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No. 288718
>>288702This is her without makeup. Honestly she doesn't look so bad without makeup if you look at her arrest photos.
>>288697I don't know. Why would she when she's clearly rich?
No. 288999
>>288697She claims she was walking around a store and that security started harassing her and she was resisting so the police arrested her because security worried she had a weapon??? She was detained and set free.
She's also been arrested for getting in an argument supposedly, her boyfriend was also arrested.
No. 289082
File: 1491902666753.jpg (7.76 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)

She's always been a ho for the longest of times man. Even before all of this sylvibot crap, she's been shady with how she got fame on YouTube with girlsgonegamer, to faking her gameplay and having a shitty channel catered to neckbeards as sexysexysniper.
Her gameplays have always been faked. Her boyfriend used to be one of the best CoD players and found him a while ago until he changed his name. The overwatch thing sealed it. Overwatch is so easy on console, that any CoD veteran whos been good gets to 500 masters or diamond, yet she can't even simply do it herself. It's so damn easy in console, yet she plays lucio like a lil bitch.
She has put people in ban strikes and slandered someone to be a pedophile without any evidence.
No. 289110
>>288999Wasn't she also arrested for armed robbery?
She has also had plastic surgery, which she also denies.
No. 289332
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No. 289333
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Posting ugly old photos now.
No. 289334
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Pls never go blonde Alia..
No. 289335
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No. 289336
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If I recall correctly she also used to by "Alia Valentine"
No. 289337
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Girl clean ur room before trying to be sexy..
No. 289340
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Noooo lia, you don't take risqué pics/nudes
No. 289341
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Also- someone else made this to prove the mirror pics are her lmao.
No. 289354
>>289348Daddy liked gaming more than me*
It's one thing to have a resting bitch face, but this is a serious case of resting constipated shit face. I feel embarrassed for her tbh.
No. 291794
>>291707she's not ugly but i agree that she's way over hyped i guess since back then people didnt expect a gurlgamer to look like that
>>289341is that bikini picture real? i saw on one of her videos she was claiming it was photoshopped
No. 292168
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She just got a nosejob. She used the "devianted septum" excuse like Rachel did before half of her nose was gone. I remember seeing a video she made a little while ago try to be like "I
literally can't breathe, I rly need dis".
She keeps deleting all comments on her video that mentions it. Just browse and see for yourself, all the missing comments/replies. No. 294686
>>293847If we look back in time when they first started dating, he wasn't as fat and depressed looking and he actually wore real clothes. Now he constantly has dark circles under his eyes and wears nothing but sweats and white shirts like a prisoner.
I think lia might be abusing him. She already admits she's psycho with him and cyber stalks him when he dumps her, and even when they're together if he doesn't reply right away she accuses him of cheating and trying to leave her
No. 295646
>>288690why does she have disappering ass and hips
in some pics she looks like a pear and rounded hips and huge ass, in other photos shes straight up and down wtf
No. 295766
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>>295646Angles and stuff. She used butt pads on her Tracer cosplay, so she probably uses it casually too. Like this hiking photo, you can see the outlines of the pads in the middle next to the buttcrack.
No. 297963
File: 1493018310239.jpg (99.6 KB, 712x718, sssniper.jpg)

shes got her own "show" now.. lol
No. 360608
Start video at 2 mins and 18secs.
or use this url the internet is blowing up w/ twitter beef and youtube.
Lia was caught talking shit about Faze Banks' girlfriend Alissa Violet(who is also Jake Paul's ex g/f) and Sommer Ray during a livestream. Someone brought it to Banks' attention. Twitter war ensues.
Clip from the stream where SSSniperwolf talks shit: Censor gets called into it.
He just made a youtube video calling her out showing dm's and private msgs.
video: the twitter beef here No. 360611
File: 1501043404838.png (861.94 KB, 1916x1384, banks_lia.png)

Faze Bank's tweets
No. 360617
Start video at 4mins 21 secs
or use url: 2 of sssniperwolf drama saga. She's talking shit to Faze Censor's girlfriend, saying she has fake tits and ass. Censor gets pissed and leaks private convo and dms where Lia says she'd talk to him more if she wasnt in an abusive relationship she couldnt get out of.
Faze Banks also tweets to Lia's bf Sausage.
No. 360620
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What Lia posted on twitter
No. 361450
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>>360620Look at this fake ass "apology"
No. 361451
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No. 361712
>>361680I mean she immigrated here as a child from
Turkey I believe? But if you watch her videos she's never been good with English lmao. She can't speak well.
No. 361860
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I love how fitting this shirt she wears all the time is
No. 361916
>>361882she moved from england but who knows that could even be a lie too
i also cant stand keemstar
No. 363275
>>363210Don't you know she finished school early because she sSOOOOOOOO smart
No. 367257
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Out here looking like a porn intro..
No. 588785
>>361860THe way she wears her glasses
triggers me. You know she can’t see shit like that.
No. 590963
>>588757Yikes, I didn't realize she was such a abhorrently toxic bitch to other women, I vaguely knew of this chick in school and i'm surprised she's still fucking existent, especially since she's so obviously cuntish.
I recall watching a video that proved her control motions weren't accurate to the on screen player motions in COD. Her boyfriend was proven to be the competitive player while she was a standin image to appeal to neckbeards, I'm genuinely surprised she's now "playing" Overwatch competitively when she was publicly outed years ago.
Seems like there's milk for days on this thot from this video. I wouldn't think it would be that hard to post a handcam dispelling the half a decade long rumors but I guess it magically is.
>>588767If you can get past that autistic comment its actually a pretty good video fam.
No. 1403899
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So are we talking about this drama or am I getting necro banned?
Apparently Lia made a commitment with the mother of a terminally ill girl to make a video or chat with her and she basically kept avoiding the mom. It wasn't until the mom posted it and blocked her that she went into panic mode because of the backlash and actually contacted the girl.
No. 1403908
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No. 1403913
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She's claiming she got sick and she was sooo busy. Meanwhile she was posting pictures on her stories of her out eating cake.
She's been backpeddaling about this saying that she was out with her mom because it was the last day she was visiting her for Christmas but:
1. She made the commitment for Christmas, not the mom. The mom was only not ok with the time because Lia ghosted her the whole day and waited til 11pm to make the appointment for the call.
2. How long does it really take to make a video for the kid? 5? 10 minutes? Surely less than the time she has spent on Twitter and YouTube trying to defend herself.
No. 1403915
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>>1403913She spent hours defending herself on the internet instead of just making the video.
No. 1403916
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Her statement today.
No. 1404070
>>1403899>>1403900>>1403904>>1403908>>1403909>>1403913>>1403915>>1403916Back in my day we'd call this fake and gay. Did sniperwolf make this shit up to be relevant?
You're telling me that a mother is spending her daughter's final days on earth stalking sniperwolf, of all z-list online personalities, on social media, complaining that it's hard to match up schedules over Christmas which has barely just finished?
Get the fuck oudda here with this nonsense.
No. 1404134
>>1404070This is technically where it all started. The little girl told Adam22 she liked SSSniperwolf so he went ahead and messaged some creators to figure out how he could contact her and see if she could do this.
This is why you see Lia messaging the mom first on the DMs.
No. 1404165
>>1404070please shut up you retard, it's not hard to look it up before typing
lol given her track record of behaviour, I don't believe her. she has all the time in the world but couldn't simply ask for their timezone and workout a set date?
No. 1404190
>>1403916Holy shit what a piece of shit lmao. How can she say she tried to schedule a time when she wouldn’t commit to anything and it was the mom saying straight up “hey let’s set an actual time”
If she was too “busy” then she shouldn’t have committed to it. She just wanted to pretend she was a good person and now has to deal with the consequences
No. 1404875
>>1404508 I got a snappy vibe from the mom too but then was like oh right, her child is DYING.
Don’t know much about sssniperwolf except that she’s an adult pick me with the same annoying way of speaking as kiki kannibal. It’s also funny that she claims she never cheated in overwatch but never touched the game after that came out. Like a game you apparently enjoyed so much and you’re so good at, you just never touch again. Ok
No. 1405195
>>1403909There's no defending this and it's one of the grosser things a cow has done. As people said in the moo thread, their friendship makes 100% sense now.
These thots LOVE to pretend they're soooo busy but they're not. They're
>>1404172>>1404175>>1404186>>1404508why are some of you like this? This woman makes thousands from doing basically nothing. She can make a 5 minute fucking phone call. The only reason to not do this is if you;re a giant bag of dog shit. The kid is fucking dying. Sorry if that's totes awks for sniper but she's free to get off youtube and stop targeting kids to make money at any point. No she doesn't have to do this but people don't have to watch her shitty content either, and that involves keeping some goodwill.
This thread is basically pick-mes defending their queen about how they're on her side because the Mom with the dying kid is "snappy". Grow the fuck up.
No. 1405266
>>1405195>There's no defending this and it's one of the grosser things a cow has done.we have threads about groomers and literal mother fuckers on this site. don’t get carried away, now.
the mom and this literal-who pickme costhot are both cows.
No. 1405485
>>1405266That doesn't mean it's comparable to other people on this website. There is no defending this.
Because SHE was the one who contacted the mom.
SHE was the one who chose the date.
The only thing that could possibly hit me kinda odd is her posting the DMs but then
>She did it the first time because people were spamming about sniperwolf contacting her (this was on a NoJumper video)>She it the second time because Adam22 asked for the texts as proof that Lia was being dodgy.What's with all the asslickers in this thread?
No. 1416778
And yes, I believe the mom was a fucking bitch. We have to maybe allow for the fact that her daughter was dying and she is distraught, she is also not used to millions of eyes being on her every word for the first and quite possibly only time in her life so she might be feeling pressure. However I do believe that she acted badly - a little sperging is ok, spastic nonsense where you're condemning people to hell that is against your daughter's wishes is not.
No. 1416871
>>1416772Stfu white knight, she's been an
abusive piece of shit for years
No. 1913945
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SSSniperwolf, as of last night, has effectively doxxed YouTuber jacksfilms. She initially posted a poll on her Instagram story, asking her followers if she should show up to his house, then proceeds to post a photo of it before quickly deleting the story.
Why would she do this? Let's go back:
>Alia has been posting non-stop, shit tier Tiktok reaction videos on her YouTube
>Jack notices her awful content
>Decides to parody her by making a separate channel, JJJacksfilms, to mock her content
>Has been doing it for almost a year now
>Alia finally responds with the forementioned Instagram story
No. 1913949
File: 1697387010135.mp4 (3.61 MB, 480x1038, RHDpM9BLHGX95uzp.mp4)

Alia accidentally reveals she is following him on both YT and Twitch
No. 1914003
>>1913945I can't believe she thought she could get away with doing this, people are already messaging Youtube to get her banned off the site with this being the final straw and apparently it's against a penal code in California. She uploaded a video recently doing her normal stuff and it's filled with negative comments.
Throwback to this video going around of Twitch streamer Sodapoppin meeitng SSniperwolf for the first time back in 2018 and not knowing who she was (bonus point for fellow cow Mariah Mallad embarrassing herself during her 'bad bitch' era)
No. 1914067
>>1914022Calling out her content theft isn't harassment
People need to get tf off the internet if they can't tell the difference between real harassment and being told by a persistent troll that they're breaking the rules of a platform
Jacksfilms is annoying but he had tons of people come forward and talk about having their shit stolen by SSSniper AND they claimed it and normally won
SSSniper is a psycho but Jacksfilms didn't do a damn thing to deserve this
No. 1914224
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Various screenshots, taken mostly from the YouTuber thread, Jacksepticeye weighing in, she actually went to his house and is joking about it, denying it. Only good point is saying modern men are jokes
No. 1914556
>>1914067I agree. He didn't deserve to be doxxed. What she did was unhinged, she planned it too, so it isn't some random uwu accident. She planned, and probably asked friends or paid online for this address. That's really fucked up and then to use it to weaponize her brain-dead coomer DONT HURT MY QWEEEN fans against some guy with a wife and two dogs, is crazy. Jack lives a normal damn life, unlike Sniper who has security and a gated community and 24/7 security for that area too.. Come on. She knew exactly the danger she was putting him in and she never, ever wanted to talk. Jack even mentions she never tried to reach out, from the get-go she tried to counter 'harass' and everyone could see the bullshit she was pulling and it didn't work.
You know what she thought would work? Doxx a man and give her crazy male fans [most women know how men act when it comes to women they have on pedestals and their obsession to protect them] approval to go after his family. Anons are acting like reactions to reaction channels haven't been around for 10 years. Even TV does this. I don't remember the name of the show, but it was around in the early 2010s. Just because it's on YouTube now doesn't make this a new thing Jack is doing or invented.
No. 1914640
>>1914582They will never get it and are only taking Lia's side on this instance because the person she's beefing with is a moid. On any normal day they would be saying what an insufferable plastic surgery addicted bitch she is.
He was doing his own regular content and taking the piss out of Lia took less than an hour a day. Not even a day, it was like every other day.
And to be honest I'm glad he did this. Any normal person would ignore him. But Lia is a cow (Why she has a thread here). If you poke a cow, you're going to get a funny reaction. Now she commited a crime ontop of her battling a lawsuit because she didn't even produce half her lazy content and is falling back on tiktok reactions.
This is halarious
No. 1914648
>>1914647It was in the youtuber thread and she already took down the worst video. But it's floating around on the internet still
But she finds two young boys on omegle and is goating them to take off their clothes. When they're too shy she says she'll send pics of her titts. When the boys stand up they have clear boners and she is enjoying herself a little too much, laughing and she says "Yeah! Wait get the little guy on there too. Twerk together!" and other gross shit
The mother catches them and Lia goats the mother by saying "Yuh! You're boys are doing this for titts!"
Her other omegle videos are also oddly sexual to young boys. Also to add, even if the kid isn't interested in her she'll make it sexual by claiming the kid just wants to see dicks and gets really homophobic.
Funny enough, her current defese is "I'm a girl? I can't be a creep"
No. 1914649
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No. 1914652
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>>1914649bitch has TWO DIFFERENT mugshots
No. 1914792
>>1914552>She's no better than Momokun.I was just about to say that. Showing up at a critic's house in the middle of the night "just to talk uwu" and putting the whole thing on Insta is
such Moo behavior. They're cut from the same cloth, it's not shocking at all that one of Moo's fake friends pulled something like this. Anyone who thinks she didn't have malicious intent must be a literal autist who doesn't understand subtext or context clues. It was absolutely a veiled threat, maybe not to do him harm, but I'm sure she considered "pranking" him like the overgrown teenager she is.
>>1914640This. If both of these creators were the same sex, none of the polilez, faux-radfem anons would be defending her. Jack got carried away with his campaign against her, but he personally helped several of the creators she stole from, and the chat in the streams helped source the stolen videos. There are a million ways she could have handled this better, some of which didn't even require interacting with him at all. She could have just… told her editors to include sources/credit, for starters. If she actually felt that Jack's parodies were harassment, she could have reported him. There's also the more direct option of just emailing or DMing him.
It just seems like how a fiftenn-year-old would approach it
No. 1914907
>>1914792if she wanted to be extra sassy she would have embraced the parody channel. Every top youtuber has parody channels. I can't tell you how many channels take clips from Markiplier exlusively. She just got mad because people started taking her videos down for stolen content. As they should.
She isn't even reacting to the videos as people say. She's so brain dead she needs a script to tell her to say "That man is holding a bag! oh my god" to a video of a man holding a bag. She can't do shit
No. 1914930
>>1914925he puts even more effort into the videos about her than she does her own videos, it's not even just reacting to a reactor. He goes out of his way to boost the creators that she steals from and tbh, the bingo game is fun. I did it the other day and it really drives home how terrible she is at commentary. I hope this wrecks her because I could see some stupid company wanting to use her
as a commentator for something and it would all be because of just her videos having numbers and not because she has any communicative talent at all in describing anything. She even goes out of her way to cut the video length of some of the original creators to steal a joke that they said in the video, but she cuts it out on purpose to make herself seem so haha funny smart. She is a complete and utterly useless human being and she needs male attention, even from little boys it seems, in order to make proper content. everything she has is because of a guy because she has absolutely no talent at all.
No. 1915362
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>>1915282This is the ratio on the vid she made yesterday (mom won’t feed hungry kid) comments aren’t letting her forget either, she’s probably gonna get Colleen Ballinger treatment where she’s either gonna have to address this and expose it to her whole audience and be humiliated or her career is just gonna continue to wither and die on its own
No. 1915472
>>1915462I guess it's possible she was trying to interrupt his stream, but that would require her to go up and ring the doorbell, which we all know she's too chickenshit to do.
Maybe she figured she'd get it trouble if she went whole hog and swatted him, or that if she simply joined his stream remotely, she'd be dogpiled. But I think the more realistic answer is that she was being a high school mean girl and knew publicly posting his house with a veiled threat was a good way to fuck with him psychologically while maintaining plausible deniability. She had zero intention of actually talking to him like an adult, we can all be sure of that. She doesn't want to open herself to any situation where she'd have to admit to wrongdoing, because (like most influencers) she's a narcissist. She also knows that she has no excuse for any of the bullshit she pulls with her content, and that she'd have no chance of winning an argument over it. She just wants to keep stealing and being lazy without being held to account for it because she's entitled.
No. 1915496
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>>1915472Lia and her sister were definitely trying to instigate something, whether or not she was aware of him being live on Twitch I don't know but I wouldn't be surprised. Wouldn't put it past her to do that when she knew he was streaming to use whatever reaction he had on stream against him. Especially considering they've been mocking him for saying on stream that he wasn't going outside to confront someone in the middle of the night when he had no idea if she had anyone with her or if she had a weapon.
No. 1916514
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Not even posted on instagram where she did this or youtube.
No. 1916522
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>>1916514yeah I think she's just plain dumb
No. 1916530
>>1916362Here's another video with listing proof that she had those videos up.
Also youtube put out a statement that she is temp demonotized and then also
victim blamed Jack lol YouTube and her are definitely trying to coordinate something because she brings in a ton of money
No. 1916572
>>1916514That has to be the fakest "apology" anyone has ever made in history. She didn't even say what she did, only that she didn't handle some vague situation involving Jack very well. And that little "I wasn't a better example of appropriate conflict resolution" is very strongly implying that it's actually Jack's fault that she did it. "Hey guys, I should have been better than that Jacksfilms guy at resolving conflict, because he wasn't doing it at all, so it's not my fault if I got mad at him! He was saying mean things about me!"
That whole wall of text is just a clear cut case of YouTube saying they'll monetize her channel again if she publicly apologized, so Lia shat out a non-apology with the right key words to make the higher-ups at YouTube happy.
No. 1916628
>>1916623Not doubting you but where did you see this? Last I saw someone on the Youtube Twitter account made a reply saying she was temporarily demonetized, I don't think they specified if it was her entire channel or only certain videos.
>>1916572Yeah, that looks carefully worded to say it's actually Jack's fault that she tried starting a fight at his house in the middle of the night, but saying it subtly enough that it's hidden in her fake-ass apology.
No. 1917423
>>1917009agreed, but there's a difference between feeling bad for her and just not feeling bad for that weird moid/ treating the whole thing like a joke. that jacksfilms stan calling random anons in this thread and the youtube one fake feminists for not sucking his dick needs to get a life.
of course, I'll recant my statement if one of her simps actually breaks into his house and kicks his ass.
No. 1917560
>>1916831alright what felony. name the felony for posting an image of a portion of the outside of some guys house. who the fuck is google earth reverse imaging this guys porch. its not doxxing, she never posted the address. im not saying its good behaviour, but name the felony
>>1917463moid detected
>>1917492shes annoying but he has hundreds of videos "critiquing her" with the same "critiques" repeated ad infinum hours and hours of content, whole second channel dedicated purposefully to "critiquing" her. at best he's obsessed with her, considering he's a male clearly wants to fuck her, and have you ever heard that phrase about poking the bear? what the fuck did this guy expect continuously mocking her in his boring ass videos with his monotone ass voice and bicycle seat head in the corner, engaging her into stupid twitter fights all this time, making money off of her while pretending he was above her because she made money off of other peoples videos. hypocrite, creep, and don't forget this when in a few years it comes out he's just as bad as every other male youtuber with a backlog of loli porn cheating on his wife with e-girls. get some sense. this bitch is retarded but anyone lowering themselves to defend a moid, get real
No. 1917590
>>1917560Kinda wondering if this is Lia or her sister writing.
>considering he's a male clearly wants to fuck her, Probably Lia.
(hi cow) No. 1917611
>>1917590dudes would fuck a chicken sandwhich and you think the moid who obsessively watched hundreds of hours of this woman wasn't using his penis? i don't know what to tell you, anybody with eyes and half a braincell can understand what's up, all questions of morality aside, this guy put more effort into getting this woman's attention than most women ever get. He has a massive hateboner and got off on profiting and commenting on her every move, just to feel like he had some say in her life. I don't know who this bitch is but she didn't commit a crime, stop being a dumbass
>>1917596sage goes in the email field
No. 1917677
>>1917571Might want to look up California law in regards to people going out of their way to POST a private address that isn't theirs. It is illegal. This isn't a silly goofy accident and just driving around taking photos of homes. This was with malicious intent to cause Jack, and his WIFE, harm. Not sure how got think a random google search without doxxing context proves anything.
This would be like if lolcow posted a photo of your house to the site. Yeah your house is in the public, but you didn't put your adress out there for lolcow to just randomly post. That puts you in danger and is doxxing because you don't go out of your way to tell people where you live. This is basic stuff, anon. Don't be stupid.
She also has 100s of videos of stolen content and not by accident. Might want to look at any info at all, anon. He doesn't even have close to 100 videos of her and this started 2 months ago. Are you the one who said this was been going on for a year? If you aren't going to do the work of reading the milk, don't bother posting wrong info.
No. 1917679
File: 1697985560642.jpg (725.13 KB, 1080x1995, Screenshot_20231022_073741_You…)

He has 64 videos total starting 11 months ago, only 2 months ago did it start involving sniperwolf. He did this same critiquing with other youtubers too. She egged him onz of course he'd keep it up. She even tried to get momokun involved who only taunted him more.
No. 1917854
File: 1698009445675.png (120.16 KB, 1194x363, when cows colide.png)

can the jack dick sucker realise that not liking the moid and thinking he's an obsessed weirdo doesn't mean we're on lia's side ffs. Go make a "rave" thread for him on gurugossip if you need to dick his suck this hard. Keep this thread just about her and not defending the stupid moid and what he thinks. She's milky without giving a shit about genderbent joy sparkles. The comparison really is accurate and nobody was retarded enough to think laughing at joy meant we liked greg.
>falsely accuses Jack of having loli porn and being a pervert with no proof
Congratulations on making a useless post dick sucking jack and not providing milk. I went looking and couldn't find where she posted this on twitter or instagram so hopefully you can find it. Did see this though, have to laugh at the thought of grimes getting high and just watching fake reacts. Moo is following her too but I think that had been posted before.
No. 1917883
>>1917854Seems anons have a nuetral opinion on Jack. More like people are saying it was fucked up that Lia doxxed him and other anons are saying he deserves it. People just shit on him because "moid".
>>1917611Anon was also referring to anon posts where they compared Jack to moids who would "fuck a chicken sandwich" and saying he wants to fuck Lia
>>1917560> anyone lowering themselves to defend a moid, get realAll of your arguments are invalid. People shitting on Jack are just mad he's a man. That's literally it
No. 1917996
>>1917942Makes sense. They're basically alternate universe versions of each other. Moo is just lia if her youtube didn't pop off and had to be a fat only fans hoe.
Though must be rough to know you have to be friends with someone who wants to wear your skin and copies you. Watch Moo make another youtube channel doing what she does
No. 1918204
>>1917942She was also with Sniper during the doxxing, she is in the background of her photoshoot dressing room photos
>>>/pt/920876 That rat nest of a hair and that height is definitely her. These two probably gassed each other up.
No. 1918379
>>1918204Didn't Moo also get people to fuck up KBBQ's place as well? She's such a bad influence. If Moo did gas her up then it was a mistake that cost thousands.
I mean, not like thousands mean anything to Lia. But I would def stop hanging out with Moo lol
No. 1919188
>>1918929 the fuck you talking about? Take your meds
Also I need to find it. But sssniperwolf doxxed someone before. It was like 7 years ago. The guy had less than 5k subs and made a video saying her game play was faked. She sent a fake claim against the video to get this guys personal info and posted it on youtube.
I just never paid attention to her before because, why? She seemed like an insufferable bitch. Glad to see I was spot on
No. 1919467
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"Be nice to me you guys, nothing is my fault because my mental health was declining so I shouldn't have to face consequences of my actions!"
No. 1921454
>>1921267There’s an ongoing lawsuit with her husband? Are they really broken up or another bullshit claim? He must’ve gotten tired of her shit. Saw the earlier posts mention that he cheated on her but who knows what’s factual by this point right
Ain’t it Funny how life works? One retarded picture/move took down a decade worth of work* and savings. Dumb girl
(sage your shit) No. 1926038
>>1925978True. The weirdo had made two months(maybe more) straight worth of videos on sssniperwolf alone thirsting for a response from her prior to the “doxxing”, which is an important detail never mentioned in these “news” channels or update videos.(I’ve blocked so many it’s ridiculous)
I agree, sssniperwolf is shitty but I’m really glad that jack spent the last few weeks cowering in fear (so he claims) while sssniperwolf is living and enjoying life. Wonder if he really will take her to court
No. 1926314
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>>1926304samefag but holy shit I need to tell you all that the clips comparing the house tour videos are wild
No. 1926373
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No. 1926375
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No. 1926376
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No. 1926413
>>1926304KEK I came here so fast to see if other nonas had this vid recommended. She should actually be thrown into a mental hospital.
The part with the Toronto accent is just the freaky cherry on top so far, and then Ssstalkerwolf tried to call out Azzy for doing it? God I hope she makes a response it would be so fucking funny.
No. 1926463
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>>1926420 It really is just so crazy just how much and how deeply she skinwalked and had the audacity to deny it when the proof is laid out like this. The Dexerto twitter just posted about it a little while ago so I'll be looking forward to seeing everyone continue to shit on her
No. 1926470
>>1926433who also blatantly admitted to having no empathy (>>1926304 vidrel mentions it) and not caring if "you" (the viewer) dropped dead.
and you know momokun knows about this as they're bffs. cows of an udder flock toguther
No. 1926484
>>1926038Hope you feel like a real retard now, anon. SSSniperwolf is trash and a misogynist and fake. Jackfilms called her out and did so properly, rallying
victims of her theft to bolster his point. Now we have Azzyland saying the same, a genuine
victim. You need better people to simp for.
No. 1926608
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SSSniperwolf responds to the azzyland skinwalking accusations…
No. 1926618
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>>1926609Sssniperwolf using doctored screenshots in her response?
No. 1926632
>>1926304 Lia really doesn't have an original thought in her brain.
People who say they are fans of Lia because she went after one moid are stupid as fuck. Don't know how you can be a fan of a chick who attacks other women, hates on cancer patients, gets her rocks off to children, and skin walking another check.
Also how can she hate on other women who wear make up and get plastic surgery when she is literally trying to morph herself into Azzy?
No. 1926663
>>1925666Anon tbh that's foolish. Someone showing up to your house after you posted on their thread one to many times would rattle you for at least a few weeks. Let's be real here. "I'm more of a fan of her" you're delusional,
nonnie. Bitch, hates women and would spit in your face, she has admitted she struggles with empathy, there is are many reasons why so many people dislike her. It's not just "Oh I don't like her because she's a chick" and it's also not "Wow she's such a boss bitch for taking down the patriarchy by showing up at that misogynist Jacksfilm's house". Like, she is straight up just an actually not good person.
No. 1926676
>>1926672That and he got popular for his parody content. What he did does count as parody, not has harassment. Lia also doesn't have a leg to stand on since she copied and reused Azzy's content. There is no way to defend her at this point.
Her ghosting a cancer patient (RIP), pretending she wasn't a porn thot in the past (Sexy Sexy Sniper), her lying that she was a gamer, Sausage being the one to make the channel, shitting on women who wear make up, shitting on other women in general, doxxing TWICE (she's done this before), telling people to kill themselves, and of course I just can't forgive anyone who pervs on children.
This isn't Lia vs some random moid. She has done more damage to other women. The Azzy shit is so unhinged.
No. 1926693
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Idk if anyone has watched Nerd's video yet, but at one point, when Azzy is talking about her first interaction with Sssniper and how excited she was to have a gamer girl as a friend, she was told "you don't want to talk to Sssniper, she hates women"
No anon here should be siding with this misogynistic skinwalker
No. 1926706
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1:20 in the Nerd City vid, from a 2021 SSSniperwolf video
>I never really talk about this because I feel like there's something wrong with me where to some degree I lack empathy. There are a lot of things I don't care about, things I probably should care about that I don't. Kind of like, if you didn't wake up tomorrow I also wouldn't care. I would just move on with my day. When something's useless, you throw it away.
No. 1926731
>>1926727You need to look up what an obsession is
Jack wasn't obsessing over Lia or her body or her face
He was calling out her content theft and scummy greedy behavior and was doing it consistently hoping YT would notice and step in and punish Lia fairly as YT had punished other content creators for the same thing before
Jackfilms was calling out her theft and YT's favoritism
Stop defending this SELF ADMITTED psychopath
No. 1926916
>>1926847She was aware because she constantly commented on it to try to make it seem like she was a
victim of being copied in several instances unprovoked. The video wasn’t a hit piece and Azzyland straight up said she wanted to be friends with her from the beginning.
No. 1926918
>>1926871Obsession has a connotation that implies he could have hurt/confronted her in a dangerous way. If you wanna say Jack is obsessed with keeping the place that provides his living fair and not celebrating a thief and a skinwalker, then fine, but he had no intention to dox Sniper Wolf like she did to him
He was a dedicated protestor
No. 1926921
>>1926847What a brain dead take anon
You don't need to bring in other sides with the receipts nerd city had
It was about Sniper wolf skinwalking, skeletons in the closet don't matter because he didn't touch on any of the things Sniper Wolf has done that makes her shit like he didn't bring up the recent doxxing of jacks films and he didn't emphasize her lawsuit with sausage this video was only about skinwalking
Stop grasping for straws, Sniper wolf is a deranged creep show art minus stealing SA claims
No. 1926955
>>1926947not as bad as sssniperwolf
just a thot who also steals content and is mid.
but that isn't a crime
>>1926918Who died and made him the sheriff of Youtube? The reason Youtube let her off the hook is the amount of money she brings in. If she and that money is gone I have no doubt creators will be the ones to wear the brunt. Once again not defending what she did cause it was capital D dumb but everyone championing Jacksfilms, especially the drama channels, are being very short sighted.
>>1927642There were people starting to talk about him coming off as obsessive and creepy but Sniper's stunt created a both sides scenario. She really should have just let it be but I'm getting the feeling she has some real emotional problems.
No. 1928349
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She's a coward lol Looks like she's locking her socials up because she knows she's in the wrong
No. 1928376
>>1928340She’ll recover from this and you know it
>>1928349Are you retarded? A Coward, really? I don’t like her but this whole debacle has become so fucking cringe that I don’t blame her. It must have been annoying seeing reddit tier people threatening her on every post she made and mentioning jacksfilm to justify it
This issue needs to be resolved with already. Either she gets banned, youtube directly addresses it themselves or jackfilms creates a video to tell these idiots to stop with the threats. It’s making him look like a fool through association
No. 1928879
>>1928839You sound like an unhinged moron. That anon you responded is not the only person thats noticed people being idiots on her posts, ever thought about that? As someone mentioned, normal people in general have all sided with her by now and have already forgotten/moved on from this ordeal after noticing how stupid and cringe losers were in her social media. Only weirdos like you are still dragging it on for views and money in hopes of what exactly? She’s essentially been deplatformed (videos no longer recognized) she has been demonetized and lost a great number of her community. That alone means “justice” has been done, but you’re still crying. Why don’t you tell us what you really want you fucking pathetic psycho
“Muh stolen content” how many times are you going to bring this up? You’re acting as if jacksfilms isn’t guilty of doing the same. Reacting when you’re getting paid for it in general is content stealing period, no matter how hard you try to justify it, or cope doing so by adding random names in the description or video itself(which aren’t original creators btw)
kys honestly
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>>1928879keep defending this weird skinwalking pedo, it's really funny. All you have is that he "harassed" her "obsessively", that's like if you came in here on any of the threads and told everyone that they're just obsessed bullies kek. He has done way less than any of the people on lc do anyways. If anything he brought us good milk through his actions, I commend him. She is everything wrong with YouTube if you think about it. Random retard getting millions off of just gaping her mouth at video clips that even Ray William Johnson in the past had actual scripts, jokes, production etc unlike her kek. The fact that she was also a "gamer girl" who eventually was caught faking most of her shit is just extra pathetic. Literally everything wrong with the platform and yet celebrated by it all the same. It's so so funny seeing her downfall
(infighting) No. 1928947
>>1928919You sound angry. Keep coping with your life
>words >wordsNot reading all of that lol
(infighting) No. 1929114
>>1928919It's like the anons who sided with Amber Heard all over again. I can't tell if it's trolling, but might as well be. Sniper, in any situation regarding other women, Jack, or even her ex, has done every single one of them dirty. She's a shitty person. There's no way to defend her and aside from JacksFilms, he isn't and wasn't the only one who has been criticizing her content for over a year. Jack has done it just within the past few months, not even 3 months. Just because one guy was the most prolific, doesn't mean that other creators weren't and haven't been shitting on her. Now, aside from him, you have tons more YouTubers getting in on the situation and making videos about it. Lia is scared shitless because she thought Jack had no fanbase, but he's an OG YouTuber. She fucked up, she deserves all monetization to be gone forever. Not long until she does OnlyFans now.
No. 1929365
>>1929114depp and heard was a totally different situation. it was a classic case of DARVO and if you actually looked into the evidence yourself instead of just believing all the youtube videos and tiktoks from bot farms with titles like "johnny depp's lawyer DESTROYS amber heard for 5 minutes" it was easy to see that pretty much everything he accused her was something he had done to her and was just projecting onto her.
lia on the other hand, is verifiably an awful person. nobody framed her as a content thief, paedophile, has doxxed someone, and the proof of that comes from her own videos and social media, not clips of her talking taken wildly out of context that if you listen to the full versions shows she was actually the innocent party
>>1926304the weirdest part to me is the accent copying.
its stupid but i can at least GET the idea "oh if i copy her content I'll get views too" but to copy someone all the the way to how they talk is unhinged to me
No. 2013136
Update: It was fake, and was some salty fan of her’s, I know she got into mini-arguments on Twitter about it but she was shockingly in the right for once, Charlie confirmed it. I’ll see if I can get her tweets
>>2012653Does anyone come to lolcow expecting cows to change though? One of the criteria for a thread is literally “not willing to ever improve their own behaviors”