File: 1656003798645.jpeg (106.99 KB, 716x935, lolcowuprising2.jpeg)

No. 1569894
>>>/snow/1554657Last Thread
Rachel's KF Thread:'s (as of this thread's creation) Current LCF Thread:
>>>/snow/1561022Purpose: To contain off topic Rachel junk, her orbiters and their fights, cows found during Rachel's activities, memes, slapfights about trannies, etc.
Summary of last Thread:
>We find out that larping as other's is something Michael and his scrote personal army does, alongside spamming bugvagina and gore, and other things of a nature to evoke some reaction to the 14 year old edge he never grew out of(see his photobucket).>Regina and the pet tranny stop slapfighting, well more accurately, their simps stop.>Mike gives some primo photoshop pictures and memes spew forth.>Tinfoiling about bullshit, mainly figuring out that surprise, Burnbook and the pet tranny have nothing to do with Mike's group.>Mike larps and deflects as various people with Elaine also joining in on the 'fun', solidifying their cow army that formed.>Naught attacks the discord tranny, tranny dumps Naught's secrets about getting fucked up the ass, naturally.>Moralfag is brought up a bit, he inserted himself into many poo touchings to get some lukewarm ass takes and cheer on someone for pizza spamming someone's house, a complete sped.>Thread whiplash occurs as this cycle forms for a while;>Everyones Erika and everyone (okay like 2 people) hates her>Everyones a kiwi>Everyones spooky>Everyones Mike (besides the obvious ones)>Everyones chill>Rinse, Repeat>Cycle eventually dies down.>Nonnies suss out who on .org are in on Mike's gayoping cow army, a few members quickly jump ship but in particular Sigsev and Nohull double down on the butthurt and defending their pedophile friends Naught and Mike.>Kengle ages 20 years as he gets pulled into tranny discord drama where he is on the side of literal pedophiles.>Epic Fail Man starts a personal army thread in True and Honest over at Kiwifarms against Spookybones, fails, gets dunked on.>Troll teams crawl out of the woodwork to sog into the conflict that is brewing and brought about by The Cow Uprising Army attacking the remaining members of the old group burn book and the pet troon.>Empresa, Cowpoly and his gang, some bullshitters maybe being ironic, a group from .org that isn't with Mike, and a few others pop up to add to even more low effort spam posting but at least they didn't spam porn like the Cow Army did.>Kiwifarms user Buffalo Chicken Sandwich, and known by on Discord as Coldbrew, embarrasses himself and EFM spectacularly revealing they were jealous of Empresa liking the pet troon more than he liked them.>Autism from the pet troon, still somehow better than most trannies I have seen.>Some scrote tries and fails at making a second thread.>Lolcow army seems to settle down, has received more Ls than I can count, it now seems to have moved on to finding cringy roleplayers that Rachel gather's with her gravity produced by the hamhocks of a jew who worships Hitler.Orbiters:
> Elaine:> Mike/Angry Canadian: >>>/snow/1557779> Naught:> Sigsev: Known annoying fedposter and king janny of CJocker's shithole known as dot org.> Nohull: Either 15 year old being groomed by Michael and Naught or the cringiest adult ever to exist.> Epic Fail Man: Another dot org scrote who pays Josh money to kiss his ass on KF and then turn around and shit talk him on dot org, cuck.> Coldbrew: Ragepig and UwUdles simp.> Clerith: He is the Discord 'owner', so Rachel is his janny and has done most of the legwork, this man is creepy just from the get go but when you get to his twitter, you will see why.Clerith's Old Twitch- Clerith's Youtube - Clerith's Twitter - op) No. 1569911
File: 1656004798918.png (941.19 KB, 1060x1440, mooging bitches.png)

Say what you will but those are some unique milkings, hell we might not have gotten a thing about Mike trolling, or Rachel's discord and someone else would have had to step up and draw Elaine's ire.
Clear version of the moogle gestapo attached for meme purposes.
No. 1569973
File: 1656008347528.jpeg (243.43 KB, 1040x1011, aliens vs sexual predators.jpe…)

No. 1570015
>>1570001Appreciated, certainly did not want to but after someone crapped one out last night I knew it needed someone to step up. I'm a bit inside baseball so it was easier for me to know some of these nobody players than I expect it would be for most users on this site. Hopefully it shifts more towards some rp fag milk, I generally find that a bit funnier.
Since I was banned for it though, I think I will just leave honestly, no real need to have a second thread as I said in the last one in my opinion anyways.
Left out some things that seem ass patty, either jannies are mistaking VPN ips or they are just going through to device ID to mark me now so I really do not see a need to bring any milk here, and am just going to utilize the farmers who have contacted me since I dumped in the first place.
A heel forever shall I be, that is the price of being me.
No. 1570027
File: 1656013565612.jpeg (149.49 KB, 1024x691, kekkekkek.jpeg)

No. 1570048
File: 1656015634441.png (1.27 MB, 1244x636, pedo hunt.png)

No. 1570049
File: 1656015700328.jpeg (100.48 KB, 928x523, hugbox company.jpeg)

No. 1570051
File: 1656015740649.jpeg (101.38 KB, 980x920, slap squad ss.jpeg)

No. 1570054
File: 1656015786957.png (615.86 KB, 768x432, unknown (6).png)

No. 1570132
File: 1656020703143.png (194.23 KB, 351x395, empresa3.png)

never befriend empresa
No. 1570139
File: 1656021028989.png (172.7 KB, 1497x605, possible.png)

>>1570015Real question for anyone who knows Erika, how the fuck did she dip an hour before Null put out a message saying he would unban users?
Is she actually psychic of some kind? I feel gaslit by reality and know I am reading into coincidences too much but it's fucking hilarious how she just calls so many shots.
No. 1571618
>>1571370That's a natal woman? Yeeeeeeeeeshhhhhhhh, they really do be making 'em worse thasn the trannies these days smdh.
>>1571362Glowing honeypot, most of the users have cared about the drama for over a year, so finding that the same one filing reports are the same ones who acted the same in September of last year is some goooooooood shit mayne.
Chaos is a ladder.
No. 1572357

This time, this time, making Lolcows
Making lolcows, making lolcows
Making lolcows is so fine, it's ours this time
And won't the farmer be surprised?
It's ours this time, making lolcows
Making lolcows, making lolcows
Time to give them something fun
They'll talk about for years to come
Let's have a cheer from everyone
It's time to party!
Making lolcows, making lolcows
Snakes and mice get wrapped up so nice
With spider legs and pretty bows
It's ours this time
All together, that and this
With all our tricks, we're making lolcows time
Here comes Empresa!
I don't believe
What's happening to me?
My hopes, my dreams, my fantasy
Won't they be impressed? I am a genius
See how I transformed this old rat
Into a most delightful hat
mmm My compliments from me to you
On this, your most intriguing hat
Consider though this substitute
Not being mad in place of this old tophat, huh
No, no, no, now that's all wrong
This thing will never make a present
It's been dead for much too long
Try something fresher, something pleasant
Try again, don't give up!
All together, that and this
With all our tricks, we're making lolcows time
This time, this time
Making lolcowss, making lolcows, na, na, na
It's almost here and we can't wait
So ring the bells and celebrate
'Cause when the full moon starts to climb
We'll all sing out, "It's Lolcow time"(tranny)
No. 1572376
File: 1656223626934.png (908.38 KB, 800x507, 9o3xsPk.png)

Making Lolcows, how can The Hugbox Company outdo themselves next?!(tranny)
No. 1574165
>>1573792Lmfao Empresa did Spooky invite you into their discord and then threatened you to dump your server to prove you didn't carve up Elaine?
Hey Spooky, sure is looking like you, who unironically gay oped with Elaine just last month, knew that Elaine cut herself before the rest of us did and are chimping out about losing your big drop, all of this is clout to you isn't it you sick fuck?
No. 1574179
>>1574165Scrote fight!
Does this have anything to do with those old DMs Vetti posted to Empresa's wall or is that a separate drama thing?
Just trying to figure out who is on Spookybones' side as he keeps playing like he isn't here and gayoping when anyone who's used to his posts knows he is.
No. 1574181
File: 1656378849106.png (15.89 KB, 536x129, unknown (7).png)

Samefag, forgot to show him raging on discord like he has been raging here. Vetti is a nobody so he is insanely jealous of anyone who has been mentioned, he lurks .farm with Spicy his pet constantly.
No. 1574233
File: 1656382149834.png (17.36 KB, 1070x86, returnedhermit needs help.png)

Isn't ReturnedHermit their leader or something?
No. 1574910
>>1574891Nonna he got busted for socking as Erika on twitter, do not act like it's a stretch he is doing so now here.
No. 1574958
>>1574953Yeah, I do hope you're not the one making all these wild claims either. The tranny carved Elaine up? Really? So she blew her own gayop to kidnap Elaine?
Whoever keeps bringing that up is a retard and I want to find out who it is, no cap, it has gone too far and is only hiding whoever did it.
I know Spooky is alogging her,
he got ran off of the Met forum by her and her enforcer, Spooky did not say a thing back but sniped Erika from the Maize account until it was banned. It's very obvious he was one of these wild posters and he needs to be stopped.
I honestly cannot believe the amount of retardation on display with these threads, and it really does not come from the Tranny.
No. 1575127
>>1574958> The tranny carved Elaine up? Really? So she blew her own gayop to kidnap Elaine?Where did anyone ever say this?
> I know Spooky is alogging her, he got ran off of the Met forum by her and her enforcer, Spooky did not say a thing back but sniped Erika from the Maize account This happened in the opposite order but OK.
No. 1575131
>>1575127Ntayr but uh, yeah go check the Mike thread and put your passive aggressive glasses on, Spooky totally implies Erika could have been the one as opposed to Mike and that either was just as plausible. The dude is literally insane.
4 Kiwis rushed to go report for Mike and Elaine how they believed their gayop and now have the embarrassment etched there forever.
Neutron Ejector deserves a halal based on that alone, not even counting in that autistic as fuck posting history.
You and all the gossiping fucks who are clearly jealous of someone need to pull your heads out of your asses, I am so sick of YOU people de-railing the threads and running to meta screaming the tranny did it.
Fuck off.
No. 1575136
>>1575131>4 Kiwis rushed to go report for Mike and Elaine how they believed their gayop and now have the embarrassment etched there forever.>Neutron Ejector deserves a halal based on that alone, not even counting in that autistic as fuck posting history.You're talking about a post that relates to unambiguous receipts not that involve cell phone receipts which actually belong to Elaine (which is obvious from the date and thus should indeed be embarrassing to people who fell for it, oops.)
>>1575131>Spooky totally implies Erika could have been the one as opposed to Mike and that either was just as plausible.It sounds more like implying that Erika has been up to some cowtipping and gayops the whole time and is not reliable which is undeniably true, but I see how it could be read the other way. Unfortunately that account is now banned (for reasons unrelated to any of this other than that is how it got discovered) and cannot comment to clarify.
No. 1575143
>>1575136Really is and I think someone got upset because there was a direct line but instead of wanting their side they'd rather fall for Mike's tricks yet again like a fool.
There is no comparison and I hope we both know that, Erika said not to dunk on anyone so I'm gonna let it slide but that was stabbing in the back behavior and everyone knows it. Nobody can trust 'that account' aka Spookybones, like sorry dont advert ralphapedia on a sock and expect it not to get popped.
No. 1575152
File: 1656473751974.png (1.08 MB, 1280x989, unknown.png)

No. 1575168
>>1575155I love this idea but honestly? It actually all goes back to Tommie Tooter.
>>1575156Tell those fuckers to go to the Metekour forums and get some shitposting in, the other splinters are either exclusionary, focused solely on Tom or used by 4 gayopping lolcows in their battle against 'The Coom Slayer' as another nonna labeled them.
No. 1575177
>>1575168I don't see why Tom is funny or relevant so I was going to post:
>This saga is easymode because a lot of the fixtures in it relate to the Bella saga in one way or another. As for Elaine, add Lillee Jean as the Eve to Chris's Adam and you will need nowhere near 6 degrees of separation to cover everyone ever mentioned on this site.But I guess everyone likes their favorite cows for the center.
Who tf is the Coom Slayer though?
I am not a weeb so have no idea what the manga is supposed to represent.
No. 1575186
>>1575177It is a very old handle UH used and someone dumped a modified copypasta of the doomslayer into with it, videogame and manga fags go hand in hand.
Tom is not too funny at all, but if it's a history of lolcows chart he is the prototype and honestly any and all lolcow behavior can be found in Tom, he's fascinating, not funny, it's why he attracts oldfags who like to speculate and just take potshots, laidback sort of section.
The Manga panel is shockingly apt and really lends credit to UH having seen earlier bad shit happen with Cows, which honestly shouldn't be brought up again.
The context needed is simply that Aizen while an anime villain is actually a person who ends up helping the hero make a change in the world in the end and is far less evil than people would like to think, UH has stuck with Aizen from the start so I'm not too surprised to see them breaking certain rules left and right. There is a gayop going on with them, but it's far more likely that the gayop was setting up the Metekour site as a splinter.
No. 1575192
File: 1656477808153.jpg (1.02 MB, 3024x4032, excuse me.jpg)

I have gotten my moms permission to post this here. Police officers have shown up to my house over the things Blaine the tranny has said I have done.
He called my mom and at first was himself and then called again pretending to be a social worker calling himself Michaelle.
I have lost access to the internet except for one hour a day of supervised internet activiy and I am fucking pissed fuck you BLAINE you schizo tranny FUCK. You had no right to call the police on me and file false reports against me and I will be considering legal action against you if it is possible to do so for the trouble you have caused me and my fammily
You fucking cows wanted proof that he called? Here is his number in my mom's caller ID history he called her fucking HOUSE PHONE
No. 1575197
>>1575192Proof thats from your house?
I dont see you in the picture, you could have called them and have that showing, this says nothing ragepig.
No. 1575215
File: 1656478817378.png (1.55 MB, 1280x720, ew.png)

>>1575208Mike has gross untrimmed fingernails like that
No. 1575219
>>1575192I'm looking at the photos she's posted on her cat account of Bello and the hideous green decor is sort points towards it because there's a lot of green in the ones on her Twitter..
But quite honestly, boo fucking hoo.
No. 1575224
>>1575192Those are Berchal hands, Mike's are dirtier under the nails and the nails are square not rounded.
This is very likely cope.
No. 1575230
File: 1656479920550.jpeg (750.84 KB, 1284x1824, 1649042029963.jpeg)

Time to use the autistic superpowers and analyze hands
No. 1575232
File: 1656479987590.jpeg (1.77 MB, 1284x2238, 1649134016626.jpeg)

Another hand pic but worse quality.
If someone can find her YouTube sailor moon toy reviews you can see her hand in motion
No. 1575233
No. 1575246
Okay on the real that's too many spelling errors to be a gayop from Mike, that's Berchal, this is fucking hilarious, that is worth it fuck everyone else, Rachel raging for an hour of supervised internet time until her mom breaks and/or kicks her out of the house is an arc I want to see.
It's so fucking carthartic to see her scream about how being held responsible for her actions, and hilarious how she blames Erika for hurting her family? How? Rachel you hurt your mother more than Erika ever did, and if this is true I know she respects Erika far more than she respects you, her own daughter, you fucking clown!
Anyone feel free to comb through all the pictures she posted there are a ton, that is her house, that is not proof of cow tipping and it sounds like she attacked an actual social worker and is trying to blame her doing that on it being Erika like a schizophrenic.
No. 1575256
>>1575252You will be, you will be.
Imagine using the same meme forever, and ruining it for everyone else.
>>1575254They are repeating something Mike said as copypasta so yes it's scroteposting in a way but it's not a scrote posting per say.
No. 1575261
>>1575256> They are repeating something Mike said as copypasta so yes it's scroteposting in a way but it's not a scrote posting per say.But it is a scrote posting. Look at the namefag, that's a Kiwi discord meme. Go away kiwitards.
Apropos of the actual subject at hand I think that is a man's hands and I don't think that sounds like Rachel. Have we seen Rachel screaming in all caps like that?
No. 1575264
>>1575261My bad I legit did not notice the namefag you are correct, it's late and I gave them the benefit of the doubt.
Yes, she screams in all caps exactly like that while nobody else in their group does.
No. 1575271
>>1575192Also I'm obviously not familiar with this specific model of phone and I don't possess the weaponized autism necessary to figure out what that even is, but I'm pretty sure that there is not an "EDIT" option in the log of calls which have been made
to you but that it is something that shows up after you have entered a number to dial yourself. So, lol.
No. 1575281
>>1575271Wouldn't it also indicate whether it was a missed call or not? I don't have a home phone anymore but I remember when I did have one like that, incoming calls had a symbol for indicating they were incoming and also one for missed calls. Also should have how long the convo was, right?
I might be going crazy though.
No. 1575307
File: 1656486270851.jpg (118.66 KB, 1196x481, confession.JPG)

>>1575192Blaine explicitly confessed to cowtipping 30 minutes before Rachel posted this.
Check the timestamp, pic related was posted at 12:10AM my time, the Rachel post here was posted at 12:43AM my time. Blaine explicitly confessed to contacting Rachel's mom 30 minutes before Rachel came here
Blaine also explicitly confesses to making pedophile allegations to Rachel's mom. to the post and the rest of the thread for context.
No. 1575328
File: 1656487909557.png (409.65 KB, 1034x1649, Screenshot 2022-06-29 03.29.04…)

No. 1575350
File: 1656490739844.png (286.95 KB, 1185x564, this is why.png)

Well I think with this cap we can put those slapfights to rest and move on, pretty obvious why yeah the tranny should be banned here but it is not something to dunk on them about unless you really think having Mike controlling Rachel was going to end well.
No. 1575520
>>1575472Those were not all moids and we all know it. I am very disappointed that is the excuse that was given for that sloppy shit of a broom last night from your other janny.
They may have told you that but they swept everyone's comments last night in a meltdown shitfit.
(moid) No. 1575582
At least the tranny is funny, Rachel's Kiwifarms thread is terminally unfunny.
>>1575481They are referencing the tranny which is not against the rules, you need to settle down you dumb broad, you are probably one of the kiwifags who needs to be banned off that site too.
Go away summerfag.
(kiwifag moid) No. 1575667
>>1575654No he is not, the tranny was slapped by him for three days straight and blocked him. If she hated him, we would see a thread on Metekour silly, pretty simple.
I do agree that the cap says very little and I have no idea what that user meant but just figured I would inform you why your assumption is uncaused and not based on any facts or logic just a personal opinion.
No. 1575688
File: 1656527242610.png (12.94 KB, 703x104, Discord_cfffanODTm2.png)

Well look who left a bunch of servers after that latest discord drop. I think it's actually safe to say local shit stirrer UwUdles was probably naming shit everywhere.
Okay if youre unsaged you're practically namefagging on this site so who are you then?
No. 1575690
>>1575688Oh look
another Discord vendettapost directed at
another person the tranny doesn't like (and I don't like either btw but you should still go back)
No. 1575692
File: 1656527558938.png (96.23 KB, 247x400, _PNG15918.png)

>>1575690Source on the tranny actually hating anyone and you not projecting how you hate everyone onto them?
No. 1575697
>>1575692You can say 'hate' is a strong word but here is him going after uwuddles 10 days ago
>>>/snow/1565470and he was going after Buffalo Chicken Sandwich (I have no idea who that is) all over the place recently too
You're welcome.
No. 1575717
File: 1656528992254.png (44.76 KB, 1046x277, she did.png)

Samefag as
>>1575703>>1575706For being a troll and claiming everyone else has thin skin the unsaged EFM sure gets trolled and cries about it a lot…
No. 1575775
File: 1656533393228.jpg (437.09 KB, 1440x2733, FLIPFLOPFLIPFLOP.jpg)

Ah yeah, it was definitely just Mike and Elaine gay ops wasn't it lol
No. 1575801
File: 1656535800596.png (731.28 KB, 802x883, efm sane.png)

Say what you will about EFM, I don't know anything about him, but here he is looking way more reasonable than the people posting about him here.
No. 1576853
File: 1656615410384.png (210.51 KB, 910x480, PA denied.png)

>>1576823Just realized that is a cap from the tranny's KF thread The tranny kept saying "bump my KF thread, oh wait you won't, I'm not a cow anymore" (more or less, not a direct quote), EFM did, and now you are trying to have a go at him for it.
>>1576850Who the fuck are seven and the sodacats? You really do think this is a place to hash out every retarded vendetta, don't you?
To answer the one relevant question here I doubt very much DBS has Discord/participates in Discord ops.
No. 1576871
File: 1656616030070.jpg (94.62 KB, 1368x387, deranged tranny vendetta gayop…)

This is what milk on orbiters looks like. The tranny made a vendetta thread about Neutron Injector over on Metokur Forums, hilariously talking about Neutron "getting ripped apart on LCF" while his simp The Middle Finger self-owned showing it is (at least in part) him doing it. Now that is funny.
No. 1576888
File: 1656616462945.jpeg (35.47 KB, 1318x216, projection holy shit lmao.jpeg)

Here's another interesting one. Those who have been watching these threads closely will note that there is (seemingly) one poster who likes to refer to his enemies as "cows", the tranny likes to say "I made so-and-so a cow", here he is doing it again. While Mike is undeniably a cow I think it's funny that this is the tranny's go-to, almost like he has something to prove. Anyone who forgot the tranny is a lolcow is just dumb, and anyone who wants to talk to him on his terms is even dumber. The tranny's M.O. here is to try to get people in Discord and, in unguarded moments, to admit things that he can then snake and use against him. This is what he did with Naught and Elaine. So if the tranny invites you to a chat, try to be smarter than Naught and Elaine.
No. 1576901
EFM and Neutron both tried to gayop words into Erika's mouth, they are nobodies who were proven to insert. None of us are simps for pointing that out EFM.
No. 1578983
File: 1656796078729.png (209.08 KB, 495x567, 1650426119411.png)

How come no one mentioned yet that Empresa is a registered sex offender of El Salvadorian origin who currently lives in Washington state and is also unemployed? The scrote spends most of his day grooming mentally ill lolcows which he invites on his server. Currently he and his tranny scrotes have a personal vendetta on a discord server just because they're not allowed in. 60% of this thread is just them doing a shitty gayop.
Definitely the most pathetic scrote in this whole story, just look at him.
No. 1579094
File: 1656808401544.png (25.51 KB, 726x109, fake regina called out.png)

No. 1579172
File: 1656817950813.png (Spoiler Image,25.47 KB, 216x215, snipbig.png)

> Can a nonna bite the bullet and offer a dinner date up?
Why don't you do itself?
Oh that's right.
No. 1579780
>>1579581> why does [spookybones/regina/okkaren] post to so often?Not very often lol go look, oh wait, site's down, how convenient for whoever is making the accusation
>>1579694uwuddles = Stank on KF = had some drama like 6 months ago leaking stuff about Elaine
Buffalo Chicken Sandwich = some retarded kiwi
i.e. shit nobody cares about
No. 1582100
File: 1657144716746.png (251.66 KB, 1080x913, Screenshot_20220706-165401.png)

I cannot unpack all of this at once, if Chris X isn't lying Angry Canadian missed UH being a furry and having an only fans.
Does Christorian know he's self reporting on lusting after the tranny's dick so much?
I, cannot process this, at all.
No. 1582236
File: 1657152782169.jpeg (40.79 KB, 586x421, CX_links_metokur.jpeg)

>>1582227>>1582234Samefag, all I found was this where he links to the forum but to a thread that the CX account on there didn't make or participate in at all. I'll be perfectly happy to be proven wrong though.
No. 1582498
File: 1657175404868.jpg (289.02 KB, 237x519, 122012.jpg)

Chris X needs to have a soda and chill instead of lusting after trannies.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1583624
>>1583404lol the tranny is super, super mad also losing his mind, anyone who thought he wasn't an actual schizo is an actual retard
not Mike btw before he accuses me but he's also just showing how non-credible he is making statements like "Mike beat his newborn son to death" when the name of charge literally is "neglect w/o physical harm"
it is the tranny, not the jannies, who ruined these threads and why nobody bothers anymore, not to mention he tipped the cow
i eagerly await his schizo bullshit and constant socking alienating everyone on the metokur forums too
No. 1583729
Who do you think I am? You act like you know who you are talking to on an anon board and yet I am the delusional one?
I'm simply happy someones here to talk with as these threads have been dead, but if you want to be hostile then fine we don't have to talk. That's okay.
No. 1583758
File: 1657320886649.png (492.15 KB, 496x672, 1630592691292.png)

>>1582498The fuck is wrong with you posting my picture like that? You got really ass mad when I posted pictures of your ugly mug and sperged out for days until I had to leave the server to not have to deal with all the notifications. Your never be a real woman. come at me anytime faggot heres my discord in case the HRT ruined your memory along with your cock cold brew coffee#0978
>>1583757Incorrect, it is not gramatically correct when used to point to a single, specific person who has been specifically identified.
someone is obnoxious on the board,
they will be banned." (No specified person, gender not known, singular "they" appropriate.)
a man makes himself known,
he will be banned." ("They" would be incorrect, as the gender is known.)
the tranny makes himself known,
he will be banned." ("They" would be incorrect, as it is a definitive reference to a specified person who is male.)
If you want to be a faggot and/or handmaiden, just use "she", at least it is grammatical.
No. 1583773
File: 1657322043336.png (2.92 KB, 478x35, rules 5 and 6.png)

>>1583768>>1583771>>1583766>>1583764Hey jannies, don't selectively enforce rules based on your personal bias kthanks.
(the rules also state males aren't welcome, tranny) No. 1583793
File: 1657323293596.jpeg (8 KB, 369x119, the only proper response.jpeg)

There is really only one proper response to this faggotry, even in a containment thread. He is still getting off to the attention.
No. 1583807
>>1583773You jannies banned a true and honest woman, my wife!
This site has gone to shit with your fucking witch hunt and I am pulling as many of the ladies in the discord with me as I can. Good day.
(your wife is a troon, borat) No. 1583813
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>>1583758Great a kiwiscrote vendetta posting. How did you get Null to delete your boyfriends posts along with his own? Did you pay him or you just in a discord with him? People who lurk saw what was said and it's most likely been archived