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No. 641683
Pro-ana scumbags general no.20
Thread to discuss pro-anas, wannarexics and attention seeking spoops
previous thread:
>>>/snow/546984Farmhand Note: only post people who have milk outside of having an ED. This isn't a thread to nitpick ana-chans.
No. 642295
File: 1532096220172.jpeg (Spoiler Image,163.78 KB, 750x1171, F69072C3-8B29-4262-95D7-D89D0E…)

her eating disorder “eats her” which definitely is the explanation for her jagged ass thigh gap that definitely isn’t photoshopped at all.
No. 642606
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real instagram tag good for surfing
No. 642921
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Em thrives looking fresh in IP
No. 642989
>>642793 but
Wasted is a lot better written and gripping than
Madness, or anything else Hornbacher's written since imo. And she's old and recovered now, definitely not a cow. If you have such a hate boner for her, post about her in
>>516563saged for no contribution/white-knighting.
No. 643331
>>642921god her skin is repulsive.
does she just not wash? is it the malnutrition? why are anachans all so disgusting?
No. 643399
>>643391inb4 lurk moar
munchies are munchhausen-chans, there is an extra thread for them
No. 643876
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i know she’s taboo her but tilly does this thing where she makes “inspirational” posts on her main account (trying to be like storyofkorey?? because she definitely idolizes her) but they end up being laughable because she’s clearly not in recovery or even trying. i feel like she wants the best of both worlds, ie having people comment on how “sick” she is and how worried they are about her, while also telling her how inspirational she is lol
No. 644068
>>643943Sage for derailing but yeah, the vast majority of lolcow threads are just extreme nitpicking (specially people's looks) so that's kinda laughable.
>>643876Is this bitch for real? This is the most hilarious 'inspirational' post I've ever seen.
No. 644069
>>644068It's Tilly, she knows what she's doing, hence why most of us ignore her. She's always going on "well a piece of lettuce or two pieces of toasts a binge!!11" knowing it's going to set someone off, commenting on other people's recovery as if she's queen herself. She should check herself, before she wrecks herself, but it's too late for that.
She's just another attention seeking cow who wants us to view her content, just let the saggy cow udder die already.
No. 644721
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becoming_brea gave up posting about how far she’s come in her sooper special recovery, instead decided to go to the hospital and whine and cry
No. 644884
>>644721What kind of hospital is this manipualtive cow in?
And how is she allowed to have her phone to post on IG? Usually inpatient deliver meals 3 times a day in a cart and put them in the fridge for patients if they dont get eaten, especially dinner. There are also plenty of snacks in the fridge and locked cupboards.
And btw staff members always whisper at night.
No. 645932
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Did anyone spot that our RealRecovery!Hero Aly is now coaching TinyBooSteps?
No. 647397
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spaceshiptorecovery is actually fucking delusional holy shit
No. 647580
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Our master manipulator is at it again
No. 648319
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This bitch needs to get a job where bad behavior is punished and not rewarded
No. 648422
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First she bitched about the hospital and went home. Now she’s bitching that they don’t immediately have a bed available for her now that she wants it. So the world’s supposed to revolve around self-centered attention whores now, apparently.
No. 648467
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Forgot to post these, but yesterday alwaysmargi was spamming her stories with promoted bullshit and said she "doesn't unfortunately get paid to do it, just wants to share discounts with people." Yeah right.
No. 648621
>>648467She might not get paid for it, but she’d get some benefit like more followers or sample products. They had to make a discount with her to begin with so.
I call lies
No. 650042
>>648618I really doubt this. Korey is, if anything, more manipulative than Tilly. At least Tilly is kinda one-note and simple. Korey is no more recovered than Tilly, but if you ever say anything that isn’t greasy, fawningly positive on her underweight, body-check pictures, Korey will post these guilt-tripping posts about bullying, and gets her mother and other family friends do make harassing, abusive replies to any dissenters. I used to think she was kinda ridiculous but harmless, but the more I see, the more grossed out I am. Korey recently posted a before/after where she looked exactly the same weightif not thinner after - when someone called her out, Korey’s mother said the commenter was jealous. What a shitty thing to say to another anorexia sufferer - what, jealous of how Korey has been allowed to recover without gaining any weight? Fuck that. Anyway, Korey is taking cooking classes at uni and has special permission to take the food home to try because she can’t face doing it in the classroom. No way any doctor is farming her out to inspire other people.
No. 650488
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This one is still absolutely relishing her Ana Veteran status. Literally every post is still about either how special her case is, how disgusting her symptoms are, or how knowledgeable and experienced she is because she’s been in treatment for a decade and -sorta- has some nursing training. Idk why folks stopped talking about Emma because she is hilarious.
No. 651278
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God I fcking hate her stupid monologue posts. She erks me so much. Also her tube isnt for fckin anemia, a quick google search would tell you that
No. 651350
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She also really loves reminding people that she was a spoop. She posts things like this at least once a month, and usually tags tons of other “recovery” accounts in them.
No. 651686
>>650042 I was inpatient with Tilly and my sister went to high school with Korey. Korey acts like a perfectionist but in reality got a shit ATAR and only got into Monash because of her SEAS application. And only became anorexic after she was booted off Australia's next top model. Her mother is ridiculous too, korey has BAD only child syndrome because of it. But it's true that dr caudel sent Korey to see her, I was there (the other girl she mentioned in her post from that day, I can post screenshots) and that he is a garbage doctor. BOTH of them only stay with him because he lets them live underweight.
Also I can confirm that Tilly is around 5'9 and lies about her height and BMI so she can seem smaller and gets away with it because tall people look thinner at heavier BMIs.
No. 651707
>>651686Sorry for seeming like a bitter anachan or something daft but: She must lie about her weight then because if she was 5' 9'' she wouldn't be as big as she is at the bmi she claims. I could understand if she was shorter than what she says etc, but not taller. And no, taller people don't look thinner at heavier BMIs, weights yeah that's a given but not BMIs. Not sure where you're getting that from anon. And this all feels hideously nitpicky.
Will agree though with the doctor being garbage and i think they both know it. I know Tilly harps on about "ohhh he's a good man, he's just overworked uwu" nah mate, you stay with him because he fits into your delusion that you're weight restored because of your knees. Christ. It's such a shit show.
No. 651767
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Tilly is doing some major nitpicking on countinghappypoints’ food even going as far to look up the plates she uses and their diameter, all while not realizing that bitch is old news and nobody cares about her
No. 651796
>>651623Her thread here is still active-ish, just autosaged.
>>651649That’s hilarious/delusional. I just followed her and WOW there are a lot of these “dance” videos. I think she must just twirl around her apartment all day? I don’t see anything else other than trying on clothes.
No. 652134
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She can't be serious. Her hair is dead.
No. 652179
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Look who’s backkkk and buying fur coats?
No. 652452
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>>652134Her reaction to the comments on that pic were insane
No. 652496
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It appears that comment thread is gone, but I have some screenshots
No. 652499
>>652496Holy fucking shit this cunt is mental
No person in their right mind would respond in such a way. It's also really fucking weird she instantly jumped to "I enjoy all my meals and snacks" when this was not in question at all.
What a dumb bitch
No. 652519
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No. 652523
>>652519Is that even food?
>>652496Wow. I always knew she had a large ego and a nasty personality but I’ve never seen her be such a straight up narcissist/sociopath
No. 653158
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No. 653284
>>653158Look guys! Recovery is so worth it! So great! Awesome! You will feel so much better about your body!
(*But only when you stay very very slim which is very unrealistic but whatever)
No. 653380
>>653285>>653365she looks healthy to me, and no not fake-recovery-still-19-bmi healthy either. certainly not everyone looks like this after they recover but plenty of people still do. shes posted way more milky shit than this selfie anyway
idk if she was ever overweight before her ED but that also seems to result in more weight gain during recovery
No. 653600
>>652134Her hair is fine. It’s typical for girls with that hair type to look like it’s damaged or unkept, because it’s wavy/curly hair treated like straight her. With that hair type you should ditch shampoos, silicon-filled conditioners and brushes. Her hair is actually decent and would look awesome if she went for curly hair care instead of straight.
Sage for hairfagging
No. 653665
>>653600I’m an experienced professional cosmetologist, and can say without question, that hair is extremely damaged and unhealthy from the inside out. It looks really bad.
Cutting off 12” + a lot of careful layering would be a start, but no haircare routine is going to tame that, or fix the problem. Only decent nutrition will. She also couldn’t wear it curly even if she wanted to, she doesn’t have enough texture & the hair is too heavy at that length.
She’d have to go chin length for it to truly be curly. She really does need a product with a small amount of silicone in it, too, with that much frizz and damage.
God anachans are so delusional about their hair.
No. 653685
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How is this photo anything other than body checking/showing off how she hasn’t gained since she started recovery? Of course, there’s some nonsensical faux-motivational caption, but that’s not the point of the post.
I see one of her mother’s regular winged monkeys is already in the comments berating anyone who questions the genuineness of this post.
No. 653716
Where have you been
No. 653729
Has big following for “inspirational” captions on pictures that flaunt her utter lack of weight gain since she started recovery. Found fame in one of those Daily Mail ana circus sideshow stories that is just shocking weight/emaciated pics/eating an apple a day, rather than anything helpful about anorexia or recovery. Believes this means she is a recovery inspiration to many people. Reacts poorly to anyone who asks when she is going to gain any weight.
That’s pretty much it.
No. 653783
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>>653685how could anyone look at this and think that she could be healthy?? It's not the same as saying someone whos overweight could be healthy; being severely underweight is never healthy and trying to pass herself off as some pinnacle of recovery is just stupid. Her doctor needs to just section her already, she's obviously in denial of her disorder and thinks she's doing great, which is in no way true.
No. 653812
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>>653685>>653729Not going to valiantly whiteknight these nutcases, but Korey has made improvement even if it's not very noticeable
No. 653878
>>653846 curious - why is korey "unhealthily underweight" when tilly is "healthy" or "faking anorexia" even though tilly looks to be a lower bmi than her? i am no way a fan of tilly but this seems off.
also can we talk about rawveganollie? he hasn't actually done anything but i find veganism in recovery kinda suspicious
sage for newfag
No. 654058
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She’s so gross. Misha was her therapist
No. 654213
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>>654166This one????
(samefagging) No. 654442
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Relapsing for the sake of writing a book? Lmao. Not pro Ana at all
No. 654464
>>654442That's like saying "hey I'm going to relapse with heroin for a social experiment and document the results. I didn't die the first time around, may or may not the second (who am i kidding, i am godlike, i won't die.), but hey the attention is worth it."
Seems like they're heading for a relapse - if they are actually in recovery - simply with having these thoughts. Pretty sure they'd have had the thoughts long before articulating this too. Toying with the idea of a relapse, regardless of context is often the disease just finding a backdoor and they're blatantly keeping the door ajar.
That level of delusion though and overexaggerated sense of self importance. Pretty sure you're not a special case hun, nor groundbreaking, and pretty sure your symptoms have been documenting in other people too. You're not that much of a special snowflake.
No. 654710
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Did she lurk on here
No. 654838
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I think recovery.chii is turning into Paris
No. 655354
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I thought this was her grandma, but it is actually her 20 something friend. She says he is one of her recovery inspirations but probably just wants to reach his level of supreme spoop. I believe tilly is also friends with him
No. 655527
>>655223I actually don't know who you are, I hardly follow this thread
>>655354Poor Trent looks awful
No. 655638
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>>655464And the cringeyness continues….why do people tell her she should be a writer? She lacks good sentence structure and even her photo captions are poorly written. Is she writing in those questions telling herself to be a writer? I just don’t get it. I never know what she’s fucking talking about. Yea and obviously we aren’t talking about her Bc of a ed that is severe, she looks healthy and poses like bekah trying to take a spoopy photo…
No. 655822
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>>655814I see a difference but maybe it's shooped
(read the rules) No. 656315
File: 1533373519115.png (8.87 MB, 1242x2208, 5EE7F99D-6489-4D9E-9941-4FE4D1…)

Does Korey not have any other friends? Didn’t she have a boyfriend too?
No. 656424
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>>655638If she couldn’t make it anymore obvious she’s reading here…. now I’m definietly convinced she not only reads here but asks herself questions to give herself asspats… like who would even comment that about her captions? Obviously she’s reading here and needs to make it known
>>656360I agree with this, spaceshiptorecovery is another one….the self posting here is so obvious
>>655800I’m fine moving on to other cows, can we introduce some new anachans, spoops?
It’s interesting after multiple posts about bekah, she barely posts anything milky. Everyone calls us haters but what’s the problem with discussing gossip everyone does it and I think when the cows read here they eaither ramp it up or stop completely like bekah and just grow up.
No. 656429
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So many cows using other anachans to get attention an asspats…I’ve had people stop being friends with me because of my ed and if they then decided to make a post about me exposing our “friendship” I would be kind of pissed like? She’s only posting about this Bc the girl is dying and she thinks she can get secondary asspats smh, not posting the full photo of her friend Bc she doesn’t deserve to be blasted on here when she already being used by bre
No. 656757
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>>651796Lol who cowtipped
No. 657103
>>656315Can you imagine those two fucking? Two skeletons getting their bones all tangled together.
What happened to her greasy BF anyway?
No. 657680
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For the love of god can someone teach her how to do makeup
No. 657792
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>>657103They ‘broke’ up although with all her time spent with the gay vegetable I feel like there’s more to a simple breakup
No. 657802
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No. 657915
>>657909Oh in the icon "reply to michael_davis" there's a picture of a friend of korey i guess, they're ratting on her on here.
It's why I hate the ED community in general if they aren't fucking up with dramatic shit like faking OD's and suicide just to come under another pseudonym or stealing other people's pictures they're backstabbing each other. Friends in face, gabby behind the back. Gross. So much for being a helpful supportive community.
No. 657939
>>657915Sorry for same fagging, this somehow didn't get deleted i thought it did prior to editing for addition.
>>657909Oh in the icon "reply to michael_davis" there's a picture of a friend of korey i guess, they're ratting on her on here.
It's why I hate the ED community in general if they aren't fucking up with dramatic shit like faking OD's and suicide just to come under another pseudonym or stealing other people's pictures they're backstabbing each other. Friends in face, gabby behind the back. Gross. So much for being a helpful supportive community.
It's like recently there's been so much going on that I don't know if it's milk or just plain cow shit. Had a girl that everyone has blamed on Eugenia Cooney for offing herself back in Feb (@anyashchekochikhina), only for someone to end up accidentally recently outing themselves by making up more story as "a friend" using the account (gang raped by popular YouTubers and used a drug mule - 'you've not heard the last of us'). Yeah yeah move on. Accounts now gone but someone backed up everything. Girl came forward asking why her underage pictures were being used and til this day you get people asking for proof that Eugenia didn't flat out murder a girl. It just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth that the person who did it never was accountable for their actions in the end. Least with some of the people they leave a trail and pop up under a different name and are outed (quite amusing actually in the end).
And the whole Carrie James shit that went on, girl had a heart attack, the ED community got so upset. Only for it to be proven fake (photos belong to a girl called faith), the supposed account owner came forward under another pseudonym and said sorry but people were putting on that Malorie Anderson/laura stone/whatever her new effin legal name of the moment is woman. But I'm still split as to if it was her or just someone shitty in the community who hates her. It's like you can't trust anyone at face value.
So much mentally ill drama issues, but nothing seems milky - as in supposed to have keks out of it, it just always feel so shit. If someone could explain why these twats are like this, I'd be deeply appreciative, but sodding hell (blog post sorry) I've been better out of "supportive community" than I ever have been in it.
No. 657955
Imho, there's no such animal as an authentic, public, ED recovery support community, of any appreciable size/scope, on the internet.
Anyone that gets well, while dealing with the people in that community, have done it in spite of all of that 'support' (ha), rather than because of it.
The obvious attention seekers (such as some of the the recent posters in this thread) only serve to reveal one of the covert motivations for all too many of these brave warriors, Lol. So transparent.
There's always going to be a new crop of these people, that are so much like the last, that they are virtually interchangeable.
It's their choice to be that way. They also get the consequences of those choices - whether or not they acknowledge them, they do.
Bon appétit, pro-ana idiots.
No. 658369
File: 1533601120471.jpeg (Spoiler Image,267.21 KB, 730x1123, 2A0E1FF8-03D8-4793-8F53-B5FC03…)

I appreciate the little fun fact… but how is this not an excuse to post an unhealthy anachan photo?! Like if your trying to send a positive message wouldn’t it be more meaningful and supported if you were healthy in the photo? I know she’s had an ed for while but surely she has some pictures of her healthy?
No. 658462
>>658416Hello, I’m a regular poster not tilly but kek, the mods can track the ip addresses of the original posted comments, and if I was the original tilly poster they’d ban me again.. but I’m not kek. Funny that you thought so I thought i sounded pretty rude.
Anyway most of the op of those comments are only banned for 24 hours anyway
>>658389Exactly that’s what I’m saying why not just write in your notes a description of the definition and post that with no caption… it has to be an excuse for an ott body twisting ana pose, and she wonders why people talk about her, its so damn attention seeking lol and proana almost. I feel like she was like what could I possibly post as a captions that justifys this upload and picked that… even though she shows none of what she’s talking about, face palm.
No. 658510
>>658506I’m not tilly ffs I don’t even live in England I could go back to talking about bekah but I’m trying to stay with the current cows,who most are talking about. this is the damage of self posting now we can’t even discuss the milk with out people derailing to call out an anonymous user they think is the cow.I enjoy the gossip of this thread but y’all are rediculous. So no more bekah no more tilly who can we discuss I don’t mind following and reading up on new people
>>658508Not sure what that means… I thought I was being critical perhaps i was being too kind? Idk I won’t post about her anymore, yikes! I was just trying to add something lol
No. 658538
>>658510Don’t worry anon, don’t listen to people who can’t even sage their complaining. They’re always gonna call self post when it’s about Tilly.
While I agree Tilly’s only doing it to be posted on here so she can beg for asspats on myproana bc ~lolcow called meh fatttt~ I don’t think her or Korey are self-posting (but all the dry Korey posts make sense since her Bff was caught out posting here about her, jealous bitch trying to garner negative attention) but there’s not a rule against posting about them. Just know Tilly definitely gets off on the attention so it might be better to just starve her of it.
No. 658758
File: 1533660192172.png (814.74 KB, 640x1136, 813C867B-6CAF-457C-A818-919F07…)

thought this was a normal pic of her nasty toast but then I realized she was getting her grimy fingers all in the jam and just about died
No. 658814
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>>658758A binge-purge pb&j sandwich. Seriously?
No. 659018
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If i didn't hate her before i do now like jfc
No. 659042
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>>659018She doesn't have an opinion she just wants to be edgy. It's so transparent.
No. 659124
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Should we be more concerned about the fact she wants to have a kid to cure her mental health issues or those horrible baby names
No. 659158
File: 1533693750025.png (1.28 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-08-07-17-31-25…)

Nutbag seekingashley is having a hilarious meltdown/rage in her story about the fact that she is as young as possible to be in a 3rd year PhD program. News flash to her she is actually in a garbage program in the middle of nowhere studying a nearly useless field. Also her face and voice are so grating it is almost impossible to watch her call everyone jealous and fucking idiots kek
No. 659162
File: 1533693879771.png (1.24 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-08-07-21-02-15…)

>>659158She is totally losing her shit. The irony that she has like 25 stories where she keeps saying she doesn't have time for "fucking stupid idiots" is 10/10
No. 659169
File: 1533694366313.png (687.62 KB, 640x1136, 0BC5FB5C-9728-4C26-87CF-4BD447…)

“Making others look stupid” kek!
Only person she is making look stupid is herself
No. 659171
File: 1533694695752.png (1019.47 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-08-07-21-14-46…)

This is actually the best milk there's been in ages. She has speshal sexual powers. It's what gives her that creepy speech impediment
No. 659236
File: 1533700568437.png (813.03 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-08-07-22-44-11…)

She just posted this calling the anon a liar, yet literally said that repeatedly in earlier stories that she STILL HAS UP
No. 659317
>>659248She wants to be special super smart so badly, but her level of book smarts are pretty dime a dozen and you can tell she’s very insecure about that. Lots of people get their egos crushed like this when they get to postgrad education. Suddenly they’re not just a big smarty fish in a pond full of average guppies anymore, and they discover that they’re actually one of the dumber “smart kids.” Plus her lack of emotional intelligence almost certainly makes her a bit low on the social ladder among normie folks as well.
If it weren’t for for-profit education, she’d never find a program to take her as a rhetoric student. Her writing isn’t especially complex, you can just tell by the way she expresses herself that her verbal IQ is a bit higher than average but that’s about it. It’s not that her writing is even simplified, but more than the thought processes themselves are simplistic. I wouldn’t even call her a pseudo-intellectual because she doesn’t have especially cerebral interests …she just really thinks she’s much smarter than she is and it’s probably really cringe for all the people who have to work with her academically.
No. 659336
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No. 659363
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>>659336Delightfully, she appears to be sober! Luckily for us, the relationship between her dance skills and self-awareness is inverse in quality - so there are literally dozens of these videos.
What’s that, you say? If that’s her dancing sober, you sure would like to see her go at it whilst drunk? Well, you’re in luck!
No. 659366
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No. 659390
File: 1533721716490.jpg (439.06 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180808-114619_Ins…)

I don't think I know anyone with anorexia who would lie around like that with a double chin and share it with the world on Instagram
No. 659395
File: 1533722491495.jpg (596.18 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180808-115912_Ins…)

>>659189She always said she was underweight for her body. Which means she's been completely normal all this time but wants anachan pity anyway
>>659317Back on Tumblr she always misused phrases and wrote things like "I could care less" or similar. I wonder how she even got in. "[Adjective] at best" is also one of her go to phrases. I don't think she knows what it means.
>>659236She has since changed the answer. Truly a mental health advocate.
No. 659397
File: 1533722630508.jpg (678.71 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180808-115931_Ins…)

Every man's dream. Wash your face, Ashley.
And why is she obsessed with getting people "behind bars"? It's like when she said she was prosecuting the people running gossip blogs on Tumblr who posted messages about her
No. 659453
>>659171>… and I'm not lying when I say it.Oh, OK. Thanks for clearing that up. Lol.
Her insta reads like bad fan fiction, starring herself as the heroine/protagonist.
No. 659639
File: 1533749184897.jpeg (157.63 KB, 640x990, DA52A9EA-F44D-4F96-BB58-057F56…)

If you want to see some awful dancing follow it’s the most awkward and cringe worthy thing to watch
No. 659978
File: 1533772745606.png (1.17 MB, 640x1136, 0A8806E1-D1B9-4F2F-A2D1-9B1B9E…)

Why does she always make this face. She looks like a clownfish
No. 660034
File: 1533776886196.jpeg (243.3 KB, 750x1188, E9CBDD9D-F4FD-410D-B67D-B81201…)

>>641683this girl can be milky at times
a lot of attention whoring, pretending to be the sickest and pulling out of tubes etc
No. 660248
File: 1533787540696.png (1.42 MB, 640x1136, DDD9327F-6674-4C09-B50E-13BE41…)

Did em thrives lurk on here and see us ripping apart her make up and skin or did she recover from her psychotic episode and start bathing again? because it somehow looks halfway decent.
No. 660358
File: 1533801502466.jpeg (188.61 KB, 746x1117, 5CFA5BAD-AE5D-4EF6-BFC6-61C6E6…)

Korey believes no one has the right to tell her what is disordered FOR HER, lol. Um what about medical professionals? Clearly if one of them told her she needed to gain weight it would just be their personal opinion, I guess. She is so passive-agressive and holier than thou about a single syllable of perceived criticism (which is why I don’t think she self-posts here).
Also she uses Halo Top as an ana crutch.
No. 660618
File: 1533835281365.png (1.09 MB, 1380x1204, 1452219159803.png)

>>660614Adding a pic from earlier thread (scumbag #2)
I'd forgotten about her tbh, but the ~ballet~ clips have got me interested again.
No. 660805
File: 1533851907122.jpeg (241.2 KB, 638x995, E792EB0C-9038-415F-A938-94AD47…)

This whole caption is a huge kek but imagining a grown man with tears welling up in his eyes desperately whispering “please eat some spinach” and this ana chan being all “heehee it’s not like I don’t eat anything!!:)” made me guffaw
No. 660808
File: 1533852270929.png (476.96 KB, 640x1136, 72F495A8-53F6-43D5-BAD0-909246…)

I’m sure all the grime that gets in her food from her inability to use utensils and/or wash her hands is gonna mess her body up more than having a snack a couple hours late
No. 660883
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No. 660884
File: 1533859923490.jpeg (347.85 KB, 750x1091, 7DFD8AB4-1854-434F-882E-19FED1…)

I love how she has decided that everyone here has no life when literally every aspect of her life, study and Instagram totally revolves around her eating disorder.
No. 660886
File: 1533860039753.jpeg (358.41 KB, 750x1039, 6795918F-0B8F-4E10-9F79-84CEB5…)

Someone is being bullied by her minions in the comments for suggesting Korey had self-posted here. Also Tilly has commented sympathetically like she hasn’t admitted to starting drama here herself.
No. 660898
>>660883ew wtf is with her nails
>>660886yeah once again people don't hate you cus they hate themselves it's all you
No. 660921
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Can someone spell hypocrite
No. 661008
File: 1533871260064.jpeg (400.12 KB, 2048x2048, C59D17D2-DC75-46D8-8838-DA8A54…)

So thane shared her venting account, thought I’d check it out. This post is from May but she’s claiming her bmi was in the 12s here?? Pardon??
No. 661062
File: 1533876563368.png (776.69 KB, 640x1136, 0A18C701-3A78-478B-98E6-B92EFD…)

>>661035Oh no anon, you
triggered tilly
No. 661122
File: 1533881701514.png (1.68 MB, 640x1136, 32E712F9-52A0-4E3B-A3B7-FB15C0…)

Boo fucking hoo. If you’re gonna run a media platform with 25k followers, let alone act like a dumbass on it, you’re gonna get people who don’t like you. She, tilly, and Ollie have been bitching about haterzzz all day long and it’s really fucking annoying, I’d think even their most loyal fans are sick of it
No. 661123
>>660886yet she's still out there liking holly's photos, who has been caught out not once but TWICE talking shit about people on this thread (ref:
>>501237 and of course the recent
>>657802 that she deleted after she was called out) Total hypocrite
No. 661437
File: 1533923068173.jpeg (432.76 KB, 1499x1345, 53EB09D1-A11D-4AFE-BB80-D47012…)

This waist, so photoshopped. The caption, so full of lies.
No. 661442
File: 1533923508624.jpg (19 KB, 310x205, 0.JPG)

>>661317I'll be honest, I freeze yogurt but I'm not ana chan. I'm just cheap. However after seeing this disgusting plate I wouldn't put a dog's food on I don't think I can eat one again. There're cleaner plates in an extreme hoarders home (probably).
>>661008Noticed her post on Cooney's skele posts.
No. 662108
File: 1533992669189.png (426.64 KB, 750x1334, 027BA7F8-CC96-4209-970C-08C26E…)

Of all the options, she chooses to undulate to a cover of Elton Johns tiny dancer kek, I just wish she’d add some new moves or variation to those lazy heal stretches. she’s really going for that whole fragile and dainty, delicate ballerina look and even dresses in a leotard and tights for each clip! Such dedication to her audience, this vid yielding a whole 163 views, it could go viral, not
No. 662168
>>661815I eat them frozen. It's poor person's froyo and my ice box is too small for a large carton of anything. Also find ice cream too sickly and prefer iced yogurt.
I don't chop them up or whatever she does to hers. Idk, it's just a nice frozen desert and it suits my freezer-free lifestyle.
Got to say, her latest video clips of butchering her good - prodding and poking etc. is really weird to me. Freezing yogurts isn't weird thoug.
No. 662212
File: 1534007015733.png (646.46 KB, 750x1334, 67684B37-BB11-445B-ADB2-9FAD83…)

>>659366Forgot to say this the other day but has anyone seen katfightsanorexia? She’s another wana be delicate ballerina, claims to have been starved for 42 days in her insta story the other day like while ip, like no forced tube or anything, when called out for photoshopping she replied that she photoshopped herself bigger, so as not
trigger anyone, kek, she’s very muscular and healthy looking. And finally her bio on insta says she’s been inpatient for two years. A lot of food pics and some recent spoopy photos. Anyway she reminds me of our tiny dancer cow lol. not sure if she’s been posted yet though
No. 662223
>>661062haha oh wow, didn't expect that to happen from my comment. i like how the words "who want to get better" were completely ignored. pro-ana idiots are still anorexic and thus are also sufferers, but i was asking about a support thread for people who DON'T WANT to be ana.
quite a victim complex she has
No. 662289
File: 1534014237893.png (813.32 KB, 750x1334, 40EBA9CE-5A96-435D-8F20-179985…)

>>662217Or it’s a new filter called ana fun house mirror kek, this is some of the most obvious shopping I’ve seen.
>>662230How could I forget? Boy I wish I could embed a video, here’s a screen grab of her literal jaw dropping singing
No. 662292
File: 1534014311985.jpeg (115.18 KB, 640x868, 9E73F2B0-9AE3-4B2B-9FE6-BB7B76…)

Because throwing fits at work, talking shit about your parents online when they take away your job, and posting “she’s my thinspo” about yourself on an anonymous forum is so mature! Kek
No. 662403
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No. 662461
We're gonna get to see that cereal bowl hanging out of her window real soon, guise.
No. 662606
File: 1534053678375.jpg (489.96 KB, 1080x1843, Eueiiwuwuw815.jpg)

Has anyone been following the drama surrounding Terri (anorexia recovery is her YouTube)? She's been making tons of videos about haters and liars, apparently someone was sending other users a link to something? And claiming she's racist and a scammer
No. 662651
File: 1534062442663.png (99.38 KB, 477x697, wp_ss_20180812_0001.png)

>>662606Idk about her past, but it's not hard to believe the scammer part when she begs for cash on her channel's ABOUT section. She's on ig btw plugging her youtube.
No. 662674
>>662654I think the person is referring to something in the past. She's not getting rich with donation money judging by the looks of it. She didn't even get the patreon link right at first so she's far from a professional scammer. I'm more interested in the racism part tbh. Her public Facebook profile does have some weird shared posts (like "Sorry God for getting you out of our schools", something about the shitty government enticing shitty lazy people etc.) but nothing downright racist.
If she got a car through Gofundme donations, that means the donations were collected in some community and I wonder if she pulled the same spiel, seeming super kind and willing to recover etc.
I do think she's very manipulative and immature. Telling her followers to support her "till the end" and everyone else can get lost, saying the channel is about her and her recovery and nothing else will be talked about while she's the one giving the petty drama a platform, ignoring questions from concerned subscribers. Like when that dumb follower posted her phone number and blamed Terri for not deleting it, and everyone ganged up on the girl and complained about drama while Terri was the one making multiple videos addressed to her.
No. 662682
>>662674The car gets her around but that's only helping her get around in the dire state of health she's in. I don't believe she's even trying to recover. The food she eats is pure crap and such small quantities. It'd be more useful if she had a Patreon or gofuckme for IP recovery.
Idk, she reminds me of Ash in so many ways.
No. 662954
File: 1534099171703.jpg (141.55 KB, 1080x554, 20180812_203818.jpg)

That's funny that someone calls Terri's followers internet addicts while Terri is the one making multiple videos each day… Also imagine making a fangirl video about Hitler and thinking you're in the right
No. 663040
>>662954It's okay to be a racist Hitler lover so long as you put your name to it? Lol.
I wouldn't say she's "fighting for her life". She eats curly fries and probably pukes them up. Great.
She was a nurse. Can't imagine wtf a racist blog post and Hitler video with a Joan Jett soundtrack has to do with that.
No. 663152
File: 1534113652082.jpg (837.39 KB, 1080x1470, 18-08-12-10-19-31-052_deco.jpg)

this is a normal sized restaurant portion. "this is the most terrifying thing i have ever put in my mouth including that time i sucked off a guy behind Glenferrie Station for a pack of smokes" ew
No. 663423
File: 1534140084590.png (1.23 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180813-155929.png)

Anyone follow this one?? I feel like her posts are getting more attention seeking by the minute
No. 663512
>>663509Congratulations!!! You must feel so tough and accomplished for anonymously calling someone you don’t know a fucking idiot online. Credit to you! I am truly worried for you. These girls have the right to do what they like to there own bodies, as you have the right to do what you want to your own. They have the right to post what they like on there own social media pages as you do. If you find these so damaging why do you bother looking at them? I think you are the one after the attention. At least they are confident enough to publicly post and not anonymously hide behind a keyboard.
You should listen to what you say, people can hate what they want, just like they are able to post and share what they want. If I had a child they would except everyone equally. Not anonymously ridicule them online.
No. 663597
File: 1534174242017.jpeg (170.33 KB, 640x868, 3547CC9E-4509-449A-9626-60C7C3…)

Great look what your arm chairing does idiots. Now “admitting” she has bpd, thanks to you arm chair fags. There’s no way she meets 5 of the 9 criteria necessary for diagnosis. The key feature is emotional instability and she has said herself that her emotions are shallow or nonexistent.
No. 663631
>>663436Just to tell you the world has not come to this, it’s always been this way people gossip and talk about others…kek it happens! Your conflating that with bullying though. And as for respecting others and ourselves, no one just straight up deserves respect they have to be or do something to earn it. It’s worse what tilly and all these anachans do and anonymity has nothing to do with it.
>>663523How would you even know we are insecure, unstable and jealous….sounds like a little projection! If you think we’re bad then how rediculous are you to come here and confront everything! Some if not all of these comments are probably tilly I agree with this op
>>663608 we need to stop giving her attention and she’ll stop clogging are thread up with bullshit that makes no sense and just derails the conversation
No. 663646
File: 1534178972060.png (311.64 KB, 750x1334, 423B0D79-4F7E-4C52-A773-470C3B…)

>>663423This one was certainly looking for asspats in the comments like “your so thin”. and as for captions yea weight kind of does mean something, the lower u are the sicker u r. And also ppl don’t take seriously (always) average size ppl claiming anorexia. This girls pretty thin but also pretty dumb too like hash tagging weightmeansnothing then she hash tags educate yourself like wasn’t this person trying to understand by asking questions, my gosh anything for a screen grab of their messages for ass pats.
Tbh I don’t even know what the messenger is trying to say I think they meant she looked too good to be in hospital not that she looked so thin and it was good…. lol she’s making it seem like they r being pro ana but actually I think there’s a language barrier between the messenger Bc the English isint great.
No. 663691
File: 1534183218435.gif (2.95 KB, 353x132, damn.GIF)

>>663631Just report and ignore.
No. 663764
>>663646That OTT reply is laughable, really. But hey - now she can enjoy the attention resulting from being all 'offended'… "Ohnoes, I'm flapping my arms about! Lookatme guys!"
All the while loving the negativity, playing the victim, and the ostentatious, self-righteous display.
No. 663813
File: 1534192603166.png (2.05 MB, 1440x2055, Screenshot_20180814-063012~2.p…)

"Look at me workingout in IP." its abt the only one without her nosehose selfie
No. 663902
File: 1534200989881.jpeg (Spoiler Image,132.35 KB, 750x901, 848D103A-8C54-402F-A859-7B309F…)

this is @katfightsanorexia’s “don’t end up like me” post, I think this is her a couple years ago. she regularly tries to slit her throat so I have no doubt she’s mentally ill and seemingly really autistic but she’s living in an actual fantasy if she thinks her being institutionalised is at all related to her anorexia
today she was bragging about hitting a minimally healthy weight which most U.K. IPs set at a BMI of like 17.
No. 663988
File: 1534209426617.png (Spoiler Image,2.76 MB, 1440x1960, Screenshot_20180814-111446~2.p…)

Loves being in hospital this one despite her whiney captions. BMI is still above 19
No. 664196
File: 1534236873914.png (1.22 MB, 1440x2045, Screenshot_20180814-185134~2.p…)

Doesnt look underweight. She says she needs to lose 30kg to meet the requirement
No. 664321
>>664305 - Seems like she's trying to attention whore and create a shit show all because the staff there are finally starting to look at why she's not gaining weight in treatment (possible hiding food) and filling up on calorie-free drinks. Suprised she got by with ED contraband in the first place, so now she's throwing her dummy out of the pram.
Maybe she thinks she'll get kicked out (yet again) and won't have to face consequences. Wonder if she can get in legal trouble for what she's done though? imagine if it was untrue. I was expecting another round of attention seeking behaviours from her, she was whining about the fact that being thin is all she's good at in a place where she's supposed to gain weight and she gained 500g(!) so 'fullyrecovered' now. She does my nut in.
No. 664325
File: 1534257052833.png (2.57 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180815-002948.png)

Tilly must be off her meds messaging Henry this crap
No. 664329
File: 1534257787526.jpg (319.02 KB, 1119x1600, 2018-08-15-00-42-18.jpg)

No you love the attention too much
No. 664736
File: 1534296886734.png (2.22 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180815-003310.png)

She posted it as her story and as a post on both accounts. She has since deleted it once people didnt give her the reaction she wanted and pointed out she will probably be asked to leave IP but still thinks she is top shit…??!
No. 665779
File: 1534379618153.png (564.83 KB, 640x1136, 18F1725C-FEDF-43DF-9E96-ECC832…)

(1/2) This ana chan wants the attention and care that comes with treatment but once she discovered she would have to actually work and make progress, she flipped out and made various plans to manipulate her parents and team. Other than that her entire account consists of giving herself asspats for eating 50 extra calories or “challenges” of small amounts of diet food; whining about how her team expects too much of her when they’ve given her countless accommodations and second chances already; and giving her eating disordered followers a detailed breakdown of her ana meals and rapid weight loss. She has been IP for 2 months and had revolving door admissions for the past 3 years, always signing out AMA for her adult ones. Haven’t seen her on here yet but she’s surely problematic.
No. 665784
File: 1534379716791.png (171.31 KB, 640x1136, 26800737-9FB9-4B97-9B5F-353642…)

2/2- also her constantly referring to her followers as “my dears” and the selfies holding food are very Aly-esque
No. 666124
File: 1534412555842.png (2.65 MB, 1828x1158, Screen Shot 2018-08-16 at 11.3…)

>>665779How is it possible for anas to eat all of these mountains of food they are stuffed with in hospitals? I'm just genuinely not understanding how their stomachs and guts are able to process this, I have friends athletes who eat 200 grams of food per intake and they say their stomachs are small and not able to take more. And wouldn't you just vomit it out after years of malnutrition?
Mysteries of the universe…
On the topic though — with her "my dears" and "loves" she sounds like an old perv.
No. 666196
File: 1534424225740.png (1.07 MB, 1440x1388, Screenshot_20180816-225503~2.p…)

Dear lord this chick just doesnt stop
No. 666211
>>666054Hence why
>>666025 said she is very ill??
No. 666295
>>666124Anon, she rarely completes her meals. In my opinion, they let her get away with too much in past admissions and now they have someone who knows she can manipulate her way through. She’s at a general psych hospital in their “ED program.” It’s notoriously difficult to get out AMA there.
But as many of us on have EDs and have been inpatient, it is a massive amount of food—even for a non-ED person and side effects are common
No. 666463
File: 1534450347834.png (666.07 KB, 640x1136, 1CB1A315-9DC1-4315-BA37-49F01A…)

Posted directly after like 5 messages telling her how she was “such a good dancer”
No. 666485
>>666463She doesn’t seem milky. Does good job in recovery, pursues passion and has the balls to post progress, doesn’t get involved in drama. Maybe focus on the
problematic cows. Sage for wk.
No. 666585
File: 1534456391211.png (130.72 KB, 640x1136, 7DA66171-62DB-4515-9DEE-6A837E…)

Well about Maureen, I think she’s off fab. I blocked her from sending me messages but in my request filter I get this. So glad, she was so annoying. Always had to be the sickest, of no you don’t understand me because I’m dying and you’re just a fat bulimic. She even created her own group of ass pat people and banned people for calling her out on her bull. Still got screen shots of when she asked me if her daughter was fat whilst oretendinf to be her. Such a fruit loop.
So sick to hear she’s affecting others recovery so much.
No. 667299
File: 1534547489316.png (724.92 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180818-015457.png)

Well ain't this a nice little collision. In another news morven keeps saying her weight is far too high and she has no ED and blah blah.
No. 667349
File: 1534554042038.png (1.31 MB, 640x1136, AAC3EF97-8432-404A-9558-C46C6A…)

Tilly asked lolcow to “come at her” so here ya go tilly.
Serious kek that she thinks korey, Ollie, and herself are good examples of their generation “doing things” and being internet advocates. All they do is post dumb selfies and whine, smh
No. 667417
>>667372Gosh. I don’t think it’s her though. I assume some Aussie Em?
Regardless, Tilly should know generations are based on world events happening at impressionable ages. Example: anyone who doesn’t remember 9/11 is part of the most recent generation (At least here in the US that’s how they are commonly calculated)
No. 667432
File: 1534562460507.png (1.95 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1225.PNG)

And she's seeing no medical professionals. I know eating disorders are dangerous, but come on now. This is another level of unsafe. She needs to see real specialists in eating disorders. Not continue her pious recovery where only she controls it all.
No. 667544
File: 1534582739986.jpeg (177.56 KB, 750x1160, 97B2968F-3545-4F5B-B7E3-2F1250…)

Who else if not anon. Anyone knows this girl, where is she from etc? She posted a rather worrying message and I’d like to report her to authorities to check up on her in case of real suicide attempt. She’s an ana-chan, no idea if she’s been discussed before, it’s rather a small account.
No. 667555
>>667544 - it's a private account otherwise would have helped look for clues as to an identity.
Though this sort of thing pisses me off. "Oh hey, let me just set up a glamour shot of my potential OD". No one who wants to die really does that, when you're in that deep depression stuff like IG doesn't matter - you just want the pain/suffering to stop. To me it's probably another attention-seeker, or someone again trying to fake a suicide. On the off chance it is real, i hope they're okay and get help.
No. 667585
File: 1534592102368.png (698 KB, 446x870, korey.PNG)

i feel like Korey has fully relapsed into her ED of late under the wing of the #gayvegetable Ollie, and I'm guessing its probably the reason her and her BF broke up…
No. 667666
File: 1534607697135.jpg (479.35 KB, 1079x1070, Screenshot_20180818-165238_Ins…)

Korey and veggimate look bolted to me. Their pupils are hugely dilated, I know it could be a combination of dark nightclub and camera flash but they honestly look like they're on drugs.
No. 667676
>>667555Stuff like this pisses me off, too.
On the one hand, there's always the worry that it is real, which is the foremost concern, of course. But on the other hand, people end up feeling as if they are getting their emotions played with, all too often.
No. 667850
File: 1534630289034.png (1.27 MB, 640x1136, 77535025-2391-4697-BC06-B75E2A…)

Pretty sure she’s talking about korey. She is no longer in her follower/following list
No. 668265
File: 1534692015463.jpeg (449.61 KB, 750x1107, E9ED3CF1-7D2B-4014-B93B-50DCB8…)

>>667590Thanks, anons. She posted this again. I’m gonna assume it’s for attention.
No. 668278
> 5 likesOther than the obvious additions, there is more liquid in the bottle, than in the prior post. Either that, or it's a new bottle she's gotten into.
Also, cigarette count went from 2 to 4.
No. 668726
File: 1534748197490.png (772.74 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180820-165337.png)

>>668688They are friends. not insta friends anymore but still fb friends. They have the same psychiatrist and have been in inpatient together but tilly is more …. Rebellious so always got transferred to different hospitals or asked to leave etc.
No. 668737
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Oh no
No. 668739
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Ok edgelord
No. 668745
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Is there a thread for Annasorganiclife aka fitveganginger? Sage for no milk but made me laugh to see someone call her out for her recipes being disgusting
No. 668758
>>668745There are some older ones floating around, like
>>>/snow/163049 We used to follow her here but Kiwifarms are the ones who keep up with her these days.
No. 668784
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No. 668788
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Re: korey and Tillys friendship
No. 668790
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This is an old one from may 13, oh how the times have changed, must have just been a pity post Bc she hasn’t quit lolcow yet. “The people on lolcow are right” ahhh so that’s why she self posts and interacts so often, I’ll never understand the need for gratification from an invisible audience, what the hell is the pay of tilly?
No. 668791
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Has anyone talked about this cow? Disgusting.
No. 668804
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>>668790Lol she’s responded before anyone could on here “I don’t need your gratification Bc I actually have a life” would someone with a life constantly keep tabs on a site that talks about them, quickly replying with rebuddles immediately? Her responding to this is so attention seeking, although I can’t tell if she’s looking at this on lolcow but probably Bc why else would she include a random old post on her story. And she goes “I was pretty much raised on chan culture if she means anachan like why is that anything to be proud of? How can she say crap like that then think she’s doing some great advocacy work with her insta or helping the community she always refers to this “role” she has to the ed community, what is that being an obsessive, hypocritical joke?!
No. 668806
>>668804Pretty sure she means chan as in 4chan etc/anon message boards.
But this is what she is wanting, attention, it's why i don't get why time and time again people bring her up. Don't cows normally become a banned topic when they purposefully try and provoke the boards and anons take the bait? Though I do find it amusing how she thinks she's above the boards when she desperately clings to it, like she has no validity without it. TBH I wish she could be permabanned from the boards as in having the ability to visit them, bet it'd get her goat.
No. 668813
>>668265Next time: throw in a rope. Hanging never fails. Or jumping off a tall building. Paper cuts and a few pills don't work, but that's what she wants sooo…
How many anons are getting their jimmies ruffled by this tilly person because I'm all for banning the subject. She's boring as fuck.
No. 668816
>>668813Kek at paper cuts, what a perfectly staged photo this is for someone in such distress I don’t follow her yet but damn this seems milky
>>668265And anyway, I’m not so annoyed with tilly Bc she’s immature, obsessive and ridiculously attention seeking, but more so that she’s boring af. I tried watching her on live and was like wow smoking a cigarette staring at the screen…groundbreaking.
No. 669110
>>668816 not only are Tilly's lives boring af, they are extra cringe when she 'smokes' because she never actually inhales. She just fills her mouth with the smoke then blows it out (just like a cigar).
She is such a try hard edgelord, it is pathetic!
No. 669300
>>669267LOL! yeah I saw the shot spit as well! forgot to mention it. Also in addition to the cigar-drag she only ever takes like one or two drags from the whole cigarette, yet fucking waves it around infront of the camera as if to say "look at me, im cool".
oh and she also must hide it from her parents by smoking on the rooftop outside her window, as in her lives from there she is paranoid-ly glancing back.
No. 669383
>>669351Anything to stop her self posting and begging to be talked about here. She’s so fucking dreary and this new ‘wow so edgy and harsh and jaded look how much I don’t care’ act is even more grating than her reeeeing about being a mad genius as she was a few months ago.
She’s never gonna be anything other than a spoiled kid who read well as a kid and now has a complex about being super smart. She had multiple chances to grow up like a functional person and she chose to chase the tortured genius meme because she thinks she’s special.
Best thing anyone can do for this girl is ignore the fuck out of her until she realises she’s boring, uneducated normie like everyone else.
No. 669415
I may need to take off the tinfoil hat but oh boy is it ever samefag-y in here at the moment.
>>668758 mentioned, Kiwifarms has an active thread devoted to her in the Beauty Parlor section. The last I checked, Anna had a short stay in the hospital after what seemed like ages of complaining about the sorry state of her health. She adamantly claims that her diet of magical bone broth swill is responsible for her miraculous recovery. I sometimes find myself torn between feeling sad about the fact that she continues to suffer needlessly and enraged because she still insists on shilling her "knowledge" and insane diets (for actual hard earned cash) to vulnerable people.
No. 669452
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So Thane is back and claiming BMI 10, but the funniest thing is Tilly in the comments bashing her for not using trigger warnings. I know we kind of agreed not to bring her up anymore but it was just too rich.
No. 669453
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(Cont of last post)
No. 669465
>>669453Wow a dumbass desperate to be on lolcow attention seeking on another attention seeking spoops account?
Who could have seen that coming?
No. 669590
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>>669351She posted a insta story screen shot of your comment saying “I’m ok with that” then in the next one says “im going to die alone” like she can’t even keep consistent her tough guy demeanor for one day of insta stories….obviously no ones going to want to be with someone promiscuous Bc they have more potential for STD, that’s just how people think lol, it’s not cool, edgy or empowering, it’s your body which is priceless and your selling it for peanuts so you can buy fucking Red Bull… yea that’s definitely having a life. And if you have the energy to date and sex people you have the energy to work a job… your not that sick stop complaining tilly! I’m not going to entertain the ad hominem argument at the end, she’s grasping at straws now and it’s just sad.
>>669383She thinks she’s a mad genius …top kek! Like to be honest maybe, if she was eating, well nourished and not so spacey she’s be smarter, but wouldn’t a really smart person or at least and emotionally smart person not engage in perceived negativity? and they especially wouldn’t let their emotions get the best of them and make fiery insta stories based on strong emotions. She isint very self aware for someone who is a self proclaimed intelligent person. If she is so smart why couldn’t she live a functioning life with her ed, have a job and a real life outside insta? Ik ppl much worse off then her who do much much more, quit whining till and go fake smoke another bogey u cool cat mad genius
No. 669690
>>669621I sent her a sarahah asking if she had both bpd and ocpd. She didn’t answer it. I agree, bpd seems “cool.” It’s edgy in a way. I’m not sure about the mental health system in Aus, but personality disorders are normally not an add on diagnosis. They become the center from which all other diagnoses branch off and are not flippantly applied before the age of 22 (in case it’s a mixture of teen angst and mental illness)
She is clearly intelligent even with her emotional instability. I don’t agree with her act score being the marker of this, but she isn’t a turnip.
Whether she is banned or not, focusing on her and responding to her stories does exactly the opposite. I get that this might be perceived as WKing but poking her with a stick and then laughing at her reaction isn’t my idea of moving on from her. I’m here to point out hypocrisy and laugh, not to pick apart someone who is freshly 18 and has admitted she baits for attention
No. 669733
>>669621Ableism? That’s discrimination, I’m not hating on her for having any mental or physical illness. And I never said she is not smart because of BPD…I was just saying a genius is someone with superior intellect and that doesn’t come across to me with how she acts and speaks regardless of emotional stability. Perhaps you can be really intelligent and still engage in negativity to the point of your own detriment, I just thought a genius or intellectual would think more critically about how engaging in stuff like lolcow would effect them mentally, and avoid it.
>>669690I’m not saying I disagree with everything you say but it’s kind of contradictory to point out her hypocrisy and laugh and then in the same sentence say you don’t want to pick apart an 18 year old. She is young and immature I agree it’s probably not the best to post each story that references us here, your right it’s not helping and probably influencing her more. Once again I guess we’ll have to move on to other cows. She did just do a live recently saying she is in a better place and that she now knows who she is. She’s trying not to do attention seeking things anymore and admits she is guilty of doing so in the pass, I won’t post anymore unwarranted screen grabs of her story she seems to be moving away from the ott realm… hopefully.
No. 669918
>>669590She’s not that smart tbh.
She was good at something academic as a kid, got praised for it, and her ego blew up because all adults like the precious little smart kids.
Then she got in to year 12, realises she’s actually in the middle in terms of intellect and all the other kids going to uni are know all the same shit she knows. Suddenly she’s much less impressive and never bothered building anything to fall back on.
She’s the same as just about every other precocious kid. She fell for the savant meme and has fuck all personality aside from tortured genius and some snippy defense mechanisms.
She can put on the I don’t care fight me act all she likes but she’s sad as fuck and it’s her own fault it’s not getting better. She used the hospital to play girl interrupted and she’s too egotistical to grow.
Every day of her life, she’s online, posting her deliberately inflammatory shit to get noticed here and anywhere else she can. There’s zero indication she has friends or hobbies, no romantic relationships, no travelling, no interests outside of herself and her silly little personas. She’s living like a 14 year old shut in while her schoolmates are being normal people.
No. 669925
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Who died?
No. 669933
>>669918Lmao less than ten minutes and she’s posted this. How hard are you stalking this thread Tilly?
if you think getting an okay test score means you’re super smart, you’re gonna be bitterly disappointed. You’ve got zero emotional intelligence, fuck all social skill, you can’t string a sentence together out loud, and you think passing year 12 science means you’re smart?
If you had a shred of intelligence you’d stop embarrassing yourself and be productive for once, but you won’t. You have nothing but your personas and they’re transparent.
No. 669996
>>669986Both those posts were me. Girls like Tilly are a dime a dozen where I work. The entire setup so common amongst anorexics it’s boring tbh. There’s nothing deep or particularly insightful about it, it’s obvious when you’re used to seeing it.
If she wanted to, she could access a number of services and get well. It wouldn’t cost her much, just the price of meds which are cheap as hell. She won’t because that means not being exciting and edgy and giving up her shitty sick identity to build a real personality.
No. 670245
>>670218For sure. And at many times, I think the discussion is warranted. Blogging, but I know I would like to see the cows (who have hope imo) do well. I think parts of this thread may have ultimately helped her, but maybe I’m just headassing.
Spaceshiptorecovery and rhetoricallyashley are the only milk I’ve seen lately and they aren’t even bad. (Crap shopping skills accompanied by YA poetry and narcissistic rants about how we’re all obsessed with her) Any updates on becoming brea?
No. 670654
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Shouldn’t have zoomed in that much, just makes it even more obvious how much she contorted herself to give the illusion of a thigh gap. Smh you’d think this anachan would have the body check techniques down by now kek
No. 670995
>>670654Honestly tho, if your gap is that big when bending forward you probably have one when standing up straight.
Who is she? Looks like the other Aly but picture looks different.
No. 670999
>>670245Becoming Brea posted 4 days ago about a milkshake, and mentioned her "hip dips" and the first breakfast in a while in her ist 16h ago.
Nothing too milky.
No. 671097
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Ok generally I’m over Tilly but waiting to see if her posting a pic with Korey’s recently ex-boyfriend (who Tilly has never mentioned a friendship with before) will yield any milk. She is obsessed with getting Korey’s attention, and obviously trying to be her bestie didn’t work… and then all the stories Tilly devoted to slagging her off didn’t work… so here we all are I guess.
No. 671104
>>671097Literally wtf’d out loud at this one. Oh tilly girl what is u doin.
Korey has never and will never give a micro-shit about the child yet she’s still desperate for attention. Next she’ll be “bumping into” korey and the gay vegetable at a nightclub that she totally was going ti anyway, because she has a life, guyz.
No. 671279
>>671097Can’t believe we’ve given up so quickly on the Tilly ban. Unless of course, she’s the one posting these.
Honestly, we all know she’s desperate for attention, so why do we keep taking the bait? Everything she posts screams attention-seeking, combined with the fact that she refreshes this thread multiple times an hour as you can see on her story. Let’s just starve her out.
No. 671280
>>671097I almost cried when I saw that. She speaks out against wanting Korey's attention and then starts hanging out with all Korey's friends.
Tilly isn't milky, she's a warning for attention seeking disorders.
No. 671301
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>>671001>>670654Another bullshit response to her being called out for sucking in. I would like to see her pose from the front but then step her body to the side in the same position and take a profile, she’s prolly popping that booty so far and snapping legs for days. I’ve found when your actually low weight you don’t need to pose you just look thin regardless of contortionist angles kek. I think she thinks she looks awesome, and pretty confident to post an ott body check and have it not be the topic her caption or she’s just doing more tell me I’m skinny baiting to her followers
No. 671352
>>670654Healthy. All of this is perfectly healthy. And normal. Perfectly normal and appropriate.
So, yeah.
No. 671546
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The epitome of pro-ana “recovery” scum.
No. 671547
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She has cut Korey out of her life… Except for one day ago, when she commented on Korey’s latest post from her Tillyvents account. Sure Jan. She’s obsessed.
Also it was idiotic of Michael to let himself get sucked into the Tilly vortex. He’s just being used as a prop.
No. 671594
>>671399I thought she was dead.
Wonder what happened to Tom, her fiancé?
Hope she’s not drinking and has gained some weight.
No. 671614
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Paris seems to have deteriorated quite a bit.
No. 671615
>>671546Aw the poor anas are so dumb they don’t know children’s sizes actually can be bigger than women’s
>>671558I mean I don’t disagree, but their funding drama is boring. Girls—esp attention-seeking ana girls have quibbles all the time but now it’s headline news? Both korey and Tilly lead boring lives. Pretending they’re the next genius in the making and showcasing going to clubs on drugs or discussing sex work when confronted with the fact that their lives completely revolve around their “recovery”
And imo faking a level of recovery isn’t milky unless they want constant praise for doing so. Korey isn’t near alys level of manipulation (threatening relapse if no one comments to fuss over her “bmi 18.6” shrinking frame or 4 pound weight loss)
No. 671837
>>671614When you are eating and the camera is on.
It's not eating anymore.
No. 671983
>>671892Both of them do ALL of this for lolcow at this point, we are their main source of attention, it’s not lulz when it’s an act.
Banning Korey and Tilly discussion for a week would get them to stop selfposting for a while and make their selfposts a lot easier to identify in the future. I don’t know how y’all don’t feel just retarded and totally played when you comment and repost their things on here as if that’s not exactly what they want you to do. Unless being manipulated is something y’all enjoy?
No. 672873
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>>672842Don’t self post, brainsick.
No. 672880
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Complains about money situation and how she can’t buy food, therefore has to plan out every dollar but then spends it on this?
No. 672934
>>672873What makes you think she self-posted? I can’t see her doing that
>>672880 you can fuck off, cin doesn’t belong on here. She’s very sick, has a lot of trauma, and struggles majorly. No more talking about her
No. 672939
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Part 1:
Have we ever spoke about this girl? Constant body check photos, constant wining about no one helping her and how hopeless yet binge and purges, she recently just said her doctor wouldn’t take her back and stuff which duh makes sense I’ve known a few people who have had ppl refuse to treat them Bc of non compliance, she acts like it’s a specific thing against her. I’ll post some of her story say yay or nay milky or not, kind of entertaining but also like yikes her life is sad and she’s broadcasting her crying face to insta
No. 672940
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Part 2
No. 672941
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Part 3
No. 672943
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Part 4
No. 672947
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Part 5
She’s just chuffed to bits to be getting more followers, I doubt she was even stalked she just has to make sure ppl understand she thinks it’s weird when 0 follower ppl begin following her. It’s obviously Bc she’s so thin and ppl look at her as a thinspo…which she knows, so they create these ghost accounts with no activity or followers so they can follow all these proana accounts and secretly get their fill… come on she knows what’s going on here! It’s not some stalker it’s another anachan lol
No. 672993
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>>672976Top kek omg
>>672984Not that I know of I would have to do some digging I assume some type of anxiety based on how quickly she escalates things like in this post here
No. 672995
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She also likes to post these body check photos but then ask random ass questions to justify posting the body check
No. 672998
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Here’s another caption where she like goes on about how she’s mad at her dr for saying she’s pro ana but really I think she feels accomplished that anyone and especially a dr would call her or refer to her body and pics as proana
No. 673011
>>673003Lol I know right and why would someone go to the doctors and be like look at this girls insta she’s posting all these pro ana pictures! As if they’re going to like shut it down lol, the whole thing seems fabricated and embellished. Then she’s like what am I going to do! Uhm idk focus on getting better at least while your ip or wherever she was and stop
triggering yourself with body check photos?
No. 673019
I have been an ibserver of these threads for a few feeks, never considered joining because I have several issues with what is going on in here. But I will today, since I know @_cold__ in person, we are friends and I met her in treatment. I go to thw hospital that is not taking her, and k ow enough to tell that she is extremely sick. It is beyond cruel to even mention her. I know her doctor, and I know the whole situation and why they do not take her back, which is true, she has been trying to come back for a while. The rest of details is no concern of anyone else, but she is basically at the border of dying and there is a lot happening in the back to get her back to the unit. I hate this site, but I do agree with some things that have been said and sometimes it opens my mind towards what 'recovery'accounts actually are and how some of them are manipulative. This person, though, does not belong here.
No. 673038
>>673033The issue is very xomplicated, there are some conflict of interest, and there is a treatment center/hospital where she lives, so the other doctor says that if she wants to get better she could go there, but that treatment center is known to be terrible and sometimes makes things worse. the one she wants to get in is one of the bests in the country and a lot more helpful. She is not medically ubstable, which is a miracle, and the dr in her city has said she would be certified if the one in the other city had not 'agreed' to take her, but now it doesn't seem to be that way. Long story short, she has been in treatment multiple times and because of the issues with social media we have had, she is being rejected with saying she can just go to her nearest treatment center. It is a complicate situation and as I said she is not the first one, though she is the most extreme case. I cannot explain much more as I only know what I have talked to her, other patiens and her doctor. But her doctor might have other reasons, speculation will lead nowhere, but hopefully someone takes her eventually, whichever program. Even the one in her city, might be hell but gives you a chance of living to look for something better.
No. 673062
>>672998I don't think she really belongs here either, but I'm not going to WK her because her whole account is full of body checks but I do believe her story about the doctor. Is she a bit dramatic and constantly fishing for validation/
triggers? Yes, most anachans are. But I wouldn't really consider her milky since she doesn't glamorize her illness and is actually trying to get help.
No. 673109
I am not self posting, I have just been an observer for a while. I talked to her xcotor because there are two main doctors in the unit and when one is on vacation the other replaces them, and it is common to bring these concerns to their doctoes, since in the past when she started posting many people in the unit started getting concerned ans talking to her doctor. I understand why you would think I am self posting, but I am just talking by concern since I am close with this individual and the unit I am in is extremely toxic, and things get around, if she knew she was here I don't want to imagine who else from there would start coming to take a look. Gossiping in my unit has been a terrible issue and because ofnit people like her are being kicked out, so I do want to avoid that from happening. That being said, it is not in my hands to amdo anything apart from explaining the situation she is in, as I do not see it particularly as being a source of 'milk'or enternteinment but concern. I find her only issue is her sickness, and I understand the rules here is not to talk about one whose only thing they go on for them is their illness. These, though, are just my thoughts.
No. 673198
>>673062>Is she a bit dramatic and constantly fishing for validation/triggers? Yes, most anachans are.Which is why the ability to take pics and post them on the internet shouldn't be allowed in inpatient, ED or psych. She said herself "I could have a bed if i agree to no electronics" yet she refuses, so she can't want the help that badly. ED centers in the U.S that allow electronics with internet are the biggest revolving doors, like ERC and TEP (remember jonzie?). I think the few facilities that allow phones/laptops are popular for that reason, and I think they know it. Pretty sure TEP banned jonzie, but i 100% know they didn't ban phones/laptops, they'd be a much less appealing program if they did.
If she was that desperate for help, at that specific unit, she'd part with her electronics for a little while.
No. 673289
>>673273Wait are you seriously painting her working when her parents have money as a bad thing? She may not want to get better/want to sacrifice things to recover but thank god she isn’t stuck up and using her parents money while doing so
She clearly is reaching out for help even if she is refusing what help comes to her. Her doctor said he would admit her early September if she didn’t go last minute like he wanted. Only then will we truly know how motivated she is for recovery. But if her own doctor has a vendetta against her, I wouldn’t blame her for not wanting to go in September. If her parents have money, she might as well come to the states for treatment
No. 673348
>>673235That’s what I was trying to say when initially bringing her up. There are ways to take control of your recovery if you truly want it, idk maybe this person on here knows her and knows she truly does want recovery, but then that means her whole insta is just contrary to what she secretly believes and let’s no one know. she even said she left ama in one of her older posts while ip that I was reading today.
>>673289She should come to the states for tx if internet is a problem alot of the big centers and hospitals in my area do not allow phones and one I was in even banned the use of computers lol. The only place I’ve been where u can have technology is inpatient in a medical hospital but some protocols have a one to one sitter for the ed patients so it be awkward to take those body check photos or you’d just literally have to have no shame. I think she’d benefit from a place in the states that I mentioned. it is absolute hell not being connected and probably worse for these girls that thrive off attention from social media, but I think it would do them good. A study on which apps are good and bad for mental health said instagram is one of the worst. Ppl like her and tilly would be a lot better off staying away from insta if they wanted a better chance at recovery. Making upwards comparisons is bad on your self esteem as well which is probably all some ppl who are stuck in the mindset do. and then the pressure of followers or whatever and dropping weight for your next update on the gram… doesn’t seem to help much either
No. 673370
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Someone just called JTE out for shooping one of her photos. Emma's literally just doing it for all the "you're so tiny!" comments. So fucking transparent
No. 673378
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>>673363Well she’s not at a university so she would sit at home all day without a job. Still don’t get why her attempting to be a productive adult in society is looked down upon
Tsfight is baiting now too. She has a pro-ana account and a chronic illness account. She went on live saying she reads r/illnessfakers and thinks it’s entertaining because they point out inconsistencies and they haven’t talked about her. Ever since, she’s been posting bait stories and captions. Attached pic is from her pro-ana page. Her last post was 4 days prior to the one attached
No. 673386
>>673376Yo I’m not trying to wk but it’s obvious you guys don’t follow her so I’m trying to relay info she has shared. She has said her mom begs her to stop working and has admitted multiple times that she continues to work as “self harm.” I don’t think she’s milky because she isn’t putposely trying to get people to discuss her here on lolcow. Both Tilly and spaceship attempt to be discussed which is clear from their posts and stories. I still think cold is disgusting and trying to get comments saying “omg you’re so skinny” or “you
trigger me.” The difference is she isn’t looking for outside attention from threads like this and has warnings. Tilly refuses to privitize her account or stop using recovery hashtags. Cold is private, but refusing to delete her account in an attempt to receive treatment sure says something
No. 673411
>>673398I don’t know her at all. Just been following her for a couple months now to see if she was milky or not. By all means, you can discuss her as much as you want. She is for sure under the category of pro ana in my eyes but she isn’t the same kind of pro ana as others imo. Its hard to say whether posts about “the reality of an ed” are fishing for concern or genuine warnings to others. (I think they’re the former but I digress) She seems to be hitting her rock bottom from what I can gather but I’m curious to see what happens come early September. The good Paris posts are her dancing while pretending to eat chocolate. Her depressed posts with super specific amounts of sandwhich fixings aren’t posted anymore because they’re predictable and not entertaining. It sounds like we agree on most things, I just don’t think cold is milky enough to spam the thread with 6 pictures and I hardly think her ambivalence over going to treatment and fishing for compliments is out of the ordinary for an ed account
>>673389Her chronic illness account is tsfight. (I believe it may be private, but she seems to accept everyone.) story today about how security was coming to her room screams message me and worry about me! Her ed account is linked in the bio too. She has gotten more attention seeking as of late. In the past I really though she was ill, but I’m starting to question when she broadcasts not eating anything by mouth and then wonders why her “pots” symptoms are acting up. She could be controversial on here because of the coexisting chronic illness and not sure if farmhands allow those discussions anymore but she’s another bekah
No. 673575
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Bekah now writes for the website blogs lol
No. 673739
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Does anyone follow this bat shit pathological liar?
No. 673746
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>>673739There’s a lot to cover but I’ll just give a brief summary for now. Basically she constantly says she is dying and even claims that she dies multiple times a night and that her boyfriend does CPR and brings her back to life?? Sweaty you’d have broken a rib or two by now if someone was doing cpr on you that often and intensely especially if you’re claiming to be so weak and emaciated, which she also constantly says. Despite the photo in the top right of this collage that clearly shows she is not close to being emaciated. Thin, sure, but not the emaciated skeleton she’s claiming to be. She also claimed a week or two ago that she died when she was ALONE and happened to come back to life? If you were alone how would you know you died? I don’t understand why so many of her followers believe her shit like it actually astounds me how stupid people can be
No. 673758
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>>673746Her latest scandal is this black eye she got a couple days ago and has posted approximately 40 (this is not an exaggeration) pictures of either on stories or a post. She has been telling three different stories of how it happened. First she made a post with Lana lyrics saying “when he hits it feels like a kiss” implying that her bf gave her the black eye so people were freaking out on her for romanticising abuse, then she started to claim it was an accident and was her fault because she woke him up but he was half asleep still and didn’t know he did it, and THEN she said on her personal account that it happened because she ran into her bathroom door? She has also posted multiple pictures of them together while she has the black eye. I feel like an abuser wouldn’t want to be in a photo with proof of a black eye if he actually hit her, you know? I hate to be doubtful but I mean she’s fucking bat shit I honestly kind of think she punched herself and is being all vague and shit to have people think she’s being abused but act like she’s in denial etc. Idk something is off though. The body check of the thighs is just another example of how she is clearly not emaciated… Oh and the bottom left is a caption she posted today claiming she hasn’t eaten in 93 days, sure Jan
No. 673808
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>>673739I do. Here’s the one where she claims 93 days without food. Did a quick reverse image search on just one of the pictures from this post…not original lol, she’s not even shooping her own body she just uploading pics that aren’t even her.
No. 673812
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>>673758The caption on this along with the comments is…interesting, like she says she’s dying bla bla bla but then has an agreement with police, psych and hospitals refusing medical help.. wtf like a do not resuscitate? What does she even mean?
No. 673814
>>673808uh 93 days? you'd be dead lol well I guess she dies every night and is resurrected by morning
so is this just someone stealing pics and pretending to have an ed for internet points?
No. 673821
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>>673814Idk hard to tell some photos with her face in it show a normal body but then there’s some photos definetly snagged from the internet but hard to say. I like how in this one she had to make it clear that she didn’t just die from overdosing she died from being underweight…she must think overdosing = you die, not that you just took more than the recommended or safe dose. She’s probably not underweight, those without her face probably aren’t her that’s why she needs to emphasize she’s underweight Bc she’s not lol. Idk kind of milky but everything seems pretty fabricated on her account
No. 673863
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>>673834And notice how the only ones with her face shows an average slim physique…she’s so ott with these stolen photos it’s rediculous. They are either super old or not her, definetly not in any chronological order Bc she goes from emaciated to average in like two clicks of the story
No. 674100
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>>674077>>674089It’s still showing up for me? And nah this one is pretty uncultured when it comes to social media and the ig community. I doubt she knows anything about the farm
No. 674610
>>674570That sure is a dramatic, eye catching picture. The selfie captures the arms nicely. Make sure to get your good side.
Caption essentially saying, "Tears of a clown, ya'll. You just don't know. Brave, brave, tears of a clown."
No. 674672
>>674570How does her family not find it bizarre to watch her, screeching and sobbing and writhing around over the threat of a single bolus but she’s still photographing it so carefully to make sure the focus is her iv and sinewy arms.
It’s like when she smashes her head into the walls over being overstimulated but then makes sure that there’s plenty of photos of the bruise.
Yeah she’s autistic but she really seems to milk it.
No. 674787
>>673092>>673106Canada does have universal health care but services and regulation vary a bit from province to province. I am not from Alberta, but it doesn't take much to get a quick rundown of the province's Mental Health Act. In short, if her physical condition were to deteriorate and she were to present herself to a hospital or a doctor's office, any physician worth their salt would strongly suggest that she be admitted until her condition can be adequately stabilized (she may be able to refuse treatment AMA). If a physician determines that she meets the conditions outlined in the Mental Health Act (suffering from mental disorder; likely to cause harm to the person or others; suffering substantial mental or physical deterioration/serious physical impairment, and unsuitable to continue at a facility other than as a formal patient) then they can issue an admission certificate and have her sectioned. Unless, such a certificate is issued by a doctor there is not much that anyone else can do.
It is also worth noting that treatment for eating disorders (especially for the adult population) is insanely underfunded and dedicated clinics typically have waiting lists that go on for so long that in some cases a patient can expect to wait anywhere between 6-9 months before starting in a programme. There is always the option of seeking treatment in a private clinic or residential centre (either in Canada or in the US) but that avenue can be prohibitively expensive for many families.
>>674716Regarding "Calgary", "Our Unit" and "Doctor P.":
>"there is a treatment center/hospital where she lives, so the other doctor says that if she wants to get better she could go there, but that treatment center is known to be terrible and sometimes makes things worse.">"the one she wants to get in is one of the bests in the country and a lot more helpful."(more on this later)>"I talked to her xcotor because there are two main doctors in the unit and when one is on vacation the other replaces them"Since her IG is private (and I cannot be bothered to follow ED accounts beyond this thread) I can only try to fill in the blanks. However, based off my own research and the content of these posts
>>673038 and
>>673109 made by "someone" who claims to "know" @_cold___ "in person", I am pretty sure that she is referring to the "Calgary Eating Disorder Program" in Calgary Alberta.
The clinic that she wants to get back into is most likely the Eating Disorder Program (Unit 4F4) offered at the University of Alberta Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta.
>> EDP is regularly toted as being one of the best eating disorder treament programmes in Canada and is considered to be "on par with established programs around the world".
>"the one she wants to get in is one of the bests in the country".The programme at present is lead by two psychiatrists: Dr. Lara Ostolosky and Dr. Henry Piktel
>"there are two main doctors in the unit"Dr. Henry Piktel? Recall the screenshot provided here
>>672998 in which @_cold____ rants about how much she "hates dr P" and how "HE said" she was "pro Ana". From the reviews on RateMD, it seems that Dr. Piktel is not one for bullshit and has been said to use tough love with patients under his care. Many have said that he comes across as harsh because he is not one to negotiate with the eating disorder.
> guess is that he told her that she has to fully commit to recovery and that there is no room in his clinic for half measures and so she flipped out. If she decides to take recovery seriously and agrees to work hard, then I am sure that the team at 4F4 will likely take her back.
No. 674814
>>674685Yeah but Emma wasn’t doing it to look dramatic, and she wanted to get better. Morven is just a bitch who claims her autism is why she’s a rude, lying, anorexic snob who nobody is allowed to call out because she has a cry and takes photos of herself hitting her head to make everyone feel like the questioner is the bad guy.
TLDR Emma was sad, and wanted to help someone with her videos. Morven wants attention and someone to set her dogs on when she gets the comments she’s fishing for.
No. 674822
>>674685Do you know if that's all still online? Reminds me so much of a lad who died around here, in treatment they showed us the docu. He loved recording his life, wish it helped him get well. He died while trying to finally access help in the centre i went to, it was so sad. Not ED related but still (Ben: diary of a heroin addict)
Morven does my head in though, it's obvious she does it for as much attention as possible.
No. 675059
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>>673863I just can’t wrap my head around this girl. One minute she’s posting pics of skinny girls she obviously found on the internet and the next she’s posting pictures like this that quite clearly show she isn’t “emanciated” as she calls it. And I don’t know what rattles me more: the fact that she’s doing this shit and making all these lies up or the fact that somehow some of her folllwers are stupid enough to believe her and enable her attention seeking antics
No. 675061
>>675059Sorry samefagging
Ps this is her new backup account I believe. She has three different accounts, this is not the one with the story highlights, maybe that’s how you got mixed up anon
>>674217 No. 675119
>>675059she’s been at this for a while. i used to follow her and she “attempted suicide” multiple times, saying doses of medications that are 100% lethal. posting on her feed and story that she is drifting in and out of consciousness, puking blood, and that she’s doing it because her ex(?) cheated. this happened on a regular basis, and a lot of followers were begging her to go to the hospital. she was writing back to every damn comment about how it’s okay, it’s her time. the first time was scary. but when she was fine the next day after apparently taking a lethal dose of pills, then doing this again and again, it was mind boggling.
no caps, sage bc i have no receipts
No. 675167
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We certainly won’t Natalia! You’ve given us too many laughs by posting your ridiculous antics online
No. 675192
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>>675167Is she in a public bathroom with no pants on just to take a body check photo…? Certainly memorable.
Her latest caption here, she try’s to speak so eloquently, why does everyone think they are a damn writer now a days…. “my head is thinking that I’ll never be happy” right what else would you think with your elbow? “Loud sobs rack my lips” “deep tired heartache is abundant in my chest” the poor grammar and syntax of her sentence structure just agitates me. People need to stop telking her she’s a good writer Bc these posts are horrific lol
No. 675312
>>675129Nope just guessing it’s a bolus based on her previous admissions and her extreme tantrums over any sort of nutrition.
She’s not exactly mysterious and neither is treatment for anorexia.
No. 675938
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>>675059Much lethal. So mortal. This girl is batshit.
Does anyone know how old she is? It's hard to tell, could easily be 40 and the boyfriend looks 16.
No. 675946
>>675938“severe chronic letal mortal arrhythmia”
that was the most OTT munchie sentence I’ve seen in all of time
No. 675951
>>675938I think she’s trying to say she’s at risk for refeeding syndrome because she’s so “starved and emaciated”.
>>675942Where did you see that? I wouldn’t be surprised she’s gone down every attention seeking avenue possible from ED to chronic illness.
No. 676174
>>673739Oh god yes, finally! Thank you anon, I've been tempted to post about this girl ever since I started following her but I didn't quite know how.
Anyways, here's a non exhaustive list of her BS.
She's said she's from Norway, moved to Argentina age 5, and has half brothers still in Norway.
She said her mother passed away (that is not a lie, I follow her sister on my main and their mother did pass away last year) but that consequently she "raised herself and her sister". Her sister seems to not want to have anything to do with her (who can blame her!) but they both seem to live with their father still.
She's said she's super rich and bought houses and cars for her dad and sister.
She once claimed that her sister viciously attacked her and though she wouldn't press charges, lil sis had to be sent to a private psych ward… all the while lil sis kept posting on her stories about hanging out with friends: nothing different than her usual posts.
She's said she has like 3 PhDs (I think she's 25 or 26?) and that she's a therapist and sees patients and all but she hasn't mentioned that in a hot minute.
She wrote about having "shadows" talking to her preventing her from calling for help when she was allegedly overdosing and vomiting blood.
She was claiming to have Parkinson's for a bit but stopped talking about it until someone asked about her diagnosis and literally asked didn't you have Parkinson's? and she went like oh actually they did some more tests and confirmed that I don't have it!
For a minute she was showing off what seemed like a constipated lower abdomen and/or a bloat (93 days without food yeah right) and claiming to be pregnant. Then less than a week later she said she lost it "because it was growing too fast and too strong and asking too much of her emaciated body" all according to the doctors, always, and that she sustained incredible blood loss from the miscarriage even though she had only been pregnant for a week.
And that's all I can remember for now. I don't have receipts sorry I'm new to this and I didn't foresee that it would be useful to keep screencaps and whatnot.
She's basically just a very unstable wreck of lies and attention seeking nonsense, but a part of me feels bad for her because even though all her BS is way too extensive to get through, she obviously needs more help than whatever she's getting. I don't think she means any harm, I think she's legit clinically insane.
No. 676460
>>675938……If this weren't the proana thread I'd say she's a troll.
She reminds me of ana-turned-munchie Dani (mylifestruggles or something?) from back in the day
No. 676948
>>676942I agree, tilly is just trying to say anything she can to evoke a response here on lolcow, from her story to general photo posts with attention seeking captions. Actually she’s posting all things related to what she is crisized for here specifically to get us to talk about her here again. It’s just sad and attention whoring. I can tell it’s killing her not to be mentioned Bc she’s ramped up the ott level of her posts revealing personal details that might be controversial to bait her followers and the farmers here. Not going to happen tilly go back to your roof.
>>676938Yes she bullies but then acts like a victim or questions why she’s ever spoken about on here. She is pretty mean and I thought her responses for that random Josie person to be unwarranted. Although I kind of feel like that was Josie asking the questions about herself Bc Idk why so many ppl would even care to ask tilly about here like this anon said
>>676942 who cares about either of them
No. 677001
>>676972I think she is going to see which community she can get more brownie points from. And sadly I think she has discovered she will get more sympathy in the ed community because they don’t understand the connection between eating disorders and the symptoms she is having. Her recovery account is recovering.avocado. There is a link in her bio. She posted about not eating for 2 weeks but has a post from 10 days ago about food she “had two bites of” she also posted on her story about food she had eaten but I didn’t think to screenshot at the time. Her ana account is also full of old thinspo style photos—even her profile pic on there.
Tinadaao is her personal. You can just compare those photos to the photos on her chronic and ana accounts…
No. 677034
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My favorite kind of "recovery progress" photo.
>no weight gain in sight
>still straining neck to look as spoopy as possible
>literally just put makeup on
>tagged as #anorexiarecovery
>comments: "You look so healthy!" "So proud of you!"
Proud of her for doing… what? Stay the same as before but this time ass herself to put on makeup before a selfie?
No. 677049
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Rachael Farrokh 100% belongs here. Surprised she’s not already.
Her and her husband / ‘care taker’ beg for money, donations, go to food banks and second hand stores in videos for attention and pity when in reality they’ve recieved over 200k through go fund me three years ago yet none of it has been put to use as they said it would.
It’s all a scam. Rachael is not suffering from anorexia like she claims, she is severely addicted to fentanyl which causes loss of appetite and can lead to anorexia. There is a 911 call where her husband Rod tells operators she’s been ok fentanyl for years. Whenever confronted about this they dodge it all with bullshit lies and excuses that don’t make any sense.
Rod exploits her illness for ‘fame’ and money. It’s sickening
This person keeps a pretty well documented blog on their shenanigans, but I’d like to have open discussions here about it No. 677092
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“Oh I didn’t know a picture of my twig legs would trigger anyone!!!”
I’m not surprised she and Tilly are friends.
No. 677149
>>677049Holy shit… I was not aware of this, I didn’t follow her too closely but I did kind of get exploitation vibes from the husband rod. She does seem pretty zonked out all the time but I figured she was on a myriad of medications that could cause those side effects. Can you link that video where rod mentioned fentanyl? I mean idk if she belongs on here… she is faking anorexia and scamming people for money. So messed up!
>>677071Let us know/post the other thread if you mention Rachel i want in on this milk.
>>677001T looks like she lives three different lives on three different accounts. She is absolutely mad and exagerating, and looks not that bad for not eating for two weeks. Why do these cows have to lie about such rediculous numbers it doesn’t give you more ana street cred ppl just don’t believe you. If she didn’t implicate herself with the food posts maybe, but no ones going to believe two weeks if you literally post on the same or another account that your eating…
No. 677179
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Pill porn with quiet backround music, the rest are photos/videos of completely average looking body checks. If I had convulsed to the point of a concucussion I probably wouldn’t be moving around trying to get skinny angles for my lousy proana account.
No. 677193
>>677034Who needs to go through the hard grind of recovering, when you can pile on the makeup, get your lighting just right, and collect those empty kudos.
(Don't forget to strain that neck, girl, and enter in a recovery tag, in order to pull others down with you… you've gotta keep your pro-ana street cred, after all.)
Maybe it's 'recovery' - maybe it's Maybelline!
No. 677206
>>677049She is from oc where perscription abuse leads to heroin/fenty a lot. I mean her story of a ten year battle doesn’t even make sense. She would have developed anorexia at 27ish. That’s hella late for someone who assumedly has a genetic predisposition. Seriously someone between 25 and 40 is not likely to just develop this disorder all of a sudden. Some mothers develop an ed after their kids leave for college and whatnot but there isn’t a logical
trigger besides drugs at her age of onset. Also drugs would explain why she never went to acute. They are able to detox underweight patients that would be risky elsewhere. I just wonder when the drugs got involved. Being that emaciated would be physically painful. I can’t imagine they would give her fentanyl for that pain but it is a possibility I suppose
No. 677216
I hate this blog lady’s writing style but seeing the facts make it very clear. Also there is no hospital in San Clemente for EDs or eating disorder treatment facilities. She has been in and out of UCSD (which has an incredibly famous ed program) and has always been “discharged” without any weight gain. At this point she may be considered too old to be a part of their program, but turning her away without a referral is illegal in the us. She could have her own thread tbh. Also there’s almost no way she could afford to live where she does if she was on food stamps
No. 677305
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>>677049Rachel has also been linked to Peggy Claude Pierre, the insane woman who ran the Montreux eating disorder clinic that was featured on Oprah and 20/20 multiple times. There are infamous videos where she's literally carrying around emaciated patients, spoon-feeding them, cooing at them and treating them like babies. She very obviously had a voeyuristic fixation with anorexia. Her clinic ended up getting shut down due to malpractice (she was caught force-feeding patients, letting dangerously sick and unqualified patients care for other patients, and physically restraining them). She lied under oath and multiple former patients testified against her.
A few years ago, she moved her clinic down to Portugal and Rachel was supposedly going to be "cared for" down there. Peggy was billed as the ~last doctor who would try to save Rachel~ and of course Rachel earned another opportunity to beg for donations.
No. 677358
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>>677349“The most severe case of anorexia” is an interesting choice of words
No. 677393
Wow, Rachel calls to mind another story just like hers, a person that goes by the name of AnaGirlEmpath/SheWhoFeels (owner of the pro-ana site, ProjectShapeshift, last I checked years ago). Uncanny similarities, including the carefully curated false narratives, and long-standing, hard core Fentanyl addiction.
There are some differences, but the main one is that AnaGirlEmpath is older (she stated years ago she was supposed to be dead by ~2008), covers up her lies much better, and has ended up doing actual damage to herself years earlier.
Sometimes, I think of AnaGirlEmpath when I see some of the people that try to straddle the fence in the pro-ana and chronic illness communities online. Because she's on OG/'pioneer' at this nonsense. If they want to share her outcome, it's their choice, but they need to know real damage is likely if they keep it up.
They even look somewhat alike. I don't know, it just hit me re: the similarities.
No. 677866
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Any of yall ever heard of her? Been getting accused of triggering people with her pics and using them as her own personal thinspo or whatever. Gets really mad when people use her pics as thinspo and tells her followers to attack them. Lately has been getting defensive and attacking people over the stupidest shit like askin for her height???? Also apparently got mad at some lady and told her followers to attack the womens daughter which caused the daughter to commit suicide??? Shes been posting this all on her story and honestly imo isnt thin enough to be an anachan but tries to act like one. Somehow has thousands of followers tho.
No. 677898
>>677866I’ve heard of her, shes pretty boring apart from the fact she always posts ana-esque body checks and writes captions about being fat yet gets
triggered and starts swearing at people when they ask if she has an ed? tbh she’s looked the exact same for the last four years so you’re probably right about her not being an “ana chan” but she’s clearly obsessed with her figure
No. 678136
>>677092she's milky as hell. followed her for ages, still do. i was fond of her and she was asked by a lot of ppl to put a
tw on her bodychecks. i asked her to block me from her spoopy pics on her story. she said yeah sure!! i'm recovered now but every time i go through my insta stories i still have to see her skelly legs
No. 678327
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Has this cow been discussed? she has been blowing up insta with her woe is me BS about her "restrictive eating disorder"
No. 678329
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part 2
No. 678349
>>678327you're the same anon who posted Lucy and follows all the ana-chans from the same Brisbane clinic. You also left your profile pic on your Lucy post and you have the exact same ~sick ana~ mentality. Quit your vendetta or at least sage your posts if you're not going to actually give evidence to someone's milkiness.
Ya'll need to stop just posting screenshots of profiles with a "has this one been talked about before?"
No. 678605
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Rachael answers more questions and ends the video saying ‘I have to stay open and honest and be vulnerable it’s the only way I’ll get better’ all while completely ignoring the comments on her last video asking for her to address the fentanyl addiction. She is digging herself into a deeper hole by continuing to fake her recovery while preaching positivity and honesty.
No. 678698
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lost more weight on that totes healthy vegan diet nothing more glamorous than a corpse
No. 678706
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No. 678879
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This is also a list of inconsistencies I found on the blog
No. 679533
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Yet another video. Rachael and Rod run across a ferret at a “food bank” and compares herself to the ferret for having a fat metabolism and sleeping 20 hours a day
No. 679634
>>678879The woman running the blog seems to have a lot of conjecture and assumptions without anything concrete.
I’m not saying Rachael is legit but this Mary Cummins doesn’t seem to be either
No. 680118
>>680077Jolty is desperate to have a thread here. Ignore her. She’ll eventually take an anachans skin to wear and maximise her creepiness.
>>680081If the best defense you have for her is ‘she is a human so stop criticising her’ you’re in for a bad time on a gossip site.
No. 680644
File: 1536073580237.jpg (1.25 MB, 1456x2386, WP_20180904_15_58_34_Pro.jpg)

>>645932Just flicked through one of my mum's trashy magazines and found tinyboosteps flogging her Ana story yet again for £500.
No. 680989
>>680874I agree, it's already been established that she doesn't belong here. From what I gathered, she did just one interview and then all these other medias picked up the story (as they do), and she regretted ever doing it.
She does not deserve any more shit, especially not now, which anyone who follows her would know.
Excuse my WK bullshit but I just genuinely like her.
No. 681275
>>680989It often happens with those magazines. They wanted to do a story on me but they refused to say they would send a draft and asked the stupidest pro Ana questions. Because that’s what normal people want to read. The shocking shit. You just have to look at any tabloid story done.
And nobodys off limits but she’s not milky
No. 681296
File: 1536126933624.png (96.64 KB, 606x488, Screen Shot 2018-09-05 at 3.45…)

something about sashrecoveryxx really gets to me, probably the fact she talks about anorexia like it's a person with the "choke on that, bitch!" comments. she seems to be gaining weight and in recovery (has been for a long time) but in photos loves to emphasise any part of her she can pass of as emaciated. you can watch her pick up phrases etc from other "recovery" accounts and tbh i'm waiting for some kind of documented instagram relapse.
No. 681487
File: 1536159524457.jpeg (150.43 KB, 750x1065, 8DB92E69-E4E1-4720-A333-11959E…)

kdailydiaryk is at it again. Woe is me, ~tragic backstory~ supposedly explaining her health issues. People are calling her out, wonder when that’s gonna be deleted & blocked.
No. 681516
>>681488holy fucking shit
>twin brother died in utero because mother was bulimic well ok
>was going to be put up for adoption but brothers stopped it on the condition that they raise her??>organs stopped growing at age 12 but body kept growing???? No. 681787
>>681604Tell me about it. (Short Finn.) It's kind of amusing though, people and their fucking viking boners these days.
>>681711Does she claim to have a norwegian parent/parents? Not to be shitty but nothing about her looks says scandinavian.
No. 681811
File: 1536183232365.jpeg (42.54 KB, 640x323, 16E7E6ED-1A0F-47C2-83BC-3B83B6…)

She claims she’s from Olso, Norway originally.
No. 681840
File: 1536184839344.jpeg (384.25 KB, 640x892, A427C3E3-C6DC-41F8-AE87-451CB2…)

I don’t even think she has brothers? I see no mention of them. There’s photos with her little sister when they were young, and “family” photo with ma (didn’t ma starve to death? Or was it her bad English? ) pa, and sis. The sister was tagged in a post too, so a lots not adding up.
No. 681912
File: 1536189710787.png (990.4 KB, 640x1136, 965485EF-3C19-4946-A106-870F3C…)

Sorry if I sound nit picky but does anyone else remember when recovery.chii constantly shit on other recovery instagrammers for not being sedentary? I’ve noticed now she’s always going on a walk somewhere or another and it’s hilariously hypocritical. But it’s ok because we all know recovery is all about challenging those moofins and sconezzz
No. 682099
>>681912I was thinking the same thing, anon. She always walks to work. I get the walking to the store because she lives in the city, but I assume she lives closer to a corner store than her place of work
She clearly doesn’t want to be healthy and has a superiority complex
No. 682471
File: 1536260840764.jpeg (237.74 KB, 750x776, 18851424-5A17-4C25-BA21-EB640F…)

Really…your ed isn’t about losing weight?! She’s only saying this as an excuse for why she’s not so sooper spoopy thin…obviously she cares about losing weight why else would she have to tell us “yes I’m underweight at the moment” news flash if you were actually super underweight or visibly emaciated you wouldn’t have to tell people “I am underweight” in nearly every post, kek they could just tell by looking at you. There was a question she responded to on her story commending her for looking healthier, not healthy but better and she got all defensive like it was hateful, for gods sake the question had fricking hearts in it! but it doesn’t seem to be there anymore, if she didn’t care about weight loss or if her “ed wasn’t about losing weight” why would she delete a positive comment about how she looks? “My eating disorder thrives on lack of love” she’s trying to be poetic again… she seems to be surrounded by plenty of family and her god children or whatever but she writes like she has some terrible insufferable life, like she’s some starving artist, jeez get over yourself from what she shows which yes Ik is obviously only a glimpse, it don’t seem that bad, also the part where she says “I don’t aim to impress anyone” then why not take a normal photo without bending over, pushing your booty out and contorting yourself to look as thin as possible…. if she wasn’t trying to impress or look thin for ppl she’d just take a normal photo. She knows she looks fine if she were to do that so she can’t, must contort must look sooper ana
No. 682699
>>682471I operate under the assumption that she thinks she’s the next Sylvia Plath or Mayra hornbacher. Much of her “story” doesn’t math up and she seems to want people to talk about her. “Comment if you read this!” Etc. her entire schizophrenia diagnosis seems fishy because she claims she was diagnosed as soon as she turned 18. For a disorder that doesn’t normally appear until middle young adulthood, schizophrenia in children is both rare and diagnosable. There’s no reason they would have waited to diagnose her with it. I think she’s convinced she’s living out what is to become an Emmy winning picture.
>>682636Her face and appearance confuse me so much. I don’t personally think she purges, but her muscle wasting and temporal wasting are extreme for the stats she claims on reddit (5’4/163 cm and 90 pounds/41 kg) she reminds me of story of korey in that I believe her set point is considerably higher than she wants to admit. That or her body has just been in this state for so long, she looks worse off than the average joe
No. 682958
>>682829Her lowest was 63 pounds and she claims she gained 25-30 pounds before her hiatus.
Then she claimed she gained back what she had lost over that time period but I highly doubt she gained that weight back. In her old body check comparisons, she does look like she was 90 pounds and looks really good and nothing like she does now. Her face says everything
>>682921Stalk her account yourself
No. 683230
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>>677077Other than her gofundmepage no.
No. 683365
File: 1536355573038.png (1.67 MB, 640x1136, 48251313-7D77-4EC9-9373-8D3D01…)

It hurts my head how fucking stupid so many of these idiots are, and insulted that they think we’re stupid enough to believe them. Newsflash Bella, it’s impossible for a human to survive without sleep for that long, christ.
No. 683734
File: 1536402514328.jpeg (502.1 KB, 750x1061, 6CCC95E1-DC35-4969-BDC6-DC2955…)

Retardness continues - now her eyebrows are apparently „dyed”. She is legit trying to pass off as scandinavian while looking like a mexican/romanian mix.
No. 683778
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>>683739Idk anon. It is a mystery.
No. 683863
File: 1536424107160.jpeg (135.13 KB, 640x854, 029376F2-921B-4C9D-8A19-8C3399…)

Also discovered that this photo she posted a few days ago and claimed was taken at Mauri’s pool was a photo she already posted over a year ago, when she didn’t even know him yet. Why lie about that?
No. 684444
>>684441she also seems like she is just lying and making up all these stories to seem interesting, because there’s literally nothing interesting about her. She sits all day at home just doing drugs with her boyfriend, she is probably uneducated and unintelligent (based on how she thinks her lies are believable and just in general the content she provides), even wrote that she thinks Mauri is not interested in her anymore because “he pays attention to his phone or tv”, she seems insecure and being crazily attention-seeking. Those are rather traits of a personality disorder. Knew a girl who acted exactly like her (among other things wearing falsies and circle lenses and saying to everyone it’s her natural eyes/lashes, making up diagnosis (“oh I’m diabetic” - eats 2 jars of Nutella and nothing happens, lies about having insulin shots with her all time but couldn’t show them when requested), bandaging healthy skin to pretend she’s injured, always acting like she got sick and unwell at social gatherings the moment she realized she’s not in the center of attention, bitching at other girls when they made her feel inferior just by existing, lies covered by lies and she only cried and puked when confronted, could never admit to lies even with gun to her head). She had just narcisstic personality disorder and addiction to lying. These two girls seem almost identical to me.
Safe for samefagging
No. 684953
File: 1536546859821.png (1.31 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1466.PNG)

How is she alive??
No. 685382
File: 1536609659227.jpeg (447.06 KB, 2048x2048, A93EAD88-42D3-4723-93FC-F7B838…)

Maybe it’s schizophrenia, or maybe the both of them should lay off intense hallucinogenics like DMT. I realize those comments are older, but i can’t imagine smoking DMT would be good for uhh whatever made up “fatal/mortal” arrhythmia Kasia claims, nor spaceshiptorecovery’s alleged schizophrenia, which they both claim.
No. 685602
>>684444I was gonna make a whole post about how the majority of her bodychecks are actually pulled from random thinspo accounts but I'm not too good at collages or whatever, and I don't want to make like 72 posts in a row. I guess you can all just go check her different accounts and notice how some very basic things never look the same from one picture to the next. Just from like, the bellybutton, you can clearly tell it's a bunch of different people, and specifically not her.
Through some extensive lurking on my part, I figured out a couple of things: her real name is Luciana Ambrosini, and although she pretends her middle name is Kasia, (or was it the other way around?) her middle name is actually Soledad. I found her FB account, under the name Ky Ambrosini. The Mauri guy has FB too (Mauricio Loria) and so does her dad, which (surprise, surprise!) states San Rafael, Mendoza, Argentina as his birthplace… so much for the Norwegian ancestors!! I believe the brothers are entirely made up.
There's one thing that still puzzles me, and it's that she seems to have legitimately graduated from university. I found on the FB page from the "Colegio Profesional de Psicólogos de Mendoza" pictures from some sort of "you are now a licensed therapist" type thing event… I don't know what's up with that, but she obviously doesn't seem to be working or anything…
No. 685992
File: 1536690081185.jpeg (366.97 KB, 750x848, 407A9DCD-9442-4F45-A321-4694E7…)

>>685957She is 25 and everything besides psychology degree is a lie. I doubt she even got masters degree, probably just bachelor based on how she never posted anything about studying.
No. 686512
coming up to nearly a month in hospital and has only got worse instead of better. Claims not tampering with feed but has admitted pulling ng tube more than once. Like another anon said earlier, its irritating that despite all the massively expensive and extensive resources she has been given for years and years, she continues to superficially be in ‘recovery’ but underneath she cant let go of it all because she thrives off the care and attention that being anorexic and dealthy ill brings. Its like validation for her. saged for rant.
No. 686529
>>685602is it possible to share her fb profile id? Not been able to find it, but did see the photo set she was in from the university. It's quite common for people who suffer with mental illness to want to study the field, whether from compassion for others in the same boat, a way to understand themselves, etc.
It seems like she did a course on CBT though, or at least she "offers" cbt going by her profile page, to both adult and child services. She's been listed on the site 9 months ago.
No. 686532
File: 1536760082910.jpg (89.47 KB, 777x862, huh.JPG)

Sorry for same fagging, but it seems like she did 5 years at uni in psychology. For the past two years she's an "assistant professor" at the university of mendoza. It's so confusing, all she seems to share about on her IG is getting high on weed and the rest of the attention seeking bullshittery. No. 686902
File: 1536797940378.jpg (162.14 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4524.jpg)

so, the drawings that she posted about recently, along with a caption in her customary cringeworthy English
>This are some of my latests drawing, yesterday you asked for see some si here they are.
well, i knew for a fucking fact they weren't hers, but reverse image search doesn't work great on IG content because of cropping, filters, etc.
yet, that didn't deter me… i still don't know what she did to the images (cause bitch sure didn't make it easy for me to find the originals) and i will keep to myself how long it took me, but i finally found whose art it actually is.
the artist is IG @ unfloripondio
she's also from Argentina and barely has more than 4K followers which i guess makes her a logical choice when one is looking for someone to steal art from and pass it as their own.
anyways. i don't understand what that luciana cunt is about. like, she doesn't seem to have meaningful motives for lying so much, she's not asking for money on a gofuckme or whatever. i don't know about her DMs but she doesn't even seem to be getting that much sympathy in her comments.
No. 686907
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>>686902samefagging for second pic
No. 687018
File: 1536808758516.jpg (159.78 KB, 954x960, 37607882_1849743711714292_5752…)

Crying Emily Hazell looks absolutely fantastic. I hope she doesn't turn into a BPD hell mother as her child gets older.
No. 687074
File: 1536815636251.jpg (516.48 KB, 1080x1440, 20180913_061141.jpg)

All of the bruising is just badly applies makeup, it doesn't even look the same in each photo. How can her followers honestly believe these posts?
No. 687075
File: 1536815702946.jpg (474.83 KB, 1080x1587, 20180913_061156.jpg)

Even her eye bags are painted on
No. 687175
File: 1536833577168.jpeg (147.29 KB, 640x812, A9538AC0-7E3D-4B85-89FA-617EC7…)

>>686904The latest: apparently has the whole hospital rooting for her!!
No. 687182
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>>687177But she treats her dr like this
No. 687297
File: 1536853721258.png (1.37 MB, 640x1136, 439726A0-8634-426B-83B7-3B6470…)

Oopsie daisy!
No. 687303
File: 1536854016002.png (1.28 MB, 640x1136, 53335A5B-464A-4AE5-9BCF-CBF600…)

No. 687326
File: 1536855564242.jpg (567.1 KB, 1065x1656, 20180913_171827.jpg)

She got called out in the comments by a few people for stealing this artwork and the original artist was tagged but she has just deleted all the negative comments…
No. 687329
>>687303Good lord, i couldn't help but laugh. I thought she was deathly sick, few days left to live, now she's all
> I DESTR0Y USure thing hun. What ever you say. Delusional bitches trying to sound hard are really kind of funny to me. Stand down Chihuahua.
No. 687379
>>687297nitpicking, but her English reminds me of Aly.
And I´m not even a native speaker.
No. 687421
File: 1536865593771.jpeg (507.14 KB, 750x1160, A0CC20D5-B4DB-4FFE-B4F7-86C7DE…)

Kek, she took a recent picture and tries to pull that she was 13 here. What kind of delisional bullshit is it. The layers and layers of filters don’t work, Lucia, everyone sees how old and haggard you look.
No. 687428
>Omg how did you figure it out????funny you'd ask! i figured it out because i'm stubborn as fuck.
i tried a bunch of different things, but the one thing that worked was that the last drawing (the one that's just black and white) had one single result on reverse image search. it was a broken pinterest link that didn't work when i clicked on it so that was no good… but the entry let me see one handle of one user that had pinned the image.
the user in question seems to have made pinterest into their actual profession: they literally had 85,986 pins.
i just scrolled until i found the goodies.
>she said they were drawings and they’re very clearly computer sketches.might be because i'm also not a native english speaker, but to me these terms aren't mutually exclusive. they're all basically just 'illustrations'
No. 687840
>>687421Despite cranking up the brightness, her sister doesn't look blonde here (or 9). It looks like the sun is reflecting off of her hair.
Why go to such extreme lengths to fake your heritage?
No. 687909
File: 1536903908679.jpeg (175.88 KB, 639x906, 25F58DFD-CCCC-4796-9382-40EE39…)

Such natural blonde hair, did the parents dye their hair and eyebrows when they were bubbas? She seems to love putting filters on top of old filters. This is another picture that ended up looking progressively lighter.
No. 688146
File: 1536943964030.jpeg (434.61 KB, 750x857, D1B9BD22-96E6-41FA-8426-A8CF69…)

“Your having a lot of issues I’m worried your heart might give out” so she thinks you could die but only suggests Iop? Not inpatient or even medical stabilization? If she doesn’t bring her ed up to her therapist how would the therapist know how bad off she is? Just yet another post where she’s trying to be a writer, yet the post reads like an angsty pre teen wrote it. “And so it’s all dwindling down to decisions, decisions, decisions…” “comment an emoji down below” like what?! this is just so frickin random I can’t with her
No. 688250
>>688065Most Scandinavian women just -dye- their hair light blonde anyway.
What a pointless lie.
No. 688371
File: 1536961942050.png (2.14 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180914-165000.png)

These two are definitely on some drugs, right?
No. 688661
File: 1536998433509.jpeg (171.37 KB, 640x920, 6021F91F-8AB0-4F9B-8BB4-284839…)

It seems kdailydiaryk is faking suicide, she posted a bunch of superficial self harm posts and said good bye on two of her accounts. On her main one obviously there’s no mention. It’s frustrating when people pull this crap, people are worried and commenting. Bet anyone that mentions her real public account will get blocked/comments removed too.
No. 688777
File: 1537020897409.gif (19.19 MB, 412x604, 5086296f-662b-492a-aee4-0ac9fc…)

I don't know if this is milk, but it sure amused me.
No. 688784
>>688777you’re a little behind
>>659639 >>659643 but so glad to have you join the club ahaha
No. 688835
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I’m so sorry but this made me laugh out loud. This basically proves she isn’t a psychologist (not that I didn’t already doubt that) because anyone who went through for psychology knows that it’s recommended and sometimes even mandatory for therapists to have their own therapists. Big kek dude
No. 689260
File: 1537079299664.jpeg (117.96 KB, 637x908, D054667E-577F-45DA-9667-6F46F6…)

Well she couldn’t fake death for long, wonder what story she’s going to embellish now (guessing she needs time to think of a good enough and dramatic story so right now she’s “gathering her streght”. Guessing holding her breath for twenty seconds didn’t cut it, despite being in such a sick and dying disposition. I can’t stand it when people pull this crap.
No. 689565
File: 1537122016519.png (2.82 MB, 1521x1923, alexys.png)

>>673198>remember jonzie?Yeah. What happened to the threads on her?
No. 689589
File: 1537124022157.jpeg (567.55 KB, 750x1087, 04D37D8A-A05E-491A-A025-D3837A…)

>>689260KEKEKEKEK. Everything about this post. Her lies and delusions are Icky Vicky level.
No. 689598
File: 1537124538728.jpeg (40.93 KB, 400x297, 1533340915496.jpeg)

>>689589wtf…her bf overdosed on benzos and alcohol in the street somewhere then she went home and had a heart attack? did i make the right math?
also are the pics with this post just random people? lol
No. 689737
File: 1537132249373.jpeg (535.79 KB, 2048x2048, 90B26309-7711-4BD8-93E1-06A0D7…)

>>689670 it’s just basically self harm pics, nicked fingers (probably self inflicted), pics of her looking like a bleached up druggie, and her boyfriend and friend.
No. 689759
>>689754The guy on the right is her boyfriend, no idea who the friend is though. ( - he has plenty of pictures of them together and translated captions show it's true that they're a couple) But this whole story has to be a fabrication, nothing makes sense in it.
No. 689807
>>689763I hope someone else can do better
she has a private FB account : is her mom:'s friends IRL with vegan.dancer.recovering
No. 690164
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>>690007I think someone I know has done just that, I really don’t want to get involved for obvious reasons. But from what she was saying the boyfriend hasn’t been in hospital, “he can walk properly?”, and hasn’t been drugged with an overdose. She said he replied to her posting (?) the Engrish gets to me at times, lack of context does my nut in. If I ask her for screenshots, would that be classed as some form of indirect cow tipping? But what ever she said sparked something, re: screen cap.
No. 690227
File: 1537197661011.jpg (87.25 KB, 413x338, mmkay.jpg)

It didn't seem all that milky of a conversation by screenshots, but he said thanks for letting him know what KY had posted. By sounds the Chihauhau checks his phone and blocked her, must be tiring having to check both phones constantly? I mean she's always on her 3 accounts deleting comments, and having to keep her boyfriend on lock down? Damn that's some level of crazy. I can't tell if google translate is just hideous or if this is actually what he's saying.
Added tinfoil: Maybe in her head kissing is CPR? You don't perform CPR on someone with a simply slower heart rate than normal i thought (any first aid anons, I thought it was just under cardiac arrest)? And the rate (him giving it to her and visa versa, such as last night) they're going at it it's every day.
>> My heart feels funny
>> Let me give you the kiss of life
No. 690235
>>690227To anon who’s cow tipping:
Please for the love of Satan tell that woman to brush her teeth
No. 690236
File: 1537199195260.jpg (19.86 KB, 617x81, mmkay2.JPG)

Also saw this comment, i couldn't screen cap others in similar vein in time. I'm pretty sure a parademic isn't going to hand you an injection from their stash, for you to give to your boyfriend. The "pills were in his pockets". so many out of so many left from a blister pack, surely they would know what types of pills they were in that condition? Oiii my head with this woman. She is so thick. I can't even tell if it's a language barrier thing, at a point she called someone a nurse where she herself has "5 years of psychological medical training" and obviously knew what to do. Ugh.
No. 691524
File: 1537320952028.jpg (261.27 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180919-032319_You…)

She's supposedly heading to treatment tomorrow and doing a live chat. Anyone who asks about her contradictory statements gets immediately blocked
No. 691678
>>691176Tilly is literally smoking crack so we'll talk about her. The other day in her story she said she'd " do something interesting" if she wanted our attention.
Now I guess she's on crack.
No. 691729
File: 1537347568767.jpg (278.85 KB, 1080x1154, Screenshot_20180919-095902_Ins…)

My god she is such a fucking bitch
No. 691771
>>691630She's saying she won't film videos there… instead, her mum will upload videos to YouTube and block "rrolls". Imagine being 71 and your adult daughter pulling you into her internet drama.
>>691679It's Terri, her YouTube is called "anorexia recovery"
No. 692091
File: 1537387233329.png (1.66 MB, 750x1334, D1640CFC-8BDC-438B-8FC5-832B3E…)

So she rear ended someone at a fricking red light, and her only thought is I’m not going to tutoring and I need to except it?! But don’t worry y’all she’s not hurt! What about the other person she rear ended, how narcissistic to only consider herself. Also if the cops came and wrote up a report your parents are going to see it when the insurance goes up on the car they pay for you idiot.
No. 692100
File: 1537387664011.jpeg (297.64 KB, 750x822, 09D6477C-C3DA-40DD-BD06-C903F3…)

She’s jealous of her sister, but don’t worry guys she’s not thinspo…who says she like this other than anachan wanarexics like wtf honestly she’s competing with her sister? That’s so damn messed up the way she talks about her sisters body. “My sister is a silent victim of my eating disorder” she’s so darn narcissistic that someone can’t have there own problems or ed it’s all about her! She wants her sister to approach her about her own eating issues… she’s over analyzing the fuck out of her poor sister girl just leave her the hell alone! She probably reads what you write about her on your insta and is like damn why would I even talk to her! I knew spaceshiptorecovery was messed up but the way she talks about her sister and analyzes her is over the top
No. 692553
>>692292hi tilly!
she's literally posting about herself on here so she can turn around and play victim on insta. gross & sad
No. 692788
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For someone who can hardly string a coherent sentence together she sure has a lot of degrees, including a "masters in photography"
No. 692789
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No. 693204
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>>693108Yep tonight or tomorrow kek
Can anyone please help me understand how so many of her followers are so fucking stupid to believe her shit? Like I truly do not understand
No. 693390
File: 1537521947590.gif (1.05 MB, 510x276, source.gif)

>>693204>25 years old>celebrating a 2 month anniversaryAlrighty then.
As an aside, it's amazing Mauri hasn't bailed yet. Has she managed to hide her crazy for 2 months? Does she suck like a Dyson? Is he literally retarded?
No. 693469
File: 1537532995226.jpg (184.15 KB, 1080x612, 20180921_142817.jpg)

An update on Terri from anorexia recovery. This was so predictable.
No. 693483
>>693469 - so a spoop flew the coop?! lol, as if I didnt see that coming.
I knew she would miss doing her youtube lives that consist of nothing but saying "hello" to every single viewer…
No. 693616
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She's now claiming the treatment centre sent her home for the weekend. How can people fall for someone who's so obviously full of shit.
No. 693623
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>>693204Jolt’s always trying to take the high road, but girl you stalk anas and almost everyone in these threads.
No. 693716
>>693692Too kek,
>>693704Besides the fact that Hitler persecuted psychiatric patients, anorexia recovery would have most likely been gassed or experimented on if she lived in nazi Germany, what a damn idiot.
>>693710Yea almost like Rachel with the fentanyl. that would explain why anorexia recovery doesn’t get ed treatment. If she had an addiction or something certain places might not take her until she detoxes and stuff. Or she’s just extremely non compliant and doesn’t really give a f*ck about recovery
No. 693743
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Again, sorry if this is too nitpicky but when is she gonna stop posting about fucking muffins? Does she not realize the number of asspats she will get follows the principle of diminishing returns, and that no one thinks she’s sooooo strong and brave for eating muffins at this point?
No. 693760
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Not that anyone had any doubt about this whatsoever but… Bitch ain't dead, she out there, liking comments on a post from 451 days ago.
I'm so confused.
Why that post specifically?
Why only that one?
Why like all of the comments NOW? I know not to expect as much from someone like Chihuahua, yet I can't help but think this is some sort of scavenger hunt and she's giving us clues.
The truth - that we've got one more anachan faking their death/suicide - is unfortunately so much less exciting.
No. 693782
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the level of absolute bs from JTE is ever increasing as her epic stay in the gen med hospital increases…. One second she’s boasting in full detail about how concerned everyone is and how many times in so many days shes cheated death. Then shes bitching about how strict they are with her , acting like the care plans in place are unreasonable and thay she should somehow be treated differently to others who might find themselves in her position because she is of course, famous in her hospital. Then boasts about how she is doing all her own ng meds because her 1:1 nurse cant do them (as if giving any anxorexic patient, let alone one supposedly under such super spechul restrictions , access to syringes for their ngt computes?!)
No. 693783
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>>693782caption for JTE pic
No. 693838
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If I see this fucking bowl again…ffs
No. 694085
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Our super ill skelly friend with glass bones and paper skin whos doctors predicted the exact moment of her death miraculously survived another day, this life is a blessed one indeed shalom
No. 694086
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And don't forget guys - she's real and definitely didn't steal any art, we're just mean assholes who said she did !
No. 694140
>>694117There must be a fine line between being a mother looking after their sick child and being an enabler. I can't understand the length the mums go to to please them, so maybe it's a good thing I never spawned but I often wonder how damaged the mothers are. E Cooney's another one and it's obvious her Ma's really fucked up.
Grateful to have been raised by tough love parents.
No. 694162
>>694140I think a lot of it is guilt on the mother's side. It's a common thing among women who are addicts too. The mother feels as though she contributed directly to their child's condition and the child uses that guilt as ammunition when they don't get what the want. This is especially apparent with girls who were victims of CSA or other abuse during childhood.
It's an endless cycle wherein the mother tries desperately to assuage her guilt and have a relationship with her daughter, the daughter forgives on the condition that the mother enable their behavior, and then when the mother has had enough the daughter attacks the mother, knowing that she'll give in again.
The unfortunate thing is that the only way to break the cycle is to either convince both parties to seek help, or to completely isolate them from each other. It's incredibly difficult to do either given how dependent they usually are, not just on each other but on the dynamic that they have.
No. 694271
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New video up. She's sticking to the home for the weekend story. She talks really quietly, probably so her mom doesn't hear. She also says she's considering doing outpatient… She's such a liar
No. 694366
>>693623Is that Joltography's side? Her face looks really swollen in her profile pic.
>>694271Speaking of faces.
No. 694478
>>694364Same. She reminds me of the sister in Pet Sematary.
>>694461Anorexia Death on YouTube.
No. 694589
>>694555Hence my use of the word almost. They very much have an illness/eating disorder, but the reasons for the disorder continuing are vengeance. I would disagree in that no one would develop or continue to have an eating disorder for those reasons. I think it’s extremely common for people to “use the ed as a voice” and for some “being heard” means they no longer have a use their ed/ed behaviors. If the basis of many cases of anorexia is the need to be cared for, stating ill will ensure they are cared for. Continuing to engage in ed behaviors to ensure being cared for is the definition of malingering/muncaussen behavior. The issue therein lies if they don’t receive care or attention they desire, do they continue with said behaviors or do they switch gears to obtain more care and attention? Based on the large number of pro anas who are now munchies, there is an obvious connection betweeen them
Everyone with an ed would be split into having an overprotective/enabling mother and having a mother who isn’t enabling or even no mother at all. There are likely differences between these two groups and how the presence of their mothers influences their disorders—beyond codependency
No. 695080
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No. 695082
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No. 695092
>>695082<you don’t have to follow me
With the way she requests a bunch of small accounts and unfollows the second she gets a follow back, it doesn’t seem like it kek. She requested mine 3 times in one day because I didn’t go along with her bullshit
No. 695613
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>>695596She looks like recoverychii's mom tbh. Dray seems nice, but like so did Anorexia recovery who is literally an Ana-chan for Hitler, who doesn't seem to be trying to get help despite her saying so. Also again, those lives are creepy they'll be titled "eating lunch" or whatever and she'll be there picking at herself staring into the camera.
No. 695854
>>695834 You'd find more milk in a vegan restaurant.
>>695852 Yeah, I think she's just a person with anorexia versus the professional anachans we see in this thread. Someone who's actually done shit despite her disorder. Good for her, IMO.
No. 695946
>>695933Milk = drama / gossip
The people being discussed here are called lolcow because they produce milk
Please read the rules and learn to sage before posting
No. 696221
>>695080>>695082Honestly feel a bit bad for Paris she is obviously autistic and suffering a lot.
She's not that milky besides the dance videos.
No. 696415
>>696407Start us off, anon
Cows have been quiet or ones with history have been banned. Many new potential cows have been mentioned, but none have stuck
No. 696508
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Terri came out as gay in her latest video. Well, there's a surprise!
I didn't watch it because even though I'm interested in what she has to say, I can't even listen to her without thinking of her face. And I'd rather not.
No. 696550
>>696508It's a ruse so people congratulate her on coming out instead of asking questions about "Emily's House". Which isn't working. It's 7am where she lives and she's already deleted hundreds of comments.
She's claiming when's in outpatient treatment in her town. There aren't any ED facilities in Bremerton… She's so full of shit it makes me sick. She says she left The Emily Program because everybody there was really sick and didn't eat like she does. Bitch, if you were eating, you would weigh more than a 6 year old
No. 696593
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>>696550She's posting what she claims she eats on her ig and looks like she forgot to delete this one.
No. 696596
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>>696593Girl got an army on yt
No. 696706
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I see Ky has now also bleached her eyebrows in her mission to appear more Scandinavian. What she doesn't seem to realise is that it actually just makes her look like the crazy she is.
No. 696861
>>696706That’s a lot of melanin for a “Scandinavian”
>>696721I agree. She isn’t very entertaining despite her dancing vids. More pathetic than anything, but deceptively manipulative. The jump didn’t mess up her brain, just made her start putting paper flags in her 97g tomato sandwiches. Tbh I’m not sure if she has bpd. She’s so immature and regressed, it’s hard for me to label it as such.
>>696508Spoiler that Jesus Christ. I’m surprised she hasn’t pulled a Rachael farrako and started begging for money to go to acute and then donated it to some Nazi group or something
No. 697058
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can we start a countdown for storyofkorey deciding to throw away her new party girl persona and become a sanctimonious Sober Lyfe instagrammer?
No. 697258
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>>693743 Looks like someone has been lurking
No. 698924
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She's clearly kept bleaching the hair to the point where it's completely fried. And raving on about drugs and lil peep.
Starting to feel like she's in the level of crazy that's more sad and scary than entertaining.
No. 700042
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Is she serious!?? Hahaha
No. 700081
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Someone asked about this girl ( old photo screenshot of post) anybody know anything about her?
No. 700083
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And this one
No. 700140
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Scrolling back through old posts on here- is this one still alive?
No. 704346
>>704282She was basically giving a guideline on how to "stay out of the danger zone".
Here's what I can remember:
She emphasized on this one.
"If you stay out of the danger zone you won't get caught"
"For breakfast keep it small"
"Just a few bites for the camera to keep em quiet"
"Never purge"
For lunch maybe a salad or just one burger"
"For dinner put as much as you can on the plate, eat what you can and then push the rest around on the plate and tell them you dont feel good and then you can be excused."
Sarcastic and irritated undertones and all that.
She says she has 3 more lbs to gain to get out of the danzerzone. She made it sound as if she will only eat enough just to get by.
All the comments were just saying how blantenly pro ana it was.
Says she'll make a video at lunch as always.
No. 744854
>>744837You must be new here. This is an old thread.
This Lauren sounds like 95% of Ana chans.
Use the new thread if you must.
No. 775576
>>775573That's why I posted it. That reddit post seems to be the source of the rumor.
WTF can't anons research before posting.
No. 775587
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>>775563>>775572That Briana girl who's been "trolling" Eugenia on youtube tried to get this rumor going when EC went quiet on social media for a week or so and she was posting this on Onisions twitter too. When Eugenia released her most recent video Briana still tried to say EC was dead and that it was an old video.