File: 1658965405908.jpg (246.1 KB, 1927x1333, VIER PFOTEN_2015-04-27_010-192…)

No. 37093
trannies kill themselves edition
previous thread:
>>>/meta/34548 No. 37108
>>37101Your post was sandwiched right between the sperg's post, it accidentally earned you a permaban. You were immediately unbanned after I saw your appeal, sorry about that. If I were any actual anon that uses this site, I would just avoid posting in /meta/. He is posting CP and honestly, there is no point in talking about him. He enjoys the attention, clearly. Even now, he is posting from several IP addresses acting like different anons that are shocked and appalled by the "paid off jannies".
>>37103As for the deletion of the last thread, it's easier to just mass delete the retard's posts, and apparently one of the IP addresses he used was one that made the last complaints and suggestions threads. Perhaps it will be restored, it had less than 400 replies in it. But I am unable to restore threads. Regardless, he will just continue to sperg if he continues to get attention.
No. 37127
>>37125he has his stupid meltdowns and spams cp everywhere so he’s made a lot of enemies, i tried skimming the kiwi thread on him but it’s filled with so much gay infighting and drama from other people i can barely make sense of it.
>>37126 the male admin of some of the sites the tranny got banned from said in the aforementioned thread that he’s in contact with the owner of lc and other image boards to discuss blaine’s sperging so i assume/hope there is a coordinated effort to get this fuck behind bars
No. 37130
>>37123For now, we are not lifting bans from VPNs.
>>37126To your first question, yes. As for your latter question, if there is any more news about the site or about moderation, it will be coming from admin.
No. 37136
File: 1658967546735.jpeg (10.78 KB, 263x192, 94218AFC-EC10-4B78-8770-0F889A…)

You’re on top of it right now mods, thank you. This is such a headache
No. 37146
File: 1658968861369.jpg (73.11 KB, 411x550, calico means true and honest f…)

>>37130Samefagging to give farmhand a kitten picture to cleanse her palate after all this nonsense. A calico, naturally.
No. 37191
>>37189>Did the tranny create the complaints and suggestions thread?see
>>37108apparently or the same VPN
No. 37204
>>37193sorry for interacting with the moid but i'm laughing so hard at
>Resting IQ of this troon's world, you can charge up IQ points
through sheer willpower
>>37199don't worry
nonny, no one's planning on clicking a weird link in a tranny schizopost. If anyone was thinking about it, they should try concentrating really hard to charge up their IQ points
No. 37240
File: 1658978331827.png (97.1 KB, 756x600, tranny samefag.png)

Your definition of winning is being kicked out of 4 different sites, having a meltdown on a dead board (and then explaining that it was all a DIVERSION) whilst being expose for being a pedophile, all while hiding behind Josh as if hes your friend when he doesnt even know who the fuck you are?
Pic related, you are so stupid you forgot that samefagging is harder with ID's on. inb4 "i meant to do that"
No. 37252
>>37245Im baffled as to why they are still posting here. No one believes them, no one is accepting them, the entire site is disgusted by their appearance, and hes said hes leaving dozens of times.
>>37250Literally the classic pedo cope of "h-hes 18 now!". Fucking disgusting
No. 37274
File: 1658979168156.png (443.16 KB, 459x459, B6XEbNM.png)

Okay guys, he doesnt like his pre ""transition"" pics. So lets post what he considers ACCEPTABLE
No. 37288
>>37284He will never stop. In is sick, pedophillic, deluded mind, the only thing more important than breathing is attention. As long as people keep replying to him he will continue trying to get reactions out of people, with any means necessary, including CP. Best to just ignore and wait for mods to clean it up.
Also if anyone has the contact of kuz, please drop it, I would love to get paid to dunk on trannies all day if thats a real job as blaine would like us to believe
No. 37289
File: 1658979569076.jpg (44.22 KB, 468x510, fc7f9cdcdce66085eb9d25d4d36af7…)

Stop interacting with him unless it's to tell him to kill himself and/or to blow up his delusion of being wanted here in any way.
No. 37330
File: 1658984446912.gif (309.68 KB, 220x223, asdfghjkjhg.gif)

No. 37334
>>37333If Josh banned Elaine just now like she claimed, it leads me to believe he was the Undefault account and that.
Yeah we need to just truce right now with everyone.
No. 37345
File: 1658998536391.png (71.87 KB, 921x160, just add some amphetamines to …)

>>37344Literally the "moments before this post was made" meme,
No. 37374
>>37372>Is not attacked from multiple angles, randomly banned, told to get raped, and can actually think.Is more likely.
Though again, hi cowing is against the rules newfag.
No. 37390
File: 1659006745230.jpeg (25.85 KB, 275x206, 1E97E968-3E8A-4EAD-AFF3-EE29FF…)

He admits that he’s been the embarrassing loser spamming and defending himself in threads. All the evidence is collected here because he won’t stfu. Fuck off tranny
No. 37420
File: 1659010753040.jpeg (142.29 KB, 1500x1120, 635228D2-0B24-40BB-B82B-59A69F…)

I’ll take the ban
No. 37427
Get rid of this fag who keeps screaming WK at any anon who calls them out
>>>/w/233395So tired of these cunts. They have no argument so they resort to just screaming and worrying paragraphs of "WHY ARE YOU DEFENDING THE COW" when every time no one defend a cow.
No. 37495
File: 1659024240317.png (279.97 KB, 489x646, c1d8a93971a195fc31884a73f87b9c…)

No. 37499
File: 1659024472387.jpg (124.67 KB, 826x871, 1653917332072.jpg)

A fucking retard (me) made a thread in the wrong board and it's too late to delete
>>37455 I'm so sorry
No. 37530
File: 1659029243378.jpeg (34.98 KB, 408x612, 7D9A6CF8-66EC-41BD-A686-7A0EEE…)

Leave troon i cast troon begone spell
No. 37536
File: 1659029532723.jpeg (869.96 KB, 1920x1080, 7A44C994-4A10-4D55-AC15-4C1AA4…)

Now is not the time for jokes guys…….
No. 37632
File: 1659034299680.jpeg (282.85 KB, 1170x1398, 3755D3E8-9356-4EC4-A1DA-3F0326…)

No. 37646
>>37641I mean he’s literally screeching about Kuz because Kuz exposed him to be the one posting CP. He’s absolutely a pedo.
Also tranny is still going on OT and Snow in random batches. I’ll keep reporting and not responding mods when I see it. Thank you jannies
No. 37742
>>37724Cut your thighs so we know it's you, you were probably involved in whatever shitshow that got Elaine to do it given how you seem involved in everything else, so it is only fair. Meanwhile being the
victim of abuse as a kid believe it or not does not make you fucking special and does not excuse you looking to pass it on or relive it by watching horrible CSAM images. You can astroturf as nonna nonna nonna all you like but you know in your heart that most of the userbase hopes you die and if they don't go that far they at least hope you leave.
No. 37747
>>37741No I truly think male rape
victims that don't get help then turn into faggot are subhuman lol
No. 37762
>>37752Oh he's definitely a molestation or rape
victim, this is how they act when it's left to fester and rot their brains. Mental illness times a million, men do everything worse. That's the funny part, he actually is just a pathetic little fag who uses sperging on imageboards to distract himself from the memories or unwanted dicks in his ass. Hilarious.
No. 37779
File: 1659038068123.jpeg (98.08 KB, 1668x343, 58E50FED-A8F6-4CEC-A3DA-C91611…)

Jannies I’m not doxing him. This is public other places and he’s posted his own full name all over the Internet. Love you ladies.
Here you go anon. From the government site for weekly warrants near end of 2021
No. 37812
File: 1659038766946.png (583.44 KB, 1200x881, 1639644391454.png)

>>37797I wouldn't be surprised if the autistic bumpfag from the last few months and the troon are one and the same person.
No. 37815
>>37808One of the most surreal things about this saga is how he single-handedly caused people to think that at least relatively speaking Kuz and Mike Thurlow maybe aren't that bad because at least they didn't spam CP.
>>37797lol I was wondering why the front page was all trash threads from like a year ago
No. 37825
>>37806You think any kind of attention is love? You'll pass it off as a joke but the amount of times you equate the too proves you believe it even if you try to convince yourself otherwise. My god that is so sad and pathetic, I'm sure you'd think an HIV positive homeless man raping you in an alley is ~love~ hahahaha I love watching fag rape
victims break down
No. 37904
File: 1659040420545.png (284.17 KB, 611x386, unknown-50.png)

Hey troon, do you remember when you cosigned zoosadism and tried to recruit the monkey sadists for your insane vendettas?
No. 37931
File: 1659040892859.jpg (58.64 KB, 1126x574, Screenshot_54929813.JPG)

Even Blaine's old friends think he's a pedo.
No. 37945
File: 1659041145339.jpg (12.74 KB, 504x158, Screenshot_54929814.JPG)

Blaine's friends laughing at him for spamming our site.
No. 38090
>>38073TBH I would make him a thread but he'd probably like that, on the other hand it might serve as containment.
>>37167>>37176>>37929>>37982these posts give a decent rundown though
No. 38101
>>38090>>38091>>38092>>38093lol mad
but really…it seems like it's all fun and games for him till people clearly set out all the deranged shit he is doing
No. 38115
File: 1659047262639.png (445.85 KB, 828x1792, 8B2FDD4B-D0C7-419F-8ABB-BE6E73…)

(This will set him off too) from his own thread.
No. 38117
File: 1659047383350.png (121.4 KB, 1473x776, B5CD5AC4-02C1-4AD4-8C55-4FC9B1…)

That this behavior isn’t lc specific, he is literally just schizo and crazy.
No. 38119
File: 1659047518586.jpeg (240.27 KB, 828x558, 137232FA-42D4-43EB-A448-3D6DF0…)

Do not engage. Report and ignore
No. 38138
File: 1659050848941.png (475.97 KB, 500x500, 9563007B-09DD-4ADB-8658-E8B5FF…)

No. 38149
are you an anon who hasn't checked in for a while? Wondering what is going on? Well, for the past couple of days, a schizo pedo troon has been having a major episode here on lolcow, mostly on /meta/, /ot/ and the MTF thread. If you have witnessed any of the following:
>sperging about "UH", "Kuz", elaine, and kiwifarms
>CP/monkey torture spams
>anime avatarfagging
>random youtube music links
>complete wordsalads
then you have just spotted the schizo pedo troon. If at any point you see anons arguing with each other over something absolutely incomprehensible and are wondering if you've missed anything important, fear not. That is just the schizo pedo troon samefagging again to try to sir up concern amongst the uninformed. Thankfully, now you are informed. So next time you see any of the above, do your duty and ignore it.
If you see other anons acting confused, copy and paste this Public Service Announcement so that they too, may be informed.
/////This concludes the Public Service Announcement./////
No. 38180
>>38149For the girlies
are you an anon who hasn't checked in for a while? Wondering what is going on? Well, for the past couple of days, a schizo pedo troon has been having a major episode here on lolcow, mostly on /meta/, /ot/ and the MTF thread. If you have witnessed any of the following:
>sperging about "UH", "Kuz", elaine, and kiwifarms>CP/monkey torture spams>anime avatarfagging>random youtube music links>complete wordsalads>complaint about jannies and radfemsthen you have just spotted the schizo pedo troon. If at any point you see anons arguing with each other over something absolutely incomprehensible and are wondering if you've missed anything important, fear not. That is just the schizo pedo troon samefagging again to try to sir up concern amongst the uninformed. Thankfully, now you are informed. So next time you see any of the above, do your duty and ignore it.
If you see other anons acting confused, copy and paste this Public Service Announcement so that they too, may be informed.
/////This concludes the Public Service Announcement./////
Added a tiny bit more
nonnie kek
No. 38202
File: 1659061591842.png (44.67 KB, 442x275, Screenshot from 2022-07-28 22-…)

>>38199Yeah that has been a common refrain of his about how the community is so hostile blah blah blah while pretending to be an oldfag, it's outright gaslighting and trying to undermine the community. I think when he had that brief moment where people at least tolerated him because he was bringing milk really broke his mind, since we are known for being a site that doesn't like troons and can sniff out moidposting he really thinks that if he is tolerated or accepted here then that is so much closer to being a Real Woman(TM). It's laughable but once his behavior started to wear on people that goodwill wore out fast and his reaction to it has been totally psychotic. Picrel is him dropping the mask on 8kun a little while ago, oh so feminine.
No. 38217
File: 1659062609232.jpeg (497.82 KB, 1536x2048, 1645934839748.jpeg)

>>38149Well as a lolcow farm veteran I wanted to let the trannies know that the actual admin of our site is a woman by the name of Shayna Clifford or Dolly Mattel.
Please troglodytes, use your schizo autism to bring this woman to justice.
No. 38228
Here it is again.
For the girlies
are you an anon who hasn't checked in for a while? Wondering what is going on? Well, for the past couple of days, a schizo pedo troon has been having a major episode here on lolcow, mostly on /meta/, /ot/ and the MTF thread. If you have witnessed any of the following:
>sperging about "UH", "Kuz", elaine, and kiwifarms
>CP/monkey torture spams
>anime avatarfagging
>random youtube music links
>complete wordsalads
>complaint about jannies and radfems
then you have just spotted the schizo pedo troon. If at any point you see anons arguing with each other over something absolutely incomprehensible and are wondering if you've missed anything important, fear not. That is just the schizo pedo troon samefagging again to try to sir up concern amongst the uninformed. Thankfully, now you are informed. So next time you see any of the above, do your duty and ignore it.
If you see other anons acting confused, copy and paste this Public Service Announcement so that they too, may be informed.
/////This concludes the Public Service Announcement./////
No. 38237
File: 1659063889673.png (132.4 KB, 760x507, ywnhxc.png)

No. 38255
File: 1659070547193.png (591.89 KB, 795x541, kmjhgfdfghjkh.png)

No. 38273
>>38252This is gross information nobody needed to know. And I most definitely believe he was raped, probably by his dad or teacher. Most scrote rape “
victims” become rapists actually.
>>38149why is he obsessed with elaine? (I’ll pretend I know who he or she is)
No. 38275
>>38272Are you completely retarded? He is using a VPN, perma-banning him is not possible because he can just switch his IP to a new one. It literally does nothing. All they are doing by handing out 2 year bans and perma-bans to him is preventing other people who use the same VPN service from posting on here. If he's feeling in the mood he will just get every single VPN IP perma-banned and then nobody using that same VPN service can post here anymore.
Honestly with that mods were not technically illiterate morons on here.
No. 38277
>>38276It's just what you have to deal with when you are using an anonymous imageboard. Either admin needs to completely revamp how this site works, making it less anonymous and working on software that can fingerprint someones browser to more effectively ban someone than just IP-banning, or you are just going to have to learn to ignore these shit-stirring posters.
Banning all VPN IP's and telling people who have paid money for their VPN service to just "use something else" is NOT the answer. The issue is that an actual solution would require admin to actually put work into this website and do some long overdo updates and fixes. The site hasn't been changed for like 10 years. The administration for this place just sucks and is lazy and mods can't really do anything about it. But what they are currently doing is clearly not working and completely retarded and affecting innocent posters.
No. 38286
>>38284I don’t care. I could get theirs too.
>>38285Nah it’s just annoying, mostly whinging about that Blaine retard and again cbf right now.
No. 38292
>>38288The kneejerk paranoia is understood. I’m just saying grabbing ips is an extremely easy task.
>>38290That post was 100% not mine and I do not agree with that retarded sentiment in any way. I was baffled by that post but didn’t feel the need to respond, and am only responding to this because I do not want any sort of affiliation with it.
No. 38293
>>38149Thank you,
nonnie, I was seriously so confused, I love you and I'm sending you good vibes and your favorite food.
No. 38299
File: 1659108503082.jpg (297.08 KB, 1080x1030, Screenshot_20220729-082557_Fir…)

>>38294Samefag, because they also think shit like this isn't nitpicking lol complaining she took barrets out of her hair. These anons do this is all these /w/ threads but claim the Velle thread gets all themoderating. Nitpicking is nitpicking and its not just one anon whos been annoyed about this low effort posting and non-milk. It's like the nitpickers don't know what milk is at all.
Look at how many threads have been gone through because of just this useless posting and then reposting their angry bans about whiteknights in the threads too. Mods need to do something.
No. 38304
File: 1659108646199.jpg (536.46 KB, 1080x1598, Screenshot_20220729-083007_Fir…)

>>38299Even mods confirmed in the ban its the retarded Nicole-fag making collages. The oy anon who keeps posting them in the same save formats every time too
No. 38334
Belle thread needs help
>>>/w/233697>>>/w/233701>>>/w/233703Derailing and one of them ban evading. They are so mad they can't nitpick and edit photos/collages
No. 38356
Mods, enough with this ban evader. This is out of hand at this point.
>>>/w/233745 Acting like that scrote invading meta.
No. 38393
File: 1659124379835.jpeg (127.11 KB, 828x266, FF120050-7F2E-4419-B2F4-2651C3…)

No. 38395
File: 1659124416563.jpeg (266.2 KB, 828x492, 001620E9-2974-418E-9BA1-9129EF…)

No. 38418
>>38373Also leaving bait in the Ahripop thread too
>>>/w/ 233763
This poster is a schizo, legit.
No. 38436
File: 1659130182483.png (344.28 KB, 640x326, 93f11bf00dc8638b342cf7c5909984…)

>>38340I 'member that
Acting like is the key words there
>>38356 frankly how some people were slow to the draw on this is hilarious because I just had to sit back on this one and watch everything go. Buncha clout chasing drama whores.
Just give it a week
>>38433Pic for those quoted below.
>>38391>>38388>>38393>>38395>>38371>>38369>>38366>>38363>>38358 No. 38441
>>38418>>38373Seriously, you are mentally ill. You always assume anyone who is critical of your favorite cows is ban-evading or nitpicking or whatever. Don't you have anything better to do than cry about some bait in AHRIPOP's thread? You've been posting about things that make you reee in Ahripop's thread and I have to say, man, that talentless "catgirl" is a new low for you. Take a rest from this site - certainly you have a job? or some kids? It's hard to imagine the latter because it seems like you cannot understand this site or control your feelings on here. Everything is about you, and what you think is right. Even while CP is being posted by a psychotic scrote, you are whining about Ahripop and Sharla&Chris, asking for permabans.
Before you tell me I'm a ban-evading scrote, I'm a woman, I've never ban-evaded and my last ban was probably 7 months ago for an hour. I haven't posted about Ahripop in a long time, and never about Sharla/Chris.
No. 38443
>>38441That poster is being a whiny newfag trying to trick a farmhand into being their bully stick but frankly, it's so fucking dumb as this point because oldfags just wait for their reports and complain about the people who complain in this thread. Zoomers are all mainlining meth and need to slow down and think sometimes, buncha fucking pick mes nonna.
Ah well, their time is coming.
No. 38478
File: 1659143766759.jpeg (6.84 KB, 275x183, women laugh small.jpeg)

> Josh … listens
No. 38494
File: 1659146198966.jpeg (53.4 KB, 639x639, whitney dabbing on the haters.…)

are you an anon who hasn't checked in for a while? Wondering what is going on? Well, for the past couple of days, a schizo pedo troon has been having a major episode here on lolcow, mostly on /meta/, /ot/ and the MTF thread. If you have witnessed any of the following:
>sperging about "UH", "Kuz", elaine, and kiwifarms
>CP/monkey torture spams
>anime avatarfagging
>random youtube music links
>complete wordsalads
>complaint about jannies and radfems
then you have just spotted the schizo pedo troon. If at any point you see anons arguing with each other over something absolutely incomprehensible and are wondering if you've missed anything important, fear not. That is just the schizo pedo troon samefagging again to try to sir up concern amongst the uninformed. Thankfully, now you are informed. So next time you see any of the above, do your duty and ignore it.
If you see other anons acting confused, copy and paste this Public Service Announcement so that they too, may be informed.
/////This concludes the Public Service Announcement./////
No. 38514
If you needed any more proof that the people this tranny goes on rants about are innocent and he is just a sperg:
He posted this thread today, on one of kuzs many imageboards, in his usual samefag tone. it he tried to recruit kuz's help to wage war against us because he believes that we are part of a pedophile cult thats blackmailing the admin. So before, kuz is a dangerous, evil pedophile and site destroyer who cant be trusted, but the moment its convenient, the tranny tries to cozy up to him, and now that it didnt work, he goes straight back to calling him a pedophile.
Never trust a word out of this trannies mouth, like most men, he manipulates and abuses people like tools to get what he wants, and when it fails, blames them for his own shortcomings.
No. 38518
File: 1659148619611.jpeg (107.41 KB, 1099x316, kuz.jpeg)

No. 38557
are you an anon who hasn't checked in for a while? Wondering what is going on? Well, for the past couple of days, a schizo pedo troon has been having a major episode here on lolcow, mostly on /meta/, /ot/ and the MTF thread. If you have witnessed any of the following:
>sperging about "UH", "Kuz", elaine, and kiwifarms
>CP/monkey torture spams
>anime avatarfagging
>random youtube music links
>complete wordsalads
>complaint about jannies and radfems
>laughable larping as an oldfag and misuse of lcf lingo
>running gayops on himself like doxing his own family members in hopes of framing others
then you have just spotted the schizo pedo troon. If at any point you see anons arguing with each other over something absolutely incomprehensible and are wondering if you've missed anything important, fear not. That is just the schizo pedo troon samefagging again to try to sir up concern amongst the uninformed. Thankfully, now you are informed. So next time you see any of the above, do your duty and ignore it.
If you see other anons acting confused, copy and paste this Public Service Announcement so that they too, may be informed.
/////This concludes the Public Service Announcement./////
copypasta updated get your fresh copypasta
No. 38564
File: 1659160429003.jpeg (462.67 KB, 1170x1005, D33D9DF3-99F2-4392-904E-D1005D…)

No. 38571
>>38564first he threatens to shoot people up and now he wants to do a suicide bombing
on top of the saving and distributing cp plus ddosing websites isn't this more than enough to land him in jail? I hope law enforcement gets involved if they're not already
No. 38605
File: 1659169974780.jpeg (164.83 KB, 595x740, 2D304B90-224A-4D7F-9654-A5DE86…)

There is some absolute nutcase in the phone addiction thread accusing people of being scrotes for posting this pic, telling people “you glow”. Can we ban them? They just want to shit up the thread, cause drama and derail.
No. 38609
>>38604Maybe it’s the same one trying to get the phone addiction thread shut down for being a “Scrote thread” because they’re so enormously
triggered by this
>>38605 No. 38635
File: 1659171705414.jpg (115.23 KB, 974x513, IMG_20220730_115800.jpg)

Actual threaths against a person, could this be reported to actual authorities? Posting here just so the lurking KF'ers see it too >>>/ot/1283049
No. 38650
File: 1659172221454.jpeg (103.47 KB, 418x317, ACA7D813-EB97-4CE5-ACA6-87602C…)

>>38635Wtf are these word salads?
Mods please ban this cunt whatever they are.
No. 38658
File: 1659177882473.jpeg (336.9 KB, 552x993, B18A22B8-0120-43DE-9C4B-C41E0B…)

Banned for this post I didn’t make. From 2016 so idgi. I sent an email it was already appealed apparently.
No. 38660
Thank you based farmhands.
>>38658If you have a dynamic ip (one that changes weekly) or a sim card internet connection, you sometimes catch old bans from other people like this. I had it happen too.
No. 38666
Anon mad they have to following posting rules on an imageboard
>>>/w/233893 so tired of these anons bitching when its one of the main rules.
No. 38686
File: 1659199614647.jpg (19.67 KB, 259x275, Sexy blessed Leon.JPG)

Moids and the schizo tranny afoot. Be alert
No. 38691
>>38687Schizo tranny and his three discord friends are raiding.
Tranny has
>an obsession with Elaine and Mike. Whoever the fucking kiwi thread on snow was for them. Elaine now wants nothing to do with him and was whining on Kiwi three days ago or some shit. >>been banned from Kiwi, been banned from soyjak. >>is a schizo who samefags for hours straight.>>had a warrant end of last year in Minnesota for theft >>cp raided other image boards and then tried to convince everyone it’s who ever in his head he thinks is the villain >>he’s over 29 and his parents changed the Wi-Fi password No. 38695
>>37108 (farmhand post)
>>37176 ( a long one but goes a bit in depth and yes it is retarded)
>>37325 (farmhand post)
No. 38716
File: 1659203400231.png (184.31 KB, 1144x848, what in the actual schizophren…)

>>>/snow/1554657Schizotroon did a good job posting his own thread (The Rachel thread.) Now that he's been here for days, and schizzing out, his mannerisms, names he uses and refers to, his avatarfagging, and his terminology, are all just archived in this thread. Reading through this you notice that he's been talking to himself or other discord scrotes (if they are even real) and literally made a thread of .. nothing. Just actual schizophrenic nothing.
No. 38848
File: 1659211060593.jpg (56.36 KB, 894x894, sexyleon.jpg)

>>37093as long as u leave my nonnies alone pedo troon
No. 38914
File: 1659214174718.gif (Spoiler Image,311.08 KB, 498x318, ineedagfineedagfineedagf.gif)

can you tell me what this thing that happened in the news today means?
No. 39006
File: 1659219876683.jpg (7.11 KB, 355x236, 0b34ec7419c551e3f8a28bebd56669…)

Holy mental illness, how high are the suicide rates for male schizos? Let's hope he goes out without hurting anybody else.
No. 39077
File: 1659223752071.jpeg (178.07 KB, 1166x1180, A32C0C06-8C78-4FBA-B3BD-F5A6F2…)

>This dude role playing as himself and his enemy rn
No. 39111
File: 1659224666362.jpeg (45.7 KB, 800x534, 6A532CF6-75A1-4AC2-AC01-E74602…)

No. 39115
File: 1659224748828.jpeg (235.32 KB, 1382x1565, 1659222733089.jpeg)

hhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahaha his moustache
No. 39134
File: 1659225184368.jpeg (193.07 KB, 828x599, FDA8E7A2-4FAE-4482-9E4C-777250…)

No. 39138
File: 1659225223892.jpeg (360.94 KB, 828x1099, 027D3C99-A7A5-45C7-B7B6-DC833F…)

>>39134One Ip was banned and the other wasn’t so the “bot replies” and youtube videos are still up. Ip hopping
No. 39141
>>39137Samefagging to add that those people from metokur forum who were on his "squad" were all him too if it wasn't obvious.
>>39139that was me deleting my own post because I forgot to sage you gaslighting degenerate
No. 39150
File: 1659225963632.png (1.62 MB, 1382x1565, image_2022_07_31T00_00_49_640Z…)

here it's less darkened and you still look like a man
No. 39194
>>39184He even subtly announced that the porn spam is his in
>>>/ot/1283849Peak y chromosome in action.
No. 39294
File: 1659241488246.jpg (40.83 KB, 700x525, cuties.jpg)

Thank you, farmhands.
No. 39394
File: 1659312878366.jpeg (116.5 KB, 700x394, FEF4F926-06F8-4FD7-8E34-A587BC…)

No. 39426
The copypasta has grown BTW
are you an anon who hasn't checked in for a while? Wondering what is going on? Well, for the past couple of days, a schizo pedo troon has been having a major episode here on lolcow, mostly on /meta/, /ot/ and the MTF thread. If you have witnessed any of the following:
>sperging about "UH", "Kuz", elaine, and kiwifarms
>CP/monkey torture spams
>anime avatarfagging
>random youtube music links
>complete wordsalads
>complaint about jannies and radfems
>laughable larping as an oldfag and misuse of lcf lingo
>running gayops on himself like doxing his own family members in hopes of framing others
then you have just spotted the schizo pedo troon. If at any point you see anons arguing with each other over something absolutely incomprehensible and are wondering if you've missed anything important, fear not. That is just the schizo pedo troon samefagging again to try to sir up concern amongst the uninformed. Thankfully, now you are informed. So next time you see any of the above, do your duty and ignore it.
If you see other anons acting confused, copy and paste this Public Service Announcement so that they too, may be informed.
/////This concludes the Public Service Announcement./////
The copypasta has grown BTW
No. 39433
>>39428it gets an angry response from him almost instantly every single time it's posted
his bingo card seemed to make him angry too kek
No. 39444
File: 1659318432095.jpeg (72.1 KB, 828x452, 2D28CB62-28B5-41BB-838C-151077…)

from the rapeape pedotroons twitter
he's also making rape threats on his 8kun thread
idk if admin/mods are in contact with authorities regarding him but I will post on the off chance these may be used as evidence or something
I'll go back to reporting and ignoring him after this
No. 39445
File: 1659318471187.jpeg (145.49 KB, 828x662, 901577C2-ADA9-4EF1-9A96-5B7211…)

>>39444last one, he is a nazi apparently
No. 39452
File: 1659319354868.jpeg (141.9 KB, 1170x472, CD50FBDE-5AC8-47DC-BD38-C2C779…)

No. 39454
File: 1659319439586.jpeg (459.04 KB, 1170x1040, 43688FD2-7419-442B-96A7-35A249…)

>>39452>>39451you’re a self admitted monkey torture porn consumer who defends other zoosadists, blaine, and the sheer thousands of posts you’ve made on 0chan backs this up along with your own admission
No. 39457
File: 1659319866311.jpeg (763.04 KB, 1170x1834, 9B15C811-09BC-4FCD-9BF3-2A6F89…)

>>39456i have no idea why admins won’t disable vpns. it would fix the issue presumably but maybe i’m missing something. this is his life
No. 39462
>>39457it looks like he either runs or has access to a twitter account called fairsinfocenter too
I think he does on twitter what he does here: pretends like he is multiple different people all at once and talks to himself nonstop
No. 39481
Mods, wtf is this shit?
>>>/w/234431 [this anon is claiming Belle's friends would rape her given the chance, like wtf] and then they posted this stupid shit:
>>>/w/234402>>>/w/234401Can their bans stop being expired? All they do is post shit like this all the time and derails.
No. 39516
Anon trying to create a race sperg infight by baiting by calling other anins "WK" as per the usual samefag poster from /w/
>>>/w/234523Anons keep trying to twist shit into racist discussions.
No. 39526
>>39516no, YOU are racebaiting by asserting shit like "asian men are stoic." And everyone except some unsaged idiot disagrees with you. So keep reeing, you're weird and your posts are insanely easy to clock.
>usual samefag posterPlease point out my posts, then? I haven't samefagged ever. If I ever post twice in a row, I write it in my post.
No. 39563
are you an anon who hasn't checked in for a while? Wondering what is going on? Well, for the past couple of days, a schizo pedo troon has been having a major episode here on lolcow, mostly on /meta/, /ot/ and the MTF thread. If you have witnessed any of the following:
>sperging about "UH", "Kuz", elaine, and kiwifarms
>CP/monkey torture spams
>anime avatarfagging
>random youtube music links
>complete wordsalads
>complaint about jannies and radfems
>laughable larping as an oldfag and misuse of lcf lingo
>running gayops on himself like doxing his own family members in hopes of framing others
then you have just spotted the schizo pedo troon. If at any point you see anons arguing with each other over something absolutely incomprehensible and are wondering if you've missed anything important, fear not. That is just the schizo pedo troon samefagging again to try to sir up concern amongst the uninformed. Thankfully, now you are informed. So next time you see any of the above, do your duty and ignore it.
If you see other anons acting confused, copy and paste this Public Service Announcement so that they too, may be informed.
/////This concludes the Public Service Announcement./////
No. 39569
File: 1659385739899.jpeg (1012.61 KB, 1600x1200, Miku.jpeg)

YWNBAW. You will never fit in. Men always fail at trying to LARP. Give it up. Your posts stick out no matter what thread you're in because you're an XY. Even the fattiest, ugliest woman will always be more of a woman than you ever will be. kys
No. 39572
A comprehensive long list of things the rapist pedo schizo troon says and does (feel free to add onto it):
>mask off
>pedo ring/pedo jannies/jannies posting cp/admin is male/jannies are male (basically any raging hatred and accusations regarding site staff)
>admin is being blackmailed
>pretends blaine and erika are different people
>links to other imageboards and sketchy websites
>shits on fire/sites fucked
>talks about elaine/rachel/null(josh)/michael or other irrelevant kiwifags
>you're going down
>I will expose you
>refers to himself using the wrong pronouns (calls himself she or they despite being male)
>complaining about kuz and soyjak
>something real is going on
>this is insane/crazy/huge
>random youtube song links and/or random lyric dumps
>anime avatarfagging (usually with pedo anime characters, sometimes with final fantasy ones)
>misuse of sites lingo
>asking or demanding to be a mod/janny/admin
>replying to one of his posts with the same lingo and typing style (samefagging)
>posts cp and then is immediately around to complain about cp he posted
>threatens to kill/rape people
>asks to be unbanned
>mentions his vpns
>refers to himself as erika
>posts ugly pic of his thighs and covered bulge
>spergs about porn and his creepy fetish stuff
>tries to get people to post hand pics
>larps as being a csa survivor
>randomly talks about his sister
>posts /pol/tier nazi and pepe pics
>conspiracies about blackmailing, abuse, pedo rings
>constantly mentions kiwifarms
>I proved it/here's the proof
>you're killing this website/this website is dead because of you/this website is dying
>pro tranny/pro scrote posts (trannies have always been welcome/men can post here if they want/etc)
>schizobabble about being a witch/magic spells/hexes
>says he is a tranny not a troon (and other weird tranny infighting stuff)
>uses sexist insults (calls women whores, cunts, bitches, roasties, etc)
>complaining about jews and nonwhites
>refers to women as "natal women" or "cis women"
>god complex spergouts
>hates on radfems and gcs
>says he is gnc
>talks about his ugly troon dick
>sniffed out
>it was rigged/I rigged it
>I win/I won/I'm winning
>mentions flamenco or undefault or naught
>bbc spam
>bought off janny/paid off janny
>this is why people never use this site
>whines about "transphobes"
>says he is doing damage control
>talks about owning guns and/or threatens to use them
>weird obsession with russia
>pretends he has some greater plan
>randomly counts down (ie 6 days left, 6 hours left)
>so much proof
>look at these connections/all the connections
>you're screwed/it's over
>pressed/keeping you pressed
>I timed it/it was timed
>pretends he's doing this to waste someones time
if you see posts that contain any of these it's the ban evading pedophile tranny, do not reply to him, simply report and ignore
No. 39577
File: 1659386383291.jpeg (134.3 KB, 1242x1288, here they come.jpeg)

He's accusing people of being a janny. Keep reporting kek he's upset.
No. 39609
File: 1659388930578.jpg (342.67 KB, 1080x885, Screenshot_20220801-172237_Chr…)

No. 39634
File: 1659390302576.jpg (56.2 KB, 627x319, 1650199766501.jpg)

>>39572Absolute 10/10 work, including the mentioned things in the replies. You nailed it.
No. 39713
>posts horrible shit>"I didn't post that">believes women will believe this gaslightingin other words DARVO
No. 39744
>>39742That depends on which service you use and its ToS. Regardless, posting online will always have some sort of risk. It's like asking, "I've had my front door opened this entire time, what difference does it make if I close it now?" Any measure makes a difference. Sooner is better than never.
I've been here for years and I've seen how "anons" have gotten exposed when the whole point of this website is to be anonymous. I'm not saying that you need to start using Tor or something everytime you log on to your computer. Just don't be stupid, don't powerlevel on lc, and use a VPN.
No. 39758
File: 1659451371014.png (334.53 KB, 717x808, Screenshot_20220802-163147.png)

Mod of /w/:
what the fuck. why is this "nitpicking" and why should it be saged? The ultimate yellowfacer mocking people calling her out. That's milk, and fine.
Other mods, you're ok with this mod violating the rules of this site to protect certain weeby women? This post would never get a ban in a thread that wasn't about an "attractive" cow in /w/.
And no, it's not my post.
No. 39759
>>39558assuming you’re posting in good faith and you’re not the troon trying to defend his agenda, i don’t post anything identifying nor do i post anything super controversial so my posts and ip are worthless to mods, and i can’t think of a single time mods here leaked the ips of random innocent users. like you said without “”powerleveling”” it’s not like you’re going to draw attention to yourself. you shouldn’t be posting anything identifiable and there’s no way you can actually track someone’s address with an ip especially considering so many ips are shared.
4chan and other huge image boards can vpns for good reason: pedos and schizos and spammers. we happen to have 3 in 1 in our hands right now
No. 39776
Please clean up the Jog thread. Its out of control, anons are taking it as their cue to spam shit in replies like
>ROFL LOLOLOLCome on and then these autists clearly trying to bait:
>>>/w/235095>>>/w/235090>>>/w/235082 (keeps saying this every time proof of cheating is asked for, everyone is a "STAN" now instead of a "WK")
They really don't want mods to step in. Its clear they aren't over 18.
No. 39780
Anon is trying to get main discussion mass reported because no1 wants to talk about this make believe cheating situation because anons are ITT defending someone who isn't even a jvlogger and with not a single ounce of cheating proof.
>>>/w/235110This thread is fucking filled with kids istg
No. 39785
>>39781This is Meta
>>39782Proof. Post proof. Idc if she knows them and once dated, post an inkling of cheating minus your biased speculation because it seems to be derailing just because it makes good milk and discussion but there is no discussion without proof. This is a gossio site, but there are rules. If you can't follow milk posting, then maybe KF is better for you. They don't ask for proof there.
No. 39795
>>39794This is meta. Complaints go here. Do you have a complaint for the moderation team or are you trying to use a second thread as an infighting soapbox for you when anins bring the complaints here? I brought my complaints here. You being mad anons are using this thread for its intended purpose shows who is minimodding. Go outside.
You're even derailing ITT on /w/ about anons going to meta. Derailing 2 threads.
>>>/w/235125 No. 39799
File: 1659457097316.jpeg (129.94 KB, 828x417, 4457221C-33A7-4EA1-81B9-14FF51…)

>>39798Nta but here is how to report
No. 39801 it possible to get a mod to look into the incoming traffic from cow's subreddit?
An anon catches a jvlogger in a lie about when his relationship started that may have overlapped with his previous one, anons immediately begin spamming the thread about his ex-girlfriend in attempt to derail, and whenever the lie is referenced, also immediately make repetitive comments about how the lie isn't "milk" and shouldn’t be discussed, or that anons are being parasocial by pointing out the lie, repeatedly make comments addressing the ex, repeatedly talk about how cute or in love the current couple is. The thread has been referenced by fans of the jvlogger on his subreddit and on twitter, and past comments from his subreddit and the friend of his current gilfriend's IG also mirror comments made in the thread.
No. 39809
>>39804Not just browsing. Sharla revealed herself and posted on PULL.
>>39805Sorry, slipped my mind.
No. 39815
>>39746It's only weird if you're a normie that overshares and has little regard to privacy. Obviously the jannies aren't going to track you down to your street address, but this "nothing to hide" bullshit only comes from normies that don't have a clue about working a computer. You don't have to use a VPN if you don't want to, but it's not that complicated to install one and it's better than not using one at all. Even using cellular data is better than nothing. I just want to forewarn you that jannies have abused their powers in the past here and on other platforms in order to shame their userbase. You wouldn't want other nonnies to dunk on you for sharing personal shit on /ot/ if worse comes to worse.
>>39747I'm not the tranny, you absolute schizo. VPNs are not the obscure l33t h4cker technology that you think it is. You newfags are literally fucking retarded
No. 39825
>>39820Yeah because what's the point? The current issue with this website is not the VPNs and never was; it's the lack of moderation and general reclusiveness of the administration. Raids and general schizo troonery was not as much of an issue 5 years ago as it is now. What you're suggesting was never going to happen to begin with on account of our deadbeat admin, and the old admins would have never considered making such a braindead decision and sacrifice the foundational anonymity of this website.
>>39821All of what you said is true, but I would still recommend veering on the side of caution and start using a VPN out of habit. Besides the rogue janny thing that I've been going on about, some cows have been known place IP trackers on links posted to this website, and another cow had once requested the IP addresses of users who were posting in her thread (which I think Ian [old admin] had actually given her). It takes me all of 5 seconds to change a VPN address, so it's not an onerous task or anything. If you seldom post or click links, then I could understand why you wouldn't see the big deal about VPNs and browsing lc
Anyway, I'm not going to keep up this volley. I only recommended that anons use a VPN when they post here. Take it or leave it, that's it. Stop acting like schizo faggots by assuming everyone who shares an interest in something is the same person, even when the typing style is different.
No. 39857
>>39851>>39853I have a strong feeling you are the troon but in the offchance you actually are not -
there is likely more than one scrote posting cp yes but the schizo troon definitely has been posting some lately too
mods here plus the soyjak admin confirmed he posted some and he was spamming that monkey torture site with cp, he also has indirectly admitted to it a few times
aside from the cp it's definitely been him posting schizobabble lately - he runs like 8 twitter accounts where he larps as different people and harasses various kiwifags on alongside him shitting up imageboards and has been doing this for like a year now, he is truly insane and dedicates his every waking moment to raging about his schizo delusions across various sites and harassing random people he has decided are his "enemies"
No. 39868
>>39862>>39864why the kf obsession? most people who frequent this site hate kf and do not have an account
>>39865no idea but it seems like most of his accounts were created to get around being blocked by kiwis/cows so he could continue to harass and obsess over them
very creepy scrote behavior
No. 39876
>>39869ok that is reasonable, but I have no idea how to use the site nor have an account so someone else here will have to do it instead
>>39871definitely at least some posts are him, the weird samefagging below you 100% sounds like him
No. 39913
>dick chasing/mentioning male genitalia/tranny chasingand kek yeah I wasn't expecting him to start up again from that but in a way it's good since more of his ips will get banned once mods show up
No. 40071
>>40068"post calling her a horse face" is where Belle reveals her income. I don't get what you mean by Tweets though?
Thread doesn't even include physical appearance stuff like her botched surgeries or boob implants yet you think it's all "cherry picked vendetta posts"? You have to calm down about the Belle thread.
No. 40076
>>40068Also samefagging but this sentence,
>Mussing bio info with links to certain posts than anon misrepresented via green text because it adds to their out of context milk from updates.What the fuck is this lol
No. 40099
>>40094Yes, but the WK also needs to get banned, which never happens. They are sperging in the new Belle thread about irrelevant stuff, like Belle having big feet??? No one even mentioned that there wtf.
>>40096Sus anon
No. 40104
>>40099As if you guys aren't derailing about her feet
>>>/w/235474>>>/w/235335>>>/w/235385>>>/w/235309>>>/w/235257>>>/w/235307And the retarded zoom in that started it because the Nicole/Belle-fag cannot help but keep doing these stupid posts and when called out goes apeshit about how its all a plot by mods against them
>>>/w/235167Look at a those nitpicks, mods. Arguments over feet size lol really trying to decipher size based on close up zoomed in autustic AF photos. You guys really argue this is milky
No. 40106
>>40104They were referring to the milk by Belle who called her feet "tiny" for her pedopandering post, so anons made fun of her. They also had nothing to do with the new thread, you just wanted an excuse to derail it. New thread had no appearance nitpicking before you tried to start it.
You are more obsessed with Belle's feet than anyone else. You keep bringing it up here and on Belle threads. That's weird…
No. 40111
>>40109So it's okay to derail the new thread? What's your point?
Also new threads are encouraged after around 1100 posts, you don't have to wait until it gets locked down to make a new one. New threads were never linked in Belle threads before.
No. 40122
>>37093It's not "
infighting", anon. He's an
outsider and always will be.
No. 40136
File: 1659556041159.jpeg (1.05 MB, 879x1743, 9E4B1F2A-BFD7-4735-AAD4-3438A5…)

>>40135a face not even a mother could love
No. 40246
File: 1659582917723.jpg (47.81 KB, 540x373, excuse me.jpg)

Thank you for cleaning his posts up, jannies. Sorry I used to call you trannies.
No. 40287
File: 1659598144798.png (215.5 KB, 429x557, lmao.png)

please identify Rachel's posts in her own thread like Kiki's Creepshow's, and mystery's.
example of milk delivered straight to here, deserves to be visible
No. 40297
Mods, the collage-anon is back to posting edited photos of Belle. They got a ban for making collages so now they are resulting to just posting their autistic zoom ins and still editing them.
>>>/w/235823The original is even in the thread and they claim they didn't edit it. The fucking eyeliner is missing lol Why the fuck do they keep posting this personally edited shit? it's so stupid to edit milk.
No. 40358
>>40357just ignore him, he's a schizophrenic women-hating pedophile tranny who deserves no replies, let him samefag and talk to himself like he usually does
>>39572 for help identifying his posts
No. 40378
File: 1659611903015.jpg (82.88 KB, 1080x408, 1658606851936.jpg)

>>40372No, no matter how much you beg.
No. 40414
File: 1659642779849.png (83.71 KB, 1058x332, unknown.png)

Idk about this cow Venus but the planet hangs over your rival. Neptune hangs over the scrotejaks.
Both will be consumed.
Mars shall see to it.
No. 40416
File: 1659642888634.jpg (45.45 KB, 500x726, b33dfb07f7a3f77901655e7a512eea…)

All you humans are inferior to me, yet I do not slaughter you do I?
Not until you cross me.
Be the same with those you call sub-human and show not your hate on your sleeve, it is unbecoming and only allows your target to prepare. I call my shots to induce specific fear.
As I feed off it.
Your soul is mine scrote.
No. 40423
File: 1659643188125.jpg (185.91 KB, 300x404, 189110425-300-144931.jpg)

Or from the shallow web pup
Now be a good dog and say woof
No. 40428
File: 1659643933361.jpg (96.27 KB, 1200x797, moon_man_feat1.jpg)

Kek you think I'm a shit skin? Herr Erika? Pluto, Death? Queen of degenerates?
Sounds like you guys have schizophrenia and hey look that's 3.
No. 40429
File: 1659644039750.jpg (168.66 KB, 700x753, Grell-Sutcliff-grell-sutcliffe…)

Or any wifi on my street I'm in Chicago sooooo ya can't stop me and staff doesn't want to, they just get upsetti spaghetti when I give away things. Because they're cats.
No. 40522
>>40519a schizophrenic pedophile tranny from kiwifarms has been spending every waking moment around the clock spamming, talking to himself (samefagging), posting cp, making death and rape threats and shitting up every single board
he uses vpns to ban evade
>>39572 for help recognizing his posts
No. 40525
>>40519We literally have to wait for certain times for one of the farm hands to clean it up. Threads got what up in with infighting and nonnas taking tranny bait.
>>39572 because he also talks to himself. Now he’s on a weird Indian hate train. Idk I’m tired
No. 40538
File: 1659657495037.jpg (88.24 KB, 570x806, il_570xN.1473220486_myp8.jpg)

Racism is retarded and there is no way to tell ethnicity based off opinion alone.
No. 40546
>>40542sad but I agree
where is that anon who claimed to be working on a lc spinoff? I remember seeing a bunch of posts about it a few threads ago
anyone heard any updates since then?
No. 40683
File: 1659671045277.jpg (443.41 KB, 1080x1514, Screenshot_20220804-204332_Fir…)

Retarded anon is nitpicking again in this stupid HimeAhri thread. Same anon who keeps shitposting in the Belle thread.
Why can't you guys permaban them? Being bilingual and reading a book in your native language isn't milk.
>>>/w/235593 No. 40684
>>40590They let the Belle-fags run /w/. They nitpick in Lori, Ahri, Nicole, Venus, Taylor, Belle, Lolita, and Jvlog threads that we've seen.
4 of those threads have clear redtexts that its specific posters from other threads. Mods need to ban these anons permanently. Idk about the mod team or other anons, but all these threads are ran through so fast. They treat the threads like chatrooms and the tinfoil is just so garbage, Belle thread has the collage-anon editing shut and calling it milk again, nitpicking Ahri's English book, complaining that Taylor said "HK" when referring to a drink as if thats milk.. like wtf
Mods. /w/ is basically /ot/ now.
No. 41183
>>41051mods need to deal with this. the entire board is full of his posts and they aren't removing any of them because they can't be bothered to mod anything but the drama boards, and they do a shit job with those as well. he's a true schizophrenic so he isn't going to leave on his own. everyone else will before he does.
hire some more mods/janis or get your shit together admin-sama