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No. 29997
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I wonder how jelly Mira is of Rachel. Rachel is pretty qt and has a great body, a husband, and an education.
No. 101030
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Texan in Tokyo has pretty okay vids, but her comics are really shitty
No. 101031
>>29997These two are the most mundane boring fuckers in the Jvlogging community. Mira second (or first) both are as terrible.
All Jvloggers apart from GAFM and Abroad in Japan are literally flavorless.
Venus will probably join them soon… god help us all.
No. 101032
>>35328Many weebs lick her out because she has a jap boyfriend, besties with fem jvloggers and meh, mira dramu.
It's kinda sad
No. 101272
>>101258i stumbled across their channel and the girl is super adorable. i love how a little girl is teaching you about her country, other kids can watch her and discover. i think it's a nice approach, since it's (at least a half) japanese person talking about normal life, not sugar coating it like a lot of weebs.
personally i'm so annoyed by einshine, his voice irritates the fuck out of me.
ive barely watched some kanadajin, sharla and the ginger girl with her hubby, but that's because theyre not interesting enough for me to stay. might give the ginger girl another try since i love looking at dog and cat cafe videos and the fox and deer village. i love animals and japan does seem like a great place to visit, even outside of tokyo there's a bunch of nature shit and temples i'd love to see.
No. 101378
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>>101258Only in Japan's videos are pretty interesting and he covers way more stuff than other jvloggers, but holy fuck is he awkward and sort of creepy.
No. 101389
>>101387Agreed with you.
But personally, I think it is possible. Taylor makes some interesting videos, and they aren't usually too "jvlogger"ish.
Maybe make it more about fashion/beauty/health/whatever than the typical "WEIRD SNACKS IN JAPAN" kinda thing.
No. 101391
>>101389But the thing about taylor is, she isn't trying to be a ~jvlogger~. Honestly, honestly that would be the least annoying way to go about it.
But you have to remember, if you want the hundreds and thousands of views and subscribers, you have to tap into the weeb community. That means snack vids and harajuku/akihabara vids.
No. 101425
>>101389Too many weebs make snack videos and shit like that though. Thing is with Taylor is that despite her kota copying, she is like the Dakota everyone wanted basically.
1. Tells you how get into modelling
2. How to get in shape
3. How to do hair properly without shit captions in fear of speaking incase editing mouth is difficult
4. Goes places and interacts with others… actually SHOWS you
5. Does some Jvlogging thus cute things
I don't see how Tay is that bad tbh. She's cringey and I think her new look is terrible. But she's alright.
No. 101426
>>101391Very true, if you want to get noticed in Japan you have to do weeb things and get involved.
Hence why I think Venus will someday become a jvlogger probably in the next year or so from now if her dick mother doesn't kidnap her.
Are Japanese people that interested in Jvloggers? Apart from the ones in videos with the YTber though?
Kinda makes me wonder if that is why Dakota never did Jvlogger, aside from having to shoop her face ect. I wonder if she worried that if she got too involved with the west her count with the Japanese would go down?
No. 101456
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>>101446a lot of japanese netizens shit on her and make fun of her wide face lol
No. 101470
If you want to vlog, just vlog. You shouldn't have to feel like it's your duty as a vlogger in japan to show Japan to the world and film all of these things. Thats why I prefer people like Taylor or Mimei because I don't get that same "I'm gonna show this super cool place and it's gonna get tons of views" feeling that I get from Mira, Sharla, Rachel, Texan in Tokyo, etc. I guess it must be easy to get caught up in feeling like you must be the ambassador on everything ~JAPANESE~, but it gets stale after a while.
>>101425Taylor isn't a jvlogger in my eyes, rather a regular vlogger/model who just happens to live in Japan. I like the fact that when she does 'favorites' videos, she doesn't go full weeb and only show sailor moon eyeliners and etude house shit. She recommends real books and not manga or anime series. And when she does show people Japanese places, it's more like "Oh hey, I was doing a gig and we just so happened to stop by here".
No. 101539
>>101456She once said something like
"I'm so famuuz, I gotta move every 4 month cuz people kept stalking me and showing up at my doorstep"
No. 101566
>>101539Yeah she literally claimed that she moved every 4 months because of stalkers which confused me because that means she lives out of temporary apartments and doesn't really own anything in order to be able to do that? why would you continue youtubing and revealing your location constantly if you'e being followed on the train and stalked outside of your house on a regular basis?
In the same interview she also claimed that youtubers are disingenuous and attention seeking for discussing racism in their videos. What the actual fuck. Racism is a highly important issue that is relevant to everyone. It's interesting to hear the opinions of various races in relation to their experiences in japan or anywhere in the world for that matter.
She acts so bored in all of her videos which consists exclusively of eating with other boring people. She's brain dead as fuck no wonder she was fooled by mira.
No. 101583
>>101470Yeah, I know what you mean. It does get irritating how these jvloggers seem to "OWN" Japan because they make videos or are married/dating a Japanese. It's annoying.
Taylor seems normal. She's actually alright tho.
No. 101846
>>101841Lol no wtf, you can't be a weeb if you're Japanese or half. They are just enjoying their pop culture. Weeb is thinking Nippon is amazing and acting as if they are Japanese.
Are they cringey yeah. The only halfu worth watching is PDR tbh. He's clearly into geek culture but he doesn't make a million videos of it.
No. 101860
It's so weird how Sharla is in her 30s yet hands out with shine who is 19 and they go out and buy weeby stuff like pokemon cards and plushies together. She just posted a vid about it and i felt like I was watching a babysitter with a child lol
>>101859it all depends on where you grew up tbh. If you are a westernized japanese person or half who spent their whole life in america or what have you and have an anime phase, you are no different than a black or white kid doing it.
But I like to think there are different 'species' of weebs. Like you have people are are super weeby because they like anime and figurines and stuff, but then there are people like mira who don't watch anime or read manga or listen to jpop but still want to be japanese.
No. 101872
>>101846YOO PDR is god! I love his videos..even if they are super random most of the time.
Thing with him is, he seems as if he's more into western culture (or at least subculture) than japanese. It's a nice change for once.
No. 101875
>>101818Hafu kid with light hair… geez. Bet the father was pleased at that outcome ;)
Pfft but really though… why do weebs glorify this lifestyle as a house wife in japan? Looks boring as fuck. Reminds me of the UK here with the stay at home mums on the dole gaining JSA.
No. 101881
>>101875the parents ended up divorced actually, which is kind of sad. She lives in the states now. I liked her channel because she actually showed some of the downsides of living in Japan, like missing her family and how hard it is to actually raise a kid there.
Much better than mira's "I'm totes just a single girl who is going to teach you how to be a housewife in JAPAN!!"
No. 101902
>>101872i think he is pretty entertaining but cant believe he's with mimei who is boring af.
duncan is half, right? so he is JP citizenship i guess.
No. 101909
>>101902Yeah he's half british. He lives in Japan for most of his life, though. His younger brother PDS can't speak english so i take they moved to Japan when his brother was still a baby.
I don't mind Mimei, i don't find her interesting either but i find them cute as a couple. Actually Duncan found Mimei on youtube and fell for her and made a move to get to know her. Reminds me a little bit of Manaki and Venus now that i think of it
No. 102039
>>101881Ah well, if she's ever stuck for cash she can always throw the kid into modelling. Japanese will gush over the kid's light hair and wonderful luscious whiteness they coo over.
Mira is a train wreck. I hope she falls pregnant just so we can see what kind of disaster she brings into the world… mostly her terrible parenting skills.
No. 102357
>>101818I miss her too.
I loved the realness of her vlogs.
None of that kawaii anime bullshit
No. 102757
>>102738Yeah he kinda overreacts.
But you know what I mean. Explain a little more about the place you eat at than "oh its a place I get udon at alll the timmmeee"
No. 103092
>>103086Knew it'd happen and she'd get into Jvlogging about the typical weeb things over there. Fair enough she's free and enjoying herself. But it'll just be a cringe when she collabs with other jvloggers.
Rachel & Jun, Venus & Manaki with Victor (Gimmeaflakeman) interviewing them all.
Oh god
No. 103161
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And she also does that thing where instead of saying "I'm", it comes out sounding like "I'n".
"Heyyy guyyyyyz, so you guyzzzz have requested that I try some crazyyyyy (
insert popular weeb franchise here) (
insert snack food here), so I'n gunna do it for you guyzzzzz todeeeeh."
She also talks reallyyyyy slowly, which probably adds to the grating. Seriously, switch the speed on any of her vlogs to 1.5, and they suddenly become more tolerable.
No. 103163
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Most annoying couple ever. They make me want to go watch Rachel and Jun, and thats saying something.
No. 103167
>>103163Popular cos it's AMWF and they'll probably get together with Rachel & Jun thus Venus and Manaki too. Then you'll get blacks and latinos commenting "why dey no black wimmin involved?"
I can already see it.
No. 103169
>>103161"This is so awesome"
"So awesome "
"So cute"
No. 103172
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>>103169"Awww maaaaaan"
No. 103173
>>103163I read Grace's blog sometimes and didn't hate it, but ever since they started vlogging on Youtube it's been 10x worse. She seems so desperate.
>>103171>these two don't know how to speak in front of a camera or edit down stupid shitAgreed.
No. 103174
>>103172Her videos are literally just her squealing with joy as she spends hundreds and hundreds of yen on nice restaurants, japan staycations (like fox island type stuff) and really stupid overpriced weeaboo crap like pokemon plushies. I can't imagine that a third-tier youtube channel's earnings alone could provide for the kind of hyper-consumerist lifestyle she seems to have. Does she have a shadow-husbando funding her like Mira?
>>101873I have to admit, she looks pretty good for her age. And even better with the help of her cheater angles which the Shine vid posted here proves she has down to a science, wow
No. 103175
>>103171I meant with Venus and Manaki too anon. It's bound and going to happen.
With her thrown in the mix now that she lives there, it's just going to get worse and all the weebs are going to end up sitting together in a big circle and talking about how kawaii their nip husbands are and animu bs. 2016's biggest cringe factor.
No. 103180
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>>103173She's delusional about her ~work from home~ lifestyle. All she does is draw three panel sonichu-teir comics about mundane stuff. And writing a blog entry once a week. I know you are supposed to take your work seriously, but it's a fucking blog with pictures and some drawings lol
No. 103187
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>>103182everytime somebody asks her about having a boyfriend she's like "Urhurhurrr not gunna answer that sorryyy." And there is an old 4chan thread that's archived somewhere online where was obviously selfposting, and showed pics of Sharla's Korean bf from her private facebook. The links on the thread are dead, because Sharla deleted all of them.
She may or may not have a boyfriend now, but it's obvious that she just wants to hide the fact even if she does. Same as Mira.
No. 103193
>>103191woops, I meant meant to say sockpuppeting no selfposting lol
I can't believe I forget one of the most Mira-est of all words
No. 103195
>>103189Yeah, he is very immature. He's ite' and I like his go-pro videos even if they are just an everyday thing. But he can be such a tool, there was that video with him and his wife shopping in a supermarket (before his son was born) and I remember him filming her, she was getting so so annoyed by it. People were evening commenting how pissed off she looked.
Also a video when they were in bed. She was trying to sleep and he kept talking on and on to the camera. She even budged him to say "stfu" basically. But he kept talking.
He asks Tomoko some right shitty things sometimes. Personal and pervy questions.
No. 103212
>>103210You know how white girls get big egos when they go to Japan because more guys tend to tell them how pretty and attractive you are?
This is that kind of guy.
No. 103218
>>103210Foreigners are most likely insecure about how they would be viewed from a sexual or romantic standpoint because they don't fall under the typical standard of Japanese beauty.
>>103213It's not like it's wrong. It helps give the viewer a push into dating someone outside their race.
No. 103749
>>103237>>103226Makes black women look like a charity case in the dating world tbh
these videos need to go
No. 103757
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>>103749>Makes black women look like a charity case in the dating world tbhNo, it doesn't. They're just curious, which isn't bad because like
>>103237 said, you don't often see an Asian male with a black female. Especially in Asian countries. So it's not out of place to ask and for an answer to be given.
No. 103759
>>103187Uhh that was Mira posting Sharla's pictures, jealous that Sharla gets more attention. Why on earth would Sharla post about having a Korean boyfriend on 2ch?? Sharla even called out Mira for uploading her private stuff to the internet.
That was also around the time Mira started lying about her own boyfriends and husbands, so it's clear the whole "secret boyfriend" thing was on her mind.
The only difference is Mira lies about her husband/boyfriends and says she's single whereas Sharla says it's private. They both may be hiding something but one is lying about it and the other's not.
No. 103766
>>103757No, I understand anon. Btw I'm not white myself and I just think it makes black women look desperate when I see these types of videos. It's as shallow as the "AMBW" tag. Cos… it REALLY needs a tag. It doesn't.
Even thelovelyify got fed up with that shit because girls were fetishizing her relationship with her boyfriend who is asian (she's black) and started hating the community thus videos like that.
I know they're being done for awareness and to tell foreigners "it's okay we like you!"
Can't help but think it's embarrassing.
Coming from a black woman btw
No. 103774
>>103766>I just think it makes black women look desperate It doesn't, it's just plain curiosity.
>It's as shallow as the "AMBW" tag. Cos… it REALLY needs a tag. It doesn't.It does. Again, it helps give them a push, and eases their fears on dating outside their race.
>I know they're being done for awareness and to tell foreigners "it's okay we like you!"Then what's really so bad? Some people are clueless or curious and this helps. There's nothing wrong with asking and there's nothing wrong with responding. I think you're looking at little too deep into it.
>Coming from a black woman btwI'm black too, but I don't know if it's really that important.
No. 103943
>>103204Micaela has the best Japanese. Since she left her agency, I've noticed some grammar errors in her Instagram captions, as well as a decline of bilingual captions, but hey. Still better than the rest of these women.
Mimei's accent is VERY thick and her grammar is a mess. She can only say simple things without mistakes. I can't watch her videos because her Japanese bothers me so much.
Sharla, although she was "working as a translator" for an English learning website for a few months, seems to not be as good at Japanese as she pretends to be. She can't respond quickly in conversations with native speakers, if her デカ友 appearance is any indication. Also, when I checked out the site she was translating for a few years ago, all she had translated was three sentence of CATS SPEAKING, so it was all written in cutesy hiragana. Very simple stuff. I think she vlogs exclusively in English for a reason.
No matter what she says, Mira is nowhere near fluent. She passed the JLPT N2 (as did Sharla?) so she's probably about the same level as Sharla.
Grace and Rachel are probably around JLPT N3 level. They've got the basics down, but hearing them try to put a sentence together is painful. Rachel heavily cuts her Japanese videos to make it look like that all came out of her naturally. I suspect Jun writes scripts for her as well. The video where all four are together in Yoyogi Park talking in Japanese is one to check out to see their Japanese levels. They both looks like they don't understand the longer things their husbands say, and they both go back to English easily.
Of course, I assume that everyone has improved since their last Japanese videos that I've seen!
I live here too. So I get it. You feel that you're having good conversations with people so you "know Japanese". There are so many foreigners here that feel like "I understand most of what people are saying" so they don't study. Then when it comes down to it, I'm playing translator for them and trying my best not to cry when I hear the broken Japanese coming out of their mouths.
Yes, I am snobby about this. Non-Asian foreigners here get a pass when it comes to the language, with simple "HAI KAWAII DESU" getting high praise. Asian foreigners have pressure to learn Japanese perfectly.
No. 104062
>>103943I get that this is coming from your own personal experiences, however it all comes down to what people want. You probably want more out of being in Japan than some others do.
I understand your viewpoint. However, making mistakes and sounding like complete trash is one of the many stages of learning any language. I'm right there trying to find a way out. Some people try, some don't.
No. 104065
>>103943Another asian who lived in Japan for a while, I totally get that pressure to learn Japanese more seriously after being surrounded by Japanese who immediately assume you should know everything. It really sucks.
sage for OT
No. 104130
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>>29997She's cute in a homely way, I'd definitely fuck her. I'd also secretly save up money to make her nose smaller though if I was her husband. The yellow teeth, I don't mind them too much.
No. 104216
>>104027No, it's not a competition, and yes, sounding like trash is part of the process.
It just irks me that most of the foreign youtubers say that they "know Japanese" when they are intermediate at best.
No. 104225
> Non-Asian foreigners here get a pass when it comes to the language, with simple "HAI KAWAII DESU" getting high praise. Asian foreigners have pressure to learn Japanese perfectly.And Asian people get a pass as to not having Japanese people talking down to them as if they were down syndrome babies.
"Wow, you know
Konnichiwa? Sugooooiii!"
Non-asian people aren't particularly fond of being treated like this.
No. 104240
>>104225As a non Asian foreigner in Japan I'll agree with
>>103943Plenty of Chinese kids at my school can speak Chinese, English, Japanese and like German but if one white girl can speak basic Japanese people act like she's a genius or hot shit. Most White people in Japan are pretty fucking cringe worthy.
No. 104268
>>103174She says she used to have a job, but i think she wanted to go 100% into youtube a while ago so now idk? She said she'd do more sponsorship stuff to be able to afford living that way.
Also didn't mira doxx her fb on pull and post that sharla has a husbando (or is at least engaged) and is hiding it? Not sure if that was true or not though.
No. 107972
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>>107478according to sharla's twitter, this isn't his actual picture, bu he looks like this guy
No. 109043
>>109004What joke? Some fan was going to make 'fan art' of them together, and Sharla said to use him as a template because she saw his picture and thought he looked just like him.
But you know how weebs can be. They think any overweight asian man ~looks just like gdragon omg~
No. 109071
>>109046She hangs out with a lot of foreigners but most are girls. I'm assuming her fiancee is someone either at her old job (she had an office job right?) or maybe someone in the entertainment industry. (not an actor, but maybe a manager or just a behind the scenes type of person), but it's obviously someone who doesn't have to worry or doesn't worry about job safety and image since she insinuated that he didn't want to be in the videos because he wasn't interested, not because of privacy issues, which is the big reason a lot of the Japanese spouses typically don't like being in youtube videos, they don't want to say anything incriminating and get in trouble at work for something dumb, or have their foreign spouse get them in trouble.
>>109052I've literally never heard that term before, kek.
No. 109131
>>109072People call everything a weeb now.
If you aren't a pathetic Japanese wannabe and put Japanese people/their country on a holy pedestal, then you aren't a weeb.
No. 109220
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How weebs think their idols really look like
No. 109374
Mulatto-chan here, me and my Japanese friend were speaking about Jvloggers. He finds them pretty damn embarrassing, he watches them for a laugh. Mira is his favourite, he says how awful she is because all she ever does is exaggerate things. But Yuta… he and me just dislike the guy. Especially that video he made about asking hafu on the street about their experience living in Japan.
I told my friend this is messed up. He agrees, he said "It is like he is treating mixed people like animals". I wouldn't say that but it's just creepy how these fuckers are obsessed with race.
I said it makes us all look desperate. Personally, if Yuta came up to me in Takeshita-dori and asked me "WUD U D8 JAPANESE MAN?" I would just fucking shove his camera to the floor and walk off.
It's bad enough my friend once asked me this and I told him to never ask me again, showed him creepy Yuta and he never asked after that.
No. 109381
>>109305It is like they are encouraging the weebs tbh.
"Everyone come to Japan pls! Our birth rate is shit and we need to procreate with you all! Pls we have anime and kawaii! COME PLEASE!"
No. 109404
>>109305It's embarrassing for me to watch too, but I can't help but think that there's some cultural nuance lost in translation, ie Yuta is basically expressing himself in Japanese, using English words, so he comes off worse in videos than he really is.
Kind of like Adora BatBrat (Swedish snowflake woman), if any of you know her.
No. 109441
Old posts but gotta agree w/>>104028 anon. I'm black myself and I'm into Asian guys, though I won't limit myself to them because who knows where you can find love. Anyways, I never got the "do you like black wiMon" thing. It's one thing to do it over in the states (still cringy though), but It's EXTREMELY cringey to me in the context of other cultures/countries because they can't like EVERY black women (bcuz logic), or maybe never even thought about it closely (since OBVIOUSLY they aren't common in a lot of cultures like Japans'). It's just a pointless question. It's like why are you expecting them to b like "AMBW FTW", as if that attitude itself doesn't imply a simple fetish for black women anyways? You really want to be with a guy and think you could make a relationship last with someone who might not even speak your language fluently, has a different cultural upbringing than you, etc, all over a fetish? Then if he does actually respond 'hai'(probably to be polite in the face of such awkwardness), I imagine too many black girls going "yaaiY! somebody in the whirlD thinks I'M aTtraKTivEu." bats eyelases No….Stop.
Sry OT as well, but I wanted to get that off my chest.
No. 109460
>>109441lol, right? what are you supposed to say when you're randomly stopped in the middle of the street and asked if you would date (insert random race or ethnicity here)? of course you would err on the PC/polite side.
sage for no contribution.
No. 109499
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>>29997>qtlol really? She looks like a gremlin.
No. 109554
>>109458I too highly doubt that her fiancé is Japanese. She likely would have said so if he was. I think she's avoiding mentioning his ethnicity since she was criticized by Japanese fans when she had a Korean boyfriend.
Micala's boyfriend is half-Chinese and half-Japanese, but she makes a point not to mention it either.
No. 109557
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For someone going on and on in their blog about how "conventionally attractive" they are, there sure is a lot of photographic evidence proving otherwise.
No. 109563
>>109557I think she is conventionally attractive with her hair and makeup done (then again practixally anyone can look decent with hair and make) but shes all nuhhhhhhh my
Husband lurvs me au natural
No. 109565
>>109458I mean does it matter
what nationality sharlas boyfriend is?
Does it really matter?
Can you not your life if you dont know?
Hes obviously in japan so hes either japanese or half
Im 99% sure having a white bf isnt kawaii enough
No. 109567
>>109557She's pretty, though?
The looks comments on here get kind of stupid. Someone was calling Taylor fat the other day, and I remember people calling Mira fat. All the girls here get called hideous trolls but some of them really are quite beautiful. It loses its meaning when every. girl. is ugly and fat. There's plenty of dramu without trying to force in "ugly".
But maybe that's just me? I'm here to point out cringey behavior because I don't like what they do. If they stopped doing stupid shit I wouldn't have a problem with them. As long as they're not pretending to be beauty stars then I don't really see how looks are an issue. You can't really help how you're born. grav3yardgirl Bunny knows she doesn't have the most attractive face in the world but she owns it and I think her confidence is cool. I just think this "ugly ugly" stuff is low effort.
No. 109569
>>109565Calm down, like who cares if someone cares? Like does it really matter if someone you don't know cares about some youtuber's boyfriend?
And there are alot of Zainichi and recent Korean immigrants in Japan. I know of a Korean family who all immigrated to Japan with their kids when their kids were already full grown adults to run a restaurant.
No. 109605
>>109557I agree. She has a lisp and her teeth are always showing which makes it look like her mouth is really big. Her skin always looks oily, she always looks sleepy with purple circles under her eyes and her hair is usually a mess.
Add that in with her big ego, her tendency to brag, her controlling bossy personality and her childish behavior=most annoying ever. She comes from a rich family yet she is a such a tight wad.
No. 109606
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>>109605At least a lot of these are fixable. She'd look a lot better if she got better at doing her makeup and wearing more flattering clothes for her body. Those things just take practice and commitment, so I guess it's better than being born looking like an ape's ass (
cough). but she seems like the type who think makeup ~defines~ a woman, and thinks she is above it. She looked a lot better with longer hair too.
No. 109620
>>109606I wasn't comparing her to Mira, I already know that Mira is homely than ever and has a personality to match.
You are right though most of those are fixable but she doesn't want to fix any of it, like you said she thinks she is "above it" to try and dress more attractively and wearing making. It is annoying though how she has so many blog topics about how she doesn't care about clothes or makeup because she is so beautiful without it and that she doesn't protect her skin from UV rays and loves getting a sun burn, she was bragging about getting burnt before not wearing any lotion, but its going to age her later on. I agree that her hair looks better longer.
No. 109653
>>109644Agreed, she draws like an elementary school child. And yeah she needs to take care of her skin, it looks bad for her age.
Mira just looks so goofy nothing can help her, her spaced far apart eyes, droopy eyes, overbite teeth, her upturned turnip nose with revealing nostril holes, and her rotten personality. The only thing that could help Mira is if she had face surgery but even then it might turn out like MJ and still her personality would be rotten.
No. 109735
>>109441Espesh when we have Barbie, Shani and that other one making porn while being gyaru there. All desperate and rachet.
omg what if Bibi and Himeka get to Japan tho?
No. 109849
>>109557Who is she? I've never seen her but she is no way near pretty, I am kinda shocked people here say that. Wtf? Her eyes, wrincles around eyes and eyebrows look exactly like old women on village who spend whole day working on the field and the sun ruins their skin.
Her nose is wide for her face, her cheeks are bumpy and red and her forehead looks old too (all like working on the field).
Her teeth are unattractively big.
Idk if she's good or bad character or is she usually photoshoping her photos to look decent, but unless she's 40+, I feel sorry for her unforrunate old looking face.
No. 110050
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>>109499rachel's cute and reminds me of the dark crystal
No. 110398
>>110391I don't really think it's about flaunting. Mira's the only one who uses terms like that because she's the only one who actually did flaunt her previous husband and boyfriend who obviously had no interest in youtube. With all the other couple channels I can think of like Texan in Tokyo, Rachel and Jun, Hide and Jessica, Mimei and PDR, Taiki and Andrea, the guys are clearly into youtube too and all do their own things in videos rather than just sitting there like Mira's exes.
I think it makes sense not to bring a boyfriend into it because like with Jessica when they broke up she had to basically start her channel over. So it makes sense Sharla didn't want to bring a boyfriend into anything. But she said she'd like for him to be in videos now but he's just not interested.
I think it's fine either way but I personally like seeing their relationships in videos. I'm not really interested in the Japan stuff anymore since I live here but I like watching daily life vlogs with couples. Mimei and PDR are super adorable. It's fun watching PDR be stoic and sarcastic in his videos but then just laugh immediately whenever Mimei shows up. You can see how much he loves being with her. It gives me the feelygoodies. I wish they'd upload more often to their Bacouple channel. Sorry, I'm fangirling a bit.
No. 111392
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Rachel's husband Jun seems to be an American wannabe, he tries way too hard to fit in with the foreign vlogger community. Same goes for texanintokyo Ryosuke who obsesses over white superheros, his favorite is Captain America and he worships him. But he doesn't seem to notice the lack of ethnic men portrayed as a hero or superhero in hollywood.
No. 111412
>>111403>That would be like a white guy obsessing over a Captain Japan which doesn't exist, that would never happenYou mean like a weeaboo?? No white people obsess over anything Japanese, right. It's not like white kids grow up pretending to be samurai or ninja or anything.
Having a favorite superhero isn't a "validation for white acceptance" holy fuck. It's a superhero. Everyone has a favorite superhero. And you didn't even give a reason for Jun. He wants to be white because he has white friends?
Please take this SJW white hate shit back to tumblr.
No. 111446
>>111433It's pretty stereotypical of those white hate blogs.
>The lack of ethnic superheroes in Hollywood is problematic>Foreigners idolize white people but white people would never idolize a foreigner>Validation for white acceptanceThose are all legitimate issues that need to be addressed, but when they're forcefully applied with a condescending attitude to a situation where they're not relevant then it's just a typical SJW rant.
No. 111473
File: 1459150235783.jpg (365.07 KB, 1232x674, gracetexanintokyointerview.jpg)

Grace from texanintokyo's interview, she admits to her privilege of being "very white." No. 111486
>>111482"White" doesn't fucking mean "my skin is the color of snowman cum" it means "I'm Caucasian"
She talks about being a FOREIGNER in that whole picture. Are you retarded?
No. 111489
>>111392Wow, big surprise. The Japanese dudes who are into western shit make friends with/marry white people… have western partners that do the exact same thing with Japan.
It's not some kind of racist-fetish-atrocity that these people are married to each other AND have more than a passing interest in each other's cultures. Contrary to what tumblr would have you think it's possible to have an interest in something culture related without being an appropriating trans ethnic weeb.
Too bad all the j-vloggers are boring/weird and can't change that image though
No. 111491
>>111487"being foreign in Japan" "I am foreign" "because I was foreign" "representative of my country, race and religion"
Get your caretaker to explain what "white" means before you hurt yourself, sweety.
No. 111697
>>111473Other than the "I'm so blessed to be white in Japan" nonsense, I didn't know Grace was so Jesus-y!
"Later in 2011, I interned with Asian Access, a missionary group in rural Japan."
Yikes. The kinds of people that become missionaries are the worst. She also says that her parents "moved to Ghana (West Africa) to teach mathematics and computer science", but I have a feeling she means "spread the word of Jesus to the heathens".
Anyone know if her parents are/were missionaries?
No. 111701
>>111686Well she'd be fucked no matter how she talked about it. If she complained about being treated differently people would tell her to suck it up because she has it way better than most minorities in any other country (including Japan). If she didn't talk about the benefits then people would say she's oblivious to the special treatment she gets. So she talks about both the special treatment and the stresses and people say she's bragging?
Honestly, wtf else do you expect a white person in Japan to say?
This is why I would never want to be a Jvlogger because people flip their shit no matter what you say. I don't know how they put up with it.
No. 111711
>>111403There are white people who idolize black rappers, Japanese anime characters or celebrities, etc.
What are you even saying
No. 111737
>>111718Thanks for the info!
Grace has been hiding the fact that her parents are missionaries, just phrasing it like "they live there". Nowhere on her blog does it mention her history as a missionary (intern) either, at least that I can find.
She probably wouldn't be as popular as she is if she put her religion front and center. But now I feel like she's a liar, even if it was lying by omission.
Anyway, poor Ryosuke! Stuck in that the hyper-Christian Texan family. Sounds like my version of hell.
No. 111771
>>111737She's mentioned having a somewhat religious family before in her videos and she's thanked god before as well, I believe. But she's obviously not THAT hyper-Christian if she's volunteering at Tokyo gay pride events and getting drunk in her videos.
Either way I don't see why it's anyone's business what religion someone is. That shit is private to people. Especially her parents?? Like wtf, why would she talk about her parents? If I was a vlogger I'd keep my family as far as fucking possible from the idiots on the internet.
No. 111935
>>111771She chooses to keep bringing her parents up though. She's mentioned them so many times. She is in Africa now visiting them, posting their pics on her Facebook page. You might not talk about your parents online, but she does. A lot. And she's always been dishonest as to why they are in Ghana.
I guess she's not that Christian herself, but I've never heard her mention her own mission trip.
No. 111953
>>111940OK, sorry you were
Maybe it wasn't worded well, but there is a "level" of Christian, from liberal to evangelical.
Correct me if I'm wrong (born and raised atheist here), but it's the ones closer to the evangelical end that become missionaries, right?
No. 111959
File: 1459216986240.png (1.33 MB, 646x968, tkyogimme.png)

Tkyosam and Gimmeabreakman, all the jvlog weeb white guys are just as cringeworthy as the jvlog girls if not worse. Gimmeabreakman is in his 50s and acts like a teenager and hangs out with jvlog weebs.
No. 112093
>>111959>Gimmeabreakman is in his 50s and acts like a teenager and hangs out with jvlog weebs.I don't actually see what's wrong with that. Do you want him to be hitting you with his Zimmer frame or something?
Everyone his age is probably boring af to him
No. 112110
File: 1459238658893.jpg (116.22 KB, 1280x720, victortomoko.jpg)

Victor/gimmeabreakman in his pedo onesie with Tomoko.
No. 112151
>>112124And no white woman has ever done that?
No. 112159
>>112006Are you
triggered cunt ?
No. 112165
>>112159wow, bomb jokes and "cunt"
so edgy
I bet everyone in your 5th grade class just thinks you're soooo cool
No. 112169
>>112100..Don't you realise everything has exceptions?
>>112101Yes they are creepy af, but people were talking about weebs, so I replied regarding that
>>112153A lot of my friends in Japan do this (both with n without kids)
No. 112362
>>112276 >>112140
>>111941Lol you sound so salty against white women.
What white women vlogger said that Japanese women do all of that BS?
I bet you no one because white women marrying Asian men is way lower than white men marrying Asian women. Of course there are Jap guys that have fetishes for western women but the opposite is way more common. So to say that there are all these white women bragging about there Jap husbands and putting Japanese women down is the biggest BS ever.
Just the same old sexist crap that is aimed at all ethnicities tbh. You could be talking about fucking purple coloured women and say the same shit.
No. 112514
>>112112Kind of annoying how all these guys flock to him tbh. I stopped watching him a lot because his arrogance got annoying.
>>112138Glad someone else remembers that video! When his wife tried to sleep and he was gabbing away, she even nudged him as if to say stfu and go to sleep. But he ignored her.
No. 112568
>>112517lmao wtf.
He's so fucking loud and he says in the comments he wasn't speaking that loud. He literally yells to his wife at about 4:27
No. 112661
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>>112638Here is a picture of him with his wife showing her face:
No. 112681
>>112568Yes Coz big annoying gaijin man asking his little passive Japanese wife of how many years if she wants chicken or pork from 2 metres away is so demeaning. No women deserves that.
You guys are so fucking soft it's laughable.
No. 112718
File: 1459319343964.jpg (63.88 KB, 750x416, image.jpg)

So micaela got herself a man…is she trying to cash in on the AMWF money train?
No. 112783
>>112767>>112769She tags him in like every picture. I didn't even look hard and this one is from 2 years ago. He's a photographer so he's always taking her picture when they travel and stuff. any case, they seem happy together and I'm glad for her that she doesn't have to hide it anymore. Not being able to tell people you're in a relationship sucks balls.
No. 112796
>>112727Her videos are the same way too. "This is my husband!! and he AWESOME because he LOVES ME TEEHEEHEE!"
Watch Grace on 2.5 oyaji's, and you can get a taste of how socially awkward she is.
No. 112802
>>112796I agree. She has to keep mentioning that her husband has muscles which is so cringeworthy that she keeps bragging like it matters or not. She is a big bragger, that is all she seems to do is brag. She seems like the kind of person who wouldn`t share anything with anyone, like a selfish bragger. She even e-begs on her website
Buy me a cup of coffee why does she think she is entitled to have people pay for her coffee? She goes on trips so often with other people`s money already. She and her husband should get real jobs or just ask her rich missionary parents for money. Not ask strangers to buy her stuff.
No. 112804
File: 1459328256295.jpg (154.12 KB, 836x1261, jpstill1.jpg)

>>112802She's just one of those annoying bloggers who is all about "muh writing!! muh articles!!" and thinks she is some amazing author just because she publishes her own books and has a blog. So she thinks she is doing the world a big favor by not having ads on her blogs and still thinks she should be getting paid for her shit writing.
When asked about getting a normal 9-5 job, her response is always "I don't play well with other people! I have to do my own thing!" It's so painful to watch her sit and talk with other people. She's like those weird home school kids who were surrounded by middle aged adults and never learned to communicate with peers. It's such a shame that Hiko kisses her ass so much on his live show, because her comic books really are not good.
No. 112811
>>112804All the jvloggers kiss each other`s ass, it`s their jvlog clique, they all stick together other than quasimodo Mira and Ryan, so not surprised Hiko does that.
I don`t think Grace could get along with middle aged adults anymore than younger people, she acts way too annoying for any older adult to be able to handle. What she means by she doesn`t play well with others is that she is too selfish and full of herself to get along with others.
Yeah her husband and her don`t have any interests to write about so its always the same old subjects like how she makes a living drawing her crappy comics and blogging. There are lots of places in Japan she could see and talk about but she doesn`t do anything hardly on trips when she wastes donated money on the trips. And when she does travel Japan it`s the same Tohoku effected areas, Tokyo and a bit about Hokkaido. Most jvloggers go to the same few places like Grace, and many jvloggers are promoting Fukushima alot lately like Rachel&Jun, texanintokyo, kanadajin3, Sharla, etc. which is nuts.
No. 112829
>>112811Sharla was in Fukushima for a tv show, though, and I don't think R&J went there, but they were in other spots of Tohoku for that travel website.
Chris and Kim Dao were in Fukushima, but again that was for that travel website.
Mira just copies everyone else and picks the same spots they go to to try to ride the popularity wave from their videos.
I haven't been paying attention much so I didn't know Grace went to Fukushima, but I know when she was in Hokkaido that was also because Ryosuke (or her too?) had non-youtube jobs they were doing.
I don't think many of them actually travel for vacations because it always seems like they're doing sponsorships or work when they travel, so they probably don't have a lot of choice where they go. Other than Mira, who like I said just wants to copy everyone else.
No. 113157
File: 1459367444521.png (22.19 KB, 515x136, Screenshot 2016-03-31 at 4.50.…)

>>113062she's insecure as fuck too
No. 113161
File: 1459368112146.png (90.71 KB, 472x270, is this bitch for real.png)

>>112804How long has she been doing this? The art, dialogue, and composition are all awful.
No. 113464
>>113457Typical denial response. Japanese rather
save face than admit Japan is contaminated. How about you research first or actually live in Japan before jumping to the conclusion that everything is a tin foil hat thing. Bet you think McDonald`s food is perfectly healthy. Idiot sheeple.
No. 113474
>>113467 >>113470How is it lame to research things?
And wth about
rising sun motherland what a weeb response.
No. 113483
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No. 113484
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No. 113593
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No. 113632
>>113593she makes everyone look old lol.. also the left gal, is it a tranny?
also einshines voice makes me cringe every time fucking hell
No. 113656
>>113632on the left is mimei lol she always looks greasy
omg kim looks so fucked
No. 113717
>>113684The fade on the pink one looks better than the blue, but this trend is old and for preteens.
These jvloggers are forever 13 weeaboo in tastes anyway so it fits.
No. 113808
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Mimei looked good in her old vids
No. 113819
>>113808>>113593Damn what happened to her? How old is she?
>>113459In one of his videos or in Sharla's idk he said he's not gay. Either way he's unbearable.
No. 114181
File: 1459581600655.jpg (60.34 KB, 750x426, image.jpg)

blatantly plastic tits tho!!!!
I think Jun is waaaay too handsome for rachel…….. I think rachel didnt introduce that ballerina japanese melody girl to him on purpose out of jealousy…. Rachel knows she is Jun's type
No. 114275
File: 1459617919344.jpg (57.65 KB, 1280x720, EGEK3xD.jpg)

shes a fatass grimey twat tbh!
Anyone watch Lindsay and Kohei? I don't think they really vlog like the Sharla/Rachel/Grace circle, but they cover gaming.
I think the guy is okay. The girl is a frumpy snowflake who talks in a fake Japanese accent because tee hee kawaii.
No. 115349
>>114385shit i always thought ingratiating meant extremely irritating
No. 115363
File: 1459877442253.png (458.66 KB, 771x427, pepsidick.png)

photoshop plz
No. 115366
>>114269go back to tumblr or pull; whatever pleases you
you stick out like a monkey's ass, fucking newfag
No. 115385
>>115384mimei? nah i mean mimei has greasy hair but she has tons of followers too. and she has duncan. i mean hes cute. his videos arent horrible. and honestly HE's the only reason she has any following.
on a scale from boring to boring, mimei is more tolerable than sharla i think.
No. 115386
>>115360kims says "ima kill you in your sleep"
but seriously she has like two outfits. mostly ugly sweater dress things (that flatter NO ONE)
No. 115393
>>115312She is extremely average, bordering on ugly due to her unkempt look. How does anyone think she is pretty with her crows feet and giant teeth?
>>115363The videos of their hanami are so awkward. They all seem like they don't want to be there. There is no chemistry between them at all. They only made these videos for the views. I guess they were too "famous" to go to the regular YouTube hanami event.
No. 115766
>>115734I wouldn't be surprised, she used to have a million videos about shopping at lizlisa and lizlisa hauls.
She looks so much better in 'normal' fashion. Her fukubukuro vids showed her getting some pretty nice normal pieces and she shrugged them off as them not being her style and they really suited her.
No. 115797
>>115346This video was so annoying, I just stopped a few minutes in.
"does it taste like sakura"
"i hope it tastes like sakura"
No. 117128
File: 1460299038515.jpeg (389.78 KB, 2048x1359, image.jpeg)

Just popping in to point out Grace's nasty chest mole.
No. 117556
>>117522Wow not taking a shower everyday
So disgusting
No. 117700
>>117522I remember I used to be like that back in high school.
After high school I started showering everyday. What a surprise, my hair looks the healthiest it's ever been.
Wouldn't be surprised if she's into the whole "No Poo" thing.
No. 117986
>>101658I prefer Einshine rather than Anime Man tbh but both of them are creepy. Like, dude, now I understand why you're single. He's rude, creepy and a huge weeb. His entire fanbase are under age girls that imagine him as the cool senpai straight from a shojo, but he's not that.
I agree Venus video wasn't a great idea, but it's based on her facial features. She's not assuming all asians look like that. I've seen tutorials from asian girls on how to look hafu and how to look like a european girl, and that doesn't offend me. If he's going to nit pick, he should also make fun of asians dyeing their hair blonde, whitening their skin, getting surgery to look less asian and using light colored circle lenses. Because to me that's trying to look like a foreign person, or at least a half one. And know what? I don't care if that Vanilla Chamu did surgery to 'look french'. I don't think she assumes all French people look like how she looks now. I don't care if they use cl and wigs to look less japanese. Why does Einshine care if weebs wanna look like the girls in shojos and japanese magazines? Does this affect him?
He acts like he's blessed to be 'hafu', and being hafu allows him to be a supreme weeb that tells everybody to kill themselves.
He reminds me of Sasha kek
No. 120262
File: 1460772030799.jpg (49.47 KB, 440x589, kat.jpg)

Is this Kat/Nyansai or the fuck is her username? The voice she uses to sound cute in Einshine's videos makes me wanna kill her lmao It reminds me of Venus faking her voice to sound cute. She doesn't sound cute, she sounds dumb.
No. 120263
>>120262yea thats her
her and shine live together apparently and are like "siblings"
No. 120425
>>120262I think the voice she uses is pretty annoying too.
If that pic is her, ngl, she does seem pretty cute.
Is it just me who assumed she was Japanese? Idk, I felt like that because she speaks sorta weirdly, most weeby girls I've come across are hardcore attention whores, and it seems like Japanese people value their privacy.
>>120277It's mostly because he (and other yters) uses the urban dictionary definition of weeaboo where someone is only a weeaboo if they hate their own culture, disrespect Japanese culture, think they know everything about Japan, and try/pretend to be Japanese.
Though, if we're going by that definition, Venus isn't a weeb either.
No. 121064
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>>121044Come on, dude. Half of her face is covered by the mask.
No. 121076
>>121064is that actually her or is this just an example?
because if it's just an example, Just because she wants to hide her identity doesn't mean shes bad looking?
No. 121156
>>121076anon just means that masks hide a lot of your features. You'd have to be butt fucking ugly to still look like a gremlin with a mask on.
>>121093Anon, have you heard about our lord and savior jesus christ?
Missionaries. Your answer is missionaries.
No. 121717
>>121093And other continents are diease free?
No. 121791
File: 1461014058922.png (341.46 KB, 439x455, aldskfja.png)

what an ugly couple these two make
No. 121822
>>121795Poor grace got her fee-fees hurt
Go write some more on your blog about how different and special you are for marrying a ~foreigner~
No. 121958
>>121791This pic looks filtered to shit. Would hate to see the original.
More of Grace getting her fees fees hurt: mean, there are many more things to criticize her for than her super spehsul AMWF marriage :/
No. 122002
File: 1461080185655.jpg (30.09 KB, 317x292, 0ENlmP.jpg)

Anyone who has seen pictures of sharla's boyfriends pictures can confirm if this is him? Not a very clear screenshot but I snagged it form one of her videos she uploaded it last year. The clip she added in made her appear to be rushing to get her camera out to record this guy, when she could had edited it out, but didn't. I'm also a little suspicious because he looks korean and some posts have said that her boyfriend is indeed korean.
No. 122156
File: 1461113887870.jpeg (186.35 KB, 750x899, image.jpeg)

This sharla fan art tho
Im crying
No. 122171
>>121998I agree with above anon.
It's annoying.
No. 122233
File: 1461137930741.png (133.8 KB, 512x427, Screenshot 2016-04-20 at 4.37.…)

Sharla is such a fucking Koreaboo lol
No. 122542
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Cool kids
No. 122543
File: 1461237063580.jpeg (202.69 KB, 750x1191, image.jpeg)

Oh look a koreaboo version of grace
Shitty comics included
No. 125054
>>124914The reason I hate vloggers is because they make Japan out to be some MAGIC FANTASY LAND of the IMPOSSIBLE MAGICAL THINGS. Japan is nice but come on, it isn't
that nice. Nor is it magical.
Seriously, they try to make Japan sound so crazy. It is probably different from many places but they try to make it more than it really is and it's so annoying.
No. 125275
>>124914>>125054i know right.
its even more annoying considering japan has a conbini on every street corner practically. theres nothing special about it but everyone acts like its a unicorn.
and still these jvolggers fans EAT IT UP. the thirst is real.
No. 125430
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piggy piggy
No. 125648
File: 1461860552472.jpg (204.28 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)

Found graces FB
No. 125663
>>125648grace dresses like a sunday school teacher
victor reminds me of some actor i cant remember who tho?
No. 127470
File: 1462356065696.png (935.97 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Pseudo model
No. 127484
>>127481calm down rachel.
explain why there are about 10 pictures like this in the past 2 days
No. 127522
File: 1462374629052.jpg (59.47 KB, 438x604,…)

So I scrolled through Grace's fb and a public post from 2007 popped up (2015-2008 are all private so it came up quickly) - her anime art, which even factoring out her age when she drew these, is still better than the art in her comics.
Also, weeb confirmed.
This pic had the caption:
"Um this is like sum sort of serial killer person that you'd see stalking someone…
i dunno, blame foxie!!! he mad me watch the stupid Solid Snake thingie!!!!"
No. 127526
File: 1462374826817.jpg (38.62 KB, 453x604, 10400284_12634950643_112_n.jpg)

I don't know if anyone gives a shit, but I'll upload this one and one more of Grace's old weeb art.
No. 127527
File: 1462374978566.jpg (49.28 KB, 453x604,…)

Also, I hate that the her fb profile pic is the one with her chest mole hanging out. I know one of y'all said that it looks normal, but I beg to disagree. If anyone of you has a mole like that, get thyself to a doctor to remove it.
No. 127593
File: 1462388998282.jpg (117.92 KB, 750x640, image.jpg)

Why is her nose so bulby and ugly tho? The rest of her face is great but that mole needs to be removed and that nose needs to b fixed
No. 127599
File: 1462389453620.jpg (206.03 KB, 640x546, 16-05-04-20-15-52-940_deco.jpg)

>>127593She would look pretty nice with a different nose
No. 127603
>>127593the fuck do you mean "why"? because that's how she was born
people like you are so boring. get over yourself and find some actual milk to talk about
No. 127604
Rola is part japanese and
>>127603Bitch i can talk about watever the fuck i want so eat a big diseased dick
No. 127658
>>127648Hunty always sounds so pretentious
Girls who say it always think they're dropping SLAYY YASS QUEEN truth bombs or whatever, but actually they're just being an unnecessary dick whilst copying a catchphrase
OT but still
No. 127662
>>127470>>127485>>127512Salt levels are high today kek
If I could look like that in a pic I'd post 100 of them, fuck the haters.
No. 127705
File: 1462407420878.jpg (157.4 KB, 1024x706, image.jpg)

>>127662Here comes the fatties to whitenight or is rachel herself
No. 127771
>>127749Anon why do you keep telling people who disagree with you to eat a dick? Ignore it and grow up.
I swear PULLtards are coming in hoards and don't know how to post.
No. 128667
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>>127593>>127599I tried to pitu and cymera her nose away but I made her uncanny valley mj tier. I wish she'd learn how to do her makeup at least though.
No. 128738
File: 1462749896275.jpg (95.83 KB, 750x640, 1462388998282.jpg)

>>127593She needs smaller lens, she looks bug eyed
Also her face is really long
No. 128929
>>128868Anon, that video was pretty bad.
> going full retard wearing loose jewelry out to the jungleDumb as a bag of rocks, but she's sort of pretty, as long as she doesn't smile with her teeth.
No. 128991
>>127605I know. But she promotes herself as 'half' to the point that everyone regards her as such, rather than 'quarter'. Wonder what Einshine and Anime Man would think of this kek.
No. 129818
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holy shit mimei is so greasy in taylors last vlog, what happened
No. 129827
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No. 130206
>>113466> virtual anime girlfriend that he shows frequently on his videos he calls her Kati lold because this is so believable but no kat is real lol
her fake voice is annoying though and idk its kind of refreshing i guess that she doesnt show her face online but its also kind of annoying. i wanna see it!! lol
No. 130269
>>129818She was so annoying in Taylors vlog.
No. 130440
>>130206I found some photos of her, they don't show her whole face but is just her hand covering some of it rather than the face mask.
From what I see she just looks like a typical skinny White girl.
No. 130451
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>>130206>>130440yea average girl if you ask me
No. 130453
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>>130321so close. so close…
No. 130633
Einshine is seriously a spazz. Thats why everyone loves him. Almost 1 million subs. Damn
No. 131785
>>129818i genuinely believe mimei gave up on her hair. i watched a video (about 1-2 ago) and she mentioned that her subscribers had been commenting on her greasy looking hair and she explained that no matter how much she washes her hair and styles it, it always looks greasy. in that video she also got a fresh dye job. (it was pink ends if that helps you and you want to see it lol) obviously she could be lying about it, but since she went to the salon that day, her hair looked hella normal.
that's the only thing, besided her annoying accent when speaking Japanese, i don't like about her videos.
No. 131786
>>131785my phone is so rude.
• 1-2 years ago.
• besides
No. 131858
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"Damn, I have to interview this japanese beauty guru and forgot to wash up. Should I just go jump in the shower? Nah, fam will be cool with it"
No. 131945
>>131785> no matter how much she washes her hair and styles it, it always looks greasymaybe someone should tell her thats the problem
overwashing greasy hair actually causes over production of oils.
it takes awhile to retrain the hair, but not washing so much might help
No. 132383
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>>132364In Japan it isn't strange for women to eat as little as possible. It's not even pro-ana, it's just culturally a thing.
No. 132429
>>132383shes not japanese though
that pic though… i feel so bad for women to have these expectations
>>132334idk she does look pretty slim
No. 132431
>>132334also does she have some weird lisp thing like shines?
"is buhns! " = it burns ?
No. 132432
>>132431a puhple cabbage!
it huhts!
No. 132516
>>132484I want to know this too!
I remember he used to have a video where he was reacting to google images or smth an some picture of his brother came up and he made fun of it or laughed at it or whatever and his mom pretty much yelled at him to edit the video and blur out what the picture was. its so confusing and i want the damn milk already lol
No. 132528
>>132490Probably just wants to lose weight and needs a non shallow reason.
She can see that Taylor's diet whatever it is, is keeping her thin.
Compared to Mimei and Taylor, she's larger. Plus she is engaged. Maybe she wants to be smaller for her wedding day.
Or maybe she really is into for ethical reasons. Who knows. But newly converted vegans tend to be overzealous.
No. 132533
>>132528Valid reasons but damn why do people assume vegan = healthy or diet friendly?
In the video, she ate fried shit and sugary desserts…. All vegan but not exactly nutrtious
No. 132535
>>132383All these women are less than 98lb
Mildly disturbing
Not saying im the holy grail of japanese knowledge but all my japanese friends think these are way too skinny and not normal women
If youve ever been to japan youll see girls of all sizes. Being this thin, just like in the west, is one of those rare cases tbh
No. 132654
>>132490this video was 100% percent depressing
even though its titled "my crappy day" it got to a point, just like why are you even filming things. she looks dead ass tired and like shes been crying and got nothing good to say and the highlight of the day is going to costco…
No. 132659
>>132490Her symptoms sound like when I was pregnant. Lol
I predict a "Pregnant in JAPAN" video in 3ish months.
That eyeliner doesn't do anything for her round eyes, it makes her look creepy. Honestly the only thing I like about Sharla is her eyebrows. Either way she looks like shit in this video.
No. 132684
>>132678its not made always with eggs tho?
and maybe she means straight up eggs/omelette gross her out
No. 132743
need to eat meat in their diet. Dogs, hamsters, fish and other pets don't. So if a veg*n gets a cat, they either:
1) feed it a veg*n diet and are slowly killing it
2) feed it meat, which, if they are an ethical veg*n, is completely hypocritical since they're literately killing animals for their own benefit.
There are plenty of people who go veg
n just because it can be healthy and that's fine and dandy, but honestly these online personas just do it to hop on the sugoi speshuaru snowflake bandwagon. Sharla will be just like Taylor, saying she's vegn just to preach on camera and boost her ego and then go binge on bacon off-camera right afterwards.
No. 132787
>>132785Yep that one.
>puréed sweet potato, puréed brown rice, sprouted organic tofu, chia seeds, and digestive enzymesThis douchebag's dog eats (ate? who knows what happened to the poor thing) more high-end expensive shit than I do
No. 132792
>>132758I'm a practical person, not a crazed organic fruitarian or a SJW tumblrina.
Yes, feeding dogs a vegetarian diet is not easy, vegan even less so. But with enough research and care-taking it is possible since dogs are omnivorous and not carnivorous (like cats).
But yeah, there are crazy people out there who project their lifestyles on others, which sucks.
Some simple reading material regarding dogs and a vegetarian diet:
It is true that dogs belong to the order Carnivora, but they are actually omnivores. The canine body has the ability to transform certain amino acids, the building blocks or protein, into others, meaning that dogs can get all the amino acids they need while avoiding meat.
Being a lacto-ovo vegetarian does not present many nutritional challenges for people or for dogs. In fact, eggs have the highest biological value of all the protein sources commonly used in pet foods. The biological value of a protein measures its ability to supply the individual amino acids that an animal needs. Eggs are an excellent source of protein for dogs. Even veganism — consuming a diet that does not include any animal products — though a little trickier, is possible for dogs. The right balance of different plant-based sources of protein (e.g., beans, corn, soy and whole grains) can still provide the needed amino acids."For dogs, certainly vegetarian and vegan diets can be done, but they need to be done very, very carefully. There is a lot of room for error, and these diets probably are not as appropriate as diets that contain at least some animal protein," Heinze says. No. 132853
>>132792So it's
theoretically possible for a dog to eat vegan and not become horribly malnourished. Most people however are dumbasses and will kill their pet by giving them nothing but organic sprouted hippie tofu.
Again, if you don't want to feed your pet meat, get a rabbit or a bird.
No. 133465
>>133454I don't want to watch the vid, but why would you buy the fucking cat if you and your fiancé had a fight over buying it?
also, not eating foods that have even the tiniest of animal products because you don't support how they are treated and then buying animals from shops that aren't treated well…hypocritical much? but she got what she wanted, so whatever. would she have bought a dog with a deformity? or hell, even a mixed breed cat?
No. 133483
>>133465I doubt it. I'm pretty sure she's mentioned before that Scottish Folds are her favorite breed so why would she wanna buy a mutt or mixed breed.
When she was tweeting about her feelings "boohoo i wanna adopt but pet shops are evil", Micaela gave her valid reasons why she shouldn't purchase from pet stores ,especially if she knows this cat is gonna have health problems. and what does she go and do? lol
No. 133702
>>133700this poster
>>133494 said that her and a friend are gonna split the bill costs. and someone on twitter asked sharla is she was gonna set up a fundraiser for the cat and sharla said if she runs out of money she will consider it.
No. 133745
>>133729If they are both rational people, I doubt they'll split over something like this. Couples fight all the time, even if it's over stupid shit.
But yes, if she had her friend help buy out the cat, and is splitting vet bills, they really should have never bought the poor thing in the first place. They're only making things worse.
No. 133761
>>133702I'll put money on sharla eventually taking the cat in the end.
I don't get the fucking fundraiser though. I can kind of understand the one Rachel and Jun started, because the poor thing was tarred, starving, had a broken leg, and his tail was barely held onto his body. Why would you knowingly spend so much money on a cat (pet stores in Japan are NOT cheap, no matter how much of a 'deal' you get) and then turn around and beg people for money to pay for its medical bills?
I feel so bad for Sharlas future husband. Imagine your wife going out and blowing so much money because she's a crazy cat lady who has to "OMG SAVE THE KITTIES OF THE WORLD!! "
No. 134044
>>133454what a condescending smug little bitch
she just assumes some old employee is the manager, and acts like a cunt because he doesn't really know in detail about some disease a cat has. It's a PET SHOP, not a fucking zoo. poor guy is probably just there for a paycheck
imagine working in a pet shop and seeing this fat crybaby wide faced gaijin who keeps picking a fight with you and acting snobby because she is some savior vegan that cares about the welfare of every fucking cat in the world.
No. 134332
>>134266This is basically Sharla's cat. I know they're splitting the cost. Maybe it's me, but I'd be slightly offended with that video if I was her friend.
Mostly with: I explained the situation. I told the vet she was 2 and half months old. I might take her somewhere else to get a second opinion. I asked him to give her x rays. I asked if there's any supplements we could start her on. Vet recommended a book I should purchase. He should me where I could buy it. I wanted them to listen to her breathing.
What? I'm sure Sharla thinks she knows all about Scottish folds and maybe her friend never owned a pet before. I just wouldn't appreciate the vibe of 'it's my cat' Sharla was giving off
No. 134350
>>134335From what she said on twitter, she watches the kitten when her friend goes to work, so the kitten is at her house during the day.
It is basically her cat if she's the one spending the most time with it. I feel bad for the husband lol.
No. 134376
>>134350and you can tell Sharla stayed several nights at her friends house just to watch the kitten when her friend was at WORK, not even on holiday or gone for several days. Kittens that age can be left alone just fine as long as you put them in a room where they can't get into shit and leave their food and water in an easily accessible place. It's not a 1 week old newborn that needs to be bottle fed kitten formula.
Imagine your fiancé springing that on you. "Sorry not gonna be home tonight. babysitting the kitten you said I couldn't get. Have fun by yourself xoxo"
No. 135372
>>134921ok unless she got kicked out of her place suddenly (lmao imagine her husbando got fed up already) she probably
didnt bring only one pair of clothes.
if anything i would point out her 'weeb trash' aesthetic is stronger than usual
video unrelated:
mimei complaining about having no money yet goes and buys $60 of packaged vegan food. yeah i know it sucks to work and come home and have to cook but if you have no money you shouldnt be buying $10 packs of vegan burgers and egg rolls wtf
No. 135477
>>135474its the new and edgy kawaii
they wanna turn the japs into vegans
No. 135568
>>135487if they stood up for themselves or whatever you expect them to do, it would just give gaijin an even worse reputation probably.
those people would tell their friends "not only did these three inhumane gaijin take a bunch of pictures in the cafe, they had the nerve to say something to us!"
No. 135579
>>135487Taylor can't even read english words in katakana without her manager, what makes you think she knows conversation?
Also, racism is unavoidable in Japan. Even if you can stand up for yourself and it will just cause more problems and not fix the original one. This is why sane people don't worship Japan.
No. 135622
>>135487I think it's funny how jvloggers are so desensitized to how weird they look when they are all just focusing on their cameras that they don't realize how annoying they might come off as.
also lol at "It's not like we are dressed weirdly or anything!", as your chubby 30 year old friend wears a hot pink shirt with animu drawings all over it
No. 135625
>>135623Nope. I am too anon, Yuta he's called (one on the right) and he keeps making videos about "Being mixed race in Japan?" and "Do Japanese guys/girls like _____ girls/guys?" and it's gross.
I know some people (weebs) need validation to know the Japanese race finds them attractive and fuckable (visa material thus house waifu) but it's getting annoying. All he ever makes videos about is mixed Japanese or who people want to date or something involving race. This cunt is obsessed.
No. 135637
>>135487I think they handled it quite well. Causing a bigger scene would make it worse and sadly other Japanese will never side with gaijin.
lol I noticed Taylor too, making dumb faces at the camera while Sharla looked pissed.
No. 135651
>>135622This. Even though I do think the Japanese people were being really rude, I kinda can't blame them for it since they were bringing attention to themselves. If I was in that situation, I probably wouldn't say anything rude around them, but I'd definitely be curious about it and try to keep my distance from them out of fear of being recorded.
>>135634Kim can speak Japanese. I remember she did a vlog with SekineRisa a while back and they spoke Japanese together.
>>135637I think so as well.
No. 135652
>>135637Taylor busy posing and in her own selfish world while they're being shit on was comical.
They know that most Japanese people don't want to be recorded but have cameras out without explanation anyway. Next time they should signal that they're only recording themselves and only their voices when sitting next to others in a tight space.
The whole world shouldn't have to adjust to vloggers being obnoxious or entitled to spaces. Both sides were in the wrong in this case but the racist ones were more wrong.
No. 135717
>>135715do all Australians sound like her?
she says 'other' like 'udder'
No. 135718
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somehow her hair looks good here.
this pink/brown ombre looks way better than her straight black to pink she's got going on now
No. 135723
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No. 135729
>>135719Look at the texts mira posted. Yeah she deleted a bunch but you can still see a lot of Sharla's tone and it is quite bitchy and gossipy. tbh I think she would post actively on here if she wasn't in the jvlogging community if she doesn't post here already.
>>135723>>135724Boohoo Sharla. You know that's what people are going to say and what they were saying wasn't even mean. I only really keep up with Sharla and Taylor and even I noticed every other fucking jvlogger is going vegan/suddenly coming up with 'health issues' that makes them magically picky as fuck with food.
No. 135753
>>135642Nobody normal would feel comfortable seeing foreign weirdos film in a restaurant. People around must feel conforted.
They shouldn't talk shit about them out loud, ok that's rude, but these weeaboos shouldn't expect people are perfectly comfortable with their cameras either, esp when they don't explain what exactly are they filming. I know I wouldn't be able to relax thinking how they might record me, even if it's only on the microphone.
And that's not what racism is lol. Kim Dao, as Asian, should know this. It's not about a race, what a clickbait.
It's because their actions are screaming Foreigner!
No. 135758
>>135753but they commented on how kim dao was korean and should go back home to her own country that's racist.
>>135643 taylor clearly didnt understand what they were saying thats why sharla was translating for her. She hardly looked vapid more like a nervous or even a annoyed smile. Did we all watch the same video?
No. 135766
>>135758>"However there have been times where people would say racist things such as "Go back to Korea" (when I'm not even Korean) to me."This is last sentence from description box under this "Racism" video. She's not talking about event from few days ago when she went out with Taylor and Sharla and full cinema equipment, she's just randomly mentioning some other "times".
No. 135774
>>135766Oh shit must have gotten things confused, i am really tired sorry anons
>>135769 sharla is definetly afraid of confontration which is why she smack talked rachel (even though sharla "apparently" was bothered by it)with mira without telling her to stop. And then went behind miras back and showed rachel the texts so she could deal with it instead. I'm no fan of miranda she is crazy but i just hate shady bitches (sharla) like that they have no sense of loyalty towards anyone.
No. 135781
Just imagine three gaijins sitting only on one side of the table when it is spacious enough for them to sit face to face, lining their plates and taking photos of them all before eating, then sipping and making faces on the camera while the food is there getting cold. Forget that they're Jvloggers. Now what do you get? A bunch of annoying little girls with cameras.
>>135724Oh does it really hurt that much, Sharla Butthurt HInskens? But it's true, topkek.
No. 135835
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>>135761kim is vietnamese. and yes, japanese (and other asians) can be racist towards other asians
No. 135836
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>>135753yea if you watch the hanami video or the youtube 100k party video, or any video where multiple vloggers meetup, it just looks so bizarre. they're not even having normal social interactions. they are just dicking around on their phones and cameras, and only met up to stroke each others egos
No. 135839
>>135837because she stayed the fuck away from tokyo all this time
she's doing her own thing in fukuoka and i dont really see anything wrong with her
No. 135840
>>135652I knoooow. kek
She also just thought the people were drunk (that's what she says when Sharla is already pissed). She really doesn't understand anything and it's painfully obvious. Of course it is harder to understand people talking far away and more rapidly than you are used to, but still… I see no evidence anywhere that she knows Japanese beyond the most basic level (if even that). That makes her participation in that drama even more bizarre.
No. 135855
>>135836I noticed this too, they're not interacting with each other the way friends do. They're so busy trying to make themselves look good.
>>135838Everything she does is pre-planned and staged that there isn't anything spontaneous or interesting. How many more shopping, grocery or eating out in Japan videos can one do before all out of ideas? Japan has so much more to offer.
No. 135857
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it's so awkward seeing Taylor and Sharla hanging out together. Taylor just goes on and on about how great and healthy her food is, and Sharla goes along with it saying "omg yes lemon water and veggie bowls!!" You know that girl downs a whole row of ~100% vegannnnn~ Oreos every night.
It's also funny seeing how frumpy and old Sharla looks on other peoples vlogs. I mean, Taylor isn't drop dead gorgeous or anything, but she makes Sharla look like a potato next to her.
No. 135858
>>135857Wtf is Taylor even wearing
And ugh at Sharla and her weeb t-shirts
No. 135859
>>135724lmao at Sharla feeling ~
triggered~ after less than a week of being vegan
No. 135864
>>135863Also not racism, xenophobia. And possibly not even that, just 3 disgruntled people who got annoyed at people filming everything (which is pretty unusual in Japan…).
idk, I'm white in Japan, and people complaining about "racism" piss me off. "People ask me where I'm from all the time, this would never happen in the US!!!" - have you ever spoken to a non-white person in a predominantly white country?! "People assume I don't speak Japanese" - most white people in Japan don't, Japanese people cannot distinguish between tourists and foreigners living in Japan. It's just blablabla, feeling sorry for themselves.
No. 135866
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>>135858and kim was saying
"we were dressed completely normal!"
(well she was. sharla… um…)
No. 135867
>>135857wow that pic is rough.
idk about any of you but i cringe so hard when i watch sharla's eating videos. you know she is so into whatever she's eating, not even thinking
No. 135936
>>135857Who knew a potato & broomstick would make such good frenemies
Sharla Went vegan because she just wants to emulate said broomstick look Taylor has, doubt its because of some deep existential crisis (too bad it'll never work though, since it takes actual discipline to control overall calories consumed)
It's just a fad, just trying to be part of the "in" crowd, no deeper than dyed hair ends.
No. 135938
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This isn't really relevant but Sharla is apparently going to Korea in July
No. 135940
>>135936you can tell that Sharla and mimei want to be her so bad, being able to afford vegan stuff and having a decent face and body. Taylor does these big ~vegan food hauls~ and the next thing you know mimei is complaining in her latest vlog about how expensive her vegan food haul was
Tbh, I am already tired of this vegan thing. ever since Sharla announced it she hasn't stopped mentioning that everything she is eating is vegan.
>>135938she always goes to korea. she claims to love everything Korean, yet only goes to Seoul kek. just like all of those jvloggers who never leave Tokyo. she thinks wearing ~faux gangster gdragon clothes~ and Korean fashion suits her. She is such a koreaboo lol
No. 135942
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I want to fucking punch the vegan out of this bitch.
No. 135946
>>135940Posers, the lot of them. I don't agree with veganism in general, but i can respect the real ones who dont push their shit into everyone's faces, like these faux bitches are.
Mimei trying to emulate Taylor's diet, Forgets the latter is a rich bitch spending daddy's money.
Funny Sharlaloves Korea though, probably the most vapid & superficial culture to exist… kinda like her. She likes the taste of Korean dick too, probably going there to sample her exes
No. 135947
>>135938Probably going because her fiance/husband is Korean.
>>135642About the "racism"…yeeeeah, if some drunk 40-somethings saying "what are they doing?" ruins your night, you need to grow some thicker skin. That situation easily could have been shut down with a quick "Oh, we're ~famous~ youtubers, sorry! We're only recording us!" in Japanese, which would have stopped any badmouthing (because you're showing that you know Japanese so they won't say shit anymore) and answered their main question. Because it's reeeeally not normal to be vlogging in such a small space, and as some of you mentioned it's really not good to be filming people without permission in Japan, which they may have been worried about. I mean, the drunks invited the vloggers for a drink at the end of the night so I think they were more curious than anything, even if it came out xenophobic.
(And sorry, I don't trust any of their Japanese levels so I don't think they said "they're not human", at least not with the tone that these girls are claiming ;; )
>>135942Holy fuck. I'm waiting for the inevitable slide back to omnivore tbh.
No. 135948
>>135947She hides the fact she likes the Korean dick because she's worried her diehard weaboo fans will ostracize her. Only a Korean guy would wife up a 30 something wall hitting fatty. Japanese guys actually have higher standards lol
Aye any opportunity bitches get to play the victim, they'll fucking put it into a video and let it known to the world. Entitled western bitches thinking they own the world.
No. 135951
>>135947You're right, if they said something substantial and direct in polite in Japanese that likely would have stopped the shit talking. Because they what, proved their Japanese by ordering chocolate cake and other western food in Japanese? Saying "arigato"? Saying "I know Japanese" and not following up? Yeah, lame.
>>135719100% agree. It's getting mor obvious these days.
No. 135960
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>>135942lmao at sharla's crybaby tweet
"why are peopel so annoyedddd by meeee gaizzzzz!!?"
and this reply
No. 135962
>>135836This fucks me up, like I understand YouTube is their job but put the fucking camera down for 5 minutes and talk to each other like normal people.
>>135838I get the impression she's desperate for friends. It's kind of sad seeing her put in so much effort and Sharla doesn't really care lmao
No. 135967
>>135868>>135875They're definitely not short for content. They just don't understand that Japan has things outside of Tokyo that aren't onsen and a few 'traditional' villages.
As far as I remember I've literally never seen a jvlogger go to a beach in Japan. And they look fucking gorgeous, that would be one of the first places I'd try to visit if I was ever there.
No. 136027
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No. 136032
>>136029I don't think she's gained weight
I just think she has always been this chubby and tried to hide it with angles
No. 136053
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fuck this gay earth
No. 136056
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holy shit she is ugly as fuck
No. 136062
>>135942Too bad Sharla will miss dairy based foods and go back to being ~fat~.
Also when is she going to get rid of her animal cruel-based makeups?
No. 136093
>>136056This filter makes me laugh. How many times did shw swipe her finger under her eyes in app to errase those black underwye circles? So in the end it just looks like ugly makeup haha
>>136065Good point, I wanna know that too
No. 136107
Long male (horse) face.
Makeup like a tranny.
No. 136126
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>>136032>>136029this video is from 2 years ago. looks way slimmer here. not that it matters. she's probably just gaining relationship weight
No. 136253
>>136233fatty much?
it doesnt even take effort. you literally just have to not eat as much
No. 136262
>>136192Your metabolism slowing down is an actual thing.
At a certain age most people have to start making life style changes (like going to the gym and eating healthier) to keep their weight down. When I was younger I could be as lazy as I wanted, now I have to actually make an effort.
No. 136279
>>136265>At least google it before you start talking out of your ass.??? what is there even to google
even when your metabolism slows down, its usually not by more than a couple hundred calories, so eat that much less. problem solved
mad fats and/or sharla detected
No. 136286
>>136233Holy shit, her face is really unfortunate
It's so weird seeing how skinny she was with a huge head
No. 136312
but you can gain some weight as you age and not look gross if you just lift weight/exercise even just a little bit. you'll look less flabby.
No. 136319
>>136314The thing is that sharla isn't exactly doing much with her life. She's engaged and such but what does she even do all day? Sit with the cat that's not even hers,make an ass of herself with her ~vegan~ jvlogger friends and passive aggressively responding to comments about how she doesn't shut up about being vegan? She's not exactly a career woman and she doesn't have a family of her own (yet) Some of you guys act like she has such a busy life when she's showed in her vlogs she clearly doesn't. It's weird.
Weight aside though, she still looks pretty good in the face for 30.It's just compared to Taylor that she looks like she's 'let herself go'. Even in her bra video she mentioned that she was like 36/38 around the ribcage, so it's not like like she was ever super skinny and just ballooned. Taylor's a model, even though she fucked up her face and looks like a hamster nowadays, she still is tall and slim, anyone would look like shit next to her.
No. 136383
>>136359she studied it in high school, probably was exchange student. i think she went to college in canada and did study abroad in japan. then went to japanese university
can you say money
No. 136488
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>>136415Her lips make her look like a dragqueen
No. 136502
>>136333She has "translated" ONE movie so far. I'd assume that she'd be working for maybe two weeks on one, and then having a long break between gigs. It just wouldn't be necessary for her to be on set everyday. A cool job for sure, but not a steady one. She has more free time than an average person for sure.
>>136388According to her management profile Came for high school at 17 (1 year?)
- Two years on a Working Holiday visa in Iwate (Canada currently only has a one-year WH visa, so I'm assuming that second year was actually a working visa? But if she hadn't graduated from university at that point she couldn't have been sponsored for one, as she lacked both the education requirements and experience requirements. Maybe Canada's WH was two years back then? Or she was secret married too kek)
- Back to Japan in September 2011 and graduated university in September 2014 (at 28/29).
- And I'm guessing she's on an entertainment visa sponsored by her office now for the past 1.5-2 years.
So that's only (at most) 8 years in Japan. Micaela announced recently that she's been in Japan for ten-years, but I didn't see Sharla announce the same thing? if she did, she was rounding up by quite a bit.
No. 136518
>>136513Micaela is believable though. I think that she only went back to Canada for a year between her exchange in high school (2005) and coming back on WH visa. Unless she's gone back other than that, it's been 10 years this year.
Also, fucking Sharla is liking tweets saying that she hopes she can quit her management office soon. Have some professionalism ffs. I really can't with her. No. 136559
>>136314i work 50 hours a week, married, and im 26. so my life isnt exactly empty and im not young.
its not impossible or even that hard, surprised how many people are defensive over this.
its not even about my 'jean size' as much as staying healthy and eating well and exercising because i want to feel good, and looking good just comes with it.
No. 136581
>>136513Ok quit being an autist about it tho
Theyve both spent more time in japan than canada in the last ten years so its really nothing to bug out over
No. 136605
>>136581Stop white knighting for Sharla. 10 years is not the same as 8 years, full stop. She was clearly trying to look like an authority on Japan/make herself look ~special~ by rounding 2-3 years up.
>>136174I would respect her a lot more if she said "I'm going vegan to save teh animals etc. AND lose weight". Because that would show that she cares about her body and would be honest imo. It's not a bad thing to want to lose weight. It's not a bad thing to want to keep the weight. But when you make a shift from normal eating to vegan seemingly in a day like she did, everyone can tell something's up.
No. 136612
>>136605are you serious though? do you know how petty you sound?
>8 years is not 10its 8 more years than you spent in japan, so i dont know what crawled up your ass
No. 136633
>>136612I'm actually living in Japan. Not as long as her though. (and I'm not the anon who wrote
>>136513 , though I agree with the sentiment)
So that is kind of the reason it bothers me that she rounded up. Lot's of foreigners here tend to use their time in Japan as social leverage.
Petty sure, but I'm quite annoyed with her these days.
No. 136647
>>136633Social posturing against other gaijin, only thing alot of these fools have.
You'd think being there for 8 years, Sharla would be alot more cultured than her bland Vancouver Island beginnings.
When she says she's been there 10 years, what she really means is she has been there for 1 year, 8 times. other's spending similar time she has would've been far past the honeymoon period.
I'd rather be an autist with a penchant for details, than some excuse making twat who couldn't see the truth if it were thrown in their face
No. 136682
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So apparently Grace is going to be on ninja warrior. So she made it through but her agile and fit non-gaijin husband did? They must have been desperate to have a foreigner on the show.
No. 136820
>>136683So she can be known as "Sharla the Umeboshi Girl"
>>136729White Anglo countries dont seem to have a very rich historical or cultural background. When you look deeply, they're boring and bland. It makes them more susceptible to being weaboos because its almost too easy to fill that void with a developed culture that spans back 2000 years.
No. 137110
>>137091it was a pretty good video but taylor shitted it up with her
> you shouldnt comment on someones physical appearance unless they are hurting someone or hurting your moralswrong answer silly
you shouldnt comment on someones physical appearance for any reason lmao
No. 137112
>>137091taylor is the last person that should be in this video
she fucked it up so badly oh my god
> (to mimei) its not like youre trying to be a model. well, i am. its like my career but um.. sidetracks, fails No. 137120
I bet Taylor thought Mimei was gross
No. 137146
>>137143Don't know what you're on about.
Taylor is younger than the majority of jvloggers.
I don't think she really has to try too hard. You sound salty af.
No. 137325
>>136330In this video she bought chicken and fish and then complained that she couldn't read Japanese to figure out if shit was vegan.
The way she speaks is kind of annoying too.
No. 137345
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>>137325breaking a huge taboo already lolol
No. 137434
>>137394its a joke honey :)
either way its not good food etiquette
No. 137435
>>137325regardless if you truly enjoy the taste natto or not, i still think its cringy when gaijin talk about it, as if to appear more assimilated into japan. she's been there a week lol
also this video (and pretty much all her videos in general) are so… boring. her voice is so flat and she is so unengaging. she probably only got 40k subs by buying tons of makeup and talking about it and transforming her man face
No. 137459
>>137435>transforming her man face Considering this
>>136488 is one of her latest photos what did she look like before?
No. 137635
>>137486iirc they got married so quickly because Rachel was in the Air Force and she wanted the chance of Jun coming with her/her being stationed in Japan (which never happened).
Grace and Ryosuke also married after they graduated so that they could be together in the same country on that spouse visa.
International relationships sometimes need to jump to marriage quicker than either party would like due to visa issues. It happens. It's not like Kanadajin3 getting married to a rando/ex-bf just for a visa.
No. 137736
Sorry for blog but im international marriage and we got married pretty quickly because we wanted to be together and his visa was expiring.. We are in usa now but we could have just as easily done it in japan and it wouldve look like im the visa hungry one
No. 137965
>>137576Quote From an Interview Sharla did with Japan Times
"Say, people make videos called “Racism in Japan!” It’s like, why do that? Why don’t you just share something positive? I don’t see any point in spreading more negativity. They just want to do that because if it’s controversial, they’ll get money."
Then Agrees to be part of another Jvloggers video video on racism in Japan, because of the last 5 words in her quote. Morals & Principals that change as fast as their hair colour
No. 137992
>>137886i think she already has permanent residence by now and isnt dependent on her agency…
or, plot twist, her husband has something to do with the agency and she has to keep working there
No. 138003
>>137992Impossible/highly unlikely for her to have PR, since she's been in Japan only 8 years (see up-thread), and most of those years have been working holiday/student visas.
As noted in the Kanadajin3 thread on PULL, you need to have at least five years in Japan on NOT working holiday or student visas to even think about getting PR.
It's most likely her talent agency is sponsoring her visa now, which is making it difficult for her to leave them. That's why all she can do is cry on twitter.
No. 138016
>>138010I got the PR info from PULL:
"You can not obtain a PR unless you are:
a) Married to a Japanese national for 3+ consecutive years
b) Have been living and working in Japan for 10+ consecutive years
c) Have been a Long Term Resident for 5+ consecutive years
Time spent on the student & work holiday visas are not included in the necessary period of stay to obtain a Long Term Residency."
afk Sharla doesn't fit any of these these requirements, so I doubt she has PR.
Not that PULL is the #1 source for visa info ¯_(ツ)_/¯ No. 138134
>>138016Unless she's been secretly married for 3 years, she doesn't have PR.
PULL is PULL, but the PR visa stuff is correct.
No. 138396
>>138392And Texan in Tokyo's place looks like a community drop in centre with office furniture used as dinning furniture and the gross kitchen.
They say its because the apartments are smaller but thats bull because Japanese vloggers and Instagramers are able to keep a clean home or tidy up before filming. If they stopped buying so much cheap crap from Ikebukuro then maybe they would have more space
No. 138410
>>138404It's different when you're on vacation.
My apartment is super tidy, but I'm messy as fuck in hotel rooms for instance, as I don't really have anywhere to put my stuff.
No. 138461
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>>138453She looks much much better with shoulder length hair.
No. 138462
Also I dunno if it's filters on camera or the lighting but if she went with a Dakooters ashe color or a ashy dark brown color I think it'd match her lipstick alot. (she wears alot of plums, mauves/magenta)
No. 138715
>>138693Because instagram needs more pictures of Acai bowls
No. 138820
>>138805i guess. yea. she didnt to make this big public announcement and suddenly go eat at ALL THE BEGAN RESTAURANTS
she could have subtly led to it over time and not timed it awkwardly with her sad cat video
No. 138897
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>>138843it just makes her feel more special because she can feel more healthy and morally superior to everyone else. she's only been vegan for a few weeks but acts like such an expert at all things vegan. At least Taylor has a background in knowing about vitamins. Sharla ate a whole box of thin mints after finding out they were began. Soooo healthy guyzzzzz.
No. 139147
>>139125Again, she does what we say.
I feel like it's getting kinda sad how much she cares about what we think, but at the same time I think it's good for her because I think the changes make her feel better about herself.
No. 139172
>>139125>she likes hockeyOk, she gets some points from me.
>she loves the Pens..nevermind, fuck her.
I hate those colored ends. I actually liked when she had fully pink hair.
No. 139273
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>>136488This transvestite is hanging with Kim Dao :)
No. 139317
>>139273yea theyre living together
lmao talk about sucking up to more famous youtubers
kim got kinda left out since taylor is sucking mimei and sharla's dicks
No. 139475
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Sharla got her hair done in Taylors vlog. Getting the pink out and just wearing a normal shirt have improved her looks so much. I actually think she looks good.
No. 139589
>>139475this hair style look so bad on her. not sure if just the color or this style.
the "blonde" (it was very brassy) didnt look good either …
No. 139638
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Even little kids are laughing at her childish style.
No. 139667
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>>139590she looks like someone's chill older sister who has it together and is recently starting a family. like the older sister in the movie trainwreck lol. but she looks pretty it's not a jab at her looks.
No. 140219
>>140202Wow, another Vlog by someone who doesn't know their shit. Just what we've all been waiting for.
>>139642She looks so much better with her new hair. Looking your age isn't a bad thing, it's far worse to look like you're trying to hard to hold on to your youth.
No. 140229
>>140219Doesn't know their shit? I'd only cover things that interest me that I already have knowledge of, so that comment doesn't make much sense. But it sounds like you guys don't really care for any vloggers period, so I guess it's moot to try and appeal to this board.
Looks like most people are ok with Abroad in Japan, no one seems to have much too post about him (I think he has a good variety of videos, rarely does the crazy Japan videos).
No. 140239
>>140233I'm not pissed at all, just super confused by that anon's post about not knowing my shit (yet I never even said what I'd make videos about lol).
The other people responding to my post seem much more upset about someone saying they want to vlog in Japan, I wonder what's so
triggering about it.
No. 141310
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wtf is that thing on the left
No. 141447
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>>141310some how kim and brony look the best in this pic
No. 141456
>>141454I was just about to post about this.
I wonder if him and Sharla now aren't friends anymore since Sharla was the one who started eavesdropping and pointed it out first.
Also I think Kim initially deleted the video because some Japanese people in the comments were telling her that the people weren't talking about them at all, they were actually just talking about their coworkers.
No. 141458
>>141454wow that is pretty funny
i wonder how sharla and the others feel
sharla was his buddy
No. 141461
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>>141458recently sharla tweeted out this
probably about him lol
No. 141470
>>141467I'm not sure. I just checked both their twitters and they're still following each other so
>>141461 doesn't seem to be about Shine.
No. 141545
>>141454How can you people stand to even listen to this guy? His voice is the most grating thing ever, never mind that he's an obnoxious weeaboo.
I wish I could find his funny (because Kim's video was really stupid) but it's just not, Einshine is just as bad as the others here. I'm pretty sure he gets a pass for not being female though, this board kisses Egoraptors ass too even though he's just as obnoxious as Suzy. Sometimes I wonder if these threads are made up of butt hurt fangirls.
No. 141547
File: 1466245354621.jpg (459.11 KB, 1080x1080, BGwCtMapyJ7.jpg)

New game! Can you find mimei?
No. 141550
>>141547I saw that and cringed so hard. It was her birthday and she was still pushed back, kek.
>>141545I'm still convinced Einshine is an aspie or is in the spectrum or something. He's so weird and awkward, like beyond the weeb thing.
No. 141562
>>141558I think the problem is that they get adolation for just being in Japan, and vlogging relies so heavily on their faces etc. that it's pretty easy to get vain. Maybe. I've never vlogged.
>>141457I love how they broke it down for Kim. That racism video was entirely stupid.
No. 141583
>>141310biibiibeauty's LinkedIn page is a mess, geez. learn to spell properly before you try to brand yourself as a professional?
No. 141584
>>141454He's basically calling Kim Dao an idiot, kek.
His voice is awful though.
No. 141593
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>>141550> Einshine is an aspie or is in the spectrum or something. He's so weird and awkward, like beyond the weeb thingthats just how all the SJWs sound when they cry racist
No. 141648
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Japanese people talked about them on 2chan. Didn't read everything though
No. 141693
>>141687Even if you don't find it funny, it has somewhat outed Kim, so that's a plus.
Most were on her side to begin with.
No. 141735
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>>141558I really hate how they think they're better than everyone else, and will only befriend people who have viewers. (I think biibii is only accepted because she j-vlogs + lives with Kim Dao). Anyway, they're vain and shallow. I understand that they can't meet all their fans, but if they took some time to get to know them, they'd probably find some genuine friendships. But nope, gotta get 'em views.
Speaking of self-centered, Tay uploaded this. Look how she ~suddenly~ made Mimei the center of attention in the photo. kek
No. 141749
>>141739That's ber true self
Or, she just looks extra gross around the rest
No. 141775
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No. 141776
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No. 141777
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No. 141778
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No. 141780
>>121791Why do people here think Grace is even remotely attractive??
She looks like a man.
No. 141784
>>141779Maybe Japanese netizens contacted the cafe about the video and they asked Kim to take the video down? It doesn't look like she took it down because of regretting posting it or something.
Though I'm thinking einshine/anime man definitely alienated the female jvloggers for a bit, kek.
No. 141792
>>141547Wait, so this was her birthday they were celebrating and she wasn't even in her own photo about the occasion?
>>141556> the other girls probably didn't even think to let her through, because they're too busy looking like ~*~the greatest friends ever~*~ That's just awful. And the more you look, you can tell how self centered each person in the photo is. They didn't even realize she's not in the shot because they're looking at themselves and posing.
No. 141806
>>141803I'm really curious to see what Sharlas bf personality is like. She's into weeby/childish type of stuff, plus she seems very catty and now the whole veganism victim thing.
If he's just a normal 30-something year old guy I wonder what the appeal is, because it must be like dating a 17 year old sometimes.
No. 141808
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Sharla is a fucking fruit cake.
Video link: No. 141809
>>141806In some ways I kind of feel bad for him, because it seems like a lot of this vegan stuff started after they moved in. If I were him, the crazy cat shit would be enough to turn me off. At least he is a good sport and just eats whatever she puts out that night. Though I am sure he wouldn't hear the end of it if he did want to cook some meat for dinner.
She literally stays in her pajama pants all day dicking around her house (as evidence by her vlog) posting about being so ~veganandhealthy~. She's one of those people who claims being vegan made them feel so much healthier, but then talks about how she is sooooo happy that they found vegan ice cream in the store or that Oreos and thin mints are vegan. She just recently celebrated one full month of being vegan, and of course all of the minions had to congratulate her on that as if it's such an accomplishment.
No. 141810
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No. 141817
>>141792I was thinking the exact same thing when I saw that picture on twitter, anon.
I just can't believe that they're actually stupid enough to post it on twitter thinking that they actually appear as ~~sweet kawaii bffsiez~~ when they all just end up looking like attention whores while Mimei is just shoved to the corner.
Poor Mimei.
No. 141822
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This is just sad.
No. 141827
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Getting real tired of your bullshit Sharla (comments from )
No. 141831
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the brazilian moderu trying to sell a fucking string with a knot for 10$ wtf
No. 141873
>>141719There's something weird going on with this bitch. If you see her latest video and pictures, you can see she's got a nose job since her nose bridge is not crooked anymore but straight. However, she hasn't stopped posting for a long time or anything like that (for the postoperative) so I wonder what did she do? Because it's really weird that one dday she has the big nose bridge and the next day it's completely straight lol
Also if you ask her about it she just doesn't answer kek
No. 141874
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>>141861Speaking of disappointing, what is this bullshit??
No. 144408
>>144404an ugly-ass cake. did you see how badly made was that gudetama? second hand embarrassment at its best.
btw, who made the cake?
No. 144449
>>144408Apparently, Taylor designed the cake and sent the design to some "cake makers" to bake.
Video where she does this, here: No. 144466
File: 1466363281034.png (303.25 KB, 560x302, mim.png)

one two three four cameras pointing at her
No. 144533
>>144446Is Mimei even vegan? If not, I feel terrible for her, that she got dragged to a vegan cafe on
her birthday, having to basically eat shit just because her friends thought of themselves over her.
No. 144553
>>144546And probably looked up English speaking and ~vegan~ ones which narrows the quality down a bit.
If Mimei isn`t vegan she will be after a couple more months of hanging out with the jvlogging drones.
I don't get who or how that biibii girl is that's suddenly popping up in the vlogs. The only people they let into their ring usually is if have a large following.
No. 145672
>>144553Most of the people they hang out with don't have large followings. Heck, Sharla herself barely qualifies for a "large" following. None of them have even reached a million followers anywhere.
Compared to the other YouTube circles I follow the jbloggers actually seem open to new bloggers and accept others into their group pretty easily.
Laura's social standing is basically nothing. She's just a model.
Audrey same.
Kim's channel was tiny when she became friends with everyone. Didn't Mimei say they'd been friends for years?
Taylor had an online presence but she was still small compared to everyone else when she and Sharla became friends.
Biibii's channel is small, but she's been friends with some of them for a few years I think. I'm pretty sure she did a swap with Sharla last year.
Kelly Strawmochi's channel is tiny, too, but Rachel brought her in right away when she first started her channel and now she's friends with everyone.
It seems more to me like they're just open to having a group of friends who all do the same sort of thing working in social media. It makes sense that jbloggers would want to hang out with other jbloggers because their other friends probably don't like or understand the constant filming they do when they hang out. It's probably easier to be friends with people who all do the same sort of work as you.
Their group didn't used to be this big, but with so many people moving to Tokyo it's starting to get out of hand. I already thought it was annoying when two or three of them blogged the same dinner and karaoke but now with this many people it's pointless to watch any of them, and they're all so repetitive. They should at least take turns when they're out and have only one person filming a day, or at least filming different parts of the day.
No. 145707
>>145672Actually anon, over 280k subs is already considered large and notable in youtube's standards.
Just wanted to point that out.
No. 145711
>>145661I agree!! Her and Duncan just try very hard to have cruelty free products but do have other stuff (like chocolates and conbini sweets).
I'm glad shes not a vegan pusher.