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No. 196471
This is a thread for snowflakes within the art community who exhibit snowflake behavior but not enough to have an entire thread dedicated to them. Similar to /cgl/ shit talk but without limits.
Previous artists discussed on lolcow
Sandy Kay//Skimlines
>>>/snow/106744Emily Hu//barleytea
>>>/snow/65138Soo Jung//T1mco
>>>/snow/78299Kaoru Hasegawa
>>>/snow/55067Artist featured in OP is Susan Lau/@shattered_earth Confirmed chan lurker and angrier skimlines incarnate
No. 196479
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Ashley Ann Swaby//starexorcist and sucks up to internet celebs like TaylorR, Suzy Berhow, GameGrumps, 2BF, Venus Angelic etc.
No. 196485
>>196479Oh boy, I can't wait for her to come into this thread! She definitely lurks because she posted over in Emily Hu's thread.
We followed each other on Tumblr years ago and she was pretty nice to me but once she started getting more popular she unfollowed me. Guess I wasn't helping her get famous, lol.
No. 196693
>>196689I'm pretty sure you apply all at once. What probably happened is she didn't fully read the requirements, and last minute as she was reviewing realized what they REALLY wanted in a sketchbook. She was probably all ready to send all her shit out, and then realized she failed part of the application.
If she was serious about applying she would have reviewed the requirements months prior to the deadline and had enough time to fill up the sketchbook that fulfilled the requirements.
In her mind she got accepted, even the though she didn't get in because she 'fulfilled' the requirements based on her perapective. Plus, she might have been talking up applying months prior and is to pridefull to admit she failed to get in.
No. 196719
>>196671Jesus my fucking ears, relax. Also those dirty fingernails are triggerin me.
>>196712Exactly, too many tumblr-tier pieces that they must get plenty of during the admissions process. I hear they like anatomy/figure drawings as well. Some studies and turnarounds would've helped.
No. 196748
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calarts material right here boiz
No. 196752
>>196712>thought processexactly! Does she not realize she'll have teachers who will ask her to make 50+ thumbnails for ONE project? They are trying to make sure you look at all your options before you spend time on a full piece of artwork. I've seen so many people fail classes because they were incapable of making more than one or 2 thumbnails for a piece.
i feel like these polished sketchbooks became popular because a lot of well known artists like to sell their finished sketchbooks and usually they are filled with fairly polished pieces.
No. 196782
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I just dont understand how you can fully color a picture and not see this???
Her art style reminds me of this girl i know who went to SCAD…she also complained constantly about them being shitty because they didn't like her art.
No. 196842
>>196671Honestly this girl
triggered me so bad she sounds like such a bitch and know it all.
when she said she did figure studies, she just draws in her weird tumblr style and thats it. Not actually trying to figure out the figures form and how the human body works
i really dont think shes gonna even be capable of drawing better because she never actually "sketches" and tries to learn anything
No. 196909
>>196907She posts a lot and tags her stuff with popular tags. She also does challenges like inktober.
I've noticed stuff like that matters more that talent does on social media unfortunately
No. 196927
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Anyone remember snapesnogger? She seems to be less crazy now(even sane compared to all these SJW tumblritas) No. 196934
>>196479If she didn't have such tumblr hair and wore softer makeup she'd be really cute to be honest.
Also what weird taste she has– literally all are snowflakes
No. 196943
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>>196934She tries so hard to be what people typically like she abuses filters and shoops whenever she can, kind of like suzy
No. 196950
>>196907If I can offer advice just occasionally post to famous people/groups with big fans. As soon as you get a fan base start slowly stopping fan art and do what you want
On topic I keep confusing
>>196479With linzb0t who also does the art for Suzy
No. 197057
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No. 197058
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No. 197274
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>XD haha boobies owo
okay susan
No. 197470
>>197425Did she forget the internet exists and you can learn so much online these days?
Maybe shes just mad cause she had to be told how to do it haha
No. 197491
>>197425Did she even go to an art school or did she get rejected from them all?
I find it funny that she's trying to teach people things when she hasn't mastered them herself. Does she ever pick up an anatomy book ever
No. 198545
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Man I'm kind of glad that the elections brought out the sperg in SJW artists, clear signs of crazy
No. 198797
>>198771This new wave of artists moaning about being poor and unable to make enough money from their work is agitating. Many freelancers have part time or full time jobs if they're not making enough on their art alone. Yet these kids expect to make a good living instantly from drawing and when it doesn't happen, just sit back and throw a fit.
She says "people know her as the bitchy one". With that sort of attitude, she'll get nowhere near the goal she wants to be at. Constantly moaning about pointless art shit on Youtube will not improve her career. I got halfway through and had enough, it's literally 23 minutes of self pity.
No. 198802
>>198797thats pretty much where I stopped too. When I left college my professor told me I would have to work a part time job if i wanted to freelance.
She's going to flip when she's done with school and has to start paying bills and taking care of herself.
Sage for slight blog
No. 198840
>>198771get a fucking job. lots of artists have to work for a living. lots of student artists have to work and go to school and pay bills because they live on their own.
it's not hard, people need to stop using mental illness as an excuse and a crutch. sometimes you have to power through it.
No. 198843
Sorry I'm a newfag and I ramble. Weird to see Holly being mentioned here. Since I actually like watching her stuff, thought I'd add information since I'm assuming you guys don't want to have to watch her videos to find answers.
She did make it into art school. She mentioned getting a scholarship to go to one (forgot which one tho) but she dropped out after her first year. She's doing online art school right now because it gives her more flexibility to draw her personal art and comic.
I have my grievances with her. As a fan, I wish she would get a part-time job so that she wouldn't be constantly worried about money. Yet, I can sympathize with the fact that she doesn't have enough money to buy a car, so getting a part-time job for her would mean sacrificing her art for money. (she mentioned how when she did have a part time job the commute was long and she never really had much time or energy at the end of the day to draw)
I highly doubt she will give up on doing art for a career. I believe she went to an art high school (? not sure what exactly it is but she was in a program that mainly focused on teaching kids art or something). She kind shot herself in the foot in the fact that basically as she describes it herself the only talent she ever developed was her art.
At first, I didn't really like Holly at all. I saw the CalArts video and developed a pretty poor opinion of her afterwards. I thought her art was weird and not to my liking. But, after I slowly began to watch a couple of her other talking videos, she grew on me. I would say her personality is more enjoyable in her vlogs. I mean, same strong opinions and stubbornness, but the amount of work she sets out to do in a week or in a month is actually quite commendable. She draws A LOT, more than other artists I follow (unless I'm just following the wrong artists). I would not consider her to be a lazy artist. Even if her art isn't the greatest (and it isn't tbh), I think most of her viewers find her videos to be inspiring. Like you see her get shit done and it makes you feel like you can get just as much shit done.
If you compare the artwork she did a year ago, she's improved. Still has wonky anatomy, sometimes not so great digital art (imo she uses too much of the blend tool in photoshop which cheapens the image) sometimes her stuff looks actually kinda nice. Her art is a hit or miss, but her vlogs are enjoyable. Like it's nice to have her on in the background as you draw or something, as long as you take some of her stronger opinions with a grain of salt.
Sorry for going on for so long and being a whiteknight (idk was I being one? plz tell me im curious). But if any of this information or my crappy insight gives you something interesting to say or complain about I want to hear it.
No. 198875
>>198843I hate that "working a job left me no enegry to do art" crap. I have plenty of artist friends who,like holly, have depression and anxiety who still find time to make art while working 40 hours a week. Thats what your days off are for.
I work part time and do my art when im not at work. Yes it's hard some days after I've worked all night to get up the energy, but I love what I do so I find the time to do it.
I dont think anyone would care if she wasnt bitching about it for a good 10+ minutes in that video.
I dont think shes the worst person ever or even that her arts the worst ever. I have friends who waent to SCAD who draw worse than her. But her know it all attitude on top he flawed artwork and personality make rub me the wrong way and make it hard to like her.
Shes also extremely naive, but a lot of college kids are.
No. 198881
>>198875**But her know it all attitude on top her flawed artwork and personality rub me the wrong way
Sorry on mobile!
No. 198908
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>She's doing online art school right nowOh boy, why spend all the money if you're not even going to an actual campus and meeting actual people. Scholarship or not, this was a bad move. It would have been better for her to go to a lib arts college with a good art program.
Art school is 20% about getting an 'education' and 80% networking with people. She's essentially setting herself up for failure at this point. Besides, no one in the industry is gonna give a shit about how 'good/unique' her art is if she can't even muster up the energy to attempt to not act like a bitch.
Also, if she can't handle working a part time job on top of going to school, she's in for a rude awakening if she makes it into the industry. When it comes to crunch time, your superiors and coworkers don't give a flying fuck if you're to tired to complete a task by 3 am, because hey, they are too.
No. 199005
>>198843Now i can't speak 100% on this but, I went to an art highschool and we were required to take English, history, science and math. I'm pretty sure the USA has fairly strict rules on the bare minimums that schools have to teach. There's a reason why kids can't legally drop out of school till a certian age. So while it many not have been the best ever she still probably took normal courses and knows the basics.
College is where you learn specifics on subjects anyway.And a decent portion of people don't even get jobs in their fields.
There are jobs that only require a college degree and don't care if it has anything to do with what you went to school for.
She really has no excuse unless she lives in the middle of no where…but even then i would have just said she should have gone to a non-online college and gotten out of there.
No. 199127
>>198875Now that you mention it, I have been noticing that a lot of the artists have that sort of attitude where they're set on trying to make it freelance. I'm sort of young I guess, and most of Holly's viewers appear to be like they're college students or high schoolers in the comment section. So I guess in that regard the main reason she's probably popular is that a lot of other naive kids see that they too can make it as a freelancer as long as they're able to do what she does (through youtube/tumblr/etsy).
At this point in her life, I don't think dropping online college would be a good idea. May as well get that degree. Though, I agree with the sentiment that she's missing out on meeting people because she basically never interacts with people unless it's online. Ultimately if anything, I think her lack of interaction with outside people will screw her over.
I suppose I have a soft spot for Holly or any artist that uses their depression as an excuse. It's like watching them go through the futile effort towards being like Baylee Jae and making it as a freelancer. As it stands right now, I don't think Holly has much of a support system to fall back on if she doesn't make it as an artist. I don't really follow many artists, but she's the first one where I'm legitimately concerned about her mental health. Sometimes in her videos you can see she has a bunch of scars on her forearms from cutting (she's not doing that right now, currently she's been healthy in that regard for a while)…Not sure if online "friends" can really compare to real life friends when it comes to helping someone out. Not sure if this is just an excuse, but I would imagine if you're living a life where you don't really have friends, you rarely go out, and all you have to propel you is your art then it would be pretty shitty to have your art taken away from you.
If she can improve her life I think that would be a very interesting video to watch. I feel like I'm learning artists lessons by hearing criticisms on Holly lol.
No. 199176
>>199172holy shit I didn't think she was able to mentioned on here since she's such a small artist(I know her from the ywpd days).
Yeah I felt super weird seeing that going down, she was crying about having to put her cat down and I really felt for her, but then she immediately got a new one and was bragging about it like nothing was happening??? The fuck
No. 199178
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Literally not even an hour later
No. 199182
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>>199178you missed the best part. she filled out the paperwork for the new cat while she was waiting for kooky to be put down, and then walked out with nova after kooky was dead.
No. 199186
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>>199182damn thats pretty psychotic thought not surprising since she's been known to be twofaced
pic related, she's bffs with emi now
No. 199214
>>199127I don't think Holly will make it. If the cal arts video was an indication she'll never make it as a member of the industry because she isn't willing to do the extra things/work that needs to be done, especially when it's stuff you don't want to do. 90% of the work you're gonna do to make a living is stuff you won't want to do. This is the reason successful tumblr artists who get hired by a studio go MIA for long periods of time, because they're busy working on studio work and don't have the time to do much personal work.
I think her biggest hurdle is her attitude, humbling herself will make her more approachable and less blind to the tasks that lie ahead. Making as many connections (and genuine ones, not two faced bitchy ones) will bring her more success than her art will.
No. 199617
>>199590She's always sucking up to the Rooster Teeth people. I'm pretty sure she still does art for some of them like Lindsay and probably Mica but she never seems genuine with them.
I remember her being super bitchy to people asking her questions on her tumblr. If someone asked her the same question twice she'd belittle them for not going through her FAQ or not keeping up with everything on her tumblr she posts.
No. 199645
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>>199590>>199617I'd respect her more as an artist if her motives weren't so consistently transparent.
>hey look a popular cow>oh hai ashley No. 199711
>>199649I really enjoyed HiNaBN and I thought that it was discontinued because of the company they was working with and still in a lawsuit with?
I don't know much about the artist beyond that though, still a shame it's been discontinued
No. 199712
>>198875Agreed. I have a BA in Art and I didn't get much with it because I didn't network. I struggled with anxiety and depression but you have to get it worked out to function and not use it as a crutch.
I've always worked as well. I have an art friend who can't work part time because it cuts into her con time and sales. Well, she'd make more money if she had a steady income.
It's even more difficult to work on art for a living when you have to work part time and also take care of children, for example. I barely have enough time but I still work it out to work on my commissions and work on teaching a class and what not.
You just have to get out there and do it. Too much YT and Tumblr influence makes one think they can just subsist off art sales and not bother studying fundamentals, that they find it very hard to face reality when they lack sales and skills.
No. 199713
>>199711I don't remember a lawsuit. I thought she got in trouble with her publisher because she didn't want to finish what she was contracted but I didn't think they'd sue her.
So I don't double post -
Does anyone remember HinaUchi (furry artist)? Those types are hilarious. She claimed to copyright a white and brown dog and no one else could make a character like that.
No. 199839
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Anyone have any dirt on Emmy Cicierega? I've been following her for years and I'm really sad she doesn't post art like the stuff she used to have on her dA, it's all just wacky, "funny" doodles now. I get that she's working professionally but man, I want to see some real artwork for once. She's also turned into a huge SJW and she's been so cringey this entire election.
>>199649Wait, Tessa Stone? She already abandoned her new comic? FFS, get it together. Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name had so much potential and she ruined it.
No. 199841
>>199713Never heard about them but I love reading up on furry drama
For anyone else who wants to read the ED No. 199862
>>199839If she's working in the industry she probably doesn't have the energy or inspiration for personal work. And depending on the studio shr works for (if she's not freelancing) she might not want to work on fully developed work because anything she makes while under contract would legally belong to the company.
I miss her brother though. His stuff was super funny.
No. 199897
>>199862She works for Disney, storyboarded for Gravity Falls and is working on the upcoming DuckTales reboot. But she works from home, so she doesn't even live out in California where most people in the industry live.
And yeah, Neil's stuff is legendary.
No. 200443
>>199178>>199182I'm a vet tech, and this is not uncommon. I have a feeling people who do this kind of thing are not 100% right in the head though.
It's also the worst thing for a new pet. Bringing a new animal into a strange place with a person who is very sad isn't a good way to show them they're safe there.
No. 202017
>>201848>only 806 followersunless they've done something like fuck a cumberbatch daki this sounds like your run of the mill tumblrita
If you got lulzy tweets or posts then you can cap and post though
No. 206860
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I just checked Ash's twit and
DAMN does this girl ever stop kissing famous people's asses?
No. 206942
>>206920Matt and Pat seem like nice people, it's more likely she bumrushed herself through into the group
She stayed in their house too which reminded me of that time she stayed at another friend's house and didn't pay rent for months l o l
No. 207195
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>>206920>great 5th member to the zaibatsuDisgusting
I guess ass kissing gets you pretty far
No. 207327
>>206860She's so damn obnoxious.
>>206942I want Matt and Pat to stay friends with her if they must, but seriously keep distance. I don't her fatass to become the next Cheyenne.
No. 209105
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>>209007uguubear is no different than the streamer girls she constantly shits on. She is snowflakey in the way she puts down people like jennythegirl and preaches how "shes a REAL GAMER GURL". She fucked her way years ago to get on the art scene(pic related with other resident ho emily hu), and she's fucked dudes to get where she is now.
Uguu latches onto another popular artist LilyPichu because those that take dick to get internet famous stick together for some reason.
Her art is shit and will always be shit, but there's no need to improve when people love your shit for your tits.
>nabbed a tall white guy as her boyfriend after months of him rejecting hercan you elaborate?
No. 230956
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It's so jarring to see this person spew hateful racist sjw shit but then they draw themselves as a cute uguu, what the fuck
No. 230958
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Also lol cultural appropriation
This girl is Chinese and is wearing Japanese shit, where is the racist callouts
No. 230987
>>230967so shes wearing a fake japanese piece of cultural appropriation made by an american to profit off of asians??
so progressive susan!!!
No. 232473
>>232075This is how I know you're not in the industry or that naive.
>>231858Be careful fellow industry-anon.
This will be a lot shorter if I green text most of it
>Established in the industry now thanks to mentoring
>Jobs are coming to me now thanks to networking through friends and doing well on past projects
>Younger cousin's birthday coming up and she's into lolita fashion. She struggles to buy pieces since she also uses her job money for tutoring.
>I want to give her money for brando and buy her one of her BSSB wedding reservation dresses she bookmarked
>Takes a 3rd studio job literally just for the sake of extra pocket money and so the very first paycheck I can just buy the dress so nobody else nabs it
>3 months in old art director leaves and they need to replace him.Now I've done art direction on some projects, and in all honesty I was one of the very few on the project qualified for the position. So naturally they approached me to do it, but they wanted me to basically semi-beg for the position. Now I was currently getting paid from that studio alone about 50 an hr, it was 3 months in. I had more than enough already for my cousin birthday card and I already about the dress.
So to not put it so lightly, they needed me way more than I needed them. I didn't give a shit if this project sunk or not I got what I wanted. Meanwhile the only other person who wanted to position was a recent graduate who was pleading for this position. (This project was basically his childhood dream to work with these characters).
I turned it down, I mean he never art directed. It would look good on his portfolio and to be frank I didn't think he could fuck it up. Literally over night the power went to his head. He gave me the most mundane assignments instead utilizing me, same for the other experienced and skilled artist. He had us all draw simple props.
I shit you not one day I was at the studio for 6 hrs just drawing cell phones and making 3-D models for them. While less experienced artist struggled with their work load. When the higher ups asked "what the hell is this" his response was to let him do his job. He never gave direction at all it was everyone helping each other. I'm not a cold hearted bitch, I obviously help the poor kids who didn't know how to accomplished their assignments.He started to fire a few people for arguing with him. I don't even think some where fired, i think they just left. I caught one guy having an anxiety attack because this was the most recent job he had in months and really needed the money, and was afraid he would be dropped. I assured him that wouldn't happen, we couldn't afford to lose anymore people.
The show didn't get a second season. They couldn't replace him, and you can't train anyone at that point to replace the people who worked on the previous project. This is why I stick to movies and the occasional gaming illustrations.
No. 232929
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If we're roasting shit art, might I bring up wentzscribbles on no other hellsite than dumblr? He makes this ugly art for bands like twenty one pilots.
Example here.
No. 234751
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This was mentioned in the Emily Hu thread but it's interesting so I'll repost it here
DreamWorks hired Bonka-chan as a freelance storyboard artist because a director found her NSFW fetish art blog No. 234930
>>234905I think its just luck
Emily Hu got hired because Marvel was desperate and needed people to fill the position. She didn't even need to take a test, she just walked in and got it
No. 235373
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is this one here yet? she's active mostly on twitter and Facebook. delusions of grandeur, really really bad abstract paint (acrylic on top of oil…) and horrible rap lyrics.
also constantly posting about how she is visualizing millions of dollars and big fame. obsessively tags celebrities. narcissist. blocks/removes any person who critiques, or isn't ass-kissing.
I have been following for a while just to watch the milk flow.
No. 235378
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>>235376more narcissism. it never stops. she's like an infinite source of self-overestimation
No. 235379
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shared for the tags.
I think she has a Tumblr too but it's mostly reposts.
No. 235380
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>>235379last one for good measure.
No. 235383
>>235045as an actual painter who isn't involved with fan art/derivative works, studios or graphic design, all of this crap makes me nauseous
I literally hate animation studios, design studios, big galleries. bleh
it's hard to find original works but they're out there, usually with only a few followers/fans and just keeping their head down and working, not endlessly posting about how amazing they are or jumping from dick to dick for a license to copy old cartoons.
No. 235570
>>235373>CEO at etc It's bad to armchair psychology but that's a candidate for narc or manic tendencies right there
I never know to laugh at these types or not. On one hand maybe they can't help being crazy, but on the other they don't make themselves easy to empathise with
No. 235857
>>235480no, just a random cow I thought I'd add on to the thread.
I keep my vendettas closer to the chest. those are ALL MINE
No. 237549
>>196479This girl kisses so much ass that its hilarious and I'm glad other people can see this mess too.
Her intentions are so obvious. She cuddles up to the Zaibatsu in Canada im suprised she's not trying to cuddle up to the GG group in america.
No. 239013
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to no one's surprise, the guy who draws owlturd has Bad Opinions
Dude backtracked, deleted, apologized, and then backtracked again. He's now claiming to be a victim and is being "bullied"
So far he has lost about 1.1k twitter followers, hopefully more to come
No. 239029
>>239013he's about to lose one more :)
i can't believe people are actually wondering if punching a nazi is wrong.
No. 239032
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owlturd / shenanigansen
Winner of WebToon comic contest wish I could've capped their argument but Shen deleted it Shen: "I didn't say those deleted things please forgive me"
No. 239047
>>239013Eh, honestly I don't think the post is that bad. He worded it shitily, but I get what he's saying and I agree. I think people just misinterpreted it so they can run their sjw witch hunt. He apologized and admitted his mistake anyway.
My biggest problem with shen is that he hashes out the same depressing comics. I know it's his thing, but its the same shit over and over. Same panels. Same poses. Over and over. It's a shame cause I like his style and I think he has more potential. He's pretty much a one trick pony at this point.
No. 239052
>>239047Webtoon forces him to make three comics a week
They are probably paying him peanuts and he's scrambling to make shit content
No. 255715
>>255060Has she done something lulzy recently? I checked her twitter account and it's locked now, what happened?
We discussed how shit shit talked about emi/avnp upthread and is now best friends with her, but that was ages ago.
No. 255934
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>>239385kohquette is somehow the artist for the Legend of Korea comics. Her wonky anatomy, messy lines, and generally inconsistent style just confirms the whole 'be in the right place at the right time' motto for scoring professional jobs.
No. 255936
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>>255934Fuck, I mean Korra. Thanks autocorrect.
Also an excerpt from Irene 'I'm a gay bisexual uwu' Koh's tumblr:
>i dyed my hair pink recently, and it’s been grand. apparently it makes me look gayer, which is fucking awesome. it’s been really lovely to have a supportive partner who lets me explore a side of my sexuality that i kept repressed for so long (the label for me i think is bisexual, but y’all get what i mean, yeah?). so here’s to a much gayer 2017. No. 256067
>>255936Gay bisexual? Does that make any sense? Is she trying to get those brownie points for being attracted to women?
If I remember correctly isn't Korra gay or bisexual? She probably got the job because of her being ~so gay~*
>pink hair>SO GAY!!Way enforce stereotypes lol.
No. 256220
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>>256213>stolen money Elaborate? I know she works at payless so homegirl cant be making much
No. 256221
File: 1487813540450.jpg (108.86 KB, 600x800, CjWckfmVAAEmt2o.jpg)

ichi / Sam of the mill lulzy fandom cow, has gone into hiding. Current fandoms include voltron, dmmd, and ywpd
No. 256223
File: 1487813836793.png (655.3 KB, 585x830, Untitled.png)

>>256106Lol I looked up her twitter and not only does she have a boyfriend, HE'S WHITE.
She constantly shits on white people for being ignorant and for white washing/oppressing other people but here she is ? being dicked by a white person? kohquette what???
No. 256236
File: 1487815249541.png (48.47 KB, 527x678, good ichi still a shitty scamm…)

>>256220She's run off with a lot of money from people who've ordered charms/commissions off of her and never responded or gave them their shit. Anyone who tries to contact her about it either gets ignored or a fake-ass apology saying" ohhh im sorryyyy i'll send those out" and still never sends shit out. A lot of people have been coming forward, the most recent on tumblr that I've seen is this one. Really? Over 2 fucking years just to get refunded (AND ALMOST NOT ALL THE WAY)?
No. 256253
>>256230LOL How do you get banned from katsucon???
>>256248Dudes name is Patrick Miller, Idk how more whiter that can get
No. 256273
File: 1487817813583.jpeg (52.6 KB, 627x304, image.jpeg)

>>256253He's mixed.
Stick to her wannabe gay bullshit, not this irrelevant crap
No. 256728
File: 1487890324981.png (64.92 KB, 575x450, Untitled.png)

So Ichi got removed from the AA?
I'm more inclined to think salty voltron shippers reported her vs other artist alley people.
No. 257099
File: 1487961934519.png (222.99 KB, 341x350, sonico ew.png)

>>256221I was going to be offended by how much of a fucking mess her house always is but I forgot pigs love living in filth.
No. 261933
File: 1488441149805.jpg (45.74 KB, 257x372, 1436823886599.jpg)

since this is an artist thread, omocat has delayed her kickstarter game for 3 years, looking like it's going to be 4 by the look of things
theres no way she can make this game on rpg maker and then import it to the 3ds and vita, peopple got fucking scammed inafune style
More omocat info in this thread
>>>/ot/15930 No. 262326
File: 1488497939716.png (Spoiler Image,345.2 KB, 965x924, Screenshot (10).png)

anyone know lohkay? she was a small time transformers and hannibal fanturd back on tumblr, now shes gotten into twitter and the voltron fandom and is mainly obnoxious and easy to troll…all while trying to be a troll herself (blasting the ow and yoi fandoms)…she honestly has a LOT of milk, but maybe isnt popular enuff for her own thread…
No. 262333
File: 1488498662594.png (Spoiler Image,296.14 KB, 667x1007, tumblr_oiu7l4xSuq1rnvlg6o1_128…)

her voltron mermen au………….
No. 262334
File: 1488498711536.png (Spoiler Image,356.87 KB, 695x1046, tumblr_oj2bgnUVGB1rnvlg6o3_128…)

this is a comissioned piece but good god…her anatomy pisses me off…
No. 263085
File: 1488624774706.jpg (116.41 KB, 1077x771, Screenshot_20170304-025007.jpg)

>>262516For sure, she is the epitome of one of those folks who if you critique her anatomy she gets all MY STYLE who ASKED YOU FUCKER
Her ego is through the roof and she really gets off on being an edgy contrarian, esp on her FB but more now that's she's on twits
Had many interactions with her and she is honestly not all there…and she is pretty proud of it? It's a real shame cuz her wife is a sweetheart and supportive to a fault; it's more enabling than anything else…
But hey, pic related
No. 268223
File: 1489342715845.png (202.99 KB, 586x380, wow.PNG)

Next to HC Brown I absolutely despise Baylee Jae, I can't believe people actually buy her mediocre art .
No. 268265
>>268223I thought this was petty vendetta between friends but I looked her up and wtf she has 20k+ followers? the actual fuck
No. 268272
File: 1489348982446.png (827.36 KB, 1044x591, baylee.PNG)

>>268241>>268265where have you people been
Baylee Jae is one of the most popular artists on youtube
despite being such a shitty artist
No. 268282
File: 1489349731852.png (566.25 KB, 719x530, 200.PNG)

>>268277tell me about it
As soon as she put this up it fucking sold
No. 268708
File: 1489405908667.png (328.37 KB, 890x480, Screenshot_20170313-193947~2.p…)

>>268272>>268282>>268650Yeah, I don't know if you're one of them but I've seen farmers here post OC that's 100x nicer and better drawn than this garbage.
This is what she came up with in her 'ballpoint pen challenge' with no erasing.
I've seen sketchbook scribbles done in a couple of minutes that look better than this. It looks like something a 13-year-old kid would draw in their textbook at school.
No. 269121
File: 1489449195073.png (785 KB, 813x472, hdthr.PNG)

>>269079I wanna know who was insane enough to hire her mediocre ass
>>268650Same, makes me salty that she can afford to live comfortably and blow all her Youtube money on children's toys and Disney shit. While her psycho audience defends her art and kisses her feet.
It's baffling why so many people are subscribed to her and why.
My guess is that people like the fact that she puts out alot of content and was one of the first youtube artists so she was ahead to begin with
No. 269246
>>263085really wanted to like lohkay, especially because she's of the same opinion that people should piss off and mind their own business when it comes to art/porn they don't personally like (instead of going on call out crusades), but jesus. she's got the worst ego, and flat out admits that she's got "cards" that she can play (race card, disability, etc.). idk. she just comes across as really self-centered and bitchy for little reason. elitist, too.
I don't even mind her art all that much, I was following her on twit for a while too, but she's too much lol.
No. 269304
File: 1489476388368.png (108.42 KB, 648x496, isitthatserious.png)

Does anyone know if Baylee is sponsored by Copic? She seems to suck that company's dick a whole lot. Is she even Copic certified?
I mean, Copics are good markers but they're not some magical tool that will make your animu art good. She doesn't even really know how to use them all that well.
No. 269522
Are there any other artists or groups notable for scamming on kickstarter? In a similar vein to Omocat I found out about a game company jesuotaku/Hope Chapman is running called pangodango. They had a kickstarter three years ago for a godawful looking visual novel made with RenPy aka free VN making software so basic a ten year old could learn how to use. So after $23,000 in donations and three years they haven't done anything past the demo, stopped updating their official tumblr two years ago and every time the backers ask about why it's taking so long chapman gives them a bunch of excuses - like saying they're too sick to post about it even though they do nothing but post on the anime news network forum and upload let's plays to YouTube that nobody watches. This whole thing gives off Arkh Project vibes but seems so underwhelming it's completely under the radar.
Did I already mention how shitty it looks? Who would pay for something like this?
http://pangodango.tumblr.com No. 270065
>>270042nah, shes a shy fujo that's smart enough to keep shit to herself unlike barelytea
Though I did hear in an AA thread, at cons she's not too friendly or engaging .Not to mention she's friends with mostflogged
No. 270068
>>269304She isn't sponsored by them, she buys them herself.
She's actually writing some tutorial book. Curious to see how that's going to turn out.
No. 270069
>>270068Poorly, probably. But then again most artist who make Western How-to-draw books are shit.
Does anybody remember that one artist on tumblr who used to cosplay bleach with her obese boyfriend? The one with the shit fetish that got ran off of tumblr because of her creepy obsessions with fictional characters? I was always waiting on her to have a meltdown.
No. 270223
>>270081Smart enough to keep her mouth shut
but now that you mention it, I remember seeing on her F.A.Qs people would ask her why she couldn't spell kek
No. 273951
File: 1490059572012.jpg (122.65 KB, 900x1200, C7PrInwVoAAhVER.jpg)

Did star break up with her boyfriend or something? She's been posting a lot of selfies like this lately and l o l what even
No. 273956
File: 1490059992906.png (12.58 KB, 1217x188, Untitled.png)

>>270267lmao of course Tim is in there defending the vomit fetish, she seriously has the worst GOTIS I have seen
No. 274028
File: 1490064665791.png (47.29 KB, 604x292, lol.png)

>>274001This makes this tweet she made even better lol
>it's okay that I'M single, please reaffirm me No. 274449
File: 1490132629385.png (196.48 KB, 270x261, 1453135373986.png)

>a starfighter AND mookie bagas if her art wasn't shit enough so are her tastes
No. 282272
File: 1491068843246.png (86.13 KB, 720x585, Screenshot_2017-04-01-12-39-27…)

>>196471I know this artist already has issues, but how fucking rude is it to do this??? Like holy fuck. You open someone else's bag and stick your art in front to advertise it? What a bitch.
Never underestimate ones ability to control the elements. You will be surprised how the tides can turn.
No. 284429
>>282272I feel bad seeing the artist I used to look up to AA-wise turn into such a rude and conceited person.
I struggle in not buying her merch because I do still legitimately like her stuff, but man her attitude is so bad I'd rather not.
No. 287616
>>198843Don't talk about her like she's some tortured, misunderstood soul. There are so many self-absorbed wannabe artists like her around and I've seen them all. They either don't get to an art college or they drop out because they felt it was too ~restricting~, in other words they didn't like drawing stuff other than their own Mary Sues and didn't want to be challenged or questioned.
Holly is just like that, she has a really rotten attitude towards the criticism she receives and I have no trouble believing that she couldn't handle teachers trying to educate her. The fact that she's making these "yall young artists suck and can't do shit look at all the mistakes you make LMAO" while being worse than mediocre just goes off to show you that she has a superiority complex and doesn't want to be taken down.
>Yet, I can sympathize with the fact that she doesn't have enough money to buy a car, so getting a part-time job for her would mean sacrificing her art for money.Welcome to the adult world. EVERYONE needs to make sacrifices to get by. Being so self-centered that you think you're somehow above this and entitled to just staying home and doodling web comics is bullshit. Almost every young adult has to work a shitty part-time job to make ends meet and sacrifice their free time for it.
>She draws A LOT, more than other artists I follow (unless I'm just following the wrong artists). I would not consider her to be a lazy artist. Laziness is NOT about how much you draw. Being a lazy artist is about avoiding stepping outside of your comfort zone and being reluctant to be challenged. You can sketch your lopsided, same-faced cartoon Mary Sue characters over and over again but you'll never improve since you're basically just drawing a circle over and over again. You draw 100 circles every day for 8 years but you still can't draw a rectangle, a triangle or a star shape. You're too lazy to make the effort to draw even one triangle.
No. 305607
File: 1494036216100.png (98.45 KB, 1018x404, Screen Shot 2017-05-05 at 7.02…)

anyone else enjoying watching lohkay get fucking roasted
No. 305620
File: 1494036785364.png (245.14 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170505-191228.png)

>>305607I didn't know this was happening but thanks for the heads up. Enjoying reading this dumb ass shit
No. 305628
File: 1494037730693.png (115.96 KB, 602x1032, Untitled.png)

whats with all these dog fuckers tho
No. 305629
File: 1494037934285.png (151.76 KB, 603x1175, Untitled.png)

i am living for these snarky ass replies
No. 305750
File: 1494051220174.png (49.39 KB, 604x339, GOT YA.PNG)

>>305629lmao right?
also it's fucking shit that these people make it into the AX artist alley
selling their shit art and acting like this. Glad they're reporting her, there are plenty more deserving artists out there that make great stuff and don't fuck dogs
No. 305861
>>305750I reported this degenerate and I hope others do as well. fact that she defends IN REAL LIFE bestiality (not just drawings) by saying its "legal in most states" is absolutely disgusting.
No. 305863
File: 1494069942694.png (275.2 KB, 618x1742, asdasd.png)

No. 305865
File: 1494070063319.png (35.35 KB, 882x422, ss (2017-05-06 at 04.27.25).pn…)

No. 305867
>>305861are you one of the nonbinary 16 yr old tumblrinas complaining on twitter? literally nothing has happened.
>>305863>>305865people that art police blow my fucking mind, just block the content, close the tab and move on bro.
>>305864idk much about her so if by 'support pedophilia' you mean draw weeby loli art then i wouldnt think theres much to worry about?
No. 305869
>>305867nah not a tumblrina really but
>>305856 really fucking bugs me. Advocating beasility beyond drawings in like… really fucked up. Same level of Stinky tbh
No. 305870
>>305607voltron fandom is the gift that just keeps on giving tbh
whenever there's an argument you can guarantee that both sides will be filled with snowflakes
No. 306265
>>306032hi 14 yr old multi kin system lesbian demiboy who feels unsafe on the internet.
honestly im just speaking for what i believe in, ive never agreed with art policing, i never have and never will
No. 306328
>>306265>14 yr old multi kin system lesbian demiboyLMAO idk where you think you are honey but this aint the place. go back to drawing CP or whatever you sick fucks are into
>>305865>poignant and skilledmy sides, this is so embarrassing. Your art looks like a 13 year old girl's still in her edgy yaoi phase get the fuck over yourself
No. 306350
File: 1494136829517.png (125.21 KB, 811x1074, sure jan.png)

This apology is shit lol
No. 306352
File: 1494138074027.png (17.17 KB, 267x315, 1482453102934.png)

>>306265Nobody likes artists with shit personalities and shit art
No. 306362
>>305862Meh I don't like her art or her character but I find it petty too. I agreed with everything woofrory said in
>>305863 but if you speak out, people will question your morals and character to try to shame you for not having the "right" view.
Or like
>>305883 said, there's no winning
No. 306468
>>306259She hasn't tweeted anything since.
No. 308074
>>305750This bitch is a bigger cow than lohkay just fyi.
I made a thread about her before I even knew this thread existed.
>>>307990 No. 313556
File: 1494880868085.jpg (32.19 KB, 574x361, DSC00862bhjjhk.jpg)

Mookie / mookie000 / Jasmine Alexandrea* homestuck big name fan, now a BNF for the series Haikyuu. Gets into drama by drawing porn of underage characters and giving attitude at any criticism.
*(real name according to this photobucket I found through google images:
No. 313587
>>313556I've been out of the anime art scene for awhile, but when did people start getting flack for drawing and writing underage characters in sexual situations? I remembered in the early 2000's no one gave a shit and people would freely draw fan art, cosplay, write fan fiction, and just not give a shit.
I'm not saying drawing that subject matter is right, but I remember when people would take their space within fandoms and mind their own business. Now it seems like everyone is trying to police everyone. Maybe I just didn't notice it back then because I was younger.
No. 313641
>>313587>>313615Yeah it's the current big trend online. I've noticed YOI and Voltron fans are the biggest spergs about it and will literally put you on block lists if you reblog a character just hugging another one. It's so goddamn idiotic too because if the characters are under 18 it's fine and no one seems to care because "they're both teens so its ok uwu" whereas as soon as one of the characters turns 18 (even if the other is 16 or 17) it's "DISGUSTING PEDOPHILIA RREEEEE"
Like it's ridiculous that artists who ship 17 year olds are getting lumped together with Shadman
No. 320803
File: 1495655822861.jpg (49.25 KB, 600x933, LOKTURFWV1-TPB-PG-02.jpg)

>>320733Wow fuck those bushes
No. 324905
>>323992God, I love seeing Paige get dragged
She's such a shithead
No. 340460
File: 1498288022188.png (997.37 KB, 847x871, 7992b558b4a53e3de9e6f4be43591a…)

>>256728So Ichi i guess moved cross country with her cats and put them in the same crate together WITH a glass habitat on top of them. I'm honestly so disgusted with how she treats her animals.
No. 340461
File: 1498288095118.jpg (328.71 KB, 769x862, 2e31f72a0e0a216187b1b995f98ca4…)

>>340460Here's a pic of how she housed the cats during the trip
No. 340462
File: 1498288201211.jpg (354.35 KB, 768x844, a0d3e7dbce0808a7812026e5b75df3…)

>>340461 Actually, it got worse. 3 crates on top of each other. Sorry for spamming
No. 341405
File: 1498440662715.png (746.99 KB, 603x806, wat.png)

Drama blowing in the AA community, artist throws away their entire old stock. These charms are sold for $10 each usually
No. 341423
File: 1498442742087.png (58.01 KB, 577x544, mon.png)

>>341418her reasoning. she honestly doesnt seem like a bright person from the way she types but shes working for titmouse so shes doing something right
No. 341468
File: 1498448757240.jpg (38.69 KB, 595x450, DB0tMw_VwAAdT8G.jpg)

>>341451her apparel has the literal word "poop" on it, it really does belong in the garbage
No. 341805
>>341597Ah, i thought she said that most of them are defective, which makes 100% sense why she would chose to dispose of them.
Taking a photo was probably the worse idea though, I agree.
No. 341849
>>341590Another thing is that she was bitching about people taking them out of her trash can
like girl if you threw them away, they're pretty much free game
No. 341883
>>306350looks like AX is banning works that contain nudity and up to R18 content in AA tables this year. I have a feeling the whole fiasco to do with tumblrinas behind lohkay's witchhunt had something to do with this.
Which is pretty fucked considering AX is still being sponsored by FAKKU, they're just taking the easy way out to avoid shitstorms like this again.
No. 342086
File: 1498563964985.jpg (327.42 KB, 1862x1028, fakku.jpg)

>>341963NAYRT and not to rain on your parade but Fakku is one of the very first booths you see walking into the AX Exhibit Hall. I've been to last year's AX as well as other cons where Fakku was an exhibitor and they have R-18 images on display around their booth. They're not "secluded" by any means. Anyone selling R-18 content at cons are required to check ID, not just Fakku and this includes artists.
It's understandable that people are upset by this because R-18 content is still going to be sold in the Exhibit Hall (which has even more lax rules about display than AA). I don't even do NSFW art but I can see why people are upset.
No. 343185
File: 1498716104047.png (43.59 KB, 856x319, 17d66704ea642b486c8464033ec226…) surprised kinomatika hasn't been mentioned in this thread after her constant begging for money, multiple go fund me's trying to get free cash and scam people and blamining mental illness on why she can't hold down a job or manage money. On twitter she's constantly complains about how she never has money yet she goes out and buys a fucking pedigree cat. Then of course complains how she has no money after buying said cat.
No. 345233
>>313556>>343552Whoa I never heard about that
At least now she's pretty much faded into obscurity
I'm amazed that mookie on the other hand has managed to stay relevant after homestuck and DmmD, when I heard she had a long line that caused a little inconvenience at AX I was surprised that so many people still want to buy her art even tho it's pretty messy nowadays
No. 345506
File: 1499093631866.jpg (177.72 KB, 1200x1000, IMG_2498.JPG)

>>345233I think most of mookie's fanbase is young impressionable kids from tumblr. It's part name recognition and herd mentality - their friends idolize her so they follow along too. I remember being a shit teenager and having "art idols". As long as she makes content that caters to the younger crowd, she'll probably continue riding on her e-fame.
I just saw this on /cgl/ - why are so many artists pulling princeichi level fuckups with their online orders? Blocking a customer for asking where their order is? Bitches are wild. Her art's not even that great to be snubbing paying customers this way.
No. 345623
File: 1499105819336.png (196.06 KB, 516x552, 1499073813525.png)

Yuumei is truly the gift that keeps on giving. For those that aren't familiar with the situation, Yuumei DID design these headphones. She also sold the rights to Brookstone, so she is no longer the owner.
No. 345654
>>345623Sounds like she's mad at herself for low balling to Brookstone what was actually a marketable product.
You'd think she'd try designing something else but not sell out this time, instead of trying to change things that she has no control over.
No. 345692
>>274028We were mutuals on Tumblr for a while, she even requested something from my shitty art when I put up a request thread. Went to a good few of her streams.
She tried name dropping some peeps I already knew. Went along with it cause she seemed nice.
She unfollowed me right as her popularity picked up in the Homestuck fandom.
No. 346329
File: 1499208737443.png (229.47 KB, 400x566, IMG_1548.PNG)

you guys ever hear of lepusnero?
he was formerly known as twistedoccultism. he's 26 and fatshamed south park cosplayers probably about a decade younger than him, drew kyle nazi torture porn, and has such a strong hatred of fat people characters drawn in his style become progressively thinner as time goes on. also, he redraws fanart he deems shitty without permission.
No. 347065
>>346329yikes, never heard of him but that sounds wild. does he table at cons at all or is it just all online?
>>345935just because you had a good experience doesn't mean that's gonna be the same for everyone. i've heard from friends that ashley is a huge flake so i'm not surprised.
No. 347352
File: 1499364042107.png (179.25 KB, 352x600, IMG_1561.PNG)

>>347065everything's online, pretty sure because he knows he couldn't keep up the facade irl.
if it makes a difference, so far his shitty edgelord attitude has garnered him $18 a month on patreon. he's had it for over a year.
No. 347360
>>346329Anon are you me? I was just about post about this guy last week but I forgot their new URL.
I've had my eye on them for a while. They seem like they're on the tipping point of full on lolcow status, especially with the whole fatshaming thing. Honestly, I don't give a shit if you don't like fatasses, cuz obesity is unhealthy but they degree they go with their hatred is hilarious. It's one thing to dislike a particular body shape but "Satan" (total fucking edgelord name ofc) seems to have a problem with minding their own business. They're approaching Shadman levels of attention-whoring, especially since they have a habit of reblogging stranger's cosplay photos just to insult and mock them. They also do redraws of other artist work, making it 'better'. Too bad he's too chickenshit to reblog the art though. He tends to link the originals from his DA stash or just paste them on the drawing themselves. Goes to show that he's a lot more of a coward and a troll than he wants people to think. They also have an abandoned where they were rewritting someone else's South Park fanfic to make it closer to their liking.
I don't think they've ever posted photos of themself online, but I highly suspect they're a fat/formerly fat transboi with a weight obsession. This is just their way of lashing out.
They also used to draw a shit ton of Danny Phantom fanart. I think the goth girl might be the object of their self insertion based off how much he drew her.
I hope he doesn't think that his shitty attitude will keep getting him commissions and Patreon bux. The internet's full of hamplanets.
No. 347403
File: 1499368583630.png (Spoiler Image,420.79 KB, 540x1104, IMG_1563.PNG)

>>347360He's been on the tipping point of lolcow status for a very long time tbh. He always seems more
triggered than the 'SJWs' he targets. I found the Kyle nazi porn he drew a while back, along with the paragraphs he wrote in response.
Spoilered for gross/edge.
No. 347414
File: 1499370312519.png (444.38 KB, 1116x1710, IMG_1564.PNG)

>>347411I blame the (years late) creek episode.
it's funny how seriously he takes it.
he also @'d a fake Trey Parker account on twitter spamming them with cryle fanart bitching about creek but i'm not sure if he deleted it or not.
No. 350946
File: 1499834454914.png (215.56 KB, 437x344, d109534e0eec09204631b28f71afff…)

>>343185Surprise surprise. Asking for more money instead of going out to get a damn job.
No. 354420
File: 1500350318139.png (1.26 MB, 912x974, Screen Shot 2017-07-17 at 11.5…)

I'll give it to Ichi–she can really make filters do some magic. I wonder what the maid cafe will think once they see her in person though?
No. 404359
File: 1508113821484.jpeg (21.98 KB, 356x355, kinomatika.jpeg)

>>343185>>343352>>343522>>343552>>350946I have decided to finally expose Kinomatika as a furry scam artist.
I have evidence that before using the name Kinomatika, they were a furry artist called Paiseley that scammed thousands of dollars dodging commissions. Whenever the heat became too much, they switched to a different name.
Here is all of the evidence: am not a regular of this site. After I make this post and one more post with some of the text from that pastebin I will leave. Anybody who wants to can copy the text and make an official thread about it.
No. 404362
File: 1508114172570.jpeg (21.41 KB, 356x355, kinomatika.jpeg)

- ——————————————————
- Kinomatika is a liar, a scammer, and a thief
- ——————————————————
(this is a summary version of with summarized evidence)
This document outlines irrefutable evidence that "Kinomatika" or "Kino" the creator of the webcomic "Blackgrass" is the career scammer previously known as "Paiseley". Their birth name is "Michelle Koralewski". They have made efforts to hide this to avoid revealing their past. They might have a new last name: "Michelle Reynoso".
"Paiseley" was a furry artist scammer whose MO was to rake in hundreds of dollars for commissions, then disappear. Then they would reappear with a new name with slightly different art, and do it again. They had all of their FurAffinity accounts banned with this message:
"This user was banned because they scammed multiple users, made no attempts to reconcile with them, and created new accounts, presumably to continue the cycle. -FurAffinity Staff"
I have known this was them for years, but I believed that they were trying to turn over a new leaf and I chose not to out them. I moved on with my life and I forgot about them. But I see they are still up to their old tricks. Lying and abusing the good will of their fanbase. Faking emergencies. Begging for donations while spending frivolously. Deleting the evidence that the faking and begging ever happened. All of that is only the surface of what we can see them doing. And they still owe THOUSANDS of dollars for dodged commissions. Not even I know the full extent of their scamming.
Because of this, I have chosen to expose them. It feels wrong to keep the knowledge of who they are to myself while they continue to take advantage of people. I am sorry it took me this long.
I will not reveal personal knowledge I have of them. That would be illegal. But I do not have to, they were not careful enough. Below is a list of publicly available sources from blog posts, forums, and profiles, all written by Michelle that confirm that the real name and birthdate are the same for "Paiseley" and "Kinomatika". There is only one piece of evidence that takes some work to verify
for yourself. That is the link between their username "Kinomatika" and their real name "Michelle Koralewski". There is a direct source written by Michelle, but it is from the 2015 Patreon data leak. It is the internal information that Patreon has for the "blackgrass" Patreon account. That evidence data from the leak is included at the end of this document. If you do not trust it, you can go and find and download the leak and check yourself.
- ——————————————————
> "Michelle Koralewski" real name proof:> proof this is paiseley:
> "M. Koralewski" real name proof:> august 31 1988 birthday proof:
> "Michelle Koralewski" real name proof:> august 31 1988 birthday proof: ——————————————————
No. 404404
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>>269522I know this is old but there's an ongoing meltdown on the kickstarter for Lovely Little Theives because Jesuotaku hasn't done anything in months when s/he? promised updates back in February. Apparently watching anime and playing danganronpa leaves them too little time to actually do shit people are paying for.
No. 405380
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lmao whoever did this to ichi good job
No. 424934
>>424426Pretty sure you can get expelled for it. At least at most universities. Seems like they kicked her out anyways.
The fact that she thinks all this is ok is pretty telling of her personality.
No. 425062
>>424934Yeah, she's a bit of a nut
>mfw I've met here IRL, she's was pretty weirdher designs were really cute but now I'm skeptical if she even drew them, not buying from Fangrrlz anymore lmao
>>425047God that's fucked up, but I'm not surprised
look at omocat the stupid game STILL ISNT OUT YET
No. 480475
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sorry if i'm necroing this, but princeichi is starting on charms again that probably won't be sent out…
No. 504961
Hadn't seen him mentioned, so.
Kale Matsuba / kalechippu / kale caruba/ yaoigoddesskealeTwitter: article: outs: (archive link: )
The call out: (archive link:
Kale's apology/excuse: (Archive:
He was recently called out for drawing shota art (thread of his shota art here: ). He also has a history of scamming people, and what not.
His obsession with Japan and how he totally isn't a weeaboo is interesting and cow-worthy, but he's honestly a cow in of himself (I mean, look at his twitter.)
His excuse for making a comic about the trans experience in Japan in the 80's, is that "Japanese people like him" and he lives in a neighborhood that's "highly populated with Japanese people" and he has a "respectable interest" in Japan. And now he wants to go back to Japan where he can "research" living in Japan for a month, but only if he can live with a Japanese person for the entirety of that month. Hey- he might even pay you rent! (If you let him wear your skin).
His incredibly apparent racism is as fascinating as it is disgusting, and I'm pretty surprised he hasn't been posted before.
No. 507654
>>504961Yikes, that post didn't work.
Here's the proper link. No. 510210
>>509590she's pretty tight lipped about it but it seems like it was her ex boyfriend, who was also her manager and she stupidly signed a contract that gave him all the rights to her work.
she's semi popular because there arent that many girls into competitive fighting games(street fighter, injustice etc)
No. 510502
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>>510310terrible but i dont feel sad for her at all
its hard to sympathize with someone who constantly reminds people shes a 'rare girl' in a male dominated community, and flaunts wealth
No. 510976
>>510718There's nothing to be jealous of having a legion of autistic neckbeards trying to fuck you but not even making 1k a month lol
She's stupid and she got herself in that situation.
She flaunted her abusive boyfriend before this got out in the open and thought she was better than most girls because he was a Good Smash Player, like that means anything l m a o
No. 511197
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Jisu didn't lose access to her twitter handle so before the change she made sure to put "Git fukt in the asshole, bitch"
Did her lawyer tell her to say that too? Lmao
No. 511486
>>511283What I don't understand is how he keeps getting away with it. Kale is a whiny sjw dickbag, and yet, the guy still had so much money thrown at him. Incredible that he has the gall to beg for more money still.
Why don't these people just get a part time job?
No. 535511
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>singlehandedly wrote the comic>can’t be assed to make a faq to help new readers (that she doesn’t deserve) actually follow the comicsnipster’s complete and utter lack of self awareness is the gift that keeps on giving. it’s a damn shame that it had to leak into her comic, too, though. for the first year or so it really looked like it was building up to something.
No. 535541
>>535511Pretty sure that some readers have been sugesting a FAQ, but she has been an ass to any type of recomendation since the last year.
I left the comic after a while seeing that it has become a complete generic BL mess.
No. 535634
>>535541“casual abuse/shitty supporting casts/vague as shit worldbuilding/having no sense of pacing is totally okay when i do it, actually.”
also love how she said she was gonna subvert expectations with the smut bonuses only for life to be the weepy-eyed bottom bitch. how original. doesn’t help that it’s starting to become his actual personality now, either.
i probably have like 6 pages of just me sperging to some poor sap about how shitty this comic is, but unfortunately this isn’t a bad webcomics thread.
No. 547413
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ichi is getting married apparently! can't wait to see how long this lasts
No. 547548
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>>547471not much of an update other than that on ichi, they're back on the convention train again, just went out to one on the west coast and apparently went to seattle. (maybe that's where the con was idk)
No. 548178
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Black Butler fan artist who's quite a shit stirrer in the fandom.While I agree with some of her points (like how cringy the behavior of sjw/tucutes are, especially when it comes to Grell's gender) she can't seem to realize how cringy she herself is when trying to clap back.
-preaches about positivity and spreading love in the fandom and how others shouldn't be sending threats
-threatens to punch people for making profit of fan content(and has sold fan content herself)
-hates having headcanons/opinions/canon being shoved in her face
-will shove her own hcs/opnions/canon to others or bug them enough to change their mind
-immediately gets aggressive if you even comment/call out how toxic her behavior is becoming
The interesting thing though is that when i decided to show this blog to a friend of mine, friend told me she recognizes that artist and apparently the shit she's pulling in the BB fandom was the same shit she would pull as owlteria in the FFXV fandom. But then people caught on to her BS so she ran to BB and made a new name.
this is just speculation but,my friend also told me she would send herself anons/anon hate when in FFXV fandom and I noticed that everytime she's getting called out in her BB blog, a total of 10-15 anons will get posted giving her asspats and praise right after.
honestly while i was going through her blog idk if she's just a troll or is really so self unaware she can't see her behavior is no better than the sjw's she's always complaining about. But I'm finding the recent call outs made to her and her reactions to them funny. She can't seem to go a week without getting into a slapfight with someone despite wanting her blog to be "positive and toxic free" and hates any criticism she gets about it.
No. 548183
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double posting but another example how her "be positive and toxic free, dont threaten others!" bs
No. 549958
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Anyone know anything more about Nico, creator of the webcomic Colorless? I've seen a lot of callout posts about her usually get's deleted because of her followers.
There is only one post (link below) about her and some of the shady shit she's supposedly done. Not sure, but thought maybe it'd be good to bring up since she kissed ass to get to her current job as an Ava's Demon colorist. No. 550084
>>549958dont know about nico but if they're close with the ava's demon artist then they're probably weird as fuck.
Ava's demon is such a spazz irl, I loved her webcomic and when I went to buy it in person she accused me of trying to steal the comic after she took my money??? Weirdest fucking shit, I gave the book away after that. Left a terrible taste in my mouth.
No. 550223
>>511486I followed and then unfollowed Kale about a year before his comic Kickstarter happened.
During that time he constantly complained that he didn't earn enough for how generous of an artist he was and that his fans were cheap. He makes all this "free" content and wanted to be paid more on Patreon for it.
Meanwhile, he mentioned wanting to get a new Cintiq (about 2k for a shit one) and I commented that he should try one of the off-brands since they work better generally and are well below 1k. I linked him to ones my cousin and I have. He posted about it and said to not tell him what to buy and that he's already ordered his Cintiq.
sage for blog-shit but goddamn he's a cunt
No. 552404
>>552042She's the same person- her main mode of income is cons
Feel kind of bad for her though, her college sweet heart turned out to be gay, dumped her, and went on to own a million dollar shirt empire
No. 608154
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>>549958>>550084Recent drama seems to be that Ava's demon artist's trying to get people to doxx someone for $500, and that both she and her colorist drew pedophile art of the characters
No. 611990
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Does anyone know what happened to yummytomatoes/popomodoro?
I used to follow her art religiously but she kept changing her URL and I can't find her anymore.
She was super popular for her Homestuck and Steven universe fanart, but then just started drawing her service dog and furry OC's. Not really a flake, but she was very amendment about being referred to as they/them even tho she was obviously just some chubby girl and always talked about her severe anxiety and how it was hard for her to just go to class. I wonder what she's up to these days.
No. 661105
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Cons are my only escape from politics so why do people go and ruin it with this stupid shit
No. 661219
>>661144Legit twitch guys are turning into trannies and all cross players are 99% of the time in a fakeboi phase its been happening since tumblr became popular.
Cons are literally the worst of the worst of skewed politics (mra waifu faggots & extreme lefty gender trenders)
No. 661223
>>661105If you saw that from a couple feet away you'd see
>White triangle>The WhitesTfw white power badge or a poorly named band
No. 676401
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im retardy to the party years late but wentzscribbles is now kirbyeluxe on tumblr. morelikehiswife on twitter. they seem tight-lipped about there depravity now and boring,but ill keep my eyes peeled.
No. 681043
>>679630I can't blame her for coming out this way though, she makes like a million a year doesn't she? Hustle what sells girl keep doing you
Even ramy is balling with his multi million dollar company
No. 731885
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Since this thread hasn't budged in months:
Milk has been flowing in the omocat thread recently, multiple popular artists have been exposed for being awful human beings