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No. 928482
Last thread was tubes galore! Laura's taking a break, after being sectioned again after choosing to hear voices this time.
Littlest Lee tried to get herself readmitted but they staff laughed and sent her on her way.
We discovered the true identity of Kelsey posting, speculation surrounding Elzani's recovery/relapse, sad pics of N2F having a binge with her disgusting food.
Ganer gains could've done it all without her sister.
If you need to know anything else, read the damn last thread.
>>>/snow/928457 No. 928485
>>928482A lot of the links here and in past threads are private accounts.
Some more I didn't add above: (didn't pass in the night, fortunately): didn't post links to self poster May and Shay, or any of the others. Laura's an exception because she has milk.
Can't think of any more, but you have eyes to read screenshots.>>928482
No. 928525
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>>928485Well done op other than gainer gains ugly mug as the banner kek
What if by “hoping tmro is better” she’s going to go for another attempt at getting admitted ? I feel like the longer she’s out of treatment the more distressed she is and in treatment she’s chuffed to bits, drinking beers, riding scooters, eating ice cream just having a damn ball! I think she’s depressed about not being institutionalized kek
No. 928529
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>>928439Kek this is also a difference making tubes a fucking aesthetic…. like this is so stupid, it’s not empowering or spreading awareness or edgy or cool lol. It’s dumb.
No. 928568
>>928482Thank you for the new thread, anon!
>>928529"Look how unhealthy I'm trying to appear to be! It's so aesthetic. Cough."
No. 928576
File: 1580943128156.jpg (901.34 KB, 1080x1678, 20200205_165230.jpg)

Probably filled in more bubbles after taking this picture
No. 928604
>>928587Its not just the ice cream, her entire day (of what we can see) is mostly low-quality, high sugar calories.
Fruit bowl, strawberry yogurt, 2 pieces of raisin toasts with 2x butter and jelly
Cheese and crackers and OJ
Cheese, tomato and pickle sandwich, fruit salad, ice cream and an apple
hawaiian chicken burger, vegetables and I'm sure some other shit plus a dessert
What nutritionist would OK this? There are no veg and little protein until dinner??? And this diet is almost completely lacking in fiber. Also all her fat is coming from butter, cheese and ice cream. AND she's eating a shit load of fruit, which is also a lot of sugar, and apart from the apple probably low fiber. She is going to get diabetes eating like this. Seriously this New Farm place is unbelievable.
No. 928716
>>928686Ramsay in Perth, you will be tubed if medically unstable/unable to complete meals.
You get given a meal plan for each day but only get to chose what protein you want I. Your sandwich for lunch (we had to have 1.5 sandwiches each day) and a choice of 3 mains for dinner.
For breakfast we had to have cereal, 2 slices of toast, 250mls full cream milk, fruit or juice and if you were having a vegetarian option for dinner you had to have eggs with breakfast.
We wouldn’t get away with a 1/4 of the shit they pull at new farm. Here in Perth it’s so hard to get private help even if you need it and so many people get rejected and thrown into the state system.
No. 928827
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This one?
No. 928828
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anyone see this comment on ganer's latest post? kek wonder how long before she deletes since it's not licking her ass telling her what a ~recovery queen~ she is
No. 928850
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She could have a future career in politics with they say she avoids answering questions, while still pushing her own agenda
No. 928867
>>928835They don't care so long as the account has followers. It's like clothing companies sending stuff to Cooney when she was a megaspoop.
I hate when accounts on ig or yt don't admit theyre sponsored in some way. It's wY too sneeky.
No. 928877
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Sounds like the company all are experiencing mania 24/7. All over a jar of pb.
Lol peanut butter brings people together. Gtfo.
No. 928882
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Why doesn’t she just get an actual job rather than trying to get sponsored?
I guess it’s still a way to live at mummsie’s and daddie’s house whilst making them buy you 6+ jars of peanut butter, which then means you can orgasm every single time you spread that shit over you DEVINE tiger bread.
I wonder if she ever goes out to do things other than walking the dog and going to grocery shops?
No. 928885
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Highlighted the most cringeworthy or obsessive quotations from this post.
No. 928886
>>928885Gosh, i could eat granola in the shower, I could eat a bowl or two or a whole box sitting by a washing machine, I could eat it in the reception at the jobcentre and life will be INCREDIBLE!!1
Okay, leaving autism out of it, why would she write like this?
No. 928906
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>>928902Can't say I've noticed a granola smell. Muesli often reminds me of rat or hamster food smell. None with granola though. Can't deny she's looking better in the face here
>>928827 but looks like there's some layering going on with her clothes. She looks good tbh, so no real excuse for a starved brain to be making her behave this way.
Why is she pretending she never ate granola before?
No. 928917
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Why tf is New Farm allowing patients to change their own NG tubes in their rooms?!!!! I’m genuinely so confused by Shay’s treatment, and how this possibly allowed to happen???
No. 928918
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All I can say is wow… she’s literally begging at this point but then complains, and all the following stories are about living it up for her last night of freedom kek imagine if she still doesn’t get admitted
No. 928920
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>>928918No Lee you don’t get to declare your “freedom” is being taken away when you beg to be admitted and force your doc to write a letter kek. You didn’t need to go down this route if you didn’t want to but you asked for this.
No. 928924
>>928529Doesn't even look like a tube here, just looks like a headphone wire. She's not trying hard enough lol
>>928902Guess it kinda depends on the product but I think granola has a pretty distinct smell, strong toasted oat and sugary scent. Plus a nutty or dried fruit/coconut smell if it's got that stuff in it.
No. 928928
>>928919nah, your nose to your stomach is an unsterile place anyway. As long as she isn't like, dipping it in something gross beforehand, it's nbd. This is just LookAtMe! level narcissism and I'm sure wanarexics looking to be ~
No. 928946
>>928921I think they are so fixated on the association that people make between feeding tubes, being malnourished or having an ed that just to have one is exciting for them and they forget there’s actual liquid calories being pumped into them. That’s why lee throws back beers, Laura drinks sugary lattes and Georgia just flat out binges. I don’t think Laura is tube hungry anymore though, she just wants to appear mentally ill in general. But anyway it’s like a cycle they get their attention from New Farm, gain unnessesary weight, then leave and get all depressed then try and go back to get asspats online to make them feel better. It’s like there’s phases kek, phase 1 have a boring life, phase 2 go to new farm for attention and a toobie, phase 3 get discharged and realize you are substantially larger and finally phase 4 return to new farm in an attempt to get asspats and attention to feel better as well as another unnessecary tube to let everyone on insta know… your still
sick kek
No. 928954
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im new on this site (i lurk a lot but wanna actually post shit so here i go - feel free to correct me in any way if I do somethin wrong) but georgies stories have been annoying me so much? like sorry but I honestly doubt she doesn’t finish her meals - even then she adds shit on
No. 928955
>>928954She'd be losing weight on that diet.
Next time you post, put "sage" (without the quotes) in the email field. It stops the thread being bumped to the top of the page. Everything else okay though!
No. 928970
>>928882Oh god, the chans arent back to the peanut butter(especially fake pb) fad again
This is how Quest bars became popular and pb2 and heaps of other food fads
No. 928986
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>>928966 She’s definitely back at new farm. Her day in the life confirmed it as well, so I’m not sure what she’s doing putting in her own NGs there
No. 929028
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another one who loves the tube
thenextpaige live n looking for validation in a sleeveless top & nosehose
No. 929029
>>929028At least she looks like she needs it.
She reminds me of Bella a bit.
No. 929031
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Not sure if anyone wants to see the ridiculous one about the "sh instruments"
No. 929032
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>>929028this is from the other day which made me laugh considering the irony
>>929029She's fresh out of another ip unit and looking at her feed she was at least giving the impression that she was eating prior to this admission
No. 929085
>>929081Nope, love the job, just not the frequent flyers that are a waste of time and just want attention.
>>929079Sounds almost like something someone with munchausen would say. "I sure hope my stats are bad, gee".
No. 929094
>>929081>>929092Ok, I read it wrong, but I have to agree tbh. Unless it's a major gash and a main artery's been hit, they can deal with cuts by themselves. It's a waste of time going to hospital and if you're a self harmer, get a tetanus jab. Too much IS for attention.
Also, sage.
No. 929174
File: 1581059924052.jpg (2 MB, 1920x2560, 20-02-07-17-13-25-970_deco.jpg)

Can't recall if this one has been posted before, and saging as I'm not sure if she's genuinely milky or not, but @happihealingjac seems to be following the same trends as other Australian cows posted here. She's at a healthy weight, and thankfully admits this, but posted a big long caption making a show of detailing the fact that she supposedly cried in a cafe over granola, including a couple (not attached, sorry) grumpy, posed pics. Apparently she tried to get herself admitted to a psych ward recently but they saw through whatever her claims were and sent her home, so she instead has been put into a medical ward and lo and behold, is soon to be tubed.
Now, I can't say anything to the validity of any of this, but nowhere in her account is it seen that she was ever spoopy, and God knows, like other cows here, if she had been she likely would have posted "recovery transformation" pics.
Mercifully not part of the New Farm crew, I think she's from Sydney or something.
Also, sorry for the shite collage, I'm working with some dinky free app.
No. 929222
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Appears averrrrage. Kek to follower
No. 929223
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Oh wow Zoe being pro ana what else is new
No. 929264
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Sage for old milk found on Laura's venting account.
No. 929265
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>>929264Full text to follow
No. 929299
File: 1581094796084.png (2.15 MB, 1080x1900, Screenshot_20200207-115616~2.p…)

aly had the edgiest "I'm so dark and full of darkness and I can't feel love" spergfest on insta last night for five hours lmao
The bitch drank one four loko and it triggered her "descent into madness"
No. 929358
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Also old. She made a new account today and hasn't accepted my follow request (unsure why she accepted me on this account and not the new one; I never interacted with her)
No. 929361
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Thank you Becky for bravely enduring this woo woo ~treatment~ so we, the unenlightened masses, can ask for medical advice (as you definitely did) before spunking money (as you make abundantly clear you definitely don’t have) up the wall. The desiccated corpse selfies totally sell it.
No. 929371
>>929299look at how fucking long her story is, she got a big MUTE from me, but now i miss a majority of the milk
nobody cares about her life that much to pay attention to even half of those
No. 929376
>>929032kek but seriously most of these faux inspiration ~yew are
valid~ posts nearly always seem to be from those who
have been hospitalised/tubed/didnt eat for two years/survived four heart attacks
That and the standard discharged!!! profile pic giving the finger next to the priory/blue NHS sign. It’s much of the same
No. 929393
>>929378Nah, the new Animal Crossing’s out soon so she’ll be dropping hints for a switch instead.
Apparently some studies show those sauna things can burn calories though. True or not, she can’t be unaware a large amount of her followers are only there for the spoop. Nice one, Becky. Such advocate.
No. 929395
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>>929393Yeah, she comes here so she's seen the perverts post her. She must've been gutted when her mum didn't get her a switch for Christmas.
Lol that she thinks Schofield was brave for saying he's gay. Most of us knew he was for years before he said anything.
No. 929438
>>929395Well she did grift This Morning Live tickets…
Maybe she should take a leaf out of Schofe’s book. ‘Come out’ as a shallow, spoiled brat - or something equally obvious - and shock nobody whatsoever.
No. 929469
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>>929361Just googled this, at her recommendation. Seems she must've managed to overcome her travel issues to get her ass to Liverpool because that's the closest.
Also found info about why it's bullshit. I'm not surprised people join cults, they're too damn gullible.
No. 929484
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Does this mean she's going to be in the documentary?
No. 929487
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>>929484sounds like laura
No. 929526
>>929487“threatening” to jump
say no more! not a medfag but that’s often terminology they tend to use when it’s more..behavioural?
“threatening to abscond”
“threatening to refuse medication”
“threatening to leave AMA”
as soon as they don’t get their own way.
anyway whether or not this chick is her. if you’re that unwell you’re wouldn’t be able to consent to filming to begin with
No. 929536
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>>929469She’s literally complaining and looking for a fix for her SVT attacks that don’t involve eating or gaining weight but will go and sit in a sauna that’s sole purpose is to raise your heart rate sounds like a great plan Beks, bring the dog!
No. 929580
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>>929536Did you read the comments? I think the woman's a nurse and she's telling her what to eat to help stop it. Becky can't even say "anorexia", it's "you know what".
Also noticed she's entered a competition for a treadmill!
No. 929588
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The ~jelly~ proana here >> 927726 posted on mpa calling lolcow fucked up. Anon
>>927743 was correct.
Here she is, a "weight loss youtuber". Hmm, I'd certainly subscribe to a yt channel for weight loss when the content's made by someone who posts thinspo and bonespo on mpa and is jealous of someone who looks like they're about to drop dead. Obviously this bitch didn't bother to read how the girl she's jealous of couldn't control her bodily functions and her dad had to give her an enema. Yes, definitely something to aspire to, but go ahead and call lolcow fucked up.
No. 929605
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>>929031Anyone notice the subtle hospital wristband?
No. 929650
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>>929642Or that Slimatee that makes you piss a lot.
Considering she supposedly eats healthily and is always at the gym, her weight loss does not reflect this. This was almost 3 years ago.
Oh, and she has body dysmorphia because she probably read that's a symptom of EDs. SPoilering this shit.
No. 929652
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>>929651Yeah, but you're going to be impressed with this #weightloss
Btw, she's an Aus. Next stop New Farm?
No. 929711
>>929683She loses .9 or a lb in a WEEK! Don't take that away from her ffs!!
No mention of her anorexia on her video uploads.
No. 929781
>>929768As I said, love the job, not the retards that come through with non deep cuts 5 times a week and demand we give them attention, or are supposedly oh so "sad" to be admitted for treatment while showing the biggest grin when getting hooked up to a NG tube because they feel "validated" in their fucking illness. When you see people dying that did not demand it, and these clowns turn up through the door, your compassion runs out very fast.
These chicks are thirsty for attention. It's annoying, but it's a fact. Move on.
No. 929782
>>929524She probably hasn’t done any of the drugs she claims because crack is not
weak ass shit she’s just trying to sound fucking edgy and cool. Both heroin and cocaine are highly addictive and people don’t just dabble with it. She’s honestly just outing herself about how ignorant she is about drugs. Heroin is also really easy to od on when you don’t know what your buying and Aly is a fucking idiot that is liable to be scammed. Actually she probably got some fake drugs and got scammed by a dealer bc she’s so fucking dumb kek. That’s probably why the cocaine was so “weak” for her. But ok Aly you go WILLINGLY join the opioid epidemic that is effecting the states in a big way. I’m not one to be butt hurt but I can imagine these stories offended people, which is exactly what she wants, a reaction, dms, attention. She’s just being an edgelord and failing miserably. She’s so desperate for attention that she makes up a story about having meth dreams…. wtf? She’s honestly one of the cows I believe that truly has BPD. She is an absolute ott, attention seeking, nutter.
>>929605Was she admitted ?
>>929610I really hope your joking, the sarcasm is obvious….lol
No. 929863
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>>929782Aly def offended people. Instead of being a decent person, she basically called them an idiot for finding issue with her druggie romanticizing (she never posted a '
trigger warning', for the record)
No. 929869
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>>929783Oh my god what a joke, who doesn’t just rip that off immediately after discharge like wtf kek.
>>929851Yup op is right she’s at home sulking. Will she try for a round three? Who knows… kek Here’s one that proves she’s home though, no gown, doesn’t appear to be in a hospital room. Anyway the rest of her stories are just her bitching not super milky tbh, we will bring you the milk no worries kek.
No. 929871
>>929863Kek not only did she ignore them and give a cunty response she also blocked them in typical Aly fashion, she says don’t like it don’t look, yet blocks the person and takes away that decision like wtf lol why even say that then? Also its hilarious she’s calling out this totally rational person on their logic… it’s illogical to choose to try a drug with the knowledge that it’s highly addictive and easy to od on. What a fucking numpty.
I don’t follow her, but is she done playing wanorexia games? Is
druggie her new thing? I wonder if this is just a fleeting thought she posted for attention, regardless I’m interested where she takes this one kek.
No. 929874
>>929871I wish, but no. She's deep in a huge "I literally can't help b/ping u guys, I wish I had weed :((((" cycle, it's boring. She briefly was being super optimistic bc her best friend bought her shit lmao but of course that wore off.
So now it's endless cycles of "this time I'm gonna restrict for SURE" "oops I b/ped", wannabe drug kweening, and "I'm so aromantic and gay" while crying about how dudes don't reply to her thirst bait text messages and how no one will love her
No. 929903
>>929883Your welcome fellow farmer.
>>929874Ugh she’s still messing around with the whole lgbt thing…. why does it seem like she’s more
gay when the men don’t respond to her thirsty thotty text messages. I wonder if she ever thought about being less shallow and vain, you can look like a million bucks but if your a fucking whining asshole whose mood has more ups and downs than a damn roller coaster, no guy or girl is going to want a relationship with that. She’s so dumb, I think her ego is so big and she prides herself on her attitude and how she responds to people, like she thinks she’s coming off strong and confident. But, if that’s how she acts towards people she wants to date or get with there’s no question in my mind why she’s nothing more than a fuck buddy kek. But no one can tell her anything, she’s resistant to legitimate constructive criticism because she’s so insecure, I doubt she’ll change. Kind of sad but she’s doing it to herself. She needs to step off her pedestal for a second bc she’s freakin deluded lol.
No. 929955
>>929711Wow the weight of a small shit. Ana Goals
>>929871I wouldn’t call it new. She has been arrested for it in the past but it’s exaggerated for her online ~presence~
No. 929963
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She’s getting really crazy now -
No. 929976
>>929963Korey stop watching spirit science and thinking youre all woke n shit. That info isnt special, a lot of people already know that shit Shes 'discovering' these uber spiritual theories and practices and thinks shes suddenly a shaman kek
Next up, the healing powers of a singing bowl and deep meditation for astral projection.
I can see her implementing eccentric practices into her Nutritionists Job
No. 930022
>>929928if she "needs" to get fucked up to escape herself she IS addicted, it doesnt have to be a physical addiction to only one substance
>>929981this is incredibly cringy, never post like this again
No. 930030
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Elzani is her food-obsessed, “soooper recovered” brain posted not one but FOUR angles and TWO ig stories about this bland, boring ass looking oatmeal. Just normal 22 year old things, right?
No. 930050
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Is Georgia always anxious about gaining weight or losing weight? Why does she always flop her tits on the table?
No. 930055
>>930050No she’s not always anxious about gaining or losing weight kek she’s anxious because she always
gains wait lol. I don’t follow her but based on what’s posted here she’s trending up… constantly. As for tabling her tits, I’m guessing they are so big they give her back pain and the table gives her a break lol
No. 930068
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>>930050Becky wins at being duller. Same old Pepe pout every damn day. She's giving skin care advice tonight if anyone wants to know how she looks so glowy.
No. 930069
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Anyone else follow this cow? Constantly posting romanticized and attention seeking captions, always talking about how bad her situation is yet seems to maintain her (according to her, v underweight) weight. She was doing a q+a thing on her story today and I laughed out loud at this one- bit rich coming from someone who's constantly posting mirror selfies and body checks. Also possibly the most ironic photo to have chosen to accompany her answer kek
No. 930072
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>>929436it's not a joke (unfortunately) more to follow
No. 930134
>>930068Her attempts at ~fashion~ & ~beauty~ always give me a chuckle, thanks anon. All that filter and still looks like a mummified corpse
>>930072Oh lord. Look out, Marya Hornbacher
No. 930135
File: 1581284307817.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1125x1893, 3E2E0609-F666-4B15-A9D6-16FCDC…)

one of the many classic ana poses - sticking your arm in the air so it looks thinner (which is doesn’t, georgia, sorry)
No. 930137
>>930135>my quality as a person does not changeGuess you're stuck with low quality, Georgia.
Is that what she's doing with her arm? When I don't see here head, I get confused what part of her body is bulging. Guess this bulge is her tit hulking downwards towards the bed.
No. 930152
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>>930135Arbitrary numbers…like her dozens of admissions to New Farm? The only time she seems "happy" is when she's being fed.
No. 930177
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>>930145Maria's her usual self. I don't follow the other. One's enough.
No. 930259
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>>930178you spoke too soon
No. 930263
>>930259I mean she does look a bit thinner, but that's probably because she's on a controlled diet despite those 1000kcal feeds, but it still has to be so jarring/
triggering for actual anorexics seeing her around getting the same treatment as they are? Idk it doesn't make sense at all. She reminds me of Kaydee the other obese wannarexic who died of a fentanyl overdose so much.
No. 930265
>>930183>>930178Top keks lol. Also Georgia as thinspo is the most hilarious concept I think I could ever imagine.
>>930259By productive I bet that means she’s eaten all her meals and snacks, ugh its a rough life binging in an ip clinic isint it Porgie kek. Maybe instead of a nap she should just hibernate. She may even lose a pound or two lol.
No. 930271
File: 1581302964394.jpg (Spoiler Image,751.58 KB, 1056x1878, 20200209_204723.jpg)

>>929264Hi Laura. I see you deleted this post from the 13th. Shouldn't you be off social media? (Throwing in another screenshot because imageboard)
No. 930334
File: 1581320431303.jpg (589.47 KB, 1033x1881, 20200210_170853.jpg)

But why WOULD you need one?
No. 930345
>>930263Yep, imagine those meal times where "tensions are high" and you're a genuine anorexia sufferer sat with our dainty queen whos feigning disgust at her fish & veggies whilst she shovels it all in with her trotters…
Just a glimpse of what "complying" has to offer you.
Amazing what money can buy you, the public system would be like BUH BYE here is a leaflet on healthy eating…
No. 930398
>>930382>>930383That whole post is wrong. Writing to her inner child about traumas. There's a time and place for that - in private, in therapy, not on instagram.
I like her JonBenet Ramsey look.
No. 930412
>>930398I think she’s trying to be ~*~inspirational~*~
The whole thing just read as pure cringe.
No. 930417
File: 1581344514347.jpg (663.09 KB, 1079x1671, IMG_20200211_002108.jpg)

Just found another cow claiming to oh so spoopy. More photos to come
No. 930419
File: 1581344559441.jpg (551.2 KB, 1079x1791, IMG_20200211_002123.jpg)

Claims her face is "getting thin" yet every photo of her face she's doing this weird sucking in pose
No. 930420
File: 1581344610493.jpg (667.23 KB, 1079x2010, IMG_20200211_002152.jpg)

And just why??
No. 930424
File: 1581344837683.png (1.39 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2020-02-11-00-27-27…)

Even in her stories she poses stupidly. Literally just found her account and I'm laughing
No. 930444
File: 1581349562199.jpeg (1.62 MB, 1242x1753, B2E3967E-75B9-4E8B-AD70-619F3A…)

I can assure you that this is NOT what we call a “propper good old English Sunday breakfast” Severely concerned at the reduced stickered packet of raw bacon lying there and the thrown on pickled onions make me gag thinking about them..
No. 930498
>>930495Ffs cannot unsee
I'm off to bleach my eyes.
No. 930499
>>930490A full English is usually bacon, egg, tomato, sausage and beans. Maybe mushrooms and some toast. The issue here is the pickled onions, the random wafers in a bowl and generally how sloppy it looks.
I thought that brebek chick with her frying egg on her toastie machine was unparalleled, but n2f has dropped to that level. Her whole room must stink of vomit.
There's a bulimic I feel bad for on mpa who's been posting what she eats and purges all day long. Difference is, her food looks good. Same friendless existence. It's difficult to not feel pity for n2f, then I remember she pretends she keeps it all down.
She's the kind who's eventually going to be found dead over the toilet and they put her pic in the media to ~raise awareness~
No. 930526
>>930516It could be that her parents have given up, and if she's cooking and purging in her room at least they don't have to see it. The parents of that Amy from Intervention had her live in the basement for the same reason.
I don't know how she affords all the food. I know a lot of it's reduced or own brands, but still, it's a lot of money she's puking.
I reckon that last selfie where she's showing her chest bones is a kind of cry for help.
No. 930528
File: 1581366621511.png (2.23 MB, 750x1334, 6643ABAA-7181-4B11-B404-C7E802…)

Here we go Lee making it a round three! I find this story to be very telling. At first she says she “dumbly” downed a bottle of klonopin, but regrets not finishing it off. So basically she wants to od just enough to survive and get treatment. That’s not really someone who wishes to die, that’s someone who wishes to get admitted. It’s actually pretty sad. Especially bc she said “my only regret is not finishing it off”, by that she totally means I didn’t do enough to look sooper suicidal and get admitted Of course I don’t want the girl to seriously hurt herself for attention but she’s getting out of control, tossing back a bottle of klonopin just so she can get in and get some tube picks?! That is insanity! Where’s this girls parents kek! Or boyfriend or friends or anyone that can knock some sense into her? I feel like she may not stop until she gets what she wants and she like actually might accidentally kill herself… yikes. Laura girl you got some competition for top crazy cow wanorexic!
No. 930538
>>930533>>930534I did consider this but I didn’t want to sound like too much of a d bag kek. She probably didn’t take enough to do anything now that I think about it, because even if not a psych admission would she not at least be in hospital for monitoring? Also she didn’t mention stomach pumping or activated charcoal, and y’all know if that would have happened we would have had photo documentation with a lee who’s chuffed to bits. Going back to the original photo I’m jw what the fuck is up with her and Mickey Mouse? She’s got the ears, a stuffy… Also she’s got a
fun filter and is losing with her toungue out kek. Whose got the will to do all that shit when they don’t have the will to live…?
No. 930569
File: 1581373940824.jpeg (790.91 KB, 1242x1976, 40FB9874-0758-4A1E-9E87-198202…)

anyone seen this girl? never seen her on here. she’s from the uk and has been ip like 6 times. always posting pics of food saying she ate ‘evErY laSt bItE’ but then always ends up back in ip (look at her cheeks in that one picture!!!) claims her ed is about control but complained when a very small patient would be admitted. she’s out now, not much milk but she lies a lot and is always posting body checks trying to validate herself
No. 930570
File: 1581374145871.png (6.97 MB, 1242x2208, F231927D-83D6-45FF-B2CF-785AB1…)

an example of her body checks (this is an old one)
No. 930572
>>930569Oh god, she lives in my area. I looked her up on fb and she posted a pic of het flippin the bird at the Altrincham Priory sign. She doesn't know how fortunate she is to get a bed and she thinks it's fun fannying around in a wheelchair.
Honestly believe serial ips like her shouldn't be given a residential stay unless they show improvement. This one don't want to recover.
No. 930576
>>930572literally, there are so many like her. always in general, always in ip and they get off on it.
>>930573and, nah, it was just a screenshot from a video. as in, she genuinely looked like that. how her parents let her get away with it?? i’ll never know
No. 930620
File: 1581380016075.jpg (674.68 KB, 1080x1676, 20200210_180922.jpg)

>>930327Honestly the vent account doesn't have a lot of milk in it. I might post a few more caps. She has a new "venting" instagram but hasn't accepted as many followers as this account.
No. 930621
File: 1581380054073.jpg (670.54 KB, 1080x1700, 20200210_180943.jpg)

>>930620She's mentioned this incident before, iirc
No. 930623
File: 1581380149814.jpg (155.81 KB, 1071x1109, 20200210_181554.jpg)

>>930621She has just over 700 followers on the "old" account
No. 930693
File: 1581392516490.png (1.68 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2020-02-11-13-35-31…)

Another one posted to her story kek
No. 930750
File: 1581403001039.jpg (1.09 MB, 1080x1920, 20200211_163611.jpg)

Anyone want to bet when she will be back
No. 930758
File: 1581404949040.png (1.79 MB, 750x1334, BCE9A145-E96D-4A7A-8E91-6A3922…)

Part 1
Lee reminds us three times of how unwell she is medically, someone get her a tube stat! I love how she says she can’t walk straight, like sure jan, I think she means she’s only capable of walking straight to the emergency department kek!
No. 930760
File: 1581405711369.png (1.53 MB, 750x1334, AFE076E2-9BE2-4E6B-A691-D7C89C…)

>>930758Part 2
Remember you guyz she can’t walk straight, don’t forget it! She’s sooper sick y’all. But have no fear, she has… a babysitter…lol
No. 930762
File: 1581406366919.png (1.62 MB, 750x1334, 7043744B-4DE0-45EF-A2CB-57E08F…)

>>930758Part 3
Just in case you guys forgot Lee can’t walk, and a new development in her steadfast deterioration of health, she can also barely type! Lol I cannot even take this seriously anymore, like how can you not walk or type but have the wherewithal to meet a friend, update your Instagram story complete with perfectly normal written text, and selfies with different filters.
facepalms she’s not even trying to fake it anymore. Or at the very minimum she’s just not convincing. I wonder how her friends and family react to this behavior. She probably just acts normal in real life and just lives the ott life on her instagram.
No. 930763
>>930750Oh no doubt, in her mind rather than discharge planning she’s probably looking to plan her next vacation to the New Farm, home of the lolcows kek. She won’t last long out of clinic anyway, with all the weight she’s lost at NF she’ll be a dainty little waif in need of tube feeds in no time. Especially since she didn’t get any tube pics this go around kek. And for the autists who don’t seem to get sarcasm on this thread lol
this is sarcasm kek
No. 930804
File: 1581423900622.jpeg (653.83 KB, 750x1028, 78AF302B-905E-4368-AB40-488543…)

wasn’t she just in a coma
No. 930829
File: 1581429256259.png (623.52 KB, 720x1010, Screenshot_20200211-133552~2.p…)

>>930760Is having clown eyebrows a requirement for these ana cows?
>>93082She'll do what she did last time. Slag off Elzani for having no life while bragging her own life is great with work and friends. Then someone at work will piss her off and she'll suffer a couple of days of eating one McDonald's 99p burger then check into NF, rinse and repeat.
Img is the addiction at Maria's coffee shop table. Nicotine, meds and aspartame.
No. 930855
File: 1581434580158.png (1.75 MB, 750x1334, E9E239B2-8894-4D42-85A0-1A2C57…)

A little n2f to lighten the mood
No. 930857
File: 1581434696004.png (1.6 MB, 750x1334, 9649E396-981A-478A-9ABB-7454A1…)

>>930855Her fingers are what rlly gross me out tbh, but it’s kinda sad she seemed to be doing ok for a while but now she body checks on stories and second guesses herself about what she eats a lot, it’s a weird stream of consciousness to tune into.
No. 930858
File: 1581434772385.png (1.29 MB, 750x1334, DE5112FE-307E-474E-9FEE-0DE992…)

>>930857Pic related about second guessing herself
No. 930861
>>930855The only nice thing I've ever seen on her pic - the sausage dog tray. How much food does she actually post in a day? Here we have the biscuits with jam and haribo, a Muller rice and
>>930857 chocolate brioche. Microwaved. Kinda confirms suspicions she has a microwave in her room.
Wow, remember when her food looked looked nice? Really well made sangas and yogurts? Now it's pure sugar and slop. How low can she go?
>>930858See, this is what I was talking about. It used to look good.
Thanks for posting these. Guilt at extra jam? Nah, that don't wash, girl.
No. 930924
>>930904I hope she's still in the system and she's getting weighed and talking about it. It's been obvious to us she's been getting worse, and as much as I love being disgusted by her food and filth, give her some help.
I never believe that a parent doesn't know their kid's bulimic. I'd like to see a documentary with parents rather than the person with a disorder. It's difficult to get your head around how they can ignore it or carry on letting them get away with it - n2f, Becky, the Russian girl, Ashley's mum (until the last couple if years), all the ones who aren't fake ana chans.
No. 931046
File: 1581459243630.jpeg (995.38 KB, 893x1573, 3A4DFBBE-14EF-4EDC-93A7-6F7275…)

Paris has definitely got some cognitive impairment a bit like the twins from the many years of Anorexia. I find it hard to feel sorry for her though as she refuses to change anything and wonders why nothing has changed. Her family are just enablers at this point, keeping her trapped in her childlike Winnie the Pooh state when she has nothing to show for the past 8 years but the same 97g of melon she weighs out. Sad
No. 931076
>>930572I completely agree, it doesn't make sense to let people take up beds to do inpatient exactly what they would be doing outpatient anyways… anorexics can be anorexic for free outside a hospital, give the beds to people who care about their life
>>930762Why on earth is she saying she can't walk?? Because of the overdose?
No. 931089
>>931046The comparison to the twins is spot on. After so much treatment over years, it's herself stopping herself getting better. She's never pushed herself. If she really wants to not feel hungry and eat chocolate, there's no reason she couldnt be at that point by now. She wants to stay in the safe bubble her disorder gives her at the he expense of being miserable af.
Shame she's so whiney and reluctant to change because she's got a good sense of style, she's pretty and probably has a lot of potential, just like the twins with their qualifications and intelligence. It IS sad, and yeah, her family are enabling her to stay stuck in her rut.
No. 931130
File: 1581465795115.jpg (1.1 MB, 1080x1836, 20200212_100345.jpg)

>>931073Shes well mentioned here before
No. 931247
File: 1581483828824.jpg (820.74 KB, 1564x1564, straya strikes again.jpg)

And chalk another one up for Australia. She was posted before because of her terrifying eyebrows and constipation faces, but now she's taken herself to the ER and 'doesn't know how'. Relentless.
She's constantly posted throw backs to 'before her ed' where her body looks exactly the same as it does now despite snooper serious anorexia. Also of note is the quote in her bio, 'hell is empty, all the devil's are here'. Originally a Shakespeare quote, but there's no doubt its from Starving In Suburbia, everybody's favourite garbage eating disorder movie.
No. 931266
File: 1581487767156.jpg (392.29 KB, 1080x1892, Screenshot_20200212_160905.jpg)

>>931262>>931247It's like clockwork. Someone start a new bingo, one of the spaces could be 'hospital sees through bullshit'. 9/10ths of these people would have that box checked.
No. 931269
>>931262thats strange, as plenty of milky instagram wannarexics are in and out of hospital in W.A such as @jessicas_recoveryx, @pixie.dust.battles, @beyond_quasi, @lacking.a, @ashleighsjourney_, @hannys_journey.
>>931266yeah, her and Lee are bona fide attention seekers. they contribute to the "attention seeking" suicidal stereotype.
No. 931306
File: 1581505839097.jpeg (210.25 KB, 750x1086, EA968002-4C00-4175-9540-67EE9A…)

So some people were interested before in revisiting Jonzie, I think it’s a good time bc she’s back on her hospital bullshit. She’s laid of the multiple personalities thing or whatever and is going back to munchie/wanorexia here’s her most current post, (more photos to follow) but notice the puppy dog pout, the gown pulled down so far trying to force out the collarbone and yo show the telemetry that is literally so standard kek for anyone who “faints” or has “cardio issues” also as I post more pay attention to the changing sizes in her face, she seems to be incredibly inconsistent with her shooping tsk tsk that’s not believable jonzie!
No. 931307
File: 1581506106124.jpeg (558.53 KB, 750x894, C199B3B7-CB57-486C-A8F7-28E812…)

It’s crazy all the fried food she eats, yet claims “severe gp” from her sooper struggle with anorexia kek
No. 931308
File: 1581506183270.jpeg (799.64 KB, 750x1203, AE46B80C-A9C4-4099-BEC1-84A9E2…)

>>931307Another recent upload of more fried food
No. 931309
File: 1581506373767.jpeg (776.01 KB, 750x1200, 567790A9-AC0A-4E83-8AE8-49C155…)

>>931307>>931308She can eat all this shit yet needs fucking pedialyte what a damn snowflake. Drink some damn water or apple juice and stop being such a numpty.., if you can eat burgers and chips as well as tacos, then I think you can safely hydrate yourself. You ain’t special Jonzie kek.
No. 931311
File: 1581506585858.jpeg (749.34 KB, 750x1207, C996FA1A-2465-4EC1-8B02-C01962…)

Finally just for shits and giggles here she is regressing at some type of Walt Disney event. This is what I meant in the op
>>931306 about her face changing she looks like a whole different person. Anyway I’m hoping and expecting to milk this cow once she transfers to
her hospital. We might even get a Mama Bear sighting kek!
No. 931323
>>931296yup @meltinglikehoney is pure gold.
post screenies. don't follow her anymore.
No. 931336
>>931306Yes! Ahh Alexys milk is so so sweet
Ty anon
No. 931338
>>931269>>931296They're private accounts
So you bring the milk
No. 931367
File: 1581521482906.png (1.01 MB, 750x1334, 58DF42B2-0540-4591-BC1D-0DB8D0…)

>>931336Your welcome kek!
>>931357Part 1 Photo
Yes she is a great one! And I don’t really know she used to post tons of multiple personality content and stuff of her being the different identities or whatever and her account name was like “system unite” like a DID thing but now as you can see it’s just her name. I think she’s dropping it because she wants to go back to doing the munchie wanorexic thing. To me, it seemed like more of a hobby or way to entertain herself but now that she’s focused on manipulating her health she must not have time for DID games kek. No updates from the cow yet but I’ll keep y’all posted. Go back a thread or two or three if you don’t follow her because I’ve posted some of her DID milk in the past. I can’t seem to find any on her account so you’ll have to look back. In the mean time enjoy this through back post photo, text in following post.
No. 931380
File: 1581524035394.jpeg (169 KB, 750x1116, 82178D06-7CB7-4D0C-92EA-ADF92C…)

>>931323I’m not the op but I realized I follow her too.
Here’s one post that jumped out at me lol
No. 931450
File: 1581537404379.jpeg (431.77 KB, 750x1067, 15EA6F51-FCA3-4F6D-A6A2-6CE2D4…)

>>931394This is a screen shot from a recent video…
No. 931451
File: 1581537460423.png (1.6 MB, 750x1334, 218F62B4-7E14-454D-9D93-E3D2AF…)

>>931394and then just in case you forgot that she had a feeding tube….
No. 931461
>>931450I don't think thats her in the video.
She's now doing feeding tube awareness..citing she's not hiding it anymore…too bad she never has and shows it off at any opportunity.
No. 931462
>>931451>awarenesswhy is this even a thing? nearly everyone is
aware that anachans view their feeding tube like some sick badge of honor
>im going to keep posting pictures of me and my tubejust admit you miss it & move ON
No. 931466
>>931462I hate anything ~awareness~ because people are already aware. If they weren't aware of tubes, what does being suddenly aware that people use feeding tubes do? I know some people do it because their hearts are in the right place, but things like breast/testicular cancer? If you're a woman and you don't know about breast lumps then you must be an idiot.
The awareness things usually involve people humble bragging about having a special illness. (Stuff like Sudden Infant Death is okay because it's informative, but why the fuck do I want to know about someone's tube or colostomy bag, let alone see it?)
No. 931546
File: 1581554017606.jpeg (499.48 KB, 750x834, 6532414C-3197-43A2-B687-CB67F7…)

Part 1
Here we go everyone, our first update from the precious baby alexys
No. 931547
File: 1581554064949.jpeg (390.25 KB, 750x1003, C6610F96-DF8F-4C19-BD70-BA844E…)

>>931546Part 2
The text post
No. 931549
File: 1581554287836.jpeg (140.07 KB, 750x1334, DBA3A51E-2A06-4492-A67F-50A95E…)

Because everyone needs to know what drugs she’s getting what a numpty
No. 931550
File: 1581554369013.jpeg (128.74 KB, 750x1334, 507992F7-D199-461E-AC8D-159819…)

So she’s a fall risk but still risks one hand to get that precious boomerang for the Instagram kek so fucking dumb
No. 931551
File: 1581554484215.jpeg (187.18 KB, 750x1334, 0EC463BE-87EB-4AA8-8387-6EC231…)

Yea it’s not all about having bad veins… sometimes nurses just suck at iv and they can only prick u x amount of times before they have to call for ultrasound like this ain’t special. Besides the fact she probably dehydrated herself real good for this incident. What happened to her pedialyte stock kek!?
No. 931552
File: 1581554632403.png (1.13 MB, 750x1334, 5D491DBD-45D5-4C54-B653-7195D6…)

Yea let’s take a serious hospitalization and make jokes about cocktails. Who is she kidding she just wanted an excuse to post a picture of her iv, hooked up to nothing might I add, her fall risk band and children’s blanket kek
No. 931593
File: 1581568636936.png (4.64 MB, 1125x2436, IMG-4305.PNG)

This nurse(?) clearly has some body dysmorphia re: her lips, but she also seems to be an under the radar ana. She is skelly skinny & most of her posts seem to be not so subtle body checks
No. 931594
File: 1581568689255.jpg (637.05 KB, 2400x2400, IMG-4309.JPG)

Some of those body checks
No. 931600
File: 1581570422055.png (1.44 MB, 1836x901, tara_jayn3.PNG)

>>931593jeezus fuck! imagine rocking up to a cosmetic surgery appointment, then seeing this 'nurse' walk in… she must scare off 95% of the clientele with those fish lips!
how does she even talk?!
oh and sure thing she has an inner spoop (pic)
No. 931631
File: 1581579494871.jpg (1.03 MB, 1041x1561, 20200213_173802.jpg)

The BPD moods are real
No. 931651
File: 1581588929797.jpeg (930.73 KB, 750x1197, 8479BC45-78FA-47DC-AA1C-486125…)

>>931554In the face she looks normal but she’s a classic photo shopper spoop so it’s hard to tell, in my opinion she looks average. She is short so if anything I would say her frame is petite but she doesn’t look underweight at all no.
>>931561She had literally just posted the stories so I didn’t want her to be able to guess who it was that was posting her if she saw my account and potentially lurks here. Especially since her DID went away when we discussed it here. We can’t lose our connection to the cow lol, she doesn’t have a ton of followers so even though I’ve never interacted with her on instagram, I’m playing it safe kek
>>931562Nope I haven’t seen any posts about it and I think she might have taken some down, the only thing that remains is an educational highlight about DID, she does this weird thing where she copy and pastes things from google to
educate and spread
awareness kek I’ll post a screen grab
No. 931653
File: 1581589269838.jpeg (895.53 KB, 750x1213, 518DDCEC-0CC9-4FD9-A311-0A932F…)

>>931651Also here’s her other stupid highlights if anyone’s interested. Highlights themselves are mostly text posts straight from Wikipedia, not super milky but if anyone wants me to go through any specific one and post some images let me know
No. 931654
File: 1581589424510.jpeg (984.63 KB, 828x1504, E3B43F43-C1EB-4CB2-86DB-093481…)

Wasn’t she having carrot cake and ice cream with her dad a day ago? At least she’s getting fortisip, I imagine otherwise georgieporgie would waste away if she skipped dinner! What a waste of resources. She only “can’t eat” when there’s a team of Treatment specialists watching.
No. 931655
File: 1581589466760.png (610.22 KB, 750x1334, EB84D65B-4F2B-4764-8F6E-ED0264…)

>>931651>>931653Here’s an example of one story from one of her eating disorder highlights lol, she went through all the Eds, but I chose to post this one because… kek detergent
>>931554 No. 931665
>>931631Just wondering how she can fall through the cracks if there’s clearly nothing wrong with her, she probably over dramatized her symptoms and emotions and still didn’t get a bed, they must have her marked down as a an attention seeker in the charts. I’m honestly surprised she hasn’t tried another hospital or maybe she has idk kek. I hate the baby sitter talk like grow the f up and just say you need support or something.
>>931654Oh what a relief she is supplementing I’d be so worried now that she’s out of clinic that she’s be dropping weight at a rapid pace waisting away into oblivion, full on waif status kek. I cannot believe someone her size who wants people to think she’s anorexic or atypical anorexic would voluntarily drink a fortisip. In my country we don’t use those, so I’m not sure how they taste. It says vanilla kek this was likely her after dinner dessert let’s be honest lol
No. 931675
File: 1581593960086.png (8.05 MB, 1125x2436, DCF6989D-4E89-4A29-AF75-328515…)

Um what
No. 931682
>>931675Wow, another headbanger faking paranoia. All these mh trends come and go quicker than the latest eyeshadow palette.
Well done for making sure she didn't fuck up her specs tho.
No. 931737
>>931685IMAGE. BOARD.
Pics or gtfo.
No. 931747
File: 1581613776586.jpg (702.39 KB, 1080x1550, 20200213_110722.jpg)

>>931707She's talking about it in videos in her stories. She's sharing tells too about how she can't say who it is. I can share those if anyone is interested
No. 931751
File: 1581614072022.jpg (28.19 KB, 522x326, sad face.jpg)

>>931741First time I've seen someone having treatment for an ED willingly scoff a wedge of creamy cake with a blob of cream and jam. For someone who'd been tubed a month ago, that'd be a panic attack to even look at. She's so full of shit.
Such a cliche. She knows every one in the book.
No. 931837
File: 1581628966930.png (4.58 MB, 828x1792, B1FA6F43-9E82-4A5B-8DE4-AB0750…)

Hey. I was absent for a bit, but I swear when I glanced at the thread a couple days ago there were posts about this chick? Did those get deleted? If so, could someone post screenshots if they have any. This girl @hannez is insane. Wears revealing clothing showing off her emaciated frame and claims she’s going to be a lawyer, but also looks like she’s about to drop dead at any minute.
No. 931854
File: 1581630774503.png (4.88 MB, 1242x2208, 4035509D-F365-4F91-A0AA-43491C…)

wasn’t she mentioned ONCE only and not even a picture of her was posted? how did she even know?? i call self post
No. 931874
>>931837uh 1) she's public so go look at her yourself????
2) other than being spoopy she's boring AF
No. 931875
Update. I googled. This hannez was mentioned TWO YEARS AGO
>>501271 You really have been ~away~ a long time.
No. 931881
>>93187816 isn't a minor
in the UK but her age explains the self posting and immature behaviour
not that all 16 yo people are immature, but most millenials are No. 931905
>>931902I'm old, so remember being able to leave home at 16 and having to get a job, leaving school. These cows don't have that luxury and festering at their parent's place really does some damage.
You're right. Are any of these cows "mature"? Look at Becky - into her 20s , drawing Pingu and chatting babytalk. Where did it all go wrong?
No. 931939
>>931929Self posting probably
Mention someone, others go to look, find the milk and post, therefore said cow is really only self posting in 3rd person.
No. 931977
File: 1581664964222.png (1.96 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2020-02-14-17-23-00…)

Lee's drama kek
No. 931978
File: 1581665036168.png (2.46 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2020-02-14-17-23-07…)

And yay for Georgie porgie no longer frail and needing supervision for meals. Wonder how long it will take her to go back to "starving"
No. 931983
>>931977You beat me to it lol was just coming to post this kek, my immediate response was Uhm Lee probably neither lol? Like if she was malnourished or was affected medically by her “overdose” it would show in her blood when they ran tests at the emergency department. I imagine she goes, gives a urine sample, they see no toxicity, check her labs, see no malnutrition and discharge her. Doesn’t she know they can tell she’s full of shit lol?!
>>931978Ah great now George can gorge in peace kek. I bet she’s eating sweets and more unhealthy food now that she’s on her own, she seems to only be “unable” to eat when she’s got eyes on her. Unless it’s family then bring in the cake whipped topping! Oh my gosh lol
No. 931988
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No. 932006
File: 1581677328599.jpg (292.26 KB, 515x1140, 20200214_204900.jpg)

STILL has hospital band on from 3 rejections ago. WTAF
No. 932007
>This is what they don't show you about depressionOn instagram? Lol.
>Too tired to breathe or stay consciousBut not too tired to take a selfie, upload it to your account and write a caption.
>Can't keep myself safeIn bed
>every last ounce of my energyOh shut up.
No. 932008
rejections lol oh my gosh that killed me. Ok what gets me is she’s waiting for someone to help her, why can’t she help damn self? Go to therapy, get a psychiatrist, get on some medication and get over your shit. She may think going to the emergency room is pouring in a lot of energy but it’s probably the most lazy way she could go about getting help. If she really
wanted to get better and be better she’d put in more effort. What she wants is attention and a feeding tube. Also if she has such difficulty breathing and staying conscious how is she capable of all these Instagram uploads, photos, text posts, stories, etc kek?! Also take the fucking allergy band off she acts like she went to a concert or festival or something awesome that she wants to remember lol, if these incidents were true results of severe depression wouldn’t you want to remove them from your field of vision so as not to remind you of the
pain and
suffering it’s so obvious hospital bands as well as toobies are her favorite accessories lol
No. 932025
>>932008Medical professional here and samefag as above sorry.
I guarantee you if she was truly unwell, no one would let her be alone. There is no way the ER would let her walk away. I'm guessing her (repeated) overdose were nowhere near bad enough to warrant being admitted. We ALWAYS propose psychiatrist liaison discussion. There are literally dozens of solutions from home treatment team to several organisations for outpatients.
I'm guessing she's rejecting those because it's not inpatient.
Inpatient is for the severely suicidal not the attention seeking frequent flyers draining the system.
Glad the hospital is not taking her bullshit. Well done them for not enabling that behaviour.
No. 932056
>>931978There's something about her sometimes that reminds me of Jamie Oliver
>>932008How is she not embarrassed? Her goal in life is to get admitted to hospital. She tries day after day and gets sent away. If she's suicidal, why is she seeking someone to stop her?!? I mean, you'd just do it right? I can say this because I know for a fact there's no way this kid is suicidal and will never off herself. Hospital's a really fucking dull place to hang out. Go on a coach trip or something. Jesus.
No. 932149
File: 1581709041257.jpg (27.96 KB, 359x269, depressed dawg.JPG)

This dog really has depression. Becky's feeling sorry for herself that nobody sent her a Valentine. Her dog's feeling suicidal because she wishes she was anywhere else except in that crazy home.
No. 932168
File: 1581711514647.jpg (198.16 KB, 1077x2141, ED Twatter.jpg)

ED Twitter being retarded. We all know most of you are not losing, but thanks for confirming. I guess role-playing as atypical anorexics is not working.
No. 932194
>>932180Oh it's full of ana-chans, probably because Twitter doesn't ban those accounts, unlike Instagram or other platforms. (Not surprising considering Twitter is fine with MAPs and NOMAPs.)
Most of ED Twitter are fat wannarexics who never got any attention in real life so they think they'll get it by becoming (only digitally) anorexic. There are few legit anorexics, some bulimics and binge-eaters that are normal enough to not pretend they're starving, but they're a minority I'd say. Most posts are about ridiculously low cal diets they fail to follow, gaining weight, not losing weight, racism (don't ask me), "because of _____ these calories don't count", everyone is
valid posts, "FAT PEOPLE CAN HAVE ANOREXIA TOO" posts with too many clapping emojis and some sort of topic dividing the community in two (minors vs adults, small vs big accounts, snowflakes vs hangry assholes and so on). It's both infuriating but also funny. Sometimes random mean users pop-up and everyone loses their shit. The only problem is looking for posts not made by minors.
No. 932345
>>929668This is a complete tinfoil and blogpost, but perhaps because it doesn’t cost anything to be hospitalised here and it’s easy to do so too.
There are countless times I’ve gone to the doctor for endometriosis and they all suggest I go to the emergency room even though there’s really no need for me to.
I can picture so many of these aus anachans using that to their advantage.
No. 932502
>>932449Yeah, that's all there lol, however since I saw a photo posted by an anon (I don't know the subject number anymore) of her private insta in bra where she looked much thinner than dressed, I'm like "but she plays games full of inconsistencies plays you, because on the one hand she wants to be considered a fragile butterfly but on the other she pretends to be a baby whale, while it seems to be a sea lion "sorry if it's weird but even in my language I can't express my thoughts. I know that I shouldn't make fun especially considering my situation (it's just not about weight, not wanting to "here my life"), but sometimes it's downright complicated … Otherwise by typing the name of your account private I came across one who seems to have a very creamy milk but he has 0 publication and seems to be a minor, so I post it not, but basically private, profile picture of a self mutilated arm covered with colored dressings , said not to be a salvage account provided with a nonfunctional link .. but however although I admit my mocking nature as my worst flaw I also think I am pissed off at how they get so easily considered .. and what is not just a question from NewFarm, after that I will not develop because it is already long and it risks removing my anonymity
No. 932566
File: 1581808438397.jpg (687.99 KB, 1080x1812, 20200216_090128.jpg)

Oh boy
No. 932775
File: 1581869993976.jpg (42.61 KB, 341x568, sick.JPG)

Can anyone explain to me why this malingerer is humoured by being treated for an eating disorder she doesn't have instead of having treatment for why she wants to avoid doing adult life?
Having her move into a place of her own or with housemates would be more beneficial than giving an already overweight woman a tube feed so she feels that it makes her too ill to bother trying.
No. 932805
>>932775I’m surprised she’s being so blatant about her malingering. This post miiiight have worked if she was the frail ~uwu~ ana she so desperately wants to be.
Unfortunately, she can’t accept that she has BED so she will continue to delude herself
No. 932813
>>932805Binge eating doesn't have the Hollywood movie "cool factor" to it. It's easier to fake an eating disorder than to fake cancer or some other physical illness. This thread is proof it's not difficult to not eat for a day, tell a shrink you have the symptoms of an ED (that they read online) and get a diagnosis.
I do think she has an ed, but yep, it's BED. Idk why she wants to be seen as anorexic or bulimic. Pigging out on cake and biscuits is no reason to get let off working or being an adult.
No. 932835
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This is peak elzani. It’s mom’s birthday, she posts how much she loves her mom, and yet brownies are front and centre in the foreground.
No. 932847
File: 1581889744632.png (1.77 MB, 750x1334, 3901C894-4403-44E3-9D71-4F3754…)

Did she forget that she has an eating disorder ? Lol
No. 932850
File: 1581889972173.png (1.6 MB, 750x1334, DBDB6859-5DFB-44D6-B2AE-6C5C71…)

She did it guys! It only took how many tries? Now I don’t think this means she’s admitted she did post a non milk story about being in a bed in the hallway before this so I figure she is still in the emergency room, I’m guessing this is the most far she’s gotten into the emergency room though because it’s being documented lol. It’s been hours since she’s updated though so anything could have happened since. We shall see farmers!
No. 932891
>>932879Doctor's notes from now: "Arrived after calling ambulance for herself. Tucked into a hearty meal. Definitely anorexic, needs tube.
No. 932895
>>932813Actually, it's easy to weed out the fakes. We run blood tests to know what exactly is going on. You cannot fake bulimia or anorexia because there are very specific things that will appear in your blood tests that will tell us what you are doing.
Surprised she managed to fake it so far, unless we don't have the whole picture. Her file might be in the frequent flyers pile for all we know, and doctors might just do the bare minimum to get rid of her everytime she turns up.
No. 932898
>>932895She'll probably get booted out tomorrow.
By faking it, I meant that they can fake the diagnostic criteria by bs talk. Yes, I restrict, yes I'm afraid of weight gain, yes I think I look fat, yes, I've lost weight, etc. but yeah bloods will show it's rubbish.
Has she dropped her claim for being anorexic and she's focusing on being suicidal now?
No. 932899
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Lee update: they needed her bed for a medical patient so they moved her somewhere else, they are letting her out for a smoke and letting her use her phone… suicide/flight risk though? kek I’m confused on that protocol. Also New Farm is being contacted. Everything she could ever want
No. 932905
>>932898Oh yeah you are right on paper can absolutely easy fake it. Hopefully they run blood test.
>>932899Yeah again suicidal patients would not be let out of the sight of the nurses. It's unlikely at A&E stage you'd be monitored 1 for 1 if you were brought in by ambulance, generally you are kept where the nurses can see you.
If she was truly admitted and truly acutely suicidal, she would be monitored 1 for 1. There is no way she would not proudly mention it too. But of course if she's lying she wouldn't know.
No. 932907
>>932899Ok there are lots of inconsistencies in her story.
Here's what it looks like.
She called an ambulance thinking that would increase her likelihood of being admitted in hospital. We see that a lot. It does not. So she probably claim she was suicidal blah blah, and has been left in an A&E bay for a while. Unless she had done physical damage to her body, they cannot admit her though. No hospital in the world will admit a psychiatric patient if they are medically clear- which clearly she is if she can hop around and smoke unsupervised. Also if she was truly admitted, (for what motive?) they wouldn't just eject her from her bed. That's just not how hospital work.
Looks like she's trying to strong arm this ED clinic to admit her again going through the hospital staff. No one is going to be happy about the whole mess. That can't end well. She's lying way too much and is not even smart about it.
No. 932964
>>932899First time poster long time lurker here
The place they moved her too is PEC- psychiatric emergency care; they keep you there while they decide what to do with you. Which means ED wise she is obviously not medically unstable. Kek at her being allowed out unsupervised while "super suicidal"
No. 933012
>>932835And how many shots of the brownies do we need? She must realise being obsessed by food is part of her ED.
She’s got herself into a problem with ‘the hospital vlog’ - her lady one was so popular /got so many views, and she promised the next part in the EDU…. but has yet to deliver and I keep seeing comments asking her when it will be up.
Her lack of general social media activity ( especially self photos ) points to relapse rather then ‘real recovery’
No. 933051
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Latest on Lee the fact that she’s posting “hehehehehe” about having her phone and taking sneaky pictures just shows how not bothered she is. It’s like she almost not even suicidal … at all kek! Well we all know she’s just waiting for that precious bed at New Farm but can any aussie fags that know the system vouch for the fact that they take suicidal patients? I feel like because she doesn’t have an eating disorder or a severe one she’s going this route to get a bed so it must work? I’m just not sure how after all these “attempts” they don’t stick her on a psychiatric floor rather than calling an ed clinic? Is it because they know she’s truly not a risk to herself? I don’t even know. I’m going to need some aussie fags who know the system to weigh in on this one
No. 933090
>>933051Not an Ausfag, but NF isn't only an ED clinic. They're a MH clinic in general and take people for drug and alcohol rehab.
Source - google.
No. 933096
>>933090Ah thank you! but if she refuses to eat she’ll still get a nose hose right?! Lol because obviously this is what it’s all about. So she eats her favorite hospital meal
>>932847 but let’s wait and see how long it takes her to get tubed at NF kek. Imagine if she comes this far and NF doesn’t take her… yikes she might actually have to lose some weight or become medically unstable or do anything that might hint at her being psychologically distressed not just a BPD attention hoe
>>933008Accurate lol just like hospital bands lee collects diagnoses kek
>>932917Kek Ikr I don’t think I have ever in the time I’ve followed her (not too long) seen her look like this. She looks like a completely different person. Kind of like a fish lol whatever op said she looks like Lurch now from the Addams family is spot on, Lurch with clown eyebrows kek
No. 933138
File: 1581966181203.jpg (56.93 KB, 526x576, 0.JPG)

That paedo tranny with an ED is back. On twitter.
He also doesn't want to be discharged from hospital.
No. 933161
>>933148Other than the funny stuff she posts, what do you like about her? Just out of curiosity. What to you makes her different than all of the other wanorexic ott attention seeking semi munchi individuals we talk about? I mean yea it’s sad..? But my thing is there are plenty of things she could do to help herself that she doesn’t. Hospitalization and or being at NF is the end all be all, and in the end she just gains more weight, gets out, feels shit about herself and tries for another admit for validation and asspats. What is this cycle doing for her other than making her more “depressed” maybe she needs the shock to the brain more than georgie porgie idk. I’m no aussiefag but from what I’ve heard they hand out ECT like they do toobies, surprised she hasn’t gotten it yet. Maybe she’s angling for that this admit more than the tube. Like she’s doing the old Laura switcharoo, when no one gives you sympathy for your
eating disorder you just go full on psych patient. We shall see
No. 933167
File: 1581974041208.jpeg (322.34 KB, 750x1106, 573FC83D-F881-4757-AAEA-F8849B…)

Part 1
Forgot to post this for y’all but now I have to because guess who is on the way back to hospital ? Most recent photo and updated text post to follow
No. 933168
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>>933167Part 2
Text from discharge post
No. 933170
File: 1581974467467.jpeg (479.42 KB, 750x1118, 0F8F18F4-47F2-4790-B31C-329237…)

Ok this was posted around thirty minutes ago, emt goes “she didn’t really pass out, blood pressure 74 over 41” unless I’m hearing it wrong not sure why she’d post evidence of her lying and then in the text post say she passed out lol perhaps the emt means like under their care she didn’t pass out? Anyway she didn’t get enough attention and selfies from the last admit so here we go again alexys fans kek!
No. 933178
>>933148Got to agree with
>>933161She's no different than the rest. They're all wannabe anas who are so un-ana they want to go ip and get a nose hose. I don't even think theyre munchies. They know they're well. Why they chose to postpone life in a hospital instead of doing it by being a student idk. While there's someone to pick up the tab, these hospitals are going to give them what they want.
No. 933180
File: 1581975888684.jpeg (1.04 MB, 828x1711, 07E0ACEA-C9AE-433B-A555-1EE77C…)

Refeeding?! It’s from being overweight with a shitty diet of crappy processed foods! The only meals she seems to struggle with are the ones that involve actual whole foods (like Sunday roast with veg), while she can slam the cake, hot dogs and ensure like a tank!
No. 933205
File: 1581980538879.jpeg (314.19 KB, 828x1456, 14E09F31-E8F4-414F-8054-5F8C45…)

W O W. I haven’t looked at this cow in ages but is anyone else disturbed by this. She fucking using her dead best friends dress as a goal? Smh
No. 933207
File: 1581980658055.jpg (456.74 KB, 1080x1717, 20200213_150307.jpg)

>>933199"Responding well to treatment" until she needs more attention
She deleted her first vent account last week. This was the last thing posted. Nothing milky about it so I didn't want to post it on its own.
No. 933210
File: 1581980857363.jpg (666.83 KB, 1080x1742, 20200217_170654.jpg)

>>933207Never mind, it was restored apparently.
No. 933245
File: 1581987694804.png (2.23 MB, 750x1334, B8DCD0E6-05A2-4929-BE12-2C5D7B…)

Lee update: “still waiting for a bed” will that bed ever come? I bet anything they send her home, if she’s able to go out for several smokes with no one watching she is not a suicide risk. How is she not stuck inside with someone watching her? She’s not being fully honest about what got her in this time….
>>933178Thank you my thoughts exactly, drain on the system that’s already quite drained, she’s not different than any other cow.
No. 933247
>>933199Kek! I love how she looks away from the camera every time she’s lying, she never tried to throw herself off a bridge she stood there until she was noticed, and what’s with the not eating for two weeks and the sexual assault is that new to the story?
“She has 18.2K followers on Instagram and says she gets more when she relapses”
Yea probably because she looks absolutely rediculous and people love to watch her feigning mental illness like a f*cked up reality tele show like ooh what will she do next! They try to make it seem like her relapses are so severe and she’s so spoopy it gets her attention when it’s not. People are just interested in her bc she’s a straight up lolcow kek
No. 933251
File: 1581988900278.jpg (524.66 KB, 1125x1961, cringe.jpg)

This is so fucking cringey I can't stop laughing.
No. 933321
File: 1582023198694.jpg (235.05 KB, 1080x2046, PicsArt_02-18-11.50.10.jpg)

>>933210Ah yes "I just didn't want to be like, alive.", sounds like a true suicidal person. This woman is in her twenties and cant form a cohesive sentence. you'd guess she was 13 from her behavior alone
No. 933328
File: 1582025757530.jpeg (898.58 KB, 828x1516, D56F31D8-BC88-4769-B034-579F37…)

Georgia wasn’t able to finish her veggies but don’t worry, our endlessly inspirational recovery warrior made up for it with a chocolate milkshake spiked with some synthetic vitamins.
No. 933382
>>933349> I feel like she was trying to look as sick/near deaths door as possible. That's what she's been doing for a while. Not wearing makeup to look as sick as possible. She doesn't even look that much thinner than usual. She's petite in general and it's only her face making her look fucked up, which is what she was going for. I wouldn't even be surprised if the tv crew do lighting to emphasise illness on someone's face.
Well done,Laura. Forever immortalised as Mental Health poster child. Like.
No. 933392
>>933382This is true, they do it in all types of interviews, like for people they want to look villainous or evil they light from the bottom, better more attractive lighting for the best guests and news anchors etc, they certainly know what they are doing. Imagine if Laura was like can you shoot me from this angle it reaaaaly emphasizes how average I look kek. To be honest I’m surprised she didn’t have zit blood smeared all over her face and wasn’t doing that grimacing smile where she tries to look crazy
>>933321I feel like she sounds so disjointed because she didn’t have a game plan going into this. Most of her story is fabricated, exaggerated or straight up fake so with a camera pointed in her face and someone interviewing her the filler words like Uhm and like started flowing. She also looks away from the camera with the juicy details not in shame of the behavior bc this is her golden moment and Laura obviously has no shame but because she’s fabricating or thinking or maybe does feel shame about lying. Way to go Laura while everyone else was actually too sick to do an interview you stepped up to the plate and got it done kek, what a freakin numpty
No. 933395
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No. 933413
>>933412You could have deleted the unsaged and reposted, just FYI.
But yeah, post makes zero sense. I think maybe she’s just trying to disguise the fact that she has yet again been turned away because SHE DOESNT NEED TO BE THERE! How is she not just embarrassed by her own desperation at this point?! I’m embarrassed for her!
No. 933414
File: 1582048278144.jpg (55.1 KB, 536x486, massage.JPG)

>>933413I've seen unsaged deleted but it still keeps the thread at the top of lolcow. I'll do it next time if I fuck up.
>>933407Here you go. The padeo took an OD - obligatory ambulance pic. Also got sexually assaulted while having a massage?
No. 933416
File: 1582048848541.jpeg (467.22 KB, 1242x1344, 6C0759B1-FBE0-4787-A1B8-FA0D39…)

Nourish has a new account just in case anyone wants to try her slop
No. 933461
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>>933414Honestly reassuring that they are not letting this predator on a female ward.
No. 933464
File: 1582060056298.jpg (14.54 KB, 410x118, x.JPG)

>>933457It's usually like that. He's just plain old fucking ugly.
He's a sex offender but is against sex offenders because apparently he was assaulted by a woman during a massage.
I was hoping he'd offed himself.
No. 933465
File: 1582060153497.jpg (160.28 KB, 1080x1830, 20200218_150709.jpg)

>>933415Laura is lurking again
No. 933535
File: 1582073106462.jpg (42.06 KB, 929x445, x.JPG)

Carry on not eating #lesbian.
No. 933549
File: 1582075405645.png (1.32 MB, 640x1136, C1C1B76D-811B-4FFB-9D56-C33DC7…)

i.e. Georgie Porgie is actively planning how to end up back inpatient. But will New Farm turn down their cash cow? Have they finally gotten sick and tired of her wannarexic games?
No. 933560
>>933549Tbh, it's a good idea to go from IP to day care. It keeps them from hogging a bed and she'll probably benefit because she'll still be classified as "sick" and being looked after.
>>933559I noticed that earlier before I even looked at the girl in the dead friend's dress. Comedy gold!
No. 933599
File: 1582086581279.jpg (870.21 KB, 1076x1862, 20200219_142650.jpg)

Porgie chooses a snack. Chooses one with 330cal and 27g of fat. Do they do nutrition classes at this hospital?
No. 933613
>>933599Is it really a challenge if it’s something she likely eats all the time kek?! Who in their right mind is going to look at this woman, eating chips and say it’s a challenge? She might as well throw on one of those ironic shirts that says “I beat anorexia” for shits and giggles lol
>>933549A literal cash cow that’s good anon very accurate kek!
No. 933644
>>933642I like how she went for the dainty 60g bag over the standard size 25g.
What an inspiration!
Sidenote - I'm so fucking offended by the aus use of pink packet for salt/vinegar I'm off to sperg out
No. 933671
>>933641I had a dream, and you made it come true top kek of the day!
>>933642Uhm you must be fluent in bullshit because that’s probably exactly the challenge for her. Let’s be honest the dainty one was probably famished, especially after her sooper serious refeeding
>>933180 kek. I am no medfag but actual refeeding syndrome comes with serious complications not just zits lol. Maybe if she quit “challenging” herself with oily crisps, unhealthy foods and prepackaged garbage she wouldn’t get a break out. My gosh she is seriously deluded. Does she really believe this or is it all for Instagram? She’s got to be kidding right? Sure someone can lose a ton of weight, still be massive and experience health problems related to rapid weightloss but this girl has done nothing but grow or maintain… refeeding? Sure jan live in your delusion and keep smashing down the crisps that’s true recovery right there lol.
>>933655I think it just might… by the way she avoids them and seeing her food logs, you’d think she has a severe allergy to anything healthy kek
No. 933694
>>932894And if she had her own room they usually don’t have curtains there
>>932895But sometimes people with anorexia and bulimia don’t always have messed up bloods.
No. 933792
File: 1582140027477.png (9.14 MB, 1242x2208, 0E38317C-6B6B-4D49-97E3-45DCB8…)

sage bcs no milk but just funny. this idiot from uk challenges her ‘eating disorder’ with a ‘full fat coke’. nothing the sweet taste of a lovely coke, straight from the udders
No. 933846
File: 1582151788776.jpeg (400.77 KB, 1372x1372, 1A66E32F-1DD2-444A-8E3B-6634B0…)

Got another wannarexic for y’all. Name is Sara, 18 years old, been in hospital since she was 12/13, sabotages any possible discharge, serial self harmer (in a&e at least once a week) and copycat for incidents. Obsessed with her anorexia diagnosis and toobes, doesn’t have one currently but had one for a long time last year. And of course she posted a thousand selfies with it on her old account. Always going on about how her doctors are thinking of sending her to an edu, being threatened with bed rest, and frequently says she’s going on a liquid fast/not eating or drinking at all but gives in a day or two later with a takeaway or super sugary drinks and snacks. She’s been moved to her 3rd acute in 6 months and apparently they’re weighing her everyday… screams bs, no doctor or dietician would approve that for an AN patient. She does my head in but I don’t want to unfollow in case I miss anything juicy
No. 933849
File: 1582151928471.jpeg (225.37 KB, 1372x1372, C0A60D54-DA07-46CA-BCF9-C40FD9…)

>>933846 She posts ‘body check’ photos often enough. Faker so ofc she thinks body checks are posting photos on Instagram. Taking photos can be body checking but no one with anorexia-style poor body image would be posting their body checks when they’re her size. Deffo a tummy sucker (screenshotted them a couple of days ago but forgot)
No. 933852
>>933849She looks like a demented chubby child.
>>933337Not necessarily- at least I tend to forget names. I noticed it as a general trend- usually some topic arises and people from edtwt hop on the trend train. Was she the one who started it?
No. 933989
File: 1582167566715.jpg (217.56 KB, 720x1173, _20200220_045541.JPG)

Spaceship claims to be recovered while still obviously underweight and posting body checks and ana poses. Also she now has EDS. Whatever happened with her dying of aplastic anemia.
(Blurred out the face of a kid.)
No. 934049
>>934000You do realize most people with a personality disorder display symptoms of the other disorders in the same cluster. So someone with BPD is very likely to have histrionic traits
>>933849She looks autistic to me
No. 934050
>>934049Yes I understand that very well.
It’s just very frustrating to see the stigma of BPD increased again and again when that is nowhere in the diagnostic criteria and considering in 70% of cases it’s caused by trauma some empathy for those people would be nice.
But more stop diagnosing people, especially when people get annoyed when the people they talk about her diagnose themselves.
No. 934197
>>933989Can you post some of the
obviously underweight photos she looks pretty decent here actually compared to the past photos I’ve seen of her. Could be because she’s not posing in her underwear. I’m glad she outlived her aplastic anemia diagnosis kek. She was a great cow though I’d like to see more images and updates from that nutter especially if she’s doing the EDS thing. I highly doubt she’s in full recovery though. She doesn’t look emaciated but that face does not look healthy at all lol
No. 934235
>>934107They gave her what she wanted, which is attention and so they played up her only problem. Fucking hypocritical of television to dive on a new sectioned person when they know fuck all about her and present it as real life.
Didn't watch it. It'd only make me rage.
No. 934317
File: 1582231265908.png (92.16 KB, 720x491, Screenshot_20200220-203117~2.p…)

I was looking at tweets about the show. No mentions of Laura, but good to see people asking if it's ethical asking the mh patients about their lives etc
No. 934320
File: 1582231434512.jpeg (499.36 KB, 750x1119, B7A9AE0E-912C-4D51-BE07-8F743A…)

When you think Zoe couldn’t get more pro
No. 934360
>>934317I think it’s just exploitation, can’t view the whole thing in my country just bits, but I saw a patient being restrained, I know they didn’t show their face but not everyone is an attention whore like Laura. I do think it’s unfair to film people in a facility like that without consent even if they don’t show their face. It’s kind of fucked. Also, it just goes to show how fucked Laura is for
wanting to be featured. You all know she probably asked if she could be interviewed or like volunteered. If anyone finds a version viewable anywhere besides the UK do share. Laura’s bit was only like 30 seconds long and I believe there’s more to the interview I am missing. The only available part of her stupid interview is on
No. 934390
File: 1582238459886.jpg (1.05 MB, 1080x1837, 20200220_163946.jpg)

Painting with all of the colors of the wind.
No. 934399
File: 1582239315760.jpg (894.2 KB, 1080x1840, 20200220_165149.jpg)

>>934390Kek she deleted and reposted it with new pictures.
No. 934400
File: 1582239359067.jpg (942.54 KB, 1080x1989, 20200220_165158.jpg)

>>934399Trying to use ~angles~ and failing
No. 934412
File: 1582240136093.png (1.12 MB, 750x1334, 7278FE18-578F-4444-9253-F678EB…)

Oh Lee…. we all know you make up for the calories in all that beer you chug like a college frat boy. Looks like depression Isint working for a medical hospital admission better go the wanorexia route again kek
No. 934417
File: 1582240864062.png (1.98 MB, 750x1334, 9BEB0B77-F118-4E81-8F0A-3B8C7B…)

Does this mean she actually acknowledges that she’s totally ridiculous or is she just pointing out that omg I go to the hospital so much, I’m so mentally ill, I’m so atypical, feel bad for me?
No. 934418
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>>934360Nit sure you have she's saying here. The bbc stay in touch with the patients?
Dooley's moved on to bitching about the press intruding in her life. Idgaf about her only know her from when she started on tv, but aren't the crew kinda doing the same to mh patients.
No. 934587
>>934581Right which is why I said “big network” not sure what this persons
>>934428 lols are about then….once in a while an autist decides to invade the thread I suppose kek! Thanks for the clarification anon
No. 934606
File: 1582274783267.jpeg (586.74 KB, 1125x1810, B08FEE03-0C42-4165-BCB4-B88A51…)

she was mentioned a lil while ago but honestly georgia and little lee are so boring so i vote we follow this sad sap. this bitch thinks she’s so special and the milk is flowing son. she’s sOoOo sick
No. 934622
>>934606Whaaa?? They can’t section 5:2 her unless she’s already admitted to ward voluntarily. Since it’s her gp calling, sounds like she’s not in hospital at all. She could at least find out what each section is before claiming a doctor has threatened her with one kek
Maybe she thought he said 135? Or just a section 2? idk but sounds like she just made that part up…
No. 934635
>>934606she eats all sorts but is soooo super ana….
seems as though the private health system in Britain caters to people like the new farm clinic does in Bris
No. 934637
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>>934049Don’t think she’s autistic. Just a malingerer, she was informal for a bit but didn’t want to discharge herself because she’d be homeless. She was potentially going to supported living but got sectioned again. She’s clinging onto faking anorexia just so she doesn’t have to leave hospital
No. 934658
File: 1582289436741.png (4.78 MB, 828x1792, EA013172-E222-4B39-BFCB-17F3E2…)

does anyone remember what her thing was with that psychiatrist she was obsessed with a few years ago??? His name was Misha I’m pretty sure, i can’t remember what thread it was in. Anyway, spaceship posted this and I think she must have stalked him down????
No. 934707
>>92848212 hours and no news from Lee.
What's the bet the new clinic denied her admission so she's made another 'attempt' to try and force the local hospital into taking her.
No. 934716
File: 1582298581099.jpg (476.46 KB, 1080x1603, 20200221_143153.jpg)

>>934606Her bestie (sarahlearnstosmile) posted this about the maybe 3 comments made on her earlier in the thread then proceeded to post another two stories about how she totally doesn't care what we have to say about her.
No. 934722
>>934656Wow you found yourself here pretty easily. you must frequent the board regularly then. Hope your enjoying your
full fat coke kek what a recovery warrior you are lol
No. 934727
>>934637‘trying to decide’ uh aren’t BPD and EUPD basically the same? I know there are ‘types’ for the latter it’s not like a massive distinction though is it?
Soz for nitpick but christ these people clogging up such an overburdened system are a joke. Also totes don’t believe sarahlearnstosmile is ~really recovering~ either, just seems to thrive off any attention good or bad
No. 934729
>>934728Hope you feel bad knowing how this website and yourself are hurting people.
This is disgusting.
No. 934734
>>934729I don’t feel bad at all. No one’s making you read here, pal.
>>934720More Jonzie milk pls anon!
No. 934741
>>934729No one feels bad. If you act like a clown online don't be surprised when you get treated like a clown.
Also, you clearly know how to use this board so fuck outta here with your holier than thou bullshit. I would bet my whole life you've posted here before.
No. 934762
YOU'RE welcome.
>>934746Don't bother, babe. You'll only get put to pasture. Go outdoors and make some real friends, not an online ~community~. Hard try h, everyone with an ED us only interested in their own ED. Find a new hobby. Grammar, for eg.
No. 934764
>>934760Why cant you just find better things to do with your life than be horrible to people on an anonymous website?
Or is your life that sad and boring…
No. 934767
>>934766The hard truth that your life is so sad all you can do is make fun and talk a out others?
Wow your so sad😂
No. 934773
Heyyy, enjoy the hilarity. Doesn't take much to make you cry with laughter. Hmm. Now fuck off.
No. 934778
Unfortunately it’s people like YOU the ruin the community.
No. 934794
>>934790Tr*ggering them cows is so easy it's not even funny kek.
Plus what a quick wit. Not impressed.
Probably best to just ignore her until she's banned.
Let's drink the milk, farmers.
No. 934807
File: 1582304541090.png (509.3 KB, 630x516, cheers.png)

>>934794Delicious. And full-fat too of course, because I'm an inspirational rEcOvEry waRRioR~~
No. 934829
File: 1582305444400.jpeg (426.07 KB, 750x1194, ED014272-D480-4BE9-8415-CA3D4C…)

>>934815>>934797They want asspats. Probably think it’s an achievement too…
I wasn’t going to post it yet because of all the feisty anas but she just posted 7 photos of the nose hose she misses so dearly
No. 934830
File: 1582305530675.jpg (9.91 KB, 236x236, 834f868f965860867e43d938465510…)

They even have their own t shirts. You know how most people would wear band t-shirts? Well…
No. 934867
File: 1582308208616.jpg (254.42 KB, 749x1198, IMG_6856.jpg)

>>934716Honestly this sarahlearnstosmile is just annoying more than milky. She's definitely a SEED case (whether she admits it or not), so she'll be in and out of hospital for the rest of her life for medical stabilisation not ed recovery. She's also the type to comment on other peoples posts to beat their ed and not be a revolving door patient kek. Her bmi is still in the anorexic range every time she is discharged so she keeps up the appearance of recovery whilst maintaining and then starts losing again cue another admission.
She got her period back not long ago so she probably thinks she's fully recovered. Also says she's near her target weight so she's deffo going to stop gaining soon and she'll be back in hospital in less than 6 months. They need to keep this cow on a section with a nose hose for at least a year/year and a half otherwise she's just going to keep wasting NHS money with her frequent admissions.
seriously, discharging someone this underweight is never going to end well
No. 934869
File: 1582308277542.png (518.84 KB, 596x682, ouch.png)

>>934851Not everyone wants to rot away in hospital mate, no need to be so prickly
No. 934878
File: 1582309378127.jpg (734.93 KB, 1080x1629, 20200221_181840.jpg)

>>934867She's annoying as hell. I'm pretty sure she got into trouble last admission for uploading photos of staff because she deleted all her story highlights (until she was discharged then she re-uploaded them) and went on a massive sperg about how her followers were dicks and she couldn't trust them.
She also posts this type of dumb shit when anyone with eyes can see she has no 'squish' anywhere on her body. Just the usual anorexic posturing, most likely looking for comments telling her how sick she is. Unfortunately the comments are filled with sycophancy telling her what an inspiration she is.
No. 934881
>>934876Band t-shirts vs. tubie t-shirts
Photos next to tourist spots vs. photos next to hospital signs
Oh the envy.
>>934878Usually people don't want to be seen in their underwear. These cows post pics of them wearing underwear to strangers. Crazy ana chan life, eh.
No. 934882
>>934881Festival wristbands vs. hospital bracelets
>>934878Would be more inspired if she sorted her fringe out tbh
No. 934888
>>934851>get a jobKek all these ana cows are jobless NEETs who sponge off the system and post about it proudly and frequently.
There is no supportive pro ed community. Ana cows like dusty and ana chans like my pancake addiction members have been outed as farmers themselves.
I personally think it’s hilarious these attention starved idiots will add almost anyone as a friend on IG then cry about their info that they shared with them being posted here.
No. 934900
>>934893I'm guessing parents make the legit cases go and the fakers have parents who pander to their kid's demand to go on vacay to a clinic.
The system's shit in the UK with waiting lists and pretty basic treatment. They still want to be readmitted though, but i can't imagine someone like Georgia would be accepted by a edu.
No. 934904
>>933884Takes a lot of banging to draw blood, maybe varies on the wall they use. I highly doubt any nurse would let something like that go on so long that they would end up with the sores that they do.
>>934025It defs is, (medfag?) most psych wards are usually (is should be) hesitant to admit BPD patients repeatedly or for a long period of time cause they get super attached and can become institutionalised very quickly.
No. 934907
>>934893Duty of care
>>934900Georgia would have to majorly step up her game just to be considered for a weekend in a bog standard acute ward here
No. 934908
>>934893I guess the point is to keep people alive, but also mh and ed teams face investigations or inquests following the death of someone that is or was (somewhat recently) under their care. It's easier to keep someone relatively stable with multiple admissions than going through the process of justifying why they didn't admit them/provide support etc. I bet plenty of workers feel there's no point in trying for some people but they have to cover their backs legally
>>934907cash cow so she could pay her way into a private unit
No. 934928
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No. 934939
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>>9349281.4k randoms
much trust
No. 934952
File: 1582318974225.jpg (223.45 KB, 1080x1014, 20200221_220133.jpg)

if you wanted everyone to think of you as super sick and dainty, why would you let this be online? lol
No. 934960
>>934952the moon face
the double chin
the dried pimple scabs
never change, Laura
No. 934977
>>934953I'm probably alone in thinking so, but I feel like she did look quite gaunt in the beginning. Obviously she was trying to make it look worse with the popping of the collarbones and such, but she was definitely thinner.
Anyway, watching this documentary is a bit perplexing. The host is just a reporter, right? They're having her talk to patients in crisis - like the bloke in the beginning who's just been brought in. How's that safe or feasible? This whole thing feels exploitative.
No. 935006
>>934977The presenter got famous off the back of this TV series where she and a few other nobodies who liked fashion spent time in India working in sweat shops and talking to the people who worked there. She was popular because she cred a lot and was "nice". Then she started doing more of the same and the number type person like her because of her "niceness".
She gets to go to places and report on issues like domestic violence, eco things yet isn't a serious journalist. Her shoes are Panorama extra extra light.
They, I wish they wouldn't show the things she presents because they're so lightweight when the issues are heavy and they play up her "niceness".
No. 935014
File: 1582327274161.jpg (900.46 KB, 1080x1728, 20200221_171943.jpg)

Those calves…those feet…she's definitely anorexic everyone, no doubt about it after seeing this
No. 935016
File: 1582327383352.jpg (276.91 KB, 1080x1157, 20200221_172143.jpg)

Of course she posts the screenshot of when she looks sooper sick
No. 935020
>>935018The kicker is that that’s the picture she CHOSE to post, meaning she probably thinks her legs look somewhat slim and dainty there. She wouldn’t intentionally post something that emphasized her fatness.
EMBRACE YOUR FATNESS GEORGIA! No one cares that you are fat, they care that you are wasting time & resources resources playing pretend that you’re some sort of waif!
No. 935039
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No. 935054
File: 1582331667183.jpg (828.05 KB, 1080x1917, 20200221_183332.jpg)

>>935014I don't really think she has any problems eating freely
No. 935080
>>935039Marilyn Manson doing coke on lolcow. Woah.
These cows get off to being mentioned here. Fits with their other fucked up behavior i guess…
No. 935095
File: 1582335784145.jpeg (320.64 KB, 750x1190, F0B3BC52-11C1-4949-9D91-D1B5E8…)

>>935078>>935084Must be a green bean, no screenshot and no sage
No. 935122
>>935020Anyone think that might be a reverse body dysmorphia kind of thing ? Saw an american tv show where a woman who developed binge eating over the years still saw herself as a size UK 6 - she was at least a 20/22, kind of obese. She then admitted she just didn't see herself grow fat.
Don't mean to medfag but it's definitely interesting G does not seem to see her fat and posts these pics.
No. 935150
File: 1582340960478.jpeg (500.27 KB, 750x1294, C10D41FC-7DDA-419A-814B-77728B…)

Ok so the last I posted on jonzie was about 9 days ago so I’ll re insert those here for anyone who missed and is too lazy to scroll to see the beginning of the most recent admission.
>>931306>>931546>>931368>>931549>>931550>>931551>>931552Which brings us to our most recent posts
No. 935151
File: 1582341097237.jpeg (458.13 KB, 750x1294, 2503D063-886F-4620-9ADB-CB6455…)

>>935150Gotta film the ambulance ride especially when your sooper sick
No. 935152
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>>935150Peep the Disney blanket lol
must remain childlike No. 935153
File: 1582341444718.jpeg (539.49 KB, 750x1049, 2B118D87-EF83-4018-B81D-AE7C42…)

Part 1 Photo
I believe she had like two blown veins or something so they placed a picc….to me on her stories which are no longer up it looked like she was just banging her arm on the table or something, this bitch wanted a line BAD
No. 935156
File: 1582341619861.jpeg (331.81 KB, 750x1292, 1566FE43-28FB-4BEC-A2C9-2CE869…)

>>935153Part 3 Text Continued
No. 935159
File: 1582341859808.jpeg (582.97 KB, 750x1211, 50EF5DBF-79B7-47EB-A84C-8929C8…)

Filming her echo which is so fucking ridiculous and rude to the image techs because it’s really difficult to get those images and you can’t be moving around trying to document shit, just let them do their job for fucks sake you attention whore
No. 935160
File: 1582342070613.png (1.75 MB, 750x1334, 83977F72-CE7F-48B6-BF1E-93A469…)

So dizzy but can make a story, take a photo where she obviously jiggled her hand to make herself look all dizzy, and wrote and placed text
No. 935161
File: 1582342140541.png (743.57 KB, 750x1334, 9538B5F7-4CCC-453F-A3A7-97FA92…)

And then this is the last dumb ones she’s posted as of late.
No. 935187
>>934690Serious blog but she is so ridiculous in this video… the only people I have ever met in an ED ward who feel the need to whisper instead of talk and have bizarre mannerisms and dress strangely are people that are faking it. Not sure why they assume people with eating disorders are lowkey insane instead of normal people with food and weight problems but watching them try to act out what they assume someone "diagnosed" must be like is so incredibly awkward.
I kept watching that documentary though, and the next section with Guan and the headbanging guy is pretty heartwarming, if anyone needs something to recoup from Laura's interview
No. 935188
>>934746I'm not in the "recovery community" and it took me a few tries lol
>>934720Yes please!
No. 935295
>>935187I totally agree. Most people who hate their bodies cover it up, shes wearing a super revealing blouse
because she likes how she looks. Also I hated when she smirked at the interviewer and was like “oh well your smaller than me” or when they asked how long she’s been in hospital and she was like
this time? Only ten days like she was pushing for her to ask about her other admissions lol. Also I love how she claims that she hasn’t eaten in two plus week yet when they were doing obs they were all perfectly normal, maybe a little high heart rate from being filed, but not what you’d expect from someone who literally hasn’t eaten lol. And then the Instagram shit made gag. By filling and discussing it they are just going to draw more people to her page which apparently contributes to her problem way to go film crew. I also seriously lol when they showed her doing lier strange crotch flashing dance moves lol. Also not blaming Laura for this as she never claimed to actually try and jump off a bridge but the dailymail website article totally said she
attempted to throw herself off a bridge which she didn’t, and didn’t claim to.
No. 935331
File: 1582383995419.jpeg (981.86 KB, 828x1515, F348BB2B-6206-4745-A8CE-1F6E99…)

Guyz! Georgia would be spoopy but her doctor said no. She’s gotta keep challenging dem chips. Does anyone remember if she actually lost 17kgs, because I remember following her before her admission and there was no mention of losing any significant amount of weight, at least, not consistently. I totally believe she gained and lost the same 1-2kg over 2 months to add up to 17kg total though.
No. 935332
>>935295Watching this BBC doc and did not realise it was in
this hospital, know it all too well.
Laura is fucking cringy, had to fast forward when she's on screen. The cringiest line for me "I have 18.fucking whatever number followers on Instagram".
WHAT THE FUCK WOMAN. JUST WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK. I'm feeling positively disgusted on so many levels.
Fucking hell.
Rant over /
No. 935333
>>935332Samefag sorry but huge props to all the staff here. They are amazing, patient and caring.
Could never ever do mental health.
No. 935364
File: 1582388678856.jpeg (242.9 KB, 750x1334, A5ADC2BA-6E56-41F5-91A8-917D1A…)

>>935359Here’s a screenshot of her account
No. 935370
File: 1582390128138.jpeg (350.82 KB, 1372x1372, DC59CC80-E44B-47DA-B18D-A1FF49…)

>>934829Not eaten but failed to mention that she has been drinking more than just water. It’s only impressive if you don’t eat and only drink water, hun
Also, in an attempt to make her neck and collarbone stick out, she gave herself a chipmunk face
No. 935374
>>935331KEK! I can’t believe she thinks she needs to tell us she wasn’t on a weight gain meal plan like fucking obviously lol look at this shit
>>935014 I don’t even know what part of her body I’m looking at lol
No. 935378
>>935375Nope, just watched it and it was at the very beginning. She'd just been admitted for assessment after "walking to a bridge" to supposedly commit suicide
The other woman that has EUPD you mean ?
They just showed a couple pictures, 0 narcissistic mention from her social media or followers from her directly. Absolutely not the same.
No. 935379
File: 1582391395829.png (1.67 MB, 750x1334, DC39E65C-F074-4871-8A91-C72513…)

Wow Lee I wonder why. People can only do so much to help you if you don’t show you want to help yourself. She’s so fucking negative and unwilling to do shit. She’s not a disappointment because she has mental illness she’s a disappointment because she doesn’t do anything to help herself but wallow in self pity. She needs to be active in trying to get better instead of relying on the system because obviously she’s not critical enough for the care she so desperately craves. She has to acknowledge where she’s at and except the help that’s probably offered to her at that level. Inpatient actually isint even always the best route because it’s so unlike real life it doesn’t prepare you like residential or outpatient or even a partial program.
No. 935382
>>934360Just watched it and yeah her interview screamed attention whoring, it was absolutely unpalatable. The most shocking bit for me is her immediately starting to talk about her insta and number of followers and how central this is in her life, 2 min in the interview…when she'd just be admitted for assessment after supposedly attempting suicide hum. Even if that bit was filmed later on, it still feels so narcissistic and non genuine. Honestly, you have this attention thirsty whore and next to that useless bitch, you have genuinely ill patients that are trying to get out and get better - I found someone like the suicidal 19 years old truly heart breaking.
I don't know how you could watch it outside the uk, maybe try a vpn ? It's on bbc iplayer
No. 935383
>>935378Rewatch it maybe because when she’s talking about her social media, that’s from the 3 months later interview. She’s not talking about it when she’s in the 136 suite, the voiceover is heard with footage from the 136 suite.
Also bpd and eupd are the same thing. But yeah hers is heavily featured and she talks about it a lot.
No. 935387
>>935381Thank you anon. I thought I was overreacting but yeah she is definitely milking the cam in a way no other patient does in this doc. That just irked me deeply. Seriously what is wrong with that cow. Yikes.
>>935383My response above. Does not matter, 3 months later after you attempted suicide ? That still should NOT be your focus of attention or a thing that even come to mind. There's something deeply disturbing about how heavily featured it was. Everything from her clothing, demeanor etc screams fake to me. She might have an ED but the rest is attention whoring at its prime.
It's infuriating when you see people next to her who are truly acutely unwell, doing their best despite having matters out of control for real. Seriously ?
No. 935389
>>935014KEK i feel like with feet like that, you'd wobble back and forth as you go. truly delusional.
>>935039And for crying out loud, drinking non-diet soda doesnt make you a "recovery warrior" grow up. I'm laughing so much at the "full fat coke"
No. 935390
>>935389Watch out for that upcoming diabetes diagnosis….and potentially worn out rotten teeth
No. 935423
>>935407"Nuts may be worse than a sugary drink" Jeez
Get the fck out
No. 935433
>>935407The struggle is real!!1 Go away, silly.
>>935331Next admission in May, right? Complains about gaining weight yet begged for tube feeds. Omg fake some other illness.
Laura's mum must be thrilled that everyone knows she sucked at parenting.
No. 935439
File: 1582400069543.png (413.7 KB, 514x339, 7proxies.png)

>>935407Anyway, Laura is currently hocking her depop on the "vent" account. She recently changed the name of her new account and wrote a more "positive" description at the top. Only accepting people she "trusts." (Wish I could sooper sage this because it's a huge shitpost.)
No. 935440
File: 1582400110376.jpg (23.18 KB, 285x285, Wiki-logo.jpg)

>>935437You will answer for this!!1
No. 935443
File: 1582400310765.jpg (816.06 KB, 1080x1655, 20200222_133711.jpg)

5 stories about a plate of rice, tuna, and corn. Oh, and a sprinkle of cheese at some point.
No. 935448
File: 1582400539479.jpeg (841.42 KB, 828x1231, 531E8BE7-8D58-4543-888F-09337B…)

>>935443Exactly this much cheese. Literally five pictures of tuna, rice, and a tiny sprinkle of Parmesan wow. Haven’t even checked out the caption yet but I’m guessing it’s something like “GUYS EATING IS SO FUN AND GOOD AND IVE NEVER HAD SWEET CORN BUT MUM SAID IT WAS OKAY AND GOOD AND IT WAS AHMAAAZING! Woo baby recovery is great!”
No. 935451
>>935407Oh, sweet summer child. There's a chemical in all artificial drinks that will wear your teeth thin if you drink it regularly, and it's not sugar.
Now shoo. Go back to your insta you little snowflake.
No. 935452
File: 1582400680236.jpeg (683.68 KB, 828x1433, AD89094C-3157-4F8F-93E8-FD4CD6…)

>>935448Oh wow. Better than I could have guessed. Nutella and brown rice. Wow. If that doesn’t scream of someone deep in the throes of restriction idk what does. Wow.
No. 935483
File: 1582402887463.jpg (656.85 KB, 1542x1080, georgerporker.jpg)

>>935331Seeing as she was this big in September last year, losing 17kgs would be amazing for her and every single doctor on the planet would agree.
No. 935546
>>935381Yeah agree about the difference between her and the other patients, they were heartbreaking. I would bet that the staff there see the difference too.
>>935483Came here to say that atypical anorexia just means you're not in the weight criteria for anorexia but obviously eventually will be because you're… anorexic… so how is she justifying this diagnosis? But I didn't know she was this big last year, she honestly has lost a lot of weight unless I'm missing something
No. 935567
File: 1582416903269.jpg (Spoiler Image,770.7 KB, 854x1500, Screenshot_20200222-233412_Chr…)

>>935547>>935476Adding a bit on that story…if the attached is from Laura, she most likely lied quite a bit. There are several inconsistencies in her story:
- There isn't an hour drive between A&E of St George's where she definitely was sent, and Springfield were she was admitted. It has to be St G. because only they could have referred her to Springfield. It's a 5 min drive max. Even from any hospital around, it would still not be an hour drive - imagine an ambulance driving around for an hour. It's not a limo, Laura. They actually have a job to do.
- No 136 would ever be admitted at Lotus because of the high risk. They'd never ever accept high risk patients. A 136, restrained patient would be sent straight to a safety room in general hospital pending admission as an inpatient on a ward, most likely ward 2. But we know from the video she was sent to Lotus.
- There is no such thing as "seclusion hospital pajamas". I don't know where the fuck that comes from. What she's wearing is a standard nhs hospital PJ, and the ones you find in Lotus a lot btw. Nothing special about it.
- There is no reason why she would be "restrained" in ambulance unless she was physically violent which clearly she is not - and certainly not a threat in terms of being physically strong enough to cause anyone harm.
Conclusion, confronting video evidence and social media updates that seems fabricated to look extraordinary (police, sanctioning, 136 etc) I call a very likely bullshit on that story.
Spoiler cause old pic/ update just for reference.
No. 935629
File: 1582422381600.jpeg (297.06 KB, 750x1209, 01F60B60-41AC-4F2D-AECF-348B92…)

Needs blood transfusion but can stand on bed.. kek this looks photo looks odd, in her story photo it looks like her legs are way bigger. I think she’s photoshopping which means she still in the eating disorder mindset
No. 935630
File: 1582422439034.jpeg (59.58 KB, 378x673, 9B5F4BE2-AE07-41A0-B718-10189B…)

>>935629This is the one where her legs legitimately look two different sizes, zoomed and cropped for the visual
No. 935632
File: 1582422521328.jpeg (125.28 KB, 745x1200, 377E0ADF-AE2E-41A6-8EE9-78F160…)

Aaaaaand she’s doing the fake iPhone interface messages to her therapist again lol eyeroll
No. 935744
File: 1582438877249.jpg (406.01 KB, 1080x1867, IMG_20200223_161935.jpg)

Spaceship is now using a wheelchair…. "not all disabilitied are visible" yet is using a visible mobility device.
Another wannarexic who's trying the spoonie route.
No. 935796
File: 1582459697636.jpeg (570.69 KB, 750x1218, 5CB6F0D2-5280-4882-93E7-13C710…)

I’ve never posted just lurked and I saw this like three threads ago while lurking.
No. 935812
>>935711I know right it’s so unprofessional to even be texting let alone send fucking hearts! And no tho always therapist would ever refer to themselves as an understanding attachment person.
>>935776I don’t think so I think firstly she dehydrated the fuck out of herself to fuck her heart and vitals up, maybe self induced some vomiting like drinking water, vomit, rinse and repeat so her labs and heart were sketchy but I cannot for the life of me se why she needs a blood transfusion. The low iron could be from starving but she eats so much meat I don’t understand. We need a medfag to weigh in on the blood transfusion part. As for the picc… that bitch was totally banging her arm on something to bust every previous iv she had because it wasn’t localized swelling that I’ve experienced her whole entire arm was enormous, and no nurse would leave an iv in like that, that long to get so poorly, from what I’ve experienced.
No. 935849
File: 1582474523353.png (1.77 MB, 750x1334, 0860D87F-9BBC-4C69-9ED3-AB1F17…)

Why tho….medfags what is she doing to herself ?
No. 935850
>>935796We get these plebs all the time. They usually throw up how we ~hide behind a screen~. Well, duh, chan culture. They also have no idea that a large percentage of farmers who post in this thread have EDs themselves and that's how they see the bs cow behaviour.
>>935744Wouldn't her bff Dolan President send anyone disabled to death camps? Probably best to have an invisible disability with a fascist in charge.
No. 936000
File: 1582493365820.jpg (Spoiler Image,824.53 KB, 1055x1875, 20200223_152835.jpg)

She claims it's from exercising too hard but I wonder if it's from something else. (Spoiler for blood)
No. 936013
File: 1582496682465.jpeg (1005.15 KB, 828x1486, 9E162CF1-9101-441F-8DDA-8C28EC…)

>>936000She does seem to be gaining more weight lately, after remaining pretty much unchanged for the past few years. Too bad it’s on the same insanely disordered, repetitive foods. It’s weight gain, but it sure ain’t recovery.
No. 936014
File: 1582496716092.jpg (41.67 KB, 484x498, 51 hHCpGqfL._AC_.jpg)

>>936000It hurts to look at her hands. Does she have eczema or is there t dehydration?
No. 936063
File: 1582505676292.png (361.26 KB, 720x1106, Screenshot_20200224-004949~2.p…)

Maria body checks walking around Costa again. How healthy do I look = tell me how fat I look, I'm self sabotaging. 1/2
No. 936065
File: 1582505732873.png (179.51 KB, 713x1100, Screenshot_20200224-005138~2.p…)

Comment from smorven.
No. 936094
File: 1582507858056.jpeg (212.03 KB, 750x1131, 511C66F9-4F43-47AD-8DB2-ED3E38…)

Has anyone ever talked about this girl? I follow both her accounts and they’re interesting to say the least. She is an age regressor which that in itself isn’t a problem for me I just think its weird she posts about. it. She’ll post videos of her with bottles and little girl underwear on. It’s weird. Also, anytime she posts about food its always chocolate or cake or something super sugary that I doubt she is ever eats. She doesn’t seem to be all there and her private page gets really weird sometimes.
No. 936204
File: 1582522332876.jpg (315.87 KB, 1080x1314, Screenshot_20200224-003017_Ins…)

>>936200i kinda miss her ass-out-bent-over-thigh-gap pics, they always made me laugh. saged b/c this pic is from 2018, but it was the most exaggerated one i could find
No. 936206
File: 1582522983446.jpg (231.66 KB, 720x1183, _20200224_074003.JPG)

>>936200>>936204Well, here's her latest bodycheck. So recovered. And sucking in to the point of having her face go red.
No. 936274
>>936063>>936065I bet Smorven is intensely jealous of how skinny the twins can get abs stay out of hospital. For someone who doesn’t have an ED why follow the twins anyway - it’s not as if they have interesting lives.
Sad thing is 10 or 20 years Smorven will be like them- tired old /middle aged women with ruined bodies and no lives at all.
Meanwhile Elzani has totally vanished.
No. 936310
File: 1582545937074.jpeg (243.11 KB, 750x1204, CA08CC36-CCCD-4405-A0AD-4CAA07…)

Yay can’t wait to see how long this one lasts…
No. 936347
File: 1582555574326.jpeg (147.65 KB, 749x824, 7E050A09-E0BC-4467-ACE7-94CA98…)

Alexys update: she’s starting to clean her own picc which means she’s going to start fucking with it as soon as she’s out of the hospital because I believe she’s going home with it. I’m so sick of people using eating disorders to fein chronic illness. Like she just wants to stay a little baby child forever without any responsibilities. As long as she has an eating disorder or is sick no one will expect her to do anything. Also I love how she can’t photoshop her arms or anything because it’s a video hashtag actual size kek
No. 936348
>>936310>>936335>>936274Holly shit. When you said middle aged I read the article assuming they are well into their 40s going on 50. They are 33. WHAT. THE. FUCK. Omg. It's awful on so many levels.
>>936331Anyone else loves the irony of it being called New Farm ?
No. 936350
>>936347These specific cows share so many characteristics with munchies, it's…something else. A new level combining the worst of ED scumbag with the worst of munchies/spoonies.
Remember when "spoonie" munchie Robyn Brown tried to add an ED to her laundry list of fake disease but gave up because she was a fat arse that couldn't be bothered to not have her daily KFC kek? For those willing to walk down memory lane of one of the very best munchie cow ever:
>>>/snow/215012 No. 936374
>>936360Ok I just read online and did some basic google searches and this is what I came up with: “As turmeric/curcumin levels increased, iron levels decreased. The BEST natural remedy shown by clinical research to reliably reduce the build-up of iron in the body.”“Hardcore meat eaters may call vegetarians weak lettuce lovers, but few realize that red meat, although it builds muscle, is not actually any better a source of iron than greens.” And alexys literally eats no vegetables ever.“Substances that impair iron absorption:
Calcium is found in foods such as milk, yogurt, cheese, sardines, canned salmon, tofu, broccoli, almonds, figs, turnip greens and rhubarb and is the only known substance to inhibit absorption of both non-heme and heme iron.”“Recently, researchers have reported successively that stress can cause decrease of serum iron, in consistent with our studies showing that heat exposure and acceleration stress led to significant decrease of serum iron in rats.” sure how accurate the sources are but these could potentially be some ways shes fucking with herself. Otherwise we are going to need a medfag well versed in munchies to weigh in on this kek!
No. 936381
>>936374Very good stuff anon. I can see abuse of curcuma as a cause, it's a well known abused product with ED. otherwise gastroparesis can give you iron deficiency although it is rare.
To justify blood transfusions for Iron deficiency, which is not the most common treatment, you'd need to have very low level combined with some worrying symptoms eg chest pain.
No. 936395
>>936348That article's from 2011, so add 8 or 9 years.
>>936379I only follow Maria, but she's mentioned bring up. I don't think she's being deliberately evasive about the past, I honestly think her brain's so damaged she makes little sense all the time.
No. 936403
>>936381Thanks, it’s not the best evidenced based research but it’s enough for some brainstorming lol.
>>936382I did consider that as well, but our little baby alexys is probably so sooper sick and speshul I’m sure she’d claim she doesn’t even get her period. Anachans love to claim amenorrhea because it means their at peak spoopiness in their illness lol. Also she’s a total age regresser so claiming to not have a period would probably make her feel more child like. And she probably wouldn’t want it to be from heavy periods anyway, she wants there to be something medically wrong with her so she can get asspats. What a fucking ana munchie nutter Lol
No. 936420
>>936406Worst part is, they look way better in that picture than they do now, even when taking into account that time that's passed
>>936395I agree, she does seem just totally mentally gone. I wonder if that's normal for people as underweight as her. It's scary
No. 936431
>>936360>>936356She’s been repeatedly getting herself admitted to the hospital (possibly for dehydration and electrolyte imbalance from purging, easy way to get an IP admit with cardiac issues), and hospital means an IV and access to medical supplies. And now she has a PICC, that she’s cleaning and using herself despite being in the hospital, which is against just about any hospital's policy. Anemia alone does not get someone a blood transfusion, unless it is severe. She’s still healthy enough that she has to work and pretty much beg to get admitted, so natural sudden severe anemia to the point of blood transfusion high seems highly unlikely. I honestly think bloodletting is the best explanation. And now she has a PICC line it will be even easier for her. But even if they pull it before she’s discharged, I bet she’s somehow gotten ahold of medical supplies to bloodlet with. It’s something munchies have been known to do (especially vampire munch Kelly), but some self-harmers do it too. She’s drank soap before to get asspats from medical providers, so bloodletting would be quite easy for her. And when she has an IV and now a PICC line, all she’d need is a syringe, which would be pretty easy for her to steal. IMO it just makes the most sense. She even got herself a PICC line, so she’s obviously not above munching hard.
No. 936434
File: 1582566495000.png (Spoiler Image,1.04 MB, 720x1062, Screenshot_20200224-174508~2.p…)

Yeah, she's ill but this is straight up pro ana.
No. 936450
>>936431She reminds me so much of munchie Robyn for those who know her. She was not an ED cow (though she briefly tried to claim ED but too fat and in love with pizzas for that shit kek) but she was an uber munchie with completely fabricated "chronic illnesses", at one stage fiddling with an appendectomy scar, obviously opening it up over and over again and pestering A&E for almost a month about it - a head surgeon stepped in and told her to stop her shit because they had no time for her antics.
As for alexys (medfag student here so not enough knowledge yet but going on what I have learnt so far) without more details it's hard to know what she's doing that would warrant a blood transfusion, but I'd heavily lean on to bloodletting and self harm too. Transfusion for iron deficiency is certainly uncommon and you'd need a very severe one to get that treatment route. It's also generally used in emergent situation so I'm surprised it would be used in her case at all. Assuming she's no lying about the BT, and eliminating all other possible causes, some form of SH is the most likely.
Detergent could definitely cause internal bleeding. Either way, it's not a product of her ED, it's definitely something she's inflicted to herself.
Munchie ED cows are the next level munchies - the very worst kind but hugely entertaining from a med point of view. Her and Laura are quite something in that regard.
No. 936451
>>936434Fuck that is absolutely awful. Gotta feel sorry for anyone that far gone that thinks it's a good look and publishes pictures of it publicly. She looks already dead. That is so fucking horrible.
>>936446True you definitely have one of these filter with exaggerated contrast going on, although she'd most likely look like death either way.
No. 936454
File: 1582568738880.jpeg (1.79 MB, 1125x2304, 1182E29D-126E-4E1A-9961-3DE7CB…)

she’s been mentioned but please can we talk about this girl, she’s always in general and exaggerates everything. saying doctors/nurses have cried over her and blah blah. she obviously has health problems but completely overdoes it and tries to claim it’s all ED related though it’s obviouslly a separate issue maybe exacerbated by her ED (i mean she’s slim but she’s not exactly skeletal death bed level).
she was on the same unit as that sarahsmiles person and they claimed to be bezzies but sarah actually posted stories saying how much starfish triggered her lol she spent barely 8 weeks there and miraculously is now eating everything and supposedly on placement as student nurse or some trash, but she is still posting attention seeking updates on her story every other day. never forget she so sooooper sick. bets on her being admitted to general in the next month
No. 936458
File: 1582568946411.jpeg (1 MB, 1125x1540, 1BB7F669-BC83-4206-9C92-8A90B3…)

pic of starfish being discharged in literally no time after her oh so serious medical problems. I CAN NOT get over her crazy eyes
No. 936489
>>936421Right that’s a good point if she has a gi bleed that’s a quick way to need a transfusion, good thought anon
>>936431Shit and I was joking when I said bloodletting but you could be right. Also she did post and I shared in one of the previous screen grabs that she is leaving with the picc so I’m sure we can expect more frequent admissions even though this is suppose to mitigate her “symptoms”
>>936450Finally a medfag thank you for your input so I’m guessing we weren’t too far off the mark with our speculation. Ugh she’s going to be a mess with this picc. She’s probably going to be the type to inject shit in her line or other bacteria to get an infection.
No. 936496
File: 1582575837723.jpeg (183.32 KB, 750x1283, 3E76148A-0A12-44DC-8C2A-637C55…)

>>936488Katy hasn’t posted anything interesting but here’s her account
No. 936498
File: 1582575897614.jpeg (167.1 KB, 750x1128, 10C5DA64-917C-4B89-AA5A-FF0A0F…)

>>936488Maria’s breaking bones
No. 936501
File: 1582576031234.jpeg (158.14 KB, 750x1091, 5C28F381-01FB-49DD-81A7-C32F00…)

>>936488And here’s the last latest post, the rest are all kind of the insta filtered photos with stupid ears and shit
No. 936504
File: 1582576191735.jpeg (135.55 KB, 750x1116, E9F72EAC-8E34-41A1-9905-43A6B3…)

>>936500What about this one though
No. 936505
File: 1582576228964.png (910.53 KB, 681x1202, Screenshot_20200224-174417~2.p…)

The disappointment in her eyes. See you at the farm in a few month, G.
No. 936528
>>936524“Having people pay to act like she isn’t obese” if that’s not the sum of Georgie Porgies life I don’t know what is lol well said anon
>>936520Agreed she photoshops herself to look like a fucking creepy pasta monster alien too. She’s boring and weird as fuck
No. 936549
>>936379Vincent square, st Anne's, st George's, Royal free - all London ed units. Mixed in with medical admissions.
No longer allowed to be on the same unit.
Not sure if they are both still under section.
No. 936589
File: 1582587490636.png (76.5 KB, 707x544, Screenshot_20200224-233326~2.p…)

>>936331I doubt it's for treatment. That'd make no sense. I think it's just a holiday. Not t sure is she means her sis is going as well or if sis had to give her permission to go.
Might not be able to go if she's busted her leg.
No. 936593
>>936589I think she just means permission from Vincent Sq (to fly etc.) not from her sister.
I don't think anyone would choose to go to Australia for treatment! Especially if they are SEED!
No. 936600
>>936595Absolutely anon, if you mean the robyn one, here you go :
>>>/snow/215012I literally spent an entire night reading through it, it is the most fascinating munchie thread ever made, praise all the anons who documented it at the time. Pity she has disappeared after her marriage. Part of me is scared she might have a kid and might do a munchie by proxy now…
No. 936745
File: 1582613069113.png (5.4 MB, 2000x2669, 478F6E86-DE24-4D75-9D75-A07CA2…)

I want to post n2f updates because she has been posting so much about how she wants to post less but she’s becoming less coherent from what I can tell. She just posts so often, does this format seem alright to update maybe once a week worth of noteworthy posts? Pic related, she’s been posting long captions occasionally
No. 936748
File: 1582613168669.png (8.22 MB, 2000x2669, F625A00A-BFE0-44A0-9A71-D18C61…)

>>936745She also posts 15-20 stories a day still, though has stopped posting her face again.
No. 936749
File: 1582613297929.png (6.51 MB, 2000x2669, BD85219B-1BF5-4956-859F-7F32BB…)

>>936748I wish I could find a better format but I’m on mobile. Here are, in my opinion, her most disgusting recent creations.
No. 936753
>>936749At this point, I'm not sure if ana-chans make gross food intentionally as an excuse not to eat, or if their outlook on food is genuinely so fucked up that they have no idea what's appetizing anymore. Maybe a little bit of both, who knows.
What I do know is that corn, mayonnaise, and an overcooked patty between two bagels does not a burger make. Why!? Why is everything covered in corn and mayonnaise?
Her descriptions remind me of the RLM video where Mike describes a photo of spaghetti-Os and a cut-up hotdog as "pasta rings with red sauce and meat done three ways."
No. 936757
>>936745She sounds manic in a bp frenzy there.
>>936748 that tinned spag bol looks like it's been put on the plate straight from the can. That oily part is what what floats on top. Thanks for the screenshots. Revolting!
>>936721>>936652I'll post about it in meta later today and see see if it can be done
No. 936760
>>936745Thanks for posting her updates anon. She never ever accepts my requests.
Her posts always really freak me out tbh. I find it so strange how she poses the food and talks in so much detail about it. It’s unnerving.
No. 936798
>>936589>>936593She /they don't work- how can they afford to for for 6 weeks to Australia?
Surely if you are ill enough to be unable to work, then you are also unable to go on holiday. The pair of them screw the benefits system.
No. 936804
File: 1582627399863.jpeg (1.64 MB, 1125x1916, C7036497-E319-4F1C-A7EE-E2DD3A…)

aside from everything else i hate these photos because i just want to get some scissors and hack off those dead ends, good lord it makes me itch! does she think her hair looks nice? it looks totally uncared for. good luck to the fucking day program with this skinny legend
No. 936805
File: 1582627602776.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.44 MB, 1125x1838, 3175F50D-1940-4E7F-B084-6F3A66…)

yeah she looks soOoOo happy! she’s crying inside because no one with half a brain or money in their pocket because of of her act thinks she’s unwell at all. i wish she would just drop this atypical AN crap, BED babe, that’s what it’s called.
Hahhh bets on how long it’ll be until she’s back at NF?
No. 936818
>>936810Unless I’m mistaken those are bubbles I can see in the glass… straight back to the (presumably “full fat”) soft drink!
From memory here whole family are obese so I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s back to georgy porgy gorging on all the junk they have at home
No. 936853
File: 1582643882678.jpg (751.24 KB, 1080x1920, 20200225_231731.jpg)

No. 936860
>>936857>>936854Georgia should meet Ash.
Then someone should give them both a massive kick up the arse for being so fucking moronic.
No. 936883
>>936819Yep!!! I've said exactly the same thing about the dead eyes, it really is a bit terrifying.
That aside I feel with all her selfies (tits lopped on the table included) she's trying to open her eyes as wide as possible for some reason, perhaps she feels it portrays some "cute" aesthetic that I'm failing to grasp here…
No. 936886
File: 1582651549223.jpeg (511.07 KB, 750x1173, E88B0A72-2F54-4D1C-8FC0-BB6207…)

>>936830Wait. This girl has literally never been thin, but posts wisdom like this…”I may have been skinny but was about to cry”…kek
I always assumed she has an overeating disorder, not claiming she can’t shove grub down her human waste disposal unit. Wtf. And hospitals entertain this shit?
Im now hooked on this chick.
Sage for nta just err wtf.
No. 936897
>>936886She looks pretty here. Skinny, no. Makes me wonder what her definition of skinny is and reminds me of the thinspo threads on mpa where the photos are women with health bodies and slim but not"thin".
>>936890Her whole thing is to be looks after because she's sick. She chose an eating disorder for some reason. Maybe because she'd like to be average weight but can't do healthy eating and loves food. Starving gets more concern than overeating. Idk though, I think she actually believes she's scarily thin in that pic she posted. Shame because she looks nice.
No. 936905
File: 1582654557703.png (193.01 KB, 720x852, Screenshot_20200225-181332~2.p…)

Don't know what's gone on with the nonce, but he posted this.
No. 936975
File: 1582666115089.png (925.66 KB, 1176x1060, um.png)

proud of herself for what exactly? she wasn't admitted for "anorexia" and she's never been shy about attention seeking so you couldn't even say she's ~opening up~ it's all histrionics
>>936589i'm following both twins if anyone wants updates but there's not much milk tbh, basically same old every day (shitty animal filters, coffee with 1000 sweteeners, whining about vincent square) with unintelligble captions. can't remember if it was a fracture but M did her hip in last year so the recent isn't surprising, dread to think what her bones are like now
No. 936995
>>936975She might be hoping Dooley's going to fix her up with a dance job (non UK anons, Stacey Dooley was on a TV show where F list celebs learn ballroom dancing).
Laura's better now? Amazing what being on telly can do. Anyone else pick up on how she started saying she was hearing voices after it was mentioned that others were having psychotic episodes hearing voices on the show?
No. 936997
File: 1582669731437.png (1.67 MB, 750x1334, F7833163-DBED-4A2B-8964-BE5CB1…)

Oh. My. Gosh. They fucking FaceTime?! Maybe the texts are real? Or maybe this is just some random woman she’s pretending is her therapist? I don’t know, I have heard of over the phone sessions but FaceTiming, taking a screen shot and posting it to Instagram is so bizarre
No. 937010
>>936975Daily Fail is such an embarrassment. They'd write articles (ridden with grammar and spelling mistakes) about any trainwreck willing to contact them. They featured so many cows over the years they might as well be our official paper.
>>936995And yet she had no other psychiatric diagnosis beyond anorexia…
>>936940Dooley is a nice person who is also a bit of an idiot. Don't mean that in a mean way but she came across as a bit of a gullible candyland dweller in the doc.
Glad I watched this doc too, Laura cow is so full of shit. Next to the other people in there she looked frankly embarrassing for who could see through her bullshit.
No. 937016
>>936896This. She's the definition of a malingerer.
Never realised just how many ED cows had malingering/munchie/munchie by internet issues.
No. 937023
>>936857Forget the zombies, this is the walking dead.
>>936836Absolutely correct. True in any country tbh (probably less in America where healthcare cost an arm and a kidney). Springfield hospital in the UK in the Dooley doco here
>>936899 is renowned for getting people in and out of their revolving door in a matter of weeks, despite having disputable results with patients, making high numbers of admissions because their subsidies/financial allocation depend on it. Not enough admissions in a year? Let's slash your budget next year. New Cow Farm must work on the same model (plus private insurance is a nice bonus on top).
No. 937027
>>936835this. not trying to wk the twins but i don't understand logic like
>>936798 . on holiday you don't have any responsibilities and you can cancel the day's plans with no repercussions if you don't feel good. there's no skill to stay on top of or standards you have to adhere to. jobs require you to commit to a schedule…
>>936997i could be wrong but when i see shit like this my first thought is that the therapist is a hack/questionable credentials and they have a symbiotic relationship with their patient. patient gives glowing reviews to therapist who "goes above and beyond" by acting like a buddy and ~not like other therapists~ and patient gets whatever diagnosis they want and endless platitudes from the therapist. total tinfoil though.
No. 937034
>>937027I think you're onto something anon
No tinfoil. I'd totally question a therapist that is this chummy with their client. Your therapist is not your friend.
No. 937041
File: 1582675230903.jpg (284.25 KB, 1080x737, 20200225_175850.jpg)

So funny that Laura changed get twitter settings to public so she can get more attention
No. 937042
File: 1582675386023.jpg (1000.24 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200222-190538_Twi…)

>>937041Also that she let her friend's tits outshine her in this picture
No. 937105
>>937027>>937034100% agree, this is a boundary issue and she's probably the kind of therapist that just takes your side and tries to make you happy instead of dealing with hard truths
>>937042Her hair looks awesome here… loosely related, she used to have a girlfriend she posted about/with a while ago, and I haven't seen her in a long time- does anyone remember her or know what happened?
No. 937136
File: 1582690560423.jpg (138.95 KB, 720x1184, _20200226_060854.JPG)

Anyone remember Chloe / fragile.fantasy? She's physically better these days (but don't tell her that) and has jumped on the DID bandwagon. "We."
Honestly I feel a bit bad posting this, used to kind of like her, but the recent DID antics have really gotten ridiculous.
No. 937217
File: 1582702332837.jpeg (1.47 MB, 3000x3000, D8ABAEE8-0B57-45E2-8BEB-B168FD…)

>>936896Yes, agreed. She enjoys being sick and has admitted it.
It’s been said before, if Georgia just admitted the real issues instead of trying the atypical-anorexia route then she wouldn’t be so intolerable.
AA would inevitably lead to weight loss & eventually a low weight. She has done nothing but gain.
She does not realise how fortunate her situation with mental health help is; there’s no 6-month waiting lists. However, the place she went to wasn’t interested in her well being.
No. 937270
File: 1582719375046.png (741.68 KB, 665x664, elzani.png)

her forced smile makes me uncomfortable lol. do you guys think she's gained any weight?
No. 937296
>>937266It is still restriction and should not be considered recovery by anybody. ED teens think it’s recovery because anything over 1,000 is ‘too much’ and ‘scary’.
Those severely sick people running those accounts are just as in denial as their followers. But, as usual, it’s all about the attention & likes.
Delusion tells them they’re doing great; recovery is not logging every calorie, it’s not photographing every meal, it’s not exercising or weighing or body checking.
Recovery is an ugly battle.
No. 937342
File: 1582733368810.jpg (464.11 KB, 1080x1584, 20200226_100814.jpg)

So…what exactly did she do again? Other than give Laura larger platform to talk about herself.
No. 937352
File: 1582735531891.jpg (994.87 KB, 1056x1878, 20200226_104432.jpg)

Mostly just rice.
No. 937358
>>937279the bone rattling is strong here
"skinny enough to JUSTIFY EATING"? What about basic human needs to justify eating ah? see how much do you need it? your brain doesnt work properly hun
No. 937370
>>937266The skinnies know they have an ED, the ones who believe them are lunatics. That's all there is to it.
>>937345Dooley's naive for thinking all the staff are amazing. Some are absolute cunts. Also naive for thinking the people on the show are brave. Eg Laura. Calling mh patients on the doc "brave" is really patronising. They have no choice but to work through their illness and their participation in the film didn't seem like much of a choice either. Except for our attention queen.
No. 937371
File: 1582737964003.png (2.94 MB, 1536x2048, EFD42D7A-74F0-4949-9314-CFE971…)

She seriously wants to be sponsored by this company, I hope they don’t because they would be fuelling her reason to stay spooky and keep her followers, guessing she’s given up on the YouTube thing and moved onto sponsorships. E if your lurking, get a life because there is only so much brain deadness everyone can take including yourself.
No. 937404
File: 1582743748894.jpeg (776.24 KB, 828x1490, 314F813E-9C25-4808-BABB-146164…)

Please explain to me why anyone, ANYONE would choose to post this picture of their self?! More on topic: looks like she’s got the big, $1000, mom&pop funded vlogging camera out and about. I’m guessing a “TRYING A BRAND NEW PIZZA WITH GRANDAD OMG FOOD IS GREAT!” Video is on the horizon.
No. 937417
>>937375Ah yes, lets call out the proana scumbags talking like one to someone who is trying to recover and
triggering them
No. 937428
File: 1582746968108.jpg (850.69 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200226-145146_Ins…)

Does she expect people to just forget she constantly asks for money? Reminds me of the Halloween costume funded entirely by her followers that she didn't even use
No. 937434
>>937270After seeing this photo here
>>937404 this has to be more than just purging, although she still doesn’t look fully weight restored, her legs still look thin, her family seems to carry weight in the face. I think she’s gained
No. 937442
>>937386I totally agree, especially the way she smugly smiled when she said stacey is smaller than her, like did she actually think the interviewer was going to validate her eating disorder and say your so sooper skinny and frail? Also when Stacey asked how long have you been in hospital and she was like “this time?
only ten days” like she was baiting her to ask her about her previous admissions. I really do think that they picked up on her bullshit and that she was more interested in promoting her social media. Although they shared the other persons Instagram, this person wasn’t bragging about their followers and talking about how much attention they get when they relapse like she literally admitted that she does a behavior and gets a result, and I think everyone watching and the film crew could assume, she does it for the clout like eugenia cooney does. You can tell because they spent so much time talking with and focusing on the other patients stories, talking with them several times, talking to staff about their case, etc. I think they were aware of her game to be honest but t.v is t.v and she was willing to do the interview so Stacey took it for the film and moved on to the more critical patients.
No. 937446
File: 1582748948459.jpeg (127.44 KB, 421x800, B2B55CEF-EC98-4F2A-998A-6609A6…)

>>937270>>937279>>937281>>937281>>937404Yes her face is definitely looking fatter and chubbier
No. 937447
File: 1582748996105.jpeg (225.33 KB, 682x906, 007C86D8-4C3E-49B6-9E0D-886B19…)

No. 937553
>>937541Unless they're full of mentalism or freaky twin syndrome, I find the Ana's, bulimic, over the age of 40ish have more to them. Something about younger generation ones make them emphasise a good obsession. May be social media, idk,but fuck me, they have nothing else going on. No creativity, no wit…case off the top of my head being rip presumed lolitaisdead. She was interesting. Irl know some old ones who produce great art and barely acknowledge their disorder. Could be the ones like that aren't internet visible because they wouldn't want to be seen as an ana Chan youtuber.
Elzani could be playing up the food obsession because it's all she knows and she's desperate to still be relevant in some way.
No. 937554
File: 1582763120718.png (46.85 KB, 616x388, 3458556.PNG)

No. 937561
>>937556Alys admitted she's kept herself underweight on purpose and maintains. Elzani looks to be heading in a give not one fuck how rotund i
I become because nomnomnom direction.
No. 937576
File: 1582766040408.png (1.54 MB, 750x1334, 11829A11-F1F6-4874-B19F-261604…)

I guess this means she’s not going home with her precious picc line for bloodletting?
No. 937579
File: 1582766207627.png (1.18 MB, 750x1334, D093450B-9AB7-459D-B04E-74BAD7…)

i don’t even know what to say to this lmao. the entitlement she has in being this confident … acting like the HOSPITAL has an OBLIGATION to get her nails done ??? and the coddling that this medical team must be engaging in for her to not only feel that entitlement but to actually do it for her. no goddamn wonder she’s a revolving-door shitshow
No. 937630
File: 1582772563975.png (1.1 MB, 750x1334, D8BFBEF9-3583-4D91-93CF-CE9231…)

And what does a patient with gastroparesis and a serious heart condition do ? Goes right to a restaurant for fried oily food. Mmmm sooper gp friendly.
No. 937633
File: 1582772700964.png (1.03 MB, 750x1334, 61CC5E77-C5D9-48AD-B246-2238BB…)

>>937630Food photo 2
The munchie is munching. Outside of the hospital she doesn’t even try to pretend she has gp from her sooper severe anorexia.. not even for Instagram.
No. 937636
File: 1582773138246.png (920.26 KB, 750x1334, D8CDB2A6-4C89-4798-BFC6-464063…)

Almost forgot our lil kiddos gotta have her pudding cups! Who stocks up on hospital food before leaving? Aren’t there more important things to focus on for discharge like aftercare, medications, follow ups… she basically was acting like she was going to die for fucks sake asking for people to “pray over her”
>>935152 like what in the hell lol over dramatic much?
No. 937665
>>937270Hi Elzani
>>937446She is far from fat, calm down. And sage.
No. 937666
>>937541It really is sad… it's just like continuing to give your life away to obsess about food in a different way, but it gets you no closer to recovery
>>937553Yeah I really do think people with EDs who are older are a different beast.
No. 937681
>>937666Agreed on the not so recovered line. Do you ever recover when you have an ED ? The fact that all of them here use instagram obsessively to snap endless boring pictures of food can't be helpful. Like, you literally are looking at your obsession right in the eyes 24.7.
Imagine a recovery addict snapping endless pictures of less harmful drugs. Imagine a smoker trying to stop and endlessly/ compulsively snapping pictures of various cigarette brands and of people smoking.
Can't be helpful to have a readily available app that enables and magnifies your number 1 issue (body image/food obsession).
No. 937732
>>937451>>937458>>937666>>937681If she'd stuck at the in patient/outpatient/day patient at the haldon unit instead of discharging herself asap, they would have helped he build a new life not around food and eating and to move on. But she was too quick to get out.
She can't go back to making proper vlogs on YouTube because she promised her 37k subscribers the HU vlog diary which she hasn't done so would have to explain why.
No. 937799
File: 1582813050065.png (2.47 MB, 750x1334, 420B87CD-606E-4D39-ADBC-3251BB…)

>>937748She still has the vid up….?
No. 937807
>>937649Yes she still claims to have anorexia nervosa lol funny right ? But it’s interesting the more she goes towards one thing the others go away. I think all and all there’s actually nothing wrong with her besides her being an ott munchie. Like when she did heroin once or whatever and she was a
drug addict anyone can look up those records and her mugshot easily, she also posted it one time kek, but anyway she wasn’t sick or anorexic, and when she had DID she would eat and not care about appearing like a druggie edgelord or anorexic, when she was anorexic there was no addiction or DID. It’s whatever it is for her in the moment that gets her attention. But for when she’s sick baby malingering to escape responsibilities she can’t be anorexic bc thats less excepted by the
spoonies like Tina for example she used her ed to get sick and although she has a lot of followers she wasn’t born or developed chronic illness she in a way I guess through mental illness inflicted it on herself. Making her less
speshul. It’s really complicated with alexys though because she’s gone down so many avenues to try to get attention. I think the bottom line is straight malingering. She doesn’t want a job or responsibilities or anything she just wants to be a child. TLDR she’s anorexic when she wants to be despite posting numerous fatty food pictures. It depends on what attention seeking route she’s going with.
No. 937854
File: 1582825229411.jpeg (643.73 KB, 2048x2048, 3A72F6AD-0874-4019-9024-24822A…)

Eating with her must be a painfully tedious process. Four pictures for a fucking pretzel?
No. 937919
File: 1582834368047.jpg (764.61 KB, 1080x1780, 20200227_141123.jpg)

How long until she has another "breakdown" once she's discharged?
No. 937933
>>937919Supported living accommodation is AWFUL. EG see the place the youtube chav bulimic was housed.
She'll have another bridge episode in march for sure.
No. 937937
>>937854and those are only the 4 she chose to post. I would imagine she took 6x that amount of photos as a delaying technique before she sniffed it, videod it, then licked it.
then IF she ate all of it, im positive she sperged out about it, then discreetly visited the toilet and daintily spewed it up all whilst Mumma-bear hears this yet says nothing in fear of upsetting Elzani.
No. 937979
>>937919How? Why? She doesn’t need this. Sorry but I’ve seen people barely out of psychotic episodes discharged prematurely onto the streets and told by staff to “try [nearest] night shelter” after explaining they literally have nowhere to sleep.
Wasting resources again when she’s not even a fucking risk.
No. 937988
File: 1582841840668.jpeg (280.65 KB, 828x855, 92523803-7C2C-449F-900A-C34D33…)

omg she’s in that fucking bbc documentary this must be why she was so adamant on being on that ward
No. 937998
File: 1582842446387.jpeg (295.73 KB, 750x1200, 4D0476F0-BFD4-4E9D-BCD0-3F6333…)

Alexys bullshit NEDA post part 1
Is it me or are her calves photoshopped? How can she look average and healthy from the knees up but have lil tooth pick calves conveniently on the easy to hide
No. 937999
File: 1582842549383.jpeg (369.44 KB, 750x1212, 759277B0-196C-4730-8255-A9F1E1…)

>>937998Alexys bullshit NEDA post part 2
No. 938002
File: 1582842682389.jpeg (434.14 KB, 750x1216, 6346BDCE-5A6F-41E5-B077-3D74F5…)

>>937998Alexys bullshit NEDA post part 3
No. 938007
>>937979She'll leave wherever it is quick when she finds out what it's like living with a bunch of seriously mentally ill people.
>>937988>>937990What documentary? J/k
She had exposure as a pathetic fuck up and they showed some ridiculous "dancing". Forever online. Always remembered as a like really like thick gollum. Barely anyone watched that shit that made her family sound like chavs, herself sound inarticulate. Forget it. We all have.
No. 938038
File: 1582845155946.jpg (56.32 KB, 550x450, lgX3upk.jpg)

>>937999>wEiGhT iS jUsT a siDe eFFeCt>proceeds to detail BMI and assorted condishuns>WoRsT paTiEnT eVaSuch awareness. Truly enlightening.
No. 938040
File: 1582845206275.png (840.74 KB, 750x1334, 06A46ACE-6397-482F-819C-FD828F…)

Posted on Korey’s story. She’s pretty boring now but Georgie Porgie is definitely one of those 1 million with binge eating disorder
Definitely think they’ve overshot the number with BED though…
No. 938075
>>938040i dont think big G has BED even
shes just a histrionic overeater like most wannarexics
No. 938116
File: 1582853762779.jpeg (271.35 KB, 640x1660, 67BBD238-09CF-4B02-8A1B-F09694…)

New Farm just loves their hamplanet ana chans kek
No. 938117
File: 1582853813648.jpeg (152.2 KB, 640x848, 5049B149-23C3-4F50-A64D-EE6E55…)

Part 2
No. 938137
>>938116>>938117Whaaaaa? That cow could live for months without any food…
Also, what healthcare professionals are tube feeding the morbidly obese? Georgia and this chick jeez, I was skeptical about new farm/private acting like these cows are sooper frail waifs just for the money but that’s obviously the case
No. 938143
File: 1582859167550.jpeg (509.33 KB, 750x1213, 2F222513-2DD4-459B-A426-ADD908…)

>>938137Same anon
Her profile is public. All I can say is at least she claims it’s bulimia and not anorexia.
She’s got some great confidence if she can get on a plane (hopefully with two seats booked for herself) with an ng tube in.
She’s not in hospital and not being forced to have the tube so it must just be for attention bc she literally doesn’t need it. Thanking the airline staff is laughable since it’s their job to be accommodating and nice, they were probably joking behind her back. Idk if I can cope with this one
No. 938153
>>938143> "Quantas staff (…) accommodating the extra room for my pump"FOR MY
PUMPSure karen, whatever you say kek
No. 938202
>>938143the crazy eyes.
These creatures could easily be treated outpatient but instead they get coddled with tubes and attention. Pathetic but it shows you get what you pay for.
No. 938217
File: 1582872386492.jpg (506.77 KB, 1058x1881, 20200228_074258.jpg)

What psycho wants to get laid with her. That's just…ew
No. 938223
File: 1582873544231.jpg (905.38 KB, 1078x1874, Screenshot_20200228-070148_Ins…)

>>938143Admitting she likes the attention of being in hospital and craving risotto (but needs a tube to survive)
Huge tinfoil but I dived into her profile and she is/was training as a nurse. I'm not totally convinced she hasn't placed the tube herself as she would know how to do it and it was explain the weird taping.
No. 938224
File: 1582873780218.jpg (817.83 KB, 1079x1868, Screenshot_20200228-070802_Ins…)

Samefag but here she name drops the type of tube as a salem sump which is according to google..
"Salem sump tube a double-lumen nasogastric tube used for suction and irrigation of the stomach. One lumen is attached to suction for the drainage of gastric contents and the second lumen is an air vent."
Is she trying to pretend she has a feeding tube??
No. 938263
>>937446>>937447I think she looks good here…
Isn't our end goal/what we want, is for her to stop her bullshit and gain weight and ACTUALLY recover? So why are so many of us saying "omg her face looks chubbie" in a derogatory mannor? Yeah she's probably purging as well, but come on, don't basically pick on her because she looks like she's gained weight when thats all we've been waiting for
No. 938268
>>938263Because her face does look chubbie!
She's the one who has exposed her life and family and parts of her ED- she's never mentioned purging but highly likely- on social media, so she has to accept people on here commenting. I'm sure there are far more discussions on MPA.
I think she should be honest. Her IG following is dropping, her food posts are boring, - she's no way going to recover - just end up being doted on by darling mumzani. She's cardboard .
No. 938355
File: 1582908543666.jpeg (Spoiler Image,568.76 KB, 750x1113, 30AC09FA-9851-40CC-8372-B8A7C0…)

>>938024Of course!
TW for kinda spoop although probably shooped
No. 938357
>>938224I don't know she's sick, honestly.
(google) The Salem sump tube is A double-lumen nasogastric tube with an air vent, used to drain gastric or refluxed intestinal secretions or ingested air.
They can be used for feeds but only for the short-term.
No. 938359
File: 1582908616981.jpeg (Spoiler Image,511.44 KB, 750x1104, ADED19DB-F1CA-40C3-9F28-7FC069…)

>>938024As per request idk if this needs a
TW but I’ll put one for the delicate farmers kek
No. 938361
File: 1582908695039.jpeg (Spoiler Image,581.74 KB, 750x1110, 51E8A507-410E-4D2E-86E3-CA86FA…)

>>938024Sucking it in kek
TW anyway
No. 938363
File: 1582908866209.jpeg (547.6 KB, 750x1110, F99F3939-53DE-408D-9218-45B46F…)

>>938024Idk why she had to post this again lol… but she did
No. 938365
File: 1582908949506.jpeg (358.43 KB, 750x1106, C896C22F-B52A-4313-BC7F-E868C6…)

>>938024And finally the information that anyone can find so fucking easily thanks so much alexys your a true advocate…..
No. 938367
>>938361She definitely has an ED, but she’s about as pro as they come. No one needs to see this, and she certainly doesn’t deserve asspats for posting it like she claims.
>>938143A feeding pump is much smaller than a carry on. The only thing they needed to make room for was her massive landwhale body kek.
>>938235A bowel obstruction but drinking soda and eating ice cream? Uh huh, sure. Sounds legit kek.
No. 938368
File: 1582909313778.png (172.35 KB, 1600x900, dia.png)

Quick question. Does she have diabetes? If she doesn't I find it very annoying to claim because my mom struggles with it and its very insensitive.
No. 938369
>>938038Well duh! Even though she’s an average healthy bmi she’s gotta remind everyone that she was the most delicate spoop to have ever existed and has soooo many chronic health issues from her sooper severe anorexia kek. Oh! Don’t forget even though she’s totally healthy and smashes down calamari and pudding
>>937631>>937636She still “battles this demon daily” ….sure Jan. We can just about deem her a wanorexic now kek
No. 938370
File: 1582909439597.png (Spoiler Image,1.11 MB, 1600x900, dia2.png)

From her Instagram in December??? kek
No. 938395
File: 1582912043707.jpeg (Spoiler Image,155.51 KB, 640x907, 039823F6-4EE1-4603-B81C-087886…)

>>938370anon how could you not post this one too - she looks like somebody who lives in a group home for the mentally exceptional
No. 938408
>>938370your ig profile pic is showing anon
but seriously what the fuck is this
No. 938442
File: 1582918575625.jpg (518.57 KB, 1080x1594, 20200228_133317.jpg)

She's back to the "look how flexible I am!!!" bullshit
No. 938444
>>938442That's the least impressive flexibility on a dancer. Not much to brag about here. Gimme one of them Shen Yun dancers anytime, now
that is impressive.
No. 938457
File: 1582920245622.jpeg (695.56 KB, 828x1502, 1F86AC07-FD70-4C7E-B856-B30CD3…)

Profound musings on mental illness and recovery as written by a 22 year old with all the access to education and resources in the world.
No. 938459
>>938448I can't call it dance. It's like what a primary school kid does with random tumbles when they're playing being a gymnast. They make me laugh though.
Not very hygienic grabbing hold of your shoe. All that plague spit and dog shit.
No. 938468
File: 1582921112395.jpg (807.93 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200229-061338_Fac…)

Shes going munchie route also
No. 938592
>>937854who the fuck even plates a pretzel
>>937979Not to take all this up a notch but the weird part is, she might actually be a risk because she seems like she'll do basically whatever to land herself back in a hospital
No. 938598
>>938573To have a service dog all you need is a letter from your therapist or psychology person. kek.
it should cost that much, just get a dog that needs a home and train him/her to follow your commands. cost $600 tops. That's what I'm doing
No. 938599
File: 1582931801608.jpg (193.97 KB, 839x650, 20200229_091530.jpg)

>>938512Shes now a registered nurse and clearly loves ALL aspects of that world
No. 938601
>>938350 >>938143
Some people with bulimia do need feeding tubes because their digestive system can't process solid food anymore, so theoretically could be true
No. 938610
File: 1582932814644.jpeg (1.18 MB, 828x1565, A4893930-8E75-4ED3-8BA4-E5A5F1…)

Nothing says “legitimate recovery warrior qualified to market herself as a nutrition and fitness coach to women struggling with eating disorders” quite like weighing out your condiments. Never change ganer, never change.
No. 938627
>>938625you're missing the point, anon. this thread isn't about you so there's no need to keep referring to yourself.
you should be embarrassed.
No. 938656
>>938610Right? Pretty sure making a soup out of the lowest calorie condiments doesn’t put across the “carefree”/self-care image she’s going for
But she added olive oil too so there is no way she could possibly not be 100% recovered /s
No. 938692
File: 1582944102165.jpeg (1.69 MB, 3464x3464, F7A694CF-0B39-4CF6-A5D7-0703BD…)

Anyone ever heard of this cow? Her face picking would put Laura to shame. Constantly acting a fool to avoid getting discharged and apparently another cow passed away and she and her hospital buddies seriously have a fucking shrine.
No. 938708
>>938223>>938692Nothing says NOT so doped up on meds as the ability and motivation to post about it, with accompanying selfies, on insta.
Omg I'm so out of it on tranx but at least it's making me forget everything. Lol gtfo
No. 938746
>>938692For the love of God spoiler that shit please I legit vomited stumbling innocently on the thread argh
But interesting cow anon.
>>938684Paracetamol OD…the cry for attention. Well said anon.
No. 938752
File: 1582951579026.png (448.84 KB, 528x786, kat2.png)

Have we ever talked about Kat? She started off as an ED recovery account but then slowly shifted into a spoonie. She has a J-tube. She used to say I'm trying to keep water down today since her body "rejects" it.
No. 938753
File: 1582951611229.png (447.72 KB, 1048x705, kat.png)

Kats Porfile.
No. 938803
>>938793I was about to say, PayPal link in the bio screams cow instantly.
Although don’t people with gp struggle moving water through as well?
No. 938804
File: 1582964175379.jpeg (856.3 KB, 1241x2003, 30938770-F9CD-4890-9924-EE5CE8…)

Korey whinging about her student budget but she’s never had a job and her parents give her an allowance to spend.
It’s not like anyone cares if you mooch of your parents while you’re studying, but pretending to have much struggle with money and student life when they literally pay for everything she does shits me.
No. 938830
File: 1582972993717.jpg (134.96 KB, 750x1333, 84243618_3757123750993059_6292…)

Day 2 at home and already digging into takeaway… our dainty girl must be starving after being deprived at the clinic. gotta make those #gainz
No. 938869
File: 1582979981893.jpeg (842.13 KB, 2048x2048, 06666A6D-B1AD-48CD-A4C4-7D7C90…)

I’m positive elzani is trolling. She posted four shots of a bowl of fucking cereal. Wow. So divine!
No. 938907
>>938750I made the last three threads but can't do it this time because laptop is fucked. Just find a pic to post and add some blurb about where the cows are at and some insta links. It's not difficult.
>>938869I watched the Elzani hospital for last night for the first time. I remember farmers commenting on her diction. Yes, annoying, but it reminded me of a girl on the docu Dying To Be Thin. Similar speech pattern. Her name's Lavinia and she's autistic. If you haven't seen that docu, recommended for the cows in it.
Also a question. How did E go from not being able to eat to scoffing loads and eating a Magnum every day and sperging about food? She didn't appear to have any food phobias.
No. 938937
>>938931I get that more than her suddenly being able to eat a lot without any difficulty (unless she edited that part out). It was surprising how much she had to eat and her weight gain wasn't noticeable. It was the only interesting thing I learned from that video. It's making me believe her more that she was really eating a lot a few months ago. She's looking noticeably better now and that could be why her posts are of more bland food?
Might try to make a new thread even though I'm not used to this tablet. Bear with me…