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No. 883248
Continuation of the discussion on all the frail sick poorly ana warriors of Instagram and beyond.
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/870272(shit thread) No. 883259
>>883248Krueger reminds me of Jake fake goth from the alt thread.
I'm going to place my bet on another scratch attack by Laura on Laura on Saturday.
No. 883263
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Dare I say smorven is actually looking… healthier?
No. 883271
>>883263She looked pretty good in that last pic too. Sad thing is, we know it won't last.
I would've thought the people working on her case would have a meeting after ward round? If you're in with something less…complex…the specialist usually tells you there and then if you get to stay, some idea how you're getting along according to them.
I know she's a pain in the arse, but she really is fucked up. I want her to keep up improving, but…not optimistic.
No. 883276
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>>883259I’m so honored my shitty Freddy Krueger cropped comparison made the banner lol!
Going back to Georgia here’s the story photo that accompanied her pass out post if anyone’s interested in the full text. Just wondering how her blood sugar would ever get low, and I wonder what calorie dense meal she had for dinner kek. Let me guess burger and chips! Much anorexia, very frail dainty and sick kek how does her lil heart even continue beating what a warrior
No. 883277
File: 1571759522192.jpg (30 KB, 324x294, lol.JPG)

Georgia: Dad, I have to be honest. I'm restricting to only breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks but each meal was only zero coke.
Georgia's dad: Lol, whatevs.
No. 883278
>>883276You’re my new favourite anon for the banner pic. Hats off to you, you’re doing the lord’s work.
And hats off for bringing the Georgiemilk. I can only imagine the dramatic flinging of herself to the ground as she “fainted”. Then, with shaking hands, desperately trying to bring herself back to her wobbly, frail knees so that she could crawl to the kitchen to find just enough sustenance to give her the energy to make dinner.
No. 883314
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>>883271Here's the update from her ward round. I don't get why she acts so surprised at the prospect of being in for longer. Maybe this time they're going to work on weight restoration?
No. 883386
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Love a good Kelsey shop
No. 883437
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Is anyone else here familiar with
It's been my personal lolcow grounds for a while now. It's basically MyProAna's retarded PC cousin. It advertises itself as a safe space for ana-chans to talk about being ana-chans. And it most definitely is NOT pro-ana, how could you even say that? There's a recovery section, after all! /s
You have to be a member to see most of the "good" stuff, so if anyone's interested I'll drop some screens. The site admin in particular is pretty exceptional.
No. 883455
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>>883439I took a lot of full-page screenshots so I'll look through them later and post the good stuff. Idk about ED Central, but Pancake seems to have actually taken off.
For now, some info on the admin (I can confirm all of this with screenshots, just gotta look through em):
-26 years old, birthday is May 3rd
-not too sure on the location, either North California or Texas.
-self described weeb, wears cat ears in public, is an "involuntary age regressor"
-schizo-adjacent, doesn't bathe for weeks at a time because muh depression, actual laundry list is "EDNOS, PTSD, Major Depression, Borderline Personality, Schizoaffective, EDNOS" (yes EDNOS is listed twice)
-lives with her parents, no job, self-described NEET
-self medicates with weed or alcohol. I believe she pays for it with a modest tugboat.
-Is in therapy, has only told her therapist that she runs a website, not the nature of said website. Apparently the boyfriend knows it's an eating disorder website but hasn't actually checked it out.
-was in a poly relationship with her ex-husband (divorced in September) and current long-distance boyfriend who doesn't want to meet her in person yet despite dating for, IIRC, 2 years (might be 3)
-genderfluid, does not tolerate evil TERFs, truscum, or other bigots on her website!!
-apparently committed involuntary manslaughter at age 7. From her description it seems like a genuine tragedy caused by negligent parents, I just thought it was really fucking bizarre to bring this up online.
-has expressed some uncertainty/guilt about running an eating disorder website, does it anyway because "when I was a teenager nothing could stop me" or something along those lines
More to come.
No. 883475
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>>883462Again, seems like it was an unfortunate accident. Just absolutely floored me to see someone admit something like this online. I had to include it.
No. 883503
>>883479>>883491Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if it were fake. Even if it did happen, it's definitely attention-seeking. She has another thread where she gives explicit details about her ex-boyfriend raping her, asking everyone if what happened to her was really rape. I don't care to speculate on if that story were true or not, but she very clearly already knew everyone would say it was rape.
On mobile so no screenshots of this atm
No. 883504
>>883278Kek your welcome, glad to contribute!
Imagine if she actually passed out how big of a deal it would be for her? She’s probably like take a photo where she fell, make a long post about her long term anorexia Nervosa is catching up with her kek it be a monumental point in her life to actually have something bad happen to her lol
>>883277Yea Georgia things are so “not good” that you can end this post with a fucking lol. Like even she sees her eating as a joke how are we not supposed to. I would love to know how that conversation goes. I bet if she said she’s going to start eating more he’d be like… why lol. She doesn’t need to eat
more she needs to eat
more healthy>>883314One can only hope, when farmers started posting about her again I honestly didn’t know who it was, not saying she’s gained a ton but her face looks completely different. Probably why she’s only posting the fraction of her face with the tube in it lol
No. 883511
>>883475Wait right there. A NINE year old would have to be disabled or mentally challenged (or a midget) to fall in a bathtub and drown, no?
>>883491Yeah but being tortured in a snuff warehouse is pretty standard conversation.
I hope this girl grows out of this. Definitely milky.
Idk if anyone's ever watched the British docu about proana sites (years old, so geocities ones), it's on yt called THE THIN CLUB.
She reminds me of the the girl in it who had a livejournal page and thought she was an ana coach. Really milky cow. Shame it was so long ago.
No. 883632
>>883511Yet to come across a proED forum owner/admin that actually has a restrictive ED!
Back in the day it was all
cw: 158
Or they turned out to be a man who also didn't have an ED. PrettyThin was in that Fearne Cotton ProAna documentary and that was a man.
To be honest I didn't really realise pro forums were really a thing anymore beyond MPA given Instagram etc.
No. 883675
>>883437>>883455There are a bunch of DID fags on that site too.
But generally it’s what you would expect from a proana site: lots of fat wannarexics, attention-seekers, and some legit skelles that members fawn over or act concerned about. Some members are kinda milky, but mostly just sad/pathetic.
No. 883739
>>883636Definitely a lot sneakier to avoid having the site pulled down.
Turning hints n tips into "harm reduction" tips for one. Same content, but with a warning "don't do this!!1"
mpa is mostly full of wanarexics. Kinda good in a way because chances are they'll give up trying and failing to restrict and go on with their life. The "thinspo" threads haven't changed since the year dot. You can tell the wanas because their posts are women who look gloriously healthy. Healthily slim, tanned, thick hair, good skin. The ones who look at "bonespo" either do it to ogle the carwrecks or they really do have an issue.
I don't get how mpa isn't something the internet police chase after.
No. 883769
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>>883739>>883675Yeah, like I said it's basically the SJW version of OG MPA. Lots of DID fags, 14 year old trans guys, 20 year old non-binarees, and other Tumblr-esque cringe.
The LGBT section is the funniest part to me. Occasionally a thread will pop up from someone looking for advice regarding their gender identity. It's always a female with some kind of body dysmorphia. You could be so well-intentioned, so polite, so eloquent, and none of it would matter if you dare suggest that maybe their issue is caused by something other than being trans. You get a lot of young teenagers being sassy in return, who for lack of a better term, fagsplain the intricacies of gender to the much older members who are typically LGBT themselves.
Aside from that, it is mostly sad/pathetic. I don't think the site admin has bad intentions, just that she's a geniunely stupid wannarexic. She seems to actually believe the site is a wonderful place that has done wonders for her mental health. Pic related.
>>883739I think the site has evaded detection due to the dumbass name and privacy settings. You have to actually make posts and be online for X amount of hours to get full access. Googling "mypancakeaddiction" gives few results.
No. 883771
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>>883769Anyways, it seems likely that she's aware she was posted here, if this conveniently timed post is any indication. She also has a status update acknowledging that EDNOS was in her signature twice, something I pointed out in my second post about the site. Very lulzy that the first response is to rage about the normies not understanding the poor widdle ana-chans.
No. 883774
>>883771~reduce harm~
>Would you ask someone paralyzed to take a jog every morning?No, but I'd recommend they take medical advice and take any kind of physio to improve circulation etc.
Yeah, she sounds thick as shit.
>>883769> if you dare suggest that maybe their issue is caused by something other than being transPathetic how they work on gender stereotypes to define male and female, but that's another thread.
There's a sub reddit I think is the only place where there's no pro ana humble bragging. The only ED forum-y place in the history of the interwebs. The rest are just a showcase for kids wanting to catch the ana.
>normiesI loled. God forbid someone isn't self diagnosed with an ed and therefore a normie!
No. 883779
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>>883774>Yeah, she sounds thick as shit. Indeed she is. Here's a compilation of various selfies and body checks for fun, and to back up the anon that said they hadn't seen an actual thin ED forum owner.
No. 883781
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>>883779Speaking of DID fags… Another self-dx for the collection, cry-typing included.
No. 883782
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>>883781And another good screenshot I found. It's her asking if there are any sites like hers, except centered around suicide. Because that sounds like a great idea.
No. 883787
>>883781Ha, who the fuck wrote that? Obv self diagnosis because it's been a long time since it was referred to as mpd. so much sitgma but mot freak ouy out!!!1
>>883782This is seriously like a creche for wanaemos. Nice friend to find a suicide forum for a suicidal friend. How caring.
Is this the admin posting all these? Is she the one who thinks she's ~mpd~?
No. 883790
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>>883787Yes, anamanaguchi is the admin of MyPancakeAddiction. I find her posts the funniest.
Image is spoilered because it's long as fuck. It's her introductory post, including the responses, minus the signatures in an attempt to make the screenshot smaller.
She also has an AMA thread if anyone wants to see that.
No. 883794
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>>883791Yes, she was estatic to have developed a "tiny, keyhole gap"
No. 883796
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Was this one seriously self-posting, I hope not because she really fucks me off. Constantly being melodramatic and going off about how “unwell” she feels. So tired of it but can’t bring myself to unfollow.(self posting again, ban evading, samefagging)
No. 883799
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>>883794Location confirmed, Arizona. Don't know how I missed this.
No. 883803
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she makes me want to kms, imagine being on a ward with this bitch who keeps sticking her leg in the air llike there’s fuck all wrong
No. 883805
>>883801No, just a lurker that follows her and other cringy people on the site. Though I don't think the usernames that appear actually correlate to who you follow. Still probably a good idea to crop it out though.
The screenshots are the milk, as the entire site is restricted if you're not a member. Thought that was clear.
No. 883812
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So Laura makes a post about her friend…where all but ONE of the photos are of her? She makes me sick, I feel awful for her “friends” - she just uses them as props in her endless “I am the most sickly anorexic” regime. Entertaining though, nonetheless.
No. 883824
>>883816fucking newfags.
>>883812Laura never ceases to amaze me with her ego. Is that a friend she's in IP with?
No. 883888
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>>883887I do it all the time. Several times a day, just like Laura. I see everyone doing it and I just have to do it too. Img - me in Aldi earlier today, for example.
>>883880 is a newfag troll.
Is the mod from pancakeaddiction on mpa?
>>883790Odd how so many of these overweight anas ~used to be thin~ before medication. OMG I was spoopy but I took 2 asprin and now I'm huuuuge!!!
No. 883930
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>>883887It's not like she's doing it in the middle of walmart ffs it's just a yoga pose, do you guys not leave your house or something?
No. 884009
>>883998Read much? I didn’t say she was in the middle of the street, I said
>> in street clothes in the middle of whereverAKA she is not dressed for yoga in a yoga studio or a specific setting to take a yoga account picture, she literally sticks her leg over her head WHEREVER she goes. I cannot believe you are defending this lunacy. Even a pure yoga account doesn’t engage in that sort of absurdity.
No. 884058
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No. 884059
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No. 884060
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No. 884065
>>884059“If I kill my self, that will show my asshole son!”
What a shitstain.
>>883998Why are you so obsessed with defending this goblin who smears her crotch on every table, train doorway, tv cabinet, and cafe floor she can get at?
No. 884070
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2 pieces of toast, even if white, IS a meal. Its basically a base breakfast for any one one minimal calories. 280cals is enough
No. 884073
>>883981Tbh i check Ashley gossip on kf. You could resurrect her thread here if there's milk. She's the original farm anachan, so i don't think it's a necro crime to post without sage (?).
Erika was last seen looking amazing and doing life. That was within the last year. She keeps herself private so thats a good sign.
No. 884074
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Looks normal. Get off the EDP. Save it for those that need it
No. 884092
>>884088 oh shut up already, this infighting bs is boring.
>>884060holy shit, what a bitch
is she always like this?
No. 884117
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No. 884133
>>884082she posted medical notes from a hospital computer monitor (outing her invalid ED diagnosis) pretending to be a nurse aka self posts constantly.
she also sends Georgia hate on tellonym.
No. 884153
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She's struggling hahahah what the hell
No. 884399
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No. 884406
>>884401Anons would argue psych drugs pile on pounds. My experience is some give you the munchies so eating more puts weight on. Never had any gain. Dome even give you less appetite.
Yeah red text blogpost but don't worry. Dont be afraid to tell your psychiatrist about that fear. If you restrict you sure as hell won't give in to munchies
Aaaaand fuck me
Is that
>>884399 Georgia suckiyin for dear life?
Not wking the girl but if she learned to dress for her size, she could pull that figure off and im not even taking the piss.
No. 884410
>>884406>>884401>>884405Medications like olanzapine are used in anorexia to decrease agitation and increase appetite. Its main side effect is increased appetite. Hence why people gain weight on antipsychotics. The medication themselves do not make someone gain weight.
Medications like topiramate are used in BED to decrease appetite thus decreasing binges. Its also used off script in PTSD as a second line for nightmares
(medfag) No. 884411
>>884401i've heard of some meds slowing down metabolism or speeding it up too. my sister's meta became too fast to the point of passing out daily and needing hospital IV shit bc her meds were just eating at everything even though they stopped her being a psycho.
90% of meds for like anxiety, depression, adhd, etc they will list weight gain or loss as a symptom but it wont always happen and lots of the people here claiming that their meds made them gain weight they either 1) stopped restricting bc their anxiety or depression was dealt with rather than the actual drugs making the body store fat or 2) the drugs made their appetite increase leading them to have larger portions or snacking (the munchies ya know). blogging i know thats just my observations and opinions.
No. 884518
>>884401 quitiapine (sp?) Makes me so hungry constantly. I literally never feel full. So the medication itself didnt make me fat, but the constant hunger did. I lit went from 100 pounds to 180 in 2 years lmao. I decided it was worth it though for the stability it gave me. Thats what it all comes down to. Is it worth it?
Blog posting I know.
No. 884521
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No. 884543
>>884521>>884536If u wanna be an ana-chan and starve yourself to death or do a overly restrictive diet that's fine but don't expect other SANE people to go along with your shit especially of they're the ones paying for your groceries and making your food.
She's lucky her mum doesn't kick her ungrateful ass out of her home. Fucking childish bint.
No. 884563
>>884521That's either an old looking 40 year old, or an horrendously old looking 20 year old.
No comment with a ss is generally a self post.
Whoever this goblin is is a shitty person. Despite an ED, that's some apex tier ungratefulness.
No. 884567
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Our poverty striken Becky went and had a manicure today. She said it was her mum's birthday present from her. Reminds me of when Aly used to take pics of herself blowing out her mum's birthday cake candles. Becky's one of the most materialistic people I've known of.
No. 884595
>>884567Yeah, I'm sure she's been saving those pennies all year…
I can't even tell what that pattern is supposed to be? There are petri dishes with nicer looking bacteria than this
No. 884596
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>>884595Supposed to be tortoiseshell like img.
No. 884599
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Ouch, the comparison.
Her mum probably paid for her own present, which was in fact Becky's present.
No. 884610
>>884599Like a spoiled kid who
has to have their own present to unwrap on their sibling's birthday.
Happy 60th, Jackie!
No. 884613
>>884609(sorry anon had to repost)
Of course she didn't. It's all about her.
Since Becky's been mentioned more here lots of her posts include fake concern about her mum and how her behaviour is hard on her, how she wants to make things easier and……
Anorexia can make the best of people act like selfish twats but I suspect with Becky those qualities are innate
No. 884616
>>884613I remember one post in particular where she was saying what a bad night she was having and her mum was too with fybomyalgia and w/e else. She didn't show any concern about her mum other than that, it was all me, me, me.
On fb she tags her ~i cant go on~ posts with her mum's name. I really do think that it's in her nature without mental illness to be so self centred. Many people with EDs try to hide their bad feelings from others to not worry them, but this one wants nobody else to ever imply they're worse off than her.
Btw, that salon's in Prestwich which is where the local hospital with an ED unit is. Would've been a better present to hand herseslf over and sort her shit out so Jackie can have some peace in her twilight years.
No. 884626
>>884616The thing is she wants it both ways. She wants to be the sickest but has regular appointments with a social worker and GP. If things were dire or she was deteriorating fast she wouldn't still be in the community regardless of how fucked the NHS is atm.
Life is unbearable enough to post snotty selfies and details of daily breakdowns on insta but she can do ~fashion~ and makeup and garden centre jollies. Proper therapy though? Nope, too traumatic.
She should be in some sort of unit if only to give her mother a breather. Not necessarily an EDU either. She's reminiscent of a Smorven. If only more wards were equipped for feeds.
No. 884627
>>884616The thing is she wants it both ways. She wants to be the sickest but has regular appointments with a social worker and GP. If things were dire or she was deteriorating fast she wouldn't still be in the community regardless of how fucked the NHS is atm.
Life is unbearable enough to post snotty selfies and details of daily breakdowns on insta but she can do ~fashion~ and makeup and garden centre jollies. Proper therapy though? Nope, too traumatic.
She should be in some sort of unit if only to give her mother a breather. Not necessarily an EDU either. She's reminiscent of a Smorven…a shit load of personality problems, manipulation and zero insight. If only more wards were equipped for feeds.
No. 884629
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>>884627She plays the mental health card for sure for not doing anything productive with her health.
She can go to a tv exhibition thing in Birmingham, a flower thing in Southport, a salon, gets her hair done, goes to busy stores, concentrates for long periods of time making that crap she puts on ety, as you say, puts outfits together and does make up, despite BDD she has multiple pictures taken every day, (and has a HUGE full length mirror in her room).
She' apparently so poor she needs donations yet she buys makeup, clothes, (notice she had one of her drawings printed on a sweater?), buys from Hobbycraft, HAS A PLACE TO LIVE, talks about furniture her mum's going to buy when they get a new place to live.
She has regular GP appointments she sometimes doesn't attend but her bloods must be ok. She shouts at her social worker for "not doing anything".
Now she's talking about her mum buying her a Nintento Switch for xmas and going shopping in the Boxing Day sales.
"This is only a snapshot of my life". Yeah, right. She writes that she's a MENTAL HEALTH ADVOCATE. I mean…y'know?
No. 884632
>>884629>mum and nim happy and relaxedCCG funding a bed as many miles away as possible - that'd be a true Christmas miracle.
(also, Zara clothes and Harry Potter makeup. calling it now)
No. 884637
>>884632No pressure on Jackie to come up with the cash then. I saw that sucky Potter eyeliner in Boots. £10.
I'm not surprised she loves Christmas. Cozy home and lots of things for free!
No. 884661
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coffee.cats.recovery created a mental health meme account. Speaks for itself really.
No. 884685
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I’ve been waiting weeks for a fucking recovery.chii relapse update and she posts a picture of her cat. Fml. Looking forward to her coming back completely relapsed but ready to “really do it” this time
No. 884800
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>>884733"Dissociative seizures" would be the latest. I don't really know where to start to be honest. She called herself "medically trained" the other day as if her treatment chasing obsession makes her an informed professional. Give it up and get a job, seriously.
No. 884835
>>884800Seems pretty milky, does she have her own thread? I lurk but never noticed
Bsl at only 3.5 and then dipoed twice more snd dissociated for over an hr (then finds a snickers to take a selfie lol im so quirky) kek
Seems like another one whos obsessed with medical career to stay around the drama
No. 884864
>>884835that seems to be a trend…hint the illnessfakers reddit being full of "medical professionals" with too much time on their hands.
Alas, coffee.cats.recovery with her "super frequent hypos"
No. 884895
>>884884>>She doesn’t look like she has an ED.Because having an eating disorder has a specific "look".
Has she reverted back to BPing and overexercising then? Pegged her as an anorexic going by her freak out over chicken, not a bulimic.
No. 884951
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gimpgirl55 probably one of the biggest ana lolcows ive ever seen in a while.
Her 400+ page thread (''becoming a skinny bitch pt2) snow thread (its fairly new)
>>>/snow/884942 No. 884984
File: 1572111755185.jpeg (352.5 KB, 735x1098, AA5DBA4A-9F87-48DE-9CF2-8D7B2B…)

wtf is that post
No. 885043
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I just noticed kelsey put her age in her bio, and earlier this year she said she was a sophomore or was gonna be a sophomore in high school. It’s just inconsistent??
No. 885047
>>884984She is a self-pity something. She doesn't even try to get better. I think it's pretty sure that she will die one day.
I would NEVER feel sorry for her. Pathetic
No. 885082
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>>885079She really thinks we are stupid. Not my conversation by the way
File: 1572126463464.jpg (108.04 KB, 1080x414, Screenshot_20191026-234353_You…)

I was watching a "what i eat in a day-2000 kcal" video by some random girl on yt and came across this comment by my fav vegan health queen kek
No. 885104
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This was really embarrassing and cringe worthy to watch. I had to give up .
No. 885105
>>885100Yet to see these people like
>>885103 mentions give some links to legitimate scientific proof and trials to back up their claims.
>>885104Miffs my muff that she's saying her family are typical "British" and this is how we'd all react. Is she going the route of wanting people to send her food from other countries for "British people react to …" videos?
No. 885194
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CRIPPLING coffee.cats.recovery. Crippling enough that you can get on a plane to New Zealand for a holiday from your IP holiday from life, then go back IP in time for Christmas. The ultimate sick kid (ahem, nearly 30) lifestyle.
No. 885335
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Laura is going clubbing whilst sectioned?!
No. 885350
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Coconut milk? Over her "anorexic" phase then. Better come up with something else little bean.
No. 885362
>>885350It is 20cal/ 100ml so pretty acceptable to anorexics given it is less than skim milk…
Not saying Laura has anorexia, I just think this gibe at her makes no sense!
No. 885365
>>885362…actual coconut milk has much more, closer to 200 kcal/100 ml. of course if it's one of those gross coconut milk drinks with most of the contents being water like almond milk, the calorie count is around what you said.
still, going clubbing and constantly going out to cafes… scratching her face a little is really enough to keep her in treatment? no significant weight loss either, it's all angles. your tax money at work, people.
No. 885475
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Yet another instalment of “FIRST TIME TRYING XYZ OMG!!1!1”. To be honest, I had to stop at the line “my life has literally just been changed by a pickle and cheese baguette”. What a sad “life” that must be…
No. 885498
>>885475She never had cheese and Branston pickle? It's a fucking ploughman's lunch. Is it too working class?
>>885335Is she actually still in hospital at this point?
>>884951I've not been interested in this girl's thread, but from what I've seen her body's quite masculine. I can never tell if someone's that size because they work out or if it's an underweight thing.
She's definitely bordering on the unwell side if she isn't already. Her arms kinda look like cocktail picks.
>>885365I predicted she'd do a face scratch session this weekend, but she must be holding off seeing how she had to go clubbing and had a social with her friend and a kid.
No. 885515
>>885475You might start to think she keeps food orgasming to lure in feeders lol
I would love to know if she gets "real" feeder-mail in her PO box lol
I wonder when and how her channel will ever evolve from this train wreck. And when the YT comments will finally catch up on her bullcrap. She should have gained a whole lot more by now. In "real" recovery your don't stay extremely obsessed on food that long.
No. 885517
>>885515Or they get off to watching her mum eating. Elzani's too sexless to think that anyone would be interested in fetishising what she does in any way lol.
Almost all the well known ASMR creators have spoken about perv mail or stalkers. I saw a load of comments on a lesser known channel saying he had a video idea regarding latex gloves. I reckon anyone who has a popular channel's going to get sex pests. These freaks can turn anything into a sexual thing - even model railways I bet.
No. 885533
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>>885198>>885199I’m so glad we are finally talking about this cow. I followed her for a while as she is a kiwi but she seems to just ship every year or so when docs realise she’s bullshitting all her medical issues. Some old caps for reference
No. 885535
>>885515Actually watched this vlog for the first time in months and months. I skipped bits and she STILL repeated herself over and over?! How does she not realise when she is editing?
God I wish she was just in daypatient treatment so that she'd get told to shut the F up and eat her meal/ snack in time and without seeking reassurance! She'd also have to be away from her mum…who she calls her best friend.
It is like every clip she is thinking 'this could be a thumbnail' ahhhhhh!
No. 885536
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Anyone know what this shit was about?? (She who must not be named’s story)
No. 885538
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2 this one as well
No. 885547
>>885536>>885538no idea, but i can only assume Korey posted some more irresposible shit on her private.
Also, major kek at koreys main account and her recent posts about crystals and being given a placement in a fucking HOSPITAL as a dietitian.
if i was having an anorexic dietitian rock up to my bedside, deciding my meal plan i would hardly be able to contain my laughter!
No. 885566
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>>885536I never know who's not to be named because I always think it's OG Whann. There's a T name who can't be named so it's probably her, but oi, that means you shouldn't be posting about her.
>>885547If I thought a medic who was into crystals was treating anyone I'd give them a wide berth. New age bullshit stops at panpipes for relaxation imo, and that's pushing it.
Recovering from an ED must be extra hell with having these screaming melodramatic bitches running around creating drama. They should have their own hospitals/clinics/islands.
No. 885582
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>>885533Don’t forget about her “spiritual trauma” from being kicked out of her church and how she thinks god is punishing her and by eating her dinner she therefore killed her aunt…
No. 885583
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>>885582Aaaaand that's what superstition does to a person.
No. 885584
>>885582 "Sorry if I sound like a total nut job"
Keep trying. You sound like a leech. You can't call upon crazy at whim you dumb bitch.
No. 885585
>>885582 Go get raped or something. Get the real deal trauma if you're that committed to being a
(A logging) No. 885654
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How can you wear something like that what the fuck
No. 885689
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No. 885690
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No. 885695
>>885582Wow way to make your aunts death about you
This way she be be the
victim in any situation and not have to take any accountability
And htf donyou get kicked out of that many churches? Like wtf are you doing
No. 885752
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I've been going through the old threads because this one is such a clusterfuck. Remember KittenThistle from way back? I checked her recent posts and she's less milky but still spoopy and posting body checks disguised as outfits of the day. Come on, girl. We see you tilting those toes in for the thigh gap and flexing that arm so your tendons pop.
No. 885791
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>>885780Her face looks fuller but she's still underweight. She's still doing those tumblr-ana poses. Gotta push that butt out so your thighs look smaller. And her food pics are all veg.
No. 885793
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No. 885794
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>>885791She dresses less like a toddler now, so that's an improvement even if her ed hasn't improved.
Laura hasn't fallen into a coma yet. Her face is sunken.
No. 885796
>>885793Lol we posted at the same time.
Discharged so played mental. There's surprise. Thought she was being sent somewhere else. It's almost as if there's nothing wrong with her. Poor sick bean.
No. 885803
>>885797Her friend Crying Emily used to do that. She'd say she was in danger being followed or something but we noticed the pic she took was a fence near her house ha.
>>885799Only section 2. They won't keep putting up with her shit. There are stacks of people like her who do shit like throw a tv out of a window to get put back in, but they get sent back home next ward round. Leeches.
>>885801She just likes not having to be an adult.
No. 885806
>>885794that's a pretty chubby face for a frail little ana. and honestly all her face scratches always look like someone who picked a zit too much and it started to bleed, nothing more. such self harm~
also wearing xxxxl clothes to seem more skinny. why they keep taking her in, why? the only diagnosis that actually fits her is munchausen's. she doesn't need to be sectioned for that shit, just told by her friends and family to stop playing these crying wolf games and grow the fuck up. next time she ~disappears~ they should just ignore it. you don't negotiate with attention whores.
No. 885820
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That convicted paedophile is still on insta. He keeps changing his username. How is he still there when he's been reported? I hope he does starve himself to death. Don't think I'm being an edgelord saying that.
No. 885830
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>>885825Death won't come too soon for this one. Hopefully it's heart will give up.
No. 885866
>>885857He's a useless fuck who obviously can't even cook a meal. He only throws it up anyway.
Weird he keeps the egg sangas down but throws the lattes up.
No. 885889
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>>885887>>885886She's a pea from the same pod. Likes involving herself in the dramas.
No. 885891
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Ah, look. Everyone's favorite Doctor in Denial is going as White Noise for Halloween.
No. 885943
>>885936I posted that she was due to fake a meltdown to stay in
>>885498, but at the time I didn't know she'd been discharged.
It's so OB-VI-OUS what she's doing. The MH services must know she's playing the system but there mustn't be much they can do about it.
Doing a bit of self harm isn't going to keep her in indefinitely, so she's stepped up her game. It's going to be rinse and repeat.
No. 885965
>>885690This reads like a 12 year old making her first post on mpa. Some nice mittens aren’t gonna make her 19, blonde, and post-edit-model pretty and she’s either genuinely retarded or she’s trolling hard for saying it.
>>885820What’s with mid forties people and playing a round of baby’s first thinspo account? Planned out purging? What sort of look at me don’t look at me shit is that? The pity party is all laid out and this disgusting fetishist is begging for a
victim like bunny did with his fake cast.
Bet he will get a pass for predatory creepy shit because pweshus tranny.
No. 885999
>>885794She looks like the hills have eyes. Such an unfortunate head. Inside and out.
>>885889Likely story. All these ana-chans who claim seriously low blood sugar always conveniently have enough fat stores, but try so desperately to market this idea they're frail and sickly.
No. 886026
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Sure allegra you’ll look just like her, ask for donations much?
No. 886034
>>886012Mocking someone for the shape of the face they were born with doesn’t really seem like a reasonable thing to do…
I get the sense that, it’s surely NOT eating disorder stuff that is her problem rn.. idk, I don’t want to see folk here reporting that she’s gone yknow since her “milk” these days is only genuine mental illness symptoms… maybe it’s time to leave her alone.. focus on someone else n let her doctors work it out. How can we claim someone is faking it more than her entire team themselves can? I don’t think we have that right. I don’t know her but I think, even tho she self posted we should let it go now, it’s gone far enough….
No. 886045
>>885965I get what you're saying about the rabbit mittens. Okay, animal fur IS the warmest "fabric", but she's bought those and bragged for a reaction. I think they're disgusting ethically, but it just makes me think she's a dick out for confrontation. They fugly at that, real or faux.
>>885999youtube for you. It's bizarre how her face has changed. It's not only lack of cosmetics. She's started to look like some Chernobyl dust got to her and it's acting on her system.
>>885999I don't really understand why blood sugar would affect her (educate me if there's an explanation). I know some overweight women who have blood sugar drops and need to scoff a Mars and they're not diabetic.
>>886034White Knight rides in. Trot on to some other village. The doctors HAVE worked it out. They discharged her. Oh, let's blame NHS negligence eh? [next post]
No. 886067
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Yikes. Not only does she "rarely ask for shit" (didn't she "need" money for another pregnancy test just last week?), she sounds proud that her mamma paid for a manicure as a reward for, drum roll.. cleaning her 26-yr old ass's room.
Her parents just bought her a new bed and skin care, plus treatment x2 and paying her bills for a year. Oh and still pay for her therapy. Must be nice.
Seriously though, it's just sad that she clearly still doesn't understand how privileged her life is.
No. 886090
>>885752>>885791I'm sure nobody cares, but I was in treatment with this girl. It's wild to see her posted here. The ED world is so small.
Anyway. I peeked at her Tumblr. Apparently she went to Castlewood? That's interesting. I knew another girl who went there. I guess it's old news now, but did any of you hear about the alleged Satanic abuse there? Crazy stuff.
No. 886119
>>886112It's not actually that uncommon. It's possible to retrain tastebuds, it's why you should always keep trying to get kids to eat their fruit and veggies, eventually something twigs. Same as you can reverse tolerances to foods via elimination of them for a period.
It's especially important in people who need to try to break through a very limiting diet (like the people who only eat say - crisps, or chicken nuggets).
No. 886152
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No. 886153
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No. 886154
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No. 886183
>>886178definitely! he should be thankful to have a parent obsessed with entertaining people on ED instagram.
Most of these older women in ED/recovery instagram are creepy, absorbed in drama and the lives of others, to the point they try and "mother" struggling people ie. invade their privacy.
No. 886207
>>886154holy shit, this is one of the most egregious things i've seen in the pro-ana threads. what kind of mother calls the police on their seemingly non-violent child and then takes pictures for fucking snapchat? i know that EDs give you garbage brain but this lady is above and beyond. nowhere near as spoopy as ashley but i would argue even more vile. god, i know i'm too pressed about this, it's just so insane to see someone pull this shit and then brag about it on the internet, like how insane and out of touch do you have to be? this is some onision-tier shit
really sorta makes you appreciate all the teenage girls who still have some time to pull their shit together and stop being histrionic on the internet. at least she-who-shall-not-be-named never called the cops on anyone and recorded it, kek.
No. 886243
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>>885475Why do her parents let her prepare and cook dinner for the whole family? Basic concept of ED recovery is to take the control away- yet they seem oblivious to it and let her do everything . And I can’t imagine all that standing and cooking and chopping is helping her bad back either.
No. 886261
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No. 886264
>>886235I was trying to figure out what a PO was. Don't they ankle tag kids where she lives?
It's weird to upload that pic. I don't think I've seen an adult wash their dirty laundry in public so hard as she's doing.
No. 886285
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She can’t remember yesterday at all supposedly but can read through this thread. Since you’re reading laura, get a life. Stop playing in this fantasy. This hospital is not the playground you wish it was. Everyone is tired of your shit, if strangers on the internet are tired of it then so is people in your life. We know at this point you’re faking for the sake of staying hospitalized. go home
No. 886287
>>886285Get something to do other than playing hospitals?
Thousands of depressed people at home can't be arsed to get up and switch a light on/get out of bed/watch tv, etc. yet this cunt is supposedly all dissociative and having a crisis but is doing internet, taking photos and doing instagram.
You're really sad, Laura. I pity you. You chose to make your life atm playing mental IP instead of trying something else with your life. Hopefully being detained in a cell's going to put you off wasting emergency services time again.
No. 886302
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No. 886306
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>>886302MPD for sure. Must be an alter typing for her. The "little". Awaiting stories of eating babies and hooded figures.
No. 886377
>>886067Getting your mom to pay for getting nails done for 54$, because you cleaned your room… lmfao what the actual fuck
the privilege is strong on this one, stop trying to be an edgelord "who's had a tough life" by starving and doing drugs and just accept that you have every possibility to do what you want, grow tf up damn
No. 886378
>>886067Getting your mom to pay for getting nails done for 54$, because you cleaned your room… lmfao what the actual fuck
the privilege is strong on this one, stop trying to be an edgelord "who's had a tough life" by starving and doing drugs and just accept that you have every possibility to do what you want, grow tf up damn
No. 886428
>>885889Trying not to blog but seriously this is some BS. Even though Laura’s not the teeny tiny faerie childe she desperately wants to portray it doesn’t matter - if your blood sugar drops as low as 2 staff do NOT fuck around. They don’t “wait for you to go into a coma” ffs if you don’t accept food/fortisip/glucogel/equivalent and the unit’s not equipped to handle it, you’re off to a medical ward (or A&E at the least). Don’t comply? You’re getting sectioned and possibly NGed too. What you DON’T get is leave to Costa. It could be literally next door you’re still not going unless you’re stable.
Not surprised she’s back already. I get the impression she knows exactly what to say/do to get sectioned (the docs/AMHP have to cover their arses after all) and that’s what she needs help with: the histrionics. Even as an inpatient she seems to have a healthier social life than many ‘normal’ people
No. 886438
I'm interested to see what lengths Laura goes to to get put back in hospital when she's discharged. What's one up from "going missing" and threatening to be an hero? Whatever it is, she'll try that.
>>886428>I get the impression she knows exactly what to say/do to get sectioned This 100% She's learned how to exploit the system and she's doing it.
No. 886449
>>886294She's just taking the piss now
She probably feels like shes starring in her own soap opera.
I agree if we stop posting her all shell have is her wannarexics
Gtfo of hospital Laura, realize how privilege you are and stop wasting resources. Youre not as unwell as you try to portray and everyone can see it
Sage for rant
No. 886451
>>886433There are things you can “do” with bedding whereas a phone wouldn’t pose the same risk. idk where you are but in the UK it’s pretty common to still be allowed your phone even if sectioned (depending on the unit, care plan, risk assessment obvs)
tbh in Laura’s case I’d be inclined to take away the phone instead.
No. 886459
>>886450Sorry anon had to repost but yeah exactly.
The thing is the people who sectioned her probably see right through it but duty of care innit. The 136 adds ~legitimacy~ but what an unpleasant thing to subject yourself to for a few more days/weeks of hanging around a hospital campus. The coffee must be excellent there!
No. 886493
>>886474She sounds more like Histrionic PD
Histrionic personality disorder is characterized by constant attention-seeking,
emotional overreaction, and seductive behavior.
People with this condition tend to overdramatize situations, which may impair relationships and lead to depression. Yet they are highly suggestible, easily susceptible to the influence of others.
Shes more about the attention seeking ave valuation from others rather than emotional dysregulation
Sage blog
No. 886502
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>>886493It's impossible to armchair with ig though. You can't tell how much is exaggerated for a good story or if it's genuine.
All I know about Laura is she wants people to feel concerned about her and she wants to appear vulnerable. Even that feels fake judging by her past behaviour when it was all about makeup and dance.
She's totally milking the cute wickle bean look after me thing in this pic.
No. 886597
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No. 886658
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Some cringe from the new MPA. I had to highlight the text because she insists on writing in a super, super light pink.
She has an alt account for Octavia (an alter) who is literally a character from the TV show "The 100" lmao.
Sorry if this is bad milk or OT, just thought it was ridiculous the DID faggotry going on there.
No. 886662
>>886658She and her ~alters~ need to get back to tumblr. Why post about a totally different
made up mental illness on a forum where people aren't going to be able to relate/give support?
No. 886677
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Talking of Elzani- thought these comments on her latest IG were amusing
No. 886680
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No. 886711
>>886708Pretty sure Elzani has a bad reputation other than here. I know there was a thread about her on mpa, and knowing how bitchy and dramatic some of the younger ED people are it could just be a random who dislikes her for whatever reason.
Nobody can doubt she's lying about having an ED, it's the volume of food she was eating/is eating that people were pulling her up on.
She's doing well, but there's still a lot of ed weirdness with her. The fact she's annoying might piss people off, but I'm not into trying to
trigger anyone genuinely trying to recover. That's just a really ugly thing to do.
No. 886728
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Hangs out with friends for the first time in awhile.. and they OD, I see how Allegra has no friends.
Before anyone says it I use her real name because I know she lurks hard and it pisses her off when we use her real name so that’s why
No. 886769
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Wow, do you think Becky Chuckles is thinking of recovery??
No. 886785
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Literally just screaming for attention and for someone to tell her “oh you’re so small/I’m so worried/i wish I looked like you”
Like hey Allegra! Did your parents not just drop loads on your treatment? and this is how you act not even two weeks later? Grow up and realize that being sooper thin is basically not an accomplishment lol.
No. 886789
Why do I feel all posts about aly are by just one person?
>>886785 Do you know her irl?
No. 887352
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>>886711Elzani crying about shortbread biscuits - why the fuck is she telling her mum which biscuits they can and can’t eat- when it was her mum who probably bought them in the first place. But when she says she was ‘saving the shortbread biscuits for her what I eat in a day vlog’…. um isn’t a vlog like that just meant to be a normal day - not something you’ve saved up special foods to eat for camera to show everyone how well you are doing?…..
And I can’t figure if her face is filled out from weight gain or if it’s from purging - or both.
No. 887373
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Smorven putting in effort to make sure her tube and bleeding through neck wound is in the shot despite looking better than ever.
No. 887422
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>>887406I stand corrected. Just another name change. Boo.
No. 887431
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Aly: abuses the fuck out of her meds
Also Aly: "my mean psychiatrist gave me weak drugs"
And every psych I've ever seen does monthly appointments why is she whining about that
No. 887449
>>887431She's so annoying. Maybe try behavioral techniques to manage anxiety alongside the meds instead of being a pillfiend all the time?
Also, are anxiety meds like depression meds, where you have to wait a month to truly see how they affect you?
No. 887513
>>887479That screams "ew but it's hard and I don't want to" to me
Like tough shit, it's gonna be hard, put in the work and stop wasting your parents' money
No. 887620
>>887616I didn’t wanna sage at that time thank you. Anyway reason being I know about that was because I study nursing okay don’t hate on me I’m just sharing what shit I know, okay?
Anyway hope everyone has a good night.
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Yum. So nourishing..
No. 887997
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Does she still photoshop or is this real?
No. 888024
>>887997at the very least she turned up the contrast so her bones are more visible.
a lot of people on here insist that she shoops her whole body but i’m pretty sure she is really that thin, i mean she posted a video body check that you can find a few threads back
No. 888106
>>888047>>888048>>888040Shoo, May.
>>887997I'll never believe this isn't someone making these images. That's not even the colour of human skin annd the shade and contrasts are way too harsh. Where are her veins? Even Ashley wouldn't lool like this. It's getting really pathetic.
No. 888108
>>888104Ig are really a bunch of shits. Idk if it's been the same in other countries, but a couple of weeks ago this thing about ig deleting anything about suicide/self harm IMMEDITELY was all over the news.
That paedo was reported, they didn't take his account down even though it's a blatant ToS not to have sex offenders. Instead reported the posts about starving himself to death/not eating for 10 days AND THEY DELETED THE ACCOUNT! So, it's okay to be a paedo yet not to do the ED thing, but "Kelsey" and others can post this ridiculous shit and they get to stay.
I know people like Ash and that Emily skeleton are sick but really, no they shouldn't post their shit all over instagram. Shouldn't disabled people be able to post deformities? Of course they should, but these skeles could do something about their condition instead of humble brag.
No. 888304
>>883771I realize this is old news but my eyes just rolled so far back into my head I can't stop myself from responding… jfc this is dramatic- anyone can recover. Some slower than others, and some have to bust their ass and some have it easier. If she's someone that needs more time and needs to bust her ass and doesn't feel like doing either of those things, more power to her, her life, but spending that time insetad circle jerking about how EDNOS is basically brain damage is the dumbest thing I've ever heard
How old are these people?? Like good god, let's not lay down and die on the internet before we can legally rent a car
No. 888323
>>887997I thought this question was tongue-in-cheek but I guess not… this is not real. As other people wrote, there are no organs. There would also be a disgusting amount of tendons and veins running everywhere.
>>888099Yeah, if this is a legit 17-year-old who is going to(/on leave from) high school and actually looks like this and isn't in intensive treatment, the school would get CPS involved on her behalf because that's literally child neglect
No. 888349
File: 1572782274027.jpeg (240.81 KB, 750x1025, 45CE465F-C9BD-4017-8599-03478D…)

>>888343I agree especially in photos like this the proportions just aren’t real. Even if she was emaciated her body wouldn’t look like that, under all the sucking in and popping her bones out there’s just a terribly photoshopped normal body.
No. 888358
File: 1572786691147.png (1.18 MB, 640x1136, C12F1B80-86B0-4799-BC06-6EC6B0…)

Even if ghost did get the job she wouldn’t make it through the first shift, get triggered by the food, then ‘relapse’.
She’s a cocky twat with a smug smirk.
Her mpa user is ‘ganja gremlin’, although since she now has insta anachans following her the account isn’t used for attention much anymore.
No. 888414
>>888349>>888343She can't photoshop veins in though! That wouldn't look ~glamorous~
The dead giveaway is that her face always looks full. Also, her neck is thicker than her thigh. Those ribs are ridiculous.
No. 888482
>>888469People are just going to talk about you even more now…
If you really wanted people to stop talking about you then you would have made your social private and only accepted requests from family members or close friends and not air your private life to strangers online.
Just confess it that you enjoy the attention.
No. 888506
>>888491This is exactly what's happening. She posts about herself and gets butthurt when nobody takes any interest.
No one WANTS to talk about you. You're boring. Idk if you're trying to out anons by getting them to follow or DM on insta, but really nobody cares.
Lol, there's nothing to say about you. I'm sure there are forums you can discuss being thin or w/e with. Don't bother us.
No. 888761
File: 1572889408796.jpg (130.84 KB, 640x879, 75242077_704095000000102_89062…)

Kelsey's back looking about 8 feet tall with those thighs
No. 888850
>>888836No indents either from her "sitting" on it.
Seems like she's being really careful with who she accepts now too. I do wonder if anyone is legit buying this crap though, what are the comments like on her account?
No. 888862
>>888850Lots of 'you're so tiny please get help' and her responding with 'I'm okay'. Its been said before that she'll delete and block anyone who calls out inconsistencies but there's one comment on a post that said 'Don't you live with your parents?' that she never deleted or answered
On her previous accounts the comments would pile in but she never responded to them. Its interesting that she responds to almost every single one now
No. 888877
>>888659’s Kelsey’s video bodycheck for the anons that insist that her whole entire body is photoshopped.
I still think there’s some light shooping going on, at the very least she’s turning up the contrast so her bones are more pronounced.
I do have a hard time believing she’s in high school though. Unless she’s being homeschooled by the world’s most neglectful parents, her school would get involved and she’d get 51/50’d without a doubt.
No. 888915
File: 1572900841391.jpg (420.86 KB, 720x1132, 20191104_155407.jpg)

No. 888926
File: 1572901727350.jpg (419.1 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191104-160840_Ins…)

No. 888943
File: 1572904729199.jpeg (176.23 KB, 828x1147, E9D64BD8-F8D7-4023-89E5-B9A2A1…)

Is she still in hospital or….? Also, how does she have endless money for coffee and clothes? She doesn’t seem to come from a rich family, so I don’t get it. Also, someone called her the “cutest little bean” in a comment on her recent post and I almost gagged. Don’t encourage her people!
No. 888970
File: 1572907725967.jpg (36.95 KB, 700x593, 3c0e7d5287967222604f9a8702d454…)

>>888877Okay, I won't say "nice try", even though I'm aware "Kelsey" blatantly self posts.
The stomach always looks so flat and ribs so extended because she's obviously done the vacuum stomach yoga exercise. It's a standard pose for bodybuilders and wanarexics. There are workouts to achieve it on youtube and I think at one point there was a 30 day vacuum challenge.
Img, not an ana chan.
No. 888986
File: 1572909811074.jpg (564.17 KB, 1071x1836, 20191105_092334.jpg)

Guess who has reappeared looking healthier
No. 888997
File: 1572910730653.png (1.2 MB, 1335x533, anafaces.png)

Adding to the Kelsey debate, I just made this quickie collage. At the weight she claims she is, her FACE isn't at all ravaged by ana. Not even slightly. Again, it seems whoever makes these pics wants to keep her looking prettier than genuine skele people. No veins, no tendons, not even cheekbones or sunken eyes.
Notice Aly on there. She wasn't even claiming to be a twig like Kelsey yet her face looked horrendous.
No. 889035
File: 1572916804367.jpg (14.9 KB, 244x242, nope.JPG)

>>889029nta, but I do not call these big cheeks or a healthy face. Note her teeth sticking further out than when she was previously at a good weight.
No. 889056
File: 1572918567830.jpeg (287.1 KB, 750x732, ECD54DB4-B15E-477B-B2C5-056FC7…)

>>889035her face did eventually slim down but for awhile her cheeks were definitely there
No. 889068
File: 1572919405662.jpg (62.56 KB, 491x344, chocolate avocado.JPG)

Laura has no physical signs of being an anorexic who exists on water. None. Eugenia is irrelevant. There could also be reasons why EC's face was looking full/puffy/swollen. We don't know what her illness is/was, so…
The point is Laura is playing at eating disorder.
You think someone who's only been drinking Starbucks for weeks (apparently) could manage img? Lol. It'd be great if it was that simple.
No. 889077
>>889068Yeah, sorry to make this about Eugenia, I just get butthurt when people insinuate that being anorexic means you have to have a sunken-in face. Salt and even sugar can make your face retain a lot more water, and bulimics usually have more swollen faces.
Anyway, Laura is definitely trying to seem far worse than she is.
You know, broadcasting your supposed eating disorder online has never made sense to me.
Sorry to bring Eugenia up again, but this time it's more relevant. Anorexics almost never want people to know they're anorexic. They want to keep people concerned and guessing and on their toes. And of course they want to be seen as ~naturally~ skinny while still receiving tons of concern.
I am immediately extremely suspicious of anyone who's really open about anorexia while not in recovery or making no attempts to recover, really. It's like none of these wannarexic cows have any brains.
Even the "actually" anorexic ones seem like they became anorexic with attention in mind more than weight loss or control.
Laura acts almost exactly how the 2012 pro ana community on tumblr acted, it's so transparent and disgusting.
No. 889134
>>889125You're making no sense and if you think
>>889068 is a self post, you're paranoid or stoned?
No. 889136
File: 1572925204491.jpg (2.03 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20191105_113612542.jpg)

Was having a lurk on vk and came across two picture of K
Similar positions, similar bralette but you can see how edited and contrasted the bottom pic is
Theres no doubt the real K is probably spoop but she or someone else is ramping them up. Im not sure why? Shock value? Or an obsessed vk creating their own version of her? Who knows
No. 889205
>>889142Maybe in countries where it's pay as you go, families run out of funds. In the UK, the NHS funding is so bad there isn't very good aftercare.
I was going to say that once they'd had the patient gained to a safe weight then they let them go for outpatient therapy, but with K, if she's real, fuck knows what the deal is.
If you've browsed vk, you might've noticed Quarantine_13 (no, I'm not her!). She's pretty much an nth away from Ash tier. I can't find any info about her (and don't want to follow her twitter), but I do know that if people with EDs and they're adult fail to attend appointments they get discharged and then just patched up when they flake out with physical symptoms.
No. 889323
File: 1572969694125.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1242x1757, 6BE1FA5C-B994-49D9-8424-116DB6…)

(i’m not too sure how to use this forum still so i apologise if i’m doing this wrong or if this is nitpicky - i will delete it if so)
nourisht0flourish posted this last night, look at the background and specifically the MUG. everything is sticky(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 889442
File: 1572992241442.jpg (643.26 KB, 1076x1913, 20191105_231508.jpg)

I don't understand why she's eating at McDonalds and stuff and trying to keep it down like come on why McDonalds… Doesn't this trigger a b/p for her?
No. 889473
>>889409If you want to post, put the word "sage" (without speech marks) in the place next to where it says email. That's all you have to do. No name, no subject.
Rules are basically what not to do and the main one is not to namefag, ie don't out any name in the Name field. It'll automatically come up with Anonymous. Also ALWAYS sage unless you're posting something pretty interesting and milky because if you don't it'll bump the entire thread to the top of page one and that's a pisser.
Anons being pissy about new anon, cut her some slack. We need new farmers and we were all new once.
>>889442Choke on your burger.
As for
>>889323 it's not even the stickiness of jars and stuff that grosses me out. Not even the rainbow puke concoctions. It's how she uses her clothes to rest her plate on.
No. 889508
File: 1573001489743.jpg (558.34 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20191106-004904_Ins…)

How the actual fuck does she think this is an inspiring pic to post? It's gross!
No. 889560
>>889536Once every couple of months she sticks them in her bath and has a good soak with them. Probably finds a lot more dishes and packets of goop when she does her biennial changing of the bed sheets.
How many forks is she sleeping on on any given night?
No. 889769
File: 1573054602940.jpg (343.65 KB, 720x1124, 20191106_153642.jpg)

No. 889905
>>889904Yes. She purges everything and everything she owns is stained with vomit, dirt and month old food. This isn’t speculation, it’s pretty much fact.
Now, learn to sage you newfaggy piece of shit before we get autosaged. This thread is fucking shameful lately.
No. 889906
>>889904You're not the only one. I've mentioned how I suspect she keeps her food in carrier bags and boxes in her room. Even the stuff that's supposed to be kept in the fridge. Even if you take a snack into your bedroom, would you take a plastic bag full of the ingredients in there with you? She must have one hell of a food stash. It'd also explain why her jam jars are so sticky. She doesn't use a dishcloth to wipe it when she's used the jam.
When I followed her I remember she used to have fairly healthy stuff. A lot of sarnies on a plate all neatly laid out (hairs included though). Now she's eating pure junk. If I loved near her I'd have to watch out for her. She's almost as fascinating as Aly was when she went to places with Ma C.
No. 889925
File: 1573083100648.png (10.47 MB, 1242x2208, D3830A61-B84A-4286-BE3D-F70D9C…)

She is back with the nasty minion mug. How does a grown person eat that much candy? Almost every dish (I can't can't call it food) she post has candy, gummies, or chocolate.
No. 889931
File: 1573084976090.jpg (395.95 KB, 1200x803, childrens-party.jpg)

>>889925All that's making my teeth hurt. She really is turning into a total sugar consumer. Lol at the nuts and plum for health benefits.
That looks like it's from a kid's party and they've grabbed a bit of everything from the table (at a skanky house).
No. 889973
File: 1573090346153.jpeg (163.25 KB, 1440x1439, DEC95F57-0DBE-49BB-8364-BC4771…)

An older pic from nourisht0flourish. No wonder she used to stick her food out the window to get a nice background for her pic, her room is a cesspool of junk food and purge fluid. Note the the filthiness of the bowl
No. 889975
File: 1573090482879.jpeg (231.06 KB, 1440x1440, 0A3F5334-6754-446F-B447-9A918F…)

Also an old pic. But posting to show all the food on plates and disgusting,open food packages in her room. Does she just let muffin/breads sit out on plates in her room? She was probably mid binge and for some reason had to take this pic of her “meal” to show what a recovery warrior she is. Why not just be open about the bulimia? Plenty of people have accounts where they share there binges
No. 890028
>>889975Look at how dirty the yogurt lid is. My guess is she had it in her room not a fridge. And right whats with the muffins there still in the silicon mold.
>>889989 >>889977I swear that she just uses it and puts it back in the tub of nastiness.
No. 890030
>>889975I'll be honest, I almost wanna ask that her shit be put behind a spoiler tag bc I'm sick of seeing her filth
I can't imagine how anyone can live like that, let alone be so proud as to post it online
No. 890068
>>889906She actually stated one time that those meals full of fake sugar and zero cals was part of a meal plan a dietician/nutritionist gave her. What kind of whack job professional would ok that? I call bs
When she binges, she doesnt wipe/clean her hands as she goes so she gets all that sticky syrupy crap over everything. Her fingers in her story posts were so nasty. I had to stop following her cause it all just grossed me out too much
Sage for blog
No. 890099
File: 1573119739370.jpg (432.06 KB, 1091x1221, fcfdd02c-d80f-403b-a9ae-9dbe00…)

>>890068Her hands - jesus yes the yellow fingers massively gross me out. I have never seen a full photo of her but the hands make me never want to.
No. 890108
File: 1573124107984.jpeg (698.17 KB, 1242x1308, 8304EE42-A411-4F06-B1D1-FA70DC…)

i swear to god if becky gets one more feature in something for being a pathetic self pitying waste of space i’m gonna lose it. she’s not seeking help, doesn’t seem to want to, has nothing inspiring or interesting to say, WHY is she always being given platforms to seek attention and play the victim?
No. 890109
>>890068Wasn't her meal plan posted here recently? (All these ana chans run into one). I think it was her because I remember she had to have full fat yogurt but she has fat free Muller.
I don't get how she chooses 10 cal jelly over sugar jelly. I mean, cutting down on sugar is good, but she has gummies and sugar, sugar, sugar but then sugar free things. It makes no sense.
>>890108Because she never addresses anorexia, only in passing. For her it's BPD she wants to bang on about which, while
valid, isn't going to kill her like her anorexia is.
I looked at that article online and had to stop reading because of her bullshit.
No. 890110
File: 1573126005604.jpg (89.12 KB, 519x503, Capture.JPG)

Also going to mention killjoy Becky and how she doesn't want people to celebrate Bonfire Night because fireworks make her cry. Loud bangs PTSD because of her time in 'Nam.
No. 890132
File: 1573130360227.webm (14.21 MB, 720x1440, 2019_11_06_20_03_43_3.webm)
almost forgot to share Aly's "classically-trained opera singer" pipes
And I'm not a singer so maybe I'm way off base, but she sounds super nasal and flat to my ear
No. 890138
File: 1573131973408.jpg (368.13 KB, 596x1424, 20191107_230420.jpg)

Kek that's all you do shay. You make your medical issues known to everyone because you attention seek. Whats the point of half these pictures? Imagine getting someone to take photos of you in hospital and then taking pics of a routine cannula thinking its a big deal. BPD much
No. 890149
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No. 890157
>>890149>I won't go into the ins and outs of what's been going on with my intake>teehee refeeding plan xGod, all instagram anachans are fucking unbearable. What a load of shite. She has complete insight and still refuses to make steps to improve her mental health.
Grow the fuck up Laura, and actually contribute to society, instead of being a drain on the already incredibly precious and abused resource that is the NHS. And no, you don't deserve the encouragement or support from anyone online. All you do is broadcast your self-harm and disordered behaviours to vulnerable people.
No. 890164
File: 1573142243001.png (Spoiler Image,9.41 MB, 1242x2208, 09EA4583-65DA-47EF-A0FA-838638…)

My eyes only go to the mound of what looks like literal shit that’s between the minions eyes on that mug, sometimes I wish Instagram would censor her photos for her
No. 890170
>>890108Disappointing. Out of all the deserving people they could have given a platform to they choose this absolute melt.
>>890149>refeeding>lack of nutritionOkay, Laura.
No. 890181
File: 1573144265164.jpg (357.87 KB, 1436x1652, hhhhh.jpg)

I present to you anons another specimen from mypancakeaddiction:
> "cripplepunk"
> DID because of course
> pushing 200lbs
> "severely anorexic"
> "doesn't know how to restrict to lose weight so severely"
this place is wild
No. 890186
>>890181CRIPPLE punk. How bout if you're not part of the punk rock community, you can't use that label? These fuckin people.
Sage for angry punk rocker.
No. 890187
>>890110>"violent, self destructive, angry">"totally out of character"Really? Add spoiled, self pitying and petulant to the list and that perfectly encapsulates Becky's 'typical' character. Every day there's another thing, another meltdown, another tantrum despite being handed everything on a plate. She
should be ashamed, just not for the reasons she thinks.
No. 890188
>>890181Oops, this MPD-er forgot to say "we" instead of "I".
Why the fuck has she given measurements with no bra??
No. 890190
File: 1573144951797.jpg (35.9 KB, 528x607, not much then.JPG)

This is Becky's Christmas gift wants list. Being such a ~mental health advocate~ you'd expect at least a "£5 donation to [mental health charity]" mention, but this is Becky, of course.
No. 890195
>>890190>not the new (cheaper) liteShe is truly insufferable.
I wonder how much of this crap she actually ends up with considering the ~poverty~ her and mummy live in.
……kidding. We all know she'll get that switch.
No. 890196
File: 1573145641848.jpg (24.95 KB, 299x576, Capture.JPG)

>>890195Such poverty she's joined the ana fave Starbuck's club.
Why do they all drink expensive coffees? Even those sachet's Nourish2 gets are £2.49 each. Bitches need to discover Alcafe's flavoured coffee. Only £1.99 a jar and bootiful.
No. 890239
>>890231Oh absolutely.
The list makes me wonder what Jackie's getting for xmas. More "arts" ? Another salon visit Booboo can make all about herself? An epic meltdown after finding out the laptop's refurbished instead of brand new?
Place your bets.
No. 890275
File: 1573154460568.jpeg (284.54 KB, 828x637, 62079913-4CEB-4CFF-ACD6-8B0510…)

Omg surprise of the century: E hasn’t been going “all in” per her last video but she’s REALLY gonna do it now! Because she’s really fed up now. She also confirms that she hasn’t gained weight in months and that she’s still “really really really underweight, even if she’s not her illest” (clearly wanting people to comment that she’s still skinny enough to justify eating). Gotta love that REAL RECOVERY, eh?
No. 890305
>>890275She looks ike she gained though. The truth is she's been lying how much she's eating.
This pic reminds me of the Brady Bunch parody films. Her 70s hairstyle, the 70s brick fireplace, the orange, brown and mustard. I don't think it's even intentionally "retro".
I can't watch her videos because repetition. Idk how anyone has the patience with her anymore.
No. 890325
File: 1573159944101.jpg (74.67 KB, 673x271, defopunk.JPG)

>>890320Noo, don't make this thread like the alt one where they discuss goff in minute details.
The kid who's playing DID ana chan is making stuff up. She doesn't think about anything deeply. She probably thinks "punk" makes her sound anarchic or w/e. Take it with a grain of salt. I think punk also is a slang word for a rent boy in the US decades ago, so let her get on with making up labels. It won't catch on. There's already a "criplife" hashtag.
No. 890335
>>890334I'm not an idiot. I'm the same age as her mother. My flat does not look like a 70s throwback. Her parents were born in 1969-ish. This look was popular in the early-late 1970s.
No. 890347
File: 1573163230704.jpeg (208.45 KB, 733x1059, 452A840E-E601-4ACF-8191-AE3AD4…)

Haven’t mentioned this one in a while. Well this “ana chan” shaved her hair off for attention and still calls herself an ana despite obviously being chubby. What’s wrong with these people? She looks even more autist than before.
No. 890356
>>890347Didn't recognise her. Has she had a Britney Spears style meltdown or has she turned Buddhist?
>No camerasShe's an ex WK. Nothing much else to her tbh.
No. 890385
>>890347Chubby? Hardly.
Just seems weird not milky
No. 890401
>>890275>>890305Why am I not surprised -she said the same crap last time about REAL RECOVERY. She should just admit she needs help and go IP again and get properly therapy ( as in elations- mental not the retail kind).
She needs to stop lying to herself and others. There is only so many times she can keep talking about ‘trying my hardest’ and lying to everyone.
No. 890450
File: 1573177212486.jpeg (538.59 KB, 828x1142, 82B34777-EF79-4482-92DC-2E810B…)

I think this chick was maybe talked about awhile ago. She’s supposedly going to be a lawyer and deletes most comments where someone tries to call her on her shit. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to follow her ED account for quite some time, but it was quite milky. Does anyone else still follow her/have more info?
No. 890534
File: 1573196109443.png (864.45 KB, 1080x1891, Screenshot_20191108-053839.png)

>>890108Her bulimia is showing in that pic.
can't imagine why a mental health magazine would feature edited photos and narcissistic IG of someone so sick and so thirsty for attention. I fucking hate the world for their glorification of anorexia and mental illness. Becky loves nothing more than to be in the spotlight, holding her bony hand out for some free Molton Brown.
No. 890535
>>890534double post, but…
"give up my arts" lol how passive-aggressive.
Why does she sell the worst things she makes? Her drawings are pure cheese but there is talent there. But she sells the misshapen lumps of clay, the hedgehog with a boner, enters that severed head with flowers on it in a competition. I don't get it.
No. 890544
File: 1573199514555.jpg (103.13 KB, 720x960, 1075502_103664553344286_632869…)

>>890534Expensive taste!
>>890535It's sad to think how she could've become a decent artist if she'd bothered to recover and go to art college. She makes these twee things because she has no experience of life and she's influenced by 60 year old woman. She's never mentioned artists she likes, so once again she's only concerned with what SHE produces. Those naff puns she writes on her drawings spoils the picture imo.
Her mum posted this img four years ago. Becky's work's deteriorated since then. This is at least more imaginative than what she does now.
Not one etsy item was sold despite this talk about her ~creativity~ in the MH magazine.
Also noticed that she sells the ugliest items of clothing on depop and keeps the decent stuff for herself.
>>890543That's my neck of the woods. Wonder if she's local.
No. 890588
File: 1573210968294.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1125x1632, 0DEC36E0-329A-443B-AC1E-D39393…)

pretty sure i will regret it vomit
No. 890590
>>890164I knew it was going to be something gross but i still clicked. Whyyy
Jesus christ i wonder how long thats been accumulating? And she has so many milky drinks, itd have to reek!
No. 890597
File: 1573212624181.jpg (30.84 KB, 306x436, Capture.JPG)

I just had a look at Ashley's ig for the first time in ages. Henry Roth/Bill Bockman still leaves her comments.
This one's…interesting. No shit he's a predator, but wasn't that obvious to her in the beginning.
Yes, she has her own thread, but posting this here because he's one of the vk cows who gets off to spoops.
>>890588I've never made myself puke, but heard some bullimics say how difficult chocolate is to purge. True or false or different with everyone?
I'll pass on the chocolate mint grape slop combo, thanks though,.
No. 890604
File: 1573214732306.jpg (488.52 KB, 500x499, omnomnom.jpg)

>>890561educate yourself about muh DID anon
>tEh hOsT is severely anorexic>it´s because of the kId aLtErS who don´t understand nutrition uwu No. 890606
>>890604I was feeling all irritated about having to do grocery shopping this afternoon and THIS really gave me laugh. Ty anon.
Fake DID people really bore me in general, but this one's unintentionally funny. Damn it, I'm going to sign for an account.
Hope they let the fat kid finish his cake.
No. 890634
File: 1573223377764.png (8.56 MB, 1242x2208, 9524AC09-221D-4E9E-B7C0-372F5B…)

Lmao at Aly having another meltdown because she can’t sleep (maybe getting off the internet would help) but god damn she is so fucking dramatic. Constantly fishing for attention and for people to care so she can snap at them.
No. 890637
File: 1573223554945.png (9.65 MB, 1242x2208, 976A92EF-703E-4D96-B01B-F11A63…)

This one for good measure too. Just has to fish for people to tell her she’s not.
No. 890643
File: 1573224616156.png (2 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191108-083626.png)

>>890634Maybe go to therapy and treatment then?? Goddamn.
This one is my fave
Like she's living in an apartment with no job for months and hasn't been kicked out yet bc her parents pay for everything, not to mention she's somehow still buying overpriced juul pods, but she's sooooo down and destitute, there's nothing worse than her situation except for being a literal crackwhore, wah wah wah
It's like she's ramped up the dramatics since her BPD diagnosis or smth
No. 890647
fasts for 2 daysAlso Aly: omg why am I not super thin I will kill myself for this unfairness.
It’s so pathetic she wants to kill herself so “that’ll show her psychiatrist for not helping her when she asked for her old meds” (that she abused). She won’t reach out to her parents cause “they won’t understand” and her best friend told her he’d bring her to the psych ward if she kept having these “dark thoughts” yet no one cares about her kek
No. 890655
File: 1573228010933.jpg (724.79 KB, 1067x1898, 20191108_154609.jpg)

Laura popping back at us for saying she drinks nothing but liquid sugar. Sugar free, no cream, no drizzle is the way to go!
No. 890765
>>890732>Caramel Light Frappuccino: 100 calories>Take your choice of three sugar-free syrups: vanilla, hazelnut or caramel for great flavour without the added calories.Source: starbucks uk website
She mustn't feel cold like spoops do if she can tolerate frappes.
No. 890788
File: 1573246889147.jpg (718.95 KB, 1080x1627, Xitcjg.jpg)

Someone mentioned further up that theyd never seen N2F full body pic byt ive managed to find
No. 890790
File: 1573246947099.jpg (781.64 KB, 860x1599, Der.jpg)

Full body
No. 890793
File: 1573247487394.png (1.22 MB, 1080x1208, DADA349B-0CE4-4AD3-A9D1-9CED47…)

>>890790>>890788Fuller body (from a few threads back). Also, who the fuck take a picture like this?! Just casually stripping in the garden?
No. 890798
>>890773Thanks. That makes sense. I've seen/read bulimics who complain about chocolate and bread but that's their main binge. They're long term bulimics (that awful brebek girl binged on them). I didn't think something like that would get easier. Flourish's creations are pretty sloppy as well so I guess that helps.
>>890790More thanks. I'm nta who asked for a body shot, but I'd never seen one. This surprises me because the garden's so well kept and … clean. I wonder if her parents ever go into her room.
She's definitely not got the figure of someone who eats so much crap.
Oh wait, I remember this one
>>890793 Yeah, no way is she maintaining that with her rainbow vomit snacks.
No. 890820
>>890812Aagh, I didn't even think who was taking the picture. I really, REALLY hope it's a self timer. She thought she'd take a selfie after dumping her bags of puke in the dustbin.
That really is a weird shot though. It's not even a bikini, it's bra and knickers! In the garden! When it isn't even sunny!
Anyone know her height? She looks tall. You can tell at this point she'd been gaining because her body's all out of proportion - skinny arms and ribs but her legs look okay.
Bet she uses her hair to wipe her jars and bed clothes.
No. 890885
File: 1573256162085.jpg (47.07 KB, 330x580, sure jan.JPG)

Laura's on a refeeding programme (…) yet the hospital let her go for a dance session. Sounds legit.
No. 890995
File: 1573279680427.jpg (30.88 KB, 562x180, 20191109_051151.jpg)

Ash's bday is soon. I wonder if a post will happen saying how lonely she is and how she's not going to get anything…but would be so appreciative if anyone could send her anything just so she has Something to open on the day.
Amazon list link in profile
No. 891030
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No. 891042
>>891013Ohh. It's incredible she got through law school. She must have the energy level of a flat battery.
I hate to see comments on that personal account where everyone's saying she's beautiful. Mostly from the usual perv4spoop guys, but…
>>891037She said she saw a nutritionist last week. If her problem was not eating, they would've fixed up a ~refeeding~ plan or meal plan when she arrived. She should be discharged soon. There's no reason to keep her in. There never was tbh.
No. 891056
File: 1573316420505.jpg (374.69 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191109-161937_Ins…)

She has so much leave? The ward must know shes doesnt need to be there.
No. 891126
>>891056I can't decide what's worse - these poses where she's trying (and failing) to look like a cutesy kid, or her old pics where she's trying to look like a model.
>>891111Yeah, he got deleted! HOWEVER, I searched his name on insta and came up with this might be back.
He doesn't appear to be active on any of his other social media accounts: he put himself out of his misery.
No. 891316
File: 1573362918510.png (863.57 KB, 720x1080, Screenshot_20191110-050509~2.p…)

Maria's looking better or do i need to rub the sleep out of my eyes? Haven't seen her look this healthy (far from, but ykwim) without heavy filters.
No. 891395
File: 1573397630082.jpg (332.16 KB, 708x1048, 20191110_145223.jpg)

Laura pointing out she wears kids clothing again
No. 891399
>>891395Zara kids goes up to age 13-14 years with a waist measurement of 28 inches. But Zara’s size 10 in the women’s section has a waist measurement of 27.6 inches lol
There’s really no need to buy kids Laura. It’s pathetic
No. 891458
File: 1573405986261.png (1.04 MB, 928x1180, Screen Shot 2019-11-10 at 10.1…)

is it just me or is ganer looking particularly spoopy in her latest video? "#strongnotskinny" kek
No. 891466
File: 1573408815369.png (5.67 MB, 1242x2208, 98305BB7-4C2F-49B0-A6E7-F9C1FE…)

Biggest fucking eyeroll ever at this one.
Are you shocked, may?
No. 891468
>>891458She blocked me when I pointed out that she eats literally the exact same thing every. single. day.
Was this another video of her using the children at her family event as barbells to prove how #strongnotskinny she is? Gotta make sure she's still the centre of attention, right?
No. 891507
>>891464kek hardly. she's gained weight from her super spoopy lowest to be sure but she's still underweight and clearly afraid of gaining any weight as fat instead of muscle. hardly someone to be taking fitness and recovery advice from.
>>891468pretty much
No. 891516
>>891466Why is she mad? Did she actually think her family would want to make a nice dinner that they payed for only to hear her barf it up within a couple minutes? She’s always a
victim i swear
No. 891536
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No. 891537
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No. 891539
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No. 891733
File: 1573458000638.jpg (118.13 KB, 570x646, Mooooo.jpg)

Has meltinglikehoney been discussed? Dont tell me to lurk moat cause i do. The blue hair seems familiar. Anyway found her today and she's your typical 19yr old cow pudding photos of tubes and canulas aaaand saying how much she hates it but doesn't want to do residential. Tags the hospitals in her photos. Very dramatic every post has a TW on it. Stats on page. She even posted a video of her 'hospital box' that she brought home and…. she brought the fucking ng home with her…. aaaand is keeping it in the box
If you feel shes milk worthy i can post pictures
No. 891736
File: 1573458239515.jpg (407.58 KB, 1080x1197, Moomoo7.jpg)

Whats in the box, in the box, what's in the box today
No. 891755
File: 1573464447100.jpg (627.62 KB, 1078x1687, Cup8.jpg)

#feedingtube #ng #ngtube #nasalgastrictube #ngt
All those hashtags (and more) for a cup of chai. So necessary
No. 891791
File: 1573475436640.png (1.12 MB, 1080x1854, Screenshot_20191110-091400.png)

fucking becky
No. 891800
>>891783Underage? Shes 19
And obsessed with the tube
Read the captions dont just go through pictures
>>891784The chai tea post
No. 891820
File: 1573481673503.jpeg (343.16 KB, 1242x685, 587B20A5-8CEA-48B7-807D-7348DE…)

No. 891832
>>891817>>891819>>891820>>891829No i fucked up. Got profiles mixed up. My bad sorry
Since shes 16, how so you delete them
No. 891842
>>891832Bit late now, you have 20-30 mins to delete a post i think it was. Just learn from it i guess. But you're safe with the ages, unless you yourself are under the age of 18.
In the rules it says:
"You must be over the age of 18 to post here.
Do not make threads on subjects under the age of 16."
No. 891853
>>891842Im over 18
Lesson learnt. Be more coherent when farming
No. 891907
File: 1573498370140.jpeg (672.19 KB, 750x837, 7612FC50-6068-4C84-9354-AAFDA0…)

Realized this one’s sixteen so no longer off limits and i’ve been thinking — Laura-in-training?
No. 891939
>>891907When you're an adult and use cartoon plasters to stick on the tube. I've seen others on ig that do this. Like, so discreet.
I saw that girl's account. Apex tier medical paraphernalia fetish.
No. 892001
>>891907she certainly loves it
plays the super sick game despite partying and such before hospitalisation occurs
No. 892090
File: 1573524257034.jpg (834.46 KB, 1080x1697, 20191111_153329.jpg)

>>891903Thats who i was trying to post but fucked it up
Heres another pic of her body near shut down
No. 892138
File: 1573530941935.jpg (288.48 KB, 709x1084, Screenshot_20191111-205332_Ins…)

Gretchen.Sparkles is disturbing as hell. Who takes body check photos with their child?
No. 892141
File: 1573531555560.jpg (527.58 KB, 720x1188, 20191111_210623.jpg)

Weirded out.
No. 892150
File: 1573532591422.png (3.37 MB, 828x1792, B1838807-8A49-4589-8A49-E15054…)

The cycle continues… wonder what happened this time?
No. 892176
>>892150Monday was probably ward round and she was discharged so had a scratch to get back in.
What a fucking waste of oxygen.
No. 892182
>>892141Went through her account and nothing seems milky apart from some mirror selfies
The weirder things is you say you looked through her account and dont mention shes friends with Ash and has seen her recently and will be soon? Thats more milky
Its her personal account on public so dont post pics with the kid
When she posts pics/update about ash then come back otherwise she boring
No. 892187
File: 1573536368588.jpg (884.27 KB, 1080x1608, Pgp8c97.jpg)

No. 892190
File: 1573536534001.jpg (497.3 KB, 1080x1514, 8tc7pfpum.jpg)

And 5 hours ago … but you don't mention? Do i smell self post? Does someone want the recognition of being friends with the spoop queen?
No. 892269
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No. 892280
>>892269Shes a pro fisher that one
Im almost 'entertained' to see what is going to be her problem now. Its just a matter of time before shes munchie
No. 892293
>>892150this dumb bitch picked at her acne scabbing and smeared the blood across her face and got re-admitted AGAIN??????? this girl pulls the most pathetic stunts to keep the spotlight on her at all times.
she’s fine to go out clubbing and drink alcohol and sugary coffee drinks but GOD FORBID she leave her cozy center stage spot of illness faking.
how are the nurses and doctors at the facility she’s at not seeing the clear pattern? it seems like every time she’s close to discharge she pulls this shit.
I’m not a UKfag so I don’t know the protocol when it comes to malingerers. Could somebody elaborate?
No. 892295
>>892293samefag but I went through the threads again to see where this started. she started the face-scratching stunt around two months ago (at least the frequent scratching).
always seems to be when she posts more about going out (aka close to discharge) around every two weeks or so.
seems she’s pulled the stunt around 3-4 times now, if not more. once again, I must postulate: why have these doctors not kicked Laura out for being an obvious drug-seeker and malingerer??
she even says the same shit “I hate this I hate me” yeah Laura we get it, you love the attention and aren’t original (or are in a drug-induced haze).
No. 892341
File: 1573573025113.jpg (31.64 KB, 323x574, twat.JPG)

>>892295Going off this pic, looks like they sent her home. I've seen that fluffy bed cover in her room.
No. 892394
File: 1573578410620.jpg (45.78 KB, 662x180, 20191112_085452.jpg)

>>892147Mods dgaf anymore as long as pic related apparently, just fyi..
No. 892513
File: 1573595196649.jpeg (703.86 KB, 750x1107, D4E91E6D-C2DB-4A6F-B7E4-BE6B65…)

So this is why Laura is back in hospital, because the bestie she met in her last admission is now back too
No. 892526
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No. 892692
File: 1573620340831.png (1.26 MB, 750x1334, 86FA2308-23D6-4A91-AB22-2A5BCB…)

Yikes @ may posting on MPA BMI 14 forum
No. 892700
>>892412If you don't think shes milky then you're an anachan and you're totally WK. Shes a milky snowflake. Go look at the stories on her page. She has one specifically for inpatient where her friends posted updates from her and mentions calories and special programs she got in etc etc her profile and captions are milk enough and then theres her weird front pose so you can see her arms and legs
Go back and read or gtfo
No. 892701
File: 1573622339294.jpg (726.7 KB, 1078x1596, Ckuxkyxyoyou.jpg)

Shes literally actively redtricting while in php. That was only 4 months ago. Shes says a lot of stuff like that but puts a lol at the end
And wtf is that pose
No. 892703
File: 1573622902569.jpg (1.01 MB, 1074x1734, 7pdf7odyo.jpg)

Shes been ip for months, went php, went back ip, got into a super special program, restricted, on purpose through it all then says "I never expected this to happen" its all bullshit and butt pats
Dont blame the gun if you're the one pulling the trigger
This fucking pose
No. 892705
File: 1573623050813.jpg (576.66 KB, 1065x1315, Cupgpg074.jpg)

Who tf poses like this
Thats not a natural stance
Ok done im getting nit picky now
No. 892706
File: 1573623320034.jpg (535.88 KB, 1080x1920, Vent.jpg)

>>892412Nope def not milky
No. 892761
>>892717Laura is UK
Nourish is UK
Becky with her 'arts' is UK
No. 892775
File: 1573644550760.png (2.6 MB, 1242x2208, 893ADDA6-9CA0-4B45-82C4-55AA0E…)

there’s something about her face that is just so punchable
No. 892795
>>892775something I’ve noticed about Laura over the threads is a sharp decline in her use of makeup
she used to kind of dress her age, wear makeup, do her hair, etc (at least from what I saw long ago)
it’s such a drastic difference from the ratty, musty-looking, unkempt mess that she is now prancing around in children’s clothes with a bunch of scabs all over her face
attention is one hell of a drug
No. 892882
File: 1573666641474.jpeg (355.03 KB, 828x716, D13E4E69-E2D4-4939-BECC-01CE78…)

>>892863 Pic for context, because this is an image board.
Undoubtedly expensive indeed. And she preaches about eating these things and “treating yourself” with absolutely zero self awareness that not everybody has a rich mumsy and dadsy to cater to their every whim. She’s 20-something and has never worked a day in her life, lives at home, and does nothing but eat and go for dog walks. Yet here she is rambling on like a wisened “recovery warrior”. K.
No. 892987
File: 1573677928292.png (148.67 KB, 716x627, Screenshot_20191113-204305~2.p…)

Could she be any more pretentious about making a crochet owl.
No. 893010
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No. 893029
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No. 893036
>>893010Why do i not believe this is the end of her having these moments of ~crisis~?
Got to say this, I wish this unicorn trend would fuck off. Why do these cows all own stuffed fucking unicorns?
No. 893076
>>893059NTA. I agree she's nowhere near own thread status. Unless she becomes a whore with scabs who says she's a goth who hoards animals and was a child star in snuff films she stays in with all the other wanarexics.
BUT I do like keeping track on her. She irritates me hard and so that's a good sign of her being a cow. It's interesting to see what she does to get readmitted and it's also miraculous to see how one can go from spoopy (at angles) to a chubby faced munchie in eight weeks.
She didn't self post years ago. That was hers and Crying Emily's friend Gracie. Laura self posted her and got her friends to post not too long ago, but they were banned. We'd be stupid to believe a cow's never self posted once or twice (or more). She's not Ember level.
I like how if a potential employer searches "Laura Banks" they'll see this shit show and give the job to someone more worthy. Who wants to employ someone who suddenly wants to get out of work so keeps going in the stockroom to scratch away at their face so she'll get put in hospital.
No. 893078
File: 1573685575429.png (270.54 KB, 750x1334, 889098E6-9615-48D6-A92A-DA2AA9…)

>>892703She’s also preaching about recovering and being weigh restored on her instagram and then posting about throwing up on Twitter
No. 893092
File: 1573687014396.jpeg (1.55 MB, 1242x1396, 43FC29EA-A7C7-43DD-9898-C079D0…)

Zoom in on the filth at the top left and bottom right corner(you could include the food as filth too) If this is her bed that she’s taken the picture on I am scared, just look at the crumbs and the stain of some sort on the right. Also why on earth has she brought the almost empty soup can with her it wouldn’t surprise me if she ate the soup cold.
No. 893099
>>893092Prepare yourself, anon - that IS her bed. There are pics previously posted of her stained bed linen (stained with food). Her clothes are her tablecloth.
All the crumbs and grime in the ridge of her bed/duvet/quilt is beyond repulsive.
I wouldn't be surprised if she has a little camping stove thing in her room. Remember the barely cooked Linda McCartney sausage rolls? Could even have one of those tiny halogen heaters.
It really is getting worse.
No. 893129
>>893118Omg lyk totally. Youtubers are all sooper rich! /s
Adsense revenue for a youtuber with <100k subs and with only a fraction of those subscribers actually watching each marathon vlog is pretty negligible. She is 100% supported by mommy and daddy with maybe a couple hundred dollars a month coming from youtube (and that's being extremely optimistic). I'm guessing her videos often get demonitized also, due to mental health related content. Not exactly advertiser friendly.
Maybe learn how the internet works before you jump on here calling other people stupid. Also, learn to sage.
No. 893139
>>893129I was going to write something like this.
There's a difference between being a "youtuber" and being someone who posts videos on youtube (with Elzani being the latter). Her views count isn't good. Uploading a video of herself eating porridge isn't a job.
Sad that little kids in school way they want their career to be a YouTuber. That site's changing a LOT. Pretty sure very soon very few people are going to make an actual living off their channel.
No. 893209
File: 1573695717480.png (335.42 KB, 600x852, Screenshot_20191113-173506~2.p…)

Newfag here. Has this cow been discussed? Goes by the name Emily,posts daily NORMAL food logs but claims her "anorexia" is really bad. A supreme example of a wannarexic.
No. 893219
File: 1573696937312.jpg (732.44 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20191114-015640_Ins…)

Does anyone else follow this chick? Claims multiple chronic health problems. Has lines and feeding tubes for nutrition but can eat and drink when it suits her. They get conveniently pulled out on a regular basis. She admits to EDs in the past but then posts stuff like this and multiple body checks!
No. 893247
>>893219Someone needs to point her towards Wacky Jacquie because all them toobs can and will kill you.
She probably is more suited to the munchie thread since she's popular on r/IF right now.
No. 893350
File: 1573716930270.jpeg (246.23 KB, 1024x1024, 51DAEFA7-C9F9-4355-806F-CC8B31…)

Gained weight? Doesn’t look like it
No. 893361
>>893092I don't think this looks that bad, at least not compared to these
>>889925 >>889975
No. 893381
>>893247Thanks. I had no idea there was a munchie thread.
She has so many ED followers from before, she knows what she is doing with the pro ana posts.
She needs help asap before she goes the way of Jackie.
No. 893541
>>893076She did self-post, her screenshots of her own "friends" showed her avatar. I don't doubt a vast quantity of the posts made her about her were self-posts made by her. She self-posted months ago too, what makes you think she stopped? We give her attention and more excuses to "hurt" herself. Look at this fucking post
>>893010 1 view??? Seriously? She's so obvious and she's not entertaining enough to warrant her posting herself here.
No. 893589
File: 1573776263902.jpg (36.95 KB, 300x449, stop the war.jpg)

>>893585Nta, and couldn't care less about that particular cow (it's the one who suddenly became ~spiritual~?), but she looks fine. That's a healthy weight. I never bothered keeping a track on her so can't remember how spoopy she's been, but anyone would say she looks slim here, not skinny. Low side of healthy.
No, not her. No not ana chan.
No. 893600
File: 1573778641506.jpg (863.14 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20191114-151157_Ins…)

Her fingers are so grubby!
No. 893607
>>893600Fucking hell. I love to be disgusted. What's the pet thing? It's the plastic thing with a paw on and something "pet" written on it. Imagine if her tray was a kitty litter tray.
Yeah, her nails are black underneath.
How come these ahem recovery anas all eat sweet things? Do any suddenly go savoury and spicy? Maybe just me not having a sweet tooth, or maybe a good Indian takeaway binge would burn coming up?
Cracks me up how she uses these awful pics to promote a brand and they don't block her.
No. 893646
>>893607Oh hell yeah you don't want to purge anything spicy! Or too dense.
N2f has fake sugar stuff,then she purges it, so id say her bsl's are always off and her body craves the sugar (not armchair dx, just opinion) She used to eat nicer stuff, like salad sangas and stuff but then it became dessert-fest
No. 893647
File: 1573785991394.jpg (449.57 KB, 1071x1428, Fishyfishy.jpg)

Someones gone fishing. Like is there any more blatant attempt?
Also hi Maddy, we know you lurk
No. 893650
>>893646I mention her sometimes, but that brebek has a video where she's having a binge and eating hot, spicy Peri Peri (or is it Piri?) chicken. Must be some masochism going on there. I notice she barely chews food either which must make things difficult.
Do we know N2Fs real name? Don't mean a doxx thing, just her first name? Feels weird calling her Nourish but I do like n2f since you wrote it.
>>893647Don't know her. That's some stretching to put Laura to shame. If you gotta bust some tendons and perform gymnastics for a bone shot I think you're pretty much fine if standing up straight no bones are sticking out. Go ahead and try to be a stagosauraus though.
No. 893662
>>893657Well it aint gonna be Ash.
What tags do they usually use on ig? Usually every ana on the planet suddenly was their bff.
Had a quick look on mpa, but nada.
No. 893676
>>893607Probably because there's a lot of fake sugar options that are lower calorie, while savory stuff tends to be harder to make diet versions taste decent.
Like that "coffee" could just be black coffee with a tiny splash of some low cal milk and some fake sugar syrup so it's super low calorie but it looks like it has more.
No. 893720
>>893092good god, she popped the lid of that soup and then let it fall into the soup and lay there. see the pop-top poking up through what's left of the soup?
do you think she rinsed that lid before she popped it? she just let all that dust, bacteria, and all those germs marinate in her soup
absolute pig
No. 893753
>>893743dude technically every thing we say here is a nitpick. pointing things out is nitpicky. shut up. and the disgusting mold and hair have been mentioned a thousand times. the girl is an obvious pig. i'm just pointing out that she's next-level if she's opening cans on her bed and letting the lid sink in
normal people open cans in the kitchen, or at some table, and toss or recycle the lids. it's a worthy nitpick
No. 893757
>>893589She’s clearly still underweight.
Nobody looks that sick still when they are the low end of healthy.
No. 893787
>>893786Considering that’s the first time I’ve said anything in this entire thread, no I am not trolling.
Korey is clearly not recovering or gaining weight. She isn’t at a “low healthy” weight and that is pretty obvious. She has a long way to go to be healthy, especially if she wants to be a dietician.
No. 893796
File: 1573823955316.png (140.41 KB, 1468x484, Screen Shot 2019-11-15 at 6.19…)

finally ganer getting called out on her shit on her latest video kek
No. 893807
File: 1573825391095.png (53.85 KB, 1460x144, Screen Shot 2019-11-15 at 6.25…)

>>893796also this from another recent video "…so this bone scan is going to see if my weight training and my good nutrition has increased my bone density and whether i do actually have osteoporosis anymore…i know they say you can't reverse it but i think i said in a video a while back that i reckon that i can, i'm going to prove it wrong anyway."
shortly after she admits she's never had a menstrual period ever…not much chance of improving your bone density in that case. honestly i wouldn't care since she at least admits she knows she's still underweight and not healthy, except that she markets herself as coach and has people telling her how ~inspirational~ she is. you can also really see how unhealthy she truly still is here, look at her hair
No. 893813
>>893795Thank you
And my apologies, I know how to sage now
No. 893819
>>893787Most of the people in these threads are ana-chans that don't know what a healthy body looks like, so I wouldn't bother arguing with them.
>>893796I wonder what she deems an extreme excess? God, even eating several thousands of calories for a long period of time is healthier than whatever the fuck she's doing to her body. She'll be crippled in a few years.
No. 893825
File: 1573829242444.jpeg (473.44 KB, 750x1080, 52C2B80B-5D39-43E4-9EFF-465B87…)

No. 893846
>>893836Firstly: please sage, goddamnit.
Secondly: naw. She doesn’t eat enough for elzani to idolize her. E doesn’t aspire to be a fitness cow, she wants to be like grackle or Rebecca Leung. She wants to eat a bunch of crappy food and mysteriously stay extremely slim.
No. 893880
File: 1573839208930.jpeg (289.53 KB, 1097x1814, 136810E6-016A-4824-A0F4-57F5C3…)

Remember Bekah? She thinks she’s recovered…..suuuurre girl. Just not milking the Ed anymore going full on munch.
No. 893884
>>893871I repeat, learn to sage, don’t be a new fag.
Gym bunny is way an exaggeration. She had a couple clips of her in the gym when she was fresh outta hospital (v pathetic to watch and since deleted) and has only talked peripherally about fitness. I don’t see her having the focus or discipline to actually reach any fitness related goals because it takes too long. She’s got toddler-level brain function and patience. Sure, she might have been a swimmer pre-Ed and she might’ve mentioned wanting to run a marathon in October a year ago (kek), but it’s all about the food with that cow.
No. 894104
File: 1573865929111.jpg (716.88 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20191116-005534_Ins…)

>>893778Check out all the food packages just lying around her in the background of this pic.
Surely her parents pop their head in?
No. 894109
>>894104>Not braggingLooks like she's got a stash of bread and a tin of custard there. If that checkered black/white thing is her PJs, she's been wearing them for days and she rests those sticky bottles and hars on them.
Her parents are probably nuts. A lot of these ana parents are nuts. Italian Aly's mum was, Elzani's mum is, Becky's mum is. It's only the dads who are obviously taking no shit.
No. 894112
File: 1573866888291.jpg (42.07 KB, 340x566, bs.JPG)

Becky's doing this. Lol.
No. 894178
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No. 894182
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No. 894184
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No. 894363
File: 1573916190417.jpg (1.07 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191116-134657_Ins…)

You crave it because you drink it often and its not a fear
No. 894366
>>894363bitch, maybe drink some water instead? she’s consuming way too much sugar and is probably dehydrated af if she’s craving a 99% sugar coffee beverage.
talking about craving sugary drinks just makes you look more like a fat cow and not a delicate ana fairy no matter how much you try to pass it as a “fear food”
No. 894369
File: 1573917543671.jpg (748 KB, 1080x1601, Porgey.jpg)

No. 894370
File: 1573917603472.jpg (402.6 KB, 1080x1054, Nuggm.jpg)

Sorry, i had to fo it in 2 posts otherwise it wouldn't all fit
No. 894426
File: 1573925913094.png (1.1 MB, 828x1792, F46E5540-C967-4204-A525-46DDEC…)

Nobody fear, georgie is going to eat when she gets home! Can’t have that waif losing any more weight!
No. 894428
File: 1573926822432.gif (171.15 KB, 421x336, nomnomnom.gif)

>>894426She has an issue drinking an ana's favourite from a coffee shop but doesn't mind all the sugar in alcoholic drinks. Okay then.
Sad that so many of these people have to cling on to their fake ED to have anything halfway interesting to talk about.
No. 894433
File: 1573928198702.png (3.58 MB, 828x1792, B14C32AF-B27E-4E6E-A923-0FD922…)

>>894428It’s a very read ED, just not the one she’s claiming. Maybe not even an eating disorder actually, that could just be her body type, but definitely takes some kind of neuroticism to insist on being anachan despite…everything…
No. 894598
File: 1574027171859.png (3.13 MB, 828x1792, 746BC542-88FD-484C-84A8-AEBBD1…)

>>894496So hungry she was nearly in tears…okay then. Wasn’t this right after a night of drinking and binge eating though?
No. 894607
>>894598"so hungry i was nearly in tears" is a next level perma-fat type thing to say. there people who are literally starving to death out there, u wont find this type of behavior from them.
normally i ignore georgia posts b/c i come here to talk wbout skellies, but that is some emotional eating embarrassment right there
No. 894671
File: 1574032749106.png (187.18 KB, 720x716, Screenshot_20191117-231023~2.p…)

>>894600Not extreme hunger, anon. The word your looking for is greed.
Img is #374 of Becky's How To Draw Attention To Yourself In Public lessons. Real Rain Man behaviour right there.
No. 894696
>>894695Imageboard. Screenshots. Context.
Private account but her Tell is boring
>Do you see Ed professionals? Only a gp No. 894862
File: 1574066033112.jpg (Spoiler Image,505.96 KB, 1080x1498, literally what.jpg)

This… This isn't what human bodies look like.
No. 894865
>>894862i'm laughing so hard right now i've been waiting for this to get posted here.
her legs look like freakin hot dogs i can't handle it
No. 894875
>>894862Omg the kelsey creation's wearing a skin hood. Big fail lol.
>>894845Georgia's a woman who makes up for any artificial sweeteners in other ways obviously. Possibly eats lard judging by her size. It's safe to say that a spoon of sugar isnt going to make any difference to her intake.
No. 894876
File: 1574070299635.png (226.18 KB, 611x437, Screenshot_20191118-094330~2.p…)

Srsly, wtfs going on here
No. 894880
>>894871>>894866Its quite easily real. Its called omphalocele. A lot of people have been born with it an go on to lead normal lives after having a skin flap surgery to cover it.
Tali has had the skin flap surgery but her liver was too big to place back inside due to her scoliosis (shes had surgery for this also) so a majority of it does sit outside her body still. It causes respiratory issues as you can imagine. She can still do things and go places. Theres a gymnast in usa Kendall someone who was born the same.
No. 894885
>>894880ok doc if her organs are somewhere else can you specify where in this photo exactly.
also while you're at it please explain the completely different carpet texture between her stick legs lmao.
No. 894886
>>894885YOU are talking about kelsey.
Everyone else is talking about Tal. Or "lilvegiebean".
More than one person is being discussed but it was made clear with people's names being used. Learn to comprehend before you comment
No. 894890
>>894862I just can't even with those legs
Theyve given up a bit here, the PS on the lower half is just comical. So many things wrong with it.
Not one blotch, wrinkle, freckle, or pore
No. 894934
File: 1574090324013.png (Spoiler Image,2 MB, 1242x2208, D04FE170-72AA-4035-8D99-72260C…)

>>894895can’t find any current pictures of her liver
No. 894941
>>894940>>894939I think the point the above anons were making is exactly that. She is unwell not milky so shouldnt have been brought up.
Someone else questioned it not being possibly hence the follow through.
No. 894955
File: 1574093698246.jpg (61.95 KB, 1127x469, dont all rush at once.JPG)

I'm feeling the same kind of revulsion I feel when I look at n2f's food. Not a good photo for selling some skin tight leggings.
She's started wearing makeup again. Some kind of Amy Winehouse thing going on. Below:
No. 894968
>>894958Can't say I've ever heard of this bizarre reaction being recommended as a coping mechanism by any therapist.
>>894960I thought the same. She's selling a Primark jumper for £7. It probably cost that new.
No. 895047
File: 1574108630764.jpg (337.16 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191116-180545_Ins…)

The fact that Laura is super short makes her bragging of wearing childrens clothing even more pathetic
No. 895092
>>895081She's changed her @ to something totally different.
Can any anon remember what it is?
No. 895136
File: 1574124150608.jpeg (282.62 KB, 750x1176, FE4F1A01-22B6-434A-96AE-6BFB70…)

Surprised no one has talked about this spoop yet. Very pro Ana her tells are full of people asking what she thinks of people using her as thinspo and what she eats and her weight. Seems like she doesn’t care who she influences
No. 895148
File: 1574125245229.png (1.74 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2019-11-19-10-58-08…)

@Sarstruggling videoing herself taking shit tons of laxatives
No. 895150
File: 1574126125174.jpg (26.48 KB, 285x511, 0.JPG)

>>895142Don't know that person. You mean she's doing a dignitas thing for anorexia? I thought you had to have a terminal physical illness for assisted suicide. Why do these people like to brag about how they're about to die (but they never do).
Okay. I just looked at her. See, she's hardly at a level where they'd kill her off. She looks healthier than people walking the streets.
No. 895155
File: 1574126527564.png (322.87 KB, 750x1334, 15632A90-3182-4EB1-974F-EAE397…)

>>895136Screens from her tell
No. 895176
File: 1574129920388.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1242x1898, F434244E-2FB4-4622-90D1-801D85…)

ahh been taking notes from laura i see
No. 895184
File: 1574130253736.jpeg (359.7 KB, 1242x1964, 0EB86D95-8F2D-4B0F-B15A-E2A8A0…)

>>895146typically the only body checks seem to be of just her arms
No. 895199
>>895184Yeah, she obv has a problem (her biggest one being wearing a red bracelet lol), but her need to flex and angle makes her generic ana. Usual feelings an ED gives a person. What I don't get about pro anas who actually do feel like shit is why they want to promote it as an alternative lifestyle.
Imagine putting forward the idea that being anorexic is something to embrace so others might be inspired to not think about recovery.
Complete with best top for maximum exposure of thinness. It's revolting.
No. 895200
>>895188I posted
>>895199 without realising she was the scoliosis girl. I really feel for her with medical issues outside of an ed, but the things I wrote above, I can't take back. Idk, she's really mentally fucked up to me and can't really be milky because she's so far gone.
No. 895290
File: 1574173916837.jpeg (385.02 KB, 1242x1963, D23A9DD1-8A80-45BE-8C2B-DF9415…)

milky or not someone cowtipped
No. 895292
File: 1574175243456.jpg (36.01 KB, 638x359, 1995.jpg)

>>895291Check who's following her/she's following. They usually add each other when there's been a tip. Either fatso or the bald twat.
Only says what's there to see anyway. Retro red bracelet lol.
No. 895297
>>895290Or she’s a self-poster, like many of the recent submission. For these attention whores, playing the
victim gets them asspats, so they’re willing to degrade themselves.
No. 895318
>>895311The skeles are drama queens. I prefer the fat wannas as well. I often wonder how many of the cows post here as farmers because they're bitchier than we are. They're two faced with each other and at least we don't pretend to care about them then call them behind their backs.
Wonder how that other fat atypical's getting on. Megan/Meghan. Good that she had the sense to make herself scarce even though she stuck herself in hospital for attention.
No. 895343
File: 1574187486140.png (1.84 MB, 1242x2208, 8BB1238A-5DEF-4379-BD24-EB93E8…)

anyone heard of @rexiacct she recently requested to follow me and i followed her looking for milk and she didn’t disappoint
harboring bags of puke and maggots in her closet
i screen recorded but forgot i couldn’t post the video
No. 895392
>>895358>>895376thankfully she didn’t film the actual clean up, that was a screen shot from the video tho
i don’t think i could have stomached her recording it she claims it was hundreds of maggots
No. 895413
File: 1574198442069.jpg (472.65 KB, 1062x1888, 20191119_221458.jpg)

Does anyone know this girl "bearcrumbs"? There was nothing milky about her at first, just bodychecks until I noticed the awfully bent closet behind her. I thought she didn't shoop her pics but when I saw this I laughed
No. 895414
File: 1574198475445.jpg (Spoiler Image,712.42 KB, 1080x1728, 20191119_221539.jpg)

Theres another pic of her
No. 895417
File: 1574198611364.jpg (443.7 KB, 1075x1718, 20191119_222232.jpg)

Wtf is this fuckery
No. 895467
File: 1574204584289.jpg (110.14 KB, 614x1136, ZomboDroid 19112019145536.jpg)

No. 895469
>>895417Just scrollin' through. This is 100% the worst shoop I've ever seen. At least TRY.
You can see how warped the closet door behind her is…the fold(?) of where the door opens at the bottom isn't there.
No. 895543
>>895185 wait, whos the euth'd girl? I scrolled back up but getting mixed up with cows
>>895306 you hit the nail on the head. While they don't mention it on ig, you can imagine them telling the Dr how theyre being victimized on an image board. Much trauma. Such vulnerable. Much head bangs.
Any reason is reason enough for them
No. 895548
File: 1574211229933.jpeg (462.1 KB, 750x804, BC3F7287-4987-4924-8548-350EE5…)

looks like laura's finally getting what she wants. Im an amerifag, is daypatient similar to iop or is it inpatient?
No. 895552
>>895548Daypatient for me (only saying that because different hospitals might provide different daycare. Not blogpostin') was being at the hospital for a certain amount of days. Usually start at 4 or 5 days a week and it's decreased when they think you're making progress.
Then you sit around and smoke til 4.30pm (not any more though lol) and there were things like woodwork, pottery, OT things (none of that now either because of funding cuts - thanks Laura et al!). You're there to be observed really.
You then go home, so not ip.
It was shit. A room full of people with differing levels of mental illness sitting/walking around talking about being ill or rambling incoherenctly.
Obviously Laura chose to stick with wherever she was because it sounds "fun". Now she gets to be off work for a year sticking her leg up in the air for ig.
No. 895580
>>895577i don't get why she's saying they don't usually do this for a crisis. She's been ip for months and only stayed a day or two recently when she was discharged and acted out to get the crisis team to hopefully get her back in hospital.
Sounds like they're sick of her shit and day care is a compromise where she's going to get attention she wants but isn't hogging the bed for sicker people. Then again, day care's usual if you've been in psych for a while, like a transition to dealing with real life again.
She's going to look stupid if she starts doing the face scratch thing. It's not going to get her put back on the ward if 99 per cent of the time she's swigging coffee and doing dances.
I'm glad she's being treated outpatient. She'll have to stay there during the hours she's told to so no socials with friends for lols.
No. 895623
File: 1574226329969.jpg (1.1 MB, 1080x1864, 20191120_150315.jpg)

Massive KEK. Literally.
No. 895642
>>895548More like php. But when they drop to fewer days/week it’s basically iop.
>>895318From what I can tell meg is out of the recovery community. Wonder how her life’s going but also think it’s better for her to be in the real world instead of a wannarexic dream
No. 895670
>>895623She's insinuating what with bloating? Is she pretending it's an ED thing?
Hope you get to fart yourself better, Georgia. Better hold off on that diet coke today.
No. 895671
File: 1574233618284.jpg (48.95 KB, 337x585, aw.JPG)

>>895670My advice would be stop being a snowflake and deal with it. Also stop presuming that you don't deserve some criticism. Now stop making sad face stories and get on with your life.
No. 895719
>>895671the only advice she needs is to get off insta and put down the fast food
>>895702girl i-
No. 895745
>>895741Eating disorders affect fat people too
just not the ones here. We skinny shame and fat shame. Stop being so ~sensitive~ about being fat.
No. 895754
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No. 895760
>>895754That makes her a plain old attention seeker then and that makes her worse. At least if she had bpd she'd have an excuse for her behaviour, but she's just an idiotic lying twat who wants to be seen as being more mental than she is.
She's like someone on a reality game show who does something outrageous so people are going to talk about her. She's obviously not underweight in those pics.
No. 895775
File: 1574272413833.jpg (27.12 KB, 309x263, 0.JPG)

Poor Becky's suffering so much financial hardship she can't afford to go for facials…oh wait
No. 895777
File: 1574272528488.jpg (343.32 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191120-175453_Ins…)

Laura said she got put on a section 3
No. 895779
>>895777Sure Jan.
If it's true then she must be happy but why say that when she said she was doing daycare?
No. 895780
>>895775Going for a facial isn’t an accomplishment, it’s a luxury many people cannot afford. She makes herself out to be the
victim in everything, and it’s disgusting. She’s just fortunate to live in a country where she gets paid to be sick, heaven forbid she’d ever have to work for anything.
No. 895817
File: 1574278948921.png (2.31 MB, 1242x2208, FC50493B-68C8-4FF4-B7EF-FAD658…)

mays trying to get ketamine treatment via gofundme
i’m pretty sure the money she spends on food to purge is enough for the first infusion
No. 895845
File: 1574281908932.png (1008.16 KB, 640x1136, 003D2836-75BB-4F55-8031-46A9A3…)

>>895817If she stopped getting her nails done, buying new clothes every week, and eating out multiple times a day then her benefits would easily cover it.
She’s said before, when she kicked her ex out, that she gets 2,000dollars a month.
If she did start this treatment she’d freak out and quit as soon as she began to gain any sort of weight so I really don’t see why anybody would donate.
The irresponsible fuck also filmed while driving, probably stoned & on klonopin too.
No. 895856
File: 1574283484462.jpeg (483.38 KB, 1242x1981, 15C38224-11CE-4A54-B62D-334A20…)

>>895845evidently you were not the only person to point that out
No. 895862
>>895856Wouldn’t it be great if we could all rush to the internet and beg every time we wanted something?
Cry me a fucking river, May. You have had so many opportunities to better yourself but have chosen to turn it down every time and cry online about how mean your therapists and doctors are even though they have literally offered you everything they can.
No. 895984
File: 1574311705274.png (9.92 MB, 1242x2208, 88F29717-A152-4521-9427-491153…)

Lmao Aly back on her bullshit, can’t even manage staying sober either and just has to brag about that.
No. 896010
>>895876None is monthly. And if it actually is financial aid it just proves she’s still in contact with her terrible evil parents who clearly support her financially. Her creepy ex bf roommate who takes pictures of her weirds me out more than anything. Fat boy watching his bulimic gf and gets off on it.
>>895671Like there isn’t a link between perfectionism and weigh. Wow Georgia you’re so special scientific studies don’t apply!
No. 896039
File: 1574337634957.jpg (762.97 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20191121-115412_Ins…)

Look at the grime on her phone!!
I see she is back at it with the skinny shit too…
No. 896160
File: 1574361600230.jpeg (420.33 KB, 828x695, BBB47967-F777-47CF-84CA-8D90F3…)

I put my time in on the last video, someone else be the hero we need to watch this video and tell us how many times she says “recovery is so fun!” And/or “I know I’m not doing my best but now I’m going to REALLY do it!”
No. 896165
File: 1574362305527.jpg (251.7 KB, 1076x1052, Screenshot_20191121-181629_Ins…)

The post she commented on is irrelevant but Becky is doing a JourneyToEmma and trying to one-up people by inserting her woes. Cue a post begging for some poor sod to buy her a washing machine?
No. 896189
File: 1574366216387.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1125x1872, E47B5985-52C8-4A2E-9B2C-CA9FAA…)

unsurprisingly she’s back in hospital, no doubt she’ll be “fighting hard” for a few day’s then discharge herself before you know it
No. 896273
File: 1574375146799.jpeg (5.32 MB, 3000x3000, CD7A5973-D750-434D-B7EE-6CAEFA…)

She just keeps on giving.
Would any sane doctor or psych give an unstable severely anorexic woman with constantly bad vitals and bloods a Vyvanse script?
Anon who said she’s drug seeking after the ketamine infusion bs hit the nail on the head.
Sage bc she’s fucking irritating
No. 896311
File: 1574379467141.jpg (707.98 KB, 1080x1207, Hbd2.jpg)

No. 896313
File: 1574379503654.jpg (251.3 KB, 1080x987, Hbd.jpg)

Ash made it another year
No. 896424
>>896313Atta girl! Big middle finger to everyone who ever expressed concern for you!
>>896311Gretchen looks sooo into this picture. She's posing like she wants to show off this gross and slightly scary oddity she happened across, not like she's hanging with an actual friend on her birthday. Eew at both of em.
No. 896437
>>896427Definitely 28.
Why she's proud to be living in her state is odd af. It's not like anyone aspires to be in her mess after wasting their youth.
No. 896519
>>896311This is disgusting. Ash looks like she's using 100% of her strength to make that expression.
She's such a shithead in general it's irking to see her pretend to be kissy and cute with a friend. Yick!
No. 896701
File: 1574471922417.jpeg (146.88 KB, 640x1008, 303C2ABF-7375-4C7C-BE7F-976636…)

Wannabe-ballerina and resident treatment-obsessed “autistic” @katbeatsanorexia landed herself back into hospital, and immediately made herself at home. Thank god she finally has time to stretch, watch TV, and do art projects, while desperately avoiding any sort of responsibility!
No. 896715
>>896707She’s been a wannabe ballerina for a long time kek
>>896701I stopped following her but holy crap she looks dramatically different, I’m guessing she abandon the anorexia and went full autism mental illness? She kind of is pulling a Laura in all sense of the word kek, gains weight, abandons AN diagnosis when there was never one to begin with, transfers life to extreme debilitating mental illness all while doing normal mundane life things and fitting in time for crafts, stretching, free time and coffee dates with friends.
>>896707 what a damn life these cows have
No. 896721
File: 1574475870453.jpg (25.13 KB, 332x570, 1.JPG)

>>896707Looks that way. Bet she owns a stuffed unicorn.
No. 896810
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No. 896811
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No. 896813
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No. 896814
>>896721Saged for nitpick but her form looks terrible
>>896813What's the bet she drew this shit herself?
No. 896844
File: 1574496371470.jpg (98.15 KB, 1010x1010, 39486237_510981762659926_37327…)

>>896814>Saged for nitpick but her form looks terribleJudging by her insta, she does ballet mainly for photo ops of herself en pointe holding a leg as high as possible even if she can't maintain turn out, straight legs and proper arm positions while doing it.
She doesn't seem particularly milky so I'm not trying to be nasty but sis needs some corrections.
No. 896889
File: 1574510435343.gif (478.96 KB, 500x300, wanas.gif)

>>896868I get why semi pro/pro ballerinas get the ana, but the ana getting into being a ballerina really is the dainty dancer thing. They usually don't look graceful (case in point
>>896844 ) and it's funny that they think a few months of classes as an adult is going to turn them into a master of the art. It's a bit of a childish thing as well, a little girl's dream of ballet.
No. 897053
File: 1574552665070.jpeg (1015.7 KB, 828x1513, 5BCD1CB9-C42A-4F9C-8377-A966FE…)

I genuinely am not sure if she’s claiming to be ashamed of “how she let things get so bad” because she thinks she’s too fat or because she thinks she’s lost too much weight. Genuinely. I feel like she’s delusional enough to think losing 10lbs over a few months is dangerous and scary.
No. 897056
>>897053ashamed about being obese, allegedly losing weight, still not happy so totally still part of the anorexia club guys.
She probably lost 5kgs of mostly water and busily preparing photos of herself sucking in to post as proof she’s like, super starving and skinny in her size 14 undies.
No. 897059
>>897053Yes it does if you stop eating junk food, focus on veggies and fruits, and do some workouts.
You’re still fat, few lbs change nothing.
No. 897060
> I lost weight and I don’t feel good> muh anorexiaBitch, I am recovered from ED and I still get dopamine kick like I’m on crack every time I lose a little weight.
You never had anything to do with anorexia in the first place, you just binge and have unhealthy lifestyle. Your problem is the problem of 90% of Americans.
No. 897066
>>897059she'll say healthy weight loss is restriction and use it to justify eating high-calorie junk "muh reactive hunger"
all these large ED-chans always excuse their weight for health issues, bonus points if they allege its from organ damage from their past "serious anorexia"
No. 897158
File: 1574577375251.jpg (561.36 KB, 1080x2100, Screenshot_20191124_135245.jpg)

Sage bc it's Georgia but this made me laugh. I'll never understand people who are her size and think they can convincingly LARP as an anachan.
No. 897165
>>897144Uk farmer really not interested in her. Nothing milky as above anon said. This is a containment thread for ana chans so doubt she'd get one of her own. All she does is eat on cam and be all autistic.
>>89715No you haven't lost a noticeable amount of weight. Don't eat the scone. Go on a regular diet because you are fat. Saying you have anorexia is different from actually being anorexic. A person your size should not be eating junk food.
No. 897177
>>897158Irresponsible for her grandparents to encourage her to gain weight.
>I feel too largesays it all. Georgia, you ARE too large.
No. 897198
>>897172Whilst I understand your point, to a degree, emaciation isn't always the end point in eating disorders. It futhers the stigma that people can't get help or won't end up dying because "they're not truely sick" if they're not pushing the 50-70 pound mark.
Did Georgia actually claim she had anorexia of any type? thought I saw a post at some point that said she only claimed to have an eating disorder? Always assumed she might fall under the binge and restrict type eating disorders (though she only see's the restriction as relapsing, and doesn't really see the full picture? Or at least that's the vibe i get from here).
No. 897213
File: 1574598400882.png (127.48 KB, 710x552, Screenshot_20191124-122347~2.p…)

>>897205Don't forget she loses her period and becomes malnourished if she hits a non obese weight.
She NEEDS that cream scone.
No. 897220
>>897206I personally doubt she has any real eating disorder. Not even binge eating disorder. I think she’s got disordered eating maybe, eats too much crappy processed food definitely, and is pretty much just plain fat like 50%+ of the population. She just likes to use the anachan narrative to escape any responsibility to do anything about it. If you want to be fat, go for it! Nobody actually
gives a fuck. But don’t pretend to have a debilitating mental illness, it makes a mockery of mental health initiatives more generally.
No. 897252
File: 1574612147992.jpeg (81.66 KB, 750x334, 53AD9923-DEEF-4929-9224-48B114…)

she honestly thinks her food looks delicious lol
No. 897257
>>897252I love that that person left that comment.
What was it? The usual rainbow puke?
No. 897298
File: 1574620825478.jpg (1.08 MB, 1080x1910, Screenshot_20191124-183954_Ins…)

The honey jar is making me gag almost as much as her lack of shame and self awareness
No. 897304
>>897144She’s not that milky - but as an English poster I do find her more interesting than the American ones- but that’s personal preference - like I have zero interest in Georgia or Ashley as cows- but some guys do.
Elzani is all about performance - limited milk ( potential when it gets to a year of Real Recovery, and when her sister comes home from uni), the stupidest/funniest /most attention seeking thing she’s done was her first vlog- like why make it? Why post it ? And why wear a top to show every run and collar bone you have ( that has an obvious answer ).
She’s just weird and sick and has zero comprehension of what real adult life is.
Any one know anything about Smorven or the twins?
No. 897350
File: 1574627867242.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1242x1381, EA13A0DB-2372-45E3-AC80-AC8F26…)

NO NO NO! It’s the mixture of sweet and savoury and it all touching that I just can’t look past. Someone needs to comment how disgusting that is. Why would you want to eat some chocolate that’s probably covered in bbq sauce(emoji)
No. 897373
File: 1574631268774.jpg (114.42 KB, 1080x527, Screenshot_20191124-213423_Tel…)

>>897304Smorven is still ip, still stagnant as ever. She posts the same "this has broken me I need to quit" accompanied with creepypasta-tier selfie every day on her story. She's went back to denying her ED. Screenshot from her tellonym to back up my claims.
No. 897386
>>897252surely they commented again? i dont follow her b/c her pics make me gag but i need her to know people can
see how gross she lives
No. 897460
File: 1574645325602.jpg (321.27 KB, 1080x1593, 5'3btw.jpg)

Maddys fishing again. She even admits shes seeking validation from her minions. And as if on cue they list numbers and hand out ass pats.
She u/l a few pics, a few she Always puts up. Then 1 or 2 that are wtf. Its cringe.
Ill post below
No. 897462
File: 1574645416803.jpg (478.38 KB, 1079x1210, Wtf.jpg)

Wtf even is this pose? I don't even know where to begin
No. 897466
File: 1574645644504.jpg (Spoiler Image,483.83 KB, 1079x1079, Canyounot.jpg)

Seems these naked mirror selfies are still a thing.
'I have anorexia and severe body issues so ill photograph myself naked and put it on the internet.'
No. 897475
File: 1574646304830.jpg (141.11 KB, 940x940, Iluvu.jpg)

Some are starting to call her out but quickly follow up with 'it's cause i love you' probably in fear theyll get blocked or what not
No. 897480
>>897474If you don't fucking know her then how can you know if she's milky? Go and see yourself or if theres so many anas doing it, bring the milk. Not all 'anorexics' do this shit, that's the fucking point. If you 'actually' have anorexia and BDD etc you do not do this. Not all ig anas do it you ignorant troll. If you do shit like this you're an anachan.
If you're such an expert, farm some milk or stfu
No. 897488
File: 1574647376540.jpg (504.03 KB, 1078x1083, Ofy pu8bpyf.jpg)

N2f- what looks nasty to you?
No. 897492
File: 1574648072279.png (Spoiler Image,1.3 MB, 1335x533, anas of ig.png)

>>897480>If you don't fucking know her then how can you know if she's milky?Vent account is private and not interested in following the idiot. Her normal account isn't milky at all @maddys.battle
>if theres so many anas doing it, bring the milkCollage img took less than 10 minutes to make. Need more proof? They're not milky, just attention validation seeking anas
> If you 'actually' have anorexia and BDD etc you do not do this.Lol
No. 897620
File: 1574686269599.jpeg (800.62 KB, 750x1116, F46F213D-67B1-4F0B-AA63-6A1AC6…)

After her dietetics elective, which was a trip to Vietnam with her class, Korey has gone on a two week solo trip to a yoga retreat where she can just eat healthy food and do yoga and walk all day with no accountability. If this is a sample meal it sounds like it’s going to go absolutely great lol.
I know she’s technically an adult but how do her parents justify encouraging (and I assume paying for) this while ignoring the probability that she comes home back where she started?
No. 897679
>>897620Pretty sure that's not all she'll be eating in 24 hours. It looks like a standard portion at a veggie/vegan cafe.
It's not like she's on one of the Buddhist retreats where they make you work all day and feed you a few bowls of rice.
My feelings about this cow are meh, but at least she's got the balls to go out and travel and not stick in a hospital or hold mummy's hand all day like so many of them. Spirituality is bs but she's bothering to learn something even if it's bs.
No. 897700
File: 1574699396795.gif (1.4 MB, 480x270, sure jan alt.gif)

>>897688They might be getting kgs and lbs mixed up.
Idk why followers have to lie so blatantly. I like those threads on mpa "guess my weight" and people reply something ridiculous, like the weight of a two year old and I'm like img. See, it's best to do what we do and call out their shit rather than give them some fake validation.
No. 897772
File: 1574711772901.jpg (372.75 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191125-195512_Ins…)

How predictable
No. 897776
File: 1574713151697.jpg (448.63 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191125-201830_Ins…)

No. 897784
File: 1574715111826.gif (1.77 MB, 280x154, ugly baby.gif)

>>897778She's incredibly coherent and high functioning with a perfect grasp of the situation for someone with a sectionworthy ~scary~ new mental illness. Who'd let someone so damaged and delicate go out on her own for the day.
Laura. You put yourself in there by being a dickhead. Starbucks and cinema was not included in this away day package.
No. 897816
>>897807It seems she was posting on her reddit account two days ago
No. 897840
File: 1574721318944.jpg (817.51 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20191126_083152_com…)

Sage for reposting, I think I fucked up the last one.
But why the fuck would anyone post this? Do these attention seeking twats have zero shame or self awareness?
No. 897963
File: 1574735236224.png (72.91 KB, 996x326, Screen Shot 2019-11-25 at 9.22…)

>>897956naw she's still alive. posted on reddit yesterday
No. 897964
File: 1574735287151.png (303.06 KB, 636x553, Screen Shot 2019-11-25 at 9.26…)

>>897963for context, this us definitely her user (u/Kycb)
No. 898008
File: 1574743698736.jpg (954.69 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20191126_144455_com…)

Up until now I've mostly given this chick a pass, she just seemed like any other struggling anorexic, but this shit is next level fuckery.
No. 898043
File: 1574759359182.jpg (682.53 KB, 1080x1673, 20191126_090313.jpg)

No wonder your family is gonna nag about your weight when the pay for your treatment OVER and OVER and everything else in your life and you leave for a few weeks and go right back to where you were. Hope her parents realise that shes never going to get better and give up on her because she doesnt WANT to get better. she loves being -im so sick and helpless uwu #dainty #junkie- shes never going to get better
No. 898138
File: 1574789855789.jpg (55.36 KB, 500x506, v.JPG)

Is this a new Kelsey? Found it on vk and notice she's wearing a new bra at last.
No. 898140
File: 1574790095258.jpg (64.61 KB, 507x476, v.JPG)

Idk how old these are because I don't follow her, but why does she look like she's levitating in this one?
One more pic to come then end of img dump.
No. 898141
>>898043I don’t think she gets better from and eating disorder because I don’t really think she has one! I kind of think she’s like Georgia in that she loves the uwu attention and label, but seeing as she shows us what she eats and also knowing what she eats in person she definitely doesn’t restrict. And she’s REALLY in love with her body. Like she doesn’t really have any ed criteria met when you think about it… they keep treating the manifestation of her attention seeking not the fact that she’s attention seeking
>>898051 that’s why she’s 26/27 and no different lol. She’s living in uwu ana land instead of addressing her desire to pretend she’s super sick for insta and not getting a job or a life. I got blocked so I appreciate the update actually but it doesn’t seem like much has changed other than her weight. And of course not in the direction she’s claiming not to nit pick but she looks heavier than the last time I saw her that’s for sure. sage for non con and thank u op for the update would appreciate more!
No. 898142
File: 1574790352175.png (Spoiler Image,726.67 KB, 1335x533, remembered to spoiler.png)

>the basin is generally two dimensional
It's google translated, but I like that description. Her basin really is two dimensional. I like how even the Russians are discussing how fake these are.
No. 898144
File: 1574790865025.jpg (Spoiler Image,393.32 KB, 1080x1486, Screenshot_20191123_013221.jpg)

>>898140They're old but these are new
No. 898145
File: 1574790946110.jpg (Spoiler Image,436.29 KB, 1080x1491, Screenshot_20191123_013240.jpg)

Part 2
No. 898159
File: 1574793182957.jpg (362.67 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191126-182750_Ins…)

No. 898286
File: 1574809972733.jpeg (Spoiler Image,256 KB, 750x1205, D7C761ED-009A-44E5-A73B-E758AA…)

Aly’s bff that she always mentions made an ed account..just as lewd as Aly.
No. 898288
File: 1574810723182.jpg (304.51 KB, 1080x1517, 20191126_232359.jpg)

"I'm not an e-begger but…."
No. 898289
File: 1574810800010.jpg (413.74 KB, 1080x1399, 20191126_232418.jpg)

I know she isn't the milkiest of cows but she is a special breed atleast. why would you share this???
No. 898312
>>898309It's been swallowed by her thigh chasm. Obviously.
In the black and white one, and lot of her colour ones, her skin looks shiny or something and it's exactly like how people on youtube do special effects make up to make someone look hollowed or distorted with tons of highlighter and bronzer.
No. 898345
>>898298Is she really claiming this as a lowest weight? She’s proving to be more and more like Georgia in thinking she’s super spoopy and sick. Who would tout an essentially healthy maybe slim body as super anachan low when she looks healthy? Big boobs an ass, round face? She doesn’t even try the normal ana posing tricks kek. Just like Georgia she doesn’t even try to have online anorexia she just takes things others said and throws it out there “I maintained” groundbreaking aly that’s probably perfectly healthy for your slim figure. She’s not emaciated or skelly at all and just like geourgia she expects “the familial commentary” that most ppl with actual Eds would probably dread or idk avoid?!
As for the threesome I don’t even believe it. She’s just trying to get attention. On live she’s shy and quiet and expresses that she’s always alone how would she randomly come out of her shell for a three some, just Bc she’s “ho ish” I doubt that too I think she projects false promiscuity to sound more interesting. To me she just seems like a lonely boring person trying find any niche community she can latch onto and get a following from for validation she doesn’t get in real life. She went from BDSM to ed, mental illness, pepper in some sexual deviance and BPD, and impulsivity.. just a salad of personalities to choose from. I’m blocked but if anyone wants to update me on this current aly zeitgeist it be much appreciated kek, sorry for ranting a big like u
>>898337 she’s not my favorite but I do have a lot of ideas about her strangeness.
No. 898380
>>898369Sorry I got blocked so I don’t know really what she’s claiming or going through I was just interested Bc she was posted again. Well avoid future bond rattling kek. Definitely not a rage boner..agreeing she’s not a favorite is hardly a
rage boner chill lol I’m more so interested in her current story kek.
No. 898439
>>898378Bragging about casual sex isn't milky. It's sad, but not really milk.
Therr are pics of her "before" on mpa and she had big tits and tbh a great figure. Seems she wanted to lose some weight she gained and liked the look of being thin. She's not spoopy, a lot of it is sucking in combined with a small frame.
It's sad her interests are teenage style promiscuity and anorexia at her age. She's nothing amazing on this thread. Even on mpa she's boring and used it to showcase her lingerie collection.
No. 898526
File: 1574872302424.jpeg (891.99 KB, 828x1719, F01CB474-A1A0-4A86-B73B-B48D80…)

Georgie Porgie fell down and a whole dramatic hospital visit with fluids and Valium ensued. Maximum OTT cowishness.
No. 898544
>>898526Ouch! That's a nasty face under that bruise.
Nah, she didnt faint. No reports of earthquakes in Aus. She probably hit her head on the kitchen cupboard door opening it too fast to get to cake.
No. 898550
File: 1574877449820.jpeg (660.98 KB, 2048x2048, 02D1ADCA-84E6-4453-A7B8-1D380B…)

>>898542Tried to capture as much of the saga as I could in one image, I’m missing a few stories but I’m sure you can piece together anything missing using your imagination.
No. 898573
>>898544Oh my gosh stop top kek award goes to you op yes lol
>>898549 and yes announced is the perfect word as if it’s some big illness deserving of a major announcement. She’s so damn dramatic and she probably doesn’t even have it if I was x kg overweight I’m sure my heart rate would be through the roof if I tried to climb some stairs too lol. It’s not pots it’s called being overweight and out of shape. Idc how many gym selfies she posts, your not fit or healthy at that size Georgie Porgie and u don’t have pots
>>898550Munchies and wanorexics always want to point out that their a tough stick, that could mean something health related or it could mean that your veins are just buried under layers of … subcutaneous fat making it hard to find. Not exactly something to humble brag about in your situation Georgia. And kek at her not wanting dextrose lol. in the story before it was a maybe on the fluids … so basically standard saline until the labs come back showing she’s fine lol but she’s worried about dextrose kek I can’t with her. If anything she needs to be cutting out some sugar. Too many crumpets or whatever at granny’s lol she is too damn much. And I’m sorry who in the fuck needs a Valium? Obviously she’s stable Bc they wouldn’t be giving her anything that’s going to lower her hr or vitals if she’s compromised. The nurses are probably annoyed af, know she’s just taking up a bed and had the doc sign off on this to keep her quiet. I mean can u imagine someone coming in the er like Georgia wincing over the possibility of getting added sugar to a bag of simple saline… I’m sure the staff were holding back laughter. What. A. joke. I feel like she does this to be taken more seriously but in the end she just looks more ott, deluded, attention seeking, and overall like a joke. Well don’t me georgy, congratulations you played yourself.
>>898550Also thank u op for sharing keep us blacklisted followers posted kek
No. 898667
>>898550Lmao so she got dehydrated, got dizzy and her blood got thick, Jesus, just drink some water and stop whining Georgia.
Is there a way to get a munchie actually treated for munhausen? Doesn’t her family see how she’s just being dramatic over the littlest shit to pretend she’s super sick ana? Why everyone enables her this behavior, she’s wasting healthcare resources. And definitely needs intense therapy for the attention seeking.
No. 898781
>>898439Too lazy to dig through MPA but curious what alys lowest was
>>898573Yeah I think the pots is a lie too. Diagnosing someone who is very clearly out of shape with a condition that is a diagnosis of exclusion is very suspicious. I doubt they’d even test her and if they did she wouldn’t shut up about how it ruins her life
No. 898842
>>898781Besides the fact that she said she got it from the past Anorexia she has no proof of or photographs from or current ed idek anymore. But how does someone who stays immersed in their Ed not have one body check or even a damn family photo or something that shows they’re anything but obese? After being prompted and poked to produce one picture by lolcow and tell and failing I could probably guarantee she was never underweight to the point where she developed pots… someone who is so willing to look sick they bang their head on something and go to the er would be totally willing to dig up thin photos but they totally don’t exist so she can’t kek. She can’t say her pots it’s from her ed now or earlier disorder lol it’s hilarious Bc someone clamoring for attention like her would have already shared the proof if it existed. Like I said she’s just overweight, out of shape, and eats garbage. Anyone’s heart would be struggling under that stress and excess fat it’s not even mean to say it’s just factual at this point georgie
>>898550Any life updates op are ww moving towards an admission see doctors suggesting refeeding for Georgia’s frail body and weak heart? Someone nourish this sick and dainty women she has a very serious case of OSFED that only allows her to eat crumpets, burgers, chips, and Diet Coke! She needs an ng tube and bed rest stat! Make sure you put dextrose in the iv sodium she’s very lacking in her intake kek. I can’t. This must be how it is when Geourgie comes for a hospital vacation. What must the staff think? Or do they not genuinely care Bc they are getting paid, surely she’s a bit annoying to them taking up a bed?
No. 898859
File: 1574958363424.png (684.68 KB, 1335x609, a.png)

>>898855I just pulled up her old posts. Not much there , but some before and afters.
Won't post much.
No. 898863
File: 1574958689010.jpg (48.93 KB, 331x589, g.JPG)

Obviously Georgia isn't sick enough to bed hog. She is free it seems.
No. 898942
>>898921idk if it's malnutrition or something else but wtf, it's so crazy how people can consume so many calories (which she must be to maintain her size) and still not get the vitamins and minerals they require.. especially when they pretend to be uWu dainty.. kinda sad.
pretty sure vegetables are her fear food and her only safe foods are chocolate and starbucks
No. 899029
File: 1574993006091.jpg (471.87 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191125-031624_Ins…)

No. 899091
File: 1575004797208.jpg (392.82 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191129-051745_Ins…)

Laura posted a boomerang of her in a hospital gown
No. 899102
File: 1575008815960.png (284.43 KB, 534x427, gotta flex on them lolcow hate…)

>>899055i normally am the anon who brings her milk. other then YET another tumblr blog deletion ( and her being oddly salty over ppl not wanting to see her gashes on her chest. she's been pretty chill. she posted another hospital paper photo something she hasnt done in a while, gotta let us know she got the anachans. as for IG she purged followers recently and privated so cant tell u anything else.
>>899073 shes in a long term program from the looks of, hope it helps her at least some unlike the last time she was in one.
No. 899118
File: 1575011901796.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.9 KB, 510x563, edgy.JPG)

>>899102She's still being an edgelord on fb
(reposted because forgot to spoiler)
No. 899159
File: 1575025317096.jpg (499.56 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191125-053938_Ins…)

No. 899161
File: 1575025739332.jpg (171.55 KB, 720x1082, Screenshot_20191129-055758_Ins…)

No. 899217
File: 1575041532630.jpg (937.61 KB, 1080x1594, Baldm.jpg)

Someone been lurkin or there's cow tipping going on
No. 899221
>>899217She's regular here, so no cow tipping is even needed with this one.
Remember she posted that story to help us find out who sent that ~private~ report on whatshername when whatshername posted it herself.
No. 899282
File: 1575051621381.png (Spoiler Image,470.39 KB, 419x564, mummy.png)

Found this on vk. It made me lol.
No. 899320
>>899159Ahh, yes, nurses just floored by the existence of eating disorders (/s)
>>899263>>899316Would love to see an updated shot of Thane, she was a hot mess- did she go to treatment? (…who’s Tina?)
No. 899327
>>899314I don't think she was on mpa. The other fatty was. Megan. Most of Georgia's ed info is posted on her Tell.
>>899320I don't think there's a recent full body shot of Bella. Only her face. I could be wrong. Fuck though, thank god for the end of the saggy dirty knickers spoopy poses.
No. 899444
>>899327she was on mpa, i remember she posted herself in a tube pics thread
not sure if she's still active though
No. 899450
File: 1575069639916.jpeg (254.83 KB, 750x1227, F6BBA22E-8049-4E3F-A7EF-45D942…)

>>899089She opened a private instagram (you have to answer questions if you try to follow lol) and hasnt really been posting on her main insta. This new one is where she posts all her personal stuff now, as well as more body check and weight photos. Her new insta is @everyonehatesellen
No. 899454
File: 1575069829906.png (Spoiler Image,291.49 KB, 613x511, sage.png)

It's been years since last time I posted something here, so I hope I remembered to sage correctly.
This one is a little interesting, but not downright too milky. Constantly deleting and creating new priv grams, although, so hard to keep track on. She posted selfies with handcuffs a few times, and had a short career in an ED facebook group, but I don't have screenshots.
No. 899511
>>899454Did she slit her fucking throat
omg, poor girl
No. 899598
File: 1575094698161.jpeg (615.82 KB, 750x1171, B1A39646-E737-4DB4-952C-E79ED8…)

>>899320This is from bella’s personal. Looks the same to me
No. 899760
File: 1575143643115.jpg (Spoiler Image,573.89 KB, 1069x1509, Screenshot_20191130_195258.jpg)

Kelsey the incredible 2D girl
No. 899761
File: 1575143707997.png (829.13 KB, 1166x682, Screen Shot 2019-11-30 at 12.5…)

anyone else follow sarah.ed.struggling.alot? completely normal weight but claims to have anorexia and posts constantly about struggling to eat, body checks of herself looking completely normal w/ trigger warnings, has a tube and currently IP, and does the same attention seeking face scratching bs as laura. like yeah you can have an ed at a normal weight but she's clearly not in any danger of wasting away so she should really tone down the drama a little kek
No. 899762
>>899760Is she using the wall colour to blob on the fingernails? One thing I've noticed is her navel looks different in different pictures.
Honestly don't think her knees would support her if she posed like that if she was really skeletal.
No. 899769
File: 1575144387026.gif (4.56 MB, 330x186, wtf.gif)

>>899763I realised I'd just been looking open mouthed at the Kelsey pic and I'm all like…
If this really is a person, is she going to do this for years without ever getting ill or losing more or gaining some? What is point? She confuses me.
>>899765is it because it says no page
No. 899881
File: 1575163320954.jpg (392.82 KB, 720x1067, 20191201_011734.jpg)

>>899878they started going out at the end of June ://
(://) No. 900167
>>>/snow/900161new thread
(haven't made one before, hopefully I haven't fucked up)
No. 905529
File: 1576329583113.jpeg (73.91 KB, 720x492, USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-ima…)

Elzanis new thumbnail is for pure shock value