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Hellmas is now over and VPN posting is allowed again. We will hold a poll to determine the future of VPN posting on this site within the next few days.

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No. 142550[Reply]

Uh hey guys, how does elizabunnii afford all her shit? Everytime I read her blog its…

>I went shopping with my lovely mum

>My boyfriend Josh and I went shopping
>My bro took me shopping
>400th tokyo trip
>Angelic pretty haul

Wtf is this brit garbage doing for money? How old is she even? Does she work? Is she a student? Even if she does work, that must be a damn good job…. Does she just live off her rich "mum" and feed off her boyfriends and fans for cash?
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No. 142563

You really answered your own questions.
You gotta give us more for the lulz.

No. 142566

if she's british, shes probs on benefits no doubt and probably has someone in her fam doing some side dealing… wouldn't surprise me

No. 142568

Apart from the fact she's blatantly spoiled or sponging off the benefit system, she's basically an introvert who gets pissy whenever someone asks where she gets her non-brand clothes from, heavily shoops her pics, has some apparent social anxiety issues and has to constantly put down her body image to win asspats.

But you know, she can happily go to Japan several times a year no problem despite all of her 'problems'.

No. 142570


Yeah, benefits of some sort no doubt. She's probably receiving child support from her dad also because odds are her parents are divorced, since she looks 16 tops. Plus the pissy attitude and "awkward social anxiety" I been reading about of her SCREAM emo phases of teenagehood.

No. 142572

Moved to >>>/b/17932.

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No. 141542[Reply]

9 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 141572


idk it reminds me of cream pie tbh

No. 141573

oh god

No. 141575

she's cute though…

No. 141578

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she's friends with melonpan

No. 141589

Moved to >>>/b/17797.

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No. 141138[Reply]


does any one remember her? ever since her bf died she had a lot of bfs and calls her current bf daddy
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No. 141242

damn this was only posted an hour ago. how did you find out so fasy

No. 141243


Nothing is fair on anyone, apparently Lexi-chan is a saint and her asslickers are getting upset.

But yeah, it has to go. It's annoying and the whiteknights/arguing is pecking my brains in.

No. 141245


Cos stupid arguments/anons wondering why lexi is on here/whitenights and crying pre-teens

No. 141246

Please don't spam the same thing over and over.

Anyway, thread doesn't belong here given the lack of substance provided so far.

No. 141248

Moved to >>>/b/17686.

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No. 139632[Reply]

I wanted to let you guys in on this girl since she has amazing lolcow potential
The basics
>well known scammer sells stuff she doesent own and takes money for comissions but never makes them
>Buried her old roomie in debth
>her parents dont dare to give her money anymore because they know she will just waste it on cosplay
>has neckbeard manslave boyfriend who pays everything for her
>copies famous slut cosplays like without giving any credit pretending its her own design
>Made british convention belive that she won alot of prices in denmark and scammed her way to a free trip and a spot as judge
> Got called out never apolegized and acted like a whiny baby
>looks like she has alcohol fetal syndrome
>brought facebook likes
>Tails any famous cosplayer she can get near

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 140653

Proof that she's a scammer?

No. 140654

I just can't get over the fact that she has lipstick on her teeth in the very first picture.

No. 140676

Not being a bitch here, but I really want to know - are these typos or is English your second language?

No. 140681

is this a self post for attention because your writing style is very much like "Nathanael"

No. 140857

Nathanael is a danish cosplayer so i am guessing poster also is

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No. 124808[Reply]

Last thread is in auto-sage: >>86224

Last time we left off, Dakota mentioned that she wanted to make her own brand for her 20th birthday in September, including make-up.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/dakotakoti
Ameblo: http://ameblo.jp/dakotakoti
Personal blog: http://kotakoti.com/
1203 posts and 181 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 139446

New thread >>139381

No. 139450

Basically that her shirt goes outside of the frame of the photo. I'm pretty sure passports aren't supposed to do that, but then again European and the rules for us are very strict (no bangs, minimal make up, and black / w never in colour)

No. 139466

that was cute

No. 139539

Al Borland from Home Improvement.

No. 394059

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No. 138988[Reply]

Can we talk about daddyissueshotline, pls?
What's up with this girl? Her blog makes me cringe so hard. Know more about her?

Her tumblr: http://daddyissueshotline.tumblr.com/
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No. 139107

seven dollars says they're innocuous acne meds anon

No. 139143

just looks like some edgylord faggy aesthetic shit
2deep for me, clearly

No. 139214

Looks like she's trying to be the next Ali Harvard…

No. 139363

this thread honestly reeks of samefag and selfpost. please no one else reply

No. 139444

Moved to >>>/b/17272.

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No. 138727[Reply]

Are any farmers here k-pop fans?
I know nothing about k-pop, but an entire concert was shut down because of a single death threat by a potential lolcow?
I'm very interested in this drama, does anyone have the deets?
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No. 138845

This should be in /b/

No. 138902

There's a website called onehallyu you guys should use that. This thread seems so silly. The girls gonna vanish from twitter There's not much else to say. Just another dumb white girl into kpop.

No. 138904

what, do you think korean fans don't do crazy shit like this?

No. 138912

people always say kpop fans are crazy but the stuff kpop idols go trough seems kind of nice compared to what big name anmerican stars have too deal with

No. 138917

Moved to >>>/b/17180.

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No. 135002[Reply]

white girl who had plastic surgery to look asian but denies it. says she is asian.
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No. 138250

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Yea it looks okay SOMETIMES but in pics ONLY… then a candid pic pops up and its like

No. 138258

I need to see these candids

No. 138318

>>138160 I know right? But yeah I have no fucking idea what she's saying…

Are you high? She's a legitimately cute girl.
Seriously, why you so mad?

>>138173 Ugh. going through her insta irritated me so much. All the warped backgrounds too…

No. 138337


>If you are posting a new thread about someone who isn't widely known, and there are no previous threads about this person, then in the OP you need to include an explanation of why you consider them to be a lolcow. You should include links, pictures, videos, screenshots, quotes, or other evidence.

>If you do not do this, or if lolcow staff deems your evidence insufficient, incorrect, or irrelevant, then your thread will likely be moved to /b/.

No. 138338

Moved to >>>/b/16874.

No. 87801[Reply]

Anyone know of any new aspiring aidorus/ idol groups?

Anyone know of any that are actually good/decent?
788 posts and 72 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 138269


Not sure what's sad about it, pale skin is a high beauty standard in Asia, and Japan is all over that shit. Japan loves white gaijin women, this isn't breaking news.

No. 138275

She's just like Micky with the whole ~so pale, so white~ thing.
You can see here >>137804 she isn't that light. She just abuses filters. I also don't get why she thinks being oogled by Japanese people is special, they do that to every nonjapanese person.

No. 138304

So is she trying to be an idol? Or she just went to perform and she's going home? Under a company?

No. 138306

Lol thought the same thing

No. 138333

Moved to >>>/b/16081.

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No. 124526[Reply]


instagram @lucifers.bitch
twitter @EmberButler
place of business https://www.facebook.com/buddhacomplex?pnref=lhc looks like a new agey nightclub.

she kills animals.
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No. 125309

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You're right, being the feedee is much more fun.

No. 125436

has any action against her been taken? I'm thinking of informing the pizza shop but don't want to if anyone already has.

No. 125448

What the fuck is this website and who is Nagare?

Bystander effect. Always assume no one else has done anything. Contact them.

You should call the police too. Animal neglect and cruelty is illegal.

No. 125544

ugh.. oh no.. this art style is 100% EXACTLY like this really one really fucked up girl I know. Too bad it's not the same person. :/

No. 137717

Even Hitler made far better paintings.

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