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No. 124500[Reply]

Weeb who was in porn. go knocked up. addicted to cocaine. got kid taken away
9 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 124752

At least her skin seem to have cleared up. Still the same saggy tits though.

No. 124782

All I remember is that she had a kawaii blog with the URL dollydollydolly or something. Also Yukapon was/is friends with her and someone speculated "Sharing career tips?". Funny how that worked out lol

No. 124784

Tbh if she's trying to get her life back on track from something as serious as drug addiction, then why make that harder? I feel like a situation like this where someone is trying hard to be on the right track and be a better mother, then they're at least doing something right. At this point Raven is more worthy of this attention. If you really wanna talk shit about someone then go do it about someone who ISN'T trying to better themselves.

No. 124788

wow that page is written cringeworthy and shit tier.

No. 124799

first of all, there's a thread for her and bringing up old shit ain't fun boring af

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No. 293258[Reply]

I haven't heard anything about fatwarriorgodess in a while. Is there any news on her? Did the kids get to safety? Has she been posting under a new name?

(Not sure if this should be on /snow/ or /pt/, sorry)
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No. 293934

This combined with how long she kept it up makes me edge towards it being real. She may have been fucking around at certain points (the OP example being pretty fucking out there) but a lot of it seemed legit.

No. 294384

only /fit/fags and robots use the term 'balloon up', usually to refer to women who get fat after they get married/have kids.

No. 294858

Nah that's pretty common phrasing.

No. 294864

I started the FWG thread on Staminarose, and then here. Because of the food pics she posted, I'm inclined to believe she was legit. On the other hand, the way she just kind of dropped off the face of the earth once people stopped caring about her blog makes me wonder if it was just a troll who got bored when they no longer garnered attention.
But yeah, "Dana", if real, is a fucked up person and some of the things she's done/said are wild. This isn't even touching the time she allegedly helped her SO literally rape a girl and talked about the whole thing on her (private, password-protected) sex blog. Wish I had all the caps I saved on this hard drive so I could dump it and relive the keks with you guys.

No. 294916

If you can find them plz do share.
I need my daily dose of rage.

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No. 54448[Reply]

>Posts on CWCki defending wizardchan
>Was regular poster on Wizardchan, to the point where he was well known
>Banned from posting on wizardchan due to his posting on CWCki
>Immediately set as a moderator by CWCki to feel better about self
>Becomes administrator within a year.


No. 54463

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No. 54465

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No. 58328


Hmm? That wasn't me that posted that, the photo is right though.

Also I thought this board was for female lolcows.

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No. 11990[Reply]

Asha thread.

You can post new lolcows/shuddercows/etc in this thread.
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No. 185815

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No. 186872

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my attempt to kawaii-ify this gross bitch key.

No. 186873

No. 190973

No. 190979

Fuck you anon, you can't ruse me again

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No. 84702[Reply]

Let's talk about Jackie Lo, shall we? She's an artist and sub par cosplayer who's been selling at conventions for the past ten years and can't take criticism as well as constantly looks at the negative side in life. This baboon lipped charlie makes a series called "Angry Artist Alley" And does nothing but goes on and on about Shit Nobody Cares About. Discuss!

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No. 84712

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No. 84715

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No. 84716

No. 84718

If this thread is still on /cgl/, I'm gonna go there to laugh at her more. What a child.

No. 84719

http://boards.4chan.org/cgl/thread/8236031/artist-alley-thread-8#p8262323 scroll torwards the bottom, if it dissapears it should still be in the archives.

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No. 142404[Reply]

Seriously. Why do we not have a thread for these Wordpresss / Blogger cows?

Personal favourite is;


Who tried to con EU bloggers out of big dollar for a trip to LA that was never gonna happen.

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No. 6271[Reply]

Ding dong the Rose is dead… and has been for about a week now.

If anybody wishes to salvage anything from the wreckage a handful of archives can be located here:


Also Rose-chan admin is a bigger cunt then anticipated for at least not having put up a link re-directing people to this board. We lost a great many people in the transfer.
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No. 6524

I'm only bummed about SR being shut down because we lost some original content (luckily anony miss saved a lot of good stuff) and people. I guess if someone really wanted to/had the extra scratch they could buy the domain for a couple months and post a redirect, but damage is probably already done.

No. 6525

Unfortunately it looks like staminarose.org is not even available to buy. The admin probably still has control of it.

No. 6602

The greatest loss was the loss of PTNR. I've heard that she has been busy, so I hope she'll come here with caps and lols soon.

No. 6603

The admin of SR was too much of a wuss to properly deal with shit. The way she threatened shut downs because of dumb spergs that wanted to contact lolcows family, the retarded fucks that started those fake pedo accusations against PT and such are also partly to blame IMO. The admin was a fucking idiot… Thanks to her and the "British" pedo accusing trolls we lost a shitton of valuable data. The loss of PTNR is the greatest loss of all. The caps we had of Orange's dumb shit is also a loss because we never got to fucking make her ED page. Fucking assholes.

No. 13213

Yep. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Like someone else said earlier in this thread, it was like levelling up. We now have a better more functional board, a cool admin and less PULL rejects, since only those that really cared about the board bothered to look for it.

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No. 11916[Reply]

Lets remember PT in all her glory.

No. 11917

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It's fake, but still. kek.

No. 11923

God, her arms are so short.

I absolutely hated that Rukia thing she tried to do with her hair. Looks like she tried to twist the base to keep it in place but it just ends up making it look like a greasy out of place flat streak.

No. 161573

> bullies will never stop me
> deletes facebook and twitter

No. 161576

Yeah, her arms are freaking me out.

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No. 226713[Reply]

/cream/ is a new "board". Really just a listing of threads.

It links to threads and posts that are particularly amusing. I'll add more to it soon, and will add it somewhere in the top bar.

At the moment, it's mostly links to threads where people broke global rules and were exposed as a result. If someone wants to write humorous summaries of the drama that occurred in each thread, please feel free to, and I'll add it to the OP. You will also receive a gold star.

Anyone can submit their own threads or submit posts in an existing thread, but if I don't find them interesting I'll probably delete or lock them.

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No. 227042

you should be banned for posting that

No. 227063

Oh goodness, I'm already loving this. It's like a Hall of Fame composed completely from garbage.

No. 227188

Great job, Admin. I'm enjoying looking through this.

No. 227716

Thank you admin! It's not in the linked boards yet (the thing at the top) but it looks pretty cool already!

No. 230069

the OP picture reminds me of a nipple

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No. 224601[Reply]

No. 224636

No real nudes, not interested.
Maybe the lesbians here might be interested though

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