File: 1507025354982.png (904.09 KB, 936x598, sg2.PNG.e92793dde53554ba3718f2…)

No. 397000
Instagram famous. She had one of her photos reposted by Tyra Banks because of her freckles.
>Started a fundraiser so she could fly to London and get her photo taken by Brock Elbanks. When she got criticized for starting a fundraiser for such a petty reason, delete all evidence and now acts like it never happened.>Had some drama with a tattoo artist because she ripped of his Zelda design and refused to admit that she ripped it off. Eventually she deleted the photo and hasn't talked about the tattoo ever since.>Keeps complaining how people used to "bully" her because of her freckles and how drawn on freckles are not okay because they weren't born with them.>Just makes up a bunch of stupid lies all the time like how she speaks Japanese or pic related.Links: No. 397002
File: 1507025480500.jpg (26.1 KB, 566x177, 1477579405001.jpg)

No. 397003
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No. 397004
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No. 397005
File: 1507025642511.jpg (99.36 KB, 520x500, IMG_507.jpg)

(This is pretty petty, but I just had to add her lip injections)
No. 397007
File: 1507025759445.jpg (77.18 KB, 790x572, jnijiji.JPG)

The start of the Tattoo drama
No. 397009
Old, expired link to the fundraiser: someone has caps, please share
No. 397030
File: 1507030186179.jpg (13.57 KB, 150x246, niggaquitplayin.jpg)

>>397000>Keeps complaining how people used to "bully" her because of her freckles and how drawn on freckles are not okay because they weren't born with them.>weren't born with themis-she-serious.mp3
No. 397031
>>397000So drawing on freckles when you don't have them is appropriation now? Thiiis bitch.
Her lips are straight up baboon's ass territory.
No. 397044
>>397002>>397031Younger girls with freckles are less likely to have to go through that experience now that freckles are seen as desirable, not to mention she wouldn't be instagram famous or modelling if they weren't seen as beautiful and unique.
I think she realises that if everyone drew on freckles she wouldn't be special anymore and she'd just be your run of the mill instagram hoe with huge eyebrows and anus lips.
No. 397075
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Her hair looks so crispy
No. 397096
File: 1507046976084.png (262.86 KB, 1092x714, 22215182_1465976450137549_3560…)

>>397075anon, no. Her hair is sooo strong and very thick. And clearly she bleached it very subtly, straight up to silver
She couldn't possibly say it fried her hair. Of course it's "extremely low damage". She's like that friend who stands in fire, you ask them if they're okay and they answer oh yes, everything is amazing, god bless me and my life.
No. 397805
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No. 397946
>>397005lmao i used to get bullied~ for my big lips i should be mad @her bc she wasn't born w them
what fucking stupid logic she's the epitome of basic
No. 402567
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No. 402570
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>>402567Old pics of her lips, just to compare to
>>397075 No. 402596
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>>402570I don't really care about her, but I'm gonna drop this here
She's live on ig btw.
No. 402672
>>402567LMAO I have fillers and they last well over 6 months. I think it's fucked when girls ridicule others to the point of confessing every little artificial thing they've done to enhance their beauty (yes, I realize the hypocrisy in participating on lolcow fuck it) but acknowledging it then lying about the details is fucked. It's 2017 no one should be impressed even if your lips were real because you can just buy ones just as nice/nicer and that is actually liberating.
She wants to be such a special fucking snowflake just because something she got bullied for is trending. As if everyone didn't get bullied for something because it was unique and beautiful - that's what bullying is you dumb bitch, jealousy. Is she perpetually 13?
>>402596but damn that go up her styling is so much better ngl
No. 402681
>>397003>YOU DONT GET TO SPEAK ON BEHALF OF ANYONELol this white bitch is literally telling people what to do, effectively "speaking on behalf of POC". Ah! I love them smell of fresh hypocrisy!
So is this a lazy sjw cow and has no job? Jw. Also can OP post the thing sc of Tyra reposting.
No. 402684
>>402596Has she had a nose job too?
She looks like she fake tans a LOT.
Reminds me weirdly of Rachel dolezal.
No. 402697
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Dropped pic. But it's like Peyton tans every week to look darker and to intentionally darken her freckles to make them even MORE prominent. Along with the lip fillers, the "insta baddie" style. In comparison to the last pic on the end in
>>402596She looks like a completely different person of a different race.
Can't get the comparison out of my head bc Rachel also was a white girl with tons of freckles.
No. 404030
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She's so fucking annoying about the whole lip thing. If she would just shut up about it, no one would care anyway
No. 404032
File: 1508054325431.jpg (330.77 KB, 1077x1280, _20171015_095248.JPG)

To add insult to injury, here's another pic of her butthole lips
No. 404075
>>404032Well you can see where the surgeon went in with her nose
But other than this, is there anymore milk?
No. 406185
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No. 418864
her lips look like they must hurt so much.
>>417816 is physically uncomfortable to look at, almost like mild body horror
No. 422319
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No. 422446
File: 1510538249498.jpg (55.33 KB, 434x590, IMG_2451.JPG)

>>418492You can usually tell whether someone has had lip injections or not just by lip details. If they look very smooth, not natural lines, definitely lip injections. Pic related is Angelina Jolie, famous for having a natural pout. Her lips have the natural lines, cracks, whatever you want to call them, and don't look like balloons.