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File: 1659021975995.png (542.77 KB, 2400x2070, 01_The-Most-Hated-Brands_World…)

No. 37455

Inspired by >>>/m/221721

Companies or products you will not support and buy, for whatever reasons you may have. Bad actions and business practices, questionable ethics, shoddy quality or just bad personal experiences, anything goes. Please mention your reasons, and post sources if available.

No. 37459

File: 1659022086519.png (298.56 KB, 596x843, mini_magick20190211-27588-14s7…)

Nestle is a pretty common one people boycott - they own over 8000 brands, so avoiding them requires quite the effort


No. 38164

I wonder if anon has realized she posted this on the wrong board yet

No. 38264

I did, I posted about it on the suggestion thread and reported my own post too but nothing yet. Now this is here to shame me forever!

No. 38266

Moved to >>>/ot/1281779.

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