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File: 1729623237355.gif (759.98 KB, 692x388, maou dump.gif)

No. 426267

No. 426273

File: 1729623500361.gif (5.39 MB, 674x540, Elusive Samurai 2.gif)

First for Tokiyuki

No. 426281

File: 1729623990483.gif (1.74 MB, 464x263, nanbaka.gif)

No. 426283

the nuanime style is so fucking ugly

No. 426284

Another ugly OP pic

No. 426287

nah it reflects the state of anime nowadays

No. 426288

File: 1729624685273.gif (1.65 MB, 498x482, maomao-disgusted-apothecary-ma…)

Yup, the anime threads will always be like this.

No. 426289

>noooo why wasn’t it an aesthetic edit of a vintage 90s anime my tiktok feed told me is good!!
We really don’t care about you ironic anime fans here

No. 426290

There are 1 or 2 anons who will always seethe about anime while stalking this thread kek truly no life losers

No. 426291

>kek truly no life losers
>is a weeb
so glad the reading compression is still null in this thread too, some people like well defined anime artstyle over pedopander styles

No. 426295

File: 1729625260211.webm (2.46 MB, 1920x1080, i'm ready to spread THE DARKNE…)

Huh? So to get the thread going I just need to post things some people find offensive, right? Okay. I'll be pic-dumping the most triggering stuff from now on.

No. 426296

Based nona

No. 426299

pedopandering artstyle

No. 426300

Anime going mainstream was a mistake, now its just nonstop griping about how not all anime looks like muh retro aesthetic edits.

No. 426301

its literally just anime style why are you here

No. 426303

Why does old anime make you seethe so much?

No. 426304

File: 1729625919064.gif (877.25 KB, 640x480, get down make love.gif)

Any engagement is good engagement.

No. 426306

Why are you in the anime threads when you call it pedopandering?

No. 426307

File: 1729626168045.webm (129.21 KB, 1920x1080, SubsPlease_Dark_Gathering_-_06…)

No. 426309

File: 1729626238495.jpg (85.25 KB, 600x749, 2099.jpg)

It's the first time somebody called me a pedo for posting a shoujo-esque bishounen character.

No. 426312

File: 1729626611698.jpg (187.35 KB, 1920x1080, [EMBER] Sentai Dai Shikkaku - …)

>Dark Gathering
I heard a lot praise for this show but I was a little busy during the season it aired, how was it? I always doubt positive moid reviews

No. 426314

File: 1729626853864.webm (1.65 MB, 1920x1080, Let me rummage through your th…)

It's a fun show and pretty great for halloween, Pokemon but instead with ghosts. There's fanservice at one point in the show but otherwise it's fairly tame sexually.

No. 426322

Ngl the chemistry in Dandadan between the two mc is quite cute. I know it's too fanservicey for most here, but setting that subject aside it has a level of chemistry and back and forth banter that really lacks in other shounen couples.

No. 426325

Anons have gotten way too eager to call each other pedos. If you overuse a word, especially it situations where it doesn't apply, you rob it of its meaning. That's why no one knows what terms like "racism" and "queer" mean anymore.

No. 426338

i understand being bothered by loli/shota shit specifically but fujos and husbandofags aren't going to rape teenage boys because they think joker from persona is hot

No. 426342

yeah, only men do that

No. 426344

You are not alone, they are really cute. I just hope okarun gets fit (and it seems he is on the way). Even though it has a lot of fanservice (the first chapters are a bit hard to read), i think the female characters (specially Momo and Aira) are really cute and fashionable without being overly coomerish.

No. 426345

Thank you. Women into shota are creepy and weird, but they're not a danger to society, because actual sexual violence is almost exclusively a male thing. Like 98% of sexual assaults are committed by moids.

No. 426347

wake me up when a female mangaka gets arrested for CP possession

No. 426348

File: 1729632745930.jpg (2.61 KB, 214x235, images (1).jpg)

>because actual sexual violence is almost exclusively a male thing.
….i wish that were true

No. 426351

no one is saying women can't be peodphiles or commit crimes but to act like the vast majority of perpetrators aren't male is being delusional

No. 426352

The guy posted wasn't even a shota or a minor anyway, he's clearly an adult.

No. 426356

Technically not even male mangaka get arrested for CP in Japan, kek.

No. 426360

that wasnt me though

No. 426361

the samurai x dude and galko chan guy did, so thats not true

No. 426365

It literally is. Women who commit sexual assault without a male accomplice are rare almost to the point of statistical outliers. Sorry you got hit with a yaoi paddle at a con in 2008 or whatever but that's not sexual assault.

No. 426388

the fact yaoi paddles got banned but not those disgusting aheagao shirts with stolen art annoys me

No. 426390

Most female pedophiles are the "helper" type (think Ghislaine), so it's true.

No. 426395

File: 1729644464661.webp (43.21 KB, 1023x549, IMG_3780.webp)

Normies who didn’t read the book won’t know how he played rugby in college.

No. 426399

File: 1729645799887.jpeg (114.03 KB, 720x950, 9AF6CF3B-08C0-4FEA-8CBC-ED815E…)

My favorite part of the book is when he goes home to Wales

No. 426405

It's literally some man's ugly corpse from some retarded tumblr gifset

No. 426406

He's not dead.

No. 426409

Still ugly

No. 426477

Turn on the monitor

No. 426563

No. 426564

File: 1729714924639.jpg (2.36 MB, 1655x2221, Your Last Vision Before Death.…)

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Demon Lord academy, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on human forces, and I have over 30000000 confirmed kills. I am trained in dark magic warfare and I'm the top cursed sword wielder in the entire Immortal Army. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this or the other Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of hacker firends and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in sword combat, but I have access to unlimited mana and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, girlie.

No. 426566

No. 426574

now I agree with that anon, this guy looks like a genshit character. very ugly.

No. 426577

not enough colors on his hair

No. 426584

>hmm i saw a cool anime i think lc may like maybe i'll post about it here
>check thread
>full of negativity and bitch flinging already
yup, closing the tab

No. 426585

Shitposting aside, I find him pretty cute. Looks like I'll have something to watch tonight.

No. 426588

I wish there was somewhere to discuss anime between "spamming titties" and "nonstop bitching" so I can finally talk about stargazers
I just know that if I brought it up it'd just lead to "aahh is that a beard aahh im going insaaaane"

No. 426593

I know literally nothing about this anime but the gif is hot and I appreciate op for it

No. 426596

Pretty sure its one incredibly miserable anon who hates herself so much for watching anime that she feels the need to ruin these threads too. I don't know why she doesnt just direct that seething energy towards moid websites or something.

No. 426602

Jesus Christ nobody is ruining anything? Just post and discuss anime and that's it. Ignore any other comment if it bothers you

No. 426603

File: 1729733593870.jpg (927.71 KB, 1915x1080, 2099.jpg)

Ngl After watching it I'm surprised at how yume it is.

No. 426629

Anyone watching re zero season 3? Loving it so far.

No. 426639

File: 1729753461450.jpg (135.87 KB, 1500x826, 20241016_104403.jpg)

I am, it's pretty speedy so far but I'm loving how wacky villians are.

No. 426660

I got baited into watching Beck because of the OP and i am dissapointed.

No. 426699

I’ve been so busy so I haven’t started the new anime season yet but I’m excited to start s3, I heard it’s pretty good so far which is nice since LN readers were shitting on the last season

No. 426718

Nah enjoy your shit and dead thread(infighting)

No. 426750

See you back soon, take care.

No. 426757

Last season was pretty rushed, tbh.
This season is easier to condense considering it's full of straightforward fights.

No. 426764

What didn't you like about it, nonny? A friend of mine recommended it to me, so I'm curious.

No. 426817

File: 1729803748142.mp4 (2.52 MB, 854x480, this isn't even my final form.…)

Help him gain 10 000 friends to make his wish come true! Oh wait, wrong anime.

No. 426820

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The trick is to shit on that anime, so that contrarians here may defend it and praise it.

No. 426825

maybe its because im 30 but i cant watch anime anymore it makes me cringe. The second i see sexual assault i nope out. I miss being naive and not realizing im being groomed. take me back.(wrong thread)

No. 426829

This isn't the vent or confession thread.

No. 426831

I can relate much of the creepy shit in anime flew over my head as a teen. I don't watch seasonal anime anymore but I'll watch ovas sometimes

No. 426841

We have an anime critical thread

No. 426854

Usually seems more like people that do not actually watch anime just start to pile in to complain.

No. 426902

its very slow, the mc is unlikeable and the art isnt as good. I will finish it but i got massivelty baited by how pretty the OP is.

No. 426907

take your own life(a-logging)

No. 426953

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No. 426958

Sorry I wasn’t being critical more like sad that my brain is too developed for this pedo sexist garbage(still the wrong thread)

No. 426965

Imagine needing attention so badly you shit up the weeb thread.

No. 426968

I don't like it anymore because most of it feels like horny cocomelon, like something you have to be a kid or an autistic to enjoy.(wrong thread)

No. 426969

File: 1729841386945.gif (3.14 MB, 600x564, regry65ue.gif)

You sound 15. Go have some tea with biscuits.

No. 426973

>replying to 2 different anons
You sound like you peaked on 2015 anime tumblr, friend. Go learn how to not be insecure about your special interest because a couple people called it lame on the internet.(infighting)

No. 426974

I hope they're fifteen and not like this at thirty, that'd be depressing.

No. 427291

File: 1729947011562.jpg (18.49 KB, 163x302, tr6uu7yt.jpg)

Licensors are such pussies these days. In the past they would have translated it as 'Senpai is a trap' or 'Senpai is a crossdresser' without giving a fuck about gendie feels.

No. 427292

"Senpai is a crossdresser" isn't even offensive because that's literally what the show is about kek

No. 427356

File: 1729971854954.jpg (134.14 KB, 1200x675, 9d746c37ac9ea5324285119cd368b8…)

Is this any good? It looks very generic.

No. 427367

File: 1729974063402.jpg (57.68 KB, 842x305, yeah.jpg)

its a show i guess..

No. 427372

File: 1729974356228.jpg (618.68 KB, 1792x2549, at.jpg)

If you hover over the pic it actually appears.

No. 427373

Fix the retardedly huge neck ruffle and that guy character would have a nice design.

No. 427393

No. 427405

File: 1729980903150.jpg (65.45 KB, 451x800, damepri-vino.jpg)

Got just the guy for you then, I guess.

No. 427407

The hell is going on with her bottom eyelashes

No. 427408

All according to keikaku (keikaku means plan)

No. 427438

File: 1729988285717.webp (74.18 KB, 670x360, Despera004.webp)

Are there other instances of anime being stuck in development hell? I have been waiting on despera for over 10 years

No. 427439

The Yuri on Ice movie that got recently cancelled after 7 years of waiting in vain. It was stuck in development hell, kept getting postponed, teasers were dropped, it was even given a release date at some point but after a few years of radio silence Mappa announced that the project had been cancelled entirely. YoI was their cash cow they used to rise from absolute obscurity to a big name studio catching prolific adaptation projects like Chainsaw Man and JJK, while keeping the director and writer of YoI (both women btw), the anime that made them the name they are, from being given the resources they needed for the movie because they knew it would be a big hit and they'd have to give out payments to every stakeholder that invested in it during the series' development. They didn't want to make gay shit for women either because that would damage their reputation after being known for the studio animating the final seasons of Attack on Titan, Kakegurui and other big moid series, much less put any money into its creation. The director and the writer both left Mappa at some point too so this year project was officially axed, sadly to nobody's surprise. If the creators were men you bet we would be at movie number 3 at this point and a second TV anime season. Another example of scrote executives exploiting the creative labor of women.

No. 427449

That anime isn't going to happen

No. 427457

i hope you are wrong because there is no fucking way it can live to the hype and i look forward the /a/ meltdown

No. 427481

File: 1730010656939.jpg (484.57 KB, 1920x1080, the best at WHAT.jpg)

Gundam SEED Freedom, but it came out eventually.

>They didn't want to make gay shit for women either because that would damage their reputation

They did work on Banana Fish though and male-only sports shows (with pool sport too, like Re-Main).

No. 427503

Banana Fish was made only because it was riding the coattails of Yuri on Ice only a year after YoI concluded.

No. 427507

This is incorrect.
>To commemorate the 40th anniversary of mangaka Akimi Yoshida's debut, it has been announced that her manga Banana Fish will get a TV anime broadcasting on Fuji TV's noitaminA timeslot in 2018.

No. 427524

YoItards are so stupid

No. 427526

How does this disprove anything? If anything, it lines up just as claimed. Banana Fish was announced in 2017 around half a year after YoI's enormous success, of course they struck with another anime with a similar demographic while the iron was hot and Fuji TV was looking for a studio to produce an adaptation. After that they got Kakegurui and finally Jujutsu Kaisen and AoT which became their big payday and shounentard selling point in 2019-2020, and that was when the YoI movie was first delayed and most likely dropped completely because all the manpower had to be directed towards those. No idea why people think this is some kind of an outlandish tinfoil theory when it was confirmed by various insiders right after the official announcement of the cancellation and everyone with two brain cells can draw the line from point A to point B.

No. 427537

I recently saw a YouTube video about Hideo Kojima, PT, and the last metal gear solid game he made and basically what I got out of it is that japanese companies don't like when a project takes too long and requires too many resources and money when other series and things make them way more profit with more certainty, in the case of Konami they had pachinko and mobile games. I mean, not even western companies like waiting and creating things anymore, they keep canning movies and TV shows to add to their loses on purpose like crazy. I think the movie took too long and way too much money was spent on it, it was meant to have a good level of polished animation and I think they had to scrap the movie once or twice, though I don't really remember the details. It's a shame. I wasn't very into YOI but I also wanted to see the movie being finished at least, since it had so much hype behind it that ended up dying down.

No. 427538

All the teen/now-adult fans who had their anime gender awakening from YoI have been in a constant state of copium since their series fizzled out like every other flavor of the year anime. I would also blame covid and the Japanese olympics being a complete disaster for the collapse of the YoI movie. There are other female anime directors still making movies so I'm not entirely onboard with "women bad" being the reason why the studio didn't want to keep working on YoI.

The Rose of Versailles movie that was announced like 20 years ago and has been completely forgotten since the new movie announcement

No. 427545

This is not correct. Anime take years to develop and they announced Banana Fish getting an adaptation in 2017, with all the key staff already determined. It must have been planned for the anniversary project long time in advance.

No. 427579

I love this show, men are seething that its supposedly like a non-lewd gushing over magical girls, but the manga for acrotrip came out before that atrocity. It's a very fun show if you like comedy anime, magical girls, and dumb goofy villains. Also a rare magical girl show these days to have originated from a shoujo magazine

No. 427604

That makes Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete a plagiarised work, huh?

No. 427610

File: 1730056398035.jpg (2.74 MB, 2894x4094, Kagami.no.Kojou.full.3785975.j…)

This film made me cry and I usually shun anime drama. It's so strange that it's not more popular.

No. 427616

I will never forgive nor forget Konami canceling and scrapping what would have been a fantastic horror game. I really miss PT

No. 427617

>I wasn't very into YOI but I also wanted to see the movie being finished at least, since it had so much hype behind it that ended up dying down.
I'm forever salty about the YOI movie. I got into it when the hype died down because the fandom was pretty cringe, and ending up really enjoying it. Victor and Yuri's dynamic is really nice, and the animation by Mappa is solid. It feels like a betrayal the movie got cancelled because now Mappa is too good for YOI, and needs to continue pumping out animation for shonen type series like JJK. I hate it

No. 427633

File: 1730059734988.png (283.49 KB, 460x601, bx149883-D2LSB7hm5bhv-90182145…)

Has anyone watched this? The premise is cute but I'm afraid it'll turn into some furry situation which I'm uncomfortable with https://anilist.co/anime/149883/Dekiru-Neko-wa-Kyou-mo-Yuuutsu

No. 427638

I wonder if we'll have more ice skating animations by Sayo Yamamoto in the future, she seems to be very fond of them

No. 427641

I know this is off topic but at this point I see PT as its own game. It did so much for horror games even though it was only a demo. It's sad that it had to go because of corporate greed.
On the other hand I hope that the new silent hill written by ryukishi07 turns out good, the trailer spooked me out and it did bring back ideas of Hinamizawa. To bring it back to anime, I think Higurashi Gou and Sotsu were very disappointing but I've heard that ryukishi07 had minimal involvent with it, mostly giving a thumbs up to whatever they showed him. Something about wanting people to come up with their own stories or something, he's done that with manga adaptations of his visual novels as well I think. I'm not the biggest Higurashi fan, it's iffy at times.

No. 427698

I can't believe it's been 10 years.

No. 428124

File: 1730236393094.png (2.23 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Dekiru Neko wa Ky…)

I watched it when it aired and I loved it. It's just a slice of life about an office lady with a huge cat for a househusband.

No. 428130

File: 1730239266339.png (2.23 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2024-10-29-16h58m43s46…)

is anyone else watching Orb? this series is making me sad that it's impossible to see the stars where i live tbh

No. 428220

Out of the past few years, this was the anime I looked forward to the most each week. Pretty high production quality for what it is, too. It's just wholesome, feel free to enjoy without worrying about furshit.

No. 428225

I know it's an unpopular opinion now but I kinda miss filler. I sorta wish we had more anime that came out weekly. There was something kind of cozy about it.

No. 428284

Filler can be nice but it sucks when the story gets good and you get hit with endless filler. I miss weekly anime too-

No. 428292

File: 1730304017489.jpg (742.94 KB, 1280x720, episode 01.jpg)

Some filler is just better than other.

No. 428332

I really don't, I suffered too much watching endless Naruto fillers on tv when the timeskip was barely announced in the manga and shippuden didn't exist yet. Especially when the channel I watched it on aired them twice in a row. There's also FMA that diverged too much from the manga.

No. 428341

File: 1730312157609.png (3.59 MB, 2534x1425, u149.png)

I am finally catching up to watching the lattest Im@s anime. I am genuinely surprised by how well animated it is. I am glad shiki made so many cameos, she looked really good with the super bouncy animation. I also absolutely adore the backgrounds, i dont know why but most modern anime backgrounds feel a bit sterile to me. I cant imagine the amount of effort this took when its just a 5 second shoot.

No. 428540

Is it harder nowadays to find OSTs of anime? I feel like ten years ago you could search for insert anime OST on YouTube and you'd immediately get all OPs and EDs, but also character songs and BGM, while nowadays you'd be lucky to get the full version of either theme song. I thought Japan became more lax with copyright, not less lol.

No. 428541

File: 1730393032098.gif (522.75 KB, 500x281, 1663348273360.gif)

No. 428562

File: 1730401224723.png (2.86 MB, 1539x744, idolmaster149.png)

Oh yeah this anime had some really good shots. I remember one of the latter episodes (episode 11 I believe) having fantastic animation too and really standing out, best episode imo. A shame the fanbase is like 99% lolicons so I saw basically no one else talk about it when it was airing even though it's a decent show. Also technically it's not the latest, there's been new seasons of Im@s airing (Shiny colors), though those are cgi instead of 2D.

No. 428584

I am! I'm enjoying it a lot so far, the twist that the mc dies so quickly caught me off guard, sad way to go. I'm liking the new guys, though tbh.

No. 428585

I actually tried to watch it but the horrible glossy backgrounds and the bad 3d made me avoid it. I hate everything by GoHands kek

No. 428588

Gohands use of motion sicknes is almost impressive.

No. 428595

Yes, it's probably the best anime airing this season. I really like the bold move it took with the Rafal thing. This might sound silly but I'm also drawing parallels between the whole thing with the characters being burned at the stake and called heretics for doubting stuff, feels like it's relevant to today's landscape as well to say the least, except instead of being burned you lose your job and get people ostracizing you and wishing for your death irl and online if you go against current year ideologies kek. It's a well done show and a breath of fresh air too since we don't really get many shows in this type of setting, only other one it reminds me of is Vinland Saga

No. 428724

File: 1730457411561.mp4 (11.29 MB, 854x480, 4e90bbaf9bfdd7270849b63fac46f3…)

The animation in the anime is insanely good. Normally anime has one or two eps of sakuga and then it defaults to shitty stiff animation, i dont know how they managed to afford 12 episodes of fluid, bouncy animation. It was a blast to watch for the animation alone.
>here's been new seasons of Im@s airing (Shiny colors), though those are cgi instead of 2D.
oh no that sucks i cant stand CGI, i guess they wasted all their animation budget on U149.

No. 428778

Yeah, it pretty much stayed consistent throughout the whole anime. That clip is cute
>oh no that sucks i cant stand CGI, i guess they wasted all their animation budget on U149.
The cgi actually doesn't look that bad compared to other things, but it's definitely not as good looking as the 2d animation in u149 or even the other Im@s anime before it. Though my main issue with it so far hasn't even been so much the visuals and more so that there's just way too many girls, so instead of following the formula of giving each of them an episode they tend to just focus on the idol groups as a whole, so you end up feeling way less of an attachment to them. I wouldn't really recommend watching it and I'm thinking of just playing the game for it instead, since it has a lot of cute designs and probably does the story better.

No. 428812

If you're looking for something, check in the piracy thread >>>/m/422348

No. 428979

File: 1730511338504.jpeg (142.87 KB, 1290x802, IMG_9326.jpeg)

Sorry for the shit ss, this was in a dumb compilation reel and was hoping someone here knew what anime this was. No one in the comments mentioned it.

No. 428994

That’s Gremmy from Bleach Thousand Year Blood War. He’s like Green Lantern, basically. Whatever he can imagine becomes real.

No. 429005

Thank you nonna

No. 429161

File: 1730583866598.jpg (162.59 KB, 1366x768, raise.jpg)

This show is just not good. It feels like a draft, with no clear direction of where it wants to go, who the target audience is, who the characters are. Why was this poorly-planned manga picked up for an adaptation?

- Situations feel contrived.
The MC goes to Tokyo to live as a kept woman fiancee of some yakuza's heir…just because. Let's say she was curious and wanted to switch to freeload for a while to experience that Tokyo life. The moment she realised that Kirishima was only pretending to be a 'nice guy' and is in fact some psychopath with a fetish for femdom, she should have run back home. Yet she wasn't even that bothered (despite supposedly being a spoilt princess who was never involved in anything brutal or shady…). She is risking her personal safety for what exactly? To play some stupid games orchestrated by adults?

- There are logic gaps everywhere.
So you want me to believe that the 'sheltered little princess' somehow managed to sell her kidney? When it was mentioned that she had always been watched and protected, hence her 'sheltered' status? You somehow want to believe me that there were shady doctors out there who didn't check who she was and tattled her all the way back to her crime family before she managed to do equally stupid shit? How many yakuza are losing their heads for this? Did the idiot MC even consider that there would be heads (of her own syndicate members) rolling for what she did? What exactly would happen if grandpa found out? Does she have self-harm tendencies? Nope. She isn't even mental or with cluster B, so why write her this way to progress the plot? Is this manga written by an AI?

- The MC does not act or dress like a teenage girl.
She dresses like a high-fashion adult woman, as if she wanted to appear more adult than she is on purpose. like a grooming victim She behaves like an adult too - she wasn't even upset when she found out what bullies had done to her shoes. There is absolutely no freaking way a teenager would have acted the way she did back then. Her bullshit decision to stick with Kirishima is some calculated crap only an experienced cougar who's been through a lot would have bet on. And yet she's supposed to be a sheltered, ignorant girl - clearly a dissonance between what we're being told and what is shown. The mangaka doesn't seem to give a fuck about this story and whether it makes sense or not. Why does this manga run in a seinen magazine again? To get moids to think that teenage girls are actually just like adult women, because they dress and act the part? Creepy.

- The MC is boring.
She is plain like an otome game self-insert. She is just nothing. What is her purpose in life? Is her life ambition to play stupid games with psycho moids she's not-dating and win stupid prices get raped in the process? Why isn't she more overwhelmed by the events from the past couple of days (being bullied at school, guy faking his persona and mercilessly beating people up, sneaking into her room, beating up more people) - which would have been traumatic to a supposed 'sheltered teenage girl'? She can act tough for 5 minutes, but it's quite clear that it's all an act, even without her internal monologues. She might as well have picked up that skill in the school drama club.

- Her love interest is much more fleshed out than the MC.
It would have been interesting to have a story about yakuza starring a guy who just loves the job, because he has psychopathic tendencies and beating people up or watching them get tortured gives him the thrill. Unfortunately for him, he can't reveal that side of himself to the wider public, hence the need for a double persona. Too bad that potential tale has been ruined by the need for self-insertion, and so the MC had to be shoved in somewhere.

- The way difficult situations are solved is the lamest shit.
So your not-fiance is a massive creep who sneaks into your room at night, yet you're super-calm about it? You don't even freak out, lash at him, start screaming or use that damn knife? All you do is give him a pep talk, as if he was a 6yo? You've seen what he's capable of - or maybe you have amnesia? It's not even 'so bad it's good', it's plainly just bad, like a fanfic written by a teen.

No. 429216

what video player do you guys use?

No. 429220

The manga made me ragequit because the ML is the manwhore who fucks whoever but only wuvs mc trope, disgusting. When the anime came out I did my best badmouth him to my friends who were initially interested to watch, they avoided the anime lik3 plague then kek

No. 429225

No. 429226

MPC-HC! Not the old out of date version thought, it's a newer version that adds the new codecs from time to time

No. 429262

File: 1730630971737.gif (163.21 KB, 480x270, moid BTFO'd.gif)

Which anime trigger moids the most for being 'feminazi garbage'? Asking for myself.

No. 429270

This thing has a score of 7.2 on MAL, but your post makes it sound like utter shit (I believe you), so what gives?

No. 429278

File: 1730635566579.gif (755.34 KB, 500x250, eat them all.gif)

Let's see what other shitshows have high MAL scores.
Goblin Slayer - 7.42 (all about rape-goblins, 'native isekai' that bring nothing new to to the table)
Suisei no Gargantia - 7.44 (waifufags consult their dicks when rating a show. this must be the dumbest junk Urobuchi has ever worked on)
Kaiju No. 8 - 8.31 (derivative, forgettable shounen only good for a couple of action scenes)
Munouna Nana - 7.17 (derivative, predictable, plain boring)
Seitokai no Ichizon - 7.30 (that show…exists. you forget all about it the moment you delete the last episode from your drive)
Tokyo Ghoul √A - 7.02 (how???)
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - 7.38 (garbage self-insert fantasy, heavy incest vibes, mind-boggling 'politics', if you can call it that, boring and unimaginative for a show about magic)
Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon - 7.73 (misery porn with a perpetual victim MC, unlikable cast)
Guilty Crown - 7.40 (I shit you not)
Dead Mount Death Play - 7.28 (a 5/10 show that people rated higher for the potential the story presents rather than for the story itself)
Overlord - 7.91 (ditto)
Oniichan wa Oshimai! - 7.66 (rubbish for AGPs)
Fuuto Tantei - 7.32 (I guess toku enthusiasts are generally lower on the IQ scale to appreciate things like that)
Violet Evergarden - 8.68 (as long as it looks pretty, it will be ranked high, no matter whether the story is below average or nonsensical)
Shingeki no Bahamut: Virgin Soul - 7.42 (you can read plenty of rants on this one elsewhere)
Hataraku Maou-sama! - 7.72 (LN slop with a cool premise it never utilises)

No. 429280

you're annoying

No. 429282

YOI or free triggered moids the most.

No. 429285

File: 1730637439827.gif (1.79 MB, 540x304, jojopunch.gif)

Hurt feelings much? Come up with a better retort.

No. 429287

What are some good anime without the pedo/coomer bs? Some of my favs are attack on titan, ergo proxy, ghibli and satoshi kon movies

No. 429289

File: 1730638509892.jpg (133.04 KB, 1280x720, psycho-pass-avis-2.jpg)

Try Psycho Pass. It's not coomery and a bit edgy like the other ones you watched (in a good way). I think they do deal with a rape case fairly early in the anime and there can be some violence against women as it's basically a futuristic detective show so tread lightly.

No. 429294

Kek based

No. 429299

Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song. Extremely underrated, I don't see anyone talking about it despite how good it was.

No. 429302

File: 1730642138418.jpg (120.09 KB, 480x600, 136038l.jpg)

I believe I've read here from nonnies that some scrotes were very pissed about the Ooku anime when it came out (even though the manga had existed for nearly 2 decades). I've watched and read it and it's one of the best things I've seen in animanga, in my opinion.
Not only did it make moids seethe, but it's actually feminist and insanely engaging. Sadly, it only has 10 episodes, as is customary for adapatations of good josei manga. If you wanna keep reading the manga after watching the anime, you'll have to suffer through the old-timey English in the official localization.

As for what it is about, it's basically an alternate history version of the Edo/Tokugawa period where, due to a mysterious disease that only affects males, the majority of the male population was wiped out, and most jobs had to be done by women, including positions of power, so women had to fill the role of shogun as well (although they still get masculine names). While women benefit from this new order in some ways, it's not a feminist utopia, but a more realistic portrayal of what would happen in that scenario, written with amazing attention to detail.

NTA but to moids, that's "fujo garbage", not "feminazi garbage". We all know which anime moids hate because of its hot guys, but it's harder to find anime that gets shit for being even slightly feminist.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes. I can count the coomer fanservice scenes in one hand. Hell, I can only think of one (1) extremely mild shot in the whole 110 episodes (I'm not counting Gaiden because I haven't watched that one). Also it's literally the best anime in existence so you gotta watch it

No. 429303

VLC on Windows and Celluloid on Linux (I don't like it, honestly)

No. 429304

AYRT, I know MALfags have the shittiest taste, but I didn't expect such a good reply, kek. Thanks.

No. 429309

I remember reading Ooku in high school, so more or less 15 years ago, and there were already several volumes at the time, so why is the anime that short? It's such a waste. It's been so long since I read it that I forgot the characters and what happens so I should give the manga a try again to refresh my memory, since the anime doesn't seem to cover much of the story.

No. 429314

The anime may be very short, but it hit me right in the feels and clit, I've read that 12-episode-long adaptations are kinda like advertisement for manga or extras for manga readers, but I dunno if that applies here, since this anime was made for Netflix.

No. 429317

Galactic heroes seems interesting, which one should I watch first?

No. 429318

I tried to get into it many years ago but quit at some point

No. 429322

Can't believe that the moid demographic even cared about a pseudo-historical show set in Edo Japan. But perhaps it's the Netflix effect.

>you'll have to suffer through the old-timey English in the official localization

This is a bonus, since it filters illiterate normalfags.

No. 429327

File: 1730651089332.jpg (423.42 KB, 1070x1515, Wagatai_poster.jpg)

There are two anime adaptations of the novel it's based on. The most well-known is the 80s-90s OVA series and that's the one most of us have watched. The newer adaptation (Die Neue These) is on Crunchyroll, it's not bad by any means, but since it's a separate adaptation, there are some minor differences (DNT is closer to the novel, I think?), and some scenes that weren't in the OVA were included here. It's up to you, but of course I (and most people lol) would rather recommend the classic version.

If you decide to watch the old OVA series, you should start with the prequel movie My Conquest is the Sea of Stars (pic related), since it came out before the main series. A movie remake of the first two episodes was made, it's called Overture to a New War, it's pretty good and worth watching even if you've already watched those two episodes. After that, it's the 110-episode OVA, and then an additional 52-episode Gaiden series of side stories.
All of these are subbed. I strongly recommend the official Sentai Filmworks subs, or MTBB's version of them, over the ancient Central Anime fansubs, since the former are more accurate. Everything used to be available for streaming on HIDIVE but it seems that it's been gone from their catalogue for at least 4 months, apparenty without notice. Lots of people were pissed about it because they subscribed to that service just for LoGH, lol.

Also, to prevent really bad spoilers, don't watch the previews at the end of each episode, skip to the next ep. as soon as the ED is over.

No. 429331

Thank you!!! <3(emoji)

No. 429332

some of us are esl

No. 429334

I'm the anon she replied to, I'm also ESL but I was able to read through most of the manga. I know it's exhausting at first, but with some effort you get used to it. The archaic language got stuck in my mind for a few days, kek.


No. 429335

I have a feeling the MC is so adultlike and bland because she IS basically a glorified self insert. I know it runs in a seinen magazine but even the premise sounds bodice ripper-ish.

No. 429337

Many female authors publish female gaze manga in seinen magazines for some reason.
Self-inserts don't have to be so bland or even badly written, though.

No. 429338

I'm pretty sure MAL is filled with normies/young weebs (along with coomers but that goes without saying) who have their minds blown by the first few "serious" or visually pleasing shows they watch, and then they just never amend their ratings. Weebs always recommend the same shows to beginners which doesn't help.
>Violet Evergarden
Literally the most boring thing I've ever watched and the character designs didn't fit the story's tone whatsoever kek. This and Clannad prove that weebs will cry at anything as long as you put sad piano music in the background.

No. 429341

With Clannad I felt like it was mostly season 1 that was pretty meh but After Story was actually good and a rare depiction of life after high school, married life, family issues and parenting in anime outside of its cop out ending that worked better in the visual novel format.

Other shows weebs really hype up for being sad that I dislike are Your lie in april and Anohana

No. 429342

Not sad but Your Name is another overrated piece of mediocre shit that gets a lot of praise from weebs, probably because of the art. I saw it in theaters with my mom and I could tell she didn't get what was so great about it (in contrast, she clearly enjoyed Perfect Blue when we watched it together), what a terrible choice. I forced myself to cry, lmfao.

No. 429344

I don't hate it but I think it's funny that Garden of Words gets a pass for being a boring pseudo-love story between an adult and a minor just because the art is pretty kek

No. 429349

I remember watching that at 12 and even as a baby weeb I was bored outta my fucking mind, the only thing that movie contributed to society was aesthetic Tumblr gif sets.

No. 429351

Same exact feelings as you, and when looking it up, I saw that this, along with Byousoku 5cm, is by Shinkai, too. Seems like he's the master of producing overhyped snoozefests lol.

No. 429355

I watched it with my friend when I was 14 and we were both just looking at each other like "okay?" the entire time kek. I don't think it's terrible or anything, the art and animation is genuinely very impressive, but very overhyped and not romantic at all.

No. 429359

When do you decide to drop an anime? I tried to apply the 3-episode-rule when I was younger, but then I ended up feeling like three episodes aren't enough to judge just yet, so I watched a bit more, just to finish the series because I get possessed by some distant cousin of Sunk Cost Fallacy à la "I already watched eight episodes, four more is nothing". This has led to me having only four dropped series in 20 years of weebdom, but a lot of it feels like wasted time because I just forced myself to watch it in bad enough cases even watched some episodes at 1.5x or 1.75x speed or something because the plot just dragged on. I wonder if some of it comes from the selection being so small pre-2012? As in, the selection of subbed anime was so small, you'd watch anything you could get even if it was shitty just because there simply was nothing else.

No. 429361

I've seen people say they avoided it because one of the writers, the one that also wrote the ln adaption for Vivy, wrote an isekai.

No. 429363

Whenever is starts feeling like a chore. Which can be anything from 1 episode drops to 180 episode drops in the case of Bleach.

No. 429370

I drop it as soon as I get bored or the writing sufficiently pisses me off, but I might pick it back up out of morbid curiosity or something later. In the case of School Days I dropped it, googled the big spoiler that everyone was hyping up as the best thing ever, and skipped straight to that episode kek

No. 429372

I just drop it when it feels right to do so. It doesn't need to be x amount of episodes, and the thing is, depending on the situation you may pick the anime up again. Example, some anime with over 50 episodes may feel like a chore to watch and you may want to switch to something else. Then in that case you can revisit it later. Unless you truly think it sucks, then you don't need to come back to it, drop it whenever.

No. 429376

Yeah, one of the writers worked on Re: Zero, but Vivy was good. Except maybe Tony and Ophelia. Their plot was to show robots can love and long to die but it was boring to md because I don't care for romance. There was also the human man in love with his robot nurse and their wedding which was lame, but he kills himself later so meh, whatever, it was important for Vivy's character development. Other than that I think it's a good story and fun watch, but with the way people view AI nowadays, it may bother some people since it has a "one of the good ones" kind of plot.

No. 429383

File: 1730660613964.png (295.78 KB, 593x553, cyber.png)

It's so over.
>Who are Anime Fans? A Summary of the International Anime Research Project’s Findings

>About 5.3% – 9% identify as transgender.

>Fans prefer subtitles (49.5%) over dubs (10%), but 40.4% of fans don’t have a preference
>Among action anime fans, dubs are preferred.
>63.29% of fans watch through unofficial streaming services vs 40.25% of fans watch through unofficial downloads
>4.3% rating hentai as their favorite genre

No. 429384

You mean the tranny thing or the hentai thing? Because I don't think the latter is anything new. Most male anime fans are coomers and most anime is made by them.

No. 429385

>international fans
>mostly from English speaking countries
Worthless data then.

No. 429387

File: 1730661344790.jpg (146.3 KB, 700x394, clean it up janny.jpg)

All of the above.

No. 429571

Doesn't surprise me, if anything I thought the amount of trannies would be higher by now. Feels like almost every time I see an anime fan on twitter they're a tranny

No. 429574

Tbf any sort of fan has a half chance of being a tranny on Twitter. What was it, 20% of users make 80% of posts or something like that?

No. 429575

I feel so happy to find another your name hater in the wild, it annoys me so much people refuse to acknowledge its shittyass illogical tropey plot just because of nice visuals. I have to restrain myself so much when someone starts sperging about how "touching" the romance is, the main characters literally had no interest in each other beyond stupid body doodle exchange (it seemed to me that both of them would rather bang the senpai), the narrative just announces you that they're "bound by fate" and we are supposed to be impressed by that? Any time I have brought up the lack of chemistry between the characters, weebs around me just start squealing over the art or act like there is some deep "musubi" stuff I'm too uncultured to get. No, I'm just tired of being told instead of shown, and need more from a media than just prettiness and ~vibes~

No. 429591

True, Twitter does have more trannies overall.

No. 429613

Would be great to discuss anime instead of moids and TIMs for the 100000x time

No. 429614

Sorry I have to base my entire identity around what moids hate and think and breathe and do

No. 429691

Nobody is stopping you, backseat mod.
>bitches about the bitching in the thread
The irony.

No. 429698

Most don't watch much anime outside classics and shounen, tbf.

No. 429781

File: 1730824935084.jpeg (165.86 KB, 600x759, 1585c2b21c7b85cf2db5571123022a…)

I wish tsuritama was about cute guys fishing. I got baited(heh) into thinking it was a cbdct show but it was about ayylmaos or some crap. Yuki a qte though.

No. 429782

The op is super cute though, I don't remember anything from the anime but the op always makes me smile

No. 429783

Oh yeah the OP, the designs and the animation are good and cute. I just wish it was comfy like yuru camp. Still in my top 10 purely because its the only anime that fills the niche of cute boys fishing.

No. 429786

File: 1730826856168.jpg (60.98 KB, 474x675, loserranger.jpg)

i remember a nona recommending loser ranger and i finally checked it out and its pretty good! although a bit tropey theres so much fujobait too

No. 429884

Like 5 posts talking about that and the rest of the thread is about anime. Stop being a retarded and overly sensitive faggot(infighting)

No. 430139

I started this yesterday and its great, very funny

No. 430153

File: 1730921525159.webm (975.67 KB, 1920x1080, fighter d.webm)

An amazing concept for a BL manga (domesticate your own alien). Too bad nobody writes fanfic for it.

No. 430215

There's no way you though a harem series wasn't going to have fan service.

No. 430477

File: 1731035794417.gif (206.8 KB, 220x124, shigure-kancolle.gif)

I know i shouldnt have had any hope, but i was hoping it would be like GuP. Waste of a fun concept.

No. 430585

People, especially one here, have been praising utena for years but i've watch 5 episodes and for now there is no plot and a pedo. Does it continue like that or does something happen ?

No. 430625

The anime is very, very slow and repetitive. Watch the movie instead.

No. 430636

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Tbh I love him so far and the whole Tinkerbell thing. I do believe in demon lords

No. 430637

The subtle purple eyeshadow is nice ngl.

No. 430638

Utena is mostly a slice of life with a few minutes of battles at the end of each episode. I found the whole first arc really boring with a few high points, ngl. The two later arcs are better (though the third is quite repetitive) but there never stops being pedos and violence against women is one of the big themes.

No. 430649

File: 1731101575479.webp (2.61 KB, 150x150, 4sbudb.webp)

Magical Girl Site is rightfully hated but I love this show I found the brother bits really funny and at first the episodes were compelling when you ignore the trauma stuff and pay attention to the mystery. But I watched MGS before Madoka and the former became considerably less entertaining after that.

No. 430652

It's one of those shows that you truly just can't take seriously at all. I still hate hate HATE the bullying parts but the brother's scenes are comedy gold. I still can't believe a man wrote the arc where he gets kidnapped, the anime's depiction is nothing compared to the manga

No. 430781

Bait or retarded?

No. 430795

File: 1731153674503.webm (3.84 MB, 960x540, maou 2099.webm)

Why is he so perfect???

No. 430796

File: 1731153807308.webm (2.9 MB, 1920x1080, Zombieland Saga.webm)

[laugh track in the background]

No. 430822

File: 1731164267320.jpg (50.75 KB, 836x464, draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagon.…)

This one, Eisen Flügel.

It was announced in 2022 and still no news. You'd think it should be quick and easy to adapt a two-volume light novel.

No. 430833

I haven't watched seasonal anime while it airs in years but this show is hilarious.

No. 430857

File: 1731177211325.jpg (144.52 KB, 1000x1413, How I Attended an All-Guy's Mi…)

Anyone else watching this?

No. 430865

I've been keeping up with the manga but I haven't gotten around to watching the adaption yet.

No. 430874

File: 1731181253676.jpg (25.97 KB, 687x379, 32wdr6.jpg)

>me trying to explain to my friend for the 50th time that Azumanga Daioh is not a moeblob anime
>my friend stubbornly refusing to listen because she saw the dumb "cooking is so fun" gag once

No. 430886

It is not moeblob?

No. 430889

>cooking is so fun
But that entry was rejected… Your friend must be a greater autist otaku than you.

No. 430897

It's not, Chiyo (the pigtail girl) is the butt of the joke a lot of the time and the victim of quite a few slapstick jokes. Like 90% of the anime is shit like this.

No. 430908

It really is. Humor is on par with The Devil is a Part Timer and I loved that one too.

No. 430917

File: 1731190896263.gif (2.66 MB, 374x211, 05A59E0F-86B5-49D7-ACF9-D90042…)

Late to the party but I watched the Elusive Samurai last night. It was an enjoyable, easy watch and I’m glad there’s going to be a second season.
I did find the CGI in the dog hunting episode to be really distracting but I won’t fault them too much for it. There are obviously other scenes that were beautiful so it all balances out.

No. 430946

File: 1731198818651.jpg (343.44 KB, 2048x1362, GZGv1_2b0AAXPVm.jpg)

Welcome to the season 2 waiting room, hopefully they can keep up the quality next time too

No. 431067

File: 1731226362723.jpg (858.49 KB, 1532x2048, 1727538624545.jpg)

I miss such vivid colours unclouded by filters in anime.

No. 431085

I love how Azumanga Daioh has the laziest name ever.
>Hey Azuma, what's that manga you're working on called?
>Oh shit, I haven't thought of a name. Just call it Azumanga Daioh (Azu's manga!)
It's also where the term waifu came from and the author did Yotsuba& aka where 4chan's name and mascot came from.

No. 431140

>the author did Yotsuba& aka where 4chan's name and mascot came from.
Anyone who didn't already know this is too much of a newfag to me on imageboards imo

No. 431172

File: 1731269890118.png (66.01 KB, 533x473, juuni taisen.png)

The ending was meh, but the ride was fun while it lasted. Still doesn't hold up to Mirai Nikki or Deadman Wonderland. The best parts were probably the character designs and the seiyuu.

No. 431181

this design isn't terrible but it could be better imo. i don't think the heels are flattering. it'd be sexier if he had some black boots, heeled or not.

No. 431189

What did anon think of Lookback? is this the right thread to ask that?

No. 431205

It was very pretty and well animated, the girls's friendship and the art stuff was neat too as someone who likes to draw. I don't really think it's the best thing ever like a lot of people are making it out to be though. It's just a good movie and the Fujimoto cocksucking is obnoxious both with this and all his other works

No. 431209

fatjimo could smear his liquid shit on a piece of paper and his dickriders would pretend its the most profound and interesting piece of shit ever

No. 431210

File: 1731282546431.jpeg (181.33 KB, 797x1426, IMG_7090.jpeg)

>fatjimo could smear his liquid shit on a piece of paper and his dickriders would pretend its the most profound and interesting piece of shit ever
It really grinds my gears when people only know Asada Nemui as "that yaoi artist who got rec'd by Fujimoto on Twitter" instead of giving her any credit for being a great creator in her own right

No. 431242

Haven’t see the movie yet but did read the manga. I was letdown after hearing how much people like it. The story is fine but forgettable. I think KakuKaku Shikajika is a much better story about artists than Lookback.

No. 431245

File: 1731288001896.jpg (108.9 KB, 473x750, tumblr_fe325f579128587fe24969e…)

>KakuKaku Shikajika
incredible taste nonna. look back made me cry but blank canvas made me sob like a baby at the end, akiko higashiyama is an utter gem.

No. 431247

>Haven’t see the movie yet but did read the manga. I was letdown after hearing how much people like it.
Exact same here and Goodbye Eri is the better fagimoto oneshot manga that came out around that same time. Movie when

No. 431250

Yeah, when will fags learn heels do not look good on men unless they are chunky boots? I miss Deadman wonderland so much

No. 431251

Tsuritama is a comfort anime for me. The art is cute and I like the characters

No. 431252

Psycho Pass season 1 is such a fantastic series imo. I was worried the female mc was be annoying or unlikable, but all the characters are really likable. I've watched it both sober and high on weed. Watching it high hits different. I think it's time for a rewatcj

No. 431253

YOI was a fun, harmless anime. The fact that mappa refuses to work on the Victor movie pisses me off the most.

No. 431254

NAYRT but I loved this manga. Obviously it's an autobiography but I love how honest it is. Look Back is more like oscarbait in comparison

No. 431259

File: 1731290465710.jpg (70.97 KB, 750x697, 1717787268554.jpg)

Wow, guess i'm in the minority here, i liked lookback thought it was a cute story about friendship and survivor's guilt. (i'm not an artist so i can't relate to that part of the story don't chimpout on me for that)

No. 431357

>It really grinds my gears when people only know Asada Nemui as "that yaoi artist who got rec'd by Fujimoto on Twitter"

No. 431361

Even Junichi Suwabe seemed legit sad about it on twitter. I wonder if there's any way Mappa will ever change their minds, either if they manage to renegotiate their contracts with other companies to get a higher percentage of the franchise's profits, or if they sell the IP to another company for a huge price. The most likely scenario is that nothing will ever happen and years later Yoi will be considered a cult classic that everyone should know about and a huge waste of potential.

No. 431371

No one cares about your Shit on Ice(bait)

No. 431381

File: 1731330339451.gif (253.11 KB, 295x400, yoi.gif)

Bait used to be believable.

No. 431382

KEK. Accurate
I really liked that manga too.
I still liked the movie, I just don't get the dickriding and acting like it's peak or something.

No. 431414

File: 1731339772548.jpg (386.58 KB, 1662x1035, dec.jpg)

The divide in character popularity between Japan vs the rest of the world is wide. I'd be surprised if non-Japanese otaku could recognise more than half of them.

No. 431415

Kekk at the fact that the fotm deergirl anime is there the nipponese were ripping it apart on Ibs calling it "western brainrot". Most of these anime were popular in the west too though since they were fotm

No. 431416

I’m with you, nona. That stupid-ass show and Free! used to make me loathe going into social media back in the day.

No. 431417

Seeing how loved the new precure season is makes me regret not starting it when ep 1 aired. I skipped since I thought the pets theme would be boring

No. 431426

Conan representation, still one of my favorite shows that's super overlooked in the west compared to Japan and other places. I can recognize most of them but some I haven't watched yet.

No. 431453

But it literally is moeshit.

No. 431456

Sorry for spoonfed request but why western brainrot? Didn't watch the anime, just saw some random YouTube essay on why it's so bad and its humor falls flat.

No. 431468

I guess maybe she means it trying to be quirky, lol so random type humor and memeable, but that isn't really a west specific thing, so idk.
>just saw some random YouTube essay on why it's so bad and its humor falls flat.
It is. The jokes go on for so long and aren't even funny to begin with. It just felt like wasted potential and like the best part of it was the marketing and hype before it came out.

No. 431472

I have always affiliated lol so randum humor with japanese comedy more than western comedies. Jinrui is a perfect example of it and it was made in 2012.

No. 431474

Ahh, Jinrui. That's a throwback. It did have some pretty random, absurd humor. It's 100 times funnier than anything in the deer girl anime

No. 431476

Excel saga (1996) and Digi Charat Nyo (2003) are also just pure brainrot as anime, so they can't really say that it hasn't existed and that it wasn't loved a lot by the Japanese themselves when Dejiko was the face of Akihabara for a long time even.

No. 431479

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Yeah, and Pop Team Epic too.

No. 431511

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Also Osomatsu-san is pure brainrot. Like, I know it's all wordplay and shit but they can't act like it isn't just random jokes that are kind of fun to the autistic ones into that.

No. 431550

Excel Saga was pretty funny imo, I liked all of the tongue-in-cheek meta jokes about anime and fan service and shit

No. 431551

The funniest part of this scene was the factory guide telling them to "help themselves" to the bread afterwards.

No. 431653

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On the topic of comedies, just wait until Puni Puni Poemi is banned outside of Japan for 'child exploitation'.

No. 431683

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I always get weirdly offended when people joke about watching One Piece when living in a retirement home as if Conan wasn't there, all the time.

No. 431918

It might be about artists but it has nothing in common with Look Back.
I have a theory I need to cook a bit more on the movie.

I am reading Blank Canvas right now and the MC is among the most annoying people I have ever read of. I get she was a stupid teenager and adult but every line and page is being a drag. I want to punch the protagonist so much.

No. 431952

Kek, exactly. It's so weird how it always gets left out of every single conversation about long anime or manga, I always see every single other one mentioned but Conan. It's like western weebs are vaguely aware it exists or know the title, but none of them know it's still airing or have ever watched it, outside of some weebs in Europe. I'm honestly not sure if it's a good or a bad thing, on one hand I prefer to not have them in the fandom to shit it up but on the other it's weird how little recognition it gets in the west compared to all the other long shounen. I guess it must be because of how episodic it is and how it doesn't really have as much action compared to something like One Piece or Naruto.

No. 431959

Sorry for samefag but it's funny to me how most Conan fans I've seen have been women even though it runs in a shounen magazine. It would probably be popular with the same types of western women that like crime videos if they knew about it.

No. 431973

Iirc didn't it get a short-lived western release as "Case Closed" since it was a bit too vague when it came to demographics and whether it was a kid show or an adult show?

No. 431979

Personally I always saw it in the same category as shin chan and doraemon, something that western weebs indeed don't show much interest in because it's too episodic or childish.

No. 432013

I think so, that was the english name due to copyright or something. They also changed a lot of the character names to be more western (Shinichi became Jimmy, Ran became Rachel, etc), which was offputting to a lot of people. I do believe it was hard to market because it looks like a kids's show but then it isn't.
I could see that from an outsider's perspective if they know nothing about it, but it's different from those 2 in the sense that it's actually got a plot going on in the background besides the episodic stuff and it isn't really a kid's show. The demographic is supposed to be more like any other shounen like One Piece despite the mc being a kid, since he's actually a teen stuck inside a kid body. There's people dying almost every single episode since it's a crime show, explicit blood and stuff like people's heads being decapitated, lots of romantic subplots between the characters, large adult cast outside of Conan and a few other characters, and some pretty dramatic developments when it actually does plot arcs rather than the episodic stuff every once in a while when the plot advances. It's kind of like how a shounen like Gintama is mostly episodic comedy but then also has a serious plot and dramatic arcs. While Doraemon and Shin-chan are more of a light hearted watch meant for kids without much of a plot or any of that going on.

No. 432022

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Took me a bit to find but here's a shot from one of the earlier episodes just to illustrate my point better

No. 432031

Yeah, they’re different stories. But a lot of the conversation about Look Back is that it depicts the life of an artist and their relationship with art well. I did not feel that way at all and mentioned a series that I found much better in that regard.

No. 432087

Hana no ko lunlun new series, I really dislike their redesigns.
Maybe I'm just not used to watch new anime. The characters just don't look unique anymore.

No. 432096

he backgrounds feel ai-generated

No. 432948

pornsick moids making comedy anime doesn't make it less disgusting when the designs and animation are hentai tier

No. 433826

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Are you guys ready for the slopification of anime and manga to somehow get even worse?

No. 433828

It's fucking over we can't have shit.

No. 433829

We all know it will mean more adaptations of LN trash, not quality josei/seinen manga.

No. 433830

The anime bubble is going to burst soon isn't it

No. 433849

Rather than ln which is harder for global audiences to get into, I expect more fake anime feel shounen-ish, magical girl, and mecha stuff.

No. 433850

Kadokawa is already responsible for a lot of the dogshit shows that have been released for the last 20 years

No. 433854

Yeah, now imagine how dogshit kadokawa-sony fusion would be?

No. 433956

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It's still happening

No. 434005

What was a show you struggled to look away from and you found yourself immersed in?

No. 434007

As in, it was shit but eventually became amazing or something that hooked me in from the very start?

No. 434008

Girls Und Panzer.

No. 434011

God I can't wait to see my husbando animated properly, I hope they don't fuck up his hairstyle.

No. 434012

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You just need to experience it on the big screen.

No. 434029

File: 1732206467185.jpg (1.81 MB, 1748x1221, 1000001643.jpg)

I watched Kyo Kara Maoh for the first time this year and at first I thought it was just kinda juvenile and lame, but as I kept watching I was getting really into it
On mornings where I woke up too early, I'd excitedly get my coffee and start watching it for however long until the day began
An anime never resonated with me as a "comfort watch" until Kyo Kara Maoh, it felt like I was transported back to watching Saturday morning anime as a kid
10/10 I love KKM so much

No. 434042

I'm so ready. I'm just nervous because the studio isn't that well known and has fucked up anime before

No. 434261

New trailer. I’m so excited for this

No. 434266

I'll never forgive my country for showing it on theaters when COVID was at its peak. It was already amazing watching it on TV

No. 434297

Just going to leave this here. No matter how much the rest of the anime may suck. This was extremely touching and well animated.

No. 434359

>Never coming to a cinema close to you!

For other comfy shows, try https://myanimelist.net/anime/27727/Binan_Koukou_Chikyuu_Bouei-bu_Love as well!

No. 434362

I want to watch it so much but I doubt it'll be released in theater until way after its Japanese release.

No. 434392

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Not that the forum is of any worth in 2024. Still the way Sony killed Crunchyroll its forums and episode comments shows how they don't give a single fuck, even more, they are openly antagonistic towards, about fandom spaces.

No. 434395

It just felt like a waste of great animation and decent directing. They tried to make you care about this character that barely got any screentime beforehand and randomly dropped this sob story on the viewer, and it just felt forced no matter how beautifully animated and how much effort was put into it. The whole show feels like that in general, like they're polishing a turd since the actual content is just completely typical and forgettable shounenslop once you take away all the fancy visuals and music.

No. 434411

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Does anyone know a place where it tells you whether an anime is licensed or not? And that has a comprehensive list of fansubs if they're not licensed?

Basically like MangaUpdates (picrel) but for anime.

No. 434420

File: 1732296712627.jpg (52.12 KB, 797x411, ani.jpg)

>Does anyone know a place where it tells you whether an anime is licensed or not?
MAL and LiveChart

>And that has a comprehensive list of fansubs if they're not licensed?


No. 434423

Thank you!

No. 435174

watched the latest episode of maou 2099 and it felt like the finale. I was so confused for several minutes until they cleared up that more was upcoming. also I didn't see the love confession coming at all, at least not the fact that it was mutual.

No. 435225

The shaved head combined with the kawaii eyes make it look ridiculous.

No. 435230

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The LN is still ongoing (haven't read it yet) - I wonder what else is in store. I hope it's not a gradual decline in quality and a redundant arc after a redundant arc like SAO.

No. 435348

apparently it's going to be a school arc. I worry that it will fall off and become insanely boring…

No. 436426

>The whole show feels like that in general, like they're polishing a turd since the actual content is just completely typical and forgettable shounenslop once you take away all the fancy visuals and music.
Ayrt and I partly agree, however that scene did make me emotional. I think the rest is mid to average shounen shit but with very good animation, although some parts are very cringe and hard to get through (to say the least) if not for the flashiness of it all.

No. 436461

This looks like CBDCT, I think I'll finally watch it.

No. 436696

Why the fuck is the filename for this Zombieland Saga when it's not Zombieland Saga

No. 436705

nona is baiting real hard by using more popular anime names for someone to give a shit about her generic isekai shit

No. 436718

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Nta but I took it as a reference to how the characters of zombieland pick up their heads.
Also at least she's talking about anime she likes, I'd rather have that thanks.

No. 437088

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Wow…was it because I got too much exposure before I watched CCA or it's really that unimpressive? Many things I found myself not caring in this movie. I don't care about politics, I don't care about Char's retardation nor Char and Amuro's rivalry (I miss my fujo phase). Unironically I came to like Quess and that simp Gyunei. The one who needs mommy the most was Quess, not you fuck off Char

No. 437207

unrelated but amuro is still the cutest gundam main character, nothing will ever top his curly 70s hair

No. 437261

It's an overrated film and a terrible end to Amuro's story imo.

No. 437267

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For me, its kamille

No. 437294

Nah, Amuro doesn't have a future. CCA gave him the best ending there could have been. It for the best, really. At least no female character will be the target of his BDSM fetish >>>/m/432704 .

No. 437301

I'm not into Dandandan, some stuff looked cool about it to me, but I really don't care to see naked ass kids laying on each other for comedy or whatever.

No. 437309

Agreed, anon. Kamille is the cutest of the UC protags.

No. 437310

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I wonder how it would look like if Kamille and Four switch hairstyle

No. 437317

Even Tomino wasn't impressed with CCA kek

Seems like a case of porn addiction, very unfortune moids likely fell for this

No. 437368

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I don’t care if the rest of it is average shonenshit. I don’t care about Seiko’s retarded ass design. I don’t even find myself taken that aback by the dumb fanservice anymore. their relationship makes me feel like I’m 13 and excited about love again and I think it’s one of the more natural depictions of how romantic feelings blossom and escalate, especially so for shonenslop (it helps that I like them a lot individually as characters). they make me feel alive

No. 437487

This ugly self-insert dork would never get a girl like this

No. 437513

I’m sorry you have bad taste in 2D males, nonna. He’s an ugly kid. I’m hoping there will be a time skip epilogue wherein he turns into a chad

No. 437517

I agree. They're literally so cute together and I love how their relationship is written. Despite all the other stuff around it, it's really just two kids falling in love.

No. 437518

Nta but he has started to seriously work out in the story, I think it'll probably go the same route as FMA where it's a subtle thing happening in the background.
Wouldn't be surprised if he loses the glasses on accident at some point.

No. 437612

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wtf is utena about ?

No. 437615


No. 437616

About revolutionazing the world.

No. 437617

No. 437647

I need to rewatch Utena sometime soon

No. 437660



I am seriously struggling to understand the hype surrounding this series and their romance. I tried watching the anime and reading the manga. It’s typical shounen slop that lacks direction in various aspects. It’s hyped to hell but it’s pretty much carried by nice animation/art.The romance itself is full of cringey shojo cliches that most of us have seen a million times and it needlessly drags out the whole “will they or won’t they” narrative.

Once you get past the visuals and recency bias, you see how needlessly repetitive and annoying multiple aspects of dandadan are.

No. 437681

Its because its shounenslop that its being praised as “awwww just the cutest thing ever!”. The same scene in a shoujo manga wouldnt even be read by moids and the pickmes would act like its cringe all of a sudden

No. 437682

Moid authors do this all the time. Lift tropes and beats directly from women authors and then normalfags give them all the credit. The same thing that's derided as silly shit for girls is suddenly amazing when a moid does it.

No. 437686

Idk some people like shounen anime, like how some people like shoujo anime.
What shounen romance do you like?

No. 437690

>dandandann is the series they're throwing tomatoes at this time
Anybody want to place bets about which series will get the "I saw people enjoying this and I hate it" next season?

No. 437713

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Finished Attack on Titan recently and it sent me into a month long depression. I don’t know why but it was just so sad. I really liked Eren and there was no other way for it to end, but I wanted him to be happy or have a different life. I thought he was really pretty as an adult. I also started watching Inuyasha and I really like it. Lord Sesshomaru is my absolute fave and I’m in love with him. I was pretty much crying when Kagura died. She thought he came for Naraku, and then he says he knew it was her. I pretty much wanted to drop kick my TV. She deserved better too.
I’ve watched Dandadan and I like it. I think it’s cute, funny. I like Momos grandma. My favorite character is definitely the turbo granny in the lucky cat though.

No. 437773

Let's throw rotten tomatoes at Isayama here! >>>/m/357395

No. 437965


The “romance” is hyped by people who call the barest of minimums a green flag. It’s completely shallow and the mc’s have zero chemistry. Not even going to touch on how these same fans shit on the shojo genre and shojo related tropes but suddenly it’s a “breath of fresh air” when an uninspired moid uses them. Doesn’t help that none of the characters have any substance. They’re just embodiments of typical shonen tropes. Easy to digest for room temp IQ shonen fans.

As for the hype, it’s only gassed because it’s the first of the new gen of shonen and has no real competition yet. As soon as it’s done airing and its competitors come in to play, you won’t hear anything about it anymore. When you do, it will just be about how it “fell off” or its “mid”.

No. 437966


Not a fan of shonen. They’re all follow the same formula and are pretty uninteresting. I prefer seinen but there’s not too many seinen anime out there.

No. 437967


AYRT but yup it’s exactly that. I see some of them swearing that dandadan uses shojo tropes but does it “better”. Kek.

No. 438093

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No. 438098

I’m enjoying the manga and am cautiously optimistic for the choice of studio

No. 438100

Following bravern this year, hikaru coming next year and KGB being a sausage fest, people were joking that cygames is a yaoi studio now.

No. 438103

promare bugs me. i just know if it were about women instead we would've gotten a 2 cour show by now. so ridiculous that trigger won't invest any more time in it, i know they made bank off the movie

i couldn't get into the manga because the first bad guy was too trashy (just…pull limbs off a kid, okay) and that's on top of me thinking "okay, if i took his sword wtf could he do but stand there and be ugly" but i might tune in to this if the animation's good

No. 438109

Maybe it's because I exclusively read romance manga made by women, but their romance so far in the anime has been awful. No real chemistry, misunderstandings, awful communication, the guy not even realizing he likes her but still getting embarrassed, and to top it all off the unnecessary naked scenes for comedy that now can't be used for future relationship development. It's lame and the most boring and unenjoyable aspect of the show. The anime would be 10 times better if it didn't waste time on this shonenslop tier romance.

No. 438128

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>cygames is a yaoi studio now
Since its very inception lol. (They were the producer, not the animation studio, I know.)

No. 438143

Isn't this similar to the recent slop stacy x incel romance? There was also something about cosplay and how they bonded over it?

No. 438148

Yeah and people were pretending it was the most wholesome cutest romance despite being fanservice shit

No. 438171

People throw around that word way too much, he's Japanese traditional, not an incel. His deal is running around in a yakuta and not knowing anything about anime or tech while being a professional at Japanese doll making.
There's a difference between nerd (the dandandan guy), trad (the dress up guy) and incel (the welcome to nhk guy).
Honestly, maybe it's autistic but I refuse to call a spade a hoe just because they're both gardening tools.

No. 438273

>incel (the welcome to nhk guy).
NTA but are you referring to the protagonist? That guy's just a hikikomori (not trad, nor a nerd, nor an incel, he's just a hikkiNEET), IIRC he doesn't hate women or is obsessed with sex. But if you're talking about his otaku friend that lives next door, yeah, that guy's both an incel and a nerd.
But yeah, I agree with you. I get that it's annoying that shounenshit "romance" is basic crap with ecchi to keep the moids entertained and that's why the male lead is always plain and awkward like the target audience, and the girl is always a pretty and special waifu. I hate it too, but those male leads aren't incels, they're just boring dorks that are easy for men to self-insert into. They're all different kinds of male losers.

No. 438394

>that guy's both an incel and a nerd
He has sex in the manga though. (I haven't watched the anime.)

No. 438405

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Just watched The Birth of Kitarou and it hits hard. So many drama subplots packed into a single film. Just how many cursed villages has Japan? Hinamizawa, Sotoba, Jouga, that village from Kamisama Dolls… The character-writing was top-notch. Very competent direction. Man-made horrors being scarier than any youkai. Highly-recommended.

No. 438406

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Using that purple glow in an anime about man-made horrors beyond youkai comprehension reminds me of FMA 2003. A nice touch.

No. 438407

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10/10 visual direction.

No. 438410

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The whodunit subplot could have been stretched into an entire cour.

No. 438412

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Just the right amount of Vietnam Saipan Papua New Guinea flashbacks.

No. 438413

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Not enough time for OPERATOR Mizuki.

No. 438414

File: 1733427190988.png (Spoiler Image,3.2 MB, 1914x1068, meme.png)

Thank you, writer-sama for that wink to that part of the audience with terminal Internet brainrot.

No. 438416

File: 1733427899193.webm (6.48 MB, 1920x1080, The Birth of Kitaro - The Myst…)

No. 438422

Yeah, that guy. He was mentioned as an incel in another thread so it got caught in my mind kek

No. 438588

More cat anime incoming.

No. 438610

How long is that thing going to be? Kek, I can't really see myself looking at random people running away from cats for 12 episodes.

No. 438618

Not determined yet.

No. 438621

the manga is actually very well written kek so im hoping they dont butcher this

No. 438662

I both love and cringe at how modern anime uses hardcore/heavy metal songs.

No. 438664

turbo granny as a cat is the only thing that can rescue this series from the trash fire it is
that's the part I hate the most. It could had done better without that. I'm considering finishing the season because I'm watching it with a friend but after this I'm not interested in more seasons. I don't care if this makes me a prude

No. 438689

>this is published in a seinen magazine
I hope it's not going to turn into some creepy lolishit. I hope it's not another Usagi Drop in the making (that one was josei).

No. 438693

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It's not, regardless of how people are going to treat it once the anime is out. Or at least I hope it never takes that direction. I was pleasantly surprised by the manga art, so seeing a lot of cgi is disappointing but not unexpected either.

No. 438698

The artstyle even in the manga looks inspired by the lolicon style

No. 438701

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Can you elaborate? Which artists/franchises?

No. 438702

I'm not thinking of a specific artist since I'm not too familiar with them, but the thin/frail body paired with the huge head just gives me that vibe of loli stuff I've seen in passing.

No. 438711

It skeeves me out that stuff like this is in a men's magazine. Like guys used to write shoujo in the 60s/70s but at least it was written with kids in mind and in magazines. How can any moid over 20 say with a straight face that they're reading a series about a little elementary school-looking girl in a leotard with an adult male coach

No. 438712

*in children's magazines

No. 438715

Tbf Shoujo/josei magazines are out of style, seinen and shounen are pretty clearly gender neutral at this point.

No. 438716

It's not about other people enjoying it, it's that it sucks

No. 438846

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No. 438980

NTA but there are actual magazines without either label, a lot of authors also self-publish online these days. I wouldn't say shounen magazines are "gender neutral" either considering most of it is still moid pandering slop and you're probably just thinking of a few slightly female-gazey manga that happened to be published as shounen due to circumstances.

No. 439171

This one looks interesting. https://myanimelist.net/anime/60315/Dekin_no_Mogura
From the mangaka of Hoozuki no Reitetsu.

No. 439628

>Nakamura Yuichi voicing mc
Idk if there are any other seiyuu autists here but I'm so tired of this guy, he's fallen into only doing one character ever since Gojo. Cool premise though.

No. 439731

>few slightly female-gazey manga
The line up for shounen jump right now is pretty neutral and they've said in the magazine when discussing certain series that they're intentionally trying to balance it out by adding series women would like.

No. 439740

Yeah, you can definitely see the shift to having more focus on series that appeal to women in WSJ, even outside of trying to bait fujos. Blue Box is written by a female shoujo mangaka iirc, Akane Banashi and Act Age are dramas with female MCs, one of their biggest new manga, Ichi the Witch, is by the magazine’s first ever female author-artist duo. Even in line of proper battle shounen, The Promised Neverland and Undead Unluck have proper female protagonists who get to fight and be the focus of attention. Not to mention, Jump is more accepting of having actually romantic themes outside of romcoms. Spy x Family and Dandadan are in Jump+ and both have pretty big female audiences of girls who like het romance combined with action.

No. 439759

>Blue Box is written by a female shoujo mangaka
I thought it was a man? Either way the manga was still the same usual shounen love triangle slop the last time I read it

No. 439761

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Sources say female author.

No. 440837

File: 1734300086344.jpg (230.72 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Raise wa Tanin ga…)

I got excited seeing Akira Ishida is voice acting for a lead character here but I'm only on ep 1 and the tropes in each scene just keep making me physically cringe

No. 440860

I tried the manga for this until I realized its a story for cuckqueens

No. 441678

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I rewatched the prologue to Witch from Mercury and I'm once again despairing over how shit it was. I really had hope for it in part 1

No. 441688

akane banashi is so fucking good

No. 441792

Dandadan ending the season with yet another near rape scene of the female mc with the lamest cliffhanger possible lol. This show was so ass, great animation wasted on garbage

No. 441801

Are you still going to try the new Gundams coming out?

No. 441817

Yeah definitely, I liked the Gquuuuuux(?) trailer and I'm going to start one of the older entries soon.

No. 441825

Ngl the latest arc caught me by surprise.

No. 441832

Everytime I hear about this anime it's always about bullshit like this. And people all over the internet have the audacity of recommending this garbage.

No. 441836

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It's a battle shounen in Shounen Jump, it's a rare event when something isn't shilled (pic related).

No. 441837

Genuinely wondering what that name is supposed to be.

No. 441851

It's pronounced Quacks or something weird.

No. 441854

Its qwucks
I saw someone figure out why they used the weird naming, I cant remember properly but the full name of the gundam cut in half looks like a bunch of U's or something along those lines

No. 441856

Guess it's creative, wonder how they're going to explain it inverse.

No. 441857

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I always admired anime for coming up with the most creative and retarded names.

No. 441884

Just finished watching the first Hana no Asuka Gumi. I quite enjoyed it but there are a few weird details here and there. The art is nice and the actions and fight scenes were actually fun to watch. I also really like the main character and I think she's waifu material tbh. All the girls' designs are really cool and diverse, some are androgynous even and I thought they were guys at first.

No. 441885

Is this any good? I enjoy the battle shounen romcom trend and like Undead Unluck, Dandadan, Spy x Family, and Make the Exorcist Fall in Love. I read a few chapters of Yozakura Family and bounced off it, though.

No. 441889

I dropped it ages ago becaise I got busy but from what I remember it's very 00s basic, so if you want a bit of a nostalgic hitman reborn style trip then maybe check it out.

No. 441980

Yeah it was hyped by manga readers a ton before coming out and then just turned out to be a very well polished turd (the visuals are still well done like I said). The near rape scenes just feel unnecessary and like they're there to be fanservice for the audience, but the fans will try to justify them by saying erm but the rapists are portrayed as bad so it's fine!! Or whatever, as if the girl wasn't objectified anyways. Watching it almost made me feel too old for shounen because of how immature and lame it is, but I know that's not the issue when I'm still enjoying a lot of other shounen and in general other anime marketed for younger audiences, it's just that Dandadan in particular sucks.

No. 442001

Samefag, I watched the second OVA, liked it as well, but it left me with even more questions and now I want to read the manga.

No. 442002

That's why I stopped looking forward to hyped shows of each season, I just stay neutral until I check it out myself. Most of the time there's always scroteshit that faggots gloss over because moids never have to navigate media the way we do.

No. 442003

>Watching it almost made me feel too old for shounen because of how immature and lame it is
Tbf, did you look up the plot summary before watching it?
"The mc loses his dick and balls lololol" should have been a give away to avoid it, even if it's all over twitter.

No. 442006

File: 1734709666242.webp (569.94 KB, 1139x1590, MTPC-poster-2018.jpg)

i'm rewatching this precure season in preparation for the sequel, it's so comfy and cute. i love the clear harry potter inspiration, japan loves HP lol. also i got to go to the precure collab cafe and there was a little girl dressed up from the newest season going precure! precure! bouncing up and down in her seat… so cute… however the fact that there were multiple single males there deeply disgusted me. i feel so sorry for mothers in japan, you can't even take your little girl to a cafe aimed at pre-schoolers without adult men ruining it. also cute was that i saw a group of teenage girls dressed up with ita bags for the characters, they were probably kids when the season originally aired.

No. 442012

Nta but all the summaries I saw online before watching it were about "two classmates going on supernatural adventures" and it being from the same studio as Scott Pilgrim.

No. 442013

Out of just curiosity checked out to see what the wiki page plot summary was, it has "retrieval of Okarun's penis and testicles" in blue lol

No. 442019

maho is getting a sequel??

No. 442049

could any kind anon help me figure out an anime and character

an anon talked about her favorite anime character on here ages (probably years) ago, he was sexually abused as a child and cut off one of his limbs to be ‘further away’ from the father who sexually abused him

i don’t have any more info and i know this is a super long shot, i just wanted to try, sorry for esl retardation

No. 442057

File: 1734730812236.jpg (640.66 KB, 1127x1595, ShounenJump.jpg)

How many can you recognize?

No. 442061

This made me realize how much I hate Shounen Jump

No. 442069

Ah. Ok.

No. 442071

I always feel really happy when I see other people watching Asuka Gumi. Which OVA did you prefer? It's been a huge while, but I remember liking the second one slightly more.
Have you seen Sukeban Deka too?

No. 442076

As in knowing the series/character names? Probably half. I don't keep up with all the Shonen Jump/Shueisha magazines.
Lol at Ryoma being there twice… I imagine this is a collage with the series that were running in that year since Light, Kuroko, Hikaru, etc aren't there

No. 442090

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husbando, and only husbando

No. 442106

It's this year, I think spin offs by different authors appear as seperate.

No. 442152

I can't decide, both have things I like about them. But I think I like the first one more because it served as a good introduction to the story and characters, and I liked that Asuka helps all those girls in need and is sort of a hero in her own way. I'm planning on watching the live action drama and reading the manga next. I was thinking of checking Sukeban Deka out, too but forgot what it was called lol. Thanks for reminding me.

No. 442178

File: 1734775534097.jpg (2.23 MB, 2364x3485, Toyama.Haruhiko.full.485300.jp…)

I think you are looking for Tooyama Haruhiko from Texhnolyze! He is not the main character, though. He debuts in episode 9, and in episode 11, you can see his messed-up relationship with his trash dad.

No. 442187

thank you so much anon you are a treasure!

No. 442213

60~70 I could recognize the series the character was from for me… I read a lot of Jump because its so easily available lol

No. 442259

I dont know why I'm still watching this nonas I'm still cringing and I hate the mc and her fiance I cant fucking stand either of them but I keep clicking the next episode for my next spoonful of cringe

No. 442345

All I knew about it was what >>442012
said and that it was hyped by manga readers, pretty sure most people don't even know about the balls thing and just started watching it because it's been hyped up so it's not just me. I don't even think the premise in itself is the issue even if the balls thing is dumb, the concept of mixing aliens and youkai isn't bad, they just don't do anything actually interesting with it outside of lolsorandom moments and trying to make you feel pity for a sobstory of a character you barely knew, so it sucks.

No. 442578

I can’t stand this show. Too much cringe kek

No. 442580

The near rape scenes paired with light coomer scenes with the female characters (various panty shots involving Momo) is why I can' take the Acrobatic Silky arc so seriously.

Everyone was going "man that was so sad [insert frowny face here]"—and while the tragic storyline of a single mother who moonlights as a prostitute isn't necessarily a bad idea—the fact that that plotline is in the same show where aliens attempt to rape a teenage girl (don't get me started on that co-ed hot spring scene). Of course, she isn't traumatized and is never spoken of again because I guess waifus with baggage are not kawiwi or whatever.

Like, what exactly is the author's intent? Going from a "looool, weird looking aliens want to steal this girl's organs" Momo's panty shots, to the Acrobatic Silky story to the ugly bastards in the hot springs.

Acrobatic Silky's arc was the cheapest form of drama and I can't stand people praising it.

No. 442581

I’m watching nana now that I’m 21 years old. It’s such a well made show in the sense that every character is quite human at the end of the day.
I just wish Hachi gave herself time to actually develop her interests rather than chasing love, she needs to be alone and find self worth and independence rather than relying on others, even nana herself. Nobu could have taught her proper love, not that he was the best or anything, he was immature, but he loved her and he wanted to accept her, it would have been the first ever healthy relationship she had. I wish she aborted the kid or just slept with Takumi once and then let him go kek.
Also why does everyone in the show not use condoms kek.

No. 442583

Apart from Nobu that is kek

No. 442588

>Also why does everyone in the show not use condoms kek.
Because they're stupid. Except Nobu, as you said. I'm surprised we never had a plot line about one of the characters getting an STD, with how several characters are serial cheaters. Hachi getting pregnant and not having enough common sense to abort is close enough I guess.

No. 442589

Takumi is probably HIV positive and has genital herpes kek.

No. 442590

>just slept with Takumi once and then let him go kek.
Nana K is weak and she’s especially weak to Takumi, she never even properly broken up with him before getting with Nobu, not that they were ever together. Her whole character centers around prioritizing men over herself or better she selfishly chases after her idolized idea of “real love” even if she doesn’t like the guy in front of her (see how she forces herself to like people, from Shoji, to Yasu and to Nobu. She chooses the guy and then convinces herself that she likes them). The only guys she truly liked were the married man and Takumi, who are funnily enough, the people who treated her the worst. Therefore in front of these two she never stood any chance, from the moment Takumi opened the door in that episode and slept with her the next day she was already head over heels.

She also chose Takumi because he was an easy choice because in that moment Nana had abandoned her and she didn’t want Nobu because she felt idolized by him, whereas with Takumi she never felt that way, he never hid how he was and despite that he was ready to marry her and give her what she wanted, aka a classic family with a husband who seemingly loved her, even if it was a façade.

No. 442592

I don’t know how you guys are able to watch or read this trash

No. 442593

It’s so trashy that it ends up being entertaining, everyone makes shitty choices.

No. 442594

I wanted to like Nana so bad, but I just hated it. I only liked the bald guy. Every character is a total bippie and they make the worst possible decision every time. also the artstyle gave me body dysmorphia and triggered my inner anachan kek

No. 442596

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Nonna I’ve placed a picrel of the characters, don’t open it if you’re triggered

Really? Sometimes the art style bothered me because they looked like sticks kek, zero butt whatsoever. But I liked how there was no racy fan service despite the sec scenes, I also liked how they changed clothes. I like sleek and slender anime scrotes anyway, Takumi is my favorite look wise.

No. 442597

And Yasu, he’s so sexy.

No. 442606

Nana and Nana should have just gotten together kek

No. 442607

I feel like 90% of the cast has at least one untreated STD.

No. 442635

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Does anyone here follow Drama Queen? I'm curious what anons think about. I like it but the discussion around it is almost more entertaining than the story itself.

No. 442636

Ask in the manga thread

No. 442773

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My new reasons to live for another year

No. 442776

Looks like moidslop. Look forward to Ikkoku Nikki instead

No. 442782

KEK, true though

No. 442793

2025 seems like its going to be good for fujos.

No. 442794

how? so far all i've seen its mostly another year full of anime mainly made for men

No. 442795

There's a bunch of bl slated to be adapted, including Gambare Nakamura, Summer Hikaru Died, Let's Go Karoke, Captivated by You, etc.

No. 442800

All shit

No. 442802

Should have fixed what I said, it'll be a good year for the vast majority of fujos that don't have lc taste.

No. 442807

Still shit(low effort infight bait)

No. 442834

Exactly, it just felt cheap and the anime is all over the place overall, doesn't feel like it has much of a message or theme to show to the viewer outside of the main nerdy guy getting stronger or whatever, which is barely anything

No. 442844

Hikaru and Karaoke Iko(specifically the first series, NOT famires) aren't BL

No. 442907

The new precure season is idolshit… sigh

No. 442908

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the only thing im waiting for right now is the third season of jujutsu kaisen, im assuming its going to come out in 2025?

No. 442909

Excited for good luck nakamura kun. Wonder how they will adapt such a short manga though

No. 442912

they're probably going to add some original content which kinda scares me to be honest, we all know what filler stuff usually looks like (cough cough.. naruto)

No. 442930

That's what was announced not too long ago, but we don't know when exactly in 2025 yet.

No. 443362

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I have yet to find any other anime that gives me the same feeling as pic rel. Closest is shinsekai yori. I love media that focuses on finding happiness after a big disaster, it feels so comforting to me.

No. 443363

yokohama kaidashi kikou? tsumiki no ie?

No. 443366

Oh yeah i forgot i still gotta watch yokohama kaidashi, actually, i am going to do it when my friend comes over. Thanks nonny! Never heard of the latter one, is it the short thats on youtube?

No. 443368

yes, it's the short movie la petit maison en cubes. sad yet comforting, about approaching the end of life but still finding solace in daily routine and memory. YKK is one of my absolute favorites, the OVA is a good taste-tester but the manga expands more on themes of the passage of time, 物の哀れ, in a "slow apocalyptic" setting

No. 443370

also, fuck, you just reminded me of the manga ending of girl's last tour. the mangaka is definitely a depressive person

No. 443378

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Sounds perfect, thanks nonny. I also forgot about Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita and Kemono friends too if you are also into the positive post apocalyptic ''genre''
He's a real schizo too, i remember f/a/gs discussing his twitter meltdowns daily and having to keep up an archive of his art because he kept deleting his twitter.

No. 443382

File: 1735361311059.png (406.92 KB, 500x569, antsize.png)

What were anime you went into with low expectations, be it because of it being an adaptation of gacha shit, just your average seasonal slop or the anime to LN about finding yourself in another world #2893478294 and got positively surprised by? Asking because I just remembered Damex Prince Anime Caravan, an adaptation of a mobile game, and how I laughed my ass off pretty much every single episode even though I went into it with absolutely no expecations at all.

No. 443386

wow i totally forgot this existed, i watched this back when i used to sample 1 episode of every anime in a season for some reason. i remember thinking the bug smooshing scene with ruze was cute but other than that of i have no memory of it. seeing your pic i kind of want to give it a try again

No. 443387

sorry to ask for spoonfeeding but please post caps

No. 443394

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Blue archive. The animation was insanely good and Shiroko was hilarious. There was also 0 fanservice, surprisingly. Nothing mind blowing, but i was expecting much less considering the absolute deplorable state of game adaptations.

No. 443396

Why do people always compare Meguka to Princess Tutu? isnt the latter for little girls. Feels weird to compare it to some 3deep5u anime made by lolifags. Now i am curious.

No. 443397

Vibes, I guess. I enjoyed both and they both have the same slightly eerie feel.

No. 443398

My most recent example is probably Ragna Crimson. I actually almost dropped it after ep 1 when it felt like the loli was going to stick around and probably end up a love interest, but she didnt and the rest of the show was surprisingly super entertaining for seasonal slop. The anime was even low budget but I still enjoyed it through the story.

No. 443401

they're mainly compared for deconstructing magical girl tropes, but i really don't think they're very similar at all. princess tutu is more plausibly for children (not edgy at all) as you said but it's much more strongly influenced by classic fairy tales than other mahou shoujo stuff, and it plays with those fairy tale tropes like the villainess and the heroine, the happily ever after, etc, even has a role for the narrator which is a surprisingly postmodern thing for a kids show. of course it takes a while to build up these themes and spends some time just being a monster of the week show, but i really think it's very artfully done

No. 443681

Why did anime go from having at least 25 eps per season to only 12?

No. 443687

Anyone else watched the Tatami sequel? Pretty good for a sequel nostalgiabux bait. It was smart to "reverse" Watashi's character development because that's kind of the theme of the story anyway. Also if you read that Akashi lied about the invitation scene happening to get Watashi to invite her out then that would have been an endearing characterization. Besides that we already know she most likely has a crush on Watashi anyway.

No. 443688

Animators started saying silly things like "can I get paid more" and "I want to see my family."
But seriously, there are still 25 episode shows, guess it calls for more commitment.

No. 443851

if I had to guess I would say that it's more profitable for production companies to fund a larger amount of shorter projects than longer ones and hope one of those shows is a big success. 26 episode shows seem like big commitments nowadays compared to e.g. the post-Eva late 90s/20s when there were fewer people watching and I think more captive audiences (being the cable TV pre-streaming era)

No. 444057

Blue archive is weird because it has arguably the craziest, most degenerate and terrible fanbase out of all the gacha games but then the anime like you said didn't even have fanservice and the game itself has it but mainly just standard gachashit like some girls getting more revealing outfits and occasional fanservice in events and one on one interactions with the characters. Nothing that hasn't been done in other games like it yet it always attracts the worst possible people to it.

No. 444059

Maybe it's because it's pretty "normie friendly" compared to other gachashit? I feel like people who play the truly degenerate ones know to shut up and stay in their shitflinging Twitter spaces, but Blue Archive fans will sperg out endlessly kek

No. 444061

Maybe, it's pretty popular right now. Funny considering a lot of the fanbase acts like they have to gatekeep from normies or whatever and to them a "normie" is basically anyone who doesn't sperg about how much they want to rape the loli characters every 5 seconds.

No. 444084

Honestly i still think fate is worse. At least the lolis in BA are drawn like mini adults with wide hips and no tits and a simple cell shaded style, meanwhile in fate the lolis are drawn extremely realistic with their ribs poking out and realistic shading. Its what made me stop playing fate.

No. 444085

>Funny considering a lot of the fanbase acts like they have to gatekeep from normies or whatever and to them a "normie" is basically anyone who doesn't sperg about how much they want to rape the loli characters every 5 seconds
This just makes it more obvious that they are edgelords playing their first big boy gacha game kek.

No. 444090

File: 1735579078818.jpeg (Spoiler Image,59 KB, 416x738, images-10.jpeg)

>are drawn like mini adults
>how noble of ba to draw pedo shit in a cel colour style unlike fate!
>yet this is the "mini adult"
Bafags and fatefags are the same side of the coin

No. 444586

>now I want to read the manga
Brush up your Japanese, because translators don't care for it. Speed-releases of Shounen Jump chapters which will get official translations anyway are more of a priority.

It must be 'so bad that it's good'.

Some Naruto filler was really good though, like the episodes with Guren.

Hikari no Ou

No. 444600

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Ixion Saga. I expected another isekaislop, but it turned out to be hilarious.

Why should companies spend more money on glorified adverts?

No. 444610

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Your husbando had drunk sex with a homeless man.(infight bait)

No. 444691

ftm in 3 months(infight bait)

No. 444741

that was hilarious and i spiritually relate to madao which means husbando could give me a chance

No. 444862

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>the manga was never fully adapted
Disappointing. I like the contrast between the two OVA series. The first one is from the point of view of the guy, while the second one is from the POV of the girl - even when the story is linear and quite faithful to the manga. You just don't see such personal touch in modern manga adaptations, which are more often than not manga panels copy-pasted onto the screen. The concept of having your own personal zombie boytoy is also something that appeals to me.

No. 444863

No. 445124

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Can anyone tell me who this is/what show he's from?

No. 445127


Doi-sensei from Rakudai Nintama Rantaro. There's a good subtitled movie 2 for the series. Most episodes are scattered and hard to find though. It's a kids show thats been running for more than 30 years. The manga ended a while back since the mangaka got a stroke though.

No. 445129

Alright, thank you!

No. 445132

File: 1735939464758.jpg (50.45 KB, 325x318, Hag.jpg)

What's up with the recent trend of calling women over 30 hags in the anime community? I'm out of the loop

No. 445133


No. 445134

Negging and typical male cope about their impending lives of loneliness.

No. 445137

Gross, it's sad to see women using it too. People calling themselves hags and falling for the idiotic negging are really dumb.

No. 445140

>the anime community

Anyway, to answer your question:
>most anime and manga are made for a general audience or a young audience, either teenagers or young adults
>kids and teenagers usually relate to characters around their age
>thus, most main characters for these series are also kids or teenagers, sometimes young adults
>adult characters are treated as old and experienced in life just by comparison
>add some casual misogyny from either the target audience or the writers
>which means a 30 years old female character will be seen as an old fart
>this sometimes applies to male characters in their 20s or early 30s if they die to let the teenage main character kill the arc's bad guy, with the reasoning that they've lived long enough and did what they could, now it's the new generation's turn to do whatever is important for the main story
>otakubait anime are often the same but a lot more meta so the adult female characters will be treated the same way but worse

No. 445142

File: 1735943108915.png (599.91 KB, 1054x592, youre-still-wanted.png)

Nonna it's been a thing for ages. It used to be if you were over 25 you were a Christmas Cake. It's getting better, slowly

No. 445203

I'm used to the Christmas cake thing but it wasn't as effective as this "Hag" trend is. I'm just surprised real women are saying it about themselves and that people are using "Hag" so openly, like it's cute or something. It feels a lot more mean and just plain nasty!

No. 445224

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Moeshit and lolishit got so popular that it became the default for female characters. Before that happened, I think mature, adult female characters were more common. And they certainly looked more like adults than babies with huge tits.
You could've gotten the name from visiting the link in that tweet, and scrolling down to No. 10 on the list.

No. 445632

I just finished Angel's Egg and I have the same problem whenever I watch anything by Satoshi Kon–I'm too dumb to get anything artsy like that kek

No. 445774

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Finally watched Gurren Lagann. I stopped at episode 22 because I lost interest, I can’t bring myself to finish it at all. This story is hella boring honestly and the characters are either flat or insufferable (or both like Nia).
Funnily enough my favorite character is Viral, I wish I had a series with him as an MC.

No. 445775

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Pluto is a much better mecha anime in my opinion

No. 445777

TTGL is such a guilty pleasure of mine, it's a scrote anime but i love the mecha fight scenes. If you like retarded Gainax/ Trigger stuff it's amazing but you don't like the first part you won't like the second even though i still remember the ending years after.

No. 445778

I tried to watch this 3 times from childhood to now and every time I dropped it

No. 445784

Robot and mecha feel too different.

No. 445787

Mecha is robot nonna

No. 445790

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Has anyone ever watched Claymore? I really liked it. I even continued and finished the manga.

No. 445792

Funnily enough I liked the first part and found the second more boring. I just didn’t have the interest to follow up despite the story building about spiral and anti spirals, I guess I just didn’t care enough for the characters.

No. 445793

Yes I watched it and made me go read the manga but I never finished the manga because at the time it had no ending yet, then I simply forgot about it. Might read it again from the beginning, I remember liking it a lot.

No. 445794

The MarySue behavior of nia was irritating and so was her voice, she reminds me of Shiemi from blue no exorcist, flat, predictable and boring.

No. 445796

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tbh even if i didn't like it i needed to finish the show after seeing a screenshot of older simon he's so fine and slutty with his bare chest /g/ girls would lve his charadesign

No. 445798

I know that yoko was tweaking while seeing him kek. He just looks like Kamina 2.0.

No. 445871

I loved it! I was honestly shocked that after 12 years it felt like no time had passed at all, it fits perfectly with the original series.

No. 445944

She was the most insufferable character

No. 445945

Along with the other one that was pressing buttons

No. 445965

Meant as gimmicks. A roomba is a robot too but a sol about a roomba wouldn't be mecha.
Same thing with an isekai that has one of those fantasy robot waifus. Still not mech.

No. 446024

been wanting to rewatch hetalia; does anyone know if the episodes are compiled into one hour long thing because I find the five minute format really grating. Am I watching the wrong thing? Is it going to be five minute episodes for every season? It's been years since I watched it so I don't remember myself.

No. 446066

Yeah a few anons like it. I read the manga only and loved it myself.

No. 446453

Nonas I've been on an anime burnout lately, not even the usual stuff I like has been interesting me. What do you usually switch to whenever you're like this? Tbh I have never really gotten "burnout" for a decade now so idk where this came from

No. 446468

I try watching something I don't usually watch.
Either you like something new or you gain better appreciation for the type of show you watch.
Also just taking a break from anime and watching stuff from another country.
Recently, British light comedy for me.

No. 446471

When I burn out on anime I usually just go back to vidya. For some reason I've never burnt out on manga even once. Wonder why that is.

No. 446480

Asobi Asobase and Nichijou or even Osomatsu. Fun , lighthearted and easy to follow.

No. 446481

And watch other shows too. Anime isn’t the only thing I consume kek. I’ve started breaking bad, it’s very good.

No. 446585

No. 447637

The first episode of season 2 of Apothecary Diaries just came out. I think this season is supposed to be 26 episodes long, so excited.

No. 447810

The further it goes, the more shoujo wish-fulfilment it becomes.

No. 447822

I'm excited too, court shows are comfy and I've been feeling a void since Raven.

No. 447831

File: 1736676588509.webm (1.68 MB, 1920x1080, take a bath.webm)

Did you like it, /m/?

No. 447851

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Anybody watching Sakamoto Days?

No. 447857

It's out? I had no idea. I only read a few chapters and found it boring, but maybe it'll be more interesting as an anime

S2 of solo leveling is also out, but ever since someone pointed out how the mc is a mary sue it kind of killed it for me lol

No. 447871

26 weeks of goodness, god bless

No. 447880

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I'm a few episodes into this ongoing anime Orb: On the Movements of the Earth. I picked it up cause I saw it got listed as a horror anime, and although it doesn't really feel like horror to me, I'll probably finish it anyways. It's set in Renaissance-era Poland and is about astronomy if that interests anyone here

No. 447883

There's zero horror in this but it's a really cool anime, imo one of the best ones I've seen. Sucks that the animation is pretty subpar.

No. 447884

It's not horror at all, my guess is someone tagged it as such because "religion is the real horror"

No. 447908

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Lol who would ever call this horror? It's more like a historical drama about the spread of heliocentrism. I think it's really great despite the somewhat cheaper budget. I really like how incredibly dark like 90% of it is, as in very low light, so that when the characters figure out new information or get closer to their heliocentric theory, the screen is suddenly blasted with light because they are becoming enlightened. Oczy is cute

No. 448213

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Worth watching?

No. 448217

I love stupid shoujo wish fullfilment stories like honey lemon soda, like yes give me that unrealistic manic pixie dream male lead who supports the insecure female MC, I wish I met someone like that when I was rock bottom in high school……

No. 448344

i love shounen chuuni wish fulfillment with yandere fls

No. 448355

I like both. Retarded edgy 2000s Female yanderes are my guilty pleasure though

No. 448478

Depends on how much you like Rangers and how much you can stand massive breasts taking up half the screen.

No. 448527

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I'm watching Dragon Ball with my boyfriend, the original series.It's not bad or anything but to be honest Akira Toriyama might have been kind of a pervert. I know he died, I respect him and his art and stuff but man, why is one of the first scenes Bulma pissing off of a cliff and her flashing an old man without her panties. My boyfriend says "it's not perverted it was just supposed to be funny, it was a different time" but I can't help but think Toriyama might've found this sort of thing titillating. Why is Chichi's costume a bikini, it's really weird. I guess at least he wasn't a lolicon but still. I was excited to watch it and now I'm a little disappointed, I feel bad for being disappointed because my boyfriend was so excited to show it to me. Is this show just old timey coom slop? Does it get better or will this keep having weird scenes. Like Everytime Bulma has to take a shower or something theres always a weird fan service scene. And it's like, c'mon, I don't care about this!

No. 448536

>Is this show just old timey coom slop?
Yeah. Pretty sure the fanservice stops being as much in your face when the characters get older and the focus moves towards nonstop fighting and powerlevels.

No. 448537

Youtube video essays, then those essays could recommend me something new too!

No. 448538

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I rematched Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou recently and I gotta say, man the first two OVAs they made are better then the latter. The two last ones, made in the 2000s, don't hold up as well, the way I can describe it is that they feel "more anime" and Alpha feels more "waifu". Still pretty and still a nice time, but the 1998s episodes are clearly superior.

No. 448542

It's a known thing that Toriyama was a pervert with female characters, he even made a comic about a female hero that becomes a prostitute because she gets raped and she likes it (gag). Bulma's name comes from the word bloomers, and as you said Chichi's first appearance has her as a kid in a bikini. That said it does get better as you go on because Toriyama got tard wrangled at some point by editors. The obsessed moids will seethe at this, but I always liked Z and GT better because there aren't as many perverted "funny" moments.
Also I haven't seen anyone saying this, but I rewatched some of the movies recently and I was kind of weirded out because there are two separate occasions where a kid pisses on the villain (not on purpose, they piss themselves) and now you mention the Bulma pissing thing and like… is there someone with a pissing fetish involved??

No. 448543

Toriyama was a perv, he even said he wanted to be an old senile man to prey on his daughters.

No. 448544

>it's not perverted it was just supposed to be funny, it was a different time
but it never happens with male characters. huh!

No. 448556

I remember a scene from Z where adult Goku is naked, full ass shown and all and a female character is blushing.

No. 448562

I have no respect for him and I hope his death was painful

No. 448568

The movie with his father also has him walking around naked briefly with his dick censored by objects in the foreground. It's still not as demeaning as the girls, those feel like actual porny shit.

No. 448573

I get it if your boyfriend watched it as a kid and he didn't notice all the weird shit until he rewatched it with you, but the fact he's defending it instead of agreeing with how weird it is is a huge red flag.

No. 448585

>is there someone with a pissing fetish involved??
No, Japan thinks pissing is the funniest shit, off the top of my head, JoJo, Baki, Hokuto no ken, Tough and Kaiju No. 8, all have several pissing jokes.

No. 448729

So it's sort of like fart/burp jokes in American cartoons?

No. 448831

Good show. I like how they showed how women got treated poorly back then without resorting to rape as shows set in the past like this usually do. Just showed how women weren't taken as seriously and all the witch hunt stuff back then.
This. He should just agree those parts are still weird even if he otherwise likes the show.

No. 448847

That makes sense, now that I think about it Toriyama also kept making poop jokes (Arale has that thing about giant pink shits), and in the last DB thing he worked on (the daima anime) there are so many poop/pooping/fart jokes that even fans were weirded out by it.

No. 448849

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Japan has a really weird relationship with butts and poop for some reason. They think it's super funny or maybe even adorable. I don't get it kek, I think it's strange.

No. 448888

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>characters who should get their face kicked in

No. 448889

I love Shiki, do you hate him because he took the little girl's side? It's been a while since I've seen it.

No. 448892

he is a weak depressed bitch moralfag and traitor who should have killed himself instead

No. 448898

Nta but yeah, he's such a retarded little faggot. The show was great though

No. 448911

The new opening for Dr. Stone has some incredibly dark shadows, wonder if this is a good omen for the modern anime color look to finally go out of style.

No. 448917

Based. He was such a shit character and deserved everything bad that happened to him. He deserved worse.

No. 448918

I wouldnt trust any man who likes DB/DBZ. it is literally coomer slop thinly veiled as shonen.

No. 449339

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Ended up giving The Medalist a try, is skating really so cutthroat that starting at 10 is considered late?

No. 449341

It makes me happy they still make official webpages for every anime that's released. Also, i am really looking forward to this anime. I am a sucker for cute girls doing cute niche hobbies. I wish female mangakas would do the same with cute boys, i just like learning about uncommon hobbies.

No. 449356

Yeah, and by 20 they're expected to retire. Of course some degen would make an anime about this

No. 449359

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Ngl I actually liked the first episode

No. 449774

This looks cute and always wanted to try it, but I was always nervous that it might be lolibait. Is there any baity stuff in the show (weird angles, "I'll marry you when I'm older Onii-chan!, emphasizing the girl's uwu purity, etc…), anon?

No. 449929

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Just go to war with China already, you bored Yank sick fucks.

No. 449935

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Not in the first two episodes. If I'm squinting at it with spokon goggles, it seems more like the female lead is getting paired up with her female rival and the male lead coach with the rival's male coach.

No. 449936

i hate anime becoming mainstream

No. 449944

>and the male lead coach with the rival's male coach.

Trying to cash in on fujobux from the Victuuri crowd I see.

No. 449954

Can't blame them, not like Yuri on Ice is ever coming back lol lmao

No. 449988

Gas station brand YOI

No. 450211

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I started Ao no Miburo last night and I actually like it so far, I just really wish they had a higher budget or something. The art is kind of bad. Also, most of the main character designs suck and are forgettable. Although, I guess I appreciate the cast not being full of rainbow haired shounen protags. The pacing could be better too. If I didn’t love the period setting (and Hijikata,) I probably would’ve dropped it.

No. 450258

Does it have any homobait?

No. 450263

I'm a big fan of the Shinsengumi era. I kind of want to check this out myself.

No. 450310

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I’m only on episode 3, but so far, kind of? Maybe these two could be considered fujobait, I don’t have a good eye for that kind of thing, though.

No. 450430

Watching Stone Ocean from the start to catch up with the Jojo anime. I already read the manga and it's one of my top 3 jojo parts along 7 and 8. I watched the anime adaptation first or second batch then got too busy to keep watching it, now I'm sort of free enough to watch the whole thing. And gotta say, the first episode is probably the best introduction to what's going and on and to the character right from the get go. So much suspense and thrill that hooked me up already despite knowing what's gonna happen. Jolyne is so funny and likable and sort of reminds me of Jotaro in some aspects. The art direction and animation is nice but the art style gets wonky sometimes. I'm kinda sad that Davidpro didn't work on part 6 as hard as part 5, and ended up butchering it in many ways, it's so unfairly underrated.

No. 450437

the designs are really bad an unappealing, specially the uggo at the front

No. 450443

After looking at some manga chapters, seems like they tried to stay a little too true to the mangaka’s art style, especially the ugly parts of it. Oh well, and least there hasn’t been any over sexualization or rape of women/little girls yet (from what I’ve watched.)

No. 450657

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Do you still hatewatch anime? I no longer have the patience and /a/ is dead.

No. 450660

No. Hatewatching is a waste of time and is the anime equivalent of watching obvious ragebait YT videos. Just watch what you really want to watch.

No. 450731

I’ve never hatewatched anything because I can’t force myself to watch some slop I’m ambivalent about. Like, actually can’t even make myself pay attention. Chances are, I WILL turn it off and get on my phone to doomscroll instead. How do people hatewatch an anime? I barely have the capability to watch an episode of a show I DO like.

No. 450849

Back when I was a NEET I would since I had all the time in the world, I was literally keeping up with 20+ seasonals and shitposting about them on /a/. But as you said, /a/ is dead as FUCK now and fortunately I'm no longer a NEET so I've gotten real strict about what anime I keep up with. I drop things really easily now.

No. 450864

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The story behind it left such a bad taste in my mouth I just can't get myself to watch it

No. 450872

I'm surprised people into Yuri on Ice really aren't taking it well. On one hand I guess I can understand, but its not like skating was going to never be done again, sports get reused.

No. 450876

The artist is a lolifag too, you can easily find the wierd art she drew of Kaoru and other im@s lolis.

No. 450881

One of the main draws of YOI was that most of the characters are adults and act like it besides Yurio who acted like your typical rebellious teenager. I'm not interested in Medalist at all because it's about little kids competing, the adults are just coaching them, it looks boring in comparison. It must be the same reason for others.

No. 450931

I've seen people genuinely just angry that it's reminding them/ripping off Yuri on Ice.

No. 450948

>Kaoru Ryuzaki

Oh God, she's from that (not even bothering to hide it) pedo pandering anime Cinderlla Girls U149. This is the girl by the way. Check out the Blue Archive faggots in the comments.

No. 450949

File: 1737410206787.jpeg (Spoiler Image,8.85 KB, 160x200, Kaoru.jpeg)

Official art from the Idolmaster game. Spoiler alert: it's the same Kaoru in a bikini. They know their fucking audience well.

No. 450959

File: 1737412233859.png (354.33 KB, 720x1862, TSURUMAIKADA.png)

No. 451001

now its insanely creepy he did all of that because he was obssesed with that VA

No. 451008

I knew that shit was pedo. It only takes one look at the key visuals. But I didn't wanna say anything and "ruin" the thread.

No. 451013

i’ve seen people say its a woman. Is this another case of moids claiming the author is a woman to make themselves feel less bad about their shit taste?

No. 451022

It says n/a so its technically in r air, guess you can check their Twitter and site to see if there's shots of their hands or their habits.

No. 451024

Autistic as fuck but that VA is rolling in it now kek.

>Is this another case of moids claiming the author is a woman to make themselves feel less bad about their shit taste?
That's usually how it goes

No. 451026

What sources even state they're a woman?

No. 451029

Something I don't get when moids pull that "but it's a woman too" is how they think that changes anything? I see it all the time with kodomo no jikan, as if a woman being a degenerate somehow makes whatever it is okay.

No. 451054

Judging by this >>450864 author drew their avatar as bald and masculine. All of their personal accounts are nuked, but on Danbooru all of their art is lolishit and latter pages have a lot of filtered images, meaning its actual sexual content. I think it's pretty clear.

It's the same mental illness when troons proudly claim that 100% yuri authors are real women or something. They really want to be told women like their creepy fetishes too. Damn it'd really be so fucking easy to be a pickme grifter.

No. 451055

I can say that unlike 99% isekai this one is actually an actual story with actual characters that have actual goals and things actually happen. But yeah, the female protagonist is always dressed like that.

No. 451204

Gohands should go back to making fujobait. Has anything they've made sold more than K project?

No. 451329

Watching Stone Ocean and I really love Jolyne and Hermes. They great from the get go. But I forgot how weird Jojo is, I'm cracking up at how they speak out loud to themselves about little everything and no one hears them most of the time. It's hilarious when a character actually hears them and comments on what they're saying, like some self-aware joke.

No. 451335

>author drew their avatar as bald and masculine
to be fair thats how imas producers draw themselves, regardless of if they are male or female. Some even just draw a human with a P head.

No. 451438

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>Has anything they've made sold more than K project?
Doubt. None of their other shows has a sequel, let along a whole franchise consisting of several seasons, films, manga, light novels etc.

No. 451947

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No. 451995

yeah i looked at >>449774 and thought seriously, isn't it fucking obvious it's lolishit but didn't want to post anything because i knew people would get defemsive and angry like they do every time you point out obvious lolishit is obvious lolishit kek

No. 452184

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Only seen three episodes of it and it's pretty meh. Seems like another fotm anime with eye rolling shounen slop and ugly male psyop right after Senshi. Talk about a complete downgrade since Sakamoto used to be hot and it irks me that the wife stayed the same as a pretty young lady ever since they got together. Should've aged her up or make her chubbier. Better yet have her push for divorce if Sakamoto doesn't lose weight. Ugh, he looks like he could be her dad. Gross. Also this feels like a moid self-insert anime where fat scrotes imagine themselves being all cool and shit while having a beautiful wife and child (loli). Sorry I find this anime cringe especially seeing this lardass moving at the speed of light while still having combat skills. He could've easy burned all that fat and stayed fit. Idk I think it's not worth the watch. Instead I'd rather watch The Way of the Househusband despite the lack of animation even though I find it more entertaining and endearing.

No. 452192

>He could've easy burned all that fat and stayed fit.
This does happen. It's one of the gimmicks of the show that when he's super serious he loses the weight.
Also isn't the blonde guy more of the mc? I've only seen the first two episodes, but it's all been from his perspective.
Sorry if this thread is meant for criticism.

No. 452204

Yeah, the blonde guy is the MC. I had the same issues with Sakamoto Days as the anon you replied to but finding out that he's actually 27 and just has silver hair made me feel sort of okay about the wife staying the same even if I would've liked it more if she had changed with age too. I like that he gets rid of the weight (and facial hair) whenever he has to get serious and there are enough other pretty men to make up for the times he looks like a blob kek just sucks that the people that are getting into it now are spreading the dadbod psyop when there are other guys to focus on. I expect Nagumo and X to blow up in popularity once they appear in the anime

No. 452208

Tbh, maybe it's not that bad of a thing. The fat lovers will probably leave when they realize they're not getting any more attention off of it, the people that stuck around passed "guy is fat" will be more likely to genuinely just like gimmick action comedy shounen.

No. 452242

Yeah, true. I also don't expect to see (m)any Sakamoto yumes or sexualized art of him because him being a normal guy that loves his wife is the entire point of the show. The stuff with Senshi wouldn't have happened if people hadn't started talking about the "panty shots" and if Dungeon Meshi hadn't been appealing to those types in the first place. It just attracts really insecure people that want wholesome stories and would've been redditors had they been born 5 years earlier

No. 452524

That's always their way to deflect any valid criticisms women have, all they have to do is say "nuh uh, a woman likes this/did this too" and that automatically means every single woman can't criticize that thing anymore because in their mind women are a monolith, so if one does something then you couldn't possibly have a problem with it, you're both women after all. If you do, you're totally just a hypocrite and should respect other women's retarded choices or whatever. At least that's how it seems to work in their retarded brain. It's also how they absolve themselves of the guilt of being a degenerate and pretend women are "just as bad" (if not worse), as if some pick me degenerate women existing even compares at all with the amount of degenerate males out there. I've seen so many delusional male weebs claim it's ackshually women who love rape and degenerate content more than men somehow and it always just comes across as massive copium and delusion on their part. The average female weeb isn't into things like Redo of Healer but they'll keep pretending like that's the case lol.

No. 452526

I like anime, despite everything.

No. 452723

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Wtf is up with these yaoi hands kek

>in before obligatory weeb sperg out about technically not being anime

No. 452734

I'm in the mood for some goth aesthetic edgy anime. Other than Death Note, Black Butler, and Skullman, what should I watch?

No. 452765

Is he from those Leauge of Legends esports music videos?

No. 452774

Hellsing Ultimate
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Casshern Sins

No. 452775

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Shiki is sf good

No. 452778

I just rewatched it, I forgot how good the ending is. The doctor is genuinely one of the scariest characters in anime because of how believable he is.

No. 452786

Watched the first two a long time ago but I think a rewatch would be nice tbh. Thanks for the remaining recommendations!

No. 452799

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Trinity Blood for sure.

No. 452803

Nah, it's a Chinese show that's been stuck in translation + distribution limbo but apparently Crunchyroll is releasing it soon?

No. 452812

anime is japanese

No. 452837

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Crunchyroll has gone to shit since it had been bougth by Sony.

Thread, btw:

No. 452845

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The yaoi dads+yuri daughters were drew me in but my god Medalist is so fucking ugly looking.

No. 452846

They even have the genki blonde uke x dark icy seme dynamic to sell to the fujo audience kek.

No. 452847

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Their cute daughters are kind to each other though to pander to the yuri audience, kinda curious who's gonna be the seme and who's gonna be the uke for papa sans.

No. 452848

Sure you don't got it mixed?

No. 452849

It's a 50/50 kind of thing
I guess blondie is shorter so it's a little more probable that he'll be the uke?

No. 452850

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Seriously though like 90% of this show is hideous CG

No. 452851

>yuri loli
fucking gross

No. 452852

He seems beefy enough to fit the service top look.

No. 452853

>those plastic chairs
that poor pinoy who modeled that for 600yen…they dont have any excuses for that shitty 3d assets integration since they can do it 2d cel style.

No. 452956

The studio doesn't have anything stellar animation-wise

No. 452966

not an anti-fujo, but it's always weird when y'all talk about who's the top or bottom and go into so much detail about drawings, like they're just generic anime characters

No. 452967

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This show looks like they were allowed $10USD per episode, but I'm heavily invested at this point. I'm surprised it's going to be 24 episodes, mainly because of the low budget thing.

No. 452974

Tbf it's not like they're not doing things in the show. Generic anime characters can still be discussed into being "tsundere" or "yandere" and other archetypes.

No. 453003

Are you serious? Shipping discussions are some of the most common things you'll find in fandom spaces. Do you know where you are?

No. 453005

He was one of the few characters that didn't piss me off.

No. 453031

I understand that, but arguing about who takes it in the ass and whose dick ends up covered in shit isn't most people's forte

No. 453035

Bloody Stream is still the best jojo OP and I don't expect anything to top it. Amazing how over 10 years later it's still just as good and fresh to me as the first time

Anyway it was a meme that Trump will be the president when Steel Ball Run gets an adaptation and it is happening kek. Do you think the horses will be CGI?

No. 453036

Great taste, nona. I love Bloody Stream.

No. 453039

>Do you think the horses will be CGI?
How is that even a question?

No. 453043

>not an antifujo
Nobody is imagining "shit covered dicks" except you, it's more about relationship dynamics.

No. 453046

File: 1737825413423.gif (2.5 MB, 400x300, 1000015082.gif)

By this time they should have enough money to hire James Baxter to animate horses FUCK

No. 453048

Yeah it's a banger and I'm not even a big Jojo fan. And probably, last time I saw horses in an anime it was cgi.

No. 453077

File: 1737827869755.jpg (73.03 KB, 715x1200, 065817321c0830eab22033b07bca7c…)

huh, never piqued yoo joonghyuk for a girl dad.

No. 453093

Horses are notoriously hard to animate in 2D.

No. 453096

I think anon meant that it is so obvious that the horses would be CGI that it's retarded to even ask.

No. 453097

Why is it retarded? We can't have any expectations for standards in modern anime?

No. 453122

Have you watched Jojo at all? It's entertaining but there's not much integrity to the animation. It's pretty stiff and most of it is closeups of people monologuing with one to two expressions, the fight scenes with good animation stick out like a sore thumb. The horses will absolutely be CGI.

No. 453128

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Makes me appreciate makibao more. Pure kino.

No. 453129

Oh shit it truly is

No. 453130

File: 1737832762265.jpg (62.17 KB, 650x283, midori-no-makibao.jpg)

Its basically a battle shounen but with horses. I am both glad and a bit dissapointed its not more popular in the west because its the most fun i ever had watching an anime. I fucking love the chuuni ass horse designs.

No. 453132

I'm autistic about horses, now I have to watch this, thank you anon

No. 453137

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No. 453143

You are welcome. Mind you its weird as shit. It has that crude japanese humor akin to ebichu.

No. 453149

ot but I'm fascinated by this style of cartoony yet hyper-realistic japanese people who look like racial caricatures, it's something you don't see anymore.

No. 453156

My tinfoil is everything will be CGI. DavidPro development their own CGI style with Stone Ocean opening, though I think the game assets they used for parts 1-3 were better but that's another topic. They used and experimented with CGI in part 6 with stands and some characters to warm us up to the possibility of part 7 being completely CGI. But we will see when it's finally out.

No. 453161

It's Great Days for me.

No. 453174

God I love this song, I need to continue my JJBA watch but I've been a bit burnt out on anime lately

No. 453185

The guy on the right looks photoshopped in lmao

No. 453200

File: 1737842605552.webp (101.2 KB, 680x762, KamikazeDougaCaesar.png)

>Bloody Stream is still the best jojo OP and I don't expect anything to top it. Amazing how over 10 years later it's still just as good and fresh to me as the first time
This is 100% true.
The CGI OPs (made by Kamikaze Douga btw, NOT DavidPro) were the best, and the song is so fucking good. Great Days was good but I just kept wishing it was CGI instead.

No. 453202

Coda has the voice of an angel, I swear.

No. 453203

I don't think there's any Jojo OPs I would consider bad (except maybe Stone Ocean) but I love Traitor's Requiem for having the coolest "we know the villain's stand" change.

No. 453208

File: 1737843778608.gif (554.89 KB, 300x200, Muybridge_race_horse_animated.…)

It's honestly sad. Horses were one of the first things put on film and technically animated. Horse tech should be way further along.

No. 453217

If you don't mind watching a western show with horses, try Horseland. It's so adorable and wholesome and the horses are colorful and adorable.
Check out Crazy My Beat from the anthology EP. Absolute banger. He also has a band I forgot the name of. And he did the Rohan OVA song, too.
>Stone Ocean
You spelled Chase wrong.

No. 453224

>Check out Crazy My Beat from the anthology EP.
lmao. That's the song I linked.
>You spelled Chase wrong.
kek, but seriously, Chase isn't that bad. It grew on me.

No. 453235

My bad, I'm blind lmao. It took me listening to a French guy covering Chase to actually enjoy it. Because he had better vocals and guitar work than the original. Was gonna link it but turns out he deleted all his content for an NFT project? Thank god I have an mp3 of it.
My obsession with collecting all the OPs lead me to digest the original by Batta eventually.

No. 453244

>deleted all his stuff for nft
He got hacked

No. 453245

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Ok so since we're kinda on the topic of Battle tendency here, I can't get over the fact how handsome Joseph was in the anime (when he was drawn on model of course). Until watching Jojo in 2012-2013, my only anime husbando was Kakashi kek. I was young ok. But after watching Battle tendency I was never the same. Loved his bravado, bullshiting powers and silliness too, basically everything And fuck you Araki for making him a cheater

No. 453249

FUCK me too, anon. I was kinda bored by Phantom Blood, but Battle Tendency was the total opposite, mostly thanks to Joseph. He's kind of a perv, but he's just so fun! Young Joseph's not a husbando of mine, but I love him mostly in a platonic way. In retrospect, it kinda made sense that he'd cheat, even as an old man after he had supposedly changed.

No. 453263

Araki originally planned Jojo as a 3 parter, ending with a Japanese Jojo killing Dio. He continued it for the fans. I think he made Joseph a cheater simply because at that time he didn't have other idea how to make another Jojo for part 4. I also think it's out of character for Joseph to cheat on Suzie.

No. 453305

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More like a slog when it's obviously scroteshit with waifu fanservice but I tried to watch it if there are certain characters I like or if I like the vibe or style of the anime. Some are just to catch up or understand the context.

No. 453334

Pretty sure she just means she ships the characters. Don't be dense.

No. 453378

Phantom Blood is genuinely boring as fuck, the only entertaining parts are the start and the end. Hipsters claiming to like Part 1 best are essentially admitting they didn't watch past it.

The manga has even worse fanservice at the start, surprising that almost all of it goes away. Ultimately I think Ohkubo has a great style even if his stories are questionable.

No. 453403

It would be much better and more convinient if he just made Jotaro's dad cheat on his mom and make Josuke his younger step brother. More believable and less random than Joseph going from America to Japan, having one night stand with a japanese woman and going back to America

No. 453478

That wouldn't make sense because then Josuke wouldn't be a Joestar. It would work if Holly cheated on her husband but you'd still have to change several things since there's no way she would have been able to hide it.

No. 453487

What a fucking travesty jjk was
But yeah the yuri was good, especially the incest yuri. I hope it stays gone, the author sucks ass at writing
Move on from this shit and write another thing

No. 453488

>especially the incest yuri
I'm not into yuri at all but I admit I was invested in Maki/Mai. How did Gege do it?

No. 453490

He wrote two characters with legitimate reasons to hate each other and separated but also bound the in a way that made it impossible to truly hate each other (love)

No. 453499

He should do that more often then.

No. 453503

before reading the other posts i thought this was about naruto and sasuke

No. 453526

Just shows that Gege NEEDS a wrangler with him at all times.
Once JJK got REALLY big, his actually competent editor got replaced with a yes-man.

No. 453540

As long as it's a competent one, sure. I want Gege to make a seinen manga, then I'll be able to make my own opinion on whether he's a good writer or not while he's not restricted by some guidelines to make his manga not too shocking for kids. Because JJK has a lot of things that are irrelevant because it's a shonen manga. Sukuna could have been way edgier and more degenerate than he is, all he really does on screen that's truly shocking is eat Hana's right arm and throwing her off a skyscrapper despite him being a sadist and a cannibal. He looked like a grumpy boomer half of the time and not like a danger to society, even Yuji gambling in pachinko parlors was more shocking than that. Gege needs more freedom but also good editors at the same time.

No. 453553

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Sorry but does anyone have any shoujo recs? Especially 2000s style. I like the ones where female characters/friend/(s) take precedence over the romance most. Cute fun episodes or interesting plot, I don’t mind. (Someone mentioned ‘Gals’ in /ot/, I don’t know if it fits my request since I haven’t watched it but it made me miss this vibe)

No. 453561

>Shugo Chara
>Yuki Yuna is a hero

No. 453703

File: 1737932134313.webp (56.44 KB, 1724x969, Undead_Murder_Farce.jpg)

Undead Girl Murder Farce. I don't think it's super "edgy," but it's definitely got that Black Butler, European goth aesthetic.

No. 454098

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He's pretty cute tbh.

No. 454101

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absolute kino

No. 454108

I tried to watch this because I really like the premise, but I couldn't stand how the main characters would joke around with each other, it made them so obnoxious to watch and was such a whiplash from the first episode. Does it get better?

No. 454225

Thanks! Looks interesting.

No. 454243

I mean, I didn't mind that at all or even pay much attention to it. How far did you get? I enjoyed the show, personally. Idr if the banter changes or not.

No. 454245

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I loved HeartCatch Pretty Cure (had Ojamajo Doremi's character designer). I haven't watched other PreCure shows, but I decided on that one because I saw many people say that's the best one. But you could probably watch any PreCure season to satisfy your needs, especially the older ones.

>Yuki Yuna is a hero
Why don't you recommend her Kodomo no Jikan while you're at it?

No. 454260

if you like kids shows, the original precure season came out in 2004 and there's also pretty rhythm which is 2011 but still has that 00s feel.

have you actually watched any of these shows?

No. 454296

How are those anime remotely similar to kodomo no jikan?

No. 454303

nanoha has a lot of loli fanservice, but i don't remember yuki yuna being that bad. however those are both bad recommendations for someone asking for 2000s style shoujo anime since they're both made for men.

No. 454307

File: 1738041611617.png (806.15 KB, 836x470, yuki-yuna-hero-hidive-836x470.…)

They're both ~le serious~ magical girl shows for pedo moids. They're not shoujo (girl-oriented) in any way. The only similarity with the kind of show the other anon was asking for is that they feature cute girl characters. But not all cute anime girls are made for a female audience, which you should know already if you're posting here.

No. 454310

It's made for me.
It's yuri.

No. 454319

Yumeiro Patissiere, Gakuen Alice, Ashita no Nadja, Chicchana Yukitsukai Sugar, Glass no Kamen. You've probably seen at least one of these but i hope there's something you haven't watched yet. Gakuen Alice and Ashita no Nadja are my favorite of the bunch, they don't have the "friend group" vibe of Gals! but they're worth a watch. Glass no Kamen's manga is amazing, a true shojo masterpiece so i recommend reading it aswell

No. 454320

File: 1738043769974.png (Spoiler Image,675.08 KB, 712x946, Screenshot 2025-01-27 at 23-45…)

It's not for lesbians though, it's for yuritroons. Pic related.


I do not mind adult women watching moidslop one bit. I mean, I like KLK so I don't even have a right to point fingers over what other women choose to watch. What pisses me off is when they're blind to the difference between that and media that's actually made for women, or when it's obvious lolibait and they insist you're a schizo for pointing it out.
Besides, the first anon was specifically asking for fun and cute shows for girls with little focus on romance, not depressing drama pedoyuri shit for adult moids.
>Nevermind, you're probably talking to a baiter kekk
It's probably you-know-who trying to shit up the thread, kek.

Nooo your pic was so cute, did you forget to repost it?
>Yumeiro Patissiere, Gakuen Alice (personal favorite)
I was going to recommend these but I thought maybe there were too many boys in the main cast?

No. 454332

File: 1738045347522.jpg (130.75 KB, 724x524, Ashita.no.Nadja.600.2446921.jp…)

Deleted my reply because it was OT, but yeah i expect lesbians and other women to enjoy media that is meant for men because 1. they can 2. a genre like yuri is not as clear-cut as shojo when it comes to demographics. But you're right that shojo is shojo (a label for a certain audience, not just any anime with girl protags), that reply was so off-base
>Nooo your pic was so cute, did you forget to repost it?
I did! Here it is

No. 454336

Ntaryt but tbh a lot of these illustrations are not made with the original intention of the series in mind, a quick buck is a quick buck.
If the show itself has fanservice, that's the issue. (Haven't seen it myself.)

No. 454339

File: 1738046761635.jpg (37.03 KB, 315x450, 75207l.jpg)

>a genre like yuri is not as clear-cut as shojo when it comes to demographics
Well, there are a few that are made by women or have a female audience in mind. There actually are some GL shoujo manga that have gotten anime adaptations, like Maria-Sama ga Miteru or Oniisama E. At least those can be confidently called "yuri for women". They're not at all like lolishit such as Nanoha.

A lot of it is so subtle that it can be passable, but the fact is that the target audience is obviously adult men, not teenage girls. It's especially obvious if the characters are little moe girls and there's yuribait. It takes one look at the art style.

No. 454344

>the target audience is obviously adult men
I care not, so long as I can enjoy it and it's gay.
I hate getting caught up in some stupid shit about who the intended audience is. It's such a braindead take to be bothered by what others like.

No. 454387

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Still doesn’t make them shoujo, which is what >>453553 was asking for in the first place. Recommending seinen anime(including a spin-off of an eroge) to women looking for shojo is nonsensical, simple as.

No. 454440

The manga adaptation was serialized in a seinen magazine. Look, there's nothing wrong with consuming stuff made for men but there's no point in engaging in mental gymnastics how "um ackshaually"ing that's it shoujo when it's not.

That's like me saying cheeseburgers are not unhealthy because they have tomatoes sometimes, lol

No. 454441

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Sugar Sugar Rune is my favorite

No. 454442

Oh my God, I remember watching this in elementary! The opening is such a banger too.

No. 454456

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ultra maniac is cute, i enjoyed it a lot!

No. 454457

I still listen to the OP often when I need a quick cheering up! I reread the manga recently too. It's a solid series. It's actually made by Hideaki Anno's wife, I didn't know that at the time.
Ahh, this brings back so much memories. I remember I was obsessed with Ayu because she was so cool and popular and I wanted to be a "cool girl" like her. So for the first few weeks in 7th grade, I acted emotionless and calm and only respond to things with one or two words it worked for a while kek

No. 454461

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this shit was only good because of him

No. 454465

i think you jumped into this conversation at the wrong point and are making yourself look retarded.

No. 454559

Not really.

No. 454615

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I decided to watch Owari no Seraph because it’s one of the series I wanted to get into at the time, but got engulfed by real life instead. Holy shit, the vibe switch between episode 1 and 2 was insane. I immediately dropped it because I couldn’t take it seriously after that. Did any of you nonnies watch it back in the day? Should I power through? Note: I’m not a fujo.

No. 454704

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Its one of those types of stories where the mc's behavior only starts to make sense in hindsight once you've gotten enough pieces together to make an interpretation.
Imo the female characters are a little more interesting than usually given credit for, but not sure if I would recommend it unless you're a fujo and/or you like schizo "seriously digging into the work" type of discussion.
It's worth knowing there's light novel accompaniment that adds more context to certain characters.

No. 454711

Back when I watched it I liked ep 1 and then it went downwards from there. Imo the story has a bit of a purpose during the arc where the blond guy is trying to reunite with the mc (which I think takes up all the first season) but after that it's just a bunch of stuff happening and imo the author is throwing shit at the wall. There is fujobait and the vampires are kinda faggy, but even as a fujo I couldn't get into it because the mc is just so fucking annoying all the time and so are his companions which have little to no depth. The blond guy might be the only character that's kinda interesting and doesn't act like a retard. The guy who "adopts" the mc is also extremely annoying and his storyline is all about him playing pretentious 4D chess. There's a lot of wasted potential, thrown down the drain by stupid shonen writing, flat female characters joking about boob size, vampire lolishotas and the main guys having 1562 shallow talks about dying, family, friends, fucking and secrets.

No. 454737

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It has the usual vampire shenanigans, but only fujo will truly appreciate it.

No. 455108

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Can't wait.

No. 455113

Aw yeah fuck yeah, forgot this was getting a season 2

No. 455488

What non-seasonals have you anons been watching or rewatching lately?

No. 455489

i really hope they rewrite the script in the anime to kill the brocon shit and useless school arc

No. 455500

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No. 455630

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Why is this show so good? And why hasn't the entire manga been adapted? The realisation that not even Japan could appreciate that specific mix of military x historical autism leaves me despondent.

No. 457031

Trailer for the anime adaptation of Hana-Kimi, for any nonna interested

No. 457044

Finally, anime is saved.

No. 457083

I had just finished re-reading the series recently. This came as a pleasant surprise when I heard about it. (as a side note, the 2007 live action adaptation is a bit different, but enjoyable) I'll have to get used to the art style, but I suppose you can't always 100% replicate the manga art. And maybe it would be a little "dated" to modern audiences if they did?

Either way, more shoujo anime please.

No. 459219

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Remember Mayoiga?

No. 459227

Horrifying CGI, I understand why the character couldn't even stand anymore.

No. 459245

The nuanime style is so boring, they stripped the soul out of every character. That being said, i always appreciate shoujos with reverse traps. A shame all of them seem to have the exact same boring SOL school storylines. I need more mangas with tomboy mc like Cipher or Seishun X Kikanjuu.

No. 459247

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KEK do I ever. I remember shipping him with the gun girl

No. 459445

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It was funny af watching it with /a/, what a trainwreck. I remember Jakku and the execution girl, and not much else.

No. 459654

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Looking for recommendations! I want an ecchi but like an ecchi about dudes. I watched my friends favorite anime out of curiosity (it annoyed me deeply, it turned out to be an ecchi and a really cringe one at that) I wanna recommend him something that'll make his stupid ass JUST as uncomfortable, something that atleast pretends to have a plot so not just straight up yaoi porn or something.i was thinking if Nu:Carnival had an anime that'd be perfect but alas there is nothing!

No. 459882

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>something that atleast pretends to have a plot so not just straight up yaoi porn
That's tough.

No. 459883

What was the ecchi anime?

No. 459894

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fairy ranmaru, make him suffer

No. 460023

The DRAMAtical Murder anime is very SFW but has a gay kiss at the end (cute). I never played the game but I genuinely enjoyed it. It might not be uncomfortable enough for your friend except for that kiss, though…

No. 460029

File: 1739459785888.gif (1.36 MB, 220x124, fairyranmaru-transformation.gi…)

Seconding this. Fairy ranmaru is kino and perfect for this purpose

No. 460062

File: 1739467578323.png (1.01 MB, 1591x799, Screenshot 2025-02-13 182417.p…)

Would he keep watching if it makes him uncomfortable? I'd just stop. Imo it would be better to recommend something with surprise homo like Devilman, Fafner, No.6, I can't remember if Banana Fish was like that too. Or maybe something that initially doesn't look like BL like Hakkenden/Super Lovers. If you want male fanservice there's Free and K Project.
If you want actual gay sex the korean anime Mignon starts pretty normal with a boxing/vampire plot and suddenly gets really lewd, with a sex scene at the end.

No. 460244

This feels like a sequence for flaming "yaaas queen" gay men than husbandofags.

It's giving me fabulous drag queen vibes. I doubt any woman find this unironically hot. Still fucking funny though and we need more of it.

No. 461022

Samurai Flamenco maybe? I know moids got mad at the ending. Although there really isn't that much.

No. 461074

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Alot of people seem to ship Rachel and Zack, judging by the annoyingly amount of fanart that exist. I dont get it because these two characters have no romantic chemistry whatsoever. Id argue they rather have a brother and sister kindof dynamic, atleast when you take the age difference into consideration with Zack being in his 20s and Rachel being a literal 13 year old girl. I also dont get why that whip lady (i dont rmeber her named) refered to Rachel as a woman all the time, when she is a girl. Also I didnt like how in the anime they tried to portray Zack as a victim because he had a traumatic childhood, an dthats why he started murdering people in cold blood as a child.

No. 461080

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Fairy ranmaru is unironically hot for a female audience. There's a story arc about a female mangaka who wants to draw bishies but her editor only wants her to draw moeslop and she ends up getting to draw all the bishies she wants to.

No. 461088

Women arent a monolith. Jojo faggots and other flamboyant characters are fairly popular with women.

No. 461091

File: 1739753163269.jpeg (85.81 KB, 1280x720, 4FAB9C3E-ACB7-441C-B10B-112570…)

Its not ecchi, but maybe try king of prism?

No. 461103

damn nonnie i have this same reaction image saved from those old /a/ watch along threads kek i used to use it all the time

No. 461127

Recommend Seraph of the End. There's but a whisper of discomfort at the very beginning that can be shrugged off as villains being depraved and from there it seems like a really bog standard anime and the MC even gets a female sidekick who seems like she'll be the love interest and then it has some really gay scenes at the end. He will feel like he wasted his time.

No. 461135

this character is ugly but i need more slutty male outfits like this

No. 461484

It's only good for the fanservice/shipping/yumejo fantasies. Otherwise, the show is bad.

No. 462036

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No. 462037

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It actually aired on daytime TV in 1995?

No. 462039

>anon learns about japanese ''humor''

No. 462043

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The heartbreaking moment a character realises that they are, definitively, in a shit anime

No. 462044

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Eh not really. I'm just surprised a sex comedy (?) could air during day-time.
Somebody actually uploaded it to Youtube huh.

No. 462048

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I remember Gintama faced complaints for its contents and that was years later.

No. 462225

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No. 462241

Brain damage pals

No. 462253

File: 1740102855958.jpg (100.64 KB, 736x391, 1000020217.jpg)

Love sugimoto

No. 462259

File: 1740104698785.jpg (35.56 KB, 878x658, nut.jpg)

Oh my god, I remember recommending Crybaby to my brother, and him getting SO angry about the scene where Akira ejaculates all over the ceiling that he refused to keep watching after that point. Kek.

No. 462268

this is really nasty. This looks like shit gen z women might enjoy but not my old millennial self.

Thank you. It is exactly that.

No. 462279

Jfc that was awful, very unattractive and weird

No. 462286

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Fwiw, I remember the original character designs went for more of an artsy/abstract vibe that the anime couldn't really do.
I tried finding the character designer, but apparently they deleted twitter years ago and I can't find much art now. I do remember it being very pretty, but definitely something that would struggle to look the same animated on a budget.

No. 462287

That specific character looks drag-ish because of his unfortunate hair and make-up but otherwise the designs are fine imo
I loved watching it and I'm a millenial kek

No. 462328

Stuff like this really puts it into perspective how normalized stuff like this is with women while when it's men most women (and other men) find it jarring or weird. It's fucked up that when it's women moids eat it up and everyone sees it as normal but the second it's males being objectified it's gay and weird. I'm not even into it personally but I'm glad this exists and it's not just women being depicted like this even if it's still not nearly enough to balance things out at all.

No. 462331

Uh, no, it's because the "objectification" in question is cringy and over the top, this >>460029 example in particular is just blehg. Extrapolating female sexualization to males can work but doing it in such a jarring way is not it

No. 462334

This shit is bad though. Male objectification needs to be more of a thing, but this honestly looks like some faggot shit. Men posing with their dicks up and with makeup on like this. Nah, what straight woman likes this? This is gendie and troon crap

No. 462339

>This is gendie and troon crap
It isn't, the anime is weirdly straight.

No. 462342

Show an example of how it can work in a way that you think is acceptable

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