie as possible.
No. 1233075
>>1233024I'm not 100% sure what my issues are, but my diagnosis collection is ADHD, Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder. Docs think I have Bipolar Disorder as well (I'm being treated as though I have bipolar disorder but idk if it's officially on paper yet).
Oh and anorexia. On top of a physically ill condition.
Got a job offer recently though, so I guess I'll be taking a break from NEETdom
No. 1236358
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can you please give me advice for what clubs/courses to look for to get out of the house? i like violence, fighting, and weapons and i don’t like talking to people. i am bored and miserable.
No. 1264809
>>1252840I wish. right now I'm too fucked to keep the little job I do have (just got it and it isn't going too well).
was gonna ask my doc about disability shit but then he ghosted me. my physical issues aren't officially recognized in the U.S. but I'm being treated for a mental condition which would qualify me for disability checks. but idk if a bipolar diagnosis is actually on paper yet. my medication combination is suited for bipolar but idk if I've been officially "diagnosed". the U.S. health system is so weird. I don't understand anything. like, tell me what my motherfucking diagnosis is, don't kill me with a dangerous medication combination, why is that so fucking hard?
No. 1264979
>>1264231We're in a pretty similar situation, left my job a month ago, bad depressive episode, spend my time playing replaying Mass Effect to forget i exist. I live alone and i have no family, though. This month i took my savings to live, next month i won't have enough to pay for rent.
I feel so lonely, too. Haven't spoken to another human in 2 weeks, and last time was a doctor. But to me it's a good thing because it'll finally push me to suicide, next month i will literally have nothing to live for, can't even be a NEET in peace because i have no support system. Meanwhile i play video games and act in denial.
No. 1287484
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Bought notebooks, gel pens, fountain pens, went to a half hour zoom meeting (muted and no webcam/icon of course) about the community college starting on the 31st. Still haven't applied of figured out what I want to study lmao. Tempted to wait until next year yet again because I did not do any money financial aid FAFSA shit I should've done months ago. If I don't do it I'll get some minimum wagie job instead and try to put on the normie not socially awkward act. Gonna miss the neet life again but I am too stagnant and I want money
No. 1292348
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touched grass today, but it looks gross
No. 1292396
>>1287494Body language
She probably has a weird look in her eyes too
No. 1294125
>>1294118what type of area are you in? I’m lucky enough to live in a place where walking and biking to places is fun, but a lot of the US sucks for that.
do you live with parents? alone? with housemates?
No. 1297916
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I’m fully realizing my neet dreams. My disability is going to increase so now I can create my ultimate weeb room and tell everyone to fuck off. Life is good.
No. 1304703
>>1297916Is it possible to learn this power?
I want my disability scraps so bad but I already know I'm gonna be fighting it for years because mine ain't recognized
No. 1337159
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I'm a 28 year old neet too, twinz
No. 1337164
>>1337126Bass! I’m a huge classical music nerd and it will always be part of my life but I’m really not interested in electronic music and cannot live freelance job to freelance job. I’ve accepted that music will not be a career for me In any capacity and really really should just do the medical billing and coding course. Thank you for the kind words.
>>1337129I’ve never heard the term but it appears to refer to altering the way one speaks in order to fit in with various social classes. I just don’t like talking about myself because it feels self-centered.
>>1337149You’re not rude. I understand that my life is very abnormal. I live in the house I grew up in rent-free but do take care of absolutely everything around the house including 4 cats and a pool. I only really buy groceries and don’t have a social life or any friends so I live very frugally. I live in my dad’s house but he’s rarely here.
No. 1337203
>>1337166I'm another 28 y.o. neet and have some friends but sometimes avoid even talking to them because I feel like I must be really boring to them, having no changes in my life for years. I feel like that one jobless "
problematic" uncle that everyone got disappointed in long time ago. Also always hope I won't meet certain people until I actually find a job. Damn that's really so isolating.
No. 1338286
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>what brings you comfort, fellow neets?
Going to the gym. I go 3-4 times a week, lifting weights is fun and since I don't do anything I can go whenever I want, never having to suffer a crowded gym comforts me. Neet fitness.
No. 1349600
>>1349565Good news, it’s 26 and not 24.
Bad news, you’re pretty screwed if you don’t find insurance after that point.
No. 1352558
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I recovered from NEETdom and had a stable job making good money as programmer for a lot of years but COVID really fucked me over mental health wise. I think working from home and being in the house all the time was just terrible for me and progressed my alcoholism. Started drinking to cope with work stress in the middle of the day etc. Eventually anxiety and stress levels got so bad I just quit my job. Now I haven't worked in 6 months. I applied for a lot of low wage, entry level office jobs but none of them got back to me. It's ironic because the work that stressed me out to begin with (developer shit) always gets me interviews and replies. I got a job offer from a big bank but I freaked when they mentioned the workload and didn't reply to them. I just don't want to subject myself to those high levels of stress again…I can't take another boss yelling at me and making me feel like a retard.
Been playing online games, met a nice moid by running a guild together in an MMO. He wants to support my NEET lifestyle(is sending me money and everything) and wants me to just uproot my life and move to him and live with him in his country and just run the guild full-time. I feel like I'm betraying all my principles by letting a man have complete financial control over me but mental health wise I don't think I'm ready for work again yet. Hopefully I don't get too comfortable and spoiled by him, I hope I can be independent and work again someday. Maybe I'll start things off small with a few hours here and there and part-time jobs.
//blog and maybe this is better for the recovering NEET thread but this is the 2nd time I've relapsed into being a NEET. I just don't know why keeping a full-time job without having a complete mental health collapse is so hard for me. Working 40 hours a week for someone I don't like doing something I don't enjoy makes me feel like a dog and a slave. At least this thread makes me feel not so alone in the end.
No. 1352820
>>1352558>met a nice moid by running a guild together in an MMO. He wants to support my NEET lifestyleAnon you're fucking yourself over. Seriously, don't fall for this shit. He's trying to trap, isolate and control you. Gamer moids are all mentally ill and they will abuse women in vulnerable positions. I wish you the best
nonnie, try to get away from him if you can because letting a moid control you this way is dangerous.
No. 1352857
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>>1352558nonnie, please don't do this, this is possibly the worst fucking idea, you are going to ruin your life for some random dude.
>wants me to just uproot my life and move to him and live with him in his country and just run the guild full-timeThis seriously proove how bad his life objectives are, this is not someone that you can trust. A good moid would want you to progress in your life and career, not isolate so you can play mmo with him. He knows that you are stressed and in a difficult situation right now and you can be more easely manipulated but don't fall into the trap.
>I feel like I'm betraying all my principles by letting a man have complete financial control Stick to your instinct
nonnie, he wants you to be dependant. Run while you can and don't feel pity if he was retarded enough to give you money kek that's his problem not yours. You deserve an unstressful job in a good career path, not to live subservient of game addict moid.
No. 1353035
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still trying to get a job. I'm honest with an employer "I love [product] and I am passionate about it"
>don't get the job.
I lie to the employer "I love to sell and earn money for [company]"
>don't get the job
what the hell? too much experience for McDonald's but too little experience for management. I need money.
No. 1353315
>>1353035Could be the way you act. A lot of management positions look at assertiveness and confidence over what you say. You mentioned you love selling the product, can you give an example with actual numbers? Like 'I sold x amount of product in 1 hour/day/week' or 'I love the product and this helped me boost sales by x %'. You can embellish examples from your previous jobs, too much honesty is not going to get you hired.
Ofc everywhere is different and the advice I gave you might not apply depending on what you're applying for.
Good luck nonna, I believe in you!
No. 1354483
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Currently NEETing right now and my parents really want me to get a job but I am so terrified of the field I have qualifications in (cosmetology) because autism makes it so difficult and exhausting for me to make small talk and form relationships with clients. I wish I could just stay at home all day and do nothing and get paid for it which I know is stupid but honestly the only reason I would ever get a job is for money and to get my parents off my back. I wouldn't actually enjoy it.
No. 1354523
>>1352857Chiming in as someone who has seen maaaaaany similar stories:
it always ended poorly for the woman with maybe one exception.
>>1352558 everything about this is a bad sign. He wants to escalate in this very autistic, 0 to 100 way. It's an ironic sign that he never actually putting that much thought into it and has a robotic schema of how it will unfold, so he'll end up repeatedly mistreating you because he just wanted to own you, not really be partners with you.
The fact you two met in a MMO is already a dumpster fire and he seems like he might be incel adjacent in one way or another too. How does he react if you indicate doubt about the whole thing? And if you want to ignore us, then at least consider meeting up with him a few times…how does he react if you ask him to come see you in your country? Oh, also, the red tape and shit involving moving overseas is nuts - so lots of additional work - so it's weird that you think you can do that, and magically recover in a foreign country when you will struggle with recovering because you would feel less confident going outside, won't find anything familiar, will struggle with finding resources, etc. How could you even think this is a good situation for you to heal? Especially not considering it's very likely he'll lord over you that he's financing your survival and likely get you to do things that you don't really want to do. Also can you tell us what country you live in–and where he is at? I assume where you live has better opportunities for you, but I might be wrong.
No. 1354531
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>>1354483>be an autist>choose one of the only careers in the world where making constant frittering small-talk with strangers is a core part of the job.Anon…
No. 1354694
>>1354661Hmmm… I have been debating on getting a masters and having that time to work solely on a thesis… Food for thought. If anything I might go for something in IT/coding since those types of jobs won't be going anywhere. Thanks nona!
>>1354580lmao if only I didn't loathe babies and have an irrational fear of pregnancy.
No. 1355039
>>1062502What site/app did you use?
HER bent to troons and it's flooded with them
I'm too anxious/embarrassed to put pics n shit up tbh but ive been really thinking of trying to find someone who wants to be alone together.
I go back and forth on weather or not I like being a neet. I feel nothing and completely apathetic (I blame being put on antidepressants at like 12 and still being on them for my brain being fried at this point) so finding something I like doing has been hard.
Just want a wife, a decent house that I'd clean and take care of for her, and tend to my little garden with some fruits n veggies and some chickens and just
>>1177380I do a little art when I have the energy, which I have very little of, nothing substantial but I make enough to treat myself once in a blue moon. I just over exaggerate what kind of work I do and say I'm a freelance artist. I really love Paleontology and will rattle off about how I'm getting ready to go to school for it (I'm not but I'd love to). Just exaggerate my hobbies basically. It helps that despite being 30 people still ask me when I'm graduating highschool.
This thread makes me feel a little less alone, at least.
Got a question for you all. How do you get mental health help when you have no money and no insurance?
No. 1357991
>>1355039>How do you get mental health help when you have no money and no insurance?Well… I just don't. If I do have some money and I feel especially bad, I can use older prescription and buy antidepressants or even go to my psychiatrist. Right now I have very little money and actually have to say goodbye to the neetdom which is not that easy kek. I guess I also got worse recently and ruined my sleep schedule + don't walk very often. This definitely doesn't help. But sleeping (properly), walking, exercising usually do help me I think, so I'll try to get back to all of that. I also always intend to read those self-help books based on CBT approach but I would only read a few pages and then forget about it hehe.
Couple of days ago I applied for a free psychological help but it's only for one time. Just to talk with someone online. They say on their site it's based on CBT methods too. No one has reached out to me yet. I don't expect much but am not too skeptical either, surprisingly. I guess I just want to let it all out but I don't want to bother my friends, and I hope to get some good pieces of advice. Have any of you tried something like that, nonnas? I don't know if something like that is available in other countries though and don't remember how it was before the war, some services just got free for the time being I guess. Pretty sure there's always been free psychological help but I'm kind of suspicious about that one. Having one talk with someone who's volunteering seems more legit then actually going somewhere, to some institution… for some reason. Maybe I'm wrong about it. Plus I feel like it's more for addicts or people who attempted suicide etc. so I'd feel stupid going there.
No. 1379668
>>1373365That's the thing anon it's never petty drama that's interesting. It's really boring stuff like
>The deadline needs to be pushed>This coworker isn't getting the job done so we need to have a meeting with them>I have to redo part of the project>We're taking on more people to complete itLike I don't know what to even say to this half the time. It's so dry.
Said friend also bitches about coworkers being cringe though which I do appreciate
No. 1395494
>>952041>>956305I pretty much have the same set up as the ayrt but I met my partner in high school. Not married but I stay home and fuck off all day and he pays all the bills. He is disgusted by pornography and I’m the only woman he’s ever slept with. He’s attractive and has a big dick but he’s somewhat of a misanthrope and possibly on the spectrum. We’ve been best friends for half our lives and he would stay with me even if I turned into a worm.
Better not to get married cause I can get better health insurance from Uncle Sam than what his work offers. If it made sense financially we’d be married, he’s not against it. I’m fuckin insane and I consider myself really lucky to be able to take my NEET naps all day.
No. 1395506
>>1395504Hell yeah,
nonny, I’m glad for you! Any chance you also don’t know how to drive? All my exes wanted me to learn eventually, but my partner has seen enough of my mental breakdowns to know I wouldn’t be able to stay calm enough to deal with crazy drivers even if I ended up being a good driver myself. He’s fine with driving me around and is the safest driver I’ve ever been passenger to. It’s so nice that I never have to ask him to slow down on the road, most moids are speed demons for no reason at all.
No. 1395510
>>1395506Yeah, I have never driven and I was never pressured to learn either.
>He’s fine with driving me around Same here! I also like to go around riding bicycles with him or just walk if it's short distance enough.
No. 1396082
>>1395494>He is disgusted by pornographyI mean… you know that's not true, right? Besides he sounds like he's going to snap one day and kill you while you sleep.
Nonas here don't understand that moids don't just selflessly support a woman. There has to be something in return, and that's often sex or a sense of ownership over you. Those moids don't love you. It's fine if you're okay with that of course, but let's not pretend that they're kind and amazing people for jerking off to the idea of trapping a vulnerable woman.
No. 1396135
>>1396131I'm not even in a relationship, I'm talking about my stepdad.
My mom put him through hell and he never wavered once.
No. 1396200
>>1396186god are you me
nonny. Same. I found a good moid. He's also younger than me by a year
No. 1396551
>>1396186Come back when he starts to abuse you because he resents you and wants some other tradwife pickme. You called him a misanthrope and an autist earlier and I don't understand how naive you can be to not see this as a huge red flag. Men who are "introverted" are porn addicted autists who will lash out sooner or later. You met him in high school, he was not a fucking baby, you're not in control, you did not groom him at that age (especially if you're just a month older) and he isn't simply content with financially supporting you out of the goodness of his heart. Realistically what will you do when he gets tired of you (and he will)? If you're a neet you're basically trapped there. Get a grip.
>>1396523>The nonnies here seem smart enough to control their menIn what way are they controlling them? By being a free fleshlight, maid and therapist to them? Do you maybe have full access to his bank accounts? To all of his things? Can you throw him out of the house when you get tired of him? Does he live in your house? If that's not the case then you're not in control.
No. 1396603
>>1396551AYRT, if shit ever hits the fan I can always move back in with my parents. I don’t have siblings and they had me young.
I really think if he was gonna resent me, he would have a long time ago. He’s had ample chances to leave me over the years. I’ve gone nuts and cheated on him more than I’d care to admit, and I’ve broken up with him to date random shitty moids. He’s always been there for me no matter what. He stayed my best friend through all of the bullshit. I’m the only woman he’s slept with, but he’s not the only man I’ve slept with.
Although I will say I have all his passwords to everything and am up his ass literally all day long. I would know if he was watching porn, and I also wouldn’t really care - I’ve tried to get him to watch hentai with me during my unhinged hypersexual manic states and it’s just not his thing.
>>1396580Yeah this, I’m literally too crazy to hold down a job. I can’t rely on myself. It’s either this or living with my parents or offing myself, there’s no fucking way I’d be able to be a wagie, I’ve tried and failed many times cause I have breakdowns at work.
No. 1396630
>>1396626I've managed to avoid
toxic and bitter people like you all my life irl, so I think I'm doing great with my sense.
No. 1396634
>>1396630>toxic and bitterhopefully you will never see such a sad day as what anon here is describing but when you do well you can't say nobody told you so
No. 1396652
>>1396630He's not gonna pick you forever you know
>>1396558>>1396578Oh ok, so you don't have to worry because you're rich. Other neets are mentally ill/disabled/poor so the advice for them is to not rely completely on a man. You have someone else that will take care of you and you will have their money, but other anons here are literally trapped by a moid.
No. 1396659
>>1396655You're the one shitting it up, pickme. And who says we're not neets? We're simply not sucking nigel dick to live kek.
>>1396558>but I guess it's so traumatic to be sexual with someone you find attractive and love?So you're one of those who thinks that moids actually love women instead of seeing them as warm fleshlights, maids, pets or property? Cute.
No. 1396663
>>1396648Hell yeah
nonny, same here. My grandma was such a Stacey. She left my grandpa in the 1970s and ran off with his nephew (20 years younger than them both) and lived it up in Cali for a few years, learned a 4th language, and made a bunch of art before she got bored and returned to her family.
No. 1396669
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>>1396659Found the larper.
No. 1396672
>>1396658I’m the
nonny who was lucky enough to meet my moid in high school. Our initial interaction, I asked him if he liked German rock and introduced him to Rammstein. Best friends ever since.
No. 1396680
>>1396674There are two separate nonnies in here btw. I’m the legacy cluster B bitch who has cheated on her high school sweetheart. The other
nonny seems to be European considering she’s saying she has social welfare in her country. I’m a burger so all I have are my parents and guns should stuff go sour.
No. 1396689
>>1396659>warm fleshlights, maids, pets or propertyNTA but only handmaidens get treated like this, most het women are. But put that aside for now.
Interesting the way you’re implying that by simply getting a part time job, women would no longer be at risk of abuse. Do you really think a part time job, nay, a full time job, is remotely bulletproof against a nasty fallout? Unless, the woman is very comfortable on her own with solid support system, most separations are financially disastrous for working class women who AREN’T NEETs. Sure sounds like you’re mainly angry about women being leech than about female NEET as some sort of attack on feminism.
Another question: if you are insinuating that men are incapable of loving and taking care of their partners in any altruistic fashion, then shouldn’t you argue for women abandoning heterosexual relationships altogether? Because clearly, men do not treat women better based on whether or not they have saving accounts and job prospects.
No. 1396701
>>1396699Kek, no shit. Even if it’s not a scrote and just some crazy pink piller, that
nonny seems to hate the idea of a woman living a comfortable NEET life with a male sponsor to the point of misogyny. Seems like a failed pick me.
No. 1396717
>>1396701>male sponsorKek do you fucking hear yourselves?
>>1396696They'll understand when their "sweethearts" will turn out to be just like any other male. I used to be a pickme too but being exposed to males' true nature really changes you.
>>1396689I'm not the one who talked about the part time job and yes, women shouldn't stay with men at all and I say this as a heterosexual woman. Men don't love women and a woman neet that's "taken care of" by a male has even more chances of being abused and controlled.
No. 1396743
>>1396717Seems like me and all the other NEET nonnies with bfs in this thread have backup plans should things go south. The only pickme behavior in this thread is coming from you, kek, wanting other womens lives to go to the shitter and baselessly accusing matriarchal NEETs of being pickmes.
If you were actually concerned about us you would have stopped posting after we all assured you of our backup plans. Not a single nonna here is without a plan B. But you’re not a concerned woman, you’re either a failed pickme or a scrote.
No. 1396775
>>1396743No one was against the matriarchal neets you tranny, and if you have a plan B we don't really need to know how totally wholesome and cute your secretly porn-addicted scrote is.
The warning is a fair one, especially because not all anons here have a plan B like you say. There was a girl above who was thinking about living with a random gamer moid in another country ffs.
No. 1397378
>>1397339no one said that scrotes don't cheat or abuse you if you're above a certain tax bracket, the point was that if you actually have your own job and financial independence - as in literally making your own money and not relying on handouts from the state or your scrote - you will have less chance to be stuck playing penniless neet bangmaid for a scrote who's abusing you. how is this just not common sense kek, you can sperg about figures all you want but it's just common sense that women with their own money and own jobs can escape
abusive or shitty relationships easier because they're not reliant on the moid. i won't explain this any further because if you don't get it you're probably just in denial like the rest of them in here thinking they can genuinely control their relationships when they're not even in employment - it doesn't work that way, sorry
No. 1397459
>>1396738Go back to twitter faggot
>>1397378It's hopeless nona, the moid defenders in this thread are retarded for sure
No. 1397474
>>1396532>>1396523You can tell when men are posting ITT because all terminally online men have memed themselves into believing
take muh money in the divorce is a real thing and not fabrication from their own brains.
No. 1397478
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>>1397474Samefag, the men ITT trying to talk about "us women" and giving terrible advice that hasn't been relevant for a century:
No. 1397511
>>1397378I've been stuck in an
abusive situation with a scrote before for this reason. I was dependant on him but it all seemed so rosy in the beginning that I didn't see the danger in it. I thought it was safe move. We had 2 great years before this so I thought I knew him well enough. When it comes to men and dating.. what seems like the best thing to ever happen to you can end up feeling like the worst thing to ever happen to you. Thats a harsh reality that gets harsher if you add any serious level of dependance to the mix.
My dad moved away during that time (thinking all his kids were out of the home and thriving anyway) Then things went south between me and this guy, very south. I was far from any family and stuck with this guy who had started to resent everything about me. All those things he loved earlier, he now hated. He didn't break up with me but obviously hated me and treated me like shit. I was like.. ok time to make a plan because I can't live like this. But my confidence was at a record low and I fell apart not having a clue what to do next. I hadn't made a back up plan in advance. I didn't have great prospects to be able to pick myself up after years of depression and isolation. My mental health had gone from poor to being in crisis. I could barely talk to people or look them in the eyes while this guy wore me down more every day that I stayed. With my dad now retired and living in the middle of fucking nowhere I felt too ashamed to admit I needed help and too afraid to go live in this rando place he'd retired to hours away. I didn't want to face him. I ended up at an emergency appointment to get something to take the edge off how doomed I felt. I stared at the floor the entire time and my bf probably looked like he was holding me hostage. I'm surprised they didn't investigate him for abuse. I know how it must have looked. Me staring at the floor, him speaking on my behalf. It was a low point I'll never forget. We had started out amazing. Been good for years. Now that
Neetdom while living with parents is one thing but it is risky with scrotes. Especially if you grow distant from family or if you move to be with the guy. Its a gamble. I think being pretty cautious about 'scrote dependant neetdom' is fair.
No. 1397550
>>1397523Anon, depressed and mentally ill women are incredibly vulnerable to the situations being proposed. I just think your posts are hopelessly naive and pretty dumb. Recommending women who can barely take care of themselves to marry out of their parents house is a recipe for disaster, not even in regards to possible abuse, but if they can no longer rely on their moid for whatever reason they can possibly end up in a worse position than before. On top of that, most rich men do not marry random neets unless they are instagram models
no offense ladies or usually expect them to pump out children. I don't think very many nonnies here want kids.
No. 1397562
>>1397550I never recommended anything to other women, so stop putting words into my mouth.
>I don't think very many nonnies here want kids.I don't want to either, so I don't have them.
>>1397552I'm not even a trad wife.
No. 1397589
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I wish I lived in a nanny state
No. 1397599
>>1397575What part are you referring to specifically? For example,
>>1397511 exists and it's a very common situation.
You should be a bit worried if something that is kind of borderline common sense sets you off so much–like, what is your living situation? In general, those situations can work, but historically it's a situation that's easy to be trapped in. I have seen many like the one I linked above. Does this mean it always ends poorly? No. But moral of the story? Having a safety net is good.
No. 1397626
>>1397599>What part are you referring to specifically?All the posts that say shit like: pickme, tradthot, all men are dangerous, porn/sex crazed rapists, he doesn't love you, you are or will get abused, he will dump you, you have no self-respect, you will die in a gutter. It's a disgusting tactic used by moids, if you're really a woman and say shit like that then you're as bad as them imo.
>what is your living situation?I have enough experience in my life with people of all kinds to know who to trust. I'm not all alone with my SO. I have many people in my life to seek advice and support. I would never come to a fucking imageboard for advice anyway. Just wanted to share my happiness with the other nonna, but others have to stir shit up with doomposting.
No. 1397660
>>1397562I asked my partner to get snipped and he did! Idk why I asked him since apparently I’m a tranny and a pickme but look at me go.
These people sowing distrust in here seem rather unhappy.
>>1397144I’m not too lazy to work at a supermarket, I’m too CRAZY. but like why would I want to even if I wasn’t too nuts when I can have my partner or my parents support me? You have to stand up all day at burgerland supermarket jobs.
No. 1397948
>>1397626I know some anons do have good intentions, but I can't help but notice that with other anons, every time this subject gets brought up, it's like
>"Don't be a NEET and then marry or live with some male, or you'll be at his mercy">"I will live with him, but save money so that if the marriage goes south, I can leave easily. I will also keep close ties to my family so I can go home"It's like that response doesn't register in their minds, so they just repeat that NEET anons will be abused, get murdered, get cheated on, forced to have kids, etc. It's like they're not really looking out for any NEET woman's safety, they're just angry at the very idea.
No. 1398113
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>>1397464>No replies because of endless tradwife vs. girlboss infightingI guess I should have checked before I posted…. I just wanted a little perspective I guess. Carry on.
No. 1398220
>>1398113>>1398137Let your parents take care of you and just inherit their house when they die. You don’t owe your parents anything, meanwhile they owe you everything for deciding to give birth to you.
You owe nobody anything in this life unless you decide to procreate, nonnas.
No. 1398613
>>1398137>>1398220Thanks for the replies, nonnies! I feel a bit guilty bringing attention to it but I appreciate your thoughts a lot.
>At least if I get an online job, I won't have to commute, but if I do get an online job, I know I'll never leave my room. Maybe it's fine.I feel you on the self sabotage. I would say maybe start with a job that stresses you the least so you have a lower chance of self sabotage. If having a motivator to go outside would help your mental health, try for a job like that. If going out would be a little too much to handle while getting used to working, maybe a remote job would be better for now until you become more confident. I was trying to go for the latter before trying to motivate myself to go outside.
>You owe nobody anything in this life unless you decide to procreate, nonnas.Thanks. I know you're right but I at least don't want them to pass away wondering if I can survive after they go.
>>1398442I figured finding other lesbians would be difficult to come by when you try, much less when you're a NEET. My chance of finding a wealthy gf who will take care of me and let me live as a housewife, cooking food and decorating and sewing/knitting is a pipedream. You're right about connections but I don't even know how to build those as a NEET. Thanks for replying, kind
No. 1398682
>>1398665So, I'm not a lawyer (kinda obvious I guess), but if your parents are in debt when they die, the bank and debt collector will try and recoup there losses by collecting the property first. There are also inheritance taxes (which take a lot of the inheritance often), and it depends where you live how everything shakes out. It can also depend on if your parents have any siblings, any other children, things line that. Basically, losing a parent is a legal nightmare. Even with a will, it's not as simple as 'just get handed property', unfortunately. Having life insurance, a will and a lawyer helps a lot, but not a lot of people prepare all that in advance. It's difficult.
No. 1411221
I'm becoming more and more of a hikki. I sperged out at some guy today for almost bumping into me at the store, I had to wrench my body to the side to avoid him hitting me. I'm like EXCUSE you and he said sorry in a pissy way so I yelled bitch at him. I have 0 patience for strangers and their foibles. When I get back to my house it takes me so long to calm down and I find myself not doing things I used to do so I can avoid people because inevitably somebody pisses me off. I can sort of trick myself for short periods of time but for example I went to an art museum last weekend and basically had a meltdown halfway through because people kept crawling up my ass
>>1411200I know what you mean I romanticize my college days but it's mostly because I felt like less of a loser with the student excuse
No. 1411267
>>1398682lol you don't pay inheritance tax in most countries unless your parents are leaving you tens of millions of dollars and the only way that leaves you with nothing is if they had tens of millions of dollars in debts
The only American millennials who will inherit anything from their parents are ones whose parents die suddenly at a relatively young age in a good financial situation. Our parents' money will all be spent on healthcare before they die if they live long enough. This is all by design.
No. 1412081
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>>1412046I honestly wish I knew the secret of people coping with it.
My health have always been terrible, i spent my whole life going to doctors or being in hospitals. I was even born dead but rescued by doctors and plasma donation. I was always a sheltered kid as we didn't live in a good area and I would often get sick, my immune system is extremely weak, on top of that my organs and my body being weak in general too. I have experienced a lot of stress over the past few years while I was studying the local language to a country to which I moved, but this year my nervous system completely broke me and now I have an untreatable chronical disease and my organs are messing me up everyday. It's funny how i always wanted a job, to work with elderly or children because i spent all of my time raising siblings and taking care of my elderly, just to end up being the weakest person i've ever known. I can't find a job because of that, and also with me being an immigrant (which people here don't really like, but i also understand, the economy here keeps shattering). I really want to have at least online job, but all i do is stream videogames for a bunch of people out of pure loneliness and lack of interactions irl (other than my partner and his family). I can't go outside for too long due to my illness, and on top of that i always have to protect myself from the sunlight, otherwise i start wanting to puke and pass out (my head is damaged after the accident). So i am always stuck in there 4 walls. At least i am not crazy enough to not clean, but damn do i feel lonely. I don't know how people can deal with any of it. Makes me think i should somehow manage to open art commissions to save up for vr, so i could pretend i have IRL friends and can go outside. I am so tired,
No. 1412087
>>1412081I luckily don't have health issues, but I'm also trapped within these 4 walls, so know that at the very least you're not alone and I can at least somewhat relate. I've thought about VR too but my 4 walled box is probably too small. Maybe I'll try an MMO, even if I know they'll never replace real human interaction. I wish the best for you
No. 1421066
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I've been trying to be less of a neet but after seeing a barrage of women that basically act the slightest bit awkward and get publicly hated, outcasted, etc, I'm starting to realize that I might just kms after my freelancing gig dries up. I don't want to live in the real world. I have a social and speech disability that 10 years of speech therapy in school didn't help and it has gotten much worse with age (I can barely pronounce most things anymore or form sentences aloud), health conditions that make me feel horrible, I am repulsively ugly, and I pretty much act like a brick wall, 0 emotion, because of years of being told that my laugh and smiles look terrifying or like a hag's. I don't want to make excuses but holy fuck, what is even OUT there for someone like me that can't even talk even though she's a grown ass adult? Not anything fun or being able to connect to other people, that's for sure. Sorry about the vent. Wish I could have had cozy stuff to say.
No. 1473309
>>931431it's def a mixed bag of feel happy I got husband who is supportive and understanding vs thinking I'm holding back our future relationship (can't find WFH job etc) but he says as long as I keep house tidy and look after pets he's mostly fine with it
>>930178yes! for chronic mobility pain about …800/m + rent help.
No. 1481812
Necroing this thread so I can post my psycho rant. I just got a job offer but I told the guy I needed sometime to think about it. I have a funeral tomorrow (this is true). and I have a lot to think about.
However, the real truth is I don't want this job. I don't want this job so badly I think I'd rather get hit by a bus. I've been crying about it all evening and I just don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. Why can't I have motivation like other people? Why can't I be happy like other people would? I'm mooching off my parents and my mom is honestly so nice to me but yet I feel like a pathetic freak.
The real matter is I think I never got over my shitty trauma. Why did I never get over my shitty CSA trauma? Now every time I go out and have to be near men I panic. This is not a joke. I legit want to throw up being near men. And yet if I accept this job all I'll be is near men. There were no women at this job. I wish I was kidding. I know I'm being dramatic right now but there's no fucking way. I can't explain it to anyone. Not my parents, no friends or anthing to talk to. How can I tell tehm that I'm almost assuredly going to burn a good job interview because the men I met at the job site creeped me out? I literally threw up earlier today, thinking about it. I know not all men are child sex abusers, and I know this just looks like psychotic ramblings to like most of the population, but I can't explain it. I tried to tell my parents about me getting abused but they wouldn't listen about it. I never got therapy or meds for it and I think I need either or REAL bad. Like I know meds can't solve trauma but I can't even fucking go outside without my mommy. I'm a 25 year old woman and I'm fucking petrified of leaving the house, let alone working with men that give me the exact same fucking feeling as the fucking pedo that fucked me up. What am I supposed to do? I'm not really suicidal or anything but I can't live like this either. I just don't know. I know I'm spoiled rotten ass bitch who just needs to shut the fuck up and take this job but I can't even leave my room without throwing up. I'm serious. What the hell's wrong with me? No one gets it and I can't tell anyone about it. Like, imagine if you just trauma dumped all this cringe shit on somebody? I mean, sure I'll type it all out on the internet, but IRL? How could I explain this shit? It's not even that I'm unwilling to work, I just feel like I can't function. I can't even eat or bathe myself right. Why couldn't I be normal? Why did life have to be this way for me? I know I have a victim mindset but no one knows what it likes getting fucked up as a child. I've never recovered and I've never gotten over it. I'll never be over it and it's ruining my life.
No. 1510303
>>1421066Love you
nonnie. I wish there was a place for us. My freelance work is starting to dry up, but I wish I could make just barely enough and fuck off to a cheap country like Thailand or something. Isolate in nature and adopt some stray dogs.
No. 1525398
>>1510288Absolutely invest in a walkpad/treadmill, unironically stopped me from killing myself, staying active is crucial
>>1525237If you’re doing NEETdom right, you’d hardly be bored
No. 1525633
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I'm (unfortunately) working rn so I can buy a small cottage or land to park a shitbox trailer on and be a self sufficient hermit neet in a few years. I could maybe get gov bucks but that seems like a tiresome and unpredictable process. I really would only need money for gas and phone service.
No. 1529668
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No. 1530171
>>1525398>Absolutely invest in a walkpad/treadmill, unironically stopped me from killing myself, staying active is crucial This means a lot from another anon, I’m getting pretty desperate, honestly. Either I kms or get killer glutes.
>>1510772>I can fold it, it's light, and has wheels so it's easy to move from place to place as needed and to put away. I really recommend it.Is it one of the white colored $120 ones from Amazon? I don’t have much budget and even though I’d pay for better build quality the more expensive ones don’t tend to be foldable.
No. 1549261
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>>1396627>40-50% of all marriages end up in divorceYeah, because of shitty people in threads like this who try to make you ruin your life by spreading useless distrust and suspicions not only towards your husband/boyfriend but also towards your family as if they won't take care of you IN CASE things go sour with him (not very common outside of western countries that treat marriage as a joke).
Good thing casual sex and adultery are not allowed in any capacity where I live, so I don't have to worry about my husband cheating on me.
No. 1549288
nonnie I'm so sorry. It's okay you'll understand eventually.
No. 1549316
>>1549261Why did you necro a thread to reply to a five month old post?
Also I personally live in a Muslim country and there are so many escorts here which most of them are trans so the chances of your man cheating in a convervative city/country isn't any lower than him cheating in a more liberal country or a city. It's more about your man's values than the available women as men will usually pay sex workers to cheat because no woman wants to fuck an old married man.
No. 1560079
>>1560074Nta but why do you guys always want women to be in
abusive relationships with moids. You can't say anything positive about your relationship unless you wanna get dog piled, it's getting weird now.
No. 1560288
>>1560260Anon, I live in a shithole almost rural town where a lot of people know each other. If I'm secretly going to the other side of town she will eventually find out, especially because she's extremely controlling. Someone that knows both me and her is going to tell her.
Also moving out isn't easy in my town. You have to have a partner/roomate to help pay for a place to stay, no one can do it on their own on a minimum wage job. And I'm a neet, I don't have friends and I won't ever have a partner. I'm fucked kek
No. 1560295
>>1560072Just apply for that factory job anon. What's she gonna do if you get a factory job over a cashier job? Physically force you out of their house when she's let you be a NEET already? seems doubtful.
I've done factory work though and it sucks, especially if it's physically demanding factory work. Only students and paper-less immigrants do it. I'd choose a cashier job over it. It's boring routine work once you get used to it but at least you get to sit down and talk to people a little. If you're forced to spend time at work you may as well try to get some social skills out of it if you ask me, might serve you later. Although the one upside to factory work is being allowed to listen to music or whatever on your own device.
No. 1560482
>>1560288NTA but can't you say you got the shit factory job because you're an inferior shit person and the cashier position is beyond your reach? I've gotten batshit narc family members off my back that way. And I agree with the other anons, factory work is hard, doing the same thing all day takes a huge toll on you mentally and physically.
More importantly do you know what will happen to your money? Is she going to spend it on your behalf, will you be able to put some away, can you open another account that she doesn't know about?
No. 1567125
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Not going places is so nice. I just saw a bus completely crowded, not having to take the bus anywhere is the best.
No. 1567367
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I'm doing online school for an associate's but it's going giga turtle pace because every time I think about taking more classes my parents say something about it being too much to handle and I fold. I literally am incapable of defying them. I had a job for a bit but it was painful and anyway I'm back to taking one class on my slow path to a fucking 2-year community college degree, incredible. It's already been two years. It sucks when you get good grades and people say you can do all these things in life but you're actually useless. I like school at least, wish you could get paid for that instead of the reverse.
No. 1580678
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Been a NEET for a year soon.
No. 1623440
>>1580678Happy NEETversary nonita <3
Been 3 years for me. I want to reenter society again before I hit 30 but I'm taking it slowly.
I just don't know where to start and I end up overwhelmed doing nothing, playing my MMO, drawing anime men holding hands and eating snack
No. 1623441
>>1580716I love you wherever you are whoever you are.
I hope good things come to you. I wish everyone in this thread a good life. I didn't take my life last year because I want to be kinder and make people feel nice. I think that's my calling in life.
No. 1657391
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>>1657152Network Nona. If you don't have a LinkedIn, get one and spend an afternoon making yourself look employable. Pretend you were volunteering or working on personal projects for the last few months. Better yet, actually do those things if possible. Find as many people who graduated in your major from your school and ask if you can get coffee with them. Say that you're interested in learning about different directions you can take with your degree or that you'd love to learn about their current role and how they ended up there etc. Extended family or friends of your parents are okay for this too.
No matter what you do, do not directly ask for a job and do not admit to being a NEET, and act like you genuinely like who you're talking to. I know it sucks getting your first job, but good luck anon!
No. 1658575
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Does anyone have any tips on making up and sticking to a daily routine? My days feel scattered and aimless because I have very little structure. I can think of a bunch of things to do every day, but not when to do them or how long to spend. I'm also nervous that even if I make up a plan, I will give up on/go against it immediately. Historically, I really struggle to follow through even on the things that I want to do. I feel like having a routine would help with that, but only if I don't rebel against it first kek. What do you nonnies think? Have you had any success creating schedules for yourselves?
No. 1658801
>>1658735Learn how to have deep, rich, compassionate conversations to maximise the time you do have with friends. How to ask questions, how to be an active listener, how to speak from your heart and invite others to open up their hearts too. There are tons of books, articles, and videos about communication and empathy. If this idea interests you, I can recommend some. If you want to try it without any studying at all, i suggest looking up "36 Questions To Love," which is a game you can play with anybody whom you want to know deeply, not just romantically.
Conversation is very stimulating for me— maybe not so much for you or some of your friends— but this is how I deal with things. The whole point of friendship is to make an empathic connection, and since deep conversation comes naturally to me, this is my preferred method.
Lastly I'm wishing you a swift and gentle recovery. All the best to you nonette.
No. 1669079
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>>937054Depending on where you live and how the public sector is ran. There are certain public jobs where you can work there for about a certain amount of time you can sign up for loan forgiveness.
I have a BA and my job at local library and it forgave my remaining student loans after working there for 10 years.
No. 1669133
>>1669114What I do is play mind tricks with myself into thinking that the thing I'm doing is essential to my life like food, water, and shelter. Mind rumination and thought-loops can only be dampened by diversion. You need to know not just the roots but what exactly
triggers those thoughts to spiral.
No. 1699983
>>859880Yeah I was NEET once after finishing school with 16. Internet was already a thing but it was slow and I didn't really use it back then. Spend all day reading about historical shit and concepts of hell and drew a shitton of pages for my comic.
Unironically missing this time. Something in me has broken at some point and prevents me from being motivated and happy now. This only makes working even way harder though, so I need my NEET downtimes even more now.
No. 1699994
>>929154>>931431I know a lot that live like this or only work part-time because the husband is rich or having a top job, but I cannot tolerate other people around me every day, I am autistic and cannot love and I have no sex drive so any sort of partnership or shared apartment is out of the question.
Wish my cat was useful and making money for once.
>>930934Wish I knew. I can draw but in my country I would have to do so many top tier commissions for 150 EUR a month that it would take as much or more time than a fulltime job and completely sully my hobby and probably get me starved if I should get sick or too depressed to draw for a month. Wouldn't be able to ever go on a trip either.
My dream when I was a kid was always to rob a bank one day. But today I know how fucking risky it is, not worthy. They would put me in jail and there are other people in jail and I don't like being around others.
No. 1700111
>>932780This is how I live my life. Working a year or two, depending on how bad the job is and NEETing till I start the next job. My rent + food and such amount to ~900 euro a month. Even with minimum wage I make 1200 a month, so 300 surplus (unless I buy extra stuff, but I don't care about much, plus, piracy and hacked handhelds), making it 3600 spare euros a year, that's 4 months of NEETing, more if I plan my food shopping smarter (or eat less spare ribs per week).
Last time I had a bit more income though, amounting to one year of NEETdom. Sadly that period is now about to end and this time I feel like I am still not regenerated despite such a long time of peace.
>>942575Scary flashback but the only time I ever used my real name on the net was when I made a photobucket account for my fanart in 2003 because I was retarded and thought it needed a real name. And then I forgot it existed.
Flashforward 14 years.
While we were peacefully cleaning skulls with toothbrushes in 2017 my boss once casually told me that he was googling my name after getting my application but only finding a photobucket account that he clicked. With internal terror did I realize that one of the first pics he would see opening that place was the second last one I drew and uploaded back then which was a yaoi artwork with Hitler fucking Himmler.
The other shit I drew back then was similar, but it was at least involving Satan or Torquemada which people might assume to be some comic characters. He was considerate enough to not go into details and just told me that I have some talent for art.
To get back to topic, yeah, I will never use linkedin. No facebook either and I even refuse to get an extra what's app account or change appearances, so my last two bosses had to add a person with cringe chuuni name and Sentinel Prime avatar to our group chats.
No. 1742410
>>1742334No passion, only whimsies. I have accepted that I’m just this kind of person who tries things. I’ve gotten over feeling shame about not committing to things. Even if doing things is meaningless, aren’t you bored? One time I was so bored I got a job for a month because I thought I’d rather feel miserable than bored. Another time I got so bored I started exercising and lost 10kg (since then gained most of it back kek). Don’t waste NEET time by thinking too much, just do what you think is good or fun. You know those memes “your unemployed friend on tuesday”, live like that unironically.
(Antidepressant helps. It’s not as fun to be NEET when you’re depressed.)
No. 1743057
>>1742334Read, draw and see my boyfriend/friends at least once a week. I'm lucky to have a few people I can count on, I would go absolutely mad if I stayed inside all day. Also taking walks and watching nostalgia shows or documentaries helps me a lot to stay sane, plus I'm at least learning something new. Would never give this life up for wageslaving but I hate that I'll have to one day.
>>1742410>those memes “your unemployed friend on tuesday”, live like that unironically.Best advice!
No. 1766150
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I've been a neet my whole adult life. except for this brief period where I relocated to another fucking continent to go to college. I lasted there for about a month or so before I dropped out. I'm not ready yet to rejoin society and I had to find out the hard way. well. life isn't too bad.
No. 1770044
Why we ganging up on
>>1766159 ? She's definitely not a NEET but it's not like that's a crime. Her life actually sounds nice, she probably just has self esteem issues.
No. 1936257
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I have decided to embrace the housewife life and aesthetic because it's just a variation on what I've been doing for the past several years. Instead of being a gross sweatpants girl who plays vidyagaems all day now I look presentable and I make myself useful all day. It's a cozy way of life when it's divorced from religious expectations and the idea of scrotal supremacy.
No. 2361875
>>2361796If you have anybody in your life that you can trust (even if it's just because you know they really want you to get a job), use them as a reference. Have that person vouch for you doing some work for them - babysitting or cleaning for money, volunteering to help them on a project, etc. If you get scenario-based ("tell me about a time where you experienced…") questions in an interview, you can use that story as a basis for your answers.
I have a good career now, and it's common to have people in your social / professional network who will attest to pretty much anything as a reference.
No. 2366147
>>2362682Whores don't qualify as NEET. They're still working a "job", it's not a traditional job. But the whores I know are pandering to scrotes asking them for money, selling photos of their anus, nudes and sex tapes, and begging, so like degrading themselves and begging for scraps is their job. They became employed the day they decided to sell porn, it's just the grossest job out there.
These days too many jobs aren't traditional in-office 9-5s. Most people wouldn't consider someone running an online business with drop-shipping for instance (where it doesn't require them to do anything outside of the house) as NEET, since that's how they make money. E-whoredom is the same thing, but instead of running a little shop selling clothes, art, trinkets, etc, they're selling their bodies, and most of them are broke and make about 200 a month (so they beg on the side because selling porn alone doesn't cut it). Whores calling themselves NEETs are just coping. If you don't see pandering to scrotes and advertising porn as work, it's probably because you enjoy your "job" and being a whore is meant for you. But don't feel like it brings you down just because you're a woman so a small percent of women bring all women down, whores are in a separate subclass of their own.
No. 2376859
>>2360200It's not that I can't get a job, my job prospects are currently pretty good (although that could change with AI in the next few years), the good job prospects also disqualify me from neetbux and I go to therapy thanks to universal healthcare, but it doesn't really help. I can't deal with working. With each passing year I feel more like a failure and less like I should even continue trying, a lot like
>>2328791described. Therapy made me a little less retarded in social settings, but other than that it didn't really do anything. A few years ago I was depressed, but had hope for a better future. That's not the case anymore. Every doctor/therapist I go to gives me a completely different diagnosis just for the next one to tell me it's bullshit. My current therapist thinks I have adhd for example. I probably don't even have anything, I'm just lazy and being depressed isn't surprising for a loser. Sometimes I wish we had an euthanasia program like Canada.
No. 2380791
>>2376859Samefag though working is not easy. Have been a NET (in education) but still jobless and idk if I”ll work after college. I hope but I’m depressed right now. Even showering is a chore skincare and haircare have been a while.
Hmm laundry too a chore. We don’t have warm water been a few years now. I thought I could do it by washing with a small washer and not go to my bf to crash a few days and I did survive somewhat but, it’s hard having to survive on my own. I’m crashing at my bf for a few days and then I can actually shower like a normie. I had a big goal this year and now I want to postpone it ‘s deadline further along this year. It’s so overwhelming finishing college. I know the depression is making me self sabotage. I want to recover but it’s so hard at the same time I don’t know if I will meet all these milestones it’s a lot.
No. 2384849
>>2384831I know this is slapping a bandaid on an open wound, but if you don't get outside much for that vit D, try taking supplements. I did start feeling better when I started taking vit D and iron supplements even though my life is a nightmare kek.
Sorry you're suffering, nona. Hope you stick around with us, despite it all.
No. 2385260
>>2385054>It's the complete opposite of what being human isI agree.
This is gay as hell but i was always of the belief that humans are suppose to be “better” than nature. We are suppose to be forgiving and kind animals working to separate ourselves from(whilst preserving) nature to create a beautiful and equitable world for ourselves. but the world we created is anything but that.
The way we made everything so anti human from the architecture to our culture, exploitation of people in the 3rd world, to the way we treat the animals that provide food for us make me really depressed.
I try to do what i believe to be the right thing like buying used goods and being vegetarian at least. Writing this made me realize that maybe i would enjoy volunteering? Maybe something simple like cleaning up litter or donating cloths.
No. 2385356
>>2384785Kek yes that's gay af but it's true. The world needs more kindness. We're the animal with the most transformative power over the world and we are completely failing all the responsibilities that should come with that. More than half of the insect population has declined in the past decades and animal population has been reduced massively as well. We are killing this earth when we're the only ones with the power to protect it. We are even systematically and efficiently murdering 70 billion sentient lifeforms each year for what is essentially recreation, it's perfectly possible for us to live on a plant-based diet. But meat tastes good and animals can't fight back or speak up for themselves, so let's deem it as normal and okay. I get so angry and disgusted thinking about it. We are such a failed species. Everything is about us and what we want. There's no consideration for others unless it's beneficial for us.
I think volunteering would be a great idea. You'd be around like-minded people who share the same goals and you'll really be able to feel your actions have a tangible impact on others. It's essentially a simulacra of how work and jobs used to be, humanity in its natural environment
No. 2386734
>>2385980You have more explaining to do if you have gaps so they just avoid it even if they work only weekends. I used to work weekends until I couldn’t handle it anymore never progressed to working more days. As a NET I just focus on school rn. Can’t wait to be a full neet for a bit after I’m done. Even if it’s just a few months. Maybe get neetbux to move out. Aah how I long to fully Neet.
I went outside today it was so cold. I don’t like nature anymore. I like it on my screen and the cute plant I have that’s it.
No. 2386802
>>2386741i'm a semi-neet right now with a similar background to you, not working or training, but i am volunteering, which has opened up a lot of work experience opportunities. it's also what i reccomend for other neets looking for low-stake opportunities, depending on what kind of work you want. my volunteering is a mixture of creative work but also corporate-facing stuff, and also some admin bits. through this, i have references, a small professional network i can dip into, and just enough social skills to get by. i appreciate that this is a little different to volunteering work like soup kitchens or running charity shops, but you've just got to be picky about what you want and what you're interested in. if you like animals, maybe you can volunteer to help out with shelter websites. if you like cooking, you can volunteer to work in the back of a soup kitchen cutting onions.
otherwise, you can send thousands of applications and hope for a bite. grad schemes are good but not if "too much time" has passed since you graduated, and also you're competing against their ideal candidates - the easily manipulated 21 year old. if you really don't care, sectors like recruitment will take genuinely anyone and train you into the job with some level of stability, but it's mostly exhausting brunt work.
>>2385980if you have everything else, a gap on your resume can easily be played off as 'travelling' or 'family emergency' or etc. a lot of these people just have the right combination of things to cover anything that might look like a red flag to an employer
No. 2394738
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>homeschooled young but barely graduated from public HS
>have always been on the internet since I can remember
>a close friend's death during HS
>worked a couple jobs but quit within weeks
>used to talk to irls & family, slowly became distant until fully isolated
>schizoaffective passed down from mom, paranoia being the biggest "ailment"
I can't speak for all neets, but I have such a love/hate relationship with it.
I realize I'm lucky to be able not to work or go to school and get to use my time how I want, yet all my thoughts are burdened with how much of a leech I am. I'm too scared to drive yet, closest I got was my temps.
I want to help pay rent, make something of myself career-wise, have friends; but theres something wrong that I can't solve, if theres even a reason to solve it.
Therapy doesn't help since no matter how I try to train myself, I will always be weary of their practice.
I feel stuck in a cycle in my mind and I'm paralyzed no matter how deeply I want to make something of myself.
I'm not even suicidal, I just dont care what happens to me since I've adapted the cope of not giving a fuck what happens, I just let it happen. Which may be contributing to the reason I can't progress.
Do you see the circles I'm running in typing this out?? I want to be someone but I dont care what happens to me. God I feel like a walking contradiction…
No. 2400517
>>2400485Perhaps apply for a dish washing gig, you can also try baskets weaving or spoon carving at home and sell them at farmer's market or online. Alternatively you can just lie in your resume like most people.
There is always something productive to do that can result in a financial gain.
No. 2404871
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No. 2418224
>>2417896really relatable
>>2418167if you have a husband youre already functioning in society somewhat. are you sad that you rely on him or something?
No. 2418309
>>2418301Getting a bf is pretty easy anon you just have to exist around men, be it online or in real life, and one of them will likely take an interest in you. Now to get a non
abusive/manchild one you need to be lucky. Men will also rarely dump their gf/wife, they would rather cheat and continue the relationship. So yeah you are likely "picky" aka have standards.
No. 2429235
>>2418284>>2418224>>2418301>>2418303I wish more people would give thought to what someone's circumstances might be before jumping the gun. My parents are dead and I struggled for many years not having that support network, even being homeless for a time. My husband and I met each other online, it's not hard to meet people as a NEET these days. He is the only person I am capable of speaking with, I let DMs rot in my inbox for days and I struggle to keep up with my family members who ARE alive. He approached me because he really resonated with some things I was posting online and while I had trouble with him too at first, he started saying some things that really clicked with me and my autism latched onto him, and he began to support me when he realized what a shitty spot I was in.
>>2418280I post them on various social media sites, I normally make drawings to accompany them. I think that there is someone out there for everyone, even if you feel like you aren't lovable, my husband told me that part of the reason he likes looking after me is because he wasn't cared for as a child, so he sees me and wants to do something for someone akin to what he never had. It's okay to take life at your own pace, there will always be someone who understands, even if it takes a while to find them.
No. 2429514
>>860777nta but I would if iceland wasnt cold. aside from the fact that cold and dark just piss me off, it also makes you way more dependant on society. Can't use solar effectively, can't grow your own food, need elaborately built houses to survive. Everything that humans are naturally meant to do is 10 times harder in cold.
>>860813A goal for neets is to save enough to not have to work ever again and when you just live off savings and dont work, corruption doesnt matter that much.
For those who expect to live off neetbux though, no place better than america. Literally just become a drug addict and you immediately get housing and sponsorships for your addiction.
No. 2429526
>>2418301>>2418303Men are easy, easier than the general sum of society. With many nonas their partners just find their own way but I got tired of waiting so I just went on and started flirting with random people I liked online until one of them turned out to be my neighbor (lol)
Its much easier though if you dont take those interactions very seriously, allows you to be cringe and perform le @romantic@ stuff more easily.
Also if you can write posts online you already CAN in fact communicate
>>2418379To be fair we dont really talk much, I am half mute and retarded and our interactions are mostly physical (as in, cuddly). I actually peeked on his diary and he expressed a frustration about it there but he still stays so I guess he finds something else more important than my ability to talk.
No. 2431246
>>2431224Actually no, he is borderline asexual. We have sex like 1-2 times per month and I have never done a bj.
>>2431096> If someone loves you, all your other issues are invalid.You being sarcastic? Pardon my autism, I assume you are.
No. 2431252
>>2431246NTA but I think she either meant to reply to someone else or was agreeing with you. Because you responded talking about how you went out and found yourself a mate, right? So she was saying "yeah, see, I don't get why anons are acting like incels".
Hopefully she chimes in to clarify though kek
No. 2431907
>>2431356I don't wanna possibly "brag" but you baited me to it.
No he refuses to jerk off even if I ask him to because touching penises is ew in his opinion. And he is pretty, and matches my type perfectly.
He has his issues but they are not of manhate archive content, and more about him being a massive fag and a latent tranny (but he is so pure he doesn't even realize it). In any case his testosterone is low. He also has ocd. But there is a lot of non sexual tenderness between us.
No. 2432820
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I've been a neet for the last 5 years now, i was doing well until that point, had a job, an apartment, financially stable, mentally secure for the most part and attracting attention enough to find relationships on occasion. I had always been sort of socially inept to the degree that i gravitated to online spaces for socializing though.
It fell apart when i met someone online and really connected to them, and we eventually met in person and spent a fair amount of time together. I was being careful because i got the initial impression they didn't want a relationship but eventually it got to a point where i thought based on what they were saying to me that things could go in a specific direction and the way i felt about them just ran away from my control after that, it was so viscerally passionate compared to others i had been with where it was usually mostly just a comfortable contentment that i was throwing my job away just to be around them more. I know it was stupid, but there was without a doubt at least something there by their own admission and i wanted it pretty bad.
When things didn't turn out the way i had hoped everything sort of fell apart internally then externally, right before they left to go home i had this extreme sense of dread that i knew i would never see them again and i couldn't not cry as hard as i was trying not to on their last day, i at least didn't tell them why so they just assumed i was gunna miss them. After they got home communications sort of broke down over a couple months, and i just sort of silently spiraled. I didn't have the motivation to try and save anything because for what reason i thought, to a degree i still don't. I've since gotten re-certified for some jobs that interest me, and i've stabilized mentally and can enjoy things for myself, returned to somewhat socializing online like before, i've even tried moving on emotionally with a couple people (warning them ahead of time that i think i'm supposed to be alone right now, or maybe forever because at least i can manage that, but some are persistent), but i keep thinking about this person at some point each time, feel guilty, and leave, i think ive developed avpd to an extent over it, i really don't mean to hurt anyone, i want to feel the way i felt about them with someone else and i want to believe that can happen, but i'm scared to keep trying when it keeps turning out like this, i just feel like a shit person every time.
I almost wish i never met them, but i liked rediscovering that i could feel that way about someone too, and at least want that.
It was never a scorned kind of situation just not really compatible in the end, we wanted different things with each other it seemed? idk, ig i'm still working it out, just a way to think about it that doesn't leave me frustrated and yearning thinking things could have been different if i was a little more different or something, and i'm doing it alone with no satisfying closure, i wonder if messaging them again would be worth it but i think i'd ultimately just end up wishing i could have them the way i want to still, and i know that's not in the cards, i have no idea how they've been for at least the last year or so, and it would feel selfish, they did have feelings for me too to at least some degree i'm fairly sure (the doubt is a struggle), they did want to keep contact and try to at least stay friends because they really enjoyed being around me out of plenty of other options i just couldn't, even though surely by now they would have at least moved on i just wouldn't want to hurt them by bringing it up just because im stuck it feels selfish. idk i think im gunna keep focusing on trying to find a way to think about this and doing some half hearted applications and hoping something happens naturally without my interaction again, this has never worked before but maybe this time.
>>2429235you seem very dreamer core and maybe thats just who you want to be, i kind of resonate with it a bit. i'd like to see some of your art if there's any you'd share here? the topics you said in your other post sort of seem relevant for me in some ways.
>there will always be someone who understands even if it takes a while to find themmaybe but i think after a certain point i wouldn't want it anymore, it's too late, passive observer in life time! idk, nice sentiment though.