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No. 1601975
>Gus Johnson's ex-girlfriend Sabrina details her traumatic ectopic pregnancy experience, revealing Gus to be an abuser>iDubbbz's Creator Clash goes down; fights receive mixed reviews but the overall event is a success, raising $1.3 million for charity>JaidenAnimations "comes out" as aromantic asexual>SuperMega is suing their ex friend/social media manager for embezzling 61k (embezzled money was spent of food and sweatpants)>Youtube Pedohunter MamaMax is accused by various ex-girlfriends of being an abuser>Youtube channel Disrupt "sells shares" of his Youtube channel, selling the move as a way of expanding the channel and leaving out the fact that they are 450k in debt>Kalel makes a podcast No. 1601981

If anyone is still interested in recent developments in the beef between Paulina
>>1241591 and MamaMax (Paulina + all of MamaMax's other ex-gfs have been accusing him of all sorts of shit), he made a response. TL;DR for those of you who (understandably) can't stand his retarded voice:
>Max only dates batshit crazy girls, all seem like they are either lying or exaggerating to make him seem abusive>Paulina spearheaded the accusations>One of his exes (Olivia) admits, in a recorded phone call, that she lied about him being abusive because she didn't like seeing fan edits of him and was just annoyed\>One ex, he dated months before she turned 18, when he was 20 – she lied about her age at the time, stating she was already 18, and is now painting all of their interactions as grooming>Worst thing he is guilty of is acting like an edgy faggot toward a girl toward the end of high school (Haley) – said girl seems to enjoy the attention and downplays her reciprocity in her video painting Max as an abusive kidnapping stalker.>End of video, Max reveals that Anthony, Haley's boyfriend, hates Max and has been aiding in spreading allegations against him, because he (Anthony), is a pedophile himself (includes screencaps of text conversation with victim) No. 1602088
Not the anon above but here's a more detailed explanation of Mamamax addressing abuse allegations
First girl: Paulina
>fake pickme high pitched voice
>"mental illness check" tiktok
>says she's self medicating but max calls it substance abuse
>makeup is very strangely applied, visibly mentally unwell
>max claims she had been saying "sussy things to other men"(what a faggot way to phrase that jesus Max be an adult if you're so serious about this)
>broke up with her, she tried to get back with him a few months later, he declined but they stayed friends
>she allegedly kept trying to message Max and continued to find info on him through his sister
>she asked his new girlfriend if she was daying Max and immediately posted the abuse allegations on her Instagram
>claims Max doxxed her when her doxx has been available on Kiwifarms years before Max allegedly doxxed her
>big time suicide baiter on her social media
>smeared her actual fucking blood all over a plane ticket because she hadn't seen Max in a while
>is still shit flinging BPD epic style
Second girl: Olivia
>introduced as a very cheerful smiley person in a video making rape accusations
>Max skips her video because "most of what she says isn't important" and says "it's a waste of time" which is a very fucking suspicious thing to say about someone making accusations against him
>she calls him a rapist, an abuser, a stalker, and a groomer
>audio of call between Olivia and Max, full call audio available in description of video. Apparently entered a group call with his other ex girlfriends right after this call
>she tweets Max was 26 and she was 18 when she started dating
Max says this isn't true stating that he would then be older than his older brother. We should make a note of this piece of information in case future allegations come out because YouTubers will often lie about age
>took money from Max then immediately accused him of giving her "hush money"
>accuses him of being a loli watcher
Third girlfriend: Sarah
>"out of all of my exes, Sarah is the worst"
>Sarah has not yet come out publically
>has spoken about it with a lot of people in private DMs and is in the groupchat with the other ex girlfriends
(I'm starting to see /snow/ thread potential for his exes. Mamamax heartbreak support group general)
>claims Sarah raped and abused him
>his response to her in the screenshot is "you're fucking ugly to me now", "have fun being a slut to your new shrimpy"
>in the same screenshot she alleges max tried to feel her up when she was tipsy
His explanation of how Sarah would rape him:
>Sarah would molest him in his sleep
>she would persist if he turned away
>if he tried to resist, she would scream at him calling him a shrimp dick and not a real man
>he would just give up and let her fondle him until he was "hard enough to sit on"
>she accused him of raping her while she was drunk when confronted
Back to details
>max made a video years ago talking about Sarah without actually mentioning Sarah
>calls him an animal abuser because his dog died of cancer
>Sarah has leaked nudes of max
>allegedly cheated on max. She fucked a guy while they were broken up but she was still talking to the guy while they were together
>max tells Sarah to kill herself and calls her "a fucking whore"
Max is really coming off bad if you actually read the screenshots he shows. I'm not saying there are perfect victims but they really paint the situation as mutually abusive at times
Fourth girlfriend: Lucy
>took Max's virginity, first ever gf
>making accusations for 4 years straight (grooming, stalking, and rape)
>literally Tasmanian
>publically states Max dated her as a minor, 17, when she told Max she was 18 (2016 she was born in 1998). According ID she was 17 but 18 in 2 months when they started dating)
>When Sarah was 20 she was allegedly dating a 17 year old Britfag named Harry. He taunts Olivia by saying if she tells on Olivia he wont sue her for defamation
>met on a livestream where she was flirting with him in chat
>she presents a fake screenshot as evidence
This part is fucking weird:
>max says his famous birthdays page has the wrong age, listing him as 2 years younger than he is
>max waited until after they had started dated to disclose he was actually 20 and not 18
>she doxes him with a picture of him holding his ID to thousands of people
>says he always sends his partners pictures of him and his ID and asks they do the same as proof
>much like Pauline, she made public accusations only after Max made a video talking about the situation where she was not named
>screenshot of him essentially asking if she's free after school. Not a good look kek
>randomly brings up that his dad called him a loser because he wouldn't get a job despite his YouTube making no money at the time
>She talks about sending nudes which she refers to as CP of herself, which Max quips that she just admitted to distributing illegal porn
Am I retarded or has Max just also incriminated himself since he just highlighted the face he was in possession of said illegal porn? Kek this is a shit show
>she claims max sexually assaulted her in 2017 and then took her to a waterpark
>lies about how they broke up. She says she broke up when she got home from visiting him, irl they were together for 4 months then he broke up with her
>she keeps changing his age around in public accusations and people keep calling her out
>blocks CSA victims and then tweets that she wishes block button would kill people
>Haley is not an ex
>Haley hasn't abused Max
>Haley is a highschool crush
>Max (18) obsessed over her while in the military
>"Haley is painting a very different picture of our relationship during these times to make me look more like a creep"
>he hasn't seen her since he left for the military
>hasn't contacted her since she called the police on him
>hasn't contacted her boyfriend since messaging to apologise to him
Gearing up for some megamilk
>Haley's boyfriend is a fat neck beard who spoke publically about how Max and Haley attempted to resolve their issue privately
>Haley explains that she confided all her mental illness struggles in Max
>they were best friends
>Max claims whenever her bf was being a dick she would come to him for comfort (cheek kissing, cuddling, he would buy her things at the mall, stargazing, etc.)
>Max wanted to be a rapper named Fire Man or something idk
>invited him to her sisters birthday and told him where it was, later claimd she did not invite him and she had no idea how she knew where to go
>claims max turned up to his old job in a work uniform a year after he quit to stalk her while she still worked there, it was actually a week and he thought it would be funny to collect his last paycheck in his uniform.
>Haley claims he presented a diary in which Max detailed how he would violently murder her bf, Max says actually he promised he would murder the man who abused her (shows a doctor of "adolescent medicine" on screen?)
>he does not detail the abuse but further explains that the diary was actually a collection of rap songs about torturing and murdering this doctor
>he shows him performing one of these rap songs but he never released it because Haley might call the police
>they went 3 weeks with no contact, she came back and cuddled him in bed. He showed her an edgy video he made about how sad the relationship made him feel. She punched him in the shoulder but they were ok
>would not pursue her but would come to her whenever invited
>claimed Max stalked her to her college dorm, Max says he was invited and she let him in
>she messaged him to talk about problem in her life after agreeing with her friends that he was a weirdo
>her bf told her to cut contact with Max
>Max admits he was obsessed with her and says she loved that about him and responded in kind
>Max says she was very flirty and touchy with him before she left for college
>she lies about his sister being a psychology major, she is a law major
>Max says he was obsessed with her that he joined the military to avoid seeing her and wanted to die for a cause
>Max claims he booked a hotel room for them which he says she knew and said was ok "as long as you don't try to fuck me", they cuddled in bed and he told her he joined the military which made her cry
>Haley he trapped her in the room and wouldn't let her out
>Max claims they planned to get him out of the military by having her lie to the security clearance people and telling them he was too mentally ill to be allowed in the military
>she says she told Max she was dating a guy and Max said that's bit true because he would have freaked out
>lied about Max her at her job
>Max posted a video on Facebook of him cutting himself after learning about Anthony, Haley's fat neckbeard bf
>Max attempts to hang himself after they told him to never contact Haley again
>he brings his sister on as a witness
Anthony/ Magnatar on YouTube
>Haley's bf who is a pedophile
I literally can not think of a more suitable arch nemesis to a pedophile hunter than a pedophile who is dating his long lost love. That's insane
>exposed for weird shit with a young girl who knows max
>Anthony is pictured with Obama
>has multiple abuse victims allegedly
No. 1602091
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No. 1602127
>>1602124I think so too. The most likely case is that Max himself is BPD (literally cutting himself on FaceBook in response to finding out his favourite person is dating someone else is peak BPD) and would naturally be drawn to people who are also BPD so he can get that mutual obsession. Pauline is very obviously a BPD nutter seeing as she has been a lolcow for years because of her constant public meltdowns and attention seeking (seriously, what the fuck is that fake voice?). The others seem relatively normal so I'm highly confused why they've banded together like this
Max is also ppen about how he also is nuts because if you actually read his screenshots, his messages come off weird at times but tbh every normal person would say mean things if their partner was acting like a lunatic
>>1602117Likely. They all mention having mental health issues in their own videos
No. 1602215
Has he ever talked about why he started pedo hunting? He seems to have hinted at a pediatrician molesting Haley, I wonder if that's where it all comes from
>>1602183I'm not going to rag on him too much because I feel like exposing predators is a good thing but at the same time the way he makes his videos is… off. He does long unnecessary cinematic scenes that feel really out of place in a video intended to expose predators and I think he has good intentions but is too much of a sperg to present it correctly.
No. 1602393
>>1602215I find his videos cringe but that makes them more appealing to kids and young teens, who are the kind of people who need to watch them. Kids don't like to be told they don't know what they're doing online and might not be interested in more professionally-presented videos, but making them feel like badasses for alerting their parents and the authorities that someone tried to groom them seems like a good outcome lol.
>>1602127>The others seem relatively normal so I'm highly confused why they've banded together like thisI'm confused as well, I wonder if Paulina or maybe Olivia really sold their own abuse stories, and manipulated the other girls into thinking their input would help give their own stories credit?
No. 1605589
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>>1605583Same anon, of course he had to throw a half-assed jab at JK Rowling in there despite being too stupid to even understand what she’s been saying. He’s so fucking dumb and brainwashed.
No. 1605632
>>1602088Even if all his ex girlfriends are lying I have no sympathy for scrotes who only date crazy women. Like you know what youre getting yourself into dude, he probably does it to play
victim in his real life like other bitch ass men who seek out crazy women
No. 1605652
>>1605646he what?! When was this?
He is so fucking pretentious I would like to backhand him
No. 1605667
>>1605652He did a video with Tyler Oakley a couple of years ago where they searched up odd words on porn sites to see what would come up. They didn't show anything graphic of course, just their reactions. I remember there being one on Dan's channel of this, but for some reason there's only the one on Tyler's account.
>>1605589God that looks insufferable. His humor is so redundant too, it's mostly just awkward self-loathing shit that really only teens relate to.
No. 1605927
>>1605871adhd meds work like mood enhancers so that people with adhd dont need constant shortterm gratification. its what keeps them on task. so yes most adhd drugs are stimulants, behavioural intervention is more often needed and successful for someone with the disorder, but chucking pills at a spaz is just easier than the cognitive process.
tldr yeah shes probably taking stims and abusing them
No. 1605949
>>1605871I’m familiar with her. Haven’t bothered watching for a while but she seems like a chill person to hang out and split a bottle of wine with.
If she’s only recently started the medication or if she’s on the wrong dose it could be a reason she seems tweaky, but if that’s the case it’ll all settle down soon.
No. 1606145
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so ryan magee from supermega is definitely gay, right?
No. 1606162
>>1606154>>1606153I think for the most part they stay in their lane. They have drama that they don't really put out there, like Matt's
toxic relationship and a falling out with Don. It's mostly tinfoil for a lot of their drama honestly
No. 1606183
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>>1606178Don has stopped making thumbnails for them, as noted by the live podcasts (even though they were planning to make live podcasts) Don has taken out supermega from his twitter bio, and was staying at Matt's for a while but went back home abruptly before the AX convention. No. 1606395
>>1606359no the uranium thing was a goof for sure, i was just being cheeky.
don has talked about having a lot of mental health struggles so it wouldn't surprise me if he stepped back.
now let's talk about justin (supermega's editor) and foolishkia (channel artist)? they're dating for sure.
No. 1606468
>>1606162Wait can you elaborate on his
toxic relationship
I can absolutely imagine him dating a cow
No. 1606482
>>1606471No no sorry my post was worded weird. I meant with Annabel. This again seems to be tinfoil because most of the info is from “people that know people you know” if that makes sense. According to that Matt and Annabel have an on and off relationship because Annabel is a serial
toxic and manipulative cheater apparently. Again this is not fact or proven
No. 1606907
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SM fans mad at Nathan Barnett for giving Matt potentially a concussion a from Creator Clash
No. 1606971
>>1606961the funniest part is that matt literally said he expected to get the shit beaten out of him and the aiden fans are uwu'ing him to no end. he's had head injuries before, too (iirc an untreated concussion only a few months before the match) so this probably just exacerbated it.
if anyone should be mad, it's ryan. dude's back is fucked and he'll probably need surgery thanks to the fight. ||but fuck was he hot during that match||
No. 1607012
>>1606974i tried nonna i really did
and yeah. i've never been a fan of the lets plays, honestly. not huge on that stuff. the podcast and live action are what i stuck around for.
No. 1607754
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>>1606149not too far off this is apparently her
No. 1618031
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>>1615587Kek for you weird mattabelina anon
No. 1618088
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>>1618031kek was just about to post this
not mattabelinanon but they kinda cute together
No. 1623718
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stale milk but this is trinlovell's bf kek? i thought she would be dating a normie
No. 1623733
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>>1623721there's more
>trans(she/they, "any pronouns" picrel)>weeb>fantasizes/constantly talking about black men No. 1627330
>>1627167Good, Moth talks too much about watching gore while being happy about it, and says he watches CP for the government.
KiwiFarms had a thread WIP about Moth before it went down.
No. 1631761
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imagine exposing yourself like that. coomer
No. 1632003
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Travel YouTuber Bald and Bankrupt recently went full "mask off" by showing his support for Sex trafficking women beating moid Andrew Tate surprising a lot of his fans even though it's been know for years he left the UK after being in court for a gang rape that he got away with due to as he bragged "she could only identify some of us" on an old forum post of his as well as also bragging about people from poorer countries he travelled to "offering up their 17 year old daughters" to him, mind you rape cases in the UK rarely go to trial unless the evidence is 90% and these forum posts he made were usually talking about how much prostitute "pussy" he got in these notorious for sex trafficking countries, "joking" about using Rohypnol on women, his extensive criminal record and talking about his 7yr old daughter he pays no child support on and doesn't even see
>Link to the rape case news article
>link to the thread where he talks about the gang rape
>Links to some of the archived forum posts where he posted under the usernames:Vorkuta/TheFantasist/TheLigurian/Perulover12
>the subreddit with all of the archives and even worse things No. 1632130
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>>1632003>dont generally read these threads, just happened to click out of curiosity today>tfw this was one of the last scrote content creators i liked who wasnt yet revealed to be a horrible personturns out this whole time i just didn't know the truth. fml
sorry for the blog but…fuck. thanks for sharing it though.
No. 1632200
>>1632003>Warriors and thinkers >Tristan and AndrewPick one
>>1632130NFKRZ makes similar content to Bald and I've heard nothing bad about him. Although they did collaborate a few times so who knows
No. 1643158
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>>1642720Colby Leachman, one of his fraternity brothers at Duke.
No. 1643159
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>>1643158picrel is the two of them hanging out, posted on instagram just last year
No. 1644279
>>1644174Yeah they're about that height, short men always look shorter in person kek.
>kelsey is dating an old manOne time during a video Cody did with Kelsey, Kelsey made some comment along the lines of "We're not doing the old jokes anymore you fuckers, he's young" which just made me laugh because clearly he complains about it regularly in private and is actually insecure about being in his thirties LMAO
No. 1644624
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>>1643776How big of a forehead this ugly moid do y'all think he is hiding behind that stupid haircut?
No. 1651636
nonnie he probably wont. Westerners who move to Japan either think they're going to be living out a ghibli movie fantasy life or they're a woman who doesn't realise how fucking weird and sexist Japanese society is. Pewdiepie, as annoying as he is, does genuinely seem to have his head on straight and probably knew what to expect when he got there. He seems happy and in a weird way I'm happy that he gets the good ending
No. 1651870
>>1651636>Pewdiepie, as annoying as he is, does genuinely seem to have his head on straightHe doesn't. He and his wife are huge weebs who see Japan through anime lenses and it shows, they glorify Japan every chance they get. The reason he may not get bored is because he has a shitton on money and will live his life completely detached from normal people and routines. He even had his house in Japan built for him.
Marzia doesn't seem to have the intention of spending the rest of her life in Japan though.
No. 1652269
>>1652251I actually do think idubbz and his gang were actual homophobes/racist for coining niggerfaggot tho. They're the stereotypical straight guy that thinks peak humor is saying the word faggot or gay.
I don't personally think the excuse of it "being another time" is enough. They very clearly were using it in a derogatory way still.
No. 1653041
>>1652981I equate clearly derogatory humor as actual homophobic and racist. I don't care if Smosh used gay once in a video, Idubbz made nigger faggot and "are you fucking gay?" his whole personality online.
Why are you bootlicking scrotes this hard?
No. 1653066
>>1652251You could find a bunch of incels online now and say “well it’s just the Andrew Tate 2022 era of inceldom so they aren’t actually misogynists”.
White men who love racial slurs are racist. Them finding their own racism funny doesn’t make them less racist. That edgy loudmouth era was a bunch of reddit types having fun amongst themselves and was considered low brow and degenerate at the time by everyone else. Yt kept promoting them for advertising money because they attracted doting obsessive moid children.
>weirdly sensitive for a lolcow userThis isn’t a hub for finding your dream femcel lover, you heard wrong and your larp flopped.
No. 1653067
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So what’s up with VivaciousHoney? About to hit 1mil and I’ve been seeing her all over my youtube shorts feed being pushed HARD by the algorithm lately. She’s kind of giving BestDressed vibes but something about her rubs me up the wrong way. Maybe it’s because all her outfits are same-y yet she tries to claim they’re all different aesthetics and she’s such a fashionista .. Idk. Saging for no real milk but happy to potentially open the door to this one
No. 1653075
>>1653069I don't know
nonnie, maybe it was harder for you to see it as a fan but his mask definitely started to slip. The woke people didn't just randomly decide they wanted to cancel pewdiepie out of nowhere. He said nigger so casually it was clear he used it offline and his twitter follows were filled with alt-right trash like Jordan peterson.
No. 1653080
>>1653041Ayrt but
>>1653048 is kinda right, you do come off as pretty sensitive for a lolcow user. My point about unfunny edgy jokes not being equal to actual irl beliefs about gay people/
POC isn't exactly unpopular. And I'm not boot licking? I can name women who did the same jokes too, you can't just accuse people of caping for moids every time they say something you don't like (in this case, pewdiepie is not a nazi)
>>1653069Because pewdiepie was never alt right. He is a boring noisy normie who drew the ire of the 2016 wave of people who were constantly looking for people to jump on. A white scrote gamer who was edgy? He might as well have been a big walking target kek
No. 1653090
>>1653069Nta but then you also surely remember where he basically did a collab with people like Ben Shapiro and the Muskrat? Not saying he's straight up racist and nazi but he's very right leaning and shares some of their views (when it comes to women too). Don't forget that he used to make videos browsing 4chan and pol. He thinks like your average reddit moid and that's exactly the crowd he attracts. In his book videos he admires the misogynistic imperialist japanese authors a lot. In any case he's an idiot.
>>1653081Where does he undermine it? He only got pissed at Japan when he couldn't get in kek. Otherwise he worships literally anything japanese people do like the weeb that he is.
No. 1653116
>>1653093>It's a joke!!It's a joke only if it stays a joke. He went out of his way to host these two people on his channel because he shares some ideas, especially when it comes to Elon. Even without those it's not hard to see that he's right leaning. Browses reddit and 4chan, worships japan, thinks edgy nigger and waahmen jokes and making kids hold up a sign with the writing "kill all jews" is funny. You really don't need to defend this anon.
Again, he's not a nazi, but he's your typical right wing moid.
No. 1653122
>>1653116Yeah the idea he shared with them is "Haha meme. We're both memes. Come on my meme show to review memes about yourself lol"
>you really don't have to defend thisThe hill I will always die on is that not everything is serious and jokes aren't an irl thing. That's an important thing people need to know because the denial of it leads to retard behaviour, like half a million people calling a Eurofag weeb who shouts into a camera because he has no personality a genocidal racist over a joke. That line of thinking is one of the things that lead to the dire way things are now
No. 1653146
>>1653124This. Why the fuck can people not grasp that the red flags for identifying a real racist/homophobe don't include being mildly offensive? An actual problem person is someone like Andrew Tate who says what they say and pit full intention behind it
"Wow what a nigger" on Xbox =/= an actual dangerous violent white supremacist
No. 1653154
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>>1653146About Andrew Tate, have you heard of the new G2 all women esports team? Their manager is friends with Andrew Tate and he spent a bunch of time agreeing with Tate on twitter, it makes me feel worried for the girls. I was hoping 'ah, maybe this time it wont be some PR move!' but no, it seems like it is.
I am never sure to which thread I should be sent to if I want to talk about it.
>>1653090I do agree he is an idiot, but he is not as deep as twitterfags claim he is. His own wife does all of the financial work and takes care of things when he is out there, making videos and whatever. Even the current jvlogs are made by her. I really think people should focus on actual threats like Peterson, Tate and a bunch of other weirdos, not an OG multimillionare youtuber who seems to have been 'retired' for a long time now. Doesn't mean that people have to start liking him or anything, let people enjoy w/e they want as long as its not a weird 'lifestyle guru' like men above.
No. 1653337
>>1653041Twitter is that way ->
Go clutch your pearls elsewhere.
No. 1653403
>>1653315>Hot white moids will get simped on>HotGirl…
>>1653353Saying that an unfunny wealthy moid who used plebbit and 4chan and makes edgy racist jokes (and has screamed the word nigger in anger before) MAY be a little right wing isn't Twitter behaviour, it's common fucking sense. Not that any of it matters anyway.
No. 1653417
>>1653370Guarantee you he will have allegations out about him at some point. Those women must be disgusted rn
>>1653403You use lolcow farm. You realise people would just as easily call you a genocidal racist trans murdering homophobe for shit posting here. But that's not accurate, is it? You're just a person who uses an imageboard the exact same way that lanky shrieking ugly faggot uses a different imageboard
No. 1654599
>>1654116It was one channel and this guy didnt promote any of this in his videos, pewdiepoop quickly apologised for it saying he didnt know. Do your reps, i dont even watch this guy.
>>1654504There is a pt thread for that, but i hope youtube will keep banning this sicko. Is he abusing the Johnny Depp train?
No. 1654641
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Xiran Jay Zhao, autistic she/they Chinese YouTuber and “author”, is getting a film deal based off her retarded weeb-inspired fetish fanfic disguised as a novel.
No. 1654716
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>>1653094He officially has stated that he lives in Japan. I just hope that he realizes that he is just as much of an immigrant to Japan as a Somali is to Sweden.
No. 1654737
>>1654716I'm sure his growing obsession with Japan in the last few years had to do with his retarded wife Marzia. She was the epitome of a dumb weaboo who's in it for the aesthetic, i mean this bitch was using a fake voice for years on youtube to sound so ~~girlie and innocent UwU~~, what a fake piece of shit she was. Couldn't stand her and can't stand him either.
>I just hope that he realizes that he is just as much of an immigrant to Japan as a Somali is to Sweden.You're absolutely right, but you know why he's not thinking it's the same thing? Because he's a racist, and since he's white he must think he's blessing Japan with his presence, meanwhile he would tell you that somalis going to Sweden is a demographic disaster. Racists are like that, they don't care to emigrate and ruin other's people countries, they just care about minorities going to their country.
No. 1654797
>>1653154I hope those girls all leave in protest. How can you stick around with a manager that openly agrees with and is friends with a scrote like that. Fuck him. Males always stick together and protect each other no matter what.
>>1654737I doubt they’ll last long there. Their weebness can’t carry a life long commitment in a country that they have no ties to besides anime. Every person I’ve known who lived in Japan or Korea for a while always mention how feeling like an outsider because you’re a foreigner wears you down over time
No. 1654957
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>>1654641I mean twilight got adapted into a movie series.
Though twilight was a mega hit and I’ve barely heard about Xiran’s shit at all.
I just hope it’s got some genuinely retarded scenes on par with related pic
No. 1655177
>>1655069Marzia is so odd. She has been faking her voice for years and doing the uwu small bean thing all the most annoying cows do since before it was popular. Someone once said she was the first egirl and if by that they mean she does pickme things for attention then yeah absolutely
>attacks womenThis is where I disagree with you, he made fun of Alinity who milked the situation for years afterward. When she couldn't milk it anymore she turned to doing shocking things like throwing her cat, spitting vodka in the cats mouth, and letting a dog stick its nose in her privates during one of her coomerbait streams. If laughing at a lolcow like her is attacking women then idk what to tell you
No. 1655198
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Pewdiepies friend Boyinaband was exposed on Reddit for being a creep to young women and dating a 17 year old when he was 23
No. 1655207
All of this whining about pewdiepie and his wife comes off like Gurugossiptards type shit.
>>1655198 like this dude is a creep on his own. You could've posted this 25 days ago if you cared about this idiot being a creep, vs phrasing it as "pewdiepies friend".
I saw this accusation on kiwifarms a while back, has nothing to do with pewdiepie. His wife and him are boring cringe idiots, that's it that's all.
No. 1655321
>>1655189His wife is retardedly fake for real though. She insists she only had a nosejob for health purposes but her other procedures are painfully obvious. She photoshops herself heavily (to the point she looks different every time) and has an ED that she says is just her being ~quirky~ and ~weird~ (pewdiepie has also mentioned that she makes very light flavorless meals and barely drinks). She's so much of a weeb that she wrote "by Marzia in Japan" on Maí's website years before she and her husband actually moved to Japan and she eventually had to remove it. She admitted to hiding half of her face for literally years and continues to do it. Both her and pewdiepie come off as retarded weebs and scummy people.
>>1654641Does she have some special connections? There's no way they just picked up this weeby ass evangelion-but-chinese drama shit.
No. 1655443
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>>1655321>Does she have some special connections? her parents are loaded(they bought her a fucking mansion in Vancouver BC), she's china rich and her grandad is literally a member of the CCP
No. 1655553
>>1655443 If your parents bought your spoiled ass a goddamn mansion in Vancouver, your idiotic publishing career was also paid for. This is what would have happened with Lindsay Ellis’ shitty fanfic book if her parents or husband were multimillionaires, kek.
I wish someone would do an exposé on YT about this idiot who pretends to be oppressed because she’s a mega rich east Asian with they/them pronouns.
No. 1655558
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>>1654737That reminds me, the only interesting milk that i actually found interesting in PewDiePie and Marzia were Marzias brother and especially sister in law. These people are insane and I am not surprised they dont hang out with them. Brother apparently would sell Marzias clothing when she moved out in order to get money out of her internet presence, and sister in law skinwalks her so much that she started having the same makeup, hair and style (apparently also stole some of marzias clothing too. Shes been skinwalking the same hair dyes and everything multiple times). She also had the same nose job as Marzia.
No. 1655585
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>>1655564she's cosplaying the main character from a book written by chloe gong one of her fellow rich chinese dispora friends, my absolute favorite part about this book is despite the main plot being a retelling of romeo and juliet in 1920's Shanghai with a gang war allegory, the male love interest is a white russian guy, this is what the protagonists are supposed to look like
No. 1655614
>>1655198I can't believe he found time to be disgusting while "depressed". Agree with
>>1655207 . Should have posted earlier.
No. 1655647
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>>1601976I just checked her channel and I fucking cannot. After complaining about being dirt poor and how empty her bank account is, she went and just…
bought a fricking house. I wish she was forced to somehow get in touch in reality like through volunteering in a homeless shelter or doing something that would make her realize how privilieged she is. She literally thinks working is a hobby and whines about how hard it is to upload a podcast few times a month. What surprised me is that she didn't delete the negative comments, and there had been quite a few, people are calling her out
No. 1658170
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>>1658167Samefag apparently she has a complex about the right or left side of her jaw and thinks she looks super asymmetrical and weird. Can definitely relate as a previous BDDfag, and if she got surgery because she was so hyper fixated on that, I’d just feel bad for her not like she’s a fake bitch. It must also be a breeding ground for all types of insecurity being with a famous YouTuber, he’s not even that good looking but super ugly mfers who have a little bit of internet fame get pretty girls hounding them nonstop. Felix is also incredibly rich so I guarantee he has thousands of plastic sugar babies desperate to homewreck
No. 1658171
>>1658170go back to GG, schizo-chan. 'a woman has BD', what else is new
nonny? can we get actual milk or is twitch the only milky thing right now?
No. 1658981
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of course, it's always the scrote with neon dyed hair
No. 1659034
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>>1658786Seems Jaiden deleted “Empty”
No. 1659186
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Thoughts on Wendigoon?
Personally I like his content and his videos are interesting however he really rubs me off in the wrong way. Checking his twitter, he always interacts and likes tweets by the tradbros catholic incels so he’s definitely on 4chan (and reddit)
I know that he’s a youth pastor and is religious but still really cringe that he chooses to interact with frog twitter out of all things. he’s also retarded about guns and is really into them lmao I can’t watch his videos anymore without thinking about him posting retvrn memes on 4chan
No. 1659280
>>1659186I like his videos, why do men have to ruin everything. But as the other anons said, I just watch for the content and not for him so as long as he doesn’t get into womens issues it’s fine.
I think you could find out something “bad” about pretty much every person whose work you consume, that’s just how it is.
No. 1659394
hate how he says whenever instead of when. Personality wise I knew we didn't align as he'd said before he was religious but as anons have said, as long as he's keeping the content interesting and scrotal opinions free I'm fine having his stuff play in the background while I do other things.
No. 1659417
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The I love my wife guy Ned from try guys cheated on his wife. RIP BOZO
No. 1659440
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>>1659417Twitter summary I found for those who want a bit more information. Alex (@aaherring) is one of the editors for the Try Guys and she had her own segment with the other editor, YB, called Food Babies.
No. 1659454
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>>1659417>>1659440Ugh I know I should know better by now that all men are shit but I was really hoping his whole wife act was genuine. The absolute audacity of this nasally dork to not be grateful he even found a woman willing to marry him. She's definitely out of his league and seems really sweet, and yet he's still not satisfied. Nope gotta cheat on her with an employee who's 10 years younger. They have 2 young children as well. I feel so bad for her. And wtf is wrong with this Alex girl? If you're gonna be the other woman (shitty enough in itself) why go for THIS guy of all people? Now you've trashed your reputation and possibly screwed up a lot of work connections for a guy name Ned who sounds like he's doing a bad Urkel impression
No. 1659458
>>1659454I'm not soooo into the Try Guys that this is devastating news, but even as a casual fan I'm in disbelief about it. My wife this, my wife that. Men ain't shit and we should all know it by now, but sometimes I just want to hold out hope that the way he spoke and looked at Ariel was out of genuine and endless adoration and love for her. Two kids, TWO!!! Men get fucking greedy, and for what? I'm astonished it was with Alex, of all people. He couldn't even bother wetting his dick with someone random? Nooo, he had to go for an employee kek.
Alex has definitely fucked herself over. She was known as an editor but then fans really got to know her since she got a whole show with YB and regularly made appearances on their videos.
No. 1659466
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>>1659417Update from Alex's ex-fiance coming soon according to the Twitter account documenting everything
No. 1659489
>>1659469Search the Reddit for NFT discussion, I believe he tweeted about it too at one point. Also funny considering on the podcast this week they shat all over celebrities that have NFTs… seems some animosity has been building for awhile.
The biological clock comment is in podcast #130 and Ned apologizes for it at the start of #131.
No. 1659627
>>1659543>>1659440>>1659417Wtf, how it can not be confirmed after this picture. Poor wife.
Never liked Try Guys because they never seemed genuine.
nonny. Critikal is an open porn sick creep so I hope one day he will get called out. I have a feeling that he is into crossdressing and ddlg crap too.
No. 1659645
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>>1659440Samefag, the person who leaked the screenshots was Alex's fiance (the girl who Ned was taken pictures with). The guy found out in DMs through his friend.
No. 1659696
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>>1659684shes quite the butterface
No. 1659705
>>1659684For real, what a pathetic downgrade. Ariel is fucking gorgeous and I have to wonder if his motivation for cheating is being an insecure scrote.
Anyway. I hope she takes him for all he’s worth in the divorce, then marries a hotter guy and their kids end up calling him dad kek
No. 1659735
>>1659186I like that style of content but I can't get myself to like HIS content.
Also, I automatically disliek any youtuber who spends the end 5 minutes of every video sperging about how much he loves his fans and how grateful he is for them and how much he loves them and have I mentioned he loves them?
No. 1659810
>>1659796It's not even A SINGLE decision, it's always multiple decisions that lead to cheating. They always talk like that, "i lost focus", "i made a mistake", but it doesn't happen in one second. It's multiple decisions, you talk with someone, you realize you're attracted to them, you decide to continue talking to them despite being in a relationship, you flirt, you show that you're open, and then you fucking undress and put your vile penis into the person, and you don't stop. They don't stop and put their pants back on, they continue until they ejaculate. How is that a single mistake, you bitch of a man? I wish i could kill cheaters, i swear.
I have no idea how women can have any respect for a man who is as sorry for himself as that, a cheater is already a subhuman but that you dare to say you just "lost focus" like you don't have free will and didn't go through multiple wrong actions to end up cheating? How spineless can you be?
No. 1659814
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Ariel's response.
No. 1659822
>>1659814I can't imagine being in her place with kids in the middle, but i hope she leaves his ass, and i hope he realizes how miserable his life is without her (since scrotes can't be happy without a maid at home).
And i agree that Alex is not an innocent
victim, pickmes like that are the worst. Running after married ugly apes for validation, they're animals themselves.
No. 1659857
>>1659757Are you stupid,
nonny? She was engaged, she is also his co-worker (kind of), he is popular, she knew what she was doing. Both of them are shit people.
No. 1659863
>>1659825I get sick of that shit, I've been seeing it here sometimes. Obviously the scrote is the most responsible, but any woman who knowingly messes with a married man is directly causing pain to another woman. Selfish, fucked up and inexcusable. If you are a woman who harms another woman for zero reasons but a scrote, fuck you and him.
He's trash and I wish his wife and kids the best.
No. 1659867
>>1659610Yep, he's a pornsick weirdo who tries hard to be a nlog (not like other guys) but he's just a generic scrote.
>>1659746Any man who does those things is always going to be outted for something. I truly believe that they are more likely to be a predator then scrotes who keep that shit out of their personas.
which is why I worry for Jerma No. 1659877
>>1659788Wow. “Consensual” yeah you were her employer. There’s no fucked up power dynamic there at all. His apology is shit and I hope Ariel never forgives him.
Toxic little many baby.
No. 1659898
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waiting for shit about these two, pretty sure Matt is fucking abelina sabrina and 100% certain Ryan is gay
No. 1659906
>>1659440This does not surprise me in the slightest. His "uwu i love my wife" schtick felt so damn forced. He's always seemed fake as fuck, even more than Zach. You could tell he was over-compensating.
Hope Ariel divorces him, I feel so bad for her.
No. 1659970
coming back to talk more about this, and i REALLY think everyone should wait to hear from alex because the more being brought out, the more its clear this could have been a very messy bts thing.
firstly, and the thing people are trying to look past, ned is her boss. just because she's a higher level worker doesn't change that. not only that, ned is in charge of the HR related stuff. it could have been her whole career on the line and no way to being it forward
secondly and something i didn't think about, not only is alex being an employee bad for all the guys in general legally, but ned ruining his whole brand with this basically shatters all their deals, including the new shows they had and everything. now not only does alex have reason not to step forward in general, the other guys have reason to shush her or risk losing the entire future of the business
thirdly, someone actually posted a pic they took with ned while he was on the way to the club with alex and he looks out of it/high. if they were cheating, that pic could show ned has relapsed (hes talked about having drug problems before) and/or that this has been going on for a hot minute and the other guys/employees knew
there's like so much that could be going on behind the scenes then just the cheating that could really blow everything up for everyone.
No. 1659977
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dw i archived it
No. 1659987
nonnie, id rather it be archived this way by someone else than posted directly from my IP. idk if that actually matters in protecting my identity but it gives me peace of mind.
No. 1660003
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Obviously this has no proof but thought it was interesting. I feel like in the next few days we will get more accounts of shady behavior from all the Try Guys.
No. 1660011
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>>1660003always hated zach
No. 1660016
>>1660008>>1660003Of course men cant handle the fame or attention in any other way than to try and use it for sexual gain.
Just get rid of the try guys. They ran out of good ideas along time ago and now they are just grasping at straws to stay relevant. They could have had a respectable run and a gentle end but now they will be slandered, dragged and mocked for the rest of internet history.
No. 1660041
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Everyone clowned on Buzzfeed but these irl wojack looking fucks were somehow the good ones? They're still moids, and arguably the worst kind for trying too hard with the whole "DAE think women are people too actually" brand
Also the current and ex-employees coming out with their "Hmm not surprised" subtweets are just snitching on themselves. This is like when the people featured in the SJW Twitter Artist thread act all buddy buddy then cancel each other every week like "I knew they were always problematic."
No. 1660048
>>1660003and this is exactly why im telling everyone to hold on for alex to speak out. with all the stuff coming out, it seems more and more like everyone was aware of alex and ned and let it go on. if other members were also doing the same sort of stuff, it makes perfect sense why alex wouldn't come forward, especially if ned is not only her boss, but also running their HR.
i want her to say something and open the gates so a) we can actually clarify if she actively cheated just cause or if she was forced and b) get all the behind the scenes stuff cause there is obviously a lot more that was going on
No. 1660120
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I hate using that term but this is really npc behavior
Buzzfeed is literally a corporation, they dropped him for engaging with his employee and for ruining try guys’ brand image they did not do it for ~uwu we support women~ internet points
No. 1660143
>>1653067She's ostensibly making videos for women, but she gives off the vibe of someone making content on youtube as a way to market their OnlyFans.
Just look at the 2nd from left outfit in that video thumbnail… who is the intended audience for that pic? Especially considering the pose.
Something about her comes off as conceited to me.
No. 1660244
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Crazy how some women would jump at any instance to showcase their internalized misogyny to the world
What’s the point of insulting her in this passive aggressive manner? Ned is the one who is her boss with a wife and kids how is he a victim who lost everything
I’m not even defending her but Ned is literally the most boring ugly soyboy but yeah sure let’s insult the woman first
No. 1660251
>>1660242That’s fairly common with westernized
woc lol.. they complain on and on about lack of representation in media but once they get the chance to produce a project, they make the male lead some white guy falling in love with strict ethnic parents
poc girl
No. 1660281
>>1660251Or the strict straight laced white guy (bonus points if he's rich) who gets to experience the
woc's background in the most watered down way possible.
No. 1660293
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More milk about ned's creepy behavior came in, this was a reddit thread made some time ago before the cheating became public and is what got the subreddit to start investigating
No. 1660335
>>1659034>jaiden deleted emptyI hope she stays away from more scrotes in the future. She was friends with that callmecarson streamer who got outed for having an underage gf. Now boyinaband. Wonder if alpharad is next up for a scandal
>>1659186His videos are alright. But I’m not holding my breath that he’s innocent if he’s interacting with tradcath bros on twitter. It’s only a matter of time before he fucks up and likes or retweets something misogynistic about women being denied rights or something. Since tradcath twitter is always like that
>>1659822Not only that but she was fucking engaged too. Alex wanted to fuck up ariel as much as her useless scrote of a hopefully soon to be ex husband did. If a woman knows that the male is married and still doesn’t back off she’s just as complicit and doesn’t deserve sympathy
No. 1660428
>>1659724>>1660025I didn't really feel any kinda way about him until recently. I think it was a video where he talked about that Natalia Dyer plastic surgery tiktok or some type of similar topic where he said that he totally knows how shitty it feels for women to be scrutinized for our appearance bc people always tell him to cut his hair and shave his mustache…and once again I'm reminded of how much I hate scrotes.
First of all, no, you have NO IDEA what it's like to be a woman and have everyone think they have a right to comment on your appearance. And second, even if he was just saying he knows how Natalia feels and not women as a whole - we're talking extreme invasive plastic surgery vs a fucking haircut. And y'know what…they're right! His hair looks like shit! His mustache looks like shit! Why is it always dudes who can't grow proper facial hair who are the most insistent on trying out the latest retarded meme beard/mustache trends?? And his tattoos are lame and poorly thought out. He's a decent looking guy, why does he feel the need to uglify himself like this?? I don't understand.
And he's not funny. He's a commentary YouTuber, so that's a given but then he did a comedy show tour with drew gooden and danny gonzales (don't even get me started on drew…never seen a more punchable face). The only reason he has any fame is because teenage girls find him attractive. That's it. He's not particularly funny, smart, or talented. I just know he's got some nasty shit he's hiding.
Sage for all this autism but everyone I know loves him so I feel like I can't really rant about him anywhere else
No. 1660468
>>1660003Knew it was Zach before I even finished reading.
>>1660120I hate to say it but the try guys hit a jackpot with their faux leftist non-threatening feminist ally image. Liberal women eat it up with zero critical thought. These four are just as scrotey as every other scrote.
No. 1660588
>>1660056Weak bait, bitch. I've never been cheated on but i won't blogpost my lifestory for your stupid bait. I just have values, and really it's only the minimum that mostly everyone would agree on. Imagine wanting to be such a contrarian that you think cheating is ok and just someone "losing focus", how retarded.
Either weak bait, like i said, or you're the one who needs therapy because you're a cheater and you're coping by laughing at sane people who don't accept treason. No one supports you though. Feels lonely? Cry to your mom, shitsack, maybe she still has it in herself to care.
No. 1660751
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>>1655553Especially since she bitches on Twitter about paying taxes to the Canadian govt but turns around and says “eat the rich” kek. I feel like Xiran maybe was paid by the CCP at one point. She says her YouTube videos are blocked by China but so is the entire site. Typically users are paid for putting out CCP approved propaganda on Twitter and YouTube. Sites blocked by China so they’re seen by westerners.
No. 1660767
>>1660588I think your based
nonnie. Women who are ok with cheating are just uber pickmes imo
No. 1660846
>>1660767Thank you. I was wondering where i was for one second when i read all those pickmes saying chill out when this retard
>>1660056 didn't get much reactions, as if being agressive towards cheaters isn't a sane thing, projecting all sorts of things like you were cheated on and couldn't recover because you're against it? Also mocking women who actually got cheated on at the same time, saying "kek go to therapy" and shit. Really glad i don't know those pickmes IRL.
No. 1660962
>>1660244??? genuenly, why not dunk on her? She is as trash as he is for fucking a married man, and a father of 2 kids.
They both deserve to be ridiculed and dunked on.
No. 1661013
>>1660962But he was her boss its so
toxic shes a
As if him being her boss didnt sweeten the pot for the bitch
I can somewhat understand knowingly being the side chick if youve never met the wife and youre being fed lies about the marriage being terrible etc, but she filmed inside Ariels house, she knew her, she knew their kids. And thats not even mentioning her own relationship of 10 years
She 100% deserves shit for what she did and we make fun of peoples looks for much less here
No. 1661222
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>>1660153Iirc his most recent drama I saw was when he watched 15 minutes of a 2 hour long film but still gave it a low rating so obviously people pointed out that it was dumb to do he then doubled down and said he gave bad reviews/rating to multiple films he made videos/reviews about based off of the 10-20 minutes he's seen of them including ones he went to Sundance to specify see and make content about, people then started making fun of him for it since he's said before he considers himself a "true critic/reviewer" when he was shitting on the Oscars so he tripled down and started begging/demanding people to "debate" with him on it then when no one took the bait he invited some Randoms onto his twitch stream (including one who admitted he didn't even know who YMS was) that were clearly only coming on to clout chase by dropping their youtube/twitch names so didn't care about the debate so they just ended up agreeing with him which made him start claiming he'd "won" the argument after a 5 hour live "debate", even his own fans on the streams and the multiple hour uploaded videos of it were saying how pointless and stupid him getting this worked up about it was and he still kept going on it
No. 1661230
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>>1661222Overall just really spergy and desperate looking guess it hurt his ego when people were telling him reviewing 10-20 minutes of a film doesn't make you a film critic
No. 1661310
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>>1659898i would prefer him to be with sabrina than annabel, their relationship is really
toxic from what i heard.
No. 1661358
>>1661310everyone keeps saying
toxic but not bringing receipts. either spill or shut it
No. 1661405
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>>1617173>>1617955ex-gf's account is suspended and tweets got deleted so this is all i have for now.
i do remember don retweeting it and the original callout post had a pastebin or twitlonger type of link detailing the 'grooming'.
No. 1662631
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Yeah fuck this guy. reddit mod looking ass
No. 1663896
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>>1663513I remember this too
nonnie, it was pretty fucking crazy. Last I recall they (the horror channels) tweeted things about how it had become an actual legal matter and they weren't going to talk about it anymore. The third guy is that Mamamax freak who was always incredibly annoying and, IMO, kind of ruined Nexpo by association. Nexpo started doing a lot more dorky ass shit around the time he befriended Mamamax, who always did epic tough guy skits or whatever in between talking about ~creepy youtube clips~ Then of course he had some meltdown about Youtube demonetizing some pedo-hunting video of his, as if youtube as a platform wants that content. Just look at how cornball his thumbnails are. he used to have other videos too but I guess he took them down, probably as a fuck you to Youtube or some gay shit.
No. 1664515
File: 1664688945084.jpg (148.01 KB, 1242x2208, 310143382_658372798943130_4489…)

Mykie hasn't made a video since October 2020, was a bit surprised to see a recent collab where they seem to not edit the photos of their models?? Seems strange. Also they fucked up/didn't retouch the makeup under her eyes, she didn't do her own glam makeup and it seems the makeup settled on her face and creased a bit. We only see filtered videos of her currently so was interesting to see her real face (shit makeup aside)
No. 1664517
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>>1664515This one doesn't even look like her:
No. 1664518
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>>1664517Another one. I wonder if she will ever come back to Youtube, that spankie vendetta "I will read into every text she sent me and spin it as negatively as possible while omitting my replies" video is still up and like the third result if you search "Mykie" so she may be gone forever
No. 1664556
>>1658786>>1664515I mean she did the kalel but smart route. She doesn’t have to do anything anymore thanks to Anthony.
No. 1664587
So all the woke soyboi manlets who get worshipped by little girls for being not-like-the-other-moids get exposed for being like (or even worse than) the other moids…? What a surprise.
>>1655553>>1660751>chinese>muh oppressed minoritylmao a 5th of the world is you
No. 1664625
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So is this little minecraft fag is doing an actual face reveal or is it a ploy?
It seems like a marketing scheme because all these random influencers are posting their video reactions to him face-timing them
No. 1664628
File: 1664711521715.jpeg (774.19 KB, 1242x1318, 3E8017CA-78DF-460D-B4F0-7A36CE…)

>>1664625This whole thing is so hilariously retarded they’re treating a face reveal like it’s the second coming of jesus
No. 1664668
>>1664628Its so funny seeing Dream stans tweets on Trending. They treat everything as the second coming of jesus. I think some guy got his visa to meet a friend and they screamed about it for two days. Dreams fans are underage i assume (?)
>>1664649Its just a baiter
No. 1664717
File: 1664722243815.png (67.99 KB, 745x587, Local retard wants to fuck dog…)

>>1664628he's going to look so generic and all these people look retarded hyping him up like this
>>1664681I've seen a lot of people talk about it but YMS fans always find the comments and start going "B-but it was taken out of context!!1!" and harassing people over it even though he doubled down on it multiple times including this where he says "If it were concluded in a tested environment that the animal's comfortable and there's no sign of any distress, I don't see the issue."
No. 1665198
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No. 1665200
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the kiwi dox was right lmao painfully average
No. 1665209
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No. 1665213
File: 1664759429552.png (600.52 KB, 613x625, ew2.png)

>>1665198>>1665199>>1665200Straight up the dox was him then even though he desperately tried to deny it ,I guess he lost weight, still a green goblin mfer tho can't wait to see his fans try to hype his school shooter lookin ass up
No. 1665217
File: 1664759679645.jpeg (253.53 KB, 1242x2067, 08542050-360F-46CC-BBF9-244E24…)

shane dawson is trending because everyone keep saying they look alike. rip.
No. 1665223
File: 1664760178799.png (159.38 KB, 644x558, fag.png)

Twitter is massacring his ass, after that shit he he pulled with the premium phone line scam I'm surprised he didn't put this behind a paywall
No. 1665251
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dream's thirst trapping on snapchat
No. 1665269
File: 1664763901916.jpg (124.92 KB, 614x789, lmao.jpg)

Dream was tending and I clicked on and I was not prepared for the dragging that was happening lmao
No. 1665277
File: 1664764811231.jpg (80.07 KB, 593x495, 546118164854.jpg)

Im backing whoever said he looks like shane and onisions lovechild. Knowing onision that would turn him on probably.
No. 1665286
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No. 1665306
File: 1664766880256.jpeg (31.63 KB, 393x449, C4C7E10C-9E6F-44E1-A5E2-19BABE…)

Losing it over this image
No. 1665310
File: 1664767124176.jpeg (300.85 KB, 1536x2048, 73FB5F7F-E21D-418C-A51B-2C56BD…)

omg he looks nothing like I imagined I expected him to look like this
No. 1665319
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No. 1665328
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no comment
No. 1665344
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>>1665338It’s awful. He’s just a kid who streams minecraft that’s it I don’t understand unnecessary hate he’s getting for his looks so what if he’s average is it a crime to not be hot? People are horrible he’s like 23 I’m afraid he might kill himself or something
No. 1665349
File: 1664769096600.jpg (89.98 KB, 828x978, picrel.jpg)

>>1665297>>1665338>>1665344>he scammed kids that he encourages parasocial relationships with calling them "kittens" by setting up a premium phone line but told fans they'd "have the chance to talk to them" but it was just pre-recorded messages >defended his fans for drawing guro porn/shipping him and dream of his at the time 15 year old friend when people brought up how weird it was he doubled down and tweeted "I love all my fans!" even though his underage friend had voiced that the artwork made him uncomfortable>cheated on his long-term ex with multiple fans iirc he was dating his irl gf and then two fans on the side who all found out about each other and when his irl gf and one of the fans made it public on twitter to warn people and talk about him abusing irl gf he blamed it on her for her BPD/mental health >got a 15 year old doxed for simply criticising him by retweeting a comment she'd made publicly so all his weirdo fans started harassing her to the point she had to go offline and leave the address she was staying at for her own safety when his fans were "joking" about swatting her and then said “I’m just gonna express that, if you are a person on Twitter and you have seven followers and you get doxxed on Twitter, the odds of you having something happen to you in your life are so astronomically small it’s not even worth worrying about,” as well as pic attached but walked it back when he got obvious backlash >even after the doxing a child incident responds to small criticisms publicly by name searching himself and then when his fans would harass whoever it was would say he "had no control over them" >made a big announcement that for a whole month all the money he got on stream would go to charity but avoided streaming that entire month only streaming the start of the next month>had the minecraft speedrun cheating drama and actually hired an astrophysicist to "prove" that he hadn't cheated before admitting to cheating via using mods>more petty but he ripped his entire brand off of Cryaotic/Crywastaken smiley mask/hoodie/anime avatar and Cry was outed as an actual paedophile/groomer who was sexting and hooking up with underage girls there's a reason he gets a lot of hate and whenever someone speaks up on any of this he sets his fans on them so he's almost contently in drama with other content creators, also him doxing the 15 year old and bragging about it was the most recent big drama with him I think all the old stuff was in the Kiwi threads on him
No. 1665350
>>1665344It's just that…I guess I wasn't expecting people to be this mask off about it. What's the demo of his audience? I don't watch this scrote but when I think, "population minecraft youtuber" I think his fans would be gender special teens, mainly scrotes or TIFs. When I used to watch cringe gake mental illness tiktoks I saw TIfs making Dream Alters and shit.
Didn't expect to see so many flat out acting like he's deformed and it getting thousands of likes. Not defending him. I guess I'm just kind of shocked. Guess it's from seeing people praise actually ugly scrotes like that Dylan Troon, but a average weird chin scrote gets this kind of reaction. Maybe Dream should put on a dress, kek
No. 1665360
>>1665334So true
nonnie, a tiny percentage of moids actuslly warrant any kind of AWOOGA reaction & dream is just one of billions of guys a woman would settle for. He set himself up for this shit though…who cares about some dude’s face? Why make a big deal of it, was anyone asking before he started teasing NOT showing his mug ever?
No. 1665363
>>1665354Usually from what I’ve seen on Twitter if you bring up any of his actual drama he’ll retweet you on his private account then you’ll get harassed or his rabid fans who name search him will flood your replies either justifying him or general harassment
I think a lot of the anger right now with people calling him ugly and such is because he faced absolutely no consequences when he doxed that 15 year old earlier this year + plus his fans harassing other content creators and his fans still defend him on it so people are just sort of done with him at this point and probably feel vindicated that this man that people have bent over backwards to defend whilst harassing people on his behalf looks like shane dawson with cerebral palsy, or at least that’s what I’m getting from the replies on these tweets where people are now talking about said drama though there’s obviously a hate train right now that people are riding on
No. 1665366
>>1665363>I think a lot of the anger right now with people calling him ugly and such is because he faced absolutely no consequences when he doxed that 15 year old earlier this year You’re giving them too much credit
nonnie. People on twitter do not care or want know about this at all, they just saw an opportunity to have a hit tweet and took it that’s it, tweet “dream ugly dream shane dawson” and get 10k likes
No. 1665368
>>1665356No you found an adult woman who doesn't get all the insults about this average banana faced scrote and surprised by the reactions. I don't know much about this idiot and I even agree that, him making this huge display more then likely caused a huge display of love and hate.
It's just an odd situation when you don't really know much about the scrote and very little about hos fanbase. Not everyone with a different opinion os a fan or teenager.
No. 1665393
File: 1664771615175.jpeg (660.2 KB, 1242x1341, 154B90C4-68DB-4331-8BBA-52B311…)

anons please go scroll #dreamfanart for a good chuckle. the fans were drawing him like a cute anime boy before the face reveal lmao they must be so pissed
No. 1665410
>>1664794>>1664794Your prayers have been answered
nonnie. God bless.
No. 1665436
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>>1665297His own fault for letting his fans do this LMAO
No. 1665439
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the truth was always there
No. 1665446
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>>1665286I fucking KNEW his face reminded me of someone. With weight edited on he looks like Josh
No. 1665467
>>1665338Because fuck men. Bully them for how they look. Let them taste their own "2/10 btw elbows too pointy" medicine.
It is fucking funny.
No. 1665471
File: 1664784535529.jpeg (189.38 KB, 744x1593, E21EACB5-E64B-4785-9973-737CDF…)

Rare dream W?
(this was being posted around on twitter to make him look bad, ugly or not he’s right)
No. 1665476
File: 1664785121317.png (324.21 KB, 602x680, Screenshot 9.png)

>>1665455>>1665458I think its similar to the backlash against Lindsay Ellis, its not what they have done that's caused this hatetrain but what they represent to these people, Lindsay Ellis represented the white feminist who wasn't doing enough for minorities and Dream is the mediocre white man who is "unfairly" popular and they believe he deserves the hatred cause it would be punching down
No. 1665511
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>>1665509I'm kek'ing at the tweets, this is is so funny
No. 1665512
>>1665509as he shouldnt, if he wants to keep getting paid
>>1665213>>1665198he looks like he got gastric bypass surgery or something. his face doesnt quite match his body.
>>1665338girl hes ugly LMAO i honestly have no idea who this is-i know ive seen him trending before and i think he has a twitch? im assuming so because hes a streamer. anyway-i dont interact with ANYTHING about this man and some how his tweets wound up on my timeline-specifically the one where he said his face reveal was in 2 hours and kicking a big fuss like it was must-see-tv. he was funneling everyone to come look and now what. he got what he wanted didnt he? everyone looked. and they were rightfully repulsed because hes ugly. im sorry. that is one ugly gargoyle. this?
>>1665251 bone-chilling. he should have saved that for the 31st if thats him.
god help the other vtubers out there. if its a girl shes probably fine because most girls are cute but men tend to be busted and unkept looking. its rare that one is genuinely breath-taking to look at. lord help me if shxtou ever does a face reveal god i just…men, dont do this. you are not good looking enough, i promise you. keep the fantasy going. never show your faces. dont get greedy because you want to be recognized in public and get laid easier.
No. 1665516
File: 1664792347676.jpg (176.18 KB, 1080x974, Screenshot_2022-10-03-05-15-22…)

Right now twitter feels like a bunch of nonnies on the wild kek
No. 1665526
File: 1664793565154.jpg (74.62 KB, 1080x318, IMG_20221003_053434.jpg)

Holy shit moids are blind.
No. 1665530
>>1665526probably because they see themselves in him. it's like looking in the mirror for them. he has an average moid face you'll likely forget in 5 minutes.
>>1665517>Habsburg retardKEKKKK
No. 1665540
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No. 1665545
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>>1665526It's cause he has a strong jaw and by strong jaw I mean like in Gintama when they have to crossdress to work at a hostess bar and give themselves an underbite to look uglier and not be picked.
No. 1665566
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>>1665540it would've been less cringe if he looked like boogie or null
No. 1665638
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>>1665636I saw picrel today and though it was critikal at first glance. he's reached asmongold levels of haggard
No. 1665651
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>>1665636I was regretfully on Tumblr when the first pic of him dropped and people went crazy. He's said he was a freak in college so I wonder if the face reveal motivated him to shower regularly before falling back into old habits
No. 1665666
>>1665261>jefree star and james charles absolutely got famous just for being gay men in the beauty guru world. Yea, I agreed with Mykie about that. Swoop didn't seem to understand that point and was just hung up on thinking that Mykie was a homophobe. Still though, Mykie just came off as selfish and a user swoops vid.
Mykie's got a big enough catalog of Youtube vids that she can probably live off the ad money from them and doesn't need to make anymore so I wonder if she will ever come back.
>btw swoop is apparently gonna be in a Gabby Petito documentary?? why??This does make zero sense. Why would she even want to be in this.
No. 1665699
>>1665613his ex gf is a they/them now so i think the troon loving comment is
valid lol
No. 1665722
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No. 1665731
>>1665251Most embarrassing behavior
>>1665651I remember this lol
I can't get over how big this mfs chin is, looks like someone pushed the sliders all the way in Cas. Makes me want to redline and sperg about proportions.
You can tell that he lost a lot of weight too, his skin is oddly loose on his cheeks and neck.
Lastly, lmfao at him being stuck in 3/4 because that's the least bad angle
No. 1665750
File: 1664818267081.jpg (88.26 KB, 750x1147, rip.jpg)

>>1665393jesus christ it's embarrassing (OP deleted this tweet and locked their account soon after too lmao)
No. 1665791
>>1665350Everytime I see dream discourse pop up on my timeline it's cuz he offended someone or said something racist/sexist. Or it's because his fanbase is
toxic. This shouldn't surprise anyone, a lot of terminally online community hate him. Plus, he's not cute enough to stan, we know how the internet will excuse a scrote if he's cute enough.
No. 1665880
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The jokes keep on coming
No. 1665886
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No. 1665887
File: 1664827573568.png (249.96 KB, 572x687, haha.PNG)

SNEAKO who is a wannabe Andrew Taint Youtuber was finally perm banned. His fanboys are in literal tears over this, kek.
No. 1666008
>>1665981For anyone curious, here's the professional debunk. This bitch cheated to get more popular, then wrote an extremely long document full of empty words and fake probability that
triggered me as a math autist and he threw a tantrum about it. I was surprised he came back from this, but it was mostly outsiders who criticised him, his fans care for the yaoi fanfiction of his minecraft server.
No. 1666302
>>1666088I was going to say this. It actually makes a lot of sense that his young fanbase would think he's ugly. Back in my day, Robert Pattison was cast as Edward Cullen. Gross.
His young fanbase expects a softer boyish jaw. Without the fat.
No. 1666408
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I can't breathe its just too funny. pics from fakedisordercringe reddit.
No. 1666428
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>>1666292I saw this screenshot on Twitter from a gossip source that they tried to cover it up kek
No. 1666501
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>>1666417The tangental milk this event has caused is increasing exponentially. Perennial
victim and drama princess Kiwo finally
triggers her boomer ex DayZ dev brian with her hypocrisy.
No. 1666535
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No. 1666537
>>1666055This offended me personally deep to my core.
>>1666292We don’t care!!
No. 1666539
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No. 1666580
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>>1666501considering the response dream got and the fact that she looks like this, she will never do one officially, and if she does, it will be heavily filtered.
No. 1666636
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No. 1666640
>>1666375Crimson Chin looking ass.
>>1666382Also KEK at the moid's dilemma.
His hairstyle is identical to the fat pic, so he's avoiding a forward angle because if his double chin shows, it's over.
But then his fanbase drew him with that same damn hairstyle so he styled himself similar to their fanart so they'd think he's their "dream" come true. kekekek
No. 1666663
File: 1664894117053.png (165.28 KB, 788x1427, Screenshot 3.png)

>>1666636he was a fucking minecraft youtuber in his 20's, why did they expect him to look like a conventionally attractive teenage blonde white male
No. 1666679
>>1666663Based on these comments I'm starting to feel most of his fans are still high schoolers and he looks "too old" for them, I felt like that about college aged people when I was a teen
I thought his fans were the same age as him considering how much fujo fanfiction he has
No. 1666683
>>1666663>>1666664He encouraged his stans to perceive him like a hot anime twink, too, and he’s not living up to the hype. He’s reaping what he sowed.
>>1666679Yeah he also looks old for his age, kek
No. 1666794
>>1666781The lighting in the video and him holding his face in that position made things a lot worse imo.
The background was dark, and there was only one harsh light straight on his face. Looked like some degen on a webcam, illuminated only by the monitor.
No. 1667296
>>1666636>yells standards are too highWell duh. The problem with hiding your face when you have a tween audience is they'll have free reign to romanticise what you look like, so your perfect husbando imagined appearance will have a chokehold on them that's lost as soon as you reveal yourself, since you'll never live up to their dream (kek) of you. We've seen it with fat tony corpse husband, we're seeing it with dream.
But its obviously going to be the ugly ones who hide their faces so I wonder why they're so ready to romanticise a faceless.
No. 1667544
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>>1667189He made a tiktok poking fun at it so my guess is he's gonna pretend like it didn't bother him at all No. 1667551
>>1667189It would be incredibly hypocritical for him to say anything on bullying when he got that fan harassed only a few months back and then jerked off to her deleting her account after being doxed would be the same shit Pixielocks did last week when she was bullying a teenager on Twitter and then made a video about lolcow “bullying” her, he’d be an idiot to try and claim he was some kind of
victim when people have been sharing round threads and screenshots of his shitty behaviour after the face reveal or even starting a tweet with “please don’t dox me but” for a general question about him
No. 1668333
File: 1665027124544.jpeg (52.84 KB, 680x696, 1659968769873.jpeg)

>>1666292its insane how their audience is eating this shit up. everyone was disgusted and disappointed but after this weak ass video they are back to loving these soycucks. i know i cant expect much from buzzfeed enjoyers but this shit is not even creative manipulation. they obviously fuckink knew, considering everyone remotely involved with them was gloating on twitter about how everyone fucking knew. i cant believe handmaidens.
>>1668322based and perfectly put nonna
No. 1669333
File: 1665130422419.jpg (179.96 KB, 750x1075, 2022-10-07_11-11-03-101.jpg)

charlieissocoollike trooned out…
No. 1669334
File: 1665131631041.gif (335.14 KB, 350x200, tumblr_inline_p7lk66M7NH1slius…)

>>1669333he was a cute nerdy boy thats literally why he had a following. why the fuck would he prefer to look SO BUSTED? did he use a middle school horse girl as inspo?? the fuck is this?
No. 1669424
File: 1665144160613.jpg (43.37 KB, 634x531, 1657505259265.jpg)

Thinking about how Charlie is a troon, Dan is a faggot and I was parasocially in love with these people as a t(w)een.
No. 1669505
File: 1665152817857.jpg (81.79 KB, 800x450, eca.jpg)

>>1669333I rediscovered him on Twitch a while back and had fun popping into his streams every once in a while. I thought his hair was getting pretty long but I thought he was just going the moistcritikal route. This is the worst fucking news.
Also he really did look more feminine and fine before. This is a fucking awful look.
No. 1669508
File: 1665153036062.png (464.92 KB, 977x667, charlie.PNG)

>>1669505Went back to look through vods to figure off why he looks so fucking bad when I thought he looked fine and it's the bangs. They look frumpy and gross. Actually his hair still looks mediocre in picrel but I think it's mainly from lack of volume. It looks flat and kinda greasy and isn't the best look but still miles better than how he looks as a troon.
No. 1669513
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>>1667544posting this TikTok like
No. 1669544
File: 1665156790909.jpg (139.56 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg)

>>1669539He had a very cute boyish charm to him back when he was popular on Youtube. Then in that transition period between leaving yt and ultimately moving to Twitch, I think he still had that charm, but cutting his hair shorter made him look a bit more mature and less 2006. His hair growing out slowly moved him from down the scale.
I wanted to make a timeline of his declining looks but I can't remember which photos are from which era aside from the obvious red hair era and fluffy brown hair/still peak youtube era. It looks like he's removed all his youtube content, cleared out his ig of any selfies (not sure if there were any before since I didn't follow him on there), and emptied out most media posts from his twitter too (again, not sure if he had selfies on there). I think this photo is from around the transition period between youtube and twitch but I can't really remember.
No. 1669565
>>1669550He never really struck me as autistic, but the lack of stable career was something I did think about. He willingly chose to leave youtube to pursue writing for films and shows so I don't think irrelevancy was as big of a concern for him, but I remember he was writing a show for that app Quibi that failed almost immediately. I don't watch his Twitch super often so I don't know if he's working on any new projects or has been involved in anything recently. His stream schedule isn't super consistent either I think.
I know he was dating this Canadian writer/director, Emily Diana Ruth, and he moved to Canada to be with her I believe. I wonder if they broke up?
No. 1669628
>>1668319I watch tarot vids without really believing in it anyway so I play his shit as background noise sometimes. He's nearly 30, has never had an actual relationship and gives out a whole lot of relationship advice to others. That's my fave thing so far. He starts out his livestreams usually having a meltdown about running into an ex.. and by an ex he means a casual fuck buddy hes still hung up on. He's a mess.
>>1668748He's just a camp gay who does 'pop culture' readings. He covers celebs. Its trashy entertainment. Nothing spiritual. He obviously googles shit before readings but then always claims hes going in blind. They're celebs.. of couse hes googling it.
No. 1669948
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is the observe guy’s wife an enby? i can’t think of anything more insufferable than a grown-ass white woman with dreads and they/them pronouns (except for white men with dreads and they/them pronouns, i’m sure they also exist).
No. 1669978
>>1668319i’ve been reading professionally for over a decade this dude’s readings always feel off to me. any
nonnie reading this thread could pick up a deck for the first time and do a better job. i cannot believe people are enjoying his readings for anything other than the ridiculous personality. sorry for blogpost just didn’t expect to see this dude lol
No. 1670235
isn't homosexual. He calls himself a homosexual constantly, came out with a video titled "Basically I'm Gay", but he spends 45 full minutes explaining how he's bisexual while never calling himself that. Everybody incensed him for being an Out Proud Gay King(tm) but nobody noticed he just isn't. He calls himself a homosexual in a self-deprecating "humorous" manner while not being that because he's never learned to homosexuality as its own thing + he needs the weight of that word to titillate his then-teenage now-arrested-development-adult fans.
No. 1670363
>>1669333I’m shattered. Teenage me crushed on him hard during the 2010s. As I grew older (and politics infiltrated every corner of American/online culture) I kind of assumed he was some generic shitlib normie, but didn’t really care. I NEVER expected this though. While I guess I’m not entirely surprised, I’m still highly disappointed.
>>1669424Lol same, these ‘mos really had a hold on me. I suspected Dan was ghey but was in great denial of it.
No. 1670425
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>>1669333holy shit. he was probably the first youtuber i crushed on. after he stopped making videos i didn't really pay attention to what he was doing and yea he looked more and more busted but he was doing his thing. while this isn't surprising, it kinda came out of nowhere . sucks he deleted his videos cause i went back at them for the sake of nostalgia. i guess that clips like picrel would give him dysphoria or some shit kek. at least he kept a somewhat of a low profile all these years so i hope he wont become insufferable about being a tranny
No. 1670489
>>1669978 > i cannot believe people are enjoying his readings for anything other than the ridiculous personalityThis is what I watch him for. When I don't want to watch anything too serious I'll put his stuff on.
He only started doing livestreams on youtube lately (he only did prefilmed vids before that and kept his livstreaming to twitch) The first livestream on yt was meant to be a big deal but he spent alot of it being visibily upset and then talking about boy troubles in his life. People were in the chat like… so are you going to do any readings or? kek
No. 1670862
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>>1670503This is the latest pic of her I could find. She looks about the same weight as she always has to me?
No. 1671201
>>1669333i honestly didn't expect that. what the fuck. i thought he had just faded into obscurity.
next you're gonna tell me that that uggo Kurtis Connor is a transbian.
No. 1671227
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Any milk surrounding Jerma? Dude has been a streamer for like 6 years and it's a bit weird that he doesn't seem to have any well know drama, scandals, or fuck ups yet. Normally there's something up
No. 1671234
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Mentally ill markiplier fans trying to find drama when there is none
No. 1671254
>>1671227Besides HHbomber ruining his chat forever by hosting him after a Trans childern fundraiser and Jermas chat being annoying after that. No.
I dislike the Ludwig scrote that comes around. I think his streams are getting more and more boring. But Jerma himself manages to stay out of drama. He and oike Vargskelethor are the only big streamers I watch who I can't think of any scandals. Vinesauce had one but it turned out to be a nothing burger. I only watch a few streamers though
No. 1671257
>>1671227Jerma's fine, retards sperged about him being a casual stocks & crypto bro but it's mainly the fans who are bad. Sadly in the past few years due to tumblr and memes his fans have gotten progressively more annoying and unbearable. Part of me hopes he does something
problematic so they all jump ship, they probably will soon, zoomers get bored quick kek
No. 1671381
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>>1671258Nayrt, a few months ago I was curious if there was any milk on him too and the most I found was that he was flirting with a fan on Tiktok and he's possibly a zionist. There's also the fujobaiting but he doesn't really do that anymore. It's mostly Dream instigating it and being creepy around George nowadays, vidrel. Tbh George isn't that interesting. He wouldn't get the attention he does if he wasn't the best looking moid in Dream's MCYT group. His content is boring.
>>1671257>Part of me hopes he does something problematic so they all jump ship, they probably will soon, zoomers get bored quick kekPart of me wants this too kek. I'm surprised the coinbase and fansly shilling didn't get him cancelled. He's the only content creator that didn't get shit on for promoting those sites.
No. 1671400
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>>1671385He had a birthright trip to Israel and I believe he made a post about supporting Israel in the past. To be fair, this was around when he was 16-18, so I have no idea if he's still a zionist. He could've been influenced by his parents idk. He is Jewish and Israeli though.
And I found out about him flirting with a fan on Tiktok after going down the leaktwt rabbit hole one night. Unfortunately, the accounts I got that information from is now privated and I didn't get any screenshots. But iirc, the fan was a minor (maybe 16 or 17 at the oldest) when she started interacting with George. Hopefully another anon can back me up on this.
>>1671388He wants to be Dan and Phil so bad.
No. 1671451
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>>1671234She might just have that genetic. Kind of embarrassing for men to have short, stubby fingers though. Stretch them out.
>>1671400>He is Jewish>picrel No. 1671903
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>>1671227He's dating a fan and ex-discord mod who follows fatfur accounts on Twitter, loves My Little Pony, and generally behaves like an autistic child. She used to post fanart of him before they started dating, including this dating sim mock-up.
Not the greatest milk but there you go. There's some weird shit with his ex too iirc but I can't be bothered.
No. 1671938
>>1671903I didn't know this just thought she was some haggered fan kek, I hope he's aware of this before it turns for the worst.
>>1671917Speaking of Kim, I remember seeing a post on tumblr when they broke up she tweeted something like she was learning to drive & how she didn't due to trauma from her ex, not sure if it was about Jerma or not, but she talked about how her ex was much older and controlling. I don't remember her @ to try and find it, I think she trooned out to with nb they/them shit after they broke up too kek
No. 1671943
>>1671938IIRC she had to be driven everywhere because she had trauma from a bad car crash when she was younger, not that anyone was controlling her. She had to rely on Jerma for transportation but I don’t think he forced her to not get a license.
>>1671939If you look at her tweets she seems pretty miserable tbh.
No. 1671958
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Not milky, just funny. The anon that said Dan Howell was going to troon out may have been onto something
No. 1671970
>>1671943That makes more sense, her speaking about getting a license was right after the break up so she probably thought to do so
>>1671946It's so weird, when did they get together? I know she was on the Dollhouse set, so over a year at least, Grotto Beasts was in March so in the span of those few months did they strike up anything? Sept 2020 is when Kim & him broke up and I don't think he's the type to immediately jump to another woman (never know with men though.), knowing how obsessed Holly is I'm not surprised if she suddenly became a bit of a pick me to get closer to Jerma & fast track herself to dating kek (Sorry for the tinfoil retardation)
No. 1672114
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>>1672043are they standard obsessed fujos or are they on same level of delusion as larry shippers ?
No. 1672147
>>1672132>A good amount of them project a pedo shotacon fantasyHow does that even work? Aren't they both in their thirties? lol
>>1672145I third this if there's enough milk for a thread. I don't know enough about this circle but I love delusion fujos.
No. 1672179
>>1672151As cringe as his fans are I’m concerned with how you know about all this
nonnie lmao. Like I casually know jerma from the twitter memes and clips that get uploaded, wtf is this degen shit
No. 1672354
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>>1672132This is perhaps derailing a bit but I know of this artist who ships Jerma and his friend and has drawn shotacon porn of them
No. 1672458
>>1672354What kind of shit does someone have to experience in their life/what mental illnesses would you need to possess to think this is an acceptable way to present yourself to the world?
>girlymolesterAre you fucking serious
You're not edgy, you're just gross. Though she'd probably take that as a compliment.
>>1672399What ever became of that? Jackson deleted his Twitter, but all the boys still follow each other on Instagram with the exception of Matt. He's not following Jackson anymore. He does follow Harrison on both platforms though. Could mean nothing but I haven't heard much about the whole ordeal
No. 1672463
>>1672458supermegafag here–
odds are the boys are keeping tabs on jackson by having him on instagram. he and his brother have not done any work with or for supermega since the lawsuit became public. harrison and matt following one another could just be because they were really good friends before his brother fucked it all up.
No. 1672467
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>>1672458Looks like the lawsuit’s being dismissed. Supermega filed to settle
No. 1673090
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No. 1673653
>>1673613Yeah it was a struggle for me to get through that episode, hoping they'd eventually move on but they never did. Plus Matt talking about how he feels bad watching the "pornstar breakdown" outtakes. He claims it makes him sad and yet he still watches them and it never occurs to him that maybe he feels bad because it's fucking sadistic and immoral. That's your conscience talking Matt.
They've always had their annoying buddies on who are more overtly misogynistic than they are but they seem to be cozying up to worse and worse people. Matt also follows the cumtown guys, redscare girls, and other dirtbag left people and it seems like they are really leaning into that scene now. It's a shame. I really used to like them and I feel like they have a bigger number of female viewers than other similar channels. It wouldn't kill them to lay off the tired boomer wife jokes and very liberal use of words like bitch, slut, etc. You can't really claim it's ironic if you also don't give any pushback to genuine misogyny when you hear it like in the meowriza episode.
Really sick of my only options being outright bigots, whiny libfems, or supposed "actual" leftists who still shit on and dismiss women any chance they get.
No. 1674026
>>1673804He explicitly mentioned searching his name on kf so you’re probably right
>>1674020Depends on how popular they are/how much milk there is. Who are you talking about?
No. 1674049
>>1674026It involves this guy named Ohmwrecker going up against what most people know as the Vanoss group because he's trying to claim another member in there (H2ODelirious) is a predator but has been shady and unreliable himself. Maybe he has
valid claims, I can't tell anymore, and other members seem milky too but everyone around him has gotten tired of him talking in circles and making no sense. He's leaks random DMs from years ago and throws out names, claiming he's doing it for the
victims but ranting about how he keeps getting harassed while sperging out on random nobodies on Twitter. Ohm used to be part of Vanoss' group, and one or two other members of the group are already exiled from it (MiniLadd who came out on hitting on minors before was one). Ohm even apparently used to be friends with Markiplier and Jacksepticeye until he started shit with them and has apparently had drama leaving other groups as well.
He's piped up again recently with someone uninvolved, just because this random person unfollowed him, and keeps dragging members of Vanoss' group back into it that everyone is fed up.
No. 1674382
nonny, it would be nice if you posted screenshots. Vanoss crew used to be popular as hell and i remember this Ohmwrecker guy, what a throwback.
No. 1674406
>>1674389Kurtis also has done many many JK Rowling BAD!!1 jokes, but maybe that's just pandering to his TiF fans who skinwalk him.
Something about Kurtis Connor makes me uneasy. I liked him but after watching a bit of his podcast I was kind of weirded out. He was super passive aggressive and fed up feeling, can't put my finger on why that is. Idk if someone who watches his podcast feels the same way
No. 1674620
>>1674577They already are pushing out hours of content with each other and the guests suck and rarely bring anything interesting to the table. What more could they possibly have to talk about to warrant another show? Just so they can talk about more coomer shit?
Ugh there goes my dumb little parasocial crush on Ryan. Another one bites the dust.
No. 1674685
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>>1674406I hate that Kurtis Conner became a boring copy-and-paste annoying libfem moid. He actually morphed into an aiden somehow, that's how hardcore he liblarps. His podcast used to be somewhat enjoyable but God he's such a desperate panderer
No. 1674691
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>>1674686>wholesome christian boys Kek thats why I liked them intially, they were awkward white boys that were goofy and harmless enough. The move to LA definitely kinda killed them though, Matt's whole rapper shtick now is really weird.
No. 1674694
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Dream is being accused of flirting with an underage fan and he was trying to fly her out to his house. This happened two years ago so he was 21 and the girl was 17. The OP who made the accusations privated her account because his stans are attacking her. I was able to screenshot the thread and save the images and videos but I wasn't able to archive the link though. The evidence she provided seems credible.
Here's the link to the thread if she decides to unprivate. I'll post all the screenshots and videos I have saved now. No. 1674704
File: 1665695116842.png (592.05 KB, 950x373, 6.png)

>>1674702Here are text message screenshots from her phone. Sorry for the shitty collage. I'll post the videos next, they're more damning.
>>1674703The average male Minecraft youtuber. They can't help themselves.
No. 1674708
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>>1674706I have one more video to post.
>>1674705He's a grown man talking to high school girls. He's a creep.
No. 1674709
File: 1665695412963.webm (1.07 MB, 592x1280, 8h2tQMEECMdYKyWJ.webm)
>>1674708And that's everything from the thread that I was able to save.
No. 1674710
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>>1674709And here's Dream response (read top to bottom). He doesn't even bother debunking it but he blames her for ruining his day. Pathetic.
No. 1674714
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>>1674710One last thing, #dreamisafreak is trending on Twitter because of the accusation. The hashtag is mostly negative and calling out Dream for his shit response and his stans for defending him. And for anyone that's curious I was able to find a Wayback link to the thread. You can read it here are saying her and Dream were three years apart so Dream would've been 20 and she would've been 17. But I can't confirm it because the OP privated.
No. 1674789
>>1674686Yeah things were way more enjoyable when it felt like they were just 2 buds hanging out and talking about whatever, including genuine stuff that isn't drenched in irony or tailored to a specific audience.
>>1674691Matt's whole rap thing is confusing to me. At first, I thought it was ironic and kinda poking fun at soundcloud white boy rappers. But now it feels like he genuinely desires that kinda fame and they've become a parody of the kind of guy they used to make fun of.
No. 1675014
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I hate TurkeyTom so fucking much. He gives off such “I’m better than everyone and my opinions are always right” Reddit gamerboy energy. I just know he’s a sex pest. Any drama about him any nonnies know of?
No. 1675052
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I hate it when YouTubers won’t shut up about their shitty music or low effort merchandise, I came here to use you as background sounds for top tens while I draw, I don’t want to be advertised your music, merch or hear you ride the dick of other low effort YouTubers.
No. 1675083
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>>1675014Well he was previously outed for being a racist edgelord But then he also tries to be the "good guy" by making videos on Sapho the hypnotist and other tranny sexpests and referring to them by she/her and sperging about muh preferred pronouns. So yeah, typical reddit gamerboy indeed.
No. 1675087
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>>1674691Jesus christ this is so embarrassing. What is it with mediocre moids thinking they can become successful musicians while being completely oblivious to what made them popular in the first place? Matt was always such a clear example of what happens when you let fame go to your head.
No. 1675149
>>1675052God, his videos were good the first two or three but he’s delved into “WOW you guys I am SO thankful for you, remember to hit like and subscribe!”
As for the Matt stuff, I’d still fuck both those supermega boys.
No. 1675264
>>1675151I don't understand how so many farmers have said they have a crush on critikal. He looked kinda cute in that one apron pic but the second I heard him talk it was a hard no. Idk if he's actually autistic but he has bad autism voice. And the long hair really doesn't work for him.
>>1675097Please tell me this is meant to be a joke and I just don't get it. Why is he putting on that weird creaky voice? Why would he choose rap as a genre when he has absolutely no flow? The lyrics are repetitive and twisted in a wonky way to fit the barely there melody and he looks like the ghost of MGKs twin that got absorbed in the womb. How is he not embarrassed to put this out?
No. 1675521
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>>1674382Sorry for delayed response nonna. I'll post some screencaps from more recently, I don't want to spam the thread with them so I made a collage, but I can post the individual ones if clearer images are needed. This was how Ohm reacted when this guy unfollowed him, and there's also a recent video by TJV on YouTube with messages between Ohm and Wildcat (with permission) though I can't screencap because the text is too small on mobile. Though to be honest, the whole thing is messy and has spanned for over a year because Ohm keeps starting shit, which is why I was wondering if the group drama plus Ohm and ex members would warrant their own thread. Depends on whether there's interest though but I think there's quite a bit to unpack. Also here's a link to the full pastebin Ohm posted but it's lengthy. No. 1675775
File: 1665810837159.webm (14.95 MB, 320x568, wMykMtjG_MBKGf3I (1).webm)
Dream was caught sexting another 17 year old girl on Snapchat when he was 20/21. This happened from 2020-2021. She's also claiming that her and Dream exchanged nudes. No. 1675785
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Dream has confirmed that the Instagram messages are real but claims someone else was running his Snapchat account in 2020. So if it wasn't him, then someone else was sexting children under his name. That doesn't make him look any better. also confirmed that he believes the DMs from
>>1674694 are also real. Despite all of that, he plans on pursuing legal actions against the girls who came forward with allegations.
No. 1676023
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>>1675785this is unrelated but he was 22/23 here why was he texting like the most retarded tween zoomer?
>damn >hbu >amos DREAM You ugly motherfucker. YOU ARE AN ADULT!
No. 1676050
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is it me or does this random ass girl from tiktok looks exactly like dream
No. 1676094
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>>1675775Here we fucking go, it's trending on twitter
No. 1676128
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>>1676126It's telling how instead of approaching this as an adult he throws a tantrum how it's ruining his vacation
If I was him, I'd get a social media manager, but I'm glad he doesn't have one and is showing how shit he is
No. 1676169
>>1675785no fucking way hes pulling the classic "it was someone else on my account" shtick to try and get out of this.
sad part is it might actually work considering how smooth brained his stans are
No. 1676218
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>>1676196it's on there I won't post the worst images though iirc the og drama ship image of him and Tommyinit who was 15-16 sucking dreams dick while dreams organs were spilling out, you can do a search for "gore" or "guro" in his thread to find when his fans/people complained about seeing this stuff in his fandom/under his tag he first tweeted "I love all my fans" and then when under pressure by other creators he claimed that these fans "were only a minority" trying to dismiss it
No. 1676244
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I found this timeline on Twitter that explains the events between Amanda and Dream better. A lot of people are getting Amanda confused for Anastasia
>>1674694, the other 17 year old Dream was flirting and possibly sexting with.
>>1676161It's all about the power dynamic too. He knows she'll do whatever he wants because she's a vulnerable fan so he doesn't have to actually engage with her. I already see moids and his brain dead stans defending his ass even though he hasn't shown any proof. He must feel invincible since he knows he'll get away with it and he can continue sexting high school girls. Many such cases, but maybe he's attempting to complete a Cryaotic Any% speedrun.
>>1676218No Dream chair? Kek. That was an insane time. I remember Dream saying that he was okay with people having parasocial relationships with him too.
No. 1676245
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>>1676233Here’s the stuff he said after being told by other content creators that him tweeting “I love all my fans” when people made him aware of the NSFW gore ship art of him and his 15-16 year old friend wasn’t a good look, if you can’t see the language he’s using to downplay including saying people who were sharing this to bring attention to it to get it taken down since it was Shadman tier gore art of an actual minor who had voiced that he hated and was incredibly uncomfortable with the art I don’t know what to tell you, he was also 22 at the time of this
No. 1676277
>>1676245Jesus Christ you sound like a 19 year old ‘literal minor’. 22 year olds are still stupid as shit no matter how ancient they may seem to high school sophomores. Hate to say it but he’s not even wrong. All these terminally online child Twitter users don’t have the critical thinking skills to acknowledge the fact that part of the reason people make disgusting degenerate shit like this is because they get off on the fact that it makes other people uncomfortable. Obviously the art being described is horrific, most people don’t need a 1/42 thread explaining why to figure that out, and the last thing these freak artists need is more exposure. Twitter cancellations are not real consequences and once everyone moves on to the next outrage the people at the center of these things usually only end up with a larger pool of other freaks to interact with. Sharing that kind of art to bring attention to is is exactly the opposite of what people should be doing; you don’t have to fucking repost CP to know it’s wrong. The only smart thing to do is report and block these people and have them deplatformed without much fanfare. Being a public figure means you can’t control what horrible shit people post about you and trying to make him comment on a situation he correctly states he has no power in is smoothbrained behavior. I can fucking guarantee you if he and this other kid made public statements, even negative ones, about this shit these artists would cream themselves knowing they got under the skin of whatever autistic sexual maladaptions they’ve clung into.
I’m so sick of hearing this fucking topic in relation to famous online people because it muddied the waters of what actually matters in holding people in positions of power accountable. This stupid cunt has been chatting up high school girls and being racist but dumbass children get worked up about fan art instead.
No. 1676384
>>1674768Sage bc OT but
nonnie what do u mean radiation?? I have hella cracks in my phone, am I like slowly poisoning myself?
No. 1676507
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>>1676470anon who are these people
No. 1676531
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I don't even know what the hell the context is for this, but i feel like this is the fifth time Gavin has had to make a public apology for something. Why is this kind of shit constantly happening to the retards at RoosterTeeth?
No. 1676748
>>1676277I don't agree with the idea that 22-year-olds are inherently immature. They're about mid on the scale. Dream as a person is just extremely arrogant.
But I'm gonna have to second the idea that Dream was generally right about his take on gore and NSFW of IRLS. Some people don't give a shit, they lack boundaries, and/or they want to piss others off. It's a simple rule of how it is online. It's impossible to stop it. And Dream is correct in his assessment that it's a minority in his followers. People wouldn't find these if idiots hadn't gone out of their way to look for them and share it to everyone on their feed. The idea this is somehow "downplaying" it is fucking retarded.
No. 1676770
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>>1676531Kdin posted a whole twitlonger about his time at RT and how they overworked him and paid him like shit for his near/over(?)10 year run over there. They called him a faggot even before he started to troon out and still treated him like that even when they decided to ho fake woke. They also didn't pay him for his voice work on RWBY I think
Can't properly screenshot the whole thing right now so here's the link No. 1676774
>>1676770samefag but tl;dr from the twitlonger itself
>Feb 2013 - Nov 2013. Unpaid Contract Work>Fugz = Fggt, reported to HR nothing was done
>2013 Christmas "Bonus" $100. Long time members disapproved of said bonus
>14hr work days, rush orders for same or next day videos
>"Any time I brought up mistreatment or that “making fun of people in content only encourages the community to hate us” - I was waved away saying “IT’S JUST A JOKE! Ignore the comments!”"
>RT crunch caused pneumonia, no recovery period on return
>Crunched harder, physically isolated "people even IN the company forgot I worked"
>RT never fulfilled their deals promotion deals
>15 hr work days
>2016 came out as Trans, Transphobia harassment started
>Acting Manager lied to the community and harassed me, HR did nothing and enabled harassment
>Founding Fathers knew and did nothing. Said “too nice to work at Rooster Teeth” and "just quit and find somewhere else to work"
>RT did not properly support medical insurance coverage
>End 2020 Position Producer/Director, paid $40k. Next lowest paid person was $70k.>2019, forced to move to LA or get laid off. RT never paid moving costs. COVID forced remote jobs thus SAVING my job
>RT INCREASES crunch during COVID
>2021 Anniversary Stream Event. Had LIFE SAVING surgery, majority work stolen by coworker and blamed production failures on me during MEDICAL LEAVE.
>BRG created to help with representation issues, mid 2021 RT said "we've done enough for the queer community" PRIDE stream events still mostly Cis/Het talents
>Mistreatment of minorities in RT ignored "“the company is going through a lot right now just leave it alone"
>Unpaid for VO work during tenure at RT, May Marigold and RWBY Fairy Tales included. No. 1676836
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>>1676833F. Posted too early and forgot my image. Apparently, this incident had already been covered and explained to HR apparently by Jeremy(?), who was explaining a South park joke to another employee and she had walked in on it being left on the board after. No. 1677289
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>>1677287This is in response to Geoff's statement (1/2)
No. 1677295
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No. 1677573
I was slightly skeptical about the accusations of him being a pedophile nonas, because 17 and 20 is only three years, but the power imbalance is too large to ignore, and it’s two (possibly more) 16/17 year old girls. This trend of girls just below the legal age is disturbing. What
>>1676161 said is so real. We give these men too much of benefit of the doubt.
No. 1677675
>>1677661I don't think we are going to see his floppy top and I doubt it's bigger then his nose. Seems like he's going to do some "tasteful goofy nudes" like he showcased in the video for charity.
For example him "naked" and a dog trying to pull at his towel to expose his weenie.
I'd be very shocked if he starts doing actual sex work
No. 1678822
>>1677948People definitely did question Bruce dating Autumn, or at least the Sugar Pine 7 audience did, but Autumn was really defensive of her decision to date him so I think people learned to just not question it. She also said she'd been manipulated by older men before so she would know if Bruce was manipulating her KEK, either way she's still way out of his league and now having his baby.
On the topic of Sugar Pine 7 – I don't remember if this was discussed on here but if anyone remembers Cib, he and his wife Sami Jo aren't together anymore, he left her basically overnight for a 21 year old (read: he cheated) who he immediately started posting on his Instagram (that's actually how Sami Jo found out he had a new gf). A lot of the info was on the SP7 subreddit, which is now private unfortunately.
No. 1678984
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The roosterteeth Kdin drama is continuing kek. Apparently, some videos have come to light of Kdin using slurs (I can't figure out which ones but i'm guessing the N word) and making derogatory remarks about Asian people. Also, Barbara may have left the company. Would anyone be interested in a RT thread in a similar way to the Buzzfeed one? I think this is really it for them as a company.
No. 1679011
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Related to the RoosterTeeth drama, Bruce Greene (formerly of Funhaus) confirms that he left RT because of Adam Kovic's stalking, sexual harassment and general creepy behavior, and HR laughed in his face when he and his wife (Autumn from Sugar Pine 7) reported it.
No. 1679012
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>>1679011Autumn's resignation letter (w/ Adam's name redacted).
No. 1679015
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>>1679011Lastly, Misti Dawn's comments about her experience with Adam. She mentions a member of senior management ('Greg') at RT covering
it up after being told multiple times, not sure who she's referring to but that's pretty damning.
No. 1679464
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No. 1681454
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not milk really but holy shit blameitonjorge is as ugly as his annoying voice suggests
No. 1681575
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any milk or anything on plushiepath? she only has 3 videos and kinda appeared out of nowhere. it seems like she watched a few of izzzyzzz's videos and thought "i could do that but with a retarded accent". well tbf all youtubers make videos about the same stale topics, but her animal crossing one seems like a straight up ripoff. and the way she only referred to loli drawings as "controversial" and "lewd" (plus her general retarded belle delphine shtick and the meowing) makes me think she's definitely into some pedo shit herself. oh and of course she had to shit on terfs in the same breath kek. makes sense weeaboo gendies think feminism is more offensive than pedophilia but what's new
No. 1681651
>>1678248I don’t get their dynamic at all. Can someone enlighten me?
They built and designed a house together, the live together since more than a decade but are not together (anymore)? Either they’re married or they’re really split up but how weird is it then to have a house together as two single gay lads.
No. 1681681
>>1674406Agree that Kurtis Connor has a bad aura. Yes, he’s very passive aggressive and it’s so at odds with his tryhard “yeah bro whatever it’s all good” sk8r boi persona. I feel like he’s probably quite manipulative and predatory IRL. I can’t explain it; it’s the same feeling I get from “male feminists”, they appear as wolves in sheeps’ clothing. Or softboys who hint that they’ll kill themselves if you don’t sleep with them, if you know what I mean.
I quite like Danny Gonzalez and Drew Gooden, and as far as I know they’re squeaky clean, but the fact that they’re so close with Kurtis makes me suspicious of them.
No. 1682162
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>>1682159this was in 2016, sage for old milk
No. 1686067
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>>1686066i think he's just moderate. he doesn't enjoy the extremism on either side and thinks they're all annoying but also doesn't overtly hate them?
in other news, i'll be really fucking disappointed if anything comes out about eddy. i never really liked gus but i've always liked eddy.
No. 1688505
>>1674691always had a bit of a crush on matt but this whole music career is honestly a bit embarassing + putting me off. and the fact he's going on tour? i see no way in which that is not extremely awkward.
on a bit of a different note, i find it so bizarre that everyone is in his twitter replies saying they're proud of him, that they know he's been working on this for so long, etc etc …if you see me telling a random man that i'm proud of him feel free to give me a non-lethal gun wound jesus fucking christ
No. 1691520
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>>1671958He's definitely going to troon out soon. This was his Halloween costume this year. I wouldn't think twice about his outfit if it wasn't for the other red flags (following trannies ans TRA accounts and wearing shitty make-up).
No. 1691523
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>>1691520Same anon. His fans are already making jokes about him being on estrogen. Sorry to any nonnas who had a crush on him lol. I'm glad I never went had a Phan phase.
No. 1691541
>>1691520>>1691523Dansisters……not like this…
Additional prediction - he'll troon out in all but name but never actually identify "as a woman" outright, he'll be an attention-seeking enby/femboy who will keep posting more and more sexualized photos until he joins OnlyFans to spread hole and will have a mental breakdown by his late 30's. Bonus points for secret drug habit and suicide attempt.
No. 1691601
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>>1691541Seems like it, yeah.
No. 1691645
>>1691520Noo that’s fucking ridiculous.
But yeah I guess it’s the only thing he can try doing to stay relevant. He’s gonna be so fugly if he troons out though and he strikes me as a really vain fag, wonder how that’ll go.
No. 1691720
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>>1691715Dropped. Here’s an example, but his comment section is a bit worse.
No. 1691737
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>>1691720kek that means a good chunk of people aren't going to want to go to his shows. That's all it's going to be about.
No. 1691779
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>>1691741He did 2012 self-deprecating tumblr humor. It's cringe but it would be more embarrassing if he tried to act like a 16 year old zoomer at the age of 31.
>>1691740Zoomers aren't going to stand a chance against the iPad kids kek.
No. 1691819
>>1691779Yeah his humor is very dated and cringe at this point in time but it's also cringe to post this condescending "baby boy" shit in response.
I'm gonna age myself majorly here but what is that hand sign she's doing after he introduced himself?
No. 1692363
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>>1691671i know drew is the least popular one but he is the only one who tries imo. he is funny and at least theres some effort. Kurtis Connor sells out stand up shows when his "comedy" is just zoomer joke of the week. Danny is worse cause he is somehow the kids bop version of that shit. And I'm pretty sure they are not even zoomers which is worse.
sure, drew is the ugliest one of the three but he is absolutely not the unfunny one.
No. 1692470
>>1691779>>1691740>>1692299This style of humor already completely fell off in 2016, he’s 30 not ancient. And tbh, most 30 year olds I know don’t find this funny either. He’s attempting to be a comedian, he should at least keep up with general sensibilities.
Self deprecating humor will always be narcissistic and shallow, to assume everyone is thinking negatively about you is still assuming everyone is thinking about you. Couldn’t stand his humor back then, sure as fuck can’t stand it now. #Also, he’s a wildly successful YouTuber who talks about how he is actually happy with his life, why does he feel the need to pretend to be a stressed and depressed teen??#
No. 1692516
>>1692470Yeah for sure it's a shitty comedy style but the thing is zoomer humor isn't better at all. Literal children's lolzrandom humor again, just with face always showing now.
>Self deprecating humor will always be narcissistic and shallow, to assume everyone is thinking negatively about you is still assuming everyone is thinking about youIt's not that deep nona kek you're a weirdo
No. 1692640
>>1692382Old man in spirit
nonnie, c'mon read up on subtext and context clues
>>1692518When did I ever imply that?
No. 1692837
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Throwing this out there since we're discussing the best of Danny, Drew, and Kurtis: Chad Chad is way funnier and more charismatic than all 3 of them despite doing very similar content and even skits. She actually did a collab with Danny on both their channels and it's painful watching Danny try to be funny while she's there. People constantly lump her in with them and it's so annoying that she's known as "female kurtis" and "girl danny"
No. 1693117
>>1692889I think its just a sweater but why hasn't commented on Ethan's
>>1692865 hair? Looks like a Satanic version of the zoomer broccoli cut.
No. 1693191
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Nah, it's because they just want a token Asian to parade around, but why isn't it more known that Xiran is still siphoning that China money from her gramps and family is China rich WHILE she is railing against and criticising the government, the same horrible one whom she is leeching the $ from?! Bitch is the poster definition of self-righteous hypocrite pretending to be PC just for fame and asspats.
Acts like she can speak for all Chinese and Asian diaspora just because she wants to be The Token AsianTM and raised up as a "model", fuck no. No smugness and superiority for that bitch!
No. 1693268
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nonnie, it just confirms my doubts about him. I'm 100% sure he's got skeletons in the closet now. Groomer scandal incoming when?
No. 1693269
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>>1693191Open images before you save them, otherwise you only save the thumbnail you retard
No. 1693414
>>1691520Dan's a narcissist, it's only a matter of time. For all his self deprivation it's clear he can't stand not being the center of attention and not feeling superior to someone else. Honestly I think half the reason he was with Phil was because Phil took every shitty comment and condescension Dan threw at him and just accepted it while being happy to build Dan up and let him be an immature brat. From the leaked "fake" valentines video Phil made it was clear he actually loved Dan but honestly I don't know if Dan even loves Phil like you would a beloved friend or just loves the role Phil serves for him.
Tinfoil but I bet you Dan came out either after a break up because he was finally ready to date other people or because he thought that Phil was the reason they weren't the biggest thing on YouTube anymore and wanted to "upgrade" . I know they kept their relationship a secret because of their crazy shippers (they used to say as much) but I think Dan always thought he could do better and it's getting worse after his bisexuality coming out video. Part of their relationship was clearly built on Dan feeling better than Phil but I think Dan overly believed in his superiority this time which caused the split both professionally and personally but it didn't really boost him like he thought. He is going to troon out cause the breakup and coming out video didn't do what he thought it would (skyrocket him to phan popularity but solo with everyone after him instead of shipping him with someone else)
No. 1693428
>>1692837I’m sorry I hate this type of humor idc. I get irrationally angry when I see the deadpan, predictable trailing skits and incredulous commentary that drags on way too long combined with the ironic shitty aftereffects editing. It makes me want to pull my hair out. I can only stand 1/4th of her video run time because it’s either annoying unfunny bits, sponsor plugs, shilling merch, or personal updates.
I hate kurtis and whoever the fuck the other one’s name is. I won’t even watch their shit at all, but I’ll listen to Chad Chad every so often still. I don’t hate her or have anything against her it’s just this format is like nails on a chalkboard to me.
No. 1693437
>>1693430I will watch a commentary video for only two reasons; if I want to hear someone’s well thought out opinion on a subject, or if I want to see a short condensed video clip and quick rundown of some shit on social media that I don’t have the patience to sift thought myself.
Chad Chad does neither. She doesn’t voice any strong opinions on anything and she annoyingly leaves out very critical information about stuff I am actually curious about. One that comes to mind is her video about the diy home renovation lady and I was just left with more questions than answers, mildly irritated that I wasted time watching it. Instead of interesting content I get multiple minute long, unfunny jokes that are so predictable I already see the “punchline” coming .05 second in, so im spending the whole time just waiting for it to end. Waiting to hear the resolution to the story she brought up, but it never comes. She just brings up another semi related clip followed by yet another time wasting skit. It only ends when she just decides to stop talking about the subject matter. This format is honestly low grade torture for me. It’s like being in digital purgatory for 10 minutes, idk how else to describe it. Just thinking about it makes my stress levels rise like my body is dreading being without any dopamine whenever she is on screen. There is no reward, no setup/resolution, just purgatory.
Sorry it this sounds autistic as fuck I hope someone resonates with me.
No. 1693455
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>>1693437I agree. It's one of the most low effort types of videos you can do that still gets tons of views. I have no respect for commentary YouTubers, especially ones who target specific people. Even if I agree with their opinion on that person, something about building your career off of shitting on someone else and framing yourself as morally superior is just really pathetic to me. You're not creative or skilled enough to make something on your own and have it get popular on its own creative merit, so you use other more interesting (though often morally reprehensible and mentally ill) people to ride the coattails of. It'd be one thing if they actually did research and went more in depth to try and have some nuance on the situation, using specific people to illustrate a larger phenomenon, but they rarely do. It's just "Wow look at this person who said a dumb thing! Let's all point and laugh and pat ourselves on the back at what good and smart people we are." I feel particular schadenfreude towards the really sanctimonious ones when their fanbase inevitably turns on them for a cancellable offense.
I don't hate Chad Chad specifically because of this. I'm mostly indifferent towards her videos since I don't watch many of them. She's just lumped in with other commentary YouTubers for me. I do fucking hate her makeup though. I thought we left the thick eyeliner wing, Instagram brow, overly highlighted nose, and liquid lipstick back in 2016 where it belongs.
No. 1693488
>>1693455YouTubers going after the easiest, lowest hanging fruit while giving the most pointless humor as “commentary” is just so… safe yet still petty at the same time…?
It’s no wonder then canvases are so quick to turn on them too.
No. 1693795
>>1693414Hard agree on Dan having a narcissism problem.
Can't really say anything about your take on the Dan/Phil relationship but I will say this - everything my psychoanalytic therapist has said about the concept of narcissism fits Dan like a glove thinking back to him. I see him so differently now after knowing all this and of course not being a teenager anymore.
The tragic part is that narcissism actually pushes real sexuality away and seperates you from it. All the attention-seeking, gender/sexuality identification, pornography, provocative attention-seeking in the form of nudes/OF etc rampant in the modern age are substitutes. My personal take is that Dan's fixation on Phil has nothing to do with love and everything to do with his own image. He's basically been dependent on Phil since he was 19 and it all probably started by seeing his ideal self-image in him as a cute YouTuber years ago. Now he's finally seperating and draining attention from everywhere else. He's soon gonna need to find a new "pole" to attach to and I believe he will jump on the troon train like every other loser with no identity.
We will never actually know who Dan Howell is because he's never going to know himself. His life is too far gone into his narcissism by being an e-celeb and he's none the wiser for it. He's not showing an indication of growing out of the Internet and discovering his real identity not on the contrary, it seems like he's jumping in further.
(sage your analysis) No. 1693956
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I’m not subscribed to Dan, but youtube keeps recommending me his videos, and I guess I keep watching them because I’m an actual retard. He told his grandma that getting house plants was the gay version of a couple trapped in a doomed marriage trying to save their relationship by having a baby. And guess which gay couple has a growing collection of house plants? Dan and Phil. Fascinating information that now lives rent free in my brain.
No. 1694077
>>1693956thank you for your service
nonnie! this is riveting developments
No. 1694260
>>1693719Oh definitely there's no way he's not going to be in Ezra Miller type enby or like one of those drag queens who Troon out and just wear makeup with no padding or get any surgery
>>1693795That's interesting and probably true, I could see him conflate love with his dependence on Phil
>>1693956Passive aggressive little shit
God I can't believe I used to like Dan over Phil as stupid horny girl. Phil can't help that he's a little more British looking, he at least seems sweet and harmless
No. 1694340
>>1693956You know, I don’t think Dan and Phil were ever a “couple”, at least not officially in any of their minds. I think their relationship was a weird undefined co-dependent mess with zero-boundaries. I mean what exactly were/are they – friends, who’ve also had sex, who are also coworkers, who also live together, who also skin-walk each other? I don’t for a second believe they were ever exclusive and committed to one another and it’s been implied through the years their eyes wander and they’ve both obviously fucked around outside their messy connection. They (well, Dan obviously) actually had the pompous idea to make a tone-deaf attention-seeking announcement they’re “separating” for the first time ever….. for Dan’s tour which is a couple of moths lol Can you imagine these people have never been apart from for that long since they were adults?
I think Dan’s horrible anxiety over Phan throughout the years wasn’t even that much about them both being male but because it would force him to own up, take responsibility and face the reality of his real relationship with another person.
And don’t get me started on Phil, everyone absolves him of any responsibility always because of his child-like persona. I’ve never liked him even as a Dan and Phil fangirl and his content has always been absolutely retarded and a big nothingburger. He seems like an intelligent high-functioning Chris-chan. Completely absorbed and complacent in his childish world with no sense of answering for anything or to anybody. And why is it memory-holed that when Dan discovered him and started begging him for attention, he was a teenager while Phil was in his 20’s? I can’t say Phil intentionally groomed him but in a way he allowed it to happen because of his laissez-faire attitude towards everything which is also contributive to their weird undefined relationship.
No. 1695179
>>1695173God Ryland is such an annoying fucking person, everytime the camera is on him he is whiny and complaining about something. Lol at him saying Shanes "cancellation" ruined his youtube channel and views, sorry but if you had not met Shane your youtube channel would have 0 views, you have the personality of a brick and noone cares about you. I dont like Shane but Ryland trying to claim he is relevant without him is so pathetic.. They also obviously dont like eachother very much anymore, Ryland has always been a golddigger desperate for attention. The moment Ryland finds some other famous person to cling onto he is out of there faster than Shane can count. And Shane just plainly dont like being alone and needs somebody to take care of him, he likes a caretaker more than a bf.
Sage for my blogpost
No. 1695813
>>1695173I watched this and it was a waste of time. I have a tinfoil about this video also. I think he has released all this old footage of the 'pallet that never was' and bought a heap of bots for engagement so he can make more money and do another pallet.
Some of the footage even looks like he has re-enacted it because he looks the same weight as currently.
Look at all the positive comments begging for him to do another pallet. Clearly bots. None of the kids on tiktok even like him.
He is probably going to say 'I wasn't going to return to the beauty industry but due to the high demand in the comments, Jeffree and I are going to do another collab!'
No. 1696543
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>>1696479being held in a men’s unit is the cosmic comic relief I needed this year, if it’s true that is, I’m suspecting this is all a publicity stunt for his shitty music
No. 1696635
>>1696627I agree
nonny. Apparently tomar has a daughter now with his wife and he seems the most “normal”
No. 1696639
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>>1696627ntayrt Veronica is prone to have breakdowns and even wrote a comic about how being almost 30 is giving her a life crisis and made her turn to alcohol. Shes now with LS Mark, some yter who makes videos like “I Read Every FNAF Book” so I think she’s always been interested in manchildren. Picrel is him, veronica, and butch hartman
No. 1696812
>>1696635As that’s cute! Tomar is always just there as the straight man so I could see him being a decent partner. Weirdly enough I think Zach is the next most mature out of them. They seem like fun friends but trying to build a life with one of them? Fuck that.
>>1696641I don’t either, I’d sperg out with her kek.
No. 1696831
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>>1696543hilarious seeing idiots suck his ass when this was his last tweet
No. 1696939
>>1696812I can't forgive Tomar for parroting 'Sex work is work' in their GTA video.
Still, he's a million times better than Cory, who I believe is legitimately mentally defective, kills the mood of every video he's in and genuinely makes me anxious to listen to. Fucking turboautist.
No. 1696950
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>>1665856cry never revealed himself but we found his pics in a corpse thread last september; no surprise- fat ranga neckbeard (1/4)
No. 1696961
>>1696959There aren't any improved ones, I watched Cry's drama and stuff pretty closely. He's most likely still an ugly ginger hambeast. Anon is probably making it up or mistook him with someone else. If not, post pics pls
No. 1697191
>>1697093wanted to figure out who the "girlfriend was" found a reddit post of people "Whining" about transphobia in chat (so I assume the TIM is very clockable and they noticed) and I got a kiwifarms link way at the bottom. If he's a coomer and apperently openly bisexual makes sense.
I feel like a lot of "gamers" will end up dating troons, due to their coomerisms.
No. 1697421
>>1697093>>1697191Holy fuck, Cory's dating a fucking tranny?!
Please tell me someone has pics!
No. 1697442
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>>1697421One at the right btw. The one at the left is also a tranny who also appeared in Oneyplays but stopped due to backlash. I do like his art and animation though.
No. 1697449
>>1697442You know I looked at Cory's information, found that he likes animals with tits and dicks, saw that he stuck some shit up his ass to see if he was gay (yes, you are). Anyone else find it funny how normal men, with normal sex lives NEVER just so happen to date troons? It's always some scrote with disgusting weirder then average fetishes, usually wants to fuck animals or cartoons of animals. Never a normal person. JUst like that other guy who made that comic of Keffals. He's obessed with assholes, it's never normal scrotes. I know more then likely these troons are the same, but I legit think it's only men being able to deal with the type of weird shit they like.
Even regular gay dudes can be huge coomers, but are never like the troon screwers. Should be a fucking study. Then again, being attracted to shit that doesn't exist (A woman with a penis), I guess it makes sense.
I don't watch these people. I just looked into it because this thread.
No. 1697621
>>1697615Isn’t Stamper sorta sober now after his whole breakdown and having most of the sleepycast just cut ties with him?
>>1697613Should we make a Newgrounds Animators/Sleepycast thread? I feel like Zach is the same way with pushing his shit eating fetish everytime he can as a “joke” in videos. Even some fans noticed and would comment on videos or compilations about it
No. 1697686
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>>1697675Every time I hear lazy masquerade deepthroat every “ul” sound my cortisol spikes.
Speaking of which he recently started showing his face and I just have to wonder why. He looks so unwashed and has long, stringy fried ramen hair. Unironically looks like a troon. Im sorry but how are you gonna show your face to millions of people looking like that? Take a shower and brush your hair goddam.
No. 1697704
>>1697617i knew it was going to be this mumble nasty voiced woman, I forget her name all the time, see a interesting title and go, "I want to watch this"
Then I realize it's her and click off. I used to like HannahtheHorrible, but then she went on a "We do not kink shame, I will not kink shame" in a story about a woman being
abusive towards other women during BDSM. Then I saw a troon in the comments going, "Thanks you so much for not kink shaming, a lot of people don't understand the culture" Fuck off.
Also hearing This lady is one of those, "Sex work is real work, but omg sex workers better not be racists and sleep with any kind of moid of any color, there's no danger it'd just racism!!"
No. 1698270
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ugh. finally unfollowed her for this. her content has been shit for ages and now she's dressing up like a rapist. im out.
No. 1698352
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>>1698344wendigoon reminds me of fat mac except i dont want to get him pregnant
No. 1698604
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Can someone explain why jerm bot’s face looks so different?
sorry this is just my autism but it’s bothering me why I can’t put my finger on the difference exactly. Left is recent and right is from 2019 it might looks like extra weight at first but I checked his videos and he didn’t gain any weight he just looks swollen it’s strange
No. 1698607
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>>1698604i dont know who that is, but if it isnt weight gain or face changing due to aging, then it could just be a different focal length on his camera. imo he looks like about the same, maybe put on a few pounds or is just bloated for various reasons.
pic related is how focal length can change a person's appearance.
(learn2sage) No. 1699014
>>1698604>>1698607Could be a different camera. Could be facial bloating from heavy coke/alcohol usage. He doesn't really strike me as the type, but you never know. I've been surprised by people's habit before. He could've also just gained weight but not very much. Some people just have really unfortunate genetics and you notice any weight gain or loss in their face right away before it's really noticeable on their body. He has really soft, round features and weak bone structure so it makes sense that he'd be one of those people.
>>1698850You'd be surprised. I've seen lots of people (mostly just men tbh) who are totally cool with bigoted ideas towards women, certain racial groups, certain religious groups, etc. but cape hard for troons. It makes no sense but I guess it's just them expressing their degenerate coomer solidarity.
No. 1699038
>>1698270she also is a simply kenna/cosykitsune fan, cows of a feather flock together.
I feel like she hides a lot behind her uwu exterior but she's better at it than Kenna is.
also offense intended 100%, she's so shit at crafts/sewing but is hugely viewed when even her thumbnails show her lack of skill. she's always like "CLOSE ENOUGH!! CAUSE I'M QUIRKY!" like no you spent 3 days and a bunch of money on this piece of shit most of us could've made in half the time. she's talentless and a superwholockian grown up with money and a youtube channel.
that poor beautiful dog is called fucking FRODO. wasn't tolkien a racist sexist? but she'll shit on JK cause what, she's too busy pandering to realize what a hypocrite pickme she's being?
No. 1699138
>>1698276Wendigoon is an idiot. His videos are so long they stop being interesting because he has exhausted the topic 45 minutes ago, and he spends the last 5+ minutes of EVERY video talking in circles about how much he "loves" his audience and how grateful he is.
He is fake and cringe af.
No. 1699478
>>1697691kek he probably thought he was going to look like the Paris Hilton/Lindsay Lohan mugshots in his head. What a loser.
No. 1700518
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Veronicaandjelly (ex-girlfriend of Chris O'Neill / Oney ) getting called out for being
toxic by an ex-friend No. 1700962
File: 1668569884168.jpg (167.83 KB, 828x1792, c2x658fn830a1.jpg)

>>1700518deleted tweet courtesy of the other farms where Smokey accuses Veronica of cheating on Chris with someone named Adam. No idea if she means the same Adam who shows up on OneyPlays from time to time.