File: 1597956297074.png (869.96 KB, 1083x1079, AE757BF2-E707-4858-9D54-214BB9…)

No. 609826
>>609789I apologize!
FDS is claiming they may go under at anytime, so we shall see what the future holds for them.
No. 609928
>>609891I kind of wondered why they didn't just quarantine all the female subs like they did MGTOW and all the other incel-like subs, but besides being sympathetic to male problems, I think Reddit knows it would be a shitshow if they banned them altogether. Brigading, harassment, doxxing, etc. It's also probably a honeypot at this point to detect any future mass shooters.
The GC/Pink Pill women are unlikely to start an online harassment campaign against anyone or plan any mass murders. No need to be afraid of them or make it into a honeypot. Angry feminists just aren't scary, there's no leverage to not delete.
No. 610068
File: 1597981834336.jpg (180.15 KB, 1079x900, Screenshot_20200821-063257_Chr…)

There's way too many examples to post a screenshot of a post. This sub is disgusting.
Way too many people who don't show even a sliver of remorse for what they've done. Actually, I don't think I found a single post/comment where someone showed remorse. It's mostly just excuses about how they themselves were abused during childhood or just brushing it off like "I fooled around with a teen when I was in my 20s".
Someone even said how looking at cp is a victimless crime.
It's like they're not sad they did something, they're sad they got caught.
Redditors always like to say shit like
>"B-but rsos are usually people who got caught peeing in public!!"
>"False accusations!!!"
If you take one look at a few posts there you'll find that's definitely not the case.
No. 610126
File: 1597984063669.png (140.59 KB, 1436x588, tf.png)

>>610068>Does anyone know if these are jobs RSOs are eligible for/ has anyone had any success in getting a position with a service like this? Thanks in advanceMarried and having a child with a sex offender. Dear god. Fuck this woman's comment history is insane. Her husband got caught in a sting sending nude photos to a cop posing as a 16 year old girl - and she says oh 16 year old girls are old enough to know what they're doing if they seek it out, it was entrapment, he was in the military, he was drunk so he didn't know what he was doing, yada yada yada. God imagine defending a fucking sex offender. They should all be chemically castrated at a minimum.
No. 610143
File: 1597985854959.gif (3.28 MB, 480x270, 1596892734220.gif)

>>610126>>610134>mfw this sub is allowed to thriveI wish someone would talk this idiot out of doing that. She's only putting her future kids in danger.
No. 610178
>>610134Lord jesus i am
triggered. Sounds like he babytrapped her cause he has no earning potential otherwise, and shit only went south because she was furloughed. Like what was his employment before she got pregnant? And he didnt even have the initiative to ask about work on that sub himself, she had to do it for him. Lmao. Pickmes were a mistake.
And on a slight OT note, the temple of tcap forums keep track of the offenders and some of them seem to eventually get married post-offense and i cant wrap my head around it. Just why.
No. 610180
File: 1597988385678.png (366.24 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200821-103929.png)

>>610119>>610134Female RSO who had sex with a underage 16 year old boy is now married and has kids
No. 610281
>>610253It's something that has managed to
trigger the entire internet and oddly unite it, for various reasons both right wing and left wing see what they want to see with this film, I'm not defending it btw
No. 610347
File: 1598000213033.png (246.91 KB, 1332x962, 19930419.png)

Yes, how dare they protect their daughter from a registered sex offender! If I caught someone I know is a sex offender talking to my daughter, I'd beat their ass too. I don't care if "he may have been wrongfully convicted", he has no fucking business talking to her.
No. 610359
>>610347This is gonna sound edgy but
they honestly should just kill them. I wouldn’t mind having less rapists and pedophiles on the planet. Fuck them honestly
No. 610471
File: 1598013711991.png (73.85 KB, 916x760, ghfghfkjkklkkkk.png)

This rubbed me the wrong way. It's one thing being a quiet person and then there is just being rude or having some sort of developmental problem. Why do people find this wholesome?
No. 610491
>>610486You need to watch the movie to get the message.
I don't get why netflix picked this promotional picture for the us thought.
No. 610579
>>610487I am all for it if it makes our lives just a little bit better, lol. I know we are not noble or selfless enough to do it without being pieces of shit but just imagine that maybe, just maybe, it wouldn’t be our fellow humans who are standing in the way of a better world. I am weird so I am all about pod babies and other crazy sci fi technology because of my bittersweet idealism.
>>610492They forget they were living boring ass lives before quarantine lmao.
No. 610812
File: 1598037973818.png (125.02 KB, 850x726, thiswhinyasscrap.PNG)

So came across this post in Openoffmychest. I get everyone can express an opinion but this dude has some serious fucking problems.
No. 610850
>>610840I am personally pissed that /r/curlyhair is so shit. Truly no place on Reddit is safe. The wavy-haired idiots with greasy frizzy limp hair who think they should pill on products because they have one corkscrew curl are hilarious.
Shea Moisture is ok though, widely available and not crazy expensive. They keep discontinuing their best lines (rip lo-po line…) for some reason.
No. 611467
>>610408Right? Even the stupid spouses of sex offenders gang they’ve started up mention the crimes in the vaguest terms and how he’s totally different now, like fucking a guy who owned child porn or raped a girl at a party is fine because he did it 20 years ago and she changed him.
I also hate the idea that someone who did sexually assault a child or something is on there vagueposting with people who peed on playgrounds and feeling a sense of community. Sorry for the rant I just hate the idea of …. well any sense of communities for these freaks lol
No. 611480
>>611467The "put on the sex offender registry for peeing" is such a bullshit cope that reddit pushes. You have to actively be showing your junk to another person to be put on the register. Half these moids that claim they're on the register for peeing just tried to use it as a defense in court after being caught flashing their dick near a school.
Also, men need to learn to hold their fucking urine like women do. No reason for them to be pissing in public. I don't want to see it.
No. 611495
>>611492Indeed, she didn't end up. Being charged for the incident and going to court was part of the process of deciding whether she
would have been put on the registry or not.
No. 612388
File: 1598170316581.png (285.91 KB, 1484x930, Screen Shot 2020-08-23 at 1.12…)

Aight which one you y'all posted this?
No. 612405
File: 1598173670729.jpg (70.58 KB, 828x657, EdYgpEhXgAE3Rs7.jpg) anyone else really tired of these obviously made up "empowering stories"? So this mother posts the story in the link and the writing alone sounds like it's a spergy teenage girl making shit up for internet clout, but then she had to post pic related too. I love reading wholesome stories of kids coming out to their parents and them being protective of their children but these fabricated, cringeworthy posts people share with "YASSSS QUEEN I STAN" captions make everyone look like a goddamn retard.
No. 612419
File: 1598178448244.jpg (55.86 KB, 750x464, EdZbVvnUEAAqiA6.jpg)

>>612405>>612414And of course the evil mean homophobic father in the story was calling the mom a whore and cheating on her, and the mom herself confronted him with a baseball bat. To top the story off she herself realizes in the end that actually she's ~bi y'all~ herself. Honestly I get why people say "who cares if it's made up it's still a good story!!!!" but people legitimately thinking that this happens in real life and drawing influence can have repercussions and I don't know why this is admirable in the first place because it's bordering on psychotic behavior. The user deleted their account right when the story was gaining more traction and people were offering them advice on mortgage and other legal issues and naturally they hightailed the fuck out.
No. 612439
File: 1598182362079.png (124.07 KB, 719x761, gross.png)

No. 612464
>>612388the most annoying thing about these posts are how the women see all the misogyny and are this close to understanding that reddit is a shit gutter with no value, yet still continue using that god-forsaken place because reasons
>>612405there are no gay ppl on r/lgbt lol. only genderspecials
No. 613993
File: 1598304362374.jpg (154.53 KB, 651x960, 116909258_2814475055442385_315…)

>>613317There are a lot of women in the "That's It I'm Facetune Shaming" Facebook group who also use r/instagramreality and they can't tell jack shit between a super photoshopped picture and reality either.
Pic related is a picture that someone posted in the Facebook group and all of the comments were calling OP a cow with a vendetta because this is normal looking and clearly not edited in any way.
No. 614087
File: 1598308974139.jpg (129.16 KB, 720x937,…)

>quit asking me to link the video
Ugh, supposedly he was arrested and charged at least
No. 614411
>>614139I'm the anon you replied to. Joining a sub isn't the only way to see content from said sub, you know.
I saw it because people who were disgusted by the posts were screenshotting them and posting them on other subs. The cumbrain sub posts also garnered a lot of attention outside of Reddit in a "look how disgusting Reddit is" way (and rightfully so).
No. 617759
File: 1598635746453.png (409.45 KB, 518x880, braindead.PNG)

>I(31m) am in equally love with both my wife (32f) and my co-worker (21f). I f hate 2020.
I can't get over the retardation of this guy thinking that because his coworker a decade younger than him is nice and polite to him that she will want to be in a relationship with him while he is married to his poor unsuspecting wife.
No. 617762
File: 1598635839368.png (452.45 KB, 671x866, even more braindead.PNG)

>>617759pt. 2. And of course he is letting his wife be the last to know, after he already tells the other girl he wants a relationship with her, so if she does feel the same he can use that to pressure his wife. This is one of those posts where you hope OP's partner finds it and divorces them asap.
No. 617823
File: 1598637937762.jpg (172.02 KB, 1280x720, Chika Not Happy.jpg)

>>617759>>617762Holy fuck I hate poly bullshit so much. Literally just a tool for scrotes to cheat in a ~woke qweer~ way. I hope his wife and the coworker cut ties with him.
No. 617826
>>61781321yo underlings are perfectly normal to oogle when you have a fucking wife you're own age at home! They're nice (by obligation), they want your dick of course.
No. 619268
File: 1598800258351.png (28.11 KB, 915x248, 343445.PNG)

> woman LARPers, pick mes, and reddit delusion combine into critical mass with "Ladies of Reddit - what is the most sexiest thing an overweight gamer has done that made you immediately want to have sex with him/be his girlfriend?"
No. 619274
File: 1598801099345.png (560.23 KB, 683x881, l0ax4m7t2tf51.png)

Did you guys see the /r/animememes meltdown?
Hope this doesn't get derailed with GC discourse, but what happened was the mods banned the word 'trap' on accordance with it being a slur. The subreddit didn't like that so they started posting memes against it. The mods responded, but that ignited the flames more. The 2 sides went at it until some of the mods were doxxed forcing the subreddit to go private and 90% of the mods to step down and purge their reddit history. No. 619387
File: 1598810926235.jpeg (621.1 KB, 828x1336, 8CF44795-E59F-484E-8110-983C37…)

Ok I understand some aspects of FDS like having higher standards, recognizing red flags, etc but I just don’t get what’s the big deal about splitting bills
No. 619400
>>619387Well, read some of the comments to find out.
It's one thing to split bills assyming: You're both working the same hours, have around the same pay, and are reasonable adults who clean up after yourselves when you get home so the domestic labor is 50/50 as well. Maybe you and your partner both contribute equally to childcare.
Obviously the majority of men don't operate that way in reality. Most of them earn more money while working less hours, and leave all the domestic and familial responsibilities up to their women and STILL expect them to hand over half their paychecks when the extra labor is over. It's about showing women that our labor is appreciated and a commodity worth pay.
If chores are free non-hassle labor, then why does it cost money to hire cleaning services and pay for products?
If childcare is free non-hassle labor, then why do we pay babysitters and daycares and after-school activities?
Men who don't adequately contribute yet expect you to fund half their lifestyles are parasites who would throw you away in an instant to save themselves because you are second rate and replaceable in their eyes.
No. 619508
File: 1598823577474.png (19.04 KB, 542x220, srted4y6r7f55tjgjhgfds12.PNG)

>>619268i really hoped that was going to be a joke thread but, alas, all of the replies are serious. the women in there are settling HARD for men with personalities of a stale bread and goblin looks that have nothing to offer besides "he is nice and makes me laugh". truly appalling read. reddit women have no standards whatsoever
No. 620118
File: 1598901533353.jpeg (72.55 KB, 750x520, C6E3A251-AB79-41B3-B3BC-BCA765…)

>>619508The op of that comment is a woman too. What a fucking pick-me.
No. 620536
File: 1598966854651.png (289.12 KB, 750x1334, 9318136C-5B34-4B51-B972-6A1B21…)

Men one/subredditdrama complaining about r/femaledatingstrategy being sexist and misandrist because they’re “female incels” ignoring that there’s a huge difference between male and female incels because they got their feelings hurt by women actually having their own space to discuss men’s shitiness. I found this particularly comment comical. Reddit probably will end up banning femaledatingstrategy, as they have banned most subs that don’t cater to men and are “sexist”
No. 620541
>>620536lol, amazing.
So, should we make a list of the names they use in their subreddits to talk about women or nah?
No. 620574
>>620536Imagine being so fragile that you become distraught over men being referred to as "scrotes".
>misandrist, sexist hellholelmfao. Men could absolutely not survive one day being a woman.
No. 620628
File: 1598977718069.png (52.61 KB, 712x368, hicow.png)

>>620536>women saying men are trash isn't the same as the hordes of incel subreddits advocating for rape and violence and committing mass murders>hi FDS modKek
No. 621281
File: 1599053439917.png (14.05 KB, 920x155, circlejerk.PNG) AITA post before covid was a big thing. Reddits stance on topics is totally based off of logic and facts and not what the current circlejerk is. This didn't age horribly at alllll
>YTA, stop adding to the mass hysteria.>Living in Buffalo, NY means the exposure to the virus your kids will be getting is incredibly incredibly low. As long as they wash their hands, they’ll be fine.>YTA… So you're one of those people that think they're smarter than doctors. The masks don't help, and all you've done is limit the amount of masks medical professionals have on hand. You're part of the huge problem going on. And not only that, but you're dragging your kids into this. The school should be pointing out that it's wrong and that they shouldn't do it. This is like being an anti vaxxer. You're on that level. No. 623783
File: 1599342256444.jpg (102.85 KB, 746x928, t4l3tygrtcl51.jpg)

>>621318Agreed. At least when men are open about how much they hate women you don't have to suffer through shit like pic related lmao
No. 623821
>>623783I feel so bad for those pickmes, when will they learn
>be a desperate doormat for misogynistic fatasses who treat you like shit, don't buy you anything and aren't even good in bed>b-but at least I'm not alone!At least when you're alone your apartment is clean, you only clean up after yourself, you can travel wherever you want, you can relax or watch/play whatever you like without a smelly moid with bad taste bothering you or pressuring you into having a family… damn why do these bitches even bother, it's not the 50s anymore
No. 624107
File: 1599399837298.png (253 KB, 990x884, 978g.png)

No. 624111
>>624107kek, he thought she wouldn't notice the magically refilling bottle?
Litteray cum from brain.
No. 624122
>>624107omg the degree to which I hate men. This strikes me as something only an anime coomer would do
I feel so bad for her i would literally want to fight him and make his life hell
No. 625266
>>625120It's your time anon, spend it how you like but just know that you're only likely to stand for your own principle rather than succeeding in changing anyone's mind there.
Sometimes I feel like starting an account to say shit like that too.
No. 625381
File: 1599584027878.png (127.31 KB, 722x896, tifu.png)

r/tifu has got to have the fakest, wildest stories besides the entitled parent subs. Why would you post this longass story (with multiple threads) to reddit in the middle of dealing with your psychotic girlfriend? How do they get all these awards?
He also has indoor cameras that caught all the craziness (but won't post) and the gf is also a methhead, of course.
No. 628344
File: 1599865618800.png (203.93 KB, 720x706, _02-50-1.png)

Almost 100k upvotes, all men in the comments are saying how ~boob therapy~ is a legit way of dealing with depression.
I'll link this shit every time i see some post about how men have real feelings and real depression they don't get to talk about, how they don't want sex all the time and how women are the ones saying these awful things about them.
No. 628481
File: 1599883087136.jpg (134.01 KB, 640x925, vy5bbmc6xam51.jpg)

Muh power words
No. 628518
>>628481This is pathetic as hell but thank god for the comments. Even the people who were pointing out his age as creepy/pathetic weren’t getting downvoted.
The fact that he says she’s “so successful” at 21 says it all kek
No. 628836
File: 1599936583834.jpg (162.57 KB, 750x1907, wtffff.jpg)

did anyone else catch this gem in incel tears? ok so the incel is gross as well, but this is a 20 year old girl proudly "providing" for a 38 year old man who refers to her as his "sugar mama". what the actual fuck is wrong with women on reddit?
>title: Posted a comment about my boyfriend(38) and myself(20) and the little incel couldn’t help himself but to PM me.
from the comments:
>My bf has definitely called me his sugar mama before lol. I like to buy us stuff like dinner or groceries a lot, and I even fill up his car with gas all the time. The first time I filled up his gas tank he said it was the first time anyone ever paid and filled up his car beside himself. So I guess I’m the one “betabuxxing” my bf lol
>When we started dating he didn’t have a job
>pretty much until this summer I was making more money than him cause he wasn’t working lol.
No. 631226
File: 1600213085257.png (99.74 KB, 736x810, 'niceguy'storyreddit.PNG)

Story of a girl dealing with a typical 'nice guy'
No. 631544
File: 1600257935336.png (408.03 KB, 861x1751, 1599702664103.png)

I thought my post was deleted but I had posted it to the wrong thread
I have never even read FDS but I came across this classic niceguy ranting about it in unrelated thread in a medication subreddit
>If you dated 100 men and they're all bad it's you that's the problem not men
>Women should make subreddits about how not to ignore nice guys instead of teaching each other how to avoid abusers
The punchline is that his post history included a redpill spin off subreddit
No. 631547
>>631513yes it is
sorry anon, he’s faking it
No. 631549
File: 1600258476309.jpeg (351.03 KB, 745x1175, C3ED4565-230E-4D5F-AE65-472EBE…)

Someone posted a screenshot from askdocs in the dumbass shit thread and I thought I’d check it out. This was on the frontpage. No spoiler since it’s just text but warning: it’s about a prolapsed anus.
No. 631554
>>631549Who thought fisting an asshole may cause some lasting damage???
Seriously, feel kinda bad for this coomer but he had it coming
No. 631568
>>631513It's not one post it's the hundreds of comments BY MEN agreeing that this is something that helps their "depression" and the one guy calling them out is downvoted and buried.
Idk if you ever had depression but seeing boobs does not help one bit. If it helps them they were not depressed.
No. 631622
>>631549He's spiraling cause he wants to avoid the embarrassment of having to explain to a doctor in person that he played with his ass and blew it out.
Men would rather kill themselves than be vulnerable and feel shame.
No. 632318
File: 1600353971695.png (120.61 KB, 842x883, werewolffaggot.PNG)

>>632288Holy shit! this dude is fucked in the head. Some people are saying he may have postpartum depression. Honestly I think it goes WAAAYYY beyond that. The shit he says about his baby, and not just new parent speak either, downright like he never wanted the kid in the first place. His over all general narcissism. I suspect this dude will acquire some ass kissers too, despite how deranged he is.He has a youtube where he talks down about his kid too.
No. 632321
File: 1600354177010.png (193.79 KB, 948x844, bhjhjkn.png)

>>632288This is r/arethestraightsok material.
Sucks for the wife that she married and is financially supporting some werewolf autist manchild who wants to "upgrade" from her and ditch their kids. That's three children she's raising.
No. 632331
>>632288I fell down the rabbithole of reading his post history and watching his youtube vids… so many people confidently statng that he has post partum depression and just needs help "uwu men get PDD too!" Yeah maybe some do… but this guy's an asshole. His usual autistic werewolf fuckery schedule is being interrupted by a baby with reflux so his conclusion is to hate the baby and point out that his other son wasn't so shit..
They're right that he seems likely to harm the baby, but mr werewolf maybe has some pre-existing personality disorder at a push. He's shown more empathy towards his cat when you deep dive through his posts. His eldest son and his cat are okay but the wife and baby get shat on consistantly. Oh and he took time off work to work on his precious werewolf videos and it looks like he's about to get fired or quit. Dad of the year.
His fantasties around werewolfs, violence, power, dominance, killing cats (weird seeing as he love his own cat) all predate the birth of that baby. Love to see people using a serious womens issue like postnatal depression to let an asshole man off the hook.
No. 632469
>>632459Apparently he liked the first child more because their first wasn't difficult. I'm sure the mom was overparenting too as most mothers tend to do with their firsts. He probably enjoyed the lack of labor and involvement on his end and thought another child would be as easy.
Their second child has GERD and probably a host of other health issues because of that. Would explain the explosive poop. One of this guy's posts was hating his wife after criticizing how he was feeding the baby (likely because he wasn't feeding correctly to account for the baby's GERD). Surely the baby cries more, sleeps less, and is more fussy in general because of that medical issue but this stupid scrote doesn't fucking understand that. He's blaming his own child who can't help itself.
It's crazy that this guy bred his genes.
No. 632485
>>632469The baby isn't even old enough to hold his own head up and this man has already publicly declared over and over again that he loves his other child and quote 'feels no affection' for this one.
I feel sick at the thought that some poor woman out there is trusting him with that baby. Does she even know about all his online activity lately?
No. 632494
>>632485He made a whiny post that his wife doesn't trust him alone with the baby so she knows. She doesn't know about his post history but I'm sure he acts out irl enough for her to know she's dealing with a dangerous manbaby.
There's probably just too many hurdles to divorce and kick out that scrote at this time, plus if he's talking about them like he is now, she's probably planning a tactful exit. If she dared lay into him he'd likely retaliate and either escalate violence…possibly murder.
No. 632523
File: 1600370588662.png (56.99 KB, 823x476, werewolffaggot2.PNG)

>>632288Werewolf douche talking about how he can't stand his son.
I've seen 10ish comments so far (across reddit and youtube) suggest he has PPD…what?? It makes sense for women to get it but a guy? I don't buy it.
No. 632534
>>632523Women with ppd, going through a hormonal shift, often breastfeeding around the clock, tearful, stressed, sleep deprived, anxious about stuff like cot death but sometimes also dealing with intrusive thoughts about harming the baby….
This guys 'ppd' is him being a selfish prick. "durr why is this stupid baby crying, grr doesn't it know I'm trying to play werewolf dress up!"
No. 632545
File: 1600372775997.png (8.11 KB, 644x80, dumb.png)

I hate reddit true crime subs.
unresolvedmysteries is good but that's because it's tightly moderated. But God damn every other one is infested by stupid scrotes.
Every time there's a crime with a female suspect they do this same dumb shit. They start crying about short jail terms and misandry. They don't understand simply laws, like if a male rapes a woman while another woman watches, the woman won't face as much jail time because she didn't commit as severe as a crime. But they'll harp on about logic while getting emotionally caught up. In the cases where the bf beats to death his gfs baby and she doesn't act they'll say it's misandry that the woman didn't get the same sentence. They want women to be charged with crimes they didn't commit just so they don't feel oppressed kek. You can't charge someone with murder if they didn't commit the actual murder and instead just watched.
There's not even a suspect in this case, it's simply a rumor. But other women have committed that crime so therefore she did.
The logical sex.
No. 632553
>>632550Didn't you hear that women beat men just as much as men beat women, we're just not as good at injuring them so we get away with it? Men are so desperate to be oppressed. I wish women did beat their asses more often maybe they'd learn.
Also I love the line about how womens prisons are worse than mens prisons despite men spending their time raping/beating each other in prison kek
No. 632559
>>632318>>632523I can't believe how much this guy is posting on reddit while he has two young children and a wife who works. He makes several threads each day and has a blog/youtube account, there's just no way he's watching those children like he should be.
>>632545I think these people don't actually look at the statistics, or they believe that men don't report their crimes when it's a female perpetrator. Those "hot female teacher/young male student" stories always get tons of attention too, so I think there are some people who believe female teachers are the majority of abusers.
No. 633285
File: 1600457875194.jpeg (362.77 KB, 1964x1080, 5DC84101-2D8E-4FEC-8B08-BB2DCD…)

Some girl kickstarted fruit ita bags and 60% of the comments are accusing her of dropshipping the bags because they're produced in China. They're seriously posting alibaba links to the bags on the right and saying they're the same bags. Men are so fucking stupid No. 633405
File: 1600466518419.png (116.43 KB, 641x671, ugh.png)

Reddit in a nutshell
No. 633412
>>633405I've said it once, I'll say it a thousand times.
Men do this shit to make it clear to us that we aren't really welcome in their spaces.
>"Oh you're a woman?">immediately sexualizes you to degrade you as initiation No. 633612
File: 1600490012223.png (1.21 MB, 737x1696, lgbt.png)

I know the LGBT board is full of teenagers, but this concern about people expressing preference in a partner is so cringey to me. Why do you care if a lesbian only wants to date other lesbians? Calling people bigots for not dating x orientation is just a weird hill to die on. Imagine seriously telling a lesbian she has to date you or she's biphobic, wtf.
No. 633615
>>633612"maybe my "opinion" will change when a trans man wants to date me and … i can "look past" their biological sex"
this is so sad wtf, he feel bad for being gay in a lgbt space? this is conversion therapy rethoric and what homophobes have been saying for decades.
No. 633825
>>633612Wait idk. I kind of agree but only slightly. I feel like only choosing to date someone based on
who they're sexuality interested in looks bad for you?
In the way that, you are not able to get over your partner's previous hookups or who they've loved in the past which is strange to me.
I wouldn't call it homophobia/biphobia exactly or get mad at someone for choosing that but it's just strange.
No. 633926
>>633825Idk, I've met women who are only interested in other lesbians, gay men who only want other gay men, etc. I'd never tell a lesbian she has to date me or she's participating in internalized homophobia, that's just bizarre.
Some people only want to date within their race, culture, religion, whatever. I don't see how it's anyone's place to dictate the preferences of others, and to call gay/lesbian people
homophobic for not acting how you want them to is just shitty. They're using shame and accusations of bigotry to make people change their (perfectly normal) preferences.
No. 635230
File: 1600703080288.png (85.07 KB, 773x820, sbs.PNG)

Carrying over from the news stories thread after another anon made a good point about this, but this reply is to a thread about people doubting Avri Sapir's allegations against Pornhub. This guy really wrote this massive wall of text "as a
victim of false accusations" himself, as a longform way of telling a rape
victim he expected her to show him cp of herself so he would believe her abuse happened and was on PH.
Full thread is here: No. 635280
>>635230This is so retarded. If either Rose Kalemba or Avri Sapir were lying, all it'd take is for Pornhub to say "This never happened. We are suing these individuals for slander and libel". They will literally never say that, because it did happen and all they can do is try to cover their asses even though they know CP is rampant on their site at this point.
Even the Pornhub employee(s) on Reddit admitted that they had e-mail exchanges with Kalemba and had to take down a certain video.
No. 635503
File: 1600716926352.png (119.48 KB, 834x946, idiot.png)

>reddit woman's psycho exbf sends her new bf a bunch of revenge porn of her and insults the new bf's dick
>the new bf gets SUPER upset with the OP and treats her with extreme distance
>starts sleeping on the couch, won't have sex, whines about how inadequate he feels
>OP at the end of her rope, makes thread on reddit asking for help to make her bf stop treating her that way
>ends up following redditors' advice- gives him space for weeks while he gives her the cold shoulder and she cries herself to sleep at night
>finally, she gives him a big speech about how abusive her ex was, how much his big dick made sex suck (LOL), and basically begged him to stop treating her that way
>her bf doesn't respond to any of it, just turns the entire situation into being about him and how he should be comforted for his small pp insecurity and how people have made him feel bad about his small pp before
>OP immediately fawns and sucks up to him even more, rejects his flaccid apology
>he still won't have sex with her yet
As someone that was the victim of something similar was treated similarly by an exbf I can totally believe this. I think it upsets me so much because I remember feeling how she felt. Girl needs some self esteem..
No. 635725
>>635503I can only imagine she is staying because of financial reasons (lockdown and all). Couples have to work through a lot but if his reaction to something she had no control of is to go "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!! (proceeds to treat her like shit and act like a child)" and she has to grovel to appease him, there is an obvious problem(no duh), and also an extreme power dynamic. Reddit is full of "zomg you need to leave that person!" when most times it's just OP being to cowardly to talk to their partners about what they are feeling. But this girl really needs to leave this guy.
Why are men such whiny ass babies?
No. 635744
>>635503>my bf told me just how bad it really was>he's actually had people make fun of his sizeFucking lmao, what a big baby. Women get every inch of their bodies disparaged. Pancake tits, roast beef vagina, fridge body, you name the body part and there's a phrase to shit on it, but this dude is so uwu traumatized because someone made fun of his dick size? Kek.
I have no doubt this woman was in an
abusive relationship previously, otherwise she wouldn't be dealing with this manbaby who gives her the silent treatment when he's reminded that some men in the world have larger penises than him. Most pathetic shit I've read all day.
No. 637420
File: 1600914178672.jpg (886.55 KB, 810x2347, 20200924_051615.jpg)

OP is saying in the comments that he would divorce his wife if she knew about the baptism beforehand.
Ffs it's a sprinkle of water that their child can't even remember anything about.
My parents had me baptized to please my grandparents who were scared I'd burn in hell and I didn't fucking suffer from it.
And comments are of course saying that he needs to get divorce papers ready if he finds out his wife knew about it.
I'd understand if he was muslim or jewish or hindu but he was raised christian.
And I understand it's a huge breach of trust but this has to be on of the stupidest hills to die on.
No. 637432
File: 1600916177778.jpeg (122.07 KB, 750x138, 192B1439-5BDF-4FE0-A078-6CFB8E…)

>>637420the comments in that post are insane
No. 637465
>>637434Can't find anything about him considering divorce.
It's also not just about what the grandma did , but the principle. If I give my hypothetical child to my MIL and say please don't do X with him, I'm really against it, and they decide that they "know better" and do it anyway, we have a problem.
No. 637467
>>637458Absolutely this, I agree with a lot of the views on FDS but the lingo is just so cringe inducing, I legit have to stand up and start pacing cause of how cringe it is
It's so forced and annoying
No. 637469
>>637420So they had a little make believe ceremony with the baby. Baby is unaffected by the whole thing… Dad wants to cut off the kids family over a little make believe ceremony .. yep it's definitely the baptism that's negatively affecting the baby?? Dad better freak out over this to fix the situation
He said neither he or his wife go to church. They were raised in certain religions but aren't practicing… That's usually code for being an atheist (with your actions) but just going along with pretending to have beliefs cos it's that deep rooted in families. I can't imagine why someone so non-practicing would even get this
triggered. People stop practicing because they deep down don't believe that shit anyway.
No. 637674
File: 1600961280222.png (25.82 KB, 294x529, beautifulfemales.png)

I came across r/BeautifulFemales and it really weirded me out. A lot of the girls look very young, then I noticed the rules say posting underage girls is okay because "underage boys are on reddit too and they deserve to have someone their own age to look at," what? It also says underage models can't be posted in "sexy" clothes, but things like bandeus/tube tops are fine apparently.
One of the models on the front page is only 14, and there are some really gross images that come up when you google her. How is this allowed under the pretense of "we're just appreciating female beauty"? Ick.
No. 637697
>>637420I side with the husband, he's right.
>if they did something behind our backs then they can't be trusted to keep our wishes in the futureThis is absolutely correct.
I say this as an ex Catholic: Baptism is the start of a slippery slope because it never ends with just one sacrament. If the baptism is excused, then next they'll want his communion. Then they'll want the kid to attend church. Sunday school. Then they want the kid to attend a religious school. Confirmation.
And you KNOW if they're alone with that child they're filling his head with all sorts of hogwash like eternal fire and brimstone, and teaching him all the fucked biblical stories out of a book that says slavery is okay.
His wife is a fucking idiot but I'm willing to forgive her cause it sounds like she has zero boundaries from being raised with religious narcissists.
No. 637837
File: 1600973488663.jpg (358.39 KB, 722x2048, b35f6d6b_e20fc956_2048.jpg)

has this been posted yet
No. 637846
>>637837Her one friend is a retarded bitch. The scrote blatantly said what he was gonna do with the money and used that in an attempt to try to blackmail his wife into allowing him to anally rape her.
She should root him in the ass. With a lawyer. And divorce papers. And making sure she gets a huge chunk of that stock market alimony without having to give anyone her ass.
No. 637857
>>637831They sure got around it pretty easily. It's gross seeing so many underage girls posted alongside 18+ models posing sexy, like wtf. To say they allow underage girls to be posted for the underage reddit users is so disingenuous.
>>637837Kek I checked this thread (already deleted) and there's quite a few comments saying she didn't "communicate" with her husband properly. "Did you ever tell him you didn't like anal?"
No. 637873
>>637857Not that communication would have mattered, as he said he didn't want to be married to her if she'd never perform anal again. The scrote's needs are #1, not hers, and he wasn't willing to compromise.
Redditors are pornsick coomers defending their own. Imagine someone not loving you because they can't stick their dick in your ass.
No. 637884
File: 1600976565197.png (217.7 KB, 720x1025, Screenshot_2020-09-24-16-38-31…)

>>637837Oh this posts comment section was a mess! i remember some comments saying anal is a physical need for some men (one even cited maslow),that she lied to him, that polygamy is ok too, discussions if pain in anal is normal, wallstreetbets guys fighting and even some sex worker vs prostitute drama lmao
No. 637886
>>637877It's a term men explicitly use. Because they tend to be self-centered and possess no emotional intelligence so their partner has to spell everything out for them lest it becomes the partner's fault. They've grown accustomed to washing their hands of all responsibility of the abuse they cause to women if we women didn't tell them we don't want to be abused–even though we do already, although we shouldn't have to.
Plus I think it's a form of gaslighting. Adults shouldn't need to "communicate" basic decency. And we all know men can selectively forget what was communicated to them when it's convenient for them. I find it hard to believe OP didn't mention anything about not wanting anal anymore when she suffered an injury from it.
No. 637901
File: 1600977867082.jpg (157.95 KB, 828x1792, kpt1qvm7e5p51.jpg)

>>637674Apparently the mod only allows pictures of women he personally thinks are pretty and feminine enough. This girl in the screenshot got banned and muted for posting butch girls.
I really shouldn't be surprised since it's reddit but there's something really gross in that guy denying butch women and allowing 13 year olds.
No. 637951
>>637936Well you're not wrong
>queerI'm really starting to fucking hate this word
No. 638313
>>637937I think it's a relatively new feature. It kind of reminds me of how on message boards like kiwi farms you can mark posts with certain icons/emojis that represent simple sentiments. It can be sort of funny depending on the content of the post.
Imo it fails on Reddit because, since it is paid, most people don't know or bother paying attention to their meanings. I think you'd have to be a pretty dedicated user to get anything out of them.
No. 640596
File: 1601302233676.jpeg (41 KB, 275x269, 2A9779B1-C206-4EC8-840B-BF36D6…)

>>640591Holy shit. this one speaks for itself theres so many things to hate here
No. 640606
>>640600It's so tragic what his ex-wife had to go through, but in the long run she dodged a bullet. If only they never married wtf. Scary.
If she still dreams of kids I hope she finds someone who actually cares about her to have them with. Imagine if she had this guy's babies after all. They'd grow up to learn their dad is a piece of shit, and their mom would be tied to this man permanently through their children. He'd probably still ditch her for a twenty-something. Like I said I hope she can heal and live the life she wanted in a loving family, with someone else. But she's already traumatized, so what a shitshow
No. 640619
File: 1601305875409.jpg (36.36 KB, 470x500, b69c9d4dde11f1b6da801265fdbb44…)

>>640591he thinks the baby's his
No. 640622
>>640619He said they tested the paternity and also tested to see if there's any abnormalities because his sperm has other issues going on too, baby is his and tests were normal.
Tbh like an awful lot of reddit posts I just think it's some weird work of fiction. He sure covered all his bases in making sure we knew it was his, we knew it wasn't deformed, we knew he was oh so caring about the ex wife but at the same time she has no current bf (also the insert about her sister calling him a
toxic man was weird) Like look at me now with my bio baby and my wife is all alone!.. Which I take no pleasure in… Is it some divorced guy just fapping to the fantasy?
No. 640661
File: 1601311273597.jpg (152.47 KB, 926x617, IMG_20200928_124222.jpg)

>>640591Found this gem in the comments
No. 640671
>>640661I saw the comments saying it was some bitter thing against men and just..? I'm early thirties, female and I would have no business dating that young either! He got with her at 22 and now she's baby trapped. She's being told this baby is 'a miracle, like hitting the jackpot' Yeah give us a life update in 5 years time lol.
Imagine the pressure you'd feel to keep a baby if you were told it's a miracle baby… would you feel like you even have a choice?
Again, if this tale is even real
No. 640693
>>640591This post bothers me the more I think about it. If a man tells you he got tested and is infertile and you still get pregnant, what do you do post-birth? Do you go on birth control or assume the baby was a one in a million fluke?
I'm terrified of pregnancy and this to me reads like a horror story
No. 640738
>>640714NTA, but there are still several states in the US that allow minors under 18 to get married. Arkansas used to have a law that let any pregnant girl get married regardless of age, but I believe that was changed fairly recently. There are still lots of archaic laws and it's not difficult to get an exemption.
If you go to some poorer southern states, it's definitely not uncommon to see minors or young women already married or with children.
No. 648553
>>625120Like the other anon said, it's your time. I will say though, it can be therapeutic.
It's draining only if you try to change the mind of the people posting. Don't even consider their replies, honestly. We do and have done enough of that will all the shit that men post on the internet.
I do this sometimes. It wasn't a planified thing, I just got tired of seeing those retarded points and not being able to comment on my main account, so I made another. The point here is to express your real views instead of keeping them inside. The point is also to provide an alternative view for women that might be lurking. The point is not to change the minds of the men or pickmes you're replying to.
No. 658019
File: 1602961135997.png (181.67 KB, 720x1026, one.png)

Is it just me or does this read as some fake incel fanfiction? I know it's tifu but still
No. 658020
File: 1602961166505.png (209.14 KB, 720x983, two.png)

No. 658040
>>658019>>658020>all of her exes had horse dickssurejan.jpg
I have no idea how these kind of posts on TIFU end up on the front page, they're obvious fanfiction. If even a tiny bit of this were true, why would you make a long-winded post on a subreddit meant for funny situations?
No. 659270
File: 1603111899867.png (62.94 KB, 735x437, c91d603dbf6373881c7b7f6ef08b4b…)

How do babies like this even live
No. 659312
>>659270Okay, anons. Stop writing unless you’re some ugly neck beard who dresses sharp but not too sharp so you don’t look attractive.
That retard must be at least 12 years old to be typing stuff like that on the internet for the world to see.
No. 660549
>>659270omg no honey… this screams insecure, I actually feel bad for him (and that this is idiotic lol. was expecting some anti-
problematic take)
No. 662350
File: 1603972402975.png (314.15 KB, 556x757, 10139.png)

Not sure if this was posted but i wanted to close the app after this one. Why the fuck does this gross bell have the breast cancer sign in it? have these people ever seen a breast cancer patient ffs you shouldn't make light of or sexualize it
Also if flashing "helps" your depression you're 100% not depressed.
No. 662353
>>662350I lost my mom to breast cancer that spread, she had one breast for the last few years of her life as a result of it.
haha flash your tits! hehe breast cancer awareness ribbon, lol
God I hate it
No. 662374
>>662353It's really awful, i'm sorry for your mom.
This is also why i can't stand the save the boobies shit. How about you focus on saving the woman and on not making the ones who need mastectomies or other surgeries feel like shit after.
No. 662398
>>662350Because someone cooked up the idea that we could get men educated and concerned about a major women's issue by sexualizing it.
I remember 'Save the Boobies!' bracelets everyone wore in the late aughts.
No. 662450
>>662398This dumbass slogan raises my blood pressure, who thought this would be a good idea when so many cancer survivors need life saving mastectomies and end up feeling like less of a woman or disfigured after? why focus on the importance of boobiez and not their health, most men won't even care either way
>>662440It feels manipulative
No. 662453
>>662440This exact scenario in comic-form was on the front page a month ago, wtf
>>628344This has to be the most lowbrow humor I can imagine, like something from one of those cringey boomer comics where a kid tries to click a book. Man sad, man see boobs, man happy now. Haha cuz men love boobs amirite guys?
No. 662457
>>662398It's funny because the joke is that men don't really give a shit about women dying, even their own mothers. Just tits and holes. They don't care unless the pool of "fuckable" women gets smaller, and we should just get over it and try to work with it. It actually worked, too. The "Save The Boobies" slogan was very successful, and now we're seeing shit like this, almost like it wasn't actually that much of a joke as much as it was bleak reality.
I seriously don't get how any girl or woman past the age of like 14 can not be pink-pilled. It's all so tiresome.
No. 662512
File: 1603990851413.jpg (57.08 KB, 750x750, 11059988_906195752768125_57791…)

I hope this doesn't come off as a vendetta. I just have to get this off my chest since I have no one to talk to about this.
I know a guy IRL who is a mod for a very popular 2 million+ hobby subreddit. Known him since high school.
He's the most obnoxious person I have ever been around. Can't keep quiet for 5 minutes and literally yells when talking over everyone else at gatherings. The kind of person who thinks being loud and laughing at his own jokes makes him charming. He bragged several times to me about going to work while drunk as if it were something to be proud of. He even tried to convince me that my experience with sexual harassment wasn't actually sexual harassment and if men didn't approach women that way, then they'd all be single.
I have a very strong memory of him in high school. While at a movie night, he received a phone call from mutual friend who was having several mental health crises. She often confided in him. He set his phone to speaker+mute and let everyone hear what she was crying about. It was awful.
He's an extremely insecure person who comes off as extremely misogynistic. Complains constantly about not having a gf (gee, I wonder why) and has put on a ton of weight since I last saw him. I don't know what he's up to now, but he's been a mod of that sub for as long as I can remember reddit existing.
Other social media sites at least have an excuse of "That's how I stay in contact with person X, Y, or Z". You don't really hear people say, "I'm a Twitterer" or "I'm a Facebooker" because those are just tools in someone's social toolbelt. If someone identifies as a "Redditor", dear God, you will sense them from 10 miles away. Those kinda people seek to control everyone and everything around them with their self-inflated egos.
No. 662521
>>662512remember when people used to identify as tropers lol
also tumblr people, though I'm not sure if they named themself or just run with the 'I like your shoelaces uwu' code
No. 662567
>>662561Omg same. r/nosleep was the only subreddit I went on, and the stories were
good. Around 2015 latest, but probably before, it got popular and started sucking ass. I don't have the patience to find a single good story, fucking sucks.
No. 662770
>>662577Yep. 2015 was when I really got into it as well. I just can't read the stories there anymore. They are so fucking awful.
>>662577I'm tired of reading "an impossibly large grin." It's so lazy and bad. Also, there was a time where there were too many sexual abuse stories. Fucking nasty.
No. 662794
File: 1604010801030.jpg (201.63 KB, 750x1070, domestic abuse.jpg)

This was posted a few days ago but it's still pretty fucked up.I particularly hate how he acts like it's her fault for getting the concussion, like he says 'apparent her brain thought it was a Mac truck', instead of just saying 'I hit my GF too hard and nearly gave her concussion'. That's not even mentioning the fact that he was domestically abusing her 'but it's alright because she consented uwu'
No. 662888
>>662794This creeps me out on so many levels. Nowhere does he take responsibility or even say "I feel bad," instead he says vaguely
victim blame-y words like "giving her what she wanted" and he even somehow makes it her
brain's fault for getting a concussion. The whole post has this air of absolving himself while making it his gf's fault that he hit her so hard he gave her a brain injury.
And yes, I know like 90% of these posts are fake as hell, but even if it's fake, someone thought it was acceptable enough to write about, and other people on reddit found it funny enough to give awards.
No. 664908
>>662946every popular sub will shadowban you if you don't have more than a certain amount of karma when you post on any one of their circlejerk subs
it's extremely gay when you want to just join in onto the site and be jovial.
even when you dispute the ban the mods will treat you with absolute disdain like you actually did something wrong when you just wanted to comment on how cute something was on r/pics.
No. 665527
File: 1604366187684.png (81.56 KB, 1318x368, Screen Shot 2020-11-02 at 8.15…)

Not sure if this belongs here or in the tradthot thread, but jesus christ this is sad.
No. 665554
File: 1604368909865.png (6.4 KB, 274x98, psykos.PNG)

>>665527hahahahha I love RPW, hours of fun! until you remember they're actual people
No. 665622
File: 1604375985395.png (211.56 KB, 640x792, 102100102938301019228.png)

My life would be improved if this man stopped making comics
>>665554Just keep having your fun, they're almost all larpers anyway
No. 665987
File: 1604423887019.jpg (Spoiler Image,856.87 KB, 3068x1444, 1566303031-yz1irw-l0gtdjstbefh…)

Reddit meetup 2011
No. 666096
>>665987I love that the ginger in the middle got her tits out but was blocked lmao, couldn't even get any spotlight when whoring herself out.
The 2 normal looking fully dressed women in the front are clearly regretting coming, wow.
And WHY is the woman to the left of the guy in white wearing some kind of see through lace outfit in the first place?!
Magnificent photo, thanks anon
No. 666118
File: 1604433887087.png (60.74 KB, 153x143, Capture.PNG)

>>665987me looking at this photo
No. 666121
File: 1604434134835.jpeg (180.5 KB, 390x473, 36C161B8-0592-413F-89A8-810713…)

>>665987ain’t nobody gonna talk about this dude he’s melting…
No. 668298
File: 1604700783102.png (107.61 KB, 733x698, tifu.PNG)

This is so annoying to read; even if most likely a made up story as the majority of viral reddit stories, misogyny this person displays is disgusting.
> Looking for a specific flavor of validation, the kind that validated me as a woman. I kept it up, got on hormones, got my boobs, bottom surgery, a loving husband and lots of shoes.
Ah yes the essence of being a woman.
No. 668309
>>668298I've followed detransition stories for a while and noticed detrans women are usually pretty quick to start doubting their 'journey' Mostly they realise their mistake within the first couple years and they delay coming off hormones again mainly out of fear of people reactions. I do mostly read FTMs stories but have seen this before where where MTFs take actual decades to hit the same realization.
15 years living as 'I own lots of shoes' and he finally realises he's subscribing to some 2d bs version of womanhood? if that's real it's sad.
No. 668516
File: 1604729607565.jpeg (694.57 KB, 828x1338, 140FA07D-2101-4262-A003-3BC5D2…)

>>668348Pleas for attention lol
No. 668578
>>666129>>666372My fucking sides anons
>>668573I'm getting the same vibe. Somehow that stare is unsettling, like it feels like she's doing this as some bizarre form of self harm.
No. 668591
>>668516I was just scrolling down and… okay, I'm sorry if this sounds mean, but there's something about this picture that just makes me angry.
I guess it's the teeth as
>>668523 says but something about this is making me so uncomfortable, even without the context of the subreddit.
Also, the whole "Black bra under white shirt" is sending me to an edge, like I know why it's there, but it just heavily annoys me as the clothing nitpicker I am.
No. 668724
File: 1604766069327.png (426 KB, 720x976, aaaaaa.png)

Can't even browse a damn spongebob sub in peace.
You would think this guy spent his life being denied care for being a man but it's just a 15yo sad because nobody cared when they cried at school but they cared about some girl? Big fucking deal, the same thing happened to me, almost like depression annoys people no matter what gender you are.
No. 669588
File: 1604874161135.jpg (43.91 KB, 614x960, tjd6b551ytx51.jpg)

104k upvotes on /r/Whitepeopletwitter
No. 670319
File: 1604962235754.png (107.15 KB, 870x678, sociopath.png)

I can't be the only one who thinks shit like this on r/childfree is sociopathic right?
No. 670322
File: 1604962420674.png (64.38 KB, 743x346, calm down.png)

>>670319Idc if they don't want children but why are they so
triggered by other people's babies kek just scrioll past the introduction like the rest of us
No. 670326
>>670319>>670322It's so weird when people hate kids this much. It's got to be rooted in something deeper if even remembering kids exist makes you fly off the handle.
(Also never want kids btw, though I do love them)
No. 670331
>>670326I think most of these people were abused by their own parents and are just projecting that onto other children. As in, talking about those kids the same way they felt they were treated when they were kids themselves.
Also, plenty of them are just bitter and don't like to be reminded of the fact that happy families exist.
No. 670479
>>670319I'd be annoyed as hell if I was trying to do my job and some annoying ass coworker forced attention to be about her preggy belly during a shift. What is wrong with you farmers? The 20 year old is acting like an attention starved idiot. Not appropriate conduct at all.
>>670322This person sounds like an actual boob though. Guess they never heard of SEO and why people write blogs on their recipe pages in order to get more clicks.
No. 670568
>>670479Big agree anon, I do
not want to participate in anybody's family planning hype. How is that my business? I hate when people expect me to give a shit about their engagement or pregnancy. Good for you but I don't want to pretend to be excited about it. Leave me alone!!
No. 670576
File: 1604990353899.png (45.6 KB, 640x473, r1.png)

I sorted by new and found this person. Enjoy.
No. 670577
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No. 670579
File: 1604990411715.png (40.22 KB, 641x438, r3.png)

No. 670581
File: 1604990444663.png (62.03 KB, 629x581, r4.png)

No. 670594
>>670479It's really not specific to pregnancy, more to being annoying and self absorbed. If she wasn't pregnant it'd be something else.
If the only reason to hate it on is that it involves pregnancy then that's a bit weird. But it seems like it's that it's annoying and distracting.
One of the flaws of being young is being self absorbed like that chick. Another flaw is being spineless and too polite in a passive aggressive way. If someone is being annoying, it's very simple: tell them to stfu or avoid being around them. If that doesn't work then sure, I can understand having a bitch, but if you don't even attempt to solve the problem before bitching to the whole world about it then this is just the classic bullshit culture of reddit.
So much of life gets better when you learn to tell people to fuck off or know when you should fuck off, but instead everyone wastes their time making subreddits in order to get madder and madder while getting less done and meanwhile the pregnant co-worker goes on thinking she's being cute or quirky or interesting with no feedback to the contrary whatsoever. And r/childfree goes on believing this is specific to breeders, as if they're not just as tedious and annoying.
No. 670718
>>670319>>670322>>670326I feel like these people just aren't getting laid and that's the difference between 'I'm just not a baby person' and 'I'm raging at your pregnancy' The fact that their insults centre around calling a baby a semen demon, a crotch goblin or pointing out that having unprotected sex doesn't make you special… why are they always so weirdly wrapped up in the act of conception itself?
I'm not a baby person but I also don't think of crude sexual insults when my coworkers are excited.
No. 670773
>>670460I think this is it. I’ve only met a few people who really seemed to
hate kids enough to go on about semen demons and shit, but they were all self-absorbed and immature. It seems like they just hate not being the center of attention.
I get not liking kids or being annoyed if your family is pressuring you for grandchildren, but their visceral hatred sounds very much like an angsty teen upset at getting less attention because of a new baby.
No. 671781
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Someone made a post under r/wellthatsucks claiming their "sister" baked picrel for a wedding and was angry that the bride said that it was "the ugliest part of her wedding."
OP was anticipating that people would jump on the bride for being a Karen, but then deleted the post when a bunch of redditors agreed that the cake was fugly and amateur at best lmao.
No. 671789
>>671781I don't see what's so bad about this, it's not that ugly. How much was it? If it was like absurdly expensive and/or looked nothing like what was promised, I could understand.
Can you post a link to the thread? I wanna read the comments.
No. 671799
>>671781pro baker here.
i actually think it's a bit ugly. fondant and icing work are bad as well as the tree/marbled design layer is horribly done. fondant also looks too soft which is why the floral/geometric pattern is drooping so much.
No. 671807
>>671787>>671789>>671791The rundown is
>bottom floral pattern looks like pastrami curtains that are not well placed>piping on top of floral layer is uneven >fondant layers are patchy and uneven >marbling is painted on making it look more like tree branches >The W insignia is smooshed and crooked >the floral pattern on the type layers look like vulva, or oysters >sprinkling is a mess >color choice is generally uglyBear in mind someone likely paid over a thousand dollars for this.
> No. 671815
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>>671807Only sort of related, but what the fuck is with these stories? Didn't expect to get blackpilled on marriage while reading a cake thread, ffs.
No. 671828
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>>671807Waaait, so the bride helped design the cake?
Now I'm starting to think she just wanted to get a refund, or escape paying for it. I agree it's not the prettiest, but if she literally decided on this instead of a more conventional design/color scheme (especially after seeing the baker's skill level before ordering), this outcome is kind of on her.
No. 673028
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No. 673098
>>670319I find it sus that a subreddit like this is allowed to fester where it's basically multitudes of spergs insulting women for having children and intensely reacting to their behavior by calling them misogynistic and dehumanizing slurs based around their female anatomy. At the same time radfem and gender crit subreddits are stomped out for being "hate speech" so this really doesn't sit right with me at all. Reddit is basically telling you where its loyalties lie and what's ok.
>>670460Literally almost all of these types come from Northern American cultures where it's ok for people to brag about their life's story for you for brownie points (hence the mom talking about shit to a stranger she thinks would care to listen) but where it's not ok to be honest about your feelings so you get a really repressed and psychologically twisted kind of person in these cultures. I would actually not be surprised if 90% of these people are American.
No. 673106
File: 1605267612159.png (90.87 KB, 730x737, 1605163373706.png) getting an extensional crisis cause your gf doesn't want to use shit stained sex toys on your nether regions
alos kek at calling him and his gf a lesbian couple
No. 673122
>>673106I mean I gotta be honest, he has a bit of a point.
Imagine your partner telling you they only want one specific type of sex you don't want, and also making fun of your genitals.
No. 673148
>>673122Lets say I guy I was dating for a long time and liked very much gets testicle cancer and loses his Penis, if that were to happen we could have sex a number of ways and both get pleasure
I wouldn't expect for me now to do all the work in end all of a sudden and shove a dildo in his ass so that he can get pleasure
No. 673164
>>673106>morning the death of her boyfriend and needs time to grieve and figure out if she's even attracted to transpeople >CAN YOU BELIEVE MY ONLY WORTH WAS MY PENIS?!?!?! Lmao troons are so self centered their brains go critical and meltdown to mush.
He just needs to admit he ruined a decade old relationship and go find a partner who's willing to root him in the ass and participate in his lesbian larp.
No. 673187
>>673156This. It's hardly even a relationship at this point. The girlfriend
>>673106 should've broken up with the OP a long time ago. Not sure who's the bigger retard.
No. 673753
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Even the "nice" childfree sub has unhinged people. Who calls kids abusive?
No. 673784
>>673753>>673768I think you guys misread this. She says that some of her step-kids have children (one of the step-grandkids is 8), so her "children" are likely adults (one is at least old enough to have an 8 year old). She isn't shitting on literal children, she's saying her adult step-kids are
abusive to their mom (her ex) and she (OP) is tired of them and her ex making excuses for them.
It doesn't sound that unlikely tbh, but most reddit stories have unreliable narrators anyway.
No. 673988
>>673753>my lizard and snakePeople who own reptiles are always fucked up.
These freaks ruin the sub. Most posts reading ''children are
abusive psychopaths!!!'' etc, visit their user profile. They'll have posts about their BPD, autism, transgenderism, you name it.
No. 673998
>>673988>People who own reptiles are always fucked fuck you bitch
not seriouslyMe and my three snakes will dance on your grave.
No. 674086
>>673753>Who calls kids abusiveTo be fair, kids can truly be
No. 674098
>>673784Yeah if the step grandkid is 8 and she spent 8 years being a step parent the "stepkids" are grown adults or late teens.
>>674086I don't think kids have the capacity to understand and abuse adults anon. Some may be difficult, manipulative and be awful for the parents mental health but i don't think they can comprehend and reflect on just how much it affects others and still do it like an adult can.
No. 674162
abusive doesn't require you to be doing so consciously.
No. 674207
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>>674138I looked for more context out of curiosity, it's not super clear because the OP seems to confuse a 7 month year old and 7 year old (?), but it's obvious she is referring to her ex's adult children who have their own kids. She probably referred specifically to the 8 year old step-grandchild because she had more of a role in minding that particular child, but it seems like all of her step-kids are old enough to have their own children.
Maybe she changed the ages slightly to make it more anonymous, but she's definitely not ranting about little kids, she's ranting about her adult step-children. She did say her one step-grandchild was out of control, but that's really mild and more of a complaint about her step-childrens' parenting.
No. 674335
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Even a broken clock is right sometimes
No. 674502
>>674418It seems like a NA culture thing to you because reddit is mostly north american but i guarantee you other cultures have little bubbles of people who hate kids just as much, even in cultures where drawing attention to yourself is not a sin and where multi generational families are common you just haven't found where they congregate.
Also keep in mind places dedicated to hating (or loving) something will aways upvote the extreme views and the crazy stories, the dogfree sub is the same way: most people who don't like being around dogs are chill, but lurking that sub you start to think all of them are psychopats who will kick a puppy on sight because no person mildly annoyed by dogs will join a place dedicated to hating on them.
No. 674520
>>674418I'm from Eastern Europe, and believe people hate other people's kids just as much, even if they have a family of their own. Hell, when I walk or run in the park on the weekend, I'll think about how annoying all these screaming kids are around me. Except I don't run and write an essay on reddit any time a kids might have accidentally bumped into me kek.
Also if anything NA seems way more lenient on being individualistic and loud, collectivist societies and ones that mostly just fight for survival are way more punishing for attention whores.
No. 674530
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I understand not liking pets and thinking they're a waste of money, but this person is mental. They've been posting on petfree almost everyday about horrific things pets have done. If you hate them so much, why do you keep focusing on pets?? Pic related. User wants to move to an Eastern European country to avoid dogs. Lmfao what kind of shitty nuclear option is that if you can't stand seeing a dog or two outside? No. 675049
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>>674530>brainwashed>cult>everyone dictates you to get a cat or dogwhat world is this person living in
No. 675120
>>675049OT somehow this kind of stuff is eye-opening. It really shows you should choose your battles.
It's like a metaphor for anxiety and mental illness, where you tear your hair out over things that actually don't matter at all
No. 675133
>>674530Kek I was born in Eastern Europe and besides lots of people owning dogs there were also a fucking lot of stray dogs who attacked people.
Idk if it's still the case but I would recommend him to move there just for laughs.
No. 675146
>>675133My country gets a lot of American/British right wing loonies and sexpats and they all last a few months before running back home. They all make shit up about Eastern Europe and eventually start to believe each other's stories, don't know why else this keeps happening.
My hometown is full of tiny Maltese dogs and stray animals, I swear to god every family has either a Maltese or two semi-stray cats. Don't know why people think we hate dogs, it's the exact opposite.
No. 675554
>>674530istg, burgers keep believing weirdest shit about Slavs. Are there some trolls out there feeding them this nonsense? Is that why those Roosh and Null types keep coming here?
Anyway, there are tons of dogs where I live, half my family has some, and none of us live in rural area. My parents had two until recently and my dad isn't even that fond of dogs.
No. 676171
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I saw this on FDS (yeah yeah I know) and I found it funny how all this her replies were defending porn viewing, saying it's totally normal for men to look, etc, but as soon as she said she might secretly post nudes for a confidence boost, "that's totally wrong, not fair to her bf, she would be cheating, there's a difference between viewing and creating porn," etc.
I've seen some threads before with a male OP who said he found out his gf was doing secret sex work, most comments say to break up since that's cheating. It's okay to look at nudes, that's totally not cheating, but posting nudes is?
No. 676183
>>676171I find it sad how the female OPs always have to defend themselves and justify their completely reasonable discomfort and fear.
Whenever they say anything that might suggest that they were "snooping" through their bf's phone in the midst of cheating suspicions, even just looking in his general direction as he was typing, people will descend upon her and start screeching how it's an invasion of privacy and completely ignore the fact that he might be cheating on her because "she doesn't trust him". Then they use that to cape for the boyfriend and say it's no wonder he's cheating because she's controlling or manipulative.
Meanwhile a male poster doing the same thing is told to lawyer up, hit the gym and plot revenge against "the bitch".
No. 676220
>>676171>replies were defending porn viewing, saying it's totally normal for men to look, etc, but as soon as she said she might secretly post nudes for a confidence boost, "that's totally wrong, not fair to her bf, she would be cheating, there's a difference between viewing and creating porn." You know I never made this connection but this is 100% correct. Granted there are degenerate scrotes who would be okay with their girlfriends and wives doing porn, but of course no person with self-respect would ever tolerate that. It's so obvious. Great point.
>>676183Safe to say most men on reddit are cheaters and don't want women to get any ideas about looking into their activities and questioning them about anything. Isn't it funny how they bring up trust knowing they're doing the very same behaviors that also violate trust? They might as well be saying "W-well what about you?!?!?" Lmao.
No. 676235
>>676219In this context, I totally disagree anon. The OP wasn't talking about sending nudes to specific people/sexting, she mentioned the desire to post nudes on certain subreddits to get a confidence boost.
These subreddits would presumably be similar to the ones her bf is already
subscribed to (and maybe posting on), why is it okay for him to subscribe to NSFW subreddits and enjoy other womens' photos but she can't post her own? What's the difference here? Why is it worse for one person to share pictures of their body than for another to sexually lust after others? In this context, the OP wouldn't even be personally lusting after anyone else, she would just be enjoying the simp attention.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's stupid to go after scrote attention since they'll wank it to anything, but I found their quick change of opinion pretty funny. Consuming porn in a relationship is fine, but god forbid if your property posts a picture of her tits for other men to see, that cheating whore!
No. 676254
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Spoilered image for Queens Gambit
I just wanted to read some discussion after finishing the series but even of course after watching a series that was low-key sympathetic to the struggles of it's female characters I forgot that Reddit is full of gross cavemen who always out themselves
>To women hot men are romantic and all ugly men are creepers
>Think it's acceptable that men only think of sex
>Thinks it's a weird if a man doesn't want to bang every attractive woman
No. 676367
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>>676171"muh communication" really is a reddit meme kek and also wtf at the
>this means he thinks it's a casual thing, which it iswatching porn, as pathetic as it is, being casual i can accept, yeah, but right next to your partner while idling on the couch? glad i saw at least one person also just being like "where do you live"
No. 676479
>>676171damn, my ex asked me about my favorite male porn stars… I don't watch porn, so I said I have none. And then he wrote this long ass message about his favorite porn stars and kinds of porn he's into, and it was the longest message I've ever received from him, it's crazy. This relationship didn't end right after that lol but it was really short.
Also even though he had 10 or so sexual partners, he clearly doesn't really know how to please a woman, and just roughly gropes you… After that, I definitely won't deal with porn lovers (I was more lenient before)
No. 676494
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so i regularly lurk fighting video subreddits, and i found this lovely comment on a fight in front of pub. the fight is pretty entertaining, but everywhere you look it's posted on subreddits like pussypassdenied. the title on this post is interesting too. bunch of tough guys in the comments No. 676496
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I fucking hate these memes
No. 676528
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>>676515i love the smell of angry troons in the morning
No. 676641
>>676627>>676515For those dont get what these dumbasses are saying their actually arguing that young girls in east Africa who have their genitals mutalted still posses Cis-privilege the same way a poor white man In America who doesn't have home can still have straight white privilege
This Is why people hate the modern left
No. 676645
>>676515>trans rights have nothing to do with female breast ironingBut when anyone brings out womanhood, they’re
literally killing them on the streets.
No. 676714
>>676515The fucking hand-wringing liberals do when it comes to female oppression on Africa disgusts me so fucking much. They clearly don't give a shit about women when they claim talking about FGM in African countries is anti-Black! Especially when they say Black capital B as if the horrors those women face is in any way equitable to American idpol. They literally are going "hmm… these suffering women are also dark skinned, better relate it to the current issues Black Americans face because i get all my news on Twitter and want shame anyone who genuinely has empathy for these
victims." They are Fucking dead inside.
No. 676967
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Why are these whiny "men can't share their emotions" threads always on the front page with like a million awards? I swear I see some thread that's basically the same shtick every day. "No one listens to my feelings because I'm a man, I'm a man so I have no value in society, everyone distrusts me because I'm a man, it's so hard being a man." Even TwoX had a thread about these whiners.
I've never had a friend group that wasn't dominated by men sharing their problems and using the women like therapists. Wtf are these threads talking about? Is it just a thinly veiled complaint that women aren't doing that as much anymore?
No. 676972
>>676967TwoX is garbage since it became a default sub. full of scrotes pretending to be women.
>I've never had a friend group that wasn't dominated by men sharing their problems and using the women like therapistsAnd if you don't act like their mommy then you're an intolerant radfem bitch.
No. 676994
>>676967>Why are these whiny "men can't share their emotions" threads always on the front page with like a million awards? because its reddit. They OP's of those post are farming karma and faking sympathy for epic upvotes and reddit gold. They couldn't give a fuck about people and their problems.
Most guys talk about their problems with close friends or their girlfriends from what I've seen. "men not sharing their emotions" is a meme. Its just radfems being retarded and making sweeping generalizations about men and how they are raised even though they have no idea what its like to be a man or be raised as one. Identity politics belongs in the dumpster tbh
No. 677013
>>676967>>676987I don't mind these posts but when it descends into "men suffer the most because they have to keep to themselves!", I'm out. Men are very comfortable sharing shit, they just never share shit that might make them look weak. If they stopped shaming each other instead of venting in a reddit thread, it might be better.
I know it's hard when you're expected to be masculine and strong all the time, but they put that expectation on each other and for reddit of all places to act like they can't speak up? This is the website that has people messaging cum tributes and rape threats to random strangers and posting wild controversial opinions. If you can do that, you can say you're feeling a bit fucking blue, Brandon.
No. 677152
>>676994do you smoke crack or are you just a retarded libfem? radfems know men don’t keep that shit in and use women as emotional punching bags like
>>677040 said. male stoicism is just another scrote meme meant to trick women into coddling their feelings, and radfems know better than that.
No. 677297
>>676515Remember when TRAs viciously attacked a black woman
victim of FGM on Twitter? I do.
It's hilarious how they now pretend they give half a shit about black women, and how they try to turn it into a "Y-You're racist" retarded ass "argument". They can go fuck themselves with a cactus.
No. 677312
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I just want to browse a bullet journal subreddit. I hate this sugar daddy shit being normalized and leaking into everyday life. It's not cute.
No. 677342
>>677013>"men suffer the most because they have to keep to themselves!"Literally had to deal with a man claiming that women are living in easy mode because they're allowed to cry and talk about their feelings. What the fuck do you even say to that?
>If they stopped shaming each other instead of venting in a reddit thread, it might be better.This. It's 100% a male problem and I hate how they try to make women the scapegoat for their own
toxic male culture they created.
No. 677375
>>677342>I hate how they try to make women the scapegoat for their own toxic male culture they created.Ntayrt and I agree but wanted to add that MOST of the times when men ever opened up to me about their emotions, it was to manipulate me about something. So of course women aren't always sympathetic even if they do because men only seem to remember their vulnerabilities when they need an excuse, or use it as a shield as to why women can't be mad at them for something they did. When's the last time a man opened up to me without a preface of having been a piece of shit? They expect women to be their unconditional therapists and cheerleaders.
I'll never forget confronting a guy who deliberately led me on for his self-esteem boost and tried to bring up his Tragic Past™ backstory as to why he couldn't be commital to me even after saying he would because he couldn't admit he lied for selfish reasons since that would make him not the nice guy. I sent a laugh gif react because his manipulation was SO OBVIOUS but he went around and told everyone that I laughed at his Man Emotions™ to get sympathy and paint me as a bitch cause I saw through his bullshit. Same guy who when I told him I was uncomfortable with him making late night visits to his exes if he was serious about wanting to date me, berated me about my "trust issues" and tried to gaslight me into accepting that behavior. He's a very Nice Guy™ who I'm sure is telling everyone a mean, nasty woman made fun of his emotions once.
No. 677397
>>677353You hit the nail on the head, anon.
Every fucking time I see a discussion concerning issues that primarily affect women, there is some fucking dunce in the comment chiming in with
>but men also have problems UwU mah suicide statistics and muh men can albe be raped and abused UwU And a fuckton of handmaidens sucking their dicks in the subsequent thread. Somehow, those boys cant grasp that sometimes it is not about them and that feminists are not obliged to strike their cocks. Women being responsible for men's feelings, tale as old as time.
No. 677487
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>>677013I thought this thread from TwoX addressed it pretty nicely. It's less that "nobody cares about our feelings" and more "I hit on girls by saying I'm going through a tough time and they're not falling for my bullshit" kek
No. 677525
>>677490Nta but reading through this I realised that as a woman with the social skills of an autist (tho not literally one) I don't do alot of the typical emotional labour other women do…but damn do I now get why men were always lashing out at me for 'lacking empathy' when I didn't bend over backwards for them.
It was always men calling me rude over neutral interactions where I simply was short on time or wouldn't do them a random favor. My thought process has always been "would I ever ask the same of you and feel that's reasonable?" It doesn't get more fair than that.
No. 677717
>>676967I'm a shy and awkard doormat, and I've had several occasions where, for some fucking reason, someone would dump their entire life story and misery in my ears. From complete strangers to colleagues to fucking tinder matches. I listened to all kinds of umprompted shit: suicide, deaths, cheating, depression, divorce, job shit, insecurities, estranged kids. It's annoying as fuck.
But whenever women did this to me, they would remember that another person was listening, and would then offer their ears to me. Men never fucking do that. They bitch and moan about never sharing their feelings and shit. Yeah, they don't share, they just dump their shit on the invisible women, ie the women they don't see as fuckable. They act all strong and supportive to the women they want to fuck, and then get pissed when they are "friendzoned", but they do the exact same shit. Except they don't even see other women as friends, just as free therapists. They never reciprocrate, they never care if someone close to them needs help, they only care about who they want to fuck, and only in order to fuck them.
I would pity them if they were not so fucking vile.
No. 677927
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A post has been put up on unresolvedmysteries about a missing 19-year old called Sage Smith. The one thing missing from the write-up is Sage's sex which the author outright refuses to give, going so far as listing Sage's sex as "trans/non-binary". They are also planning on emailing the Charley Project to get Sage's pronouns removed from the missing persons listing.
The poster says that "Sage didn't like labels" but they are MISSING and ENDANGERED. I wouldn't like certain information about me posted around but if I'm missing then do what you gotta do.
Am I wrong in thinking they are actively hurting this persons chances of being found? I had to go to the Charley Project page to find out this person was male, which the author is now trying to get taken down. It seems so sinister, like this person saw a chance to push an agenda and will happily do it at the expense of a long missing and probably dead teenager.
Charley Project: No. 677981
>>677927most people I know (im black and they are black) have never even heard of "Non-Binary", they know what transgendered is, but they are probably going to assume it's a man in a dress or something.
Has this person spoken to the family? Are they close to them? If not they can fuck off trying to remove IMPORTANT information.
No. 677989
>>677981I looked through the post and the users history and it seems like just a random person.
This article says Sage Smith identified as female and uses she/her throughout so I guess no one knows. Do people really not think this will be confusing to the public? Using "they" one second and "she" the next? No. 678014
>>678000Samefag, looks like Sage was murdered but until their body is found it’s inconclusive. If they were trafficked, do the gender specials think the traffickers would allow Sage to remain trans/NB? That’s shit straight out of Soren’s trauma narrative.
I fear for any trans/NB females who get trafficked because they’d have no hope of being found if this shit continues.
No. 678807
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Another Reddit deep dive, another moment of gazing into the cognitive dissonance of incels.
A simple Google search proves almost every point wrong, I thought incels liked statistics and logic?
No. 678831
>>678825I mean we've been trying to for years, unless that's what you meant kek
This post makes me so mad though, even if they believe this stuff out still contradicts itself
>Men are thought of as wife beaters as child abusers>Women can just get married and taken care of No. 678931
>>678864It is so saddening that men cannot grasp the fact that minorities (and I’m including women) getting priority in
valid candidates picks is because for literal decades they’ve been discarded as candidates based on being a minority. It is undoing the damage, for f u c k s a k e they are experiencing the tinniest amount of what minorities face everyday. They are such pathetic creatures.
No. 679229
>>678807Men really hate that women can just decide to not fuck them and there's nothing they can do about it. It just makes me laugh so much. All that typing and still no woman touching your pee pee kek
>>678864>>678931Where is this happening though? Men always SAY it is, but I've never experienced it. Maybe this is happening in the cities and giant companies, but it's not my personal experience or those of other women I know.
I graduated with a CS degree with hons. and the highest GPA in my class and watched males that barely graduated fall into jobs right out of school because of their buddies etc. I'm TOLD daily that this is all easier for me because I'm a woman, but I applied for a job and got rejected because the old Indian scrote looked into my background and didn't want to work with a divorced woman. Another job I got rejected form because the 60 year old obese incel scrote didn't think I could lift 30lb computers. Another job I left quickly because the owners son wouldn't leave me alone and said he was going to take me to Turkey to marry me.
When do all these doors open for me, and not just the ones that do because some moid wants to fuck me?
No. 679552
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>see this on reddit
>think to myself "Gay men don't talk like the OP. How do you go from calling yourself a minor to a man in the same breath? Also, the person talking to them sounds like a 30-50 year old ESL man trying to get nudes from an obvious fakeboi"
>scroll down in thread
>turns out OP is 17 and the person who DM'd them is 18, but they're calling the person a "pedophile"
>scroll some more
>OP agrees it's probably a man, and briefly complains about being sent "transphobic shit"
>check "his" profile
>they posted similar shit, some ESL weirdo with the text "This is what I get for being trans and underage"
All my biases, confirmed. Why the fuck are trannies so clockable, even in text?
No. 680003
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Religion has got some women so bad that they feel forced to stay with their husbands who haven't been faithful to them since the start of their marriage, allow their priests to tell them they can't divorce, and feel shame for wanting an abortion for a pregnancy they do not want.
Catholicism is a fucking disease.
No. 680846
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I know this is five years old but…does this man think his wife is stupid? Does he think people online are going to believe that he has no clue? People in the comments believe him
No. 681561
File: 1606328490269.png (185.38 KB, 719x1148, 20201125_181958.png)

>dude makes an r/tifu post about a failed joke>calls a 10yo "Karen" in the same post, also as a jokeCan't some people just shut up? No. 681592
>>681561Kind of weirded out that a teacher dealing with 10 year olds needs to share this much detail about them for a few reddit upvotes. Coming from 'a line of karens'…. calling the mom and getting the full backstory on the dead dog which he also shares for our entertainment. Why do teachers post this shit to reddit?
People in the comments are diagnosing this kid linna with 'either ASD or she's just a bitch like her mom' .. don't you want your kids teacher to post this trash in his spare time! You're a bitch, your kid is a bitch, your dog is dead. Your kid has autism. Dude stfu gossiping about other peoples kids.
No. 681644
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Everyday I lose hope in humanity.
No. 681701
>>681644The fact that even there, she had to say "Btw I don't hate porn!!! (please don't attack me)".
I bet she got sperged at by coomers regardless, and received some nasty messages calling her jealous.
Reddit is hopeless for women.
No. 681707
>>681644I can understand these types of dynamics when the women are super young and don't have kids yet but…she's an adult woman and a mother. She is going to be setting an example of what's acceptable in her relationship to her children. Why the fuck would she stay with a man who'd drop her for a worthless thot like Belle if she offered when she's the mother of this man's children?! This manchild is undervaluing his own family to obsess over a woman he will never have.
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
Worst of all this kind of conversation gets redirected to be about women being "jealous" of porn, instead of the lack of manhood being displayed by these pathetic excuses for sperm donors. Too bad it's too late for her to abort and run.
No. 681796
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>>681760>>681561It sounds fake, like it was written by some amateur writer. Good to know that grown men on Reddit enjoy calling 10 year old girls bitches, though.
No. 682121
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Redditors are about 5 years behind
No. 682179
>>681561Wow, a fucking novel with unnecessary narrative to explain that he told a joke that a kid wasn't in on and got sad. He should have been the creative writing teacher.
Not even a major fuckup. Sounds like a mediocre man who just wanted to exaggerate his importance to reddit cause he thinks he's raising a classroom of girl tech prodigies when they're only like 10.
No. 682183
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Scrotes mad
No. 682213
>>682183reddit abortion takes are absolutely hilarious
by the way, the term paternal abortion makes leddit abortion discoursers extremely mad and thank god for that
No. 682323
>>682233I was 30 years old before abortion became legal in my country, I spent a good deal of my twenties celebate because of that fact. It simply wasn't worth the risk.
I do love seeing men think that a lack of abortions will somehow benefit them. Bit short sighted
No. 685313
File: 1606816126551.jpeg (84.35 KB, 575x767, CA9CA55F-F36D-4A9E-94F5-4126A7…)

I fucking hate /r/GirlGamers. 50% of the posts are just showing off pastel pink and/or purple backlit “battlestations” and splurging on pastel pink items like picrel. I HATE the pink gaming chair, the headset with cat ears, the pink keyboards, and that ugly butt mousemat everyone seems to have. Since shayna decided to larp as a gamer girl I think of her everytime I see this shit now too!!
And I don’t get people’s obsession with becoming a twitch thot. I did twitch briefly when I was 18 and the abuse was not worth it. But maybe times have changed idk.
I don’t fucking care if people like pastel pink shit but I hate how it’s half the subreddit. As if buying pink pc parts and streaming on twitch is inherently part of the female experience.
No. 685326
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How can people believe these stories
No. 686537
File: 1606946205705.png (105.58 KB, 1232x492, Screenshot 2020-12-02 at 20.52…)

So many posts in askmen about popping boners to sobbing women. Always starts the same, "I guess it's just my pRoTecTiVe InStiNcTS, gUys??"
Then one "BRAVE SOUL!!" admits it's distressed women are a turn on because they're easier to manipulate.
No. 686550
>>686537Fucking hell men are disgusting.
At the same time,
my boyfriend always gets boners after I have crying fits and he cuddles me to comfort me. Not sure why that is but he says it's due to "being close". But we're close all the time…
No. 688013
>>687138NTA, but
>men are pornsick and masturbate so much that they constantly get boners>men can't get boners during sex because they only get off to porn and only masturbateFarmers really should pick one at this point
No. 690838
A woman posted that she's glad she didn't report her rape and god why are scrotes so lacking in empathy. Saying hopefully future rape
victims will be less cowardly and report him. Just absolutely not even acknowledging how traumatic the process of reporting is and placing all blame squarely on the woman. No. 690921
File: 1607534648958.png (20.6 KB, 893x285, Screenshot_2020-12-09 Don’t le…)

from a Muslim sub, regarding anex-muslim woman who defected to the US and choose to compete in a chess tournament without a Hijab
No. 691096
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>>609757I really hate how misogynistic Reddit is but I also hate how fucking corny they are. Every "wholesome" post that gets to Popular is so cringe to me, especially when it's some random bullshit like an old man singing and they all go "my life is now perfect, protect this man uwu".
Redditors also have the fucking lowest standard in men I've ever seen, they'll hype any scrote as handsome. Especially if it's a nerdy fat youtuber. I know saying Rich from RLM is cute is a meme but I kind of feel some actually believe it? Of course they'll rate the most beautiful women like 4/10.
No. 691101
>>691096I especially hate any wholesome shit that's about cuddling men ala "men need hugs too
cry face" or something like that. Fuck off losers.
No. 691170
>>690838This shit is so annoying. Even disregarding the trauma of reporting, people poking holes in your story, calling you a slut, etc., there are plenty of open and shut cases with tons of evidence where the rapist still got off with very little or no punishment.
There's some reposted story on the front page every week about a woman falsely accusing a man of rape, but no one mentions how rape is the most underreported crime and how so few rapists even see a prison sentence. Reddit really pushes the "women are all lying because they regret consensual sex" angle.
No. 691237
File: 1607570105616.png (235.9 KB, 1650x872, Screenshot 2020-12-10 at 02.48…)

Just want to vent how much I hate these stupid, sexist crybabies. Looks like they didn't get hit with the ban hammer though they've spent years doxxing and harassing Asian women. See here for a hilarious thread on these Azn autists:
>>>/ot/195991They should do a better job covering their tracks tbh. I easily discovered the identity of one AznMasc mod. He inadvertently revealed a lot of about himself in a post. All I had to do was google his first name plus 'vancouver ubc finance' and it led me to his linkedin page. His school and employment history checks out and I checked several times, confirming he's the ONLY possible candidate based on the details he gave kek. What a fucking idiot.
According to him his female peers are 'ugly dogs'. I won't post his pic obviously, but rest assured he's as ugly, incel and inbred looking as you're probably picturing him to be.
Important note: the username in my pic is NOT the mod I'm referring to! It's a whiney post from a random user, submitted a few days ago. It was difficult choosing which thread to screenshot, all are melodramatic. My recent fave is probs the autist furious that a Guy Richie film wrote an "emasculated" Asian character when NATO tensions are high (as if these two things are related), or the guy who admits he pretends to be a woman and spams (sorry, "promotes") a Big Asian cock sub whenever redditors crack a little willy joke.
No. 691252
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>>691237As long as he's over 18, it appears to be fine.
These are a partial set of rules for /pt/, but there weren't any specific to /ot/, so if I'm wrong I apologize.
No. 691260
>>686537>>686550My ex had erectile dysfunction that magically went away if I was ugly sobbing because of his bullshit. Rock hard then.
No wonder they all hate themselves so much, they know they're disgusting empty people.
No. 691285
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I want this to be real
No. 691300
File: 1607577824024.png (180.91 KB, 354x443, woeme.png)

Probably one of the most self serving posts I've ever fucking read.
>Admits he never loved his wife
>resents their sex life for not being there….when she quit her job to raise their kids and be a stay at home mom
>talks about how she never grew or changed as a person except you know she was busy with kids and he probably did nothing in the relationship or helped at all
>pretends he wasn't a shit husband to her while fawning over his crush for over 10 years
>complains wife had no sexual desire for him
FUCK and everyone in the comments is just praising him for going through this????? the guy literally says he married his wife knowing there was no passion and that he truly didnt love her. He doomed her to a shitty fucking relationship because he's a little bitch
i hope he dies soon and without his dick working
No. 691377
>>691371The thing that also gets me is him being mad his wife said "what are we going to do?"
Like even if it were real, of course she's going to say that. You have to plan out appointments, payment, and the like. She fuckin asked him but because she didn't do it at the start is him being a huge fuckin baby. I don't believe this at all like most stories on reddit but it's laughable how sensitive men are when women don't act like how they want them to.
No. 693527
File: 1607855015282.png (148.55 KB, 1125x863, Screenshot 2020-12-13 042117.p…)

I'm addicted to r/breakingmom, even though I hate this subreddit with a passion. This is one of the most extreme examples I've seen, but the majority of these posts boil down to "In the age of infinite knowledge at my fingertips, I decided to have a kid without doing that much research and now I hate my life." I had a terrible mother and this subreddit is like what I imagine her inner thoughts must have been.
Honorable mention: No. 693533
File: 1607855764698.png (73.58 KB, 711x571, 1.png)

So the /r/curlyhair mods are reverting back to 2014
No. 693540
>>693534Do you really think giving up a 6 year old for adotpion is that easy?
>>693527Are people just supposed to not have kids or something?
No. 693585
>>693527Posts like these are strangely comforting to me because they confirm my own suspicions about my mom that she never had the balls to confess. If my mom was a parent during the internet age she'd definitely had been one of these anonymous complaining about how having a child didn't save her marriage, that parenting is soul sucking and difficult, and that she didn't bond cause she didn't like me even though she luved me. It's just not kosher to admit as a woman that having a kid fucked her life because she ought to have known better, and kids are indelible mistakes.
It's shitty but I wish more parents were this honest with themselves if not to alleviate the guilt their kids feel when they see that they don't have the kinds of relationships other kids have with their parents. And I wish becoming a parent was seen as a more serious life decision akin to taking out a major high risk loan with little return, rather than this natural thing that will guarantee fulfillment and happiness. Just imagine how great the world would have been if more people reflected first before they fucked another human into existence.
No. 693687
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>>685313The white/silver version of that keyboard is actually so much nicer.
No. 694108
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Coming from r/unpopularopinions which honestly is just r/popular opninonsthatareslightlypoliticallyincorrect. doesn't understand what hypocrisy means, and then describes it perfectly. Some comments call him out on it, but there's an alarming amount of people that can't see how hilarious OPs statement is. Also a lot of intellectually dishonest redditors that pretend that not wanting your daughter to end up as a porn star is the same as not wanting your son to do some low prestige job (like being a garbageman).
No. 694129
>>694108Top upvotes are of course comments defending OP.
Real annoying are the responses to the rational comment on how it's unethical, along the lines of "even if porn industry was safe, amazing and not degrading I would not want my daughter in it"… like you can even imagine how society would be like if that was the case
No. 694136
>>694108Kek I saw this yesterday and rolled my eyes. Yes, if you objectify someone else's daughter but don't want your own daughter objectified, I'd say that's pretty hypocritical.
Amazing how only women get trashed for being in porn, but men watching it is ~uwu natural~
No. 694138
>>694108It’s kind of funny because the guys whiteknighting porn are the kind that must surely watch those
teenage barely legal 20 hours compilation of step daughter fun times which is why they wouldn’t mind seeing their actual daughters doing nasty shit for the world to see.
No. 696389
>>696373men are so insufferable. imagine being into porn, let alone being into porn THIS much. "defending" porn is an underestimate here, they would probably kill their own mothers if it meant they got all those videos back.
how did it get to this point? i saw a comment that i definitely have to agree with, about how it's all about novelty and shock value to these pornsick coomers. i suppose it's one thing for someone who is completely sexless to be this obsessed with porn, because it feeds into their fantasies and artificially "satisfies" one of the most basic human needs… but there are men out there who have access to women, to their girlfriends, to their wives, who would drop them in a heartbeat in favor of porn. it is completely mind boggling
No. 696402
>>693527This is why spanking exists.
>>693540No, but kids at that age only respond to the physical, they don't respond to the rational.
My cousin wasn't spanked, and I was. She was absolutely the model brat that ruined a marriage and eventually her life because she was so hard to rationalize with by anybody.
Meanwhile the worst that happened to me is that I got a mild fetish
No. 696431
>>696402Well I mean you still ended up on an imageboard advocating for people using force on their children to get them to do what they want so…
You don't need to speak to a child like an adult for them to understand right from wrong. Even if they're neurodivergent as well.
No. 696439
>>693527>I had a terrible mother and this subreddit is like what I imagine her inner thoughts must have been.Same tbh. I was actually a really tame and nice child with zero issues, despite going through her divorces and being diddled. I still picked up verbal cues and body language all my life with her that she secretly resented me. Later in life it was like I owed her. Oddly it makes me feel better cause it just solidifies how it wasn't my fault. These women are truly broken people.
What they probably don't know is that their kids are acting out because they know their mommy doesn't like them. Secondly, the MAJORITY of their issues are because the men they bred with aren't worth a damn in the help department. The bitch in this story admits she does the majority load, and my mom was a single mom. What's the common thread here? Taking their mental and physical exhaustion out on their kids because they're too cowardly to put their men to task or admit THAT is where their issues started. But then they'd have to blame themselves and not their innocent children who didn't ask to be born, so.
No. 696930
>>696439sage for obvious reasons! Anon, thank you for saying all that. Grew up in a similar situation, normal kid in terms of temperament. Not diddled but mom let other adults abuse me, hitting, interrogation like yelling, also would watch kids at school bully me and did nothing about it. Also knew from a very young age she hated me. She was an over stressed single mom with two kids with two different fathers. Never had the guts to take them to task when the courts would have fucking sided with her easily. But like you said, with women like that, that would mean they would have to admit they did something wrong.
>>693527This woman is a fucking monster. "ZOMG my kid isn't a pliable little doll like I thought she was going to be! I can't easily mold her into whatever the fuck I want because she has problems. I also am too tired to deal with it!" This mom would be one of those gross moms who would milk the shit out of her child having cancer. The gifts and donations would go to the mom.
No. 697119
>>697102I have been waiting for this day for so long! It's just as wonderful as I imagined it! ♥
Cry coomers!
No. 697146
>>696402The only acceptable physical punishment that can be used on kids is
timeout and after they calm down, you just explain what you need to explain to them.
No. 697345
File: 1608356488744.png (956.62 KB, 731x833, dudebro.png)

I hate how any female artist who takes a picture like this gets called an attention whore and the comments say she "only got upvotes because girl" and a bunch of other shitty insults.
The painting is nice and all, but is it really that interesting? This shit would get torn apart if it had a girl on the right.
No. 697368
File: 1608360112912.jpg (368.44 KB, 1080x1744, 20201219_004037.jpg)

Oh, look. It's a pickme ass bitch.
No. 697398
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>>697345this honestly looks like vaguely ripping off kupka
No. 697424
>>697368>there is so much stigma around guys UwUNot only is it for good reason, but also pretending as if women were always portrayed positively is deluded. Holy shit, I hate that crap.
Also, I hate how ingrained it is in society that women need to uplift men every time women are being praised. Because otherwise "men are being overlooked" and we wouldn't want that UwU.
No. 697651
>>697626males trying to claim fds is full of femcels are so fucking funy and delusional. the whole point is so learn how to AVOID
abusive/misogynistic men (which is about 90% of the reddit userbase which is why theyre so mad about it lol). do they actually think expecting your bf/husband to take a shower, not beat you or rape you, and actively participate in the relationship is
toxic lmao.
No. 697707
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>>697626>it made me believe i am worthless i had suicidal thoughts and stuffGOOD
No. 697710
>>697651But anon, expecting a guy to buy you a dinner or two to demonstrate some actual interest is clearly being a manipulative gold digging bitch! Even lolcow is full of anons who think it's expecting too much, like… it's a fucking symbolic gesture that might set a guy back $100 at most, not actual financial dependence on a man.
But yeah, aside from the highly controversial gold digging strategy of not accepting walking/coffee/50-50 dates, 99% of the advice is geared towards avoiding shitty men and men who aren't that into you. Not trying to manipulate a guy into being with you, not trying to get as many men as possible to want you, literally just filtering through the many options most women have by default. Men can't relate as all their strategies are specifically to deceive and manipulate women into doing what they want.
No. 697746
>>697710I personally dont understand why broke men even want to date. I would feel embarrassed to not offer dinner to a girl even if shes just a booty call who I plan on never seeing again.
I'm a woman so I'm not expected to spend money I guess but even I feel embarrassed to date/hook up with guys knowing I'm broke and live in a shitty apartment when I have more important things to focus on.
No. 697773
>>697663there is literally no reason to ban it. it's not a hate sub. there's a pinned post detailing that it's there to help women avoid
toxic males. if reddit faggots were to ban it there'd be a riot.
No. 697788
>>697782in the past it started to become a little more militant until mods stepped up the rules to be anti-male hate. they just hate low value men aka shitty
abusive or entitled men, which is why the sub also posts examples of men going above and beyond to treat their women well, and men telling other men to step it up.
they're really not expecting much. some of the "fds handbook" stuff is silly but overall it cannot be classed as a hate sub
No. 699135
File: 1608587534244.png (22.97 KB, 746x195, evilwomenrapeme.png)

Why does it seem so out of place when the word "rape" is used this way? No, I absolutely don't think men can be raped by women. There's not even close to the same psychological and physical scars involved for them.
No. 699176
>>699135The thing you have to understand is that they're lying. Men can always fight off women. They all think that if their SO snaps at them it's the same as the DV that women experience and that saying they have a microdick is a hate crime, so I assume that the 'rape' they're talking about is more bullshit. (Got their wallet raped, maybe.)
It's very in right now to horn in on oppression that you don't actually experience.
When men are raped 99% of the time it's by other men. They never post about that, but I see posts about this constantly. This is just a thread of misogynists all high-fiving each other for hating women.
No. 699231
>>699191This is why men screech that all rape accusations are just women regretting sex they had afterwards; it's the only level of danger they actually experience.
All men are gold medalists in the Projection Olympics.
No. 699305
>>699302Yes thays exactly what he said. If he was actually raped why would he keep contacting me for sex?lol
If a man raped me i for sure wouldnt go back to be raped again.
No. 699314
>>699312It was a one night stand at first then we became frenemies who fuck
>>699313Because he was cute with huge dicl. I dont need a reason. The bottom line it wasnt rape.
No. 699348
>>699325I dunno if this story is even true since it keeps wildly changing, but mounting a dick because it's hard and the guy calling you a rapist later kinda sounds like rape. You don't need to insert anything to rape, he didn't offer himself to you or come onto you based on the information we have in this thread.
However scrotes absolutely take "she's hot and in the same room as me therefore sex" as sound logic. So anon is using scrote logic to make some kinda point, but it's still shitty. Wait until he tries to stick the dick in you first next time.
No. 699384
>>699348Idk anon
>grown-ass man vs drunk woman He could've literally just pushed her away, why didn't he? And why stay in touch and keep coming back for more?
If she was the drunk one and he was completely sober, that's even more incentive for him to stop her because she's not in her right mind.
Doesn't sound like rape to me, just two damaged people.
No. 700008
File: 1608659407467.png (38.92 KB, 976x211, amandatodd3.PNG)

was listening to a podcast about amanda todd (the 15 yo girl who got blackmailed and committed suicide) and for reasons that are unknown even to myself i decided to google what reddit had to say about her. worst mistake of my fucking life, i dont know why i expected even a lick of empathy from the scrotes in reddit
made me so mad
No. 700011
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No. 700013
File: 1608659509228.png (49.86 KB, 966x258, amandatodd1.PNG)

No. 700796
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I don’t disagree with FDS, but this sounds straight up delusional, comparing it to feminist movement that gave women first rights? I frequent the sub and I never see any feminist discussion or the like. Why are women in the replies calling FDS feminism when it is not, just shitting on libfems doesn’t make you a political activist. Am I being the delusional one and just imagining this post
No. 700805
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>>700796No, no, you're completely right. I also like FDS and subscribe to the general philosophy, but sometimes posters can be so cringe.
I remember going on a mod's profile because of some weird comment they made, and, get this, they're an autistic fat NEET who can't even interact with people normally. And they're a mod for a subreddit that encourages being a HVM?? Like… how are you a mod and claim to be versed in FDS? Seems to me like all this girl does is reeeee about men instead of living her best life. I mean, go off, reee-ing about men is fun and they suck, but don't be a mod and advise people on social questions you don't understand. If a lifestyle subreddit is gonna have mods, is it not unreasonable for them to be expected to be, not necessarily experts, but capable of following and giving advice about the lifestyle in question?
No. 700848
>>700805>>700796I have mixed feelings about FDS, I do appreciate the message and goal but its incositant, its not filled with femcels rather older women who made some very dumb decisions and younger girls who have never even kissed a boy, I do think there should be more effort to seperate age categories, also theres way too much black libfem twitter speak on that board
>>697707Anon remember hes dumb teenager, no
No. 701057
File: 1608751336950.png (666.66 KB, 1054x669, roastme.PNG)

>unsuccesfully attempting to fit in with the bitchy girls
the few girls that use reddit are pickmes? imagine my shock, anons
No. 701071
>>701057R/roastme is so cringe to me, moreso because of the people who comment.
Anyone I've ever known who is a redditfag & participates in that subreddit has incredibly low self esteem themselves, it's like a free for all for losers who put others down to make themselves feel better
No. 701102
>>701077NTA, but generally, broke men shouldn't be involved in dating. They need to focus on building decent income for themselves before adding a +1 to their lives.
If you can't afford to take a girl to dinner, you're obviously having problems and need to get off Tinder until your shit's sorted out. Or, get a sugar mommy I guess, lmao.
No. 701108
>>701085>>701095>>701104calm down geez stop acting like a
triggered redditor not everyone thinks like you let it go
No. 701121
>>701100Let's say that's the case. Did you really need a subreddit for autists who can't have healthy relationships to tell you to avoid cheap dates?
>>701108It is just astounding to me that people buy into this crap. You're all going to end up in shitty relationship after shitty relationship because you're relying on cynical minimaxing advice from fellow losers instead of cultivating and relying on your own judgment. If you try to treat human connections like this, you will fail. Simple as.
No. 701133
>>701119This. From what I've seen, it literally makes a guy happy to financially support you or get you gifts if he actually likes you. Even if they're not rich, it makes them feel fulfilled, on top of all the emotional stuff. It's just an expression of love to care for someone financially.
I don't know why some women internalize the idea that men don't like spending money on their lovers. It's just not true. The whole "split the bill" 50/50 thing is a huge turn-off and reeks of two kids on a play-date or something, lmao. Shit's not romantic, and the guy is either messing around, or he's going to walk away because he's not into you and doesn't want to waste money on a placeholder.
No. 701152
>>701136>anyone who posts on AITAAITA is fucking stupid, every post on there is a situation where the user is clearly NTA and/or obviously written very one-sided to imply the user is NTA. Weird people looking for validation that they are always right from strangers on the internet, lower than those people who post their personal dramas on facebook.
If both/all people involved provided their side of the story, that might be something? For people fixated on the minutiae of strangers’ lives at least.
No. 701160
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>>701150I don't completely agree, I think both parties should treat eachother equally and I don't think it's wrong to split expenses
not date bills though, but as long as he can pay his bills then there is nothing wrong with a guy spending a lot of his money on you. I haven't read this entire conversation because I've seen this happen a couple times before, but it's not crazy to want your significant other to spend a lil money on you. Everyones love language is different but lots of people buy nice things for people they love. It's not high maintenance to want that like some anons think it is.
No. 701181
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>>701175No offense, but you must be older, because this sentiment does not ring true for most young adults. College-aged adults in the dating scene (I can only attest to the U.S. btw) are not worried about what they have to lose when going on dates. You're in it for the fun and the
possible prospect of dating. Sorry you've had a handful of bad experiences though and sorry for whatever contributing factors caused them. Hope you find the right guy for you. Or don't, if that's what you want too.
No. 701191
>>701163A "vagina hole" is still infinitely more valuable than a penis hole, sorry.
No. 701206
File: 1608759213925.jpg (58.51 KB, 800x450, 1593835114315.jpg)

I'm so happy we ALL finally AGREE a man should spend $10 dollars on the first date with NO EXCUSES because WE ALL THINK THE SAME MAN ARE NOT HUMANS.
No. 701212
>>701206Women are expected to be perfectly shaven, hot and ready to fuck on the first date but men cant do the bare minimum of taking a woman to dinner?kek
Damn I should've been born male.
No. 701213
>>701187But a man spending money on you wouldn't stop him from raping or killing you though? I don't even think it's wrong for a man to spend money on his gf, but those things have no correlation. Men have killed their wives, gfs, etc… before. If he wants to kill you he'll do it even if he spends money on you. Not only that but, him spending money on you would definitely not be a good pay off if he ends up killing you. Like getting raped would not be worth a date I didn't have to pay for lmao
Anyway, this argument should probably die anyway. At this point it's not even ot.
No. 701217
>>701161>>701153I get wanting nice gestures, but if your idea of a quality man/how much a man is into you is centered around how much shit he buys you, you're going to attract the types of men who are okay with being treated like a wallet/gift dispenser, which probably isn't going to work out so well…
>>701211How tf is that incel rhetoric? All she's saying is that money doesn't factor into how well a date can go.
No. 701219
>>701213It's actually horrific that this "woman" is equating something as serious as rape and murder (things woman are disproportionally faced with) with getting free meals.
>my safety is dependent on this dude paying for our datesAbsolutely bizarre
No. 701223
>>701218Samefagging but like, a free date and whatever gifts he buys isn't gonna heal you from the trauma of getting raped (and possibly pregnant?) or bring you back to life
Like I said, I agree that if you gotta partner, drop some cash on them and vice versa, but please do not go on a date with a man who you think is a threat because "Weellll I'm getting some stuff out of it so it's ok if I get raped or murdered."
No. 701224
>>701212So if I'm not doing any of that for a first date, is he allowed to not pay?
I feel like the biggest problem for FDS-types is that they go on too many dates to begin with if they worry about shit like this. You should preselect harder before agreeing on dates instead of going on a date thinking "at least I'm not spending money on this". But then again, I haven't been on a date for the last 4 years, and I refuse to go near any online dating platform ever again.
No. 701230
>>701225….That is what you said
>dating is more of a risk for us so it needs to be worth it to take the effort.>women have more to lose". Is we are at risk for being raped on dates, murdered and taken advantage of.You're literally saying a man paying for a date would be worth the risk of getting raped, murdered, abused, etc… You're saying those are the things we could lose, but that a free date would make it worth it.
No. 701231
DAMN some of you are like
>>701057 and it shows. Moids, kys pls.
>>701107Nah, men paying for dinner is justifiable considering 1) we put in WAY more money to get ready for a date (don't even dispute this, it's FACT), 2) gender pay gap, and 3) safety risk of going out with a man. It's just manners to pay for a woman's meal like it is polite for a guy to hold the door; no one is saying you have to take a woman to Ruth Chris's steakhouse. Then again this is probably a scrote since you're freaking out so much about men spending $10-20 bucks on a woman. Maybe that adds up if you go on a lot of dates but to be fair, if you're a guy who's going out on dates constantly then that's just weird to begin with (probably a fuckboy/player type who's hot tbh).
>>701121Anon I was like you and I got walked all over by my leech of an ex because I prided myself on not being superficial. My advice is to be superficial because women's standards are pathetically low by default. Anons go for attractive guys, guys with stable finances, and keep to your standards always. Don't listen to scrotes about needing to lower your standards. You'll weed out men easily and you won't waste time on men who would have been disappointments.
>>701147Don't apologize for having standards, again: 1) women spend far more than $20 to get ready for dates, 2) we get paid less than men the same work/job, 3) safety risk for women.
No. 701240
>>701229I'm two of the anons you replied to (>>701218,
>>701223) and sorry to disappoint but, I'm not a man. Like i said, I don't think it's wrong for anons to expect a man to spend money on them, hell that's what I expect, but acting like that's worth any risks is retarded.
>>701232The greentext are literally, word-for-word, your posts. Maybe you need to word your posts better then because, that's pretty clearly what you said imo.
>>701237A man who courts you and spends money on you could still be a threat though. There are plenty of guys who have killed their wives and gfs. I'm pretty sure they had to court them at some point.
No. 701273
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Well, ANYWAYS…. I was scrolling through r/all, leave it to Reddit to upvote some post of a 'sexist' comment against a guy with anorexia en masse No. 701277
>>701272>>701275Seething so hard your LARP didn't work that you had to samefag
and project your failed relationships lmao
No. 701287
File: 1608761403402.png (162.86 KB, 1282x816, Screen Shot 2020-12-23 at 5.04…)

>>701273> Being judged for your emotions as a guy is so hard> Meanwhile men's anger is just commonplace while 'Karens' complaining over a wrong fast food order go viral on tiktok> And the Manosphere is linked to terror attacks and various hate crimes, yet is somehow equivalent to GC/"TERFS" who at worst are petty> All in all, the people who shame men for showing emotion are…….other menYet another problem that they impose on themselves yet they have to play the
victims to shut women up about our issues. Jesus christ.
No. 701289
>>701273>apparently only women and gay men can have anorexia Yeah and wanna know who says that most the time? Other men.
But anyways, male anorexics are HUGE narcissists. Dated one for a hot minute in my early 20s and he was a needy closeted gay who never touched me and always wanted me to blow him. Wasn't hard to dump him. Ten years later he solicited me to echeat on his sugar mommy wife because he needed the validation so badly. Talked all sorts of shit about her to me and told me he wanted to leave her for me. Ran back to her when I told her, he probably cooked up a story that him sending his dick pics to me was all my idea.
But yep, typical attention seeking male anorexic shit.
No. 701310
>>701287>>701296Same anon, derailing but am I the only one who literally doesn't understand why the fuck men don't just express themselves/their emotions? The best way I can describe it is that they don't feel as deeply as women do which is why they can only repeating the same old "I love you" instead of having something something actually thoughtful to say to their so-called beloved partner. When it comes to other things as well every perspective that men say is not as thoughtful as what a woman would say. The most 'thoughtful' that they get is those ENTPs (myersbriggs fags waddup) who play devil's advocate in a debate just because they want to piss people off.
Why are men so empty-headed, emotionally and creatively?
/inb4 some scrote cites famous art, music, or books as an example of men being more creative, don't even try this argument
No. 701336
>>701295>oftentimes I pay for dinneri know you're crying behind that verboten emoji, let him go anon
>>701310males are literally retarded, trying to understand why is futile.
No. 701478
File: 1608771293367.png (909.67 KB, 1458x706, gingerbread.png)

>>697345Samefag, just wanted to illustrate my point (only took 5 days kek). Ugly guys posing with mediocre art get to the front page all the time, but anyone posing with art while female is accused of attention whoring.
Even if attractive women do get more attention, wouldn't that be because Reddit is a primarily male site and they get upvoted/awarded by other men? Why do so many of these guys act like they're jealous of women for getting attention? It's so hypocritical and I see these examples every month. As soon as there's a picture of a woman with her art, I can almost guarantee what the comments will look like.
No. 701510
>>701478As someone with a bit of an obsession for the predator novels I just found my eyes more drawn to the left side of the image.. I mean it's really not that hard to just focus your eyes on the art.
If I saw that woman in a line up I wouldn't be able be able to pick her out, because she's barely showing herself. The absolute butthurt of these guys.
No. 701528
>>701478>I'd be curious to see how the same post by a fat neckbeard would performWell that wouldn't exist in the first place because we all know the gluttonous cheeto dusty couldn't wait long enough to sculpt something out of gingerbread before he was dislodging his jaw like a snake to eat it and then washing it down with some mountain dew.
But no doubt redditors would cup his greasy, dead balls while patting his head for finger painting his waifu with his KFC diarrhea.
No. 701533
File: 1608775945612.jpg (44.9 KB, 604x453, 3d63630b318df6669017b1aca7d899…)

>>701478>I'd be curious to see how the same post by a fat neckbeard would performwow same stupid argument use by every man on earth to downplay an achievement of a woman,it's funny how they really think they are doing something posting this disrespectful unfunny sentence over and over again
i bet the only thing they can do with them nasty pig hands is furious masturbate kek
No. 701550
>>701478It's because men are jealous of the fundamental fact that women can use their bodies to earn money and attention from men whereas they can't.
>>701533And she did nothing to ask for it. The sculpture is absolutely amazing, her title says nothing about being a woman, but because she's in the picture as a woman (fully covered, no tits out) they have to point out that she's getting attention from other men. Straight men are oddly so envious of women receiving male attention. Makes me wonder if these are the types of guys that come out as trans later, which actually seems to be a phenomenon within men who frequent nerdy spaces on the internet.
No. 701553
>>701514Trust me anon, these particular screencaps are just a drop in the bucket. There are tons of posts like this and they almost always play out the same way.
I didn't save it last time unfortunately, but I've seen people reply to the negative comments with a big list of male artists happily posing with their work, it doesn't change anything though.
No. 701577
File: 1608780219387.jpeg (291.03 KB, 750x1283, AFD2162C-A938-472A-AE17-DC32F2…)

Reddit on SISEA. Do you all think the anti-SISEA crowd is successfully going to get the bill struck down? It’s legit terrifying potentially how many people (men) will freak out and harass their senators because like 90% of men watch porn and they believe that this bill is going to ban porn altogether. The bill didn’t even mention voluntary sex work once so I know that these people didn’t read it, and it’s genuinely concerning how many of them will spam US senators to prevent the bill from passing.
Idk, you ladies tell me—am I just on Reddit too much or is there potential here?
/side note but look at how they never actually post the link to the actual bill, just the twitter thread created by that massive creep acvalens…this post alone has 6.4k upvotes and a ton of awards
No. 701584
File: 1608781178065.jpg (585.5 KB, 1079x1867, Art.jpg)

>>701478Just saw this on r/all.
So there, fat neckbeard who looks like he stuffed his last chromosome in that White House just got his lego """art""" to the front page while having the audacity to occupy half the shot.
Men have no room to complain. Periodt.
No. 701689
>>701550>Straight men are oddly so envious of women receiving male attention.Tbh I've noticed this too and I don't understand it. It really does seem like so many of these guys are legitimately envious of women for getting male attention. The passive aggressive comments like "guess nobody will care since I'm not a girl" or the favorite "nobody will see this" just feel so bitter.
It's especially weird since sites like Reddit are clearly male-dominated, so no shit most men are going to give an attractive woman more attention than a regular looking neckbeard. I doubt most of these bitter guys are leaving positive comments for other men anyway, but it's like they put all the blame on women for existing and stealing away the attention. Why don't they call out the other guys who act thirsty and fawn over any random woman who posts 1/4th of her face?
No. 701737
File: 1608797542074.jpg (320.09 KB, 1080x1347, 20201224_021059.jpg)

>>701577They're probably all too lazy to call their congressmen or do anything about it, they're all retarded anyways because there's nothing in the bill that could lead to the apocalyptic downfall of porn.
No. 703146
File: 1609012448317.png (314.62 KB, 750x1334, AE942564-F758-400F-B690-35DB37…)

On a post about a woman whose boyfriend smells lmao WONT SOMEONE THINK OF THE STINKY MEN?! (1/2)
No. 703149
File: 1609012694161.jpg (9.63 KB, 263x134, IMG_20201226_205739.jpg)

>>703146LMAOOO can't make this shit up
No. 703161
>>703146>>703147>after a 14 hour shift of standing and serving customers in a food court he smells badFair enough.
>he's exhausted so a shower is the last of his prioritiesSit in the shower and cry then. Also hate this whole nonviolent communication bullshit. It actually makes everything sound even more judgemental and aggressive.
No. 703426
>>703146This is the dumbest shit I ever heard. I've worked plenty of long shifts in food service and I'd almost always shower immediately when I got home. Is this guy just going to bed smelling like a sweaty kitchen?
There's no compromise with this kind of stuff. Not everything is 50/50, take a damn shower wtf.
No. 703450
File: 1609079588750.png (770.48 KB, 640x871, a5qgxp4dkn761.png)

I cant stop laughing at this, this Is the worst anti-suicide argument I have ever seen, and it would be enough on its own but the fact 80 people actually up voted this makes it hysterical
No. 704444
File: 1609198155948.jpg (228.04 KB, 1080x1135, Screenshot_20201229_000724.jpg)

this absolutely cursed comment section of a post on r/subredditdrama reeeing about a bunch of zoomers daring to say that liking dick is gay
>the sky is blue>bro the color of the sky is not yours to define bro I say it's purple so what?? you don't know shit about how I see the sky!! No. 704691
>>704444It's ironic how they keep yelling ~transphobe~ while being ridiculously homophobic themselves.
>yeah I like getting dicked in my holes what about it, it's not -ew- GAY if it's attached to a woman!! I'm not a nasty HOMO you transphobe!!Like is being gay the worst thing you could imagine or something? Grow the fuck up.
No. 704790
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No. 704875
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This is hellish, lmao.
No. 704889
>>704875Her standards and self-respect must be in the gutter for her scrote to spend $1000 on whores while pinching her for money.
How sad that she doesn't see how unloved she is. She's just a roommate bangmaid.
No. 704901
>>704875Whenever I read shit like this I think we have to start educating teengirls about self respect and recognizing red flags in relationships.
>>704893Even if it's fake there's undoubtly plenty of women in similiar situations
No. 704981
File: 1609285396533.jpg (6.65 KB, 256x270, 123139246_1017276588736488_468…)

>>704875>He finds the women on this site help with his anxietyOk,how? can any anon here enlighten me?
I hate this reality i want to wake up
No. 705600
File: 1609364651911.jpeg (281.31 KB, 750x1096, DD5446FA-E77E-454E-BBB3-2CF61F…) love how men have to weigh the benefits of being ‘nice’ in regards to whether they’ll be able to have sex with women. What the fuck is this shit? You can’t just be a kind human being? If you really have to weigh the benefits of seeing women as human, then you’re just a fucking asshole. And this behavior is being encouraged in the comments. No woman goes “Do I have to be nice/respectful/considerate towards a man to get men to like me?” Men really openly endorse abusing women on REDDIT of all places when over 50% of female murders are perpetrated by their partners (although I don’t expect a bunch of misogynists to even know that). I’ve tried my hardest to not be a misandrist but these kinds of sentiments and the upvotes/comments on them just show me how men really feel about their empathy towards us. Fuck.
No. 707519
>>705600>mfw radfem and gc subs got banned but this shit still existsI thought the nice guy trope was memed to death so that men wouldn't identify with it anymore but guess I was wrong. But to actually witness them debating whether it's worth the poon to be "nice" is staggering.
What the fuck do they even mean by "nice"? Being able to go without beating women up or calling them whores? Being overly docile, silent and lacking personality? To most people being "nice" means that you're courteous, pleasant to hang around and make others feel comfortable. Being around someone who's a passive aggressive bitch or who can't open their mouth and make things awkward isn't doing that.
No. 707521
>>707519These are the type that think being nice means listening to the other person why you don't care one bit about their problems because they're hot and complimenting them on their looks every few hours even though it's really uncomfortable for the other party.
This is the type of man that will hold score about how many times he listened to you talk about you talk about your workplace stress to use it against you, because he doesn't have an actual need to connect, just a bangmommy so society thinks he's normal.
No. 707524
>>707521Which brings another question, what do they consider "being an asshole"? So many incels in the comments are bragging about how they "were nice guys before, now they're assholes and getting laid left and right". Are they just negging insecure younger women to trap them into some
abusive relationship? Or do they think that women forced to react to their aggressive approach is "getting action"? Or is "being an asshole" simply being confident and having a personality? Or are they just bullshitting for leddit updoots?
No. 707535
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>>707524Oh, I spent years lurking my country's main PUA forum for the hilarious posts. They were usually tech/info guys that couldn't even hold eye contant with a woman, considering themselves to be nice guys that are mistreated, being taught how to be a pussyslayer by the ugliest man alive (pic related.)
For them being an asshole (or "alpha" in this case) was interrupting women, disregarding their objections, touching them against their wishes and shit like that. Treating any joke, snark or question as a "shittest", which was basically just like a questline, where if you give the appropriate negging answer, you win. But honestly, they treated any interaction as a win as long as they deemed it so, even if they got told to fuck off. Any time the tricks didn't work they rationalized it away as them not being "socialized" or ready enough yet, and not as women having individuality or no interest. When you read their diary posts about having success, it was mostly just guys that went into rural clubs and picked up some drunk girls. And not to be very negative to the women, but from the chatlogs and discussions they shared, these women usually weren't the most intelligent or critical people. Like it was obvious that even at their "most socialized" they could only really guarantee that you could pick up one half-drunk stupid woman in a bar, maybe. Good luck trying any of that shit on an actual self-respecting, educated woman, even though they treat women like a "species" that all act and react the same.
No. 707561
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No. 707562
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No. 707568
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>>707535I literally had to google to make sure this is not the pua retard from my country. Why do they all Look Like This.
>Oh, I spent years lurking my country's main PUA forum for the hilarious posts. SAME. From your post it looks likr the PUA ideology is same everywhere (probably because it got imported from the USA along with the vernacular - shittest, wingman, etc. Another thing to thank amerifats for, kek)
No. 707685
File: 1609697209724.jpg (85.04 KB, 1440x388, Screenshot_20210103-130521_Red…)

Why does fds trigger men so much? I saw a post on reddit with a guy saying he wanted to cut himself after reading it. The stuff on fds isnt even that bad kek. The most extreme opinion they have on there is being against 50/50 which is tame compared to a lot of what we see online about women.
No. 707693
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>>707685Here is the post I'm talking about
No. 707726
File: 1609700719367.png (16.31 KB, 696x282, 01.png)

>>707707She hasn't even said a single thing about trans people, but she's a
terf? What? AHS is really trying to grasp at straws.
Also jobs only exist in capitalism appanrenlty.
No. 707743
File: 1609702115459.jpg (242.03 KB, 1440x1463, Screenshot_20210103-142707_Red…)

Anyone notice how people on reddit cope by convincing themselves that everyone on fds is fat and black? I've seen people posting this implying it before.
No. 707745
>>707707I actually went to see what the hubbub was about and checked out the FDS sub and
this is what all the men are so pressed about? It's women sharing their stories of overcoming
abusive relationships, learning to put themselves first and calling out objectively horrible male bullshit. This is what qualifies as hate? Male pride is more fragile than I ever thought.
No. 707748
>>707726>Incel terf Kek really using his smart man brain.
Terf is the new feminazi.
No. 707758
File: 1609703625895.png (32.65 KB, 737x186, comm.png)

>>707707 at other submissions about FDS, they also think saying that casual sex is basically a scam for women is hateful and they "harass" this woman in the comments. Comments are almost all like picrel. Just as
>>707704 said, they're basically mad at mild things that older women tell young girls when they start dating.
No. 707759
>>705600Don't waste your time with PurplePillDebate. It's just red pill men and incels who go there to reinforce their biases. They're not interested in actually debating and they use tons of logical fallacies but then turn around accuse the female posters of not arguing properly. I don't even know why women continue to waste their time posting there, if they left the whole thing would probably die. Check out their "purge week" (shitposting week) they're having right now, it's basically just turned into your typical incel subreddit. Reddit should just ban it.
>>707707AHS also cried about AgePlayPenPals (subreddit for finding adults to pedo LARP with that was also likely used by adult men to contact minors) being banned, citing kinkshaming and discriminating against LGBT people. They're disgusting people.
No. 708129
File: 1609756515282.png (224.18 KB, 639x573, Screenshot 2021-01-04 at 11.28…)

Redditors are seething about pic related as well as r/FDS, but I feel like the meme kind of has a point? 'Sure, if you want to' sounds to me like the dude is not really interested in the woman and only accepts for free pussy. I'm socially retarded so I may be wrong though. Curious what farmers think.
I don't know much about r/FDS but there is no way it's as insane as shit actual incels say about women. It's weird for me to see those wannabe alpha females basically ask guy out, isn't it supposed to be the other way?
No. 708139
>>708129I get what the comic is saying, but I could also interpret that as the guy just trying to hit a polite/non-creepy tone. Still, very far from "top tier toxicity".
I think it makes sense for wannabe alpha females to ask out men. In the "go and get in" mentality showing clear interest in a guy shouldn't be frowned upon. Although I hate it when men start saying "women should ask out men more often", because they think their moody incel selves would get more attention lmao.
No. 708140
>>707693This is hilarious
>>708129I think the meme makes a good point. If a guy only says “sure, if you want” when you ask to come over, then it’s a waste of time.
No. 708148
>>708129This is a dumb meme, but where’s the lie? You shouldn’t pursue anyone who isn’t excited to see you. Anyone who gives you indifferent responses like that probably isn't that interested.
I never really cared about FDS that much, but it’s hilarious how much it
triggers Reddit incels.
No. 708155
>>708129The problem with memes like this is that it sweeps too broadly on calling something
toxic that could actually be innocent. The truth is that a guy's nonchalance entirely depends on context and cues of his character thus far. Like others pointed out, he could just be trying to not come off as an eager creep. But depending on his attitude and what she knows about his other interactions, he really could be playing cool and dismissive cause he really doesn't give a shit. It really depends.
No. 708194
>>708168There was a thread on r/teenagers the other day where a girl talked about how many creepy DMs/dick pics she got just from posting a selfie, and of course a lot of the comments said it was her fault for posting a selfie in the first place. I think she deleted it because I don’t see it now.
But yeah FDS is
toxic because women don’t wanna talk to men sometimes kek.
No. 708456
>>707743This proves that black and fat women are the ones who need FDS because they tend to be the ones groomed the most to have the least standards and self-respect when it comes to men. Society treats women in those categories like they've gotta be grateful for whatever shit any lowlife scrote slings their way. How pissed are men now that their favorite punching bags would rather die alone than settle for their scraps? Big mad.
>iT's alL Tyrone'S FaUlT!!1!! Yes, yes it is. Just because a scrote doesn't like how a woman looks doesn't give him a right to be indecent to her, clearly he's no catch for treating people like that. Men have no accountability and like to point fingers.
No. 708469
>>708129agreed with
>>708155 I feel that people act as if a meme like this is a distilled point and not an oversimplified one.
I know I don't always hit the correct social cues with my responses, and this communicates that you are being tested and won't pass but won't know why. of course people will object to that,
it doesn't clearly communicate the issue, which is being treated as disposable and replaceable. if you need a paragraph to explain yourself, you are just posting clickbait.
No. 709024
File: 1609888297323.jpg (2.02 MB, 1075x2918, very_true_much_happened.jpg)

>>707924Samefagging because I just found a perfect example of this. I know I'm a sperg but this shit drives me insane. Anyone who thinks this was actually written by a callous asshole scrote is a moron. Here's how the post would have been worded if it was a real scenario: "My girlfriend found these stray kittens 3 months ago and has been spending all her time with them. I feel like she gives them all her attention and it kinda hurts my feelings. I wanted to give them to a little neighbor girl but my GF flipped the fuck out and caused a scene, then drove away with the kittens. Our neighbors were really worried. I don't think it was so bad of me to try to find a home for the kittens. AITA?"
Instead it goes into every detail of her finding the kittens despite the guy apparently not giving a fuck about cats (the cat was skittish, then the cat was more round, then less round, then it died, then she heard 'small meows' awww) includes all the sympathetic details to make everyone at home go 'omg wholesome gf is so wholesome' (special cat room, muh childhood trauma, she falls asleep on the floor playing with kittens) and of course the huge 'I am definitely the asshole' flags (blatantly minimizing her trauma, mentioning that she cooks and cleans, thinks kittens are annoying and boring.) It just goes on and on. I see these CONSTANTLY, and always accompanied with 'kill him!!!' and PARAGRAPHS about how the boyfriend is obviously a sociopath and she needs to break up with him!!!! It legit makes me embarrassed for women. Please ladies use your brains.
No. 710568
File: 1610131447275.png (132.79 KB, 880x828, IMG_20210108_194100.png)

> She has to teach her ADULT husband to not be a racist and misogynist
> But it's a win/win cause that teaches her not to get angry at shit that should definitely piss her off
The utter state
No. 710614
>>710568I feel like we really do normalize this shit too much. We teach girls that they need to slowly hold a mans hand and guide him through things like basic housecare, basic empathy for any groups that he's not a member of, sometimes even teach a grown man to care about basic personal hygiene. Must be nice to have a whole team of people, not just your parents but all of your romantic partners throughout life trying to slowly cultivate a semi-decent person out of you.
Imagine a lifetime of other people desperately trying to improve your shortcomings all while you openly think you're better than them.
No. 710632
>>710621The tranny mods and admins don't care about MRA-s, because they don't discuss gender politics (well, not the
modern kind). While subs like r/gendercritical go against the biggest PR-push of the past decade.
No. 711287
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Thought you guys would like this one
No. 711913
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I wonder why Reddit atheists are so bitter about everything, they complain so much about everything but still hold that "Holier than you" attitude. I am surprised that apparently some of them even have kids, assuming that they are not lying which is pretty possible.
No. 712124
>>712122Surface society has run out of
valid, actual role models. At this point, every potential "hero" or someone that has gained any kind of fame is typically a degenerate piece of shit, with even more untold skeletons in the closet.
Arnold is probably the best they can do at this point, and a lot of his worship is blended with idolization of his characters (noble barbarian).
No. 712188
>>712122>The reddit hivemind usually detests cheatersThe reddit hivemind usually detests
female cheaters.
No. 712211
>>712188This. The relationship advice subs are full of this double standard. Women who cheat are the devil and you need to get extreme revenge on them and hate them til the end of time. When a man cheats they look for some shortcoming of the woman that must've pushed him towards cheating..then they recommend that you can of course work to save that relationship. The woman being the main one who needs to work and change lol. That's the trend.
Only female cheaters are a write off.
No. 712405
>>710568>You have to make compromises! My racist, misogynist husband is barely attempting to be a bit less vocal about his shitty opinions and I learned not to correct his blatant bigotry. It's a win-win!This is actually sad. Like I genuinely feel bad for this woman.
>>710650With TIA I guess it's because it's "just locker room talk making fun of the 1% crazies" while GC subs were legitimately threatening troons with comprehensive facts and analysis instead of "haha look at xir blue hair" type of anti-SJW sentiments. However it's extremely curious to see something like this allowed there while the subject is universally banned across the platform. >>712211My favourites are the power fantasies of some bitter men writing obvious creative fiction presented as a True Story of how they found out their wife was cheating on them and they got back at her with some grand scheme that Totally Happened.
No. 712998
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> are these based communities that literally kill and rape trannies somehow? I'm pretty sure most of the active communities got purged last year.
No. 713879
File: 1610589322598.png (Spoiler Image,104.8 KB, 311x805, holyshitwtf.PNG)

Major trigger warning to anyone who is triggered by discussion of sexual assault.
This account claims to be a woman who goes out to get raped on purpose by actual rapists. I really hope it's a troll but this account has kept it up for ~8 years and has met up with people in person from rape subreddits. I've seen a lot of fucked up shit on the internet but reading a few posts from this account legitimately traumatized me and made me physically ill (and I haven't been forcibly raped either). Some semi-sane people on NSFWAMA have pointed out that these rapists are going to do the same to other women but the majority of her posts/comments are on rape subs with encouragement from other users. Picrel is a post where she tells how she was held at knifepoint in a gang related area that she purposefully went to in order to be sexually assaulted.
Fake or not, this is allowed on Reddit but GenderCritical among other female only subreddits aren't? #RedditHatesWomen needs to trend again, jfc.
No. 713881
>>713879I wouldn’t be convinced by the account’s age, there are plenty of larpers who keep this shit up for several years. I glanced through the post and it reads like bad fiction like most other reddit posts (complete with stupid racebait of course).
But yes, it’s weird as fuck they allow anything to be posted if you say it’s a fetish. Any kind of moderation goes out the window because ~uwu don’t kinkshame~
No. 713925
>>713879i always have to try really,
really hard not to a-log whenever rape fetishists make themselves known and this is no exception, whew. even if this particular user is a larping scrote, i truly hate women who fetishize rape just as much as scrotes who do and i wish people like this were never born
No. 713943
>>713880>>713927I'm sorry for being concerned that I could cause someone who has been raped (which is likely bc we're all women here) to remember their trauma? I felt sick myself reading it which is why I included the
TW. Ik TWs are stupid 95% of the time.
Anyway I'm glad that you all seem to think it's fake though, I really want to believe that this isn't a mentally ill woman. I guess the accounts that "she" has met up with could also be fake as well. Not to mention there's a post dedicated to helping 500 guys lose their virginity, which sounds like an incel larping as a sex pozzie feminist type.
No. 714563
>>714405Sage for infighting/blogposting potentially but I don't need lessons on how to integrate, anon. I assure you I'm not some tumblr SJW, I've been here for two years now. As I said here
>>713943 I was trying to be considerate because the account's post history was disgusting and I didn't know if it might bring up trauma for a survivor. Now can we please stop with joking about being a newfag?
>>714416Moids intentionally make fake accounts to post banworthy material on subreddits like FDS so that the sub gets banned. Luckily the subreddits have a really good auto mod (at least FDS does) so the majority of it just gets deleted. Moids are also inside their discord. I forgot how I found this out exactly but recently some moid was bragging somewhere about it with screenshots included (maybe 4chan?). There's also lesbians on KF who hate FDS for whatever reason and have sought to infiltrate the discord as well. No. 715021
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These stories on Reddit drive me up a fucking wall.
No. 715034
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>>715021>Am I being an asshole? Is my PTSD getting bad again???Women should be required to love themselves before entering any sort of relationship with a man.
No. 715070
>>715031I'm in Europe too but got married at 22…then separated at 24 lol. Most of my friends were unmarried but already had babies by that age. Now they're coparenting with exes and living with the stressful results.
In a weird way people here recognise marriage as a big deal but will have babies while they're still in the honeymoon stage of dating. It's like that where I am at least.
No. 715656
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No. 715677
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>>715656I can't help but laugh when I see this shit. Men are seriously pathetic.
No. 715699
>>715656Why are men like this? what makes them think and act this way? is so retarded and pathetic i genuinely cannot sympathize with them,every problem they have is so stupid.
Weak pieces of shit use your brain on things that matter…maybe?
No. 715704
>>715656>>715677Isn't this actually what incels insist happens to women when we hit 30+ ("the wall")?
Shouldn't hot 18-20 year old women be swarming these two older guys like crazy?
No. 715713
>>714563Dumbshit. But people flip their shit over
trigger warnings even when they're
valid. It's just like what dumbass low empathy scrotes.
No. 715720
>>715656This is what happens when scrotes who were led to believe that "men age like wine, women age like milk" have to face reality and understand that hot 20-somethings want other hot twenty-somethings.
And somebody should tell them that a man who gets depressed when hot girls won't fuck him isn't sexually desirable to anyone.
No. 715730
>>715677>>715656fucking sick. men make this world even more fucked i swear. truly, how can someone
think like this?
No. 715819
>>715681Right? What a terrible way to die. My heart breaks for every life claimed by some retarded moid that had to kill people because he was delusional enough to base his life and entitlements around sex.
>>715699It's fucking infuriating that these fucks are born male with all of the privileges of being a scrote and yet they whine about something as menial and retarded as not receiving sex with a woman who is out of your league. Why are they so fucking entitled and such little babies? Superior sex my ass. If they didn't have brute strength over us and if we didn't have that large portion of women who still believe that men can change or that there's still some good ones out there, then they'd all be dead as they deserve for what they've done to our female ancestors.
Can we send them back to war? Serious question.
No. 715986
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apparently this sub exists
No. 715998
>>715070Do you live in Northern Europe by any chance? I moved here some years ago and so many people get married in their early 20s, pop out some kids and then separate. I live in a big city too, where that shouldn't be the case. Anyone I meet has either been married or in a LTR of 5+ years, or is a fat incel who drinks too much.
I'm from the Mediterranean and in my country it is unimaginable to get married earlier than early 30s, let alone have kids early and out of wedlock. Partially because few can afford it before then, but also because it's considered wasting your youth..
No. 716040
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>dont ask me anything about my life on a date! That's objectifying me!
No. 716345
>>715986Yikes, this is just going to be full of dumb shitty hot takes by mediocre white males who overestimate their own intelligence and really think that their opinions are above everyone else's. They aren't actually looking to learn, ever.
>>716040Oh I get it, so we're supposed to gloss over totally irrelevant and meaningless questions like employment, income, finances, close interpersonal relationships, intimate family members, and schooling. Not a bad trade off since we get to discuss the incredibly complex and cerebral topics such as PUA tactics, video games, anime, and reddit. You can really tell that he has no job, formal education, and/or good relationship with his family considering how mad he is about going over basic shit like this, and so do at least 13 other people. They weren't lying when they said that the average angry comment is most often always written by an uneducated white man. If a woman isn't asking you about this then she's actually fucking retarded, but men probably like that (granted she's not physically disabled as well or at least is fuckable) since they like their women to be as naive and anti-self-interest/pro-male as possible anyways.
No. 717052
>>715031Here's my perspective, I've lived in the northeast and southeast of the US and have some friends on the west coast:
People who marry in their teens and early 20s tend to be naive country bumpkins, religious suburbanites, or chronic welfare candidates. These are the people usually divorcing by their late 20s and early 30s and are on their second or third marriage by the time they hit 40.
Most people I know who are smarter and don't want to repeat their parent's mistakes wait for marriage and children until their 30s, or late 20s at earliest. The friends I made in the south mostly married late 20s, early 30s–they're financially well off and are cautious about taking on permanent responsibilities.
No. 717119
>>716167You can also focus on your career and college education while being in a relationship with each other. There are married people who got married early on that are financially successful and are educated..
>>717024Ive heard the wasting your youth line used in mediterranean countries mostly by scrotes who think a person has to spend their twenties banging hookers or doing hookups. Also, a lot of the wasting your youth rhetoric comes with the perception of sex and value not being wasted amongst the opposite sex ime
No. 717530
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Doublepost. Fuck this concern troll too.
No. 722900
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>>722896>We've been receiving increasing reports of misgendering and transphobic commentary, even when a subject's preferred pronouns are listed in their flair.I think this is the only part that matters, the rest is just lipservice. The sad truth is that sitewide every moderation team is being bullied into moderating every semblance of "misgendering" or they'll be banned in the next purge for being a hate subreddit. Even if you're a drama subreddit.
No. 722941
File: 1611670656360.png (86.17 KB, 719x786, 20210126_161429.png)

Found this user in the comment section of r/iamverysmart. All of his posts are like this.
No. 724871
File: 1611864859863.jpeg (273.6 KB, 1080x1920, EsyCbecW8AgBP4-.jpeg)

Leave it to Reddit to really sensationalize the GME stock increase to make themselves seem as badass as possible.
Reasonable explanation (from Reddit, but probably from an econfag since it's from r/badeconomics and that's where econfags on reddit are exiled to):
> It started out with people on WSB rightly pointing out that some heavily shorted companies like Game Stop were trading below their true value, and that the company’s future may actually be a little brighter than many in Wall Street thought. This got a lot of people to start buying the stock, which then started to cause the price to rise. The rise in stock prices triggered a short squeeze which caused an explosion in stock prices and severely negatively impacted some hedge funds that were short on GME. And once people found out that hedge funds were getting screwed lots of people started taking long positions just to spite Wall Street and now it’s taken on a very OWS-esque dimension to it, like an angry, stock buying mob.Except I don't agree that Gamestop's future is that bright (hedge funds had the right idea kek) but the order of events sounds about right.
Now, the non-econfag redditor explanation (picrel). Summary:
> insert three paragraph basic explanation of short selling stocks, probably copied and pasted from investopedia with some words changed around to avoid plagiarism> make this 'lesson' as overly drawn out as possible in order to seem like you know what you're talking about> then lastly insert one paragraph to falsify what actually occurred in order to show le epic takedown of Wall Street by redditors, who are in reality, low achieving males that know nothing about financial markets aside from retard hot takes (especially in regards to cryptocurrencies)>>724368Bitcoin is designed to be deflationary. It's currently at 18.5 million bitcoin and will stop mining when it hits 21 million bitcoin. You're better off investing in low risk stocks and generally being a conservative investor if you're not well educated in and up-to-date with finance. Once again, men have absolutely no idea what they're talking about, especially in regards to the economy.
No. 725098
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I know I’m going for low hanging fruit here, but r/waifuism is a fucking trip. I feel bad since a lot are in their young teens/obviously have other issues, but the sheer lengths people go to to justify their ‘relationships’ and claim that it’s totally normal.
I don’t care if you have a waifu, have a shrine of merch or whatever. I’m not even saying you have to date irl people (let’s be real heaps are misogynistic neck beards that don’t consider real women unless they match some crazy expectations) but the fact that you’re broadcasting it on the internet and interacting with/encouraging minors is fucked. If you post it, people have a right to judge as you’ve made it public.
What ever happened to the good old days where you’d just comb through and milk every x reader fic you could find and call it a day smh
No. 725099
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>>725098someone needs to wrangle their tard wtf lmao
No. 725534
File: 1611954818460.png (43.11 KB, 795x576, pic1.PNG)

Welp, ladies, subreddit meant for bisexual women that want to date only other women and whose entire content could be boiled down to 'am I a lesbian or bi?' or 'how to find other febfems' has been banned.
Can't believe this, I was browsing it just this night. The last post before ban was tranny saying how 'why do you exclude me, I just want to know whether I am bi or lesbian'. Only to replies - 'lmao' and 'fuck off'. Allegedly (from lgbdropthet) sub was banned less than hour later.
Rapesubs are still up, obviously
No. 726092
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I sort of feel like a man wrote this, or at the very least a very self loathing woman. No surprise it ends up on the front page though since it just validates what every man assumes about those dastardly menses.
(I had to keep her comment reply in because…who the fuck would actually enjoy their husband saying this about them?)
No. 726107
>>726092kek this is totally a man larping.
>making it seem like women go hulk mode when we get out period>tired outdated meme about women having mood swings and picking fights when we are on our period>ofc you cannot mention periods without mentioning chocolatenot only was this written by a male redditor, this was written by a male redditor who has never been in a real relationship with a woman. if op had thrown in advice about giving his son's gf a heat pack or something it would have been more believable. i guess this also explains the outdated stereotypes you only see in romcoms from the mid 00s.
>>726105exactly. this is so cringey because most women act like normal ppl when they get their period. especially as most women are on birth control which helps with some of the more annoying/painful period symptoms.
i do wonder what men get out of writing these things.
No. 726108
>>726105Testosterone levels raise in women on their periods, and sometimes yes they can "snap" if people around them are being extra
just because they can sense that she's tense or moody. I have never seen a man pick up on a woman on her period and
not make a joke or poke and prod at her for it (though I live in a rural shithole so YMMV). "PMS women are scary and crazy" is a male cope for when they're faved with a woman who is fed up and not in the mood to passively ignore their childish shit. In other words, women get "crazy" on their periods bc of testosterone the way men are when they don't get their way every single day, and they hate that so they demonize and infantilize it as mere period tantrums making her crazy, and whatever her complaint is is made up to justify her menstrual rage.
No. 726109
>>725592To be honest at this point a sub that would be "rape porn of cis women only" would be banned only for muh transphobia, not abuse of women.
>>725622It's funny because this literally happened when Pornhub was down for like two days to clean out child porn.
No. 726115
>>726092Oh yes, men belittling my crippling endometriosis period pain is so funny, tee hee just eat a box of chocolate amirite? Do not engage lmaooo thats so true! We women are such drama queens!
Absolutely a male larp done for leddit updoots and seeing it made front page it worked.
No. 726351
>>726092I'm late as ever but I swear the whole 'throw chocolate and run' thing was a tiktok meme at one point or another
That says all
No. 726963
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Do redditards believe everything, like this is the fakest story I have ever read, like people don't actually talk and act like this but these morons are quick to believe it No. 727041
File: 1612116469755.png (385.4 KB, 950x1504, Screenshot 2021-01-31 at 18.05…)

Sage for sperg but i hate every. single. person. that uses reddit. this is a guy who writes PARAGRAPHS to a throwaway account i made asking what the point of a friend making subreddit was for bc everyone ghosts and are rude on there why the fuck do they have to turn everything into an argument all the time or comment something snarky and act like they are so high iq and holier than thou? its so goddamn cringe and annoying, i hate reddit culture, i hate everyone that uses reddit like if a guy i really liked turned out to use reddit i'd immediately stop liking him bc he would turn out to be a know it all dickhead wanker that will troon out in a few years and cry about lesbians not wanting to fuck him. i just can't stand this fucking stupid website, i've never wanted to commit genocide against a group of people besides redditors.
No. 727088
>>727041I hate them too. While I can get behind the hatred that comes from places like 4chan, it still shocks me to see how rude and sadistic people on reddit are because they are normal outside of it. The well-adjusted people you know could be out there posting about how some people should die. Really makes you think.
/sage for ot
No. 727222
File: 1612127022931.jpg (348.2 KB, 1080x1686, 20210131_155521.jpg) is next. Not liking men is a sin. Reddit is the liberal 4chan, men giving endless validation to other men in every little thing they do, no cis white karens allowed!
No. 727260
>>727222I love how they're trying to ban FDS that sometimes posts how they hate certain shitty men and urge people to only date high quality ones, which is like
mild counterpart to all of the hundreds subreddits in which people bond over hating and degrading
all women and all the rape fetish subreddits are still up and okay.
No. 727544
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Speaking of painfully fake posts…as much as I would like for a story like this to be true, this is so obviously a fake cope. I hate myself for indulging in reading r/breakingmom so much.
How did she not know she was being cheated on if she was in charge of all of the money? How do they afford a guest house, weekend plans, and not have enough for a car payment in just a few days of this woman being here? How is there mold already growing if she showed up Thursday night? I had a gross hoarder family growing up, and the mold comes faster than you'd think, but not in 3-4 days. I'd bet good money this woman is posting what she wishes went down from a hotel room or this is just a fake post and these 1000+ upvotes are people living out this sad, fake fantasy.
No. 727748
>>727544I've had a long term partner talk about us getting a mortgage together one week and inform me he's moving in with his new gf the I was prepared to believe this at first.
And I fully get the wishful thinking of wanting to see their life go up in flames.. but dirty dishes in the sink isn't the great example of karma that she seems to think it is lol. What a weird detail to cling to? Getting away from a cheater is usually a win in itself. Hiding away in your room and sneaking peeks at their dirty floors isn't winning though. Strange post.
No. 727779
>>727544The fake part to me isn't about the man managing to compartmentalize two different relationships, or disrespecting his wife by moving his girlfriend into the home his wife helped buy. That's entirely believable.
The fake part is that this woman wouldn't have contacted a divorce lawyer about her rights. That all she would have done is retreated into the guest bedroom and snickered while her own kitchen became disgusting. You'd think a woman with the money to close on a new condo would've had the money to go rent someplace elsewhere for a few months, assuming she's not going to pursue a split of assets through the divorce or alimony for infidelity. Why isn't she owning him in the courtroom if all this is true?
I think she's lying about the situation and is staying there because she doesn't really have a choice. She didn't contribute to the cost of the house and can't prove she did which is why she isn't seeking to get half of it. The condo doesn't exist, it's just a detail to add so she doesn't look entirely pathetic having to be cuckquean of the year. Acting like the sound of her husband screeching cause he's unable to pay his car makes up for the sex sounds coming from what used to be her bedroom. This post is embarrassing.
No. 728000
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No. 728008
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No. 728011
File: 1612204180143.png (1.04 MB, 988x1196, Screenshot 2021-02-01 at 18.29…)

This is what all reddit users look like
No. 728177
File: 1612217171471.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.04 MB, 3176x3188, notafetish.jpg)

>>728102do I have news for you,
nonnie! He does have a boner in that picture, in fact he has a boner in all of his pictures because he has a sneaker fetish, and he has made a video masturbating into the very shoes you see him wearing in this post
>>728011 (pic related).
I included the front page of his website youtube channels are gamingmadirocks and sneakermadirocks, and his xhamster (nsfw obviously) is No. 728196
>>728000BRUHHHHH what are these awards? There isn't even some tranny sob story nor is the outfit even particularly feminine so what
really makes it that much better from all of the other posts on this subreddit. Is it just sympathy awards because he appears to be visibly retarded? Imagine the responses if this was the regular streetwear sub or a men's fashion sub.
No. 728203
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Well looks like the owners of r/womensstreetwear are also troons
No. 728237
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>>728203looks like the mods actually deleted his post
No. 728253
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>>728177I regret clicking that xhamster link
No. 729043
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Am I the only one who hates WitchesVsPatriarchy? At its best it's a cute craft subreddit, but at its worst it's full of libfems under the delusion they can do magic.
I think the most grating part to me is they always try to argue "witch" is gender neutral. I don't know if the word is, but I do know they only argue the fact it's gender neutral so non binary and trans woman can post in the sub without being ~excluded~.
Finally it's goddamn hilarious when they make fun of Christians misinterpreting the bible, but try to twist ancient pagan religions into being super woke
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